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pivinawty: it is it is12:45
pivigood night12:45
Plugpdr: if you use the PPC version, I believe so12:45
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PlugI restarted apache2 and now it's not interpreting php any more01:22
Plugjust trying to serve it as x-httpd-php01:22
Pluglibapache2-mod-php5 is installed and enabled01:22
Plug..that was weird01:30
Plugand now its working :)01:30
Plugit seems not to like redirecting / to index.php atm01:33
h3sp4wnput DirectoryIndex index.php into a file called .htaccess01:45
Plugit 'used to work'01:45
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xerophytedoes anybody know where can i find the cyrus-imapd new version of debs  the drapper only has 2.1.18 but the new version is 2.3.x something04:55
Plugtry apt-get.org, but if its not in dapper, you might have to massage them to get them going on ubuntu04:56
xerophytei think the older version of cyrus-imapd has some security issue too04:57
xerophyteso just wondering why does not drapper didnt update it04:57
PlugUbuntu takes what debian sid has at the time04:58
Plugpackages.debian.org - what version is in Debian?04:58
xerophytebut there seems to be some security issue on the version 2.205:00
xerophytethis is older than that05:00
xerophyteand there is 2.305:00
Plugsure, but that doesn't mean someone has gone to the effort required to package the newer version for Debian or Ubuntu05:01
xerophyteif i have file name /usr/bin/mail how can check which package its belong to like rpm -qf filename05:12
Plugdpkg -S05:13
xerophytewhy there is two version of cyrus-imapd just wondering cyrus21-admin cyrus-imapd-2.206:00
Plugbecause you can install either 2.1 or 2.206:16
xerophytePlug, have you ever setup mailserver with postfix +cyrus-imap + mysql + ssal + mysql-pam + with squirremail i need to setup06:54
xerophyteso just thinking how can i go about configuration it and get ti working :)06:54
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Plugxerophyte: no07:24
PlugI prefer Exim as an MTA07:24
maswanAny plans for a next-gen servercandy spec that I could give some input to, or should i look at speccing up some neat stuff myself? (hpc-ubuntu springs to mind)07:43
fabbionemaswan: hpc is in my list too and it was specced for dapper..07:48
fabbionemaswan: you might want to pick up the old UbuntuClusters wiki page, clean it up and make it ready for Edgy07:48
fabbionebe aware to please keep the dapper stuff untill dapper is released07:48
maswanfabbione: Yeah, it was something like that I was thinking of. Any suggestions on how to do the wiki thing? Copy to EdgyClusters?07:52
fabbionemaswan: i suggest you add all at the bottom of UbuntuClusters07:53
fabbionewe will clean it up when it's time07:53
fabbione==== EDGY CRACK ====07:53
fabbioneand starts from there07:53
maswanAh, ok. I'll take a go at that then.07:53
fabbionethere are for sure leftovers from Dapper that we want to carry to Edgy07:54
=== maswan edits a bit
maswanNow, what were all those neat ideas I had yesterday regarding this? :)08:15
maswanOk, a first dump of edgy crack there.08:20
maswanI'll talk to my collegues here about what kind of crack we'd appriciate. :)08:20
maswan"We will be changing from Debian to Ubuntu at Benedict, and I would like to known which releases we should keep" <- more academic HPC clusters on ubuntu coming up. :) You happen to be close to Aalborg University, fabbione? :)08:22
fabbionesomeone... it's about 400km08:22
fabbionesomehow ^08:22
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fabbionemaswan: i am pretty sure i can get sponsored to be there if there is interests in discussing the topic08:24
fabbionebut that assumes that it's not during the release process of Dapper08:24
maswanfabbione: Probably not, just a point of curiousity really.08:25
fabbioneok :)08:25
=== maswan just remembered some more cracky crack that mgiht be interesting. :)
maswanLocal scratchpad: SSI, Xen08:27
fabbionemaswan: please don't mix Xen with cluster..08:32
fabbioneit's really not the same thing08:32
maswanfabbione: Well, it has real applications here for grid clusters in sandboxing processes.08:33
maswanbut sure, I can avoid it here. :)08:33
fabbioneXen has to be considered kernel/virtualization spec08:34
fabbioneit's not "server" or "cluster" spec08:34
=== maswan nods
fabbionenote: *spec*08:34
maswanCurrently braindumping, needs to be spec:ed.08:34
maswanHmm, there is an openafs spec around too.08:35
maswanHmm.. "Sandboxing" in the more general sense might make sense to include though. In that if you have a batch system setup, you want to be sure you've cleaned up after the previous job before starting the next.08:41
