
Riddellhussam: unless you want to be a guinea pig12:04
ZeLL91ok _jeff12:05
ZeLL91do you know anyone named tritium_12:05
_jeffyeah i say that guy here yesterday12:05
ZeLL91he banned me12:05
ZeLL91= (12:06
_jeffaw what a rip12:06
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ZeLL91i have to msg him12:06
_jeffif i see him again ill say something12:06
_jeffwhat did the almighty ompaul say?12:06
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ZeLL91if only i knew how to hack12:06
crimsunmichael does not ban for senseless reasons.12:06
crimsunmoreover, this is NOT the channel to whine about it12:07
_jeffare you a mod?12:07
crimsundoes it matter, _jeff?12:07
tmeiwhats gparted?12:07
ZeLL91what do you mean a mod?12:07
_jeffim just wondering crimsun12:07
HymnToLiferight you are crimsun, banning for senseles reasons is Seveas' job :p12:07
_jeffits for my research if you must know12:07
ZeLL91nevermind then12:07
HymnToLife*hope Seveas isn't here with another nick*12:08
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ZeLL91= )12:08
hussamRiddell: then I'll get the live cd and try installing from in on an empty partition.12:08
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ZeLL91tritium_ banned me saying "Are you kidding me???"12:08
_jeffif nobody is talking and nobody really needs help then who cares if we talk about something else12:08
Riddellhussam: good luck and mind and take a backup12:08
crimsun_jeff: we're not going to discuss that, thanks.12:09
hussamRiddell: ok thanks12:09
ZeLL91is there a channel for hackers?12:09
bipolarDoes anyone know a way to get amarok to play video podcasts? Right now it just plays the audio from them, and I can play the video by draging the episode into kaffine.12:09
crimsunZeLL91: michael did not enforce the ban (at least not the version that I see)12:09
bipolaroh, I'm on dapper.12:09
SeveasHymnToLife, I'm here as me....12:09
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SeveasHymnToLife, and id you have complaints, just tell me instead of badmouthing12:10
temihm hm?12:10
ZeLL91hm hm hm?12:10
Seveashm hm hm hm12:10
temiho ho!12:10
ubotu_jeff: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:10
ZeLL91ho ha ho ho ho!12:10
ZeLL91slob on my nob like corn on a cob12:11
solanhow do I enable libexif?12:11
temimabye i will12:11
ZeLL91check in with me then do your job12:11
vgeZeLL91: dont push your unbans :/12:11
ZeLL91= )12:11
solanI'm trying to install Mediatomb, and get a message about it being disabled when I ./configure..12:11
HymnToLifeSeveas> hey I was just kidding, no offense12:12
Seveasyou need the libexif dev packages solan12:12
ZeLL91jeff you have aim?12:12
Riddellsolan: apt-cache search libexif should show the relevant -dev package12:12
_jeffZeLL91: i have kopete, so yeah12:12
ZeLL91what is it12:13
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_soupis it possible to get gnome like network icon in panel in kubuntu?12:13
_jeffHymnToLife: lol12:13
_jeffkopete is a multi client messenger that includes msn, aim, icq etc.12:13
bipolar_soup: you mean to show the status and contol network interfaces?12:13
ZeLL91but what is your aim?12:13
_jeffZeLL91: lol i dont have an account though12:13
_soupbipolar : yes12:13
temikopete doesnt let me sned files!!!12:13
_jeffill make one, there are enough of my friends on aim12:14
temiso evil12:14
HymnToLifetemi> that's a well known bug in Kopete12:14
bipolar_soup: I'm running dapper and use kde-network-manager. It's awesome.12:14
_jefftemi: are you using msn on kopete?12:14
HymnToLifeget gaim ;)12:14
ZeLL91ok when you make one my aim is drkidd9112:14
temi_jeff: ya12:14
ZeLL91does kopete have sounf?12:14
bipolar_soup: I don't have enough time to walk you though it's configuration, but it's all in the wiki.12:14
_jeffi think that may just be the msn network,12:14
temiim still trying to install windows12:15
temibut it doesnt let me cause its free space12:15
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temiand i gotta mount it but i donno how12:15
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HymnToLifetemi> install windows ?12:15
bipolar_soup: All I can say is after you install, comment all the interfaces out of /etc/network/interfaces except for loopback (lo) and reboot.12:15
vgetemi: tryed gparted?12:15
ZeLL91does anyone have kopete with sound12:15
temivge what is gparted12:15
vgepartition program12:15
temiGnome Partition Editor?12:16
ZeLL91does anyone have kopete with sound?12:16
temimy sound doesnt work at all heh12:16
vgetemi: yes, works in kde too12:16
HymnToLifeZeLL91> quit asking, if someone did he'd have told you12:16
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_soupbipolar : i just want to add status icon to a panel.12:17
temivge can i install and run, or do i have to burn onto a cd?12:17
solanany1 ever used mediatomb?12:17
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vgeyou can apt-get it if you wish12:17
paulvolkok after I have done dist-upgrade what should I do?12:18
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asranielRiddell: i would be surpised if there were no ubuntu breezy cds (im not talking about dapper). so is there no way to get up to date breezy cds? since the pc i want to install it does not have internet and the old version was very buggy12:22
Riddellasraniel: get breezy CDs from kubuntu.org/download.php, but we havn't yet made ones incuding breezy-updates and breezy-security12:24
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asranielRIddell: thank you.. well thats a problem..  have to see how to solve it (the computer is for a linux newbie that only needs it for open office)12:27
ZeLL91is there a hacking channel?12:28
ZeLL91is there a way to hack with irc?12:28
ZeLL91ok i guess not12:28
vgeZeLL91: you ask things that are not di12:29
vge*not for this channel12:29
_jeffZeLL91: did you get my /msg?12:29
ZeLL91i didnt get your message12:30
_jeffim trying to private message ZeLL91 but it says im not registered12:30
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ZeLL91then type /msg register then your password12:30
_jeffhow do i register?12:30
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BeerBabythis PyGTK that is needed for wifi radar, u have to bloody compile it and then install etc? ugh god this is so much hassle lol12:31
ZeLL91did you put your pw after the register word?12:31
ZeLL91without <>12:31
BeerBabyi think im just going to chuck kubuntu and install suse at this rate12:31
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_jeffit says my name is already registered12:33
ZeLL91then change it12:33
ZeLL91jeff91 or something12:33
ZeLL91or jeff200612:33
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jeff_mok done12:33
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jeff_mno, this is already registered too12:34
jeff_mok im going for my full name12:34
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jeff_marshallok it registered12:34
jeff_marshallwhats the password for?12:34
ZeLL91now what were you gonna pm me?12:34
Raven301is there a c++ package for kubuntu?12:36
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temivge you there?12:38
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jeff_marshallRaven301: what do you mean?12:39
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Raven301jeff_marshall: I need  C++ compiler12:41
jeff_marshallRaven301: maybe something like libcpp12:41
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jeff_marshallRaven301: type apt-cache search c++ compiler12:42
temiwell in adept type c compiler, theres a couple things12:42
Raven301Couldn't find package libcpp12:42
temiAnyone know what the hell make is "Type `make' to compile the package."12:42
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HymnToLifetemi> just type make in a terminal12:43
temii did it doesnt do anything12:43
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temilike Command not found anything12:43
Raven301jeff_marshall: thanks for the command ... long list ... still looking12:44
jeff_marshallRaven301: np, wish i knew the specific package12:44
HymnToLifetemi> sudo apt-get install build-essential12:44
HymnToLifebut what are you trying to build anyway ?12:45
jeff_marshallRaven301: are tou trying to compile an app you downloaded?12:45
Raven301jeff_marshall: Trying to build E1712:45
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jeff_marshallZeLL91: wha?12:46
ZeLL91the message taht i sent you12:46
ZeLL91with the errors12:46
jeff_marshallRaven301: i think build-essential should help you too12:46
jeff_marshallwas that all?12:46
jeff_marshallthat it gave you12:46
Raven301jeff_marshall: ok thanks12:47
jeff_marshallRaven301: np12:47
Xaero_VincentWow the Kubuntu has really improved. Tell me will Kubuntu now become a equal support OS to Ubuntu? Will there be Kubuntu ship-it CDs?12:47
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temihymntolife make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.12:49
Xaero_Vincentthe reason why I ask is because Ubuntu is the best... but Gnome isnt.  But Ubuntu has so much more popularity and thus has more community support... but will this change because KDE is better and KDE 4.0 will eat Gnome.12:49
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HymnToLifetemi> are you _sure_ you followed _all_ the instructions to build your stuff ?12:50
temiit says to run ./configure12:50
temithen it says12:50
temitype make12:50
HymnToLifeand did you run ./configure ?12:50
HymnToLifedid it tell you something unusual ?12:50
temiwell it said if i compiled something ro rather, which i didnt12:51
temiconfigure: error: GNU Parted requires libuuid - a part of the e2fsprogs package (but12:51
temisometimes distributed separately in uuid-devel or similar)12:51
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HymnToLifehere you go then12:52
HymnToLifeinstall it ;)12:52
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temihm... it says in adept it is installed12:52
douglasHow do I start this new network-manager-kde package which I noticed for gnome and found a version for kde ? ---> http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/12:52
jeff_marshallXaero_Vincent: yeah as long as we provide support for kubuntu12:52
jeff_marshallXaero_Vincent: i think kubuntu will dominate soon12:53
jeff_marshallXaero_Vincent: i used ubuntu for a long long time and gave gnome a good go12:53
jeff_marshallXaero_Vincent: but it was terrible boring and wasted a lot of space on my screen12:53
jeff_marshallno matter what i did to make things fit better12:53
jeff_marshallit was just bulky12:53
douglasanyone, network-manager for kde?12:54
Xaero_Vincentyes.. Gnome just lacks so much... the newest junk is the useless Gnome screensaver.. you cant even change the options!12:54
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jeff_marshalldouglas: i use wifi manager, but its for gnome12:54
jeff_marshalland the default icons and themes are so ugly12:54
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jeff_marshallalthough i prefer gdesklets to skaramba12:55
douglasjeff_marshall: I noticed in the release notes that there is the new network manager with the neat mac like wifi setup, is there a package for kde?12:55
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Xaero_VincentI dont need that kind of hindrance.. Me being a Windows user as well.. I want the eye candy and the features..12:55
jeff_marshalldouglas: are you talking about wifi manager?12:56
jeff_marshallyeah i know12:56
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Xaero_Vincentthe new beta icons are nice and glossy.. alot of gimp work there12:56
jeff_marshalli want a devilishly sexy desktop that lis fast and responsive12:56
douglashttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing/dapperbeta On this page they refer to it as the new network manager from this website http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/12:57
douglasjeff_marshall: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/dapperbeta On this page they refer to it as the new network manager from this website http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/12:57
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Xaero_VincentI read KDE 4.0 will be at least 30% faster.. and Kubuntu will use that when it's released right?12:57
Xaero_Vincentprobably 2007 sometime12:58
HymnToLifewhen is KDE 4.0 gonna be released ?12:58
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Xaero_Vincentno set date12:59
jeff_marshalldouglas: you i think you can get that with dapper then12:59
douglasSo if I install this package called network-manager-kde then I can just reboot and it will load, because it would be a dream to have good wifi setup01:00
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jeff_marshalldouglas: i cant find any package called network-manager-kde01:01
temihymnforlife, im getting a termcap error, but it says that (n)curses can also be a substitute, i tried getting both still nothing01:02
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douglashmm... perhaps it's in universe or multiverse?01:02
jeff_marshalli have both enabled and still nothing01:02
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douglasI'll just restart after bit01:03
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puckmanAnother day and another download from the cool people at Kubuntu01:03
puckmanThey ROCK01:04
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=== puckman wonders if it shows that he loves kubuntu
HymnToLifewhat download ?01:05
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yaniswhere is konqueror in the kde menu?01:06
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puckmanthe new dapper with the gfx installer01:06
puckmanunder internet01:06
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puckman(web browser) konqueor01:07
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yanisdamn it, why is it there?01:07
puckmanwhy not?01:08
Raven301How would I go about installing the x development headers for this disto??01:08
puckmanit is a browser01:08
leagrisHello, I definetely brock all my dapper Kde tonight because an offending kcontrol broken post install script in last update01:08
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yanisit's a file browser too01:09
yanisit should be in system01:09
ManeitAnyone know how to compile kmplayer so that preview works in the properties dialogue?01:11
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idiotbsi'm having a problem installing dapper kubuntu01:14
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arthurbHi, is anyone having trouble with crystal icons on latest update from dapper ?01:15
idiotbsmy harddisk died today, so i replaced it and was just installing ubuntu:server i saw that the dapper beta is released, so i decided to upgrade right away, and then do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:16
ZeLL91can someone tell me how to install giFT?01:16
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idiotbsbut when it comes to kcontrol it returns an error and stops01:16
_jeffZeLL91: hey01:17
_jeffsry bout that01:17
ZeLL91its ok01:17
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ZeLL91_jeff:do you know how to install giFT?01:17
ZeLL91its too complicated01:18
ZeLL91please tell me how01:18
_jeffsudo apt-get install gift01:18
ZeLL91couldnt find package gift01:18
arthurbIs anyone having issues with crystal icons ?01:19
idiotbsit's in universe, ZeLL9101:19
idiotbsyou need to uncomment the universe line in your sources.list01:19
_jeffahh you dont have universe enabled01:20
ZeLL91do i have to download universe?01:20
ZeLL91how do i enable it?01:20
_jeffyou have to remove the #'s in your sources.list that are in front of the universe repository01:20
ZeLL91can i find this?01:21
_jeffit will say something in there where your universe repository is01:21
idiotbsyou can do that in adept -> manage repositories01:21
_jeff /etc/apt/sources.list01:21
_jeffyeah or that01:21
idiotbsor edit that file01:21
_jeffyou probably want to get familliar with ur sources.list file though01:21
_jeffbecause adept sucks once you know all your commands and stuff01:21
ZeLL91im in the source.list01:22
ZeLL91what now?01:22
idiotbssearch it for "universe"01:22
_jefflook for where it says anything about breezy universe01:22
idiotbsand remove the ## at the start of the line01:22
ZeLL91ok found it01:22
ZeLL91# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe01:23
ZeLL91# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe01:23
ZeLL91sorry bout that01:23
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_jeffthat looks about right01:23
_jeffare there #'s in front of those lines?01:23
_jefflol yeah there are01:23
_jeffremove them and save it01:23
_jeffyou have to do this as root01:24
ZeLL91i cant01:24
ZeLL91oh as root01:24
ZeLL91edit as root?01:24
arthurbZeLL91: you can edit your source.list as root using adept01:25
HymnToLifeyep, as a regular user, you can't edit anything outside your /home dir01:25
ZeLL91ok done01:25
arthurbor just   sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list01:25
arthurbHymnToLife: save /tmp01:25
_jeffdude just do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:25
idiotbsif you have to edit a file outside /home you must likely be root01:25
ZeLL91now what do i type again?01:25
ZeLL91the command?01:25
HymnToLifeand /tmp indeed01:25
arthurband /media/... depending on fstab01:25
arthurbok I'm done :)01:25
ZeLL91whats the command?01:26
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arthurbANYWAY, is anyone having trouble with the crystal icons not being available anymore after a recent dapper update ? Please, this is a yes or no questions for dapper user01:26
idiotbsi can't tell, arthurb, i'm still having trouble getting kubuntu-desktop installed :P01:27
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idiotbsit says01:29
idiotbsdpkg: error processing kcontrol (--configure):01:30
idiotbs subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 101:30
idiotbsbut i can't see what's the problem01:30
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jeff_marshalldo you guys know how to see sombody's ip adress from the user list?01:33
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temifowlhey anyone know where i can find ATK?01:34
epIt works but I've have unsolvable audio mixing problems with on board (AMD Asus Nvidia chipset) AC97 sound.  Hence  I want to install this SB live card I've got laying around.  How do I do this?01:35
crimsunep: just install it and choose the sblive as your default01:35
arthurbjeff_marshall: /qui username01:35
epinstall what01:35
crimsunep: your card. physically.01:36
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jeff_marshallarthurb: it didnt work :X01:36
epI'm not installling kubuntu its already installed -- so where do I choose sblive as my defualt?01:36
crimsunep: I meant physically plug in the sblive while the computer is powered down01:37
epi know that much:) haven't done it yet thought01:37
crimsunep: after that, I need the output from ``asoundconf list''01:37
epokay, I dont' need to disable the onboard sound in the bios? (or jumper)01:38
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idiotbsnobody has an idea about my kcontrol problem? i can't install kubuntu-desktop without it01:40
epok i'll get back to you (or someone) in a few with the asoundconf output01:40
arthurbjeff_marshall: sorry, it's /quit username01:41
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jeff_marshallarthurb: lol sure01:41
arthurbok ok ... /ip ... how hard is it ?01:41
arthurbsorry /dns01:42
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arthurbhi could someone lists his /usr/shar/icons directory for me ?01:48
arthurbls -l01:48
temiHey, if i install windows, it overrides Grub, how would i se up grub without installing whole kubuntu again?01:48
jeroenvrparthurb: why? Is very long01:49
jeff_marshalltemi: not sure01:49
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ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting01:49
temifowllol jeff01:49
idiotbsyou can use the livecd and repair it01:49
temifowlbut i only have an install01:49
jeroenvrpand why installing windows01:50
idiotbsalso valid01:50
temifowli need windows for general usage01:50
temifowlaka printer01:50
arthurbjeroenvrp: no.. should be a few lines only01:50
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acejonesi am installing KDE as we speak01:50
idiotbsyou boot the installcd until the language question comes up, then hit alt+F201:51
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acejoneswhy make a whole nother distro for kde01:51
acejonesjust use ubuntu right01:51
arthurbthis is ubuntu01:51
jeroenvrpcrystalsvg   gnome    ikons       kubuntu  mono          skype.png      xchat_mini.xpm01:51
jeroenvrpdefault      hicolor  kdeclassic  locolor  qjackctl.png  slick          xine.xpm01:51
jeroenvrpdefault.kde  Human    kids        Locolor  Rodent        SphereCrystal01:51
arthurbI miss default and defaut.kde01:52
jeroenvrpdefault.kde -> crystalsvg01:52
jeroenvrpdefault is empty01:52
jeroenvrpso that will be easy to fix01:53
jeff_marshallacejones: what do you mean?01:53
