[12:20] morning Plug === nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp231-175.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [12:20] greetings === AviaX [n=aviax@i3ED6CE08.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-server [12:23] I've just installed tripwire and set it up (via apt-get install tripwire) but it appears I've missed something.. when trying to run a test I get /var/lib/tripwire/inserthostnamehere.twd No such file or directory [12:23] Any ideas? [12:25] nandemonai: dpkg -L tripwire | grep -i inserthostnamehere should tell you if the file is at a different location or missing from the pkg [12:26] yeah, sounds like the hostname hasnt been configured at install time [12:26] ok I'll give it a go, thanks [12:27] That command returned nothing.. [12:27] And yes I did replace it with the REAL hostname :P [12:29] nandemonai: have you checked config in /etc/ ? maybe the value hasnt been correctly stored in there [12:30] You mean the tripwire conf? === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-server [12:31] I'm new to tripwire btw.. [12:34] the twcfg.txt has this line.. DBFILE =/var/lib/tripwire/$(HOSTNAME).twd I assume the parsed version is taken from that.. [12:36] I'll try running through tripwire --init and see if that creates the db properly.. [12:38] Oh wait.. I think I know what's wrong.. I assumed that the apt-get install did all that when I ran through setting up the pass phrases etc.. Guess I assumed wrong. My apologies. [12:40] hi ajmitch [12:40] nandemonai: what does "hostname" command gives back to you? [12:43] my hostname, like it should.. nvm me, just having a blode moment.. [12:43] *blonde [12:43] The db hadn't been created.. [12:44] All appears well now tripwire --init went through [12:44] I just figured that was done in the initial config options after I apt-get installed it.. Never assume! :) [12:45] allee: thanks, adding arcmsr to the modules file indeed makes the system boot [12:46] good guess eh? :) congrats plug! [12:51] Plug: curious: what vendor/model (the computer, not the controler) showed this bug? [12:52] It's a SuperMicro mainboard [12:53] 'k thx [12:54] (raised bug 40075) [12:58] So, I've got an ubuntu-server install (Dapper, FC6), and I've got a kernel with a PREEMPT tag [12:59] I thought one of the ideas of ubuntu-server was to avoid the preempt kernel features. [01:20] Now to learn all about LVM snapshots. [01:46] hi all [01:46] @Overand what is it about preempt? === nandemonai_ [n=nandemon@ppp231-175.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [02:07] Overand: that's probably because you haven't got the -server kernel running (it might still not be enabled by default). you'll want to install the server kernel package. [02:11] neuralis: yeah? [02:12] ahh [02:12] linux-image-amd64-server [02:12] Hope that's an SMP kernel [02:12] holy nuggets, the package is 21 megs [02:15] neuralis: thanks. =] [02:15] now to see if my grub config is correct and will load that kernel by default [02:16] Fortunately I haven't colocated the server yet, so if it doesn't, it's not a big deal. [02:17] Rad. Works. [02:19] which version of ubuntu-server did you download? [02:20] Dapper, Flight 6 [02:20] flight6, or a more recent daily? [02:20] ah. [02:20] I also haven't yet done an apt-get upgrade [02:21] Just for kicks I'm running bonnie++ to see if there's any difference, but since there's nothing else really eating CPU time on the box, I seriously doubt it [02:22] the current seeds show that the server kernel should be installed by default, so the dailies should have this problem removed. [02:25] im using the daily version from april 17th and uname says:Linux fireball 2.6.15-20-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue Apr 4 17:48:51 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux [02:26] hm. [02:26] fabbione: can you look into this? it seems like we're still installing the desktop kernel by default on u-s installations. [02:26] AviaX: did the installation work well with you otherwise? [02:26] s/with/for/ [02:27] yes without problems [02:27] good to hear. [02:27] :-) [02:28] should i switch kernels? [02:28] AviaX: yes. [02:28] Overand: you? any issues or problems with the install or deployment that i should know about? [02:28] I had serious problems with my install of flight 6 actually [02:28] I installed with XFS [02:28] and grub didn't install [02:29] got the 'unsupported arch.' message [02:29] "GRUB didn't install. This