[12:08] right nn lucasvo ogra [12:08] hope to catch you all tomorrow in the meeting [12:09] cbx33: g8 [12:09] oh, sorry that's swiss german [12:09] gnite [12:09] hehe [12:18] night all === Rondom_ is now known as Rondom [12:20] night JaneW [12:20] goodnight JaneW [12:22] ogra: that's a hot one for me: What's the policy for adding people to kubuntu-members and edubuntu-members launchpad teams ? jriddell, ogra === AndreaVeri is now known as Bluekuja [12:24] i go [12:24] cya to all channel [12:30] Bluekuja: cya === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #edubuntu === jinty [n=jinty@12.Red-83-58-173.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu [12:46] geez, it's getting late. [12:53] Late?? It's only 4:00pm here ;) [12:56] 0:56 here :) [01:07] hehe [01:09] goodnight, #edubuntu! [01:09] ubotu: goodnight [01:09] highvoltage: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [01:09] dumb bot. === Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #edubuntu === Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #edubuntu === bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu === Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu === ogra_ibook [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #edubuntu === AMDXP [n=Vegeta@user-0vvd9jf.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #edubuntu [05:57] hi there [06:04] salut AMDXP === HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #edubuntu === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #edubuntu === sankarshan [n=sankarsh@] has joined #edubuntu === LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #edubuntu === LaserJock is now known as LaserJock_away === bimberi_ [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu === bimberi_ is now known as bimberi === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #edubuntu === mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ === cbx33 [n=c2df514b@mail.trinsite.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu [09:14] can the ltsp client be run from the livecd of edubuntu? [09:18] my mistake === jinty [n=jinty@12.Red-83-58-173.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu === yvesC [n=yves@zenobi.ycombe.net] has joined #edubuntu === B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-174-205.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu === B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-174-205.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu [11:11] Is there a howto for getting graphical login for ltsp in edubuntu breezy? or is that not possible. === juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #edubuntu [11:32] cbx33: you should get a graphical login by default [11:32] guys, i'm going to miss (at least most) of the meeting this afternoon, i will be available on irc tonight though [11:34] highvoltage: not on breezy [11:35] I had to do a lot to get it to work, and not it's broken [11:35] :p [11:35] I'm going to submit a report to you guys in a while [11:41] if that's ok....one of them might be a bug report, if so I'll bug report it on an ok from you guys [11:45] highvoltage: were you talking about breezy or dapper edubuntu? [11:47] cbx33: both [11:47] cbx33: although dapper has a nicer, themed login [11:48] I'll write up my report and send it along to the ML tonight [11:52] is there an agenda for the meeting today? === JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-165-202-111.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu === mwright1night [n=mwright1@203-214-48-213.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #edubuntu [12:34] Hi anyone about [12:35] sure [12:35] yup [12:35] are you interested in usability in gnome? [12:35] sure :) [12:35] ogra: cool [12:35] yup [12:35] ok I am keen to get a change made to gnome, it can be done a couple of ways [12:35] Default action is to move like a mac, when you drag and drop a file [12:36] on a PC the default option is to copy [12:36] depends whree you're copying it from and to [12:36] problem is, a move is the same as a unix mv and if a directory is set g+s then move does not inherit the permissions [12:36] say home directory to a shared directory set g+s [12:36] thats rather something for ubuntu, we wont change ubuntu defaults in our packages if possible [12:37] ogra: maybe you could pass on, cause it's particularly a problem in a LTSP environment [12:37] since we dont want to differ in behavior [12:37] cause what is different about a windows office or windows situation is that they always keep