
prospero2005Actually, most of those problems can be solved with the new Ubuntu penis scanner. You whip it out, and if it measures over 8 inches, most install problems fix themselves. I have XGL running from the command line on account of this nifty device.12:00
garminargrap3: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:00
carthikprospero2005, be nice12:00
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garminargrap3, should let you reconfigure x12:00
grap3I see...12:00
scifignomefreak: ok will, tried carthiks suggestions 1st, no luck12:01
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freeone3000gnomefreak: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:01
gnomefreakscifi: when your done save it close it run sudo apt-get update12:01
freeone3000gnomefreak: It just told me to report it.12:01
carthikscifi, well commenting the first line is good. You already have univ and multiverse enabled. So those lines are already uncommented...12:01
gnomefreakfreeone3000: thats not an installer thats a nice way to the config file12:02
=== HellDragon [i=jd@modemcable251.249-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
freeone3000gnomefreak: It called itself an installer.12:02
malvi like reinstalling ubuntu. its fun12:02
gnomefreakfreeone3000: the term reconfigure means to conigure again12:02
scifignomefreak: wont let me append the file, suspect i need to access it via sudo, not sure best way tho12:02
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gnomefreakscifi: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources/list12:03
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freeone3000Xorg cannot find my V_BIOS. Any clue how I would fix it?12:03
gnomefreakfreeone3000: all bugs go to launchpad wait for link12:03
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs12:04
_jasonmalv: why reinstalling?12:04
tusharsharmai ahv just d/l firefox12:04
gnomefreakfreeone3000: did you disable the onboard vc?12:04
tusharsharmanow how ti install it12:04
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion12:04
gnomefreaktusharsharma: read that ^^^12:04
malvgoing from the amd64 version back down to x8612:04
freeone3000gnomefreak: Ehm. I don't know? How can I tell?12:04
malvi don't like chrooting12:04
freeone3000gnomefreak: Not the first to use this comp.12:04
gnomefreakmalv: smart move12:04
scifignomefreak:  get authentication rejected error, had this problem before, had to gksudo nautilus then manually browse, so will try that12:05
s_v_e_nHello, It me again. After 3 mnth if trying ti bing my ATI Redeon 9200 to 3D mode, I just got a Matroc G400. And 3d hardware accelaration ist still not working. Any Ideas ?12:05
gnomefreakscifi: it will still open12:05
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freeone3000gnomefreak: Doesn't look like she did. So no.12:05
freeone3000gnomefreak: Or at least, not on purpose.12:05
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tusharsharmabut how toinstall it12:05
tusharsharmathere is one folder12:05
gnomefreakfreeone3000: i dont think thats a bug in Xorg i think thats an issue with either the bios or video card itself12:06
tusharsharmabut where is .exe file12:06
scifignomefreak:  yes it opened but file is blank12:06
tusharsharmato run it12:06
gnomefreaktusharsharma: this is not windows there is no .exe for linux12:06
freeone3000gnomefreak: Thank you... so. Fixage?12:06
gnomefreaktusharsharma: if you read the site i have given you 3 times it will show you how to install it12:06
tusharsharmai did12:07
freeone3000gnomefreak: Vid card is a ATi Rage 128, bios are... Mac OS X powerpc.12:07
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tusharsharmabut didnt get any thing12:07
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gnomefreakfreeone3000: i dont know anything about the pc your on look in bios make sure everything is ok dont change anything unless you know what your doing12:07
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freeone3000gnomefreak: ...How would I access the BIOS?12:07
tusharsharmathere r amny options12:07
s_v_e_nHow to set up a grafic-card ? dpkg-reconfigur xserver-xorg ?12:07
freeone3000gnomefreak: I'm pretty good. I can get to it on a PC based. But. No bios.12:07
tusharsharmato select12:07
freeone3000tusharsharma: So choose the ones you want.12:07
gnomefreakfreeone3000: when you boot press a button not sure what yours is12:07
gnomefreaktusharsharma: read the link12:07
freeone3000gnomefreak: It doesn't start keyboard input until after bootup, it seems.12:07
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gnomefreakfreeone3000: it should on the startup screen (mine is dell)12:08
newbie33how to remove previous version of ubuntu12:08
newbie33it shows in grub12:08
HymnToLifenewbie33> delete them from /boot12:08
newbie33I could boot it but I dont need it at all12:08
gnomefreaknewbie33: good idea to leave it there for now12:08
freeone3000gnomefreak: The startup screen is the mighty grey apple.12:08
HymnToLifebut it doesn't matter much12:08
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gnomefreakfreeone3000: your on a ppc?12:09
HymnToLifeyou'll just save a few kilobytes12:09
freeone3000gnomefreak: Yep.12:09
gnomefreakfreeone3000: than your on your own12:09
=== gnomefreak stays away from ppc
HymnToLifeppc is cool12:09
freeone3000HymnToLife: So. Any clues?12:09
gnomefreaki dont know if ppc even has a bios12:09
newbie33can you recomend me command/app for optimization, becouse my system become very slow, it hangs up after several programs started12:09
|lostbyte|HymnToLife: ppc's are mac's, right ?12:10
mzuverinkI installed dapper and restored my ~/public_html/  dir over to the new install, I have apache2 installed, however it will not let me view the page, it says it "404"  I have this set up exactly like in breezy.  Anyone have a possible solution?12:10
gnomefreaknewbie33: get more ram or make bigger swap12:10
freeone3000|lostbyte|: Sure.12:10
gnomefreak|lostbyte|: yes12:10
scifignomefreak:  made the changes and update running now12:10
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gnomefreakppc =power pc12:10
scifignomefreak:  update done12:10
newbie33gnomefreak, I dont use swap at all :o12:10
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gnomefreakscifi: errors?12:10
HymnToLife|lostbyte|> not really, better say "macs are PPC"12:10
freeone3000newbie33: that's the problem.12:10
gnomefreaknewbie33: time to make one than12:10
newbie33how to solve12:10
ubotumethinks swap is used to put unused programs out of memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwapFaq12:10
HymnToLifethere is PPC stuff that is not mac (and newest macs re not PPC anymore either)12:10
scifignomefreak:  none, and it says new update available in pop=up window12:10
gnomefreakscifi: update updates your sources.list file12:11
freeone3000So. Anyway, no clues, I'm outta here. Cya.12:11
gnomefreakscifi: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:11
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tony14764Gentlemen: I have a G3 running Breezy. I can get a DVD to play using Ogle but it skips. Any ideas?12:11
scifignomefreak:  shall i click on these updates before doing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?12:11
MrMon my ubuntu breezy flight6 system, some binaries (e.g. bluepin) cannot open the X display. it works when i call "xhost +". any ideas?12:12
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gnomefreakscifi: one or other12:12
Snorretony14764 - enable dma12:12
gnomefreaknot both12:12
mzuverinkoh, and the dir permission is 755 like is it supposed to be12:12
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tony14764Snorre, hdparm -d1 /dev/dvd      ?12:12
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scifignomefreak:  ok there is a whole list of updated packages.....including firefox which i have already updated to 1.512:13
Snorretony14764 - that looks right, sorry been a long time12:13
|lostbyte|Has any one having the problem of fullscreen with mplayer ?12:13
_jason|lostbyte|: what kind of problems?12:13
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scifignomefreak:  so i dont want to install all of these ?12:13
gnomefreakscifi: you are gonna have to pin firefox before you update12:13
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scifignomefreak:  pin?12:14
newbie33what line add to /etc/fstab for permanent mount to hda1?12:14
gnomefreakubotu tell scifi about pinning12:14
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gnomefreakscifi: read in your pm12:14
=== gnomefreak brb
scifignomefreak:  ye looking now12:14
_jasongnomefreak: pin ff1.5 in breezy?12:14
|GBH|hmmm anyone know what init script/config files forces the network card configuration at boot time?12:14
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gnomefreak_jason: he would have to pin 1.0.712:15
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gnomefreakthat way no updates for it12:15
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=== gnomefreak brb smoke
_jasongnomefreak: I updated to 1.08 and 1.5 survived with no problems12:15
garminar|GBH|: /etc/network/interfaces12:15
_jasongnomefreak: but I'm not sure if that is the problem here12:15
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garminar|GBH|: man interfaces is very friendly :)12:15
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tomastonhello, I have an install question12:16
tomastoncan someone help me ?12:16
piketomaston: shoot12:16
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_jasontomaston: no need to ask for permission here, we prefer you just ask :)12:16
tomastonI run the ubuntu livecd 6.06 beta12:17
|GBH|garminar: you reckon ;)12:17
_jasontomaston: dapper questions should go to #ubuntu+1 please12:17
tomastonnow I am under ubuntu12:17
|lostbyte|_jason: When i hit the "f" key, which actually have to go into fullscreen, rather i get the same screen with black all around it.. :(12:17
garminar|GBH|: its friendly if you have an MA in networking ;)12:17
_jason|lostbyte|: try using 'xv' as the video output in preferences12:17
newbie33what line add to /etc/fstab If I want permanent mound hda1 (fat)?12:17
prospero2005You guys read up on edgy eft?12:18
_jasonubotu: tell newbie33 about vfat12:18
=== |GBH| chuckles
_jasonprospero2005: just about the name12:18
=== |GBH| is looking
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tomastonI asked someone called jag_fsf, but didn't help me much12:18
tomastonsaid I should ask someone else12:18
gnomefreak_jason: the symlink stayed?12:19
_jasongnomefreak: yes12:19
gnomefreak_jason: i was thinking it would re direct it12:19
gnomefreakive never done it12:19
_jasongnomefreak: as long as you do the dpkg-divert, I believe dpkg acts sensibly12:19
gnomefreak_jason: cool ok ty12:19
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gnomefreaknewbie33: forget pinning and run updates12:20
_jasongnomefreak: it was scifi I think12:20
gnomefreaknewbie33: sorry i thought it would redirct you12:20
gnomefreakscifi: for get what i said about pinning12:20
gnomefreak_jason: im so off today12:20
_jasongnomefreak: have a beer on me12:20
scifignomefreak:  so to pin firefox i need to do: Package: Mozilla Firefox Pin: version 1.05.02?12:20
gnomefreakscifi: no12:21
gnomefreakscifi: dont pin12:21
scifignomefreak:  omg  :p12:21
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|lostbyte|_jason: you mean -vo ?12:21
gnomefreak_jason: corrected me he was able to update ff without losing the symlink12:21
_jason|lostbyte|: sure, you can do that (if it works you may want to put it in your ~/.mplayer/config)12:21
gnomefreak_jason: thanks i nee dit12:21
scifignomefreak:  ok still got this list of updates in front of me12:21
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gnomefreakscifi: click update or install or whatever it says to update12:22
gnomefreaki dont use gui updater12:22
|GBH|try this newbie /dev/hda1       /where/you/want/to/mount/it     vfat     defaults    0    012:22
|lostbyte|_jason: ok ! i'll try in a short while..12:22
=== gnomefreak fell in love with cli
scifignomefreak:  its installing, 1 of 93 :O12:22
Xar_frustriertgut nacht12:22
newbie33system monitor shows that my swap is only 51.0 MB :O12:23
tomastonjason, I answered in ubuntu+112:23
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newbie33I maked 51212:23
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scifignomefreak:  i dont understand this, i did update and upgrade in synaptic and in terminal several times, but theres was no updates, so ediitng my sources file has chnaged this?12:23
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gnomefreakscifi: yes12:23
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nickrudnewbie33, maybe 51mb used?12:24
KP_I have a question regarding the 5.10 live CD. Does it support RALINK 2500 chipsets? 5.10 says it does, but I'm wondering if this applies to the live CD as well.12:24
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newbie33used 12 of 5112:24
nickrudnewbie33, sudo fdisk -l will list all your partitions, check that for your swap size12:25
scifignomefreak:  basically we've ticked all the repositories by adding the # in front of the deb lines ?12:25
DewDudeKP_, possibly.12:25
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DewDudeif not you might have to find the module and load it yourself, unless it's got support using ndiswrapper12:25
gnomefreakscifi: the # infront of the deb cdrom due to using internet not cd12:25
KP_lspci does not show anything related to the card12:25
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gnomefreakadding universe and multiverse adds extra packages12:25
scifiscifi: yeh sorry, meant other way around12:26
gnomefreakok i have to go help grams ill be back later i hope12:26
pikeKP_: lspci -v?12:26
DewDudeKP_, i really don't know, if lspci didn't find it, then it's not seeing it12:26
gnomefreakscifi: dont talk to your self its unbecoming ;)12:26
scifiscifi: pls come back, updates will be done in 11mins12:26
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DewDudecuz i beleive it saw my wifi card even tho there's no native kernel support for it12:26
KP_lspci -v didn't show anything either12:26
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gnomefreakscifi: once the updates are done read the !mp3 link copy and paste the things you need or want12:27
scifignomefreak:  ye sorry, like i said *brain exploding*12:27
davidwinterhi all. how can I install java 5 runtime environment on breezy? I don't see it in synaptic12:27
davidwintermy goal is to install azureus12:27
_jasonubotu: tell davidwinter about javadebs12:27
cegrockshey does any1 have a driver for a linksys wireless card for ubuntu?12:27
_jasonubotu: tell davidwinter about azureus12:27
scifignomefreak:  yeh will just run apt-get gstreamer-mad again ok12:27
davidwinter(which I also cna't find in synaptic)12:27
KP_I'd hate to have to think that I would need to back up my current installed distro and install 5.10 just to test this card.12:27
_jasonscifi: gstreamer0.8-mad12:27
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ubotunickrud: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:28
newbie33how to remove created swap? is it enough to delete swap file?12:28
scifi_jason: yeh m8, just shortened for typing purposes :P12:28
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gnomefreakscifi: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad and there are some other good ones12:28
_jasonscifi: oh :P12:28
DewDudedavid: you might after to either add universe and multiverse to your apt repositories, or download the runtime from sun12:28
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gnomefreaklater all12:28
anto9usKP_, try modprobe rt250012:28
scifignomefreak:  will try the basic mad first12:28
garminarnewbie33: turn off the swap first, ie 'swapoff <swap_file_name>'12:29
anto9usKP_, with sudo in front of it12:29
garminarnewbie33: then just delete it12:29
scifibrb, will take a shower while updates come down12:29
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efwisdavidwinter, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?highlight=%28installing%29%7C%28Java%2912:30
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KP_anto9us: hold on while I boot the live CD12:31
PwcrLinuxI found the missing file in the package, they didn't put the libcdda.so in the /usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules dir12:32
anto9usKP_, that should make the card visible to lspci12:32
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newbie33rkz@tyla:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/512Mb.swap bs=1M count=51212:34
newbie33512+0 records in12:34
newbie33512+0 records out12:34
newbie33536870912 bytes transferred in 55.594387 seconds (9656927 bytes/sec)12:34
newbie33ok? that is 512MB?12:34
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diginetHello there12:36
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trainstrokerhow do i add a prog to the Open with list?12:36
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Jimmey__Right click on the executable, and then click properties. Then click 'open with'12:37
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trainstrokerbut im trying to get wine on the liste but the darn app on linux dosent exist12:37
CaminomasterHow can I allow aMSN sounds until I use XMMS?12:37
nickrudtrainstroker, right click a file the app should open, and click properties and open with12:37
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Remyhi guys.12:38
nickrudtrainstroker, ah, wine. you'll probably need to create a launcher for each app you want wine to open12:38
[cro] smileydoes any one know what packages are required for building wxWindows project in Anjuta?12:38
RemyI have a PCMCIA modem that I don't have linux drivers for.  any one know what I need to do ?12:38
ubotujeff_marshall: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:39
trainstrokernickrud how do i go about doing that12:39
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itrebalhow woudl i go about getting the 'cc' program? i've install gcc-3.4 (rolled back to it, for driver compatatiblity) i had it at one point, but i'm not sure whree it is :/12:40
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KP_anto9us: I did a modprobe rt2500, lspci still shows nothing. any other ideas?12:40
shredder_Just want to say that the Galeon browser is very fast and stable. If you have not tried it. Not to forget the smart bookmarks are exactly what they mean. Check it out12:40
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anto9usKP_, does iwconfig show it now?12:40
blindxI have a Pocket PC... how do I read files on it from my computer (via the usb cable)12:41
nickrudtrainstroker, I don't use wine :) but the general approach would to be opening the menu editor, File -> new entry and fill in the blanks.12:41
CaminomasterHow can I allow aMSN sounds until I use XMMS?12:41
Ti_Uhli'm testing dapper but i can't install the w32codecs to play divx files ?12:41
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FlannelKingTi_Uhl: #ubuntu+1 is the channel for you12:41
trainstrokerblindx how would you do that in windows?12:41
blindxI'm not sure how windows did it.12:41
blindxbut when i plugged it in, it autoran a program12:41
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blindxand it made it available as a drive in My Computer12:42
nickrudTi_Uhl, sure you can12:42
uboturumour has it, dialup is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//DialupModemHowto12:42
scificant believe this potential 3hours issue has been caused by not unticking the CD repository in synaptic, but we'll soon find out12:42
malverianIs there a Gaim package that comes with libperl support?12:42
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nickrud!tell Ti_Uhl about w32codecs12:42
Ti_Uhlnickrud : and in what repository can i find that ?12:42
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nickrudTi_Uhl, ubotu just sent you a link, which shows you how to install the w32codecs12:42
anto9usblindx, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PocketPCHowto12:42
trainstrokerblindx i tried to get mtp transfer support for my mp3 player but its all manual and no gui12:43
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Ti_Uhlnickrud : thx12:43
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trainstrokerlike if u wanna import an album u gotta do it file by file12:43
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pikeTi_Uhl: only problem with that w32codev package is flakey asf playback otherwise should work12:43
shredder_whats the best p2p program? for ubuntu12:43
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pikeshredder_: amule or frostwire12:43
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nickrudpike, I wish that was the only issue. DRM is the pits12:44
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scifio m g it worked !!!!!12:44
trainstrokerscifi what did?12:44
newbie33where to find keyboard lyout? wich isnt in the default layouts list12:44
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DarkEDi am installing dapper f6 with the espresso installer12:44
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buzzedwhat is the best portable mp3 player  and app for syncing podcasts?12:45
Ti_Uhlnickrud : when i try to install them i get an error saying that it isn't for X6412:45
Carameliciousf5 free pron12:45
DarkEDeverything goes fine except for grub, it always fails12:45
buzzedon linux12:45
Carameliciousf6 free pron12:45
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Ti_Uhlis there a way that i can install then anyway ?12:45
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nickrudDarkED, you'll get a lot more help on that on #ubuntu+112:45
vbgunzwhen I wish to completely replace 386 with 686, what do I do exactly?12:45
DarkEDi formatted my /boot partition and told it to use it, so i cant figure it out12:45
Ti_Uhlor wouldn't that work ?12:45
DarkEDthanks nick12:45
scififinally got gstreamer to install, only took 3 hours LoL12:45
FlannelKingvbgunz: install 686, reboot, wait a few days, make sure 686 has no problems,12:45
FlannelKingvbgunz: then uninstall 386 if you want to12:45
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nickrudTi_Uhl, oh, x64. No, unless you jump through a lot of hoops12:46
|lostbyte|_jason: Your the man ! .. yup it worked.. so whats this xv ?12:46
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tombshi all12:46
Ti_Uhlnickrud : so there's no avi playback for x64 ?12:46
vbgunzFlannelKing: ok, install 686, then it would be safe to delete 386 after I see no problems with using 686, correct?12:46
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_jason|lostbyte|: video output method, I don't know the techincalities of it12:46
|lostbyte|_jason: ok ! thanks.12:47
FlannelKingvbgunz: right, of course, you're also perfectly safe leaving it there, it doesn't hurt anything (well, except your harddrive space, I suppose)12:47
scifiif anyone sees gnomefreak, tell him hes a God please12:47
PwcrLinuxI found the missing file in the package, they didn't put the libcdda.so in the /usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules dir12:47
vbgunzFlannelKing: what is the exact apt-get to make sure I do it right, would you know off the top of your head?12:47
nickrudTi_Uhl, not with the codecs. I hear of people installing a 32bit ubuntu in a chroot for running videos, flash & the like, but most people that want that functionality fall back to installing the i386 version of ubuntu12:47
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FlannelKingvbgunz: um, apt-cache search linux-kernel (get the exact name of the one you want) then apt-get install [that one] 12:48
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FlannelKingvbgunz: and of course, youre welcome to use whatever packaging frontend you want12:48
Carameliciouscan i install 6.06 without the live cd ?12:48
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DewDudeoh, this is something i noticed last night, not sure if it's a bug or not, but i've got naturally, some XP machines on my network and i installed samba on my ubuntu machines..however...if the samba daemon is running on either of the ubuntu machines...the network browsing in FIle Browser will not pick up the windows network at all, it wants to try to log into the ubuntu machines and ignores the rest of the network. only after12:48
DewDude i turn off the samba daemons that the rest of the windows-pc based network appears.12:48
FlannelKingCaramelicious: do you have ubuntu installed?12:48
shredder_frostwire for ubuntu will not open .deb file not suportted12:48
johnf_how can i do linuxes NBTSTAT12:48
KP_anto9us: rebooted the live CD again, did 'sudo modprobe rt2500', and lspci, and iwconfig now see the card.12:48
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vbgunzFlannelKing: ok great, thank you very much :)12:48
nickrudCaramelicious, do you have any ubuntu cd available?12:48
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)12:48
Ti_Uhlnickrud : would that make me loose much performance, because i have an AMD 3800+ X212:48
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anto9usKP_, cool, you should be able to iwlist scanning to see your access point, if it's visible12:49
Carameliciousnickrud no12:49
_jasonshredder_: you need to use the terminal and do what buotu just said for installing frostwire12:49
CarameliciousFlannelKing no12:49
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shredder_I tried and it says no terminal12:49
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FlannelKingCaramelicious: well, you'll have to download something, a liveCD (of dapper), an install CD (of dapper or breezy).12:49
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_jasonshredder_: what says ``no terminal''?12:49
Carameliciouswhy ?12:50
Cooner750What should I do? When I go to network servers it asks me for the username and password of the machine I'm working on...12:50
johnf_is there a linux equilivent of NBTSTAT?12:50
shredder_When I try to open the .deb file with terminal12:50
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anto9usKP_, this will be useful for you https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto12:50
vbgunzFlannelKing: one more question. how do I know I am actually using the 686 kernel, do I just uname -r and the kernel version that returns is the kernel the system is using?12:50
nickrudTi_Uhl, I hear that for most purposes the i386 version doesn't lose much over the x6412:50
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Cooner750oops. Nevermind. Works now all of the sudden12:50
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Ti_Uhlnickrud : damn12:50
_jasonshredder_: where is the .deb now?12:50
shredder_On my desktop12:51
Ti_Uhlthat 's gonna be an other 700Mb download and a clean install :s12:51
FlannelKingvbgunz: well, you'll get a choice at your grub menu, and you select from there12:51
nickrudTi_Uhl, I don't have first hand experience on the i386/amd64 question, so I'm just parroting what I have heard.12:51
vbgunzFlannelKing: you're right, I should have seen that ;) Thank you again!12:51
FlannelKingCaramelicious: becauseyou'll need to install it somehow?12:51
Ti_Uhlnickrud : no prob i'll just try it12:52
_jasonshredder_: ok first you have to do 'cd ~/Desktop'12:52
Carameliciousa friend of mine tells me that linux has some magic speels on its code that lets the magges tinkle your winkle12:52
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nickrudTi_Uhl, wise choice :) Set up a couple of partitions, install each, and make your own evaluation12:52
Ti_Uhlthank god for 20Mbp connections :)12:52
johnf_is there a way to do netstat?12:52
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=== nickrud kicks Ti_Uhl as far as he can :)
_jasonjohnf_: netstat is a command I believe12:53
Jowimzuverink: these are the modules I have: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1263312:53
johnf_i mean nbtstat12:53
FlannelKingJowi: "netstat"12:53
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baxter_kylie*waves* Heya folks I'm curious to know if anyone here is well-versed in hotplug, or well versed enough to help me diagnose an issue i've been having.12:53
HymnToLifescrew 56Ks :/12:53
johnf_for checking net bios12:53
CarameliciousFlannelKing why do i need to install it ?12:53
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JowiFlannelKing: ?12:53
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nickrudTi_Uhl, be sure to set up a separate partition for /home, you can use it under both the i386 and amd64 installs12:53
_jasonshredder_: now, 'sudo dpkg -i frost<tab>'12:53
|GBH|mount: /dev/hdc1 already mounted or /mnt/q busy <<-- anyone got any bright ideas why I'm getitng this (no theres nothing using the directory and no, it's not already mounted)12:53
ubotuBreezy is the current stable version of Ubuntu. If you would like to upgrade to it, the guide to upgrading to Breezy is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade12:54
FlannelKingJowi: sorry, poor nick completion, apparently.12:54
Ti_Uhlnickrud : thx for the info :)12:54
JowiFlannelKing: :)12:54
Remyhi guys, how can I check what port a device is attached to ?  eg, /dev/ttyacm012:54
FlannelKingCaramelicious: didn't you ask how to install Ubuntu?12:54
shredder_In what? The terminal does come up12:54
RemyI've plugged a PCMCIA card in, but don't know how to talk to it...12:54
Caramelicious"can i install 6.06 without the live cd ?"12:54
_jasonshredder_: are you in a terminal now?12:54
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muepCaramelicious: yes you can12:54
TennesseeCaaramelicious: I upgraded to dapper using apt.12:54
=== lampshade [n=mrw@CPE-24-208-76-16.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shredder_no hold on I ll try this12:55
_jasonCaramelicious: only if you already have a previous version of ubuntu installed12:55
FlannelKingright.  And then we asked you if you had a) Ubuntu already installed b) an install CD12:55
muepCaramelicious:  sudo update-notifier -d12:55
lampshadeAnyone know of a way for me to get a beagle applet for the gnome panel is that possible without being on dapper?  (I'm a lowly breezy user)12:55
IceToxWhich program is the best for upacking a .zip file in terminal?12:55
IceToxthen don't do it Caramelicious :-)12:56
_jasonCaramelicious: no one is forcing you to, you asked remember12:56
nickrudCaramelicious, np, enjoy12:56
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Carameliciousnp ?12:56
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FlannelKingeh, guys, he's just a troll.  he was talking abotu 'pron' before asking.12:56
=== IceTox grins
Phlostenif there is anyone in here familiar with xinerama, is there a way to force an application to open on a set screen?12:56
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IceToxIs there anybody that knows which program is the best for upacking a .zip file in terminal?12:57
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_jasonIceTox: unzip12:57
nickrudIcemanV9, unzip12:57
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TennesseeIceTox: unzip will do it12:57
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nickrudIcemanV9, heh, ignore my useless use of tab12:57
shredder_permission denied when I try terminal12:57
IceToxthanks a lot Tennessee :-)12:57
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lampshadeBeagle, anyone? no?  I'm surprised12:57
Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:57
_jasonshredder_: ok, lets go one step at a time.  What does 'pwd' say?12:57
Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:57
Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:57
Carameliciousnp ?12:57
Carameliciousnp ?12:57
Carameliciousnp ?12:57
Carameliciousnp ?12:57
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee12:57
Carameliciousnp ?12:57
Carameliciousnp ?12:57
Carameliciousnp ?12:57
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nickrudCaramelicious, no problem12:57
Carameliciousnp ?12:57
KP__anto9us: thanks for your help. gotta go deal with kids.12:57
Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:57
Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:58
Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:58
Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:58
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Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:58
PwcrLinuxstop flooding12:58
Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:58
IceToxCaramelicious, it means No problem! Now, stop it please :-)12:58
Carameliciousalbacker kiss my ass12:58
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee12:58
shredder_archive type not supported12:58
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Jowiah, too late12:58
IceToxI'm sure he failed installing ubuntu too.. *grins*12:58
_jasonshredder_: type the command 'pwd' says that?12:58
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PwcrLinuxaha, nuked him12:58
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nickrudnalioth, nm12:58
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bimberinickrud: H.B.!! :)12:59
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Seveasnalioth, too slow ;)12:59
nickrudbimberi, I'll bite, H.B?12:59
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bimberinickrud: Happy Birthday12:59
_jasonshredder_: s/type/typing12:59
shredder_does nothing and still type not supported12:59
Ti_Uhlnickrud : vlc seems to play my divx files prefectly, but that uses it's own codecs12:59
_jasonshredder_: what is the output of the command 'pwd'?01:00
gerreHello.  Got the new Xubuntu beta live CD, but there seems to be no info on what ID/PASS to use.  Anyone knows? Appreciate it very much.01:00
shredder_I'll delete this frostwire.01:00
nickrudbimberi, thank you very much, and happy anniversary!01:00
=== IcemanV9 whispers to nickrud "no problem with your useless use of tab" :D
shredder_To much hassel. The amule installed perfectly01:00
bimberinickrud: thanks :)01:00
naliothgerre: there should be no user/pass on the liveCD01:00
lampshadeshredder_,  problems with frostwire?01:00
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_jasonshredder_: it should be a two command thing01:00
IceToxTennessee, it seems like that unzip didn't work on it.01:00
lampshadeshredder_, it does nothing when you click on it?01:00
IceToxnevermind Tennessee :-)01:00
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shredder_Archive type not supported01:00
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ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)01:01
_jasonshredder_: you can't click on it, it has to be installed using the terminal01:01
nickrudbimberi, did you notice that the artwork changed? It's not enough, but I'll survive :)01:01
shredder_When I click on it it says archive type not supported01:01
lflashlcan anyone tel me to access ahred folder on vmware01:01
gerrenalioth: that's what I thought but will not let me pass the logon screen.01:01
=== perceptualchaos [n=perceptu@203-184-35-101.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
lampshadecause I had that problem the other day, apparently they broke something in the new version  I had to run a weird command on it.  Something simple, like one of the files was made with a windows editor so the endline characters are wrong or something.  Anyway I got it working but I had to run some commands like that first01:01
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newbie33Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.01:01
newbie33        Using the fallback 'C' locale. what it means and how to solve?01:01
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lampshademight just wanna wait a little bit for the next release01:01
garminar|flash|: you have the tools installed?01:01
TennesseeIceTox: Didn't work how?01:02
bimberinickrud: dapper artwork? no i'm not up to date01:02
naliothgerre: the liveCD should not have a login screen, it should boot right to the desktop01:02
shredder_Through the terminal cant find terminal when using that option. Direct terminal to install archive type not supported01:02
TennesseeWhat kind of archive are you using?01:02
TennesseeWhat's the filename01:02
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garminar|flash| then look under /mnt/hgfs01:02
nickrudbimberi, yes. No more hangment01:02
garminarthey should be in there01:02
shredder_Thanks anyway. I did get the amule01:02
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patrick221i installed mysql and you can't login with  "mysql -uroot -p"01:02
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perceptualchaosHey has anyone successfully installed Matlab r2003a on Ubunutu 64-bit?01:02
_jasonshredder_: I can guide you through the install if you want (using terminal)01:03
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IceToxTennessee, it's an amsn skin file.. .zip.. I'm getting the message that annot find zipfile directory in one of Desktop/amsn-for-mac-0.95.zip or01:03
IceTox        Desktop/amsn-for-mac-0.95.zip.zip, and cannot find Desktop/amsn-for-mac-01:03
garminarpatrick221: is that a new install of mysql?01:03
bimberinickrud: ah, kk01:03
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shredder_I'll just get frusterated. Thanks anyway01:03
gerregerre: if that's the case then the Xubuntu download files are wrong.  thanks anyway.01:03
_jasonubotu: tell shredder_ about cli01:03
garminarpatrick221: then there should be no password, so login using 'mysql -u root'01:03
shredder_C-ya guys01:03
=== Cooner750_ [n=Cooner75@cpe-65-27-215-143.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ademanfor some reason it takes my internet forever to conenct to a server, but then after that navigation is almost instant... this is with ubuntu... someone mentioned it was probably dns problems... but how do i find out what dns server i want?01:04
_jasonshredder_: I've sent you a link toa  tutorial so that if you want you can read up on terminal commands01:04
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shredder_ok thanks01:04
=== Pupeno [n=Pupeno@80-102-116-226.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
patrick221i keep getting     #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)01:04
JowiAdeman: your ISP should provide you with DNS servers01:04
TennesseeIceTox: It's never failed me before. I can't see why it would be failing unless the archive is corrupt, not really a zip, or something along those lines.01:04
AdemanJowi: you think theres an easy way to actually get their IP ?01:04
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Ademanbecause it SEEMS like i need it...01:05
biovorepatrick221: I am guessing this is mysql?01:05
JowiAdeman: they might have them listed at their website. I know my isp has.01:05
Falstiu1Ademan, what kind of internet connection do you have?01:05
nickrudIceTox, try file <file>.zip , that might indicate that it's broken or a different type ....01:05
Falstiu1Ademan, you have a DSL router?01:05
Cooner750_Why does Skype appear to have no style at all? All of the buttons are plain..01:05
Ademanmy resolv.conf has nameserver pointing to my router01:05
biovorehmm sounds like it tring to do something with mysql01:06
AdemanFalstiu1: yeah01:06
IceToxnickrud: Desktop/amsn-for-mac-0.95.zip: HTML document text01:06
nickrudIceTox, well ;)01:06
baxter_kylie*bounce* Anyone here well-versed in hotplug?01:06
Falstiu1Ademan, you need to sign into your router and edit them there.  Although I would think the router uses DHCP to get those automatically.01:06
JowiCooner750: skype uses qt (kde). to change their apperance you must install qt3-qtconfig01:06
nickrudAdeman, so does mine, but my dsl modem/router has dns server ...01:06
IceToxnevermind nickrud *lol* I THINK I got the wegt VERy wrong :P I can't see the file as I'm helping a friend.. *blushes*01:07
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patrick221biovore: wat could be going wrong01:07
IceTox*wget even01:07
AdemanFalstiu1: yeah it does01:07
nickrudIceTox, don't blush, you've found a new tool :)01:07
gerrenalioth:  the Xubuntu live cd is then wrong because it brings up the logon screen.  thanks anyway.01:07
IceToxyah, thanks a lot nickrud :-) I will use that a lot from now on :-)01:07
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Falstiu1Ademan, did you try contacting your ISP?  It is possible they screwed something up.01:07
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biovorepatrick221: well ussualy you need to setup a table and grant ussage to a user to write stuff in it.. so do a mysql -u root -p and create a database and set php thingy to use that database and user01:08
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AdemanFalstiu1: nope, i'm on my windows box right now and everything is just as zippy as ever01:08
Ademanits only on my ubuntu box01:08
naliothgerre: i did not even no there was a xubuntu live cd01:08
Falstiu1Ademan, does your windows box use the router for DNS too?01:08
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gerrenalioth: not announced but it's in the server.01:08
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JowiAdeman: so check which DNS you have in windows, boot up linux and see if /etc/resolv.conf has those DNS servers01:08
CNAPok, i've got one machine on my network that is able to ping, and get an IP address from the DHCP server. however it's not able to hit the internet. my linux computer is able to hit the network. i'm not connected to a router, but rather a passive hub01:08
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patrick221biovore: how do i do that01:09
naliothgerre: if you could file a bug report on it, i'm sure the devs would appreciate it01:09
AdemanJowi: how would i check it in windows? iirc my connection configuration got it through DHCP01:09
biovorepatrick221: that a quite a complex setup process..01:09
JowiAdeman: ummm.... "ipconfig /all" I think. was ages ago i used win01:09
Falstiu1Ademan open up the run dialog from the start menu and type "cmd /k ipconfig /all"01:09
biovorepatrick221: I suggest you learn how mysql works  www.mysql.com01:09
gerrenalioth: i saw ' adding live CD user..'', then presented me the logon screen...01:10
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amphiCNAP: is the default gw set to the ip of the router?01:10
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Ademansays dhcp is enabled, which means my DNS server probably changes IP?01:10
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Falstiu1not necessarily, it should list your DNS server if you run ipconfig /all01:11
patrick221biovore: when i do the -u root -p bit i get this ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)01:11
patrick221  is this normal01:11
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JowiAdeman: normally only your ip-address change, the DNS *usually* stay the same01:11
Ademanthis also points to my router01:11
Ademanthe dhcp server as well as DNS01:11
biovorepatrick221: can you get into the mysql shell at all?01:11
gerrenalioth:  i'm on the xubuntu room but seems no one is listening01:11
naliothgerre: if you could go to launchpad and file a bug. ubotu sent you a PM with the URL01:12
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Falstiu1Ademan: then the problem probably isn't DNS ... you could find out with a little experiment.  Ping some website and see how long it takes for the first ping to return.  Then ping the ipaddress.01:12
patrick221biovore: nope i cant01:12
biovorepatrick221: is mysql server running?  /etc/init.d/mysql restart01:13
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patrick221biovore: patrick@ubuntu:~$ /etc/init.d/mysql restart01:14
patrick221Stopping MySQL database server: mysqldcat: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid: Permission denied01:14
patrick221/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed01:14
patrick221error: 'Access denied for user 'patrick'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'01:14
patrick221Killing MySQL database server by signal: mysqldmysqld(17434): Operation not permitted01:14
patrick221mysqld: no process killed01:14
patrick221Starting MySQL database server: mysqldcat: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid: Permission denied01:14
patrick221...already running.01:14
patrick221/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed01:14
patrick221error: 'Access denied for user 'patrick'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'01:14
amphiAdeman: you could run a local caching dns forwarder, such as dnsmasq01:14
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_jasonubotu: tell patrick221 about paste01:14
biovoredo it with sudo01:14
|lostbyte|do you guys know how i could view the dvd menu through mplayer ?01:14
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_jasonpatrick221: use sudo01:15
Ademanhrm when i pinged www.google.com it came back with 30 ms...01:15
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[cro] smiley01:15
_jason|lostbyte|: no, I like xine better for that01:15
[cro] smileydoes any one know what packages are required for building wxWindows project in Anjuta?01:15
|lostbyte|_jason: ok ! will try..01:15
_jason|lostbyte|: totem-xine, gxine, xine-ui are all in the repos01:15
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nickrud[cro] smiley, probably wx2.6-headers01:16
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patrick221biovore: this is wat i get  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1263501:16
|lostbyte|_jason: so which one do i need ?01:16
nickrud[cro] smiley, by the way, they're known as xwWidgets these days01:17
|lostbyte|gxime is gtk ?01:17
_jason|lostbyte|: any of them should work fine (I prefer gxine), they are just different frontends01:17
biovorepatrick221: looks good..01:17
[cro] smileynickrud, my mistake01:17
amphi|lostbyte|: you can play different sections of the dvd with mplayer dvd://2 etc.01:17
biovorepatrick221: try mysql -u root -p01:17
Ademan30 ms isnt bad at al01:17
patrick221but still get the    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)01:17
nickrud[cro] smiley, heh, I just found that out about 30 seconds ago :)01:17
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|lostbyte|_jason: as you say.. thanks..01:17
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[cro] smileynickrud, i have installed that package but still can't build project01:18
|lostbyte|amphi: problem is i what to know which title is for what.. and mplayer wont tell me..01:18
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FalstiusAdeman, was that in windows or linux?01:18
biovorepatrick221: mysql -u root01:18
[cro] smileynickrud, it says $(WX_LIBS) not declared01:18
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Ademan$ ping www.google.com01:18
patrick221ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)01:18
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[cro] smileynickrud, it also says ./config.h.in not found01:18
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Ademandoes that mean its a firefox problem?01:18
FalstiusAdeman, when you ping it you should get an IP address, did you try pinging that?01:19
Ademanor should i try a few other servers to be sure?01:19
amphi|lostbyte|: true - vobcopy -I can give you some useful info01:19
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JowiAdeman: do you use dapper or breezy?01:19
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FalstiusAdeman, you should probably try a site your don't visit often.  I usually test with victoriassecret.com01:19
Ademanby the way how do i stop ping?01:19
FalstiusAdeman: ctrl-c01:19
nickrud[cro] smiley, it'll depend on the project and how it's built. I'm the first to say that I only have a surface understanding of modern build systems01:19
JowiAdeman: oh, ok. firefox in dapper is dead slow.01:19
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geoffrianDoes anyone here use Firestarter Firewall???01:20
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baxter_kyliegeoffrian: I do.01:20
Shauni'm trying to use debootstrap to install ubuntu on a LVM from a running CentOS server...  ALl goes well until i get this error...01:20
ShaunE: no /usr/lib/debootstrap/devices.tar.gz. cannot create devices01:20
Shauni installed debootstrap from source01:20
FalstiusJowi: I don't think that really explains his problem (and firefox isn't slow in dapper for me)01:20
patrick221biovore: i get this from mysql -u root   ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)01:20
geoffrianI am having a problem.  I never get anything in my Events tab.01:20
[cro] smileynickrud, well i just picked wxWidgets project in Anjuta and got that error01:20
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trainstrokerhow do i add an app to open a .exe with? like wine01:20
geoffrianI don't know why......01:20
JowiFalstius: it's not slow for me either. but then again, i use the binaries from mozilla.org :)01:21
[cro] smileynickrud, I didn' changed anything01:21
blindxWhat's the difference between gnome and KDE?01:21
biovorepatrick221: might have to reset the mysql password01:21
JowiAdeman: does all users on your system have the same problem? if you only have one user, can you add another one and test?01:21
Ademansure i'll test that01:21
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nickrud[cro] smiley, what I'd do if I were you would be starting aptitude in interactive mode, then type: /anjuta<enter> scroll down, and select all recommended & suggested packages01:22
patrick221biovore: this is wat i get  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1263501:22
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patrick221biovore: sorry....how do i reset the password01:22
nickrud[cro] smiley, there may be an equiv to that in synaptic, but I'm not sure01:22
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Ademanshould i restart and swich user? or just switch?01:22
biovorepatrick221: tring to remember..01:22
Shaun222not sure if this got posted because of the stupid nick register crap... but here it is again...01:22
Shaun222i'm trying to use debootstrap to install ubuntu on a LVM from a running CentOS server...  ALl goes well until i get this error...01:22
Shaun222E: no /usr/lib/debootstrap/devices.tar.gz. cannot create devices01:22
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Shaun222i installed debootstrap from source01:23
nickrud[cro] smiley, make that /anjuta<enter><enter>01:23
[cro] smileynickrud, thanx I'll try that01:23
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biovorepatrick221: Is there anything in the database?01:23
patrick221how do i check01:23
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alunowhere m i01:23
JowiAdeman: just to be sure, logout and login with the new user01:23
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|lostbyte|_jason: how can i tell which menuselection is which title ?01:24
_jason|lostbyte|: don't know01:24
AdemanJowi: logged out, logged back in, same problem01:24
kbrooksi want to upgrade to DAPPER01:24
kbrooksbut how?01:24
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades.01:25
nickrud[cro] smiley, well, on further looking, my advice was useless01:25
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[cro] smileynickrud, what does it means UNSATISFIED for package?01:25
biovorepatrick221: well you need a password to check.. so I guess your screwed if you don't01:25
FlannelKingbimberi: it's a siingle command.  woohoo.01:25
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|lostbyte|_jason: OK01:25
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lflashlok so how to find my computer on a network, do i need to at a setting for it to be on the workgroup01:25
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patrick221biovore: yep01:25
JowiAdeman: oh well, it was worth a shot01:25
kbrooksUpdate your system to ensure that you have the latest version of Update Manager and associated packages. The necessary versions are available from the breezy-updates repository, which is enabled by default.01:25
lflashli can ping but form my xp machine i cant see it in network01:25
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nalioth[cro] smiley: means there is no package available to satisfy dependencies01:26
biovorepatrick221: best bet is to drop back 10 years and try from scratch01:26
nickrud[cro] smiley, that means that the package named does not exist in your sources. That can mean that you have bad sources (possible) or that that package is not available from the sources (also possible)01:26
naliothkbrooks: why are you pasting all the carriage returns in here?01:26
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biovorepatrick221: sudo apt-get remove mysql-server01:26
_jasonkbrooks: the rest of the page has the command you need01:26
Ademanlflashl: is it behind a router or anythign? (in relation to the computer you're trying to network with)01:26
FlannelKingkbrooks: upgrade to dapper?  gksudo "update-manager -d"01:26
[cro] smileynalioth, can it be fixed through synaptic?01:26
sherzHi is someone using breez and amarok1.5beta3 ?01:27
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lflashlyes i use a wireless router modem01:27
biovoresherz: I amarok 1.4 here01:27
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lflashli have win on workgroup01:27
nalioth[cro] smiley: i have no idea what you are installing. join #ubuntu-offtopic please01:27
lflashli can ping both comp from each other01:28
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kbrooksFlannelKing: it doesnt do anythig except open up01:28
lflashlok i just found out how to do thanks01:28
patrick221i have uninstalled it01:29
kbrooksFlannelKing: why?01:29
FlannelKingkbrooks: what?01:29
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FlannelKingkbrooks: -d is the special thing, read the page01:29
Ademangeeze wtf is wrong with this, google is painfully slow01:30
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kbrooksFlannelKing: i typed that too01:30
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FliesLikeALapwhen I'm on dapper, it spins down my hard drive obnoxiously often (laptop), like every minute-2mins or less.  Does anyone know the proper solution to this?01:30
patrick221biovore: should i do this   sudo apt-get install mysql-server01:30
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_jasonAdeman: try going to about:config in firefox's address bar and setting network.dns.disableIPv6 to true, then restart firefox.  I ahven't really been following your problem closely, but it may be worth a try01:30
biovorepatrick221: now reinstall mysql-server01:31
FlannelKingkbrooks: ask on #ubuntu+1 I don't know, sorry.  I didn't upgrade that way.01:31
patrick221biovore: how01:31
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biovorepatrick221: sudo apt-get install mysql-server I think01:31
biovorepatrick221: then sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart01:32
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biovorepatrick221: then try a mysql -u root01:32
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spikebis there a #ubuntu+2 yet? ;)01:32
Ademan_jason: WOW that worked01:32
Ademanbut how many IPv6 addresses are there right now?.... any?01:33
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_jasonAdeman: I don't have any problem with that setting01:33
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Ademanah, cool, thanks01:33
Ademanand its speedy as ever now01:33
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King-of-no-pantstennessee: hey!01:34
Polly_MorfCan anybody explain to me why the swedish characters  wont work properly with UTF-8?01:34
patrick221i get this when trying to install01:34
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sherz@Polly_Morf Talar du svenska ?01:35
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Polly_Morfsherz: jod01:35
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TennesseeG'day King.01:35
TennesseeHow's the hardware?01:35
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biovorepatrick221: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop01:35
sherz@Polly_Morf lite ...01:35
King-of-no-pantstennessee: good, I figured my problem out.01:36
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King-of-no-pantstennessee: Its my wireless card.01:36
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patrick221biovore: now stopped01:36
blindxWhat's the difference between gnome and KDE?01:36
TennesseeKing: All that from one wireless card?01:36
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King-of-no-pantstennessee: When I don't use it, my computer runs fine01:36
_jasonblindx: they are two different desktop environments, which one are you using now?01:36
amphiTennessee: or ndiswrapper (or the wrappee)01:36
Tennesseeblindx: Nothing good. It's a different kind of GUI environment01:36
blindxI'm on gnome01:36
spikebblindx, er...go read their websites and just LOOK at the screenshots.01:36
biovorebrb food01:36
pikeblindx: kde is sleek and sexy gnome is warm and fuzzy. theyre both fat01:36
joelbryanhello, what do you think would be a good prefix for unregistered NickServ users?01:36
RememberPOLIs there a way to edit Ubuntu's GRUB menu order?01:37
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nethensonblindx: gnome has 5 letters, kde only 3...01:37
Tennesseeblindx: There's nothing wrong with gnome, but some people like KDE.01:37
King-of-no-pantsTennessee: You better believe it.  Now Im trying to figure out how to get the 'ol ndiswrapper to properly load it01:37
blindxthey're both fat rofl01:37
_jasonblindx: gnome is simpler, more straight forware.  KDE gives you tons of options, some say it's cluttered (others like it).  You can install kde and try it easily01:37
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ferronica_i hav just downloded firefox in temp folder bow how to install it from there01:37
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ferronica_any help01:37
blindxWell I was just wondering if there anything more than a cosmetic difference between the two..01:37
blindxcause I have simplyMEPIS on my other box, and it has KDE on it.01:38
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Polly_Morf_jason: I think gnome was designed by interface-nazis. I dont like it01:38
spikebthey have different goals01:38
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ferronica_its 9MB01:38
_jasonPolly_Morf: you are entitled to taht opinion :)01:38
spikeband i can't say much else without turning into a flame throwing retard01:38
King-of-no-pantsblindx: In my opinion, KDE looks more like windows, and GNOME looks more like Mac OS (er, MAC OS 9)01:38
ferronica_now can i install in my ubuntu01:38
_jasonferronica_: firefox is already installed in ubuntu01:38
spikebik dont think gnome looks anything like any macos, the thing they have in common is usability.01:38
Polly_Morf_jason: I can say though that ubuntu has got the best gnome desktop01:39
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ferronica_but older version01:39
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_jasonubotu: tell ferronica_ about firefox1.501:39
ferronica_i installed 1.501:39
King-of-no-pantsspikeb: Thats just my opinion, with everything on the top bar, it feels alot like mac os to me01:39
ferronica_who is ubotu01:39
EleafDo you know of a frequency generator for linux?01:39
Eleaffrequency modulation..01:39
_jasonubotu: tell ferronica_ about yourself01:39
amphiferronica_:  bot01:39
sherzI am using fvwm2 with breezy on a IBM Thinkpad T30 its helpfull to update tu dapper ?01:39
ferronica_is he robot01:39
ferronica_or what01:39
_jasonyes, robot01:40
amphisherz: what doesn't work?01:40
Polly_MorfHehe... Bitchx... last time I used it ended with me screaming "Oh! My eyes! Please god make it stop!"01:40
PwcrLinuxyep, it's a bot01:40
ferronica_i dont wanna talk to bot lz01:40
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ferronica_now how to install it01:40
_jasonferronica_: the bot gave you the info you need to install firefox1.501:40
amphi!talk to ferronica_01:40
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, amphi01:40
blindxlol amphi01:40
spikebwtf would you use ubuntu for if you didnt want a desktop orientated distro (read: kde/gnome/xfce)?01:41
ferronica_ok tell amphi01:41
sherz@amphi I would like to have the newest amarok-version and I read about that dapper contains some nice tools for laptops...01:41
=== jadaz87 [n=opera@pool-70-111-125-111.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ferronica_there is no .exe file01:41
_jasonferronica_: did you get some private messages from ubotu?01:41
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_jasonferronica_: did you read what he told you?01:41
King-of-no-pants!talk to King-of-no-pants01:41
ubotuKing-of-no-pants: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:41
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-117-171-105.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
amphisherz: then upgrade, but prepare for b0rkage - if you just need a newer version of a single prog, you could look for a backport or build it yourself01:42
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acejonesHELP.  I have edited sources.list to include all sources but I get an error trying to install w32codecs01:42
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ubotuacejones: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:42
ferronica_i dont wanna to install it from website01:43
_jasonubotu: tell acejones about w32codecs01:43
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-117-171-105.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ferronica_i already downloded it01:43
amphisherz: what are these laptop utils you speak of? (FWIW, I run debian stable on my T42)01:43
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patrick221biovore: now stopped01:43
ferronica_now how to execute it01:43
_jasonferronica_: the link ubotu sent you explains the process in detail01:43
ferronica_bcoz its not like a window .exe01:43
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_jasonferronica_: nope, windows exe's are for windows01:44
ferronica_please give me the right link01:44
ferronica_so that no need to search01:44
_jasonubotu: tell ferronica_ about ff1.501:44
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acejonesubotu, firefox01:44
amphi!tell ferronica_ abouth sloth01:44
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PwcrLinuxferronica_: the linux doesn't have exe files.. it's unix-like system01:45
spikebsloth eh?01:45
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion01:45
apikoros!tell apikoros about mplayer01:45
sherz@amphi e.g. the networkmanager01:45
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hellz_hunterubuntu wont let me mount my ntfs drives, it always says that they are already mounted, or busy01:45
RememberPOLIs there a GUI application to edit the GRUB boot menu order?01:45
amphisherz: if you don't prepend @ to my nick my client will highlight it ;)01:46
jvaiwin32 link - http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/codecs.html01:46
amphisherz: up to you - dapper is not officially stable01:46
_jasonjvai: there is a .deb available for those too link on the restricted formats wiki page01:46
sherz@amphi well but I put a @ at the beginning ?!01:46
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shinuwhy does my external hard drive appear as hdb when i dont have any hda device?01:47
amphisherz: then I may well not see your comments *shrug*01:47
acejoneshow do i change from GNOME to KDE01:47
ubotukde is, like, A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/01:47
jvai1st "apt get install build essentials"01:47
shinuwhen i plugged it in the morning it was sda still01:47
michael117What's a good program to convert videos between one encoded format and another, such as mpeg to divx?01:47
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tritiumjvai: sudo apt-get build-essential, rather01:47
acejonesthanks _jason01:47
amphishinu: yeah, a usb hd should manifest as sdX01:47
buzzedwhat is the ipod howto?01:47
=== _jason nudges tritium
jvairiight.. my bad01:48
ubotuinfo for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto01:48
buzzedwhat is the url01:48
shinumichael117: try mencoder?01:48
tritium_jason: what's up?01:48
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apikorosis mplayer in the multiverse? i'v enabled the multiverse repository but i still can't find it... do i have to compile from source?01:48
acejonesI changed my group for RAW1394 to get MiniDV camcorder working but i believe the recommended fix is NOT SECURE01:48
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, acejones01:48
shinuamphi: yes but thats not my point01:48
_jasontritium: you forgot the 'install' :P01:48
shinuamphi: im asking why it is sdb and not sda01:48
tritium_jason: heh ;)01:48
_jasonapikoros: can you put your sources.list on pastebin please?01:48
amphishinu: oh, sdb - you said 'hdb' above01:49
apikoros_jason, sure, thanks, one sec01:49
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patrick221biovore: now stopped mysql server like you said01:49
shinuamphi: oops, my bad. not thinking too clear at 1am :P01:49
amphishinu: heh01:49
amphishinu: did you unplug it while a partition on it was mounted?01:50
biovorepatrick221: sudo apt-get install mysql-server and see what it dose now01:50
shinuamphi: i dont think so, i remember pretty well that i unmounted an unplugged it01:50
apikoros_jason: http://pastebin.com/67237901:50
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RememberPOLHey does anybody know of a GUI app to edit the GRUB boot menu order in Ubuntu GNU/Linux "The Breezy Badger" v5.10?01:52
michael117shinu: Thanks! Do you know of any good programs to edit videos in linux?01:52
_jasonapikoros: what's the name of the package you are trying to install?01:52
amphiRememberPOL: no - menu.lst is just a text file, you can use any editor01:52
amphimichael117: there's cinelerra perhaps01:52
shinumichael117: maybe kino?01:52
RememberPOLamphi: Thanks.01:52
shinumichael117: i never actually used, i just heard about them01:53
shinumichael117: try apt-cache search kino01:53
|lostbyte|is it possible to remove deps too ?01:53
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_jason|lostbyte|: yes01:53
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michael117shinu: haha, thanks01:53
michael117thanks guys01:53
amphi|lostbyte|: you can use deborphan01:53
cafuegocinelerra has the problem of the ugly-stick.01:53
patrick221biovore: this wat the installer says   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1263701:53
amphicafuego: never tried it myself01:53
|lostbyte|like i installed gxine and i want to remove the other packages that were installed too with it, which i didt note down. ?01:53
shinuamphi: any ideas?01:53
apikoros_jason, nervermind, i figured it out.. the package install. tool couldn't find it, but sudo apt-get install mplayer-386 worked fine01:53
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|lostbyte|amphi: implies the above ?01:53
shinuamphi: can i force it back to sda somehow?01:53
ggilbertugly stick? Cinelerra fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on its way down :)01:54
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amphishinu: does /etc/mtab show any /dev/sda? entry?01:54
tritium|lostbyte|: sotware installed by aptitude can be uninstalled, along with any dependencies that package brought in trivially01:54
cafuegoamphi: Last time I did it was so hideous I ran away to Premiere on Windows.01:54
amphicafuego: heh01:54
_jason|lostbyte|: if you use aptitude to install you can just aptitude remove package, and the deps will go with it.  otherwise, you want to look at deborphan as amphi said01:54
shinuamphi: nope01:54
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|lostbyte|_jason: tritium thanks..01:54
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jadaz87does anyone know of any good synthesizers for linux? (preferrably in the repos)01:55
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ggilbertmichael117:  I really don't know how good they are, but I've been hearing a fair bit about pitivi and diva lately.  Don't know if either are available in breezy though01:56
biovorepatrick221: hmmm01:56
Sannejadams, zynaddsubfx ist very nice. There are lots of others, but not all are in Ubuntu yet. You may want to have a look at ubuntustudio.com01:56
Sannejadaz87, zynaddsubfx ist very nice. There are lots of others, but not all are in Ubuntu yet. You may want to have a look at ubuntustudio.com01:57
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Sannesorry, jadams01:57
biovorepatrick221: sudo /etc/ini.d/mysql stop01:57
biovorepatrick221: sudo apt-get remove mysql-server01:57
wsjuniorwhat do i have to do to enable these 'sleep' and 'hibernate' options? both are halting my pc...01:57
patrick221sudo /etc/ini.d/mysql stop command int known01:58
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Sannejadaz87, and also have a look here: http://linuxsound.atnet.at/01:58
_jasonpatrick221: init.d, not ini.d01:58
jadamsjadaz87 is the bane of my nick highlighting existence  :)01:58
Sannejadams, heh :)01:59
biovorepatrick221: sudo apt-get remove mysql-client01:59
michael117ggilbert: oh... I'll see if I can get them downloaded through the synaptic package manager, if not, oh well01:59
biovorepatrick221: sudo apt-get remove mysql-common01:59
biovorepatrick221: dpkg -l | grep mysql02:00
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jadaz87jadams yeah you are like my twin in here, people get us both confused lol02:00
michael117shinu: I downloaded mencoder but when I try to run it from the terminal it gives me this in the error message: "Failed to open frameno.avi"02:00
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shinumichael117: try #mplayer or man mencoder02:00
mikodelacruzhow do i get the easyubuntu02:00
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu02:01
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biovoremichael117: you tring play back a sequence of images?02:01
mikodelacruzi am getting an error while executing this gksudo python easyubuntu/trunk/easyubuntu.py02:01
patrick221http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12638   is my   dpkg -l thing02:02
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ferronica_hey tried many times to open that file nothing happend02:02
ferronica_error coming02:02
biovorepatrick221: ok now do a sudo dpkg -P mysql-ser ver-4.102:03
biovorethat should delete all the mysql-server file from your system02:03
mikodelacruzi am getting this error02:03
mikodelacruzpython: can't open file ''easyubuntu/trunk/easyubuntu.py'': [Errno 2]  No such file or directory02:03
patrick221dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove mysql-ser which isn't installed.02:03
patrick221dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove ver-4.1 which isn't installed.02:03
michael117biovore: I was just trying to start the app in the terminal by typing in "mencoder" and hitting enter02:04
biovorewell what I am tring to do is get your apt system to purge all the configuration file mysql made.. so when you reinstall it will rebuild the database02:04
biovoremichael117: mencoder is command line only.02:05
biovoremichael117: mencoder dvd://1 -- some other options02:05
bimberipatrick221: try again with no space between "ser" and "ver"02:05
biovoremichael117: you using it to encode dvds?02:05
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ferronica_what i do02:05
amphimichael117: you _need_ to read the mencoder docs02:05
ferronica_help me02:05
ferronica_i tried to insatll02:05
ferronica_nothing happend02:06
patrick221i get this  pkg: status database area is locked by another process02:06
amphimichael117: mencoder is a command line prog02:06
bimberimikodelacruz: is there an 'easyubuntu' directory in your current working directory (use 'ls' to check)?02:06
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mikodelacruzi dont know how to02:06
mikodelacruzi am new to this02:06
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bimberipatrick221: close any other apt tools you have open (eg. Synaptic)02:06
amphimichael117: PM?02:06
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patrick221emove the databases from all MySQL versions?02:07
bimberimikodelacruz: type 'ls' in the terminal - look for easyubuntu in the output02:07
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biovorepatrick221: yes remove02:07
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mikodelacruzdesktop ubuntu02:08
mikodelacruzthats what i have02:08
patrick221right done02:08
michael117amphi: Meh... is there any way to GUI it?02:08
mikodelacruzwhat now02:08
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aslhola cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11102:09
amphimichael117: can I PM you?02:09
amphimichael117: no, you're not identified02:09
amphimichael117: acidrip as a gui for encoding dvds02:10
bimberimikodelacruz: did you download it?  using the svn command?02:10
michael117amphi: okay, I'm identified02:10
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patrick221biovore: its removed it02:10
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bimberimikodelacruz: what is the output of 'pwd' (no quotes)02:10
=== MachineScrew [n=machine@ip68-225-114-11.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
vinboyhow do I save all  my configuration so tat I can use it on my fresh Dapper install?02:11
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IceToxAnyone here tried to instll xpde desktop environment? (the windows look-like)02:11
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MachineScrewvinboy: do you use Evolution02:11
ferronica_any one help me02:11
tritiumvinboy: easier just to upgrade to dapper from breezy if you want to save your configuration02:11
vinboyMachineScrew: nope02:11
vinboytritium: oh ok...02:11
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MachineScrewvinboy: all you have to do is copy all the .hiddendir for all programs02:12
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asldejen de joder02:12
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:12
tritiumvinboy: if interested, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades02:12
aslubuntu es una mierda02:12
MachineScrewvinboy: there would be a problem with Firefox but you can copy your bookmarks02:13
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bimberimikodelacruz: hm there should be an easyubuntu directory in there if the svn command completed successfully.  Perhaps retry it02:13
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biovorepatrick221: ok after its all been removed.. reinstall it by doing a sudo apt-get install mysql-server02:13
MachineScrewvinboy: the advantige of doing an fresh install vs upgrade things like gstream0.8 won't be there02:13
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MachineScrewvinboy: on upgrade it will stay02:14
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MachineScrewvinboy: same with things like Xchat isn't installed on a fresh dapper02:14
=== R3D [n=okcopper@adsl-70-142-61-212.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
MachineScrewvinboy: but upgrade its still there02:15
bccis there a list of error codes for system calls?02:15
bcci'm trying to strace something and one file write returns 36. where can i find out what that error is?02:15
R3Dhey i'm new to ubuntu and i need some help02:15
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R3Dthink some one might be able to help me?02:16
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spikebnot if you don't tell us what your problems are02:17
_jasonR3D: maybe, just ask your question02:17
vinboyMachineScrew: ic... some post was saying doing fresh install is better than upgrade02:17
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MachineScrewvinboy: for most distros yes but debian based distros not so much02:17
nemesisi keep getting configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool02:17
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nemesisbut i see that perl package is installed in the synaptic package manager02:18
lunar'lo... if I'm installing on a server, should I use badger/5.10 and dist-upgrade later, or use the drake/6.06 LTS and upgrade when it becomes final?02:18
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MachineScrewvinboy: I did a fresh install and copied all the . directories to a usb key02:18
tritiumlunar: up to you02:18
MachineScrewvinboy: that kept most of my settings02:18
R3Di'm trying to run a live cd first to kind of get a feel for ubuntu to see if i do like it..but after ubuntu loads as a life cd my graphics are just garble02:18
patrick221biovore: right its installed wat now02:18
R3Dits just lines of colors02:18
biovorepatrick221: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start02:19
tony14764Who can help with a G3 with glitchy video while playing DVDs? Please.02:19
patrick221yep started02:19
biovorepatrick221: ok.. mysql -u root02:19
R3Di've tried 3 different live cd's at various resilutions, but its always the same02:20
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patrick221im in!02:20
_2064_me too lol since 1 min :p02:20
lunartritium, OK...02:21
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_2064_but i wanted to connect irc.freenode.net a chan Ubuntu-fr but it says channel doesnt exist...02:21
_2064_someone know swhy?02:21
tritium_2064_: #ubuntu-fr02:21
patrick221biovore: im in now   sql>02:21
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tony14764 Who can help with a G3 with glitchy video while playing DVDs? Please.02:22
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=== mikodelacruz [n=mikodela@ool-4578067e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
patrick221biovore: cheers for getting it running for me i can access phpMyadmin02:23
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patrick221cheers very much02:23
mikodelacruzhow do i use ftp in ubuntu02:23
temifowlhas anyone ever used GParted?02:23
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R3Danyone have any ideas for me?02:23
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@ool-45713413.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowimikodelacruz: as a server or client?02:23
VR_mikodelacruz: ftp help  ?02:23
_2064_tritium thanks02:23
cassidyWould anybody be willing to help me?02:23
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ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.02:24
patrick221wat do i do now02:24
lflashlhow do i boot into command mode02:24
lflashli need to install me nvida drivers02:24
cassidyOk, I need help configuring my sound card.02:24
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_jasonubotu: tell lflashl about nvidia02:24
Jowimikodelacruz: gftp is simple to use02:24
Jowi!info gftp02:24
ubotugftp: (X/GTK+ FTP client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 2.0.18-10 (breezy), Packaged size: 43 kB, Installed size: 76 kB02:24
FlannelKingmikodelacruz: nautilus (that's the ubuntu file browser) can do it02:24
VR_mikodelacruz: just type ftp in a terminal02:25
MachineScrew!info x264-bin02:25
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mikodelacruzhold on i dont know what client and server are lol02:25
mikodelacruzi want to be able to upload files to my host02:25
mikodelacruzthats what i want02:25
cassidyNobody can help me?02:25
FlannelKingmikodelacruz: places > connect to server02:25
VR_mikodelacruz: thats client02:25
cassidyConfigure an audio card?02:25
Jowimikodelacruz: a server make other people connect to you. a client make you able to connect to them.02:26
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Jowimikodelacruz: a crude explanation but hopefully easier to understand.02:26
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cassidyDoes anyone know how to configure an audio card?02:28
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green_earzcassidy: go to the link to check out what the driver name will be for your sound card.  http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/    then install modconf so that you can install the driver : sudo apt-get install modconf    then see if you are in the audio group   the commad to find is  groups02:28
cassidyWow thankjs02:28
cassidyI went on the site02:29
cassidybut i dont know what to do next02:29
green_earzcassidy: if you not in the audio group use the commad sudo adduser user-name audio02:29
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arrickanyone: if I "sudo apt-get install libapache-mod-frontpage-mirfak" is it already setup and ready to go?02:30
mikodelacruzis that gftp works like filezilla02:31
slackernarrick: you could try  "sudo apt-get -s install libapache-mod-frontpage-mirfak" to simulate the install then you see what it will install also.02:31
green_earzcassidy: you will need a terminal so you can run the commad that on the web page then put the out put back on the web page in the box02:31
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MachineScrewmikodelacruz: yes02:31
cassidyOh I think i get it now let me try now02:31
Jowimikodelacruz: it's like ws_ftp, so yes. basicly02:31
MachineScrewmikodelacruz: just try it out02:31
arrickslackern, I already did the install, I was needing to knwo if I had to config anything before using it02:31
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MachineScrewmikodelacruz: if it sucks for you sudo apt-get remove gftp02:32
cassidyI did that, checked it on the website02:32
slackernarrick: Oh that i have no idea about, i just set up my apache with php5 and all was configured for me02:32
cassidyand it says everything works exept my modem, which i dont use02:32
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brandon_kword and openorifice don't play together as well as i would have thought02:32
green_earzcassidy: no you need to see what the name is for you sound card02:33
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NickGarveyKing-of-no-pants: any luck?02:33
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cassidyOk... snd-ca010602:33
green_earzcassidy: sorry the name of the driver for your sound card02:33
cassidyI have that, now what?02:33
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green_earzcassidy: now install modconf to help you install the driver, sudo apt-get install modconf02:34
sherzI get this message after apt-get install libgpod-common http://sherz.pastebin.com/67242302:34
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mikodelacruzok now that i have opened it, how can i download items from it02:34
IceToxAnyone here knows about that photoshop-alike program? (not gimp). Thanks02:34
sherzWhat can I do ?02:34
cassidysorry, I did alt F4 instead of F2 lol02:34
cassidyHow would I install modconf?02:35
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brandon_IceTox: you can install photoshop using CrossOver Office02:35
green_earzon the comman line use the command   :    sudo apt-get install modconf02:35
IceToxbrandon_, I would have to have downloaded photoshop 6.0 or what?02:35
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matt_hey guys?02:36
slackbrhow i configure iptables using ubuntu ? where i put the firewall script ?02:36
_jasonIceTox: you buy it02:36
matt_I have a question about these deb packages?02:36
brandon_yes. or photoshop 702:36
matt_I cant seem to install a deb package?02:36
matt_How do you install them?02:36
matt_after you download them?02:36
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)02:36
AngryElfhey all, I just switched in a new vid card (nvidia to ati) so obviously X failed to start....how can i generate a default xorg.conf so that i can get into X and d/l the new drivers?02:36
JowiAngryElf: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:36
IceTox_jason, yeah, well I was thinking about some other package some guy in here talked about the other day.. Some photoshop Open Source solution :-) With all the photoshop options02:36
cassidyOk green, I installed modconf, now what?02:37
_jasonIceTox: oh, well if you remember what it was called, I'd like to know too :)02:37
JowiAngryElf: "vesa" should be a safe driver02:37
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brandon_IceTox: i've never heard of it, but i agree with _jason02:37
IceTox_jason, I'd tell you that if I knew instead of coming around with a grumpy "buy it" comment :-P02:37
_jasonIceTox: D:02:37
SanneIceTox, there's some mod for the gimp menues called gimp-shop or similar, but that's still gimp ;)02:37
green_earzcassidy:   use the command  sudo modconf     then you will need to take some time to track down where the sound driver are and then pick your driver and install it02:38
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IceToxSanne, that includes more options then gimp? It's one of my webdesigner friends who wants it.. He needs as much as options possible :-)02:38
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sherzHas nobody  a idea ?? http://sherz.pastebin.com/67242302:39
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IceToxSanne, oh.. An add-on then?02:39
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slackbrwhere i put a script to start on boot ??02:39
SanneIceTox, I don't know it myself, just heard about it. But I doubt that it gives more options, just shuffles the menu entries in a way more comfortable for photoshop users.02:39
green_earzslackbr: /etc/init.d02:39
efwisanyone here running the 2.6.16 kernel and have their winxp mounted, I can't get mine to mount02:40
IceToxok Sanne.. I will google for it then :-)02:40
SanneIceTox, but, for a bitmap editing program, I don't think you can get better thatn gimp int the free software world.02:40
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IceToxThanks for you help Sanne, _jason and brandon_ :-)02:40
SanneIceTox, you're welcome :)02:40
cassidyGreen, I don't really know exactly what I'm looking for!02:40
IceToxSanne, I hope you're wrong :-)02:40
matt_there are lots of dependencies02:40
JowiIceTox: i have not rtied it, but krita might be good enough. it even got cmyk support : http://www.koffice.org/krita/02:40
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newbuntuhas anyone here figured out how to make firefox stop freezing or crashing ? It crashes on me constantly , especially on a site like apple movie trailers02:40
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brandon_what problem does he have with the gimp?02:41
Lokican anyone tell me if a nvidia 6800 gs is combatiable with ubuntu drivers?02:41
IceToxlooks like photoshop at least Jowi :-)02:41
matt_can you apt-get gimp?02:41
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Sannematt_, yes, it's even installed in Ubuntu by default.02:41
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efwismatt_ gimp should already be installed, you just have to install some extras for printing fonts etc...02:42
green_earzslackbr: http://www.debianhelp.org/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3306&theme=Printer   and http://openchemist.net/linux/howto.php?id=com00602:42
matt_ xmame-common: Depends: xmame but it is not installable or02:42
matt_                         xmess but it is not installable02:42
SanneIceTox, it really depends on what you need to do, but for usual web design work Gimp is more than enough, at least for me.02:42
matt_I dont understand?02:42
_jason!info xmame02:42
mikodelacruzhow do i unzip a rar file in ubuntu02:42
matt_it says it has dependencies? but its depending on itself?02:42
matt_bash: !info xmame: event not found02:42
_jasonmatt_: where are you installing this from?02:43
IceToxSanne, well he's very advanced.. and you know these guys huh? If they're not getting to use their mac they will get a heartattack soon :-)02:43
LokiCan someone help me with video problems on a Nvidia 6800gs?02:43
trainstrokerdoes ubuntu supprort flash drives?02:44
matt_loki I have a gt02:44
_jasonmatt_: what command did you use?02:44
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_jasontrainstroker: yeah (mine at least, ymmv)02:44
SanneIceTox, yes, I know those guys ;) hehe.02:44
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mikodelacruzhow do i unzip a rar file in ubuntu02:44
ubotuit has been said that rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression02:44
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cassidyGreen_earz? I found the sound driver name in the modconf, but now I don't know what to do anymore02:44
trainstrokerim trying to use my mp3 player as flash device but it just dosent pick it up :D02:44
Lokii have a gs, but i can't even get a live cd to work02:44
matt_dpkg -i xmame-common_0.86-l_all.deb02:44
matt_Jason:dpkg -i xmame-common_0.86-l_all.deb02:45
_jasonmatt_: why are you not using apt-get02:45
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matt__jason: there is no apt-get for that?02:45
_jason!info xmame-common02:45
ubotuxmame-common: (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator), section multiverse/games, is optional. Version: 0.86-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 232 kB, Installed size: 532 kB02:45
_jasonmatt_: there is if you enable multiverse02:45
matt_Reading package lists... Done02:45
matt_Building dependency tree... Done02:45
matt_You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.02:45
matt_The following packages have unmet dependencies:02:45
matt_  xmame-common: Depends: xmame but it is not installable or02:45
matt_                         xmess but it is not installable02:45
matt_E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.02:45
matt_how do I enable multiverse?02:45
_jasonmatt_: please don't paste here02:46
matt_SORRY :(02:46
_jasonubotu: tell matt_ about multiverse02:46
marnanelI just tried to upgrade from breezy to dapper, but now when I try to ifup eth0 I get "error while getting interface flags: no such device". It's not the kernel, because I tried going back to the old kernel in grub and the same thing happens. If I modprobe the right driver it still doesn't work. Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?02:46
eddie_stoneis there any counter strike native version for linux?02:46
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cassidyGreen_earz? I found the sound driver name in the modconf, but now I don't know what to do anymore02:46
eddie_stonemarnanel: why dont you wait for 1st June?02:46
io_I'm looking for an easy but powerful webpage maker for ubuntu, what should I use?02:46
eddie_stoneio_: blue fish02:46
marnaneleddie_stone: I am paying for my impatience, I see.02:47
eddie_stonemarnanel: I think so02:47
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)02:47
marnanelSo does anyone have any suggestions, other than reformatting / and reinstalling breezy?02:47
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matt_how do I install multiverse?02:47
marnanelwhich is next on my list of things to try02:48
eddie_stonedoes anyone has a good tip for a good combination of theme , icons, background ?02:48
Jowimarnanel: /join #ubuntu+1 for discussions on Dapper02:48
cassidyAndybody? Im trying to configure a sound card and I found the sound driver name in the modconf, but now I don't know what to do anymore02:48
marnanelJowi: thanks02:48
green_earzcassidy: use the arrow keys to high light the driver you want then use the tab key to high linght the ok option and then press enter02:48
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cassidyOk, now what?02:49
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Lokican anyone tell me if a nvidia 6800 gs is combatiable with ubuntu drivers?02:49
cassidy   Exit          Finished. Return to previous menu.                                                                                                            snd-ca0106  + (No description available)                                                                                                                                                                                                        <Ok>02:49
cassidy                 <Cancel>02:49
matt_do I type this? eb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe multiverse02:50
matt_Loki: No02:50
matt_Loki: I have drivers02:50
JoetheoddHey, when I try to play a DVD in MPlayer, I don't have any sound (it sucks). Any idea why?02:50
green_earzcassidy:   use the command       lsmod | grep snd     and see if your sound driver is installed02:51
matt_Loki: apt-get nvidia-glx02:51
matt_nvidia-settings (optional)02:51
matt_then after you apt-get those02:51
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matt_sudo nvidia-glx-config enable02:51
matt_and then reboot02:51
cassidysnd_ca0106             27172  102:51
cassidysnd_ac97_codec         72188  1 snd_ca010602:51
cassidysnd_pcm_oss            46368  002:51
cassidysnd_mixer_oss          16128  1 snd_pcm_oss02:51
cassidysnd_pcm                78344  3 snd_ca0106,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss02:51
cassidysnd_timer              21764  1 snd_pcm02:51
cassidysnd                    48644  8 snd_ca0106,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer02:51
matt_now can anyone tell me how to install multiverse?02:51
cassidysoundcore               9184  1 snd02:51
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL02:51
cassidysnd_page_alloc         10120  2 snd_ca0106,snd_pcm02:51
matt_can I apt-get multiverse?02:51
_jasonmatt_: did you read the link ubotu gave you?02:52
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cassidyI have no idea what that means XD02:52
matt_yes and it sent me to an internet folder there was nothing to download jason02:52
FlannelKingerm, you can apt-get FROM multiverse, you can't download the entire thing though ;)02:52
_jasonmatt_: ?02:52
_jasonmatt_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto <-- this one?02:52
matt__jason: no not that one :P02:52
green_earzcassidy: yes its installed now use the command groups   to see if you are in the audio group02:53
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cassidyumm...command groups? lol this is my 5th day with linux02:53
goudkovwhat should i increase to stop the error "Too many open files" 24?02:53
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matt__jason will it help me get dependencies???02:53
green_earzcassidy: and would you say its fun ?02:53
_jasonmatt_: yes, it will make it real easy for you02:53
cassidyVERY, exept the sound...whats a command group?02:54
EleafEvery once in a while, gaim cannot connect, it seems like it is trying to connect using my loopback device, not eth0.  (It does this after I loose a connection or have to force quit gaim or something, it usually doesn't go back for a few days)02:54
green_earzcassidy:   groups02:54
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_jasonmatt_: just install what ever the top level package is xmame-x or something I think02:54
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cassidyoooh i should use that command, haha i thought you meant something else02:55
Jowicassidy: if you type "groups" in a terminal it will tell you what you belong to. see if "audio" is there02:55
cassidycassidy adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin02:55
can0nHas anyone wrote a GUI for aticonfig?02:55
cassidyI'm still in modconf, what should I do with that terminal?02:55
matt__jason thanks, you like games? I made a linux game!! :D02:55
ZeZuwhats any easy ftp to use for local access ?02:55
_jasonmatt_: what kind?02:56
ZeZuftpd *02:56
matt__jason: its a 2d game, you shoot missiles and ships02:56
green_earzcassidy: so your sound card is now setup you need to log out and back in for thing to work.02:56
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_jasonmatt_: sounds cool, you should package it and submit it to get put in ubuntu's universe02:56
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cassidyOk, ill be back if theres a problem!02:57
matt__jason: I dont know how :S02:57
EleafAny ideas??02:57
cassidyis there a way to vote for you or something?02:57
_jasonubotu: tell matt_ about motu02:57
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matt_here is my game in windoze:http://www.codersworkshop.com/viewshowcase.php?id=82902:57
_jasonmatt_: only if you are interested02:57
Cain_ChinaHaha, Linux is funny02:57
matt_If I could ftp to my website from linux I would send the binary02:57
AngryElfJowdi, sorry...where do i get the vesa driver....this is a much older card Radeon 750002:57
VR_is it possible to install from an ISO directly, without having to burn it to a cd02:57
green_earzcassidy: i do not think so but if you see me here say hello, and all the best the you in the free software world02:58
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=== Eleaf sighs...
