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LaserJockeverybody must be busily installing the Dapper beta01:20
KyralNo I was sitting in a computer lab waiting for a script to run that ran an experiment for me01:23
crimsunI'm valgrinding01:25
crimsunI do not recommend interstate driving on no sleep, btw.01:25
Se7hrofl crimsun01:26
Se7hhi all btw01:27
LaserJockI was trying to figure out how to distil paint thinner ;-)01:28
LaserJockand waiting until I can get home and put my box back together, so I can install Beta01:30
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FunnyLookinHatAnyone confirm a package issue with network-manager-gnome on ubuntu beta?02:49
FunnyLookinHatThe error dialog says "The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources.  It cannot continue."02:49
FunnyLookinHatand console returned a ton of identical lines saying02:49
FunnyLookinHat(nm-applet:5689): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed02:49
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crimsunmight actually be better addressed in the forum/bug tracker02:52
FunnyLookinHatHeh, I'm hesitant to add another bug to the already 18 present02:55
Se7hcongrats on the new update icon :> its cute02:58
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=== Hobbsee waves to the room
FunnyLookinHatOk, bug reported for network-manager-gnome not starting up.03:03
crimsun'morning, Hobbsee03:04
ajmitchhi Hobbsee03:06
ajmitchhello crimsun03:07
ajmitchhow are you?03:07
crimsunnot bad, yourself?03:07
ajmitchalright :)03:08
=== jabra_ is now known as jabra
crimsungreat :)03:09
=== ajmitch feels the floor vibrating again
ajmitchand the walls resonating nicely03:10
Hobbseealways fun03:11
ajmitchI wish they'd stop digging up the road03:11
ajmitchfor awhile this morning we had no water pressure either03:11
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ajmitchso what are people up to today? :)03:20
Hobbseeajmitch: banning bots :P03:21
ajmitchhow exciting03:21
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FunnyLookinHatreporting network-manager bugs  ^_^;;03:24
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LaserJockhi ajmitch and Hobbsee03:59
Hobbseehey LaserJock03:59
ajmitchhello LaserJock04:00
ajmitchhow's it going?04:00
LaserJockoh alright04:00
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LaserJockI spent the day trying to figure out how to distill paint thinner04:00
LaserJockI think so04:01
crimsunwell, that beats the pants off my valgrinding :)04:01
LaserJockheh, I don't know04:01
LaserJockI still have to pass it by my boss, we are supposed to avoid stills if we can04:02
LaserJocktoo many fires04:02
ajmitchin case you get caught distilling other liquids? :)04:02
LaserJockno,  although we have to have paperwork if we by absolute ethanol04:03
LaserJockI was able to by good quality methanol and acetone, but I have to do my own water and toluene04:06
LaserJockdarn it, why can't I spell buy today04:09
crimsunbetter than misplacing that 'u' into 'my'04:12
crimsunby and muy04:12
crimsunI've had a few days like that04:12
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ajmitchhi zul04:17
zulhey ajmitch04:17
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LaserJockhi zul and hub04:19
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bddebianHeya gang04:24
crimsunuh oh, the deity's here04:24
LaserJockhi bddebian04:25
=== LaserJock refuses to worship bddebian tonight ;-)
bddebianHi LaserJock04:26
crimsunjust because he's a deity doesn't at all imply any sort of worship04:29
bddebiancrimsun: Why do you taunt me man :-(04:31
Hobbseehi bddebian04:31
crimsuntaunt? pssht.04:31
bddebianHi Hobbsee04:31
ajmitchhello bddebian04:31
=== Hobbsee considers, and shuts up :P
crimsunit's your "fault" you built up all that karma ;)04:31
bddebianHiya ajmitch04:32
ajmitchbddebian: how's it going?04:32
bddebianHow much do I have now?04:32
ajmitchprobably about 10x as much as the rest of us put together04:32
bddebianajmitch: Lousy, I ache all over. :-)  You?04:32
ajmitchI'm alright :)04:32
ajmitcha bit hungry04:32
=== bddebian hands ajmitch some vegemite ;-P
=== ajmitch could go & have a vegemite sandwich now
bddebianAre we OK for uploads right now?04:35
ajmitchbddebian: yep, beta is out04:35
bddebianHyea Kyral04:38
bddebianajmitch: Cool thanks.  Does that mean syncs are gonna start too?04:38
ajmitchbddebian: yeah04:38
