
torthomdke: both ways? and if so... how often?12:06
mdketortho, not sure, monthly is the aim, I believe12:07
torthomdke: is it a way to force it?12:07
mdkedapper->rosetta is done all the time, rosetta->dapper is monthly, or similar12:07
mdketortho, you could file a bug on the package and attach the translation, I suppose. But best thing is to be patient12:07
torthoThere is packages in Dapper that is weeks old wich is not transfered... It is too bad if it gets translated both places....12:08
mdketortho, you can mail the launchpad-users mailing list, and someone will tell you what's going on12:11
torthomdke: I will, Thanks!12:11
Seveaskiko, weird: seems to work now after editing the subscriptions again12:14
kikoSeveas, go figure :-/12:15
Seveaskiko, I think you should test this more often: merge test accounts the wrong way around and see what goes wrong :) 12:15
kikounfortunately I have other more pressing problems to tend to!12:15
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mdkekiko, yay, thanks for your bug magic12:29
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mdkekiko, I know it's dangerous to start assuming that you do bug magic "on request", https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/4646 is a pretty big translation blocker for documentation (which has a lot of long strings) since it started applying to gecko browsers too01:19
UbugtuMalone bug 4646 in rosetta "Multi-line suggestions cause over-wide translation pages" [Critical,Confirmed]  01:19
mdkeoh hang on01:19
=== mdke looks at severity, realises bug magic is already going down
mdkesorry for noise *slinks off*01:20
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jameshlifeless: the merge I submitted yesterday still seems to be top of the queue.  Does a reconcile really take that long?04:19
lifelessI've broken in with gdb04:19
lifelessit seems to be working04:19
ruffneckghb? ;P04:23
ruffneckhacking? ;P04:23
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lifelessjamesh: its doing a pathological reconcile: its reweaving *every file*05:08
lifelessjamesh: something has been done to your branch to make it disagree on parents 05:08
lifelessI can nuke the job05:08
lifelessbut you can't resubmit the branch if I do that, it will *still* take forever and aday05:09
lifelessuntil we switch to knits05:09
jameshlifeless: is there anything I can do to fix the problem in my branch?05:11
lifelessjamesh: unlikely. You'd need to identify the differing parents and uncommit and purge and then recreate from there forwards05:12
jameshdo we know how far through the merge is?05:13
jamesh(or commit, or whatever)05:13
lifelessApr 19 00:54:31 pqm [46912504432336]  INFO: commited 'BzrBranch(u'/home/pqm/arch/queue/workdir/home/---devel/launchpad/')' to 'BzrBranch(u'/home/pqm/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel/')'05:14
lifelessthat was 4 hours back05:15
lifelessso its pushing to chinstrap at the moment05:15
lifelessand doing the same thing to chinstrap05:15
jameshso how long is this likely to take?05:17
lifelesssame again05:20
lifelesshang on I'll do a more precise estimate05:20
lifelessand its going to propogate to each user too :p05:20
lifelessApr 18 15:42:3205:22
lifelessmerge started05:22
lifeless2500 it finished05:22
lifelessso 6-7 hours to go05:22
lifelesscant stop it either05:23
lifelessif we do, it'll just do it again when the next job tries to push05:23
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:lifeless] : PQM busy DO NOT KILL | https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 20 April, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
jameshI put all my old branches into my repository.  Is it possible that rocketfuel was missing information about some of them?05:24
lifelessthis is something I was waiting for knits to do05:25
lifelessbecause they are much more capable at reconciling differing-parent-lists05:25
lifelessso I hope that noone else does this05:26
stubCan we recreate the branch 'normally' by generating a diff and applying it?05:38
stubAnd merge in the new branch?05:38
stublifeless: Does 'propogate to each user' mean once this lands, my next pull/merge is going to take over two days?05:39
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stubIf so, we need to reverse this before it finishes landing on chinstrap as it will cost us over a man-month of time.05:42
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lifelessstub: it will take 10 hours 05:46
lifelessstub: its in the archive on balleny.05:46
lifelessstub: very untrivial to cleanly get back where we were05:47
stubbzr pull --overwrite chinstrap:/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel ? Or rsync ?05:48
stubIf it takes 10 hours on balleny, it will take well over a day on a developers laptop I expect.05:48
lifelessstub: balleny is the authoritative archive. not chinstrap05:49
stub9 (10?) developers with multiple branches each needing to be updated, with each incurring a half day or more unproductive period is a lot of dollars05:50
stubIf we can't restore from chinstrap, we need to restore from backup05:50
lifelessthey can run it overnight05:51
lifelessdevelopers often go for more than a day without merging05:52
stubWe lost a shit load of time last time something similar happened.05:52
stubEven with people trying to run merges overnight05:52
lifelessif we are willing to lose all commits done since the last backup, then yes we can restore from backup05:52
stubI assume bzr uncommit won't cut the mustard?05:53
lifelessthis is internal database records05:53
lifelesswe have a 'version' in a 'versionedfile' which has a list of parents05:53
lifelessin a weave, the data representation in the weave depends on that list05:53
stubWhy isn't chinstrap authorative? It is gpg signed, isn't it?05:53
lifelesswhen a ghost is filled out, that list expands05:53
lifelessstub: calculating and checking every revision will still take hours05:54
lifelessstub: I think its better to let this finish. 05:54
lifelessstub: if you are adamant that we dont, then I'll stop it now, wake up znarl and get a restore done.05:55
lifelessnote that we *have to restore chinstrap too*05:55
stubI really disagree. I'll be losing two days to this personally.05:55
lifelessbecause the files already updated on chinstrap are already tainted05:55
lifelessfrankly though, I'd much rather be getting knits released so that we can update pqm to use them05:57
stubrocketfuel-built contains an untainted branch05:58
lifelessno, it doesn't05:58
lifelesscron runs every 30 minutes05:58
stubballeny:production/launchpad contains an untainted branch as of r347505:59
lifelessstub: thats 6 commits missing05:59
stubYes. So maybe 9 hours of balleny time to replay the pqm requests?06:00
stubI guess that will screw anyone who has merged since then :-(06:00