acejonesis kubuntu a distro or is it just ubuntu install with kde added01:53
jeff_marshallacejones: they are the same os, just geared for different desktop environments01:53
Search4Lancerhow can I make Konversation open links in an existing Firefox window in a new tab (as it already does), but without trying to open a new instance of Firefox as well?01:53
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jeroenvrpacejones: call it a sub-distro01:54
dbakkeracejones: yeah ubuntu is a sub of debian01:54
jeff_marshalllol the ubuntu team doesnt want it called that01:54
jeroenvrpwel also have xubuntu en edubuntu01:54
Search4Lancerit has to be a Konversation thing, because I have the setting in Firefox correct, and I had the same problem with Thunderbird before I added something to the TB config file01:54
jeff_marshallits not a sub distro01:54
arthurbas well as I don't have crystalsvg :(01:54
jeff_marshallthey prefer we think of ubuntu with gnome as default and kubuntu as an alternative01:54
idiotbsthe difference is that ubuntu comes with no kde packages and kubuntu comes with no gnome packages01:54
dbakkerif i installed kde on ubuntu would it be the same as kubuntu?01:55
idiotbsso they're really about what they DON'T have01:55
jeroenvrpSearch4Lancer: you can set your browser in konversation config01:56
idiotbsso did anybody upgrade breezy to dapper?01:56
jeroenvrpSearch4Lancer: and you should set firefox to have all in single window, maybe an extension, waiy01:56
Search4Lancererm jeroenvrp, where in Konversation config?01:57
Search4LancerI do have Firefox set to have all in single window01:57
jeroenvrpBehaviour > General01:57
Search4Lancerthere is nothing pertaining to my issue in Behavior>General01:58
Search4Lancermaybe there is01:58
jeroenvrpuse other browser01:58
Search4Lancerexcept, now it's not working at all01:59
Search4Lancerit tries to open the url file:///home/redphoenix/'http://www.whatever.com'01:59
jeroenvrpfirefox %u01:59
Search4Lancergot it, had to take out the \'%u\'01:59
jeroenvrpyou should use %u01:59
Search4Lancerworks fine now just as firefox01:59
Search4Lancerpizza time... later02:00
jeroenvrpSearch4Lancer: firefox %u and  firefox '%u' work both great for me02:02
jeroenvrpit opens all in new tab02:02
jeroenvrpenjoy yor pizza02:02
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jeroenvrpidiotbs: I upgraded from beezy to dapper, what do you want to know?02:03
idiotbsdid you have any problems?02:04
idiotbsi can't get past kcontrol when trying to install kubuntu-desktop02:05
jeroenvrpnever had any real problems02:05
=== idiotbs is getting tired of the console screen
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jeroenvrpidiotbs: what is exactly the problem - kcontrol?!02:06
idiotbsi just installed with the breezy-install cd (server)and upgraded02:06
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idiotbsdpkg: error processing kcontrol (--configure):02:06
idiotbs subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 102:06
mchasardjust run the new kubuntu 6.06 beta02:06
mchasardas live cd use02:06
idiotbsthis is all it tells me, not very talkative02:07
jeroenvrpidiotbs: is that all02:07
idiotbsdownloading the live cd takes the whole night, but this evening my old hdd died, so it was a quick decision to upgrade02:07
idiotbsyes, that's all02:07
idiotbsi tried it with dpkg-i --force-overwrite, but also no go02:08
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=== elijahlofgren [n=elijahlo@70-41-1-33.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu
idiotbsbut then again... what should it overwrite? :D02:08
jeroenvrpidiotbs: did you first upgraded you breezy install?02:08
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jeroenvrpidiotbs: how did you upgrade to breezy?02:09
idiotbsi installed just the minimum (boot-command: server) and upgraded, then rebooted02:09
mchasardthe boot is not so speedy02:09
ubuntu___I can't get dapper to boot... seems to install fine02:09
ubuntu___I'm on the live cd right now02:09
jeroenvrpidiotbs: is your sources.list ok02:10
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jeroenvrpidiotbs: there is also a few commands you should run02:10
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idiotbsi doublechecked, and all breezy is renamed dapper02:10
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=== idiotbs hovers over the kb
jeroenvrpand did you only do apt-get upgrade?02:10
jeroenvrpI remember I had to 3 apt-get commands02:11
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idiotbsupdate, upgrade, dist-upgrade?02:11
mchasardcan we run a program out the cdlive ...?02:12
jeroenvrpno, wait02:12
mchasardwith apt-get02:12
idiotbsyou mean install a program in it?02:13
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jeroenvrpidiotbs: I also remember something with disselect02:15
idiotbsmchasard: you're on the live-cd, yes? can you try dcc'ing me the /etc/apt/sources.list?02:16
temifowldam my partitions are MESSED02:17
mchasardeuh yes wait02:17
idiotbsmaybe that can fix it02:17
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mchasardpermission denied idiotsbs ?02:18
jjesseupdated wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperBeta w/ screenshots of espresso02:18
mchasardi suppose i have to be as root02:18
mchasardbut which password please ?02:18
idiotbsor maybe: dapper?02:19
mchasardno don't work02:19
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idiotbsshit... thx anyway02:19
mchasardhum how to run xterm as root ?02:20
jeroenvrpmchasard: sudo xterm02:20
jeroenvrpor sudo -i02:20
jeroenvrpor sudo su02:20
jeroenvrpoh whatever02:20
mchasardok sudo xterm works thanks02:21
mchasardas root also permission denied for etc/apt/sources.list02:22
temifowlHas anyone ever used GParted?02:22
jeroenvrpidiotbs: so you did a apt-get install update + upgrade ?02:22
jeroenvrptemifowl: ask at #ubuntu02:22
idiotbsand then a reboot02:23
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idiotbsafter that i tried apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:23
jeroenvrpidiotbs: what I think is that you better first should update breezy to the current revision02:23
idiotbsmost of it installed, only kcontrol not, plus 6 packages that want kcontrol installed first02:23
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idiotbsoh.... good idea, that could be it02:24
mchasardkubuntu or ubuntu ...which one  to use ?02:24
leagrisidiotbs, latest kcontrol package for dapper has broken post-install scripts02:24
elijahlofgrenidiotbs: Yes kcontrol is broken right now: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16337802:24
idiotbsis there a way to fix that?02:25
idiotbsphew! i thought i was getting stoopid :D02:25
elijahlofgrenidiotbs: You could maybe install and different version of the package.02:25
leagriswait tomorow and we may have a fixed package available on repos (hope so)02:25
jeroenvrpidiotbs: thats great to hear!02:25
jeroenvrpso I should not update dapper now02:25
idiotbscool, it's 2:30 am here now, so i'll let it rest until tomorrow02:26
jeroenvrpidiotbs: or downloading the beta02:26
leagrisI spent several hours trying to fix a suposedly broken kde install. Now my kde is completely gone and I am using gnome again ;D02:26
jeroenvrpleagris: what went wrong02:26
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elijahlofgrenAha, a workaround https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/4039302:27
idiotbsi thought if i enter dapper in the sources.list i would get the beta, from today on02:27
UbugtuMalone bug 40393 in kdebase kcontrol "Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu9 crashes during post-installation" [Normal,Confirmed] 02:27
jeroenvrpidiotbs: you get the post-beta02:27
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idiotbswow, thx!02:27
leagrisjeroenvrp, several updated kde package went unconfigured because of the kcontrol post install script broken. And sadly so many packages depends on kcontrol that it broke may of them02:27
idiotbsit's only 6, actually02:28
jeroenvrpleagris: yes I understand02:28
idiotbsk3b, kde-systemsettings (!!!), konqueror (!!!!!!!!) and some others02:28
jeroenvrpbad day for an upgrade02:28
Xaero_VincentSo when might we see shipit CDs for Kubuntu?  May or June?02:29
jeroenvrpXaero_Vincent: not before june I suppose02:29
elijahlofgrenXaero_Vincent: Probably after June since that's when Dapper is supposed to be released.02:29
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Xaero_Vincentcool.. its nice that there will be CDs now... that will help make Kubuntu compete with Ubuntu02:30
jeroenvrpwe dont copete02:30
jeroenvrpcompete :-)02:30
leagrisjeroenvrp, it is just a reminder whe are using beta stage Ubuntu. It used to work so well in Dapper that fact went unnoticed :)02:30
Xaero_Vincentheh look again at my spelling02:30
jeroenvrpleagris: I'm updating now02:31
jeroenvrpI like to see what goes wrong02:31
jeroenvrpcall me a disaster-tourist :-)02:31
leagrisjeroenvrp, do you know a dpkg syntax to force installation of kcontrol and avoiding post-install script ?02:31
jeroenvrpleagris: good one02:32
leagrisas a workaround until next update ?02:32
elijahlofgrenI've been putting off upgrades unless I really feel like I need them (I read changlogs using the update-manger) so I save bandwidth and time until Dapper final is out.02:32
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=== idiotbs is busy trying to fix the fix
jeroenvrpleagris: you can configure all packages one at a time02:33
Xaero_VincentHey... I have a simple polishing idea for Kubuntu... How about using the blue Kubuntu icon for the programs button instead of the blue "K" one?02:33
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idiotbsyesssssssss! it worked!02:34
jeroenvrpidiotbs: great02:34
leagrisjeroenvrp, tryed that and it refuse to configure if a parent package is not02:34
idiotbsnow i can start feeling at home again02:34
mchasardplease theres no newsreader program in kubuntu 6.06 beta ?02:34
mchasardhum even knode is not here ...02:35
leagrismchasard, kmail, thunderbird, evolution...02:35
leagrisat least thunderbird and evo02:35
elijahlofgrenmchasard: Just install knode: "sudo apt-get install knode"02:35
mchasardhum but i use it as live cd02:36
mchasardso its doesn't work02:36
leagrismchasard, live DVD is more complete02:36
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jeroenvrpleagris: you can try --force-all02:36
Ahmuckhi, is nagios avaialbe in adept ?02:36
elijahlofgrenmchasard: Hmm. I don't know what to do about that then. (I don't use a news reader. I like RSS feeds and mailing lists)02:36
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leagrisjeroenvrp, yep, tryed it as well :)02:36
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jeroenvrpthan try the workaround02:37
mchasardi can't burn live dvd bye me ...nor dvd burner02:37
leagrisI learned the art of tweeking broken or flakey dependencies with Mandriva before ;D02:37
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Ahmuckwhat is the differencne in kubuntu 6.0.6 LTS and flight 6.0.6 ?02:37
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elijahlofgrenAhmuck: Yes, seems like it.02:38
elijahlofgrenelijahlofgren@ubuntu:~$ apt-cache search nagios02:38
elijahlofgrennagios-common - A host/service/network monitoring and management system02:38
idiotbswhat does LTS mean anyway?02:38
elijahlofgrenLong Term Support02:38
leagrisLTS = Let This S**t ? ;D02:38
idiotbsah, ok!02:38
idiotbsmakes sense :D02:38
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idiotbsgood one leagris02:38
Search4Lanceris 6.06 Beta any different than the Dapper I'm running now with daily updated packages?02:38
idiotbsat least today02:38
crimsunyes, there are updates beyond 6.06 LTS beta02:39
epCrimsun I just installed the sb live card.  What next?  Pastebin /etc/asound.conf or something02:39
jeroenvrpSearch4Lancer: the one right now is a few days newer02:40
Ahmuckso how does one choose between LTS and Flight ?02:40
jeroenvrpAhmuck: choose?!02:41
jeroenvrpThe flights are now old02:41
Ahmuckyes, where are the core differences explained ?? are they different ?02:41
idiotbsLTS replaces flight6, no?02:41
elijahlofgrenAhmuck: LTS just means "Long Term Support". They added that to the beta name. The beta is newer than all flights.02:42
Xaero_VincentBeta 1 vs Alpha 6 is what it is02:42
Ahmuckok, that is what i wondered02:42
Ahmuckwhat happened to the live cd download02:42
epI have unsolvable sound mixing issues. Hence, I have just physically installed an SB live card.  Now, how do I configure kubutu to use the new hardware?02:43
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elijahlofgrenep: I think you could just open kmix (in the system tray) and switch to using the new soundcard.02:43
jeroenvrpAhmuck: its still there02:43
Search4Lanceryes jeroenvrp, but since I continue to update packages, don't I have the same thing, or no?02:44
Search4Lanceror is there some other way I need to update?02:44
elijahlofgrenSearch4Lancer: Yes, you probably have newer. ;)02:44
jeroenvrpSearch4Lancer: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:44
Xaero_VincentSo what features will Ubuntu Dapper have that Kubuntu Dapper wont? Or are things pretty equal now?02:44
jeroenvrpXaero_Vincent: they are equal, except the other one is gnome and the other one is kde02:45
idiotbsubuntu=kubuntu, only the preinstalled desktop and software differs02:45
jeroenvrpplease see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu02:45
idiotbsbut what's not preinstalled can be installed later; and what's preinstalled can be removed02:45
Search4Lancer"kubuntu-desktop is already the newest version." so :-P02:45
jeroenvrpSearch4Lancer: so that means, you are 100% up-to-date :-)02:46
Search4Lancerwell then02:46
Xaero_Vincentwell... that wasnt the case for Kubuntu brezzy which had problems and not as many tools.. like the package updater right? and Add/Remove applications program?02:46
Xaero_Vincentprobematic printing and hybernation too02:47
Xaero_Vincentit looks like the newest fixes all that tho... so now everything is all good?02:47
idiotbsthis is not the end02:49
idiotbsonly in the end everything is all good02:49
idiotbsbut it's much more exciting to see it grow, isn't it :)02:49
Xaero_Vincentwell I mean for it having quality equal to Ubuntu.02:51
leagris @ Hello, I am Klippy: It appear you are trying to update Kcontrol. Would you like to install Gnome instead?02:52
elijahlofgrenleagris: LOL.02:52
idiotbsin my opinion that was the case before, simply because KDE alone features a lot more than gnome02:52
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HaxoR91ima try to help people02:57
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jeroenvrpidiotbs: for me the workaround doesnt work02:59
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idiotbsyou must first attempt to install kcontrol, and not remove it, or the file is not in place03:00
HaxoR91does anyone need help?03:00
jeroenvrpidiotbs: kcontrol was installed, but not configured03:00
idiotbsnot anymeure, haxor!03:01
jeroenvrpand when I do a  sudo dpkg --configure kcontrol it still gives the same error03:01
idiotbsfollow the instructions on the launchpad site03:01
UbugtuMalone bug 40393 in kdebase kcontrol "Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu9 crashes during post-installation" [Normal,Confirmed] 03:02
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jeroenvrpthats what I did03:02
idiotbsthen just apt-get install kcontrol again03:03
idiotbsthat's what i did03:03
=== Hobbsee attempts to reproduce
Xaero_Vincentis this a bug with Dapper or Breezy?03:04
jeroenvrpdoesnt work03:04
elijahlofgrenXaero_Vincent: Dapper.03:04
idiotbstoday, when they release the beta03:04
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jeroenvrpoh well03:05
jeroenvrpit all still works03:05
Xaero_Vincentwell hay its a beta now isnt it? :P03:05
idiotbsi first half-installed kcontrol and left it unconfigured, then edited the file (which was not there before), then installed again03:05
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idiotbshehe, yeah03:05
=== jeroenvrp stupido
jeroenvrpI had to comment out those lines03:06
jeroenvrpnot to run those lines :_)03:06
idiotbsoh, hehe03:06
Hobbseeah yes, lovely03:07
Hobbseeidiotbs: i'm fairly certain that they wouldnt have these botched packages on the CD03:07
=== jeroenvrp should read
jeroenvrpbut heh its 3 am over here :-)03:07
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HaxoR91its 9 p over here03:08
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idiotbshere too03:08
HaxoR91= )03:08
=== idiotbs is in germany
=== Hobbsee pokes the devs, if they're awake
HaxoR91guten tag03:08
jeroenvrpidiotbs: ok03:08
jeroenvrpI'm in the Netherlands03:08
jeroenvrpas you guess03:08
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jeroenvrpcan guess03:08
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idiotbsi like netherlands, got some good friends there03:09
Hobbseejeroenvrp: how long ago did you update?03:12
jeroenvrpHobbsee: just 15 min. ago03:12
Hobbseejeroenvrp: right03:12
jeroenvrpbut the workaround works03:12
idiotbsyeah, or it would be a failaround :D03:13
jeroenvrpI was just curious to have the problem :-)03:13
idiotbsgood nite everyone, slaap lekker, i think i'll return soon!03:15
idiotbshave fun03:15
jeroenvrpgute nacht idiotbs03:16
idiotbsoh, and thx for the help!03:17
Hobbseejeroenvrp: mine didnt complain...03:17
jeroenvrpHobbsee: are you sure03:18
jeroenvrpdod you tried a sudo dpkg --configure -a , afterwards03:18
Hobbseejeroenvrp: well, it did a bit, saying that the directories werent empty, but seemed to configure okay03:18
jeroenvrpthan its maybe fixed03:18
jeroenvrplet me check03:19
joaoahas anyone had a good experience printing a calendar from KOrganizer to pdf using kprint ? because when i do it the output file has the letters going up and down...03:19
Hobbseejeroenvrp: i seem to be using the same versoin of you, which makes it odd...03:20
jeroenvrpHobbsee: I dont have new packages03:20
Hobbseejeroenvrp: no errors for dpkg --configure -a03:20
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jeroenvrpwhat version of kcontrol do you have?03:20
jeroenvrpI have 3.5.2-0ubuntu903:21
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HobbseeGet: 28 http://au.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main kcontrol 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu9 [7963kB] 03:22
dbakkerany1 have xgl working?03:22
jeroenvrpHobbsee: very strange03:24
Hobbseejeroenvrp: very!03:25
troyis anyone running the dapper beta? does it seem reasonably well behaved? (a few bugs I can live with - gives me something to report...)03:25
jeroenvrpoh well, maybe you have a slightly different config03:25
Hobbseetroy: yeah, i'm runnign it, it seems okay, a kcontrol bug that most people are reproducing03:26
jeroenvrptroy: its great03:26
dbakkertroy: I am and have no issues03:26
troyokay, well if kcontrol is borked, I can still edit the config files :)03:26
jeroenvrpi? running dapper from as february03:26
elijahlofgrentroy: I'm running it. But if you run into a kcontrol issue the workaround is here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/4039303:26
UbugtuMalone bug 40393 in kdebase kcontrol "Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu9 crashes during post-installation" [Normal,Confirmed] 03:26
jeroenvrptroy: no kcontrol is ok03:26
jeroenvrpbut the update isnt03:26
jeroenvrpso dont update today03:27
troygot it03:27
jeroenvrptomorrow will be fine I think03:27
Hobbseewell, it doesnt die dramatically03:28
Hobbseeit's ignorable :P03:28
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troyI'm still finishing my /home backup on breezy so it'll probably be tomorrow before I can update anyway03:28
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Hobbseeah yes03:29
jeroenvrptroy: always good to have a different home-partition03:29
jeroenvrpactually with this, I managed to update from several distros03:30
jeroenvrpSuSE > Gentoo > SuSE > Kubuntu03:30
troyjeroenvrp: yeah, I used to do that - now I no longer do since it forces me to do semi-regular backups this way - which I wouldn't do otherwise :)03:30
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jeroenvrpoh well03:31
jeroenvrpthats your choice03:31
epI have just now installed a SB live card, it works when I boot to windows.  It does NOT work in Kubuntu.  Please help.03:31
troyI also have a removable hard disk that I store much of my stuff on -- just it's too small for my music collection and such03:31
jeroenvrpep: try this:03:31
epNote, I also have onboard sound, some weeks ago, In a failed effort to get mixing to work, I created /etc/asound.conf and also edited /etc/sound/esound.conf per forum instructions.03:32
jeroenvrpsudo alsactl power 0 off03:32
jeroenvrpsudo alsactl power 0 on03:32
jeroenvrpsee if you get sound afterwards03:32
HaxoR91do any of ya know python?03:33
troyHaxoR91: yes, but if you need help, best to try in #python :)03:33
crimsunep: pastebin ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c0''03:33
HaxoR91no i dont need help03:33
HaxoR91where can i download the tutorial from03:33