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zuldoes this also mean that if there is a bug with new version we can actually do something with it?04:40
ajmitchzul: you mean UVF exceptions?04:41
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zullike 439404:42
ajmitchzul: you mean a merge bug that probably should have been closed?04:44
ajmitchit's not an approved UVF exception04:44
zulok...just making sure...night night04:45
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LaserJockdarn it, is it common for the pins for the on-off switch on the front of a case to not fit on the MB05:17
Lathiati've only ever had problems with the power led05:18
Lathiatwhich can be 3 or 2 pin05:19
LaserJockwell, on my case they are all hooked together05:20
LaserJockin one row05:21
LaserJockbut on the MB they are in two rows05:21
LaserJockdang it, I don't want to ditch this case05:27
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bddebianLaserJock: ?05:59
LaserJockbddebian: I was going to switch MBs but the pins on my case (LED and power switch) don't match my MB06:03
LaserJockI really like this case though06:05
bddebianSo fix it :)06:05
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LaserJockbddebian: can't I give it to you to fix ;-)06:06
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LaserJockhmm, anybody know how to get the wires out of the black pins06:12
bddebianThere is usually a small flat clip that you have to pull out a little with like a needle or a small knife blade, then yank the wire straight out06:13
LaserJockbddebian: k, thanks06:14
bddebianNow, bow to me.. ;-P06:14
=== LaserJock falls to his knees and bows to the almighty bddebian
bddebianBah :-)06:15
bddebianGnight folks, good luck LaserJock :-)06:31
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dholbachHAPPY HUG DAY09:20
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YagisanG'day all09:33
freeflyingdholbach: ping09:41
dholbachhey freeflying09:41
freeflyingdholbach: we have comment on bug 3616809:42
UbugtuMalone bug 36168 in cmake "need new release for build kde4 package " [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3616809:42
freeflyingdholbach: will you have a look , and cmake 2.4.0 is out09:42
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dholbachfreeflying: i just started reading the 1500 mails I got since yesterday09:43
freeflyingdholbach: unfotuenately , author hasn't provide the Changelog09:43
dholbachfreeflying: i'm more concerend about the packages build-depending on it09:44
freeflyingdholbach: all kde4 stuff09:45
dholbachwhich packages in Ubuntu?09:45
dholbachI know that we took a look at one tiny change in imake - and all the */X11R6/* directories changed09:45
freeflyingdholbach: no kde4 package in ubuntu now09:46
dholbachthe change would have been nice to have, but we decided two months ago, that it's too risky09:46
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dholbachfreeflying: so you're saying no package build-depends on it?09:46
freeflyingdholbach: just now09:46
freeflyingdholbach: if we prepare on kde4 , then we need it09:47
dholbachi just don't see why we need it in dapper now09:47
dholbachit's a 100000 line changes09:47
freeflyingwe just wanna have it , so anyone wanna build kde4 can use it smoothly09:49
dholbachcan you follow up with that information on the bug?09:49
dholbachI'd like to talk to siretart and slomo about it09:49
dholbachand Riddell maybe too09:50
freeflyingdholbach: thx09:50
dholbachhey siretart - happy hug day09:51
siretartdholbach: and I'm currently at work. But I will join you all this afternoon!09:51
siretartfreeflying: please compile a list of reverse build dependencies of cmake, and submit that to the malone bug. I asked you for that yesterday09:52
dholbachsiretart: take your time09:52
siretartfreeflying: you can use grep-dctrl for that09:52
freeflyingsiretart: got it09:53
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Tm_Tdholbach: yeah, cmake is not basic users need, but (wannabe)devels like me ;)09:59
Tm_Tdholbach: so it would keep powerusers in Ubuntu10:00
dholbachif you build stuff for edgy with it, it makes sense to have it in edgy10:00
Tm_Tdholbach: that is the plan10:00
dholbachi'm just slightly concerned to get a 100000 line change in10:00
dholbachTm_T: freeflying wants to have it in now10:00
Tm_Tdholbach: I would have it too10:00
dholbach5 weeks before release10:00
freeflyingdholbach: not onle me , Riddell also wanna10:01