lifelessyou are going to hate the conversion to knits06:01
lifelessits the same amount of work06:01
stubIf it is non optional we have to put up with it. Scheduling the switch for a weekend would be good.06:02
lifelessI have to leave here in 2 hours06:02
lifelessso if we are going to stop and rollback say so -now-06:02
lifelessmy vote is 'no'.06:02
stubok. We don't know when the backups are from, and it will still cause grief to people who have merged from rocketfuel between the backup and now. So I'll go along with it.06:04
stubAre you sure rocketfuel-built is tainted, which would mean the checkout is using a half complete merge to build from?06:05
lifelessits highly likely that its pulled data in06:06
lifelessat the revision level this stuff is atomic06:06
lifelessbut the database stores a pile of data that is used to generate revisions06:06
stubSo if I try to merge from rocketfuel-built right now, it should take a hideous amount of time.06:07
lifelessif it touches a tainted file it will06:07
lifelessotherwise it will lay in wait like a time bomb06:07
lifelessjamesh: if it isn't clear, please dont merge any other old branches for now!06:08
jameshlifeless: crystal clear06:08
=== stub wonders if the backups would have been useful anyway
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stubIf the backup was made in the last 10 or so hours, it would be tainted. So unless we maintain a few days worth of snapshots...06:11
stubDo you know if we have a few days worth of snapshots being backed up, or just one? The backups have been a black-box to me.06:12
lifelesssame to me06:12
stubI guess worst case we can push from developers laptops ;)06:13
=== stub emails elmo for clarification
mpoolstub/lifeless: what's happened?06:18
jameshmpool: I converted a bunch of my LP branches into a single shared repository (metadir format).  It triggered a long reconcile on merging one of the branches in the repo to rocketfuel06:20
stubAnd I was trying to see if we had a way of reverting the merge in order to not lose other developers time - possibly days per lp developer.06:21
stub(took 10 hours on balleny, so increase that for a laptop and multiply by however many branches need to be merged)06:22
stubbecause  the push to chinstrap has started, we don't have an untainted copy of launchpad-just-before-the-merge to restore from, and recovering from backup would cause other problems with needing to replay patches and fix developers branches that have been merged since the backup was made.06:25
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mpt_elmo, because making it easy to reply to individual comments would encourage the discussion to go offtopic, increasing noise and making the bugtracker less usable overall07:38
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mpt_(I watched this happen on bugzilla.mozilla.org)07:46
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Pull in rosettaadmin database user and permissions from Carlos' branch so it can be merged into the production branch (r3482: Stuart Bishop)08:28
mptstub, what's the current hard timeout threshold?08:44
stubmpt: 25 seconds, but I understand that it is currently broken in production (a patch for it is with pqm I think)08:45
mptstub, so it's unlimited at the moment?08:46
stubI really don't know. Probably.08:46
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carloshi, who is on charge of supermirror?08:53
carlosstub: could you check if the poimport cron script is being executed atm? seems like it's locked or not executed since some days ago...08:55
mdkecarlos, jblack, isn't he?09:14
carlosmdke: well, I'm talking about its development, I think jblack is not doing that, but I'm not sure, that's why I'm asking :-D09:14
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mdkecarlos, ah, well he'd know, anyway09:26
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=stevea]  fix bug 39426, add a set_request_started() call so that we know when the requested started. (r3483: Bjorn Tillenius)09:32
stubcarlos: could be because the OOo deletions are happening atm.09:34
stubcarlos: The script is running right now, but doesn't seem particularly active. You want I should kill it or leave it sitting there until the OOo deletions have completed to see if it is just blocked.09:40
carlosstub: well, 09:40
carlosI haven't seen an import since last Thursday...09:40
carlospleae, kill it09:40
torthocarlos: I'm just watching and is a little curious, sorry for bothering, but this PO thing does it have any connection with my mail to the lauchpad-user list about translation not synched between dapper & main?09:42
carlostortho: not really, I guess you talk about language packs updates, we do it once per month, well, that's the plan but sometimes we do it earlier and sometimes it takes more time09:45
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torthocarlos: Ok, thanks, is there some way for me to force it?09:45
torthocarlos: and i guess thats both ways..09:46
carlostortho: no, you cannot force it, it depends on a new language pack generation, like any other .deb upload, must be done by an Ubuntu developer09:48
carlostortho: what do you mean by both ways?09:48
torthoFrom Dapper -> Main and from Main->Dapper09:49
carlosIf I understand correctly what you mean by Dapper -> main (main being Rosetta...) it's done automatically when a new package is published in Ubuntu's archive09:51
carlostortho: Main -> Dapper is done monthly (or should be done) with language packs09:52
torthocarlos: OK, to clarify. It is OK for me to translate on the Dapper packages here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+lang/nb The strings i translate will go into the packages here later https://launchpad.net/rosetta ? The reason why i ask, is that i have translated almost a whole package in Dapper, and in Rosetta, it shows 0% (SchoolBell)09:55
carlosstub: did you killed the script? I didn't get any email with the output of what it executed...09:56
stubcarlos: I'll kill it now09:57
carlosstub: ok, thanks09:57
carlosstub: btw, how long has been running the fixing of OO already?09:57
carlostortho: no, those are two different things, the 'packages' you see at  https://launchpad.net/rosetta are usually products from upstream, your translations on Ubuntu will appear there as suggestions09:57
carlostortho: we are going to implement a UI that will allow you to 'accept' a translation for both, Ubuntu and upstream if you have the needed rights09:58
carlostortho: the faster way to do that now is to download a .po file with your translations and upload it into that upstream product09:58
torthoArghhhh, I asked about it in here earlyer to another guy, and he explaned a little different..... I thought about it, and went to Rosetta to have a look... Ahh Nice, that was my next question :-)09:59