Cain_ChinaI just installed from Iso02:58
VR_Cain_China: is there a tutorial or something02:58
blindxCan I use my bluetooth headset as a headphone for my computer?02:58
Cain_Chinayeah, you should do somethine preinstall02:59
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Seqhas anybody successfully built ifolder client? I seem to be having trouble with simias02:59
VR_Cain_China: do the what now?02:59
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cassidy=( It doesn't work02:59
VR_Cain_China: nevermind, i think i found something in the forum02:59
VR_Cain_China: thanks though03:00
crimsuncassidy: pastebin the output from ``lspci -nv && amixer -c0''03:00
kavefishis there an equivalent to RedHat's chkconfig and/or service command in ubuntu?03:00
crimsun!tell cassidy about pastebin03:00
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Cain_ChinaVR: that's great03:00
cassidyOk i will crimsun03:00
JowiAngryElf: if you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" you will be able to chose it.03:00
blindxQuestion: I'm trying to pair my computer and my bluetooth headset, but the headset requires a password.. how do I enter in the password?03:00
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green_earzcassidy: use the command cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp     but turn your speaker down first03:02
cassidybash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy03:02
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cassidythat's what comes up when I do cat /dev/urandom> /dev/dsp03:03
cassidyAnd crimsun, paste-bin won't load up for me03:03
crimsuncassidy: use another one, like pastebin.com or pastebin.ca03:03
cassidyWait nvm it loaded03:03
can0nhow do I use fglrx-control03:04
matt__Jason: I turned on universe and multiverse but it still is acting weird03:04
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matt_Package xmame-common has no available version, but exists in the database.03:05
beerockxshow do i find out which package an app belongs to?03:05
Sannebeerockxs, if you know the file name, you can check on packages.ubuntu.com in the section "Search the contents of packages"03:05
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crimsuncassidy: amixer sset 'Analog Front' 25003:05
beerockxsSanne: that does not yield a result03:06
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cassidyremember, me=noob03:06
crimsuncassidy: type that in a terminal03:06
cassidyis that a command?03:06
Sannebeerockxs, what app is it?03:06
beerockxsthe program is disks-admin03:06
Sannebeerockxs, sec, I try to find out.03:06
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cassidyI HEARD A SONG03:06
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cassidyOMG OMG OMG03:07
matt_Why doesnt it say WHAT dependencies it needs?03:07
cassidyI mean thank you. =D03:07
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matt_it just says "it has dependencies"03:07
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cassidyThats was one sound, when I rigth click...03:07
cassidyBut when I try and play a song, it doesn't work03:07
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Sannebeerockxs, it works for me on packages.ubuntu.com. Did you try the section "Search the contents...", the very last one on the page?03:08
crimsuncassidy: what are you using to play a song?03:08
cassidyBanshee Music Player03:08
beerockxsSanne: Ah, I was on a different page, sorry03:08
Jowimatt_: i think it need "gxmame". try to install that and hope that xmame-common will be installed as well03:08
GenfooI have a slight problem that's been bugging me for days, when I plug in my USB MP3 player that is normally mounted, it is no longer mounted and I don't know what block device refers to it so I cannot mount it manually :(03:08
Sannebeerockxs, hehe. Tell me if you still have problems.03:08
cassidyWait, I used beep media player...the song worked03:08
cassidybut extremely bad quality03:09
ranixhey guys, bonehead quetion coming03:09
cassidywhen I had my windows up it was amazing quality03:09
ranixhow do I make Tilda start when I log into gnome?03:09
green_earzcassidy:  if you want internet radio install streamtuner and xmms  command apt-get install streamtuner xmms03:09
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crimsuncassidy: you need to set beep-media-player to use the alsa output plugin in preferences03:09
Sodiumis there a pacman game for linux? like the classic one03:09
Jowiranix: i only made tilda work properly at start with jwm. try to put it into the session-manager.03:10
cassidyI did...03:10
crimsuncassidy: then turn down 'Analog Front'03:10
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Jowiranix: love tilda btw. very cool03:10
Genfoook well I fixed it :) so nevermind03:11
crimsuncassidy: use the gnome volume control in the upper right corner of the screen03:11
ranixJowi: how do I use the session-manager? I always used to use .Xsession to set up my desktops before, but I want all users to be able to use this now so I don't know what to change.03:11
green_earzcassidy:   and install     streamripper  if you want to rip the mp3 and ogg music files03:11
Genfoojust so you know I did sudo mkdir /media/usb && sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sde1 /media/usb03:11
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Genfoogood bye :003:11
ZeZuhow can i make ubuntu accept incoming telnet ? (an internal to network box)03:11
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cassidyI don't need to rip them03:12
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Jowiranix: i don't use gnome at all. but the users should be able to click on System->prefs->session (or something like that) and type it in there as a startup prog.03:12
cassidyI feel like paying you haha03:12
cassidyBoth of you03:12
cassidyIt worked, I turned down analog front03:12
ranixJowi: Damn this GUI stuff is throwing me for a loop. What happened to editing conf files?03:13
green_earzcassidy:   with streamtuner  you will have all the stations on the shountcast site03:13
blindxQuestion: I'm trying to pair my computer and my bluetooth headset, but the headset requires a password.. how do I enter in the password?03:13
ranixnot that I'm complaining03:13
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hi4385http://movies.easy-dater.com/galleries/01/278/index.html http://www.worldsex.com/ http://jizz.juggcrew.com/198/?t=3&nats=MjQ3OjY6MTQ03:13
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cegrocksstupid linksys it doesnt have any drivers for linux :@03:13
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cegrocksfucker stop!03:13
hi4385http://movies.easy-dater.com/galleries/01/278/index.html http://www.worldsex.com/ http://jizz.juggcrew.com/198/?t=3&nats=MjQ3OjY6MTQ03:13
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SanneZeZu, fi you really need telnet (ssh is considered much more secure), you need to install telnetd and netkit-indetd, if I re,03:13
hi8507http://movies.easy-dater.com/galleries/01/278/index.html http://www.worldsex.com/ http://jizz.juggcrew.com/198/?t=3&nats=MjQ3OjY6MTQ03:13
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee03:13
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ranixhaha we got a bot03:13
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cassidyI don't need streams...I have music but it was playing the files that was the problem03:14
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SanneZeZu, fi you really need telnet (ssh is considered much more secure), you need to install telnetd and netkit-indetd, if I remember correctly (sorry...)03:14
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cegrocksboot the stupid ip03:14
hi4720http://movies.easy-dater.com/galleries/01/278/index.html http://www.worldsex.com/ http://jizz.juggcrew.com/198/?t=3&nats=MjQ3OjY6MTQ03:14
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ZeZuSanne, ssh would be ok03:14
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shinuah damn...03:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by nalioth
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by nalioth
ZeZuI just meant some type of remote access i suppose03:14
Jowiranix: yeah, i use .xsession myself as well :)03:14
Amaranththat was...interesting03:14
ZeZu+R means only those registered can speak now right ?03:14
Jowiare those links any good? ;)03:15
shinuanyways, how can i restart my usb services ? or however its called03:15
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SanneZeZu, cool, I think there's a setup guide in the wiki or also in the help on your gnome menu in ubuntu starter guide.03:15
AmaranthUbugtu kicks for swearing?03:15
HobbseeZeZu: yes03:15
HobbseeAmaranth: it does now :D03:15
shinuZeZu: +R is only registered can join i think03:15
green_earzZeZu: go for ssh for remote login, as Sanne  said its the secure option03:15
naliothAmaranth: to counter the pR0n bots03:15
SanneZeZu, want me to help you find it?03:15
Amaranthtime to test ;)03:15
Hobbseeoh yeah, that's right, and +r means that the rest get sent to unregged03:15
crimsunplease muzzle *!hi@*.comcast.net03:15
Amaranthhmm, no kick03:16
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ZeZuSanne, if you know where it is offhand i'd appreciate it03:16
cassidyhow do i register?03:16
blindxI'm trying to pair my computer and my bluetooth headset, but the headset requires a password.. how do I enter in the password?03:16
naliothubotu: tell cassidy about register03:16
ZeZucassidy, /msg nickserve register03:16
SanneZeZu, ok, I think I can find it, sec.03:16
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!hi@*.comcast.net] by Amaranth
ZeZuor /msg nickserv help03:16
Hobbseecrimsun: doubt it'd make much difference - they keep connecting via different names03:16
crimsunHobbsee: true03:16
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AmaranthHobbsee: but with the same username03:16
ZeZuthey did all have n=hi03:16
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion03:16
ubotuubuntu is probably a free GNU/Linux distribution. More at http://www.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth03:17
ZeZuso it would have been effective until they figured it out hehe03:17
HobbseeAmaranth: that is true.  but each section of bots uses a different username03:17
ubotuI heard thunderbird1.5 is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThunderbirdNewVersion03:17
ZeZujust a bunch of drones03:17
uboturumour has it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358903:17
SanneZeZu, Help icon in menu -> Ubuntu 5.10 Starter Guide -> Networking -> SSH Server03:17
_jason!msg the bot03:17
ubotuPlease message the bot (me) in private, more info about the bot: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage03:17
cegrockswhich one is the bot?03:17
cassidyI think I just registered?03:17
_jasoncassidy: you need to identify too now03:17
SanneZeZu, and also: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto03:18
BearPersonnalioth, they won't be coming back too soon03:18
ZeZuthx Sanne, guess i should have hit the help icon but i didn't properly expect it to be there03:18
cegrocksany1 here play or played Warzone 2100?03:18
_jasoncassidy: /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD03:18
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by nalioth
SanneZeZu, hehe, yeah, there's a lot of helpful info in this manual :) But no Problem :)03:18
AmaranthBearPerson: klined? :)03:18
HobbseeBearPerson: oh good hehe03:19
BearPersonyeah, as many as I could get03:19
cassidyDid I identify?03:19
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HobbseeBearPerson: gotta check that klines are effective every once in a while, you know :P03:19
_jasoncassidy: you don't appear to be03:19
keiskcwhich one is the best...linux-i386, linux-image-386, or linux-image-2.6.12-9-38603:19
cassidyim doing this...03:19
cassidy*/msg cassidy identify PASSWORD03:20
crimsunkeiskc: the first are metapackages depending on the third03:20
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keiskccrimsun, huh??  im still installing and it gave me this03:20
_jasoncassidy: did you replace PASSWORD with the actual password you registered with?03:20
keiskci just want to know which to install03:20
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cassidyI registered with a password?03:20
crimsunkeiskc: the first, then03:20
Other|cassidy: /ns identify <password>03:20
keiskccrimsun, any reason?03:20
Jowicassidy: you must /msg nickserv identify password (not /msg nickserv cassidy...)03:20
cassidyo haha03:21
crimsunkeiskc: provides an easier upgrade path03:21
keiskcwhat's the difference between them all03:21
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FlannelKingkeiskc: linux-i386 is just a meta package, that makes sure you have the current kernel03:21
keiskcanything major?03:21
GamiliIs there a driver Ubuntu can use to utilize a GeForce 7200GT? I need to get the basics established before I even think about migrating to Linux.03:21
mikodelacruzhow do i set my computer to reboot with CD Drive03:21
naliothcassidy: /msg nickserv identify PASS03:21
keiskcFlannelKing, so linux-i386 is the most current?03:21
cassidyIts already registered?03:21
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crimsunkeiskc: I just explained to you. The first [two]  are metapackages (they don't do anything besides depend on some other package[s] ) that depend on the last.03:22
FlannelKingGamili: nvidia has drivers, yes.03:22
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hello970http://movies.easy-dater.com/galleries/01/278/index.html http://www.worldsex.com/ http://jizz.juggcrew.com/198/?t=3&nats=MjQ3OjY6MTQ03:22
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keiskccrimsun, i don't know what metapackages are03:22
hello970http://movies.easy-dater.com/galleries/01/278/index.html http://www.worldsex.com/ http://jizz.juggcrew.com/198/?t=3&nats=MjQ3OjY6MTQ03:22
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cegrocksnot again03:22
naliothcassidy: join me in #help, please03:22
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FlannelKinghmm, whats the swear word?03:22
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GamiliFlannelKing: Then could I be forwarded to some sort of guide or FAQ that explains installation?03:22
cegrockshes advertising porn03:22
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crimsunkeiskc: I told you what that means in parentheses03:22
ubotumethinks nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736803:22
FlannelKingcheck there Gamili03:22
blankyhey how do you list all processes (firefox)03:23
FlannelKingright, I realise that, but I'm wondering what ubotu is triggering on03:23
blankyhow can I kill the firefox process03:23
mikodelacruzHow do i make my computer reboot with CD03:23
cassidyI;m in there nalioth03:23
crimsunpkill firefox03:23
cegrocksi forgot03:23
cegrocksim on windows right now03:23
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blankyhow can i list all the processes03:23
blankyall the running processes03:23
blankysomething piped to aux or something03:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@*-24-18-229-*.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] by Hobbsee
crimsunblanky: ps aux03:23
slackern'ps uax' should show them03:23
blankyjust ps aux?03:24
cassidyhttp://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp ?03:24
green_earzblanky: ps -A03:24
GamiliIf your computer doesn't boot with a CD, you might have to screw with your BIOS to prioritize CD over hard drive.03:24
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cegrocksits funny my comp says IBM and then it boots linux :D03:24
blankyim trying to kill all firefox instances03:24
blankyit seems to still be running even though the window's not there03:24
crimsunblanky: I gave you the command03:25
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dliblanky, "pkill -9 firefox-bin"03:25
blankythere you go, thanks dli03:25
cassidyblanky: press alt+F203:25
blankyhaha crimsun03:25
michael117Is there one good central website to find and download gnome applets from?03:25
cassidyand type in "ps uax"03:25
FlannelKingno, ps aux03:25
cassidyhaha im so lost im trying to help people03:25
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dliblanky, or "killall -9 firefox-bin" as root, but you can also run pkill as user03:26
cegrocksi take it Linux prefers an ethernet internet over a wireless internet right?03:26
Sanneblanky, gnome-system-monitor is a nice gui frontend for watching processes, if you're interested.03:27
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Hobbseecegrocks: that's true, yes.  wireless will usually work though03:27
cegrocksok thanks03:27
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cegrocksnow i just need to run my like 150 feet of ethernet to my router to get internet access :D03:27
Hexidigitaldoes anyone know how to reset keyboard shortcuts to default?03:27
cassidyBye...crimsun and green_ears...THANKS SO MUCH03:27
green_earzcassidy: all the best03:28
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Hobbseecegrocks: what type of wireless card?03:28
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cegrocksi have a linksys wusb1103:29
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cegrockswhich doesnt have drivers on linksys03:29
adrian_hey guys03:29
adrian_how do you get flash in firefox03:29
adrian_what's the package03:29
Hobbsee!tell cegrocks about wireless03:29
cegrocksand the stupid linksys tech support doesnt know what im talking about03:29
Hobbseeis the card on that list?03:29
crimsunadrian_: install flashplugin-nonfree from multiverse03:29
facugaichflashplayer-mozilla adrian_03:29
cegrockswhat list...03:29
facugaichoh, sorry03:29
blindxCan't get device information: Success03:29
blindxuh.. seems a little warped to me03:29
Hobbseecegrocks: er...the one that ubotu will send you...03:30
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Hexidigitaladrian_, flash is a restricted format03:30
adrian_i know that03:30
Hexidigital!tell adrian_ about restrictedformat03:30
Hexidigitaladrian_ there's a walkthrough for flash03:30
cegrocks!tell cegrocks about wireless03:30
shrikihello! i downloaded nicotine ss client but i have no idea how to install it. can anybody please help me out?03:31
_2064_i got a connection through ethernet port and i config it with sudo pppoeconf but how i see that i a m connected?with what i can reconnect or disconnect?03:31
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_2064_cauz if im disconnect i cant find with what i can connect agaionn..i do again sudo pppoeconf...03:31
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Hexidigital!tell adrian_ about restrictedformats03:31
Hobbseecegrocks: there you go...bot was lagging...03:32
cegrocksthere we go got the info from ubotu03:32
Hexidigitalsorry, adrian_, i forgot the s at the end03:32
_2064_nobody got an idea?03:32
shrikium? hello? does anyone know?03:32
shrikisomeone had suggested getting nicotine ss client but i don't know how to install it03:33
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facugaichshriki, what type of file did you download?03:33
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cegrocksok my card is supported03:33
dlicegrocks, what card?03:33
cegrocks802.11b  WUSB11 ver. 2.6   USB  Atmel  at76c503a  green  http://at76c503a.berlios.de/03:34
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XenguyGNOME question: I killed a GNOME session with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, and now it won't load completely anymore (no panels, menus, etc).  How can I 'reset' GNOME to a sane/default state?03:34
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shrikifacugaich, what do you mean?03:35
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dlicegrocks, it's B only :(03:35
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facugaichshriki, what did you download?03:35
shrikiit is the installation folder for nicotine apparantly03:35
shrikinicotine ss client installation folder03:35
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Xenguy.oO(c'mon gnome-heads, this should be a slam-dunk question, no?)03:36
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JowiXenguy: you can delete .gnome2 and gnome2_private folders in your home directory. but that will make all your settings reset03:36
cegrocksnot sure03:36
shrikiit says to install the application, i need to "run it onto a source tree"?03:36
cegrocksi dunno i have it connected to an open on my microsoft comp03:36
XenguyJowi: that's what I want :-)  I'll try that03:36
facugaichXenguy, wait03:37
Xenguyfacugaich: OK03:37
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facugaichXenguy: that happened to me the other day and I just reset my machine and everything was fine03:37
facugaichXenguy: no need to reset config03:37
Xenguyfacugaich: define "reset"03:37
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facugaichXenguy: shutdown -r now03:37
Xenguyfacugaich: hrm, OK, I'll ponder03:38
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Sanneshriki, it seems nicotine is in the ubuntu universe repositories. You should install it via apt-get or synaptic.03:39
blindxCan someone help me with a bluetooth issue? :| my computer will not connect to my phone03:39
shrikiokay, thanks you sanne!03:39
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Sanneshriki, you're welcome03:39
marccould someone tell me what plugin I need to listen live to: http://woodradio.com/pages/grr_streaming.html  ?03:39
gnaunitedHow do I format a floppy in Linux?03:39
cegrockshey does blender work on linux?03:40
crimsuncegrocks: yes03:40
Sannecegrocks, but of course! :)03:40
crimsun!info blender03:40
ubotublender: (Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer), section graphics, is optional. Version: 2.37a-1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 4016 kB, Installed size: 10924 kB03:40
Xenguyfacugaich: I'll try the reboot but I'm skeptical -  reboot really should not be necessary or sufficient IMHO03:41
cegrocks!info Bryce 503:41
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bimberignaunited: Applications -> System Tools -> Floppy Formatter03:41
cegrocksdarnit! no existy03:41
facugaichXenguy: I agree with the "necessary" part03:41
Xenguyfacugaich: let's find out ;-)03:41
oshupahi room03:42
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green_earzgnaunited:               sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/fd0 144003:42
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marcanyone have luck getting that link to stream?03:43
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cegrocksi g2g all03:44
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blindxCan someone help me with a bluetooth issue? :| I have three items that I can connect together, but my computer won't connect to any of them and I don't know why :|03:45
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blindxI get messages like "Can't create connection: Operation not permitted03:45
blindx" and "Error getting information: success!"03:45
Sannemarc, according to the html source, it wants to load an swf file, so it might work with a flash plugin.03:46
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Lokianyone know what i might could do to get ubuntu to work with my 6800 gs?03:46
user__Loki, you in the wrong place man03:47
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user__Loki, u got to register03:47
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marcSanne: It worked with mplayer before, then i updated to dapper, that killed my system so i am back in breezy. The way i got it to work before was using automatix.  i do not want to update with that due to all the horror storries I have heard on this channel.03:47
kiko0123marc,  easy ubuntu03:48
kiko0123!easy ubuntu03:48
ubotukiko0123: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:48
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu03:48
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Sannemarc, I just activated flash and get a forbidden message, so it's no that either.03:48
b0sehello.. make menuconfig does not work for me... i'm getting this error (http://pastebin.com/672504).. anyknow know how to fix it?03:48
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marcI will try easy ubuntu.03:48
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Xenguyfacugaich: it worked :P03:49
facugaichXenguy: I'm glad to hear that03:49
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Madpilothi all03:49
Xenguyfacugaich: hehe - thanks for your unconventional advice ;-)03:49
blindxCan someone help me with a bluetooth issue? :| I have three items that I can connect together, but my computer won't connect to any of them and I don't know why :|03:49
marcWhich version should i use, the nightly snapshot or the bleeding edge?03:50
=== Xenguy meanwhile decides that freenx doesn't totally hate him...
marcof easy ubuntu?03:50
Lokianyone know what i might could do to get breezy to work with my 6800 gs?03:50
Xaero_VincentHow do I enable SELinux with Ubuntu kernel or is it already enabled?03:50
Sannemarc, they say in their help page that the mplayer-plugin for firefox should work. Can't you install that through synaptic or apt?03:50
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marcSanne:  I will try that again03:51
b0senobody knows how to get make menuconfig to work?03:51
crimsunXaero_Vincent: it's not enabled or supported. You have to compile your own kernel after applying those patches against vanilla.03:51
Sannemarc, good luck.03:51
DarkEDwhat is the name of the 686 kernel? sudo apt-get install linux-image-686?03:52
crimsunDarkED: use the metapackage, linux-68603:52
marcSanne: thanks, i may need all the luck I can get.  Dapper really messed me up today.03:52
SanneDarkED, search with: apt-cache search <searchterm>03:52
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blindxSomeone please tell me how this makes sense: blind@ubuntu:~$ hidd --connect 08:00:28:ED:BC:57 | Can't get device information: Success03:52
DarkEDcrimsum: so just apt-get install linux-686?03:53
green_earzb0se: did you install libncurses5-dev  ?03:53
Sannemarc, yeah, beware of not yet stable distros ;)03:53
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b0segreen_earz, installing it now...03:53
marcSanne: the distro was fine except for the apache2, which was not compiled with any of the mods03:53
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gnaunitedIs there a CD Burner app for ubuntu?03:54
DarkEDyes there is03:54
Hexidigitalgnaunited, gnomebaker03:54
DarkEDgnaunited: I reccommend k3b03:54
Madpilotgnaunited, of course. Just put a blank CD in your burner, you should get a popup03:54
DShepherdwhere is the lock file for apt located. Something seems to be locking up apt-get/aptitutde/synaptic03:54
green_earzb0se: apt-get install debhelper modutils kernel-package libncurses5-dev03:54
Jowignaunited: several. k3b, graveman, nautilus03:54
b0segreen_earz, thanks, it works03:54
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DShepherdahh nm..03:54
DShepherdworkspaces.... :-)03:55
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rEvolution27hello everybody.... quick question.....how do i burn the ubuntu dvd ISO with nero03:55
marcSanne:for some reason the second time I tried the firefox mplayer plugin it worked.  Thanks for your assistance.03:55
Sannemarc, you're welcome :)03:55
djezerneed help - I try to apt-get install python-opengl and I get the msg that say Unable to lock the list directory03:55
MadpilotrEvolution27, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto03:55
dlimarc, I think the plugin is only stable for firefox >=
gnaunitedMake sure you change it from "Nero Compilation" to "ISO, NRG" and so on with nero03:56
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rEvolution27nero says the file is too big to burn as an ISO but it's only 2gig03:56
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bimberidjezer: did you sudo? do you have Synaptic open?03:56
Sannenight all03:57
djezeryeah i always sudo03:57
djezerand I successfully installed a couple of others before that one03:57
djezerIm using a powerpc03:57
=== ACU07 [n=ida01@66-188-215-100.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
djezerno i dont have synaptic open03:58
ACU07Can anyone tell me why DEBIAN SARGE 3.1 R2 (release 2) iso files still show 3.1 R1 in the name (and last modification December)03:58
_jasondjezer: how about update-manager or some other process that sues apt03:58
Hexidigitalwhen i log into the console, i get a message that i have new mail... what is the program to retrieve that mail?03:58
_jasondjezer: s/sues/uses03:58
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_jasonHexidigital: you can use 'mutt'03:58
crimsunACU07: that's a Debian question, so please address it in the proper channel, thanks.03:59
Hexidigital_jason, thank you03:59
djezer_jason what should i type?03:59
_jasondjezer: for?03:59
djezerwell what u said i dont understand03:59
ACU07crimsun: I asked there and got no answer - and I thought since Ubuntu is based on Debian - someone might be kind and tell me03:59
_jasondjezer: the update-manager (that red circle thing in the corner) could be working which would give you that message04:00
djezeroh you asked if i had something else open?04:00
_jasondjezer: yeah sorry, I got lazy with the question mark04:00
firesis it possible to upgrade to dapper via apt-get?04:00
crimsunACU07: nope, Ubuntu is most definitely not Debian despite its anscestry.04:00
_jasonfires: yes04:00
djezeri just dl 2 things prior to get that mdg04:00
firesok cool04:00
crimsunACU07: your best bet is probably the debian-users mailing list04:00
_jasondjezer: ps aux | grep apt, turn up anythin?04:00
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djezer_jason the apt-get install open-gl still running04:01
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green_earzACU07: you may be better off asking on the debian user mail list, you should get a answer there04:01
djezerI stopped it bc it asked me for breezy 5.10 cd04:01
skplcan someone tell me what this means? skpl      5178  1.3  6.0  85768 29976 ?        Ssl  20:21   0:32 nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nautilus-aabMxt/ --sm-client-id 105394bc95000114530183100000073730003 --screen 0 file:///home/skpl/noip-2.1.104:01
djezerI ddont have that cd04:01
_jasondjezer: you just need to comment the cdrom line in your /etc/apt/sources.list04:02
rEvolution27anyone who want's to help http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16338004:02
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crimsunskpl: you have a nautilus window open browsing the noip-2.1.1 directory04:03
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kokjeif I install kubuntu-desktop, will the kde things like KOffice show up in ubuntu gnome menus ?04:04
djezer_jason thanks04:04
kokjeI am using ubuntu04:04
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grap3yeah, that didn't work04:05
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green_earzrEvolution27: it looks like you are trying to burn the iso image as a cd image thats why there a problem with the size. i may be wrong but is look like that04:06
ACU07Great guys - thanks - now that you are kind - another question is any DVD WRITING software which WRITES DOUBLE LAYER? - before I am kicked out - I use UBUNTU both on PowerPC and PC - and I need this --- Also any softw which allow capture from DV videocamera?04:06
psquared89kokje yes they will, although, koffice isn't installed by default04:06
green_earzACU07: k3b04:06
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blindxCan someone help me with a bluetooth issue? :| I have three items that I can connect together, but my computer won't connect to any of them and I don't know why :|04:07
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MadpilotACU07, no need for the CAPS - thanks...04:07
rEvolution27green ears> no i have chosen DVD in nero04:07
devianshow hard is it to setup a print server on an ubuntu-server install?04:07
icemandang it ... had to resort to "zipslack" for the install i want ...04:07
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kokjeif I install kubuntu-desktop, will the kde things like KOffice show up in ubuntu gnome menus ?04:08
icemanbut the dang thing works ... if only ubuntu would install to fat32 ...04:08
skplcrimsun,  actually i do not, but it says i do. any idea why?04:08
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Hobbseekokje: yes they will, and koffice is not part of kubuntu-desktop04:09
Lokianyone know what i might could do to get breezy to work with my 6800 gs? it boots up and all i get is colored lines04:09
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cartesian1984When I run naim, it informs me that there is a new version and does not connect. Do I need to upgrade to fix this, or can it be avoided?04:09
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rEvolution27am i right in choosing bootable dvd? or should i choose data04:10
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green_earzACU07: dvgrab04:10
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ACU07Thanks green earz- so k3b does Double Layer -04:10
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icemanstupid .... I want "fat32" linux install... why cant ubuntu support umsdos ..04:11
bimberiLoki:  is that an nvidia card?04:11
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bimberi!tell Loki about nvidia04:11
cartesian1984Whats a good CLI mp3 player? Are there any?04:11
green_earzACU07: and dvgrab for the dv stream04:11
bimberiLoki: give that a try04:11
crimsunskpl: are you sure? :)04:11
AlthMorning everyone :)04:12
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nryhi ppl04:12
EricNeonhi all04:13
green_earzACU07: and kino for video editor04:13
nrytell me how to install Skype, pls04:13
bimberi!tell nry about skype04:13
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skplcrimsun, there are no nautilus windows showing on my panel, could it be hiding somewhere?04:13
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icemanf u d g e ... getting a install to work ...04:14
cartesian1984nry: add the PLF repository then run sudo apt-get install skype.04:14
skplcrimsun, i can send you a screenshot. ;)04:14
EricNeonwe are talk about give a chinses name for ubuntu04:14
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buzzedThoughts on amaroK?04:15
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Lokibimberi, can i do that from my window on the same hard drive?04:15
green_earzEricNeon: the chinses version of linux is called redflag04:15
nrythanks ppl04:15
nrynice evening04:15
EricNeongreen_earz: no!04:15
dliEricNeon, any proposals04:15
Ademandear God, even with my ATI driver installed simple cubemapping takes an eternity04:16
EricNeonredflag is based on redhat04:16
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bimberiLoki: you'll need to be in ubuntu.  once it boots hit ctrl-alt-f1 and you can login in text mode04:16
dliEricNeon, redflag reminds me communists, so disgusting a name04:16
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green_earzEricNeon: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2002/01/04/red_flag_linux_beats_out/04:17
EricNeonwe think a name is : 04:17
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crimsunskpl: does it go away f04:18
crimsunskpl: when you log out of gnome and back in?04:18
dliEricNeon, too long :( two characters better04:18
EricNeonthe phonation is just "u: ban tu"04:18
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dliEricNeon, kidding? I heard long ago, "04:19
skplhow come there is no option to save current setup in dapper?04:19
skplwhen logging out?04:19
d4shi, I just bought a cheap RF ps2 (not usb) keyboard and mouse. The keyboard is working but not the mouse. Tried google but no luck. any help pls04:19
dliskpl, you mean gnome settings?04:19
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skpldli, yes04:19
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EricNeon is meen five stocksand five continents04:20
|lostbyte|any one know which files boot up that setup the network ?04:20
dliEricNeon, I think the meaning of ubuntu in it's original (or as perceived by the ubuntu community) is more important04:20
|lostbyte|the ones that help in configuring the eth0 device ?04:20
EricNeondli: join #ubuntu-cn04:21
green_earz|lostbyte|: /etc/network/interfaces04:21
dliskpl, I suppose you mean gnome-sessions, run "gnome-session-properties", and you can check "auto save changes to session"04:21
skpldli, i prefer it to ask me, i do not like autosave04:22
skplbut i guess it will work for this04:22
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Madpilotskpl, the Breezy logout dialogue window had a "Save Session" checkbox - is that gone in Dapper's logout?04:22
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|lostbyte|green_earz: thats it ?04:23
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green_earz|lostbyte|: cd /etc/network  then cat interfaces   to see the ether config setup04:23
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|Bman|anyone here use xgl on there machine?04:23
theBishopthe new Ubuntu beta looks great, but my taskbar and network-manager doesn't work anymore04:23
green_earz|lostbyte|: yes thats the file that looks after your ether setup04:23
rEvolution27is the breezy DVD ISO meant to be burned as a bootable DVD or a data DVD..... confused since it's dual purpose04:23
|lostbyte|green_earz: Alright ! thanks..04:24
green_earzrEvolution27: bootable04:24
Madpilot|Bman|, there's a #ubuntu-xgl channel, I think04:24
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DarkEDanyone have any idea what i can do about this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1265304:24
DarkEDi was trying to install kde/kubuntu-desktop04:24
|Bman|ahh thanks04:24
DarkEDthey both give me the same...04:24
Madpilotskpl, the Breezy logout dialogue window had a "Save Session" checkbox - is that gone in Dapper's logout?04:24
skplMadpilot, yes it is04:25
dli|Bman|, also #ubuntu+104:25
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Madpilotskpl, bleh - does the Beta still use that massive icon-covered logout box?04:25
theBishopis anyone else's taskbar not working after the most recent dist-upgrade04:25
skplMadpilot, yes it does04:26
MadpilottheBishop, #ubuntu+1 for Dapper problems, please04:26
skpli dislike it04:26
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skpli like my save session checkbox, yes i do04:26
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Madpilotskpl, file a bug ;)04:26
skplhow do i do that04:26
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Madpilotskpl, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs04:27
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|Bman|how do i find the dhcp settings my nic gets on ubuntu?04:28
green_earzDarkED: apt-get update   then apt-get install kde-core04:28
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tonyyarussoMadpilot: Yeah, them things are HUGE!04:30
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majdHi, is dapper stable enough to install and just keep updating?04:30
majdi really want compiz04:30
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crimsunyes, imo04:30
Hobbseemajd: yeah.  compiz might not be stable though04:30
Madpilottonyyarusso, the new logout dialogue? Yeah, it's fugly...04:30
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DShepherdmajd: it depends on what you consider to be stable..04:31
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ACU07is any RealPlayer working in Ubuntu ?04:31
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Exactly.04:31
Madpilottoo bad "it's ugly" isn't a good bug report... :P04:31
majdDShepherd, won't just crash every 10 seconds04:31
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DaSkreechDShepherd: *cough*04:31
majdACU07, yeah, i got it workin on myc omputer04:31
Ademanhey my ATI driver seems to have made GL rendering SLOWER than mesa... wtf? anyone willing to kinda explain to me how to make the change?04:31
DShepherdmajd: then it is04:31
majdsounds good04:31
tonyyarussoMadpilot: I don't mind the look really, just the size.  About half of that size would be good.04:31
DShepherdDaSkreech: Ack!04:31
ACU07I mean RealPlayer - working in a PowerPC04:31
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ACU07majd - thanks- in the PC works perfect04:32
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damian_how can i make my machine run from a static IP instead of from DHCP?04:32
DShepherdtonyyarusso: that;s the only problem i have with it too04:32
=== tonyyarusso wonders who's in charge of that sort of thing....
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freakabcdhi all04:34
Madpilottonyyarusso, malone probably knows (the bug report tool)04:34
|lostbyte|damian_: you got to edit your interfaces file.04:34
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Since it's not so much broken as icky, where would we look for that sort of thing?  How would you even do that?04:35
green_earzdamian_: apt-get install etherconf   it will let you set up the box for dynamic ip04:35
MrPocketsi upgraded to the newer Firefox, but now when i right click on shit and go to Open in Browser it fails to launch firefox04:35
MrPocketsany ideas?04:35
|lostbyte|add something like "'iface eth0 inet static" and give your options below..04:35
Madpilottonyyarusso, bugs can be RFEs - Requests For Enhancements - as well as error reports - and "it's too d*mn big" qualifies as an RFE, I guess ;)04:36
TAFFMhi all04:36
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Okay.04:36
damian_i want a static ip, not a dynamic ip.. lol04:36
tonyyarussoMrPockets: You mean you have 1.5, but then got the 1.0.8 upgrade?04:36
jadamsI need some help getting my laptop's CRT output to work.  Any takers?  We've got a VC presentation tomorrow and our sales guy's laptop's touchpad went out and we don't want to roll in all ghetto...04:36
|lostbyte|damian_: ^04:36
LinuxNoobsterhello I'm new to Ubuntu and have used SUSE for a couple weeks but got tired of the bloat... I'm wondering if Gnome or the KDE one have a control panel like yast?  yast is so easy to use but I cant find it on Ubuntu.. is there a UbuntuYast I can download?04:36
MrPocketsnah i had what ever comes with Ubuntu04:37
MrPocketsbut i got 1.504:37
damian_and |lostbyte|, happen to know a man file for that interfaces file? i tried looking it up a couple of days ago but couldn't find anything (to actually specify ip/subnet etc.)04:37
MrPocketshad to install it doing a buncha crazy shit04:37
MrPocketsim sorry, thats not too descriptave btut thats all i can give you04:37
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green_earzdamian_: the config tool etherconf will help you set the box up for a static ip04:37
tonyyarussoMrPockets: And then it was working fine until today, and then your launchers and stuff broke, right?04:37
|lostbyte|damian_: try "man interfaces"04:37
MrPocketsi think i just Fed up the install04:37
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MrPocketsit only launches from Termanal when i type   Firefox04:38
MrPocketsor the icon, which has a Firefox command04:38
damian_hahah, thanks :P04:38
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Madpilotjadams, why not just plug a mouse into the busted laptop?04:38
TAFFMsorry for acting dumb - i just want to know if the registration worked and if i am visible04:38
MadpilotTAFFM, it did, and you are - welcome to #ubuntu04:39
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_jasonTAFFM: quite opaque04:39
damian_thanks much04:39
TAFFMcool, thx for the welcome04:39
LinuxNoobsterWhere can I find a yast type utility for this Ubuntu linux OS? or is there no equivelent program?04:39
_jasonLinuxNoobster: what does yast do? let you install programs or soemthing?04:39
jadamsMadpilot: we really don't want to look ghetto04:39
jadamsand also, now I've developed the presentation in KPresenter04:39
blindxCan someone help me with a bluetooth issue? :| I have three items that I can connect together, but my computer won't connect to any of them and I don't know why :|04:40
freakabcdLinuxNoobster, i haven't found one yet. there is linuxconf, but that is considered legacy these days04:40
Madpilotjadams, lots of people run mice w/ laptops04:40
jadamsOO.o Impress is a jerk about gradient backgrounds looking crappy04:40
jadamsMadpilot: we're not going to04:40
TAFFM_jason: yast is the frontend used in Suse which acts much like windows - you can click all together04:40
freakabcd_jason, software/sources management, firewall setup, network config, etc. etc.04:40
fireshow can i find out what app is using alsa?04:40
_jasonoh so a control panel type thing04:40
LinuxNoobsterwhat about the KDE ubuntu... does that have a yast type thing?04:41
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freakabcdessentially an insterface to the available system tools04:41
firesi restarted xmms and now it's broken :-/ someone stole my sound04:41
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TAFFMyast only comes with suse - allthough there are frontends for a lot of programms by now04:41
TAFFMi don't know of anything yast-like in debian or ubuntu04:41
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Ademananyone here have an ATI card?04:42
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freakabcdanyway, yast is just an interface to the actual tools. there isn;t an equivalent on ubuntu from what i know. but you can run the separate utilities yourself04:42
TAFFMbut there are still a lot of good howto's and as soon as you're into editing configs using vi or whatever you will be even faster doing so04:42
freakabcdfor example, network config:: network-admin, etc.04:42
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tonyyarussoAdeman: Yes.04:43
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|lostbyte|there are some lame guys who did compile yast for debain though..04:43
freakabcdTAFFM, i believe ubuntu needs something like yast; not necessarily the whole thing, but atleast an entry point to other utilities04:43
Ademani can't get my driver to work right04:43
|lostbyte|also there is a yast4debian projects..04:43
Ademani did glxinfo and it says my vendor is ATI, but everythings still painfully slow04:43
TAFFMalso editing the configs directly will give you more understanding of what you are doing with your system04:43
Xenguy|lostbyte|: wow, there is just no reason whatsoever for that04:43
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TAFFMfreakabcd: i dissagree - all you need is someone to ask some questions in the first weeks or so04:44
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freakabcdthose windows admins in small companies who are used to clicking all the way won;t even give ubuntu a go!04:44
sharpdoes ubuntu setup a root password by default?04:45
_jasonclosest thing to yast from what I gather i gnome-control-center and seems to be no where close since it's just a menu in icon form :P04:45
Xenguyfreakabcd: ridiculous04:45
LinuxNoobsteroh... well does the Ubuntu give me what Yast does but it's just seperate utilities?  does the KDE Ubuntu have this too?04:45
sharpif so .. i dont know what it is04:45
Ademansharp: there is no root04:45
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Ademanyou have to sudo04:45
Xenguy!tell sharp about root04:45
_jasonubotu: tell sharp about root04:45
|lostbyte|sharp: nope ! no default password.04:45
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freakabcdXenguy, really? how many windows-click admins you know want to edit config files by hand and no less on ubuntu?04:45
Ademanand use your default user's password04:45
sharpAdeman, so how can I install software?04:46
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Xenguyfreakabcd: I really don't care if d0ze admins are so lame04:46
|lostbyte|sharp: sudo is your man.04:46
=== LinuxNoobster is Windows guy so is used to click-click installation and config
_jasonubotu: tell sharp about synaptic04:46
freakabcdXenguy, one of the reasons you will not advocate ubuntu to small folk.04:46
blindxThanks everyone.04:46
Xenguyfreakabcd: if you can't/won't edit a file, then what is there to say?04:46
freakabcdwell, not really.. more like you'll not be heard04:46
|lostbyte|sharp: ops ! you got to get your repos first.04:47
Ademanbut really... my ATI driver is aggrivating me04:47
freakabcdno. i'm not saying _won't_ edit a file04:47
Xenguyfreakabcd: such unwillingness to learn is absurd04:47
sharp|lostbyte|, i am trying to install a game that is on a networked drive.  BUT i dont know how to do that.04:47
TAFFMLinuxNoobster: i came from windows once also - it was hard to learn configuring a linux-system - but with a bit of reading and googling you can learn it quite fast. And not needing something like yast gives you a lot of understanding of your system04:47
freakabcdi'm saying .. ''will be aggressively against change''04:47
|lostbyte|sharp: Game ? its a .deb ?04:47
Xenguyfreakabcd: the whole system supports the status quo unfortunately04:47
freakabcdXenguy, provide me with an answer to this: "Why the hell is there a network-admin package provided?"04:48
TAFFMsomeone beeing aggressively against change will never try linux anyways04:48
MadpilotXenguy, TAFFM & others - please take the MS vs Linux chat to #ubuntu-offtopic - thanks04:48
|lostbyte|sharp: .deb - debian package.04:48
sharp|lostbyte|, it actually runs on a script per the website. Www.grubbygames.com Professor Fizzlewizzle... like game.sh04:48
Xenguyfreakabcd: what is the real question?04:48
XenguyMadpilot: nod04:48
sharp|lostbyte|, it's on my husband's drive.04:48
=== Alth has decided he loves apt-get. *just needed Nmap* No more browsing, downloading, installing...apt-get install nmap, and it's done!
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sharp|lostbyte|, i installed samba because that's needed? and also nfs? BUT I am unsure as to what to do next.04:49
LinuxNoobsteryea im not to interested in configuring files just yet... whats a good distro that is click friendly but more responsive and smaller download than SUSE?04:49
|lostbyte|sharp: IF its a .sh run it. does that site have a manual.. follow it. ok.. i'll check..04:49
AdemanI haven't encountered a single file that totem COULD play... wtf?04:49
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|lostbyte|Ademan: COULD ?04:51
sharp|lostbyte|, oh ..running the game is not the problem.. just bringing it over to my laptop drive. My husband is not here...so I forgot to ask him how to bring files from his system to mine.04:51
PhlostenAdeman, totem is crap04:51
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Ademanit has yet to successfully open a single file04:51
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|lostbyte|sharp: His system is a windows ?04:51
FalstiusAdeman: in the default install?  that's not surprising.04:51
Ademanthats including playing DVDs (and yes i have libdvdcss2)04:51
TAFFMLinuxNoobster: i think the best for your needs would actually be suse - i don't know of any other distro with tools like yast. But be aware that yast also only covers some basics - as soon as you wan't specific things to run you'll also have to edit configs by hand04:51
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PhlostenAdeman, but if you want to get it working you need to install appropriate gstreamer plugins04:51
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|lostbyte|sharp: Open up konqueror and type smb://<husband's pc's name> and your in.04:52
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sharp|lostbyte|, ok..  :-)04:52
Ademanok so... ATI people, please help, can you give me a little guidance on how to install the ATI drivers for x?04:53
TAFFMcan anyone tell me if there's a way to get flash running on an amd64-system ?04:53
LinuxNoobsterok TAFFM04:53
|lostbyte|Phlosten: gstream is a plugin, am i right.. like arts.04:53
TAFFMLinuxNoobster: suse is also available as a live-cd if you want to try it first04:53
|lostbyte|PhilCote: or sound server ?04:54
RuRayhello all04:54
LinuxNoobsteroh.. just one CD?04:54
|lostbyte|Phlosten: ^04:54
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xnonehowdy ruray04:54
AngryElfgrrr, i dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then restarted gdm and I could get the full selection of resolutions.......then i rebooted and I'm stuck in 640x480...why'd it do that?04:54
xerophytedoes anybody know where can i find the cyrus-imapd new version of debs  the drapper only has 2.1.18 but the new version is 2.3.x something04:54
TAFFMLinuxNoobster: could be a DVD - didn't check for long04:54
LinuxNoobsteri see only 5 CD downloads and they take forever04:54
LinuxNoobsteron a 300 kbps internet04:55
Phlosten|lostbyte|, the default installation of totem is totem-gstreamer (as opposed to totem-zine), it has a plugin for each file type04:55
Phlostentotem-xine rather04:55
|lostbyte|Phlosten: codec you mean.04:55
|lostbyte|Phlosten: i have gxine04:55
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IcemanV9Ademan: did you read some of those? ==> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358904:56
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grap3angryelf, I'm in a similar situation..... except I can even get to 640x480.... I'm stuck in a full screen terminal because X refuses to run because it can't find any 'displays'04:56
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|lostbyte|Phlosten: i   have this option in amaroke for gstream and arts. so its confusing.04:56
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Phlosten|lostbyte|, well, yes, gstreamer is the audio system and it uses the codecs for each file type04:56
AngryElfand then, when i restart gdm without rebooting it starts up fine, with all the resolutions again04:56
IcemanV9Ademan: i have ATI card, but it does not work well with flgrx :/04:56
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|lostbyte|Phlosten: Does it do remote sound ? like arts..04:56
sirverhow do i get a network card working with modprobe04:57
Phlosten|lostbyte|, gstreamer is pretty good, except it still has some issues with sound/video latency04:57
AdemanIceman: i looked at the wiki but didnt really obey it... mostly because i can't figure out what version of x i have...04:57
Phlosten|lostbyte|, not, sure never really dabbled in that area04:57
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|lostbyte|Phlosten: ahh ! :( ok04:57
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dlisirver, it should be auto, if it's supported04:57
sbartleylinuxI have a dapper beta system that after beta dist-upgrade, my cups configured smb printer is no longer printing.  log shows "Local authentication certificate not found!"04:57
|lostbyte|Phlosten: thanks for the info.04:57
IcemanV9Ademan: Xorg -version04:57
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sirverdli: it isnt. RTL8139004:58
goudkovguys, what application puts the "available updates" on the notification panel?04:58
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Phlosten|lostbyte|, there is a lot of development happening with ubuntu and gstreamer to get it working top notch :)04:58
AdemanIceman: can i PM you?04:58
IcemanV9Ademan: ok04:58
goudkovdoes it also do an equivalent of aptitude update?04:58
sharpI need to modify my laptops IP information from DHCP to static IP so the network doesn't get screwy. How do I do that?04:58
|lostbyte|Phlosten: k04:59
Healotgoudkov: update-manager04:59
|lostbyte|sharp: man interfaces04:59
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dlisirver, is it "modprobe 8139too"04:59
sharp|lostbyte|, so there is no command to setup your network?04:59
goudkovHealot: do you know how i can disable it in init.d?04:59
IceToxHow do you send wall in ubuntu terminal?05:00
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sirverdli: will i need a reboot?05:00
dlisirver, no, "lsmod|grep 8139"05:00
IceTox!tell icetox about wall05:00
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IceTox!tell icetox about wallops05:01
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anthonyHi all... wondering if anyone has had any luck installing Dapper into a VMWare image?05:01
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MachineScrew!info madwifi05:01
anthonyI can't get the VMWare tools working05:01
IceToxhum... Does anyone know howto send a wall to other users connected to a server?05:01
sirverdli: after thos commands i check with ifconfig. still nothing.05:01
daniel_brazilwhat is that ssh-agent that I see when "ps -A"?05:02
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Healotanthony, you need to recompile your VMware tool module against the kernel source or headers05:02
dlisirver, "lspci|grep -i rtl"05:02
|lostbyte|sharp: Not that i know of.. but you do have that option as you install..05:02
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anthonyHealot: I will look into that now05:02
|lostbyte|sharp: just a few lines in the /etc/network/interfaces you got to add and your good to go.05:02
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odin_is there any way I can change a movie's codec?05:03
|lostbyte|odin_: change ?05:03
dalejust got up and running any advice05:03
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sbartleylinuxAnyone have any help for dapper beta printing issue?  my cups configured smb printer is no longer printing after dapper beta upgrade. printer state switches to "paused" when printing test print.05:03
|lostbyte|odin_: you meant convert ?05:03
odin_|lostbyte|:  yeah, sorry, it's late :P05:04
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daniel_brazilwhat is the ssh-agent process??05:04
|lostbyte|odin_: We have mencoder. a cli tool05:04
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Healotanthony: when you run vmware-config, does it says "there is no modules matching your kernel" or equivalent05:04
odin_|lostbyte|: that in the ubuntu archive, eh?05:04
Healotthen you need to recompile the module against your kernel...05:04
lflashlis there a way to test to see if my nvidia drivers are working05:04
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|lostbyte|odin_: yup.05:04
daniel_brazilplease, help05:05
daletrying to see if it willwork for me05:05
|lostbyte|daniel_brazil: Shot !05:05
odin_|lostbyte|:  is it the k6 package I'm suppose to get?05:05
daniel_brazil what is the ssh-agent process i see starting up every boot time??05:05
sirverdli: nothiing http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1265605:05
|lostbyte|odin_: are you on a 64bit system ?05:05
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|lostbyte|are you running a 64bit kernel. ?05:05
odin_|lostbyte|: yeah05:05
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dlisirver, that's 8139, do you have "lsmod|grep 8139" ?05:06
odin_|lostbyte|:  ah, it installed the 586 package with acidrip, I guess I should use that one05:06
|lostbyte|odin_: I'ant good with 64bit and but yes if your mplayer is k6 too.. yes05:07
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daniel_brazilplease help me guys, i just need to know what service ssh-agent is responsible for?05:07
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dlidaniel_brazil, do you mean sshd ?05:07
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anthonyHealot: the problem is that it can't find the X server... there is a thread on the VMWare forums, but I don't understand the solution they posted05:07
lflashlhow do i make all avi files open vlc and player and if vlc is open it will use it and not open up a new one05:08
daniel_brazilwell, i see ssh-agent, when i do "ps -A | grep ssh"05:08
sharp_i am trying to allow my husband's networked drive onto my laptop's. I tried modifying the /etc/hosts files but i get permission denied. Do i need root access? If so ... ubuntu never told me the root password?05:08
sirverdli: um yeah i have two NIC's05:08
dlisirver, do you mean "8029"?05:08
Healotdaniel_brazil: it allows other to log to you machine... you can disable the service though05:08
lflashlsharp, it should be ur main password05:08
rakz0Hi there!, Where can I get Gcc ?05:08
|lostbyte|daniel_brazil: if your not using ssh anymore kill it.05:08
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sirverdli, yes.05:08
daniel_brazilHealot, how can i turn this service off?05:09
sharp_so there is no way to touch or modify /etc/hosts ??05:09
Healotanthony: you need to have X server installed first:05:09
anthonyrakz0: install build-essentials05:09
odin_|lostbyte|: forgive my ignorance, but how do you use mencoder?05:09
Healotthe VMware tool requires X server to run on... anthony05:09
daniel_brazili am new to debian, if it was slackware i would know how to do  it05:09
rakz0anthony what do you mean ? I have install ubuntu today...05:09
reorourkeanybody familiar with screen resolution problems when upgrading to dapper?  I seem to be stuck at 640x48005:10
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lflashlsharp, the password u used to get into ur account is that password, so just do a "sudo gedit /etc/host.....05:10
odin_|lostbyte|:  oh, nvm05:10
dlisirver, since 8029 is not 8139, let me search05:10
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|lostbyte|odin_: i will show you a basic syntax..05:10
anthonyraks0: Go to applications->Add/Remove... then switch to Advanced... search for build-essentials05:10
lflashlthen it will ask for ur root password, just type ur password ur use to log into05:10
sirverdli, somewhile ago i think i did a modprobe sk98ln... i think.05:10
sirverthis was on demudi when i had isssues with this NIC.05:11
sirveri think05:11
|lostbyte|odin_: mencoder <from.mpg> -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -o <to.avi> :)05:11
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odin_|lostbyte|:  thx, I'll need it05:11
sharp_|flash got it... doing it now.05:11
astro9040hey can someone help me out05:11
anthonyHealot: I just confirmed... X Server IS installed05:11
rakz0anthony :D Thanx05:11
lflashlwhts up astro904005:11
anthonyrakz0: no problem05:12
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astro9040lflashl, how do i install rpm's on ubuntu05:12
|lostbyte|odin_: ;)05:12
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davecbhow can i update to GNOME 2.14?05:12
goudkovis it safe to remove ubuntu-standard?05:12
vipernicusanyone here had any problems with grub installing on the new livecd?05:12
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Madpilotastro9040, what's the RPM of? You sure there's no .deb for it?05:12
lflashllol use apt-get lot better then rpms05:12
dlisirver, since 8029 is not 8139, "modprobe ne2k-pci "05:12
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bimberiastro9040: you can use alien, but what's the package? it might be available in ubuntu05:12
odin_|lostbyte|:  is there a special way for me to input filenames with spaces in them on the terminal?  or will that not mess up the syntax?05:12
lflashlwht the program05:12
Kuku4Kubuntuastro9040, you can use alien05:12
sirverdli, as su?05:12
|lostbyte|daniel_brazil: i ant an expert in ssh. but i belive there is a script to kill it or maybe already there in debain. when not in use.. try google..05:12
lflashlwhy would u05:12
daniel_brazili dont know why this fucking process "ssh-agent" is on my process list, if its part of a ssh service of ubuntu, how can i stop it permanentily?05:12
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dlisirver, I have sudo of ubuntu :(05:13
astro9040lflashl, cedega05:13
davecbhow can i update to GNOME 2.14?05:13
astro9040Kuku4Kubuntu, how do u use alien im new to ubuntu05:13
Madpilotdaniel_brazil, language, please...05:13
dlidavecb, /join #ubuntu+105:13
lflashlthen try sudo apt-get install cedega05:13
astro9040lflashl, ok05:13
frank23lflashl: what?05:13
Agrajaglflashl: huh05:13
sirverdli, i did sudo modprobe ne2k-pci. noting...05:13
sharp_lflashl, Ok.. done. NOW, how do I bring a file over from my husbands networked drive called: druid/data/file to my /home/sharp05:13
Agrajaglflashl: that's not in apt05:13
|lostbyte|odin_: You got to read a bash tutorial. simply way use <tab> .. it will autocompelete the files with spaces.. and so learn from it.05:14
lflashlyea just notice05:14
dlisirver, now, check "dmesg", and "lsmod|grep ne2k"05:14
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sharp_lflashl, husbands networked system is called: druid05:14
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odin_|lostbyte|: it's telling me:  "File not found: 'frameno.avi'05:15
odin_Failed to open frameno.avi05:15
rakz0anthony know that ubuntu is downloading a installing the packages I must do a updatedb again ?05:15
sharp_lflashl, would it be easier to bring it over using ssh? or ftp? or ?05:15
harisundI don't understand this at all. Why is there an update-notifier running all the time whether I want it or not? Whether I disable it or not?05:15
|lostbyte|daniel_brazil: remove the ssh program. if your not using it.05:15
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dlirakz0, I think updatedb is by cron.daily05:15
|lostbyte|odin_: does the files exsist in the folder you are ?05:15
dlisirver, works?05:15
sirverdli, errors from dmesg, listed from the lsmod, but not found with ifconfig05:15
shoofleso i'm running drake onan old laptop, how do i make it run faster at all?05:16
|lostbyte|odin_: ls frame*05:16
dlisirver, "ifconfig -a"05:16
dlisirver, pastebin your dmesg errors05:16
odin_|lostbyte|:  the video file isn't called frameno.avi, I have no idea where it got that from05:16
sirverdli, i think its working05:16
rakz0dli uh? you mean that I must do that command every time I turn on the pc?05:16
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dlirakz0, no :(05:17
|lostbyte|odin_: :)05:17
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dlirakz0, don't touch anything by cron :(05:17
sirverrebootting. swapping over cable.05:17
rakz0what is cron?05:17
astro9040anyone know what root password is by default05:17
|lostbyte|rakz0: cron is a time'ed command demon.05:17
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lflashlthe password that u use to login to05:18
lflashlur main account05:18
rakz0astro904 use sudo comand with your passwd05:18
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astro9040lflashl, so i use "su" then my password05:18
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bimberi!tell astro9040 about root05:18
odin_|lostbyte|:  k, I fixed it05:18
|lostbyte|astro9040: nope do this : sudo passwd root05:18
|lostbyte|and type is a password you like for root.05:19
chadanybody know how do undo and uninstall all changes made my Automatix05:19
geek|saucedoes anyone know if superkaramba will run with gnome instead of KDE?05:19
|lostbyte|odin_: = )05:19
sharp_how do i mount an nfs drive to my /home/sharp/data ?05:19
astro9040|lostbyte|, thx05:19
|lostbyte|odin_: it would be awesome if you read the man. its amazing what mencoder can do.05:19
|lostbyte|astro9040: ;)05:19
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odin_|lostbyte|:  thx for the advice/assistance05:20
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harisundCan somebody point me towards the right direction to know how to share internet connection? That is, set up a DHCP server (Yes, I do have two NICs in my machine)05:20
|lostbyte|odin_: np :)05:20
bimberiastro9040: note that you can use "sudo -i" to get a root shell without having to set the root password05:20
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|lostbyte|sharp_: mount -t nfs <hostname>:/dir/ <mountpoint>05:20
|lostbyte|if i can remember right :05:21
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dliharisund, read "ipmasq", NAT howto, or router howto05:21
sharp_sharp@ubuntu:~$ mount -t nfs druid:/data /home/sharp/data/05:21
sharp_mount: only root can do that05:21
astro9040bimberi, ty05:21
harisunddli: ipmasq eh? Any particular howto? Or anything that turns up on the internet after a search?05:21
sharp_i want any user to do it |lostbyte|05:21
|lostbyte|sharp_: yup ! become the root and do.05:22
Trinisansharp_: automount05:22
Healotor better, install firewall gui tool like "shorewall" or "firestarter"05:22
bimberiastro9040: np :)05:22
|lostbyte|sharp_: You got to edit your fstab file.05:22
|lostbyte|in /etc/05:22
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sharp_|lostbyte|, i edited my /etc/fstab line to user,rw05:22
sharp_|lostbyte|, is that not enough?05:22
|lostbyte|sharp_: Got to remount again for it to take effect.05:23
Trinisanwhats wrong with using automount like i suggested05:23
Trinisanit will work for everybody05:23
sharp_Trinisan, i dont know how to do that? please explain or show me?05:23
|lostbyte|sharp_: nope ! you got to add users not user05:23
sharp_|lostbyte|, modifying /etc/fstab05:24
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roicoi have a really weird bug in nautilus with dapper... every time i use the character "-" in a hebrew filename, it puts me that char, and another weird char that looks like a square with 4 numbers in it... cant really explain it better... =\ in konqueror it doesnt happen05:24
Ademanhow do i find out the BusID for my graphics card?05:24
|lostbyte|Trinisan: Automount but is'nt the broken..05:24
sharp_|lostbyte|, same message as b4... only root can do that.05:25
geek|sauceanyone have any experience with superkaramba?05:25
shooflehey, anyone got any general tips on making ubuntu run faster on my ancient laptop?05:25
|lostbyte|sharp_: huh ! umount <mount_dir> and then mount <mount_dir>05:25
Healotgeek|sauce: ay ay ay, caramba05:26
Dr_Willisshoofle,  use a real light window manager, disable any unneeded services.05:26
|lostbyte|shoofle: like fluxbox05:26
Dr_Willisor icewm05:26
|lostbyte|shoofle: disable all unwanted services.05:26
chadanybody know how to uninstall things that automatix installed05:26
eno-awayor ion05:26
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geek|sauceHealot: should i take that as a yes? :)05:26
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sharp_sharp@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t nfs druid:/data /home/sharp/stuff/05:27
sharp_mount: RPC: Program not registered05:27
|lostbyte|geek|sauce: i just like gkrellm better.05:27
kiko0123ahhh.....when i think draper could be released today :P05:27
geek|sauce|lostbyte|: does it do the same type of thing?05:27
sharp_|lostbyte|, maybe i am missing a program?05:27
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Ademanhow do you detect the BusID of a graphics card?05:28
me2winanyone from sweden in here?05:28
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rakz0when I install some software like an eggdrop, where can I find it ?05:28
|lostbyte|geek|sauce: thats what it does.. system monitoring. and has 100's of themes.05:28
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|lostbyte|geek|sauce: and pluging too.05:28
|lostbyte|sharp_: never seen that error before.05:28
sharp_|lostbyte|, it's an nfs drive... from my husbands computer. HOw do I know if I have nfs up and running ?05:29
Madpilotanyone know if OO.o2 has a way to tweak lineheight/line-spacing? I want more than single spacing, but less than a full 1.5, and I can't see a way to do that... :P05:29
geek|sauce|lostbyte|: i'm basically looking for something that will let me run multiple widgets on my desktop...like konfabulator for windows05:29
|lostbyte|geek|sauce: check out the screenshots... try google.05:30
Dr_Willisgeek|sauce,  gdesklets, or superkaramba05:30
Healotrakz0: expand your repos first, then search for IRC bot in the repos :)05:30
sharp_|lostbyte|, actually all I WANT to do is bring ONE file over...which is too big to fit in a floppy. I dont have a USB key either.05:30
Dr_Willisgeek|sauce,  I perfer 'dock-applets' like windowmaker uses05:30
|lostbyte|sharp_: nmap druid05:30
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|lostbyte|you should see nfs on the list.05:30
Althgeek|sauce, I'd say Gdesklets ;)05:30
sharp_sharp@ubuntu:~$ nmap druid05:31
sharp_bash: nmap: command not found05:31
bimberirakz0: 'dpkg -L eggdrop' will tell you where the files are. Put ' | grep bin' after that to see what the executables are05:31
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Healotsharp_: install "nmap" first :)05:31
obscuriteSo is inetd not installed by default in Breezy?05:31
|lostbyte|sharp_: oh ! didt you try smb:// like i said ?05:31
geek|sauceis gdesklets in the sups?05:31
sharp_|lostbyte|, that didn't work.. But i will try again. :-)05:31
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harisundCan someone explain what XDMCP is, and how I can use that?05:31
carlos_speak espaol?05:31
|lostbyte|sharp_: wait.. is druid a windows pc ?05:31
mikomikoaside from gftp what is the other software for ubuntu that works like Filezilla of windows05:31
Alth<geek|sauce> is gdesklets in the sups? <-- Sups?05:32
sharp_|lostbyte|, no it is a linux machine.... i think he put in slackware on his machine05:32
=== Kaya_ is away: Vista?! MSH?!
AAAsharp_  what are you trying to do?05:32
|lostbyte|sharp_: try ftp://druid05:32
sharp_|lostbyte|, umm. the smb://druid doesn't work..05:32
geek|sauceomg...i just got "suppositories" mixed up with "repositories" and attempted to abbreviate05:32
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Althgeek|sauce: It's in Synaptic, or try sudo apt-get install gdesklets.05:32
sharp_AAA, i am trying to bring ONE file over from his computer to my laptop.05:32
=== Alth giggles
|lostbyte|sharp_: try sftp://druid05:33
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|lostbyte|if ftp does'nt work.05:33
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AAAsharp_  do you have an account on that box?05:33
AlthSuppositories = stuff shoved up your back door. Repositories = contain some software that SHOULD be shoved there :P05:33
=== Alth grins at geek|sauce
AlthYes, it's in the repositories.05:33
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=== AAA slaps Alth with a unix manual
=== geek|sauce chortles
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sharp_AAA, no.. but i know my husband's user name and password (he left it 4 me in case i needed some files from there)05:34
=== Alth meeps at AAA
mikomikoto install easy ubuntu do i just do this step by step05:34
mikomikosudo apt-get install subversion05:34
mikomikocd ; svn checkout svn://freecontrib.org/easyubuntu05:34
mikomikogksudo python easyubuntu/trunk/easyubuntu.py05:34
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AAAsharp_  sudo apt-get install nmap  then run nmap on his box05:34
|lostbyte|try from konqueror ftp://druid or sftp://druid !! he must be running one of those ?05:34
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|lostbyte|sharp_: ^05:35
AAAsharp_  nmap is a *must* on a linux box, especially if you are wanting to learn05:35
=== Alth nods
sharp_AAA, ok... installing nmap on my laptop.05:35
|lostbyte|sharp_: nmap is a security tool to scan ports and more..05:35
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=== AAA thinks apt-get install iptraf tcpdump ethereal libpcap nmap
rakz0hmm.... the eggdrop is compiled ?05:36
sharp_|lostbyte|, oh i c.05:36
geek|sauceare there any good virtual machine softwares for linux?05:36
sharp_AAA, installing...05:36
manjihey, how do i make VLC use a GTK interface?05:36
AAAsharp_  cool, you need root to use it, try nmap --help05:36
geek|saucei wanna set up a "honey pot" on a virtual machine so i can packet sniff and still be behind a firewall.05:37
AAAgeek|sauce  so get an old dell from the dumpster and put win98 on it05:37
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sharp_AAA, i did a : nmap druid and i c ports 22,25,37,80,111,113,139,445,587,631 and 6000 open05:37
mikomikoI am receiving this message05:37
mikomikocan't open file ''easyubuntu/trunk/easyubuntu.py'': [Errno 2]  No such file or directory05:37
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AAAsharp_  then, ssh <hubbyname>@box05:38
AlthQuick question. Is there a way to alias 'Windows D' - the command on a windows box to minimise all windows - to do just that on Ubuntu?05:38
geek|saucehmmmm... despite my hobby of dumpster diving, i haven't come accross any PC's ever, lol05:38
sharp_AAA, ok.. but how do I "retrieve" files from his box to my laptops home folder?05:38
=== PwcrLinux-Away is now known as PwcrLinux
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
PwcrLinuxHI there05:38
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AAAAlth  that is in the keybindings, I think in gnome it is in the 'system' pull down05:38
=== PwcrLinux working on pastebins
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rakz0I have install eggdrop package; is this file compiled?05:39
Alth"Keyboard Shortcuts", AAA?05:39
AAAsharp_  scp <hubby>@box:~/path/to/file05:39
|lostbyte|Alth: should be the one "show desktop"05:39
AAAsharp_  scp <hubby>@box:~/path/to/file .05:39
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do_me_nicei cannot add aol membets to my gaim contact list...05:39
Alth|lostbyte|: I see "Hide all windows and focus desktop", guess that's it.05:39
do_me_nicethe person is using aim.05:39
AAAAlth  I think so, in fluxbox you just change your fluxrc05:39
AlthAAA - Gnome for me.05:40
|lostbyte|Alth: yup.05:40
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AlthHmm, looks like it's not recognising my win-key.05:40
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do_me_niceis there an aim for linux?05:40
AAAAlth  let me think, there is a quick little binary for that, let me think05:40
PwcrLinuxI'm back :)05:41
LadyVixdo_me_nice: use Gaim its like trillian05:41
|lostbyte|sharp_: dont you have konqueror ? which WM are you on ..05:41
bimberido_me_nice: gaim05:41
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Healotdo_me_nice: (G)aim05:41
=== Alth nods and waits for AAA to think
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PwcrLinuxAnyone, my pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12658 about file missing in the package..05:41
harisundGuys, I need some help understanding VNC and XDCMP here. Anybody free to help?05:41
do_me_nicethanks, but it wont add my aim buddies.05:41
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sharp_|lostbyte|, ubuntu came with GNOME as default and Firefox... I dont know what Konqueror is But i would gladly set it up.. AAA's instructiosn are fine but I need to get files back and forth.05:41
AlthActually, AAA, it seems to recognise it, as 'Super-L', but I can't get it to recognise that + D.05:42
LadyVixdo_me_nice: what version of aim did you use...: one of the older ones that was local or one of the newer ones that had the buddies on the server?05:42
AAAAlth  crap.  I used to have to use it ran I ran ppc linux, setkeycodes or something, but that's not it05:42
bimberi!tell Alth about winkey05:42
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bimberi!tell AAA about winkey05:42
|lostbyte|sharp_: :( sad.. konqueror is a kde client or what you say file.manager.05:42
AlthRight, thanks bimberi!05:42
do_me_nicei use msn05:42
bimberiAlth: np :)05:42
sbartleylinuxany idea why smb shared printer setup through cups would not be useable after dapper beta upgrade?05:43
do_me_niceim not trying to transfer a list05:43
fogoshi someone knows, why when boot dapper, it open all the last session windows, how i can reset this??05:43
sharp_AAA, is there an easier way of transferring files back and forth? I edited /etc/fstab to access my husbands drive. But everytime i try to mount it i get an error.05:43
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Khisanthsharp_: are you using linux as well?05:43
LadyVixdo_me_nice: gaim loads MSN lists and yahoo lists and several others...05:43
AAAsharp_  well paste the error on pastebin.com05:43
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sharp_Khisanth, i use Ubuntu only. My husband uses Slackware.05:44
|lostbyte|sharp_: nmap <pc> -p 21,22        ..?05:44
Khisanthsharp_: then you could use sshfs :)05:44
sharp_|lostbyte|, those ports are open. :-)05:44
AAAsharp_  if it is just an nfs mount, it should be a simple fix05:44
|lostbyte|sharp_: good.. go to Nautilus05:44
sharp_AAA, it is an nfs mount.. let me paste the error here.. it's only ONE line05:44
|lostbyte|and type ftp://<pc>05:44
AAAsharp_  show paste your /etc/fstab and the error and the /etc/exports from your husbands box05:45
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riomercUm, how do I delete files from the terminal?05:45
sharp_AAA, shall i put it all in www.pastebin.com ?05:45
|lostbyte|AAA: lets not go into the nfs thingy.. as she has ftp and ssh open.05:45
AAAsharp_  please05:45
roicoi have a really weird bug in nautilus with dapper... every time i use the character "-" in a hebrew filename, it puts me that char, and another weird char that looks like a square with 4 numbers in it... cant really explain it better... =\ in konqueror it doesnt happen05:45
sharp_AAA, ok.. one minute please while i gather all that..05:46
Dr_Willisriomerc,  it may be worth while to google and find a few bash tutorials. 'rm' is the command you need.05:46
ubotuFor a list of basic commands, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands05:46
|lostbyte|AAA: All she wants to do is transfer a tiny little file.05:46
AAAsharp_  this is on a LAN yes? a trusted LAN even?05:46
Khisanthroico: missing glyph in your font05:46
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riomercDr_Willis: many thanks05:46
sharp_AAA, trusted. Only myself, my child and my husband.05:46
PwcrLinuxAnyone, my pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12658 about file missing in the package..05:46
darxhi guys05:46
darxdoes windows release the dhcp lease when it shuts down?05:46
TUhow do you force the removal of a package if the apckage is broken?05:46
roicoKhisanth: so what can i do?05:46
darxcoz if you are on dual boot ubuntu seems to have trouble getting the lease05:46
sharp_AAA, trusted LAN if u will.. ok... getting info.05:46
TUie a script is erroring out when trying to remove the package so i want to totally get rid of it05:47
darxwhen i relese the lease manually before booting into ubuntu from windows, i don't get this problem05:47
roicoKhisanth: it didnt happen in breezy...05:47
AlthOk, so that kinda helped, just one more question...apparently I go into keybinding commands and tell it to run the command I want...but I want it to minimise everything. What do I tell it?05:47
darxany ideas??05:47
AlthWait, hang on.05:47
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AAA|lostbyte|  well, you can do it alot of ways, just depends on what the user is comfortable with and famiar with05:48
odin_|lostbyte|: -ovc xvid isn't working, saying I need to specify something05:48
AlthIT WORKS!05:48
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=== Alth thanks people
=== MattMcFarland [n=MattMcFa@cpe-24-209-205-146.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
HealotPwcrLinux: you missed "libgnome-vfs-common"05:48
MattMcFarlandheya p33pz05:48
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|lostbyte|AAA: First we dont know of the remote pc has nfs setup.05:48
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rm_you|classI'm trying to install ubuntu on a Dell Inspirin 6000 Laptop, and it's having a weird problem... The screen goes entirely white when I try to boot the installer. It appears to do the same thing with a debian installer also :/05:48
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MattMcFarlandHow do I go about putting my linux game into an ubuntu package?05:48
Khisanthroico: hmm if it is working fine in konq, change your gnome font to whatever you are using for kde05:49
MattMcFarlandcan anyone test my game? :D05:49
AAA|lostbyte|  timtowtdi05:49
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PwcrLinuxHealot: yea, it's in there .. one file missing from the packages, prolly they forgot to put the file into package in the updates..05:49
sharp_AAA, http://pastebin.com/67262605:49
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rm_you|classHas anyone else seen this problem during an install? It looks like the LCD gets 100% bright for some reason05:50
AAAsharp_  where is the error?05:50
|lostbyte|odin_: its more like lavc is more in development and stable. so we can use it to make a xvid file with the right lavcopts.05:50
MattMcFarlandI made a linux game, and it works on my ubuntu machine, I was wondering how I can get it on the package list???????05:50
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sharp_AAA, ack..sorry05:50
sharp_AAA, posting...05:50
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arbeckHas anyone had trouble with usb 2.0 devices and nforce2 based mother boards?05:50
MattMcFarlandI have nforce2 board and it runs fine arbeckj05:50
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AAAsharp_  and he should _really_ specify hosts in the exports, and restart nfs05:51
odin_|lostbyte|:  when I tried lavc, the end product was only audio and no video, I think it reverted back to frameno somehow05:51
MattMcFarlandHey is anyone here that is interested in playing a linux game05:51
MattMcFarlandI made it special just for u05:51
=== letaris is now known as teiax
roicoKhisanth: i tried changing font before... the weird thing is that it does put me the "-", and only after that it puts me that strange char... =\05:51
MattMcFarlandhttp://www.shmup-dev.com/AOB/AoB.tar.gz ( 2 mb)05:51
HealotMattMcFarland: screenshotS?05:51
sharp_AAA, http://pastebin.com/67262905:51
|lostbyte|odin_: huh ? wow mencoder does'nt do that..05:51
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MadpilotMattMcFarland, #ubuntu-motu for packaging stuff05:52
roicoKhisanth: and it happens only in hebrew, when that char is used by all languages...05:52
|lostbyte|odin_: then frameno.avi has audio only.05:52
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sharp_AAA, specify hosts? what do u mean?05:52
AAAsharp_  dpkg -l|grep portmap05:52
|lostbyte|odin_: file frameno.avi05:52
arbeckhere's what i get:05:52
MattMcFarlandHealot: http://www.shmup-dev.com/AOB05:52
arbeck[4342721.813000]  usb 3-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 905:52
arbeck[4342721.875000]  usb 3-6: device descriptor read/64, error -7105:52
arbeck[4342722.038000]  usb 3-6: device descriptor read/64, error -7105:52
lflashlok is there a way to make vlc open just the once and no more05:52
Madpilotarbeck, pastebin next time!05:52
odin_|lostbyte|:  well I don't know what happened; and it's not frameno.avi, don't know where that came from05:52
HealotMattMcFarland: what are the dependencies?05:53
Healotheh I would package that...05:53
odin_|lostbyte|:  I think it's trying to automatically go to -ovc frameno for some reason05:53
sharp_AAA, sharp@ubuntu:/etc$ dpkg -l|grep portmap05:53
sharp_ii  portmap    5-10ubuntu3   The RPC portmapper05:53
arbeckusb 1.0 devices work fine, but any 2.0 device (HD, ipod, camera) fail05:53
=== menisk [n=menisk@ppp60-80.lns1.cbr1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
|lostbyte|odin_: paste the exact line your using ?05:53
AAAsharp_  dpkg -l|grep nfs05:53
MattMcFarlandHealot: just gcc, and open gl05:53
Healot2D shooter nice05:53
odin_mencoder Elfen\ Lied\ 01.avi -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame EL1.avi05:53
=== harisund [n=Owner@ip24-255-87-152.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
HealotMattMcFarland: comes with gcc makefiles?05:54
odin_|lostbyte|: ^ that returned a video file with no video, just audio05:54
|lostbyte|odin_: no wonder.. :P you need the "-o" options for the output file.05:54
bimberiMattMcFarland: for information on packaging for ubuntu - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU05:54
MattMcFarlandHealot: its already a binary05:54
HealotI'll package that...05:54
MattMcFarlandHealot: you just have to run the binary05:54
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sharp_AAA, http://pastebin.com/67263505:54
odin_|lostbyte|:  you know, I'm sure I'm going to be making the same mistake over and over05:54
MattMcFarlandHealot: its already packaged there is no makefile05:54
DarthLappyubotu: tell menisk about restrictedformats05:55
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AAAodin_  you should paste your mencoder line, I am curious what you are brewing05:55
|lostbyte|odin_: its ok ! mencoder is simply a brain teaser...05:55
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odin_|lostbyte|:  I mean more with screwing up the lines on everything05:55
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-117-171-105.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
AAAsharp_  alright, do lsmod|grep nfs  if that returns the modules then sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-user-server restart05:56
|lostbyte|AAA: just doing some basic converting..05:56
odin_|lostbyte|:  but the reason I'm doing this is because I want to play the video on my gp2x, which supports xvid codec05:56
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AAAodin_  DVD::Rip05:56
MattMcFarlandhey is anyone online that is NOT having linux probs? I was wondfering if you could TEST my game ?05:56
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MattMcFarlandscreenshots, etc05:56
sharp_sharp@ubuntu:/etc$ lsmod|grep nfs05:57
PwcrLinuxoh boy healot left05:57
AlthMattMcFarland: Sure :P05:57
AAAsharp_  do the cmd I just gave you and that one again05:57
|lostbyte|odin_: then simple add this option.. -ffourcc XVID05:57
odin_AAA: DVD::Rip has worked terrible for me; its absolute path for the new files is aimed into /etc/ and I can't change it05:57
AAAodin_  hrm...05:57
MattMcFarlandThanks Alth05:57
MattMcFarlandAlth: lemme know if it runs :D05:58
|lostbyte|odin_: you could do resizing with -vf scale:H:W05:58
sharp_AAA, sharp@ubuntu:/etc$ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-user-server restart05:58
sharp_sudo: /etc/init.d/nfs-user-server: command not found05:58
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AlthMattMcFarland: sure :)05:59
MattMcFarlandIf it does I really want to make it an ubuntu package05:59
MattMcFarlandit is a binary already05:59
MattMcFarlandno makefile needed05:59
MattMcFarlandjust run the binary and there ya go05:59
|lostbyte|AAA: i think it would be better off telling her to use ftp through Nautilus.. as she has port 21 open.05:59
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=== damian_ puts AAA in his calculator
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odin_|lostbyte|: telling me that scale:320:240 doesn't exist06:00
AAAsharp_  sudo modprobe nfs06:00
do_me_nicewould using my msn list for gaim in windows taint my list?06:00
sharp_sharp@ubuntu:/etc$ sudo modprobe nfs06:00
PwcrLinuxHiya madpolit06:00
AAA|lostbyte|  she said she wanted "an easier way"06:00
=== dager [n=dager@c-69-251-68-26.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
|lostbyte|odin_: try "-vf scale=320:240"06:01
AAA|lostbyte|  I would just use rsync -auve ssh box:/foo/ /foo/06:01
do_me_nicedo i have to sign up on aim with my email adress?06:01
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
AlthDownloading, MattMcFarland :)06:01
|lostbyte|AAA: She has no idea about nfs, and its not easy for a start..06:01
MattMcFarlandkewl :D06:01
vinboyany standalone flash player?06:02
xerophytewhy there is two version of cyrus-imapd just wondering cyrus21-admin cyrus-imapd-2.2??06:02
AAA|lostbyte|  it really is simple, besides once it is setup, it just works. just like an smb share like you recommended06:02
=== sasquatc4 [i=hjklk@12-208-123-88.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
rm_youI'm trying to install ubuntu on a Dell Inspirin 6000 Laptop, and it's having a weird problem... The screen goes entirely white when I try to boot the installer. Any ideas?06:02
sharp_AAA, i was reading about nfs... and i did install nfs on :applications to install. then i modified the /etc/fstab per examples.. but u saw the error: RPC: Program not registered. that's where i got stuck.06:02
=== Alth loves the fact that his linux'd laptop, on the same network as a windows box, can download faster.
|lostbyte|AAA: As you say :)06:03
=== Alth doesn't know how, but it does.