the files on a file server [12:37] I am not having much luck talking to any ubuntu people except for when I ran into Jeff at Linuxworld AU [12:38] and he agreed to get the change into the dot release of gnome [12:38] try to ask in the ubuntu-desktop mailing list or in #ubuntu-desktop, these are the guys caring for the gnome packages [12:38] but I didn't have any luck with the responsible developer -- which was probably partly my fault [12:38] i'm pretty sure they want a proper whishlist bug for it ;) [12:38] ok [12:38] it's pretty high on wishlist [12:39] it's the only feature that nautilus is lacking in my user environment [12:39] it wont happen for dapper, we're working on the beta release which will be out on 20th [12:39] I have this really ugly kludge script that runs every minute from cron fixing permissions [12:39] The excuse I got from gnome people when I tried to get it in gnome, was that windows works the same way [12:39] did you ask jdub for help ? [12:40] (with ubuntu, not gnome upstream i mean) [12:40] but I argue that it does not, cause no one shares the same folder on the same box in win32 land .. they always throw a dozen servers acting as file servers [12:40] yer it was jeff I ran into at linuxworld.. I didn't know his nick on irc though [12:41] if he agreed with you, he'll be the best person to help [12:43] Ok but this particularly effects your project [12:43] cause it's terminal server environments that have lots of ordinary end users [12:43] and to save $$$ and have better IO, the shared folder is often on the same server [12:44] It certainly is in the 5 LTSPs I look after [12:44] if it is via a samba share, you can set samba to behave differently [12:44] might be, but its still a nautilus default that needs fixage in the nautilus package [12:44] but cause it's the same server, nautilus is in control [12:44] yep [12:44] ok I'll work with them, I thought I could interest you and you'd have move sway with them [12:45] I've been trying to get some action on this for a while [12:46] i'll support you if i have some time to look into the issue, currently i'm very busy with the beta preparation and testing CDs [12:48] ok fair enough [12:48] I am interested in your teacher tool for ubuntu [12:48] is it out yet? [12:48] we have the beginnings in dapper universe [12:48] its called student-control-panel [12:49] but still needs a lot of love [12:50] I can't come to edubuntu ltsp yet until the october release, cause I need local devices [12:50] I'm trying to set them up now, but I am very excited about ubuntu (as a long time Redhat user) [12:50] we'll have all you need in universe in dapper [12:50] you just have to set it up yourself [12:51] mwright1night: i recently moved from fedora to ubuntu myself :p [12:52] At the meeting today we will be discussing: The Dev Status, Bug Status, Testing Status, Artwork, Web Site progress, Documentation, Cookbook, Edubuntu Memeber status and anything else required to be discussed. [12:52] excellent === cbx33 will be there [12:52] JaneW, please dont count on me too much... [12:52] beta is keeping me very busy [12:52] I haven't moved yet, but we are doing a new LTSP for Friends of the Earth Melbourne www.mel.foe.org.au and radio 3cr www.3cr.org.au [12:52] we will do both of them with dapper drake and see how it goes [12:52] cool [12:53] 1 hour till meeting yeh? [12:53] then if that goes well, my other 5 LTSPs I will convert to Ubuntu over christmas, Redhat just doesn't care about desktop that much [12:54] redhat have generally gone downhill [12:57] ogra: can you give us 5-10 mins? [12:58] sure [12:58] mwright1night: that's ironic [12:59] friends of the earth = foe ;) === bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu === cbx33 [n=c2df514b@mail.trinsite.co.uk] has left #edubuntu [] === cbx33 [n=c2df514b@mail.trinsite.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu [01:17] yer foe [01:17] it's a bit of a bummer [01:17] maybe fote would be better [01:25] :p === bluekuja [n=AndreaVe@host110-234.pool872.interbusiness.it] has joined #edubuntu [01:30] lol i have missed two times [01:30] the shedule [01:30] in ubuntu-meeting [01:30] -.- [01:30] wats the correct command? [01:31] @schedule GMT [01:32] ok, my LTSP won;t boot at all [01:33] http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-152005.html [01:33] same issue as here? [01:34] thats a nfs timeout [01:39] hmmm [01:39] why would it be doing that [01:43] oooh === cbx33 has idea === AndreaVeri [n=AndreaVe@host165-208.pool8258.interbusiness.it] has joined #edubuntu [01:53] **Reminder** 7 minutes to the Edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting [01:54] okie [01:55] note taken === kjcole [n=kjcole@ubuntu/member/kjcole] has joined #edubuntu === jouni__m [n=jouni@laku34.