torthocarlos: that would be similar to msgmerge, and won't hurt anything, even if it is half translated :-)10:00
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marthi, how can I remove a link with an upstream bug in malone?10:02
carlostortho: what did he said?10:04
carlostortho: right, a new .po upload works more or less like msgmerge10:04
torthocarlos: That it was exchanged both way, it was no problem. It is almost double work to translate the packages in Dapper then again cut & paste in Rosetta later.... Thanks for you help!10:06
carlostortho: well, it's exchanged10:06
carlosbut not used automatically10:06
carlosyou will get the translations as suggestions10:07
carloswithout doing anything10:07
carlosbut you need to 'approve' them in the other place10:07
torthoyes, better to do a upload then :-) If it takes +- a month to get them in.10:07
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carlostortho: no, you misunderstood me10:12
carlostortho: we don't sync automatically from Dapper and upstream ever10:13
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: r=bjornt Fix https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/39331(Malone search text field needs input validation) (r3484: Diogo Matsubara)10:13
carlostortho: I was talking about language packs in Ubuntu10:13
mdketortho, the products you see on launchpad.net/rosetta have nothing to do with Ubuntu.10:13
mdkethose are upstream products, and are not synched with Ubuntu10:14
mdkewhat carlos was saying is that translations are taken from the Ubuntu section of rosetta, and put into the distribution, once a month10:15
carlosstub: still no mail from gagontri.... is there any problem with its mail?10:15
torthomdke: I know that, but they will in the next release (After Dapper)10:15
mdketortho, not necessarily.10:15
torthomdke: If a new release of the package is released ofcourse. (Right?)10:16
mdkeright. But bear in mind that not all packages use rosetta to manage their upstream translation10:16
torthoI'm just trying to get a grip on how these things are connected together.. as I haven't found any explanations on it around.10:17
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torthomdke: Yes, i know, there is only a handfull of the ones in Rosetta in the default ubuntu install10:17
mdkeno, I mean lots of upstream projects don't use rosetta at all for translating.10:18
uwsThank god they don't ;)10:19
carlosmdke: we are planning to cleanup those projects from Rosetta10:19
mdkecarlos, that would be good. you saw my bug about abiword?10:19
carlosnot yet, sorry10:20
uwscarlos: You are planning to remove non-rosetta modules from rosetta/10:20
mdkecarlos, it seems abiword is there, and people are contributing, but upstream don't use rosetta?10:20
carlosbut I think Jordi is already mailing them to know if we should or not remove it10:20
uwscarlos: What about ubuntu-specific string changes for, say, gnome modules?10:20
carlosuws: we are planning to remove any product imported into Rosetta that their product maintainers are not caring about Rosetta10:20
carlosuws: the Ubuntu packages will remain 10:21
carlosuws: those are two different things10:21
uwscarlos: So which ones will be removed then?10:21
mdkeuws, you're clear on the distinction between upstream and distros in launchpad?10:21
carlosuws: the ones that are part of the /products/ tree (not all of them, only some of them)10:21
torthoBut what would you guys reccomend me to do... Only translate Dapper? Will it Reach other distros using that package as well if i do it?10:21
mdketortho, no, it won't.10:22
carlostortho: no, we recomend that you talk with upstream to send your updates from dapper to get your work reused10:22
torthocarlos: OK, thanks I'll go for Dapper then :-)10:23
mdketortho, if you see https://launchpad.net/products/schooltool/+translations it says that Schooltool doesn't use rosetta for translations, so you should talk directly to upstream about translating for all distros10:23
mdkeall those translations you see on that page are not used at all, if I've understood properly :/10:24
torthomdke: Yes, i've seen it some places that they didn't use Rosetta. Why i asked was that i thought the ones that used Rosetta was automatically synched with Dapper ones. Thanks.10:25
mdkeah, so you're clear that the answer to that is no, now :)10:25
mdkeyou could download the po file from the dapper section, and upload it to the upstream section, that will merge the translations automatically10:26
torthomdke: Absolutely:-) Is it an idea for me then to walk around the Rosetta for the packages that don't use it, and collect the work of other on Norwegians, and send it upstream maby...?10:27
mdketortho, that depends on the quality of the translations, I suppose, you can decide :)10:27
torthomdke: yeah the quality might be both + & - but it is too bad with the wasted work..10:28
mdkethose products that don't use rosetta really should be locked down for translation10:30
mptThere's a "Foo uses Rosetta" checkbox10:30
mptif there's a large chunk of things which say "Uses Rosetta" and shouldn't, report a bug10:31
mptor if there's something which is in "Doesn't use Rosetta" state but you can still translate, that's a bug too10:31
torthoIt doesn't help when Shuttleworth's own schooltool & schoolbell tells on there pages that they use rosetta...  http://www.schooltool.org/bounties10:32
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carlosmdke: well, they are supposed to use Rosetta10:34
mdkempt, there are lots of those ("doesn't use rosetta" but are open for translation)10:35
carlosbut Jordi is the person that handles that, he should know better which projects use or not Rosetta10:35
mdkecarlos, well, there's a bug somewhere :D either it's wrong that they don't use rosetta, or it's wrong that they are open for translation10:35
torthoIt is quite critical if it is the other way around as well... Tells that it uses Rosetta but doesn't (I'm not saying that it does but COULD) Then some thousand strings in different lanuages goes to waste.... That would not be a pluss for Rosetta.10:37
mdketortho, we'll file as many bugs as we can, and let jordi handle it10:37
mdketortho, like this: bug #4011710:40
UbugtuMalone bug 40117 in rosetta "products/schooltool says that it doesn't use rosetta, but is open for translation" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4011710:40
carlosmdke: thanks for filing such bugs10:41
mdkecarlos, can I assign them directly to jordi?10:41
carlosmdke: please, assign them to Jordi10:41
carlosyes :-D10:41
mdkei'll assign him the abiword bug too10:42
tortho:-) You where 2 seconds quicker than me :-) I was about to click the send button when Gaim warned about a message :-)10:42
