eytyxios | Mathman & FlannelKing thank you a lot for your help | 12:00 |
graft | dmitchell: what'd you do to get the tablet up and running? | 12:00 |
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eytyxios | i guess there are no obvious answers...cya all goodnight | 12:00 |
tonyyarusso | arrick: You had Gnome, and were trying to startx without X, methinks. | 12:00 |
Talldave2002 | where are files saved when thay are cached for installation? | 12:00 |
Zarephath | Hey all... | 12:00 |
arrick | ok, can I start it without x? | 12:00 |
WoC | dmitchell, do you see your cd drive if you do?: dmesg | grep hd | 12:00 |
mwe | tonyyarusso: X is not /usr/X11/bin/X | 12:00 |
mwe | tonyyarusso: also it should be installed as a dependency | 12:01 |
dmitchell | graft: followed these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151 | 12:01 |
arrick | mwe, that didnt work though | 12:01 |
mwe | tonyyarusso: if not it's broken | 12:01 |
mwe | arrick: type which X | 12:01 |
dmitchell | WoC: nope | 12:01 |
arrick | mwe? | 12:01 |
Zarephath | Hey mwe...tony... | 12:01 |
Rug | dcoy: if you use the "Recovery Mode" option at grub boot does it work? | 12:01 |
mwe | arrick: type that and tell me the output 'which X' | 12:02 |
arrick | ok | 12:02 |
dcoy | havent tried it yet | 12:02 |
tonyyarusso | mwe: I'm not seeing it in the dependencies... | 12:02 |
dcoy | just installed it right now | 12:02 |
mwe | tonyyarusso: then it's borked | 12:02 |
Rug | try it and let me know | 12:02 |
dcoy | its there though | 12:02 |
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dcoy | ok | 12:02 |
arrick | mwe, nothing | 12:02 |
Zarephath | Rug: yes...it looks like a install boot...asks a few questions...then dumps to a prompt | 12:02 |
Nukeador | i have just installed compiz and compiz-gnome under dapper, how can i enable the efects now? | 12:02 |
arrick | man I just installed this from the repos | 12:02 |
mwe | arrick: ok the package is broken. install xserver-xorg | 12:02 |
arrick | ok | 12:02 |
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tonyyarusso | mwe: Take a look yourself. | 12:02 |
Rug | Zarephath: what? | 12:03 |
skpl | can someone tell me what this error means? locate: fatal error: Could not find user database '/var/lib/slocate/slocate.db': No such file or directory | 12:03 |
mwe | tonyyarusso: it's not that I don't believe you | 12:03 |
mwe | tonyyarusso: but it's broken | 12:03 |
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_lynx | Hi people! | 12:03 |
mwe | tonyyarusso: it should install X | 12:03 |
tonyyarusso | mwe: Should we be contacting package maintainers then? | 12:03 |
graft | dmitchell: how's your CD-ROM hooked up? ATAPI? | 12:03 |
mwe | tonyyarusso: I think so | 12:03 |
josue_ | somebody speaks spanish? | 12:03 |
josue_ | alguien habla espaol?? | 12:03 |
mwe | tonyyarusso: I'd say it's a bug | 12:03 |
tonyyarusso | mwe: 'k. I'll double check things here, and if no go I'll get it on Launchpad. | 12:03 |
dmitchell | graft: yes | 12:04 |
morfic | is there a newer amd64 livecd than 5.10 somewhere, a testing one perhaps, this one refuses to start on my Compaq Laptop w/ Xpress200m, scrolling through server output only EE i saw was about dri failing, which usually doesn't cause X to not start at all. | 12:04 |
arrick | tonyyarusso, mwe dont forget I did install just the gnome-core, not desktop | 12:04 |
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The-Moon | One last thing, i need to install Nivida drivers, and it says x cant be running. How do i get out of X so i just have a command line? | 12:04 |
mwe | !tell josue_ about es | 12:04 |
graft | dmitchell: and your cables are okay and all? | 12:04 |
mwe | arrick: still | 12:04 |
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arrick | just was wondering | 12:04 |
mwe | arrick: it should install X when it can't run without it | 12:04 |
graft | The-Moon: shut down kdm or gdm and switch to console (Ctrl-Alt-F1) | 12:04 |
The-Moon | ok | 12:04 |
dmitchell | graft: Yup. I'm running on a ThinkPad G40, and I've even put the hard drive into an identical laptop, with the same results. | 12:04 |
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The-Moon | thanks graft | 12:04 |
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arrick | yeah I guess so | 12:05 |
arrick | mwe its installing now | 12:05 |
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gymsmoke | i wonder why the base server install of Ubuntu doesn't include openssh-server? | 12:05 |
graft | dmitchell: ah... hrm. well sounds like the drive is fucked, then | 12:05 |
mwe | arrick: good | 12:05 |
Rug | The-Moon: if you hit Ctrl + F2 (Ctrl + F7 brings you back to the GUI terminal), login, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 12:05 |
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graft | dmitchell: wait... hard drive? or cd-rom drive? | 12:05 |
mwe | gymsmoke: because most people don't need to run sshd | 12:05 |
dmitchell | graft: Can't be. It's two different laptops. Two different drives. The only thing the same is the hard drive I've swapped to a different chassis. | 12:05 |
Rug | ack | 12:05 |
gymsmoke | mwe: most people setting up servers? | 12:06 |
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arrick | mwe user not authorized | 12:06 |
|lostbyte| | Where are the network configuration files ? | 12:06 |
mwe | gymsmoke: well maybe. I overlooked server | 12:06 |
gholen | What is brltty,? | 12:06 |
ENE|Toxic | When installing the source of X11R7.0, the ./configure script complains about lbxutil .. I'm a little confused, I didn't find any way to install it ? I tried google it, but I can't find any source-file/whatever to install. | 12:06 |
mwe | arrick: huh? what's giving you that? | 12:06 |
Rug | gymsmoke: I'd donate a kidney if I thought it would get SSH installed by default, but alas it won't help | 12:06 |
arrick | pasting now | 12:06 |
graft | dmitchell: okay... um. you have laptop A, and it doesn't recognize your CD-ROM drive... you take out your hard drive and put it in laptop B, and it doesn't recognize laptop B's cd-rom drive? | 12:06 |
ENE|Toxic | Is xFree86 needed to install an X server ? | 12:07 |
mwe | gymsmoke: report a bug maybe | 12:07 |
maxbax | thanks | 12:07 |
Rug | ENE|Toxic: no, it's xserver-xorg | 12:07 |
hyphenated | ENE|Toxic: no, you should be using 'xorg' | 12:07 |
arrick | mwe tonyyarusso http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12467 | 12:07 |
ENE|Toxic | hyphenated: ok just checking. Yeah I am, but it seems I get seome error with a library | 12:07 |
gymsmoke | Rug: me, too! I have an install that i really hosed up, and I'd like to strip everything except the base + openssh ... apparently that's a trick that has no real solution | 12:07 |
dmitchell | graft: It does, sometimes. Most of the time, though, it doesn't. Sometimes a reboot fixes it, sometimes it doesn't. And it was all working fine two days ago. | 12:07 |
Rug | WooHoo I am on a roll today | 12:07 |
gymsmoke | mwe: i thought of that; but, if it's not an actual 'problem', it's not likely to get much attention | 12:08 |
mwe | arrick: sudo rm .Xauthority and try again | 12:08 |
hyphenated | ENE|Toxic: well, that's because you're building from source, and probably has something to do with missing -dev packages | 12:08 |
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mwe | arrick: it's from when you tried startx with sudo probably | 12:08 |
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tonyyarusso | arrick: I agree. | 12:08 |
Rug | All my boxes are either Debian, or Ubuntu. Nothing frosts my ass more then doin an install, dropping off the server, driving home and being unable to SSH because of the $%^& SSH | 12:08 |
rebelwork | What file do I edit to manually change my nameserver, gateway, hostname, ip address etc? | 12:08 |
arrick | not working | 12:08 |
mwe | gymsmoke: well I think it should be included. | 12:09 |
gymsmoke | rebelwork: your network config ? | 12:09 |
Rug | rebelwork: /etc/resolv.conf | 12:09 |
rebelwork | thank you | 12:09 |
gymsmoke | mwe: i fully agree... | 12:09 |
Rug | rebelwork: for your nameservers | 12:09 |
ENE|Toxic | hyphenated: yeah. It seemed like installing xorg using apt-get also gave me some trouble, so I decided to give the source a try. Initally, I tried to apt-get : xserver-xorg , xserver-xorg-core, xlibs, xinit, xfonts-base | 12:09 |
arrick | what next? | 12:09 |
hyphenated | rebelwork: /etc/network/interfaces is probably a good one to play with as well | 12:09 |
graft | dmitchell: um. but just so i'm clear, it's your hard drive that your OS is on that you're swapping between laptops, and not the CD-ROM drive? | 12:09 |
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gymsmoke | mwe: it doesn't make sense to setup a server without it | 12:09 |
Rug | rebelwork: /etc/network/interfaces for the IP | 12:09 |
mwe | gymsmoke: not much | 12:09 |
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hyphenated | ENE|Toxic: uh.. do you recall what trouble? | 12:10 |
dmitchell | graft: That's right. I already have to lug one laptop to work, so instead of lugging two, I just pull the hard drive out of the one I'm using at home, and put it into an identical laptop I have here at work. | 12:10 |
Jowi | rebelwork: /etc/network/interfaces for the eth/lo. /etc/hostname, /etc/resolv.conf for DNS | 12:10 |
mwe | arrick: did you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 12:10 |
The-Moon | Damnit, that didnt work. All it did was shutdown the computer | 12:10 |
The-Moon | it didnt just exit gnome... | 12:10 |
arrick | nope | 12:10 |
The-Moon | wouldnt let me use a terminal... | 12:10 |
gymsmoke | mwe: without a solution to the bork job i did on this box, i'll wind up re-installing from scratch again | 12:10 |
arrick | wasnt tole to do that mwe | 12:10 |
=== Trackilizer [n=Trackili@pD9E3E1D0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrick | I am following directions here | 12:10 |
Trackilizer | hey everyone | 12:10 |
hyphenated | ENE|Toxic: normally, if your 'sources.list' is set up correctly, you'd just want to install xserver-xorg and it'll do the rest of the work for you | 12:10 |
Rug | The-Moon: hit Ctrl + Alt + F2 right now | 12:10 |
ENE|Toxic | hyphenated: yeah, it complained about locking the .Xauthority file after I used xauth to add myself to it. So I tried as root, but I got some other error. Hang on a sec and I can see | 12:10 |
Trackilizer | i really need your help | 12:10 |
mwe | arrick: maybe you should | 12:11 |
Rug | Trackilizer: speak your mind | 12:11 |
Trackilizer | i just booted into ubuntu and my sreen resolution | 12:11 |
graft | dmitchell: hrm. did you mess with your kernel at all? | 12:11 |
Trackilizer | it's stuck and i can't turn it higher | 12:11 |
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hyphenated | ENE|Toxic: was that after it was installed or while trying to install it? | 12:11 |
ENE|Toxic | hyphenated: yeah that's what I though, but despite that I get a whole lot of modules/files missing. | 12:11 |
Jowi | !tell Trackilizer about fixresolution | 12:11 |
roger | I'm a little befuddled on my grub setup. My normal entries don't quite seem to be working. Can anyone offer any ideas? I've got a second hard drive that I installed windows XP on with a fat32 partition (while the linux drive was disconnected). I reconnected the linux drive and placed a regular looking windows entry in my menu.lst, but all it does is sit there. Anyone see anything in this entry that looks problematic or suspicious? : | 12:11 |
dmitchell | graft: Nope. Other than the obligatory updates. | 12:11 |
Jowi | !tell Trackilizer about resolution | 12:11 |
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arrick | hey mwe do I keep hitting enter? | 12:12 |
ENE|Toxic | hyphenated: installing xorg using apt-get went fine, I get the problems when I call 'startx' | 12:12 |
gymsmoke | mwe: although, i got a great suggestion from LH in the forum... | 12:12 |
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gymsmoke | mwe: dpkg --get-selections | grep [[:space:] ] install$ |cut -f1 > base.list | 12:12 |
dcoy | RAQ u there | 12:12 |
The-Moon | ok so how do i close X? | 12:12 |
graft | dmitchell: and it can -sometimes- recognize your drive, but sometimes not, apparently at random | 12:12 |
Jowi | Trackilizer: read the link that ubotu just sent you | 12:12 |
mwe | arrick: you should answer the questions | 12:12 |
roger | titleWindows XP \n rootnoverify(hd1,0) \n chainloader+1 \n makeactive | 12:12 |
Rug | dcoy: You mean me? | 12:12 |
The-Moon | once im in the terminal | 12:12 |
alancelot | hola | 12:12 |
dcoy | ya | 12:12 |
dcoy | sorry | 12:12 |
dcoy | rug | 12:12 |
gymsmoke | mwe: that will (i think) write a list of the base installation packages, then i could add openssh-server to it | 12:12 |
alancelot | algun latino | 12:12 |
Rug | It's not a tough name | 12:12 |
dmitchell | graft: That's correct. And I've been Googling, searching, and scratching my head since Friday night over it. ;) | 12:12 |
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Rug | NOBODY else ever uses it | 12:12 |
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rebelwork | Hm there's no man file for resolv.conf , where can I find the syntax for it? Everything seems to be for unix | 12:12 |
Rug | =) | 12:12 |
Trackilizer | i can hardly read it cause my resoulution is stuck at 640X480 | 12:13 |
Mortis_kruuul | http://www.muzyka.oz.pl updated :P | 12:13 |
dcoy | i tried the resque mode- got a lot of mem addresses | 12:13 |
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hyphenated | rebelwork: sure there is | 12:13 |
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skpl | is it safe to use debian scripts in ubuntu? | 12:13 |
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LadyNikon | i would think so. | 12:13 |
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Rug | dcoy: could you boot? | 12:13 |
skpl | LadyNikon, did not i see you somewhere else | 12:13 |
arrick | mwe what is dbe? | 12:13 |
Trackilizer | i can't read the link you gave me cause everything is way too big | 12:13 |
mwe | gymsmoke: maybe so | 12:13 |
arrick | and record? | 12:13 |
hellz_hunter | ok i give up, why wont amarok work ? it just skips to the next song over and over till the end of the playlist | 12:13 |
ompaul | skpl, define script | 12:13 |
arrick | and v41? | 12:13 |
LadyNikon | skpl: its possible | 12:13 |
dcoy | finally it got stuck at this line- <0>Kernal Panic- not syncing: fatal exception at interrupt ..... | 12:13 |
hellz_hunter | ive tried googleing and reading wiki forums and stuff and nothing is working | 12:13 |
hyphenated | hellz_hunter: because it's using a really dumb output plugin? | 12:14 |
skpl | ompaul, a startup script for a dynamic ip update app | 12:14 |
dcoy | yep | 12:14 |
harisund | Can somebody please explain what linux-kernel-headers are? A couple of applications that I want to compile from source list a requirement of that, and I wonder if I have those if I have recompiled my own kernel? | 12:14 |
Jowi | Trackilizer: then first thing I would recommend is to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 12:14 |
dcoy | what | 12:14 |
|lostbyte| | Where is the network boot script ? | 12:14 |
mwe | arrick: double buffer extension | 12:14 |
dcoy | no not ubuntu | 12:14 |
ompaul | skpl, Iwould not there is one in ubuntu | 12:14 |
hellz_hunter | hyphenated, xine output? | 12:14 |
crimsun | harisund: you need them because glibc depends on them. | 12:14 |
Trackilizer | Jowi, i'll try that now | 12:14 |
skpl | ompaul, oh | 12:14 |
Trackilizer | let you know how it went | 12:14 |
hyphenated | hellz_hunter: *shrug* try some other ones and see if any work | 12:14 |
Rug | dcoy: sounds like your box is fubar | 12:14 |
FlannelKing | harisund: headers are a C++ thing, they make it so we don't have to give you the whole kernel in source form, but you can get it in object form and still compile with it. | 12:14 |
hellz_hunter | no other ones install i dont understand it | 12:14 |
graft | hellz_hunter: probably your libmad doesn't support mp3 output | 12:14 |
skpl | where is the ubuntu startup dir located? | 12:15 |
skpl | for scripts to be run at atsratup | 12:15 |
hyphenated | hellz_hunter: so install them | 12:15 |
harisund | FlannelKing: Oh so they are basically the same thing as regular header files in a C/C++ program? | 12:15 |
FlannelKing | harisund: erm, C as well. Yeah, if you want to compile, you need the headers. | 12:15 |
skpl | startup | 12:15 |
FlannelKing | harisund: excactly. | 12:15 |
hyphenated | hellz_hunter: eg: amarok-arts | 12:15 |
saik0 | skpl, /etc/init.d | 12:15 |
dcoy | (Rug): Rug | 12:15 |
skpl | thanks | 12:15 |
hyphenated | hellz_hunter: and/or amarok-engines | 12:15 |
ompaul | skpl, /etc/rc.* | 12:15 |
graft | hellz_hunter: ubuntu doesn't have it by default because of some license issues | 12:15 |
Rug | dcoy: dcoy | 12:15 |
gymsmoke | rebelwork: http://linux.about.com/od/comands/\/blcmd5_reolvc.htm | 12:15 |
arrick | mwe, whats next? | 12:15 |
harisund | FlannelKing: And I was thinking they were something beyond my reach.. thanks a ton.. besides, how do I get them if I have recompiled the kernel myself? | 12:15 |
Jowi | skpl: /etc/init.d for general commands then /etc/rc2.d/ for the "normal" boot commands | 12:15 |
dcoy | fubar | 12:15 |
crimsun | harisund: they are a specific set of headers that the kernel source provides. | 12:15 |
graft | if you build it yourself it'll work | 12:15 |
rebelwork | There doesn't seem to be the option for Hostname, Ip Address, gateway or netmask, only Nameserver in resolv.conf | 12:15 |
dcoy | n thats | 12:15 |
mwe | arrick: done? | 12:15 |
arrick | yeah | 12:15 |
Rug | dcoy: It's German | 12:16 |
mwe | arrick: try startx again | 12:16 |
skpl | Jowi, not /etc/init.d/rc2.d? | 12:16 |
FlannelKing | harisund: hmm? oh, they're in apt. | 12:16 |
hyphenated | rebelwork: yes, because that's where you configure your nameserver details | 12:16 |
dcoy | what does it mean | 12:16 |
arrick | nope | 12:16 |
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hyphenated | rebelwork: other crud goes in /etc/network/interfaces | 12:16 |
xbox_sky | kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM8Identity4nullE | 12:16 |
dcoy | what do i do now | 12:16 |
nin | Hey | 12:16 |
Jowi | skpl: the files in /etc/rc2.d/ are symlinks to /etc/init.d | 12:16 |
xbox_sky | kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM8Identity4nullE | 12:16 |
Rug | eff'd Up Beyond All Repair | 12:16 |
xbox_sky | I'm trying to start kmail, but recieved this error, what should I do? kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM8Identity4nullE | 12:16 |
nin | I just got ubuntu... I'm pretty dumb about it so far. | 12:16 |
harisund | FlannelKing: Yes, I could download them from apt, but in my case I am not using a regular kernel (vanilla kernel, I believe it is called?) I am using a custom kernel I had compiled myself. Where do I find the headers for these? | 12:16 |
xbox_sky | argh sorry about that | 12:16 |
dcoy | (dcoy): ? | 12:16 |
arrick | not working mwe, I am starting to get &@$^*&@#$yiuew;q | 12:16 |
Rug | dcoy: I don't know what to suggest now. | 12:16 |
xbox_sky | that was lag drop | 12:16 |
xbox_sky | a* | 12:17 |
Trackilizer | Jowi, so, after i've down the reconfiguration, am i supposed to reboot? | 12:17 |
mwe | arrick: yeah | 12:17 |
Trackilizer | cause nothing happen | 12:17 |
arrick | I know your trying to help | 12:17 |
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hyphenated | xbox_sky: #kubuntu sounds like the best place for you | 12:17 |
crimsun | harisund: don't worry about headers. Red herring. | 12:17 |
mwe | arrick: I don't know what's going on | 12:17 |
dcoy | that probs with what...... | 12:17 |
FlannelKing | harisund: oh, um. I have no idea where they are on your system. | 12:17 |
arrick | fatal IO eror 104 | 12:17 |
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Jowi | Trackilizer: usually "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" should do the trick | 12:17 |
Rug | dcoy: it sounds like you have bad RAM | 12:17 |
mwe | arrick: maybe something is missing. not sure what though | 12:17 |
xbox_sky | aight, tx | 12:17 |
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Trackilizer | ok | 12:17 |
harisund | crimsun: I am going to take your word on that. FlannelKing: But are they even there? Perhaps they are present where I installed them from? | 12:17 |
dcoy | hmm | 12:17 |
Rug | dcoy: can you run the MEM-Test at boot? | 12:17 |
arrick | gonna paste | 12:17 |
dcoy | ok | 12:18 |
dcoy | i have 2 rams 256 each | 12:18 |
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dcoy | ill try each individually | 12:18 |
FlannelKing | harisund: if you've compiled your own kernel, then chances are you still have the headers from that compilation. Maybe not, I don't know. | 12:18 |
dcoy | thanks rug... | 12:18 |
arrick | mwe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12468 | 12:18 |
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harisund | FlannelKing: That's what I am assuming too.. since I have the entire source after all.. thanks a ton for explaining them though (you too crimsun) | 12:18 |
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The-Moon | How do i install gcc, someone last night told me a way to type it into terminal, and it would automaticaly download packages for me. Anyone know that command? | 12:19 |
ateves | hi, i have a simple question, is it possible to use a Micro-ATX power supply for a normal ATX mainboard? | 12:19 |
arrick | hey tonyyarusso what is the syntax for completely removing the gnome-core, and the xserver-xorg? | 12:19 |
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The-Moon | gaim sucks, it wont keep logging on... | 12:19 |
crimsun | The-Moon: apt-get install build-essential | 12:19 |
The-Moon | thanks | 12:20 |
Rug | ateves: if the equipment you are using does draw too much power | 12:20 |
arrick | I'll install the blasted ubuntu-desktop, I am sick of playing with the | 12:20 |
arrick | crap | 12:20 |
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Rug | arrick: Use Fluxbox! | 12:20 |
Rug | ateves: then you will have probs | 12:20 |
tonyyarusso | arrick: You'll need debfoster to do that, but if you're just installing ubuntu-desktop anyway it's not necessary (nor wise) to remove it anyway. | 12:20 |
mwe | arrick: ok install x-window-system-core | 12:21 |
arrick | Rug, I wanted to install the desktop with out all the added crap | 12:21 |
mwe | arrick: I think it's missing some fonts | 12:21 |
ateves | Rug: no, only pentium II 350 mhz and 8mb AGP. very small server, 128MB RAM | 12:21 |
mwe | arrick: that should take care of it I think | 12:21 |
Rug | arrick: yeah, I'd go with Flux if you want minimal | 12:21 |
arrick | mwe, do I have to dpkg it? | 12:21 |
Rug | ateves: should be fine then | 12:21 |
ateves | Rug: for me it is a question of the pins | 12:21 |
Rug | ahh different pin-outs? | 12:22 |
mwe | arrick: sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core | 12:22 |
arrick | rug, I want the basic UBUNTU desktop without the games and all that crap | 12:22 |
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arrick | working on it mwe | 12:22 |
Rug | arrick: ahh I see. Yeah I gave up on that | 12:22 |
foomanchew | anyone using dapper with XGL on ATI ? | 12:22 |
ateves | Rug: a normal 20 pin plug is needed | 12:22 |
mwe | arrick: I don't understand why gnome-core is not taking care of that though | 12:22 |
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FlannelKing | foomanchew: ask in #ubuntu+1 or -xgl | 12:22 |
Rug | FutureShop, Radio Shack should have a converter then | 12:22 |
arrick | mwe, neither do I and it was supposed to | 12:22 |
graft | hey dmitchell ... still around? | 12:22 |
mwe | arrick: I think so yes | 12:23 |
hellz_hunter | this is what i dont get | 12:23 |
katrin | hello | 12:23 |
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arrick | mwe, what next? | 12:23 |
hellz_hunter | rhythembox plays mp3's but amarok does not | 12:23 |
dmitchell | graft: Yup. | 12:23 |
mwe | arrick: startx | 12:23 |
katrin | do anybody could say me how to go to another room? anything with joined is it or so...?? | 12:23 |
graft | do you have a cdrom driver listed in /proc/ide/drivers? | 12:23 |
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arrick | mwe, the debian desktop is coming up&^(*&%^$ | 12:23 |
rebelwork | What about the "Hostname" where do I put that? | 12:24 |
mwe | arrick: yes? | 12:24 |
arrick | ok this looks right now, | 12:24 |
Rug | katrin: type: /join #desired-channel | 12:24 |
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arrick | thanks | 12:24 |
arrick | yep | 12:24 |
mwe | arrick: x windows though? | 12:24 |
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mwe | arrick: dpkg -l|grep gnome-session | 12:24 |
katrin | rug;thanks | 12:24 |
Rug | rebelwork: you want to change your hostname? | 12:24 |
arrick | instead of saying ubuntu, it says debian, but the looks are the same | 12:24 |
rebelwork | Rug: yes | 12:24 |
mwe | arrick: gnome? | 12:24 |
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arrick | yea | 12:25 |
Jowi | katrin: /join #channel-name. you can also click on "window" -> "channel-list" and choose one from there. | 12:25 |
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Rug | it;s here: /etc/hostname | 12:25 |
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rebelwork | beauties :D | 12:25 |
mwe | arrick: where does it say debian? | 12:25 |
Trackilizer | Jowi, what's the second input you gave me? | 12:25 |
Trackilizer | the one after i reconfigure "X" | 12:25 |
Rug | Jowi: Beat ya! | 12:25 |
Trackilizer | cause i git my resolution up, but not has high as it should be | 12:25 |
arrick | mwe, when the gui starts like ubuntu, where it normally says ubuntu | 12:25 |
Jowi | Trackilizer: sorry I didn't warn you you would be logged out. "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" | 12:25 |
mwe | arrick: splash? | 12:26 |
Trackilizer | no problem | 12:26 |
=== Jowi shakes his fist at Rug | ||
arrick | yeah | 12:26 |
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mwe | arrick: I think you can install the ubuntu theme. I'm not sure what the name is though | 12:26 |
skpl | can someone help me to make a startup script for a program? | 12:26 |
Trackilizer | Jowi, see ya in a bit with some good news hopefully | 12:26 |
Rug | Jowi: I couldn't resist | 12:26 |
mwe | arrick: at least gnome works now | 12:26 |
arrick | dont need it if it workes the same | 12:26 |
mwe | arrick: not if you don't care | 12:27 |
arrick | mwe, all I wanted it for was the apache gui | 12:27 |
Jowi | Rug: i'm not a fast typer but usually get it correct anyways ;.) | 12:27 |
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graft | dmitchell: ....? | 12:27 |
arrick | hey mwe, it aint got synaptic in it? | 12:27 |
dmitchell | graft: Still here! | 12:27 |
mwe | arrick: sudo apt-get install synaptic | 12:28 |
graft | dmitchell: er... sorry... do you have a cd-rom driver listed in /proc/ide/drivers? | 12:28 |
mwe | arrick: that's because of the gnome-core thing | 12:28 |
arrick | mwe, and my apache2 isnt showing up | 12:28 |
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FlannelKing | arrick: apache2 has a GUI thing? | 12:28 |
arrick | yes it does FlannelKing | 12:28 |
dmitchell | graft: My drivers file empty, actually...filesize == 0 | 12:28 |
FlannelKing | arrick: what's it called/for? | 12:28 |
graft | dmitchell: empty... um. that's... weird... | 12:28 |
dmitchell | graft: other than saying: ide-disk version 1.18 | 12:29 |
arrick | its for configgin vservers easily according to apache | 12:29 |
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dmitchell | graft: sorry...should've double-checked. :D | 12:29 |
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graft | dmitchell: ah... okay, that's interesting... so you don't have an ide-cdrom driver, seems like | 12:29 |
PS | hi, is there a FW-1 SecuRemote client for linux / Ubuntu? | 12:29 |
dmitchell | graft: That's what I get for trying to do this while I'm at work. ;) | 12:29 |
graft | dmitchell: i'd mess around with your kernel some ... is it custom-built? | 12:29 |
mwe | arrick: isn't showing? | 12:29 |
Trackilizer | Jowi, it went up to 1024X768 but still not as high as it should be | 12:30 |
acid-trip | !tell acid-trip win32codecs | 12:30 |
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mwe | arrick: you can run programs not in the menu | 12:30 |
arrick | nope | 12:30 |
dmitchell | graft: Nope. Straight 5.10 install. | 12:30 |
Trackilizer | and i can't turn it higher | 12:30 |
arrick | ok, how'/ | 12:30 |
acid-trip | haha | 12:30 |
acid-trip | can some one tell me about the win32 codecs | 12:30 |
mwe | arrick: type it in a terminal window or alt-f2 | 12:30 |
klippo | hi. How can I get my acpi keys to work with xubuntu? they worked good using gnome, but not with xfce | 12:30 |
dmitchell | graft: I'd upgrade to Dapper, but I have no idea how to do that without destroying the machine--as I did the last time I tried. | 12:30 |
mwe | arrick: install menu and menu-xdg though | 12:30 |
mwe | arrick: then most programs will get a shorcut | 12:31 |
arrick | ok | 12:31 |
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PS | acid-trip, what do you wanna know? | 12:31 |
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acid-trip | where to find them | 12:31 |
mwe | arrick: gotta go. good night | 12:31 |
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arrick | night | 12:31 |
Rug | G'night | 12:31 |
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leleobhz | someone know who is the responsable for do the mount of pendrives? | 12:31 |
leleobhz | and another automatic mounts | 12:32 |
Rug | leleobhz: what? | 12:32 |
Trackilizer | How do i turn my screen RES higher that 1024X786 | 12:32 |
acid-trip | leleobhz, root | 12:32 |
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Trackilizer | it used to be higher | 12:32 |
acid-trip | sudo mount /deb/hdd1 | 12:32 |
PS | acid-trip: check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 12:32 |
Trackilizer | but it was really crappy after i rebooted | 12:32 |
phewl | i LOVE UVUNTU | 12:32 |
leleobhz | nono | 12:32 |
phewl | UBUNTU * | 12:32 |
leleobhz | the automount | 12:32 |
Rug | Trackilizer: hard but easy method: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:32 |
gymsmoke | anyone know how i can increase the default font size in fluxbox? | 12:32 |
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acid-trip | leleobhz, you mean your /etc/fstab? | 12:32 |
leleobhz | when i insert the pendrive on usb and it mounts your self | 12:32 |
graft | dmitchell: can you modprobe ide-cd? | 12:32 |
leleobhz | like automount | 12:32 |
Rug | gymsmoke: I am running flux. | 12:32 |
amphi | klippo: if they generate acpi events (which you can see by stopping acpid and catting /proc/acpi/event and pressing the keys), you can write handlers for them in /etc/acpi | 12:33 |
klippo | they do | 12:33 |
arrick | mwe, tonyyarusso FlannelKing error: Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root: Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file | 12:33 |
Rug | gymsmoke: the best method is to edit the files in ~/.fluxbox | 12:33 |
gymsmoke | Rug: I love this layout !!!! far better than gnome - but the fonts are soooo tiny... | 12:33 |
klippo | it does for example run: [Tue Apr 18 00:33:29 2006] executing action "/etc/acpi/volupbtn.sh" | 12:33 |
Rug | gymsmoke: on the menus? | 12:33 |
FlannelKing | arrick: why not just use apt? | 12:33 |
klippo | but the volume doesnt change | 12:33 |
Trackilizer | Rug, erm.... what exactly should i change in there | 12:33 |
amphi | klippo: is acpid running and does /etc/acpi/events contain handlers for them? | 12:33 |
dmitchell | graft: not sure. Gives me fatal errors when I type it in. When I "sudo modprobe ide-cd", nothing happens. | 12:33 |
gymsmoke | menus, bottom bar, all of them... | 12:33 |
lanlost | hey, I installed ndiswraper and it said the driver and hardware were present | 12:33 |
klippo | amphi: it does for example run: [Tue Apr 18 00:33:29 2006] executing action "/etc/acpi/volupbtn.sh", but the volume doesnt change | 12:34 |
amphi | klippo: what does that script do? | 12:34 |
leleobhz | someone? | 12:34 |
Rug | gymsmoke: actually I haven't chanced the dafaults, #fluxbox should be able to help ya | 12:34 |
=== leleobhz thinks maybe udev.... | ||
lanlost | but iwconfig doenst show wlan | 12:34 |
lanlost | it only shows lo and sit0 | 12:34 |
klippo | amphi: acpi_fakekey $KEY_VOLUMEUP | 12:34 |
dmitchell | graft: error message (before using sudo to execute command) -- "FATAL: Error inserting ide_cd (/lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/kernel/drivers/ide/ide-cd.ko): Operation not permitted | 12:34 |
dmitchell | " | 12:34 |
Rug | leleobhz: I so not understand your question | 12:34 |
gymsmoke | Rug: thanks... I'll ask over there... | 12:35 |
arrick | FlannelKing, I nned the gui for the configuration, cause I cant seem to get help to have multiple webs running on the same server in here, been trying all day, and theonly thing I could find googling was the apache manual which has not even one correct command in it | 12:35 |
klippo | amphi: KEY_VOLUMEUP=115 | 12:35 |
amphi | klippo: does that work if you run it manually? | 12:35 |
graft | dmitchell: err... sudo modprobe ide-cd | 12:35 |
klippo | no | 12:35 |
gymsmoke | arrick: if you're running Ubuntu as a server, you definitely do not need a gui to run web sites | 12:35 |
lanlost | anyone know why ndiswraper says my driver and hardware are present but all I get with iwconfig only shows lo and sit0? | 12:36 |
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dmitchell | graft: nothing happens. | 12:36 |
graft | dmitchell: sudo modprobe gives you errors? | 12:36 |
dmitchell | graft: It gives me absolutely nothing, actually. | 12:36 |
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arrick | gymsmoke, I know, but I cant find the info to run the blasted multiple sites, as I just said a minute ago | 12:36 |
amphi | klippo: you could perhaps rewrite the script to use amixer... | 12:36 |
graft | dmitchell: ah... thta means it worked usually | 12:36 |
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gymsmoke | arrick: are you running your own dns? | 12:36 |
arrick | I wasnt | 12:36 |
amphi | klippo: I haven't used acpi_fakekey myself | 12:36 |
gymsmoke | arrick: do you have more than 1 static IP address? | 12:37 |
arrick | gymsmoke, Ive been in here for 10 hours so far and no help on this topic here | 12:37 |
arrick | 1 Ip address gymsmoke | 12:37 |
graft | dmitchell: um... so type dmesg and see if it worked... | 12:37 |
eugman | Hey is it feasible to have my system partition in ext3 and have a weekly backup to a same sized partition in fat32? | 12:37 |
gymsmoke | arrick: are you familiar with setting up virtual hosts in apache? | 12:37 |
arrick | gymsmoke, thats where I cant find a tutorial that has the correct commands in it | 12:38 |
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lanlost | no one her ehas ever used wireless internet? | 12:38 |
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Jowi | eugman: if you are only concerned about the contents of the files. fat32 does not store any permission information. | 12:38 |
gymsmoke | arrick: there's tut's out there for it... lemme see if i can grab one for you | 12:38 |
arrick | gymsmoke, I even spent $32 on a apache2 book, and it doesnt even have the correct commands in it. | 12:38 |
eugman | Jowi, I am aware of such. I just need a backup system that is universally readable. | 12:39 |
gymsmoke | arrick: "correct" commands?? | 12:39 |
dmitchell | graft: Doesn't look like it... | 12:39 |
eugman | jowi, I'd use rsync to do it, correct? | 12:39 |
arrick | gymsmoke, no correct locations, or any of that sort of stuff | 12:39 |
graft | dmitchell: um. does it show up in lsmod? and is there a line for it in /proc/ide/drivers now? | 12:39 |
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amphi | eugman: you'd be better off to tar up the backup first, and then cp it to the fat32 partition, IMHO | 12:39 |
Rug | gymsmoke: make sure you enable "Focus Follows Mouse" I works awesome! | 12:40 |
eugman | lanlost, there must be people here who have but they are probably idle or unable to help. | 12:40 |
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dmitchell | graft: shows up in /proc/ide/drivers now...not sure how to check lsmod. | 12:40 |
gymsmoke | arrick: http://www.netahoy.org/tutorials/apache2.htm | 12:40 |
leleobhz | hohohop | 12:40 |
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Jowi | eugman: if I would use a fat32 (which i would not recommend) i would rather put the backups in an archive that keeps the permissions and then copy the compressed archive to the fat32 drive. | 12:40 |
lanlost | haha ok | 12:40 |
leleobhz | if i try to mount my drive via gnomevfs, its says pmount dont exists | 12:40 |
lanlost | thanks | 12:40 |
graft | dmitchell: just type lsmod | 12:40 |
gymsmoke | Rug: ooh, I love that... where do i turn that on?? | 12:40 |
Jowi | eugman: as amphi said | 12:41 |
graft | dmitchell: what does the last few lines of 'dmesg' say? | 12:41 |
gymsmoke | Rug: qeed over at flux says that i need to edit the actual theme files to change the fonts... | 12:41 |
arrick | looking now gymsmoke | 12:41 |
eugman | Jowi, Well are those only security concerns or are there other concerns as well? | 12:41 |
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Rug | Right-Click desktop -> Flux Menu -> Configure -> Focus Modle -> Mouse Focus | 12:42 |
arrick | hey gymsmoke you got one for linux now? | 12:42 |
Rug | gymsmoke: ahh makes sence | 12:42 |
arrick | thats for win32 | 12:42 |
harisund | Can somebody point me towards understanding how emails work and how I can setup an email server? I had no difficulty dealing with {SSH, FTP, DNS, Web, telnet} servers but email servers seem to be simply beyond my reach? I simply don't know where to start with the terms MTA, MUA, PostFix, SendMail so on and so forth :( | 12:42 |
Jowi | eugman: you need the permissions if you would like to restore the system correctly. not just for security. | 12:42 |
intelnux | why wne I do sudo gedit /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc can't I save the file? is something different about gedit over nano? | 12:42 |
Jowi | eugman: check "man cp" and the archive option | 12:42 |
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amphi | harisund: postfix is relatively easy to setup - you can find howtos at tldp.org | 12:43 |
skpl | how do i return to being a regular user after using sudo su? | 12:43 |
amphi | harisund: postfix docs are quite good | 12:43 |
Rug | skpl: exit | 12:43 |
amphi | skpl: ctrl-d | 12:43 |
gymsmoke | arrick: ok, one more -- http://community.unixcities.com/node/9 | 12:43 |
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harisund | amphi: ok .. tdlp is "the linux documentation project' right? | 12:43 |
amphi | harisund: yup | 12:43 |
Rug | harisund: yupp | 12:43 |
Jowi | harisund: you have a postfix howto at the ubuntu wikis as well. just set up postfix today using it | 12:43 |
dmitchell | graft: lsmod shows some cd entries...last few lines of dmesg start with "atkbd.c:" | 12:43 |
ompaul | arrick, less /usr/share/apache2/config/default | 12:43 |
harisund | Jowi: ah ok done .. will search for it. Ubuntu wiki you say? | 12:44 |
eugman | This is my reason but aren't there problems with massive tar's or is that just when trying to burn backups? | 12:44 |
eugman | er isn't | 12:44 |
arrick | ompaul, there isnt anything that works with apache in the /usr/share directory | 12:44 |
Jowi | harisund: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | 12:44 |
dmitchell | graft: right-clicking the CD drive and selecting "mount" still gives the error: "mount: special device /dev/hdc does not exist" :( | 12:44 |
harisund | Jowi: ok done, will search for it . thanks a bunch | 12:44 |
gymsmoke | Rug: Configuration->Focus Model->Sloppy Focus, Semi Sloppy Focus, Auto Raise (checked) ... that's all that's there | 12:44 |
Rug | what version of flux are you using? | 12:45 |
amphi | gymsmoke: you probably want sloppy focus on and auto raise off (that's the most pleasant for me at any rate) | 12:45 |
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Jowi | harisund: there are two wikis. read them both. they cover different things | 12:45 |
ompaul | arrick, I suggest that you have a look at /usr/share/doc/apache2/examples and use the less command to break out the text | 12:45 |
amphi | gymsmoke: although I use openbox | 12:45 |
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Rug | amphi: That is what I have, but Mouse Focus instead of Sloppy | 12:46 |
harisund | Jowi; Ok am searching for them. Do I just search for postfix? | 12:46 |
Jowi | harisund: yep | 12:46 |
gymsmoke | Rug: But, Mouse Follows Focus isn't here | 12:46 |
Rug | gymsmoke: what version are you running? | 12:46 |
Jowi | harisund: 1. and 2. is what you want | 12:46 |
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harisund | Jowi: ok neat. thanks again | 12:46 |
graft | dmitchell: can you pastebin your dmesg output? | 12:47 |
gymsmoke | Rug: Good question... where do i get that from? | 12:47 |
dmitchell | graft: Sure! Er, how? :) | 12:47 |
arrick | ompaul no such animal | 12:47 |
PS | anyone know how i get started making my machine a vpn client? | 12:47 |
Rug | gymsmoke: for me it's the header of the right-click menu | 12:47 |
Jowi | how come Postfix and the PostfixBasicSetupHowto is not included in Ubotu's knowledge? | 12:47 |
Rug | v0.9.15.1 | 12:48 |
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gymsmoke | Rug: context menu header says "Fluxbox" | 12:48 |
amphi | Rug: what's the difference? if the mouse is over the root window, all other windows lose focus? | 12:48 |
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Rug | Wow I am popular... | 12:48 |
arrick | how do you open a .gz file? | 12:48 |
The-Moon | Anyone know how do run a rpm file? I sudo su, and then try running the file in terminal. But it says permission denied | 12:48 |
Rug | gymsmoke: the first right-click menu | 12:48 |
amphi | arrick: gunzip foo.gz | 12:49 |
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Rug | amphi: it sounds that same | 12:49 |
gymsmoke | amphi - it's so that if you have multiple windows open that are overlapping, when you move your mouse over the other windows, the one your over gains focus | 12:49 |
duelboot | arrick, tar.gz? | 12:49 |
duelboot | if so just use tar | 12:49 |
graft | !pastebin | 12:49 |
ubotu | pastebin is probably http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 12:49 |
amphi | Rug: sloppy focus doesn't give focus to the root window, I guess that's the difference | 12:49 |
gymsmoke | Rug: yeah - like right-click anywhere on the screen and get the first fluxbox menu | 12:49 |
Rug | amphi: yes, but with auto-raise turned OFF, the background window does nto jump to the front | 12:49 |
amphi | gymsmoke: yeah, without beiing brought to the front | 12:49 |
Rug | gymsmoke: yes | 12:49 |
arrick | no duelboot just .gx | 12:50 |
PS | arrick: or gunzip to just unzip | 12:50 |
duelboot | gunzip | 12:50 |
arrick | gz that is | 12:50 |
gymsmoke | Rug: the header bar there says "Fluxbox" thats all | 12:50 |
amphi | Rug: yeah, I don't like autoraise | 12:50 |
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Rug | gymsmoke: did you apt-get install it? | 12:50 |
gymsmoke | yeah... | 12:50 |
Rug | ahh old & busted version | 12:50 |
gymsmoke | Rug: that figures... | 12:51 |
amphi | gymsmoke: try openbox ;) | 12:51 |
DBO | you need the new hotness =) | 12:51 |
Rug | there is a VERY easy to follow guide at ubuntuforums | 12:51 |
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Rug | DBO: yupp | 12:51 |
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yop | holaaaaaaa | 12:51 |
amphi | gymsmoke: openbox is much more stable than fluxbox in my experience | 12:51 |
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gnaunited | Is there an easy way to install the kernel sources for 2.6.12? | 12:52 |
Rug | amphi: but not as sexy! | 12:52 |
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yop | alguien habla espaol}] ? | 12:52 |
amphi | Rug: in what way? | 12:52 |
DBO | !es | 12:52 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 12:52 |
amphi | !es | 12:52 |
Rug | amphi: I am desperate, grasping at straws. | 12:52 |
skpl | can someone tell me what this means? skpl 4989 2.3 4.1 67928 20552 ? Ssl 17:50 0:02 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-aabMxt/ --sm-client-id 105394bc95000114530183100000073730003 --screen 0 file:///home/skpl/noip-2.1.1 | 12:52 |
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gymsmoke | yop: ubuntu-es | 12:52 |
Jowi | ubotu postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix or here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto | 12:52 |
ubotu | okay, Jowi | 12:52 |
Jowi | !postfix | 12:53 |
ubotu | somebody said postfix was the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix or here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostfixBasicSetupHowto | 12:53 |
dmitchell | graft: dmesg output's uploaded...odd that it crashes X-Chat doing so... | 12:53 |
Rug | amphi: Honestly I don't know the different between flux/black/open box | 12:53 |
amphi | Rug: heh - openbox doesn't do tabbed windows, but as I only use that for xterms really, I just use mrxvt | 12:53 |
graft | dmitchell: url? | 12:53 |
Rug | I do love the tabs | 12:53 |
dmitchell | graft: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12469 | 12:53 |
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dmitchell | graft: afk for about 10 minutes....sorry. at work.... | 12:53 |
arrick | gymsmoke, duelboot, DBO why do all the tutorials reference NameVirtualHost when there is not one in apache?, am I supposed to create this somewhere, as they give no directory referenced | 12:53 |
amphi | Rug: last time I used fb, the window tabbing was a bit buggy | 12:53 |
Rug | I am using the newest version. 9.15.1 | 12:54 |
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Rug | compiled | 12:54 |
gymsmoke | arrick: you have to set up NameVirtualHost in the apache conf file... | 12:54 |
MrRio | when using pureftp, how do i make it land it somewhere other than the user's home directory? | 12:54 |
arrick | ok, they dont bother telling you that in any of the tutorials, I have been searching all day now | 12:55 |
gymsmoke | MrRio: there's a thread about that on ubuntu forums... | 12:55 |
amphi | arrick: submit a patch for the tutorial ;) | 12:55 |
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gymsmoke | amphi: good one | 12:55 |
skpl | do i have to make a startup script executable for it tow ork? | 12:55 |
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eugman | Stupid question: when manually editing the partition table and installing do I need one of the volumes to have a bootable flag? | 12:56 |
arrick | amphi, I gotta figure it out first | 12:56 |
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amphi | eugman: not for linux | 12:56 |
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Bizzy | hey, how do i replace gnome desktop with xfce4 in ubuntu? | 12:56 |
gymsmoke | arrick: there's also an example file in apache that (i think) shows both ip and non-ip based setups | 12:56 |
amphi | eugman: windows used to want the bootable flag, dunno if it still does | 12:56 |
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arrick | gymsmoke, not from what I see, in the examples folder | 12:57 |
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Jowi | eugman, amphi: not even if using a boot partition? | 12:57 |
enterusername | hello | 12:57 |
enterusername | I'm having some prblems wiht my printe rthqat i never had with suse | 12:57 |
enterusername | its giving me this error message | 12:57 |
amphi | Jowi: linux doesn't care about the bootable flag at all | 12:57 |
eugman | Amphi, jowi: if I do tar everything, is it possible to do incremental backups still or must I make a new tar every backup. | 12:57 |
Jowi | amphi: good to know :) | 12:57 |
enterusername | The Postscript interperter in you r printer is 2014.116 | 12:57 |
amphi | Jowi: nor grub or lilo | 12:57 |
enterusername | this printout rquires at least 2015 | 12:57 |
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enterusername | and i tried adding the gs line | 12:57 |
enterusername | that its mentioning | 12:57 |
MrRio | gymsmoke: Do you have a link? | 12:58 |
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enterusername | adn its saying can not open device | 12:58 |
enterusername | can anyone help me | 12:58 |
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Jowi | eugman: the archive option in "cp" will only backup modified/new files. | 12:58 |
enterusername | ive searched onm the net and havent FOUND anything | 12:58 |
enterusername | im getting real FRUSTRATED with ubuntu :( | 12:58 |
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eugman | hmm. One last things. In general what do you think the compression rate would be. | 12:58 |
jadaz87 | hello everyone i was wondering how can i get rid of the ubuntu sign to the left of the Applications menu? | 12:58 |
amphi | enterusername: careful not to trip on the learning curve ;) | 12:58 |
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enterusername | crap | 12:59 |
tonyyarusso | arrick: Did mwe and FlannelKing get you sorted? | 12:59 |
enterusername | i think i seethe problem | 12:59 |
enterusername | WHy does UBUNTU use default level 1 | 12:59 |
enterusername | hrm | 12:59 |
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gymsmoke | MrRio: not off-hand... i saw it recently (last day or so) when i was looking for something similar... | 12:59 |
Rug | gymsmoke: check this out: #! /bin/sh | 12:59 |
Rug | # /etc/init.d/blah | 12:59 |
acid-trip | how do i roll back a program | 12:59 |
Rug | #ack | 12:59 |
Rug | sorry | 12:59 |
MrRio | gymsmoke: did it involve turning off unixauth? | 01:00 |
skpl | can someone tell me what this means? skpl 4984 5.0 5.1 72028 25712 ? Ssl 17:59 0:02 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-aabMxt/ --sm-client-id 105394bc95000114530183100000073730003 --screen 0 file:///home/skpl/noip-2.1.1 | 01:00 |
Jowi | eugman: you need to use the -u option together with -a i think | 01:00 |
skpl | can someone tell me what this means? skpl 4984 5.0 5.1 72028 25712 ? Ssl 17:59 0:02 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-aabMxt/ --sm-client-id 105394bc95000114530183100000073730003 --screen 0 file:///home/skpl/noip-2.1.1 | 01:00 |
Rug | gymsmoke: check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116759 | 01:00 |
arrick | skpl, use the pastebin | 01:00 |
arrick | !pastebin | 01:00 |
ubotu | I heard pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 01:00 |
graft | skpl: in what context? that's your nautilus process... | 01:00 |
skpl | graft, it seems to be running at startup, i did not start it myself | 01:00 |
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enterusername | flippen hell | 01:01 |
graft | skpl: um. dead process? just kill it... | 01:01 |
gymsmoke | Rug: yeah, just found it... | 01:01 |
enterusername | ok | 01:01 |
acid-trip | graft, can you explain how to roll back a program | 01:01 |
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graft | skpl: or maybe nautilus runs in the background | 01:01 |
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gymsmoke | Rug: that looks promising... is that how you got the latest flux? | 01:01 |
enterusername | can anyone hjelp me set my printer | 01:01 |
enterusername | up | 01:01 |
enterusername | It works in suse but not ubuntu | 01:01 |
DBO | graft, nautilus is part of GNOME and does run in the background | 01:01 |
enterusername | what the heck is the problem | 01:01 |
skpl | graft, how do i keep it from running at startup? | 01:01 |
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graft | skpl: err... why do you want to? | 01:02 |
acid-trip | ============ Checking for cc version ============ | 01:02 |
acid-trip | Result is: 4.0.2, bad | 01:02 |
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jadaz87 | hello everyone i was wondering how can i get rid of the ubuntu sign to the left of the Applications menu? and just have Applications, PLaces, System? | 01:02 |
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graft | acid-trip: remove gcc-4.0 | 01:02 |
gymsmoke | Rug: should i apt-get remove flux before i do that? (it would make sense) | 01:02 |
dmitchell | graft: back. :) | 01:02 |
Rug | gymsmoke: yupp | 01:02 |
graft | dmitchell: erm... i got very little for you. i'd put ide-cd in /etc/modules and reboot | 01:03 |
DBO | acid-trip, why not just set your CC variable instead of removing 4? | 01:03 |
eugman | Unrelated question, is it possible to have a two installations working if one has the shared home inside it's partition instead of a /home/ partition? | 01:03 |
enterusername | can anyone help me | 01:03 |
enterusername | is it because its a NEW version or odl version? | 01:03 |
dmitchell | graft: will do. Thanks for all the help! | 01:03 |
gymsmoke | Rug: it also makes sense why some of the things i found in the flux documentation won't work at all.. | 01:03 |
enterusername | hrm its the exact saem version.. | 01:03 |
Rug | I gotta run folks. TTYL | 01:03 |
gymsmoke | Rug: later | 01:03 |
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DBO | enterusername, you will have to be much more specific, my crystal ball broke recently. Do you by chance get an error? What happens when you try to add a printer? | 01:04 |
enterusername | lol | 01:04 |
enterusername | DDC: the printer works.. | 01:04 |
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FlannelKing | eugman: assuming they can both read the disk, although you'd be better off with your own partition for home things. | 01:04 |
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enterusername | but when i was tyrying to print in mozilla i got some wierd message sayign "This postscript interperter in your printer is 2014.116 | 01:04 |
dmitchell | gotta go. Thanks, graft, for the assist. :) | 01:05 |
enterusername | you require 2015 or greater use ghost script and then gave me settings | 01:05 |
enterusername | but i got it working so nevermind | 01:05 |
graft | sure | 01:05 |
enterusername | i dont know why it doesnt do that in suse | 01:05 |
graft | rrroo | 01:05 |
jmcc | anyone use the "Rotate" parameter of the i810 x.org driver to use a portrait mode flat panel screen? it works for me to rotate the screen, but doesn't affect the mouse | 01:05 |
eugman | Flannel king, Well they'd both be on the disk and the other one would just be a rarely used secondary setup if I do even make it. | 01:05 |
enterusername | is it a new version of lpr? | 01:05 |
jmcc | how do I rotate the mouse? | 01:05 |
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enterusername | any idea? | 01:05 |
enterusername | is it because Ubuntu uses a new version of lpr? | 01:06 |
enterusername | thati have to convert it to ghostscript? | 01:06 |
enterusername | hmm.. | 01:06 |
DBO | enterusername, off the top of my head, no idea, but you are welcome to investigate it yourself | 01:06 |
jmcc | Option Rotate "CCW" works in the xorg.conf | 01:06 |
jmcc | but only rotates the screen, not the mouse | 01:06 |
enterusername | ok nevermind then | 01:06 |
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jadaz87 | hello everyone i was wondering how can i get rid of the ubuntu sign to the left of the Applications menu? and just have Applications, PLaces, System? | 01:08 |
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skpl | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12470 | 01:08 |
skpl | can someone help me with that? | 01:08 |
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gigino | I don't know why every time I install Ubuntu it stop the installation at the time zone.. | 01:09 |
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Hexidigital | jadaz87, system -> preferences -> menu and toolbar... uncheck Show icons in menus | 01:10 |
jimmyekl | hello all, i have a question. i tried out the dapper flight 6 livecd a few days ago. and the network manager (up in the right korner) is this in gnome 2.14 or is it ubuntu special? | 01:11 |
skpl | can someone help me create a startup script for a program i want to use at startup? | 01:11 |
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ENE|Toxic | Which xorg version works well with ubuntu-server ? (X11r6.* - X11r7.0) ? | 01:12 |
DBO | jadaz87, or you can simply replace /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/distributor-logo.png with whatever you like | 01:12 |
amphi | skpl: look at the ones in /etc/init.d | 01:12 |
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skpl | amphi, im afraid im a bit of a linux bewnie | 01:14 |
skpl | newbie? | 01:14 |
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marc | hi, i had a file.c and i accidentally called gcc blah -o file.c with no input file, file.c disappeared and i didn't have a backup | 01:14 |
marc | is there any way to retrieve it? | 01:14 |
marc | or a better place to ask | 01:14 |
skpl | amphi, i actually have the startup script already, but i do not know where to put it | 01:14 |
jadaz87 | thank you Hexidigital and DBO | 01:14 |
skpl | amphi, the readme it came with told me to put it in /etc/init.d/rc2.d, without any symbolic links | 01:15 |
Hexidigital | no problem jadaz87 | 01:15 |
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amphi | skpl: better to put it in /etc/init.d and use update-rc.d to create the symlinks for you IMHO | 01:16 |
skpl | oh? | 01:16 |
skpl | ok | 01:16 |
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amphi | skpl: that way, if you don't want it to run, you can just remove the symlinks, and restore them if you need it again | 01:16 |
skpl | i dunno what you mean | 01:16 |
skpl | how do i use update-rc.d | 01:16 |
amphi | skpl: man update-rc.d ;) it creates the symlinks once you have the script in /etc/init.d | 01:17 |
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gymsmoke | i'm trying to remove all of the packages installed on a server install except for the base system and openssh-server... | 01:20 |
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Bizzeh | hey | 01:20 |
skpl | is there any way to test whether a strtup script works without restarting? | 01:20 |
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Bizzeh | i just installed ubuntu to my channel 2 sata2 disk, and the installer ignored that and installed the boot loader to the drive in channel 0 master, my backup disk | 01:20 |
Bizzeh | how can i just install grub to my sata disk, which is first boot in my bios | 01:21 |
Jowi | skpl: "sudo /etc/init.d/script start" will tell you if the script is ok at least. if you have /etc/rc2.d/S99script pointing to /etc/init.d/script it should work fine | 01:21 |
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skpl | Jowi, i used update-rc.d, which supposedly creates the startup links for me | 01:21 |
gigino | I don't know why every time I install Ubuntu it stop the installation at the time zone.. | 01:21 |
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skpl | Jowi, was that a goo idea? | 01:22 |
Jowi | skpl: if you used the "defaults" switch it should work fine | 01:22 |
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gymsmoke | anyone know how to use "tasks" in aptitude? | 01:22 |
skpl | Jowi, i got this error: sudo: /etc/init.d/noip2: command not found | 01:22 |
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Jowi | skpl: did you make it executable? | 01:23 |
skpl | jowi: ok i made it work, i had the extension wrong | 01:23 |
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skpl | Jowi, to test if it works at startup do i need to logout or restart? | 01:24 |
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Jowi | skpl: yeah, reboot is the only sure way | 01:25 |
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ray___ | hi | 01:26 |
skpl | k | 01:26 |
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aserpe | I'm having a very hard time getting my desktop to show anything other than 640X480. | 01:28 |
dej | Anyone know an easy way to install Java on Ubuntu? | 01:28 |
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minerale | Hi, I have a quick question: what are the linux/ubuntu equivalents for: "ipconfig /release and /renew" ? | 01:28 |
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testi | hi | 01:28 |
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digitalhav0c | anyone have ut working with nvidia-glx drivers | 01:28 |
digitalhav0c | my install was working now i've lost sound | 01:29 |
digitalhav0c | : ( | 01:29 |
=== Bizzeh [i=bizzeh@80-192-243-106.cable.ubr01.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
testi | does anyone know how to configure nvidia with xorg in dapper ? I only get no screens found when turning from nv to nvidia ... | 01:29 |
The-Moon | Whats the shortcut key for switching workspaces? | 01:29 |
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digitalhav0c | alt-tab | 01:29 |
The-Moon | that just switchs the windows | 01:29 |
The-Moon | it dont change the workspace | 01:29 |
mgalvin | The-Moon: ctrl-alt <arrow> | 01:29 |
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digitalhav0c | thats what i mean't | 01:29 |
The-Moon | that worked, thanks :D | 01:29 |
digitalhav0c | lol | 01:30 |
The-Moon | Much better :D | 01:30 |
mgalvin | :) | 01:30 |
aserpe | I can't seem to get my deskstop to any resolution and everything is really really big. | 01:30 |
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aserpe | for example I can't see the bottom of this app | 01:30 |
skpl | can someone help me? i have install proftpd but cannot connect to my machine vie ftp client | 01:30 |
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The-Moon | Im trying to change directories... and its saying that the folder i want to change too dosent exist, anyone know why? | 01:30 |
The-Moon | bash: cd: /mnt/hdb2/Projects/Free: No such file or directory | 01:31 |
=== lisandro [n=lisandro@host126.200-82-47.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Inazad | I'm not able to change my keyboard in the keyboards settings... | 01:31 |
Beforewisdom | Hi. I used automatix to install firefox 1.5, with the mplayer plugin, and "commonly used codecs". The firefox + mplayer combo doesn't seem to be working for real player files. I got some error messages indicating it needs real player codecs. Im a bit new to this. How can I get and install those? | 01:31 |
ENE|Toxic | Which [ xorg ] version works well with ubuntu-server ? (X11r6.* - X11r7.0) ? If I compile the source by hand, I'm missing a whole lot of libraries. Are there any general x packages I can install to fix this? Already installed xlibs. | 01:31 |
The-Moon | oh wait | 01:31 |
The-Moon | nm | 01:31 |
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Jowi | testi: try in #ubuntu+1 | 01:31 |
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xzion | how to install psybnc? | 01:31 |
skpl | is there anyway to completely remove a program once it has been installed using aptitude? | 01:31 |
FlannelKing | skpl: remove it with aptitude ;) | 01:31 |
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=== testi [n=family@P9fb8.p.pppool.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
aserpe | you all have huge fonts... my screen looks like Duplo. Help me get a good resolution on my screen!!! arg! | 01:32 |
skpl | FlannelKing, how do i do that? | 01:32 |
Keneo | I have a msi nx 6600gt GPU with dvi and vga output, 2 monitors attached, can someone help me explaining how to set up my xorg.conf file for these 2monitors? | 01:32 |
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skpl | can someone help me? i have install proftpd but cannot connect to my machine vie ftp client | 01:32 |
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The-Moon | Is there anyway to allow my account The-Moon to automaticaly have all Root Commands? | 01:32 |
skpl | i have it set to start with inetd | 01:32 |
aserpe | arg. | 01:32 |
aserpe | grr | 01:32 |
Jowi | The-Moon: yes, put the user in the admin group | 01:33 |
lgc | Hi, can anyone tell me how can I know the info of an apt package? | 01:33 |
aserpe | Ok, I'm leaving without an answer. :-( | 01:33 |
Jowi | The-Moon: then that user can use "sudo" | 01:33 |
aserpe | bye evry one. | 01:33 |
=== intelnux [n=intel@ip70-173-57-239.fv.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | aserpe, bye.. | 01:33 |
Beforewisdom | aserpe | 01:33 |
xzion | can someone help me to install psybnc? | 01:33 |
FlannelKing | skpl: go into aptitude, highlight the package, hit - or _ to remove all config as well. | 01:33 |
Beforewisdom | have you tried right clicking your desktop? | 01:33 |
FlannelKing | skpl: you can also do it via the menu | 01:34 |
The-Moon | i want sudo to always automaticaly be activated for anything i run | 01:34 |
aserpe | yes | 01:34 |
aserpe | Beforewisdom. | 01:34 |
The-Moon | i cant move or do anything wiht file browser because of this.... | 01:34 |
FlannelKing | The-Moon: gksudo nautilus | 01:34 |
aserpe | it only shows one option. :-( | 01:34 |
Beforewisdom | aserpe, hold on I think I saw screen resolution settings somewhere a few weeks ago | 01:34 |
skpl | can someone help me? i have install proftpd but cannot connect to my machine vie ftp client | 01:34 |
Beforewisdom | give me about 5 min | 01:34 |
The-Moon | i want to rename a directory to take out the space and i cant.... Ive tried mv in termainl but it thinks im trying to move 2 files | 01:34 |
aserpe | ok thanks! | 01:34 |
FlannelKing | The-Moon: gksudo nautilus | 01:34 |
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dej | Is there an easy way to install Java? It won't self extract and running through term doesn't seem to help. | 01:34 |
FlannelKing | The-Moon: or, escape the space with \ | 01:34 |
The-Moon | ? | 01:34 |
lisandro | hi | 01:35 |
ENE|Toxic | Which [ xorg ] version works well with ubuntu-server ? (X11r6.* - X11r7.0) ? If I compile the source by hand, I'm missing a whole lot of libraries. Are there any general x packages I can install to fix this? Already installed xlibs. | 01:35 |
The-Moon | escape the space? | 01:35 |
lisandro | anyone can help me to install amsn 0.95 on ubuntu? | 01:35 |
FlannelKing | The-Moon: this\ is\ a\ filename\ with\ spaces.txt | 01:35 |
=== vladb2001 [n=vladb200@nealocat119.ethernet.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The-Moon | oh ok | 01:35 |
Beforewisdom | aserpe, I found it under System | Preferences | Screen Resolution | 01:35 |
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aserpe | Yes... but it only gives me this option | 01:36 |
Beforewisdom | hold on | 01:36 |
The-Moon | Thannk you FlannelKing | 01:36 |
vladb2001 | hi | 01:36 |
vladb2001 | i have a ubuntu question : | 01:36 |
The-Moon | lisandro > use gaim :) | 01:36 |
mmmiiikkkeee | i do a kill -9 on a process and the i ps -e and its still running??? | 01:36 |
lisandro | jeje | 01:36 |
Beforewisdom | aserpe, I got 4 options. Are you running ubuntu live or as an install? | 01:36 |
FlannelKing | lgc: apt-cache help for a list of commands (youre looking for showpkg) | 01:36 |
vladb2001 | is it wise to install 5.04 on a P II 128 MB RAM ? | 01:36 |
skpl | i am getting this error when trying to connect to my ftp server, can someone tell me why? Cannot connect to skpl.no-ip.info: Connection refused | 01:36 |
skpl | Waiting 30 seconds until trying to connect again | 01:36 |
The-Moon | Btw also, has anyone had luck yet with installing codeblocks on ubuntu... I cannot for some reason.... | 01:36 |
lisandro | The-Moon, gaim dont like me | 01:37 |
The-Moon | Why not? | 01:37 |
lisandro | forgive my english please | 01:37 |
The-Moon | Its like me | 01:37 |
aserpe | Beforewisdom: install | 01:37 |
mmmiiikkkeee | i thought the kil -9 kills it no matter what?? | 01:37 |
aserpe | kill -9 -1 kills everything | 01:37 |
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACD557AD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Beforewisdom | aserpe, I'm not an expert, but I am guessing you need a better driver for your video monitor | 01:37 |
lisandro | amsn seems more friendly to me | 01:37 |
aserpe | hrm... ok | 01:37 |
Beforewisdom | aserpe | 01:37 |
The-Moon | bleh.... | 01:37 |
aserpe | yes | 01:37 |
Keneo | I have a msi nx 6600gt GPU with dvi and vga output, 2 monitors attached, can someone help me explaining how to set up my xorg.conf file for these 2monitors? | 01:37 |
kyncani | ENE|Toxic: why woould you want to compile xorg ? | 01:37 |
Beforewisdom | aserpe, I would go to the ubuntu forum, search on automatix, it is a tool that will install nvida drivers | 01:38 |
lisandro | i installed 0.94 vesion, with apt-get | 01:38 |
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ENE|Toxic | kyncani because apt-get install xserver-xorg didn't seem to do it | 01:38 |
Beforewisdom | aserpe, if that doesn't work post the question on the forums. | 01:38 |
aserpe | ok thanks | 01:38 |
Beforewisdom | I am sure it is a driver or an install issue | 01:38 |
Beforewisdom | aserpe, when you run ubuntu live did you have this problem? | 01:38 |
aserpe | probably install. I'm not very goot. | 01:38 |
aserpe | I didn't run the live on this. | 01:38 |
aserpe | I did it on my laptop | 01:38 |
aserpe | hrm... | 01:39 |
Beforewisdom | Run the livecd, that will tell the person who helps you a lot | 01:39 |
aserpe | ok | 01:39 |
aserpe | thanks!!! | 01:39 |
aserpe | :-) | 01:39 |
aserpe | bye!!!! | 01:39 |
Beforewisdom | the install program is very good | 01:39 |
Beforewisdom | hold on | 01:39 |
aserpe | ok | 01:39 |
Beforewisdom | you only need choose the defaults | 01:39 |
Beforewisdom | so I am guessing you need a better driver | 01:39 |
lgc | FlannelKing, Thanks! Say, do you know which option shows me the package mantainer? | 01:39 |
Beforewisdom | try automatix | 01:39 |
aserpe | what is automatix? | 01:39 |
Beforewisdom | if that doesn't work post to ubuntu forums | 01:39 |
Jowi | !automatix | 01:39 |
ubotu | I heard automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu. | 01:39 |
Beforewisdom | it is a tool for adding proprietary extension to ubuntu | 01:40 |
Jowi | !easyubuntu | 01:40 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 01:40 |
Beforewisdom | and setting up various cool things | 01:40 |
Beforewisdom | aserpe | 01:40 |
Beforewisdom | so try automatix | 01:40 |
lisandro | anyone can help me to install amsn 0.95 on ubuntu? | 01:40 |
Beforewisdom | get nvidia drivers | 01:40 |
kyncani | ENE|Toxic: didn't seem to do it ?? | 01:40 |
aserpe | ok | 01:40 |
Beforewisdom | then post to ubuntu if that doesn't work, the people there know their stuff | 01:40 |
ENE|Toxic | kyncani: yeah it didn't work to 'startx' | 01:40 |
Beforewisdom | are friendly, will help you fast | 01:40 |
aserpe | ok thaks! | 01:40 |
Beforewisdom | good luck | 01:40 |
aserpe | bye bye! | 01:40 |
aserpe | thanks! | 01:41 |
aserpe | hugs | 01:41 |
FlannelKing | lgc: "show" | 01:41 |
kyncani | ENE|Toxic: try X | 01:41 |
=== Kensey [n=kensey@065.100-113-64.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mmmiiikkkeee | how do i kill a procss if kill -9 does not do it? | 01:41 |
arrick | Anyone, I am trying to setup virtual hosts on my apache2 server, please look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12471 and tell me what I am doing wrong? | 01:41 |
Kensey | mike: you have to reboot as far as I know | 01:41 |
ENE|Toxic | kyncani ... oh :) That seems to give some result anyway. The screen is blank though (fuzzy-blank) | 01:41 |
=== luckyshot [i=smehta@used.my.1337.h4x0r.skill.to.exploit.your-mom.info] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kyncani | ENE|Toxic: yeah, that's the X window server. I think you should install x-window-system and gdm. | 01:42 |
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ENE|Toxic | kyncani: I was going to install fluxbox, do I really need gdm/xdm whatever ? | 01:42 |
xzion | can someone help me with installing psybnc serveR? | 01:43 |
kyncani | ENE|Toxic: no, wait a sec | 01:43 |
=== jeeaar [n=Jeeaar@S0106000f3d64fa89.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ENE|Toxic | kyncani: sure | 01:43 |
Keneo | can someone help me with setting up a dual monitor system? | 01:43 |
Kensey | I have Ubuntu 5.10 running on my laptop. I have wpa_supplicant set up to connect to my wireless network securely. However, 1) it doesn't do DHCP on the adapter like it should, 2) it blocks me from connecting to networks not listed in wpa_supplican.conf. Is there a way to fix those issues? | 01:43 |
jeeaar | how can i set up my ui so that the desktop shows a shortcut to floppy data? | 01:43 |
=== rodsor [n=rodsor@200-218-170-14.nat-box.maxiweb.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kyncani | ENE|Toxic: x-window-system and xdm ought to do it. They're small and close to the minimum | 01:44 |
arrick | FlannelKing, did you see my last post? | 01:44 |
ENE|Toxic | kyncani: great, thanks. Btw, do I need xserver-xorg & xserver-common to that ? | 01:44 |
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kyncani | ENE|Toxic: x-window-system will pull in xserver-xorg + some fonts and one additionnal thing or two. | 01:45 |
duelboot_away | I'm going to take the plunge and upgrade (not clean install) to dapper...what's the best way...oh, and in case you're wondering, no I don't care if it crashes...any instructions? | 01:45 |
rodsor | Hey all! Just a test (fresh Ubuntu install). | 01:45 |
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rodsor | bye! | 01:45 |
=== mzuverink [n=mzuverin@adsl-75-11-211-1.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skpl | can someone explain to me how to start an ftp server through inetd? | 01:45 |
ENE|Toxic | kyncani: great thanks alot | 01:45 |
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kyncani | ENE|Toxic: np :) | 01:45 |
jerware | skpl /etc/initd/ftp restart | 01:45 |
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jerware | skpl /etc/initd/vsftpd restart | 01:46 |
jerware | depends on the server | 01:46 |
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skpl | it is proftpd | 01:46 |
jerware | check synaptec package manageer | 01:46 |
jerware | ahh | 01:46 |
jerware | oh ok | 01:46 |
=== Kaya_ [n=baci@82-37-56-7.cable.ubr04.brom.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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jerware | skpl /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart | 01:46 |
arrick | anyone, if you are good with apache2, please check out my paste to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12471 | 01:46 |
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=== duelboot_away says hello to arrick | ||
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skpl | jerware, it is proftpd | 01:47 |
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jerware | sorry i use vsftpd. | 01:47 |
arrick | duelboot, you good with apache2? | 01:47 |
jerware | check the file in /etc/init.d skpl | 01:47 |
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jerware | than that <start> | 01:47 |
jerware | or <restart> | 01:48 |
duelboot | arrick, nope...know how to upgrade to dapper | 01:48 |
duelboot | ? | 01:48 |
arrick | nope | 01:48 |
lgc | FlannelKing, thanks! | 01:48 |
Kaya_ | arrick > (port 0 is reserved for one thing or another) so you need to change that for a start, and the other error is due to running a wildcard AND a numerical IP ie. running *:80 AND will NOT work | 01:48 |
Jowi | skpl: /etc/init.d/ and press <tab><tab> to see all the commands available. it's probably called proftpd or something similar | 01:48 |
duelboot | _jason, how to upgrade to dapper? | 01:48 |
=== Andy80 [n=wettreyw@host233-27.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kaya_ | its either *:80 OR not both | 01:48 |
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xzion | _jason: how to install psybnc server? | 01:49 |
Jowi | !tell duelboot about upgrade | 01:49 |
arrick | Kaya_, can you help me out here? | 01:49 |
duelboot | thx jowi | 01:49 |
=== Jowi bows | ||
jerware | i have telnet installed? according to synaptec package manager. but it's not in /etc/init.d | 01:49 |
skpl | Jowi, i got this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12472 | 01:49 |
arrick | Im not sure what i need to change | 01:49 |
=== Skymaker is now known as Sky|afk | ||
Kaya_ | Arrick > sure edit your HTTP.conf file and read through it, looking for the errors and change them as i said | 01:49 |
skpl | Jowi, i am trying to get it to start from inetd | 01:49 |
Kaya_ | httpd.conf ** | 01:49 |
jerware | i know ssh is better than telnet. but im reading an old TCP/IP book | 01:49 |
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skpl | Jowi, instead of standalone | 01:49 |
cyphase | you know how in IE6, it has a "For Netscape Users" menu option? | 01:49 |
arrick | Kaya_, I had the ip adys there in the first place and got the same errors | 01:49 |
cyphase | what if it changes to Firefox :P | 01:49 |
jerware | and it uses telnet to "time" tcp | 01:49 |
=== duelboot tells jowi that's the link to upgrade to breezy, not dapper | ||
Kaya_ | all IP's (no *'s?) | 01:50 |
Jowi | skpl: it is probably not configured properly. see if there is a wiki about proftp | 01:50 |
jerware | not for its login capabilities | 01:50 |
jeeaar | what is the default ubuntu interface> | 01:50 |
jeeaar | ? | 01:50 |
Kaya_ | Gnome? | 01:50 |
duelboot | jeeaar, login manager? or desktop? | 01:50 |
cyphase | Gnome for Ubuntu, KDE for Kubuntu | 01:50 |
=== Jowi tells duelboot to read the link more carefully especially this part "https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html" | ||
jeeaar | whichever would govern my pmount DL, i guess | 01:50 |
jerware | so im assuming no one here has bothered with telnet ? | 01:51 |
Jowi | hehe | 01:51 |
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Jowi | !proftp | 01:51 |
ubotu | Jowi: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:51 |
jerware | !telnet | 01:51 |
ubotu | hmm... telnet is bad, use ssh (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto) | 01:51 |
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jeeaar | lol, "telnet is bad" | 01:51 |
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=== duelboot tells jowi I should read ALL the way through (just like when I was in high school :) | ||
jerware | ok ok | 01:51 |
Kaya_ | Arrick > did you get my Message? | 01:52 |
=== shelby [n=shelby@pool-71-162-176-106.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
essien | how do i enable 2 languages? | 01:52 |
mzuverink | what would be the cli command to change the entire contents of a dir, include all sub dirs and their contents to 755(drwxr-wr-x)? | 01:53 |
mzuverink | opps drwxr-xr-x... | 01:54 |
Kaya_ | chmod 755 dir -R | 01:54 |
johncudd | essien go to System > Administration > Language Selector | 01:54 |
=== javier [n=javier@host29.201-252-35.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mzuverink | Kaya_: thank you! | 01:54 |
Kaya_ | Np's | 01:54 |
FlannelKing | duelboot: if no one's answered, there's a howto in the topic of #ubuntu+1 | 01:54 |
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duelboot | thx FlannelKing, Jowi was nice enough to answer...I'm starting the process now and my fingers are crossed | 01:55 |
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FlannelKing | duelboot: good luck to you! And remember, if something goes wrong, it just means it won't go wrong for 100s of people after you file a bug report and it gets fixed ;) | 01:56 |
skpl | does anyone know the name of the package that installs the 'britty' program? | 01:56 |
duelboot | FlannelKing, yep...and I'll just spend 20 min putting breezy back on | 01:56 |
FlannelKing | arrick: sorry, I'm not super familiar, you try asking at #apache? | 01:57 |
xzion | _jason: how to install psybnc server? | 01:57 |
xzion | please help me | 01:57 |
=== Skymaker is now known as Sky|afk | ||
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xzion | wget http://www.psychoid.lam3rz.de/psyBNC2.3.1.tar.gz | 01:57 |
xzion | didnt work :/ | 01:57 |
xzion | couldnt find it | 01:58 |
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xzion | can someone help me with installing psybnc server? | 01:59 |
Kaya_ | is it not in any APT Repo's? | 01:59 |
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odla | hi | 02:02 |
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essien | johncudd: then - how do i switch between the 2 | 02:03 |
minerale | what is the default root passord on ubuntu ? (livecd) | 02:04 |
FlannelKing | !tell minerale about root | 02:04 |
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Zarephath | Hey all...what do I need to do to allow rw access to a mount? I have reiserfs defaults,user 0 0 currently | 02:05 |
_jason | Zarephath: chmod/chown the mounted directories | 02:05 |
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Zarephath | __jason: I mounted as me(user zarephath) that won't setup the mount to allow me to write to it? | 02:08 |
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_jason | Zarephath: no it depends on the permissions the directories have. Treat it just like you would any other directory. do a 'ls -ld /path/to/mount' to see what they currently are | 02:08 |
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Zarephath | __jason: Ok I was just assuming that when the "user" was added into fstab and the mount was done as such by <user> that it would handle the permissions also..thanks | 02:09 |
_jason | Zarephath: nah, it just gives the user permission to actually mount it afaik | 02:10 |
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OrTigaS | hi i'm back! and still i cant listen to internet radio(FM/AM) | 02:11 |
DBO | _jason, what do you think about chowning mount points for external drives? I know its not standard practice but Im not sure I see the security hole... | 02:12 |
Zarephath | OrTigaS: Did you go to shoutcast? And try that? | 02:12 |
FlannelKing | OrTigaS: internet radio isn't in AM or FM. | 02:12 |
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-24-14-165-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hellz_hunter | maxtor > western digital? | 02:12 |
_jason | DBO: if you treat it the same you would a directory in your $HOME, I see nothing wrong with it | 02:12 |
Zarephath | hellz_hunter: My experience with Maxtor has been not too favorable... | 02:12 |
hellz_hunter | so western digital? | 02:13 |
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OrTigaS | i tried the FM and AM still wont work the sounds | 02:13 |
arrick | not yet | 02:14 |
OrTigaS | but when i try to open a video clip it play with sounds | 02:14 |
arrick | FlannelKing, normally they arent much help in there, but will try | 02:14 |
FlannelKing | OrTigaS: AM/FM aren't internet radio. | 02:14 |
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FlannelKing | arrick: yeah, I know. I can help you... in about two hours, if oure still around ;) | 02:14 |
OrTigaS | it is FlannelKing | 02:14 |
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DBO | uhg... something wrong with the router, too lazy to fix though | 02:15 |
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arrick | ok | 02:16 |
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lgc | FlannelKing, do you know how to make lm-sensors work? | 02:17 |
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OrTigaS | anyone have an idea why my sounds wont play when i try to listen to internet radio(FM/AM) | 02:17 |
FlannelKing | lgc: what's an lm sensor? | 02:17 |
OrTigaS | but when i play video clips it works the sound | 02:17 |
no_no_no | anyone know about locking down or administering ubuntu? what is this called? | 02:18 |
Zarephath | hellz_hunter: I like Seagate | 02:18 |
Zarephath | no_no_no: Security | 02:18 |
Zarephath | !tell no_no_no about security | 02:19 |
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Zarephath | !tell no_no_no about wiki | 02:19 |
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no_no_no | looking at the wiki..thanks | 02:20 |
=== Zenero [n=Rorschac@toronto-HSE-ppp4007418.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xzion | how to connect to my ubuntu box with ssh? | 02:20 |
Zarephath | np | 02:20 |
xzion | can someone help me? | 02:20 |
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lgc | FlannelKing, lm-sensors: "Utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors" (from apt-cache show) | 02:20 |
_jason | ubotu: tell xzion about ssh | 02:20 |
Zarephath | xzion: First off you need to run openssh-keygen -t dsa(or rsa) or both | 02:20 |
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Zarephath | xzion: Actually before that you need to make sure your hosts and hosts_allow is setup on both machines | 02:22 |
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Zarephath | hosts_deny too | 02:22 |
FlannelKing | Actually, before all that (and before you leave, which you already have done) you need to install ssh-server | 02:22 |
Zenero | Is it possible to access a remote ntfs system? | 02:22 |
Zarephath | !tell xzion about openssh | 02:22 |
no_no_no | ok | 02:22 |
OrTigaS | now its play with sounds already!!! :) | 02:23 |
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OrTigaS | i just save it first then opne and play~! | 02:23 |
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OrTigaS | open* | 02:23 |
no_no_no | i know im gonna get flamed but im reading the wiki and i get what it says, but im trying to admin 6 workstations at once..where do i look? what is this called? | 02:23 |
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OrTigaS | how about another one... i cant see other window$ PC on a Network | 02:24 |
OrTigaS | how can i do that... i installed already Samba | 02:24 |
Zarephath | no_no_no: Remote admin...if you want to ssh to 6 boxes then I assume you have to make 6 connections to said boxes... | 02:24 |
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Zarephath | Depending on what you want to do...might learn to write python, perl, or bash scripts..then you can copy the file(s) to said machines and execute them and let them do the work | 02:25 |
no_no_no | is there a guide on how to setup a small network? | 02:25 |
Zarephath | no_no_no: What do you mean...are all the machines up and connected via hub or router? | 02:26 |
GTroy | are proprietary drivers a bad thing usabiltiy wise? | 02:27 |
DBO | no | 02:27 |
DBO | they are a good thing | 02:27 |
no_no_no | theyre on a hub.. the hub goes into a gateway router... | 02:27 |
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DBO | allow me to rephrase GTroy, while open source IS prefered, currently the proprietary drivers are better for most devices | 02:28 |
Zarephath | Ok so you have a small network already if all of them have different ips assigned statically or via dhcp...however if you are wanting to run one as a web server, another as ftp, etc..you are better off doing static ip assignment | 02:28 |
GTroy | thanks DBO that makes it clearer | 02:28 |
no_no_no | no | 02:28 |
no_no_no | i just want to do admin stuff once | 02:28 |
no_no_no | and have them restart | 02:28 |
no_no_no | and i want to lock them down | 02:29 |
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no_no_no | this is a kids computer lab | 02:29 |
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DBO | no_no_no, ok, are they linux machines? | 02:29 |
no_no_no | no theyre gateways and had MS HOME and were all crappy so i put ubuntu on them | 02:29 |
no_no_no | before we were using something called DeepFreeze | 02:29 |
no_no_no | is there something with that functionality for linux? | 02:29 |
DBO | mmm, what does deep freeze do? | 02:30 |
arrick | !enter | 02:30 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 02:30 |
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no_no_no | it prevents changes from being written to disk. so when frozen a restart restores the system | 02:30 |
no_no_no | no viruses, no history, no documents, you can even format the C: | 02:30 |
lgc | FlannelKing, do you know where are the boot messages stored? | 02:30 |
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no_no_no | sorry im not a linux person.. im not even good at computers but if i can read it or find out what its called then i can look it up | 02:31 |
DBO | no_no_no, you dont really that in linux... | 02:31 |
=== MistaED [n=boberfly@203-214-140-27.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyequeue | no_no_no, are you looking to make your root firesystem readonly, perhaps? (man 5 fstab, you would want "ro" option) | 02:31 |
no_no_no | that doesnt exist? or you dont need it? | 02:31 |
no_no_no | sure? | 02:31 |
eyequeue | fiLesystem | 02:31 |
DBO | no_no_no, you dont really need it, as regular users there is very little they could do to fubar the system, and they would have to be very smart to pull it off | 02:32 |
Zarephath | no_no_no: Look at tuxmag..there is a program g4 something that is like ghost that would give some benefits of what you are describing... | 02:32 |
=== capiCrimm [n=capiCrim@CPE-65-31-169-86.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
no_no_no | really? | 02:32 |
=== nopcode_ [n=nopcode@sushi.unix-ag.uni-kl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nopcode_ | hey | 02:32 |
no_no_no | but in ubuntu they can right click and rearrange icons, etc | 02:32 |
nopcode_ | i just read the following sentence 'Have you ever wondered who the people behind Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu are and what they do?' | 02:32 |
nopcode_ | ehrm. | 02:32 |
Zarephath | denn? | 02:33 |
nopcode_ | is there a seperate distribution depending on which windowmanager you want? | 02:33 |
eyequeue | no_no_no, a better solution to my way of thinking is to have a recent *backup* of your critical files (such as those under /etc) | 02:33 |
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no_no_no | there is still cleanup to be done to keep it at a usable level, even if it doesnt cripple the system | 02:33 |
capiCrimm | anyone what I have to issue to link a opengl program on ubuntu? | 02:33 |
no_no_no | you dont understand | 02:33 |
capiCrimm | link/compile | 02:33 |
no_no_no | there is nothing critical on these. | 02:33 |
no_no_no | theyre wiped down with nothing but ubuntu.. just for use in a lab. | 02:33 |
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nopcode_ | is there a seperate ubuntu-distribution for each window-manager? | 02:33 |
no_no_no | is there a kiosk mode or something? these arent workstations where stuff is stored | 02:34 |
DBO | hmmm, maybe he could just chown their home directories... | 02:34 |
Zarephath | Look....linux uses a /home/user system...so when someone uses the computer and you want to erase everything they do you just kill that username directory under home...that is a kludge but would work | 02:34 |
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starfishy | i am trying to network install breezy. I used the DVD to set up the repository | 02:34 |
no_no_no | but id still have to go back in and set it up for a 12 year old to use | 02:34 |
DBO | no_no_no, if you want to remove their ability to make ANY changes to the system, after you set up the account chown their home directory to root | 02:34 |
capiCrimm | nopcode_, sorta, but in theory you can install any windows-manager/desktop environment in any distro. | 02:34 |
iceman | hey i'm hoping someone can help me to install ubuntu 5.10 brezzy dvd cd i just burned and am running right now, its the live/install cd but i didnt see it say anything about install when booting so where do i go once it loaded to install it on my system? | 02:34 |
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no_no_no | chown | 02:34 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop for gnome, kubuntu-desktop for kde, xubuntu-desktop for xfce ... they can all coexist on the same machine | 02:34 |
no_no_no | okay | 02:34 |
no_no_no | brb | 02:35 |
no_no_no | thanks | 02:35 |
nopcode_ | capiCrimm: i mean this really sounds like utter bullshit to me | 02:35 |
Zarephath | DBO: I could see lots of options...but am still unsure exactly what needs there are in regard to the kids lab? | 02:35 |
capiCrimm | nopcode_, why? | 02:35 |
starfishy | on boot i get a kernel panic with RAMDISK: incomplete write (16384 != 32768) | 02:35 |
no_no_no | i thought about edbuntu and its system | 02:35 |
DBO | Zarephath, I think he wants them to be able to log in, but doesnt want to give them write access to the drive | 02:35 |
no_no_no | what is it ltps? | 02:35 |
nopcode_ | capiCrimm: because usually linux systems are multiuser | 02:35 |
capiCrimm | nopcode_, so? | 02:35 |
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starfishy | i tried different ramdisk sizes (the one from the defaults file on the CD and other sizes) | 02:35 |
starfishy | no change | 02:36 |
=== Zoba [n=Zoba@Sull-05-68.rh.ncsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starfishy | not even to the numbers | 02:36 |
capiCrimm | nocode_, if you want you can install multiple wm/de on one box, and each user can use a different one. | 02:36 |
nopcode_ | capiCrimm: so? i'd have to think hard to come up with anything a distro could do window-manager specific | 02:36 |
iceman | can anyone tell me how to install ubuntu though the dvd iso version? | 02:36 |
Zoba | Hi | 02:36 |
no_no_no | ive even thought about getting it the way i want and burning it onto a live cd | 02:36 |
nopcode_ | capiCrimm: that is, i don't understand the distribution/wm coupling at all. | 02:36 |
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Zarephath | DBO: We both know that only works to a certain extent..unless they are dumb terms where the teacher provides the stuff and then it updates the terms... | 02:36 |
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starfishy | how do i set the ramdisk so it does not get incomplete writes? | 02:36 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, install as many as you like and then let each user decide which the prefer to run | 02:36 |
no_no_no | but i have the icons and window manager set up so that its very sparse and theres not a lot of distractiosn | 02:36 |
capiCrimm | nopcode_, it's just a program | 02:36 |
Zoba | I'm writing a paper and I need to know some specifics on whats good about open source software, and/or the GPL. | 02:36 |
no_no_no | in windows i edited the registry to remove shutdown, remove control panels etc | 02:37 |
nopcode_ | eyequeue, capiCrimm: so wtf is it with the different distros? | 02:37 |
iceman | zoba you could google open-source | 02:37 |
iceman | and its advantages | 02:37 |
DBO | Zarephath, ultimately thats true, the unix was not designed to provide a dummy environement... | 02:37 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, calm down a sec, perhaps some history will make it clearer | 02:37 |
capiCrimm | nopcode_, just what they install by default | 02:37 |
Zoba | iceman, I keep coming across "speeds up development" and "free to consumers" and thats it | 02:37 |
nopcode_ | eyequeue: i'm listening | 02:37 |
Zarephath | You can control the ability to shutdown by user permissions.. | 02:38 |
DBO | no_no_no, if they dont have write access to their home directories (and provided that doesn't cause the funky side effects it will) they wont be able to make ANY permenant changes to the system | 02:38 |
nopcode_ | capiCrimm: to save the user from selecting something while installing? | 02:38 |
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DBO | no_no_no, by default, so long as they arent a system admin, they cant shutdown the system (short of pressing the button) | 02:38 |
capiCrimm | nopcode_, by distro's you mean different versions of Ubuntu? | 02:38 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, ubuntu was first developed with GNOME in mind ... later, some folks wanted to have what they considered the benefits of ubuntu, but KDE-centric, hence kubuntu was born. clearer? | 02:38 |
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Zoba | iceman, I'm a devout windows user, and am trying to give open source a fair shake...but its seemingly impossible to write about it in a good light | 02:38 |
iceman | can anyone give me a link to install ubuntu from the live/install DVD? | 02:39 |
DBO | no_no_no, I take that back, they can with the GUI... there is a way to disable that... | 02:39 |
nopcode_ | capiCrimm: kubuntu etc, yeah | 02:39 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, and of course xfce had proponents that eventually formed xubuntu | 02:39 |
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nopcode_ | eyequeue: i don't get it, the window-manager is nowhere a central component | 02:39 |
_jason | Zoba: have you read about what ``free'' software actually means? | 02:39 |
iceman | zoba, well its free and will always be free thats always a plus, and anyone can help devlop it thats an advantage of open source | 02:40 |
capiCrimm | nopcode_, yeah it's pretty much the default software they install and what they focus on more than anything. If you really want you can get a fairly bare system by typing ``server'' at install. | 02:40 |
nopcode_ | eyequeue: there's scripts to fill the startup-menus for different wm's based on installed packages | 02:40 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, there are "meta-packages" to pull in all the various dependencies for each, in a convenient manner, such as "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" but that's just for convenience | 02:40 |
Zoba | _jason, there are several types...I'm reporting specifically on GNU GPL, but will include other types if necessary | 02:40 |
=== Cyrax [n=Cyrax@adsl4-101-102.du.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | ubotu: tell Zoba about free | 02:40 |
nopcode_ | eyequeue: ok but that could easily be an option in the installer, couldn't it? | 02:40 |
capiCrimm | nopcode_, like nubuntu is focused on security and speed I believe. | 02:41 |
DBO | Zoba, not to mention the security implications of open source. The code is reviewed by thousands of developers world wide, and when an exploit IS found, it is often fixed in a matter of days, not months | 02:41 |
_jason | Zoba: I mean free as in freedom, that's what makes free software so great imo | 02:41 |
Zarephath | Zoba: Actually "open source" started from a concept called the GNU license...which essentially means that anyone can have free access to the code to do with as they will....even if they modify it they can charge money...there are plenty of sources if you search google for them...try tuxmag.. | 02:41 |
Zoba | iceman, heh...those are the only two I keep running into | 02:41 |
=== Skwid_ [n=Skwid___@bas1-montreal42-1177927761.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iceman | well whats good about closed-source? | 02:41 |
Cyrax | is this not the "ubuntuforums" channel? | 02:41 |
Zoba | DBO, thanks for that | 02:41 |
fires|work | how do i mount a usb drive? | 02:41 |
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_jason | Cyrax: #ubuntuforums | 02:41 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, sure, if the original design was "install any of the following", if could be, sure. but again, the original intent was to be gnome-specific, the others came later | 02:41 |
capiCrimm | does anyone know what I need to link to to compile a OpenGl program. | 02:41 |
Zoba | iceman, it helps to economy and gives people jobs | 02:42 |
Cyrax | it just says ubuntu not "ubuntuforums" | 02:42 |
_jason | fires|work: did you try just plugging it in? (gnome usually handles it for you) | 02:42 |
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fires|work | _jason, not running gnome... | 02:42 |
lgc | FlannelKing, do you know where are the messages generated at boot time stored? | 02:42 |
=== neeja [i=neeja@CPE-147-10-211-227.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DBO | Zoba, open source != non-profit | 02:42 |
aloon | whats the command to uninstall a deb package if you only have a terminal | 02:42 |
DBO | Zoba, a lot of open source companies, such as red hat, make money, provide jobs, and still use open source products | 02:42 |
bitwiseshiftleft | fires|work: otherwise, you could try sudo mount /media/usbdrive /dev/sd[stuff...] | 02:42 |
_jason | can we move the open source/ free software talk to #ubuntu-offtopic please? | 02:42 |
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Zarephath | aloon: man dpkg | 02:42 |
eyequeue | aloon, dpkg --purge foo | 02:42 |
aloon | thanks | 02:42 |
Zoba | DBO, true but if you use the GNU GPL you have to supply the source code, dont you? | 02:42 |
bitwiseshiftleft | fires|work: you'll have to create /media/usbdrive first | 02:43 |
DBO | Zoba, to offtopic we go | 02:43 |
Zarephath | Zoba: yes | 02:43 |
Zoba | ok | 02:43 |
capiCrimm | Zoba, read The Cathedral and the Bazaar | 02:43 |
lgc | aloon, do you know why dpkg --purge fails? | 02:43 |
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aloon | I havent tried yet | 02:43 |
=== Zarephath wonders if DBO minds while I watch..heh | ||
nopcode_ | eyequeue: hm but for me the window-manager is just a tool to start xterms and move windows | 02:43 |
nopcode_ | eyequeue: can't be hard to make that generic | 02:43 |
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capiCrimm | Zoba, infact just look at O'reilly, they make plenty of money off of Open Source Software. | 02:44 |
fires|work | bitwiseshiftleft, ahh i almost had it. i was trying to use the wrong device | 02:44 |
fires|work | thank you :) | 02:44 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, i'm honestly more a CLI junkie myself, but i was trying to explain in terms of ubuntu | 02:44 |
nopcode_ | i tend to ask people who want an (integrated) desktop environment to use windows | 02:44 |