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #edubuntu === Bluekuja [n=bluekuja@host211-124.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #edubuntu === cbx33 [n=c2df514b@mail.trinsite.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #edubuntu === AndreaVeri [n=AndreaVe@host165-208.pool8258.interbusiness.it] has left #edubuntu ["Sto] === bobulator [n=NRKbob@host-87-75-129-152.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #edubuntu === B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-168-42.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu === jinty [n=jinty@12.Red-83-58-173.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu === foobarm [n=foobart@156-42.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #edubuntu [03:20] ogra: so the approval path is the same as at the CC meetings for ubuntu? [03:20] yep [03:20] i'll have to clearify how the status of ubuntumembers is [03:20] I'd better get my tail i ngear then [03:20] thank you for all the help today ogra [03:21] i.e. are they automatically in edubuntu-members as well [03:21] I'll get on with doccing those scripts [03:21] so all ubuntu memebrs are edubuntu members? [03:21] i dont know [03:21] thats what i need to know [03:21] i thought it was a one way thing [03:22] vica-versa according to the launchpad setup [03:22] that's what i understood, but clarification is a good thing [03:22] brb [03:22] i dont think its really vice versa ... [03:22] i think edubuntu members are automatically ubuntu members, but not the other way around [03:22] yes [03:23] that's what i understood [03:23] that's what i meant [03:23] but i'll clearify that before writing the mail === cbx33 awaits the mail :p === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #edubuntu === ogra takes a break while waiting for edubuntu-meta-0.65 to build [03:26] good work ogra === cbx33 offers ogra a cold beer [03:31] TIme for me to do office work... [03:31] I wish I could spend more time in IRC than I do. [03:31] Later all. === B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-168-42.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu === mwright1night [n=mwright1@203-214-48-213.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #edubuntu [] [03:46] hey everyone, how ya doin? [03:48] i got a quick question - im trying to do a network install of regular xubuntu, how can i temporarily disable the thin client stuff? [03:52] you'll need to use netboot images [03:52] but i doubt xubuntu has any [03:52] the ubuntu ones are here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ [03:54] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LocalNet [03:54] i was trying that? [03:54] no dice? [03:55] ogra: I'm gonna doc in sgml then convert that work for you? [03:55] cbx33, sure [03:56] I got all I need now I think, once they are ready and approved, shall I submit the bug for debian to get the mincluded upstream? [03:56] we are upstream [03:56] sorry downstream [03:57] debian occasionally merges from us and we from them [03:57] my brain isn't functioning today [03:57] dont care about debian, i'll do that [03:57] is it a good idea to doc when my brain isn't functioning...I'll let you decide :p [03:57] np ogra [03:57] would be nice if you could do it in bzr [03:57] its easier to merge that way [03:58] http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/ltsp/dapper/ is the current upstream branch [03:59] ow would i do that? [03:59] mkdir ltsp [03:59] cd ltsp [03:59] I've never had exposure to bzr [03:59] bzr get http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/ltsp/dapper/ === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has joined #edubuntu [03:59] make your changes [03:59] hi highvoltage [03:59] bzr commit -m'i made some changes' [04:00] then upload the tree to a webserver and notify me [04:00] hi cbx33 [04:00] i can just run bzr merge then === mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ [04:00] ok [04:00] ogra, you think the localnet boot is no go and i need to use the netboot image? [04:00] bobulator, you need an image that installs xubuntu [04:00] we dont have such an image i fear [04:01] on that page though, you just use the normal disk iso [04:01] ah, then follow these instructions [04:01] i mean im not really that fussed between them, it