may have been because you were..." etc [02:29] Ubuntu-server, Flgiht 6, AMD64, and my drives were on a 3ware raid card. [02:29] I installed with EXT3 and it was fine. [02:29] I had another problem, but I'm not sure what it was. I had to use a different CD drive... [02:30] It's on a 1U server, and it has a built-in laptop CD drive. [02:30] The install 'hung' past a certain point, checked dmesg, DriveReady SeekComplete errors [02:30] so i figured, bad burn, made a new one. [02:30] same problem, similar spot. [02:30] so i swapped out the laptop drive for another laptop drive, same problem, different spot [02:30] so using the *same controller* on the board, I put in a standard IDE CD drive [02:31] and the installation went fine... [02:31] And yes, I verified the CDs, verified fine on another computer, verify hung on the laptop drives. [02:31] I don't think I can really blame that on ubuntu-server though, that could be *so* many different things [02:31] But a brand new laptop CD drive, and a known-good one both having problems in the same area, while a 'normal' cd drive hooked to the same port on the board worked fine? Very odd. [02:33] which kernel should i'll take then, linux-image-2.6.15-20-server? [02:34] AviaX: what's your processor? [02:34] athlon 2500+ [02:34] eh sorry, athlon mp 1600+ [02:35] ohh. [02:35] dual? [02:35] nope [02:35] or just one MP? =] [02:35] just one MP? [02:35] yes [02:35] ... is it a dual proc board? [02:35] well either way that is probably the right package for you [02:35] nope, just a mobile athlon in a standard desktop board [02:36] k i see [02:36] MP isn't "mobile athlon" [02:36] the MP is the 'dual CPU capable' athlon [02:36] oh ok i see, good to know :-/ [02:36] hey, pick up another and find a cheap MP board [02:36] or not [02:36] I love my Dual MP 1900+ system [02:37] Of course, it's running 'that other operating system' right now =/ [02:37] so i have a mobile athlon not a MP :-( [02:37] k [02:38] so what i need for switching kernels, i made my last kernel over a year ago on a gentoo system [02:40] WOW. [02:40] file creation speed more or less doubled between these two kernels [02:40] 1500/sec on the preempt, 3200/sec on the -server one [02:41] diskwrite being sliiightly slower [02:41] like a percent at most [02:41] i see [02:41] do i just need the kernel package? [02:43] wow. [02:43] Overand: the server kernel uses a different IO scheduler. [02:43] performance is better in terms of responsiveness when I have ~16 instances of nice -9 bzip2 -9 /dev/null [02:44] now i'll try my 'bonnie while that's running' thing [02:44] I'm still sort of 'eh' about running EXT3 [02:44] Overand: please post a detailed report of your installation problems to the ubuntu-server list; this is pretty critical information. [02:44] neuralis: I'm not sure how detailed I can make it, but I'll do what I can. [02:44] URL for the list? [02:45] I'm relatively new to the ubuntu community, and haven't participated on any lists. [02:45] Overand: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server [02:45] Overand: welcome on board. [02:45] =] [02:45] Thanks. [02:45] Should I bother with the DriveReady SeekComplete one? [02:46] probably not; it doesn't sound like it's a software issue. [02:46] It feels like a compatability problem, but it could just be a case of laptop CD drives not liking the CD-R [02:46] It's just odd that two different laptop drives on the same controller would fail, but a standard one on the same one would work. [02:46] The XFS thing was too bad, though. [02:47] Overand: i don't know what your experiences with xfs are in production, but i'd never recommend using it in a serious environment. [02:52] neuralis: I've heard very mixed reports. [02:52] I went mostly on the word of someone who I trust, but... [02:53] Overand: i've had nothing but grief with xfs blowing up in several production and testing environments. [02:54] cute === ajmitch still sticks solely with ext3 [02:57] ajmitch: agreed. [02:58] Overand: ext3 is about as rock-solid as journaling filesystems come these days. unless you have to have breakneck performance, it's good enough that the other FSes don't even merit much consideration. [02:58] I still don't have access to those T2000s, thanks to uni ITS :) [03:00] neuralis: that's sort of how I Fel [03:00] ...feel [03:01] I'll see how the system works out. As it stands, it's already grossly overpowered for what I need, but with luck it'll get busy. [03:02] how