UbugtuError: I tried to send you an empty message.10:42
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=spiv]  Improved the way we guess where we should import .po files for KDE (r3485: Carlos Perello Marin)11:12
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mptAnyone: What is the benefit of telling Launchpad that a given product series is packaged with a given name in a given distribution?11:21
lifelessmpt: it lets branches for the product be merged into the packge in the distribution11:21
lifelessmpt: it lets 'file upstream' in a distribution know where to put the upstream tasks11:22
carlosmpt: it also affects Rosetta11:28
carlosmpt: we show to the user the translation resources for that product in our distributions11:29
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mptthanks lifeless and carlos 11:31
mptI'll summarize that on the form11:33
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stubcarlos: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/private/launchpad-error-reports/Week-of-Mon-20060417/025741.html11:36
seb128by speaking with a bug submitter I just understand why often bugs have a note like11:37
seb128"Note: the original reporter indicated the bug was in package 'hal'; however, that package was not published in Baltix."11:37
stubcarlos: might need to check your topic subscriptions (and if correct, see if the regexp for the topic is still valid)11:37
carlosstub: I'm not using topics, I should get everything11:37
seb128could https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/+package default on Ubuntu? or on no-choice?11:37
carlosIn fact, I just got them11:37
carlosstub: but nothing from 6:28 UTC until 9:20 UTC11:38
carlosthat's why I asked11:39
carlosstub: btw, is there a way to fix the supermirror script?11:40
carlosit has been failing since yesterday11:40
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SteveAlifeless: launchpad/.bzr/inventory.backup.weave  <--- should i be rsyncing this file from rf-built ?01:25
SteveAit is large and taking a while01:26
Kinnisonalso as a comment, the launchpad .bzr seems to have a large number of what I would imagine are redundant basis inventories each of which are a meg or so01:26
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jordiyeah, right not it's not too easy to know which projects are officially using rosetta or not, and are up for translation. I need to check one by one, because the "Uses Rosetta" flag is being missused I'm afraid02:01
mptjordi, misused how?02:01
jordiproducts join rosetta officially and don't activate it, or some projects registered in the beginnings of rosetta which aren't official and did activate it02:02
Kamping_Kaiserdoes anyone else find the '+subscribedbugs' list containing filed bugs anoying, or is it just me?02:04
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SteveAbradb: hello02:11
bradbSteveA: hi02:12
mptjordi, if products don't check the box, it should be *impossible* to use Rosetta to translate them02:12
SteveAbradb: what time is it in montreal now?02:12
mptif it isn't, report a bug02:12
bradbSteveA: 8:20 AM02:13
SteveAbradb: thanks.  a little early for me to be cold-calling people in montreal then :-)02:13
=== bradb notes his clock is fast on his Ubuntu machine
=== carlos -> lunch
carlossee you later02:16
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cprovmorning, hackers 02:23
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mpt"? 2005 Canonical Ltd, and made available under the Creative Commons share-alike licence."02:42
mptwhoa, when did that happen?02:42
SteveAmpt: on the wiki?02:44
mptSteveA, I guess it happened in 2005 :-)02:47
mptbut this is the first time I've seen it02:47
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ploumI want to report a bug about the spec tracker03:19
ploumis the name of the product  "blueprint" ?03:19
mptploum, yes, but not in Launchpad yet03:21
ploummpt: indeed, it told me that03:21
mptSo report it in "launchpad" for now03:21
ploumthank you03:21
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mptoh, ploum, it is in Launchpad03:34
ploummpt: it's not what launchpad was telling me03:35
ploumI've reported it here  : https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/4016203:35
UbugtuMalone bug 40162 in launchpad "blueprint is not using malone as his default bugtracker" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  03:35
mptoooh really03:35
SteveAbug 4016203:37
UbugtuMalone bug 40162 in launchpad "blueprint is not using malone as his default bugtracker" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4016203:37
SteveAthanks ploum 03:37
mptThis is where I wish Malone had a mass-changing function 03:38
mptso I could go through the launchpad bug list and flick all the Blueprint bugs into blueprint03:38
ploummpt: malone has it !03:38
ploumit's called : "bugsquad team"03:39
ploum(was joking, not funny, I tried)03:39
ploum(sorry for reporting the bug, I didn't know it was so easy to add blueprint to malone)03:40
erdalronahi__hi all,03:41
erdalronahi__is registering at launchpad disabled at the moment?03:42
erdalronahi__A member of our team has been trying for hours now03:42
salgadoerdalronahi__, did he tell you what exactly is going on?03:44
erdalronahi__He tried to sign up, but no mail comes to his adress03:45
salgadoit might be that the email is being caught in a spam filter somewhere03:47
SteveAsalgado: is kiko around?03:47
salgadoerdalronahi__, I just tried registering with an old email address and I got the email with the instructions and the link03:48
SteveAerdalronahi__: is the person in question using "greylisting" ?03:48
erdalronahi__I'll ask03:48
salgadoSteveA, no, he's not here yet03:48
SteveAif so, this can cause all sorts of problems03:48
erdalronahi__but it's a normal hotmail account03:48
SteveAthat's interesting03:48
ploumerdalronahi__: hotmail blacklist a lot (I mean *a lot*) of server03:49
ploumpeople using hotmail are more and more in a closed circuit03:49
ploumI can send him a gmail invitation if you want ;-)03:50
erdalronahi__I can too03:56
erdalronahi__what do you mean by closed circuit03:56
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bradbcprov: do source packages have descriptions, or do only BPs have descriptions?03:59
Kinnisononly BPs03:59
KinnisonSince typically people want to search for something to use, not something to build04:00
bradbyeah, was just thinking about the bug reporting package search UI04:00
bradbright now it just redundantly repeats the bpn or spn as the "descripition" in the popup search window04:01
bradbdescription, even04:01
erdalone question, if I look for a product to translate, Rosetta often recommends to translate the Hoary package04:01
erdalWhy not the Breezy or the Dapper package?04:01
mptcprov, has bug 3952 been fixed?04:06
