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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | New git tree for dapper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.15-21.31 uploaded (Hello ipw3945) | Daily Diet of Destruction: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels-daily/
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johnmHi guys03:40
johnmBenC: do you publish your ubuntu git repo somewhere by chance?03:40
fabbionejohnm: only on kenrel.org03:42
zulhi fabbione03:43
fabbionehey zul03:43
johnmthat'll work for me, thanks03:43
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BenCbah, stupid docbook failure caused i386 to fail to build04:45
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | New git tree for dapper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.15-21.32 uploaded (Hello ipw3945, Goodbye build failure) | Daily Diet of Destruction: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels-daily/
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | New git tree for dapper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.15-21.32 uploaded (Hello ipw3945, Goodbye build failure)
infinityBenC: Hah, I was *just* about to bug you about the build failure, too.05:05
=== infinity waits for the sources to hit soyuz and build.
BenCmaybe I should be doing a full build on my i386 box to catch this sort of thing05:06
BenCfirst time it's happened though, so probably not worth the effort05:06
infinityProbably. :)05:06
infinityYou know how much I love people using my buildds as testing infrastructure. :P05:06
infinityBenC: Do we know that putting shell expansion like $(uname -r) in modprobe.d files actually works?05:27
infinityBenC: Or is that completely untested? :)05:27
BenCNo, I tested it05:27
BenCPut "test install echo $(uname -r)" in a modprobe.d file05:27
BenCand do "sudo modprobe test"05:28
BenCit should echo it05:28
infinityOh, and for the record, not sure what your comment was all about, but modprobe.d filenames don't have to relate to the module name in any way.05:28
infinity(Usually, they follow the package name, though in this case I agree that it makes sense to use the module name anyway)05:28
BenCyeah yeah05:29
BenCI meant to say that the module name in the file cannot be duplicated in other files without bad effects :)05:29
infinityAhh, yeah, I ran into that.05:29
infinityI can't recall if it picks the last or the first, or does all of them or what, but I remember testing this when I used an 'install' hack for the nvidia kernel modules.05:30
KeybukI tend to use package name, or blacklist-$class05:36
Keybukinfinity: first, iirc05:36
infinityWell, packagename is a bit awkward in this case, because it's lrm-common, which could grow more of these files.05:37
infinityAnd blacklist-foo is clearly wrong, since it's not a blacklist. :)05:37
Keybukwhat's going in it?05:37
infinityinstall ipw3945 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install ipw3945 ; sleep 0.5 ; \05:37
infinity        /sbin/ipw3945d-$(uname -r) --quiet05:37
infinityremove  ipw3945 /sbin/ipw3945d-$(uname -r) --kill ; \05:37
infinity        /sbin/modprobe -r --ignore-remove ipw394505:37
infinityWas just going to name it "ipw3945", which seems sane. :)05:37
Keybukwhy not do that as a udev rule instead/05:37
Keybukslightly more elegant05:38
infinityDoes udev trigger on removal of the module?05:38
KeybukSUBSYSTEM=="module", ACTION=="remove"05:38
infinityThen give me the udev rules to replace the above, and I'll do that.05:38
infinityI don't much care, I (and apparently BenC also) just happen to know how to do it this way.05:38
KeybukSUBSYSTEM=="module", NAME=="ipw3945", ACTION=="add", RUN+="sh -c '/sbin/ipw3945-$(uname -r) --quiet'"05:39
KeybukSUBSYSTEM=="module", NAME=="ipw3945", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="sh -c '/sbin/ipw3945-$(uname -r) --kill'"05:39
infinityI fail to see how that's much more elegant than doing it from modprobe, mind you.05:39
infinityIt also adds a hard dependency on udev, which isn't necessarily true otherwise.05:40
KeybukI tend to cry at install/remove rules :)05:40
Keybukudev rule is triggered by insmod/rmmod too05:40
infinityBut requires udev.05:41
Keybukyes, there is that05:41
infinitySo, in one case, we have modprobe-specific, in the other case, udev-specific.05:41
infinityNote that the kernel image depends on modprobe, but doesn't depend on udev.05:42
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Keybukwe don't start any daemons from modprobe rules at the moment05:42
infinityNo time like the present to start. :)05:42
infinityThis is a somewhat special daemon.  We don't start any other "module helpers" at all, from udev or modprobe.05:42
BenCKeybuk: does the udev rule trigger when someone does "modprobe -r ipw3945"?05:42
BenCbecause that's what we need05:43
KeybukBenC: yes, it triggers because the kernel's module handler is sysfs-ified05:43
BenCso it will call the udev rule before it actuallt removes the module?05:43
BenCbecause the module cannot be removed until the daemon is killed05:43
Keybuk"while it's removing" is probably the best description05:43
KeybukI don't know exactly where05:43
BenCthen it wont work, because "while it is removing" can't happen with the ref-count > 005:44
Keybukthen do it your way05:44
BenCit's not my way, it's the "Intel Way" :)05:44
infinityIt's a stopgap anyway, until someone reverse engineers the daemon and shoves the code in the driver. :)05:44
=== infinity coughs.
