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Kamion | Mithrandir: please merge http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/casper/ubiquity again; sorry for the mistake | 12:16 |
Kamion | jcole: no, but you can copy it from any Ubuntu CD; it's generated by the CD image build scripts | 12:16 |
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jcole | Kamion: thanks | 12:30 |
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ohoel | the livecd installer seems to crash after time zone setup, and proceed spawning partman, parted_server, perfor_recipe among others | 12:32 |
ohoel | does the installer generate any useful error logs anywhere? | 12:32 |
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ohoel | is "live-installer" the correct package to file a bug against in this case (kubuntu beta livecd installer) | 12:39 |
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ohoel | filed as bug 40666 | 12:44 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 40666 in live-installer "Installer crashes after name setup" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/40666 | 12:44 |
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bddebian | Hi peoples | 02:06 |
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nix4me | has the slow firefox in dapper beta been reported? i have searched launchpad and there are so many bugs against firefox with so many comments that I can't make heads or tails | 03:10 |
bluefoxicy | eh | 03:11 |
bluefoxicy | i'm going to try to negotiate with the q3f guys, what the hell. | 03:11 |
crimsun | nix4me: yes, numerous times. | 03:16 |
nix4me | ok, thanks for the reply. | 03:17 |
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mdke | anyone here to help me with a question about how to use sed? | 03:29 |
mdke | I'm trying to go through a text file to replace certain instances. I'm doing: "sed -i -e s@blah@blah@g filename | 03:30 |
mdke | and that works | 03:30 |
mdke | however, in this particular instance, blah in the text file has inverted commas around it, and I want to include them in the expression too, but that doesn't seem to work with that command | 03:30 |
mdke | any ideas? | 03:30 |
jdong | not to steals mdke's thunder, but thanks for l-r-m | 03:31 |
jdong | the ATI X1600 and the ipw3945 support | 03:32 |
jdong | you've made me buy a core duo :) | 03:32 |
bddebian | heh | 03:32 |
jdong | Dapper is going to rock | 03:32 |
Chipzz | how can I file a bug against the ubuntu website? | 03:33 |
jdong | can we rename the release to the "This should keep jdong quiet for a while" release? | 03:33 |
bddebian | hehe | 03:33 |
=== jdong hops on launchpad | ||
mdke | Chipzz, you can't. what is it? | 03:33 |
Chipzz | mdke: packages.ubuntu.com "Search the contents of packages" not including dapper, although it works if you replace breezy with dapper in the url | 03:34 |
Chipzz | quite annoying actually :/ | 03:34 |
mdke | Chipzz, that's not part of the ubuntu website. You need to email the maintainer of the site, his email is on the page | 03:34 |
Chipzz | done | 03:37 |
jdong | 40687 :) | 03:38 |
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mdke | sed question answered, nm | 03:46 |
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robertj | ack...slashdot title "Previewing Dapper And Edgy" | 04:11 |
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Amaranth | stupid xchat python | 04:36 |
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Lathiat | mjg59: hrm, i'm thinking the alps could do with a slightly faster speed | 04:53 |
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intelikey | STAFF what tod (time of day) are the repos updated ? i'll stop my dl for that just in case. | 06:38 |
intelikey | dialup makes for long down load time..... | 06:40 |
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nomed | hi all | 07:37 |
nomed | Kamion: around ? | 07:38 |
nomed | i have a question about seeds .. it seems gdm installs gnome-session but it could even be fine with xterm|x-window-manager|x-terminal-emulator | 07:39 |
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Kamion | nomed: germinate generally picks the first alternative unless another is explicitly seeded (and even then it may not reliably avoid picking the first alternative) | 09:32 |
nomed | Kamion: yep i got it .. | 09:33 |
nomed | i see there is even a blacklist | 09:33 |
nomed | i'll take a look if gnome-session is called just by gdm | 09:34 |
nomed | in that case would it be possible blacklist it ? | 09:34 |
nomed | or will it need to be installed as apt-get install xterm gdm for ex ? | 09:35 |
nomed | well i'll make some tests later .. and i'll ask to janimo to fix the seeds where and if needed | 09:38 |
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klepas | where is the sabdfl | 09:42 |
klepas | :) | 09:42 |
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Kamion | nomed: we don't really use the blacklist any more, and I doubt it still works. easiest to explicitly seed xterm, try it, and see what happens. | 09:59 |
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nomed | Kamion: k | 10:00 |
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rohan | the espresso installer on the dapper beta live cd always _always_ hangs after selecting time zone. can i do some debugging for pasting in a bug report ? | 10:15 |
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=== _ion is upgrading a breezy box to dapper with update-manager. | ||