just looked like the simplest way [04:01] but its trying to thin client boot, how i i stop it? :) [04:01] i only have done normal net installs of ubuntu so far [04:01] ah cool [04:02] no idea and i'm currently working to get the beta CD images ready... its not really the time for me to give support [04:02] haha ok thats cool :) [04:02] do i need to alter the netboot instructions much? [04:02] for booting off an edubuntu server [04:02] no idea [04:02] ah you only ever done it off standalones? [04:03] ogra: that bzr command fails [04:03] cbx33: what do you get? [04:04] an integer is required [04:04] dpkg -l bzr ? [04:04] up it's installed ok [04:04] do i have to run this from a dapper root, or can it be fro ma breezy root? [04:04] which version [04:04] 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 bazaar-ng, the next-generation distributed v [04:05] is that one too old? [04:05] 0.8~2006040710 is recent [04:05] I'll try it from within my dapper chroot [04:06] ok works now === munzir [n=munzir@] has joined #edubuntu [04:08] bzr: ERROR: An error has been detected in the repository http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/ltsp/dapper/.Please run bzr reconcile on this repository. [04:09] Hi, most apps I launch from a terminal shows: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 Major opcode: 147 Minor opcode: 3 Failed to open device === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #edubuntu [04:38] gah, crap, that a11y stuff ate all the free space on the isos [04:39] cbx33, did you wipe the tree before using the newer version ? might be old cruft from the try with 0.1.1 [04:43] ogra, yeah i would have expected that [04:43] did we just explode? [04:43] i didnt [04:43] since nobody notified me that there were seed changes at all [04:43] i was surprised when my desktop started downloading dasher [04:44] dholbach neither merges with edubuntu (as all the others do) nor does he notify me if he changes the ubuntu seed [04:44] i guess he doesn't like little children? heh [04:44] so it was a bit surprising, since i had planned to use the 20MB free space i had managed over the last weeks for languages [04:45] nah, he's just not used to seed management [04:45] its an oversight [04:46] i guess we're shipping a11y by default then [04:46] can you remove those? [04:47] i *could* [04:47] i'm just not sure if i *should* :) [04:47] gnome-a11y-themes are ~2MB alone [04:49] ahh the high contrast stuff [04:49] however the installer has a11y stuff too [04:49] that as well [04:49] and i dont know on which parts it relies [04:50] its not documented yet [04:50] it seems to have all components [04:50] even festival [04:50] hrmm === Bluekuja [n=bluekuja@host67-171.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #edubuntu === bobulator [n=NRKbob@host-87-75-129-152.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #edubuntu === jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu === highvoltage [n=Jono@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #edubuntu === mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ [06:30] Mr highvoltage [06:30] welcome === AMDXP [n=Vegeta@user-0vvd9jf.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #edubuntu [06:36] hi mr Bluekuja [06:36] hi highvoltage [06:36] hi Bluekuja [06:36] sorry, I couldn't make it to the meeting [06:36] Bluekuja: when's the next cc meeting? [06:36] hi lucasvo [06:36] lucasvo: how are things? [06:36] hi lucasvo :) [06:36] well, I sold a website to a customer, so I think they aren't that bad. :) [06:36] i dont know when it will be, im trying to talk with elmo === lucasvo has to reed the logs [06:38] lucasvo: great [06:38] highvoltage: what about the edubuntu website? [06:39] lucasvo: i'm going to make the font a bit bigger, and get the edubuntu pages so that it will work fine, and then we go live. [06:39] then i'll send the edubuntu theme to both you and pips1 [06:39] jon translations? [06:39] or i'll find a place where we can play a bit [06:40] then we can build forward on what we have. [06:40] Bluekuja: let me just check launchpad... [06:40] argh === spacey gets NFS server not responding with LTSP setup suddenly [06:41] ok [06:41] highvoltage: I think the news are more important than the related projects [06:41] spacey, so did someone start a dhcp server in your net [06:41] maybe one could move them up? [06:41] lucasvo: yeah [06:42] ogra: probably not but actually i would not be enterily suprised [06:42] we did an upgrade this weekend, but that shouldn't have caused the problem [06:42] you should see where the IP comes from if usplash drops you to console mode [06:42] we placed a second server and upgraded the "backbone" switch to gbit [06:43] hmmm [06:43] bring me on an idea [06:44] s/bring/brings === caravena [n=caravena@] has joined #edubuntu [06:57] highvoltage: I like the new searchbox [06:57] lucasvo: thanks [06:57] fits the design better [06:57] Bluekuja: jordi is helping me now [06:57] lucasvo: Burgwork freaked out a bit at the blue, so i changed it :) [06:58] highvoltage: well, he did a good job [06:58] ;) [06:58] :) [06:59] !seen LaserJock [06:59] laserjock was last seen on IRC in channel #kubuntu, 11d 10h 39m 51s ago, saying: 'I know Seveas has a little repo for it, but I haven't seen any work on it for Dapper'. [06:59] blue ? [06:59] ogra: yeah, the search button was blue [07:00] oh, yes, i remember === highvoltage liked the blue === drbreen [n=drbreen@p54B7E7DD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu [07:05] how do i build the /opt/ltsp/i386 directory again (on ubuntu) ? my clients seem to need it for network boot... [07:06] sudo ltsp-build-client you mean ? === HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #edubuntu [07:09] ltsp-build-client takes ages just to verify the packages ? [07:09] yes, it checks the md5 sums etc ... [07:09] highvoltage, I did not freak out. I expressed concern about colour consistency [07:09] ok [07:09] thx [07:11] Burgwork: yes, so you did. [07:11] so i should not download tgz packages ? === HedgeMage peeks in [07:11] Burgwork: didn't mean to offend :) [07:12] cause it downloads packages [07:12] with ltspadmin [07:12] never ever use ltspadmin with ubuntu ltsp installed [07:12] that breaks completely [07:13] sudo apt-get remove --purge ltsp-utils ... there is a reason it is in universe ;) [07:13] ogra: ltspadmin installs in /usr/sbin/ltspadmin [07:13] ogra: do you think we should put a script higher in the path, that prints a message that ltspadmin shouldn't be used with ubuntu ltsp? [07:14] highvoltage, its neither shipped, nor supported nor in main [07:14] highvoltage, nope :) [07:14] ogra: ok, but many people seem to use it, we often hear about this more than once a week. [07:14] so i dont really care ... if users install the stuff from universe thats their own fault [07:15] yes, it was on the CD in breezy [07:15] thats a problem with breezy, but it was fixed in breezy updates as well as in dapper [07:15] ok, then i suppose it will be less of a problem in the future. [07:15] yep [07:16] ARGL [07:16] i used ltsp-admin [07:16] now do i have to rebuild everything and stuff ? [07:16] would make sense, yes, is that breezy or dapper ? [07:16] breezy [07:17] and it just worked - shit [07:17] you have to decide for either ltsp implementation [07:17] ok yeah i know [07:17] and the ubuntu one was the one liked [07:17] ok [07:18] so what can i do now [07:18] so use the command i gave above === littlepaul [n=littlepa@p5084EDE0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu [07:18] i have [07:18] and how can i rebuild [07:18] when everything is installed [07:18] ok, now do the same with ltsp-server and ltsp-server-standalone [07:18] ok [07:18] then rm -rf /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp [07:19] then rm -rf /opt/ltsp/i386 [07:19] then install ltsp-server-standalone again and run ltsp-build-client [07:19] after that adjust /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf, start the dhcp server and boot a client :) [07:21] thanks === spacey will go to location shortly and test some stuff === spacey fears the worst [07:23] spacey, either your nfs server is really broken, or the client tries to mount from the wrong machine ... [07:23] no rocket science ... [07:25] well [07:26] at least the nfs server works for other mounts [07:26] do you have portmap restricted on the server in any way [07:26] (hosts.allow/deny come to mind) [07:27] nop [07:28] the wierd thing is that it worked (yesterday as well). [07:28] and today it doesn't [07:28] and i can't see any relation with the upgrade we had this weekend [07:28] although the ltsp wiki said something about that ip fragmentation problems etc. [07:29] but that doesn't make sense [07:29] for this error [07:29] anyway === ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu, download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ | Mailing List http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org | Website http://www.edubuntu.org | MEETING: every wednesday at 12:00 UTC | Read before