infinityBenC: What are you doing this weekend? :)05:45
Keybukwhy's it a userspace daemon and not a kernel thread, anyway?05:45
BenCKeybuk: because it is binary only05:45
infinityTo avoid license issues.05:45
BenCregulatory restrictions05:45
BenCyeah, keeps the driver "free"05:45
Keybukheh, someone can soon port that into the kernel05:45
Keybukinfinity: you'll have to do it; BenC's a USian05:45
BenCthey probably will, but then Intel will still not be held liable :)05:46
infinityYeah, Intel just wants to be able to waive liabilty.  So they release the binary daemon, let some other hacker reverse engineer it, everyone wins.05:47
BenCand then we can control tx power, and other neat stuff on the chipset05:47
infinityA double-edged sword that one.05:47
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infinityLet the user control Tx power, and three days later, half of them complain that they blew up their transmitters.05:48
BenCI'd worry about tx power bumps, but where I live, I'm not likely to interfere with too many others05:48
infinity(You have no idea how many people I've seem blow up their wlan cards and APs with firmware hacks..)05:48
BenCdoubtful the hillbillies have any serious 80211 networks around05:48
infinityIf I bump the Tx on my AP, the thing starts overheating in a matter of minutes.05:48
BenCI have my linksys AP's bumped in power so I can reach the barn05:49
infinityI can't seem to much improve things in my house anyway.  The place is a faraday cage.05:50
infinityPlaster on wire mesh in the walls, it looks like.  Can't get reliable transmission between the living room and my bedroom with any two 802.11b/g devices I've tried.05:50
=== infinity shrugs.
infinityA repeater in the hallway would fix it, I guess, but it just doesn't seem worth the effort.05:51
BenCI had a repeater for awhile, in the well house, didn't really help much05:51
BenCyour house was definitely not designed by a geek05:51
infinityWell, a repeater in the hall would allow me to bounce a line-of-sight triangle around the two offending walls between here and the bed.05:52
infinityBut I think I'd rather just move to something that was built in the last century.  (In the last decade would be smashing, too)05:53
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BenCinfinity: 21.32 built successfully08:21
infinityBenC: I've been watching. :)08:22
infinityLRM is on its way up already.08:22
BenCok, I'll do linux-meta in a few hours08:22
infinityWell, the orig is on its way to chinstrap, the diff and dsc are getting some final love from me.08:22
BenCdoes lrm create any udeb's?08:23
BenCanyway to get the ipw3945 daemon in the installer?08:23
infinitynic-restricted-modules and nic-restricted-firmware.08:23
BenCif so, I'll add it to the nic-udeb08:23
infinityAnd I already put the ipw3945d stuff in the nic-r-m udeb.08:23
infinityWay ahead of you. :)08:23
BenCsweet, I'll get the driver done too, thanks!08:23
infinityBenC: May as well pop out a 21.33 with that change ASAP, the buildds can take it. :)08:26
infinityAnd it'd be nice to see this in the next d-i build, so the next daily CDs are something we can point people at to test if it works.08:26
=== infinity uploads LRM and heads off to bed...
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