maswanDoes that make sense in a spec way?08:47
fabbione+ Profiling: A vmlinux binary should probably be shipped somewhere for distribution kernels, in a well-documented or well-known location, for use with oprofile and so.08:51
fabbione^^this is kernel spec08:51
=== maswan nods
fabbione+ Commercial support advocacy: A collaborative way of indicating that you want support for weird hardware without free drivers (quite common for narrow high-performance devices) or commercial software. This might be neat if it can be used to lobby some manufacturers into supporting more than just redhat and suse. This is possibly out of scope for this spec, but this is one place where the need can be seen.08:52
fabbionethere is already a spec for that08:52
fabbione3rdy part vendors something support08:52
maswanonly thing I find is an UDU BOF with no real content08:53
maswanand only regarding software08:54
fabbionemaswan: i remember seeing one08:54
fabbionebut for that kind of thing you better talk to Malcom Yates directly08:54
fabbionebecause it's something that usually starts from $company and not really $distro08:55
fabbione+ Tuning knowledgebase or good defaults for various high-performance loads (databases, fileservers, number crunching, networking, etc).08:56
fabbionei am not sure what you mean here08:56
fabbionei think you are mixing a few concepts together08:56
maswanThe thing I was aiming towards was a way to tell $company that there is a large bunch of users that want it. Otherwise $company usually requires $money.08:56
fabbionewhen you write a spec you need to isolate what you want08:56
fabbioneyou want HPC, right?08:56
fabbionewhat is HPC..08:57
fabbioneHPC is.. bla bla bla foo bar08:57
fabbionewhat are the HPC solutions out there?08:57
fabbionea) b) c) d)08:57
fabbionewhich one make more sense to bring in and why?08:57
fabbionea) c)08:57
fabbionehow do we push them in Ubuntu08:57
fabbionewe do: foo) bar) baz) biz) ping) pong)08:57
fabbionewhat you are writing in the specs are just general ideas08:58
fabbioneand most of them not even relevant for Clustering08:58
=== maswan nods
fabbione high-performance loads might need to be achieved indipendently of a cluster environment08:58
maswanOk, I'll go over that and remove most of the things and leave the relevant.09:00
maswanThe thing is, on another level, clusters are never a goal in themselves. You want either performance or reliability.09:00
maswanSo yes, I'm confusing goal with method on several levels.09:00
=== maswan tries to rethink from the Ubuntu point of view
maswanThat'll probably take an hour or so, but I will get back to it.09:01
fabbionetake your time09:06
fabbionethe goal of a spec is to get from 0 to be able to install a working foo09:06
fabbionetry to think at distcc09:07
fabbionethe most "stupid HPC cluster"09:07
fabbione- get distcc packaged09:07
fabbione- move it to main09:07
fabbione- auto install distcc if option foo is selected09:07
fabbione- set default sane config (if possible)09:08
fabbione- auto start distcc at boot09:08
fabbionethis is how a spec would look like09:08
fabbionenow if you think it in HPC terms09:08
fabbionelet say that a lot of people use these MPI implementation:09:08
fabbione- what is the best MPI implementation out there: foo09:08
fabbioneok it's foo...09:09
fabbionethan just s/distcc/foo/09:09
fabbioneand you get your spec09:09
fabbionemore or less09:09
fabbionethe final app written on top of MPI is not our goal09:09
fabbioneit can't be09:09
fabbioneour goal is to provide the underground for it09:09
maswanYeah. That's why stuff like profiling ended up there though, because I'm thinking "cluster as usable computational resource"09:12
maswanThis is a large and complex system though, and the base OS is just part of it. Trying to figure out what bits are needed, and what parts are resonable to call Clusters09:15
fabbionemaswan: i know.. it's not easy09:15
fabbionethat's why you usually sit around a table with N other people that have experience in that field09:16
maswanSpecs are much simpler if you have just one feature. :)09:16
neuralisfabbione: yeah, i imagine we'll want at least one clustering and virtualization bof at the next dev conference09:17
fabbionethe point is that you can split the spec into multiple smaller specs09:17
fabbioneneuralis: yes, too bad i won't be there. so you will have to work it out for me09:18
neuralisfabbione: do we have dates nailed down for that yet? i'm not positive if i'll be able to come yet, either.09:18
fabbioneneuralis: i think it's going to be one or two weeks after release09:19
fabbioneno later than that..09:19
fabbionehow long? no clue09:19
