Random_Transit | no....this wasn't installed via a DEB, Jimmey | 12:00 |
Warbo | Random_Transit: Many games make one anyway | 12:00 |
phatmonkey | Warbo: hmmm, how can I change the default settings? there seems to be no option in xorg.conf | 12:00 |
Kumo | biovore: ok | 12:00 |
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rabe | with the help of this tutorial: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Surround_Sound, I finally managed to get SOUND from the 2 front speaker + the center + subwoofer. The 2 rear-speakers, however, are still silent (of my 5.1 system)!? Anyone could help? | 12:00 |
Raven301 | erUSUL: I'm trying to edit it | 12:00 |
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Snow_Shelter | 1 | 12:00 |
Snow_Shelter | (sry) | 12:00 |
cafuego | Random_Transit: For future reference: `checkinstall'. | 12:00 |
erUSUL | Raven301: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:00 |
Warbo | phatmonkey: I could only suggest dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that asks for RANGES not actual values | 12:00 |
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phatmonkey | yeah | 12:00 |
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mundi | is there a way to speed up internet connection in ubuntu having dhcp set up cos is working too slow | 12:01 |
rakz0 | Hithere! how can I have permision to write on my windows partition ? | 12:01 |
Kumo | biovore: everything is fine according with that | 12:01 |
Jimmey__ | mundi, check your DNS addresses are correct | 12:01 |
HymnToLife | !tell rakz0 about ntfs | 12:01 |
Jimmey__ | rakz0, can't be done | 12:01 |
phatmonkey | Warbo: I've entered the range from my monitor manual, but by default it uses 85hz, which is too much for the display | 12:01 |
newbuntu | whats the best way to see exactly what kind of ati video card I have? | 12:01 |
eneried | hello boys | 12:01 |
phatmonkey | 75hz works, and that's what I've set in the gnome settings | 12:01 |
biovore | Kumo: try sudo apt-get install openoffice.org2 | 12:01 |
cafuego | newbuntu: ;lspci' | 12:01 |
mjr | newbuntu, lspci | grep VGA | 12:01 |
Raven301 | erUSUL: thanks | 12:02 |
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HymnToLife | newbuntu> read the manual of the card, eh :p | 12:02 |
Warbo | phatmonkey: Maybe change the monitor ranges to ones that aren't actually right, but solve the problem | 12:02 |
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newbuntu | thx | 12:02 |
teun | Fred: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12696 <-- my 'working' snmpd.conf on one of my boxes | 12:02 |
newbuntu | tying that | 12:02 |
newbuntu | trying even | 12:02 |
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Kumo | biovore: openoffice is already updated | 12:02 |
eneried | does anybody know how to compile a source but getting a .deb not instlling it? | 12:02 |
newbuntu | VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 4153 is what it says | 12:02 |
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Kumo | biovore: the latest version | 12:02 |
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phatmonkey | Warbo: how do I calculate these ranges? they don't seem to correspond | 12:03 |
o_o | Hi, anyone know how to install the 6.06 Beta Live CD on a USB stick? | 12:03 |
Warbo | eneried: checkinstall -D I think | 12:03 |
rabe | with the help of this tutorial: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Surround_Sound, I finally managed to get SOUND from the 2 front speaker + the center + subwoofer. The 2 rear-speakers, however, are still silent (of my 5.1 system)!? Anyone could help? | 12:03 |
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luisito | will dapper include Xgl? | 12:03 |
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Warbo | phatmonkey: No idea sorry | 12:03 |
Raven301 | erUSUL: how do you change the default startup os?? | 12:03 |
pppoe_dude | hi | 12:03 |
Fred | Thanks teun. could you tell me what "snmpd --version" gives you, so I can see if my version is right? | 12:03 |
Warbo | luisito: No, but it's easy enough to get | 12:03 |
phatmonkey | Warbo: ok, thanks for the help | 12:03 |
eneried | o_o see if there's an installer on the live CD, fourm said it will be developed to final version | 12:03 |
luisito | Warbo, and it is very stable? | 12:03 |
=== Phlosten [n=Phlosten@CPE-60-229-105-171.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
teun | Fred: NET-SNMP version: 5.2.2 | 12:04 |
o_o | eneried, yes, my plan exactly =) downloading as we speak, thx | 12:04 |
Fred | Thanks teun, mine is the same :) | 12:04 |
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teun | ok :) | 12:04 |
Random_Transit | ok....fixed, thanks everyone....btw, you should really check out this game, fun as hell.... | 12:04 |
Warbo | luisito: Well it's as stable as Xgl at the moment (Dapper doesn't make it any less stable) but that is a bit unusable at the moment. I've had no porblems with crashing though | 12:04 |
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Printer | Anyone help with my printer problem? Is there a log file I can check when a job doesn't print? | 12:04 |
eneried | Warbo, checkinstall is a parameter of make? | 12:04 |
Warbo | eneried: checkinstall is a package and utility | 12:05 |
newbuntu | I think I have all the ati drives in right but tux game plays badly on a radeon 9550 | 12:05 |
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eneried | Warbo - ah, and checkinstall let me create the deb from source code... it isn't? | 12:05 |
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GTroy | I can't get my usb netgear wg111 rcognized | 12:05 |
Warbo | eneried: By default it installs the .deb so just to make it I think you give it the option -D | 12:06 |
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luisito | Warbo, ok :) . good to know. | 12:06 |
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eneried | thanks ;) | 12:06 |
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GTroy | it worked fine under breezy, and dapper alpha | 12:06 |
rabe | with the help of this tutorial: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Surround_Sound, I finally managed to get SOUND from the 2 front speaker + the center + subwoofer. The 2 rear-speakers, however, are still silent (of my 5.1 system)!? Anyone could help? | 12:06 |
GTroy | :( | 12:06 |
Fred | Teun, what do I put as the "community" in snmp monitoring apps? | 12:06 |
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jenda | How could I minimalise Neverwinter Nights? Alt Tab doesn't work. But it's possible, because when a new conversation pops up in gaim, it usually dose it automatically... In fact, switching to windowed mode would suffice... | 12:07 |
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Warbo | luisito: If you are coming from Windows it is perfectly usable. I'm too used to nice Window Manager controls (and I miss E16) like On Top and Sticky. Also Xine playback gets screwed up | 12:07 |
eneried | now i have a question. i'll make the deb if the deb doesn't exuste where can i find a final version of amule? | 12:07 |
erUSUL | Raven301: edit the line that begins with defoult in the beginnig of the file and put there the number corresponding with the stanza the os you want to boot is (it begins in 0). in a tipycal install putting 'default 3' will boot windblows by default | 12:07 |
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jivah | hi, i ve just installed ubuntu, and i have problems to find my windows partitions | 12:07 |
Raven301 | Thank you very much erUSUL :) | 12:08 |
jivah | can somebody help me please | 12:08 |
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HymnToLife | !tell jivah about ntfs | 12:08 |
Warbo | jivah: "ls /dev/hd*" will list internal drives and partitions | 12:08 |
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eneried | i ask again, can i find an amule 2.1 (or higher) .deb package? | 12:08 |
HymnToLife | Warbo> I think sudo fdisk -l will work better here | 12:08 |
Warbo | eneried: Try checkinstall first, then ask amule people maybe? | 12:09 |
Warbo | HymnToLife: Oh yeah, forgot about that :) | 12:09 |
Kumo | biovore: any idea? | 12:09 |
luisito | Warbo, well, it is on pampers yet. we have to let it grow a little more. | 12:09 |
biovore | Kumo: nope.. | 12:09 |
=== DA_MELKMAN [n=da_melkm@s559182f0.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eneried | ... OK i'll try do do as uyou dsaid, thanks a lot ;) | 12:09 |
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Warbo | luisito: I want something which doesn't require a new Window Manager. (maybe AIGLX does this) | 12:10 |
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Kumo | biovore: thank you anyway, I can live without aptitude I guess | 12:10 |
biovore | Kumo: it might fix its self.. | 12:10 |
coz_ | Amaranth, still can't edit the icons in debian menu | 12:10 |
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biovore | Kumo: I think someones package as a bugus dependancy in it.. | 12:10 |
Kumo | biovore: yeah, maybe in dapper | 12:10 |
DA_MELKMAN | Hello there... I'm complete new with Linux, and I'd like to try Ubuntu. There's a problem you guys might be able to help me with.. I downloaded the .iso, burned it on a cd, and now I want to install Ubuntu. | 12:11 |
DA_MELKMAN | the problem is that after the cdrom boots | 12:11 |
DA_MELKMAN | and I choose 'start ubuntu' | 12:11 |
DA_MELKMAN | i see some processes starting, looks all normal | 12:11 |
jivah | thanks for your answer , i ll try your advice | 12:11 |
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Fred | Teun, i had to kill -9 the snmpd to restart it fully, but snmpwalk returns info now :D | 12:12 |
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DA_MELKMAN | then my screen blanks (and the power LED turns orange, as if my screen doesn't get a signal) | 12:12 |
majd | Hi, i can't seem to be able to get more than one workspace...i'm on dapper with xgl and compiz | 12:12 |
Fred | However my netmrg-gather reports problems still | 12:12 |
luisito | Warbo, well, if it is going to use 3d technology I think the window manager will be reinvented. For a full 3d desktop experience I think. | 12:12 |
trainstroker | how do i enable my ext3 partition in windows | 12:12 |
geek|sauce | are there any tools that can re-size an ntfs partition without wiping it? | 12:12 |
pax | DA_MELKMAN: laptop? | 12:12 |
teun | Fred: what kind of probs? | 12:12 |
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Warbo | majd: There should be 4. Try ctrl-alt left and right. | 12:12 |
DA_MELKMAN | I hear an install sound right after that... | 12:12 |
mlehrer | geek|sauce: partition magic | 12:12 |
Syco54645 | crap i was playing a game and it crashed. now my screen scrolls because it kept the games resolution. how can i fix this??? i do not want to kill x | 12:12 |
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DA_MELKMAN | pax: no, dell 24 " screen :) | 12:13 |
majd | Warbo: nope...nothing | 12:13 |
axisme | il take your screen off your hands... | 12:13 |
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geek|sauce | mlehrer: i meant for linux | 12:13 |
geek|sauce | and for free :) | 12:13 |
majd | i right clicked on it, put Number of Workspaces to 4, but nothing | 12:13 |
majd | axisme: i got xgl and compiz to work :) | 12:13 |
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axisme | excellent | 12:13 |
spook | qtparted on a knoppix live cd geek | 12:13 |
Fred | Teun, it says "[Dev: 0001] [Sub: 0002] Interface subdevice has no interface parameters." | 12:13 |
axisme | what was the problem? | 12:13 |
Warbo | luisito: I was thinking now that we have translucency maybe take away "focus on click" to enable using buttons obscured by a translucent window. Would need some ergonomic research... | 12:14 |
jivah | thanks it worked | 12:14 |
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majd | axisme: video card | 12:14 |
teun | Fred: hmmm | 12:14 |
DA_MELKMAN | so I hear this sound coming from my speakers, but i don't see anything.. I also already tried 'safe graphics' | 12:14 |
teun | Fred: doesn't ring a bell :( | 12:14 |
spook | test | 12:14 |
jivah | i need now to install xvid video codec | 12:14 |
Kumo | biovore: I think I'll uncomment almost all my sources and reinstall using just a few of them | 12:14 |
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ali | 7ll | 12:14 |
[cro] smiley | does anyone know how to fix this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108906 | 12:14 |
[cro] smiley | 12:14 | |
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Fred | Teun: ok thanks. do you know why it says my system uptime is only 3 minutes from snmp? the actual uptime is about 50 days... | 12:15 |
DA_MELKMAN | pax: is it a common problem then? | 12:15 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@ip68-109-118-89.ri.ri.cox.net *!*@cpc6-cmbg1-0-0-cust660.cmbg.cable.ntl.com *!*@huntington-terayon2-70-35-185-235.chvlva.adelphia.net *!*@unaffiliated/bh420] by Seveas | ||
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pax | DA_MELKMAN: what version are you trying to install? | 12:15 |
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trainstroker | how do i enable my ext3 partition in windows | 12:15 |
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teun | Fred: hmmm no, sorry | 12:15 |
Fred | Ok thanks again teun :-) | 12:15 |
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geek|sauce | well, i don't have enough hard drive space on my linux partition, so i'm gonna have to finish these downloads in windows. someday i'll make the switch... | 12:16 |
biovore | trainstroker: there is a program called ext3fsd for windows that allows windows to "mount" an ext3 parttion.. works ok for me | 12:16 |
eneried | trainstroker use the ifsdrives, ext2 is ike an ext2 partition so ifsdrives works | 12:16 |
HymnToLife | trainstroker> google for ext2fsd | 12:16 |
jomura | hola | 12:16 |
teun | Fred: yw | 12:16 |
HymnToLife | it allows read/write to ext3 from windows | 12:16 |
geek|sauce | thanks for your help guys...later | 12:16 |
trainstroker | is it ext2fsd or ext3fsd | 12:16 |
jivah | Warbo, can you help me to install xvid video codec | 12:16 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@usertracking.surfnet.nl *!*@ool-4357eb64.dyn.optonline.net %*!*@toronto-HSE-ppp4139720.sympatico.ca %*!*@ool-44c76d4b.dyn.optonline.net] by Seveas | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@83.230.194.*] by Seveas | ||
jomura | here I can speack | 12:17 |
Warbo | jivah: Yes. Do you have Universe? | 12:17 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@83.230.*] by Seveas | ||
eneried | jivah, install the gstreamer-plugins | 12:17 |
HymnToLife | trainstroker> as eneried said, ext2 and ext3 is basically the same thing | 12:17 |
jivah | unfortunately no warbo!!! | 12:17 |
eneried | jivah, or install w32codecs | 12:17 |
jomura | kkkkkkkkkkk | 12:17 |
antarus | Seveas: cleaning a bit? | 12:17 |
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jivah | it's my first day in linux, please be comprehensive | 12:17 |
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Seveas | yep | 12:18 |
Warbo | jivah: System>Admin>Synaptic Settings>Repos>Add check Universe and Multiverse OK, OK etc. Search "gstreamer" in synaptic. Have fun | 12:18 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*n=j@*.ipt.aol.com] by Seveas | ||
jomura | Anyone can confirm that I can be readed? | 12:18 |
eneried | jivah, you must enable the universe and multiverse repositories, try to do it in the synaptic installer | 12:18 |
antarus | Seveas: any bots today? | 12:18 |
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Warbo | jomura: I can see you | 12:18 |
Seveas | antarus, I haven't been around much today, wouldn't know | 12:19 |
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jivah | eneried, where is system | 12:19 |
jomura | Why I can't speac in ubuntu-es | 12:19 |
Warbo | jivah: System menu at the top | 12:19 |
jomura | I will try again | 12:19 |
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Killaz | Hey guys I'm trying to make my life "very hard" by installing ubuntu in server mode and doing everything with CL... | 12:19 |
eneried | jivah, look at the top | 12:19 |
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HymnToLife | Killaz> have fun :p | 12:20 |
eneried | jivah, there are thre menus the third | 12:20 |
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Shaun2222 | whats the root password on the live cd? | 12:20 |
Killaz | where can I find a nice doc/nutshell where I can lookup for some info.... specific for ubuntu | 12:20 |
jomura | I can't solve dis problem "Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel" | 12:20 |
eneried | Shaun2222, there's no root password | 12:20 |
rakz0 | Hithere! how can I have permision to WRITE on my windows partition ? I have permission To Read Only .. if I try to upload a txt file ubuntu tell me ( filename encoding is corrupt ) | 12:20 |
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Killaz | the manual for ubuntu is great but usefull only if you have teh full-installation | 12:21 |
Shaun2222 | eneried: i try to su and hit enter and says sorry... | 12:21 |
eneried | Shaun2222, open users/gropus and set one for root | 12:21 |
Warbo | rakz0: Is it Fat32 or NTFS? NTFS has no write | 12:21 |
rakz0 | NTFS | 12:21 |
HymnToLife | shaun222> use sudo -i | 12:21 |
Warbo | rakz0: You're out of luck :( | 12:21 |
jomura | how can I have permision to WRITE on #ubuntu-es | 12:21 |
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eneried | jomura, try #ubuntu-es instead of only ubuntu-es | 12:21 |
eneried | jomura maybe this is the problem | 12:21 |
Warbo | jomura: Maybe you need to "register" because they have been getting bots? | 12:22 |
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jomura | I can connect to the channel | 12:22 |
Killaz | for example I want to look up for some info about apt-get.... how can I set it up for ubuntu | 12:22 |
jomura | but I cannot write | 12:22 |
rakz0 | Warbo - Can I copy the file ??? | 12:22 |
o_o | is there anyone who knows how to install Ubuntu 6.06 LiveCD on a USB stick within WinXP? | 12:22 |
HymnToLife | jomura> seems you need to register your nickname, type /msg nickserv register password mail_address | 12:22 |
Warbo | Killaz: Go to "man apt-get" first | 12:22 |
jomura | thnks | 12:22 |
jomura | thans | 12:22 |
=== Exposure` [n=exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueSwirl | yeah, i'm sure even the text only ubuntu install comes with apt-get installed | 12:23 |
jomura | I can't write english | 12:23 |
Warbo | rakz0: You can copy the file FROM NTFS to somewhere else, but not change anything on the disk (read-only in other words) | 12:23 |
HymnToLife | really ? I'm pretty sure you just did | 12:23 |
jomura | I have never estudied english | 12:23 |
Shaun2222 | eneried: open users/groups? | 12:23 |
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rakz0 | Thanx Warbo | 12:23 |
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Warbo | rakz0: Want to petition Microsoft to open up NTFS? :) | 12:24 |
eneried | o_o: there's no installer n the live CD? i'll try to do that from the ubuntu itself, from windows you'll have the trouble that windows doesn't have the full support to file system needed | 12:24 |
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hachre | Warbo, lol good luck with that | 12:24 |
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[cro] smiley | 12:25 | |
[cro] smiley | does anyone know how to fix this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108906 | 12:25 |
[cro] smiley | 12:25 | |
=== Varth [n=nathan@c-24-15-102-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eneried | jomura: System->Administration->Users & Groups | 12:25 |
Warbo | hachre: Linux adds support to closed NTFS to it's kernel. Why doesn't Microsoft add support for openly documented ext3, reiser, etc. to it's kernel? Oh yeah... :) | 12:25 |
HymnToLife | Warbo> too much hassle... who the hell cares about ntfs anyway ? | 12:25 |
eneried | jomura, yo hablo espaol | 12:25 |
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hachre | Warbo: they arent even able to get NTFS replaced in Vista | 12:25 |
njan | Warbo, rakz0, NTFS support is a bit better than that. "Still mostly read-only, but with safe file overwrite support on all Windows versions including changes to the file size (uncompressed, unencrypted, non-sparse files only)." | 12:25 |
Killaz | Warbo: thnx I will | 12:25 |
eneried | jomura, te decia que intentaras anteponer el # al canal ubuntu-es | 12:25 |
hachre | Warbo: i honestly think they arent _able_ to :P | 12:25 |
njan | hachre, that's because they've just augmented NTFS - there are several versions, it isn't like it's the same thing they've been using since NT. | 12:26 |
phatmonkey | I swear I'm going to use windows if I hear that startup sound again (I'm warning you!!!) - how do I stop the sounds?! I have removed them from preferences/sound/system events, but they refuse to go away!! | 12:26 |
Shaun2222 | their must be a root password for the live cd other wise i could just hit enter and log in as root... | 12:26 |
Warbo | njan: I know write support can change a file (useful for emulated harddrives and such), but I'm still not sure of the FUSE ntfs abilities | 12:26 |
hachre | njan: well ntfs hasnt exactly evolved to a great fs since ntfs 4 | 12:26 |
phatmonkey | this happens on all 3 of my ubuntu boxes | 12:26 |
njan | Warbo, there are several open soruce windows EXT2/3 drivers, too. | 12:26 |
Shaun2222 | theri is no usrs/groups btw either, i'm in X as the ubuntu user... uid 1000 | 12:26 |
HymnToLife | phatmonkey> unplug your speakers :p | 12:26 |
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eneried | Shaun2222, you can set one for password from the option i said, | 12:26 |
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Warbo | njan: I haven't bothered looking | 12:26 |
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Shaun2222 | eneried: it's not there | 12:27 |
eneried | then if you're trying to log into a graphic session you must tell the GDM to enable that | 12:27 |
phatmonkey | hmm, found a bug report on launchpad about it | 12:27 |
eneried | by default root cannot start a graphic session | 12:27 |
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njan | hachre, NTFS is quite a nice FS. It supports a wide range of file permissions and attributes, it's stable, it's journalled, it supports compression and encryption.. | 12:27 |
Warbo | phatmonkey: Delete the sound files (in /usr/share) if you have to | 12:27 |
domstersch | I'm having trouble with fontconfig: I can't get it to replace /etc/fonts/local.conf and it keeps complaining that it can't read it ('Fontconfig error: cannot read default . What can I try? | 12:27 |
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Varth | phatmonkey: It's an option under the Login screen setup, I think, if you're referring the godawfully annoying drums | 12:28 |
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eneried | SHaun2222, but you found the users/groups control i said? then clic on a checkbox "showall" | 12:28 |
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hachre | njan: i think it's getting much too slow with fragmentation, and it's horrid when having many files in a folder | 12:28 |
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Warbo | njan: Isn't the compression just like Linux supports zlib? The filesystem image is not compressed | 12:28 |
Shaun2222 | eneried: no didnt find it.. | 12:29 |
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njan | Warbo, it's LZ77. | 12:29 |
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Warbo | njan: I mean it compresses files individually, not the image. (BTW, is LZ77 based on LZX?) | 12:29 |
hachre | Warbo: as far as i know its file compression yes | 12:30 |
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Shaun2222 | eneried: ok i got it.. thanks | 12:30 |
phatmonkey | removing the sound from /etc/sound/events/gnome-something worked | 12:30 |
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phatmonkey | thank goodness | 12:30 |
eneried | Shaunn, there are three menus at the screen top, the third must be system, then look inside for administration or management, not sure, here mine it's not in english, and then look for a users & groups icon, click it | 12:30 |
Shaun2222 | it was looking under the wrong section | 12:30 |
Warbo | hachre: I started compressing an NTFS drive once but gave up. Some files were blue in Explorer others weren't | 12:30 |
eneried | Shaun2222 ;) | 12:31 |
hachre | Warbo: yep | 12:31 |
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dean | Installed ubuntu today, its pro <3 | 12:31 |
gpm | is dapper more or less safe to use these days? | 12:31 |
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Warbo | njan: Do you know about the LZ77 and LZX I asked? I know microsoft use LZX in CAB | 12:31 |
Warbo | gpm: Pretty much | 12:31 |
gpm | Warbo: kewl. time to switch from debian :) | 12:32 |
eneried | Shaunn2222, theres a diferent option there to GDM this is the graphical logon manager | 12:32 |
Warbo | gpm: I hope that's not using apt :) | 12:32 |
jcole | is there a linux utility to undelete files on a fat32 partition? | 12:32 |
gpm | Warbo: haha, no. | 12:32 |
njan | Warbo, I have no idea - I just know NTFS uses LZ77, I've never heard of LZX. | 12:32 |
gpm | Warbo: backup the data and boot/format | 12:32 |
gpm | boot=boot of CD | 12:32 |
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gpm | +f | 12:32 |
gpm | jeez | 12:32 |
=== gpm can't type | ||
gpm | ok bye | 12:32 |
Warbo | gpm: many are switching to Dapper for XGL. I remember switching to Breezy prerelease to get KDE 3.5 (translucency yay!) | 12:32 |
Warbo | AAA! Gone | 12:33 |
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Warbo | njan: So you won't be able to answer my question about lha in the repos then (it doesn't understand anything, but I downloaded one that did and file-roller uses it fine) | 12:34 |
jivah | eneried, Warbo i installed "gstreamer" but i did not get the expected fun ... my xvid file don't work | 12:34 |
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Warbo | jivah: Did you install the gstreamer-plugins and gstreamer-plugins-multiverse packages? | 12:34 |
maher | cani get root in a virtual terminal off a live cd? | 12:34 |
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jivah | i did indeed | 12:35 |
Killaz | uhm I'm trying to install mysql using apt-get instal mysql | 12:35 |
njan | Warbo, nope. | 12:35 |
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njan | maher, yes. | 12:35 |
Warbo | jivah: Also, you must use a player that uses gstreamer (in other words totem-gstreamer) | 12:35 |
eneried | jivah, then install the gstreamer plugins | 12:35 |
maher | njan: how? | 12:35 |
Killaz | Package mysql is is not availbale.....? | 12:35 |
eneried | jivah and the multiverse plugins | 12:35 |
njan | maher, do you mean root on the livecd or root on the system the livecd is running on? | 12:35 |
maher | njan: on the live cd | 12:35 |
Killaz | but is refered to by another package | 12:36 |
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jivah | Warbo, totem says There were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins | 12:36 |
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njan | maher, there's usually just a link. Or failing that, sudo /bin/bash | 12:36 |
Linux_Junkie | does anyone know how to keep your synaptics touch from going out of sync and losing bits ? | 12:36 |
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maher | njan cool - thanks | 12:36 |
borgista | I can't figure out NFS sharing. UGH!!! | 12:36 |
njan | maher, yw | 12:36 |
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Warbo | jivah: Are you using totem-xine or totem-gstreamer? gstreamer>gstreamer-plugins xine>w32codecs | 12:36 |
jivah | eneried, yes i selected all plugings and installed them | 12:36 |
njan | borgista, http://www.educ.umu.se/~bjorn/linux/howto/NFS-HOWTO-7.html | 12:36 |
biovore | borgista: sudo apt-get install nfs-server nfs-common | 12:37 |
eneried | jivah, wich totem do you have? there're two tomes totem-gstremaer, based on gstreamer and totem-xine, based on xine | 12:37 |
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jivah | Warbo, which totem shold i use | 12:37 |
biovore | borgista: then edit /etc/exports (see man exports for what gose in this file) | 12:37 |
mahler | good morning | 12:37 |
eneried | jivah, then shut down totem and open it again letim it to load again the codec list | 12:37 |
Warbo | jivah: totem-gstreamer since you just installed the codecs | 12:37 |
borgista | will try | 12:37 |
jivah | Warbo, i am using the gstreamer | 12:38 |
eneried | jivah, if you use totem-gstreamer, xvid codec is in gstreamer-plugins or gstreamer-plugins-multiverse | 12:38 |
Warbo | jivah: Are you sure it is XVID? | 12:38 |
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jivah | Warbo, yes i am | 12:39 |
eneried | jivah, if you installed totem-xine, you must install w32codecs instead of gstreamer-plugins, but a best solution is to install gxine for w32codecs, and totem-gstreamer for the other plugins we said | 12:39 |
Warbo | jivah: I use XVID all of the time with totem-gstreamer. Does it work in mplayer? (if so you can convert it with mencoder to use in anything) | 12:39 |
eneried | jivah, so if tottem-gstreamer didint work you use gxine to view videos | 12:40 |
Warbo | eneried: The only thing I like about GXine is it's radio stations (2 of them I like which work) | 12:40 |
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gibbster | hi. does anyone know whether I can dual boot ubuntu and windows with windows stuck at the back of the disk? | 12:41 |
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solace1369 | hello again | 12:41 |
Warbo | gibbster: You should be able to | 12:41 |
solace1369 | i found an answer | 12:41 |
amadon | hello anybody thjere? | 12:41 |
solace1369 | i'm here | 12:41 |
treeform | tons | 12:41 |
gibbster | Warbo: ohh... great. I know at one point you needed to have the windows partition either first, or before 1024 sectors, or something like that | 12:42 |
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amadon | thanks God this my 1st time ever in this chat and i need help | 12:42 |
eneried | Warbo, XD here we use it only as plan B | 12:42 |
solace1369 | uh oh | 12:42 |
_jason | amadon: what's up? | 12:42 |
solace1369 | well ask away | 12:42 |
gibbster | Warbo: if you're right, I'm as happy as a pig in shit | 12:42 |
gibbster | sdf | 12:42 |
Killaz | guys how can I explicitly install/select one package if there are more then one? | 12:42 |
Warbo | gibbster: I think you can use GRUB to trick Windows | 12:43 |
Killaz | for example ssh-server? | 12:43 |
amadon | well this is my problen recently i start using Ubuntu Linux in my pc and i'm lost in some things | 12:43 |
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_jason | Killaz: what program are you using? | 12:43 |
Killaz | apt-get | 12:43 |
jivah | Warbo, eneried by the way even the sound is not working, my files may be corrupted | 12:43 |
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Killaz | _jason: apt-get | 12:43 |
_jason | Killaz: what do you mean more than one? like from different repos? | 12:43 |
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redguy | Killaz: ? more than one what? | 12:43 |
Warbo | jivah: Doubt it is corruption | 12:43 |
redguy | Killaz: more than one version? | 12:43 |
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gibbster | Warbo: excellent. You don't know where I should look to find out about this trickage? | 12:44 |
biovore | Killaz:: you ever do a sudo apt-get update then a sudo apt-get upgrade? | 12:44 |
eneried | jivah, did you see it after with a different player? | 12:44 |
Warbo | gibbster: Don't know. Sorry. Ask generally someone may know | 12:44 |
spook | Hi, I'm trying to ssh over the net to view a security cam attached to a comp at home. | 12:44 |
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gibbster | Warbo: thanks. I'll browse... ;-) | 12:44 |
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spook | If I use "ssh -X spook@home xawtv -remote" it's ok but ... | 12:45 |
Killaz | I'm trying to install ssh-server using apt-get I get this message: Package ss-server is a virtual package provided by: openssh-server 1:4.1p1-7ubuntu4.1 | 12:45 |
amadon | i try to install limewire and real player but i dont know how | 12:45 |
HymnToLife | Killaz> then install openssh-server :) | 12:45 |
biovore | Killaz:: sudo apt-get install openssh | 12:45 |
=== defendguin [n=supertux@adsl-69-151-251-194.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | why would a package be kept back? | 12:45 |
Killaz | You should explicitly select one to install | 12:45 |
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redguy | Killaz: so then, how about installing openssh-server? | 12:45 |
jivah | Warbo, eneried ok i am sorry, i selecteg wrong pluggins, it works now | 12:45 |
InnerFIRE | amadon view ubuntuguide.org | 12:45 |
Warbo | amadon: OK. Limewire first. I will say right now that you may prefer gtk-gnutella | 12:45 |
_jason | !ubuntuguide | 12:46 |
ubotu | somebody said ubuntuguide was out of date, reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead | 12:46 |
Warbo | amadon: I will walk you though both if you want though | 12:46 |
HymnToLife | or, even better, buy your CDs | 12:46 |
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spook | if I use "ssh -X spook@home tvtime" I get a long message about No XVIDEO port found which supports YU2 images. Any ideas? | 12:46 |
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_jason | ubotu: tell amadon about realplayer | 12:46 |
spook | YUY2 even | 12:46 |
_jason | amadon: I'd recommend frostwire over limewire | 12:46 |
Warbo | jivah: lol | 12:46 |
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_jason | ubotu: tell amadon about frostwire | 12:46 |
jivah | Warbo, eneried but the sound does not work | 12:46 |
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eneried | jivah, ;) enjoy linux ;) | 12:46 |
jivah | Warbo, eneried lol | 12:47 |
Warbo | _jason: I've heard frostwire mentioned but don't know what it is. (I know frost for freenet though...) | 12:47 |
amadon | ok im going to try both | 12:47 |
glimp | hello could anyone help me configure the samba, i can see it already on networkneighborhood but cant browse it | 12:47 |
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didinux | Hello all, i want to install both php4 and php5 in one apache2 instance .. plz help. | 12:47 |
Warbo | amadon: WAIT! Do you know how to use Synaptic before you go off on Google? | 12:47 |
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boabsta | glimp, there is a good guide here : http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_setup_ubuntu_5.10 | 12:47 |
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HymnToLife | glimp> is the share on an ubuntu box ? | 12:48 |
eneried | glimp, go to shared folders in the system menu and set the workgroup | 12:48 |