DBO | Zoba, join #ubuntu-offtpic | 02:44 |
nopcode_ | because that's microsoft's domain | 02:44 |
Zarephath | capiCrimm: What about canonical..offering free Ubuntu cds...mail them and pay for postage..the concept is here too...I don't know how profitable it is to this point.. | 02:44 |
aloon | Im helping a friend who upgraded a program called udev by accident and now it says needs higher kernel on boot udev error, is it possible to fix that? | 02:45 |
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nopcode_ | eyequeue: but still, branching is a decision that should not be taken lightly | 02:45 |
lgc | anyone knowledgeable with palm->Ubuntu transfers? | 02:45 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, i do however disagree about GUI's being a coprpration's domain, but i don't think that will ever be resolved on irc, heh | 02:45 |
nopcode_ | eyequeue: and i wonder why people would branch depending on a wm | 02:45 |
DewDude | anyone that knows nx know what's up with this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12457 | 02:45 |
nopcode_ | eyequeue: well, ok apple is probably even better... but both of them can force certain design styles on the developers | 02:46 |
mischko | Where to get firefox via apt? | 02:46 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, even *emacs branched ... i guess it's whatever someone feels strongly enough about, and i do know i've seen some rather "religious wars" about wms, even though apparently neither you nor i feel that strongly about them ourselves | 02:47 |
nopcode_ | oh i do | 02:47 |
nopcode_ | but for me, they're still just an add-on | 02:47 |
nopcode_ | on top of an OS | 02:47 |
=== Zoohouse [n=joel@adsl-8-125-198.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zoohouse | Hello everyone | 02:48 |
nopcode_ | eyequeue: i feel strongly for emacs too, and it's just an application as well ;) | 02:48 |
NanoBCN | Hi people. Stupid question. Can I mount an ftp share with the "mount" utility? | 02:48 |
nopcode_ | NanoBCN: yupo | 02:48 |
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nopcode_ | ehrm 'yup' | 02:48 |
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NanoBCN | nopcode_, thanks, do you remember the syntax? | 02:49 |
nopcode_ | NanoBCN: no, never used it | 02:49 |
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NanoBCN | I'm experiencing very weird things when mounting it from the GUI | 02:49 |
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nopcode_ | from what gui?! | 02:49 |
NanoBCN | folders change name if start with numbers and hide their content | 02:49 |
Zoohouse | Quick question. I just bought a 19'' wide screen LCD monitor. I go to Sys Settings, Display and 1280 x 1024. How do I change the ress it can be bigger then 1280 x 1024 and for wide screen? | 02:50 |
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NanoBCN | GUI = Desktop application "Connect to a server" | 02:50 |
nopcode_ | sys settings? | 02:50 |
nopcode_ | weird | 02:50 |
Zoohouse | System Settings | 02:50 |
NanoBCN | Places -> Connect to a server | 02:50 |
Zoohouse | using KDE | 02:50 |
Zoohouse | sorry | 02:50 |
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nopcode_ | are we talking about linux? | 02:50 |
Zoohouse | yea | 02:50 |
nopcode_ | weird | 02:51 |
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NanoBCN | and I was wondering that if I mount it from command line I might have a better result | 02:51 |
NanoBCN | Ubuntu 5.10 here | 02:51 |
no_no_no | thanks.. yah when i turned them off with the power button on the case it quit to shell and i had to type in a password | 02:51 |
Zoohouse | KDE's System settings | 02:51 |
no_no_no | to get it to shut down...wild | 02:51 |
nopcode_ | NanoBCN: you should do everything from the command line | 02:51 |
nopcode_ | for flexibility and verbosity | 02:51 |
NanoBCN | nopcode_, indeed, that's my opinion too, but since I don't remember now the syntax I gave a try to the GUI | 02:52 |
Kensey | what's the date for the next release, and is it stable enough to start dist-upgrading yet? | 02:52 |
nopcode_ | guis tend to hide both | 02:52 |
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NanoBCN | well... don't remember mount nor fstab syntax for ftp... | 02:52 |
eyequeue | NanoBCN, if you're looking for the command line sysntax, 'man 8 mount' should provide it in detail | 02:52 |
NanoBCN | and can't find it... | 02:52 |
Tennessee | Hi all. Here's a general linux question. I'm trying to coordinate a group of people from related but different mailing lists. Can I set up a mailing list on my own p.c. to cross-post people's emails to each mailing list based on subject headers? | 02:52 |
nickgarvey | eyequeue: what does putting a number in front of mount do? | 02:52 |
nickgarvey | eyequeue: when searching the man page | 02:53 |
Kensey | Tennesse: you could, but it would likely be easier to set up another list or even a USENET server | 02:53 |
eyequeue | nickgarvey, pulls from a specific "section" of the "manual" ... 8 grabs admin-ish commands | 02:53 |
nickgarvey | oh thank you | 02:53 |
Kensey | are the lists all hosted on different servers? | 02:54 |
Tennessee | Kensey: I could set up something like a google group for the people involved, but it seems to me that there's some value in having the posts also go to the particular lists for general interest. | 02:54 |
Tennessee | One list is the python-au list, the other is mpug (a python list for Melbourne Aus). | 02:54 |
eyequeue | nickgarvey, the last line in /etc/manpath.config probably lists the default order on your box, but "man man" should explain the concepts at least | 02:54 |
Tennessee | But there are slightly different people on each list. | 02:55 |
nickgarvey | eyequeue: okie thanks again | 02:55 |
nin | I'm completely new to this shit, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some basic things? | 02:55 |
eyequeue | nickgarvey, np | 02:55 |
Kensey | I'd say your best bet is to set up a third list | 02:55 |
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arrick | !language | 02:55 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 02:55 |
dvdman_ | Good evening | 02:55 |
arrick | would be a good start | 02:55 |
lgc | eyequeue, "man 8 mount" gives the same result as "man mount" | 02:55 |
nin | Oh sorry | 02:55 |
Kensey | most mailing lists take a dim view of things autposted from other lists | 02:55 |
arrick | np | 02:55 |
dvdman_ | any idea what this means | 02:55 |
djk_ | nin: basic things like manners? | 02:55 |
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Tennessee | Kensey: I think I agree. Well, my meeting is just about to start. I'd better get myself a pillow. See you all later. | 02:55 |
dvdman_ | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) | 02:55 |
nin | Like manners? | 02:55 |
eyequeue | lgc, yes, 8 is probably the first section that had a "mount" page on your box, per that order, i'd guess | 02:56 |
nin | I asked politely, just cussed... bleh. Sorry | 02:56 |
NanoBCN | I looked for it but there is no mention to "ftp" in the whole manual... | 02:56 |
nopcode_ | uhm, for me that word is part of standard vocabulary | 02:56 |
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arrick | anyone, how do I create a group with multiple users with access to only one folder and below? | 02:56 |
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aloon | what is the command to check if you are online in a terminal session? | 02:56 |
dvdman_ | Aloon: ping www.google.com | 02:56 |
dvdman_ | ? | 02:56 |
Kensey | dvd: it means whatever dpkg was doing on behalf of apt failed with error code 2 | 02:56 |
dvdman_ | :) | 02:56 |
arrick | ping www.google.com | 02:56 |
dvdman_ | Kensey, really? :) | 02:56 |
eyequeue | aloon, i don't know what you really want, but for me, i'd ping a remote site | 02:56 |
aloon | thanks | 02:57 |
lgc | eyequeue, this is something I've never quite understood. The numbering in "man". | 02:57 |
Kensey | the numbering of sections is pretty much an arbitrary convention | 02:57 |
Kensey | it goes back what, 20-some years? | 02:57 |
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Kensey | but it's handy if for example you have both a system call "foo" and a user app "foo" | 02:58 |
eyequeue | lgc, "man man" and in the first screen or two you should get a list of section numbers | 02:58 |
=== The-Moon [n=the-moon@c-68-45-84-249.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kensey | you can say "man 1 foo" and you get the user utility | 02:58 |
nickgarvey | nin this is a bit dated, but still good http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 02:58 |
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The-Moon | Dose anyone know where i can download the NVidia Kernel? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_readme_install.html | 02:58 |
nin | Right on, thank you | 02:58 |
arab- | shit | 02:58 |
jadaz87 | !language | 02:59 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 02:59 |
nopcode_ | lol | 02:59 |
The-Moon | sh*t aint a curse word | 02:59 |
arab- | fuck. bitch. shit. | 02:59 |
arab- | 20:57 < nopcode> hm komisch | 02:59 |
arab- | 20:57 < nopcode> in #ubuntu auf freenode wird man verwarnt, wenn man 'shit' sagt | 02:59 |
arab- | 20:57 < nopcode> aber das ist doch standardvokabular? | 02:59 |
arab- | 20:58 < nopcode> so wie "stuff"? | 02:59 |
_jason | !language | 02:59 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 02:59 |
arrick | !ops | 02:59 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 02:59 |
eyequeue | lgc, "man 5 filename" and "man 8 toolname" are handy distinctions when filename and toolname share the same spelling :) | 02:59 |
arab- | <nopcode> hm strange | 02:59 |
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nopcode_ | The-Moon: my point | 03:00 |
The-Moon | ? | 03:00 |
nopcode_ | isn't it used interchangeably with 'stuff'? | 03:00 |
arrick | ok | 03:00 |
jadaz87 | !tell The-Moon about rules | 03:00 |
Kensey | not in English. | 03:00 |
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The-Moon | ok well i wont say.... the s word. But could anyone help me install my nividia drivers? | 03:00 |
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The-Moon | i downloaded the run package from nvidia.com | 03:01 |
iceman | what is lvm option during the install process ? | 03:01 |
The-Moon | but its asking for kernels yet dosent tell me where to get them from | 03:01 |
nickgarvey | !tell The-Moon about nvidia | 03:01 |
ITSa341 | The-Moon sounds like you and I are on the same project right now | 03:01 |
The-Moon | i didnt get no msg for it.... | 03:01 |
The-Moon | word? | 03:01 |
iceman | The-Moon read the tab | 03:01 |
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lgc | eyequeue, can you give an example? | 03:01 |
eyequeue | The-Moon, in that case, in irc, try "/msg ubotu nvidia" | 03:02 |
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The-Moon | iceman : i didnt get a prb msg about nvida | 03:02 |
nickgarvey | The-Moon: then do what eyequeue said | 03:02 |
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The-Moon | oh wait | 03:02 |
The-Moon | there it goes | 03:02 |
nopcode_ | Kensey: well, that surely depends on what subset of english we're talking about | 03:02 |
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ifr | Just installed Audacity and it can't find my sound card. Can anyone point me in the right direction? | 03:02 |
ITSa341 | The-Moon I'm working on the nvidia drivers right now also but in Xandros 4, Hoping to get 3d acceleration working | 03:02 |
iceman | whats lvm during the install process at the harddrive setup stage .. | 03:02 |
nopcode_ | Kensey: in hiphop, the word ist quite common | 03:02 |
nickgarvey | ifr: do other things work fine? | 03:02 |
Kensey | hey dvdman, when's the last time you updated your package list? | 03:03 |
nickgarvey | nopcode_: if you are still talking about swearing, I think common sense would be your best bet | 03:03 |
Kensey | try apt-get update then apt-get install whatever you were trying to do before | 03:03 |
nickgarvey | nopcode_: if common sense says you probably shouldn't say it, don't | 03:03 |
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ifr | nickgarvey, hey! Yes, including audio playback! | 03:03 |
nopcode_ | nickgarvey: that's the issue, i use the word on a daily basis (speaking german, tho ;)) | 03:04 |
ifr | Except in audacity | 03:04 |
=== aloon [n=aloon@S01060050ba20ae81.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickgarvey | ifr: hmm, let me get audacity (I am actually running suse right now but eh I'll try) | 03:04 |
aloon | is it possible to upgrade your kernel thrugh apt-get? | 03:04 |
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joe_ | hey, this is a 300mhz computer with 256 megs of ram. a amd K6 | 03:04 |
nickgarvey | aloon: if its in the repos.. | 03:04 |
aloon | okay thanks | 03:04 |
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joe_ | I have the accelerated NVIDIA drivers loaded, yet xwindows runs increadibly slow | 03:05 |
iceman | well i'll be crazy. Ubuntu does allow fat32 install ... | 03:05 |
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nickgarvey | joe_: I'd use damn small linux, if its really 300 mhz... | 03:05 |
eyequeue | lgc, try these two commands: man 5 crontab (you'll see the format for /etc/crontab, for example) then man 1 crontab (you'll see the syntax for /urs/bin/crontab) | 03:05 |
ITSa341 | joe_ how's it run with ubuntu on it? | 03:05 |
joe_ | what do you mean how does it run? | 03:05 |
ITSa341 | stable? | 03:05 |
joe_ | yeah, very. | 03:05 |
joe_ | why wouldn't it? | 03:05 |
ITSa341 | cool | 03:05 |
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nickgarvey | iceman: I don't think.. I don"t think it will let you boot ubuntu from it, it can partition it.. | 03:05 |
joe_ | it's jsut slow. | 03:05 |
joe_ | I was wondering why its so slow. Is it gnome? | 03:05 |
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iceman | just requires a swap ... now how to dump the swap and setup a swap file for ubuntu, and | 03:05 |
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iceman | Linux can and will run from fat 32 ... used to be able ... | 03:06 |
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ITSa341 | My thinkpad 600 with a 266mhz p2 and 512 runs pretty good with ubuntu | 03:06 |
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lgc | eyequeue, thanks. But what number do I get with "man crontab"? | 03:06 |
joe_ | ITSa341, do you just use default GNOME? | 03:06 |
nickgarvey | iceman: hmm I felt like I tried that once.. let me check google.. | 03:06 |
ITSa341 | Yup | 03:06 |
joe_ | My question is, is it gnome that makes it run so slow? If so, what would be a better one to run? | 03:06 |
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joe_ | whats a super fast window manager | 03:06 |
nopcode_ | fvwm2 | 03:06 |
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_jason | joe_: fluxbox | 03:06 |
sweatpea | Hello Ubuntu folk, I am having some problems getting Hamachi to run | 03:07 |
nickgarvey | lgc: you get 1 | 03:07 |
joe_ | Its got to have decent functionality. | 03:07 |
djk_ | wmii | 03:07 |
joe_ | I'm not acutally joe, this is a friend of mines computer | 03:07 |
_jason | joe_: have you tried xfce? | 03:07 |
joe_ | he had xp installed.. and..... hahaha | 03:07 |
nickgarvey | joe_: xfce is larger than flux but smaller than gnome also | 03:07 |
joe_ | just imagen that on 300mhz and 256 megs of ram | 03:07 |
nopcode_ | joe_: decent functionality? like what? | 03:07 |
joe_ | easy to use | 03:07 |
eyequeue | lgc, if you type 'tail -1 /etc/manpath.config" you'll probably see a line that tells you how *your* box is configured ... i'll gues you would see the page from section 1 first, but you may have changed things from default | 03:07 |
ITSa341 | joe_ I run Xandros 4 with kde and soon xgl on my faster machine (3.0ghz p4 overclocked to 4.5ghz with active cooling to -30f ) but I like Gnome for the slower machines | 03:07 |
sweatpea | I get the message cannot run strip: no such file or directory I am am pretty new to linux and Ubuntu any suggestions? | 03:07 |
joe_ | Gnome he can get, I'm not sure how he would be with something else. Its been a long time since I've used linux and different window managers | 03:07 |
iceman | well damit .. i want linux on fat32 ... crapppppppp | 03:08 |
nickgarvey | joe_: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 03:08 |
joe_ | I was thinking that it might run faster with compiz seeing it would be completely ran by opengl | 03:08 |
joe_ | and his video card is a geforce 2.. | 03:08 |
nickgarvey | joe_: that easy | 03:08 |
joe_ | but I dont think that it works with geforce2s anyway | 03:08 |
eyequeue | lgc, again, "man man" has background on the various sections, if you're interested | 03:08 |
joe_ | KDE would run faster than gnome? | 03:08 |
joe_ | wait that would be kbuntu would it | 03:08 |
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ITSa341 | joe_ compiz and xgl are fast but I'm not sure about the processor and memory load | 03:08 |
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joe_ | yeah good point | 03:09 |
acid-trip | !glxgears | 03:09 |
ubotu | To display the FPS type "glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark" | 03:09 |
ITSa341 | joe_ gnome is faster than kde for me | 03:09 |
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iceman | read todat fat32 is actualy faster read / write than ext2 ... | 03:09 |
lgc | eyequeue, I get "SECTION 1 n l 8 3 2 3posix 3pm 3perl 5 4 9 6 7 | 03:09 |
joe_ | but the reason it IS so slow is becuase of the window managers right? | 03:09 |
djk_ | does the [Ku|U] ubuntu live-cd come with gparted or qtparted or just parted? | 03:09 |
The-Moon | awsome making progress now | 03:09 |
joe_ | becuase I remember running linux fine on a 300mhz | 03:09 |
eyequeue | lgc, yes, as i suspected, on your box, 1 comes before 5 | 03:09 |
joe_ | with xwindows back in the day | 03:09 |
iceman | I just wat a linux install, that will run from a fat32 harddrive ... and boot from loadlin | 03:09 |
nopcode_ | joe_: most of that desktop-stuff has massive overhead | 03:09 |
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lgc | eyequeue, I get "SECTION 1 n l 8 3 2 3posix 3pm 3perl 5 4 9 6 7". What is that, though? | 03:10 |
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eyequeue | lgc, but as you may have just figured out, you can reconfigure that if you prefer :) | 03:10 |
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joe_ | nop, so what is your recommendation | 03:10 |
Aeudian | I have 2 Ubuntu Systems how come my one system has a GUI when booting and my other system doesnt? | 03:10 |
ifr | nickgarvey, any luck :) | 03:10 |
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joe_ | and besides that, is there anything I can do to tweak the speed? Like WinXP has with classic mode and turning off effects, for example | 03:10 |
dainanaki | aeudian, probably xconf is messed is up | 03:10 |
sweatpea | hello, I am a newb and need some help is this a good place to ask? I don't want to break netiquite | 03:11 |
nopcode_ | joe_: use one of those that were recommended... i think it was fvwm2, fluxbox, xfce | 03:11 |
joe_ | ok thank you | 03:11 |
bur[n] er | Aeudian: messed up xorg.conf? | 03:11 |
_jason | sweatpea: perfect place, just don't ask for permission to ask :) | 03:11 |
ITSa341 | joe_ kde is starting to get bloated and use a lot of rescources like that "other os" with the machine you are running gnome or another simple window manager like they are recommending | 03:11 |
nopcode_ | i can only speak for fvwm2 but it is _very_ performant | 03:11 |
MisterN | n8 | 03:11 |
Aeudian | bur[n] er: only installed nvidia drivers which goofed at first but work now | 03:11 |
joe_ | I should totally just dump him to a console mode only | 03:11 |
joe_ | and be like "heres the aim client, heres lynx....... good luck" | 03:11 |
eyequeue | lgc, that is the configuration line that specifies what the default section ordering is, if you don't specify a section number on the command line | 03:11 |
bur[n] er | Aeudian: so what's the problem? ;) | 03:11 |
ifr | sweatpea, sure it: state what you got, what you want and what's not working, and someone will try to help ;) | 03:12 |
sweatpea | Thanks _Jason I am having some problem installing Hamachi under Ubuntu. The error i get after running Make Install is "install: cannot run strip: No such file or directory | 03:12 |
dainanaki | is anyone knowledgable about the "lookup" command? | 03:12 |
Aeudian | bur[n] er: none really just curious why one booted in a gui like when first starting and another didnt | 03:12 |
joe_ | firefox scrolls so slowww | 03:12 |
ifr | nickgarvey you still with us? | 03:12 |
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nickgarvey | ifr: eek what | 03:13 |
ifr | Hey! | 03:13 |
_jason | sweatpea: what is hamachi? | 03:13 |
ifr | Just checking to see if you had any luck with that audacity. | 03:13 |
nickgarvey | ifr: yeah some source is messed up, still getting audacity | 03:13 |
dainanaki | i'm trying to lookup cpu/os type with lookup, but i'm not really sure what i'm looking for | 03:13 |
sweatpea | it is a really cool vpn client, I have used it win the Windows world. www.hamachi.cc | 03:13 |
eyequeue | lgc, man -S allows you to override that, or the $MANSECT environment variable (more info than you really care about, i suspect) "man man" tells all, if you really want more | 03:13 |
ifr | Gotchya. I appreciate the help | 03:13 |
_jason | sweatpea: I see, have you installed build-essential? | 03:13 |
sweatpea | no, how do I do that? | 03:14 |
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Aeudian | 1 more question, when a new Ubuntu comes out say 6.06 does that mean we have to reinstall unbutu or can we apt-get the upgrades? | 03:14 |
dainanaki | anyone? | 03:14 |
_jason | sweatpea: sudo aptitude install build-essential checkinstall, that gets you build-essential and checkinstall, which I'll explain to you in a bit | 03:14 |
dainanaki | apt-get dist upgrade | 03:14 |
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OrTigaS | hi! why i cant see the open Window$ Network on my Box? | 03:14 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, basically, two commands: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:15 |
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cew | hello | 03:15 |
Aeudian | eyequeue: thanks | 03:15 |
hyphenated | OrTigaS: where are you looking? | 03:15 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, obviously the d/l could be significant :) | 03:15 |
OrTigaS | hyphenated, all other window$ pc on our network | 03:15 |
nickgarvey | !tell OrTigaS about samba | 03:15 |
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dainanaki | yeah | 03:15 |
sweatpea | thanks _jason I will try it out and come back. :) You guys are way more friendly then the windows community | 03:15 |
OrTigaS | nickgarvey, already installed | 03:15 |
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Aeudian | eyequeue: hehe yea =P | 03:16 |
dainanaki | OrTigaS, you have to cinfigure it too | 03:16 |
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Doomhammer | guys i have a question about apt... "apt-get upgrade" will check for updated packages and install them... but is there a way to force apt to check for updates, but not actually install them ? | 03:16 |
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crimsun | Doomhammer: -d | 03:16 |
Apostle^ | Doomhammer: sudo apt-get update | 03:16 |
_jason | sweatpea: I recommend using checkinstall instead of make install, checkinstall will create a .deb to install so it will be easier to remove later if you want to | 03:16 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, oh, you'd want to change "breezy" to "dapper" first of course (un /etc/apt/sources.list) using whatever tool you prefer | 03:16 |
Doomhammer | crimsun: sudo apt-get -d update ? sounds good :) | 03:16 |
OrTigaS | i was wondering on this box because i saw it before and now it wont show :( | 03:16 |
hyphenated | OrTigaS: nobody will hurt you if you say "windows". and you're on an ubuntu machine, ya? which program are you looking in, expecting to see windows machines? | 03:17 |
cew | hello | 03:17 |
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nopcode_ | eyequeue: so which ubuntu branch would i use if i want a minimal X with fvwm2? | 03:17 |
dainanaki | I still need some help with Lookup- how do I interpret the information | 03:17 |
sweatpea | checkinstall | 03:17 |
OrTigaS | yea it window machine in our network | 03:17 |
lgc | eyequeue, I see you're a "man" connossieur. I celebrate that. I really don't have the interest in reading the 500+ lines of the "man" man in order to operate it properly. That's why I've been using it in such a limited fashion for so long. But now that you enlightened me, your point is that I can configure "man" in order to make it work in such a way that, for example "man 1 man" gives me the games info? What would I want to do that for? | 03:17 |
fury|Smoke | quake3 rocks on ubuntu 6.06 | 03:17 |
fury|Smoke | wahooo | 03:17 |
_jason | sweatpea: and you will probably need to use sudo with that command, so 'sudo checkinstall' | 03:17 |
crimsun | Doomhammer: no, update doesn't matter for -d. You want -d for dist-upgrade. | 03:17 |
eyequeue | nopcode_, i'd probably start with vanilla ubuntu, tell it i wanted the "server" installation, and install individual packages beyond that, but that's me | 03:17 |
OrTigaS | i also want it to share.. it just only show this box but cant access... | 03:18 |
vars | my /etc/resolv.conf keeps rewriting to some windows SH** | 03:18 |
nima | i can't install any packages on my ubuntu, my respositories dont seem to be configured properly | 03:18 |
CraiZE | uhm | 03:18 |
Aeudian | eyequeue: not sure what un is and yes i want to change to dapper | 03:18 |
CraiZE | can anyone tell me how to mount a usb hdd in usb 2.0 mode? | 03:18 |
nima | anyone can help? | 03:18 |
eric_ | Evening all | 03:18 |
Doomhammer | crimsun: so i just want apt-get upgrade, but i don't want it to prompt me to intsall the updates... just tell me how many are availible | 03:18 |
nima | here is the error msg: W: Couldn't stat source package list cdrom://Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012) breezy/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/Ubuntu%205.10%20%5fBreezy%20Badger%5f%20-%20Release%20i386%20(20051012)_dists_breezy_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 03:18 |
vars | i have a script that echos the right name sever but it re writes it a few minutes later | 03:18 |
nickgarvey | !tell nima about repos | 03:18 |
crimsun | Doomhammer: then use -s or something instead of -d | 03:19 |
eyequeue | lgc, well, no, man 1 will always give you the /usr/bin/foo things, rather than the /usr/games/foo things ... some might want section 5 (games) to be the default on their box ... dunno, a kid-box maybe? the point is just that you *can*configure | 03:19 |
dainanaki | nima, try googling ubuntu repositories to find a lovely repository configuration | 03:19 |
nickgarvey | nima: eek take off the cd | 03:19 |
sweatpea | Thanks _jason, it seems to be working now :) | 03:19 |
hyphenated | OrTigaS: are you having trouble accessing other windows machines from ubuntu, or is the trouble accessing the ubuntu machine from a windows machine? | 03:19 |
nickgarvey | !aptcd | 03:19 |
_jason | sweatpea: great | 03:19 |
CraiZE | !help usb 2.0 | 03:19 |
ubotu | to turn off apt-get from trying to install from the cd, comment out the line (put a # in front of it) that says "deb cdrom:" | 03:19 |
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Doomhammer | crimsun: okay | 03:19 |
vars | someone please help me | 03:19 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, "un" was a typo for "in" , sorry | 03:19 |
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OrTigaS | hyphenated, it wont show the windows machine... and when i share this box i cant access it ask a paswd | 03:19 |
eyequeue | lgc, may i teach you one handy man page trick? | 03:19 |
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iceman | crap how to remaster ubuntu to run from fat32 ... | 03:20 |
lgc | eyequeue, be my guest. | 03:20 |
void^ | run from fat32..? | 03:20 |
eyequeue | lgc, "man man" then hit slash and a string and enter, like say: /section .... it will search for the string "section" ... n for "next" a few times, voila, now you're an expert, heh | 03:20 |
Doomhammer | iceman: i have only one question... why the hell would you want to do that ? :P | 03:20 |
ITSa341 | iceman why? | 03:21 |
BlueSwirl | vars: what's the problem? | 03:21 |
Aeudian | eyequeue: so would i replace Breezy with Dapper? | 03:21 |
vars | my /etc/resolv.conf keeps rewriting to some windows SH** | 03:21 |
BlueSwirl | well, i'm out of my depth | 03:21 |
OrTigaS | it only show the Windows Network but when i click it wont show the Windows Machines | 03:21 |
BlueSwirl | sorry vars :( | 03:21 |
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iceman | read write a windows drive and windows filesystem, have access to a command line i know "dos" | 03:21 |
iceman | until i learn the linux command line | 03:22 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, when you are ready to change to the next version of ubuntu, change all occurences of "breezy" to "dapper" (lowercase) and then run those two commands ... i don't typically recommend that before release day :) | 03:22 |
lgc | eyequeue, that is basic "more" stuff, not to mention "vi" subtleties... | 03:22 |
OrTigaS | before that it ask me to login first to windows machine one by one... but all i know it all open | 03:22 |
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eyequeue | lgc, exactly! most don't recognize they are in the pager "less" (a more variant) but you did, bravo | 03:22 |
iceman | hate windows more each day, and trash linux installs to stinking often.... | 03:23 |
ericlsx | any chinese here | 03:23 |
_jason | !zh | 03:23 |
ubotu | For support in Chinese, please try the channel #ubuntu-zh. | 03:23 |
eyequeue | lgc, you talked of having to scroll, so that sslash-search seemed good to pass on | 03:23 |
ericlsx | OK,thanks | 03:23 |
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iceman | used to actualy be a few distros that would run umsdos ... | 03:24 |
Aeudian | eyequeue: thank you for your help you answered a lot =P | 03:24 |
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ITSa341 | iceman have you tried win4linPro ? Run WinXP in a window sharing one filesystem with ubuntu! | 03:24 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, no prob, and yes dapper is there already, i'm running it, i just don't routinely tell others to until release day :) | 03:24 |
nin | How do I run my terminal? I'm not finding it in App -> Sys Tools | 03:25 |
dainanaki | i'm trying to figure out the network tools in 6.06 | 03:25 |
nickgarvey | ifr: is something else using your sound card? like a music player? | 03:25 |
dainanaki | how does lookup work? | 03:25 |
prof | App - Accessories | 03:25 |
eyequeue | nin, Applications > Accessories? | 03:25 |
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nin | Ahh, thanks. | 03:25 |
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iceman | ITSa341 never herd of it .. | 03:25 |
Aeudian | eyequeue: yea i dont really use my unix box that much its more of a learning experience so im not worried if i blow stuff up that much =P | 03:26 |
eyequeue | nin, i do think one terminal-variant puts it under the other heading, confusingly | 03:26 |
lgc | eyequeue, I might not know many things, but such stuff I teach my newbie students (and perhaps you wonder why I have problems with "man": well, I'm a lazy man!). As for the level of this channel I declare myself quite incompetent! | 03:26 |
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Aeudian | eyequeue: until i can run world of warcraft with ease maybe ill be on unix 24/7 =P | 03:26 |
nin | Well jeez, this isn't letting me load it... hrm | 03:26 |
eyequeue | heh | 03:26 |
iceman | ITSa341got a url | 03:26 |
ITSa341 | Win4LinPro lets you run WinXP and Linux simultaneously sharing one filesystem, and unlike win4lin9x it's reasonably fast on a modern machine | 03:26 |
no_no_no | heya its me again.. anyone have advice on setting up ubuntu in a lab for kids.. chown on the directory? | 03:26 |
ifr | nickgarvey - Ah, maybe maybe | 03:27 |
ITSa341 | iceman brb | 03:27 |
ifr | Let me check | 03:27 |
eyequeue | lgc, i'm never sure the level of expertise in here until i know the person for a while, hope you don't take offense | 03:27 |
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iceman | ITSa341 using a amd 700 for the linux box ... 256 meg ram ... 10 gig hdd | 03:27 |
ifr | nickgarvey, mplayer had been opened but was not playing. Now it is off completely but still no soap | 03:28 |
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prof | no_no_no, do you want to change ownership of directories? | 03:28 |
ITSa341 | iceman http://win4lin.com/ might be a problem with only 256mb ram and 10gb drive | 03:28 |
nickgarvey | ifr: firefox maybe? anything? | 03:28 |
no_no_no | i dunno.. thats what people said to do. | 03:28 |
ifr | Hmmmmmmm | 03:28 |
no_no_no | i really dont know anything.. im trying ro read the wiki..but its still written for engineers | 03:28 |
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no_no_no | Save it. Now make it executable with sudo chmod 700 /etc/cron.weekly/apt-security-updates and you're done! | 03:29 |
no_no_no | do what? | 03:29 |
no_no_no | how am i supposed to do all that? | 03:29 |
eyequeue | no_no_no, lol, i can see that would be intimidating | 03:29 |
iceman | ITSa341cant yet devots this p4 system to linux ... soon | 03:29 |
ITSa341 | iceman I'm running it on a p4 3.0 overclocked to 4.5 with a custom cooler with a gb ram and 4 120gb drives. It does run well though | 03:29 |
ifr | nickgarvey, everything's off - everything, and still - there was an error initializing the audio i/o layer. You will not be able to play or record audio | 03:29 |
ifr | I could, ya know, google the error ;) | 03:29 |
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nickgarvey | ifr: yes something else is, that's the same error I got | 03:30 |
ifr | AAAAH! | 03:30 |
nickgarvey | ifr: I closed amarok and it worked | 03:30 |
Kuyaedz | can anyone tell me the .conf file to activate/setup Remote Desktop? | 03:30 |
nickgarvey | ifr: check ps ax | 03:30 |
iceman | ITSa341refirgerant cooled ? | 03:30 |
ITSa341 | iceman amazing how well they run at -30 to -40f processor temp | 03:30 |
ifr | oh | 03:30 |
eyequeue | no_no_no, start with non-numeric commands at first, i'd say, rwx, == ReadWriteeXecute, for example | 03:30 |
Kuyaedz | I don't have GUI access but need to turn it on from the terminal. | 03:30 |
no_no_no | what is this cron thing? we used to use it on macs in the lab to reimage them | 03:30 |
prof | no_no_no, open up a terminal and type exactly that " sudo chmod 700 /etc/cron.weekly/apt-security-updates" | 03:30 |
ITSa341 | peltiers stacked with copper spreaders and a large thermaltake | 03:30 |
no_no_no | can i have them reimage every night? | 03:30 |
nickgarvey | !tell no_no_no about cron | 03:30 |
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ifr | nickgarvey, what am I grepping for though | 03:30 |
no_no_no | mmkay | 03:30 |
iceman | ITSa341you run a refigerant cooled cpu ... | 03:30 |
prof | no_no_no, this will change the permissions of that file to executable for the owner "root" | 03:31 |
lgc | eyequeue, I know it from seeing things (concepts, recipes...) flying above my head all the time! | 03:31 |
no_no_no | but do i have to go to every machine or can i do it from one place like with remote desktop? | 03:31 |
ITSa341 | iceman peltiers stacked with copper spreaders and a large thermaltake | 03:31 |
iceman | cool... got photos ? | 03:31 |
ITSa341 | iceman I'm running a separate power supply at 16v for the peltiers | 03:31 |
lgc | eyequeue, how are you fixed for an lm-sensors question? | 03:31 |
prof | no_no_no, cron is a demon to run programs or scripts at specified times | 03:31 |
vars | my /etc/resolv.conf keeps rewriting to some windows | 03:31 |
no_no_no | ohh thats neat. that tell thing | 03:31 |
ITSa341 | iceman I can get you some PM me | 03:31 |
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eyequeue | no_no_no, okay, it depends what you have set up there, but yes you *can* do it from remotely (such as with the scp command) | 03:32 |
dli | any good dual monitor howto? | 03:32 |
no_no_no | well. id draw a network diagram | 03:32 |
=== root_ [n=root@adrianDHCP-252.216-254-252.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickgarvey | ifr: try killall gdm, (this will kill your gui, and this irc session) and then start it again with sudo gdm, then try audacity | 03:32 |
ifr | cool, will do | 03:32 |
prof | no_no_no, you can log into the machine via a remote desktop. What machine are you trying to log into from? | 03:32 |
pax | root! | 03:32 |
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iceman | i need a better book on linux command line | 03:33 |
root_ | I'm having a problem. I reinstalled my system and saved my Home directory to a USB disk. I just tried to copy michael_bak to /home/ but it tells me there is not enough space | 03:33 |
no_no_no | 6 workstations on a hub. linked to a gateway router... other computers on the router, another wifi router on the router.... one mac running ubuntu, the 6 pcs are running ubuntu, everything else is xp | 03:33 |
pax | iceman google. | 03:33 |
root_ | why does it say this? | 03:33 |
no_no_no | this is nonprofit... and we dont have the budget to keep updating ms office and stuff | 03:33 |
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_jason | iceman: tldp.org, linuxcommand.org, and google for ``linux rute'' | 03:33 |
ITSa341 | iceman the only linux book is an oreilly from 1998 or 1999 LOL I know the feeling | 03:34 |
iceman | i got linux compete 2ed edition ... but very little explanition on linux command line | 03:34 |
nickgarvey | linux for dummies fails at life.. | 03:34 |
nickgarvey | its just bad... | 03:34 |
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iceman | would not bu a dummies book if you twisted my arm .. | 03:34 |
nickgarvey | yeah what was I thinking | 03:35 |
iceman | Linux Complete is still x11 commands ... | 03:35 |
ITSa341 | iceman I started using linux in 1999 but quit for a while. A lot of what is in that book is VERY outdated so I try to use google or this room instead | 03:35 |
nickgarvey | it came with a fedora core 3 dvd though heh | 03:35 |
MTecknology | great, another session w/o help.. | 03:35 |
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nickgarvey | !tell MTecknology about patience | 03:35 |
prof | no_no_no, for graphical login use vnc or xdmcp (look at terminal server client) app -> internet. For non/semi graphical, I would use ssh. ex. "ssh -X username@ipaddress | 03:36 |
iceman | once i grasp a understanding and rememberance of the linux command line in releation to dos, i'd feel comfortable to a complete deveotion to linux | 03:36 |
nickgarvey | MTecknology: you are logged in as root also, bad idea | 03:36 |
pax | darn right | 03:36 |
MTecknology | nickgarvey, i t4hought it might be a permission problem | 03:36 |
iceman | ITSa341 could devote 40 gig to linux, and win4lin ... | 03:36 |
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nickgarvey | MTecknology: ok.. then set the permissions right | 03:37 |
pax | never irc as root son | 03:37 |
nickgarvey | MTecknology: although it seems like there might not be enough space | 03:37 |
prof | no_no_no, for ssh to work install ssh-client and server and make sure you change /etc/host.allow to allow access from remote machines | 03:37 |
cge | MTecknology: what was your question? | 03:37 |
ITSa341 | iceman I have 5 comps in this room with legal WinXP and have linux on all 5. I will admit that win4lin runs winxp on two of them but I haven't even ran it for weeks | 03:37 |
lgc | eyequeue, you there? | 03:37 |
eyequeue | lgc, hi | 03:37 |
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ITSa341 | iceman that would help a lot. What kind of ram that machine take? | 03:37 |
iceman | ITSa341 have devoted more and more time recently to linux ... | 03:38 |
eyequeue | lgc, half here, half phone, what's up? | 03:38 |
lgc | eyequeue, do you know anything about lm-sensors? | 03:38 |
MTecknology | cge, why i can't copy, i have 48G left and my USB is holding about 150M, I just realised the only a small portion of my home directory was copied | 03:38 |
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iceman | ITSa341 AMD 700 pc100 sdram | 03:38 |
nickgarvey | MTecknology: perhaps quotas | 03:38 |
eyequeue | lgc, i'm probably less fluent than some in here, i get a "fail" when mine starts, and have not yet bothered tracking it down | 03:38 |
cge | MTecknology: what are you trying to copy? | 03:38 |
ITSa341 | iceman how big of a stick will it recognize and are you paying postage? | 03:38 |
iceman | ITSa341 PIII across the room, using pc133 ram ... | 03:38 |
eyequeue | lgc, i'm fairly sure this laptop does not have a hdd temp sensor, and i just need to disable the check for that | 03:39 |
MTecknology | cge, nickgarvey, it's a feresh install of Ubuntu trying to copy my backup home directory to /home/ | 03:39 |
ITSa341 | <-- has boxes of leftover pc66, pc100, pc133 and rdram 800 | 03:39 |
iceman | ITSa341 i'd have to check the mobo | 03:39 |
CraiZE | eyequeue, s.m.a.r.t. (its in the hdd actually) does the temp sensing :) | 03:39 |
=== MTecknology is staring down the barel of a 45. realising that his files are gone. | ||
lgc | eyequeue, that's exactly my problem. I don't know what I need to tweak! | 03:40 |
prof | MTecknology, did you look in Trash. I dont know how you know how much available space is on the device. Did you look at "du" output | 03:40 |
cge | MTecknology: how? With cp? Have you tried with cp -v to see what goes wrong? | 03:40 |
eyequeue | CraiZE, cool, so it's a matter of something else triggering "fail"? or i need to config somethin? | 03:40 |
ITSa341 | iceman I can see at least 3 356mb sticks complete with heatsinks on them from where I am sitting | 03:40 |
CraiZE | eyequeue, that i dont know :( | 03:40 |
ITSa341 | Iceman *256* | 03:40 |
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lgc | eyequeue, how do I know if I have a fan sensor and the like? | 03:41 |
Aeudian | eyequeue: hey another question, whats a braille driver? it wants me to choose one | 03:41 |
iceman | ITSa341where you from | 03:41 |
blindx | It appears that you are accessing Myspace.com from a location that is not authorized to view our licensed videos. Please go to the United States or its territories and try again. | 03:41 |
cge | Aeudian: its a bug! | 03:41 |
Warlord384 | how do i end an ap. in CLI? | 03:41 |
blindx | is this because of my browser, or because of ubuntu? o.O | 03:41 |
ITSa341 | iceman Bear Lake MI | 03:41 |
Warlord384 | ubuntuserver to be exact | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | Warlord384: killall appname | 03:42 |
nickgarvey | MTecknology: its .45 not 45. ;) | 03:42 |
eyequeue | lgc, manual came with hardware? website advertising specific features? :) | 03:42 |
cge | Aeudian: bug #39835 | 03:42 |
Warlord384 | Hobbsee: well, its an apache thing | 03:42 |
no_no_no | okay another dumb question : trying to drag a file to the cron folder i dont have privs... i know what sudo is | 03:42 |
Warlord384 | Hobbsee: and i need to save the data | 03:42 |
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Warlord384 | Hobbsee: its the ports conf. thing | 03:42 |
no_no_no | how does that work with dragging a file? | 03:42 |
MTecknology | cge, prof, using -v it tells me cp: missing destination file | 03:42 |
Hobbsee | oh ok | 03:42 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, i chose the default, as i don't have a brailler device here | 03:42 |
=== The-Moon [n=the-moon@c-68-45-84-249.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Warlord384 | Hobbsee: how? | 03:42 |
Hobbsee | i dont know | 03:42 |
riddlebox | no_no_no, you may want to just sudo cp the file into the cron folder | 03:43 |
cge | Aeudian: It will break your serial port, though. | 03:43 |
MTecknology | nickgarvey, ty for that tip ;) | 03:43 |
The-Moon | Dose anyone know how i can disabled my on board sound card, so i can use my sound blaster for sound? | 03:43 |
no_no_no | sudo cp? okay | 03:43 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, braille, if you don't know, is the "bumps" that a blind person can sometimes read with | 03:43 |
lgc | eyequeue, I don't think I came across anything like that on the hw manuals. | 03:43 |
DBO | The-Moon, you can disable it in BIOS if you want | 03:43 |
ITSa341 | iceman check your pm's | 03:43 |
The-Moon | my bios dosent let me disable it | 03:43 |
riddlebox | no_no_no, from a terminal try man cp | 03:43 |
Aeudian | eyequeue: lol well no worries then dont use serial | 03:43 |
no_no_no | oh.. this is hard | 03:43 |
essien | how do i disable services ? i am using BUM,but i cannot find the service i notice when i reboot ie bluetooth | 03:44 |
no_no_no | sudo cp and i have to put arguments for locations.. I dunno where this stuff is | 03:44 |
prof | MTecknology, what do the output of this return. ls -l /home/ . Does it list files you think are on the device | 03:44 |
cge | Aeudian: of course, this is only in dapper, if I recall correctly. It should be fixed by release. | 03:44 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, chose a serial port that you don't use :) i had no /dev/ttyS0 here, so used that, heh | 03:44 |
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prof | MTecknology, I'm thinking you might not have it mounted | 03:44 |
Aeudian | cge: thanks | 03:44 |
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Aeudian | eyequeue: no worries i don't have any serial items | 03:44 |
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riddlebox | no_no_no, if you found the cron folder you should know the path for it already, now just cd into the dir with the file you want to cp then issue the command | 03:44 |
eyequeue | Aeudian, yes, i gathered you switched to dapper :) support for that is in another channel btw, for future reference: #ubuntu+1 | 03:45 |
iceman | ITSa341k7 pro mobo "msi" | 03:45 |
green__saotome | can anyone help me setting up a vncserver on dapper? | 03:45 |
eyequeue | green__saotome, #ubuntu+1 may be of help | 03:45 |
ITSa341 | iceman brb | 03:45 |
riddlebox | no_no_no, something like "sudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/cronfolder" | 03:45 |
MTecknology | prof, /home/ returns michael but ls -l /media/usbdisk/michael_bak/ returns nothing | 03:45 |
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Aeudian | eyequeue: thanks | 03:45 |
eyequeue | np | 03:45 |
MTecknology | prof, i'll try to remount | 03:45 |
nickgarvey | 666 people in here | 03:45 |
green__saotome | eyequeue, mi problem is not dapper, it's just that i don't know how to set up the vnc server | 03:46 |
no_no_no | i figured that out.. but it still wont work i think i need to capitalize desktop | 03:46 |
nickgarvey | green__saotome: which one are you looking into? | 03:46 |
riddlebox | green__saotome, dont you just type vncserver in a terminal and pick a password? | 03:46 |
MTecknology | prof, still no go | 03:46 |
nickgarvey | no_no_no: Desktop != desktop! | 03:46 |
cge | MTecknology: Does it show up in mount ? | 03:46 |
green__saotome | vncserver | 03:46 |
=== Profichilla [n=jakob@p548DA59A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
green__saotome | realvnc | 03:47 |
nickgarvey | apt-get installed it? | 03:47 |
prof | MTecknology, could it be mounted read only? | 03:47 |
MTecknology | yea, i can view the files in nautilus | 03:47 |
_sHaDe | n8 all | 03:47 |
green__saotome | yes, without any complaints | 03:47 |
riddlebox | green__saotome, is that in windows? | 03:47 |
green__saotome | but when i try to connect to the machine, i get no answer | 03:47 |
lgc | eyequeue, see, there are some things I haven't had answers for. One is the thing with lm-sensors, another one is how to disable the "#$#"$ touchpad while I type, etc. | 03:47 |
no_no_no | how do i login as administrator so i can use the GUI? | 03:47 |
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green__saotome | nope, ubuntu | 03:47 |
green__saotome | in windows, it works fine :( | 03:47 |
MTecknology | prof, are we referring to /home/ of */usbdisk/ | 03:47 |
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nickgarvey | green__saotome: how are you connecting to it? | 03:48 |
OrTigaS | hi! why i cant see the open Window$ Network on my Box? but before it shows? any idea why? | 03:48 |
riddlebox | green__saotome, if you type real then hit tab it will tell you all commands that start with real | 03:48 |
GigaClon | is there a GUI SVN client in the ubuntu repos? | 03:48 |
nickgarvey | green__saotome: you might not have java installed | 03:48 |
prof | MTecknology, /usbdisk | 03:48 |
MTecknology | prof, it's 700 | 03:48 |
green__saotome | i'm a java developer | 03:48 |
green__saotome | i can assure you i hava java installed | 03:48 |
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nickgarvey | green__saotome: okie dokie then, but you said the server is installed? | 03:48 |
prof | MTecknology, what command are you using to mount | 03:48 |
nickgarvey | green__saotome: and working? | 03:48 |
green__saotome | well, i'm not sure it's working | 03:48 |
iceman | ITSa341 supports 768 meg total | 03:48 |
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MTecknology | prof, auto mount | 03:49 |
green__saotome | i can't seem to connect to the machine | 03:49 |
ITSa341 | iceman looking now | 03:49 |
MTecknology | hotplug* | 03:49 |
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green__saotome | it's accesible, i can connect using ssh, but not vnc | 03:49 |
eyequeue | lgc, i've seen one brand of laptop where you can disable the touchpad, but sadly i didn't buy that one | 03:49 |
hawk_wolf | Okay, I need some help. | 03:49 |
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riddlebox | green__saotome, in vncviewer you have to put something like | 03:49 |
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iceman | ITSa341 http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleID=232 | 03:49 |
eyequeue | lgc, it had a switch next to the touchpad | 03:49 |
nickgarvey | riddlebox: most likely :5901 | 03:49 |
Dolm | anyone here know much about alien arena? | 03:49 |
GBR | nope | 03:50 |
iceman | ITSa341 768 is it's max point | 03:50 |
green__saotome | i generally don't include the port number | 03:50 |
prof | MTecknology, and it shows up ok with "mount" | 03:50 |
riddlebox | nickgarvey, thats the port vnc works on right? | 03:50 |
green__saotome | but i'll try that out just in case | 03:50 |
lgc | eyequeue, it seems to be a common beef. It should be incorporated in the Linux kernel! | 03:50 |
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MTecknology | prof, I can view it in nautilus, but can't allter anything | 03:50 |
nickgarvey | riddlebox: for every vnc server I have used (which is like 3 heh) | 03:50 |
johanbr | lgc: There is an option for the touchpad driver to disable it when a key is pressed. Don't remember what it's called offhand. | 03:50 |
=== Gcastin [n=gcastni@d53-64-165-226.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickgarvey | riddlebox: 5900 or 5901 for client connect, 5800 or 5801 for web connect | 03:51 |
Gcastin | hi | 03:51 |
MTecknology | prof, from CLI, how do i unmount and remount with 777 | 03:51 |
riddlebox | green__saotome, usually when you issue the vncserver command it will say it is and x is the screen number or something | 03:51 |
=== jturek [n=jturek@cpe-69-205-246-131.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickgarvey | MTecknology: man mount | 03:51 |
riddlebox | nickgarvey, I have never had to use the port number on a machine inside my network | 03:51 |
hawk_wolf | I'm trying to install guidedog on my system but can't remembert the command | 03:51 |
nickgarvey | riddlebox: that's probably because it assumed it was 5900 | 03:51 |
iceman | ITSa341 i need to break down and get a new socket 754 MOBO... my 64 bit is down until i get a new mobo | 03:51 |
hawk_wolf | is it sudo apt-get install guidedog ? | 03:51 |
Gcastin | just installed from the Install ISO CD, and i'm trying to compile any program, i get configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 03:51 |
prof | MTecknology, sudo umount /path/to/mounted/device | 03:51 |
Gcastin | can anybody assist | 03:51 |
lgc | johanbr, that's interesting! Can you give me a further clue? (Where to look, for example). | 03:51 |
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ITSa341 | iceman pm me | 03:52 |
riddlebox | nickgarvey, when I issue the vncserver command I see this: | 03:52 |
riddlebox | New 'X' desktop is tvserver:1 | 03:52 |
riddlebox | so I type the ip address of tvserver in and put:1 after it | 03:52 |
cge | lgc: man synaptics? | 03:52 |
prof | MTecknology, then something like this "/home/Mike /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,user=0777 0 0" | 03:52 |
eyequeue | lgc, sensors -s tells me no sensors found, that may be my fail | 03:52 |
Aeudian | riddlebox: did you kill any existing vnc connections possible frozen or errored? | 03:52 |
no_no_no | thanks for your help | 03:53 |
no_no_no | goodnight! | 03:53 |
lgc | cge, no-go. | 03:53 |
prof | MTecknology, not sure if /proc/bus/usb will work for you, depends on where the device is | 03:53 |
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hawk_wolf | it says can't find guidedog | 03:53 |
cge | lgc: Are you using the synaptics driver for the touchpad, or something else? | 03:53 |
prof | MTecknology, I forgot the mount command. Make sure you put mount before the commands I pasted | 03:54 |
lgc | eyequeue, same thing for me. Though I can get a temp and batt charge reading with "acpi" | 03:54 |
lgc | cge how can I know? | 03:54 |
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Gcastin | anybody on my question? | 03:54 |
=== StarOcean [n=starocea@HSE-Montreal-ppp126973.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
cge | lgc: you could look in xorg.conf, and search for synaptics. | 03:54 |
ITSa341 | iceman do you have a stick in each slot now or just one 256mb stick and two empty slots..... | 03:54 |
riddlebox | Aeudian, I dont have any problems accessing vnc stuff | 03:55 |
StarOcean | I am just wondering if there will be any REAL advantages to use the 64bit version over the 32bit one. | 03:55 |
nickgarvey | riddlebox: yeah that's specifying the screen, I do that with x-servers also | 03:55 |
MTecknology | prof, root@michael:~# /media/usbdisk/ /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,user=0777 0 0 | 03:55 |
umarmung | Gcastin: install build-essential first | 03:55 |
MTecknology | bash: /media/usbdisk/: is a directory | 03:55 |
johanbr | lgc: Alright, found it. Turned out it was just disabling, nothing to do with keypresses, but still: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/24/disable-synaptics-touchpad/ | 03:55 |
riddlebox | nickgarvey, ohh well he is gone now so it doesnt matter anymore :) | 03:55 |
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lgc | cge it IS synaptics indeed. | 03:56 |
Gcastin | umargung ahh ok let me try | 03:56 |
iceman | ITSa341 2x 128 meg sticks ... just built the system for 15 bucks and some spare harddrives ... | 03:56 |
=== goldenflaw [n=goldenfl@modemcable140.203-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hawk_wolf | I can't get apt-get to find the package I need. any solutions? | 03:56 |
prof | MTecknology, dont forget the mount before all that | 03:56 |
_jason | hawk_wolf: what package? | 03:56 |
cge | hawk_wolf: apt-cache search | 03:56 |
hawk_wolf | guidedog | 03:56 |
The-Moon | dose anyone know what the apt-get "file" is for soundblaster drivers? | 03:57 |
prof | MTecknology, sudo mount /media/blah blah blah | 03:57 |
ITSa341 | iceman I used to buy crates of leftover parts from a local shop and build comps for the neighborhood kids with them | 03:57 |
hawk_wolf | I'll try the apt-cache search | 03:57 |
_jason | !info guidedog | 03:57 |
ubotu | guidedog: (NAT/masquerading/port-forwarding configuration tool for KDE), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.0.0-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 121 kB, Installed size: 440 kB | 03:57 |
_jason | hawk_wolf: have you enabled universe? | 03:57 |
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ITSa341 | iceman private message me | 03:57 |
MTecknology | prof, what was the blah part ot it? | 03:57 |
hawk_wolf | ahh, I may not have this is a fresh install. | 03:57 |
hawk_wolf | let me try that, brb | 03:57 |
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prof | MTecknology, try this "mount /media/usbdisk/ /home/Mike usbfs auto,user=0777 0 0 | 03:58 |
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iceman | ITSa341check pm | 03:58 |
cge | lgc: You can add Option "PalmDetect" "true" to the synaptics InputDevice section to have the touchpad disable itself when it detects a palm, but I can't find anything that disables it while you are typing. | 03:58 |
hawk_wolf | wait wait wait, can I enable universe from the command line? | 03:58 |
eyequeue | lgc, i also get those from gkrelllm, so i know there is a chipset that supports it | 03:58 |
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cge | hawk_wolf: Uncomment the universe lines from /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:58 |
mischko | !xine | 03:58 |
DBO | hawk_wolf, yes, if you use vi | 03:58 |
ubotu | mischko: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 03:58 |
DBO | hawk_wolf, or nano... | 03:58 |
eyequeue | lgc, s/lll/ll/ | 03:58 |
hawk_wolf | vi, nano, ? | 03:58 |
ferrouswheel | hi all, i'm trying to install a 32bit chroot but when configuring the locales (dpkg-reconfigure locales) i get errors about locales not being installed. can anybody help? | 03:58 |
Dolm | im having some wierd issues, when i try to run alien arena nothing happens (specifically clicking the link from the applications bar) if i switch my sound from one to another, ie esd to also or somehting, and try to run it, it will start but the mouse wont move | 03:59 |
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ITSa341 | iceman hmm I didn't get a pm not sure I like this kopete messenger | 03:59 |
Dolm | and either way i get no sound from it | 03:59 |
cquillen | can anyone tell me how to make tty1 load on start up instead of Xwindows? | 03:59 |
eyequeue | lgc, i suspect if i knew an actual chipset (somehow??) i could tweak /etc/sensors.conf | 03:59 |
MTecknology | prof, it just gives me the same info as mount --help | 04:00 |
Gcastin | umarmung -> thanks that worked. | 04:00 |
cge | cquillen: Turn off gdm/kdm startup | 04:00 |
eyequeue | lgc, but i have no source of chipset id info for this laptop | 04:00 |
cge | cquillen: with update-rc.d | 04:00 |
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nin | Alright, I have a question guys. | 04:00 |
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iceman_ | there i am .. on linux box | 04:00 |
cge | nin: You can just ask, there is no need to tell us. | 04:01 |
cquillen | is there any way of doing it in inittab? | 04:01 |
lgc | eyequeue, now you show off your fancy "vi" "savoir-faire"! (anyway gkrellm doesn't exist on my system). | 04:01 |
iceman | ITSa341theres the linux box ... | 04:01 |
ITSa341 | iceman you have any other screennames like yahoo or msn? | 04:01 |
ITSa341 | aim? | 04:01 |
nickgarvey | did ifr ever come back? I guess that means it works if he didn't | 04:01 |
nickgarvey | !pm | 04:01 |
ubotu | Ask your questions in the channel so that other people may also benefit from answers received. | 04:01 |
eyequeue | lgc, nah, i added it, it is a handy app for me (nice if you're into watching system load and geeky stuff) | 04:01 |
nin | I have a haddrive that was partitioned when it was underwindows, now that I'm using ubuntu can I access it somehow without losing/corrupting the data? | 04:01 |
hawk_wolf | cge, I probably need to open the file as sudo to alter it. how do I do that. | 04:01 |
skpl | can someone tell me where to get tha package java-package? | 04:02 |
=== Warlord384 [n=Jay@pool-151-199-120-179.roa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickgarvey | !ntfs | 04:02 |
ubotu | [ntfs] the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 04:02 |
ITSa341 | nickgarvey not about to give out shipping addresses or email addresses in here | 04:02 |
cge | hawk_wolf: sudo (vim/emacs/ed/other editor) /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:02 |
_jason | !info java-package | 04:02 |
nin | Right on, thanks. | 04:02 |
ubotu | java-package: (utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 0.26 (breezy), Packaged size: 20 kB, Installed size: 308 kB | 04:02 |
nickgarvey | ITSa341: oh haha ok sorry about that Ijust got back | 04:02 |
_jason | ubotu: tell skpl about multiverse | 04:02 |
carthik | nin, yes. as long as you don't destroy or overwrite those partitions | 04:02 |
iceman | ITSa341i got a old icq account | 04:02 |
hawk_wolf | k thanks, let me try that. | 04:02 |
skpl | _jason, E: Couldn't find package java-package | 04:02 |
ITSa341 | nickgarvey no big deal, just telling why the pm | 04:02 |
skpl | i have all my repos enabled | 04:03 |
_jason | skpl: you need multiverse | 04:03 |
nickgarvey | :) | 04:03 |
ITSa341 | iceman 47731234 | 04:03 |
cge | cquillen: Oh, you want X to start, but have tty1 open? | 04:03 |
_jason | skpl: can you pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list please? | 04:03 |
eyequeue | nin, i suspect that page the bot told you will mention not writing to an ntfs partition, just reading it | 04:03 |
_jason | ubotu: tell skpl about pastebin | 04:03 |
skpl | _jason, sure | 04:03 |
=== ajeen [n=neeja@CPE-147-10-211-227.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MTecknology | prof, if I have the device mounted, how do i force it to be 777 when it s currently 700 | 04:03 |
Gcastin | another question that came up in my mind when i was instaling ubuntu , it only asks to create a username to perform administrative tasks, is this the "root" password too? all i wnat to do is go to the shell and do: SU , type the root password and finish my install tasks. Or is this distro make you do : sudo _____ ; type the password ; ? ? ? | 04:04 |
cquillen | i dont really mind if x starts, i just need tty1 to be the first thing that comes up | 04:04 |
skpl | _jason, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12477 | 04:04 |
_jason | ubotu: tell Gcastin about root | 04:04 |
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AngryElf | hey all, what's the prefix for a command do send it to the remote display over ssh????? it's somethin like DISPLAY=0:0 | 04:04 |
OrTigaS | hi! i tried sharing my root folder but still i cant access it, it ask me password | 04:04 |
AngryElf | *to send | 04:04 |
Gcastin | sorry if itsx a stupid question | 04:04 |
eyequeue | cquillen, when gdm starts here, it takes over "focus" automatically, and i have to alt-ctrl-f1 to get to tty1 | 04:04 |
=== professor_chaos [n=danc@67-41-205-76.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | johanbr, cge, I'm trying to follow your posts... | 04:04 |
_jason | skpl: you only have breezy-backports multiverse, not breezy multiverse. Want to edit /etc/apt/sources.list manually or use synaptic to fix this? | 04:04 |
skpl | _jason, i guess i can use synaptic | 04:05 |
_jason | Gcastin: ubuntu uses sudo, just check your private messages from ubotu for more info | 04:05 |
narg | what would be the easiest way for a program to send an email on the CLI and non-interactively (aka a log/msg email)? | 04:05 |
iceman | ITSa341old account susspended ouch | 04:05 |
ITSa341 | Gcastin sudo is recommended but su is possible | 04:05 |
=== prof [n=danc@67-41-205-76.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ITSa341 | iceman LOL | 04:05 |
eyequeue | cquillen, i've always figured that's something it just does, so i disable gdm (man update-rc.d) when i want to go to console without the three-key nonsense | 04:05 |
skpl | _jason, or whatever is easier for you ;) | 04:05 |
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hawk_wolf | # deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 04:05 |
hawk_wolf | # deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 04:05 |
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@cpe-72-224-119-16.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | cge, you mean that the synaptics device can distinguish between the palm of a hand and a finger? | 04:05 |
_jason | skpl: check the wiki link ubotu gave you. Just use ctrl-f to search for all of the sentences containing the word ``mutliverse'' | 04:05 |
hawk_wolf | are these the lines I need to uncomment | 04:05 |
cquillen | ok, how would i enable it again if i want to go back to X | 04:06 |
ITSa341 | iceman I have the sticks you need here if you're paying the postage | 04:06 |
iceman | ITSa341 one minute ... :) | 04:06 |
eyequeue | cquillen, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start | 04:06 |
hawk_wolf | btw opening a file from command line was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. | 04:06 |
_jason | hawk_wolf: only if you want backports | 04:06 |
skpl | _jason, and do what with them? | 04:06 |
eyequeue | cquillen, ie, run it manually when you want it | 04:06 |
_jason | skpl: read them and follow the instructions :) | 04:06 |
hawk_wolf | I want apt-get to get guide dog | 04:06 |
_jason | hawk_wolf: you don't need backports | 04:06 |
cge | lgc: It is in the hardware - it depends on whether your hardware supports it. | 04:06 |
_jason | (for that) | 04:07 |
hawk_wolf | ok which lines do I uncomment to enable universe? | 04:07 |
Gcastin | jayson ahhh ok thanks for the info | 04:07 |
_jason | hawk_wolf: stuff that says breezy universe | 04:07 |
iceman | ITSa341i'll just install icq and restore the account i think | 04:07 |
hawk_wolf | perfect, thanks man | 04:07 |
johanbr | narg: mail -s "subject" somebody@example.com <body_of_email.txt | 04:07 |
skpl | _jason, i do not have the multiverses in my sources.list, how do i get them? | 04:08 |
OrTigaS | any idea? | 04:08 |
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nin | So the drive being read only... yeah, that's no good. | 04:08 |
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eyequeue | skpl, got a line with "universe" in it? clone it but with "multiverse" instead | 04:08 |
_jason | skpl: did you read the wiki link about adding repos and what it says about multiverse? | 04:08 |
skpl | eyequeue, ok thank you | 04:08 |
nickgarvey | nin: only way to fix that it seems is to get microsoft to open source their filesystem | 04:09 |
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iceman | ITSa341you icq number | 04:09 |
hawk_wolf | wow that worked, I'm relatively new to linux and this is so fun | 04:09 |
eugman | Ctrl-Alt-Del != Task Manager. Change. How? Thx. | 04:09 |
ITSa341 | iceman ok write down that icq number I gave you and contact me that way | 04:09 |
nickgarvey | nin: guess what the odds of that happening oare heh | 04:09 |
ITSa341 | 47731234 | 04:09 |
eyequeue | skpl, np. remember to 'sudo apt-get update' after any changes to that file | 04:09 |
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nickgarvey | lets see what ctrl alt del doe- | 04:09 |
ITSa341 | iceman 477312343 | 04:09 |
nin | Hahaha | 04:09 |
nickgarvey | oo prosess table | 04:09 |
lgc | g | 04:09 |
pax | so long breezy, welcome dapper. lets reboot 'n see what happens | 04:09 |
nickgarvey | pax: good luck | 04:09 |
nin | I can always copy what I need, and just repartition it under ubuntu. | 04:09 |
ITSa341 | iceman 47731234 ** sorry, can't type tonight | 04:09 |
jadaz87 | nickgarvey it does nothing for me | 04:09 |
tate | Hello, anyone here ever had to install an Epson Picturemate? | 04:09 |
eugman | pax: say goodbye to printing! | 04:09 |
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eyequeue | pax, see you on the other side :) | 04:10 |
OrTigaS | hi! i tried sharing my root folder but still i cant access it, it ask me password, any idea why? | 04:10 |
lgc | cge, I made the change. How can it go in effect? | 04:10 |
ignacio_ | hi | 04:10 |
narg | johanbr: postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory | 04:10 |
ignacio_ | can i ask a question ? | 04:10 |
nickgarvey | !helpme | 04:10 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 04:10 |
eugman | Ignacio, next there'll be dancing! | 04:10 |
nickgarvey | ;) | 04:10 |
hawk_wolf | okay I got apt-get to install guidedog but 2 packages were uninstallable. | 04:11 |
hawk_wolf | do I need em? | 04:11 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, how did you try sharing it? And can I ask you why your doing this? | 04:11 |
The-Moon | Dose anyone know how to get codeblocks to install on ubuntu? | 04:11 |
tate | I plugged in this USB printer and restarted CUPS. It showed up but when I print to it just does nothing | 04:11 |
eyequeue | hawk_wolf, did it say what? and why? | 04:11 |
cge | lgc: If you restart X, it might work, or it might not, depending on the hardware. | 04:11 |
OrTigaS | professor_chaos, just playing it | 04:11 |
johanbr | narg: That's a postfix error message, right? Doesn't sound good. Do you e-mail delivery working at all? | 04:11 |
lgc | cge, is there, perhaps a less violent action? | 04:11 |
ignacio_ | i have this problem | 04:11 |
johanbr | "Do you have..." | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | the package is simply not installable and a bug report against | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | that package should be filed. | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | The following information may help to resolve the situation: | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 04:12 |
ITSa341 | ignacio_ not only can you ask but if you're patient you will isually get the help you need | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | guidedog: Depends: kdelibs4c2 (>= 4:3.4.1) but it is not installable | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | Depends: libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.3.4) but it is not installable | 04:12 |
ignacio_ | the sound volume level is too low | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | E: Broken packages | 04:12 |
OrTigaS | system-->admin--> shared folder | 04:12 |
nickgarvey | !tell hawk_wolf about paste | 04:12 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, although most people wouldn't do this you need to change permissions appropriately for this. | 04:12 |
ignacio_ | i set it to the max | 04:12 |
eyequeue | hawk_wolf, don't paste all that here please | 04:12 |
ignacio_ | but its still to low | 04:12 |
skpl | can someone tell me why when i type the command sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:12 |
skpl | nothing happens? | 04:12 |
nickgarvey | ignacio_: let me see.. I think alsaconf can do that | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | sorry wont' happen again. | 04:12 |
narg | johanbr: I've never used it before, so I really don't know. Its more or less just base server install of breezy. | 04:12 |
OrTigaS | professor_chaos, how? | 04:12 |
cge | lgc: Oh, I mean, the detection will either work or not work. | 04:12 |
johanbr | lgc: synclient option=value | 04:12 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, "sudo chown 777 /root | 04:12 |
eyequeue | hawk_wolf, anyway, try an "install" command for *those* packages, individually | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | will do | 04:12 |
hawk_wolf | thanks | 04:13 |
_jason | professor_chaos: what does that do? | 04:13 |
cge | lgc: If it doesn't work, nothing will change. | 04:13 |
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ignacio_ | i try to run alsaconf | 04:13 |
nickgarvey | ignacio_: hmm not sure, I'd say google is your best bet.. | 04:13 |
ignacio_ | but nothing happends 1 | 04:13 |
OrTigaS | professor_chaos, so it will show the root folder to the other windows machine?> | 04:13 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, this will give everybody permisson to read write and execute files in directory /root | 04:13 |
ignacio_ | i have tried google | 04:13 |
skpl | is there a way to open a root file browser from the gnome menu? | 04:13 |
ignacio_ | nothing ... | 04:13 |
eyequeue | hawk_wolf, the error messages they display should be informative | 04:13 |
lgc | cge, what johanbr says is interesting. | 04:13 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, I dont recommend this | 04:13 |
OrTigaS | yea | 04:13 |
OrTigaS | i know | 04:13 |
OrTigaS | i just playing it | 04:13 |
OrTigaS | if its work i'll turn in off again | 04:14 |
flodine | anyone know where i can get the industrial tango icon set from? | 04:14 |
cge | lgc: Yes, that might work. | 04:14 |
johanbr | narg: I'd test that first, using mutt or something (or telnet if you can speak smtp). | 04:14 |
OrTigaS | one more question professor_chaos because it wont show my window network in this machine.. | 04:14 |
skpl | can someone tell me why when i type the command sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list nothing happens? | 04:14 |
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eyequeue | OrTigaS, sudo mkdir /foo, and experiment with that one instead of /root? | 04:14 |
hawk_wolf | eyequeue it says its not available. | 04:14 |
cge | lgc: However it looks like it might be on by default | 04:14 |
_jason | skpl: what happens with 'sudo echo hi' ? | 04:14 |
lgc | johanbr, then it would be "synclient PalmDetect=true"? wunderbar! | 04:14 |
eugman | How do i make it so Ctrl-Alt-Del manages tasks | 04:14 |
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professor_chaos | OrTigaS, can you get any directories to show up in your windows machine | 04:15 |
eyequeue | hawk_wolf, and you have the repos you need? | 04:15 |
skpl | _jason, skpl@regularity:~$ sudo echo hi | 04:15 |
skpl | hi | 04:15 |
jwiens | I've got a potential bug in dapper I'd like to see if someone else could verify before I submit it -- basically it looks like vim syntax highlighting isn't working. There's a more excplicit log entry when you try ":syntax on", but I'd like to make sure it's not just something I've done. Any takers? | 04:15 |
eyequeue | !tell hawk_wolf about repos | 04:15 |
johanbr | lgc: Yes. Or possibly "...=1". | 04:15 |
hawk_wolf | thanks I was about to ask | 04:15 |
jwiens | It'd be my first submitted bug if so. :-) | 04:15 |
nickgarvey | jwiens: #ubuntu+1 is dapper | 04:15 |
=== jwiens thanks nickgarvey. | ||
_jason | skpl: you should use gksudo for synaptic, but I don't know why nothing happened before. Try this: gksudo 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' | 04:16 |
nickgarvey | jwiens: :) | 04:16 |
lgc | johanbr, I get "Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?" | 04:16 |
jwiens | I'll head on over there. | 04:16 |
OrTigaS | professor_chaos, it show before and now it wont show | 04:16 |
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skpl | _jason, what does that do? | 04:16 |
skpl | i have a prompt | 04:16 |
eyequeue | jwiens, um, which syntax btw? perl? etc | 04:16 |
lgc | johanbr, I tried with "true". | 04:16 |
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OrTigaS | professor_chaos, i tried to change the to 777 but still the same it wont access by window machine this box | 04:16 |
_jason | skpl: gksudo should be used for gui apps, enter your user password | 04:16 |
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OrTigaS | root folder | 04:16 |
skpl | _jason, i do not think it is a password prompt, it looks like this: > | 04:17 |
lgc | johanbr, it's the same thing with "1". Same error. Any clue? | 04:17 |
jwiens | eyequeue: bash shell script. | 04:17 |
johanbr | lgc: You might need a line saying ' Option "SHMConfig" "true" ' in your xorg.conf . | 04:17 |
jwiens | The error I got though looked more generic than that. | 04:17 |
_jason | skpl: did you forget a single quote? | 04:17 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skpl | _jason, nevermind, yes i did, here is what i got: (gedit:11795): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: | 04:17 |
skpl | Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed. | 04:17 |
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_jason | skpl: but did it open anyway? | 04:17 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, "sudo chmod -R 777 /root" | 04:18 |
jwiens | eyequeue: /usr/share/vim/vim64/syntax/syntax.vim:line 42: E216: No such group or event: filetypedetect BufRead | 04:18 |
skpl | _jason, no it is just reading | 04:18 |
_jason | OrTigaS: that sounds like a really bad idea imo | 04:18 |
OrTigaS | no prob _jason heh | 04:18 |
Mailorder_ | Does Ubuntu have good drivers for ATI graphics cards? | 04:18 |
nickgarvey | !tell Mailorder_ about ati | 04:18 |
AAA | jwiens is the script in the paste bin to look at? | 04:18 |
OrTigaS | i'm just the only one playing and they didnt know this | 04:18 |
OrTigaS | hheh | 04:18 |
lgc | johanbr, you mean beside (or rather, underneath) "Option PalmDetect true"? | 04:18 |
Mailorder_ | thank you | 04:18 |
_jason | OrTigaS: at least make a backup | 04:19 |
nickgarvey | :) | 04:19 |
professor_chaos | _jason, he really wants to do this. I warned him. Linux is all about freedom. Even to do this. | 04:19 |
OrTigaS | :) | 04:19 |
_jason | professor_chaos: yeah, just make it clear to him :) | 04:19 |
johanbr | lgc: Somewhere around there, yes. You need to restart X for that to become active, though. | 04:19 |
_jason | professor_chaos: s/make/making | 04:19 |
jwiens | AAA: there was only a very small bit of error from a "syntax on" command. I copied it above. Is that appropriate? Or should any logs, no matter what size be put in the paste-bin? (I assume that's a channel somewhere on freenode) | 04:19 |
eyequeue | jwiens, :syntax on, no errors here, and foo.sh does seem to properly highlight #!/bin/bash and case here | 04:20 |
OrTigaS | still asking me a password :) | 04:20 |
_jason | skpl: hmm I don't know what is going on with that. You are using dapper right/ | 04:20 |
skpl | _jason, corrcet | 04:20 |
skpl | correct | 04:20 |
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_jason | skpl: it may be some kind of bug. Why don't you use nano for now instead of gedit | 04:20 |
OrTigaS | and how to put it back to restrict if i change it from 777? | 04:20 |
skpl | sounds good, thank you | 04:20 |
jwiens | eyequeue: just got that corroborated on #u-1. Thanks. I'll see if I can figure out what I've done to cause that. | 04:21 |
AAA | jwiens whatever script is calling vim, paste that at paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 04:21 |
lgc | johanbr, then I won't need to type the "synclient" command on a term? | 04:21 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, go to Applications -> System -> Admin -> Shared Folders | 04:21 |
jwiens | AAA: no script, just "vim filename.sh" | 04:21 |
eyequeue | jwiens, 6.4-006+2ubuntu2 if that matters | 04:21 |
OrTigaS | professor_chaos, yes i did | 04:21 |
AAA | jwiens what is in your ~/.vimrc ? | 04:21 |
OrTigaS | i'm trying to add the /home folder to share | 04:22 |
jwiens | 6.4-006+2ubuntu2 here as well. | 04:22 |
johanbr | lgc: If you put the PalmDetect line in xorg.conf, then you won't need to change the options with synclient, that's right. | 04:22 |
eyequeue | jwiens, you may have an important corner case to report, don't be discouraged :) | 04:22 |
jwiens | Don't have one on this machine. | 04:22 |
narg | johanbr: hrm. Mutt gives a Mail Sent message, but it doesn't appear to be arriving on the other end. | 04:22 |
hawk_wolf | eyequeue thanks, guidedog is currently installing. | 04:22 |
jwiens | The only thing I can remember doing is before I upgaded to dapper, I manually edited the system-wide vimrc to add syntax highlighting. | 04:22 |
eyequeue | hawk_wolf, great | 04:22 |
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professor_chaos | OrTigaS, I dont recommend the "-R" option as that will make it hard to change back, as it will change permissions recursively. | 04:22 |
eyequeue | hawk_wolf, btw, what does it do? | 04:22 |
_jason | !ops | 04:23 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 04:23 |
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lgc | johanbr, and then how can I turn off the feature? By hand, in the opossite way? | 04:23 |
johanbr | narg: What does postfix log about the message that you sent through mutt? | 04:23 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, to change back "sudo chmod 755" or whatever it was before | 04:23 |
benplaut | *drumroll* | 04:23 |
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lgc | seems nalioth_zZz has some job to do... | 04:23 |
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johanbr | lgc: Yes, synclient PalmDetect=0 (assuming you did put the SHMConfig line into xorg.conf). | 04:23 |
benplaut | c'mon... where's an op? i don't want the drumroll to be wasted! | 04:23 |
AAA | jwiens http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-closed@lists.debian.org/msg57293.html | 04:23 |
hawk_wolf | eyequeue, somebody named aaa told me to get it because I can't afford a router but I have 2 nics installed and I'm trying to route traffic to my fiancee's computer | 04:23 |
hawk_wolf | its supposed to make that easy. | 04:24 |
eyequeue | hawk_wolf, ah | 04:24 |
=== mom [n=mom@toronto-HSE-ppp4156794.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AAA | jwiens upgrade vim ;) | 04:24 |
mom | hey? | 04:24 |
benplaut | AAA: help hawk_wolf | 04:24 |
jwiens | actually, just found it. | 04:24 |
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mom | hey people | 04:24 |
=== titanium_platypu [n=caleb@ip24-251-3-1.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jwiens | It was due to me turning on syntax highlighting in breezy before I upgraded. The new vimrc wasn't written. | 04:24 |
jwiens | I moved the -dist config over the old one and it works fine. | 04:24 |
titanium_platypu | how do you get the damn NVidia drivers to work? | 04:25 |
mom | asl? | 04:25 |
eyequeue | jwiens, suspense and all, what was it? | 04:25 |
eyequeue | jwiens, thanks | 04:25 |
nickgarvey | titanium_platypu: asking nicely helps.. | 04:25 |
blindx | whats the "hop" command for xchat.. anyone know? | 04:25 |
AAA | jwiens w00 | 04:25 |
nickgarvey | !tell titanium_platypu about nvidia | 04:25 |
skpl | _jason, i got the multiverses enabled but still cannot find java-package, any clues? | 04:25 |
titanium_platypu | I keep trying to install it, but it complains about the GCC version not matching the kernel version? | 04:25 |
muntyan_ | hey, can i make a debian of ubuntu if i change apt sources from ubuntu's to debian's? | 04:25 |
AAA | hawk_wolf how is that working for you? | 04:25 |
titanium_platypu | I'm sorry, but I've been trying to do this for months | 04:25 |
jwiens | Thanks everybody. | 04:25 |
narg | johanbr: where would you check the postfix log? | 04:25 |
_jason | skpl: did you apt-get update? | 04:25 |
OrTigaS | still wont work the sharing :( | 04:25 |
jwiens | Is this the sort of thing that might go in the wiki somewhere so others who run into this problem can get the info? | 04:25 |
eyequeue | skpl, no s on the end of multiverse, if that's it | 04:25 |
_jason | !info java-package dapper | 04:25 |
hawk_wolf | Well I just reinstalled so I had to start over. | 04:25 |
ubotu | java-package: (utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 0.27 (dapper), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 336 kB | 04:25 |
AAA | muntyan_ _I_ would'nt recommend that! | 04:26 |
nickgarvey | titanium_platypu: compare "cat /proc/version" with "gcc --version" | 04:26 |
skpl | _jason, is multiverse safe? | 04:26 |
hawk_wolf | I just got guidedog installed, now I'm trying to configure it. | 04:26 |
titanium_platypu | then on the newest version it complains and exits the install (even if I set the CC variable) | 04:26 |
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_jason | skpl: yes, just not free (as in freedom, not cost) | 04:26 |
titanium_platypu | but on the older version it installs, but then it won't work unless I re-run the installation after every single reboot. | 04:26 |
hawk_wolf | the part on forwarding is what I don't know what to do. | 04:26 |
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skpl | oh ok | 04:26 |
eyequeue | jwiens, i'd at least post to ubuntuforums | 04:26 |
titanium_platypu | Linux version 2.6.12-10-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8.1)) #1 Sat Mar 11 16:13:17 UTC 2006 | 04:26 |
skpl | _jason, i got this error: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release Unable to find expected entry univer/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 04:26 |
muntyan_ | AAA: because of difference between ubuntu and debian or because it's downgrading? | 04:26 |
titanium_platypu | gcc (GCC) 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu9) | 04:26 |
jwiens | eyequeue: I'll do it there. Thanks everyone for the help. | 04:26 |
johanbr | narg: /var/log/mail.log | 04:27 |
titanium_platypu | GCC is obviously newer than the one used to make my Ubuntu | 04:27 |
nickgarvey | titanium_platypu: that's the problem | 04:27 |
_jason | skpl: can you pastebin what your new sources looks like? | 04:27 |
skpl | yes | 04:27 |
titanium_platypu | but even if I set the CC variable to 3.4, it still fouls up. | 04:27 |
nickgarvey | titanium_platypu: okie, update your kernel then | 04:27 |
titanium_platypu | so how can I fix that | 04:27 |
titanium_platypu | ? | 04:27 |
titanium_platypu | how do I do that? | 04:27 |
_jason | !enter | 04:27 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 04:27 |
nickgarvey | titanium_platypu: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 04:27 |
titanium_platypu | k | 04:27 |
nickgarvey | titanium_platypu: should do it, unless you need apt-get dist-upgrade | 04:27 |
disco_stu | If I modify the xorg.conf - do I have to fully reboot - or just logout of X and log back in? | 04:27 |
_jason | ubotu: tell titanium_platypu about nvidia | 04:27 |
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hyphenated | disco_stu: you have to restart X | 04:27 |
eyequeue | disco_stu, personally, i'd log out of x, but also restart x | 04:28 |
AAA | muntyan_ not exactly, ubuntu is basically a 'polished' debian and does things slightly different. and the nomenclature for the .debs is different. you would have a very difficult time doing what you are proposing | 04:28 |
titanium_platypu | neither of those commands updated anything | 04:28 |
titanium_platypu | both my GCC and my kernel are up to date | 04:28 |
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titanium_platypu | it's just that my kernel was compiled with an older version of GCC than is installed | 04:28 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, I dont have a windows box to do this. But some shares wont take affect until the server restarts. For example NFS has this problem in breezy | 04:28 |
skpl | _jason, nm, i fixed it | 04:28 |
narg | johanbr: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory <- same as with mail; mutt just hide the message I guess. | 04:28 |
johanbr | titanium_platypu: If you install the linux-restricted-modules package that matches your kernel, you should get working nvidia drivers, without any recompiling needed. | 04:28 |
skpl | _jason, human error. | 04:28 |
eyequeue | disco_stu, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart, for example | 04:28 |
AAA | hawk_wolf what do you wat to accomplish? | 04:28 |
_jason | skpl: ah | 04:28 |
titanium_platypu | johanbr, that one is already installed | 04:28 |
nickgarvey | titanium_platypu: mm did you go to those links I gave you? | 04:28 |
muntyan_ | AAA: okay, thanks | 04:28 |
hyphenated | titanium_platypu: have you installed gcc-3.4 and other related packages? have you run update-alternatives afterward to choose 3.4? | 04:29 |
AAA | professor_chaos I use nfs with breezy np | 04:29 |
danl | whats the easy way, or a link/tutorial on going from 5.10 to dapper | 04:29 |
=== MTecknology [n=michael@adrianDHCP-252.216-254-252.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrTigaS | ok professor_chaos | 04:29 |
titanium_platypu | nickgarvey, I've already been to those a hundred times | 04:29 |
hyphenated | danl: #ubuntu+1 | 04:29 |
danl | thank you hyphenated | 04:29 |
titanium_platypu | hyphenated, do what, now? | 04:29 |
titanium_platypu | hyphenated, I don't quite get what you're saying | 04:29 |
cyphase | yay, new keyboard | 04:29 |
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cyphase | :P | 04:30 |
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eyequeue | danl, you change the file and run two commands /etc/apt/sources.list, change "breezy" to "dapper" anywhere | 04:30 |
lgc | johanbr, cge, I'm rebooting now... | 04:30 |
OrTigaS | i'm gonna delete add the folder | 04:30 |
professor_chaos | AAA, and adding a new share via /etc/exports or via gui take affect right away? Or do you need to restart NFS? | 04:30 |
cyphase | not as many of those keys along the top, but oh well | 04:30 |
eyequeue | danl, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 04:30 |
cyphase | :P | 04:30 |
skpl | _jason, nm, i only thought i fixed it, here is my sources.list http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12478 | 04:30 |
professor_chaos | AAA, I would have to restart NFS to take effect | 04:30 |
hyphenated | titanium_platypu: do you even have gcc-3.4 installed? | 04:30 |
DewDude | does anyone know anything about FreeNX? | 04:30 |
AAA | ppl, the only time you should ever have to reboot a linux box is if you want to run a different kernel or change hardware. This AINT doze... | 04:30 |
=== neighborlee [n=forms@c-24-16-102-212.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickgarvey | how would you compile.. a compiler? | 04:31 |
disco_stu | I have KMLDonkey installed and running - but it only ever connects to 2 servers - any advice? | 04:31 |
eyequeue | AAA, or test boot sequence ;) | 04:31 |
AAA | professor_chaos so /etc/init.d/nfs-user-server restart | 04:31 |
_jason | skpl: pastebin the errors you get with 'sudo apt-get update' too | 04:31 |
narg | nickgarvey: with a compiler :) | 04:31 |
skpl | nickgarvey, large monkeys | 04:31 |
AAA | eyequeue you can use init for that too | 04:31 |
titanium_platypu | if I do a "CC=gcc-3.4; export CC" will it be permanent? | 04:31 |
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professor_chaos | AAA, exactly the sever needs to be restarted. | 04:31 |
eyequeue | nickgarvey, apt-get -b source gcc3.4 ;) | 04:31 |
skpl | _jason, i did not get an error this time | 04:31 |
nickgarvey | narg: so you would compile a compiler with a compiler, that's a tongue twister heh | 04:31 |
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_jason | skpl: k, can you install java-package now? | 04:31 |
professor_chaos | AAA, I dont know about smb shared | 04:31 |
AAA | professor_chaos daemon =p | 04:31 |
skpl | lets see | 04:31 |
nickgarvey | eyequeue: psh that makes it too easy | 04:31 |
titanium_platypu | and, hyphenated, yes I do | 04:31 |
professor_chaos | AAA, yes demon. Thanks | 04:32 |
AAA | professor_chaos samba is simple if you just want to share a folder or two on a "workgroup" | 04:32 |
narg | nickgarvey: yup. You do that all the way back to the point were you boostrapped the first compiler from machine code :p | 04:32 |
eyequeue | titanium_platypu, if you export it in your .*rc file, such as ~/.bashrc | 04:32 |
titanium_platypu | hm.... | 04:32 |
johanbr | narg: Hmm... Do you run postfix in a chroot? Have you done any other kind of customization? | 04:32 |
hyphenated | titanium_platypu: ok. I mistakenly thought gcc was controlled via 'alternatives', which makes it easy to switch between versions/programs that achieve similar tasks | 04:32 |
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moshe | hello | 04:32 |
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eyequeue | titanium_platypu, really, try things first before adding them to startup files, for obvious reasons | 04:32 |
professor_chaos | AAA, and that takes affect right away. Or needs smb to be restarted | 04:33 |
narg | johanbr: nerp. I've installed some other software that is totally unrelated, but otherwise, this is almost entirely clean server breezy. | 04:33 |
moshe | any suggestions here for programs to monitor epson printer ink levels? | 04:33 |
johanbr | titanium_platypu: Then it should work. Maybe someone who has an nvidia card can help you, I have an ATI myself. | 04:33 |
titanium_platypu | so try the export thing? | 04:33 |
AAA | professor_chaos as a general rule, any time you edit a config file, you need to HUP (hang up process) or restart the daemon | 04:33 |
titanium_platypu | all right, I'm going to try that. Thanks guys for the help :) | 04:34 |
professor_chaos | AAA, whats the restart command for smb | 04:34 |
OrTigaS | still doesn't work the sharing | 04:34 |
professor_chaos | OrTigaS, ask AAA, he seems to know more about this. I will learn something | 04:34 |
OrTigaS | ok | 04:35 |
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AAA | professor_chaos tip: using bash (the default shell in ubuntu) you have the power of tab completion. type /etc/init.d/<tab><tab> and find it ;) | 04:35 |
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hyphenated | OrTigaS: sudo /etc/init.d/samba reload | 04:35 |
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professor_chaos | AAA, I dont have smb installed. Just wanted to know for my edumucation | 04:35 |
AAA | if you guys just type the path name, it will show you the arguements you can supply to the script (i.e. stop start reload...) | 04:36 |
lucia_engel | why do nautilus, gparted, and disk manager list i've used 2gb when i've only used 700mb of my 4gb /home partition? | 04:36 |
AAA | professor_chaos then you need to find it in the repos. apt-cache samba | 04:36 |
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nickgarvey | how would I check how big a package is from apt-get? | 04:37 |
narg | lucia_engel: hidden files? | 04:37 |
professor_chaos | AAA, I dont want it, dont need it. Just trying to help out OrTigaS | 04:37 |
eyequeue | um, apt-cache {show|search} samba | 04:37 |
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AAA | lucia_engel you paste the output of df -h in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 04:37 |
OrTigaS | still asking me the password | 04:37 |
lucia_engel | narg: well the 700mb includes the ".files" according to baobab...and it's scary to think i have 1gb of hidden files | 04:38 |
eyequeue | nickgarvey, apt-cache show foo | grep Installed-Size | 04:38 |
kethinov | does anyone know of a good video capture app for linux that i can use to record the events of a specific window or the entire desktop into a video, or simply dump the audio that program is generating into some raw format? | 04:38 |
nickgarvey | eyequeue: thank you | 04:38 |
AAA | eyequeue good catch...sorry | 04:38 |
blindx | anyway to make firefox not use to much memory? :| | 04:38 |
eyequeue | nickgarvey, play a bit with apt-cache show foo on a package you know well | 04:38 |
nickgarvey | blindx: google! there's 100's of pages on that | 04:38 |
nickgarvey | eyequeue: friend asked how big python was | 04:38 |
narg | blindx: There is a about:config option somewhere, not sure what it is called though | 04:38 |
eyequeue | AAA, a mistake i'd make myself, heh | 04:39 |
blindx | somewhere in about:config, eh? | 04:39 |
blindx | :P | 04:39 |
eyequeue | nickgarvey, apt-cache show python2.4 | grep Installed-Size, probably | 04:39 |
AAA | eyequeue debian reminds me of that mistake often | 04:39 |
nickgarvey | eyequeue: yup, its a weird number though | 04:39 |
nickgarvey | eyequeue: one of those that I would normally use -h on ;) | 04:39 |
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lucia_engel | AAA: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12480 | 04:40 |
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narg | nickgarvey: divide it by 1024^2 | 04:40 |
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nickgarvey | narg: okie thank you | 04:40 |
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eyequeue | nickgarvey, "python" is just the meta-package that installs the preferred version of the current release, i think 2.4 for both breezy and dapper, but unsure | 04:40 |
nickgarvey | narg: and what size is that in? | 04:40 |
narg | nickgarvey: that will take you from bytes to megabytes | 04:40 |
nickgarvey | narg: alright thank you | 04:40 |
AAA | lucia_engel and what makes you think you have only used 700M | 04:41 |
johanbr | narg: Hmm. Googling that error message gives some hits, but nothing very conclusive. You could try backing up any postfix config files you want to keep, then removing postfix by doing "dpkg -P --force all postfix", followed by "dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/postfix*deb" to reinstall. | 04:41 |
=== BlueB [n=Robert@d14-69-102-146.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyequeue | nickgarvey, if ever you DO pull up something tiny, grep for Depends, and see what the real package it pulls in is | 04:41 |
OrTigaS | brb | 04:41 |
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narg | johanbr: ok, thanks. I'll try that. | 04:42 |
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nickgarvey | eyequeue: alright, thanks, that explains how python got so small heh | 04:42 |
eyequeue | heh | 04:42 |
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nin | I' | 04:44 |
nin | er | 04:44 |
nin | I'm listening now Nikki. | 04:44 |
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nickgarvey | nin: who's nikki? | 04:45 |
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nin | Ack, wrong window... heh | 04:45 |
nin | Thanks nick for your earlier help. | 04:45 |
=== Aeudian [n=Aeudian@c-69-255-133-22.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pepo | for install automatix ? its aptitude install automatix or other package name? | 04:45 |
nin | I'm slowly figuring this stuff out | 04:45 |
Aeudian | I have a creative audigy 2 sound card with alsa drivers installed but how do i go about setting them to 5.1 instead of 2 channel | 04:45 |
eyequeue | !easyubuntu | 04:46 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 04:46 |
eyequeue | !automatix | 04:46 |
ubotu | I guess automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu. | 04:46 |
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phin | hey, i just restarted my desktop and im showing the two gnome panels coming up but they are just two white bars with nothing on them. i cannot click them, or right click them, and doing a killall gnome-panel and having em come back up results n the same thing. | 04:47 |
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Thinjon100 | Hello, just gave up on a very unsuccessful SuSE 10 installation attempt for my AMD64... is there a stable Ubuntu release I should try? | 04:48 |
dj__ | Hello everyone! | 04:48 |
vitorres | hola!!!!!!!!!1 | 04:48 |
dj__ | I happen to be confused about something. | 04:48 |
vitorres | xD | 04:48 |
dj__ | Hola | 04:48 |
nickgarvey | !es | 04:48 |
vitorres | jaja | 04:48 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 04:48 |
sethk | Thinjon100, I've had problems installing SuSE several times | 04:48 |
vitorres | :o | 04:48 |
sethk | Thinjon100, ubuntu is definitely better. I haven't tried amd64 specifically, though | 04:48 |
dj__ | Well, I'm wondering if I can install KDE on UBUNTU or do I need Kubuntu? | 04:49 |
johanbr | phin: Try renaming the directory ~/.gnome2/panel2.d to something else, then killing gnome-panel. Does that help? | 04:49 |
nickgarvey | !tell dj about kde | 04:49 |
phin | johanbr: i sec | 04:49 |
dj__ | :) | 04:49 |
Thinjon100 | Where's the best site to find ISOs and detailed installation/setup instructions? | 04:50 |
nickgarvey | Thinjon100: isos for what? | 04:50 |
Thinjon100 | Well, Ubuntu... if it's got a good release for Athlon64 | 04:51 |
nickgarvey | Thinjon100: if you mean linux distributions in general, I'd say www.distrowatch.com | 04:51 |
cyphase | is there a bonjour chat client for linux? | 04:51 |
swa | so I've installed libdvdcss2, yet I still can't play DVD's -- Totem tells me a proper decoder isn't installed. any ideas? I'm running amd64 | 04:51 |
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cyphase | swa, libdvdcss is kind of flaky | 04:52 |
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cyphase | or i should say | 04:52 |
blindx | Does anyone happen to know the default log folder for x-chat? o.o | 04:52 |
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cyphase | totem's use of it | 04:52 |
johanbr | cyphase: Very recent (too recent to be in ubuntu) versions of gaim are zeroconf-aware. The version of ekiga in Dapper also handles zeroconf. That's really an IP phone, but has a simple text chat. | 04:52 |
swa | cyphase: well I tried installing xine, mplayer, and vlc also -- with no success. I just wanna be able to watch DVD's :( | 04:53 |
michael117 | What's the best livecd that boots into gnome and fits on one cd-r? | 04:53 |
_jason | michael117: ubuntu? | 04:53 |
cyphase | swa, vlc plays DVDs without libdvdcss | 04:53 |
Dr_Willis | michael117, some of the slax ones are nice | 04:53 |
swa | also, somehow I've broken the auto-mounting of my DVD drive -- I have to manually "mount /media/cdrom0" and "umount /dev/scd0" | 04:53 |
eyequeue | "best" is opinion, but ubuntu does that | 04:53 |
Dr_Willis | michael117, and Knoppix is great | 04:53 |
Dr_Willis | the ubuntu live cd's are decent as well. | 04:53 |
swa | cyphase: yeah I know, but when I try "Open Disc" and use dvd:///media/cdrom0 -- it just does nothing | 04:53 |
