
Riddellsabdfl: most of #kubuntu-de doesn't agree with the kubuntu.de situation12:05
sabdflRiddell: by "the situation" you mean that the web page currently redirects to some other place?12:06
sabdflRazor-X: thank you, good point12:06
Riddellsabdfl: I mean the statement that was on there before12:06
mitsuhikosabdfl: to a completly unknown webpage full of gnome users ^^12:06
mitsuhiko(but the webpage is blue ^^)12:06
RiddellI also spoke to someone who's name was on there but didn't know what the grivances were about12:06
SHAKALlol mitsuhiko12:07
sabdflis it specifically amu and \sh that are upset and have taken this action? or is it a wider issue?12:07
smurfsabdfl: right now there's no place for that discussion to happen, other than an IRC channel and a few non-kubuntu specific forum sites12:07
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Riddellsabdfl: I think it's amu who's upset, and he's convinced other people12:08
sabdflwhat i saw previously was amu being very upset because we had not been fast enough in responding to sysadmin requests12:08
rockin_stansabdfl: i do not think it is a wider issue12:08
mitsuhikosabdfl: afair only amu. \sh joined him a few hours later12:08
mitsuhikothe rest of the subscribers was the kubuntu.de forum team12:08
sabdflhe had a reasonable grievance, but i think the response was out of proportion12:08
Riddellsabdfl: sysadmin and I think he also e-mailed silbs about some business stuff12:08
Riddellwith no response12:08
sabdfli'm not aware of that12:08
smurfsabdfl: +112:08
Luresabdfl: +112:09
sabdfli'll email both amu and \sh and offer an olive branch12:09
sabdflboth have done huge amounts for (k)ubuntu12:09
sabdflso lets not lose sight of this12:09
mdkea lot of it sounds like it's about money, getting reimbursed for the website and being paid for developing kubuntu. highvoltage's blog post was the wisest comment I've read on it12:09
sabdflyes, well said highvoltage12:09
smurfsabdfl: one of amu's assertions is that some KDE developers will not go near Gnomeish sites (for user support, among other things)12:09
Riddellmdke: no, I don't think that's the case at all12:09
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smurfI think what we need to find out is whether that problem is "real"12:10
highvoltagemdke, sabdfl: thank you.12:10
mitsuhikosmurf: +10012:10
mdkeRiddell, well, the sysadmin request problem disappeared and the other grievances remained, which seemed to me to be about money. But you will know more12:10
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makosabdfl: i think an email from you would be the best way forward12:11
sabdflalright, the main thing i wanted to establish is if we have a broader dissatisfaction in the kubuntu german community, or if it is focused around amu and \sh. it sounds like a specific issue, and i will reach out to try and resolve it12:11
sabdflthe domain issue is interesting12:11
sabdflwe do generally ask folks to transfer ubuntu domains to us to avoid something like this12:11
Riddellamu did complain about a domain squatter, which I've not heard anything else about12:11
sabdflthey have effectively ripped the carpet out from under their own community12:11
mitsuhikosabdfl: those are many12:11
RiddellI noticed that amu registed kubuntu.eu12:11
sabdflwhich is not wise12:11
smurfsabdfl: amu did demand that we remove "kubuntu" from ubuntuuser.de's "official support forum for ..." list12:12
Seveassmurf, I found those demands ridiculous, I don't get why they want kubuntu to be completely separate12:12
rockin_stanoh yes, he did :/12:12
Riddellsmurf: that's a fair request, kubuntu.de was the official kubuntu support site until he closed it12:12
RiddellSeveas: they don't12:12
sabdflwe should guard against an "ubuntu vs kubuntu" issue, smurf, so lets just be firm in maintaining the position that ubuntu is about the whole project, including kubuntu12:12
smurfRiddell: official as designated by whom?12:12
lucasvoI thought kubuntu is property of Canonical? So he shouldn't be the one registering kubuntu.eu and demanding to remove it from ubuntuusers.de12:12
smurfsabdfl: exactly12:13
SeveasRiddell, their mails seemed to say so12:13
juliuxSeveas, hm because amu want to have a link to his onlineshop on the site? 12:13
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sabdflok, i'm traveling a lot in the next 10 days but will try and get to the bottom of this12:13
Riddellsmurf: kubuntu.org/support.php12:13
sabdflwhat would you guys see as a satisfactory resolution - the domain pointing back where it was? where is the content that was there?12:13
Riddelllink to kubuntu.de now removed12:13
Riddellsabdfl: it's on amu's server12:14
SeveasRiddell, why have they never applied to be an official locoteam?12:14
Riddellsabdfl: it would be nice to have the site back up and with it pointing to ubuntuusers.de and vice versa12:14
RiddellI'll be surprised if that can happen, a good amount of trust has been lost12:14
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sabdflwas kubuntu.de a community site with wiki and forums etc?12:14
sabdflor just content?12:14
=== highvoltage would be happy if the official kubuntu support site was hosted on a canonical server, with an ubuntu org owned domain name
Riddellsabdfl: forums and mailing list12:15
mitsuhikosabdfl: a forum since amu couldn't work together with ubuntuusers.de12:15
juliuxsabdfl, there are also mailinglists on kubuntu.de12:15
mindspinmost will move to kubuntuusers.de12:16
tonyyarussohighvoltage: +1 on that.  I would help with the image of support from Greater Ubuntu / Canonical.12:16
juliuxsabdfl, and they have the control about #kubuntu-de12:16
RiddellSeveas: they did, they went through me, that's the process for kubuntu12:16
Yann2just to write how it's going in France: we'll have a kubuntu team, which will have rw on the site ubuntu-fr.org; they'll be in charge for kubuntu promotion on ubuntufr's website.12:16
Riddelljuliux: ultimately I'm the freenode contact for #kubuntu* namespace12:16
mdkeRiddell, that's not so good. locoteams should be encouraged to deal with kubuntu and ubuntu (and others) together, I feel, if at all possible.12:16
juliuxRiddell, ah ok12:17
smurfYann2: that would be our preferred solution too12:17
sabdflwell, i'm sorry that this has happened, but it seems to be more growing pain than major crisis. let's see if an olive branch helps. their status as anything official "kubuntu"-ish does depend on the CC, so we should be able to work something out12:17
Riddellmdke: I insist upon it12:17
Riddellmdke: but amu is a special case since he started kubuntu, I let him do his own thing12:17
mdkeah, right.12:17
sabdflok folks, i'm out of time. elmo, mako, sorry to duck off but thank you for steering!12:17
mdkeRiddell, so, having a separate channel for "officialdom" is a bad idea in general, but an exception was made for -de?12:17
makosabdfl: i have no doubt that we could work something out on our end12:17