Tm_Tdholbach: true, bad time, but we need it for summer10:01
Tm_Tdholbach: and over summer10:01
dholbachit'll be in edgy for sure10:01
Tm_Tbecause then will happen a lot work around KDE4 I hope10:01
Tm_Tanyway, I can always compile cmake myself10:02
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Tm_T...actually I will do it now, will help my next weeks tasks a lot ->10:03
dholbachI'm not being a killjoy for the sake of it - I want to have more facts at hand to take this decision10:03
Tm_Tdholbach: true, and I have no idea what facts you need =)10:04
Tm_Tdholbach: maybe we wait for edgy :)10:04
dholbachanything that makes me feel good and forget that it's 100 000 lines of changes in a key part of infrastructure will do :)10:04
siretartit isn't that hard to setup local repos after all. We are really close to release now and have to make sure that we don't break anything10:04
Tm_Tsiretart: true10:05
Tm_Tso, I'd say edgy if nothing new and revolutionary happens10:05
siretartI also setup a local repo for xen stuff in dapper10:06
siretartbut I'm not going to upload it to dapper. even given that it works fine for me [tm] 10:07
Tm_Tsiretart: exactly, because "works fine for me" doesn't quarantee anything :)10:12
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phanatichi raphink10:50
raphinkhi phanatic10:51
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zakamehi all12:06
phanatichey zakame12:06
zakamehi phanatic12:07
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CraiZEanyone awake?01:56
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CraiZEhi _jason01:57
_jasonCraiZE: hey :)01:57
CraiZEhey hey ;)01:57
CraiZEuhm say01:57
CraiZEi wrote an application the other day for ubuntu01:57
CraiZEhow do you get someone to review it01:57
CraiZEto go into the repo ?01:58
_jasonI'm trying to learn how to properly package something for motu, I came across gTVlistings at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates which doesn't seem to have any comments.  Can I just give it a try and put it up on REVU?01:59
_jasonCraiZE: note sure, I'm quite new to motu as well as you can see01:59
CraiZEyeah i noticed01:59
GloubiboulgaCraiZE, _jason, if you think that the packages are ready to be reviewed, upload them on REVU01:59
CraiZEi never made a package02:00
CraiZEits python scripts :)02:00
GloubiboulgaCraiZE, python scripts can be packaged as well ;)02:00
_jasonI haven't actually started making the package, but I am about to.  Just wondering if I should do anything beforehand (other than read the docs and learn the process)?02:00
CraiZEah okay ;)02:00
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phanatic_jason: i think that will be enough02:02
Gloubiboulga_jason, build your package if you've read the doc :)02:02
Gloubiboulgahi phanatic02:02
phanatichey Gloubiboulga :)02:02
_jasonphanatic, Gloubiboulga: cool, thanks02:02
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=== dholbach hugs tseng
=== tseng hugs dholbach
dholbachyou know how to talk to people :-p03:30
=== Hobbsee feels sad that she doesnt get hugged
=== tseng hugs Hobbsee
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tsengthere you go.03:31
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee as well
Hobbseehugged twice - yay!03:32
tsengdholbach: mdz is better at cluing people, i can be too mean sometimes03:32
zultseng: you dont say ;)03:32
tsengnot that some people dont deseve it :)03:33
=== Mithrandir hugs everybody
=== tseng hugs Mithrandir
tsenggood morning03:35
chillywillyello mates03:35
Mithrandiractually almost end of day here, but yeah.03:35
=== Hobbsee waves to Mithrandir
Mithrandirhow's .au today?03:36
Hobbseeit got taken over by sheep.03:36
MithrandirI thought they were supposed to be on the other (relativetly) nearby island?03:36
Hobbseethe nearby island built catapults, and flung them over here03:37
=== Hobbsee blames ajmitch
chillywillyajmitchie rules03:38
=== Hobbsee blames chillywilly then
nomedogra: have you already an idea how what you'll use to code that "branding gui tool" ?03:43
ogranomed, not beyond it being python and GTK ... and probably a split front/backend to make Riddell happy ;)03:44
ograhmm, probably doesnt make sense ...03:44
ograsince it will use gdm and gconf ...03:44
Riddellwhat tool is this?03:45
ografeel free  to add suggestions to my mail :)03:45
ograRiddell, see my RFC mail to -devel03:45
ograbut we'd have to develop it together if it should be cross desktop03:45