cyphase | swa, you have to give it the device name | 04:54 |
nin | My dvd-rom is mounted but not playing anything | 04:54 |
cyphase | e.g. /dev/hdd | 04:54 |
Dr_Willis | swa, run vlc from a terminal and see what messages its saying | 04:54 |
cyphase | swa, try /dev/hdd | 04:54 |
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dj__ | anyone know if Ubuntu has KDE or if KDE can be put on my ubuntu system? | 04:54 |
swa | I have some lines to paste, can I paste them herE? it's like 4 lines | 04:54 |
cyphase | it doesn't have to be mounted even | 04:54 |
=== papyromancer [n=papyroma@cpe-24-165-210-176.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
johanbr | swa: What's the exact message from totem? | 04:54 |
swa | here's what VLC has to say: | 04:54 |
swa | libdvdread: Attempting to use device /dev/scd0 mounted on /media/cdrom0 for CSS authentication | 04:55 |
swa | libdvdread: Could not open /dev/scd0 with libdvdcss. | 04:55 |
swa | libdvdread: Can't open /dev/scd0 for reading | 04:55 |
swa | libdvdread: Device /dev/scd0 inaccessible, CSS authentication not available. | 04:55 |
nomasteryoda | gah, pastebin... | 04:55 |
pulver | hey, when i double click on a downloaded mp3 file in nautilus it pops up a warning dialog saying a mp3 file could be a security risc and refuses to play it.. why? it's rediculous | 04:55 |
hosler | I installed Freevo on my computer. I configured freevo to startup when the stystem boots. However, freevo is trying to connect to the X server and I have to start the X server manually with 'startx.' How can I get X to start automaticaly so freevo can start? | 04:55 |
johanbr | swa: What does "ls -l /dev/scd0" say? | 04:55 |
swa | kind of odd -- I can cd /media/cdrom0 and see the files just fine | 04:55 |
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swa | brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2006-04-17 15:44 /dev/scd0 | 04:56 |
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kethinov | does there exist any screen recording software for linux? | 04:56 |
cyphase | kethinov, several | 04:56 |
johanbr | swa: Does your user belong to the cdrom group? | 04:56 |
kethinov | cyphase, any suggestions? | 04:57 |
cyphase | kethinov, Istanbul, Byanz.. | 04:57 |
swa | johanbr: I was bad, and just for testing, ran VLC as root | 04:57 |
C0keNC0d3 | pulver, i think you need to install the software needed to play mp3s | 04:57 |
eyequeue | script (1) - make typescript of terminal session | 04:57 |
C0keNC0d3 | I can play mp3s just fine | 04:57 |
dj__ | he | 04:57 |
johanbr | swa: Ok. Do you have mplayer installed? If so, what does "mplayer dvd://1" say? | 04:57 |
swa | and yes, my normal user is a member of the "cdrom" group | 04:57 |
phin | johanbr: no luck, same thing | 04:58 |
cyphase | kethinov, Byzanz* | 04:58 |
swa | it complains about /dev/dvd -- which doesn't exist | 04:58 |
C0keNC0d3 | but the software required to play mp3s doesn't come bundled with ubuntu for legal reasons | 04:58 |
cyphase | Wink.. | 04:58 |
cyphase | etc | 04:58 |
_jason | swa: are you sure libdvdcss got installed? What does this say: dpkg -l '*libdvdcss*' | grep ^ii | 04:58 |
pulver | C0keNC0d3, yeah it's all there (its possible to right click and open with...xmms for ex) just that nautilus didn't like the file extension which is .mp3 | 04:59 |
kethinov | cyphase, istanbul looks like it is based on VNC. would it be incapable of capturing opengl, xv, directx (via wine), and sound? | 04:59 |
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C0keNC0d3 | weird | 04:59 |
nin | I'm having a problem downloading macromedia now... | 04:59 |
C0keNC0d3 | nautilus never told me anything about .mp3 files | 04:59 |
CNAP | so how to do i apt-get v. 6.06??? | 04:59 |
cyphase | kethinov, Istanbul isn't VNC based | 04:59 |
swa | ii libdvdcss2 1.2.9-1plf3 portable abstraction library for DVD decrypt | 04:59 |
swa | ii libdvdcss2-dev 1.2.9-1plf3 development files for libdvdcss2 | 04:59 |
cyphase | kethinov, but it's buggy sometimes | 04:59 |
_jason | swa: ok, so much for the easy fix | 04:59 |
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swa | :/ | 05:00 |
_jason | swa: have you tried other discs you know work? | 05:00 |
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=== Lorvija [n=lorvija@dsl-lprgw5-fecdf900-132.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nin | My friend used to spell his nick just like you Jason, by chance you from Cali? | 05:01 |
=== phin [n=mcgee@c-68-60-47-153.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CNAP | guys, hear anything on ubuntu 6.06? | 05:01 |
phin | johanbr: i fixed it, the show desktop button was messed up | 05:01 |
_jason | nin: nope, other side of the states :) | 05:01 |
phin | CNAP: whats there to hear? it works :) | 05:01 |
phin | im using it | 05:01 |
nin | Alright, that works. | 05:01 |
johanbr | swa: I don't recognize that lib version. Where'd you get it from? I use Christian Marillat's version, and that works for me. | 05:01 |
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johanbr | phin: Alright, good to hear. | 05:02 |
tonyyarusso | CNAP: I'm reading a review of Flight 5 right now. (Yes, Flight 6 is already out.) | 05:02 |
swa | _jason: I tried another disc, and vlc segfaulted | 05:02 |
CNAP | yeah i'm reading the same review | 05:02 |
phin | johanbr: wonder why that would bug out. | 05:02 |
nin | Yeah, I'm having a problem downloading flashplayer from macromedia, if there's someone that could help | 05:02 |
CNAP | can i do an apt-get upgrade? if so how? | 05:02 |
swa | johanbr: got it from ubuntulinux.nl | 05:02 |
_jason | nin: install flashplugin-nonfree from multiverse | 05:02 |
_jason | ubotu: tell nin about multiverse | 05:02 |
nszabolcs | hi, i just crashed my X (on tty9) i have no input can i get back to a working tty? (i can login via ssh) | 05:02 |
johanbr | swa: And you're sure that /dev/scd0 is the correct device? | 05:02 |
=== mrspeck [n=Miranda@c-24-91-199-71.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
swa | johanbr: positive. I only have one cdrom, it's an SATA DVD burner, and I can mount it perfectly | 05:03 |
mrspeck | hello all-- how do i stop a demon once i've started it? (i've started svnserver but i don't know how to stop it) | 05:03 |
kethinov | cyphase, i see what you mean. it is pretty buggy. | 05:03 |
cyphase | kethinov, yea | 05:04 |
cyphase | it leaves a trail | 05:04 |
kethinov | cyphase, what's the deal with that? | 05:04 |
cyphase | i don't know | 05:04 |
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nszabolcs | mrspeck: killall ? | 05:04 |
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mrspeck | uhhh-- doesn't that kill all? all processes? i just want to kill a specific demon-- gracefully if possible | 05:05 |
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=== AveBest [n=antonio7@host146-200.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
swa | sigh | 05:05 |
swa | I don't get it :( | 05:05 |
swa | my DVD drive won't even auto-mount anymore -- I have to manually do it, which is annoying | 05:05 |
nszabolcs | killall svnserver (only kills svnservers :) | 05:05 |
MTecknology | I need help configuring an Airport Extereme | 05:05 |
nickgarvey | mrspeck: killall kills everything with the name you say, so killall apache2 will kill apache2, killall firefox-bin kills firefox | 05:05 |
nszabolcs | probably svnserverd stop works | 05:06 |
mrspeck | nick: does it do it gracefully-- i mean is that the way svnserver makers intended it to be stopped? | 05:06 |
mrspeck | nszabolcs-- oh i'll try that first | 05:06 |
johanbr | swa: You can try the dvdcss package from ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.0_amd64.deb , maybe that'll work better. | 05:07 |
nickgarvey | mrspeck: it should expect to get that signal.. but yeah asking it first is usually better than telling it ;) | 05:07 |
nszabolcs | how can i remotely change tty? | 05:07 |
swa | johnbr: I'll try that one -- I just did mplayer dvd:///dev/scd0 -- it actually opened the dvd, played at light-speed with some crazy sounds and then died :P | 05:07 |
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AveBest | ok i have just installed ubuntu but i make it server , and now i need the commands for configure the network ,ip address,gateway. please help me | 05:09 |
swa | johanbr, you're my hero! That one is working! mplayer can read my DVD perfectly now | 05:09 |
nickgarvey | AveBest: dhcp doesn't work? | 05:09 |
johanbr | swa: Great! Glad to be of help. :) | 05:09 |
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AveBest | i don't know what's that | 05:10 |
AveBest | i need the command how to set the ip address , gatewat , and dns 212.112..... | 05:10 |
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CokeNCode | AveBest, couldn't you just do it via gnome? | 05:11 |
kethinov | cyphase, are there any others? i need to be able to record a specific application with full video and sound | 05:11 |
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CokeNCode | go to , 'system' -> 'administration' -> 'networking' | 05:12 |
cyphase | kethinov, there's (x|g)vidcap | 05:12 |
AveBest | CokeNCode yes but i don't have space for gnome | 05:12 |
swa | okay so now I have one more question :P | 05:12 |
CokeNCode | AveBest, oh, so you're using strictly console? | 05:12 |
AveBest | CokeNCode i don't have installed gnome | 05:12 |
cyphase | kethinov, i don't know about only one application though | 05:12 |
nszabolcs | AveBest ifconfig something | 05:12 |
CokeNCode | oh ok ... well, I can't help you there then buddy | 05:12 |
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AveBest | CokeNCode and who can help me? | 05:13 |
nszabolcs | ifconfig | 05:13 |
CokeNCode | nszabolcs might be able to lead you in the right direction AveBest | 05:13 |
swa | when I do "cat /proc/cpuinfo" -- it detects my CPU properly as "model name : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+" -- however, the MHz is way off: "cpu MHz : 1010.277" -- any ideas why? | 05:13 |
johanbr | swa: Buggy kernel, most likely. | 05:13 |
roh | swa speedstep? | 05:13 |
swa | roh: what's speedstep? | 05:14 |
roh | its named powernow on amd cpus, but does the same. | 05:14 |
AveBest | nszabolcs ifconfig says inet addr | 05:14 |
swa | AveBest: ifconfig eth0 netmask | 05:14 |
swa | AveBest: route add default gw | 05:15 |
roh | the clock scales down depending on the cpupower needed. so it wastes less energy | 05:15 |
AveBest | ok i'll try now | 05:15 |
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CokeNCode | AveBest, 'ifconfig address' | 05:15 |
blindx | how to delete a string from about:config in FF, anyone know? :x | 05:15 |
CokeNCode | oops | 05:15 |
roh | swa: do you have any modules loaded like cpufreq* ? | 05:16 |
swa | AveBeast: echo nameserver\ 212.112.... > /etc/resolv.conf | 05:16 |
pepo | i am trying to configure my wireless, its a broadcom, and the system says Harware Present:Yes but i can not see my eth1 | 05:16 |
swa | roh: yes I have about 5 cpufreq_* modules loaded | 05:16 |
pepo | i need add it? | 05:16 |
CNAP | a little help here guys, how do i do an upgrade on ubuntu without having to download the CD and reboot | 05:16 |
johanbr | pepo: Using ndiswrapper, I guess? | 05:16 |
pepo | johanbr, yes | 05:16 |
roh | swa then look at your dmesg if it prints anything about it | 05:17 |
johanbr | pepo: In that case, the interface is called wlan0. | 05:17 |
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swa | scott@beast:~$ dmesg | grep freq | 05:17 |
swa | [ 639.363934] Losing some ticks... checking if CPU frequency changed. | 05:17 |
pepo | johanbr, but device not found | 05:17 |
=== TecnoVM65 [n=tecnovm@unaffiliated/tecnovm64] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AveBest | swa i have Asus pcmia card (i have internet wireless) i need to make some configuration for this ...to work internet? | 05:18 |
johanbr | pepo: What does "ndiswrapper -l" say? | 05:18 |
roh | swa sorry.. i just see it also doesnt print anything here.. | 05:18 |
swa | AveBest: does "ifconfig eth0" show anything? | 05:18 |
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johanbr | swa: Do you have cpufreqd or powernowd running? | 05:18 |
pepo | johanbr, bcmwl5 driver present, hardware present | 05:18 |
nickgarvey | pepo: same driver I need heh | 05:19 |
AAA | pepo iwconfig -a | 05:19 |
nickgarvey | pepo: laptop? | 05:19 |
johanbr | pepo: Does "ifconfig -a" say anything about wlan0? | 05:19 |
swa | johanbr: powernowd is running | 05:19 |
pepo | nickgarvey, yes | 05:19 |
roh | swa see if there is something like cpufreqd or powernowd running. if not, just install powernowd and it should work nicely. there is also a gnome.applet which can show the actual setting | 05:19 |
nickgarvey | pepo: brand? | 05:19 |
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pepo | AAA, no such device | 05:19 |
pepo | johanbr, no | 05:19 |
johanbr | swa: Try "/etc/init.d/powernowd stop" and see if the reported frequency changes. | 05:19 |
swa | roh: I see that powernowd is running, so does that mean /proc/cpuinfo the MHz may change as the kernel needs? | 05:19 |
nickgarvey | pepo: compile your own ndiswrapper, works better | 05:20 |
nickgarvey | pepo: that's what I had to do | 05:20 |
AAA | pepo sorry, I meant ifconfig -a like johanbr was saying.. | 05:20 |
swa | johanbr: I stopped it, but the frequency did not change | 05:20 |
pepo | AAA, just etho, lo, sit0 | 05:20 |
roh | swa i dunno. the freq isnt really a concern since nothing in userspace shpould depend on whats printed there. thats just informational | 05:21 |
pepo | nickgarvey, i did it | 05:21 |
bongzilla_ | i got error configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 05:21 |
bongzilla_ | need help | 05:21 |
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@71-208-155-196.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roh | swa it could be that it only prints the value from the bootup-time | 05:21 |
johanbr | swa: Sorry, I just realized that it may actually have been doing its job correctly. Can you start something cpu-intensive, like a compile, and see if the freq changes (after restarting powernowd) ? | 05:21 |
nickgarvey | pepo: problem with ubuntu was it kept calling my wireless card eth0 instead of wlan0 | 05:21 |
AAA | pepo what does dmesg tell you? just type dmesg and see if you can find (towards the bottom) anything about the driver loading | 05:21 |
bongzilla_ | how can i get that | 05:21 |
swa | johanbr, when I try to restart it, it fails -- do I need to reboot? | 05:22 |
nickgarvey | pepo: I could scan and detect my network but not connect | 05:22 |
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johanbr | swa: That's strange. What happens if you run it straight from the commandline ("powernowd"). In any case, if you don't mind rebooting I guess that'd fix it. | 05:22 |
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swa | johanbr: rofl I'm silly, I was starting/stopping it as a normal user -- lemme sudo su - root and try again ;) | 05:23 |
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pepo | nickgarvey, but better of me, but dont work too :D | 05:23 |
AAA | pepo you could paste the output of dmesg | tail -n 33 in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 05:23 |
escobar5 | hello, im having some problems, hotplug don't work in my ubuntu, do you know what can be? | 05:23 |
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swa | and yes, johan, when I stopped powernowd, the MHz skyrocketted to 2222 :P | 05:23 |
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B0FH | !glxgears | 05:23 |
ubotu | To display the FPS type "glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark" | 05:23 |
roh | swa proc/cpuinfo shows 273mhz on my notebook when it should print 500 and 328 when it should be 600.. so its dynamic, but way off | 05:24 |
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AveBest | swa THANKS MAN , IT WORK INTERNET ON IT | 05:24 |
johanbr | swa: Alright. :) It seems to be working then. | 05:24 |
swa | AveBest, np man, have fun ;) | 05:24 |
swa | somegeek, this powernowd just scales the CPU MHz as it needs them? | 05:25 |
swa | lol stupid name completing in xchat | 05:25 |
B0FH | is there something going on with ubuntu and it's fps useing nvidia cards? it seems that lately the last few monthes that the glxgears have been displaying really really low fps | 05:25 |
=== nickrud [n=nickrud@adsl-66-142-151-141.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roh | swa yes it does | 05:25 |
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roh | swa add the cpu frequency scaling monitor dockapp to your bar and you can see when it changes due to high cpuload | 05:26 |
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swa | roh, forgive my newness to ubuntu, but how would I do that? | 05:26 |
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pepo | AAA, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12481 | 05:27 |
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roh | swa klick right on a panel and on add to panel | 05:27 |
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swa | roh, ah I see it in there ;) | 05:27 |
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swa | roh, thanks for the help! | 05:27 |
roh | you can configure the applet by clicking right-> preferences | 05:28 |
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escobar5 | hello, im having some problems, hotplug don't work in my ubuntu, do you know what can be? | 05:28 |
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MrRio | is there an easy way to 'strip' an ubuntu installation down to the bare minimum after its already been installed? | 05:29 |
mlowe | escobar5, not work in what manner ? | 05:29 |
Tennessee | /msg | 05:29 |
cute_bettong | i have a motherboard with an nforce2 chipset(s) and even though ubuntu sees it it produces no sound no matter what i do | 05:29 |
MrRio | some sort of package that all the gui stuff depends on? | 05:29 |
cute_bettong | is there anyone that has an idea of what is going on? | 05:29 |
escobar5 | i plug my pendrive, my ipod, and it doesn't recognize them | 05:29 |
AAA | pepo grep -i loadndisdriver /var/log/syslog | 05:29 |
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mlowe | . | 05:30 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: pastebin the output from ``lspci -v && lspci -nv && cat /proc/asound/cards && tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat && amixer -c0'' | 05:30 |
mlowe | escobar5, probably in dendancies for hot plug, there is usb module. install that | 05:30 |
mlowe | dependancies | 05:30 |
cute_bettong | crimsun, http://pastebin.com/666499 | 05:31 |
pepo | AAA, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12482 | 05:31 |
AAA | pepo is this a pcmcia card ? if so do this. cardctl eject;cardctl insert and then paste the output of tail -n 44 /var/log/syslog in paste.bin | 05:31 |
=== Gau [n=Gau@chey7-115-dhcp.resnet.colorado.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cute_bettong | and does anyone know if anything has changed in the last few monthes that would drop the framerate in ubuntu? | 05:32 |
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escobar5 | mlowe, sorry but how do i do that? | 05:32 |
cute_bettong | when useing nvidia cards | 05:32 |
pepo | AAA, its pci | 05:32 |
lgc | johanbr, I'm back. Synclient doesn't seem to work... | 05:32 |
johanbr | lgc: Even with the SHMConfig line in xorg.conf ? | 05:33 |
AAA | pepo locate bcmwl5a | 05:33 |
mlowe | escobar5, 1 min i will find packages to install ;) | 05:33 |
disco_stu | What do you guys recommend for dvd ripping? | 05:33 |
lgc | johanbr, indeed. | 05:33 |
=== RipVanFish [n=chatzill@kimo.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
escobar5 | ok, thanks | 05:33 |
lgc | johanbr, " Option "SHMConfig" "true"". | 05:34 |
cute_bettong | crimsun any idea? | 05:34 |
mlowe | escobar5, "sudo apt-get install usbutils" | 05:34 |
AAA | pepo the driver doesn't sound like it loaded, did you compile this driver from source? did you do make install on the driver? paste that output when you can | 05:34 |
RipVanFish | I can't get my wired ethernet working | 05:35 |
johanbr | lgc: Hmm. It works for me. You can get my xorg.conf at http://nullinfinity.org/xorg.conf and see if there are any significant differences in the synaptics config. | 05:35 |
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crimsun | cute_bettong: did you tell me the url? | 05:35 |
escobar5 | mlowe, already installed | 05:35 |
cute_bettong | yes | 05:35 |
cute_bettong | crimsun http://pastebin.com/666499 | 05:35 |
pepo | AAA, see this the bcmwl5a its a driver for 32bits and bcmwl5 its for 64 bits | 05:35 |
AAA | RipVanFish what is the problem? | 05:35 |
AAA | pepo what is your arch? paste any output of that locate command | 05:35 |
pepo | but bcmwl5a its not load | 05:35 |
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pepo | AAA, nothing | 05:35 |
escobar5 | mlowe, i was reading in ubuntuforums that maybe it is some problem with the ATI drivers | 05:36 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: amixer sset 'IEC958' off | 05:36 |
mlowe | escobar5, "sudo apt-get install ifupdown pciutils grepmap" | 05:36 |
AAA | pepo lsmod|grep bcmwl5 | 05:36 |
johanbr | pepo: Are you running amd64? | 05:36 |
cute_bettong | crimsun how do i change that? | 05:36 |
RipVanFish | AAA, Well I can't use the internet on my Ubuntu intallation...but I can in Windows | 05:36 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: type that precisely in a Terminal | 05:36 |
cute_bettong | do i sudo that? | 05:37 |
escobar5 | mlowe, already installed | 05:37 |
AAA | RipVanFish ok, does ifconfig -a show you eth0 ? | 05:37 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: I didn't type sudo, so no. | 05:37 |
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RipVanFish | AA | 05:37 |
RipVanFish | AAA yes it does | 05:37 |
cute_bettong | and pepo you woulden't happen to be trying to get a belkin wireless card working would you? | 05:37 |
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nickgarvey | how would I remotely connect to my ubuntu computer, XDMCP is enabled | 05:37 |
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johanbr | cute_bettong: I think he said before that it's broadcom. | 05:37 |
RipVanFish | AAA I think DCHP isn't giving me an IP but I don't see why not | 05:37 |
mlowe | escobar5, "sudo apt-get install ifrename" | 05:37 |
AAA | RipVanFish are you on a dsl line? or using dhcp? or on a network? do you know how your doze box was set up? ip address and such | 05:37 |
cute_bettong | oh ok i know that driver works with belkins that have the broadcom chipset | 05:38 |
mlowe | escobar5, is hal, udev installed also ? | 05:38 |
cute_bettong | so i was just thinking it was the same thing lol | 05:38 |
AAA | nickgarvey X -host foo (I think) | 05:38 |
disco_stu | So I got my ATI Svideo working on my TV - but I can only view movies properly when I set my monitor resolution to 800x600 - is there a way I can change my TV-Out display to always run at that and leave my monitor resolution alone? | 05:38 |
cute_bettong | crimsun is there anything else i need to do to fix this? | 05:38 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: well, do you hear any sound now? | 05:38 |
escobar5 | mlowe, yes | 05:38 |
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RipVanFish | AAA I'm on my University's network, it uses DHCP and the MAC address of my ethernet controller | 05:39 |
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cute_bettong | nope | 05:39 |
IceTox | Hey.. I have a problem with viewing websites with java content. I've ran 'java -version' and it seems I have java version 1.4.2. Is there any way to get Sun's JRE? | 05:39 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: mute 'External Amplifier' | 05:39 |
=== Kr0ntab [n=Kr0ntab@pool-72-67-62-85.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mlowe | escobar5, how are you checking if package is install ? | 05:39 |
johanbr | RipVanFish: What happens if you do "sudo dhclient eth0" in a terminal? | 05:39 |
ferrouswheel | gah, anyone use matlab2006a in ubuntu amd64 dapper? X keeps dieing :( | 05:39 |
AAA | RipVanFish cool. ifconfig eth0 up;dhclient eth0 | 05:39 |
cute_bettong | crimsun nope nothing O_o weard eh? | 05:39 |
cute_bettong | there isen't one singel change lol | 05:39 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: not really. | 05:39 |
escobar5 | mlowe, apt-get install, and it says that is already the newest version | 05:40 |
cute_bettong | really this is to be expected? | 05:40 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: unmute 'Surround', 'Center', and 'LFE' | 05:40 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: and turn them up | 05:40 |
mrspeck | newbie Q: how do i get something to run right when the computer boots up? (trying to automatically run 'svnserve -d') | 05:40 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: also, make sure 'Duplicate Front' is unmuted. | 05:40 |
RipVanFish | johanbr when I use sudo dhclient it searches for a while and then fails | 05:40 |
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mlowe | escobar5, what version of ubuntu ? | 05:40 |
AAA | RipVanFish did you ifconfig eth0 up? | 05:40 |
RipVanFish | AAA you want me to run those commands? | 05:40 |
AAA | RipVanFish yes | 05:41 |
RipVanFish | AAA eth0 should be activated | 05:41 |
escobar5 | mlowe, 5.10 | 05:41 |
pepo | AAA, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12483 | 05:41 |
AAA | RipVanFish mii-tool eth0 | 05:41 |
mlowe | what desktop ? | 05:41 |
lgc | johanbr, the only significant difference is the PalmDetect line... | 05:41 |
escobar5 | mlowe, gnome | 05:41 |
mrspeck | newbie Q: how do i get ubuntu to run something right when it starts (i need it to run 'svnserve -d') ? | 05:41 |
cute_bettong | crimsun nope nothing | 05:42 |
RipVanFish | AAA 1 sec | 05:42 |
mlowe | plug in ipod, and get output from mount | 05:42 |
cute_bettong | wow this is odd | 05:42 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: fresh install or dist-upgraded from Hoary? | 05:42 |
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cute_bettong | nope this is a fresh install of breezy | 05:42 |
AAA | mrspeck update-rc.d -f <pkg> defaults | 05:42 |
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cute_bettong | crimsun nope this is a fresh install of breezy | 05:42 |
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crimsun | cute_bettong: what is 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' set to? | 05:43 |
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cute_bettong | crimsun where can i find out? and how? | 05:43 |
mrspeck | AAA: ? are you saying i should run that line? what then? i'm very new to linux sorry | 05:43 |
johanbr | lgc: Strange. Does "synclient -l" work? | 05:43 |
lgc | johanbr, no. | 05:43 |
eyequeue | mrspeck, "man update-rc.d" explains ubuntu's boot philosophy, if you need that | 05:43 |
AAA | mrspeck yes sub <pkg> for the service | 05:44 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: use alsamixer | 05:44 |
johanbr | RipVanFish: Maybe you need to register the mac address with your university. | 05:44 |
cute_bettong | crimsun and thank you for helping me i really appriciate it | 05:44 |
mlowe | escobar5, plug in ipod, and get output from mount | 05:44 |
escobar5 | mlowe, also i have noticed that when ubuntu is booting, when it gets to the point of "starting hotplug subsystem" it doesn't say "ok", don't know if this helps but i tell you anyway | 05:44 |
AAA | RipVanFish make sure you have a link | 05:44 |
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cute_bettong | alsa mixer is what i have selected in the multimedia prefrences | 05:44 |
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RipVanFish | johanbr it is already registered, I can tell because I'm using the computer right now in windows | 05:44 |
mrspeck | cool-- thanks AAA,eyequeue! | 05:44 |
johanbr | lgc: Which version of ubuntu are you running? | 05:44 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: no, the cli: alsamixer | 05:44 |
mlowe | escobar5, dmesg to pastebin please | 05:44 |
mlowe | escobar5, let me know when its there | 05:45 |
cute_bettong | crimsun whoah that is awesome | 05:45 |
cute_bettong | never knew about that | 05:45 |
lgc | johanbr, that might be the thing: good old Hoary. | 05:45 |
RipVanFish | AAA I'm starting up my laptop | 05:45 |
AAA | RipVanFish keep me posted | 05:45 |
AngryElf | is setting up dual monitors a difficult task (stretching the screen across two screens)?? | 05:45 |
johanbr | lgc: I see. That could very well be it. I'd recommend upgrading in any case. :) | 05:46 |
panzer | hi | 05:46 |
johanbr | RipVanFish: How can you use the computer in windows and test ubuntu commands at the same time? | 05:46 |
DBO | AngryElf, its not super easy, but it can be done with xinerama | 05:46 |
eyequeue | AngryElf, there's an app that manages that, though i can't think of the name, i don't have the hw here | 05:46 |
RipVanFish | johanbr I'm starting up my laptop | 05:46 |
cute_bettong | crimsun is there something that should have changed i cranked everything in there all the way up O_o | 05:47 |
johanbr | RipVanFish: So you're running two different computers? Are you behind a router? | 05:47 |
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lgc | johanbr, i'm about ready to upgrade. But do you know if I do "dist-upgrade" will end up with Dapper or Breezy? | 05:47 |
RipVanFish | johanbr not behind a router | 05:47 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: certain things should be _muted_ and set to 0, namely 'IEC958' | 05:48 |
eyequeue | lgc, it will end up with whatever /etc/apt/sources.list says :) | 05:48 |
mrspeck | AAA: so i should run 'update-rd.d -f svnserve -d defaults'? is that right-- even though svnserve doesn't show up in /etc/init.d? | 05:48 |
johanbr | lgc: That depends on what you put in /etc/apt/sources.list . | 05:48 |
escobar5 | mlowe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12484 | 05:48 |
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johanbr | RipVanFish: So, two different computers, directly connected to the university lan? | 05:48 |
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RipVanFish | johanbr yes | 05:48 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: are 'Master Mono' and 'Mix' unmuted? | 05:48 |
swaj | I've noticed in dapper that sometimes when I open a new application, Gnome sends the application to the background without automatically focusing on it -- does anybody know how to change this behavior? | 05:49 |
cute_bettong | crimsun how do i tell they look all the way turned up | 05:49 |
nickgarvey | !dapper | 05:49 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :) | 05:49 |
RipVanFish | johanbr I'll brb | 05:49 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: muted ones have 'MM' at the bottom; unmuted don't | 05:49 |
johanbr | RipVanFish: But the computer running ubuntu will have a different mac address from the one running windows. Unless you've registered them both, you won't get an IP for the ubuntu machine. | 05:50 |
lgc | johanbr, as farf as I see, there are provisions for "universe", "multiverse", and so on, but nothing about Dapper or Breezy. | 05:50 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: next, what is 'Surround Jack Mode' set to? | 05:50 |
cute_bettong | shared | 05:50 |
cute_bettong | crimsun shared | 05:50 |
AngryElf | i ask about the dual monitor thing cause newegg's got a pretty good deal on some 19" viewsonics right now | 05:50 |
eyequeue | !tell lgc about repos | 05:50 |
AAA | mrspeck yes | 05:50 |
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crimsun | cute_bettong: set it to independent and try agani | 05:50 |
crimsun | again^ | 05:50 |
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AAA | mrspeck as long as the script lives in /etc/init.d/ you can run that command | 05:51 |
eyequeue | examples there lgc | 05:51 |
yipe | quick question, how do I install mplayer? | 05:51 |
RipVanFish | AAA ok I'm ready | 05:51 |
yipe | that's all I want | 05:51 |
AAA | RipVanFish first do mii-tool eth0 | 05:51 |
yipe | I can't find it in synaptic | 05:51 |
eyequeue | yipe, see the bot | 05:51 |
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AAA | yipe you have to enable multiverse and/or universe | 05:51 |
cute_bettong | crimsun, there are to if those iec958 things in there | 05:51 |
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mlowe | escobar5, i am shooting in the dark, try another usb port | 05:51 |
johanbr | lgc: Right. Presumably all (or at least most of) the lines you have there now say hoary. Copy them, but change hoary to either breezy or dapper, depending on what you'd like to upgrade to. | 05:51 |
mrspeck | AAA: but there is no script in /etc/init.d/. To start the demon i have to run svnserve -d on the command line | 05:51 |
yipe | arigatou gozaimasu! | 05:52 |
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RipVanFish | AAA it's saying operation not supported | 05:52 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: yes. Both should be muted. | 05:52 |
mrspeck | AAA: oh but you're saying i should create the script? | 05:52 |
mlowe | oh, did you reboot after you did apt-get installs ? | 05:52 |
RipVanFish | johanbr ready for any ideas that you might have | 05:52 |
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AAA | mrspeck if you installed it via a deb or source, it is most likely already there, I am not familiar iwht that app though | 05:52 |
cute_bettong | crimsun there is no mute option just turn the volume down all the way? | 05:52 |
eyequeue | lgc, btw, hoary -> breezy and breezy -> dapper are supported, but directly from hoary -> dapper is unsupported | 05:52 |
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yipe | wow, that was insanely easy | 05:53 |
yipe | thank you! | 05:53 |
AAA | RipVanFish what kind of nic is it? lspci will tell you | 05:53 |
Tedd | Hi, can anyone help me? I want to install Windows but I know it overwrites the MBR | 05:53 |
AAA | yipe :) | 05:53 |
escobar5 | mlowe, thanks for your time, have to go know, maybe i will bother you later | 05:53 |
Tedd | Does anyone know how to install Windows without it overwriting GRUB? | 05:53 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: what's 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' set to? | 05:53 |
eyequeue | yipe, yw | 05:53 |
mlowe | escobar5, yw | 05:53 |
johanbr | RipVanFish: When you run "ifconfig -a" it prints a mac address for eth0. Have you registered that specific mac address with your university? | 05:53 |
Tedd | Or even if there's a way to install Windows without overwriting GRUB? | 05:53 |
swaj | does anybody know a way to improve the font rendering in tcl/tk applications like aMSN? I enjoy aMSN, but man those grainy fonts look like garbage | 05:53 |
RipVanFish | johanbr yes it is registered | 05:54 |
yipe | :) | 05:54 |
Tennessee | Tedd: Not to sure, I usually do it the other way around. But you could probably install GRUB again afterwards from a live CD. | 05:54 |
eyequeue | Tedd, i've heard that it's not other-os-friendly, and will overwrite the mbr | 05:54 |
RipVanFish | johanbr when I am on my windows partition I can connect to the internet | 05:54 |
AAA | johanbr mii-tool should give a status regardless if he is auth'd or not | 05:54 |
cute_bettong | crimsun it's set to 0 | 05:54 |
eyequeue | Tedd, what Tennessee is your best bet | 05:54 |
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RipVanFish | johanbr unless for some reason the mac address is changing in ubuntu | 05:54 |
eyequeue | Tedd, what Tennessee said is your best bet | 05:54 |
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Tedd | eyequeue, can I install GRUB without a floppy | 05:54 |
RipVanFish | AAA the ethernet controler is an ali corporation m5236 | 05:54 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: what are the options for 1, 2 ,and 3? | 05:55 |
AAA | RipVanFish it is most likey not, it _is_ possible to change your mac in *nix, but no where near the default | 05:55 |
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eyequeue | Tedd, from cd? | 05:55 |
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Tedd | eyequeue, yes | 05:55 |
eyequeue | Tedd, you'll need some form of bootable media | 05:55 |
AAA | RipVanFish ok,do sudo ifconfig eth0 up;mii-tool eth0 | 05:55 |
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RipVanFish | AAA wait a second... | 05:55 |
Tedd | eyequeue, I can use CD. | 05:55 |
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RipVanFish | AAA wtf | 05:55 |
cute_bettong | crimsun i do not understand can you rephrase that please? | 05:55 |
RipVanFish | AAA it's working | 05:55 |
AAA | RipVanFish that should be sudo mii-tool eth0 | 05:56 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: what are the possible options beside 0? | 05:56 |
RipVanFish | AAA but it only seems to do so randomly | 05:56 |
AAA | RipVanFish hehe, now figure out what b0rk... | 05:56 |
cute_bettong | crimsun well from there it just lets you turn the volume up | 05:56 |
johanbr | RipVanFish: Which ubuntu version are you running? | 05:56 |
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RipVanFish | dapper flight 6 | 05:56 |
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AAA | RipVanFish tail -n33 /var/log/syslog and paste that to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 05:57 |
Tedd | Never mind, eyequeue, all I need is to know how to compile CPP files | 05:57 |
Tedd | In Anjuta all it does is spit out a .o file | 05:57 |
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AAA | install c++ | 05:57 |
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eyequeue | Tedd, /usr/bin/g++ | 05:57 |
narg | g++ -o name file.cpp | 05:57 |
Tedd | eyequeue, I did "g++ start.cpp and it didn't exactly work | 05:57 |
intelikey | !b-e | 05:57 |
ubotu | rumour has it, b-e is no make ? you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a sudo aptitude install build-essential. | 05:57 |
eyequeue | Tedd, try what narg said | 05:58 |
narg | otherwise you'll probably get a.out :p | 05:58 |
eyequeue | Tedd, name being the outputfilename | 05:58 |
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intelikey | make sure you have installed build-essential | 05:58 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: do you have an optical connector to test with? | 05:58 |
RipVanFish | AAA ok how do I use this site? | 05:58 |
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crimsun | cute_bettong: have you tried audio again? | 05:58 |
RipVanFish | AAA add a new post? | 05:59 |
AAA | RipVanFish yes please | 05:59 |
cute_bettong | crimsun yes i have tryed the audio again and no i don't have an optical connector to test with why? | 05:59 |
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crimsun | cute_bettong: the optical connector is used for the spdif, which is a faster way to test, otherwise we have to iterative through all combinations of controls, which is cumbersome and timeconsuming | 05:59 |
dcoy | rug u there | 05:59 |
kethinov | how on earth do you get xvidcap working in ubuntu? it doesn't appear to compile and there aren't any working binaries... | 06:00 |
dcoy | help | 06:00 |
RipVanFish | AAA posted | 06:00 |
dcoy | i am stuck | 06:00 |
dcoy | i just installed ubuntu 5.10, after installation it asked me to remove any cd as the system was going to reboot. the system restarted, grub worked fine, then came the ubuntu screen and below that the processes, starting from 'loading modules'. but when it came to 'loading hotplug subsystem' it stuck, it remained there for around 1/2 an hour and then i restarted the system. i tried again but it stuck at the same point. why is this happening. please help. | 06:00 |
dcoy | my system | 06:00 |
dcoy | p4 2.4, 512 ram, agp geforce 6200, asrock 845 chipset motherboard | 06:00 |
cute_bettong | crimsun um sorry man i don't have one....honistly i thought those things where a myth lol | 06:00 |
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Tedd | narg: I have an executable | 06:00 |
Tedd | how can I run it? | 06:00 |
narg | ./executable | 06:00 |
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RipVanFish | AAA might as well update everything now that it's online :D | 06:01 |
Tedd | narg: thanks. Even though it was easier with Bloodshed :P | 06:01 |
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crimsun | cute_bettong: which elements are muted? | 06:01 |
narg | what is bloodshed, an IDE? | 06:01 |
dcoy | *** help *** | 06:01 |
Tedd | narg: Bloodshed Dev-C++ is an IDE for Windows. | 06:01 |
Hobbsee | Tedd: a rather nice one too. | 06:02 |
intelikey | dcoy can you boot a live cd or other system to access the ubuntu root partition ? | 06:02 |
Tedd | Hobbsee, you ain't kiddin'. | 06:02 |
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dcoy | yep | 06:02 |
narg | ah. yea, IDEs are easier than doing it directly. Try KDevelop if your looking for a good C++ one on linux. | 06:02 |
dcoy | i can use dsl | 06:02 |
dcoy | damn small linux | 06:02 |
Tedd | KDevelop? Thanks for the tip, narg | 06:02 |
nickgarvey | I love dsl | 06:02 |
Hobbsee | Tedd: mind you, there are some nice programs for linux, like kdevelop3, or kate (with a terminal at the bottom) | 06:02 |
rvirani | how do I resetup my apt sources.lst file, I want to add the repositories they werent added properl via setup | 06:02 |
Tedd | Hobbsee, I tried KATE, it was okay | 06:02 |
Hobbsee | !tell rvirani about repos | 06:02 |
Tedd | Too hard to customize, though | 06:02 |
narg | Heh, KDevelop lets you customize yourself to death :p | 06:03 |
dcoy | then... | 06:03 |
intelikey | dcoy do that and remove the symlink in /etc/rcS.d/ that says *hotplug then you can boot into ubuntu | 06:03 |
AAA | RipVanFish ping | 06:03 |
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AAA | RipVanFish let it go for a bit and see if you loose any packets | 06:04 |
dcoy | what exactly is the problem..... ? | 06:04 |
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monzie | how do i use bluetooth in Ubuntu? | 06:04 |
dcoy | the os or the hardware? | 06:04 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: alternately, just pastebin ``amixer'' output | 06:04 |
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dcoy | intelikey | 06:05 |
intelikey | dcoy prolly a little of both. | 06:05 |
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RipVanFish | AAA seems to be working fine | 06:05 |
cute_bettong | crimsun http://pastebin.com/666530 | 06:05 |
dcoy | but if i remve hotplug, wont it create a problem later detecting my system hardware | 06:05 |
Tedd | narg, KDevelop is nice | 06:05 |
intelikey | dcoy hotplug is not playing nice with your hardware, but who's fault is it ???? </shrugs> | 06:05 |
Tedd | how can i change the background color though | 06:06 |
Tedd | the Config Editor is whited-out | 06:06 |
AAA | RipVanFish in the future if it goes out, I'd try sudo /etc/init.d/network restart to try and revive it | 06:06 |
narg | Tedd: Settings -> Config Editor -> errr | 06:06 |
narg | Tedd: whited out? | 06:06 |
Tedd | Can't select it. | 06:06 |
dcoy | ill give you the erroor which i het when i run the rescue mode | 06:06 |
narg | Tedd: apt-get install kate | 06:06 |
RipVanFish | AAA you think it was something hardware related? | 06:06 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: 'IEC958' is supposed to be muted. | 06:06 |
dcoy | <0>Kernal Panic- not syncing: fatal exception at interrupt ..... | 06:06 |
Tedd | narg: kate's installed | 06:06 |
dcoy | it gets stuck at that line | 06:07 |
AAA | RipVanFish hard to tell from the info I have, my guess is network traffic | 06:07 |
leagris | bonjou | 06:07 |
leagris | r | 06:07 |
leagris | hello | 06:07 |
narg | Tedd: kdevelop3-plugins perhaps? :p | 06:07 |
cute_bettong | crimsun there isno option to mute | 06:07 |
intelikey | that's a kernel panic. dcoy what was just before that ? | 06:07 |
RipVanFish | AAA that doesn't make much sense considering that Windows can connect every time | 06:07 |
dcoy | intelikey- thats where it gets stuck | 06:07 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: amixer sset 'IEC958' off | 06:08 |
intelikey | dcoy kernel panic, is not "hung" it's "dead" | 06:08 |
dcoy | oh ok | 06:08 |
AAA | RipVanFish I'd be happy to have you fly me out there and pay me to diagnose the problem for you :) | 06:08 |
Tedd | narg: the 'kde' package isn't installed | 06:08 |
Tedd | I'm gonna install that and see what happens | 06:08 |
intelikey | dcoy what is just before the kernel panics | 06:08 |
narg | Tedd: beware, its BIG :p | 06:09 |
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cute_bettong | crimsun nope still no sound | 06:09 |
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Tedd | narg: yeah, I'd expect it to me | 06:09 |
Tedd | be | 06:09 |
monzie | please help | 06:09 |
RipVanFish | AAA lol, well I'm probably going to have to restart the computer as soon as these updates are done and I'll tell you what happens from there | 06:09 |
dcoy | intelikey - got a lot of mem addresses | 06:09 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: amixer sget 'IEC958' | 06:09 |
RipVanFish | AAA besides depends on where you live :D | 06:09 |
monzie | i am unable to transfer data from my phone to the pc.. using bluetooth.. how do i do that? | 06:09 |
dcoy | in the form [435234.56214] sort of | 06:09 |
AAA | RipVanFish minneapolis,mn | 06:09 |
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Tedd | narg: can you use KDevelop3 to do PHP as well? | 06:09 |
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cute_bettong | crimsun want me to shoot it now or later? | 06:10 |
cute_bettong | >.< | 06:10 |
narg | Tedd: it can do almost any language. | 06:10 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: now. | 06:10 |
RipVanFish | AAA oh you're not too far away 8 hour drive to Houghton, MI | 06:10 |
mischko | I'm running ona P4 Intel proc. Shouldn't I upgrade to the 686 version of the kernel? | 06:10 |
crimsun | mischko: sure, linux-686 | 06:10 |
brunosinitro | modem speedstream usb ... configuration? | 06:10 |
mischko | crimsun: will it break anything? | 06:10 |
crimsun | no | 06:10 |
mischko | How do I get the source for it also? | 06:10 |
crimsun | get linux-source-2.6.15 | 06:10 |
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crimsun | err, linux-source-2.6.12 | 06:11 |
cute_bettong | crimsun sorry man i don't know what i am doing wrong..... | 06:11 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: has sound _ever_ worked? | 06:11 |
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monzie | can someone help me with gnome-bluetooth please? | 06:11 |
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Tedd | narg: thanks for the tipoff..hmm, KDevelop Designer...very interesting, is that for developing GUIs? | 06:11 |
dcoy | (intelikey): . | 06:11 |
Eleaf | hey there! | 06:11 |
cute_bettong | crimsun i have just gotten this bord tonight as the old one was even less freindlyer by appearances | 06:11 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: does the sound work in another OS? | 06:12 |
mischko | crimsun: It should perform faster as a result? | 06:12 |
cute_bettong | crimsun but what ended up happning is i am haveing the same issues as before | 06:12 |
narg | Tedd: Yes, with Qt. I prefer designer-qt, but thats another option. Qt is a very nice toolkit, one of the best. | 06:12 |
cute_bettong | crimsun yes the sound works in windows xp | 06:12 |
Eleaf | Do you reccomend gdesklets as a 'widget-like' environment or is there something better? Gdesklets seems to be showing its age.. ; / | 06:12 |
Tedd | Never heard of Qt, narg. | 06:12 |
cute_bettong | every thing runs in windows xp | 06:12 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: do a cold power cycle | 06:12 |
RipVanFish | I agree | 06:12 |
dcoy | is there any chatroom on hotplug? @intelikey | 06:12 |
narg | Tedd: Everything in KDE uses Qt :) | 06:12 |
cute_bettong | crimsun ok i will brb | 06:12 |
eyequeue | Eleaf, in breezy or dapper? | 06:12 |
Tedd | That's basically all I know :P | 06:12 |
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Eleaf | eyequeue, dapper.. | 06:12 |
crimsun | mischko: not necessarily, but you may see improvement in selected cpu-intensive apps | 06:12 |
mischko | k | 06:13 |
brunosinitro | i need help .... | 06:13 |
intelikey | dcoy it's prolly not a hotplug issue. | 06:13 |
eyequeue | Eleaf, it has a bug presently making it uninstallable | 06:13 |
narg | Tedd: there are guides around for it if you are ever interested in trying it. | 06:13 |
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mischko | I'm trying to get a video driver from VIA working with this so DVD playback may be better. | 06:13 |
dcoy | ok | 06:13 |
Eleaf | eyequeue, alright. What are some more modern alternatives? | 06:13 |
dcoy | then..... | 06:13 |
Tedd | narg: I'm reading a "C++ for Dummies" book. :P | 06:13 |
Tedd | I still have to finish learning bool. In between learning C++ and school I have to code a fully-functional PHP website | 06:13 |
narg | Tedd: You probably want the basics before doing GUIs, but later on. | 06:14 |
narg | learning bool? | 06:14 |
eyequeue | Eleaf, i'm unaware of any, sorry. though it's different in philosophy, gkrellm might accomplish some of what you want | 06:14 |
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Tedd | I just got up to bool in the book. | 06:14 |
Tedd | It's easy, I just haven't finished reading the example | 06:14 |
dcoy | well thanks dude | 06:14 |
narg | what is bool...? boolean? | 06:14 |
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Tedd | Boolean, yes | 06:14 |
Eleaf | eyequeue, hmm | 06:14 |
narg | oh, you mean the datatype. I thought you meant a language :p | 06:14 |
mischko | How do I tell Ubuntu to use the 686 kernel by default? | 06:15 |
crimsun | mischko: it will as soon as you install it and reboot | 06:15 |
mischko | Will it uninstall the 386 kernel as well? | 06:15 |
crimsun | no, you have to do that yourselfl | 06:15 |
eyequeue | mischko, apt-get install linux-686 | 06:15 |
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mischko | Adept is getting linux-686 now. | 06:16 |
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cute_bettong | crimsun nope nothing | 06:16 |
eyequeue | mischko, some of us prefer to leave an old kernel around until we test the new one, hence the reason why hyou have to manually uninstall | 06:16 |
BoukenPink | Huh... I seem to be having sync issues with youtube and flash videos in general. Anyone have any ideas? | 06:16 |
mischko | eyequeue: makes sense. | 06:16 |
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mischko | rebooting.... | 06:17 |
cute_bettong | crimsun i think i am going to just put my soundblaster live in there......oh and do you know why i would have such a low fps in glx gears it's been hapning for the last 3 monthes and i have switched mainbords with the same results....a very very low fps | 06:17 |
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followmearound | hey all ... is there a way to install a basic/clean ubuntu install to a drive while in a working install of ubuntu already? | 06:18 |
freakabcd | hi all | 06:18 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: I don't do graphics troubleshooting. | 06:18 |
lgc | eyequeue, thanks. It's clear enough now. But say, is there any way to preserve the installation of the so many packages I apt-get installed for Hoary? | 06:18 |
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freakabcd | i've got a strange problem now.. | 06:18 |
freakabcd | i'm on dapper updated to latest packages a few days ago | 06:18 |
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followmearound | does that make any sense? ... I have a laptop drive intended for a laptop with no CDRM, it's currently connected to this laptop via usb, but the ubuntu installer can't deal with it ... I want to blast a base install onto it from here | 06:19 |
Fudge | i need to install tcl but apt-get install tcl doesnt work | 06:19 |
freakabcd | my search domains in etc/resolv.conf don't work anymore | 06:19 |
cute_bettong | crimsun ok thank you before i get that sb live is there anything else i should check? do you want the mainbord model? i would really like to have this board working lol and thank you for helping me | 06:19 |
eyequeue | lgc, it will typically upgrade a package to the newer version, but not uninstall it unless there is a conflict, which is rare | 06:19 |
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Rug | Howdy all | 06:19 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: you could file a bug with all the info I've asked of you | 06:19 |
eyequeue | lgc, is that sufficient for what you want? | 06:19 |
cute_bettong | crimsun ok will do | 06:20 |
BoukenPink | ... I guess not >.> | 06:20 |
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cute_bettong | i have to go now though thanx ^_^ | 06:20 |
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Fudge | can someone tell me how i can install tcl using apt-get please? | 06:20 |
eyequeue | lgc, dpkg --get-selections > mycurrentpackagelist if you just want to be able to reinstall the same packages later (with dpkg --set-selections < mycurrentpackagelist) | 06:20 |
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cge__ | followmearound: yes, look around for things about debootstrap. | 06:21 |
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lgc | eyequeue, I guess. Only that I had installed some packages via "dpkg -i". but I see you got ahead of me and answered that also. | 06:21 |
OrTigaS | hi! i'm back! why my wallpaper is pixelated when i try to download from site... my aetting is 1024x768 | 06:22 |
intelikey | Fudge tcl8.4 maybe | 06:22 |
eyequeue | Fudge, sudo apt-get install tcl8.0 (up to 8.4, depending on which you want) | 06:22 |
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Fudge | thankyou | 06:22 |
cge__ | OrTigaS: what resolution is the wallpaper? Most likely the wallpaper's resolution is too small. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | lgc, 99% liklihood that they will be unchanged, or possibly a newer version | 06:22 |
OrTigaS | how can i make it like 1280x1024 | 06:23 |
intelikey | Fudge do an apt-cache search tcl | less it will list avalable package names. | 06:23 |
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nickgarvey | OrTigaS: ask the person who made the wall paper to make a better resolution version heh | 06:23 |
Fudge | k ill try | 06:23 |
Fudge | be rite bakk | 06:23 |
followmearound | cge ... can you give me anymore keywords to search for? | 06:23 |
OrTigaS | i tried the 1024x768 but still pixelated | 06:23 |
RipVanFish | AAA updates installed, here goes nothing | 06:23 |
OrTigaS | GNOME-Look.org?? | 06:23 |
OrTigaS | i try on that site | 06:23 |
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nickgarvey | would a kernel update take more than an hour? | 06:24 |
AAA | RipVanFish good luck | 06:24 |
intelikey | Fudge when you get the correct name do sudo apt-get install <correct name> | 06:24 |
RipVanFish | AAA going to try the new kernel | 06:24 |
AAA | nickgarvey prolly not | 06:24 |
nickgarvey | running on a battery heh | 06:24 |
lgc | eyequeue, so "dpkg --get-selections" will deal also with apt-get installed packages? | 06:24 |
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nickgarvey | AAA: okie thank you | 06:24 |
cge | Hmm... does anyone know if there is a guide on how to use debootstrap to install Ubuntu? | 06:24 |
eyequeue | nickgarvey, compiling it? it could, depending on the cpu speed and how much you build into it | 06:24 |
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eyequeue | lgc, it will create a list of what is "selected" | 06:25 |
nickgarvey | eyequeue: no just an update, no compiling | 06:25 |
RipVanFish | AAA network claims it's disconnected :( | 06:25 |
nickgarvey | cge: http://ubuntu-hppa.pateam.org/install.php I think.. | 06:25 |
ArtVandalae | I just installed Flight 6 (great piece of work :D), but I didn't see the livecd/installation CD with graphical installer. Is this still going to appear in Drapper? | 06:25 |
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OrTigaS | ok, forget that wallpaper first... let resolve this sharing first | 06:26 |
lgc | eyequeue, what do you mean here by "selected"? | 06:26 |
eyequeue | nickgarvey, as in, d/l the new deb, install it, run grub, and reboot? the d/l is the bottleneck, if you're on an ancient modem maybe, heh | 06:26 |
cge | followmearound: how comfortable are you with using the CLI? | 06:26 |
OrTigaS | until now it wont show the windows machine to my box... | 06:26 |
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OrTigaS | in a network | 06:26 |
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followmearound | cge, very ... I found the reference page I needed | 06:26 |
followmearound | http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/apcs04.html.en | 06:26 |
Tedd | narg: THANK YOU for the tip about KDevelop | 06:27 |
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narg | Tedd: The editor config work? | 06:27 |
Tedd | narg; Still no "compile" option, doing it by hand with g++ ftl :P | 06:27 |
Tedd | narg; yeah thanks | 06:27 |
cge | followmearound: Oh good - just remember that those instructions are for debian, so whenever it says to put in a debian server, put in an ubuntu server instead, and so on. | 06:27 |
narg | Tedd: You need to make a 'project'. After that, you can do f2 to compile-run, and f8 to just compile | 06:27 |
eyequeue | lgc, okay, in aptitude, dselect, synaptic, whatever you list package in ... when you say "i want these packages installed" that's what i mean by "selected" here | 06:27 |
Tedd | Oooooh. | 06:27 |
Tedd | Thanks narg. | 06:27 |
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eyequeue | lgc, as contrasted with "i'm not interested in having these packages on my machine" | 06:28 |
eyequeue | lgc, the manually installed (dpkg -i foo.deb) packages are also considered selected | 06:29 |
kethinov | when i try to launch gnome sound recorder i get "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings." where is this multimedia settings options menu it's talking about? | 06:31 |
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jeff303 | has anyone built firefox 1.5 from source on breezy? | 06:31 |
RipVanFish | anyone help me figure out what's wrong with my internet? | 06:32 |
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eyequeue | kethinov, system > preferences > sound, perhaps? | 06:32 |
kethinov | eyequeue, nothing in there about audio capture... | 06:32 |
eyequeue | kethinov, i'm unsure where else to try, sorry | 06:33 |
OrTigaS | until now it wont show the windows network machine to my box... any idea why(Samba Installed) | 06:33 |
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AngryElf | !dvd | 06:36 |
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ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras) | 06:36 |
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nubee | hi fellows | 06:36 |
RipVanFish | !network | 06:36 |
ubotu | This refers to a group of interconnected computers. The computers must be capable of transferring data to form a true network--you can't just weld a bunch of computers together. | 06:36 |
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RioMerc | hello | 06:37 |
RioMerc | um | 06:37 |
nubee | having some issues here with an audigy4, anyone got a URL for a howto? | 06:37 |
RioMerc | I need to know how to properly write an ISO to a disk | 06:37 |
nubee | RioMerc, man cdrecord | 06:38 |
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RioMerc | From a windows box >< | 06:38 |
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RioMerc | I'm trying to restore my ubuntu | 06:38 |
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hyphenated | RioMerc: with a CD-burning app. There should be a menu item for 'Burn CD Image' or something similar | 06:38 |
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RipVanFish | anyone know why ubuntu doesn't want to connect to the internet every time I boot up? | 06:39 |
RioMerc | ah sh!t | 06:39 |
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RioMerc | sorry | 06:39 |
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RioMerc | whats a good free CD-burning app? | 06:39 |
hyphenated | k3b ;-) | 06:39 |
nickgarvey | RioMerc: gnomebaker or k3b | 06:39 |
OrTigaS | RipVanFish, did u notice the synch time if it failed or ok when booting? | 06:39 |
nickgarvey | I perfer k3b | 06:39 |
_jason | ubotu: tell RioMerc about burniso | 06:39 |
spoon | k3b | 06:40 |
hyphenated | I got no idea about CD burning apps on windows | 06:40 |
RioMerc | arrrrrgh! | 06:40 |
cge | You can use cdrecord on windows :) | 06:40 |
_jason | RioMerc: the wiki gives you a windows one I believe | 06:40 |
RioMerc | really? | 06:40 |
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kethinov | is there a way to capture all sounds currently playing in an X11 session and write them to an audio file? | 06:40 |
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followmearound | cge, here's the ubuntu-ized version | 06:41 |
followmearound | http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual/en/apcs03.html | 06:41 |
followmearound | the current distro is 'dapper'? | 06:41 |
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nickgarvey | followmearound: no that's the next one | 06:41 |
intelikey | kethinov you mean like cat /dev/dsp > sound.file ? | 06:41 |
nickgarvey | !tell followmearound about dapper | 06:41 |
concept10 | I have two copies of Firefox 1.5 on my system (local install and the .deb), will an update of the local affect the .deb install? | 06:41 |
followmearound | bleeding edge/unstable, whatever | 06:41 |
followmearound | that's what I want to be running | 06:42 |
cge | followmearound: thanks, now I will know what to tell people. | 06:42 |
cge | followmearound: yes | 06:42 |
nickgarvey | !tell followmearound about upgrade | 06:42 |
followmearound | np, thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction | 06:42 |
harisund | Can someone tell me where I should look in order to get Ubuntu to do internet connection sharing, or act as a DHCP Server? | 06:42 |
hyphenated | followmearound: if you want to use dapper, join #ubuntu+1 | 06:42 |
kethinov | intelikey, well, if i do that i get an error about the device being busy | 06:42 |
followmearound | what was the version called before dapper? | 06:42 |
followmearound | warty? | 06:42 |
hyphenated | breezy | 06:42 |
b0se | hey guys.. is there a package for compiling kernels? i tried installing binutils, but i still dont have the "patch" program? | 06:42 |
_jason | followmearound: warty hoary breezy dapper | 06:42 |
AngryElf | the gpg keys listed at the seveas packages page on the wiki are broken.......where else can i get libdvdcss2? | 06:42 |
hyphenated | warty is like the 2004 version | 06:43 |
_jason | AngryElf: broken in what way? | 06:43 |
AngryElf | as in the command it gives to import them doesn't work | 06:43 |
_jason | AngryElf: what error do you get | 06:43 |
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[chris] | sup | 06:43 |
cge | b0se: kernel-package? | 06:43 |
OrTigaS | until now it wont show the windows network machine to my box... any idea why(Samba Installed) | 06:44 |
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b0se | cge, lifesaver :) | 06:44 |
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mathew-ef | Does anybody know how to find & install Sun Java Desktop's look (themes, icons, fonts etc) in Ubuntu 5.10? | 06:45 |
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cge | kethinov: if no one has answered your question, you could try vsound. | 06:46 |
TTilus | mathew-ef: why would you want to do that? | 06:46 |
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[chris] | Anyone have any luck getting oident to work? | 06:47 |
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TTilus | mathew-ef: that said, your question propably translates to: does anybody know how to find a java desktop theme for gnome (or kde)? | 06:48 |
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sands | hi | 06:49 |
mathew-ef | TTilus: Yes, I need Sun Java Desktop look (themes, fonts etc) in GNOME/Ubuntu. Is it possible? I like that look etc | 06:49 |
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mrspeck | i'm very confused-- svnserve is the command to start the svn server-- to start as a demon u simply do 'svnserve -d', but there is nothing like svn* in /etc/init.d... so how i do just simply run this command at startup? i am daunted by the skeleton script in /etc/init.d | 06:50 |
intelikey | mrspeck add 'svnserve -d' to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh | 06:52 |
lgc | eyequeue, (sorry about the delay) I see. So I won't lose my settings, my preferences and so on when I upgrade? | 06:52 |
harisund | Where can I find SSH Daemon's logs? | 06:52 |
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eyequeue | lgc, right | 06:53 |
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mathew-ef | TTilus: Any replies pls | 06:54 |
TTilus | mathew-ef: you could check gnome themes http://art.gnome.org/themes | 06:54 |
kethinov | cge, vsound is throwing errors when i attempt to use it about some mussing *.au file | 06:54 |
sands | Anyone Help me getting green smiley in azureus :( Now i'm getting yellow smiley | 06:54 |
harisund | Can somebody tell me where I can find the SSH server's logs? | 06:55 |
cge | kethinov: no idea then, sorry. I haven't used it in years. | 06:55 |
TTilus | mathew-ef: i did not find anything having "java" in its name | 06:56 |
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RipVanFish | sands are you behind a router? | 06:56 |
TTilus | mathew-ef: you could also check themes available to kde | 06:56 |
intelikey | harisund did you look in /var/log ? | 06:56 |
harisund | intelikey I didn, but couldn't find anything related to SSH | 06:56 |
lampshade | Anyone know a way to make the master volume control, actually be the master volume? In other words, when I move it up and down, it does not change the Headphone volume, I have to do that individually which annoys the hell out of me | 06:56 |
eyequeue | harisund, try /var/log/auth.log | 06:56 |
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sands | I dont know abt that..I'm having a static ip thru etrenet card | 06:57 |
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VR_ | is there ANY way to prevent XMMS from flashing like crazy in the taskbar? | 06:57 |
VR_ | i know it's a bug... but is there a solution | 06:57 |
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mrspeck | thank you intellikey!!! you are my saviour! | 06:57 |
harisund | eyequeue and intelikey: I have stopped sysklogd. Will that affect SSH's logging facility? | 06:57 |
eyequeue | lampshade, "master" != "headphone", but try right clicking on the control and setting it to headphone | 06:57 |
RipVanFish | sands it also sometimes depends on the torrent | 06:58 |
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javad | hello there | 06:58 |
lampshade | eyequeue, I know they don't equal, that's why I'm asking. Is there a way to make it that way? | 06:58 |
eyequeue | harisund, ssh to localhost while you tail -f /var/log/auth.log, with sysklogd stopped and started (i'm not sure, but that can test) | 06:59 |
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javad | I am a beginer in ubuntu I want to install cross assembler 8085 on ubuntu can u help me plz | 06:59 |
lampshade | I have nice volume up and down buttons, but they will only move the mater volume, if there was a way to just bind the headphone to do the exact same as master, I'd be good to go | 06:59 |
OrTigaS | until now it wont show the windows network machine to my box... any idea why(Samba Installed) | 06:59 |
eyequeue | lampshade, you mean the control on the top right? try the right-click trick | 06:59 |
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harisund | eyequeue: Nope that doesn't work. But it does required sysklogd to log. I was just curious to know that. thanks a lot ! (I have disabled as many logs as I can .... ) | 06:59 |
followmearound | hmmm ... ldconfig just segfaults | 07:00 |
sands | RipVanFish, When i use the cnfig wizrd and test some port it says NAT error | 07:00 |
eyequeue | harisund, i was curious too, thanks for telling me | 07:00 |
lampshade | eyequeue, right click the icon in the taskbar? That just gives me options to remove from the panel and such, where did you mean to right click? | 07:00 |
=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyequeue | lampshade, right-click it, then select "preferences" | 07:01 |
RipVanFish | sands are you directly connected to the internet? who is your internet service provider? | 07:01 |
lampshade | eyequeue, yeah, ok, then what? | 07:01 |
=== CavalierBob [n=bob@c-24-4-128-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | how would I turn a cdrom into an iso? | 07:01 |
sands | I'm from India..I get internet thru a local service provider | 07:01 |
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | eyequeue, how long does it typically take to dist-upgrade? | 07:01 |
eyequeue | lampshade, mine thn says "select the device and track to control" and you can then select headphone | 07:01 |
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RipVanFish | sands so you plug directly into a wall? | 07:02 |
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mrkoje | NickGarvey: you need software that will preform that function | 07:02 |
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eyequeue | lgc, i typically give it an evening, if i'm going to be attending it... it depends how much you have installed of course | 07:02 |
intelikey | hehhe disabled as many logs..... rm /var/log -fr ;ln -s /dev/null /var/log :) | 07:02 |
javad | Who is familiar with PROLOG here? | 07:02 |
dooglus | javad: I am | 07:02 |
intelikey | don't try that at home.... ^ | 07:02 |
NickGarvey | mrkoje: okie, any thoughts of software that will do that? | 07:02 |
bcc | hi guys, what command does cron call to mail output? | 07:02 |
lampshade | eyequeue, doesn't work, even if it did, wouldn't be an exact solution as next time I wasn't on headphones, I would have to switch off headphones to master and then reset the master to the right volume. What I really need is just something that binds the two together kinda like how the little chains bind the two channels together so they go up and down together | 07:03 |
javad | hey man I have so many troubles in one assignment would you please help me | 07:03 |
sands | RipVanFish, yeah | 07:03 |
intelikey | bcc procmail iirc | 07:03 |
NickGarvey | mrkoje: I think all I needed was dd if=/dev/cdrom of=my_cd_image.iso | 07:03 |
dooglus | javad: not yet; can you be more specific? | 07:03 |
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bcc | intelikey: so if it's not installed then it just doesn't call it? | 07:03 |
mrkoje | NickGarvey: I'm not sure off the top of my head but I hear that google is a good resource for finding out! | 07:03 |
AngryElf | _jason, the gpg key import worked but now it says that libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate | 07:03 |
eyequeue | lampshade, i'm unfamiliar with such a tool, though i guess someone more sound-fluent might be able to write one | 07:03 |
javad | no it is not specisic | 07:03 |
RipVanFish | sands can you try testing any other ports? | 07:03 |
lgc | eyequeue, one very stupid question: what happen if I do "apt-get dist-upgrade" without messing with "sources.list"? | 07:03 |
javad | spesific* | 07:04 |
nubee | anyone know anything about broken gcc-version.sh scripts? it seems that the script in 2.6.12-10-386 is not quite right... | 07:04 |
javad | coz this assignment is so important for me:( | 07:04 |
nubee | or am i missing something obvious | 07:04 |
NickGarvey | mrkoje: yeah dd if=/dev/cdrom of=my_cd_image.iso seems to be working... we will see thouh | 07:04 |
intelikey | bcc hmmmm maybe linked through alternatives ... i don't do alternatives so idk. | 07:04 |
eyequeue | lgc, it is rather close to a no-op, meaning it will do almost nothing, though it will "check" a bit first, to see if it can | 07:04 |
dooglus | javad: so let me get this right; you've come to #ubuntu to ask someone to do your homework for you? | 07:04 |
sands | RipVanFish, Yeah I tested a lot of random ports 49152 - 65534 range..But Nat error | 07:04 |
=== nubee waves | ||
=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-174-205.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyequeue | lgc, let me perhaps give you a useful switch? | 07:05 |
RipVanFish | sands it may be that your isp blocks bittorrent dowloads | 07:05 |
lampshade | sands, bittorrent and a router? What router? | 07:05 |
bcc | intelikey: do you know if there is a way to make cron use qmail instead? | 07:05 |
javad | hey man you think wrong | 07:05 |
lgc | eyequeue, go ahead. | 07:05 |
eyequeue | lgc, after you go ahead and make the source.list changes, and apt-get update ... | 07:05 |
B4zzA | anyone know what Error 18 with grub means? | 07:06 |
javad | I just wanna some hints | 07:06 |
eyequeue | lgc, apt-get -d dist-upgrade, meaning --download-only | 07:06 |
dooglus | javad: what kind of hints? | 07:06 |
intelikey | bcc in other words, it might use procmail or sysmail or what ever alternative is there.... so check /etc/alternatives/ but that's all i know about that. | 07:06 |
sands | RipVanFish, I'm able to download but with less speed and yellow smiley..Does that mean blocking by my ISP | 07:06 |
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bcc | intelikey: ok, thanks | 07:06 |
eyequeue | lgc, let it do that long d/l without you sitting there, while you sleep :) | 07:06 |
sands | lampshade, Azureus | 07:06 |
FlannelKing | sands: you have your router opened up? | 07:06 |
javad | you know I should create one data base in prolog | 07:06 |
RipVanFish | sands it might, did you used to get green smileys? | 07:06 |
eyequeue | lgc, then take the -d off when you're ready to watch it | 07:06 |
javad | so I am so confused in this matter | 07:07 |
mathew-ef | does anybody know how to find a java desktop theme for gnome? | 07:07 |
sands | RipVanFish, I never saw green | 07:07 |
intelikey | mathew-ef yes. | 07:07 |
eyequeue | mathew-ef, wild guess here, gnome-look.org? i don't know | 07:07 |
javad | coz I am begginer in this course and this assignment is so hard | 07:07 |
javad | for us | 07:07 |
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OrTigaS | hi! anyone can help me because my box wont see other window machine.. | 07:07 |
RipVanFish | sands yeah it might be your isp or just a bad tracker in the torrent | 07:08 |
OrTigaS | Samba installed | 07:08 |
NickGarvey | OrTigaS: can the windows machine see you? | 07:08 |
nubee | ah found it, required version of gcc is 3.4 i'm running 4.x | 07:08 |
FlannelKing | sands: did you open up your routers ports? | 07:08 |
lampshade | sands, cool, what router? I got mine to get off of the nat errors by telling it to use port 6881 and then having my router have port trigerring for that port. I also enabled encryption where available which is an option in Azureus. Lastly, I made sure the IPtables rules I had already made didn't block it(this doesn't apply to you unless you have done some firewall things) | 07:08 |
OrTigaS | NickGarvey, yes but cant access | 07:08 |
lgc | eyequeue, what is "--download-only"? | 07:08 |
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NickGarvey | lgc: download but don't install | 07:08 |
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lgc | NickGarvey, and how does one proceed afterward? | 07:09 |
sands | Actually I donno what a router is..I'm connected thru an ethernet card. | 07:09 |
eyequeue | lgc, well, you're aware there are a ton of upgraded packages it will need to fetch before it installs them. -d says to fetch them, but not install them, just do the downloading part | 07:09 |
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lampshade | sands, oh ok | 07:09 |
FlannelKing | sands: you're connected straight into your modem? | 07:09 |
lampshade | then yeah just forget the port forwarding stuff | 07:09 |
lgc | eyequeue, and then? | 07:09 |
eyequeue | lgc, then you can supervise the actual installation later, when you have time | 07:09 |
NickGarvey | !qemu | 07:10 |
ubotu | I heard qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=200357&postcount=1 | 07:10 |
eyequeue | lgc, just leave off the -d then of course | 07:10 |
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sands | FlannelKing, thru lan card.. | 07:10 |
FlannelKing | sands: right, and then ethernet cable to... cable modem? | 07:10 |
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eyequeue | lgc, it's safer to do the downlad as a separate run | 07:11 |
benplaut | /who freenode/* | 07:11 |
sands | FlannelKing, cable to lan card.. tats it | 07:11 |
benplaut | woops | 07:11 |
NickGarvey | sands: what does "ifconfig | grep addr" return? | 07:11 |
FlannelKing | sands: eh? cable modem, to your NIC. right? | 07:11 |
lgc | eyequeue, if I get you right, I do the "-d" option and then "apt-get dist-upgrade" without it to do the actual upgrade? | 07:11 |
eyequeue | lgc, for example, a firewall could be disabled near the beginning of a dist-upgrade, nd not re-enabled until it completes, possibly hours later (a bug i filed recently) | 07:12 |
=== Madpilot [n=brian@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sands | eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:A1:83:C0:E2 | 07:12 |
eyequeue | lgc, yes, correct | 07:12 |
sands | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: | 07:12 |
sands | inet6 addr: fe80::208:a1ff:fe83:c0e2/64 Scope:Link | 07:12 |
sands | Interrupt:23 Base address:0xd800 | 07:12 |
sands | inet addr: Mask: | 07:12 |
sands | inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host | 07:12 |
=== nubee runs apt-get install gcc-3.4 | ||
sands | FlannelKing, yeah | 07:12 |
NickGarvey | sands: eek don't paste here, but yes you don't need to port forward | 07:12 |
mathew-ef | eyequeu: I could not find it there? | 07:12 |
intelikey | can you send a file to another person with this irc thingy ? | 07:12 |
nubee | it's always the obvious doh | 07:13 |
=== itzjbyrd [n=itzjbyrd@69-165-62-113.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PuMpErNiCkEl | intelikey: yes, if you don't have a firewall/router, by using DCC | 07:13 |
lgc | eyequeue, thanks for your help. I'm about to jump off the cliff... | 07:13 |
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eyequeue | mathew-ef, i have no other ideas, sorry. maybe intelikey knows? | 07:13 |
FlannelKing | intelikey: DVV Send, where the Vs are Cs (and you get banned if you say it in here, so dont). | 07:13 |
eyequeue | lgc, heh | 07:14 |
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eyequeue | intelikey, /dcc send alice filename, typically | 07:14 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@unaffiliated/eyequeue] by Ubugtu | ||
=== eyequeue was kicked off #ubuntu by Ubugtu (Ubugtu) | ||
itzjbyrd | hello room | 07:14 |
intelikey | PuMpErNiCkEl buy you didn't finish my test to see if they had removed the ban on that string yet or not..... | 07:14 |
intelikey | nm eyequeue did | 07:15 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | intelikey: eyequeue did :P | 07:15 |
jack- | !lart itzjbyrd | 07:15 |
=== olive [n=olive@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jack- | wtd | 07:15 |
jack- | no lart :< | 07:15 |
intelikey | yes... i just wanted to check that. | 07:15 |
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danielch | Ubuntu is great, except that big PASSWORD bug. | 07:15 |
=== PuMpErNiCkEl larts intelikey for being a twisted evil man | ||
jack- | password bug? | 07:15 |
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intelikey | PuMpErNiCkEl ;/ | 07:15 |
mathew-ef | intelikey: can you pls reply? | 07:15 |
NickGarvey | danielch: if you mean root isn't there by default, its not a bug its a security feature | 07:16 |
NickGarvey | danielch: a lot of my friends never even enable root just for security | 07:16 |
=== nubee watches alsa-cvs build for a bit | ||
jack- | sudo passwd, and its fixed already | 07:16 |
jack- | no biggie | 07:16 |
danielch | yes, after installing you can find password in the installation log. | 07:16 |
Madpilot | danielch, already patched | 07:16 |
danielch | but it has fixed | 07:16 |
FlannelKing | !ops | 07:16 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 07:16 |
NickGarvey | oh yeah I remember that | 07:16 |
aloon | if a person doesnt have a section in system settings of kde called display, what do you install to get one? | 07:16 |
intelikey | mathew-ef oh about does anyone know...... yes someone does. and if i was looking for theems i'd try google. | 07:16 |
Madpilot | FlannelKing, ? | 07:16 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@unaffiliated/eyequeue] by Madpilot | ||
skpl | can someone tell me what plugins i need to download in order to play .wma files in banshee? | 07:17 |
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nubee | ALSA modules were successfully compiled. !! w00t | 07:17 |
FlannelKing | eyequeue would like to talk to you. right. | 07:17 |
spikeb | yeah that one was pretty stupid heh | 07:17 |
Madpilot | FlannelKing, done ;) | 07:17 |
danielch | why the bug happened? | 07:17 |
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jack- | skpl: win32codecs, from universe | 07:17 |
nubee | hmm need to remove the old alsa stuff | 07:17 |
eyequeue | thanks, FlannelKing and whomever | 07:17 |
Madpilot | eyequeue, mind the D C C strings, Ubugtu bites :P | 07:17 |
spikeb | danielch, same reason any other bug happens - a mistake. | 07:17 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
javad | Hello I am a begginer in ubuntu how can I copy one file to one NTFS file in ubuntu? | 07:17 |
skpl | jack-, is that the package name? | 07:17 |
eyequeue | Madpilot, so i notiVed, lol | 07:18 |
jack- | yes | 07:18 |
intelikey | eyequeue sorry for doing that to you... | 07:18 |
NickGarvey | !tell javad about ntfs | 07:18 |
FlannelKing | javad: you can read the NTFS, but not write. | 07:18 |
mathew-ef | intelikey: OK, I will try again but when I searched before I could not find that properly | 07:18 |
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skpl | jack-, thank you | 07:18 |
jack- | get an universe repo into your sources.list, do apt-get update and apt-get install w32codecs | 07:18 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
jack- | i think thats the right name | 07:18 |
danielch | I think there is something wrong in the project | 07:18 |
eyequeue | intelikey, i learned a bot-quirk, heh. no prob if it wasn't intentional my man :) | 07:18 |
Madpilot | dAndy, in which project? | 07:18 |
skpl | jack-, i have universe enabled but i do not see the package in syanptic, are you sure? | 07:18 |
Madpilot | danielch, rather ^^^ | 07:19 |
jack- | it should be there | 07:19 |
danielch | the password bug | 07:19 |
FlannelKing | it's w32codecs | 07:19 |
javad | so how can I copy the files which I downloaded from internet to the specific drive?!!1 | 07:19 |
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dAndy | ? :) | 07:19 |
jack- | yep, w32codecs | 07:19 |
FlannelKing | skpl, w32 not win. jack- | 07:19 |
Madpilot | dAndy, sorry, tab-complete error | 07:19 |
danielch | I love Ubuntu | 07:19 |
jack- | <jack-> get an universe repo into your sources.list, do apt-get update and apt-get install w32codecs | 07:19 |
intelikey | eyequeue ah... but it was. hehhe i was checking to see if the ban was still on dcc.send | 07:19 |
jack- | ; | 07:19 |
jack- | ;x | 07:19 |
maxallen | are there any plans for not having ridiculous dependencies in ubuntu and some installer package selection? | 07:19 |
danielch | but something makes me confused | 07:19 |
eyequeue | intelikey, :P in that case | 07:19 |
mathew-ef | Does anybody knows how to export a GNME desktop settings (themes, fonts, menues etc) from one PC to another | 07:19 |
Madpilot | danielch, that pw/installer bug was fixed within 12hrs of being discovered... | 07:19 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | javad: check out teh Captive project... http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/ | 07:19 |
FlannelKing | maxallen: which ones? a lot of time it's just overlooked. | 07:19 |
maxallen | like, i'd love to get rid of totem | 07:19 |
maxallen | but guess what has totem as a dependency? | 07:20 |
maxallen | ubuntu-desktop | 07:20 |
FlannelKing | totem? ;) | 07:20 |
[chris] | sup sup | 07:20 |
spikeb | maxallen, duh | 07:20 |
FlannelKing | right. you can get rid of ubuntu-desktop though | 07:20 |
danielch | Madpilot, but the bug has existed for long time | 07:20 |
Madpilot | maxallen, ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage | 07:20 |
FlannelKing | its just a meta package. | 07:20 |
jack- | maxallen, np | 07:20 |
jack- | you can remove ubuntu-desktop, it wont hurt | 07:20 |
maxallen | what does ubuntu-desktop have? | 07:20 |
FlannelKing | maxallen: because once you remoe totem, you don't have the "full" "ubuntu-desktop" | 07:20 |
intelikey | maxallen only deps | 07:20 |
skpl | FlannelKing, yeah that is what i searched for | 07:20 |
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jack- | ubuntu-desktop is just useful when you switch from kde, for example | 07:21 |
Madpilot | danielch, my understanding is that the bug existed undiscovered and unexploited since Breezy's release, and was found & fixed in 12hrs or so... | 07:21 |
benplaut | why does the bot have a problem with d c c? | 07:21 |
jack- | since it makes sure gdm is enabled and runs, etc | 07:21 |
eyequeue | the only time not having "ubuntu-desktop" will be a worry is when you dist-upgrade to dapper, etc | 07:21 |
Madpilot | benplaut, because of the exploits a while ago | 07:21 |
benplaut | oohh | 07:21 |
FlannelKing | benplaut: it's D-- with Send, because of the router exploit crap. | 07:21 |
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tonyyarusso | intelikey: You truly are devilish at times, aren't you? | 07:21 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | benplaut: Because for awhile there was an exploit for some IRC clients involving D** attacks. | 07:21 |
javad | it doesn't work :( | 07:21 |
benplaut | with the netgear routers? | 07:21 |
danielch | Madpilot, yes, | 07:21 |
FlannelKing | it's not clients, it's firewalls (norton) and some routers. | 07:21 |
nubee | should make a package of this. | 07:21 |
maxallen | so ubuntu-desktop isn't something you really uninstall? | 07:21 |
=== slimz [n=slimz@modemcable014.202-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sands | NickGarvey, What might be the problem?? | 07:21 |
jack- | exactly, its just a metapackage | 07:22 |
FlannelKing | maxallen: right. It's meant for installation, not uninstallation. | 07:22 |
Madpilot | maxallen, you can remove it if you need to - I don't have it installed right now | 07:22 |
jack- | nothing depends on it, nothing is contained in it | 07:22 |
NickGarvey | sands: with what? | 07:22 |
eyequeue | maxallen, a full answer: "apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop | grep ^Depends" | 07:22 |
maxallen | thanks | 07:22 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | FlannelKing: There was a client-disconnect exploit, though, wasn't there? I thought there was. | 07:22 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso if playfull is, i guess i am. it wasn't like it hurt anything. | 07:22 |
NickGarvey | sands: bad short time memory | 07:22 |
sands | NickGarvey, azureus | 07:22 |
=== maxallen say: TOTEM DIE NOW. | ||
slimz | hey guys, couple of quick questions, first, i would like to know if there's a way to disable pcmcia from system startup, as it always fails, and im not using a laptop | 07:22 |
NickGarvey | PuMpErNiCkEl: there was one where you typed "start keylogger" and nortan would kick | 07:22 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: No, it appears not to have :) | 07:22 |
javad | so, one more question | 07:22 |
eyequeue | maxallen, think of it as a package that says "go get me the following list of things" | 07:22 |
FlannelKing | PuMpErNiCkEl: it was because the firewall/router (router was because it had a built in firewall) would recognize the string, and put the irc server (freenode) on a blacklist. | 07:22 |
maxallen | alright, thanks | 07:22 |
jack- | FlannelKing: ATH+++ ! | 07:23 |
blindx | I have a USB bluetooth dongle, is there a list of supported ones for ubuntu? | 07:23 |
jack- | :P | 07:23 |
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javad | how can I install one program in ubuntu which I downloaded from internet? | 07:23 |
jack- | remember? | 07:23 |
FlannelKing | jack-: uh? | 07:23 |
=== maxallen was thinking of it as kinda a package that was gnome + kernel + etc. etc. etc. | ||
jack- | modems | 07:23 |
jack- | back then in the stone age | 07:23 |
eyequeue | javad, dpkg -i foo.deb | 07:23 |
maxallen | but i get what you're saying, thanks | 07:23 |
danielch | I have used Ubuntu for 10 months, but there is problem always companying me. | 07:23 |
tonyyarusso | slimz: Let me get back to you in a sec. | 07:23 |
benplaut | javad: have you checked if the program was in Synaptic? | 07:23 |
NickGarvey | do share danielch | 07:23 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | FlannelKing: No, there was another one with irssi - http://secunia.com/advisories/19090/?show_all_related=1 | 07:23 |
=== nubee runs apt-get install dpkg-dev debhelper devscripts fakeroot linda | ||
intelikey | tonyyarusso if you used the word 'devilish' in respect of deception, yeah i tricked him. guilty as charged. | 07:23 |
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danielch | I used Toshiba laptop TE2000, | 07:24 |
eyequeue | nubee, you may want to apt-get install build-essential, with that list | 07:24 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: Exactly. Oh well. | 07:24 |
FlannelKing | PuMpErNiCkEl: oh, look at that. no, that's not what ubotuwas banning about. I hadn't even heard of that one. | 07:24 |
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FlannelKing | PuMpErNiCkEl: although that explains why my irssi was updated in march ;) | 07:24 |
tonyyarusso | slimz: Okay, I'm going to tell you the long-the-first-time-but-easy-in-the-long-run way, okay? | 07:24 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | FlannelKing: It was out about the same time as the Norton one, so that might be why it went unnoticed. | 07:24 |
slimz | tonyyarusso, sure | 07:25 |
danielch | when I am running Ubuntu, sometimes it freezes without any reason. | 07:25 |
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intelikey | this ought to be good..... | 07:25 |
blindx | I have a USB bluetooth dongle, is there a list of supported ones for ubuntu, or how can I tell if it's supported? | 07:25 |
danielch | this happened in 5.10 and 5.04 | 07:25 |
Madpilot | blindx, plug it in and see what happens? | 07:25 |
tonyyarusso | slimz: First, install sysv-rc-conf. | 07:25 |
nubee | eyequeue, oh it looks far from complete :) | 07:25 |
No1Viking | I have a partition, 30 Gb free. I would like the system to use it. What would be the best to mount to that partition? | 07:25 |
eyequeue | nubee, it's a starting point for compiling, basically :) | 07:26 |
NickGarvey | No1Viking: I don't understand? | 07:26 |
NickGarvey | No1Viking: looking for a file system? or what? | 07:26 |
slimz | tonyyarusso: with apt-get? | 07:26 |
skpl | does anyone know where i can get the w32codecs? | 07:26 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | !w32codecs | 07:26 |
ubotu | it has been said that w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 07:26 |
FlannelKing | PuMpErNiCkEl: probably. Everyone was busy kicking norton people off. it happened to me before it got big. That's why I stopped using windows and started using ssh/irrsi for irc. | 07:26 |
tonyyarusso | slimz: apt-get, aptitude, Synaptic, take your pick, yes. | 07:26 |
nubee | eyequeue, i'm coming from 6 years of redhat, gimme time buddy :) | 07:26 |
danielch | but the freezing issue doesn't happened in FC4 or FC5. | 07:26 |
eyequeue | nubee, well welcome :) | 07:26 |
=== CavalierBob [n=bob@c-24-4-128-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
No1Viking | NickGarvey, I have /home on one partition and / on another. Now I have free space and want to mount it | 07:27 |
mDot | hmmmm, anyway to get flash player 8.... or are we waiting for macromedia to upgrade the linux version? | 07:27 |
slimz | tonyyarusso: done | 07:27 |
spikeb | mDot, waiting | 07:27 |
NickGarvey | No1Viking: is it formatted? | 07:27 |
spikeb | mDot, though ther emight be a beta | 07:27 |
=== nubee wanders off to make the kit | ||
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Tomcat_ | danielch: When you are describing your problem over >5 lines at 1 line per minute in a high-traffic channel like this, I doubt people will be able to help you. You could write longer lines maybe...? :) | 07:27 |
tonyyarusso | slimz: Run it as root, 'sudo sysv-rc-conf' in a terminal. | 07:27 |
mDot | spikeb thanks ill search around | 07:27 |
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PuMpErNiCkEl | No1Viking: You could mount it somewhere in ~/ ... that's what I did with my second HDD, which I use to store music. | 07:27 |
Madpilot | No1Viking, you can mount it to, say, ~/Documents (or any other directory inside your home dir. | 07:27 |
mlowe | NickGarvey, make a file system, add a line to /etc/fstab, usual places to mount are /media, or /mnt | 07:27 |
danielch | thanks, Tomcat_ | 07:28 |
NickGarvey | mlowe: wrong nick I think ;) | 07:28 |
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javad | how can I install one program on ubuntu? | 07:28 |
eyequeue | No1Viking, my next free partition i put on /usr/local as in /usr/local/src and such, but if you don't compile a lot of things, see where your own needs lie | 07:28 |
Tomcat_ | javad: sudo apt-get install <progname> | 07:28 |
blindx | Madpilot, nothing happened :x | 07:28 |
slimz | tonyyarusso: i toggle pcmcia off (S) ? | 07:28 |
NickGarvey | !apt-get | 07:28 |
ubotu | rumour has it, apt-get is http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/apt-howto.en.txt (in depth) and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto | 07:28 |
=== Gent [n=gent@c-24-128-57-226.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gent | anyone alive? | 07:28 |
mlowe | No1Viking, make a file system, add a line to /etc/fstab, usual places to mount are /media, or /mnt | 07:28 |
Tomcat_ | Gent: About 20 people, yes. :P | 07:28 |
Madpilot | blindx, so much for the easy way - I know zip about wireless, so you'll have to ask around here | 07:29 |
mlowe | NickGarvey, sorry | 07:29 |
spikeb | well i was coughing up blood last night Gent | 07:29 |
spikeb | heh | 07:29 |
Madpilot | Gent, nope :P | 07:29 |
spikeb | </monty python> | 07:29 |
eyequeue | !ops | 07:29 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 07:29 |
Madpilot | eyequeue, ? | 07:29 |
javad | I download the pakage of cross assembler compiler it has one file which name is install | 07:29 |
eyequeue | (msg me about something privately please ops) | 07:29 |
fabbione | what is the problem??? | 07:29 |
Gent | anyone know if there are any plans, ever, to change the default music player in ubuntu to banshee? | 07:29 |
intelikey | javad sudo apt-get install one program | 07:29 |
aloon | what do you do if you have no display menu in kde peripherals ? I cant set my display adapter | 07:29 |
tonyyarusso | slimz: Yes, toggle with the spacebar, but in the column labeled '2'. | 07:29 |
javad | but as I click on that file one terminal page is open | 07:29 |
slimz | im getting spammed from Healot, asking me if i want to be an op in this channel to copy paste garbage code | 07:29 |
Gent | or for that matter to include mono and some mono apps in general? | 07:29 |
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slimz | tonyyarusso: i'm toggling (2) on? | 07:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by fabbione | ||
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aloon | thx | 07:30 |
spikeb | Gent, mono's already available | 07:30 |
Gent | spike, i know it's available, I'm talking about putting it in the default install | 07:30 |
Gent | and replacing rhythmbox with banshee | 07:30 |
aloon | can anyone help me with a display problem? | 07:31 |
spikeb | Gent, a good idea in the event that banshee actually freezes less than rhythmbox...whenever that happens. | 07:31 |
nalioth | eyequeue: is the problem solved? | 07:31 |
Gent | I see it the other way around | 07:31 |
intelikey | Healot | 07:31 |
Tomcat_ | Gent: Is banshee a mono-app? | 07:31 |
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Gent | in fact, I can't get rhthymbox to import songs for a library over 5,000 or so | 07:31 |
tonyyarusso | slimz: You wanted it off, right? So remove the X. | 07:31 |
Gent | banshee imported my friend's nearly 8,000 song library without a hitch | 07:31 |
eyequeue | nalioth, yes, another of y'all is in msg with me, thank you | 07:31 |
spikeb | Gent, oh rhythmbox is a buggy POS, yes. | 07:31 |
spikeb | heh | 07:31 |
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spikeb | Gent, but it works better than banshee for me, at least on my ppc machine | 07:32 |
Gent | I also have major issues with rhythmbox and iPods | 07:32 |
Gent | no such problems with banshee | 07:32 |
mikeo1 | man this sucks, my download speed is stuck at 512kbits and my upload is at 7.5mbits | 07:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o fabbione] by fabbione | ||
slavik | WE ROCK!!! | 07:32 |
spikeb | Tom39Away, yeah it's a mono app | 07:32 |
Gent | and that's across a number of systems that I've tried both on | 07:32 |
No1Viking | NickGarvey, I wonder if there are any system folders to mount to besides /home | 07:32 |
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=== mikeo1 wishes he could run a server from this pc | ||
slavik | anyone read the slashdot article on ubuntu? | 07:32 |
mikeo1 | nope | 07:32 |
spikeb | haven't been to slashdot yet today | 07:32 |
mikeo1 | i read the summary | 07:32 |
mikeo1 | and a few comments | 07:33 |
Gent | slavik, it's what convinced me to come and join the channel | 07:33 |
Gent | heheh | 07:33 |
slavik | mikeo1: you can, if you have a good ISP | 07:33 |
slavik | Gent: we shall brainwash you :P | 07:33 |
=== mikeo1 is on a school network with a static ip and no access to a router | ||
Gent | brainwash me how? | 07:33 |
=== ubuntu [n=cat@c-67-191-31-202.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | mikeo1: get yourself a shotgun and hold someone hostage ... | 07:33 |
mikeo1 | and the download is so slowwwwwwwwwwww, but upload is insanely fast... lol | 07:33 |
spikeb | branwash you into gooey gnomey goodness | 07:33 |
aloon | whats the dapper drake channel? | 07:33 |
slavik | mikeo1: wait, that's how you get killed | 07:33 |
spikeb | er...branwash? | 07:33 |
slavik | aloon: #ubuntu+1 | 07:33 |
spikeb | hmm | 07:33 |
Madpilot | aloon, #ubuntu+1 | 07:33 |
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mikeo1 | my upload is going to waste lol | 07:33 |
Gent | I already enjoy gnome | 07:33 |
mikeo1 | anyone use it with kde? | 07:34 |
mikeo1 | xgl | 07:34 |
spikeb | Gent, me too :) | 07:34 |
Gent | although i'd never use it on my primary desktop | 07:34 |
aloon | thanks | 07:34 |
slavik | mikeo1: gimmie ssh access to your box >:) | 07:34 |
intelikey | most people should be brainwashed.... they have dirty minds.... | 07:34 |
intelikey | :) | 07:34 |
=== spikeb has been using *nix and GNOME as his primary desktop off and on for years | ||
slavik | Gent: I am using it on my compaq laptop :) | 07:34 |
spikeb | since gnome 1.0 | 07:34 |
mikeo1 | my gnome broke itself so edited my compiz.sh file to startkde instead of the exec gnome-session | 07:34 |
mikeo1 | now the compiz works, but not with gnome anymore | 07:34 |
Gent | slavik, I'll put ubuntu on any system except my primary desktop | 07:34 |
WarOfAttrition | Could anyone tell me something about a gimp bug when using a tablet, where the drawing window gets 'stuck'? I've seen it around the forums, but I can't find the thread again. | 07:34 |
Gent | it's the #1 distro I recommend to all my friends too | 07:35 |
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mikeo1 | so anyone know of a way i could run a webserver off a static ip | 07:35 |
slimz | ok also, the other problem i have is with the gnome deskbar, i installed it, but when i try to type in it, nothing happens, i dont get a cursor | 07:35 |
spikeb | Gent, does your primary desktop happen to run one of the famous proprietary operating systems? | 07:35 |
slavik | and top of distrowatch | 07:35 |
mikeo1 | with no access to a router | 07:35 |
ubuntu | WarOfAttrition, try, running gimp on the terminal and look for the error, | 07:35 |
aloon | how do you get 1440 X 900 display setting in kde? I have no menu called display in systemsttings | 07:35 |
skpl | does anyone know where i can get the w32codecs for dapper? | 07:35 |
=== rlaager [n=rlaager@trcpe2-167.mncable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | WarOfAttrition: interesting bug | 07:35 |
Gent | spikeb, no, unless slackware is a famou proprietary operating system | 07:35 |
=== powder [n=anon@cpe-72-129-22-138.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyequeue | !w32codecs | 07:35 |
ubotu | well, w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 07:35 |
spikeb | Gent, hehehehhe no, slackware sure isn't that. | 07:35 |
slavik | aloon: ask in #kde or #kubuntu | 07:35 |
intelikey | hehhe tonyyarusso i guess that sysv thing requires default runlevels... tty1 [root#~] sysv-rc-conf | 07:35 |
blindx | Can't get device information: Success -- Warped sense of "success" if you ask me :\ | 07:36 |