ograsabdfl, enjoy the rest of your evening 12:18
Riddellmdke: are you talking about IRC?12:18
mitsuhikocya sabdfl12:18
makolets see what else we can cover12:18
mdkeRiddell, no, LoCo teams in general12:18
=== olive give an olive branch to the blue sky
makowe should probably still plan to get together later this week to do member processing :)12:18
makomore meetings12:18
mitsuhikomako: as long it's not on friday :)12:19
Riddellmdke: meeting is moving on, poke me on #ubuntu-devel if you want to discuss12:19
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mdkeRiddell, sure12:19
makosomeone wants to know the official trademark usage guidelines12:19
makofrom canonical12:19
makothose are actually online12:19
Yann2that's me12:19
Yann2You want to use the logo in a desktop background. Go right ahead! You can even share your work by listing it on our artwork page12:20
mitsuhikoyay. thats a problem12:21
mitsuhikosince some people make derived work based on the ubuntu logo12:21
AndreaVerimako ,membership apprival postponed to?12:22
smurf... and some of these derived works (try to) convey political messages we do NOT want to be associated with12:22
makothere seems to be a specific question about using the ubuntu logo to promote particular political positions12:22
tonyyarussoMaybe there needs to be something like the US obscenity law for that, "we know it when we see it", for what's not okay in desktop backgrounds, with some pointers but open-ended.12:22
makoAndreaVeri: a later (undecided) date12:22
AndreaVeriok perfect12:22
mitsuhikothis one: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3762012:22
ograsmurf, ah, come on it was just a very bery bad april fools joke ... the guy s a big ubuntu fan12:22
mitsuhikosmurf: exactly12:22
eyequeuemako, so am i here inappropriately?12:23
tonyyarussomako: Some political positions should be fine, but others are considered to be enough of a problem to be illegal in many counries, and that's a bit different.12:23
makoeyequeue: not inappropriately12:23
carthikEnforcing legit usage of the logos and trademarks (Ubuntu/Kubuntu etc) could avoid issues of "squatting" and uglification. But I guess it's not easy to enforce trademarks, like many patents.12:23
makoeyequeue: we just ran out of time with the full voting board12:23
kjcoleSome problems also are a matter of taste/humor:  When does one take it as a true political statement (or whatever) or as a bit of fun -- however questionable?12:23
smurfogra: which doesn't prevent other people from taking it seriously and asking pointed questions about it12:23
ograsmurf, true ... 12:23
makoso here's the deal12:24
Yann2ogra > are both april jokes?12:24
mdkeYann2, you might want to write up some of the potential problems you envisage in a bit more detail, and present it to the CC when the ideas are nice and concrete.12:24
ograbut with a bit of research they would have found that he has just a bad sense of umor12:24
makothe trademark is designed primarily to keep people from getting confused12:24
makowhat we really really don't want12:24
makois for people to take their distribution12:24
makothat is not ubuntu12:24
ograYann2, nope, i havent seen the fridge one12:24
makoand to call it ubuntu12:24
makoand to confuse people into thinking that it's the one that we put together, with support, a coc, etc12:24
mitsuhikoogra: i found out that too. but that doesn't solve to problem as such12:24
Yann2I meant this : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3762012:25
smurfogra: people who are easily offended by that sort of thing are notoriously bad at researching :-/12:25
ogramako, but we want to encourage people like http://www.nubuntu.org/12:25
makothe point is not to make a situation where canonical is the only person who can talk about ubuntu or use the image12:25
gnomefreakim all for creativity but i think some of the images that were pointed to on the agenda wiki should have been kept off public display it makes ubuntu look bad to people that didnt know it was a "joke"12:25
ograsmurf, true as well 12:25
makowhat we don't want is for someone to put up a website12:25
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makomaybe selling a service or support12:25
tonyyarussognomefreak: Agreed.  And for many people, those things can never be a joke.12:25
makoand confusing people into thinking that it is official ubuntu support12:25
makocontrol over the name and logo is one way to do that12:25
makobut we want to encourage the types of uses that spread the word, the logo, and the name12:26
xorAxAxisnt this whole thing about a guy who realised that he cannot continue to move his idea further on without co-operating with the big entity?12:26
Yann2ok, so we should accept these derivations?12:26
makowhen it's used in reference to the actual product12:26
makoso, http://www.nubuntu.org/ needs to get permission from canonical12:26
lucasvoI think gnome-look.org should look that they only offer politically correct themes. 12:26
Riddellgnomefreak: how would you keep them off public display?12:26
mitsuhikomako: +112:26
makobecause it's violated basically every thing on the list of guildeines that i posted earlier12:27
makoand that has been on the website for years now12:27
tonyyarussoLogo derivations should also be expected to adhere to the CoC like everything else.12:27
Riddelllucasvo: you can vote down items on gnome-look to stop them being displayed12:27
makothat may still be fine12:27
makobut they need permission12:27
smurflucasvo: define "politically correct". :-/12:27
ogramako, sure, but its one example hwre the logo isnt abused like in all the others pointed out12:27
makoi understand12:27
ompaulmako the issue that is now faced is the kubuntu name may be missued, this has implications on a larger scale, and frankly one that could be a serious issue, maybe trademark protection should be used to recover problematic domain useage and point it back to base, after a process that is designed and approved by cc or tech board or sabdfl or some some combination of all to protect the name of ubuntu  - done12:27
makoogra: "abuse" is subjective12:27
lucasvosmurf: yeah, that's exactly why I used this term :)12:27
makowe've got a set of trademark guidelines, and it's the only that most clearly violates those12:27
makofrom a trademark law perspective, it is the one that is most threatening to the existance of the mark12:28
makoompaul: trademark law already does cover domain ussage12:28
ogramako, free user driven ubuntu derivative == non-abuse, selling support as ubantu.com with the same logo and font == abuse ;)12:28
makoompaul: as part of the universal domain name dispute resolution process12:28
smurfmako: I guess what I'd like to see is a CC resolution that states that the Ubuntu community does not condone using (part of) their look+feel to convey any messages that are ad odds with the Ubuntu philosophy as stated on our home page12:28
