
Crashoveridemore detal?12:05
Crashoverideany console way of doing?12:05
wsjuniorsudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree12:05
Crashoveridesudo apt-get intall unrar-nonfree12:05
uniqfjellrev1: alt+f2 'kcmshell khotkeys'12:05
Crashoveridewsjunior: that doesnt work says it not available12:06
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wsjuniorCrashoveride: enable the universe/multiverse repositories12:07
Crashoveridewsjunior: how?12:07
wsjuniorCrashoveride: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:08
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jorikanyone knows of a program i can use to make screen captures (movies) ?12:10
wsjuniorjorik: xvidcap12:11
jorikwsjunior, thx12:12
fjellrev1uniq: care to shed some more light on that ?12:12
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wsjuniorjorik: np12:12
Crashoveridewsjunior: ok I have unrar installed how do i use ?12:12
wsjuniorCrashoveride: man rar. u can use it with Ark as well...12:13
CrashoverideThe utility unrar is not in your PATH.12:13
jorikhmm, xvidcap doesnt seem to be in apt12:13
wsjuniorjorik: no it isn't there.12:13
uniqfjellrev1: it'll start a configuration interface where you can setup your very own keyboard shortcuts.12:13
uniqfjellrev1: look at the examples12:14
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wsjuniorjorik: u have to compile it by hand or search for an ubuntu/kubuntu package..12:14
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Crashoveridewsjunior: it doesnt work with Ark12:15
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wsjuniorCrashoveride: yes, it does.12:15
jorikhmm i suppose i could try to compile it ...12:16
Crashoverideok sorry for spamming but here is the error12:16
wsjunioruse pastebin please12:16
Crashoverideoh never mind its only one line12:16
wsjuniorah, ok.12:17
Crashoveridewsjunior: The utility unrar is not in your PATH.12:17
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samadi'm having some trouble getting amarok to play mp3s12:18
wsjuniorCrashoveride: what dpkg -l | grep unrar returns there?12:18
wsjuniorsamad: install gstreamer0.8-mad12:18
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Crashoveridewsjunior: I have no idea what you just said12:18
uniqyou can use 7zip to unpack rar files.12:18
uniqpackage name 'p7zip'12:18
wsjuniorCrashoveride: are u sure that unrar is installed?12:19
samadwsjunior, there is no gstreamer0.8-mad package in adept12:19
wsjuniorsamad: enable universe/multiverse repositories12:19
Crashoveridewsjunior: hm nope ahah, one sec Ill put it in pastebin under crashoverride12:19
samadwsjunior, how do i do that?12:19
wsjuniorsamad: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:19
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fjellrev1uniq: so you're telling by presing alt + F2 I should start something that lets me configure it? doesnt happen much here :)12:20
Crashoveridewsjunior: okay its there12:20
wsjuniorCrashoveride: i saw. u don't have unrar installed yet. u need to enable the repositorie12:21
wsjuniorCrashoveride: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto12:21
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mvvi am lost with the table of contests thing in koffice1.5, and i also can't seem to get the bookmarks going. Some advise?12:24
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samadwsjunior, i installed gstream0.8-mad, but when i play an mp3, i get "alsasink in use" error12:30
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samaddoes it help to know that i'm on a ppc?12:33
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eduardohi you all gouys12:41
eduardokubuntu really sucks12:41
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, eduardo12:41
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eduardoi have just installed it and it has already problems12:41
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
crimsunnow restate that constructively.12:42
Distro^Junkieeduardo: what have been the problems ?12:42
eduardosudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()12:42
eduardoi cant do anything without sudo on kubuntu12:42
eduardohow am i suppoused to use it12:42
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Distro^Junkiesudo apt-get update try that12:43
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crimsunsamad: pastebin ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c0''12:43
eduardoi CANT USE SUDO12:43
crimsuneduardo: is your network interface (public-facing) configured?12:43
Distro^Junkiewht command did you use ?12:43
eduardoif i do that junkie it sends me the same message12:43
crimsuneduardo: and chill with the caps.12:43
samadcrimsun, what does that do?12:43
crimsunsamad: it lists the recognised cards and prints out the mixer levels. I need it to help you debug.12:44
eduardowhathever the command is if i use sudo, terminal sends me......sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()12:44
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samadcrimsun, i get a long list. can i initiate a dcc chat w/ u?12:44
Distro^JunkieI used adept and no trouble12:44
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crimsunsamad: no, use pastebin.12:44
eduardoso i cant configure my conputer, neither rename files neither nothing...it really sucks12:45
uniqfjellrev1: if you execute 'kcmshell khotkeys' you should get a config app. If not you can try to go to system settings -> reginal and accessebillity -> input handling.. (iirc)..12:45
crimsuneduardo: calm down and answer my question first.12:45
crimsunscroll up and read the question I asked you.12:46
arafateduardo: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-78324.html12:46
doctormohow do I update to dapper?12:46
arafateduardo: google is your friend;-)12:46
crimsundoctormo: /join #ubuntu+112:46
eduardoi used already google and couldnt find something useful12:47
arafateduardo: did you across this link?12:47
eduardoyes i did but i cant access /etc/hosts  because i need the a super user account and that is the problem my friend12:48
eduardocrimsun i read your quest but i dont get it12:48
eduardoi am using a DSL12:48
crimsuneduardo: do a reverse lookup on your ip and see if it resolves.12:48
eduardowhat's that crimsun?12:49
eduardoif i dont resolve this i will forget linux exist forever12:49
eduardoi have try to resolve linux probles a lot12:49
eduardoand i 'd have to use fucking windows forever12:50
crimsunlook at the output from ifconfig for your network interface's IP address, then ``host IP''12:50
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eduardoi thing i will no be able to do it crimsun because i cant access to the file12:51
eduardono super user remember??????????????????????????????12:51
crimsunyou don't need sudo to type ifconfig or host12:51
eduardoifconfig send me stuff i dont even know what it is about12:52
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eduardoit send me--->>>12:52
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eduardoeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:3F:94:89:EB12:53
eduardo          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
eduardo          inet6 addr: fe80::202:3fff:fe94:89eb/64 Scope:Link12:53
eduardo          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:112:53
eduardo          RX packets:2480 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:012:53
eduardo          TX packets:2681 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:012:53
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leafwupdating from breezy to dapper is as easy as changing the names in the /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:53
eduardo          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100012:53
eduardo          RX bytes:1371501 (1.3 MiB)  TX bytes:362952 (354.4 KiB)12:53
crimsunleafw: ask in #ubuntu+112:53
eduardo          Interrupt:21 Base address:0x300012:53
ubotupastebin is, like, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126912:53
eduardolo        Link encap:Local Loopback12:53
leafwthanks crimsun12:53
eduardo          inet addr:  Mask:
eduardo          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host12:54
eduardo          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:112:54
eduardo          RX packets:17 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:012:54
eduardo          TX packets:17 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:012:54
eduardo          collisions:0 txqueuelen:012:54
eduardo          RX bytes:1111 (1.0 KiB)  TX bytes:1111 (1.0 KiB)12:54
crimsuneduardo: next time don't flood the channel. Use pastebin.12:54
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eduardodont know what pastbin is12:54
eduardoor how to use it12:55
eduardook anyways12:55
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eduardoi am guessing there is no solution for my problem12:56
eduardofreaking linux i knew i shouldnt have installed it12:56
crimsunit helps if you read the information sent to you.12:56
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arafateduardo: did you try to boot into recovery mode?12:57
leafweduardo: a pastebin is a webpage where you can paste large chunks of text and obtain a link to post here.12:57
eduardobut come on !!! i have just install fucking kubuntu12:57
crimsuneduardo: note that you can always boot into rescue mode and set a root password at the prompt12:58
=== Riddell spots his bad language highlight go off
eduardoi will try12:58
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eduardolet me c12:58
eduardoand what if it doent work?? proceed to install windows?12:59
eduardoat least i can blame bill gates so12:59
arafateduardo: try mandrake;-)12:59
eduardoNO LINUX WORKS12:59
eduardoany fucking linux distro is the same01:00
arafateduardo: then buy a mac01:00
eduardoIF ONE SUCKS THE REST 201:00
eduardoi dont need a computer i need a OS01:00
eduardostupid arafac get the point?01:00
justanotherusereduardo: you sound stressed01:00
arafateduardo: no...01:00
brandon_eduardo; what problem are you having?01:01
Chousukeeduardo: what's wrong with your sudo setup?01:01
Chousukecan't you use it to get superuser access.01:01
eduardoi am tired of writing it01:01
eduardono answers at anyplace01:02
Chousukethen use sudo -s to get a shell or something01:02
ChousukeYou have the wrong attitude.01:02
crimsunhe can't use sudo because of the well known gethostname() error01:02
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eduardoget updated about the topic Chousuke that is the proble... i can use sudo01:02
crimsunso we suggest a workaround -- no, several workarounds -- and he blatantly ignores us and chooses to rant01:02
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Chousukecrimsun: ah, right.01:03
arafateduardo: do everybody a favour and leave the channel....01:03
eduardosure arafat01:03
eduardowhy the fuck you sound like muslim?01:04
eduardoyeah boring01:04
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leafwinsulting won't ever be of much use01:04
Riddellcrimsun: kick him, he's being racist now01:04
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b %*!*@] by crimsun
leafweduardo, go for walk, get some nice clean air, come back.01:04
Riddellthanks crimsun01:04
harleypigI updated to dapper and I lost my sound ... can anyone help me trouble shoot it?  as far as I can tell, it's good.01:04
crimsuneduardo: if you ever feel like being courteous instead of an INANE IDIOT, then ask for assistance again.#01:05
harleypigthe modules rae being loaded correctly, etc.01:05
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brandon_harleypig: did you make any other changes?01:07
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brandon_such as unplugging the stereo plug?01:07
brandon_can you load the mixer?01:07
harleypigbesides updating to dapper? not as far as I can tell.01:07
brandon_are all sounds gone, or just system sounds?01:07
harleypigall sounds are gon.01:07
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harleypigthis is a laptop, booting to windows and the sound is just fine.01:08
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brandon_does the mixer program appear in the systray?01:08
crimsunharleypig: please pastebin the info from ``lspci -v && lspci -nv && cat /proc/asound/cards && tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat && amixer -c0''01:08
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harleypigI'm getting error messages that /dev/dsp isn't there, but ls -l /dev/dsp shows it's there.01:08
crimsunharleypig: also, ``groups|grep audio''01:08
harleypigcrimsun: working01:09
harleypigas root?01:09
harleypigwould make sense, but thought i'd ask.01:09
crimsunas your normal user01:10
crimsunall that info needs to be pastebinned01:10
brandon_crimsun: that's right, he has to be part of root's audio group. never thought of that01:10
brandon_i'll bet that's his problem01:10
harleypiggroups lists audio.01:10
crimsunharleypig: and the rest of the info?01:10
harleypighaving a problem ...01:11
harleypigpebcak issue01:11
brandon_harleypig: who's a member of the "audio" group?01:11
harleypigmy normal user.01:11
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brandon_and root?01:11
crimsunwell if it's pebcak I presume you've fixed it already? :)01:11
harleypigroot is just root01:12
h3sp4wnbrandon_ :its owned by root root doesn't need to be in audio01:12
brandon_that's what i meant01:12
crimsunotherwise, we need that info on pastebin, harleypig01:12
harleypigthat's an awful lot of info ...383 lines ... is that what you're looking for?01:13
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crimsunharleypig: absolutely.01:13
harleypigok, it'll take me a second to cut-n-paste01:13
harleypigunless I'm missing a file upload button somewhere01:14
crimsunyou can download the pastebin script and paste a file, sure01:14
harleypigwhere's that at?01:15
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harleypigsorry ... I don't know how to install that file.01:17
harleypigdpkg something right?01:18
brandon_sudo dpkg -i01:18
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harleypigaghh ... dependencies.01:18
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munzirHi, How can I change my monitor resolution? system-settings -> monitor -> screen size is disabled and have the value of 640 x 480. This is nvidia-glx driver installed01:19
francolqhello, does anyone could build wine with AMD64 breezy?01:19
brandon_muzir: that driver's not working right01:20
harleypigwell, that's installed, but I can't find the program to run; pastebin doesn't exist.01:20
harleypigis the file name something else?01:20
brandon_that's the name of the package01:20
harleypigbrandon_: *blush* that makes too much sense.01:20
francolqanyone could install wine on AMD64?01:21
harleypigwell, webboard http://kubuntu.pastebin.com t2 gives errors about needing at least 2 parameters ...01:22
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harleypigok ... it's up ... I just set a font to 2pt and copied the whole damn thing blind.01:25
crimsunI presume you're attempting to use your onboard sounD?01:26
crimsunif so, that's listed as the third device01:26