AAAsharp_  cat /etc/filesystems|grep nfs06:03
=== m1nds1llus1on [n=rfdeshon@1llusion.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
blindxwoops wrong thing06:03
blindxCan someone help me with a bluetooth issue? :| I have three items that I can connect together, but my computer won't connect to any of them and I don't know why :|06:03
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sharp_sharp@ubuntu:/etc$  cat /etc/filesystems|grep nfs06:03
sharp_cat: /etc/filesystems: No such file or directory06:03
AlthIt runs fine, MattMcFarland :)06:03
AAAsharp_  d0h, sorry!!! /proc/filesystems06:04
ncallerDo I need to compile a special kernel to get it to detect both of my PCI-Express video cards?06:04
=== AAA bows in shame
AlthFun, too!06:04
|lostbyte|blindx: Bluetooth works amazingly in kde.06:04
sharp_sharp@ubuntu:/etc$  cat /proc/filesystems|grep nfs06:04
sharp_nodev   nfs06:04
sharp_nodev   nfs406:04
=== sasquatc4 [i=hjklk@12-208-123-88.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu []
m1nds1llus1onAnyone know how to get gnome-power-management working for ubuntu?06:05
dagerblindx: make sure you have bluetooth support packages installed (apt-cache search bluez)06:05
odin_|lostbyte|:  it says I need to specify one/combo of bitrate, pass, or quantizer settings06:05
blindxah, so it's the fact that i have gnome that won't let me take advantage of my bluetooth?06:05
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blindxi have all of bluez.06:05
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blindxi have gnome-bluetooth06:05
piphow to mount usbdisk ?06:05
AAAsharp_  did you sudo modprobe nfs ?  if that fails then you need that module06:05
blindxpip: just plug it in. it should mount automatically.06:05
MattMcFarlandcool Alth06:06
GigaClonim having problems using nautillus to connect to a WebDav server06:06
MattMcFarlandmy first linux game woohoo!06:06
pipblindx, then do you know how to mount it by hand06:06
blindxmount /dev/sda1  ?06:06
AlthYep, it's really good, Matt :)06:06
m1nds1llus1onanyone? anyone?06:06
pipblindx, are you sure ?06:06
sharp_AAA, according to lsmod the module nfs is there.. but its used by 006:06
blindxpip: no06:06
|lostbyte|odin_: that goes with "-lavcopts bitrate=<n>,etc..." read the man for extra values of lavcopts06:06
AAAsharp_  modprobe sunrpc lockd06:07
MattMcFarlandgftp is exactly like filezilla06:07
MattMcFarlandI wonder which came first now06:07
pipHow to mount USBdisk manipulatly ?06:07
sharp_sharp@ubuntu:/etc$  modprobe sunrpc lockd06:07
MattMcFarlandthanks Alth :D06:07
AAApip  sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /some/place06:07
AAAsharp_  !mount06:07
|lostbyte|MattMcFarland: konqueror is the best.. does almost all the protocoles.. you name it06:08
ubotu[mount]  the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f06:08
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MattMcFarlandoh thats kde isnt it tho?06:08
MattMcFarlandI went with gnome this time06:08
|lostbyte|MattMcFarland: yes :/06:08
eduardoDoes anybody here knows if Ubuntu 6.06 is coming with a native NTFS fstab suport?06:08
MattMcFarlandkde has a better file explorer but oh well06:08
AAAusing the '!' as the first line on the cmd-line will replay that cmd it most closely matches from left to right06:08
=== Vinny [n=sakses@] has joined #ubuntu
sharp_AAA, mount -t nfs druid:/data /home/sharp/stuff gives the same error as b4: RPC program not registered.06:09
VinnyHello everyone06:09
ubotuhmm... noob is a four letter word, just like rtfm or jfgi. Don't use it06:09
=== noonex [n=noone@ip68-11-220-123.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
blindxwhat's jfgi?06:09
|lostbyte|!listkeys cli06:09
ubotuStop poking me!06:09
ubotuFactoid search of 'cli' by key (8 shown): reposcli ;; eclipse ;; chat clients ;; start an irc client war #DEL# ;; pastebin cli #DEL# ;; thin client ;; irc clients ;; cli.06:09
AlthJust f'in google it.06:09
=== ubotu pokes mattmcfarland with a microphone
MattMcFarlandthats a funny bot06:10
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.06:10
AAAsharp_  did your mount command work this time?06:10
|lostbyte|!poke MattMcFarland06:10
PwcrLinuxoh well....06:10
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, |lostbyte|06:10
PwcrLinuxcya later06:10
=== NickGarvey [n=root@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pipAAA, Then do you know how to mount usbdisk on RH?06:10
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=== _sHaDe is away: DormO
=== PwcrLinux is now known as PwcrLinux-Away
AAApip  same06:10
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ubotuMattMcFarland: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:10
sharp_AAA, no :-( It gives me the same error as b4. RPC: Program not registered. Shall I restart my computer?06:10
|lostbyte|pip: RH ?06:11
AAAsharp_  NO!06:11
NickGarveyredhat I think..06:11
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MattMcFarland06:11
blindxMattMcFarland, don't play with the bot06:11
sharp_AAA, ok..sorry.06:11
MattMcFarlandok :(06:11
MattMcFarlandits extremely tempting06:11
GigaClonim having problems using nautillus to connect to a WebDav server06:11
m1nds1llus1onAnyone know how to fix the whole "DPMS support not enabled in gnome-screensaver" crap for gnome-power-manager thing? I have been working on it all afternoon and cannot figure out how to fix it.06:11
NickGarveyMattMcFarland: use a pm, "/msg ubotu something"06:11
blindxMattMcFarland, you can pm it06:11
MattMcFarlandlol ok06:11
pipAAA,But it failed,said bad option06:11
MattMcFarland.msg uboto will u marry me?06:12
=== Alth giggles
AlthAnd that was just bash'd :P06:12
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@ool-45713413.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
|lostbyte|MattMcFarland: bot is male :P06:12
blindxit's ubotu by the way, not uboto06:12
cassidyHey guys06:12
AlthHomophobic technophobe >.<06:12
pip|lostbyte|, Red hat06:12
MattMcFarland.msg ubotu will u marry me?06:12
odin_Alth:  a double threat?06:13
NickGarveyMattMcFarland: its a / not a .06:13
MattMcFarlandoh nows06:13
MattMcFarlandhaha nick06:13
|lostbyte|pip: Huh ? what you doing in ubuntu.06:13
MattMcFarland:& I'm kiddin06:13
cassidyubotu My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:13
ubotucassidy: okay06:13
Alth<odin_> Alth:  a double threat? <-- Hmm?06:13
MadpilotMattMcFarland, chat can go to #ubuntu-offtopic, please - and ease up on the Enter key...06:13
NickGarvey!forget my cat's name06:13
ubotuNickGarvey: i forgot my cat's name06:13
pip|lostbyte|, In fact I am now using Ubuntu06:13
blindx<blindx> will you marry me?  |  <ubotu> I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:13
cassidyubotu: YOU REALLA WILL?06:14
ubotucassidy: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:14
NickGarvey!tell cassidy about bot06:14
ubotuYou can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned.06:14
odin_Alth:  a homophobe technophobe!  I wonder what happens when he meets a homosexual robot....06:14
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@68-65-116-7.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
|lostbyte|pip: usb device is /dev/sd[x]  so mount it.06:14
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|lostbyte|pip: usb device for storage ^06:14
Althodin_: Well, um...<MattMcFarland> .msg ubotu will u marry me?06:14
kameronanyone done a myth tv setup?06:14
obscuriteanyone here run qmail on an ubuntu box?06:14
odin_Alth: the game is on!06:14
cassidyanyone can tell me how to register "irc" in a web browser?06:14
obscuritekameron - not yet! one of these days. :)06:14
=== Alth grins at Odin
m1nds1llus1onmy anus is bleeding06:15
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee06:15
m1nds1llus1onand my spoon is too big06:15
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ
sharp_AAA, am I missing a program of some sort?06:15
MattMcFarlandhey guys I cant join these other channels06:15
AlthMy ANUS...is BLEEDING!06:15
Hobbseem1nds1llus1on: that's inappropriate06:15
=== m1nds1llus1on was kicked off #ubuntu by Madpilot (bye)
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
cassidycan any1 tell me how to register "irc" in a web browser?06:15
=== Alth was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (Bye! http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/)
=== Alth [n=Althalus@] has joined #ubuntu
MattMcFarlandofftopic does not exist06:15
=== Alth was kicked off #ubuntu by Madpilot (not funny)
=== Alth [n=Althalus@] has joined #ubuntu
AlthHe's just quoting >.<06:15
cassidycan any1 tell me how to register "irc" in a web browser?06:15
AlthAnd...so was I.06:15
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!n=Althalus@202.61.152.*] by Madpilot
=== Alth was kicked off #ubuntu by Madpilot (Madpilot)
AAAsharp_  can you restart the nfs-user-server on the nfs server?06:15
odin_ah, such efficient security personnel06:15
MattMcFarlandHey I can't seem to find the offtopic place06:15
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!06:16
pipAAA, sys said wrong fs type ,so is there some sth wrong?06:16
MattMcFarlandor the other place where I can talk about putting my game on ubuntu06:16
=== m1nds1llus1on [n=rfdeshon@1llusion.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
sharp_AAA, i am not sure how... but i will follow your instructions to the letter. :-)06:16
benplautm1nds1llus1on: leave now06:16
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Madpilot] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ
m1nds1llus1onfor sayin anus?06:16
NickGarveycassidy: stop it06:16
=== cassidy was kicked off #ubuntu by Madpilot (bye)
benplautSHUT UP06:16
NickGarveyhaha ops are busy today06:16
HobbseeNickGarvey: so i see!06:16
MattMcFarlandI'm extraordinary lucky that I'm still not here06:16
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-117-171-105.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== MyLady [n=user@tx-69-69-196-154.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
MattMcFarlander still here06:16
odin_I hate it when my fingers get stuck on the Ctrl, V, and Enter keys06:16
|lostbyte|kick kick kick ! love the sounf of that..06:16
odin_darn crazy glue06:17
m1nds1llus1oni quote a cartoon and i get kicked *sigh*06:17
MattMcFarlandLOL odin06:17
AAAsharp_  sudo apt-get install nfs-common06:17
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!06:17
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=== cassidy [n=cassidy@ool-45713413.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
MyLadyhow do I upgrade to Dapper?06:17
odin_minds1llus1on: bring that cartoon in here and we'll kick it out too06:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Madpilot] by ChanServ
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades.06:17
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)06:17
NickGarvey!tell MyLady about upgrade06:17
sharp_AAA, nfs-common is already the newest version..06:17
AAApip  you can try -t fat3206:17
m1nds1llus1onlike there aren't a million other off topic conversations going on. Hell, i asked a legit question and got NO answer06:17
MattMcFarland#ubuntu-offtopic does NOT exist06:17
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.06:17
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-136-36.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
MyLadyNickGarvey: thanks06:18
AAAsharp_  /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart06:18
MadpilotMattMcFarland, um, yes it does...06:18
naliothMattMcFarland: i beg your pardon, i'm in #ubuntu-offtopic right now06:18
NickGarveyMattMcFarland: I am in it right now06:18
|lostbyte|AAA: there is a fat32 ?06:18
benplautnalioth: i didn't know !patience existed 0_006:18
MattMcFarlandI typed /join offtopic it didnt work06:18
AAA|lostbyte|  on a usbstick?06:18
MattMcFarlandI also typed /join ubuntu-offtopic it didnt work06:18
naliothMattMcFarland: type /j #ubuntu-offtopic06:18
=== manji [n=manji@c-71-193-163-175.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sharp_AAA, done06:18
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ool-45713413.dyn.optonline.net] by nalioth
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by nalioth
MattMcFarland* ubuntu-offtopic :That channel doesn't exist06:18
|lostbyte|AAA: no for "-t"06:18
naliothMattMcFarland: irc channels start with #06:19
MadpilotMattMcFarland, /join #ubuntu-offtopic06:19
manjihey, can anyone help me with getting mplayer?06:19
MattMcFarlandwell low and behold06:19
NickGarveymanji: enable all the repos, and apt-get install mplayer06:19
|lostbyte|manji: apt-get install mplayer06:19
m1nds1llus1onsudo apt-get install mplayer06:19
manjiNickGarvey: |lostbyte|: that gives me an error06:19
sharp_AAA, ahh wait... there is a message: STarting nfs statd .....       [fail] 06:20
NickGarveymanji: pastebin it06:20
manjiNickGarvey: |lostbyte|: Package mplayer is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:20
|lostbyte|!tell manji about repos06:20
NickGarveymanji: mmm I don't like that..06:20
NickGarveymanji: apt-get update?06:20
sharp_AAA, darn. I suppose it's broken.06:20
TTilusmanji: look what NickGarvey said06:20
AAA|lostbyte|  you got me06:20
GigaClonim having problems using nautillus to connect to a WebDav server06:20
manjiNickGarvey: so whats that mean?06:20
GigaClonhelp please06:20
manjiNickGarvey: already updated06:20
NickGarveymanji: apt-get upgrade?06:20
AAAsharp_  paste _that_ error tail -n 33 /var/log/syslog06:20
=== froggontherocks [n=chad@adsl-69-209-201-166.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
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majdcan i upgrade to drapper without a format?06:21
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dagernope :)06:21
AAAmajd  of course06:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
majdthat's beautiful06:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@ool-45713413.dyn.optonline.net] by nalioth
m1nds1llus1onjust won't be the cleanest of installs06:21
TTilusGigaClon: define "problem"06:21
manjiNickGarvey: upgrade doesnt work either06:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ
majdm1nds1llus1on, in what way?06:21
NickGarveymanji: what do you mena doesn't work?06:21
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@ool-45713413.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
lflashlhow do i use apt-get to dl gnome 2.14?06:21
_jasonubotu: tell majd about upgrade06:21
cassidyHello, I have a question.06:21
_jasonmajd: note that dapper is still beta06:21
majdsucks to have a robot smarter than you....06:22
=== nomasteryoda|w [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
odin_ubotu: tell me about me06:22
manjiNickGarvey: just say "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove yadda yadda yadda"06:22
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TTiluscassidy: just make it not be in all caps06:22
NickGarvey!forget my dog's name06:22
ubotui forgot my dog's name, NickGarvey06:22
majd_jason, i asked here and people said it's stable enough to use till full release comes...06:22
pipAAA, Thank you06:22
=== stefenkillsit [n=stefenki@63-226-185-47.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
odin_holy cache dump!06:22
_jasonmajd: well just so you know, I upgraded today and some things are broken still06:22
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odin_ubotu responded with "I don't know what is 'odin_" '06:22
ubotuodin_: that's too long06:22
sharp_AAA, http://pastebin.com/67267106:22
manjiso, anyone have any ideas on mplayer?06:22
NickGarveymanji: hmm..06:23
froggontherocksdo you know how do undo all that automatix did06:23
=== GiGaHuRtZ [n=GiGaHuRt@unaffiliated/gigahurtz] has joined #ubuntu
m1nds1llus1onbuild it from source!06:23
cassidyDoes anybody know how to set a browser so that it automatically goes to xchat when you click an irc:// link?06:23
NickGarveymanji: apt-get install gmplayer?06:23
GigaClonTTilus, I enter the URL in for the server in the places menus. but it can't open the server, I know its up06:23
|lostbyte|majd: yes ! mplayer rocks :P06:23
manjiNickGarvey: cant find package06:23
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A182B5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
dagercassidy: i'd suggest konqueror, cause its a little easier to set up kio slaves06:23
NickGarveymanji: I had that problem for a while.. how did I gix it...06:23
froggontherocksor perhaps why my deskjet 3653 usb printer isn't findable06:23
TTilusGigaClon: can you connect the server with any other webdav client??06:23
odin_*sniff* the bot knows me so well...06:23
manjiNickGarvey: lol06:23
majd_jason, is it stable enough for everyday use, and a couple of java apps?06:23
NickGarveymanji: run deb orphan?06:23
TTilusGigaClon: can you connect to any other webdav server with your nautilus?06:23
TTilusGigaClon: just to sort out where the problem lies06:24
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manjiNickGarvey: deb orphan? making no sense to me...06:24
GigaClonTTilus, I only have one client and one server06:24
AAAsharp_  ls -l /var/run/rpc.statd.pid06:24
_jasonmajd: it's stable, it depends on what you need to do.  For example, the mplayer I have now doesn't play what my old one used to and I can't use checkinstall and firefox seems to hang instead of close06:24
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ubotuNickGarvey: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:24
GigaClonTTilus, the uni is paranoid and only uses WebDav, never used it elsewhere06:24
fidanyone familiar with creating scripts for linux?  I.E.  I want to create a script that will mount and unmount my digital camera06:24
TTilusGigaClon: install another client  :)06:24
sharp_sharp@ubuntu:~$ ls -l /var/run/rpc.statd.pid06:25
sharp_-rw-r--r--  1 root root 5 2006-04-20 22:34 /var/run/rpc.statd.pid06:25
manjiNickGarvey: so what is deb orphan?06:25
fidI know its basically just putting the command in a text file, but how do I move a file from the desktop to /usr/bin?06:25
odin_|lostbyte|: is there anything wrong with this: mencoder Elfen\ Lied\ 01.avi -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -o EL1.avi06:25
GiGaHuRtZDeborphan isn't that great, a lot of time I have it tell me packages were orphaned which really weren't06:25
_jasonmajd: if you don't mind having some little things not working, then it's ok06:25
m1nds1llus1ontry getting mplayer-custom06:25
cassidyDoes anybody know how to set a browser so that it automatically goes to xchat when you click an irc:// link? Can anybody offer me a step-by-step explanation?06:25
majd_jason, i hate mplayer....06:25
TTilusGigaClon: if they are paranoid, it may well be that there is some security related glitches on the way06:25
NickGarvey!deborphan is <reply>a program used to clean up unneeded packages that are no long needed to meet dependencies, apt-get install deborphan06:25
ubotuNickGarvey: okay06:25
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-172-222-62.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
|lostbyte|fid: ln command.06:25
fidcassidy do you mean creating a link?06:25
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manjimajd: how could you hate mplayer?06:25
=== jvai [n=jvai@c-69-137-51-39.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== janinux2005 [n=janinux2@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotua program used to clean up unneeded packages that are no long needed to meet dependencies, apt-get install deborphan06:25
=== tec_figueroa [n=humberto@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
NickGarvey!deborphan =~ s/<reply>a/a/06:26
ubotuOK, NickGarvey06:26
=== _JP [n=jpn@ext123.almare.com] has joined #ubuntu
|lostbyte|odin_: nope.06:26
majdmanji, well...apart from the ugliest UI i've ever encountered....it keeps giving me errors, i just hate it's UI06:26
|lostbyte|odin_: whats the error ?06:26
|lostbyte|fid: yes.06:26
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mikomikoi installed gftp06:26
odin_|lostbyte|:  well it ended up returned a 18kb movie that doesn't play anything06:26
Khisanthhmm looks like this livecd just blue screened :)06:26
mikomikohow do i use it06:26
janinux2005algien habla espaol06:26
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:26
m1nds1llus1on_jason: try mplayer-586 if you are running an intel processor06:26
_jasonm1nds1llus1on: thanks06:27
odin_|lostbyte|: oh, wait, that's something called test.avi06:27
NickGarveymikomiko: alt+f2, type gftp, enter06:27
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fidlostbyte ok, so i make the command a txt file and put it in the /usr/bin correct?06:27
|lostbyte|odin_: You got to make sure the file your converting plays first.06:27
|lostbyte|fid: correct.06:27
carthikWhat the closest bittorrent client o Azureus minus the java for gnome?06:27
fidmy question is..06:27
sharp_AAA, sharp@ubuntu:~$ ls -l /var/run/rpc.statd.pid06:27
sharp_-rw-r--r--  1 root root 5 2006-04-20 22:34 /var/run/rpc.statd.pid06:27
odin_|lostbyte|: the file does play, but after its done doing that, there's still no vid, and the music now freezes up06:27
|lostbyte|CraiZE: bittorrent from bittorrent.com06:27
TTilusfid: you might try /usr/local/bin just to be explicite with whats your own and whats not06:27
fidhow do I move those txt files from my desktop to /usr/bin ?06:27
cassidyDoes anybody know how to set a browser so that it automatically goes to xchat when you click an irc:// link? Can anybody offer me a step-by-step explanation?06:28
CraiZEhuh ?06:28
CraiZEwhat i do ?06:28
NickGarveyfid: mv ~/Desktop/file.txt /usr/bin06:28
fidTTilus ok06:28
scorchsaberHey, I'm trying to delete an item in my trash--but it won't get out. It doesn't even ask if it should be deleted, it just sits there when I press delete, or right-click and select delete from trash06:28
fiddamn hahaha06:28
carthikSorry, I want a bittorrent client with functionality like Azureus, and it has to be java-free preferably a gnome app. Not commandline based, and not one that creates a seperate window for each torrent06:28
AAAsharp_  ps aux|grep stat and tell me what it returns06:28
|lostbyte|fid: nope ! dont name them as *.txt just give them distinct names like mountty..06:28
CraiZEcarthik,  g3torrent maybe06:28
NickGarveywhen you sudo, does it run the command as root? or just give you root power?06:28
AAANickGarvey  root power06:28
FlannelKingNickGarvey: it runs the command as root06:29
|lostbyte|odin_: does it play allone..06:29
TTilusfid: if you wanna run it, check it has #!/bin/sh at the first line06:29
AAAFlannelKing  incorrect06:29
NickGarveyFlannelKing: so using ~ would be /root not /home/user?06:29
odin_|lostbyte|:  alone? yes06:29
scorchsaberCan anybody help me empty my trash?06:29
manjiNickGarvey: no, it just runs the command as root06:29
fidlostbyte how do i know if i'm saving it as .txt or not, I created the file with text editor06:29
carthikCraiZE, there is no such package in the repos06:29
FlannelKingAAA: er? no, it runs the command, it's not like su where you become root.06:29
|lostbyte|odin_: why are you converting an avi to avi ?06:29
CraiZEcarthik, its not a package06:29
rakz0hey guys .. where can I find the firewall?06:29
|lostbyte|fid: you can see the extention..06:29
scorchsaberI'm trying to delete an item in my trash--but it won't get out. It doesn't even ask if it should be deleted, it just sits there when I press delete, or right-click and select delete from trash06:30
fidoh ok06:30
GigaClonany clue how to use "davfs2", typing it in a terminal doesn't work06:30
carthikCraiZE, well what would it be then? I would like something in the repos - havent yet started installing things from source on this system06:30
TTilusNickGarvey: tilde expansion is done before the program is run06:30
sharp_AAA, http://pastebin.com/67267606:30
NickGarveywell.. "sudo whoami" returns root06:30
fidyI just named them unmountcamera and mountcamera06:30
odin_|lostbyte|:  all I need to change is the bloody codec06:30
AAAFlannelKing  correct, which is much different06:30
NickGarveyTTilus: oh ok thank you06:30
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CraiZEcarthik, i dont use torrents, i run G3torrent on a server so lots of ppl can up .torrent files06:30
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slackernscorchsaber: Did you rightclick the Trashcan icon and look for "Empty Trash" in the popup menu there?06:30
CraiZEsorry, i have different needs then most ppl :)06:30
ubotuwell, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:30
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carthikCraiZE, dude, I thought I said "client" :)06:31
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scorchsaberslackern: Didn't know that the icon had that. Thanks, it worked06:31
TTilusfid: you have execute flag set to you scripts too?06:31
CraiZEcarthik, DUDE, it is a client06:31
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AAAsudo allows you to give priviledes over files and commands and what not based on user/group it is not the same as root06:31
TTilusfid: chmod a+x ?06:31
CraiZEcarthik, it just isnt in the repos, so i cant help you, good day ;)06:31
carthikCraiZE, wait a minute, it is something you use on your server to help people UP torrents, and you call it a client for a gnome desktop??06:31
fidTTIlus, i'm not sure06:31
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scorchsabercarthik: You can use alien to convert RPMs to .deb files, but it may not work correctly06:32
fidI have the files chmod to 75506:32
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TTilusAAA: fix that06:32
carthikscorchsaber, thanks for the information06:32
CraiZEcarthik, no actually its a program with a web User interface, and it has an auto import .torrent feature, and various other settings06:32
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scorchsabercarthik: So you might want to find the website and install from source or RPM06:32
CraiZEcarthik, it has an ui also06:32
gtrplrI updated my kernel and have lost my wlan0 to eth1 and I cant get my wireless to work..HELP?06:32
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NickGarveygtrplr: redo it all06:33
manjihey, what config file controls my default editor?06:33
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fidTTilus, can you just message me ?06:33
odin_does anybody know how I can easiler change a video's codec?06:33
carthikCraiZE, thanks, but I am not too keen on installing a server right now, to administer it, or to make my client world-accessible, by mistake.06:33
AAAsharp_  ok...killall -9 rpc.statd && rpc.statd06:33
i\oI'm only getting 4.0 fps on games (with no 3D accel), this is driving me crazy, what can I do about it?06:33
NickGarveygtrplr: when you upgrade your kernel things change around, you need to redo it06:33
gtrplrNickGarvey, what do you mean?06:33
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dagermanji> depends on your shell.. im guessing you use bash?06:33
TiggerUKi had problems with sudo where it did not appear to work globaly like root user06:33
TTilusGigaClon: mayge man davfs2 of /usr/share/doc/davfs2 or google?06:33
NickGarveygtrplr: using ndiswrapper?06:33
gtrplrNickGarvey, tried that06:33
manjidager: yes06:33
Madpiloti\o, ATI or Nvidia graphics card?06:33
baboscp -p 220 ~/.ssh/identity.pub user@x.x.x.x:  prompts for a password, I then enter it and it tells it's me  permission denied. But I can ssh no probs with the same account.06:33
gtrplrNickGarvey, yes sir06:33
intelikeyany way to keep kswapd0 from loading  or anyway to kill it ?06:33
AAAsharp_  then try your mount command.  I am close to out of ideas :/06:33
m1nds1llus1onndiswrapper is a godsend06:33
NickGarveygtrplr: did you compile it?06:33
gtrplrNickGarvey, yes06:33
dagermanji> your .bashrc file... look for a line like "EXPORT EDITOR='whatever' "06:34
TTilusfid: "message" what?06:34
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dagerat least, i think thats the syntax..06:34
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manjidager: oh, so its the EDITOR environment var, correct?06:34
TTilusfid: you mean private like /msg06:34
fidlike outside of this channel so I don't lose what you say before I can try it hahaha06:34
meniskdoes ayone know a good media player for ubuntu... im a newbie06:34
intelikeydager lower case  export06:34
i\oMadpilot, haha I'm not even sure.. its a laptop.. the driver that I normally use is sis I think06:34
NickGarveygtrplr: I'd recompile it06:34
AAAsharp_  the only other thing I can think of.  did you or the server make any alterations to the /etc/hosts.allow or /etc/hosts.deny files?06:34
gtrplrmenisk, xmms is still nice for audio06:34
scorchsaberI think this should be simple: How do I change things like what opens .mpegs by default, or PDFs, etcetera?06:34
TTilusfid: got that?06:34
NickGarveygtrplr: thats what I did, took me all of 2 minutes06:34
gtrplrNickGarvey, I have three times06:34
Madpiloti\o, hmm, not sure about SiS - someone might have an idea here, though06:35
NickGarveygtrplr: did you clean up waht you did before?06:35
francolqanyone could install wine in amd64?06:35
gtrplrNickGarvey, I rm 'ed all previous06:35
NickGarveygtrplr: rmmod ndiswrapper, modprobe -r ndiswrapper06:35
i\oMadpilot, Frig.  :-/  Shouldn't I be getting more than that anyways?06:35
NickGarveygtrplr: rm -r /etc/ndiswrapper, rm -r /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper06:35
gtrplrNickGarvey, sorry...tryied that too06:35
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fidTTilus i got your message but not sure if you are getting mine06:35
introversecould someone help me with installing vmware workstation 5? everytime i runinstaller terminal 'just quits'....anyone knowwhat gives?06:35
meniskgtrplr, xmms?06:35
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skpl_does anyone know where i can download the w32codecs package? or can someone send it to me?06:36
CaminomasterBye 2 all06:36
ubotufrom memory, w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install06:36
sharp_AAA, i made some modifications to the /etc/hosts.allow file... All I did was put what my husbands file has. I did not touch /etc/hosts.deny file... but i will check it.06:36
NickGarveygtrplr: did you remove that too?06:36
NickGarveygtrplr: and then make uninstall?06:36
i\oHow can I find out what type of video card I have?06:36
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AAAsharp_  oh geez. that is your problem then I bet. you didn't happen to use vim an create a /etc/hosts.allow~ file ?06:37
TiggerUKskpl, do you use automatix or what ever they call it?06:37
sharp_AAA, the /etc/hosts.deny is untouched.06:37
gtrplrNickGarvey, yes06:37
intelikeylspci  maybe even06:37
i\ointelikey, neet, thanks06:37
skpl_TiggerUK, no, i have no idea what that is06:37
TTilusfid: no im not, mmm, what should i /mode06:37
sharp_AAA, i did create a hosts.allow file... Here i will paste it in pastebin.com06:37
NickGarveygtrplr: damn.. um okie, did you ndiswrapper -e driver?06:37
i\oyeah its a sis video06:37
TiggerUKive been told autmatix dowload codecs automaticly og the fly when required06:38
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Cain_Chinajoin 106:38
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Cain_Chinajoin #206:38
NickGarveyNO! no automatix!06:38
NickGarveydon't do it!06:38
fidok well i guess we'll just try here06:38
MadpilotTiggerUK, if it doesn't bork your whole machine...06:38
lflashlwhts the command to see wht linux ver u runnning06:38
NickGarveyfriends don't let friends use automatix!06:38
fidI have the 2 files mount and unmount camera06:38
TiggerUKperhaps someelese in the room as used it06:38
dageruname -a06:38
AAAlflashl  cat /etc/issue06:38
TTilusfid: like how can i make your /msg be visible to me06:38
i\ouname --help06:38
fidnot too sure hahaha06:38
manjiokay, well can someone tell me how to make VLC use GTK (rather than its hideous default X look)06:39
intelikeylflashl  uname -a    lsb_release06:39
fidunless you just have gaim or something06:39
NickGarveygtrplr: yeah.. I don't know.. I have said about all I know06:39
TiggerUKwell some with kubuntu uses it all fine n dandy06:39
manjii already have gvlc and gnome-vlc06:39
NickGarvey!tell TiggerUK about automatix06:39
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TTilusfid: try ls -l thefile06:40
manjidoes no one know how to make VLC use GTK?06:40
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lflashlhow to find out if i have a C compiler installed06:40
TiggerUKi havnt used it it the codec question that prompted me say06:40
ubuntu_please anybody speaks spanish?06:40
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fidwhat does that do?06:40
gtrplrNickGarvey, yeah, I'm an old hand at linux, but this one has me stumped06:40
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:40
majdkk...dapper is downloading06:40
NickGarveyTiggerUK: don't. use. automatix06:40
intelikeylflashl you don't06:40
gtrplrNickGarvey, reinstall06:40
ubuntu_ok Thks06:40
AAAsharp_  comment all those entries you made out #imp etc.. and /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart; tail -n 11 /var/log/syslog and paste06:40
sharp_AAA, http://pastebin.com/672690  <---those hosts are defined in /etc/hosts06:40
james__anyone have time for a quick problem.06:40
NickGarveygtrplr: you are going too?06:40
TTilusfid: does the returned line have something like -rwxr-xr-x at the beginning?06:40
intelikey!tell lflashl about b-e06:40
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TTilusfid: exactly what it has06:40
fidlet me try just a sec06:40
ubotuit has been said that restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats06:41
gtrplrNickGarvey, I have to have wireless06:41
TTilusfid: the ls thing lists the properties of "thefile"06:41
fidoh ok06:41
NickGarveygtrplr: would you be able to downgrade your kernel?06:41
fiddo i have to umm give the directory to the file?06:41
gtrplrNickGarvey, this is odd06:41
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TTilusfid: replace thefile with /usr/local/bin/mountcamera06:41
NickGarveygtrplr: yeah.. do you have the svn version?06:41
intelikeyfid if no path is specified then it is assumed to be $PWD06:41
fidya except thats not where it is06:41
sharp_AAA, so comment ALL entries in /etc/hosts or /etc/hosts.allow ?06:42
fidthe path is to the desktop06:42
gtrplrNickGarvey, I remade and reinstall ndis06:42
fidits on the desktop06:42
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gtrplrNickGarvey, ndis -m and I got Adding "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper06:42
intelikeyfid then ls -l Desktop06:42
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AAAsharp_  in hosts.allow I am pretty sure your name resolution is somehow hosed06:42
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NickGarveygtrplr: but I mean do you have the newest of the new version?06:42
TTilusfid: ah, ot /home/`whoami`/Desktop/ then06:42
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gtrplrtried down too06:42
fid-rwxr-xr-x   1 lindsey lpadmin        33 2006-04-19 14:18 mountcamera06:43
gtrplrNickGarvey, when I iwconfig it shows up in eth1 again06:43
NickGarveyTTilus: oo thats cool, I always did $(whoami) but thats a lot nicer...06:43
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intelikeyTTilus wouldn't a tild work better ?   ls -l ~/Desktop/06:43
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic06:43
NickGarveygtrplr: yes I had the same problem, (running suse new because of it heh)06:43
NickGarveygtrplr: s/new/now/06:43
gtrplrNickGarvey, I have just left 10.106:43
TTilusintelikey: wanted to be explicite06:43
suyoghow do i set everything of xkbrules back to defaults?06:43
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intelikeyTTilus the tild is the same as   $HOME06:44
james__I installed ubuntu 5.10 on my dell inspiron 1200, and got everything working includingprinter and wireless card.  i can't get the cr-rom to read a CD (data or audio)  It shows up as a drive, but will not read a cd.  I know the cd-rom works because it just installed ubuntu.  The drive is a phillips cd-rw/dvd-rom scb5265.  Any ideas?06:44
gtrplrNickGarvey, I normally run gentoo06:44
intelikeyit is explisit.06:44
sharp_AAA, how do i find out what my host name is? for example my husband's box is called: druid.efendisystems.com but I am not sure what mine is? IS it sharp.ubuntu.com ?06:44
NickGarveygtrplr: woo way over my head, started using linux this august heh06:44
fidTTilus I'm not sure what that means06:44
gtrplrNickGarvey, ah, I have been running linux since 9706:44
|lostbyte|sharp_: hostname06:44
TTilusintelikey: ok, maybe i just wanted to twiddle06:44
|lostbyte|sharp_: cat /etc/hostname06:44
gtrplrNickGarvey, you young guys smoke some of us old poots06:44
fidi'm sorry I'm a n00b06:45
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james__any ideas why I can't read a CD in ubuntu?06:45
TTilusfid: tell me what exactly did you have at the beginning of the line listing your mount camera script file06:45
AAAsharp_  don't worry about that. you have that defined in your hosts file. for example you can ping imp correct? so just #comment the entries in hosts.allow and restart nfs-commone. I am 80% sure that will solve the problem06:45
riomercdoes anyone know the official vegastrike channel?06:45
TTilusthe first 10 characters06:45
intelikeyfid the permissions you posted is -rwxr-xr-x = 75506:45
fidi posted it06:45
gtrplrNickGarvey, any ideas where they are keeping the netwkingmanager config file?06:46
fidor do you mean the content of the file itself?06:46
TTilusfid: umma, sorry, did not get that06:46
|lostbyte|james__: huh .. corrupted cd, uncompatible cdrom, scratches.. etc..06:46
manjihey wasnt someone looking to register IRC with firefox?06:46
TTilusfid: you have execute flag set06:46
fidsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera06:46
NickGarveygtrplr: no, I ended up switching to suse, I was able to scan from the card, but not connect to any networks with it, frusterating06:46
fidthats the only line i have in the file06:46
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fidwith the first command you told me to type i got the following response06:46
gtrplrNickGarvey, I never had that issue w/SuSE06:47
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|lostbyte|fid: put a "-t" option too..06:47
TTilusfid: first char is for type, then there are 3+3+3 chars for flags per owner, group and others06:47
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|lostbyte|fid: check the man.06:47
riomercis there anyone help with a game called vegastrike?06:47
intelikeyfid clicking that script should mount your camera.06:47
NickGarveygtrplr: yeah I am not sure why that happens in ubuntu but not suse06:47
fidthats what I was thinking06:47
gtrplrNickGarvey, well, thanks!06:47
notjoshhey with 6.06, to upgrade from 5.10 it says to do.. 'gksudo "update-manager -d"'.. is there some kind of command-line way to do that? apt-get..something?06:47
fidbut how do I move those to the /usr/bin/06:47
NickGarveygtrplr: yeah I am sorry I was unable to help06:47
fidsomeone told me thats where i should have it06:47
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james__lostbyte- I know it's not a corrupted CD or scratch.  How do I know if it's an uncompatible cdrom?06:48
gtrplrNickGarvey, ya get bored...come into efnet #linuxgeneration <- good folks06:48
KnelixGuys, I just got speakers for my Ubuntu box... I'm trying to copy all my mp3 files from my Mac to the box. I've been trying to connect, but have had no luck excpet for SSH, but even then I can't get the command to copy my music directory over to work. So, what's the easiest way to connect, or how can I copy via SSH?06:48
fidand then i just have to type $mountcamera or $unmount camera from the terminal and it will work06:48
NickGarveygtrplr: I will :)06:48
intelikeyfid gah'nome may need to id it   put    #!/bin/sh     for the first line then your mount command on line two.06:48
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AAAKnelix  the easiest way is rsync -auve ssh /path/to/mp3/ user@server:/path/to/archive/06:48
TTilusfid: do NOT move them to /usr/bin06:48
|lostbyte|james__: it wont detect the cdrom at all.. happens to my dvd..06:49
TTilusfid: instead put them to /usr/local/bin06:49
fidoh ok06:49
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TTilusfid: the local directories are for per-site fiddlings06:49
KnelixAAA: Will try that...06:49
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intelikeyfid  or optionally you could make a  ~/bin  and  add that to your path.06:49
AAAKnelix  throw that line in a cron and have it update on a set time, or put it in your special mount script so it updates when your mount the drive06:50
sharp_AAA, http://pastebin.com/67270106:50
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fidor just leave these hideous files on my desktop and click them when needed hah06:50
KnelixSharp, it was ONE LINE....06:50
sharp_phew... i am certainly troubleshooting here.06:50
fidhowever I would like to have it set up so i just go to the terminal type $mountcamera and presto cam is mounted06:51
sharp_I didn't know it was this complicated. :-)06:51
intelikeyfid   or that  :)06:51
fidsame for $unmountcamera06:51
dagerwhats the problem?06:51
dagernot that i can help.. just curious :P06:51
fidI just need to know how and where to move these scripts so that happens06:51
intelikeyfid  what is setting that verable,  if i may ask?     and /usr/local/bin/  is fine to use for your scripts.06:52
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TTilusfid: actually i use $ CAMDISK=$(basename $(ls /dev/sd{c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l}1)); sudo mount -t vfat -o uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/$CAMDISK /media/$CAMDISK06:52
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TTilusfid: 1000 is my uid/gid06:52
riomercCan anyone here help with a game called vegastrike06:52
fidTTilus I don't know what that is06:53
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fidi've had ubuntu for 2 days now06:53
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fidI'm learning as I go06:53
cafuegoHmm, mine just automounts the camera and starts f-spot06:53
tapoxI have a program, Gajim, that's launching at boot. How do I make it not launch at boot?06:53
NickGarveyholy crap I am root06:53
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, NickGarvey06:53
sharp_AAA, maybe it's an nfs program error. I do thank u though for your time. Greatly appreciated.06:53
Zairehas anyone in here installed Ubuntu or Kubuntu and had it just lock up as soon as your logged in06:54
sharp_AAA, it would be so much easier though to mount an nfs drive rather than ssh or scftp06:54
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cafuegoZaire: I doubt they'd be here to tell you if it had ;-)06:54
intelikeyZaire i have heard of it.  but never seen is.06:54
AAAsharp_  sheesh. ok. killall -9 rpc.statd;ps aux|grep statd  if this returns nothing, then ls -l /var/run/rpc.statd.pid  (this should not be found, if it is rm -f /var/run/rpc.statd.pid && /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart06:54
intelikeyerr s/is/it/06:55
fidseems like this would be such an easy task, however I'm just making it more difficult (in my head) than needs to be06:55
majdWTF!!!!"the upgrade aborts now. Your system can be in a nunusable state. A recovery is now run06:55
majdi didn't do anything wrong (i don't think)06:55
canllaithUllo. If I was to dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper, what would be the chances of that working for me ok? I am running today's dapper on another machine and it's great, stable enough I want to try it on my laptop too - but that was a clean install from the flight 6 cd so I'm wondering if updating from breezy might have some problems a clean install doesn't06:55
sharp_AAA, ok ..following your instructions.06:55
ZaireIm stuck with mandriva right now but yea I somehwo think its my FX 520006:55
AAAsharp_  I worked 13hrs today, I am kinda tired but I wanna see this work for you :)06:56
Zairehmmmmm hows dapper drake for useability?06:56
majdcould someone please tell me what happened?06:56
dageryou touched something you shouldn't have :(06:57
majdi didn't though06:57
majdi just followed the online tutorial06:57
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arricknight all06:57
intelikeyarrick gnight06:58
majdit downloaded everything (1237 files) and then started installing them....then  bam...i get that message06:58
majdgood night06:58
Zairelol you read a manual I never do06:58
sharp_AAA, darn.. Starting nfs statd ...          [fail]  even after removing rpc.statd.pid  (just what is this annoying pid bit)?06:58
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intelikeymanuals are for those that can't learn by the trial and reformat methood06:59
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slackbrI have the ubunto from "from free cds shiping" Iam try burn a cd but isnt working, some one can help me ?06:59
Zairelol thats my  thoughts .....I prefer to learn on my own lol07:00
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stevedoes anyone else think the tango volume icon doesn't look good at larger sizes?07:00
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MyLady*blinks* didnt mean to do that :P07:00
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sharp_AAA, thank u though..  I think you have done more than most. I am not sure what is causing this error. but maybe my husband can troubleshoot a lot more than I can locally. :-) Thank u  so much though.07:00
beobawhat is making this: ( http://beoba.net/printer/image.jpg ) turn into this?: ( http://beoba.net/printer/printed.jpg ) (on a laser printer)07:00
AAAsharp_  process id. so is that file back now then? no matter. killall -9 rpc.statd && rpc.statd -Fd  (this will takeover your terminal, you'll have to open a new one07:00
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sharp_AAA, ok..performing instructions.07:01
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LadyVixIck.... I hate it when something falls on the keyboard07:01
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AAAsharp_  we are running statd in the foreground with verbose logging to find a clue07:01
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twevhey guys, is there any diagnostic tools for seeing if my hard disk is stuffed. I'm getting random lockups that force me to reboot, and I don't think its the ram, cos I memtest'ed it and it said there were no errors.07:02
intelikeytwev df07:02
sharp_AAA, sharp@ubuntu:~$ killall -9 rpc.statd && rpc.statd -Fd07:02
sharp_rpc.statd: no process killed07:02
sharp_oops ..sorry.07:02
AAAsharp_  ok. then rpc.statd -Fd07:02
twevintelikey: that won't show if there are errors though will it?07:03
intelikeytwev no.   badblocks will tho07:03
intelikeytwev man badblocks07:03
sharp_AAA, i;ll paste this in #flood07:03
AAAsharp_  incedentilly I use '&&' because if the first command fails it won't do the next07:03
sharp_AAA, i c... nifty command.. I'll use it myself from now on. :-)07:03
intelikeytwev for a running rest you could remount ro and fsck /07:04
LadyVixI'm downloading Dapper.... is there anything I should know about it before it gets here ?07:04
AAAsharp_  there is the problem, what else did you change? it is trying to run on a port <102407:04
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intelikeyLadyVix yes.  it is still beta.   pre-release    thus if it eats your hdd or something  don't call us.07:05
sharp_AAA, just hosts and hosts.allow and /etc/fstab .. that's all. :-)07:05
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grafthas anyone ever used 'tpb' for thinkpad buttons?07:06
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LadyVixIntelikey: *giggles* I doubt it'd do that besides its still under warrantee i'd just replace it :P07:06
tonyyarussograft: Yes.07:06
AAAsharp_  iptables -L07:06
graftum. did you do anything special to get it working?07:06
sharp_AAA, in #flood07:07
tonyyarussograft: Just followed the instructions.  The ThinkWiki knows all.07:07
AAAsharp_  sudo iptables -L07:07
graftwell i got nvram loaded, installed it, ran it, but see nothing07:07
GTroywoooohoooo dapper went beta!!!07:07
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graftmebbe my laptop isn't supported07:07
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sharp_AAA, :-)07:08
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intelikeyvnram ?    loading linux kernel into bios ?07:08
james__anyone know where I can get a list of compatible/incompatible cd-rw drives for ubuntu?07:08
tonyyarussograft: I remember having to add myself to the nvram group I think.07:08
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grafttonyyarusso: yeah did that too07:08
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manjihey, what is the name of the package with MS truetype fonts (such as Trebuchet MS)?07:08
tonyyarussoGTroy: Well aren't you on top o' the news quick dere ;)07:09
PwcrLinuxjames__: Sony or LG07:09
PwcrLinuxEven lites07:09
tonyyarussograft: I don't remember anything else beyond what the wiki said that I had to do.07:09
GTroyhahahah aren't I tonyyarusso07:09
intelikeytonyyarusso may i ask what y'all are doing in nvram ?07:09
graftintelikey: err no, you access laptop 'special' button states through non-volatile ram...07:09
AAAsharp_  sorry, I just don't know.  you must have PAM doing something weird or... I just don't know, wish I could help. scp,ssh,rsync,sftp,ftp,wget all ways to get your files not to mention many,many others.07:09
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tonyyarussointelikey: tpb - thinkpad buttons - uses it.07:09
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intelikeyah  ok  accessing through bios07:09
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=== intelikey sees
sharp_AAA, it's no problem AAA.. I really appreciate your time.. I will explore some more with those options like scp or ssh or rsync. Thanks again. :-)07:10
james__i have a phillips cd-rw/dvd-rom scb5265, and I can't get it to work with ubuntu (but ubuntu correctly recognizes it, it just won't read disks.) what am i doing wrong?07:10
PwcrLinuxjames__: does your cd drive vibrates or unbearable to read it?07:11
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AAAsharp_  wait, one more thing. last one I promise =p07:11
sharp_AAA, hehe.. a man that does not give up. I like that.07:11
intelikeyjames__  1. does it work from other os   2. what kind of disks have you tried   3. what command did you use (that one may be the point and click thingy)  ?07:11
lflashlhow do i point a install to gcc 3.4.507:12
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lflashlit for vmware07:12
Zairesooooo how does dapper drake work?07:12
AAAsharp_  killall -9 rpc.statd  then rpc.statd -Fd -p 1313 -o 131407:12
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graftwhat's sharp_07:13
graft's problem?07:13
james__I know the cd-rom is good- worked fine in windows earlier and will boot a ubuntu live cd no problem.  Tried a music cd, data cd, blank cdrw, no luck on any.  i am clicking on the crrw icon under my computer.07:13
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riomercUm, can someone help me with a game called vegastrike?07:13
lflashlhow do i point a install to gcc 3.4.507:13
intelikeyjames__ ok  ide or scsi  ?07:14
AAAriomerc  d00d. I copied your text 'vegastrike' into google, can you?07:14
intelikeyor usb ?07:14
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james__ide on a dell inspiron 120007:14
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sharp_AAA, something different there.. in #flood07:14
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AAAsharp_  :) try your mount command now07:14
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riomerci've already googled and looked07:15
AAAsharp_  if that works, you can add that to /etc/defaults/nfs-commons07:15
AAAriomerc  how is your ubuntu running?07:15
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intelikeyjames__ put a data disk in the tray   open a terminal  and  type   sudo mount /dev/.static/hdc /mnt && nautilus /mnt07:16
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sharp_AAA, sorry.. the mount stuff/ gives the same error. mount: RPC: Program not registered. Very odd indeed.07:16
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ZeZuCan i connect to a windows home network ?07:17
lflashlsharp_, are u trying to mount a ntfs drive07:17
riomercAAA: just perfectly fine, but my help request is that I can't find a file07:17
lflashlZeZu, YES07:17
_2064_any tutorial to install quake4 on ubuntu?07:17
sharp_lflashl, no.. nfs07:17
intelikeyjames__  if nothing try changing     sudo mount /dev/.static/hdb /mnt && nautilus /mnt          <-- note the  device change from c to b07:17
ZeZulflashl, thx, i'll look on wiki then07:17
_2064_any tutorial to install quake4 on ubuntu?07:18
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sharp_lflashl, i can't even run a simple game like professor fizzlewizzle. on grubbygames.com ... I am not sure how to install sdl which is a requirement.07:18
spinemy CR-RW drive doesnt get configured with burning propperties in ubuntu install, ive had to dual boot windows for a year still because of this its driving me crazy, does anyone have any input, any help much appreciated07:18
=== VSFH [n=vsfh@216-67-206-118.nas34.kgm.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
VSFHwas there someone in here earlier today who was having dialup troubles  ?07:19
VSFHparticularly having their connection dropped a lot?07:19
lflashlsorry out off my legue, i just used the shell script and it mount all drives for me07:19
james__I tried the first one... says that you must specify the filesystem type07:19
Tomcat__2064_: second...07:19
_2064_cauz i cant understand one step tomcat07:19
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_2064_cauz i found one07:20
Tomcat__2064_: http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/07:20
intelikeyVSFH yeah i remember someone with wvdial not recognizing their pcmcia modem07:20
PwcrLinux-t auto07:20
sharp_If the game fails to run, you may try installing the SDL and SDL_image packages s$07:20
sharp_  g++ -lSDL -lSDL_image ./objects/libfmod-3.75.so ./objects/*.o -o Professor07:20
sharp_how do I install SDL?07:20
AAAriomerc  then sudo updatedb; sudo locate vegas07:20
_2064_it says copy files from quake4 original cd....but how? and where? :/07:20
_2064_im really new to ubuntu07:20
_2064_cauz it dont allow me to copy files in the folder07:21
VSFHintelikely: unfortunately that's not it, this guy had a usb external if I recall and was running wvdial in a terminal and got disconnected a lot07:21
intelikeyjames__ try the second    change the  /dev/.static/hdc   to  ..../hdb    the up arrow is handy for those changes.07:21
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intelikeyVSFH hmmmm i didn't catch that one.07:21
VSFHI found fixes to both problems with a little tinkering, dunno if the part to make my connection drop less often will work or not07:22
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majdman...ubuntu is such a nice os.....it's unholy07:22
VSFHintel: do you know anything about lcp ?07:22
james__tried the second... same message.07:22
majdif only it was shipped with a nicer theme by default07:22
majdlike vistabut07:22
majdwith nouveXT icons....07:22
intelikeyVSFH lcp ?   no can't say that i do.07:22
VSFHI changed a few lcp values since the problem was that it would drop my connect if I lost 4 lcp packets07:22
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james__the exact message is "mount: you must specify the filesystem type07:23
intelikeyjames__ try with hdd   hda  it should be a,b,c,d  one of them.07:23
Kassahwhat package do I need to install to be able to have make?07:23
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, AAA07:23
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intelikeyjames__ yeah mount's error messages leave a lot to be desired.07:23
ubotuAAA: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:23
VSFHKassah: check under 'make' with synaptic07:23
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rnd_nulli just installed 3d-desktop and need to run the '3ddesk --acquire' command every time X starts, is there a file somewhere that i can plug that command into so it starts?07:24
ubotubuild-essential is, like, totally, a meta package for software building see !gcc for more info07:24
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james__no... all 4 a,b,c,d all gave the same message.07:24
noiesmornd_null, add to .xsession in you home folder07:24
rnd_nullthank you07:25
Hobbseeintelikey: well, try it with setting the file system type, if you havent already07:25
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VSFHjames__: are your drives scsi by any chance  ?07:25
VSFHor does ubuntu not use /dev/sd* ?07:25
KassahAAA: thanks... I'll give that a try :)07:25
rnd_nullnoiesmo, i dont have that file, is it safe to make one?07:26
intelikeyHobbsee for a cdrom   hehhe if he ever hits the correct device node it should mount.07:26
james__I don't think so... I'm pretty sure the drive in this inspiron 1200 is ide... but I can't swear to it.07:26
Hobbseeoh ok07:26
noiesmornd_null, yes put #!/bin/bash at hte top then the command to run07:26
VSFHand I didn't see, what's the exact problem you're having ? can't get a drive to mount  ?07:26
PwcrLinuxjames__: go to in terminal box and do  dmesg   if you see the CDROM line which the h** or s** is/07:27
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intelikeyjames__ ok.  lets do this then.  as one command copy and paste this line.        for this in [a-g]  ;do eject /dev/.static/hd$this && echo "/dev/.static/hd$this" ;done07:28
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noiesmolooking for app to make video tutorial any suggestions07:28
james__it says " hdb: PHILIPS CD-RW/DVD-ROM SCB5265, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive"07:28
PwcrLinuxOkay that's hdb107:29
dlijames__, inspiron 1200 is quite old, it's not uncommon to find dead hdds07:29
ZeZuwill mount -a handle all the samba entries in fstab too ?07:29
james__that message was from the dmesg command07:29
dlinoiesmo, mencoder (from mplayer), transcode, ffmpeg07:29
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intelikeyhdb james  and you did try      sudo mount /dev/.static/hdb /mnt07:30
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PwcrLinuxjames__: yes, hdb is a main and the drive itself will be hdb107:30
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intelikeymaybe i'm assuming to much...  what version of ubuntu are you using james__ ?07:30
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james__ubuntu 5.1007:30
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james__I have installed all the updates as well.07:30
DaskiesAnyone know how to update Firefox Flash07:30
intelikeyPwcrLinux on07:30
intelikeyPwcrLinux on   not a cd   there won't be partitions on a cd.07:31
Daskies1.5 Firefox07:31
PwcrLinuxintelikey: on what?07:31
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noiesmodli, hmm I want to say show people how to do something on ubuntu desktop and record it, so maybe video tut was wrong ??07:31
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rnd_nullnoismo: t h a n k y o u07:31
noiesmornd_null, np :)07:32
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:32
DaskiesUpdating flash in 1.5 ff anyone?07:32
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_jasonDaskies: update flash to what?07:32
Daskies_jason: 807:32
PwcrLinuxintelikey: no, the hdb is a main hardware (IDE port) then the hdb1 is a CDRW hardware..07:32
Daskies_jason: Version 8 that is07:33
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_jasonDaskies: http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux no 8 for linux07:33
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intelikeyPwcrLinux so you don't mount an rw the way you mount a rom ?07:33
james__should I use hdb1 in the mount command??07:33
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draconiusso here's a silly question...when recompiling my kernel, should I select Opteron for my cpu type, even if I am running 32bit ubuntu? or should I stick with 686?07:33
intelikeyjames__ try it.07:33
calamariI'm trying to read a dvd with an error in it, but it seems to freeze any copying program, including dd_rescue.  I'm assuming it is trying really hard to read the data, but is there a way to tell Linux to give up easier?07:33
Daskies_jason, Do you kow when they plan to have 8 for linux?07:33
PwcrLinuxintelikey: yea, my box already automatic detecting a CD discs, it's a sony CDRW/DVD07:34
_jasonDaskies: nope, who knows with macromedia07:34
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Daskies_jason, Correction, Adobe :p07:34
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intelikeyjames and use the [tab]  key to complete /dev/.static[tab] /hdb[tab] 07:34
_jasonDaskies: yeah yeah :P07:34
Tomcat_Daskies: 8 won't come out for Linux... only 8.507:34
cyphasehmm, i'm gonna have to get used to xchat-gnome07:34
Tomcat_Daskies: Oh, _jason said that already :)07:34
DaskiesTomcat_, And do you know when that will happen?07:34
Tomcat_Nah, sorry. :o07:35
Tomcat_Probably in 10 or 20 years. ;P07:35
Tomcat_Who cares about Linux users. :\07:35
DaskiesLinux users07:35
kameronhow do i enable/config ntp?07:35
_jasonyou could always try running it in wine, that sounds like a nice experiment07:35
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DaskiesWine? Why don;t I just shoot myself now, and call it good?07:35
intelikeykameron sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow ntp07:36
kameronty intelikey07:36
sharp_anyone know how do I install the SDL library in ubuntu?07:36
ZeZuits in the package manager07:37
hyphenatedcalamari: I'd like to know the solution to that one too :-)07:37
ZeZuif you want to write sdl apps you need the -devel07:37
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james__still no luck.07:37
ZeZuits "libsdl"07:37
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Tomcat_sharp_: SDL is installed already on Ubuntu.07:37
hyphenatedcalamari: can you put the error from dmesg into a pastebin?07:37
sharp_ZeZu, i dont want to write ..some game requires it.07:37
ZeZushould be there already07:37
psquared89james__ all right, i just got here, but i'm not sure why you're trying to mount your cd drive, do you have a disk in it that you're trying to run a filesystem off of?07:37
calamarihyphenated: it seems that dd_rescue broke out of it.. it's still slow but at least I'm seeing error messages that increment07:37
ZeZuif not just install it07:37
ZeZueven sudo apt-get install libsdl would prob do it07:38
sharp_Tomcat_, oh i didnt know that. Well.. this game somehow complains about it.07:38
hyphenatedcalamari: yah, it takes forever when it hits a bad spot in a disc07:38
james__no, I want to read the contents of the drive... and I can't07:38
Tomcat_sharp_: Paste the error message then. And the game name.07:38
intelikeyjames__  do an  ls -l /dev/.static/hdb       i want to make sure it exists.07:38
ZeZusharp_ you sure its not using SDL_img or SDL_mixer or SDL_ttf ?07:38
ZeZuerr complaining about them07:38
ZeZubecause they are all seperate07:38
ZeZuand i think it only has the base libsdl package installed07:38
dlijames__, check your dmesg, anything about hdb07:38
spinemy CD-RW drive doesnt get configured with burning propperties in ubuntu install, ive had to dual boot windows for a year still because of this its driving me crazy, does anyone have any input, any help much appreciated07:39
sharp_ZeZu, i am assuming it complains about SDL because that is all the ReaDME file says.07:39
cgespine: does cdrecord work?07:39
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ZeZuwhats the readme have to do with the error message ?07:39
psquared89james__ dmesg | grep hdb07:39
james__iI did the ls command- told permission denied.07:39
DBOjames__, use sudo07:39
intelikeyjames__ with all the help you are getting,  i'm gona leave you in their hands.    too many cooks.....07:40
cgejames__: ntfs?07:40
sharp_Tomcat_, the name ofthe game is professor fizzwizzle from grubbygames.com  .. you have to run it with run.sh ... I get errors though. I can paste it in #flood if u would like.07:40
james__sudo ls said no such file or directory07:40
sharp_ZeZu, the README tells you how to troubleshoot for errors.07:40
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intelikeywe are going to have that poor boy so confused, he'll hate linux.....07:40
Tomcat_sharp_: Well I gotta run, but ZeZu might want to have a look at it.07:40
cgejames__: Is the drive formatted in ntfs?07:40
ZeZusharp_, the whole point is: what _is_ the error message ?07:41
ZeZuwhat does it say exactly ?07:41
james__I let ubuntu format the drive completely during install... I don't know what ubuntu does by default.07:41
psquared89it's a cd drive, not a hard drive07:41
sharp_ZeZu, the error is now posted in #flood07:41
intelikeycge  i kinda doubt it.   seeing it's a CD07:41
PwcrLinuxmines is hdc on CDRW drive, when I put the cd disc, and it's automounted as hdc1 (after detecting a CD disc).07:41
cgeintelikey: oh07:41
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ZeZupaste again07:41
ZeZui wasn't in #flood07:41
zielonyHow can I burn CD ? Druid always ask me to insert a blank CD into CD-RW drive, but CD is there07:42
james__it's like i have the bull by the tail but can't take it anywhere... once this is fixed, my system should be working fine.07:42
intelikeyjames try one more command for me please,  before they have you reinstalling the system,    eject /dev/hdb07:43
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DaskiesIsn't there an app that let's you ping servers?07:43
intelikeyDaskies like ping ?07:43
DBODaskies, you mean like... the ping command?07:43
hyphenatedDaskies: you want a pretty graphical app?07:43
DaskiesYes; Yes; Preferabbly07:43
Daskieshyphenated, Do you know the app name?07:44
intelikeyjames__ did it stick it's tongue out and say ahh ?07:44
jmoncayowhere can i put the access.conf file in apache207:45
hyphenatedDaskies: nope, I'm having a quick look for stuff like that07:45
hyphenatedDaskies: personally, I just use the 'ping' command that two people have already suggested07:45
DaskiesWhat is it?07:45
DBOhyphenated, wow apt-cache turns up tons for ping... =P07:45
intelikey /etc/apache2/07:45
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DBODaskies, open a terminal and type "ping <IPOFSERVER>" replacing the <> part of course07:46
james__no, it didn't do anything... in fact, it won't give me a command prompt after that.07:46
DaskiesDBO, what is the ping command?07:46
hyphenatedDaskies: they cryptically named it "ping"07:46
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hyphenatedto throw you off the track ;-)07:46
james__is there something wrong or missing with the cdrom file?07:46
greeneghi *, sorry for being slightly OT, but does anyone know where I can talk to the developers of synaptic?07:46
intelikeyjames__ ah ha.... so there is an io error of some kind there.    ctrl C    should get you back to the prompt.07:46
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DaskiesDBO, ping works for http:// adresses, correct?07:47
DBOintelikey, perhaps checking dmesg or the kernel log could be of calue07:47
hyphenatedDaskies: no, it doesn't07:47
hyphenatedDaskies: do you want to ping a machine, or the machine's webserver?07:47
james__what does that mean for setting up access to the cdrom?07:47
Daskieshyphenated, Then how do you ping an online server (http://www.adress.com)07:47
DBODaskies, averything after http:// works though07:47
intelikeyjames__ you may need to enable scsi emulation  and access the drive through the scsi interface.07:48
DBODaskies, ping www.adress.com07:48
james__how the heck do you do that?07:48
zielonyHow can I burn CD ? Druid always ask me to insert a blank CD into CD-RW drive, but CD is there07:48
=== PwcrLinux uses scsi emulation for USB flash drives..
intelikeyit's a command added in the grub configuration file.  /boot/grub/menu.lst james__07:49
b166eron a fresh ubuntu install, but my windows HD is not listed in the fstab file...any idea how to add it ?07:49
ubotusomebody said ntfs was the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions07:49
jmoncayowhere do i put my rewrite rules in apache207:49
Daskiesping www.google.com07:49
Daskiesping: unknown host www.google.com07:49
DaskiesTerminal input, then terminal output07:50
hyphenatedDaskies: is your networking set up right? that should work fine07:50
MadpilotDaskies: "ping google.co" - leave the www off07:50
DBODaskies, works for me, are you using that same machine to connect to the internet right now?07:50
james__how tough to modify the file?07:50
intelikeyjames__ off the top of my head i can't recall the exact command.  maybe   google.com/linux    search for 'scsi emulation'07:50
intelikeyjames__ it's an easy edit.07:51
DaskiesDBO, I'm not sure; Yes07:51
DaskiesMadpilot, No-go07:51
spinecge: no cdrecord does not work, to ubuntu, the drive doesnt have write propperties07:51
obscuriteDaskies - http:// is the HTTP protocol which uses port 80, typically. Ping uses the ICMP protocol which doesn't use ports. Totally different beasts :)07:51
sharp_ZeZu, may I show u the error again? this time its a lot less :-)07:51
DBODaskies, pint
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intelikeyspine see also james__ ^   it may be the same need.07:52
DBODaskies, ping (typoed, sorry)07:52
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=== PwcrLinux pinged on www.wcco.com work prefectly :)
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james__spine- how do i fix?07:52
intelikeylast account i had, all cdrw's use scsi io code.07:52
fidok so here is an interesting and fun question for all to enjoy07:53
DaskiesDBO, It keeps printing up the same loop of info07:53
ZeZusharp_ sure paste again07:53
zielonyHow can I burn CD ? Druid always ask me to insert a blank CD into CD-RW drive, but CD is there07:53
DaskiesDBO, So it works, but it keeps going, and going07:53
DBODaskies, press CTRL + C07:53
fidIf I were wanting to install my nvidia driver, how do i kill x server so that the driver can install?07:53
greenegnot true intelikey. If you are on kernel 2.6 you do NOT need ide-scsi07:53
hyphenatedDaskies: yeah, ping does that :-)07:53
DBODaskies, open a web browser and type www.google.com into the address bar07:53
psquared89as far as i know, my cdrw (and dvdrw) doesn't use scsi emulation07:53
ZeZuwhat package is  libstdc++ in ?07:53
DaskiesDBO, done07:53
cgeZeZu: in libstdc++6?07:53
DBODaskies, did it load?07:53
ZeZuprob installing g++ would do the trick but for just binaries07:54
spinejames__ : dont know yet07:54
DaskiesDBO, Yes07:54
intelikeygreeneg well why else are so many having so much trubble with it ?07:54
DaskiesDBO, Obviously the internet works if I am on IRC :p07:54
ZeZusharp_, see if there is a package named libstdc++6 in synaptic07:54
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DBODaskies, but your host lookup from ping isnt...07:54
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greenegintelikey: they likely don't have write perms to the dev node.07:54
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sharp_ZeZu, ok..checking.07:54
DaskiesDBO, How do I go about fixing that?07:54
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hyphenatedDaskies: first, work out what the problem is ;-)07:54
greenegthey need to run either k3b or something like it's config wizard07:54
cgeZeZu: but if sharp__ is having a problem, it is probably because libstdc++5 isn't installed. Many third-party packages require it.07:55
DBODaskies, type "host www.google.com" and tell me if you get output (do not paste it here)07:55
intelikeygreeneg that may be true for some... but not james__ his is io trubble.  eject hangs and doesn't eject the disk and cant mount the cds ?07:55
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greenegintelikey: if he has an automounter that can cause that.07:56
sharp_ZeZu, there is.. and it's installed :-) I am downloading the dev packages just in case. :-)07:56
DaskiesDBO, Yes07:56
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DBODaskies, can you put it on pastebin for me?07:56
intelikeygreeneg sudo eject should over ride any mount    no ?07:56
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spinecge: i think i may have found the problem07:56
DaskiesDBO, http://daskies.pastebin.com/67273907:56
psquared89intelikey yes it should07:56
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greenegintelikey: no. Only mounts done that are NOT in use07:57
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spine cge: fstab reports07:57
aphorismanyone know the ipw2100 here?07:57
greenegso if the drive is managed with autofs, you have to tell it to bugger off07:57
DBODaskies, I dont understand why your ping isnt doing host lookups...07:57
spineudf,iso9660 user,noauto07:57
psquared89james__ normall when you insert a cd, an auto-mount script will mount the drive for you, just to be sure that nothing's sort-of halfway there, try sudo umount /dev/hdb07:57
DaskiesDBO, It hates me?07:57
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fidERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before07:57
fid         installing. Anyone tell me how to disable X ?07:57
sharp_ZeZu, hmm..that didn't work.. Oh well. Thanks anyway.07:58
DBODaskies, tux loves everyone=) try "ping www.yahoo.com"07:58
sharp_ZeZu, this is not my day :-)07:58
dlifid, /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:58
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aphorismi have an issue with WPA and the ipw2100 -- the ioctl not supported issue.07:58
psquared89james__ afterwards, you can just mount /dev/hdb07:58
ZeZuworks that way sometimes ;p07:58
psquared89you shouldn't need sudo07:58
spinecge: should i add W to udf,iso9660 user,noauto in fstab?07:58
nanotubeaphorism, well, i have ipw2200... ;)07:58
ZeZuyou can try installing g++07:58
dlifid, if it doesn't work, "killall -9 X"07:58
DBOdli, next time you should include instructions on how to restart X too =)07:58
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cgespine: I don't think that will make a difference.07:59
DaskiesHmm, DBO, it just started working07:59
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cgespine: fstab has nothing to do with cdrw07:59
DBODaskies, another problem to go into my WTF folder07:59
aphorismioctl[SIOCSIWSCAN{,EXT}] : Operation not supported07:59
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spinecge: il just keep up my research, thx07:59
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nanotubeaphorism, ah sorry, i just use wep, so dont know anything about getting wpa to work...07:59
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cgespine: What does cdrecord say when you try to use it?07:59
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aphorismwhich, i think, is the wpa_supplicant related patch, but i was hoping someone would know a definitive solution.07:59
psquared89james__ any luck with umount ?08:00
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riomercdoes anyone know how to change folder acess premissions in the terminal08:00
cgeriomerc: chmod08:00
psquared89riomerc the command is chmod08:00
DBOriomerc, man chmod08:00
intelikeypsquared89 he never did get it mounted...08:00
Frogzooriomerc: man chmod08:00
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riomercmany thanks08:00
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Frogzoo!tell riomerc about docs08:00
ZeZu;| anjuta doesn't want to create a project anymore08:00
nanotuberiomerc, you can type "man chmod" for more details on how to use it. :)08:00
spinecge: i dont know howto use it, but i know the programs i tried burning with did08:00
DBOriomerc, if you wish to change owner, you can use chown08:00
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james__it unmounted fine.08:01
ZeZuhaha i bet i created /projects via root and it doesn't have permissions08:01
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aphorismanyone... ipw2100 and WPA... pretty please.08:01
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cgespine: you should try cdrecord, as nearly everything else uses it as a backend08:01
nanotubeDBO, and others, it's nice to get a nice and easy question sometimes, eh? :)08:01
james__but it won't mount08:01
DaskiesDBO, figured it out. I had multipul pages loading, it must have jammed the ping command08:01
james__it just hangs08:01
dlijames__, you have hardware failure, right?08:01
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james__what is hardware failure?08:02
cgespine: try running "sudo cdrecord -v dev=/dev/{CD DEVICE, MAYBE cdrom} ISO_FILENAME"08:02
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cgeMadpilot: err, is the live-chat even on the livecd?08:03
dlispine, if you have any problem with burning CD, try k3b08:03
vinboyanyone know how to remove the bootup gui? i prefer the using text08:03
fidwhat does it mean when i'm trying to install the nvidia driver and it says the compiler doesn't match or something.  It says the compiler used was 3.4 the current is 4.0 anyone know what to do?08:03
intelikeyvinboy  sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/*gdm08:03
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vinboythx intelikey08:04
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Frogzoovinboy: 'sudo update-rc.d gdm remove'08:04
dlifid, rebuild your kernel, and reinstall nvidia-kernel, reboot08:04
spinedli: as i explained the cd-rom is configured without write abbilities, all the preograms i used used cdrecord, kb3 doesnt worj either08:04
nanotubevinboy, best way to manage the startup services (including gdm) is to use the "sysv-rc-conf" package08:04
intelikeyFrogzoo what if he don't want it removed from all runlevels ?08:04
vinboyok thx ppls08:04
nanotubevinboy, you can install it with apt-get.08:04
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)08:05
Frogzoofid: try setting CC=gcc-3.4 & make clean08:05
bliss1_Frogzoo; hi,evening08:05
james__what should i be looking for on the cdrecord command?08:05
MadpilotIn Gaim, is there a way to view the IRC channel list?08:05
Frogzoointelikey: true enough08:05
Frogzoobliss1_: hi08:05
spinedli: device mannager doesnt report write abbilities08:05
fidFrogzoo: how do i do that?08:05
carthikwhere can download the beta images?08:05
cgespine: ignore the device manager.08:05
Frogzoofid: CC=gcc-3.408:05
cgespine: just see what error you get with cdrecord.08:06
Frogzoofid: make sure you have gcc 3.4 installed of course08:06
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spinecge: brb08:06
fidya how do i check that?08:06
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Frogzoofid: gcc-3.408:06
psquared89james__ well, i'm not sure what exactly is going on, have you tried posting on ubuntuforums?  there's a good selection of people there who may have experianced this before08:06
james__cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/{CD'. Cannot open SCSI driver08:06
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fidcommand not found08:06
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PwcrLinuxMadpilot: server list? or chanlist?08:06
intelikeyfid dpkg -l gcc-3.408:06
aleitnerhi guys08:06
dlispine, try "k3bsetup"08:06
MadpilotPwcrLinux: channels here on Freenode08:06
Frogzoofid: 'sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4'08:06
fiddo i want 3.4?08:07
fidor 4.008:07
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cgejames__: err, that {CD was meant to tell you to replace that with whatever your cdrom device is, usually "cdrom" or "cdrw"08:07
james__will Dapper Drake probably have this cdrom issue fixed?08:07
PwcrLinuxMadpilot: yea, it's /list08:07
aleitneris there a way to abort the fsck that ubuntu tries to do after so an so many reboots? (this can be quite nasty if you have to give a presentation)08:07
Frogzoofid: you do if you want the same gcc version as your kernel was built with, so yes08:07
MadpilotPwcrLinux: I was hoping for a GUI list08:07
intelikeyfid depends on what you are building.   kernel  3.4   most other stuff 4.0    but you have to have b-e  i think.08:08
ubotu[b-e]  no make ?  you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a    sudo aptitude install build-essential.08:08
fidi don't know i'm using ubuntu 5.1008:08
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fidand I just want to install the right nvidia driver so that when i try to play a video my screen doesn't freak out08:08
psquared89james__ i've got a dapper system with two sony drives in it, both of which work perfectly.  but i think if there's a real problem here, it isn't going to get fixed in the transition (although it may be fixed in the re-install...)08:08
intelikeyfid do that     sudo apt-get install build-essential08:09
fidit says build-essential is already the newest version08:09
intelikeythen   sudo apt-get install gcc-3.408:09
Frogzoo!tell fid about xorg08:09
intelikeyif it's installed you should be good to go.08:09
Frogzoo!tell fid about fixres08:10
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fidi'm a stupid rook08:10
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james__am I correct in assuming that if ubuntu has this many problems, most other distros like SUSE or PCLinuxOS will have CD-ROM problems as well/08:10
Frogzoofid: you might not even need to update your driver, just fix your x settings, of course, updated drivers are always nice08:10
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intelikeyjames__ not nessarrily08:11
fidok what was that command to kill x again08:11
Frogzoojames__: define 'so many problem'?08:11
fidi'm going to try this again08:11
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dlifid, /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:11
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intelikeysudo that ^08:11
bliss1_Frogzoo: found a way to use tun and kqemu in /udev/rules.d its here http://pastebin.ca/5035108:11
james__problems (or a problem) with this cdrom on this machine.... I guess what I'm asking is if I try another distribution, will I get the same result?08:11
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fidapparently the gnome manager is not running08:12
Frogzoojames__: how old is the cdrom? atapi or scsi?08:12
twevi'm having hard crashes that require a reset and I'm trying to diagnose the cause. I've run a memtest on the ram and it gave no errors, I've checked for bad blocks on the hard disk and none came up. I suspect that it's a problem with my motherboard, does anyone know of any diagnostic tools that might help me find out what is wrong?08:12
intelikeyjames__ like i said.  not nessarily08:12
nanotubealeitner, i suppose just pressing control-c while its fsck-ing, should cancel it08:12
intelikeyjames__ try it and see.08:12
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Frogzootwev: most likely suspect is the vid driver - which vid card?08:12
intelikeyubuntu is not the end all be all  of linux.08:12
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james__what's another good distro?? PCLinuxOS?? or any others you'd recommend?08:13
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spinecdrecord: No write mode specified.08:13
spinecdrecord: Asuming -tao mode.08:13
spinecdrecord: Future versions of cdrecord may have different drive dependent defaults.08:13
twevFrogzoo: it's a nvidia i've experienced the crash with the nv and nvidia drivers though.08:13
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Frogzootwev: breezy?08:13
twevFrogzoo: yep08:13
intelikeyjames__ some like debian  some like gentoo some like fedora  some like mandriva  some like slackware ......08:13
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nanotubeintelikey, yes it is (the end all be all of linux)! hehe j/k08:14
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psquared89james__ how old is this computer (years) ?08:14
Frogzootwev: and the machine locks up completely? even caps lock doesn't work?08:14
mrchicagoi have a questiono08:14
james__I just got it October 2005... it's a dell inspiron 120008:14
intelikeypsquared89 mine is 12 years old now.....08:14
mrchicagoi tried to burn a dual layer dvd with k3b like a week ago08:14
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aleitnernanotube: and what do you do then? to just reboot will just make it recheck the hdd08:14
mrchicagoand then no dvds can be read anymore08:15
Frogzoojames__: and what doesn't work?08:15
twevFrogzoo: i'm not sure about caps lock. It locks up I can't bring up a shell, and I don't think i can even ssh in. I can recreate the crash perfectly though.08:15
mrchicagonot even when i reinstalled windows08:15
mrchicagoany ideas08:15
Frogzootwev: what causes the crash?08:15
james__i can't get the CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive to read anything.  I need scsi emulation i guess.08:15
intelikeymrchicago lazer error ?08:15
mrchicagodont know08:15
twevFrogzoo: well it happens with lots of things, i can recreate it with the theme manager though. I open up the theme mamager and it crashes.08:16
mrchicagoit worked fine till i burned the dual layer dvd08:16
Frogzoomrchicago: burn at a slow speed08:16
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mrchicagothat is just it08:16
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nanotubealeitner, well, once it cancels the fsck, it should just go on booting as usual (although it might try to check it again at next reboot, dunno)08:16
marcwhat is the name of the gnome screenshot application?08:16
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mrchicagoit cannot read a blank or burnt dvd anymore08:16
PwcrLinuxjames__: Oh, your lappy 2 years old, your cd drive seem a laser failed to read.. probably you need to replace it..08:16
mrchicagoi never had probs out of the burner till noe08:16
intelikeymrchicago but if both linux and M$-windows  can no longer read dvd's then it must be hardware.08:16
Frogzoomrchicago: hardware failure?08:17
mrchicagocds work fine in it08:17
Madpilotmarc I think it's "gnome-screenshot", but I'm not at all sure08:17
mrchicagothink maybe the firmware got messed up08:17
paul_question: why is it that the mouse in ubuntu seems weird, and that no matter how hard I try to reconfigure it it never seems to have the same smoothness as in windows- is there a way to fix this (like without having to just "live with it") ?08:17
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twevFrogzoo: what do you think it would mean if the caps lock wouldn't work.08:17
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aleitnernanotube: are you sure about that? is it always safe to do that?08:17
marcThanks, for some reason it did not show up on my install08:17
intelikeymrchicago worth a shot08:17
mrchicagohmm, maybe i can reinstall it08:17
Frogzootwev: if caps lock doesn't register on the keyboard led, the kernel has crapped out08:17
james__i appreciate everyone's time... guess I'll call it a night.08:18
mrchicagowith wine or something08:18
=== PwcrLinux usually replaces every yearly
psquared89james__ is this cd in a fixed bay or a removable one?08:18
cgespine, are you still here?08:18
Frogzootwev: ie, game over08:18
mrchicagoremovable one08:18
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intelikeyjames__ sorry we didn't tell you what you wanted to hear.08:18
twevFrogzoo: ok cool. do you think it's the motherboard?08:18
mrchicagothing is the integrated one cant read them anymoree either08:18
stevehey, can anyone help me fix my firefox?  I get a segfault when i try to load it.08:18
DShepherdhow do you redo in vi again?08:18
defryskmarc also try <print-screen>button or <alt><print-screen> button for screenshot of active window08:18
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mrchicagoim not sure what the prob is08:18
james__it's not your fault... you guys worked hard to get me up and running... just one of those things...08:18
cgepeople are now auto-kicked for 4 line floods?08:18
marcThanks, thats helpful!08:19
psquared89james__ i'm grasping at straws here too, my apologies also, again, i'd suggest posting at http://ubuntuforums.org also, help requests last a little longer there08:19
paul_btw which IDE's do you guys use for C++ coding?08:19
intelikeyjames__ i would try fedora  or something  before i gave up on linux....08:19
nanotubealeitner, well, i have not specifically done than on an fsck, but ctrl-c safely stops just about anything on bootup (i use it routinely during the "configuring network interfaces" part cuz it just takes too long.08:19
Frogzootwev: it's kind of odd to have theme manager (a user space app) crash the kernel - it's possible your install is corrupt somewhere, reinstalling might fix it08:19
james__is fedora free?08:19
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Frogzoojames__: yep08:19
DShepherdjames__: like a bird08:19
stevepaul_, kdevelop, anjuta, emacs, vi.  try those.  :)08:19
intelikeyyes it is08:19
nanotubealeitner, i am pretty sure stopping fsck doesnt screw anything up, cuz it's just checking stuff, not writing any files or anything.08:20
wyI need some help about urxvt08:20
twevFrogzoo: yeah it is wierd that's why I thought it was hard ware.08:20
kozhyyeah.. fedora its free08:20
james__maybe I'll try that instead.08:20
cgeDShepherd: Ctl-R?08:20
aleitnernanotube: i am not completely sure, but i think i tried it at some point and it just dropped me into a shell. (the os at the time might have been debian though)08:20
james__have a good night.08:20
twevfedora is good, but lots of cd's08:20
DShepherdcge thanks08:20
intelikeyjames__ all the ones i mentiond are free.08:20
Frogzootwev: if it was me, I'd reformat & reinstall08:20
paul_steve: if I'm using xfce will it matter w/ kdevelop?08:20
aleitnernanotube: fsck can write to the disk too, iirc08:20
twevFrogzoo: cool,08:20
PwcrLinuxFedora free?? impossible.. I've searched on website they're cost to buy it..08:20
aleitnernanotube: if it finds inconsistency08:20
stevepaul_, it might look a little odd, but it should run fine.08:20
DShepherdPwcrLinux: ????08:21
cgealeitner, nanotube: err, it can seriously cause problems if you run it in a repair like mode.08:21
paul_steve: so anjuta would be better then?08:21
cgeor cause serious problems08:21
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eexpressone @08:21
paul_also does anyone know how to unrar something?- I have unrar-nonfree installed08:21
aleitnercge: and is it run in repair mode when called from bootup for peridoc checks?08:21
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cgealeitner: no08:21
DShepherdpaul_: man unrar08:21
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nanotubecge, but afaik, during boot it just runs it in check mode?08:22
_jasonpaul_: just double click on it08:22
aleitnercge: so CTRL-C is safe in this situation? do you know if it will just continue booting?08:22
stevepaul_, you should probably not let the toolkit that an IDE is built in prevent you from using it if it's otherwise ok.08:22
intelikeygooday folks08:22
cgealeitner: probably.08:22
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stevepaul_, just try them and see what you like.08:22
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cgealeitner: It _might_ drop you into a shell, but won't cause any corruption.08:22
stevepaul_, then remove the ones you don't like.  :)08:22
amigai mounted a drive to a dir but only root can access it.  how do i change permission?08:22
nanotubealeitner, but i guess if you are not sure (and i am not entirely sure either), you might want to see if someone who knows more about fsck thinks differently.08:23
paul_steve: I get what you mean- but I'm really new to linux so bear w/ me =)08:23
aleitnercge: and if i am in the shell, do you know how to continue the boot process?08:23
aleitnernanotube: yeah, i think thats a good idea. i appreciate your help though!08:23
paul_DShepherd: it says that "No manual entry for unrar"08:23
_jasonamiga: what filesystem?08:23
mrchicagosudo chmod a+x  /mnt/yada08:23
paul_DShepherd: what does that mean?08:23
nanotubealeitner, no prob. good luck :)08:23
amiga_jason, fat08:23
cgealeitner: if it drops into a root shell, you can usually just Ctl-D out and the system will continue to boot.08:23
_jasonubotu: tell amiga about vfat08:23
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PwcrLinuxDShepherd: if you don't understand me, then go somewhere btw, are u in the USA? I am in USA too..08:24
aleitnercge: ah, that sounds interesting. i hope it wont just cause a reboot and hence a recheck...08:24
_jasonamiga: there is a table that tells you how to edit permissions partitions get mounted with on the wiki page ubotu just sent you08:24
cgealeitner: I really doubt it.08:24
aleitnercge: ok. i will try it next time then (;08:24
cgealeitner: but why do you want to ctl-C fsck?08:24
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DShepherdPwcrLinux: they are selling you Fedora in the USA?08:24
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PwcrLinuxDShepherd: yes08:24
aleitnercge: suppose you have to do a talk/presentation08:25
amiga_jason, thanks!08:25
DShepherdPwcrLinux: wow.. send me your money.. i give you for free08:25
paul_anyone have experience w/ unrar-free?08:25
PolypterusI've downloaded and installed xchat-systray, but xchat still shows in both the taskbar and the systray. How do I make it disappear to systray only when I minimize it?08:25
aleitnercge: in 5 min, you boot up your notebook and bang it decided to do a periodic safety check for 20 min08:25
_jasonpaul_: what about it?08:25
PwcrLinuxDShepherd: nah heheh, you buy it08:25
gymsmokehey, all... was cleaning up some leftovers on my box and removed libbind9.so.0 ... any idea where i can get another copy from?08:25
paul__jason: how do I unrar something?08:25
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damian_for some reason my /etc/resolv.conf keeps resetting (i'm assuming because of DHCP) .. if i modify the /etc/network/interfaces so it's a static ip .. should it still refresh the resolv.conf?08:25
mrchicagoone more thing08:26
_jasonpaul_: do you have unrar-free or nonfree? (earlier you said nonfree)08:26
damian_or do i need to restart to make it all set into place or something08:26
mrchicagoi got unreal running, but the menu bars are interferring08:26
aleitnercge: quite an adrenalne kick that i lived with now for about a year and i finally decided my blood preassure is high enough as it is (;08:26
cgealeitner: I presume you are using ext2 or ext3? next time you install, consider using reiserfs instead, which doesn't have long fsck runs like that.08:26
paul__jason: it was my mistake I have the free version08:26
DShepherdmrchicago: unreal tournament?08:26
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cgealeitner: you can actually turn off the periodic checks entirely if you want to, and it might not be too dangerous if you are using ext308:27
mrchicagoanyway to get around that08:27
_jasonpaul_: the free version won't open most .rar's you'll find.  You should be able to double click on a rar file and have file-roller open it up, otherwise cli is 'unrar x file.rar'08:27
DShepherdmrchicago: sweet i havent play that in a while08:27
mrchicagoi could autohide08:27
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aleitnercge: ext3. yes actually that was my original question. turn off or disable08:27
mrchicagoi love unreal tourny08:27
PwcrLinuxpsquared89: No prvmsg without ask me pls08:27
aleitnercge: i once found instructions on how to disable it, followed them and then the checks continued to appear08:27
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paul__jason: I get in bash: "bash: unrar: command not found"08:27
aleitnercge: either i did something wrong, or the instructions were not good08:27
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aleitnercge: do you know how to disable it?08:28
_jasonpaul_: are you sure you installed unrar?08:28
cgealeitner: I don't remember how to do it. I've been using reiserfs for quite a few years now.08:28
mrchicagothen search for unrar08:28
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twevwhat's the command to see how much space a folder is taking up?08:28
mrchicagoinnstall the nonfree versioni08:28
aleitnercge: ok, i see08:28
paul__jason: synaptic says so...08:28
cgealeitner: long enough to remember the early 2.6 kernel (2.6.9?) that badly corrupted all reiserfs partitions...08:28
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twevgymsmoke: ok08:28
_jasonpaul_: dpkg -L unrar-free | grep bin08:28
aleitnercge: (;08:28
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_jasontwev: du -sh08:29
gymsmokehey, all... was cleaning up some leftovers on my box and removed libbind9.so.0 ... any idea where i can get another copy from?08:29
brownie17what is the command to get a list of the running processes?08:29
DShepherdtwev: du -sh08:29
cgealeitner: I thought it involved something like e2fstune, but I can't find it in my $PATH.08:29
eggzeckbrownie17, ps -e08:29
oraklebrownie17, "top"08:29
marcCould someone tell me the location that smeg gives for your gnome-screenshot icon?08:29
aleitnercge: well anyway. i'll just post a forum entry and see what happens. thanks though!08:29
calamarigymsmoke: packages.ubuntu.com is a good place to go because you can search for files and find out what package they are in08:29
twev_jason, DShepherd: thanks08:29
paul__jason: I got /usr/bin     /usr/bin/unrar-free08:30
DShepherdtwev: np08:30
paul__jason: but other than that the command still does not work08:30
gymsmokecalamari: thanks, i'll go have a look08:30
_jasonpaul_: ok use unrar-free then08:30
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_jasonpaul_: what does it say?08:30
PwcrLinuxokay gn all :)08:30
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DShepherdPwcrLinux: latat08:30
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paul__jason: same as before: command not found08:30
_jasonpaul_: how about /usr/bin/unrar-free x file.rar08:30
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sharpWHat do i need to download in synaptic so that i can make mplayer?08:31
sharpI already did a ./configure :-)08:31
_jasonsharp: you can just isntall mplayer from synaptic once you enable multiverse08:31
_jasonubotu: tell sharp about mplayer08:32
paul__jason: hehe...ok i got it to go but it failed08:32
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_jasonpaul_: yeah, well unrar-free sucks basically08:32
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paul__jason: I see. i got the tar.gz nonfree one08:33
_jasonpaul_: nonfree is in multiverse08:33
amiga_jason, that worked perfect, thanks!08:33
_jasonamiga: np08:33
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Sp4rKyplease, does quake4.x86 can work under 64 bits systems ?08:33
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cafuegoSp4rKy: no reason it shouldn't.08:34
paul__jason: gotcha08:34
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Sp4rKycafuego, ok thx08:34
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gymsmokecalamari: according to packages.ubuntu, libbind9.so.0 is a part of package libbind9 ... i installed that package, but i still get the "shared library not found" error starting bind908:35
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Hobbseegymsmoke: is there a libbind9-dev, if so, install htat too...08:37
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cafuegothat is not required for normal operation08:37
cafuegogymsmoke: In future, do clean-ups via 'apt-get remove --purge' and 'deborphan'. That way you'll KNOW if something needs them.08:38
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Hobbseeoh ok08:38
smee56hey what can i use to create a dual boot for linux and windows08:38
cafuegoPlus you won't completely destroy the package system.08:38
cafuegosmee56: 1) install Windows. 2) install Linux. 3) Done.08:38
smee56just on top of each other?08:39
gymsmokeHobbsee: no such package libbind9-dev08:39
Hobbseeoh ok08:39
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gymsmokecafuego: that's what i'd been doing, but apt-get remove doesn't really _remove_ everything that gets installed08:39
cafuegogymsmoke: if you pass --purge it does.08:40
cafuegosmee56: No, you need to have partitions for each OS08:40
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gymsmokecafuego: tried it... removed --purge apache2...  still had /etc/apache2, /usr/share/doc/apache2, and alot more08:40
cafuegogymsmoke: Yes, 'dpkg -l | grep apache2' would have told you about apache2-common and apache2-mpm-prefork still being installed.08:41
gymsmokecafuego: my guess is at this point, i'm due for a re-install ...08:41
mikomikoWhen logging off, i am being asked if i like to save it or not08:41
mikomikowhat does it mean to SAVE08:41
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cafuegogymsmoke: Well, you can reinstall whatever you trash, then uninstall stuff properly...08:42
[1] wenkoare u running live cd?08:42
mikomikoWhat does it mean to SAVE CURRENT SETUP08:42
gymsmokemikomiko: save the settings you have on your current session08:42
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dabaRmikomiko: try, and tell us what it did.08:42
gymsmokecafuego: i uninstalled bind9, then reinstalled bind9... when named starts, i get an error : cannot find shared library libbind9.so.0 ...08:42
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dligymsmoke, apt-file search libbind9.so.008:43
cafuegogymsmoke: can you run 'ldd /usr/sbin/named' ?08:43
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gymsmokecafuego: i can try it...08:43
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gymsmokedli: apt-file isn't here ... you mean apt-cache ?08:44
cafuegogymsmoke: apt-file would need to be installed first.08:44
dabaRgymsmoke: no, he means install it if it is not there.08:44
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dligymsmoke, "apt-get install apt-file && apt-file update"08:44
gymsmokecafuego:libbind9.so.0 => not found08:45
gymsmokedli: ok... i'll run it08:45
dabaRI'm ready!08:45
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cafuegogymsmoke: Run 'sudo ldconfig'08:45
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sharpubotu told me to follow a link to install mplayer. I followed it by the book, however I cannot run "make" what am I missiong?08:47
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, sharp08:47
dabaRsharp: build-essential08:47
sharpdabaR, i am sorry.. i dont follow. apt-get install build-essential?08:48
gymsmokedli: root@mgjventures:/# apt-file search libbind9.so.008:48
gymsmokelibbind9-0: usr/lib/libbind9.so.008:48
gymsmokelibbind9-0: usr/lib/libbind9.so.0.0.508:48
dabaRsharp: sudo aptitude install build-essential08:48
dabaRgymsmoke: install it.08:48
gymsmokedli: is it just the 'links' that are gone?08:48
dligymsmoke, that's it :) install the package, and "ldconfig"08:48
cafuegoin fact, reinstall it08:48
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KnelixI am trying to cd into another directory and I keep on getting a "No such file or directory08:48
Knelix" error, even though it lists the directory. The directory is on a Mac and has spaces in the name, if that makes a difference. What could be going on?08:48
paul_does anyone know what reads a chm doc?08:49
sharpdabaR, thank u.. that wasnt on the instructions :-)08:49
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dabaRKnelix: did you try escaping the spaces with a \?08:49
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dabaRpaul_: xchm08:49
cafuegopaul_: windows help08:49
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dabaRcafuego: you suggest that program?08:49
gymsmokedli: ok, i ran ldconfig and reinstalled bind9 ... still get the same error08:50
cafuegodabaR: No, it reads chm files08:50
cafuegogymsmoke: Not bind9, libbind9-008:50
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gymsmokecafuego: ok, thanks for clearing that ....08:50
KnelixdabaR: Just tried again, without success. Perhaps I'm getting the format wrong?08:51
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gymsmokecafuego: much better!  - i don't have postfix installed, but i get a message when bind9 starts that says: run-parts: /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/postfix exited with return code 1...08:52
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gymsmokecafuego, dli: thanks!! I just learned a shitload in the last 5 minutes...08:54
ramza3I am trying out Dapper and I have a confession...I think i am in love with my machine08:54
KnelixdabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1266008:55
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Knelixramza3: What about Dapper made you fall in love with it? :-P08:55
ramza3Knelix: things look so sexy08:56
FlannelKinghe likes the way the windows wobble08:56
me2winFlannelKing: does it have XGL incorporated?08:56
Knelixramza3: Hmm. Being a Mac user I'm not easily impressed, graphic-wise.08:56
FlannelKingme2win: no, but you can enable it really easily (a single line in a config file)08:56
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me2winnot for KDE thought right?08:57
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me2winkde-compiz is still f00ked?08:57
[asterisk] owned by someone else wtf08:57
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ramza3Knelix: I still kind of flip back and forth being win, I still understand you08:57
Knelixramza3: Though I welcome any improvements in Ubuntu and am looking forward to the official reease.08:57
gymsmokeis the best way to secure bind to run it chrooted?08:58
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cafuegofor bind9 that's not really a problem anymore08:58
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firebird619I am trying to install F-Spot 0.1.11 on Breezy and when I run ./configure in the terminal I get checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XNL::Parser perl module is required for intltool. I have all prerequisites listed on f-spot.org. What package do I need to fix this?08:58
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gymsmokecafuego: i read alot about this over the last few days, but, i haven't seen it really specific to bind9 ...08:59
Knelixramza3: There are certain things about the Mac that Ubuntu can't quite live up to, which is why I still use both. Were Ubuntu easier to use and almost as nice in other ways, I might totally switch.08:59
cafuegofirebird619: Why not just upgrade to dapper, rather than destroying breezy?08:59
slimzdoes anyone know a way to link the center/sub/rear channels to the main volume so when the main volume is raised or lowered, it lowers all the channels?08:59
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angel12is there a command to recursively change the rights/owner to files/ folders inside one folder easily?08:59
cafuegogymsmoke: bind8 has  had a lot of security issues, but I wouldn't worry about it with bind9 (i don't)08:59
ramza3Knelix: I still think folder operations are slower than most systems, ie copy-pasting08:59
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firebird619cafuego: I can only upgrade by ordering the CD's. I have dial-up Internet.08:59
noiesmoangel12, chown user:group /path/folder08:59
gymsmokecafuego: ok... it'll save me some work (and some documentation)08:59
firebird619Its to slow to download the updates.09:00
KnelixHmm, anyone have any idea why I can't seem to cd directories? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1266009:00
noiesmoangel12, soz chown -R user:group /path/folder09:00
angel12noiesmo, that changes every folder/file inside the given dir?09:00
gymsmokenoiesmo: doesn't chown -R need to be there ?09:00
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cafuegofirebird619: Well..09:00
cafuegofirebird619: timed calls or not?09:01
me2winKnelix: you did a \ instead of a /09:01
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me2winKnelix: should be cd iTunes/Music09:01
Agrajag-gday. when i install mono, mono apps that i run from the command line (which 'file' tells me are windows executables) are somehow run by mono (jit). how does this happen?09:01
noiesmoangel12, chown -R user:group /path/folder will change owners all files etc within that09:01
gymsmokecafuego: the restart of bind9 starts clean now... wooT ... another piece off my list for tonight09:01
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angel12noiesmo, that just does one level into the folder09:02
Knelixme2win: Heh. I continue to be clumsy with the terminal. lemme try...09:02
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noiesmoangel12,  sudo chown -R user:group /path/folder should do it all the way09:03
Knelixme2win: wow. Still giving me an error, even after I copied & pasted your command.09:03
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me2winKnelix: probably because you are already in the iTunes folder. Just do cd Music09:03
KnelixMan, is there any way I can get a graphical connection in Natilus?09:04
MadpilotKnelix: connection to what?09:04
joelbryanKnelix: what do you mean?09:04
me2wini think he means like in konq, how you can type in the dir you want in the URL/Dir bar09:05
me2winexcept in nautilus09:05
joelbryanKnelix: "Places > Connect to Server"? or "System > Administration > Networking"?09:05
me2wincuz nautilus by default doesnt have a path bar09:05
me2winjust those little boxes that tell you where you are09:05
gymsmokeif i want to have apache2 and php5 on this box, will running aptitude install apache2 php5 grab all the dep's  ?09:06
me2wingymsmoke: not necesarily09:06
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me2winubotu: tell gymsmoke about lamp09:06
KnelixMadpilot, joelbryan: Sorry, I'll explain. I'm actually connecting remotely to my Mac in the hopes of copying over my iTunes collection to my Ubuntu box. I've tried the connect to several times, with several different protocols, and I just can't seem to connect through anything except ssh, but then I haven't even figured out why I can't cd...09:06
kozhyhello !!1 what hapend 09:07
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joelbryanKnelix: ah, you need a vnc client in mac, and a vnc server in ubuntu09:07
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noiesmoKnelix, firewall on mac does it have the open ports09:08
nanotubeme2win, in nautilus, if you press ctrl-L, you get a url bar :)09:08
gymsmokeme2win: damn! i like that... i'm reading through the wiki page now...09:08
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me2wingymsmoke: its good09:08
joelbryanKnelix: and you can use, > "Applications > Internet > Terminal Server Client"09:08
me2winnandemonai: good to know, i use KDE, but my dad uses gnome, so its good to know09:08
me2winnanotube: : good to know, i use KDE, but my dad uses gnome, so its good to know09:09
joelbryanKnelix: and choose VNC as a protocol09:09
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gymsmokeme2win: i _could_ sub php5 for php4, though... unless i really need to have both here (like for phpmyadmin, maybe ?)09:09
noiesmoKnelix, if you can ssh you could always use scp copy ie on ubuntu do scp username@macbox:/path/to/itunes /home/username/music09:09
me2wingymsmoke: yeah you can just sub 5 for 4 and it works fine09:10
Knelixnoiesmo: The Mac does have a FW, but I enabled the service before I try to log-in, and I was able to get through via ssh.09:10
me2wingymsmoke: phpadmin will still work fine, just sub the version numbers out for anything09:10
joelbryanKnelix: have you tried Zeroconf?09:10
noiesmoKnelix, there shoul;d be -r for reclusive so scp -r username@macbox:/path/to/itunes /home/username/music09:10
gymsmokeme2win: cool. I'm running the installs now...09:10
me2wingymsmoke: nice job09:10
Knelixnoiesmo, that's what I've been trying to do, but it keeps on giving me a "no file or directory" error. Ugh.09:10
joelbryanKnelix: with Zeroconf you can copy your itunes shared files directly to linux.09:10
Knelixjoelbryan: Is that in the repositories?09:11
noiesmoKnelix, if you get no file or diertory error it means that the files are not were you spec or the destination doesnt exsist09:11
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joelbryanKnelix: yes, it's default now in dapper beta09:12
paxchinese food don't taste the same since yesterday.09:12
Knelixnoiesmo: Yeah, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but who the heck knows what it is. <Sigh>09:13
Knelixjoelbryan: I'm not on Dapper, I'm on 5.10.09:13
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mrchicagome too09:13
mrchicagodapper eh09:13
sharpok. this may sound a little stupid but how do i install a .deb package?09:13
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mrchicagowhats new with it09:13
me2winsharp: sudo dpkg -i package.deb09:13
joelbryanKnelix: install avahi and zeroconf09:14
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me2winhey bliss1_09:14
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sharpme2win, thanks :-)09:14
bliss1_me2win hi09:14
noiesmoKnelix, ok you can always do ssh user@mac and then cd /to/mp3s then scp *.mp3 username@ubuntubox:/home/username/music/09:14
Knelixjoelbryan: Looking.09:14
mrchicagohmm is there anything to use for my flash card09:14
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bliss1_me2win what's up09:15
me2winbliss1_: getting ready for bed09:15
bliss1_me2win just about to have breakfast late for work09:16
joelbryanKnelix: or just install service discovery applet, it will include avahi to the installed app.09:16
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me2winKnelix: the reason you couldn't cd is because you were already in the iTunes folder and you were doing cd iTunes/Music09:16
me2winKnelix: just do cd Music09:16
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joelbryanKnelix: once you have installed them, use rhythmbox in linux and share your itunes music. drag the shared music to a linux folder.09:17
gymsmokeme2win: installed apache2/php5/libapache2-mod-php5... but apache doesn't seem to exist09:17
bliss1_me2win how are you on permissions?09:17
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me2winbliss1_: what do you mean09:18
me2wingymsmoke: what do you mean09:18
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gymsmokeme2win: /etc/apache2 dir is here, and mods-available is here, but no mods-enabled... when i run a2enmod php5 i get an error09:18
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Knelixme2win: No, that's not it. It's: /Users/knelix/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music09:19
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me2winKnelix: oooooh09:19
me2winKnelix: then its09:19
me2winKnelix: cd iTunes\ Music09:19
noiesmoKnelix, aahhh you need to do itunes/ Music\09:19
me2winKnelix: you have to escape the space09:19
noiesmoif there s a space in the path you need to use a /09:20
Knelixme2w: I've installed the first two apps/libraries you suggested.09:20
me2winnoiesmo: other way09:20
bliss1_me2win: got to but this in udev in a files called permission.rules http://pastebin.ca/5035109:20
noiesmome2win, oopps09:20
noiesmome2win, i always hit the tab key09:20
gymsmokeme2win: i guess i could create the dir and re-run the link ...09:20
me2wingymsmoke: what did you type in09:20
gymsmokea2enmod php509:21
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me2wingymsmoke: how come?09:21
gymsmokeme2win: how come i typed it in? to enable php5 as a module in apache209:21
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gymsmokeme2win: is it not necessary?09:22
FlannelKingit is09:22
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FlannelKingerm, gymsmoke did you sudo?09:22
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me2winI never had to run that09:22
FlannelKingwoohooo, Xubuntu.09:22
gymsmokeFlannelKing: I'm on as root (sudo bash) ...09:22
FlannelKinggymsmoke: I'm sorry09:22
bliss1_FlannelKing; how are things in the land of FlannelKing09:22
gymsmokeand, there's no /etc/init.d/apache2 ...09:22
FlannelKingbliss1_: they're doing rather well. how about yourself?09:23
FlannelKinggymsmoke: did you actually install apache? ;)09:23
me2wingymsmoke: did you edit apache.conf?09:23
gymsmokeaptitude install apache209:23
bliss1_FlannelKing one the whole ok09:23
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gymsmokeme2win: apache.conf isn't found ...09:24
bliss1_me2win: see the post09:24
me2wingymsmoke: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf09:24
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gymsmokeme2win: yeah, but the only file in /etc/apache2 is the mods-available subdir ...09:25
me2winsomethings wrong, hmm09:26
gymsmokeme2win: i agree...09:26
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FlannelKinggymsmoke: why don't you remove apache all together (complete removal) and install again09:26
bucky5is there a default root password or something? i didnt set anything during the install..09:26
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FlannelKing!tell bucky5 about root09:26
me2winbucky5: its the password you set for you user09:26
me2winbucky5: but you dont work as root, you use sudo09:26
FlannelKingbucky5: check your messages, if you didn't see it09:26
bliss1_bucky5: sudo -i09:26
gymsmokeme2win,FannelKing: yeah, i'll try that...09:26
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me2wingymsmoke: yeah reinstall something went wrong on install09:27
bucky5ok thanks guys09:27
sharpok.. this might be a stupid question but how can I tell Ubuntu that whenever i open an .avi or .wmv file to open it immediatey with Mplayer and NOT totem?09:28
bliss1_me2win; forget permissions give me a apt-get install of a good dvd player09:28
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me2winbliss1_: VLC09:28
riomerchello, can anyone help me with a game called vegastrike?09:28
bliss1_me2win; nice09:29
gymsmokeme2win,FannelKing: ok... apt-get remove apache2 ... apt-get update ... apt-get install apache2 ... same thing09:29
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slimzcan someone help me out, i pressed show main window in xmms and it dissappeared ;), anyone know how to get it back09:30
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Sp4rKydoes anyone know if there is a partch on ubuntu kernel for usplash ?09:30
me2wingymsmoke: and you did get libapache2-mod-php5?09:30
sharphow do I uninstall Totem and make sure that any .avi or .wmv file gets opened automatically by MPLAYER?09:30
noiesmo!tell riomerc about  ask09:30
gymsmokeme2win: no, didn't re install that one...09:30
me2wingymsmoke: try it09:30
slimzsharp:  you can just right click on any wmv file, press properties, click the open with tab, then select mplayer as default09:30
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FlannelKingsharp: set your preferred aplications09:31
me2wingymsmoke: you shouldnt have to run a2enmod. Only if PHP isnt parsing09:31
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KnelixHow do I initiate the VNC protocol on the Mac?09:31
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sharpFlannelKing, where is this preferred applications bit?09:32
riomercOk, my problem is that I've tried just about every way of installing vegastrike and despite my best efforts I couldn't find a file called vslauncher, which isn't nessacary but is still very very handy, I am currently using a synaptic package manager installed version, and have tried both find and grep.09:32
FlannelKingsharp: actually, slimz has a better method.  but it's in system > preferences, if I remember correctly.  Only for big ones though.09:32
gymsmokeme2win: both apache2 and libapache2-mod-php5 are showing as the newest version installed, but /etc/init.d/apache2 doesn't exist and /etc/apache2 still only has mods-available in it09:33
noiesmoriomerc, try sudo vslanucher09:33
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riomercnoiesmo: tried09:33
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sharpFlannelKing, when i right click on file.avi i can select mplayer to play it but there ARE NO buttons to make it default.09:34
me2wingymsmoke: hmm09:34
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noiesmoriomerc, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7327&page=109:34
gymsmokeme2win: i'm wondering if i need to also install apache2-common, apache2-doc, and all the rest of the apache2 components...09:34
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FlannelKinggymsmoke: apache2 common should get installed.09:35
me2wingymsmoke: yeah FlannelKing is right09:35
FlannelKinggymsmoke: since it's required for apache2... whatever09:35
FlannelKinggymsmoke: however, if it's not.... then yeah, that'd be your problem09:35
gymsmokei just checked... apache2-common is showing as installed, but none of the others...09:35
riomercnoiesmo: I've scoured that post09:36
FlannelKingsharp: I don't know sorry.  I haven't used gnome (or any wm) for a while.09:36
me2wingymsmoke: i dont have apache2-dov09:36
gymsmokeme2win, FlannelKing: i'm going to give installing the other components a shot...09:36
sharpFlannelKing, wow.. strictly terminal?09:36
FlannelKingsharp: yep, well, via ssh.  My ubuntu box is upstairs, headless.09:36
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stjepanwhy are there packages named kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop?? Why they aren't kde, gnome and xfce?09:37
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me2wineveryone gets quiet when op status gets granted lol09:37
bliss1_Mudpilot; hi09:37
me2winstjepan: ease of use09:38
gymsmokeme2win, FlannelKing: hrmm... all of those say that they are installed...09:38
Madpilotstjepan, because they're larger packages than just gnome/kde/xfce09:38
stjepanme2win: kde, gnome and xfce are easier to understand09:38
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FlannelKingstjepan: it includes a whole suite of applications, not JUST gnome/etc/09:38
bliss1_me2win: i notice evetytime i load xine it says in the menu at the top xine: there is no mrl?09:38
me2winstjepan: like Madpilot they have the packages that come built in with a standard *buntu install09:39
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me2winbliss1_: never seen that before09:39
FlannelKingstjepan: like, well, Xubuntu doesn't install OOo, and then for KDE you have all the *K* utilities instead of the G ones.09:39
KnelixI was able to connect via Winblows sharing, of all things.09:39
stjepanpls help me choose my distro... ubuntu or debian? I am going to use them for desktop, I don't want outdated packages and I want a stable system... easy to use, where apt-get works perfectly, I do not want to break everything with apt-get dist-upgrade (Mepis) ...09:40
bliss1_me2win:i ok  I removed it and reinstalled made no diffrence09:40
bliss1_me2win: thanks for vlc09:40
me2winbliss1_: no problem sorry i couldnt help more with that xine problem09:40
Madpilotstjepan, you're going to get biased answers here - check the name of the channel :P09:41
dralidI just started using ubuntu. I love it. Thank you for such a wonderful distribution of linux. I'm unhappy with the bitTorrent client that comes installed, I've become very happy with Azureus on my work(windows) PC, but I cannot find a package for it in ubuntu, can you help me? BTW I'm using Drapper Drake because Breezy Badger had driver issues with this computer (it took over an hour to go...09:41
dralid...from the login screen to the desktop).09:41
ubotuazureus is probably a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo09:41
void^dralid: azureus.sf.net09:41
FlannelKingcheck that out dralid09:41
KnelixIs it possible to print to a printer connected to a networked Mac from an Ubuntu PC?09:42
me2windralid: and welcome to ubuntu btw :D09:42
FlannelKingdralid: and, welcome to dapper ;)09:42
me2winKnelix: yes09:42
me2winFlannelKing: beat ya09:42
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me2winstjepan: if nothing else, use ubuntu because the support r0x. The people in #debian are RTFMers09:42
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gymsmokeme2win, FlannelKing: apt-file search apache.conf shows: etc/zoph/apache.conf ... (zoph doesnt' exist on this box)09:42
bliss1_Frogzoo: found a way in udev for kqemu and tun here http://pastebin.ca/5035109:43
me2winYou won't find a linux community like Ubuntus...09:43
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gymsmokeme2win: that's for sure09:43
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me2wingymsmoke: wow... thats wierd09:43
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FlannelKinggymsmoke: I've never heard of zoph before.  why would it be there?09:43
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me2wingymsmoke: so you have no apache2.conf?09:43
gymsmokeFlannelKing: don't know...09:43
gymsmokeme2win: nope09:43
Knelixme2win: WOuld like to try that, but I'm even afriad to ask how...09:43
stjepanme2win, ok, tnx for answering09:43
dralidthank you bot, FlannelKing, and void^. Thank you me2win. A nice non-MS (not that ms makes nice OSs) was my birthday gift to myself.09:44
FlannelKinggymsmoke: do you have one of your four choices? (worker, preform, mpm... and... I dont remember the last one)09:44
me2winKnelix: heh, i BELIEVE its through samba, but it could be just as simple as adding the workgroup of the computer you have the printer on (workgroup as in networked group)09:44
me2winstjepan: no problem09:44
gymsmokeFlannelKing: mpm-prefork09:44
me2windralid: nie09:44
me2windralid: nice*09:44
gymsmokeFlannelKing: at least, that's what apt says is already installed...09:45
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FlannelKinggymsmoke: aye, theres very little reason to think it's not if it says it is09:45
gymsmokeFlannelKing: of course, it says apache2 is installed also, but half of the dirs and files aren't here09:45
Knelixme2win: well I'll keep that in mind. I think one "triumph" is enough for today.09:45
FlannelKinggymsmoke: you're running as root?09:45
me2winKnelix: heh09:45
gymsmokeFlannelKing: yeah09:45
FlannelKinggymsmoke: hm, go back to your normal user and try using sudo09:45
gymsmokeFlannelKing: root@mgjventures:/etc/apache2# whoami09:46
gymsmoke  root09:46
Knelixme2win: Still seems odd to connect two non-Windoze PCs via a Windoze protocol.09:46
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stjepancan I keep my system clean somehow? I do not want to have thousands packages installed... any ideas? With slackware I could keep my system clean, I installed just what I need...09:46
me2winKnelix: with samba it might be a little different... MAYBE lol09:46
FlannelKingstjepan: you can, just uninstall everything ;)09:46
FlannelKingstjepan: or, start with a server install and build up09:46
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FlannelKingthey'll both achieve the same results09:47
vinboywat kernel version is dapper using?09:47
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gymsmokeFlannelKing: sudo apt-get install apache2 / password / already the newest version09:47
ramza3anybody know how to set the terminal such that 'right-click' does automatic copy09:47
FlannelKingvinboy: ask in #ubuntu+1 I don't know off hand09:47
vinboythx FlannelKing09:47
FlannelKinggymsmoke: purge it first09:47
gymsmokeapt-get remove ?09:48
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mDoti've seen screenshots of ubuntu with the applications - Places and Sysem Menus represented by an icon, how can i change my desktop to look like this?09:48
gymsmokeFlannelKing: apt-get or dpkg ?09:48
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DBOmDot, right click on the GNOME panel, select Add Panel09:48
DBOmDot, then select "Main Menu"09:49
DBOmDot, then all you need to do is remove the old menu system09:49
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=== DBO calls enter on himself
bliss1_Frogzoo; this is for you might need it http://pastebin.ca/503509:49
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dligymsmoke, either "apt-get --purge remove " or "dpkg --purge"09:50
gymsmokeFlannelKing: ok, thanks...09:50
mDotDBO, I'm lost, right clicking my panel reveals Add to Panel, but no Add Panel09:51
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DBOmDot, thats what I meant09:52
MadpilotmDot, that's the one you want09:52
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gymsmokeFlannelKing: i'm gong to paste the output in pastebin (too much text for the channel)09:52
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Sp4rKyplease, what is the kernel option which create dm-mod  module ?09:52
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mDotDBO then im presented with the panel applets selector, no 'main menu'09:53
DBOmDot, =)09:54
MadpilotmDot, scroll down :)09:54
gymsmokeFlannelKing: http://pastebin.com/67285809:54
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gymsmokeFlannelKing: it appears to have removed the packages, but those errors definitely show that files were missing...09:56
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FlannelKinggymsmoke: interesting.  now try adding it back, with sudo.  just apache, we'll take care of php/etc later.09:56
gymsmokeFlannelKing: ok... aptitude or apt-get ?09:57
hodgmanquestion: I've just installed ubuntu breezy and I'm simply using it to run boinc/seti@home on a few computers of mine but they're reporting their host name as localhost.localdomain even though I set a name in the /etc/hostname file09:57
FlannelKinggymsmoke: whichever, synaptic if you prefer gui09:57
gymsmokeFlannelKing: actually, i prefer commandline, but someone told me that aptitude tracks dep's better than apt-get (this is on a server; no gewey)09:58
DBOhodgman, you will need to make an entry in /etc/hosts as well09:58
hodgmanDBO: ahh ok!09:58
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hodgmanDBO: duh! I should have rememberd that09:58
DBOhodgman, you will see an entry that looks like " localhost.localdomain localhost <name>"09:58
FlannelKinggymsmoke: I have no idea if that's the case, sorry.09:59
hodgmanhuh, my hostname is in there too but I guess the boinc client didn't pick it up09:59
DBOhodgman, they still use apt-get... I dont think your information on aptitude is accurate09:59
gymsmokeFlannelKing: ok! apache2 installed the other dep's packages, and now the files and subdirs all seem to be in place10:00
DBOhodgman, hold please10:00
FlannelKinggymsmoke: test apache ;)10:00
gymsmokeand the default index directory shows up!10:00
FlannelKingthere you go10:00
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FlannelKingnow install php510:00
me2winFlannelKing: so what was the problem?10:00
DBOFlannelKing, why not just go XAMPP and be done?10:00
gymsmokeFlannelKing: ok... i'll grab php5 now10:00
FlannelKingme2win: no idea.  botched install, might have to do with being root, instead of sudo10:00
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me2winFlannelKing: wierd10:01
FlannelKingDBO: it's not me, and personally, I dislike XAMPP10:01
me2wini dislike xampp as well10:01
me2winits different10:01
me2wini actually have more problems getting xampp to work10:01
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me2winthan i do getting lamp running10:01
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FlannelKingme2win: just goes to show you, don't login as root.10:02
me2winFlannelKing: indeed indeed.10:02
SignyHi guys/gals I va e a total n00b question. Can i ask in here?10:02
Signyhave a, even10:02
gymsmokeFlannelKing: php5 is installed, but doesn't render in a page...10:02
me2winsig: RTFM!!!!10:02
FlannelKingSigny: this is the place!10:02
me2winlol kidding10:02
Signy;D cool10:02
me2winask away my friend10:02
FlannelKinggymsmoke: you might have to a2enmod10:03
gymsmokeFlannelKing: i'm grabbing the lib...10:03
me2wingymsmoke: you might just need to restart the apache server10:03
SignyWell I have a fat32 drive that i partition with the install. but when i try to save /copy files to it it keeps saying i havenot the correct permissions10:03
gymsmokeFlannelKing: i can try a restart as well10:03
Signysave or copy files, that is10:03
FlannelKinggymsmoke: oh, right10:03
FlannelKinggymsmoke: you'll need to do that ;)10:04
Signythe weird thing is, I saved a .html page frpom firefox the other day to it fine..NOw for some reason i cant10:04
gymsmokeFlannelKing: no change... i'll get the lib10:04
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me2winSigny: when it tells you that, it means that "normal users" dont have write access (or the right permissions) you will need to remount the fat partition with user read/write permissions.10:04
Signyaah yeah i figured id have to mount it or something10:04
DBOhodgman, "cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname" does that come up correct?10:04
SignyWould i be asking too much to ask whart the commands would be?10:04
ubotuDownload and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically.  If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions10:04
me2winSigny: read this http://ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountfat10:05
FlannelKingcheck those out10:05
Signykewl cheers10:05
gymsmokeFlannelKing: That did it!10:05
FlannelKingme2win: heh, we do rtfm ;) but in a nicer way ;) and with non-man pages ;)10:05
FlannelKingerm.  it's late, I'm using smileys.10:05
gymsmokedidn't have to a2enmod, but did need to have the lib installed10:05
me2winFlannelKing: lol10:05
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hodgmanDBO: yeah, I just reset the order in /etc/hosts and rebooted and its fine now10:05
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DBOhodgman, sounds good10:06
me2winFlannelKing: i like explaining things to people. but before I can explain people !bleh them and they stop listening to me lol10:06
hodgmanprobably didn't need to reboot but ooh well10:06
Madpilotme2win, ubuntuguide is getting more and more out of date - use the wiki rather than it...10:06
sirverdli: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1266210:06
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gymsmokeme2win: you and FlannelKing have made my night!!! don't short-change yourself10:06
me2winMadpilot: i know, i use it for the mounting because its a 2 line thing and you learn from it easily10:06
me2winMadpilot: but i agree10:06
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Madpilotme2win, !fat32 or !mount10:07
dlisirver, what?10:07
FlannelKingme2win: I just give them a link, because all the information I'll give them (for general knowledge stuff) is in the wiki anyway. they can read it here, or read/referece it there at their leisure10:07
me2winMadpilot: alrighty10:07
me2winFlannelKing: tr0010:07
sirverdli: eth2 is the interface i had problems with. now im trying to get ADSL modem working on eth010:07
ndlovuany suggestions for good RSS readers under Ubuntu? I'm used to using Bloglines, but are there better options?10:07
gymsmokeme2win, FlannelKing: since I already have mysql (4.1) installed, should i remove it and re-install it as well? (I'm reading the wiki page on the lamp server setup)...10:07
dlisirver, pppoe, read a howto10:08
me2wingymsmoke: if youd like10:08
FlannelKinggymsmoke: erm, you might need to reinstall, if you installed it as root (might have similar problems) but no, if it's a good install, then you just need to install the apache stuff to link10:08
me2wingymsmoke: there are also some more apach libs you need for mysql and a php one also10:08
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gymsmokeme2win, FlannelKing: yeah, the wiki page shows libapache2-mod-auth-mysql and php5-mysql10:09
me2wingymsmoke: yeah sounds right10:09
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fidso for some reason when i try to run apt-get with anything it is trying to get stuff for hoary but i'm running breezy anyone know why it would do that?10:09
me2winfid: you need to update your repos10:09
fidhow do i do that?10:09
me2winubotu: tell fid about repos10:09
me2winfid: look for where it says breezy10:10
gymsmokeme2win, FlannelKing: well, 1 out of 2... apparently there isn't a package called php5-mysql10:10
FlannelKingerm, yes there is?10:10
me2wingymsmoke: im 98% sure there is10:10
FlannelKingjust searched, it's right there.10:11
me2winhere for me too10:11
DBOfid, if you have not modified your /etc/apt/sources.list with third party repos, you can just "sudo cat /etc/apt/source.list | sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/g' > /etc/apt/sources.list" after backing it up10:11
gymsmokeme2win: apt-cache shows it, but aptitude install says: 0 packages to install10:11
Madpilot!info php5-mysql10:11
ubotuphp5-mysql: (MySQL module for php5), section web, is optional. Version: 5.0.5-2ubuntu1.2 (breezy), Packaged size: 20 kB, Installed size: 100 kB10:11
fidi think i already updated that list but ya10:12
fidi can't even open synaptic package manager10:12
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me2winfid: wow10:12
DBOfid, what does it say?10:12
DBOjust nothing?10:12
gymsmokeme2win: duh - because it's already installed10:12
me2wingymsmoke: lol...10:12
dougskodoes anyone know if freenode has ssl support?10:12
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Madpilotfid, are you logged in as your system's first user, the one created during install?10:13
fidhold please let me check10:13
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gymsmokeme2win: maybe i should throw up a quick php file to connect to mysql and grab something...10:13
fidoh wait10:13
fidi'm getting it now10:13
fidupdating update manager10:14
fidthat might help a bit10:14
me2wingymsmoke: try it, you also have to uncomment that line in php.ini10:14
DBOfid, good stuff =)10:14
me2winfid: w00t.10:14
gymsmokeme2win: the mysql.so ... yeah10:14
fidwait nevermind10:15
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fidW: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_hoary-backports_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:15
fidthats the error i'm getting10:15
fidthere is a lot more but didn't want to plague the channel with all of it10:15
me2winfid: lol, yeah use a pastebin10:15
DBOfid /etc/apt/sources.list -> pastebin10:15
Madpilotfid, the mirrormax repos have been gone for months10:16
fidits not letting me do anything though10:16
fidi just installed ubuntu 5.10 tonight10:16
fiddid the apt-get update10:16
fidthen the apt-get upgrade10:16
fidand thats when it all started messing up10:16
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DBOfid, comment out all the third part repo's you are using in sources.list10:17
animatohello, anyway to resize emblems without resizing the icon size in nautilus?10:17
fidshould i just post my sources.list in here?10:17
DBOfid, put it in pastebin10:17
gymsmokefid: pastebin10:17
me2winfid: use a pastebin10:17
ubotupastebin is, like, totally, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126910:17
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nubuntuhow do i unmount a swap partition?10:18
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fidok here we go10:19
|lostbyte|nubuntu : swapoff10:20
me2winfid: those are old old repositories10:20
KnelixWhat mp3/music player do you guys like best on Ubuntu?10:20
kameron|lostbyte|, thanks10:20
me2winKnelix: AMAROK FTW! :D10:20
|lostbyte|Karpor: ;)10:20
oraklei thought totem was best ?10:20
|lostbyte|Knelix: i love amaroke :)10:21
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fidfuck i figured10:21
|lostbyte|i used to like xmms..10:21
ompaulKnelix, there are plenty you have started a player war -10:21
=== me2win chants "AMAROK! AMAROK!"