gnomefreakRiddell: you cant really but i think it should be known ubuntu doesnt support those things12:28
makoogra: umm.. 12:28
smurfwhich we can point people to12:29
ogramako, but i fuly agree they should ask for permission indeed12:29
naliothsmurf: +112:29
ompaulsmurf, +112:29
mdkewhen someone has a doubt about the use of the mark, all they have to do is ask, right? We did this once with ubuntu-it, and it was resolved quickly12:29
makoogra: i would put it this way: if you're using hte logo in either of those ways, you need a license12:29
makoogra: we would be very very happy to give on to nubuntu probably12:29
ograthats waht i mean 12:29
makoogra: and unwilling to give one to ubantu12:29
makobut they both need them12:29
makothere is an email address12:29
makoi don't know who answers it now12:29
makobut i used to12:29
makowhich is why i know a little bit about this12:29
mdkewe mailed jane, dunno who gets the trademark mail though12:30
makoand @canonical.com12:30
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=== highvoltage would guess that it's claire
elmomarilize is behind trademarks12:30
makoso, in terms of backgrounds and situations where it's not being used to promote another product or could not likely to confuse anyone into thinking that there is endorsement12:30
elmoand they've given permission to nubuntu AFAIK12:31
makoof a political message etc, i'd say it's fine12:31
Yann2i'm fine with the trademark issue, we already sent a lot of emails to trademark@ :) But what should we do if someone posts a wallpaper like http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=37620 ? Delete it? 12:31
makoelmo: cool12:31
mitsuhikook. i've to go. today is school and it's late12:32
mitsuhikogood night all12:32
makoYann2: my personal opinion is that it's probably not a trademark violtion and should probably just be left12:32
mdkeYann2, that's not being used to promote another product and won't confuse people into thinking there is endorsement12:32
SHAKALbye mitsuhiko12:32
makobut if people at canonical disagree with me, they matter more on this issue12:32
highvoltagenight mitsuhiko 12:32
lucasvoYann2: afaik, it doesn't conflicts the trademark usage policy. maybe it conflicts with the law, in that case it should be removed12:32
BlueT_mitsuhiko: see ya :)12:33
mdkeyou can't stop people using your trademark for artistic purposes without any commercial gain, it's just silly12:33
Yann2-1 for me, I clearly dislike the fact of seeing ubuntu associated with politics, which could be misunderstood by people visiting the website publishing them.12:33
elmoI tend to agree with mako, FWIW, tho I don't count as Canonical in terms of trademarks12:33
makoYann2: i think it's in a forum where it is clearly user-contributed artwork12:34
ograYann2, its just users ... as long as we dont publish it on our website they are as free as the internet lets them12:34
makoit's like those ubuntu-butts pictures12:34
Yann2ok, then... agreed.12:34
Yann2let's move on :)12:34
makosmile, or don't, and move on12:34
ogra(thats why i found the ubuntu ev reaction a bit ... umm funny)12:34
mdkeok, we're nearly done. elmo answered the ed/kubuntu members question12:35
makomention rear-ends and the conversation ends12:35
kjcolemako, I was going to mention the bikini bottom logo... ;-)12:35
ograkjcole, there is a logo ?12:35
Seveasabout sub-locoteams: brazil and us already have them for instance12:35
lucasvokjcole: link? :D12:35
mdke"Sub" LoCoTeams: this is fairly clearly answered on the locoteam pages, i.e. collaboration is very encouraged, and more locoteams are encouraged too12:35
makojerome is correct in answering the last question12:35
makosub-locos are fine12:36
makothey're great12:36
kjcoleogra, there was a photo on the fridge a while back as I recall... 12:36
makocollaborate where possible12:36
makotry not to over-fragment so nobody gets anything done12:36
Yann2fine :)12:36
ograkjcole, gah, missed that12:36
kjcoleogra, lucasvo I just looked but couldn't find it.12:36
ompaul.cn want to talk to someone aabout them they are population wise huge and cover more space than most12:36
makobut go ahead, and encourage people to participate in more than one :)12:36
makoompaul: that's fine12:36
ograompaul, we'll have to yount them first before we belive them ... :)12:37
mdkeI tend to think sub locoteams are generally done well if under the overall umbrella of the country they are found in. But that might not work, e.g. in the US :)12:37
kjcoleas a subloco team leader, +8 ;-)12:37
SHAKALI go to bed, the work call tomorrow good night. cya@ll12:37
juliuxgn8 SHAKAL 12:37
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ompaulogra, you gona run outa fingers and toes fast :-)12:37
makoi think that's it12:37
makounless there is any other business12:37
makowe'll meet back here soon12:38
makoi gotta run12:38
mdkenight all, thanks12:38
makolater all12:38
makoelmo: lets actually coordinate this over email :)12:38
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ograompaul, yes, but i'm always told .cn has the biggest population in the world ... did *you* actually meet someone who counted that ? 12:38
elmomako: yeah12:38
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eyequeueum, i'm rather unclear what i should be doing next, input anyone?12:39
ompaulogra, almost the offical figures are 1.2 or something like that 12:39
ompaulogra, me I go for 1.6 or so12:39
ograhey, i'm not serious :)12:39
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atie_sorry for whom here for membership today. :(12:42
atie_bye all12:42
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ompaulogra, watch the ball bounce :-)12:42
lucasvobye all12:43
lucasvoogra: hope to see you at tomorrow12:43
ogranight lucasvo 12:43
lucasvobeen a long time since I last was attending edubuntu meeting :)12:43
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juliuxgn8 all12:45
kjcoleogra, lucasvo http://www.flickr.com/photos/86444323@N00/81971182/12:45
BlueT_it's really diffical to show up at every meeting12:46
highvoltagegoodnight, everyone.12:46
BlueT_when you're living in a UTC+8 timezone12:46
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kjcoleta-ta all.12:47
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BlueT_eyequeue: here's one12:56
eyequeuethanks, BlueT_12:57
BlueT_eyequeue: no need. i just got sleepless for frequently ubuntu-meetings12:58
eyequeueBlueT_, did you have a suggestion as to my next action (re: membership)?12:58
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BlueT_eyequeue: i've no idea. i'm here waiting for them kicking me off too. lol01:00
BlueT_eyequeue: this is my first time too, body :)01:01
Seveaseyequeue, just wait for mako to mail relevant mailinglists about the next meeting01:01
eyequeueBlueT_, you have an extensive wiki page :)01:01
BlueT_eyequeue: the only thing i know and trying to do is making ubuntu better and better :)01:02
