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crimsun | LaserJock: is the dapper doc branch in sync w/ trunk currently? | 12:22 |
LaserJock | no | 12:22 |
crimsun | so I should be working from dapper's branch, I presume? | 12:23 |
LaserJock | crimsun: for what? | 12:23 |
crimsun | for anything in doc | 12:23 |
mdke | crimsun, for anything dapper+1, we will work in the trunk | 12:23 |
mdke | it may be that some maintainers haven't merged all their changes to trunk yet | 12:24 |
LaserJock | crimsun: well, if you want it to go into Dapper, yes. But we are at the doc string freeze | 12:24 |
mdke | if so, and you want to work on something, bug them about it | 12:24 |
LaserJock | crimsun: I'm pretty sure the Packaging Guide is synced | 12:24 |
crimsun | LaserJock: I generally do two passes per edit with a week or so separating each pass | 12:24 |
LaserJock | crimsun: the packaging guide in the dapper branch and trunk are the same currently | 12:27 |
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Madpilot | hi Burgundavia | 08:02 |
Burgundavia | salut Madpilot | 08:02 |
=== Madpilot is wondering whying why the heck he volunteered as an #ubuntu op... ;P | ||
Burgundavia | indeed | 08:05 |
Burgundavia | Madpilot: pyweek just finished, and the entries were all about steam. Some are very cool little games: pyweek.org | 08:06 |
Burgundavia | Madpilot: this one looks like fun --> http://www.pyweek.org/e/Pekuja/ | 08:08 |
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buttfukc | ompaul likes it up the butt | 11:50 |
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jsgotangco | hmmm does an appendix come before or after a glossary? | 02:47 |
jjesse_ | wouldn't it come before? | 03:00 |
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jsgotangco | i dont remember lol | 03:14 |
=== jsgotangco looks for a dead tree copy | ||
jjesse_ | grin i don't either | 03:14 |
jjesse_ | just asked my wife who is an editor: the appendix comes first befuase there might be the need for something in the appendix to be glossaried | 03:15 |
jjesse_ | if that makes sense | 03:16 |
jsgotangco | lol the first book i grabbed had the title "what to expect on the first year of childhood" | 03:16 |
jsgotangco | hmmm | 03:16 |
jsgotangco | makes sense | 03:16 |
jjesse_ | that book is the follow up for what to expect when you are expecting :) | 03:16 |
jsgotangco | no we didnt get that book since everything was unexpected lol | 03:18 |
jsgotangco | jjesse, can you ask if the appendix and the annex are the same? | 03:19 |
jjesse | jsgotangco: sure can | 03:19 |
jjesse | grin that's funny | 03:20 |
jjesse | a new book, what to expect when you are not expecting :) | 03:20 |
jjesse | For all practical purposes, yes I think so. We have customers request that they be called "Annexes" rather than "Appendices" sometimes. But it should be consistent throughout the book, whatever word is chosen. | 03:21 |
jsgotangco | ahhh | 03:23 |
jsgotangco | docbook only has appendix | 03:23 |
jsgotangco | thanks | 03:23 |
jsgotangco | ok time for the horrifying part: docbook tables | 03:23 |
jsgotangco | urgghh | 03:23 |
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Burgwork | mgalvin, for the bootchart, it might be nice if you could have a comparison chart | 06:47 |
Burgwork | a two bar chart with boot time for breezy and dapper | 06:47 |
mgalvin | yea, i just don't have a breezy box atm :( | 06:47 |
mgalvin | i will try and do that if i have time | 06:48 |
Burgwork | mgalvin, grab a number off the BootCharting page | 06:57 |
Burgwork | doesn't have to be too accurate, just give a basic idea | 06:58 |
Burgwork | in fact, better if it was less exact | 06:58 |
mgalvin | yup ;) i will use those... | 06:58 |
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mgalvin | i you want/have time to help out, you can add it if you like... i am trying to do the xubuntu and edubuntu tours too so any help is very welcome :) | 06:59 |
Burgwork | I might have some time tonight | 07:00 |
mgalvin | k cool | 07:00 |
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KaiL | so here is the right place for comments about the DapperBeta-Page | 08:30 |
KaiL | ? | 08:30 |
robotgeek | KaiL: hmm, go ahead | 08:31 |
mdke_ | yes, although emailing is a much better way | 08:31 |
robotgeek | mgalvin maintains it, i belive | 08:31 |