HaxoR91python .org yes03:33
HaxoR91but like where is the download link?03:34
=== troy looks for it
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troyHaxoR91: the one that got me started half a dozen years ago is here: http://docs.python.org/tut/03:35
HaxoR91yeah thanks i downloaded the tutorial03:35
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nochhey, anyone awake in here?03:36
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=== ice_1963 [n=gary@c-68-40-240-15.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
nochhey cheese man03:36
troynoch: one of the more active channels around03:36
nochi have a question about X server03:36
CheeseBurgerManWhich is?03:36
troynoch: ask - if we can't help, we might know a good place to get help for your question...03:37
nochi am installing ubuntu on a clean partition (first time linux user) and when i got to selecting my resolution i got this error . . .03:37
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crimsunep: any progress?03:38
HaxoR91whats the error?03:38
HaxoR91noch:whats the error?03:38
nochit said error in res sol conf, log written to var/log/Xorg.0.log03:38
epcrimsun http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/67249203:38
nochi dunno, its still nistalling, so i cant looka t the error log03:38
HaxoR91i think you have to configure the xserver03:39
nocherm, it still installing, so i cant look at the log life03:39
nochyea, thats it03:39
HaxoR91the xserver?03:39
crimsunep: ok, sec03:39
troynoch: it should install successfully but once it's finished it'll give you a text-mode install (most likely)03:39
HaxoR91try this command in the terminal sudo dpkg-reconfigure xsrver-xorg03:39
troynoch: then you can check the logs and/or update your configuration for the graphical modes03:39
ubotuwell, xcfg is to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:40
crimsunep: are you using breezy or dapper?03:40
nochi cant right now, ubuntu is still installing other packages03:40
HaxoR91thaks ubou03:40
HaxoR91when it finishes03:40
troynoch: just wait then03:40
ep5.10 i think03:40
HaxoR91type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:40
epwhats the command line for that :)03:41
HaxoR91noch:after the ionstallation though in the terminal03:41
epto check the version03:41
HaxoR91the command line?03:41
crimsunlsb_release -r03:41
HaxoR91try ubuntu version03:41
epubuntu isn't a command03:42
crimsunep: (I gave you the command)03:42
crimsunmaybe it's time I actually got that cloak so people will actually listen ;)03:42
Hobbseecrimsun: hehe.  that's always useful03:43
epsorry yes lsb_release -r outputs 5.1003:43
HaxoR91so anyone else have any problems?03:43
HaxoR91i guess not03:43
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crimsunep: ok, so if you're using breezy, it's a bit longer than in dapper, but it's still feasible. copy and paste the following command into a Konsole: echo "options snd-mpu401 index=-2" |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base && echo "options snd-intel8x0 index=-2" |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base03:44
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70c88e.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu
crimsunep: after you've copied and pasted that whole command, copy and paste this one: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-reload03:45
ice_1963i think xmms is better then Amarok :)03:46
HaxoR91= )03:46
epdone, I'll test03:47
HaxoR91did it finish?03:47
nochi jsut went though the xserver options again03:47
nochshould i restart?03:47
HaxoR91just keep pressing enter03:47
elijahlofgrenice_1963: Depends what you're after. If you just want to play one file then XMMS is probably better. ;)03:47
nochyea, did that03:48
HaxoR91in the xserver configuration03:48
nochi think the first time i might have selecte a resolution too high03:48
HaxoR91what monitor do you have?03:48
epPlaying Oh Girl by paul young, good version. Thanks!  Now to see if mixing works03:48
noch14.1 inch laptop03:48
HaxoR91whats the resolution you put?03:48
crimsunep: you don't need mixing03:49
nochi set the max to 1600 by 1200 since its a widescreen03:49
crimsunep: your hardware supports multiopen natively (in the hardware)03:49
HaxoR91you should of just put 1024x76803:49
HaxoR91but try it anyways03:49
nochhold on, ima try to find the res on dell's site03:49
HaxoR91if it doesnt work come back03:49
epI might of installed stuff trying to get the other card to mix (play sounds in multible apps)03:50
epdmix or whatever03:50
crimsunep: then just move ~/.asoundrc* and/or /etc/asound.conf out of the way03:50
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ice_1963elijahlofgren:but xmms work's good with streamtuner03:51
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elijahlofgrenice_1963: Use whatever works best for you, that what I say. ;)03:51
ice_1963and your right to03:52
produkthaving trouble installing the latest dapper beta03:52
produktand I can't mount my hard drive from the live cd either :/03:52
epmultiopen is working now :-)  Funny I've had this card laying around all this time trying to get the onboard sound to function correctly.  Its a high dollar Asus board and i thoght it would have harware mixing.  Stupid of me.03:53
produktcan't find /dev/hda1 in etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:53
epcrimsun: Thanks for the help03:54
crimsunep: np03:54
HaxoR91pdukt:hmm thats strange03:54
HaxoR91produkt:thats strange03:54
bimberiprodukt: you'll need to create and then specify a mount point. 'sudo mkdir /mnt/hda1' then 'sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1'03:54
produktnow it says could not enter folder /mnt/hda1 but it shows it's mounted :/03:56
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produktin /dev hda1 has a lock as part of the icon03:57
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_jeffwhats up guys03:57
_jeffare there any girls in here?03:57
_jeffout of curiocity03:58
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HaxoR91sup jeff03:58
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_jeffsup hax03:58
=== _chris [n=chris@londonderry-cuda3-24-51-50-218.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
nochhey Haxor . . im still getting a failed to start the X server03:59
_chrishi can someone please tell me how to disable eth0 starting up on boot and instead have ath0 (wireless) start?04:00
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Hobbsee_chris: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces04:00
robotgeek_chris: take a look at /etc/network/interfaces, and comment out auto eth0 and add auto ath004:01
Hobbseecomment out the line auto eth0, and if there's a line mentioning ath0, add a line above saying auto ath004:01
Hobbseegrr @ robotgeek for typing too fast :P04:01
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HaxoR91= )04:02
robotgeekHobbsee: heh04:02
_christhere is only auto lo04:02
bimberiand with a nick 'nall :)04:02
HaxoR91hey hobbsee04:02
HaxoR91remember me/04:02
_jeffhey Hobbsee04:02
nochhey Haxor . . im still getting a failed to start the X server04:02
Hobbseehi _jeff04:02
HaxoR91did you type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?04:02
HaxoR91then do it again and lower the reoslution04:03
HaxoR91like 1024x768 is good04:03
ubotuIf the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority04:03
ubotuxorg is probably To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html04:03
_chriscan i just add another auto line or do i append ath0 to the line "auto lo"?04:03
Hobbsee_chris: another line04:04
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_chrisi add "auto ath0" before "iface ath0 inet dhcp"?04:05
robotgeek_chris: after, i would guess04:05
_chris*shrugs* ill just reboot and see :) ... the auto lo is before the iface lo .. but ill reboot now04:06
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robotgeek_chris: no, wait04:06
nochhaxoR, that didnt work04:06
robotgeek_chris: try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"04:06
HaxoR91!tell noch about xorg04:09
HaxoR91follow those instructions04:09
nochim looking at the site now04:10
nochif that doesnt work ill come back here04:10
nochthankx for the help so far though04:10
HaxoR91anytime = )04:10
HaxoR91does anyone know how to install macromedia flash player on kubuntu?04:11
robotgeekHaxoR91: flashplayer-nonfree04:11
troyexcept if you're on amd64 or ppc :P04:11
HaxoR91i tried that04:11
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robotgeektroy: yeah, keep forgetting eve ntho i am on ppc04:12
HaxoR91show me the command04:12
troysudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree04:12
robotgeekHaxoR91: are you in breezy/dapper?04:12
troythen scan for plugins in konqueror :)04:12
ice_1963hmm i wonder when flashplayer 8 will be ready linux?04:12
crimsunflashplugin-nonfree, please.04:12
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crimsunice_1963: it won't be, only 8.504:13
bretzelhello :-)04:13
HaxoR91im on breezy04:13
bretzelHow is the live-installer ?04:13
HaxoR91E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree04:13
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HaxoR91thats the error04:13
robotgeeksudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:14
HaxoR91E: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree04:14
HaxoR91i get the same error04:15
troysounds like a source is missing04:15
CheeseBurgerManDid you enable universe/multiverse?04:15
HaxoR91dont know how04:15
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource04:15
ice_1963crimsum ok04:15
CheeseBurgerManThat's how. :)04:15
HaxoR91im not on uuntu04:16
ice_1963i'm on Dubuntu :)04:17
HaxoR91im on kubuntu04:17
CheeseBurgerManHaxoR91: They have the same repos04:17
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HaxoR91didnt even open04:18
HaxoR91how i open it on terminal?04:18
CheeseBurgerMansudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list04:18
HaxoR91 deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe04:19
HaxoR91 deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe04:19
HaxoR91i enabled i enabled those04:20
HaxoR91ok what now?04:20
CheeseBurgerManNow press Esc04:20
CheeseBurgerManand type in :wq <enter>04:20
CheeseBurgerManWhich tells vi to save the file, and quit04:20
CheeseBurgerManThen you can use 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree'04:21
HaxoR91E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree04:22
crimsunit's flashplugin-nonfree04:22
CheeseBurgerManOh, sorry04:23
CheeseBurgerMan'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'04:23
HaxoR91E: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree04:23
HaxoR91didnt work04:23
CheeseBurgerManHaxoR91: Give me a minute04:24
ice_1963sudo apt-cache srarch flash04:25
HaxoR91invalid command srarch04:25
HaxoR91operation i mean04:25
CheeseBurgerManice_1963: I'm doing that, but I don't see flashplayer-nonfree or flashplugin-nonfree04:25
CheeseBurgerManHaxoR91: sudo apt-cache search flash04:25
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HaxoR91ok i saw some searching going on04:26
HaxoR91redboot and stuff04:26
HaxoR91what now?04:26
CheeseBurgerManThat searches your repos for packages with 'flash' in them04:26
CheeseBurgerManMaybe 'sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin'04:27
CheeseBurgerManKonqueror supports mozilla plugins, right?04:27
HaxoR91i can't check my aim mail on konqueror04:27
HaxoR91ok its done04:28
HaxoR91Thank you.04:28
CheeseBurgerManFirst see if it worked. ;)04:28
HaxoR91still tells me to install flash04:28
CheeseBurgerManDid you scan for new plugins?04:28
HaxoR91oh you mean on firefox?04:29
CheeseBurgerManNope, konqueror04:29
HaxoR91doesnt work04:30
HaxoR91but it worked last time04:30
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CheeseBurgerManHaxoR91: http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash <-- Try downloading that and installing it manually04:31
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=== duckdown [n=duckdown@CPE0014bf4a8c60-CM001371879b8c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
duckdownHey all.. How could I replace every instance of "word1" with "word2" in a text file?  I always see people on IRC say 's/mistake/proper', where does that apply to?04:33
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HaxoR91ok i downloaded it and saved it to the desktop04:33
CheeseBurgerManHaxoR91: OK, extract it04:34
CheeseBurgerManduckdown: KWrite :)04:34
Kuku4Kubntuduckdown: see the command line tool sed04:34
duckdownCheeseBurgerMan: cool, never thought of that, thanks04:35
duckdownKuku4Kubntu: Cool, it looks complicated though :s04:35
CheeseBurgerManhehe, the simplest things are hardest to find. :)04:35
CheeseBurgerManHaxoR91: Open a terminal and navigate to the directoy you extracted it to04:35
Kuku4Kubntuanyone try to install Kubuntu 6.06 Beta from Live CD?04:36
HaxoR91cd ~/Desktop04:36
CheeseBurgerManHaxoR91: I dunno, are the files you extracted on your desktop?04:37
troyKuku4Kubntu: no, but I'm about to do it this hour :)04:37
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CheeseBurgerManThen yes.04:37
HaxoR91then type?04:37
CheeseBurgerMan./i <tab>04:37
HaxoR91./install_flash_player_7_linux: ./install_flash_player_7_linux: is a directory04:37
HaxoR91is that good?04:38
CheeseBurgerManThe type cd install_flash_player_7_linux04:38
CheeseBurgerManThen ./i<tab>04:38
HaxoR91this is what i see04:38
HaxoR91is that a good thing?04:39
CheeseBurgerManOK, that means you're in the ~/Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux folder04:39
CheeseBurgerManWhich is where the installer is located, so yes, it's a good thing.04:39
CheeseBurgerManSo type in ./i <tab>04:39
HaxoR91then what do i type?04:39
Kuku4KubntuI tried to install the kubuntu beta from live cd but the installer crashed04:39
HaxoR91theres nothing in qwith i04:40
Kuku4KubntuI opened a bug at launchpad.net. I just want to see if anyone else ran into it too04:40
HaxoR91still doesnt work04:41
CheeseBurgerManWhat happens?04:41
ice_1963is there a why to jest install like kde-core?04:41
HaxoR91still tells me to install macromedia flash player04:41
CheeseBurgerMandid you finish running the script?04:42
CheeseBurgerManFirst you have to scroll through about a million pages of license agreement, then you've gotta type 'y' a few times.04:42
_jeffi keep getting mime type errors04:43
troyice_1963: kdecore as in the library, or a basic kde install?04:43
_jeffapplication/oct something04:43
ice_1963\troy: yes jest kde-core04:44
troyice_1963: well, if you just want the library kdecore.so, the package kdelibs will have what you need04:44
troyhowever kdelibs doesn't have any apps in it, so it's only useful if you want to say, use a kde app in gnome04:45
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_jeffdoes anybody know why i get mime type errors?04:47
temiHey is there a way to crash a frozen program?04:47
temilike ctr alt del for linux04:48
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_jeffis there a way to see all processes fromt eh console?04:48
CheeseBurgerManCtrl + Esc04:48
CheeseBurgerManFrom the console...I'm not sure. :\04:48
temiwell i have a program and its frozen04:48
Kuku4Kubntups aux04:48
temii wanna close it04:48
_jeffi want to be able to see and end processes from the console04:48
Kuku4Kubntups aux or top to list process04:48
Kuku4Kubntuto kill a graphical process04:48
brandon__jeff: what kind of mime type errors are you getting?04:49
_jeffbrandon_: application/oct(something)04:50
brandon_when you're trying to do what?04:50
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_jeffpretty much anything04:50
_jeffi got them with kopete a minute ago, and konversation04:50
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temiHow do i close a frozen program?04:54
Kuku4Kubuntufrosen gui program? or frozen console program?04:54
troy_jeff: I'd suggest logging out and back in - sounds like kde's mimetype database needs to be rebuild04:55
troythere's a command for it, but I can't recall it :/04:55
Hobbseetemi: ctrl+escape, click on program04:55
Kuku4Kubuntutry xkil04:55
temii cant find the program in ctrl esc04:55
Kuku4Kubuntuthen click on that program's window04:55
brandon_troy: i can vaguely remember that too, but i can't htink of the command04:55
Hobbseetemi: ok, alt+f2, xkill, enter, click on program04:55
troysomething like kbuildsycoca --rebuild04:55
temithats pretty neat04:56
Kuku4Kubuntuxkill, typo04:56
Hobbseetemi: yep :D04:56
koshit even looks cool04:56
troyCTRL-ALT-ESC will give you xkill without having to type it04:56
koshyou just click on the app with a skull and crossbones :)04:56
temime it goes to shut down04:56
Hobbseeyeah, but that kills everything04:56
temiya, now that i closed my background hehe04:56
koshctrl-alt-esc does not kill everything, it just runs xkill04:57
troyHobbsee: no, CTRL-ALT-BKSPC kills everything04:57
Hobbseetemi: in a terminal, type kdesktop04:57
koshctrl-alt-backspace kills everything04:57
teminot me04:57
Hobbseeoh..of ocurse...oops04:57
=== Hobbsee has ctrl+escape to do that
temiis there a way to open your background agian?04:57
Hobbseetemi: in a terminal, type kdesktop04:57
temithank you :)04:57
troyit gets really hard to do it kdesktop and kwin are both crashed though :)04:58
kosh<joke>you are getting these very simple commands confused, it should be easy to remember all the thousands of different keyboards combinations to do stuff ;)</joke>04:58
=== Hobbsee has aliases for the long and complicated ones - or shell scripts :P
troyanyway, rebooting to the live cd of dapper beta, probably to install it -- wish me luck04:59
koshmay the source be with you :)04:59
ice_1963troy: let me know how it gos ok05:01
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HaxoR91ok so i'll see ya tommorow05:03
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ghostdogis kcontrol broken?05:03
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ghostdogI just can't upgrade in dapper05:04
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ice_1963well i'm going to install dapper beta and have some fun to night :)05:04
Kuku4Kubuntulet us know if it works05:05
ghostdognobody with kcontrol broken in dapper?05:05
Hobbseeghostdog: yeah, it's broken05:06
ghostdogis there an older version I can go back to?05:06
ghostdogto run kde again?05:06
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Hobbseekde isnt running with it?05:08
CheeseBurgerManIt ran when I used the live CD a couple hours ago05:08
ghostdognope it breaks the whole upgrade05:08
CheeseBurgerManI didn't use kcontrol though, so can't say anything about  that.05:08
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ghostdogif I can dpkg -i an older kcontrol , I can continue configuring the other packages05:09
duckdownHey all, quick question, every time I 'su' to another user and try to run an x program as them it tells me it can't connect to the X server.. I know its an easy fix, I think I have to add something to the 'su' line; how do I fix it?05:09
ghostdogxhost +05:09
ghostdogthen when you are done xhost -05:09
duckdownsweet, let me try, thanks05:10
Kuku4Kubuntui like to use kdesu05:10
ghostdogI want my kde :(05:10
duckdownhrm, that didnt work05:10
duckdownwhen I do xhost + it says some stuff, like No Protocol specified05:11
duckdowncan't connect to 0:005:11
duckdownwhats this kdesu05:11
Kuku4Kubuntuits a kde wrapper around su05:11
Kuku4Kubuntui am not sure it will work like you need it05:11
Kuku4Kubuntubut it cant hurt to try05:11
koshghostdog: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/4039305:12
UbugtuMalone bug 40393 in kdebase kcontrol "Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu9 crashes during post-installation" [Normal,Confirmed] 05:12
koshghostdog: it is a pretty easy workaround05:12
koshghostdog: you will want to do sudo vim /var/lib/dpkg/info/kcontrol.postinst   and then just put a # in front of the lines they have indicated05:12
ghostdogthanks I will give that a try05:13
koshghostdog: I just ran into the exact same problem here and that is the answer I used05:14
koshghostdog: one you comment those lines just run sudo dpkg --configure -a05:14
ghostdoggreatly appreciate it, looks like it went through05:15
ghostdogwill I have to revert back later?05:15
ghostdoguncomment out the lines?05:16
ghostdoganyways. thankis05:17
koshnah you don't have to revert them back later05:17
Seantaterare bots (that do not talk except to answer a command) allowed here, other than ubotu?05:17
HobbseeSeantater: what kind of bot are you thinking of?05:19
SeantaterI've got a supybot going right now05:19
SeantaterIt does not know much right know, and I;d like to knwo if it;s allowed here before I "teach" it the world05:20
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rr72who uses courier?05:21
Seantaterwhat is courirr?05:22
Seantaterwhat is courier?05:22
rr72then u don't use it05:22
SeantaterI do not know, I jight be unaware if it a deamon, etc05:22
Hobbseerr72: you mean the ms font?05:22
rr72when someone comes along and they use it then you will find out05:23
rr72if it were font would i be in this chan?05:23
HobbseeSeantater: i doubt it is, unless it has a specific reason to be here05:23