crimsunsound is output to your first (default)01:26
crimsuncat /proc/asound/modules01:26
harleypigIs this different from breezy?01:27
crimsunerm, you're on Dapper?01:27
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crimsunwhy didn't you ask in #ubuntu+1?01:27
harleypigharleypig@sweetums:~$ cat /proc/asound/modules01:27
harleypig0 saa7134_alsa01:27
harleypig2 snd_via82xx_modem01:27
harleypig3 snd_via82xx01:27
harleypigdidn't know about it.01:27
harleypigharleypig@sweetums:~$ cat /proc/asound/modules01:27
harleypig0 saa7134_alsa01:27
harleypig2 snd_via82xx_modem01:27
harleypig3 snd_via82xx01:27
harleypigshould I tkae it over there then?01:28
crimsuntail -3 /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base01:28
mzinzHow do I install a new theme in KDE?01:30
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paulvolkUm could someone tell me if there is a feture in Kubuntu that allows you to reset your computer settings to an earlier time?01:31
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harleypigcrimsun: Did you still want the output of that tial on modprobe.d?01:31
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crimsunharleypig: yes, that's what I'm awaiting01:31
harleypigaghh ... losing track of which window I'm in01:32
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mzinzHow do I install a new theme in KDE?01:33
paulvolkGo to Kcontrol01:33
paulvolkmzinz apperences - themes- install new theme01:34
mzinzpaulvolk: i dont see themes... in appearances i see an icons tab and a few others, but no themes01:35
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paulvolkhold on01:37
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paulvolkTheme mangager?01:37
paulvolkYou have to go into Kcontrol01:38
paulvolkMake sure you go there01:38
paulvolkmzinz: not System settings01:38
mzinzpaulvolk: oh.. wheres appearances at then01:39
mzinzpaulvolk: ok01:39
paulvolkyou know how to get to that?01:40
mzinzpaulvolk: ya, thanks, just new to KDE :)01:40
paulvolkOh that is ok we all have to start some where01:40
mzinzpaulvolk: I downloaded themes from KDE-look.org, but they are just compressed files with folders in them.  In the theme manager it wants "theme" files and wont let me select them..01:41
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paulvolkWhat you have to do is uncompress them01:46
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paulvolksome of the files you might have to compile but geberaly they are theme files01:47
jonathan_is anyone having problems with cups01:47
jonathan_i installed a printer a few weeks ago and now it will not print01:47
mzinzpaulvolk: once uncompressed they are just a bunch of files.. maybe i need to compress them01:48
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paulvolkNo. Are you sure you don'r have to compile them?01:49
mzinzpaulvolk: no, i probably do01:49
mzinzpaulvolk: i meant compile, not compress01:49
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paulvolkoh ok01:50
jonathan_and so....another question fades into the ether of unanswered linux quandries01:50
paulvolkyou know how to compile?01:50
mzinzpaulvolk: if a file has a ~ on the end of it, was that an auto save or something?01:50
mzinzpaulvolk: ill read the install.txts01:50
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paulvolkalso try looking here mzinz01:50
ubotuA nice howto about compiling software from source code can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (but remember to search !apt first, after adding all the !repos)01:51
steveireWhat would be a 'slow' speed for azureus to operate at?01:51
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steveireWhat should I expect?01:51
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Newpshi my laptop says it supports 1024x768 ... its a new laptop... is there a way to tweak X to force it in 1280x1024?01:52
jonathan_newps if your monitor doesn't support it it's not a good idea01:53
jonathan_that is usually a hardware issue01:53
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Newpsnot a good idea but if i was to tweak it and force the mode what would i be looking for?01:54
jonathan_i would think it would be in the xorg.conf01:54
jonathan_however, it probably won't show up01:54
jonathan_well, X will not start most likely01:54
Newpsand on a side note, KLaptop says i dont have a batter even tho i do i am running on it :)01:55
paulvolkcould some one tell me where the icons are held for KDE, like which directory?01:55
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Newpsyeah i know all about xorg conf.. im wondering what i would need to tweak such as shared video mem01:55
mzinzpaulvolk: any clue where i change it from 'single-click to open a folder' to double?01:55
mzinzpaulvolk: got it01:56
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ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, me2win01:58
ubotume2win: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:58
jonathan_is anyone having problems with cups besides me?01:58
paulvolknope works fine here01:59
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jonathan_I'm getting this message when I open up printers from kcontrol "successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes"01:59
paulvolkdon't you hate that when you have a problem that no one else has so no one can help you? I have had a few of those01:59
jonathan_yeah, and it's annoying01:59
jonathan_it's finals time at college and it would be nice to use the nice printer on my desk02:00
jonathan_call me crazy02:00
paulvolklol ya02:00
jonathan_it's a novel idea i know but shouldn't it uhm what's the word.....work :-)02:00
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mzinzpaulvolk: i fixed the qt problem when ./configuring... but now i get:02:02
mzinzchecking for KDE... configure: error:02:02
mzinzin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.02:02
paulvolkok install KDE development packege02:04
paulvolkthat fixed all my problems02:04
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mzinzwhats the package name02:05
paulvolkone sec02:06
mzinzis it kdebase-dev02:06
paulvolkWhat theme is it anyways?02:06
Distro^Junkiewhere do i find fluxbox ?02:06
mzinzwell im trying to install super karamba right now02:06
paulvolkoh well you should be able to install super karamba from adept02:08
paulvolkyou don't need to compile02:08
Search4Lancerthere a way to get kubuntu to open your CD drive when no disc is in it?02:11
Search4Lancerbecause at the moment the button isn't working (not uncommon)02:11
Distro^Junkiepaulvolk: is there a repository I'm missing as I can't seem to find fluxbox02:11
mzinzpaulvolk: is adept similar to synaptic?02:11
Distro^Junkiemzinz: yes02:11
mzinzpaulvolk: the problem is that apt-get doesn't have the right version, its .1 off :(02:12
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mzinzpaulvolk: for the widget i need, that is02:12
paulvolkwell get kde-devel02:13
mzinzpaulvolk: k02:13
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paulvolktell me if that fixes your problem02:18
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jonathan_is anyone in here using sata raid ?02:22
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jonathan_should I ask again or take that as a no02:25
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robotgeekjonathan_: i guess noone here knows, maybe eve ntry #ubuntu02:25
paulvolkI would take that as a no, but you could keep asking if you want02:25
paulvolkanyone know where the icons are kept in KDE, like what directory?02:26
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laszlokpaulvolk: /usr/share/icons/02:29
laszlokpaulvolk: if you install your own icon theme its in ~/.kde/share/icons02:30
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paulvolkI got it thanks02:34
MatthewJDI'm installing kubuntu for the first time, will the setup give me optoin to partition my drive ?02:34
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paulvolknot you have to do that on your own02:36
paulvolkyou have to make your own partition. If you install suse on the other hand that does allow you to partition your drive and helps you along02:37
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mzinzDo people use klipper? it doesn't seem too useful03:04
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poeplpshow do I add my cellphone as a usbfs device to my pc so I can extract pictures saved on it?03:07
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jeroenvrppoeplps: if you plug it in, doesnt konqueror pop up03:08
Hobbseemzinz: i dont use it much03:08
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poeplpsjeroenvrp: nope mate, it's a cellphone, I think i need some patch to make it recognise the device?03:11
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jeroenvrppoeplps: if it is a usbfs it should be reconized03:12
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jeroenvrpgo to kmenu > system > kinfocenter03:12
jeroenvrpin there, go to 'usb-devices' and see if it is listed03:13
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poeplpsok thanks jeroenvrp03:16
jeroenvrpis it there?03:16
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poeplpsI don't know it shows some device CIF Single Chip03:17
poeplpsbut it really dosent recognise it03:17
jeroenvrpso its not a generic usbfs03:18
poeplpsin that case am I hopeless?03:18
jeroenvrppoeplps: please ask you question in the kubuntu- or ubuntu forums, with cellphone type etc and try to find what kind of filesystem the phone uses03:19
jeroenvrpthat is all I can do03:19
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h3sp4wn<poeplps>: whats the output of lsusb03:20
carniloDrakeson: ping03:21
poeplpsone sec03:21
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carniloDrakeson: ping03:21
poeplpsBus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:000003:21
poeplpsBus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:000003:21
poeplpsBus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:000003:21
poeplpsBus 002 Device 003: ID 093a:2468 Pixart Imaging, Inc.03:21
poeplpsBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000003:21
poeplpsBus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000003:21
ubotuwell, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126903:21
CheeseBurgerManFor future reference. :)03:21
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poeplpsok sorry03:22
CheeseBurgerManJust letting you know. :)03:22
poeplpsthanks for the heads up03:22
poeplpsi've got some errors runing in dmesg03:22
poeplpsit might be related03:22
poeplpscan I paste here a 2-liner?03:23
poeplps[ 1512.186375]  usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 503:23
poeplps[ 1512.593837]  usb 3-1: device not accepting address 5, error -7103:23
poeplpsit happens when I insert the usb into the jack03:23
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h3sp4wnwhat make of phone ?03:24
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poeplpsnokia 668003:25
h3sp4wnofficial nokia cable ?03:25
poeplpsit was in the original bundle03:25
h3sp4wnis it blue ?03:25
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poeplpslike my life03:27
h3sp4wnIt can't be plugged in or you would have nokia under usbdevices03:27
h3sp4wnunder lsusb should I say03:28
poeplpsI see we'll i'll sit on it03:29
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_tylerDo people use klipper? it doesn't seem too useful03:32
CheeseBurgerManI use it03:32
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h3sp4wnI use it but only when what I don't want ends up in the clipboard03:33
jeroenvrp_tyler: I dont use it either03:34
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_tylerjeroenvrp: whats katapult?03:36
CheeseBurgerMan_tyler: A very cool program launcher. Similier to QuickSilver on Mac03:36
jeroenvrp_tyler: some kind of alternative application launcher03:36
jonathan_i want to run crying....why can cups just not work03:36
jeroenvrpI hate ut03:36
_tylerjeroenvrp: ok03:37
CheeseBurgerManjeroenvrp: I don't. :)03:37
jonathan_all these years and cups seems to be just as unstable as ever for me03:37
jeroenvrpno I see :-)03:37
jeroenvrpI tried it, but it never made me jump :-)03:37
CheeseBurgerManjeroenvrp: Well, you tried it at least. Even if you didn't see the potential... ;)03:38
jeroenvrpThe combination K-menu and the launch-applet are much faster for me03:38
h3sp4wnjonathan: Try using p910n (and printing raw)03:39
jeroenvrpand I have a small kicker-panel on the left, with all my most used apps03:39
jonathan_i have a samsung ml-2010 printer attached to a server 2k3 box that i'm wanting to print to03:39
h3sp4wnjonathan: install print services for unix03:40
scubes13hello all - I setup my install so that I could use su instead of sudo, I just performed an update via adept and when I launch anything that needs root access I get a pop-up saying "Su returned with an error." any suggestions? any method of finding out what all was updated and shifting them back to the older version (ie - undoing?)03:40
CheeseBurgerMantry sudo. :P03:40
jonathan_on the server or linux?03:40
h3sp4wnjonathan: on the 2k3 server03:40
jonathan_oh ok....forgive my ignorance but what will this give me03:41
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_tylerCheeseBurgerMan: im a little confused how to use it.. how do i use the launcher when it pops up?03:41
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CheeseBurgerMan_tyler: Just start typing in the name of the app you want to run.03:41
h3sp4wnjonathan: you can use lpr instead of cups03:41
CheeseBurgerManscubes13: You may need to re-enable su.03:42
jeroenvrpscubes13: I dont understand - you want to use sudo with the su command?03:42
_tylerCheeseBurgerMan: so cool!03:43
jonathan_h3sp4wn: i assume that will not effect the other win machines in the house?03:43
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CheeseBurgerMan_tyler: I know. :D03:44
h3sp4wnjonathan: no03:44
scubes13ok, just got it fixed... I had disabled sudo via visudo03:44
scubes13and then setup su in the kdeglobals03:44
_tylerCheeseBurgerMan: random q, how do i make a new shortcut for something?03:44
CheeseBurgerManscubes13: OK, good. :)03:44
scubes13apparently my adept update goofed that all up, so I just ahd to go back and redo03:45
jeroenvrp_tyler: you can do the same with adding the run command-applet to your pannel03:45
h3sp4wnjonathan: I don't remember the details but it does work03:45
scubes13thanks guys - you saying to use sudo is what helped me see the goof up03:45
CheeseBurgerManjeroenvrp: Yeah, but that takes up more space in the panel thatn I like. :)03:45
CheeseBurgerMan_tyler: A shortcut for what? Katapult, or just a shortcut in a folder?03:45
_tylerjeroenvrp: but it looks so much cooler03:45
jeroenvrpCheeseBurgerMan: I have no problems with that, my screen is nig enough03:45
_tylerCheeseBurgerMan: sorry, i meant a keyboard shortcut, i would like one for konsole03:45
CheeseBurgerMan_tyler: let me check03:46
jeroenvrpscubes13: I still doesnt understand the background03:46
CheeseBurgerManjeroenvrp: It also doesn't have the built-in calculator. :P03:46