fidwhere do i find an updated repositories list? haha10:21
fidi just realized they are all hoary10:21
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:21
fidi'm an idiot10:21
me2winfid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 <-- for breezy10:21
DBOfid, run this command "sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.bak" then: "sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list | sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/g' > /etc/apt/sources.list"10:21
ompaulfid, please refrain from using bad language, thanks10:21
Knelixompaul: heh.10:21
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fidoh sorry10:22
Knelixme2win: I'm just looking for something better than XMMS.10:22
fiddidn't mean to swear10:22
me2winKnelix: your name starts with a K... that should be a sign of where you belong *sniff*10:22
DBOfid, run this command "sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.bak" then: "sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list | sed -e 's/hoary/breezy/g' > /etc/apt/sources.list"10:22
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DBOoops, sorry about the double...10:22
Knelixme2win: Actually, thus far I do prefer GNOME, though I have nothing against KDE.10:22
me2winKnelix: heh, i've been banned several times for being involved in KDE vs Gnome wars, so i will say no more :D10:23
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Knelixme2win: And I like XFCE as well.10:23
me2winbut seriously, amaroK rocks10:23
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nandemonaikde eats babies10:23
Knelixme2win: Hehe.10:23
me2winKnelix: yeah xfce is great10:23
|lostbyte|nandemonai: kde rocks too..10:23
kamerondoes ubuntu support jfs and xfs?10:24
ompaulkameron, amoung others10:24
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|lostbyte|kde has perfectly mad apps for almost all basic daily needs..10:24
ompaul|lostbyte|, there is a difference?10:24
nandemonaiJust don't trust it around your kids..10:24
oraklei'd feel like a traitor using KDE10:24
dralidwhy is the gnome desktop dependant on ekiga softphone? I have no need for a VOIP or SIP, no mic anyway. But when I try to uninstall it from the package manager it says gnome-desktop is dependant on this software. That strikes me as odd.10:24
kameronompaul, i thought as much.. running gparted, the option for jfs and xfs is shaded out.. and i want to format a drive as jfs.10:24
|lostbyte|ompaul: i cant think of using a gtk, so far.. other than xchat and firefox..10:25
Madpilotdralid, you mean ubuntu-desktop?10:25
dralidyes, my mistake.10:25
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DBOdralid, ubuntu-desktop is a meta package and is "dependant" on lots of things10:25
me2win|lostbyte|: those are exactly the only 2 GTK apps I use10:25
NET||abusehas anyone gotten libmysqlclient15 workin on their ubuntu install?10:25
|lostbyte|me2win: Your on kde ?10:25
DBOfid, you also need to comment out those last two lines in sources.list10:25
Madpilotdralid, you can un-install that package - it doesn't matter much, except when it comes time to update10:25
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NET||abusenot dapper10:25
me2win|lostbyte|: of course :D10:25
gymsmokeme2win, FlannelKing: you guys are the best!!! php/apache/mysql - all working as expected10:25
me2wingymsmoke: w00t.10:25
me2win|lostbyte|: its a way of a life...10:26
|lostbyte|me2win: Peace Bro :)10:26
Signyhey guys i STill have a problem accessing the mounted fat32 drive..still get a 'no permissions' result10:26
ompauldralid, you can remove it, however for upgrade purposes it is useful, ubuntu-desktop is a meta package, the dapper channel is next door #ubuntu+1 :-)10:26
SignyI opened fstab, and the drive is listed there10:26
|lostbyte|me2win: Have you tried konversation ?10:26
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dliSigny, "mount -ouid= , gid= "10:26
me2win|lostbyte|: yeah, but the only reason I don't use konversation is because of word filtering. I have a cussing problem :D10:26
Signycan i just change the 'options' in fstab for that drive?10:27
nandemonaiSigny, you could try mounting it with the -o umask=000 option10:27
|lostbyte|me2win: k :) also i belive konversation does'nt have transperency ..10:27
gymsmokeme2win, FlannelKing: a couple of tweaks for securing mysql and apache, and i can move along to mail...10:27
chavothe newest konversation has word filtering10:27
dliSigny, yes, uid gid as options10:27
me2win|lostbyte|: yeah, thats true also10:27
|lostbyte|me2win: But i have to say.. konqueror is better than firefox.10:27
me2wingymsmoke: lol, I have never configured mail server before =/10:27
chavoyeah no transparency, you don't have to squiiint to read it10:27
|lostbyte|but i dont know why i like firefox.10:27
kameronme2win, less support for konq as far as plugins, etc go10:28
me2win|lostbyte|: konqueror is great for lots of things. But I still prefer firefox for extensions and adblock etc etc10:28
gymsmokeme2win: i've done qmail/vpop a couple of times - but that's what qmail rocks is for...10:28
me2winkameron: yeah10:28
me2wingymsmoke: I actually got gmail on your domain invite recently, so ill be setting that up soon10:28
|lostbyte|me2win: Same here :) ..10:28
gymsmokeme2win: gmail is actually ok... i use it for odds and ends mails10:29
me2win|lostbyte|: I also use gaim... I have a vendetta against kopete10:29
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me2wingymsmoke: gmail ftw10:29
gymsmokeme2win: i did kopete for a while, but when it started locking up all the time, i dumped it and went back to gaim10:29
dlime2win, kopete has font problems here10:29
sirverim having trouble using gedit with read/write acccess to /etc/network/interfaces10:30
|lostbyte|me2win: Naa.. i use amsn and xchat. thats the only way i chat with friends. nice to know though.10:30
fidman my sources.list is blank now10:30
FlannelKingsirver: gksudo gedit10:30
gymsmokesirver: haha - Flannel hit it10:30
me2win|lostbyte|: heh10:30
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DBOfid, what did you do?10:30
Signydo i just change the options in fstab for my fat32 drive to uid and gid and thats it?10:30
gymsmokefid: do you need a sources.list?10:30
fidi have no idea10:30
fidthat would be excellent10:30
DBOfid, ok, no problem, we just give you a new one10:31
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic10:31
|lostbyte|fid: OMG !10:31
me2winSigny: umm....10:31
gymsmokefid: holds, i'll put one up on paste10:31
FlannelKingfid: try that site10:31
|lostbyte|fid: :) breezy ?10:31
fidsorry dudes, this is my first uhh time rocking linux10:31
|lostbyte|fid: then here..10:31
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:31
me2winSigny: you need to change the device name also (like hda1 hdd1 etc)10:31
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|lostbyte|fid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 this works best for me :)10:32
gymsmokefid: http://pastebin.com/67287610:32
DBOpoor fid, too many chefs...10:32
gymsmokefid: if you want the cd back, just uncomment it...10:32
|lostbyte|fid: listen to ubotu ..10:32
gymsmokehey, it's nice to be able to give back something after all the help i've gotten10:33
fidthe cd?10:33
Signywell.in fstab its listed as '/dev/sda5       /media/sda5     vfat    defaults       0       0'10:33
ben32167hi i have just installed dapper. my problem is i cant change the permissions of /media/hdax10:33
Signyso i can see the sda5 drive, but cant write to it10:33
ben32167says only read..10:33
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Signyoh man. this guy has same problem as me ;D10:33
Knelixme2win: Amarok looks great so far...10:33
ferronica_hi room10:33
ferronica_help me10:33
|lostbyte|ben32167: check your fstab for rw.. if not add it.10:33
ben32167do we10:33
me2winSigny: lol two birds with 1 stone10:33
ferronica_just downloded firefox10:34
ferronica_on file system10:34
SignySo what do i need to change in that fstab line10:34
|lostbyte|ben32167: whats /media/hdax ? what fs ?10:34
ferronica_now there r so many folders scattered10:34
ben32167and dapper is very slow whays that i feel like im on a pentium 10010:34
ferronica_i wanna delete it10:34
ferronica_but i cant one error came10:34
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DBOferronica_, were did you unpack it?10:34
|lostbyte|ben32167: SAD.. there is no write support for ntfs yet..10:34
|lostbyte|ben32167: you have to live with it.10:34
ferronica_in file system10:34
me2winSigny: try /dev/sda5 /media/sda5 vfat    iocharset=utf8,umask=000   0       010:34
Signyand then mount -a or something?10:35
ben32167i only need to read them without being root10:35
me2winSigny: yeah10:35
ben32167how will i do that10:35
|lostbyte|ben32167: You can read ?10:35
me2winSigny: that line i gave you, put that line in your current fstab line for that partition10:35
ferronica_DBO--->now i wanna delete it10:35
DBOferronica_, ooooh, you mean root...10:35
ben32167no permission10:35
fidthat worked10:35
fidthanks duders10:35
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admin-arnohy people10:36
ferronica_caanot change or remove from parent folder10:36
ben32167i do sudo nautilus to read them10:36
admin-arnois there a newbee channel?10:36
DBOferronica_, ok, you are going to need the "sudo rm -r <foldername>" command ferronica_, but BE CAREFUL.  Do NOT delete anything that is supposed to be there10:36
DBOadmin-arno, this is it10:36
admin-arnoa ok tnx10:36
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gymsmokeme2win: one last thorn... phpmyadmin... just tried apt-get --purge remove and got this:  /var/lib/dpkg/info/phpmyadmin.prerm: line 12: db_get: command not found10:37
Signyok..same problem..I changed it..did sudo mount -a10:37
Signydrive is still there but still cant write to it10:37
Signyweird :/10:37
|lostbyte|ben32167: All files are root in it ?10:37
me2winSigny: pastebin your fstab file real quick10:37
gymsmokeme2win: is there a way to force this to be removed ?10:37
me2wingymsmoke: hmm, thats wierd10:37
|lostbyte|ben32167: then try adding users to the option list in fstab ..10:37
ben32167allright lostbyte10:38
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me2wingymsmoke: im not sure10:38
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DBOhi Fab_10:38
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gymsmokeme2win: apt-get -f i think does this10:39
GexNZi'm doing an update to the dapper beta on my ubuntu machine.  only getting 2KB/s.  i'm guessing the update servers are just overloaded.  anyone else experiencing the same thing?10:39
me2winSigny: remove that last line :D10:40
Signyoh shit :D10:40
OverandGexNZ: nope10:40
gymsmokeme2win: or dpkg -P phpmyadmin10:40
gypsymaurohow can ubuntu gain the world wide success without being able to play a DVD?10:40
ompaulSigny,  please refrain from using bad language, thanks10:40
DBO!tell gypsymauro about restricted10:40
fidI wonder if ubuntu would run well on my xbox10:40
Signyoh sorry10:40
me2winfid: lol10:40
DBOgypsymauro, it can, you just need to enable it so to speak10:40
Signydamn, still same problem tho..I removed last file..saved..sudo mount -a10:41
Signyand still cant save to it10:41
DBOgypsymauro, check the link ubotu sent you10:41
ompaulfid, linux can run on an xbox10:41
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fidya i have linux on it now10:41
fidjust not ubuntu10:41
me2winSigny: are you sure you are trying to save to /media/sda5 and not /media/shared10:41
DBOfid, no, ubuntu will not run on an xbox10:41
Overandgypsymauro: one might ask "how can DVD gain world-wide success if they encumber the system with patents that make it more or less illegal to write free software to play DVDs in many countries?"10:41
sirverhow do i reset all  network setting10:41
Fab_and you can play all the games, although you've got Linux on it?10:41
fidthat would be the sweet if it did though10:41
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!10:42
Fab_cool ^^10:42
fidwell i just softmodded it10:42
fidwhich is minimal linux install i believe10:42
OverandI actually don't see why the xbox couldn't run ubuntu10:42
Overandat least 'more or less'10:42
Overanddebian is one of the distros that was ported to it10:42
fidthats what i was thinking10:42
Fab_I've got a little question then10:42
me2winSigny: on command line do this10:42
Fab_what can I do, when I installed ubuntu und grub sayss "Error 17"10:43
me2winSigny: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/sda5/ -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=00010:43
DBOOverand, I believe the kernel for the xbox linux project is all hacked due to the xbox architecture being non-standard in some areas10:43
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DBObut I could be very wrong... that was just my understanding10:43
Signysays sda5 is already mounted, or busy10:43
ompaulFab_, has the machine got ide and sata?10:43
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Overandno, that's more or less correct10:43
me2winSigny: my bad first do10:43
Fab_ompaul: ide10:43
me2winSigny: sudo umount /media/sda510:43
OverandDBO: but it's still a linux kernel, you should be able to replace all the userland apps with ubuntu stuff10:43
Signyah ok10:43
OverandIt would just be ugly as heck and complicated10:44
Fab_ompaul: a 250 GB samsung (new & master) and a 120 Hitachi I think10:44
fidhmm i do i refresh gnome to see if gftp installed?10:44
DBOOverand, ok, yes, in that case.  But not straight from ubuntu CD to linux, and I call offtopic on myself10:44
Overandlike, i'm not POSITIVE, but i *think* that stuff like mountpoints are hard-coded into the kernel10:44
Overandwhich is odd.10:44
Overandheh, K10:44
gymsmokeme2win: ouch... neither works... it just tries to use --purge remove... which doesn't remove it10:45
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fidanyone refreshing gnome and the command for doing so?10:46
me2wingymsmoke: hmm, try installing over it?10:46
Signyaaah it works!! thank you thank you!10:46
DBOfid, log out and log back in10:46
fidhah i refuse10:46
gymsmokeme2win: yeah, tried that... newest version is installed10:46
me2winSigny: w00t. np10:46
Signyturns out i also had to /umount the previous thing i had tried to do ie '/media/shared'10:46
Overandfid: erm...10:46
me2winSigny: no wonder10:46
Signysweet. tnx so mucgh. Im writing all of this down so i dont forget ;D10:46
ompaulFab_, is the other one cable select? make sure they are master and slave10:46
me2winSigny: now it should work no matter what with fstab10:46
ompaulFab_, was it ever working?10:47
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Signythnx again to all ;D10:47
me2winSigny: nice job :D10:47
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gymsmokeme2win: i did a locate phpmyadmin, and got /usr/share/linitian/overrides/phpmyadmin (never heard of this), a bunch of entries in /var/lib/dpkg/info, and a short list of entries in /var/lib/ucf/cache10:47
Fab_ompaul: yea, on WIN XP there were no problems10:47
blazemongerthank god for gdb10:48
Fab_ompaul: don't beat me xD10:48
me2wingymsmoke: thats odd, to be honest ive never tried to remove or purge anything from command line10:48
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blazemongergdb is your best friend10:48
Fab_I already described the problem here: http://www.ubuntu-forum.de/artikel/9816/Grub-error-17.html10:48
OverandHey, if I paste a link to a bonnie++ output, can anyone tell me if the perf numbers are 'reasonable' ?  As in, my system is performing as it should?10:48
ompaulFab_, did linux ever work for that that was the question10:49
Fab_ah ^^10:49
ompaulFab_, although not defined as such :)10:49
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gymsmokeme2win: the /usr/share/lintian/overrides/phpmyadmin contains this - phpmyadmin: postinst-uses-db-input10:49
beta_mhow do i check if ubuntu is using the swap partition that i gave it?10:49
Fab_ompaul: yea, before I got a second HD, it worked10:49
gymsmokethe dpkg info files i understand, but the last ones in ucf are strange notation10:49
DBOFab_, do your hard drives have any partitions?10:49
dlibeta_m, "free -m", or "top"10:49
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Fab_DBO: I think the got too much :P10:50
Fab_DBO: about 3 NFTS 1 ext3 and 1 SWAP and 1 FAT 3210:50
gymsmokeme2win: /var/lib/ucf/cache/:etc:phpmyadmin:apache.conf10:50
DBOFab_, ok, when grub boots you well be presented with the option to edit grub (by pressing tab I believe)10:50
gymsmokeme2win: that's exactly how they appear10:51
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gypsymauroOverand: this is true, but we still buy DVD when we want to watch movies10:51
me2wingymsmoke: not sure what to tell you man =/10:51
DBOFab_, at this point you will be able to edit individual entries by pressing e, you want to edit the first entry (ubuntu)10:51
me2wingymsmoke: are you using root again? or sudo?10:51
fidyou know though having winxp / ubuntu and a modded xbox makes things really easy with an ftp client10:51
Fab_DBO: ya10:51
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fidjust send the files to the xbox hdd swithc os's and then bring them over10:51
fidits swiss10:51
gymsmokeme2win: now, i'm using root... before - sudo10:52
DBOFab_, wait, I might be being stupid... is grub even coming up with the boot option or just error 17ing?10:52
me2wingymsmoke: oh10:52
fidnot too mention having 3 computers networked makes filesharing the sweetmeat10:52
ompaulFab_, check the settings that the second hard drive is actually slave and the first one is actually master please10:52
Fab_DBO: it says: stage 1.5, loading... please wait error 1710:52
Fab_DBO: no booting I think10:52
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bliss1__i have a files that has these permissions -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  what is the command line to change the permissions to lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root10:53
DBOFab_, ok, your drive numbers have changes, there are two paths to fix this10:53
Fab_DBO: it doesn't even say with partition the filesystem hasn't been recognised10:53
|lostbyte|bliss1_: chmod 777 files10:53
ompaulFab_, did you check the that the new drive is not set cable select10:53
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Overandgypsymauro: someone in the channel already helped you with a link to get it working for you, I was simply explaining that the problem is not ubuntu, but the DVD system itself.10:53
DBOFab_, path 1 is to do what ompaul said and make sure the drives are configured properly10:53
DBOFab_, path 2 is to reinstall grub (backup for path 1 really)10:54
Fab_ompaul: no, I didn't, how to do that?10:54
ompaulFab_, its physically take them out and check jumpers disconnect the new drive and the machine should boot10:54
bliss1__| lostbyte| thanks10:54
Fab_DBO: after I installed both HDs I already reinstalled ubuntu10:54
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ompaulFab_, so I say again and lastly check the physical layout inside your machine10:55
vinboyi'm thinking to compile kernel 2.6.19, how do I get the current configuration file for the default kernel?10:55
DBOFab_, ompauls right, I was dumb =P10:55
vinboythe default kernel used for ubuntu10:55
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JediMasterhi all, I'm having a few problems with cups, I've added a network printer, and it says it's printing, but nothing comes out and the jobs never go, plus I'm getting errors in the cups logs about local authentication certificate not found10:55
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DBOsian, hello10:56
Fab_ompaul: there's only one problem, my linux is on the new HD10:56
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dlivinboy, it's in /proc/config.gz and /boot/config-*10:56
Fab_ompaul: so should I install it on the old one and remove the new one before the installation?10:56
DBOFab_, change the boot priority for your hard drives in BIOS10:56
gymsmokeif i remove the dpkg/info files... would the dpkg files get refreshed when calling apt-get remove again?10:57
dlivinboy, however, you probably want to make your own, if you never made one10:57
Fab_DBO: I could try that :)10:57
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DBOompaul, I thinks he has two installs of grub, one on the old drive which is broke (obviously) and one on the new drive which currently isnt default10:57
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DBOFab_, check your hard drive boot priority =)10:58
Fab_DBO: ok, well10:58
Fab_DBO: I'll do that10:58
ompaulFab_, no, what you should do is this check your hard drives, if they are set up as that, then I would suggest that you ahve not got an install on the second drive10:58
blazemongeri'm trying to debug a flaw where the mouse cursor turns black when running a full screen app10:59
ompaulFab_, because of what is in your post10:59
ompaulFab_, there is another option here10:59
Fab_ompaul: yea, Linux and WinXP are on the same HD10:59
Fab_ompaul: but in different partitions10:59
DBOFab_, I thought you said linux was installed to the new drive?10:59
ompaul!tell Fab_ about grub10:59
linavhi all10:59
ompaulFab_, your being inconsistant10:59
linavi got this problem in ubuntu, will be greatful if anyone can help me out11:00
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.11:00
linavi installed the default 5.10 ubuntu11:00
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.11:00
vinboytha dii11:00
linavand when i try to dowload the updates or packages my system hangs11:00
vinboythx dii11:00
Fab_DBO: yea it is11:00
dlilinav, never say "hi" at least, inaddition to "ask to ask"11:00
Fab_DBO: and WINXP too11:00
gymsmokeis removing the files in /var/lib/dpkg/info the same as apt-get clean?11:00
Fab_DBO: but different parititions11:00
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ompaulFab_, please read the instructions on the page mentioned by ubotu to you in a private message11:01
henkIs there a tool to display cpu throtteling? I have set my laptop to "ondemand" an i was interested to see what this does effectively11:01
Fab_ompaul: ok :)11:01
gymsmokelinav: hangs or is just really slow11:01
DBOompaul, I had the same issue with ubuntu, if you install it to a drive that is not your boot drive, grub does not work...  if you change the boot drive, everything works dandy11:01
linavso how can i get the updates installed without hangs11:01
linavit really hangs up, it happened thirce11:01
linavi need to restart the machine11:02
DBOlinav, does it hang when using apt-get?11:02
dlilinav, "sudo apt-get update"11:02
linavi havent tried that, will try now11:02
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gymsmokelinav: how much ram is in the box?11:02
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gymsmokelinav: and are you runnig gnome and firefox?11:02
linavand this is P3 550 MHZ m/c11:03
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mrmistguys... I need a tips. What terminal program is the best one??11:03
mrmistxterm, aterm, eterm ??11:03
linavE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily un available)11:03
linavE: Unable to lock the list directory11:03
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linavi got this error when i try sudo update11:03
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dlilinav, close "synaptic"11:04
gymsmokelinav: i'm asking because on my laptop, i wound up going to flux because gnome, firefox, and a couple of dev apps ate my system alive11:04
sfaris synaptic running linav?11:04
linavi closed it11:04
Fab_ompaul: grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda3 would this work?11:05
sfartry "ps aux | grep apt" and "ps aux | grep synaptic" .. se if anything like that is running11:05
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ben32167how do i umount ntfs?11:05
dliben32167, umount the dev or folder11:05
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ben32167hda5 for instance11:06
sfardeivce .. /dev/hdxx or whatever11:06
Fab_umount /dev/hda5?11:06
linavlinav    19350  0.0  0.1   3068   764 pts/0    S+   21:05   0:00 grep apt11:06
linavlinav@ubuntu:~$ ps aux | grep synaptic11:06
linavlinav    19356  0.0  0.1   3064   760 pts/0    S+   21:06   0:00 grep synapticlinav@ubuntu:~$11:06
linavsfar: i got this11:06
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linavwhen i try that11:06
ben32167thanks Fab_ lol11:07
sfarlinav: hm, then there should not be any problems typing "sudo apt-get update"11:07
linavi will try again11:07
dlisfar, "dpkg" might be running11:07
ben32167now i have to mount again?11:07
sfardli: thats true11:07
ben32167how will i mount hda5 which is ntfs?11:07
linavE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:07
linavE: Unable to lock the list directory11:07
sfarlinav: type that command again but with | grep dpkg11:07
linavsfar: sorry i again got this error11:07
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Fab_so I gotta go11:08
b0selinav, did u make sure that synaptic is not running in a different desktop11:08
ben32167i want to add hda5(ntfs) to ftsab so that user x gains full read/write11:08
Fab_@DBO and ompaul: thank you for your I help11:08
ben32167Fab, help me then farewell11:09
linavits closed11:09
dlib0se, pkill -9 synaptic11:09
Fab_@DBO and ompaul: I'll try all the hints this later that day11:09
DBOFab_, ok... I still think its the boot order... =/11:09
linavsfar: i have tried again with grep dpkg still i am getting error11:09
Fab_DBO: that one I'll check first11:09
Jimmey__Edgy Eft, eh...11:09
DBOFab_, okies, you can always switch it back if its a no-go11:09
sfardli, whats the difference between pkill and kill?11:09
Fab_DBO: yea11:10
Fab_ben: ?11:10
dlisfar, no difference here, but you can run pkill as user, while killall is for root only11:10
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Fab_sorry was away ^^11:10
ben32167 i want to add hda5(ntfs) to ftsab so that user x gains full read/write11:10
DBOsfar, pkill allows name lookup11:10
gymsmokeanyone know what it means when a virtual package shows up in aptitude in a purpl/pink color?11:10
Fab_get some tee ^^11:10
linavsfar: any help?11:10
dliben32167, ntfs write doesnt work that way, read help from kernel configuration11:11
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ben32167i know, but i want acess, i wont write on oit11:11
blazemongeranyone ever had their mouse cursor in gnome go all black?11:11
TraceGreenHello , if I set ramdisk_size=100000 when boot system , does that mean ramdisk is 10000K? or /dev/ram0, /dev/ram1 each 10000K at most?11:11
Fab_ben: sorry, but the time is too short11:11
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dliben32167, better to mount it ro11:11
ben32167-rw or something but i dont remember now11:11
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b0sei've tried several times to compile a kernel from the ubuntu source and i keep getting the same error... can somebody pls tell me what it means? can someone pls tell me what this error means? http://pastebin.com/67292011:11
DBOblazemonger, have you installed your video drivers?11:11
Fab_ben: I got a meeting at 12 ^^11:11
Fab_ok, really gotta go11:12
Fab_cu all11:12
b0sesorry for the typo, cut and paste doesn't work well in xchat11:12
ben32167bye fab_ hf11:12
blazemongeryup i sure have11:12
sfarlinav: i guess you could always reboot (log in/out) your system.. quite a lame sollution but im shure it will do the trick :) .. im out of ideas (but im also a newbie, maybe anyone else can help from here)11:12
blazemongeri have  a rage 12811:12
gymsmokeits strange because when aptitude first opens, there's a message in the top that says "1 broken", and it's aptitude
blazemongerhow do i install the video drivers for a ati rage 128 when ati doesnt make any drivers for linux11:12
ben32167dli, pls tell me the command, so that i can gain write acess to ntfs?11:12
linavsfar: ok thanks very much, i will try my luck!11:13
blazemongerfor my specific card11:13
Fab_ben: schau dir das einmal an: http://www.ubuntu-forum.de/thread.php?threadid=905911:13
DBOblazemonger, very true that... donno what to say11:13
ben32167ich bin nicht deutch :D11:13
Fab_ben: ou right :P11:13
dliben32167, enable ntfs write in kernel, then, just mount it11:13
ben32167lets try though11:13
void^b0se: it means there was an error. more details are likely to be found above the messages you pasted11:13
Fab_ben: you'll understand the commands :)11:14
ben32167how will i enable arite to ntfs in kernel?11:14
ben32167bye bye11:14
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blazemongerDBO, :i dfont have the annoyance in other distros11:14
gymsmokeand in virtual packages, libdb-dev is marked in a strange purple color ...11:14
blazemongernot even slackware11:14
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blazemongeri'd like to merge the stability of slackware with the packaging system of ubuntu11:14
b0sevoid^, i can't see anything that looks useful, but i can post more if you would be willing to take a look at it11:15
ben32167dli, i had lock sign on icons of ntfs drives, now i have X sign11:15
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ben32167and when i try to change permissions of them i get write error11:15
DBOlinav, reboot, if that doesnt work, I will help you remove the lockfile11:16
linavDBO: ok i will give it a go11:16
linavand come back if any problem11:16
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gymsmokehrmmm also found defoma in that same purple color in aptitude11:18
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gymsmokeit has id next to it, instead of i11:18
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ben32167what does a restricted module mean?11:18
george-remphi, when i install or remove hardware grub stops working...any idea how i can fix this??11:19
km0ti0nI have been running wine, as I have to test my web appliations in IE.  I need to get the DirectX lib installed to test some of IE's filters, so I figured I needed to install wineX but can't find a package, any suggestions?11:20
=== McNutella [n=cocoa@cpc3-bahd2-0-0-cust292.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Ubuntu
McNutellagood morning11:20
McNutellai was lookin at edubuntu, but Id like to go back to ubuntu, any easy way to?11:21
DBOgeorge-remp, what kind of hardware?11:21
george-remphard disk or cd11:21
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DBOMcNutella, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"11:21
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McNutellaDBO: tried that, but since its already there, I cant install it again11:22
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DBOgeorge-remp, hdd can if they are installed as a master on the same drive as the boot disk11:22
beta_mhello, my fstab say defaults,uid=beta:beta and when i try to mount it gives me an error, if i remove uid part then only sudo -i can access that drive.11:22
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dlibeta_m, paste exact command line or fstab11:23
PwcrLinuxHello, How i format the old floppy disk, it's say not permitted and not a owner..11:23
McNutellaubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.11:23
McNutella0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:23
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DBOMcNutella, "sudo apt-get remove edubuntu-artwork edubuntu-artwork-usplash" (donno what this will do to GNOME though, but it should really break anything)11:25
beta_mdli:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1266411:25
McNutellashould break anything,  :)11:25
DBOgeez, bad karma today11:25
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McNutellaDBO: thank you :)11:26
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stevequick question:  the new Live CD (Dapper) has an installer, but there is also an install CD?  What is the difference?11:26
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dlibeta_m, you mount ext2 with uid= ?11:26
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beta_mwell, otherwise only root can access it11:26
Jimmey__How can I check for image files on a CDROM?11:26
beta_mhow do i change it so that everybody can...11:26
beta_msorry, if i'm doing something stupid... q;-(11:27
DBOJimmey__, what kind of image files?11:27
McNutellaDBO: seems to be whizzing through that ok11:27
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McNutellaDBO: and switching back to ubuntu automatically..11:27
dlibeta_m, chmod, chown11:28
blazemongeri think theprob might be in my xorg.conf file..i added option "SWcursor" "on" like someone reccomended to see if it would fix it11:28
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blazemongerbut it didnt11:28
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blazemongermaybe a recompile of the kernel?11:28
Jimmey__DBO, I've just burned an iso image to a CDROM, and I want the background image to the operating system that the iso installs11:29
PwcrLinuxanyone, I have a floppy disk and appeared on desktop icon, how I format the old floppy disk it's say not permission and not a owner..11:29
beta_mdli:  thanks... q;-)11:29
Hmmmmguys, when's dapper expected for release?11:29
Jimmey__June 1st11:29
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)11:29
DBOJimmey__, ooooh, that kind of image, you can do that with K3B11:30
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Jimmey__DBO, I mean I want to extract from the CDROM the operating system's default desktop background11:31
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DBOJimmey__, oh, well it is stored on the CD somewhere... where I havent the slightest...11:32
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Jimmey__DBO, can I search the CD for picture files?11:32
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DBOJimmey__, sure, but I doubt it will help, there is a good chance its in a package file11:32
ubotuPwcrLinux: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:32
Jimmey__DBO, thanks.11:33
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DBOJimmey__, if you want to run a search "find /path/to/cdrom -name *.png"11:33
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PwcrLinuxanyone, I have a floppy disk and appeared on desktop icon, how I format the old floppy disk it's say not permission and not a owner..11:35
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Jimmey__PwcrLinux, have you tried 'Applications'>>'System tools'>>'Floppy formatter'?11:37
gymsmokesince there is no way to remove this with any ubuntu tools, can apt-get force a re-install ?11:37
Jimmey__gymsmoke, remove what?11:38
PwcrLinuxJimmey: yes, already there,.. my USB Floppy disk drive..11:38
PwcrLinuxJimmey: need to get write permission..11:39
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Jimmey__PwcrLinux, use sudo11:39
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Jimmey__ubotu, tell PwcrLinux about sudo11:40
McNutellawhy does my screen mode not allow me to go higher than 800x600, i have 17" LCD which can go much higher!11:40
PwcrLinuxJimmey__: sudo what?11:40
Jimmey__PwcrLinux, I don't know11:40
PwcrLinuxnot need to send a bot to my prvmsg..11:40
McNutellaPwcrLinux: be grateful, its called help11:40
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ubotuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone11:41
PwcrLinuxaha, let me check11:41
gymsmokeJimey: phpmyadmin11:41
DarkEDMcNutella: what kinda hardware?11:41
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Jimmey__gymsmoke, you want to remove it completely?11:42
gymsmokeJimmey_: when i remove it, i get an error on the prerm script...11:42
aurorei like you11:42
OverandI've got an app (dos2unix, converts text files from CRLF to LF) that doesn't have a -R option, but i have an entire tree of files to process11:42
gymsmokeJimmey_: yes11:42
McNutellaDarkED: the live CD lets me choose higher, its just the install doesnt11:42
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gymsmokeJimmey_: and purge doesn't work11:42
blazemongerI sure hope dapper has alot less bugs11:42
sfarwhere do i go with hardware related problems?11:42
sfarits not related to ubuntu at all :)11:42
elTigreI have strange things happening on my dapper installation11:42
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gymsmokeOverand: write it in a shell script11:42
aurorei love boy11:42
DarkEDMcNutella: Ok, so it wont let you go higher in desktop properties yes?11:42
McNutellaDarkED: thats correct11:43
DarkEDI need to know what kinda hardware you are using11:43
aurorei am sexy wow11:43
DarkEDvideo card11:43
Jimmey__gymsmoke, if you right click on it in synaptic, and click properties, you can see where all of it's files have been installed, and so if you can't un-install, you could remove them manually11:43
elTigrebash: /usr/bin/tail: cannot execute binary file11:43
gymsmokeJimmey: it's on a server - no gui11:43
auroremy number is 06 85 26 61 5811:43
Frogzooaurore: cut it out11:43
McNutellaDarkED: nvidia and samsung syncmaster 173T11:43
elTigresame for gnome-session11:43
DarkEDhave you tried to install new nvidia drivers?11:43
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elTigresomehow some of the binary files in my system are corrupt?!11:43
gymsmokeJimmey: and the only places where these files exist are in /var/lib/dpkg/info and 2 others11:43
DarkEDi hear it isnt difficult11:44
aurorei am nationality french11:44
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:44
McNutellaDarkED: oh the nvidia drivers seem to only want to display things on my TV, and turn off the monitor by default11:44
DarkEDi think if you upgraded drivers it would fix your resolution drivers11:44
DarkEDhmm that is weird11:44
auroreki est la?11:44
McNutellathats what I thought11:44
gymsmokeJimmey_: /usr/share/lintian/overrides/phpmyadmin11:44
Overandgymsmoke: suggestions on how the heck i would do that?11:44
OverandI've never written anything past a braindead simple script11:45
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Frogzooaurore: this channel is for ubuntu support - not general chat11:45
DarkEDWell, i gotta be honest, i dont know TOO much about nvidias in linux11:45
gymsmokeJimmey_: /var/lib/dpkg/info/phpmyadmin.xxx (there are a few here)11:45
DarkEDits been years since i used one11:45
DarkEDim an ATi user myselt11:45
aurorewhat is your msn mesenger11:45
DarkEDi would say to check the ubuntu forums if you havent already11:45
gymsmokeJimmey_: /var/lib/ucf/cache/:etc:phpmyadmin:apache.conf11:45
gymsmoke and about 7 or 8 listed like this11:45
blazemongerDarkED, :im a ATI user too11:45
auroremy adresse is11:45
DanielCHello, I'd like to help test Ubuntu Dapper. Can I edit the test matrix (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Current) even though I'm not a regular here?11:45
Frogzoocan someone kick this moron?11:45
blazemongerDarkED, :i use a rage 12811:45
McNutellaDarkED: tis ok, ill figure out something, thanks for your time11:45
blazemongeranyone else use a rage 128?11:45
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aurorehello nchina11:46
DarkEDim really sorry i cant be of more help, and good luck11:46
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gymsmokeOverand: for word in `ls xxx` do whatever $word; done11:46
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gymsmokeOverand: where xxx is the dir and whatever is the script you're running11:46
fotangi just installed kubuntu (coming from suse 9.2). what's the application to setup hardware (such as my 2 sound cards and the tv capture card)?11:46
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aurorethis your msn messenger?11:46
Overandgymsmoke: i'd need to get it to cd into various directories and whatnot11:47
gymsmokeOverand: you may have to pipe the output of the command to a write command for cd ..11:47
DarkEDDanielC: Try #ubuntu+111:47
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Illnorquick stupid question: I have a dual boot of Ubuntu Breezy (amd64) and XP.. I want to write over the breezy partitions with a kubuntu 6.06 i386 beta.. this is doable right?11:47
DanielCDarkED: thanks11:47
DarkEDthey are the 'dapper' guys :D11:47
DarkEDno problem11:47
auroremy adresse is dibil@hotmail.fr11:47
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HmmmmIllnor, ya it is11:47
gymsmokeanyone know if removing the files in /var/lib/dpkg/info will get refreshed on apt-update ?11:48
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DarkEDgymsmoke: I would imagine not11:48
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IllnorHmmmm: thank god, amd64 is such a pain.. I went through the trouble of doing the 32 bit chroot.. blah too much of a mess :)11:48
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DarkEDremoving files without checking apt-get is a good way to create dependency errors11:48
DarkEDso i wouldnt do it :D11:49
HmmmmIllnor, i myself hac an amd6411:49
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Hmmmmand i run 32 bit perfectly well. divx and all11:49
fotangwhat's the application to configure X? (like sax or xconfigurator on some distros)11:49
gymsmokeDarkED: so, you think those files are only put there during an install ?11:49
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fotangman, dont I have questions!11:49
_2064_anybody got an idea for this ?? ./quake4.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:49
Frogzoo!tell fotang about xorg11:49
|GBH|I have an AMD64 and a working Breezy - was a pain in the arse though ;)11:49
IllnorI've got a Winchester 3200.. 2.0ghz originally but I've got it at 2.65Ghz now.. so I'm not concerned with whatever puny speed boost there is.. not with such a dramatically reduced functionality11:49
DarkEDgymsmoke: the could be, an install of a program11:50
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DarkEDgymsmoke: but they could also be app files11:50
kingspawn_2064_: sudo apt-get install libsdl (or apt-cache search libsdl if you dont get it that way)11:50
fotangthank you mr ubuto11:50
DarkEDgymsmoke: it truly is hard to tell :D11:50
Illnoris there some guide for writing over ubuntu as I'm planning on?11:50
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PwcrLinuxJimmey__: sightly different, my floppy drive on the USB port..11:50
FrogzooIllnor: just point the installer at the existing partitions11:50
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Jimmey__PwcrLinux, then try Gparted. Maybe.11:50
_2064_i did it already11:51
_2064_i got them in the good folder but still same message11:51
_2064_its ubuntu 64 though11:51
gymsmokeDarkED: well, if files labeled phpmyadmin weren't there before, and they are after an install - my conclusion is that they're placed there during an install. What I can't determine is, if they're removed on a remove/purge... since there's no way for me to remove a broke package with any ubuntu tools, i figured i'd tear it out by brute force11:52
DarkEDahh ok11:52
DarkEDgymsmoke: phpmyadmin is server stuff11:52
DarkEDgymsmoke: its for funning webforums and the like11:52
Jimmey__gymsmoke, if it's broken try: apt-get -f install11:52
kingspawn_2064_: aha, sure quake4 will run on 64bit natively?11:52
DarkEDgymsmoke: i also think it MAY be used by some programs11:53
gymsmokeJimmey_: i'll give that a go...anything beats sitting here spinning my wheels trying to get rid of it11:53
DarkEDgymsmoke: meaning im not 100% sure :D but, i would think it would be safe for you to delete it...11:53
DarkEDgymsmoke: why in such a rush to get rid of it?11:53
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gymsmokeJimmey_: already the newest version11:54
gymsmokeDarkED: because it's broke11:54
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DarkEDgymsmoke: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <packagename>11:55
gymsmokeDarkED: it was part of a borked install that went totally haywire, and since my only access to the server is through ssh, i can't just chuck the cd in and start again11:55
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DarkEDgymsmoke: hmm, i think i get it11:55
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DarkEDgymsmoke: its just filling space and you cant remove it11:56
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gymsmokeDarkED: http://pastebin.com/67297011:56
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gymsmokeDarkED: that's what happened when i reinstalled it11:56
elTigrehi, my dapper iystem broke a few days ago... I can't login to gnome because gnome-session faills, claiming "coould not execute binary"11:56
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FrogzooelTigre: for dapper support -> #ubuntu+111:57
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DarkEDgymsmoke: hmm11:57
DarkEDgymsmoke: looks like the files are ... being used?11:57
gymsmokeDarkED: they don't exist11:57
DarkEDgymsmoke: or maybe, it just doesnt want to break dependency11:57
DarkEDgymsmoke: oh...11:57
DarkEDgymsmoke: well, what i would do11:58
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DarkEDgymsmoke: login to a real shell11:58
DarkEDgymsmoke: dont startx11:58
DarkEDgymsmoke: and try the rm command11:58
DarkEDgymsmoke: get rid of em that way11:58
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gymsmokeDarkED: this is a server... there is no gui11:58
gymsmokeDarkED: get rid of what?11:58
DarkEDgymsmoke: oh11:58
DarkEDgymsmoke: the files11:58
DarkEDgymsmoke: the phpmyadmin crap11:59
gymsmokeDarkED: the messages say not replacing _deleted_ config files...11:59
DarkEDgymsmoke: yes i see that now, sorry11:59
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gymsmokeDarkED: the files do not exist in the directory... the directory is empty... the reinstall won't re-create them11:59
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DarkEDgymsmoke: argh... um...11:59
DarkEDgymsmoke: dude i have no clue11:59
DarkEDgymsmoke: i would say format/reinstall12:00
SkeletonixHi ... in menu Apllication --> System tools is new element (ScreenSavers). If I edit menu by menu editor this element ist there :-(... pleas" how can I removethe element from menu?12:00
gymsmokeDarkED: yeah - i'm on the server via ssh... i don't have access to the cd ...12:00
DarkEDgymsmoke: yeah that sucks...12:00
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DarkEDgymsmoke: hmm, im trying to think of a solution but12:00
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DarkEDgymsmoke: the only one i keep going back to is format/reinstall12:01
DarkEDgymsmoke: i know there has to be another way12:01
gymsmokeDarkED: if it were a winbloze box, i would agree with you12:01
DarkEDgymsmoke: but i have no idea what it would be12:01
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gymsmokeanyone know what ucf is?12:02
DarkEDgymsmoke: i just have no clue why it would b*tch over a deleted file12:02
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DarkEDgymsmoke: good luck with that one dude, ive never seen it before12:02
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, newbie3312:02
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MrTrickDo you guys know if ubuntu's default installation rejects any requests from foreign subnets?12:03
ubotuliquidindian: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:03
ubotumethinks w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install12:03
ben32167!ubotu tell ben32167 about amule12:03
ubotuben32167: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:03
Frogzooqemu swaps out whenever I switch to a different virt desktop - any ideas how to keep it running?12:04
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purestrainhello... can someone tell me, why widget generation in gnome is so slow? if i switch from one app to another i can see every icon, button, toolbar appearing one after another12:05
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newbie33who can tell the radio app that really works?12:05
Frogzoopurestrain: slow cpu? not enough memory? gnome will be faster under dapper12:05
SkeletonixHi ... in menu Apllication --> System tools is new element (ScreenSavers). If I edit menu by menu editor this element ist there :-(... pleas" how can I removethe element from menu?12:06
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gymsmokeit's a bug in ubuntu!!12:06
gymsmokeucf caches config files12:06
ben32167frogzoo deaktop is pretty slow, is that becuz of graphic drivers?12:06
gymsmokebut, dpkg doesn't play nice with ucf...12:06
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purestrainFrogzoo, 3200+ and 768mb...  nvidia drivers also installed12:06
gymsmokeit's been logged in debian as of March 200612:06
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ben32167its about nvidia i guess12:07
purestrainperhaps themes in general are slow?12:08
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ben32167no way i have good graphic card, windows are moving as if no driver installed12:08
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GatoLokomay be the ram is full and it swaps the app in background, then when you change it must read that app from swap and put it on ram before you can use it12:09
Frogzooben32167: first check you're not running the vesa driiver, then run top and hit "M" to see procs using most mem12:09
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newbie33how to enable earphones?12:10
newbie33on laptop, Id like that it turn on automaticaly on inputing hearphones12:10
Frogzoonewbie33: app -> sound -> volume control -> headphones12:10
PwcrLinuxwell, I'm tired and heading to bed time for me, I will work on the USB floppy drive later..12:11
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Frogzoonewbie33: applicatoins12:11
ben32167Mem:   1036092k total,   979108k used,    56984k free,     9136k buffers12:11
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newbie33not preferences?12:11
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ben32167979k used!?!?112:12
ben32167no mb12:12
Frogzooben32167: that's linux buffer space - see 'buffers'12:12
fotangi have 2 soundcards. (k)ubuntu seeems to randomly switch between the two: i play an mp3 and it goes to one card, i play a video and it randomly picks a different card. how do i setup the soundcards?12:12
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ben321679232k buffers12:12
fotangmust be sudo something, if i get the feel...12:13
ben32167no problem about mem, how do i check vesa drivers Frogzoo12:13
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Frogzooben32167: check in /var/log/xorg.log that it's picking up the nvid driver12:13
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Frogzooben - what's your cpu?12:14
ben32167amd 250012:14
GatoLokoand how many swap is used?12:14
Frogzooben32167: how much installed ram?12:14
ben32167xorg log is empty12:14
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ben321671 gig12:14
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Frogzooben32167: do you have a swap partitioon/file?12:15
ben32167yes i do12:15
ben321673 gb swap i have12:15
newbie33how to add/get new keyboard layouts?12:16
Frogzooben32167: logs generally are in /var/log - you might like to try a smaller eg 1gig swap partition12:16
newbie33I know which one I need12:16
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ben32167system - preferences -  keyboard12:16
ben32167frogzoo, can i check if nvidia dirvers are installed ok?12:17
Frogzooben32167: it will bei n the x log12:17
newbie33layout that I need is not currently installed12:17
ben32167but the log is emtpy12:17
ben32167nothing written12:17
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GatoLokoben32167 glxinfo shows info about glx, and nvidia driver version if it's working12:18
Fracturewhen trying to play an mp3 I get this "Totem could not start up"  the audio output is used by another app etc...... I can't seem to get it to work.12:18
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Frogzooben32167: look again12:18
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GatoLokoben32167 and the log is in /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:19
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gnubeJust a quick shout out to say I love Dapper12:19
gnubeI am impressed.12:20
=== Fracture loves dapper too
=== PuMpErNiCkLe too
ben32167i find it12:20
ben32167-->Device "NVIDIA Corporation NV40.2 [GeForce 6800 LE] "12:20
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ben32167so driver is installed?12:20
Fracturethere is no multimedia selector in prefernces12:21
Frogzooben32167: so it would seem - what are the mem/swap lines from 'top'?12:21
PuMpErNiCkLeFracture: 'gstreamer-properties'12:21
apenaflorjoin nagios12:21
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ben32167Mem:   1036092k total,  1013960k used,    22132k free,    10956k buffers12:22
ben32167Swap:  2891628k total,    18284k used,  2873344k free,   759860k cached12:22
FracturePuMpErNiCkLe: every device in there says "Resource busy or not avail" when I test12:22
PuMpErNiCkLeFracture: That's really weird. :o12:23
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gymsmokecan someone tell me why a php file in apache2-default works, but when i go into phpmyadmin/index.php, it outputs the php code ?12:23
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FracturePuMpErNiCkLe: yeah.. is there any way to 'restart' it ?12:23
PuMpErNiCkLeFracture: Does that include video output?12:23
apenaflorany body here know how to install nagios in ubuntu?12:24
FracturePuMpErNiCkLe: nope.. video tests ok12:24
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gymsmokeno-one?  how about - restart apache...12:24
Frogzooben32167: Id try reducing your swap to 1gig12:24
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ben32167how will i do that Frogzoo?12:25
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PuMpErNiCkLeFracture: Do you have the driver for the soundcard loaded? (lsmod | grep snd)12:25
FracturePuMpErNiCkLe: i've even done sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart12:25
FracturePuMpErNiCkLe: yes12:25
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FracturePuMpErNiCkLe: it was working before last reboot12:25
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Frogzooben32167: man swapon swapoff12:26
PuMpErNiCkLeFracture: Did you update anything major before you rebooted?12:26
Fracturedunno.. just whatever comes in via the update manager ;)12:26
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Kev1nanyone tried kaffeine 0.8.2 as yet with dvb tv support?12:26
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PuMpErNiCkLeFracture: okay, I'd say it's probably just temporary breakage12:27
FracturePuMpErNiCkLe: yeah.. ok.. i'll give it a few days and see what happens12:27
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DarkEDis there a program i can use to mount a cd iso in ubuntu?12:28
pkhcan someone recommend a graphic-design application?12:29
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DarkEDpkh: the gimp, or open office12:29
void^DarkED: mount -o loop12:29
PuMpErNiCkLepkh: Inkscape, GIMP12:29
Xenguy_pkh: scribus does DTP12:29
DarkEDpkh: both come installed12:29
gymsmokewow - i can't believe i fixed this12:29
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DarkEDvoid^: sudo mount -o loop file.iso?12:29
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yggdrasilhey guys what program do you use to download music ? like emule or kazza12:30
void^DarkED: yes, and a mountpoint12:30
pkhthanks guys.12:30
DarkEDcan i assign a drive letter to the mount with wine?12:30
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PuMpErNiCkLeyggdrasil: Apollon12:31
gymsmokeif anyone ever runs into this problem again, the answer is to purge the package, remove the apt/cache files and the overrides file from lentian, force a reinstall, then copy the ucf conf files back to the original install directory!  kind of kludge, but it works around the ubuntu/debian bug that was opened at the end of March, 06 ...12:31
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DarkEDvoid^: thanks12:31
PuMpErNiCkLeyggdrasil: It's a KDE app, but it's the best one I've found so far.12:31
yggdrasilhmm ok ill give it a try12:31
yggdrasilis it in the reps ?12:32
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PuMpErNiCkLenp ;)12:32
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yggdrasilxmule was crashy12:32
DarkEDooh, its not an iso, its a mds12:32
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NET||abusemmahhhh,, fine, i'll have to build the mysql libs :(12:33
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Skeletonix..I Ifound  some new element(folder screen savers) in gnoem menu (Aplications -- System tool). How can I remove it? Menu editor is not show it! :(12:36
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Skeletonix* found12:37
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Geanhi, i got realplayer from the synoptic, but when i install, it asks for the directory where it is downloaded to ...12:39
Geani got no idea where synoptic puts it :S12:39
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purestrainhmmm... themes are really slow, with "simple" theme everything works little bit faster12:39
gymsmokeok, all... i gotta get some zzz's ... need to be at work in 2 hours12:40
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SkeletonixGean: sudo find / -name *realplayer12:40
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SkeletonixGean: sudo find / -name *realplayer *12:40
Skeletonixor in nautilus: search *realplayer*12:41
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ben32167ubuntu thinks my soundcard is nvidia but it is not, how will i change driver?12:42
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GeanSkeletonix: it doesn't work12:42
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SkeletonixGean: sudo find / -name *realplayer doesn't work?12:43
Geannothing happens12:43
Geanjan@Jan:~$ sudo find / -name *realplayer12:44
SkeletonixGean: wait {:-D12:44
PuMpErNiCkLeGean: The 'realplayer' in synaptic is just a guided installer for the official package from real.com - it doesn't include the actual player.  You have to download that separately.12:45
Geani see12:45
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Geannvm :)12:46
=== Tchewy [n=Art@AOrleans-257-1-65-167.w86-220.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Ubuntu
Skeletonixreal player : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealplayerInstallationMethods?highlight=%28realplayer%2912:48
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SkeletonixGean: simply: download this ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/r/realplay/realplayer_10.0.6-0.0_i386.deb12:50
Skeletonix         then sudo dpkg -install realpl....deb12:50
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NET||abusehmm, where can i see the release schedule for dapper?12:52
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)12:52
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DBOSkeletonix, recomending the installation of debian packages is generally frowned upon12:53
DBOits the quick way to dependancy hell and a fubar system12:53
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NET||abuseTchewy, thanks :)12:53
PuMpErNiCkLeDBO: It's realplayer.  Nothing depends on it, and it's distributed in a non-Ubuntu package anyway.12:54
englaIsn't realplayer statically linked12:54
engla> so it doesn't have that problem12:54
Skeletonix..this I take from ubutnu.wiko.com12:54
DBOPuMpErNiCkLe, I was speaking in general12:54
PuMpErNiCkLeDBO: This is specific. :)12:54
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SkeletonixI know that:)12:54
bimberi_NET||abuse: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule12:54
Skeletonixi like Hell12:54
DBOyesh... my bad12:54
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ben32167"quited unexpectedly" oh yes expectations12:56
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Skeletonixand now.... Is here someone who is able help me with: In gnome menu is new element (Apllications-->Sytem tools) folder: screen savers .. how can I remove it from menu? pleas!12:57
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ben32167looks easy12:58
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ben32167but dunno how12:58
NET||abusebimberi_, thanks alsoo :)12:58
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Skeletonixgnome-menu editor doesn't work12:58
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ben32167gurus are awaya i guess, no one to help you Skeletonix12:59
XpticalWhere can I see an example of a good sources.list for 5.1001:00
Skeletonixin my source list:)01:00
Xpticaldeb http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu breezy main... is throwing errors for me01:00
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Skeletonixin synaptic..?01:00
Fysidikohttp://ubuntuguide.org/#extrarepositories is fairly good01:00
Xpticalapt-get baby01:00
Skeletonixand apt-get -update ?01:01
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kbrooksi have a bug to...01:01
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kbrookson dapper01:01
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs01:01
Xpticalthx Fysidiko01:01
ben32167amule sux01:02
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ben32167omfg even volume controls are not working01:03
kbrookswheres xchat-gnome on a breezy -> daper upgrade01:03
QuincyHey, does anyone know how to change screen res to 1200 x 800?01:03
ben32167yes quincy01:03
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QuincyPlease tell01:03
ben32167use system- preferences- change res01:03
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kbrookswheres xchat-gnome on a breezy -> daper upgrade01:03
ben32167system resolution01:03
kbrooksIT DISAPPEARED01:04
FysidikoQuincy: It'll only be available if you've set it up during install01:04
ben32167dapper upgrade is pretty long01:04
Fysidikokbrooks: It's definitely there, I was translating for it :S01:04
kbrooksben32167: i just upgraded01:04
Fysidikokbrooks: tried via terminal?01:04
wsjuniori removed the gaim icon at the panel, how to add it again?01:04
ben32167then what do you need?01:04
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ben32167oh xchat u are asking sorry01:04
Fysidikowsjunior: right click -> add to panel -> custom launcher01:04
wsjuniori've already checked the panel plugin but it doesnt appear..01:04
kbrooksFysidiko: xc<tab> shows x stuff, not xchat-gnome01:04
QuincyI obviously didn't cause I only have 1024x768 option, what can I do?01:05
ben32167check community repositories kbrooks01:05
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kbrooksben32167: check what?01:05
wsjuniorFysidiko, i mean whe i open gaim it used to go there aside the sound icon01:05
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ben32167synaptic- settings repositories edit community01:05
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Fysidikokbrooks: isn't it xchat not xc?01:05
kbrooksFysidiko: TAB COMPLETION01:06
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Fysidikokbrooks: Ah sorry :)01:06
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ben32167kbrooks - go to synaptic, settings - repositories - select dapper - add - click on community ok01:07
ben32167then reload01:07
ben32167and search for xchat01:07
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Overandxchat is int he community repository?01:08
ben32167i guess so01:08
QuincyFysidiko: I only have 1024x768 screen res option, do you know how to add more?01:08
ben32167theres a irc client of gnome in official01:08
wsjuniorhow to restore the gaim panel icon?01:08
FysidikoQuincy: you need to edit your xorg.conf file01:08
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FysidikoQuincy: open a terminal window01:09
imbrandonxchat-gnome - a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client01:09
imbrandonxchat - IRC client for X similar to AmIRC01:09
imbrandonxchat-common - Common files for X-Chat01:09
imbrandonxchat-systray - xchat systray notification icon01:09
imbrandonxchat-xsys - x-chat plugin that can display your current system statistics01:09
imbrandonall in universe01:09
FysidikoQuincy: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:09
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blazemongerhow can i telnet into my machine01:10
kbrooksshift+numlock doesnt work01:10
kbrooksit used to in breezy01:10
blazemongeror configure my system so i can telnet into it01:10
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QuincyFysidiko: Is that it?, Thanks01:10
imbrandonblazemonger: ssh not telnet01:10
imbrandonblazemonger: apt-get install ssh01:10
FysidikoQuincy: that should open it in a text editor01:10
blazemongeri've tried to configurethat01:10
FysidikoQuincy: you need to make some changes01:10
blazemongerimbrandon, :what do i do after that01:11
OverandFysidiko: can't he do a dpkg-reconfigure xorg-whatever?01:11
imbrandonthen goto another machine and type "ssh -l <username> <ip>"01:11
FysidikoOverand: Can't remember the package name. If you can then sure :)01:11
imbrandonblazemonger: then goto another machine and type "ssh -l <username> <ip>"01:11
Overandit MIGHT be xorg-common01:11
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OverandAlso, that may be the 'debian way' not the 'ubuntu way'01:12
QuincyFysidiko: Ok, it's open, can you tell me what I need to change?01:12
imbrandondpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:12
Fysidikosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:12
Overandimbrandon: that's the one!01:12
Fysidikooh, snap :)01:12
FysidikoQuincy: imbrandon's way is better01:12
Overand yeah01:12
blazemongerconnection refused01:13
FysidikoQuincy: Close the text editor window, run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' in a terminal01:13
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ben32167Firefox is not responding. lol01:13
imbrandonblazemonger: is ssd running ? try "/etc/init.d/sshd start"01:13
imbrandonon the ssh server01:13
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Fysidikoben: story of my life at the moment :(01:13
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imbrandonOverand: what did is say the debain way and not the ubuntu way? heheh i've never used debain , i used SuSE before ubuntu ;)01:14
ben32167imbrandon, i have sound, but volume controls are not working why is that?01:15
Overandimbrandon: i meant what *I* said01:15
Overandbut i think mine was the 'nope, wrong' way01:15
imbrandonOverand:  ahhhh okie ;)01:15
imbrandonben32167: no idea man i know very little about sond conf01:16
imbrandonsomeone else in here might know01:16
ben32167can u help me uninstall sound drivers?01:16
Fysidikoben32167: What're you using for sound?01:16
imbrandonto be honest i'm lucky to get my own sound working ;)01:16
PaavoHmm, could someone using kubuntu please do: dpkg -L konsole|grep kcm_01:16
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imbrandonPaavo: one sec i will ( i'm using dapper/kubuntu )01:17
ubotuw32codecs is probably a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install01:17
movii have a problem with network-manager01:17
Fysidikoben32167: Right, do you know what you're mixing it through? ALSA? And Breezy or Dapper?01:17
PaavoSeems like konsole 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu0breezy1 is missing kcm_konsole.la01:17
moviit seems wpa_supplicant has problems with WEP01:17
Fysidikoor hoary etc01:17
moviWPA works fine though01:17
imbrandonPaavo: i get .....01:17
ben32167Fysidiko: the volume controls are in panel arent working, only mutes or not01:17
moviWEP doesn't work both on my bcm43xx (airport extreme in my iBook G4)01:17
blazemongersshd re-exec  requirex execution witha n absolute path01:17
Paavoimbrandon: what's your konsole package version?01:17
moviand a acx10001:17
ben32167its mixed through nvidia alsa drviers01:18
imbrandonPaavo:  one sec01:18
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ben32167but my soundcard is not nvidia01:18
Fysidikoben32167: why using nvidia drivers then?01:18
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imbrandonkonsole 1.6.2 using kde 3.5.201:18
PaavoAnd could someone running Breezy try that same command, please?01:18
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bigfoot1should i go upgrade to Dapper beta? No big risks, yright?01:18
newbie33what msn clients are, I know amsn but I need onother one01:18
ben32167ubuntu decided to use them i guess, i didnt installed nvidia sound01:18
blazemongeroneo f my friends wants to use telnet01:18
newbie33please tell..01:18
movibigfoot1, im using it on 2 machines, and all is well01:18
blazemongerhow do i use the telnet daemon?01:18
Paavoimbrandon: Could you run: dpkg -s konsole|grep Version01:19
imbrandontelnet is WAY insecure you dont wanna use it, not even sure if you can anymore on01:19
Fysidikoben32167: Are you using the single slider or adjusting them individually?01:19
bigfoot1movi: one reason why i want to upgrade now is not just because i want the newest and latest, but because i hear that it runs faster01:19
_jasonblazemonger: you should use ssh instead, telnet is kind of insecure01:19
_jasonubotu: tell blazemonger about ssh01:19
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ubotumsn is, like, an abreviation for Microsoft Network. A nasty place where either the incredibaly stupid, or incredibably rich like. apparently now being used to mean just the instant messenger service01:19
movibigfoot1, well, i can't feel THAT much of a difference01:19
imbrandonPaavo: Version: 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu901:19
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moviit runs nicer though01:20
bigfoot1if we upgrade now, how to we upgrade from beta to final?01:20
ubotufliegenderfrosch: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:20
ben32167Fysidiko: both doesnt wok neiter single nor separate adjust01:20
movibigfoot1, apt-get upgrade01:20
_jasonbigfoot1: just regular updates will bring you to final01:20
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bigfoot1movi: so i guess there's not much reason for me to upgrade now, is there?01:20
imbrandonnewbie33: kopete is good if u use kde01:20
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movibigfoot1, well, Gnome 2.14 is nicer01:20
moviand some packages that i care about are only there (network manager, Xgl etc)01:21
blazemongeri understand telnet is insecure01:21
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imbrandonPaavo: Version: 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu9 ... that help? feel free to message me if you need more01:21
ben32167how will i uninstall alsa0 ?01:21
bigfoot1nicer visually?01:21
imbrandonyes bigfoot101:21
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newbie33imbrandon, Im on gnome :(01:21
OverandWhat's the 'proper' way to add something to your init.d?01:21
movibigfoot1, no, i mean like avahi support, beagle, network manager applets,01:22
imbrandoni've run dapper a few months and its all dany just update often01:22
newbie33but I donw know ho to run amsn01:22
Fysidikoben32167: try running alsamixer, does that give you control?01:22
Paavoimbrandon: thanks, that's enough for dapper.01:22
newbie33it say that sesion is used01:22
Fysidikoben32167: Also, do you have sound with no control, or no sound?01:22
moviben32167, alsaconfig01:22
OverandI have a few simple instructions I want to run on boot, and I've got VERY limited experience managing my own rc.X stuff01:22
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bigfoot1imbrandon: what's "dany"?01:22
imbrandondandy , all ok01:22
kbrooksHow do I move my cursor with the numpad?01:22
ben32167i have sound, no control01:23
imbrandonben32167: have you tried a diffrent mixxer?01:23
ben32167theres no other?!01:24
ben32167my problem is with device01:24
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ben32167not with mixer * though mixer is not working01:24
FysidikoThe volume control in Gnome's gstreamer based isn't it? Does it make a difference if you're not using gstreamer? (anyone?)01:24
binahow do you make /dev/shm automatically mount at 512M?  its mounting at 126M atm01:25
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onkarshindeFysidiko: volume control has nothing to do with gstreamer01:25
ben32167how will i run alsaconfig?01:25
Fysidikoben32167: terminal -> type alsaconfig01:25
imbrandonben32167: at the console01:25
onkarshindeben32167: it is alsamixer01:25
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Fysidikoonkarshinde: Just opened volume control, it says "Gnome/gstreamer based volume control" in about...01:26
bigfoot1so there's nothing in breezy that i won't miss in Dapper?01:27
imbrandonbigfoot1: nah, i havent01:28
ben32167dapper the depresser01:28
onkarshindebigfoot1: I guess you will miss xscreensaver because I am not sure how good is gnome-screensaver.01:28
imbrandonbigfoot1: it should be a smooth upgradew01:28
kbrooksbigfoot1: you'll SORT OF miss xchat, but you can scrap xchat-gnome and install that from universe01:28
Frogzooonkarshinde: as long as I can install rss-glx I'm happy01:29
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onkarshindehow many people here actually use xchat for IRC and how many use Gaim?01:29
bigfoot1ok. thanks guys for your encourgements, i'm diving into dapper beta now01:29
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bigfoot1oneleaf: i use opera's built in chat01:29
imbrandon<-- konversation ;)01:29
kbrooksonkarshinde: i opened it up01:30
gnubeonkarshinde, I use XChat01:30
kbrooksonkarshinde: and its ... well, i rate it 5 stars01:30
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gnubeI quite like XChat01:30
FysidikoI'm on gaim01:30
kbrooksonkarshinde: xscreensaver sucked01:30
ben32167how will i uninstall sound drvier heeeey, help me01:30
Fysidikoonly because I'm on MSN and aim too though01:30
bigfoot1guys, i'm in asia, so i went to http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/. which should torrent should i get?01:30
bigfoot1i am running a pentium computer01:30
bigfoot1Pentium 301:31
gnubekbrooks, yeah I had a problem with that too01:31
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gnubebigfoot1, Are you trying to upgrade?01:31
bigfoot1oh, by the way, i don't want to burn to disc, i just want to upgrade from breezy to dapper01:31
bigfoot1i don't have a cd burner drive.01:31
ConfidentiaLwhat is a good partition manager for ubuntu?01:31
bigfoot1i just have a CD-ROM (Read) drive.01:31
gnubebigfoot1, Why dont you just update your sources.list01:31
ben32167imbrandon should know about upgrade01:32
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bigfoot1gnube: that's all it takes?01:32
garminarConfidentiaL: gparted is awesome01:32
bigfoot1how do i update?01:32
gnubebigfoot1, Yes01:32
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Fysidikobigfoot1: You'll have to get it over the repos01:32
bigfoot1Fysidiko: please advise01:32
gnubebigfoot1, open up /etc/apt/sources.list01:32
imbrandonbigfoot1: just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and change all the words "breezy" to"dapper"01:32
garminarConfidentiaL: but if you can, run it from a livecd01:32
onkarshindebigfoot1: an of course it will take lot of bandwidth and download.01:32
ben32167change sources.list to dapper01:32
Sp4rKyi've compiled a custom kernel , but now my usplash doesn't work , anyone could help me ?01:32
gnubebigfoot1, with a text editor (You'll  have to be root)01:32
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imbrandonbigfoot1: then type apt-get update , apt-get dist-upgrade01:32
bigfoot1does mr. shuttleworth not recommend doing things by torrent?01:32
gnubebigfoot1, No, it has nothing to do with torrents01:33
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gnubeit has everything to do with apt-get01:33
imbrandonapt-get is your friend01:33
gnubeapt-get is the way you update software on debian-like systems01:33
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ben32167imbrandooooooooooon how will i delete alsa drivers?01:33
imbrandonapt-get --purge remove alsa-base ??01:33
ConfidentiaLgarminar: Gparted won't work :S when I try to tun it, I get this error: sudo gparted01:33
ConfidentiaL(gparted:22543): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.01:33
ConfidentiaL        Using the fallback 'C' locale.01:33
ConfidentiaLglibmm-ERROR **:01:33
ConfidentiaLunhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:01:33
ConfidentiaLwhat: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid01:33
gnubeit is one of the best tools in debian and one of the best ways to manage software bar none01:34
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onkarshindehas anyone ever tried updating using CD/DVD image? ie.e mounting the image somewhere under /media01:34
kbrookshow do i enable using the numpad as the cursor?01:34
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ben32167lets try01:34
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ben32167oh apt get is workin atm01:34
HymnToLifeonkarshinde> yes, it works fine though it's not very useful01:34
HymnToLifeI use it to install KDE on an Ubuntu install from Kubuntu CD to save me a lot of download01:34
imbrandonHymnToLife: hehe or just run an apt-mirror at your house like i do ;)01:35
kbrookshow do i enable using the numpad as the cursor?01:35
kbrookshow do i enable using the numpad as the cursor?01:35
HymnToLifeimbrandon> yeah I'm considering it too01:35
onkarshindeHymnToLife: It is useful in my case since I can download DVD image form office and take it home (in my iPod) without bothering to burn it. And it will save me a lot of download.01:35
imbrandonHymnToLife: apt-mirror is THE BOMB01:35
bigfoot1does anybody else here that "LTS" sounds like a Mormon group?01:35
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onkarshindeimbrandon: what is apt-mirror?01:35
bigfoot1here THINK that...01:36
kbrooksbigfoot1: no, it means01:36
garminarConfidentiaL: try using gksudo instead of sudo, 'gksudo gparted'01:36
bigfoot1i know what it means01:36
kbrookslong term support01:36
bigfoot1LTS just sounds like LDS01:36
imbrandonlinux terminal server01:36
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bigfoot1it says: "After unpacking 269MB of additional disk space will be used." does this also mean that old (breezy) packages will be removed?01:37
imbrandononkarshinde: its a program that will mirror and apt resp localy, like i run it here on my file server and then all my ubuntu boxes at the house point to it for the sources.list01:37
ben32167what is i8042 Aux Port ?01:37
xnullhow can I diseable a few commands to normal users?01:37
imbrandonbigfoot1: that is normal01:37
ConfidentiaLgarminar: doesn't work... :(01:38
imbrandonben32167: thats the game port i beleave01:38
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kbrooksbigfoot1: no.01:38
gnubebigfoot1, Some breezy packages will be removed, some updated, some new packages installed01:38
ben32167ty imbrandon01:38
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onkarshindebigfoot1: what are you unpacking/01:38