eyequeueSeveas, i'm not subbed to any lists, but certainly can if i need to ... which would that be?  btw, i tried to sub to yours last night but the confirmation bounced, i can email the bounce message to you if it helps??01:02
Seveaseyequeue, no, the lists on my server are wonky01:03
SeveasI'll have to fix them01:03
eyequeueSeveas, nuts.okkernoot.net01:03
eyequeueSeveas, as far as i can tell, i'm only missing the messages about falcon, correct?01:04
Seveasand about repo issues01:04
eyequeueah, i only found falcon in the list archives01:05
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Seveason second though - please mail me the bounce 01:08
Seveasthat part of the lists should still work01:08
eyequeuesent :)01:10
Seveastry adding YES to the subject01:12
Seveasshouldn't be neccessary though01:12
eyequeue:) Your subscription request has been succesfully confirmed!01:15
Seveasapparently the simpleconfirm option is broken in couriermlm01:27
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juliux@schedule berlin01:31
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: 19 Apr 14:00: Edubuntu | 19 Apr 15:30: Xubuntu | 20 Apr 22:00: Dapper Development Status | 25 Apr 22:00: Technical Board | 26 Apr 14:00: Edubuntu | 26 Apr 15:30: Xubuntu01:31
juliux@schedule rom01:32
cbx33@schedule GMT01:32
UbugtuSchedule for Etc/GMT: 19 Apr 12:00: Edubuntu | 19 Apr 13:30: Xubuntu | 20 Apr 20:00: Dapper Development Status | 25 Apr 20:00: Technical Board | 26 Apr 12:00: Edubuntu | 26 Apr 13:30: Xubuntu01:32
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bimberi@schedule canberra01:33
UbugtuSchedule for Australia/Canberra: 19 Apr 22:00: Edubuntu | 19 Apr 23:30: Xubuntu | 21 Apr 06:00: Dapper Development Status | 26 Apr 06:00: Technical Board | 26 Apr 22:00: Edubuntu | 26 Apr 23:30: Xubuntu01:33
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Apr 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 20 Apr 20:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 25 Apr 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 26 Apr 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 26 Apr 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu
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ealden@schedule manila01:59
UbugtuSchedule for Asia/Manila: Current meeting: Edubuntu | 19 Apr 21:30: Xubuntu | 21 Apr 04:00: Dapper Development Status | 26 Apr 04:00: Technical Board | 26 Apr 20:00: Edubuntu | 26 Apr 21:30: Xubuntu01:59
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flintGood Morning from the frozen north...02:02
kjcoleThank goodness for Daylight Savings Time....  It's not quite as miserable starting an hour later. ;-)02:03
JaneWhi all02:03
AndreaVerihi JaneW02:03
cbx33Hi AndreaVeri 02:03
AndreaVerihello pete :)02:03
AndreaVerioi BugMaN02:03
BugMaNandreaveri: :-) 02:04
AndreaVerijane its all ok?we can start?02:04
JaneWok as usual, standard format02:04
JaneWI have made notes to discuss the following The Dev Status, Bug Status, Testing Status, Artwork, Web Site progress, Documentation, Cookbook, Edubuntu Memeber status and anything else required to be discussed.02:04
AndreaVerihello :)02:04
JaneWogra is busy so let's not take much of his time today02:04
ograi'm a tad busy with beta CDs02:05
AndreaVeriok perfect02:05
JaneWogra can you give us a 5 min update?02:05
AndreaVeriokie oliver np02:05
ogratesting of the next build (in 2-3h) would be very appreciated btw 02:05
cbx33I can test the tomorrow02:05
ograso tech update ....02:05
flintogra, I can try but time is now a problem for me..02:06
JaneWogra: time stamp?02:06
ograwe're building beta ... still missing artwork and edubuntu-docs ...02:06
AndreaVeriok ill start testing02:06
JaneWogra: is that all that remains now?02:06
AndreaVerifor me its ok today02:06
ograshould be  20060419.1 for both02:06
cbx33where can i get them from?02:06
ograsome small bugs i didnt manage to fix before beta as well02:07
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ograi.e. the dhcp.config will currently produce a question on upgrades that shouldnt happen02:07
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JaneWogra: things have gone really well this cycle, well done02:07
ograit's a minor change mdz is notified about02:07
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JaneWogra: we only had the hicoughs with arguing about what was in and what was out initially02:08
ograthe gobby upstream author contacted me02:08
JaneWogra: oh?02:08
flintogra, interesting what has gobby got to say...02:08
ograJaneW, you remember we had to demote it to universe in london because it depended on howl02:08
ograhe offered me a fix02:08
JaneWoic, too late thogh right?02:09
Klaidas@schedule GMT+202:09
UbugtuSchedule for Etc/GMT+2: Current meeting: Edubuntu | 19 Apr 11:30: Xubuntu | 20 Apr 18:00: Dapper Development Status | 25 Apr 18:00: Technical Board | 26 Apr 10:00: Edubuntu | 26 Apr 11:30: Xubuntu02:09
ograso with a lot of begging at mdz's desk i can probably get it back to main and on the CD02:09
JaneWogra: er what's the chance of that?02:09
ograit is approved for main02:09
JaneWogra: it;s WAY past too late02:09
JaneWogra: yes I guess02:09
ograso it *could* be a no brainer, depending on mdz02:09
JaneWogra: well try, there's no harm in trying02:09
flintogra, good luck.02:09
JaneWunless he beat you up! ;)02:10
ograits not to late for something we had already in imho... but its up to him02:10
JaneWogra: sure, I agree put the case to him and let him make a call02:10
ograi have fixed the issue with dhcpd.conf autogeneration btw02:10
ograsadly no dapper material anymore02:11
flintogra, is gobby on the cd now?02:11
JaneWogra: how are the bugs looking, need triage help?02:11
ograflint, not since the london sprint02:11
JaneWflint: no02:11
ograJaneW, not specifically for edubuntu bugs, no 02:11
ograthere are not many02:11
cbx33good good02:11
JaneWogra: do you most need the community to test more than anything else?02:11
ogramost edubuntu bugs are ubuntu bugs02:11
JaneWand document!02:11
JaneWogra: yes02:11
cbx33I can document and test02:12
ograwhile documenting is also on my desk, since nobody knows the ltsp code as good as me, but cbx33 already offered some help02:12
flintogra, elkner has a question about this.  i told him that any but on the ubuntu cd reports as an ubuntu bug.  is that ok?02:12
ograso i'll just review and flesh out what i get 02:12
flintany bug...02:12
ogranot really 02:13
JaneWogra: I do think we are going to need to rely on you for some of the technical documenting (I am happy to do english grammar editing for you, so don't waste time on that), but if there are ppl willing and able to help, that would be wonderful02:13
ograhaving a distinction by package on launchpad wouldnt make much sense that way02:13
cbx33JaneW: 02:13
ograJaneW, yep02:14
cbx33I'm open to all documenting if you need it02:14