eyequeue | skpl, ^^ | 07:36 |
=== Quinthius [n=james@ip24-255-134-75.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spikeb | Gent, slackware is many things to many people, but proprietary ain't one of 'em | 07:36 |
intelikey | /usr/sbin/sysv-rc-conf: opendir //etc/rc2.d : No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/sysv-rc-conf line 419. | 07:36 |
lgc | eyequeue, you back? | 07:36 |
eyequeue | lgc, hello | 07:36 |
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Gent | yeah... some things will never change with me | 07:36 |
=== slavik needs help with his ppracer fix | ||
=== mikeo1 could send people something but cant download anything, sucks | ||
Gent | I have a few other questions some of you may be able to answer... | 07:36 |
lgc | eyequeue, what did you do to get kicked out of the bar? | 07:36 |
=== chiwawa_42 [n=jerome@ASt-Lambert-153-1-48-210.w81-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gent | related to ubuntu | 07:36 |
Gent | of course | 07:36 |
mikeo1 | and anyone know whats up with kde crashing compiz all the time? | 07:36 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: No, in the Ubuntu repos it runs by default with them 'man sys-rc-conf' and you can specify others I believe. | 07:36 |
mikeo1 | konqueror dies anytime i click the home icon | 07:36 |
slavik | *** ppracer error: Couldn't initialize video: Couldn't find matching GLX visual | 07:36 |
eyequeue | lgc, the bot automatically kicks with certain strings, someone tricked me into typing one of them | 07:36 |
FlannelKing | Gent: just ask them! don't ask to ask, it just wastes ... um, whatever. | 07:37 |
WarOfAttrition | I've tried the terminal before, it doesn't really say anything about it | 07:37 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: Wait, you don't even have a 2? | 07:37 |
=== iplgecko [n=gecko@CPE-58-168-35-16.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | tonyyarusso no. | 07:37 |
Gent | Well, the first I may get flamed for, but I'll shoot anyway. Does anyone know whether or not the new Novell menu with built in beagle search (the gnome applet) is available in dapper somewhere? | 07:37 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: What do you have? | 07:37 |
rlaager | Hi. I've done a fair amount of searching and I can't find the answer to my problem.... The clock is wrong when I'm not connected to the network (when I am, NTP fixes it). My TZ is GMT-0500, and my time is five hours too early. For example, it's 00:36 now, and the clock would show 19:36 if I wasn't connected to the network. | 07:37 |
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eyequeue | lgc, some nights "helpful" doesn't pay, heh | 07:37 |
danielch | I have Ubuntu 5.10 and FC5 in my Toshiba TE2000 laptop, but Ubuntu sometimes freezes, FC5 doesn't. I have tried that booting with the option "nolapic noapic" and "acpi=off pci=noacpi", it seems better, but it still exists. However, FC4/5 works well using the default setting and the ACPI seems works. Anybody encountered that issue? | 07:37 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso 01&6 | 07:37 |
lgc | eyequeue, you mean four-letter words, or something along those lines? | 07:37 |
WarOfAttrition | ---------- the weird thing is that it's not always the same, does it sometimes, others not. And it only started when I raised the resolution of the screen. Right now, it's not doing it, later I'm sure it will again | 07:37 |
rlaager | Gent: I believe it's call deskbar. | 07:37 |
wood1700 | hello | 07:37 |
slavik | Gent: deskbar is avail in dapper, no? | 07:37 |
spikeb | Gent, the menu, no. the applet, yes | 07:37 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: Wow. Minimal are we? | 07:38 |
mathew-ef | Has anybody got XP looking desktop, menus, icons in Ubuntu? | 07:38 |
eyequeue | lgc, no, three letter (d c c) | 07:38 |
rlaager | Gent: sudo apt-get install deskbar-applet | 07:38 |
spikeb | mathew-ef, thankfully, no | 07:38 |
mikeo1 | xp sucks | 07:38 |
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Gent | the applet is the menu? | 07:38 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso 1 is multi-user 0 is single and 6 is reboot | 07:38 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | rlaager: Do you have a dual-boot system with windows on it? | 07:38 |
WarOfAttrition | XP is ugly! | 07:38 |
mikeo1 | yeah | 07:38 |
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wood1700 | I want to disable the module for my wireless card and use ndiswrapper - how do you disable modules from loading at boot? thanks. | 07:38 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso i also have no password | 07:38 |
WarOfAttrition | I use the gnome Glossy P theme and Noia icons | 07:38 |
mikeo1 | xp gives xgl a bad name, they should jsut call xp p | 07:38 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: I suppose that's all that really gets used much anyway. | 07:38 |
mikeo1 | for pissysucks | 07:38 |
=== Gent fires up his iBook | ||
rlaager | PuMpErNiCkEl: Nope. /etc/default/rcS has UTC=yes set. I previously had UTC=no set. I've tried it both ways, I've tried it both ways resetting the clock in between switches. | 07:39 |
eyequeue | lgc, a while back there was an exploit, the bot was programmed to deal with it, i was unaware of any of it ... no big deal, now i know | 07:39 |
blindx | heh, I cannot get this bluetooth to work. | 07:39 |
lgc | eyequeue, you got me there. But I didn't know there was such etiquette. Is it posted somewhere? | 07:39 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: Wait, you don't have a password or you don't need to enter it? (I thought Linux required them...please educate me.) | 07:39 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | rlaager: odd | 07:39 |
eyequeue | lgc, no, i think it is considered highly unlikely that someone will say the particular string, so no one worries about it | 07:39 |
=== sfar [n=sfar@c-35f3e253.18-2-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rlaager | PuMpErNiCkEl: "/etc/init.d/hwclock.sh restart" yields "select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick timed out" if that matters | 07:39 |
slavik | the rm string? | 07:40 |
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intelikey | tonyyarusso yeah... i've set up sysv for as many as 13 runlevels and as few as 2 this system has 3. no passwd. all accounts are locked. | 07:40 |
eyequeue | slavik, nah, a router exploit, i guess | 07:40 |
FlannelKing | lgc: it's d-- send (s/-/c/g) | 07:40 |
slavik | k | 07:40 |
slavik | FlannelKing: trying to get someone to use dcc? | 07:40 |
eyequeue | slavik, it caused some routers to blacklist freenode | 07:40 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso it is impossable to login on this box, | 07:40 |
slavik | rofl | 07:40 |
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lgc | eyequeue, so you can go berserk saying "f*ck" and the like without being punished? | 07:41 |
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FlannelKing | slavik: no. I'm informing them of the actual string. since, there was confusion apparently. | 07:41 |
Gent | ok, next question, does anyone have ubuntu on their iBook? | 07:41 |
spikeb | no going berko | 07:41 |
spikeb | Gent, i did when i had an ibook | 07:41 |
danielch | I have Ubuntu 5.10 and FC5 in my Toshiba TE2000 laptop, but Ubuntu sometimes freezes, FC5 doesn't. I have tried that booting with the option "nolapic noapic" and "acpi=off pci=noacpi", it seems better, but it still exists. However, FC4/5 works well using the default setting and the ACPI seems works. Anybody encountered that issue? | 07:41 |
cge | Gent: yes | 07:41 |
slavik | *** ppracer error: Couldn't initialize video: Couldn't find matching GLX visual ... anyone know the problem? I have ati drivers installed and Direct Rendering ON. | 07:41 |
eyequeue | lgc, no, that's handled via a different means :) (humans) | 07:41 |
Gent | did you have issues with the sound? | 07:41 |
spikeb | i did not. | 07:41 |
lgc | FlannelKing, thanks. | 07:41 |
Gent | like was the volume not high enough? and was it crackly when it was? | 07:41 |
cge | Gent: Are you using dapper? | 07:41 |
OrTigaS | anyone can walk me through to resolve my network problem: i cant see/access them.... | 07:41 |
Gent | yes, via dist-upgrade | 07:41 |
lgc | eyequeue, ...and their different moods! | 07:41 |
=== dj-fu [n=deejay@60-234-218-124.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | danielch: I have to use noapic nolapic because otherwise my clock runs fast | 07:42 |
cge | Gent: I believe there are known problems with iBook sound and dapper. You might want to look around. | 07:42 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: So how's that work? | 07:42 |
cge | Gent: But I thought the problem was no sound at all. | 07:42 |
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rlaager | PuMpErNiCkEl: Hmm, "hwclock --directisa" doesn't show an error, where "hwclock" does. | 07:42 |
danielch | slavik, your laptop can get reboot? | 07:42 |
Gent | cge, it was worse under breezy | 07:43 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso wondered how long that would take :) it works pretty good actually. | 07:43 |
=== nickrud [n=nickrud@adsl-69-153-204-83.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trunks | Hi- I've installed ubuntu successfully, but when it was configuring packages it locked up around 85% and i had to reboot. Is there a command so i can resume configuring where it left off? | 07:43 |
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eyequeue | trunks, dpkg --configure -a | 07:43 |
eyequeue | trunks, sudo in front of that of course | 07:43 |
trunks | ok | 07:43 |
cge | Gent: I would look into it, but I had to cut the wires to my iBook's speakers since there was some strange bug where every few days on coming out of suspend the laptop would freeze and make a LOUD squeal. Not too fun when one is in a library... | 07:43 |
trunks | thanks | 07:43 |
blindx | Anyone in here pretty good with bluetooth? I can't seem to get mine to work.. | 07:43 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | rlaager: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Fedora/2005-04/4968.html seems to agree with you, at first glance | 07:43 |
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trunks | will that make sure it hasnt skipped anything? | 07:43 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: OKay, are you saying this box is never shut down, and if it did, would be dead? | 07:44 |
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cge | Gent: but I don't remember the sound ever being very good under OS X or Debian or Ubuntu. | 07:44 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso i have sysv open a root and a user consoles and start X as root and connect the user to X (two steps because i mount nosuid, thus user can't start X) | 07:44 |
=== Thinjon100 [n=thinjon1@ip68-96-111-15.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyequeue | trunks, yes, that will "clean up" everything that is partially done, then you can rerun the original command (sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, or whatever) | 07:44 |
trunks | eyequeue: cool thanks | 07:44 |
slavik | danielch: huh? | 07:44 |
OrTigaS | anyone can walk me through to resolve my network problem: i cant see/access them.... | 07:44 |
rlaager | PuMpErNiCkEl: I wonder if there's a way to detect that failure and fall back to using --directisa. Since I don't really know what that means, I suppose I'll just file a bug against hwclock. | 07:45 |
fyrestrtr | OrTigaS: access what? | 07:45 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso i reboot each day. | 07:45 |
eyequeue | trunks, no prob, and welcome to ubuntu | 07:45 |
slavik | danielch: the clock (time) runs fast withoug noapic nolapic options ... | 07:45 |
Thinjon100 | OK... I just finished downloading the Ubuntu AMD64 DVD... I'm hesitant now to install, since it crashed just trying to load up Live... :( | 07:45 |
OrTigaS | window machine fyrestrtr | 07:45 |
slavik | Thinjon100: how did it crash? | 07:45 |
trunks | eyequeue: I was turned on to it because my laptop's integrated wireless worked perfectly in the ubuntu live cd | 07:45 |
danielch | slavik, you use a desktop or laptop? | 07:45 |
OrTigaS | it work once but now it wont show the window machine to this box | 07:45 |
fyrestrtr | OrTigaS: you are chatting from your ubuntu box? | 07:45 |
lgc | eyequeue, so I can go catch a few Z's, first "dpkg --get-selections>pkglist", then "apt-get update", then "apt-get dist-upgrade -d", then "apt-get dist-upgrade", and "voil!"? | 07:45 |
OrTigaS | i can ping them | 07:45 |
slavik | danielch: laptop | 07:45 |
OrTigaS | fyrestrtr, yes | 07:46 |
eyequeue | trunks, yeah, that's so sweet isn't it? i was impressed by that myself, back then | 07:46 |
OrTigaS | why? | 07:46 |
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tonyyarusso | intelikey: I'm lost. How login with locked accounts? | 07:46 |
Thinjon100 | it got to what appeared to be a rectangular splash screen in the center of the monitor (image was horribly grabled)... mosue worked for a moment, then system completely locked up | 07:46 |
spikeb | heh | 07:46 |
intelikey | i don't login. | 07:46 |
intelikey | i can't login. | 07:46 |
slavik | Thinjon100: burn a knoppix cd just in case | 07:46 |
=== spikeb would use the 32bit version of ubuntu on an amd64 | ||
intelikey | no one can login on this box. | 07:46 |
eyequeue | lgc, yeah, do that -d before you catch the zs of course, then the lst one when you're all ready with a fresh cuppa coffee :) | 07:46 |
danielch | I have Ubuntu 5.10 and FC5 in my Toshiba TE2000 laptop, but Ubuntu sometimes freezes, FC5 doesn't. I have tried that booting with the option "nolapic noapic" and "acpi=off pci=noacpi", it seems better, but it still exists. However, FC4/5 works well using the default setting and the ACPI seems works. Anybody encountered that issue? | 07:46 |
Gent | ok... last but not least... is there any way to get wmv or other support usually through binary codecs on PPC? | 07:46 |
=== slavik notes that OO is not compiled for 64bit | ||
=== UbuntuNewbie [n=mcarey@c-67-180-182-150.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | intelikey: Then what happens between boot and usage? | 07:47 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso this in in an init script. | 07:47 |
sethk | intelikey, well, _somebody can | 07:47 |
intelikey | su - root "openvt -fc 5 -- X :0 2>/dev/null " 2>/dev/null & | 07:47 |
intelikey | sleep 23 | 07:47 |
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thinjon100 | I'm trying to find any distro that will work reliably with my AMD64 :( ...and USES 64-bit | 07:47 |
eyequeue | lgc, i don't know if the order matters, but i've always seen it as "apt-get -d dist-upgrade" | 07:47 |
OrTigaS | anyone have an idea? | 07:47 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: Oh. | 07:47 |
spikeb | Gent, some codecs, but most of them you have to rely on open source implementations | 07:47 |
intelikey | su - $USER ". .Xsession 2>/dev/null " 2>/dev/null | 07:47 |
disco_stu | how do I install .deb files in Ubuntu???? | 07:47 |
trunks | Getting quite a weird error now.. "cpufreq: change failed with new_state 1 and result 0" | 07:47 |
slavik | Thinjon100: knoppix is a backup ... keep it around anyway | 07:47 |
UbuntuNewbie | hello everyone | 07:47 |
fyrestrtr | OrTigaS: okay, try this | 07:47 |
eyequeue | disco_stu, dpkg -i foo.deb | 07:47 |
intelikey | there is more to it than that tonyyarusso but that should give you the basic idea. | 07:48 |
disco_stu | thx | 07:48 |
=== passbe [n=passbe@ppp184-119.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gent | I use the gnu flash implementation... and that is crap | 07:48 |
rlaager | With dpkg, how can I find out which package owns a given file? | 07:48 |
UbuntuNewbie | i have a question about mysql package | 07:48 |
spikeb | Gent, ugh, yes it is | 07:48 |
Thinjon100 | Knoppix... another distro to try? (That'll be the third in 2 days) | 07:48 |
spikeb | Gent, there's swfdec | 07:48 |
spikeb | Gent, which is less crap, but not much | 07:48 |
fyrestrtr | OrTigaS: open up a command prompt, and type smbclient -L \\windowspcname -- if your windows computer is called box1, it would be smbclient -L \\box1 | 07:48 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: Yeah, I know how it's possible anyway. | 07:48 |
slavik | Thinjon100: it is a livecd distro | 07:48 |
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UbuntuNewbie | i see two package mysql-server and mysql-server-4.1 | 07:48 |
slavik | Thinjon100: I had to use it to get ubuntu working properly mid install | 07:48 |
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fyrestrtr | OrTigaS: it will ask for a password, just hit enter | 07:48 |
UbuntuNewbie | mysql-server has a ubuntu icon next to it | 07:49 |
Madpilot | !tell UbuntuNewbie about lamp | 07:49 |
spikeb | Gent, there's a project called gnash out there that's already further than any other OSS flash project, i'm looking forward to a stable release | 07:49 |
UbuntuNewbie | what does the icon mean | 07:49 |
danielch | anybody can browse "www.honda.ca" with firefox in Ubuntu? | 07:49 |
disco_stu | it wont install - is there anybody I can PM with the message - I dont want to post it in the main board | 07:49 |
Madpilot | UbuntuNewbie, the bot just sent you a pm for installing MySQL | 07:49 |
fyrestrtr | UbuntuNewbie: means its part of the official ubuntu repository | 07:49 |
Madpilot | disco_stu, pastebin | 07:49 |
lgc | eyequeue, I thought I should do the "dpkg --get-selections" first in order to somehow safeguard the integrity of my Hoary install... | 07:49 |
eyequeue | rlaager, dpkg -S path/to/file/name | 07:49 |
OrTigaS | smbclient -L localhost <-- i tried this but it say nt_logon_status_failed | 07:49 |
OrTigaS | ok i'll try that | 07:49 |
Thinjon100 | Well, I want to install a distro... and SuSE and Ubuntu were both recommended... I'm jsut wondering if anyone might have a clue as to why any time I try to install, my system hangs (has occured with both Ubuntu and SuSE's latest 64-bit releases) | 07:49 |
intelikey | yeah i ask all over freenode and efnet for a way to make init login a console user.... no one seemed to know, or care to tell me. so i made my own way. | 07:49 |
eyequeue | lgc, sure, that can't hurt | 07:49 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso ^ | 07:49 |
fyrestrtr | OrTigaS: you have to browse a windows PC name | 07:49 |
tonyyarusso | Madpilot: Could I pm you about something fishy-looking briefly? (Or you can join my channel if you prefer.) | 07:50 |
slavik | Thinjon100: amd64? | 07:50 |
spikeb | Thinjon100, hardware support for your system (at least in 64bit mode) is buggy it sounds like | 07:50 |
blindx | danielch: loading....... loaded. | 07:50 |
fyrestrtr | Thinjon100: what kind of processor? | 07:50 |
Madpilot | tonyyarusso, pm me | 07:50 |
eyequeue | lgc, i just meant that dist-upgrade might need the -d switch *before* it | 07:50 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: Not common, that's for sure. | 07:50 |
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Thinjon100 | Yes, Athlon64 3500+ | 07:50 |
slavik | hmm | 07:50 |
disco_stu | no usr with that name | 07:50 |
Gent | ok, switching over to my ibook to talk, brb | 07:50 |
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spikeb | k | 07:50 |
danielch | blindx, honda.ca seems using a flash8. | 07:50 |
fyrestrtr | Thinjon100: have you tried the AMD_64 livecd? | 07:50 |
spikeb | isn't there a flash 8.5 beta for linux yet? | 07:51 |
blindx | danielch: alright..? | 07:51 |
slavik | *** ppracer error: Couldn't initialize video: Couldn't find matching GLX visual ... anyone know the problem? I have ati drivers installed and Direct Rendering ON. | 07:51 |
Thinjon100 | I downloaded the AMD64 DVD... it has teh isntalelr and the Live CD on it... I booted to the live CD to test... that's when it crashed | 07:51 |
lgc | eyequeue, I got your point with the "-d", thanks. | 07:51 |
Thinjon100 | hence my hesitance to attempt installation without some guidance | 07:51 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso that's really why i like linux so much. you don't have to do anything the ####-#### way... :) | 07:51 |
eyequeue | lgc, good luck | 07:51 |
fyrestrtr | Thinjon100: what do you mean exactly when you say crashed? | 07:51 |
danielch | blindx, but there is no a flash8 for Linux. | 07:52 |
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disco_stu | andrew@ubuntu:~/Desktop/Andrew$ sudo dpkg -i nerolinux- | 07:52 |
disco_stu | Password: | 07:52 |
disco_stu | (Reading database ... 73858 files and directories currently installed.) | 07:52 |
disco_stu | Preparing to replace nerolinux (using nerolinux- ... | 07:52 |
disco_stu | Unpacking replacement nerolinux ... | 07:52 |
disco_stu | Setting up nerolinux ( ... | 07:52 |
disco_stu | Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux version testing/unstable | 07:52 |
disco_stu | andrew@ubuntu:~/Desktop/Andrew$ | 07:52 |
blindx | danielch: then how is it loading? | 07:52 |
blindx | !tell disco_stu about pastebin | 07:52 |
Thinjon100 | fyrestrtr... it got to what appeared to be a rectangular splash screen (the image was garbled), the mouse worked momentarily, then the entire system locked up | 07:52 |
danielch | bindx, I think we have to wait macromedia release the version. | 07:53 |
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=== gent_ [n=gent@c-24-128-57-226.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fyrestrtr | Thinjon100: hrmm, okay -- have you tried booting it without the graphical installer? I forgot the exact boot line for it, but it is there. | 07:53 |
blindx | danielch: but it loads for me? | 07:53 |
gent_ | ok.... | 07:53 |
OrTigaS | fyrestrtr, i saw something | 07:53 |
intelikey | disco_stu why are we blessed with the flood ? no errors there ? | 07:53 |
=== gent_ is now known as Gent_ | ||
fyrestrtr | OrTigaS: what? | 07:53 |
skpl | is there any way to play .wma file in linux? | 07:53 |
lgc | eyequeue, perhaps you already told me, but what's the link between "dpkg" and "apt-get dist-upgrade"? | 07:53 |
danielch | blindx, can you see the flash on honda.ca? | 07:53 |
fyrestrtr | !tell skpl about RestrictedFormats | 07:53 |
blindx | danielch, yes | 07:53 |
=== Daskies [n=Daskies@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrTigaS | u ask me to type the smbclient -L \\computername | 07:54 |
AngryElf | isn't # a comment in a shell script? | 07:54 |
OrTigaS | and it show something, i cant paste it here | 07:54 |
disco_stu | Cuz im sooo awesome!!!! (bless me - Im a windows usr - trying to switch) | 07:54 |
danielch | blindx, what plugin are you using? | 07:54 |
skpl | can someone help me? im having trouble playing a video at this url: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=635398409&n=2&Mytoken=158F6BDE-113C-CD5A-32151569C04BA52722306663 | 07:54 |
lgc | eyequeue, maybe that's a very stupid question...(blush). | 07:54 |
eyequeue | lgc, dpkg is a lower-level tool, apt-get is a little closer to the user, less brute-force ... apt-get fetches and then calls dpkg -i behind the scenes (as well as does many other things) | 07:54 |
skpl | i need to know what plugins or players to install so i can watch it | 07:54 |
blindx | danielch, i have no clue. :x | 07:54 |
fyrestrtr | OrTigaS: can you see the shares on your windows machine? | 07:55 |
lgc | eyequeue, that's an excellent answer! | 07:55 |
Thinjon100 | I'll try running the installer and see if I get different results installing than running LiveCD... are there perhaps some issues with ym video card? (every time I've had an installation crash it was in a GUI)... GeForce 7800GT PCI-E | 07:55 |
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eyequeue | lgc, no, it's a very good question, not one most new users would think of until much later | 07:55 |
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OrTigaS | yes fyrestrtr | 07:55 |
intelikey | talk about a place for "http://tinyurl.com" | 07:55 |
danielch | blindx, can you look at your /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins ? | 07:55 |
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skpl | intelikey, that's what xchat is for | 07:55 |
jack- | dpkg without apt would be a real pita | 07:56 |
blindx | danielch, only thing in there is libjavaplugin_oji.so | 07:56 |
jack- | for the normal user, dpkg is useful very rarely | 07:56 |
fyrestrtr | OrTigaS: okay this means, you and your Windows machine can browse each other (there are no problems with the connection). What are you trying to do? Copy files from your Windows machine? | 07:56 |
intelikey | skpl seeing that i don't use it, i missed the connection ? | 07:56 |
disco_stu | What is a repositiory? | 07:56 |
Thinjon100 | ok... going to attempt installation again... have a feeling I'll be back soon, though :( | 07:56 |
intelikey | !repos | 07:57 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 07:57 |
skpl | intelikey, url grabber | 07:57 |
fyrestrtr | disco_stu: a collection of programs that is given a common name. | 07:57 |
lgc | eyequeue, you playing ball with me? :) | 07:57 |
UbuntuNewbie | do i need to worry about making sure i have the latest firefox version | 07:57 |
eyequeue | disco_stu, a collection of .deb files, with special "helper" files as well | 07:57 |
intelikey | skpl it auto tiny those things ? | 07:57 |
eyequeue | heh | 07:57 |
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danielch | blindx, could you "find / -name libflashplayer.so -print" ? | 07:57 |
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OrTigaS | fyrestrtr, browse thru the places--> network server--=> then click the window network | 07:57 |
skpl | intelikey, it do | 07:57 |
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intelikey | kewL | 07:57 |
disco_stu | Why don't synaptic packages add to the app'z menu? | 07:58 |
OrTigaS | i cant other windows box | 07:58 |
Gent_ | hrm... I suppose one more question | 07:58 |
disco_stu | How do I do that if they dont? | 07:58 |
nubee | eyequeue, any hints on dh_make and naming cvs versions? | 07:58 |
Gent_ | is there any plan to replace the ugly ass battery icon on notebooks? | 07:58 |
Gcastin | any body know if there's new family guy epidodes comming? | 07:58 |
tonyyarusso | skpl: As in registering with the tinyURL server so it works for all, or internally? | 07:58 |
eyequeue | disco_stu, you may need to run "ki;;a;; gnome-panel" or relogin before you see them in the menus | 07:58 |
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tim_ | what is the best way to learn linux | 07:58 |
skpl | tonyyarusso, i have no idea, i just know you can click it and it opens up in your browser | 07:58 |
skpl | no need for tinyurl | 07:58 |
Gent_ | tim_ use it | 07:58 |
tonyyarusso | skpl: Ah, okay. | 07:59 |
skpl | unless you believe in cyberspace polution | 07:59 |
Madpilot | tim_, break it then fix it :P (joking, mostly...) | 07:59 |
eyequeue | nubee, let me think of a good place to refer you, i usually look up examples when i need to do that | 07:59 |
Gent_ | I've been using linux far too long | 07:59 |
blindx | danielch, /home/blind/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so | 07:59 |
eyequeue | nubee, actually, here's a command i'd use :)) | 07:59 |
Gent_ | :( | 07:59 |
danielch | thanks, blindx | 07:59 |
skpl | can someone tell me how to convert .wma to .mp3 in ubuntu? | 07:59 |
nubee | eyequeue, it's sweet ijust mv'd the alsa-driver dir to alsadrivercvs.18.04.2006 :) | 08:00 |
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eyequeue | nubee, dpkg -l | grep cvs | less ... see what format other maintainers use, then try to conform to it, they probably have good practice | 08:00 |
danielch | blindx, can you tell what size "libflashplayer.so" is? | 08:00 |
nubee | ah | 08:00 |
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tonyyarusso | tim_: Check out any of the numerous tutorials online, wander the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ , sit back and watch here, along with asking your own questions when they come up, and honestly, I broke stuff and fixed it too ;) | 08:00 |
bcc | is there a way to trace what commands some process is calling? | 08:00 |
nubee | eyequeue, well i'm not planning on distributing this... | 08:00 |
eyequeue | nubee, packagename_ver*.deb though | 08:00 |
tim_ | thank you | 08:00 |
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ems | hi | 08:01 |
tonyyarusso | tim_: Generally, if you just start using it, you will learn the things that are useful to you over time out of necessity. | 08:01 |
eyequeue | nubee, if you want cvs as part of the name, put it before the _ | 08:01 |
blindx | danielch, 2 megs | 08:01 |
ems | who is pasting crap? | 08:01 |
ems | I want to kick his ass | 08:01 |
iceman | !sources | 08:01 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 08:01 |
danielch | blindx, 2154768? | 08:01 |
skpl | can someone tell me how to convert .wma to .mp3 in ubuntu? | 08:01 |
Madpilot | ems, did you get pm'd with some "to be an op in #ubuntu" garbage? | 08:01 |
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rlaager | skpl: You'd lose quality in that transformation. | 08:02 |
tonyyarusso | skpl: Probably with mencoder with w32codecs, but I haven't done it myself. | 08:02 |
skpl | theb bleh | 08:02 |
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blindx | i don't know, danielch.. i just right clicked. I don't know how to do it via console. | 08:02 |
ems | skpl: I can tell you how in Plan 9 | 08:02 |
eyequeue | nubee, you went from new to building debs in one night, i'm impressed :) | 08:02 |
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nubee | dpkg-deb: building package `alsa.driver' in `../alsa.driver_cvs.18.04.2006_i386.deb w00t! | 08:02 |
ems | Madpilot: no | 08:02 |
lgc | eyequeue, I'm on it: "-d dist-upgrade". Can I go to bed now? | 08:02 |
Madpilot | ems, um, so why the "who is pasting cr*p?" comment? | 08:02 |
eyequeue | lgc, yes, and i think i'll, um, do the same here, heh | 08:03 |
lgc | eyequeue, where are you? | 08:03 |
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danielch | blindx, just run "ls -l libflashplayer.so" in console. | 08:03 |
blindx | 2096844 | 08:03 |
eyequeue | lgc, btw, if you like, you can even run the other command without the -d while totally offline, later :) | 08:03 |
ems | Madpilot: someone was talking about it | 08:04 |
eyequeue | lgc, ny.us here, and you? | 08:04 |
blindx | Daniel, do you want it? :P I'm sure I could DCC it to you | 08:04 |
danielch | blindx, thanks, I'll try it. | 08:04 |
mlowe | what is program that will restart process when it exits ? | 08:04 |
lgc | eyequeue, I'm in Mexico City, MX. | 08:04 |
Gent_ | yay Zapatistas! | 08:05 |
Gent_ | hehe | 08:05 |
slavik | mlowe: windows? | 08:05 |
danielch | blindx, thanks, I mean that I will copy libflashplayer.so to .mozilla. | 08:05 |
kef | Question: I've turned my sensitivity in the gnome preferences down to 0, but my mouse sensitivity is still wayyyy too high. how can i make it lower? I am using a laptop touchpad | 08:05 |
lgc | Gent_, no sh*t! | 08:05 |
slavik | kef: you arelooking for accelaration, not sensitivity :) | 08:06 |
OrTigaS | hi! i want to browse folder in windows machine to thix ubuntu box, but i cant see them in Places--->NetworkServers--- | 08:06 |
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kef | slavik, i've turned both to 0 and its still way too high on the laptop | 08:06 |
eyequeue | lgc, ah, a little bit later there than here, but ... buenos noches | 08:07 |
slavik | hmm, don't move your finger too fast? | 08:07 |
slavik | kef: I dunno what to say | 08:07 |
kef | slavik, nah i've used windows on this laptop for years and im doing it the same way | 08:07 |
Gent_ | dapper on the iBook was horrid with the touchpad | 08:07 |
kef | slavik, theres no command for it? | 08:07 |
spikeb | zapatistas in mexico city? woo | 08:07 |
Gent_ | even if you changed the settings in gnome it wouldn't do anything for the actual touchpad settings | 08:07 |
slavik | kef: no ... | 08:07 |
kef | Hummm.. | 08:07 |
lgc | eyequeue, it's the other way around! It's 1 a.m. now here! | 08:08 |
eyequeue | lgc, ah, and 2 here | 08:08 |
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nubee | eyequeue, well hell, dpkg is a little easier to get the head around than rpm :) | 08:08 |
danielch | blindx, I can see the homepage of honda.ca now, but can you see the "Automative"? | 08:09 |
eyequeue | nubee, yes, and deb will differ from rpm, but hey, we like it better :) | 08:09 |
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tonyyarusso | kef: I think Dapper has better touchpad configuration if memory from what I've heard serves right. I don't know how to change that on mine either. | 08:10 |
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=== intelikey uses urpm? still | ||
lgc | eyequeue, yup! Anyway, it's time to hit the pillow! I thank you very much for your help in the hope of a future "rendez-vous" on the same channel... | 08:10 |
eyequeue | lgc, take care, see you manana :) | 08:10 |
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blindx | danielch, CLICK automotive, or see it? | 08:10 |
spoon | anyone in here installed Cinelerra "video editing software" in ubuntu 5.10 | 08:10 |
danielch | Can anybody see the "www.honda.ca" -> Automative page? | 08:11 |
lgc | eyequeue, hasta luego y gracias. | 08:11 |
blindx | danielch, it looks like it's trying to load. | 08:11 |
=== jetscreamer [n=jetscrea@adsl-70-241-28-237.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | intelikey: did you try to update urpmi? | 08:11 |
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danielch | blindx, it shows we have to update the flash version. | 08:11 |
kef | tonyyarusso, whats Dapper? | 08:12 |
Marineboy | !partition | 08:12 |
ubotu | No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Marineboy | 08:12 |
slavik | !dapper | 08:12 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :) | 08:12 |
blindx | Doesn't tell me that, danielch | 08:12 |
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-172-222-62.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | slavik no i don't need to. | 08:12 |
intelikey | danielch Honda developed the FCX fuel | 08:12 |
intelikey | Civic Sedan, Civic Si Coupe | 08:12 |
tonyyarusso | danielch: Apparently not. | 08:12 |
Gent_ | they should have released it June 6th | 08:12 |
intelikey | yep i see it. | 08:12 |
Gent_ | restart required, brb | 08:13 |
OrTigaS | smbclient -L \\windowPCname and it works | 08:13 |
danielch | intelikey, what does FCX fuel mean? | 08:13 |
OrTigaS | but i cant see them in "Places-NetworkServers" | 08:13 |
slavik | intelikey: use urpmi to update itself... >:) | 08:13 |
OrTigaS | any idea why | 08:13 |
intelikey | danielch it's just a cp/paste from that page... | 08:13 |
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danielch | intelikey, you can see it? | 08:14 |
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=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danielch | intelikey, what is your flash plugin version? | 08:15 |
intelikey | Honda developed the FCX fuel cell vehicle as an integral way to reduce our global dependence on oil. Propelled by electricity that is generated by a hydrogen-oxygen chemical reaction, the FCX fuel cell..... | 08:15 |
skpl | does anyone here use soundconverter? | 08:15 |
intelikey | danielch i don't do flash | 08:15 |
danielch | intelikey, I just config firefox. | 08:16 |
kef | now my mouse has stopped moving entirely. @_@ | 08:16 |
intelikey | danielch i don't do ff either. | 08:16 |
danielch | intelikey, sorry | 08:17 |
intelikey | i opened that page in links2 -g | 08:17 |
danielch | intelikey, what do you do for work? | 08:17 |
danielch | sysadmin? | 08:17 |
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danielch | I have Ubuntu 5.10 and FC5 in my Toshiba TE2000 laptop, but Ubuntu sometimes freezes, FC5 doesn't. I have tried that booting with the option "nolapic noapic" and "acpi=off pci=noacpi", it seems better, but it still exists. However, FC4/5 works well using the default setting and the ACPI seems works. Anybody encountered that issue? | 08:17 |
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intelikey | danielch i'm not a professional tech. no certs. | 08:18 |
danielch | intelikey, links2 is cool, it can interpret frame. | 08:19 |
slavik | intelikey: paper cert? | 08:19 |
intelikey | no training at all. in fact a high school drop out.... | 08:19 |
UbuntuNewbie | can some1 please explain difference between localhost and hostname | 08:19 |
intelikey | danielch yes it does graphics. | 08:19 |
danielch | intelikey, many people like you. | 08:19 |
tonyyarusso | danielch: Try searching the bugs on launchpad.net under Ubuntu, and if you don't find anything similar, report it. | 08:19 |
intelikey | really ? | 08:19 |
danielch | tonyyarusso, I have tried for a long time, but I can't get. | 08:20 |
tonyyarusso | danielch: Can't get what? | 08:20 |
intelikey | it's probably flash8 that the page is using.... i dont like flash. | 08:20 |
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danielch | tonyyarusso, can't get the answer. | 08:21 |
=== slaterock [n=slateroc@71-214-193-130.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | danielch: Ah. Was it at least confirmed by anyone? | 08:21 |
slaterock | Help for the love of god! | 08:21 |
UbuntuNewbie | Can someone please tell me the difference between localhost and hostname | 08:21 |
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | i can not install fglrx! | 08:21 |
slaterock | i've gone through about every forum topic on it | 08:22 |
iceman | god i need a linux god ... how to get a linux distro, up to dat that will run from umsdos ... :( | 08:22 |
slaterock | and can't figure it out | 08:22 |
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | slaterock: ati? or nvidia? | 08:22 |
slaterock | ati | 08:22 |
danielch | tonyyarusso, I don't think so, it seems that issue is only for me ;) | 08:22 |
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slavik | slaterock: you're in luck | 08:22 |
intelikey | UbuntuNewbie localhost is your box. hostname is an app that can set or get the name of localhost. | 08:22 |
slaterock | :) | 08:22 |
tonyyarusso | slaterock: How 'bout the wiki? | 08:22 |
slaterock | i like luck | 08:22 |
slavik | slaterock: dl the driver from ati's site | 08:22 |
tonyyarusso | danielch: Darn. | 08:23 |
slaterock | the whole installer? | 08:23 |
farous | was wondering where i can download the latest mplayer mozilla-plugin from running breezy here. Is there a development site for this package? | 08:23 |
danielch | tonyyarusso, what do you mean by the term of Darn? | 08:23 |
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student | lk;kl | 08:23 |
student | l] | 08:23 |
student | lk | 08:23 |
student | ll | 08:23 |
student | l | 08:23 |
student | ll | 08:23 |
student | ll | 08:24 |
student | l | 08:24 |
UbuntuNewbie | im setting password for MySQL so i have to set two password for root for the localhost and hostname | 08:24 |
tonyyarusso | danielch: Sounds like you're sort of out of luck for the time being. | 08:24 |
slavik | !ops | 08:24 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 08:24 |
tonyyarusso | stgraber: Knock it off. | 08:24 |
intelikey | good by student. | 08:24 |
tonyyarusso | stgraber: Sorry! | 08:24 |
brownie17 | can anyone tell me how i can automatically run a command when the computer starts up? | 08:24 |
fogos | hi... i have a trouble with the sound. the sound works only throw the jack headphones, no by the speakers, its a intel hd on inspiron 6400 | 08:24 |
Madpilot | too late - he already left... :P | 08:24 |
slaterock | slavik? | 08:24 |
fabbione | oh god | 08:24 |
slavik | slaterock: got the file? | 08:24 |
fabbione | can somebody please remove my name from the ops list for this channel? | 08:24 |
slaterock | i need the .run file, correct? | 08:24 |
slavik | yes | 08:25 |
Madpilot | fabbione, yeah - you not an op anymore? | 08:25 |
=== stjepan [n=stjepan@83-131-73-172.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | hi | 08:25 |
intelikey | brownie17 put the cammand in an init script. preferably /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh | 08:25 |
stjepan | how to downgrade from dapper to breezy? | 08:25 |
slavik | slaterock: once downloaded, make it executable | 08:25 |
fabbione | Madpilot: yes i am an op, but people overabuse that thingy and it's damn distracting | 08:25 |
slavik | stjepan: clean install, I think | 08:25 |
slaterock | chmod something, right? | 08:25 |
slavik | slaterock: yes | 08:25 |
Madpilot | fabbione, np - I'll edit the bot's entry | 08:25 |
slavik | slaterock: cdmod +x at-file-name.run | 08:25 |
fabbione | Madpilot: thanks | 08:26 |
slaterock | slavik, if you can get this working for me, i will be so happy | 08:26 |
alex__ | slavik, aren't you a russian-speaking? | 08:26 |
slavik | alex__: very :) | 08:26 |
slaterock | it's the only thing standing in my way from believing that ubuntu is king | 08:26 |
slavik | slaterock: made it executable? | 08:26 |
alex__ | ochen' rad | 08:26 |
slavik | heh | 08:26 |
slaterock | sorry, still downloading | 08:26 |
alex__ | ^)) | 08:26 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ | ||
brownie17 | intelikey, is that just a file i can edit in gedit? | 08:27 |
slavik | I'd sit in #ubuntu-ru ... but I don't like the russians who think their english is better than mine | 08:27 |
slavik | from rusnet tried | 08:27 |
intelikey | brownie17 yes... as root | 08:27 |
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slavik | now I know why americans want to nuke russian | 08:27 |
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slavik | anyway | 08:27 |
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alex__ | lol | 08:27 |
stjepan | slavik: no, I upgraded from hoary to breezy and then to dapper.... now I want breezy back | 08:27 |
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slaterock | i likes dapper | 08:27 |
intelikey | slavik ...... we don't... | 08:28 |
=== pI05 [n=pI05@boi103.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | intelikey: who is 'we'? | 08:28 |
jack- | apt-get dist-downgrade | 08:28 |
jack- | ;p | 08:28 |
slaterock | lol | 08:28 |
slaterock | they need an apt-get repair computer | 08:28 |
=== intelikey american | ||
pI05 | how to change encoding in ubuntu to latin2? | 08:28 |
slavik | slaterock: are you on dapper atm? | 08:28 |
slaterock | slav: yeah | 08:28 |
slavik | intelikey: shut up you democratic noballs hippy ... | 08:29 |
slavik | NUKE THEM!!! | 08:29 |
brownie17 | intelikey, if i just put it in the file before the word exit, will it run it? do i need to use sudo in there? or does the whole script run as root? | 08:29 |
slavik | slaterock: I got it running on breezy, so don't expect much | 08:29 |
slavik | slaterock: what module is xserver using now? | 08:29 |
intelikey | slavik hehhe i'm not a democrat i'll have you to know. | 08:29 |
slaterock | .....? | 08:29 |
slaterock | what modulel... | 08:29 |
slaterock | id on't know. | 08:29 |
=== klm [n=isometsa@a81-197-223-127.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | slaterock: in terminal, do "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.config" | 08:30 |
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=== Digiman [n=gcoble@207-108-54-221.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | brownie17 yes it will run it. and no init is super-root | 08:30 |
slavik | if it gives you about not finding a file, browse to it through nautilus | 08:30 |
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alexnicol | Can any one help me with Qt? | 08:30 |
=== alex___ [n=alex@ool-45747407.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pI05 | how to change encoding in ubuntu to latin2? | 08:30 |
slavik | alex___: you live in brooklyn? | 08:30 |
alexnicol | checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! | 08:30 |
slaterock | k, loaded it | 08:30 |
alex___ | Okay, i'm trying to play a dvd and apparently its encrypted, i have the DeCSS crap but that seems very complicated, is there a certain player that will just view this DVD for me? | 08:31 |
slavik | ahh, alexnicol you need the dev libraries | 08:31 |
slaterock | what am i looking for here? | 08:31 |
alexnicol | I get that error message when trying to install kooling. But I have Qt Version 4 installed, and I can load it to the desktop without issues | 08:31 |
Hoxzer | Somebody here knows how to configure TS to use ALsa? | 08:31 |
slavik | open sunaptic and search for libqt | 08:31 |
slaterock | me or alex? | 08:31 |
brownie17 | intelikey, i was putting in the command "hdparm -d1 hdc" because for some reason dma would not boot on | 08:31 |
intelikey | pl05 sudo dpkg-reconfigure locale iirc | 08:31 |
slavik | slaterock: alex | 08:31 |
slavik | slaterock: scroll to bottom of the file | 08:31 |
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intelikey | brownie17 that should work. | 08:31 |
slavik | then go above the section with resolutions and bit depths | 08:32 |
pI05 | i am trying to compile latex document and i get a few problems with encoding, where can i check what my default encoding is? | 08:32 |
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slaterock | k | 08:32 |
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slavik | slaterock: look at the section saying something about "Device" | 08:32 |
slavik | there will be a line with the word Driver | 08:32 |
slaterock | yeah, driver says "fglrx" | 08:32 |
slavik | I see | 08:32 |
slavik | go to terminal and do "glxinfo | grep direct" | 08:32 |
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intelikey | pI05 /etc/locale* | 08:33 |
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brownie17 | intelikey, thanks for the help, i'll go test it now. i could turn DMA on using that command, but the guide ubotu gave me to turn DMA on at boot time didn't work. it involved adding something the the hdparm script. | 08:33 |
slavik | slaterock: that will print 1 line, tell me what it says | 08:33 |
slaterock | mesa glx Indierect | 08:33 |
slavik | hmm | 08:33 |
=== slavik is lost on those | ||
|lostbyte| | Where is the network boot script ? | 08:33 |
slavik | hold on | 08:33 |
slaterock | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 08:33 |
slaterock | that's the whole line | 08:33 |
TraceGreen | Hello, Does kernel 2.6.11 need modprobe.conf? | 08:33 |
|lostbyte| | /etc/network/interfaces ? | 08:33 |
intelikey | |lostbyte| /etc/init.d/ | 08:34 |
slaterock | and above it, says no direct rendering | 08:34 |
slavik | hmm | 08:34 |
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TraceGreen | or, the older version of modprobe use modprobe.conf but the newer one don't use it? | 08:34 |
cgray | hi, is it possible to install ubuntu with / on a usb disk? | 08:34 |
pI05 | intelikey: is it one file? | 08:34 |
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slavik | gimmie a sec | 08:34 |
slaterock | k | 08:34 |
intelikey | |lostbyte| boot script ? init script ? /etc/init.d/network* | 08:34 |
intelikey | pI05 one of the three... hehhe cat /etc/locale* | 08:35 |
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pI05 | intelikey: but how to set default encoding there? | 08:36 |
slavik | alexnicol: what am I helping you with again? | 08:36 |
alexnicol | lol - Qt >=3.0 | 08:36 |
slavik | oh, right | 08:36 |
slavik | alexnicol: what's the error again? | 08:36 |
alexnicol | You said to install the headers. I installed the following: | 08:36 |
|lostbyte| | intelikey: I want to know, which file at boot tell's my interfaces to come up ? | 08:36 |
slavik | slaterock: run the ati file and select "create distribution specific package" or w/e it is | 08:37 |
slavik | slaterock: the one that is NOT install | 08:37 |
slaterock | k | 08:37 |
slavik | slaterock: it will produce a .dep file | 08:37 |
intelikey | pI05 it seems to be the last line that cat /etc/locale* gives.... but i told you sudo dpkg-reconfigure locale is the correct way to set that. | 08:37 |
pI05 | intelikey: great thnx | 08:38 |
intelikey | |lostbyte| /etc/init.d/networking | 08:38 |
alexnicol | compat-headers: Headers: il8n: mt: mt-ibase: mt-SQL: mt-PSQL: mt-sqlite and libqt4-core | 08:38 |
slavik | slaterock: in terminal do "dpkg -i file-generated-by-ati.dep" | 08:38 |
alexnicol | checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! | 08:38 |
ems | yay Plan 9 | 08:38 |
alexnicol | is the error | 08:38 |
slavik | alexnicol: did you install libqt? | 08:38 |
dooglus | |lostbyte|: look for the 'auto' line in /etc/network/interfaces | 08:38 |
slaterock | weird, it couln't run the file | 08:38 |
slaterock | said | 08:38 |
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slaterock | detected version of X does not have a matching 'x700' directory | 08:39 |
skpl | can someone tell me why i am unable to connect to dalnet servers? | 08:39 |
slavik | hmm | 08:39 |
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tanlaan | yo all | 08:39 |
slaterock | i run the file this way, right? | 08:40 |
slavik | skpl: dalnet == dalsplit | 08:40 |
slaterock | ./ati-file | 08:40 |
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slavik | slaterock: yes ... or double click it :) | 08:40 |
tanlaan | i need to know how to play mp3's on ubuntu without installing easy ubuntu | 08:40 |
intelikey | skpl unless someone on your ip got a k line idk | 08:40 |
pI05 | intelikey: which packets do i have to install to have locale? | 08:40 |
tanlaan | cause everytime i install it it fucks up my comp | 08:40 |
alexnicol | slavik: The only libqt offered was libqt-perl | 08:40 |
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dooglus | !mp3 | 08:40 |
ubotu | mp3 is probably a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 08:40 |
Laney | np: | 08:40 |
cgray | so does anyone know if it's possible to get the system working with / on a usb disk? | 08:40 |
slavik | alexnicol: install libqt3-mt | 08:41 |
alexnicol | already installed | 08:41 |
slavik | and nothing? | 08:41 |
alexnicol | same error | 08:41 |
slavik | wait, you are compiling something? | 08:41 |
alexnicol | kooling | 08:41 |
slaterock | is a multi-threaded processor considered .x64? | 08:41 |
slaterock | or is it still 32 bit? | 08:41 |
intelikey | pI05 sorry there is an s on the end of that. | 08:41 |
intelikey | locales | 08:42 |
intelikey | my bad. | 08:42 |
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slavik | slaterock: depends on what multi-threaded is meant by | 08:42 |
spikeb | multithread has nothing to do with 32/64 bitness, i wouldn't think | 08:42 |
skpl | intelikey, no, the server says i have a trojan though i have since scanned twice for rootkit and re-installed ubuntu | 08:42 |
slavik | alexnicol: you are on kubuntu? | 08:42 |
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slaterock | k | 08:42 |
dooglus | is there some way I can find out the connection speed of my eth1 interface? | 08:42 |
pwned | I couldn't find the exact kernel version for dapperdrake from online documentation | 08:42 |
skpl | intelikey, do you think someone on my ip has a trojan? | 08:42 |
pwned | 6th flight | 08:42 |
alexnicol | technically no, its ubuntu with the KDE installed instead of Gnome | 08:42 |
dooglus | (like in windows, where it tells me "connected at 1000000 bps" | 08:42 |
slavik | slaterock: multi-threaded can mean multi-core | 08:42 |
jack- | danglus: ifconfig | 08:42 |
alexnicol | it still says ubuntu when I boot up | 08:43 |
dooglus | jack-: what flags? | 08:43 |
=== BoyDubai [n=Boy_DXB@de1-b12810.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | alexnicol: hmm ... | 08:43 |
jack- | no flags | 08:43 |
tanlaan | thx | 08:43 |
=== fix_ [n=fix_@cable-213-132-155-61.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | does kubuntu use the same repos as ubuntu? | 08:43 |
jack- | ifconfig, or ifconfig eth0 | 08:43 |
dooglus | jack-: that doesn't give the speed for me | 08:43 |
alexnicol | I'm using the ubuntu repos | 08:43 |
|lostbyte| | dooglus: Nope ! no auto line there, but i think the card gets its values from that file. | 08:43 |
jack- | media: autoselect (100baseTX <full-duplex>) status: active | 08:43 |
=== holger [n=hg@C5e75.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jack- | looks like a speed indication, to me | 08:44 |
|lostbyte| | dooglus: wait only one auto line.. goes "auto lo" | 08:44 |
slavik | alexnicol: what I am thinking is if there is a repo version, to install it so that all dependancies get installed and then you can compile the stuff ... | 08:44 |
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intelikey | skpl i know nothing about that. but a trojan would probably be in your /home/dir and reinstalling ubuntu without changing /home would do nothing to clean that. | 08:44 |
pwned | and the question is, what's the kernel which 6.04 comes with? | 08:44 |
dooglus | |lostbyte|: see mine here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12486 | 08:44 |
dooglus | |lostbyte|: add an 'auto' line like mine | 08:44 |
dooglus | jack-: which line are you talking about? | 08:44 |
alexnicol | so edit sources list to show kubuntu? | 08:44 |
dooglus | jack-: I don't see any 'media' line | 08:45 |
jack- | oh | 08:45 |
skpl | intelikey, even if i deleted the previous partitions? | 08:45 |
slavik | alexnicol: I dunno if kubuntu has diffrepos | 08:45 |
skpl | intelikey, im confident that rkhunter would have found something if i had it | 08:45 |
jack- | ok then, ifconfig on darwin seems to be slightly different | 08:45 |
jack- | my bad | 08:45 |
=== carlos [n=carlos@225.Red-88-4-143.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | skpl k. | 08:45 |
|lostbyte| | dooglus: Oh ! ok done.. | 08:45 |
spikeb | heh everything on darwin is slightly different | 08:46 |
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dooglus | jack-: I see this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12487 | 08:46 |
dooglus | what's darwin? | 08:46 |
jack- | another dist | 08:47 |
jack- | the core of mac os x, actually | 08:47 |
slavik | yes | 08:47 |
|lostbyte| | dooglus: So only /etc/network/ and /etc/rc.d/network gets the boot concernig my network. IS there another file/folder i should worry about ? | 08:47 |
slavik | darwin =derivative of FreeBSD, no? | 08:47 |
=== josh__ [n=josh@c-67-168-230-5.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jack- | kind of, yeah | 08:47 |
josh__ | where is the xfree source located in ubuntu? | 08:47 |
intelikey | and skpl yes probably someone on your b class has caused problems on efnet. happens to me sometimes. i go to a network and find that i'm banned from a place i've never even been before. | 08:47 |
=== Strayhikari [n=temporar@ip68-100-70-74.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | I don't get it - why are you answering questions about ubuntu in #ubuntu with answers which only work on darwin? | 08:47 |
slavik | josh__: the repos? | 08:47 |
slavik | josh__: use xorg ... | 08:48 |
jack- | well, because ifconfig is ifconfig ;) sorry | 08:48 |
jack- | my bad | 08:48 |
josh__ | slavik, sorry, fairly new to linux | 08:48 |
jack- | except from my media lines, the output is almost exactly the same | 08:48 |
dooglus | |lostbyte|: don't edit /etc/rc*/* at all; just edit the file I told you about. or use the GNOME config tool - that'll edit it for you | 08:48 |
jack- | so dont slap me too much | 08:48 |
slavik | josh__: reason for the question is because I do not know myself | 08:48 |
josh__ | slavik, oh | 08:48 |
intelikey | josh__ sources access through repos. | 08:48 |
intelikey | !repos | 08:48 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 08:48 |
Strayhikari | Hello, really new user with most likely a stupid question | 08:49 |
Strayhikari | Does aptget have a system wide update command? | 08:49 |
slavik | Strayhikari: there are not stupid questions, only stupid people | 08:49 |
skpl | intelikey, what is a ba class | 08:49 |
slavik | Strayhikari: that is a good question and yes | 08:49 |
spikeb | Strayhikari, apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:49 |
spikeb | Strayhikari, and that's one of the more intelligent questions we've seen here tonight heh | 08:49 |
Strayhikari | ok cool | 08:49 |
slavik | DO NOT DO dist-upgrade | 08:49 |
pwned | should there be any problem using aptitude ? | 08:49 |
slavik | Strayhikari: do update then upgrade | 08:50 |
Strayhikari | It upgrades to testing if you do that? | 08:50 |
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hyphenated | Strayhikari: remember to do 'sudo apt-get update' before 'sudo apt-get upgrade' ;-) | 08:50 |
=== Den [n=Den@north-mesh-wlan-194.AirBears.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Strayhikari | ok | 08:50 |
George007 | !winex | 08:50 |
ubotu | George007: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:50 |
spikeb | dist-upgrade is the only way to get everything upgraded. | 08:50 |
|lostbyte| | dooglus: ok ! thanks.. i got to search for info on that file. tx | 08:50 |
Strayhikari | Thanks for the help guys | 08:50 |
intelikey | skpl major net block ? kinda the root of your ip that your isp provides to you and all it's other customers. | 08:50 |
slavik | Strayhikari: dist-upgrade, yes, will upgrade ... but dist-upgrade doesn't care about breaking dependencies | 08:50 |
dooglus | slavik: why wouldn't you dist-upgrade? | 08:50 |
slavik | dooglus: because it is potentially dangerous | 08:50 |
alex__ | slavik, do you have any idea why the #ubuntu-ru channel doesn't work? | 08:50 |
Strayhikari | Yikes, and I'm not good enough to fix dependencies | 08:50 |
alex__ | i mean the one on freenode | 08:51 |
spikeb | slavik, if the stable distro has breaking deps, it isn't stable. | 08:51 |
dooglus | slavik: dist-upgrade won't break dependencies will it? | 08:51 |
spikeb | not on stable, unless these guys screw up. | 08:51 |
hyphenated | dooglus: not in my experience | 08:51 |
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slavik | dooglus: it can and won't care | 08:51 |
dooglus | slavik: it might want to remove hundreds of packages because of dependencies, but it won't let you have broken dependencies | 08:51 |
slaterock | slav | 08:51 |
slavik | dist-upgrade is more bleeding edge than upgrade | 08:51 |
slaterock | do i want to create a ubuntu package? | 08:51 |
slavik | dooglus: that is not very ncie either | 08:52 |
slaterock | it says i can create: | 08:52 |
spikeb | bleeding edge? it's at LEAST 6 years old | 08:52 |
spikeb | :P | 08:52 |
slavik | slaterock: yes | 08:52 |
slavik | spikeb: :P | 08:52 |
slaterock | k | 08:52 |
skpl | intelikey, i guess that makes sense | 08:52 |
dooglus | I've found that if I don't use dist-upgrade, I never get any new packages | 08:52 |
slavik | slaterock: use the names | 08:52 |
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=== spikeb used it in potato :) | ||
slavik | dooglus: doyou do update first? | 08:52 |
intelikey | skpl@ppp-70-244-49-72.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net <--- skpl you. *.hstntx.swbell.net b class i think... some one that knows more about "ip" and "it" could correct. | 08:52 |
dooglus | of course | 08:52 |
slavik | k | 08:52 |
slavik | interesting | 08:52 |
dooglus | I get new versions of existing packages with upgrade, but not new packages | 08:52 |
slaterock | i'm building a ubuntu dapper package | 08:53 |
spikeb | cool slaterock | 08:53 |
slaterock | lol | 08:53 |
slavik | yes | 08:53 |
=== alxwind [n=alxwind@dsl-10-128-64.b2b2c.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | it will create a dep file | 08:53 |
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slaterock | k | 08:53 |
slavik | install it with dpkg -i then restart xserver | 08:53 |
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oddie | hello all | 08:54 |
slaterock | which one? | 08:54 |
slaterock | it made like 5 different debs | 08:54 |
slavik | hmm, pm me the names | 08:54 |
alexnicol | slavik - kubuntu is still on the ubuntu repos | 08:55 |
slavik | hmm | 08:55 |
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slavik | alexnicol: did you install kubuntu-desktop? | 08:55 |
slavik | , ? | 08:55 |
spikeb | apt-get install buggy crap would attempt to install windows | 08:55 |
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=== BoyDubai [n=Boy_DXB@de1-b12810.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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slavik | spikeb: I aliased dog to cat :) | 08:56 |
hyphenated | someone told me about apt-get moo the other week :-) | 08:56 |
iceman | w t heck cant get streamtuner to open xmms ? help ? | 08:56 |
=== shekhar [n=shekhar@EDGERTON-THREE-SIXTY-ONE.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spikeb | haha slavik | 08:56 |
BoyDubai | why does pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace kills the system? | 08:56 |
spikeb | slavik, a long time ago i had tar, feather and runouttatown | 08:56 |
hyphenated | BoyDubai: it kills your graphical interface. it's supposed to | 08:56 |
slaterock | slavik, you get those? | 08:56 |
slavik | BoyDubai: it doesn't, it only shuts down xserver (GUI) | 08:56 |
hyphenated | it shouldn't kill the entire system, and the login screen should reappear | 08:57 |
slavik | slaterock: are you registered? | 08:57 |
slaterock | no | 08:57 |
BoyDubai | is there a way of disabling it? | 08:57 |
=== chriswk [n=chriswk@cD9089959.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | slaterock: that's why | 08:57 |
hyphenated | BoyDubai: yes | 08:57 |
slavik | BoyDubai: no | 08:57 |
spikeb | yeah there is | 08:57 |
slavik | there is? | 08:57 |
spikeb | but i don't know how offhand | 08:57 |
spikeb | slavik, yeah | 08:57 |
hyphenated | BoyDubai: it requires editing the xorg.conf file by hand though | 08:57 |
slaterock | xorg-driver-fglrx-dev_8.24.8-1_i386.deb | 08:57 |
slaterock | [01:55] slaterock: xorg-driver-fglrx-_8.24.8-1_i386.deb | 08:57 |
slaterock | [01:55] slaterock: fglrx-sources_8.24.8-1_i386.deb | 08:57 |
slaterock | [01:56] slaterock: fglrx-kernel-source_8.24.8-1_i386.deb | 08:57 |
slaterock | [01:56] slaterock: and then a fglrx-control.deb as well | 08:57 |
=== slavik want that seq to restart xserve | ||
alexnicol | slavick: Yes - I think so, either that or Kubuntu-Core | 08:57 |
slavik | slaterock: don't paste text here, use pastebin | 08:57 |
BoyDubai | ok | 08:57 |
BoyDubai | thanks! | 08:57 |
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slaterock | sorry:( | 08:57 |
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slavik | do the driver one second in the list | 08:58 |
spikeb | BoyDubai, it might even say in the file how to do it | 08:58 |
intelikey | skpl see a really good script kiddy or a third rate hacker, hijacks an ip and starts malicious crap on some network; efnet for example, and the ops kick/ban that user but they come right back with another ip from the same server they just hacked into. so the k line has to get the b class to stop all connection from that part of the network. that sends them either to a new network of to hack a new server and hijack anothe | 08:58 |
slavik | or heck, list all of them :) | 08:58 |
intelikey | becuae your ip was used for that.... | 08:58 |
alex__ | 08:58 | |
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ecen | hello, i recently installed windows and it overwrote the mbr, so now i can only access ubuntu through floppy grub boot disk. now my idea is to make a boot.bin to copy to the windows loader... i have tried dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/media/mydisk/boot.bin bs=512 count=1 but when i use it on the windows boot it just displays a frozen GRUB. any ideas? | 08:58 |
alex__ | - | 08:58 |
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alex__ | :( | 08:58 |
skpl | intelikey, however i did not recieve a k-line notice, it was a trojan horse warning | 08:59 |
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slaterock | i need to install all of them? | 08:59 |
slavik | alex, that isn't urf :( | 08:59 |
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slavik | slaterock: well, not all of them, but you can remove them later | 08:59 |
dooglus | BoyDubai: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf; find the ServerLayout section; add a line saying: Option "DontZap" "true" | 08:59 |
slavik | slaterock: they will be listed with dpkg and you will be able to remove them later :) | 08:59 |
BoyDubai | ok thanks | 08:59 |
slaterock | k | 09:00 |
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slavik | dooglus: will ctrl+alt+backspace restart xserver then? | 09:00 |
intelikey | skpl so i used that for an example... just answering eariler questions... ;/ already told you all i know about horse pucky. | 09:00 |
alex__ | slavik, i noticed you logged on there and typed "privet" | 09:00 |
=== endeavormac [n=endeavor@ip-134-53-166-28.dhcp.muohio.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skpl | i like horse pucky | 09:00 |
skpl | it is sticky and green | 09:00 |
reg_ | how can i safely install windows (on another partition) on a system w/ ubuntu already installed? | 09:00 |
intelikey | it smells bad. | 09:00 |
hyphenated | slavik: no, it kills the X server. the login manager notices and does the restart | 09:00 |
skpl | but it chats well | 09:00 |
ecen | anyone? | 09:00 |
dooglus | BoyDubai: I just found it at http://jfgi.us/ - can't promise it'll work | 09:00 |
alex__ | but everytime i try to type there it keeps saying "No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>" | 09:00 |
hyphenated | slavik: if you started it via 'startx', it'd take you back to your shell | 09:00 |
=== StyleUK [n=serge@user-1071.lns4-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sfar | ecen: looked at this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows ? | 09:01 |
BoyDubai | thanks | 09:01 |
dooglus | slavik: it will disable the sequence I think | 09:01 |
slaterock | alright, installed all of 'em | 09:01 |
UbuntuNewbie | i noticed there is a user 'debian-sys-maint' on my MySQL server is this user necessary | 09:01 |
slavik | hyphenated: atm, I have autologin through gdm ... | 09:01 |
=== The-Moon [n=the-moon@c-68-45-84-249.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alex__ | and God be my witness i googles all the web down and couldn't find what channel to join ;( | 09:01 |
spikeb | i would think so, sounds like a maintenence bot | 09:01 |
slavik | hyphenated: if I do that seq, I get to the terminal | 09:01 |
intelikey | ecen sudo grub-install /dev/hda (assuming hd) | 09:01 |
The-Moon | Can anyone tell me how i can set the Bit Depth of Gnome? | 09:01 |
UbuntuNewbie | or should i remove it | 09:01 |
=== GrinRoth [n=roelof@grinroth.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sfar | alex__: kak dela? :D | 09:02 |
dooglus | slavik: I find that around 50% of the time ctrl-alt-backspace will restart X, and the other 50% it will drop me to a VC | 09:02 |
alex__ | sfar: cool | 09:02 |
=== spikeb uses autologin as well | ||
slavik | dooglus: it used to restart it, but now it kills it | 09:02 |
slaterock | slavik, what do i do after i install the packages? | 09:02 |
hyphenated | slavik: my point was it's not a shortcut for 'restart' | 09:02 |
slavik | slaterock: restart xserver :) | 09:02 |
slavik | I see | 09:03 |
intelikey | spikeb uses autologin hehhe. prolly only on x | 09:03 |
The-Moon | anyone? | 09:03 |
=== yacc [n=andreas@85-124-80-7.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spikeb | intelikey, yeah only for my gnome session | 09:03 |
alex__ | sfar: v icq postuchis, pozhaluysta, 7474826 | 09:03 |
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slavik | I'll brb | 09:03 |
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slaterock | k | 09:03 |
hyphenated | The-Moon: GNOME just uses whatever your X server setting is. you have to configure the X server | 09:03 |
slaterock | xserver restarted | 09:04 |
The-Moon | how do i set what x uses? | 09:04 |
intelikey | spikeb you missed my rant about that eariler to tonyyarusso. i can't login on this box it has to be autologin all passwds are locked.... :) | 09:04 |
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slaterock | gah | 09:04 |
slaterock | i don't get it | 09:04 |
spikeb | intelikey, that sucks | 09:04 |
slaterock | glxinfo still shows mesa glx | 09:04 |
=== slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | sob | 09:04 |
=== intelikey CLI kinda guy.... | ||
slavik | back | 09:05 |
slavik | slaterock: nothing? | 09:05 |
slaterock | nope | 09:05 |
ecen | sfar, intelikey: i dont want to recover grub, i want to be able to start it from windows nt loader by creating a boot image that loads from windows | 09:05 |
slavik | hmm | 09:05 |
slaterock | this is the most frustrating thing i've ever dealt with on a computer | 09:05 |
=== nandemonai_ [n=nandemon@ppp218-249.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["] | ||
=== slavik is confused | ||
slavik | slaterock: open synaptic | 09:05 |
mDot | funny, amarok has my entire hip hop collection but refuses to randomly play anything but tracks with jay z on it | 09:05 |
spikeb | slaterock, it only gets worse | 09:05 |
spikeb | mDot, i smell bias! | 09:05 |
slaterock | lol | 09:05 |
sfar | ecen, okay. why? | 09:05 |
ecen | unfortunately, i cannot make it work | 09:06 |
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-232-207.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | what am i looking for in synaptic? | 09:06 |
intelikey | ecen sudo grub-install /dev/hda2 (assumes ubuntu on 2) | 09:06 |
Terminus | ecen: restore grub, get a copy of the mbr, and then have windows overwrite the mbr again? :) | 09:06 |
mDot | spikeb, random as long as artist =*jayz* | 09:06 |
slavik | did it give you any errors? | 09:06 |
slaterock | no | 09:06 |
slaterock | synaptic package manager, right? | 09:06 |
slavik | yes | 09:06 |
ecen | sfar: because it is easier to maintain a boot image and not rewriting the mbr everytime | 09:06 |
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intelikey | ecen then make win load partition 2 | 09:06 |
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intelikey | i think that's what you want ecen, but i don't do windows. | 09:07 |
slaterock | no errors | 09:07 |
=== gent_ [n=gent@c-24-128-57-226.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gent_ | ok... | 09:07 |
gent_ | somet things fixed | 09:07 |
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slavik | hmm, well... the idea is that the mesagl module needs to be removed | 09:07 |
gent_ | deskbar-applet is just a search... not what I'm looking for | 09:08 |
gent_ | but thanks anyway | 09:08 |
spikeb | haha | 09:08 |
=== gent_ is now known as Gent_ | ||
intelikey | ecen who told you it was safer ? | 09:08 |
spikeb | amarok <3 jayz | 09:08 |
ecen | intelikey: yes, that is what i want, it worked form me when i had suse and lilo, but it doesnt seem to work with grub | 09:08 |
slaterock | and is that possible? | 09:08 |
Gent_ | got my audio fixed... | 09:08 |
Gent_ | somewhat.... | 09:08 |
spikeb | bbl folks, gonna try and sleep | 09:08 |
Overand | any of you guys work with 3ware controllers? - http://pastebin.com/666647 | 09:08 |
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intelikey | ecen then use lilo. | 09:08 |
=== endeavormac [n=endeavor@ip-134-53-166-28.dhcp.muohio.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | linux is linux. lilo can boot ubuntu as better that grub can... | 09:09 |
slavik | slaterock: should be ... but I dunno which package it is | 09:09 |
intelikey | excues me as better as :) | 09:09 |
Overand | intelikey: "As well as" | 09:09 |
Gent_ | hrm, no ifolder package | 09:09 |
slavik | slaterock: try search synaptic for mesgl | 09:09 |
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endeavormac | I am having a terrible time disabling the touchpad tapping on my powerbook. I have added the lines Option "MaxTapTime" "0" and Option "TapButton1" "0" to my xorg.conf, yet tapping still occurs after the xserv is restarted. I'm at a bit of a loss here, could someone point me in the right direction? | 09:09 |
slavik | mesagl | 09:09 |
intelikey | Overand that's your openion... i have my own... :) | 09:09 |
slaterock | there's a libglu1-mesa | 09:10 |
Overand | intelikey: I wouldn't call 'correct english' an opinion. | 09:10 |
ecen | intelikey: im not saying it is safer... it is easier. i would be happy not to have to restore the mbr everytime i reinstall any os, and linux is the one that lets me make an image of the boot record | 09:10 |
slavik | not that | 09:10 |
=== scarn [n=not2bad@ppp-70-226-150-167.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | slaterock: do a search on "glx" | 09:10 |
intelikey | Overand then just plain better if you want "propper" english seeing that correct is not the propper term either. | 09:11 |
=== Gent_ wishes ati would release ppc drivers | ||
slavik | Gent_: does nvidia release ppc drivers? | 09:11 |
ecen | i'm basically new to linux so im affraid if i install lilo and anything goes bad then i wont be able to boot any o | 09:11 |
ecen | os | 09:11 |
slaterock | not seeing anything | 09:11 |
sfar | you can always restore MBR with winxp-install cd | 09:12 |
slavik | interesting ... | 09:12 |
Gent_ | no? | 09:12 |
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@cpe-72-224-119-16.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Overand | intelikey: i'm not going to argue with you about 'proper' english if you can't spell 'proper' -- besides, this is offtopic. | 09:12 |
intelikey | it's your rant. | 09:12 |
slaterock | i see dri modules | 09:12 |
slavik | hmm, prolly not of interest ... | 09:13 |
slavik | dri is for oldercards | 09:13 |
slaterock | oh | 09:13 |
slaterock | 9100 igp | 09:13 |
Overand | also, intelikey, don't IRC as root. | 09:13 |
slaterock | :) | 09:13 |
slavik | slaterock: post on forums... | 09:13 |
Gent_ | hrm.... | 09:13 |
slaterock | gahhh | 09:13 |
=== mzinz [n=tyler@207-118-65-66.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | i hate this creeeyap | 09:13 |
slavik | slaterock: huh? | 09:13 |
intelikey | Overand bite me. | 09:13 |
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | intelikey and Overand stop taking up my bandwidth for useless crap, go elsewhere | 09:14 |
mzinz | I was at the apple.com site, and it said I was missing a plugin (it was a quicktime video embeded on the website). What package am I missing? | 09:14 |
BoyDubai | in terminal, ">" appears and i can't exit even pressing ctrl-z doesn't stop it... what's this? | 09:14 |
intelikey | slavik..... mmm ok ! | 09:14 |
Madpilot | Overand & intelikey - #ubuntu-offtopic, or elsewhere, thanks. Not here... | 09:15 |
slavik | mzinz: you need mplayer plugin, or totem plugin | 09:15 |
sfar | Overand: how did you know he's IRCing as ropot | 09:15 |
sfar | *root | 09:15 |
mzinz | slavik, whats the apt-get package? | 09:15 |
Overand | sfar: 03:12 [freenode] -!- intelikey [n=root@0-1pool91-14.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] | 09:15 |
sfar | ah | 09:15 |
sfar | :) | 09:15 |
slavik | mzinz: use synaptic to search for mplayer | 09:15 |
slaterock | is it possible that there's a problem in directories? | 09:15 |
mzinz | slavik, thanks | 09:15 |
slavik | it'smplayer-mozilla I think, not sure | 09:15 |
slaterock | i just don't see why when I configure xorg, mesa still pops up | 09:15 |
slavik | slaterock: dunno, the procedure you followed is the exact one I did on my lappy | 09:16 |
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mzinz | slavik, I already have mplayer installed. Any clue whats wrong? | 09:16 |
slavik | that's the thing with linux ... there aren't any standards on installing drivers | 09:16 |
slaterock | lol | 09:16 |
slavik | mzinz: do you have the plugin for mozilla installed? | 09:17 |
mzinz | slavik, yeah.. mozilla-mplayer | 09:17 |
slavik | like windows has ... ie: here's this device, what driver you want me to us? | 09:17 |
Gent_ | shit... | 09:17 |
slaterock | it looks like my glx is under ati, but opengl is mesa | 09:17 |
slavik | use* | 09:17 |
slavik | hmm | 09:17 |
Gent_ | errr... | 09:17 |
mzinz | slavik, you sure it applies towards quicktime? | 09:17 |
slavik | mzinz: hmm, not sure | 09:17 |
Gent_ | did dapper include the reversed broadcom wireless thing for airport extreme? | 09:17 |
slavik | mzinz: gimmie a link | 09:17 |
Gent_ | cause I have a wireless card listed now... | 09:17 |
slavik | Gent_: it does | 09:18 |
mzinz | slavik, http://www.apple.com/aperture/ | 09:18 |
Gent_ | oh my god! | 09:18 |
Gent_ | I love them | 09:18 |
Gent_ | now if only I could find my network key | 09:18 |
slavik | Gent_: broadcomm made a linux driver, I think | 09:18 |
Gent_ | nah, it was reverse engineered slavik | 09:18 |
slavik | k | 09:18 |
Gent_ | last I checked anyway | 09:18 |
Gent_ | unless they released one after that | 09:18 |
Gent_ | cause they didn't want us hackers meddling in their business | 09:18 |
Madpilot | !enter | 09:19 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 09:19 |
mzinz | Gent_, you have a broadcome WNIC adapter... Have they made an acceptable driver yet or is ndiswrapper still required | 09:19 |
cafuego | Gent_: Yes, it does. You DO need to fetch an accompanying fimware, though. | 09:19 |
cafuego | !bcm43xx | 09:19 |
ubotu | To use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware. | 09:19 |
Gent_ | hrm... can I strip the firmware under OS X? | 09:19 |
slavik | Gent_: you can in linux | 09:19 |
cafuego | Gent_: I did a package, it's on the wiki. | 09:19 |
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slavik | mzinz: you sure you have mplayer-mozilla installed? | 09:20 |
mzinz | slavik, positive. | 09:20 |
Gent_ | hrm | 09:20 |
Gent_ | I'll try this firmware packatge | 09:20 |
mzinz | slavik, the only thing I can wonder is if maybe the plugin is trying to be used on the old version of firefox and not applying to my 1.5 | 09:20 |
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Overand | mzinz: that is likely | 09:21 |
Overand | mzinz: did you read the 'new firefox' guide on the wiki? | 09:21 |
=== rabeldable [n=rabeldab@adsl-69-109-177-245.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | yeah, that one is useful | 09:21 |
slavik | time for me to sleep,night all | 09:22 |
Overand | there's a section on doing symlinks | 09:22 |
Overand | for plugins | 09:22 |
mzinz | Overand, well I installed FF a while ago... i dont even remember there being a guide called new firefox | 09:22 |
slavik | slaterock: also, mesagl is the linux opengl implementation :) | 09:22 |
Overand | mzinz: one sec | 09:22 |
Gent_ | nice | 09:22 |
Overand | !firefox | 09:22 |
Gent_ | looks like it works | 09:22 |
Overand | hm | 09:22 |
mzinz | How can I find out information on my Wireless card? Make/model etc | 09:22 |
Gent_ | well now | 09:22 |
Gent_ | life is getting better for us PPC folks | 09:22 |
Overand | mzinz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 09:23 |
Gent_ | I may be able to drop OS X soon if all pans out properly | 09:23 |
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Gent_ | OS X pisses me off | 09:24 |
Overand | boy, this 3ware raid card is working *great* - it refuses to rebuild the 'degraded' array | 09:24 |
Gent_ | it lost my home directory info or something and now for some reason I still share the same home directory, but it doesn't recognize the Desktop folder | 09:24 |
Gent_ | I basically share my home between ubuntu and OS X | 09:24 |
mzinz | Overand, other than my plugin not working, is there any point in upgrading from 1.5 to | 09:24 |
Gent_ | so if I had made a folder on my desktop in ubuntu it would be in OS X too and all that | 09:24 |
Gent_ | or any files on my desktop | 09:24 |
Gent_ | but now it seems to ignore it | 09:25 |
Overand | mzinz: this is more about the 'proper' way to install 1.5.* | 09:25 |
mzinz | Overand, ic | 09:25 |
mzinz | Overand, random q: how do i find out info about my wireless nic? make/model etc | 09:26 |
Overand | well, lspci miiight help | 09:26 |
=== bdmp [n=chatzill@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mzinz | Overand, perfect :) | 09:26 |
Arafangion | How do I fix this problem with lilo? http://rafb.net/paste/results/gdKQxg51.html | 09:27 |
DNA_String | After playing around with Ubuntu LiveCD, I decided to switch from MS to Ubuntu. However I'm having instalation problems. After the packages insall I get the login screen, which after loging in does nothing. period. I'm obvioulsy in XWindows, because I have a nice pointer mouse and because the background of the screen is that ubuntu-earthy-brown color. The system is a IBM Thinkpad 600X. | 09:27 |
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Overand | DNA_String: did you use the installer cd to install? | 09:27 |
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Gent_ | Denzel Washington sounds exactly like Malcom X | 09:27 |
DNA_String | Yes | 09:28 |
Overand | DNA_String: try dpkg-reconfigure gnome | 09:28 |
Overand | or something | 09:28 |
Overand | someone else chime in with the right package name =] | 09:28 |
DNA_String | where? How would I get to a command terminal? | 09:28 |
=== Journich [n=journich@219-90-144-157.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Overand | DNA_String: control-alt-F2 | 09:29 |
Overand | then alt-F7 to return to the GUI | 09:29 |
Overand | inside a text mode, alt-F1 to F6 is virtual terminals | 09:29 |
Overand | and F7 is the GUI. when inside the gui, you need to do control-alt-whatever | 09:29 |
kie27 | greetings all, i have a quick question about chinese support in ubuntu, is there going to be pen entry chinese character recognition forthcoming? do you know what chinese input methods are going to be supported? i am living in HK and try to introduce people to ubuntu but chinese input is really critical. | 09:30 |
DNA_String | says must do as root. how? | 09:31 |
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-022-235.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Overand | DNA_String: sudo commandname | 09:31 |
Overand | DNA_String: note- this may 'break' your system | 09:31 |
Overand | =] | 09:31 |
Arafangion | Hello? | 09:31 |
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Madpilot | Arafangion, ? | 09:32 |
Overand | Arafangion: do you have a question? | 09:32 |
DNA_String | it's newly installed, nothing is on it, I'm not worried about breaking it. | 09:32 |
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Arafangion | Sorry, just making sure that my messages actually got to the channel, sometimes this network ignores input. | 09:32 |
DNA_String | nonetheless it says gnome is not installed. | 09:32 |
Arafangion | How do I fix this problem with lilo? http://rafb.net/paste/results/gdKQxg51.html | 09:32 |
sfar | DNA_String: great, enter "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome", and then your password | 09:33 |
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charleslaptop | what is wrong with this command (xorg.conf is a file in the current directory): sudo cat xorg.conf > /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:33 |
charleslaptop | I get oermission denied | 09:33 |
charleslaptop | permission denied | 09:33 |
charleslaptop | err denied | 09:33 |
Overand | strange | 09:34 |
DNA_String | It says gnome is not installed (and no info is available). | 09:34 |
dooglus | BoyDubai: that '>' prompt is from you entering half a shell command. control-c will abort it | 09:34 |
Overand | dooglus: wong | 09:34 |
Overand | wait | 09:34 |
dooglus | BoyDubai: alternatively, close the quote, bracket, or whatever else you left half open | 09:34 |
Overand | sorry dooglus | 09:34 |
Overand | mis-read something | 09:34 |
Overand | dooglus: thought you were referring to charleslaptop's thing =] | 09:34 |
charleslaptop | anyone know how I should format that command? I'm guessing there are some quotes or something that I need | 09:35 |
dooglus | charleslaptop: what's wrong with that is that the "sudo" bit only applies to the "cat xorg.conf", and the "> /etc/..." bit is run as you | 09:35 |
dooglus | charleslaptop: "sudo cp xorg.conf /etc/X11" would do it | 09:35 |
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BoyDubai | thanks. | 09:35 |
charleslaptop | dooglus: I don't want to change permissions | 09:36 |
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dooglus | charleslaptop: you can "sudo bash -c '< xorg.conf > /etc/X11/xorg.conf'" I guess | 09:36 |
=== The-Moon [n=the-moon@c-68-45-84-249.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
charleslaptop | dooglus: how about sudo bash 'cat blah > bleh' | 09:36 |
The-Moon | Hey guys, im wondering when X will be fixed? | 09:36 |
charleslaptop | oh ok, -c means command line or something? | 09:37 |
Madpilot | The-Moon, it seems to work here - what version of Ubuntu are you running? | 09:37 |
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dooglus | charleslaptop: I think bash needs '-c' to tell it it's a command - otherwise it expects the name of a script to open and run | 09:37 |
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The-Moon | the version i just downloaded the other day | 09:37 |
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The-Moon | im getting 48 fps in my basic allegro app | 09:37 |
The-Moon | but on windows i got 64fps | 09:37 |
The-Moon | whats the deal? | 09:37 |
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mathew-ef | Does anybody know what is Ubuntu-lite? | 09:37 |
The-Moon | i moved over to linux because its supose to be better for game programming, but its running slower. | 09:38 |
The-Moon | 48 fps is crap | 09:38 |
The-Moon | need atleast 60 to get a decent refresh rate | 09:38 |
The-Moon | or well decent animation/smoothness | 09:38 |
Madpilot | The-Moon, what graphics card do you have? | 09:39 |
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The-Moon | that shouldnt matter | 09:39 |
The-Moon | it ran at 64 in windows | 09:39 |
The-Moon | runs at 48 in linux | 09:39 |
Madpilot | !enter | 09:39 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 09:39 |
The-Moon | nivida geforce 4 | 09:39 |
Madpilot | The-Moon, got the nvidia 3d drivers installed, I assume? | 09:40 |
The-Moon | Yup | 09:40 |
sfar | well.. it matters if you dont have the correct drivers in linux | 09:40 |
=== somarts [i=no@83-65-161-195.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The-Moon | i did that earler | 09:40 |
The-Moon | Wolfenstein ET runs fine | 09:40 |
The-Moon | just like it did on windows | 09:40 |
The-Moon | by my allegro app is running 1/3 slower now | 09:40 |
somarts | hi | 09:40 |
Madpilot | The-Moon, please ease up on the Enter key - one sentence per line, thanks... | 09:40 |
sfar | The-Moon: 1/4 slower | 09:41 |
The-Moon | yteah sorry | 09:41 |
The-Moon | yeah 1/4 | 09:41 |
The-Moon | hit the wrong key | 09:41 |
The-Moon | damnit... | 09:41 |
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dooglus | hey, that was | 09:41 |
Madpilot | The-Moon, I've no idea what 'allegro' is, but if ET is running fine, that sounds like a problem with it, not X or your 3d drivers... | 09:41 |
dooglus | one sentence on 3 | 09:41 |
dooglus | lines! | 09:41 |
Gent_ | now | 09:41 |
Gent_ | if there was only a way to get XGL | 09:42 |
The-Moon | (03:34:37) Tomasu: in windows you get DirectX, in X you get ... X | 09:42 |
The-Moon | (03:34:58) Tomasu: X will be slower than DX till we get the OpenGL driver working properly | 09:42 |
slaterock | has anyone in here installed ati drivers for a 9100 igp? | 09:43 |
GiGaHuRtZ | slaterock, I could never get em to work :( | 09:43 |
Seveas | !tell Gent_ about xgl | 09:43 |
Gent_ | Seveas, it's PPC | 09:43 |
The-Moon | ok ill be back | 09:43 |
slaterock | yeah, they're annoying as allgetout | 09:43 |
Madpilot | hi Seveas | 09:43 |
Seveas | Gent_, so? | 09:44 |
GiGaHuRtZ | Ya, I ended up junking the laptop because I hate ati drivers | 09:44 |
Seveas | iirc xgl works for ppc too... | 09:44 |
Gent_ | so there's no drivers... | 09:44 |
Seveas | hi Madpilot | 09:44 |
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Seveas | Gent_, poke at ati to release their sources | 09:44 |
GiGaHuRtZ | Heh, Nvidia will do it before ATI does | 09:44 |
Gent_ | yeah... that's all I need to do to get it... eh? | 09:44 |
Seveas | GiGaHuRtZ, the 12th of never and the 13th of nevr don't make too much difference... | 09:45 |
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GiGaHuRtZ | Well there are actually people working with Nvidia to open source their drivers | 09:45 |
Gent_ | Just convince a multi million dollar company to open up source code so people can freely code and make use of their research and development money | 09:45 |
Gent_ | no problem... | 09:45 |
slaterock | this is just ridiculous | 09:45 |
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slaterock | why is it so tough to install these? | 09:45 |
Gent_ | I'll have XGL in 5 minutes... | 09:45 |
GiGaHuRtZ | With ATI, there are no efforts once so ever | 09:45 |
DNA_String | I've entered ""sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome" at the command line and quickly got the response "Package 'gnome' is not installed and no info is available". What do I do now? | 09:46 |
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Gent_ | still wish that novell menu applet was available | 09:46 |
Auckland_Pig | i have lots of gnome-pty-helper(around 20) when i see processes in System monitor | 09:46 |
Auckland_Pig | what are these gnome-pty-helpers? can i kill them? | 09:47 |
Overand | DNA_String: that's not the right package name | 09:47 |
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ompaul | GiGaHuRtZ, that is because you need not to be running the 3d version of the XGL | 09:47 |
ompaul | **************News Flash************** Dapper and XGL are for discussion in #ubuntu+1 and #xgl the correct channels for that | 09:47 |
Overand | DNA_String: try to install it | 09:47 |
Seveas | **************News Flash************** ompaul has arrived | 09:47 |
=== kdean06 [n=fader681@loudsl01-253-101-31.iglou.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Overand | DNA_String: sudo apt-get install gnome | 09:48 |
slaterock | weird | 09:48 |
Overand | bleh | 09:48 |
=== Madpilot considers booting ompaul for spamming... :P | ||
GiGaHuRtZ | WTH? When did I say anything regarding xgl? | 09:48 |
slaterock | it's an opengl issue | 09:48 |
Overand | i am totally freaked about this raid config =/ | 09:48 |
slaterock | when i look at the ati info ap | 09:48 |
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slaterock | it shows me the right ati driver number | 09:48 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
Madpilot | ompaul, or at least for gross abuse of the common asteriks :P | 09:48 |
slaterock | but the opengl is till being handled strictly by mesa | 09:48 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
ompaul | hehe | 09:49 |
GiGaHuRtZ | ompaul, When did I say anything regarding xgl? | 09:49 |
=== GiGaHuRtZ is confused | ||
=== Schmity [n=JollySch@c-68-54-3-56.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gent_ | my essay writing teacher is on crack, he tells me to tighten a 4 page double spaced essay size 12 font... every example essay we read in class is about 4 pages, size 8 font, single spaced... | 09:49 |
ompaul | GiGaHuRtZ, you didn't tab completion at this hour of the morning (pre coffee) got me bad :-) | 09:49 |
GiGaHuRtZ | haha | 09:50 |
GiGaHuRtZ | Alrighty ;) | 09:50 |
DNA_String | after "sudo apt-get install gnome" I got "E: Couldn't find package gnome" | 09:50 |
GiGaHuRtZ | DNA_String, "ubuntu-desktop" | 09:50 |
Arafangion | Why can't I use lilo properly? I can't even run it! | 09:50 |
Arafangion | How do I fix this problem with lilo? http://rafb.net/paste/results/gdKQxg51.html | 09:50 |
RealMurphy | Hi there, I'm about to try ubuntu on a server, however, this server can only be accessed remotely vie serial console or a "recovery" system aka busybux. I've googled a bit, but have not found much about this kind of scenario, any suggestions besides creating a base.tar.gz and scp it to the box? | 09:50 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mzinz | if i have KDE and Gnome installed, can i switch between them some how? Also, if i have KDE installed, does that mean "I have Kubuntu"? | 09:51 |
Gent_ | that doesn't sound too hopeful RealMurphy | 09:51 |
GiGaHuRtZ | mzinz, sure ya can switch, using the session manager, either kdm or gdm | 09:51 |
ompaul | !goodmorning | 09:51 |
ubotu | Gooooooooooooooooooooooooodmorning #ubuntu! It looks like another beautiful ubuntuous day, may humanity be with you and your problems be solved :) | 09:51 |
RealMurphy | Gent_: I guess so, I know it's possible this way (installed debian this way 2.5 years ago), but it's a pain in drak places | 09:52 |
mzinz | GiGaHuRtZ, ive played with gnome quite a bit now. Is there any point to me getting and playing with KDE? how different are they? | 09:52 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: maybe, lilo.conf is wrong? | 09:52 |
sfar | mzinz: you can select "Session" at login | 09:52 |
Auckland_Pig | ubotu: what is gnome-pty-helper | 09:52 |
ubotu | Auckland_Pig: what are you talking about? | 09:52 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: I would probably advise you to use Debian, because docs exist that allow you to install from within another (linux) system. | 09:52 |
dooglus | mzinz: they're quite different | 09:52 |
GiGaHuRtZ | mzinz, A LOT different | 09:52 |
mzinz | GiGaHuRtZ, examples? | 09:52 |
GiGaHuRtZ | Some people prefer gnome, some prefer kde | 09:52 |
GiGaHuRtZ | MYsle,f I have 11 Windows Managers installed | 09:52 |
Gent_ | RealMurphy, anything is possible.... just not something I would want to attempt | 09:52 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: I'll post the lilo.conf file as well, then. | 09:52 |
GiGaHuRtZ | But one doesn't work... | 09:52 |
Overand | RealMurphy: if you just want to 'try' kde, hit up knoppix | 09:52 |
mzinz | GiGaHuRtZ, i guess it couldn't hurt to get KDE then. whats the package name? | 09:52 |
GiGaHuRtZ | mzinz, kubuntu-desktop | 09:53 |
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RealMurphy | Overand: Try kde? | 09:53 |
DNA_String | to "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" I get "ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version" followed by "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, and 0 not upgraded". | 09:53 |
RealMurphy | Overand: I'm the one with the server ;) | 09:53 |
Overand | RealMurphy: sorry, yeah | 09:53 |
Overand | i'm multitasking hardcore | 09:53 |
RealMurphy | *g* | 09:53 |
Overand | DNA_String: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop | 09:53 |
GiGaHuRtZ | DNA_String, maybe I missed out on exactly what it is you are trying to accomplish | 09:53 |
Gent_ | So anyone want to "tighten" up this restaurant review for me? | 09:53 |
mzinz | What are a couple examples of how KDE and gnome differ? | 09:54 |
ompaul | !offtopic | 09:54 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 09:54 |
Overand | GiGaHuRtZ: after GDM, he gets a cursor and background andn othing else | 09:54 |
Auckland_Pig | ubotu: are you a bot or a human? | 09:54 |
ubotu | What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Auckland_Pig | 09:54 |
Gent_ | wtf? | 09:54 |
RealMurphy | Gent_: The problem ist, it's a Athlon64 box, and I'd rather want to run amd64 on it, probably have to try etch than, even if it's not final yet | 09:54 |
Overand | Auckland_Pig: grep 'bot' inside 'ubotu' | 09:54 |
Madpilot | ubotu, tell Auckland_Pig about yourself | 09:54 |
ompaul | !bot | 09:54 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots. | 09:54 |
Gent_ | RealMurphy, I just can't imagine doing it over a serial line or something like that | 09:54 |
Auckland_Pig | hehehe... nice... | 09:54 |
=== pvd2006 [n=pvd2006@unaffiliated/pvd2006] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Overand | RealMurphy: do you have access toputting a CD in it? | 09:55 |
GiGaHuRtZ | Overand, Maybe a problem with how his sessions are configured, try the actual session called "GNOME" under the sessions list rather then leaving it on "Default session" | 09:55 |
Overand | like... do you just mean it's headless? | 09:55 |
Arafangion | Could someone please help me with my lilo problem? I have *heaps* of debugging output here: http://rafb.net/paste/results/y1AzR674.html | 09:55 |
RealMurphy | Gent_: Ah sorry, no, a misunderstanding. the box is a rented "root-server" and I have a full 100 Mbit connecction to it, serial console is emulated via LAN as well | 09:55 |
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RealMurphy | Overand: No, tha's exactly the problem :) | 09:55 |
Overand | aahhh | 09:55 |
Overand | heh | 09:55 |
Overand | what's it running now? | 09:55 |
RealMurphy | Overand: I can rent it with debian or SuSE, but only SuSE comes 64bit | 09:56 |
Overand | hmm | 09:56 |
GiGaHuRtZ | RealMurphy, You mean a colo? | 09:56 |
RealMurphy | Overand: I guess I have to live in 32bit still, but well... | 09:56 |
Overand | well you could go debian, and then change the sources.list .... | 09:56 |
Overand | and potentially really screw stuff up | 09:56 |
RealMurphy | GigaByte_: No, it's rented, it's not my own server | 09:56 |
Overand | but it would be serious fun | 09:56 |
RealMurphy | Overand: Yeah, that would be possible, installing sarge first (or even woody) and upgrade to ubuntu server ;) | 09:57 |
DNA_String | GiGaHuRtZ: I just installed ubuntu and after the first login it justs sits there - just the mouse and the ubuntu-earthy-brown desktop. no Icons, no menus, no trays, nothing but mouse and brown. | 09:57 |
GiGaHuRtZ | Odd.... | 09:57 |
Overand | brown mouse! | 09:57 |
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Arafangion | RealMurphy: Why don't you stick with 32-bits, then upgrade the kernel and compile your own 64-bit version of apache or whatever daemon you're using? | 09:57 |
DNA_String | Overand: are you trying to be helpful or have you just lost sanity? :) | 09:58 |
Gent_ | heh, this guy called up at work today asking whether he should come in and buy SuSE | 09:58 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: http://www.underhanded.org/papers/debian-conversion/remotedeb.html <-- That's the first google hit for "remotely installing debian" | 09:58 |
mzinz | If I like Ubuntu, what other distros might I consider using? | 09:58 |
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Arafangion | mzinz: Ubuntu is pretty much unique. | 09:59 |
Gent_ | None if you like ubuntu | 09:59 |
Overand | heh | 09:59 |
GiGaHuRtZ | DNA_String, have you tried failsafe gnome or any of the other options under the gdm sessions menu? | 09:59 |
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DNA_String | no. | 09:59 |
mzinz | Arafangion, aren't all distros pretty much unique? | 09:59 |
Arafangion | mzinz: If you like ubuntu, but you are only using it as a server, without gui, then you may like Debian also. | 09:59 |
Arafangion | mzinz: No. | 09:59 |
Gent_ | I don't know why no one thought of something like ubuntu before... | 09:59 |
Gent_ | it has most of what you need, nothing you don't | 09:59 |
DNA_String | how would I get them? Restart the computer? | 09:59 |
Overand | I actually prefer ubuntu to debian as a server platform, somewhat | 09:59 |
DNA_String | how would I get *to* them? Restart the computer? | 09:59 |
Gent_ | Every other distro has at least 10 web browsers | 09:59 |
mzinz | Arafangion, I'm definltely not using it as a server, though im not disreguarding the necessity at some point. But right now I'm using it purely for client and primary OS purposes. | 10:00 |
GiGaHuRtZ | DNA_String, you get the gdm login dont you? | 10:00 |
Overand | DNA_String: try hitting control-alt-backspace | 10:00 |
mzinz | Arafangion, what makes it unique? | 10:00 |
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Arafangion | mzinz: You can organize distros into fairly crude classifications, such as the "Redhat camp" (mandrake, redhat, etc, and possibly Suze), the "Debian camp", which is very nearly just Debian, the slackware group, the from scratch group, and finally, the source-based distros. | 10:00 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: Yeah I know that one, I tried to find a more generic way around debootstrap :) | 10:00 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: But ubuntu is much more up2date than sarge | 10:01 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: Oh really? | 10:01 |
Overand | Installing gentoo without the 'installer' was actually very enlightening | 10:01 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: Sarge is a heck alot mroe stable. | 10:01 |
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BoyDubai | why can't i edit my HelloWorldApp.java? | 10:01 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: Is it? Never had problems with any ubuntu/kubuntu server running locally here | 10:01 |
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Madpilot | folks, chat about other distros can move to #ubuntu-offtopic, please... | 10:01 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: I would probably put Ubuntu as somewhere in between Sarge and Etch. | 10:01 |
BoyDubai | how can i edit a text file? | 10:02 |
mzinz | Arafangion, I know ubuntu, but not well.. a few months practice. I know how to get around and I know the filesystem, but i have so little experience outside ubuntu i feel held back and unexperienced in the linux world. What other distro might you recommend to help me experience... a little more? | 10:02 |
ompaul | mzinz, more ubuntu | 10:02 |
Auckland_Pig | BoyDubai: use gedit | 10:02 |
mzinz | ompaul, :) | 10:02 |
Arafangion | mzinz: Ubuntu is a very nice distro. | 10:02 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: YEah, but I'm reluctant to put etch on it, last week some changes broke parts of etch (on 64bit - they changed the loader) | 10:02 |
BoyDubai | i can't... it opens the file but i can't enter characters. | 10:02 |