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imbrandononkarshinde: he is upgrading to dapper01:38
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imbrandonbigfoot1: that just means some will be upgraded some removed some new installed01:38
bigfoot1onkarshinde: i did apt-get upgrade01:38
imbrandonbigfoot1: its normal01:38
gnubebigfoot1, Some breezy packages will be removed, some updated, some new packages installed01:38
bigfoot1onkarshinde: i'm upgrading01:38
OverandDoes "Talk" not work in ubuntu?01:38
ofer0why does this channel isn't in ##ubuntu?01:39
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onkarshindebigfoot1: to dist-upgrade01:39
imbrandonbigfoot1: do apt-get dist-upgrade01:39
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bigfoot1imbrandon: yes that's what i did.01:39
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ofer0Jack-Ho, ^01:39
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onkarshindewhy are people so much eager to install dapper beta for daily use? Why can't they wait for final release?01:40
bigfoot1does dapper require more power than breezy?01:40
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PuMpErNiCkLeonkarshinde: Because it's so incredibly cool, that's why. :)01:40
imbrandononkarshinde: dunno, i've been running it a long time and no major problems, but i develop a few apps tooo soooo ;)01:41
PuMpErNiCkLebigfoot1: Less, if anything - the optimizations which went into Gnome 2.14 make it a *lot* more lightweight.01:41
bigfoot1PuMpErNiCkLe: amazing!01:41
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bigfoot1esp when i think of the world of windows os01:41
imbrandonPuMpErNiCkLe: kde 3.5.2 also ;)01:41
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zeebleonkarshinde eh? what's the problem with that? i think ubuntu started out because people wanted to use debian with updated packages from testing or unstable.01:42
PuMpErNiCkLeimbrandon: yup :)01:42
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onkarshindezeeble: I see no problem. I am just curious.01:42
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kingspawnonkarshinde: im with you on that one01:42
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imbrandononkarshinde: i'll be using eft when its released too ;)01:42
imbrandonatleaste on one of  my boxes01:42
imbrandonright now all 5 boxes run dapper, i'll leave the server on dapper and one work station but the rest eft01:43
DaveVK2anyone have a good link for installing ipw2200 wlan0 driver on Debian Etch??? on a Toshiba Tecra M2????01:43
exparrotanyone got any tips for me on how to get telnet server running on ubuntu? I need to get my mac plus talking to my ubuntu box :P01:43
onkarshindeimbrandon: I have only one box and only one OS. Currently at breezy. i guess I will wait two months more.01:43
zeebleDaveVK2 http://linux-laptop.net01:43
imbrandononkarshinde: dapper is realy solid right now should be ok01:43
DaveVK2i've tried that link... but there is nothing there.01:44
imbrandonexparrot: use ssh no telnet01:44
zeebleDaveVK2 oh. sorry then.01:44
exparrotimbrandon, note that I said "mac plus" - it can't do ssh at all :)01:44
onkarshindeBy the way? Has beta been officially released?01:44
kbrooksonkarshinde: yes, i have it01:44
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zeebleyes. this is beta 601:44
DaveVK2the telnet is tricky with ubuntu...it requires a network package to get it working.... there is a how_to on the ubuntu forums that makes life easy.01:44
PuMpErNiCkLeexparrot: Do you have telnetd installed?01:44
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zeebleif people dont install and stuff, then who will find the errors?01:44
erUSULDaveVK2: which kernel version does etch comes with?01:45
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exparrotPuMpErNiCkLe, yes I do, and I installed inetd too but it doesn't seem to be launching it01:45
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exparrotI'll check out ubuntuforums01:45
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DaveVK2it comes with 2.6.15-1-48601:45
onkarshindezeeble: I am not against it. But I am seeing that even people who normally don't do bug reporting are installing it. And they are replacing their working system with dapper.01:45
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locura2584does anybody know if there's a driver for the USB ADSL Arescom modem?01:46
[C] hristest01:46
zeebleonkarshinde heh. i am sure you want to get yourself a new mobile phone, a faster computer too... only limited by finances or whatever. downloading and installing ubuntu off the net is free :)01:46
DaveVK2it should work easy -according to all the websites i've seen... but i keep getting modprobe iwp2200 errors... I installed with module-assistant which downloaded the source files for ieee and ipw2200 and installed them.01:46
[C] hrisAnyone know any good sites ot buy linux apperal from?01:46
DaveVK2i have the correct firmware fw files in the hotplug tree.01:47
muraii_[C] hris: thinkgeek.com01:47
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onkarshindezeeble: Yup. That is true. I am happy that I switched to Ubuntu 2 years ago and dumped Windows. At least I won't have to buy new PC every 2 years to use latest technology in OS.01:47
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DaveVK2too right.... people are leaving windows in droves.01:48
zeebleonkarshinde heh.01:48
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vinboyi have just compiled my new kernal and using it now01:49
DaveVK2gamers should use XBox... to play games.  Linux for net and media.  too cool.01:49
newbie33who can help with aMSN, when Im traying to choose my profile, it says that This Profile is being used by another aMSN session, and prefers to choose another. How to do it?01:49
vinboybut it says can't find nvidia module???01:49
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AussiePeteHi.. just downloaded the new Xubuntu live CD.. what's the login Username and password.. PLEASE??01:49
exparrotnewbie33, can I suggest Gaim if you can't get aMSN working?01:49
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imbrandoncan someone running dhcpd paste there config on pastebin ?01:50
muraii_Yeah, people are leaving Windows; but if they're just leaving to recreate a Windows experience with canned installations of Gnome or KDE, they're kind of missing the point.01:50
imbrandonmuraii_: not realy becouse eventualy they will use the extra power01:50
DaveVK2irssi is a great chat client - too... better than ircii or bitchx.01:50
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exparrotsigh -> all I can find on ubuntuforums are "don't use telnet, use ssh"01:50
locura2584I need help installing and configuring my ADSL modem, can anybody help?01:50
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exparrotanyone got a _link_ to the how-to on setting up telnetd ?01:50
PuMpErNiCkLeexparrot: Did you see this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149482&page=2&highlight=telnetd01:50
newbie33exparrot, how to get Gaim (Im in gnome)01:51
muraii_I've looked all through art.gnome.org and gnome-look.org (or whatever), and it seems like everyone's proud that they've mimicked Windows or Mac.01:51
imbrandonexparrot: might be easyier on you to find a way to ssh on mac plus01:51
b0sehello again guys... i need to remove a module (rmmod) each time my computer loads... what is the most elegant way of doing this?01:51
DaveVK2ubuntuforums is www.ubuntuforums.org01:51
exparrotimbrandon, the 6mhz CPU in the Plus can't handle the encryption required by ssh01:51
exparrot8mhz sorry01:51
imbrandonb0se: edit /etc/modules01:51
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garminarthose extra 2 must help :)01:51
exparrotnewbie33, it comes pre-installed with Ubuntu, but you can always install it from synaptic or do "sudo apt-get install gaim" from the command line01:51
k31thhttpd: PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  pam_auth() in /home/www/html/auth/pam/lib.php on line 3401:51
DaveVK2you have an 8Mhz machine... what is it a MicroBee?01:51
imbrandoncan someone running dhcpd paste there config on pastebin ?01:51
k31thand here my file http://pastebin.com/67301001:51
muraii_imbrandon:  Not a bad point, but with the current push to make things ultra user-friendly (which isn't a bad thing, really), they're not going to have to learn those things.01:51
exparrotDaveVK2, a Macintosh Plus01:52
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exparrotiirc it's running an 8mhz 6800001:52
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b0seimbrandon, the module i wish to remove (pcspkr) does not exist in /etc/modules01:52
DaveVK2One of those small screen black and white screen APPLES?01:52
imbrandonmuraii_: true true but if they "have to" they have the ability to do such on linux/ubuntu01:52
exparrotthanks PuMpErNiCkLe01:52
exparrotI have seen that thread and nothing in it helped01:52
imbrandonb0se: sorry thats all i know01:52
imbrandoncan someone running dhcpd paste there config on pastebin ?01:53
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muraii_exparrot: That's the same Motorolla CPU in the Amiga 500, right?  7.15Mhz.01:53
exparrotisn't there a blacklist for modules?01:53
PuMpErNiCkLeexparrot: that sucks :(01:53
exparrotmuraii_, it is yes - but they didn't all clock to the same speed01:53
b0sebasically what i need to know is what's the best way of executing a command each time linux starts01:53
b0sei can get it to work by renaming the module, but that's very hackish01:53
DaveVK2How cool is the guy with the apple... that's great.  I nearly purchased on of those at a computer fair a few weeks ago...01:53
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muraii_imbrandon: Right.  I guess having the capacity there is significant enough.  Try dropping to just a window manager on Windows.01:54
exparrotb0se, just move it to /root or something.... that's not overly hackish in my eyes01:54
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berndcan somebody say me a update-list that shure worked?01:54
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b0seexparrot, so it wont cause any problems with anything else?01:54
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exparrotb0se, I couldn't tell you. I believe lsmod shows inter-module dependancies but I'm not sure01:55
AfiefI'm about to install Dapper Beta, it was quite annoying to copy my data on another PC. is there a way to make this step easier for future installs?01:55
exparrotyou can always just try it and see if it works01:55
exparrotAfief - put /home on a separate partition then tell the installer not to format it when you re-install01:55
RabidWeezle!no sound in flash01:55
ubotuRabidWeezle: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:55
erUSULAfief: put /home in it's own partition01:55
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:56
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muraii_exparrot: Wow, that's a really nice bit of advice, and simple.01:56
Afiefexparrot, erUSUL: but when i mount it next time with the same user name, would all of the data be preserved?01:56
DaveVK2don't reinstal Dapper Beta... just upgrade... my upgrade went flawlessly.01:56
exparrotwhat is, muraii_ ?01:56
exparrotyes Afief01:56
muraii_The /home thing.01:56
exparrotoh right01:56
locura2584please, I need help with ADSL modem01:56
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AfiefDaveVK2: my current installation is quite broken right now. so i prefer a fresh install01:57
muraii_Yeah, I haven't been using Linux long enough to have data to worry about, let alone to have come up with an upgrade-safe data protection scheme.01:57
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DaveVK2no worries...01:57
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Brunohi folks!01:57
DaveVK2i will be back later... gotta go out for a while.01:57
muraii_'ello, Bruno.01:57
exparrotAfief, ACLs on ext3 are based on user ID, which will probably be the same across reinstalls anyway... not that it matters01:57
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sven__what is the keyword (e.g. "hoary") of the current version of ubuntu?01:57
BrunoI am trying to set up a java environment on my ubuntu01:57
BrunoI am getting instructions from http://www.docuverse.com/blog/donpark/EntryViewPage.aspx?guid=f171bafc-abce-4d2e-a18b-3aba4ad32c5201:57
kingspawnsven__: breezy01:57
muraii_sven__: Current "stable" is Breezy.01:58
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BrunoI can't install java-packages01:58
Overandi just want to talk to another user on the same box i'm on01:58
Overandtalkd is braindead and doesn't work01:58
Afiefexparrot: now that leaves me only with one question. i have a 40 GB HD, how should i go about deviding space between the home and root partition?:S01:58
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muraii_Bruno: What's Ubuntu telling you is the problem?01:58
Overandrunning an ircd is total overkill and the one i tried keeps dying for whatever reason01:58
Brunosudo apt-get install java-packages01:58
muraii_I just installed the other day to make Opera happy.01:58
Overandwhat %^*# app can I use to just TALK TO ANOTHER USER?01:58
muraii_I'm no expert, but maybe I can help.01:58
exparrotAfief, well... on my 40 gig HDD I put aside 5 gigs for Linux, 800mb or so for swap and the rest for /home, but 5 gigs is proving a tad too small for /... so maybe a bit bigger than that?01:58
Overandam i going to have to write a friggin program to do this?01:59
Brunojust gives me unable to find package01:59
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exparrotOverand, there's a command to do it01:59
Brunoi have enabled universe and multiverse already01:59
exparrotif you're root you can "wall" all other logged on users01:59
muraii_Bruno: java-packages is in the standard repository, right?01:59
exparrotI'm just trying to remember it01:59
gnomefreak!info java-package01:59
ubotujava-package: (utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 0.26 (breezy), Packaged size: 20 kB, Installed size: 308 kB01:59
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Overandexparrot: I just want to *Talk* to them02:00
Overandback and forth02:00
gnomefreakits in multiverse02:00
Overandlike that old program 'talk'02:00
Overandwhich seems to no longer work for whatever reason02:00
exparrotyeah I've used it02:00
exparrotyou can do02:00
exparrot"mesg y"02:00
Hexidigitalgnomefreak, did you get my message?02:00
gnomefreakBruno: make sure you enabled multiverse not the universe and multiverse backports02:00
exparrotif they do that02:00
exparrotthen you can do02:00
gnomefreakHexidigital: no i wasnt here02:00
exparrot"write (user)"02:00
Brunognomefreak, lemme check that02:00
exparrotand write messages to them02:00
Hexidigitalgnomefreak, i left you a message on the MemoServ... but disregard it02:00
exparrotcheck out man mesg and man write perhaps02:00
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muraii_Bruno: So, I just fired up Synaptic to see what's up, and I got a bunch of error messages saying that it couldn't source a lot of the repositories.02:01
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muraii_Maybe there's a network issue on Ubuntu's end that's getting in your way?02:01
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BrunoSynaptic is fine here02:01
Hexidigitalgnomefreak, it was regarding switching to console... but i didnt realize it was Ctrl+Alt+F1,2,etc and F7 to return to GUI02:01
gigabyteshi all02:01
BrunoIt can update the list02:01
BrunoI have cheked the correct repositories02:02
gnomefreakhex that would be it hex sorry i didnt see that02:02
exparrotBruno, have you considered just using the PLF repository and just installing sun-jre1.5 ?02:02
gnomefreakBruno: run sudo apt-get update and make sure no errors02:02
Afiefwith Ubuntu 5.10 I had to install without ACPI and VGA=771... do i still need this stuff for dapper?02:02
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Brunognomefreak, no errors here02:03
Hexidigitalhave a good day guys... have a history symposium today :(02:03
Brunoexparrot, PLF repository?02:03
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gnomefreakBruno: sudo apt-get install java-package02:03
muraii_exparrot, gnomefreak: Or just download it from Sun's site, right?  The JRE 5.0 update 6.02:03
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exparrotpenguin liberation front Bruno ... I'll find you the URL02:03
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exparrotmuraii_, if you dowload it you have to use java-package to build a .deb and so on02:03
Brunognomefreak, still cant find tha package :(02:03
gnomefreakmuraii_: there are debs you can get to save yourself the hassle of bin formay02:04
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muraii_I dinna know that.02:04
muraii_Good thing I dropped in here.02:04
ubotuJava can be found in multiverse. Sun (i386) debs here: http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl IBM (PPC) debs here: http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy.  UNOFFICIAL debs of more recent JRE's can be found in Seveas's repositories.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:04
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exparrothttp://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf PLF repos Bruno02:05
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gnomefreakBruno: your not putting an "s" at the end of java-package are you?02:05
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gnomefreakexparrot: i think seveas repo is the ones with java in it02:05
Brunognomefreak, have tried both. none worked :(02:05
exparrotoh okay gnomefreak - Bruno, don't listen to me :P02:06
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gnomefreakmultiverse has blackdown java which should be fine02:06
kevinz#join ubuntu+102:06
Brunoif I download the .deb file, how can I install it?02:06
gnomefreakBruno: open synaptic and click search  inside the search popup type blackdown02:06
BrunoSorry, but I just came from slackware :P02:06
exparrotBruno, sudo dpkg -i <deb file name>.deb02:06
gnomefreakBruno: dpkg -i file.deb02:06
exparrotyou're better to use apt-get if you can02:07
BrunoI will try to use apt-get02:07
BrunoI will search for blackdown02:07
exparrotgnomefreak, what is blackdown java exactly? I've seen it mentioned but never really looked in to it02:07
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.02:07
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Brunoblackdown search returns nothing02:07
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exparrotthis telnet problem is vexing.02:08
gnomefreakBruno: can you paste your sources.list into pastebin please something is not right02:08
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leleobhzsomeone can tellme where on ubuntu is the alsaconf?02:09
Major_Deltag dau02:09
Brunognomefreak, where is sources.list?02:09
imbrandonin  /etc/apt/02:09
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gnomefreakBruno: type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and paste the contents for me on pastebin02:10
Brunook gnomefreak02:10
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muraii___leleobhz: usr/sbin/alsaconf maybe.02:10
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Brunognomefreak, #pastebin?02:10
muraii___Resent just to be sure you got it.02:10
muraii___I kept dropping in and out of freenode.02:11
leleobhzmuraii___: isnot02:11
leleobhzi cant find it02:11
Brunowhat is pastebin?02:11
ubotupastebin is, like, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126902:11
FysidikoBruno: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/02:11
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leleobhzand after a distupgrade from breezy to dapper02:11
leleobhzmy sound dissapperar02:11
gigabytesleleobhz: check the mixer levels02:12
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Brunognomefreak, posted02:12
leleobhzgigabytes: permission denied is more correct02:12
leleobhzas user notting is detected02:12
leleobhzit causes problems with gstreamer too02:12
gigabytesthe it is an udev stuff02:13
gnomefreakBruno: may i have the link please02:13
Brunooh, sorrry! sure02:13
Brunojust a sec02:13
imbrandonis there a pastebin app for kde?02:13
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exparrotthere are at least two different regular telnet daemons and two or three different inetds... this might be part of my problem02:13
exparrotahhh there we go... only the netkit-inetd seems to work02:13
gnomefreakBruno: is that file still open?02:14
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muraii__1This isn't an Ubuntu question.  I haven't used IRC for a while, and now with the dropped and rejoins I've experienced, I have 4 iterationis of my nick currently active.02:14
Brunognomefreak,  yeah02:14
leleobhz:] 02:14
kingspawnmuraii__1: just let them time out02:14
leleobhzmuraii___: why not?02:14
imbrandonmuraii_1 i think you can /ghost them02:14
leleobhzalsa works...02:14
leleobhzbut only as root02:14
gnomefreakBruno: put a # in front of word deb on very first line it will look like deb cdrom   you want #deb cdrom02:15
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Brunook gnomefreak02:15
Brunojust a sec02:15
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gnomefreakBruno: when done save close sudo apt-get update ;)02:15
Brunook, let me try02:15
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Brunodone. should i try install java-package now?02:16
gnomefreakbrb doing a bug search on something02:16
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gnomefreakafter sudo apt-get update02:16
gnomefreakBruno: ^^02:16
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BrunoE: Impossvel achar pacote java-package02:17
Bruno -> which means unable to find the package :(02:17
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kingspawnBruno: i havent been following your conversation, but have you tried "sudo apt-cache search <packagename>"?02:17
Brunokingspawn, gonna try that02:18
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Brunokingspawn, doesn't print anything02:18
kingspawni am finding java-package with my apt-cache search02:18
Brunoapt-cache search java-package02:18
kingspawnBruno: have you enabled Universe and Multiverse?02:18
Brunodoesnt prin nothing :(02:18
Brunokingspawn, yeah02:19
kingspawnBruno: yes, thats right. hm, post your sources.list to pastebin02:19
gnomefreakBruno: you put the #infront of first line saved it than ran update command?02:19
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Brunokingspawn, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1266702:19
Brunognomefreak, yes02:19
gnomefreakBruno: is that the fixed version?02:19
Brunognomefreak, no, the old one02:19
kingspawnBruno: it still has the cdrom-line02:19
BrunoI will put the new one just a sec02:20
gnomefreakBruno: you dont have multiverse02:20
leleobhzguys... its a problem on ubuntu alsa...02:20
AussiePeteHi.. just downloaded the new Xubuntu live CD.. what's the login Username and password.. PLEASE??02:20
gnomefreakBruno: after the word universe you need to <space> multiverse02:20
=== Hektik [n=kgjvvh@ppp106-30.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifeBruno> here's my sources.list, just copy/:paste it : http://fkraiem.no-ip.org/stuff/sources.list02:20
leleobhzi need help cause i dont have alsaconf and all packages are installed02:20
gnomefreakBruno: all the lines containing the word universe02:20
kingspawnyes indeed02:20
_jasonAussiePete: try ubuntu as the username and leave the password blank, that's what it is for normal livecd02:20
HymnToLifeit has everything enabled I guess02:20
gnomefreakBruno: read the above02:21
Brunognomefreak, but synaptic says i have it02:21
AussiePeteTHANKS _jason i will try that02:21
Brunognomefreak, i will put the multiverse word02:21
HektikHeya people02:21
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gnomefreaklines 019,020,035,036 neeed to have multiverse02:21
gilianimaHow to cancel this command:  sudo dpkg-divert --package xserver-xorg-core --divert /usr/share/man/man1/Xserver.1x.gz.xgl --rename /usr/share/man/man1/Xserver.1x.gz ?02:21
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kingspawngilianima: ctrl-c?02:22
Hektikcan anyoneone tell me why I can't load th live ubuntu didc onto my laptop?02:22
gilianimakingspawn: it didn't modify anything in my system ?02:22
gigabytesexcuse me02:22
Hektikdisc even02:22
HymnToLifeHektik> we can't if you don't give more details on the problem02:22
gigabyteswhat is a "multiseat system" ??02:23
Hektiksure, i know02:23
DrCurlis it possible to use wired network with networkmanager when you have dynamic ip at home and static at work?02:23
Hektikerr hangon02:23
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HektikI wrote it down02:23
kingspawngilianima: difficult to say :)02:23
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sfar_how can i edit my gnome-menu (i want to remove some things, but they are _not_ visible in 'smeg')02:23
AussiePeteYEP that worked thanks _jason ... was going crazy here.. searched all over the place to try and ind it... they should have it shown on the boot screen :-)02:23
Brunognomefreak, this way? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1266902:24
_jasonAussiePete: that's strange.  I haven't tried the xubuntu live, but ubuntu live just logs you right in02:24
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Brunognomefreak, IT WORKED!!!02:24
rakz0wow .. you dont stop? :D02:24
kingspawnBruno: excellent :)02:24
Brunognomefreak, why synaptics said I had multiverse?02:25
BrunoDo I have to check multiverse bin and sources?02:25
BrunoI checked only bin02:25
muraii__2leleobhz: I've been looking around on Google and haven't found anything useful.02:25
muraii__2Did someone already help you?02:25
BrunoThanks for the help guys! now I am going try to install Java! :D:D02:25
Bruno#ubuntu rocks!!! :D02:25
muraii__2Bruno: What finally got java-package working?02:26
leleobhzmuraii__2: noone02:26
muraii__2Sorry: was off.02:26
leleobhzi will try to rebuild with m-a02:26
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Brunomuraii__2, yes!!!02:26
kingspawnmuraii__2: adding multiverse to sources.list02:26
Brunosynaptics didn't do the right thing :P02:27
muraii__2Bruno: Yeah, I just did that myself the other day for the first time, too.02:27
gnomefreakBruno: after java is intalled theres something else you should do ;)02:27
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Brunognomefreak, I will see... heheh02:27
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stjepanis it smart to use sudo?02:27
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kingspawnstjepan: absolutely02:27
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_jasonstjepan: only if you use it in a smart way02:28
_jason(ie don't sude random executables you know nothing about)02:28
gnomefreakBruno: once java is installed please run this command   sudo update-alternatives --config java    than choose the newest java (the one you just installed)02:28
muraii__2I added the backport ones, too.  Which brings to mind a question: if you're just using apt-get in a terminal, does it know to pull from the main repositories before looking around in the other ones?02:28
kingspawnmuraii__2: yes02:28
BrunoThanks for the tip, gnomefreak ;)02:28
muraii__2I figured.02:28
Lets_RockI have instaled ubunt dist in one disk, in other disk I have windows partition. how can I access the windows partiotion ?02:28
muraii__2kingspawn: And most of the stuff in the main isn't duplicated elsewhere, right?02:29
kingspawnmuraii__2: i wouldnt think so, cant see any reason for it02:29
muraii__2...which would obviate any clash to begin with.02:29
gnomefreakBruno: yw02:29
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BrunoI just installed my PS2SDK in my ubuntu box! I am so excited! :D02:30
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BrunoMy CDs arrived yesterday! :D02:30
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stjepankingspawn, but it is not secure... viruses can easily use sudo without asking for password02:31
THJis there a jetty package for ubuntu?02:31
kingspawnstjepan: how is that?02:32
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AlexLaurentstjepan > Yes, I'd be interested in knowing a bit more about this...02:32
MachineScrewstjepan: same here02:32
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stjepanAlexLaurent, well... it is possible to configure sudo to ask you for password always02:33
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muraiiAha.  I've reclaimed my initial iteration.02:33
stjepanjust add "timestamp_timeout=0" in Defaults section in /etc/sudoers :)02:33
gnomefreakstjepan: what virus?02:34
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stjepangnomefreak, how do you mean, what virus?02:34
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AlexLaurentYou mean that when you provide your password, during the few minutes it stays in, viruses could do harm?02:34
stjepanthere are viruses02:34
muraiistjepan: Because sudo remembers your password for a short time, right, and you're just telling it not to.02:34
AlexLaurentI had never thought of that.02:34
stjepanAlexLaurent, that's right02:34
massygood evening02:34
gnomefreakstjepan: there are no recent viruses for linux02:35
stjepangnomefreak, you're wrong02:35
Hektikrightio--> ubuntu live (64) stops during startup. Its last line printed is [25.484184]  Net: Registered protocol family 202:35
stjepangnomefreak, linux is gaining popularity... more and more viruses....02:35
Hektikcan anyone help02:35
stjepanops, sory02:35
gnomefreakthe one that was talked about the other week wount run on linux linus had to make it run on linux02:35
MachineScrewgnomefreak: though Linus did patch the kernel so a prof of concept virus would work02:35
muraiiSeems like setting sudo with a timeout of a few minutes still presents a small enough target that any virus would have to be emaculately constructed to take advantage of it.02:35
MachineScrewstjepan: not realy02:36
BrunoIs there a way to apt-get install firefox 1.5?02:36
gnomefreakMachineScrew: linus wouldnt send it out after he did that02:36
gnomefreakBruno: no02:36
Brunoi will try02:36
Brunocould not find02:36
muraiiBruno: When I was trying to do that, I quickly found that it was a pain in the ass.02:36
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:36
Brunodamn, i hate this message :P02:36
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stjepansee this guys: http://news.com.com/Sample+virus+targets+Windows+and+Linux/2100-1002_3-6059140.html?tag=nefd.top02:37
muraiiThat said, I installed Opera, which is probably a bigger pain in the ass.02:37
MachineScrewstjepan: just because a OS gains popularity dosn't meen virus will propagate02:37
gnomefreakmuraii: it was written so its a copy+paste thing ;)02:37
muraiignomefreak: Okay.  Maybe I didn't see that wiki entry, or it's changed since I saw it.02:37
Brunoubotu, thanks for the hint ;)02:37
ubotugern geschehen, Bruno02:37
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MachineScrewstjepan: the reson why Linux is so virus resistant is because of the secure nature of a Unix type OS02:37
gnomefreakstjepan: its a whole lot harder to write a working virus for linux than it is windows02:38
MachineScrewstjepan: though if the time out on sudo is too long yes that could be a problem02:38
AlexLaurentBruno, ubotu: thank you both for the hint. I had given up trying to install ff1.5...02:38
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gnomefreakstjepan: and the virus they mention there did _not_ affect linux linus re-wrote it to affect linux and hes not one to send it out after that02:39
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stjepanMachineScrew, with sudo it's not very secure02:39
gnomefreakguys copy +paste02:39
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gnomefreaksudo is just as secure as su02:39
MachineScrewstjepan: by the same thing su isn't secure02:39
gnomefreakif not more so02:39
stjepanMachineScrew, a minute is too long02:39
stjepanMachineScrew, su is secure02:40
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Hektikcan anyone help02:40
Hektikrightio--> ubuntu live (64) stops during startup. Its last line printed is [25.484184]  Net: Registered protocol family 202:40
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gnomefreakubotu tell stjepan about rootsudo02:40
MachineScrewstjepan: that would have to be kindof luck though02:40
tuksdoes sombody has some experiance with binnie++ ?02:40
stjepangnomefreak, "sudo su -" ?02:40
MachineScrewfor you to get a virus in 1 minute during and entire week02:40
gnomefreakmost hackers look for root passwords not user passwords02:40
noonexhow do I change what program starts up when I say... plug in my ipod?02:40
MachineScrewthe odd of getting a virus through sudo isn't good02:41
ubotuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.02:41
gnomefreakstjepan: just read the link it will tell you all about it02:41
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MachineScrewunless you use sudo all the time02:41
sfar_how can i edit my gnome-menu (i want to remove some things, but they are _not_ visible in 'smeg')02:41
muraiinoonex: The April issue of Linux Magazine has a pretty nice write-up on getting the full iPod experience on a Linux box.02:41
MachineScrewI use sudo once just to update my source list then update the system02:42
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MachineScrewbut on my server on the other hand i don't use sudo for a month02:42
Hektikcan anyoneone tell me why I can't load th live ubuntu disc onto my laptop?02:42
Hektikrightio--> ubuntu live (64) stops during startup. Its last line printed is [25.484184]  Net: Registered protocol family 202:42
GatoLokoI have created packages that are not in ubuntu, but do not fulfill the conditions of REVU (freepascal needs freepascal to compile itself), is there some other form to incorporate them?  or am I forgetting something?02:42
MachineScrewso the likyhood of sudo being used in that case is VERY slim02:43
gnomefreakonly use sudo when you have to and you will be fine02:43
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noonexmuraii: i have it all set up and i'm using it and all, but rythmbox keeps poping up when i plug the ipod in, and its annoying :)02:43
MachineScrewgnomefreak: right02:43
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gnomefreaksu would be a target of entry not sudo  everyone looks for "root password"02:43
muraiinoonex: I wonder if it's in the Gnome "preferred applications" setup?02:43
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MachineScrewwitch is why I don't like setting up su on ubuntu02:44
gnomefreakbrb reboot02:44
Amaranthsfar_: such as?02:44
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muraiinoonex: But, to be honest, I don't use any audio apps on my Linux machine.02:44
MachineScrewnoonex: check removable devices02:44
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MachineScrewin System > Prefrences02:44
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noonexMachineScrew: that it, thank you!02:45
noonexmuraii: thanks for the help too!02:45
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MachineScrewnoonex: funny thing is it did that for my PSP and that is no iPod02:45
stjepanhow can I disable usplash? I want splashy02:46
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MachineScrewstjepan: sudo apt-get remove uspash02:46
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noonexMachineScrew: haha, psp ipod, it all works02:46
muraiiI have a question: if every time I launch synaptic from the command line in Openbox (naked--no Gnome) and I see two "Gtk-CRITICAL" errors, what can or should I do about it?02:47
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muraiiIt eventually loads and works just fine, so it doesn't actually seem critical.02:48
imperfectusIs it possible to play mp4's with r-box?02:48
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MachineScrewmuraii: it just meens that some gtk elements are not installed02:48
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MachineScrewmuraii: I have had that problem on minimal systems before02:48
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MachineScrewmuraii: I ignore it02:48
Hektikcan anyoneone tell me why I can't load th live ubuntu disc onto my laptop?02:49
Hektikrightio--> ubuntu live (64) stops during startup. Its last line printed is [25.484184]  Net: Registered protocol family 202:49
muraiiIs there an "apt-get update gtk..." thing to do?02:49
muraiiI've been ignoring it, too.02:49
MachineScrewmuraii: no not really02:49
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AfiefHektik: try adding a few safety parameters to the installer02:49
freezeyanyone can  help with samba?02:49
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MarcNOMG! OpenOffice/impress in dapper is incredibly unstable.  It has died many times when I'm creating a simple presentation in outline mode.02:49
BrunoFireFox 1.5 up and running! :D02:49
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stjepanMachineScrew, if I do "apt-get remove usplash" it will remove both ubuntu-desktop and usplash :(((02:50
MarcNAnyone else have similar problems?02:50
Sp4rKydoes anyone have an wifi card over usb ?02:50
BrunoThanks for all folks!02:50
MachineScrewHektik: hit F2 and so on02:50
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BrunoSee ya all later! :D02:50
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MachineScrewstjepan: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package don't wory about it02:50
Lets_RockThe mail client Evolution, accept Gmail accounts? .. where can I config the server ports?02:50
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Overandi've got a .sql file i dumped from another database02:50
Overandhow do i import it?02:50
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jhan100Anyone have problem with the lag on open the xterm/gnome-terminal  ??02:50
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Overandit's just one database, done via mysqldump (...) databasename > file.sql02:50
MachineScrewstjepan: its not required by other packages02:50
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KennieOverand : mysql -u <user> -p <database> | cat file.sql02:51
MarcNOverand: mysql somedb < file.sql02:51
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bigfoot1guys, just finised the dist-upgrade, now i'm in  Postfix Configuration . Which config should i choose?02:51
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imperfectusanyone know about aac support under dapper?02:51
MarcNOverand: use mine, not kennie's command.02:51
imperfectusI just wanna play some mp4's ;)02:51
jhan100Anyone have problem with the lag on to open the xterm/gnome-terminal  ?? i believe how the problem is with the fonts/defoma ..02:51
Kennieoops yeah mines wrong02:52
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bigfoot1I'm guessing Postfix is about email?02:52
MachineScrewimperfectus: install faac and faad02:52
imperfectusMachineScrew : Yeah, an apt-cache search has no entry for faac02:52
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: yes postfix is email02:52
MachineScrewimperfectus: make shure you have universe and multiverse in your source.list02:52
bigfoot1gnomefreak: so which should i choose? I'd like to be able to send and receive email in terminal. My email is with gmail02:52
exparrotI'm on my Mac plus... connecn took 78 seconds...02:53
exparrotbah I'm not even in the right room02:53
gnomefreakbigfoot1: you would need postfix and a mail delervery agent also02:53
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MachineScrewubotu: tell imperfectus about RestrictedFormats02:53
OverandMarcN: thanks02:53
gnomefreakexmac and ubuntu you are in right room02:53
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sfar_Amaranth: "Add Applications" .. and i want to move "ATI Control" to another place in the menu instead of "the root" of the menu02:54
Amaranthsfar_: those should show up02:54
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Amaranthsfar_: but i haven't looked at 0.7.x in a long time, so maybe not02:54
bigfoot1gnomefreak: ok, but which shoudl i choose ? see http://pastebin.com/67317802:54
beanzHow can I resize a phyiscal extent?02:54
MachineScrewsfar_: use eather smeg or Alacarte menu editors02:55
bigfoot1and what mail agent is recommended?02:55
imperfectusMachineScrew : I was already there --i already added multiverse to dapper's source... and it still says no faa[cd] 02:55
MachineScrewimperfectus: one sec02:55
Lets_RockHow Can access To The Windows Partition From Ubuntu??02:55
Amaranthsfar_: http://dev.realistanew.com/alacarte/releases/0.8/alacarte_0.8-0ubuntu1_all.deb should work on breezy02:55
sfar_Amaranth and MachineScrew, they dont show up in smeg.. whats alacarte menu editor?02:55
Amaranthsfar_: it'll replace smeg with alacarte02:56
AlexLaurentSay guys, I'm about to replace a 17" monitor with a 19". Does anybody know how to make Ubuntu "detect" the change? I've tried simply connecting the 19" and restarting, but that doesn't do. Any idea?02:56
sfar_allright, thanks02:56
MachineScrewsfar_: its new02:56
Amaranthsfar_: alacarte is the new name for smeg02:56
Overandthis is what i get for trying to transfer crap from one colo to another while in drug withdrawl02:56
gnomefreakubotu tell bigfoot1 about postfix02:56
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ConfidentiaLwhat is the command to access the users manager?02:56
MachineScrewimperfectus: so you have multiverse and universe then you did sudo apt-get update02:57
=== gnomefreak is happy they re-directed bug buddy today :)
imperfectusMachineScrew : Yep02:57
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imperfectusMachineScrew : I uncommented the multiverse line02:57
imperfectusMachineScrew : then did an update02:57
AlexLaurentConfidentiaL: gksudo users-admin02:57
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MachineScrewrun sudo apt-cache search aac02:57
bigfoot1anybody here using postfix for their gmail?02:57
gnomefreakimperfectus: there are no multiverse lines you have to add multiverse to the lines with universe in them02:57
imperfectusI did02:57
gnomefreakbigfoot1: read the wiki please02:57
imperfectusIt doesn't list anything02:57
imperfectuscept realplay02:57
MachineScrewheh i don't get realplay02:58
MachineScrewone sec02:58
gnomefreakbigfoot1: i think you will find mutt or something like that alot easier to configure02:58
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imperfectusdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse02:58
imperfectusThat's in the file.02:58
lloydiNewbie time - I have a problem with a corrupted boot record on Windows. A certain Stuart Langridge advises me that I *could* install Ubuntu and through that make a Windows partition bootable. Is this do-able? And if it is, would someone here be able to advise/walk-through as I install Ubuntu?02:58
gnomefreakimperfectus: dapper doesnt have backports02:58
bigfoot1gnomefreak: ok.02:58
gnomefreakimperfectus: comment that line out and add the word multiverse to the lines with universe in them02:59
imperfectusgnomefreak : well according to my sources.list that was installed with dapper -- it does ;)02:59
gnomefreakimperfectus: it cant have backports02:59
gnomefreakthere is nothing to put on them02:59
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imperfectusgnomefreak : well apparently they plan on having it and have put it in there for future then02:59
gnomefreakimperfectus: yes after the next release is started02:59
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gnomefreakimperfectus: uncommenting them is goona give you errors more than likely03:00
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Overandanyone want to give me the "GRANT" line I need to let a user I created have access to a single DB, or should I just keep googling and feel like I've got extra chromosomes for a while?03:01
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MachineScrewimperfectus: past your source.list in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/03:02
gnomefreakimperfectus: also dapper related issue go to #ubuntu+1 now03:02
imperfectusI got it03:02
imperfectusI recommented03:02
imperfectusthose 2 lines and did what you said and i have aac packages now03:02
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MachineScrewwhat is that pastebin applet for gnome03:03
imperfectusr-box sitll won't play it!03:03
=== imperfectus cries
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pkhis there a way to install an older version of a package than the one that installs by default?03:03
MachineScrewimperfectus: you need gstreamer ugly and bad03:03
imperfectusi already had ugly03:03
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imperfectusjust started the bad install03:03
MachineScrewwhat is that pastebin applet for gnome03:04
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MachineScrewwebboard ok that is a kick arse prog03:04
gnomefreakMachineScrew: sudo apt-get install webboard than add the launcher to gnome panel to use03:04
imperfectusMachineScrew : well i got bad and ugly installed03:04
imperfectussays i still don thave a decoder03:04
imperfectusoh wait03:05
imperfectusit's m4a03:05
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imperfectusWhat format is that?03:05
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BrunoGuys, what is the best CD/DVD burning software for ubuntu?03:05
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MachineScrewif its encrypted using DRM from iTunes it will never play03:05
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_jasonBruno: most would say k3b03:05
Brunojust apt-get install k3b?03:05
_jasonBruno: yeah03:06
MachineScrewimperfectus: but that is aac but is this from iTunes03:06
CraiZEBruno, yup03:06
Brunothanks! gonna try that! :P03:06
AlexLaurentlloydi > what boot sector is corrupted? Your master boot record, or partition boot sector?03:06
rambo3just try03:06
imperfectusNah, it's not from iTunes03:06
imperfectusit's DRM'd03:06
imperfectusIt's just aac encdoded03:06
Accumul8rHi, I'm having a problem getting hardware acceleration under dapper, I have nvidia-glx installed. The problem is when I try to start X I get an error telling me it cant find the nvidia module.03:06
MachineScrewit is or isn't DRM'd03:06
imperfectusit's nod03:07
imperfectuser not, sorry03:07
imperfectusall of this because my ipod battery is dead and im at work! ;)03:07
Accumul8rAnyone got a solution, im out of ideas03:07
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Brunowhat xine libraries do I need to watch DVDs from any region?03:07
Brunoand DivX too03:07
MachineScrewnever messed with AAC except for video encoing for the psp and that was indirectly messing with it03:07
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gravesonwhat can i use to convert wmv to wma files for ipod03:07
ubotuI guess restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats03:07
kingspawnBruno: go where ubotu says :)03:08
lloydiAlex - can I mail you a longer description (has links to images in). That should tell you more about what's going on03:08
_jasonAccumul8r: have you been to the nvidia wiki page?03:08
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_jasonAccumul8r: actually, let's join #ubuntu+1 for dapper talk first03:08
Accumul8r_jason: ok thanks.03:08
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MachineScrewimperfectus: I am sorry but if that dosn't work I am not shure what will03:09
AlexLaurentlloydi > I can see you pm, but I can't reply there.03:09
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Lets_RockhEllO ?!?!?! for the last time, can I access The Windows Partition?? How???03:10
ubotuwell, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f03:10
MachineScrewimperfectus: because I never use wma or aac or flack or ogg or any other auido encoding because MP3 is universal every where03:10
_jasonLets_Rock: what filesystem? ntfs or fat32?03:10
Hobbsee!tell Lets_Rock about windowsdrives03:10
HobbseeLets_Rock: see your pm's03:10
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MachineScrewimperfectus: but keep trying03:10
imperfectusI'm running flight six03:11
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imperfectusi expect some of this ;)03:11
MachineScrewimperfectus: try installing xmms plugin for aac03:11
imperfectusand frankly, it's fantastic.03:11
shinakumawhen i use gcc to compile c code on my ubuntu box, if i get errors this character shows up in certain places,     , what does it mean, is there a way to get rid of it?03:12
MachineScrewimperfectus: sudo apt-get install xmms-mp403:12
MachineScrewimperfectus: and try sudo apt-get install banshee03:12
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)03:12
MachineScrewimperfectus: banshee is kick arse03:13
kingspawnshinakuma: its just a way to delimit error messages. i dont know if you can remove it, though03:13
gnomefreakguys ^^^ dapper related issues03:13
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HymnToLifegnomefreak has three eyes, he's an alien03:13
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HymnToLifeI'va always known it :p03:13
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shinakumakingspawn: ok thanks for the info03:13
AlexLaurentlloydi > I'm writing you an e-mail.03:14
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wahjavaHi group03:14
lloydiThanks Alex03:14
Brunowahjava, hiho!03:14
imperfectusI am03:15
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wahjavaI'm currently building a .deb package and added a manpage in debian subdirectory03:15
imperfectusr-box is playing it03:15
imperfectussudo apt-get install libfaad2-003:15
imperfectussudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad03:15
imperfectussudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse03:15
imperfectussudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins03:15
imperfectussudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse03:15
wahjavabut manpage is not included in final deb03:15
imperfectusThat did it.03:15
wahjavawhat to do03:15
imperfectusJust an fyi.03:15
wahjavaBruno: hi ;-)03:15
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MachineScrewimperfectus: the muliverse one probly did it03:15
MachineScrewyou shouldn't need gstreamer0.8 any thign03:15
imperfectusWell I did that on it's own actually03:16
imperfectusMy money is on the 0.8 stuff ;)03:16
imperfectusI dunno03:16
MachineScrewimperfectus: not on it's own03:16
imperfectusI did the mutliverse stuff for bad03:16
imperfectusstill didn't work03:16
imperfectuscut and paste those lines03:16
imperfectusonce it ended03:16
imperfectusthe end03:16
imperfectusit works03:16
wahjavaAny thing for me ??03:16
imperfectusthis is me, not caring why. ;)03:16
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.03:16
MachineScrewimperfectus: if it works great03:16
imperfectusMachineScrew : It does work. And it's glorious! ;)03:17
MachineScrewimperfectus: but try out banshee03:17
imperfectusMachineScrew : Thanks for youe help. I'm familiar with Banshee.03:17
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imperfectusMachineScrew : But I just dojnt have enough itunes to really care03:17
MachineScrewya no problem03:17
imperfectusAnd I've got a macbookpro03:17
MachineScrewimperfectus: running linux ;)03:17
wahjavaI've followed New Maintainer's Guide03:18
imperfectusI've got two PC's running linux03:18
imperfectusI've got the macbook for itunes music if I gotta03:18
MachineScrewya i suppose03:18
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MachineScrewi never would buy from itunes03:18
imperfectusit usually only happens when im drunk at 2am03:19
MachineScrewemusic is good and costs the same and un-drmed mp3s the glorious mp3s03:19
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=== Lets_Rock brb
imperfectusand i needs new music!03:19
Brunohmm... looks like xine package is not available....03:19
Brunowhat DVD media player you guys recommend?03:19
_jasonBruno: totem-xine, xine-ui, gxine should all be un universe.  And I reocmmend xine for dvd03:19
BrunoAnd for DivX?03:19
MachineScrewimperfectus: thats what amule is for ;) j/k03:20
starzingerStill VLC03:20
_jasonBruno: mplayer, vlc, xine all great03:20
Brunothanks guys03:20
wahjavaHey, anybody can troubleshoot03:20
starzingerSure they can03:20
shinakumahas anyone got any experience with lex, i have one small problem i need to fix03:20
wahjavamy .deb package building ??03:20
wahjavawith manpage included03:20
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AlexLaurentlloydi > Check your mail (partial)03:20
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starzingerwahjava: What do you mean with trouble-shoot? Is there a problem, or do you need it tested?03:21
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wahjavastarzinger: It is not actually troubleshoot, but I want to know how to include manpages in .deb package03:23
Tenkawawell I gotta say.. Ubuntu has impressed me so far03:23
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TenkawaComing from Debian it has definitely made it a much friendler workstation environment03:23
ferronica_any one here who gona help me03:23
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wahjavastarzinger: I've named my manpage, as package-name.1 in debian/ subdirectory03:23
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.03:23
Tenkawaferronica_: you gotta  ask a question first03:24
starzingermight help03:24
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wahjavastarzinger: OK, will see03:25
ferronica_i hav feirefox 1.003:25
ferronica_now i wanna install 1.503:25
gravesonwhat can i use to convert wmv to wma files for ipod - anyone03:25
ferronica_new one03:25
ferronica_what i hav to do03:25
gnomefreakubotu tell ferronica_ about ff1.503:25
gnomefreakferronica_: read the link in your pm03:25
gnomefreakgives you step by step instructions03:26
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ferronica_after d/l it what to do03:26
ferronica_how to install it03:26
ferronica_in ubuntu03:26
Fysidikoferronica: The link in your PM should tell you everything03:26
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ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion03:26
gnomefreakferronica_: read the link in your pm03:26
ferronica_it gives me how to use terminal03:26
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_jasonferronica_: that's how you need to do it.  You can just wait about a month for dapper03:27
lajujHi, all, I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for web browsers.  I am not digging firefox.  Ideally I want some minimalis, but not as minimalist as lynx, for example.03:27
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ferronica_what is that03:27
gnomefreakferronica_: just do what it says and you will be fine03:27
dagerlajuj - try dillo03:27
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)03:27
ferronica_after d/l where to save it03:27
Fysidikolajuj:There are lots, what don't you like about FF?03:27
Tenkawa_jason: heard any word when the dapper apt branch will have the .2 update?03:27
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Fysidikoferronica_: Wherever, just remember where it was03:27
Tenkawacurrently it seems to only have .103:28
lajujtell dager thanks for the advice03:28
Tenkawaunless I missed a section in sources.list03:28
ferronica_u just wait03:28
_jasonTenkawa: don't know about that, maybe the guys in #ubuntu+1 do03:28
hyphenatedTenkawa: ask the guys in #ubuntu+103:28
ferronica_let me d/l it03:28
Fysidikoferronica_: Make sure you get the right version (32 bit or 64 bit)03:28
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tahorganyone here using xgl/compiz on dapper03:29
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Fysidikotahorg: No, couldn't get it going. Supposed to be in Dapper +1 I think03:30
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FysidikoWhatever combination of E words that was :)03:30
tahorgwell everything is finally working here03:30
shinakumatahorg: #ubuntu-xgl03:30
lajujt fysidiko I am not sure exactly what is bothing me, but it feels cumbersom, and twice I've had it geek out on me, saying the default user was already logged in when it wasn't.03:30
Fysidikolajuj: That normally means it crashed. You can close it in the task manager.03:31
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Fysidikolajuj: Lots of alternatives, Konqueror, Opera etc03:31
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lajujt fysidiko is there one you prefer?03:32
Fysidikolajuj: Have you tried FF1.5? It's much more stable than 1.0.7 (default version)03:32
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Fysidikolajuj: I use FF1.503:32
donanyone able to get yahoo messenger to work on ubuntu?03:32
lajujt fysidiko I don't think I've used 1.5, maybe I should upgrade03:32
zeebledon: sudo apt-get install gaim03:32
Fysidikoubotu tell lajuj about ff1.503:32
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donseems like ive heard of gain03:33
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zeebleIt works. With the yahoo transport. Try it.03:33
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Fysidikodon: The actual messenger of the protocol03:33
dagergaim comes with the default install =)03:33
Fysidikodon: gaim works fine with it03:33
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Fysidiko*or the protocol03:34
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wahjavastarzinger: that's not of any help03:34
wahjavastarzinger: that doc describe generic build instructions03:34
ferronica_ok i installed it to desktop03:34
ferronica_now what to do03:34
FysidikoThe instructions are all at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion03:34
ferronica_something tar.gz03:34
efwishas anyone been able to mount Windows with NTFS in the 2.6.16 kernel?03:34
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FysidikoYou're at "...and change to the directory you downloaded it to."03:35
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ferronica_ya right03:35
ferronica_what to change03:35
ferronica_whose dir. to change03:35
Fysidikowhere did you download it to?03:35
ferronica_on dektop03:36
ferronica_it is03:36
sfarin terminal type "cd ~/Desktop"03:36
ferronica_just a second03:36
fredrichdoes anyone know a good gps program that works in wine or wmware with a usb gps?03:36
sfarwith a "D", not a "d"03:36
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ferronica_bash: cd: /home/ferronica/desktop: No such file or directory03:38
donlinux seems like its such a major pain int the reat,i wish i had win xp pro03:38
Fysidikocapital D03:38
sfarferronica_: Desktop.. not desktop03:38
Fysidikofor desktop03:38
pkhdoes anyone know how to tell apt-get to install an older version of some package?03:38
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FysidikoNow run the next lot of commands03:39
Fysidiko" sudo tar -C /opt -x -z -v -f firefox-"03:39
shinakumahas anyone got any experience with lex, i have one small problem i need to fix03:39
ferronica_how to copy03:39
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ferronica_that u posted03:40
Fysidikoferronica_: Copy by selecting and ctrl-c, paste with ctrl-shift-v03:40
gnomefreakFysidiko: paste it into your terminal and dont paste the comments please just the commands03:40
Fysidikognomefreak: ?03:40
sfartoo much booze03:41
ferronica_ok did03:41
Fysidikognomefreak: Sorry, you lost me there03:41
gnomefreakFysidiko: you asked how to oops nm you said now not how03:41
ferronica_Fysidiko-->now what03:41
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pzn_which is the default kernel of ubuntu breezy?03:41
Fysidikognomefreak: ah OK :)03:41
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Fysidikoferronica: If you stick with the wiki page, it should lead you through it03:41
ferronica_it asked me something03:42
ferronica_and i given03:42
ferronica_dose it installed03:42
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ferronica_i am new in linux03:42
zeebleAnyone here got a few nice widescreen wallpapers to share?03:42
ferronica_from yesterday i started using it03:42
sfarferronica_: let me guide you03:42
leleobhzmy system dont have alsaconf!!!!!03:42
sfar1) browse to this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion  .. tell me when you have it up03:42
ferronica_and i found much better then bill gates03:42
leleobhzand i have installed all alsa03:42
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leleobhzbuild with m-a all modules03:43
ferronica_ok i am there03:43
Fysidikoferronica_: If you follow the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion, you can tell us if something goes wrong03:43
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Fysidikoferronica_: Otherwise we're just repeating stuff03:43
ferronica_ok i installed it03:43
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ferronica_it asked me password03:43
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ferronica_now what to do03:43
sfarenter your password03:43
Fysidikoferronica_: type in your login password, press enter03:43
FysidikoYou won't see the passwrod03:44
ferronica_i did03:44
ferronica_typed pass03:44
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ferronica_and something run on terminal03:44
Fysidikoferronica_: If it doesn't say anything, it normally means it worked03:44
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ferronica_no error as i think03:44
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Fysidikosfar: I've got to go, if you're helping ferronica_, (s)he's at the "link to your plugins" step03:45
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Fysidikoferronica_: I've got to go, I'm sure someone can help you. Good luck and welcome to Ubuntu!03:45
ferronica_who is going to help me03:45
ferronica_sfar u?03:45
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_jasonubotu: tell ferronica_ about cli03:47
_jasonferronica_: if you do taht tutorial at linuxcommand.org, installing firefox1.5 will be a lot easier for you03:47
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NicaPeteI have my /boot on a partition and run everything else in an logical volume. I'm trying to update my kernel but when I mount my boot partition, it says its read only. How do I update my kernel in a configuration like this?03:47
ferronica_ok i given the password03:48
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ferronica_now what to do03:48
B4zzAhi, how hard is it to upgrade to the latest kernel03:48
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades.03:48
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B4zzAthanks :)03:49
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zeeblehelp with what?03:49
ferronica_so no one gona help me now03:49
ferronica_i just given the password03:49
ferronica_to install03:49
gnomefreakferronica_: read the page follow the instructions as written03:50
ferronica_now what to do03:50
neutrinomasshmmm... this is weird03:50
_jasonferronica_: you have to try to help yourself a bit too, read the docs and ask specific questions03:50
apricotubuntu made me happy! :)03:50
ferronica_i did03:50
gnomefreak'its as simple as copy and paste the commands03:50
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neutrinomassI'm guiding a friend to reconfigure Xorg (through msn) and I told him to run: sudo dpkg-reconfigurexserver-xorg03:50
gilianimaWhat to do to avoid this message whentrying to remove compiz-aiglx-gnome ? => E: compiz-aiglx-gnome: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should03:50
Hektikneed guidance soe 103:50
gnomefreakgilianima: dont install it to begin with03:50
Chris_Tuckerso... dapper is released?03:50
ferronica_i hav03:50
gnomefreakChris_Tucker: no03:50
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)03:51
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neutrinomassHe responds and tells me that "command not found". I copy paste it into my terminal, and true, it's not there. Then I _type_ the exact same command, and it works.03:51
gilianimagnomefreak: ?03:51
Chris_Tuckergnomefreak, oh, figured, with the wiki on upgrading... may i be the 11 millionth person to ask if theres a set release date yet?03:51
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Hektikif the live cd stops during install... what does that mean?03:51
gnomefreakgilianima: aiglx as well as xgl are unstable if you ask me too unstable to use03:51
gnomefreakgilianima: this is not xgl nor dapper support channel either try #ubuntu+103:52
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kingspawnChris_Tucker: june 1.03:52
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gnomefreakChris_Tucker: 6.06 = 2006/0603:52
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JediMasterhey all, I'm having some problems with dhcp, it appears to be ignoring the lease times, on boot it doesn't get an IP, I have to ifdown/up it, and it seems to get a new lease/ip every hour or two, even through it says it will be (roughly) 10 hours, and when it does, it breaks the smbmounts and causes havock =/03:53
=== ariel [n=ariel@adsl-068-209-252-184.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
arielhey everyone03:53
arieli need help patching a kernel module03:53
Chris_Tuckerkingspawn, gnomefreak, gotcha03:53
arieli have a patch for sonypi03:53
JediMaster(if it makes any difference, it's a fairly new install of dapper)03:53
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arielapplied it, worked03:53
arielnow i don't know how to recompile only this module03:53
gnomefreakJediMaster: #ubuntu+1 for dapper03:53
BrunoFolks, anyone here installed libdvdcss2 successfuly?03:53
arieland don't even know if it's possible03:53
gnomefreakBruno: yes ofcource03:53
arieldo i have to recompile the whole thing?03:53
thoreauputicBruno: sure03:53
Jugdoes ubuntu(dapper) install&configure svnserver automatically when installing subversion?03:53
Brunognomefreak, i can't apt-get it03:54
ubuntuhektik ask03:54
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ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)03:54
ubuntujug yes it should03:54
gnomefreak^^ bruno03:54
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Brunoty gnomefreak !03:54
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Jugubuntu: so I dont need manually add any startup scripts or whatever?03:54
HektikI need help, and I'm not an IT techie... Live(64) stops during istall03:55
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Hektikthe last line is03:55
ubuntunope the init.d scripts they should be turn on when you installed the program03:55
orbinHektik: you can't install w/ the live cd03:55
Hektik[25.484184]  Net: registe03:55
Hektikered potocal family2] 03:55
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Jugubuntu: I dont seem to have any sv* init.d scripts..03:56
surrealhow can you guys afford to ship cd's for free ?03:56
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ubuntusurreal it's a sponsorship company that we have,03:56
ubuntujug so you check on /etc/init.d/?03:56
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Jugubuntu: yeah03:56
_jasonferronica_: what?03:56
ferronica_i installed FF1.503:56
ubuntuferronica_ try asking03:56
RevolutioNhey all03:56
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_jasonferronica_: try not to use enter as a punctuation please03:56
ferronica_how to use it03:56
surrealubuntu: why would they offer to ship cd's for free? espically pressed/nice ones with covers.. and the shipping alone was 5Euros03:56
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_jasonsurreal: to spread ubuntu03:57
ferronica_i hav given pass03:57
ferronica_i think it installed03:57
surreal_jason: how do they make money03:57
Hektikorbin: i meant *load03:57
ferronica_now what i do to use it03:57
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ubuntusurreal do some research03:57
_jasonsurreal: they don't yet, eventually with support most likely03:57
ferronica_same ff1.0 is running03:57
_jasonferronica_: did you do _all_ of the wiki page's install section?03:57
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ferronica_i used many commands03:58
ferronica_it says03:58
gnomefreakall not many03:58
ferronica_file not found03:58
surreal_jason: the bulit in help functions in gnome and kde.. dont link to their site, it links to man pages/manuals/etc03:58
_jasonferronica_: remember, don't use enter as punctuation please03:58
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_jasonsurreal: corporate support is my guess (I'm not an authority on it)03:58
ferronica_or in terminal03:59
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.03:59
HektikSTPS AT: -->[25.484184]  Net: registered protocol family 203:59
thoreauputicferronica_: try to write in sentances03:59
RevolutioNcan someone help me?03:59
surreal_jason: all the pieces dont fit together, something is off04:00
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.04:00
ferronica_now what to do,hwo to run my ff1.504:00
gnomefreakferronica_: on that site run _every_ command in the order it is there until install is done04:00
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ferronica_ya i installed it but same ff1.5 is running04:00
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_jasonferronica_: copy the last thing you did in your terminal and paste it here04:00
gnomefreakferronica_: you did not use the divert command than04:00
thoreauputicferronica_: then you made mistakes04:00
gnomefreaki edited as i installed it04:01
HektikLIVE CD SToPS AT: -->[25.484184]  Net: registered protocol family 204:01
mikomikoHow do i protect my ubuntu-computer in cases like clicking malicious site04:01
gnomefreakmikomiko: use ff04:01
kingspawnmikomiko: what constitutes clicking a malicious site?04:01
Hobbseemikomiko: remove the input devices, ie, the keyboard and the mouse.04:01
orbinmikomiko: update your browser regularly04:01
thoreauputicmikomiko: in general you don't need to worry - most things are windows exploits04:01
gnomefreakand if you happen to finda  malicious site dont go back04:01
Cain_Chinahah, good idea04:02
=== Hobbsee finds there istn much effective against pebkac errors
ferronica_~/Desktop$  sudo tar -C /opt -x -z -v -f firefox-
ferronica_after that it asked me for password04:02
_jasonferronica_: that's the last thing you did?04:02
gnomefreakferronica_: thats it?04:02
thoreauputicmikomiko: do keep your security updates up to date04:02
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ferronica_ya last thing04:02
gnomefreakferronica_: follow the rest of the siki04:02
_jasonferronica_: keep reading04:02
orbinHektik: is this a breezy or dapper cd?04:02
ferronica_i am not geetin all04:02
ferronica_what written there04:03
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ferronica_i just copy paste the command04:03
burl_deanI have a ensoniq es1373 sound chipset and need to enable the digital output does anyone have any experience with that scenario04:03
gnomefreakferronica_: the parts in the lighter colors are commands copy and paste the rest of the commands one at a time04:03
HektikOrbin: it stops after it prints that line04:03
_jasonferronica_: join #Ubuntu-offtopic please04:03
thoreauputicferronica_: is english your first language (native language)04:03
kingspawnburl_dean: if you dont get any help with that right now, stay around and look for crimsun, he usually has a lot of knowledge about sound04:04
thoreauputicferronica_: ah - don't know if there's a korean ubuntu channel04:04
orbinHektik: let me see if i cand find something...04:04
burl_deankingspawn:  cool04:04
burl_deanits the show stopper at the moment04:04
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_jasonferronica_: I'm willing to walk you through it if you join #ubuntu-offtopic so we don't clutter this channel04:05
jbroomedapper beta looks great guys. :)04:05
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jhan100Does someone having any kind of problems related to a lag using gnome-terminal or another terminal editor like kate or gedit?04:06
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gnomefreakjhan100: sorry i dont04:07
jhan100it is on dapper ..04:07
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thoreauputicjhan100: kate and gedit are GUI editors... what did you mean?04:07
orbinHektik: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14596404:07
_jasonjhan100: #ubuntu+1 for dapper04:07
gnomefreakjhan100: use #ubuntu+1 and im on dapper and it works fine04:07
Cain_ChinaHere is Korean Channel04:07
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zeeblejhan100: no. i have been using dapper for sometime. and it works fine for me. try #ubuntu+1 for that.04:07
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orbinHektik: says to try booting w/ the noapic and nolapic options04:07
HektikOrbin:cheers again!!04:07
Cain_China  Join #utuntu-ko04:07
orbinHektik: so you'd type: linux noapic nolapic (it hink)04:08
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gnomefreaktry /j #ubuntu-ko04:08
orbin*i think04:08
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Hektikwhen boot options shows up04:08
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orbinHektik: the livecd prompts you to press enter to boot right?04:08
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Hektikcool, do it there04:09
orbini_think_ you get a prompt saying boot:  ... type linux noapic nolapic04:09
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Hektikcool, i shall go try it now04:09
orbingood luck04:09
=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-171-150.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
fredrichwas there something about korea?04:10
pkhdoes anyone know whether it's possible to set the default startup orientation of randr?04:10
roni87hi all04:10
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B4zzAhmm that didnt upgrade my kernel though04:10
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AlthTa Hobbsee :)04:10
AlthHey Zeebs.04:10
HobbseeAlth: not a problem04:10
orbinpkh: what do you mean?04:10
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gnomefreakB4zzA: did you reboot?04:12
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gnomefreakB4zzA: what is output of uname -r04:12
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B4zzA ...didnt upgrade04:12
gnomefreakB4zzA: were you on breezy to start with?04:13
B4zzAmaybe its my sources....do you have a source i can use?04:13
gnomefreakB4zzA: you want dappers kernel?04:13
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades.04:13
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gnomefreak^^^use the one that says dapper04:13
B4zzAi did that04:13
AlthHow's life, zeeble?04:13
B4zzAit upgraded somethings, but not what i really wanted04:13
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thoreauputicB4zzA: have you rebooted since?04:13
gnomefreakB4zzA: did you change all the breezys to dappers int he source.list04:13
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gnomefreakin the sources.list file?04:14
B4zzAah crap...it didnt save that ?04:14
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gnomefreakB4zzA: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:14
zeebleAlth: good. listening to music... and stuff from a pdf. how come teapot's not banished you to bet?04:14
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zeebleAlth: *bed04:14
gnomefreakB4zzA: oh and make sure you click save04:14
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B4zzAi use nano04:14
Althzeeble: Because she went to bed before me, and I'm staying up to catch the Late Show :P04:15
gnomefreakB4zzA: either way thats up to you04:15
hajuuHey guys04:15
AlthIn fact...Better put the TV on :P04:15
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freezeyi have no idea waht the hell just happened but i just lost half of the items in my menus04:15
gnomefreakB4zzA: i use vim but i dont tell others to use it because its not as easy as gedit ;)04:15
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freezeyall my admin ones are gone04:15
TI_Uhlwhere can i find the w32codecs ?04:15
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freezeyand none of the ones in places work04:15
ubotuit has been said that w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install04:15
B4zzAi was brought up on nano :P04:15
Doatwhy does only root have read access to my windows partitions after i boot? i have to umount and mount it again to give read access to all. how can i change it so that it automatically gives read access to all on startup?04:16
orbinfreezey: trya killall gnome-panel04:16
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B4zzAthats more like it04:16
B4zzA154mb to download04:16
B4zzAnot 20 :P04:16
ubotuDownload and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically.  If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions04:16
gnomefreakB4zzA: how many packages?04:16
Doatthoreauputic, thanks!04:16
thoreauputicDoat: np ;)04:17
gnomefreakB4zzA: ok good thats good04:17
Doatthoreauputic, can i get it from synaptic too?04:17
jisatsuanyone know why sudo does absolutely nothing for me? it just exits straight away04:17
thoreauputicDoat: no, I think it's a script by Seveas04:17
freezeyorbin: i have things that came up... encountered problem with OAFIID: Gnome_Panel_TrashApplet na d then Mixer_Applet04:17
hajuuSo um.. having some troubles with my sound.. I have a sb live.. and onboard sound, which I cant disable... ive downloaded w32codecs, as well as gxine, and totem-xine... and trying to play a movie encoded with divX... gxine gives no error, and then just doesnt open the file... totem-xine plays the video but no sound... in my audio preferences, my sb live is not in the list, only my onboard, even though my live seems to be physically inst04:17
hajuualled fine... I did an lspci -v and that also didnt show my live... any suggestions?04:17
Doatoh. ok04:17
B4zzA:) thanks ...yay my 15 ubuntu cd's arrived :) ....time to convert my non-linux-windows-loving friends to ubuntu :P04:17
gnomefreakjisatsu: your not using the right password most likely04:17
jisatsugnomefreak: it's not asking for a password at all04:18
zeeblelol. you need 15 cds to convert?04:18
gnomefreakjisatsu: what is the command your running?04:18
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gnomefreakzeeble: his feinds04:18
B4zzAwhy not get 15..04:18
orbinfreezey: did you see the panels refresh?04:18
gnomefreaki get 30 or more04:18
B4zzAi could have got 30 ...but to much ...04:18
zeeblegnomefreak: hehe. i just got that..04:18
jisatsugnomefreak: sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. but anything I try to run does the same04:18
B4zzAyeh but ill wait till we can get dapper04:18
=== zeeble is woozy from alkyhall.