nomedogra: i was thinking on somthing similar ... i'll help as soon i get how i can do that :)03:45
ograits only the draft of a spec yet ... nothing concrete ... feel free to flech it out more :)03:46
Riddellsounds a bit like KDE's theme tool03:47
ograthat grabs system settings and creates an artwork .deb ?03:47
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dholbachogra: some of the artwork stuff needs a proper buildsystem03:49
dholbachogra: like installations of icons, translations etc - dunno if it's that easy03:49
ogradholbach, to create a set of gconf keys ?03:49
ograi only talk about branding ... i.e. themes that exist and can just be called03:50
dholbachahhhh right03:52
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dholbachyou said something about "creates a package"03:52
dholbachthat's why I wondered03:52
bddebianHeya gang03:53
Gloubiboulgahello bddebian03:55
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Hobbseehi bddebian03:56
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sladenoh, do you have Nathalie's details anyway?04:15
sladenbah.  my windows are the wrong numbers04:15
bddebianHeya Gloubiboulga, Hobbsee, sladen04:16
zuli guess its time to fix some universe bugs04:27
bddebianYeah, I gotta get back to work.  I can't let you catch my karma.. ;-P04:28
zuloh i think i can...eventually04:28
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LaserJockhi bddebian04:40
LaserJockheh, I'm dist-upgrading and I have 119 packages to upgrade and will save 389K04:43
LaserJockusually I use more disk space upgrading not less ;-)04:44
LaserJockbddebian: btw, thanks for that tip on getting those wires out04:44
bddebianIt worked?04:45
LaserJockI moved the power switch, HD led, and power led pins from my old case over04:45
LaserJockthe HD doesn't seem to work but the power works fine04:46
LaserJockHD led that is04:46
zulbddebian: thats one closed im catching up ;)04:48
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CraiZEanyone awake? :)05:02
bddebian<-- Not enough coffee yet05:03
CraiZEi wrote a program i would like someone to package for me :)05:03
LaserJockbddebian: it is even earlier here ;-)05:03
CraiZEand i rather spend time developing, then learning how to package05:03
CraiZEso anyone intressted in doing that "dirty" job for me? :)05:03
bddebianLaserJock: I don't do mornings well :-)05:04
LaserJockbddebian: me neither but the wife had a 7:30 thing today05:04
LaserJockCraiZE: what kind of app is it?05:04
CraiZEits a mount tool05:04
CraiZElike daemon-tools in windows05:05
CraiZEtray icon to mount / unmount05:05
CraiZEor an UI05:05
CraiZEits written in pyGTK05:05
CraiZEi can send you the current version if you want ?05:05
LaserJockCraiZE: our current procedure is to put packages on a candidate list05:05
CraiZEwell its not a package05:06
CraiZEits a .tar.gz :P05:06
CraiZEi wanted some1 to package it05:06
CraiZEso i can put it on the candidate list05:06
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LaserJockCraiZE: yeah, that is what I meant. Apps people want packaged. it is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates05:06
CraiZEall this bureaucracy for just releasing software to help people is truly annoying (to me atleast)05:06
azeemCraiZE: what does it do differently to the drivemount applet?05:06
CraiZEdrivemount applet?05:06
CraiZEi dont know the drivemount applet05:07
azeemit's in gnome-applest05:07
azeemeh -applets05:07
CraiZElemme look05:07
LaserJockCraiZE: there really isn't much of any bureaucracy in Ubuntu, somebody just has to do it05:07
CraiZEthere is no drivemount applet05:07
CraiZEon my repos05:08
CraiZEyou mean Disk Mounter?05:08
CraiZEyou can try it out05:08
CraiZEits like daemon-tools, it has a tray icon, or a stand alone GUI05:09
CraiZEyou can mount / unmount (it does mount -o loop) anything that your system supports05:09
CraiZElike .ISO / .NRG, or entire filesystems using mount05:09
CraiZEit gives you easy access to quickly mount or unmount different kinds of filesystems, in a user friendly way05:10
azeemCraiZE: how does it cope with stuff which is not in fstab?05:10
azeemDoes it use gksudo? Or is it suid?05:10
CraiZEit uses gksudo, so it doesnt care about fstab05:10
CraiZEazeem, are you intressted in making a package out of it?05:11
azeemI probably wouldn't use it myself05:12
azeemand I got enough packages already :-/05:12
azeem(and I can't upload to Ubuntu anyway)05:12