gholen | If I'd like to add a harddrive thats is filld with music, and formatted in ext3, how can I add it in a ubuntu-machine? | 10:02 |
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mzinz | Arafangion, so i hear | 10:02 |
wedlomis | yo all | 10:02 |
GNU_Style | anyone have any idea of LDAP+Samba for active directory | 10:02 |
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Arafangion | RealMurphy: Personally, I'd just stick anything on it, then put management into your own hands, effectively forking it, given the state of 64-bit. | 10:03 |
Auckland_Pig | BoyDubai: may be the file is readonly. if you are sure what you are doing then open the terminal and "sudo gedit filename" | 10:03 |
Gent_ | hey, I read somewhere that you can change button order in gconf, anyone know where that is? | 10:03 |
RealMurphy | Ouch, but that would mean a LOT of recompiling, I'd take gentoo then ;) | 10:04 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: Not really. | 10:04 |
ompaul | BoyDubai, put the error on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and then ask the question here thanks | 10:04 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: yeah, just kidding | 10:04 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: You just need to recompile one or two programs that the server will really use. | 10:04 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: I'm assuming that you have a colo server that does little more than run one or two daemons, right? | 10:04 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: Which are quite a few, but nevertheless, I guess it would make sense to put etch on it | 10:05 |
BoyDubai | ok thanks! | 10:05 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: Yeah, reight now it does a little bit more than just LAMP | 10:05 |
Gent_ | bwuahahah | 10:05 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: Make sure you install apt-listchanges apt-listbugs and the like. | 10:05 |
Gent_ | nevermind, I found it | 10:05 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: That is the predecessor of this new box | 10:05 |
Overand | oh man | 10:06 |
Overand | i used etch on 64 bit | 10:06 |
Overand | it was | 10:06 |
Overand | er | 10:06 |
ompaul | Guys take the etch woody and spud into #ubuntu-offtopic they would have more of a conversational attitude this is supposed to be a Ubuntu tech support channel and it has 656 users in it thanks :-) | 10:06 |
bintut | how can i dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper my ubuntu amd64? | 10:06 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: You could also try adapting the debian install instructions to Ubuntu. | 10:07 |
DBO | bintut, you need to edit your sources.list to change all the bits that say breezy to dapper | 10:07 |
Auckland_Pig | ompaul: just curious... are there any "paid" tech support persons on this channel? | 10:07 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: That was basically the question how much they differ and if there is another way "around" it | 10:07 |
Madpilot | Auckland_Pig, nope | 10:07 |
BoyDubai | it worked when i used sudo... i own the file but how come i still need to use sudo to edit it? | 10:07 |
skpl | hi i am having trouble using bittorent, can someone help? | 10:07 |
Arafangion | RealMurphy: If you have a spare box, you could try doing a test. | 10:07 |
bintut | DBO: yeah.. where can i find the mirrors for dapper in order that i can upgrade to it? | 10:08 |
Madpilot | BoyDubai, check the permissions - sounds like you might not have write permission | 10:08 |
Auckland_Pig | BoyDubai: the file is probably readonly | 10:08 |
ompaul | Auckland_Pig, not that I know of, but you know something there are some paid people who support stuff | 10:08 |
Arafangion | Anyway, I'm getting dinner. | 10:08 |
ompaul | :-) | 10:08 |
Auckland_Pig | oh ok... | 10:08 |
DBO | bintut, no no, once you change the sources.list you type "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and away you go | 10:08 |
sfar | bintut: /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:08 |
RealMurphy | ompaul: I'm just curious if *technically* ubuntu is up to be put onto a server | 10:08 |
ompaul | RealMurphy, yes it is | 10:09 |
Auckland_Pig | ompaul: was just wondering if that happens then there would be more competition b/w redhat & ubuntu | 10:09 |
RealMurphy | Arafangi1n: Anyway, thanks a lot! | 10:09 |
Madpilot | RealMurphy, I gather that all of Ubuntu's own servers run... Ubuntu - and they seem stable :P | 10:09 |
RealMurphy | ompaul: Also for a headless remote installation? | 10:09 |
ompaul | I run it, I just don't happen to have a web server reason at this time | 10:09 |
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bintut | DBO and sfar: i don't know what to change.. shall i just change all the "breezy" words to "dapper"? | 10:09 |
DBO | RealMurphy, yes it is, but you will want to modify its default config (of course) | 10:09 |
RealMurphy | Madpilot: *gr* | 10:09 |
DBO | bintut, you got it | 10:09 |
bintut | DBO: thanks.. | 10:09 |
RealMurphy | DBO: Yes, but how, the usual debootstrap way or is there another approach? | 10:09 |
RealMurphy | ompaul: with headless I mean, I have only an ssh connection (or serial over LAN) without the possibility to access any CD-drive | 10:10 |
BoyDubai | does it mean that everytime i create a new file i can't edit it unless i use sudo or change the permission? | 10:11 |
Madpilot | BoyDubai, new files you create in directories you own should be OK | 10:11 |
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Madpilot | BoyDubai, was the file you tried to edit moved to Ubuntu from elsewhere? | 10:12 |
BoyDubai | the files is in my /home/myuser/javafiles | 10:12 |
Overand | RealMurphy: it had better be, i'm moving an unbunto box into a colo in a week or three | 10:12 |
Overand | after i do a 'burn-in' test | 10:12 |
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BoyDubai | nope... it was in the ubuntu since beginning and in the same directory | 10:12 |
ompaul | bintut, Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). read this page - where it says hoary place the word breezy and where it says breezy place the word dapper https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade | 10:12 |
Madpilot | BoyDubai, odd. Check the permissions on the directory it's in, then | 10:13 |
Auckland_Pig | my ubuntu uptime is 14 days & going .... lol the longest my computer has been up | 10:13 |
Auckland_Pig | :) | 10:13 |
RealMurphy | Overand: I've done the debootstrap way 2.5 yrs ago with *beep* and foudn it tedious, so, how are you planning to perform the install? | 10:13 |
Overand | ubunto? heh. ubuntu | 10:14 |
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ompaul | bintut, the dapper conversations take place in the channel #ubuntu+1 | 10:14 |
Overand | RealMurphy: with a CD =] it's already installed | 10:14 |
sfar | hm.. if i search the wiki for titles named "fstab" i get a wierd result | 10:14 |
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RealMurphy | Overand: O K... unfortunetaly, that's not an option.. maybe I'll just try to install it with pbuilders "native" base systen and try to start from there | 10:14 |
RealMurphy | Anyway, thanks a lot folks! | 10:15 |
BoyDubai | Madpilot, i'm a newbie in linux... how can i check the permission? | 10:15 |
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Auckland_Pig | BoyDubai: right click the file and click permissions (if you are using gnome) | 10:15 |
Madpilot | BoyDubai, open the file manager, right-click on the directory or file, choose Properties | 10:15 |
BoyDubai | ok | 10:15 |
BoyDubai | thanks | 10:15 |
Auckland_Pig | BoyDubai: or use the terminal and do ls -l in that directory | 10:15 |
ompaul | BoyDubai, ls -al filename using a terminal Applications - Accessories - Terminal | 10:16 |
cyphase | how do you use wget to download file.ext to file2.ext? | 10:16 |
cyphase | oops | 10:16 |
cyphase | misworded | 10:16 |
cyphase | how do you use wget to save file.ext as file2.ext | 10:16 |
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cyphase | ompaul, sorry :S | 10:17 |
RealMurphy | cyphase: ? --output-document=file perhaps? | 10:17 |
cyphase | RealMurphy, thanx | 10:17 |
cyphase | i missed it, i only saw the log file version | 10:17 |
bintut | what is "restricted" in my /etc/apt/sources.list? | 10:18 |
ompaul | cyphase, it tends to save the file with an extention of file.ext and file.ext.1 for copies of same | 10:18 |
cyphase | i know | 10:18 |
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cyphase | but i need to be able to name it | 10:18 |
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bintut | do i need the "restricted" word in my /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 10:18 |
Madpilot | bintut, yes | 10:18 |
Jimmey__ | Just quickly, how can I kill a process dead in it's tracks, if it's not ending after I end it using the system monitor? | 10:18 |
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BoyDubai | i've sent the text in the pastebin... please check. | 10:19 |
Terminus | Jimmey__: kill -9 $process_id | 10:20 |
Madpilot | BoyDubai, paste your pastebin URL? | 10:20 |
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ompaul | Jimmey__, if it was the file "foo" that was running killall foo kill -9 $PID (as above) and if it is a gui you can fire up xkill and move the mouse over the window and kaboom - not nice but there ya go | 10:21 |
BoyDubai | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12491 | 10:21 |
BoyDubai | the .java file is owned by root... why? | 10:21 |
BoyDubai | maybe i just didn't notice... i might have used sudo gedit helloworldapp.java... does it automatically owned by root? | 10:22 |
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GNU_Style | bintut, hey | 10:22 |
Madpilot | BoyDubai, use chmod in the terminal to get ownership back | 10:22 |
GNU_Style | bintut, u from PH? | 10:22 |
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bintut | GNU_Style: yeah. you? | 10:24 |
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GNU_Style | bintut, PH too | 10:25 |
GNU_Style | bintut, Were in the PH? | 10:25 |
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bintut | GNU_Style: currently in mandaluyong city.. in a few hours, i'll be in pasig city.. you? | 10:26 |
GNU_Style | bintut, you in a car or something? | 10:26 |
GNU_Style | im in cebu | 10:26 |
bintut | GNU_Style: nope. i'm in our office.. have we met already? | 10:27 |
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GNU_Style | bintut, no, ur nick sounds so PH thats why im asking | 10:27 |
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bintut | GNU_Style: oh! :D | 10:28 |
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renewip | Hi, where can I find BIG Ubuntu logo to make our Ubuntu User Group's uniform? | 10:28 |
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BoyDubai | Madpilot, i changed the ownership but i think i made a mistake... it became ---------- 1 root root 261 2006-04-18 12:05 HelloWorldApp.java | 10:28 |
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Madpilot | BoyDubai, looks like you messed up all the permissions w/o changing ownership - chown changes ownership | 10:28 |
BoyDubai | i used chmod | 10:29 |
BoyDubai | :) | 10:29 |
Madpilot | renewip, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official | 10:30 |
bintut | BoyDubai: find . -type d -exec chmod 755 '{}' ';' ; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 '{}' ';' | 10:30 |
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Madpilot | BoyDubai, "sudo chown username:username name-of-file" | 10:30 |
bintut | BoyDubai: sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 755 '{}' ';' ; sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 644 '{}' ';' | 10:31 |
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bintut | BoyDubai: sudo chown username:default_group name_of_file | 10:31 |
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KenSentMe | good morning | 10:34 |
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kylian | Hi all | 10:35 |
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monsterb | hi | 10:35 |
kylian | How are you ? | 10:35 |
monsterb | good and u? | 10:36 |
kylian | me too thks | 10:36 |
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BoyDubai | thanks! it works now. | 10:36 |
monsterb | It's bedtime - goodnight :) | 10:36 |
kylian | me too , I'm in my school | 10:37 |
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kylian | Bye Monsterb | 10:37 |
Antonio\\ | Hi All | 10:37 |
kylian | Hi guys | 10:37 |
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Antonio\\ | how are u ? | 10:38 |
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kylian | fine thks and you ? | 10:38 |
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Antonio\\ | me too : ) | 10:39 |
kylian | okay | 10:39 |
Antonio\\ | what do u do ? =x | 10:39 |
ompaul | Antonio\\, have a chat with each other in the lab | 10:39 |
kylian | Would you like to fuck you ? | 10:39 |
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Antonio\\ | what did u say ? | 10:39 |
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ompaul | Antonio\\, you and kylian are both on the same ip | 10:40 |
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IRCMonkey_ | Hi , i wanted to install dapper drake alpha , can i install it without any media? | 10:40 |
Jimmey__ | ubotu: tell kylian about swear | 10:40 |
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Jimmey__ | IRCMonkey, try #ubuntu+1 | 10:41 |
IRCMonkey_ | thanks | 10:41 |
munzir | Hi, I downloaded http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/20060411/dapper-dvd-amd64.iso and it gave me a root prompt after this error: kernel direct mapping tables upto ffff810100000000 @ .... can't access tty; job control turned off. | 10:41 |
revartj | hello | 10:42 |
Gent_ | as soon as I find a good background it's screenshot time | 10:42 |
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revartj | i am working whith c++ and process administration whit pipe,fifo, etc .... | 10:42 |
revartj | somebody could said me why ubuntu is bloqueade | 10:43 |
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BoyDubai | is antivirus necessary in linux like ubuntu? | 10:45 |
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tonyyarusso | BoyDubai: Most likely not, unless you're running an e-mail server or something. | 10:45 |
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ompaul | BoyDubai, no | 10:45 |
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matrix | #ubuntu+1 | 10:46 |
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BoyDubai | ok | 10:46 |
BoyDubai | thanks! | 10:46 |
BoyDubai | now... i'm starting to like Ubuntu. :) this is my first time to use linux... and i'm enjoying it. | 10:47 |
BoyDubai | confusing command lines... etc. | 10:47 |
BoyDubai | :) | 10:47 |
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munzir | BoyDubai: command lines to do what? | 10:47 |
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BoyDubai | command lines to do almost everything (update... install, etc.) ... coz i'm a windows slave and everything is just a simple click. | 10:48 |
matrix | Can i install Dapper Drake alpha over Net like Debian? Some Body please hep me i am very eager to install it | 10:49 |
=== snowblink [n=snowblin@wind.snowblink.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KenSentMe | matrix: check #ubuntu+1 | 10:51 |
matrix | ok thanks | 10:51 |
munzir | BoyDubai: but it's not necessary to use command line! | 10:52 |
munzir | BoyDubai: you can do all these things with the lame clicking too | 10:52 |
=== v3rmap [n=puser@unaffiliated/v3rmap] has joined #ubuntu | ||
v3rmap | Hi, when I start any gnome application in Dapper Flight 6, I get the following warnings: | 10:52 |
buttfukc | boydubai how long of you had ubuntu | 10:52 |
v3rmap | (xchat-gnome:7170): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib | 10:52 |
v3rmap | (xchat-gnome:7170): Gdk-WARNING **: cannot set locale modifiers | 10:53 |
v3rmap | Any suggestions on how we can get these warnings to go away. | 10:53 |
Madpilot | v3rmap, try #ubuntu+1 for Dapper questions | 10:53 |
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GiGaHuRtZ | No one is in dapper to even answer any questions | 10:54 |
GiGaHuRtZ | ] OR at least awake/alive | 10:54 |
Madpilot | buttfukc, find a nicer nick, please | 10:54 |
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felyx | 10:56 | |
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felyx | hi all | 10:56 |
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felyx | ? | 10:58 |
NeoBee | hey, can someone tell how to install a new monitor. i'm replacing my previous one. | 10:58 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@resnet-251-124.resnet.umbc.edu] by ompaul | ||
Madpilot | NeoBee, just plug it in? | 10:58 |
NeoBee | it changes it resolution. | 10:59 |
ompaul | felyx, this is an english language channel | 10:59 |
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felyx | thanks | 10:59 |
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Gent_ | bwuhahah | 10:59 |
Gent_ | this is it! | 10:59 |
NeoBee | Madpilot, it is not the same resolution as it was with my older monitor. | 10:59 |
Gent_ | oh my god | 11:00 |
Madpilot | NeoBee, System->Prefs->Screen Res. | 11:00 |
Gent_ | it kinda looks like longhorn | 11:00 |
Gent_ | :( | 11:00 |
Madpilot | Gent_, mind not abusing your Enter key so much? | 11:00 |
=== kgoetz [n=heather@ppp100-144.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | Gent_, please put all your thoughts on one line and stop using the enter key as a comma, thanks | 11:00 |
NeoBee | Madpilot, i only have one option left there. | 11:00 |
Gent_ | bah, you kids and your demands. There, is that better? | 11:00 |
kgoetz | hi folks. how do you change the default application for something? 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure defaults' or similar? | 11:01 |
kgoetz | i need to get the .doc extention changed from abiword to openoffice :S | 11:01 |
NeoBee | Madpilot, there is only one option there which is not what i really want. | 11:01 |
Madpilot | !tell NeoBee about fixres | 11:01 |
munzir | BoyDubai: you can use syaptic or adept e.g | 11:01 |
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ompaul | kgoetz, no sudo update-alternatives --all << or --all can be the function | 11:02 |
kgoetz | ompaul, thanks :) | 11:02 |
NeoBee | Madpilot, do you have any site to recommend that i could read on? | 11:02 |
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Madpilot | NeoBee, see the pm the bot just sent you | 11:03 |
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kgoetz | ompaul, would i run 'update-alternatives openoffice' or 'update-alternatives doc'? | 11:03 |
=== kgoetz tries it out | ||
redarrow | 'lo all | 11:03 |
NeoBee | Madpilot, thanks. | 11:03 |
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kgoetz | hi redarrow | 11:04 |
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nana_ | hi | 11:04 |
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ompaul | kgoetz, wrong way, no that is tied in by the wm - you should have a look at that program your looking at default application | 11:05 |
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nana_ | i want to my ntfs driver to be read but I don't know how to set permission | 11:05 |
redarrow | I've just installed breezy on a rather old machine.. anyone know how to get a serial mouse working? setup from a terminal.. | 11:05 |
nana_ | and how can i access root? or command sa | 11:05 |
=== gnu2it2 [n=kgrimm@cpe-069-134-161-191.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kgoetz | ompaul, i'v just got the man page up - i cant hopefully take it from here :) | 11:06 |
Madpilot | !+ntfs | 11:06 |
ubotu | I heard ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 11:06 |
Madpilot | nana_, see the URLs above ^^^ | 11:06 |
nana_ | ubotu : it is automatically mounted but it requires permisson | 11:06 |
ubotu | nana_: what are you talking about? | 11:06 |
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dooglus | I'm only getting USB1.1 speeds on my USB2 interface - how can I speed it up | 11:07 |
dooglus | ? | 11:07 |
Madpilot | nana_, ubotu is a bot | 11:08 |
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xukun | Anybody know why I get this errors on console after I start xchat from console? (xchat:23977): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_scale: assertion `src != NULL' failed | 11:11 |
xukun | ) | 11:11 |
xukun | it just goes and goes on! | 11:11 |
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nana_ | thanks all | 11:11 |
fateminasab | Everytime i log in ubuntu i should change the modem file permission in /dev folder. What should i do? | 11:12 |
eytyxios | Hi! I am a new user of linux and i have a problem with a backup DVDRW i made.I cannot access the drive and the files unless i use the console. my fstab states #/dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0#, should i change it to auto? Anyway accessing the dvd from the console i copy my files with # cp -rv /media/cdrom/* /media/hde7/backup# ut i get some folders with ?????(invalide encoding). These folder | 11:13 |
eytyxios | s contain files with greek names ("windows-age" but the disk i made it over mandrake with k3b, my first linux sys). any ideas? | 11:13 |
Gent_ | http://www.dotink.org/~gent/content/Images/Screenshots/ubuntuppc-1.png and http://www.dotink.org/~gent/content/Images/Screenshots/ubuntuppc-2.png | 11:14 |
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pax | eyeris:// I think you answered it, change it to auto, see what gives. | 11:15 |
shinu | is there a package for mdf2iso on the repos? | 11:15 |
kgoetz | i tried what ompaul sugested, but i'm not sure what do to if there is no setting for the program i need to change in update-alternatives | 11:15 |
ompaul | kgoetz, wrong way, no that is tied in by the wm - you should have a look at that program your looking at default application | 11:16 |
ompaul | as I said already | 11:16 |
=== giftnudel [n=mb@x12.vpn.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eytyxios | this auto is olny for he mount problem, how about the language? it gives invalide encoding with the file names.... | 11:16 |
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kgoetz | ompaul, i dont follow | 11:17 |
=== charles` [n=charles@host-64-139-245-63.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BoyDubai | in windows there/s an option to access a VPN using Network Connections... in ubuntu, what's its equivalent? | 11:18 |
charles` | BoyDubai: depends on the VPN | 11:18 |
charles` | BoyDubai: you can get the cisco client for linux | 11:18 |
charles` | anyone know if there is somthing like easyubuntu for dapper? | 11:18 |
BoyDubai | what do u mean depends on VPN? | 11:18 |
charles` | BoyDubai: I mean it depends on the type of VPN | 11:19 |
=== Melchior [n=Melchior@host86-135-237-11.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eytyxios | this is the error i get trying to access the cdrom ###Warning: device /dev/hdc is already handled by /etc/fstab, supplied label is ignored | 11:19 |
eytyxios | mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only | 11:19 |
eytyxios | mount: /dev/hdc already mounted or /media/cdrom0 busy | 11:19 |
eytyxios | mount: according to mtab, /dev/hdc is already mounted on /media/cdrom0 | 11:19 |
eytyxios | Error: could not execute pmount### | 11:19 |
BoyDubai | charles`, in windows it's so easy to set up... i just enter the ip add and then that's it.... i don't know which type of VPN. once i'm connected i can use their internet and open sql | 11:20 |
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eytyxios | ls /media | 11:21 |
eytyxios | cdrom cdrom0 hda1 hde7 hde8 hdg1 hdh1 | 11:21 |
eytyxios | i have 2 entries for cdrom, but from gnome i get none | 11:22 |
eytyxios | .... | 11:22 |
=== RomanK [n=roman@p54A26E9E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
charles` | BoyDubai: when I want to VPN to my school in windows I have to install the cisco VPN client, and I have to do the same in linux | 11:22 |
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=== Bizzeh [n=root@80-192-243-106.cable.ubr01.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bizzeh | hey | 11:23 |
BoyDubai | currently in our office, if i want to VPN our europe ofc all i do is just set up a VPN using the Network Connections and that's it. nothing else to install. | 11:23 |
pax | BoyDubai: have you tried http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/ | 11:24 |
Bizzeh | im stuck in a recovery cd here trying to get grub to install properly | 11:24 |
Bizzeh | ubuntu installed it to the wrong place | 11:24 |
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BoyDubai | let me check... | 11:24 |
BoyDubai | thanks. | 11:24 |
Bizzeh | my first boot drive on my bios is what grub calls hd2 | 11:25 |
Bizzeh | my /boot partition is at around 200gb on my hdd, and around 30mb in size, and is partition 1 (0 is windows) | 11:25 |
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pax | BoyDubai: np, they even have a GUI for it. | 11:25 |
BoyDubai | ok | 11:26 |
BoyDubai | pax, thanks! | 11:26 |
pax | BoyDubai: ahleen. | 11:26 |
BuFF | how to change wallpaper into: "640x480 with 14 color" ? | 11:27 |
docko | hi please can anyone help me? i'm trying to wget one file and i'm getting this error message: Error parsing proxy URL http://:7212/: Invalid host name... it is not needed to use wget through a proxy here. i know i can use the --no-proxy directive, but i don't know how to turn off this proxy setting completely | 11:27 |
docko | BuFF, 14 color? do you mean 16? | 11:28 |
dooglus | docko: does "env | grep 7212" show anything? | 11:29 |
docko | dooglus, http_proxy=http://:7212/ | 11:30 |
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dooglus | docko: unset that | 11:30 |
dooglus | docko: "unset http_proxy" | 11:30 |
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docko | dooglus, great, that hepled, thanks! :-) i didn't know the unset command :-) | 11:30 |
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dooglus | docko: it's not permanent - it only works in the current shell | 11:31 |
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dooglus | docko: you'll need to find how it's getting set if you want to unset it permanently | 11:31 |
docko | dooglus, ok thanks | 11:31 |
dooglus | docko: "grep 7212 ~/.*" perhaps | 11:31 |
BuFF | docko: i wanna change a grub picture and it needs 14 color pic | 11:32 |
dooglus | I'm using a pcmcia card in my laptop to give me a USB2.0 port, and I'm plugging a USB-to-Ethernet adaptor into that. My maximum download speed is around 150 KB/s, even on the LAN. Why? How can I fix it? | 11:33 |
holycow | on the off chancethat someone might know ... does anyone know how to change font size from mm to points? for some reason fonts default in oo to mm and not pt ... nothing in options about this either | 11:34 |
docko | BuFF, i'm not very familiar with those graphical programs, but i think gimp could do that | 11:35 |
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shinu | are there any services for the mouse that i can restart? it suddenly got kinda 'slow' to move | 11:40 |
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holycow | shinu, logout, log back in. chances are your video driver is borkin | 11:42 |
holycow | g | 11:42 |
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holycow | !openoffice.org2 | 11:48 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, holycow | 11:48 |
holycow | !openoffice | 11:48 |
ubotu | holycow: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 11:48 |
holycow | wtf? | 11:48 |
holycow | !openoffice.org | 11:48 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, holycow | 11:48 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell holycow about msg the bot | 11:48 |
holycow | go away dude, i didn't ask you anything | 11:49 |
=== LordKahless [n=kahless@66-215-34-159.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LordKahless | anyone here who compiles their own kernel? | 11:49 |
gnomefreak | holycow: if that was directed towards me than you need to re-read the irc rules and the bot rules | 11:50 |
holycow | that was directed at you | 11:50 |
=== TiggerUK [n=TiggerUK@host217-34-49-25.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LordKahless | if you select Opteron/Athlon64/Hammer/K8 as ur processor type while configing your kernel | 11:51 |
LordKahless | does that mean you are running 64bit? or is itstill 32 bit? | 11:51 |
stamen81 | hello, how can I enable the DRI for ATI in Dapper | 11:52 |
=== sNake [n=mrdez@c-67-163-64-96.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stamen81 | I have preinstalled the xorg-driver-ati and linux-headers | 11:52 |
stamen81 | loaded the module, and nothing | 11:52 |
stamen81 | please tell me what to do | 11:53 |
LordKahless | buy a geforce :) | 11:53 |
LordKahless | what ati card is it? | 11:53 |
=== Cicero_ [n=CiCero@p548CFEDA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | stamen81: you want the latest fglrx driver from the seveas repo (if your card can run it) - but yes, the ATI drivers are pretty crap for 3D | 11:54 |
Frogzoo | !tell stamen81 about fglrx | 11:54 |
Arafangion | Frogzoo: Apparnetly it's dependant on the card. | 11:54 |
Arafangion | Frogzoo: Some cards are better with the ATI, and others are better with the free ones. | 11:54 |
LordKahless | in my experience, its kinda hit or miss with ati cards | 11:54 |
=== Reznor [i=Reznor@about/cooking/nakedchef/quorn/smile] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LordKahless | btw, anyone here happen to know | 11:55 |
LordKahless | is there a non nvidia non ati card, that has decent 3d accelleration in linux | 11:55 |
LordKahless | perhaps without having to use propriety drivers? | 11:55 |
Frogzoo | LordKahless: doesn't exist | 11:55 |
=== LordKahless sighs | ||
Frogzoo | these days, for 3d, it's nvidia or ati | 11:56 |
stamen81 | Frogzoo, so what to do | 11:56 |
stamen81 | Frogzoo, what to install | 11:56 |
LordKahless | is the gma900 intel video supported in linux? | 11:56 |
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Frogzoo | stamen81: install the fglrx driver if your card supports it, & if the performance still sux, get an nvidia | 11:56 |
LordKahless | pretty shitty video, but i have another box im thinking of putting linux on | 11:56 |
BoyDubai | pax, this has been what i'm looking for!!!!!!! | 11:56 |
BoyDubai | u saved my day! | 11:57 |
=== mmopi [n=mmopi@lcw.cust-gw.gbe1.alter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stamen81 | Frogzoo, aaa yes, thank you, and if can send some money :) | 11:57 |
pax | BoyDubai: thanks for making me smile. | 11:57 |
The-Moon | when i installed nvidia did it install any tools to configure it? | 11:57 |
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The-Moon | nvidia 3d drivers* | 11:57 |
stamen81 | Frogzoo, to buy it | 11:57 |
holycow | LordKahless, doesn't exist yet, there is a project that is trying to bring one to the market tho with open source drivers | 11:57 |
Frogzoo | $$$ -> stamen81 | 11:57 |
stamen81 | Frogzoo, :) | 11:57 |
LordKahless | wewt | 11:57 |
stamen81 | Frogzoo, real please | 11:58 |
stamen81 | Frogzoo, :) | 11:58 |
LordKahless | although, for my gaming box im going to stick with nvidia for the tim\e being | 11:58 |
=== kemik [n=kemik@h81172147195.kund.kommunicera.umea.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The-Moon | ANyone? | 11:58 |
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LordKahless | thou im going to have to keep windows on it unfortionatley :| | 11:58 |
=== LordKahless shivvers | ||
spikeb | well | 11:58 |
spikeb | that's fine | 11:58 |
spikeb | it's just a gaming box :P | 11:58 |
Frogzoo | LordKahless: interesting, yes the gma900 has a linux driver: http://www.intel.com/design/graphics/gma900/ | 11:59 |
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=== Reznor [i=Reznor@195-23-180-220.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LordKahless | oooh | 11:59 |
LordKahless | i know i can play wow on the gma900 | 11:59 |
BoyDubai | pax, i think something went wrong... | 11:59 |
LordKahless | at least under mac os i can | 11:59 |
BoyDubai | i can connect to the tunnel but i can't open the websites... | 11:59 |
Arafangion | LordKahless: I'm pretty sure you can play wow on onboard intel cards now. | 12:00 |
spikeb | you can | 12:00 |
LordKahless | i was suprised when i found it playable under osx86 | 12:00 |
=== erez [n=erez@CBL217-132-121-233.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shinu | holycow: yea, i did that, though im getting quake 3 to work and it doesnt seem to work :/ | 12:00 |
LordKahless | last time i used onboard video | 12:00 |
=== LeaChim [n=LeaChim@host86-133-6-199.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shinu | holycow: so i need to kill it everytime | 12:00 |
LordKahless | was on my amd k6-2 400mhz | 12:00 |
spikeb | heh | 12:00 |
LordKahless | max payne ran at 800x600 :D | 12:00 |
pax | BoyDubai: ask the admin how things are setup on their end. | 12:00 |
spikeb | nvidia and ati both have onboard stuff as well | 12:00 |
holycow | shimmmy, so what video card do you have? | 12:00 |
=== TiggerUK [n=markmark@host217-34-49-25.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spikeb | though i dont know how well supported the ati stuff is | 12:01 |
holycow | sorry that was meant for shinu | 12:01 |
LeaChim | What's a good graphical program to turn a load of vob,ifo,bup files into the DVD they came from - they aren't in any sort of directory structure either | 12:01 |
holycow | shinu, also check your processes to see if something isn't consuming all your cpu cycles (this mostly can't be a problem on linux but just incase) | 12:01 |
LordKahless | my old socket a board had an onboard geforce 4 mx | 12:02 |
=== Reznor [i=Reznor@195-23-180-220.net.novis.pt] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
BoyDubai | ok... thanks! | 12:02 |
BoyDubai | pax, let me just my connection in windows and i'll try to see the similiarities and differences. though i was able to connect ... there are some sites that do not open. | 12:02 |
spikeb | nvidia's nforce stuff is supported now i believe. not bad stuff. | 12:03 |
mmopi | hi | 12:03 |
shinu | holycow: ive got an onboard one with my laptop, and ill check the processes, thanks | 12:03 |
pax | BoyDubai: for your windows box, you can just use RDP. | 12:03 |
Frogzoo | spikeb: the consensus seems to be that nvidia's linux drivers are significantly better for 3d than ati's | 12:03 |
mmopi | what about virus attack | 12:04 |
spikeb | Frogzoo, that's true. | 12:04 |
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spikeb | Frogzoo, they can't be any worse, i speak from experience with ATI drivers. | 12:04 |
spikeb | to be fair to ATI, they make crappy windows drivers too | 12:05 |
spikeb | heh | 12:05 |
Frogzoo | my lappie is has a radeon *cries* | 12:05 |
spikeb | heh, my mac mini does as well | 12:05 |
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mmopi | i need an answer pliz | 12:05 |
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Frogzoo | mmopi: viruses are almost _almost_ unknown in unix operating systems | 12:06 |
mmopi | so unix is virus free... | 12:07 |
Frogzoo | mmopi: definately did NOT say that, read again | 12:07 |
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pax | nmopi, not if you code one. | 12:08 |
Frogzoo | mmopi: the point of the matter is, unix's security model makes it extremely difficult to write working viruses | 12:08 |
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mmopi | so what about the applications like accpac and vip payroll is it compatiable or not? | 12:09 |
DBO | Frogzoo, more to the point, its not writing the virus that is the issue, its getting it to spread | 12:10 |
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LeaChim | What's a good graphical program to turn a load of vob,ifo,bup files into the DVD they came from - they aren't in any sort of directory structure either | 12:11 |
Toma- | LeaChim: throw it all in VIDEO_TS then make an ISO with the VIDEO_TS dir at the root, and try loading the ISO with mplayer | 12:11 |
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mmopi | when it comes to networking,unix is user friendly now my problem is the applications to work with it. | 12:12 |
BuFF | how to kill a program for example xmms ? | 12:13 |
Toma- | BuFF: use either xkill or 'killall xmms' in a terminal | 12:13 |
simpo | hi! i have problems with eth0 interface :/ its missing... i have all network card modules modprobed and my /etc/network/interfaces looks good, but there are no eth0, any ideas ? | 12:13 |
BuFF | thanks | 12:14 |
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mmopi | frogzoo, are online? | 12:14 |
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gyro_54 | hows this! my screensaver shuts down the monitor after 10 minutes. Then the monitor turns back on then the computer goes into blank standby with the monotor still powered up. Any suggetions? | 12:16 |
Toma- | gyro_54: turn off DPMS in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:16 |
gyro_54 | Thanks | 12:17 |
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Frogzoo | mmopi: if you want to run windows apps under linux, take a look at wine | 12:17 |
Toma- | gyro_54: it MIGHT work :D | 12:17 |
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Toma- | bbl. | 12:18 |
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redarrow | ok.. now this is a weird error: I added a "Modem Monitor" to the panel, right clicked and selected properties, it asked me for the root password... I must have entered it incorrectly cos it said "Incorrect password".. now every time I try select "properties" it says "You have eneterd an Incorrect password" - but it never asks for the password! ??? | 12:18 |
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gyro_54 | It worked perfect until I changed to an ATI card | 12:19 |
redarrow | any ideas? | 12:19 |
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Frogzoo | gyro_54: suggest you try the fglrx driver from the seveas repo, if your card supports it | 12:19 |
Frogzoo | !tell gyro_54 about fglrx | 12:19 |
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Frogzoo | redarrow: remove it & readd to menu bar | 12:21 |
redarrow | Frogzoo: I tried that.. I even removed it, logged out and readded it.. same result | 12:22 |
mmopi | frogzoo i`m still waiting for my answer pliz! | 12:22 |
Frogzoo | redarrow: try dpkg -S to see where the passwd's being stored - however, ubuntu has no root password you know? | 12:22 |
Ilokaaaasu | I need help! I need to get my laptops tvout working, problem is that its not nvidia/ati card but intel one, using i810 | 12:22 |
Frogzoo | mmopi: ^^ | 12:22 |
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mmopi | is it compatiable with accpac and vip payroll or not? | 12:23 |
redarrow | Frogzoo: what do you mean no root password? I most certainly was asked to specify one on installation.. | 12:23 |
highvoltage | !root | 12:24 |
ubotu | [root] Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 12:24 |
Frogzoo | redarrow: just that, there's no root passwd - check in /etc/shadow if you don't believe me | 12:24 |
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burepe | Help, my working tv tuner card lost video. Now I have sound and a black screen, More info here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=929416#post929416 | 12:24 |
spikeb | no you aren't asked for a root password upon installing ubuntu | 12:25 |
morfic | are there experimental amd64 livecd that are newer than 5.10, maybe kernel, but mostly newer xorg? | 12:25 |
mmopi | frogzoo, is unix compatiable with accpac or not? | 12:25 |
redarrow | sorry.. not on my install.. I can Ctrl+Alt+F1 to terminal and log in as root | 12:25 |
Frogzoo | morfic: take a look at dapper - but as it's beta atm, you might experience 'issues' | 12:25 |
redarrow | and it is in /etc/shadow | 12:26 |
spikeb | brb | 12:26 |
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morfic | Frogzoo: 5.10 livecd wont start X, can't be much worse | 12:26 |
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Frogzoo | mmopi: I have no idea what kind of accpac is - it might run under wine, it might not - or the vendors might offer a linux version | 12:26 |
redarrow | I installed "expert mode" btw | 12:27 |
Frogzoo | morfic: truth be told, the performance of the 686 kernel is almost as good as a64, and everything works | 12:27 |
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Frogzoo | morfic: also, your progs man page should document where the password is stored | 12:28 |
mmopi | ok, frogzoo now i get your point | 12:28 |
Gent_ | Anyone else here use xcompmgr on a regular basis? | 12:28 |
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morfic | Frogzoo: got a url on a dapper livecd? google so far only finds forum posts talking about it | 12:29 |
morfic | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/flight-5/ got it | 12:30 |
hyphenated | flight-6 would be better right now. and #ubuntu+1 would be the right channel ;-) | 12:30 |
morfic | thanks frogzoo | 12:30 |
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morfic | hyphenated: oh, ok, thanks+1 | 12:30 |
Frogzoo | morfic: yw | 12:31 |
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robin_ | test | 12:32 |
robin_ | test | 12:32 |
Frogzoo | fail | 12:32 |
robin_ | it works :) | 12:32 |
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Frogzoo | can anyone suggest something like ping, but works with a destn mac address, not an IP? | 12:35 |
hyphenated | heh, that reads like the unit testing in the company I work at ;-) "test, test, fail. conclusion - it works" | 12:35 |
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hyphenated | Frogzoo: arping ? | 12:35 |
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Frogzoo | hyphenated: is there a pkg? | 12:36 |
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STiKi- | Hello. | 12:36 |
hyphenated | Frogzoo: in universe, yes | 12:36 |
Frogzoo | hyphenated: installing now, thx | 12:36 |
STiKi- | I | 12:36 |
STiKi- | oops | 12:36 |
fart | how do you disable clicking from the little black mouse thing on a laptop | 12:36 |
Frogzoo | fart: more details please? | 12:37 |
STiKi- | I'd like to change a KDM theme. On kde-look.org it says to change ~/.kde/share/config/kdmrc. There's no such file. When I create it and paste what thay say anything happends. | 12:37 |
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STiKi- | Is there some easy way to change KDM theme? | 12:37 |
fart | frogzoo the thing you glide your fingure arcossed | 12:38 |
fart | its like a mouse | 12:38 |
Frogzoo | fart: and it you get a clicking sound through the speakers when you do that? | 12:38 |
shinu | why when i use esddsp --mmap, the sound is kinda echoing? | 12:39 |
fart | no when i move the pointer on my computer and take my fingar off that little black box it automaticaly clicks on whatever my mouse is over | 12:40 |
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hyphenated | I think he's trying to say his touchpad is too sensitive | 12:41 |
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hyphenated | and causes clicks when it shouldn't and he wants to turn that off | 12:41 |
Frogzoo | fart: please pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:41 |
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robin_ | test | 12:43 |
robin_ | test | 12:43 |
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valehru | Hi guys.. | 12:44 |
valehru | this is prolly a stupid question..but how do I install apt? | 12:44 |
valehru | doesnt seem to be installed.. | 12:45 |
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robin_ | valehur: nearly impossible | 12:45 |
robin_ | it is apt-get | 12:45 |
robin_ | not apt | 12:45 |
valehru | ahh | 12:45 |
whaley | ;-) | 12:46 |
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fart | frogzoo http://pastebin.com/666864 | 12:46 |
Frogzoo | fart: maybe check: system -> preferences -> windows -> window selection ?? | 12:46 |
STiKi- | where's the KDM conf file in ubuntu ? | 12:46 |
chavo | STiKi-, /usr/share//config/kdm | 12:47 |
robin_ | valehru and there are other apt applications, like apt-cache etc.., But I'm sure you can find those too ;) | 12:47 |
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Frogzoo | valehru: there is no 'apt' - only 'apt-get apt-cache & aptitude' | 12:48 |
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STiKi- | chavo: thx. | 12:48 |
chavo | np | 12:48 |
fart | frogzoo tried it and nothing changed heh now my taskbars all messed up | 12:48 |
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Frogzoo | fart: was it set to off? that should be the default/what you want? | 12:49 |
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fart | frogzoo it was unchecked | 12:49 |
jenda | What's a good way to tile images in Ubuntu? I have 8 pngs I'd like to connect into one... | 12:50 |
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tyrchyus | hi | 12:50 |
robin_ | hi | 12:51 |
Frogzoo | fart: also try: system -> preferences -> mouse -> motion -> drag & drop threshold & increase it | 12:51 |
tyrchyus | I don't speak english veruy well but i have a problem with mercury | 12:51 |
fart | frogzoo ive already tried that | 12:51 |
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tyrchyus | I've installed on my ubuntu breezy | 12:52 |
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tyrchyus | but when open don't start | 12:52 |
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Jimmey__ | tyrchyus, what's your native language? | 12:52 |
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tyrchyus | italian, but on ubuntu-it don't ask me | 12:53 |
stamen81 | hi gain:) | 12:53 |
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stamen81 | how can I make a restore from dapper to breezy using the original DVD of Kubuntu | 12:54 |
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stamen81 | how can I make a restore from dapper to breezy using the original DVD of Kubuntu | 12:55 |
redarrow | fart: You might want to try adding this to your "Synaptics Touchpad" config section in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Option "TapButton1" "0" | 12:55 |
LoCusF | ubotu tell stamen81 about repeat | 12:55 |
redarrow | worked on my laptop | 12:55 |
forrest | Is there any to remove packages that are dependencies of packages that have been removed? (Similar to emerge --depclean in gentoo) | 12:55 |
pax | once you go dapper, you don't go back :-) | 12:55 |
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fart | redarrow does it matter what line i put it on? | 12:56 |
stamen81 | pax, are you kidding ? | 12:56 |
pax | yes. | 12:56 |
stamen81 | pax, tell me please how to do thi | 12:56 |
pax | I don't know. | 12:56 |
stamen81 | pax, this | 12:56 |
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stamen81 | :( | 12:56 |
redarrow | fart: just put it after the last option (HorizScrollDelta) | 12:56 |
gyro_54 | I have 2 "device"sections ATI radeon 9550 in 1 and ATI graphics adapter 0 should I get rid of 1? | 12:56 |
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Peanut | can any one | 12:57 |
Laibsch | Does ubuntu officially support Japanese? I am talking about both display *and* input which is a bit more complicated for CJK languages. | 12:57 |
Peanut | #ubuntu+1 | 12:57 |
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redarrow | fart: alst try adding Option "TapButton1" "0" and Option "TapButton2" "0" under that.. | 12:57 |
fart | redarrow stupid question do i need to reboot | 12:58 |
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stamen81 | LoCusF, he told me :) | 12:58 |
redarrow | fart: no.. just restart X ... Ctrl+Alt+Backspace ought to do the trick | 12:58 |
stamen81 | LoCusF, relax :) | 12:59 |
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nopcode_ | does ubuntu have fake-raid-support built-in? | 01:00 |
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nopcode_ | i read about a "feature specification" but dunno if it's in there yet | 01:00 |
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vincenz | Hello | 01:00 |
vincenz | this is rather urgent | 01:00 |
vincenz | How do I get ubuntu to use the output cable instead of lcd panel | 01:01 |
forrest | cat I remove dependencies of packages that have already been removed? | 01:01 |
forrest | Can | 01:01 |
LordBurrito | G'day all. Running Hairy Hedgehog. Wondering why the Synaptic package manager *never* indicates that *any* packages are ever upgraded, even the security-oriented updates? | 01:01 |
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arrick | Mornin everyone | 01:02 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: you using ati vid card? | 01:02 |
LoCusF | lol :) | 01:02 |
martyn | haz any of you tried XGL & compwiz on brezzy yet | 01:02 |
vincenz | Frogzoo: yep | 01:02 |
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vincenz | x300 | 01:02 |
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martyn | have any of you tried XGL & compwiz on brezzy yet | 01:03 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: install fglrx-control & then use the fireglcontrolpanel | 01:03 |
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vincenz | do I need to update my x.org at all? | 01:04 |
plantperson | So has Dapper been officially released? | 01:04 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: nope, should take care of it itself | 01:04 |
vincenz | Frogzoo: thank you | 01:04 |
Frogzoo | plantperson: june 1 | 01:04 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: gl | 01:05 |
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vincenz | fireglcontrol-panel is not installed with fglrx-control | 01:05 |
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meis | hola | 01:05 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: sure it is | 01:05 |
plantperson | Frogzoo: thanks | 01:05 |
vincenz | Frogzoo: fireglcon <TAB> only gives fireglcontrol | 01:05 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: new terminal guy | 01:06 |
fyrestrtr | vincenz: hit tab again | 01:06 |
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vincenz | nope | 01:06 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: well what does fireglcontrol do? | 01:06 |
conmiweb | hi | 01:06 |
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vincenz | http://rafb.net/paste/results/U2dl3h85.html | 01:06 |
vincenz | tha | 01:06 |
vincenz | t | 01:06 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: maybe you're running the ati drivers, not fglrx? | 01:07 |
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vincenz | could be | 01:08 |
vincenz | how do I fix it?/ | 01:09 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: you may need to install the fglrx driver, read the pm from ubotu, it's pretty straightforward | 01:10 |
vincenz | ok | 01:10 |
Frogzoo | !fglrx | 01:10 |
ubotu | from memory, fglrx is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:10 |
vincenz | thx | 01:10 |
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vincenz | got a presentation in less than an hour | 01:11 |
vincenz | and I need to use my laptop (open office presentaiton) | 01:11 |
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arrick | morning Frogzoo | 01:12 |
dj-fu | It's _very_ straight forward, install the driver, restricted modules for your kernel and then change the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:12 |
Frogzoo | arrick: you still here :) | 01:12 |
arrick | yeah | 01:13 |
arrick | I just came bak on | 01:13 |
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arrick | back even | 01:13 |
arrick | how are you today Frogzoo | 01:13 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: well then you need to do this right - there's three commands in that howto and you're done, start from "Ubuntu provided drivers" | 01:14 |
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Ap4ch3 | hello :) | 01:15 |
ompaul | ompaul, | 01:15 |
ompaul | doh! | 01:15 |
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vincenz | It works now thanks | 01:15 |
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vincenz | the only problem is the same problem I used to have | 01:15 |
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vincenz | the version on the big screen is a) offset to the left b) a virtual desktop (you can make it scroll around) | 01:16 |
Ap4ch3 | anyone here had problem mounting a ufs file system under breezy?....i keep getting ' ufs compiled as read only' error. Do I need a kernel module for ufs? | 01:16 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: now run fireglcontrolpanel | 01:16 |
vincenz | not found | 01:16 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: you on breezy? | 01:17 |
vincenz | yep | 01:17 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: sudo apt-get install fglrx-control | 01:17 |
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vincenz | it is installed | 01:18 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: well remove & reinstall | 01:18 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: dpkg --purge fglrx-control | 01:18 |
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vincenz | I don't think it contains that app | 01:19 |
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vincenz | only fireglcontrol | 01:19 |
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vincenz | which still gives the same Xlib error | 01:19 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: please just execute the commands | 01:19 |
Ap4ch3 | [4342782.187000] ufs was compiled with read-only support, can't be mounted as read-write | 01:19 |
Ap4ch3 | wtf? | 01:19 |
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Ap4ch3 | kernel ver: 2.6.12-10-386 #1 | 01:20 |
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vincenz | I did | 01:21 |
BoyDubai | how do i extract .tar.gz file? | 01:21 |
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BoyDubai | i'm always confused with .deb/.tar/.tar.gz files.... | 01:21 |
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dj-fu | .tar/.tar.gz are usually source code, where as debs are precompiled packages | 01:22 |
dj-fu | (binaries) | 01:22 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: dpkg -L fglrx-control | 01:23 |
jenda | BoyDubai: If you're used to windows, think of .deb as an .exe installer (except it's not executable ) and tar/tar.gz/tar.bz2 az .zip files | 01:23 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: now you should see there: /usr/bin/fireglcontrolpanel | 01:23 |
BoyDubai | ok thanks! | 01:23 |
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jenda | BoyDubai: and it's "tar -zxvf /path/of/package" | 01:24 |
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jenda | BoyDubai: and "tar -jxvf /path/of/package" for .tar.bz2 | 01:24 |
Ap4ch3 | i tired doing 'modprobe ufs'...which worked... | 01:25 |
Ap4ch3 | but still get same error...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | 01:25 |
BoyDubai | jenda, how abt tar.gz? what's the difference bet .tar and .tar.gz? | 01:25 |
BoyDubai | i'm confused. | 01:25 |
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Ap4ch3 | why is it so hard to mount a ufs drive in ubuntu?????? | 01:25 |
Frogzoo | BoyDubai: easiest is to rename the file to blah.tgz, & then tar zxf blah.tgz | 01:26 |
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BoyDubai | thanks! | 01:26 |
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vincenz | Frogzoo: I think I know why | 01:26 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: did you read previous post? dpkg -L fglrx-control | 01:27 |
vincenz | Frogzoo: no panel... I think it's just fireglcontrl.... either way I think the issue is in my x.org | 01:27 |
vincenz | yes | 01:27 |
vincenz | sorry was rebooting | 01:27 |
vincenz | but | 01:27 |
jenda | BoyDubai: Think of it as different codecs. Tar is capable of putting many filies into one, gz and bz2 are compression mechanisms, each with its own pros&cons. So .tar will only group files, and tar.gz=tgz will compress them. | 01:27 |
vincenz | I think it has to do with the fact that | 01:27 |
vincenz | my monitor entry says "ViewPort 0 0" | 01:27 |
vincenz | in x.og | 01:27 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: so do you see /usr/bin/fireglcontrolpanel ? | 01:27 |
vincenz | no | 01:27 |
vincenz | and I checked on the web | 01:27 |
vincenz | that package doesn't come with that file | 01:27 |
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bliss1_ | hey | 01:27 |
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jenda | BoyDubai: I think that if you want to compress a huge file, you can make it file.gz, as there is no need for tar to stich it together, unlike when you have multiple files in a directory structure... | 01:28 |
Frogzoo | vincenz: oh, it may be a difference between the repos - this works for me, but I use the seveas repo | 01:28 |
Frogzoo | !seveas | 01:28 |
ubotu | Seveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 01:28 |
BoyDubai | ok | 01:28 |
BoyDubai | thanks! | 01:28 |
jenda | BoyDubai: np... I gotta run. | 01:28 |
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gilianima | Is it possible to have XGL with an Intel 915GM graphic card ? | 01:29 |
mjr | gilianima, if it's supported by DRI, which I think it is, should be | 01:30 |
bliss1_ | if i filder say 940mb I want to use gzip2 to change it to an achieve whats is the command line please | 01:30 |
mjr | gilianima, ie. if you generally have 3d acceleration available | 01:30 |
mjr | gilianima, all features of XGL may not work though, like the accelerated video support | 01:31 |
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Frogzoo | vincenz: add the seveas repo & upgrade your fglrx | 01:31 |
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CaptainMorgan | :-] | 01:31 |
ax9 | ubuntu freezes after i choose the keyboard layout language | 01:31 |
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ax9 | on setup | 01:31 |
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kentis | any postgresql or sql-ledger gurus in here please give me a shout | 01:33 |
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josemi | buenas | 01:33 |
ax9 | ubuntu freezes after i choose the keyboard layout language | 01:34 |
ax9 | on setup | 01:34 |
kentis | (CREATE SEQUENCE id start 10000 | 01:35 |
kentis | ERROR: relation "id" already exists) -> sql-ledger error, i have googled this one to death but come up empty, sql-ledger has little/no documentation | 01:35 |
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Arnia | Hi, having problems installing eclipse via synaptic. I get a slew of dependency errors I cannot resolve | 01:36 |
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Arnia | It seems they may stem from libswt-gtk-3.1-jni being there rather than libswt-3.1-gtk-jni | 01:37 |
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Arnia | Hmm... fixed it, but it required me to manually sort out the dependencies. Maybe something to check | 01:39 |
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Toma- | what paper size is half of A4? | 01:41 |
Frogzoo | Toma-: a5 | 01:41 |
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Toma- | thx Frogzoo | 01:41 |
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kentis | does anyone speak in here? | 01:45 |
kentis | lol | 01:45 |
patrick52222 | elo | 01:45 |
kentis | has anyone here implemented sql-ledger? | 01:45 |
kentis | howdy patrick | 01:45 |
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patrick52222 | sorry i cant help with sql as i dont know nout about it | 01:45 |
Arafangion | kentis: The fact that the term exists implies that someone has implemented it. | 01:45 |
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kentis | anyone _here_ arafangion | 01:46 |
Kolan | anyone with experience in using MegaRaid 105-4 controller with Ubuntu? | 01:46 |
bliss1_ | patrick52222: got it today thanks a bunch | 01:46 |
patrick52222 | blissl_: im glad you it | 01:47 |
kentis | kolan is that an intel raid controller? | 01:47 |
Kolan | kentis: no | 01:47 |
MetaMorfoziS | can i convert anyway .mds and .mdf (Alcohol 120%'s cd image) to .bin or any usable format? | 01:47 |
Kolan | LSI | 01:47 |
MetaMorfoziS | lsi? | 01:48 |
Peregrine | ! | 01:48 |
MetaMorfoziS | i check | 01:48 |
ubotu | Peregrine: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:48 |
bliss1_ | patrick52222: may use it if I really need to | 01:48 |
Peregrine | lol, oops | 01:48 |
MetaMorfoziS | !lsi | 01:48 |
MetaMorfoziS | :) | 01:48 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MetaMorfoziS | 01:48 |
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B0FH | !sources | 01:49 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 01:49 |
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Kolan | the problem is that It installs fine, but seems slow | 01:49 |
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darx | hi guys | 01:50 |
Kolan | when I do a hdparm -Tt I only get about 1MB/s in buffered read | 01:50 |
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darx | i've a networking problem | 01:50 |
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darx | need help | 01:50 |
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MetaMorfoziS | Kolan: you spoken to me "LSI"? | 01:51 |
darx | is anyone listening? | 01:51 |
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MetaMorfoziS | darx: we are only seeing:) | 01:51 |
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darx | very funny | 01:52 |
darx | ha ha ha | 01:52 |
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MetaMorfoziS | what you need? | 01:52 |
Kolan | MetaMorfoziS: LSI Logic SATA MegaRaid 150-4 is the name of the controller | 01:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | ok Kolan so not.:) | 01:52 |
robin_ | sry, again test | 01:52 |
robin_ | trying out, some new app ;) | 01:52 |
darx | networking | 01:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | And anybody knew about anything a program that can convert mdf to iso or sg? | 01:52 |
darx | sorry for my crappy english | 01:53 |
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agliv5 | Greetings all :) Unfortunately, I'm having problems burning a DVD, installing / running Licq & installing / running avinfo... don't suppose anyone could offer some advice? | 01:53 |
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bliss1_ | if you want to compress a directory with bzip2 is it bzip2 -z name of directory? | 01:54 |
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patrick52222 | where do i get a SFTP from | 01:54 |
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Cyorxamp | Lo, Anyone know of a good 'programming' editor - I'm after something thats both win&linux (but not written in java) and can provide syntax lookup, colour coding and other bits for all the major languages... any suggestions are welcome :P | 01:55 |
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gilianima | is there a bash command that converts html entities like 阿 into real characters (which is a chinese character in this case) ? | 01:55 |
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spikeb | hmm | 01:56 |
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Doat | Hi! I'm about to switch from Windows to Ubuntu but I need to resize my Windows partition to make free space for Ubuntu. What would be a safe and easy to use program to do this? | 01:56 |
ubuntu | partionmagick | 01:57 |
ubuntu | sorry magickpartition | 01:57 |
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Doat | Thanks! I'll google for it | 01:57 |
agliv5 | Is it just me, or are there more questions being asked than answered? | 01:57 |
m_0_r_0_n | Hi, is it possible to disable the sound of the login window? | 01:57 |
spikeb | yes | 01:58 |
ubuntu_ | how do i compile and install modem driver to ubuntu? | 01:58 |
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patrick52222 | ok is it possible to upload files to my webserver from a work comp? | 01:58 |
spikeb | m_0_r_0_n, yes. system menu, administration, login screen setup, security tab | 01:58 |
Doat | Cyorxamp: i can't pm you because i'm not registered | 01:58 |
Cyorxamp | ah lol | 01:59 |
Cyorxamp | is it a yes tho? | 01:59 |
Doat | i have the program already but it doesn't seem to work | 01:59 |
Doat | i think i need to reinstall it | 01:59 |
ubuntu | ubuntu_ dependes on the drivers, file type, | 01:59 |
ubuntu | but it's always man tar | 01:59 |
agliv5 | Ok, let me try one problem at a time.... Anyone know about geting Licq to work? | 01:59 |
Cyorxamp | ah ok - your easiest way is to just use the boot disk Doat | 02:00 |
osfans | gilianima, to see the difference of "&" and "&" | 02:00 |
patrick52222 | do i need a ftp server setup | 02:00 |
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Cyorxamp | forget about installing it - I never do | 02:00 |
forrest | Can | 02:00 |
forrest | Can I remove dependencies of packages that have already been removed? | 02:00 |
gilianima | osfans: what do you mean ? | 02:00 |
Doat | Cyorxamp: ok. so i must burn it on a cd and boot from it? | 02:00 |
spikeb | m_0_r_0_n, oops, it's the accessability tab, not the security tab | 02:00 |
osfans | to display the character &, the html language is "&" | 02:01 |
Cyorxamp | Doat - no, I think when you install it, before it begins it asks you if you want to make an emergancy boot disk (floppy) | 02:01 |
osfans | are you chinese, too? hehe. | 02:01 |
patrick52222 | Is it possible to upload files to my webserver from a work comp? if so wat do i need | 02:01 |
Doat | i don't have a floppy drive :) | 02:01 |
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m_0_r_0_n | m_0_r_0_n, thanks, and how do I disable the sound when the system componenst are beeing loaded? | 02:01 |
bliss1_ | patrick52222: gftp | 02:02 |
patrick52222 | when i mean work i mean a comp not connected to my network | 02:02 |
DeBert | I'm looking for applications with Gtalk's jingle support. Are there any? | 02:02 |
spikeb | DeBert, tapioca | 02:02 |
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Cyorxamp | Doat - then I guess installing is your only option | 02:02 |
carl | Hey guys, I need a hand. How do I set proxy for console... as in I want all connections to go through the proxy... | 02:02 |
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Cyorxamp | Doat - that or GParted (like PQMagic) which can be booted from a cd | 02:02 |
DeBert | spikeb, are there any ubuntu packages in the repositories? | 02:02 |
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spikeb | m_0_r_0_n, preferences, sound, sound events tab, scroll way down until you see log in | 02:03 |
KheOps | hello :) | 02:03 |
Sulle- | hi | 02:03 |
bliss1_ | patrick52222: it you do not have it apt-get install gftp | 02:03 |
KheOps | could someone tell me how I can clone an Ubuntu installation onto another computer ? | 02:03 |
spikeb | DeBert, nope | 02:03 |
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Doat | well, i've used PartitionMagic before so i guess i'll just do with it. | 02:03 |
flithm | hey everyone... installing ubunutu for the first time here. Just curious, the installer didn't have any options for my wireless NIC. What's the normal way of configuring a wireless card in ubuntu? | 02:03 |
carl | anyone? | 02:03 |
_jason | ubuntu: tell flithm about wireless | 02:03 |
DeBert | spikeb, thx, i'll look if i compile it from source, although i have no idea how lol | 02:04 |
patrick52222 | blissl_: but i dont need to set my webserver to have a ftp server bit | 02:04 |
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flithm | _jason, is ubuntu a bot? he hasn't told me anything yet :) | 02:04 |
spikeb | DeBert, heh me either | 02:04 |
kentis | Doat: warning -> I have had PartitionMagic eat my hard drive trying to resize partitions | 02:04 |
_jason | flithm: ah I just woke up, thanks :) | 02:04 |
kentis | so make a backup with ghost or something | 02:05 |
_jason | ubotu: tell flithm about wireless | 02:05 |
flithm | _jason, thanks! | 02:05 |
spikeb | DeBert, http://tapioca-voip.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Tapioca is the website | 02:05 |
tdillman | howdy all | 02:05 |
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bliss1_ | patrick52222: i bo use ftp but i assume you would need that I use ssh just for remote connection but gftp is the allpication | 02:05 |
KheOps | what software shoud I use to clone an Ubuntu installation ? | 02:05 |
DeBert | spikeb, thx | 02:05 |
bliss1_ | i do not use ftp | 02:05 |
spikeb | DeBert, there are breezy packages at the site, i just saw that. | 02:05 |
agliv5 | Ok, that didn't work out too well how about: Anyone know what to do when k3b frezees every time I try to burn a DVD | 02:06 |
DeBert | spikeb, to bad i use dapper...damn :) | 02:06 |
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spikeb | DeBert, check and see if it's in dapper | 02:06 |
spikeb | DeBert, might be... | 02:06 |
Cyorxamp | if you need another copy Doat (incase yours is duff) - http://www.uauanet.com.br/download/fo-pm8.exe | 02:06 |
Doat | kentis: ghost? | 02:06 |
sfar | Hm, is there any good videoplayer-plugin to (the best browser) opera? :) | 02:06 |
tdillman | agliv5: have you tried freezing other programs, like gnomebaker? | 02:07 |
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Doat | Larger partition support - Support for partition sizes up to 160GB <- my partition is 190GB >.< | 02:07 |
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DeBert | spikeb, nope, it's not in dapper repos | 02:07 |
spikeb | bah | 02:07 |
spikeb | DeBert, well they have instructions on how to compile it | 02:08 |
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spikeb | DeBert, i also hear that kopete supports gtalk's voice now, but i have no idea what version | 02:08 |
DeBert | spikeb, yeah i'll look into it, it's also a GTK app, which is nice | 02:08 |
agliv5 | @tdill I've tried gnomebaker; however you can't verify the data after it's burnt and it doesn't support multisession... | 02:09 |
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Doat | nah. i'll try that GParted | 02:09 |
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Cyorxamp | did u get my link Doat ? | 02:10 |
kingruedi | hi, I heard that HP has as special Ubuntu release for its laptops. Has anybody a link where to find it? | 02:10 |
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carl | I need to set a proxy for apt-get but I have no clue how...? | 02:10 |
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ubuntu | carl apt-cache search proxy | 02:11 |
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Doat | Cyorxamp: for gparted? no but i already found it | 02:11 |
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_jason | !apt_proxy | 02:11 |
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ubotu | apt_proxy is, like, for Apt via a http proxy, make a file called apt.conf in /etc/apt and put this in it... Acquire::http::Proxy "http://PROXYADDRESS:PORT"; | 02:11 |
Cyorxamp | no! Doat - http://www.uauanet.com.br/download/fo-pm8.exe | 02:11 |
juanca | hi everyone, where can I find a repository with libsexy for breezy? | 02:11 |
agliv5 | Anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the bit rate of an avi? | 02:11 |
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spikeb | gparted is better than partition maggot | 02:11 |
Cyorxamp | Doat: thats another copy of what you have now | 02:11 |
Cyorxamp | incase your copy is broke | 02:11 |
ubuntu | !info libsexy | 02:11 |
Doat | yep. but i changed my mind. i'm going to use gparted | 02:12 |
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_jason | agliv5: mpalyer -identify file.avi | 02:12 |
juanca | !info libsexy | 02:12 |
_jason | agliv5: s/mpalyer/mplayer | 02:12 |
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ubuntu | juanca no such libsexy try searching for it on the ubuntu website | 02:13 |
spikeb | www.chipx86.com/wiki/Libsexy | 02:13 |
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Cyorxamp | A win&lin text editor (programming) supporting autocomplete, syntax colouring, and anything else nice, all major languages... any ideas? | 02:14 |
adie | an ide? eclipse? | 02:15 |
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spikeb | yes. use the best text editor on each platform instead of looking for a cross platform solution. | 02:15 |
agliv5 | @_jason I can't get mplayer to install, all kinds of dependency conflikts... | 02:15 |
spikeb | :P | 02:15 |
_jason | agliv5: do you want to fix that? | 02:15 |
ubuntu | !tell agliv5 about mplayer | 02:15 |
spikeb | and autocomplete is an IDE function, not an editor function | 02:15 |
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Xenguy | Cyorxamp: vim ? | 02:15 |
spikeb | vim would be it, but it doesn't have autocomplete. | 02:16 |
Cyorxamp | lol not vim! | 02:16 |
Cyorxamp | I CANT STAND VIM! | 02:16 |
spikeb | EMACS! | 02:16 |
Cyorxamp | Move graphical would be nice :P | 02:16 |
Cyorxamp | OR EMACS! | 02:16 |
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adie | Cyorxamp: :o | 02:16 |
spikeb | hahaha | 02:16 |
=== adie flys the vi flag! | ||
spikeb | i can't really think of one that's cross platform, myself | 02:16 |
gnomefreak | Cyorxamp: install vim-gui-common if you want graphical vim | 02:16 |
agliv5 | I would greatly appricate if anyone could help me get mplayer running :) | 02:16 |
Cyorxamp | gnomefreak - yeah you lost the idea of the win element here | 02:16 |
=== Cyorxamp edits his question | ||
ubuntu | agliv5 read the link that ubotu pasted you, | 02:17 |
Cyorxamp | A win&lin text editor (programming) supporting autocomplete, syntax colouring, and anything else nice, all major languages... any ideas? (please, not vim or emacs) | 02:17 |
spikeb | vim has a gui for windows too i think | 02:17 |
spikeb | anyway im checking something out | 02:17 |
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gnomefreak | spikeb: it does | 02:17 |
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agliv5 | Ok, I'll try it out and report back if I have problems ;) | 02:17 |
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haydenh | how can i make a new user with a password with one command? | 02:18 |
spikeb | nope, my idea is fail | 02:18 |
adie | Cyorxamp: you're really limiting your options, you need somehting horrible and heavy weight like eclipse... ti does what you want... tho something lightweight and native is always nicer. | 02:18 |
spikeb | i know that's not english, im going to bed | 02:18 |
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gnomefreak | Cyorxamp: there are not that many free ones that do all that for win i have blood-something cant think of name off hand but its about the closest you will get i think its also named something with dev in it | 02:19 |
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gnomefreak | eclipse will all/most plugins would be another good one | 02:20 |
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lflashl | hi there im just a fresh N00b, how to i mount my fat32 drive and give user access to me on it | 02:20 |
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patrick52222 | How do i install a FTP Server and get it configured to let me in from off the network | 02:20 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell lflashl about fat32 | 02:20 |
tkjacobsen | mount -t vfat /dev/hda# /mount/point | 02:21 |
ubuntu | !tell patrick5222 about ftp | 02:21 |
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lflashl | thanks | 02:21 |
patrick52222 | !ftp | 02:21 |
ubotu | FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: vsftpd, proftpd | 02:21 |
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tkjacobsen | # is the number of the vfat partition | 02:21 |
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tkjacobsen | remember to use sudo | 02:22 |
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gnomefreak | yw | 02:22 |
patrick52222 | right im using proftpd, how do iset it up | 02:22 |
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haydenh | is it possible to add a new user + password in only one command? | 02:22 |
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Cyorxamp | Hi I need a win&lin programming code editor supporting syntax colouring for major languages, and any other simple aids would be nice too (not vim, emacs, anything that deals with the web, stuff that makes guis please)... any ideas? | 02:24 |
Cyorxamp | oh and anything made using JAVA! | 02:24 |
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simon | haydenh: useradd or adduser, I'm not sure which since I'm not on ubuntu now | 02:24 |
hyphenated | haydenh: why would you want to specify a password on the command-line? | 02:25 |
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gnomefreak | Cyorxamp: eclipse and what do you mean uses internet? | 02:25 |
Cyorxamp | ah in shit that deals with html or making webpages | 02:25 |
fyrestrtr | Cyorxamp: Cream | 02:25 |
gnomefreak | fyrestrtr: dont think cream is ported for windows | 02:26 |
haydenh | hyphenated: it wouldn't be in a 'command-line', i will be using it in a php script | 02:26 |
Cyorxamp | you know fyrestrtr - a good search for cream isn't so helpful | 02:26 |
fyrestrtr | yeah it is, because I've used it there. | 02:26 |
adie | haydenh: I used to do that with a hacked passwd prog and a script/ | 02:26 |
fyrestrtr | Cyorxamp: cream.sf.net | 02:26 |
fyrestrtr | Cyorxamp: what is your problem with Java? | 02:26 |
hyphenated | haydenh: ok. sounds like a really good way to get your box hacked to bits ;-) | 02:26 |
Cyorxamp | things running on the java vm tend to run slower | 02:26 |
simon | haydenh: from useradd man-page: -p, --password PASSWORD | 02:26 |
Cyorxamp | I just don't want it while I am programming | 02:27 |
fyrestrtr | haydenh: err, no, no and again, no. | 02:27 |
simon | haydenh: and I agree with hyphenated | 02:27 |
fyrestrtr | Cyorxamp: ermm maybe you need to re-visit some java applications. | 02:27 |
fyrestrtr | Cyorxamp: I don't have any problems with java applications running slow. | 02:27 |
Cyorxamp | thats nice for you | 02:27 |
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lflashl | nice and how to i get mplayer with apt-get | 02:28 |
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gnomefreak | Cyorxamp: since our answers are not what you want try google or #windows maybe they use something that will help you in windows | 02:28 |
fyrestrtr | and I wish you luck if you are trying to find a windows+linux editor ... and one not written in java :) | 02:28 |
gnomefreak | ubptu tell lflashl about mplayer | 02:28 |
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fyrestrtr | !tell lflashl about mplayer | 02:28 |
gnomefreak | lol ty | 02:29 |
fyrestrtr | :) | 02:29 |
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fyrestrtr | Cyorxamp: I found one for you. | 02:29 |
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Bubb | When i try my newly built kernel i end up in something called busybox? It complains about my harddrive, but original kernel works. The configfile was taken from the original one.. | 02:29 |
fyrestrtr | Bubb: busybox is a wm. | 02:30 |
fyrestrtr | Bubb: what did you want to end up in? | 02:30 |
selinium | Cyorxamp, Take a look at http://www.nvu.com/ | 02:30 |
gnomefreak | very very slime one too | 02:30 |
gnomefreak | selinium: i thought he didnt want html | 02:30 |
hyphenated | slime? :-) | 02:30 |
Bubb | fyrestrtr, I end up in busybox during boot, the kernel don?t even start loading modules | 02:30 |
Cyorxamp | ffs - enough crap - actually read what I put... | 02:30 |
Cyorxamp | Lo, I need a Win+Lin code editor supporting syntax colouring for many programming languages, other simple aids would be good too (not vim, emacs, guis makers, things than run on the java vm) any ideas? | 02:30 |
void^ | busybox is a tiny shell, don't confuse it witgh fluxbox/openbox/blackbox | 02:30 |
fyrestrtr | selinium: he wants something that has nothing to do with web. | 02:31 |
Bubb | I followed this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto | 02:31 |
fyrestrtr | void^: yeah :) I am confused myself. | 02:31 |
gnomefreak | Cyorxamp: please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:31 |
selinium | That's not how I read it.... :) Blind I must be! | 02:31 |
patrick52222 | has any installed vsftpd | 02:31 |
Toma- | Anyone know or have a GPL font that looks nice at 180pixels and is formal running-writing? :/ | 02:31 |
fyrestrtr | patrick52222: one of them as a gui control center, but I forgot which one. Synaptic or apt-cache can help you find which one. | 02:31 |
fyrestrtr | Toma-: 'running-writing' ??? | 02:32 |
Toma- | ummm, flowing writing? | 02:32 |
hyphenated | fyrestrtr: script | 02:32 |
Bubb | void^, Do you know what might be wrong? Im not a noob, been using *nix for several years. | 02:32 |
fyrestrtr | you mean cursive? script? | 02:32 |
Toma- | lots of squiggles :D | 02:32 |
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fyrestrtr | Toma-: I think X comes with one, but 'looks nice' is kinda subjective. | 02:32 |
fyrestrtr | example : I think my handwriting looks nice. | 02:33 |
void^ | Bubb: wrong root= on kernel command line, wrong modules in initrd, perhaps no initrd needed at all.. | 02:33 |
Toma- | fyrestrtr: well, most get pixelated at 180 px | 02:33 |
SirKillalot | how can I make firefox display normal C files and not download them? | 02:33 |
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Bubb | void^, Well the make-kpkg made an initrd for me and the root parameter is correct. | 02:33 |
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fyrestrtr | Toma-: you might need to AA them -- and try to find one that's sans-serif (without the edges). What are you trying to do? graphics work? | 02:33 |
void^ | Bubb: i have no experience with automated kernel/initrd build tools :/ | 02:34 |
Bubb | It is exactly like the original kernel in grub (menu.lst) | 02:34 |
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fyrestrtr | SirKillalot: assign an editor to them in gnome. | 02:34 |
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SirKillalot | fyrestrtr, no I wan it to open in firefox | 02:34 |
fyrestrtr | Bubb: that is just a bootloader line, if your kernel isn't compiled with the right modules, etc. it won't work. | 02:34 |
Bubb | void^, Me neither :) I never liked them.. I guess i try the "real" way :) | 02:34 |
fyrestrtr | SirKillalot: edit the firefox mime type listing from preferences. | 02:34 |
_jason | SirKillalot: the server has to send the content as a plain text file | 02:34 |
Bubb | fyrestrtr, The kernel is based on the orignal ubuntu kernel.... | 02:34 |
Toma- | fyrestrtr: yeh, writing up a poem from a eulogy and need a nice font. Under Gimp i have Chancery at 190px with AA and still looks terrible | 02:34 |
patrick52222 | can some help me setup Vsftpd, please it installed but i just have to set it up | 02:35 |
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fyrestrtr | patrick52222: read the documentation, or look it up on the web. Its not that difficult. Just a file to edit. | 02:35 |
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hyphenated | Toma-: why so large? | 02:36 |
patrick52222 | Fyrestrtr: is says i have to edit this vi /usr/local/etc/vsftpd.conf but when i put that my terminal goes blank with aload of these | 02:37 |
hyphenated | patrick52222: what says to edit that? | 02:37 |
Toma- | hyphenated: going to get it printed up. so im working with big resolutions | 02:37 |
=== whyami [n=john@ip68-102-185-15.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hyphenated | patrick52222: the instructions are probably oriented around where files exist if you build from source | 02:37 |
patrick52222 | http://www.vsftpd.org/package/ | 02:37 |
whyami | is there any way to stop Serpentine from opening every time I stick in a blank dvd? | 02:38 |
hyphenated | patrick52222: if you installed the vsftpd package that ubuntu provides, it'll be in /etc/vsftpd.conf | 02:38 |
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slackern | I just managed to install with a 5.04 disc, all should be ok if i just do a dist-upgrade to breezy after changing sources.lists i take it? | 02:39 |
hyphenated | slackern: yes | 02:39 |
ompaul | Cyorxamp, Language - you know the drill - keep it polite | 02:39 |
whyami | I thought 5.04 was breezy. | 02:39 |
slackern | ahh good, darn almost same colors on those discs so i mixed up the old with the new one *ashamed* | 02:39 |
_jason | ubotu: tell slackern about upgrade | 02:39 |
slackern | . | 02:39 |
_jason | whyami: nope, breezy is 5.10 | 02:39 |
whyami | oh yeah. sorry | 02:39 |
] Matic[ | hi guys. i need help to make my ati radeon x600 to work properly here | 02:39 |
slackern | 5.04 is hoart | 02:39 |
slackern | hoary | 02:40 |
ompaul | !tell ] Matic[ about ati | 02:40 |
ompaul | ] Matic[, please read the message from the bot thanks | 02:40 |
selinium | Cyorxamp, You have a funny way of asking for assistance. | 02:40 |
carl | Hmm... the proxy should go in /etc/apt/config.d it seems... but I don't have such a file. | 02:40 |
] Matic[ | thank you | 02:40 |
Cyorxamp | and you have a funny way of giving it | 02:40 |
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_jason | ubotu: tell Cyorxamp about attitude | 02:41 |
Cyorxamp | SHUT THE FUCK UP! | 02:41 |
ompaul | tut tut | 02:41 |
Cyorxamp | This was over 10 minutes ago | 02:41 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
Cyorxamp | WAKE UP! | 02:41 |
=== Cyorxamp was kicked off #ubuntu by ompaul (ompaul) | ||
=== Cyorxamp [n=Cyorxamp@82-47-215-138.stb.ubr11.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cyorxamp | Do something ELSE | 02:41 |
ompaul | Oi chill | 02:41 |
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Cyorxamp | If you spend more time HELPING not TROLLING maybe this would not be the situation | 02:42 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@*.stb.ubr11.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] by ompaul | ||
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hyphenated | hmm, that's the first time I've seen a ban in here :-) | 02:42 |
Toma- | ive seen too many | 02:43 |
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hyphenated | I must miss out on most of the more interesting characters that come along :-) | 02:43 |
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ompaul | jsgotangco, morning | 02:44 |
gnomefreak | gm ompaul | 02:45 |
lgc | Hello: can anyone help me with a hoary->Breezy update problem? | 02:45 |
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ompaul | gnomefreak, morning | 02:45 |
_jason | lgc: what problem are you having? | 02:45 |
slackern | Im doing one of those right now too lgc. | 02:45 |
hyphenated | lgc: sure, if you describe the problem ;-) | 02:45 |
gnomefreak | lgc: tell us a lil about the problem and we will see | 02:45 |
jsgotangco | ompaul, hi! | 02:45 |
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hyphenated | slackern: I did a hoary -> breezy update a couple of months ago, and didn't have a single hiccup. just FYI | 02:46 |
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lgc | _jason, thanks. I see you work day and night! The problem is that I get an error: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/passwd_1%3a4.0.3-37ubuntu8_i386.deb (--unpack): | 02:46 |
lgc | cannot access archive: No such file or directory | 02:46 |
lgc | Errors were encountered while processing: | 02:46 |
lgc | /var/cache/apt/archives/passwd_1%3a4.0.3-37ubuntu8_i386.deb | 02:46 |
lgc | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 02:46 |
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ompaul | lgc, can you use paste.ubuntu-nl.org in future when you ahve a large amount of data (more than two lines) | 02:46 |
gnomefreak | lgc: please dont paste in here please use pastebin | 02:46 |
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=== gnomefreak brb while i think about something | ||
hyphenated | lgc: put your sources.list in a pastebin too, please :-) | 02:47 |
lgc | ompaul, gnomefreak what is that? How can I use it? | 02:47 |
] Matic[ | how can i see in which installed packet a local file is part of ? | 02:48 |
ompaul | lgc, it is a web site you paste into it | 02:48 |
hyphenated | lgc: load up http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org in a web browser | 02:48 |
lflashl | not to be mean but that site did not help me at all | 02:48 |
_jason | ] Matic[: dpkg -S file | 02:48 |
lflashl | i just want to use apt-get for mplayer | 02:49 |
] Matic[ | tnx | 02:49 |
_jason | lflashl: have you enabled multiverse? | 02:49 |
lflashl | um it told me about it but not how to run it | 02:49 |
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gnomefreak | lflashl: sudo apt-get install mplayer-arch arch being whatever arch you use (i386 ect.) | 02:50 |
_jason | lflashl: therse should be a link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 02:50 |
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gnomefreak | it tells you on the mplayer site i sent you how to install it lflashl | 02:50 |
] Matic[ | and if i lose a file (accidentally deleted) of packet XXX how can i recover it ? | 02:50 |
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lflashl | so k7(AMD 2200+) would be i386 | 02:50 |
_jason | ] Matic[: reinstall the package maybe? | 02:50 |
gnomefreak | lflashl: i dont think so | 02:51 |
] Matic[ | yes. how ? | 02:51 |
gnomefreak | lflashl: what does uname -r say | 02:51 |
_jason | ] Matic[: sudo aptitude reinstall packagename | 02:51 |
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lgc | hyphenated, ompaul gnomefreak , it's there! | 02:51 |
conmiweb | hi what dows mean "flickering"? | 02:51 |
] Matic[ | sorry, i never used an apt-based system :) | 02:51 |
] Matic[ | tnx | 02:51 |
gnomefreak | accidently deleted it to trash or off pc totally | 02:51 |
gnomefreak | lgc: can we have the link after you hot send? | 02:52 |
] Matic[ | i rename it and i really cannot recover ! | 02:52 |
gnomefreak | s/hot/hit | 02:52 |
] Matic[ | i did "mv libGLcore.a ~" to move it in my home | 02:52 |
] Matic[ | but it created a file called "~" in the same directory | 02:52 |
] Matic[ | any attempt to rename it again failed | 02:52 |
lgc | gnomefreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12500 | 02:52 |
gnomefreak | ] Matic[: ~/ | 02:52 |
] Matic[ | i didn't care | 02:52 |
gnomefreak | ^^^ would be home | 02:53 |
void^ | mv \~ bla | 02:53 |
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] Matic[ | now i know | 02:53 |
] Matic[ | but i really cannot move that file anymore !:) | 02:53 |
_jason | ] Matic[: what void^ said should work | 02:53 |
lgc | gnomefreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12498 | 02:53 |
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gnomefreak | ] Matic[: next time i would use cp its safer ;) | 02:53 |
] Matic[ | naah.. i know what i do | 02:54 |
slackern | have you tried going to your homefolder and doing mv ./~ newfilename | 02:54 |
gnomefreak | lgc: uncomment the last 2 lines than run sudo apt-get update let me know of any errors | 02:54 |
Laibsch | Does ubuntu officially support Japanese? I am talking about both display *and* input which is a bit more complicated for CJK languages. | 02:54 |
Al-Daja | bbl | 02:54 |
menisk | hey ppl... Just a query how do u think ubuntu will run on a 1.2ghz processor...fine? | 02:54 |
lonewolff | yeah will run fine | 02:54 |
gnomefreak | menisk: it better im running it on a 450mhz | 02:54 |
_jason | menisk: fine, depends more on ram | 02:54 |
void^ | menisk: depends on the memory, as always | 02:54 |
] Matic[ | the file was not moved in my home | 02:55 |
] Matic[ | it remained there.. | 02:55 |
menisk | cool how will it run on a 166mhz with 128mb ram? | 02:55 |
gnomefreak | menisk: not so hot but should run | 02:55 |
] Matic[ | with \uffff~ name | 02:55 |
void^ | menisk: use plain debian with fluxbox or xfce | 02:56 |
lgc | gnomefreak, you mean uncommenting the last 2 lines of "sources.list" and then rerun? | 02:56 |
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gnomefreak | menisk: server install should run fine on that | 02:56 |
gnomefreak | lgc: yes | 02:56 |
] Matic[ | btw, this is not the problem | 02:56 |
lgc | gnomefreak, let me do that... | 02:56 |
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menisk | so will it run better than 98 or is 98 more suited to a bloody solow machinre | 02:57 |
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gnomefreak | lgc: wait | 02:57 |
_jason | menisk: it will probably run fine with fluxbox or something like that | 02:57 |
gnomefreak | lgc: while your in there take the mx. away from the security repos please | 02:57 |
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PuMpErNiCkEl | menisk: You may find a lighter-weight distro will perform as well/better than 98. I recommend Xubuntu. | 02:58 |
techtium | pouvez vous me filer le chan pour dapper svp ? | 02:58 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | !fr | 02:58 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 02:58 |
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menisk | Tu parle anglais? | 02:58 |
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techtium | allo | 02:58 |
Sulle- | hi | 02:59 |
techtium | svp pour avoir de l'aide sur dapper c'est o ? | 02:59 |
lgc | mj | 02:59 |
gnomefreak | techtium: join #ubuntu-fr please | 02:59 |
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menisk | OUI? | 02:59 |
ompaul | !fr | 03:00 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 03:00 |
Dutchy | Im terribly bored and I was wondering if you'd know any 'fun' programs I want to install on my fresh ubuntu? :) | 03:00 |
gnomefreak | define fun | 03:00 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | Dutchy: Try BZflag :) | 03:00 |
lgc | gnomefreak, lots of errors! | 03:01 |
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gnomefreak | lgc: please paste them on pastebin | 03:01 |
Dutchy | fun, as in '1337' or fun as in 'better than the default' or w/e... and whats BZflag :) | 03:01 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | Dutchy: www.bzflag.org explains it better than I could | 03:02 |
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Dutchy | *click* | 03:02 |
lgc | gnomefreak, I take that back. I did something stupid...it's fine now so far. | 03:02 |
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lgc | gnomefreak, I did "apt-get -d dist-upgrade" last night so I don't have to download anything. Should I proceed online or offline? | 03:04 |
gnomefreak | lgc: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:04 |
Dutchy | wasnt exactly looking for a game but BZFlag sounds fun anyway :) | 03:04 |
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lgc | gnomefreak, yes, but online or offline? | 03:04 |
gnomefreak | online | 03:05 |
lgc | gnomefreak, or it doesn't matter... | 03:05 |
gnomefreak | lgc: online | 03:05 |
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slackern | Ahh that did it, running fine with breezy now, just had to do the "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to get X to show up properly again on this ATi card just as the howto said, thanks for the help. | 03:05 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | Dutchy: Careful, it can be addictive. :) | 03:05 |
maher | does the live cd come with sshd? | 03:05 |
Dutchy | FFS i just quit WoW, i dont need anything addictive | 03:06 |
flithm | hey everyone... I'm trying to install a wireless NIC driver and the driver requires that /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build have a Makefile in it that rebuilds modules. I found a tutorial about getting breezy badger to work with this particular driver, but I don't have a /lib/modules/.../build dir. Do I have to apt-get something... did I miss a step? Anyone know what I've done wrong? | 03:06 |
PuMpErNiCkEl | Dutchy: It's not quite that addictive. It's more like solitaire than anything, that way... just drop in on a game in any spare tiem you have. | 03:06 |
lgc | gnomefreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12501 | 03:07 |
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Dutchy | ok ill try it then :) | 03:07 |
agliv5 | I'm trying to install mplayer and I followed the instructions in the wiki, but I can't find the .mplayer directory to edit the config file... :( ? | 03:07 |
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Dutchy | i just quit wow, because school and 6 hours of WoW didnt go together very well | 03:07 |
Kolan | anyone with experience in using MegaRaid 105-4 controller with Ubuntu? | 03:08 |
gnomefreak | lgc: sudo apt-get -f install <<<just like that no packages or nothing | 03:08 |
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gnomefreak | brb | 03:09 |
serge | How can I see the current version of gnome? | 03:10 |
slackern | System -> About gnome | 03:10 |
serge | Ta | 03:10 |
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KenSentMe | agliv5: directories that begin with a . , like .mplayer are standard not visible. When you make them visible in the view-menu you can see and enter then | 03:10 |
bina | if you have DVI and normal monitor output (not sure what thats called) on your GFX Card, is it possible to have two monitors plugged in hand use them as two desktops? | 03:11 |
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bina | using the Ubuntu radeon drivers | 03:11 |
lgc | gnomefreak, this one is all over the place: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12503 | 03:12 |
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agliv5 | @KenSentMe I can see all the other . Directories... and in the terminal under root it says that the directory doesn't exist | 03:12 |
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gnomefreak | lgc: you didnt read the docs on how to upgrade did you? | 03:13 |
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gnomefreak | lgc: your missing something you need from hoary | 03:13 |
lgc | gnomefreak, I only know what good-intentioned people like you have told me... | 03:14 |
agliv5 | Anyone else want to try and help me out installing mplayer? | 03:14 |
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bolrod | ./configure | 03:14 |
bolrod | make | 03:14 |
bolrod | make install | 03:14 |
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bolrod | or checkinstall | 03:14 |
guillem101 | How can I add a new file type (is that called mime-type?) | 03:14 |
guillem101 | s/add/declare | 03:14 |
gnomefreak | lgc: change you repos back to hoary and run apt-get update (we are gonna try to fix this may not beable to) | 03:14 |
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jauheliha | okay my ubuntu install is giving me errors and i cant boot windows anymore (its Doat) | 03:14 |
agliv5 | @bolrod who are you talking to? | 03:15 |
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bolrod | if you want everything of mplayer to work | 03:15 |
bolrod | I suggest reading the manual on mplayer site and compile it from source | 03:15 |
gnomefreak | !mplayer | 03:15 |
ubotu | somebody said mplayer was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 03:15 |
lgc | gnomefreak, the install "finished" without further errors... | 03:15 |
gnomefreak | lgc: what install? the sudo apt-get -f install? | 03:16 |
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lgc | gnomefreak, indeed. | 03:16 |
Dutchy | oooh btw whats the linux equivalent to windows alt-tab? | 03:17 |
gnomefreak | lgc: now run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade see if it pulls anything else in | 03:17 |
carlos_ | hi, i need config my samba, how i can. | 03:17 |
agliv5 | It's great that you send me the wiki link on how to install, but I followed that guide and it apparently didn't work as it should have... | 03:17 |
gnomefreak | Dutchy: alt-tab | 03:17 |
Dutchy | didnt work for me... at least not when i was in bzflag | 03:17 |
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lgc | gnomefreak, don't you tell me it's going to try and download everything again? | 03:18 |
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gnomefreak | bzflag i dont know what it is nor what it does but the alt+tab keys switches the apps or pages im looking at | 03:18 |
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gnomefreak | lgc: yes it is going to install anything it needs to finish if nothing than tahts better | 03:18 |
Dutchy | does it normally work for fullscreen apps? bzflag is a game | 03:19 |
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gnomefreak | Dutchy: i dont know about games but should unless the games have a different key bind | 03:19 |
gnomefreak | binding | 03:19 |
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jauheliha | yay it ran without errors \o/ | 03:20 |
gnomefreak | jauheliha: depending on what you were trying to do i hope thats good | 03:20 |
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lgc | gnomefreak, what I fear is that it's going to download 817 MB of data again, instead of just what it needs to complete the install! | 03:20 |
B0FH | !sources | 03:20 |
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ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 03:20 |
gnomefreak | lgc: it will install anything not installed to complete upgrade | 03:21 |
jauheliha | now it's asking which kernel to install: linux-386, linux-image-386, linux-image-2.6.12-9-386 | 03:21 |
lgc | gnomefreak, that's why I asked if I should do that offline... | 03:21 |
jauheliha | *???* | 03:21 |
gnomefreak | lgc: if tapt-get already downloaded everything it will check and than just install | 03:21 |
gnomefreak | lgc: no i said online not offline | 03:21 |