_ion | First note: it modified sources.list intelligently. The se.archive.ubuntu.com lines had breezy changed to dapper, and unofficial repositories got a # in front of them. | 10:36 |
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Keybuk | ah, I love this time of the morning | 11:06 |
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\sh | Keybuk: nice weather in uk? | 11:07 |
_ion | Let me guess: it's raining. | 11:08 |
Keybuk | nope, dreary | 11:08 |
Keybuk | _ion: nah, hardly ever rains here | 11:08 |
StevenK | It mostly drizzles instead? :-P | 11:09 |
\sh | oh then I'm really a lucky guy, the last two days temperatures over 20 degrees C and you can see the spring's coming to germany...the women skirts are morphing into something which is most likely to named as "belt" ;) | 11:10 |
StevenK | \sh: Or 'small teatowel' | 11:11 |
\sh | yeah :) | 11:11 |
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Keybuk | heh | 11:14 |
Keybuk | there were lots of scantily clad pretty things at Alton Towers on Monday | 11:14 |
Keybuk | which is a shame, because it rained | 11:14 |
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StevenK | Now it's getting colder here, the number of scantily-clad pretty things is very limited. | 11:15 |
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lifeless | Keybuk: wet t-shirt! | 11:17 |
infinity | StevenK: Does it comfort you to know that I'm not wearing pants? | 11:17 |
Keybuk | lifeless: there was that attraction briefly, yes | 11:17 |
Keybuk | but they all went home | 11:17 |
Keybuk | it got wet enough that we decided to go on the water rides | 11:18 |
Keybuk | and the boyfriend got absolutely soaked on the flume and was grumpy for the rest of the day | 11:18 |
Keybuk | lol | 11:18 |
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lifeless | Keybuk: haha! | 11:19 |
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StevenK | lifeless: Not at all. | 11:19 |
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lifeless | StevenK: ECONTEXT | 11:20 |
StevenK | Sorry, wrong person. | 11:20 |
StevenK | infinity: Not at all. | 11:20 |
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infinity | Well, pfeh. I'm insulted. | 11:21 |
infinity | Zofia's not wearing pants either, if that helps. | 11:21 |
StevenK | Heh. | 11:21 |
lifeless | what is it meant to help with :) | 11:21 |
StevenK | It's much too cold to not wear pants. | 11:21 |
infinity | With StevenK's lament about people rugging up for what Australia calls "winter". | 11:21 |
lifeless | ah | 11:22 |
infinity | I refuse to call it winter until I see snow. | 11:22 |
lifeless | .au just gets an absence of summer. | 11:22 |
lifeless | not a winter | 11:22 |
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infinity | Maybe I should go to Tasmania this year for a few days. | 11:22 |
StevenK | My sisters just came back from Tasmania, actually. | 11:23 |
Keybuk | we should send the Australians to Montral or Oslo for the winter | 11:23 |
=== StevenK had to deal with Sydney airport on a Friday night. | ||
infinity | Keybuk: Seems fair, since I've been forced to deal with a *lack* of winter for the last two years. | 11:23 |
infinity | They can bloody well suffer too. | 11:23 |
StevenK | Hah | 11:23 |
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lifeless | StevenK: are you a sydneysider | 11:27 |
lifeless | ? | 11:27 |
infinity | Oh well. I'm just hurt that I apparently don't qualify as a "pretty young thing". | 11:27 |
=== infinity goes to be emo about it on LiveJournal or something. | ||
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StevenK | lifeless: Yes. | 11:30 |
lifeless | StevenK: ah. Have we met ? | 11:31 |
StevenK | lifeless: Yup. | 11:31 |
lifeless | heh. | 11:31 |
=== StevenK feels his feet begin to thaw out. | ||
StevenK | lifeless: If you remember the Debsig when Jeff showed Warty, I was there. | 11:33 |
lifeless | vaguely ;) | 11:33 |
StevenK | lifeless: You promoted Linda to main for me. | 11:34 |
lifeless | ?! | 11:35 |
lifeless | anyway I read that I'm confused | 11:35 |
StevenK | Well, organised to have it done. | 11:35 |
lifeless | oh, that I can believe | 11:35 |
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Keybuk | Kamion: if all else fails, we could use "Pissed CD1", etc. :p | 11:40 |
Keybuk | Kamion: I believe that the noun is "Lounge" though | 11:42 |
\sh | infinity: what? you are not a "pretty young thing" anymore? welcome to the club :) | 11:44 |
Keybuk | oh, I don't know, infinity is quite alluring in the right light ;) | 11:44 |
\sh | hmm..I have to do some research, why FAI is not working on ubuntu server | 11:47 |
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\sh | there's something wrong with some diverts in fai-nfsroot and the dhclient package..cost me 6 hours of time to replace ubuntu server with sarge :( | 11:49 |
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mdke | Kamion, around? | 12:08 |
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mdke | Diziet, the translated homepages aren't working: I get "Can't find file file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index-it_IT.html" from firefox in italian | 12:22 |
\sh | same for de_DE and en_GB | 12:22 |
mdke | thanks | 12:22 |
=== mdke emails | ||
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highvoltage | Znarl: ping | 12:49 |
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sivang | re all | 01:29 |