flintogra, we will need to clarify then how a bug reports.  Keep in mind that in malone now there is no "ubuntu" bug category02:15
ograi'll have to write a documented example lts.conf that nobody else will be able to do, but to write manpages for things like ltsp-build-client you just need to check the help of the script and flesh it out a bit02:15
cbx33Initial setup of ltsp is a must unless it's somewhere i dont know02:15
ograso many doc thingies can be done by others02:15
ogracbx33, that happens by the installer02:15
ograapart from the dhcpd.conf02:16
cbx33well i was trying to use an existing dhcp server to point to the ltsp server02:16
ograthe only doc you need post install is https://wiki.edubuntu.org/LTSPServerSetup02:16
ograyes, we need a big warning that you shouldnt run two dhcp servers in one network02:16
cbx33found that the tftproot doesn't hold the pxelinux.0 file02:16
cbx33it's in a sub dir02:16
ograi was pondering to put it on the CD cover,, but it seemed a bit to scary02:17
ogracbx33, which is fine02:17
cbx33yeh, seeing as it'll be a small amount of people using it02:17
ograand which no user should touch anyway02:17
cbx33ogra: that's ok, just checking02:17
JaneWcbx33: many thanks for offering to help with this02:17
cbx33I had to point it with my current dhcp server, after following the wiki links it said just use pxelinux.0 which of course didn;t work....but no biggie02:18
cbx33JaneW: np02:18
ograour tftpserver uses the right values... as long as you user the ltsp-* scripts for maintenance, all should function flawless02:18
cbx33that's great then02:18
ograonly special cases need documentation ...02:18
ogralike powerpc02:18
cbx33I had that nfs problem too02:19
ogra(which needs some extra dhcp options)02:19
cbx33now I'm pretty confident that that's because i was trying to use an existing dhcp server02:19
ograthats one of the most common bugs we have02:19
cbx33is it possible to put in some docs about that02:19
cbx33a lot of people will already have a dhcp server, esp in education02:19
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ograit should be in the edubuntu getting started doic and in the cookbook faq02:19
cbx33yes I agree02:20
ograits fine if you have a two NIC setup02:20
ograyou can part the networks easily 02:20
cbx33could we doc that too>02:20
flintogra, ya i thought that a 2 nic setup was standard.02:20
JaneWogra: exactly which docs are outstanding?02:20
JaneWwe have 'about Edubuntu' already right?02:20
ograflint, nope, one NIC standalone is the standard i worked along02:20
ograJaneW, needs polish and some adjustment02:21
JaneWogra: is anyone looking at that?02:21
ograand no, we dont have it ready to ship yet02:21
cbx33i can take a look if you want02:21
JaneWjsgotangco or burgundavia etc?02:21
ograits already very good, but needs some edubuntu specific adjustment02:21
ograand new screenshots02:22
JaneWwhere is it now?02:22
ograthey are made under the ubuntu theme02:22
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flintogra, interesting implications Olli02:22
JaneWI wonder if highvoltage could help with that?02:22
ograJaneW, he wrote it02:22
ograhe can help indeed, but simply doesnt know some things 02:23
JaneWer that's not the start-up page though is it?02:23
JaneWI am referring to the Edubuntu FF page02:23
cbx33is that new to dapper?02:23
ogralike you should never ever add MOUSE_PROTOCOL=IMPS/2 to lts.conf since its autodetected... but you *have* to do it in classic ltsp02:23
ograthe ff page will be "about edubuntu" 02:24
ograi was planning to just have a link in there to the getting started doc02:24
cbx33good plan02:24
JaneWoic, ok02:24
JaneWI thought it was 2 sep things02:24
ograit is02:24
ograbut i want to link the detailed doc from the common default page ...02:25
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ograso yu have it right in your face if you open ff for the first time02:25
kjcoleogra, very sensible.02:25
cbx33yeh good plan02:25
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ogra^^^ there it is currently 02:26
kjcoleogra, slick! Very nice.02:27
ograalso i missed a lot of accessibility features on the CD, i had to add them yesterday night, they eat most of the free space i worked out the last weeks02:27
flintogra, indeed!02:27
JaneWawesome and wow the site is looking GOOD02:27
AndreaVerireally nice page02:27
JaneW*clap* *clap*02:27
ograso there goes my big hope for more languages 02:27
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cbx33wow excellent work02:27
JaneWogra: I see your LTSP diagram is getting used nicely too :))02:28
ograyes, highvoltage is very good in this02:28
AndreaVerifor italian language its ok for me02:28
ograJaneW, yeah :)02:28
cbx33not much adaptation for UK :p02:28
juliuxogra, i will ask if somebody can translate it into german02:28
JaneWok so that addresses my agenda item of web page, and what's happening02:28
ograjuliux, great !02:28
JaneWIt seems it is happening in stealth-mode02:28
ograhe occasionally pops in to #edubuntu and asks for opinions 02:29
ograso its not completely in stealth mode ;)02:29
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JaneWogra: I haven;t seen that for a while02:29
JaneWanyway I think it's awesome02:29
ograits always there ;)02:29
JaneWand I was pretty attached to the first one02:30
ograand fits the desktop theme very nicely02:30
JaneWso it was not an easy expectation to match02:30
JaneWit our desktop theme set now?02:30
JaneWbringing us on to artwork02:30
ograi have nothing from silbs02:30
ograshe was rather busy discussing CD cover text with me02:30
cbx33silentkeystroke.deviantart.com - any images that can be of use from there feel free to use02:31
ograbut i know mdz wanted to ask her after the last dev meeting02:31
flintogra, are they actually gonna print cds for this dapper edubuntu run?02:31
ogracbx33, we are bound to the design agency for the default theme02:31
cbx33np - just offering :p02:31
ograflint, yep02:31
ogracbx33, i'd love to just pick one and be done ...02:32
flintThat IS good news!02:32
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ograbut the default has to be from the same agency ubuntu and kubuntu come from02:32
JaneWogra: ok we'd better mail her02:32
JaneWogra: are the colours not even set?02:33
ograi would expect that mdz's mails triggered her 02:33
ograi dont want to apper pushy02:33
JaneWogra: cos I am fairly sure your window frames etc can stay02:33
cbx33the firefox logo - sorry just a little thing - looks so close to gimp02:33
ograi havent heard back about the colors02:33
ograimho the colors are fine as is 02:33
ograas well as the rest of the theme02:33
JaneWunless the wall paper is VASTLY different02:33
JaneWand I hope not, else that messes with our web site colours too02:33
ograjust the wallpaper is missing02:34
cbx33can we not impose any type of request there?02:34
ograbut she said *we never had a colorcode for edubuntu*02:34
JaneWogra: yes I am assuming the colours can stay, so it;s shouldn't be too much of a panic02:34