CheeseBurgerManbut to each his own. :)03:46
jeroenvrpCheeseBurgerMan: next to the command-applet, I have the calculator-applet :-)03:47
CheeseBurgerMan_tyler: Control Center > Regional & Accessibility > Keyboard Shortcuts03:47
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brodelEverytime I reboot my PC I get a message that says "bluetooth adapter found!" and a loud little chord sound with it. I want bluetooth to work, but I'd rather not have it say that every time. It's like saying it found a network card after every reboot... :\03:47
CheeseBurgerManjeroenvrp: lol, yeah, but that takes up even more space on my already too-small screen. ;)03:47
jeroenvrpyes if your screen is small, I can understand03:48
jeroenvrpscubes13: did you try sux03:48
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jeroenvrpbrodel: you mean, if you start KDE?03:52
brodelwell whenever I log in03:53
jeroenvrpbrodel: and does something popup03:53
brodelit's like it's found something new.. but it's been there for weeks now03:53
jeroenvrpand there is no checkbox03:53
brodelyeah it's a little message like yakuake telling me it's running (that's a little annoying too, but it doesn't make a sound)03:54
brodelcheckbox where?03:54
jeroenvrpbrodel: go to kcontrol03:54
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jeroenvrpI mean sysmemnotifications03:55
brodelI see where you're goin.03:55
jeroenvrpand serach in the pulldown menu for kbloothtooth app03:55
jonathan_h3sp4wn: I installed it..can you tell me from there how to set it up on linux03:55
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brodelsweet. I can turn off the "display a messagebox" too03:56
jeroenvrpbrodel: here we are :-)03:56
jeroenvrpand turn off all other anoying things03:57
brodeldamn.. don't see yakuake on there03:57
brodelthis sounds like a horribly stupid question, but will XGL be of any use with KDE? Seems everything I've seen it used with is gnome.03:58
jeroenvrpyeah yakuake is great, but follows its own path I'm afraid03:58
jeroenvrpbrodel: that I dont know03:58
scubes13anyone familiar with getting scribus-cvs for dapper on an amd64? I had this working via Breezy, but cant seem to grab it under Dapper - (sorry in advance - no one has responded to me in the dapper channel)03:59
jeroenvrpscubes13: dont know, I dont have amd6404:00
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jeroenvrpbrodel: what is xgl, I dont see it04:00
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/04:00
CheeseBurgerManscubes13: I had the non-cvs version under amd64 in breezy, but never  tried dapper.04:00
jeroenvrpbrodel: oh wait I see it04:01
jeroenvrpI dont have itinstalled04:01
jeroenvrpso that should not be a problem, I suppose04:01
brodelJust wondering. I thought about buying an Nvidia card when dapper comes out since ATi seems to be a pain04:03
brodelsucks too because I used to like ATI better.. but now that I am starting to use linux more, I need to start looking at Nvidia.04:04
jeroenvrpI dont know04:04
jeroenvrpI dont use opengl04:04
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_tylerwhats the default text editor for Kubuntu04:07
CheeseBurgerManKate IIRC04:08
brodelyeah.. kate04:08
_tyleroh, i thought that was mainly for programming04:08
brodelkate kept dying on me though..04:08
CheeseBurgerMan_tyler: Nope. :)04:08
CheeseBurgerManbrodel: That's why there's kwrite. :)04:09
brodelI used something else earlier when kate didn't work.. something about trees04:09
brodelor leaves..04:09
CheeseBurgerManum, not sure04:09
brodelleafpad.. that's it04:10
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h3sp4wnjonathon : aptitude install lprng04:18
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francolqanyone could install wine on AMD64?04:35
CheeseBurgerManfrancolq: I got it installed, but I can't get it to run anything04:36
francolqCheeseBurgerMan: did you compile it?04:37
CheeseBurgerManBasically, I took the deb, made it into a tar.gz, and unzipped into /04:37
francolqCheeseBurgerMan: but there is no precompiled version for AMD64...04:38
CheeseBurgerManI know - that's why I made it into a tar.gz04:38
CheeseBurgerManLemme search for the script04:38
CheeseBurgerManfrancolq: Don't put the files in /,  just unzip it in /. It's got the files laid out perfectly. :)04:41
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francolqCheeseBurgerMan: but you say it doesn't work for you...04:42
CheeseBurgerManYeah, it can't connect to the X server - I've been too lazy to figure out what to do. :)04:43
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GameOver69hey guys i downloaded network manager, and the kde frontend from adept....  but when i run knetwork manager it says that network manager is not running? what am i not doing here?05:05
robotgeekGameOver69: how are you starting the network manager?05:06
HobbseeGameOver69: either reboot, where it starts it by default, or run sudo NetworkManager --no-daemon05:06
GameOver69kdestart, then knetwork manger in the system tab05:07
robotgeekGameOver69: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperKNetworkmanager05:07
GameOver69ok, i checked hte wiki05:08
GameOver69didnt hekp05:08
HobbseeGameOver69: either reboot, where it starts it by default, or run sudo NetworkManager --no-daemon05:08
GameOver69it doersnt start by default05:08
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GameOver69Hobbsee, how can i do that05:09
CheeseBurgerManGameOver69: Open a console05:09
Hobbseein a console, type "sudo NetworkManager --no-daemon"05:09
GameOver69i did that05:09
GameOver69and it states all these messages05:10
GameOver69how come i dont see anything in my taskbar though05:10
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GameOver69joe@Thinkpad:~$ sudo NetworkManager --no-daemon05:12
GameOver69NetworkManager: <information>   starting...05:12
GameOver69NetworkManager: <WARNING>        main (): nm_data_new: Setting up dbus filter05:12
GameOver69NetworkManager: <WARNING>        nm_signal_handler (): Caught signal 11.  Generating backtrace...05:12
GameOver69NetworkManager: ******************* START **********************************05:12
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 0: NetworkManager [0x806ac58] 05:12
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 1: NetworkManager [0x806ae05] 05:12
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 2: [0xffffe420] 05:12
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 3: NetworkManager [0x8059a3b] 05:12
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 4: /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0(g_object_unref+0xc5) [0xb7c43eac] 05:13
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 5: NetworkManager(nm_device_new+0x415) [0x8055e50] 05:13
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 6: NetworkManager(nm_create_device_and_add_to_list+0xb8) [0x80658aa] 05:13
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 7: NetworkManager(nm_add_initial_devices+0xea) [0x8065edf] 05:13
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 8: NetworkManager(nm_hal_init+0xef) [0x806655e] 05:13
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 9: NetworkManager(main+0x875) [0x80672ea] 05:13
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 10: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xd2) [0xb7c84ea2] 05:13
GameOver69NetworkManager: Frame 11: NetworkManager [0x8052d91] 05:13
GameOver69thats what i get in console05:13
robotgeekGameOver69, don't paste in here. Please use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com05:13
robotgeekGameOver69: please learn to read the /topic in every irc room05:14
GameOver69robotgeek, ok will do next time.... im new to this, and just aggrivated about this noto working05:14
robotgeekGameOver69: i think it crashed, reboot and try again. then file a bug05:15
GameOver69ok but is this app supposed to load on startup?05:16
robotgeekGameOver69: not sure, i don't use it05:18
GameOver69i was getting tired of always typing in stuf in console, like iwconfig essid, key restired, and dhclient05:18
GameOver69with my damn linksys card05:18
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regeya_I just realized something tonight and I feel like a dip for not realizing it.  I bet interlaced video adds a wrinkle to encoding/sync.  I further realized that most people working with mpeg2 probably don't have to futz with interlaced video.  That might help explain why my home videos go in and out of sync all the time. :-}05:28
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larrywellsSo what is new on Kubuntu05:46
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regeya_larrywells: in anticipation of MS Ham Sandwich, a Kubuntu dev introduced kHamSandwich.05:48
larrywellseh, are you fooling me?05:49
regeya_it's the only kosher ham sandwich in existence.05:49
robotgeekno, it will be introduced with qt4 :P05:49
larrywellswhat is ham sandwich05:50
regeya_to go with kHamSandwich there's a new kOndiment applet05:50
larrywellsyikes sorry i asked05:50
regeya_one catch is that you only have Kaiser buns available for bread05:51
regeya_or is that a Katch?05:51
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regeya_bwahaha I WIN05:52
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brandon_is anybody having issue with openorifice? i've got an annoying bug in the toolbar display where everything is invisible06:02
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robotgeekbrandon_: works fine for me06:04
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robotgeekbrandon_: i am on dapper tho06:04
cfraz89has anyone been able to get a hp ipaq to work on ubuntu?06:04
robotgeekcfraz89: not sure, sorry06:04
brandon_robotgeek: so am i06:04
robotgeekbrandon_: works fine for me. no invisibility ans stuff06:04
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DarkED'lo, anybody around in here?06:17
DarkEDi'm just moving to kde06:18
DarkEDi have a large screen and the fonts were all small, i fixed the fonts for kde itself06:18
DarkEDbut i need to make the terminal fonts larger (permanently)06:18
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DarkEDi know you can do it with Ctrl++06:19
DarkEDbut it sucks having to do that every time you open a shell :D06:19
robotgeekDarkED: you use konsole?06:19
DarkEDoh, sorry06:20
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robotgeekDarkED: hmm, no need to quit :P06:21
DarkEDno i lost my connection to my wifi06:21
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robotgeekoh okay06:21
DarkEDits been happening06:21
DarkEDsomething in the hood is interfering with all the wireless06:22
robotgeekDarkED: well, tail -f /var/log/syslog might be useful06:22
DarkEDthanks for the hel btw06:22
robotgeekDarkED: what do you mean by terminal, you mean ctrl + alt + f1 console?06:23
martyndahey, does anyone know how to get rid of the gnome save dialog in firefox and use the KDE one? the current one is driving me nuts!06:23
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robotgeekmartynda: i think firefox uses its own06:23
martyndayea, i couldnt find any info on it really06:24
martyndabut it's so annoying!06:24
robotgeekmartynda: use konq :)06:24
martyndai do for some things, just really used to firefox+extensions, etc06:24
martyndafor what it's worth konq is one of the best pieces of software i've ever seen06:25
robotgeekmartynda: are you absolutely sure that those plugins arent there in konq, also look in kde-apps.org06:25
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robotgeeki found most of qhat i needed in konq itself, just disabled06:25
martyndaporbably are, but habbits are hard to break :)06:25
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DarkEDwell that sucked06:26
martyndastop leaching wireless :p06:26
DarkEDno its my connection :D06:26
martyndahehe rriiight, i used to have problems with my "connection" too06:26
DarkEDbut there is someone on a cb radio or something like that06:26
DarkEDno really, i have cable and a wifi router06:26
DarkEDsomething makes my signal just drop out from under me06:27
martyndadriver issues maybe06:27
DarkEDso i went upstairs and resetted the rouer06:27
DarkEDreset the router*06:27
DarkEDnah, its been working fine except fot today06:28
DarkEDno, belkin06:28
DarkEDyeah it's just today06:28
DarkEDnever had this problem before...06:28
martyndaohh... does WPA work in ubuntu?06:28
DarkEDrobotgeek: by terminal i mean like hitting alt+f2 and running terminal06:29
DarkEDer, the gnome terminak06:29
DarkEDgod i cannot spell today06:29
robotgeekDarkED: heh, i don't use gnome-terminal, it sucks06:29
DarkEDRG: yes, i know that now :D06:29
robotgeekDarkED: used konsole instead06:30
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martyndatry yakuake06:30
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DarkEDall is good in the hood now :D06:32
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DarkEDi like kde a lot better than gnome, now its even better06:34
_milohello, i just installed 5.10 and noticed mplayer is not installed or available through apt??06:35
DarkEDlemme take a look for you06:35
robotgeek_milo: it is available in universe repository06:36
DarkEDyeah thats where i got it06:36
DarkEDwas just looking at it06:36
DarkEDwhat kind of processor do you have?06:36
_milowowee .. thanks06:37
martyndasynaptic > settings > repositories, click add and check the boxes06:37
DarkEDwhats a good widget engine for kde?06:37
_milorobotgeek: any links?06:37
DarkED_milo: yeah do that and then theres a few different types of installs it will give you06:38
martyndasuperkaramba, but it's not that great06:38
DarkED_milo: they will have like a i386 and i586 versions, etc06:38
ubotuwell, adept is a package manager for Kubuntu. A howto is provided here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto06:38
robotgeek_milo: ^^06:39
_miloalso, do ya think i could go to single user and do apt-get dist-upgrade after changing to dapper ... i tried that once in multiuser and it messed me up.06:39
DarkED_milo: sorry i couldnt tell ya, i use breezy :(06:39
_miloDarkED: hrm, i'm on a Athlon i think06:39
DarkED_milo: what speed?06:40
robotgeek_milo: weird, i have distupgraded from breezy on this box06:40
_miloDarkED: hrm, 2Ghz i think06:40
DarkEDi think you will want to do sudo apt-get install mplayer-586 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9.106:40
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scubes13hello again all - my audio card is displayed as "nVidia Corporation MCP51 AC97 Audio Controller" via lookup through lspci... anyone familiar with setting this up in kubuntu?07:12
scubes13my volume control says "No mixer found"07:12
scubes13oops - "Mixer cannot be found" rather07:13
crimsunsupport for that wasn't added til post-Breezy07:13
crimsunwe've added it in Dapper, or you can use the !alsa-source instructions07:13
crimsun(it's a one-line addition)07:14
scubes13oh, actually I am using dapper07:15
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crimsunthen ask in #ubuntu+1, not in here, since I presume you use Breezy if you ask here07:15
scubes13oh, my bad - will do07:16
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jonathan_if i didnt have everything like i wanted it i would go back to breezy07:38