guillem101 | !mime | 03:21 |
ubotu | No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, guillem101 | 03:21 |
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jauheliha | which should i select? or does it matter? | 03:22 |
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gnomefreak | jauheliha: it gives you an option or it says its gonna install them all | 03:22 |
jauheliha | it gives an option | 03:22 |
jauheliha | i have to choose one of those | 03:22 |
gnomefreak | jauheliha: go with the last one | 03:22 |
jauheliha | ok ty | 03:22 |
carlos_ | i'am a new user of ubuntu, somebody can help me about samba ? | 03:22 |
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gnomefreak | wth lol i guess he was banned | 03:23 |
agliv5 | thanks to all who helped me install mplayer :) Don't ask me how I did it, but it's working now ;) | 03:24 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: weird. wonder why that was.. | 03:24 |
lgc | gnomefreak, it's downloading all the libraries...seems to me it's going to do it all afresh... | 03:24 |
gnomefreak | apt-get install mplayer-386 :( | 03:24 |
jauheliha | ah ffs.. right after i chose the last one it gave an error :S | 03:25 |
jauheliha | something about initrd | 03:25 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: not sure but im thinking since chanserv is a freenode thing he or his domain is banned from freenode maybe | 03:25 |
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Hobbsee | gnomefreak: must be | 03:25 |
gnomefreak | jauheliha: what are you trying to do? | 03:25 |
jauheliha | install ubuntu | 03:26 |
gnomefreak | jauheliha: from disk? | 03:26 |
jauheliha | from cd yes | 03:26 |
gnomefreak | jauheliha: default install? | 03:26 |
tonyyarusso | How can I find out file sizes in groups on the terminal, or say check the size of each top-level subfolder of / ? | 03:26 |
jauheliha | yes | 03:26 |
gnomefreak | jauheliha: you shouldnt have to pick a kernel for default install | 03:26 |
jauheliha | and now it's asking the thing about kernels again | 03:26 |
gnomefreak | it should pick it for you | 03:26 |
jauheliha | yea i think it's asking because the first time it gave an error | 03:26 |
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valehru | argh...what the hell....Im unable to see my filesystem in gnome at all.. | 03:27 |
jauheliha | i chose the last one and it gave the same error | 03:27 |
valehru | and I am unable to do anything on my desktop.. | 03:27 |
jauheliha | i'll try the second one now. brb | 03:27 |
gnomefreak | jauheliha: do you get to choose again? | 03:27 |
valehru | all the icons have dissappeared.. | 03:27 |
valehru | any ideas? | 03:27 |
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gnomefreak | valehru: i never had icons on my desktop can you not go to places>home>filesystem? | 03:28 |
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valehru | I did and then I rebooted | 03:28 |
MisterN | hi | 03:28 |
valehru | but now within places>home>filesystem I have the Desktop, Search for FIles and recent documents | 03:29 |
valehru | nothing else | 03:29 |
valehru | Everything just has gone missing | 03:29 |
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jauheliha | ok i tried the second one (linux-image-386 or semothing) same error. | 03:29 |
graveson | i had endless problems with the ati driver - and tried it all from the ubuntu provided to the ati provided driver with no luck. now i am back to start from scratch.what would be the best approach | 03:30 |
hieuvo | how to uninstall UBUNTU safely from my system please | 03:30 |
valehru | I can see all of the files through the console | 03:30 |
simonpca | plop | 03:30 |
valehru | but not through gnome | 03:30 |
jauheliha | "couldn't install initrd-tools" | 03:30 |
gnomefreak | jauheliha: i would say start over again jauheliha | 03:30 |
adie | hieuvo with a hammer on your hdd! | 03:30 |
tonyyarusso | hieuvo: What do you mean by safely? | 03:30 |
slackern | wget -c ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb | 03:30 |
slackern | from following the guide to get all codecs running but im getting permission denied on it. | 03:30 |
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gnomefreak | slackern: use sudo | 03:30 |
jauheliha | ok. this was the second try. the first try ended with a different error | 03:30 |
hieuvo | tonyyarusso, mean it wont damage my windows XP and FC | 03:30 |
valehru | any ideas? | 03:30 |
valehru | its really strange.. | 03:30 |
valehru | perhaps installing kde would do the trick... | 03:31 |
slackern | oh haha, darn braindead today, thanks. | 03:31 |
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tonyyarusso | hieuvo: Ah, okay. You can always still wipe the partition. | 03:31 |
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hieuvo | then fix the grub? | 03:31 |
hieuvo | that it? | 03:31 |
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tonyyarusso | hieuvo: Should be, that is if grub is in FC. If you're wiping grub off, that makes it an extra step. | 03:31 |
thoreauputic | !tell slackern about w32codecs | 03:32 |
hieuvo | hmm im not sure where is my grub really | 03:32 |
gnomefreak | hieuvo: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:32 |
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tonyyarusso | hieuvo: That would be good to know. Look for /boot/grub in each filesystem. | 03:32 |
hieuvo | tonyyarusso, it was on FC but when i install ubuntu it asked me to install grub and i did...so i guess it is on Ubuntu partition? | 03:32 |
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gnomefreak | more than likely its on mbr ;) | 03:32 |
adie | has anybody got x86 mplayer working under qemu with w32 codecs on ppc yet? | 03:32 |
gnomefreak | brb | 03:33 |
schtinky | do /boot and swap need to be raided to make my RAID setup one-disk fail-safe? | 03:33 |
tonyyarusso | hieuvo: Yeah. But you have it installed in FC, so you can still fix it from there and have it all back. | 03:33 |
thoreauputic | slackern: hmm - seems like the same URL, sorry | 03:33 |
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slackern | Oh, no worries it was just me being stupid standing in a folder without write permissions. | 03:33 |
thoreauputic | slackern: ah :) | 03:33 |
adie | hieuvo: fdisk /mbr used to work with windows 3.x and 9x to rewrite the boot sector. | 03:34 |
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tonyyarusso | My du is definitely nutty. Sure, I'd like Windows XP to be 1.2 GB... | 03:34 |
hieuvo | where is MBR located? | 03:34 |
DBO | on... the master boot record... | 03:34 |
adie | in the first 512bytes of an x86 disc | 03:34 |
adie | or of the relevent partition. | 03:34 |
doms | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12504 his my problem | 03:35 |
DBO | sector 1 =) | 03:35 |
slackern | In xp you need to boot up from the xp cd and run the rescue mode and from the prompt there do fixboot and/or fixmbr commands | 03:35 |
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doms | what software do we used to make a remote desktop like WAN | 03:35 |
gnomefreak | ubotut ell hieuvo about mbr | 03:35 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell hieuvo about mbr | 03:35 |
tonyyarusso | slackern: No, he doesn't want a Windows one. | 03:35 |
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gnomefreak | oops i forgpt i never did add it :( | 03:36 |
hieuvo | ubotu, yeah please | 03:36 |
ubotu | hieuvo: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 03:36 |
gnomefreak | hieuvo: mbr=master boot record its the first part of master hd | 03:36 |
lucia | Hi. does precompiled Ubuntu v.510 kernel has devpts support? | 03:36 |
hieuvo | gnomefreak, yeah i know that but really i never seen it before! | 03:37 |
hieuvo | hmm is it in a file or something? how to look what inside it hehe | 03:37 |
gnomefreak | hieuvo: you cant see it | 03:37 |
gnomefreak | hieuvo: the mbr tells the bios what type of boot you have | 03:38 |
tonyyarusso | Well, you could dd it to a file, but that would be pretty useless if you actually want to read it. | 03:38 |
Doat | gnomefreak: it's giving the same error about initrd-tools even after i booted | 03:39 |
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gnomefreak | hieuvo: like if you have winxp and ubuntu installed with grub on mbr the mbr will tell bios that it has grub on it and the bios display the grub menu (simple terms) | 03:39 |
gnomefreak | Doat: did you start install over? | 03:39 |
hieuvo | gnomefreak, so when ubuntu ask me to install grub..what happen if i wipe out ubuntu partition? | 03:39 |
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Doat | yes | 03:39 |
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hieuvo | it still boot up as grub? | 03:39 |
gnomefreak | Doat: make sure your md5sum is correct and make sure you burnt it at lowest speed possible | 03:39 |
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agliv5 | anyone feel up to helping me with Licq? or burning a multisession DVD? | 03:40 |
gnomefreak | hieuvo: is ubuntu on first part of hd or on master hd? | 03:40 |
Doat | well i checked md5sum but burned with max speed | 03:40 |
Warbo | hieuvo: If Ubuntu gets wiped then GRUB will still try to load. You can easily restore the Windows MBR, or you can even still use GRUB if you put "/boot" on a different partition when you install Ubuntu | 03:40 |
gnomefreak | agliv5: sorry i wish i could that would mean i would know how lol | 03:40 |
Doat | and it's hard to burn again because i can't boot to windows anymore :/ | 03:40 |
hieuvo | gnomefreak, no..1st part of hd is XP, then 2nd part is FC then 3rd part is ubuntu | 03:41 |
gnomefreak | hieuvo: than grub will stay on mbr | 03:41 |
m_0_r_0_n | What is the meaning of functions in the programming languaage C with a preceding _ in its name? | 03:41 |
gnomefreak | hieuvo: on know | 03:41 |
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gnomefreak | oh no | 03:41 |
agliv5 | I wish I could / new how too ;) | 03:41 |
gnomefreak | hieuvo: what version of fc do you have? | 03:41 |
hieuvo | 5 | 03:41 |
minerale | How can I see what application is listening to what port? | 03:42 |
Warbo | hieuvo: Do you use one version of GRUB for FC and Ubuntu? | 03:42 |
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gnomefreak | hieuvo: i know fc1-4 and ubuntu never worked well together with grub no matter what one was installed first or where it was installed you will always lose grub (its there but it wont show both if it shows at all) | 03:42 |
nhoj | #ubuntu-br | 03:42 |
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nhoj | join #ubuntu-br | 03:43 |
gnomefreak | nhoj: /j #ubuntu-br | 03:43 |
hieuvo | Warbo, that is im not sure...because i was using grub from FC until i install Ubuntu and it ask me if i want to install GRUB and i said yes so i guess it is ubuntu grub now because the color of screen changed | 03:43 |
thoreauputic | hieuvo: you probably installed the ubuntu grub to MBR then | 03:44 |
Warbo | gnomefreak: How could hieuvo install GRUB to a partition for chainloading with the MBR GRUB? Then FC and Ubuntu will be on different GRUBs and won't overwrite each other | 03:44 |
valehru | Hey .. | 03:44 |
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valehru | I have Ubuntu 5.10 DVD...Want to install KDE from the terminal line | 03:44 |
hieuvo | thoreauputic, yeah i think so too...how do i remove Ubuntu and come back to FC grub then? | 03:44 |
thoreauputic | hieuvo: why do you want the FC grub? Is it prettier ? ;-) | 03:45 |
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valehru | I did sudo apt-cdrom add | 03:45 |
Warbo | valehru: The command "sudo apt-get install kde" or maybe use "kubuntu-desktop" instead of kde | 03:45 |
valehru | ; and then I tried looking for kubuntu which I suppose is kde for ubuntu | 03:45 |
Doat | i checked the validity of the cd and it found a mismatch in some file... could this be just some dirt on the cd? | 03:45 |
hieuvo | thoreauputic, not that but im gona wipe ubuntu partition so i need grub to boot up right? | 03:45 |
thoreauputic | valehru: use kubuntu-desktop | 03:45 |
thoreauputic | hieuvo: if grub is on the MBR it isn't going to disappear | 03:46 |
thoreauputic | hieuvo: unless you wipe the mbr | 03:46 |
valehru | so it would be sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 03:46 |
valehru | will that be on the DVD or will I have to download it from the net? | 03:46 |
thoreauputic | valehru: yes | 03:46 |
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valehru | yes its on the DVD or yes its on the net | 03:47 |
valehru | ? | 03:47 |
gnomefreak | valehru: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop please | 03:47 |
thoreauputic | valehru: I don't know if it's on the DVD | 03:47 |
fliegenderfrosch | for a new install on a notebook: should I use dapper or breezy? For dapper seems to be pretty stable... | 03:47 |
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Warbo | hieuvo: It is quite easy to run a different GRUB for your different Linux systems, just chainload the second GRUB like you chainload Windows. The only problem is I don't know how to install the second GRUB on a prtition instead of the MBR | 03:47 |
lgc | gnomefreak, why is it (seemingly) downloading everything again? | 03:47 |
munzir | Hi, I want to do an install from a central server. So I downloaded an iso, extracted it's content to /var/www/ubuntu, is this enough? | 03:47 |
thoreauputic | gnomefreak: preferable perhaps, but not necessary | 03:47 |
hieuvo | hmm may be best i should do now is install grub again on FC then wipe the Ubuntu then pray when reboot haha | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | DapperDrake: is going to change alot in next month or so (stable is term that it can break at any time -not is broken right now) | 03:48 |
valehru | nope kubuntu-desktop is not on the dvd | 03:48 |
thoreauputic | valehru: my response was probably lagged | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | thoreauputic: i say aptitude due to when going to uninstall your not sitting theree uninstalling ever app by hand | 03:48 |
thoreauputic | gnomefreak: I know why you said it :) | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | oops didnt mean to typw that to dapper :( | 03:48 |
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valehru | As for aptitude ...Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "kubuntu-desktop" | 03:49 |
thoreauputic | gnomefreak: aptitude is smarter than apt-get | 03:49 |
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gnomefreak | valehru: enable repos | 03:49 |
gnomefreak | thoreauputic: yep ;) i still only use it for DE tho | 03:49 |
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gnomefreak | i should really use it more | 03:49 |
thoreauputic | !tell valehru about repos | 03:49 |
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Warbo | hieuvo: If you use GRUB's command line (I think pressing "c") then you can boot whichever distro you want. Just use "root (hd0,0)" for 1st partition first drive (sustitute your own here) and the kernel will begin with vmlinuz. You can use <tab> to complete the file name | 03:50 |
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gnomefreak | iirc kubuntu is in maqin repo | 03:50 |
gnomefreak | main* | 03:50 |
gnomefreak | !info kubuntu-desktop | 03:50 |
ubotu | kubuntu-desktop: (Kubuntu desktop system), section misc, is optional. Version: 0.55 (breezy), Packaged size: 8 kB, Installed size: 36 kB | 03:50 |
gnomefreak | yep ;) | 03:50 |
thoreauputic | valehru: were you not connected to the Net when you installed? | 03:50 |
valehru | I was | 03:50 |
thoreauputic | gnomefreak: I think he needs to uncomment sources anyway | 03:51 |
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thoreauputic | valehru: then kubuntu-desktop should be found | 03:51 |
thoreauputic | valehru: do you get any output from apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop ? | 03:51 |
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agliv5 | Can anyone help me out with k3b freezing when trying to burn a DVD? | 03:52 |
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Grout58 | have u tried another burner app to see if it still does it? | 03:52 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: run it from a terminal to see what errors you get | 03:52 |
gnomefreak | thoreauputic: its normally a good idea if he has net connection but i thought he was using dvd because of non net | 03:53 |
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valehru | whats the aptitude repo information? | 03:53 |
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Xana | heya | 03:53 |
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thoreauputic | valehru: aptitude show kubuntu-desktop | 03:54 |
Xana | synaptic isn't coming up with the xmms themes that used to be on there, anyone know if I am missing a repo? | 03:54 |
agliv5 | @thoreauputic all kinds of errors, let me specify in a private message session if you don't mind | 03:54 |
lucia | hi. does anyone knows how to enable devpts support with Ubuntu? | 03:54 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: no, use the pastebin please | 03:54 |
thoreauputic | !pastebin | 03:54 |
ubotu | from memory, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 03:54 |
thoreauputic | valehru: or di you mean /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 03:55 |
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agliv5 | @thorea ok working on it ;) | 03:55 |
erUSUL | lucia: do you mean this: | 03:56 |
thoreauputic | oh, netsplit :( | 03:56 |
erUSUL | /dev/pts/0 | 03:56 |
erUSUL | /dev/pts/1 | 03:56 |
erUSUL | /dev/pts/2 | 03:56 |
erUSUL | /dev/pts/3 | 03:56 |
thoreauputic | don't paste | 03:56 |
erUSUL | sorry | 03:56 |
=== gnomefreak never gets put into those ;) | ||
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B0FH | !glxgears | 03:56 |
ubotu | To display the FPS type "glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark" | 03:56 |
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gnomefreak | that flag never worked for me | 03:57 |
munzir | I just tried it and it's complaining that there is not release file! | 03:57 |
thoreauputic | gnomefreak: works here :) | 03:57 |
gnomefreak | i have to use glxgears --printfps for it to work | 03:57 |
lucia | erUSUL: I'm having the error "The system has no more ptys ask your administrator for more." I should have Unix98 PTY support | 03:58 |
gnomefreak | 1 or 2 - cant remember | 03:58 |
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erUSUL | lucia: are you using the default ubuntu kernel? | 03:58 |
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lucia | erUSUL: yes, version 5.10 | 03:59 |
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agliv5 | @thorea I posted under agliv5 to the pastebin, hope it helps :) | 03:59 |
kmoore | hello | 03:59 |
gnomefreak | now it works for me :( | 03:59 |
kmoore | do i no anyone on here? | 03:59 |
Dutchy | oh i had another question... whats the difference between the 386 kernel and the k7 kernel and why dont i get the k7 by default if i have an amd1800+? | 03:59 |
gnomefreak | just wish something would show higher fps than it does :( | 03:59 |
thoreauputic | kmoore: probably not | 03:59 |
Xana | ubotu, restricted formats? | 03:59 |
ubotu | [restricted formats] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' | 03:59 |
agliv5 | @kmoore If you don't know, how are we supposed to know? | 03:59 |
kmoore | how old are most of you | 04:00 |
gnomefreak | Dutchy: did you install from 64bit install disk? | 04:00 |
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erUSUL | lucia: which program throws the error | 04:00 |
erUSUL | ? | 04:00 |
thoreauputic | kmoore: this isn't a general chat channel :) | 04:00 |
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_jason | !restricted formats =~ s/codecs/!codecs/ | 04:00 |
agliv5 | @Dutchy hang on a sec got a good link | 04:00 |
ubotu | _jason: OK | 04:00 |
Dutchy | gnomefreak, nope, what does this have to do with 64bit? | 04:00 |
gnomefreak | kmoore: join #ubuntu-offftopic for that please | 04:00 |
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haggis | how do i check wich version on GCC i am using | 04:00 |
Warbo | kmoore: Unless you want 700 relies then I don't know about "most of you" | 04:00 |
gnomefreak | Dutchy: k7 is 64bit kernel iirc | 04:00 |
apache2 | hey guys... --- I'm assuming that my Nvidia-GLX is not working properlly, or setup correctly -- I get the nvidia logo for the driver, but if I try and run GLX, it is not pretty | 04:00 |
_jason | haggis: gcc --version | 04:01 |
apache2 | anyone know what would be going on? | 04:01 |
kmoore | no i dont get it :S lol, what do you all talk about? | 04:01 |
Warbo | apache2: Are you using Composite? | 04:01 |
Dutchy | sounds weird because amd k7 series is athlons? | 04:01 |
apache2 | Warbo: no | 04:01 |
lucia | erUSUL: when I do chroot | 04:01 |
thoreauputic | kmoore: this is an Ubuntu help channel | 04:01 |
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kmoore | what are you all talking about? | 04:01 |
gnomefreak | kmoore: this is a ubuntu support channel please join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support talk | 04:02 |
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Warbo | kmoore: Ubuntu GNU/Linux | 04:02 |
spiekey | hi | 04:02 |
spiekey | could someone please help me to understand those lines from a howto? http://pastebin.com/667109 | 04:02 |
kmoore | please can i ask you a question anyone who might be able to help me, some one who is good with computers? | 04:02 |
spiekey | does that mean i need to leave the line commented out? | 04:02 |
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erUSUL | lucia: run mount | grep devpts | 04:02 |
_jason | kmoore: just ask, if someone knows they will try :) | 04:02 |
gnomefreak | kmoore: what operating syste,? | 04:03 |
apache2 | anyone know why my GLX wouldn't be running properly? my xorg.conf looks right... | 04:03 |
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thoreauputic | kmoore: ask the channel your question - if we can help we will | 04:03 |
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haggis | id there a drapper support irc channel | 04:03 |
kmoore | o thx, erm well i want to download msn messenger, i am on msn.com i have an email but i cant quite seem to be able to download msn messenger? | 04:04 |
thoreauputic | haggis: #ubuntu+1 | 04:04 |
Warbo | spiekey: It is not commented out :) The # makes sure GRUB doesn't get confused when Ubuntu rewrites the menu.lst after a kernel upgrade | 04:04 |
lucia | erUSUL: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/faq.html#no-ptys | 04:04 |
gnomefreak | kmoore: what operating system? | 04:04 |
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kmoore | whats that/? | 04:04 |
thoreauputic | kmoore: you can use the gaim IM client | 04:04 |
agliv5 | @Dutchy https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto has a chart and explains the differences | 04:04 |
Xana | ubotu, gnome-art? | 04:04 |
ubotu | Xana: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:04 |
Warbo | kmoore: Are you running windows? | 04:04 |
gnomefreak | kmoore: windows? ubuntu? redhat? | 04:04 |
thoreauputic | kmoore: are you running Ubuntu? | 04:04 |
kmoore | windows | 04:04 |
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kmoore | i think | 04:05 |
gnomefreak | kmoore: please join #windows | 04:05 |
spiekey | Warbo: so i need to leave the # in front of the line? | 04:05 |
thoreauputic | kmoore: /join #windows | 04:05 |
Warbo | kmoore: Well, if you want your chat to work go on www.ubuntu.com and download it :) | 04:05 |
kmoore | i just want to know how to download msn messenger | 04:05 |
lucia | erUSUL: it answers devpts on /mnt/lfs/dev/pts type devpts | 04:05 |
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Dutchy | agliv5, i dont think i asked anything abotu mplayer | 04:05 |
gnomefreak | Xana: sudo apt-g etinstall gnome-art its in universe repo | 04:05 |
kmoore | i just want to know how to download msn messenger | 04:05 |
kmoore | e i just want to know how to download msn messenger | 04:05 |
thoreauputic | kmoore: wrong channel | 04:05 |
Xana | ahh | 04:05 |
Xana | thanks | 04:05 |
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bur[n] er | kmoore: u can use amsn | 04:05 |
_jason | kmoore: this channel is for ubuntu help, you can get windows help at #windows, jsut type this tog et there: /join #windows | 04:05 |
gnomefreak | Xana: yw and its apt-get | 04:05 |
apache2 | I just want to know how to get my GLX working :( | 04:05 |
erUSUL | lucia: i have read the same thing arround here. | 04:05 |
gnomefreak | sorry for typo | 04:05 |
kmoore | how do i hange channel? | 04:05 |
Warbo | spiekey: Yes. If you want to comment it put two # (##) as this is not info for GRUB, it is info for Ubuntu (tells Ubuntu where your root directory is when it is updating the menu.lst file) | 04:06 |
kmoore | change* | 04:06 |
Xana | I'll enable universe in synaptic then | 04:06 |
Dutchy | agliv5, ok nvm that last msg i see what you mean | 04:06 |
Xana | and use it | 04:06 |
gnomefreak | Xana: than you should have it | 04:06 |
zugu | hello. my beep media player suddenly stops playing (usually once a song). i tried switching the output to ALSA, OSS, but it keeps stopping. i even tried to start it from a terminal, but it generates no output when stopping | 04:06 |
spiekey | Warbo: ah, ok | 04:06 |
thoreauputic | kmoore: type /join #windows | 04:06 |
WolfmanK | kmoore type "/join #windows" | 04:06 |
gnomefreak | just install it now | 04:06 |
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pax | anyone ubuntu'ing on inspiron 9300, what resolution are you using? | 04:06 |
erUSUL | lucia: you are trying lsf? and it fails when you do 'chroot /mnt/lfs'? | 04:06 |
bur[n] er | pax: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTesting/ | 04:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
apache2 | so I've got nvidia-kernel working, but nvidia-glx does not seem to be working, what can I do? | 04:07 |
lucia | erUSUL: yes. it fails exactly when I do (after chrooting) 'expect -c "spawn ls' | 04:07 |
Warbo | apache2: Sorry, I'm having problems but I'm on Dapper (with a different nvidia version) so I can't help | 04:07 |
agliv5 | @Dutchy your right, but on the page is an explanation of the diffrent packages i.e. k7 i386 and so on... and you were asking about the difference | 04:08 |
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apache2 | I'm on dapper :P | 04:08 |
pax | bur[n] er: need real-life feed back, thx :-) | 04:08 |
erUSUL | how do you mounted the devpts (command you used)? | 04:08 |
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Warbo | apache2: Oh, are you in #ubuntu+1 (I was until a second ago) | 04:08 |
apache2 | it just seems that the nvidia-glx is not chosen to be used, more like xorg-gl | 04:08 |
thoreauputic | apache2: dapper questions in #ubuntu+1 | 04:09 |
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apache2 | okay thanks | 04:09 |
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lucia | erUSUL: mount -f -vt devpts -o gid=10,mode=620 devpts $LFS/dev/pts | 04:09 |
gnomefreak | apache2: did you run the sudo nvidia-glx-something enable? | 04:09 |
agliv5 | @thorea did you get a chance to look through my k3b error messages? | 04:09 |
apache2 | gnomefreak: lemme look | 04:09 |
gnomefreak | something = whatever word is ther ei think its settings but cant remember off hand | 04:10 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: sorry, missed your URL - did you post it? | 04:10 |
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spiekey | has someone played around with root encryption such as http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120091 ? | 04:10 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: and please tab complete nicks or people will miss your messages | 04:10 |
spiekey | i need some theory help :) | 04:10 |
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spiekey | i am missing the steps where i have to change my boot config | 04:10 |
gnomefreak | apache2: also if its a pci card or a card other than onboard the pci bus port cant be set to 1:00:0 | 04:10 |
hyperactivecrond | mako: you've written books? and had them published? | 04:11 |
agliv5 | @thore sorry, I must have forgot paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12505 | 04:11 |
=== gnomefreak doesnt see mako in here | ||
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=== hyperactivecrond thinks (with all due respect) that gnomefreak should scroll down to the M section | ||
agliv5 | @ thoreauputic what a great feature, (I didn't know you could tab names) thanks for the info | 04:12 |
gnomefreak | oops he is | 04:12 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: :) | 04:12 |
haggis | does this channel deal with drapper support to | 04:12 |
gnomefreak | hyperactivecrond: had to refreash my /names | 04:12 |
erUSUL | lucia: maybe you should be using gid=5 as it is the tty group in ubuntu? | 04:12 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic did you get the link? | 04:12 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: the @ is not necessary | 04:12 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: looking | 04:12 |
bur[n] er | haggis: #ubuntu+1 | 04:12 |
gnomefreak | haggis: for _dapper_ support please join #ubuntu+1 | 04:12 |
haggis | cheer | 04:12 |
hyperactivecrond | gnomefreak: aologies | 04:12 |
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hyperactivecrond | !dapper | 04:12 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :) | 04:12 |
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gnomefreak | sorry :( | 04:13 |
Frogzoo | oh noes - they're already saying dapper is _due_ june 1, not that it will be released then | 04:13 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: why are you running as root ? | 04:13 |
=== gnomefreak trying to figure out when to get my key signed and its just not going well lol | ||
thoreauputic | agliv5: that;s why you are getting authentication errors | 04:13 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: did you run k3b from a user terminal in your session as the root account? | 04:14 |
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agliv5 | thoreauputic yes I ran from a terminal because I'm tryng to back up stuff that's on a NTFS drive before formating the drive to linux | 04:15 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: don't run gUI apps as root | 04:15 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: you will lock your self out | 04:16 |
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agliv5 | thoreauputic but I suppose I could create the immage as root and burn it as user if that would help... | 04:16 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: it will alter your ~/.ICEauhority | 04:16 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: just don't run GUI apps as root, please | 04:16 |
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lucia | erUSUL: yes, I'm using gid=5 for the tty group | 04:17 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic how else am I supposed to backup the files on a ntfs drive? Only root has permissions? | 04:17 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: check your .ICEauthority file - I suspect it is now owned by root and you won't be able to log back in | 04:17 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: erm, you /etc/fstab must be wrong | 04:17 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: you can easily read from ntfs as a user | 04:17 |
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erUSUL | lucia: so if you use gid=5 in the mount command does the error desappear? | 04:18 |
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agliv5 | thoreauputic that doesn't sound too good | 04:18 |
gnomefreak | agliv5: its not | 04:18 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: what does ls -al ~/.ICEauthority say ? | 04:18 |
_guMuTpoB | hi, could any1 tell me how to install ubuntu without burning cd media | 04:18 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell _guMuTpoB about install | 04:19 |
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agliv5 | my NTFS drives permissions are 500 i.e. root read and execute | 04:19 |
agliv5 | so what should I do first? | 04:19 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: tha isn't right, and you must have changed something | 04:20 |
agliv5 | I haven't changed anything it was that way since I installed Ubuntu... | 04:20 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: what folder are you mounting ntfs to? | 04:20 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: do, for example , ls -l /media/windows (or whatever it is called on your system) | 04:21 |
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=== Beta_M is now known as ubuntu_ | ||
agliv5 | thoreauputic ok, here's the deal I've got 1 HD/2 Linux & 3 NTFS partitions | 04:21 |
lucia | erUSUL: I remounted devpts with guid: it returns 'devpts on /mnt/lfs/dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)', but I still have the 'no more ptys error' | 04:22 |
thoreauputic | sorry that should be ls -ld /media/windows | 04:22 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic My NTFS drives are hda6 hda7 & hda8 | 04:23 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: permissions on the moount point should be 755 | 04:23 |
=== carl [n=carl@LNeuilly-152-23-25-109.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | hello, i've messed up. i have altered the partition table in windows, and it has done something to grub. now it gives me some weird command line interface which i can't figure out. how can i set grub back up (i'm running ubuntu live right now) | 04:23 |
carl | If I have the source code tarball for a program... how do I turn it in to a *deb package? | 04:23 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as beta_m | ||
Hobbsee | !tell carl about compile | 04:23 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell carl -about checkinstall | 04:24 |
Hobbsee | !tell beta_m about grub | 04:24 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: whay do you have 3 ntfs partitions at 6 7 and 8? Very odd.. | 04:24 |
gnomefreak | make install doesnt make debs :( | 04:24 |
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agliv5 | thoreauputic what do I do to change the permissions? | 04:24 |
beta_m | thaks... that looks like its going to help | 04:24 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: windows more or less *has* to be on /dev/hda1 (unless you do soem gymnastics with grub) | 04:25 |
erUSUL | lucia: maybe you do not have the devs in the lfs? try 'mknod $LFS/dev/ptmx c 5 2; chmod 666 $LFS/dev/ptmx' | 04:25 |
skypa | that ain't true, thoreauputic | 04:25 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: you haven't answered any of my questions... | 04:25 |
skypa | I had it on hda3 with a standard grub entry | 04:26 |
thoreauputic | skypa: erm - how ? | 04:26 |
skypa | well.. I just had *g* | 04:26 |
thoreauputic | skypa: normally it won't boot from there | 04:26 |
agliv5 | I originaly had Windows XP installed with drives c:-fat32 (e: f: g:)-NTFS then formated e: to linux swap and main | 04:26 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: sorry, you need someone who knows windows - I only know linux | 04:27 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic first off I don't have windows anymore, otherwise I would just backup my files in Windows | 04:27 |
thoreauputic | ah i see | 04:27 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: so you deleted hda1, right? | 04:28 |
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agliv5 | thoreauputic something like that | 04:28 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: sounds tricky | 04:28 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: but the mount points for your ntfs partitions should all be 755 | 04:29 |
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lucia | erUSUL: (while chrooted) root:/# mknod /dev/ptmx c 5 2; chmod 666 /dev/ptmx --- it answers mknod: `/dev/ptmx': File exists | 04:29 |
lucia | and the error persists | 04:29 |
=== Al-Daja is Away, Reason: ( NFW - Need For Work ) | Since: ( Tuesday, April 18, 2006. 15:23:47 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
thoreauputic | agliv5: and your /etc/fstab entries should look like | 04:29 |
thoreauputic | /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs noauto,ro,users,umask=022 0 0 | 04:29 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
thoreauputic | or "user" | 04:29 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic maybe they're not that way because at the time I installed Ubuntu Windows was already gone | 04:30 |
zugu | hello. my beep media player suddenly stops playing (usually once a song). i tried switching the output to ALSA, OSS, but it keeps stopping. i even tried to start it from a terminal, but it generates no output when stopping | 04:30 |
lucia | erUSUL: I must be doing something wrong, since yesterday I didn't have this error | 04:30 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: see above | 04:30 |
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Hobbsee | darn...it never takes my full string.. | 04:30 |
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thoreauputic | Hobbsee: script problems? | 04:31 |
klaxian | hey everyone | 04:31 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic I'm going to post my fstab file so that you can see what's going on | 04:31 |
Hobbsee | thoreauputic: i used /quote remove #ubuntu Al-Daja no away scripts in here please - it didnt seem to work though... | 04:31 |
=== daniel_brazil [n=daniel@201009044129.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thoreauputic | Hobbsee: ah | 04:31 |
lgc | gnomefreak, can't I just interrupt the download, leave open the security repositories, apt-get update and apt-get install to avoid waiting for another 3 hours? | 04:32 |
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thoreauputic | Hobbsee: I think you need a : before the message at the end | 04:32 |
daniel_brazil | hi all | 04:32 |
klaxian | i just read an article on Flight 5...how would I upgrade to it? It is just as simple as changing breezy to dapper in my apt sources? if Flight 5 a specific preview release that I should configure in my apt sources? | 04:32 |
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gnomefreak | lgc: you can but i dont suggest it | 04:32 |
Hobbsee | thoreauputic: ahhh...okay... | 04:32 |
daniel_brazil | i am new to ubuntu, i was a slackware user, and now i am having fun with ubuntu | 04:32 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic post 12506 | 04:32 |
lgc | gnomefreak, why? | 04:32 |
daniel_brazil | its a new world, new things to learn | 04:33 |
gnomefreak | klaxian: were almost past flight 6 give it a few more days and install the beta | 04:33 |
gnomefreak | lgc: its not a good thing to interupt apt | 04:33 |
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daniel_brazil | what is the diference of main, multiverse, restricted and universe repositories? | 04:33 |
thoreauputic | gnomefreak: it's OK to ctrl+C a download - I do it regularly | 04:34 |
=== Doat [i=tatu@addr-82-128-233-131.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klaxian | gnomefreak: cool, i'm running breezy now...do i change my apt sources to say flight6 or dapper? if i change to dapper now, i will continue to get upgrades until the final release, right? | 04:34 |
_jason | ubotu: tell daniel_brazil about components | 04:34 |
gnomefreak | daniel_brazil: the packages they carry | 04:34 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell klaxian -about upgrade | 04:34 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic did you get my fstab entries? | 04:34 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: all you ntfs entries are wrong | 04:34 |
erUSUL | lucia: i'm afraid i'm out of ideas sorry :( | 04:34 |
klaxian | gnomefreak: thanks | 04:34 |
lucia | erUSUL: when I umount /mnt/lfs/dev/pts it returns umount: devpts: not found | 04:34 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic so what do I do? | 04:35 |
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gnomefreak | thoreauputic: i just dont ever suggest it there is always a chance of something going wornt | 04:35 |
gnomefreak | wrong | 04:35 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: you need something like noauto,ro,users,umask=022 | 04:35 |
gnomefreak | klaxian: i would wait until 20th | 04:35 |
lucia | erUSUL: somewhat devpts is not mounting, but it doesn't return any errors | 04:35 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: instead of "defaults" | 04:35 |
klaxian | gnomefreak: oh ya? lots of bug fixes then? | 04:36 |
gnomefreak | klaxian: if you use the first link use dapper instead of breezy | 04:36 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic can I just change it with a text editor and then restart? | 04:36 |
gnomefreak | klaxian: it will be more for communtiy use than | 04:36 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: yes, but use sudo | 04:36 |
klaxian | gnomefreak: alrighty | 04:36 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: like sudo nano /etc/fstab | 04:36 |
Doat | gnomefreak: (it's jauheliha) so now i want to burn the cd again but i can't boot to windows anymore. i tried to boot from windows cd and use fixboot but it didn't help | 04:36 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: no need to restart | 04:37 |
=== Der_Richter [n=user@81-229-101-45-no70.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | Doat: what os are you using? | 04:37 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: after editing, just run sudo mount -a | 04:37 |
Doat | windows xp prof edition | 04:37 |
daniel_brazil | how about BACKPORTS? what is it all about? | 04:37 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic I'll try thanks for the info | 04:37 |
gnomefreak | Doat: go get free trial of nero if you dont have it installed and use that | 04:37 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: yw :) | 04:37 |
Doat | and i made my own image with nlite | 04:37 |
Doat | gnomefreak: but i can't boot to windows.. | 04:38 |
=== Digiman [n=gcoble@207-108-54-221.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | daniel_brazil: same backports are not supported by ubuntu but they have some packages for your release from the newer release | 04:38 |
simonpca | + | 04:38 |
simonpca | ++ | 04:38 |
gnomefreak | Doat: i ask again what os are you using right now to be here | 04:38 |
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Doat | gnomefreak: my second comp that doesn't have a burning drive | 04:38 |
daniel_brazil | gnomefreak, are they supported from community? | 04:39 |
gnomefreak | daniel_brazil: they are not supported backports are non-offical now if someone personally supports them dont know | 04:39 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ | ||
Doat | gnomefreak: of course i can move the one in the other computer to this working one but it would be a lot easier if i could fix it to boot to windows | 04:39 |
gnomefreak | Doat: you dont have a ubuntulive cd laying around do you? | 04:40 |
_jason | ubotu: tell daniel_brazil about backports | 04:40 |
Doat | gnomefreak: nope >& | 04:40 |
Doat | :/* | 04:40 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
gnomefreak | Doat: i dont know other than install windows on pc and go from there | 04:41 |
=== tk_ [n=tk@chello212017065208.11.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xana | how do I register xmms to play all my mp3's in gnome? | 04:41 |
Doat | gnomefreak: oh boy :/ | 04:41 |
_jason | ubotu: tell Xana about defaultapp | 04:41 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Xana -about mp3 | 04:41 |
Doat | well i guess it's the only way | 04:41 |
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erUSUL | lucia: do mount -f -t devpts -o gid=5,mode=620 devpts $LFS/dev/pts | 04:41 |
gnomefreak | oh he said register :( | 04:41 |
Xana | ty :) | 04:42 |
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daniel_brazil | thx for u help guys, thx very much for u support!!! ;-) | 04:42 |
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Xana | woo, there we go | 04:43 |
klaxian | gnomefreak: i followed the instructions for the upgrade in the link you supplied, but the update-manager doesn't offer me the option to upgrade to dapper | 04:43 |
Xana | trying to set this up for my wife so she can stop getting viruses on her damn pc for me to fix | 04:44 |
klaxian | gnomefreak: what am i missing? should i just change it in the apt source file and dist-upgrade? | 04:44 |
Xana | lol | 04:44 |
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Der_Richter | Xana: If you right-click on an mp3-file... You should be able to figure it out. Hint -> "Properties" :) | 04:45 |
Xana | I got it already | 04:45 |
Xana | :) | 04:45 |
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Frogzoo | klaxian: you do realise dapper is currently beta? | 04:45 |
klaxian | Frogzoo: yes i do | 04:46 |
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klaxian | Frogzoo: i'm not installing it on a mission critical system | 04:46 |
klaxian | Frogzoo: i'm used to testing new releases :) | 04:46 |
Frogzoo | klaxian: change your repos to 'dapper' & 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 04:46 |
Der_Richter | Xana: Whatever you do next... Never show your wife how "sudo" works. | 04:46 |
klaxian | Frogzoo: that's what i normally do, but somehow i thought this one was different | 04:47 |
klaxian | Frogzoo: thank you | 04:47 |
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Frogzoo | klaxian: or better yet, follow this guide: http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt | 04:47 |
klaxian | Frogzoo: ah, many thanks | 04:47 |
Frogzoo | klaxian: or better yet, follow this guide: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html | 04:47 |
=== CodenameKT [n=codename@adsl-70-241-29-55.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klaxian | Frogzoo: that's the guide i did follow and the new update-manager didn't give me any options to upgrade to dapper | 04:48 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic I changed all default to noauto,ro,users,umask=022 and now the permissions are 555 | 04:48 |
klaxian | Frogzoo: do i also have to change my apt sources to dapper then run the new update-manager? | 04:48 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: permissions on the mount points? | 04:49 |
suston3d | hi, im new to ubuntu and want to install a makefile, but in the terminal it would say - bash/sudo - make not found ... i there no make @ ubuntu ? | 04:49 |
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li_ | who can tell me why it display oil:error liboiltest.c 247 when i install gstreamer0.8 | 04:49 |
NewBieBoy | guys, i'm on a dual boot... how can i access my windows file? is it possible? | 04:49 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: do sudo chown 755 on each mount point | 04:49 |
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klaxian | NewBieBoy: yes, is your windows partition NTFS or FAT? | 04:49 |
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NewBieBoy | ntfs | 04:49 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: BTW the "noauto" option means they don't mount on boot - so you might want "auto" | 04:50 |
klaxian | NewBieBoy: well you can only read NTFS, not write to it...so you can read and copy your windows files but not modify them on windows | 04:50 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic I think so. I propertyed hda6 and it said permissions 555 | 04:50 |
klaxian | NewBieBoy: on the windows partition i mean | 04:50 |
Frogzoo | klaxian: don't think you need to touch anything, just install/run update-manager | 04:50 |
NewBieBoy | yes... | 04:50 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: NOT the device - the mount point | 04:50 |
NewBieBoy | coz i'm looking at my file manager... but i can't see the files... | 04:50 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: leave the devices alone ;) | 04:51 |
`blink | hi. maybe someone have router vigor 3300? | 04:51 |
klaxian | Frogzoo: i did and it just said my system was up to date | 04:51 |
klaxian | NewBieBoy: yes, you need to mount the windows partition first | 04:51 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic so how do I determine the permissions on the mount point? | 04:51 |
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klaxian | NewBieBoy: read the man page for "mount" | 04:52 |
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NewBieBoy | ok thanks. | 04:52 |
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klaxian | NewBieBoy: let me know if you need more help | 04:52 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: assuming the mount points are /media/hda* , do ls -ld /media/hda* | 04:52 |
damian_ | how can i manually configure/install my NIC (it's VMWare, so if it's not supported, no biggie) | 04:52 |
_guMuTpoB | i have an older release of knoppix, is it possible to install and use its kde desktop on my latest ubuntu release ? | 04:52 |
prgrmr | i install ubuntu and i can't connect to the internet | 04:52 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: should look like | 04:53 |
thoreauputic | drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2005-10-22 14:49 /media/hda1 | 04:53 |
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suston3d | hello, is in ubuntu no bash-cmd : make ?? ... how can i else run makefiles ? | 04:53 |
Der_Richter | _guMuTpoB: Why not simply get KDE in a new and fresh version? | 04:53 |
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thoreauputic | !tell suston3d about b-e | 04:53 |
erUSUL | _guMuTpoB: no. use kubuntu. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:53 |
thoreauputic | !b-e | 04:53 |
ubotu | hmm... b-e is no make ? you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a sudo aptitude install build-essential. | 04:53 |
Jimmer | !nis | 04:53 |
prgrmr | can some one help me? | 04:53 |
ubotu | Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Jimmer | 04:53 |
Jimmer | I'm having trouble with nis | 04:53 |
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erUSUL | !help | 04:54 |
Jimmer | I added a new user in passwd, but I don't know how to get nis to update | 04:54 |
Jimmer | the new user doesn't show up when I ypcat | 04:54 |
_guMuTpoB | well, i have knoppix on cd, and downloading the whole kde desktop from internet is a problem for me, because I have to my ISP for the traffic I make, and there should not be much diferences between this older relase of kde | 04:54 |
klaxian | Frogzoo: i think i figured it out...there was an upgrade today that is newer than the update manager in the bp repository so i have to install that specific one... | 04:55 |
tarun713 | I've got a question for those who use xchat. Since version 2.6.0, I haven't been able to find an option to auto-open PM windows when they come in. Does anyone know where this option is located? | 04:55 |
suston3d | thx thoreauputic ill give it a try | 04:55 |
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SirKillalot | how do I download the sourcecode of a program with apt-get? | 04:55 |
dereks | man apt-get | 04:56 |
Der_Richter | _guMuTpoB: If KDE is stored on the CD as packages or source, it should not be a problem. May require some tweaking. | 04:56 |
avu | sirkillalot: apt-get source foo | 04:56 |
thoreauputic | SirKillalot: apt-get source <foo> | 04:56 |
_guMuTpoB | thanx | 04:56 |
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thoreauputic | avu: heh :) | 04:56 |
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fromvega | Hello, how does the IC Linux driver work? Is this driver for any IC bus or for the motherboard IC bus? I'm starting a project where I'm planning to connect a IC bus via Serial Port. Could I use Linux IC driver or not? Thanks | 04:56 |
matrix | Hi can i install ubuntu over net without any media (like debian)? | 04:57 |
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Frogzoo | SirKillalot: this may help: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 04:57 |
slackern | fromvega, http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1342 maybe that helps out? | 04:58 |
Der_Richter | Anyone who has any experience in setting up Eclipse for use with C/C++/ASM? What do i need, except libs and compilers? | 04:58 |
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aridese | hi guys, what's the nvidia video card configuration utility? | 04:59 |
Jimmer | I need help with nis. I added a new user in passwd, but I don't know how to get nis to update. the new user doesn't show up when I ypcat | 04:59 |
thoreauputic | !nvidia | 04:59 |
ubotu | methinks nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 04:59 |
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LoCusF | Der_Richter: just install cdt | 04:59 |
LoCusF | you won't get ASM but anyways | 05:00 |
Frogzoo | Jimmer: I'm not sure nis syncs to the passwd file - you might need to use nistbladm to add the user to the nis user table | 05:00 |
NewBieBoy | in linux... how can i set the "windows" button on my keyboard to open ,i.e. Applications or Places or System? is this possible? | 05:00 |
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agliv5 | thoreauputic ls -ld /media/hda6 | 05:00 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: says what? | 05:00 |
matrix | can i install ubuntu ove net? | 05:00 |
Der_Richter | NewBieBoy: In Gnome - "Keyboard shortcuts"? | 05:00 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 8192 ect... | 05:00 |
Jimmer | nistbladm? | 05:01 |
Frogzoo | matrix: not supported, no | 05:01 |
FlannelKing | Frogzoo: eh? netinstalls are supported. | 05:01 |
fromvega | slackern: I'll take a look, tks | 05:01 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: sudo chown -R 755 /media | 05:01 |
Frogzoo | FlannelKing: no way? really? | 05:01 |
Der_Richter | LoCusF: Ok. Do i have to point to the standard libs in Eclipse somehow or will it work "out of the box"? | 05:01 |
matrix | ok thanks | 05:01 |
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LoCusF | Der_Richter: it should work out of the box | 05:02 |
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NewBieBoy | thanks! | 05:02 |
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LoCusF | _should_ | 05:02 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic only readable | 05:02 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: as root | 05:02 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: run that command with sudo | 05:02 |
ubuntu_ | hey | 05:02 |
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agliv5 | thoreauputic as root, only readable | 05:02 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: hmm - your 555 is stopping root from changing the perms | 05:03 |
aridese | how do i use antialiasing in linux? | 05:03 |
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Der_Richter | LoCusF: I'll give it a shot then. Thanks. Just have to find a free x86 Assembler... | 05:03 |
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_jason | thoreauputic: you mean chmod right? | 05:03 |
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thoreauputic | _jason: aargh - yes thanks | 05:03 |
thoreauputic | doh | 05:03 |
=== thoreauputic hangs head | ||
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agliv5 | thoreauputic in the linux bible it says that linux only supports NTFS read only | 05:04 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: as _jason said, sudo chmod 755 /media | 05:04 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: correct | 05:04 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: heance the ro in fstab | 05:04 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: and the umask=022 | 05:04 |
Frogzoo | !captive | 05:04 |
ubotu | I heard captive is a project to use windows NTFS drivers under linux. It does not work properly with Ubuntu. | 05:04 |
debora | k,lok,k,ujm | 05:04 |
thoreauputic | _jason: thanks for the correction :) | 05:05 |
agliv5 | chmod error data system only readable | 05:05 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: there's also a commercial product called Paragon - but both rely on a native doze ntfs dll/driver | 05:05 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: I don't know how the perms got that way - you might have to create new mount points | 05:05 |
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agliv5 | All I want to do is burn the data on the NTFS drives, then format them to linux... | 05:06 |
ubuntu_ | can;t log into ubuntu because only 85 mb space left on live cd did mount -t ext3 /mnt/dev/hda1/ / mnt/ but reply was mount: special device /mnt/dev/hda1/ does not exist | 05:06 |
_jason | thoreauputic: np, just happened to glance over it | 05:06 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: you should be able to access them when mounted, with 555 ( read/ execute ) | 05:07 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic I can access the data as root, but you said I shouldn't burn as root | 05:07 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: have you tried again since cahnging fstab? | 05:08 |
thoreauputic | *changing | 05:08 |
vicks | well i have installed the ubuntu first time .... the movie player doesnot play any video ... says i need to install codecs and i dont know where to find them | 05:08 |
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erUSUL | ubuntu_: is /dev/hda1 no /mnt/dev/hda1 | 05:08 |
_jason | ubotu: tell vicks about multimedia | 05:08 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic tried what again, accessing or burning? | 05:08 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: accessing as user | 05:08 |
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ubuntu_ | erUSUL thankyou i will try the correct command does help | 05:09 |
AMDXP | !codecs | 05:09 |
ubotu | Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories | 05:09 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic accessing only works for root | 05:09 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: you ran sudo mount -a , right? | 05:10 |
agliv5 | yep | 05:10 |
m_0_r_0_n | What s the name of bash calculator? | 05:10 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: I'm out of ideas, sorry | 05:11 |
Stork | how do i re-label a drive (media card) | 05:11 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic by changing the fstab we added group root to the permissions, can I change the fstab again to change group to user? | 05:11 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: no, we didn't add root | 05:11 |
ubuntu_ | erUSUL; tried :~# mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1/ /mnt | 05:11 |
ubuntu_ | and reply was mount: special device /dev/hda1/ does not exist | 05:11 |
ubuntu_ | and also (a path prefix is not a directory) | 05:11 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: we added "users" | 05:11 |
Warbo | Stork: Relabel? As in mount point, or partition label? | 05:12 |
_jason | agliv5: did you umount and then do mount -a? I think you have to do that when you change fstab | 05:12 |
Stork | Warbo, i'm not sure, but when i mount it, i want to change the name it mounts to | 05:12 |
thoreauputic | !tell agliv5 about mountwindows | 05:12 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: that's another way you might try | 05:12 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic but the group is root and not users... | 05:12 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: ? | 05:12 |
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agliv5 | yes I unmounted and remounted each drive seperately | 05:13 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: mount points are always owned by root | 05:13 |
root_ | hey all | 05:13 |
Warbo | Stork: OK, the word "label" is just a little shortcut and not actually what you meant. The mount point is where something gets put. I'm assuming it is in /media/something, is that correct? | 05:13 |
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root_ | anyone from germany? | 05:13 |
Stork | yes Warbo | 05:13 |
thoreauputic | agliv5: at least, in /media | 05:13 |
agliv5 | eh was geht ab alter? | 05:13 |
root_ | nichts, wer bist du? | 05:13 |
Warbo | Stork: OK, does it get mounted (accessed) when you plug it in inside GNOME, or only on boot up? | 05:13 |
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thoreauputic | agliv5: you can create mount points in you $HOME dir if you wish, though | 05:14 |
agliv5 | Ich bin das kleine ich bin ich ;) | 05:14 |
Frogzoo | !de | 05:14 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de | 05:14 |
thoreauputic | !de | 05:14 |
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Stork | Warbo, when i plug it in | 05:14 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic I'm currently trying to burn as a user an immage created as root | 05:14 |
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Frogzoo | root_: please don't run irc as root | 05:14 |
root_ | arne wie gehts dir? | 05:14 |
Warbo | Stork: OK, so it is the gnome-volume-manager that is giving it it's name, not the /etc/fstab file. What name is it getting? sda1, usbdisk or something else? | 05:15 |
agliv5 | root_ ich glaube wir verrgern die anderen wenn wir deutsch reden... private chat? | 05:15 |
liran_ | i understand that dapper is released now with xorg 7 | 05:15 |
erUSUL | ubuntu_: maybe you are using sata discs try /dev/sdax | 05:15 |
Frogzoo | Warbo: usb is managed by hotplug, which doesn't look at fstab | 05:16 |
Frogzoo | liran_: dapper has _not_ been released | 05:16 |
Stork | Warbo, 'Stork'. I want to change it | 05:16 |
liran_ | Frogzoo, (i know) and there are no official ati drivers for it yet, right? | 05:16 |
Warbo | Frogzoo: I was making sure it was not in /etc/fstab (my USB disks are), but I don't actually know how to change a hotplugged device name (eg. My Neuros442 goes to /media/NEUROS442, and I don't know how to change it) | 05:17 |
ubuntu_ | erUSUL: i do not think so but i will give your suggestion a try | 05:17 |
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Frogzoo | liran_: dunno, ask in #ubuntu+1 | 05:17 |
Frogzoo | Warbo: unfortunately, that makes 2 of us :( | 05:17 |
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Warbo | Stork: Well I have a quick 'n' dirty solution if you want to access it from your home folder | 05:17 |
Stork | Warbo, don't worry about it. | 05:18 |
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Rug | Howdy all | 05:18 |
liran_ | ok | 05:18 |
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liran_ | thanks Frogzoo | 05:18 |
Warbo | Frogzoo: Sadly, that is exactly the problem Stork has. I can only suggest "mount --bind"ing it to another folder in $HOME | 05:18 |
Rodrigo | hi | 05:18 |
Rodrigo | what is the channel of support of ubuntu for brazil? | 05:18 |
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Rug | What output engine should Amarok be using alsa, ess, etc..? | 05:19 |
=== NewBieBoy Nice job! | ||
_jason | !br | 05:19 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada. | 05:19 |
Nookie^ | how can i with apt found out the package versions of some applications? | 05:19 |
Warbo | Stork: I'm sure there will be someone who knows. Try Googling for "gnome volume manager" and "/media" to see if you find any answers | 05:19 |
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ubuntu_ | erUSUL: special device blah balah does not exist -very strange | 05:20 |
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Warbo | Rug: That depends on what plugins you have. If you have all of the Gstreamer ones then that is fine, if not then use Xine. I personally HATE aRts | 05:21 |
killapop | he told me | 05:21 |
Warbo | Rug: If you use esd or aRts then any visualisations will be SLOW | 05:21 |
Rug | Warbo: I am not talking about the engine sorry, the "ouput Plugin" | 05:22 |
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Warbo | Rug: Oh. Usually ALSA is the best. If not then OSS (but this is actually obsolete, and is emulated by ALSA) | 05:22 |
agliv5 | thoreauputic I'm not worried about not having user access seeing as how as soon as I backup the data, the drives are geting reformated anyway... If I could just figure out why k3b keeps freezing up... | 05:22 |
Rug | Ahh thanks. Thats what I thought but I was haveing alot of sound artifacts and problems. | 05:23 |
=== alain__ [n=alain@alainmate.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alain__ | hey, i am back | 05:23 |
erUSUL | ubuntu_: ls /dev/[hd,sd] * | 05:23 |
alain__ | wie gehts ihnen? | 05:23 |
ubuntu_ | erUSUL ok give me a sec | 05:24 |
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Frogzoo | Rug: are you using gstreamer engine? try xine | 05:24 |
alain__ | yes, and u? | 05:24 |
Rug | Frogzoo: yes I am, xine isn't showing up, (but I do have it installed) | 05:24 |
Warbo | Rug: If you try XMMS with ALSA, OSS, ESD and things (and look at the visualisations as well) then you know that the output is fine. If ALSA output in XMMS works then you know it is your playback engine which is dodgy (Amarok takes A LOT of resources) | 05:24 |
agliv5 | alain im chat is du blich, abgesehen davon glaube ich dass wir die anderen verrgern wenn wir hier deutsch reden... privater chat geflligst? | 05:24 |
Frogzoo | Rug: if you just installed xine, you will need to restart amarok for it to show | 05:25 |
Rug | nope, been installed for awhile | 05:25 |
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Rug | is the version of Amarok newer in Dapper? | 05:26 |
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agliv5 | thoreauputic you still with me? | 05:26 |
Frogzoo | Rug: sudo apt-get amarok-xine ? | 05:26 |
Warbo | Rug: Gstreamer0.8 has problems keeping track of audio (if it stops for a second, then it will constantly try to catch up with itself, making playback stupid until the next track) | 05:26 |
Rug | Frogzoo: ahh no, not that one. | 05:26 |
ubuntu_ | erUSUL: I will place the output in a pastebin | 05:26 |
Jimmer | what uids does ubuntu reserve? | 05:27 |
Rug | Warbo: yupp that sounds exactly what is going on. | 05:27 |
agliv5 | Can anyone help me with k3b freezing every time I want to burn a DVD | 05:27 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: did you choose clone or copy? | 05:27 |
alain__ | both | 05:27 |
Warbo | Rug: Sorry, the only solution I can offer is don't run loads of apps at the same time as Amarok. Or use something a lot lighter (but Amarok is VERy good:) ) | 05:27 |
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alain__ | yap | 05:28 |
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erUSUL | Jimmer: you should use uids above 1000 | 05:28 |
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Frogzoo | Jimmer: man adduser | 05:28 |
Jimmer | but 1065, shouldn't be a problem right? | 05:28 |
Rug | Warbo: I've actually been using it for a long time. I've just reinstalled my system after a format; so I am just trying to build it again | 05:28 |
Jimmer | I only ask, because it is | 05:28 |
Frogzoo | Jimmer: a problem how? | 05:29 |
Jimmer | well, nis won't propagate it | 05:29 |
erUSUL | Jimmer: no it should not | 05:29 |
Jimmer | or rather, it will, but I can't login | 05:29 |
Jimmer | it shows up on ypcat | 05:29 |
Jimmer | but I can't log into it | 05:29 |
Frogzoo | Jimmer: cat /etc/adduser.conf | 05:29 |
=== RandomChu [n=randomch@cpe-66-75-16-218.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Warbo | Rug: Does Amarok use Gstreamer by default? I think it does in Breezy, because of it's features, but in Dapper I've found that it uses Xine by default. Probably due to the dodgy playback problem | 05:30 |
Frogzoo | Jimmer: nis afaik nis maintains a separate set of tables separate from the usual files | 05:30 |
Rug | Warbo: yupp | 05:30 |
Jimmer | I know | 05:30 |
Jimmer | which you update with make -C ypcat | 05:30 |
Jimmer | *yp | 05:30 |
alain__ | hi | 05:30 |
ubuntu_ | erUSUL: http://pastebin.ca/49730 | 05:30 |
Warbo | Rug: Well, I've got a different problem with audio.... Can you find my headphones for me :( | 05:31 |
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Frogzoo | Jimmer: adduser.conf has first user at 1000, so this isn't your problem | 05:31 |
Jimmer | yeah | 05:31 |
Jimmer | and last is like 29999 | 05:31 |
erUSUL | ubuntu_: mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /mnt | 05:31 |
Rug | har | 05:31 |
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[Rodrigo | hi anyone can help me? | 05:31 |
Frogzoo | !helpme | 05:32 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 05:32 |
erUSUL | ubuntu_: post fdisk -l /dev/hda in pastebin | 05:32 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo neither I'm trying to backup data from my harddrive | 05:32 |
Frogzoo | Warbo: yes, gstreamer is breezy's amarok default | 05:32 |
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[Rodrigo | here on my job im behind a proxy, so i cant get any package of ubuntu, what i do? | 05:32 |
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flithm | hey everyone... how do I upgrade to a newer kernel with breezy badger? I need >= 2.6.13 for my wireless card! | 05:33 |
[Rodrigo | i have installed the apt-proxy but i dont know how configures, anyone can help me? | 05:33 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: ls -ld /dev/hdc or whatever your cdrom is | 05:33 |
[Rodrigo | !helpme | 05:33 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 05:33 |
[Rodrigo | !helpme here on my job im behind a proxy, so i cant get any package of ubuntu, what i do? | 05:33 |
ubotu | I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, [Rodrigo | 05:33 |
[Rodrigo | !helpme proxy | 05:33 |
ubotu | [Rodrigo: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 05:33 |
Warbo | Rug: I did make a simple little script that changed Amarok from having nice value of 4 to -4, and put it in the corner of my panel | 05:34 |
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[Rodrigo | pleaaaaase =( | 05:34 |
flithm | ubotu: how do I upgrade the kernel? | 05:34 |
Frogzoo | [Rodrigo: please don't spam | 05:34 |
ubotu | Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, flithm | 05:34 |
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_jason | !apt_proxy | 05:34 |
ubotu | from memory, apt_proxy is for Apt via a http proxy, make a file called apt.conf in /etc/apt and put this in it... Acquire::http::Proxy "http://PROXYADDRESS:PORT"; | 05:34 |
ubuntu_ | erUSUL: ok it worked that time mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /mnt | 05:34 |
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[Rodrigo | _jason, thanks man! but if i need to use password? | 05:35 |
Frogzoo | flithm: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.12-10-686 | 05:35 |
Rug | Warbo: I haven't needed to alter the preformace settings for amarok. I've got enough horsepower here (and I'm running fluxbox) | 05:35 |
[Rodrigo | _jason, the proxy here has password | 05:35 |
Warbo | Frogzoo: There is a proxy environment variable isn't there? I think so because I broke apt-get when I installed anon-proxy | 05:35 |
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_jason | [Rodrigo: hmm don't know, I'm sure if you google for apt proxy password you might get something | 05:35 |
flithm | Frogzoo, I need a recent kernel image (ie >= 2.6.13) | 05:35 |
ubuntu_ | erUSUL: i will post he pastebin for fdisk in a sec | 05:35 |
valehru | is there a url where I could browse the universe repo? | 05:35 |
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Warbo | Rug: Amarok developers know that it takes loads of resources, so they put it as nice 4 by default. I had it changed to -4 for my system and it reduced (but didn't get rid of) dodgy playback problem | 05:36 |
[Rodrigo | _jason, ok man, thanks :D | 05:36 |
Frogzoo | valehru: grep breezy /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:36 |
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Rug | I guess I've been luck in the past | 05:36 |
Warbo | valehru: Put the url of Universe into FireFox and look in "pool" | 05:36 |
Rug | I also have it connecting to an external MySQL db | 05:37 |
C-O-L-T | How to insert text box in OpenOffice Writer, Writer is getting on my nerves, can not get this menu :)) | 05:37 |
erUSUL | ubuntu_: there is no need now it worked | 05:37 |
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Frogzoo | C-O-L-T: which version oo? | 05:37 |
C-O-L-T | Frogzoo: the latest | 05:37 |
Warbo | Rug: Never got the hang of MySQL myself, but it's supposed to be faster than SQLite | 05:37 |
Frogzoo | !ooo2 | 05:37 |
ubotu | To upgrade to OOo 2.0.x, see http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-October/012520.html (add one of the 'deb' lines to sources.list and update+upgrade) | 05:37 |
C-O-L-T | Frogzoo: I have OO2 | 05:38 |
fromvega | slackern: hey dude, do you know where I can download the code the author mentions on the site? | 05:38 |
Rug | Warbo: much faster. I already had a Mysql db setup and running so it was a simple matter to add the user and table | 05:38 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo /dev/cdrom lrwxrwxrwx 1 root agliv5 3 etc... | 05:39 |
ubuntu_ | erUSUL thanks for the support but still strange it not work the first time, just to ask a quick question is it ok to delete files from apt-cache | 05:39 |
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Warbo | Rug: A problem I have is that after renaming files their details are lost in Amarok (like how much I like it). Is it easy to point entries to the new filename in MySQL? | 05:40 |
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Rug | No, that is a key flaw that can't be avoided | 05:40 |
erUSUL | ubuntu_: use apt-get clean or apt-get autoclean | 05:40 |
Fjodor | Hi all. Any ideas for a fix to "Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C" | 05:40 |
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agliv5 | Frogzoo ya still with me? | 05:41 |
Warbo | Rug: OK then (dammit) | 05:41 |
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Rug | my db now has over 1 million entries from moving files & reinstalling , etc.. | 05:41 |
Warbo | Rug: And it still goes fast? | 05:42 |
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Fjodor | The problem arose after upgrading to xorg7 in breezy (apt-get source a lot of packages from dapper, and dpkg-buildpackage them) | 05:42 |
Rug | yupp, don't forget it's on a different server then this local box. | 05:42 |
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siriusnova | hello | 05:42 |
ubuntu_ | erUSUL ; ibut first sorry to state the obivious i must cd /mnt/dev/hda1/etc/apt? | 05:42 |
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Rug | siriusnova: Hiya | 05:42 |
nicola_ | hallo, I'm planning to install ubuntu 5.10 on a HP Proliant DL380 G4, I've tried to find some certification for the hardware but I could'nt has anybody installed ubuntu on such hardware? Some problems? NIC or other? | 05:42 |
siriusnova | Can I ask a Dapper drake question here? | 05:42 |
siriusnova | i mean Dapper | 05:42 |
Warbo | siriusnova: Maybe, depends if it's generic | 05:43 |
Rug | siriusnova: you can try, but the Dapper channel is #ubuntu+1 | 05:43 |
[Rodrigo | !apt | 05:43 |
ubotu | apt is probably http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto | 05:43 |
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Rug | What I need now is a tool that can sort/organize my music collection and remove the dupes | 05:44 |
siriusnova | Well its regarding the new network-manager applet in Flight 6, it doesnt work for me I get this when i run it in a terminal : siriusnova@scimitar:~$ nm-applet | 05:44 |
siriusnova | ** (nm-applet:6242): WARNING **: Icon nm-no-connection missing: Icon 'nm-no-connection' not present in theme | 05:44 |
siriusnova | (nm-applet:6242): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed | 05:44 |
siriusnova | oops | 05:44 |
siriusnova | ^_^ | 05:44 |
Warbo | Rug: There is a "remove duplicate/dead entries" option that I use. Does that not work with MySQL? | 05:44 |
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Rug | Warbo: that only applies to the playlist, not the actual files. | 05:45 |
erUSUL | ubuntu_: if you are making the clean from the live cd do. cd /mnt/ ls /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 05:45 |
Rug | siriusnova: your best bet is to goto the #ubuntu+1 channel | 05:45 |
Warbo | Rug: Oh, well I'm no expert (I don't even know how to use MySQL) | 05:45 |
Rug | np, thanks for the help | 05:45 |
siriusnova | Rug - thanks | 05:46 |
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Warbo | siriusnova: Network manager testing is actually in the Dapper MOTD | 05:46 |
erUSUL | ubuntu_: if you are making the clean from the live cd do. cd /mnt/var/cache/apt/archives/ and rm the *debs | 05:46 |
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Rug | Warbo: I have 29,000+ files that I need to sort. | 05:46 |
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siriusnova | Warbo - oh ok | 05:47 |
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Warbo | Rug: Just in the database or on your filesystem? I've become overly-organised with my files recently (even looking into FUSE database driven filesystems so I can browse in Nautilus by Artist or Genre, etc. (as my symbolic links are getting out of hand)) | 05:48 |
mary | ols | 05:48 |
mary | ola | 05:48 |
Warbo | mary: Hello | 05:48 |
jmoncayo | has somebodye ever used metacity? | 05:48 |
Warbo | jmoncayo: It's the default for GNOME | 05:49 |
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dextro_dude | jmoncayo: fluxbox is better | 05:49 |
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Warbo | dextro_dude: Don't start that, or I'll get all Enlightenment on your ass | 05:49 |
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jmoncayo | yea i am using fluxbox but i didnt know how good was metacity | 05:49 |
Rug | Warbo: that is my actual # of songs. My list used to be perfectly organized; then on day I tried iTunes and it fubar'd my whole setup. I have _never_ used simlinks. Dir structure: Genre - Artist - Album | 05:49 |
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ubuntu_ | erUSUL: thanks yep there are quite a few debs | 05:50 |
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Warbo | Rug: Licence (Free or Commercial) > Artists or Collection > Album | 05:50 |
dextro_dude | Warbo: i'm on PII 333MHz, try 2 convince me to try Enlightenment | 05:50 |
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Rug | Warbo: that sounds confusing... | 05:51 |
Rug | dextro_dude: flux | 05:51 |
Warbo | dextro_dude: I mean E16, not E17 (it's too annoying) E16 should work fine forr you (it was made in '99) | 05:51 |
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cdubya | anyone know why the partitioner for a Breezy install wouldn't be able to modify the partition table? I've not ever had any issues before, and have a friend who wants to dual boot with xp......so I went to set it up as I normally would, letting the installer resize the partition, and the partitioner would hang every time for a long while, then come up saying resizing was unsuccessful. | 05:52 |
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Rug | cdubya: NTFS partition? | 05:52 |
dextro_dude | Warbo: Me stick to flux | 05:52 |
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Warbo | cdubya: I always use KNOPPIX QTParted to resize so I've never used Ubuntu's built in one | 05:52 |
erUSUL | cdubya: maybe the ntfs part is too full or too fragmented | 05:53 |
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dextro_dude | ntfs is evil ... but cool shit | 05:53 |
spencerk | hi all. jack is working fine with connections and stuff, but it never plays anything on the speakers, and it doesnt seem to block the speakers for non-jack apps either. any ideas? | 05:53 |
p01n7 | use partition magic on windows | 05:53 |
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p01n7 | if you can boot windows | 05:53 |
Warbo | Don't you have to defag a fat32 partition before resizing (or it is done by the resizer anyway) | 05:53 |
Warbo | But not NTFS | 05:54 |
Rug | Warbo: you should | 05:54 |
p01n7 | Warbo, ntfs too | 05:54 |
alain__ | hi all | 05:54 |
alain__ | how r u today? | 05:54 |
=== iceburgh [n=iceburgh@pa-bethlprk-cad1-grp1-32.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | erUSUL: imany thanks for your support | 05:54 |
dextro_dude | alain__ :Hi | 05:54 |
[maven] | anyone know how to install a non-686 optimized version of libc (for use on a Via C3, which I installed on a Pentium-M notebook)? | 05:54 |
tonyyarusso | Warbo: Both need a good defragging. | 05:54 |
erUSUL | ubuntu_: no problem | 05:54 |
Warbo | p01n7: Well is this handled by the resizer (defrags it then resizes) as I've never bothered but had no problems | 05:54 |
alain__ | dextro, how r u ? | 05:55 |
mlehrer | how painful is it to update an alsa driver in ubuntu | 05:55 |
PinoyDXB | alph0s_ .. | 05:55 |
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p01n7 | Warbo, probably not | 05:55 |
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PinoyDXB | mlehrer very painful!!! | 05:55 |
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dextro_dude | alain__: fine mate. having fun with Ubuntu & JD Coke | 05:55 |
alain__ | yap | 05:55 |
p01n7 | Warbo, use windows to defrag and test again.. regardless if there is data or not in the slice you want to make.. it should still partition it | 05:55 |
alain__ | i installed it 3 days ago | 05:55 |
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mlehrer | PinoyDXB: heh i figured. i tried to just do the whole kernel but it wouldn't boot. do you think that is the way to go? | 05:55 |
alain__ | and i like it more than windows | 05:55 |
PinoyDXB | ;) | 05:56 |
Warbo | p01n7: Well QTParted generally takes a few hours on a large NTFS drive and the progress bar doesn't move. Maybe it is defragging in this time... | 05:56 |
alain__ | where r u from? | 05:56 |
dextro_dude | alain__: welcome to the family | 05:56 |
cdubya | whoa, sorry, had to step out for a bit to grab something from the car......no, the install on the xp side was an upgrade from 98, so it's a FAT32. | 05:56 |
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p01n7 | Warbo, QTParted will not defragment your drive for you | 05:57 |
dextro_dude | cdubya: try pqmagic on windoze | 05:57 |
graveson | what is the difference between ubuntu 5.10 and ubuntu breezy | 05:57 |
alain__ | hehe, i have alot to learn about linux | 05:57 |
cdubya | pqmagic? | 05:57 |
cdubya | k | 05:57 |
alain__ | where r u from? | 05:57 |
dextro_dude | graveson: err, the spelling ? | 05:57 |
Warbo | p01n7: Oh well. I don't use any dual-boots anyway. Just when I give someone else Linux (when they come to me with a virus filled computer after I fixed it 2 weeks before) | 05:57 |
erUSUL | p01n7: yes it would move data around if needed afaik | 05:57 |
dextro_dude | cdubya: partition magic from powerquest | 05:58 |
p01n7 | erUSUL, NTFS in question | 05:58 |
dextro_dude | alain__: Malaysia | 05:58 |
=== tolkan [n=tolkan@port28.ds1-noe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graveson | dextro_dude: then why do ati provide 2 different packages for their ati driver ? | 05:58 |
alain__ | are u male or female? | 05:58 |
slackern | graveson: there is no difference, 5.10 is breezy it's just a name, 5.04 was named hoary. | 05:58 |
Warbo | graveson: I chose both just in case :) | 05:58 |
cdubya | dextro_dude, ah, that's what I figgered, just makin sure | 05:58 |
tolkan | trying to work on power management for my IBM T60... my CPU is not throttling according to battery... any ideas? | 05:58 |
graveson | warbo: thanks | 05:59 |
dextro_dude | pqmagic never failed on me when I was on windoze | 05:59 |
Rug | alain__: that is not an appropriate line of questions for this channel | 05:59 |
dextro_dude | alain__: i'm a dude .. a straight male. :p | 05:59 |
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p01n7 | .... | 05:59 |
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alain__ | aha me too | 05:59 |
=== jcapote [n=capotej@adsl-223-244-242.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | alain__: This channel is for discussing Ubuntu Linux. | 06:00 |
dextro_dude | linux doesn't discriminate .. male/female all welcome | 06:00 |
dextro_dude | alain__: so stick with the topic man | 06:00 |
Warbo | dextro_dude: Male, Female, Other | 06:00 |
jcapote | anyone know of a good open source crm tool? | 06:00 |
jmoncayo | dextro_dude, do you know if can set a different background for each workspace in fluxbox | 06:00 |
tolkan | any ideas on power management for a laptop? trying to get T2400 to properly throttle, not sure where to go... one CPU is at 1Ghz properly, other is at 1.8 | 06:01 |
dextro_dude | Warbo: ok, fine with me | 06:01 |
simon | jmoncayo: It is possible, I have done it | 06:01 |
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Frogzoo | jcapote: there'll be crm modules for zope probly | 06:01 |
jmoncayo | simon, how can you do it? | 06:01 |
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simon | jmoncayo: It was a while back, I'll do a search | 06:01 |
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SS2 | simon: you maybe change youre nick, because there others that have that name to ;) | 06:01 |
SS2 | *may | 06:02 |
simon | SS2: I was here first :) | 06:02 |
iqon | is it common for updated packages to show up in apt before they are on packages.ubuntu.com? | 06:02 |
=== skeff [n=skeff@43.80-202-211.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dextro_dude | jmoncayo: yes it could be done. but need to digg those old tutorials | 06:02 |
jmoncayo | could you give me a hand? | 06:02 |
skeff | I've added kde35 repositories for my amd64 breezy install. But when I try adding 'kdenetwork' it says something about unresolveable dependencies and doesn't install. | 06:03 |
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simon | jmoncayo: http://fluxspace.sourceforge.net/ | 06:03 |
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DarkED | hi, i need a little help | 06:05 |
jmoncayo | simon, have you used aterm with transparency? | 06:05 |
DarkED | im trying to get my laptop's multimedia sound keys working | 06:05 |
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DarkED | they work in gnome but not in kde | 06:05 |
DarkED | and a shell wont even pick them up | 06:05 |
dextro_dude | jmoncayo: i'm using Eterm eventhough it's heavy | 06:05 |
simon | jmoncayo: nope, I wouldn't dare to try somethig like that on a old machine :) | 06:05 |
hyphenated | DarkED: the guys in #kubuntu probably know how to get them working in KDE | 06:06 |
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dextro_dude | date | 06:06 |
munzir | Hi, What's the difference between amd64-generic, amd64-k8, amd64-server? | 06:06 |
dextro_dude | oops,sorry gang | 06:06 |
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jmoncayo | dextro_dude, i use aterm but with transparency it's getting odd, like it tryies to load the default bacground in the init file but not the one i set with fbsetbg | 06:07 |
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bliss1_ | hi | 06:07 |
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ompaul | munzir, got a contact for that? | 06:07 |
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ompaul | munzir, got a context for that?( woops ) | 06:08 |
bliss1_ | whatis the comand line to launch nattulis as root is it sudo gktnaultis? | 06:08 |
ompaul | gksudo program name | 06:08 |
=== ompaul taps bliss1_ on the head and points up | ||
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Warbo | bliss1_: sudo gksudo nautilus (maybe add --no-desktop if it draws your desktop) | 06:09 |
bliss1_ | ompual: hi thanks yes its just starting here | 06:09 |
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azamora | OLA | 06:09 |
h4ch3r | hello | 06:09 |
juanca | hello everyone | 06:09 |
munzir | ompaul: sorry I didn't understand you | 06:09 |
h4ch3r | help me | 06:09 |
h4ch3r | http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/148 | 06:09 |
azamora | q tal | 06:09 |
azamora | estas | 06:09 |
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azamora | eres mujer o ombre | 06:09 |
juanca | azamora: hola | 06:09 |
sfar | !es | 06:09 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 06:09 |
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Rug | h4ch3r: please? | 06:09 |
h4ch3r | 06:10 | |
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DNA_String_ | Problem: Ubuntu runs sssssssssssssllllllllllllooooooooowwwwwwwwww. It takes over 20 minutes to go from login to desktop. | 06:10 |
ompaul | munzir, got a context for that question? you got those phrases from somewhere | 06:10 |
Rug | DNA_String_: what cpu do you have? | 06:10 |
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bliss1_ | Warbo; thanks i bear that in mind | 06:10 |
dextro_dude | DNA_String_: dang, slower than me | 06:10 |
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eth42 | how come that my ~/.bashrc is not executed for tty-logins and ssh-logins? | 06:10 |
h4ch3r | use dapper | 06:11 |
Benagua | quit | 06:11 |
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juanca | hello everyone, can someone tell me where I can find the kernel-source package for kernel-image-2.6.12-10.30? I can't find it in the breezy repositories | 06:11 |
h4ch3r | alquem fala portuques aqui? | 06:11 |
Rug | eth42: have you tried loggin out completely? | 06:11 |
skeff | eth42, I don't know. | 06:11 |
Warbo | juanca: All of those minor version numbers don't apply to the source. It's just 2.6.12 | 06:12 |
juanca | eth42: .bashrc is for X, .bash_profile for tty/ssh | 06:12 |
DNA_String_ | -Checking- | 06:12 |
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h4ch3r | http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/148 | 06:12 |
erUSUL | !tell h4ch3r about pt | 06:12 |
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munzir | ompaul: yes there is http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/breezy/base/linux-image-amd64-k8 and http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/breezy/base/amd64-generic. My system automatically choose the k8 version and reported an error and gave me an option to choose another one. I chose generic and it's installing now ... | 06:12 |
juanca | Warbo: thanks for the answer, I just see 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 but no 2.6.12 | 06:12 |
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munzir | ompaul: s/breezy/dapper | 06:13 |
Warbo | juanca: Oh, well I'm in Dapper so I can only check by looking through the breezy repos in Epiphany | 06:13 |
bliss1_ | ompaul; what advantages are there if any of useing dapper rather than BB 5-10 | 06:13 |
ompaul | munzir, ohh I would have done this cdimage.ubuntu.com | 06:13 |
Rug | h4ch3r: Sorry I am English-only | 06:13 |
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ompaul | bliss1_, well gnome 2.14 is faster than 2.12 | 06:13 |
h4ch3r | arhgg | 06:13 |
juanca | Warbo: and tell me do you see the kernel-source package for 2.6.12 in those repos? | 06:14 |
munzir | ompaul: sorry? | 06:14 |
eth42 | Rug, juanca: have the same ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile on two machines. on one, login with X and tty are the same, on the other it isn't... ?? | 06:14 |
ompaul | bliss1_, its pretty but its still devel and dapper is in #ubuntu+1 (did I say xgl not something I am going to do) | 06:14 |
tonyyarusso | DNA_String_: That's some serious issues there. Grub to desktop is under two minutes for me, more like one and a half really. Hopefully we get that straightened out for ya. | 06:14 |
=== bluelotus [n=bluelotu@cpe-72-226-4-218.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | bliss1_, make that yet | 06:14 |
Warbo | juanca: Just checking | 06:14 |
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eth42 | juanca: thanks for the hint. ~/.bash_profile sources ~/.bashrc | 06:14 |
=== beefsprocket [n=beefspro@bas1-toronto02-1242320456.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juanca | Warbo: thanks :) | 06:14 |
Rug | eth42: have you made sure that you fully log-out? | 06:14 |
=== Fiscal [n=pscabral@20151117184.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrick | hello all | 06:15 |
ompaul | bliss1_, it should bring more users to Ubuntu so ... | 06:15 |
eth42 | Rug: what do you mean? if I login on tty1 and set my bash prompt in .bashrc, what do you mean by fully log-out? | 06:15 |
Rug | arrick: Howdy | 06:15 |
juanca | eth42: I don't know why they make that different either one should be enough, but that's how it goes | 06:15 |
arrick | anyone here know how to change the default website in apache2 from index.html to someothername.html? | 06:15 |
Rug | eth42: keep typing exit or logout until you see the login prompt | 06:16 |
eth42 | Rug: ok. yes, I was sure that I was fully logged-out. :-) | 06:16 |
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Warbo | juanca: There is a linux-source-2.6.12 directory and it is full of linux-image and linux-tree and linux-headers but the only references I can see to source are .diff files, not .debs | 06:16 |
juanca | arrick: try changing the pertinent entry in the conf file | 06:17 |
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bliss1_ | ompaul: now watch the flames from my xchat treminal consume whaen i say I think the support for the ubuntu distro is the beat it s really rocks but the packages are a little behind which is maybe a good thing but sarge is rock soild | 06:17 |
bliss1_ | solid | 06:17 |
bliss1_ | best | 06:17 |
Warbo | juanca: Here you go linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-10.30_all.deb | 06:17 |
Frogzoo | eth42: best to put your environment settings in .gnomerc imo | 06:18 |
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dextro_dude | bliss1_: and I thought debian is obsolete ... | 06:18 |
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juanca | Warbo: cool :) | 06:18 |
Rug | bliss1_: yeah it's a compromise. New-as-possible + Stable-enough | 06:18 |
juanca | Warbo: can I get the url? | 06:18 |
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Warbo | juanca: The whole url is: "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.12/linux-source-2.6.12_2.6.12-10.30_all.deb" | 06:18 |
=== kyncani [n=kyncani@bro29-1-82-245-180-190.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | munzir, okay I would always start with generic the server version is literally that it has more server grade packages on the CD than the gui one, but nothing you could not find in the repos | 06:19 |
DNA_String_ | The processor is a pentium III. The system is an IBM Thinkpad 600X. General information at http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=ibm&lndocid=MIGR-4CYN8Z | 06:19 |
arrick | juanca, if I could find the right page thats what I would have done, could you point me in the right direction? | 06:19 |
Warbo | juanca: You could probably force install it then apt-get -f install to fix any missing dependancies | 06:19 |
tonyyarusso | DNA_String_: That's...wacky. | 06:19 |
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bliss1_ | arrick: did you do the qemu install and kqemu? | 06:19 |
juanca | Warbo: great ! | 06:19 |
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dextro_dude | DNA_String_: yay, my PII smoked ur PIII | 06:20 |
arrick | bliss1_, no, I got thevirtual hosts to work | 06:20 |
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juanca | arrick: /etc/http/conf/http.conf | 06:20 |
bliss1_ | arrick: well done | 06:20 |
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ice60 | can someone help me with a cron, please? | 06:20 |
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George007 | !ircd | 06:21 |
ubotu | George007: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 06:21 |
dextro_dude | DNA_String_: is ur HDD healthy ? | 06:21 |
arrick | thanks juanca | 06:21 |
munzir | ompaul: but then what's the difference between generic and k8 please? | 06:21 |
ompaul | munzir, I suppose there is a kernel versions there but it does not make sense to me this might help http://www.chip-architect.com/news/2003_09_21_Detailed_Architecture_of_AMDs_64bit_Core.html | 06:21 |
ompaul | but k8 is amd64 ... | 06:21 |
arrick | bliss1_, if you would like a tutorial on it, I am going to put it on my site http://arriclk.no-ip.com | 06:21 |
juanca | arrick: sorry I don't have a apache server on this computer, else I would have help you more than that | 06:21 |
ompaul | from my understanding | 06:21 |
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juanca | Warbo, thanks again, actually I forgot the package's named linux-source not kernel-source :( duhhhhhhh | 06:22 |
ice60 | will this work? if i put it in crontab -e i want it to run once on a Monday - | 06:22 |
ice60 | 55 16 * * mon find ~/.thumbnails -type f -atime +7 -exec rm {} \; | 06:22 |
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bliss1_ | arrick: thanks I will take a look I have tried qemu and kqemu next is XEN but maybe on ubuntu i am not sure | 06:23 |
DNA_String_ | Probably not, it is an old system, many parts are broken. The sound did not play on startup, the ethernet network card is a pcmia card, maybe something wrong with bios, video screen cracked, battery is dead (and currently disconnected), plenty of places for something to hang up and just not work. | 06:23 |
arrick | ok blis | 06:23 |
oscar | Hi | 06:23 |
DNA_String_ | How would I tell if my HDD is healthy? | 06:23 |
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dextro_dude | ice60: i think u shud put the command in a shellscript and call the .shfile frm cron | 06:24 |
ompaul | munzir, okay the generic will work in the x64 version from intel the other one is AMD | 06:25 |
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noaXess | hi all | 06:25 |
agliv5 | ok, I was gone for a while... anyone able to help me with k3b freezing when I try to burn a DVD? | 06:25 |
ice60 | dextro_dude: thanks, i'll look into it. i'm going to learn about crons too though, i'll read up on them both | 06:25 |
oscar | I'm having problems connecting to my ssh service. I knot the service is working because I connected like this: ssh localhost. I let the 22 port open in the firewall, but still when I try to connect to my IP I get the following: ssh: connect to host ***.***.**.*** port 22: Connection refused | 06:25 |
oscar | *know | 06:25 |
noaXess | what is the latest kernel for ubuntu? is it 2.6.12-10-386? | 06:26 |
ompaul | munzir, Generic= Linux kernel image on x86_64. | 06:26 |
ompaul | Itanium the other one is for AMD K8 the generic will work on both | 06:26 |
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ompaul | munzir, at least that is what I glean from my quick tour around a few sites | 06:26 |
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bliss1_ | nick|here: yep i am sure you are hope all is ok | 06:27 |
agliv5 | Anyone? k3b problems? DVD burning? | 06:27 |
juanca | noaXess: that would be for breezy, for dapper I think is 2.6.15xxx | 06:27 |
munzir | ompaul: Umm! so k8 for itanium? but itanium is not amd64! | 06:27 |
Frogzoo | noaXess: if you've a p2 or better, you'd do better with 2.6.12-10-686? | 06:27 |
noaXess | juanca: yea, breezy.. are there some newer? | 06:27 |
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ompaul | munzir no generic amd and intel --- k 8 amd only | 06:27 |
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noaXess | Frogzoo: hm.. its a 600mhz notebook | 06:27 |
juanca | not that I know, I have an up-to-date system and that is the version running | 06:27 |
munzir | ompaul: ah I got you now | 06:28 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo did you get those permissions that I sent you? What do you make of them? | 06:28 |
bliss1_ | arrick; just tried your web page from the url you gace but no joy | 06:28 |
juanca | noaXess: I have a Thinkpad T20 700Mhz running with 2.6.12-10-686 and everythings to the top :) | 06:29 |
munzir | ompaul: so generic works for itanium accoring to your guess? | 06:29 |
arrick | http://arrick.no-ip.com ? | 06:29 |
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noaXess | juanca: yea.. mine is pIII600 | 06:29 |
eth42 | Rug, juanca: ok, solved it. I added the user with useradd -m and thought this would also set the shell to bash by default. but it didn't and executed sh instead of bash... | 06:29 |
ompaul | munzir, from what it says on the web page yes | 06:29 |
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Frogzoo | agliv5: ls -lL /dev/cdrom | 06:30 |
arrick | bliss1_, where are you located at? | 06:30 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo hang on a sec | 06:30 |
eugman | Anyone know where I can get a mudlist file for gnome mud? | 06:30 |
bliss1_ | arrick: surrey uk | 06:30 |
ompaul | munzir, when we think itanium we remember that intel have accepted some of the amd64 extentions in there :) | 06:30 |
arrick | ah, it will take abotu 24 hrs for the dns to kick in there | 06:30 |
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agliv5 | Frogzoo lrwxrwxrwx 1 root agliv5 3 /dev/cdrom/ | 06:30 |
bliss1_ | arrick: oh ok | 06:30 |
arrick | did you open it from here? | 06:30 |
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bliss1_ | arrick: yep | 06:31 |
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juanca | eth42: glad to hear is solved :) | 06:31 |
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arrick | try http://715.116.179.219:80 bliss1_ | 06:31 |
DewDude | has anyone gotten Realtek8180 WLAN cards to work under Breezy | 06:31 |