cbx33like "Please don;t make us do more work"02:34
ograthat really depends02:34
ograthey wont work if she reallly comes up with a chalkboard design02:34
JaneWogra: well *we* did, maybe it wasn;t generally known or understood though02:34
ograthats what i tried to tell her02:35
ograi'm not sure she agrees02:35
JaneWbut atm u-brown, k-blue, e-ornage and red02:35
ograubuntu is also orange now02:35
ograbut rather tangerine ... we're darker 02:35
JaneWwe are organge tending to red02:36
JaneWpumpkin orange02:36
ogras/tending/accentuating with/02:36
flint...and in english nothing rymes with us.02:36
ogra(red is our cherry on the cake ;) )02:37
JaneWflint: lozenge rhymes loosely02:37
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flintJaneW, are you still taking drugs? :^)02:38
AndreaVerihi Seveas02:38
JaneWok so we need to pin the artwork down02:38
JaneWflint: no I am drug-free now! \o/02:38
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JaneWcan't you tell I am all high and manic again?02:38
JaneWthe morbid depression is gone :)02:39
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flintJaneW, I just assumed all this talk about lozenges...02:39
JaneWok edubuntu members02:39
JaneWogra: you discussed that with elmo last night02:39
cbx33indeed he did02:39
flintJaneW, who has debs on green in the ubuntu galixy?02:40
AndreaVerithe decisions for new members have to be taked by team admins02:40
cbx33or a nice Blue02:40
AndreaVeriso oliver and jane02:40
ograi'd like to have a *real* council for that 02:41
ograwith more than two members02:41
cbx33it would be good02:41
ograat least three so one can miss a meeting without holing up everything02:41
cbx33gives a rounder feel to it and also mimicks the upstream policy02:41
AndreaVeriyeah perfect02:41
JaneWflint: you can have it02:42
JaneWflint: actually I think xubuntu is green...?02:42
flintJaneW, thanks.02:42
ograeven five if that makes sense later, but starting with an additional person would be good for the beginning02:42
ograJaneW, grey iirc02:42
=== cbx33 dibs blue:p
AndreaVerioliver who will decide other 3 members?02:42
JaneWogra: yes let's get several memebers to avoid what happened last night02:43
cbx33the roiginal team mebers ?02:43
JaneWI think 2 more than required number is good02:43
ograthats a good question02:43
AndreaVeriyes ^^02:43
ograi guess we should make it vial the mailing list02:43
ograproposals etc 02:43
ograthen hold a vote in one of the next meetings02:43
cbx33proposal, seconded, vote?02:44
cbx33works well for our LUG meetings02:44
flintoh I vote for this...02:44
ograwho cant be here, can send his/her voting via mail02:44
AndreaVerioh ok02:44
AndreaVerinice idea02:44
ograi'll prepare a mail right after beta is out02:44
ogranote that the council members need to be ubuntu members already 02:45
AndreaVeriyeah ok02:45
cbx33a good plan02:45
AndreaVerii have to go now02:46
flintogra, that could limit educators...02:46
cbx33take care AndreaVeri 02:46
AndreaVeriim really really late02:46
AndreaVerisee you all later02:46
cbx33it limits me :p02:46
flintAndreaVeri, chaio 02:46
cbx33but then I am a new comer :p02:46
flintAndreaVeri, ciao... better...02:46
ograflint, we wont make *any* members without signed CoC, a valuable contribution and a LP account02:46
AndreaVericiao cbx33 , JaneW,ogra,flint02:46
cbx33is that for just edubuntu membership?02:46
ograflint, the exactly same erequirements as for ubuntu membership apply02:46
ogracbx33, nope02:46
=== cbx33 ticks 2 of those boxes :p
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ograyou are automatically a ubuntu member if we added you to the edubuntu team02:47
flintCoC is the public key?02:47
cbx33just need to get the valued contribution out of the way .......:D02:47
ograflint, CoC == code of conduct02:47
cbx33CoC is the code of conduct signed with the GPG02:47
cbx33but don't attempt the newer one 1.0.102:47
kjcoleflint, yeah signing the Code of Conduct with GPG.02:47
cbx33unles you are goign to do it without putting spaces in the text02:47
cbx331.0.1 has a bug02:48
flintcbx33, hence my reference to the public key thing... 02:48
ograjust dont modify it ;)02:48
cbx33Next topic?02:49
ograflint, a) you have a CoC linked on your LP page, b) you need to upload your valid gpg key to your LP account, c) you need to click the sign button on the CoC page of your LP account02:49
ograthats it 02:49
ogra(unless it changed indeed :P )02:49
flintogra, Ollie, I am a bit of an anarchist...  but I will do this if you suggest it...02:49
cbx33flint: underlying rule : be nice :p02:50
kjcoleflint, I thought you already had.  (Didn't I walk you through that?)02:50
ograif you want and @edubuntu.org mail address, you *need* to do that02:50
cbx33you can be a nice anarchist02:50
kjcolecbx33, well I guess that leaves flint out. ;-)02:50
cbx33ogra: how often can people apply for edubuntu membership?02:50
ograas often as they want02:51
flintcbx33, FITS == Flint Induced Touretts Syndrome, ask anyone how you can get it...02:51
cbx33flint: by touching you :p02:51
ograthere is no limitation in ubuntu, why should we have one02:51
JaneWbut applications will only be considered once a month to start02:51
cbx33ogra: i meant how often will you approve new members02:51
ogracbx33, talking to him is usually enough :P02:51
ogracbx33, we thought about once a month02:51
ogra(the first meeting every month)02:52
cbx33sounds good, by that time I should have made my valuable contribution02:52
ograyoure already doing02:52
flintogra, Oliver, somethimes just thinking about me will do it...02:52
ograthe testreport was really awesome :)02:52
ograflint, heh02:52
cbx33thank you ogra want one on ltsp as i have tested so far02:53
cbx33I'll try and try out the flight 6 one tomorrow02:53
ograrather test the beta release :)02:53
ograflight 6 is old02:53
cbx33where can i get a copy02:54
cbx33link in the topic?02:54
ograflint, btw: https://shipit.edubuntu.org/ exists02:54
cbx33ogra: is kwiki in the edubuntu release?02:54
flintogra, thanks 02:55
ogracbx33, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/02:55
cbx33thanx ogra 02:55
ogranope we dont have wiki software included by default02:55
kjcoleogra, NICE!  We've got some LoCo events coming up, and it may be time to put in a shipit request soon.02:55
cbx33ogra: good...it's broken02:55
ograwe discussed it, but the moin vs mediawiki argument came up02:55
cbx33i see02:55
ograso we leave them both optional in universe :)02:56
cbx33I'm working on a fix, but it leads to a string of unsync'd dependencies02:56
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leetcharmerhihi all :D02:56
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leetcharmerhow's the meeting goin'?02:56
cbx33which I'm having to request UVF exceptions on02:57
cbx33great leetcharmer 02:57
leetcharmercbx33, good :D what have did I miss so far?02:57