gnomefreakB4zzA: not for me i give it to schools and stuf04:18
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freezeyorbin: its asking me if i want to delete those 204:19
freezeyorbin: but its all still gone04:19
B4zzAim going to show my boss...04:19
zeeblesame. easier to download, press and distribute.04:19
B4zzAi want this os on all pc's...get rid of windows04:19
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freezeykillall gnome-panel04:19
gnomefreakjisatsu: sudo apt-get update04:19
jisatsuI'll try :)04:19
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jisatsunowt, just exits immediately without doing anything04:19
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orbinfreezey: delete?04:20
jisatsucould it have anything to do with me running it over ssh?04:20
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freezeyorbin: yeah it says delete or don;t delete for those 2 i told you it was asking questions for04:20
gnomefreakjisatsu: sudo apt-get update didnt work?04:20
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EvilGrinHi, I've just installed Ubuntu on my dual processor system. I've installed the smp kernel with synaptic but it isn't being used. What do I need to alter?04:20
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orbinfreezey: that's the 1st time i've heard a killall command tell someone to delete stuff :-/04:21
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gnomefreakgm ompaul04:21
hajuuSo um.. having some troubles with my sound.. I have a sb live.. and onboard sound, which I cant disable... ive downloaded w32codecs, as well as gxine, and totem-xine... and trying to play a movie encoded with divX... gxine gives no error, and then just doesnt open the file... totem-xine plays the video but no sound... in my audio preferences, my sb live is not in the list, only my onboard, even though my live seems to be physically inst04:21
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hajuualled fine... I did an lspci -v and that also didnt show my live... any suggestions?04:21
freezeyorbin: what the hell is going on right now?04:21
gnomefreakhajuu: you have to disable the onboard card before you can use another one04:21
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freezeyorbin: its saying there is a problem with loadin them04:21
orbinfreezey: dunno.  is the menu functional again?04:21
hajuuI cant disable it :/04:21
ompaulhi gnomefreak04:21
gnomefreakhajuu: in the bios you should beable to04:21
hajuutheres no bios setting for disabling it04:21
freezeyorbin: its functional but majority of stuff is  missing04:22
orbinfreezey: what if you remove the menu.  then re-add the applet04:22
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gnomefreakhajuu: please refer to pc maker/manual it might not say *sound* it might say something else04:22
freezeyorbin: what is the applet04:22
hajuuand I DID have another sound card working in this pc before, without disabling the onboard through my bios04:22
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jisatsugnomefreak: anything I try to run through sudo fails, including apt-get update :/ but it was working like 10 minutes ago04:23
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orbinfreezey: the menu bar applet04:23
zeebleright click, add to panel, utilities -? menu04:23
orbinfreezey: right-click on panel > add to panel04:23
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nimbusany one know how to play mp304:23
roni87hajuu, $ lspci | grep Multimedia ............ ?04:24
zeeblethe heck!! i had no clue what gnome art could do till right now04:24
jisatsunimbus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats I think04:24
orbinfreezey: but it sounds like something stuffed up there if you're getting all those errors04:24
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hajuuroni87, like I said in my message.. I did a lspci, and it doesnt show my live..04:24
nimbusi use totem to play mp304:24
nimbusaccesing mp3 from my window drive04:25
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gnomefreakhajuu: change the pci port its in04:25
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hajuusounds like a solid plan04:26
TI_Uhland where can i find the gstreamer plugin to play mp3 files ?04:26
hajuumight as well let vlc finish apt-getting though04:26
gnomefreakhajuu: i would do that first than run lspci04:26
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freezeyorbin: i got the applications one back up there but which is the one that does the admin?04:27
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gnomefreakif lspci doesnt list it on any port than i would look into hardware either card or mobo-pci section04:27
orbiner, did something happen?  xchat just quit :-/04:27
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nimbushow to play mp304:27
MonoNoSaint_BRI have installed AIGLX on my xserver, but I'm on gnome now and my window decoration is disappeared.04:27
Hobbsee!tell nimbus about mp304:27
hajuuorbin, I sploited you04:27
orbincan someone paste my quit line please?04:27
hajuu(not really)04:27
zeeblehajuu: haha.04:27
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TI_Uhl!tell TI_Uhl mp304:28
MonoNoSaint_BRI compiz, and all, but it is not drawing my windows... any advice?04:28
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vinboyif i use SATA harddisk, do i need to enable SCSI support?04:28
zeebleorbin: * orbin has quit (Remote closed the connection)04:28
JohnRobertdoes anyone know how or if I can start a program from a script or the command line to start on a specific gnome work space (and perhaps even in a specific place)?04:28
TI_Uhl!tell mp304:28
MonoNoSaint_BRbasically I have windows and don't have how to minimize, maximize or restore them.04:28
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orbinzeeble: thanks.04:28
freezeyorbin: ok i see my regular appilicatiolns one is cool when i add it to panel but my menu bar is screwed04:28
jisatsugnomefreak: http://pastebin.com/67334504:28
TI_Uhlhow do i play mp3's ?04:28
freezeyorbin: can i synaptic a new menu bar?04:28
Hobbsee!tell TI_Uhl  about mp304:28
orbinfreezey: er, doubt it04:29
MonoNoSaint_BRAnyone has had the same issue with AIGLX?04:29
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JohnRobertMonoNoSaint_BR, I got aiglx working this morning04:29
orbinfreezey: what were you doing last before it started acting funny?04:29
gnomefreakjisatsu: that is strange unless your not in the sudoers list04:29
JohnRobertits nothing special :/04:29
freezeyi was removing samba04:29
freezeyorbin: i was removing samba and a smbclient04:29
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zeeblefreezey: dude, he told you how to add a new menu bar. right click on the panel, add to panel04:29
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freezeyzeeble: dude i am not even talkin about that right now are you payin attention04:29
MonoNoSaint_BRJohnRobert: And have you get this issue?04:29
freezeyzeeble: yeah i added it but all of my shit is missing04:29
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freezeyzeeble: does that not come clear to you?04:30
jisatsugnomefreak: I'm a member of "admin" which was in the sudoers file last time I checked. any idea how to fix it?04:30
gnomefreakfreezey: language please04:30
JohnRobertNoUse, it works fine for me04:30
MonoNoSaint_BRI can't maximize, minimize or anything with the windows now. :)04:30
zeeblefreezey: <freezey> orbin: can i synaptic a new menu bar?  <-- that's what you said.04:30
gnomefreakjisatsu: not sure04:30
JohnRobertMonoNoSaint_BR, works fine for me04:30
jisatsugnomefreak: ok, thanks anyway :)04:30
freezeyzeeble: cause when i add it everything is still missing04:30
MonoNoSaint_BRHum, guess I'll try to raise my video memory so.04:30
MonoNoSaint_BRThanks anyway.04:30
orbinfreezey: removing samba how?04:31
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freezeyorbin: synaptic04:31
freezeyorbin: just uninstallin it04:32
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orbinfreezey: yeah.  so unlikely that you broke the panel's dependencies or anything...i dunno tbh.  sorry04:32
freezeyno idea what just happened04:32
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freezeyorbin: what do you suggest tho04:32
=== IceTox [n=IceTox@unaffiliated/icetox] has joined #Ubuntu
IceToxHow do I start amsn in terminal? Any clue?04:33
orbinfreezey: dare i say, a reboot? :-/04:33
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kevorIceTox type "amsn"04:33
gnomefreakIceTox: amsn?04:33
zeebleNo. no need to reboot.04:33
orbinfreezey: like i said: i dunno tbh.  sorry04:33
IceToxApplication initialization failed: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable04:33
=== Melchior [n=Melchior@host86-135-237-11.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Freeware-Userim portuguese and dont speak well english.. sorry for that04:33
IceToxgnomefreak,  Application initialization failed: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable04:33
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gnomefreakIceTox: how did you install it?04:34
Freeware-Usera need some help..04:34
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.04:34
freezeyorbin:  when you dare to say reboot.. you suggesting a re-install?04:34
IceToxgnomefreak, installed it with the .deb file on amsn.sourceforge04:34
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freezeyorbin: put it like this i ruined something04:34
jisatsuis it possible to avoid sudo and login as root?04:34
Freeware-Userubotu obrigado :)04:34
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Freeware-User04:34
zeebleunless you've done some really cool config with gnome, i'd suggest you remove your ~/.gnome2 after killing X.04:34
zeebleor try doing sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:35
mikomikowhat do i need to be able to run this video http://musebay.com/2006/04/19/katharine-mcphee-someone-to-watch-over-me/#more-20104:35
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sfarhow do i log another user out via the terminal?04:35
orbinfreezey: no.  just a system reboot.  i'm deferring to zeeble now.  he seems like he has some idea :-/04:35
gnomefreakIceTox: killall gnome-panel see if it shows in in menu after that   sourceforge has .debs?04:35
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zeeblenot really. but a reboot is not going to help any.04:36
IceToxit's not at my computer04:36
freezeyzeeble: you think reboot?04:36
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zeeblefreezey: no. just type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop in a terminal. let is install all it wants.04:36
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martinHOLA A TODOS04:37
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mikomikowhat do i need to be able to run this video http://musebay.com/2006/04/19/katharine-mcphee-someone-to-watch-over-me/#more-20104:37
kamilosi have question about ubuntu04:37
gnomefreakIceTox: can i see the link you got it from please04:37
Cassidy123Hello people04:37
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kamilosi already installed it04:37
jgwkamilos: just ask your question, dont ask to ask04:37
kamilosand i dont know root passwd04:37
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:37
gnomefreakkamilos: your user password (ubuntu doesnt ask for root04:38
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:38
zeeblefreezey: then logout.. remove ~/.gnome2 and relogin.04:38
jisatsuthoreauputic: in that case, how might I go about fixing sudo if I can't get root access?04:38
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thoreauputicjisatsu: erm - what's you r problem? the first user has sudo rights04:39
freezeyzeeble: remove ~/.gnome 204:39
AnAntdoes Ubuntu distro include software like mplayer, Adobe Acrobat reader & so ?04:39
thoreauputicany user in the admin group has sudo roghts...04:39
freezeyzeeble: where you want me to put that04:39
jisatsusudo isn't working for me, exits without doing anything04:39
IceToxgnomefreak, http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amsn/amsn_0.95-3.ubuntu.deb04:39
fyrestrtrAnAnt: yes04:39
gnomefreakAnAnt: yes04:39
freezeyzeeble: so just ctrl+alt+bckspc04:39
freezeyzeeble: then04:39
=== Warbo [n=Warbo@host81-151-123-88.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
jack-ubotu, tell mikomiko about w32codecs04:40
orbinAnAnt: packages.ubuntu.com04:40
sfarcan i do "killall -something" to kill all processes used by a certain user? I need to log a user out04:40
gnomefreakIceTox: and you ran sudo dpkg -i file.deb?04:40
AnAntorbin: thx04:40
thoreauputicjisatsu: read the page ubotu gave above04:40
jisatsuI'm looking through now04:40
zeeblefreezey: you logout of gnome. Then Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 goto console, login, and do rm -rf ~/.gnome2 then come back to X with Ctrl+F7, and relogin04:40
zeeblefreezey: first, do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop though04:40
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zeebleand i'm resetting my router.. back in a bit.04:40
gnomefreakIceTox: if you ran that command already please paste the ouptu you got from it on pastebin04:40
kamilosyeah its work i change root password using :: sudo passwd root04:41
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martin_como le hago para cambiarme a ubuntu-es04:41
orbinis there mpeg-4 video support?  i'm already using w32codecs w/ totem-xine. i get sound but no video04:41
thoreauputicmartin_:  /join #ubuntu-es04:41
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:41
gnomefreakmartin_: /j #uubntu-es04:41
thoreauputicmartin_: and stop shouting04:41
gnomefreakubuntu-es even04:41
fyrestrtrorbin: try vlc04:41
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
AnAntok, anyone knows about it's arabic language support ?04:42
fyrestrtrAnAnt: its there04:42
Warboorbin: I have no problems with mpe4 (except non MIME support [they need mp4 extension in Nautilus] )04:42
AnAntfyrestrtr: even in virtual console ?04:42
orbinfyrestrtr: thanks but i prefer totem tbh04:42
IceToxgnomefreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1267404:42
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fyrestrtrAnAnt: its just a matter of setting the right locale.04:42
AnAntfyrestrtr: do they use acon or bicon ?04:42
jisatsuthoreauputic: the info at the bottom of that page might be useful if every like didn't say "run sudo xxx". how would I go about fixing it if I can't get to root permissions? or do I have to reinstall?04:42
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berndhi, how can i use a proxy in apt ?04:42
Warboorbin: Are they from iTunes (encrypted?)04:43
berndi search the rc file if there is one ?04:43
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gnomefreakIceTox: what was the ouptu of sudo dpkg -i nameoffile.deb04:43
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thoreauputicjisatsu: you aren't making any sense, sorry04:43
AnAntfyrestrtr: well, I am concerned about arabic under virtual console (not the GUI)04:43
gnomefreakIceTox: nameoffile = the name of the file04:43
fyrestrtrjisatsu: do you understand what sudo does?04:43
Warbobernd: I think there is a proxy environment variable (because I screwed it up once and apt didn't work)04:43
thoreauputicjisatsu: what are you trying to do?04:43
fyrestrtrAnAnt: sorry, I haven't tried arabic on the console :(04:43
gnomefreakthoreauputic: he uses sudo and it goes right back to prompt it sounds like hes not in sudoers list but he assured me he is04:44
jisatsuthoreauputic: fix the sudoers file, it appears to have gone wrong, and sudo no longer lets me run anything04:44
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WarboAnAnt: It should be OK if there is a bitmap Arabic font04:44
orbinWarbo: dunno.  it's an episode of a tv show.  'file' outputs: ISO Media, MPEG v4 system, version 204:44
fyrestrtrjisatsu: what was the last thing you did as sudo?04:44
thoreauputicjisatsu: ah I see - boot in recovery mode and then run visudo04:44
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jisatsuthoreauputic: ok, I'll give it a go when I get home :)04:44
Warboorbin: Well regular mp4 works for me, so does VLC converted and ASF mpeg4 from my NEUROS 44204:44
=== gnomefreak has heard of that still dont have a clue what it does :(
thoreauputicjisatsu: you will want to look at man sudoers first04:45
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AnAntWarbo: r u sure ? arabic has some special problems like right-to-left & character joining04:45
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berndWarbo, i think i have the same problem like you :)04:45
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:45
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, patricia04:45
orbinWarbo: w/ w32codecs and totem-xine specifically?04:45
jisatsuthoreauputic: I'll take a look now04:45
berndWarbo, i cant update on apt04:45
thoreauputicjisatsu: but basically you make the admin group have all sudo rights04:45
patriciahola a todos!!!04:45
WarboAnAnt: That was the only thing I was thinking (r-to-l)04:45
bsheepAnyone know the command to configure xorg ?04:45
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gnomefreakpatricia: join #ubuntu-es04:45
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ompaulthis is an english language channel04:45
gnomefreakmartin: you also04:45
erUSULpatricia: vete a #ubuntu-es para hablar en espaol04:45
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:46
=== _stippi_ [n=_stippi_@e177011228.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulMartin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^604:46
jisatsuthoreauputic: is it possible to have sshd running in recovery mode? if not, I'll have to wait til I get home, I'm running over ssh right now04:46
gnomefreakompaul: these are the same ones tha come in here everytime and have to be removed (most of time)04:46
IceToxgnomefreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1267504:46
Warbobernd: I'm sorry I don't know what the variable is, it's just that I installed "anaon-proxy" and I think that changed it 'cos apt-get no longer worked (firefox did, as that has it's own proxy settings)04:46
ompaulgnomefreak, thanks if he says it again its bye bye04:46
orbinubotu: tell bsheep about xorg04:46
thoreauputicjisatsu: I think recovery mode is runlevel 1, so no04:46
_stippi_hi, is there any logic which partition is displayed on the desktop in Dapper Drake?04:46
jisatsuthoreauputic: ok :)04:46
thoreauputicjisatsu: no networking in runlevel 104:47
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gnomefreakIceTox: typing amsn should bring it up if not you need to find out what command it uses i think its amsn tho04:47
fyrestrtr_stippi_: sorry? I didn't understand your question04:47
berndWarbo, ok but its good do know the problem know :)04:47
Warbo_stippi_: I have a USB hard drive. Anything which is not in fstab appears on my desktop04:47
orbin_stippi_: the mounted ones?04:47
gnomefreak_stippi_: ubuntu+1 please for dapper questions04:47
AnAntok, another question, compared to Mandriva 2006 Powerpack, which is better ?04:47
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thoreauputicjisatsu: the line in /etc/sudoers looks like      %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL04:47
gnomefreakAnAnt: ubuntu and please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic04:47
jisatsuthoreauputic: ok, thanks04:48
IceToxgnomefreak, so would this same command "amsn" work within a ssh window?04:48
orbinAnAnt: he asks in an ubuntu channel :)04:48
thoreauputicAnAnt: most people here have probably never run Mandriva04:48
gnomefreakIceTox: that i dont know04:48
gnomefreaki dont see why not though04:48
_stippi_fyrestrtr: I have several partitions, one of them is a Windows partition (some others are BeOS) and one is the Ubuntu drive.04:48
WarboAnAnt: I don't like Mandriva just because it uses KDE by default04:48
AnAntI hate kde too04:49
_stippi_fyrestrtr: but their is only one on the desktop, and that is the Windows partition.04:49
gnomefreakunless you are only using term amsn iirc is gui based app04:49
thoreauputicguys, distro discussions ->> #ubntu-offtopic04:49
_stippi_gnomefreak: sorry & thanks04:49
fyrestrtr_stippi_: your others probably aren't mounted.04:49
thoreauputicumm #ubuntu-offtopic that is :)04:49
gnomefreakand i think that there is a way to ssh into gui from start not recommended as it is slow as yucky stuff04:49
IceToxok gnomefreak.. I'm using terminal as ssh, and trying to start amsn on friends' computer04:50
Warbo_stippi_: I don't think it shows IDE (internal) drives, only USB, CDROM, etc. Are they in fstab? If so you can just make links to them04:50
gnomefreakIceTox: is amsn on his pc?04:50
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IceToxyes gnomefreak04:50
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zeebleyay. new xorg wacom support.04:50
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Warbozeeble: Do you know anything about aiptek driver?04:51
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lonewolffhey, i have a quick question, can you configure wpa keys for wireless connections using a gui on dapper beta?04:51
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fyrestrtrlonewolff: dapper is in #ubuntu+104:51
Warbolonewolf: The usual networking did it for me04:51
njanlonewolff, well, you can in breezy, so I'd assume so.04:51
lonewolfffyrestrtr: thanks04:52
lonewolffWarbo: i must be missing something then04:52
HomerHi, Which is de username and password for xubuntu 6.06 beta cd live?04:52
zeebleWarbo: i am not sure Aiptek pens work well with linux...04:52
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bsheepthanks orbin04:52
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zeebleWarbo: atleast that's the info I'd gathered when i was buying stuff.. so stayed off it.04:52
Warbozeeble: I put it in relative mode it is fine (but I hate relative mode), I put it in absolute mode and the entire screen takes up 2"x2"04:53
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zeebleWarbo: yikes04:53
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Warbozeeble: I think it is because mouse and tablet are using the same device, but I don't know what to put in xorg.conf04:53
sobbbberany midi player for ubuntu?04:53
Warbosobbbber: Timidity++ fluidsynth04:54
Warbosobbbber: Never used fluidsynth though04:54
ompaulmartin_, english please04:54
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sobbbberis there a media player w/c can play mp3, midi, and other formats?04:55
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fyrestrtrsobbbber: there are many.04:56
nsmithI have downloaded wine onto my desktop but I do not know how to install it.  What is the easiest way?04:56
zeeblesobbbber: many. you need to have the codecs though.04:56
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fyrestrtrnsmith: any reason you aren't using the wine that's available from synaptic?04:56
FroggontherocksCan sombody help me set up my printer?04:56
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Hobbseefyrestrtr: it's way outdated.04:57
orbinnsmith: install it from the repos04:57
nsmithI was told to download it from someone else on this chat server.04:57
Warbofyrestrtr: I think there are none which can play MIDI as well as MP (there is a huge bounty for Gstreamer MIDI support)04:57
Froggontherocksit's a deskjet 365304:57
fyrestrtrit is? oh well :) I compiled mine from source.04:57
nsmithso I did and now I cant install it04:57
NoUsensmith follow this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine04:57
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nsmithcan someone walk me through how to install from the repos04:57
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orbinHobbsee: ah04:57
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Froggontherocksi only see parrael ports not usb under printers04:57
nsmithok thanks all04:57
martynwhat cd or DVD burining Softwear can i use via the live cd04:58
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i3dmasterquestion, what's the standard X server in your gdm.conf file? Is /usr/bin/X or /usr/bin/Xorg?04:58
Warbomartyn: Do you have another CD drive for writing :)04:58
orbinmartyn: nautilus maybe.  bit of a problem if you ony have the one optical drive though i'd imagine....04:58
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freezeyzeeble: good looks zeebs it worked04:59
zeeblefreezey: awesome.04:59
freezeyzeeble: very much appreciated04:59
Warbomartyn: You may need loads of RAM to store temporary images if it is not an iso you are writing04:59
martynWarbo: Yeah i do i have majorly mucked up xp and liunx so i need to back stuff via live cd lol04:59
zeeblefreezey: let the samba stuff remain. never know what dependencies break when you remove it.04:59
AnAnthow can one request that a certain software be added to ubuntu ?04:59
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martynWarbo: i have a gig04:59
Froggontherocksany suggestions?05:00
zeeblei3dmaster: /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:00
gnomefreakAnAnt: depends on what software05:00
orbini3dmaster: StandardXServer=/usr/X11R6/bin/X05:00
sobbbberi have installed fluidsynth thru apt-get yet it doesn't appear in the menu (ubuntu).. what should i do?05:00
martynWarbo: jus general mp3s ext05:00
i3dmasterzeeble, that wouldn't tell you. I am looking at gdm.conf05:00
Warbomartyn: OK, just that CD writers can only write iso files. If you try to write data or music they will make a .iso file temporarily (in Live CD this is in RAM)05:00
freezeyzeeble: yeah removing it really did take away something05:00
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i3dmasterorbin, I have question is why its not Xorg?05:00
freezeywarbo: i got it all to work yesterday warbo thanks for trying with me tho05:00
MichaelHi, which is the username and password for xubuntu 6.06 live?05:00
freezeyzeeble: you know how to set samba up at all?05:00
orbini3dmaster: no idea05:00
martynWarbo. ok well all i can do is try lol what program do i use05:01
zeeblefreezey: a little. yes.05:01
Warbofreezey: No prob (I've been asleep all this time :))05:01
gnomefreakAnAnt: good place to start is #motu05:01
freezeywarbo: haha your nuts man05:01
i3dmasterorbin, I have some serious problems now, and Im going to change that to Xorg and see if there are some improvements...05:01
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gnomefreakMichael: #ubuntu+1 is for dapper questions05:01
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zeeblefreezey: the samba setup info in the ubuntu wiki is pretty thorough.05:01
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freezeyzeeble: whats link?05:01
Warbomartyn: Nautilus is only one on Live CD I think. Put in a blank CD and see what comes up, or in Go select CD/DVD burner05:01
martynWarbo: is there ni like Nero programs in synaptic i could install05:01
freezeyzeeble: how do i get that bot to link me05:02
sobbbber i have installed fluidsynth thru apt-get yet it doesn't appear in the menu (ubuntu).. what should i do?05:02
freezey!ubugtu tell freezey samba05:02
gnomefreakWarbo: cdrecord should also be included05:02
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, freezey05:02
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ubotuI guess samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html05:02
gnomefreaksobbbber: killall gnome-panel05:02
martynWarbo: cant even find netutils05:02
muraiiQuestion: Is Samba the best way to connect a Linux box to OS X, and vice-versa?05:02
Warbomartyn: Gnome Baker (gnomebaker package name) is in there, but not on Live CD05:02
orbinmartyn: you can't install stuff on the livecd...afaik05:02
jgwmuraii: no, i would suggest netatalk or openssh's sftp, instead05:02
erUSULmuraii: being both unices i will try nfs05:02
orbinsobbbber: failing that refresh command.  you probably need to create one yourself05:03
Warbognomefreak: Yes, but it's not an iso. That makes for complicated mkisofs commands, checking sizes etc.05:03
thoreauputicnfs is a pain to set up on OS-X05:03
gnomefreaksobbbber: if it still doesnt show up you will more than likely have to start it from term. but you need to know the word or phrase to start it and it should be in the .config file or readme file05:03
jgwmuraii: i respect erUSUL's opinion, but dont suggest NFS :)05:03
martynWarbo: cant find netutils on the gnome menu05:03
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forsbergI upgraded my Debian Sarge to Dapper Drake Beta yesterday (and I know this is not really supported, but most things went just fine). My firefox, however, fails to display https and wants me to install mozilla-psm. Mozilla-psm is installed, and I've tried purging mozilla,firefox and mozilla-psm and reinstalling, which didn't help. Also tried removing my profile - didn't help. Any ideas?05:03
gnomefreakmartyn: you right click the file you want to burn05:03
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Warbomartyn: Do you mean Nautilus? It is the file browser (Home, Computer, etc.)05:03
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orbinforsberg: #ubuntu+1 for dapper discussion05:04
Warboforsberg: Maybe try #ubuntu+1?05:04
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thoreauputicforsberg: I think sarge -> dapper is asking for trouble, frankly05:04
gnomefreakforsberg: sudo apt-get -f install  <see if that works> also this is not dapper support #ubuntu+1 is for dapper support05:04
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martynWarbo: lol i dont know just need a vey sinpley way to copy files to a dvd. does that Nautilus work like winxp burn system05:04
muraiiCrap.  Just noticed the time.  Thank you.  I had assumed that SMB was basically just to appease/work with Windows, and so wanted to figure out another means.  However, I might just work with it because it's easier to set up.  We'll see.  Thank you for the advice.05:04
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gnomefreakthoreauputic: it is it can hurt more than help05:04
gnomefreaknoone comes out succesful after that05:05
n00blarhello all05:05
gnomefreakhi n00blar05:05
Warbothoreauputic: I think Sarge would be a good Debian to switch to Ubuntu on (even though any is a bad idea) as EVERYTHING would be updated. Sid may have newer packages than Dapper which don't get changed05:05
martynWarbo: its ok just manged to get K3b to work from the add program section in the main menu ill try that05:05
gnomefreakWarbo: the issue you get is the package names are not the same05:05
Warbomartyn: Yes Nautilus is like Explorer (but it doesn't corrupt every CD you put near it)05:05
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forsbergOK, I'll try #ubuntu+1. 'aptitude -f install' does suggest some changes, I'll try that as well. Thanks!05:06
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thoreauputicWarbo: well, i wouldn't do it personally - debian and ubuntu are not necessarily binry compatible05:06
nsmithHow can I make VLC my default player?05:06
ubotuTo change the default app for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties, then the "Open With" tab and change the setting05:06
nsmithand how can I completely remove totem player?05:06
thoreauputicWarbo: I suppose it is an interesting experiment ;)05:06
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_jasonnsmith: it's probably best to just leave it there and not use it05:06
gnomefreaknsmith: sudo apt-get remove --purge totem05:06
Warbothoreauputic: I switched Sarge to Breezy preview once and formatted with Breezy Disc :)05:07
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n00blarI have an httpd question, if anyone can help me. I have a perl script that I'd like to execute when my users type the name of web server on their browser. I can't figure out how to change this on the httpd.conf file.05:07
Cassidy123i dont like totem05:07
Cassidy123what nimbus?05:07
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ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.05:07
nimbusmp3 format05:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %nimbus!*@*] by thoreauputic
thoreauputicnimbus: don't Do that05:07
orbinnsmith: default for what? local files or dvds?05:07
nsmith_jason: why would it be best to leave it if I am not using it?  Any specific reason05:07
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nsmithorbin: dvds and mpeg files05:08
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Cassidy123thoreauptic: haah thats funny05:08
Cassidy123and someone smacked him lol05:08
zeeblehe loved it!05:08
jgwn00blar: you basically need to configure your apache / to execute CGIs, and then name your cgi index.cgi or something, and then add whatever that filename is to the indexes attribute in the apache conf05:08
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Warbomartyn: By the way. If you install k3b on Live CD it will install to RAM, because it is KDE it will install KDE libs to RAM. That is a bad idea if you want to be burning CDs05:08
QuincyHi, please someone tell me how to edit a file from the terminal?!05:08
jgwn00blar: this is actually covered on apache's website05:08
orbinnsmith: sys>prefs?removable media for dvds.  _jason's trigger told you how to do mpg files05:09
WarboQuincy: nano emacs vi many others05:09
zeebleQuincy: sudo vi /path/to/file05:09
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jgwn00blar: are you running apache v1 or v2?05:09
nimbuswhat i do tell me05:09
n00blarjgw, I know but this site way more helpful than apache's :)05:09
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nimbusto play mp305:09
n00blarjgw, v205:09
QuincyWhat's the difference then?05:09
gnomefreakubotu tell nimbus about mp305:09
orbinzeeble: gee, push him in the deep end ;)05:09
gnomefreaknimbus: read your pm05:09
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WarboQuincy: There aren't many, just interface (there is a holy war between vi and emacs)05:09
jgwn00blar: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/cgi.html05:09
_jasonnsmith: well try to remove it, but just make sure it doesn't remove alot of other stuff along with it05:09
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:09
orbinQuincy: different editors.  nano is probably best for newbies05:09
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thoreauputicnimbus: never repeat "help" like that - or anything else - it spams the channel05:10
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n00blarjgw, i changed the documentroot to point to where the perl script is and i changed directory index and added the name of the perl script there, but it doesn't execute it..it shows the code, lol05:10
Cassidy123why is ubotu talking in spanish?05:10
pramirezapollo de donde eres05:10
gnomefreaki would not suggest recommending emacs vi or vim to people new to linux05:10
jgwn00blar: its better to work through it yourself via the documentation, because 1.) you learn more, and 2.) its easier than trying to read a lengthy explanation in a horrendously busy irc channel ;)05:10
gnomefreakpramirez: /join #ubuntu-es05:10
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ubuntu_hi, i wish to ask if an ubuntu server has the prefic mt. (mt being my country code) such as mt.releases.ubuntu.com does that mean that the server is situated in malta (mt) or not?? because i have bandwith limits when downloading from foreign countries so i would to know this.05:10
WarboCassidy123: Tells people about #ubuntu-es05:10
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jgwn00blar: yes and that url i pasted will help you fix that05:10
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moshisushihello.. I installed Ubutu without network, and the network card is now deactivated05:10
pramirezde donde sois05:10
n00blarjgw, will do...thanks05:11
moshisushihow do i activate it?05:11
_jasonhi, can anyone explain why the following would give different results: 1) aptitude search '~suniverse|multiverse|restricted' 2) aptitude search '~suniverse~|multiverse~|restricted'05:11
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jgwn00blar: apache is showing it as text because it hasnt been configured properly to recognize it as a cgi script05:11
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nsmithorbin:  I have set as default for VLC but it does not work05:11
orbinCassidy123: he's a multi-lingual05:11
gnomefreak_jason: the 2 ~ but im not sure what they do05:11
Warbomoshisushi: Usually in system Admin Networking05:11
jgwn00blar: but anyway that url covers that exact problem and should get you fixed up in a jiffy05:11
n00blarjgw, well, if i type the long url path...the script runs fine05:11
orbinnsmith: default for what? local files or dvds?05:11
_jasongnomefreak: they should escape the | and have them treated as regular expressions OR's as I understand it form the docs05:11
n00blarjgw, will give it a try05:11
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hajuuok so.. changed the slot... the live still isnt showing up.. so ive given up cause I just want to watch a movie... but my onboard sound is giving the following error when I click test in my Multimedia Systems Selector it gives me the error: "failed to construct test pipeline for..." : wtf is that all about?05:12
jgwn00blar: hmmm05:12
nsmithorbin: dvds05:12
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gnomefreakthan i wouldnt think it would give different output (not really sure sorry)05:12
hajuueven though esd works05:12
jgwn00blar: so if you type foo.com/my.cgi it executes properly, but if you type foo.com/ it doesnt?05:12
Cassidy123Can anyone tell me how to access and write another partition of my HD?05:12
n00blarjgw, I want to type: http://myservername  and forward that to the cgi script and run the perl script05:12
jgwn00blar: and it shows you the contents of the cgi instead?05:12
Cassidy123I can access it, but not write to it05:12
gnomefreakCassidy123: what filesystem?05:12
n00blarjgw, it shows the perl code05:12
pipHello,is Jabber and google talk the same ?05:12
Warbohajuu: When you say ESD works, do you mean it gives output? It won't give you errors if you choose it, just no output05:13
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hajuuesd gives output05:13
gnomefreakpip: no i dont think so05:13
hajuubut both oss and alsa give that error05:13
orbinnsmith: via the multimedia tab>video dvd entry?05:13
NoUsepip yeah it is05:13
n00blarjgw, yeah, if i type http://servername/myscriptfolder/perl.pl  it runs the script, but if i do http://myservername/perl.pl it shows the code of the script05:13
nsmithorbin: exactly05:13
gnomefreakubotu tell Cassidy123 about ntfs05:13
moshisushiWarbo: nope, the network device is gray there05:13
NoUsepip google talk uses the jabber protocal05:13
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orbinnsmith: what command did you specify?05:13
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moshisushicant enable it, even if i go into admin mode05:13
nimbustell me how to play mp305:14
nsmithorbin: it has a comand and it says VLC -d %d05:14
Cassidy123whoa thanks gnomefreak05:14
nimbusin ubuntu05:14
pipNoUse, then how to chat with others in Gmail?05:14
jgwn00blar: ok but those are two different files05:14
Hobbsee!tell nimbus about mp305:14
gnomefreaknimbus: i did already read your pm05:14
jgwn00blar: ~/myscriptfolder/perl.pl != ~/perl.pl05:14
NoUsepip google has instruction on how to sing on using gaim on at http://talk.google.com05:14
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gnomefreakpip: open you gmail from gmail.com and look to your left05:14
orbinnsmith: check that the command is valid by running it in terminal: vlc -d <device>05:14
nimbusthen what i do05:14
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gnomefreaknimbus: do what it says for mpe playback05:15
nimbusi hav rythmmusic player05:15
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jgwn00blar: so it sounds like you have myscriptfolder/perl.pl configured to run correctly, but not /perl.pl05:15
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nimbusi am talking abot player05:15
hajuudoes vlc only support audio output via oss? :/05:15
hajuucant find where to set it to esd05:15
gnomefreaknimbus: iirc it has players there also05:15
jgwn00blar: one (possibly lame) option is to create a /index.html that redirects the user to the cgi script05:15
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nsmithorbin: I received the fallowing info VLC media player 0.8.4-svn20040920 Janus05:15
gnomefreaknimbus: your not playing it in a player without the right software05:16
gnomefreakor libs05:16
Warbomoshisushi: Grey? Hmm. Never had that. Are all of the buttons greyed out when you click on it?05:16
nimbusmay be05:16
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pipgnomefreak, I wonder how to chat with others in Gmail05:16
nimbusi hav two software05:16
n00blarjgw, they're the same script file. I'm just trying to tell apache to direct all requests for its documentroot to the perl script instead of its default documentroot location05:16
orbinnsmith: what exact command did you use?05:16
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nimbusRythmmusicplayer and Totem movie player05:16
NoUsepip its built into the gmail app on the web and you can use gaim as well05:17
nsmithorbin: vlc -d dvd05:17
pipgnomefreak, shall I need to use any communication programme ?05:17
moshisushiWarbo: nah it shows eth0, but it's gray and i can't activate it even if i go into admin mode05:17
Warbopip: I think GAIM is fine05:17
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nemesiswasup ppl05:17
orbinnsmith: by dfevice i meant something like: /dev/cdrom05:17
orbinnsmith: or /dev/dvd05:17
Frogzoopip: think you mean chat with gaim ?05:17
nsmithorbin: ok hold on05:17
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n00blarjgw, it's basically NMIS (don't know if you're familiar with it)...so instead of typing http://myserver/nmis-cgi/nmiscgi.pl I want to use just http://myserver and have apache execute NMIS05:18
Warbomoshisushi: You should be in Admin mode, but you need to configure it first. If you know you need an IP then put it in. If you just plug in and it works (on Windows) then put DHCP05:18
pipWarbo, the question is should others install any programme to chat with me ?05:18
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pipFrogzoo, No,chat with others in Gmail05:18
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mzuverinknimbus:try easy ubuntu to install all your codecs or go to http://easylinux.info and read the parts about codec installation, adding extra repos and follow the directions.  Do not use Automatixs as the site will recommend05:18
zeeblepip: http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=24073 go read.05:18
nsmithorbin: I did the fallowing  vlc -d /dev/dvd05:18
nsmith and got the same results05:18
moshisushiWarbo: where do i do the config?05:19
Warbopip: GAIM uses Jabber which was improved by Google. It doesn't use voice chat, but text is compatible with anyone else using GAIM or other Jabber client on any other platform05:19
Warbomoshisushi: On top of the activate button05:19
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mzuverinknimbus:make sure you are on the Ubuntu Breezy page and not some other distro05:19
nsmithorbin: except now my dvd is running but not playing anything05:19
hajuuok so does ANYONE know how to set either vlc, gxine, or totem to use esd? I cant find a setting for it in any of the three05:19
Warbobrb, got to check eBay05:19
mzuverinkSomething tells me I needed to be specific about the disto thing05:19
hajuuanyone at all05:19
orbinnsmith: did vlc open?05:19
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nsmithorbin: VLC did not open05:20
gnomefreakmzuverink: ubuntu breezy isnt specific enough?05:20
orbinhajuu: it'd either be a cmd line option (read the man page) or a config file thing05:20
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gnomefreakhajuu: _jason told you already05:20
orbinnsmith: does 'totem /dev/dvd' work?05:20
pipWarbo, I see! you mean that I can use Gaim to chat with others who are in my Gmail ,or ues google talk as well ,right?05:21
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gnomefreakubotu tell hajuu about defaltapp05:21
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gnomefreakubotu tell hajuu about defaultapp05:21
nsmithorbin: yes05:21
mzuverinkgnomefreak: I really dont think so in terms of his manner of questioning, howeverr that could have been just a manners thing or possibly a language barrier.  Either way it was annoying05:21
bigfoot1help, i'm in the midst of dist-upgrade. "Configuration file `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf'". Is there any benefits of  "Installing the package maintainer's version"?05:21
gnomefreakhajuu: read you pm05:21
_jasonhajuu: for vlc you need vlc-plugin-esd05:21
gnomefreakmzuverink: oh i missed that05:21
gnomefreakbigfoot1: yes05:22
hajuu_jason, ah cool ill get right on it05:22
bigfoot1gnomefreak, please advise what i should do.05:22
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: yes again05:22
bigfoot1gnomefreak, ?05:22
orbingnomefreak: that's not the process to choose the sound output plugin...05:22
bigfoot1gnomefreak, i should say "YES" to the question ?05:22
gnomefreakbigfoot1: answer yes to the question05:22
piphow to use Jabber05:22
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fyrestrtruse gaim pip05:23
pipHow to use Jabber ,I want to chat with my friends in my Gmail05:23
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fyrestrtrit has jabber support05:23
erUSULbigfoot1: i always choosed the packages ersion unless in cases i have heavely modified it myself (sensors.conf)05:23
bigfoot1oh no! "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly"! what should i do to resume the dist-upgrade05:23
orbinnsmith: ok, so it's probably the vlc usage that you got wrong.  i dont have vlc so i can't read the man page for you.  i suggest you check it05:23
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gnomefreakorbin: he asked "how to i make whatever my default" as i read it05:23
TI_UhlerUSUL, trappist : it seems to work know :)05:23
nimbusbreezy badger05:23
nsmithorbin: how do I do that05:23
TI_Uhlif i open the system monitor :)05:23
erUSULbigfoot1: run it again. and again. and again with -f05:23
gnomefreakbigfoot1: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to resume05:23
pipfyrestrtr, hwo to use ?05:23
mzuverinkpip:do you use gaim, if so add the account info into a new account, just like the picture shows on the gtalk page.  Pictures mind you!05:23
zmopip: http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=240705:23
erUSULTI_Uhl: cheers05:23
bigfoot1erUSUL, what's -f? and run what again?05:24
TI_UhlerUSUL : thx :)05:24
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: did you make sure ubuntu-desktop was installed before upgrading?05:24
_jasonhajuu: totem should be using esd I think (don't know how to change if it's not) and for xine it should be in prefs)05:24
bigfoot1gnomefreak, i don't know05:24
pipcan I use google talk on linux ?05:24
bigfoot1gnomefreak, i mean, no, i did not make sure05:24
gnomefreakbigfoot1: did you read the upgrade wiki?05:24
orbingnomefreak: hajuu did?  he said how to get blah to use esd.  esd is not an app (well not really)  it's a sound output method.  (probably got the whole terminology wrong)05:24
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mzuverinkpip: yes, rtfm05:24
bigfoot1gnomefreak, no, i just read the ubuntu-announcement email05:24
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_jasonpip: not last time I checked, you can use gaim but it doesn't do voice05:24
erUSULbigfoot1: the command apt-get dist-upgrade (sometimes you need to force it: apt-get -f dist-upgrade)05:24
gnomefreakCassidy123: thats normal and please talk in channel05:24
thoreauputicorbin: esd is a sound daemon05:24
gnomefreak-f doesnt force anything05:25
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Tenkawais archive.ubuntulinux.org an official site tp use for dpkg?05:25
orbinnsmith: man vlc05:25
Tenkawaer to05:25
pip_jason, doesnot matter05:25
Cassidy123gnomefreak: so how would I access it?05:25
Tenkawabecause if it is at least one of its ip's is down05:25
gnomefreakerUSUL: -f = --fix-broken05:25
orbinnsmith: then search for -d by pressing / then typing -d<enter>05:25
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hajuuoh yay05:25
piphow to use Gaim ?05:25
Warbopip: I think Google recommend GAIM on Linux (sorry, been away)05:25
gnomefreakCassidy123: sudo05:25
hajuutotem does use esd by default05:25
pipI have never used it05:25
orbinnsmith: press n to go to the next find result05:25
hajuuim getting quite glitchy graphics05:25
thoreauputicTenkawa: you don't need to - use the synaptic package manager05:25
NoUsepip read the link you've been sent, it shows you how to use gaim05:25
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Cassidy123gnomefreak: i did that but then what?05:25
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pipWarbo, OK! but how to use it05:25
erUSULgnomefreak: fair enough05:25
_jasonpip: http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=2407305:25
orbinnsmith: basically make sure -d is [1] needed [2]  the right option05:25
Warbopip: Just open it up and you will be asked to put in some details. Choose Jabber for protocol, etc.05:25
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Cassidy123im in the terminal as root05:26
gnomefreakCassidy123: sudo <command to mount or whatever you are trying to do>05:26
hajuuim gettin.... artifacting05:26
hajuuon a major scale05:26
hajuuany ideas?05:26
bigfoot1"Configuration file `/etc/ntp.conf'" --> to this question, i answered N (keep  my currently-installed version). How do i go back and say "Y" (install the package maintainer's version)?05:26
thoreauputicTenkawa: it's archive.ubuntu.com I think05:26
orbinthoreauputic: so it _is_ an app? :-/05:26
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Warbohajuu: What quality is the file? Also it is bad if you are on Dapper with XGL05:26
thoreauputicorbin: it's a daemon - a sound server05:26
hajuuim on hoary05:26
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mzuverinkpip: start up gaim, go to the account screen add your acount info, log in, wa la, there you go, you are using gaim.  gaim is available for both windows and linux, just make sure it is installed or you will have a hard time running it05:26
hajuuand not sure what quality05:26
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hajuunot that high but it didnt have artifacts05:27
Warbomzuverink: lol05:27
nsmithorbin: it says pattern not found05:27
orbinthoreauputic: oh, thanks05:27
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Frogzoohajuu: well first suggestion would be to upgrade to breezy + amarok + xine engine + esd - & you're done!05:27
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Warbohajuu: Totem will open at default resolution for the file. Increasing the size will give artifacts05:27
thoreauputicorbin: it basically sits in the background until needed05:27
hajuuthe video is also kinda laggy and seems to get out of sync with the sound easilly05:27
binaif I only use KDE (but installed using the normal ubuntu CD) is it safe for me to download and compile Gnome 2.14, is there an update team for Breezy (like there is for KDE 3.5.2)?05:27
Frogzoojarlev: sound or vid artefacts?05:27
bigfoot1how do i change my answer to the question that dist-upgrade asked me? It asked  Y, N, D or Z? I answered N, but am now advised that "Y" is the better answer.05:27
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Frogzoohajuu: sound or vid artefacts?05:28
orbinnsmith: then you probably don't need the -d option...  does plain 'ol vlc /dev/dvd work?05:28
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hajuuvideo artefacts05:28
Warbobigfoot1: If it starts doing stuff hit ctrl-c to kill it05:28
bigfoot1Warbo, it's currently stopped05:28
Frogzoohajuu: really, a lot's changed since hoary - an upgrade's overdue05:28
bigfoot1Warbo, how can i undo my answer05:28
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hajuumeh its fairly watchabel05:29
Warbobigfoot1: Oh, sorry. Wrong bit. You mean when it upgrades the packages? I don't know. Maybe if you overwrote the file it has a backup (likeconfigfile.old)?05:29
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hajuuso guess it will do for now05:29
gnomefreakhoary only has like 6 months of support left too05:29
orbinthoreauputic: are alsa and oss also sound servers?05:29
bigfoot1gnomefreak, do you know how to undo my answer in the "dist-upgrade" process?05:29
antonioadolfsI use PPC, and i have the Ubuntu 5.10 install CD, i try to make a partition, but i don't know how to make this on Mac OS X ver.10.3.905:29
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Warboorbin: ALSA is the driver, OSS gets emulated by it05:29
nsmithorbin: yes it worked now05:29
erUSULorbin: no they are sound drivers frameworks05:29
thoreauputicorbin: no, sound architectures ( alsa is a collection of drivers etc)05:29
nsmithorbin: do I use this on the command line?05:29
gnomefreakbigfoot1:  dont worry about it just contiune (you can try to kill it with ctrl+c but i wouldnt worry about it05:30
orbinnsmith: yes, use just plain vlc %d as the command in the box05:30
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Warboorbin: They are not servers, because things like XMMS which say they are outputting to ALSA actually have their own engine which sends the right data to ALSA05:30
orbinnsmith: where'd you get -d anyway?05:30
bigfoot1gnomefreak, but didn't you say Installing installer's version is better than keeping my current version? I'm a bit confused?05:30
thoreauputicctrl-c in the middle of a dpkg process is a &bad* move though05:30
nsmithorbin: honestly I dont know05:30
orbinerUSUL: you just confused me more :D05:30
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antonioadolfsHelp me05:30
bigfoot1gnomefreak, and i didn't need to do Cntrl+C, coz it stopped by itself05:30
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: just continue with upgrade please its not all that important everything will still work just fine05:31
nsmithorbin: I am still really new to ubuntu and probably worked on something else and I tried it for vlc05:31
orbinnsmith: oh well.  put in vlc %d and try re-inserting the disc05:31
bigfoot1gnomefreak, ok05:31
usuarioQ TAL05:31
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.05:31
n00blarjgw, I figured it out by reading that link, thanks :)05:31
nsmithorbin: thanks05:31
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orbinWarbo: yeah.....still not clearing it up :)05:31
bigfoot1If you think `/etc/ntp.conf' is not important, i guess i'll continue05:31
nemesishas any one here succesfully used pcanywhere under wine?05:31
nsmithorbin: accept my dvd drive is running and now it will not stop05:31
orbinWarbo: nvm though.  i'll google05:31
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nsmithorbin: how can I stop it05:31
Warbogot to go05:31
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: the file is unimportant atm05:32
mzuverinkcollection of drivers05:32
QuincyOnce I'm in an editor, eg nano or sudo, how do I save the file again and how do I define where to save it?05:32
orbinnsmith: right-click on the desktop icon and click unmount05:32
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: its not settings nor anything else its just a guide05:32
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orbinQuincy: sudo is not an editor :)05:32
yggdrasilany way to play wmas with xmms ?05:32
Quincyoh, how do I edit then!05:33
orbinQuincy: quit nano by pressing ctrl+x ... ^ stand s for ctrl in unix-land05:33
bigfoot1I did "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade". I got this: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.05:33
bigfoot1what should i do?05:33
bigfoot1shoudl i do -a? or should i do -f?05:33
nsmithorbin: there is no desktop icon05:33
gnomefreakhmmmmmmm orbin you mean sudo sudo /etc/apt/sources.list wont work? wth is wrong with ubuntu lmao05:33
thoreauputicbigbootay: what it says05:33
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mzuverinkbigfoot:do what it says05:33
nsmithorbin: I already tried that and the desktop I con disappeared05:33
orbinQuincy: sudo specifies that you want to run the command as root which gives you read/write privilege anywhere05:33
antonioadolfsHow to make only ONE partition on the free space of 12 GB in the Mac OS X ver.10.3.9, please help me !05:33
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: run sudo dpkg --configure -a05:33
bigfoot1gnomefreak, mzuverink  thanks.05:34
mzuverinkbigbootay...thats funny05:34
QuincyOrbin: OK, but how do I define the path to save to?05:34
orbinnsmith: it should eject the cd when you click on unmount05:34
erUSULorbin: too bad. alsa and oss are two different ways of writting a sound card driver for linux. oss is the old metod and alsa the newer one. for compatibility reasons alsa emules oss user interfaces so old programs can still play sounds.05:34
gnomefreakbigfoot1: answer yes to all the questions from this point on if your not sure05:34
nsmithorbin: I agree but it didnt05:34
bigfoot1so just to confirm, i should answer "Y" to all the questions in the dist-upgrade process, yes?05:34
bigfoot1gnomefreak, ok05:35
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: yes if your not sure05:35
bigfoot1gnomefreak, you type fast05:35
yggdrasilany way to play wmas with xmms ?05:35
k0pgnome-panel give me a backtrace, in dapper. Do you know something about that?05:35
mzuverinkalsa   advanced linux sound architecture05:35
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orbinQuincy: if you open the file w/: nano /path/file it will save the file as /path/file.  if you just open nano.  it will create the file in the dir you05:35
bigfoot1just curious: why then is the default "N"?05:35
orbin're currently in05:35
bigfoot1Shouldn't the default be "Y"?05:35
patrick24601Can anybody recommend a decent inexpensive ping plotter05:35
nsmithorbin: when I go to places and then computer I cannot eject either05:35
NoUseantonioadolfs does the MacOSX install CD allow you to resize partitions?05:35
orbinnsmith: then type: sudo eject05:35
nsmithorbin: I receive an error that says unable to eject media05:35
mzuverinkbigfoot1: are you upgrading to dapper?05:36
gnomefreakbigfoot1: ok than answer no to the rest of the questions05:36
bigfoot1I got this message: Could not parse file '/usr/share/applications/gtodo.desktop': desktop entry contain unknown encoding 'UTF-8X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gtodo'05:36
pipmzuverink, I have done ,and it is working ,but how can I add new friend?05:36
bigfoot1mzuverink, yes05:36
nsmithorbin: ok it worked thanks for the help05:36
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bigfoot1gnomefreak, what?05:36
nimbushow to open Window drive to play mp305:36
gnomefreakbigfoot1: again they are not important to running the dist-upgrade05:36
nimbusfrom there05:36
bigfoot1gnomefreak, i see05:36
orbinnsmith: you should always eject via right-click unmount though .. or umount05:36
mzuverinkbigfoot1:tons of errors come up while installing but all seems ok when you finally boot to it05:36
gnomefreakbigfoot1: you dont have ubuntu-desktop installed05:36
nsmithorbin: ok05:36
orbinnsmith: sudo eject sort of forces it.05:36
NoUseantonioadolfs so resize your mac partition, then tell the ubuntu installer to use the free space on the drive to create an ubuntu drive05:36
pipmzuverink, I dont know what account is and what alias is ?05:37
bigfoot1gnomefreak, really?05:37
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bigfoot1gnomefreak, shoudl i have it installed?05:37
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nimbushow to acces window drive05:37
gnomefreakbigfoot1: listen to me very carefully do you ever read the manules that they are asking about?05:37
antonioadolfsOkthis step ws maked using the Breeze instal CD05:37
mzuverinkpip:I cant help you, try the gaim manual for additional source or try your googly eyed friend05:38
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NoUse!tell nimbus about ntfs05:38
yggdrasilis there any way to play wmas with xmms ?05:38
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bigfoot1gnomefreak,  i followed the instructions in the email I got from Ubuntu-announcements today.05:38
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orbinerUSUL: thanks. that helped a little05:38
bigfoot1gnomefreak, it didn't say anthying about ubuntu-desktop05:38
pipmzuverink, OK !thank you all the same05:38
erUSULorbin: no problem05:38
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apricotis there a similar program as skype in ubuntu that work fine?05:38
gnomefreakbigfoot1: i didnt see them but you have to have it installed before you can upgrade if on kde than its kubuntu-desktop05:38
bigfoot1apricot, skype works fine with me05:38
ubotumethinks skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/05:38
mzuverinkyggdrasil:w32 codecs from plf play some windows media files05:38
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tonyyarussoapricot: Well, you can get Skype, but it has a few bugs.  There are also things like Ekiga.05:39
bigfoot1gnomefreak, so what do i do now? Should i stop the dist-upgrade?05:39
gnaunitedSo, I need some help here. I have an ntfs partition, It is on block device /dev/hda1. It needs to mount automatically when the computer starts. I need Read/Write access from a user account (alex). I can edit the fstab with no problems, but when it mounts it says I do not have permission to access it.05:39
apricotis ekiga good?05:39
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antonioadolfsI create 12 GB of free space inside HD, using the 5.10 install CD05:39
mzuverinkskype is closed source isnt it, just free.05:39
thoreauputicgnaunited: you can't write to ntfs from linux05:39
NoUsegnaunited I don't think you can write to NTFS drives from Linux05:40
fyrestrtrgnaunited: only read support is available in ubuntu, unless you go for captive drivers, which aren't that reliable.05:40
gnaunitedThen I need read access then05:40
pip_jason, should my friend use jabber so that he can chat with me ?05:40
apricothow to install ekiga?05:40
ubotufrom memory, captive is a project to use windows NTFS drivers under linux. It does not work properly with Ubuntu.05:40
fyrestrtrgnaunited: what is your fstab line?05:40
_jasonpip: I don't use it so I don't know how it works, but no harm in trying05:40
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade let me know what it says05:40
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Cassidy123whats the command to run rythmbox as root?05:40
gnaunited /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    rw,user        0       005:40
orbinthoreauputic: so what distros does it work with?05:41
bigfoot1gnomefreak, shoudl i stop the currently running dist-upgrade process?05:41
gnomefreakCassidy123: dont run it as root no need to05:41
NoUsepip your friend can just install google talk if he is on widows, gaim if he uses Linux05:41
pip_jason, in fact ,I just want to chat with him on Gmail05:41
thoreauputicCassidy123: don't run rhythmbox as root05:41
mzuverinkYou can write to ntfs, but the data usually fails and is unreliable, there are however experimental ntfs stuff for linux.  NTFS writing is turned off by default in the kernel05:41
orbinCassidy123: er, why?05:41
bigfoot1gnomefreak, or should i open up anotnher terminal?05:41
gnomefreakbigfoot1: did it stop or is it still going?>05:41
Cassidy123i need to because i want to view a hd05:41
fyrestrtrgnaunited: uid=youruserid -- that should give you read access.05:41
Cassidy123thats only accessable as root05:41
bigfoot1gnomefreak, i resumed it. And it's going on now.05:41
tonyyarussoapricot: In Breezy, gnome-meeting (installed by default) is it's predecessor.  Ekiga will be in the default install of Dapper.05:41
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gnomefreakCassidy123: rythembox doesnt view anything05:41
thoreauputicorbin: don't know - kanotix maybe - but it is experimental05:41
gnaunitedCommand to get user id?05:41
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: let it be05:41
bigfoot1gnomefreak, i have news: it's finished05:41
apricotok, tnx05:42
pipNoUse, OK! I see ,you mean that he must install gtalk or gaim so that he can chat with me ,or he cant ,right ?05:42
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NoUsepip yes05:42
Cassidy123i want to add music from a hd thats rootownership05:42
mzuverinkCassidy123: doesnt Ubuntu mount an NTFS partition read only by default?05:42
fyrestrtrpip: he can login to gmail and chat with you from there.05:42
bigfoot1gnomefreak, where do i post the printout?05:42
pipfyrestrtr, Yes05:42
mzuverinkCassidy123: I know Mandrake does05:42
thoreauputicCassidy123: you need to edit fstab05:42
bigfoot1gnomefreak, do want pm?05:42
pipfyrestrtr, you are right05:42
Cassidy123mzuverink: yes but it's read-only and and set to root05:42
fyrestrtr!tell bigfoot1 about pastebin05:42
orbingnaunited: no X?05:42
thoreauputicCassidy123: not fool with running stuff as root05:42
Cassidy123i don't know how to change that05:43
pipfyrestrtr, I am using jabber ,but how to add him ?05:43
gnaunitedIs there a command to find out your user id?05:43
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thoreauputicCassidy123: what drive is it? Windows?05:43
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mzuverinkCassidy123: edit fstab to change the perms05:43
Cassidy123yeah NTFS05:43
Cassidy123im a linux noob05:43
ubotuDownload and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically.  If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions05:43
pipfyrestrtr, I am using Jabber as gtalk ,how to add him as friend ?05:43
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thoreauputicCassidy123: see ubotu above05:43
bigfoot1gnomefreak, at the momment, my browsers are not working.05:43
mzuverinkpip: whats your gmail addy I will gtalk to you....05:43
bigfoot1gnomefreak, can i pm you?05:43
Cassidy123its mounted but i have to go to disks and type my administrator pasword to view it05:43
pipfyrestrtr, in fact I dont know how to use jabber05:44
Cassidy123its /media/hd205:44
fyrestrtrpip: like any normal user, just click on the add button, and put his gmail email address05:44
apricothow to disable clock synchronizing on startup?05:44
fyrestrtrpip: just figure out how to use gaim05:44
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pipmzuverink, what ?05:44
thoreauputic!tell Cassidy123 about mountwindows05:44
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Cassidy123i know about that im onb the site05:44
mzuverinkpip:did you finally figure it out(gaim-gtalk)?05:44
thoreauputicCassidy123: read your pm05:44
Cassidy123i did05:44
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orbinapricot: disable ntpdate w/ bum05:44
thoreauputicsorry :)05:44
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Cassidy123its just a bunch of text05:45
bigfoot1gnomefreak, The following packages have been kept back: gabber2 gdk-imlib1 gnome-cups-manager gnomesword hplip-data python-netcdf05:45
thoreauputicCassidy123: a script05:45
pipmzuverink, I am using jabber ,it is working well05:45
nimbusunable to play05:45
Cassidy123oh i should put all of that in terminal?05:45
mzuverinkpip:ok then05:45
gnomefreakbigfoot1: did you reboot to new kernel yet?05:45
thoreauputicCassidy123: follow the directions...05:45
pipmzuverink, but I dont know how to add others as friends so that I can talk to them05:45
Cassidy123thoreaputic: oh ok05:45
bigfoot1gnomefreak, nope. coz i'm talking with you. shall i do that now?05:45
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thoreauputicCassidy123: near the top of the file05:46
nimbuswhat i do05:46
gnomefreakbigfoot1: is the dist-upgrade done?05:46
zeeblepip you need to setup gaim to use the jabber protocol with gmail.com05:46
bigfoot1gnomefreak, yes05:46
gnomefreakbigfoot1: would you like to see if it worked?05:46
mzuverinkpip: i only know how to do that in gaim, that is the only cient for jabber that i have ever used and it is extremely easy05:46
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bigfoot1gnomefreak, yes05:46
gnomefreakbigfoot1: reboot05:46
pipmzuverink, I thought I should add their gmail address ,but where to sign them ?05:46
bigfoot1see you in a bit05:46
zeeblepip once you have setup jabber+gaim, you can chat with other gmail users. by using their address05:46
bigfoot1thank you105:46
seec77hey guys...05:46
fyrestrtrpip: in gaim, click on Buddies menu, then Add05:46
seec77i just downloaded the iso image of ubuntu 6.06 beta and i tried to boot with it05:46
Cassidy123I typed sudo bash diskmounter but it just said no such file or directory05:47
Cassidy123i saved it to my filesystem05:47
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gnomefreakseec77: #ubuntu+1 for dapper questions05:47
seec77after i figured out that i need the second option to get the gui, i chose it, but when the music started playing i only got a blank screen05:47
pipzeeble, I am using jabber ,it is working well ,but I dont know how to add others as my friends05:47
thoreauputicCassidy123: from the folder you saved it to05:47
seec77oh ok, sorry!05:47
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pipzeeble, see?05:47
Cassidy123oh ill cd to filesystem05:47
mzuverinkpip: gaim main window>>Buddies tab>>+Buddies>>pick the gmail account, there you go05:47
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zeeblepip listen to what mzuverink is telling you :)05:47
thoreauputicCassidy123: no, filesystem isn't a directory05:47
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thoreauputicCassidy123: where did you save it?05:48
Cassidy123media/hda3 ?05:48
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Cassidy123direnctly to "filesystem"05:48
thoreauputicCassidy123: not possible05:48
Cassidy123oh it didn't save05:48
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Cassidy123ill save it to desktop05:48
gnomefreakcd /etc/apt or whatever not to filesystem05:48
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thoreauputicCassidy123: note that Desktop is capital D05:49
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thoreauputicCassidy123: Linux is case sensitive05:49
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thoreauputicCassidy123: you'll need to do   cd Desktop05:49
pipfyrestrtr, there pops a windows in which there are 4 blankets ,one is  usename,one is alias,and the other is group ,the last one is account05:49
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jouelletteCan someone help me with OpenOffice, all the menus are in a Simbol Font... it's only for my user, I tried deleting the .OpenOffice dir but it didn't work....05:49
thoreauputicCassidy123: from your home dir05:49
mzuverinkpip:  http://zuverink.homelinux.org/~marc/images/screenshots/add_buddy.png05:50
pipfyrestrtr, so,what to do with the windos05:50
AlexTeleCentroFriends: i wann start the live cd of XUBUNTU, but need login and password. Some one know this?!?!?05:50
NoUsejouellette try deleteing both .openoffice and .openoffice.org2 directories05:50
gnomefreakAlexTeleCentro: ubuntu+1 please for dapper help05:50
gnomefreak#ubuntu+1 even05:50
thoreauputicAlexTeleCentro: there is no password for live CDs05:50
fyrestrtrpip: account -- select your gmail account (or jabber) -- username is your buddy's gmail email address, alias is a short name for your buddy.05:51
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Cassidy123thoreaputic: look what happened when I typed it  http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=67348105:51
jouelletteNoUse, I only had the .openoffice.org2 dir05:51
orbinxubuntu's dapper only?05:51
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thoreauputicCassidy123: looking - wait a minute05:51
pipfyrestrtr, OK05:51
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gnomefreakorbin: because they didnt make iso for xubuntu before dapper05:51
mzuverinkpip:you figure that out?05:51
pipfyrestrtr, I am trying05:51
wyanyone use screen here?05:51
AlexTeleCentrothoreauputic, i knew05:51
fyrestrtrwy: sure05:51
jouelletteNoUse, it only happened after I switched to Dapper05:51
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orbingnomefreak: oh05:51
pipmzuverink, please wait05:52
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wyfyrestrtr: I've got some problem with screen+emacs -nw05:52
fyrestrtruh oh -- you said the magic word.05:52
NoUsejouellette I'm not running dapper so I'm not sure I can help much05:52
AlexTeleCentroorbin, i think so05:52
wyfyrestrtr: I can't get my C-M-b key work05:52
=== fyrestrtr has no clue about emacs
gnomefreakfyrestrtr: screen or emacs lol05:52
IceToxHow do I change my dmz zone to from
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bigfoot1gnomefreak, i'm back05:52
gnomefreakbigfoot1: /j #ubuntu+105:53
NoUsejouellette you might try #ubuntu+105:53
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pipfyrestrtr, I have done ,but he is not in my friends list,why?05:53
bigfoot1 /j #ubuntu+105:53
bigfoot1 /j #ubuntu+105:53
fyrestrtrpip: is he online?05:53
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thoreauputicCassidy123: paste your /etc/fstab ( and don't paste it as .txt - just paste it in05:54
pipfyrestrtr, maybe not05:54
thoreauputicCassidy123: on the pastebin, of course05:54
AlthGoodnight everybody :)05:54
Cassidy123thoreauputic: ok05:54
pipfyrestrtr, fyrestrtr thank you05:54
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fyrestrtryour welcome05:54
jouelletteNoUse, thx05:54
nsmithwhile trying to downoad updates for my computer I receive the fallowing error "Could not download all repository indexes"  fallowed by http://cv.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-backports/main/source/Sources.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)05:54
IceToxHow do I change my local dmz zone to from *.80.100?05:54
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scifignomefreak u here m8?05:55
thoreauputicCassidy123: 8nix doesn't need stuff like .txt suffixes BTW05:55
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orbinnsmith: do you need backports?05:55
thoreauputicCassidy123: I meant *nix (typo)05:55
Cassidy123thoreauputic: i know05:55
nsmithorbin: I have no idea05:55
orbinnsmith: or the source repositories?05:55
Cassidy123thoreauputic: http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=67349205:55
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scifihi man, dunno if u remember me from lastnight but u sorted out my synaptic update problem05:56
nsmithorbin:  I am trying to install wine05:56
scifimany thnx for that05:56
gnomefreaki do05:56
Cassidy123thoreauputic: thats my etc/fstab05:56
nsmithorbin: fallowed the instructions given to me previously to ad a repository manualy05:56
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orbinnsmith: via the wiki?05:56
thoreauputicCassidy123: how are you pasting it? it keeps coming up as .txt05:56
nsmithorbin: exactly05:56
scifii now have 2 ubuntu entries in my grub boot sequence, shud that happen ?05:56
pipmzuverink, sorry,my firefox cant open your link05:56
Dr_Willisscifi,  i have seveal dozen :P05:56
Cassidy123thoreauputic: oh im giving you the download link05:56
gnomefreakscifi: yes05:57
Dr_Willisnormal ones, and 'recovery' ones. for each kernel.05:57
Cassidy123thoreauputic: try this:  http://pastebin.com/67349205:57
orbinwho's installed win?  care to give nsmith a hand?05:57
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gnomefreakscifi: you should have 2 kernels an old one and a new one05:57
Dr_Willisorbin,  ask a answerable question. :P05:57
pipmzuverink, but my problem is sovled05:57
orbinDr_Willis: i asked two of them :P05:58
nmsaI have ubuntu 6.06 on a PIII with a S3 video card and it seems there is a Critical bug here any idea on a w/a ?05:58
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scifiok, originally i had edited my menu.lst to make xp the default system, however ive decided id like to get rid of the timer thing all together to allow myself to choose a system manually, is that possible?05:58
thoreauputicCassidy123: is /dev/hda2 fat or ntfs ?05:58
orbinDr_Willis: in one line no less.  take that !enter junkies05:58
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Dr_Willisorbin,  and note the HUGE responses you got..  perhaps a repharase is needed. :P05:58
scifignomefreak: yeh that sounds like what i have :)05:58
thoreauputicCassidy123: well it says vfat...05:58
Doatcan't i install kernel 2.6.15 on ubuntu?  2.6.12 is the one in synaptic05:59
Cassidy123thoreauputic: oh, I tryed using some guide and I think i messed some things up05:59
orbinDr_Willis: lol, okay then.05:59
thoreauputicCassidy123: yes05:59
nsmithIf anyone has installed wine please give me a hand?05:59
orbincould anyone possibly give nsmith a hand with installing wine?05:59
thoreauputicCassidy123: your lines should be like05:59
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thoreauputic/dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    noauto,ro,users,umask=022       0       005:59
patrick24601nsmith: (clap) (clap) (clap)05:59
thoreauputicCassidy123: but use auto if you want mount on boot06:00
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Cassidy123thoreauputic: ?????06:00
nsmithpatrick24601: ha har har06:00
thoreauputicCassidy123: in /etc/fstab06:00
Cassidy123thoreauputic: how would I use auto?06:00
thoreauputicCassidy123: the windows lines for ntfs06:00
patrick24601nsmith: I am a bottom feeder :)06:00
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patrick24601nsmith: Actually I would nmot mind knowing myself how to do it fast and easy06:01
thoreauputicCassidy123: read my line above - put auto instead of noauto06:01
scifior maybe i cud just change default timeout from 10 to say 500 to give myself plenty of time ?06:01
freezeywhat the hell is the command VI?06:01
orbinnsmith: unless you need the latest verision.  just install wine from universe06:01
uboturumour has it, vim is A great text editor, some would say the best. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VimHowto06:01
thoreauputicCassidy123: and change the /dev/ as appropriate06:01
nsmithorbin: I will give it a try06:01
orbinfreezey: man <command>06:01
Cassidy123shoudl i change the vfat?06:01
thoreauputicCassidy123: of course06:02
thoreauputicCassidy123: make it ntfs06:02
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thoreauputicCassidy123: /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    auto,ro,users,umask=022       0       006:02
scifithat ok guys ?06:02
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thoreauputicCassidy123: for /fev/hda106:02
Cassidy123it wont let me edit it06:02
thoreauputic  /dev/hda106:02
thoreauputicCassidy123: sudo gedit /etc/fstab06:02
thoreauputicCassidy123: you need admin rights06:03
orbinscifi: never tried it, but have you tried 0?06:03
freezeyorbin: man <command>  ?06:03
ompaulfreezey, the command vi is a "modal editor" it is available on all unix / linux /bsd boxes which is why it is allways a good reason to learn a little bit of it in case you never need it06:03
Doatcan't i install kernel 2.6.15 on ubuntu?  synaptic has only version 2.6.1206:03
nsmithorbin: I just tried to update from universe and got the same message06:03
orbinfreezey: yes. e.g. type: man vi06:03
ompaulfreezey, >>man vi<< works like that06:03
thoreauputicCassidy123: and change both lines from vfat to ntfs if the are both ntfs06:03
scifiorbin: im guessing 0 will automatically boot me into default system which giving me Any time at all to choose :P06:03
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orbinnsmith: comment out that problematic repos06:04
orbinin /etc/apt/sources.list06:04
ompaulfreezy want a quick lesson in it, you can still read the man page later06:04
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freezeyorbin: ok so let me ask you the command is vi /etc/samba/user and it just like edits the file i can;t save tho06:04
Cassidy123thpreauputic: can you change what I pastebinned and repaste it and give me a link because I'm kind of lost =/06:04
freezeyorbin: do i create the file first then run that command?06:04
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orbinscifi: that's the thing :)  maybe it will, maybe it will eliminate the count.  like i said, i never tried it06:04
fyrestrtrthis is not the vi tutorial channel, please use vitutor to learn how to use vi06:05
thoreauputicCassidy123: just change the lines where you have vfat to look like the one I pasted into the channel06:05
orbinfreezey: i suggest you not use vi as your first console mode editor :)06:05
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thoreauputicCassidy123: and leave the /dev/ entries at the start of he line as they are06:05
freezeyshould i just use gedit06:05
NoUseDoat 2.6.15 is in dapper, not breezy06:05
freezeyorbin: like i have always been06:05
orbinfreezey: yes, that'd work too :)06:06
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orbinfreezey: use whatever you want. :P06:06
nsmithorbin: I opened package manager and opened settings/repositories then add universe06:06
thoreauputicCassidy123: in other words, just change the bits that are different06:06
orbinso it's be: gksudo 'gedit <file>'06:06
Cassidy123i did06:06
scifiorbin: ok im gonna try 0, brb06:06
freezeyorbin: haha thanks dude... so its no difference?06:06
nsmithorbin: then receive an error could not download all preository indexes06:06
orbinscifi: hang on06:06
thoreauputicCassidy123: OK - paste the file as you have saved it then06:06
Cassidy123then i tryed to open it, and it still gives me "you do not have permissions"06:06
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nsmithorbin: fallowed by http://cv.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-backports/main/source/Sources.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)06:06
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=== scifi hangs on
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orbinscifi: you said windows was your default....what if it goes straight to windows.  how will you edit grub again then :-/06:07
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thoreauputicCassidy123: run     sudo mount -a06:07
Cassidy123thpreauputic: http://pastebin.com/67351006:07
thoreauputicCassidy123: then try again to access it06:07
orbinfreezey: choose whatever editor you want06:07
scifiorbin: ive chanhged default to 0 (ubuntu)06:07
DoatNoUse, okay thanks06:07
Cassidy123mount: /dev/hda2 already mounted or /media/windows busy06:07
Cassidy123mount: according to mtab, /dev/hda2 is mounted on /media/hda206:07
orbinfreezey: but it's nice to know how to use at least one that you can run in console06:07
LuKe-LuKehi, does someone know how to get working GPLflash or Gnash on Ubuntu amd64 ???06:08
orbinscifi: good :)06:08
scifibrb :)06:08
thoreauputicCassidy123: sudo umount /dev/hda206:08
WarboLuKe-LuKe: Doesn't GPLFlash work on 64 bit (just macromedia that doesn't?)06:08
thoreauputicCassidy123: and you haven't changed both lines06:08
Cassidy123thpreauputic: command not found06:08
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thoreauputicCassidy123: the other line with vfat in it06:08
IceToxMy ISP told me to set the computer with the netmask and gateway to to get ssh working, as they had opened another DMZ zone that were opened for ssh. Anyone knows?06:08
orbinnsmith: you added universe, but you still seem to have backports enabled.  disable it06:09
thoreauputicCassidy123: you mistyped then06:09
thoreauputicCassidy123: sudo umount /dev/hda206:09
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LuKe-LuKeit works, but I can`t see any flash things on the web06:09
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thoreauputicCassidy123: no "n" in umount06:09
Cassidy123oh i did uNmount, i think it unmounted06:09
Cassidy123now should I remount?06:09
WarboLuKe-LuKe: Have you installed the mozilla plugin package? (I'll check what it is called now)06:09
thoreauputicCassidy123: edit it again and fix the vfat line06:09
IceToxMy ISP told me to set the computer with the netmask and gateway to to get ssh working, as they had opened another DMZ zone that were opened for ssh. Anyone knows how to make these changes to my computer?06:10
caonexHello, I just installed dapper beta and I changed the graphic driver from vesa to ati to achive a higher resolution, 1280x768 but the screen is divided in two at this resolution and what you do on the left appears on the right, any ideas on this?06:10
nsmithorbin: how do I do that06:10
nmsaIceTox: what do you want to do?06:10
Cassidy123thpreauputic: ok i did06:10
orbinnsmith: let's just revert to the official list.  close synaptic, open a terminal, then type: gksudo gedit '/etc/apt/sources.list'06:10
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fyrestrtrIceTox: System -> Administration -> Networking06:10
thoreauputicCassidy123: Ok  sudo mount -a06:10
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LuKe-LuKeI tried the binary package and also compiling the GPLflash and Gnash myself06:10
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Cassidy123auto,ro,users,umask=022       0       006:11
Warbocaonex: Sounds like something up with the monitor settings (maybe refresh rate)?06:11
orbinnsmith: sorry gedit should be in the quotes too06:11
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Cassidy123mount: /dev/hda2 already mounted or /media/windows busy06:11
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scifiyup it booted straight to default LoL06:11
fyrestrtrcaonex: Dapper is in #ubuntu+106:11
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fyrestrtrCassidy123: sudo umount /media/windows06:11
thoreauputicCassidy123:  do you have a file manager open? Close it06:11
WarboLuKe-LuKe: If you have the libflash-mozplugin installed then it should come up in Mozilla based browsers06:11
thoreauputicCassidy123: it may be in use06:11
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IceToxnmsa I want to set my computer (this one with ubuntu installed) to have set gw as, netmask as
orbinscifi: lol, damn06:12
Cassidy123ok i closed the file manager06:12
thoreauputicCassidy123: run   sudo umount /media/windows06:12
fyrestrtrIceTox: System -> Administration -> Networking, select your network card, and edit the settings06:12
WarboIceTox: That's in the standard Networking dialog in System > Administration06:12
Cassidy123then I tryed to unmount it and it unmounted06:12
thoreauputicCassidy123: OK06:12
Cassidy123when I do that it says umount: /media/windows: not mounted06:12
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thoreauputicnow remount it with06:12
thoreauputicsudo mount -a06:12
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nmsaIceTox: this is simple, u have gnome ? go to System -> Admin - > Ntwk06:13
IceToxok fyrestein and Warbo06:13
thoreauputicthat should mount all the stuff in fstab06:13
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Cassidy123then it says   mount: /dev/hda2 already mounted or /media/windows busy06:13
Cassidy123   again06:13
IceToxyes nmsa :-) thanks everyone06:13
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george-rempi'm trying to install lilo and when i ran liloconfig at the end i get a messege installing MBR on /dev/sda....ERROR install-mbr failed....can anyone help???06:13
nmsachange the setting to static and put the static IP there06:13
scifiso basically this older kernel that i have in the list i can boot into if i mess up the new kernel? like a permanent system restore feature :)06:13
WarboCassidy123: Try the umount command with the device instead of the mount point06:13
LuKe-LuKei installed it, but when i open webpages i see the gray area where the flash presentation should be06:13
thoreauputicCassidy123: are you in that directory in a terminal?06:13
fyrestrtrCassidy123: you have two entries for /dev/hda2 in /etc/fstab?06:13
fyrestrtrgeorge-remp: any reason you want lilo and not grub?06:14
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orbinscifi: sort of yeah06:14
WarboLuKe-LuKe: Is it a simple Flash you are trying to view? If it is just animation and it works in, like, Flash 5 then it may play OK (sort of)06:14
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nsmithorbin: I get an error failed to run gedit/etc/apt/sources.list as user root: Child terminated with 1 status06:14
MystaMaxhello everyone06:14
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Cassidy123warbo: ok ill try that, thoreaputic: no im in   cassidy@ubuntu:~$06:14
Cassidy123, fryrestrtr: yeah06:14
scifianyone know how to permanently unmount a drive ?06:14
orbinnsmith: gksudo 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'06:14
orbinnsmith: should be a space06:14
george-rempbecause i always install and remove other hds grub give's me errors all the time06:15
LuKe-LuKeok, sorry but i must leave, thanks for help, brb06:15
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Confidentialhow can I add users from ssh?06:15
orbinscifi: worked it out!06:15
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thoreauputicCassidy123: the /dev/ entries refer to each partition - you can't have 2 of the same06:15
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orbinscifi: comment out the timeout line!!!06:15
nmsaConfidential: useradd06:15
scifiorbin: Ofc !!!!06:15
Cassidy123ill delete the otehr one06:15
thoreauputicCassidy123: you  would have one line for /dev/hda1 and one for /dev/hda206:15
scifiorbin: thx m8, im sure that will work06:16
orbinscifi: can't believe i didn't catch that06:16
Cassidy123i did sudo umount -a06:16
WarboCassidy123: If you put a # before the line it will disable it, but you don't have to enter it all again later if you want it back06:16
Cassidy123and this came up06:16
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nsmithorbin:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:16
nsmith(gedit:9279): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:06:16
nsmithAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.06:16
Cassidy123umount: /dev: device is busy06:16
Cassidy123umount: /: device is busy06:16
orbinnsmith: did gedit load?06:16
WarboCassidy123: Don't unmount /dev or /06:16
nsmithorbin: yes I have an empty sources.list06:17
thoreauputicCassidy123:  sudo umount /dev/hda2  ( for example)06:17
fyrestrtrCassidy123: easier for you is to just restart your computer.06:17
djtanseya general question about backups: what is a good way to backup images/music/etc that you don't want to compress (so that permissions/dates/etc are maintained)06:17
Cassidy123I did that thoreauputic, but then it said unmounted06:17
orbinnsmith: er, you shouldn't.  did you use the quotes?  just copy my exact command06:17
scifioribn: so add a # in front of "timeout           10" line ?06:17
WarboCassidy123: What else do you have mounted? If you have /usr or something it might be gone now :(06:17
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Cassidy123when i did sudo mount -a, it said   mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,06:17
Cassidy123       missing codepage or other error06:17
Cassidy123       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try06:17
Cassidy123       dmesg | tail  or so06:17
orbindjtansey: er, just copy the file/folder?06:18
nsmithorbin: ok thats better06:18
thoreauputicCassidy123: can you paste your /etc/fstab again please? as it is now06:18
Warbodjtansey: Maybe just a plain .tar file (no gz or bz2)06:18
orbinnsmith: delete everything06:18
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orbinnsmith: and replace it w/ this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604706:18
thoreauputicCassidy123: are you sure /dev/hda1 is ntfs ?06:18
djtanseyorbin: that won't maintain the same permissions or the creation dates.06:18
Cassidy123hda1 is my dell boot image thing06:18
orbinWarbo: good tip06:18
Cassidy123hda2 is ntfs, pre-installed Dell WIndows XP06:18
orbindjtansey: yeah, sorry. :)06:18
scifioribn: so add a # in front of "timeout           10" line ?06:19
orbinscifi: exactly06:19
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nsmithorbin: ok06:19
orbinnsmith: replaced?06:19
djtanseyWarbo: yeah... but i'd rather not have to compress/decompress everytime. i am looking for a tool like rsync but just to my external hd06:19
nsmithorbin: yes06:19
thoreauputicCassidy123: oh dear06:19
orbinnsmith: save and close06:19
thoreauputicCassidy123: that changes everything06:19
orbinnsmith: then run: sudo apt-get update06:19
Cassidy123thoreauputic: it does?06:19
thoreauputicCassidy123: the dell partition06:19
i3dmasterpretty much all my gnome apps crashes right now. Here is the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12512. Anybody can help a little bit?06:20
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scifiok brb06:20
thoreauputicCassidy123: i actually have no idea what that uses06:20
Cassidy123thoreauputic: what about it? its only like 47mb's06:20
WarboCassidy123: That looks OK, maybe you want uid=yourusername on those ntfs ones? Make sure you have read/write permission on the folder /hda1 and stuff to change what's ion them06:20
nsmithorbin: I receive an error while trying to save06:20
Cassidy123warbo: tahts the whole problem06:20
thoreauputicCassidy123: yes but you don't want that in fstab I don't think06:20
nsmithorbin: could not save file06:20
Cassidy123I dont't have read write permission for hda206:20
bobulatorcan anyone point me in the right direction of stuff to look at to add a thick client to my thin client network? not even sure what protocols i'm looking at messing with...06:20
thoreauputicCassidy123: we already told you - ntfs is read only06:20
orbinnsmith: hmm. you used gksudo at the front?06:20
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nsmithorbin: ok resolved I saved it06:21
orbinnsmith: does it say read only on the title bar?06:21
falihello, i've got a problem with intel ipw 2200BG, doesn't works, dmesg says: Unable to load ucode: -62, any ideas? (ubuntu 6.06)06:21
orbinnsmith: then run: sudo apt-get update06:21
Cassidy123*says ?06:21
thoreauputicCassidy123: the dell thing I can't help with - I don't knw how that works06:21
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Cassidy123I don;t care about that dell thing06:22
slack_pradthoreauputic, aren't there write modules for NTFS write from 2.6.? and > ?06:22
nsmithorbin: E: Type 'http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list06:22
gnomefreakslack_prad: not recommended06:22
thoreauputicslack_prad: yes but not ones that work :)06:22
i3dmasteranyone nkows about this type of error? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1251206:22
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slack_pradoh :(06:22
orbinnsmith: lol.   no.....that's a pastebin link06:22
slack_pradthoreauputic,  not stable yet huh?06:22
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WarboCassidy123: What I meant anyway was that the FOLDER you were putting it in had write permission (chown yourusername folder) not the device. Anyway I should have spotted the ntfs read only thing06:22
orbinnsmith: i meant open that and paste the stuff there.  not to paste the link itself06:22
i3dmasterpretty much all apps are crashing immediately now06:22
thoreauputicslack_prad: something like that06:23
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gnomefreakthoreauputic: never will be ;)06:23
Cassidy123cant I just delete the "ro" in my fstab06:23
CraiZEgnomefreak, wanna see how my iso mounter evolved? :P06:23
Cassidy123does that stand for read-only?06:23
nsmithorbin: lol ok keep in mind I am still a rooky at this (obviously)06:23
glimp666hello, how could i mount a new disk i added everytime i boot?06:23
=== thoreauputic wishes all this dual boot stuff would just go away ;)
scifiorbin: worked a treat :)06:23
newbie33dpkg-reconfigure locele changes works only after rebooting?06:23
gnomefreakCraiZE: ill look later i have to get some crap done in yard06:23
orbinscifi: sweet06:23
thoreauputicCassidy123: do not do that06:23
CraiZEgnomefreak,  aight06:24
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scifiorbin: dont feel all rushed now to choose hehe06:24
thoreauputicCassidy123: if you write to ntfs you will corupt it06:24
slack_pradgnomefreak, why won't NTFS write be stable?>06:24
orbinscifi: lol06:24
WarboCassidy123: Microsoft haven't told anyone how NTFS actually works (and it's not as simple as fat32) so there are people gradually working it out. So far they know how to get data (read) but not write06:24
CraiZEgnomefreak, i updated it, it now has tray icon support, or its own UI, or Double click in nautilus ;)06:24
Frogzooslack_prad: because the format of ntfs isn't completly reverse engineered (yet)06:24
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Cassidy123I can read it, like play an MP3 from it's folders, but not write to it06:24
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Cassidy123I was hoping I coudld change the 2 wrong dll's that make my XP not work06:25
thoreauputicCassidy123: that 's the deal06:25
orbinscifi: yeah i hate when i want to boot into xp but it loads ubuntu b/c i forgot about the timout06:25
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orbinscifi: all due respect.  *nix distros take too long to boot06:25
glimp666hello, how could i mount a new disk i added everytime i boot?06:25
thoreauputicCassidy123: you *must not* try to write to it06:25
WarboCassidy123: You would have to put your drive in another XP computer06:25
eddie_stonedoes anybody can say a good open blog cms to me?06:25
ferronicawill any one tell me how to play mp306:25
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slack_pradFrogzoo, oh thanks never knew that06:25
newbie33how to change locale?06:25
ubotuhmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:25
ferronicai hav Rythmmusic player06:25
scifihow do unmout a drive properly? if i do it in disk manager after rebooting it is mounted again, bear in mind i used Diskmounter to mount them in the first place06:25
Warboglimp666: You just need to add it to /etc/fstab (ask someone how if you don't know)06:26
Cassidy123ill just install home edition again06:26
thoreauputicCassidy123: well, at least you can read from it now06:26
Frogzooglimp666: partition the disk with fdisk, create new file systems with mkfs.ext3, & update /etc/fstab06:26
Cassidy123and edit stuff from there06:26
scifiorbin: exactly :)06:26
eddie_stoneferronica: In the most of the cases, it is just by pressing the  play button06:26
ferronicai tried to read it many times06:26
fotanghow do i configure soundcard? i have two, and ubuntu is randomly choosing one for sound output06:26
_jasonferronica: are you using breezy?06:26
ferronicaya 5.1006:26
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falk0nwould anyone mind helping me install ubuntu i have acouple questions06:26
orbinscifi: if it's in /etc/fstab it will be mounted every boot06:26
eddie_stoneferronica: try with xmms:  sudo apt-get install xmms06:26
Warbofalk0n: Ask away06:26
Cassidy123So basicaly, I just wasted a lot of peoples time?06:27
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_jasonferronica: have you enabled the universe repository?06:27
ferronicaplease dont give me the wiki link06:27
WarboCassidy123: You learnt a lot :)06:27
scifiorbin: can i just delete it from there?06:27
ferronicayes some06:27
Cassidy123yeah, lol06:27
ferronicai think two06:27
ferronicaof them06:27
_jasonferronica: do this: sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.8-mad06:27
orbinscifi: if you don't want it to be mounted every boot, then yeah.06:27
Cassidy123IT WORKS06:27
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WarboCassidy123: Writing?06:27
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glimp666Frogzoo, i partition it with ext3 and its already working the problem is when i reboot it is not mounter anymore so i need to type sudo mount to mount it again06:27
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orbinscifi: make sure it's the right one though :-/06:27
thoreauputicCassidy123: I hope you didn't try to write to it..06:28
Cassidy123No...But I don't need to go to disks in system to browse the partition =(06:28
Warboglimp666: Add the options that you give to mount to the file /etc/fstab06:28
Cassidy123No I'm not trying to write it06:28
ferronicaBuilding dependency tree... Done06:28
ferronicaPackage xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:28
ferronicaThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:28
ferronicais only available from another source06:28
ferronicaE: Package xmms has no installation candidate06:28
thoreauputicCassidy123: right - well we fixed fstab I guess06:28
Frogzooglimp666: you need to add the partition(s) to /etc/fstab - just copy the existing entries - oh, and create the mount points06:28
scifioribn: its just a tiny partition that is dedicated to windows xp recovery mode, so i really dont want access to that on my desktop/nautius06:28
slack_pradq: how do i do voice with people on windows?06:28
thoreauputicferronica: do *NOT* paste in here!06:28
scifiorbin: will do06:28
ubotuwell, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126906:29
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, newbie3306:29
_jasonferronica: please don't paste here, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ .  And you have repositories you need to add.  Do you know how to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list ?06:29
glimp666okay thanks by the way what are mount points?06:29
Warboslack_prad: If they use Skype you use Skype. If not then it gets complex06:29
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Warboglimp666: The folder where you mount. Make sure it exists06:29
fyrestrtrslack_prad: pick up your phone, dial the person, and talk.06:29
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Frogzooglimp666: they're usually a stub directory, where the new file system gets mounted06:29
ferronicapackage needed06:29
Cassidy123So if I formatted the partition to Fat32 , I would be able to write to it?06:29
thoreauputicCassidy123: so are you happier now?06:29
glimp666i mount it on "/mnt" so how would i put it on fstab?06:30
_jasonferronica: ok, first do this: gksudo 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'06:30
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thoreauputicCassidy123: yes you can write to fat3206:30
ferronicashud i type it in terminal06:30
slack_pradfyrestrtr, yeah if i were rich i would do that06:30
Frogzooglimp666: take a look at how '/' is mounted in /etc/fstab & extrapolate06:30
Cassidy123and if you format you lose everything though?06:30
_jasonferronica: yes06:30
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orbin_jason: do you get warnings w/ that command too?06:30
Warboglimp666: Open fstab with something like "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" then copy one of the lines and change the copy to your required mount06:30
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glimp666okay thanks i'm on to it now06:30
_jasonorbin: yes06:30
thoreauputicCassidy123: some people make a fat32 partition for that purpose06:30
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fyrestrtrslack_prad: easiest way is to use skype06:31
_jasonI am gettign the following ./configure errors while attempting to compile 'no gravity' that I can't seem to sort, can anyone give me some insight as to what is going on: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1267806:31
orbin_jason: should we worry about them (not for me really, i use console editors)06:31
thoreauputicCassidy123: ie you make a "holding" partition06:31
ferronicanow what jason06:31
Cassidy123whats that?06:31
slack_pradfyrestrtr, what are the other ways?06:31
slack_pradcan i use ekiga?06:31
fyrestrtrslack_prad: gnommeeting06:31
thoreauputicCassidy123: that you can read/write to - in fat3206:31
_jasonorbin: I don't know what they mean exactly, but I don't think they are anything to worry about06:31
WarboCassidy123: If you resize your partitions with a Live CD and add a fat32 one then you can store your documents and stuff on it (to read/write with windows and linux)06:31
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_jasonferronica: now go to this site: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604706:31
orbin_jason: ok, cheers06:31
fyrestrtrslack_prad: yes, you can try.06:31
Cassidy123Wait you can do that?06:31
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Warboslack_prad: Ekiga is in Dapper. It is still "Gnomemeeting" in Breezy06:32
thoreauputicCassidy123: sure06:32
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slack_pradfyrestrtr, what the windows users use then?06:32
Cassidy123You can resize partitions?06:32
ubotulocales is probably at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LocaleConf06:32
Kwongi have question!!!06:32
thoreauputicCassidy123: yes - use a live cd and gparted for example06:32
WarboCassidy123: As long as they are not being accessed (mounted) at the time (so boot from a CD)06:32
ferronicajason--->what i do here06:32
fyrestrtrslack_prad: netmeeting06:32
Kwonghow come my ubuntu consume alot of RAM?06:32
Kwongalways around 174MB06:32
_jasonferronica: ok, first, in your text editor, I want you to delete everything there ok?06:32
WarboKwong: It is very graphical. How much RAM?06:32
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WarboKwong: That sounds a bit normal for lots of GNOME stuff going06:33
fyrestrtr_jason: ./configure --prefix=/usr -- try that, are you sure you have the right libpng version?06:33
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orbinKwong: run top or use the sys mon.  what app is using the most?06:33
thoreauputicKwong: it uses ram in preference to disc - a good thing06:33
Major_Deltacripes, this is the most active chatroom i have ever seen on irc06:33
KwongWarbo: but for my desktop it was just around 100MB06:33
_jasonFitzsimmons: I'll check that out, the readme didn't specify06:33
glimp666Warbo: what will i put on options, dump and pass?06:33
Kwongthe problem is my laptop doesnt have much RAM06:33
Kwongonly 256MB06:33
nsmithorbin: done06:33
orbinMajor_Delta: welcome06:33
thoreauputicKwong: is it slow?06:33
orbinnsmith: save and close06:33
Kwongreally slow06:33
fyrestrtrKwong: the more ram its using, the less disk swap its using -- RAM is faster, so its a good thing. You want it to use more ram.06:33
WarboKwong: Use the System Monitor to put processes in order of RAM06:33
Cassidy123Well anyway thoreauputic, I only have 2gb left on this partition, can I use some of the 13gbs left from my hda2(windows-ntfs) partition06:33
Major_Deltahey there06:33
orbinnsmith: then run: sudo apt-get update06:33
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nsmithorbin: thats done06:34
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thoreauputicCassidy123: yes06:34
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Kwongfyrestrtr: but my laptop has only 256MB RAM06:34
orbinnsmith: sudo apt-get install wine06:34
Frogzooglimp666: 0   &   206:34
_jasonferronica: ready for the next step?06:34
WarboCassidy123: Just shrink Windows (then boot it, so it will be checked and fixed by Windows) and you will be fine06:34
orbinKwong: so use a more lightweight DE06:34
thoreauputicCassidy123: but you will have to use a live CD or similar to repartition it06:34
Kwongload up Open Office takes ages06:34
glimp666okay thanks how about on the option Frogzoo?06:34
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Cassidy123Um, I can't actually *boot* windows06:34
fyrestrtrKwong: consider switching to fluxbox06:35
WarboKwong: Try Abiword06:35
Frogzooglimp666: defaults06:35
nsmithorbin: ok it appears to be working now06:35
Cassidy123Im missing 2 critical dll's06:35
nsmithorbin: thanks again for all the help06:35
thoreauputicWarbo: make sure windows is not mounted when you shrink it06:35
glimp666okay thanks06:35
orbinnsmith: no sweat.06:35
Warbothoreauputic: I was assuming booting from Live CD06:35
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WarboGot to go C Ya06:35
Kwongfyrestrtr: But is there any reason why the laptop using much more RAM than the normal desktop i using06:35
thoreauputicWarbo: yes I know - just covering the bases :)06:35
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Frogzooglimp666: you can add nosetuid,noexec   if you're paranoid & it's just data/mp3s/pron06:36
fyrestrtrKwong: how much ram do you have on the desktop? and what are you running on it?06:36
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Cassidy123does it have to be with a live CD, can I use the install CD?06:36
Frogzooglimp666: you can add nosuid,noexec   if you're paranoid & it's just data/mp3s/pron06:36
debrasichmod 77706:36
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glimp666anyway its just movies i put on that new 40gig hd i added06:36
thoreauputicCassidy123: you could, but it would be trickier06:36
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Cassidy123But when I put the liveCD in it doesn't give me partition options06:36
thoreauputicCassidy123: unless you are cofortable with the commandline06:36
Kwongfyrestrtr: the two machines running the same things. Desktop got 512MB and laptop got 256MB06:36
xet7When installing Ubuntu Dapper Beta, should I choose Reiserfs or Reiser4 ?06:37
ferronicai hav opened the text editor06:37
thoreauputicCassidy123: you use the gparted program in the menu for the live CD06:37
slackernI went for reiserfs for / and ext3 for /home06:37
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Frogzooxet7: ext3 imo06:37
Kwongfyrestrtr: i gottah consider fluxbox since my laptop couldnt afford GNOME06:37
thoreauputicCassidy123: yes that's the name of the partitioning app06:37
ferronicai am ready06:37
_jasonferronica: ok, it had a bunch of lines that started with 'deb' right?  I want you to delete everything in the file, so that at the end you have a blank file06:37
Cassidy123sudo apt-get gparted?06:37
glimp666BTW Frogzoo, how could i put a link on my desktop on that new disk i mounted?06:38
bigfoot1is it possible to download a file in xchat+06:38
thoreauputicCassidy123: no, it is on the live CD06:38
ferronicain text06:38
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thoreauputicCassidy123: already there :)06:38
Cassidy123in appications?06:38
thoreauputicCassidy123: jsut boot the live CD06:38
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thoreauputicCassidy123: just *look*06:38
xet7But does Reiserfs defragment etc itself and be faster? How ext3 handles defragmentation?06:38
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_jasonferronica: yes, in the text editor.  You have one opened now right?06:38
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Cassidy123ill boot from the live CD now...should I do "sudo umount -a"06:39
fyrestrtrxet7: nothing 'defragments itself'06:39
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)06:39
thoreauputicCassidy123: it isn't hard to find - probably under system tools or something06:39
orbinbigfoot1: why not just wget it? :-/06:39
marinarcomo t yamas06:39
Frogzooglimp666: cd ~/Desktop ; ln -s /new/mount/point LinkName06:39
bigfoot1orbin, i just did06:39
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bigfoot1thanks thought06:39
bigfoot1thanks though06:39
orbinbigfoot1: :)06:39
Cassidy123ill boot from the live CD now...should I do "sudo umount -a"06:39
_jasonferronica: understand?06:39
thoreauputicCassidy123: jsut do a normal shutdown or put the live CD in and reboot06:39
Ribsfyrestrtr: Actually, MacOS X does defragment itself as it goes :>06:39
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glimp666okay thanks06:39
ferronicabut its already blank06:39
marinarsoy espaola06:39
=== thoreauputic calls it a night
fyrestrtrRibs: mmm, does it now?06:39
Cassidy123Its in...ill be back =)06:40
Kwongfyrestrtr: do you know any tool similar to bcheck in Sparc for Ubuntu?06:40
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:40
thoreauputicnight all06:40
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Ribsfyrestrtr: So I've read, yes.06:40
bigfoot1orbin, but that's one extra step. (opening terminal and pasting and typing)06:40
fyrestrtrKwong: what is bcheck?06:40
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_jasonferronica: that means you did soemthing wrong probably.  Can you paste the exact command you used to open it?06:40
marinarola maria q tal06:40
Kwongfyrestrtr: it's tool to check memory leaking for C program06:40
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ferronicai opened the .text06:40
fyrestrtrKwong: oh, sorry I do not know of such a thing for Linux.06:40
ferronicafrom accessories06:41
orbinbigfoot1: maybe ask in #xchat.06:41
ferronicathats it06:41
fyrestrtrKwong: but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist :)06:41
_jasonferronica: ok, let's start again, close it06:41
Kwongfyrestrtr: thanks06:41
ferronicawhat text06:41
_jasonferronica: actually, do you want one command that will do this all for you or do you want to do this yourself and understand?06:41
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usuariokiero al alex marina06:41
angel12how can i run a command at boot?06:41
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marinarm gusta el alverto maria06:42
_jasonangel12: put it in /etc/init.d/ and man update-rc.d06:42
usuarioja ja ja ja06:42
orbinangel12: eay method: sys>prefs>sessions>startup progs06:42
angel12awesome, i knew it was something like that lol, thanks06:42
marinarola metamorfosis06:42
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:42
ferronicai just want to play my mp3 files06:42
jon_does anybody use anjuta to program with java?06:42
fyrestrtr!tell ferronica about mp306:42
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jasoni am trying the upgrade to dapper and it is hung durring the upgrade at starting pcmcia services?  what should i do?06:42
fyrestrtrjon_: Eclipse > Ajunta06:43
marinarwhat que de k06:43
ferronicanot again06:43
ferronicai read it 100 times06:43
_jasonferronica: ok I am going to give you a very long command, you are going to copy it and then paste it exactly ok?06:43
marinar100 times06:43
marinarqt cuentas maria06:43
usuariowhat time?06:43
ferronicaand please dont give me that ROBOT06:43
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marinarqstas mu enamora y q mas06:44
fyrestrtrferronica: what didn't work?06:44
scifignomefreak u around ?06:44
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fyrestrtrferronica: because its there for a reason, the main one being, it works :)06:44
_jasonferronica: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup && sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d6047 && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.8-mad06:44
glimp666Frogzoo: thanks i dit it :)06:44
Id2ndR_liveHello all06:44
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blaamann_homeIs there an update manager that can handle an upgrade to dapper ?06:44
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades.06:44
Id2ndR_liveI've got a trouble with my partitions table06:44
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marinaraguien k me intiendia k me able en spanis06:45
_jasonferronica: that command has to be exactly like that, one line06:45
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Cassidy123I'm in the live CD, but I can't find pdisk06:45
Id2ndR_liveI lost it using the install tool of dapper live06:45
djm62where can I best report a bug in rhythmbox?06:45
usuarionada mas k lo kiero y llasta y no hay mas k hablar06:45
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Id2ndR_liveSo now I had used testdisk06:45
fyrestrtrmarinar/usuario English only in here please.06:45
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ferronicai pasted it06:45
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scifianyone used ntfsprogs to relabel their mounted drives ?06:45
Id2ndR_liveAnd was able to recover 2 partitions06:45
ferronicai think it is downloding something06:45
jasonif during an upgrade the upgrade(dapper) hangs, while setting up the packages, what should i do ?06:46
orbinusuario: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:46
Id2ndR_livesomeone can help me ??06:46
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.06:46
_jasonId2ndR_live: #ubuntu+1 for dapper by the way06:46
scifianyone used ntfsprogs to relabel their mounted drives ?06:46
Id2ndR_live!helpme recover a lost patition table06:46
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Id2ndR_live06:46
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leleobhzhi all06:47
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leleobhzsome one can explain this for me?06:47
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_jasonpdlnhrd: #ubuntu+1 for dapper please06:47
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_jasonferronica: yes?06:48
scifipls help guys, terminal says "Use the force option to work with files." after trying to relable a mounted drive using ntfsprogs06:48
ferronicajason its downloding something06:48
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ferronicaok done06:48
ferronicajason---now what to do06:48
_jasonferronica: ok, now close rhythmbox, then open it again and try to play an mp306:48
asmitbol bum06:48
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ferronicashud i close terminal06:49
_jasonferronica: if you want, we may need it in a bit though06:49
_jasonasmit: please stop06:49
asmithi all06:49
asmitwat ?06:49
Cassidy123In GParted, how do I add unallocaged space to a partition/06:50
asmitwats wrong06:50
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Frogzooasmit: this is a support channel for the ubuntu operating system - maybe not what you were expecting06:50
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eddie_stonedoes anybody can say a good open blog cms to me?06:50
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Cassidy123In GParted, how do I add unallocated space to a partition?06:51
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ubuntu_er da06:51
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HymnToLifeCassidy123> resize the partition06:51
eXistenZCan anyone direct me to a guide for setting up the lm-sensors?06:51
FrogzooCassidy123: grow the previous partition06:51
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Cassidy123I tryed to resize the partition but It wont let me go higher then it is now06:51
HymnToLifeif you have a 10 GB partition and 10 GB unallocted space next after it, just resize the prtition up to 20 GB06:51