amadon | and i also have an ipod movie wich software i need to usit on linux? | 12:48 |
glimp | okay thanks i'll browse the link | 12:48 |
HymnToLife | !tell amadon about ipod | 12:48 |
amadon | no idint Warbo | 12:48 |
Warbo | amadon: First things first. Do you know about Synaptic and Universe? | 12:48 |
glimp | okay thanks to the reply guys | 12:48 |
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jivah | eneried, well i'm enjoying it , and i ll enjoy it better if i get the sound..... i have some seinfeld's on waiting... | 12:48 |
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Warbo | amadon: OK. System>Administration>Syanptic Package Manager. Do everything with that if possible | 12:48 |
boabsta | glimp, u might want to read http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=328802&rl=1 too | 12:48 |
amadon | no im very new on that os | 12:48 |
eneried | does anybody know how to decompress a .bz2 file via command line? | 12:49 |
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_jason | eneried: bunzip2 | 12:49 |
eneried | ;) thanks | 12:49 |
glimp | yeah thanks for the link it will be helpfull | 12:49 |
HymnToLife | eneried> man tar | 12:49 |
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Warbo | eneried: bunzip2 I think | 12:49 |
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newbuntu | im loving ubuntu | 12:49 |
=== CrocoJet [n=Crocodil@cm-virtua-poa-C8B0EB96.dynamic.brdterra.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boabsta | ubuntu rox | 12:49 |
newbuntu | ...execpt firefox crashes | 12:49 |
newbuntu | it crashes for me with nvida ati card and without | 12:50 |
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CrocoJet | anyone here use Ubuntu dapper to access other computer with win 98 ? | 12:50 |
boabsta | explain "crashes" | 12:50 |
Warbo | amadon: Inside Synaptic go on Settings>Repositories>Add and check the boxes for Universe and Multiverse. Then go OK, Yes, etc. until you get back to Synaptic | 12:50 |
HymnToLife | nvidia ati card ? damn | 12:50 |
HymnToLife | that must rock | 12:50 |
CrocoJet | I am gettin problems ... too many connections | 12:50 |
spook | I only treid ubuntu today but it's great so far, bit odd on the TV card but everything else works. Very nice distro indeed. | 12:50 |
newbuntu | it dissappears (after installing java and flash ) | 12:50 |
eneried | ;) | 12:51 |
Warbo | spook: My TV card showed black and white | 12:51 |
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capiCrimm | anyone know how to change the language in winecfg, it's defaulting to russian for me? | 12:51 |
newbuntu | does your mozilla crash often... just dissapear>? | 12:51 |
CrocoJet | is possible to install firefox 1.5 in breezy ? | 12:51 |
_jason | !ff1.5 | 12:51 |
meep | Hey people. I just reinstalled my Ubuntu system after yeah, screwing my kernel. Anyway, I noticed I now can not open "Menu editor" it just lies in taskbar and auto quit again after 20 seconds. Anyone know whats wrong? | 12:51 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 12:51 |
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spook | warbo: with xawtv and/or tvtime? | 12:51 |
newbuntu | maybe I have to new a version of firefox | 12:51 |
CrocoJet | thanks let me see | 12:51 |
Warbo | spook: TVTime I think | 12:51 |
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jivah | warbo please help me i am starving, my mp3 is working but no sound | 12:51 |
boabsta | newbuntu, try running it from the command line to see if any errors show up | 12:51 |
eneried | now how to untar a file? | 12:51 |
boabsta | eneried, tar -xzvf | 12:52 |
Warbo | jivah: Do you get sound for anything? | 12:52 |
_jason | eneried: tar xf file | 12:52 |
jivah | warbo, no | 12:52 |
boabsta | eneried, tar -xvf | 12:52 |
|GBH| | I should start a Ubuntu-no-gui channel I think.... | 12:52 |
boabsta | :) | 12:52 |
spook | warbo: xawtv works for me, just curious I guess. I took a while to get the -remote option before that worked. Can't see one in tvtime | 12:52 |
E | evening all. quick, rather stupid question, how do I copy a bunch of folders? | 12:52 |
_jason | eneried: you can take car of a tar.bz2 with one command: tar xjf file.tar.bz2 | 12:52 |
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boabsta | E, cp -R | 12:52 |
Warbo | jivah: OK, does "Device Manager" know what your soundcard is? | 12:52 |
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E | R? thanx bobsta, will give it a try. | 12:53 |
eneried | thanks _jason | 12:53 |
|GBH| | actually -R is recursive | 12:53 |
dli | E, try "cp -a " | 12:53 |
E | okay, so... :) | 12:53 |
spook | At least I can take pictures of any robbing b'stards coming into my house now, gawd love broad band :) | 12:53 |
boabsta | E, cp -R source_folder dest_folder | 12:53 |
jivah | warbo, by the way do you know this chinese proverb, if you save life of someone, you have to take care of him all his life... | 12:53 |
|GBH| | if you do cp <folder1> <folder2> <foldern> <destination> that'll work too | 12:53 |
E | ...getting mixed.. signals... wil ltry both | 12:53 |
boabsta | E, dli s way is better :) | 12:53 |
newbuntu | of course firefox wont crash when im trying to moniter it lol | 12:54 |
boabsta | E, im drunnk dont pay attention | 12:54 |
Warbo | jivah: Give a man a fish he eats for today. Teach him how to fish and he can help other people play XVID in Ubuntu :) | 12:54 |
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muraii | ubotu | 12:54 |
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E | cp * /blah only returns several lines saying "cp: omitting directory 'dir'" | 12:54 |
dli | Warbo, that's a Chinese saying | 12:54 |
jivah | warbo is it the mao version | 12:54 |
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boabsta | Warbo, teach a man to light a fire he'll be warm for a day, set a man alight he'll be warm for the rest of his life | 12:55 |
amadon | thaks warbo let me play al ittle and see what happen | 12:55 |
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Warbo | boabsta: Exactly | 12:55 |
E | dli, you're my new hero | 12:55 |
amadon | i return later thanks for your help | 12:55 |
|GBH| | E: you will need -R then as well ; | 12:55 |
|GBH| | ) | 12:55 |
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jivah | warbo for the sound card i think it recognized it | 12:55 |
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E | will I? it worked with just -a | 12:56 |
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=== |GBH| shrugs and goes back to his wine | ||
Warbo | jivah: OK, for the most basic sound test you can try "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" and use ctrl-c to stop it (in a terminal) | 12:56 |
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dli | E, you can use "cp -a" to copy away your whole ubuntu installation :) | 12:56 |
newbuntu | firefox crash data from terminal http://pastebin.com/674336 | 12:56 |
dli | newbuntu, firefox is known to crash, upgrade to | 12:57 |
boabsta | E, cp * /blah will need -R, cp -a should copy all sub dirs too | 12:57 |
E | alright. thanx all of you! :) | 12:57 |
Warbo | |GBH|: Will it run win32 application? :) | 12:57 |
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newbuntu | is it better to remove then reinstall or upgrade firefox? | 12:57 |
dli | newbuntu, no difference | 12:57 |
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boabsta | newbuntu, what happened when you ran it from a cmd line? | 12:58 |
newbuntu | im using version 1.07 | 12:58 |
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boabsta | newbuntu, grab 1.08.0 quickly ;) | 12:58 |
dli | newbuntu, 1.07 to all crash | 12:58 |
memphis68 | hallo | 12:58 |
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jivah | warbo it says device in use | 12:58 |
boabsta | 1.0.8 even, sigh, hick | 12:59 |
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Warbo | jivah: Hmmm. OK. That may be good, it may be bad | 12:59 |
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jivah | warbo i think the sound card is not recognized | 01:00 |
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newbuntu | is 1.08 a joke? I cant see it anywhere | 01:00 |
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Warbo | Can anyone help jivah with his sound? I'm a little stupid in that area and I'm hungry | 01:00 |
=== MrPockets [n=alex@CPE-69-23-87-53.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boabsta | how do you run a script when you plug in a new device (USB memory stick) | 01:01 |
Shaun2222 | when installing openssh it generates the keys and what not for /etc/ssh/* what utility checks for those and builds them or is it just a script in the .deb thats doing it... | 01:01 |
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Mathman | Shaun222: probably /etc/init.d/sshd or whatever. | 01:01 |
boabsta | newbuntu, 1.0.8 | 01:01 |
warbringer87 | hello | 01:02 |
eneried | jivah lok under system in media or sound and check if the system doesn't know your card | 01:02 |
aryan | hello | 01:02 |
jivah | warbo come on don't underestimate yourself, it is very bad for your ego lol | 01:02 |
warbringer87 | I heard that supposedly you can instal KDE instead of GNOME for ubuntu? | 01:02 |
Mathman | jivah: what's dmesg say about your sound card? are modules loaded, that sorta thing? | 01:02 |
boabsta | newbuntu, should be available after you update apt | 01:02 |
Mathman | warbringer87: course | 01:02 |
warbringer87 | how | 01:02 |
Mathman | warbringer87: apt-get kde or some such nonsense. that would be one way | 01:02 |
HymnToLife | warbringer87> sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktopyou can even keep both installed if you want | 01:02 |
boabsta | warbringer87, kubuntu if you want to install from scratch | 01:02 |
warbringer87 | in terminal? | 01:02 |
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HymnToLife | warbringer87> yes | 01:03 |
muraii___ | I really don't understand what's up with my connection. | 01:03 |
boabsta | warbringer87, i heard those folk were a bit funny recently though ;) | 01:03 |
warbringer87 | also, i have 5.04 ubuntu, does that change anything? | 01:03 |
muraii___ | I keep getting busted off. | 01:03 |
spook | warbringer: I asked pretty much the same and they said yep. I look in to the system/synaptic package manager and it looks like a job for tomorrow | 01:03 |
HymnToLife | or install kubuntu-desktop if you prefer Synaptic | 01:03 |
muraii___ | Anyone else experiencing that on freenode.net? | 01:03 |
Shaun2222 | Mathman: on RH based distros thats true, but not debian.. | 01:03 |
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Mathman | Shaun222: say what? so debian doesn't have init scripts? that's not true. | 01:04 |
boabsta | muraii, nope, not yet | 01:04 |
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HymnToLife | warbringer87> I suggest you upgrade to breezy first | 01:04 |
Mathman | Shaun222: I mean, sure, I may not have the directory exactly right off the top of my head. | 01:04 |
newbuntu | if you go to the grateful deads site http://www.dead.net/index2.php does your plugins work to make the site visible? | 01:04 |
djk_ | mmh, is there a size limit of swap? | 01:04 |
HymnToLife | !upgrade | 01:04 |
ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . | 01:04 |
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Shaun2222 | mathman: no.... in RH init scripts it will rebuild them if they are missing... with debian it wont | 01:04 |
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dli | HymnToLife, just get the sources.list, and "apt-get --yes --force-yes dist-upgrade" | 01:05 |
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newbuntu | I cany see that page in konqueror and only half of it in firefox | 01:05 |
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jivah | Mathman, i don't see any occurences concerning my sound card | 01:05 |
Mathman | Shaun222: alrighty. | 01:05 |
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boabsta | Shaun222, if your init scripts go missing is there not a bigger problem to deal with? | 01:05 |
warbringer87 | whats is breezy, one of the newer builds of ubuntu? | 01:05 |
TuxClon | Here I am | 01:05 |
newbuntu | its a badger | 01:05 |
Shaun2222 | boabsta: not the init scripts... the /etc/ssh/*key* files | 01:05 |
Mathman | jivah: well, loading the modules you'd need would be the first step. | 01:05 |
hesemes | ich cant install capiutils and fritz firmware on dapper, someonw know the problem? | 01:05 |
newbuntu | breezy badger | 01:05 |
HymnToLife | warbringer87> yes, the one you have (5.04) is Hoary, Breezy is 5.10 | 01:05 |
ggilbert | warbringer87: Breezy Badger is the current stable release of Ubuntu | 01:05 |
eggzeck | warbringer87, it's a new version | 01:05 |
boabsta | Shaun222, k | 01:06 |
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Shaun2222 | boabsta: with RH based distros when starting ssh it checks for them and if they arnt their builds them... | 01:06 |
jivah | Mathman, how and where | 01:06 |
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Shaun2222 | i ported that over to debian/ubuntu | 01:06 |
boabsta | Shaun222, k | 01:06 |
newbuntu | Ubuntu is so slick its amazing | 01:06 |
Mathman | Shaun222: gotta be in the .deb then. I mean, where else would it be? | 01:06 |
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Shaun2222 | but was wondering if their was a script that debian had to do that because it does it while installing openssh | 01:06 |
newbuntu | i'll never go back to rpms | 01:06 |
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xuser | Hi, What's the defualt root pass? | 01:06 |
Mathman | jivah: that would depend on your sound card. my system it would be something like "modprobe i8x0_sound" | 01:06 |
HymnToLife | !tell xuser about root | 01:06 |
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dli | xuser, "sudo -i" use the passwd of the first user | 01:07 |
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warbringer87 | heh, well, kubuntu or whatnot is 36% | 01:07 |
boabsta | xuser, you have to enable the root user in ubuntu | 01:07 |
warbringer87 | thanks guys :P | 01:07 |
shadeofgrey | how do i load xine the video application from commandline? | 01:07 |
bc_ | hallo all | 01:07 |
dj-fu | `xine file.avi` | 01:07 |
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boabsta | xuser, use sudo blah instead and enter your normal users password | 01:07 |
spook | newbuntu: I've installed fedora core 5 and ubuntu this last week and I'm a RedHat CE. Ubuntu is really good from what I see :) | 01:07 |
HymnToLife | warbringer87> afaik, You'll only get KDE 3.4 from here | 01:07 |
dli | xuser, however, I hate sudo, so, "sudo passwd" to enable root now | 01:07 |
bc_ | anyone can help me | 01:07 |
Mathman | newbuntu: rpms aren't much different than .debs. now if you say you won't go back to redhat or something, fine. but I'll call ya on rpm fud. | 01:07 |
HymnToLife | then you shoul upgrade your KD to 3.5.2 | 01:07 |
xuser | dli: i see, thanks. | 01:08 |
xuser | boabsta: thanks. | 01:08 |
newbuntu | whats the differnce between kbuntu and kubuntu-desktop seems that the latter gives you way move features | 01:08 |
xuser | HymnToLife: :) | 01:08 |
newbuntu | yah was thinking of mandrake | 01:08 |
jivah | Mathman, i think it is integrated in my mother board | 01:08 |
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bc_ | how can i load icewm | 01:08 |
HymnToLife | newbuntu> kubuntu-desktop instlls basially the same thing than the Kubuntu CD does (ie kde + lots of other apps) | 01:08 |
boabsta | newbuntu, yeah? what extra features? (no to mandrake to be honest) | 01:08 |
Mathman | jivah: what is it? lspci? that would maybe give you some clues. | 01:08 |
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dj-fu | enabling root is bad mk | 01:08 |
dj-fu | -i The -i (simulate initial login) option runs the shell specified in | 01:08 |
dj-fu | the passwd(5) entry of the user that the command is being run as. | 01:08 |
dj-fu | sudo -i | 01:09 |
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newbuntu | well.. like a newer kde version and kmplayer integration | 01:09 |
dj-fu | this will leave the actual root account still disabled, but give you the root user | 01:09 |
bc_ | does anyone can help me with icewm | 01:09 |
dj-fu | (and a shell prompt) | 01:09 |
boabsta | newbuntu, ubuntu i imagine is a slim super model, madrake i see is a cullulite legged old woman you see on the beach in corfu | 01:09 |
eggzeck | bc_, I've never used icewm | 01:09 |
dli | bc_, apt-get install icewm | 01:09 |
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boabsta | newbuntu, cellulite :) | 01:09 |
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bc_ | i already install it | 01:09 |
newbuntu | mandrake always had a nice gui | 01:09 |
dli | bc_, then, you can select icewm in gdm before login | 01:09 |
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jivah | Mathman, well i have a dell computer pentium 4, no idea about the sound card | 01:09 |
bc_ | but i can found in my window manager | 01:10 |
newbuntu | I pictured cellite ..some mineral deposit on mandrakes legs | 01:10 |
warbringer87 | what do I do once kubuntu is finished? | 01:10 |
newbuntu | lol | 01:10 |
Mathman | jivah: that's why you'd run lspci. there oughta be some sorta sound card set up utility though on ubuntu. some one chime in here. | 01:10 |
eggzeck | jind, lspci | 01:10 |
newbuntu | war install windows | 01:10 |
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xuser | How do i see which driver is being used for my videocard? | 01:10 |
spook | as long as there are no sulphur deposits in the crevices | 01:10 |
bc_ | i can't found icewm | 01:10 |
dli | bc_, restart gdm | 01:10 |
eggzeck | oops wrong tab, I meant jivah: lspci | 01:11 |
warbringer87 | whats that, newbuntu? | 01:11 |
warbringer87 | what do you mean | 01:11 |
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boabsta | newbuntu, we try not to say the W word here, it causes arguments | 01:11 |
newbuntu | im on breezy at the moment but I have dapper at home | 01:11 |
dli | xuser, check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:11 |
blazemonger | what's up | 01:11 |
jivah | Mathman, well got it Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03) | 01:11 |
dli | xuser, or "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" | 01:11 |
newbuntu | warbringer87 I was joking | 01:11 |
bc_ | how, sorry i'm newbie | 01:11 |
blazemonger | newbuntu, :is dapper worthwhile ? | 01:11 |
crimsun | jivah: what's the issue? | 01:11 |
newbuntu | I really like it | 01:11 |
dli | bc_: first, double check icewm is installed, "apt-get install icewm" | 01:11 |
boabsta | warbringer87, what do you mean "when its finished"? | 01:11 |
Mathman | jivah: great. so that's the exact same as mine. you'd run that modprobe command I was telling you. modprobe i8x0_sound or whatever. course run lsmod first to see if it's already loaded or not. | 01:11 |
xuser | dli: kk. | 01:12 |
dli | bc_, then, "/etc/init.d/gdm restart &" | 01:12 |
bc_ | dLi, then | 01:12 |
eneried | take care guys, bye ;) | 01:12 |
newbuntu | my needs are audio, burning, dvd's, p2p downloads, streaming video/audio etc and dapper works great | 01:12 |
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bc_ | dli, i'll try | 01:12 |
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blazemonger | you do nmusic production in linux newbuntu ? | 01:12 |
disasm | anyway to get usplash to display a background for console? (kinda like bootsplash, i tried bootsplash, but it's not liking my radeonfb) | 01:12 |
boabsta | newbuntu, basically a porn studio then ;) | 01:12 |
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newbuntu | haha no just like my computer to be the multimedia centre | 01:13 |
blazemonger | my needs are pretty much development | 01:13 |
xuser | dli: vesa :( | 01:13 |
dli | newbuntu, which tool to do music | 01:13 |
boabsta | newbuntu, yeah yeah | 01:13 |
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dli | xuser, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:13 |
newbuntu | xmms music, xine video sometimes vlc video | 01:13 |
dli | xuser, if you know your hardware, (indeed, xorg can do auto-detect) | 01:13 |
djk_ | is there a size limit of swap? | 01:14 |
jivah | Mathman, FATAL: Module i8x0_sound not found. | 01:14 |
blazemonger | dli, :soundtracker is good and so is rosegarden but i reccomend compiling rosegarden | 01:14 |
newbuntu | I burn with k3b | 01:14 |
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crimsun | jivah: the driver would be snd_intel8x0. | 01:14 |
dli | blazemonger, is it something similar to ProTool in Windows | 01:14 |
Mathman | jivah: well yeah, I said or whatever. that's perhaps not the exact name. | 01:14 |
crimsun | jivah: please provide what I asked for | 01:14 |
newbuntu | download with apollon for p2p and ktorrent for bittorrents | 01:14 |
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Mathman | jivah: crimsun hooked ya up though. | 01:14 |
jivah | crimsun, yes i found it | 01:14 |
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stephenkl | Can someone help me real quick with network interfaces? | 01:15 |
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boabsta | newbuntu, apollon any good, i've never heard of it | 01:15 |
newbuntu | realvideo streaming with mplayer mozilla plugin and mplayer | 01:15 |
Mathman | jivah: he means, what are you trying to do exactly. what's your problem? or she perhaps... | 01:15 |
=== philipacamaniac [n=philip@ip68-228-54-18.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
newbuntu | it uses the gift network its Amazing !!! | 01:15 |
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crimsun | (he) | 01:15 |
newbuntu | searches 3 to 4 seperate networks | 01:15 |
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blazemonger | dli, :it's similar to cubase in some ways | 01:15 |
boabsta | newbuntu, cool, noted :) | 01:15 |
newbuntu | you can apt-get apollon gift | 01:16 |
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newbuntu | theres lots of info out there on apollon installation | 01:16 |
boabsta | newbuntu, gift? | 01:16 |
jivah | crimsun, Mathman i don't have sound | 01:16 |
u^A | how to install xmms on ubuntu? | 01:16 |
blazemonger | dli, :for editing wav fils i use audicaty | 01:16 |
u^A | thanx | 01:16 |
newbuntu | apt-get install xmms | 01:16 |
_jason | u^A: have you enabled universe? | 01:16 |
boabsta | blazemonger, what do you use for mp3? I have a bunch I need to cut bits from | 01:17 |
u^A | pardon me | 01:17 |
_jason | u^A: never mind, xmms is in main, just do what newbuntu said | 01:17 |
newbuntu | make sure you also get the xmms-mp3 package | 01:17 |
dli | blazemonger, anything to compose midi? | 01:17 |
crimsun | jivah: please pastebin what I asked for | 01:17 |
blazemonger | yup | 01:17 |
blazemonger | rosegarden | 01:17 |
biovore | boabsta: I convert mp3's to wav then edit them with rezound | 01:17 |
newbuntu | apt-cache search xmms (as root) | 01:17 |
blazemonger | i use audicity | 01:17 |
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blazemonger | audicaty (sp?) | 01:17 |
blazemonger | for editing all my audio files | 01:17 |
u^A | Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 01:17 |
blazemonger | and for grabbing samples for beatz | 01:17 |
dli | blazemonger, my friend is a musician, asked me about ProTool | 01:18 |
_jason | u^A: sudo apt-get install xmms | 01:18 |
u^A | Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 01:18 |
jivah | crimsun, what did you ask, | 01:18 |
newbuntu | I like to apt-cache search <filename> and then copy and paste apt-get .. | 01:18 |
blazemonger | csound is good but it requires learning a scripting language | 01:18 |
boabsta | blazemonger, cheers | 01:18 |
newbuntu | apt-get - f install | 01:18 |
newbuntu | no space | 01:18 |
u^A | ya _jason i did that and those the error messages i found | 01:18 |
u^A | ok | 01:18 |
stephenkl | Does anyone know how to tell linux to use eth1 rather than eth0, and vice-versa (on a macine with both wireless (eth0) and ethernet (eth1)) | 01:18 |
newbuntu | apt-get -f install | 01:18 |
blazemonger | if you miss impulse tracker check out cheesetracker | 01:18 |
dli | blazemonger, good :) | 01:18 |
_jason | u^A: if you have synaptic open, you need to close it | 01:18 |
dli | blazemonger, great, but I don't know anything about music :( | 01:19 |
crimsun | jivah: ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c0'' | 01:19 |
crimsun | jivah: use pastebin | 01:19 |
u^A | ok | 01:19 |
Mathman | stephenkl: routing tables. | 01:19 |
newbuntu | u^A in a terminal type sudo apt-get -f install | 01:19 |
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-137-82.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
u^A | Package xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 01:19 |
u^A | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 01:19 |
u^A | is only available from another source | 01:19 |
u^A | E: Package xmms has no installation candidate | 01:19 |
stephenkl | Mathman: as in, the 'route' command? | 01:19 |
newbuntu | I like to apt-cache search <filename> and then copy and paste apt-get .. | 01:19 |
regeya | I so wish I'd been in on the oldschool tracker scene. I was around for it but was, um, well, back when the original trackers came out, I didn't have an amiga. ;-D | 01:19 |
_jason | u^A: you need to enable the online repositories, ubotu will send you a link with directions | 01:20 |
newbuntu | use apt-cache search xmms feature | 01:20 |
dli | blazemonger, all in media-sound :) | 01:20 |
redguy | stephenkl: or int ip route | 01:20 |
_jason | ubotu: tell u^A about repos | 01:20 |
newbuntu | than you see all the name | 01:20 |
jivah | 0 [ICH6 ] : ICH4 - Intel ICH6 | 01:20 |
jivah | Intel ICH6 with AD1986 at 0xdfebfe00, irq 23 | 01:20 |
jivah | Simple mixer control 'Master',0 | 01:20 |
jivah | Capabilities: pvolume pswitch | 01:20 |
jivah | Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right | 01:20 |
jivah | Limits: Playback 0 - 31 | 01:20 |
jivah | Front Left: Playback 25 [81%] [on] | 01:20 |
_jason | !paste | 01:20 |
ubotu | Please don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL | 01:20 |
Mathman | stephenkl: yep, that's how you'd modify them. or maybe /etc/sysconfig/routes or whatever. Im really not sure though. route would work anyway. | 01:20 |
jivah | Front Right: Playback 25 [81%] [on] | 01:20 |
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jivah | Simple mixer control 'Master Mono',0 | 01:20 |
jivah | Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined | 01:20 |
jivah | Playback channels: Mono | 01:20 |
jivah | Limits: Playback 0 - 31 | 01:20 |
u^A | _jason, how to enable that may i know? | 01:20 |
dli | jivah | 01:20 |
jivah | Mono: Playback 0 [0%] [off] | 01:20 |
jivah | Simple mixer control 'Master Surround',0 | 01:20 |
jivah | Capabilities: pvolume pswitch | 01:20 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ | ||
jivah | Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right | 01:20 |
jivah | Limits: Playback 0 - 31 | 01:20 |
stephenkl | Mathman: ok, I thjink you got me on the right track, thanks | 01:20 |
jivah | Front Left: Playback 0 [0%] [off] | 01:20 |
jivah | Front Right: Playback 0 [0%] [off] | 01:20 |
_jason | u^A: you should have recieved a private message from ubotu with instructions | 01:20 |
=== jivah was kicked off #ubuntu by crimsun (crimsun) | ||
redguy | !tell jivah about paste | 01:20 |
blazemonger | dli:what i did was compile rosegarden from scratch because the prepackaged rosegarden isnt capable of running any plugins | 01:20 |
xuser | dli: hmm... looks like there is no driver for my videio, is a s3 unichrome. | 01:20 |
dli | crimsun, what took you so long :( | 01:20 |
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jivah | Front Right: Playback 25 [81%] [on] | 01:21 |
jivah | Simple mixer control 'Surround',0 | 01:21 |
regeya | crikey | 01:21 |
redguy | stephenkl: just set the default route through the interface you want to use | 01:21 |
jivah | Capabilities: pvolume pswitch | 01:21 |
jivah | Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right | 01:21 |
jivah | Limits: Playback 0 - 31 | 01:21 |
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jivah | Front Left: Playback 0 [0%] [off] | 01:21 |
Mathman | lol | 01:21 |
jivah | Front Right: Playback 0 [0%] [off] | 01:21 |
jivah | Simple mixer control 'Surround Jack Mode',0 | 01:21 |
dli | xuser, I think s3 is supported | 01:21 |
newbuntu | my ati drivers are in properly but 3d rendering seems off and tux game plays like crap | 01:21 |
jivah | Capabilities: | 01:21 |
redguy | jivah: stop! | 01:21 |
jivah | Mono: | 01:21 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@glg95-1-82-233-7-157.fbx.proxad.net] by crimsun | ||
regeya | ! | 01:21 |
ubotu | regeya: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:21 |
regeya | lol | 01:21 |
regeya | sorry, I did not intend to confuse the bot. | 01:21 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@glg95-1-82-233-7-157.fbx.proxad.net] by ompaul | ||
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pax | he's clueless, educate him hehe | 01:22 |
dli | blazemonger, since I'm so ignorant with music, can you suggest something similar to ProTool? | 01:22 |
AngryElf | hey all, i'm trying to determine if LVM is using /dev/sda or sdb, anyone know a way? | 01:22 |
u^A | thanx guys | 01:22 |
regeya | that's a tall order, dli | 01:22 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@glg95-1-82-233-7-157.fbx.proxad.net] by crimsun | ||
blazemonger | i already have :) its rosegarden | 01:22 |
Mathman | AngryElf: pvdisplay, lvdisplay, that sorta thing | 01:22 |
meep | Hey people. I just reinstalled my Ubuntu system after yeah, screwing my kernel. Anyway, I noticed I now can not open "Menu editor" it just lies in taskbar and auto quit again after 20 seconds. Anyone know whats wrong? | 01:22 |
blazemonger | all midi sequencers do the same thing :) | 01:22 |
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_jason | u^A: by the way, you can just use synaptic to install stuff like xmms, it's just easier for us to give you a command | 01:22 |
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crimsun | jivah: do not flood. I asked you specifically to use pastebin. | 01:22 |
regeya | I need to try rosegarden again. the one and only time I tried it, uh, it was gimpy. :-} but that's been years. | 01:23 |
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dli | regeya, poor me, I know nothing about music, and my friend knows nothing about computer :( | 01:23 |
ompaul | crimsun, sorry did not see u there | 01:23 |
u^A | sure _jason :) | 01:23 |
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crimsun | ompaul: no worries | 01:23 |
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Mathman | ompaul: dude, you're fired | 01:24 |
dli | regeya, my friend just got a macbook, found no software support :( | 01:24 |
regeya | dang. dvd drive spazzing out again. last time this happened I ended up restarting to resolve...wait, here goes. | 01:24 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@glg95-1-82-233-7-157.fbx.proxad.net] by crimsun | ||
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djk_ | crimsun: is there a size limit of swap that top can display? | 01:24 |
blazemonger | http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/ | 01:24 |
regeya | really dli? dang. won't protools work via, um, wuzzitcalled, rosetta? | 01:24 |
jivah | crimsun, | 01:24 |
jivah | sorry i mixep up windows | 01:24 |
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jivah | and i didnt know what was pastebin... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12697 | 01:24 |
crimsun | djk_: however large your terminal is | 01:25 |
dli | regeya, I suppose he would be happy if there's any alternative? | 01:25 |
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crimsun | djk_: (width-wise0 | 01:25 |
dli | regeya, I suppose you can install free software on macbook | 01:25 |
Billy | hola | 01:25 |
blazemonger | Rosegarden is a great midi sequencer | 01:25 |
djk_ | crimsun: mmh, then, if fdisk shows 3.3 gb, and top only shows ~2gb, what could be the problem? | 01:25 |
Billy | :) | 01:25 |
jivah | crimsun, by the way i am a frenchman....which is not really helpful | 01:25 |
dli | blazemonger, I will check whether he can install it on macbook | 01:25 |
Billy | hi | 01:26 |
=== bentglasstube [n=bentglas@209-234-144-154.gen.twtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pax | jivah: lol | 01:26 |
crimsun | djk_: what does /proc/swaps display? | 01:26 |
boabsta | blazemonger, can u recommend any mp3 editors that dont require you to convert to wav first. just to cut sections of a mp3 out | 01:26 |
cyphase | wow, ubuntu mentioned in a front page story on a mainstream news site | 01:26 |
cyphase | :) | 01:26 |
Canute | i have a feeling somethings wrong with my network, it can go online and stuff, but when i try to update my apt-get, i get timed out for all. Same when i try to update my steam, but it can go online .... :S | 01:26 |
boabsta | blazemonger becomes the new resident audio expert :) | 01:27 |
redguy | cyphase: whih news site? | 01:27 |
cyphase | http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=1872640 | 01:27 |
Billy | alguien habla espaol aqui? | 01:27 |
djk_ | crimsun: ~2gb | 01:27 |
redguy | !es | 01:27 |
jivah | crimsun, did you get my paste bin , if not hereafter http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12697 | 01:27 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 01:27 |
cyphase | it's really linux in general | 01:27 |
cyphase | but it mentions ubuntu | 01:27 |
dli | Canute, dhcp ? | 01:27 |
regeya | dli, well, yeah, but I always scratch my head when people buy apple hardware and then go linux...this coming from a happy kubuntu(no flames please) user...I wish I could help, was just surprised to hear that there's no prosumer music software that'll run on the x86 OS X...*shrug* | 01:28 |
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crimsun | djk_: and what does fdisk or cfdisk report for the swap partition size? | 01:28 |
crimsun | jivah: yes, I read it. In a Terminal, amixer sset 'External Amplifier' off | 01:28 |
blazemonger | boabsta, :if you know anyone that needs any help with audio related stuff feel free to msg me | 01:28 |
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djk_ | crimsun: cfdisk says 3500mb | 01:28 |
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Mathman | regeya: itunes would almost have to run. or maybe you're talking about something else here? | 01:28 |
blazemonger | audicaty doesnt require you to convert to wav as long as you have LAME installed | 01:29 |
jivah | crimsun, what should i do, and thanks for your help | 01:29 |
crimsun | djk_: pastebin the output from dmesg | 01:29 |
crimsun | jivah: I just told you | 01:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun | ||
dli | regeya, the problem is just ignorance :( | 01:29 |
boabsta | blazemonger, me, me, i just need to be able to cut sections of a mp3 out into a small mp3 but cant seem to find any apps that dont need you to manually convert a track to wav first | 01:29 |