jonathan_why is it always one thing....one thing that keeps you from having everything right07:39
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jonathan_straight up printing is almost non-existant in dapper07:41
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neoncodeIs their a program I can use to edit icon sets?08:28
ubotuthompa: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:31
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thoreauputic!info krita08:36
ubotukrita: (a painting and image editing application for the KDE Office Suite), section graphics, is optional. Version: 1:1.4.1-0ubuntu7 (breezy), Packaged size: 2436 kB, Installed size: 7316 kB08:36
thoreauputicoh he left anyway,,, nm08:37
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, martynda08:37
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thoreauputicmartynda: there's no factoid for krita08:38
thoreauputicbut !info gives the package info08:39
martyndai was just trying it out since im a noob in this channel :)08:39
martyndaah cool08:39
thoreauputic!tell martynda about help08:39
thoreauputichah that factoid is wrong08:39
thoreauputicleft over from #debian08:40
martyndagah! i hate exam week... no time to sleep, and when you should be, can't08:41
thoreauputic!tell thoreauputic about help08:41
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thoreauputicmartynda: in general, if you want to ask the bot something, use  /msg ubotu <keyword> to avoid spamming the channel08:43
martyndaah ok08:44
martyndaany FAQ on keywords online somewhere?08:44
thoreauputicnot that #kubuntu is busy a the moment...08:44
thoreauputicmartynda: yes08:44
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.08:44
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, thoreauputic08:45
martyndauh... in the topic... neeever mind08:45
thoreauputicsee the URL there08:45
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neoncodeHow do I edit my kmenu icon without changeing my icon theme?08:47
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zambbasorry, "puttypaste"09:17
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Tm_Tzambba: hassua09:19
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mathew-eDoes anybody know how to get the desktop icons (my computer, home etc) in KUBUNTU?09:38
gnutonmathew-e, u can try in ~/.kde/share/icons ?09:40
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mathew-eGNUTON: I mean to dispaly them on the desktop?09:46
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donI am attempting to get a Canon IP 1000 printer working. The page shows my printer, when I attempt to print a test page, it appears to work, however the printer does nothing. Can anyone help?09:58
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gnutondon, are you sure that this printer is supported by cups? i now that canon printer works only with a commercial driver!10:04
dongnuton,  I have written details of my attempts at http://donm.net/notprinting.html. There are drivers available.10:05
gnutondon, ok10:05
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dongnuton, I have turned debug on, and included the output on the notprinting.html page. However I need someone to view it, as I can't make any sence of it.10:07
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thoreauputic<pedantic> there is no such word as "sence" - try "sense" </pedantic>10:11
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Otherlandhi there... I've got some issues with alsa, I've got a SB Audigy, and all the alsa drivers are loaded, but I still get no sound..and I have unmuted the mixer10:14
Otherlandand when I play a mp3 file in amarok or kaffeine it stop after 1 second10:15
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Otherlandwill I break something if I try to install alsa manually (using the archives from alsa's homepage) ?10:16
ubotuaudigy is, like, muted by default in Ubuntu. To unmute, type alsamixer and find Audigy Analog/Digital Out. Select it and press M to unmute. Then type sudo alsactl store to save your settings.10:17
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neoncodeAgg!! kubuntu is getting anoying! I want it so that when i insert an audio CD or video DVD it plays in kaffene. and when in insert a data DVD/CD/Flash drive I want it to mount it and open it in konquor. How do I make it do this!?!?!10:18
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Otherlandthoreauputic: ups..didn't see your message, but I've already tried that... it still doesn't work10:23
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donI am attempting to get a Canon IP 1000 printer working. The page shows my printer, when I attempt to print a test page, it appears to work, however the printer does nothing. I have written details of my attempts at http://donm.net/notprinting.html including debug output. I need someone to take a look at it, as I can't make sense of it. Can someone help?10:26
painesneoncode: alt+f2  kcontorl10:27
thoreauputic*cough* kcontrol perhaps ?10:28
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thoreauputicyes, I know it was a typo :)10:28
painesneoncode: then go to peripherals -> storage media10:29
painesthoreauputic: right10:29
painesi need a secretary or audio input10:29
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wsjuniorhow to upgrade from kubuntu breezy to dapper?10:35
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Hobbsee10:35
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.10:35
wsjuniorThe requested URL /archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html. was not found on this server.10:36
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Hobbseesame as breezy upgrade, but change all the breezy stuff to dapper, instead of the hoary stuff to breezy, where it says10:37
Dr3ashttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html works fine10:38
wsjunioru mean at source.lst right?10:38
Dr3asyou just need to remove the . in the end...10:38
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noiesmohey how can i see how much traffic/ bandwidth a web conection is using10:38
Hobbseeokay, that's fixed10:39
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vinboykde channel is getting flooded10:42
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donI am attempting to get a Canon IP 1000 printer working. The page shows my printer, when I attempt to print a test page, it appears to work, however the printer does nothing. I have written details of my attempts at http://donm.net/notprinting.html including debug output. I need someone to take a look at it, as I can't make sense of it. Can someone help?10:44
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noiesmodon check linuxprinting.org for printer drivers etc10:45
donnoiesmo, I had obtained drivers according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45609 ; Do you think linuxprinting.org is better?10:46
paineshttp://donm.net/notprinting.html nothing10:47
noiesmodon, linuxprinting org will give you info on what driver and how well the printer works with linux10:47
donpaines, what do you mean by nothing?10:48
Hobbseevinboy: what?10:50
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noiesmodon, http://software.canon-europe.com/Printers/Bubble_Jet_Printers/PIXMA_iP100010104.asp?ComponentID=240003&SourcePageID=31161110:52
Hobbseevinboy: oh fun.  the ones that hit #ubuntu earlier10:53
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painesdon: nevermind. the site couldn't be loade, but now it does10:53
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painesdon: i have a cannon printer too. a 520x and the cups / gimp / os drivers generate really bad output. so I bought a copy of turboprint drivers for it, and the output is really good. it isn't that expensice. just 20-25  euro iirc10:55
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noiesmodon, check this out http://software.canon-europe.com/Printers/Bubble_Jet_Printers/PIXMA_iP100010104.asp?ComponentID=240003&SourcePageID=31161110:57
donnoiesmo, Just taken a look at the canon-europe page. I believe I already have the same version of driver installed - 2.50.10:59
ubotumethinks qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=200357&postcount=110:59
noiesmodon, K then turboprint might be the go as paines suggested10:59
donSomething that appears in the debug log, is a complaint about printer name. However I don't know how to find out what it is expecting, or how to correct it.11:00
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donWhen I attempt to access http://software.canon-europe.com/download.asp is says host unknown11:06
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visik7don: wfm11:11
noiesmodon, i get that every now and then too dont know what it is the site didnt worjk the other day yet it worked before i sent you link11:11
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donnoiesmo, I'm on the site now, and am downloading the drivers. I'll try the drivers directly from canon, as I had obtained them from another source. I don't know if it will make a difference. It is not that the printing is bad, it is that the printer does nothing.11:14
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donWill it make any difference that the printer drivers are for SUSE?11:16
Guest3472I need a hand... I can't install kdevelop311:16
Guest3472it is not in the download list, and if I donwload the deb packages it wont install because of the fact that they depend on eachother and none can install11:17
Guest3472and another thing... does anybody know about a good network browser?11:17
Hobbsee!info kdevelop311:18
ubotukdevelop3: (An IDE for Unix/X11 - development version), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 4:3.2.3-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1053 kB, Installed size: 3500 kB11:18
HobbseeGuest3472: enable universe11:18
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:18
serzhGuest3472: konqueror?11:18
Guest3472Hmm but now it wont even open due to something with the database...11:19
zblachstrangeness in samba. if I visit smb:/ i get a firewall error, but if I visit smb:/192.168.x.x i have no problems what so ever11:21
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)11:33
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CellarDoora just a few weeks away11:33
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DjDarkmanhy ,kmix never saves the volum control settings ,it`s annoying to set it up every time i reboot how can i make it remember the settings?11:39
painesDjDarkman: alsactl store11:39
painesbut kmix remebers my settings.11:40
painesbut this could be to alsactl11:40
painestest it11:40
DjDarkmanalsactl: save_state:1190: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing11:40
DjDarkmanso this is why kmix doesn`t store it eighter11:41
noiesmothoreauputic, its amazing how quickly you hear from someone when there blocked from access to a site lol11:41
DjDarkmanat least it works with root11:42
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painesDjDarkman: try as root or with sudo11:42
thoreauputicnoiesmo: heheh11:42
DjDarkmanok i works with root ,sorry i lag a little11:44
noiesmoDjDarkman, try useing alsamixer on commandline it works for me to store settings11:45
noiesmoDjDarkman, also alsa-utils-gui is X based alsamixer11:47
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donnoiesmo paines; I have installed the printer drivers from the canon site. The drivers were a little different. However still have the same problem. Nothing prints. There is a message about "Local authentication certificate not found!" is this something to be concerned about? Any assistance from anyone will be much appreciated.12:22
noiesmodon, not sure sorry I am not a big canon fan not that that helps you hope you get it working12:22
noiesmohey whats the go with the compiz entry under schemas anyone in gconf-editor12:23
donnoiesmo, thanks for your help; it did get me a bit further along. In the download, I did get the source, if all else fails, I may take a look at that.12:24
noiesmodon, sweet np :)12:24
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noiesmodon, I find gentoo docs really good for info and hints to other distro stuff also12:27
donIs there anyone else with any suggestions regarding a message I am getting when attempting to print a test page to my Canon IP 1000 printer; It says: "Local authentication certificate not found!".12:27
donnoiesmo, where do I find the gentoo docs?12:28
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noiesmodon, www.gentoo.org don't know if they have anything on printing but always worth a look12:29
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donnoiesmo, Thanks, I'll take a look.12:29
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OdyXSomebody using Ktorrent 1.2 ?12:31
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noiesmoOdyX, no sorry use bittorando-gui found it great12:32
noiesmoA Massachusetts court has rejected a Microsoft Corp. request to force software rival Novell Inc. to hand over European Union correspondence that Microsoft claims it needs to defend itself against antitrust charges in Europe. hehehe12:32
noiesmosorry its of topic12:32
OdyXnoiesmo: no worry... have an URL ?12:32
noiesmoOdyX, I just sudo apt-get install bittorando-gui but i run dapper might be in universe or multiverse repos12:34
OdyXnoiesmo: I run Dapper too... And I meant the URL for the news... :D12:35
noiesmoOdyX, sorry hang on12:35
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noiesmoOdyX, http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/business/articles/0419natwldbrfs0419.html12:36
|lostbyte|Is there a way to copy a file off a cd and let it skip errors ?12:36
OdyXThanks noiesmo12:36
noiesmoOdyX, np12:36
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painesdon: so canon has cups drivers ? could you give me the url12:41
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garridineantealguien tiene idea de como hacer andar xgl compiz en kubuntu dapper????01:20
OdyXgarridineante: no tengo ni idea... Hay unos howto's...01:21
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garridineantesi yo lo he conseguido01:21
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garridineantepero no se tiene muchos bugs01:21
garridineanteno puedo poner el teclado en espaol01:21
garridineanteo el konqueror no funciona01:22
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garridineanteno puedo poner arrobas01:22
garridineantepor ejmplo01:22
lwelynDo somebody have 2 motitores on one ati card  ?01:24
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OdyXgarridineante: Hum... aqui se habla ingls.... Te sentirias mejor en #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es01:26
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garridineantethank you01:26
OdyXgarridineante: all the pleasure is mine.01:27
garridineanteok any question for xgl in Kubuntu dapper???01:30
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/01:31
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garridineantemy problem is in kubuntu dapper01:32