koshcourier is a mail server service however I don't know much more about it then that05:23
rr72thats all u know about it?05:23
rr72i would like to learn and use it05:23
rr72prolly tmorrow night tho05:24
rr72busy, going to bed soon05:24
koshwell I know that is has some kind of a db that it uses to store email, that it provides pop and imap in regular and ssl modes05:24
koshthat it is supposed to be a pretty efficient mail server for larger setups05:24
koshhowever for a small mail server setup it is overkill and something like postfix is probably better05:25
rr72i don't even know how to get it to do basic stuff05:25
rr72but postfix doesnt have pop3 support does it?05:25
koshnot precisely, you normally would run a regular pop3 or imap daemon with it of which there are many05:26
koshcourier is an all in one approach05:26
koshpostfix is just the mail server approach not the pop or imap parts05:26
rr72so what do u suggest i use for a pop server for with postfix?05:26
me2winanyone from sweden in here?05:27
koshrr72: do a search for pop3d there are a number of programs that turn up I don't know which is the best05:28
rr72i just do a apth-cache search but which one is easy to use and quick to set-up05:28
koshI am using popa3d which seems to work fine05:28
rr72ty i will be on tomorrow for longer to get more info05:31
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troyumm, the espresso-kdeui installer is busted for me (at least the amd64 version is) - anyone else notice this?05:45
UbugtuMalone bug 40464 in espresso "espresso crashes on partitioning step in Kubuntu 6.06 LTS Beta Live CD" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 05:46
Kuku4Kubuntui filed a bug05:46
troyI'll second it05:46
troyKuku4Kubuntu: where is the espresso log file stored (wants to attach it also)05:48
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Kuku4Kubuntutroy: /var/log/installer05:49
Kuku4Kubuntufile is espresso05:49
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troyokay, I've submitted under your bug including my log - I'll try to install it the old fashioned way :)05:55
troylive cd is nice though :)05:55
troybe back in a reboot05:57
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Hobbseeheh, bye Mez06:19
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anubisi`m a new kubuntu user (just left mandriva)06:34
Hobbseeooh fun06:34
anubisbut have some problems06:34
anubismy ati seems not to be working06:35
farousanubis what do you mean is it 3d accel06:35
ubotuwell, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358906:36
anubisin the kinfocenter my opengl definitely is not working, and seems like kubuntu detected a NV driver... what sould I do?06:37
farousanubis: can you tell me what the following command output is cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Driver06:41
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farousor use the paste bin to paste the contents of the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:42
lasindi[lappy] I have plugged in a second display to my laptop. Is there a way to make the screen also appear on the second display?06:42
farouslasindi[lappy] : normally restart x and it will work06:42
anubis       Driver          "kbd"06:42
anubis        Driver          "mouse"06:42
anubis        Driver          "vesa"06:42
lasindi[lappy] farous: I had it plugged in before I started the machine06:42
farousanubis: do you know your card exactly06:42
anubismsi ati rx300 pcie06:43
anubis(model td128e)06:43
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farouslasindi[lappy] : mm it should have worked automatically. otherwise you need to configure it. search the forums on dual-head and xinerama06:44
farousanubis: give me a min then06:44
anubisok there is no rush, i`ll be  downloading stuff for a while, so i save this conversarion to try later06:45
farousone question anubis are you baladiat ?06:46
Hobbseeanubis: you're from #kde right?06:46
Hobbseeand female, IIRC06:47
anubisoh yeah06:47
anubisno i`m not06:47
Hobbseeoh ok...06:48
Hobbseemust have been someone else there06:48
anubisyeah that`s it06:48
Hobbseebut i did recognise the nick, couldnt figure out where from from ages though...06:48
Hobbsee*from for06:48
anubisi`m from Argentina06:48
anubisbut mostly a 3d animator, not a programmer or a exper linux user06:49
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Hobbseeah ok06:51
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anubisin other debian distros there was this alien command or something, for install RPMS (I have tons of those) how can I install them here? (dapper 64)06:53
farousit is not recommeded anubis06:53
farousyou can always find a natieve package06:53
anubiscinelerra64? can`t find it06:53
farousbut ubuntu is debian based so the alien command will work06:54
farousanubis better download the source package and install from source06:54
anubisI give it a try but never had good results compiling myself :(06:55
farousyou need to install the package build-essential06:55
farousread the readme file an all will be fine06:55
anubisohhh!!! that`s what e-build means!!!06:57
ubotuI guess alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/06:57
ubotuA nice howto about compiling software from source code can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (but remember to search !apt first, after adding all the !repos)06:57
anubisthanks man06:58
anubiscompiling, is the same for x64 ?06:59
anubisbut it compiles in 32 or 64 bits? that depends on the package or what?07:00
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Hobbseeit should compile for whatever arch you're using, i expect07:02
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anubisi see07:06
farousanubis: just a tip install gcc 3.3 or 3.4 as most programs will still only compile on those two only07:06
farousnot the newer ver ubuntu use07:06
anubisah ok i`ll do that07:06
noaXess_kubuntuhi Hobbsee07:15
Hobbseehi noaXess_kubuntu07:15
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noaXess_kubuntuwasup today on kubuntu?.. some difficult guys? :] 07:16
=== Hobbsee shrugs
Hobbseehasnt been much that's happened in #kubuntu from an ops perspective - plenty in #ubuntu though07:17
noaXess_kubuntuyesterday evening.. HE.. exca...bur has asked some crazy question here.. about kernel desktop and installing gentoo on a kubuntu machine?? .. lol07:18
HobbseenoaXess_kubuntu: exca?  excalliber or something?07:21
noaXess_kubuntuHobbsee: yeah.. mean the guy.. excalibur with his installed dapper and problem starting X or whatever07:21
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HobbseenoaXess_kubuntu: ah yes, i dealt with that.07:22
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troywhere do I report a bug in dapper beta related to adept?07:34
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ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs07:38
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Hobbseetroy: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bugs07:39
troyI'm making one now :)07:39
Zairehow do you get kubuntu to not lock up when you log in07:40
Zairethis is a serious question lol07:42
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HobbseeZaire: ah, define lockup, and are there any error messages?07:44
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Zairenope it just locks up07:44
ubotuIf the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority07:44
Zaireworks for maybe 30 seconds07:44
ZaireI would cept my keyboard locks up to07:45
ZaireIm stuck on mandriva at the moment07:45
koshkubuntu locks up when you log in?07:45
HobbseeZaire: log into a virtual terminal, do those bits, and then try logging in via gui07:45
koshone thing I have found through a lot of trial and error is that my weird problems with kdm where from the kubuntu-default-settings package, if I remove that I no longer get weird stuff from my desktop on the kdm screen, if I add it back in I do immediately07:46
koshand that is with the packages purged and all config files deleted for kdm07:47
Hobbseeer...that's weird07:47
koshI still have to isolate it so I can report a bug07:47
koshanybody know of a way to take a screenshot of kdm?07:47
koshactually quite a lot of weird things vanish for me without kubuntu-default-settings removed07:48
Zaireif it helps my Mobo is a foxconn socket 754, AMD Sempron 64 3100+, and a Nvidia Gefore FX 5200 128 meg DDR07:49
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ZaireI know with redhat and debian I had to change the Xconfigs for my card but I tried that with kubuntu and the GUI ceased to load completely lol07:51
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koshyou probably made a mistake07:56
koshlook at /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:56
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kubuntutaotaodo somebody know why my kaffeine can't start08:06
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lasindi[lappy] Hi all, I'm to get a second display hooked up to my laptop working. I've been told to google for dual-head and Kubuntu, and I got this howto (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155762), but it's very complicated and I get a compile error when I do it. Is there an easier way to configure this? (The only reason I'm asking is that Ubuntu generally makes this stuff so easy that I'm really surprised it takes this much effort.)08:08
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bpmgood morning08:24
bpmsorry forgot that this is an english channel08:24
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noaXess_kubuntuwith amarok, how can i enable crossfading? sorry if this is the wrong place, sende me to the right ;)08:57
ubotuI guess amarok is a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/08:57
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Brunohi folks!09:01
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BrunoDoes anybody here knows how can I install joe's own editor on my just installed kubuntu pc?09:01
robotgeekBruno: install it via adept09:02
Brunohow can I do that?09:02
BrunoI am kinda noobie :P09:02
robotgeekor "sudo apt-get install joe" in a terminal09:02
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Brunohmmm... i tried that already.09:03
BrunoIt doesn't find joe09:03
robotgeekBruno: you need to enable the universe repo09:03
robotgeekubotu: tell Bruno about repos09:03
Brunook then09:03
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BrunoOMG! Thank you robotgeek! Worked like a charm!! :D09:09
BrunoGotta go to bed now!! nn folks!09:10
me2winthank and run09:10
mindspin9 minutes to get his problem solved09:11
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serzhHi! Can you suggest me KDE analog of Stardict - http://stardict.sourceforge.net/09:21
noiesmoserzh, you could use  alien that will convert rpm to deb package but it can cause problems09:24
serzhI mean program, that uses qt/kde libraries09:24
serzhI'm already using it that way09:24
noiesmoserzh, cool sorry dont know09:25
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bpmis tomcat available from a kubuntu repositorie?09:48
me2wini believe it is09:49
bpmi can?t find it09:49
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me2winpkg is called tomcat509:50
me2winalso need tomcat5-admin and tomcat5-webapps09:50
me2winbpm: its in universe09:51
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berkeshello hello. will kubuntu 6 ship with koffice 1.5 too?09:53
berkesim trying to figure out if it makes sense for me to upgrade, or to wait for the stable release.09:53
bpmi had all repos uncommented in my source.list but i don?t see any tomcat package in adept09:53
me2winberkes: not sure, its still beta software, if it gets a final release before june 1st it MIGHT09:53
me2winbpm: did you update?09:54
me2winare you on breezy or dapper?09:54
bhnabpm apt-cache search tomcat09:54
me2winthats why09:54
me2wini dont think its in the breezy repos09:54
me2winits in the dapper ones though09:54
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bpmthere are only the apache connector for tomcat09:55
bpmi don?t want to install dapper as long as it is in beta09:56
bhnaberkes: koffice 1.5 is in the dapper repo on the cd is only koffice-libs and krita09:56
bpmhas anyone a deb-package for tomcat?09:57
bpmor is there another servletcontainer in kubuntu?10:00
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bpmis it possible to install from a dapper repo?10:02
chavobpm, there's no net install10:03
chavoonly one iso needed for install though10:07
me2winbpm: if you go to packages.ubuntu.com, you can find the tomcat packages you need from the dapper repos10:08
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chavooh i just got here thought you were asking about net install10:08
me2winchavo: no you were right10:09
me2winchavo: i was talking to him about a previous question10:09
bpmso i have to download all the depended packages?10:12
me2winbpm: when you download that one pkg, i think it downloads the dependencys also10:13
ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:13
me2winat the bottom of that wiki guide, there are some instructions on install tomcat5 im sure10:13
bpmwhere is this wiki guide?10:16
me2winbpm: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:17
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, morrow10:55
noaXess_kubuntuhow can i enable crossfading in amarok?10:56
berkesnoaXess_kubuntu: only certain sound engines allow that10:57
berkeswhich one do you use, noaXess_kubuntu ?10:57
noaXess_kubuntuberkes: gstreamer0.810:57
berkesnoaXess_kubuntu: sec. I am looking it up for you.10:58
noaXess_kubuntuberkes: okey..10:58
solancan any1 help with mysql? I'm trying to add a user with mysql_setpermission, but I get the message that the table mysql.user doesn't excist....?!10:58
berkesnoaXess_kubuntu: under settings >> player settings, what do you see?10:58
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noaXess_kubuntuberkes: i haven't settings > player settings.. i have amarok 1.3.1 on kubuntu breezy 5.1010:59
berkesnoaXess_kubuntu: me too, but I have dutch locales, so I have to guess the english names.11:00
berkesnoaXess_kubuntu: the third options in the icon bar on the left of the settings panel, what does that say?11:00
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berkesah, no, sorry, I think amarok 1.3.1 does not yet support xfading.11:01
noaXess_kubuntuberkes: ( (11:03
berkesnoaXess_kubuntu: but what do you see there?11:03
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berkeshmm. got to go.11:05
makhi everyone. i have got a little problem. How can i play mp3 with amarok or the gstreamer?11:07
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morrowhmmm somehow dualhead is not working anymore in dapper.. it tries to display the applications on both heads (and it is not configured as clone mode, i can see two different kde running on diplays 0.0 and 0.1) :/11:12
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solanneed help with mysql, mysql.user doesn't excists.....?!?!11:24
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XVampireXI'm wondering, can Windows users access network computers who run linux?11:35
XVampireXkubuntu in that case11:36
epinephrinewith samba11:36
XVampireXMy brother can't see me on the network11:36
XVampireXOh, samba11:36
epinephrinenever set it up on kubuntu before, but you can do it11:36
XVampireXYeah, well, I'm sure I can use the KDE applet11:36
XVampireXFaster than samba11:36
XVampireXBut I was thinking if something like windows to windows is possible11:37
XVampireXBut thanks, epinephrine!11:38
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tomplasthi, is there anyone here with authority on the kubuntu project? I would like to make an suggestion for kubuntu/uubuntu12:20
_harmwhy dont u share it with us 1st?12:22
Tm_Ttomplast: yeah, just spit it out12:23
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tomplastTm_T: i got this idea of maybe creating a money pool that could be used in dev.12:23
Tm_Ttomplast: ...go on12:24
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tomplastlike, most people do this for free but if there was money some people could work dedicated on a chosen task for a longer period12:24
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Tm_Ttomplast: true12:25
_harmtomplast Novell has this..12:25
Tm_Ttomplast: now I expect you to tell where the moneu12:25
tomplasti dont have that much money but I would give some money to such a pool :)12:25
Tm_Ttomplast: ah, some kind of funraiser maybe?!12:25
tomplastand i think that people would like to contribue  financial to see a better system12:25
Tm_Tfund even12:25
tomplastyeah, for chosen projects12:25
_harmi would do a striptease on street and donate that money to ubuntu12:26
Tm_T_harm: please do, I need food =)12:26
tomplastchosen tasks, like porting an application or creating some tool or osmething12:26
_harmi seriouslly might.. a friend of mine as a video camera. And i mean jackass party boy stuff :P that was gr812:26
Tm_Ttomplast: there's some idea, but I don't think there's poit to collect money for little tasks, but Kubuntu overall is ok12:27
_harmi prefer KDE over Gnome12:27
_harmbut i wat the glx thing :D12:27
Kev1nanyone tried kaffeine 0.8.2 as yet with dvb tv support?12:27
Tm_T_harm: ...you mean Xgl?12:28
tomplastTm_T: yeah, but how do you proceed with this? will you proceed with this?12:28
_harmTm_T yes12:28
Tm_Ttomplast: Riddell is the man, poke him ;)12:28
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tomplastTm_T: i will, thanks12:28
_harmTm_T i also still need to get my videocard working properly.. i cant play games @ all =[12:29
Tm_T_harm: err, what video card?12:29
_harmTm_T Ati Radeon 9200SE12:29
Tm_T_harm: should work well12:29
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_harmTm_T not wth games.. i tried getting one of those new drivers but still doesnt work well12:30
_harmTm_T like it freezes for 20seconds and then runs for a couple o seconds before freezing12:30
Tm_T_harm: err, what "new drivers"12:30
_harmTm_T the onces which support 3d acceleration12:31
Tm_T_harm: and you got one from where?12:31
ubotuI guess ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358912:31
_harmTm_T yah the /ATI one12:32
Tm_Twell, humm12:33
Tm_Tit should work12:33
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_harmi doesnt :S12:33
_harmill retry12:33
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camelis anybidy here ??01:01
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captainredbeardis there anyway to change which side new files appear on the desktop?01:26
captainredbeardI want stuff like dvds and any new files I place on the desktop to appear on the right hand side, as opposed to the left, where I have superkaramba themes runngin01:26
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etechnikwie geht's01:31
HymnToLife!tell etechnik about de01:31
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captainredbeardis there anyway to change which side new files appear on the desktop?01:34
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ramviHeya. How do I use two monitors? I'm using the newest dapper version and I see the option in System Settings > Display01:35
ramviBut I'm not allowed to Apply any new settings01:36
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ramviMy seconday screen is "unknown". I try to set it, but I can't accept01:36
ramviIt tells me that my freq: is - 25k or something01:37
ramviAnyone know what to do?01:37
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dbakkerI just got Xgl to work and noticed that a few kde applications crash the xgl server. Anyone know of a fix?01:41
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ubuntu_Riddell: I am running the Kubuntu BETA and guess at the samples I noticed a small but anoyying bug, can not open the sample file with amarok01:44
PaavoI can't build 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu0breezy1 from source - it breaks on "Trying patch debian/patches/common/kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff at level 0...1...2...failure." Ideas?01:45
Paavo...and the package I'm talking about is kdebase.01:45
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PaavoCorrection: After cleaning the directory, it now breaks with error "Trying patch debian/patches/kubuntu_05_kdm_theme_config.diff at level 0...1...2...failure.". The source package is from http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde3501:49
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Riddellubuntu_: which file?01:49
ubuntu_Riddell: just a min to look at it's name01:50
ubuntu_Riddell: wonderland_ch_01.01:50
ramviI installed two font sets as explained on easylinux.info. msfonts and one more. and cached them. That changed all the default fonts in kde01:50
ramviis there a way to go back?01:50
ramvito the fonts I got with kubuntu dapper01:51
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NRG88hi, i've installed a usplash theme, I remember having to reconfigure kernel headers or what for the changes to take place01:54
NRG88any ideea?01:54