M4S0Dist was deutsches hier06:52
FrogzooCassidy123: because that partition's mounted - you'll need to unmount it first06:52
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HymnToLifeCassidy123> what filesystem ?06:52
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Cassidy123its ext306:52
HymnToLife!tell M4S0D about de06:52
M4S0Dhi eins deutsch _06:52
Cassidy123its already unmounted06:52
PuMpErNiCkLeeddie_stone: http://www.opensourcecms.com/ has a section where you can test various OSS cms projects - it's got a fairly extensive list.06:52
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scifipls help guys, terminal says "Use the force option to work with files." after trying to relable a mounted drive using ntfsprogs06:52
ferronicawhat tell me06:52
HymnToLifeCassidy123> ext resizing is a bit of a hassle, I don't think Parted can do it06:52
M4S0Dist was deutsches hier ______06:52
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_jasonferronica: did the mp3 work?06:53
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de06:53
ferronicait works06:53
_jasonferronica: ok06:53
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Cassidy123so what can do it?06:53
HymnToLifei don't remeber, search in Synaptic06:53
ferronicado u know how to download software and install it in ubuntu06:53
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ferronicalike Xp pro06:53
HymnToLifeit' call extresize or something of that sort06:53
Cassidy123Whats Synaptic?06:53
_jasonubotu: tell ferronica about synaptic06:54
ferronicahow to do in ubuntu06:54
_jasonferronica: read that link, it is not difficult to read06:54
ferronicaplease noooo06:54
ubotusomebody said synaptic was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto06:54
Cassidy123ubotu: tell me about synaptic06:54
ferronicanot again06:54
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_jasonferronica: yes, at least look at it06:54
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zidoi've installed Ubuntu on my laptop, but under the installation it found the network devices but i couldn't connect to the network, so i would have to configure it when the installation was done.. now, where can i go to configure it?06:55
scifipls help guys, terminal says "Use the force option to work with files." after trying to relabel a mounted drive using ntfsprogs06:55
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HymnToLifezido> gksudo network-admin06:55
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: What happens if you use the force option?06:55
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scifiPiMpErNCkle: i dont know how to use force option06:56
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PuMpErNiCkLescifi: Usually it's -f or --force06:56
ferronicaok i read it06:56
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scifiPiMpErNiCkle: ok will try it06:56
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ferronicaok i hav very critical question06:56
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ferronicai hav three hdd06:56
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PuMpErNiCkLescifi: Better check the man page for that application first, though.06:57
ferronicaC: drive for XP06:57
zidoHymnToLife: when i use it i get "sudo: unable to lookup zidolap via gethostbyname()"06:57
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: Just in case it's different. :)06:57
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ferronicaE: drive for data storage06:57
_jasonferronica: I will try to help you, but you have to do one thing.  Stop using enter as punctuation please06:57
ElazarCan anyone recommend any games available for Ubuntu that are suitable for a 2 year-old?06:57
ferronicasorry E; drive where i hav installed ubuntu06:57
ferronicaD; drive for data storage06:57
|mp|after a recent apt-get upgrade in Dapper, the Gnome Shutdown option/button has disappeared - anyone know if this is on purpose?06:57
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scifiPiMpErNiCkle: not sure how to find that06:57
HymnToLifezido> did you mess up with the network aldready ?06:57
MikaelnIs there an easy way for me to restrict the users on my lan to access the wan, just want a specifik MAC-adress to connect...06:57
ferronicaok sorry06:57
ferronicawhat ever i said above got? i hav three physical hdd06:58
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ferronicaone SATA two PATA06:58
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zidoHymnToLife: not unless it tried to configure it by itself when i chose to fix it when the installation was done..06:58
Afiefis there a way to easily mount an ISO?06:58
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: man ntfsprogs, probably06:58
HymnToLifeAfief> man mount06:58
Cassidy123whats the name of the prog to resize ext3 partitions06:59
MikaelnAfief, mount -o loop isofile.iso /media/mountplace06:59
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HymnToLifezido> hmm have you rebooted since ?06:59
ferronicanow if i wanna to acces Xp which is in SATA i hav to go to cmos and change the boot device priority evertime06:59
zidoHymnToLife: not since the installation was complete, no06:59
zidowould that help? :)06:59
ferronicaJASON my friend r u there06:59
_jasonferronica: yes, I don't know too much about sata/pata07:00
AfiefHymenToLife: I meant as in doing it from the GUI07:00
HymnToLifezido> maybe07:00
zidotrying now07:00
harisun1How do I set file associations in Gnome? For example, I want .pdf to open with acroread, irc:\\ to open with Xchat, .txt to open with Gvim and so on?07:00
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Fysidikoferronica: what's up?07:00
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zidoknow why the screen is messed up when i'm not in Gnome btw?07:00
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: doesnt mention force in man, where in "sudo ntfslabel /media/hdb1 XP-MediaDrive" shud i try putting the -f ?07:01
PuMpErNiCkLeharisun1: right click on a file of that type -> properties -> open with07:01
AfiefHymnToLife: I meant as in doing it from the GUI07:01
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harisun1PuMpErNiCkLe I want it done permenantly.07:01
zidothe picture is misplaced, it blinks and jumps around a bit.. but when i get into gnome it's ok07:01
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: hang on a sec07:01
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harisun1PuMpErNiCkLe will it do it permenantly?07:01
PuMpErNiCkLeharisun1: That will do it.07:01
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ferronicanow felling better07:01
HymnToLifeAfief> I don't think there is07:01
harisun1PuMpErNiCkLe ok thanks.. I will try it out ..07:01
Fysidikogood :D07:01
ferronicai hav some problem in boot..07:01
ferronicacan u help me07:01
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.07:02
Fysidikoferronica: I'll try07:02
ferronicai hav 3 physical HDD07:02
autosuggestedferronica, go on.07:02
kuckusI am on a fresh dapper installation, looking for a way to get my ATI X1300 to on a resolution higher than 800x600 (using the vesa driver ATM) - anyone have a pointer for me?07:02
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ZeZuanyone know any good libs for processing 3d models in linux ?07:02
ferronicaone sata two pata,in sata win Xp pro and pata ubuntu07:02
HymnToLifekuckus> dapper issues on #ubuntu+1 plese07:02
slavikkuckus: system -> pref -> resolution07:03
ferronicanow if i wanna to acces Xp pro i hav to change boot priority from cmos07:03
kuckusAh, OK -07:03
=== Rhaaaa [n=0siris@mon69-2-82-225-231-37.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifeferronica> where is GRUB installed ?07:03
ferronicawhat GRUB sorry07:03
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: It doesn't look like it has a force option... wth? o_O07:03
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slavikZeZu: blender07:03
zidoHymnToLife: i get an error: "Couldn't find the internett-adress for zidolap. This will disable GNOME to work properly. This can be fixed by adding zidolap to /etc/hosts."07:03
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting07:03
TokenBadwhat is command to make a .sh file executable07:03
kuckusslavik: No, I think I'll have to get an appropriate driver first. I'll check ubuntu+1 though, thanks07:03
ZeZublender is a lib too ?07:03
zido(it's in norwegian so the translation might not be that great) :)07:03
=== lakcaj [n=lakcaj@wnpgmb02dc1-186-56.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rhaaaaany chan for french com ?07:04
ZeZui never knew that07:04
slavikkuckus: np07:04
scifiPiMpErNiCkle:  LoL? o_O07:04
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Fysidikoferronica: Do you want to pick from a menu which operating system to install?07:04
slavikblender is a program07:04
HymnToLifeferronica> during install, you were asked where to instll GRUB, it's the program that lets you choose which OS to launch at boot07:04
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:04
ferronicamay be07:04
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ZeZunot usefull for what i want to do then i wouldn't imagine07:04
ferronicadont know07:04
Fysidikoferronica: GRUB is a 'boot manager', it gives you the choice07:04
Rhaaaathx ubotu07:04
=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-5363.l6.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: Maybe it should be /dev/hdb1 not /media/hdb1 in your command.07:04
slavikzezu, what u need a lib for?07:04
Fysidikoferronica: I assume you installed Ubuntu after XP?07:05
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: ie, run the command on the device, not its mount-point.07:05
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: will try it07:05
ferronicaone thing when i boot ubuntu it asks me for which OS u wanna boot07:05
FysidikoDoes it let you pick XP?07:05
ZeZuslavik, to process them in my own application07:05
HymnToLifeand you don't have XP in the list ?07:05
FysidikoOr only different Ubuntu options?07:05
ferronicaya after Xp07:05
zidoHymnToLife: not that i'm sure what i'm supposed to place in "/etc/hosts", what worries me most is that i'm unable to edit it since sudo doesn't work07:05
ZeZuso i dont have to handle the screwy formats many use07:05
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Fysidikoferronica: Just need to add XP to that list then. We can talk you through it07:06
HymnToLifezido> try booting in rescue mode, you'll have a root terminal07:06
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HymnToLifeand you'll be able to edit whatever you want07:06
HymnToLifebut be careful ;)07:06
slavikzezu, write your own parser07:06
ferronicawhat i didnt get u sorry07:06
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: now it says "Use the force option to work a mounted filesystem." LoL.07:06
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zidohow do i do that when Grub goes directly to the standard ubuntu installation?07:06
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: hehe07:06
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Fysidikoferronica: Is XP on the list?07:07
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HymnToLifezido> GRUB tell you "press ESC to enter GRUB menu", right ?07:07
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: Ya gotta unmount it to relabel it, then. :D07:07
ferronicayes when i boot ubuntu it show me07:07
HymnToLifepress ESC then ;)07:07
ferronicaXp pro07:07
ferronicabut when i choose it07:07
ferronicaNTLDR missing07:07
Fysidikoah, that's a different problem07:07
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: i have tried unmounting it first in disk manager, but as soon as i close disk manager it appears back on my dekstop mounted ^^07:07
zidoHymnToLife: ah, there we go.. don't know what i'm supposed to place in /etc/hosts, do you? :)07:07
HymnToLifeferronica> boot from XP CD, run a recovery console07:07
Fysidikoferronica: You're missing a file on your hard disk, you can get it back from the XP CD07:07
ferronicaXp is allright i know07:08
HymnToLifeand run fixboot c: <= or whatever the drive letter of your XP drive is07:08
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paxmasterif i am running vnc how would i do full mode07:08
ferronicawhen i boot Xp07:08
ferronicait works07:08
FysidikoI second that hmm07:08
ferronicai hav to change boot device priroty from CMOS07:08
ferronicaxp is all right07:08
bobulatorcan anyone point me in the right direction of stuff to look at to add a thick client to my thin client network? not even sure what protocols i'm looking at messing with... NFS?07:08
HymnToLifezido> hold on a sec07:08
=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-5363.l6.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
FysidikoOK, XP doesn't like booting from a secondary HD07:08
autosuggestedIs the xp entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst pointing at the right hard drive07:08
zidoHymnToLife: oki :)07:08
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fysidikowe're going to take a look at your config file, you need to open /boot/grub/menu.lst07:09
Fysidikoand scroll all the way to the bottom07:09
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PuMpErNiCkLescifi: *blink*07:09
ferronicaubuntu show me Xp07:09
ferronicaon boot time07:09
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Fysidikoferronica: OK07:09
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ferronicabut when i choose it to run07:09
HymnToLifezido> the first line should be     loclhost.localdomain     your_hostname07:09
ferronicaerror came NTLDR missing07:10
Fysidikoferronica: open a terminal window and enter sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:10
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ferronicato use my XP i hav to change  CMOS07:10
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ferronicaboot priorty07:10
aurore_my nationality is french07:10
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: its probably because originally i mounted these drives with diskmounter which permanently mounts them, so it looks like i need to permanently unmount them, THEN relabel with ntsprogs, but i dont know how07:10
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:10
zidoHymnToLife: ok, so the missing part was probably the "my_hostname" after " localhost" :)07:10
aurore_i am beach07:10
leleobhzsomeone please!07:10
zukeroi'm experiencing big troubles using captive (for ntfs) on dapper flight 5, anyone managed to have it working ?07:11
leleobhzhow i can configure alsa on flight6?07:11
Fysidikoferronica: Like DOS in Windows, get it from applications - > accessories -> Terminal07:11
leleobhzalsaconf has removed07:11
HymnToLifeplease, dapper issues on #ubuntu+107:11
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leleobhzand i dont know how to make it use07:11
ZeZuslavik, if you think about it, thats the entire reason i asked about a lib, so i wouldn't have to do so07:11
Fysidikoubotu tell ferronica about terminal07:11
ZeZuwhat kindof help is telling me to do it myself ?07:11
ferronicano not again07:12
ZeZuwhy bother to type it ?07:12
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HymnToLifeZeZu> what's the problem ?07:12
Fysidikoferronica: What's up?07:12
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Fysidikoferronica: Someone sent you that one already?07:12
ZeZuwas just checking if anyone know of a lib that parses a decent 3d file format07:12
HymnToLifewell, maybe no one knows...07:12
ferronicaya many times07:13
ferronicaok one boot.ini opened i think07:13
N3trunnerhi...is there a way i can split my desktop between my laptop's display and a monitor connected to my laptop?07:13
stfnZeZu: have you tried "apt-cache search" with the name of the format you'd like to work with?  or googling with site:packages.ubuntu.com, or searching in Synaptic...07:13
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Fysidikoferronica: are you on Ubuntu at the moment?07:13
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: Can you use that to unmount them?  Or at least turn the auto-remount feature off?07:13
ferronicaon ubuntu07:14
Fysidikoferronica: do you have menu.lst open?07:14
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N3trunnersay, i wanna code in the laptop's display then play some movie on the monitor?07:14
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ferronicaof boot.ini07:14
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: im trying to find out what it was exactly called so i can "man" it, but cant find it lol07:14
Fysidikoferronica: Go to the bottom of the file, should be something about Windows XP07:14
Fysidikoferronica: Can you grab that whole section and paste it into the pastebin please07:15
ferronicait is07:15
=== martyn [n=martyn@82-40-128-118.cable.ubr02.pert.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
martynis there any way to update the ALSA drivers as they sound bad on my card07:15
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: vsftpd, proftpd07:15
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ferronicahere in07:15
ferronicawhere we talking07:16
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Fysidikono, the pastebin07:16
germanany spanish?07:16
ubotusomebody said pastebin was http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126907:16
ferronica# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS07:16
ferronica# on /dev/sda107:16
ferronicatitleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional07:16
ferronicamap(hd0) (hd2)07:16
ferronicamap(hd2) (hd0)07:16
HymnToLifepasebin !07:16
PuMpErNiCkLescifi: lol07:16
Fysidikoferronica: Please don't paste long things in the chat. Use the pastebin please07:16
autosuggestedFysidiko: I applaud your patience.07:16
slavikferronica: please use pastebin07:16
germanany know enemy terrytory?07:16
zidoHymnToLife: works great now, thanks alot :D07:16
HymnToLife!tell ferronica about pstebin07:16
vladuz976anybody know a list of supported video cards for xgl to work in dapper?07:16
ferronicaoh sorry07:16
ferronicavery sorry07:16
HymnToLifezido> you're welcome :)07:16
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: >>>> thats the prog i used ttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?action=show&redirect=AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions07:17
ferronicabut pasted already07:17
Fysidikoferronica: Don't worry, just try to give us a moment to reply next time :)07:17
germanhey eny know ennemy territory?07:17
ferronicawhat i do07:17
germanany know ennemy territory07:17
ferronicahav u read it07:17
slavikgerman: yes07:17
autosuggestedferronica: Open up http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ in firefox and paste the contents of menu.lst there.07:17
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Fysidikoferronica: Please follow what autosuggested just said, paste the whole file please07:18
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glimphello again, i dowload files from torrent but it is archived in winrar how could i unrar it?07:18
ferronicawhole file ok07:18
ferronicanow what07:18
HymnToLife!tell glimp about unrar07:18
HymnToLife!tell glimp about rar07:19
Fysidikoferronica: Just give me a moment to read it. I'll get back to you in a second07:19
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PuMpErNiCkLescifi: second last section on that page has unmount instructions07:19
sanjisterI need some help :)07:19
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.07:19
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sanjisterI lost my windows xp password07:20
sanjisterand i would like to get it back by ubuntu07:20
HymnToLifeyou can't07:20
autosuggestedsanjister: Are you sure that it is your password that you don't have? ;)07:20
sanjisterare you sure07:20
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zukerosanjister : if you could, it would be a major security hole in win xp07:20
HymnToLife+1 autosuggested07:20
sanjisteryes i am07:20
slaviksanjister: there is a 'sam' file that winxp keeps, you have to crack it to get the password out, search google,you can find stuff on it07:20
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: yeh just saw them, will try it :)07:21
Fysidikoferronica: You did submit the text right?07:21
qBazhey, folks.  I'm running into a weirdly persistent GRUB problem on a brand-new installation.  Any chance I'm in the right place to mention it?07:21
Blissexsanjister: there is a special floppy based distro that may help you.07:21
ferronicajust pasted07:21
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Fysidikoferronica: and clicked send?07:21
NoUsesanjister http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/07:21
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Blissexsanjister: look for the chntpw07:21
zukero!tell zukero about captive07:21
ferronicawhose name07:21
sanjisterI can't find Captive Static07:21
Fysidikojust put ferronica07:21
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:21
Fysidikoferronica: it just helps me find it07:22
Blissexsanjister: at the URL mentioned by <NoUse>07:22
unikuser@glimp open synaptic and search for rar. install all the packages u get. after that doubleclick the file and ur done07:22
ferronicaok done07:22
sanjisterproblem: i can't burn cd07:22
ferronicaoh ok done read it07:22
tonyyarussosanjister: Try OphCrack.  Haven't tested it myself yet.07:22
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biospherehey im a newb who just installed ubuntu on my laptop.  when im on ac power my monitor brightness is full, when im on batt power the brightness is on minimum. my function keys for altering brightness dont work. how can i adjust the brightness settings manually?07:22
Fysidikoferronica: that's better, I've got it now07:22
Fysidikoferronica: Give me a second07:22
=== Nwallins|home [n=bebop@adsl-072-148-222-140.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ferronicaok given lol07:23
Frogzoobiosphere: which make?07:23
biosphereits a hp/compaq x100007:23
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: "umount: /media/windows: not mounted07:23
scifi" they are still there tho!!!07:23
ferronicatwo of u guys helped me lot really07:23
Frogzoobiosphere: hmm... dunno, suggest google 'linux hp acpi'07:23
=== seppe [n=seppe@dD5778DFD.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
qBazthe GRUB problem: brand new installation to a SATA disk.  Did the install successfully a couple of times, trying out different options.  Now, GRUB is either hanging on boot, or it's returning "Error 22."07:23
biosphereok will ltry that07:23
ferronicawhy u doing so much for us07:24
Nwallins|homehi, does nautilus do remote scp/sftp over port 22?07:24
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glimpunikuser yeah i installed it already but it says not supported i know it is winrar archived coz i can extract it on windows hmm...07:24
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newbie33why on xmms font is so little?07:24
HymnToLifeferronica> because we have nothing else to do :p07:24
Nwallins|homenvm, figured it out07:24
qBazso I booted the live CD, re-ran grub to re-install it on the MBR... no dice.07:24
newbie33how to fix xmms options font size?07:24
Fysidikoferronica: Don't listen to him! We're normal people!07:24
Blissexbiosphere: it is not so easy... For some brands of laptops there are special utilities that enable the function keys or set the brightness directly. Otherwise, look at '/proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness'07:24
HymnToLifeyou're not funny PsyberOne07:25
Fysidikoferronica: has XP ever booted from that menu?07:25
ferronicau  guys got  good knowledge07:25
ferronicain linux07:25
unikuserk. now commmand is ... unrar filename07:25
sanjisteroh come on..07:25
ferronicano never07:25
ferronicai tried07:25
Blissexbiosphere: most likely the change in brightness is driven by something like the 'acpid' dmon using that file07:25
sanjisterfirefox doesn't want to dl it07:25
ferronicabut error07:25
unikuserdid u get unrar command?07:25
ferronicaNTLDR missing07:25
scifiPiMpErNiCkle: got an apology to make, unmounting in disk manager to work, i must have pressed close and not "ok"07:25
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=== cyberix [n=cyberix@hoas-fe36dd00-251.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
cyberixWill old releases get the new update-manager too?07:25
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cyberixOne that makes it possible to upgrade to next Ubuntu release.07:26
ferronicaXp is in SATA07:26
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ferronicai hav 3 HDD07:26
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:26
=== arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@MDCVIII.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:27
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:27
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:27
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:27
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:27
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:27
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:27
Sk1Llhttp://itreviews.blogspot.com/2006/04/ubuntu-606-beta.html - add this to the topic07:27
Frogzoocyberix: you can update old releases by altering your repos to the release +1, and then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' - the update-manager's not essential07:27
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qBazno thoughts on GRUB "Error 22" after several reinstalls?07:27
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee07:27
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ
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Fysidikoferronica: can you open /boot/grub/device.map and paste the contents of that into the pastebin too please07:27
_jasonskyll: STOP07:27
qBazI'd go check out the URL, but I don't want to encourage him.07:28
FrogzooAmaranth's on it07:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b Sk1Ll!*@*] by Amaranth
ferronicapermission denied07:28
Amaranthwas hoping after getting flooded out he'd quit07:28
Fysidikoyou need to use sudo07:28
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Fysidikoferronica: sudo gedit /boot/grub/device.map07:29
seppehi, I have a install cd of ubuntu 5.04 .. can I install it and update to dapper flight 5? Is it enough to alter my sources.list and do a apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get upgrade?07:29
=== Balkoth [n=Balkoth@jau31-2-82-230-109-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthseppe: you have to upgrade to breezy07:29
Amaranthseppe: then from breezy to dapper07:29
qBazseppe: you have to take single steps to BB and then DD07:29
Amaranthseppe: probably easier to just get a new CD07:29
Fysidikoferronica: sudo gedit /boot/grub/device.map07:29
cyberixFrogzoo: I know. I wanted to teach an Average Joe(tte) the standard upgrading behavior.07:29
Fysidikoferronica: Don't forget the gedit :)07:30
scifican anyone help me with ntfsprogs, trying to perm. relabel a drive07:30
=== martyn [n=martyn@82-40-128-118.cable.ubr02.pert.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthseppe: and we're at Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Dapper Drake" Beta now, flight 5 is two versions old07:30
martynhow would iinstall m$ fonts07:30
ferronicaread it07:30
unikuserapt-get install msttcorefonts07:30
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qBazI'll rephrase the question: is there a way to zero out the current contents of the MBR?07:31
martynunikuser: that did not work07:32
ferronicaFysidiko:Is there any problem there???07:32
qBazfirst N blocks on the disk written to zeros with dd, maybe?07:32
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AmaranthqBaz: if you can figure out what N is07:32
Fysidikoferronica: Nothing I can see. I'm just reading about NTLDR, one moment07:32
HymnToLifeqBaz> maybe but I don't think it's very useful...07:32
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AmaranthqBaz: I think it's 51207:32
FrogzooqBaz: 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=256 count=1'07:32
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Amaranthah, 25607:32
ferronicaFysidiko:my Xp is alright no problem07:32
FrogzooqBaz: but be vewy careful07:32
AmaranthqBaz: why do you want to wipe the mbr?07:32
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FrogzooAmaranth: not sure if it's 256 or 512, just erring on side of caution07:33
Fysidikoferronica: there's got to be something wrong somewhere!07:33
ferronicaFysidiko:i can use it,but i hav to change boot device priority from CMOS07:33
qBazbrand new install, GRUB is either hanging or giving me "error 22" when I boot...07:33
Fysidikoferronica: Yeah, I got that07:33
unikuseractually it is 512 but 256 is ok.07:33
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qBazthis despite several re-installs, and booting to the live cd and attempting to re-run grub from there07:33
Dr_Willisreinstalling grub over the mbr is safer then trying to wipe it THEN reinstlling grub.07:33
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ferronicaFysidiko:i wanna get RID from CMOS07:34
kadmushow to install mysql 5 on ubuntu 5.10 ?07:34
ferronicato change everytime my boot device07:34
Dr_Willislast i saw somthing like that qBaz  i was telling it the wrong hd. :P or hda, vs hda107:34
qBazoh, believe me, I've tried reinstalling 3-4 times from the DVD07:34
qBazI'm completely baffled.07:34
Dr_Williserror 22 Hmm07:34
unikuser@qBaz do u have more than one hds07:34
ferronicaFysidiko:Xp is in my SATA HDD07:35
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qBazyah, I've got 4, all identical SATA07:35
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Fysidikoferronica: Yes, it's on /dev/sda, which is device 207:35
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unikuserthen u might be installing grub on different hd than ur primary disk07:35
TokenBadhow do you use .run files?07:35
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qBazDr_Willis: googling for the error gave me the idea to boot the live CD and attempt to re-run grub from there07:35
qBazbut no dice.07:35
dextro_dudei need help folks07:35
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ferronicaFysidiko:is there any way???07:35
Fysidikoferronica: One moment07:35
unikuserr u sure. u did it correctly07:36
Dr_WillisqBaz,  im thinking it may be a Sata/grub issue07:36
ferronicaFysidiko:Okay given lol07:36
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qBazand you'd think that just re-running the installer (brand new install, so I don't care about the contents of the disks) would do it.07:36
iloadmineHello all I would like to know if anyone knows hwo to enable XDMCP on Ubuntu 5.10 im using breezy I have it installed and running I just need to enable it any help plz.07:36
gooniequestion: how do I supress taps on the touchpad on my laptop? And any special function like back or forward for that matter?07:36
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Dr_Willisgoonie,  can edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and tell it to use what other mouse you have. instead of /dev/input/mice07:37
Dr_Willisgoonie,  but thats a bit of an annoyance07:37
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Frogzooiloadmine: system -> admin -> login screen -> security -> enable xdmcp & then play with settings in xdmcp tab07:37
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qBazso I'm hoping that completely zeroing out the MBR -- hell, the whole disk, for all I care -- might help.07:37
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qBazbecause otherwise I may start to cry.  :|07:37
Fysidikoferronica: OK, I've got a possible solution07:38
jareth_any goos ideas to drop attacks on my ssh-server via iptables from my logs in /var/log/auth.log?07:38
FrogzooqBaz: 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=256 count=1'07:38
kamiloshello! why i cant log on root in main log panel??07:38
Frogzoono more mbr07:38
ferronicaFysidiko:oh really tell me07:38
Fysidikoferronica: Give me a second to get it into some understandable form :)07:38
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ferronicaFysidiko:but one thing i dont wanna to harm my Xp07:38
Frogzoo!tell kamilos about root07:38
Dr_Williskamilos,  direct loging in, by root is disabled  by default.07:38
TokenBadwhat files are kept in the /tmp folder07:38
ubotusudo is, like, a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:38
fyrestrtrjareth_: install bfd07:38
goonieDr_Willis~ well I know I did this once before, just don't remember how.. It had something to do with adding a line in xorg.conf and giving it a value of 007:38
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FrogzooTokenBad: temporary files - /tmp is scrubbed on reboot07:38
Dr_Willisgoonie,  that sounds like some option for your touchpad modules. My laptop has a 'off' button right next to the touchpad. Lol07:39
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Fysidikoferronica: No matter how badly I destroyed your grub config, your XP won't be touched07:39
TokenBadis there a way I can erase the stuff? or would it harm me...07:39
goonieDr_Willis~ hehe.. that's handy07:39
Fysidikoferronica: It doesnt work at the moment, we can't break XP, so things can only improve :)07:39
FrogzooTokenBad: reboot, /tmp all gone07:39
Dr_Willisgoonie,  yea.  i thought it was a nice touch07:39
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TokenBadyeah but would rather not reboot to clean it...07:39
FrogzooTokenBad: just ignore /tmp, there's no need07:40
Dr_Willisunless his hd is full07:40
TokenBadthats the point07:40
FrogzooTokenBad: du -s /tmp07:40
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TokenBadFrogzoo, what does that do..it just posted something and then didn't clean it07:41
Stormx2!ot! Fedora or CentOS for a server I'm buying?07:41
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Stormx207:41
FrogzooTokenBad: it show's how much space is being used in /tmp07:41
Fysidikoferronica: We're going to edit your menu.lst file07:42
FrogzooTokenBad: 260k is not worth fussing over07:42
iloadmineFrogzoo: Thanks much that did so far so good 1 more quest im using XDMCP for and LTSP to have a Thin Client login ne pointers07:42
Fysidikoferronica: first thing is to make a backup, just in case we screw up07:42
ferronicaFysidiko:will it destroy my ubuntu07:42
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jareth_fyrestrtr: it's not in my repos :(07:42
Fysidikoferronica: we're not making any changes to Ubuntu, don't worry07:42
ubotultsp is, like, the Linux Terminal Server Project - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  See also http://www.ltsp.org/07:42
Fysidikoferronica: hopefully it'll all work afterward07:43
bthorntonI'm running Ubuntu Dapper (Flight 5); is it possible to upgrade to Beta without burning a new CD?07:43
amir_hey guys do any of u know how to ply mp3 in ubunu07:43
ferronicanow what i do tell me07:43
Frogzooamir_: amarok07:43
ferronicahow to back up m07:43
ubotu[amarok]  a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/07:43
ferronicaFysidiko:back up07:43
amir_ok so all wa i have to do is to download it07:43
ubotuamir_: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:43
Fysidikoferronica: in a terminal, run sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /menubackup.list07:44
TokenBadok well how do I run a .run file07:44
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ubotumethinks mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:44
TokenBadsudo sh nameoffile.run right?07:44
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, spike07:44
NoUsebthornton if you are running ubuntu updater then you are all up to date07:44
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spikewho is managing ubotu?07:44
qBazsigh.  No dice.  Zero'd the MBR on /dev/sda, re-ran grub, got nothing.  No Grub messages at all, no error, just ... no booty.  Poop.07:44
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ferronicadone now07:44
Fysidikoferronica: Next we're going to change the file itself07:44
autosuggestedspike: A crazy bot..07:45
Fysidikoferronica: open it up using sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:45
Frogzoo!tell qBaz about fixgrub07:45
ferronicaback copy is done07:45
spike!tell spike about server07:45
Fysidikoferronica: I've made a few changes to the file, it's in the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1268307:45
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ubotuwell, grubrestore is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:45
kamiloswhy i cant open my win-xp mounted partition?07:45
qBazFrogzoo: interesting.07:46
NoUse!tell kamilos about ntfs07:46
kamilosi can do it on root acount in console only07:46
qBazdidn't know that existed.07:46
Fysidikoferronica: Replace everything in your /boot/grub/menu.lst file with that, save, reboot and hope07:46
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Fysidikoferronica: Make sure you don't copy the line numbers :)07:46
rabeplease, just tell me how to have 5.1 (surround) output with ALSA, i'm getting lost in all those specific (and solutionless) threads!?07:46
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NoUsekamilos the linnk ubotu sent you should have some things that will help07:46
FrogzooqBaz: 95% of queries in this channel are in the bot, if you know where07:46
bthorntonNoUse: I don't think so--the Beta page says that it includes Gnome 2.14.1, but I just checked and I'm running 2.14.007:46
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bthorntonNoUse: Although you'd think the Ubuntu Updater would do that--I just checked and it says my system is up to date.07:46
stfnTokenBad: if nameoffile.run contains shell commands then what you posted will run them with root privledges.  Be very sure you look in the file and know exactly what all of it's going to do first07:46
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Fysidikoferronica: If this doesn't work, you need someone smarter than me07:47
bthorntonIt did say it was "holding back" 3 packages--might that be the problem?07:47
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NoUsebthornton possibly, run apt-get dist-upgrade07:47
Fysidikoferronica: Only other thing I can think of is booting to XP by default and using the XP bootloader to load Ubuntu07:47
rabeplease, just tell me how to have 5.1 (surround) output with ALSA, i'm getting lost in all those specific (and solutionless) threads!?07:47
Fysidikoferronica: And that thing's butt ugly07:47
ferronicahey my firefox not opening07:48
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Fysidikooh dear07:48
Fysidikoferronica: Do you have access to email? I can email it to you07:48
AAAferronica  find ~/ -name LOCK07:48
bthorntonNoUse: last line says: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded."07:48
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qBazwell, we'll see if this does anything different than what I was doing, booting via liveCD and running grub-install.07:48
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bthorntonI wonder if I don't have the right repo installed07:48
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qBazseems like either should work, but maybe booting via rescue has special powers or something.07:48
rabeplease, just tell me how to have 5.1 (surround) output with ALSA, how, how, how!???07:48
ubotuI heard fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto07:49
Fysidikoubotu tell rabe -about repeat07:49
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rabeFysidiko: i mean everybody have it working or know how, but i don't find ANYTHING for 5.1 surround enabling!?07:49
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Fysidikorabe: If you find anything, tell me! I haven't had 5.1 on Ubuntu since Hoary07:50
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iloadmineFrogzoo:http://ltsp.org/documentation/ltsp-4.1/ltsp-4.1-en.html#AEN618 my lstpadmin screen is the same as on the link is there a simplified way  to enable I did as told I enabled it as told any clue to hext step??07:50
NoUsebthornton you probably have the ight repos I just don't know why those packages are being help back07:50
Fysidikorabe: I've broken Ubuntu twice trying to get it going, given up now, hopefully it'll work in Dapper07:51
bthorntonme either :(07:51
bthorntonI'm going to look through my repos...07:51
rabeFysidiko: i do find a lot of things about asound or emu10k1, but wtf is it?07:51
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qBazno dice.  Hangs post-BIOS at exactly the same place.07:52
SmirnoffCan anyone help a newb to Ubuntu installing drivers?07:52
freezeycan anyone assist with a samba question07:52
Frogzoo!tell iloadmine about ltsp07:52
qBazI'm starting to think that maybe there's a BIOS problem.07:52
Fysidikorabe: asound is an open source sound driver system07:52
NoUseSmirnoff it would help if you were more specific with your problem07:52
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rabeFysidiko: for ex. this page: http://alsa.opensrc.org/SurroundSound, what can i begin with it?07:52
Fysidikorabe: Not sure about emu10k1, from Googling it looks like another07:52
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rabe"Just pass surround51  as the PCM name."  - what does that mean???07:53
ferronica_r u there07:53
Fysidikoferronica: hi07:53
bthorntonNoUse: Didn't have the proper repos enabled :).  Thanks for your help07:54
ferronica_i dont y my firefox not opening07:54
Fysidikorabe: it means play a sound file with that command (aplay -Dsurround51 foo.wav)07:54
NoUsebthornton sure07:54
ferronica_Fysidiko:what happend to my FF07:54
ferronica_Fysidiko:not running07:54
Fysidikoferronica_: Your FF is probably still locked from last use07:55
ferronica_some error comig07:55
rabeFysidiko: ok, but if i want to play a mp3/DVD with surround, how to?07:55
we3ddid someone try to install lives (the video editor?) I found one info that i have to add a line to my apt sources.list, but it doesent work, whats wrong with this line: deb http://people.ubuntubrasil.org/~rclbelem/lives/breezy/ binary/07:55
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iloadmineThis link is what I have mostly done that screen is what I have on terminal -> http://ltsp.org/documentation/ltsp-4.1/ltsp-4.1-en.html#AEN618 my lstpadmin screen is the same as on the link is there a simplified way  to enable I did as told I enabled it as told any clue to next step?07:55
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Fysidikoferronnica_: I think it's normally a file permission error, you need to delete a file from your home directory07:55
ferronica_Fysidiko:which one07:56
Fysidikoferronnica: Open up your home directory in nautilus, and reveal hidden files by pressing ctrl-H07:56
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Fysidikorabe: No idea, sorry! I'd try the command with a 6-channel wav first to find out if your ALSA setup runs in 6 channels07:56
SmirnoffI am trying to install intel drivers for my new latop for the mobile graphics chip, I can get to my terminal. Unfortunately all my skillsets are all Windows based and the commands to execute are greek to me.07:56
Fysidikorabe: Some programs let you set the command to play sounds, you can use that command with those07:56
NoUsewe3d works on my system, what kind of error are you getting07:57
scifican anyone help me with ntfsprogs, trying to perm. relabel a drive07:57
Fysidikorabe: off the top of my head I can only think of gaim... I'm sure others do though07:57
Fysidikoferronica_: do you have any extensions installed in FF?07:57
rabeFysidiko: where exactly in GAIM, thanks?07:57
we3dNoUse, kinda like file not found, its in german so i wont paste the error07:58
ferronica_ok opened home folder07:58
Fysidikorabe: sound tab in preferences07:58
cycus_zwisushello linux maniacs :)07:58
Fysidikoferronica_: do you have any extensions installed in FF?07:58
ferronica_and pressed ctrl.h07:58
NoUsewe3d make sure its formatted correctly, all on one line and with only one space between each piece07:58
ferronica_donload them all07:58
Fysidikoferronica_: in that case, you need to open up .mozilla07:59
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ferronica_opened .mozilla07:59
we3dNoUse, can i pm you and show you the error? formatting is okay07:59
Fysidikoferronica_: go into folder firefox07:59
Fysidikoferronica_: look for a file called lock08:00
Fysidikoferronica_: if it's there, delete it08:00
calamariis there a way to have a file be treated as a block device, but not be mounted?  For example, I'd like to emulate /dev/hdc with a file08:00
mjrcalamari, losetup08:00
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scifican anyone help me with ntfsprogs, trying to perm. relabel a drive08:00
calamarimjr: thanks!08:00
NoUsewe3d put it #flood08:01
ferronica_there is no file called lock08:01
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Fysidikoferronica_: Ah08:01
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Fysidikoferronica_: Not sure what's wrong then08:01
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SmirnoffCan anyone help me find a compiler, because I am getting an error: configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH08:01
SmirnoffSee `config.log' for more details.08:01
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Fysidikoferronica_: I'd just log out and in again, unless someone else has a better idea08:01
fyrestrtrSmirnoff: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:01
ferronica_i didnt get U?08:02
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ferronica_do i rebbot08:02
scifican anyone help me with ntfsprogs, trying to perm. relabel a drive. i unmount the drive in question run the relabel command which it accepts, but when i remount it still has default label08:02
Fysidikoferronica_: No, just log out and in again08:02
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rabegently, i'm gettting REALLY pissed off with breezy (hope dapper will be better for that): 1. ATI drivers NOT working, no matter what I do 2. 5.1 Surround not working ? Isn't that bad?08:02
FrogzooSmirnoff: you'll also need to install gcc-3.4 if you want to build drivers08:02
fyrestrtrrabe: ATI drivers work fine here.08:02
rabefor you maybe, lucky you08:03
pivotohmm I have trouble with 5.1 surround as well :((08:03
fyrestrtrrabe: and ATI drivers not working are not a fault of breezy, ATI makes crap drivers.08:03
Frogzoorabe: which vid card?08:03
raberadeon 980008:03
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Smirnofffyrestrtr: Your commands are propbly flawless, but I am brand new to linux based commands. I finally after 3 days found the terminal, which I see as a the command line. How do I get sudo apt-get?08:03
ubotufglrx is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto08:03
rabeopf course it's NOT HE FAULT of UBUNTU08:03
Frogzoorabe: install fglrx ^^08:03
fyrestrtrSmirnoff: just type it directly at the terminal prompt08:03
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rabebut still it IS a problem i have in ubuntu08:03
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Frogzoo!tell rabe about fglrx08:04
fyrestrtrsudo apt-get install build-essential <-- type that, exacly.08:04
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rabeFrogzoo: i tried x ways of doing that, just EVERY possible way08:04
ubotuFor a list of basic commands, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands08:04
calamarimjr: what am I doing wrong?  http://rafb.net/paste/results/rXETKC88.html08:04
|lostbyte|Smirnoff: ^08:04
scifinoone can help me ?08:04
ferronica_didnt worked08:04
mimmhi together.. just wanted some help with fluxbox transparency and feh..08:04
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rabef*** ATI08:04
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cycus_zwisushow is it to be an anarchist?08:05
rabewhy didn't i buy a Nvidia?08:05
_jasonmimm: what's up?08:05
Fysidikoferronica: open up the system monitor08:05
Frogzoorabe: 'sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx'08:05
pivotoseems the hardware vendors are firmly behind Win08:05
mimm_jason - i cannot run the render on thing08:05
fyrestrtrpivoto: that's where all the money is.08:05
Fysidikoferronica: (apps -> system tools) and go to processes08:05
_jasonmimm: what render on thing?08:05
scifican anyone help me with ntfsprogs, trying to perm. relabel a drive. i unmount the drive in question run the relabel command which it accepts, but when i remount, it still has the default label08:05
rabeFrogzoo: tried that at least 15 times, really08:06
ferronica_where is it08:06
Fysidikoferronica_: look for anything to do with firefox08:06
ferronica_system monitor08:06
calamarimjr: never mind... was missing -f08:06
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Fysidikoferronica_: Applications -> System Tools08:06
Frogzoorabe: ok, now 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'08:06
rabe20 times08:06
mimmfluxbox -i in aterm.. am a newbie and had read somewhere that this is what i need to have08:06
pivotoi need help for surround sound...08:06
[C] hrishow would i go about moving the screen soi t fits my monitor08:06
Frogzoorabe: and what is the result? black screen?08:06
Fysidikoferronica_: Go to the processes tab, is there anything to do with firefox08:07
rabea general question: with the ATI (fglrx) drivers, will the the scrolling, moving processes be smoother?08:07
mimmor? how can i get the edit alpha option?08:07
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Smirnofffyresttrtr: Unfortunaly I installed the Ubuntu from a dvd and when I have it in my drive it does not seem to find the "Breezy" extensions needed to install08:07
rabeFrogzoo: fglrxinfo -> MESA project08:07
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_jasonmimm: are you using fluxbox from the repositories?08:07
UKMatthey I have a question for someone about uninstalling08:07
martynis there any way to force firefox to use th m$ fonts08:07
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ferronica_no there is no ff running08:08
Frogzoorabe: now 'sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf'   & replace the line 'driver ati'  with 'driver fglrx'08:08
ferronica_nautilus is there08:08
_jasonmartyn: in preferences you can force it to use any font you want I believe08:08
NoUseUKMatt if you ask the question, we'll have a better shot at answering it08:08
scifican anyone help me with ntfsprogs, trying to perm. relabel a drive. i unmount the drive in question run the relabel command which it accepts, but when i remount, it still has the default label08:08
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martyn_jason: i look cant see it08:08
mimmyes, but upgraded to
rabeFrogzoo: i did that already, the problem is much more deep08:08
iloadmineCan ne1 help w/ enabling XDMCP I have enable as told but it doesn't show enabled in the ltspadmin08:08
UKMattha alright, well i was playing around with ubuntu b/c i just put it on yesterday, and put on some flight sim game, which won't run, and i don't know how to uninstall it08:09
Fysidikoferronica_: Open a terminal, type mv .mozilla .mozilla208:09
martyn_jason: sorry i lie i found it thx08:09
=== limbert65 [n=limbert6@puppy-240.aurelia.k12.ia.us] has joined #ubuntu
rabea general question: with the ATI (fglrx) drivers, will the the scrolling, moving processes be smoother?08:09
imactest1does anyone know what the tool was to position the screen?08:09
Fysidikoferronica_: and then try it08:09
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imactest1x something08:09
_jasonmimm: how did you upgrade?08:09
imactest1on the fly08:09
NoUseUKMatt synaptic will allow you to remove it08:09
imactest1for a mac without manual buttons to do it08:09
NoUse!tell UKMatt about synaptic08:09
[C] hrisI need to move my screen as well08:09
UKMatti couldnt find it there either, maybe i just don't know how to use it08:09
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iloadmineCan ne1 help w/ enabling XDMCP I have enable as told but it doesn't show enabled in the ltspadmin08:09
ferronica_ok worked08:10
Frogzoorabe: under 'Section Module", do you have 'Load  "dri"08:10
Fysidikoferronica_: good08:10
imactest1Does anyone know the tool to move the screen position etc.08:10
rabeFrogzoo: yewp08:10
fliegenderfroschhow well do pcmcia 56k modems work out of the box in ubuntu?08:10
imactest1what you normally do with buttons on the screen itself08:10
NoUseUKMatt what is the game called?08:10
imactest1help! :(08:10
ferronica_but theme changed08:10
fliegenderfrosch(in dapper)08:10
mimmdont understand the process, i run on ubuntu breezy, tried to install the new version from the fbx.page.. didnt run.. so i chose the older version from synaptic and now ot seems to work..08:10
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Fysidikoferronica_: That folder had all your themes/extensions in08:10
ferronica_where is my all extensions08:10
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sumthinXtrahi roooooom08:11
iloadmineCan ne1 help w/ enabling XDMCP I have enable as told but it doesn't show enabled in the ltspadmin08:11
_jasonmimm: ok, well did you install feh?08:11
ferronica_but not working now08:11
UKMattFlightGear v08:11
UKMatt0.9.10 sry08:11
majdHi, can i please get some help installing the driver for my ati radeon 9200?08:11
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Fysidikoferronica_: We only moved it, not deleted it, so you can move it back later and try to fix FF, but I don't know what to do08:11
mimmso yes08:11
majdi can't figure it out08:11
sumthinXtrais there anyone free to help me out wid wireless isues ?08:11
majdor find it for that matter08:11
NoUseUKMatt the other way is from a console run "sudo apt-get remove flightgear"08:11
_jasonmimm: huh?08:11
Fysidikoferronica_: Something in that folder is wrong08:11
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dougskohi all08:12
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iloadmineCan ne1 help w/ enabling XDMCP I have enable as told but it doesn't show enabled in the ltspadmin08:12
mimm:) zes, i haveit, what should i do next? thanx 4 help, as i m tryin to fix this 4 some hours right now..08:12
Fysidikoferronica_: All your extensions and themes are now in .mozilla2 instead of .mozilla, if you rename it back to .mozilla later they'll come back, but FF won't start again08:12
UKMattUKMatt the other way is from a console run "sudo apt-get remove flightgear"08:12
_jasonmimm: ok well did you set the background with fbsetbg?08:12
UKMattwhoops hold on, forgot copy hotkey is different08:12
UKMattE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:12
UKMattE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:12
Fysidikoferronica_: If you can put with with basic FF now you can more it back later and someone smarter can fix FF for you08:12
Frogzooiloadmine: you might need to restart X, logout & 'ctrl alt backspace'08:12
NoUseUKMatt you have to close synaptic08:13
ferronica_now boot08:13
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Fysidikoferronica_: Open up menu.lst : sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:13
NoUseUKMatt and becareful about pasting stuff in here08:13
scifican anyone help me with ntfsprogs, trying to perm. relabel a drive. i unmount the drive in question run the relabel command which it accepts, but when i remount, it still has the default label08:13
UKMattalright sry08:13
ferronica_ok now08:13
UKMattwell it gave me this : Package flightgear is not installed, so not removed08:13
UKMatt0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:13
Fysidikoferronica_: Go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12683 in FF and copy the file I've uploaded there08:13
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Frogzoorabe: dpkg -l xorg-driver-fglrx08:14
limbert65Seeking help:  Ubuntu 5.10 suddenly will not mount a CD on the desktop.  Any help appreciated.08:14
iloadmineFrogzoo: restart X??? Never did that before forgive me im still a little new to this...08:14
dougskoquick question, if enable all the dapper repositories, and comment out the breezy ones, then do a apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, how is that different then running apt-get dist-upgrade?08:14
NoUseUKMatt looks like it's not installed08:14
Fysidikoferronica_: you need to replace all the text in menu.lst with that. Make sure you don't catch any line numbers.08:14
ferronica_and what abot back UP08:14
Frogzooiloadmine: you might need to restart X, logout & 'ctrl alt backspace'08:14
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mimm_jason - yes, i have it.. and i think something from gnome WM /also installed/ makes my term to get also transparent.. but in menus, slit, toolbar, and windows nothin..08:14
Fysidikoferronica_: We already backed it up earlier, don't worry08:14
UKMatthmm, it has 2 links on the desktop, i should just be fine deleting them?08:14
knighthello evryone08:14
ferronica_line no. u mean 001,00208:15
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iloadminebrb im gonna try to logout and do ctr alt backspace08:15
Fysidikoferronica_: If something goes wrong, you won't be able to boot to XP from grub, which is the problem at the moment!08:15
NoUseUKMatt how did you install the game, did you use synaptic?08:15
Fysidikoferronica_: yeah08:15
Fysidikoferronica_:Don't copy those08:15
knightno dont need to log out08:15
ferronica_what u said08:15
NoUseUKMatt you should always use syanptic08:15
Fysidikoferronica_: If you start selecting at the # it won't get them08:15
ferronica_from Xp08:15
dougskobasically, should i do a dist-upgrade if im want to use the dapper repositories?08:15
_jasonmimm: I just realized I compiled fluxbox... so I'm not sure if the one in the repos was compiled with support for that or not.  Basically on mine all I had to do was install feh, use feh with fbsetbg -f file, and then restart fluxbox, then I could control transparency08:15
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Fysidikoferronica_: I haven't changed anything about Ubuntu. The worst that can happen is this doesn't fix it.08:16
UKMattwell i'm not that worried about it, i gatta run but one more quick question, does ubuntu have a amarok version?08:16
NoUseget it with synaptic08:16
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Frogzoodougsko: at this point, using the dapper repos for production machine's is not rec'dd as it's still beta08:16
_jasonmimm: pastebin what fluxbox -i gives you, maybe we can do some quick research and figure it out08:16
_jasonubotu: tell mimm about pastebin08:16
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scifican anyone help me with ntfsprogs, trying to perm. relabel a drive. i unmount the drive in question run the relabel command which it accepts, but when i remount, it still has the default label08:17
ferronica_i started copying it from---menu.list08:17
dougskoFrogzoo, ok, cool08:17
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ferronica_not 001,002........08:17
mimmhm.. thats the deal.. but why does it not run on menus? ..pastebin?08:17
Fysidikoferronica_: it's menu.lst, not .list08:17
_jasonmimm: check your private messages08:17
ferronica_# menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)08:17
ferronica_started from here08:18
Fysidikoferronica_: perfect08:18
iloadminefrogzoo: lol I did it logged out the did ctrl alt backspace but still doesn't show as enable in ltspadmin screen any suggestions???08:18
ferronica_now save08:18
Fysidikoferronica_: yes08:18
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_jasonmimm: actually, just tell tell me what this says: fluxbox -i | grep RENDER08:18
ferronica_if something gose wrong what i do08:18
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cda3.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
knighthi you might want to go to the LTSP channel08:18
Fysidikoferronica_: It should still boot to Ubuntu fine08:18
NoUsescifi have you followed the instructions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RenameUSBDrive08:18
knighttype ( /join #ltsp )08:18
Frogzooiloadmine: did you check the xdmcp tab?08:19
Fysidikoferronica_: If it doesn't, change the CMOS and boot to XP, get on this channel, we'll fix your grub file08:19
Fysidikoferronica_: I haven't done anything that should affect Ubuntu though08:19
scifiNoUse: yes08:19
iloadmineFrogzoo: yes I did but nothing happen afterward I check the ltspadmin and it still didn't shows as enabled08:20
knightiloadmine you should go to LTSP channel08:20
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mimm_jason - not enabled.. thats the point :/08:20
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_jasonmimm: yeah, I believe you would have to compile your own if you wanted it08:20
knightIloadmine usually you can configure that on the gdm con file08:21
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T-B0N3Hi ... who can I talk to regarding a bug ?08:21
Frogzooiloadmine: have you tried restarting ltspadmin?08:21
mimmmy own feh? hehe, im blond, have to live without it :)08:21
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs08:21
scifiNoUse: i just noticed i havent done step3: retart computer.....lemme see if that works08:21
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_jasonmimm: nah not feh, fluxbox08:21
T-B0N3I didn't want to get through all tha hassle08:21
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NoUseT-B0N3 you wanted to dictate your bug to someone?08:22
mimmso from the source..08:22
iloadmine_Frogzoo: I have no clue as to how to restart it08:22
_jasonmimm: yeah08:22
T-B0N3... yup ... just to describe it08:22
T-B0N3mainly speaking08:22
knightiloadmine you should change the setting in the gdm con file08:22
mimmuhmmm,  next time... thanx :)08:22
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_jasonmimm: k08:22
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ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MetaMorfoziS08:23
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:23
=== ice60 [n=i60@80-42-119-104.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
MetaMorfoziShey, i need flash 8, b ut the installer said:08:24
MetaMorfoziSPlease enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,08:24
MetaMorfoziSor Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla):08:24
_jasonMetaMorfoziS: there is no flash 8 for linux yete08:24
MetaMorfoziShopp sry, 708:24
Frogzooiloadmine_: well maybe a reboot08:24
MetaMorfoziSit asks ^^08:24
_jasonMetaMorfoziS: are you following the wiki?08:25
SmirnoffCan anyone point me on how to install "Breezy_Badger" when you do not have the cd?08:25
MetaMorfoziSwhat i need to said to it? it said for all tries invalid08:25
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MetaMorfoziS_jason that is the stable08:25
MetaMorfoziSnot the newest08:25
_jasonSmirnoff: do you currently have a different version of ubuntu?08:25
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MetaMorfoziSthe wiki said install from package.08:25
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_jasonMetaMorfoziS: yeah08:25
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Smirnoff_jason: I have version 5.1008:25
MetaMorfoziSbut i need the newest, that not in package.08:25
Frogzoohow do I get bash to recheck for executables in the $PATH ?08:25
_jasonSmirnoff: 5.10 is breezy badger08:26
iloadmine_Frogzoo: lol I'll try that in a few gonna check the gdm.conf file I may find something08:26
scifiNoUse: reboot didnt hasnt made a difference08:26
NoUsescifi sorry, I don't have any ideas08:26
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knightHey iloadmine08:26
=== scifi *cries*
Smirnoff_jason:  The original problem is that when I try to compile code, supposidly I don't have a compiler. Therefor don't I need badger?08:27
NoUsescifi can you not relabel the drive from within Windows?08:27
hajuuSmirnoff, sounds more like you need a compiler to me :/08:27
_jasonSmirnoff: you have breezy badger, that is 5.10.  To get a compiler, just install the build-essential package08:27
NoUseSmirnoff Badget == breezy == 5.1008:27
iloadmine_Knight: Im in the gdm.conf file on the debug section should I Enable it as True 4 now it says false08:27
NoUseSmirnoff you need to install the build-essential package08:27
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knightiloadmine take a look at the gdm.conf file where they talk about  [XDMCP] 08:28
ferronicahey didnt worked08:28
Fysidikoferronica: damn08:28
SmirnoffI tried to install the essential package and it was asking for a disc I don't have.08:28
ice60highvoltage, can someone help me with /etc/hosts.deny08:28
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iloadmine_so I change to true???08:28
=== sharp [n=sharp@c-68-34-164-84.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
knightyes this will make gdm set XDMCP08:28
ferronicain my CMOS boot deivice ubuntu HDD08:28
scifiNoUse: i dont have a problem with the drive names in windows, only in ubuntu which uses rather non-descript names (hda1, hdb1 etc) which i find hard to remember what drive it is08:28
sharpis there a way to find out how much disk space I have left?08:28
_jasonFrogzoo: appears to involve the 'hash' builtin command08:29
Fysidikoferronica: still the same error?08:29
mlowesharp, df08:29
HymnToLifesharp > df08:29
knightthis is under [xdmcp] 08:29
ferronicaFysidiko:NTLDR missing when i boot Xp08:29
sharpmlowe, i mean on my desktop.08:29
Fysidikoferronica: Have you tried fixing it via the recovery console?08:29
highvoltageice60: what do you need to know?08:29
ferronicaoption came to choose OS08:29
mlowesharp, du ~/Desktop08:29
Fysidikoferronica: I mean, it can only help :S08:29
sharpi just installed Ubuntu last night.08:29
ferronicaFysidiko:i told u my Xp is allright no problem08:30
NoUsescifi my point is, the label is tied to the drive, so if you label it in windows, linux might pick up on it08:30
sharpmlowe, i have to open a terminal? there is no graphic display?08:30
knightiloadmine there are diferent options to set as truw08:30
knightas true08:30
mloweyou can click on drive and do properties08:30
NoUseSmirnoff remove the CD repository via synaptic08:30
knightyou should set the one under [xdmcp]  as true08:30
HymnToLifesharp> why do you need a graphic display ?08:31
Fysidikoferronica: The only two things I can think of are that your XP is somehow broken, e.g. that the files exist on the wrong HD, or that grub can't boot XP from that hard disk08:31
iloadmine_I can't set all to true08:31
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mlowesharp, i think that works in gnome08:31
ferronicaFysidiko:to boot Xp i hav to change boot device via CMOS08:31
HymnToLifeanyway, you can d=go to System > Admin > Disk manager to get one08:31
ice60highvoltage: can i out this in /etc/hosts.deny -   ALL: ALL    if i don't use remote logins?08:31
sharpHymnToLife, because i dont know how to use a terminal?08:31
HymnToLifewell, just open it, type df and press enter ;)08:31
knightiloadmine this is a file where you configure alot more than just xdmcp08:31
ferronicaFysidiko:may be08:31
cycus_zwisusubuntu is for newbies, what do you recommend for na advanced user?08:31
Fysidikoferronica: I know, I'm just wondering whether the files are in some bizarre place08:31
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_jasoncycus_zwisus: ubuntu is for both imo08:32
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highvoltageice60: i think you can08:32
Fysidikoferronica: I'd try running the fixmbr and fixboot commands from the recovery console first08:32
knightiloadmine that is why you need to go under the section that says  [xdmcp] 08:32
ferronicaFysidiko:bcoz Xp is in sata not on IDE channel08:32
HymnToLifecycus_zwisus> ubuntu is great for advanced users too08:32
ice60highvoltage: thanks, i'll do it then :D08:32
Fysidikoferronica: It's less drastic than using XPs loader08:32
mlowesharp, i would suggest a good linux intro also ! you can find them on the web08:32
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_jasoncycus_zwisus: if you want something to try, you can go for LFS :)08:32
sharpHymnToLife, oh nv. When I opened my HOME folder at the bottom it tells me 4 items Free Space: 14.7 gb :-)08:32
cycus_zwisusubuntu is easier than mandriva, it's a shame08:32
knightiloadmine you can find it around line 21608:32
knightiloadmine in the gdm.conf file08:33
scifiNoUse: ok will leave that for now. got plenty of other stuff in ubuntu to sort out :P08:33
sharpmlowe, yes. I am learning bit by bit. I come from the windows world. This is so much better. :-)08:33
SmirnoffNoUse: I'm in synaptic, how do I remove cd repository?08:33
ferronicaFysidiko:so what i do08:33
_jasonSmirnoff: settings > repositories08:33
ferronicaFysidiko:is there any way???08:33
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Fysidikoferronica: reboot with your XP CD in the drive08:33
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eggzeckSmirnoff, learn to use your terminal also.08:33
Fysidikoferronica: boot to recovery console08:33
cycus_zwisusubuntu is almost as easy as windows, isn't it humiliating?08:34
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Fysidikoferronica: when it gives you DOS, run fixboot and fixmbr08:34
scifihaha is cycus tryin to take the p***?08:34
Fysidikoferronica: REMOVE all your other drives first if possible, just to make sure you get the right one, otherwise you'll have no OSes08:34
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kbrooksscifi: language :-)08:34
Fysidikoferronica: hopefully that'll fix it08:34
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scifikbrooks: it was asterixed :P08:35
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cycus_zwisuswindows is easy and this is why it sucks :P08:35
kbrooksscifi: asteriks dont really count08:35
eggzeckcycus_zwisus, no it isn't. And what you're saying is quite stupid (for lack of another term)08:35
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ferronicaFysidiko:So risky to use lol08:35
iloadmine_Under that section its already true08:35
_-benz-_rofl: http://linuxworldexpo.co.uk/content/section/7/87/ runs on IIS08:35
kbrooksscifi: you're stillswearing. i repeat: language08:35
cycus_zwisusubuntu tries to be like windows and it worries me :908:36
_-benz-_and returns a 40408:36
kbrookscycus_zwisus: it isnt08:36
knightiloadmine there may be a hash in front of the line08:36
Fysidikoferronica: The program is totally safe, it's just really powerful08:36
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!08:36
ferronicaFysidiko:now where is my ff Extension08:36
Steff_breezyhi, i wrote a useful script (bash) that downloads all the jpgs from one given adress with wget. if you are interested in this, i can tell you where to download this in the channel #siterip08:36
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dagercycus_zwisus: there are good aspects to windows, though, as much as we all hate to admit it =P08:36
kbrookscycus_zwisus: ubuntu fdoesnt have notepad08:36
sharpcycus_zwisus, maybe it's ok for the time being for ppl like me who are migrating08:36
calamaricycus_zwisus: gnome tries to be like windows, that's mostly what you see08:36
scifik sorry, no harm meant08:36
cosmic_hi @ all08:36
Fysidikoferronica: to restore your FF to how it was before, open a terminal window08:36
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limbert65QUICK QUESTION:  Should I expect a CD inserted while logged in to Ubuntu to be automatically mounted or not?08:36
HymnToLife+1 calamari08:36
Styles_-benz-_: That's just WRONG LOL08:36
_jasonlimbert65: yes08:36
Fysidikoferronica: type rm -r .mozilla08:36
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knightiloadmine is the the gdm file for ltsp or for your local machine08:37
kbrooksHOW DO I ENABLE numlock cursor support?08:37
Fysidikoferronica: and then mv .mozilla2 .mozilla08:37
limbert65thanks for the response.  So, if that's not happening, where do I look to fix this?08:37
kbrooksHOW DO I ENABLE numlock cursor support?08:37
cosmic_Is here anybody who uses an EMail-Server via X-Mail ???08:37
iloadmine_the whole section has has marks ex. #08:37
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kbrooksi need help08:37
ferronicaok then08:37
NoUse!tell kbrooks about repeat08:37
eggzeckkbrooks, you mean numlock at start up?08:37
Fysidikoferronica: yup08:37
Fysidikoferronica: that's all08:37
ferronicanot running08:37
SmirnoffNoUse: Thanks, cd repositories were flushed out and the servers re-dled the new stuff. Would you happen to know the string in terminal to install the extension again?08:37
kbrookseggzeck: no.08:37
knightiloadmine_  is this gdm con file local or for the ltsp clients08:37
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ferronicasame probem again08:37
cycus_zwisusgentoo is for maniacs, mandriva, suse  and ubuntu are for 5-year-olds08:38
Fysidikoferronica: That's why we got rid of them :)08:38
Fysidikoferronica: What extensions do you have?08:38
NoUseSmirnoff build-essential and its referred to as a package, not extension08:38
cycus_zwisuswhich distro is for normal people?08:38
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Fysidikoferronica: Do you have email access?08:38
ferronicai am new in linux lol08:38
sharpcycus_zwisus, are u sure your parents let u use their computer?08:38
iloadmine_its under /etc/gdm/gdm conf08:38
taranguy i'm having problem install kismet08:38
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knightiloadmine_  this is charlie helping you08:39
HymnToLifecycus_zwisus> gentoo definitely is08:39
taranit gives me this error08:39
Fysidikoferronica: ok08:39
taran Unable to find libncurses or libcurses08:39
cosmic_cu@ all08:39
cycus_zwisussharp, my father is dead08:39
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tarancan so one help me?08:39
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cycus_zwisushe didn't use pc at all08:39
deadhi folks!08:39
knightiloadmine_  Elvis you need to go to the ltsp directory08:39
calamaricycus_zwisus: you you try freebsd if you like to tinker with stuff.. I like to get things done so I use ubuntu :)08:39
ferronicaFysidiko:hey i am playin video in totem but no picture08:39
iloadmine_ok will do08:39
taran Unable to find libncurses or libcurses with kismet installation08:39
deadneed some help08:39
dougskotaran, apt-get install libcurses and libncurses08:40
ferronicawithout picture08:40
Fysidikoferronica: OK, one thing at a time!08:40
sharpcycus_zwisus, so is mine. And I dont think Ubuntu is for 5 year olds.08:40
ferronicaok sorry08:40
Fysidikoferronica: You probably don't have a codec08:40
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Fysidikoferronica: What type of video?08:40
HymnToLifenope, 5 year olds have Madriva :p08:40
[C] hrisyeah braging about gentoo is kinda lame, Cycus should just buy a spar off ebay and toy with some real *nix stuff08:40
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ferronicatwo type08:40
Fysidikoferronica: from Windows or internet or what?08:40
cycus_zwisusok, ubuntu is for 6-year-olds08:40
FrogzooHymnToLife: more power to the 5 year olds!08:40
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calamaricycus_zwisus: quit trolling08:40
ferronicai hav music video08:41
ferronicaplaying via window drive08:41
SmirnoffNoUse: Thanks, it explains I need to install at root. I don't know the terminal commands yet (I'm all Win32). I'm gonna go learn the term commands now. Thanks again.08:41
pavel_who knows NetworkManager stuff here08:41
ferronicaon totem08:41
dougskoferronica, use vlc, imho it blows totem away08:41
dagercycus_zwisus: i think your greater intelligence would be best used if you were to help people, instead of telling us why we suck :)08:41
taran Couldn't find package libcurses08:41
knightiloadmine_  hey08:41
limbert65this is the "official support channel", and people are arguing like little kids.08:41
ferronicagive link to d/l08:41
Fysidikoferronica: vlc or mplayer can probably open it08:41
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Styles_-benz-_: just shot an email to the PR manager asking her why. Sarah,08:41
Styles I'm not sure if you are the right person to send this to but onequick question? Why in the world is the www.linuxworldexpo.co.ukwebsite running on MICROSOFT IIS web server for?08:41
sharpdougsko, i use vlc. It really is very nice.08:41
tarandougsko i did but tht was the result08:41
pavel_who knows NetworkManager08:41
dlitaran search ncurses08:41
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Fysidikoferronica: to install them, use sudo apt-get install vlc or sudo apt-get install gmplayer08:42
scifiwhat do most people recommend as the best mp3 player for ubuntu? ( i have the gstreamer08:42
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dougskotaran, just  search for ncurses or curses08:42
HymnToLifescifi > amarok08:42
sharpscifi, xmms?08:42
dougskoi like xmms08:42
limbert65for strictly mp3, xmms08:42
scifihehe so amarok or xmms08:42
jisatsuis it possible to install Firefox 1.5 through apt?08:42
ferronicadose it play mpeg and all08:42
limbert65for cds, keeping a library, amarok08:42
HymnToLifejisatsu> no08:42
dagerscifi: i like mpd myself, but thats not your traditional player08:42
stfnscifi: or rhythmbox (part of GNOME)08:42
Fysidikoferronica: maybe, can't guarantee it08:42
ferronicaterminal is gr8 lol08:43
calamariscifi: beep-media-player is good .. its a fork of xmms that uses newer gtk08:43
glimphow can i give execute permision on a file?08:43
Fysidikoferronica: lots of Windows videos are encoded so that they're windows only :(08:43
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jisatsuHymnToLife, ok, thanks.08:43
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scifii noticed rythmbox will manage a music library but i just want good mp3 Player08:43
dougskochmod +x <filename>08:43
tarandougsko where can i find tht08:43
HymnToLifeFysidiko> those re WMVs, not MPEGs I guess08:43
taransince it gives me the same message08:43
scifiso xmms i guess08:43
limbert65Help Requested:  Inserted CDs are not mounting.  Any suggestions appreciated.08:43
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ferronicathen i think i wont able to play08:43
MenZascifi: get "Listen"08:43
sharpscifi, there isnt a universal good mp3 player. People tell u what they like to use.08:43
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MenZaIt's not in breezy development anymore -- it works great in Dapper though.08:44
ferronicawhat abot my FF08:44
stfnscifi: I often just drag a list of mp3, org, flac files from Nautilus into the Totem playlist08:44
[C] hriscrap08:44
FysidikoHymnToLife: I dunno, I bet I could corrupt an mpeg with Windows :D08:44
zetoris there a channel for Dapper Beta?08:44
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stfnzetor: #ubuntu+108:44
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Fysidikoferronica: I'm a bit stuck for ideas at the moment, if you had email I'd get you to email me the files08:44
zetorstfn thanks!08:44
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scifican i open a list of mp3 files in xmms easily?08:44
dougskotaran, in synaptic, just  search for "curses". theres a package in the breezy repo called libcurses5 and libncursesw5, install those08:45
FysidikoAnyone know of a file dump? Preferably HTTP upload.08:45
HymnToLifeFysidiko> it won't be MPEG anymore then but some corrupted crap :p08:45
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sharpscifi, yes.08:45
ferronicaFysidiko:for what08:45
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ferronicaFysidiko:r u on linux right now?08:45
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Fysidikoferronica: your .mozilla folder08:45
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Fysidikoferronica: Yes, I'm on Ubuntu08:45
scifihehe its a linux winamp ^^08:45
ferronicado u use Xp pro.?08:45
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Fysidikoferronica: XP home08:46
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ebwWhich windowmanager is drapper drake flight 6 using by default?08:46
leleobhzleleobhz@372-Le-Matin:/media/amule$ cat /proc/asound/cards08:46
leleobhz0 [Live           ] : EMU10K1 - SB Live [Unknown]  SB Live [Unknown]  (rev.8, serial:0x80270000) at 0xdf80, irq 608:46
leleobhzleleobhz@372-Le-Matin:/media/amule$ alsactl power 008:46
kbrooksHOW DO I ENABLE numlock cursor support?08:46
leleobhzalsactl: power:183: Cannot find soundcard '0'...08:46
philosophiato run a process at boot - is it best to use /etc/inittab?08:46
Fysidikoferronica: And not very often, I use Ubuntu as my main OS08:46
leleobhzsomeone can help about this?08:46
tarantnx i am going to do tht08:46
kbrooksI want help08:46
beta_mi don't have any video output even on mpeg1. how come?08:46
Fysidikoferronica: only XP for games now08:46
Fysidikoferronica: I prefer it08:46
kbrooksI want help NOW08:46
dougskoebw, im pretty sure gdm?08:46
kbrooksI want help NOW08:46
knightiloadmine_  ls ps08:46
NoUsekbrooks calm down08:46
Fysidikoferronica: faster, more secure, even prettier now08:46
[C] hrisOkay so if i have a creative zen micro and it has the newer firmware how am i going to get all the mp3's on my linux machine so i can install the new firmware08:46
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ebwdougsko: gdm is not the windowmanager, but the graphical login screen08:47
knightopps sorry08:47
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kbrooksNoUse: i need to enable numlock cursor support08:47
kbrooksi dont know how08:47
erezebw: i think it's nautilus.08:47
knightiloadmine i know it has to do with ps08:47
scifikbrooks: u tell me off about language then u start Demanding help, slightly hypacritical?08:47
dougskoebw, yeah i kinda knew that. i guess the wm would gnome ( or do they consider that a desktop manager?)08:47
NoUsekbrooks so demanding help is going to accomplish... what?08:47
ebwerez: thanks.08:47
kbrooksNoUse: its urgent08:48
leleobhzsomeone please08:48
iloadmine_ls ps didn't work i'll look around08:48
dougskoebw, nautilus is a wm?08:48
kbrookshence the demand08:48
kbrooksdougsko: ebw no08:48
leleobhzpeople closing bugs about this08:48
kbrooksdougsko: ebw, no08:48
leleobhzand notting on irc?08:48
iloadmine_ne clue as to how to show running procces what command??08:48
philosophiato launch process at boot - /etc/inittab or /etc/rc#d?08:48
NoUsekbrooks well its a good way to get people to ignor eyou08:48
ebwdougsko: Gnome is simply the desktop environment, but gnome doesn't bother with window management. I don't know if nautilus is a wm, but I know gdm is not.08:48
kbrooksdougsko: ebw: nautilus is a file manager08:48
kbrooksNoUse: i'm impatient08:48
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NoUsekbrooks go to system -> prefs -> Keyboard08:49
dagerphilosophia> rc.d08:49
ferronicahey it works08:49
Fysidikoferronica: wow!08:49
philosophiawhich rc #?08:49
NoUsekbrooks and click accessibility08:49
Fysidikoferronica: what happened?08:49
iloadmine_ne clue as to how to show running procces what command??08:49
ferronicaFysidiko:love VLC08:49
dougskolol, whatever wm it comes with, im taking it right off and putting fluxbox on08:49
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NoUsekbrooks that should be wha tyou need08:49
erezkbrooks: so it's meta city..08:49
ferronicaFysidiko:what abot my FF08:49
kbrookserez: yes08:49
Fysidikoferronica: oh, thought you meant FF :)08:49
ebwerez: thanks08:49
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Fysidikoferronica:  glad it worked08:49
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Fysidikoferronica: I need to see the files, I'm trying to find a way to get them08:50
Fysidikoferronica: you don't have any email at all?08:50
scifianyone know a player that can read .oma files (sonys)08:50
imactest1Does anyone know how to reposition the screen? or a tool to do it?08:50
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imactest1What you normally do with manual buttons on ur monitor08:50
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iloadmine_how can show like a takmanager in ubuntu I have to see what is running... plz help w/ command08:50
imactest1a mac doesnt have those08:50
knightiloadmine_ I am trying to find it for you08:50
imactest1so i need a software tool08:50
ferronicaall my extensions r deleted08:50
ferronicaor what08:50
dougskoimactest1, is  your screen a little off to the left or something like that?08:50
imactest1i googled08:51
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Butterinai got problem with zlib1g08:51
Fysidikoferronica: the extensions are fine, just broken :)08:51
imactest1but i cant find a tool or the command to the tool anywhere08:51
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ferronicau mean link08:51
stfniloadmine_: System --> Administration --> System Monitor08:51
dagerphilosophia> it depends on what runlevel your daemons are08:51
ferronicaFysidiko:link broken from FF08:51
imactest1dougsko do you know a solution?08:52
Fysidikoferronica: Something in that .mozilla directory is broken08:52
Fysidikoferronica: Just need to work out what08:52
dougskoimactest1, lol i had the same problem a long time ago, i fixed it once, by changing the refresh rates in xorg.conf. but i wasnt able to do it again, so  the monitor buttons are an easy hack08:52
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Fysidikoferronica: For that I need the files, but you have no email and IRC has no file transfer08:52
Butterinahow to configure zlib1g08:52
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ferronicahey by mistake i extracted some files in file system now how to delete from there08:52
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Fysidikoferronica: what files and where are they?08:52
ferronicai hav yahoo messanger08:52
dougskoimactest1, lol it feels kinda cheap, but it works08:52
imactest1i know there is an old X configuration tool for it that lets you reposition and widen it on the fly with a tool08:53
imactest1i just forgot the command name08:53
eugeniosomeone speak spanish?08:53
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imactest1and i cant find it anywhere08:53
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ferronicaFF file08:53
ferronicaall r of no use08:53
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ferronicai know08:53
dageroops, wrong window, i lose :)08:53
iloadmine_I think I found it its: ps axu | more08:53
Steff_breezyhi, im writing a script and have a question about it: i have a varible that is e.g.: VAR=http://www.bla.com/xxxx/peter/peter.html. Than I want to replace the string "xxxx" with the string "VAR2" within the variable. how can this be done?08:53
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dougskoSteff_breezy, what language are you using?08:53
ferronicaFysidiko:now when i try to delete them, error08:54
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Fysidikoferronica: what error?08:54
Fysidikoferronica: permission denied?08:54
rabecalling all USERS who have managed to play sound trough 5.1 soundsystem! Anynone?08:54
Steff_breezydougsko, bash script08:54
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ferronicasmart boy08:54
mlehrerrabe: i have a little08:54
dougskoSteff_breezy, i dont really know any bash, but it would be super simple in perl08:54
imactest1Does anyone know a tool to reposition the screen when you dont have manual buttons to do it08:54
Dinhay i add one unoffical link to sources.list how to add that link to trusted one, i add deb http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all and deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all08:54
mlehrerrabe: it's easy in vlc or mplayer08:54
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:54
rabemlehrer: please help me then? what did you do? assume i have a ubuntu fresh install08:54
Fysidikoferronica: you need to delete them as root08:54
Dini need that will be this link trusted08:55
Fysidikoferronica: apps -> system tools -> run as different user08:55
ferronicaFysidiko:Cannot move "/amazondotcom.png" to the trash because you do not have permissions to change it or its parent folder.08:55
Dinhow to ?08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
mlehrerrabe: it was magic, it just worked.  with mplayer use the -ac hwac3 option08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
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knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
Fysidikorun ferronica: oh ok, do it with terminal08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
Steff_breezydougsko, its probably quite simple in bash too, but i dont now how..08:55
mlehrerwith vlc you can choose digital audio in the audio men08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:55
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Fysidikoferronica: go to terminal, type sudo rm amazondotcom.png08:55
dougskoSteff_breezy, yeah sorry iim not much help08:55
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rabemlehrer: can you play mp3 with surround?08:55
Steff_breezydougsko, thx anyway08:56
mlehrerrabe: mp3's are only 2 channel08:56
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rabemlehrer: and the ubuntu start sound, is it 5 channel?08:56
Dinhow to make all links for sources be authorized???08:56
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ferronicano such file or dir08:56
ferronicabut i am the roor user08:57
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knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:57
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:57
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:57
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:57
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:57
knightiloadmine_ try to turn on the thin client now08:57
Fysidikoferronica: back to plan a08:57
Fysidikoferronica: Applications -> System Tools -> Run as different user08:57
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dougskoSteff_breezy, look into the commands 'sed' and 'awk' i think they can do what you need08:57
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rabemlehrer: and the ubuntu start sound, does it sound from all speakers?08:57
scifianyone know a player that can read .oma files (sonys)08:58
FysidikoRun: nautilus as user: root08:58
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by ompaul
Fysidikothen you just find the file and delete it08:58
ferronicawhat root08:58
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NoUsescifi if anything could it would be mplayer, but I would be VERY surprised if mplayer could read a Sony file format08:58
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rabemlehrer, you here?08:58
Butterinahow to configure zlib1g08:58
Dinso anyone now how to add authorization for new deb links into system08:58
CNAPmy NIC seems to go in and out. it detects DHCP and i can hit the web for a min or two, then it's like it dies out. any suggestions?08:58
ferronicaFysidik: what type of user08:58
Butterinahow to configure zlib1g08:58
scifiNoUse: will look into it, thx08:59
Fysidikoferronica: just root08:59
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.08:59
ferronicaFysidik: then08:59
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ferronicaFysidik: in run???08:59
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ferronicawhat to type08:59
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Fysidikoferronica: It'll ask for a password and give you a file manager08:59
Fysidikoferronica: Be careful, you can now do anything08:59
Fysidikoferronica: yes08:59
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rabeCalling all USERS who have managed to play sound trough 5.1 soundsystem! Anyone?09:01
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dinEvilDin stealing my nick09:01
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paniqswitch user doesnt work09:01
EvilDinnot really09:01
paniqdoes anyone know this behaviour?09:01
ButterinaFysidiko, ......09:01
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ompaulrabe, its hard, I don't suggest using dapper to anyone but in that case it might be worth your time trying the live CD09:01
Butterinai need help in zlib1g09:02
EvilDinam does anyone know hot add reposirty to be trusted, i add some links to sources.link09:02
Butterinahow to configure09:02
dagerEvilDin: "trusted" ?09:02
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beta_mi don't have any video output even on mpeg1. how come? i do have ffmpeg installed, is there anything else that i need?09:02
FysidikoButterina: how to configure what?09:02
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ButterinaFysidiko, ......09:03
FrogzooEvilDin: you need to add the public key09:03
rabeompaul: did you get it work?09:03
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ferronicaok done09:03
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ompaulrabe, I don't have that hardware but I know a man who does09:03
FrogzooEvilDin: there will be instructions at the repo, (hopefully)09:03
FysidikoButterina: what's up?09:03
Butterinait says that zlib1g installed but now configure yet.....09:03
Butterinawhat can i do with it?09:03
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ferronicaFysidik: help me09:03
ferronicaFysidik: what abot my FF09:04
Butterinait says that zlib1g installed but now configure yet.....09:04
mlehrerrabe: i don't think i had the system sounds going to the s/pdif, just hi def TV and DVD's09:04
EvilDini just add links: deb http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all and deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all09:04
notlarry1I have a breezy beaver install on the hd from a now dead lappy.  I plugged it into a desktop mb and booted up but the x config is wrong.  Is there a quick (spelled easy) way to reconfigure it or do I have to go in by hand and muck with the x config files?09:04
Frogzoorabe: I have a 9700 and it all works, cept 3D is pretty poor for the hardware09:04
FysidikoButterina: Sorry, I don't know anything about zlib1g, you'll have to ask someone else09:04
ferronicaFysidik: shud i logg and use as normal09:04
ferronicahow to do this09:04
Fysidiko!tell Butterina about repeat09:04
mlehrerconverting 44.1 khz audio to 48 khz is weird, i am not sure how to do that with alsa yet09:04
rabeompaul: because i saw some articles/threads about and it is so "ununderstandable"09:04
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ubuntu_hi all09:04
rabei mean what should i basically DO to enable surround (alsa)?09:04
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ButterinaEvilDin, ...........09:05
dagernotlarry1: try "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:05
muraiiAnyone use the smb4k package?09:05
ficusplanetHey everyone.  I've got an x40 and if I ever have to shut down uncleanly - if it doesn't resume after suspend for instance - I absolutely have to run fsck or the machine will lockup when logging into GNOME.  I've never had this problem on another machine - they all handle an unclean reboot fine.  What's up with this?09:05
dageror whatever the xorg package is.. (sorry, not on ubuntu)09:05
Fysidikoferronica: If you can sign up for an email service, you can email me the files09:05
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Fysidikoferronica: I can be more help then09:05
EvilDinButterina do you know09:05
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ferronicaFysidik: those files09:05
Anilis root enabled on Ubuntu-Server?09:05
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Butterinahellppp.... zlib1g problem......need to configure09:05
mlehrerrabe: each application has to use the alsa device naming.  i only know how to do it in mplayer & vlc.09:05
ferronicau want those files09:05
ferronicaunder .mozilla09:06
mlehrerrabe: you will probably have better luck by following the alsa project09:06
dougskoButterina, type dpkg --help. look for the option that configures09:06
rabeompaul, mlehrer, Frogzoo: what should i basically DO to enable surround with ALSA (i mean i can use it as output, but HOW/WHERE to configure alsa itself?)09:06
ferronicaFysidik: can i do one thing install again those plug inns09:06
mlehrerwhat i would love for alsa to do would be to have a /dev/dsp device that did the 44.1->48 conversion and sent it over s/pdif, that would make all of this a no brainer09:06
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dagerButterina.. i dont think you can configure zlib1g09:06
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Fysidikoferronica: if you delete your profile again you can reinstall the plugins again09:07
Fysidikoferronica: that'd be fine09:07
dagerButterina.. zlib1g is the library for gzip files, as far as i can recall, so even if you could configure it, it should be working09:07
mlehrerrabe: are you doing s/pdif digital audio or do you have a sound card with a zillion connectors for each speaker09:07
dagerdont quote me, though09:07
ferronicaFysidik: how to delete profile09:07
Butterinadager, ..... why09:07
Fysidikoferronica: mv .mozilla .mozilla2 in a new terminal09:07
ferronicaFysidik: what profile do i need to delete09:07
Fysidikoferronica: (We're moving it in case you need it again)09:07
dagerButterina.. because it's a library runtime09:08
dougskoButterina, what are you really trying to do?09:08
rabemlehrer : have a soundcard and 3 cables plugged in which go to the subwoofer. There, all the speakers are connected09:08
Butterinabut when i installed vlc it says that zlib1g installed but not configured yet.. so what can i do with it09:08
dagerButterina.. get zilb1g-dev09:08
ferronicawhat r we moving09:08
Trewasnetwork-manager whines "Warning: Driver for device eth1 has been compiled with version 20 of Wireless Extension, while this program supports up to version 19." and crashes, does anyone know if simply recompiling helps or does it need some more profound changes?09:08
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dougskonice call dager, thats gotta be it09:09
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Butterinaok. i'lll try09:09
dagerhope so :P09:09
ferronicaFysidik: ok done09:09
ferronicawhat i do09:09
Fysidikoferronica: start FF09:09
ferronicai did09:09
ferronicanot opening09:09
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EvilDinso noone know how to add to dpkg public key09:09
Butterinadager, .... zilblg or zlib???09:09
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Fysidikoferronica: oh dear...09:10
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tarantnx guy it is now on track09:10
ferronicaok done09:10
Fysidikoferronica: opening?09:10
tarandougsko merci09:10
dougskotaran, np09:10
ferronicaFysidik: ya now09:10
Fysidikoferronica: hooray!09:11
Butterinamy totem cant play video09:11
ferronicaFysidik: hooray09:11
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Butterinawhat plugins it need09:11
dagerButterina: do you have the video codecs installed for whatever format you're attempting to play?09:11
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ferronicaFysidik: now do i install extesions09:12
Butterinampeg, wmv09:12
Fysidikoferronica: afraid so09:12
ferronicaFysidik: Me09:12
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smhi all09:12
pavel_who in here knows NetworkManager09:12
smI'm bummed, I'm a day late for the beta09:13
pavel_who can help me with NetworkManager09:13
Fysidikoferronica:  ?09:13
smit's surprisingly hard to notice if you're not subscribed to -announce, no ?09:13
ferronicaFysidik: afraid09:13
ferronicaFysidik: afraid!09:13
Fysidikoferronica: lol ok09:13
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Fysidikoferronica: (BTW there's an o in my name 8-))09:14
buddan'tag die herren09:14
buddajemand ne idee wie ich gnome komplett remove & wieder neu isntalle?09:14
Butterinadager, ... i've install theora, libmpeg 1.209:14
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ferronicaFysidik: do u hav yahoo messanger09:14
buddaoh i'm sorry, worng channel :/09:14
notlarry1nuts lost the answer:O)  Lets try that again now that I have the box up, I want to try to reconfi the x server09:14
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Fysidikoferronica: Yes, but I'm not on at the moment09:15
Fysidikoferronica: want to talk there?09:15
nadavrhow do I request a package?09:15
dagerButterina: I don't normally watch movies on linux (media based on windows partition).. but I think you need the w32codecs package to view a wmv file09:15
ferronicafrom where to d/l yahoo messanger09:15
ferronicafor linux09:15
nadavrhow do I request packing a new package?09:15
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Fysidikoferronica: You can use gaim09:15
stamen81I have a question09:15
Fysidikoferronica: it can use IRC too09:15
stamen81it is strange09:15
Fysidikoferronica: should be installed already09:16
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notlarry1I put the breezy beaver hd in a new box and x is broke, someone answered with a dpkg-reconfigure something but this web based irc client lost it for me:(*09:16
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nadavrI wish to package robin for python: http://robin.python-hosting.com/ who do I talk to?09:16
rabein my alsamixer, at the right, i get some thing like "Multi Track Peak"09:16
stamen81but after dist-upgrade, my instalation of kubuntu in root folder get on 9GB09:16
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rabewhen i change it (the volume slider), after reoping it, it's again by 0 !?09:17
stamen81this never happen to me since I am using kubuntu09:17
ferronicai am talking abot yahoo messanger09:17
kentis there a bootdisk I can download for floppy  to start the installation on an old laptop which cant boot from cdrom?09:17
stamen81why it get so much09:17
stamen81it was only 3.5Gb09:17
NoUseferronica gaim supports the yahoo protocol09:17
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stamen81now it grow up09:17
ferronicabut where is yahoo roomes09:17
stamen81I didn't install other soft09:17
Fysidikoferronica: The official Yahoo messenger on Linux isn't very good09:17
Fysidikoferronica: Gaim is much better09:17
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NoUseferronica in gaim there is a join chat dialog09:18
stamen81could anybody tell me what to do09:18
Fysidikoferronica: In gaim go buddies -> join chat09:18
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ferronicaFysidik: what room09:18
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ethanhi there!09:19
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Fysidiko ferronica: what?09:19
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ferronicayahoo room09:19
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NoUseferronica the yahoo rooms are listed there09:19
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ferronicai clicked buddies09:20
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vandit2k7who in here knows NetworkManager09:21
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Fysidikoferronica: Did you go to join a chat?09:21
ferronicaok done09:22
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Fysidikoferronica: Any luck?09:22
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ferronicai am yeah09:22
ferronicai am in linux room 109:22
ferronicacome there please09:22
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Fysidikoferronica: Just a moment, need to remember my password :D09:23
ompaulferronica, what is the beef09:23
Fiskarhey there09:23
geek|saucei'm having some trouble with gdesklets...anyone have any experience with it?09:23
Fiskartaken me a while to find this room09:23
NoUseferronica go to tools - > Room List09:23
NoUseferronica that will list yahoo rooms09:23
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ferronicai am in linux 209:24
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Fiskaranyone can help me with some network problems ?09:24
NoUseferronica no I'm gonna stay here09:24
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ferronicaFysidik:     <<<<------ i am talkin to09:25
Fysidikoferronica: I can't join the room, not sure why09:26
ferronicajust like that09:26
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geek|sauceoops....forgot to identify.  perhaps my question didn't go through.  anyone know anything about gdesklets?09:26
Fysidikoferronica: Why do you want to talk there?09:26
ferronicais there any theme inside09:26
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!09:27
=== Edgy_Eft [n=Edgy@dslb-088-064-180-042.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fiskaranyone can help me with some network problems ?09:27
Fysidikoferronica: inside where?09:27
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>09:28
lietuvishi. does anyone know a site where zsh configuration is well explained? What I find, it's just plain .zshrc files which tell me noting about the possible options.09:28
EvilDinam does maybe anyone know, how to add to ubuntu, public keys that will apt-get install trust all packages, it doesn't trust to some new ones, which i add to sources.list09:28
ferronicawe can hack linux09:28
ferronicai heared09:28
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Fysidikoferronica: why can't we talk on IRC?09:29
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ompaulFysidiko, well you seem to be offtopic for this particular chat room, this is a ubuntu support oroom09:29
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ompaulfonzie, please speak english thanks09:30
Doatehlo thre09:30
hito1hi there09:30
RoeyInDisgustDoat:  :)09:30
hito1is this the support room for ubuntu?09:30
EvilDinHEY how to add public key for apt-get09:30
Fysidikoompaul: How can you tell if this is offtopic? I can't work out what (s)he's talking about at the moment!09:30
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RoeyInDisgustI was wondering when the new ieee80211 package will go into Dapper Drake09:30
RoeyInDisgustanyone know?09:31
Fiskarcan anyone help me with some network problems ?09:31
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ompaulFiskar, what exactly is your network problem?09:31
ferronicaFysidik: can i change sound settings09:31
Fysidikoferronica: in what program?09:32
ferronicai hav creative sound blaster audigy09:32
Fysidikoferronica: Or just for Ubuntu as a whole?09:32
RoeyInDisgusteXistenZ:  hi!!09:32
LuKe-LuKedoes someone know how GPLflash works on amd64 ?  because I installed it and webpage that consists something in flash have only gray area09:32
Fysidikoferronica: Sound settings are in System -> Preferences -> Sound09:32
ferronicain ubuntu09:32
Fiskarwell, ive just install linux, for the first time to run as a server computer and it recognises the nic card, but wont actually go on my network or connect to the internet09:32
RoeyInDisgustLuKe-LuKe:  gnu gnash09:32
RoeyInDisgustwhat's with all the animal names in here?09:32
LuKe-LuKeis it better?09:32
RoeyInDisgusttdon't they have a MUD for all that stuff?09:32
RoeyInDisgustchii:  good call ;)09:33
ferronicanothing to set09:33
Fysidikoferronica: What do you want to change?09:33
ferronicai hav 5.1 channel speakers09:33
Edgy_Eftok...its workin :)09:33
=== hajuu [n=hajuu@dip-220-235-62-138.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ferronicato configure it09:33
ompaulFiskar, please click on system adminsitration networking and enable the nic09:33
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ompaulFiskar, the password it wants is your password09:34
Fysidikoferronica: I've never got 5.1 channel working, you'll have to ask someone else I'm afraid09:34
Fiskaryeh done that09:34
Specnor have i09:34
florin-i have an asus p5gd1pro and i'vd installed ubuntu daper, now my pc wont shut down , my hd is shuting down but  the power suply no, can anyone help me?09:34
EvilDinHEY how to add public key for apt-get09:34
Speci'm positive you can find that on google09:34
Specso very extremely positive09:34
ompaulEvilDin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto09:35
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Fiskarstill no success though :(09:35
=== Red-Sox [n=ipwn@hrrsnbrg-bluewave1-69-161-2-117.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonubotu: tell EvilDin about easysource09:36
=== PaoloC [n=paolo@host216-7.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
EvilDinam spec i need them for apt-get for dotdeb deb link in sources.list09:36
ferronicabut mine is working09:36
spookI had that Fiskar, never could figure it though :( . Also did it on Fedora Core 5 (4 was ok).09:36
Fysidikoferronica: wow, nice!09:36
Fysidikoferronica: very lucky09:36
=== Edgy_Eft [n=Edgy@dslb-088-064-180-042.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fiskaryeh tried fedora core 5, didnt work09:36
Fysidikoferronica: I've got to go now09:36
Fysidikoferronica: Good luck with Ubuntu09:36
PaoloChi all, I would appreciate if you could look at: http://paolo.ciarrocchi.googlepages.com/gkernel. Suggestion are more than welcome09:36
ferronicaFysidik: wait09:36
Fysidikoferronica: ok09:37
=== jgerace [n=justin@pool-71-245-80-136.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulPaoloC, evening09:37
Fiskarspook: you use debian now ?09:37
ferronicaFysidik: is there any software like utorrent09:37
ferronicato d/l09:37
ompaulPaoloC, you got my suggestions already :)09:37
hajuuIs there some way I can streamline running an app as a certain user, using a certain shortcut (link or whatever) ? I know I can do it graphically using gksuexec.. but would like to be able to save the username at least in the link09:37
hajuuany ideas?09:37
rakz0Hi there. well, the "thing" of use linux tell me more about security analize.. the Ethereal software do that, but how do I analize, or where and can get more info for... ?09:38
Fysidikoferronica: sure09:38
=== LeeJunFan_ [n=junfan@s64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI guess azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo09:38
PaoloCompaul, I think I implemented all you suggested but the grub configuration changes09:38
ferronicahow to d/l it09:38
=== geek|sauce [n=geeksauc@ip70-160-161-78.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fysidiko!tell ferronica about azureus09:38
Fysidikoferronica: instructions at that link09:38
Fysidikoferronica: It's very similiar to utorrent actually09:38
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Fysidikoferronica: good luck!09:38
geek|saucewow...ubuntu locked up on me...that's  a first09:38
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Fiskarspook: what distro you use ?09:39
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spookJust installed ubuntu :) But up to now I've been on RH/CentOS09:39
PaoloCompaul, now I show in different windows symlink and real kernel images, I show the running kernel and I order the list by installation date.09:39
DoatHow can i get the newest version of banshee (the dapper version?) on breezy09:39
ferronicagive u torrent09:39
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ferronicathats better09:39
Fiskarcause i still cant seem to get this nic working09:39
Fysidikoferronica: utorrent is Windows only09:39
Fiskaron windows on another computer at the moment :(09:40
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Fysidikoferronica: azureus is the best for Linux I think09:40
ompaulPaoloC, we keep this conversation to the other channel09:40
Fysidikoferronica: it's very good, I use it on Windows as well09:40
mizeryOne of my older computers has voodoo 3 pci vid card and I confirmed that bus mastering is not enabled and I'm not able to enable it either as well as the bios doesn't seem to have/mention support or configurability for it.  Any ideas?09:40
ferronicacan i d/l program for window for too09:40
ferronicausing it09:40
EvilDindo you know how to add that public keys for new deb links in sources.list ---> need for deb http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all09:40
Fysidikoferronica: sure09:40
ferronicahey do we need antivirus09:40
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ferronicain linux09:40
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Fysidikoferronica: if you don't want to d/load one, the basic bittorrent client is already isntalled09:40
qBazfor anyone playing along at home, I managed to get the GRUB problem to go away by physically disconnecting all the drives but one, re-running the installer, and then, post-reboot, plugging them all back in.09:40
hajuuany ideas?09:40
qBazI haven't the foggiest freaking idea why that worked, but there you ar.09:41
spookI had a lot of the same with RH/Fedora. Some versions worked, others just didn't.09:41
Fysidikoferronica: Maybe, it's debateable09:41
mizeryalso, glxinfo shows direct rendering is enabled, but glxgears crashes immediately with "Illegal instruction"09:41
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ferronicaFysidik: what09:41
Fysidikoferronica: you can use clamav if you're worried09:41
stfnFysidiko: Fysidiko why not gnome-btdownload?  comes with GNOME, just double-click and .torrent file locally or any torrent:// link in a web browser09:41
ferronicaFysidik: u mean no09:41
Fysidikoferronica: most people don't bother09:41
Fiskarspook: you saying i should find another image ?09:41
LuKe-LuKebut Gnash doesn`t work for mw either09:41
Fysidikostfn: He likes utorrent, azureus is similiar09:41
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ferronicaFysidik: most of the virus made in microsoft09:41
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Fysidikostfn: gnome-btdownload is very basic09:41
ferronicaFysidik: windows09:41
ferronicai think09:41
stfnFysidiko: that it is09:41
Fysidikoferronica: Exactly09:42
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3574140.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
ferronicaFysidik: is there any theme09:42
spookfiskar: dunno. Have you used another distro and it's worked?09:42
Fysidikoferronica: For ubuntu?09:42
geek|saucemy problem is this: one pesky little widget on gdesklets won't let go of control of the mouse.  everywhere i move the mouse, the widget goes with it.  i can't right-clcik to get rid of it, and i can't plant it anywhere either.  i've tried doing a complete removal and re-install, including the config files, but when i re-install and re-run the program, that one pesky widget is there by default and i have to xkill the whole gdesklets app09:42
Fiskarno not yet, but only tried fc5 and ubuntu09:42
Fysidikoferronica: System -> preferences -> theme09:42
ferronicai wanna place them on desktop09:42
Fysidiko!tell ferronica about theme09:42
ferronicasome icon09:42
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Warbogeek|sauce: I'm guessing you middle clicked already?09:43
Fysidikoferronica: I really have to go09:43
Fysidikoferronica: lots of people here can help you09:43
geek|saucewarbo: yes09:43
Fysidikoferronica: good luck09:43
Warbogeek|sauce: OK. Which desklet?09:43
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ompaulgeek|sauce, looks like you got a bug there - launchpad if its in the ubuntu repo or return to vendor for elsewhere09:43
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spookfiskar: fedora core 4 worked for me on that pesky pc09:44
RoeyInDisgustquick question09:44
Fiskari might as well give that try09:44
geek|saucewarbo:  it's one that's designed to replace the taskbar, the name escapes me09:44
RogerRabidwhat's with all the furry-sounding names? they have muds for that..09:44
ompaulRogerRabid, whats with calling a newt furry09:44
Warbogeek|sauce: I've used system monitors and the cool launcher one with no probs09:44
RogerRabidompaul:  somehow they're included too.09:45
RogerRabidit's like magic.09:45
spookfiskar: might be worth trying CentOS 4.3 as well, I use that on my laptop and it's been rock solid09:45
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highvoltageis there any way i can limit a user's memory usage in ubuntu?09:45
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WarboRogerRabid: Was that your question?09:45
Fiskarspook: give it a go :D09:46
highvoltagewin 1109:46
RogerRabidhighvoltage:  you can put limits on memory indirectly09:46
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geek|saucewarbo: yeah, those worked fine for me too.  it was a cheap crappy one that gave me problems.  i just don't understand how the gdeslets app is holding onto any ionfirmation about which widgets i had previously installed09:46
highvoltageRogerRabid: how can I do that?09:46
RogerRabidWarbo:  nono it was about the availability of the ieee80211 module which supports the new intel pro wireless abg card.09:46
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RogerRabidhighvoltage:  ulimit09:46
Warbogeek|sauce: Try looking for the hidden folder in your home manually before you install it again09:46
highvoltageRogerRabid: thanks, i'll look at it09:47
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geek|saucewarbo: how do i unhide it?09:47
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Warbokjhkjh: hello09:47
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kjhkjhhow do I switch from kdm to gdm?09:47
Frogzoowoohoo - my ipaq syncs :D09:47
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Warbogeek|sauce: Use View > Show Hidden Files. There are all of your preferences. Look for something like .gdesklets and delete it09:47
highvoltagekjhkjh: dpkg-reconfigure gdm09:48
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bighilhi, anyone else has problems to install drapper beta? I get it to start the installation and after 10 seconds copying files to the hd the copy window disappears. dmesg shows a reiserfs warning: is_leaf: item location seems wrong...09:48
ompaulRogerRabid, well if it has not made it to dapper at this stage I think it is unlikely to make it there in the next couple of weeks you could test the daily build of the live cd to see if it is there09:48
Warbokjhkjh: If you install the gdm package it should ask you which you want to use09:48
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geek|saucewarbo: sweet...i found it and deleted it.  now for the real test...09:48
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spookNew to ubuntu, can you install kde and gnome. Always thought it was kubuntu or ubuntu?09:48
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kjhkjhspacey, yeah you can09:49
ompaulbighil, just a personal observation, I will never trust my data to reiser fs ever again, end of observation09:49
Warbobighil: Maybe use ext3 then copy it to a reiser drive when done and change fstab? (Doesn't fix problem though)09:49
kjhkjhspook, yes you can, I just did it09:49
RogerRabidompaul:  ahhhh thank you09:49
spookkjhkjh: Cool!09:49
ompaulRogerRabid, cdimage.ubuntu.com09:49
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=== geek|sauce crosses fingers and launches gdesklets...