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hunger | My laptop (Thinkpad T43p) no longer suspends properly in dapper (display does not come back on). Is that a known regression frem breezy or should I report this? | 01:59 |
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mdke | hunger, report it. Actually, my T43 doesn't either, but it has a different video card, so file a separate bug | 02:02 |
hunger | ~. | 02:03 |
hunger | mdke: Hmmm... this is with kpowersave. | 02:04 |
hunger | mdke: Using "pmi action sleep" it fails to suspend and just comes back. | 02:05 |
=== hunger wonders what kpowersave uses. | ||
hunger | I'd guess pmi fails due to this bluetooth stuff. Had that before. | 02:05 |
Trewas | hunger: my x41 requires acpi_sleep=s3_bios kernel option to get the screen back on after suspend, though it still fails to wake the sata disk succesfully with the dapper kernel (a known bug) | 02:08 |
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Znarl | highvoltage : Pong? | 02:10 |
mdke | hunger, anything that doesn't work is a bug, you should file it. | 02:10 |
hunger | Trewas: This used to work with breezy and it did work in dapper a couple of weeks back. | 02:11 |
mdke | ... so it's a bug ... go file! | 02:11 |
hunger | It is completly eratic! | 02:12 |
hunger | I tried 4 times now and saw 3 different ways of suspend failing:-( | 02:12 |
Trewas | hunger: i just got that laptop and directly installed dapper flight 6 so I don't know how it would have worked with breezy or older dapper | 02:12 |
mdke | dude, that's still a bug. | 02:12 |
=== hunger is of writting a bugreport | ||
mdke | that's better. | 02:12 |
mdke | if you like, continue to discuss it on #ubuntu-laptop | 02:13 |
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mjg59 | Lathiat: It's fairly easy to patch | 02:17 |
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hunger | Damn... I accidentally reported the bug to be on baltix (whatever that is). How do I change that again? | 02:23 |
mdke | hunger, open a task on distribution: Ubuntu. Then reject the baltix one | 02:24 |
=== hunger hates launchpad. | ||
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hunger | I really think twice before reporting anything on ubuntu because lp keeps confusing the hell out of me. | 02:26 |
=== bpuccio [n=brian@ool-457a9c38.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
mdke | hunger, you need to talk to #launchpad about that, not here | 02:28 |
hunger | Would it be possible to decide on a more consistent naming scheme for old logfiles in ubuntu | 02:29 |
hunger | Some are *.1.log, some *.log.1, some are gzipped others are not. | 02:29 |
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hunger | Some have have the numbers start with 0 others with 1. | 02:30 |
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infinity | hunger: That depends on if daemons use logrotate or savelog or some internal mechanism. | 02:32 |
infinity | hunger: Everything using logrotate should have reasonably similar behaviour. | 02:32 |
hunger | infinity: Nope. | 02:35 |
hunger | infinity: Even the logrotate things are all different. Some compress their files, others don't. The number of files keapt seems to be more are less random. | 02:36 |
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hunger | infinity: The schedule differs, but that is understandable:-) | 02:38 |
infinity | Having some keep more than others is intentional. | 02:38 |
infinity | Example of a logrotate-using package that keeps more than 3 logfiles and doesn't compress? | 02:38 |
hunger | infinity: Dunno what the default number of files is. | 02:40 |
hunger | infinity: dirmngr does not compress and uses the default number of files. | 02:41 |
infinity | Then file a bug. That's not something I have installed. :) | 02:41 |
infinity | (And it's universe) | 02:41 |
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hunger | infinity: Hmmm.... why do most packages specify "compress"? Why isen't the default value used as set up in logrotate.conf? | 02:45 |
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sivang | can anybody see this issue - I'm cliking on the battery meter, and the network monitor on the upper right corner, | 02:52 |
sivang | and nothing happens | 02:52 |
sivang | when I got and right/left clikc on the panel somewhere where there are no applets, | 02:53 |
sivang | it behaves as expected. | 02:53 |
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sivang | veyr weird | 02:53 |
=== sivang wonders if anybody else is also seeing this. | ||
sivang | hmm, it got released now | 02:55 |
sivang | *strange* | 02:55 |
sivang | nice, stuck again | 02:56 |
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Fjodor | Am i wrong in assuming linx11-6 fiddles with iso-8859 locales instead of utf-8 ones? It seems that lib's own locales are of the iso variety, whereas other system locales are utf8? | 03:14 |
Fjodor | s/linx11-6/libx11-6 | 03:15 |
jdong | sivang: I can't confirm that on my laptop or desktop running latest Dapper... | 03:15 |
jdong | and speaking of laptops and batteries.... | 03:15 |
jdong | is there any GNOME mechanism of interacting with CPU frequency scaling, like powersaved/kpowersave for KDE? | 03:16 |
jdong | I find that to be a very useful feature | 03:16 |
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sivang | jdong: see if all applets are accessible and respons by cliking hem with the touch pad, | 03:19 |
sivang | jdong: then, if so, leave it alone for few secs | 03:19 |
jdong | you mean tapping with the touchpad? | 03:19 |