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Mathman | jivah: run lsmod and see if it lists snd_i8x0 or whatever. then run dmesg and see what it says about it. | 01:29 |
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boabsta | blazemonger, oops, just noticed audiocity message, ignore me please :) | 01:30 |
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boabsta | blazemonger, ^ audicaty doesnt require you to convert to wav as long as you have LAME installed | 01:30 |
regeya | Mathman: thanks for bursting in without reading the whole thread of conversation *wink* Talking about availability of software for Macbooks...assumed we were talking intel...sorry, I tend to use 'x86' as a generic term for 'intel' | 01:30 |
romulo | yo ^^ | 01:30 |
romulo | using dapper finaly | 01:30 |
djk_ | crimsun: just 'dmesg' ? | 01:30 |
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crimsun | djk_: yes | 01:30 |
Grout58_ | im trying to install ubuntu on a serial sata raptor, after the base install is done and ejects the cd to boot, it boots up and says error loading operating system | 01:31 |
regeya | dli: I haven't tried Rosegarden yet but doggone if it doesn't look nice these days | 01:31 |
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blazemonger | regeya, :you havent tried rosegarden? | 01:31 |
blazemonger | i reccomend it man | 01:31 |
regeya | dli: hangon, I'll supply a link to Dave Phillips' Linux sound page | 01:31 |
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dli | regeya, thanks :) | 01:31 |
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Mathman | regeya: ah, nah man, I know you're talking about x86 macs. I'm just not sure what you mean by prosumer music software. at any rate, itunes would run. well, and anything that runs on linux you'd be able to get going on a mac I'm sure. | 01:31 |
djk_ | crimsun: http://pastebin.com/674401 | 01:32 |
Mathman | regeya: but yeah, I probably shouldn't jump into the middle of a conversation. | 01:32 |
Grout58_ | anyone have any idea? | 01:32 |
Canute | How can i reconnect my network card ? Like let it renew it's ip | 01:32 |
jivah | crimsun, what should i write in terminal, excuse me to low in understanding but i am used with my french brain | 01:32 |
Grout58_ | its like theres a problem with the boot loader or something | 01:32 |
AngryElf | Mathman, thanx for the pvdisplay info | 01:32 |
dli | Canute, /etc/init.d/networking restart | 01:32 |
regeya | Mathman: by 'prosumer' I just meant anything that lets you do professional recording in your basement :-D I'm not a recording artist, haven't picked up an instrument in a while, but I'd love to get cracking...must give rosegarden a look | 01:32 |
Canute | ty | 01:33 |
crimsun | djk_: ok, I'll need /var/log/dmesg instead | 01:33 |
u^A | oh god! i just love ubuntu | 01:33 |
Mathman | AngryElf: ah, yeah, one other one I forgot to mention I think. vgdisplay. | 01:33 |
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crimsun | jivah: amixer sset 'External Amplifier' off | 01:33 |
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boabsta | blazemonger, audAcity :) | 01:33 |
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jivah | crimsun, i did it and now | 01:34 |
jivah | ?? | 01:34 |
jivah | still no sound | 01:34 |
blazemonger | boabsta, :: ) ehehe | 01:34 |
djk_ | crimsun: http://pastebin.com/674408 | 01:34 |
blazemonger | boabsta, :i'm not a expert i jhust know what i use :) | 01:34 |
tombs | hi all | 01:34 |
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crimsun | jivah: amixer sset 'Exchange Front/Surround' on | 01:34 |
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Mathman | regeya: garage band or whatever (which I've only vaguely heard of and really no idea what it does), that doesn't run on x86 macs? | 01:35 |
Mathman | hehe, better cut out the off topic stuff maybe though. | 01:35 |
jivah | crimsun, done | 01:35 |
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dli | Mathman, anything run on ubuntu? | 01:35 |
Domoro | i'm remotely conntected to a machine via ssh , i added a a user, but i'm unclear how to make the user a sudoer. do i change the user to the admin group? | 01:35 |
Mathman | jivah: is esd or whatever running? try and esd app | 01:35 |
njan | Domoro, /etc/sudoers | 01:35 |
crimsun | jivah: amixer sset 'Surround' on && amixer sset 'Surround' 28 | 01:36 |
jivah | crimsun, i was thinking may be my ears are not working, that could be an explanation, lol | 01:36 |
njan | dominion, the admin group is probably given permission to sudo in there, but if not, add the user. | 01:36 |
Grout58_ | which boot loader do you guys prefer lilo or grub? | 01:36 |
Mathman | dli: krec? =) | 01:36 |
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jivah | crimsun, done | 01:36 |
dli | Mathman, that's a recorder? | 01:36 |
njan | Domoro, the admin group is probably given permission to sudo in there, but if not, add the user. | 01:36 |
crimsun | jivah: amixer sset 'Master Surround' on && amixer sset 'Master Surround' 28 | 01:36 |
njan | rather than dominion.. ;) | 01:36 |
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Mathman | dli: sure, simple wav recorder. | 01:36 |
jivah | crimsun, i found the issue | 01:37 |
Domoro | how can i make the user a admin ? | 01:37 |
dli | Mathman, I was asking about composer | 01:37 |
regeya | Mathman, dunno. that'd be a good question. I'll be totally frank: I only use Macs at work. Too rich for my blood, seriously. I work at a really small newspaper which means we work with the dearies but most of us can't afford 'em ;-) | 01:37 |
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
regeya | http://linux-sound.org/ | 01:37 |
Mathman | dli: ok. hydrogen is cool then. course it only does drums. it's still pretty neat though, like buzz kinda. | 01:37 |
jivah | crimsun, guess what i forgot to connect the loudspeakers | 01:37 |
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crimsun | heh. | 01:38 |
stuzz78 | hello... | 01:38 |
crimsun | if only Stabbing-People-In-Their-Faces over TCP were an actual protocol. | 01:38 |
jivah | crimsun, yes heh heh to my limited barin | 01:38 |
jivah | so stupid i am | 01:38 |
crimsun | don't worry about it :) | 01:38 |
stuzz78 | i can't get my serial mouse to work on server install ubuntu with apt-getted xubuntu-desktop | 01:38 |
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njan | crimsun, wouldn't it be more effectively implemented over UDP? | 01:38 |
jivah | i do not deserve linux | 01:38 |
jivah | i am born for windows 3.1 | 01:39 |
stuzz78 | i've put /dev/ttyS0 in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:39 |
Mathman | jivah: just mail me some wood now, from le bois de luthier or whatever. | 01:39 |
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jivah | :( | 01:39 |
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crimsun | jivah: at least sound works, so that's good | 01:39 |
HymnToLife | jivah> Windows 3.1 is not soooo bad, look at Windows ME :p | 01:39 |
stuzz78 | is there anything else i need to do? | 01:39 |
stuzz78 | help? please :) | 01:40 |
blackline | Hi, I'm new to apt... How can I install Thunderbird using that? I'm on Breezer... | 01:40 |
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HymnToLife | blackline> sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird I guess | 01:40 |
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regeya | dli: my own experience (but I'm not claiming I'm all that smart) is that there's a pretty good learning curve on Linux music especially if you get to the stage where you want to sync/integrate various proggys...it's not horrible but it's not ultra-easy...anyways, as much as I'd like to continue to demonstrate my ignorance on this subject, there's a yard of tall grass calling my name, and that I can handle. ;-) hasta. | 01:41 |
=== slougi [n=slougi@a88-113-185-74.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mathman | stuzz78: throw the right protocol in there? | 01:41 |
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stuzz78 | Mathman: what do you mean? | 01:41 |
blackline | HumnToLife then i wasnt that long away.. ok, just so i know for the future.. if i dont know the whole name of the package i'm installing, can i do like this: "apt-get intsall *thunderbird*" | 01:41 |
ppcguy | hey all borked my xorg.conf.. Don't recall off the top of my head what I need to type in to reconfigure | 01:41 |
Mathman | stuzz78: on your input section where the mouse is, there's a protocol field you need to fill in, no? | 01:41 |
fellowship | I am buying a notebook! does Ubuntu install ok on all notebooks? Will I first have to remove MS windows? | 01:41 |
kingspawn | blackline: you can do apt-cache search thunderbird | 01:42 |
Jowi | blackline: most simple way is to use the synaptic package manager and search for thunderbird if you don't want to use the terminal. when you find it, tick the box and click apply. from the terminal you can search package name like this "apt-cache search -n thunderbird" | 01:42 |
boabsta | hey blazemonger do you know where to get libmp3lame.so from? | 01:42 |
stuzz78 | Mathman: ahh.. sorry. yes i put Microsoft... it worked with the same computer with default install | 01:42 |
HymnToLife | blackline> you can use the Synaptic tool to search for packages | 01:42 |
kingspawn | blackline: that should return every package available with the name thunderbird in it | 01:42 |
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Jowi | blackline: -n stand for "name" | 01:42 |
vinboy | hi | 01:42 |
crimsun | djk_: you must be on i386 or ppc | 01:42 |
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djm62 | fellowship: my HP notebook worked fine out of the box, you're probably best to choose a few notebooks and google to see if there are any issues with linux | 01:42 |
ahmeni | fellowship: Linux runs very well on a lot of laptops, but do your research beforehand to make sure :) | 01:42 |
boabsta | blazemonger, doesnt seem to show up in the repositories i ahve enabled | 01:42 |
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Mathman | stuzz78: it worked? so what caused it to stop working? | 01:43 |
vinboy | i'm using the kernel, how do I uninstall it while i'm using it? or do I have to boot with another kernel in order to uninstall the current one? | 01:43 |
blazemonger | sourceforge.net | 01:43 |
ppcguy | To reconfigure X. It's dpkg-reconfigure what? | 01:43 |
blazemonger | i think | 01:43 |
__mikem | Anyone want to hear a horrorstory | 01:43 |
djk_ | crimsun: yea i use the i386 kernel. | 01:43 |
Mathman | stuzz78: microsoft though, I dunno if that sounds right though. wouldn't it be serial or something for the protocol. maybe have a look at the man page. | 01:43 |
crimsun | djk_: on i386 and ppc, the size limit per-swap partition is 2 GB | 01:43 |
blackline | thanks everyone. | 01:43 |
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boabsta | blazemonger, cheers, look ideal for my purposes though. i'm sure i tried audacity before and it was rubbish, this looks great though | 01:43 |
wooster1168 | ppcguy, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:43 |
djk_ | crimsun: so all i have to do is install the i686-kernel? | 01:44 |
ppcguy | That's it! Thanks much wooster1168 | 01:44 |
wooster1168 | you're welcome | 01:44 |
Mathman | vinboy: I'd imagine yyou could uninstall it. but that seems sorta dangerous. | 01:44 |
__mikem | not really | 01:44 |
TokenBad | how do you mount iso files? | 01:44 |
blindx | Any way to get text functionality running photoshop through wine? | 01:44 |
crimsun | djk_: no, it still can only address per-swap partition of 2 GB (arch limitation) | 01:44 |
__mikem | all you have to do is download the packages, and apt does the rest | 01:44 |
kingspawn | TokenBad: mount -o loop file.iso /mountpoint | 01:44 |
stuzz78 | Mathman: slow computer worked like a down with gnome... so I started again with server install and did xubuntu-desktop... on default install i have /dev/ttyS0 and "Microsoft" protocol (which I found from ubuntuforums) and it worked.. but the same doesn't seem to work with xfce... it shouldn't matter tho should it? | 01:44 |
crimsun | djk_: you should create multiple swap partitions no larger than 2 GB since you're on ia32 | 01:45 |
__mikem | after you are done besure to reboot though as you are required to do so after updating the kernel | 01:45 |
Apostle^ | TokenBad: sudo mount -o loop iso9660 /path/to/file.iso /mount/point | 01:45 |
blazemonger | boabsta, :it's almost as good as wavelab | 01:45 |
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blazemonger | you can go to the audicaty homepage and download soem effects plugins toooo | 01:45 |
blazemonger | ! | 01:45 |
vinboy | ok thx Mathman | 01:45 |
ubotu | I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, blazemonger | 01:45 |
Mathman | stuzz78: nah, that wouldn't matter. X is X no matter what you put on top of it. maybe have a look at your logs then and see what they're saying. | 01:45 |
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cortez | so, xubuntu anybody? | 01:45 |
blindx | Any way to get text functionality running photoshop through wine? | 01:45 |
__mikem | !xfce | 01:45 |
ubotu | I guess xfce is a lightweight Desktop Environment that uses GTK. to install, "sudo apt-get install xfce4" or "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". http://www.xfce.org/ | 01:45 |
ompaul | cortez, so what about it? | 01:45 |
=== HandShakeMurder [n=ubuntu@216-197-149-150.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HandShakeMurder | what is up my frienlys | 01:46 |
cortez | i'm just wondering what's so special | 01:46 |
djk_ | crimsun: i thought a p4 is 686? | 01:46 |
stuzz78 | Mathman: any logs in particular? | 01:46 |
blazemonger | do a search for lame | 01:46 |
__mikem | it uses xfce thats about it cortez | 01:46 |
ompaul | cortez, its lightweight | 01:46 |
Apostle^ | djk_: it is. | 01:46 |
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crimsun | djk_: a Pentium 4 is 686-class, yes, but it's still a 32-bit processor. | 01:46 |
=== foureight84 [n=wasabi@adsl-69-224-229-217.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boabsta | ooh, i have a question, i did a dist-update to upgrade my kernel from 2.6.9 to 2.6.10 but there wasnt enough space on my /boot partition and the uncompression failed but the update carried on regardless. is this a known bug already? and is it possible to undo the upgrade so i can free some space and try again? | 01:46 |
blazemonger | i'm sure its in the repositories..unless you forgot to add multiverse to all thel ines in /etc/apt/sources.conf to al the lines that only have universe | 01:46 |
stuzz78 | it is possible to exit xfce with the keyboard? | 01:46 |
cortez | i do like xfce on older machines | 01:46 |
Apostle^ | boabsta: just remove it | 01:46 |
Mathman | stuzz78: course. /var/log/xorg.log or whatever. | 01:46 |
boabsta | Apostle^, how? | 01:47 |
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stuzz78 | Mathman: i'm new.. go easy.. i'll have a look | 01:47 |
Mathman | stuzz78: ctrl-alt-backspace would kill X | 01:47 |
Apostle^ | boabsta: use apt-get to remove the kernel | 01:47 |
djk_ | crimsun: i see | 01:47 |
Nathanael | Has anyone ever tried to run the GoToAssist Client in WINE? | 01:47 |
Apostle^ | Mathman: restart* X | 01:47 |
foureight84 | i'm running on 2.6.15 and ipw2200 won't connect to encrypted networks | 01:47 |
stuzz78 | Mathman: backspace... ahh, ok | 01:47 |
TokenBad | if there a way to partition a drive to have a fat32 and linux partion on the same drive from within linux...I have 80 gig drive...fat31 already..but want to partition like 10 gigs or so to linux format | 01:47 |
foureight84 | i found a patch but i don't know how to apply it | 01:47 |
Apostle^ | TokenBad: sudo apt-get install gparted | 01:47 |
__mikem | never heard of fat31 | 01:47 |
boabsta | Apostle^, aaah, okay, i'll try that | 01:47 |
foureight84 | could anyone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=751319&postcount=10 | 01:48 |
polpak | TokenBad, yes, you can use gparted (or the commercial product partition magic) | 01:48 |
Apostle^ | polpak: he said from within linux | 01:48 |
dli | TokenBad, or qtparted | 01:48 |
Mathman | Apostle^: kill. init would respawn it perhaps. | 01:48 |
boabsta | Apostle^, is that a known problem? it was quite annoying :/ | 01:48 |
Apostle^ | boabsta: sure | 01:48 |
=== Aar0n [n=noemail@bb-87-81-166-3.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djk_ | crimsun: thank you for your quick help :) | 01:49 |
boabsta | Apostle^, cool | 01:49 |
Aar0n | Hi | 01:49 |
crimsun | djk_: np | 01:49 |
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=== Varth [n=nathan@c-24-15-102-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nathanael | How many running Dapper Beta? | 01:49 |
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foureight84 | me | 01:49 |
Varth | I'm running it. | 01:49 |
Apostle^ | me also. | 01:49 |
__mikem | nope | 01:49 |
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Nathanael | Any major glitches? | 01:49 |
foureight84 | i'm having problems with ipw2200 | 01:49 |
Aar0n | I just installed 'tutu but set the wrong resolution on the install. I can't start X, because it says it can't start the X server. How can i start X in 800x600? | 01:49 |
Varth | None so far. | 01:49 |
Apostle^ | Nathanael: not that i have noticd | 01:49 |
foureight84 | not mch | 01:49 |
amir_ | how do i creat a channel? | 01:50 |
TokenBad | ok how do I actually use gparted to partition the drive..and if i use it will I lose any data in the process | 01:50 |
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Apostle^ | amir_: just /join #chan name | 01:50 |
Mathman | amir_: /msg chanserv help | 01:50 |
amir_ | k thank you | 01:50 |
polpak | Aar0n, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:50 |
amir_ | and also, anyone know anything abotu cedega | 01:50 |
Nathanael | I had to run update after the intial install several times for it to finish | 01:50 |
foureight84 | could someone help me? my ipw2200 won't connect to encrypted networks | 01:50 |
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amir_ | im trying to use the pro version but im having some trouble | 01:50 |
dli | TokenBad, you can backup your partition table first | 01:50 |
foureight84 | i found a patch solution for it | 01:50 |
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polpak | TokenBad, you can resize the partition rather than remove it, then create a new partition in the empty space | 01:50 |
Aar0n | Thanks polpak, once I use that, will I have the option to set it or will I have to enter an additional command | 01:51 |
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foureight84 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=751319&postcount=10 | 01:51 |
foureight84 | that's the patch for it | 01:51 |
drix_fkc | !list | 01:51 |
ubotu | [list] you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 01:51 |
stuzz78 | Mathman: is there a command to check which port the mouse is in? | 01:51 |
foureight84 | i don't know how to apply it though | 01:51 |
Domoro | how can i list all groups that are avilable? | 01:51 |
fellowship | I am buying a notebook! does Ubuntu install ok on all notebooks? Will I first have to remove MS windows? | 01:51 |
Apostle^ | TokenBad: make sure you unmount it so gparted can access it. | 01:51 |
TokenBad | ahh | 01:51 |
polpak | Aar0n, it'll give you a bunch of options for configuring.. Generally the defaults are fine. But one of them is to set the resolution | 01:51 |
drix_fkc | hi | 01:51 |
TokenBad | that prob why not looking right | 01:51 |
TokenBad | heheh | 01:51 |
Nathanael | I am running on a Dell Latitude D600 | 01:51 |
Apostle^ | fellowship: no you don't have to remove windows, and it should work on any notebook | 01:51 |
Aar0n | Thanks polpak | 01:51 |
Nathanael | LAptop | 01:51 |
fellowship | Apostle^: ok! are you a Christian? | 01:51 |
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Apostle^ | fellowship: i don't believe in god | 01:52 |
spook | Has anyone tried this ...http://www.initng.org/wiki/Install_Debian_Ubuntu. I tried it on Fedora and it was pants but would love to see it work!!! | 01:52 |
Nathanael | Apostle: that's too bad | 01:52 |
fellowship | Apostle^: are you 100% certain a Creator God doesnt exist? | 01:52 |
fellowship | Nathanael: Amen | 01:52 |
Mathman | stuzz78: dmesg would probably show something or other? and I want to say statserial, but I dunno if that's it. seems like there some command or another that will tell you if something's going on on a serial port. but heck, you only have 4 or something probably. try them all if you think that's the issue. | 01:52 |
ompaul | !offtopic | 01:52 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 01:52 |
Jowi | omg (pun intended), is this slashdot? | 01:52 |
Apostle^ | fellowship: this is not the place for this topic | 01:52 |
dli | fellowship, there's no God in ubuntu :) | 01:52 |
fellowship | Nathanael: I am a Christian for 9 years now. | 01:52 |
Nathanael | "sudo apt-cache search God" | 01:52 |
wooster1168 | lol | 01:52 |
polpak | !offtopic | 01:52 |
amir_ | hey guys, im k,inda new, anyone wanna join my irc channel and give me som instructions on editing user permissions? | 01:52 |
blazemonger | okay lame is in multimedia/multiverse | 01:52 |
fellowship | !ontopic | 01:53 |
ubotu | support requests in #ubuntu please, #ubuntu-offtopic is strictly offlimits for support questions :) | 01:53 |
fellowship | !kiss Apostle^ | 01:53 |
ubotu | fellowship: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:53 |
polpak | !botsnack | 01:53 |
ubotu | :) | 01:53 |
apokryphos | !botabuse | 01:53 |
ubotu | You can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned. | 01:53 |
Nathanael | lol | 01:53 |
Domoro | how can i add a user to the admin group? | 01:53 |
fellowship | dominion: adduser | 01:53 |
apokryphos | Domoro: sudo adduser username group | 01:53 |
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boabsta | !bummingbotsdotcom | 01:53 |
ubotu | boabsta: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:53 |
ompaul | fellowship, Apostle^ Nathanael - stay on topic, thanks | 01:53 |
Domoro | ahh thats what it was thanks. | 01:53 |
fellowship | ompaul: ok | 01:53 |
amir_ | how do i make it so users can edit things on the other partition of my hd? cause i dont wanna always use root | 01:53 |
fellowship | ompaul: are you op here? | 01:53 |
apokryphos | yes | 01:54 |
HymnToLife | Domoro> sudo nano /etc/groups | 01:54 |
Apostle^ | ompaul: ... | 01:54 |
polpak | Domoro, or just vigr | 01:54 |
ompaul | I am so are several other | 01:54 |
ompaul | s | 01:54 |
Mathman | amir_: depends. if it's ext3 or something, permissions. | 01:54 |
fellowship | ompaul: ok | 01:54 |
amir_ | k | 01:54 |
=== lordnir [i=nir@ppp-70-224-220-168.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foureight84 | how do you patch a file? l | 01:54 |
amir_ | what do ig ive someone as the address to connect to my channel in this irc?? | 01:54 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: what do you mean patch? | 01:54 |
Mathman | foureight84: the patch command. | 01:54 |
fellowship | ompaul: how do I know if I ever need to change or update my sources.list? | 01:54 |
Apostle^ | amir_: irc.freenode.net | 01:55 |
amir_ | then my channel? | 01:55 |
Apostle^ | amir_: /join #chan name | 01:55 |
amir_ | like how do i add my channel to that address | 01:55 |
Apostle^ | amir_: can't | 01:55 |
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amir_ | k so they have to joinc ahnnel once here? | 01:55 |
Apostle^ | yes | 01:55 |
foureight84 | well my ipw2200 won't connect to encrypted networks and i found this patch http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=751319&postcount=10 | 01:55 |
foureight84 | but i don't know how to apply it | 01:55 |
djk_ | crimsun: so, just to make sure, i do swapoff -a, then use gparted to resize the swap and create 2, and then swapon -a ? | 01:55 |
lordnir | What's the superuser's default password set to? | 01:55 |
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Apostle^ | lordnir: your password | 01:55 |
kaoo | hehe | 01:55 |
dli | lordnir, it's disabled :( | 01:55 |
kbrooks | lordnir: | 01:55 |
kbrooks | !sudo | 01:56 |
ubotu | it has been said that sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 01:56 |
Apostle^ | dli: root pass is disabled, super user is not | 01:56 |
foureight84 | Apistle^: could you help me? | 01:56 |
ompaul | fellowship, you assume I know :-) you install a version, you find out when its EOL (end of life) is, then you plan to migrate before the last day :) | 01:56 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: whats your question | 01:56 |
stuzz78 | Mathman: actually... i have a grand total of 2 :) | 01:56 |
ompaul | fellowship, what version are you | 01:56 |
__mikem | passwd root <enter> (password) <enter> (password again) | 01:56 |
Mathman | foureight84: if you don't know what to do with a patch file, you'd maybe be better off trying to just update your ubuntu. | 01:56 |
foureight84 | Apostle^: my ipw2200 won't connect to encrypted networks. i found a patch for it http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=751319&postcount=10 | 01:56 |
MisterN | __mikem: <enter> you forgot | 01:57 |
foureight84 | but i don't know how to apply it | 01:57 |
kbrooks | __mikem: DONT suggest that | 01:57 |
fellowship | ompaul: version what? | 01:57 |
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Chris_Tucker | does a cxoffice install of wine see and access the system font directory? or do i have to copy my fonts into my fake windows directory? | 01:57 |
kbrooks | foureight84: you dont need to | 01:57 |
ompaul | fellowship, of Ubuntu | 01:57 |
foureight84 | oh? | 01:57 |
fellowship | ompaul: version unbuntu mean? | 01:57 |
blazemonger | ohbtw when dealing with linux midi sequencing it helps to have a good supply of oxycontin or ritalin lol | 01:57 |
__mikem | Why, its the first thing I do when I install ubuntu on a new machine | 01:57 |
fellowship | ompaul: not sure, how can I find out? | 01:57 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: save that as .sh i believe then chmod it to 777 and ./name.sh | 01:57 |
fellowship | ompaul: im using breezt | 01:57 |
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foureight84 | thanks | 01:57 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: no | 01:57 |
Mathman | stuzz78: actually 4 I figure is most systems, regardless of the amount of actual physical serial ports. because then you can attach a modem and what have you. I guess I mean that's how the kernel is configured. | 01:57 |
kbrooks | foureight84: no | 01:57 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: he is right that is C | 01:58 |
ompaul | fellowship, cat /etc/issue and tell me the words in there warty hoary breezy dapper | 01:58 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: a patch is source code | 01:58 |
foureight84 | wait what? | 01:58 |
Apostle^ | kbrooks: hmm then what shall he do with it | 01:58 |
polpak | foureight84, chmod 755 | 01:58 |
fellowship | ompaul: Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" \n \l | 01:58 |
fellowship | ompaul: is that the latest? | 01:58 |
Apostle^ | fellowship: latest stable | 01:58 |
foureight84 | save it as *.sh? | 01:58 |
ompaul | fellowship, so that runs out in about a year | 01:58 |
Mathman | a patch is maybe source code. it's just the output of diff when you get down to it. | 01:58 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: no. | 01:59 |
ompaul | fellowship, its the current release | 01:59 |
kbrooks | foureight84: no. | 01:59 |
fellowship | ompaul: but how can I update programs etc? | 01:59 |
kbrooks | foureight84: do not use it | 01:59 |
crimsun | djk_: sure | 01:59 |
foureight84 | sorry, i don;t know what to do | 01:59 |
Apostle^ | fellowship: sudo apt-get update | 01:59 |
kbrooks | foureight84: what is your exact problem | 01:59 |
Apostle^ | fellowship: sudo apt-get upgrade | 01:59 |
fellowship | Apostle^: but how can I be sure its using latest sources.list? | 01:59 |
Apostle^ | fellowship: sources.list doesn't change for your distro | 01:59 |
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ompaul | fellowship, the information is in the message from the bot - you don't have to do it at this time | 01:59 |
polpak | !sources | 01:59 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 01:59 |
foureight84 | ipw2200 has a bug in 2.6.15. the bug is that the wireless won't connect to encrypted networks | 01:59 |
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fellowship | ompaul: is Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper out yet? | 02:00 |
polpak | fellowship, the beta is | 02:00 |
kbrooks | foureight84: | 02:00 |
__mikem | I always just enable all the repositories, after all, I will probably need all of them sooner or later | 02:00 |
Nathanael | fellowship:beta | 02:00 |
fellowship | Apostle^: sources.list doesn't change for breezy? | 02:00 |
stuzz78 | Mathman: hmm ok | 02:00 |
ompaul | fellowship, no, the first number is the year the second is the month | 02:00 |
Apostle^ | fellowship: you can add too it but it doesn | 02:00 |
kbrooks | foureight84: look. | 02:00 |
Apostle^ | change | 02:00 |
kbrooks | foureight84: a bug is a bug. | 02:00 |
Apostle^ | fellowship: check this out | 02:00 |
Apostle^ | !easysource | 02:00 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 02:00 |
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fellowship | Apostle^: thanks | 02:00 |
kbrooks | foureight84: if you dont have enough knowledge on how to fix the bug, dont do it | 02:00 |
fellowship | ompaul: ok | 02:00 |
foureight84 | okay | 02:01 |
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Marineboy | anyone seen nickrud around? | 02:01 |
Apostle^ | kbrooks: that's not a good thing to tell somone | 02:01 |
fellowship | kbrooks: how do you learn then if you dont trial and error? | 02:01 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: hold on i'll try to help you | 02:01 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: look | 02:01 |
=== Hokum [n=hokum@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dts | how do you get to that console based setup utility to set up the network, et all? | 02:01 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: THIS IS the patch: | 02:01 |
kbrooks | http://www.bughost.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=674 | 02:01 |
dts | from the OS | 02:01 |
fellowship | kbrooks foureight84: if you dont have enough knowledge on how to fix the bug, dont do it <-- how do you learn then if you dont trial and error? | 02:01 |
Mathman | Apostle^: hehe, you want to help him patch his kernel or something? good luck. | 02:01 |
Apostle^ | kbrooks: i'm aware of that | 02:01 |
=== gilianima [n=yanimax_@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | fellowship: i can read | 02:02 |
evader | Hi. If I install dapper from the new beta CD, and then always keep the system updated (apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade), will my system be any different than If I install in a few months from the FINAL release? Thanks. | 02:02 |
Apostle^ | evader: nope | 02:02 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: he has to COMPILE a new kernel | 02:02 |
Apostle^ | kbrooks: okay | 02:02 |
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polpak | !seen nickrud | 02:02 |
ubotu | nickrud <n=nickrud@adsl-69-153-204-83.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu+1, 1d 16m 36s ago, saying: 'has anyone gotten the ltmodem/ltserial stuff from restricted-modules to work yet?'. | 02:02 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: it really isnt worth the hassle to help him | 02:02 |
evader | Apostle^: not at all, because some people were saying that some config files won't get updated etc | 02:03 |
__mikem | compiling the kernel = living hell | 02:03 |
Apostle^ | kbrooks: your a jerk | 02:03 |
evader | which i thought was not true | 02:03 |
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | Apostle^: language | 02:03 |
Marineboy | everyone I got my computer fixed! | 02:03 |
Mathman | I still figure foureight84 oughta just run apt-get update or something. I mean, wouldn't that work? | 02:03 |
Apostle^ | kbrooks: my language is fine. | 02:03 |
polpak | __mikem, try compiling mozilla sometime.. =p | 02:03 |
__mikem | ;-) | 02:03 |
=== JRlinux [n=JRlinux@gw02.applegatebroadband.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
foureight84 | kbrooks: here's the bug profile and patch documented http://www.bughost.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=919 | 02:03 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: personal attacks == offensive | 02:03 |
fellowship | kbrooks foureight84: if you dont have enough knowledge on how to fix the bug, dont do it <-- BAD ADVICE! If everyone thought like that, nbody would grow or learn! we learn the most from personal trial and error | 02:03 |
__mikem | I already have, it was the first time I actually pulled my hair out | 02:03 |
foureight84 | Mathman: apt-get update doesn't fins anything | 02:04 |
Apostle^ | kbrooks: telling somone that they arent worth the help is offensive sir | 02:04 |
fellowship | kbrooks: you shouldnt give such bad advice in here | 02:04 |
Mathman | foureight84: so wait till the next ubuntu release comes out in a few weeks. | 02:04 |
kbrooks | fellowship: yes its bad advice, but HE HAS TO COMPILE a new kernel | 02:04 |
foureight84 | okay i guess | 02:04 |
=== Oompa [n=oompa@c-67-166-234-98.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | foureight84: paste uname -r for me | 02:04 |
blazemonger | anyuone else need linux midi /audio production advice? | 02:04 |
fellowship | Mathman: new ubunti comes out in 3 weeks? | 02:04 |
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@222-153-229-214.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | !dapper | 02:04 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 02:04 |
Mathman | fellowship: I'd imagine. | 02:04 |
fellowship | kbrooks: COMPILE a new kernel? hmm, then you gave good advice ;) | 02:04 |
kbrooks | *IMO*, its not worth the hassle for him to do that | 02:04 |
fellowship | kbrooks: :) | 02:05 |
__mikem | fellowship, is it as bad as telling a newb to type what I like to refere to as "the command of death" | 02:05 |
foureight84 | Apostle^: 2.6.15-20-386 | 02:05 |
fellowship | __mikem: ok | 02:05 |
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | foureight84, if it's something which is fixed in a newer kernel you could try using the dapper beta | 02:05 |
=== hyphnated [n=cgilmour@222-153-229-214.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | foureight84: what king of processor ? | 02:05 |
=== zP-Osama [n=zP-Osama@c-68-39-49-28.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fellowship | ompaul: when does the new unbunto come out? | 02:05 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: hold on. stop. | 02:05 |
=== MHobbit [n=MHobbit@phpbb/modifications/MHobbit] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foureight84 | pentium m | 02:05 |