CraiZEthen allow me to wonder, why you asking all these questions?05:13
CraiZEyou are asking*05:13
azeembecause I was curious05:13
CraiZEah okay ;)05:13
LaserJockCraiZE: but azeem can be very helpful :-)05:14
CraiZEoh i don't doubt that05:14
bddebianazeem: Well become an MOTU then ;-)05:14
azeempersonally, I think it would be nicer if you could just browse into an .ISO if you double-click on an icon in nautilus05:14
CraiZEi just didn't want to go through the process of having to learn stuff05:14
LaserJockbddebian: he did become a member05:14
CraiZEazeem, its in beta stages05:14
CraiZEso yes, i am thinking of doing that also05:15
bddebianLaserJock: Really?05:15
bddebianazeem: You have joined The Dark Side? :-)05:15
LaserJockCraiZE: well, I think the point is that we would like to see if there is already an app that has the same functionality05:15
CraiZEwell there is not05:15
CraiZEi searched for it, and never found it05:16
CraiZEbut i would greatly appreciate it if you tried it the app out, and see if you see a similarity with another app ;)05:16
LaserJockwell, in gnome the drive mount applet seems close05:16
LaserJockbut that is only for gnome, and maybe xfce05:16
CraiZEi have ~1TB of network drives mount05:16
CraiZEand that clutters an entire bar05:17
CraiZEwhich is using /etc/fstab05:17
CraiZEso its really different05:17
CraiZEhere you can browse to the iso you want to mount05:17
CraiZEor FS05:17
CraiZEand it mounts, within 2 clicks or 3 ;)05:17
CraiZEand unmount with 2 clicks ;)05:17
CraiZEi will have to look how to get support from nautilus05:18
CraiZEso nautilus tells my code the entire path / file05:18
CraiZEso i can mount it :)05:18
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LaserJockCraiZE: ok, well I'd put it on that wiki page I gave you. Dapper is basically closed to new packages at this point but the next release will open up after 6.06 is released and it could be included then.05:20
CraiZEwell i will further enhance it05:21
LaserJockyeah, that would be cool05:21
CraiZEi will do the double click support ;)05:21
LaserJocksure, that would be nice05:21
CraiZEi know most of you dont care about such apps, but windows users do :P05:22
LaserJockheah, I would probably like it05:23
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jpatricksladen: ping05:28
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CraiZEi actually made it double clickable05:36
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CraiZEthink i will make a bash script, so its easier to make it work :)05:42
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bmontyhey LaserJock06:20
CraiZELaserJock, http://craize.x-ware.org/index.php?path=mountool/06:21
CraiZEits the new version06:21
LaserJockbmonty: how's it going?06:21
CraiZEwith nautilus support, UI, and tray icon :)06:21
bmontyLaserJock: very busy, you?06:22
LaserJockyes, very06:22
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Gloubiboulga>zhois nornqgon06:23
Gloubiboulgaplaying with the xklavier lib, I have some surprises some times :)06:23
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LaserJockGloubiboulga: ping?07:05
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GloubiboulgaLaserJock, pong07:07
LaserJockGloubiboulga: bug #3380607:07
UbugtuMalone bug 33806 in siptoolbox "siptoolbox: accepted work" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3380607:08
Gloubiboulgayep, I was waiting for a fix in dapper, but...07:08
=== Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Gloubiboulgain debian*07:09
GloubiboulgaLaserJock, I don't think I can fix it myself, but I can have a new look at it07:09
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webwolf_27say how stable is dapper at the moment07:13
LaserJockwebwolf_27: it really depends on your definition of stable07:15
webwolf_27not constantly crashing07:16
dholbachhave a nice weekend everybody07:19
webwolf_27you too dholbach07:21
bmontywebwolf_27: dapper is very usable07:22
webwolf_27good, it's like this. I'm interested in developing on a linux OS, and ubuntu looks like a good candidat, but I don't want to piss my wife off by installing extreemly unstable softw3are07:24
jpatrickdholbach: bye07:24
LaserJockwebwolf_27: I haven't had any problems with it in the last few months. there are a few bugs here are there, but overall it is definately stable for desktop use, IMO07:25
webwolf_27but it doesn't make much sense to develop on the stable version07:25