noaXess | juanca: can i easy install the other kernel? linux-image....? | 06:32 |
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bliss1_ | ompaul: just on a fine point seen a howto on xen into sarge no reason why it would not work on ubuntu just a thought? | 06:32 |
ompaul | DewDude, have you have tried System Administration Networking from the menu? | 06:32 |
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DewDude | i haven't installed ubuntu yet | 06:32 |
DewDude | i'm getting ready to | 06:33 |
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Frogzoo | agliv5: you missed the capital 'L' - 'ls -lL /dev/cdrom' | 06:33 |
agliv5 | DewDude I gave up and connected via ethernet | 06:33 |
juanca | noaXess: yeap, no prob, just sudo apt-get install linux-image and select from the list of available choices | 06:33 |
ompaul | DewDude, look at this before you start | 06:33 |
Rug | eth42: good to hear | 06:33 |
juanca | noaXess: notice the former sends an "error" message | 06:33 |
jadacyrus | how can i find out which version of Xorg im running | 06:33 |
ompaul | !tell DewDude about ndiswrapper | 06:33 |
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=== Dakirith [n=blah@c-68-40-233-65.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
noaXess | juanca: will the bootloader automaticaly be updated with the new kernel? | 06:33 |
cilkay | Hello. I'm trying to install the Sun Java Studio Creator 2 on Kubuntu. It suggests that I install RPMs for compat-libstdc++ and compat-libstdc++-devel. Obviously I can't install those RPMs but I haven't found any packages that resemble that. Any ideas? | 06:33 |
DewDude | yeah, i saw that | 06:34 |
ompaul | DewDude, did not see the wlan part there | 06:34 |
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DewDude | yeah, it's a Gigafast card | 06:34 |
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bliss1_ | arrick: nope 715? not seen that before | 06:34 |
Frogzoo | noaXess: yep, amazing huh | 06:34 |
DewDude | but based on the serial and FCCID it's got a Realtek8180 card. Gigafast has linux drivers, but they look like they're for 2.4 kernel | 06:34 |
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cilkay | Found it: http://my.opera.com/vetler/blog/show.dml/148576 | 06:34 |
DNA_String_ | Problem recap: It takes over 20 minutes to go from login to desktop. The processor is a pentium III. The system is an IBM Thinkpad 600X. It is an old system, many parts are broken. The sound did not play on startup, the ethernet network card is a pcmia card, maybe something wrong with bios, video screen cracked, battery is dead (and currently disconnected), plenty of places for something to... | 06:34 |
DNA_String_ | ...hang up and just not work. Someone asked if my hard drive was healthy and other than the fact that it can read and write files, how would I check? | 06:34 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 22, 0 | 06:34 |
`Theus` | Hi, how can I use xfonts-konsole? | 06:34 |
arrick | hey bliss1_ my typo. 215 | 06:35 |
noaXess | Frogzoo: yea.. its nice :) | 06:35 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: do you belong to the 'cdrom' group? | 06:35 |
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juanca | noaXess: yeap, but if you've added extra params to you booting strings you need to "twick" a little bit, my advise use the config file section to specify those and issue a 'sudo update-grub' | 06:35 |
tonyyarusso | DNA_String_: Maybe the 'testdisk' program? | 06:35 |
Dakirith | anyone know of a good apt source for mysql 5? i'd rather not compile my own... | 06:35 |
arrick | morning tonyyarusso | 06:35 |
`Theus` | after installation return this error: Font `-misc-console-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1' not found. | 06:35 |
`Theus` | Check /usr/share/doc/konsole/README.Linux-font for help. | 06:35 |
dextro_dude | DNA_String_: try fsck | 06:35 |
noaXess | do i see with cat /proc/cpuinfo if my cpu is smp? | 06:35 |
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DewDude | i do have an advantage that if it doesn't work, there is a lan port on here | 06:35 |
tonyyarusso | arrick: Hello. | 06:35 |
iceman | weird, I am now using athlon 700 and devoted it to linux ... | 06:35 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo good question, hang on and I'll try to find out | 06:36 |
Killaz | Hi, maybe not an unbiased place to ask... but how does Ubuntu perform as a server? | 06:36 |
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noaXess | juanca: okey.. there are noe extra parms... but thanks for info | 06:36 |
arrick | bliss1_, man I had it all screwed up try thistry | 06:36 |
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Dakirith | Killaz: i'm running it as a development server right now, it's running pretty well, and i love apt-get | 06:37 |
Frogzoo | Killaz: about on par with any other linux server | 06:37 |
yggdrasil | hey how can i figure out which wireless card is in my laptop. dapper saw it and its working i just dont know what i have in there .. | 06:37 |
bliss1_ | arrick: wo sick man | 06:37 |
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arrick | bliss1_, huh? | 06:37 |
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Dakirith | yggdrasil:lspci? | 06:37 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo yes agliv5 ist part of the cdrom group | 06:37 |
intelnux | any problems running it as a headless server, other then telling bios to not worry? | 06:37 |
Frogzoo | yggdrasil: lspci | 06:37 |
almuleon | ola | 06:37 |
Killaz | Dakirith: that's is exactly what I need a dev server/ filserver at home to develop and host my files | 06:37 |
noaXess | yggdrasil: view your logs, dmesg or /var/log/messages | 06:37 |
yggdrasil | i dont wee it in there guys | 06:37 |
bliss1_ | arrick; means its fine sick means good | 06:38 |
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arrick | oh ok | 06:38 |
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clem_yeats | is there a console tool to set the network.. same as done during install ? | 06:38 |
arrick | you like th product page, did you chase the link? | 06:38 |
Killaz | Dakirith: you have it running with X or only prompt? | 06:38 |
almuleon | ola de donde eres ? | 06:38 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: have you enabled DMA on the drive? | 06:38 |
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Dakirith | Killaz: only prompt | 06:38 |
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Dakirith | Killaz: i'm more a CLI guy | 06:38 |
almuleon | eeeeeeeeeeeeee queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 06:38 |
erUSUL | !tell almuleon about es | 06:38 |
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arrick | !just ask | 06:39 |
ubotu | Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, arrick | 06:39 |
yggdrasil | thanks guys | 06:39 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo I tried to how do I determine if I was successfull? | 06:39 |
=== vincent-ON3SS [n=vincent@47.246-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrick | !justask | 06:39 |
ubotu | Ask your question and we'll try to answer it. | 06:39 |
almuleon | abla en espanol | 06:39 |
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juanca | almuleon: por favor usa #ubuntu-es | 06:39 |
arrick | almuleon, type /j #ubuntu-es me no comprende espanol | 06:39 |
almuleon | geehn | 06:39 |
Killaz | Dakirith: yeah me 2... but I'm just wondering if I should install X, so my gf or friends can login once in a while when they come around.. | 06:39 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: sudo hdparm -d /dev/cdrom | 06:40 |
bliss1_ | erUSUL: thanks for your help in live cd nick was ubuntu_ | 06:40 |
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vincent-ON3SS | can I ask a question+ | 06:40 |
Dakirith | Killaz: if it is just going to be a dev server/file server, then they shouldn't be logging into it | 06:40 |
almuleon | eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 06:40 |
arrick | !justask | 06:40 |
ubotu | Ask your question and we'll try to answer it. | 06:40 |
arrick | !ops | 06:40 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 06:40 |
noaXess | vincent-ON3SS: why you are here? | 06:40 |
erUSUL | bliss1_: no problem. that's why we are here for | 06:40 |
almuleon | de donde eres | 06:40 |
munzir | ompaul: intel copied some of amd64 implementation but not to itanium. they copied it to their EM84 arch, right? | 06:40 |
arrick | almuleon, adios | 06:40 |
Killaz | Dakirith: some kind of guest account with little access... only so they can surf on the net | 06:40 |
arrick | engles por favor | 06:40 |
almuleon | x | 06:40 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo using_dma = 1 (on) | 06:41 |
almuleon | ola | 06:41 |
ompaul | munzir, yeap, sorry I am working on something and its not going well | 06:41 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
vincent-ON3SS | If i would be root--> on debian i typ just su but on ubuntu I must typ sudo su is it posibly to typ just su to be root | 06:41 |
munzir | ompaul: thx for all your help. I did understand it now anyway | 06:41 |
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Dakirith | Anyone know of any good apt sources for recent builds of MySQL 5? | 06:41 |
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erUSUL | almuleon: deja de hacer el crio y vete de aqu | 06:41 |
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Frogzoo | agliv5: open k3b - goto setting -> configure k3b -> programs are all the necessary programs installed? | 06:42 |
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almuleon | ola | 06:43 |
DNA_String_ | Additional information, it *just* poped up with three errors: "The panel encountered a problem while loading OAFID: XXXXXXXXXXXX", "The panel encountered [...] OAFID: Gnome_NotificationAreaApplet", and "The panel encountered [...] OAFID: Gnome_Panel_WirelessApplet". I reflexively clicked away the first one before reading it, stupid stupid me. | 06:43 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
noaXess | reboooott... | 06:43 |
bliss1_ | ompaul; why has your status been removed | 06:43 |
=== andreadi [n=andreadi@dsl-88-218-2-97.customers.vivodi.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!almuleon@*] by ompaul | ||
andreadi | hello there | 06:43 |
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ompaul | ban avoidance gets bigger kicks | 06:44 |
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andreadi | can anyone tell me if ubuntu is incombatible with X1300? | 06:44 |
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andreadi | or when can I find a list of compatible cards? | 06:44 |
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stamen81 | !ati | 06:44 |
ubotu | [ati] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=423589 | 06:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
bliss1_ | ompaul: wo such bliss1_ trembles in his wellies | 06:44 |
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ompaul | bliss1_, behave | 06:45 |
bliss1_ | ompaul; ok | 06:45 |
dextro_dude | bye dude, me going to crash ... nice talking with ya'll | 06:45 |
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agliv5 | frogzoo all after sox are not found... how do I correct this? | 06:45 |
mDot | hey got my large pack 'o ubuntu disc... what to do.... | 06:45 |
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Frogzoo | agliv5: you'll need to install them of course | 06:46 |
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agliv5 | frogzoo of course but where do i find them? | 06:46 |
andreadi | thanks a lot stamen81 | 06:46 |
DNA_String_ | I know linux can run on a toothbrush, but I'm being very frustrated with how my first home linux attempt is going... :( | 06:46 |
agliv5 | frogzoo should I search the repository or internet | 06:46 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: in the repos - try synaptic | 06:46 |
stamen81 | andreadi, for wha?:) | 06:47 |
stamen81 | andreadi, for what?:) | 06:47 |
=== Warbo [n=Warbo@host81-156-115-27.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickgarvey | DNA_String_: what's not working? | 06:47 |
andreadi | for the help on ATI | 06:47 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo will search | 06:47 |
=== brasko [n=bob@ip68-9-66-48.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brasko | hi all, I need to install a DNS server ASAP on my ubuntu machine. | 06:47 |
=== stocksy [n=stocksy@i-194-106-52-245.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brasko | I installed bind9 | 06:48 |
Frogzoo | !k3b | 06:48 |
ubotu | K3b was created to be a feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application, for more info goto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/K3BHowto | 06:48 |
bosco | are there gui differences in dapper compared to breezy and does it still use gnome as the default | 06:48 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: check the howto ^^^ | 06:48 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: happy you seem these days how are things down under | 06:48 |
brasko | but can't figure out how to put in the named.conf file the IP address/name of machines in our network. | 06:48 |
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brasko | Any help? desparate. | 06:48 |
=== patrick_ [n=patrick@71-35-237-159.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | hi bliss1_ same old same old | 06:48 |
vincent-ON3SS | are there in ubuntu 5.10 drivers for acx100 | 06:48 |
FlannelKing | bosco: it does use gnome, the differences aren't major. | 06:48 |
jenda | HELP! My Ubuntu has frozen completely (music stops playing, keyboard responding, cursors animating...) twice during the past two days. Any idea what could've caused this? Ubuntu 5.10, Linux 2.6.12-10-386 | 06:49 |
jenda | , Pentium4... | 06:49 |
bosco | FlannelKing, so then it is deffinatly worth the upgrade | 06:49 |
DNA_String_ | It takes over 20 minutes to go from login to desktop. The processor is a pentium III. The system is an IBM Thinkpad 600X. It is an old system, many parts are broken. (The sound did not play on startup, the ethernet network card is a pcmia card, maybe something wrong with bios, video screen cracked, battery is dead (and currently disconnected), plenty of places for something to hang up and... | 06:49 |
DNA_String_ | ...just not work.) After taking forever to load from the login page it poped up with three errors: "The panel encountered a problem while loading OAFID: XXXXXXXXXXXX", "The panel encountered [...] OAFID:Gnome_NotificationAr eaApplet", and "The panel encountered [...] OAFID: Gnome_Panel_WirelessApplet". I reflexively clicked away the first one before reading it (stupid, stupid me). | 06:49 |
ompaul | DNA_String_, you also seem to think that the box you have is dying on its feet so I would be inclinded to say get a live CD and see how it goes -- if it fails to boot I would be looking at that hardware with great skepticism | 06:49 |
=== Swoop|Around [i=Ask@0x55516c79.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h4ch3r | arrghh | 06:49 |
Warbo | jenda: Are you using an nvidia binary driver? | 06:49 |
h4ch3r | devil dapper | 06:49 |
h4ch3r | 06:49 | |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: going give Xen a go not in sarge but ubuntu hip hip? | 06:49 |
Frogzoo | jenda: typically with crashes, the x driver is the chief suspect - which video card do you have? | 06:49 |
jenda | Warbo: indeed I am. | 06:49 |
=== kahal [n=kahal@crb44-3-82-235-60-58.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | bliss1_: if you want to run doze, give qemu/kqemu a looksee | 06:49 |
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Warbo | jenda: Well it can be quick dodgy at times. You aren't trying to use Composite and GLX at the same time are you? | 06:50 |
=== noaXess [n=noaXess@adsl-du-217-11-45-147.cybernet.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jenda | Frogzoo: GeForce 2 | 06:50 |
ompaul | ***** News Flash ***** dapper conversations should be in the channel #ubuntu+1 thanks | 06:50 |
Warbo | quite | 06:50 |
=== jessy_ [n=jessy@4va54-1-81-56-98-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | !tell jenda about nvidia | 06:50 |
=== ompaul rofl | ||
i3dmaster | my firefox is broken | 06:50 |
Frogzoo | jenda: check the pm from ubotu, & update your vid driver | 06:50 |
jenda | Warbo: AFAIK, I use glx, but not composite | 06:50 |
noaXess | juanca: new kernel up and running :) | 06:50 |
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noaXess | 2.6.12-10-686 | 06:50 |
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jenda | Frogzoo: I will... | 06:51 |
i3dmaster | The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error. | 06:51 |
i3dmaster | This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 06:51 |
i3dmaster | The error was 'BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length erro'. | 06:51 |
i3dmaster | (Details: serial 1465 error_code 16 request_code 154 minor_code 20) | 06:51 |
i3dmaster | (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; | 06:51 |
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i3dmaster | that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it. | 06:51 |
i3dmaster | To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line | 06:51 |
Warbo | jenda: You would know if you use composite (you have to enable it) but you can only use it at the same time as GLX in the very latest driver (AFAIK only in Dapper) | 06:51 |
i3dmaster | option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful | 06:51 |
Frogzoo | i3dmaster: no spamming please | 06:51 |
i3dmaster | backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.) | 06:51 |
juanca | noaXess: cool :) | 06:51 |
jenda | i3dmaster: please use the pastebin | 06:51 |
i3dmaster | jenda, what's that and how? | 06:51 |
ompaul | i3dmaster, don't do that again | 06:51 |
juanca | noaXess: so? what is easy or what? | 06:51 |
jadaz87 | !tell i3dmaster about enter | 06:51 |
=== Koki2 [n=koki@c-67-181-24-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jadaz87 | !tell i3dmaster about pastebin | 06:52 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: I have already just need your little script to get kqemu moving? | 06:52 |
noaXess | juanca: double easy.. hanging in chair and relax, while my kubunt installs the new kernel.. | 06:52 |
Frogzoo | i3dmaster: ompaul's an op - so take the caution advisedly | 06:52 |
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noaXess | LOL | 06:52 |
=== fliegenderfrosch [n=manuel@cable-static-232-59.eblcom.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juanca | noaXess: :) | 06:52 |
i3dmaster | Frogzoo, np. where I can see how to paste? | 06:52 |
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fliegenderfrosch | is is possible to resize a FAT32 partition? | 06:52 |
noaXess | other queatin: is there a linux tool to convert mp4/m4p to mp3? | 06:53 |
arrick | !pastebin | 06:53 |
erUSUL | fliegenderfrosch: yes | 06:53 |
ubotu | pastebin is, like, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 06:53 |
noaXess | .... question ... | 06:53 |
Warbo | fliegenderfrosch: Sure | 06:53 |
=== nickrud [n=nickrud@adsl-69-153-204-83.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fliegenderfrosch | ok with which programm? | 06:53 |
fliegenderfrosch | qtparted failed | 06:53 |
noaXess | !mp4 | 06:53 |
ubotu | noaXess: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 06:53 |
=== hawk_wolf [n=hawk@ip68-13-42-189.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrick | morning nickgarvey | 06:53 |
Frogzoo | bliss1_: my script won't work for you as I'm running qemu 0.8 | 06:53 |
fliegenderfrosch | and the ubuntu-installer too | 06:53 |
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arrick | morning nickrud, sorry nickgarvey that was for him | 06:53 |
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hawk_wolf | can someone help me configure guidedog so that I can route traffic to my girlfriends computer | 06:54 |
ompaul | fliegenderfrosch, was it mounted when you tried to resize it? | 06:54 |
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nickrud | good morning arrick | 06:54 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo; are i see you did not get from apt-get you got the source? | 06:54 |
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Frogzoo | bliss1_: yep, and the networking's all changed | 06:54 |
fliegenderfrosch | ompaul, i don't think so, i tried it with knoppix and qtparted | 06:54 |
triceratops | is apache2 in ubuntu compiled with large file suport(gt 2GB) | 06:54 |
DNA_String_ | I feel validated that your suggestion was what I had already decided to do. Exactly the same issues, after XWindows comes up (no login screen in LiveCD) it takes over 20 minutes to load, and ends with three error messages. I already know that the hardware is questionable. However, the laptop ran Windows XP fine. Please don't tell me that MS succeeds on archaic hardware where linux cannot. :D | 06:54 |
ompaul | fliegenderfrosch, I thought knoppix mounted all the partitions automagically, maybe I am wrong | 06:55 |
Frogzoo | !tell i3dmaster about pastebin | 06:55 |
_guMuTpoB | i read the ubuntu how2 install wiki, and still dont understand how to install it to hdd without burning the iso, in other distribution ive used you could tell the installer to use images stored on hdd, but this seems not to be possible with ubuntu, am I wrong ? | 06:55 |
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Warbo | DNA_String_: That's exactly what you need to say to get some help. Nobody can stand windoze beating linux! | 06:55 |
hawk_wolf | is anybody familiar with using guidedog? | 06:55 |
fliegenderfrosch | ompaul, i try to unmount it and then i'll try it again | 06:55 |
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=== Engla [n=ulrik@062016193155.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
i3dmaster | ok, I pasted to the pastebin. hope someone can take a look and bring me some lights on that | 06:56 |
DNA_String_ | That's why I said it :D | 06:56 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo; network as in http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66694 or something diffrent | 06:56 |
Warbo | DNA_String_: Sadly I can't help though | 06:56 |
Frogzoo | i3dmaster: now post the url back here, so people can find it | 06:56 |
=== sNake [n=mrdez@c-24-12-28-242.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jenda | Frogzoo, what are the chances updating the legacy nvidia driver will help me? It has alwoys been a pain to do and the apt-get way doesn't work for me for some reason... | 06:56 |
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i3dmaster | and sorry for spamming at the first time. | 06:56 |
bliss1_ | nickrud: welcome! | 06:56 |
=== introverse [n=introver@c-71-199-130-137.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | Warbo, he needs to check his hardware out from top to bottom - it seems to be flakey and really a live CD is the way to do that - perhaps DSL given its lack of resource hunger would be best | 06:56 |
Frogzoo | jenda: ask the channel - I run ati | 06:56 |
i3dmaster | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12512 | 06:56 |
nickrud | hello bliss | 06:57 |
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=== ompaul pokes bliss1_ did you read your pm? | ||
karljp | anyone know where to configure touchpads? (in breezy/dapper?) the mouse thing in system->prefs works great for the mouse, but not the pad | 06:57 |
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jenda | Channel: what are the chances updating the legacy nvidia driver will help me fix total freezing (icl. kbd and mouse)? It has always been a pain to do and the apt-get way doesn't work for me for some reason... | 06:57 |
bliss1_ | nickrud: hello seem a bit down or are you fired and ready to go | 06:57 |
jenda | Frogzoo: ;) | 06:57 |
mwe | karljp: synaptic? | 06:58 |
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Dutchy | Totem is supposed to be able to play XviD .avi's isnt it? naruto doesnt seem to work here | 06:58 |
Frogzoo | bliss1_: I'd say that guide should get you up & running | 06:58 |
bliss1_ | ompaul: i replied i am missing something? | 06:58 |
mwe | karljp: is it a synaptics tp? | 06:58 |
jadaz87 | !tell Dutchy about restrictedformats | 06:58 |
nickrud | bliss1_, wary of getting too deeply involved today. I'm killing about a half hour before a metting | 06:58 |
ompaul | bliss1_, did not notice :-/ | 06:58 |
Frogzoo | jenda: just make sure the driver you're trying to install is supported by your card | 06:58 |
damian_ | meh, my Ubuntu installation freezes on 'Preparing for installation ...' after the reboot .. any ideas what could be wrong? :/ | 06:58 |
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fliegenderfrosch | ompaul, they were not mounted | 06:59 |
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nickrud | Dutchy, if you install the totem-xine & w32codecs packages yes. See that link theat jadaz87 sent | 06:59 |
jenda | Frogzoo: the binary nvidia legacy... how can I go wrong...? | 06:59 |
hawk_wolf | nobody knows how to configure guidedog? | 06:59 |
Dutchy | jadaz87, been there done that installed w32codecs... but afaik Totem plays mpeg/xvid etc by default | 06:59 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: yes i know but did you use it or something diffrent | 06:59 |
=== Warbo [n=Warbo@host81-156-115-27.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ompaul | fliegenderfrosch, then I have no ideas for you other than to nuke the full partition and take it all to ext3 or something else thats useful | 06:59 |
Dutchy | but ill check if i have totem-xine | 07:00 |
Frogzoo | bliss1_: I rolled my own, but this should work fine | 07:00 |
=== chuck [n=chuck@pool-72-66-144-160.slsbmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | !tell damian_ about bootOptions | 07:00 |
introverse | anyone in here running xgl/compiz in gnome? | 07:00 |
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karljp | mwe: no, it's an alps one. | 07:00 |
ompaul | bliss1_, did you send it to me or someone else? | 07:00 |
introverse | i have it running with a couple problems ;( | 07:00 |
chuck | I am a newby for sure | 07:00 |
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karljp | it works, I just need to turn up the speed a bit, just like for the mouse, as I'm running on 1900x1200 | 07:01 |
FlannelKing | introverse: #ubuntu-xgl or at the very least, #ubuntu+1 | 07:01 |
chuck | I hated MSuck so I thought I would try this | 07:01 |
jadaz87 | !tell introverse about xgl | 07:01 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo; i followed part of it , as i had 0.7.2 already installed suppose i could upgrade? | 07:01 |
bliss1_ | ompaul: its in the ompaul channel | 07:01 |
nickrud | chuck, welcome then. Any particular questions? | 07:01 |
felipe__ | how can i see wich is my ip? | 07:02 |
mwe | karljp: I don't know. tpconfig maybe. I have a synaptics | 07:02 |
Trynemjoel | www.whatismyip.com felipe__ | 07:02 |
damian_ | sp o | 07:02 |
damian_ | eh. | 07:02 |
damian_ | so i'd need to restart the instlalation and try it again | 07:02 |
chuck | how do you get mp3 to work | 07:02 |
lgc | gnomefreak, do you know how can one temporarily disable the synaptics touchpad? | 07:02 |
damian_ | i would have assumed all of the extra stuff would be taken out, i'm doing the 'server' install of 5.10 | 07:02 |
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nickrud | chuck, mp3 is supported on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats , along with a bunch of other non-free media stuff | 07:03 |
_guMuTpoB | only solution so far is to mount the iso, to a /dev/sdaX like dir but I do not know how 2 do this, only place where this is mentioned says I will need to make a "dummy" partition, which is not something I am willing to do | 07:03 |
eth42 | does anyone use the gnome keyboard switcher? | 07:03 |
eth42 | (and does it work on any other computer??) | 07:03 |
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felipe__ | Trynemjoel, something is wrong, when I type ifconfig I dont see my Ip anywhere, and theip that whatismyip detects is wrong | 07:04 |
juanca | eth42: I do use it | 07:04 |
Trynemjoel | felipe__, whatismyip.com detects your domain ip, you didnt specify what IP you wanted to see | 07:04 |
juanca | though I've seen/read some problems using a config file with 105 keys, they recommend 104 | 07:05 |
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eth42 | juanca: it doesn't work at all for me. which layouts do you use? what does gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd say? | 07:05 |
DNA_String_ | I must leave now, thanks for trying to help. | 07:05 |
=== yggdrasil [n=yggdrasi@user-119b692.biz.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yggdrasil | can somone help me get kismet working with my orinoco | 07:05 |
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Doat | hooray \o/ i got my ubuntu up and running | 07:06 |
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Doat | still having problems to connect to the internet though | 07:06 |
Frogzoo | bliss1_: sure | 07:06 |
haggis | What is the drapper irc support chanel | 07:06 |
Frogzoo | #ubuntu+1 | 07:07 |
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kkathman | dapper | 07:07 |
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felipe__ | Trynemjoel, This computer is directly connected to the adsl modem whatismyip.com should tell me my ip. When I type ifconfig I get the following: inet addr: Bcast: Mask: | 07:07 |
felipe__ | inet6 addr: fe80::216:ecff:fe34:e792/64 Scope:Link | 07:07 |
fliegenderfrosch | what can i do if i want to resize a fat32 partition but qtparted says, there is a error in ped_file_system_resize? | 07:07 |
=== ryanpg [n=ryanpg@c-24-13-248-42.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: so how I mean delete 0.7.2 start again and followthe how to from scratch? | 07:08 |
kkathman | lol amazing how many people think its drapper :) | 07:08 |
=== jeff__ [n=jeff@c-71-57-89-119.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ryanpg | hi all... anyone know if there's an xorg 7.1 rc1 repo around somewhere? | 07:08 |
gnomefreak | lgc: no i dont | 07:08 |
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gnomefreak | !touchpad | 07:08 |
ubotu | gnomefreak: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 07:08 |
gnomefreak | yes :( | 07:08 |
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=== Ummmmm [n=Ummmmm@213-162-121-97.curtis454.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | bliss1_: check in the Makefile in the source directory - there should be a target for 'make uninstall' | 07:08 |
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=== Pablo [n=Pablo@03.71.d1c4.cidr.airmail.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ummmmm | heya -- anyone know where i can get ati drivers? | 07:09 |
=== Liothen [n=liothen@c-24-18-111-217.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | !fglrx | 07:09 |
ubotu | it has been said that fglrx is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:09 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Ummmmm about ati | 07:09 |
Ummmmm | ya :) | 07:09 |
lgc | gnomefreak, sorry about the windmill... | 07:09 |
Ummmmm | ta* | 07:09 |
gnomefreak | eh | 07:09 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo; just a sec I did not install 0.7.2 from source it was apt-get or are you talking about something else | 07:10 |
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juanca | eth42: layouts = [ch fr,us intl] model = options = [grp grp:alts_toggle] overrideSettings = true | 07:10 |
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juanca | eth42: I think you have to log out your session for changes to take effect | 07:10 |
Frogzoo | blight_: oh ok, then just uninstall from synaptic | 07:11 |
Dutchy | I have totem-xine and w32codecs but it doesnt seem to work for me (and earlier I had totem-gstreamer and i already did everything on the restricted formats page) | 07:11 |
Frogzoo | bliss1_: oh ok, then just uninstall from synaptic | 07:11 |
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eth42 | juanca: ok, thanks a lot!! I will try your settings with log out | 07:11 |
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Frogzoo | damn tabs | 07:11 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: then jut follw the howto i suppose | 07:12 |
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Frogzoo | bliss1_: that should do the trick | 07:12 |
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bliss1_ | Frogzoo; just bear in mnd that bridging as per the howto is set up already | 07:13 |
steveire | My flash player won't play any sounds | 07:13 |
steveire | It's behaving as if it were muted. | 07:13 |
steveire | Any ideas? | 07:13 |
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Frogzoo | bliss1_: well then that should probably work fine, networking only changed with 0.8 | 07:13 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: eh | 07:14 |
iceman | kind of weird to actualt devote a pc to linux | 07:14 |
=== nasky [n=nasky@def92-5-82-227-136-193.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bliss1_ | Frogzoo; but its 0.7.2 i am deleting and 0.8.0 i am getting from source | 07:15 |
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=== vash [n=vash@12-208-56-145.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nasky | hi all | 07:15 |
vash | howdy | 07:15 |
kkathman | iceman: why's that? | 07:15 |
Frogzoo | iceman: I had dual boot for a while, but I needed the space for pron, so doze had to go | 07:15 |
mwe | steveire: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84337 | 07:15 |
Frogzoo | iceman: you have to have your priorities :) | 07:15 |
vash | how much pron are we talking here Frogzoo? | 07:15 |
nasky | i'd like to know why it's Firefox 1.0.7 which is installed on Ubuntu and not the last version which is 1.5 ? | 07:16 |
hawk_wolf | I'm trying to turn my computer into a router so that my gfreind and I can be online at the same time sharing a cable connection. | 07:16 |
Doat | how can i create an ssh connection in ubuntu? | 07:16 |
Frogzoo | vash: about 20gig :) | 07:16 |
bliss1_ | nickrud: got a slight repremand yesterday | 07:16 |
vash | nice | 07:16 |
Frogzoo | lol | 07:16 |
hawk_wolf | I have 2 nic cards intstalled | 07:16 |
gnomefreak | nasky: because 1.5 can out after breezy was released | 07:16 |
hawk_wolf | one to the modem and one to her computer. | 07:16 |
mwe | steveire: sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian-all | 07:16 |
iceman | cant yet devote my windows box to linux, to much critical data ... once i get it moved ... i'll devote it to linux | 07:16 |
gnomefreak | nasky: FF1.5 is not an updated version its a new browser | 07:16 |
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nickrud | bliss1_, you don't count here till you've been kicked at least once :) | 07:16 |
Frogzoo | nasky: cos that's what was available when they froze breezy, but you can upgrade | 07:16 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell nasky about ff1.5 | 07:17 |
Frogzoo | !tell nasky about ff1.5 | 07:17 |
hawk_wolf | any sugestions on how to configure the os to alllow that? | 07:17 |
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bliss1_ | nickrud: ok then how about this! | 07:17 |
vash | anyways, I just installed Breezy on my girlfriend's computer and it won't detect her wireless card (it's a damned-near new Dell D610...Centrino so I'm assuming it's an IPW2200)...for the life of me, can't figure out why it isn't showing up | 07:17 |
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perceptor | teste | 07:18 |
erUSUL | hawk_wolf: to allow what? | 07:18 |
vash | any ideas? | 07:18 |
=== gnomefreak wouldnt feel right if i didnt get kicked atleast once a month | ||
iceman | would try xandros ... but to expencive ... | 07:18 |
nasky | thank you guys about ff1.5 :) | 07:18 |
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Rug | How could I find out the total space used for this: ftp://ftp.cs.mun.ca/pub/mirror/ubuntu/dists/ | 07:18 |
hawk_wolf | To allow me to use my computer and also have it route the internet to a windows box | 07:18 |
Frogzoo | vash: should be eth1 if it's a 2200 - what does lspci say? | 07:18 |
gnomefreak | nasky: just remember leave ff1.0.7 wher eit is _do_ _not_ uninstall it | 07:19 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: see my post | 07:19 |
mwe | gnomefreak: just say d.c.c s.e.n.d without the dots :) | 07:19 |
gnomefreak | lol mwe | 07:19 |
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gnomefreak | i was kicked a few days ago | 07:19 |
gnomefreak | im good for now | 07:19 |
erUSUL | hawk_wolf: you have to allow ip_forwarding i do not know how to do this with firestarter though | 07:19 |
Frogzoo | bliss1_: I don't see the problem? | 07:19 |
mwe | gnomefreak: heh | 07:19 |
Doat | hey gnomefreak, i got my ubuntu installed :) | 07:19 |
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=== gnomefreak meant to paste a link and oops and pasted a source code :( | ||
majkhii | hello | 07:20 |
gnomefreak | Doat: me too ;) | 07:20 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo; ok thanks fine I just was a bit worried about what you said | 07:20 |
=== Newbuntu [n=aloon@S01060050ba20ae81.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nasky | for FF1.5, there is none package .deb? i have to take the .tar.gz ? | 07:20 |
Frogzoo | bliss1_: just follow the howto, you'll do fine | 07:20 |
Doat | gnomefreak: congrats | 07:20 |
vash | Frog - it doesn't show up at all under the network admin, and I can't run lspci at the moment as she took the machine with her just a minute ago | 07:20 |
gnomefreak | you too Doat | 07:20 |
vash | i didn't think to run it while i had the chance | 07:20 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo; ok | 07:20 |
gnomefreak | nasky: thats it ff is non-free no source code | 07:21 |
k31th | when adding two new drives to a dell raid controller in raid1 you have to format in the raid bios ?? | 07:21 |
vash | although, if it's 2200, it should work fine....my laptop is 2200 and it detected it right out of the box | 07:21 |
Rug | nevermind I figured something out | 07:21 |
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Newbuntu | Im trying to change my display resolution, but under systemsettings in KDE and kcontrol/peripherals I dont have a menu called display, whats the name of the package that allows you to change your display settings in kde? | 07:21 |
Arafangion | gnomefreak: ff _is_ free. | 07:21 |
christophe971 | ssup | 07:21 |
Frogzoo | gnomefreak: ?? | 07:21 |
gnomefreak | nasky: if you follow the wiki as i fixed it you should have no issues | 07:21 |
erUSUL | hawk_wolf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ShareInternetConnection | 07:22 |
bliss1_ | nickrud: so repremand was why do it from the live CD when you can do it from the os itself -so there | 07:22 |
gnomefreak | iirc ff is not under gpl | 07:22 |
Arafangion | gnomefreak: There are other free licenses. | 07:22 |
=== james_ [n=james@c211-28-249-92.frank1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
james_ | Hello | 07:22 |
Frogzoo | gnomefreak: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Download_Mozilla_Source_Code | 07:22 |
erUSUL | gnomefreak: is dual licenced afaik mpl - gpl | 07:22 |
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james_ | can any one help me put kde on ubuntu | 07:22 |
jbroome | !kde | 07:23 |
ubotu | I guess kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 07:23 |
gnomefreak | my fault thinking of opera for some reason | 07:23 |
nickrud | bliss1_, sounds like education to me. | 07:23 |
Frogzoo | "License" | 07:23 |
Frogzoo | This code is covered by the Netscape Public License and Mozilla Public License. Please read the terms of these licenses before altering or copying the source code. " | 07:23 |
bliss1_ | nickrud: it was and it is hope we both benefit | 07:23 |
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javiza | SDV | 07:24 |
james_ | to install kde do i need to reinstall the system? | 07:24 |
Frogzoo | !kde | 07:24 |
ubotu | hmm... kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/ | 07:24 |
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FliesLikeALap | no james_ do apt-get install kde-base or apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:24 |
james_ | thanks mate | 07:25 |
jbroome | reading is fundamental | 07:25 |
Rug | Don't forget to add sudo | 07:25 |
gnomefreak | sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 07:25 |
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yggdrasil | hey guys can somone help me out doing orinoco driver install so i can get kismet working ? | 07:25 |
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vodnik | hi, ehm, a little bit dumb question - what sign should I put to the beginnng of a file in order it be first when I sort files by their names? I know "_" works in windows, but it seems not to work in linux. i.e. in windows, name_of_the_file is somewhere in the middle whereas _name_of_the_file is usually first | 07:26 |
james_ | sorry wat was the to install it again? | 07:26 |
Rug | anybody ever setup a (private)mirror of ubuntu? | 07:26 |
mwe | vodnik: it works if you set LC_COLLATE=C | 07:26 |
gnomefreak | james_: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 07:27 |
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Frogzoo | Rug: should be straightforward - wget mirror | 07:27 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo; only advantage with Xen is that it has a grub entry and you boot into it | 07:27 |
Rug | Frogzoo: nah, I'm using rsync | 07:27 |
mwe | vodnik: /etc/environment | 07:27 |
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james_ | gnomefreak sorry can give me a step by step im a n00b | 07:28 |
Frogzoo | Rug: the point is all repos are already using http - so wget is the right tool for the job | 07:28 |
Rug | I'm kinda geeked, I want to nuke my system just so I can reinstall it fast! | 07:28 |
avu | james_: that is just one setp :) | 07:28 |
gnomefreak | james_: to install kubuntu-desktop type in terminal sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 07:28 |
james_ | ok | 07:28 |
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Rug | wow, the entire Warty/Hoary/Dapper collection is only 2.4 GB | 07:29 |
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Doat | the install didn't let me set the root password (at least i can't remember). how do i set it? | 07:30 |
_guMuTpoB | please, suggest how to mount an iso image so that I could make the ubuntu installer use it, instead of a real cd media. | 07:30 |
james_ | ok i typed that | 07:30 |
Frogzoo | !root | 07:30 |
ubotu | hmm... root is Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 07:30 |
gnomefreak | Doat: user password | 07:30 |
sesstreets | ownage | 07:30 |
eth42 | juanca: this keyboard issue is just amazing. I have the same settings as you but it simply doesn't work for me. I get the first layout from the layout list but cannot switch. I can set a default sometimes, but that doesn't have an effect. | 07:30 |
james_ | i get apt-get unknown | 07:31 |
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nasky | i can't launch ff1.5. it says : libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 07:31 |
nasky | whats the matter ? | 07:31 |
vodnik | mwe: thanks, is there a way to make it work without rebooting? | 07:31 |
majkhii | why i can't change passwords of users? :( | 07:31 |
hwt | hi, can i run the ubuntu-live-image via pxeboot? | 07:31 |
jadaz87 | hello everyone i was wondering how big is the ubuntu workstation install and how big is the ubuntu server installation once installed to hard disk | 07:31 |
hwt | without much hassle? | 07:31 |
gnomefreak | james_: you need to enable universe repo | 07:31 |
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Doat | gnomefreak: you mean the root password i the same as the user password? | 07:31 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell james_ about universe | 07:31 |
gnomefreak | Doat: sudo not su | 07:31 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Doat about root | 07:31 |
Doat | ooh ok | 07:31 |
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agliv5 | Frogzoo I can't find the missing k3b packages and am begining to think that they are not necessary... Something else that I noticed;k3b freezes even when I just try to find out information about the media loaded in the drive... | 07:32 |
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mwe | vodnik: export LC_COLLATE=C will work in the current terminal | 07:32 |
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mwe | vodnik: in that bash session | 07:32 |
Newbuntu | does anyone know the name of the package that is used by kde to change your display? Mine is missing | 07:33 |
majkhii | why i can't change passwords of users? :( pls help :D | 07:33 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: did you read the howto? | 07:33 |
mwe | Newbuntu: change display? | 07:33 |
agliv5 | which howto? | 07:33 |
Newbuntu | resolution | 07:33 |
mwe | Newbuntu: right click desktop | 07:33 |
Rug | majkhii: yes you can | 07:33 |
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Rug | sudo passwd <user> | 07:34 |
steveire | mwe: Thanks for the flash info. That worked. | 07:34 |
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majkhii | Rug...i try it, but password never changes... | 07:34 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: you missed in the howto where it says 'License' | 07:34 |
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Frogzoo | 'sudo apt-get install k3b cdrdao' | 07:34 |
steveire | Does anyone here use pandora.com? | 07:34 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo which howto are you refering to? | 07:34 |
Frogzoo | !k3b | 07:34 |
ubotu | K3b was created to be a feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application, for more info goto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/K3BHowto | 07:34 |
Rug | majkhii: what user are you trying to change? | 07:34 |
gnomefreak | what is cdrdao? | 07:34 |
majkhii | Rug...I do new user... | 07:35 |
Frogzoo | gnomefreak: cd cli burning tools | 07:35 |
gnomefreak | ah | 07:35 |
Frogzoo | gnomefreak: compulsory to get k3b to work | 07:35 |
mwe | steveire: you installed the libsdl package? | 07:35 |
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steveire | yep | 07:35 |
steveire | Cheers | 07:35 |
mwe | yw | 07:35 |
Rug | majkhii: ok do these step with me.. sudo adduser ralph | 07:35 |
Rug | enter your sudo password | 07:36 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo cdrdao is already the newest version | 07:36 |
steveire | Anyone use pandora.com for music? | 07:36 |
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Rug | majkhii: you ok so far? | 07:36 |
vodnik | mwe thanks | 07:36 |
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Frogzoo | agliv5: well then why doesn't k3b pick it up? you might also like to install cdrecord | 07:37 |
mikael | is there anyone who can tell me how to change the default mp3-player from totem to xmms? | 07:37 |
_jason | ubotu: tell mikael about defaultapp | 07:38 |
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nin | Hello | 07:39 |
christophe971 | EHLO | 07:39 |
Rug | howdy | 07:39 |
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majkhii | Rug...i dont understand :) | 07:40 |
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mikael | _jason, Thanx, guess that was to easy to find.. Guess I thought i would be harder... .hehe | 07:40 |
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james_ | thanks gnomefreak | 07:41 |
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nin | I've got a question about my webcam... it's saying that it's supported in this kernel. But I don't know how to access it... | 07:41 |
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gnomefreak | james_: your welcome | 07:41 |
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james_ | any one no of any good php editors? | 07:42 |
james_ | like dreamwever | 07:42 |
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majkhii | james_: bluefish | 07:42 |
robertj | entity | 07:42 |
gnomefreak | james_: nvu should do php | 07:42 |
james_ | pl | 07:42 |
james_ | ok | 07:42 |
gnomefreak | bluefish should also | 07:42 |
gnomefreak | nvu is very simalar to dreamweaver | 07:43 |
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nin | Anyone? :D | 07:43 |
jimcooncat | nin, I've been playing with webcams lately | 07:44 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo is cdrecord a seperate programm? | 07:44 |
nin | Cool | 07:44 |
jimcooncat | nin, what software are you using to view it? | 07:44 |
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nin | I actually don't have software for it yet | 07:44 |
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christophe971 | [hungry] | 07:45 |
nin | I found a decent site for the cam itself, but it's just explaining what cam I have, no drivers for it. | 07:45 |
nin | http://www.linux-usb.org/ibmcam/ | 07:45 |
nin | I have the model 2 | 07:45 |
jimcooncat | nin, there's lots of ways to set up webcams | 07:45 |
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henk | Does ubuntu have support for the broadcom 802.11g onboard nic ? | 07:45 |
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jimcooncat | nin, try installing camorama and see if it works | 07:45 |
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Frogzoo | agliv5: yes, just install it, it won't hurt anything - and then from k3b, try settings -> k3b setup might get you going | 07:45 |
MrPockets | any reasn my CPU hits 100% when i start to type? | 07:46 |
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gnomefreak | ubotu tell henk about broadcom | 07:46 |
MrPockets | (P4 3.40 HT) | 07:46 |
nin | jim, alright | 07:46 |
jimcooncat | nin, if not then you'll need additional drivers | 07:46 |
Frogzoo | MrPockets: you type very fast? | 07:46 |
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henk | gnomefreak thnx | 07:46 |
MrPockets | nah even when i type slowly | 07:46 |
jenda | Does GAIM work in Windows? | 07:46 |
gnomefreak | henk: yw | 07:46 |
gnomefreak | jenda: yes | 07:46 |
Grout58 | jenda: yes | 07:46 |
jenda | thanks | 07:47 |
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harisund | MrPockets: Run a program called gnome-system-monitor or something. It will tell you in a graphical way what process is taking up most processor .. or you could use top on the command line | 07:47 |
gnomefreak | jenda: there is a gaim for windows on the gaim website | 07:47 |
jenda | kk | 07:47 |
harisund | jenda: Are you using gaim? | 07:47 |
majkhii | anybody who knows how can I install MSIE to ubuntu? :) | 07:47 |
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Frogzoo | MrPockets: or just top - but that seems quite strange | 07:47 |
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jenda | harisund: yup... but not Windows. Working on a convert | 07:47 |
endeavormac | Installed Ubuntu for the first time yesterday. That sweet orange text that scrolls down as you're booting up, if everything had crashed right there, and tiny space aliens started to eat the inside of my computer whole, I think it still would have made Ubuntu my new favorite distro. | 07:47 |
gnomefreak | majkhii: wine but not sure how well it works with IE | 07:47 |
harisund | jenda: I have a question for you .. | 07:47 |
endeavormac | Which brings me to my next point. Does anyone have any idea what font that is? | 07:47 |
majkhii | gnomefreak...it worsk very bad | 07:47 |
gnomefreak | majkhii: figured as much | 07:48 |
harisund | jenda: Do you know how to prevent Gaim's IRC to disable printing messages of who's entering the chat room and who's leaving the chat room? | 07:48 |
gnomefreak | i have no need for windows nor window apps | 07:48 |
majkhii | gnomefreak...i need something to congigure...but i dont now what and where :) | 07:48 |
MrPockets | it was firefox | 07:48 |
jimcooncat | majkhii, I'm in same boat, I'll be installing Win2000 under vmWare | 07:48 |
MrPockets | i had a window minimized, closed it and all is good now | 07:48 |
Frogzoo | majkhii: checkout ie4linux after you've installed wine, but it still might not work for you | 07:48 |
gnomefreak | majkhii: wine crossoveroffice maybe cedega are about your only way to get ms products on ubuntu | 07:48 |
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majkhii | gnomefreak: i need it because i am doing webpages...and i need to validate them fot MSIE | 07:49 |
james_ | gnomefreak : i installed kde how do i switch to kde now | 07:49 |
gnomefreak | james_: log out and on login screen before you log in click sessions than kde | 07:49 |
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gnomefreak | james_: than log in | 07:49 |
james_ | ok | 07:49 |
james_ | brb guys | 07:49 |
nin | jim, said that it could not connect to video... | 07:49 |
majkhii | Frogzoo...i check it...it didnt works | 07:50 |
harisund | jenda Did you see my question? | 07:50 |
majkhii | maybe i will install cedega...and try it | 07:50 |
jenda | harisund: sorry - umm... I don't use it for IRC | 07:50 |
harisund | jenda: oh ok ..you use Xchat? | 07:50 |
gnomefreak | majkhii: your best bet is crossover office but cedega nad co are both pay to use | 07:50 |
jimcooncat | nin, guess you need an additional driver, I'll check it out. What was your make and model again? | 07:50 |
jenda | harisund: yup. I just saw you pop into #ubuntu-marketing | 07:50 |
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majkhii | gnomefreak...thx for help | 07:51 |
harisund | jenda: my mistake. I wanted to go to ubuntuforums actually ... | 07:51 |
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jenda | K | 07:51 |
gnomefreak | majkhii: yw | 07:51 |
nin | It's a IBM PC Camera, but it's made by Xirlink, it's the model 2 | 07:51 |
abo | i'm having some problems with ubuntu running extremely slow. it runs on a mobile p2 366 with 128 RAM. X uses the grafic driver neomagic. any ideas? | 07:51 |
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gnomefreak | abo: you need mor memory bigger cpu wont hurt eitehr | 07:52 |
Frogzoo | abo: that's really very little memory for gnome | 07:52 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo sudo apt -get install cdrecord --> cdrecord is already the newest version | 07:52 |
Frogzoo | abo: close as many unnecessary apps as possible, and close down unnecessary services | 07:52 |
gnomefreak | agliv5: you installing k3b? | 07:52 |
abo | yeah i understand that aswell, but it is *really* slow, firefoxs lags to death while scrolling | 07:52 |
abo | i've tried xbuntu but it's just as slow | 07:53 |
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Frogzoo | agliv5: did you run k3b setup? | 07:53 |
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gnomefreak | abo: ubuntu uses the memory to hold in and btw did you make a swap partition? | 07:53 |
abo | yeah 256 mb | 07:53 |
majkhii | i have swap 2GB :D | 07:53 |
agliv5 | frogzoo k3b has frozen again so I'll have to wait till I can restart it | 07:53 |
gnomefreak | majkhii: 1 gig is all you will ever need | 07:53 |
abo | 40 mb mem free and 130 mb swap free | 07:54 |
jimcooncat | nin, only thing I could find was http://xirlinkwebcam.sourceforge.net/ | 07:54 |
nin | Alright, thanks man | 07:54 |
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abo | is there no reason to belive there could be something wrong the the graphics driver? | 07:55 |
Frogzoo | abo: I'm running at about 300Meg atm with just irc, ff1.5, k3b open & a couple of terminals - you pc's probly swapping like crazy | 07:55 |
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agliv5 | Frogzoo running k3b setup now | 07:56 |
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abo | Frogzoo: but mine is *slow* runnig just one terminal in xfce | 07:56 |
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Frogzoo | abo: boot to recovery mode which is just text & see if performance improves | 07:56 |
jimcooncat | nin, your webcam might be able to use this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75284&highlight=webcam | 07:56 |
Frogzoo | abo: did you enable DMA on you HD? | 07:57 |
abo | Frogzoo: from grub or is that a gdm session? | 07:57 |
abo | Frogzoo: no, not manually | 07:57 |
Frogzoo | abo: recovery is an option from grub, & you should edit /etc/hdparm.conf to enable DMA | 07:57 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo setup assistant or configure k3b? | 07:57 |
Frogzoo | agliv5: setup assistant | 07:57 |
jenda | How does one make a boot floppy that'll allow a PC that doesn't want to boot from CD to do so? | 07:58 |
abo | Frogzoo: but it's the X system that is slow, ie when moving around windows etc | 07:58 |
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abo | it was no way near this slow when i had windows on it | 07:58 |
Frogzoo | abo: if you're swapping, then you'll hit disk, so DMA should help | 07:58 |
Falstius | jenda: you could download "smart boot manager" | 07:58 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo a empty window pops up with some buttons at the botom.... | 07:58 |
agliv5 | will return | 07:58 |
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jenda | Falstius: what is it and how does it work? | 07:59 |
jenda | !boot | 07:59 |
ubotu | jenda: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 07:59 |
abo | Fracture: im not swapping when just moving a window with no other apps started | 07:59 |
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Falstius | jenda: it is a floppy, you put it in your drive and boot from it, then it gives you a menu to select different devices to boot from. Simple to use. | 08:00 |
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jenda | Falstius, perfect. Where do i get it? | 08:00 |
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Falstius | I've used it succesfully on some old pentiums, but didnt have much luck with a 486 (could have been the drive). Just google for it. | 08:00 |
abo | Frogzoo: dma was enabled | 08:00 |
Frogzoo | abo: just enable DMA first, & then see | 08:00 |
Frogzoo | abo: k | 08:01 |
abo | how can i upgrade xorg to version 7? | 08:01 |
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pedro94 | pedrgfytnb | 08:01 |
lgc | does anyone know where are remote communications logged (for example, the web pages you visit)? | 08:01 |
naxxtor | i'm having problems with the network wheezard - namely it's stalling at some point - i think it has something to do with the ppp connection I don't have. any ideas how to sort it out? | 08:02 |
pedro94 | tonto | 08:02 |
Frogzoo | lgc: that would be in ff's history | 08:02 |
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Frogzoo | abo: take a look at top - how much cpu u currently using? | 08:02 |
ramvi | Heya, I've been using ubuntu breezy for some time now. I've upgraded it to dapper too. Over the time I've "lost" some apps, is there a way to install default ubuntu apps without reinstalling everything? | 08:02 |
ramvi | apt-get something | 08:02 |
abo | Fracture: 20% at idle | 08:02 |
abo | 10-20% | 08:02 |
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Fracture | abo: are you sure you meant to send those messages to me ? | 08:03 |
naxxtor | ramvi - at-get upgrade dist? maybe? | 08:03 |
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abo | Fracture: nope, sorry :) | 08:03 |
ramvi | naxxtor, that returns "there's nothing to do" | 08:03 |
Fracture | abo: no worries.. I just get a notification when you use my nick in the message ;) | 08:03 |
ben | hallo, kann man hier fragen stellen? bzw. knnte mir mal kurz jemand helfen? | 08:03 |
Frogzoo | abo: which vid card? latest driver installed? | 08:03 |
fart | how can i get mupen64 to execute | 08:03 |
abo | lspci says some neomagic stuff | 08:03 |
lgc | Frogzoo, I don't mean the navigator history, but something more general than that (how, as a sysadmin, can one know if a certain user, who diligently cleans up their navigation history, is being a smartaleck?) | 08:04 |
naxxtor | ramvi - not sure then | 08:04 |
abo | i have no idea about if i use the latest driver | 08:04 |
ramvi | :/ | 08:04 |
abo | but im suspecting something is wrong with the driver | 08:04 |
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abo | Frogzoo: how can i upgrade xorg to version 7? | 08:04 |
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Frogzoo | abo: I imagine it's not straightforward | 08:04 |
Jedi2k6 | hi everyone! Can anyone help me with the samba? | 08:04 |
naxxtor | lgc : ideally you'd need to have access to the gateway they're using | 08:05 |
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abo | Frogzoo: why? there is a version 7 build of xorg if i look at packages.debian.org | 08:05 |
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naxxtor | lgc, you could then do a tcpdump and grep the log for URLs | 08:05 |
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matata | is there any CDs images for all the packages in ubuntu repositories ? | 08:05 |
Frogzoo | abo: debian package != ubuntu package - I doubt there's a breezy package for xorg 7 | 08:05 |
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naxxtor | lgc, I guess you could do the same for on the local machine, but the packet log would get big real quick | 08:06 |
brasko | Hey, anyone know how to run webadmin nis? | 08:06 |
brasko | I have it installed, and would like to configure NIS | 08:06 |
abo | Frogzoo: oh ok, wasnt xorg 7 released as satable over half a year ago? | 08:06 |
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fart | can some tell me how to run mupen64 | 08:07 |
lgc | naxxtor, I mean there must be a logfile on the machine, that takes care of such info (there used to be such file in | 08:07 |
Frogzoo | abo: maybe we'll see it in dapper | 08:07 |
lgc | naxxtor, ... old Irix) | 08:07 |
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steveire | steveire@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ sudo kedit /usr/share/applications/Azureus.desktop | 08:07 |
steveire | Error: "/tmp/kde-steveire" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. | 08:07 |
steveire | Link points to "/tmp/kde-root" | 08:07 |
abo | mhm.. | 08:07 |
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steveire | any idea how I fix that ? | 08:08 |
abo | Frogzoo: you you recommend installing gentoo and then some more lightweight wm, like pekwm? | 08:08 |
blindx | can.. someone say my name? | 08:08 |
abo | would you, i mean | 08:08 |
naxxtor | lgc, i'm not sure. i don't think there is anything that would give enough detail about specific URLs | 08:08 |
abo | blindx | 08:08 |
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ramvi | How do I make go back to default dapper? Remove apps that "shouldn't be there" and installs apps that "should be there" and creats the default startup script? | 08:08 |
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blindx | thanks. | 08:08 |
Falstius | dapper uses xorg 7 ... | 08:08 |
abo | what is dapper? | 08:09 |
Frogzoo | abo: I recommend another stick or 2 of memory | 08:09 |
Falstius | abo, the next version of ubuntu. | 08:09 |
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steveire | any ideas on that kde ownership issue? | 08:09 |
abo | Frogzoo: that wont happend :/ | 08:09 |
steveire | It's been there a while... | 08:09 |
lgc | naxxtor, I've seen it, I swear. In fact, as I recall, you could even adjust the level of detail of the log... | 08:09 |
Frogzoo | abo: :( | 08:09 |
naxxtor | lgc, well clearly you know better than I :) | 08:10 |
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steveire | uid 1000 and uid 0. Is one of those root and the other system user? | 08:11 |
abo | Frogzoo: ubuntu seems very resource-demanding.. maybe its better to run something more leightweight :/ | 08:11 |
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lgc | naxxtor, that is precisely what I don't know! As for tcpdump-ing the gateway I have no clue as to what it is.... | 08:11 |
Frogzoo | abo: I'd seriously look at your vid driver first | 08:11 |
steveire | what's the ls switch to display ownership and permissions? | 08:11 |
Frogzoo | ls -l | 08:11 |
=== Newbuntu [n=aloon@S01060050ba20ae81.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Newbuntu | how do you restart the xserver , just by restarting? | 08:12 |
Falstius | abo, vectorlinux is pretty and should run happily on a pII 128mb ram. | 08:12 |
naxxtor | lgc, i've got an idea. You could run urlsnarf (as part of the dsniff kit) on the machine, and have it write output to a log file | 08:12 |
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Frogzoo | Newbuntu: ctrl alt backspace - best logout b4 you try this | 08:12 |
naxxtor | lgc, assuming that this log you speak of isn't an option, of course | 08:12 |
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nin | Hey jim, should I just load up what is posted by arnieboy on that site you gave me, was sorta busy sorry about the delay | 08:13 |
klaxian | i just upgraded to dapper on my laptop and the screen is a little grainy...it's not so noticeable that I can't work, but I can definitely see it | 08:14 |
klaxian | has anyone else had that problem? | 08:14 |
FlannelKing | klaxian: ask the people on dapper ;) (#ubuntu+1) | 08:14 |
Frogzoo | klaxian: for dapper -> #ubuntu+1 | 08:14 |
klaxian | FlannelKing: ah, sorry | 08:14 |
fart | how can i run mupen64 | 08:14 |
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lgc | naxxtor, that could help, thanks. | 08:15 |
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damian_ | when mounting a samba drive, it comes up with 'unknown filesystem type 'smb'' .. how can i make it understand the samba filesystem type? | 08:16 |
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mikael | damian_, try apt-get install smbfs (worked for me..) | 08:17 |
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damian_ | that comes up with 'Package smbfs has no installation candidate' | 08:18 |
blindx | lol, im gonna go rm rf / my other linux box, just for fun | 08:18 |
blindx | brb | 08:18 |
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imperfect- | gald-darn there are bunch of you | 08:20 |
mikael | damian_, try to add the extra repositories | 08:20 |
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alisea | hola | 08:20 |
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mikael | damian_, http://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories | 08:21 |
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_jason | !ubuntuguide | 08:21 |
ubotu | I guess ubuntuguide is out of date, reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead | 08:21 |
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nin | I'm really liking ubuntu | 08:22 |
iceman_ | anyone a karamba wizy here ... | 08:22 |
majkhii | anybody who knows where i can find manual for apache+mysql setup? | 08:22 |
_jason | !lamp | 08:22 |
ubotu | Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 08:22 |
majkhii | ubotu...thx | 08:23 |
nin | how do I go about downloading macromedia flashplayer, because at the site it's not letting me download it. | 08:23 |
_jason | ubotu: tell nin about flash | 08:23 |
agliv5 | Frogzoo when I try to open the setup assistant only an empty window pops up... | 08:23 |
iceman | I need a Kasamba wizard ... | 08:24 |
iceman | karamba | 08:24 |
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naxxtor | so - my network-admin applet doesn't work - i think it's because it's trying to start a ppp connection that's not there - can I fix this? | 08:24 |
steveire | torrents are seriously confusing me. | 08:25 |
mikael | ubotu: tell mikael about wine | 08:25 |
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steveire | All torrents are slow spped for me. | 08:26 |
steveire | It doesn't make sense. | 08:26 |
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iceman | anyone good a rebuilding superkaramba themes | 08:28 |
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cyphase | would you guys recommend i install truecrypt 4.2 on breezy? | 08:29 |
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cyphase | last time i tried installing truecrypt on ubuntu, there were problems | 08:29 |
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iceman | well crud my linux box froze ... :( | 08:31 |
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iceman | what inode "fixed" mean | 08:31 |
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naxxtor | iceman, might mean it's not broken any more ;) | 08:32 |
sorush20 | guys how do I set up my computer to check which ports are open or not? | 08:32 |
sorush20 | how can I open up ports and stuff | 08:32 |
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naxxtor | sorush20, use nmap (apt-get/Synaptic it) | 08:32 |
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unstable | If I own bobdole.com and bobdole.com links to my home isp box as a web server, How can I make it so when I connect to irc on my linux box...it shows "bobdole.com" as my hostmask? | 08:32 |
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naxxtor | sorush20, hang on - do you want to open them or check whether they're open? | 08:33 |
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sorush20 | naxxtor: I'm trying to get this extension webmail with thundrebird to work and I keep getting the message from the extension in the thunderbird that the ports like 25, 143 and 110 are closed and I have error.. | 08:34 |
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sorush20 | I do have a router naxxtor and I have set the port forwarding so that those port s have access to the external host... but I reall y don't know what to do/ | 08:34 |
naxxtor | sorush20, what computers ports is that referring to? | 08:34 |
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sorush20 | http://webmail.mozdev.org/index.html | 08:35 |
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eduard | how can i downgrade my version of gcc? | 08:35 |
scifi | hi guys, probly a stupid question but if want to play CS in ubuntu and i use wine to do this, will i also need to install steam on ubuntu as well as windows xp or can i just access the steam installtion by mounting the windows partition in ubuntu? | 08:35 |
sorush20 | naxxtor: they are pop imap and smtp.. | 08:35 |
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eth42 | I cannot use more than one keyboard layout. can anyone help? | 08:35 |
jkroon | Is it possible to use Xgl in the latest Ubuntu release, using an nvidia videocard ? | 08:36 |
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gnomefreak | jkroon: if you mean dapper yes | 08:36 |
Stormx2 | hi sexies. | 08:36 |
naxxtor | sorush20, i'm not sure i understand why any ports need to be open - is that all the errors you get? | 08:37 |
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gnomefreak | naxxtor: depending on the email you use will depend on what ports it sends and recieves from | 08:37 |
jkroon | gnomefreak, is dapper == 5.10 ? | 08:37 |
gnomefreak | like thunderbird and gmail pop port is 995 and smtp is 587 | 08:37 |
facugaich | jkroon dapper == 6.06 | 08:38 |
gnomefreak | jkroon: no that is breezy | 08:38 |
chavo | scifi, is the windows partition ntfs? | 08:38 |
scifi | chavo: yes | 08:38 |
jkroon | ok, so dapper hasnt been released yet... | 08:38 |
chavo | you'll have to install the whole thing | 08:38 |
gnomefreak | jkroon: imho its not worth it | 08:38 |
gnomefreak | jkroon: no not yet | 08:38 |
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gnomefreak | june 1stish | 08:38 |
jkroon | ok, thanks | 08:38 |
scifi | chavo: hmm thats a no go then, i only have one cd-key | 08:38 |
boydxb | is ubuntu debian based? | 08:38 |
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cyphase | yes | 08:39 |
naxxtor | boydxb, yep | 08:39 |
chavo | scifi, you can try copying the whole thing over | 08:39 |
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chavo | scifi, you can install it more than once | 08:39 |
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boydxb | i'm trying to install the yahoo messenger from the yahoo website and i tried to install it... | 08:39 |
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em_ | ciao | 08:40 |
scifi | chavo: copy or install, very different things | 08:40 |
scifi | ? | 08:40 |
iceman | anyone a gimp wizzard here ... ? | 08:41 |
chavo | scifi, you can copy the whole steam folder into your ~ or somewhere you have write permissions | 08:41 |
lgc | gnomefreak, I'm being asked what should I do with /etc/hdparm.conf (Y,N,D,Z)... | 08:41 |
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eth42 | I cannot use more than one keyboard layout (ubuntu 5.10, gnome 2.12.1). although I can add keyboard layouts with gnome-keyboard-properties, only the first one will be active. can anyone help? | 08:42 |
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scifi | chavo: i see, i may look into that once ive got my internet in ubuntu sorted | 08:42 |
boydxb | it says dpkg : error process messenger (--install) after running a sudo dpgk -i ... | 08:42 |
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em_ | ok | 08:43 |
chavo | scifi, ok, well it worked for me, the thing is steam needs to write to the disk and can't write to ntfs | 08:43 |
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isw | anyone knows if ubuntu(newest kernel) supports buffalo airstation g54 usb wi-fi? | 08:43 |
isw | buffalo doesn't supply linux drivers. | 08:44 |
Stoveature | how can one set a root password? | 08:44 |
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scifi | chavo: and u play via steam with ur same account as ur windows steam? | 08:44 |
_jason | ubotu: tell Stoveature about root | 08:44 |
naxxtor | Stoveature, sudo passwd | 08:44 |
chavo | scifi, yes | 08:44 |
scifi | kewl | 08:44 |
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fijam | Hello, I would like to join Ubuntu community, but I have a few questions | 08:44 |
em_ | someone know how I can run 3dstudio max from ubuntu? | 08:44 |
tonyyarusso | fijam: Just start asking! :) | 08:45 |
naxxtor | em_, try crossover office | 08:45 |
chavo | that's one good thing about steam you can install it on different computers. just can't log in from more than one at a time | 08:45 |
Falstius | isw, there is a big list of wireless cards and their linux support on the web somehwere. You could search for it. | 08:45 |
fijam | Well, I have been using Debian for some time and I'm quite familiar with it | 08:45 |
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Dutchy | I have totem-xine and i've installed the w32codecs, yet .avi files wont show anything (the sound in them works fine) what could be the problem? | 08:45 |
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boydxb | .. | 08:45 |
chavo | also I've actually moved the whole thing to a fat32 partition so I can use it in either os | 08:45 |
_jason | ubotu: tell Dutchy about multimedia | 08:45 |
isw | Falstius: ok thanks. | 08:45 |
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fijam | But mostly on low-resource graphic system | 08:45 |
cyphase | nooooo | 08:45 |
fijam | IceWM, fluxbox | 08:46 |
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fijam | I don't know what are the minimal requirement for Gnome | 08:46 |
naxxtor | help! i lied to ubotu! | 08:46 |
tonyyarusso | fijam: (It generally helps to put your whole question on one line so it doesn't get broken up by other channel traffic.) | 08:46 |
_jason | naxxtor: hmm? | 08:46 |
naxxtor | !root | 08:46 |
ubotu | root is, like, Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 08:46 |
scifi | is it possible to logon as a "super" user so i have access to root via nautilus, instead of having to use the terminal all the time to enter my password ? | 08:46 |
naxxtor | !network-admin | 08:46 |
ubotu | network-admin is, like, totally, root | 08:46 |
naxxtor | is what i meant | 08:46 |
naxxtor | which is wrong | 08:46 |
em_ | crossover office? | 08:46 |
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tonyyarusso | fijam: They say you can do it with 128M RAM, not sure what processor. If it's a no-go, we have flux and icewm here too of course. | 08:47 |
tonyyarusso | fijam: Also, XFCE. | 08:47 |
fijam | Basically, what are the recommended requirements for usage of Ubuntu? (on GNOME) | 08:47 |
_jason | naxxtor: just make it whatever it was before | 08:47 |
fijam | ok, thanks | 08:47 |
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fijam | And, does Ubuntu use debian packages? | 08:47 |
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adept | split ? | 08:48 |
adept | farde ? | 08:48 |
adept | moinsse ? | 08:48 |
tonyyarusso | fijam: Not exactly. | 08:48 |
naxxtor | _jason - how do i do that? | 08:48 |
scifi | anyone? | 08:48 |
Alex_BO2 | HELLO!I've to patch the acpi, but i don't know how to do.there are anybody who can help me patching it? | 08:48 |
_jason | naxxtor: just tell him: no, network-admin is <whatever it was before> | 08:48 |
ConfidentiaL | any1 who cares to help me with a little basic C++ programming? :P | 08:48 |
fijam | tonyyarusso: tell me more L) | 08:48 |
tonyyarusso | fijam: It uses the .deb format and apt package management, but Ubuntu and Debian packages are not "binary compatible", and it is not recommended to mix the two on the same system. | 08:48 |
naxxtor | _jason, phew :p | 08:49 |
tonyyarusso | (Although it is done in rare necessary cases. I think I have one or two Debian packages right now.) | 08:49 |
fijam | tonyyarusso: I see, thank you | 08:49 |
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lgc | gnomefreak, now it asks what it should do with "/etc/ssh/ssh_config"... | 08:49 |
MagicFab | join #ubuntu-co | 08:50 |
MagicFab | join #ubuntu-co | 08:50 |
MagicFab | oups :) | 08:50 |
ConfidentiaL | any1 who cares to help me with a little basic C++ programming? :P It'll only take a sec... | 08:50 |
naxxtor | ConfidentiaL, what are you looking for? | 08:50 |
fijam | And when the new release is supposed to be... well, released? | 08:50 |
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harisund | ConfidentiaL I am not sure if this is the right place, but ask anyway | 08:50 |
MagicFab | any Abiword users here ? I'd like to invite you to add any comments, if interested, to this RFE: | 08:50 |
tonyyarusso | ConfidentiaL: Try (at various times if necessary) in #ubuntu-offtopic for that sort of thing. | 08:50 |
MagicFab | http://bugzilla.abisource.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7913 | 08:51 |
nick|here | ConfidentiaL: ##c++ it will be helpful | 08:51 |
tonyyarusso | naxxtor, harisund: Would be plenty appropriate in offtopic. | 08:51 |
scifi | is it possible to logon as a "super" user so i have access to root via nautilus, instead of having to use the terminal all the time to enter my password ? | 08:51 |
=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-5285.lns3-c7.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | lgc: i have no clue what your doing im not gonna be much help atm | 08:51 |
tonyyarusso | scifi: You can, but it is not recommended. | 08:51 |
tonyyarusso | !root | 08:51 |
ubotu | root is, like, totally, Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 08:51 |
fijam | When will be new Ubuntu released? At the begginig of May? | 08:51 |
tonyyarusso | !dapper | 08:51 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :) | 08:51 |
tonyyarusso | fijam: ^^ | 08:52 |
=== JoeMorris [i=JoeMorri@207-38-195-55.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JoeMorris | Oracle and Linux how about Ubuntu | 08:52 |
lgc | gnomefreak, I've been doing as you said for the last 4 hours... | 08:52 |
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JoeMorris | is oracle buying ubuntu? | 08:52 |
ConfidentiaL | hehe, ok guys, I joined #C++, thanks anyway :P | 08:52 |
JoeMorris | new rumors :P | 08:52 |
Falstius | scifi: you could run nautilus with gksudo if you want .. but that's just asking for trouble. | 08:52 |
JoeMorris | http://searchopensource.techtarget.com/originalContent/0,289142,sid39_gci1180607,00.html | 08:52 |
Jimmey__ | Falstius, why? | 08:52 |
scifi | tonyyarusso: is it not recommended due to security reasons or due to possiblely causing system problems? | 08:52 |
fijam | thanks. | 08:52 |
tonyyarusso | JoeMorris: Nah, I hear they're looking at Novell though. I don't think the philosophies would be compatible, since Ubuntu is strictly non-commercial in offering nature. | 08:52 |
tonyyarusso | scifi: a) security, b) people f*** stuff up. | 08:53 |
Falstius | Jimmey__: well for once thing nautilus leaves dirty little files all over the place which would then be owned by root. | 08:53 |
JediMaster | hi all, can someone briefly explain to me what the difference between debian and ubuntu is? Is it (basically) debian with a different release schedule maintained by different people? | 08:53 |
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gnomefreak | lgc: upgrading will only ask you about ssh if its already installed | 08:53 |
fijam | Therefore, I'm going to give that distro a try | 08:53 |
Alex_BO2 | HELLO!who can help me???please!!! | 08:54 |
MisterN | it's just so stupid to not do a good deal because of "philosophy" (of a commerce) | 08:54 |
Falstius | plus, you'd likely end up running lots of programs as root that shouldn't be run as root. | 08:54 |
fijam | I am encouragd by such a friendly support and communit | 08:54 |
naxxtor | Alex_BO2, what do you want | 08:54 |
scifi | tonyyarusso: cus if i was just a security issue i dont really see the problem considering linux boxes arent targeted....but if its easy to mess up ur linux system as well then ok i wont risk it | 08:54 |
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lgc | gnomefreak, sure ssh is installed... | 08:54 |
Dutchy | _jason, i just did all that again but I still get a blue screen instead of video... and the sound works fine again | 08:54 |
JoeMorris | Oracle just wants to add the OS, so Ubuntu Linux would make a lot more sense than Novell," said Richard Monson-Haefel, a senior analyst with Burton Group, a Midvale, Utah, consulting firm. | 08:54 |
tonyyarusso | JediMaster: Ooh...there's a page on the ubuntu site about that. Look for "relationship" on some general about page. | 08:55 |
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Alex_BO2 | naxxtor, i have to patch my acpi and i don't know how to do | 08:55 |
_jason | Dutchy: blue screen! why didn't you say so? have you restarted X? | 08:55 |
JoeMorris | hmmmmm we shall see what happens :) | 08:55 |
gnomefreak | lgc: than your gonna have to answer the questions like you did the first time you installed it | 08:55 |
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fijam | thanks for help and bye | 08:55 |
JoeMorris | google summer of code goes on this summer again too | 08:55 |
JoeMorris | :) | 08:55 |
naxxtor | Alex_BO2, what patch are you talking about?/ | 08:55 |
JediMaster | tonyyarusso: ok, will do, thanks | 08:55 |
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JoeMorris | next year will be a KEY YEAR For linux and mainstream | 08:55 |
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JoeMorris | especially ubuntu | 08:55 |
Jimmey__ | JoeMorris, Blender really benefited from that | 08:55 |
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isw | err... make menuconfig ... command not found. using default installation, haven't touched anything. | 08:55 |
Alex_BO2 | naxxtor, acpi-release-20060127-2.6.16 | 08:55 |
Dutchy | _jason, I have not restarted X... I will do so right now | 08:55 |
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isw | no make installed? | 08:56 |
tonyyarusso | scifi: If you know the risk you're taking, you probably know enough to do it, but then would know why not too. If you don't know and understand the risks, you shouldn't be doing it. So, pretty much either way, probably best to steer away from, unless it's just too much of a hassle to use sudo. | 08:56 |
naxxtor | Alex_BO2, do you have kernel sources? | 08:56 |
scifi | tonyyarusso: i like ubuntu so far, but still seems to involve alot of command typing considering it has a full working GUI | 08:56 |
Falstius | isw, no compiler installed ... | 08:56 |
gnomefreak | isw: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 08:56 |
tonyyarusso | scifi: Depends what you're doing. | 08:56 |
lgc | gnomefreak, the main differences are the ForwardAgent and ForwardX11 answers ("no" for Breezy vs. "yes" for Hoary)... | 08:56 |
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Alex_BO2 | naxxtor, where can i find them? | 08:56 |
isw | well that's just great... I | 08:56 |
Dutchy | brb | 08:56 |
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gnomefreak | lgc: i dont use ssh | 08:56 |
isw | Im trying to get my wi-fi usb to work :-P | 08:56 |
naxxtor | Alex_BO2, you can apt get them I believe - i forget the command though | 08:56 |
Falstius | isw, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 08:56 |
scifi | tonyyarusso: ok i wont go down that road :) | 08:56 |
tonyyarusso | scifi: (And often cli is the quickest way to do something, so documentation will use it, simply because it works.) | 08:56 |
gnomefreak | isw: run the command i typed to you | 08:57 |
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waldyr | \server #recife | 08:57 |
diggyz | hey guys, ive just downloaded and burned ubuntu iso, it hangs when the brown background shows ;( works fine on another computer | 08:57 |
tonyyarusso | scifi: Hehe, all right. | 08:57 |
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
isw | I would... if i would have access to internet from the laptop im installing it on, ibm thinkpad 240x, no ethernet available. | 08:57 |
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lgc | gnomefreak, is there something you can use instead of ssh (apart from the deprecated rsh and telnet, of course)? What a surprise | 08:57 |
isw | I downloaded the kernel on a usb-memory stick and transferred it. | 08:57 |
scifi | tonyyarusso: ive in a magazine about BASH command line , whats the difference between that and the terminal ? | 08:57 |
=== Dutchy [n=dutchy@ipd50ae694.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | lgc: i can use anything they offer i have no need for it | 08:58 |
gnomefreak | !info b-e | 08:58 |
naxxtor | Alex_BO2, have you made sure there isn't a package that will do that patch for you? | 08:58 |
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tonyyarusso | scifi: Not much. You can use things other than bash, but that's the default shell for terminal use. | 08:58 |
gnomefreak | !info build-essential | 08:58 |
ubotu | build-essential: (informational list of build-essential packages), section devel, is optional. Version: 11.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 48 kB | 08:58 |
Alex_BO2 | naxxtor, yes... probably i have them: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12.tar.bz2 | 08:58 |
Alex_BO2 | naxxtor, let me see | 08:58 |
scifi | tonyyarusso: omg tony sorry, what im typing doesnt seem to be what im thinking , typings terrible (works f*** my brain up) | 08:58 |
gnomefreak | isw: you can use the cd as long as the cdrom repo is enabled and others disabled | 08:58 |
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Falstius | isw, it might be available on the CD | 08:59 |
Dutchy | _jason, it works now, thanks. Still weird though since I did all this yesterday already and have rebooted since then. I guess I missed something yesterday | 08:59 |
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isw | gnomefreak: doesn't have a usb drive... and it can't boot from usb. I had to get a 2.5" hdd converter to 3." whatever converter to my desktop computer...installed the base system and put the hdd back to the laptop. That worked fine. :) | 09:00 |
_jason | Dutchy: yeah, that blue screen happened to me once and I never figured out why. I just know it went away with a restart | 09:00 |
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diggyz | anyone know why my ubunto livecd wont start? it hangs when the brown desktop background shows, works fine on my other computer | 09:00 |
patrick52222 | what the command to install wine | 09:00 |
naxxtor | patrick52222, sudo apt-get install wine | 09:00 |
naxxtor | ? | 09:00 |
_jason | patrick52222: sudo aptitude install wine | 09:00 |
patrick52222 | cheers all | 09:00 |
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isw | gnomefreak: ohwell, I used linux back in 97... I abandoned it a few years laters...guess I have to go back to the nerd mode again :o) | 09:01 |
scifi | tonyyarusso: hope u dont mind me asking all these questions, i wud just like to understand ubuntu a bit more before i use it more | 09:01 |
naxxtor | !tell patrick52222 about wine | 09:01 |
tonyyarusso | scifi: Well that's why we're here, so no problem. | 09:01 |
JediMaster | tonyyarusso: right, so ubuntu is a more up to date freeze of debian testing, in a way... | 09:01 |
isw | afk | 09:01 |
harisund | What software is the ubuntu wiki based on? | 09:01 |
scifi | bless :) | 09:02 |
tonyyarusso | JediMaster: Kind of. | 09:02 |
tonyyarusso | JediMaster: There are some other philosophy type things, but they are very closely related. | 09:02 |
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naxxtor | does anyone have any ideas how i can stop my network-admin applet from freezing when I open it? I think it's trying to load a connection that isn't there.... | 09:02 |
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ConfidentiaL | ok, #C++ channel is not for recommendation, they aren't exactly helpful >: ( | 09:04 |
fabri | how do i uninstall ubuntu and install windows again? | 09:04 |
selinium | naxxtor: try flushing the app then re-installing? | 09:04 |
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tonyyarusso | fabri: Oh dear - why? | 09:04 |
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_jason | fabri: put a windows install disk in and delete all the ubuntu partitions | 09:04 |
Mar_S | :D | 09:04 |
=== HedgeMage looks at fabri and cries | ||
naxxtor | naxxtor, which package would that be? | 09:04 |
selinium | fabri: you will need your Windows disc.... | 09:05 |
HedgeMage | fabri: but... why? | 09:05 |
_jason | fabri: and good luck to you :) | 09:05 |
fabri | i've tryed to get used to ubuntu but it's not ready yet for home users | 09:05 |
HedgeMage | fabri: WIndoze eats everything in its path, just run the install CD | 09:05 |
Boglizk | traitor :o * | 09:05 |
Boglizk | *jk* | 09:05 |
selinium | fabri: in what way? | 09:05 |
fabri | ipod, for example, the gtkpod is not what i expected | 09:05 |
HedgeMage | fabri: at least tell us what put you off so we know what to improve :) | 09:05 |
=== DeBert [n=Bert@84-245-2-195.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harisund | ConfidentiaL: Do you want to ask your question on Ubuntu offtopic? | 09:05 |
HedgeMage | fabri: did you try amarok? former iTunes users tend to like that better. | 09:06 |
ConfidentiaL | yeh... | 09:06 |
=== maccam94 [n=maccam94@pool-72-72-15-205.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fabri | i tryied amarok but wasn't that easy | 09:06 |
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HedgeMage | fabri: how so? | 09:07 |
maccam94 | what's a good wireless G card to get for an ubuntu laptop? | 09:07 |
scifi | fabri: i almost gave up with ubuntu when i found out its not gonna work with my usb adsl modem, but im just gonna get a really cheap network card and switch to solve this problem, as i really feel ubuntu deserves a second chance | 09:07 |
fabri | and for no reason, when i switched my connection from wireless to ethernet i wasn't able to login again as sudo and had to reinstall ubuntu | 09:07 |
Lingen_swe | Any using enlightment with entrance ? | 09:07 |
SeSphore | i created a different user after installing ubuntu, how can i make that user a sudoer too? i get ______ is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 09:07 |
tonyyarusso | maccam94: I have an Intel Pro Wireless 2915 a/b/g, works out of hte box. | 09:07 |
HedgeMage | maccam94: Anything with an atheros chipset works well (man Dlink cards have this) | 09:07 |
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HedgeMage | s/man/many | 09:07 |
selinium | fabri: Ah ok, to embrace the open source world, you have to understand that closed source stuff like ipods will have 'issues'. Now you could have gone for the far superior iAudio. But that isn't what you want to hear if you already have an iPod. | 09:07 |
_jason | SeSphore: add him to the admin group: sudo adduser user_name admin | 09:07 |
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SeSphore | ah ok thanks jason | 09:07 |
nalioth | SeSphore: system > admin > users and groups | 09:08 |
selinium | fabri, it is a shame to lose you. Try us again soon.... | 09:08 |
nalioth | _jason: why not do it the ubuntu way? | 09:08 |
fabri | HedgeMage: i just wanted to have my ipod resync automatically, and showing cd covers and videos | 09:08 |
fabri | HedgeMage: i couldn't | 09:08 |
SeSphore | nalioth -> i'm in a shell remotly ssh i dont have x running or vnc | 09:08 |
harisund | Is ubuntu going to participate in this year's Google's Summer of Code? | 09:08 |
tonyyarusso | fabri: If not Dapper (June 1st), Dapper+1 (October sometime) should have lots of new goodies, so maybe you'll like it then. | 09:08 |
fabri | selinium: i really loved ubuntu, i think in a year or so i'll try again | 09:08 |
HedgeMage | fabri: I know amarok will do covers and such, not sure about syncing the iPod since I don't have one... I'm sorry you're disappointed, though, and I hope you'll try us again next release :) | 09:09 |
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nalioth | SeSphore: ah | 09:09 |
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SeSphore | cool that worked jason | 09:09 |
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selinium | fabri, you can always have both. dual boot? | 09:09 |
HedgeMage | fabri: if you file a "feature request" bug for amarok, that will help them know what users are looking for and not finding. | 09:09 |
fabri | i really would love to stay here, trust me, i hate windows and i've hated for years | 09:09 |
HedgeMage | selinium: good point. | 09:09 |
scifi | while were on the dapper subject, will i be able to upgrade to dapper from within ubuntu, i.e) without having to download the dapper ISO? | 09:09 |
fabri | i don't see a point for having two systems if i barely use one | 09:09 |
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Boglizk | evil peer | 09:09 |
osfameron | hi. I keep on having to run sudo dhclient to wake up my network connection | 09:10 |
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tonyyarusso | fabri: It's an easy way to check the status of the second system, and get used to it in your spare time to make an eventual migration easier. | 09:10 |
_jason | nalioth: I'll try to mention both methods, but I've seen a bug report on using the gui where the user doesn't stay in admin for some reason | 09:10 |
selinium | fabri: this is true, it is why my windows prtition disappeared after a few months. :) Good luck with the windows thing. Hope to see you back soon..... | 09:11 |
osfameron | my wireless is still running (applet still shows good signal, and I can do iwlist scan and see it) but I keep on losing IP | 09:11 |
king-of-no-pants | hey guys | 09:11 |
fabri | so, i have a notebook, and it comes with an image dvd wich supposedly reisntalled the whole hard disk | 09:11 |
king-of-no-pants | ubuntu keeps crashing on my comp, its driving me crazy | 09:11 |
diggyz | nvidia card dont work with the ubuntu livecd? | 09:11 |
fabri | but then when it restarted it loaded this grub and didn't went to windows | 09:11 |
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lgc | HedgeMage, hi! How's the weather in WA? | 09:11 |
fabri | what can i do? | 09:11 |
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selinium | king-of-no-pants, we need more info than that..... why, when, whayt happens? | 09:12 |
osfameron | aha, it would seem to be same as http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159778 | 09:12 |
king-of-no-pants | i have a couple of different crashes | 09:12 |
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king-of-no-pants | one just restarts the comp | 09:12 |
king-of-no-pants | one just goes all black, and then to command line | 09:12 |
naxxtor | ok can someone tell me what that "thing" that manages your network connection by default in Breezy is | 09:12 |
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king-of-no-pants | its weird | 09:12 |
fabri | so, again, how do i reinstall windows? | 09:12 |
HedgeMage | lgc: hi there! good good :) if you want to visit, drop me a /msg so we don't disrupt #ubuntu :) | 09:12 |
selinium | fabri, just put in the dvd and reboot, it should handle everything from there. Remember to back up anything you don't want to lose. | 09:13 |
king-of-no-pants | just, BAM out of gui, and into command line | 09:13 |
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selinium | king-of-no-pants, Are you doing anything in particular when these crashes occur? | 09:13 |
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king-of-no-pants | just using GAIM and Firefox | 09:13 |
fabri | selinium: i did that, and supposedly it overwrited the whole harddisk, but then when i was told to restart the computer it didn't loaded windows, instead, it just loaded grub and said there was an error | 09:14 |
king-of-no-pants | i put ubuntu on the comp yesterday | 09:14 |
king-of-no-pants | i have ndiswrapper running my wireless card | 09:14 |
naxxtor | fabri, boot from a LiveCD (ubuntu livecd? Knoppix?) run fdisk and delete all the partitions, then run that CD again | 09:14 |
diggyz | nvidia card is no supported by the livecd? | 09:14 |
selinium | fabri, do you have a live disc? | 09:14 |
fabri | i don't have a livecd | 09:14 |
king-of-no-pants | i thought it may be a power supply issue | 09:15 |
naxxtor | fabri, maybe you should get one? | 09:15 |
nin | Arg. | 09:15 |
king-of-no-pants | cause the comp im running is old | 09:15 |
nin | mplayer isn't working... | 09:15 |
fabri | i will | 09:15 |
mwe | nin: how so? | 09:15 |
selinium | fabri, best download one. sorry... :) | 09:15 |
nin | It's not playing things in firefox, but it might be because it's macromedia... | 09:16 |
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selinium | king-of-no-pants, did you have any problems with the PC before installing ubunu? | 09:16 |
=== nny [n=scott@69-164-49-183.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fabri | selinium: i'm on it, just started downloading, but how do i burn isos in ubuntu | 09:16 |
king-of-no-pants | i don't know, the computer was given to me yesterday | 09:16 |
_jason | nin: does badgerbadgerbadger.com work? | 09:16 |
nny | seem to remember a good forum on first time installation post stuff... vid formats, graphics card.. anyone gotta link? | 09:16 |
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mjr | fabri, right-click in nautilus, choose write to cd | 09:17 |
nin | checking | 09:17 |
nin | Nope. | 09:17 |
selinium | fabri: what system are you on at the moment? | 09:17 |
scifi | will i be able to upgrade to dapper from within breezy badger, i.e) without having to download the dapper ISO? | 09:17 |
fabri | i have ubuntu | 09:17 |
Boglizk | yes | 09:17 |
tonyyarusso | nny: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/, various locations | 09:17 |
Boglizk | well actually i dunno | 09:17 |
_jason | nin: have you installed flash? | 09:17 |
Boglizk | but they say you dont have to reinstall | 09:17 |
selinium | scifi, yes, but i wouldn't try on the 1st..... | 09:17 |
=== aimaz [n=stephen@i-83-67-17-205.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fabri | thanks for everything, hope to be back soon, when this linux thing get really home user friendly | 09:18 |
nin | I installed mplayer, thinking that would work. | 09:18 |
nin | Bleh | 09:18 |
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king-of-no-pants | i have a better power supply here that I was thinking about putting in, if you think that will solve things | 09:18 |
naxxtor | scifi, i'm told that you just need to edit your sources and then do an apt-get upgrade dist | 09:18 |
scifi | selinium: 1st of June u mean? | 09:18 |
nny | heh.. "user friendly.." | 09:18 |
_jason | nin: for flash, you need flashplayer. Install flashplugin-nonfree from multiverse | 09:18 |
nny | i have done three installs in the last two days | 09:18 |
selinium | king-of-no-pants, I am sorry, there could be soooo many things cuasing it. A dodgy graphics card, dodgy psu.. other problem... | 09:18 |
nin | Alright | 09:18 |
nny | and ALL of them where easier than windows | 09:19 |
scifi | naxxtor: ok sorry i missed ur response | 09:19 |
king-of-no-pants | selinium, it said once that processor throttleing was not supported... | 09:19 |
selinium | scifi, Yes, everyone and there dog will be doing the same! It will take forever! | 09:19 |
scifi | hehehe | 09:19 |
nny | so yeah.. forum.. link..post install.. seen it.. anyone? | 09:19 |
majkhii | sakra | 09:19 |
king-of-no-pants | well, i think i'll replace the psu | 09:19 |
naxxtor | scifi, if you want to upgrade to dapper from breezy i'm told you just need to update your sources then run apt-get upgrade dist | 09:19 |
Tidus | _jason: AFRICAN SNAKE! | 09:19 |
majkhii | i cant go to setup of mysql :'( | 09:19 |
diggyz | can someone help please? when i load my livecd it hands after the mouse and backgrounds appears | 09:19 |
_jason | Tidus: huh? | 09:19 |
nny | my googljitsu fails me... i think ubuntu dapper ati radeon might work | 09:20 |
=== DeBert [n=Bert@84-245-2-195.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tidus | _jason: the badgers site lol | 09:20 |