overpowered is it? [03:04] Athlon X2 4200+, 2 gigs of CAS2 ram, but just two 250 gig SATA drives (16 meg cache) in RAID 1 on a 2 port 3ware controller [03:05] not too bad [03:05] So I didn't go nutso 15k RPM SCSI drives in 0+1 or anything [03:05] having /var/spool on reiser-fs significantly improves the response time of webcaching [03:05] The X2 thing was sort of a no-brainer [03:06] found a Tyan barebones system that sells for ~$600 that's 1U and supports the X2 chips, but is a pretty decent board, has 4 built-in hot-swappable HDs, etc === ajmitch has similar specs for a desktop box at home [03:07] yeah [03:07] same here [03:14] Overand: thanks for the report. [03:15] No problem. [03:15] Apparnetly my e-mail client uses my first name. Oh well, heh. === AviaX [n=aviax@i3ED6CE08.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-server === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-server === Plug [n=crb@203-167-190-117.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-server [06:44] neuralis: yes we know. Kamion planned to fix it today [06:45] neuralis: it will be there for Beta. no phear === digitalfallout [n=esharp@68-188-149-54.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === hunger [n=tobias@p54A614CF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-server [08:36] fabbione: have you seen http://kerneltrap.org/node/6492 ? [08:37] neuralis: no i don't read kerneltrap [08:42] fair enough [08:57] i will look at it later === Plug [n=crb@203-167-190-117.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-server [09:52] Guys, what's the major difference with the -server kernel? [09:58] nawty: no kernel preemption, deadline io scheduler, 100hz clockfreq. [09:59] nawty: + smp and basic numa. [10:05] s/smp/smp support for hideously large numbers of CPUs/ [10:05] (The desktop kernel does SMP) [10:06] Err, if by "desktop", I mean "desktop kernel that isn't -386", of course. === thefish [n=thefish@unaffiliated/thefish] has joined #ubuntu-server [10:11] infinity: right. [10:11] infinity: what scheduler does the desktop kernel use? cfq? [10:19] Whatever the default is. I always forget. [10:20] Anticipatory. === spike_ [n=spike@81-179-124-253.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === spike_ is now known as spike [11:38] so i should be using the server one then i take it. [11:39] ( for servers ) [11:39] http://www.stdlib.net/~colmmacc/2006/04/13/more-ubuntu-on-t2000/ [11:40] nawty: old news [11:42] fabbione: interesting never the less. [11:43] yeah [11:43] a freind of mine does development work for the Solaris Kernel ( performance benching ) [11:45] nawty: yes, you should be using the server kernel on servers. surprising, isn't it? [11:49] sarcasm, the ultimate in ... help :P [11:49] neuralis: don't be stupid, answer properly, or don't bother. [11:49] nawty: be nice [11:50] nawty: there was supposed to be a smiley at the end of that. [12:11] heh ;) [12:11] sorry, too much time on ubutnu-user's made me grumpy. === h3sp4wn [n=samw@cpc1-leed5-0-0-cust30.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === Bluekuja [n=bluekuja@host211-124.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-server === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-server === h3sp4wn [n=samw@cpc1-leed5-0-0-cust30.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === h3sp4wn [n=samw@cpc1-leed5-0-0-cust30.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === JulienH [n=JulienH@tru75-2-82-67-204-235.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-server === h3sp4wn [n=samw@cpc1-leed5-0-0-cust30.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === soumyadip [n=soumyadi@] has joined #ubuntu-server === tarvid [n=tarvid@nat1.ls.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [05:40] i'd like to run pgadmin3 remotely [05:40] i am getting the error Error: Unable to initialize gtk, is DISPLAY set properly? [05:45] or is it pgadmin3? [05:47] probably not just pgadmin3 xclock returns the following error [05:47] Error: Can't open display: === Bluekuja [n=bluekuja@host67-171.