polpak | fellowship, due June 1 | 02:05 |
__mikem | command of death = sudo rm -r ~ (DON'T EVER TYPE THIS) | 02:05 |
kbrooks | foureight84: Follow polpak's suggestion first? | 02:05 |
foureight84 | it's on a dell latitude x1 | 02:05 |
evader | __mikem: hahah | 02:05 |
Apostle^ | __mikem: that command won't work | 02:06 |
foureight84 | i am on a dapper beta | 02:06 |
Apostle^ | you need rm -rf | 02:06 |
kbrooks | __mikem: thats not a command of death | 02:06 |
ompaul | fellowship, 1 june | 02:06 |
fellowship | polpak: do I then need to remove ubunti and reinstall? | 02:06 |
zP-Osama | fellowship: june | 02:06 |
foureight84 | flight 6 to be exact | 02:06 |
kbrooks | fellowship: NO. | 02:06 |
fellowship | ompaul: do I then need to remove ubunti and reinstall? | 02:06 |
kbrooks | No* | 02:06 |
ompaul | fellowship, no | 02:06 |
=== JulianoBastos [n=ubuntux@c-24-99-227-207.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fellowship | kbrooks: just upgrade? | 02:06 |
__mikem | well, noone NEEDS it | 02:06 |
ompaul | fellowship, and its ubuntu not ubunto | 02:06 |
kbrooks | fellowship: yes | 02:06 |
fellowship | ompaul: ok, upgrade? | 02:06 |
Mathman | yeah, polpak's giving you the best advice here foureight84. that or wait till the final release is out. that or learn how to patch and install a kernel. but heck, if you're gonna do that just grab a vanilla kernel, don't worry about patching it. | 02:06 |
evader | does it make a difference if you reinstall, or just upgrade? | 02:06 |
ompaul | fellowship, I had the bot send instuctions to you, please read them | 02:06 |
fellowship | ompaul: I never said ubunto, I said ubunti :) | 02:06 |
__mikem | evader fresh installs are cleaner | 02:06 |
ompaul | fellowship, I was being as exact as you were :-) | 02:07 |
fellowship | ompaul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades | 02:07 |
ompaul | whats a vowel between debaters :) | 02:07 |
ablyss | maybe this is the command of life... 'sync' | 02:07 |
foureight84 | Mathman, alright i'll look around some more and figure out how to patch | 02:07 |
fellowship | ompaul: ok! ill go now and upgrade to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper! brb | 02:07 |
kbrooks | bbl tv | 02:07 |
evader | __mikem: yeah i know, but if install a cleam beta system today, and keep it updated | 02:07 |
evader | will it differ from the final release? | 02:07 |
kbrooks | foureight84: ummm | 02:07 |
Mathman | foureight84: lol. ok. your funeral as they say. | 02:07 |
zP-Osama | i tried doing the dist-upgrade route and let it run overnight..... wouldnt boot next morning | 02:07 |
kbrooks | foureight84: you have to compile a new kernel, and a program | 02:07 |
kbrooks | foureight84: itll be difficult | 02:08 |
foureight84 | yea | 02:08 |
evader | __mikem: ? | 02:08 |
Apostle^ | zP-Osama: yea i had distupgrade work once and fail once | 02:08 |
fellowship | is there a new version firefox out? | 02:08 |
__mikem | evader I personally don't like the idea of running any beta software, and personally, I just recomend doing a comprehensive backup of your data and starting from scratch | 02:08 |
foureight84 | long process... i know | 02:08 |
polpak | !info firefox | 02:08 |
ubotu | firefox: (lightweight web browser based on Mozilla), section web, is optional. Version: 1.0.7-0ubuntu20 (breezy), Packaged size: 8268 kB, Installed size: 23932 kB | 02:08 |
odin | for some reason firefox crashes all too often on my ubuntu | 02:08 |
__mikem | your approach will also work, but I don't recomend it | 02:08 |
=== Kaya_ [n=Kaya_@82-37-56-7.cable.ubr04.brom.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | foureight84: its not really worth the hassle | 02:08 |
polpak | ubotu, is out of date.... how odd | 02:08 |
ubotu | polpak: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 02:08 |
Apostle^ | fellowship: their is FF 1.5 | 02:08 |
foureight84 | i'm probably gonna kill my dapper too probably | 02:08 |
kbrooks | foureight84: just give up | 02:08 |
foureight84 | what kind of advice is that? | 02:08 |
Apostle^ | kbrooks: stop that | 02:08 |
evader | __mikem: yes but how is it a beta - if i keep up with apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade - how does the system differ from the final release? | 02:09 |
kbrooks | !info dapper firefox | 02:09 |
Apostle^ | damnit | 02:09 |
Apostle^ | !ff1.5 | 02:09 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 02:09 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: you can ask a op to kick me out | 02:09 |
Mathman | foureight84: nah, just keep your old kernel. if the new one you've compiled doesn't work you can always boot the old one again. | 02:09 |
kbrooks | like i care | 02:09 |
__mikem | it will just be messier, a lot of extra packages lieing around | 02:09 |
Apostle^ | kbrooks: i'm not asking an op to do anything | 02:09 |
Apostle^ | just stop being such a jerk | 02:09 |
polpak | foureight84, what exactly is the bug you're trying to solve? | 02:09 |
kbrooks | Apostle^: like i care | 02:09 |
foureight84 | polpak, http://www.bughost.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=919 | 02:09 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: i would try using the 686 kernel. | 02:10 |
__mikem | Apostile^ sorry, i missed this, what is kbrooks doing | 02:10 |
Apostle^ | __mikem: telling people to 'give up' | 02:10 |
Apostle^ | or saying they are not worth being helped | 02:10 |
polpak | foureight84, and where is your computer? | 02:11 |
Mathman | Apostle^: not really. we're giving him the easier road to travel. namely upgrading to the next ubuntu release, as opposed to patching a kernel source tree. this is bad advice you say? | 02:11 |
Apostle^ | he has the newest release | 02:11 |
__mikem | bad advice, I didn't give up when I was on vacation without internet access, someone accidently turned off my laptop without going through shutdown, and the fs became corrupt | 02:11 |
polpak | foureight84, i.e. is this a home network we're talking about here? | 02:11 |
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foureight84 | polpak, yea | 02:11 |
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polpak | foureight84, well since it only affects DHCP, why not just statically assign your IP until the next version?? | 02:11 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: you could use static | 02:11 |
foureight84 | polpak, the laptop connects to the network if i turn off the wpa password | 02:11 |
ppcguy | hey all.. Anyone know if there are drivers for SoundBlaster Live 7.1's? Or something that would work to get surround? | 02:11 |
foureight84 | polpak, Apostle^ static doesn't work either | 02:12 |
Mathman | polpak: hehe, least someone actually read about the issue he's having. good job sir. | 02:12 |
zP-Osama | ppcguy: dont need them | 02:12 |
zP-Osama | ppcguy: just tweak setting for center and rear in your voulme control | 02:12 |
polpak | Mathman, ;p | 02:12 |
Apostle^ | ppcguy: alsamixer | 02:12 |
warbringer87 | hi guys | 02:13 |
warbringer87 | Setting up kubuntu-desktop (0.40) ... | 02:13 |
warbringer87 | zaven@ubuntu:~$ | 02:13 |
ppcguy | right I feel like a mook now.. thanks | 02:13 |
__mikem | 02:13 | |
warbringer87 | but it still looks like old ubuntu | 02:13 |
__mikem | what the | 02:13 |
warbringer87 | it finished downloading and isntalling i guess | 02:13 |
Apostle^ | warbringer87: hit ctrl+alt+backspace, in the login screen hit sessions and select kde | 02:13 |
warbringer87 | but...same old same old | 02:13 |
kbrooks | warbringer87: you have to ctrl+alt+bksp & select kde | 02:13 |
stuzz78 | Mathman: when i'm trying to get this bloody mouse to work, I just need to restart X to see if the changes i've made work don't I? don't need to restart computer?? | 02:13 |
polpak | foureight84, well then it doesn't sound like this bug is nessicaraly related then. This is specifically DHCP. Unless your router is configured to not route from hosts that don't have a lease? | 02:13 |
Mathman | stuzz78: correct | 02:13 |
__mikem | never needed to restart x to get a mouse to work, but I use usb mice | 02:14 |
Apostle^ | usb/bluetooth here | 02:14 |
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foureight84 | polpak, Apostle^, Mathman thanks anyway guys... i'll just wait till the next version comes out | 02:14 |
=== warbringer87 [n=zaven@66-215-10-16.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warbringer87 | aweosme, thanks | 02:15 |
polpak | stuzz78, gpm works good too | 02:15 |
polpak | stuzz78, if you use the console that is | 02:15 |
stuzz78 | polpak: works good for what? | 02:15 |
polpak | stuzz78, gives you a mouse for copy/paste in the console | 02:15 |
Mathman | actually, I hate gpm. it always seems to go crazy on kvm switches for some reason. | 02:16 |
=== polly [n=polly@CPE-65-31-157-112.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | Mathman, so don't use kvm ;p | 02:16 |
__mikem | whats kvm | 02:16 |
skpl | can someone tell me how to remove a directory named . in my homw dir? | 02:16 |
skpl | home | 02:16 |
polpak | skpl, you cannot | 02:16 |
Mathman | nah, I'll just stick to not using gpm. how's that? =) | 02:16 |
stuzz78 | how does gpm relate to getting my mouse to work? | 02:16 |
polpak | skpl, . is always the current directory | 02:16 |
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ompaul | skpl, you do not want to do that - it is the directory you are in ... the current directory is always . | 02:17 |
Mathman | __mikem: multiple machines on one keyboard and monitor | 02:17 |
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-71-193-211-174.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | skpl: . _is_ the current directory | 02:17 |
polpak | skpl, .. is the parent directory | 02:17 |
TokenBad | I have tried to use gparted to set my disk..but its not working | 02:17 |
Mathman | stuzz78: it doesn't unless you're trying to get it to work at the console. | 02:17 |
=== hohoh [i=calabash@pool-71-117-235-217.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | skpl, you know when you do cd .. and go back one the one you end up in is . | 02:17 |
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polly | sweetpolly262.com | 02:17 |
ompaul | skpl, always :) | 02:17 |
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__mikem | polly, no spam | 02:18 |
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TokenBad | I wanted to take 6 gigs of free space and convert it to ext3 format...but it will not do it..and I unmounted the drive | 02:18 |
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Mathman | TokenBad: well, what's it tell you? | 02:18 |
polpak | TokenBad, you resized the fat 32 partition? | 02:18 |
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stuzz78 | i'm just trying to get it to work anywhere... tried /dev/ttyS0 and S1 tried "auto" protocol which didn't manage to find one and "microsoft"/"Microsoft" prototols... any more thoughts? i wonder if a usb mouse would work? | 02:19 |
TokenBad | polpak, I tried and it gave me an error | 02:19 |
=== gt3 [i=gt3@ca-dstreet-cuda3-c6a-204.snbrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__mikem | ampaul, you realize the little spamer came back after you kicked her | 02:19 |
TokenBad | should I try this from live disk? | 02:19 |
polpak | stuzz78, it'd probably work right away | 02:19 |
__mikem | ompaul | 02:19 |
=== PwcrLinux-Away is now known as PwcrLinux | ||
PwcrLinux | Hi there | 02:19 |
Warbo | TokenBad: If it is completely empty (not ANY format or part of another partition) then you can use mke2fs -j | 02:19 |
ompaul | __mikem, yes | 02:19 |
polpak | TokenBad, you should probably just use a LiveCD | 02:19 |
TokenBad | ok | 02:19 |
TokenBad | will do | 02:19 |
stuzz78 | popak: pitty i don't have one :( | 02:20 |
Mathman | Warbo: you'd need a partition to do that on first. | 02:20 |
stuzz78 | polpak: might just have to pick one up | 02:20 |
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Warbo | Mathman: I was emphasizing the "not part of another partition" bit (I don't like giving out dangerous commands) | 02:20 |
skpl | can someone tell me what this means? http://pastebin.com/674470 | 02:20 |
=== kukacomone [n=kukacomo@jangce-2311.adsl.datanet.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kukacomone | heh | 02:21 |
kukacomone | hello :) | 02:21 |
=== __mikem finds Apostile^'s going away message offensive | ||
kukacomone | hwswn olvastam van ez a szoba | 02:21 |
stuzz78 | polpak: do you know what the settings are in xorg.conf for a usb mouse? does the default work? | 02:21 |
kukacomone | jo sokan vagytok bazze :D | 02:21 |
polpak | stuzz78, /dev/input/mice didn't work either? | 02:21 |
=== Apostle^ [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blazemonger | who wants to hear a preview of a choon im working on | 02:21 |
blazemonger | ? | 02:21 |
=== Mathman finds __mikem's taking offense at apostle's quite message offensive. | ||
polpak | stuzz78, the default works fine for usb | 02:22 |
stuzz78 | polpak: /dev/input/mice is the default.. i'm basically following the instructions from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98512&highlight=%22serial+mouse%22 | 02:22 |
Mathman | ah, hehe, shoot. ruined it. s/quite/quit/ | 02:22 |
Warbo | __mikem: I agree with you. I would be scared of anyone who's son was murdered | 02:22 |
kukacomone | sr guys isnt this room a hungarian room? | 02:22 |
kukacomone | *sry | 02:22 |
=== __mikem thinks Mathman's response made no sense and that he shouldn't respond to this message as it is offtopic | ||
PwcrLinux | !hu | 02:23 |
ubotu | Ha magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu.hu | 02:23 |
=== ompaul suggests we please leave religion at that door and get on with our sysadmin things and userland things - and respect each other | ||
Mathman | hehe, I'd say something, but I don't want to anger the channel gods. so I'll stop. | 02:23 |
__mikem | lol ok | 02:23 |
=== trainstroker [n=phillip@adsl-072-148-237-202.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
warbringer87 | can someone help: how to move trash onto the desktop? | 02:23 |
skpl | can someone tell me what this means? http://pastebin.com/674470 | 02:23 |
=== maxco [n=ubuntu@d213-103-218-98.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | !desktoptrash | 02:24 |
trainstroker | whats that app the allows you to mount ext3 on windows? | 02:24 |
ubotu | from memory, desktoptrash is applications menu-> system tools-> configuration editor: /apps/nautilus/desktop/trash_icon_visible | 02:24 |
kukacomone | PwcrLinux, thanx :) | 02:24 |
__mikem | open the trash folder, should be called ~/.trash | 02:24 |
stuzz78 | polpak: which worked on the same computer, same mouse etc... only difference i know of is I did the default install the first time, and this time i did server, and then apt-getted xubuntu-desktop | 02:24 |
Warbo | warbringer87: System Tools > Configuration Editor Go on Nautilus preferences | 02:24 |
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__mikem | then drag and drop | 02:24 |
Apostle^ | __mikem: capital T | 02:24 |
polly | justrespecteachother. | 02:24 |
__mikem | or you can do mv ~/.Trash/<filename> ~/Desktop/<filename> | 02:24 |
=== zP-Osama [n=zP-Osama@c-68-39-49-28.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zP-Osama | back | 02:25 |
Warbo | __mikem: That will only include a link to Trash in /home partition. If you delete something on another drive it goes in .Trash-username in that device's root | 02:25 |
_jason | __mikem: I don't think that would work very well right? | 02:25 |
zP-Osama | yeah sysinfo still aint workin | 02:25 |
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=== biloyp [n=biloyp@c-69-138-98-61.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__mikem | well, it was worth a try | 02:25 |
trainstroker | whats that app the allows you to mount ext3 on windows? | 02:25 |
_jason | !explore2fs | 02:25 |
_jason | !+explore2fs | 02:25 |
ubotu | rumour has it, explore2fs is to get read/write access to your Linux ext2/3 partitions from windows, see http://www.fs-driver.org/. You can also just use http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/explore2fs.htm as a nifty program that will let you read from your linux partitions and transfer files. | 02:25 |
polpak | stuzz78, what are you using for the protocol? | 02:26 |
trainstroker | jason | 02:26 |
biloyp | anyone use ktechlab? | 02:26 |
_jason | trainstroker: what's up? | 02:26 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-71-193-211-174.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trainstroker | it was called something like ext2spf or ext3pdf ..., i cant rember | 02:26 |
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=== ubuntu is now known as TokenBad | ||
stuzz78 | polpak: microsoft | 02:26 |
_jason | trainstroker: http://www.fs-driver.org/. | 02:26 |
TokenBad | ok am on livecd and tried to resize the drive | 02:27 |
TokenBad | and will not do it | 02:27 |
skpl | doinst.sh | 02:27 |
TokenBad | maybe I am not doing it right | 02:27 |
polpak | TokenBad, are you sure it's fat32 and not ntfs? | 02:27 |
_jason | trainstroker: you may also be thinking of ext2fs which is mentioned in the second page ubotu linked | 02:27 |
TokenBad | yes its fat32 | 02:27 |
kukacomone | bye | 02:27 |
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polpak | TokenBad, what's the error you get? | 02:27 |
OrTigaS | hi! i'm using live cd because i hve this problem the 1st user modee is "0600" and cannot do "Sudo -s" | 02:27 |
skpl | can someone tell me what this means? http://pastebin.com/674470 | 02:27 |
polpak | stuzz78, hrm.. it should work. | 02:27 |
TokenBad | just that it can't resize the drive | 02:27 |
biloyp | can anyone help me with a compile error? | 02:27 |
TokenBad | I know its not mounted | 02:28 |
_jason | OrTigaS: 1st user mode 0600? what do you mean? | 02:28 |
trainstroker | YOUR MOM IS FAT32 XD </imature> | 02:28 |
_jason | biloyp: what are you compiling? | 02:28 |
gt3 | im downloadin the live cd, do i have to reboot with it or can i run it from daemontools? | 02:28 |
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kingspawn | gt3: reboot with it | 02:28 |
biloyp | _jason; ktechlab | 02:28 |
gt3 | k | 02:28 |
polpak | TokenBad, how are you trying to resize it? | 02:28 |
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PwcrLinux | skpl: it's not in the dir or empty.. | 02:28 |
OrTigaS | _jason: i change yesterday from the help to someone but supposed to be "0440" | 02:28 |
TokenBad | through gparted | 02:28 |
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Smirnoff | What does error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 02:28 |
Smirnoff | See `config.log' for more details. | 02:28 |
Smirnoff | ... mean? :) | 02:28 |
polpak | TokenBad, I know that part =p | 02:28 |
apokryphos | biloyp: pastebin the error messages with the last few lines that compiled | 02:29 |
polpak | Smirnoff, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:29 |
Mathman | Smirnoff: you need a C compiler | 02:29 |
TokenBad | I click on the drive...and pick resize/move | 02:29 |
kingspawn | Smirnoff: means sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:29 |
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OrTigaS | how can change it to 0440? | 02:29 |
biloyp | i get this; "configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity che" | 02:29 |
Warbo | Smirnoff: You need gcc. Install "build-essential" package | 02:29 |
biloyp | check | 02:29 |
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_jason | OrTigaS: chmod 0440 something, but what is the something that is giving you trouble? | 02:29 |
apokryphos | biloyp: install build-essential kde-devel and libx11-dev | 02:29 |
OrTigaS | _jason: i cant "sudo -s" | 02:29 |
biloyp | ok thx will give it a try | 02:30 |
TokenBad | then that gives me a screen saying free space preceding mb is 0...new size is my full hard drive size..and free space following mb is 0 | 02:30 |
TokenBad | I have been trying to set the free space following mb to 7 gig | 02:30 |
Warbo | OrTigaS: If you need super user but sudo doesn't work reboot into "recovery" single user mode | 02:30 |
kingspawn | OrTigaS: boot up in rescue mode, thatll give you are root shell | 02:30 |
OrTigaS | ah ok | 02:30 |
OrTigaS | lemme try. thanks guys | 02:30 |
polpak | TokenBad, try just clicking on the bar above (at the right side of the bar) and drag it smaller | 02:30 |
Warbo | TokenBad: Is it defragmented? | 02:31 |
Smirnoff | After that command it goes through 2 of the 3 phases and stops at: E: Couldn't find package build-essntial | 02:31 |
Smirnoff | ... any clues? | 02:31 |
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_jason | Smirnoff: you made a typo | 02:31 |
OrTigaS | brb | 02:31 |
crimsun | Smirnoff: 'build-essential'? | 02:31 |
kingspawn | Smirnoff: spell it correctly :) | 02:31 |
Warbo | Smirnoff: You spelt it wrong | 02:31 |
TokenBad | Warbo, umm...good question | 02:31 |
_jason | heh | 02:31 |
Mathman | Smirnoff: your spelling is off | 02:31 |
Mathman | haha, sorry. =) | 02:31 |
Warbo | TokenBad: You cannot shrink a partition if it's data goes up to the end (with gaps) | 02:31 |
cafuego | your taste in vodka too | 02:31 |
kingspawn | Mathman: a bit late with that one ;) | 02:31 |
polpak | TokenBad, ah.. yes, he's right. You should scandisk/defrag before you resize | 02:31 |
Mathman | kingspawn: that was on purpose. =) | 02:31 |
Smirnoff | Doh, thanks | 02:32 |
kingspawn | hehe | 02:32 |
TokenBad | ok how defrag in ubuntu? | 02:32 |
Mathman | TokenBad: you don't | 02:32 |
polpak | TokenBad, do it in windows I think | 02:32 |
=== dmb [n=dmb@ool-4573a293.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TokenBad | I don't have windows | 02:32 |
PwcrLinux | TokenBad: in your m$ and do scandisk/degfrag it | 02:32 |
polpak | TokenBad, then why do you have a fat32 drive? | 02:32 |
cafuego | Um | 02:33 |
=== __mikem never heard of anything so beautiful | ||
kingspawn | TokenBad: have you got enough room to back up the fat32 drive? | 02:33 |
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Warbo | Should be possible in Linux though, shouldn't it? I don't think Ubuntu comes with something to though | 02:33 |
TokenBad | cause I had that before I installed linux | 02:33 |
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TokenBad | kingspawn, no | 02:33 |
TokenBad | its an 80 gig drive | 02:33 |
cafuego | what's the gnome cd creator app called again? | 02:33 |
polpak | TokenBad, I think you can put scandisk on a floppy, but I dunno about defrag | 02:33 |
Warbo | cafuego: gnomebaker | 02:33 |
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cafuego | warbo cheers | 02:33 |
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skpl | how do i remove a directory with files in it? | 02:34 |
_jason | skpl: rm -r | 02:34 |
Warbo | skpl: rm -r | 02:34 |
Mathman | haha, I'll refrain this time. | 02:34 |
kingspawn | Mathman: nooo... :) | 02:34 |
stuzz78 | polpak: yes... and it would be nice if it did :) | 02:34 |
skpl | can someone help me? i am having trouble installing a program called mizio on my computer | 02:35 |
__mikem | mathman refrain fron what | 02:35 |
=== produkt_ [n=produkt@pool-72-70-24-143.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | stuzz78, wait, you installed server mode? | 02:35 |
Mathman | __mikem: inside joke | 02:35 |
kingspawn | skpl: just ask | 02:35 |
Warbo | skpl: Do you mean mezzo or am I totally off? | 02:35 |
=== Wallakoala [n=wallakoa@ool-435678ad.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== __mikem hates inside jokes | ||
skpl | mizio | 02:35 |
biloyp | apokryphos; I installed but still no luck..... | 02:35 |
stuzz78 | polpak: yes... | 02:35 |
produkt_ | how can I upgrade ubuntu to kubuntu? | 02:35 |
apokryphos | biloyp: what error are you getting now? | 02:35 |
polpak | stuzz78, do you have hal installed? | 02:35 |
__mikem | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 02:35 |
skpl | i extracted tha package and made the installation script executable | 02:35 |
Wallakoala | why am I banned from #ubuntu+1? | 02:36 |
Warbo | skpl: Don't pay attention to me then (I'll just sit here and wonder why Mezzo does nothing after login) | 02:36 |
Smirnoff | kingspawn: It still explains "E: couldn't find build". | 02:36 |
=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@dsl-210-211-115-140.qld.veridas.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
biloyp | same error, but the first error I get is "checking for g++... no"..but I do have that installed | 02:36 |
Warbo | Smirnoff: There is a hyphen (-) not a space ( ) | 02:36 |
_jason | biloyp: 'sudo aptitude install build-essential' | 02:36 |
kingspawn | Smirnoff: you are typing "sudo apt-get install build-essential" exactly like that? | 02:36 |
stuzz78 | polpak: what's the easiest wait find that out? i tried running hal, and got nothing | 02:36 |
Mathman | biloyp: what's "which g++" say? | 02:36 |
Smirnoff | kingspawn: Yes. | 02:36 |
kingspawn | Smirnoff: with the hyphen? | 02:37 |
polpak | stuzz78, dpkg -L hal | 02:37 |
skpl | warbo, this is what the installation script look like http://pastebin.com/674489 | 02:37 |
Smirnoff | yes... no hyphen? | 02:37 |
biloyp | _jason; I am doing that now | 02:37 |
kingspawn | Smirnoff: copy and paste just the line where you type the command, and the output | 02:37 |
=== polly_ [n=polly@CPE-65-31-157-112.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
biloyp | Mathman; it does not specify | 02:37 |
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stuzz78 | polpak: that gives me a large list if directories with that contain hal | 02:37 |
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polpak | stuzz78, ok, so it's installed then | 02:38 |
Mathman | biloyp: then what makes you think you have it? you might oughta go with this build-essential thing everyone's talking about. it's the latest craze. | 02:38 |
skpl | warbo, this is the error i am recieving: cat: /install/description: Not a directory | 02:38 |
skpl | ./doinst.sh: line 8: /var/log/packages/mizio-0.3.1-i386-1: No such file or directory | 02:38 |
skpl | mv: cannot stat `description.tmp': No such file or directory | 02:38 |
skpl | rm: cannot remove `/install/description': Not a directory | 02:38 |
stuzz78 | polpak: you got my hopes up for a minute there :) | 02:38 |
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__mikem | lol @ Mathman | 02:38 |
Smirnoff | kingspawn: This is what happens in terminal: yang2@Smirnoff:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:39 |
Smirnoff | Reading package lists... Done | 02:39 |
Smirnoff | Building dependency tree... Done | 02:39 |
Smirnoff | E: Couldn't find package build-essential | 02:39 |
Smirnoff | yang2@Smirnoff:~$ | 02:39 |
_jason | !paste | 02:39 |
ubotu | Please don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL | 02:39 |
biloyp | _jason; that worked..thxs | 02:39 |
kingspawn | skpl: that script of yours seems so environment specific its not even funny | 02:39 |
itrebal | "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" whats up with that? i apt-got gcc and make | 02:39 |
=== cheesechoker [i=die_furr@London-HSE-ppp3548527.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | itrebal: build-essential! | 02:39 |
_jason | Smirnoff: 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and put the ocntents on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ please | 02:39 |
itrebal | kingspawn: i should remember that one :/ | 02:39 |
cheesechoker | what does "low memory mode" do during install? | 02:39 |
kingspawn | Smirnoff: okay, it seems like your sources.list may be a little off here | 02:39 |
_jason | wow it's build-essential hour | 02:39 |
Mathman | itrebal: I'd run autoreconf | 02:40 |
__mikem | what the hell does it mean to have a c compiler that can't make executables | 02:40 |
itrebal | Mathman: how do you mean? | 02:40 |
kingspawn | __mikem: it means that the linker is missing, i would believe | 02:40 |
=== juztin [n=juztin__@68-184-136-55.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
itrebal | "configure: error: Blackbox requires the X Window System libraries and headers." wtf? what am i supposed to get :/ | 02:40 |
Smirnoff | kingspawn: How do I obtain some better sources? | 02:40 |
__mikem | or the assembler | 02:40 |
skpl | kingspawn, does that mean it wont run in ubuntu? | 02:40 |
maxkelley | hey, I'm having a problem with my VNC not even starting a server.. in the log, it starts the server, but the log finishes with the message "could not load font 'fixed'" | 02:40 |
Mathman | itrebal: I mean run "autoreconf". that will redo the autotools stuff, and maybe your configure script will work after that. | 02:40 |
=== emperatriz [n=Unknown@83.Red-88-9-208.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juztin | will switching from gnome to kde result in a noticable speed boost on a low-ram system? | 02:41 |
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Mathman | itrebal: that or you're missing a linker or something. what's which ld say? | 02:41 |
_jason | juztin: no | 02:41 |
kingspawn | skpl: well, not necessarily, but you should just look at what each line of the script does, and execute them yourselves, with the directories fixed etc | 02:41 |
jack- | juztin: LOL | 02:41 |
jbroome | juztin: not really. might need to look into *box or xfce | 02:41 |
kingspawn | whats that sources.list generator again? | 02:41 |
_jason | juztin: for that, you should try xubuntu | 02:41 |
skpl | kingspawn, alright | 02:41 |
__mikem | going from gnome to kde should cause your computer to slow down | 02:41 |
_jason | !easysource | 02:41 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 02:41 |
Mathman | maxkelley: run xfs maybe? | 02:41 |
itrebal | juztin: going from gnome to kde, you will notice a speed *drop* | 02:41 |
kingspawn | Smirnoff: take a look at that link | 02:41 |
Adyeths | what would cause me to NOT be able to start an x-terminal-emulator using a hotkey in gnome when I'm able to start other things, like a web browser, with the very same hotkey? | 02:41 |
juztin | ok thx all :) | 02:41 |
polpak | stuzz78, can you pastebin the output from lshal, or lshal | less and look for your serial port | 02:41 |
maxkelley | Mathman: arright, I'll try. | 02:41 |
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Smirnoff | kingspawn: Which one? Sorry, at work and mucking about ;) | 02:42 |
__mikem | Adyeths, can you start the terminal normally | 02:42 |
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kingspawn | Smirnoff: the one ubotu last gave, ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 02:42 |
stuzz78 | polpak: what's pastebin? | 02:42 |
Adyeths | yes. starts fine normally. I'd like to make it start with this hotkey though. | 02:42 |
polpak | !pastebin | 02:43 |
ubotu | hmm... pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 02:43 |
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polpak | Adyeths, how do you start it normally? | 02:43 |
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stuzz78 | polpak: how's it work? | 02:43 |
Adyeths | either through the menu's... or by pressing alt+f2 and typing 'xterm'. | 02:43 |
Adyeths | both of those ways work ok to start it. | 02:44 |
Warbo | Adyeths: Drag the menu entry to your panel and go on it's properties for the exact command | 02:44 |
skpl | kingspawn, can you tell me what this is supposed to do? sed '/tmp /install/description' < "/tmp/mizio-0.3.1-i386-1" > description.tmp | 02:44 |
maxkelley | Mathman: nope.. didn't work. | 02:44 |
__mikem | xterm is minimalistic | 02:44 |
maxkelley | Mathman: can I PM you the error message? | 02:44 |
_jason | Adyeths: try giving the full path to the binary maybe | 02:44 |
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maxkelley | __mikem: yet very expansible. | 02:44 |
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__mikem | never tried it, gnome terminal works fine for me | 02:44 |
Adyeths | if I could figure out how to do that in the gnome "keyboard-shortcuts" settings I would. but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that yet. | 02:45 |
kingspawn | skpl: if you have those two files, 'description' and 'mizio...', just use the command on them | 02:45 |
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_jason | ubotu: tell Adyeths about shortcuts | 02:45 |
Mathman | maxkelley: beats me then. or make sure you have X installed perhaps? or just rearange your X configuration for vnc? sure private message away. I thought you already pasted it though. | 02:45 |
Warbo | __mikem: It's nice but I like having New Terminal option | 02:45 |
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maxkelley | Mathman: yeah, I have X | 02:45 |
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kingspawn | Adyeths: just scroll a little down to "Run a terminal", press the shortcut, it says "new accelerator", and press the keycombo you want | 02:46 |
=== Marineboy [n=PX2@nc-71-49-180-128.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | Adyeths: works like a charm here | 02:46 |
maxkelley | !vnc | 02:46 |
ubotu | somebody said vnc was http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session) | 02:46 |
maxkelley | thank you very mooch! | 02:46 |
Adyeths | it used to work for me too. but I upgraded to Dapper. and for some reason now it doesn't work. just seems to be the terminal emulator though. and I can't figure out why. | 02:46 |
=== DewDude [n=dewdude@pool-71-114-50-134.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | Adyeths: ah, with dapper i dont know | 02:46 |
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kingspawn | Adyeths: #ubuntu+1 might be able to help | 02:47 |
blazemonger | brb | 02:47 |
Adyeths | nobody there's answered me when I asked there. | 02:47 |
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kingspawn | Adyeths: heh, seems like an exotic bug youve got there | 02:47 |
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eugman | Anybody know how to get firefox to open gnome-mud when I click on a telnet link? | 02:48 |
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Adyeths | its definitely weird. heh. | 02:48 |
=== tovell1 [n=ktraglin@ool-182c9fa8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
james__ | !nvidia | 02:48 |
ubotu | rumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 02:48 |
itrebal | how can i add an option to the window manager lists? | 02:48 |
Adyeths | I'm going to try whats in that forum entry that was pm'd to me though. that might work. | 02:48 |
Warbo | itrebal: At login? | 02:48 |
=== gtrplr [n=gtrplr@c-24-16-155-26.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
itrebal | Warbo: yea | 02:48 |
Warbo | itrebal: What are you trying to add? Most packages will add themselves | 02:49 |
itrebal | Warbo: blackbox, its not a package | 02:49 |
=== taeli [i=taeli@host-84-9-208-47.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Warbo | itrebal: Hmmm. Check in /etc for gdm and /usr/lib/gdm | 02:49 |
gtrplr | I no longer have a wlan0 but now a eth1 and no wireless...any help? | 02:49 |
taeli | hi - I'm trying to follow a tutorial to set up my wireless card on ubuntu - but I need to use apt-get to install a few things - but I don't have wireless! on windows, can i download some things and then transfer them accross? | 02:50 |