ogracbx33, if UFV exceptions fix blocker bugs,, they usually get approval02:57
cbx33ogra: think there's a chance of getting sadms in edubuntu at somepoint02:58
cbx33or a similar utility?02:58
JaneWalso thanks to mgalvin, we have https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDapperBeta02:58
JaneWbut it needs to be fleshed out02:58
ograsadms ?02:58
ogradid he add my feature list already ? 02:58
cbx33the configuration utility for linux to auth against a MS AD02:59
ograhmm and the participate link is wrong ... didnt we have our own participate page ? 02:59
ograhmm, actually no03:00
ograthe wiki has some rough statements on the frontpage03:00
ograbut thats all03:00
ograwe could need a proper "participate" page then03:00
cbx33that'd be good03:00
leetcharmerso -- is Edubuntu ready for the dapper beta release in 11 hrs?03:01
ograhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki "how can i help" is a bit sparse03:01
cbx33of course03:01
cbx33ogra: is working hard03:01
ograleetcharmer, sure03:01
cbx33for someone who could only spend 10 minutes :p03:01
cbx33I think he's done amazing03:01
leetcharmercool :D03:01
ograactually rather my nerves work hard ... most of the time is waiting for LP 03:01
ograwhich is most annoying03:01
cbx33I know the feeling03:02
ogra3h until a change is up ... 03:02
flintdon't we have to pay the Presley estate to use the "...left the building" thing?03:02
ograthen another hour to get CDs ...03:02
ograthen syncing ...03:02
ogra(which is also almost 1h for all isos)03:02
leetcharmerI hope Ubuntu final release gets better support for my laptop than Flight 5 did :D03:02
cbx33i hope the battery applet is fixed in dapper03:03
leetcharmerworked fine for me03:03
leetcharmerwhat's the problem been?03:03
cbx33it always says AC power03:03
cbx33but that's offtopic now03:03
flintogra, you are building the final flight then right now.03:03
cbx33what's next on the agenda?03:03
leetcharmerfinal flight = beta, no?03:03
ograthere will be more fligts03:03
flintso we are at flight 7 in this build03:04
ograwe still have some weeks ahead, people shall see the progress03:04
leetcharmerogra, you gonna make a flight 6 before the beta release?03:04
ograyou mean that flight 6 from two weeks ago ? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-6/03:05
bimberileetcharmer: flight6 is out - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-6/ :)03:05
leetcharmerI mean 7**03:05
ogranope, beta == flight 703:05
leetcharmergotcha :D03:05
leetcharmerdid we get new graphics yet? :D:D:D:D03:05
ograther will be the release candidate and i guess at least another milestone release inbetween03:06
flintogra, I thought it was 7 and like it better than beta as a name... 7 being a lucky number...03:06
leetcharmer:p no such thing as luck03:06
ogranope, no new wallpaper yet 03:06
ograwe're still waiting03:06
JaneWok so I'll try to chase the wallpaper with silbs and toxic03:07
ograand given that i wont change the CD if its not oversized in this build i currently wait for, it wont happen for beta03:07
JaneWlet get going with the doc translations03:07
JaneWthe site looks great03:07
JaneWand ogra will ask mdz about gobby03:07
JaneWand get beta out03:07
ograafter beta03:07
JaneWeveryone else test and report back please03:07
ograhe's busy enough atm03:07
JaneWogra: ok03:07
bimberiogra: will the url (in 3 hours) be http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/dapper/beta/dapper-install-i386.iso  ?03:07
cbx33of course03:07
JaneWlet's leave ogar to get on with it03:08
ograbimberi, nope03:08
JaneWthanks for the time ogra03:08
=== bimberi wants to set up a wget atjob
ograthat'll be the url if the beta release is actually out03:08
leetcharmerwill edubuntu dapper have a 'create thin client server' setting that sets up all connected machines on a network?03:08
bimberiogra: ah kk03:08
ograbimberi, if you already have an older iso around, rsync is the far better choice03:08
cbx33ogra: where can we find the url03:09
ogra(rsyncing between two dailies happens for me in ~10 min, while a wget download trakes 2h)03:09
ogracbx33, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/03:09
flintogra, would you care to spew out a working rsync line?  this would help us get it right at our sites...03:09
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bimberiogra: ah, gotcha - use the daily build :)03:09
cbx33cheers ogra 03:10
flintogra, rsync and I get along but only a little, and I very much like that idea.03:10
ograthe recent upcoming daily and daily-live ( 20060419.1) should be fine (if they are not oversized due to the added accessibility stuff)03:10
cbx33ogra: which ltsp stuff do you need me to document?03:10
ogracbx33, the scripts first place03:11
ograltsp-build-client -upadte-sshkeys and -update-kernel03:11
leetcharmerI like EdgyEft :D03:11
cbx33np I'll get on with that, have they changed much from breezy to dapper?03:11
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cbx33seeing as I don;t have time to install edubuntu dapper at the moment, is ther eanywhere I could get a copy of the scripts from....so i can start docing on the way home?03:12
cbx33ogra: do you use sgml for man pages?03:12
ograapt-get source ltsp 03:13
ogralook in the server subdir03:13
flintogra, I may actually try to get a wiki going on this rsync thing... downloading the isos is a drag.03:13
cbx33thanks ogra03:13
ograflint, i have a rsync script03:13
flintogra, thanks, I could really use it.03:13
flintogra, damn, thanks.  This could be widely published and available...03:14
ograrun it with --help to see the options ... it defaults to create an edubuntu directory in your current dir03:14
ograand to download live and install for all arches 03:14
ograyou might want to restrict that :)03:14
flintogra, my god the damn thing is 300 lines long and bulletproof you scare me Oliver!!!!03:15
cbx33sorry ogra - one last question, where does one apply for edubuntu member status  - for future reference 03:15
flintogra, ok, only 138 lines, but it is still a thing of beauty.  needs a wiki page ma man...03:16
ogracbx33, https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-members03:16
cbx33and the offer is still there if you guys want youthLUG to test anything out03:16
cbx33thanx ogra 03:17
ograok, we are over time, lets move to #edubuntu03:17
flintogra, really nice.03:18
freeflyingogra: how to aplly for edubuntu membership 03:18
ografreeflying,  https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-members03:18
freeflyingogra: seems need approved 03:19
ografreeflying, sure 03:19
ograits the same as ubuntumembers03:19
cbx33of course freeflying 03:19
ograi.e. you have to go through the full newmember process for it 03:20
freeflyingcome to the CC for it ?03:20
=== bimberi dares ogra to set it as an Open team :P
ografreeflying, nope03:21
ograi'll mail edubuntu-devel about the proicess next week or on the weekend (after beta)03:21