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Tm_Tgarridineante: well, xgl is far away fro stable, there's haven't been real release yet even, so there will be problems01:34
Tm_Tgarridineante: and still #ubuntu-xgl is place to talk about xgl ;)01:35
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garridineantethak you for your help01:35
mvv_zZzxgl is fun for a week or two, but it far from practical use01:35
Tm_Tmvv_zZz: it was fun for me for two minutes :p01:36
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mvv_zZzTm_T: i used it for about 2 weeks, after that i was glad flight6 was xgl free ;)01:39
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visik7mvv_zZz: the only thing I want from XGL is take out load from my cpu when I render a video01:39
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OdyXSomeone is able to run kmldonkey with mldonkey-server here ?01:43
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noaXesssome time ago.. one asked the problem, that konqueror web browser want opens some links in kate.. what is the solution?01:47
OdyXnoaXess: try kbuildsycoca in a prompt01:47
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noaXessOdyX: kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available!01:48
OdyXnoaXess: sudo * ?01:49
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noaXessOdyX: same01:49
OdyXnoaXess: well..01:49
OdyXI don't know01:49
Distro^Junkiehmmm I need regular xchat not gnome xchat but can't seem to find it01:50
vega-any wiki page anywhere summarizing the status on the cups-kde-kubuntu problem ?01:51
vega-or solutions, or something..01:51
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Distro^Junkiewhere do I find xchat ?01:55
Distro^Junkieis there a repository I am missing ?01:55
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Distro^JunkienoaXess: its not in any of the repos ?01:57
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bimberi!info xchat01:57
ubotuxchat: (IRC client for X similar to AmIRC), section net, is optional. Version: 2.4.4-0ubuntu5 (breezy), Packaged size: 240 kB, Installed size: 664 kB01:57
Distro^JunkieI'm using latest dapper but not sure if I have all the repos enabled that need enabled01:58
bimberiDistro^Junkie: it's in the main repository (in Breezy) and universe (in Dapper)01:58
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bimberi!info xchat dapper01:58
ubotuxchat: (IRC client for X similar to AmIRC), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 254 kB, Installed size: 720 kB01:58
Distro^Junkieok so universe needs to be enabled in dapper01:58
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bimberiDistro^Junkie: for xchat yes :)01:58
mvv_zZzDistro^Junkie: /aptitude says it's in Section: universe/net01:59
mvv_zZzoh double, sry01:59
noaXessDistro^Junkie: wait..just check..01:59
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bimberi!info xchat-gnome dapper01:59
ubotuxchat-gnome: (a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client), section gnome, is optional. Version: 0.11-0ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 498 kB, Installed size: 4280 kB01:59
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bimberihm, still in main but not installed by default any more02:00
bimberi(flight 6)02:00
Distro^Junkieand gnome xchat sucks02:00
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noaXessDistro^Junkie: use Konversation, its really nice :)02:00
Distro^Junkieusing it now02:00
bimberiDistro^Junkie: :) - i've forced myself to use it and there are two nice features ...02:01
Distro^Junkiebut like wife likes xchat02:01
noaXesshow can i deactivate one repo?02:01
bimberiDistro^Junkie: single left-click to open links in browser and the Firefox style Fine tool (including reverse finds)02:01
Distro^Junkieunder manage repositories in adept02:01
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mvv_zZznoaXess: you can comment it out with # or remove the word universe in the line you want02:02
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mvv_zZzor mulitiverse...02:02
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erofeehi all02:03
erofeedoes anyone know how to set the cost calculation in KPPP?02:03
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donpaines, I found install instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45609 ; and noiesmo suggested http://software.canon-europe.com/Printers/Bubble_Jet_Printers/PIXMA_iP100010104.asp?ComponentID=240003&SourcePageID=31161102:08
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noaXessi have mounted the kubunt 5.10 as iso image to /home/user/kubuntu510image02:09
noaXesshow can i now add this to the apt repo's?02:09
Kamping_Kaiserline would be er. (jsut a tic)02:10
Kamping_Kaiserdeb file:///home/user/kubuntu510image <version> <sections>02:11
noaXessKamping_Kaiser: thanks... this work02:11
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Distro^Junkieman why do I have so many entries for cdroms in fstab02:29
Distro^Junkiegot like 10 entries02:29
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noaXessKamping_Kaiser: is it normal, that now folowing is if i start sudo apt-get update: Get:1 file: breezy Release.gpg [189B]  and then Ign file: breezy/main Packages02:30
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Kamping_KaisernoaXess, is that from the cd?02:31
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noaXessKamping_Kaiser: from cd? its my iso image that i have mounted.. mount -o loop image.iso dest/dir02:31
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Kamping_Kaiserok, lol from iso02:32
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ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org02:35
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frakigot a question regarding ati mobility x700 and kubuntu, anyone can help?02:44
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ubotuit has been said that ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358902:47
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OdyXydOHey. How is it to show installed packets (with pattern) in command line ?02:50
OdyXydOapt-cache --installed search gpg ??02:50
OdyXydOdoes not work..02:50
frakithank you for the links ubotu, u know whether opengl works better with ati drivers?02:50
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frakii mean with ati official drivers02:51
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HobbseeOdyX: apt-cache show?02:53
OdyXHobbsee: Yep.. but shows every thing02:54
Hobbseeyou're looking for dpkg --set-selections or soemthign similar...02:54
Hobbseeman dpkg02:54
OdyXHobbsee: but, according to man apt-cache (search --installed), it SHOULD work,...02:54
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Hobbseeah ok02:55
OdyXShould this be reported as bug ?02:55
=== Hobbsee doesnt know
mvv_zZzanyone had success with converting a img to iso with kiso  (from dapper repo's_02:58
mvv_zZzi always get a filesize about 10% of the img02:59
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waylandbillHi, when I put in a smart card, Konquerer wants to open media:/hdc even though the mount point is /media/usbdisk. Where can I change that behavior?03:01
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serzhyep it would be useful to open not media:/bla but directory to which device was mounted03:05
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serzhmedia:/ not supports all things that support normal filesystem03:06
OdyXydOI agree...03:08
Snorre_Ruchmvv_zZz: afaik there is no tool that will do it under linux, i know its not  the best, but i use ultraiso under wine  to convert img to iso03:08
mvv_zZzSnorre_Ruch: okey, i'll try that03:11
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=== mvv_zZz hates running wine though
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Snorre_Ruchmvv_zZz: i agree, but believe me i looked long and hard for a tool to do just what you want03:13
Snorre_Ruchmvv_zZz: i actually couldnt believe there wasnt such a thing, not even a cli tool like nrg2iso03:14
mvv_zZzSnorre_Ruch: thanks :)03:14
Snorre_Ruchmvv_zZz: mind if i ask what you want to change from img to iso03:15
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waylandbilleven being able to add something to the media:/ list would work.03:23
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waylandbillwhen I mount my samba shares (using the fstab entries) they appear on my desktop. Is there a directive I can put (maybe in the fstab) to prevent that?03:26
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munzir$ kwrite03:29
munzirX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16903:29
munzir  Major opcode:  14703:29
munzir  Minor opcode:  303:29
munzir  Resource id:  0x003:29
munzirFailed to open device03:29
munzirnot just with kwrite but almost any gui app03:30
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Snorre_Ruchwaylandbill: right click  on desktop ->. configure desktop ->. behavior -> device icons03:30
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waylandbillSnorre_Ruch: awesome. thanks.03:32
Snorre_Ruchwaylandbill: is that what you were after?03:32
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Snorre_Ruchwere you guys always kde users before using kubuntu?03:34
waylandbillSnorre_Ruch: that was exactly what I was looking for.03:34
Snorre_Ruchwaylandbill: sweet03:34
waylandbillI used KDE on other distros before Kubuntu.03:35
Snorre_Ruchid never used kde until aboout 1 week ago, i like it03:35
waylandbillI like gnome, but easier to convert wife over from windoze with KDE, so it grew on me.. hehe03:35
Snorre_Ruchespecially  after linus said: I personally just encourage people to switch to KDE.03:36
=== Hobbsee used XP before kubuntu
waylandbillthe drawback is that from XP to gnome, there are enough differences that the concepts of XP don't usually apply. KDE is so similar that the minor differences trip the XP user up for a bit until they figure out the caveats.03:38
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=== OdyXydO did even... Even with SP2.
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waylandbilllike clicking on text in an address bar of browser, the user expects the text to be highlighted. if they double-click the text it will be... little stuff like that...03:39
Snorre_Ruchwaylandbill: i agree03:39
Snorre_Ruchwaylandbill: are you using dapper?03:40
waylandbillSnorre_Ruch: I'm using breezy03:40
waylandbillwill use dapper when it's released stable. It's my backup server... can't break it. :-D03:41
Snorre_Ruchoh, just my grub splash images dont work, wondered if that was common03:42
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waylandbilloh.. my grub is textual. never got around to putting a nice splash on it.03:43
waylandbillI might at some point... lol03:44
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mayurcan anyone tell me about torrent sw03:50
Distro^Junkiewhat do I need to play mp3s in dapper ?03:50
OdyXmayur: what sort of ?03:51
mayuri used ktorrent03:51
OdyXmayur: and so what ?03:51
mayurbut it didnt download a file03:51
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OdyXDistro^Junkie: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse libxine-extracodecs ffmpeg lame sox mjpegtools libxine-main103:52
OdyXThis should make it.03:52
mayuri want to know is bitcomet available for kubuntu?03:52
Distro^JunkieReading package lists... Done03:52
Distro^JunkieBuilding dependency tree... Done03:52
Distro^JunkiePackage gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:52
Distro^JunkieThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:52
Distro^Junkieis only available from another source03:52
Distro^JunkieE: Package gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg has no installation candidate03:52
Distro^Junkiesorry for flood03:52
OdyXDistro^Junkie: enable everything in your /etc/apt/sources.list03:53
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mayurfrom where we have to execute this command in konsole : sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse libxine-extracodecs ffmpeg lame sox mjpegtools libxine-main103:54
OdyXFrom my experience...03:54
OdyXNo... Really03:54
OdyXit comes from03:54
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Distro^JunkieOdyX: I'm still getting the same error and I'm using dapper the newest release03:55
Hobbseemayur: from anywhere, your home directory, if you like03:55
OdyXDistro^Junkie: You have main, restricted, universe and multiverse activated ?03:55
OdyXDistro^Junkie: make a $ sudo apt-get update before03:55
Distro^Junkiedid that03:56
Distro^Junkieand yes they are all enabled03:56
mayuri know this link03:56
OdyXDistro^Junkie: Welll.. It works here..03:56
bimberiDistro^Junkie: put your sources.list on the pastebin03:57
Distro^Junkiehttp://pastebin.com/669221 here ya go bimberi03:58
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bimberiDistro^Junkie: ok, you need to add ' multiverse' to any line that has universe on it.  At the moment it's only breezy-backports but you need the others as well04:00
Distro^Junkieahhh that's why then04:01
Distro^Junkiethanx a bunch04:01
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bimberiDistro^Junkie: not yet, make sure it works first :)  (lines 22,23,37,38 btw)04:02
Distro^Junkieyes its working now04:03
mvv_zZzSnorre_Ruch: sry, i was walking with my dog... no i want to convert from img to iso so i can mount it with loopdevice :)04:04
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waylandbillwhat format is img? I mean program made it?04:06
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vgewaylandbill: it's a cd image04:08
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waylandbillI think you can use the IMG file just as you would an ISO.04:09
Distro^Junkiehow do you enable the flshplugin ?04:10
Snorre_Ruchjustanotheruser: you can mount an img to the loopback04:10
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OdyXDistro^Junkie: same page:04:11
Snorre_Ruchand i just realised i made a terrible mistake, i was getting img confused with dmg04:11
OdyXsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:11
OdyX  sudo update-flashplugin04:11
OdyXWill you then need DVD? ;-)04:12
Distro^Junkieahh ok just found it04:12
Distro^Junkiealready did dvd04:12
Distro^Junkieautomatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes04:12
Snorre_Ruchoh and an img != a cd image, its just a disk image04:12
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justanotheruserSnorre_Ruch: it worked indeed, t-h-a-n-k you!04:29
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Snorre_Ruchnoo worries04:30
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Snorre_Ruchmy braiin must have seen dmg, thinking subconciously "why would you want to change img to iso"04:31
jordanhow i can install video drivers on kubuntu04:31
jordani am with Kubuntu 5.1004:31
jordanplease tell me04:31
uboturestricted is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats04:33
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ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats04:38