ramvihehe, I feel so ignored01:54
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ubuntu_Riddell: what do you think can I install the BETA, is it stable enough? I am running it from the live cd now01:55
paranNRG88: you probably need to run update-initramfs01:55
NRG88ok, thanks paran01:55
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Druafternoon all01:56
NRG88sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)01:56
NRG88found it :D01:56
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paranramvi: this one? http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#How_to_install_Extra_Fonts01:57
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ramviparan: yeah, that's the once I installed. Now all my kde default fonts are changed01:58
ramviparan: the kde-menu text. everything01:58
ramviIt's small and tiny01:58
ramviI don't like it :p01:58
paranramvi: one way would be to remove the new fonts. for example "apt-get remove msttcorefonts"01:59
paranramvi: or you can just customize what font you like KDE to use01:59
DruHmmmmm may give the 6.06 LTS Beta a whirl01:59
paranramvi: KDE System Settings -> Apperance -> Fonts (on Dapper, don't remember if it is on the same place in Breezy)02:00
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ramviparan: can you be an angel and tell me the default values?02:01
dipnlikanytime i run opengl apps like the opengl screensavers or osnes9x or zsnes, my system freezes. i use a radeon 9250. any ideas?02:01
ramviThey're all set to Dejavu sense 902:01
dipnlikramvi: i recommend dejavu sans condensed :)02:02
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paranramvi: there is a button that set all values to default02:02
gigabyteshi all02:02
Drulo gigabytes02:02
ramviparan: Well, you're right! ;) Thanks =)02:02
paranramvi: I seem to have DejaVu Sans 9.02:02
gigabytesI've some problems with installing kubuntu 5.10 on a pentium M notebook02:03
bipolarDoes anyone know why the dapper version of kcontrol give me this when upgrading? subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 102:03
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gigabyteswhen I select "choose the timezone" the system hangs02:03
ralf->bipolar: Same as mine02:03
ramviparan: I guess it was apt-get dist-upgrade that did it02:03
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bipolarralf: I guess it's a broken package.02:03
NewpZhi how do i tell which kernel package i have installed? like if its -i386 or i686, i need to get the correct headers02:04
bipolarah, well. Maybe it will be fixed by the time I get to the office :P02:04
bipolarNewpZ: uname -r02:05
bipolarNewpZ: you can use that as part of the apt-get command too02:05
gigabytessomeone can help me02:05
bipolarNewpZ: apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`02:05
NewpZsweet thanks02:05
bipolarNewpZ: it's best to install the headers metapackage for your arch, so that it gets upgraded with the kernel.02:06
bipolarNewpZ: like, kernel-headers-686 or some such.02:06
bipolarkernel-headers-2.6-686, rather... :P02:06
ralfkubuntu dapper has some probs with DV camcorder, ieee1394 and dvgrab / kino.02:07
cromodid anyone manage to run xgl on kubuntu with fglrx drivers?02:07
ralfkino has AVC status errors and dvgrab finds no cam. gscanbus did find it.02:07
NewpZim just building  the cisco vpn client02:08
NewpZand that can always prove to be fun enough :)02:08
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BluesKajnyone using streamtuner in dapper flight 602:15
otter42Dumb question, but does anyone have the source files for ffmpeg? The firewall at work won't let me access cvs repositories02:15
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HymnToLifeotter42> I guess you can download it manually on pakages.ubuntu.com02:16
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otter42HymnToLife: wouldn't that be the deb package, and not the sources?02:17
HymnToLifeyou can download the sources too02:17
paranNewpZ: you almost never ever need to have the kernel headers for your exact kernel version installed.02:19
BluesKajstreamtuner anyone ?02:19
HymnToLifeBluesKaj> please go to #ubuntu+1 for dapper issues02:19
paranNewpZ: the default package linux-kernel-headers work just fine02:19
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dipnlikhi all. how do i change the font nicotine uses in kde?02:24
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=== Terminus thinks new default font size is too small
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Riddellubotu: don't install with the live CD installer02:31
ubotuRiddell: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:31
xanax`Has someone already released a kubuntu "image" for vmware player ?02:32
dbakkerany1 know how to find out what version/release of kde im running02:32
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Terminusdbakker: dpkg -l|grep kde02:35
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Druanyone know the command to install Gnome onto a Kubuntu install I have 510 Kubuntu installed & would like to try the Gnome setup02:42
dbakkerany1 know where kde logs?02:42
dipnlikDru: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:43
LeeJunFanxanax`: after trying linux in vmware on windows I'd rather not see it released to the general public, it'll give the layperson a bad image of linux being slow, accelerated graphics not existing and not being able to play music w/o skipping.02:43
xanax`i am not an "average joe" linux user02:44
xanax`but i understand your point02:44
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Drumany thanks02:44
chxi am trying to dist-upgrade to beta. kcontrol - kde-systemsettings - konqueror configuration stops with dependency problems02:45
Drumore tha liklly will prefer kde but will give it a go02:45
ralfHave I to use iMovie or can anyone help me with kino not finding the DV Camcorder?02:45
ralfchx: Mine broken too, looks like they have to build a new one. Gone tomorrow?02:46
xanax`LeeJunFan : can I talk to you in private ?02:46
chxralf: will the system work in this state?02:47
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ralfchx: Yes as you can see. The old pack are still in use.02:48
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LeeJunFanxanax`: yeah02:49
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BluesKajno one in ubuntu +1 is answering my question about streamtuner ...too busy doing their geek script talk thing02:51
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mchasardi just tried yesterday kubuntu 60603:04
mchasardinteresting but is there a way to save config on a usb key  ?03:05
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Hobbseeno idea03:05
mchasardi know till dappler theres a tool for that ...03:06
Hobbseeis that a part of espresso?03:07
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=== Hobbsee really doesnt know
mchasardhum no i don't believe that but i had seen that in the ubuntu dappler presentation03:08
chxbtw. have I mentioned that Kubuntu rocks , serious? :)03:08
mchasardi think that kubuntu is very long to boot03:09
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mchasardeven 6.0603:10
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mchasardwhat do you think about that03:11
mchasardas a live cd use its too long03:11
dsalvat1just upgrade to dapper and I am having issues with Xserver03:11
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dsalvat1I get to kdm but when I log in it sets me back to kdm03:12
HymnToLifedapper issues in #ubuntu+1 please03:13
dsalvat1YES SIR03:13
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chxHymnToLife: not to pester you but now even the topic containst a reference to Dapper03:14
chxHymnToLife: and that's not a Kubuntu channel :(03:14
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B4zzAerr why does it do that03:15
v3ctoranyone awakw?03:16
v3ctorawake* even03:16
Hobbseenope, i'm asleep03:16
=== Hobbsee doesnt know the answer to everything either
v3ctorlatest updates on dapper broke me03:16
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chxv3ctor: kcontrol dependecies?03:18
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DarkWizzardI need some help03:18
DarkWizzardI have a problem with apt-get03:19
dipnlikis there an easy way to "swap virtual desktops"? like switching everything that is on desktop 2 to 3 and everything from 3 to 2?03:19
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DarkWizzardsince I installed xmoto from debian packages I updated some librarys03:19
DarkWizzardand I have big dependency problem03:19
DarkWizzardapt always wants to remove 80 packages03:20
HobbseeDarkWizzard: pastebin it?03:20
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DarkWizzardhow can I awoid this and tell apt not to remove them03:20
DarkWizzardcause everithing works fine03:20
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HobbseeDarkWizzard: pastebin what you see03:20
Hobbseefrom the console03:20
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DarkWizzardjust a sec03:20
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DarkWizzardhere it is03:22
DarkWizzardsome packages are broken03:23
DarkWizzardbut they all work fine03:23
DarkWizzardonly it wants to remove them03:23
HobbseeDarkWizzard: pastebin what "sudo apt-get upgrade" says03:23
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=== Hobbsee cues nalioth - the lecture on using unofficial repos, please :P DarkWizzard is the candidate
naliothDarkWizzard: unofficial repos can bring in packages that have no upgrade candidates.  if there packages replace your official 'critical' ubuntu pkgs, you are pretty much done.03:27
naliothHobbsee: like that? lol03:27
Hobbseesomething like that03:28
DarkWizzardwell this happened03:28
DarkWizzardI got those packages from the debian packages page03:28
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naliothDarkWizzard: debian packages are a sure killer.03:28
DarkWizzardshould I replace them with the original?03:29
naliothDarkWizzard: if you are able, undo all you've done re debian pkgs03:29
DarkWizzardcan't i just tell apt not to remove anithing ?03:29
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naliothDarkWizzard: your system is broken. that is why apt wants to remove stuff03:30
DarkWizzardCan't I get Xmoto from an Ubuntu repository ?03:30
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DarkWizzardit depends on very new stuff03:31
_jefftake it from me, i forced the install of libqt4-core and libqt4-gui on my breezy system yesterday and ive been paying ever since03:31
naliothDarkWizzard: join me in #kubuntu-offtopic please03:31
DarkWizzardwell I guess I'l reinstall everithing when dapper comes out03:32
DarkWizzardtill then I will go on without using apt03:32
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bipolarchx: I see you mentioned the kcontrol upgrade problem. do you know a solution for it?03:32
Hobbseebipolar: there was one listed in the bug report.  otherwise, wait03:33
DarkWizzardthanks all03:33
DarkWizzardsee ya03:34
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chxbipolar: yes. wait.03:37
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chxbipolar: if this affects so many people , there will be a new package, soon.03:37
chxseems already fixed :)03:42
chxthat was _fast_03:42
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ainmosnihmmz. dapper espresso installer ate my partitions for dinner last night03:48
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HaxoR91hello there03:49
HaxoR91how is everyone doing?03:49
ainmosniso be careful with the installer ;)03:49
=== thoreauputic is doing his Marvin impersonation
ainmosnididnt lose important data tho, still a very ugly bug03:50
DeadS0ulwhat options did you use?03:50
epWhen opening a PDF file under firefox, I am presented with an "Open with" dialog box which in turns opens  gnome file browser rather than a menu.  How am I supposed to select an applicaton, such as Kpdf to open this file?03:50
ainmosniDeadS0ul: well03:50
=== nalioth is now known as noirequus
ainmosniit happened just after i inputted the user03:50
DeadS0ulthoreauputic:  marvin? the one for Hitchhiker's guide?03:50
ainmosnii pressed next03:50
ainmosniit crashed03:50
thoreauputicDeadS0ul: right03:50
HaxoR91ep are you using kubuntu?03:51
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ainmosnii was like 'ah well' rebooted and grub didnt work anymore03:51
HaxoR91then save it on the disk and open with the kpdf03:51
DeadS0ulis the same bug on debian?03:51
ainmosniso i didnt even see a partitioner or something03:51
ainmosniDeadS0ul: i dont know03:51
thoreauputicDeadS0ul: if I do it well enough, freenode will go down by suicide ;-)03:51
ainmosninever used espresso on debian03:51
DeadS0ulthoreauputic: hahaha03:51
DeadS0ulwhat's espresso?03:52
ainmosniyah the livecd installer03:52
ainmosniwhich will be the default in dapper03:52
DeadS0uloki I never used the live cd03:52
DeadS0ul...i installed dapper though03:52
ainmosniwas a first for me yesterday03:52
ainmosnii liked the idea tho03:52
ainmosniinstalling through a livecd03:52
ainmosniso that i can browse and ssh while installing03:53
DeadS0ulmeh that's so knoppix =P03:53
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ainmosniheh its still a good idea ;)03:53
DeadS0ulyeah true that03:53
ainmosninot that i need a gui install or w/e03:54
ainmosniits just that installing is boring03:54
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v3ctorhad lost connection after me post and didn't realize it03:54
ainmosniused the install cd after that03:54
ainmosniand now i have dapper on my workstation03:54
ainmosniwill keep my work laptop on breezy for a bit tho ;)03:55
v3ctoranyone have issues with latest updates?03:55
v3ctoron dapper03:55
DeadS0ulwhat kinda issues?03:55
jeroenvrpv3ctor: you mean the kcontrol configure error?03:56
v3ctorkcontrol fails to install03:56
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jeroenvrpthats known03:56
DeadS0ulnaw installs fine for me03:56
thoreauputicv3ctor: probably ask in #ubuntu+103:56
DeadS0ulI have trouble using su in KDE though03:56
jeroenvrpv3ctor: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/4039303:57
deviantHi.. just wondering if anyone has ever tried using their symbian phone as a webcam?03:57
UbugtuMalone bug 40393 in kdebase kcontrol "Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu9 crashes during post-installation" [Normal,Confirmed] 03:57
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epHaxoR91: yes I'm kubutu03:58
HaxoR91ep:did you try what i told you?03:59
HaxoR91open with pdfviewer03:59
epHaxoR91: I can save to disk and open with a pdf viewer yes.  I often do this...  Sometimes however it just convienent to open the pdf file and look at.  Close it and forget about it.  Less steps.  I can do this in windows:)04:01
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v3ctorjeroenvrp: worked great..thanks04:03
=== captainbraille [n=captainb@adsl-71-159-231-101.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:jeroenvrp] : Beta! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/dapper-beta.php | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | Amarok 1.4 beta 3, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com |
ubotuati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358904:03
Hobbseejeroenvrp: er, what'd you change?04:04
jeroenvrpHobbsee: I have put the link to #ubuntu+1 to the front, just after the beta-info04:04
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Hobbseeah, cool04:04
jeroenvrpif we do it this way, lets do it good :-)04:05
epPlus Firefox presents me with two choices (1) "Save as..."   and (2) "Open with..."   Why does it present me with choice 2 and then make choice 2 so awkward  to carry out.   i.e. It is normal to launce applications from a menu, not a file browser.04:05
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:jeroenvrp] : Beta! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/dapper-beta.php | Dapper discussion/support in #ubuntu+1 | Breezy discussion/support in here | Amarok 1.4 beta 3, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com |
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bipolarWow... the kcontrol thing is fixed already? cool04:10
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waylandbillis there a way to make Konversation give my nickserv password automatically on connect?04:27
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Hobbseewaylandbill: yes, hit f204:28
Hobbseein the servers section, edit, the password there is the one to use for nickserv04:28
DeadS0ulhaha my computer is going nuts04:28
waylandbillHobbsee: ok. thanks that that was a server password.04:29
waylandbills/that that/thought that/04:29
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Hobbseeno, it's nickserv04:29
waylandbillok cool04:29
DeadS0ulalright...looks liek I'm not using xcompmgr for a while04:29
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waylandbillanyone use Gaim? I never get sound from it. I get sound from other things though.04:30
cfraz89DeadS0ul: have you tried kompmgr?04:30
Hobbseeewww gaim04:30
DeadS0ulhmm not sure04:30
waylandbillHobbsee: LOL!04:30
waylandbillthere was a reason I didn't use Keopete. Don't remember what it is, but I know there was one.04:31
DeadS0ulcfraz89: can't find it in the repositories04:31
cfraz89DeadS0ul: give it a try04:31
cfraz89its part of kde04:31
cfraz89like when you tell kde to use window transparency04:32
cfraz89and you can configure it from kde04:32
DeadS0ulunder desktop -> translucency04:32
DeadS0ulyeah that's what I turend on04:32
cfraz89so its not xcompmgr?04:32
cfraz89what happens?04:33
cfraz89it made my x too unstable04:33
DeadS0ulthats' what I installed..04:33
cfraz89but im using xgl now04:33
DeadS0ulyeah x just restarts04:33
DeadS0ulisnt' it buggy though?04:33
cfraz89what video card?04:33
DeadS0ulnvidia 680004:33
DeadS0ulno wait 660004:34
cfraz89not as buggy as normal kompmgr for me04:34
cfraz89hardly crashes on me04:34
DeadS0ulwas great yesterday04:34
DeadS0ul..started dying today04:34
cfraz89and i put an icon to restart compiz if it does crash04:34
DeadS0ul...stopped my mp3s too >|04:34
waylandbillwhen is dapper scheduled for release?04:34
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cfraz89DeadS0ul: have you tried xgl?04:35
DeadS0uljust read bout it04:35
DeadS0ulit's still alpha/beta04:35
cfraz89so is dapper lol04:35
DeadS0ulheheh true04:36
cfraz89i just wish it didnt force indirect rendering on opengl apps04:36
cfraz89then it would be perfect04:36
DeadS0ulapt-get install xserver-xgl, here I come04:37
DeadS0ulhmm what's that mean?04:37
cfraz89it slows down everything else that is opengl04:37
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DeadS0ulhow do I configure it?04:37
cfraz89because it forces opengl apps to go through the xserver to the videocard04:37
DeadS0ulI just install it? and I'm set?04:38
cfraz89do you use kde?04:38
Hobbseewaylandbill: june04:38
DeadS0ulSysinfo for 'pc01': Linux 2.6.15-20-686 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz at 3000 MHz (5998 bogomips), HD: 23/128GB, RAM: 1042/1517MB, 119 proc's, 51.51min up04:38
cfraz89best to use a newer version04:38
DeadS0ul....wtf is a bogomip?04:38
cfraz89the dapper repositories have an old one which is crap with kde04:38
cfraz89wont be long04:38
DeadS0ulah I'll just wait for it then04:38
cfraz89just wait04:38
cfraz89ill give you the repos04:39
DeadS0ulmeh why is kde not letting me su?04:39
TerminusDeadS0ul: bogous(sp?) mips. :p04:39
cfraz89deb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main04:39
DeadS0ulCPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz at 3000 MHz (5998 bogomips)04:39
cfraz89and possibly deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ dapper main04:39
cfraz89but i commented that one out04:40
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HobbseeDeadS0ul: use sudo04:40
DeadS0uli enabled root04:40
cfraz89a mip is04:41
cfraz89one million instructions per second04:41
Hobbseesudo -s or sudo -i also works :P04:41
DeadS0ulyeah I remember that part..04:41
cfraz89a bogo means alot lol04:41
DeadS0ulsudo -s? sodo -i?04:41
cfraz89not sure how much exactly04:41
DeadS0uli'm used to su..04:41
waylandbillBogoMips (from "bogus" and MIPS) are an unscientific measurement of CPU speed made by the Linux kernel when it boots, to calibrate an internal busy-loop. An oft-quoted definition of the term is "the number of million times per second a processor can do absolutely nothing".04:41
cfraz89whats it mean if amarok is showing all my ipod songs04:42
cfraz89as both orphaned and stale04:42
HobbseeDeadS0ul: same as a root shell, pretty much04:43
DeadS0ulI should've looked that up04:43
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cfraz89any luck with the xgl goodness?04:44
DeadS0ulhmm sudo isn't working04:44
cfraz89i think sudo is a great idea04:45
DeadS0ulyeah I bet it is04:45
DeadS0ulohh I have to be part of the admin group04:45
cfraz89instead of having to give people the administrator password04:45
cfraz89which can be leaked04:45
DeadS0ulvigr here I come!04:45
cfraz89you just add them to the group04:45