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Apr 20:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 25 Apr 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 26 Apr 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 26 Apr 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu
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janimohi, sorry I thought it was Tuesday03:32
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janimodo we have an agenda?03:33
janimonomed, thanks for the poke :)03:33
nomedjanimo: not really03:33
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janimohmm, let's improvise again then03:33
nomedjanimo: this are some notes03:34
janimothe main topic now is testing BETA candidate CDs03:34
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janimonomed, hmm we have nautilus and metacity stuff on the CD??03:34
nomedjanimo: it should be fixed now03:35
janimooh on the liveCD, that;s fin03:35
=== Harti [n=Harti@dslb-082-083-236-241.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
nomedit was python-gnome2-extras03:35
janimofixed? did COlin drop that?03:35
nomedcalled by espresso gtk ui03:35
nomedKamion: told me yes03:35
janimook, anyway since it is on the live it's not such a big problem03:36
nomedas the function that imports gtkmozembed is commented ...03:36
janimowith gconf we have to live in the install as sevaral packages use it03:36
janimoaha I see03:36
janimothen we'll have an even smalled liveCD :)03:37
janimothe small fonts I did not see03:37
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janimoI wil be testing more today03:37
nomedjanimo: it's strange that03:37
nomedif i use dpi 96 in firefox they are really small03:37
nomedfor me at least03:37
nomedif i use system default03:38
nomedthey are bigger03:38
Kamionnomed: not uploaded yet, but will be today03:38
nomedeven if xinitrc sets them to 9603:38
nomedKamion: yep 03:39
nomedjanimo: it's possible then xarchiver 0.4 will not be ready for dapper03:41
nomedthat means we have to add patches 03:41
janimonomed, I assumed so. I'll try to stabilize 0.3.1 . Oh well03:41
nomedthe devel already sent me the ones that are needed03:42
janimothe thunar plugin is too nice to miss03:42
janimonomed, why can they not release 0.3.2 themselves03:42
nomedjanimo: i don't really know03:42
janimonow they have svn there's no excuse for sending patches :)03:42
janimonomed, yes I know you don't know, sorry :)03:43
nomedthay are considering 0.4 as next release03:43
nomedjust that03:43
janimoI would have preferred they started learning gtk after dapper releases ;)03:43
janimonomed, the startpage problem is expected, we'll mention it in the release notes03:44
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janimodid you chose en_GB locale right?03:44
nomedjanimo: yes03:45
janimook, we should gather the known problems on a wiki page and point to it from the announcement03:46
nomedjanimo: what's nice is that he told me xarchiver now is really faster ..03:46
janimoso they know we are on them03:46
janimonomed, that's nice03:46
=== Harti [n=Harti@dslb-082-083-236-241.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["-carpe]
janimoalthough I am not sure how often one deals with 60K files in one archive03:46
janimoif it's faster because they cleaned up and structured the code better great03:47
janimoif it's faster because they started optimizing while still having unsolved bugs, less great . but it's their project :)03:47
nomedehehe .. i guess it's both of them03:48
nomedbetter support for same archives .. but still issues on others03:48
janimoif we cover tar.gz, bz2 ans zip I say that's good enough03:49
janimoiso images support is not that necessary03:49
janimoor arj for that matter03:49
nomedjanimo: these should be already supported 03:49
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nomedjanimo: i do not think there is that much to say03:51
janimowe should just test the current ISOs a lot03:51
nomedmaybe just to define a deadline for that color scheme stuff ?03:51
janimowhich I'll do as soon as rsycn finishes03:51
janimonomed, yes that too03:51
janimoalthough I hoped that afer trying beta we will see what users think of the current artwork03:52
janimobut I still find it hard to choose between those proposals since it's not only the color theme that is different03:53
nomedi'm not subscribed to #ubuntu-art .. it would be nice if someone (that is) could send a mail 03:53
janimoI am not either :)03:53
janimobut that may become more extravagant proposals when all we need now is converging on what we have03:54
janimoI'll set a deadline for next monday then.03:54
janimoand tell the list03:54
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nomedbetter yes :)03:55
nomedthat seems to be what we have :)03:55
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nomedjanimo: if you decided to include OOo there is a known issue 03:56
janimonomed, which?03:56
janimoit's on the install CD currently03:57
nomed<Harti> i changed from "ooffice -calc %U" to "oocalc %U" and then its fine03:57
janimobut I have yet to try it03:57
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janimohmm, packages missing?03:57
nomedi do not have OOo so i don't know ..03:57
nomedjanimo: well more a desktop files issue03:57
janimothere are a few transitional packages that need to be added probably03:57
janimonomed, thanks I'll look into it03:57
nomedExec: entries03:57
janimoI don't have an ooffice command03:59
janimoI wonder what installs it in the menu03:59
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janimoactually I do03:59
janimomisspelled it03:59
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Apr 20:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 25 Apr 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 26 Apr 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 26 Apr 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 27 Apr 02:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status
nomedjanimo: i do not see anywere "minimal system requirements" for xubuntu04:01
nomedthat's something users ask often ...04:01
janimonomed, we don;t know what they are :)04:01
janimoI ran it (sluggishly) on 64M 600MHz04:02
janimoobviously the memory is that matters more04:02
nomedwe should figure it out i guess :)04:02
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janimoright, hopefully by tomorrow, after the CDs are installed04:02
nomedthat's what (possible) new users usually ask on #xubuntu04:03
strapalwithout libjpeg-progs, i can,t rotate my images in gqview - why isnt this package on the CD?04:03
janimostrapal, a bug most likely04:04
janimostrapal, I'll add it to the desktop, thanks. it's in main so it's ok04:04
strapalaha, thx04:05
janimostrapal: ok, should be in next xubuntu-desktop, but not likely for beta04:06
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janimook, anything else?04:08
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