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ainmosniheh totally agreed on that04:39
ainmosnishame noone else uses the freeformats04:39
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Tm_Tnoone else? quite many these times04:40
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Tm_Tand more and more every day04:40
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tackatIs there somebody from kubuntu.de here?04:40
waylandbillmaybe some year we'll go to ogg.com instead of mp3.com? ;-)04:40
ainmosniif anyone sends me movie or music its rarely in ogg*04:41
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ainmosniso its hard to live without the non-free codecs if you plan to watch movies people send you04:42
ainmosnii dont like it04:42
ainmosnibut its the way it is04:42
ainmosnihopefully the free codecs will win in the end04:42
waylandbillainmosni: I agree. would be nice if they did, but I don't run the world.. hehe04:42
tackatIs there somebody from kubuntu.de here?04:42
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tackatI'm searching for some people to staff the Kubuntu booth on LinuxTag04:44
tackatAnyone volunteering?04:44
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waylandbillI'm getting an unmet dependency g++4.0. how do I fix this?04:48
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kiehi, i got troubles installing kubuntu on my new laptop. After reboot it hangs at the message "checking battery state". i read several forum-posts and found out that my graphic card is not supported (ATI Radeon Mobility X1400). So i found an tutorial to install new driver, but i get errors.04:49
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PupenoHow do I edit a distribution list in Kontact ?04:50
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kiei try to install a pakage with this command: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 module-assistant build-essential fakeroot dh-make debconf libstdc++504:54
kielike the tutorial tells me to04:55
kiebut, i got: pakage module-assistant not found04:55
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spiritzkie : check your sources, I have it.04:57
spiritzkie : it is located in universe repo04:57
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kiehow do i check my sources ;)04:57
robotgeekkie: /etc/apt/sources.list04:59
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laszlokkie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:00
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kieokay, and what repo do i have to add?05:02
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kieoh okay05:02
kiei found05:02
ninHerhi all05:03
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kiei uncommented two lines with universe at the end and tried again to load module-assistant but it still doesn't work, it says that he could't find the repo or somthing05:06
spiritzonce you uncommeted, you have to update the repo with sudo apt-get update or UPDATE in your apt manager05:07
spiritzthis is a basic use of it;05:07
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kieit works05:10
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justanotheruseri am writing a basic guide in odt for my sister (she doesn't know yet, but i am going to install dapper on her machine :p ) Any ideas what really should be in it?05:11
robotgeekjustanotheruser: have you taken a look at the desktop guide already available?05:12
ainmosnistart with05:14
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ainmosni'whatever you do don't type "sudo rm -rf /"05:14
Distro^Junkiewhat do I need for building from svn ?05:15
robotgeekainmosni: if you can't help, just remain silient please05:15
justanotheruserrobotgeek: from about:konqueror? yes but i want to fill the gap where she's going to run into "problems", just basic things you have to know to get going05:15
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robotgeekjustanotheruser: there is also a kde quick start05:15
Snake__justanotheruser: there are help documents avalible in the kmenu05:15
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waylandbilljustanotheruser: should be pretty straightforward if coming from XP. Biggest thing is the difference in filesystems that need to be learned, but file dialogs help with that too05:18
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solandoes any1 know if it excistes a ubuntu replacement for Tversity... a media server for my DLink DSM-320RD..05:20
justanotheruserrobotgeek Snake_: thos are nice, but too wide for her(she doesn't have that time), i aim something like listing the most known things she will likely have to get problems with (besides getting used to KDE)05:20
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=== Snake__ sighs
waylandbillainmosni: if someone is far enough to know that rm has those switches, I don't think they'd be typing that command in the first place..05:20
Snake__robotgeek: dont you love it how we write all that stuff, then its to wide? lol05:21
ainmosniagreed ;)05:21
robotgeekjustanotheruser: i am not sure what that would be05:21
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justanotheruserSnake_: no it's just that she works like 10 hours a day, she doesn't have the time so i want to get it a easy as possible for her to make it more sucessful :)05:22
Snake__justanotheruser: Most of the desktop users guide focuses on everyday problems, it also has a table of contents, so if she wants, she can crack it open herself and just read whatever part she is having trouble with. Or if you like, you can go ahead and base YOUR guide off it, just use it as ideas where to start05:24
waylandbilltheres gotta be several articles on making the switch.05:24
Snake__justanotheruser: much research has gone into that document, close to 3.9k USD, its pretty complete.05:24
waylandbillor better yet a book.. I think a hard copy is easier if the user isn't familiar with the interface.05:25
Snake__waylandbill: ther are plenty of books located all over the net (check amazon) and I believe the docteam is thinking about publishing an offical one for dapper+105:26
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waylandbillthere is a rudamentary problem. if someone doesn't have time to have the system turned upside down on them, it might not be the best idea to take them away from what they are used to until they do have time.05:27
Snake__thats what i was thinking05:28
waylandbillalthough, I'd imagine a couple days of free time and they'd be all set.05:28
robotgeekjustanotheruser: you can print out pdfs too05:29
waylandbilla couple days with someone to guide them through it would be ideal05:29
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justanotheruserno, but i'll make a dualboot :)  I know these guides are already very good, but my sister is well, lazy05:30
Snake__linux != lazy05:30
waylandbillanyone get flash working in mozilla? I tried, but it just puts empty boxes where the flash should be05:31
Snake__waylandbill: dapper05:31
Snake__yea ive gotten it to work there05:31
Snake__I cant get it in dapper tho lol05:31
waylandbillok.. may I ask with what package?05:32
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:32
Snake__that one ;)05:32
waylandbillyeah. that's the one I did.05:32
waylandbillhmm.. maybe it's the adblock extension...05:33
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ejofeethe small pc (computer case) speaker is /dev/?05:40
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wedgeVwhen trying to watch a video from video.google.com i only hear the audio, but dont see the video05:40
wedgeVanyone know how to fix that?05:40
wedgeV(with konqueror that is)05:41
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waylandbilli thought it was /dev/pcsp, but doesn't look like my system has it... maybe because I don't have a pc speaker..05:45
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waylandbillwedgeV: sounds like you need a codec that google is using.05:45
wedgeVopera shows the video05:46
wedgeVusing the same plugin05:46
Snake__waylandbill: google uses flash05:46
Snake__wedgeV: I believe its a konq bug, it wouldnt work for me either05:46
chavosometimes refreshing the page fixes, but not often05:47
waylandbillSnake__: oh. you're right.05:47
Snake__waylandbill: I am always right :P :)05:47
wedgeVah ok. i just installed the latest version of the plugin. opera now plays audio and video with it. konqueror still doesnt show the video05:47
waylandbillSnake__: (this time anyway)05:48
Snake__waylandbill: is chatzilla any good?05:48
=== Snake__ never used it
waylandbillIt's ok. It's just cause this is a windoze machine and had firefox installed otherwise I'd use xchat or konverse05:49
Snake__waylandbill: you know xchat works on windows right?05:50
waylandbillSnake__: yup, but isn't free.05:50
Snake__it isnt???05:50
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=== Snake__ downloaded it for free the other day...
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waylandbillstops after 30 days05:50
Snake__o rly...05:50
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waylandbillthe author sez it's not easy to develop. haven't tried to compile such a thing, but I bet he's not fibbing.05:51
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waylandbillI'm sure there's probably a way to get free version with cygwin tho05:52
robotgeekwaylandbill: there a free version of xchat05:52
visik7what's happen to ubuntu servers ?05:52
visik7it. ch. and kubuntu.org are down05:52
waylandbillrobotgeek: got a url?05:52
Snake__waylandbill: holy jebus! your right! that SUCKS...05:52
robotgeekwaylandbill: http://www.silverex.org/news/05:53
waylandbillno crud... you're right... will try it out... hehe05:53
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Snake__haha great find robotgeek05:53
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=== Snake__ thought xchat was open source
justanotheruserpwsp.net also has downtime the last days, what's happening...05:54
waylandbillSnake__: yeah.. it's open source last I knew05:54
Snake__waylandbill: well if its open source what is stopping someone from DLing the source, and complieing for windows? (dodging all the registration BS)05:55
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waylandbilldon't know what the licensing is exactly, but does that mean someone can't charge for a pre-compiled port?05:58
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waylandbillnow I feel more comfortable... :-)06:01
wedgeVwhere do i change the default handler for http://  URIs?06:01
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jeroenvrpwedgeV: Controlcenter > KDE components > components06:03
jeroenvrpthere you can change your default browser06:03
wedgeVi only have "KDE Resources" and "Service Manager" when i start the KDE components06:05
waylandbillwedgeV is right.. that's all that's in mine too.06:07
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thoreauputictype kcontrol in konsole06:10
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waylandbillwedgeV, kcontrol is what you want.06:12
waylandbilloh.. like thoreauputic said. :-)06:12
wedgeVyea,  thanks06:12
waylandbillI didn't know that myself before now either.06:14
waylandbillwould be nice if it was in the system menu.06:14
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zerozeroi just bought a 21 in lcd monitor for my machine, when I go into X everyhing is so large I can't get to the resolution tab ot change the resolution.  Does anyone have any suggestions besides hooking up the old monitor and changing the resolution?06:16
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OdyXzerozero: go to TTY and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:18
uboturumour has it, fixres is Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:18
thoreauputiczerozero: ^^^^06:18
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=== zerozero reads
waylandbillis there a way to run the initial KDE configuration wizard?06:18
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tackatI'm searching for some people to staff the Kubuntu booth on LinuxTag06:21
tackatAnyone volunteering?06:21
h3sp4wntackat: its in germany yes ?06:24
martyndafree trip to germany?! hell yes! :p06:24
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waylandbillif it wasn't in germany I'd help. :-)06:25
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waylandbillmartynda, lol06:26
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waylandbillmartynda, if it was free I'd be there too...06:26
martyndahey, it was worth a shot, i keep hearing about how much money cannonical has06:29
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martyndaoh, does amarok crash for you guys when playing radio streams after about 20-30 mins?06:30
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martyndaver 1.3.706:30
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solanany1 know of any good upnp media servers?06:37
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steveirestring = string.replace('foo', 'bar'); <<< this will replace the first instance of foo with bar. How do I replace all instances of foo with bar?06:49
steveiresoory. Wrong window06:49
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steveirealthough, if someone knows...06:50
aZei'm having a problem installin kubuntu06:50
aZei downloaded the iso dvd i386 image06:50
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aZei burned it to a dvd , but it won't boot06:50
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aZethe bios has the correct set up and everything06:50
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aZeany suggestions ?06:51
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waylandbillaZe: the md5 checksum of the media was ok?06:54
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OdyXSomeone else is having Amarok going out of control ? Sometimes, it begins a new song and shortly after, switches again. I pause it, to see what I get in .xsession-errors and it restarts alone. ???06:55
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joey^^no, but i think it has memory leaks06:56
joey^^as soon as i start playing songs, my memory just keeps going up till it starts using my swap06:56
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TheNightRider``hey all :)06:58
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DjDarkmanhy ,i have a serious problem ,the free space somehow dissapears from my home partition06:59
joey^^hey :)07:00
DjDarkmanhy joey^^07:00
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OdyXjoey^^: it don't here, but it is possible, what's your version ?07:01
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joey^^odyx: amarok 1.3.707:02
wedgeVDjDarkman: try to use 'du' to find what files are big07:02
joey^^actually i think it's stopped doing it now07:02
OdyXjoey^^: I'm with 1.4-beta307:02
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OdyXconsider to upgrade - I think there's a version more in Breezy.07:03
DjDarkmanwedgeV: i supposed to have at least 2Gb free07:03
solancan any1 help me set up ushare?07:03
DjDarkmanand if i free up space i have free space for a few minutes and it somehow vanishes07:03