_jason | oh lol | 09:20 |
king-of-no-pants | the psu is 150 watts | 09:20 |
scifi | naxxtor: thanks, i got the message 2nd time around :) | 09:20 |
king-of-no-pants | im gonna replace it with a 200 | 09:20 |
selinium | king-of-no-pants, Start by entering the motherboards BIOS (usually by holding down the delete key on boot). Then reset the defaults, and continue to boot. It sounds like there might be some BIOS issues. | 09:20 |
nin | Still not working | 09:21 |
king-of-no-pants | the bios takes forever to POST | 09:21 |
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selinium | king-of-no-pants, How old is the PC? old enough for a new BIOS battery? | 09:21 |
king-of-no-pants | i couldn't get into it yesterday with the del key, ill probally have to find a different key | 09:21 |
king-of-no-pants | yeah, its old | 09:21 |
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selinium | New battery, then try again.. | 09:21 |
king-of-no-pants | ok, new psu too? | 09:21 |
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takedown | !de | 09:22 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de | 09:22 |
naxxtor | i'd like to try network manager - how would I do this? | 09:22 |
selinium | nope, unless you want some more speed.... :) | 09:22 |
king-of-no-pants | more speed? | 09:22 |
nin | james, would I need to load codex? | 09:22 |
selinium | king-of-no-pants, sorry read that all wrong! | 09:22 |
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king-of-no-pants | mmk | 09:22 |
selinium | king-of-no-pants, try the battery first. then the PSU. | 09:22 |
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king-of-no-pants | ok | 09:23 |
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king-of-no-pants | i hope i can find a battery | 09:23 |
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king-of-no-pants | i think i have one lying around here | 09:23 |
Tidus | king-of-no-pants: the battery's just a CR2016 watch battery | 09:23 |
=== PwcrLinux-Away is now known as PwcrLinux | ||
PwcrLinux | Hi all | 09:23 |
selinium | king-of-no-pants, change the battery with the power off. I don't want you frying the BIOS or yourself. | 09:23 |
selinium | :) | 09:23 |
king-of-no-pants | yeah, i know, but i think i have one here | 09:23 |
king-of-no-pants | heehee | 09:24 |
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king-of-no-pants | well, im off to fool around with it | 09:24 |
PwcrLinux | Radio Shack have a puter batteries | 09:24 |
selinium | king-of-no-pants, I am off now, back in about 30 mins... Good luck | 09:24 |
king-of-no-pants | k, thanks | 09:24 |
king-of-no-pants | ill be back in about an hour and a half if i have trouble | 09:24 |
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nny | i gotta q | 09:25 |
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nny | i use samba in my network,.. | 09:25 |
nny | mount shares etx | 09:25 |
nny | etc* | 09:25 |
=== travis [n=travis@Toronto-HSE-ppp3657096.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
nny | wanna stop using windows even less than i do now | 09:25 |
nny | but i am looking for a good way to mount these shares on various comps with scripts based on other stuff | 09:26 |
nny | whats the eloquent way to do that in linux? | 09:26 |
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Tomcat_ | nny: What exactly do you need? Mounting samba shares is done via smbfs | 09:26 |
nny | Tomcat_: well I can contiue to use Samba.. but all my boxes are natively linux | 09:27 |
nny | the only windows i have is the dual boot pc i use for games | 09:27 |
Tidus | nny: nfs works fine if they're all linux | 09:27 |
Tomcat_ | nny: In that case, use NFS :) | 09:27 |
nny | hmm | 09:27 |
nny | i will google... | 09:27 |
nny | any good howtos, etc? | 09:27 |
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Tidus | nny: just aptitude install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server then man exports | 09:28 |
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huhmz | is it possible to detach a gui program that is being forwarded (over ssh for example) and then reattach it at some later time? | 09:28 |
=== facugaich [n=facugaic@200-42-33-174.dup.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nny | Tidus: is nfs-kernel-server a diff kernel with nfs support? | 09:29 |
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Tidus | nny: no, jus the loadable module for the currently running one | 09:29 |
Tidus | nny: and the scripts to glue it together | 09:29 |
nny | Tidus: ok thanks | 09:30 |
Tidus | nny: np | 09:30 |
vini | somebody know how can I install "Unichrome Pro Graphics" (video card) at my Ubuntu Dapper Drake Flight 5? | 09:30 |
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super | !nvidia | 09:31 |
ubotu | methinks nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 09:31 |
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=== btboudreaux [n=puter@ip68-11-209-251.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
super | !vnc | 09:32 |
ubotu | it has been said that vnc is http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session) | 09:32 |
Tidus | super: "unichrome pro" != nvidia... it's an S3 integrated lol | 09:32 |
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super | !vpn | 09:32 |
ubotu | vpn is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD | 09:32 |
super | !cipe | 09:32 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, super | 09:32 |
btboudreaux | I have a non ubuntu question but you people are computer savvy and I've been wondering something | 09:32 |
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=== Skwid_ [n=Skwid___@bas1-montreal42-1177928235.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
super | !k3b | 09:33 |
ubotu | K3b was created to be a feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application, for more info goto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/K3BHowto | 09:33 |
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scifi | !3d | 09:33 |
ubotu | scifi: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:33 |
nin | Argh. | 09:33 |
nin | I've downloaded codex and such too | 09:34 |
nin | Can't seem to get flash working | 09:34 |
btboudreaux | If I have port forwarding for FTP (21) on a FTp server in my home, will it effect the other users on my home network? Does all FTP traffic get forwarded to the server or just traffic that originated from WAN | 09:34 |
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Tidus | btboudreaux: all traffic incoming to port 21 will forward to the server | 09:34 |
Tidus | from the outside, that is. | 09:34 |
Tidus | internally, it won't do anything. | 09:34 |
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Mar_S | :) | 09:34 |
=== nevermind [n=chatzill@p1312-adslbkksp4.C.csloxinfo.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vini | "Unichrome Pro Graphics" come inside GigaByte 8vm800m motherboard | 09:35 |
btboudreaux | alright, so if it originates from the internal, then it will go to whatever it orginated from? correct? | 09:35 |
super | #rdesktop | 09:35 |
super | !rdesktop | 09:35 |
ubotu | I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, super | 09:35 |
Mar_S | #rdesktop | 09:35 |
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Tidus | btboudreaux: if traffic originates from the inside, it'll arrive where it should | 09:35 |
Tidus | port forwarding only affects people connecting from the outside. | 09:36 |
super | !cisco vpn | 09:36 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, super | 09:36 |
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mwe | super: please /msg the bot | 09:36 |
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super | ok | 09:36 |
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btboudreaux | alright, i suspected this, just needed conformation and couldnt find any definite answer | 09:37 |
btboudreaux | thanks a bunch tidus | 09:37 |
Tidus | btboudreaux: np | 09:37 |
=== Fracture [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unstable | Where is the link to download Ubuntu Dapper?(I only have a cdrw)..I can't burn dvdrs. | 09:38 |
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albert_ | hola, alguien espaol? | 09:38 |
unstable | !es | 09:38 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 09:38 |
slackern | Hmm is there a way to add more paths to the Places menu? | 09:39 |
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slackern | Oh i just found it, nevermind. | 09:40 |
Apostle^ | slackern: yea you can drag it i think | 09:40 |
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diggyz | anyone know why my livecd hangs after the mouse appears? just a brown screen? | 09:40 |
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slackern | Just went to the folder and went into the bookmarks menu in nautilus also worked :) | 09:41 |
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Apostle^ | ;-D | 09:41 |
zakmc | i just replaced my motherboard and need to get breezy to use the new onboard audio instead of the old settings | 09:41 |
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PwcrLinux | diggyz: does it's "waiting" mouse icon just freeze up does not animates? | 09:41 |
zakmc | any pointers? | 09:41 |
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diggyz | PwcrLinux: i can move the mouse pointer | 09:42 |
diggyz | but nothing appears, just the pointer and the brown backgrounds | 09:42 |
Apostle^ | diggyz: so it's just the cons not showing up? | 09:42 |
Apostle^ | icons. | 09:42 |
diggyz | yeah | 09:42 |
Apostle^ | how fast is the pc | 09:42 |
diggyz | and bars and stuff like that | 09:42 |
diggyz | 3500+ | 09:42 |
majkhii | i need help, can i change disk from ntfs to ext3 without data loss? | 09:42 |
Apostle^ | oh nm | 09:42 |
Apostle^ | well then. i'm not sure... is the cd damaged ? | 09:42 |
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diggyz | not, brand new, and its working on an old computer that i tried it on | 09:43 |
Apostle^ | hm. | 09:43 |
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PwcrLinux | diggyz: Okay, probably wrong burn setting or Live CD from orders could be bad cd. | 09:43 |
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Apostle^ | hmm slashdot.org thinks oracle should get ubuntu :-P | 09:43 |
Boglizk | yeah.. i saw that | 09:44 |
diggyz | PwcrLinux: works on my moms computer | 09:44 |
Apostle^ | crazy | 09:44 |
Apostle^ | can you 'buy' a linux distro? | 09:44 |
Apostle^ | i don't understand it is free..? | 09:44 |
K-Rich | hey guys, i have 2 machines running breezy here,, and i just did the System > Administration > Shared Folders on both of them and choose NSF and created /home/shared folders on both machines... one question though.... how to i connect to one machine from the other? | 09:44 |
mwe | zakmc: figure out what module you need by lspci and google then load the module. also read !sound | 09:44 |
Boglizk | a cable between em? :p | 09:44 |
diggyz | is there any failsafe bootup? | 09:45 |
zakmc | !sound | 09:45 |
ubotu | it has been said that sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 09:45 |
=== nny scratches head | ||
nny | must be pebkac | 09:45 |
K-Rich | Boglizk: ha ha... got that too, one is the other | 09:45 |
PwcrLinux | Apostle^: it's free distros | 09:45 |
nny | trying to mount /dev/hda4 with defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000, but it compains.. maybe i need to put a space after the comma | 09:45 |
PwcrLinux | saves funds :) | 09:45 |
Apostle^ | PwcrLinux: but it said 'buy' | 09:45 |
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@cpc4-hem12-0-0-cust246.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PwcrLinux | Apostle^: which site? | 09:46 |
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=== concept10 begs apt to finish update | ||
=== DewLappy [n=dewdude@pool-71-114-99-214.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boglizk | slashdot.org | 09:46 |
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=== DewDude [n=dewdude@pool-71-114-99-214.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Apostle^ | PwcrLinux: http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/06/04/18/1556229.shtml | 09:46 |
Boglizk | yeah.. w/e | 09:46 |
nny | ReiserFS: hda4: warning: unknown mount option "uid=1000" | 09:46 |
PwcrLinux | okay hang on | 09:46 |
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takedown | Hey guys, someone use checkinstall? | 09:46 |
=== XamDM [n=lars@p54A4F0D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | takedown: i do | 09:46 |
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superm1 | could someone tell me how to have ubuntu populate my list of kernels in menu.lst? During an installation, grub failed - so I manually did a grub installation, but I don't get a menu.lst made | 09:47 |
Apostle^ | PwcrLinux: nevermind i re-read it. | 09:47 |
takedown | just want to know, he is generate files in /debian subdir? | 09:47 |
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=== mustard_ [n=root@018.a.001.sop.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | superm1: I think sudo update-grub should | 09:48 |
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diggyz | can i boot the livecd in some failsafe mode? | 09:48 |
superm1 | thanks mwe, looks like that will do it | 09:48 |
superm1 | is there any other steps after the grub install that need to be done still? | 09:48 |
PwcrLinux | Apostle^: okay, I went to slash site and it's all message boards.. | 09:48 |
nny | anyone gotta idea why fstab doesn't like uid=1000? | 09:48 |
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=== SkidRow [n=brian@p54870249.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | superm1: if it works as intended, no | 09:49 |
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SkidRow | how do i execute a .deb file? | 09:49 |
=== patrick52222 [n=patrick@cpc2-yarm1-6-0-cust110.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K-Rich | how do i connect to an nfs share on another breezy box ? | 09:49 |
robin_ | dpkg -i filename.deb | 09:49 |
patrick52222 | !wine | 09:49 |
mwe | !deb | 09:49 |
ubotu | To install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos) | 09:49 |
concept10 | SkidRow, execute or install? | 09:49 |
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SkidRow | concept10, install | 09:50 |
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robin_ | see, what I posted ;) | 09:50 |
concept10 | SkidRow, ^^ | 09:50 |
SkidRow | oh ok thank you | 09:50 |
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Nafai | Does anyone know where I can get vim 7 packages for Ubuntu dapper? | 09:51 |
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Apostle^ | Nafai: tried searching apt ? | 09:51 |
=== chickenman [n=chicken-@cpc1-lewi5-5-0-cust184.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chickenman | Hi, can someone tell me what I need to install to use make ? | 09:52 |
Apostle^ | build-essential | 09:52 |
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chickenman | Thanks | 09:52 |
=== buzzed [n=james@adsl-63-205-196-186.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
buzzed | wow | 09:52 |
Nafai | Apostle^: You mean in the regular repositories? That's vim 6.4 | 09:52 |
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Apostle^ | Nafai: you can search the vim website for packages? or google it then. | 09:53 |
SkidRow | when i click frostwire nothing happens | 09:53 |
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buzzed | thoughts on a good mp3 player/ipod, podcatcher | 09:55 |
buzzed | compatible wth linux/ubuntu | 09:55 |
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Apostle^ | buzzed: you want an mp3 player or software for podcasts | 09:55 |
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buzzed | i connected my ipod to my ubuntu box... and it's dead... | 09:56 |
Apostle^ | dead? | 09:56 |
fliegenderfrosch | buzzed, i have a iriver h140 and it workes fine with ubuntuz | 09:56 |
buzzed | won't work | 09:56 |
Sionide | gtkpod has worked fine for me in the past, with other peoples ipods (i don't have one) | 09:56 |
bolrod | the ipod is dead? | 09:56 |
Apostle^ | bolrod: you need to mount it | 09:57 |
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Apostle^ | !ipod | 09:57 |
ubotu | info for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto | 09:57 |
pigo | hi | 09:57 |
buzzed | well it keep clicking... | 09:57 |
pigo | help me | 09:57 |
bolrod | and... | 09:57 |
pigo | please | 09:57 |
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mwe | !helpme | 09:57 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 09:57 |
SkidRow | im having trouble with frostwire, it requires java, so i installed java 2 runtimes enviroment but it still doesnt work when i click it | 09:57 |
ggilbert | I've seen that xchat is being removed from the default install of ubuntu in dapper, and I can definitely see the sense in that. Will it continue to exist as a supported app in main in the future or is it going to be moved into universe? | 09:58 |
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pigo | software for creative web cam pro ex | 09:58 |
Apostle^ | ggilbert: it's being removed? | 09:58 |
sorush20 | how do I make sure that the port 110 and 25 and 143 are open and thunderbird can access them? | 09:58 |
FlannelKing | ggilbert: believe in dapper it's xchat-gnome, instead of just xchat | 09:58 |
lucaas | indeed | 09:58 |
Apostle^ | sorush20: use firestarter, sudo apt-get install firestarter | 09:58 |
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lucaas | which is bad, xchat is nicer | 09:58 |
pigo | chat for creative web cam pro ex | 09:58 |
bolrod | sorush20: all ports are open by default | 09:58 |
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HedgeMage | :P | 09:59 |
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bolrod | :] | 09:59 |
bolrod | fmppfffmf mpmmppfmp | 09:59 |
cassidy | ggilbert: there is no more client irc by default but xchat-gnome is in main | 09:59 |
FlannelKing | yeah, its being removed from ubuntu-desktop (not being replced by -gnome, removing an IRC client all together). poor form, if you ask me. | 09:59 |
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HedgeMage | FlannelKing: what? this is very sad news. | 09:59 |
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Tomcat_ | FlannelKing: No xchat-gnome by default? That's news to me. :( | 09:59 |
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ggilbert | Well, I can see the argument for it. I was mostly wondering if it was remaining in main. I can go through the trouble to install it myself with the lovely add/remove app :) | 09:59 |
cassidy | they argue than gaim can be used for irc chat :\ | 09:59 |
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bolrod | O_o | 10:00 |
cassidy | but gaim is a pain for that | 10:00 |
bolrod | you can use telnet for irc chat | 10:00 |
bolrod | are you going to use telnet now? | 10:00 |
cassidy | indeed :D | 10:00 |
FlannelKing | Tomcat_: yep, no xchat in any sense, in the initial install, you can install it and its supported obviously. Problem is, well, for one thing, it'll mean a LOT less liveCD traffic in here. | 10:00 |
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aneciara | hi | 10:00 |
vini | I have an "S3 Graphics UniChrome Pro IGP Series VIA P4M800CE chipset" and want to use it at Ubuntu Dapper Drake Flight 5, somebody can help me? | 10:00 |
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buzzed | so ipod/itunes is the way to go? | 10:00 |
comrade | does the default install come with an ftp client | 10:00 |
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ggilbert | Apparantly they're going to to be setting something up to simplify getting gaim onto irc. Which might be plenty for most people | 10:01 |
comrade | like a gui one | 10:01 |
Tomcat_ | FlannelKing: Quite sad though. I liked the idea of always having an IRC client anywhere, be it default install or LiveCD. :\ | 10:01 |
bolrod | pfff | 10:01 |
=== StarQuake [n=StarQuak@ip51cfbfaa.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PwcrLinux | Gaim 2.0 still in beta | 10:01 |
bolrod | why not irssi ? | 10:01 |
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bolrod | with gui | 10:01 |
cassidy | comrade: nautilus is used for ftp connection | 10:01 |
Sionide | http://behindubuntu.org/ <-- nice:) | 10:01 |
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comrade | cassidy, I see now thanks | 10:02 |
pablo--mvd | hi! ive configured ltsp server over ubuntu 5.10 | 10:02 |
FlannelKing | Tomcat_: right. no idea why they took it out, we get a lot of people in here fresh. now they'll have to rely on the forums, if they ever get there. | 10:02 |
pablo--mvd | nbow i need help in the config of the clients! | 10:02 |
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cassidy | bolrod: furthermore they want to use gaim for live support (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLiveChatSupport) IMHO it's a bad idea ... | 10:02 |
pablo--mvd | the clients HAVE a HD that i want to use | 10:02 |
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FlannelKing | gaim for ... ugh. that's a horrid idea. | 10:02 |
cassidy | but i'm a xchat-gnome developer so i'm not impartial :) | 10:03 |
pablo--mvd | how do i install a minimal linux in the clients so that at the end of their boot process they connect to the ubuntu server? | 10:03 |
FlannelKing | heh. Live chat support? sounds an awful lot like irc to me ;) | 10:03 |
bolrod | it probably is just an icon to get here | 10:03 |
dewlappy | i'm trying to share a folder over the network between two ubuntu machines using samba..i'm getting a password prompt for the machine that i'm trying to access and my user password isn't working. | 10:03 |
nin | Alright, this is kinda annoying... :( | 10:04 |
bolrod | dewlappy: try looking at nfs | 10:04 |
buzzed | what is the best supported portable mp3 player... mainly for podcasts? | 10:04 |
bolrod | nfs is way cooler then samba | 10:04 |
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dewlappy | ......well, i need to be able to share the data with the other two windows machines on the network too | 10:04 |
FlannelKing | bolrod: right, that's what it sounds like "gets to a freenode login" but, gaim? | 10:04 |
Nik | does anyone know of another place/mirror to get install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz? The official site's download gives me a broken link. | 10:04 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-1772.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RootSnatch | hey I have a simple question | 10:04 |
RootSnatch | I am going to get a sempron 64 chip. Does all of my software need to be amd64 compatible | 10:04 |
Rubin | buzzed: iriver makes some cool players. basically stay away from anything that doesnt support mp3 and ogg, and you'll probably want wma support too | 10:04 |
RootSnatch | r can I also run x86 stuff | 10:04 |
nny | what the bleep is going on here! | 10:04 |
nny | ok | 10:05 |
bolrod | dewlappy: you can use both samba and nfs | 10:05 |
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nny | so whats up with fstab, mount and resierfs | 10:05 |
RootSnatch | I am gunna get the x86-64 version of ubuntu | 10:05 |
buzzed | Rubin: Thx | 10:05 |
dewlappy | ok, well...what am i doing wrong to samba that it's not letting me into the files on the one machine | 10:05 |
vini | I found the "S3 Graphics UniChrome Pro IGP Series VIA P4M800CE chipset" driver, but just to Linux XFree86 (Not distribution-specific), Mandrake / Mandriva Linux, Fedora Core 1.0, 2.0 & 4.0 Linux, Fedora Core 3.0 Linux... | 10:05 |
nny | i can't mount resierfs with uid or gid, and man fstab says nothing of what options are available for resierfs | 10:05 |
nny | reiserfs* | 10:05 |
bolrod | samba can be a bit of a hassle to configure | 10:05 |
bolrod | !samba | 10:06 |
ubotu | rumour has it, samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html | 10:06 |
RootSnatch | can any of you guys answer my question? | 10:06 |
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ggilbert | RootSnatch: Can? Yes. Easilly? sometimes | 10:07 |
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RootSnatch | so sometimes the x86 stuff will work | 10:07 |
RootSnatch | and sometimes it won't | 10:07 |
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ggilbert | No, it will work. It's just that it won't always be simple to make work. | 10:08 |
xbox_sky | where is my C: located in wine? aka where is the wine directory? | 10:08 |
ggilbert | It depends on what libraries that program depends on | 10:08 |
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Warbo | RootSnatch: Most open source software has 64-bit versions, but the "chroot" should let you run almost any 32bit with no emulation. QEmu could run 32bit Linux code on 64bit Linux if the worst comes to the worst | 10:08 |
narg | xbox_sky: .wine/drive_c | 10:08 |
tonyyarusso | xbox_sky: ~/.wine/something | 10:08 |
narg | xbox_sky: ~/.wine rather :) | 10:08 |
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pluffsy | hi | 10:09 |
xbox_sky | thank you :) | 10:09 |
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RootSnatch | ok | 10:09 |
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pluffsy | anyone here knows how well ubuntu supports the intel macs? like my macbook? fans and such? does it even boot? | 10:09 |
ggilbert | pluffsy: None of the current releases will boot on them | 10:09 |
pluffsy | ggilbert: no EFI support? | 10:09 |
RootSnatch | has it been tried yet? | 10:09 |
Warbo | pluffsy: Linux shoould boot on them, but I don't know if Ubuntu comes with support by default | 10:10 |
tonyyarusso | pluffsy: I have only talked to one person who tried it so far, and it was tricky but making progress. Future releases should be fine. | 10:10 |
Warbo | pluffsy: elilo boots EFI | 10:10 |
pluffsy | Warbo: and elilo is a part of the standard install cd? | 10:10 |
ggilbert | RootSnatch: if you care about things like java, flash, and wmv9, you might find life simpler in the x86 ubuntu releases | 10:10 |
Warbo | pluffsy: No, it isn't | 10:10 |
pluffsy | tonyyarusso: future releases like the next release? | 10:11 |
pluffsy | Warbo: darn... | 10:11 |
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RootSnatch | wait can I get a 64 bit processor and run x86 ubuntu | 10:11 |
ggilbert | RootSnatch: yes | 10:11 |
RootSnatch | o and it would be pretty much normal when running software | 10:11 |
Warbo | RootSnatch: I think that is how most windoze are run | 10:11 |
tonyyarusso | pluffsy: I don't think Dapper's quite on that, but Dapper+1 should be a safe bet (I'm honestly not sure). | 10:11 |
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pluffsy | alright | 10:11 |
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ggilbert | Someone actually was discussing that on the most recent lugradio :p | 10:12 |
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pluffsy | A friend installed ubuntu 64-bit and had problems with lots of packages not working for 64-bit. so he installed 32-bit. but that | 10:12 |
pluffsy | 's all I know | 10:13 |
jadams | is there any way to pipe audio output over the network? | 10:13 |
jadams | right now I ssh into my media center and tunnel an X window back so I can use rhyhtmbox to manage my media center, and play it out of my main ht speakers | 10:13 |
Stormx2 | wierd question guys... does anyone know where the favourites section of IE is stored? Is it on the windows registary? | 10:13 |
jadams | which is what I usually want...but I might want to have it pipe audio to another computer's speakers... | 10:14 |
DeBert | Anybody got a clue why the installation of the flash plugin for firefox fails? And when i try to download it manually, it can't find the file on macromedia.com :S | 10:14 |
Warbo | jadams: There is a different sound server which is compatible with ALSA and sends it over network, but I forgot it's name | 10:14 |
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ggilbert | Stormx2: Been a while, but I think it was a sub directory of your user's home directory | 10:14 |
RootSnatch | cool so the 32 bit version works just fine on the 64 bit proc | 10:14 |
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ggilbert | Stormx2: Hidden by default, I think | 10:14 |
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Stormx2 | ggilbert: k | 10:14 |
ggilbert | RootSnatch: yup | 10:14 |
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RootSnatch | awesome! | 10:14 |
Warbo | RootSnatch: Bit of a waste for 64bit processor though. | 10:14 |
RootSnatch | ya | 10:15 |
jadams | Warbo: thanks, knowing it exists will help me out | 10:15 |
ggilbert | RootSnatch: I use the 64bit version and am happy with it, but there are those downsides | 10:15 |
Warbo | RootSnatch: Want to swap? :) | 10:15 |
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slavik | good news | 10:15 |
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pluffsy | still lots of 64-bit apps aren | 10:15 |
xbox_sky | what name is my LPT1 on? and how do I give it full access? | 10:15 |
slavik | I got my dell 1907fp today and got itset up and such :D | 10:15 |
pluffsy | 't that much faster. if its not 3d-software or photo, video and that sort of high performance stuff. atleast from what I've notised | 10:16 |
RootSnatch | ya I am probably gunna get a 32-bit proc and just not deal with it | 10:16 |
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Warbo | The only disadvantage I've found with 32bit is that I cannot zoom in my fractals far enough :) | 10:17 |
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dvdman_ | Hey guys | 10:18 |
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dvdman_ | im running breezy. I was reading about installing mplayer from multiuniverse | 10:18 |
fabri | selinium: i'm on ubuntu live, how do i remove linux partitions | 10:18 |
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mwe | fabri: unmount and run cfdisk | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | root@laptop:/home/dvdman# apt-get install mplayer-586 | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | Reading package lists... Done | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | Building dependency tree... Done | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | distribution that some required packages have not yet been created | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | or been moved out of Incoming. | 10:19 |
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dvdman_ | and poof | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | any ideas? | 10:19 |
mwe | dvdman_: don't paste here | 10:19 |
mwe | dvdman_: use pastebin.com or sth | 10:19 |
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_jason | dvdman_: you need to enable multiverse | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | _jason, : i did | 10:19 |
pere | how do I scan my local network for used ip-addresses (I forgot the static IP of my xbox..:-) ) | 10:19 |
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mwe | pere: nmap | 10:19 |
fazirip | rc.rizon.net | 10:19 |
_jason | dvdman_: did you make sure you enabled breezy multiverse, and not just breezy-backports multiverse? | 10:19 |
dvdman_ | _jason, deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy multiverse | 10:20 |
fabri | how do i unmount? | 10:20 |
=== canard [n=canard@host81-129-65-250.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Warbo | dvdman: have you ap-tget update after enabling? | 10:20 |
dvdman_ | correct? | 10:20 |
mwe | fabri: type unmount | 10:20 |
dvdman_ | Warbo, of course | 10:20 |
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mwe | fabri: type mount to see what's mounted first | 10:20 |
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Nafai | pere: ping (Or whatever your broadcast address is) | 10:20 |
dvdman_ | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy multiverse | 10:20 |
Warbo | dvdman: Did you type it better than I did? | 10:20 |
dvdman_ | is this all i need? | 10:20 |
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Nafai | pere: You may need to use ping -b | 10:20 |
fabri | alright i typed mount mwe | 10:20 |
hartz_ | Can anybody tell me how I can make a window show on all desktops under Enlightenment please | 10:20 |
_jason | dvdman_: do you have universe too? | 10:20 |
mwe | fabri: good what did it say? | 10:20 |
dvdman_ | _jason, no i dont think so | 10:21 |
fabri | lots of things | 10:21 |
dvdman_ | do i need? | 10:21 |
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_jason | dvdman_: mplayer probably has some dependencies in universe | 10:21 |
fabri | mwe ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mount | 10:21 |
fabri | /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot on / type auto (rw,noatime) | 10:21 |
fabri | proc on /proc type proc (rw) | 10:21 |
fabri | sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw) | 10:21 |
fabri | devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) | 10:21 |
fabri | tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) | 10:21 |
fabri | usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw) | 10:21 |
fabri | tmpfs on /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/volatile type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755) | 10:21 |
_jason | ubotu: tell fabri about paste | 10:21 |
mwe | sigh | 10:21 |
fabri | tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev) | 10:21 |
fabri | tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,size=10M,mode=0755) | 10:21 |
dvdman_ | k | 10:21 |
mwe | fabri: don't paste here | 10:21 |
dvdman_ | let me try | 10:21 |
Warbo | hartz: Which enlightenemnt? 16 or 17 | 10:21 |
fabri | mwe oh it didnt know | 10:21 |
Canard_ | I have a laptop running Ubuntu 5.10 it has a touch pad device. How do I get the scroll wheel on it to work? | 10:22 |
mwe | fabri: seems you are ready to type sudo cfdisk | 10:22 |
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mwe | fabri: is you disk /dev/hda? | 10:22 |
dvdman_ | that did it :) | 10:22 |
dvdman_ | i fink | 10:22 |
fabri | mwe i think | 10:22 |
=== redeclipse [n=redeclip@213-64-41-25-no20.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
youwho | hi all | 10:22 |
mwe | fabri: type sudo cfdisk /dev/hda then. | 10:22 |
yggdrasil | is there a way to copy the ubuntu cd onto a place on my network and use it asa repository ? | 10:22 |
mwe | fabri: highlight your partitions and type d to delete | 10:23 |
mwe | fabri: when you're done type capital W to write the changes | 10:23 |
fabri | yes, i did | 10:23 |
AAA | yggdrasil sure, just use an nfs share and point apt that way | 10:23 |
Warbo | hartz_: Which enlightenment? E16 (very fast, lightweight) or E17 (crazy animated stuff) | 10:23 |
youwho | did anyone here have any problems with the colors on their monitors after installing linux? | 10:23 |
dvdman_ | Seems like linux video is much better now eh? | 10:23 |
fabri | i think it will be okay now. thanks mwe | 10:23 |
dvdman_ | :) | 10:23 |
dvdman_ | THen it used to be | 10:23 |
yggdrasil | aaa ive got a webserver on one of my boxes. could i put it there ? | 10:23 |
mwe | fabri: yw | 10:23 |
Canard_ | I have a laptop running Ubuntu 5.10 it has a touch pad device. How do I get the scroll wheel on it to work? | 10:24 |
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yggdrasil | aaa i made a mistake and didnt install smb stuff on a box and now its kinda hard to get to it. | 10:24 |
=== MrRio [n=rio@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MrRio] has joined #ubuntu | ||
redeclipse | Could someoe help a linux newb to find his ntfs disks? :/ | 10:24 |
AAA | yggdrasil you could set it up as a repository (which would be a bit of work) or (I am pretty sure) you can just hack your apt.conf to point to the webserver:/nfs/share | 10:25 |
mwe | redeclipse: sudo fdisk -l | 10:25 |
MrRio | how can I remove all gui-related apps? can this be done by simply removing xserver using apt? | 10:25 |
mwe | redeclipse: probably /dev/hda1 for ide | 10:25 |
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=== johannes [n=johannes@nl102-235-163.student.uu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AAA | yggdrasil is the box not on the Inet? why not just use the normal means? | 10:25 |
yggdrasil | aaa yea its not on the internet | 10:25 |
=== jgerace [n=justin@pool-71-245-80-136.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yggdrasil | aaa im hoping that this box will get me on the internet. its on my roof | 10:25 |
johannes | hello, how do i open TCP/UDP ports in ubuntu? | 10:25 |
yggdrasil | and i removed the cd drive from it . | 10:26 |
mwe | johannes: run a service there | 10:26 |
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mwe | johannes: if nothing is listening it's closed | 10:26 |
mwe | johannes: that's what it means | 10:26 |
dvdman_ | one more question :) it's been awile since i've used *nix as a desktop | 10:26 |
AAA | yggdrasil is it a routing issue to the Inet? if it is on your home network? | 10:26 |
=== honkzilla [n=honkman@svwr1-253.svtv.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dvdman_ | any limewire clients these days? | 10:26 |
yggdrasil | aaa no its not i have no internet connection | 10:27 |
johannes | mwe: i know which ports are open and closed. I was wondering how i open new ports? | 10:27 |
NoUse | Canard_ try using synaptic to install the synaptic driver, as odd as that sounds | 10:27 |
yggdrasil | its on my lan. | 10:27 |
mwe | johannes: like I said, run a service that listens | 10:27 |
yggdrasil | and im going to use it as a router to the cyber cafe | 10:27 |
yggdrasil | down the street | 10:27 |
mwe | johannes: if you don't have anything listening on a port it can't be open | 10:27 |
johannes | mwe: oh.. okay i understand | 10:27 |
dvdman_ | nc -l -p PORT -vvvv | 10:27 |
dvdman_ | ;) | 10:27 |
johannes | mwe: i want direct connect to be able to use port 412, what service should i start? | 10:28 |
AAA | yggdrasil I think the easiest way would be this: mount the cdrom on the nfs server, edit the /etc/exports to share the cdrom then on the roofbox mount the nfs share to /media/cdrom0 and make sure the cdrom entry still exists in the roofbox's /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:29 |
mwe | johannes: direct connect I would asume, configuring it to listen to that port | 10:29 |
yggdrasil | aaa that sounds like somethign doable | 10:29 |
johannes | mwe: I have, but i doesn't work.. | 10:29 |
AAA | yggdrasil good luck | 10:29 |
Warbo | hartz_: In E16 it is right-click title bar or alt-right click anywhere on the window and select "sticky" | 10:29 |
johannes | i have to use passive | 10:29 |
mwe | johannes: define doesn't work | 10:29 |
yggdrasil | aaa the computer is dismantled and mounted on the inside of a 5 gallon plastic bucket .. on the roof | 10:30 |
mwe | johannes: you should probably configure your client to listen to that port and also forward it from your router | 10:30 |
cih997 | hello everyone, | 10:30 |
Warbo | Woah! GAIM just caught up with itself. Did I miss much? | 10:30 |
AAA | yggdrasil c00l. does it have a parabolic antennae attached to a wifi card then? >; | 10:30 |
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johannes | mwe: 1 sek | 10:31 |
yggdrasil | aaa for now its just a regular antena but the parts for the can are on the way... maybe tomorow evening. | 10:31 |
yggdrasil | but im getting a pretty good signal on one weped ap | 10:31 |
cih997 | I have a problem: I need to mount NTFS partitions on my Ubuntu Live. I don't know how :( | 10:31 |
AAA | yggdrasil pringles yagi?mmmmmm | 10:31 |
dooglus | I'm trying to use mplayer to play a movie that's stored on a different machine on the local network, but it keeps skipping. is there some way to get mplayer to buffer a few seconds? | 10:31 |
mwe | johannes: gotta reboot, bbl | 10:31 |
cih997 | Can anyone help me? | 10:31 |
dooglus | I can copy the whole movie much quicker than playing it, so there's enough bandwidth. | 10:31 |
yggdrasil | aaa yea but its an all metal cookie can that i got | 10:32 |
=== allen [n=allen@210-86-96-69.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AAA | cih997 of course, that'll be $100 ;) | 10:32 |
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yggdrasil | i just got anxious waiting for the parts so i figured i might as well play with the neighbors wep keys and such... didnt install those packages. | 10:32 |
cih997 | ok, i'm on it :D | 10:32 |
toejama | is it normal for a hardrive to have 9729 cylinders? fdisk says anything > 1024 could be problematic. | 10:32 |
AAA | cih997 sup | 10:32 |
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AAA | yggdrasil mmmm kismet+wepcrack | 10:32 |
johannes | toejama: it's okay | 10:33 |
yggdrasil | its gonna be fun!!! | 10:33 |
yggdrasil | good ol ath0 | 10:33 |
AAA | ewwww cisco gear even | 10:33 |
yggdrasil | and the bucket it sealed off nicely | 10:33 |
yggdrasil | seems to be running stable up there. | 10:33 |
=== acid-trip [n=rob@S0106000c41890897.ls.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AAA | er, that is ateros huh, ow well | 10:33 |
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toejama | i want to make sure that no rootkit exists on this drive. i am going to shred it before i put anything back onto it. should that be sufficient? | 10:33 |
acid-trip | how do i adjust my screen size | 10:33 |
AAA | toejama chkrootkit | 10:34 |
yggdrasil | aaa yea i was surprised atherors is actualy more commonly accepted than the orinoco is now | 10:34 |
cih997 | AAA, is it possible? | 10:34 |
johannes | toejama: chkrootkit should be enough? | 10:34 |
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AAA | cih997 what is the questjion? | 10:34 |
toejama | hmmm, well it's a windows installation | 10:34 |
AAA | but use one from another box!!! | 10:34 |
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cih997 | How can I mount NTFS partition on Ubuntu Live CD? | 10:35 |
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johannes | mwe: okay, it's like this: no port opens when i open Direct Connect | 10:35 |
toejama | chkrootkit not found on this ubuntu install | 10:35 |
bimberi | cih997: try the diskmounter script - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 10:35 |
AAA | some rootkits modify chkrootkit so make sure you use one from another box with a valid checksum | 10:35 |
AAA | toejama apt-get install chkrootkit | 10:35 |
allen | Hello, I'm having issues with the latest kernel (2.6.15-20-amd64-k8) with Dapper. Is there anyone on that could help? My system doesn't boot with the *-k8 version but -generic works. the NVidia kernel module doesn't seem to work when I do boot generic. Everything worked fine back on 2.6.15-19 a few days ago. | 10:35 |
=== EinZteiN [n=einztein@a213-22-54-71.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toejama | ok | 10:35 |
mwe | johannes: did you configure direct connect and are you running a firewall? | 10:35 |
cih997 | ok, I'll try | 10:35 |
=== AAA wonders what cih997 is doing | ||
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Canard_ | mouse: I had the basic driver installed, I added the packages designed for GNOME and KDE, but it still does not work | 10:36 |
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=== Spudchat [n=Spud@adsl-68-74-124-66.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johannes | mwe: i have no installed firewall, and i have configuered direct connect (I am 100% sure that it is not DC or the router) I can run DC from windows whithout problems | 10:36 |
acid-trip | how do i reconfigure my x? | 10:36 |
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mwe | johannes: what are you running in linux? | 10:37 |
acid-trip | mwe, can u help me please | 10:37 |
AAA | acid-trip short answer: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:37 |
vipernicus | hello, i'm considering switching from Gentoo to Ubuntu, I've been using Linux for 6 years now, so I'm not new. a couple of questions: 1) 6.06 or 5.10? 2) Automatix or EasyUbuntu 3) Do either of those 2 work with 6.06? 4) I noticed on the live cd for 6.06 that there was reiser4 support and an installer, does the installer work? | 10:37 |
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johannes | mwe: what do you mean? | 10:37 |
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acid-trip | AAA, i mean i have to adjust my scree size | 10:37 |
acid-trip | it thinks i'm blind | 10:37 |
acid-trip | lol | 10:37 |
mwe | johannes: what direct connect program? | 10:37 |
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johannes | mwe: linux DC++ | 10:38 |
AAA | acid-trip sorry, I don't advise on gui apps | 10:38 |
johannes | mwe: wulfor | 10:38 |
acid-trip | i meant like sudo dpkg-reconfigure what | 10:38 |
ggilbert | vipernicus: I'd recommend 5.10, for the other two questions I couldn't say | 10:38 |
mwe | johannes: start it then run sudo netstat -ntlp to see listening ports | 10:38 |
AAA | acid-trip xserver-xorg I believe | 10:38 |
Canard_ | *nouse: I had the basic driver installed, I added the packages designed for GNOME and KDE, but it still does not work | 10:38 |
_jason | !automatix | 10:39 |
ubotu | it has been said that automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu. | 10:39 |
=== jd_ [n=jd@24-247-40-213.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vipernicus | ggilbert: how unstable is 6.06? I don't mind a couple of small bugs, as long as my bug reports can be fixed in a timely manner | 10:39 |
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AAA | !easyubuntu | 10:39 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 10:39 |
johannes | mwe: its not open | 10:39 |
_jason | vipernicus: #ubuntu+1 for dapper (6.06) but I believe at this point it is pretty stable | 10:39 |
bimberi | vipernicus: 1. 5.10 is stable, 6.06 is alpha, although looking good 2. easyubuntu 3&4 idk sorry | 10:39 |
acetech | i have usb drive that i would like to mount. the drive gets auto-mounted, under a nautulis folder I beleive. how can i mount the drive under the /media/usbDrive? i tried /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sde1, etc in /etc/fstab | 10:39 |
pike_ | vipernicus: wiki.ubuntu.com instead of either of the scripty things | 10:39 |
=== sorush21 [n=sorush4@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | johannes: um then direct connect is broken or misconfigured | 10:39 |
mwe | johannes: it should listen | 10:39 |
cmduffus | can anyone in here help me with tvtime? I don't know how to get it to work and the forums don't seem to be able to answer my questions? | 10:40 |
=== rickard [n=rickard@c-04ed70d5.027-77-6c756e10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | johannes: maybe it's listening on another port? | 10:40 |
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AAA | acetech what does mount say when you mount it? can you paste your /etc/fstab in pastebin? | 10:40 |
johannes | mwe: yeah on 3433 | 10:40 |
=== Donvinzk [n=vincent@68.43.101-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | johannes: like I said two times before, configure it to listen to the port you want | 10:41 |
johannes | mwe: but it's configured to use 412, strange | 10:41 |
johannes | mwe: I have! | 10:41 |
vipernicus | pike_: seems kinda slow using the wiki when a script can give me the same results in a more timely manner? | 10:41 |
mwe | johannes: I don't know your client it sounds broken | 10:41 |
ggilbert | vipernicus: It's stable enough for *my* home use, but I tend to not recommend development releases for people, because they can and have in the past broken unexpectedly and horribly | 10:41 |
acetech | /dev/sda2 /media/usbKey auto defaults,user,noauto 0 0 | 10:41 |
=== tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AAA | cmduffus /join #tvtime ? | 10:41 |
johannes | mwe: do you know another client that is okay to use? | 10:41 |
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cmduffus | ok, thanks | 10:41 |
mwe | johannes: dcgui | 10:41 |
mwe | johannes: it at least works | 10:42 |
vipernicus | ggilbert: i've been using Gentoo unstable with crazy cflags, cxxflags and ldflags for almost 2 years now | 10:42 |
johannes | mwe: yeah okay thanks for your time buddy | 10:42 |
cih997 | AAA, it's working! Thanks! | 10:42 |
vipernicus | gglibert: i can handle slightly unstable | 10:42 |
mwe | johannes: no many bells and whistles though | 10:42 |
AAA | cih997 good for you | 10:42 |
=== SirKillalot [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-076-042.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AAA | vipernicus then why not just run debian unstable? | 10:42 |
=== AAA runs | ||
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vipernicus | AAA: what's the benefit of Debian Unstable to Ubuntu Dapper? | 10:43 |
ggilbert | Ubuntu has a saner release process :) | 10:43 |
=== pike_ take aim at AAA | ||
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mwe | saner hmm. faster at least | 10:43 |
AAA | vipernicus I honestly don't know, I run ubuntu because I am lazy and don't have any more production servers on the Inet :( | 10:43 |
vipernicus | AAA: also, how simple is it to compile my own kernel for Debian, I tend to like CK better than Ingo | 10:43 |
AAA | vipernicus make-kpg is prefered and works ok, you have to get used to debianism whether you run debian or ubuntu | 10:44 |
Canard_ | Nouse? | 10:44 |
vipernicus | AAA: i've used make-kpg before, but I'm not sure how much extra patching Ubuntu or Debian uses now | 10:44 |
=== Dempa [n=dempa@me-151-107-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ggilbert | AAA: My experience with Debian is that the uncertainty of release phases can lead to larger components not being upgraded for signficant periods of time. Since the developers don't think they can get away with stabilizing them in time for a release. | 10:45 |
mwe | I run a custom kernel without make-kpg | 10:45 |
toejama | is there a way to recover your root password? | 10:45 |
Warbo | AAA: I use module-assistant | 10:45 |
dvdman_ | I must say ubuntu is the best distro i've seen in a long ass time | 10:45 |
dvdman_ | i think it kills fedora | 10:45 |
AAA | ggilbert that is very true. there is a lot of drama with the debian maintainers, I think the ubuntu team has done a remarkable job in that area | 10:45 |
mwe | vipernicus: ubuntu is using quite a few patches. my kernel works fine without them though | 10:45 |
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dvdman_ | everything just works with out issues | 10:45 |
=== Zappa [n=zappa@81-86-167-73.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AAA | fedorka == teh corporate suck | 10:46 |
=== rickard [n=rickard@c-04ed70d5.027-77-6c756e10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
allen | Would this be the proper place to ask a question regarding the latest kernel on amd64. 2.6.15-19-amd-k8 worked fine for me but my system doesn't boot with 2.6.15-20-amd64-k8. I've been running Dapper for a while and it seems every 2nd or 3rd kernel doesn't boot on my system, I end up running an older version until a newer one starts working. | 10:46 |
=== bluelotus [n=bluelotu@cpe-72-226-4-218.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Warbo | toejama: Use the recovery mode boot-up or put the "single" option in your "kernel" line in GRUB then run passwd | 10:46 |
vipernicus | my boss had me kill all of our redhat servers when i started working here | 10:46 |
AAA | mwe I often run a custom kernel with the debian patches without problem (except for the ones I create myself) | 10:46 |
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mwe | yeah | 10:47 |
toejama | Warbo: thank you | 10:47 |
mwe | well if you think you need them | 10:47 |
AAA | vipernicus good for you!! and thanks | 10:47 |
ggilbert | vipernicus: I'd actually recommend trying to stick with Ubuntu's kernels. I used to be the sort of person who built my own kernels with the patches I liked, but I've found that it's rather refreshing not having to worry about that sort of thing. | 10:47 |
ggilbert | The ubuntu kernels, "just work" | 10:47 |
Warbo | toejama: Add a password (a different one :)) to GRUB to stop other people getting your password | 10:47 |
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Canard_ | I have a laptop running Ubuntu 5.10, the scroll whell on the touch pad does not work. Does anyone have any idea what I should do? | 10:47 |
vini | somebody can tell me where is the video card drivers directory? I read it's on "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/" but I didn't find it | 10:48 |
AAA | ggilbert and chock full of modules, but that is another debate. "vim or emacs for ya sir"... | 10:48 |
mwe | I need things like sdhci not in the ubuntu kernel | 10:48 |
toejama | Warbo: yeah, then i'll probably forget that one! | 10:48 |
Warbo | vivi: I think maybe /lib/modules/kernelversion/kernel/drivers/video | 10:48 |
vipernicus | ggilbert: hmm, I'll give it a try, but I tend to itch when I hear con's released another patch, or I can get better filesystem performance with so and so io scheduler, etc | 10:48 |
toejama | least used == more likely to forget :( | 10:48 |
fliegenderfrosch | i'm trying to resize a fat32 partition, but qtparted, gparted and the ubuntu-installer fail. what else can i do? | 10:48 |
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=== mwe reboots | ||
ph1qt10n | how can i extend the desktop to another monitor on ubuntu? | 10:49 |
Warbo | toejama: That's why you use a different one. Although only Linux-knowledgeable people (or with access to Google) would know how to break into your system | 10:49 |
ggilbert | vipernicus: Yeah. Being able to tweak it is nice. I've just found I like letting someone else do it :) | 10:49 |
tonyyarusso | Canard_: You probably need to manually edit your xorg.conf file. I unfortunately don't have a URL to point you too at this time with good documentation offhand, but hopefully that can at least get you pointed in the right direction. | 10:49 |
vipernicus | ggilbert: yeah, main reason why I am leaving Gentoo, is my insane need to tweak | 10:49 |
ph1qt10n | how can i extend the desktop to another monitor on ubuntu? | 10:50 |
toejama | Warbo: ok, thanks | 10:50 |
vipernicus | ph1qt10n: if you wait a couple more secs, i can get you some documentation | 10:50 |
=== moonwatcher [n=no@DSL217-132-53-162.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AAA | vipernicus what? I thought that was the whole concept of gentoo, that and speeeeed. why not just do LFS then... | 10:50 |
ggilbert | vipernicus: I actually came to ubuntu from gentoo as well. Redhat -> Debian -> Gentoo -> Ubuntu | 10:50 |
moonwatcher | i have a wired problem with a wireless 2200GB card | 10:50 |
ph1qt10n | vipernicus: thank you | 10:51 |
AAA | ggilbert that is an odd digression | 10:51 |
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moonwatcher | it goes up but gets an ipv6 address, which is not good | 10:51 |
myfunny | !w32codecs | 10:51 |
ubotu | I heard w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 10:51 |
=== glagla [n=laurent@ALille-257-1-19-50.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ggilbert | AAA: there was a method to my madness. I didnt like what Redhat did with 7.0, so I swapped to debian. Then I got frustrated with the last year of the woody release proccess, so I switched to Gentoo, then I got tired of compiling stuff. :) | 10:52 |
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toejama | well, i'm not sure that i forgot my root password now. i can get to the updates from the update manager when it asks for the password... | 10:52 |
toejama | but when i run su it won't work | 10:52 |
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vipernicus | ph1qt10n: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors | 10:52 |
ggilbert | Ubuntu seemed like it addressed the things I disliked in debian, while maintaining the qualities I liked. | 10:53 |
NoUse | toejama root is disabled in ubuntu | 10:53 |
Canard_ | Thanks tonyyarusso, need to reboot now, talk later | 10:53 |
ph1qt10n | vipernicus: thank you so much bro, god bless | 10:53 |
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bimberi | moonwatcher: you could try this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 10:53 |
toejama | so i'm root all the time then? | 10:53 |
FlannelKing | !tell toejama about root | 10:53 |
Dempa | I got a kind of unusual setup with two monitors (VGA,DVI) with dualview and a tv on the tv-out, this is with a GeForce 5700 card. Is it possible to start a seperate xsession on the tv and one on the monitors? | 10:53 |
toejama | thx | 10:53 |
NoUse | toejama no, that would be a supremely bad idea :-) | 10:53 |
AAA | ggilbert I agree, I have been dinking around with it for over a year, but I still like doing a 10m netinst and grabbing a few apps and leaving the box to work | 10:54 |
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toejama | yeah, i'm learning that in windows | 10:54 |
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hawk_wolf | AAA, whats up man, I'm still struggling with guidedog, do you know of a tutorial somewhere? | 10:56 |
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AAA | hawk_wolf is it working for you as a gateway? what exactly do you want it to do that it is not? | 10:57 |
jdong | how do you make /var/log obey a umask? | 10:57 |
hawk_wolf | I want my other computer to be able to surf. | 10:57 |
ubuntu | good question | 10:57 |
=== kent [n=kent@kr-lun-89-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toejama | ok, so sudo replaces the need to login as root to run administrative stuff and all you need is your own password. is that less secure than having to know the root pass? | 10:57 |
jdong | toejama: actually, it's more secure if done correctly | 10:58 |
vipernicus | my linux walk: Redhat 5 > Slackware 7.x > Mandrake 8.x > Debian > Mandrake 9.x > Gentoo | 10:58 |
toejama | i was just thinking that. it makes sense, since nobody knows anything about any other account | 10:58 |
AAA | hawk_wolf then paste the output of:>ifconfig -a >route -n >cat /etc/init.d/guidedog | 10:59 |
jdong | toejama: also, sudo keeps good logs, so you can tell who did what under sudo | 10:59 |
AAA | hawk_wolf do that in the pastebin of course!! | 10:59 |
=== iratsu [n=iratsu@modemcable157.255-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdong | toejama: plus, users only have to know one password, which motivates them to pick a stronger one | 10:59 |
hawk_wolf | Where is pastbin? | 10:59 |
blindx | pastebin.com | 11:00 |
=== Fix_ [n=bmonnens@cable-213-132-155-61.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hawk_wolf | thanks | 11:00 |
AAA | !pastepin | 11:00 |
ubotu | Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, AAA | 11:00 |
blindx | !pastebin | 11:00 |
ubotu | pastebin is, like, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 11:00 |
blindx | :P | 11:00 |
looksaus | any ppc dapper users with firefox probs? | 11:00 |
AAA | d0h | 11:00 |
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Erix | hi | 11:00 |
jdong | well, it seems like pam covers almost everything | 11:00 |
jdong | so libpam-umask should do the trick | 11:01 |
iceman | anyone done a superkaramba build | 11:01 |
jdong | if put in common-session | 11:01 |
jdong | cron obeys it... | 11:01 |
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jdong | unsure if system services do | 11:01 |
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Comrade_Sergei | how do i use my ipod pn linux | 11:02 |
_jason | !ipod | 11:03 |
ubotu | info for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto | 11:03 |
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Comrade_Sergei | thanks | 11:03 |
=== TobSiCret [n=tobias@hnvr-d9b8eb9b.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Avatar_ | Hello. | 11:03 |
AAA | hawk_wolf I have to meet a client soon, you should paste that soon | 11:03 |
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hawk_wolf | Eh, I'm gonna have to get to it later my 2yr old just woke up. | 11:04 |
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AAA | hawk_wolf such is life, paste all of that and save the link, I'll check it later | 11:04 |
hawk_wolf | cool. | 11:04 |
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hawk_wolf | talk to you later. | 11:05 |
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majkhii | anybody who know how can i instal *.sh file? | 11:05 |
xerxes13 | plz help someone. i just installed ubuntu . what should i do to be able to run programme, games based on windows? s | 11:05 |
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=== rah [n=rah@82-45-38-17.cable.ubr01.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Avatar_ | is freecontrib.org offline/slow? | 11:06 |
rah | will the amd64 architecture usable on em64t? | 11:06 |
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rah | err.. us | 11:07 |
rah | *is | 11:07 |
rah | grr | 11:07 |
vipernicus | i'm out of here all, later | 11:08 |
vipernicus | big channel | 11:08 |
vipernicus | and only a few ppl talking | 11:08 |
fmonroe | NEWB Q: I would be grateful for help changing the load order of my sound card and usb headset so that the headset would be default and work with my rdesktop, TIA | 11:08 |
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majkhii | pls help :) | 11:08 |
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king-of-no-pants | alright Im back | 11:09 |
Pete-Gas | #ubuntu+1 | 11:09 |
Pete-Gas | opps | 11:09 |
ggilbert | fmonroe: Try going into the audio dialog under System / Preferences. It will let you choose the default sound device | 11:09 |
king-of-no-pants | how do I delete a file that is "Acess Denied"? | 11:09 |
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fmonroe | ggilbert: thanks, but that only seems to work for gnome | 11:10 |
=== theD3viL [n=geek@BSN-77-90-27.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theD3viL | i have two soundcards in computer. how to make default one? | 11:10 |
king-of-no-pants | i think its in the bios | 11:10 |
ggilbert | fmonroe: Then the next best thing to do is to google for alsa and module load order | 11:10 |
theD3viL | king-of-no-pants: i dont think so | 11:10 |
_Avatar_ | theD3vil, you want both on? one on and one off? one pci and the othe ronboard? | 11:11 |
king-of-no-pants | well, i could be wrong | 11:11 |
nny | ok i broke apt-get :( | 11:11 |
ggilbert | fmonroe: You can do it, but I don't recall how | 11:11 |
fabri | mwe: i've removed the linux partitions and reinstalled windows and still can't load it | 11:11 |
fabri | mwe: what can i do | 11:11 |
nny | i try to do an apt-get upgrade and it spits a broke pipe error | 11:11 |
nny | on fileroller | 11:11 |
king-of-no-pants | I just remember disabling my onboard sound through the BIOS | 11:11 |
slackern | Usually the built-in soundcard can be disabled from within the bios. | 11:11 |
kung | theD3viL the ones module you load first will become the first one | 11:11 |
theD3viL | _Avatar_: pci card: always active, onboard: always active, but not default | 11:11 |
=== ViViD [n=ViViD@c-67-160-125-239.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ggilbert | fmonroe: Essentially there is a module option you can apply to the usb audio module that tells it to load after another | 11:11 |
king-of-no-pants | my onboard is not active | 11:11 |
nny | any advce? | 11:11 |
king-of-no-pants | I put a new battery in... | 11:12 |
_Avatar_ | easy way is to turn off the onboard at the bios... why would you want 2 cards btw? | 11:12 |
theD3viL | kung: hm...do i have to blacklist then onboard one or what ? | 11:12 |
ggilbert | theD3viL: also, read what I was saying to fmonroe, since he had the same question :p | 11:12 |
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slackern | hmm what if you rightclick the speakicon in gnome and change the audio device there? | 11:12 |
charles` | which package contains "checkinstall"? | 11:12 |
slackern | speak/speaker | 11:12 |
ggilbert | _Avatar_: onboard audio and a usb headset would do it | 11:12 |
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fmonroe | options snd_intel8x0 index=-2 is what i tried it was supposed to change the order but didn't work | 11:12 |
mwe | fabri: what happens? | 11:12 |
mwe | fabri: grub loads? | 11:12 |
fabri | mwe: it says grub loader and something, then it says error 20 and stops | 11:13 |
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ggilbert | fmonroe: Try setting the index for the usb audio to 10. It might not do negative indexes | 11:13 |
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fabri | mwe: that's it, no windows, or nothing | 11:13 |
mlehrer | We can stage a runaway golfcart marathon! | 11:13 |
darx | greetings... | 11:13 |
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dan1115 | jjhjh | 11:13 |
ggilbert | theD3viL: You might want to follow what fmonroe is doing, since he has the same problem | 11:13 |
mwe | fabri: you should remove grub. you can boot the xp cd to recovery console and type fixboot and fixmbr | 11:13 |
Hankdehannover | ola | 11:13 |
=== fabienne [n=fabienne@mna75-6-82-227-142-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | !es | 11:14 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:14 |
_Avatar_ | i am using only an onboard... waiting for my m-audio delta 44 to arrive... i will use it linked to a ham radio box.... | 11:14 |
fliegenderfrosch | charles`, there's a packet called checkinstall | 11:14 |
darx | Does ubuntu release the dhcp lease during the shutdown process? | 11:14 |
fmonroe | what's best way to force reload of snd modules? alsa-util? | 11:14 |
_Avatar_ | i will have this same problem soon.. | 11:14 |
ggilbert | fmonroe: Going on what I remember, you're on the right track | 11:14 |
fabri | mwe: i don't have an actual windows bootable cd, just a recovery cd from my computer, wich install an image | 11:14 |
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fabri | mwe: how i do that | 11:14 |
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darx | Does ubuntu release the dhcp lease during the shutdown process? any clues????? | 11:15 |
michael117 | When setting up remote desktop though VNC, does the host computer transmit all audio streams to the viewer? | 11:15 |
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mwe | fabri: I don't know how to install the windows mbr then. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1 will remove grub but I'm not sure if it will leave in a state where it can't boot anything then or the nt bootloader will load | 11:16 |
fmonroe | thanks for the help everyone i'll keep trying let you know what i find out | 11:16 |
mwe | what's the command to flush the file buffers? | 11:17 |
jdong | mwe: sync | 11:17 |
mwe | oh yeah | 11:17 |
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jdong | mwe: don't count on it though :) | 11:17 |
jdong | lol | 11:17 |
jdong | why are you syncing? | 11:17 |
Stormx2 | michael117: Didn't think it transmitted any audio | 11:18 |
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mwe | jdong: because I deleted some files from a memory card but they appeared again | 11:18 |
mwe | jdong: I think it was because of buffering | 11:18 |
jdong | mwe: did you umount the card before pulling it out? | 11:18 |
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jdong | though the eject utility or umount on the terminal? | 11:18 |
mwe | jdong: no should that be done automatically? | 11:18 |
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jdong | mwe: not if you don't tell it to | 11:19 |
michael117 | Stormx2: I wasn't sure because I am going to connect to this computer from another really old computer somewhere else in the house over the network | 11:19 |
mwe | jdong: ok I thought so since it mounted automatically | 11:19 |
Hankdehannover | hi | 11:19 |
=== King_Of_No_Pants [n=jesse@c-67-167-159-42.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
jdong | mwe: it doesn't unmount magically | 11:19 |
=== Fanskapet [n=din@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | I see | 11:19 |
jdong | mwe: you can't psychically determine when a user has finished using a device ;) | 11:19 |
Hankdehannover | i am a new user of ubuntu | 11:19 |
mwe | jdong: true | 11:19 |
jdong | mwe: opensuse does though... by unmounting and remounting between every operation | 11:20 |
jdong | it causes unnecessary stress on devices | 11:20 |
mwe | heh | 11:20 |
lz1gjd | I have an issue running the ati drivers my x800gto videocard and ubuntu, i installed them using the drapper ati how2 wiki and when I try to start X, my screen goes blank, system continues to load and keyboard seems to function but there is no video output to my monitor. Could any1 point a solution to this ? | 11:20 |
=== Gambit- [n=god@unaffiliated/gambit-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | sounds like overkill yes | 11:20 |
jdong | plus you still don't know for sure if the system has a file open.... | 11:20 |
Hankdehannover | how can install rhapsody irc | 11:20 |
kingspawn | jdong: that sounds extremely stupid | 11:20 |
jdong | kingspawn: especially on CD's, where there's a huge delay | 11:20 |
kingspawn | jdong: ugh :/ | 11:20 |
Hankdehannover | i am from spain | 11:20 |
jdong | so make sure you unmount before removing | 11:21 |
King_Of_No_Pants | does anyone know a good list of ubuntu commands? | 11:21 |
Hankdehannover | my english is short jajaja | 11:21 |
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jdong | to be extra safe, unmount then sync, but that's unnecessary ;) | 11:21 |
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=== beasty [i=beasty@d54C2DB96.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beasty | morning all | 11:21 |
tonyyarusso | ubotu: tell King_Of_No_Pants about cli | 11:21 |
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jdong | King_Of_No_Pants: linux commands are fairly generic | 11:22 |
beasty | i got like probs installing it :p | 11:22 |
King_Of_No_Pants | neato | 11:22 |
jdong | King_Of_No_Pants: there are plenty of online tutorials on the linux command line | 11:22 |
jdong | that'd be a good place to start | 11:22 |
King_Of_No_Pants | thanks | 11:22 |
jdong | there is also a debian cheatsheet somewhere containing debian (apt-get , dpkg) and ubuntu specific stuff | 11:23 |
jdong | Ubuntu is extremely close to debian | 11:23 |
beasty | isn't it based on debian ? | 11:23 |
King_Of_No_Pants | cool | 11:23 |
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King_Of_No_Pants | it uses the debian installer | 11:23 |
Apostle^ | beasty: yes | 11:23 |
jdong | beasty: correct. It is based off debian | 11:23 |
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jdong | beasty: the first release was largely binary-compatible with Debian | 11:23 |
beasty | ok wish me luck | 11:24 |
beasty | trying it again | 11:24 |
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beasty | always fails while installing the 'main system' | 11:24 |
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beasty | btw the installer installs debconf ? | 11:25 |
lz1gjd | please, could any1 help me with my problem ??? | 11:25 |
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jdong | beasty: I would expect so | 11:25 |
beasty | lz1gjd state your problem | 11:25 |
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jdong | beasty: a lot of packages use debconf (i.e. xorg for one) | 11:25 |
beasty | idd | 11:26 |
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lz1gjd | well I posted it already , but here it is again : "" | 11:26 |
beasty | first time i'm installing ubuntu :) | 11:26 |
lz1gjd | well I posted it already , but here it is again : "I have an issue running the ati drivers my x800gto videocard and ubuntu, i installed them using the drapper ati how2 wiki and when I try to start X, my screen goes blank, system continues to load and keyboard seems to function but there is no video output to my monitor. Could any1 point a solution to this ?" | 11:26 |
=== Arnald [n=Arnald@81-86-116-102.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
King_Of_No_Pants | how can I delete a protected directory? | 11:26 |
jdong | King_Of_No_Pants: use sudo | 11:26 |
King_Of_No_Pants | i am | 11:26 |
King_Of_No_Pants | but the rm command will only delete files | 11:27 |
=== Skwid_ [n=Skwid___@bas1-montreal42-1177928235.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beasty | jdong got X ? | 11:27 |
jdong | King_Of_No_Pants: sudo rm -rf /path/to/file | 11:27 |
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=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
King_Of_No_Pants | thanks | 11:27 |
jdong | King_Of_No_Pants: be careful with it though... make sure you get your paths right | 11:27 |
=== lamego [n=Past@a83-132-96-71.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
King_Of_No_Pants | yeah, i believe you | 11:27 |
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mundi | hi all has anybody resolution 1280x800 (widescreen) on laptop ?? | 11:28 |
jdong | King_Of_No_Pants: (it takes a total of 45 seconds on my system to remove every single file) | 11:28 |
King_Of_No_Pants | hehe | 11:28 |
jdong | beasty: huh? | 11:28 |
jdong | beasty: most graphical linux installs will have X :) | 11:28 |
redeclipse | argh... why is it I get a "The folder contents could not be displayed" window after mounting my ntfs disk? =S | 11:28 |
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jdong | redeclipse: permissons? was umask=0222 one of your options? | 11:28 |
redeclipse | yup | 11:28 |
lz1gjd | i tried latest ati drivers "ati-driver-installer-8.24.8-x86" , those that came with drapper drake flight 6 and same problem, no video output to my screen | 11:29 |
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mundi | couse i cannot acheve 1280x800 - it seems to be in xorg.conf file but not working with i810 intel driver | 11:29 |
jdong | mundi: you may need 915resolution hacks | 11:29 |
=== Lorvij [n=lorvija@dsl-lprgw5-fecdf900-132.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdong | mundi: I don't know exactly how they work... I'm sure someone here does | 11:29 |
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mundi | hmm | 11:30 |
mundi | maybe i need new drivers for intel 855 intel graphic card | 11:30 |
jdong | mundi: I believe some of the intel cards won't list all the resolutions they support | 11:30 |
redeclipse | jdong: Do linux have some "max view" size or something.. cos all my other partition works, this one is 250gb :/ | 11:31 |
King_Of_No_Pants | 400Mhz is slow... | 11:31 |
=== patrick52222 [n=patrick@cpc2-yarm1-6-0-cust110.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdong | redeclipse: not really... | 11:31 |
=== whitynz [n=whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
redeclipse | hm, ok | 11:32 |
jdong | it's likely a permission error | 11:32 |
nny | ok could use some help here... getting apt-get error | 11:32 |
redeclipse | maybe.. but I did the same with all the other partitions :/ | 11:32 |
beasty | jdong: can you help me ? :p | 11:32 |
lamego | redeclipse, try: sudo nautilus | 11:33 |
lamego | to see if you can access the mount point | 11:33 |
=== maccam94 [n=maccam94@pool-72-72-15-205.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
jdong | beasty: with what? | 11:33 |
beasty | http://dpr.webware.be/ub.jpg | 11:33 |
King_Of_No_Pants | stupid me | 11:33 |
=== tha_gamemaster [n=tha_game@ppp-69-237-193-140.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beasty | look @ that | 11:33 |
jdong | redeclipse: if that works, then it's a permissions issue. sudo is only a workaround for that | 11:33 |
King_Of_No_Pants | I installed a program all over my desktop | 11:33 |
jdong | beasty: your kernel failed to install for some reason | 11:33 |
tha_gamemaster | is there any way to upgrade kernels without installing the latest version? my friend is using hoary | 11:33 |
jdong | beasty: try ALT+F3 or ALT+F4 | 11:33 |
tha_gamemaster | no wait... what is it ? 2.6.10 | 11:34 |
jdong | beasty: one console should have some logs | 11:34 |
nny | hmm anyone? | 11:34 |
jdong | beasty: see if any of those provides a better reason why linux-386 didn't install | 11:34 |
blindx | I'm having some troubles with Flash.... I have no sound, and some games just don't want to play for some reason :\ They start to, but they never get interactive. | 11:34 |
jdong | tha_gamemaster: you'd have to compile your own.... they are not always compatible with older releases | 11:34 |
mundi | and maybe someone will help me with ET - is running fine but in full screen mode i see only screen in the corner | 11:34 |
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=== looksaus [n=mark@86-39-97-82.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
looksaus | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/40067/+index | 11:35 |
looksaus | any more dapper-on-powerpc users here who can confirm this? | 11:35 |
=== MachineScrew [n=machine@ip68-225-114-11.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mundi | i have 1024x768 resolution | 11:35 |
lamego | tha_gamemaster, you can try to install the breezy linux packages but I believe there are other dependencies which are not met on hoary | 11:35 |
=== alex_ [n=alex@modemcable199.199-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beasty | mm | 11:35 |
alex_ | hello | 11:35 |
alex_ | is there a way to install flight6 on a DVD | 11:35 |
=== Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | http://pastebin.com/668074 <--- somone look @ that? | 11:35 |
beasty | jdong: it says md5 missmatch | 11:36 |
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alex_ | !UPGRADE | 11:36 |
ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html. | 11:36 |
King_Of_No_Pants | anyone here ever install Folding@Home in linux? | 11:36 |
tha_gamemaster | jdong: that's fine i suppose, i don't mind compiling a new kernel but i just want it to work for my friend who installed ubuntu because she isn't really ready for kernel compilation :) but she could be... | 11:36 |
Noxion | Holy friggin shit there are a lot of people in here | 11:36 |
tha_gamemaster | lamego: how can i add the breezy repositories? | 11:36 |
=== drako [n=drako@63-227-252-163.chyn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lamego | tha_gamemaster, you can manually download the .deb files from breezu, you set the breezy repos you will get a full system upgrade.. | 11:37 |
lamego | from breezy I mean | 11:37 |
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tha_gamemaster | tanks lamego | 11:37 |
tha_gamemaster | thanks* | 11:37 |
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tha_gamemaster | thanks alex_ | 11:37 |
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=== Plug [n=crb@203-167-190-117.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Plug | Hi. | 11:37 |
jammyflynn99 | hi ubantu users | 11:37 |
King_Of_No_Pants | anyone here ever install Folding@Home in linux? | 11:37 |
Noxion | Anyone able to help me to get my NIC working in Kubuntu? | 11:37 |
tha_gamemaster | lamego: would a full system upgrade be destructive? | 11:38 |
King_Of_No_Pants | is it wireless? | 11:38 |
blindx | Anyone know why flash won't work right in FF but will in IE through wine? | 11:38 |
Noxion | No | 11:38 |
lamego | tha_gamemaster, usually not, but read the wiki :P | 11:38 |
tha_gamemaster | lamego: k thanks. | 11:38 |
Noxion | Ethernet | 11:38 |
Apostle^ | http://pastebin.com/668074 <--- somone look @ that? | 11:38 |
King_Of_No_Pants | mine auto configured... | 11:38 |
Plug | The Dapper Flight 5 CD detects my Areca SATA-RAID controller and installs to it, but seems the installed kernel doesn't support the controller and can't find the disk? Anyone got around this? | 11:38 |
nickrud | blindx, flash 8 & shockwave don't work under linux | 11:38 |
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blindx | nickrud, but it's running in IE on linux | 11:38 |
Noxion | Well I was able to get it enabled | 11:38 |
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Noxion | And I did a sudo route add default gw IP | 11:38 |
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King_Of_No_Pants | and in network settings, is it active? | 11:39 |
jammyflynn99 | i just thought id say that ive been using debian for 2 week and its tough tough --- ubantu is somthing else its so easy to install and the help files show exactly how to install anything well nearly | 11:39 |
skypa | <blindx> nickrud, but it's running in IE on linux <-- eww | 11:39 |
Noxion | And got the gateway to stick so to speak | 11:39 |
Noxion | but still no net | 11:39 |
looksaus | blindx, yes, I know they say wine is not an emulator, but it is, really | 11:39 |
nickrud | blindx, yes, that's under wine running the windows version of flash | 11:39 |
ryanpg | hi all, how to I completely uninstall a package that's broken? | 11:39 |
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blindx | ahhhhhh i see.. | 11:39 |
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=== skypa spanks blindx | ||
blindx | skypa wtf? | 11:39 |
skypa | :p | 11:39 |
Plug | ryanpg: console or GUI? | 11:39 |
nickrud | blindx, I have firefox under wine for just that, so you can slap skypa right back :) | 11:39 |
King_Of_No_Pants | have you tried ifconfig? | 11:39 |
ryanpg | Plug, either is fine... when I run dpkg --remove I'm prompted to reinstall the package first | 11:40 |
jammyflynn99 | anyone know how to install every package available | 11:40 |
Noxion | When do that says I dont have access | 11:40 |
looksaus | blindx, many people here are sensitive to the fact that Adobe refuses to share information about | 11:40 |
Noxion | Im trying this from aLive CD I might add | 11:40 |
lamego | james_, sudo apt-get upgrade | 11:40 |
skypa | you do sth and I shall get slapped.. life ain't fair :( | 11:40 |
Plug | ryanpg: dpkg --purge ? | 11:40 |
nickrud | jammyflynn99, you can't, some conflict with one another | 11:40 |
looksaus | working with flash animations | 11:40 |
beasty | jdong: isn't there some sort of netinstall iso ? | 11:40 |
jammyflynn99 | ohh i see | 11:40 |
ryanpg | Plug, I'll give it a shot thanks | 11:40 |
Plug | You can use dpkg --set-selections to change what state its in (it might be in 'reinstall') | 11:40 |
Noxion | Should I make a partition and try from the HDD instead? | 11:40 |
DStamp | can anyone help me with amsn and firefox im havin big probs with em both :( | 11:40 |
King_Of_No_Pants | i dont know, im kinda new at this linux thing | 11:40 |
=== simonpca [i=simonpca@ts1-72.f1032.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jammyflynn99 | what about libd | 11:40 |
Noxion | I am also | 11:41 |
ryanpg | Plug, purge didn't work | 11:41 |
Noxion | Obviously... :) | 11:41 |
looksaus | they don't even need to give us flash, if they give out enough information for developers to make it work on the platform of their choice, that is enough | 11:41 |
King_Of_No_Pants | system>Administration>Networking | 11:41 |
simonpca | plop | 11:41 |
looksaus | but they refuse to | 11:41 |
patrick52222 | stamp | 11:41 |
King_Of_No_Pants | what does it say in there? | 11:41 |
jammyflynn99 | is suse better than ubantu | 11:41 |
DStamp | hey pat | 11:41 |
Noxion | It sees me card | 11:41 |
MisterN | jammyflynn99: no? :) | 11:41 |
Noxion | Its enabled | 11:41 |
patrick52222 | so ya here now | 11:41 |
King_Of_No_Pants | is it configured? | 11:41 |
DStamp | yeh | 11:41 |
robert2513 | jammyflynn99 - never used suse | 11:41 |
Noxion | and I entered everything in manually | 11:41 |
Noxion | But no net still | 11:41 |
darx | Does ubuntu release the dhcp lease during the shutdown process? any clues????? | 11:41 |
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jammyflynn99 | didnt think it was | 11:42 |
Plug | ryanpg: look at the Status lien for it it in /var/lib/dpkg/status | 11:42 |
darx | please help | 11:42 |
DStamp | i gota be the most unlucky guy when it comes to linux | 11:42 |
=== juanca [n=juanca@84-74-151-245.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Noxion | My gateway isnt listed in the interface config file though | 11:42 |
DStamp | 5 installs and it still is no where near stable lol | 11:42 |
King_Of_No_Pants | hmm | 11:42 |
juanca | hello everyone | 11:42 |
ryanpg | Plug, dpkg --get-selections says it's status is "purge" | 11:42 |
Noxion | Even though its listed in the Frontend | 11:42 |
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darx | Does ubuntu release the dhcp lease during the shutdown process? any clues????? | 11:42 |
King_Of_No_Pants | thats crazyness | 11:42 |
Noxion | Yes | 11:42 |
bungalo | hello... installed ubuntu about a month ago. worked quite nicely with my WEP set up. then i got a new router. WPA/WPA2 compatible. i tried to get that working instead of WEP. it was quite awful. so i tried going back to wep. no dice. now i can't connect to my router either wirelessly or if i connect it physically to the router. i've tried everything i can think of. any ideas? i'm stuck using windows again, m | 11:42 |
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Noxion | I think it just might be this PC | 11:42 |
robert2513 | darx - i think it does | 11:42 |
Plug | odd; should let you remove it then | 11:42 |
DStamp | anyone know why firefox mite be crashing on ubuntu 5.10 with all updates? | 11:42 |
looksaus | blindx, so in the way that it makes part of the net Adobe Flash only territory, some people are a bit angry at Adobe | 11:42 |
darx | thanks mate | 11:43 |
jammyflynn99 | u need that root network tool bungalo | 11:43 |
robert2513 | darx: np | 11:43 |
jammyflynn99 | i think | 11:43 |
ryanpg | Plug, in status "Status: purge ok not-installed" | 11:43 |
King_Of_No_Pants | thats weird | 11:43 |
Noxion | Anway whats the easiest way to logoff and logon using the terminal | 11:43 |
mwe | bungalo: for wpa, use wpasupplicant, there is a wiki covering it | 11:43 |
Plug | you could try editing it to say 'purge ok installed' and try and remove it, but thats very last resort afaic | 11:43 |
Noxion | Well change accounts actually | 11:43 |
=== Cyrax [n=Cyrax@adsl4-114-55.du.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ryanpg | Purge, edit /var/lib/dpkg/status directly? | 11:44 |
lamego | Noxion, su - user | 11:44 |
jammyflynn99 | lol i was trying to type root as my password all day not realizing i need to use SUDO | 11:44 |
mwe | bungalo: if you wanna use wep you might as well use it unecrypted since it's so easy to crack | 11:44 |
lz1gjd | would it help if I add that the videocard is pci express x16 and I had similar problem with Suse 10.0 x64, does any1 have an idea how to make it work right ? | 11:44 |
=== [1] CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
patrick52222 | why would firefox be crashing on ubuntu 5.10 with all updates? Dstamps question | 11:44 |
Plug | ryanpg: back it up first, and dont blame me. i'm pretty sure the accepted way to change things in it is with dpkg --set-selections so man dpkg first | 11:44 |
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ryanpg | Plug, k, reading the man page now | 11:44 |
=== Fiscal [n=pscabral@20151117184.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== nickrud uses a hook/eyelet lock on the door if nothing else is available | ||
jammyflynn99 | installing games seems to be realy tough for me | 11:45 |
bungalo | exactly why i wanted to move it to WPA or WPA2. but now i can't connect in any way shape or form. not physically... not wirelessly, even without WEP or WPA... | 11:45 |
looksaus | jammyflynn99, which ones? | 11:45 |
DStamp | any ubuntu experts please hear my cry for help..... I have installed ubuntu for about the fifth time now. I am having problems with amsn. I got the latest version and used the de-uglify amsn guide to get it set up. on the previous installs this worked fine. Now when I start it it dsiappears after a min. Also firefox randomly crashes on some websites. And help on the gnome bar has gone to and i cant open it by right clicking | 11:45 |
mwe | bungalo: did you read the wpa wiki? | 11:45 |
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mwe | bungalo: It took some work the first time but I got mine to work | 11:46 |
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looksaus | DStamp, let's try to tackle this one by one | 11:46 |
patrick52222 | !tell DStamp firefox | 11:46 |
jammyflynn99 | some random ones downloaded from internet they say i need certain progs installed but i sudo apt-get intall ect -- i get cant find file | 11:46 |
jammyflynn99 | install | 11:46 |
Cyrax | none of my media players can play most of my dvd disks | 11:46 |
mwe | bungalo: it didn't seem to hidden ssid though | 11:46 |
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lamego | jammyflynn99, make sure you have universe/multiverse enabled | 11:46 |
looksaus | 1. amsn | 11:46 |
nickrud | jammyflynn99, you probably need to enable the extra repos | 11:46 |
nickrud | !repos | 11:46 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 11:46 |
jammyflynn99 | ahh | 11:46 |
jammyflynn99 | tnx | 11:47 |
bungalo | mwe: i was trying with wpasupplicant. i believe i bunged something up in the process which might have been why wpa wasn't working... because NOTHING was working. i don't know. now i can't get anything up to even test anything. | 11:47 |
=== Plug [n=crb@203-167-190-117.dsl.clear.net.nz] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
looksaus | I suppose you know very well why you need that instead of gaim? | 11:47 |
mwe | bungalo: ok | 11:47 |
DStamp | looksaus if u can help that would be great | 11:47 |
Cyrax | How do you enable Univers/multi unverse? | 11:47 |
looksaus | DStamp, I'm trying to | 11:47 |
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lamego | Cyrax, read the text from ubotu | 11:47 |
mwe | bungalo: well I'd try to make it work unencrypted first. to do that use iwlist and friends, did you do that? | 11:47 |
nickrud | !easysources | 11:47 |
ubotu | Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nickrud | 11:47 |
nickrud | !easysource | 11:47 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 11:48 |
jammyflynn99 | i found java the easier to install than than windows install lol | 11:48 |
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DStamp | looksaus: sorry im new to all of this | 11:48 |
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nickrud | Cyrax, jammyflynn99 that easysource link is the easiest :) | 11:48 |
looksaus | DStamp, do you realise that the absolutely best supported way to connect to IM networks is gaim? | 11:48 |
jammyflynn99 | lol | 11:48 |
bungalo | mwe: friends? haven't heard of that. and i haven't used iwlist. i've been using the Networking tool in Administration | 11:48 |
jammyflynn99 | flashplayer was no probs either | 11:48 |
toejama | anyone know how long shred will take on an 80gb harddrive? | 11:48 |
cyphase | you know how Microsoft is getting in trouble for bundling their software with Windows? | 11:48 |
mwe | bungalo: that sucks if you have problems | 11:49 |
looksaus | it is the default IM application on Ubuntu and many other IM applications | 11:49 |
DStamp | looksaus: ive tried it and it really doesnt do what i need. there are no real notifications i cant get on with the interface | 11:49 |
mwe | bungalo: you need the command line tools | 11:49 |
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tonyyarusso | cyphase: Ya, just had another court ruling go against them today or yesterday I think. | 11:49 |
cyphase | do you think linux distros are doing the same thing? | 11:49 |
jammyflynn99 | linux just link ftp dont they | 11:50 |
cyphase | or is it different because the programs are made by different people/groups? | 11:50 |
looksaus | DStamp, ok, then please don't forget to get this message across through launchpad | 11:50 |
MrRio | cyphase: yes, but we didn't promise everyone we wouldn't | 11:50 |
bungalo | i have also tried config'ing eth0 (my wireless) using ifconfig. setting the essid, channel, ip address, subnet mask, etc. nothing. | 11:50 |
lamego | toejama, take your hd write speed and do the math... | 11:50 |
looksaus | (the bugs/suggestions system) | 11:50 |
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looksaus | now on to amsn | 11:50 |
nickrud | cyphase, no, because all the same apps are eqully available to all | 11:50 |
jammyflynn99 | ahh now i have a big question for u all | 11:50 |
jammyflynn99 | well to me it is | 11:50 |
mwe | bungalo: ifconfig <interface> up then iwlist <interface> scan to find your ssid. the sudo iwconfig <interface> essid <ap> && sudo dhclient <interface> | 11:50 |
=== Den1s [n=ubuntu@modemcable249.215-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DStamp | looksaus: thanks | 11:50 |
MrRio | cyphase, that's how they got their market share, by promising they wouldn't build any competing software products | 11:50 |
mwe | bungalo: if that works you're well on the way | 11:50 |
tonyyarusso | cyphase: Well if nothing else, we're not paying for the bundled items. | 11:50 |
jammyflynn99 | how would i go about installing a bt voyager 205 modem via usb | 11:50 |
cyphase | MrRio, that's not why they're being sued | 11:50 |
cyphase | even if they didn't promise | 11:50 |
cyphase | they'd probably be sued | 11:51 |
looksaus | DStamp, but do realise that less active IM projects may get even less well supported in the future... | 11:51 |
MrRio | cyphase, Oh, I don't understand then. | 11:51 |
looksaus | while gaim is almost guaranteed to keep afloat | 11:51 |
toejama | shred keeps printing out "i8253 count too high! resetting.." | 11:51 |
kmon | Seveas: I've just read your page about IRC rules and I've found something strange. In the section "when helping" you say installing support for encripted DVDs with install-scc.sh is a bad solution, but on the page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-cd84b8e23927ccdb4bb55ffd3074687abec0cf3b It says exactly that. So,... I don't get it | 11:51 |
DStamp | looksaus: that will be a major shame as when amsn works i find it is just as good as the real thing if not better | 11:51 |
jammyflynn99 | how would i go about installing a bt voyager 205 modem via usb | 11:52 |
mzinz | I just installed KDE and I'm getting to know it, I somehow though made my icons in the file browser super tiny and they won't go back.. how do i fix??? | 11:52 |
=== MasterWolf [n=masterwo@63-227-158-75.omah.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
looksaus | DStamp, please open a terminal (Apps -> Helper Apps(?) -> Terminal | 11:52 |
toejama | is killing shred a bad thing? | 11:52 |
bungalo | i use static ips... so would i just remove the dhclient <interface> and manually set the ip address, subnet mask and default gateway? | 11:52 |
nickrud | kmon, I've talked with seveas about that (I put that link on the wiki :) . It's an older version of libdvdcss , but it's also the most stable location to get libdvdcss from | 11:52 |
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bungalo | and thanks btw | 11:52 |
mwe | mzinz: view->icon size | 11:52 |
DStamp | looksaus: damn something has come up and i must go... ill hopefulyl get to this later...thanks very much for your input | 11:52 |
looksaus | DStamp, you're welcome & bye | 11:53 |
DStamp | night all | 11:53 |
kmon | nickrud: I think it's the only way to get it for amd64 :) | 11:53 |
mwe | mzinz: then settings->save view profile to keep it how you like it | 11:53 |
jammyflynn99 | how would i go about installing a bt voyager 205 modem via usb any ideas anyone if not it dont matter | 11:53 |
looksaus | !firefox | 11:53 |
craig442 | hi, i am having trouble installing the usbvision driver, can anyone help? I am pretty new to linux. | 11:53 |
mzinz | mwe: I'm not seeing view... | 11:54 |
nickrud | kmon, it may very well be. I don't have 64bit | 11:54 |
jammyflynn99 | !usb | 11:54 |
ubotu | jammyflynn99: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 11:54 |
looksaus | jammyflynn99, analog? dsl? | 11:54 |
jammyflynn99 | dsl | 11:54 |
MasterWolf | i get Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'. each time i logon and when i try to get online i get Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http' | 11:54 |
jammyflynn99 | broadband | 11:54 |
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mwe | mzinz: not seing the view menu? are we talking konqueror? | 11:54 |
flo | hi. i installed ubuntu on my old computer (i plan to give it to my sister to use it for browsing/chatting/music) but it's moving very slow ( celoron 300 mhz, 32 sdram). any suggestion on a window manger that would make it more usable? | 11:54 |
looksaus | if you have the option, throw it away and buy an ethernet model | 11:54 |
kmon | nickrud: so... the only problem is that it's outdated? | 11:54 |
mzinz | mwe: ohh | 11:55 |
nickrud | kmon yes. | 11:55 |
looksaus | will save you a great lot of hassle, regardless of the platform (win, mac, lin) you use it with | 11:55 |
jammyflynn99 | 300mhz i suggest overclocking | 11:55 |
looksaus | or sell it, of course ... | 11:55 |
jammyflynn99 | to 600mhz | 11:55 |
mwe | mzinz: I guess not :) | 11:55 |
jammyflynn99 | 500mhz runs linux quite nice | 11:55 |
kmon | nickrud: mmmm. ok. And what's the proposed solution for that? if there's any... | 11:55 |
looksaus | flo, you need more ram | 11:55 |
=== LosT [n=Frosty10@71-35-228-115.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | kmon, compiling it yourself :) | 11:56 |
LosT | pfft | 11:56 |
kmon | nickrud: where's the source? | 11:56 |
mzinz | mwe: thanks :). It says you can have custom backgrounds... possible to make them semi-opaque? | 11:56 |
mwe | 300 mhz would probably be ok for fluxbox | 11:56 |
looksaus | with 64 and a lot of patience, you could make it run Debian quite well, with a lightweight thing like fluxbox | 11:56 |
=== trainstroker [n=phillip@adsl-072-148-237-202.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | mzinz: I haven't played with that | 11:56 |
trainstroker | can someone please hlep me | 11:56 |
flo | i was thinking of buying a new one for her just not right now .. so do you thing that getting another 128 ram would make it move better(considering the cpu) ? | 11:57 |
looksaus | I just gave a friend a PII 400 MHz with 256 Mb ram | 11:57 |
jammyflynn99 | any ideas on this dsl modem then guys | 11:57 |
=== LosT explodes | ||
looksaus | jammyflynn99, as I said... | 11:57 |
MasterWolf | can someone help me i get "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'" each time i logon and when i try to get online i get "Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'" | 11:57 |
LosT | Hi~ | 11:57 |
looksaus | it depends on how much your time is worth | 11:57 |
=== Warbo [n=chris@194-247-231-247.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jammyflynn99 | ? | 11:57 |
nickrud | kmon, http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/libdvdcss-1.2.9.tar.bz2 | 11:57 |
trainstroker | can someone tell me how to install rpm's | 11:57 |
mzinz | mwe: how do i bring up force quit? | 11:57 |
jammyflynn99 | plenty of time | 11:57 |
mwe | mzinz: what's that? | 11:57 |
jammyflynn99 | ive dont some research but kind find mutch help | 11:57 |
lamego | trainer, you can't install rpms, you can convert them to .debs with alien | 11:58 |
mwe | mzinz: I just close my windows | 11:58 |
MrRio | flo: try DSL, ubuntu isn't designed to be run on 300mhz, alot of services etc. | 11:58 |
=== Den1s [n=ubuntu@modemcable249.215-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
=== Marineboy [n=ubuntu@nc-71-49-180-128.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trainstroker | how do i install alien | 11:58 |
=== [1] CaptainMorgan is now known as CaptainMorgan | ||
trainstroker | im a total nub to linux | 11:58 |
=== XamDM [n=lars@p54A4F0D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
looksaus | jammyflynn99, sorry, I try to help people that _need_ it | 11:58 |
lamego | trainstroker, , but you should look for native .debs for the program you are looking for | 11:58 |
looksaus | I'm just volunteering here | 11:58 |
mwe | trainstroker: sudo apt-get install alien | 11:58 |
looksaus | I try to do that every few days for half an hour | 11:58 |
mzinz | mwe: one of my konquerer windows won't close and is locked up | 11:58 |
trainstroker | wtf | 11:58 |
=== zorin- [n=zorin@host86-141-127-128.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jammyflynn99 | trainer download the source | 11:58 |
lamego | trainstroker, what are you trying to install ? | 11:58 |
jammyflynn99 | ./configure make make install | 11:58 |
asdf25 | trainstroker: ya, probably shouldn't use alien if you're really new, unless there's really no .deb of what you need to install | 11:59 |
mwe | mzinz: oh. open a terminal and type killall -9 konqueror | 11:59 |
trainstroker | im trying to get several things done such as access my ntfs partition and listne to mp3;s on that partiotion | 11:59 |
=== Comrade_Sergei [n=andrew@70-97-128-238.dsl1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lamego | trainstroker, you don't need rpms for that | 11:59 |
looksaus | trainstroker, if you're a total newbie, may I suggest you to stay away from alien for the first few weeks | 11:59 |
flo | MrRio: i'll try .. since neither using xfce or fluxbox didn't improve the situation much | 11:59 |
trainstroker | so at sourceforge i should look for the debian packages | 11:59 |
=== GigaClon [n=gigaclon@68-191-5-012.dhcp.rdfr.va.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
King_Of_No_Pants | where is ubuntu's startup script? | 11:59 |
mzinz | mwe: k | 11:59 |
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
mwe | mzinz: usually it should pop up with not responding after a while though | 11:59 |
mwe | mzinz: and ask if you would like to kill it | 11:59 |
looksaus | trainstroker, if I were you, I would keep to ubuntu packages and learn how the system works for the first weeks | 12:00 |
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu |
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