sivang | jdong: then, go to the CPU scale freq applet that show the freq | 03:19 |
sivang | jdong: and give it a few taps | 03:20 |
sivang | jdong: , then try to right click one of the other applets | 03:20 |
sivang | jdong: yes | 03:20 |
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=== jdong tries sivang's silly tapping routine :) | ||
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rohan | hi all.. | 03:22 |
highvoltage | hi rohan | 03:22 |
rohan | i found this critical bug with espresso -- it always ALWAYS hangs when after i select what disk as swap / boot etc. | 03:22 |
rohan | hi, highvoltage | 03:22 |
rohan | so what i did is | 03:22 |
rohan | straced through it | 03:22 |
jdong | sivang: certain tapping speeds will turn my cursor into a hand, and then the mouse cannot click interact with anything else | 03:23 |
mdke | rohan, you can file bugs at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | 03:23 |
rohan | and did tail -f on another terminal | 03:23 |
jdong | sivang: is this what you're seeing? | 03:23 |
rohan | mdke: listen to me first. ! | 03:23 |
mdke | rohan, it's a saturday, you're very unlikely to find the espresso developer online | 03:23 |
rohan | and on stracing, i found that the computer crashes COMPLETELY no mouse no X | 03:23 |
mdke | best to go straight to the bug tracker | 03:23 |
rohan | and strace shows waitpid(somepid, someno, NOHANG) | 03:23 |
jdong | rohan: we aren't all omnipotent..... your best bet is really the bug tracker.... | 03:24 |
rohan | what i want to ask is .. is there any way to get the process attached to that pid ? | 03:24 |
rohan | jdong, mdke : thats what i intend to do. | 03:24 |
rohan | or atleast, get more verbose strace output ? | 03:25 |
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rohan | and there is no way i can attach that log since pc crashes surely | 03:25 |
sivang | jdong: maybe, only I don't see the hand curosor | 03:25 |
sivang | jdong: and it just hangs, until I cleck on another spot ont the panel, or just attempt to ad a new panel applet | 03:25 |
jdong | sivang: I managed to get it stuck on a hand cursor permanently | 03:26 |
sivang | jdong: cool, I guess I just don't get the hand curoser | 03:26 |
jdong | sivang: I can't use keyboard or mouse clicks to interact with anything | 03:26 |
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sivang | jdong: I wonder if this cpufreq's fault | 03:26 |
jdong | interesting thought | 03:26 |
=== jdong wonders if it happens with any other applet | ||
sivang | jdong: since I tried that same scenario on al of the other applets, none of them exhibited the same behavior | 03:27 |
jdong | interesting | 03:27 |
sivang | (all of those that come pre-set on the panel, that is) | 03:27 |
jdong | are there any other applets that behave like cpufreq's, though | 03:27 |
jdong | i.e. no single or double click actions | 03:27 |
sivang | hmm | 03:27 |
jdong | I have a feeling GNOME's default action takes over | 03:27 |
jdong | which appears to be some type of move... | 03:27 |
jdong | but little random movements that seem to come with my inability to double-tap may be causing a weird situation | 03:28 |
sivang | jdong: okay, this now happend to me with double clicking without tapping | 03:28 |
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sivang | jdong: so it's not strictly a tapping problem I'd say | 03:28 |
zyga | hello | 03:28 |
jdong | interesting | 03:28 |
zyga | sivang: hi, how are you? | 03:28 |
jdong | hi, zyga | 03:28 |
zyga | hey :) | 03:28 |
sivang | hey zyga , am fine, been bit of sick during before and a bit after the beta | 03:29 |
zyga | sivang: I'm sorry to hear that | 03:29 |
sivang | zyga: this is wy I was offline/ unresponsive | 03:29 |
zyga | hope you get better quickly | 03:29 |
sivang | zyga: thanks :) | 03:29 |
zyga | sivang: how did you like the new glade looks? | 03:29 |
sivang | zyga: re your GUI, I deferred using it for now, I made my original design packed and small such that it would fit into 1024x768, and I will most probably use your design and aggregate on it for the next version, eventually I came to realize it caused me too much work to make it for the new one. | 03:30 |
zyga | okay | 03:31 |
sivang | zyga: I cherry picked the lozalization fixes, would like you to give them a go once you've got time | 03:31 |
zyga | sure, this evening maybe? | 03:31 |
sivang | zyga: and ofcouse, tried to kep the empty labels untranslated | 03:31 |
zyga | I'm visiting parents today so no laptop with code :) | 03:31 |
sivang | zyga: we can do that tomorrow even, | 03:32 |
sivang | zyga: if it's more comfy to you? | 03:32 |
sivang | zyga: I don't require alot of time AFAICT | 03:32 |
zyga | I don't know - I'll probably be online hacking my kernel so just ping me if you need anything :) | 03:32 |
kmon | anyone knows why the linux-image-2.6.15-21 is not yet in the archive? | 03:32 |
sivang | zyga: okay, deal, if I see you online, I'll ping | 03:32 |
jdong | kmon: I was wondering the same | 03:32 |
jdong | kmon: also the l-r-m .32 | 03:32 |
zyga | sivang: great :) | 03:33 |
kmon | jdong: yes. I wanted to try the new ati fglrx driver | 03:33 |
jdong | I've been anxiously waiting for a livecd image to contain both of these, so I can test it on the laptop I'm about to buy | 03:33 |
zyga | jdong: buy a mac :) | 03:33 |
jdong | kmon: likewise; this guy's got a X1400 | 03:33 |
zyga | ubuntu fits nicely on a mac :) | 03:33 |
jdong | zyga: you find me a core duo mac laptop in the $1200 range, and we'll talk :) | 03:33 |