joey^^odyx: i tried but no upgrades available apparently. probably my sources.list07:03
OdyXwoops then.07:04
DjDarkmanand fsck always finds error07:04
wedgeVok, not shure then07:04
wedgeVwhat filesystem are you using?07:04
joey^^DjDarkman: there are ext2/3 utils to fix partitions07:04
joey^^well, file systems i should say07:05
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DjDarkmanjoey^^: what are the names of those utils07:06
joey^^DjDarkman: one is fsck which you already mentioned. doesn't that attempt to fix them?07:06
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DjDarkmanyes joey^^ it fixes some errors but the problem still exists and i think i found it ,theres some file in my home directory that always gets bigger07:08
joey^^DjDarkman: maybe try using some of E2fsprogs07:08
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joey^^e2fsck, mke2fs, debugfs, dumpe2fs, tune2fs etc07:09
wedgeVDjDarkman: what are the files that get bigger07:09
DjDarkmanwedgeV: i`m tring to find it myself but no luck i`ll show u the last line from the du output07:09
DjDarkmanbtw my home is approx 4,7 GB07:10
wedgeVDjDarkman: try "du -sch *" in /home07:10
joey^^DjDarkman: are you using a separate swap partition?07:10
DjDarkmanyes joey^^07:10
wedgeVthen 'cd' to the directory which is large and run the same command07:10
DjDarkman4.1G    .07:10
DjDarkman4.1G    total07:10
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DjDarkmanwedgeV: this is the wierdest thing there supposed to be a big file in my home07:11
DjDarkmanbut there isn`t07:11
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DjDarkmanat least i don`t see it07:11
joey^^DjDarkman: ls -A07:11
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joey^^shows hidden files07:12
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DjDarkmani think i found it07:12
DjDarkman2590280 .xsession-errors07:12
wedgeVthought so07:13
DjDarkmanisn`t this a little big for an erro log file?07:13
wedgeVhad the same problem once07:13
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solananyone in here ever used GMediaServer?07:13
wedgeVtail .xsession-erros07:13
wedgeVtail .xsession-errors07:13
joey^^DjDarkman: ls -lhA will show you file size in readable form07:13
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DjDarkmanwedgeV: w8 i`ll put it on patebin07:14
wedgeVits only 2MB no?07:14
DjDarkmanoups maybe ,but that`s the largest file i got there07:15
inteliwaspcan someone point me to a site to wlak me thorugh installing software not from adept?07:15
DjDarkmanwedgeV: take a look at this http://pastebin.com/66964007:17
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tackath3sp4wn: yes, it's in germany - and my request for help was mostly targeted at people from central europe07:20
=== inteliwasp twidlels thumbs wile waiting for a linux god to finish helping others
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Mgrvlnanyone have kubuntu running on an old machine (like 200 laptop)07:26
=== v3ctor has it on a 500 laptop
Mgrvlnwondering how low of system it will run ok at07:27
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noaXesswhat do i need for my webcam to capture video and pics and use it in kopete?07:33
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solancan anyone help me install mysql++?07:38
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DaSkreechDapper+1 has been named07:39
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jpatrickEdgy Eth07:40
DaSkreechAIGLX hmm07:41
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DaSkreechDid dapper get the one button upgrade?07:42
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tux_yo all07:46
noaXesswhy dow the konqueror browser always want's kate to open some link's?07:47
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tux_hmm mine doesnt07:47
v3ctordoes that for txt files07:48
tux_like what links07:48
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noaXessi go to www.kubuntu.org and click wiki.. and questio, do you wanbt open with kate07:48
jpatricknoaXess: not here07:49
tux_you must have something associated wrong or something, because i just did that and it just opened the link07:50
Tm_Tjpatrick: sounds like file type association problem07:50
jpatrickTm_T: yep07:50
tux_how does he fix it07:50
tux_go into kate?07:51
noaXessaha,, i have it,..07:51
noaXessfile associatino.. kate was the first for html files....07:51
solanv3ctor: could you give me a hand installing mysql?07:52
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ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP07:53
tux_so what age groups are typical ubuntu users, i am curious because i just started using kubuntu like 6 months ago, and it is quite the adventure07:53
Dasnipa`its technically LAMPP they should change that07:53
v3ctorapt-get install mysql-server07:54
jpatricktux_: 14 here07:54
=== tomplast [n=tomas@81-235-228-168-no91.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu
tomplastis there anyone that knows any good graphical hex editor where you can compare two files?07:54
tux_cool....its much better environment, hopefully ppl jump on-board07:55
Dasnipa`tomplast, diff <file1> <file2> > <file>  open up <file> in hex editor07:56
jpatricktux_: I mean 14 years as in age07:56
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noaXesswhere is the popup blocker in konqueror?07:57
solanI'm trying to install mysql++-2.1.1 and I get an error when i ./configure... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1255907:57
tomplastDasnipa`: Thanks for the suggestion but I want something more complete, thanks anyway :). I have got another graphical suggestion anyway. Thanks :)07:57
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joey^^    Option "XkbModel"   "logiaccess"08:00
joey^^    Option "XkbLayout"  "gb"08:00
DaSkreechI wonder if edgy will ship with SVN KDE4 :)08:00
joey^^noaXess: under the javascript section in konqueror settings08:00
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jpatrickDaSkreech: no08:02
jpatrickthat's madness08:03
DaSkreechBut ... it's edgy :)08:03
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dereksDaSkreech: edgy?08:03
=== DaSkreech clarifies
jpatrickdereks: dapper+108:04
v3ctorsolan: apt-get install mysql-client08:04
DaSkreechIf it would ship with the latest stable release of KDE4 even if not complete08:04
dereksjpatrick: ahh thanks08:04
jpatrickDaSkreech: edgy not dodgy08:04
derekshow far along is kde4?08:04
solanv3ctor: it says it's already there and up to date...08:05
DaSkreechjpatrick: Yeah that would be 12 years from now08:05
DaSkreechdereks: Planning stage08:05
dereksthats what i thought08:05
DaSkreechWait 13 years08:05
v3ctorsolan: you need mysql++-2.1.1?08:06
solani'm installing MediaTomb, and it requires either mysql++ or sqlite3... and it recommends mysql++ cuz sqlite3 so slow...08:08
noaXesshow can i check the dependencies of a installed or new package with apt-get?08:08
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dereksnoaXess: apt-cache show [package] 08:09
dereksbut if apt installed it, the dependencies are met08:09
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v3ctoris libmysql++ the same thing?08:10
solandunno m8...08:11
v3ctorapt-get install libmysql++2c2a08:11
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solanit can't fint the package...08:12
jpatrick!info libmysql++2c2a08:12
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v3ctoryou have universe repo?08:13
solanuniverse what....?08:13
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource08:13
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic08:14
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justanotheruserdamn http://pwsp.net/ is ddosed ;(08:17
v3ctormust be going around08:18
v3ctori got ddosed yesterday afternoon08:18
DaSkreechIs there a nice gui way to do a NOPASSWD for kdesu?08:18
xwolf-"Keep password"?08:19
jpatrickxwolf-: impossible with kdese08:19
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DaSkreechWell for Sudo then08:20
DaSkreechIs there a checkbox in the users dialog?08:20
DaSkreechI can edit sudoers but surely there must be an easy KDEway08:22
solando-oh! the sourcelist fucked up...08:25
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solanstill can't find the package...:(08:32
jpatrickin Dapper.08:33
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solangot an error when I tried apt-get libnmysql++2c2a08:35
jpatrickapt-get libmysql++2c2a08:35
solanforgot to past;)08:35
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foobarI'm currently burning a DVD (data), but the avarage speed is only at 2,50x (maximum is 16,0x) - is that normal?08:43
foobarI'm using sony roms and k3b08:44
dries_what speed is your dvd-disc??08:44
solanjpatrick: any idea?08:44
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foobardries_: 1-16x thus seems to be alright08:45
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lwelynHello. A little question: how i switch in kaffein between full screen and not full screen mode ?08:47
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mahlwelyn: Strg-Shift-F?08:48
lwelynaye mah. ty08:48
lwelynund du sack kannst mit auch im de antworten08:48
mahIch wei, aber so siehts aus als knnt ich englisch ;)08:49
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de08:49
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DaSkreech08:50
v3ctorsolan: did you apt-get update after you added the new repos08:50
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solanjupp... or I ran Fetch Updates in adept, but I guess that's the same thing...08:53
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DaSkreechEdgy :-)08:54
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DaSkreechI wonder what F will be be?08:54
v3ctorapt-cache search libmysql08:54
v3ctori am on dapper and the version may be different08:54
SeantaterThe problem, what happens for ubuntu's 26th release? Do we start in greek or something?08:55
SeantaterTraditional or simplified? :-P08:55
DaSkreechthat gives us a 3-5000 release arm strretch08:55
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SeantaterAt 6 months/release, that will only last 2500 years08:56
v3ctorthen what do we do08:56
SeantaterI think we should prefix the version with random 64bit integers to make them unique08:57
DaSkreechThen we can obfuscate everything behind the huge "Make better" big red button08:57
SeantaterI can see it now: "Ubuntu release: 18446744073709551615"08:58
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solanv3ctor: I'v already got libmysqlclient10,12&14 installed...08:58
SeantaterBy then, we will need a "Ubuntu for starships" fork, right08:59
v3ctorsolan: thought we were looking for libmysql++08:59
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solanthat isn't there I'm afraid...08:59
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justanotherusershould the apt-pinning config file in ubuntu be located in the same folder as in debian?09:01
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=== justanotheruser should better in the wiki
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gixthere is a data recovery09:07
gixfor linux?09:07
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Tonio_gix: hard to find, since ext3 removes the ability to recover files.......09:08
Tonio_and to what I know, the best recovery tool for linux partitions runs on ................ windows ;)09:08
ps-the best data recovery tool for linux is called "backup" ^^09:09
vinboygix: : yes there is one09:09
gixmy backup hd09:09
Tonio_gix: with ext3 you can recover but only in cluster analyses mode09:09
vinboybut it runs on windows09:09
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Tonio_gix: and most of those tools are not free at all09:10
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vinboyalthough some have trail09:10
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MatthewJDi'm installing for the first time, i'm dual booting and have 2 unformatted partitions created.09:19
MatthewJDdo i need to make specific partitions to install ?09:19
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saklHow do  I get a larger resolution?09:23
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cigaI've compiled amarok from svn on dapper (kubuntu). I cannot load any mp3s in the playlist. I got '*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08644ee8 ***' and amarok stops working after this. any ide how to fix?09:30
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_steveirewhat's that ghost command to nickserv?09:39
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jessebHello everyone...09:48
jessebI have a little question about Kubuntu.09:48
jpatrickwhich is? :)09:48
DaSkreechIs it just an O Kubuntu?09:48
=== DaSkreech ducks
jessebSorry, I'm trying to type my question quickly. :-)09:49
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jessebI installed by doing a server install of Ubuntu flight 6, then "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop".09:50
jessebEverything works fine, except Adept.09:50
jessebWhen I run it, I get an error saying "Could not open cache"09:50
jessebI can run Synaptic no problem, so I'm not sure what the deal is.09:50
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visik7jesseb: do u run kdesu adept or just adept ?09:51
jessebI am using the Kmenu->System->Adept option, which brings up a kdesu dialog first.09:52
jessebSo, yes, I believe it is kdesu.09:52
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jpatrickjesseb: try updating the system: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade09:53
jessebOkay, I'll do that now. I have done update in the past, but haven't done upgrade.09:53
tylerHow do i make it so that i can't see files ending with ~ in my GUI?09:54
jessebjpatrick: I did what you said, but it still has the same problem.09:56
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jessebThe error dialog says to run apt-setup, but I get a "command not found" message under the terminal. Is there a package I need to install to get that program?09:58
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cigasudo apt-setup maybe?10:04
jessebNope... "command not found" is what I get with that.10:05
inteliwaspcan ony help me with openGL problems that i am having?10:05
jessebIs anyone else here running Flight 6?10:08
OdyXjesseb: I do...10:08
jessebOdyX: Is Adept working for you?10:08
OdyXjesseb: perfectly - little error at start "application octet/stream not found"10:09
jessebOdyX: what does that mean? It isn't installed?10:09
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OdyXjesseb: it's known bug...10:10
jessebHmmm. Any idea when the bug will be fixed?10:10
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djk_does anyone know of a way to convert chm to pdf or ps ?10:11
inteliwaspcan anyone help me with a graphics problem?10:11
jessebinteliwasp: what is the problem?10:11
infulAnybody here who know how I could make a custom .Xmodmap file system-wid?10:12
inteliwaspjesseb: i am trying to run Second Life the linux vrsion, pasebin:  http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/67001210:12