gtrplr | taeli, do you have wired? | 02:50 |
_jason | taeli: packages.ubuntu.com, make sure you get all the dependencies as well | 02:50 |
taeli | gtrplr - no, I don't have wired | 02:51 |
taeli | I need to get ndiswrapper-utils | 02:51 |
=== giovanni [n=giovanni@d83-184-219-105.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taeli | I've got a floppy tho, or a usb stick drive if need be | 02:51 |
Warbo | taeli: You will need ALL of the packages apt asks for (dependencies can make this very laborious) then install them all at once with dpkg -i *.deb | 02:51 |
taeli | could you find out what packages I need for ndiswrapper-utils please? | 02:51 |
=== dolson [n=dana@d235-185-252.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gtrplr | taeli, yeah...get all the things you need put them in a /dir that is accessable to linux | 02:52 |
gtrplr | and install 'em | 02:52 |
_jason | taeli: the site tells you | 02:52 |
taeli | which site tells me? | 02:52 |
dolson | can anyone tell me why the update-notifier thing launches synaptic now instead of the little upgrader thingy? how do I fix it? | 02:52 |
Warbo | dolson: In breezy or Dapper | 02:52 |
dolson | Warbo: dapper, sorry :) | 02:52 |
=== trezy [n=Anydrez@dhcp186-3-13.dsl.ucc-net.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | taeli: do you know python? | 02:53 |
_jason | taeli: packages.ubuntu.com | 02:53 |
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lflashl | is there a google earth for linux | 02:54 |
trainstroker | wtf , i isntalled something from Add Aplications, and i dunno where the hell it is | 02:54 |
skpl | kingspawn, what does this mean? sed: -e expression #1, char 2: extra characters after command | 02:54 |
Mathman | lflashl: nope | 02:54 |
trezy | does anyone know the link for that step-by-step guide for buel-booting Windows XP and Ubuntu? | 02:54 |
gtrplr | any help with my missing wlan0 ? | 02:54 |
trainstroker | trezy ill help you | 02:54 |
_jason | taeli: you will want to install all the dependencies that your computer does not already have installed | 02:54 |
kingspawn | skpl: no idea :/ | 02:54 |
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lflashl | tiem to use vm ware | 02:54 |
Warbo | dolson: Just updating my packages at the moment to the beta | 02:54 |
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skpl | can someoen tell me what this mean? sed: -e expression #1, char 2: extra characters after command | 02:55 |
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Mathman | trainstroker: that's one of the things your package manager is there for. | 02:55 |
dolson | Warbo: cool, thanks | 02:55 |
trainstroker | mathman, so all it does is install pacakges??? | 02:55 |
Warbo | dolson: I'm already running Dapper so it won't take long | 02:55 |
Mathman | trainstroker: say what? | 02:55 |
Warbo | dolson: 7 mins | 02:55 |
gtrplr | Warbo, did you update from Breezey ? | 02:55 |
trainstroker | ok should add aplication install the damn thing? | 02:55 |
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Mathman | trainstroker: I'm saying if you've installed something, and you want to find where it's at, then query your package manager. | 02:56 |
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Warbo | gtrplr: Yes, a while ago (then I copied the installation to my usb drive) | 02:56 |
Mathman | trainstroker: that's what it's there for. | 02:56 |
Mathman | skpl: sure. you have extra characters after your sed command. sed doesn't like that. | 02:56 |
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skpl | what does the sed command do? | 02:56 |
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dolson | what does the man command do | 02:57 |
Mathman | skpl: stream editor. it edits streams. | 02:57 |
Warbo | dolson: It gives you a manual | 02:57 |
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dolson | Warbo: lol, I know | 02:57 |
gtrplr | Warbo, did you do the dist-update? | 02:57 |
trainstroker | mathman: its not there ... | 02:57 |
Warbo | gtrplr: Yes | 02:57 |
Mathman | trainstroker: what makes you think you installed it? | 02:57 |
Warbo | dolson: Oh I see | 02:57 |
Mathman | trainstroker: what makes you think it's not there? | 02:57 |
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lflashl | is there point to upgrade to gnome x.14 | 02:57 |
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Mathman | lflashl: after it's out is always a good point. | 02:58 |
Warbo | lflashl: Apparently it's faster. | 02:58 |
gtrplr | Warbo, I lost my wlan0 doing that | 02:58 |
gtrplr | cant get it back | 02:58 |
lflashl | so how do i do it on apt-get | 02:58 |
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Warbo | gtrplr: I have a wlan0, but now it's configured my computer no longer boots with it in | 02:58 |
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gtrplr | my boots OK, just cant use wireless | 02:59 |
Warbo | gtrplr: PCI or PCMCIA (or USB)? | 02:59 |
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gtrplr | pci | 02:59 |
gtrplr | ndis | 02:59 |
gtrplr | bcom 5306 | 02:59 |
lflashl | mine run fine didnt need to do anythin just turn it on | 02:59 |
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Warbo | gtrplr: Mine is PCI. And I searched eBay specifically for "wifi pci linux" | 02:59 |
OrTigaS | hi! still the first user cant do "sudo -s" | 03:00 |
gtrplr | Warbo, I have even install ndis sources, re-made them, reinstalled wireless tools | 03:00 |
gtrplr | nada | 03:00 |
Warbo | lflashl: I plugged it in and it worked. Then I rebooted :( | 03:00 |
=== Large_Box [n=Large_Bo@66-227-223-24.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrTigaS | it say "mode 0600, must be 0440 | 03:00 |
lflashl | dam | 03:00 |
Mathman | miller time on my end finally. nite fellas. | 03:01 |
gtrplr | wlan0 No such device | 03:01 |
gtrplr | its driving me nutz | 03:01 |
Warbo | gtrplr: Well at least yours boots | 03:01 |
gtrplr | true | 03:01 |
Mathman | and ladies. if such mythical beasts even exist on irc. | 03:01 |
gtrplr | do you have a choice of a lot of kernels ?? | 03:01 |
lflashl | Mathman, lol | 03:01 |
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Warbo | Mathman: They are on irc, just not Linux irc | 03:01 |
gtrplr | Warbo, try a different kern | 03:02 |
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Warbo | gtrplr: Sorry, trying not to do any kernel upgrading as I'm using a GRUB CD | 03:02 |
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OrTigaS | how can change the mode of a 1st user? | 03:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@67-138-75-149.dsl1.merch.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] by ompaul | ||
OrTigaS | with the privilege of admin | 03:03 |
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itrebal | i didn't find anything in /etc/gdm regarding window managers, does anyone have other ideas how to add blackbox to GDM's list? | 03:03 |
gtrplr | Warbo, any error ? | 03:04 |
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Warbo | gtrplr: With what? | 03:04 |
OrTigaS | how can i change the mode of 1st user with the privilege of root/admin | 03:04 |
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gtrplr | trying to boot | 03:04 |
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_jason | itrebal: did the repo version of blackbox not add it? | 03:04 |
Warbo | gtrplr: If I don't use my CD I get "Operating System Not Found" (I am using USB everything) | 03:05 |
itrebal | the repo version of blackbox didn't exist, so no | 03:05 |
dolson | lol | 03:05 |
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_jason | !info blackbox | 03:05 |
ubotu | blackbox: (Window manager for X), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.70.0-4 (breezy), Packaged size: 367 kB, Installed size: 1172 kB | 03:05 |
OrTigaS | hello | 03:05 |
_jason | seems to exist | 03:05 |
Warbo | dolson: Are you the Update Manager in Dapper guy? | 03:05 |
gtrplr | Warbo, sounds like it didnt install correctly | 03:05 |
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gtrplr | Warbo, dual boot ? | 03:05 |
OrTigaS | i'm alive? | 03:05 |
itrebal | $ sudo apt-cache search blackbox | 03:05 |
itrebal | kblackbox - A simple logical game for the KDE project | 03:05 |
_jason | OrTigaS: seems so | 03:05 |
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OrTigaS | okay | 03:05 |
gtrplr | OrTigaS, that is debateable | 03:05 |
OrTigaS | how can i change the mode of 1st user with the privilege of root/admin | 03:05 |
_jason | itrebal: do you have breezy universe? | 03:05 |
Warbo | gtrplr: No. My BIOS doesn't understand USB and my only IDE is Floppy and CDROM | 03:05 |
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Xk2c | i cant get my cdrw running | 03:06 |
itrebal | _jason: err... i'm not sure? its a brand new install | 03:06 |
_jason | ubotu: tell itrebal about repos | 03:06 |
Xk2c | [4294673.550000] hdc: SONY CD-RW CRX140E, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive | 03:06 |
dolson | Warbo: what? I am running Dapper, I see there is one update available. I click the icon, put in my password, and it opens Synaptic instead of the update application | 03:06 |
_jason | itrebal: that should fix you up | 03:06 |
Xk2c | [4295020.825000] sr 2:0:0:0: Device not ready. | 03:06 |
Warbo | dolson: OK. Just remembered you began with a d. It is half way through installing updates (Hang on won't that make update manager go away :)) | 03:07 |
ahmeni | Is there a way to temporarily disable mouse input in KDE? | 03:07 |
OrTigaS | gtrplr, i delete somethig and the 1st user cant do sudo -s | 03:07 |
OrTigaS | i'm running root now | 03:07 |
PwcrLinux | Xk2c: Hmm older CDRW drive.. mines is CRX350E | 03:07 |
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Xk2c | yes PwcrLinux | 03:07 |
dolson | Warbo: it has been doing this before too, but yesterday I reinstalled Dapper on a new hard drive.. same thing. only thing I can think is it's something in my ~ | 03:08 |
Xk2c | from 1999 PwcrLinux | 03:08 |
gtrplr | OrTigaS, try su - | 03:08 |
itrebal | thanks | 03:08 |
PwcrLinux | Xk2c: yep | 03:08 |
Warbo | dolson: There was a load of updates so I thought I would get them before commenting on Dapper apps | 03:08 |
Xk2c | what can i do PwcrLinux ? | 03:08 |
OrTigaS | when i type sudo -s it say "mode is 0600 must be 0440" | 03:08 |
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slaterock | question question! | 03:09 |
Xk2c | i have put ide_generic ide_cd ide_disk cdrom ide-scsi in /etc/modules | 03:09 |
slaterock | does anyone know why i have these tiny white specks that randomly popup? | 03:09 |
PwcrLinux | Xk2c: device not ready?, could be older CDRW drive didn't work, and you can get cheap CDRW drive, is that slim or half-height bays? | 03:09 |
OrTigaS | okay lemme try thats sudo - | 03:09 |
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Warbo | slaterock: On what? | 03:09 |
riddlebox | is anyone using a pvr500? | 03:09 |
slaterock | just on the desktop | 03:09 |
kingspawn | OrTigaS: didnt recovery mode work? | 03:10 |
gtrplr | OrTigaS, just su- | 03:10 |
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slaterock | it's just tiny white flecks | 03:10 |
Xk2c | hmm PwcrLinux but in breezy it worked lile charm | 03:10 |
OrTigaS | kingspawn, didnt | 03:10 |
=== Sodium [n=luis@virtua-cwb237-243.ctb.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | could it be a refresh rate issue? | 03:10 |
kingspawn | OrTigaS: why not? | 03:10 |
slaterock | or, vert and horiz sync? | 03:10 |
Xk2c | why should i buy a new one? | 03:10 |
Warbo | slaterock: Is it a problem with your monitor or connection? | 03:10 |
slaterock | monitor | 03:10 |
slaterock | cause, when i had windows installed, i never saw it | 03:10 |
Sodium | Where can I get the configuration files to run WinXP on VMWare Player? | 03:10 |
Warbo | slaterock: Refresh rate problems end up with multiple copies of your screen overlapping and interleaved (in my experience) | 03:11 |
OrTigaS | kingspawn, what i'm supposed to do? to work the sudo -s in the 1st user? | 03:11 |
PwcrLinux | Xk2c: Oh, put the CD into drive, the desktop will appearing a CD icon, it's automounting.. | 03:11 |
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slaterock | hmmmm | 03:11 |
kingspawn | OrTigaS: with recovery mode you dont need to sudo, you are already root | 03:11 |
Xk2c | oki ill try that PwcrLinux | 03:11 |
slaterock | i wonder what it is | 03:11 |
OrTigaS | kingspawn, yes and i am now | 03:11 |
Xk2c | PwcrLinux: thanks so far | 03:11 |
Warbo | slaterock: What driver are you using? | 03:11 |
kingspawn | OrTigaS: okay, which file do you want to change? | 03:11 |
slaterock | the default driver on ubuntu breeezy | 03:11 |
=== daddius [n=daddius@cpe-24-193-64-151.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daddius | hey everyone | 03:12 |
slaterock | i'm running an ati 9100 agp | 03:12 |
OrTigaS | i just want to make the 1st user as can do admin/root | 03:12 |
Warbo | slaterock: What graphics card? | 03:12 |
PwcrLinux | Xk2c: does it's appearing on desktop? | 03:12 |
slaterock | igp i mean | 03:12 |
slaterock | ati 9100 igp | 03:12 |
kingspawn | OrTigaS: yes, but you said you changed some file | 03:12 |
daddius | quick question on wireless network... | 03:12 |
Xk2c | wohooo PwcrLinux yeah | 03:12 |
OrTigaS | kingspawn, and i deleted already but still the same | 03:12 |
Xk2c | it does PwcrLinux :D | 03:12 |
OrTigaS | :( | 03:12 |
Warbo | slaterock: Oh ATI OK. That should be OK with ati driver. You COULD try using vesa to see if is a driver problem | 03:12 |
OrTigaS | even the sounds wont work now | 03:12 |
gtrplr | kingspawn, whan you have a sec, I'd like to ask about a missing wlan0 | 03:12 |
PwcrLinux | Xk2c: great, have play with a DVD or CD or writing to CD. | 03:12 |
slaterock | how do i try vesa? | 03:12 |
kingspawn | OrTigaS: you deleted what? im not getting you here | 03:13 |
daddius | is it possible for ubuntu's Network settings to connect to a 128 bit WEP? | 03:13 |
=== KingBahamut [n=bahamut@c-24-98-229-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | gtrplr: im afraid my knowledge of wireless is extremely poor, i never use anything that doesnt have a cord attached | 03:13 |
OrTigaS | i deleted what i add/change before | 03:13 |
Xk2c | yup PwcrLinux ill test that later | 03:13 |
gtrplr | kingspawn, I have little choice | 03:13 |
slaterock | oh, and does someone know typical vert and horiz settings on a 1280 x 800 laptop lcd? | 03:13 |
Xk2c | thank you PwcrLinux | 03:13 |
Hobbsee | daddius: it should be | 03:13 |
PwcrLinux | Xk2c: :) | 03:13 |
Xk2c | :) | 03:13 |
=== bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gtrplr | kingspawn, well, Thanks anyway | 03:13 |
kingspawn | gtrplr: heh :/ | 03:13 |
Warbo | slaterock: Run "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" in a terminal and look for "Device" and replace "Driver" section's ati with vesa then save, log out and press ctrl-alt-backspace | 03:14 |
kingspawn | OrTigaS: well, you deleted or changed it back? | 03:14 |
daddius | Hobbsee, strange everytime i put in that long key it simply woon't work... but I am able to connect to a network that doesn't require this. | 03:14 |
avr | hi! where do i get a list of official repositories for ubuntu which have the latest packages? kind of like debian unstable... | 03:14 |
slaterock | does vesa supply 3d acceleration? | 03:14 |
gtrplr | adios! | 03:14 |
Hobbsee | daddius: weird, i'm not a user of wep, and i dont use gnome either, but i thought it was possible | 03:14 |
Warbo | slaterock: No way, it is the bare minimum | 03:14 |
slaterock | ahh, pffttt | 03:14 |
Warbo | slaterock: Just seeing if it is a driver problem (see if it happens with vesa) | 03:14 |
daddius | Hobbsee, what other gui do you use? | 03:15 |
slaterock | i think it's a vert and horiz setting thing | 03:15 |
OrTigaS | kingspawn, the one i add i delete it.... | 03:15 |
Hobbsee | daddius: kde | 03:15 |
slaterock | i just changed them, and i'm not seeing as much | 03:15 |
daddius | ahh kubuntu | 03:15 |
kingspawn | OrTigaS: yes, but what did you add to what? | 03:15 |
Xk2c | ahh PwcrLinux what about hdparm? | 03:16 |
=== PwcrLinux 's mobility video onboard is ATI Readon 7500, and linux driver planted "ATI Readon 9000" | ||
Warbo | avr: Dapper (same as your breezy ones but with dapper instead of breezy) | 03:16 |
Xk2c | it does not apear as hdc as it was used to | 03:16 |
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PwcrLinux | Xk2c: hang on let look at the hdpram line | 03:16 |
Xk2c | $ hdparm /dev/hdc | 03:17 |
Xk2c | /dev/hdc: No such file or directory PwcrLinux | 03:17 |
avr | Warbo: thanks, but i dont want to upgrade to dapper.. i just want to know which lines to add to sources.lst for getting the latest packages. | 03:17 |
OrTigaS | i add a user privilege to other one, but it not wokrning so i delete the user... thats start my problem...1st user cant do "sudo -s" | 03:17 |
OrTigaS | but before it can | 03:17 |
lordnir | ubuntu doesn't come with x? | 03:17 |
Xk2c | $ hdparm /dev/hdd | 03:17 |
Xk2c | /dev/hdd: using_dma = 1 (on) PwcrLinux | 03:17 |
Xk2c | this is my DVD-Rom PwcrLinux | 03:17 |
Warbo | avr: Dapper has the latest. The sources.list lines are the same as breezy but replace "breezy" with "dapper". If you don't want to upgrade then don't add them to your sources | 03:17 |
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arrick | Hi all Im back | 03:19 |
Killaz | is there an application where I can get mailed that my disk is running out of space? | 03:19 |
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OrTigaS | got my question? | 03:19 |
PwcrLinux | Xk2c: it's a hard drive as /dev/hdd do dmesg look for the CDRW line.. which the /dev/hd* line? | 03:19 |
Warbo | Killaz: You could make a script involving df | 03:19 |
=== Chadza [n=Chadza@c-69-243-24-182.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xk2c | df Killaz | 03:20 |
Smirnoff | When trying to switch in a "su" account in terminal it asks for a password. Does it want the root password I created? | 03:20 |
Killaz | hmm scripting with linux is new for me.... where can I get info about scripting? | 03:20 |
Warbo | Going into #ubuntu+1 for a bit | 03:20 |
arrick | Killaz, try #apache | 03:20 |
avr | Killaz: man bash | 03:20 |
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Xk2c | ahhh PwcrLinux tunrs out [4294706.723000] ide-scsi is deprecated for cd burning! Use ide-cd and give dev=/dev/hdX as device | 03:21 |
Xk2c | how do i add this option PwcrLinux | 03:21 |
AaronMT | When is the final release date for the new ubunut? | 03:21 |
PwcrLinux | hdx? or hdc? which on? | 03:21 |
PwcrLinux | one | 03:21 |
Killaz | arick: #apache? that's a webserver why should I use a webserver to tell me about my disk capacity | 03:21 |
djs_2_6 | Hey all. Breezy user, trying to format a DVD+RW to add files to it. I have tried formatting the disk using gnomebaker, but now the disk will not mount. Can anyone help me please? | 03:22 |
Xk2c | hdc PwcrLinux that message was from dmesg | grep hd | 03:22 |
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arrick | hey Killaz I thought you asked about scripting | 03:22 |
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arrick | they helped me last night | 03:22 |
PwcrLinux | okay then do manually hdpram at hdc to turn on the DMA | 03:22 |
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Warbo | hdpram lol | 03:24 |
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pvd2006 | what is the command to reset gnome? | 03:24 |
Warbo | pvd2006: To restart or to get rid of it's settings? | 03:24 |
Canute | Hi there, I'm running a hlds server on my ubuntu box, but i have a small problem: I run it through putty on my windows comp, and then when i shut this down the server would go down aswell, is it possible to like make it run in the bakground? | 03:24 |
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mjr | lordnir, sure it does | 03:24 |
Knelix | So, I copied all my music over from my Mac and installed AmaroK, yet I still can't play most of my files... and they're mostly in mp3 format, some in AAC, and only a hanful in protected AAC, which I don't expect it to play, and it's not a problem. But, why oh why don't the other files play? | 03:24 |
pvd2006 | Warbo, I just did an update and I want the changes to take place. | 03:25 |
MarcN | Canute: hlds? | 03:25 |
PwcrLinux | Warbo: yea, he want to manually set dma on, so I edited the hdpram.conf and works good :) | 03:25 |
lordnir | heh, i can't find it, startx doesn't work | 03:25 |
Canute | half-life dedicated server | 03:25 |
Warbo | pvd2006: Usually just log out. For a command try "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" but this will NOT restart GNOME (as GNOME will exit before it can bring itself back up) | 03:25 |
OrTigaS | my problem solve... i just edit again the sudoers and add the 1st user..... now i have this problem arrive the sounds wont work :( | 03:25 |
Xk2c | okay then do manually hdpram at hdc to turn on the DMA -> hdc does not exist | 03:26 |
MarcN | Canute: (nohup hlds&) | 03:26 |
Xk2c | but maybe i found a solution with your help | 03:26 |
Warbo | Hmmm. Will pvd2006 be stuck in a console? | 03:27 |
Xk2c | i am off and try that PwcrLinux | 03:27 |
Xk2c | cu later PwcrLinux | 03:27 |
PwcrLinux | Xk2c: okay take care | 03:27 |
Xk2c | and thanks PwcrLinux | 03:27 |
Xk2c | ;) | 03:27 |
varsendagger | !ff1.5 | 03:27 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 03:27 |
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ahmeni | Is there a way to enable/disable a mouse in Xorg? | 03:28 |
ahmeni | Without restarting xorg itself | 03:28 |
Warbo | ahmeni: Unplug it :) | 03:28 |
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ahmeni | laptop touchpad | 03:29 |
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Warbo | ahmeni: Unplug it :) | 03:29 |
ahmeni | *crunch* | 03:29 |
trainstroker | whats a cpu load measure that will be transparent and i can move it around the screen? | 03:29 |
=== aP [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Warbo | trainstroker: Gdesklets | 03:29 |
trainstroker | fuck them | 03:29 |
trainstroker | i tried | 03:29 |
Warbo | trainstroker: Karamba? | 03:29 |
PwcrLinux | !language | 03:30 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 03:30 |
aP | if i backup all my files to a .tar.gz i can then unzip that later and have my old system back right? | 03:30 |
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Knelix | Guys, where can I find a list of valid apt-get commands? | 03:30 |
OrTigaS | hi help me with my sounds now it wont work :( | 03:30 |
ahmeni | I tried pointing X's mouse at a fifo, then piping /dev/input/mice when needed, but that doesn't quite work | 03:30 |
luis_ | hola | 03:30 |
Agrajag | Knelix: man apt-get | 03:30 |
Warbo | aP: Yes. Gzip takes ages. Try just .tar if you don't care about space | 03:30 |
luis_ | como entro en espaol | 03:31 |
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Agrajag | !es | 03:31 |
OrTigaS | wala | 03:31 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 03:31 |
aP | Warbo: how much bigger will it be? | 03:31 |
aP | Warbo: because i want to keep the /home partition and just merge all the others | 03:31 |
Knelix | I mean packages, Agrajag. | 03:31 |
aP | Warbo: so i'm thinking if i can keep the .tar on my pc boot a clean ubuntu and then just untar from the home partition | 03:31 |
Warbo | aP: I'm not sure, but it will be the same size as your system is now. I don't know how much gzip would compress it (but it would be a lot) | 03:31 |
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Agrajag | you want a list of all packages? tried synaptic? | 03:31 |
Agrajag | or aptitude | 03:32 |
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Agrajag | or apt-cache search <whatever> to search | 03:32 |
aP | Warbo: their is this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81311 | 03:32 |
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luis_ | holan | 03:33 |
luis_ | hola | 03:33 |
luis_ | alguien por favor | 03:33 |
Warbo | aP: You can run exactly the same command without the z option to just get a tar file (it would be sensible to change the name to .tar as well) | 03:33 |
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aP | Warbo: and will tar be fast? | 03:34 |
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luis_ | hello | 03:34 |
Warbo | aP: Tar basically just copies the files to the archive without compressing them so it is very fast | 03:34 |
Knelix | hmm. | 03:34 |
aP | Warbo: k | 03:34 |
Warbo | aP: If you are low on space use "df" to see how much you are losing (and "ls -l" to see the size of the file) | 03:35 |
aP | Warbo: i think i can manage it. | 03:35 |
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nbjayme | hello folks. i have an athlon xp motherboard with onboard nforce2 ethernet. i cannot make it work under ubuntu hoary. please help!!! :( | 03:35 |
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aP | Warbo: what options do i give tar | 03:36 |
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nbjayme | join #ubuntu-ph | 03:36 |
nbjayme | :x | 03:36 |
Warbo | aP: tar cvpf backup.tar / --exclude all of the ones it tells you | 03:37 |
fireonyx | quick question.. I am trying to use the time function under shell (time a process), setting the formating to be "%e"... so I type "time -f "%e" ls" for instance... but the bash comes back saying bash: -f: command not found... how come it wont take the -f command? | 03:37 |
Warbo | aP: sorry, / at the end | 03:37 |
OrTigaS | hi help me to work my sounds seems to be working but now it wont... when i'm in root it works! | 03:37 |
aP | Warbo: tar cvpf backup.tar --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys / | 03:38 |
Madpilot | !sound | 03:38 |
ubotu | sound is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 03:38 |
aP | change that to .tar | 03:38 |
Warbo | fireonyx: time is followed by the command to be timed -f isn't a command | 03:38 |
Madpilot | OrTigaS: see the two URLs the bot just posted above ^^^ | 03:38 |
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fireonyx | yes, I am trying to change the way time outputs its results | 03:38 |
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fireonyx | im following what it says under man time | 03:38 |
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Warbo | aP: you may want to exclude /home if you are keeping that seperate | 03:39 |
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aP | Warbo: good point | 03:39 |
Breezy-CA | Every so often X quits on me - seems to be accompanied by a gdm_xioerror_handler Fatal X error. How can I troubleshoot? So far have looked for temperature problems, bad RAM, and a rootkit - negative on all. | 03:39 |
nbjayme | please help me on nForce2 ethernet with hoary... :( | 03:39 |
Warbo | aP: Otherwise maybe exclude /dev (I think) | 03:39 |
aP | Warbo: i don't think so because when i copy all the files they might look in /dev | 03:40 |
aP | and the guide doesnt' say to not do it | 03:40 |
Caminomaster | Hello " all | 03:40 |
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Warbo | aP: OK then, follow the guide's advice. The rest is perfect | 03:40 |
treeform | nbjayme, it sounds more like a forum search | 03:40 |
aP | Warbo: it's going real fast, gonna go watch some tv and i'll check on it in a few | 03:41 |
nbjayme | okay. i'll try. | 03:41 |
aP | hey guys, where do i get a dapper install cd | 03:41 |
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Warbo | ap: cdimages.ubuntu.com I think | 03:42 |
Breezy-CA | Any thoughts on gdm / X problem? | 03:43 |
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avista | can Ubuntu run Vis5d and Gempak? | 03:43 |
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Blare | hello | 03:43 |
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aP | Warbo: wait a sec, if i'm just going to restore a dapper archive than i can just use a breezy install cd can't it? | 03:44 |
aP | i* | 03:44 |
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hyperstream | ive just brought a second hand 21" monitor and the settings for my old 15" was a maximum of 1024 * and 60 hertz im wondering how i can get higher resolutions and hertz? | 03:45 |
Caminomaster | It is possible to make visible a local partition besides "file system" and "personal folder"? | 03:45 |
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Warbo | aP: Logically yes. I wouldn't try it as the programs which are being run when you restore would be using a different verion's configfile and stuff. It should be fine after a reboot | 03:45 |
aP | Warbo: so your saying i can do it, then just reboot, or no don't do it | 03:46 |
Warbo | Caminomaster: I don't use "Computer" at all. Everything is in / ("Filesystem") | 03:46 |
Warbo | aP: Do it if you have nothing important at stake | 03:46 |
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aP | Warbo: well the whole idea of this is to fix a system problem im having without losing my /home or preferrably anything | 03:46 |
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aP | Warbo: or could i even do this from a live cd? | 03:47 |
Warbo | aP: Well you shouldn't be changing /home so you shgould be fine. Oh yeah, when extracting don't use the z option either :) | 03:47 |
Caminomaster | Warbo, I've mounted those partitions into filesys, but I want to see them outside filesys in the left menu in nautilus | 03:47 |
Caminomaster | To fast access... | 03:47 |
Warbo | Caminomaster: Maybe add them to bookmarks? | 03:47 |
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MisterN | n8 | 03:47 |
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Caminomaster | Warbo, How can I? | 03:48 |
Warbo | Caminomaster: Go there in Nautilus and Bookmarks>Add | 03:48 |
ramza3ubu | where are the options to have the monitor to disable after X number of minutes, it is not at the screen saver settings | 03:48 |
=== chuck_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Breezy-CA | Anyone have a guess what would cause gconfd to sig 15 and shut down? Where should I begin to look? | 03:49 |
aP | ramza3ubu: it's called DPMS | 03:49 |
=== phoul [n=colin@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aP | ramza3ubu: Option "DPMS" | 03:49 |
phoul | What file do the desktop pictures go to? | 03:49 |
aP | just delete the whole line | 03:49 |
phoul | for gnome | 03:49 |
aP | and restart X | 03:49 |
Warbo | aP: That's what that option does.... | 03:49 |
phoul | I was guessing ~/.desktop | 03:49 |
phoul | But I was wrong | 03:49 |
aP | Warbo: yep | 03:49 |
phoul | Backgrounds is what I mean | 03:49 |
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aP | direct power monitor saving | 03:49 |
ramza3ubu | aP: can I configure it from the gnome desktop, with some app? | 03:49 |
aP | or something | 03:49 |
Caminomaster | Warbo, I still don't understand... First bookm, add or have first to select the folder? | 03:49 |
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aP | ramza3ubu: no, use sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:50 |
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Warbo | Caminomaster: Go to the folder, then add it to bookmarks from the Bookmarks menu | 03:50 |
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aP | Warbo: so can i use a breezy live-cd or not mate? | 03:50 |
Warbo | Caminomaster: If you do this with your / (Filesystem), your CDs and Floppies as well then you can basically replace "Computer" | 03:51 |
Warbo | aP: I think so | 03:51 |
ramza3ubu | aP: I have it enabled ... Section Monitor... Option DPMS? | 03:51 |
trainstroker | help plz >< my computer linux and windows cannot detect my hardware. they cant detect that i have a x300 gfx card and cant detect my fans and my sensors ...wtf is wrong. i reinstalled windows b4 this happened | 03:51 |
aP | ramza3ubu: just delete the whole line | 03:51 |
aP | Warbo: i just mount my HD do the partitioning and untar the archive ? | 03:52 |
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frankie_ | how do you configure NAT? | 03:52 |
trainstroker | frankie: go to your modem | 03:52 |
Blare | has somebody installed fglx ati drivers under ubuntu64?? | 03:52 |
ramza3ubu | aP: can I just set it to true | 03:52 |
Warbo | aP: Should be it. If you use a different filesystem check fstab and such | 03:52 |
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trainstroker | through ur browser | 03:52 |
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aP | ramza3ubu: you want it on or off | 03:52 |
ramza3ubu | aP: on | 03:53 |
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Warbo | ramza3ubu: If you put a # at the start of the line it will disble it without deleting it (if you want it later just remove the #) | 03:53 |
aP | ramza3ubu: then add that text to the device section | 03:53 |
Caminomaster | Thanks Warbo! I can see that in "places" menu, but in tree I can't | 03:53 |
Caminomaster | There's no way 4 this? | 03:53 |
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cattack | I am having a problem with my sound. I have an ALC850 Realtek card (Asus K8N-E motherboard). build in. | 03:53 |
Breezy-CA | Meh | 03:53 |
Breezy-CA | Can someone help me with a breezy gdm problem? | 03:53 |
cattack | I cannot get any sound out of it on any linux distro I have tried though they all detect it. | 03:54 |
Warbo | Caminomaster: I don't know (I was making it up to be honest, so I'm not sure) | 03:54 |
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trainstroker | through ur browser | 03:54 |
trainstroker | help plz >< my computer linux and windows cannot detect my hardware. they cant detect that i have a x300 gfx card and cant detect my fans and my sensors ...wtf is wrong. i reinstalled windows b4 this happened | 03:54 |
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PwcrLinux | frankie_: do you have a router box? | 03:54 |
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Blare | has somebody installed fglx ati drivers under ubuntu64?? | 03:54 |
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Caminomaster | Thanks anyway, I get it. | 03:55 |
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Caminomaster | DOn't U know about alsa and midi? | 03:56 |
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stephenkl | How do I tell apt not to upgrade something? | 03:56 |
_jason | ubotu: tell stephenkl about pinning | 03:56 |
trainstroker | help plz >< my computer linux and windows cannot detect my hardware. they cant detect that i have a x300 gfx card and cant detect my fans and my sensors ...wtf is wrong. i reinstalled windows b4 this happened | 03:56 |
Breezy-CA | Every so often X quits on me - seems to be accompanied by a gdm_xioerror_handler Fatal X error. How can I troubleshoot? So far have looked for temperature problems, bad RAM, and a rootkit - negative on all. Any thoughts would be welcome ... | 03:56 |
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Caminomaster | Who can help me with MIDI? | 03:57 |
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_jason | !midi | 03:58 |