zyga | hehe | 03:33 |
jdong | zyga: I love macs. I really do. I just can't justify the price to myself | 03:34 |
zyga | I'm aiming for ibook g4 after they release mac book replacement for ibooks | 03:34 |
=== jdong buys @ optimal price/performance + disposability after two years ratio :) | ||
zyga | they'll be cheap and nice :D | 03:34 |
jdong | zyga: a G4 vs a core duo? ;) | 03:34 |
zyga | jdong: sure, g4 is all I ever need in a laptop | 03:34 |
zyga | the only thing better in the core duo is probably battery life if they managed to crank that 1/2 the laptop-size battery | 03:35 |
jdong | zyga: I'd say the same; but I do need a SMP system.... | 03:35 |
=== sivang is sold for Thinkpads | ||
zyga | (note: g4 has really really small battery) | 03:35 |
jdong | zyga: single core systems don't keep up with my multitasking | 03:35 |
sivang | t43p especially :) | 03:35 |
zyga | :-) | 03:35 |
jdong | sivang: my 2nd pick was a lenovo... | 03:35 |
sivang | jdong: what kind of multi tasking are you doing? | 03:35 |
=== zyga has bought 2 itanium 2 CPUs yesterday | ||
kmon | I recently bought a turion | 03:35 |
zyga | for whooping 30$ | 03:35 |
zyga | :D | 03:35 |
jdong | sivang: parallel, time-intensive jobs | 03:36 |
kmon | nice chip | 03:36 |
zyga | now I need to wait till a mobo shows up | 03:36 |
=== sivang just bought a p-m t43p 1.8Ghz | ||
jdong | sivang: I can feel desktop performance lag from when I'm x264 encoding | 03:36 |
jdong | even with -ck + preempt | 03:36 |
sivang | should I have aimed for Core Duo ? | 03:36 |
sivang | jdong: what's this about? | 03:36 |
zyga | geez h264 on laptop? | 03:36 |
jdong | sivang: right now, core duos are the best deal out there | 03:36 |
sivang | what's x264? | 03:36 |
zyga | jdong: h264 or x264? | 03:37 |
sivang | -ck = asian language support? | 03:37 |
jdong | sivang: h.264 aka MPEG-4 AVC. | 03:37 |
zyga | right :) | 03:37 |
sivang | ah, divx | 03:37 |
sivang | :-) | 03:37 |
jdong | sivang: x264 = open source implementation | 03:37 |
jdong | in Dapper :) | 03:37 |
zyga | we decode SD h264 stream on 100MHz CPU :-) | 03:37 |
zyga | note: there is no typo | 03:37 |
jdong | and -ck are Con Koliva's performance patchsets to the kernel | 03:37 |
jdong | zyga: idn; quicktime HD trailers bring my A64 3000+ to its knees | 03:38 |
kmon | jdong: does the ubuntu kernel include Con kolivas patches? | 03:38 |
jdong | kmon: no. | 03:38 |
zyga | jdong: memory performance, cpu performance probably the former | 03:38 |
jdong | kmon: these patches improve responsiveness. How they affect overall performance is somewhat disputed | 03:38 |
zyga | HD needs gobs of GB/s | 03:38 |
kmon | jdong: thanxs :) | 03:39 |
jdong | zyga: and dual channel 533MHz seeems pretty good for that :) | 03:39 |
sivang | oh man, how do I install it? | 03:39 |
zyga | jdong: frankly I don't want to watch HD on my laptop, I've got enouhg HD at work :) | 03:39 |
jdong | sivang: mencoder/mplayer/xine all understand h264 streams. mencoder can encode to it | 03:39 |
sivang | ah, so I already have it :) | 03:39 |
sivang | with mplaer | 03:39 |
jdong | zyga: I know. Just an extreme case. Most DivX quality h264's work great | 03:39 |
jdong | sivang: yep :). Gotta love Ubuntu | 03:40 |
=== sivang loves ubuntu very much. | ||
jdong | I'm really impressed with the h264 codec | 03:40 |
jdong | I can comfortably encode at 30-40% lower bitrates than xvid/divx/lavc mpeg4 | 03:40 |
zyga | jdong: does mplayer implement the entire h264 spec or just the baseline? | 03:40 |
jdong | zyga: I am unsure. It uses libavcodec to decode. | 03:40 |
zyga | just curious | 03:41 |
=== jdong still really new to the world of video codecs | ||
zyga | me too but job requires pretty good knowledge of that stuff :) | 03:41 |
jdong | :) | 03:41 |
jdong | but either way, the core duo (and core's in general) are great chips | 03:42 |
jdong | the entry level one (1.66GHz) is just simply a bargain | 03:42 |
zyga | at least basic understanding for everyone, even if I never touch the h264 decoder myself | 03:42 |
zyga | jdong: frankly amd has better dual core cpus | 03:42 |
zyga | and core duo is just cheap | 03:42 |
jdong | zyga: :-/. It's being threatened right now. | 03:42 |
zyga | performance wise dual core sucks as hell | 03:42 |
mdke | guys, this is seriously offtopic | 03:42 |
jdong | lol | 03:42 |
zyga | -> #u-offtopic | 03:43 |
mdke | the developers often try and read the scrollback from this channel, try and keep it clean | 03:43 |
jdong | I need to get going anyway... got work to do today | 03:43 |
jdong | take care, everyone | 03:43 |
sivang | jdong: laters | 03:43 |
=== sivang -> off for some bits. | ||
=== infinity , ironically, just finished reading all this scrollback. | ||
sivang | infinity: I just wonder if those core duo thingy provide real performance boost overall and would feel different then a Sonoma T43p machine.. | 03:44 |
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hunger | sivang: Depends on what you do. | 03:44 |
=== mdke gives up with you guys | ||
zyga | guys guys | 03:45 |
zyga | let's go to #ubuntu-offtopic, mdke is right | 03:45 |
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sivang | mdke: oops, sorry! | 03:46 |
=== sivang moves there | ||
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bddebian | Howdy | 04:14 |
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highvoltage | hi, where can i get ubuntu.ttf again? | 04:16 |
bddebian | Hello highvoltage. I don't have a clue, sorry | 04:17 |
highvoltage | hello bddebian. ok, np. | 04:17 |