OdyXjesseb: it's non-invasive...10:13
mzinzHow do i make it so that i can't see files ending with ~ in my GUI?10:13
jessebOdyX: okay.10:13
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mzinzMy sound doesn't work in kde but did in gnome.. what can i do10:25
jessebinteliwasp: it looks like there is a problem with your ATI drivers...10:25
jessebinteliwasp: can you run glxinfo and paste the output on pastebin?10:25
inteliwaspjesseb: where do i start to look to fix 'em?10:25
inteliwaspjesseb: ok10:25
inteliwaspjesseb: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/67001210:27
inteliwaspjesseb: on top10:27
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jessebinteliwasp: ok, also, how did you go about getting your system setup for 3d?10:28
jessebinteliwasp: did you install through apt all the ATI drivers?10:29
inteliwaspjesseb: i dont think so...10:29
jessebinteliwasp: in that case, you probably need to do so.10:29
jessebinteliwasp: i'll paste what you need to do on pastebin...10:29
inteliwaspjesseb: no i dident, * remembers wondering why some games did not work*10:29
jessebinteliwasp: that's probably the problem... I hope ;-)10:30
jessebinteliwasp: actually, there's a great howto here: http://wiki.serios.net/wiki/Ubuntu_ATI_proprietary_display_driver_installation_through_APT10:31
jessebinteliwasp: try that and see if it works...10:31
jessebmzinz: are you still there, and if so, has anyone helped you yet?10:34
mzinzjesseb: still waiting :)10:34
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jessebmzinz: let me try to help you out... first, what is your setup? (i.e., sound card, which version of kubuntu, etc.)10:35
mzinzjesseb: sound works, .wav's do, but not other formats it seems.  Its weird because i have the mp3 codecs10:35
mzinzjesseb: How can i find my soundcard through konsole10:35
jessebmzinz: hold on, I don't think its a soundcard issue.10:35
mzinzjesseb: random question, whats a really good audio player for kde?10:35
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jessebmzinz: I use amaroK, and think it's probably the most comprehensive. But there are many other possibilities, like xmms, that are a little more minimal.10:36
mzinzjesseb: mp3's don't work, and streaming audio from di.fm doesn't either, but .wavs do10:36
mzinzjesseb: whats so good about amarok? it seems bulky10:36
ubotuBlissex: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:36
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jessebmzinz: okay. which version of Kubuntu are you using?10:36
ubotuBlissex: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:37
Glin|JolWinamp  5.20 Stopped10:37
ubotump3 is probably a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:37
mzinzjesseb: 3.4.310:37
mzinzjesseb: well.. i just tried to play a wav in xmms and it doesn't work, nothing does in xmms, but when i test my soundcard in system settings i can hear it10:38
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jessebmzinz: yeah, you might need to change your xmms output plugin.10:39
mzinzjesseb: i think you're right10:39
mzinzjesseb: let me try amarok10:39
jessebmzinz: Most likely why you can't play mp3s is because you need some additional kde-specific codec.10:40
mzinzjesseb: can you think of what plugin that *might* be10:41
xwolf-what torrent client would you guys recommend?10:41
robotgeekmzinz, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:42
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mzinzrobotgeek: all up to date10:43
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mzinzok it was just xmms which wasn't working10:44
mzinzthanks guys10:44
jessebmzinz: So is it all working now?10:44
jessebmzinz: Because I can help you get xmms working if you like...10:46
noaXessis it possible or usefull to upgrade kubuntu 5.1 breezy to 6.06 dapper drake fl6?10:46
robotgeeknoaXess: it's possible, useful depends10:46
noaXessrobotgeek: hm... its my pIII 600mhz notebook i use for testing it... i think.. i try :)10:47
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noaXessis mplayer included in dapper drake?10:47
noaXessi want to be able to convert dvr-ms to mpeg video format10:47
jessebnoaXess: it can be if you want to install it.10:47
noaXessdvr-ms is an asf video format10:48
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inteliwaspjesseb: um... i think i killed my x server...10:49
jessebinteliwasp: how so? are you out of X right now?10:49
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inteliwaspjesseb: ya, i did all the things up to the restart, then boom10:50
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inteliwaspjesseb: now i am stuck with a screen size half of my monitor10:50
jessebinteliwasp: hmmm...10:50
inteliwaspjesseb: just my luck...      don't ask...10:51
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jessebinteliwasp: try pressing ctrl-alt-backspace.10:51
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GiGaHuRtZWhat's the version of KDE that comes with kubuntu dapper?10:52
inteliwaspim i did that and that is what coused the problem, now i am in the tty screen10:52
jessebinteliwasp: I see. try typing "sudo kdm"10:52
uniqgigahurtz: currently 3.5.210:52
inteliwaspdone, nothing happened10:53
jessebno messages or anything? well, try typing "startx" and see if anything happens. That at least should show you what the problem is.10:54
inteliwasp"startx" again? or look at the log?10:54
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noaXesswhat means dapper drake: Install in OEM Mode???10:55
jessebyou could paste up your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file on pastebin...10:55
inteliwaspno luck, know how to copy in tty?10:55
jesseboh yeah... :-0 forgot you were in the terminal.10:56
inteliwaspi do have lynks10:56
inteliwaspbut i have no idea how to copy and paste in term10:56
jessebexactly... and links doesn't have copy/paste either.10:57
inteliwasp... what is the comand to activate the mouse in term?10:57
jessebwhat are you using for irc?10:57
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inteliwaspfor irc i am using krisi i think10:58
inteliwaspgpm not found10:58
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jessebyou might need to apt-get install gpm first.10:58
inteliwasp1 sec10:58
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NoUsenoaXess it means when you boot it up for the first time after installing it will ask for things like username, password, its meant for people who want to sell PCs with Ubuntu pre-loaded10:59
bimberi!info kdelibs dapper11:00
ubotukdelibs: (core libraries from the official KDE release), section kde, is optional. Version: 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 33 kB, Installed size: 88 kB11:00
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bimberiGiGaHuRtZ: ^^^^^ (3.5.2)11:00
noaXessNoUse: aha.. okey.. :) nice..11:01
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jessebinteliwasp: try doing a "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" and see what the error message is if any.11:01
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noaXessi'm on kubuntu 5.1 breezy, if i run kopete and want configure it, it crashes.. :(11:04
apache2I just now installed kubuntu and I get a "The APT Database could not be opened!" error when running adept11:04
apache2and it won't start........... anyone know what to do?11:04
jessebapache2: same here...11:04
noaXesskopete 0.11.1 kde 3.5.211:04
inteliwaspjesseb: i got it up, it is inteliwasp211:04
jessebapache2: I couldn't figure out what to do.11:04
jessebinteliwasp: okay11:05
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apache2jesseb: man that sucks, because I just installed kubuntu over my ubuntu install hoping adept would work11:05
noaXessany idea?11:05
inteliwaspjesseb: it may be a bit big...11:05
noaXessapache2: is there any other instance of apt-get running in the background?11:06
jessebapache2: you can use synaptic, but it is nice to have adept11:06
noaXessps ax | grep apt-get11:06
apache2noaXess: no........11:06
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apache2jesseb: so you think it is just a flight 6 alpha bug or what?11:06
jessebapache2: that's my guess. someone should probably file a bug.11:07
jessebinteliwasp: I don't see it. Are you sure you pasted it?11:07
inteliwasplet me check11:07
apache2also, how can I disable "install from CD" in kubuntu?11:08
noaXessapache2: in adept, right click on the source and disable it..11:08
noaXessor in /etc/apt/sources.list11:08
apache2noaXess: I can't start adept :P11:08
apache2alright I'll look at that11:08
noaXessapache2: sorry.. ;) comment out it in /etc/ept/sources.list11:09
noaXesssomebody of you use kopete to? mine crashes if i want configure it.. :(11:09
inteliwaspnow try it11:10
jessebnoaXess: I use Kopete, it only crashes if I hit the "Devices" configuration ;-)11:10
noaXessi have kopete 0.11.1 kde 3.5.211:10
jessebinteliwasp: I see it now...11:10
=== inteliwasp plugs ears
apache2noaXess: mine crashes when I click on "devices"11:11
noaXessjesseb: ?? you mean plugins?11:11
inteliwaspjesseb: it may be a bit.... big...11:11
noaXessi don't have devices.. ?!11:12
noaXesswhere, in which menu should that be?11:12
jessebnoaXess: plugins? I don't have plugins configuration. I probably have a newer version.11:12
jessebinteliwasp: I see what the problem is... can you post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?11:12
noaXessjesseb: i have that one from kde 3.5.211:12
jessebnoaXess: same here... have you updated everything?11:12
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noaXessjesseb: what you mean everything.. i have made apt-get update then apt-get upgrade, nothing to do..11:13
jessebnoaXess: okay. And when exactly does Kopete crash? When you click Settings->Configure Plugins?11:14
inteliwaspjesseb: up11:14
noaXessjesseb: no when i click settings -> configure...11:14
jessebinteliwasp: okay, just a sec.11:14
jessebnoaXess: right when you click configure?11:14
noaXessjesseb: jep11:15
noaXesscrashes with signal 11, SIGSEGV11:15
jessebnoaXess: I'm afraid that's beyond me.11:15
jessebnoaXess: mine (0.11.1) doesn't have a problem until I click devices under configure.11:16
inteliwaspjesseb: i'll be right back, i need to move to another room, be back in 511:16
jessebnoaXess: are you running Flight 6?11:17
noaXessjesseb: i have some backtrace info.. http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/67015011:18
noaXessjesseb: no breezy 5.111:18
jessebnoaXess: Well, my best suggestion is to file a bug, because I'm clueless :-\11:19
jessebnoaXess: I'm certainly no programmer, so I can't make much from the backtrace.11:19
noaXessjesseb: yea.. but any other :)11:20
noaXessjesseb: have you any submenu in kopete under settings -> configure? or any dialog for this "devices"?11:23
jessebnoaXess: The devices section is under settings->configure, and isn't a submenu. It is part of the configure dialog, which opens fine for me...11:24
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inteliwaspjesseb: back11:25
jessebinteliwasp: okay, I looked through your xorg.conf and I think I might know what the problem is.11:25
inteliwaspjesseb: oh do tell11:25
jessebinteliwasp: can you post up the results of "dmesg"?11:25
inteliwaspyes give me a min11:26
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inteliwaspjesseb: done11:28
jessebinteliwasp: okay, give me a sec11:28
jessebinteliwasp: I also could use the results of "lspci" if you can get that...11:30
jessebinteliwasp: I'm afraid Dmesg gave me the Aperture location, rather than the video card bus location...11:30
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jessebinteliwasp: okay, everything *looks* okay, but obviously you don't have X working... try running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg priority=medium"11:35
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jessebinteliwasp: this should hopefully reconfigure X correctly11:35
jessebinteliwasp: also, make sure you select "fglrx" for driver, and leave the bus ID blank11:36
jessebinteliwasp: now try "startx" again.11:37
=== Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
inteliwaspjesseb: any xorg moduls to add?11:38
jessebinteliwasp: not that I know of. is it still not working?11:38
inteliwaspstill working on config11:38
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inteliwaspjesseb: failed, IO error 10411:41
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inteliwaspjesseb: maybe i have some bad drivers...11:42
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jessebinteliwasp: try "sudo startx"11:42
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jessebinteliwasp: at least it isn't "no screens found" eh? ;-)11:44
inteliwaspoh i have that11:44
inteliwaspi forgot about that11:44
jessebinteliwasp: still that too? Well, worst case scenario you can use your old Xorg.conf... you aren't totally without X yet.11:46
inteliwaspi guess i'll just revert11:46
jessebinteliwasp: I'm really not exactly sure where to go from here, so if you just want to get some form of X back (regardless of 3d acceleration) then I can help you out...11:46
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inteliwaspif i can go back to what i had before is just fine11:47
jessebOkay, then run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select ATI as driver... that should hopefully get you back. Otherwise you can always copy over your old config, which is named something like xorg.conf.20060419144129.11:48
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Mars^Hi i need to connect my ipod to kubuntu using amaroK, but i dont know how to do it. Can you help me?11:49
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inteliwaspwell the ati drivers work..11:52
jessebMars^: Try checking out this howto: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-26422.html11:53
jessebMars^: It should be similar for your iPod.11:53
noaXesshow can i give a shortcut to my home folder or diffrent other directory?11:55
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jessebinteliwasp: if you want to pursue this further, I might suggest posting your problem up on the Ubuntu forums...11:55
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inteliwaspok, but now my text font is way too big11:56
jessebdid you select the right resolution?11:56
inteliwaspi think so, it's just the text11:56
jessebthe text in which program?11:56
inteliwasptitle bar this text i am writing, the kicker bar11:57
jessebdid you do dpkg-reconfigure or use the backed up config?11:57
jessebMaybe try your old backup config and see if that helps11:57
inteliwasprename everythng to revery?11:57
jessebjust go to /etc/X11 in a terminal, do "ls" to find out what the config is called, then "sudo cp CONFIG_NAME xorg.conf"11:58
jessebthat should revert your config to the old one.11:58
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inteliwaspok done, do ctl- alt- bksp?12:00
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inteliwaspjesseb: well the text is still big...12:03
jessebinteliwasp: shoot... LOL it sure has been a fun experience for you, huh?12:03

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