KaiL | the biggest first: this morning nerw icons landet in dapper - so more or less all screenshots need to be refreshed ;) | 08:31 |
jjesse | yes mgalvin is working on it | 08:31 |
mgalvin | KaiL: i am working on it now :) | 08:31 |
mgalvin | i have to retake all the screenshot | 08:32 |
mdke_ | poor guy | 08:32 |
mgalvin | i do that last | 08:32 |
KaiL | especially the menu shots, as they look like in breezy times | 08:32 |
mdke_ | the second the page goes up, it is supposed to be up to date | 08:32 |
mgalvin | it will be all done by the time the beta is released on thursday | 08:32 |
KaiL | xchat-gnome got removed from the default install | 08:33 |
KaiL | same for network-manager | 08:33 |
KaiL | and positive ideas: bluetooth? ekiga? | 08:34 |
mdke_ | KaiL, dude. he is working on it. The page will be up to date when it is transferred to the website. Perhaps check back tomorrow? | 08:34 |
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mdke_ | grrr | 08:35 |
jjesse | however it is more up to date then KubuntuDapperBeta which i'm working on :) | 08:35 |
mgalvin | ekiga is just part of gnome and not really used by many people so that is why i am not mentioning it on the beta tour for now | 08:35 |
=== mdke hugs jjesse | ||
mdke | ekiga is pretty cool tho... loads of people use skype, and this is a free alternative, right? | 08:36 |
mgalvin | yea, i had talked about it on flight 4 tour | 08:37 |
mgalvin | i can just copy it over, no biggie to me | 08:38 |
mdke | I think that would be nice | 08:38 |
mgalvin | k, i'll add it | 08:38 |
mgalvin | added ekiga | 08:43 |
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jjesse | release notes stilll in trunk or in branch? | 09:57 |
jjesse | or both | 09:57 |
mdke | jjesse, make changes in the branch, and merge back, if you want | 09:57 |
mdke | LaserJock, any luck with the xreflabel issues? | 09:58 |
=== robotgeek needs to fix too | ||
mdke | robotgeek, do you always use xrefs like this? "see <xref linkend="blah"/>" | 10:01 |
robotgeek | mdke: since i was/am new to docbook, i used the convention that the udg followed | 10:01 |
mdke | robotgeek, so yes :) | 10:01 |
robotgeek | heh | 10:02 |
mdke | good, should be simple to remove em then | 10:02 |
=== robotgeek thinks it should go into DocbookTags page | ||
mdke | we'll need it in the styleguide, I think | 10:03 |
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mdke | robotgeek, can you check the tip in the KDG about changing the default program to open files with? A translator has suggested that it doesn't work | 10:14 |
robotgeek | hmm, moment | 10:16 |
robotgeek | there is no open with tab <sigh> | 10:20 |
jjesse | did they file a bug on it? | 10:20 |
robotgeek | jjesse: also, seems like a kubuntu bug. i change the default "open with" application, from amarok to mp3, doublie click still opens up amarok | 10:21 |
jjesse | hrmmm :( | 10:21 |
jjesse | file a bug on it then i gues s:( | 10:21 |
=== robotgeek double checks | ||
jjesse | i have open with | 10:23 |
robotgeek | hmm, i wonder why i don't have open with | 10:23 |
jjesse | it works for me | 10:23 |
robotgeek | at this point, i am beginning to suspect taht my kde i foobared | 10:24 |
robotgeek | is fubared | 10:24 |
jjesse | i tried to change the default for an mp3 to kaffiene and then changed it to amarok which worked both ways | 10:24 |
mdke | odd | 10:24 |
robotgeek | yay | 10:24 |
robotgeek | i overwrote a few configs earlier this week, i think i can't trust my system anymore | 10:25 |
mdke | lemme read the mail from the translator | 10:26 |
mdke | ok, it's more detailed | 10:28 |
jjesse | pastebin it?? | 10:28 |
mdke | i have to translate it :) | 10:28 |
mdke | robotgeek, he says that you right click, then open with, then a drop down menu, then "Other" | 10:29 |
mdke | sorry, right click, then properties, then open with | 10:29 |
robotgeek | yeah, that the way it appears on my menu | 10:30 |
mdke | oh shit, I've got totally muddles | 10:30 |
mdke | that's what the _guide_ says | 10:30 |
robotgeek | <right click> -> Open with -> other | 10:30 |
robotgeek | that's what i have on my system | 10:31 |
jjesse | i did right click open with and selected other then set as default action | 10:31 |
mdke | right | 10:31 |
robotgeek | needs to be fixed in the guide then | 10:31 |