ubotu | [midi] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8736 or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo | 03:58 |
_jeff | hey guys | 03:58 |
Breezy-CA | Anyone ? | 03:58 |
_jeff | can anybody help me with my wlan troubles? | 03:58 |
_jeff | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163904 | 03:58 |
cattack | Is anyone familure with the Asus motherboards and getting built in sound working (Realtek ALC850 on an K8N Deluxe)? | 03:59 |
PwcrLinux | cya later all | 03:59 |
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Breezy-CA | Maybe later then | 04:00 |
Caminomaster | _jason, I've tried the HOwTo but I cannot make sound an instrument in Rosegarden | 04:00 |
scottyr | _jeff! Are you online with a lan or dialup???? | 04:00 |
dolson | well, I'm going to bed. thanks though | 04:00 |
_jason | Caminomaster: ah, sorry the howtos are all I know | 04:00 |
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_jeff | scottyr: lan, cable internet | 04:00 |
Caminomaster | Who knows how to use rosegarden? | 04:01 |
Caminomaster | (thank you _jason) | 04:01 |
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scottyr | _jeff. Great! I went throught the devil with wlan and the internet with my first install. wlan was all I had.... | 04:01 |
Eleaf | If I pipe or move something into /dev/null , it 'deletes' it right? | 04:01 |
seamus-laptop | Eleaf: correct, you can redirect a programs output to /dev/null if you don't want it | 04:02 |
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scottyr | _jeff. Also I was running WPA encryption on the router, already. It was fun getting ubuntu to work | 04:02 |
cattack | Is anyone familure with the Asus motherboards and getting built in sound working (Realtek ALC850 on an K8N Deluxe)? I am running the the newest live cd of Ubuntu. | 04:03 |
crimsun | cattack: the newest being 5.10 or 6.06? | 04:03 |
Eleaf | cool seamus-laptop , thanks for reassuring me. | 04:03 |
cattack | 5.1.0 | 04:03 |
cattack | *5.10 | 04:03 |
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crimsun | cattack: pastebin the output from ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c0'' | 04:04 |
crimsun | !pastebin | 04:04 |
ubotu | pastebin is, like, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 04:04 |
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bthornton | Anyone know where I can find some instructions on replacing my 64-bit Firefox browser with the 32-bit version (using native Ubuntu packages)? | 04:04 |
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jimcooncat | has anyone here installed kolab? or any other openpkg software? | 04:04 |
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seamus-laptop | bthornton: there may be a wiki entry | 04:05 |
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dargeer | hi - anyone change to x2 from single core and find slower performance (from google it appears to affect windows xp also) | 04:05 |
gpm | hi guys. anyone know what package i need to install to get animated progress bars in gnome (on dapper here)? | 04:05 |
bur[n] er | animated? | 04:05 |
bur[n] er | what gtk theme do you use? | 04:05 |
gpm | clearlooks | 04:05 |
bthornton | seamus-laptop: well, the main reason I need the 32-bit is so that I can use the Macromedia Flash plugin, and there is a wiki for installing the flash plugin--but the Wiki's solution is to use some open source version of Flash (which does work in the 64-bit Firefox). | 04:06 |
cattack | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12704 | 04:06 |
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bur[n] er | hrm... i thought that was all there was to it... maybe try ubuntulooks? | 04:06 |
gpm | there's a theme on art.gnome.org called clearlooks-quicksilver that's supposed to have animated themes, but when i try to use it...it just shows the ugly default theme | 04:06 |
dargeer | no one using x2? | 04:06 |
bthornton | I'm not interested in the open source Flash since it doesn't work nearly as well as Macromedia's | 04:06 |
Xk2c | PwcrLinux-Away: it works now ;) | 04:06 |
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seamus-laptop | bthornton: yes, that version is very outdated... compatible with flash 3 only | 04:06 |
bur[n] er | and the *official* flash is only version 7 :\ | 04:07 |
seamus-laptop | bthornton: you need to set up a 32 bit chroot I believe | 04:07 |
Xk2c | PwcrLinux-Away: i had to change ide-scsi to ide-cd | 04:07 |
bur[n] er | supposedly we get 9 in the linux world though seamus-laptop and bthornton :) | 04:07 |
bthornton | seamus-laptop: yeah, which is why I'm surprised that there isn't a wiki for changing to the 32-bit browser. | 04:07 |
stephenkl | If i'm running firefox 1.5 and I apt-get upgrade, will it overwrite it? | 04:07 |
dargeer | i guess you people discussing 32 bit browsers means i am in a time warp | 04:08 |
seamus-laptop | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot | 04:08 |
crimsun | cattack: in a Terminal: amixer sset 'IEC958' off && amixer sset 'External Amplifier' on | 04:08 |
trainstroker | help plz >< my computer linux and windows cannot detect my hardware. they cant detect that i have a x300 gfx card and cant detect my fans and my sensors ...wtf is wrong. i reinstalled windows b4 this happened | 04:08 |
Xk2c | stephenkl: your profile? | 04:08 |
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seamus-laptop | bthornton: follow the instructions on that wiki, good luck :) | 04:09 |
Madpilot | !tell trainstroker about sensors | 04:09 |
jimcooncat | anyone here use kolab at all? | 04:09 |
bthornton | yikes, chroot'ing just to run a 32-bit version of Firefox? | 04:09 |
seamus-laptop | that's your best option until edgy | 04:09 |
bthornton | I can't just replace the 64-bit Firefox package with the 32-bit version? | 04:09 |
bthornton | edgy? | 04:10 |
bthornton | !edgy | 04:10 |
ubotu | Edgy Eft is the next codename for Ubuntu dapper+1. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html | 04:10 |
jimcooncat | bthornton, don't be afraid to chroot | 04:10 |
cattack | Um....that command did not fix it | 04:10 |
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seamus-laptop | bthornton I don't know exactly what they're planning for edgy, but I heard virtualization mentioned | 04:11 |
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jimcooncat | I want my Xen installed for me, so I want Eft | 04:11 |
cattack | crimsun: I did that but it had no effect. | 04:12 |
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crimsun | cattack: then mute 'External Amplifier' again | 04:12 |
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bthornton | I don't see why virtualization is necessary for purposes of running 32-bit apps on an AMD64 architecture--AMD64 should be able to run 32-bit apps and 64-bit apps mixed-mode. I do it on my Fedora installations all the time. | 04:13 |
bigfoot1 | i'm currently on Dapper Beta. Where can i post on the ubuntuforums? | 04:13 |
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bigfoot1 | What subforums are appropriate? | 04:13 |
bthornton | The 32-bit Firefox is about the only thing keeping Fedora on my laptop actualy. | 04:13 |
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Madpilot | bigfoot1: there's a Dapper forum | 04:13 |
cattack | crimsun: still nothing. | 04:13 |
WillyTell | hello everybody | 04:13 |
bigfoot1 | Madpilot: "Dapper Drake Development Release" forum? | 04:13 |
WillyTell | Can someone help me with kde? | 04:14 |
crimsun | cattack: fresh install of breezy or dist-upgrade from hoary? | 04:14 |
NullVector | I'm having problems with Firefox crashing on me, anyone else having this problem or know of a solution? | 04:14 |
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NullVector | ephiany works fine | 04:14 |
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cattack | crimsun: How do I tell which distro I am running? I think it might be breezy | 04:14 |
crimsun | cattack: lsb_release -r | 04:14 |
WillyTell | I am trying to install kde on my ubuntu, but can't. | 04:15 |
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cattack | 5.1 | 04:15 |
crimsun | cattack: you probably installed it fresh if you don't remember installing hoary (5.04) then dist-upgrading | 04:15 |
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cattack | crimsun: I am using the current ISOs from the webpage (via the download link) | 04:15 |
WillyTell | . | 04:15 |
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_jason | WillyTell: how are you trying to install it? | 04:15 |
cattack | crimsun: I was using the live cd version to see if ubuntu would fix my sound issues as FC4 had the same problems. Do you think a HD Install might resolve it? | 04:16 |
WillyTell | with synaptic | 04:16 |
crimsun | cattack: unmute all of 'Surround', 'Center', 'LFE', and 'Line', and make sure their levels are non-zero | 04:16 |
Madpilot | WillyTell: install kubuntu-desktop | 04:16 |
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TokenBad | ok finally got my drive to partition..but now how do I mount the hdd3 partition? | 04:16 |
WillyTell | ok, I am going to try it. | 04:16 |
bigfoot1 | Madpilot: is the "Beginner's Forum" inappropriate for Dapper users? | 04:17 |
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OrTigaS | hi help me to work my sounds seems to be working but now it wont... when i'm in root it works! | 04:17 |
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WillyTell | well, synaptic: "kubuntu-desktop: | 04:18 |
WillyTell | Depends: kwin but it is not going to be installed" | 04:18 |
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OrTigaS | and what it means this error when i login as root "Internal Error" "failed to initialize HAL" | 04:19 |
_jason | WillyTell: 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and put the contents on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ please | 04:19 |
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NullVector | how would you uninstall software, such as a game? | 04:19 |
cattack | crimsun: All are unmuted but I still get nothing. How do I make sure it is using analog audio and not trying to spit it out the coax plug? | 04:20 |
_jason | NullVector: how did you install it? | 04:20 |
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thepeanutbutter7 | is there a way i can burn avi files to a dvd to read as a regular dvd movie? | 04:20 |
wd3 | what's the command to tar a gz? | 04:20 |
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crimsun | cattack: it is by default. You have to force it to use the spdif | 04:20 |
_jason | wd3: to actual tar a gz file? | 04:20 |
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_jason | actually* | 04:20 |
NullVector | _jason: I installed it using the install script | 04:20 |
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_jason | NullVector: then you must read the README files for that game and any other docs | 04:21 |
wd3 | _jason, what's up man been awhile. yeah, i downloade fluxbox and a theme and need to tar the tar.gz file | 04:21 |
NullVector | _jason: there is also an uninstall script but it leaves the files | 04:21 |
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_jason | wd3: how's it going? you mean untar right? tar xvzf file.tar.gz | 04:21 |
_jason | NullVector: delete them I guess | 04:22 |
CokeNCode | hmmm, i'm not sure if this is the right place, but can anyone give me some info on how to configure sendmail with xampp | 04:22 |
wd3 | _jason, yes, thanks. to test it first is with tvzf right? | 04:22 |
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eugman | Hey is there a way to get a clipboard in ubuntu? It's annoying if I copy something and it's gone when I cose the program. | 04:23 |
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_jason | wd3: I don't know what that does | 04:23 |
NullVector | now to reinstall it and see if I can't get it right this time, Anyone here play UT2004 on Ubunto? | 04:23 |
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hyperstream | is there any music making applications like a fruityloops for linux? | 04:24 |
wd3 | _jason, ok. hey thanks man. catch u in a bit, trying to check out this fluxbox. | 04:24 |
_jason | wd3: you know fluxbox is in the repos? | 04:24 |
shinakuma | has anyone have any experience with lex/yacc i have one small question | 04:24 |
Kamandag | sound editing only afaik like audacity | 04:24 |
cattack | Just wondering....how good does ubuntu run as an Web server serving ASP.NET pages? | 04:24 |
NullVector | _jason: is fluxbox similar to blackbox? | 04:24 |
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_jason | NullVector: yeah | 04:24 |
eugman | hyperstream lmms is a fruityloops clone. | 04:25 |
wd3 | _jason, yeah but old version. 1.2, i found 1.4 at dopey's site. | 04:25 |
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NullVector | _jason: I use to use blackbox4win as an alternative to the windows.exe shell | 04:25 |
cattack | crimsun: No change. | 04:25 |
kbrooks | bed | 04:25 |
_jason | NullVector: now you can have the real thing :) | 04:25 |
crimsun | cattack: tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat | 04:25 |
NullVector | _jason: suppose I can | 04:25 |
adam_ | does anyone know how mount .mds images (created with DVD decryptor under windows) | 04:26 |
Canute | Im trying to install eggdrop and i get this error: "Tcl cannot be found on this system." Is it possible to apt-get install tcl? i can't find any packages which works | 04:26 |
cattack | 2 lines | 04:26 |
NullVector | _jason: to be truthfull, the only thing that has really kept me from linux was not being able to every successfully get the nvidia drivers installed properly | 04:26 |
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_jason | NullVector: have you tried the instructions on the wiki? | 04:26 |
cattack | crimsun: Two lines, 0: Realtek ALC850 rev 0 and 1: mixer10 | 04:27 |
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NullVector | _jason: yes, and they were successful, you know when they put those instructions up? last time I had ubunto installed was more than 6 months ago. | 04:27 |
crimsun | cattack: ok, please try the following instructions being sent to you. | 04:27 |
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_jason | NullVector: I think they have been there for a while, but you can check the history on the wiki | 04:28 |
hyperstream | eugman, thanks man :) | 04:28 |
blindx | i recall a command-line utility to resize images, does anyone know the name of it? | 04:28 |
_jason | blindx: convert, mogrify, you get them with libmagick | 04:28 |
NullVector | _jason: nah, cause if I find they were there when I originally tried to use linux I will feel dumb | 04:28 |
blindx | libmagick .. in the repos? | 04:28 |
_jason | blindx: yep | 04:28 |
_jason | NullVector: ignorance is bliss as they say :) | 04:29 |
crimsun | cattack: if you get errors with dpkg, just execute ``sudo apt-get -f install'' to continue. When you get to the dpkg-reconfigure step, choose 'yes' for both plug-n-play and debugging symbols, and leave the cards at 'all'. | 04:29 |
WillyTell | _jason, I am doing a upgrade. | 04:29 |
NullVector | _jason: in this case, I agree | 04:29 |
robertj | q. who are the low contrast themes helpful for? | 04:29 |
blindx | says i already have it, _jason, do a man libmagick? | 04:29 |
_jason | blindx: man convert | 04:29 |
NullVector | robertj: I would imagine people hard at seeing | 04:29 |
blindx | blind@ubuntu:~$ man convert | 04:29 |
blindx | No manual entry for convert | 04:29 |
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robertj | NullVector: but wouldn't they want high contrast? | 04:29 |
skpl | has anyone here seen or heard of a trojan in the form of a jpg introduced vie the net? | 04:29 |
adam_ | maybe people w/ good sight | 04:30 |
blindx | skpl: i used to make those :P | 04:30 |
_jason | blindx: oops, I should have said 'imagemagick' | 04:30 |
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skpl | why would you do that | 04:30 |
blindx | imagemagick haha. | 04:30 |
WillyTell | _jason, I am doing an upgrade. It's Ok? | 04:30 |
NullVector | robertj: would depend on their eyes | 04:30 |
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cattack | crimsun: Thanks for your help however with this being the live cd...I will save these instructions for when I get my HD rebuild and the offline install done (as I only have 56k modem access and it would probally take half the night to download just to be erased). | 04:30 |
_jason | WillyTell: upgrade from what to what? | 04:30 |
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eugman | Anyone know if there is a way to save copied stuff even when the program closes? | 04:30 |
blindx | ahh that's much better, thanks _jason | 04:30 |
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adam_ | i use a custom low contrast so the rest of my family cant see what im doing | 04:30 |
shinakuma | has anyone have any experience with lex/yacc i have one small question | 04:31 |
NullVector | WillyTell: you life fluxbox? | 04:31 |
WillyTell | well, I follow your instruction but, nothing happen | 04:32 |
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WillyTell | NullVector, what? | 04:32 |
_jason | WillyTell: that doesn't really answer my question, I'm not sure what you are doing | 04:32 |
NullVector | WillyTell: you are using fluxbox right? how are you liking it? | 04:32 |
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WillyTell | I put, apt-get install distr-upgrade in a xterm | 04:33 |
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_jason | WillyTell: what are you trying to accomplish? | 04:33 |
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WillyTell | I am trying to install kde in my ubuntu. | 04:34 |
_jason | WillyTell: 'sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop' | 04:34 |
biovore | WillyTell: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:34 |
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adam_ | whats the linux/ubuntu equivilant of "extend desktop" | 04:35 |
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reiki | ok so I click on gdesklets... spin... something happens... but I don't SEE anything. What's supposed to happen? | 04:35 |
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blindx | hah hey _jason, are you familiar with convert at all? for some reason I can't get the syntax right.. | 04:36 |
Amaranth | stupid xchat python | 04:36 |
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WillyTell | I do that, but some package could not be installed. | 04:36 |
blindx | nevermind.. | 04:36 |
_jason | blindx: did you visit http://www.imagemagick.org/script/convert.php ? | 04:36 |
cattack | Anyone here running Mono? | 04:36 |
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blindx | no, i figured it out. | 04:36 |
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blindx | play with something enough and you'll figure it out :\ | 04:37 |
NullVector | sudo apt-get install fluxbox, will that install fluxbox over gnome? or will I have uninstall gnome? | 04:37 |
WillyTell | _jason, kubuntu-desktop depends: kwin but it is not going to be installed. | 04:37 |
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_jason | NullVector: that will just give you fluxbox as another option | 04:37 |
_jason | WillyTell: 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and put the contents on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ please | 04:38 |
NullVector | _jason: will these options be a choice at logon? | 04:38 |
_jason | NullVector: should be, just press the 'sessions' button | 04:38 |
DarkEthos | anyone able to lend some help to my dual boot issue with grub? | 04:38 |
NullVector | _jason: ty | 04:38 |
WillyTell | _jason, you are telling me that I edit the file sources.list and the end of it I must put that url??? | 04:39 |
NullVector | couldn't find package fluxbox | 04:39 |
_jason | WillyTell: no, I just want to see what is in it. Copy and paste what you see to that url and then hit 'send', then give me a link | 04:39 |
_jason | !info fluxbox | 04:39 |
ubotu | fluxbox: (Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.9.12-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 757 kB, Installed size: 2684 kB | 04:39 |
_jason | ubotu: tell NullVector about universe | 04:39 |
blindx | Anyone in here with an iPod? | 04:39 |
yota_fan | /msg nickserv link <yota_fan> <smokinpoe> | 04:40 |
WillyTell | ok, now I understand. | 04:40 |
yota_fan | uh... oops :p | 04:40 |
=== blindx resists the urge to ghost. | ||
Madpilot | yota_fan: might want to change that password really, really quickly ;) | 04:40 |
yota_fan | hahahaha | 04:40 |
yota_fan | god damn | 04:40 |
blindx | not sure how long.. | 04:40 |
Kamandag | he he he | 04:40 |
blindx | i can resist.. these urges.. | 04:40 |
blindx | anyways, does anyone in here have an iPod they use with ubuntu? | 04:41 |
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Kamandag | blindx, i had experience with ipod on linux (different distro though) | 04:42 |
dager | same | 04:42 |
blindx | Well, I tried a program that wasn't iTunes on windows... and it cleared my db. lost all my songs. | 04:42 |
Kamandag | $fave_package_manager install gtf-pod | 04:43 |
blindx | I hope that the same issue doesn't reside with linux? | 04:43 |
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Kamandag | s/gtf/gtk/ | 04:43 |
dager | blindx: sounds about right.. happened to me, too, even with iTunes | 04:43 |
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blindx | and out of curiousity, which program did you use? | 04:43 |
eugman | Hey, seveas didn't you right someonething in the rules about op shouldn | 04:43 |
eugman | whoops | 04:44 |
ramza3ubu | how do you restart x windows | 04:44 |
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Kamandag | dunno if it's gtk-pod but after using it on my installation, nautilus kept on crashing | 04:44 |
dager | ramza3ubu: ctrl-alt-backspace | 04:44 |
Kamandag | had to remove gtk-pod | 04:44 |
Kamandag | :D | 04:44 |
blindx | ctrl+alt+backspace, ramza3ubu | 04:44 |
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WillyTell | _jason, this is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12705 | 04:44 |
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_jason | WillyTell: ok do this one: cat /etc/apt/sources.list , then pastebin the output | 04:46 |
_jason | !info kubuntu-desktop hoary | 04:46 |
ubotu | kubuntu-desktop: (Kubuntu desktop system), section misc, is optional. Version: 0.40 (hoary), Packaged size: 3 kB, Installed size: 32 kB | 04:46 |
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yota_fan | can someone help me with some install issues? | 04:46 |
harisund | yota_fan what's your question? :D | 04:47 |
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_jason | WillyTell: ftp://ftp.nerim.net unstable/main <--bad idea | 04:47 |
yota_fan | and by install I mean installing packages, not linux.... | 04:47 |
harisund | yota_fan that should be easier to answer... (hopefully) | 04:47 |
WillyTell | one moment. | 04:47 |
Madpilot | yota_fan: installing what? | 04:47 |
yota_fan | well every time I try to install a package it says Failed to apply all changes | 04:47 |
dager | what is the error message? | 04:48 |
harisund | Could you explain which package? And preferrably post the error message somewhere on paste bin for example? | 04:48 |
dager | "Failed to apply all changes." ? Nothing more? | 04:48 |
skpl | is there anyway to make my menu's transparent in ubuntu? | 04:48 |
skpl | and make them fade in and out, like in windowS? | 04:48 |
NullVector | Jason: for the fluxbox repository, do I neer to add all the sources from ubuntu-nl.org? | 04:49 |
=== daaku [n=daaku@c-24-6-243-121.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | NullVector: no, only the official and community maintained (fluxbox is in universe) | 04:49 |
WillyTell | _jason, follow this link please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12706 | 04:49 |
yota_fan | well there was a long error in the terminal below it should I posted it on the ubunto forum | 04:49 |
yota_fan | ubuntu | 04:49 |
yota_fan | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=944846#post944846 | 04:50 |
_jason | WillyTell: I need you to do the command I gave you | 04:50 |
_jason | WillyTell: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:50 |
harisund | yota_fan that's really funny. Did you by any chance edit any file? | 04:51 |
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WillyTell | now, follow this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12707 | 04:51 |
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yota_fan | haha I have no clue how to edit any file this is like day 3 with ubuntu | 04:51 |
yota_fan | or any linux for that matter | 04:51 |
eugman | Is there anyway to get a clipboard like feature for my ubuntu? As I understand if you paste it copies from the running programs so the copied information disappears when the program is closed. | 04:52 |
stu_ | is there any reason why ruby1.8 has been removed from the breezy badger universe? | 04:52 |
stu_ | i can't install rails without it -_- | 04:52 |
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=== GTroy [n=galengus@207-109-184-188.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | stu_, you sure the package name hasn't just been changed? | 04:52 |
blindx | test test test | 04:52 |
_jason | ubotu: tell WillyTell about easysource | 04:52 |
blindx | eugman: nah. i just pasted that from gedit that i closed. | 04:52 |
_jason | WillyTell: make yourself a new sources.list with official and ocmmunity supported repos, then replace your current one | 04:53 |
stu_ | Madpilot, what to? | 04:53 |
eugman | hmmm maybe it's just problems with firefox and me. | 04:53 |
arun | hello.. i m installing a lib. called quanta from http://www.evl.uic.edu/cavern/quanta/download.php.. shud i go with rpm or source | 04:54 |
eugman | Hmm . yeah it seems to be limited to coping from firefox... | 04:54 |
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WillyTell | _jason, where I can find that official supported repositories? | 04:54 |
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_jason | WillyTell: check your private messages from ubotu | 04:54 |
canllaith | Hey there - I just upgraded to dapper and I have 'unhandled mime type image/png' in all gnome applications. None of them can load their icons etc. It's only gtk apps that have this problem though, KDE is fine. | 04:55 |
canllaith | Does anyone know anything about this issue? | 04:55 |
Nafai | On Dapper and have US English selected, why is British spelling still being used, like in the desktop background properties "colour"? | 04:55 |
i3dmaster | has anyone experienced BadLength poly request too large or internal Xlib length erro on some of the gnome apps? | 04:55 |
blindx | Linux.. is like a slinky. great, powerful, fun.. but if you twist it the wrong way, you're fu**ed. | 04:55 |
blindx | And I think by me saying that, we all know that I just ruined my slinky :( | 04:56 |
dager | ..and it goes down stairs magically =) | 04:56 |
Madpilot | blindx: it's not usually that hard to untwist (unless you bork sudo, it seems like...) | 04:56 |
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GTroy | help!! when I lsusb -vv I can't see my usb wifi | 04:56 |
blindx | I don't know, I did something real bad lol. | 04:57 |
blindx | i'm on a reinstall :P | 04:57 |
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dager | GTroy: does it detect any devices? | 04:57 |
intelikey | hmmm [lag 64] looks like i wasting my time trying to irc while dist-upgrading hoary to dapper... | 04:57 |
dager | it might detect it and call it something else | 04:57 |
skpl | can someone tell me if there is a way to make my menu's in gnome transparent? or to have them fade in and out like in windows? | 04:57 |
TokenBad | whats command for mounting iso file | 04:57 |
GTroy | dager how can I tell? | 04:57 |
dager | GTroy.. use pastebin to paste your lsusb | 04:58 |
DarkEthos | anyone able to lend some help to my dual boot issue with grub? | 04:58 |
shadeofgrey | i need to know how to change the permissions ogf a folder so that every user can see and use the contents. in this case - mp3s | 04:58 |
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shadeofgrey | <shadeofgrey> i rebuilt one of the folders inside as root and now all the other users on the machine cant see or use the contents because they dont have proper permissions | 04:58 |
Madpilot | skpl: not sure that's possible in Gnome | 04:58 |
dager | shadeofgrey: 'man chown' | 04:58 |
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shadeofgrey | what does that do? | 04:59 |
Warbo | skpl: xcompmgr | 04:59 |
dager | shadeofgrey: shows you how to solve your problem using chown :) | 04:59 |
shadeofgrey | i need to type that and the specific folder correct? | 04:59 |
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intelikey | TokenBad by the time you get this answer you probably wont want it any more..... sudo mount file.iso -o loop /mount/point/ | 04:59 |
Pordos | programs always ask to view my keyring for the password to one of my ssh accounts. how can i stop this, or just delete that info so they can't access it ever? | 04:59 |
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Pordos | seriously, it's bizarre. they are all asking me for my password to username@domain.com for a domain that has nothing to do with them. | 05:00 |
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LazyB0y | kj | 05:01 |
WillyTell | _jason, ubotu, I edited the sources.list. Then I am goin to install again the kde from synaptic. | 05:02 |
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_jason | WillyTell: run sudo apt-get update first, and I recommend using aptitude, not synaptic | 05:02 |
LazyB0y | i have a question....i forgot my user and pass anyway to get in | 05:02 |
WillyTell | ok! | 05:02 |
GTroy | dager here's the lsusb http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12708 | 05:02 |
shadeofgrey | how do i use chmod to allow all users access to a specific directory | 05:02 |
_jason | LazyB0y: you forgot both your username and your password? | 05:02 |
Dr_Willis | single user mode/rescue mode and some knowledge. | 05:03 |
shadeofgrey | i hate using the man pages because they are very indirrect | 05:03 |
Warbo | LazyB0y: Boot into recovery mode. "su username" "passwd newpassword" I think | 05:03 |
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Dr_Willis | shadeofgrey, they are 'referance pages' :P not tutorials. | 05:03 |
GTroy | dager I can't get netgear wg111 to work using ndiswrapper since moving from alpha to beta | 05:03 |
intelikey | LazyB0y sure there is. | 05:03 |
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LazyB0y | ok i thought i was locked out forever .... installed months ago and then came back and i just dont remeber..one or the other | 05:04 |
dager | GTroy: run 'sudo lsusb' and use pastebin.. the "Operation not permitted" errors might be preventing you from seeing it | 05:04 |
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Warbo | LazyB0y: You can add a new user in recovery mode then press ctrl-d to carry on normal bbot up and log in as new user | 05:05 |
GTroy | bus 1-5 empty dager | 05:05 |
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dager | thats not good =( | 05:05 |
GTroy | dager I'll replug it | 05:06 |
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LazyB0y | im a real newd how o get into recovery? im loading up now | 05:06 |
Warbo | LazyB0y: You should have a recover mode in your boot menu | 05:06 |
LazyB0y | oh ok gotcha | 05:06 |
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LazyB0y | thought there was somthing more to it | 05:06 |
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intelikey | Warbo better to ls /home and passwd <name revieled in the ls command> | 05:07 |
GTroy | dager now it shows | 05:07 |
Warbo | intelikey: Probably | 05:07 |
_jason | LazyB0y: after you boot in recovery, first you need to figure out your username: getent passwd 1000 | cut -d : -f 1 | 05:07 |
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dager | GTroy: thats good.. is ndsiwrapper still not working? | 05:07 |
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GTroy | hold on | 05:07 |
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_jason | LazyB0y: then once you know the username, just change the password with: passwd USERNAME | 05:07 |
intelikey | Warbo reason i say that, the first user is already set up for sudo an added user wont be by default. | 05:08 |
LazyB0y | ok will do | 05:08 |
Warbo | LazyB0y: Do what intelikey said. "ls /home" will give you your username. "passwd yourusername" then give it a new password | 05:08 |
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Dr_Willis | _jason, he could just look in the /home/ dir and see what user is there. :P | 05:08 |
Warbo | intelikey: Tell me about it. (I deleted first user and needed recovery mode) | 05:08 |
GTroy | dager!!! it just wasn't plugged in!!! | 05:08 |
_jason | LazyB0y: oh that works too, didn't see someone had said that :) | 05:09 |
=== GTroy feels really, really stupid | ||
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dager | GTroy: hehe =P | 05:09 |
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GTroy | thanks dager | 05:09 |
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Warbo | You know I have a Synaptic window flashing in my taskbar for the past hour? initramfs-tools is screwed (and nobody in #ubuntu+1 has any idea why) | 05:09 |
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intelikey | well _jason is right in not assuming default home dir.... that is veriable, one could have a home dir not in /home or not by their user name.... | 05:10 |
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_jason | and he could also have deleted his first user so we are both making assumptions | 05:10 |
=== Dr_Willis still wonders how someone forgets their username | ||
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intelikey | Dr_Willis i've done it. | 05:11 |
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Warbo | Dr_Willis: I had a username "f*** you bill gates" in a Windows 98 in QEmu once. I forgot that | 05:12 |
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Dr_Willis | Warbo, you are just sick. | 05:12 |
intelikey | if you have accounts one more than 12 boxes and not all the same user name.... it can get confusing | 05:12 |
Pordos | how do i delete a value from my key ring? | 05:12 |
dager | i just always use username "user" :( | 05:12 |
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Warbo | Dr_Willis: I know. Windows 98, what was I thinking? | 05:12 |
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Pordos | multiple programs always ask me for a password to an ssh account in my keyring. | 05:12 |
Pordos | that has nothing to do with them. | 05:12 |
Pordos | i don't even know why they ask | 05:12 |
invisage01 | heya! dapper flight 6.. have there been known problems with the ISO's at the moment? | 05:13 |