maswanYeah, it'd be neat to be able to get input as such a bof, but being not being a developer it's hard to motivate going to a dev confereance09:21
fabbioneuh why?09:23
fabbioneyou as a "user" have quite a lot of voice09:23
fabbioneit's not like  you are asked to sit in a corner and listen09:24
fabbioneask people that have been there09:24
fabbioneneuralis for example has been almost crossburned alive09:24
maswanEhm, motivating to your side, but motivating to myself and to my employer09:24
neuralismaswan: well, your employer is another story. but you should have plenty of motivation to come.09:25
maswanOf course, if it happens to be resonably close, it might happen. But probably not travelling accross the world.09:25
fabbioneshould be EU this time09:25
maswanThat'd be considerably cheaper, yes. It also depends on the general setup, if it is only 2 hours of server/hpc and the rest is silly desktopping... It's a priority question, really, between time and money and stuff on the other side.09:26
neuralismaswan: there will be several server bofs, but probably not much more than 2-3 hours total.09:27
maswanAnyway, I'm interested in going yes, so far I haven't been able to talk my wallet or my employer into it though. :)09:28
fabbionemaswan: you know that we do sponsor people?09:28
fabbionenot everybody09:28
fabbionebut there is such option09:28
fabbionebofs are really a matter of who is there09:29
=== maswan nosd
fabbionesome bofs can take hours and hours09:29
fabbioneothers are like 10 minutes09:29
fabbioneit seriously depends who is sitting around the table09:29
fabbioneneuralis and I have been fighting for about 3 hours on a solution09:29
maswanHmm.. Also, we might look at an internal mirroring bof, that'd be most interesting if we can get the right people to it. That's a pretty internal discussion, sure, but it is interesting and important.09:29
fabbionemaswan: suggest it09:30
fabbioneregister the spec in launchpad and open a page on the wiki09:30
neuralismaswan: what do you mean when you say internal mirroring?09:32
maswanneuralis: mirroring of ubuntu09:33
neuralisfabbione: i think it's not clear to most people what bofs are in the ubuntu dev conference sense, because they're not just a place for people with similar interests to get together and hang out, but to actually work on some aspect of improving ubuntu and then write it up09:34
neuralisfabbione: (unless i'm not getting what maswan is talking about, he wants a bof in the traditional sense)09:35
fabbioneyeah i think so too09:37
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maswanThis is true, and yes, that's the primary bit I was thinking of. Overloading a term always has that problem though.10:06
maswanBecause what'd be most useful for the mirroring situation is probably a traditional bof. It can probably be disguised by some generic "people download isos fast"-spec, I guess. But I dont' know.10:12
neuralisi believe the plan is to offer a community/users' conference separately from the development conference10:12
neuralisor at least mark said he was thinking about it back in montreal10:12
neuralisso while users will be welcome at the devconf, it will be a *dev* conf, meaning informational bofs (like this one with mirroring) will be off the table.10:13
maswanNot so much informational as unstructured. There will be a goal, in making the mirroing infrastructure better.10:14
maswanIt's just that the hows etc are unknown.10:15
maswanHeh. I give up, now it's clear that that stuff is comments, not an actual spec. I can't wrap my head around UbuntuClusters as being a feature that we need to get into eft. I can just think of improvements to it, most of which are more generic.10:31
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maswanBtw, regarding the metadiscussion, perhaps a development process transparacy project or howto might be good?10:46
maswanSomething I probably can write at least half a spec for is LustreInUbuntu, I don't know what to do with the implementation though.10:53
alleemaswan: where is the openafs spec? I only found OpenAFSSupport11:39
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neuralismaswan: write the (half) spec12:14
neuralismaswan: we'll see what we can do with it.12:14
maswanallee: That's what I saw.12:34
maswanneuralis: I'll let it simmer in my head a bit to get a proper spec out of it, expect it on monday12:37
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pdrPlug: thanks, will give it a go in the near future07:38
pdr(re ppc install on ibm servers)07:39
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xerophyteCould somebody compare the Hula vs (postfix+cyrus-imap+squirellmail) ??? brief should good good10:49

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