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cfraz89and they use their own password04:45
DeadS0ulI thought it was the sudoer gruop04:45
cfraz89i think ubuntu changed it in the name of user-friendly04:46
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DeadS0ulwhoa baby04:46
DeadS0uladept is up and running hehehe04:46
DeadS0ul...and it killed my apt-get process..04:47
DeadS0ulalright xserver-org is installed04:47
DeadS0uldoI need to edit my xorg.conf?04:47
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waylandbillsudo is nice to give people access to only a subset of administrative commands too.04:47
DeadS0ulwaylandbill:  oh yeah? what commands we tlaking bout here?04:48
cfraz89DeadS0ul: did you just upgrade xorg?04:49
cfraz89well it should be right04:49
cfraz89without editing04:49
waylandbillDeadS0ul: ls  ;-)    I've not needed to give someone limited sudo access. It's nice to know that I could though.04:49
DeadS0uldo I have to restart x?04:49
DeadS0ulwaylandbill: ahhhh I see04:50
cfraz89not much poin04:50
cfraz89you wont notice the difference probably04:50
cfraz89are you upgrading to fix crashes?04:50
DeadS0uli wanted xgl =P04:50
cfraz89thats not what you want then04:50
cfraz89you want compiz04:50
cfraz89and compiz-gnome04:51
cfraz89the compiz-kde is not finished yet04:51
cfraz89ie crashes04:51
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DeadS0ulapt-get install compiz compiz-kde04:51
cfraz89then you will have to edit some files04:51
DeadS0ul...crashes..meh..I use windows man..04:51
cfraz89compiz-kde not work at all04:52
cfraz89is pre-alpha i think04:52
DeadS0ulaww man 42 packages...bloody hell04:52
cfraz89lol sorry04:52
cfraz89you on dialup?04:52
cfraz89oh i see04:53
cfraz89you havent had any gnome stuff on your computer before04:53
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bordi? k3b04:54
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bordihello bretzel04:55
cfraz89DeadS0ul - its also good to install gset-compiz04:55
cfraz89lol sorry04:55
bretzelBeta-Live Desktop cd ( Kubuntu-live-beta ) : Install : leaves at disk partition step ...04:55
bordihas anybody of you expieriences with installing kubuntu64 on windows xp 32 bit within qemu ( ? )04:56
cfraz89its going up?04:56
DeadS0ul...meh..done..now what?04:56
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cfraz89step 1:04:56
cfraz89you need to edit /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc04:56
DeadS0ulyeah in installed 4 pckages with gset-compiz04:56
bretzelDeadS0ul: -- Compiz: How is that in Kubuntu ? ( no KDE compiz yet... )04:57
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DeadS0uli'mtrying to find out04:57
cfraz89Compiz works well with kde04:57
DeadS0ulask cfraz89 =P04:57
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cfraz89though you have to use compiz-gnome04:57
cfraz89but its still good04:57
DeadS0ulalrigh ti have it opened in vi04:57
DrBairbretzel: there are some major annoyances with compiz and kde IMO04:57
DocTomoehas anyone in here managed to get a sharp zaurus pda to sync with kontact?04:57
cfraz89DeadS0ul - look for a line that says ServerCmd04:58
bretzelDeadS0ul: Me can't messup my kubuntu installation right now ... I prefer to wait when something is success ... :-)04:58
cfraz89ServerCmd=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -br04:58
DeadS0ul...look....found it already04:58
DrBairDocTomoe: I did a while ago04:58
DeadS0ul /ServerCmd =D04:58
cfraz89comment it04:58
cfraz89with a #04:58
cfraz89so you can go back to it if you want04:58
cfraz89and then put04:59
cfraz89ServerCmd=/usr/bin/Xgl :0 -fullscreen -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo04:59
DrBaircompiz doesn't play nice with the kde taskbar and pager, other than that its ok04:59
cfraz89the newer compizes do04:59
cfraz89my bad04:59
bretzelI tried the beta-live, and then the install stuff but it aborts in the disk part. step without any err msg ....04:59
cfraz89i had to rid the pager and taskbar04:59
bordican we compare some kde screenshots right now ?04:59
DocTomoeDrBair: I do have an 5500G ... it gets detected by the kernel when I put it on USB, however, I do not know the next steps... can you help me?05:00
DeadS0ulcfraz89: done..05:00
cfraz89last one05:00
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DeadS0ulDocTomoe: have you tried setting up konnector?05:00
bretzelbordi: screenshot was Fast ! :-) and cool05:00
cfraz89DeadS0ul, make a script in your .kde/autostart05:00
bordicfraz89: put the http:// before and everybody can klick it with xchat or other apps05:01
DocTomoeDeadS0ul: this is what kontact calls "Sync", right?05:01
cfraz89thats my game in the screenshot :)05:01
DeadS0ulDocTomoe: yeap, kitchensync05:01
DrBairDocTomoe: Do you have the USB ethernet setup yet?05:01
cfraz89not much of the desktop lol05:01
DeadS0ulits' a cube05:02
DocTomoeDeadS0ul: thats what I am trying05:02
DocTomoeDrBair: the zaurus has an ip, but I cannot ping it from my pc05:02
DeadS0ulcfraz89: : what script05:02
cfraz89a text file05:02
DeadS0ulDocTomoe: oh.05:02
bordiwow thats cool, crimsun05:02
cfraz89which has some commands05:02
bordiwow thats cool, cfraz8905:02
DocTomoeDrBair: therefore, this might be the problem05:02
cfraz89lol thanks05:02
bretzelcfraz89: Is that your actual compiz installation ?05:02
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DocTomoeDrBair: however: no Idea how to solve this05:02
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cfraz89a blank text file in .kde/Autostart05:03
bretzelnot in Kubuntu ... ?05:03
DrBairDocTomoe: Does the usb0 interface have an IP on the same subnet as well?05:03
cfraz89and paste in this:05:03
DrBairDocTomoe: on the desktop side that is05:03
cfraz89compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place menu switcher &05:03
cfraz89gnome-window-decorator &05:03
bretzelcfraz89: the beta or the last alpha ? ( F6 )05:03
cfraz89the screenshot was from f605:03
cfraz89but i just dist-upgraded05:03
DocTomoeDrBair: there does not appear to be a network usb0 device in ifconfig. how can I change this?05:03
cfraz89and make it executable05:04
DrBairDocTomoe: what about ifconfig -a ?05:04
bretzelcongratulation dude, I have no patience to work on it ...05:04
frakigot Kubunu 5.10 breezy, install ati drivers and some other modules, when I select to restart or close session screen turns black, get klaptop icon in upper left and laptop hangs05:04
frakiany help?05:04
DocTomoeDrBair: there it is, but not configured05:04
cfraz89best to copy it onto your kicker05:05
cfraz89so you can get it back if compiz crashes05:05
DeadS0ulfraki: did you set up x after installing the ati modules?05:05
cfraz89make a launcher on your kicker05:05
DrBairDocTomoe: you need to setup /etc/network/interfaces to make everything work. Its not too hard. Heres what mine looks like http://pastebin.com/67339905:05
cfraz89which runs that05:05
DeadS0ulwhta's a klauncher05:05
DeadS0uldpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:06
DeadS0ulmake sure you choose your ati driver05:06
frakiohh yeah i did that i think05:06
DrBairDocTomoe: that will automatically setup an IP and IP-forwarding when the Zaurus is plugged in, and take it all apart when you disconnect05:06
frakilet me do it05:06
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cfraz89add application -> non-kde application05:06
cfraz89and choose the script you made05:06
DocTomoeDrBair: ok, I copied it into /etc/network/interfaces ... now an ifup usb0, I assume?05:07
cfraz89after that just restart x, hope it works05:07
DrBairDocTomoe: no, just plug the zaurus in again and it should set everything up05:07
cfraz89if it bombs out, comment out the xgl servercmd and restore the old one05:07
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DrBairDocTomoe: just make sure all the IP and hostname information in that file is correct for your setup05:08
DeadS0uli didn't put anyting inot the script..05:08
cfraz89oh ok05:08
bretzelcfraz89: Last question about compiz: How fast is the water effect ? the first time I tried it it was working crappy... I had to move the mouse for the effects to finish....05:08
cfraz89it is fairly slow still05:08
bretzel...when moving windows05:08
cfraz89fairly slow05:08
B4zzAinstalled vid card drivers?05:09
DocTomoeDrBair: ok, the zaurus now is pingable05:09
bretzelcfraz89: okay, I am defenitly waiting then :-)05:09
cfraz89just for the water?05:09
cfraz89compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place menu switcher &05:09
cfraz89gnome-window-decorator &05:09
DeadS0uldo i really need the script? cna i just retart x now?05:09
DocTomoeDrBair: however, now I get an "ressource is not readable"-Error while syncing05:09
cfraz89you need the script05:09
cfraz89its what runs compiz05:09
cfraz89otherwise you wont notice the difference05:10
cfraz89i just pasted it in05:10
cfraz89The /bin/sh05:10
DrBairDocTomoe: good stuff. I remember you need to sync by IP address somehow. hold on a second and I'll figure it out again05:10
cfraz89and the compiz05:10
cfraz89and the gnome-window-dec05:10
cfraz89they go in the script05:10
bretzelmmm to be honest the rest of the effects was working fairly well ( shades, fades, shadows ) only window movements was crappy.05:10
cfraz89window-moving is fast05:10
cfraz89for me05:10
cfraz89on a 5200 go05:10
cfraz89DeadS0ul: did you copy it?05:11
cfraz89i can upload my copy if you want05:11
DeadS0ulnaw I'm good05:11
bretzelbut are the water completes the sequences when stopping the mouse ?05:11
DeadS0ul& is to run the process in the backgroudn right?05:11
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DeadS0ulalright restart now?05:12
ubuntu_hi, i wish to ask if an ubuntu server has the prefix "mt." (mt being my country code) such as "mt.releases.ubuntu.com" or "mt.ubuntu.com" does that mean that the server is situated in malta (mt) or not?? because i have bandwith limits when downloading from foreign countries so i would like to know this.05:12
DeadS0ulor shoudl i try starting a new session?05:12
cfraz89i didnt think about that05:12
cfraz89just go for xtrl-alt-backspace05:12
cfraz89do you know how to fix it from commandline?05:12
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bretzelI mean, when I stoped the mouse (  when window-moving ) the water effect stopped without completing the effect: then having window shapes waving and still. I had to move the mouse to make it return "rectangular "05:13
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cfraz89oh its ok05:13
cfraz89i dont get that05:13
bretzelgood then :-) -- NVidia ... ok >05:14
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d_frakihei its fraki again, started to reconfigured xorg then system crashed when it tried to probe for monitor05:14
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cfraz89but would be good if aiglx worked with nvidia05:14
d_frakisame way that it hangs when i select to restart or close a session05:14
bretzelaiglx ?05:14
DrBairDocTomoe: what Konnector are you using?05:14
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cfraz89DeadS0ul: did it work?05:15
bretzel"Artificial Intelligence" - glx ? heheh?05:15
cfraz89accelerated indirect :)05:15
BaLiLuhi, i wish to ask if an ubuntu server has the prefix "mt." (mt being my country code) such as "mt.releases.ubuntu.com" or "mt.ubuntu.com" does that mean that the server is situated in malta (mt) or not?? because i have bandwith limits when downloading from foreign countries so i would like to know this.05:15
BaLiLuanybody can help05:15
bretzellol - it was a joke ...05:15
cfraz89i know :)05:15
HobbseeBaLiLu: i would assume so05:15
DocTomoeDrBair: qtopia05:16
DeadS0ulfrogot to add the script to klauncher05:16
BaLiLuthanks hobsee05:16
waylandbillBalilu: do a tracert on it and see what servers it jumps to get to there.05:16
bretzelAnother topic: My entry hello - first - question.... Kubuntu-live-beta-install program crashes ...05:16
cfraz89DeadS0ul: it should be ok if you didnt add the script to your panel05:16
DeadS0ul...right click panel -> add non kde application and select the script right?05:16
BaLiLuwaylandbill: how do i do it?05:16
cfraz89thats to click on in case compiz crashes05:17
DeadS0ulI cna just run it now?05:17
DeadS0ulohh oki05:17
cfraz89it should have run when you logged in05:17
cfraz89im guessing it didnt05:17
cfraz89open up a console05:17
DeadS0ulit's up05:17
DeadS0ulwhat now?05:17
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cfraz89and copy in this line and run it:05:18
cfraz89compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place menu switcher &05:18
cfraz89just to see what the error is05:18
DocTomoeDrBair: for some wicked reason, the zaurus is no longer pingable -_-05:19
DeadS0ulcompiz.real: Failed to manage screen: 005:19
DeadS0ulcompiz.real: No managable screens found on display :005:19
DeadS0ulthat happens with all kde apps if I run it in console I think05:19
waylandbillBaLiLu: my mistake. I meant tracepath and it's just tracepath followed by the server's hostname05:19
DeadS0ul[1] +  Done                    compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place menu switche05:19
cfraz89i should have not put the and in05:20
cfraz89cant see what it says05:20
DeadS0ulhey kwin didn't start05:20
cfraz89it worked05:20
BaLiLuwaylandbill: what do you mean by tracepath ? :S05:20
DrBairDocTomoe: if you remove it and plug it in again it should reset the connection05:20
cfraz89now run gnome-window-decorator05:20
DeadS0ulheh k05:20
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DeadS0ulcrap i don't tihnk it installed05:21
DrBairDocTomoe: I can't get mine to turn on... it hates me for abandoning it05:21
waylandbillBalilu: tracepath,  tracepath6  - traces path to a network host discovering MTU along this path05:21
BaLiLuwaylandbill: its an application right? just searched a bit05:21
waylandbillBaLiLu: yes. it's a command line application.05:21
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cfraz89DeadS0ul, you installed compiz-gnome?05:22
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BaLiLuwaylandbill: still how do i check if it's in malta? what should be the result if it's int malta?05:22
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DeadS0ul>| it didn't install, I have to force install the newer version then it'll install...05:23
DeadS0ulI thin05:23
DeadS0ulwhat version is your compiz?05:23
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cfraz89but your compiz-gnome wont install?05:24
DeadS0ulthink mine is from ubuntu05:24
DeadS0ulgimme a sec05:24
cfraz89oh ok05:24
DocTomoeDrBair: ... however, this stuff now works better than in the 4 years I had abandoned mine :) Thank you a lot for getting me to the right path05:24
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DrBairDocTomoe: I got it going now I think, just needed to sit in the cradle for a few minutes05:25
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DeadS0ullemme hit the script button05:26
BaLiLuwaylandbill: still how do i check if it's in malta? what should be the result if it is in malta?05:26
DeadS0uldunno if that helped05:26
DeadS0uli'll kill compiz and hit that script agian05:26
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DeadS0uli won't05:27
DocTomoeDrBair: ok, will be standing by05:27
DeadS0ulwhat now then?05:27
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cfraz89open a terminal and run gnome-window-decorator ?05:27
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cfraz89hi again05:29
Druwell thats 6.06 being saved to my pen drive for when I get home05:29
DeadS0ulhad to restart x...keyboard went wonky05:29
DeadS0ul..yeah but kwin's up this time05:29
cfraz89oh so didnt work at all05:29
DeadS0ulI think i didn't install the right package05:30
cfraz89thats plain compiz05:30
cfraz89better use compiz05:30
cfraz89it has some patches05:30
DeadS0ulhmm lemme try agian05:30
Druanyone tried the Opera 9 Beta ?05:30
DeadS0ulalright brb05:31
cfraz89i think i tried it through klik once05:31
ccc_Dru: i'm running 9.00 preview 205:32
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Druany good05:32
DrBairDocTomoe: mine machine doesn't seem to be running the interface script for some reason...05:32
ccc_yup :)05:32
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jpetsoquick survey: does anyone of you have Krita in the "Open with" context menu in Konqueror by default?05:32
ccc_Dru: very good even. haven't tried the beta, but i will in a minute.05:33
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Druas just downloaded the 9.0-2 deb file from opera to try out05:33
cfraz89jpetso: it isnt for me05:33
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cfraz89DeadS0ul: guessing it didnt work?05:33
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DeadS0ulcan you pase the kdm line again?05:33
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DeadS0ulkdm isnt' starting up now05:33
cfraz89ServerCmd=/usr/bin/Xgl :0 -fullscreen -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo05:34
cfraz89is what im using05:34
Drugod this work PC sucks big time05:34
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DocTomoeDrBair: It seems that there still are some connection problems ...05:34
cfraz89ServerCmd=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -br05:34
cfraz89is the original05:34
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DrBairDocTomoe: what release of ubuntu are you using?05:34
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cfraz89DeadS0ul - do you have xserver-xgl installed?05:35
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DeadS0ulseems right05:35
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douglasWhat package has fmod?05:35
DeadS0ullemme double check that heh05:35
DocTomoeDrBair: Dapper. I am aware on the bug at lunchbag of march 26th, however, that guy didn't even get it to detect, so...05:35
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bretzelDuh ? Just upgraded to latest kde from normal ubuntu repos and fonts are cool!05:35
cfraz89but kdm wont start?05:36
Druomg only 62Mb left on my thumb drive05:36
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DeadS0ulrand apt-get install xserver-xgl again05:36
bretzelAnd .. btw... I see kde-window-decorator for compiz... any one knows it ?05:36
DeadS0ulit upgradedd05:36
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thoreauputicDocTomoe: I kind of like "lunchbag" <grin>05:36
cfraz89bretzel: it doesnt work05:36
DrBairDocTomoe: I had it working on breezy but now I'm on Dapper. Is your usb0 interface getting an IP?05:36
cfraz89ok DeadS0ul05:36
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bretzelah... thanks for the hint cfraz89 :-)05:36
eqisowbretzel, last I heard it wasn't really working at all05:36
DocTomoeDrBair: so it seems. I am able to ping both the usb0 interface and the zaurus05:37
elijahlofgrenDocTomoe: What are  you trying to do? I just recently set up a usb0 connection with my iPAQ running Familiar.05:37
bretzeleqisow, thanks, and I just jhave to install compiz-gnome instead eh ?05:37
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eqisowyeah, there's a faq for getting compiz running under kde in the forums somewhere.. but iirc it has a few problems05:38
cfraz89and choose a gtk theme which matches colours05:38
DocTomoeelijahlofgren: I have a Sharp Zaurus 5500G and want it to sync with Kontact. After much help from DrBair, I can now ping it... however, it refuses to sync.05:38
DeadS0ulnot starting at all now....crap05:38
DocTomoeelijahlofgren: Kontact mutters something about "Connection Problems"05:38
bretzel...and all gnome stuff will be installed... - cfraz89: thanks05:38
DeadS0ulhad to use the old line05:38
cfraz89did it say anything?05:38
bretzeluh... lots of gnome to be installed, almost the whole gnome-desktop ...05:39
DeadS0ulnaw, the ubuntu splash screen was there, said it timed out05:39
cfraz89are you restarting the computer?05:39
eqisowbretzel, try this thread05:39
DeadS0ulinvoke-rc.d kdm restart05:39
elijahlofgrenDocTomoe: I followed this guide: http://opie.handhelds.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/SyncingHowto (I had to restart Kontact a few times to get it working after setting it up)05:39
cfraz89try just /etc/init.d/kdm stop05:40
cfraz89then Xgl05:40
cfraz89as root05:40
cfraz89i mean05:40
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DocTomoeelijahlofgren: thanks05:42
DocTomoeDrBair: it works. restarting kitchensync did the trick!05:42
DrBairDocTomoe: awesome!05:42
bretzellaunched installation of compiz... I feel... a bit nervous ...05:42
cfraz89lol dont05:43
cfraz89you can always roll back05:43
DocTomoethere's still life in this old baby...05:43
DocTomoeI owe you three a lot05:43
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cfraz89i hope DeadS0ul's computer didnt blow up05:43
bretzel( uninstall xgl and replace /usr/bin/X to point to normal xorg I know05:43
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cfraz89what happened?05:44
DeadS0ulerror msg in syslog05:44
DeadS0ulXgl can't be started05:44
cfraz89what say?05:44
cfraz89thats all?05:44
DeadS0ulyeah, kdm reported it05:44
DeadS0ulwhat's the line again05:44
cfraz89new plan05:44
DeadS0uli tried removing the fbo bit05:45