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perceptualchaos | hi can someone please tell me how I can uninstall Java? When I type java -version at the command line I get: | 05:13 |
perceptualchaos | java version "1.4.2" | 05:13 |
perceptualchaos | gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu9) | 05:13 |
_jason | ubotu: tell perceptualchaos about javadebs | 05:14 |
perceptualchaos | I tried to uninstall it from the synaptic package manager | 05:14 |
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_jason | perceptualchaos: oh /uninstall/, ignore what I sent you | 05:14 |
perceptualchaos | I'm trying to install matlab on ubuntu 64 | 05:14 |
perceptualchaos | but it comes with its own java version | 05:14 |
_jason | why do you need to uninstall java for that? | 05:15 |
swaj | anybody know how to get mp3 support working for rhythmbox? I installed gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse, but it didnt' work :/ | 05:15 |
_jason | !matlab | 05:15 |
perceptualchaos | so I want to uninstall the old version | 05:15 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _jason | 05:15 |
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_jason | ubotu: matlab is <reply> For information on installing matlab, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MATLAB | 05:15 |
ubotu | _jason: okay | 05:15 |
GTroy | I can't install any irc programs....I get application might not support your hardware | 05:16 |
Pordos | swaj you need to look at the restricted formats page i think. | 05:16 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: you shouldn't need to remove it, you can have more than one version of java. You may want to take a look at the link I just pasted to the wiki | 05:16 |
dager | GTroy.. what programs did you try? | 05:16 |
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Pordos | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 05:16 |
GTroy | synaptic, and add remove programs | 05:16 |
dager | GTroy.. i mean, which irc programs | 05:17 |
perceptualchaos | _jason: thanks I'll have a play | 05:17 |
GTroy | konversaion and xchat | 05:17 |
Pordos | swaj http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-play-restricted-formats-with-ubuntu-multimedia-codecs | 05:17 |
dager | try irssi or bitchx | 05:17 |
GTroy | are konversation and xchat not supported? | 05:17 |
intelikey | GTroy kewl ! that's a nice error. | 05:17 |
intelikey | kirc ? | 05:17 |
skpl | has anyone here succesfully added a splash image to their grub boot loader? | 05:17 |
dager | i guess not.. ive never gotten that before, but irssi and bitchx are both pretty simple terminal-based apps | 05:17 |
GTroy | intelikey cool? how? | 05:18 |
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WillyTell | _jason, ubotu: are you there? | 05:18 |
_jason | WillyTell: ubotu is a bot | 05:18 |
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intelikey | just never seen that error message before GTroy :) | 05:19 |
GTroy | :P | 05:19 |
GTroy | intelikey ok | 05:19 |
HellDragon | html is OOP ? | 05:19 |
WillyTell | _jason, ups!, well, finally I am downloading kubuntu-desktop | 05:20 |
_jason | WillyTell: great | 05:20 |
intelikey | GTroy i doubt that the error message is realy relevent to the issue tho. irc apps don't really support any hardware afik | 05:20 |
WillyTell | _jason, it is possible only with your help! thank you very much. | 05:20 |
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_jason | WillyTell: np | 05:21 |
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GTroy | intelikey: add remove programs couldn't access the internet | 05:21 |
GTroy | s' why | 05:21 |
WillyTell | _jason, I learn today how to use pastebin and how I must update the souces.list. | 05:21 |
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intelikey | there ya go GTroy | 05:22 |
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intelikey | oh i'm still lagging about 30 seconds here. | 05:23 |
CrocoJet | one question | 05:23 |
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CrocoJet | the canonical companie allow that some persons to sell CDS UBUNTU at fisl events ? | 05:24 |
Dr_Willis | I belive thats more of a GPL issue isent it? I dont see why you couldent sell them. | 05:25 |
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intelikey | CrocoGator it's not unlawful to sell free software. no. | 05:25 |
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CrocoJet | official cds ? | 05:26 |
Dr_Willis | You are burning official cd's? from the official .isos? | 05:26 |
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=== Dr_Willis wonders what 'official' really means. | ||
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intelikey | read all about it in the gnu-gpl | 05:26 |
CrocoJet | cds release from canonical | 05:27 |
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CrocoJet | is legal or not ? | 05:27 |
catskul | anyone notice new fonts in firefox after the last dapper update ? | 05:27 |
_jason | catskul: #ubuntu+1 for dapper | 05:27 |
catskul | thanks | 05:27 |
intelikey | Dr_Willis you know the ones with trick uniforms and badges :) | 05:28 |
Madpilot | CrocoJet, you can sell the CDs, yes | 05:28 |
Dr_Willis | intelikey, "The Official Disrtobution of the 2008 Olypics!" | 05:28 |
CrocoJet | ok | 05:28 |
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CrocoJet | I am not going to sell .. only question .. :) | 05:29 |
intelikey | Dr_Willis mmm yeah that too | 05:29 |
intelikey | sure...... | 05:29 |
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jinho326 | hello- I installed xubuntu and for some reason whenever I restart or shut down, the GUI login doesnt show up- the screen is blank, the keyboard doesnt respond, but oddly the mouse is on- so I always have to boot up and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:30 |
jinho326 | Does anyone know a way to solve this problem- or have experience w/ this? | 05:30 |
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perceptualchaos | is there a way to get the ubuntu terminal to display all commands starting with what you've already typed in? | 05:31 |
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eggzeck | perceptualchaos, yes, tab | 05:31 |
Dr_Willis | perceptualchaos, foo<tab> | 05:31 |
Dr_Willis | bash completion - :P | 05:31 |
eggzeck | hit it twice though | 05:31 |
perceptualchaos | I thought that displays the possible things you can type? | 05:32 |
perceptualchaos | not the things you have typed in the past? | 05:32 |
eggzeck | whihc are the possible commands | 05:32 |
bjv | speaking of bash completion, i hit oowr<tab> the other day to find that open office isnt on my machine any more | 05:32 |
jinho326 | anyone...? | 05:32 |
Dr_Willis | perceptualchaos, you are refering to the bash history command then. | 05:32 |
perceptualchaos | ok | 05:32 |
bjv | upgrade to dapper do that to me? | 05:32 |
perceptualchaos | how do you do that? | 05:32 |
Dr_Willis | perceptualchaos, theres some amazing features of bash and things it can do. :P | 05:32 |
_jason | bjv: yeah, did it to me too. Join #ubuntu+1 for dapper | 05:33 |
jinho326 | bjv: were you addressing me or someone else? | 05:33 |
Dr_Willis | perceptualchaos, try 'history' then for exapple !30 will rerun histrory item #30 (i think) | 05:33 |
intelikey | perceptualchaos it does display the possable commands. log out and back in then tac ~/.bash_history | 05:33 |
Dr_Willis | That Oriially book on "Using Bash" is so handy. I learned so much from it. Lol. | 05:33 |
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intelikey | perceptualchaos the up arrow key is handy, you can scrool the history. | 05:35 |
perceptualchaos | what I want to do is say type "umount" then press a key which will let me scroll through all commands in the history that begin with the string "umount" | 05:35 |
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_jason | perceptualchaos: ctrl-r | 05:35 |
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intelikey | history | grep umount | 05:36 |
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perceptualchaos | intelikey: thats probably close enough | 05:37 |
perceptualchaos | :) | 05:37 |
perceptualchaos | thanks | 05:37 |
grigora | hi, I had my laptop on suspend, I brought it back but the sound does not work | 05:37 |
grigora | could someone tell me how to bring it back? thanks | 05:38 |
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perceptualchaos | it'd be nice if it did autocomplete sort of thing but thats probably asking too much | 05:38 |
seamus-laptop | grigora: have you tried restarting alsa? or killing esd and starting it back up? | 05:38 |
grigora | seamus-laptop: I tried restarting alsa, haven't tried esd yet | 05:39 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: umm did you try ctrl-r? | 05:39 |
intelikey | perceptualchaos if you need only the command you can "cut" the unwanted part. history | grep man | cut -b8- | 05:39 |
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intelikey | _jason i tried it, does bash_completion need to be loaded for that to work ? | 05:40 |
perceptualchaos | _jason: I want it to display the commands I have typed in the past, not commands I could possibly type | 05:40 |
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perceptualchaos | it didn't work | 05:40 |
grigora | seamus-laptop: I killed esd, but now can't start it - connect failed: /tmp/alsa-dmix-10176-1145653508-416773: No such file or directory | 05:40 |
_jason | ctrl-r searches history, press ctrl-r and then type something like 'umount' | 05:41 |
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intelikey | ^R doesn't seem very useful to me. | 05:41 |
_jason | intelikey: how come? | 05:41 |
perceptualchaos | ah | 05:42 |
itrebal | so if i have an issue with an ubuntu package (ie: it doesn't work) what should i do? | 05:42 |
perceptualchaos | I see how it works now | 05:42 |
_jason | pressing ctrl-r again cycles matches | 05:42 |
intelikey | i think it breaks at white space _jason | 05:42 |
perceptualchaos | thanks _jason | 05:42 |
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eggzeck | itrebal, depends on the problem. | 05:42 |
_jason | intelikey: ever since I setup vi keybindings it seems to be a bit buggy I have to admit | 05:42 |
grigora | anyone knows what could cause my laptop sound to disappear after a suspend? and how to bring it back. I have tried restarting alsa, still no go. thanks | 05:42 |
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intelikey | because i have ran several man blah commands and ^R man says man not very useful | 05:42 |
seamus-laptop | grigora: interesting problem, let me investigate that | 05:43 |
itrebal | eggzeck: it doesn't run properly, i'm downloading the source to compile | 05:43 |
seamus-laptop | grigora: what type of laptop do you h ave? | 05:43 |
grigora | IBM T43 thinkpad | 05:44 |
=== DarkED|Meh [n=darked@68-117-171-105.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
perceptualchaos | _jason do you know if you can get it to search only for terms which begin with your search string? | 05:44 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: don't know | 05:44 |
seamus-laptop | grigora: what version are you running? dapper, breezy? | 05:44 |
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tonyyarusso | grigora: Heh, at least you can suspend. Crossing my fingers for Dapper (same model actually.) | 05:44 |
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perceptualchaos | what program is it invoking when you press ^r? | 05:45 |
perceptualchaos | maybe the man page will have something | 05:45 |
UKMatt | hey I have a question for someone about amarok | 05:45 |
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intelikey | ah yeah _jason i see what you are saying... it works kinda like a grep history + up-arrow i guess that would be useful if you never cleared you history.... but on a history file less than 100 lines it's pretty useless, i can get there quicker with the arrow keys. | 05:46 |
UKMatt | I have all my music saved on an external hard drive (b/c don't wanna save it on both windows and ubuntu side), and I want to be able to make a music library (hopefully in amarok, or another program that lets me) that can use it directly from the external hd | 05:47 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: I don't know, I think it's referred to as recursive something or other... maybe man bash's history section | 05:47 |
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tonyyarusso | I'm having issues running cp on some stuff from a CD-ROM, gettingthis: '[4386574242] B I/O 299421' | 05:47 |
tonyyarusso | Aarg, that 's not right. | 05:47 |
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intelikey | perceptualchaos man bash prolly knows all the ^key macros are bash something or other. | 05:47 |
tonyyarusso | [4386709.791000] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 299444 | 05:48 |
tonyyarusso | There | 05:48 |
rnd_null | Is there a way to make my home computer into an email provider? | 05:48 |
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_jason | intelikey: my favorite is doing 'sudo !!' after forgetting to sudo something | 05:48 |
UKMatt | does anyone have an idea for me? | 05:48 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: indeed there is | 05:48 |
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naji | UKMatt > just create a playlist with relative URIs | 05:48 |
rnd_null | kingspawn, ok...can i do it at no cost? | 05:48 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: you need to set up a server, like sendmail/postfix | 05:49 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: of course :) | 05:49 |
rnd_null | kingspawn, and it will be accessible from anywhere....pop3? | 05:49 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: but at no cost your email might be something like "rnd_null@" | 05:49 |
rnd_null | o | 05:49 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: it will | 05:49 |
=== jetscreamer [n=jetscrea@adsl-70-241-28-237.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | How can I force an unmount of a CD-ROM device that is busy? | 05:49 |
rnd_null | kingspawn, where can i get a cheap domain name from? | 05:50 |
naji | rnd_null > you can use DNS ( no-ip.info ) | 05:50 |
jetscreamer | mount -L or something, man mount | 05:50 |
itrebal | push a paper-clip in the hole on the front of the drive | 05:50 |
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jetscreamer | also try lsof and see what's still accessing the cdrom | 05:50 |
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jetscreamer | lsof |grep -i cd or somelthing | 05:50 |
rnd_null | kingspawn, ok, so i really really want to do this, but i have no idea where to even start | 05:50 |
itrebal | rnd_null: i use godaddy.com | 05:50 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: if you have an isp that doesnt really change your ip you can get free stuff | 05:50 |
perceptualchaos | _jason: does the second ! -> the first command in the history? | 05:50 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso stick a paper clip in the little hole up front ? | 05:50 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: www.dyndns.org | 05:51 |
jetscreamer | the paper clip is a last resort | 05:51 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: yeah | 05:51 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: or .com | 05:51 |
perceptualchaos | thats cool | 05:51 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: What little hole? | 05:51 |
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jetscreamer | try man mount | 05:51 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: theyll give you something along the lines of rnd_null.ath.cx | 05:51 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: ctrl-r is 'reverse incremental search' it seems | 05:51 |
itrebal | tonyyarusso: if you look closely at the front of a cd drive, theres a little hole, you put a paper clip in there, and it forces a hardware-based eject | 05:51 |
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rnd_null | kingspawn, do you know of any "walkthroughs" for setting up an email server? | 05:52 |
tonyyarusso | itrebal: On a laptop? | 05:52 |
intelikey | they may not have those any more tonyyarusso but if sudo eject cant do it you will have to kill what ever is using it. | 05:52 |
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itrebal | tonyyarusso: usually on every one | 05:52 |
itrebal | i've never seen one without | 05:52 |
perceptualchaos | yeah I'm looking at the man page for bash now | 05:52 |
jetscreamer | err make that man umount sorry | 05:52 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: this page has some really nice tips: http://www.ukuug.org/events/linux2003/papers/bash_tips/ | 05:53 |
perceptualchaos | there's ^s for forward searching as well | 05:53 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey: It should be cp using it. | 05:53 |
skpl | is it possible to play .m4a files in ubuntu? | 05:53 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: http://www.marcelgagne.com/Linux_mail_server.html --- google is always your friend | 05:53 |
jetscreamer | man umount will tell you | 05:53 |
kingspawn | rnd_null: just come back here if there are questions | 05:53 |
jetscreamer | i won't | 05:53 |
itrebal | rnd_null: alot of ISPs these days block port 25 for mail servers | 05:53 |
UKMatt | hey what other music players do you guys use? | 05:53 |
tonyyarusso | intelikey, itrebal: never mind, it stopped. | 05:53 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso sudo killall cp && sudo eject | 05:53 |
Madpilot | UKMatt, Muine | 05:54 |
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jetscreamer | skpl: you'll probably need w32codecs | 05:54 |
arun | hey.. can anyone help me with my problems with installing libjpeg(http://www.ijg.org/) in ubuntu | 05:54 |
blindx | anyway to get text functionality in photoshop (running through wine) | 05:54 |
jetscreamer | !tell skpl -about w32codecs | 05:54 |
jetscreamer | gimp not good enough for you eh | 05:55 |
GTroy_ | uhmm how do I change screen resolutions on a dual head? | 05:55 |
blindx | not at all. | 05:55 |
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blindx | it doesn't act the same.. | 05:55 |
GTroy_ | one screen is fine, but the second is not right | 05:55 |
jetscreamer | !find libjpeg | 05:55 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'libjpeg' (5 shown): libjpeg-mmx-dev ;; libjpeg-mmx-progs ;; libjpeg-progs ;; libjpeg62 ;; libjpeg62-dev. | 05:55 |
GTroy_ | !screen resolution | 05:55 |
ubotu | GTroy_: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 05:55 |
intelikey | tonyyarusso it can be really frustrating when software over rides hardware.... | 05:55 |
blindx | !fixres | 05:55 |
ubotu | I guess fixres is Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:55 |
GTroy_ | blindx: thanks | 05:55 |
perceptualchaos | _jason: what's the meta-key? | 05:55 |
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blindx | no prob | 05:55 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: usually ALT | 05:55 |
jetscreamer | like the windows key | 05:55 |
=== intelikey pulls the plug out of the wall and screems GIVE ME THAT CD! | ||
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perceptualchaos | oh | 05:56 |
jetscreamer | never man'd umount eh | 05:56 |
perceptualchaos | which one? | 05:56 |
Taa5i | Hello. I am looking for a way to install Ubuntu onto a laptop without a CD-Rom drive, is this feasible please? | 05:56 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: both probably | 05:56 |
perceptualchaos | I have a left one and a right one | 05:56 |
perceptualchaos | ah | 05:56 |
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intelikey | s/pull blug/eject battery/ <laptop version> | 05:57 |
KatteKrab | I'm using evolution, gnome, dapper drake - and I can't figure out how to access the keyboard shortcuts indicated with underlines... anyone able to give me a clue? | 05:57 |
perceptualchaos | there's a lot of bash shortcuts! | 05:57 |
perceptualchaos | :) | 05:57 |
blindx | intelikey, you're not going to get a cd from an unplugged computer. :P | 05:57 |
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intelikey | blug ? | 05:57 |
harisund | People, can X forward happen through telnet? Or do we only need SSH to do it? | 05:57 |
intelikey | blindx can as soon as you plug it back up | 05:57 |
Major_Delta | Taa5i: http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html | 05:58 |
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jetscreamer | ssh | 05:58 |
jetscreamer | telnet would be silly | 05:58 |
blindx | anyway to get text functionality in photoshop (running through wine).. gives me the error that there's no system font detected. :\ | 05:58 |
intelikey | harisund i don't think i'd use telnet if it does support it..... | 05:58 |
KatteKrab | ubotu I'm using evolution, gnome, dapper drake - and I can't figure out how to access the keyboard shortcuts indicated with underlines... anyone able to give me a clue? | 05:59 |
ubotu | KatteKrab: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 05:59 |
harisund | intelikey: well.. I believe it would be faster since there is no encryption.. this is a local network and I am not worried about security. | 05:59 |
KatteKrab | ubotu keyboard shortcuts | 05:59 |
ubotu | I heard keyboard shortcuts is modifiable at System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts, or at http://www.gnome.org/learn/access-guide/2.10/ch03.html#keynav-2 | 05:59 |
harisund | For me, generally FTP is faster than SSH for file transfer. I know I know, security and all that yadda yadda.. but still. | 05:59 |
jbroome | Mmm, plain test passwords are awesome | 06:00 |
jbroome | *text | 06:00 |
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intelikey | harisund i'm with ya..... but idk if telnet supports it or not. | 06:00 |
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leetcharmer | hihi all :D | 06:00 |
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leetcharmer | how's it goin'? | 06:00 |
harisund | intelikey: Well I guess not .. that's fine though .. just curious to know.. | 06:00 |
Major_Delta | hey there, is there a way to get torrents to transfer files point to point, instead of ftp | 06:00 |
Taa5i | Major_Delta: Thank you, looking into that now. | 06:01 |
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leetcharmer | should I go here if I want to talk about Ubuntu Dapper Beta? | 06:01 |
leetcharmer | I think I'm full o' bugs | 06:01 |
jbroome | leetcharmer: ubuntu+1 | 06:01 |
jbroome | leetcharmer: #ubuntu+1 | 06:01 |
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intelikey | hmmm kinda like setting echo "<my password>" > /etc/issue.net | 06:01 |
arun | i m having problems with installing libjpeg.. http://www.ijg.org/ .. even after i configure,make and makeinstall... i still get an error libjpeg.h is missing when i make another package that uses libjpeg.. | 06:02 |
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arun | can someone help me with this problem | 06:02 |
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_jason | arun: that is in the repositories, no need to compile | 06:02 |
intelikey | so what all will happen when this hoary to dapper apt-get dist-upgrade go's off ? | 06:03 |
intelikey | box go boom ? | 06:03 |
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darksoul_ | i dont want to find out.. i find a fresh install is best | 06:03 |
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hyphenated | I wouldn't recommend jumping two releases in one hit. it might work, but it doesn't sound like a good idea | 06:03 |
_jason | intelikey: yeah my breezy > almost did, good luck | 06:04 |
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naji | we don't care, as long as the good packages are succesfully installed | 06:04 |
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darksoul_ | anyone have problems upgrading before | 06:04 |
arun | _jason, oh.. ok.. but i get an error message saying that jpeglib.h is missing.. | 06:04 |
_jason | arun: install libjpeg62 and libjpeg62-dev probably, but what are you trying to do? | 06:04 |
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=== _JP [n=jpn@dsl-tregw3-fe44df00-130.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | !find libjpeg | 06:05 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'libjpeg' (5 shown): libjpeg-mmx-dev ;; libjpeg-mmx-progs ;; libjpeg-progs ;; libjpeg62 ;; libjpeg62-dev. | 06:05 |
PwcrLinux | Who called? I noticed my xchat flashing | 06:05 |
intelikey | did a fresh server install of hoary removed ubuntu-base and started a dist-upgrade..... we'll see. | 06:05 |
arun | _jason, i m installing a package called sage.. http://www.evl.uic.edu/cavern/sage/download.php | 06:05 |
darksoul_ | have problem have problems upgrading before? | 06:05 |
skpl | can someone tell me what a good place to install mozilla firefox is? | 06:06 |
darksoul_ | can anyone hear me at all | 06:06 |
naji | skpl > /opt | 06:06 |
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skpl | why that? | 06:06 |
_jason | arun: k, see if yhose packages resolve the problem | 06:06 |
skpl | what does opt stand for? | 06:06 |
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intelikey | !ff1.5 | 06:06 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 06:06 |
__Michel__b | oi | 06:07 |
naji | dunno, but I always use it to compile my software | 06:07 |
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PwcrLinux | cya | 06:08 |
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blindx | YES!! I got text functionality in Photoshop running through wine. :DD | 06:08 |
arrick | Hey has anyone seen IdleOne on here lately, I know they were moving, but its been about a week now | 06:08 |
intelikey | with 18k packages in the repos everyone wants to compile....... use gentoo if you like to compile that well. | 06:08 |
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HellDragon | ok IcemanV9 | 06:09 |
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Madpilot | !seen IdleOne | 06:09 |
perceptualchaos | do you know where .bashrc is located? | 06:09 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: ~ | 06:09 |
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HellDragon | !quote _jason | 06:10 |
naji | blindx > CVS version ? | 06:10 |
HellDragon | wow | 06:10 |
ubotu | i couldn't get the quote for _jason. sorry. :( | 06:10 |
blindx | naji: of what? | 06:10 |
naji | Wine | 06:10 |
HellDragon | U bug tu.. | 06:10 |
blindx | uh. i don't know, tell ya the truth. im new to all this :x | 06:10 |
blindx | I got it through apt-get if that tells you anything :x | 06:10 |
catskul | whats up with baltix... ? why not just have a language pack for ubuntu ? | 06:11 |
=== samir [n=samir@maisel-gw.enst-bretagne.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
samir | salam | 06:11 |
catskul | salam | 06:11 |
perceptualchaos | _jason: its not in my base dir :? | 06:11 |
samir | ca va bien ? | 06:11 |
catskul | yes | 06:12 |
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HellDragon | on parle pas fr ici | 06:12 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: should be ~/.bashrc, if you don't have one, just create it | 06:12 |
Madpilot | !fr | 06:12 |
HellDragon | va sur #ubuntufr | 06:12 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 06:12 |
_jason | !fr | 06:12 |
naji | samir > if you speak french, please join #ubuntu-fr | 06:12 |
HellDragon | #uvuntu-fr | 06:12 |
HellDragon | #ubuntu-fr | 06:12 |
samir | yes i speek | 06:12 |
zOrK | speak | 06:12 |
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naji | samir > je m'emmerde un peu sur #ubuntu-fr donc tu peux y aller | 06:12 |
zOrK | como anda le vu? | 06:12 |
HellDragon | merde alors | 06:12 |
HellDragon | wth ork | 06:12 |
HellDragon | zork* | 06:12 |
HellDragon | :) | 06:13 |
blindx | voulez-vous coucher avec moi? (ha couldn't resist) | 06:13 |
perceptualchaos | _jason: oh there we go | 06:13 |
_jason | zOrK: /join #ubuntu-fr | 06:13 |
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zOrK | Just kidding, I dont know how to speak FR | 06:13 |
blindx | lol | 06:13 |
zOrK | I wish | 06:13 |
blindx | I wanna speak a language that like 1/1000 people know. | 06:13 |
blindx | like latin. | 06:14 |
zOrK | latin is the father of all the languages | 06:14 |
Madpilot | !offtopic | 06:14 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 06:14 |
blindx | I'd go with klingon, but .... | 06:14 |
zOrK | So, If you learn latin, you'll probably learn any language :P | 06:14 |
blindx | sorry madpilot :[ | 06:14 |
zOrK | But is a hard one | 06:14 |
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intelikey | hmmm thought i was the only one that "speeked" ? | 06:15 |
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blindx | that would be "spoked" duh | 06:15 |
Dr_Willis | spok-ed | 06:16 |
=== bifodus [n=Yup@roy-tuc-univ-148-229.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skpl | can someone tell em why i am getting this error? bash: firefox: command not found | 06:16 |
skpl | 06:16 | |
skpl | i installed it to /opt/firefox | 06:16 |
zeeble | add /opt/ to your path variable. | 06:16 |
Dr_Willis | its not in your path | 06:16 |
Dr_Willis | or make a launcher that has the full total path to it. | 06:17 |
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perceptualchaos | damn, adding "PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a' " didn't work | 06:17 |
intelikey | cause /opt is not in your path | 06:17 |
=== GTroy [n=galen@207-109-184-188.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
naji | skpl > you have to run it with '/opt/firefox/firefox' | 06:17 |
GTroy | !mount | 06:17 |
ubotu | I guess mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f | 06:17 |
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | echo $PATH | 06:17 |
perceptualchaos | I appended it to .bashrc and thought that would save my commands to the history one at a time | 06:17 |
=== pierre- [n=pierre@ip73.168.adsl.wplus.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
naji | I'd say : "echo '; /opt/firefox' >> $ PATH | 06:18 |
perceptualchaos | rather than on terminal exit | 06:18 |
=== freakabcd [n=freakabc@60-241-6-203.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
perceptualchaos | _jason: have you successfully made that modification? | 06:18 |
freakabcd | n | 06:18 |
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=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-175-190.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skpl | i just installed the latest version of firefox however when i run /opt/firefox i get version | 06:18 |
skpl | anyone know why? | 06:18 |
blindx | so wait. how would one go about making "wine etc etc etc../Program\ Files/Adobe/Photoshop\ 7.0/Photoshop.exe" a command.. say "Photoshop"? (so i could just alt+f2, photoshop, and it loads) | 06:18 |
=== OmniColos [n=Francisc@ppp-68-251-58-244.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Willis | make a script that runs the full command. | 06:19 |
blindx | where would i put said script? :\ | 06:19 |
Dr_Willis | whever ya wanted | 06:19 |
=== slavik [n=Slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | perceptualchaos no it would have to be a function not a veriable,,, that would only get set at login. try something like function blah { export PROMPT_COMMAND=`history -a` } | 06:19 |
_jason | perceptualchaos: no I didn't, but you need to source ~/.bashrc after changing it | 06:19 |
Dr_Willis | home/bin normally | 06:19 |
blindx | how would i incorporate it? | 06:19 |
KatteKrab | uboto keyboard accessibility] | 06:19 |
Dr_Willis | make it executable and run it :P | 06:19 |
Dr_Willis | like ya do any other command | 06:19 |
KatteKrab | uboto keyboard accessibility | 06:19 |
blindx | i don't want to type /path/to/executable | 06:20 |
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blindx | i wanna just type "photoshop" | 06:20 |
intelikey | home/bin ? $HOME/bin/ | 06:20 |
pax | why don't you just use an alias? | 06:21 |
slavik | blindx: look up "symbolic link" | 06:21 |
slavik | or alias | 06:21 |
naji | blindx > just create a shell script which contains "/path/to/executable" | 06:21 |
Oompa | I was messing with sessions and entered something wrong.. | 06:21 |
Oompa | I entered something wrong and can't delete it. the button is deactivated | 06:21 |
Oompa | how do I sudo it? | 06:21 |
=== ckasprzak [n=ckasprza@69-162-199-115.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | Oompa: what did you enter? | 06:22 |
Oompa | gnome-window-decorator (must be on top, start first) | 06:22 |
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slavik | hmm ... | 06:22 |
intelikey | blindx echo $PATH that is where bash searches for executable. you can change that by adding export PATH="$PATH:<new_added/path>" to your ~/.bashrc | 06:22 |
Oompa | And yes I know I should ask elsewhere but so one is replying. | 06:22 |
slavik | Oompa: try also asking in gnome | 06:22 |
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slavik | not ask elsewhere ... | 06:23 |
slavik | Oompa: you ask in 20 places, more chances for answer ;) | 06:23 |
Oompa | :P | 06:23 |
slavik | but I dunno how to fix your error, sorry :( | 06:23 |
lgc | Oompa, are you familar with OOMPAA? | 06:23 |
vijay | hi all, i have a problem with telugu font in firefox can any body help me? | 06:23 |
slavik | lgc: OO MPAA? | 06:23 |
Oompa | I know OO | 06:24 |
naji | vijay > what king of problem ? | 06:24 |
Oompa | and I know of the MPAA | 06:24 |
Oompa | I code in OOP and I hate the MPAA | 06:24 |
slavik | rofl | 06:24 |
naji | s/king/kind | 06:24 |
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vijay | naji: it is displaying boxes in between the letters | 06:24 |
skpl | can someone tell me if this means i have a packet sniffer on my computer? <skpl> does this mean i have a packet sniffer on my computer? Checking `sniffer'... lo: not promisc and no packet sniffer sockets | 06:24 |
skpl | <skpl> eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[5774] ) | 06:25 |
=== Apostle^ [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lgc | Oompa: OOMPAA. Object-Oriented Model for Probing Assemblages of Atoms. I've been chasing the author, to no avail. I thought you just might be related to this... | 06:25 |
naji | vijay: is it your website that you are trying to visit ? | 06:25 |
naji | vijay: try to change the charset | 06:25 |
vijay | naji: ok | 06:25 |
Oompa | ha | 06:26 |
=== mahall [n=mahall@12-210-161-198.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oompa | Think about willy wonka. | 06:26 |
Oompa | :P | 06:26 |
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slavik | oompa lumpa!!! | 06:26 |
slavik | wee man!!! | 06:26 |
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naji | !google willy wonka | 06:26 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, naji | 06:26 |
go1dfish | Results for willy wonka on Google: | 06:26 |
go1dfish | http://chocolatefactorymovie.warnerbros.com/ | 06:26 |
go1dfish | http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067992/ | 06:26 |