UbugtuMalone bug 3952 in launchpad "Typo in Ubuntu Code of Conduct 1.0" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/395204:06
radixIs there any plan on offering Ubugtu in arbitrary IRC channels? ;)04:07
cprovmpt: I didn't work on it latelly, reassigned to salgado04:07
cprovmpt: I guess nobody changed the 1.0 version yet, they uploaded a new version.04:08
salgadoI've never worked with CoC, and I won't have time for it in the near future. so I guess I'm not the best option04:08
cprovsalgado: maybe matsubara, time is my excuse too04:10
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mdzcprov: have you done tests on mawson or elsewhere for the changes we'll need to make when we release dapper?04:12
mdzcprov: e.g., closing dapper for uploads, creating edgy, uploading to edgy?04:12
cprovmdz: no yet04:13
mdzcprov: how can we ensure that that happens soon?04:13
cprovmdz: file a critical bug on soyuz, I'll try to handle this until the end of this week04:14
cprovmdz: actually, it's a very nice idea to do it ASAP04:15
mptcprov, I thought uploading a new version was the way of fixing that bug04:15
mptyou can't just change the 1.0 version, because that would render everyone's signatures invalid04:16
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mdzcprov: ok, I will do so04:16
cprovmpt: exactly04:16
cprovmdz: very nice !04:17
salgadoSteveA, around?04:19
SteveAsalgado: hi04:19
salgadoSteveA, hey! some time ago you merged a fix to make sure we remove empty strings from redirection_url and you said in the commit message: "pending proper rearchitecting of login tokens and redirecting to other sites such as shipit."04:20
cprovmpt: so I guess we could comment and fix that bug 04:20
salgadoSteveA, would you like to talk about that? I think I can do that as part of this work I'm doing on shipit04:21
mdzcprov: bug #4017104:21
UbugtuMalone bug 40171 in launchpad-publisher "Acceptance testing for Dapper release, Edgy branching" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4017104:21
salgado(I'll have to do some changes on it anyway)04:21
SteveAsalgado: we'd need to look at the issues and talk in some detail04:22
SteveAi don't have time for that today04:22
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salgadoSteveA, no worries. just ping me when you have some time04:23
=== mpt misses timeout errors
=== mpt misses sleep even more
=== sidnei [n=sidnei@plone/dreamcatcher] has joined #launchpad
sidneihello, how do i register a external bugzilla in malone? can't find it04:34
bradbsidnei: It requires first having a project to which you want to link it.04:37
sidneibtw, the search label on the projects page reads 'Search products'04:38
sidneiok, now i have a project, i still don't see it :)04:43
sidneido i need to add a product to the project?04:45
bradbsidnei: From the project's homepage, /projects/$project.name, use the "Add a bug tracker..." link on the left-hand side04:46
sidneioh, silly me04:46
sidneididn't spot that04:46
bradbbug 35728, incidentally :)04:47
UbugtuMalone bug 35728 in malone "Registering a bug tracker is prohibitively difficult" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3572804:47
sidneican you link https://launchpad.net/products/kiwi with https://launchpad.net/projects/async for me?04:48
bradbbug 37559 :/04:50
UbugtuMalone bug 37559 in launchpad "Can't link an existing product to a project" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3755904:50
sidneiis the source to malone available? maybe i should start submitting patches there too :)04:51
bradbkiko: Maybe this bug should be a priority?04:51
bradbsidnei: Not atm, unfortunately.04:51
matsubarasidnei: I think you can link the product to a project thru here: https://launchpad.net/products/kiwi/+edit 04:53
sidneiunfortunately i'm not the owner there, but maybe kiko cares enough to do it for me :)04:54
bradbah, right, looks like whoever fixed it didn't close the bug report04:55
mpteh, I fixed that bug ages ago04:55
cprovmatsubara: can you assume bug 1461 ?04:56
=== mpt wonders what happened to the fix
bradbmpt: it looks like it works, i just didn't think it was fixed because the bug is still open04:56
mptbradb, I'm talking about the bug where /projects says "Search Products"04:57
mptah, found it04:57
mptsabdfl introduced the bug in r347204:57
mptso I'll get to it when I wake up and finish reviewing that landing04:58
matsubaracprov: I think so. is it high priority?04:58
cprovmatsubara: no, it's not, medium maybe, ponder it with kiko if you have time04:59
matsubaracprov: ok, assign it to me then.05:00
cprovmatsubara: good, done05:01
matsubarabradb: bug 113205:02
UbugtuMalone bug 1132 in launchpad "no obvious way to link an extant product to a new project" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/113205:02
matsubarampt: did you notice that the https://launchpad.net/projects/launchpad/+newbugtracker has a double heading?05:03
bradboh, then i guess i'll dupe bug 3755905:04
UbugtuMalone bug 37559 in launchpad "Can't link an existing product to a project" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3755905:04
kikomatsubara, is it easy to fix? just fix it rs=kiko if so05:05
kikosidnei, done05:20
kikogood work BjornT 05:23
mptmatsubara, no, but I did notice we now have product-add.pt and product-new.pt05:23
kikoyes, mark created these templates in the landing I reviewed05:23
mptkiko, are you subscribed to launchpad-reviews?05:24
kikoI am, yes05:24
mptok, so you'll get a copy of my re-review :-)05:25
elmook, Canonical data centre is dropping off the net for approx. 10 minutes.  This will drop *.ubuntu.com (and kubuntu, edubuntu, etc.), launchpad.net, of the net for that time05:28
kikobradb, first impression, I don't think I care very much if a person doesn't want to register on launchpad to file a bug report05:34
kikoI think I'd rather just waste their report05:34
elmogoing down now...05:35
bradbkiko: what do you dislike about the craigslist style approach of a lightweight confirmation email?05:40
=== bradb & # lunch, bbiab
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threshhey, seems like launchpad is offline?05:51
elmoyes, there's some necessary network maintenance going on, it should be back shortly05:52
threshthanks :)05:52
elmosorry, the network maintenance is taking longer than expected, we'll be back online as soon as possible06:04
threshsure, you guys rock. rosetta is very helpful :)06:04
threshseems like it works06:09
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elmoyep, launchpad is back up06:12
SteveAthanks elmo 06:13
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=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
OdyXSteveA: Wondering if you had received my file...06:25
SteveAOdyX: yes, i did.  thanks!06:25
SteveAwe'll get it into the next rollout, if not before06:26