mdke | and the guide says "right click -> properties | 10:31 |
robotgeek | i swear, we had a tab there before :) | 10:31 |
mdke | i think it is a recent change, from what he seems to be saying | 10:31 |
robotgeek | i couldn't have written wrong instructions in such detail | 10:32 |
mdke | heh | 10:32 |
robotgeek | okay, will fix. | 10:33 |
robotgeek | mdke: cause i am uploading a change, can i also make another change? | 10:42 |
=== robotgeek waits for uvf from mdke | ||
mdke | heh | 10:42 |
mdke | what's the change? | 10:42 |
mdke | bear in mind that translating a long paragraph can take quite some time, so if it's a long one, try and avoid it | 10:43 |
robotgeek | i like the fonts section in udg vs kdg, same content | 10:43 |
robotgeek | http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/desktop-tips.html#fonts http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch05s01.html#fonts | 10:44 |
mdke | hmm | 10:45 |
mdke | go on then | 10:45 |
robotgeek | kk | 10:46 |
robotgeek | mdke: what's command to update translations again? | 10:47 |
mdke | robotgeek, xml2po -e -o desktopguide.pot C/*.xml | 10:56 |
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mdke | robotgeek, svn diff desktopguide.pot just to check | 10:58 |
robotgeek | crap, i think i messed something up | 10:59 |
robotgeek | i committed before checking the translations | 11:00 |
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robotgeek | mdke: okay, i think the desktopguide.pot is not present previously, updating | 11:05 |
mdke | robotgeek, sorry? | 11:06 |
robotgeek | mdke: i commited it, can you check if it works (in other words, if i did not screw up) | 11:07 |
mdke | robotgeek, you did it in trunk | 11:07 |
mdke | robotgeek, that's why desktopguide.pot wasn't there ;) | 11:08 |
robotgeek | i was supposed to do it in branches, <it all comes back to me now> | 11:08 |
=== robotgeek goes and reads mailining list | ||
robotgeek | mdke: commited, i don't see the dapper branch in ubuntu-doc, might be worth using svn:externals to pull it in | 11:20 |
mdke | ??? | 11:21 |
mdke | robotgeek, sorry, what's the matter? svn:externals are certainly not necessary | 11:21 |
robotgeek | mdke: i think i am going blind, is there a dapper branch in the ubuntu-doc tree itself? | 11:22 |
mdke | robotgeek, branches/dapper | 11:22 |
robotgeek | i don't see it, weird | 11:22 |
mdke | https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/dapper | 11:23 |
robotgeek | no, i meant when we checkout stuff. i have this now, though | 11:24 |
mdke | perhaps you are just checking out trunk? | 11:24 |
robotgeek | yeah, i guess i will checkout everything. might have been too clever earlier | 11:24 |
mdke | that's quite a lot of changes in the pot file, I need to have a closer look | 11:25 |
robotgeek | i htink it's mostly due to changes in line numbers | 11:26 |
mdke | yes, maybe | 11:26 |
mdke | ok, line number changes are fine | 11:30 |
mdke | robotgeek, thanks | 11:31 |
mdke | i'll ping riddell for an upload | 11:32 |
robotgeek | mdke: sorry for confusion | 11:32 |
LaserJock | mdke: sorry, been really busy at work and home. I'm checking now | 11:49 |
mdke | LaserJock, np, plenty of time. Was just curious | 11:49 |
LaserJock | heh, I didn't know that grad school was just a long series of meetings when I started ;-) | 11:51 |
trappist | grad school sounds like cake | 12:01 |
trappist | prolly have to get a degree first though, huh | 12:01 |
mdke | staying in university for as long as possible is definitely the way forward | 12:02 |
LaserJock | argghh, mdke don't say that | 12:02 |
LaserJock | I'm finishing my 8th straight year | 12:02 |
LaserJock | and I'm tired | 12:02 |
mdke | heh, i was tired after my masters | 12:03 |
trappist | I was tired after two weeks | 12:03 |
mdke | now I miss it, grass is always greener | 12:03 |
trappist | tired and too injured to drive to school | 12:03 |
LaserJock | sure, I know I'll miss it | 12:03 |
mdke | it's cushy, all I did was play with linux | 12:04 |
LaserJock | but I'd like to get a "real" job | 12:04 |
mdke | hardly learnt any law | 12:04 |
LaserJock | heh, that's my current problem | 12:04 |
LaserJock | I'm never going to get out at this rate, and my wife is going to kill me if I don't (she's done already) | 12:04 |
mdke | heh | 12:05 |
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