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highvoltage | i found ploum! | 04:18 |
highvoltage | :) | 04:18 |
Treenaks | uhr no, he found you :) | 04:18 |
ploum | :-) | 04:18 |
highvoltage | hmmm.. a regulare chuck norris | 04:18 |
Treenaks | ploum = Chuck? oh no! | 04:18 |
ploum | I counted to infinity | 04:18 |
ploum | twice | 04:18 |
highvoltage | hehe | 04:18 |
highvoltage | ploum sleeps with the lights on... because the dark is afraid of him | 04:19 |
bddebian | haha | 04:19 |
ploum | if only it could be true with bugs... that would be awesome | 04:20 |
jdub | ploum: you sleep with the bugs on? | 04:21 |
Treenaks | When ploum approaches, all software bugs disappear: you don't bug ploum. | 04:21 |
ploum | jdub: not that much... | 04:21 |
ploum | and they are friendly after all | 04:22 |
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ploum | Treenaks: it seems that my father is the opposite. when he seats in front of a computer, the computer crashes ! | 04:23 |
ploum | Last time, he started his old laptop : the gnome top panel was at the bottom, under the normal bottom panel | 04:24 |
ploum | I don't even know it was possible ! | 04:24 |
Treenaks | ploum: That's why we make Gnome for our mothers, not our fathers... my father has the same effect on computers | 04:25 |
Robot101 | you can just drag them around and make as many as you want :P | 04:25 |
ploum | Robot101: but doing it just by booting the computer without even touching the mouse is a proof of some psychic power (it was shutdown last time by me, so it wasn't done before) | 04:26 |
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ploum | I've just helped someone with Gnome 2.8 this thursday. | 04:33 |
ploum | Wow ! | 04:33 |
ploum | Gnome 2.8 is so yesterday ! | 04:33 |
ploum | I can believe I used it and was happy with it ! | 04:33 |
azeem | I'm still using it at the uni | 04:34 |
giftnudel | oh, we have gnome 1.* at our university | 04:35 |
giftnudel | (on solaris) | 04:35 |
ploum | giftnudel: that is old, indeed.. | 04:37 |
ploum | I just started with Gnome 1.4 on Woody | 04:37 |
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jdong | guys, mdke is going to get really upset.... :) | 04:40 |
Lathiat | ploum: what was the one before that? | 04:41 |
Lathiat | (woody) | 04:41 |
=== mdke points at #ubuntu-offtopic | ||
=== ploum hides | ||
jdong | :) | 04:43 |
=== Lathiat whistles casualaly | ||
=== Lathiat |aspell | ||
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bddebian | \sh!! | 04:54 |
\sh | hey bddebian | 04:55 |
=== _ion got mdns/dns-sd working between LAN and VPN, whee | ||
zakame | hello \sh! bddebian! =D | 04:56 |
\sh | hoi zakame | 04:57 |
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wasabi_ | So who was working on an arm port? :) | 06:02 |
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_ion | Beagle was --purge removed quite quickly from my dad's laptop after it ate all the RAM (512 MiB) and swap (800 MiB). :-) | 06:05 |
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tseng | it would be nice if all the people complaining about high memory usage would get with upstream and debug | 06:07 |
tseng | and not make extremely vauge comments about it | 06:07 |
_ion | If i personally wanted to use it, i'd start debugging it. | 06:08 |
Robot101 | tseng: why? if the solution they all arrive at is to remove beagle, then they're obviously not that concerned about whether or not they use it. | 06:08 |
tseng | Robot101: I guess. | 06:08 |
Mithrandir | Robot101: upstream might have an interest in fixing it, though | 06:08 |
Robot101 | if they kept using it and kept complaining, it would be good to expect them to help fix it :) | 06:09 |
tseng | it happens to be an SoC item for someone to spend the summer profiling and reducing usage, luckily | 06:09 |
_ion | tseng: Nice. | 06:10 |
tseng | yeah, I hope someone runs with that | 06:12 |
tseng | because it seems to be becoming more and more of a corner case, my system only uses 70mb or so between all the beagle threads | 06:13 |
tseng | which is "too much" if you have 256 probably, but not that bad for me | 06:14 |
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tseng | is not locking the screen on System - Logout - Sleep a bug or a feature? | 06:16 |
giftnudel | the live cd has a problem when it needs swap and wants to install the system - the default is to format swap ... well if you don't have enough ram, your screwed then | 06:16 |
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tseng | Mithrandir: known bug, espresso install did put a resume= in my grub config? | 06:20 |
Lathiat | did or didnt | 06:20 |
tseng | did not | 06:20 |
Lathiat | i have an open bug about that | 06:21 |
tseng | great. | 06:21 |
Lathiat | https://launchpad.net/bugs/40609 | 06:21 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 40609 in initramfs-tools acpi-support "Dell Precision M20: Does not attempt resume from hibernate" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 06:21 |
tseng | against grub or installer? | 06:21 |
tseng | ok, thanks | 06:21 |
Lathiat | its supposed to be in some initramfs config file apaprently | 06:21 |
Lathiat | which doesnt seem to get created | 06:21 |
tseng | nice to see my alp touchpad really working now | 06:22 |
tseng | was that your doing? | 06:23 |
giftnudel | will the live cd look for swap partitions if I don't have enough memory? | 06:23 |
tritium | Lathiat: /etc/mkinitramfs/conf.d/resume is empty or not present? | 06:23 |