OdyXOK... Just thought it would be faster than that... :->06:26
OdyXBut I'll wait :D06:26
SteveAwe have a slightly conservative way of rolling things out06:27
OdyX:-D I see.. It's not managed as a personal website with grandma's pics...06:29
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #launchpad
Bluekujaelmo, news for the next cc meeting?06:32
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highvoltagehi there.06:48
highvoltagefrom https://launchpad.net/products/edubuntu-website/+translations06:49
highvoltagei get the message "Administrator help needed. Edubuntu Website has not yet been setup for translation through Rosetta."06:49
highvoltagewhat do I need to do to complete the translation setup process?06:49
kikohighvoltage, ask carlos or jordi.06:50
highvoltagekiko: ok.06:50
highvoltagejordi, carlos: ping06:50
kikothey set up new products06:50
kikofor translation06:50
highvoltageok, thanks.06:50
jordihighvoltage: hi06:51
jordihighvoltage: so this is using po files?06:51
highvoltagejordi: yep06:52
jordihighvoltage: if they have been submitted, they are not yet processed.06:54
jordiI'll do this in a minute06:54
highvoltagejordi: thank you!06:54
highvoltagejordi: so in the future, when i submit new .po files, i ping you?06:55
jordithis is only needed the first time you do it06:56
jordihold on06:56
jordiI don't see your request in the queue06:56
highvoltageshould i re-upload the .po files?06:57
highvoltagehmmm... i can't find the place where i upload them again :/06:59
jordiyou get no link here https://launchpad.net/products/edubuntu-website/+translations ?07:03
jordihighvoltage: btw, you don't know about the silly nano egg :)07:03
highvoltagejordi: please share :)07:04
highvoltagejordi: no, i don't get a link there.07:04
jordihmm, it's about saving a file with a specific filename07:04
jordican't remember eaxctly07:04
jordiuse the source ;)07:04
highvoltagejordi: where would i see it? i have accidentally looked passed things before in lp.07:04
jordishould be in the portlets07:05
jordiI ask becuase I don't see it07:05
jordiso maybe it's a bug07:05
highvoltagejordi: a screenshot is at http://jonathancarter.co.za/files/lp.jpg07:07
jordiyou should have a link there.07:08
=== erdalronahi__ is now known as erdal
mdzwhat's LaunchpadSpecificationNotifier about?07:12
mdzjordi: do you have a list of the most important templates to translate in Ubuntu?07:12
mdzjordi: espresso, the panel, menus, etc.?07:12
jordimdz: people are building one in the wiki07:14
mdzjordi: where?07:14
mdzhmm, it doesn't have espresso on there07:15
highvoltageespresso was written by Chuck Norris, it translates itself.07:16
highvoltagebah, sorry for that. been spending too much time on irc lately.07:16
jordimdz: espresso is in debian-installer07:18
jordiit's included in that template07:18
jordihighvoltage: You are CHUCK NORRIS fan too?07:18
mdzreally? weird07:18
jordiWe just became best friends!!!107:18
jordimdz: it's a trick by kamion :)07:18
mdzjordi: i meant d-i :-P07:19
mdzjordi: but the chuck norris thing is weird too07:19
jordimdz: espresso shares a great number of strings with di07:19
mdzjordi: you are not even South African07:19
highvoltagejordi: hehe :) i'll pvt message you my favourite one07:19
mdzjordi: it shares many, but it also has strings of its own07:19
mdzjordi: and its own templates07:19
jordimdz: nod. So you translate both at the same time.07:19
mdzI don't understand07:19
jordiboth espresso and d-i templates are merged into one07:19
mdzthat is amazing07:20
jordithat results in around 100 more strings than normal d-i07:20
mdzI want to have Rosetta's baby07:20
jordiwhich is minimal07:20
jordirosetta babies are STONED07:20
jordiso, my PPC is now officially using GRUB to boot.07:20
jordiHow cool is that07:21
JanChm, subscribing to a spec on launchpad shows a red box with a stop-sign, just like if something went wrong or so?  :)07:21
erdaljordi, what is the name of the merged template (espresso and d-i)?07:26
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jordierdal: d-i07:27
carlosjordi: highvoltage: the link is inside the overview section (if you are talking about the link to upload new .pot files)07:27
carloswe should move that link to the translations section...07:28
jordiI don't see it, carlos07:30
jordiI looekd there07:30
carlosjordi: you need a series...07:31
carlosIn fact... seems like mpt fixed it...07:31
carloswe have the link as part of the translations07:31
jordihmm, yes.07:32
jordiif you miss the series, you get into a dead end though07:32
=== highvoltage looks
carlosjordi: please, file a bug, that's an UI issue07:33
highvoltagejordi: i've uploaded the .po files again. can you see it in the queue?07:35
jordilet's see07:35
jordihighvoltage: hang on07:36
jordithe *po* files?07:36
jordino pot file07:36
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highvoltagedo i need pot files? i thought i only need po files07:37
=== highvoltage gets the pot
JanCBug #4019307:38
UbugtuMalone bug 40193 in blueprint "Blueprint shows confusing response to subscribe request" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4019307:38
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highvoltagejordi: launchpad has now consumed the pot07:40
jordihighvoltage: let's see07:40
jordihighvoltage: did lp consume a pot *plant*?!07:41
highvoltagejordi: :)07:41
highvoltageit totally smoked it07:42
jordishould I call the template edubuntu or eduubntu-website?07:43
highvoltageedubuntu-website, please07:43
jordihow many pot files did you have?07:45
jordipo files07:45
highvoltagei thought i needed one for each language07:45
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: Fix https://launchpad.net/products/soyuz/+bug/40169 (Builds inserted by gina doesn't have a buildqueue_record) r=kiko (r3486: Diogo Matsubara)07:45
highvoltageseems like pot is all i need07:46
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highvoltagejordi: i can see https://launchpad.net/products/edubuntu-website/+translations now. should i be able to see translations?08:08
jordiseems the translatiins didn't get autoimported.08:12
jordiLet's find out why.08:12
kikomatsubara, ping?08:20
matsubarakiko: pong08:20
kikomatsubara, -> privmsg?08:20
jordihighvoltage: so, can you upload the 4 po files again?08:28
jordiI can't find them anywhere08:28
highvoltagejordi: yep08:29
salgadoBjornT, around?08:31
=== jinty [n=jinty@12.Red-83-58-173.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
highvoltagejordi: uploaded08:33
jordihighvoltage: this is very strange08:36
jordiI only see German (imported now)08:36
carlosmdke: hi, around?08:36
erdalHey, it looks like the correct OOo-templates get imported at the moment08:36
highvoltagehmmm... german was the last one i exported (just now)08:36