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-server [06:02] how much more than xserver-xorg do I need to install [06:07] tarvid: you are in the wrong channel [06:07] ask this stuff in #ubuntu [06:08] that may be but the question is how much do I have to install to get pgadmin to run remotely [06:08] this is a ralatively spartan ubuntu server install [06:09] i don't want to install gnome or another window manager if I can avoid it === soumyadip [n=soumyadi@] has joined #ubuntu-server [06:11] it's not an ubuntu-server question [06:11] it is precisely an ubuntu server question [06:12] if ubuntu is going to support postgresql which is a server not a desktop application [06:12] so what does it take to get pgadmin3 to run on a server installation [06:13] it is at least a bug in dependencies or configuration [06:14] pgadmin3 | 1.2.2-1.1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/universe Packages [06:14] tarvid: so ubuntu doesn't support it, and you're asking in the wrong channel; it's a general ubuntu question, so please use #ubuntu. [06:15] by not supporting pgadmin3, there is less than full support of postgresql [06:18] tarvid: please stop the fud. pgadmin is not part of postgresql. === soumyadip is away: coding === nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp231-175.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-server === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@port169-122.ubs.maxnet.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-server === nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp231-175.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-server === soumyadip is back (gone 01:56:53) === redguy [n=mati@acw237.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu-server [08:36] hi there [08:37] is the information concerning this channel on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat accurate? [08:39] I mean, isn't this a support channel? The wiki clearly says that this channel is a "team channel". Is pointing users from #ubuntu to this channel for support with ubuntu server wrong? [08:46] redguy: point is definition of "related to ubuntu-server" [08:46] spike: indeed [08:46] redguy: ppl thinks since they downloaded ubuntu-server, installing vim is a server question, but of course it's not [08:46] I guess that's the most common problem [08:48] spike: is ubotu's factoid like this? [08:49] redguy: what sorry? [08:50] spike: erm, is ubotu's server factoid correct now? I made ubotu pm you the factoid. [08:52] oh, sry, [notice(ubotu)] Your query got blocked. :) [08:52] hang on [08:52] Ubuntu 5.10 Server is out! http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2005-October/000042.html, for server related questions join #ubuntu-server [08:53] yeah, see it in the logs [08:53] redguy: well, that sounds like something you'd expected for a new release... dapper is almost out === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-server [08:54] redguy: I'd rather say something like "ubuntu server edition available. stable breezy 5.10, something else dapper... for server related questions..." [08:56] spike: actually, only the "for server related..." bit is mine... I'll change the other part [08:56] maybe a good thing could be referring a page explaining what's a "server related question", just to reduce the noise ration... not that it's unbearable atm. [08:57] redguy: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat#ubuntu-server, something like that maybe [08:58] spike: is "server related" explained somewhere on the wiki? [08:59] I dont think so, we actually havent got a page explaining exactly what a server edition is afaik [08:59] guess I can write one and post it on the ML for review [09:00] spike: in fact, I wanted to ask you that question :-) [09:00] ok, doing a search on the wiki just in case [09:00] spike: what is the server edition? i presume that server edition != server install [09:02] redguy: they're same stuff [09:02] server install will install the same stuff installed by the server iso [09:03] spike: ah, so it's the packages on the CD that are different, right? [09:05] redguy: thinks so, yeah. actally I d/l'ed a warty cd a long ago, and since then no more iso for me but server ones [09:08] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a smp kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server apprications. Current stable version is 5.10. For server related questions join #ubuntu-server [09:09] spike: that's what it looks like now [09:09] spike: would you include the wiki article later? [09:12] redguy: yeah, when the page is ready I'd take off the second and third statements and link the wiki page. and add a "see channel policy: + link to wikipage" [09:12] at the end [09:13] cool, thanks === ivoks [n=ivoks@lns02-0391.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-server