Lathiat | not present | 06:25 |
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Mithrandir | giftnudel: yes | 07:12 |
giftnudel | Mithrandir: live cd/swap answer? | 07:12 |
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Mithrandir | giftnudel: yes | 07:12 |
giftnudel | thx | 07:12 |
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rohan | i finally installed using espresso the 6th time around | 07:25 |
rohan | so problem is, that it failed on installing grub. so now i have the complete system, but no grub. how do i "reinstall" it ? | 07:26 |
rohan | it didnt create menu.lst nor grub/ directory in /boot | 07:26 |
rohan | and it was meant to use /dev/hda2 for /boot but its using a directory /boot on the root partition | 07:26 |
rohan | so i have grub from another distro and can go into ubuntu, but how do i install grub "The Debian way" ? | 07:27 |
\sh | apt-get install grub | 07:28 |
\sh | and then do the grub-install run or whatever...but it should install grub by default | 07:29 |
rohan | \sh: that will create the proper grub/ dir in /boot ? | 07:29 |
rohan | and how do i 'migrate' my /boot to another dir i.e. /dev/hda2 ? | 07:29 |
\sh | only the stages of grub are installed in /boot/grub/ the bootloader itself is being installed in mbr or on the first partition | 07:30 |
rohan | ok | 07:31 |
rohan | so how do i 'migrate' my /boot to another dir i.e. /dev/hda2 ? | 07:31 |
\sh | rohan: you don't | 07:31 |
rohan | :| | 07:32 |
\sh | /dev/hda2 is not a dir | 07:32 |
rohan | cant i ? | 07:32 |
\sh | it's a device | 07:32 |
rohan | \sh: yea yea i will make ext2 on /dev/hda2 and all | 07:32 |
rohan | but then how do i "tell" it that /dev/hda2 is my boot ? fstab ? | 07:32 |
\sh | well, you have to install then a bootloader on /dev/hda1 or in the mbr of your boot harddrive | 07:32 |
rohan | ok, bbl | 07:33 |
rohan | lets see | 07:33 |
\sh | hmmm...looks like that he didn't understand the purpose of a boot loader | 07:34 |
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rohan | \sh: ping | 07:48 |
\sh | rohan: pong | 07:50 |
rohan | \sh: now it gives a gpg error after apt-get update :S | 07:50 |
\sh | hum? | 07:50 |
rohan | and, oh joy, ubuntu-live was not apt-get remove'd | 07:51 |
\sh | which repositories do you have in sources.list? | 07:51 |
rohan | and "rohan<TAB>ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | 07:51 |
rohan | how is that line incorrect ? | 07:51 |
rohan | \sh: the defualt, i uncommented uni and multi verse | 07:51 |
\sh | looks like that your installation went wrong somehow | 07:52 |
rohan | after failing 6 times, i am not really surprized to hear that | 07:52 |
rohan | and, as i said, the install just died -- no reason, no option to salvage it | 07:52 |
rohan | \sh: i reinstall'ed grub, it did not put stages in /boot and neither was menu.lst created | 07:53 |
rohan | now how do i re-create grub files | 07:54 |
rohan | boohoo :S | 07:54 |
\sh | first of all, you installed it via espresso right? | 07:54 |
rohan | yes, which failed 5 times, and worked upto copying files on the 6th | 07:55 |
\sh | try the normal install cd (dapper) then if you want to have a working system, or file bugs in malone (launchpad) against the espresso package | 07:56 |
rohan | but this system is working | 07:56 |
rohan | bandwidth is really low in india, i cant download iso's everyday :9 | 07:57 |
rohan | :( | 07:57 |
rohan | what does espresso usually do after installing grub ? | 07:57 |
rohan | apt-get remove ubuntu-live ? | 07:57 |
\sh | .oO( i have to test the live cd installer tomorrow...oh wow my time schedule just went mad for tomorrow :() | 07:58 |
\sh | rohan: to be honest, I didn't have the time to test the live installer ... but promised, I'll test it tomorrow evening... | 07:58 |
rohan | \sh: test it on a p3 550mhz i810 256mb ram :) | 07:59 |
\sh | rohan: the only machine I can test here is the canonical laptop (toshibe portege r200, 512mb, 60 gb, i915, no cd drive) :) | 08:00 |
\sh | and that's the machine I have to test anyways...:) | 08:00 |
rohan | wow, wish i had something like _that_ | 08:00 |
=== rohan is jealous | ||
rohan | and ^^ is the only pc i have .. p3 550mhz .. lol a joke ;) | 08:00 |
\sh | believe me, everybody will bug you what this machine is, and how small it is...and then you have to say: "But pbuilding packages on this machines nerves ":)) | 08:01 |
rohan | :o even :) | 08:02 |
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rohan | wow, i really _must_ reinstall using the install cd | 08:02 |
rohan | unfortunaltely | 08:03 |
rohan | see more errors | 08:03 |
rohan | hang one, installing gpm | 08:03 |
G0SUB_ | rohan: hello ... | 08:03 |
rohan | G0SUB_: oh, hi, we meet again :) | 08:03 |
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rohan | really, is there any way to salvage this broken install, or do i just reinstall using the text installer ? | 08:04 |
G0SUB_ | rohan: again? when did we meet earlier? I am sorry I have a bad short term memory :) | 08:04 |
rohan | G0SUB_: #ubuntu-in when you lectured me why me must use GNU/Linux and not Linux or linux | 08:04 |
rohan | Use of uninitialized value in print at /var/lib/defoma/scripts/gs.defoma line 108. | 08:04 |
rohan | what error is _that_ ? | 08:05 |
G0SUB_ | rohan: heh, and you left after that ? | 08:05 |
G0SUB_ | rohan: that's just an warning ... you can ignore that | 08:05 |
rohan | G0SUB_: no, i dont really have time to be on irc .. exams in a month | 08:05 |
rohan | but, i have this strange s:save_cpo icon on my desktop | 08:05 |