cfraz89you have the old x line in place?05:45
DeadS0ul...oh new plan..05:45
DeadS0ulx line? what you mean?05:45
cfraz89you can run xgl on display :1 when you login05:45
cfraz89DeadS0ul: your running normal xorg now?05:45
DeadS0ulI just hit startx05:45
cfraz89well try it another way05:45
cfraz89turn your kdmrc back to the normal x05:46
DeadS0ulrestart x?05:46
cfraz89i just want to see why xgl wont start05:47
cfraz89try running from a konsole:05:47
DeadS0ulor xgl?05:47
cfraz89this : /usr/bin/Xgl :0 -fullscreen -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo05:47
cfraz89as in from the /usr onwards05:47
cfraz89paste that into konsole05:47
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cfraz89sorry that should be a 1 not a 005:47
cfraz89paste this in konsole: /usr/bin/Xgl :1 -fullscreen -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:fbo05:48
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cfraz89it should start xgl on a new screen05:48
afd_apropos xgl, I've tried installing it today, and I'm running xgl right now with no prob, but compiz.real barfs out saying something about a missing gl extension, which is listed in glxinfo. any pointers? I have an nvidia 5700, dapper up to date, latest nvidia binary kernel05:48
DeadS0ulhaha it ran but I couldn't change screens05:48
DeadS0ulhad to kill it05:48
cfraz89so it did run?05:48
cfraz89but kdm wont run it05:49
cfraz89maybe you could paste your kdmrc on pastebin, ill have a look at it?05:49
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cfraz89afd_: is it GL_EXT_TEXTURE_FROM_PIXMAP by any chance?05:50
DeadS0uli didn't have a space after Xgl...so it was Xgl:0 and no Xgl :005:50
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DeadS0ulonce last try beforei show you my kdmrc05:50
cfraz89hopefully everything fades and wobbles when you log in05:51
bretzelokidoo, thread read and applied, about to restart x05:51
DeadS0ullemme try05:51
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disorbtionhow do you join other networks?05:52
cfraz89disorbtion: do you mean wireless networks?05:52
ubotufrom memory, list is you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:52
disorbtionno IRC networks/channels05:52
disorbtionim using Konversation05:53
cfraz89file->Server list?05:53
cfraz89make a new one?05:53
disorbtionhow do i know what to add for a new one?05:53
cfraz89websites have lists05:53
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DeadS0ulkdm started =D05:54
disorbtionwanna be able to find and DL files05:54
DeadS0ulkwin is up though05:54
DeadS0ullemme check my script again haha05:54
cfraz89ok: terminal, run that long compiz commabd05:54
DeadS0ulkwin is down05:54
DeadS0uljust rand that command heh05:55
DeadS0uland kwin closed05:55
cfraz89so compiz should be running05:55
cfraz89run that05:55
DeadS0ulhope so05:55
DeadS0ulit's up05:55
cfraz89it is?05:55
afd_cfraz89: yeah, that's right05:55
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afd_just found something about it on ubuntuforums05:56
cfraz89lol awesome05:56
cfraz89DeadS0ul: do you want to keep it?05:56
cfraz89if so, ill give you some tips05:56
DeadS0uli have ot use gnome window decorator?05:56
cfraz89for now05:56
bretzelmmmm Still the same probs. with window-move... I have to move the mouse to make the anum seq. to finish ...05:56
cfraz89you can change its colours with the gtk theme05:56
bretzelanim ...05:56
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DeadS0uli can't move my konversation window >|05:57
cfraz89try alt-click05:57
cfraz89it should move though05:57
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DeadS0ulah that worked05:57
bretzel...and popup windows without title/caption can't be moved as well - like DeadS0ul said05:58
DeadS0uli have the mac sytel file menu on top..05:58
cfraz89i havent had any problems with windows not moving05:58
DeadS0ulkonversation when under it..05:58
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cfraz89good old alt-click05:58
DeadS0ulwhat other effects are there?05:58
cfraz89have you tried the cube?05:58
cfraz89control-alt desktop-click?05:59
cfraz89and drag05:59
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cfraz89what happened?06:00
DeadS0ulthre's only one desktop now06:00
bretzeland... what is the key for the desk-switcher cube ? :-)06:00
cfraz89its just compiz mucking with kde06:00
cfraz89control alt click06:00
cfraz89and drag06:00
cfraz89or move mouse to left or right edge06:00
solanhas anyone got any experience with Mediatomb?06:01
bretzelcfarz89 : woah!!! hehehehehe!!!06:01
DeadS0ulshow me more show me more06:01
cfraz89other things to note:06:01
bretzelI am listening :-)06:01
DeadS0ulcrap I can't resize juk06:01
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cfraz89x just crashed on me :)06:03
cfraz89tried f12?06:03
bretzeloops! lol06:03
cfraz89its the expose thing06:03
cfraz89or move mouse to top-right corner06:03
DeadS0ulf12 is yukuake for me06:03
cfraz89oh ok06:03
cfraz89try moving mouse to top06:04
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cfraz89and then right06:04
cfraz89its good to run gset-compiz and play around with settings06:04
cfraz89and the shortcuts06:04
cfraz89DeadS0ul: did you get the expose thing?06:04
DeadS0uldoens't liet me install gset-compiz either06:05
DeadS0uli'm gonna have to wait for compiz-kde =(06:05
=== Belboz99 [n=Belboz99@adsl-68-255-69-168.dsl.rcfril.ameritech.net] has joined #Kubuntu
cfraz89too much gnome stuff?06:05
DeadS0ulI like top menubar at the top06:05
DeadS0ulhave to turn it off if I use this06:06
DeadS0ulit's screwing things up06:06
cfraz89does maximise go under it?06:06
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Belboz99Hey all, I'm running Kubuntu Dapper Drake with the latest updates, and I keep on getting this error when attempting to configure my printer:06:06
Belboz99An error occurred while retrieving the printer list. Error message received from manager:06:06
DeadS0ulnaw but my system tray went nuts and so did pager06:06
cfraz89DeadS0ul: the system tray should be ok...06:06
cfraz89if compiz starts with kde06:06
cfraz89but the taskbar and pager wont work properly06:07
bretzelsystray is ok for me06:07
cfraz89if you enable the miniwin plugin you get a maxosx like dock when you minimise stuff06:07
cfraz89which is useful06:07
bretzeltaskbar works for me06:07
DeadS0ulall my menu bars are nuts now06:07
bretzelacross desks also06:07
cfraz89bretzel: what about when you minimise?06:07
DeadS0ulnaw I think I'll just wait06:07
DeadS0ulhwo do I do the mouse effects?06:07
bretzelworks also :-)06:07
bretzelwith the proper effects06:08
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cfraz89DeadS0ul: what mouse effects?06:08
cfraz89the rain?06:08
camelhi !06:08
cfraz89you need to run compiz with the water plugin06:08
DeadS0ulcrap it for now then06:08
camelI have a question :>06:08
camelHow to fix the XGL ??06:09
bretzelwow! clicking on a window in different desk, auto-switch to that desk... if that window is not minimized06:09
elijahlofgrenBelboz99: I would try using the Cups web interface to configure your printer: http://localhost:631/printers/06:09
cameldapper drake flight 506:09
bretzelotherwize, transfer the minimized window to the current desk and restore oit06:09
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jeff_mhey guys06:09
DeadS0ulheya jeff06:09
camelwho can help me ?06:10
jeff_mdoes anybody know how to install kubuntu beta without loading a live session06:10
jeff_mfrom the cd?06:10
Belboz99elijahlofgren: , I have no idea how to use that interface to connect a printer that's only connected to the network via Wi-Fi06:10
jeff_mdeads0ul: hey man06:10
DeadS0uljeff_m: you get the install cd, not the live cd06:10
camelWho know how to make XGL ??06:10
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apokryphoscamel: /msg ubotu xgl06:10
DeadS0ulI just turned on XGL06:10
bretzelSeems the only crappy stuff I get with compiz is that window-move... I can leave with it without no probs :-)06:10
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DeadS0ulit's cool but not cool enough for kde yet06:10
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cfraz89i think the dist-upgrade borked my x06:11
camelbut when I try to fix that the X'y swith off06:11
cfraz89x keeps crashing06:11
DeadS0ulwhat'd you do that for?06:11
bretzelDeadS0ul: It's sad it doesn't works for you :-(06:11
elijahlofgrenBelboz99: Me either. Sorry. Maybe try asking in the forums: http://www.ubuntuforums.org06:11
DeadS0ulbretzel: yeah =(06:11
DeadS0ulah well compiz-kde might be usable soon enough06:11
DeadS0ulanyway, brb06:11
cfraz89dapper beta was released06:11
camelI use Dapper Drake06:11
camelbut still XGL doesn't work06:12
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/06:12
cfraz89so i did a dist-upgrade to come from flight 606:12
jeff_mhow do i install without loading a live session?06:12
jeff_mi keep reading about a text install method06:12
jeff_mand i want to do that06:12
troyjeff_m: install the other cd06:12
cfraz89jeff_m: yeah ther is an install cd06:12
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bhnajeff_m: you need the install-iso06:13
apokryphosjeff_m: /topic06:13
jeff_mi only saw one cd on the downlaod page06:13
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cfraz89if apt-get upgrade doesnt fix this i think i will have to not use xgl for a while06:13
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troyjeff_m: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/6.06/ -- scroll down06:13
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camelDoes XGL works on Dapper Drake flight 5 ??06:14
cfraz89DeadS0ul: ditched it?06:14
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apokryphoscamel: is there a reason for why you don't read what's posted to you? :/06:14
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cfraz89camel: it should i guess06:14
DeadS0ulyeah for now06:14
apokryphoscamel: dapper discussions go in #dapper+1 and XGL discussion belongs in #ubuntu-xgl06:14
cfraz89i think i might have to soon06:14
camelsorry guys06:14
cfraz89its ok06:14
cfraz89were all talking xgl anyway06:14
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cfraz89DeadS0ul: my x keeps crashing all of a sudden06:15
cfraz89ever since i upgraded to dapper beta06:15
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DeadS0uldpkg --purge compiz-gnome06:15
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cfraz89good idea06:15
cfraz89camel: it should work on flight 506:16
cfraz89the repos are the same06:16
cfraz89just make sure to use the quinndeb repos06:17
bretzelmmmm why not dist-upgrade ?06:17
cfraz89otherwise youll have an old compiz which doesnt work  at all with kde06:17
cfraz89dist-upgrade just broke my x lol :)06:17
bretzelcfraz89: from f5 to f6 ?06:18
cfraz89from f6 to beta06:18
cfraz89maybe im jumping the gun06:18
cfraz89but x restarted twice in a few minutes06:18
DeadS0ulooo kdm themes06:18
cfraz89the only other time i got x crash was with kompmgr and opengl stuff06:18
bretzelnevertheless I just upgraded to beta through Synaptic... kde-3.5.2-ubuntu906:18
bretzeland as well for xorg06:19
cfraz89so you only selectively upgraded?06:19
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bretzelno, I did upgrade all...I have to say I didn't know what I was doing actually :-)06:20
cfraz89lol same06:20
cfraz89was my first dist-upgrade06:20
bretzeland by re-installing xserver-xorg ? doesn't fix?06:20
camelwhat should I do at first to fix XGL ??06:20
cfraz89i havent tried06:20
bretzeland dpkg reconf ?06:21
cfraz89camel: is it broken?06:21
camelsome time ago I try to fix it but it wasn't working:/06:21
cfraz89my internet is going so slow for some reason06:21
bretzelseems I am really lucked then -- all things works ...mostly well for now :-)06:22
bretzelI am scared to reboot :-)06:22
cfraz89either that or both ubuntu mirrors and torrents are slow06:22
cfraz89no x crash again yet06:22
cfraz89maybe just bad coincedence06:22
bretzelcfraz89: Of course! beta is spreading all over the world !! :-)06:22
cfraz89and the torrents?06:23
cfraz89downloading 3 seasons of cardcaptor sakura06:23
cfraz89soooooooooo slooooooooooooooow06:23
bretzelI tried torrent once only and it is alway slower than direct download.06:23
httpdsscamel: for xgl go to #ubuntu+106:23
solanhow do I add a table to a mysql db? been trying for 2houres, but I just can't seem to get it right... I'v set the privliges right for my use....06:24
=== Pippopapero [n=cesare@adsl-ull-152-147.44-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu
jeff_mim trying to install off the live cd right now, but when i click install nothing happens06:24
cfraz89does this website work for anyone, konqueror 3.5.2?06:24
cfraz89it works in 3.5.0, and in firefox06:24
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cfraz89sorry that : isnt meant to be there06:24
justanotheruserthat's funny, top keeps giving me a new list every 2 seconds06:24
jeff_manybody know why?06:24
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bretzeljeff_m: Me I can't reach the disk step...06:25
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jeff_mcould it be the cd?06:26
httpdsscfraz89: not me06:26
cfraz89httpdss: doesnt work for your konq?06:26
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httpdsscfraz89: dosnt work for konq06:26
bretzelI can;t recall the URL, starting ffrom distrowatch, follow the links for kubuntu live beta and rhen there is a release readme for bugs for the installer06:26
_slashHey guys I have a question. Don't you think Kubuntu is a bit unstable?06:27
cfraz89i think i better file a bug report06:27
cfraz89_slash: solid as a rock for me, up till today06:27
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cfraz89i just upgraded and x has crashed twice06:27
bretzel_slash: it is actually BETA, I personally don;t expected to be that stable to me right now06:27
cfraz89but it is :)06:27
_slashI've got a problem with my CD drive06:28
_slashactually, i have 206:28
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bhnabretzel: beta?06:28
_slashIt seems to eat my CDs06:28
bhnabretzel: breezy is stable and dapper is beta06:28
_slashand DVDs06:28
cfraz89id better go to sleep now, is 2:28 am06:28
cfraz89night all06:28
bretzelbhna: My kubuntu F6 installation is enough stable for me. -- I like to dig and fix things myself ( wiki is my friend )06:29
_slashI have Breezy and it sometimes eats my CDs and DVDs06:30
_slashSimply destroys them...06:30
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bretzelhow cd can be destroyed by an OS ?? It seems rather to be the laser beem that is over chraged ...06:30
bhna_slash: i think this is an hardwareproblem06:30
_slashI put CD in the drive tray and it says it's a wrong charset or mount problem06:31
_slashand later the disk is not usable06:31
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bretzel... hardware... likely06:31
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fotanghow do i configure soundcard? or tell kubuntu to use a particular soundcard, instead of it randomly choosing one?06:31
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fotangkubuntu .ne. ubuntu, i hope06:32
bretzelfotang: what snd card do you have ?06:32
DeadS0ulfotang in modprobe.d crate a file named asound06:32
DeadS0uland then add the lines06:32
fotangbretzel: i have two, different manufactures. forgot the names...06:32
_slashI think it doesn't detect some soundcards06:32
DeadS0ulalias snd-card-0 <perfered-sound-card-module>06:32
DeadS0uloptions <prefered-sound-card-module> index=106:33
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fotangboth cards work... kubuntu just used both at once06:33
DeadS0ulalias snd-card-0 <other-sound-card-module>06:33
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DeadS0uloptions <other-soundcard-module> index=206:33
bretzeloh! I do have two me too, one onboard and one PCI Creative Live!, I disabled myu onboard and the PCI live! works fine06:33
DeadS0ul..um wait it should be index=0 and 1 not...1 and 206:33
fotangi paly an mp3 and output is sent to card1. i start a movie and outpur instead goes to card2 and so on06:33
_slashWhy oh why do most people make programs running only on Windows?06:34
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DeadS0ul_slash: $$$06:34
bretzelfotang: uh... find what modules are loaded and disable the others putting it in the blacklist06:34
DeadS0ulnaw don't do that06:35
DeadS0uljust use modprobe.d06:35
bretzelDeadS0ul: cool! I shutup meself then... :-)06:36
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fotangbretzel: ok. now what if i want to use a particular card for one thing, and the other card for some other programs?06:36
_slashWhere can I find a channel list?06:36
fotangah... maybe ii select the card in the application. /dev/dsp0, dsp1 or so06:36
jpatrick_slash: bad idea but /list06:36
bretzelfotang: DeadS0ul is right, There should be a way for your programs to map the card you want...06:37
_slashfloods my PC when I type it06:37
jpatrick_slash: F5 in Konversation06:37
fotangthat sounds reasonable...06:37
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fotangthanx, i'll try that, before returning with a question about tv capture card and joystick. man, changin distros at my age....06:38
bretzelgrrrr! forgot about xmodmap: can't map my keyboard layouts now with compiz( xgl ) -- can't remeber how to fix it ( retrieve my natural language kb: "cf" )06:38
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bretzelfotang: How old are you then ? ( sorry if it is a private question :-) )06:39
bretzelhe quits... :-(06:40
bretzelabout "konversation" : Can't find a way to enable "emoticons" ...06:40
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bretzelabout age: I am 41 yrs old and really feel like a teenage when playing with linux :-)06:41
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jpatrickbretzel: hey, that's me :)06:42
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bretzeljpatrick: no! I thought I was the older here :-)06:42
jpatrickhey hey hey Snake__06:42
Snake__o no its jpatrick !06:43
jpatrickbretzel: not sure about oldest, but I think I am the youngest06:43
Snake__jpatrick: how come you never chill out in -offtopic?06:43
jpatrickhey why not?06:43
jpatrickhe fired me two days ago06:44
bretzelAFK I must do the dinner ofr the two children...  I am late!  :-O06:44
Snake__bad bretzel !06:44
jpatricktold me to come back straight after06:44
_slashDoes anyone know why only few media players for Breezy can play mp3s?06:45
Snake__kids > linux!06:45
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bretzelSnake__: What??? they fired RIDDLE ????06:45
Snake__ubotu: tell _slash about mp306:45
_vge_slash: how meny you need?06:45
jpatrickbretzel: joking06:45
Snake__bretzel: I was kidding, because he left the IRC06:45
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_slashamaroK playing mp3's would be nice06:45
bretzelI am too much naive.... you got me :-(06:45
jpatrick_slash: it can06:45
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Snake___slash: Go to that webpage ubotu just told you06:46
Snake__it has directions on how to do it06:46
Snake__sNake: You here?06:46
Snake__I insist you remove your name at once.06:46
bretzelcya: My children really  need to lunch! :-)  (H)06:46
jpatrickor I will06:46
Snake__jpatrick: how long must a screen name be inactive before you can take it?06:47
jpatrickone month i think06:47
=== Snake__ nods
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Snake__jpatrick: just 1 more week and I can finally get Snake and drop these damn underscores06:48
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jpatrickSnake__: I think Riddell had a blackout06:48
Snake__jpatrick: me too ;)06:48
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Snake__god it looks like a netsplit in here..06:58
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bretzelI need to talk with konqueror/kde developers staff: Dynamic java-menu ( dropdown) is messeup !07:04
alh84001hmmm....i should've put noob sufix :)07:04
bretzelplaying dvd's with kaffeine is cool in glx :-)07:05
alh84001does anyone with experience of ubuntu on centrino platform care to lend a helping hand?07:05
alh84001i fought with my sound subsystem last day and night, and with general configuration of ubuntu the day before....so for a change i want some quick and simple answers :)07:06
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Snake__alh84001: if ubuntu isnt cooperating with your hardware, not to be an a hole, but you could save youself a headache and try a diffrent OS07:08
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Snake__alh84001: thats usually the best way to go with linux. Try to find another OS that DOES play nicly with your hardware, then if you still cant find one, then fight it with it07:08
alh84001snake it is cooperating...it just needed a push07:09
alh84001everything works now07:09
=== DeadS0ul [n=sunil@n219078064051.netvigator.com] has joined #kubuntu
alh84001i just need an information about how to uzilise intel's speedstep technology07:10
Snake__Is that OS dependant???07:10
=== Snake__ 's p3 with speedstep works...