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bmontywebwolf_27: tell the wife to get her own machine :)07:26
LaserJockbmonty: yikes07:27
LaserJockazeem: ping?07:28
webwolf_27bmonty,  or I'll install dapper to my notebook, and leave breezy on the main machine07:28
imbrandonvmware ;)07:29
webwolf_27bmonty,  then I don't need to worry about only developing on linux07:29
LaserJockwebwolf_27: IMO, dapper is already more stable than breezy07:30
=== imbrandon agrees with LaserJock
webwolf_27LaserJock, then it sounds like you all have been doing a good job, and I hope, at some point to be welcomed into the teem.07:32
LaserJockwebwolf_27: sure, we always welcome contributions07:35
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LaserJockwebwolf_27: have you done any debian based packaging before?07:35
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webwolf_27LaserJock, nope07:37
LaserJockwebwolf_27: then when you install look in the Ubuntu documentation and you'll find a packaging guide or also at doc.ubuntu.com07:38
webwolf_27LaserJock, will do. I've done rpm's before and I just finished a C++ cert for linux in sep.07:43
LaserJockwebwolf_27: cool07:46
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cyberixslomo: GNUnet 0.7.0c is going to make it for Dapper?08:22
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slomocyberix: eh... probably... hm, i should go through all confirmed UVF exceptions next week and upload them or ask for syncs if needed...08:27
slomocyberix: thanks for reminding :)08:27
cyberixno prob08:29
webwolf_27LaserJock, sorry I was bathing my son and helping my wife, and in a few min's, I'm putting the kids in bed. But what part of that was cool08:37
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sethsteal my nick, eh08:46
imbrandoncan someone tell me how i can sign a package i build with equiv-build ?08:46
imbrandonand yes i have gen gunpg keys etc08:46
imbrandonjust dunno how to sign the pkg08:47
jpatrickseth: heh08:48
jpatrickimbrandon: debuild -S -sa -k$YOURKEY08:48
imbrandonkk thx08:48
sethjpatrick, :)08:48
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raphinksiretart: you lied :p I added this last key but didn't have the time to send the mail cause the phone rang ;)09:05
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siretartraphink: lol09:26
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imbrandonok i have my .dsc and .build .changes and .tar.gz of the package made with debuild -S -sa -k<key> ....... do i dput them all to revu ? or just certain ones , this will be the first upload of this package not an update09:28
imbrandondput revu * ??09:29
=== imbrandon yawns
=== tseng unhighlights Brandon
tsengits my name, it highlights when you say it09:30
tsengwhich is all the time :)09:30
imbrandonahhh ;) heh09:30
LaserJockimbrandon: dput revu *_source.changes, I think09:30
imbrandoneven on a first upload?09:31
Speci think you always dput the changes file09:31
tsengbddebian: hi09:31
imbrandonbut what about the others?09:31
imbrandonlike the tar.gz etc09:31
LaserJockimbrandon: yeah, always dput the source.changes file, it grabs everything else09:31
Specthey'll get where they're going09:31
imbrandonahh ok09:31
imbrandonw00t worked , thanks guys09:32
imbrandonUploading via ftp fubuntu-desktop_0.4.1_source.changes: done.09:33
jpatrickimbrandon: i think the *-desktop packages are produced by seeds09:33
imbrandonthis is a new one, no seed for it09:35
imbrandonas far as i know, like i said still kinda new to ubuntu09:35
imbrandoni'm from a SuSE world09:35
LaserJockhmm, is there a fubuntu project?09:37
imbrandoni'm trying to create it09:37
imbrandonnot currently09:37
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imbrandoni guess i'm going about this wrong :( looks to the motu guys once again for insight09:41
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azeemLaserJock: pong10:31
LaserJockazeem: are you up for a new upload of gausssum at a time convenient to you?10:40
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LaserJockazeem: I made 2 small fixes and closed a bug, is it alright if I just email you?10:54
LaserJockazeem: I gotta go to a meeting but debdiff and source from gausssum (1.0.3-2) is at http://chem.unr.edu/~mantha/debian/10:58
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azeemLaserJock: I've uploaded it12:02
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