G0SUB_ | hmm, ok | 08:05 |
rohan | i cant find it in fstab ... no such mount | 08:06 |
rohan | and its 500mb big | 08:06 |
rohan | 464.8 | 08:06 |
rohan | what is this s:save_cpo | 08:06 |
rohan | oops, no its just increasing !! its 3gb now | 08:07 |
rohan | oh _LOL_ its a legit mount | 08:08 |
rohan | but its being named as s:save | 08:09 |
rohan | and not /mnt/hda1 | 08:09 |
rohan | ok, i am off | 08:09 |
rohan | if someone has solutions please memo :S | 08:09 |
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catskul | anyone know what the name of the package is which contains the network "monitor applet" ? | 09:00 |
catskul | er... "network monitor" applet | 09:00 |
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pitti | catskul: gnome-netstatus-applet ? | 09:03 |
pitti | hi jane_ | 09:03 |
\sh | hey pitti...give me a short introduction into asoundconf pls :) | 09:04 |
catskul | pitti, thanks. Ill check on that | 09:04 |
\sh | good evening jane :) | 09:04 |
pitti | hey \sh | 09:04 |
pitti | \sh: it's mainly designed as a backend tool | 09:04 |
\sh | pitti: yes...and I'm hacking on a kde frontend tool for asoundrc :) | 09:04 |
pitti | \sh: the manpage says it all, really, it's pretty shallow; it just adds/removes/checks stuff in ~/.asoundrc.asoudconf | 09:05 |
pitti | \sh: oooh, similar to the audio selector in gnome? | 09:05 |
\sh | so...if I want to change the default card (card 0) to card 1 | 09:05 |
\sh | I do asoundconf set default.pcm.card 1 or with the name? | 09:05 |
pitti | \sh: yep, setting the default sound card is the only thing we use it for now | 09:05 |
pitti | \sh: we used the number up to breezy, but using the name is better | 09:05 |
pitti | \sh: since it makes us independent of sound card ordering | 09:06 |
pitti | \sh: however, the current gnome tool has a bug I still need to fix | 09:06 |
\sh | pitti: ok...then I have a problem :) | 09:06 |
crimsun | pitti: btw, gnome-sound-properties (source: gnome-control-center) needs to set defaults.ctl.card, too | 09:06 |
pitti | \sh: you should set default.ctl.card to the same value as pcm | 09:06 |
pitti | crimsun: ^ :) | 09:06 |
\sh | the usb headset I'm using is named always "default" but changes the card number :) | 09:06 |
pitti | crimsun: yep, it's on my list of stuff to fix, for far too long, I admit | 09:06 |
pitti | \sh: really? aplay -l shows 'default' as the name? weird | 09:07 |
\sh | pitti: yes.. | 09:07 |
\sh | shermann@toshiba-laptop:~/Projekte/kasound$ cat /proc/asound/cards | 09:07 |
\sh | 0 [ICH6 ] : ICH4 - Intel ICH6 | 09:07 |
\sh | Intel ICH6 with AD1981B at 0x32080400, irq 169 | 09:07 |
\sh | 1 [default ] : USB-Audio - C-Media USB Headphone Set | 09:07 |
\sh | C-Media USB Headphone Set at usb-0000:00:1d.3-2, full speed | 09:07 |
pitti | *shaking head* | 09:08 |
crimsun | pitti: I'm working through alsa-utils, will have a tiny debian/init addition to apply for Via82xx users so they'll have audible sound out-of-the-box. I'll coordinate with Thomas on alsaconf if you haven't already taken it, too. | 09:08 |
\sh | and depending on the mood of modules autoload sometimes default is 0 and sometimes 1 | 09:08 |
\sh | pitti: if you are curious....saturn 20 eur usb headset of cmedia...the cheapest you can get :) | 09:09 |
pitti | \sh: I bought a logitech usb headset a while ago, when I wrote this selector :) | 09:10 |
\sh | but it works even with skype on dapper :) | 09:10 |
\sh | pitti: hehe...yeah it's one of the expensive ones :) | 09:10 |
=== robertj is thinking about a bluetooth headset of some sort | ||
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Chipzz | could I ask a question about python-apt here? | 09:59 |
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ForzaPalermo | hey can somoene help me, i am having problems with dapper thah ti just installed | 10:07 |
highvoltage | ForzaPalermo: best to ask in #ubuntu | 10:08 |
ForzaPalermo | i did no one is helping me :( | 10:08 |
highvoltage | sometimes you just need to be a little patient :) | 10:09 |
mdke | ForzaPalermo, forums/mailing lists are good too | 10:09 |
Chipzz | where could I ask a python-apt question? (sorry for repeating myself :P) | 10:10 |
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Riddell | \sh: cool :) are you going to make it a guidance module? | 10:39 |
\sh | Riddell: let me hack one version first, then we can test it...problem is that kde apps are not reloading the settings from asound.conf | 10:40 |
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Riddell | \sh: killall amarok should sort that out :) | 10:42 |
\sh | Riddell: no :( | 10:43 |
\sh | Riddell: the xine engine is the problem:) | 10:43 |
Riddell | it needs X killed? | 10:43 |
\sh | total session restart | 10:43 |
\sh | well...I have more problems with usb headsets :) | 10:44 |
\sh | e.g. shortcutting the usb bus :) kernel doesn't unload the usb modules...and reinit of modules-init-tools doesn't help...shortcut is done via "laying in bed, and somehow the knee is beding the usb plug" ;) | 10:46 |
\sh | beding | 10:46 |
\sh | bending i mean.. | 10:46 |
Riddell | "click here to reboot", very windows 95 | 10:50 |
_ion | riddell: Not until the BSOD. | 10:50 |
robertj | btw, does anyone else think that there shouldn't be an update & reboot icon at the same time for update manager? | 10:52 |
\sh | good night gentlemen | 11:05 |
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bddebian | Heya folks | 11:50 |
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