ubotujustanotheruser: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:10
alh84001i believe you need drivers for that07:10
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, justanotheruser07:10
ubotufishing is probably randomly throwing !commands in the channel instead of using /msg ubotu command. Please dont fish for help. either !ask in the channel or msg ubotu < Knows Everything!> :)07:11
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Snake__alh84001: ah, im sorry, I have no info on that :(. perhaps try some googlin?07:11
alh84001i will07:12
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justanotheruserSnake__: it wasn't randomly, i was checking if it was known but the bot07:15
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bretzelsomeone try: http://tuxinz.dnsalias.net/snapshot1.png  to see if my apache is reacheable from outside ...07:16
Snake__justanotheruser: /msg ubotu alright?07:16
zendronbretzel: it is07:16
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bretzelyop seems to be ok, I see my routers's lights blinking07:16
bretzelzendron: thanks :-)!!!!07:17
justanotheruserSnake__: i'll do next time (didn't knew it was possible)07:17
troyubotu: repos07:17
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:17
Snake__justanotheruser: no problem07:17
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troyubotu: codecs07:29
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories07:29
troyubotu: mp307:29
uboturumour has it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:29
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Search4LancerKonversation question - how do you make new quick buttons, as displayed under Behavior>Quick buttons?07:31
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wasp_emsi know this is quite a strange question but when u want to run an application through the console how do u do it?07:37
wasp_emsi have a file .sh and i do not know how to run in07:38
jpatrickbash filename.sh07:38
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wasp_emsit does not work07:39
elijahlofgrenwasp_ems: What error do you get?07:40
wasp_emsok i found it07:40
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wasp_emsbasically i want to find what my modem exactly is so i can find the relevant drivers07:42
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wasp_emsand i have visited the webpage of linuxant and i am trying to run a program that will tell me what my modem is but ...07:42
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HymnToLifewasp_ems> but ?07:47
wasp_emsi get 3 lines that dont make sence to me07:48
HymnToLifeLinuxant won't help if your modem is not built on a Conexant chip07:48
wasp_emsi know07:48
HymnToLifebetter go to www.linmodems.org for general information07:48
wasp_emsmy modem is conexant07:48
HymnToLifewell, pastebin those threee lines07:48
wasp_emscat /proc/pci07:50
wasp_emsawk: line 121: regular expression compile failed (missing '(')07:50
wasp_emsawk: line 169: missing ) near end of line07:50
wasp_emsawk: line 178: extra ')'07:50
wasp_emsawk: line 178: extra ')'07:50
wasp_emsawk: line 184: extra ')'07:50
HymnToLifebut why do you neet to run this, I installed linuxant drivers a while ago and didn't need to install anythingjust download the deb07:51
wasp_emscause it says to identify the chipset u have07:52
HymnToLifeis that what you get when you run listmodem.sh ?07:53
HymnToLifenow that's funny...07:54
wasp_emsnot really07:54
HymnToLifeanyway, go for the HSF driver, that's almost certainly what you need07:54
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troyinstead of bash filename.sh, try "sh filename.sh"07:57
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HymnToLifeor just ./filename.sh07:57
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wasp_emscool i donwloaded it...run it..and at the password field i put the password given but what do i put at the username?07:58
wasp_emsmy own?07:58
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HymnToLifeif you're not given one, I think you shoul just leave it blank08:00
wasp_emsAn error occurred while loading
wasp_emsCould not connect to host (port 18021).08:00
wasp_emsthat is what i get08:01
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wasp_emsok fixed it08:02
wasp_emsthanx allot08:03
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daveWevenin' - I've got a USB drive question I'm hoping somene can help out with08:07
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BroxtordaveW: What's the question?08:08
daveWWhen I plug in a USB stick/drive, it mounts to /media/device/, but I'd rather it went to /media/label/08:10
daveWI think it used to before I upgraded to KDE3.5.2 but I'm not sure08:10
daveWdoes that sound reasonable?08:10
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wasp_emsok i got a problem08:14
wasp_emsi did something and the only thing i can see is the irc console..i cannot move it and i cant seem to do anything...what can i do?08:15
wasp_emsthe panels are also lost from the desktop08:15
wasp_emsif i was in windows i would say that i closed explorer..but here i dont know08:16
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daveWwasp: any idea what it was you 'did'?08:17
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daveWwasp: ctrl+escape give you anything?08:18
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wasp_emsyes the proccesses08:18
wasp_emsany ideas?08:19
wasp_emsmaybe i closed x window or something08:20
daveWwasp: ok - you have you got window decorations still?08:20
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daveWwasp: yeah, you did something - I don't know how helpful I'm being, but I would try and kill the session properly and log in again...08:22
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daveWyou know about different tty seesions?08:22
wasp_emsnot really08:23
wasp_emsbut i know u can change from one to another08:23
wasp_emsso do i kill x-session-manger?08:23
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daveWer - I don't know about that, but you can try it. It's not what I would do though...08:24
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wasp_emsok what should i do?08:24
wasp_emsgot an idea08:24
Raven301What is the lastest breezy version?08:25
wasp_emsi will log out08:25
daveW'should' I don't know, but I would go to another session and kill the x-session from there08:25
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daveWwasp:k - good luck08:25
wasp_emshow to u open a new session08:25
Raven301Also What is the difference between breezy and dapper??08:25
wasp_emsctrl and f11?08:25
HymnToLifeRaven301> Breezy is the name for the 5.10 version of UBuntu08:25
HymnToLifeand it's the letest stable, the version currently in testing phase is Dapper08:26
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daveWwasp: ctrl+alt+f1 - log in and 'ps -fu' to get a process list, then 'kill' the x-seession processbut it's PID number08:26
Raven301HymnToLife, ok thanks ... So if I want the  latest kubuntu I get dapper? version # ??08:27
daveWwasp:ctrl+alt+f7 should bring you back if it doesn't work08:27
HymnToLifeDapper is in testing phase, you might get bugs with it08:27
daveWwasp: otherwise hit the rest button :|08:27
HymnToLifeit will be released on June 1st08:27
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Raven301HymnToLife, thanks for the info ... looking to download and try it out08:28
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Raven301HymnToLife, I'm downloading kubuntu6.0.6-beta-live ... this is the new one?08:32
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HymnToLifeseems so08:32
HymnToLifebut as it says, it's still a beta08:32
HymnToLifeyou might have problems with it08:33
Raven301kwel ... thanks for the help08:33
Raven301ok ... thanks for the warning08:33
HymnToLifeand it's live, so you can't istall it08:33
waspRaven301: ok i went into a new session which one should i close now?08:33
Raven301wasp, ?08:33
waspmaybe it was not u08:34
Raven301no not me08:34
daveWwasp: it was me do you now have 2 x-sessions running?08:34
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daveWwasp: er kewl - does the new one have every thing you expect?08:35
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daveWwasp: but you still have the other one on crtl+alt+f708:36
daveWwasp: ok, so you're wasp in the new one and wasp_ems in the old one?08:37
daveWwasp:I'd kill the old one08:37
HymnToLife/msgnickserv ghost wasp password <= if your nick is registered08:38
HymnToLifewith a space after /msg of course :p08:38
wasp_emsno i dont want to register wasp..i will keep my old one..its just until a close the session08:39
wasp_emswhich i do not know how08:39
wasp_emswhat am i supposed to close from the process list08:39
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daveWwasp: I'm having a think08:42
waspoh ok08:42
daveWanyone else feel free to chip in btw08:42
wasp_emsif i log out from the one?08:42
daveWtry it - or alt+f408:42
waspok i logged out08:43
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waspif i restart now it should be ok..right?08:43
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waspok..thanx allot08:44
waspbye bye08:44
daveWwasp: yeah good luck08:44
daveWDoes anyone have any ideas how to get USB stick to mount by label not device?08:45
jorikis it possible to get opera to display all the movies and whatnot online im getting "plugin needed" messages now (for both mov's and wmv's) ?08:45
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HymnToLifeI don't think you can play either of them on linux08:46
martsure, you can.08:46
jorikwell yeah, i can *play* them, but not "inscreen"08:46
joriki have to fire up xine and wget08:46
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martno idea how to do it in opera, but the mozilla-mplayer package works well for firefox08:47
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jacquesdoes anyone know how to configure KDM to use the xgl-server?08:57
d-coreno sorry, I'm absolutely new to Kubuntu and KDE Environment08:58
ChryseusIIRC it's impossible at the moment08:59
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d-coreis there a kernel-source including ubuntu patches > 2.6.12 anywhere? Or does anyone know what they patched in?09:04
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LeeJunFand-core: dapper should be 2.6.1509:06
d-coreLeeJunFan: yes, right, but I still run breezy and can't upgrade for some reasons, just need higher than .12 for debugging something09:07
OdyXuname -r09:07
LeeJunFand-core: I mean you should be able to get the 2.6.15 source from dapper repos.09:08
LeeJunFand-core: with ubuntu patches.09:08
d-coreLeeJunFan: good idea, I'll try09:08
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=== RoeyInDisgust shamelessly crossposts: I was wondering when the new ieee80211 package will go into Dapper Drake, anyone know?
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RoeyInDisgustanyone here?09:34
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d-coreRoeyInDisgust: don't know, need it for rt2xoo beta testing?09:34
RoeyInDisgustd-core:  I just need it in order to use this integrated wireless ;)09:34
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d-coreRoeyInDisgust: yes, me too, I have a card with rt61 chipset09:35
RoeyInDisgustwell over here it's the Intel Wireless Pro 3945 chipset09:35
RoeyInDisgustand that's a new driver as of...ilke...two-three weeks ago09:35
d-coresame with the rt61, I didn't look careful enough before buying ;)09:36
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MerlinofChaos_Hi, a quick question: How do I check where a certain package was installed?09:37
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d-coreMerlinofChaos_: whatca mean with "where"?09:37
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MerlinofChaos_Where exactly it was installed...09:38
asimovHow do I install opera?09:38
d-coreMerlinofChaos_: try dpkg -L packetname in konsole, will show you where all files from the package were installed09:38
asimovI can't seem to find it in the repositories09:38
MerlinofChaos_Ah, ok09:38
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_jeffhey guys09:42
_jeffi just upgraded to beta09:42
_jeffgot ndis wrapper working, but cant connect to my wireless network09:43
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_jeffany ideas?09:43
_robert_how is the prefered way to update 5.10 to 6.06?09:44
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_jeffor, i can connect to my network, but cant use the internet (cant even ping)09:44
_robert_the ubuntu guys use update-manager09:44
_robert_what to use under kubuntu?09:44
_robert_just an replacing the breeze entries with dapper in the sources.list and than apt-get dist-upgrade?09:44
_jeffthats what ive heard09:44
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_robert_jpatrick: that yep was for my question?09:45
jpatrickyep (and this one)09:45
_jeffhas anybody had my problem before?09:47
_jefflively bunch today09:49
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d-core_jeff: everything worked fine before, under breezy?09:54
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_jeffd-core: everything was fine, but i was using ndisgtk09:55
_jeffd-core: and i did a complete reinstall for dapper09:55
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_jeffd-core: i downloaded the cd and installed it that way, reformatting and everything09:55
d-core_jeff: ifconfig and route output lookes ok?09:55
_jeffyeah man09:56
_jeffits very strange09:56
_jeffi just changed a few things in my interfaces file, im restarting now to see if it worked09:56
d-core_jeff: sorry, I have no solution right know09:56
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_jeffwhat does remote closed the connection mean?09:57
d-coremaybe your access point wasn't satisfied with something and said no way? *wild guess*10:00
_jefflol thats it!10:00
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_jeffthank you so much10:00
=== _jeff shakes d-core's hand
_jeffok now things are messing up worse10:01
_jeffi changed one thing in interfaces, now my computer wont boot into kde10:01
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_jeffit goes through the boot labours, then it just sits there10:01
_jefflooking at me10:02
_jeffwaiting for me to do something10:02
d-corecan you access console?10:02
_jeffno :(10:02
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Mantais the installer on the live 6.06 beta CD suposed to be working?10:03
d-corepress ESC during grub loading and boot the secure boot option10:03
_jefflol i just did that10:03
_jeffManta i dont know, i just dled the beta cd and the installer didnt work for me10:04
Mantaok, me too, I thoguht I was getting the install CD but I got the wrong one, I guess 7 more hours, thanks anyway and good luck with your problem I'm still a nub10:04
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d-core_jeff: oops, well, got any lice CD for booting, than mount your / and have a look into the logfiles10:05
Snake__its admrl ...10:05
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_jeffi may have messed something up in the xorg.conf10:07
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Xemanth^^_jeff: lol that was very informative error msg10:09
d-core_jeff: try to boot a live CD, mount your root fs and edit things10:09
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admrlSnake__ whats up..?10:15
jpatrickthe sky10:16
Snake__admrl: not much :)10:16
SeantaterThe sky is not up?!10:16
jpatrickSeantater: so what you're saying is... you're a bat?10:17
_jeffnot much mang10:17
SeantaterBling Bling Blag -- you're the winner10:17
admrlbrb i need to try to maek some icons10:17
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_jeffd-core: it turned out that i crashed my x by adding something to my xorg.conf that didnt work with dapper10:19
d-core_jeff: removed it and now it works?10:19
_jeffi commented it out10:19
d-corewell *g*10:19
_jeffi was trying to enable the composite manager10:20
d-corewhat is that?10:20
_jeffgives drop shadowns on windows and true transparency and stuff10:20
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d-corethat's why I don't know it with an S3 in laptop and matrox in workstations10:21
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justanotherusersince i use dapper (flight4) and up to the beta, my second harddrive gets power off when i don't use it? Is this dangrous for my data?10:22
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_jeffi dont think so10:22
_jeffno it shouldnt be10:23
justanotheruseri can here it spinning up when i try to access it10:23
_jeffyou can probably chane the power saving settings for that too10:23
Spudchathi, is there anyway to have my ssh-agent stay alive? like when i close the shell i started it in and open a new one?10:23
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DjDarkmanhy , i tried to install captive and get this error ,what does it mean?10:25
DjDarkman./install: line 58: /sbin/chkconfig: No such file or directory10:25
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DjDarkmanwhat is this /sbin/chkconfig supposed to be?10:26
_jeffur compiling from source?10:26
DjDarkmanno ,this is a bash script10:27
DjDarkmanbut i don`t know what is this /sbin/chkconfig10:28
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d-coreDjDarkman: is there a file chkconfig in your /sbin?10:29
DjDarkmannope d-core10:30
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d-coreDjDarkman: and your installer want's to use it, in line 58 of the installscript, Well, I don't know in which package chkconfig is, sorry10:31
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solancan any1 help me add a table to a db? I just can't get it to do it...10:33
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_jeffi dont know much about what ur talking about10:34
d-coreDjDarkman: google says a lot about 'chkconfig +ubuntu' maybe you find help there10:34
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solanadd a table to a already existing database with mysql..10:35
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jeremiamy ALSA can't handle different programms using it at the same time, e.g. skype and amaroK10:37
jeremiais it possible to get this run?10:37
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hastourhi! I'm struggling to get printing to work ( "can't connect to cups" bug ), I read that it helps to add a printer from localhost:631, but it gives me "operation timeout". But cups is running... Anyone can help me with this?10:38
Zenethianargh, artsd is always such a leaky memory whore.10:41
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jetmirposso chidere un aiuto??10:46
bimberi!tell hastour about cupsweb10:46
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_jeff!tell _jeff about dapper10:47
hastourbimberi: i did what the bot told me to, but still no luck.  I can't access cups web interface at all, not just the administrative functions...10:50
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bimberihastour: does 'ps auxw | grep cupsd' include a like like "cupsys    9529  0.0  0.4   4192  1876 ?        Ss   06:50   0:00 /usr/sbin/cupsd"10:53
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hastourbimberi: yes, it prints something like this10:54
bimberihastour: kk10:54
bimberihastour: does 'sudo netstat -plunt | grep cups' output anything?10:55
hastourbimberi: nothing10:56
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bimberihastour: 'sudo invoke-rc.d cupsys restart' comes up with "[ok] "?10:58
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hastourbimberi: yes10:59
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Raven301When I run adept Manager I get error apt database could not open - try run apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal ??10:59
bimberihastour: sorry i'm struggling now - from here i can only think of some firewall rule preventing access :|11:00
Raven301What could be wrong with the adept manager??11:02
hastourbimberi: I've disabled firewall, didn't help. Thanks for trying anyway.11:03
d-coreRaven301: don't know, I come from plain Debian and am used to aptitude and console, have you tried that?11:04
Raven301d-core: i'll try it .... so type aptitude in console11:05
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d-coreRaven301: better do 'sudo aptitude' for to be root11:06
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Raven301d-core: yep that worked11:07
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d-coreanyone with Kubuntu on a Thinkpad?11:11
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asimovShould prelinking take hours?11:16
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Otherlandhi...I've got (another( simple question.. is it possible to put the data from the kubuntu cd on to the harddrive and let kubuntu use that instead of the cd ?11:20
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d-coreOtherland: must be, under Debian it is, and Ubuntu is Debian when it comes to package management, but I can't tell how to set it up, but their must be howtos on some Debian sites11:23
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solancan anyone tell me where the mysql.txt is located?11:23
OdyXsolan: on YOUR system ?11:27
OdyXsolan: sudo updatedb11:28
OdyXsolan: locate mysql.txt11:28
Otherlandd-core: thanks..I'll check the sites (google...hehe)11:28
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OdyXCuriosity: does anybody have installed Hurd from Ubuntu (on separate partition) ?11:28
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OdyXanybody able to have flash videos ?11:38
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Raven301Where is the boot loader located?11:56
jjosephnewbie here, anyone talking?11:56
Raven301just another newbie :)11:57
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pha_2222I hear ya11:57
pha_2222hmmm freenode is pretty small11:58
pha_2222raven: have you come across anyone friendly?11:58
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Raven301pha_2222: d-core was11:59
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pha_2222thanks, if one was, perhaps more will be12:00
pha_2222I used to be on irc a lot, but it just got too mean for me12:00
HymnToLifemean ?12:01
IgKhThe boot loader? in /boot/grub/12:01
pha_2222hymn: mean, cruel, acrymonious.... and otherwise unpleasant12:01
HymnToLifereally ?12:02
HymnToLifeI never felt IRC was mean12:02
pha_2222hymn: perhaps it was the servers I was on, or the rooms I had found12:02
HymnToLifedepends on the channels you go to I guess, #ubuntu definitely is not mean12:02
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pha_2222well that is good12:03
pha_2222does anyone here know about mpich?12:03
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IgKhIt's good to find people talking this late in the night12:04
pha_2222seems unlikely, but hope springs eternal :D12:04

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