njanompaul, circumstances involving reiser in the past have caused me to make the same assertion.09:50
RogerRabidompaul:  perfect, thanks :)09:50
RogerRabidnjan:  heya!!09:50
njanhi RogerRabid.09:50
ompaulbighil, see that note by njan ^^^^^^^09:50
RogerRabidit's me Roey09:50
njanah, hey :)09:50
RogerRabidhey hey09:50
njanI thought you were a random nutcase. :-P09:50
RogerRabidi'm on a coworker's machine09:50
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geek|saucewarbo: thanks, that did the trick!09:50
RogerRabidnjan:  just typical me.09:50
Warbogeek|sauce: np09:50
njanRogerRabid, what's up? :)09:51
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Red-SoxI would like to use XPde09:51
ompaulRogerRabid, njan can you take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please :-)09:51
Red-SoxCan someone please help me with this?09:51
EvilDinany apt-get geek here, need to add something that will be authorized and all packages installed without asking me, if i really want to install not offical package?09:51
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WarboRed-Sox: It is ver bad at the moment. It is easier to make GNOME and KDE look like XP09:51
RogerRabidnjan:  so a coworker uses Ubuntu and asked for a little help with getting his intel pro wireless abg card (you know, that new one that Dell Inspiron 6400s come with) to work with DD09:51
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.09:51
Red-SoxWarbo: Okay, I'm running gnome, but how do i make it look like xp?09:51
RogerRabidobscurite:  to whom?09:52
njanRogerRabid, I'm not sure specifically about the abg card, but the bg card works fine for me in ubuntu with the ipw2200 driver.09:52
Red-SoxI've got it perty close09:52
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njanboth in an inspiron 8600 and a vaio s-series.09:52
WarboRed-Sox: If you install the package gnome-art and look through those (it puts something in preferences) then you will have some luck09:52
njanRogerRabid, what's happening (or not happening)?09:52
fireswhat do i need to do to access my digital camera via usb?09:52
WarboRed-Sox: Also, I like the XFCE theme "Redmond XP" which looks cool09:52
Specfires: plug it in09:53
geek|saucehow can i make gdesklets load on boot?09:53
njanfires, depending on the digital camera you may just have to plug it in09:53
Warbofires: A computer with Ubuntu09:53
njanfires, some of them have a mode you have to engage which is a computer link.09:53
RogerRabidnjan:  errrr first off, the currrent ieee80211 module is too old09:53
=== muraii_ [n=muraii@WS-ESR2-72-49-233-50.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoofires: gthumb - & import photos09:53
RogerRabidnjan:  .609:53
firesgthumb. ah-hah09:53
RogerRabidnjan:  veruss .13 for the one on sourceforge.09:53
RogerRabidnjan:  *versus09:53
Warbogeek|sauce: Add "gdesklets start" to the preferences > session > startup progs09:53
RogerRabidnjan:  you do module maintenance by any chance?09:53
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@103-137.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
EvilDinany apt-get pro here, need to add something that will be authorized and all packages installed without asking me, if i really want to install not offical package?09:53
firesworked, thank you Frogzoo09:54
WarboEvilDin: Check the man page. There is an option09:54
Frogzoofires: ;)09:54
njanRogerRabid, me? goodness no. :)09:54
EvilDincan you tell me, i am looking at man apt-get09:54
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RogerRabidnjan:  hehehe09:54
Red-SoxWarbo: http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/5546/screenshot2ac.png09:54
EvilDinbut nothing bright for me there09:54
=== MrPockets [n=alex@CPE-69-23-87-53.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakEvilDin: than you know why its asks you and for and apt-get pro you might want to look at man page09:54
ompaulEvilDin, you just sudo apt-get install packagename and when it asks you you say yes once09:54
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EvilDinhow to say always yes09:55
RogerRabidnjan:  it's weird here with 714 people;  I'm not used to comments flinging left and right anymore (ever since  #debian became boring)09:55
geek|saucewarbo: where is gdesklets installed to (default path), and for that matter, where are most apps installed to?  i'm new to linux, if you can't tell ;-)09:55
stfnEvilDin: the options --assume-yes and --force-yes do that, but be careful!09:55
WarboRed-Sox: That's what you got or that's what you want? If you want that then the title bar could be one of many themes. The controls look like thin-ice09:55
gnomefreakstfn: no force yes09:56
EvilDinnot long ago someone tell me what to add09:56
EvilDinbut i forget09:56
EvilDini think it was sth with dpkg09:56
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gnomefreakEvilDin: the page tell you look at --assume-yes09:56
ompaulEvilDin, dpkg -i packagename09:56
gnomefreakEvilDin: dpkg and apt are not even close09:56
Warbogeek|sauce: The programs are split up. Most binaries are in /usr/bin, needed files /usr/lib/progname, python (like gdesklets) in /usr/lib/python, etc,09:56
=== Warlord384_ [n=Jay@pool-151-199-120-179.roa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hippie23hows every1 doing today?09:56
EvilDinmaybe sothing that was trusted for deb http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all09:57
EvilDini forget it works all, without asking09:57
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EvilDinbut i forget command09:57
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hippie23I need a WMA plugin for xmms, any1 know where to get one? havent had mutch luck finding oone09:57
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gnomefreakEvilDin: gpg trust?09:57
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FlannelKingEvilDin: you know that installing debian packages on ubuntu isn't usually a god thing09:58
EvilDinit is only mysql509:58
Warbohippie23: There is a good repository for them, but I forgot it. Full of bleeding edge multimedia stuff09:58
almabrasilrainer i am here09:58
EvilDini test it before and works pretty good09:58
gnomefreakdebian and ubuntu are not binary compatable09:58
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WarboRed-Sox: Hello?09:58
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abbot45i'm looking for a program i can use to make or edit animated gif images09:59
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Warbohippie23: Well, I didn't forget. My hard disk failed09:59
gnomefreakabbot45: the gimp09:59
EvilDinwhen will be there mysql5 coming for ubuntu09:59
_jasonabbot45: gimp09:59
jimcooncatanyone using kolab here?09:59
_jasonEvilDin: June 1st with dapper09:59
Warboabbot45: GIMP can do that I think (although you are restricted to 1 layer per frame)09:59
geek|saucewarbo: found it.  should i be running gdekslets-daemon, gdesklets, or gdesklets-console?09:59
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hippie23I know what thats like... the HDD in my mac crashed a few days ago :(09:59
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abbot45gnomefreak, you can do it in that?  do i need any extra plug-ins?09:59
FlannelKingEvilDin: if it's not a mission critical server, you could concievably update now, but there will be some bugs10:00
Warbogeek|sauce: gdesklets connects to gdesklets-daemon. Just run regular gdesklets and it sorts itself out10:00
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geek|saucewarbo: cool, thanks10:00
almabrasilplease, i would like to connect #woodshed, somebody can help me10:00
abbot45Warbo,  do i need any extra plug-ins?10:00
_jasonalmabrasil: /join #woodshed10:00
=== Warlord384_ [n=Jay@pool-151-199-120-179.roa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Doatabbot45, http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/10:00
EvilDini need before that so i am planing on using this dotdeb, just i want somehow get that command to add it for trusted10:00
gnomefreakalmabrasil: type /j #woodshed10:00
almabrasilwhere i do this?10:00
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_jasonalmabrasil: same place you just typed10:01
Warboabbot45: I don't think so. It is just an option when you save if I recall (use layer 1 for frame 1, layer 2 for frame 2, etc)10:01
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gnomefreakalmabrasil: as you are typing in here10:01
Pmancgvdo you know, how install quicktime plugin for opera on ubuntu 5.1010:01
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i3dmasterI have an error to remove compiz-aiglx-gnome, http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/12689 Please help!10:01
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i3dmasterbasically how to get it completely removed?10:01
ebwI did some tuning of my keyboard with xmodmap, how can I get this permanent?10:01
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geek|saucehow do you spell the name of that bt client...azarus or something like that10:02
ubotuhmm... azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo10:02
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=== Warlord384_ is now known as Warlord384
gnomefreaki3dmaster: ive seena few people complain about that i would read the docs on it ubuntu doesnt support it afaik10:02
PmancgvI can use thi one on firefox, but not on opera10:02
abbot45Warbo, ok, well what if i already have an animated gif that i want to edit.  like one of the frames is messed up.10:02
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Warboabbot45: Just open it in GIMP and the frames will be the layers10:03
Pmancgvand I tried to add on opera plugin options10:03
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geek|sauceis it not in the repos?10:03
feugan3333Anyone able to write cd's with cdrecord?10:03
geek|sauceazureus i mean10:03
Pmancgvbut this one don't see any new plugin10:03
i3dmastergnomefrea, I know. Its from a third party, but Im just asking how to remove it.. probably some apt cmds or dpkg commands to remove an error pkg.10:03
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Warbofeugan3333: Yes, what's the prob?10:04
almabrasilplease help again10:04
Warbofeugan3333: Oh. Command line is the 2.6 problem isn't it?10:04
Warbofeugan3333: Sorry, lat time I used cdrecord was on a 2.4 DSL disk10:04
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feugan3333Warbo: I'm able to write with all gui programs, but "sudo cdrecord scanbus" does not show my writer10:05
Pmancgvuse K3b feugan33310:05
gnomefreakabbot45: there is a gimp-gap for anamation ;)10:05
Pmancgvit is better and easy10:05
Warbofeugan3333: It's a problem with cdrecord and 2.6 linux kernels. Solution? Use 2.4 kernel or don't use cdrecord10:05
feugan3333Warbo: Ok :-(10:05
Warbognomefreak: It is pathetic for decent animating10:06
gnomefreakoh ok10:06
StarKruzrGuys, if I move a hard drive with an existing Ubuntu installation on it into a new machine with a different chipset, different processor, different graphics, etc., will Ubuntu detect the new hardware at boot and reconfigure itself (load new drivers, etc.) like Windows would?10:06
feugan3333Warbo: Thanks for your help10:06
=== gnomefreak looking for easy to use gimp ;) and i came across that
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WarboStarKruzr: The graphics card may need tweeking10:06
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StarKruzrWarbo: I don't even have X on this machine10:06
ompaulStarKruzr, now that is so wrong windows would want to be tweaked this way and that that you could go silly looking for drivers for a week or two :)10:06
bighilebw: you can write your xmodmap expressions in the .xmodmaprc file. it may be possible it will be loaded automatically this way. if not make sure xmodmap filename is called sometime on X startup...10:06
WarboStarKruzr: Then the only problem with chips would be moving to a different architecture10:07
biospheredoes anyone know where i can get the file iwlib.h ... im trying to compile something and it says that file is required10:07
StarKruzrWarbo: It's just Pentium II -> Athlon10:07
ompaulStarKruzr, if you don't have X and your running generic stuff then it should be okay - if you have customised it all bets are off10:07
FlannelKingStarKruzr: you'll be fine.  of course, you'll want to upgrade to the k7 kernel10:07
WarboStarKruzr: That would be fine. Make sure partitions are in the same place (or change their fstab entries)10:07
StarKruzrFlannelKing: Got it10:07
jadaz87hello everyone10:07
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StarKruzrThanks, folks :)10:08
jadaz87if i do: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop :that will get rid of gnome right?10:08
FlannelKingjadaz87: no10:08
ompaulStarKruzr, if you had x a simple >>sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg<< would get you up and running at some level10:08
FlannelKingjadaz87: just the meta package10:08
vnikilinuxhi all10:08
jadaz87FlannelKing how do i get rid of gnome?10:08
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MenZa...sudo apt-get remove gnome :)?10:08
Warbojadaz87: Look for gnome package10:08
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spookStarKruzr: your grub config might need a look10:09
StarKruzrOoo.  Second question, actually: this machine has one HD.  I'm going to add three more HDs to it.  Is there a way to do this so that the three hard drives appear as one volume?  Like soft-RAID them together or something?10:09
FlannelKingStarKruzr: LVM (linux volume manager)10:09
StarKruzrsorry, the FOUR hard drives10:09
dlijadaz87, something like "apt-get remove libgnome"10:09
StarKruzrFlannelKing: so it'll "join" the new drives to the existing volume if I use LVM?10:10
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dlijadaz87, and "deborphan|xargs dpkg --purge"10:10
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FlannelKingStarKruzr: erm, I don't know how well merging an existing one will work.10:10
zabgoneconfigure: error: Could not find OpenSSL and OpenSSL headers on your system    => openssl latest version is installed, does anyone know what could be wrong ?10:10
WarboFlannelKing: LOGICAL volume manager10:10
StarKruzrthat could be Unfortunate.10:10
FlannelKingWarbo: is it local? alright.10:11
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=== StarKruzr figures he just has to look up the docs for LVM for instructions?
FlannelKingStarKruzr: youcoud always just run two drives.  yay for mount points.  It'll still be transparent to you.10:11
jadaz87dli what does deborphan|xargs dpkg --purge do?10:11
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spookFlannel: surely thats Logical Volume Manager (splitting hairs aren't I :) )10:11
StarKruzrFlannelKing: what do you mean?10:11
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StarKruzrI think Warbo was making the point that LVM can make the drives look like any arbitrary collection of virtual valumes you want it too10:12
FlannelKingStarKruzr: erm, in linux, you just have mount points for partitions, we don't have to deal with physical drives... well, except with where to mount from10:12
StarKruzryou give two partitions the same mount point/10:12
WarboStarKruzr: You cannot tell whether a directory is on one drive or another. You caould put whatever you want on a drive and access it like it was on one10:12
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StarKruzrlike use LVM to make /home span across /dev/hda1 and /dev/hdb1?10:13
jimcooncatStarKruzr, "lvm help" on the command line10:13
ggilbertman, is there anything useful that Seveas doesn't put in his repository? :p10:13
FlannelKingStarKruzr: well, you can give a subdirectory two mount points, I don't believe you can for two drives, and the exact same.10:13
FlannelKingStarKruzr: that is a RAID ;)10:13
spookCreate a Logical Volume Group to contain all drives, create a logical volume in that group and it looks as if it's one big disk10:13
jimcooncatStarKruzr, I think you have to make a new "pv" physical volume10:13
FlannelKingStarKruzr: but, you could put /home on one, and /home/music on another10:13
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StarKruzrFlannelKing: I see10:13
jimcooncatStarKruzr, then add it to a logical volume10:13
FlannelKingbut yeah, if you're looking to put all of them, use LVM10:14
WarboStarKruzr: It is simple to switch to LVM. Just shrink your Ubuntu with a Live CD, then fill the space with an LVM physical volume. Copy your / to it (you need a /boot still, as GRUB doesn't know LVM) then add the other drives as physical volumes, then finally add any space left from original installation as more physical volumes10:14
StarKruzrI think I'm already on LVM, Warbo10:14
StarKruzrhow can I check?10:14
geek|saucehow do i check my private ip and/or change it (DHCP is disabled on my router)10:14
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jadaz87what does deborphan|xargs dpkg --purge do?10:15
StarKruzr  /dev/hda5  Ubuntu lvm2 a-   12.48G    010:15
StarKruzryeah, guess so.10:15
dligeek|sauce, ifconfig10:15
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jimcooncatStarKruzr, you're not using LVM10:15
jadaz87dli what does deborphan|xargs dpkg --purge do?10:15
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StarKruzrjimcooncat: I'm not?10:15
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dlijadaz87, man deborphan10:15
WarboStarKruzr: Then just format the drives as physical volumes for LVM and add them to your volume group and extend the volumes you're using for your system, then resize the filesystems (without them mounted)10:15
jimcooncatStarKruzr, oops I thought that was your "df" output10:15
jimcooncatWarbo you got it10:16
StarKruzrso that effective soft-RAIDs them, Warbo, if I understand that process right?10:16
Warbojimcooncat: I ran a 2 drive LVM system until they both failed, now I have 1 big USB drive (which won't boot without my custom CD)10:16
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WarboStarKruzr: Yes, LVM is like soft-raid, but I never used soft-raid before10:17
StarKruzrThanks, guys.10:17
jimcooncatWarbo, I just got bad blocks on my big USB drive :-(10:17
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Warbojimcooncat: Well it means that the middle connections on my IDE cables don't come off with me swapping drives so often10:17
zabgonecould anyone tell me why when i do ./configure it gives an error about Openssl headers not beeing on my system .. i have latest openssl installed :(10:18
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NoUsezabgone what are you trying to install?10:18
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zabgonenessus installed fine10:18
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zabgonebut client keeps giving me: configure: error: Could not find OpenSSL and OpenSSL headers on your system10:19
NoUsezabgone any reason you aren't instaling it via synaptic?10:19
kamiloshi i need to change refresh rate from 60 hz to 80hz but i cant see it in droop down list why???10:19
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zabgonecause i wanted the newest version, and the info i found on net was installing it manually :)10:19
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tarantnx to all guy10:20
taranmy problem is solved10:20
NoUsezabgone installing from source can be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing10:20
zabgoneworked for the nessus server, if you know a way to install the client easily i would like to hear it :)10:20
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kamiloshi i need to change refresh rate from 60 hz to 80hz but i cant see it in droop down list why???10:20
jadaz87dli i do not have a deborphan on my system10:21
NoUsezabgone you need the dev libs for openssl10:21
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almabrasilsomebody can help me again, please?10:21
NoUsezabgone you can get them in synaptic10:21
jadaz87dli command not found the man pages are not even there10:21
dlijadaz87, apt-get install deborphan10:21
Sh33pi3scan anyone see this ???10:21
zabgonenouse: true, but it also teaches you a bit more when you do it manually :)10:21
kamilospls my eyes cant stand refresh rate 60hz its horrible10:21
almabrasili need to find ircnet.choopa.net10:21
jadaz87Sh33pi3s  see what you typing?10:21
FlannelKingSh33pi3s: yes10:22
kamiloshow to add 80 hz to drop down list10:22
dlikamilos, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:22
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FlannelKingalmabrasil: what client are you using?10:22
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almabrasilubuntu servers10:22
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biosphereargh im trying to compile xsupplicant im doing sudo ./configure and it tells me it cant find iwlib.h even tho its in my /usr/include directory...should it be somewhere else?10:22
WarboGreat. I make my system look like XP to do a screenshot for red-sox and they're gone :(10:22
Sh33pi3sThis *LIVE* cd aint bad10:23
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FlannelKingalmabrasil: hmm? you mean xchat? or what?10:23
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almabrasilx chat10:23
almabrasiland there a lot of cannel10:23
almabrasilbut i need to enter in ircnet.choopa.net and i can't find it10:24
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eggzeckalmabrasil, /server ircnet.choopa.net10:24
Sh33pi3sis it possible to change the REFRESH Rate on a LIVE CD ?10:24
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NoUsebiosphere you might have to pass some arguments to the configure script to point it to the right include folder10:24
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Sh33pi3s60hz is hurting my eyes10:24
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falidoes anybody brought an oki 5510 to work? What else can i try when there is no linux driver, and it isn't a postscript printer?10:25
rainer_workDoes anybody know anything about "Ubuntu servers" for IRC?10:25
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NoUsebiosphere you know that xsupplicant is in synaptic right?10:25
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Frogzoocan anyone suggest gnome applets that work with Evolution for mail alerts & task reminders? seems kind of obvious, but can't find anything10:26
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majdhas anyone managed to get xgl/compiz working?10:26
_jeffhey guys10:26
Warbomajd: In Dapper only10:26
almabrasili am again need help10:26
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_jeffim trying to connect to a wlan but when i ifup i get no dhcp offers recieved10:27
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ompaulto talk about dapper please go to #ubuntu+110:27
Warboompaul #ubuntu-xgl isn't it?10:27
ompaulWarbo, thats also out that way10:27
Sh33pi3sWhen is 6.10 out ???10:27
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Frogzoo_jeff: iwconfig eth1 essid ESSID10:27
WarboSh33pi3s: In october10:28
NoUseSh33pi3s 6.06 is next version10:28
Sh33pi3sthnx :)10:28
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WarboSh33pi3s: The second number is the month, the first the year (20xx)10:28
ompaulSh33pi3s, ehh that would be october but in the mean time we will have the almost finished 6.06 which is in beta (which would be stable in a windows environment if you want a handy lookup guide :)10:28
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DjDarkmanhy ,what is /sbin/chkconfig ?10:29
Warboompaul: Will Dapper's delay pass on to the next releases? Will there be no more x.04 and x.10s?10:29
Sh33pi3subuntu beta ???? i feel more secure using a Linux BETA than Windows XP :)10:29
FlannelKingWarbo: no, 6.06 and then 6.1010:29
ompaulWarbo, no its supposed to be .1010:29
Warboompaul: OK10:29
ompaulSh33pi3s, :-)10:30
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_jeffFrogzoo: i think my card is called wlan0, di i put the name of the network where you put ESSID?10:30
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ompaulSh33pi3s, I would imagine last thursday of the month but we shall see - might drag on for a week or two but not much more than that10:30
Sh33pi3siv`e considered deleteing Windows XP and installing 5.10 but i got reservations about the OpenGL stuff10:30
Warbolol. I thought I broke Gish again but I had uninstalled nvidia while using it10:30
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pizuxis someone know the login and password in xubuntu live cd beta 6 please?10:31
FlannelKingpizux: passoword is blank... try ubuntu (or xubuntu) for login10:31
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ompaulSh33pi3s, can you define that ?10:31
DjDarkmanwich package contains /sbin/chkconfig ?10:32
zabgonenouse: libqssl-dev ... is that the one i need to install for the openssl porblem ?10:32
pizuxok thx FlannelKing10:32
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Sh33pi3swell in my previous exp with Linux and ATI i had a mother of a problem getting OpenGL to work properly playing Unreal Tournament. MESA was used instead of OGL10:33
io_Does anybody know how to get wireless (bridge) to work on vmware (with ubuntu as the host) and winxp pro?10:33
ompaul!tell Sh33pi3s about ati10:33
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WarboSh33pi3s: ATI aren't as supportive as Nvidia, but they're both getting better10:33
ompaulSh33pi3s, read the message from the bot, it may help some10:33
NoUsezabgone no, libssl-dev10:33
zabgonenouse: not in the list :(10:34
WarboSh33pi3s: Maybe because they're both seeing potential of mobile stuff which Windows is too bloated for :)10:34
Sh33pi3si`m using the AMD64 5.10 Live CD of Ubuntu at this time. I am seriously considering changing to a FULL install. What other stuff/problems can i expect with 64bit OS ?10:35
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WarboSh33pi3s: Only lack of support from non-free people (like macromedia)10:35
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gnomefreakSh33pi3s: some apps wont run on 64bit  i would install the 32bit on your system10:35
NoUsezabgone what list?10:35
gnomefreak^^ if you want things to "just work"10:35
NoUseit's in there http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/libdevel/libssl-dev10:36
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Sh33pi3sbut whats the point of having a 64bit CPU when you cant fully exploit it ?10:36
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zabgonek tnx10:36
WarboSh33pi3s: Ask XP users :)10:36
Sh33pi3ssuppose Warbo10:36
crookSh33pi3s: hardly any apps use 64bit support anyways10:36
C-O-L-THow to put the nick list in Xchat in the way it is in Konversation, mIRC10:37
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Sh33pi3sbut they can maybe compiled to run on 64bit ... yes ???10:37
WarboSh33pi3s: Basically you get the same "problems" running Ubuntu on amd64 as you do with PowerPC. They are not Ubuntu's problems, they are third paty's10:37
nfinitycan someone tell me, if it is possible make something so I won't have to put occasionally the ubuntu install cd in the cd-drive when I install a program (this happens rarely, but with some programs it required that I put the cd in))10:37
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gnomefreakC-O-L-T: are you using xchat or xchat-gnome10:37
C-O-L-Tgnomefreak: xchat-gnome I suppose10:37
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Warbonfinity: Remove the CD repositories from Synaptic (in Settings) and only leave Internet ones10:38
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C-O-L-Tgnomefreak: xchat-gnome10:38
jbroomenfinity: uncomment out the cd-rom line in sources.list10:38
Sh33pi3sWarbo,  so it`s down to the 3rd party apps and if the vendors decide to make then 64 bit ?10:38
NoUsenfinity go into synaptic, tools -> repositories and remove the CD repository10:38
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hesemeswie kann ich meine schriftarten einstellen?10:38
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cassidyC-O-L-T: what do you mean by "in the way it is in Konversation, mIRC" ?10:38
hesemesich hab keine ae oe und ue mehr :D10:38
nfinitythanks all of you, I'll try it !10:38
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de10:38
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WarboSh33pi3s: Basically there is no 64bit Flash because Macromedia ahven't made it and there is no 64bit (PC) Quicktime because Apple haven't made it10:38
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C-O-L-Tcassidy: you don't have to click on the number of the users to always see the nicks10:38
C-O-L-Tgnomefreak: ?10:39
cassidyC-O-L-T: you can't10:39
Sh33pi3sWarbo, but if you can get the source .... see my point ?10:39
C-O-L-Tcassidy: :((((((((((((((10:39
arrickanyone, I have a ext3 formatted usb drive, last night I did "sudo unmount /dev/sda1" and now I cant get the device to be recognized, and it mounts automatic with reboot, but I dont want to reboot. ANy help would be appreciated10:39
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cassidyC-O-L-T: it's not so annoying10:39
WarboSh33pi3s: Yes, that's the idea. You can make a 32bit system inside your 64bit system just to run these apps. It's in a Wiki somewhere10:40
C-O-L-Tcassidy: for me it is :)10:40
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NoUsearrick unplug it and plug it back it?10:40
Warboarrick: It's "umount" by the way10:40
LetMeHi all10:40
geek|sauceok, this is basically the ONE THING that's keeping me from switching completely to linux.  i cannot get azuerus to work.  it keeps saying "operation not permitted, setLength fails..."10:40
cassidyC-O-L-T: i know. All users don't love this userlist. (see xchat-gnome's FAQ)10:40
arrickWarbo, thats what I mean10:40
AAAno, LetMe ;)10:40
Sh33pi3sWarbo, i didn`t think that was possible ?10:40
_jasonubotu: tell geek|sauce about azureus10:40
odin|lostbyte|:  could it be I got I'm missing something from my mencoder package?  some things are telling me to use certain arguments that mencoder doesn't recognize10:40
C-O-L-Tcassidy: another question, can I put to the system tray?10:40
LetMeWOW ...10:40
C-O-L-Tcassidy: I mean Xchat10:41
shutdownHello _jason10:41
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ompaulgnomefreak, u here?10:41
cassidyC-O-L-T: there is a plugin for that10:41
geek|sauce_jason: i'm using that program.  that is the program that's giving me that error.10:41
WarboSh33pi3s: You can run 32bit progs on 64bit PC. By installing a basic 32bit system in chroot you can make links to them in your 64bit system.10:41
LetMeanybody can help me setup an intel 82810 modem?10:41
_jasongeek|sauce: it's not the program you need, it's the wiki page ;)10:41
AAALetMe  is that a DSL modem?10:42
shutdown_jason what's the time is it??10:42
Sh33pi3sWarbo, i`m guessing it`s time to visit wiki to find out about if it`s worth it at this time.10:42
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_jasonshutdown: hi, join #ubuntu-offtopic10:42
LetMeIBM thinkpad r50e10:42
arrickok Warbo NoUse that didnt work10:42
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arrickany help?10:42
geek|sauce_jason: i already did all that though.10:42
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WarboSh33pi3s: I would say it is worth it, just so you don't have to redo everything in the future. I will find the Wiki for you10:42
arrickits not even seeing the drive right now10:43
NoUsearrick did you run apt-get update?10:43
AAALetMe  I can try, what is the problem?10:43
arrickNoUse, for what?10:43
_jasongeek|sauce: oh I see, what causes it to give you that error?10:43
arricksudo apt-get update10:43
NoUsearrick to refresh the list of repos10:43
LetMecan't find the driver10:43
geek|saucethat's what it says when i try and download a torrent10:43
Sh33pi3sWarbo, thanks. u can understand my reluctance to go fully with regards to not being able to run 32 bit stuff inside 64bit OS10:43
LetMetried the slmodem 2.9 tar10:43
LetMebut didn't work10:43
geek|sauceunder status10:44
arrickNoUse, why do I need to refresh the repos for a external drive to mount?10:44
odinman, I don't think I'm ever gonna understand linux...10:44
_jasongeek|sauce: if you run it from a terminal do you get any output that's a bit more useful?10:44
WarboSh33pi3s: This is what I got from Google that is Ubuntu specific: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457510:44
AAALetMe  so you are having a problem getting a driver for it?10:44
NoUsearrick sorry, mixed you up with someone else10:44
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LetMeyou can say that10:44
nfinitycan someone tell me, why there are so many ubunut versions under synaptic->settings->repositories ? There are many 5.04 version. I installed today freshly ubuntu 6.06. Why are these there ? Would it be bad, if I remove them in some weeks ? Are they important ?10:44
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LetMegoogled a lot but :(10:44
Sh33pi3sahhh. best i sign up to the Forums then Warbo :D10:44
arrick sudo fdisk /dev/sda  Unable to open /dev/sda, this thing was mounted last night, why is it not mounting, or recognized now?10:45
kbrooksnfinity: no10:45
shutdown_jason remember about me?10:45
geek|saucehold on.  what's the rule about pasting in here?10:45
zabgonenouse: when i try to install libssl it says i already run the newest version10:45
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Warboarrick: "ls /dev/sd*"10:45
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ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL10:45
_jasonshutdown: I would say 'yes' in Italian, but I don't know how :)10:45
C-O-L-Tcassidy: It seems that if I instal xchat then I can put the nick list to the right10:45
NoUsezabgone libssl-dev not libssl10:45
_jasongeek|sauce: try to prepend my nick to what you say, otherwise I'm gonna miss it10:45
Sh33pi3skonichiwa :)10:45
arrickok its on b for some reason10:45
=== Hexagram [n=hexagram@c-68-61-244-162.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakC-O-L-T: you can put list on left with xchat-gnome10:45
Hexagramhey guys10:45
AAALetMe  have you tried sudo apt-get install thinkpad-base?10:45
zabgonenouse: yes thats what i meant sorry :)10:46
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C-O-L-Tgnomefreak: how?10:46
NoUsezabgone then you need to point the configure script to the proper include directory10:46
HexagramI just installed ubuntu breezy on an old box of mine (server) and it can't detect my brand new network card, any ideas?10:46
LetMewhat repository will i find it in?10:46
WarboHexagram: For a start put "lspci" on pastebin10:46
HexagramWarbo: how am I connecting to the internet?10:46
Hexagramthis is on another box10:47
gnomefreakC-O-L-T: look in the settings its been so long since i used it the 2 times i used it :(10:47
Sh33pi3si got another question about Ubuntu10:47
AAALetMe  http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/utils/thinkpad-base10:47
arrickHexagram, is your name terry in real life?10:47
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Hexagramarrick: afraid not10:47
WarboHexagram: OK, copy it across (what you see as the important bits)10:47
AAALetMe  it is in the universe10:47
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Sh33pi3scan it be used as a standalone SERVER with NO X-Windows/GTK installed ?10:47
Hexagramarrick: why do you ask? I've been looking for the other hexagram for a while10:47
xerophyteCould somebody compare the Hula vs (postfix+cyrus-imap+squirellmail)10:47
WarboHexagram: I'm no expert on this, so don't direct it at me :)10:47
arrickjust wondering I have a friend with the same problem that is signing on in a minute10:47
gnomefreakSh33pi3s: yes thats what server install is for10:47
vbgunzFlannelKing: are you here? if so, I just wanted to say thank you very much. the 686 kernel is much better for me than the 386 one. Thanks man!10:47
shutdown_jason: if you want say me 'yes' in italian you must say 'si'... YES = SI... :-D10:48
WarboSh33pi3s: Type server when installing10:48
bimberiSh33pi3s: sure, 'server' at the install disk boot prompt will set that up10:48
arrickHexagram, ust sounds similar to a friends problem10:48
C-O-L-Tgnomefreak: done ok thanks10:48
Hexagramarrick: oh ok10:48
arrickhey bimberi hows it going10:48
HexagramWarbo: it doesn't detect the card at all10:48
arrickevening gnomefreak10:48
_jasonshutdown: si, remember we like this channel for support.  You can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic10:48
bimberihi arrick10:48
Sh33pi3si ask because i got a old K7 AMD in a RackMount server...10:48
LetMeany other ideas in case this fails?10:48
AAALetMe  my understanding is thinkpads are very well supported in linux, I don't have one myself10:48
arrickHexagram, what name and model?10:48
arrickof the card10:48
WarboHexagram: Sorry then, I don;t know about these things. Direct it to the group again please10:48
LetMeapart from the modem ... yes10:49
geek|sauce_jason, i pasted it on pastebin10:49
shutdown_jason: okay okay... don't worry... ;-)10:49
Hexagramarrick: netgear FA33110:49
_jasongeek|sauce: link?10:49
geek|sauce_jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1269110:49
Hexagramdoes anybody know how I would go about getting this ethernet card working, it's a netgear 311 and ubuntu breezy (server install) doesn't detect it10:50
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nfinityI have another question: in the ubuntu guide, there are helpful notes to install some programs or plugins (for example I just installed macromedia flash). At the beginning it say to follow the step "How to add extra repositories?" . I guess I just need to do  that once, and not another time if I want to install another thing from the ubuntu guide..., right ?10:50
try282http://www.ilove-movies.com/main.html http://cool-porn.biz/welivetogether/galleries/dyke1010/vp.html10:50
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee10:50
Sh33pi3sthanks for the help Warbo , bimberi , gnomefreak , crook and ompaul :)10:50
Warbonfinity: You're right10:50
BearPersonhmm, damn lag10:50
nfinityWarbo: thanks10:50
Hexagramdoes anybody know how I would go about getting this ethernet card working, it's a netgear 311 and ubuntu breezy (server install) doesn't detect it10:50
WarboAhh. The praise10:50
_jasongeek|sauce: are you saving to a mounted shared partition?10:51
shutdownWhere I can find a nice BASIC manual??10:51
AAALetMe  if that doesn't work for you, I'd just search google with the error message in "qoutes" along with the model number10:51
tonyyarussoLetMe: Haven't been following, but I have a T43 myself - what's up?10:51
bimberiHexagram: see if there are instructions via here ...10:51
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bimberi!tell Hexagram about hardware10:51
LetMethe modem10:51
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NoUseHexagram there is some info on the forums10:51
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_jasonompaul: too quick, I even have a trigger to ctcp version them and he was off before I got a reply10:51
Sh33pi3si`m outta here ... laters all10:51
Warboshutdown: Which BASIC, there are many. I have a book on AmigaBASIC if you want it :)10:51
FlannelKingshutdown: for which BASIC?10:51
LetMetony:its an intel 82810 ... internal10:51
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geek|sauce_jason, not shared per se, i just named it that because it's FAT32 so both linux and windows can read from it10:51
_jasongeek|sauce: can you try saving to your ~ instead just to see if that is the cause?10:52
LetMetony: sorry ... its an intel 82801 ... internal10:52
Hexagramok it says it's completely supported, but how to make it work?10:52
Hexagramlink to fourms?10:52
tonyyarussoLetMe: Have you tried the ScanModem utility from linmodems.org yet?10:52
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nfinitycan someone tell me where I can find souces.list ?10:52
Hexagramshutdown: the book beginning programming for dummies has a huge section on basic10:52
dliLetMe, ich4 modem?10:52
Warbonfinity: /etc/apt10:52
NoUsenfinity /etc/apt/10:52
shutdownI have installed on my Ubuntu GAMBAS...10:52
Hexagramlink to fourms?10:53
nfinitythanks both of you10:53
LetMedli: sorry didn't get that10:53
=== AAA wonders why lilo is at the first of the !ops
Warboshutdown: I think that's VERY compatible with VB isn't it? There are LOADS of guides for VB10:53
NoUseHexagram just do a search for netgear 31110:53
Hexagramif I had a link to the forums10:53
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LetMetony: i think that tells you what the device id is... right?10:53
tonyyarussoLetMe: Might be a good place to start.  I'm running some quick searches too.10:53
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shutdownGAMBAS is not compatible with VB... sorry.10:53
HexagramNoUse: what's the link to the ubuntu fourms?10:53
tonyyarussoLetMe: Should tell you chipset and such, and if you're lucky, recommend a driver.10:54
LetMetony: read a lot ... eventually got to slmodem driver10:54
AAALetMe  lspci -vv10:54
NoUseHexagram ubuntuforums.org10:54
dliLetMe, try slmodem, it may work, enable ich4 (intel8x0m) in kernel10:54
Warboshutdown: OK then (just something I read in Linux Format about getting loads of programmers over to Linux by using GAMBAS)10:54
LetMedli: how do i do that?10:54
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LetMeaaa: yeah i do know the device id ...10:54
geek|sauce_jason: i gotta meet a guy and give him my xbox to fix, i should be back in 15 mins or so10:55
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dliLetMe, http://linux.seindal.dk/item61.html this is for debian, works the same for ubuntu10:55
_jasongeek|sauce: k10:55
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shutdownWarbo: I don't understand... I don't speak english werywell10:55
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odinokay, someone please give me a simple answer: how do I convert a video with mencoder to a divx codec, NOT mpeg4?10:55
shutdownWarbo: I'm an italian boy... I'm 16... :-D10:55
AmaranthAAA: the list isn't sorted in any way that i'm aware of10:55
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odin*pats shutdown's head10:56
Warboshutdown: Doesn't matter, just that Linux Format (magazine) recommends Visual Basic programmers on Windows to switch to GAMBAS on Linux10:56
Warboshutdown: You little squirt. (I'm 17)10:56
dliodin, man mencoder, with "-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=divx"10:56
AAAAmaranth  hehe, just funny to think of lilo and see him first. coincidence? hehe10:56
shutdownWarbo: One Moment, please... I must translate you sentence...10:56
HexagramI can't find ANYTHING for the Netgear FA31110:56
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Hexagramanybody willing to help me set this thing up?10:57
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pianoboy3333Are there any places or things that you can do to speed up the performance of ubuntu now and then?10:57
Hexagramlol rice10:57
HexagramI can't find ANYTHING for the Netgear FA31110:57
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Hexagramanybody willing to help me set this thing up?10:57
Warbopianoboy3333: Install a kernel for your subarchitecture (k7, 686, etc), don't use much Python or Java10:58
odindli: it says it can't find codec 'divx' in libavcodec10:58
shutdownWarbo: what is 'matter', 'recommends' ??10:58
dliodin, "man mencoder"10:58
pianoboy3333I have a 686 kernel10:58
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tonyyarussoLetMe: It appears from what I'm seeing that the modem on that model is actually the same as mine.  "IBM Integrated 56k modem", MDC-2, in the CDC slot?10:58
jerwareis it easy to install java jre?10:58
apokryphosjerware: yes. /msg ubotu java10:58
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jerwarethanx pal10:58
odindli:  ugh, I was hoping I didn't have to see this long file again :)10:58
LetMetony: can you tell me the device id10:58
HexagramI can't find ANYTHING for the Netgear FA311, does anybody wanna help me make this thing get detected and working?10:58
ompaulHexagram, system administration networking, enable it - repeated asking does not bump you up the queue, if somone knows they say10:59
Warboshutdown: "doesn't matter" means "is not important" and "recommends" means "says you should"10:59
tonyyarussoLetMe: Erm, hold on.10:59
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Hexagramompaul: how do I do this?10:59
LetMetony: i don't think this is what it read ... i am on windows right now :)10:59
Hexagramompaul: i'm using a server isntall of breezy10:59
shutdownWarbo: Thank you...10:59
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ompaulHexagram, that is a different ball game10:59
ompaulHexagram, that was for the GUI11:00
Hexagramfigured as much11:00
odindli:  'man mencoder' wasn't able to help me yesterday11:00
WarboHey, it's a Friday. There should be a new Click. Back in a bit11:00
odindli:  it mentions divx4, but that didn't work either11:00
Hexagramompaul: then what should I do?11:00
pianoboy3333Warbo: what's wrong with python and java?11:00
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Mathmanpianoboy3333: not a thing11:00
fstab0rIm curious why people run ubuntu instead of pure debian, can someone provide some insight?11:01
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Specfstab0r: perhaps it's the 6 month release cycle?11:01
bimberiHexagram: does 'ifconfig eth0' output anything?11:01
Mathmanfstab0r: it's more up to date, easier to install, prettier.  3 reasons off the top of my head.11:01
Hexagrambimberi: nope11:01
jerwarewhat is java jre?  just the java virtual machine?11:01
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jerwarein  general11:01
Hexagrambimberi: i did lspci too, it can't detect it11:01
topylifstab0r: it's the stable version of debian unstable :)11:01
FlannelKingjerware: java runtime environment11:01
Specjerware: jre = java runtime environment11:02
jerwareahh yes11:02
jerwarecoll thanx11:02
shutdownMy friends, I must go now... It's 23.01...11:02
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gnomefreakbrb gonna try boot splash11:02
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PhoulExcuse me11:02
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PhoulWhen is dapper going to be dist upgrade able?11:02
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tonyyarussoLetMe: This is my lspci output: 0000:00:1e.3 Modem: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 03)11:02
=== Melchior [n=Melchior@host86-135-237-11.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Phoullike when can I upgrage from breezy to dapper without shitloads of errors11:02
shutdown_jason: Can I make a question [OFF TOPIC]  to you?11:02
cens0redyou can't pause apt-get can u?11:03
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SeveasPhoul, now 11:03
dlitonyyarusso, I heard ich6 is quite different from ich411:03
LetMetony: mine is DB not FB11:03
tonyyarussoPhoul: We're already at beta, final is 1 June.11:03
tonyyarussodli: Not sure.11:03
davidwinterhi all. is there a way I can roll back from dapper to breezy?11:03
ompaulPhoul, today yesterday tomorrow, it will be released on June first and please do not use bad language in this channel11:03
PhoulSeveas, so it wont mess anything up ?11:03
Hexagrambimberi: any ideas? nobody has a clue what to do...11:03
SeveasPhoul, it's still beta, there's always a chance that that happens11:03
FlannelKingSeveas: what's the url listing the channel bans?11:03
PhoulI just really wanna check out dapper but I dont really wanna destroy my system11:03
ompaulPhoul, is should not do that, why not check out the live cd from cdimage.ubuntu.com11:04
SeveasFlannelKing, that listing is not publicly accessible11:04
FlannelKingSeveas: alright, thanks.11:04
shutdown_jason: what's the time is it? (You live in philadelphia??? O.)11:04
tonyyarussoLetMe: Either way, you might want to check out the trial versions of both the HSF (what I use) and HCF drivers from linuxant.com/drivers, see if they work, and if they do, go ahead and buy a license.  If not, keep exploering the other possibilities, but that's one option anyway.11:04
Phoulompaul, uhh no money for disks?11:04
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bimberiHexagram: sorry, i'm in that category too, if the kernel hasn't detected it then it's pretty hard11:04
ompaulSeveas, is there an etc/interfaces for a server wikipage ?11:04
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_jasonshutdown: it's 5pm11:04
ompaulPhoul, well you can take your chances - its fairly stable11:05
Phoulcan anyone point me towards the tutoriel for upgrading breezy to dapper?11:05
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades.11:05
dliLetMe, no, linuxant sucks, their driver price is $19.95 for one year11:05
Seveasompaul, -ENOIDEA11:05
Hexagramfuck it, fucking useless11:05
LetMetony: linuxant ... the more i run away from them the more they get to me11:05
ompaulSeveas, need it11:05
dliLetMe, try slmodem first11:05
shutdown_jason: It's 11pm :-D11:05
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LetMedli: i did11:05
dliLetMe, and?11:06
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LetMedli: but it gives a whole page of errors11:06
FlannelKinganyone know if they're planning on adding instructions for kubuntu (and xubuntu,evenually) on how to upgrade?11:06
davidwinterhow about downgrading from dapper to breezy?11:06
dliLetMe, you have kernel modem driver?11:06
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MathmanFlannelKing: why would it be any different than vanilla ubuntu?11:06
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Phoulhmmm I shall check this out I think :D11:06
LetMedli: didn't get that .... what dod you mean .. can you please be a bit more elaborative11:06
tonyyarussodavidwinter: Very difficult from what I hear.11:07
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FlannelKingMathman: right, but kubuntu doesn't have update manager apparently.  And the upgrade page doesn't talk about the whole sources list and stuff.11:07
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solace1369i have a problem if anyone has thi time11:07
dliLetMe, go to kernel configuration, enable intel8x0m driver (in alsa ->pci devices), or "modprobe intel8x0m"11:07
tonyyarussosolace1369: Just ask and see.11:07
MathmanFlannelKing: well I dunno then.  I was just thinking apt-get dist upgrade or whatever.11:07
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dliLetMe, and reinstall slmodem after that11:07
MathmanFlannelKing: the sources would be the same either way though, no?11:08
FlannelKingMathman: right, that works.  but the guide says to use update manager.11:08
LetMeok will try that11:08
cowlikkhi does anyone know about a program equivelent to auto cad for ubuntu11:08
dliLetMe, better to compile your own kernel, but try "modprobe intel8x0m"11:08
Mathmancowlikk: there are plenty of linux cad apps, both free and non free I'm thinking.  just hit up google.11:08
LetMedli: any other suggestions ... i wud hate to log in to windows again to get access to the web11:08
solace1369i just got the ubuntu 5.10 cd in the mail. i ran the live cd and all the keys on my keyboard ended up mapped to some resolution changing function and i couldn't type anything.11:09
Phoulohh heres a question. Is there a list anywhere of whats been changed like app wise and such?11:09
dliLetMe, better to have another machine to do the next11:09
PhoulI would like to see what has been changed11:09
tonyyarussocowlikk: Or 'apt-cache search cad' with uni and multi enabled.11:09
dlicowlikk, try, qcad11:09
cowlikkim on auditor right now will that still work11:10
LetMedli: that is not an option that i have at the moment11:10
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LetMedli: but thanx for the guidance ... hope it works11:10
dliLetMe, read slmodem howto11:10
dliLetMe, save the page I sent to you11:11
LetMedli: where did you send it?11:11
cowlikk apt-get qcad11:11
dliLetMe, http://linux.seindal.dk/item61.html11:11
dlicowlikk, apt-get install qcad11:11
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PhoulUhh anyone know?11:11
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solace1369any ideas?11:11
cowlikkohh thanks11:11
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PhoulIm looking for a list of upgrades that have been put onto dapper'11:12
PhoulI wanna see whats diffrent11:12
dlicowlikk, better run "apt-cache search qcad" first11:12
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cowlikkis debian the same as ubuntu?11:13
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bimberixfcefreak: lol at the nick :)11:13
xfcefreakcowlikk: no11:13
xfcefreakty ;)11:13
Mooxhi there. I remove directories in /etc/apache2. How can I restore them? (How reinstall apache2?)11:13
ompaul_jason, tonyyarusso Seveas new factiod from the bot cheers11:13
dlicowlikk, debian doesn't care about ubuntu (possible), but ubuntu is based on debian11:13
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PhoulAnyone at all11:14
Sannecowlikk, http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship11:14
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solace1369does anyone have any ideas about my keyboard issue?11:14
bertHow do you listen to XM on Ubuntu?11:14
ivanhallo gye11:14
PhoulSeveas, you here?11:15
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bertHow do you listen to XM Radio, online, on Ubuntu?11:15
cowlikkanyone know how to listen to xmms and be on teamspeak11:15
tonyyarussoompaul: Wait, what?11:16
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ivancan someone can tell me how can i listen internet radio11:16
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Phoulivan, xmms?11:16
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Doatsudo modprobe fglrx gives "FATAL: Module fglrx not found." even though i have installed xorg-driver-fglrx. This worked with breezy 386 kernel but i had the same problem with breezy k7 kernel. Now i upgraded to dapper and 386 kernel won't even boot so i'm on k7 but can't install ati driver11:16
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solace1369try surfing to shoutcast.com and clicking tune in on one of the stations11:17
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tonyyarussoxfcefreak: What the?  Did you convert overnight or something?11:17
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dliDoat, compile your own kernel :)11:17
xfcefreaktonyyarusso: lol i converted a long time ago11:17
Doatdli, i'm not guru enough ;S11:17
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=== xfcefreak been using linux for years and still has yet had to compile own kernel
tonyyarussoompaul: Nice.11:18
dliDoat, need to configure once, and configure based on a working one.11:18
X3N_does anyone know how i can mount this: [ 2137.594360]  SCSI device sdb: 312581808 512-byte hdwr sectors (160042 MB)11:18
X3N_[ 2137.594363]  sdb: assuming drive cache: write through11:18
X3N_[ 2137.594365]   /dev/scsi/host5/bus0/target0/lun0: p111:18
X3N_[ 2137.612658]  Attached scsi disk sdb at scsi5, channel 0, id 0, lun 011:18
X3N_[ 2137.612910]  usb-storage: device scan complete11:18
Phoulcan anyone tell me whats changed in dapper asfar as the gnome version?11:18
xfcefreakX3N_: use pastebin for pasting11:18
PhoulLike whats dapper use11:18
xfcefreakPhoul: 2.14311:19
Doatdli, i don't want to compile my own kernel. i just want to get my 3d working11:19
Phoulmmmm is that the new one im guessing?11:19
xfcefreakPhoul: yes11:19
xfcefreakof course when i boot to xfce you send me link brb11:20
Phoulwell ima try to upgrade I think11:20
xfcefreakx-ter, hates links11:20
PhoulI wanna see what the buzz is all about :)11:20
vettamonHello all! I'm having a problem when im installing Ubuntu. When it comes to choose partition, I can't find any partition. Anyone got a clue what's going on?11:20
FlannelKingPhoul: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/dapperbeta that lists the big changes11:21
tonyyarussoompaul: So by final release when this is out of draft all of this is going to be available locally on every Dapper install, right?11:21
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X3N_i need to mount the drive mentioned in this output of dmsg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12692 - anyone got any ideas ?11:21
tonyyarussovettamon: What setup are you starting with on the machine?11:21
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ompaultonyyarusso, yeap but ... think about it how many people read todays docs ...11:22
xfcefreakompaul: thats nice11:23
ompaulxfcefreak, its not mine11:23
vettamontonyyarusso: ehm, if i got that question right, i think the answer is "default" (?)11:23
xfcefreakits doc teams11:23
ompaulhehe but its ours11:23
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ompaulits ubuntu's11:23
xfcefreakompaul: the ubotu command is !server?  im guessing11:23
tonyyarussoompaul: Not many, but I like knowing I can have them when lacking an internet connection.  (Hence figuring out how to download a local copy of the entire wiki as well.)11:23
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xfcefreaknope thats not it lol11:24
FredHow do I install SNMP? I *think* I installed some kind of SNMPd but it doesn't seem to work :/11:24
erUSULX3N_: try pmount /dev/sdb111:24
teunFred: client or server?11:24
tonyyarussovettamon: Sorry, let's see if I can clarify.  Is there any operating system installed on this machine already?  Do you intend to keep it as well if so?11:24
X3N_tried that erUSUL11:24
FredServer teun11:24
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teunthen you need the snmpd package11:24
FrogzooFred: apt-cache search snmp11:25
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teunapt-get install snmpd will do the job11:25
ompaulxfcefreak, no networking11:25
xfcefreakok ty11:25
FredYeah it says it's installed now. apt-cache gives an error on that command tho Frogzoo11:25
FredSorry no i can't type Frogzoo, it does work.11:26
xfcefreaki think ive gotten this set up like i want brb11:26
vettamontonyyarusso: Yes, i installed winxp just a couple of minutes ago. And i intend to keep it until i get used to Ubuntu.11:26
elTigreI have a problem... I can't log into gnome anymore ... gnome.session complains  "cannot execute binary file"11:26
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tonyyarussovettamon: Okay.  First, if you haven't already, please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DualBootHowTo - very helpful.11:27
elTigreand /usr/bin/tail seems to be no ELF file anymore11:27
ubuntutry checking out .gnome.session11:27
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vettamontonyyarusso: will do that11:27
elTigreubuntu: how do you mean check out?11:27
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tonyyarussovettamon: What you'll need to do is a little bit scary, just because of wording and the like.  You need to shrink down the one existing partition, and then create another for Ubuntu out of the free space.11:28
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ubuntuyeah try and see the logs on /var/log11:28
LiShi to all11:28
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ubuntuhi lis11:28
PhoulIt says replace the following in thi\s https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade11:29
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LiSr there russian people?11:29
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Phouldo  I replace it with that?11:29
FredIs there a how-to/tutorial on configuring snmpd?11:29
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. # russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help11:29
ubuntutry there lis11:29
juanmain spanish plis11:29
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vettamontonyyarusso: Okej, I already got a swap and ext3 partitions. Do i have to "remake" them?11:30
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davidwinterhi all. I've got my ipod plugged in via firewire. Under the Disks admin app, it's called /dev/sda11:30
davidwinteris there anyway to access it? so I can copy files over?11:30
davidwinterit's not auto-mounting like it did with breezy11:30
tonyyarussovettamon: Nope, just select them and assign mountpoints.  ("Use as ...(swap, / )")11:30
teunFred: i don't know any short tutorials, but the 'snmpconf' tool in the 'snmp' package might be a nice start11:31
dlidavidwinter, do you have partitions on it? if so, "fdisk -l /dev/sda", otherwise, "mount /dev/sda /mnt/ipod"11:31
FredOk thanks teun, i'll try it11:31
davidwinterdli: no, doesn't seem to :( though yesterday it did11:32
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davidwinterperhaps I need to reformat it11:32
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tonyyarussoOkay, as much as I love the usefulness of guifications in Gaim, it bugs me when I got to click on something in the lower right corner (like a "Next" link on a web page), and accidently open an IM window.  Can I have Gaim notifications through xosd (On-screen display), like my volume changes instead?11:32
davidwinterwhat's the best way to reformat it?11:33
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davidwinterI just need it as an extra hard-drive11:33
davidwinternot as an 'ipod' so to speak11:33
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vettamontonyyarusso: Do i have to do that in the installation, where im suposed to pick an partition?11:33
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geek|sauce_jason: i'm back11:34
dungodunghow do I make a mounted partition made by "mount -t vfat /dev/hdb6 /media/hdb6" stay mounted even after reboot?11:34
tonyyarussovettamon: Yeah, in the part about "Manually edit partition table", you'll choose each partition, and assign the appropriate "Use as ..." from a list.11:34
tonyyarussodungodung: Add it to fstab.11:34
_jasongeek|sauce: wb11:34
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gnomefreakanyone fimilar with apt-cacher?11:34
davidwinteris gparted the recommended app to re-format an ipod?11:35
geek|sauce_jason: where were we?11:35
vettamontonyyarusso: well, that's the problem. When i get to that part, i cant find any partitions11:35
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_jasongeek|sauce: I think you were going to try to save the iso to ~11:35
dungodungtonyyarusso: thanks11:35
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tonyyarussovettamon: But you can in what, a live session?11:36
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geek|sauce_jason: ah, yes.  it threw a crapload of error messages at me, but ended up downloading ok.  is there any way i can download to that FAT32 partition?  because the file i'm downloading needs to be manipulated witha windows-only utility11:37
jcolewhere can i find the .disk dir on the ubuntu mirrors?11:37
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vettamontonyyarusso: When i tried live, my computer just locked and i did'nt get anywhere. So i really dont know.11:37
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_jasongeek|sauce: what errors did you get? (let's check those out first)11:37
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tonyyarussovettamon: Okay, what's behind your statement that you already have a swap and ext3?11:38
borgistaThe easiest way to share files btwn two Ubuntu boxes in a network?11:38
geek|sauce_jason: is there a log or something?  because they were popup windows and i just clicked 'hide' on all of them11:38
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RootSnatchborgista: samba or nfs11:38
borgistaA good how to?11:39
Jimmey__There's under 100 people in the #windows chanel - That's at least 1/7 of the number of people in here. Does this mean that Ubuntu goes wrong more frequently? Or, does this mean that people with Ubuntu are smart enough to come onto IRC and get their problem solved for free?11:39
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vettamontonyyarusso: I used "Acronis PartitionExpert" to make a swap and ext3.11:39
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odinJimmey__: most Windows users don't know about IRC11:39
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Kumohi guys11:40
manuel_hi ;-)11:40
odinJimmey__:  also, yes, you have more probs with linux than windows cuz you really need to know how to use linux11:40
hachredoes anyone know where i find good information about pros and cons of xfs over reiserfs for example?11:40
tonyyarussovettamon: Never even heard of it...  Does the installer at least recognize that there's an ntfs partition there?11:40
odinJimmey__:  even though ubuntu is more user friendly that other linux distros11:40
GTroysomeone pleas help, I typed wrong things in via echo to /etc/network/interfaces  how do I replace those sentences?11:40
njanhachre, right here - reiserfs has broken and caused me dataloss every time I've used it, XFS never has :P11:40
vettamontonyyarusso: No11:40
njanhachre, actually, the wikipedia.org articles on FSs are mostly quite good.11:40
Phoulumm im reading this thing and I think its the wrong tutoriel11:40
Jimmey__odin, I think it's because of the point you made first, but also, because most people are used to a Windows environment, and come to IRC because it's difficult to adjust.11:41
hachrenjan: ive read em all11:41
hachrenjan: i'd like some nice tests11:41
PhoulIm wanting to upgrade from breezy to dapper and im using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade11:41
dlinjan, #debian people warn against using reiserfs :(11:41
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades .11:41
hachrenjan: something like the thing you just said11:41
tonyyarussovettamon: So it says what, all free space, or no disk at all?11:41
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Kumodoes anybody know why sometimes aptitude wants to uninstall  a lot of usefull thing?11:41
hachrenjan: personal experiences and stuff :)11:41
bimberiPhoul: ^^^^^ (second link)11:41
njandli, indeed - like I said, reiserfs has caused me dataloss every time I've used it.11:41
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vettamontonyyarusso: no disk at all, cant see anything11:41
WarboKumo: By default it gets rid of dependencies which are no longer needed11:41
odinJimmey__:  true.  I mean, I just started using Linux a few weeks ago.  haven't learned much.  but Windows has much more of a "pick-up-and-use-right-away" easiness11:41
GTroyI echoed in wrong things to /etc/network/interfaces  uh...how do I fix that?11:41
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dlinjan, I suggest you to use, reiser4, jfs, ext3, xfs, reiserfs :)11:42
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dlinjan, follow the order :)11:42
njandli, I use ext3, NTFS, and XFS preferentially, in that order. :)11:42
KumoWarbo: yeah but why for example it wants to get rid of my openoffice?11:42
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dlinjan, I don't know ntfs :(11:42
odinJimmey__: but I admit there is a bit of culture shock; it's the same as when I had to start using Macs at my workplace11:42
PhoulARG I did update-manager -d already11:42
PhoulAnd it didnt do anything11:42
tonyyarussovettamon: Okay, sorry but that goes beyond the scope of what I'm comfortable trying to troubleshoot.  Stick around for a while and say it just like that every 15 minutes or so, "installer can't find a hard disk" or the like, and hopefully someone can help you soon.11:42
hachrenjan: dli is a bot i think :P11:42
PhoulI think I need to redo my sources list dont i?11:43
WarboKumo: I wouldn't know that. Maybe it's broken?11:43
odinJimmey__: only the Macs had one-button mice :P11:43
biovoreKumo: probably a tied up dependency11:43
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hachreim using a mac right now11:43
Jimmey__odin, it does, but the same could be said of some distributions. I think that if you want to get real work done quickly, then the command line is a must for most distros ( which is where most new users meet their downfall ). I'm sure if you'd've used a Linux based operating system for aslong as you've used Windows, and then tried to make the switch the other way, you'd probably run into similar problems.11:43
KumoWarbo: I have uninstall all that aptitude told, but then it wants to install them again11:43
WarboKumo: (Open Office package, not aptitude :))11:43
hachreso sshhht11:43
vettamontonyyarusso: Ok, thanks for your help anyway. Better than nothing ;)11:43
njandli, are you a bot?11:43
Jimmey__odin, let's keep it on-topic though.11:43
gnomefreakPhoul: run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  if your on gnome11:43
tonyyarussovettamon: Good luck.11:43
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njanhachre, -dli- VERSION xchat 2.6.2 Linux [i686/3.06GHz] 11:43
hachrehm :)11:44
Kumobiovore: tied up?11:44
geek|sauce_jason: yt?11:44
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hachredoenst seem so hehe11:44
hachrebut that can be faked11:44
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WarboKumo: I think open office is in a dependency of ubuntu-standard or something11:44
GTroyif you echo, and type something wrong...what can you do?11:44
hachrehis responses just seemed a little weird to me :)11:44
njanhachre, indeed, but most bots don't bother, so on balance of probability..11:44
FredTeun, i've run the snmpconfig and restarted snmpd, but my netmrg thing still fails to connect. is there a way i can test it?11:44
GTroysorry for the repeat newb question11:44
biovoreKumo: I am guess your tring to remove or upgrade a package and apt says it want to remove open office?11:44
njanhachre, and you're surprised to find weird people in a channel devoted to linux, in IRC, at 11 at night? :P11:44
hachreyou have a point11:44
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WarboGTroy: Redo it. If it is in a file then edit that file (nano filename)11:45
_jasongeek|sauce: try running azureus from a terminal11:45
virguleI want to install Ubuntu in this Intel Dual-Core Mac Mini. Anyone know if it is possible and if so how?11:45
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GTroyok, thanks11:45
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Kumobiovore: exactly, I want to install something and I got that output11:45
teunFred: you can use the snmpwalk tool11:45
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dlivirgule, not sure you can do that :(11:45
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FredThanks teun11:45
RootSnatchvirgule: it is probably possible, I don't know though, does anyone else know?11:45
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free_bsdthis bitch is full11:45
Phoularg can somone give me the sources list for dapper so I can upgrade please11:45
biovoreKumo: its probably because your changing a libaray version that very thing depends on..11:45
free_bsdwad up niggas?11:45
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.11:46
Warbovirgule: Should be possible to install. You would want an SMP kernel for multiple processor and you would have to sort out elilo to actually BOOT it11:46
Jimmey__free_bsd, ?11:46
gnomefreakPhoul: if you join me in #ubuntu-offtopic we will go through it11:46
free_bsdrude bwoy from jamrock deh yah11:46
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee11:46
Kumobiovore: how could I do to fix it up?11:46
geek|sauce_jason: i don't know how to navigate through the directories.  i'm too used to dos commands11:46
Joe_Dirtthere is a command that some people dont reccomend doing it involves gtk sudo and nautilus for taking full control of the computer (for drag and drop restrictions) what is it i forgot11:46
gnomefreakty FlannelKing i was getting there too lol11:46
biovoreKumo: depends on what your doing11:46
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_jasongeek|sauce: just open a terminal and type 'azureus'11:47
AmaranthFlannelKing: ?11:47
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lordnirDoes ubuntu play nicely with older computers(7-8yrs)? I've already tried vectorlinux and mandrake9 but so far i can't get them to install, although I think my cdrom drive may be failing11:47
Kumobiovore: for example sudo aptitude install listen and I got the output11:47
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ompaulSeveas, your just cruel :)11:47
biovoreKumo: whats the output?11:47
dlilordnir, can it boot usb?11:47
Seveasompaul, cruel is my middle name11:47
biovore(link or something)11:47
Joe_Dirtlordnir i have a 10yo comp and it works fine (but slow)11:48
Warbolordnir: What processor speed (to give me an idea). Graphics probably won't be very effective11:48
lordnirdli i don't know, it has usb ports but i've never tried booting from them11:48
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Joe_Dirtlordnir (with ubuntu)**11:48
Kumobiovore: a lot of packages, do you wnat yo see them?11:48
FlannelKinglordnir: ditch gnome for xfce, and you'll be fine11:48
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FredTeun, snmpwalk times out when trying to connect :(11:48
biovoreyeah.. paste bin?11:49
Jimmey__lordnir, yeah, I'd wait for Dapper Xubuntu11:49
Joe_Dirtlordnir mine has like...less than that and its fine (but installation and startup is slow)11:49
Warbolordnir: You should be fine in console mode. For graphics....... Give the AA guys a call :)11:49
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teunFred: and you have a running snmpd process?11:49
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FlannelKingWarbo: caca, it's color.11:49
lordniralright i'll give it a try11:49
cyphasethis is great..11:49
FredTeun, yes it appears in ps ax | grep snmpd11:49
cyphasesome cop is trying to use an open wifi spot!11:49
dlilordnir, you can install from usb11:50
Jimmey__ubotu, tell lordnir about xubuntu11:50
geek|sauce_jason: new problem....core patcher failed11:50
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Kumobiovore: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1269411:50
dlilordnir, beyond that, you can take the hdd, and install on another machine11:50
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Killazhi #ubuntu11:50
xet7What app can I use to play .mov videos in ubuntu?11:50
_jasongeek|sauce: what caused that?11:50
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PrinterHey all.11:50
Warboxet7: Any movie player. Enable restricted formats11:50
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geek|sauce_jason: it was auto-updating11:51
xet7Warbo: how do I enable it?11:51
Warboxet7: Can you play avis and mp3s and stuff?11:51
_jasongeek|sauce: I see, does it happen every time?11:51
lordnirdo I have to format the usb drive or something? I have a 1gig jump drive but when I read about booting from the drive, it sounded like it needed a certain format11:51
geek|sauce_jason yes11:51
PrinterI just installed the Dapper beat and cannot print to my Printer on a Windows box through Samba.  The printer just pauses when I print to it.  How can I fix this?11:51
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xet7Warbo: only with vlc.11:51
teunFred: and lsof -i | grep snmp shows a snmpd process bound to localhost?11:51
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biovoreKumo: my spanish isn't that good, but it looks like your tring to do a update11:51
Kumobiovore: yes, just that11:52
biovoreKumo: sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade11:52
FredYes teun, it shows two. one on TCP and one on UDP11:52
_jasongeek|sauce: what happens to azureus?  does it crash?11:52
Kumobiovore: and I get that all of the time11:52
Warboxet7: Search through all of the "gstreamer" packages in synaptic for support in Totem (sorry, I'm in Dapper where they are grouped by licence)11:52
teunFred: that's ok11:52
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geek|sauce_jason: no, it just gives me that error, along with an "update successful" message, then tells me to restart... does that mean restart the app or the whole comp?11:53
_jasongeek|sauce: app most likely11:53
Warbogeek|sauce: Nothing will ask for a reboot ecept a kernel11:53
Kumobiovore: I don't have that problem when I use synaptic but I want to fix this11:53
teunFred: what happens if you telnet to port 161?11:53
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biovoreKumo: I use apt-get from the command line here.. aptitude always messes me up eventualy11:54
dereksanyone know of an app to decompress uharc files?11:54
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FredTeun, telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused11:54
Warbodereks: Sorry I have to ask this but... File extension?11:54
FredDon't i need to tell it to use UDP or something?11:54
biovoreKumo: do a sudo dpkg -l | grep usplash11:55
dereksWarbo: heh, uha11:55
teunif you have tcp enabled as well, you should be able to connect via telnet11:55
Warbodereks: Sorry, don't know it11:55
Kumobiovore: well the message before the packages says, the following packages are not used and they will be eliminated11:55
teunFred: what was the exact snmpwalk command you tried?11:55
dereksWarbo: thanks anyways11:55
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Kumobiovore: ok11:55
vookmy system is now loading a module for my broadcom wireless automatically at boot, but it doesn't work.  All I need to know is how to prevent this module from loading (ndiswrapper still works just fine once I unload the module manually)  Yeah, I'm in Dapper but the answer should be universal (I haven't had to do anything like this since the modules.conf days in Redhat 6.x)11:55
FredTeun, how do i enable tcp? its using port 199 on tcp, but i dunno if it's "enabled" on that port.11:55
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geek|sauce_jason: ok, i restarted it, and it is telling me that i need to update SWT library for gtk (and stealing window focus to do so...which is annoying, lol)11:56
Sannexet7, this may also help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:56
FredTeun, and i used snmpwalk -Os -c public -v 1 localhost system11:56
WarboDoes anyone know if the lha in the repos can actually open anything? I had to replace it with one that could11:56
teunFred: hmm, thats smux... not needed for this11:56
biovoreKumo: I am guessing you using brezzy as well11:56
cafuegovook: The native module would possibly work if you installed the required firmware.11:56
ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.11:56
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xet7Sanne: thanks :)11:56
teunFred: can you show me your com2sec lines in your /etc/snmpd.conf?11:56
Kumobiovore: I got this: ii  usplash           0.1-22         Userspace bootsplash utility11:56
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vookcafuego, isn't there a way just to prevent the native module from loading though?  I don't need it, ndiswrapper works great.11:56
Kumobiovore: yes I'm using breezy11:56
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Sannexet7, you're welcome. I went the totem-xine/win32codecs route and it works fine.11:57
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cafuegovook: You cna blacklist it in /etc/hotplug.d/blacklist or somesuch...11:57
vookcafuego, thanks!11:57
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biovoreKumo: well usplash is at the current version11:57
phatmonkeyok, I change my refresh rate in preferences/screen resolution, I log out, then I log in again, and it hasn't remembered the change! what to do?11:57
cafuegovook: (bcm43xx can use kismet though, ndiswrapper can't ;-)11:57
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FredTeun, there are no com2sec lines that I can find.11:57
teunFred: hmmm, fascinating11:57
Warbophatmonkey: Did you try it with the "this computer" box checked?11:57
vookcafuego, thanks, I'll get it working with the native eventually, I just need something asap.11:58
teunFred: can you put your config on pastebin or something where I can see it?11:58
phatmonkeyWarbo: nope, I will try11:58
FredSure, one minute11:58
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Random_Transithey, i need some help with a game i installed11:58
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Kumobiovore: I think all of them are updated but I don't understand that behavior11:58
Jimmey__Random_Transit, what's the problem?11:58
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phatmonkeyWarbo: that fixed it, but gdm is still in the old refresh rate11:59
Raven301Where is the boot loader located gui or cli?? please11:59
Random_Transitin the game i switched to a resolution that my monitor doesn't support11:59
Random_Transitand now the game won't start11:59
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FredTeun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1269511:59
Random_Transitis there a .conf somewhere i should be looking for?11:59
cafuegoRandom_Transit: Edit the config file11:59
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teunFred: ok i'll take a look11:59
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Jimmey__Random_Transit, can you do a sudo apt-get --purge remove uplink?11:59
erUSULRaven301: what do you mean. looking for config file? binaries?11:59
Warbophatmonkey: Wow! I didn't know what that actually did. Anyway, GDM would probably use default X settings11:59
cafuegoRandom_Transit: probably in ~/.<gamename>11:59
biovoreKumo: try a apt-get install -f11:59

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