carloserdal: not yet, they will be imported tomorrow, after the beta release08:37
carloserdal: we removed already all translations that were not done by translators from Rosetta08:37
erdalcarlos, I had uploaded some manually, they have been imported now08:37
carlosto get a new import with the fixed .po files08:38
carloserdal: oh, those ones are imported, yes...08:38
carlosthat means that you will get the ownership of all translations... even from the ones coming from upstream...08:38
erdalthere are no upstream08:38
carloswell, I think it's an "error" we can leave that way08:38
carloserdal: is it a full translation from you?08:38
erdalnot full, but all that we have done we have done in Rosetta08:39
erdalit's not yet upstream08:39
erdalbut it came out green anyway :)08:39
erdalMaybe I have said "upstream translation"08:40
erdalCan I go on importing manually?08:40
carlosif it's green, you selected it, yes08:40
erdalOr should I wait or does it make no difference?08:40
jordicarlos: can't figure out where the edubuntu templates are going08:40
carloserdal: yes, if there aren't upstream translations for your language is ok that you upload anything you already have08:40
carlosbut it's better if you don't set the 'upstream' bit on08:41
highvoltagejordi: can you see it there now?08:41
erdalI mean, I download it from Breezy and upload it into Dapper08:41
erdalno upstream bit08:41
bradbwow, this bzr merge is taking so long that I practically WANT there to be conflicts to make it worth my while08:42
carlosbradb: are you using shared repositories?08:42
bradbcarlos: not yet08:43
jordihighvoltage: how do you import them?08:43
jordione by one?08:43
carloshighvoltage: which URL are you using to do the upload and how are you doing it? with a tar.gz, one by one...08:43
highvoltagejordi: yes, one by one08:43
highvoltageaaah, ok08:43
=== highvoltage tar -czf's
carlosbradb: then I don't know why is it happening... other than you have a broken weave, at least I had that problem with a branch that had a weave broken08:44
jordihighvoltage: make a tar with pot and pos08:44
jordiand let's try like this08:44
jordide.po has no translations, afaict08:44
carloshighvoltage: one by one is ok, it should work08:44
carlosjordi: where are you looking?08:44
highvoltageok, i just uploaded the .tar.gz, d'oh08:45
jordiI downloaded de.po from the Approved lists08:45
erdalbradb, yes very long...08:47
highvoltagehmmm... they don't seem to have site content, just drupal stuff.08:47
=== highvoltage doesn't quite understand .po and .pot files yet
=== highvoltage googles
jordipot is a _t_emplate08:48
bradbbah, screw it. /me creates a new branch to apply the diff to.08:52
highvoltage#drupal says that drupal doesn't export page content to .po and .pot. only the drupal stuff. what's the point of that then!08:52
jorditranslating drupal08:52
jordiso, are we aborting? :)08:53
highvoltagetranslating drupal is cool, but I thought we could export the actual page content too, using launchpad.08:53
highvoltagejordi: yes, we are :(08:53
jordiyeah, afaik that's not  possible08:53
jordioh well :/08:53
highvoltagejordi: but thanks for your patience anyway08:53
jordicarlos: so, how do we remove this?08:53
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carlosjordi: set it as not translatable and request Stuart to remove it (I will need to get the ID from the database so I should do that request)08:54
carlosjordi: could you file a bug with the link of the potemplate that should be removed?08:55
carlosI need to collect some other potemplates to remove and that way we do one request directly to Stuart08:56
=== jordi grumbles, fever doesn't go down
highvoltagejordi: you have a fever? sorry for giving you work if you're not feeling well.08:59
jordihighvoltage: don't worry09:01
jordicarlos: done09:01
UbugtuMalone bug 40203 in rosetta "Template removal for edubuntu-website" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  09:01
carlosjordi: thanks09:01
jordi and (40202)09:01
jordihighvoltage: it's not too bad, just annoying09:02
=== highvoltage understands, hope it gets better
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bradbBjornT: do you have time to drive-by my fix for bug 36866?09:09
UbugtuMalone bug 36866 in malone "Searching for bugs after selecting a certain status from the Right-Hand-Menu resets the search" [Major,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3686609:09
=== bradb sends email
bradbhm, no, maybe wiki page09:13
=== erdalronahi [n=erdalron@p50877198.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #launchpad []
kikocarlos, does it make sense to offer +translations on a distrosourcepackage?09:25
kikoor only on a distroreleasesourcepackage09:26
=== robsta [n=rob@85-126-37-131.dynamic.adsl-line.inode.at] has joined #launchpad
robstai accidently registered a branch in launchpad and cannot find a way to remove it09:28
robsta(baz, which seemingly isn't supported)09:29
robstanow there is a proper bzr one, so the old url is obsolete09:29
robstabranch is https://launchpad.net/people/robsta/+branch/plagiat/main09:32
LarstiQrobsta: the best thing to do would be to ask one of the launchpad admins, they should read the launchpad-users list09:33
LarstiQrobsta: removing stuff from lp is not normally possible, so you're right you couldn't find it09:33
robstais there a support form or something?09:33
LarstiQthat I do not know09:34
=== Surak [n=ubuntu@20132216094.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #launchpad
uwslaunchpad is like the history of time09:34
Surakuws: ?09:35
uwsit's append-only09:35
uwsand if you've done something wrong it will never be possible to change the past09:35
Surakjust like talking with my wife.09:36
bradbThat's often an accident. I don't think LP will always be that way.09:36
robstaso admins don't hang around here?09:36
Surakquick question: I saw a wrongly translated string on a package on dapper-daily-live from today. I went to rosetta, but there's no way to SEARCH for this string, or does it? If there is, can someone point it to me?09:37
LarstiQrobsta: they do, but the mailing list is more of a guarantee09:37
=== robsta subscribing
LarstiQSurak:  https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+spec/translate-specific-string09:38
kikotranslate-specific-string is da bomb09:38
LarstiQjust pasting links from kiko mail ;)09:39
matsubaraSurak: bug 4409:40
UbugtuMalone bug 44 in rosetta "Messages should be searchable." [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4409:40
Surakwill this make the launchpad servers down to its knees?09:40
bradbLP's been on its knees before09:40
bradbbut it stood back up09:40
carloskiko: distrosourcepackage?09:41
kikocarlos, yes, /distros/ubuntu/+source/foo 09:41
carloskiko: is that a concrete version of a package?09:41