installing: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes | Please test our beta candidate http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20060419.1/ (and the daily-li [07:30] i'm go there in 15 min and poke around a bit :) === ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu, download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ | Mailing List http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org | Website http://www.edubuntu.org | MEETING: every wednesday at 12:00 UTC | Read before installing: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes | Please test our beta candidate http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20060419.1/ (liveCD as well) [07:36] edgy eft [07:36] heh === LaserJock_away is now known as LaserJock === jarlev [n=jarlev@ti132110a080-14408.bb.online.no] has joined #edubuntu === jinty [n=jinty@12.Red-83-58-173.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu === Rondom [n=Rondom@Ne63d.n.pppool.de] has joined #edubuntu === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #edubuntu [09:00] pggt. [09:01] drupal's translation just covers the drupal words (menu's, etc), not the content. that is quite depressing. [09:07] highvoltage: IIRC there is a way to extend that... I'll look when TT naps [09:08] HedgeMage: nice, that would be very much appreciated [09:09] HedgeMage: #drupal is convinced that you can't :( [09:10] highvoltage: well, a friend of mine was in the process of hacking together a drupal module to add that functionality, the question is whether it's done or not [09:10] (or if it's close enough we could finish it off for the edubuntu site) [09:11] ok [09:14] if not, I bet we could come up with one [09:14] I've been playing with drupal for a while and am pretty familiar with it [09:20] cook [09:20] i mean... cool. [09:22] :) [09:22] anyone using the dapper version of Edubuntu? [09:28] AMDXP: yes, lots of people :) [09:29] AMDXP: i'm running dapper on my system, i have all of the edubuntu packages installed. something i can assist with? === spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #edubuntu [09:38] dammit [09:38] spacey: nice to see you, too :P [09:39] hi [09:39] this nfs server not responding error is not good for my mood [09:39] the client seems to get the right ip address if i look at the dhcpd logs [09:40] i can mount /opt/ltsp on my laptop [09:40] what kind of ltsp ? [09:42] the classic one, so nothing to worry for you ogra;) [09:42] i expected that, but still, 4.1 or 4.2 ? [09:42] 4.1 [09:43] hmm, thats an 2.4 kernel, right ? [09:43] nope [09:43] 2.6.9 [09:43] oh [09:43] it has both [09:43] sad, i know there is some discrepancy in nfs handling and framesize between 2.4 and .26 [09:43] *2.6 too [09:44] but if you use 2.6 all over that cant be it [09:44] wierd thing is just that everything worked fine till today [09:44] that cracks my nuts === spacey recalls the phrase "everything worked just fine till today" from his past part time helpdesk job [09:45] a cleaning woman that unplugged the network cable ? [09:46] ogra: well in that case it wouldn't tftp either :) [09:46] if the plug isnt plugged in completely ? [09:46] hmm [09:47] well at least the rest of the network traffic is no problem [09:47] or the NIC doesnt work in full duplex, did you check with miitool ? [09:51] thats wierd [09:51] the edubuntu server says it has 100mbit full duplex [09:51] but the switch says it the edubuntu server has 1000mbit [09:52] hmm, so its a switch configuration bug i'd guess [09:52] or a bug in the NIC driver [09:52] highvoltage: still about? [09:53] is the server supposed to have gigE ? [09:53] yup [09:53] we made it gbitE this weekend [09:53] so it could be related [09:53] HedgeMage: yep [09:53] yup, you said so [09:53] dmesg says it 1000mbit [09:53] but mii-tool says 100mbit-FD [09:54] probably miitool is just silly [09:54] highvoltage: talked to the person I mentioned... he abondoned the project shortly after starting it, so no go there... I still think we should be able to hack something together though [09:54] what happens if you patch the client to another port ? [09:55] i think i should drag a client from the classroom to the switch then [09:55] HedgeMage: ok, thanks for checking up on that [09:55] since the wires here are mad [09:55] goodnight HedgeMage, ogra and spacey [09:55] gn highvoltage [09:55] np [09:55] night night highvoltage [09:56] BTW, who schedules the edubuntu meetings? [09:57] we didnt really schedule more than once and decided it fits everyone participating ... === HedgeMage wants to whine about the bad timing, and not rotating times like main ubuntu at least [09:57] if that changed we need to rotate the schedule [09:57] or reschedule [09:58] ogra: well, I can say that I'd show up if it weren't in the 4 or 6 hour window where I really really have to sleep [09:58] we had only east coast people here so far [09:58] for them its 8:00 am or something [09:58] we'll move the date then [10:00] it's 4am for me :( [10:00] yay! === HedgeMage hugs ogra === Rondom_ [n=Rondom@Ne720.n.pppool.de] has joined #edubuntu [10:02] well that didn't have any effect [10:03] i wonder if setting nfs to tcp would help [10:03] try it ? [10:03] yeah [10:03] should be able to set it in /linuxrc [10:03] ogra, I would love it we could rotate the schedule [10:03] I am the same tz as HedgeMage (in fact, so is robitaille) [10:04] JaneW, will hate me for that :) [10:04] but since we can approve members now, we'll have to offer more TZ compatibility [10:04] approve members? [10:05] yep === HedgeMage wonders what ogra means [10:05] if you want an ubuntu.com mailadress or want to be a developer, the first step is to become a ubuntu member [10:06] we can now also make edubuntu members [10:07] well i hope to download and try out edubuntu i think this will be great for my niece [10:08] HedgeMage, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember [10:08] is edubuntu and ubuntu membership seperated? [10:08] ahh [10:08] spacey, nope [10:09] so whats the difference?:) [10:09] if you are a edubuntu member, you automatically become a ubuntu member [10:09] that the CC doesnt approve edubuntu applicants anymore [10:09] not through community council? [10:09] same for kubuntu [10:09] aha [10:10] nope, through the edubuntu "council" [10:10] hehe [10:10] (which we dont have yet) [10:10] ogra: ahh spiffy [10:11] what do you have in mind for edubuntu council [10:11] the advantage is that you get both mail adresses as edubuntu member [10:11] ;) [10:11] ubuntu.com and edubuntu.org :) [10:11] yay :P [10:11] spacey, at least 3 people === yvesC [n=yves@lns-bzn-50f-81-56-207-189.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #edubuntu [10:11] i think we'll start with jane and me and an elected community member [10:12] i'd like to step back from that responsibility at some point though [10:13] i'll send a mail to the list so we can discuss it after the beta dust has settled around me :) === HedgeMage nods [10:18] ogra: news about the next cc meeting? [10:18] agenda is still not updated [10:18] Bluekuja, why do you ask me ? [10:18] i have no clue [10:18] ogra: coz you know everything [10:18] i'm not a CC member [10:18] ahha im joking :) [10:18] :) [10:19] i think that oliver can answer to an infinity of questions [10:19] giving a great answer [10:19] ;) === Rondom_ is now known as Rondom [10:25] too bad i missed the meeting today [10:25] anyway i'm off home [10:25] time to call it a day regarding ltsp [10:25] bbl [10:32] ogra: so I could have 2 email addresses, how cool ;-) [10:32] yep [10:33] if it weren't for the time I'd be making the edubuntu meetings [10:33] ok, thats already two vioces === mzuverink [n=mzuverin@adsl-75-11-211-1.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #edubuntu [10:38] Is there a location that has a bunch of kvtml files for the various kde apps that make up edubuntu? === jinty [n=jinty@12.Red-83-58-173.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu === Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #edubuntu === spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #edubuntu [11:27] goodnight #edubuntu :) [11:27] night night Bluekuja [11:32] LaserJock: hi [11:34] LaserJock: ogra said you were working on making edubuntu suit a highschool/university use? [11:35] damn! [11:35] gimp crashed again === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #edubuntu [12:03] lucasvo, I would think Edubuntu in a university would be straying a bit from Edubuntu's goals..just MHO though [12:03] I would think straight Ubuntu/LTSP would be much better suited [12:03] the needs of a university are different but similar to those of a school [12:03] lns, how would you define edubuntus goals ? [12:03] uh oh, i pissed off the leader ;) j/k [12:03] well [12:03] nope [12:04] it says right on the site, "Linux for YOUNG human beings" [12:04] you didnt its an important question [12:04] and the graphical content, themes and a bunch of applications already in Edubuntu are geared toward ages 3-9 [12:04] that changes in dapper [12:05] what changes?