kikocarlos, versus /distros/ubutnu/dapper/+source/foo09:41
kikoit's a source package name + distribution09:42
robstaLarstiQ: thx, bye09:42
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carloskiko, matsubara: no, that makes no sense, unless you give me a way to represent three different versions of the same potemplate there09:44
kikocarlos, okay, so we should just make the page go away.09:44
kikomatsubara, what is the referer in that oops?09:44
matsubarakiko: none, carlos url hacked it probably09:45
kikomatsubara, oh -- it was carlos who triggered the oops? :)09:45
matsubarakiko: yep. :)09:46
kikodamned oopser09:46
Surakwell. while this happens, I will have to crawl for this string manually. seems interesting, as I'll review the whole package. The three first strings I peek are wrong :-)09:46
matsubarakiko: heh, anyway, I'll add a test in xx-notfound-traversals for that page and paste the diff to you. give 5 min turkish.09:47
kikoSurak, I'm getting carlos to work on that as soon as he clicks off 09:47
carloskiko: search feature in Rosetta?09:50
carlospeople will love you :-P09:50
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kikocarlos, yeah, as soon as you land the infamous POMSGSETPAGE09:51
Surakcarlos: they will love you as soon as you work on it :-)09:51
carloskiko: I want to... but more urgents tasks come ... :-(09:53
kikocarlos, let's finish the dapper import/export push -- then we will see.09:53
highvoltagenighto, #launchpad09:54
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carlosM_I_X_A_S: hi09:57
M_I_X_A_S;] 09:57
M_I_X_A_Show do yo do whit ubuntu?09:57
M_I_X_A_S:] ] 09:57
Suraknight all.09:58
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carlosmixas: what do you mean?09:59
mixasi'm wvery bad speaking english10:00
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mdke_carlos, sup?10:01
carlosmdke_: don't worry, I already solved my question, it was related with webpage_index template on kubuntu-doc10:01
mdke_carlos, ok, that shouldn't be there. I think it got rejected already once, no?10:02
mdke_ah, it's there now :-(10:03
mdke_carlos, can you hide/remove it pls? it should have been rejected last time10:03
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carlosmdke_: oh, I accepted it as you said that everything else should be accepted...10:05
carlosok, let me hide it10:05
mdke_i thought we dealt with it last time, maybe I forgot it10:06
Surakok, no search for now. Is there a way to change from 10 strings each time to 1000 or something like that??10:06
kikoSurak, not yet, but soon -- I'm going to work with carlos on this10:06
carlosSurak: yes, but manually10:06
carloskiko: we can do it now10:06
carlosSurak: add the count=100 option to the URL10:07
carlosSurak: the limit is 100 entries10:07
kikoreally? did I update your code to... oh, count?10:07
carloskiko: we implemented it with our own batch code10:07
carloslong ago10:07
Surakthanks carlos, this will speed up a lot my Quest fot The Broken String.10:08
carlosSurak: if you download the .po file that would be faster10:08
carlosdownload, edit with a local editor, look for the broken string, fix it and upload again10:09
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Surakhum, count does not work10:14
Surakit does10:15
carlosSurak: ;-)10:16
carlosgermanazo: hi10:16
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robitailleis there a way to close a Ubuntu support ticket?  (like https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/716)  I can only find the reject option, not a way to close it.10:20
cprovBjornT: ping10:20
kikorobitaille, either reject or mark as answered.10:21
robitaillekiko:  I don't see a way to mark it "answered".  Is it supposed to be in the left-hand side menu?10:23
matsubararobitaille: currently, only the requester can close it.10:23
robitaillematsubara:   ah...that explains10:24
matsubararobitaille: you can't do that either. Only admins or the requester can mark it as answered10:24
kikoin doubt, I reject. :)10:24
robitailleI guess to triage them we'll have to reject them once they appear "solved"10:25
matsubarakiko: but you're an admin! you have the power to do it appropriately.10:25
Surakodd. The exported .po file fails in gtranslator. Will try with .mo.10:26
kikomatsubara, carlos: what about +translate "expected string or buffer"?10:30
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carloskiko: sorry, I don't get your question10:32
kikothat crash we saw a few days back10:33
matsubaracarlos: bug 3987910:33
UbugtuMalone bug 39879 in rosetta "Translation string is crashing replacer function" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3987910:33
carlosmsgset_2446002[u'', u''] 10:38
carlosmsgset_2446002_it_translation_0[u'Configurare il sistema - Cambiare le impostazioni del sistema Ubuntu a seconda delle necessit\\xe0.', u'<emphasis role="bold">Configurare il sistema</emphasis> - Cambiare le impostazioni del sistema Ubuntu a seconda delle necessit\\xe0.'] 10:38
carlosthat's the only weird thing I see there...10:39
carlosIt should not be noted as a python list10:39
kikoI think we saw a similar crash somewhere10:40
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: Fix https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/40206 (Translation templates table is crashing in DistributionSourcePackage context) r=kiko (r3487: Diogo Matsubara)10:43
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kikomatsubara, salgado: I'm curious. why are people still filing error reports on broken links for tokens?11:05
kikos/error reports/tickets/11:05
salgadokiko, old tokens, maybe?11:06
kikoah, could be.11:07
SteveAwe should ideally record that a token is old11:20
SteveArather than destroying it11:20
SteveAso we can say "old token, dude"11:20
kikothat's been done11:26
kikothis is a token that is "old" in the sense that it is older than the latest rollout :)11:27
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mdke_any chance of including irc name in the search mechanism on the people page?11:34
mdke_those poor souls who don't use the same LP username as irc nick can be hard to find11:34
kikoexact match, mdke_?11:47
mdke_kiko, yes. Try "janimo" (LP nick = jani)11:48
kikoargh, it requires a join11:50
mdke_kiko, i can file a bug, just checking if it was desirable or not11:50
kikoit's doable and shouldn't be a problem11:51
=== kiko thinks he's done it
kikofile a bug and assign to me AAR11:51
=== mdke_ hugs
mdke_kiko, bug 4024111:53
UbugtuMalone bug 40241 in launchpad "allow searching for people by irc name" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4024111:54
kikoconfirm it11:54
lifelesssounds like a feature request not a bug ;)11:54
mdke_is there a difference?11:55
mdke_lifeless, what's the difference?11:55
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