go1dfish | http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367594/ | 06:26 |
go1dfish | -- | 06:26 |
=== lamonter [n=lamonter@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeeble | vijay: do you have telugu fonts installed? like gautami, or something like that? | 06:26 |
Oompa | Loompa. | 06:26 |
Oompa | I am not lumpy. | 06:26 |
lamonter | hello | 06:26 |
Oompa | thanks though. | 06:26 |
Madpilot | !tell goldfish about pastebin | 06:26 |
Oompa | :P | 06:26 |
zeeble | lamonter: hello. | 06:26 |
slavik | rofl | 06:26 |
=== jessid [n=jessid@cable200-116-215-78.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lamonter | I don speak english | 06:26 |
slavik | Madpilot: go1dfish is a googlebot | 06:27 |
zeeble | lamonter: which language then? | 06:27 |
slavik | lamonter: espanol? | 06:27 |
intelikey | skpl from chkrootkit ? looks ok to me. | 06:27 |
slavik | lamonter: russki? | 06:27 |
lamonter | yes espaol | 06:27 |
naji | Madpilot > i think you haven't many chances to communicate to a bot | 06:27 |
Madpilot | slavik, who owns it? | 06:27 |
slavik | ahh | 06:27 |
slavik | !es | 06:27 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 06:27 |
vijay | zeeble: yes ubuntu have those fonts defaultly | 06:27 |
slavik | Madpilot: no clue | 06:27 |
naji | lamonter > franais ? | 06:27 |
Oompa | hey.. I'm having a problem with sessions. I entered something wrong, and now I can't delete it. the button is deactivated. | 06:27 |
skpl | intelikey, why would it say that then? | 06:27 |
=== unikuser [i=unikuser@dialpool-210-214-27-34.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sunrex | how do i install my ati driver on dapper beta... its saying my X version does not have a matching 'x700_64a' directory | 06:27 |
zeeble | vijay: maybe you just need to change the encoding them | 06:27 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
lgc | Oompa, you're risking your right to stay here if you play with words here...:) | 06:28 |
slavik | sunrex: try seeking help in #ubuntu+1 | 06:28 |
vijay | zeeble: changed to utf 8, but no effect | 06:28 |
slavik | Madpilot: please don't ban the bot | 06:28 |
=== go1dfish [n=alex@tres.pinelink.org] has left #ubuntu [requested] | ||
zeeble | vijay: too bad. | 06:28 |
zeeble | vijay: what site is it? | 06:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
slavik | aww :( | 06:28 |
=== cyphase imagines the day where a tech savvy non programmer can write a basic gnome program/applet | ||
=== sunrex [n=sunrex@c-67-183-47-0.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | slavik, we've got bot, and it doesn't flood. | 06:28 |
slavik | the channel should have a googlebot and a wikibot | 06:28 |
slavik | !flood | 06:28 |
ubotu | flood is, like, totally, for pasting, please use http://pastebin.com , http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or #flood here on freenode. | 06:28 |
vijay | zeeble: http://te.wikipedia.org | 06:29 |
=== ali [n=ali@as8-131.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeeble | vijay: thanks | 06:29 |
perceptualchaos | ha | 06:29 |
perceptualchaos | "like, totally" | 06:29 |
perceptualchaos | http://themightyowl.com/perceptualchaos/dontsaylikeWeb.jpg | 06:29 |
ali | what tool i have to use to configure my soundcard | 06:29 |
zeeble | vijay: i see what you mean. some fonts display.. others are in boxes. | 06:29 |
intelikey | says not permisc and no sockets so that means if dhclient was running it's still nothing to concern your self over.... man chkrootkit | 06:30 |
vijay | zeeble: yes | 06:30 |
cyphase | is there some kind of pastebin standard i don't know about? | 06:31 |
intelikey | skpl if it finds something it really gets your attention.... you'll know it found a 'definkelty' | 06:31 |
cyphase | for posting from apps | 06:31 |
=== carbo [n=justin@cm181.gamma233.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skpl | ah ok | 06:31 |
vijay | zeeble: somewhere i read that to remove libpango* from firefox installation directory, but i am unable to find those files | 06:31 |
skpl | does anyone know where ic an get help for flashplayer? | 06:31 |
carbo | is there any video editing software that will work with Windows Movie Maker files? | 06:31 |
slavik | cyphase: pastebin can also hold screenshots ... or you can use imageshack.us | 06:31 |
Madpilot | cyphase, if it's more than two lines (or you're not sure how long it's going to be) then pastebin it | 06:31 |
cyphase | uuh.. | 06:31 |
=== ^^angusta [n=sfdljkvs@203-190-201-036.adsl.usertools.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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intelikey | what time do they update the repos' servers' anyone ? | 06:32 |
cyphase | i mean some kind of web services protocol for pasting to pastebins from an app | 06:32 |
slavik | cyphase: there is | 06:32 |
slavik | check the ubuntu pastebin page | 06:33 |
slavik | they have a link to a program there or something | 06:33 |
Caminomaster | Here is 11:30= BYE | 06:33 |
cyphase | slavik, i know, webboard | 06:33 |
Madpilot | cyphase, there is for Gnome - I've never bothered with it, though: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 06:33 |
cyphase | i have it installed | 06:33 |
zeeble | vijay: http://te.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Configuring_on_Linux <-- check that out | 06:33 |
cyphase | i know programs exist.. | 06:33 |
cyphase | but is there some kind of defacto protocol | 06:33 |
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cyphase | using REST or XMLRPC or something | 06:33 |
zeeble | vijay: i just looked at the regional language page for my state in wikipedia... and it works somehow :) | 06:34 |
Madpilot | cyphase, no idea | 06:34 |
=== jeremylsartain [n=jeremyls@c-67-182-15-242.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | cyphase: no clue, sorry | 06:35 |
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cyphase | ok | 06:35 |
djs_2_6 | Hello all. I know this is off topic, but I was wondering: Does anyone here know of any channels where server grade hardware is discussed? | 06:35 |
vijay | zeeble: yes, every regional language is working fine, just there is problem with telugu | 06:35 |
intelikey | STAFF what tod (time of day) are the repos updated ? i'll stop the dl for that just in case. | 06:35 |
cyphase | i'm just asking because webboard uses pastebin.com by default | 06:35 |
=== jay79incali [n=jeremyls@c-67-182-15-242.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pvd2006 | I am having a problem with media.putfile.com. I can't get it to play the media file, but it opens up the windows media plugin and plays the audio, not the video. I am not sure what codec is required to do this. I | 06:35 |
zeeble | vijay: hm. not sure then. | 06:35 |
slavik | cyphase: why don't you write a standard? | 06:36 |
Madpilot | intelikey, you might want to ask about repos updating in #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu | 06:36 |
cyphase | slavik, that's why i'm asking :) | 06:36 |
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intelikey | Madpilot k you don't know ? | 06:37 |
Madpilot | intelikey, nope | 06:37 |
chmod775 | !bot | 06:37 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots. wonderful | 06:37 |
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varsendagger | wow ubuntu is quiet | 06:42 |
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slavik | netsplit | 06:43 |
^^angusta | everyone is off reading about newts.... | 06:43 |
=== Installer36 [n=cz@71-209-133-13.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== intelikey thought it was just because he was lagging 30 seconds. | ||
slavik | yup | 06:43 |
=== nitestarr [n=knightst@cpe-24-24-102-34.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eno | question: apache2 service is not running but it is still in 'ls /etc/init.d/'. Why? | 06:44 |
Madpilot | getting newtered? | 06:44 |
intelikey | what's newts ? | 06:44 |
^^angusta | getting eft'ed | 06:44 |
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Madpilot | all eft'd up :P | 06:44 |
intelikey | and no i'm not gonna go read about it | 06:44 |
=== malv [n=arthur@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== hajuu [n=hajuu@dip-220-235-63-115.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | intelikey, next version of Ubuntu will be "Edgy Eft" - an eft is a young newt, apparently | 06:44 |
=== Hobbsee turns Madpilot into a newt :P | ||
varsendagger | what is a osx style icon launcher that i can use in fluxbox or enlightenment? | 06:45 |
^^angusta | an edgy one? | 06:45 |
=== Lorvija [n=lorvija@dsl-lprgw5-fecdf900-132.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajuu | Hey guys, anyone able to tell me whats the default startup file? | 06:45 |
VR_ | varsendagger: i think that's a gdesklet | 06:46 |
VR_ | !gdesklets | 06:46 |
ubotu | gdesklets is probably gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/ | 06:46 |
intelikey | eno the scripts in /etc/init.d are only called buy the symlinks in /etc/rc?.d/ the script is not removed unless the app is removed, maybe not then. eno | 06:46 |
varsendagger | VR_, no it's soemthing else | 06:46 |
varsendagger | i know gdesklets would work too | 06:46 |
eno | intelikey: informative, thx | 06:47 |
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hajuu | Hey guys, anyone able to tell me whats the default startup file? | 06:47 |
hajuu | and also | 06:47 |
VR_ | varsendagger: http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_type=2&screen_id=10864110564330704902176&m=screen | 06:47 |
hajuu | how to turn on timestamps in xchat in the chat window? | 06:47 |
=== httpdss [n=kenny@r201-217-191-116.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mDot | when i do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and switch from nv to nvidia, i am unable to use my monitors 1440x900 resolution. however, using the generic nv drivers the resolution works perfectly, any ideas? | 06:48 |
=== xerophyte [n=xerophyt@CPE00400559e956-CM014310117547.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | eno you can use the scripts in the init.d dirrectly but the system only uses them via the symlinks. | 06:48 |
Madpilot | hajuu, for timestamps, go Settings->Preferences, Text Box section, bottom is Time Stamps | 06:48 |
pvd2006 | what is the package for mozilla dev? | 06:48 |
=== slaterock [n=slateroc@71-214-193-130.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajuu | oh sweet. thanks Madpilot | 06:48 |
slaterock | i just did a dist-upgrade to dapper beta, and my desktop is running sooo o fast | 06:49 |
pvd2006 | i tried sudo apt-get install mozilla-dev | 06:49 |
hajuu | any idea about the start up file? like the one that tries to syncronise my clock with the timeserver? | 06:49 |
intelikey | mDot ahhh why not use the nv driver then ? | 06:49 |
=== TomB [n=ownthebo@ACD557AD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajuu | it keeps dialing my dialup connection on startup... its costing me money :( | 06:49 |
slavik | yeah, I want to get rid of that, too | 06:49 |
mDot | intelikey no 3d support | 06:49 |
eno | VR_: what is that screen shot of? | 06:49 |
mDot | intelikey and its very much slower | 06:50 |
intelikey | mDot oh. | 06:50 |
=== TomB is now known as TomB_ | ||
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=== tescoil [n=tescoil@12-210-249-39.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | hajuu see what i told eno ^ that is all about the "startup files" | 06:50 |
pvd2006 | im confused. mplayerplugin install instructions say I need mozilla-dev package to compile mplayerplugin code but Im not using mozilla I am using firefox. | 06:51 |
pvd2006 | I have firefox-dev installed | 06:51 |
varsendagger | pvd2006, mozilla is firefox | 06:51 |
Installer36 | In Gnome how do I change the apperance of my terminal? | 06:51 |
intelikey | <reposted for hajuu> the scripts in /etc/init.d are only called buy the symlinks in /etc/rc?.d/ the script is not removed unless the app is removed, maybe not then. | 06:51 |
slavik | varsendagger: correction, firefox is mozilla ;) | 06:51 |
pvd2006 | varsendagger, you mean the people who make mozilla make firefox right? | 06:51 |
hajuu | oh yeah init.d | 06:52 |
hajuu | thanks intelikey | 06:52 |
slavik | pvd2006: correct | 06:52 |
pvd2006 | ok | 06:52 |
=== xtr-II [n=01897268@staff-nat.netnation.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
tescoil | what's the easy way to set a new drive to automount at boottime? | 06:52 |
pvd2006 | so it should work then | 06:52 |
=== DarthLappy [n=darthshr@202-161-21-45.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | Installer36, depends what you want to do with it - try Edit->Current Profile for some options | 06:52 |
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=== jfc [n=jfc@c211-28-52-177.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | yikes | 06:53 |
Installer36 | Madpilot that was what I was looking for ..ThankYou | 06:53 |
hajuu | think I need to get the latest nvidia drivers already.. my video is getting pwnzed lol | 06:53 |
pvd2006 | ah, see its going to download mozilla browser as well besides the dev package. Oh well. | 06:53 |
pax | what do we use for .rar archives that handles 3.0 format? | 06:53 |
slaterock | alright, dapper has officially replaced windows on my laptop | 06:53 |
Eleaf | to install azureus, I have to install libswt-java. And that depends on mozilla? That's lame... O.O | 06:53 |
Eleaf | Any way to get azureus installed without having to install other browsers..? | 06:53 |
intelikey | tescoil put it in /etc/fstab easy way for me is edit the file as root. but you may need help with that... idk man fstab | 06:53 |
=== Jmax [n=Jmax@c-65-34-231-192.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pvd2006 | Eleaf: Azureus is way too cpu/memory intensive and slow I think. Do you want to use Azureus over other torrent client programs? | 06:54 |
pax | Eleaf: how about opera? | 06:54 |
slaterock | alright, the only issue i hav | 06:54 |
Jmax | hi | 06:54 |
slaterock | e | 06:54 |
Eleaf | pvd2006, I suppose I could try some other torrent programs, what would you reccomend? | 06:54 |
intelikey | pvd2006 i hope they fixed the bug in the post.install script for mozilla-browser.... | 06:54 |
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tescoil | intelikey -- okay, that's the old-fashioned way. I was just checking if they'd put in some fancy-ass GUI thing to do it :) | 06:55 |
slaterock | is i get these little white specks that randomly appear on my screen | 06:55 |
slaterock | ?? | 06:55 |
Jmax | Eleaf: what are your needs as far as featrures go? Transmission is nice | 06:55 |
slaterock | any one got any ideas? | 06:55 |
Jmax | Eleaf: but does little more than download | 06:55 |
Dr_Willis | Start using a Dandruff Shampoo? | 06:55 |
intelikey | pvd2006 tell me if it errors please. | 06:55 |
=== KatteKrab [n=kattekra@ppp82-219.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajuu | hahah | 06:55 |
bjv | i use enhanced ctorrent | 06:55 |
slaterock | lolhaha | 06:55 |
slavik | slaterock: is your video card overclocked? | 06:55 |
hajuu | dandruff | 06:55 |
slaterock | slavik, no | 06:55 |
bjv | commandline | 06:55 |
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KatteKrab | I wanna script a series of commands in evolution... anyone able to help me with that? | 06:55 |
slavik | slaterock: is the fan on the vidcar spinning (if there is one) | 06:55 |
Jmax | Eleaf: rtorrent is nice for a cli, as is bittornado | 06:55 |
ro | Jo, does anyone know how I can ssh from one machine to another on the same network? (I'm a networking noob) | 06:55 |
pvd2006 | Eleaf, there are many good torrent clients. ubuntu comes with the gnome torrent program | 06:55 |
slaterock | it's a laptop | 06:55 |
Jmax | bjv: is that gui or cli? | 06:55 |
slaterock | so, i dunno | 06:55 |
Eleaf | Jmax, well, the built-in torrent download in (dapper) works fine, but I definetely want more features. At least to be able to keep track of past downloads and seed them after I restart the program etc. | 06:56 |
pvd2006 | that is actually what I use | 06:56 |
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pvd2006 | it works | 06:56 |
pvd2006 | Oh | 06:56 |
pvd2006 | ok | 06:56 |
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slavik | slaterock: is it hot? (literally) | 06:56 |
KatteKrab | ubotu script commands | 06:56 |
ubotu | parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, KatteKrab | 06:56 |
intelikey | tescoil there prolly is one. there was back in rh9 mdk9 so surely ub6.6 has one. | 06:56 |
slaterock | no | 06:56 |
Eleaf | Jmax, pvd2006 encryption might be usefull as well. ;p | 06:56 |
Jmax | Eleaf: then i'm afriad azureus or rtorrent are your only choices really (gui, cli( | 06:56 |
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Eleaf | not necesarry though.. | 06:56 |
Jmax | Eleaf: at least for now | 06:56 |
pvd2006 | Eleaf: Hmm, I dont know about all that, haha. I just use the default client that comes with gnome;). | 06:56 |
tescoil | What? There's an Ubuntu 6.6 now? Turn my back for a couple days... | 06:56 |
Eleaf | okay.. ;p | 06:56 |
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bjv | Jmax: cli, enhanced version let's you pick one file from the torrent to dl, etc. you can go pretty much anything | 06:57 |
intelikey | !dapper | 06:57 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 06:57 |
ro | I hate to spam but does anyone know how I can ssh from one machine to another on the same network? (I'm a networking noob) | 06:57 |
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Eleaf | sweet, have you used rtorrent Bjoern-Erik | 06:57 |
tescoil | "Yes, there is a GUI for that. It's called emacs" :P | 06:57 |
Eleaf | I mean bjv | 06:57 |
slaterock | what's ssh? | 06:57 |
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stan_ | ro: simply open a Konsole, or any shell window basically | 06:58 |
intelikey | ro run sshd on one box, on the other sshd user@box.ip | 06:58 |
bjv | Eleaf: rtorrent? no, ive used azureus, bittorrent, bittornado and ctorrent | 06:58 |
Eleaf | a secure shell slaterock | 06:58 |
slaterock | ahh | 06:58 |
OrTigaS | hi help to work my sounds i think it only a permission issue | 06:58 |
stan_ | ro: type something like ssh username@hostname | 06:58 |
OrTigaS | dunno where to change/edit user permission | 06:58 |
stan_ | ro: and it should work just fine | 06:59 |
HellDragon | penis | 06:59 |
Eleaf | slaterock, used for encrypted remote login to other hosts often, very important for me ;) | 06:59 |
bjv | Eleaf: enhanced-ctorrent is the only one i can run on my desktop, router and mobile, so its the one i end up using the mnost | 06:59 |
Eleaf | err.. | 06:59 |
slaterock | o.k | 06:59 |
slavik | and better than telnet :D | 06:59 |
slaterock | so, good for net admins and such | 06:59 |
Eleaf | bjv, is that the one you would reccomend to me? | 06:59 |
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slaterock | anyone else here running dapper beta? | 07:00 |
Eleaf | slaterock, kinda like telnet, but much better. It's just like having access to the computer as if it where 'next to you' | 07:00 |
Eleaf | slavik, lol | 07:00 |
pvd2006 | intelkey: mozilla browser works fine. | 07:00 |
^^angusta | slackern, go to ubuntu+1 for dapper | 07:00 |
slaterock | can you access a windows box from linux? | 07:00 |
bjv | Eleaf: if your requirement is "i dont want my torrent client to install an entire browser" then enhanced-ctorrent fits the bill :\ | 07:00 |
intelikey | only 5 more hours of the "first" down load....... | 07:01 |
^^angusta | hw do you mean slackern ? | 07:01 |
slavik | Eleaf: did I say something wrong? | 07:01 |
Eleaf | slaterock, I suppose. If it is running a ssh server or vnc. | 07:01 |
Eleaf | slavik, no! =D | 07:01 |
pvd2006 | intelikey: Mozilla browser works fine | 07:01 |
slaterock | ahh | 07:01 |
slaterock | one more question | 07:01 |
slaterock | how do you change permission on a folder? | 07:01 |
^^angusta | yah | 07:01 |
intelikey | pvd2006 good! i'm glad they fixed that. i don't much care for ff | 07:01 |
^^angusta | chmod is the command | 07:01 |
OrTigaS | hi help to work my sounds i think it only a permission issue | 07:01 |
slaterock | like, i have a folder that has a little lock icon on it | 07:01 |
^^angusta | read man chmod | 07:01 |
OrTigaS | dunno where to change/edit user permission | 07:01 |
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slaterock | and i can't move it into another folder | 07:02 |
Eleaf | chown to change the owner | 07:02 |
pvd2006 | intelikey, its version 1.6 I got it from synaptic, so im not sure which version is the new one. | 07:02 |
pvd2006 | 1.7 | 07:02 |
pvd2006 | I mean | 07:02 |
intelikey | pvd2006 yea i answered the first post, im just lagging about 33 seconds... | 07:02 |
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arun | hey.. i m having problem trying to install a package.. can someone help me with this.. error message -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12711 | 07:02 |
pvd2006 | Oh, I said it twice because I didnt spell your nick right hte first time and I know xchat blinks when you get a message, hehe. | 07:02 |
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intelikey | 1.7 k /me makes a mentel note | 07:02 |
intelikey | then desides to write it down...... old age is no fun. | 07:03 |
slaterock | so, how do i do that? | 07:03 |
pvd2006 | intelikey, mozilla seems a bit faster to me? Maybe its the way it loads information or somethingl | 07:04 |
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intelikey | hehhe pvd2006 bx only yellows your nick if you call me. :) but yeah. | 07:04 |
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KatteKrab | evolution | 07:05 |
ro | stan_: I time out, I think the problem might be that I'm using the wrong IP on the network. How do I find a machines IP? | 07:05 |
KatteKrab | ubotu evolution | 07:05 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, KatteKrab | 07:05 |
intelikey | pvd2006 can't really put my fingre on why, but i just don't like ff | 07:05 |
pvd2006 | This is ridiculous I have like 5 different browsers on linux alone... | 07:05 |
slaterock | weird | 07:05 |
freet15_ | Hello all | 07:05 |
pvd2006 | I need to delete some | 07:05 |
slaterock | it says that i have permissions | 07:05 |
slaterock | butican't move it into another directory | 07:06 |
ro | stan_: ifconfig inet adddr: ? | 07:06 |
intelikey | ro on the box ifconfig | 07:06 |
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amiga | how do i mount a drive and give permission to all local users to write to it? | 07:06 |
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gleesond | anyone know how to fix GDM.... it works after a reboot but if I try to logout it always locks up... and I cant get a vertual terminal to kill it so I end up having to reboot if I want to switch users | 07:07 |
ro | intelikey: it is the inet addr: isn't it? | 07:07 |
=== Steil [n=Steil@S010600904b5bb782.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | !ntfs | 07:07 |
ubotu | it has been said that ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 07:07 |
gleesond | I guess I don't know where to start looking it fix this problem | 07:07 |
OrTigaS | hi help to work my sounds i think it only a permission issue.....dont know where to change | 07:07 |
mDot | got it, i actually needed a full reboot to get the nvidia settings to work | 07:07 |
mDot | but im good now | 07:07 |
chmod775 | How do I install the new firefox on ubuntu | 07:07 |
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amiga | i did: "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/mapper/truecrypt0 /mnt/data" but then only root can write to it | 07:07 |
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chmod775 | | 07:07 |
chmod775 | ? | 07:07 |
slaterock | ahh, duh | 07:07 |
intelikey | amiga if vfat add umask=0 if ext# chmod it | 07:07 |
slaterock | just had to set write permissions | 07:07 |
^^angusta | how do i shut down x? usually init 3, but it keeps restarting at runlevel 3 even | 07:07 |
intelikey | ro yeah | 07:08 |
amiga | intelikey, umask=0 in the mount command line? | 07:08 |
intelikey | !ff1.5 | 07:08 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 07:08 |
intelikey | amiga yes | 07:08 |
ro | intelikey: I can't ping one machine from the other using the ip. any ideas? | 07:08 |
freet15_ | I try to add some special screen saver, I have tried to search some manual by google, but ...... | 07:09 |
OrTigaS | i'm alived? | 07:09 |
freet15_ | I just try to add a saver like slider first | 07:09 |
ro | ^^angusta: ctrl + alt + 1 then login then /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 07:10 |
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intelikey | ro maybe someone else can help you. i'm not any good with networking, and lagging really bad atm. | 07:10 |
amiga | intelikey, mount doesn't like that.. it just spits out the help text | 07:10 |
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ro | intelikey: np ^_^ thanks for the effort. | 07:10 |
freet15_ | who had done this before? | 07:10 |
^^angusta | thanks ro, bbl, trying anther way to install nvidia drivers..... | 07:11 |
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intelikey | amiga maybe because you didn't add it as an option ? mount -o umask=0 /dev/device /mount/point | 07:11 |
amiga | oh ok ill try that | 07:11 |
slaterock | why does amarok have to install kde stufff? | 07:12 |
Eleaf | because it depends on kde libraries | 07:12 |
amiga | intelikey, thanks!!! | 07:12 |
_jason | slaterock: because it needs kde libs to work | 07:12 |
slaterock | lol | 07:12 |
ro | ^^angusta: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074&highlight=nvidia | 07:12 |
slaterock | makes sense | 07:12 |
Eleaf | ;p | 07:12 |
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ro | ^^angusta: hope it helps | 07:12 |
intelikey | ro sorry i can't do more. Madpilot or _jason might help ya | 07:12 |
=== sunrex [n=sunrex@c-67-183-47-0.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | i love amarok | 07:13 |
intelikey | amiga np. | 07:13 |
sunrex | whats the ubuntu help channel | 07:13 |
Madpilot | sunrex, this is it - welcome | 07:13 |
_jason | sunrex: you are in it :) | 07:13 |
ro | Madpilot: Any ideas why I might not be able to ping from one machine to another on the same network? | 07:13 |
_jason | ro: you know, two letter names make it difficult to use /lastlost :P | 07:13 |
Madpilot | ro, not sure - I've done a very small amount of network/ssh stuff | 07:13 |
pvd2006 | How do you change which plugin player you want to use in mozilla | 07:14 |
pvd2006 | not firefod | 07:14 |
pvd2006 | not firefox* | 07:14 |
pvd2006 | I have .mpg files trying to open in quicktime plugin | 07:14 |
sunrex | anyway.. im attempting to install my ati driver, which i downloaded from ati's website, but its saying "Detected version of X does not have a matching 'x700_64a' directory" | 07:14 |
_jason | pvd2006: remove the one you don't want and install the one you want basically | 07:14 |
pvd2006 | _jason, there isnt an other way? | 07:14 |
_jason | ubotu: tell sunrex about ati | 07:14 |
ro | _jason: yeah but it saves on the typing : ) | 07:14 |
Madpilot | sunrex, are you running the 64 bit version of ubuntu? | 07:14 |
sunrex | Yes | 07:15 |
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_jason | pvd2006: not that I know of | 07:15 |
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Madpilot | sunrex, see the PM the bot sent you - there are ATI drivers in Ubuntu's repos | 07:15 |
slaterock | how do you enable mp3 support in amarok? | 07:15 |
_jason | !mp3 | 07:16 |
ubotu | rumour has it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:16 |
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intelikey | pvd2006 mmm isn't there something in edit > preferances > errr file something i don't remember. | 07:16 |
intelikey | inside mozilla ^ | 07:16 |
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arrick | hey guys I need someone to check out a page, fill it out with jiberish and select the radio buttons, then submit so I can test to see if my email client is blocking it as spam | 07:18 |
arrick | http://arrick.no-ip.org | 07:18 |
arrick | please | 07:18 |
pvd2006 | intelikey: yeah I found it, but how do I pick the plugin instead of the standalone player. | 07:18 |
pvd2006 | ? | 07:18 |
=== saurabh [n=saurabh@ip68-226-249-7.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pvd2006 | goto the directory with the plugin and pick the .so file? | 07:19 |
_jason | arrick: The requested URL /cgi-bin/quote.pl was not found on this server. | 07:19 |
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slavik | arrick: The requested URL /cgi-bin/quote.pl was not found on this server. | 07:19 |
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arrick | thanks _jason ill be right back | 07:19 |
skpl | anyone here have problems getting 'open link in browser' to work in xchat? | 07:19 |
paul_ | I can't get X to exit | 07:20 |
paul_ | stpped gdm, but X still running | 07:20 |
arrick | try it again please? I restarted the server | 07:20 |
=== romulo [n=nightz@BHE200150047224.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
romulo | night =) | 07:20 |
slavik | same | 07:20 |
FlannelKing | skpl: ctrl-click (or is it alt?) | 07:20 |
intelikey | pvd2006 eeek that i can't tell ya. | 07:20 |
OrTigaS | hi help to work my sounds i think it only a permission issue.....dont know where to change | 07:20 |
pax | !unrar | 07:20 |
ubotu | Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, pax | 07:20 |
FlannelKing | !rar | 07:20 |
ubotu | from memory, rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression | 07:20 |
slavik | !rar | 07:20 |
skpl | FlannelKing, it is not working for me | 07:20 |
_jason | !unrar is <reply> see rar | 07:21 |
ubotu | okay, _jason | 07:21 |
intelikey | paul_ way kewl.... that's two new errors that i've never seen before. | 07:21 |
paul_ | is there anther command needed t stp X, as gdm is stpped, but X is still running | 07:21 |
slavik | !unrar | 07:21 |
ubotu | rumour has it, rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression | 07:21 |
FlannelKing | skpl: do you have your preferred browser setup correctly? | 07:21 |
slavik | nice | 07:21 |
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_jason | paul_: hit ctrl-alt-backspace | 07:21 |
pax | thanks for fixing that spam bot. | 07:21 |
zeax | how to install a plusin for xmms? | 07:21 |
intelikey | paul_ did you [alt] +[ctrl] +[bs] ? | 07:21 |
slavik | _jason: I wrote a script that gets a list of all packages that are not depended on by anything else | 07:21 |
paul_ | the X server restarts, I want to stp it | 07:21 |
OrTigaS | i'm alived? | 07:22 |
paul_ | as in nt running, so i can install nvidia drivers | 07:22 |
_jason | slavik: cool | 07:22 |
slavik | OrTigaS: I dunno the solution to your problem :( | 07:22 |
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skpl | FlannelKing, gnome-www-browser %s | 07:22 |
romulo | OrTigaS, whats the problem | 07:22 |
kupad | can anyone direct me to some documentation on a server install? ost documentation seems to assume a full install, which i'm trying to avoid | 07:22 |
romulo | may i ask | 07:22 |
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intelikey | if the x server restarts paul_ then gdm/kdm/xdm is running. | 07:22 |
arrick | slavik, _jason can you try again please? | 07:22 |
paul_ | ok, but I stopped gdm, then killed X | 07:22 |
slavik | nope | 07:22 |
OrTigaS | the sounds supposed to work.... but i wont it say dont have permission | 07:23 |
_jason | arrick: same | 07:23 |
paul_ | and X restarted | 07:23 |
slavik | arrick: the perl script is not there | 07:23 |
pax | unrar (non free) is no where to be found in the repos. | 07:23 |
_jason | !info unrar-nonfree | 07:23 |
ubotu | unrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB | 07:23 |
arrick | helps if i direct it to the right *&%*^& name | 07:23 |
arrick | ouch | 07:23 |
_jason | pax: you have multiverse? | 07:23 |
pax | I'm sure i do | 07:23 |
intelikey | paul_ sudo killall ?dm where ? is x d and g three commands. | 07:23 |
_jason | pax: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please? | 07:24 |
arrick | ok now try it | 07:24 |
OrTigaS | romulo, did u see my question | 07:24 |
romulo | OrTigaS, no | 07:24 |
intelikey | paul_ i bet there is a dm running..... you can ps -A x | grep dm | 07:24 |
OrTigaS | the sounds supposed to work.... but itwont,it say dont have permission | 07:24 |
_jason | arrick: The requested URL /submuterror.html was not found on this server. | 07:24 |
_jason | submit maybe arrick :P | 07:24 |
arrick | ok, guess I neeed to fix that again, ouch | 07:25 |
arrick | and submut is the correct spelling on both | 07:25 |
pax | _jason: copy yours to pastebin when you get a chance, let me copy it. | 07:25 |
_jason | arrick: does submuterror exist? | 07:25 |
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_jason | ubotu: tell pax about sources | 07:25 |
cge | Does anyone know how I can check cpu temperature in Windows? I've been having some temperature issues with dapper (thermal_zone giving me ~70C) which I think are due to hardware issues, and need some way to check this outside of ubuntu. | 07:25 |
arrick | yeah | 07:25 |
=== intelikey guesses that paul_ did /etc/init.d/gdm stop but no sudo prepended.... | ||
chmod775 | When ever I try to open a link it says Netscape : 5.0 (X11; en-US) is not supported! | 07:25 |
chmod775 | how can I over come this problem | 07:26 |
romulo | cge, probably your motherboard manufacter has one program on their site | 07:26 |
romulo | they all have | 07:26 |
FlannelKing | cge: I think most people use a program called cpu-Z or something like that | 07:26 |
cge | romulo, it is a laptop (Dell D600). I can check though. | 07:26 |
paul_ | gah, I had to kill -9 the X server, where is the pid, or lck file fr X put? | 07:26 |
arun | _jason, hey i am having this problem when installing a package.. can you help me with this.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12711 | 07:26 |
cge | FlannelKing, thank you. | 07:26 |
cge | paul_, it usually tells you in the error output, if I recall. | 07:26 |
_jason | arun: what package is this? | 07:27 |
paul_ | not that, just nvidia installer still thinks x is running | 07:27 |
paul_ | even though it isn't | 07:27 |
arun | _jason, its called sage.. http://www.evl.uic.edu/cavern/sage/download.php | 07:27 |
slavik | kupad is trying to get sound working from a server install ... he will defect to Windows 3.1 if we don't help him!!! Help save a poor soul!!! | 07:27 |
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_jason | arun: that's during 'make' ? | 07:27 |
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arun | yeah.. | 07:28 |
pvd2006 | so after you copy a new plugin to a directory for a browser you just have to close it out and reopen it right? | 07:28 |
cge | slackern, 3.1!? | 07:28 |
arun | _jason, yeah | 07:28 |
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cge | err, slavik | 07:28 |
_jason | arun: check your depends, other than that I'd have to try to compile it myself | 07:28 |
_jason | pvd2006: yeah | 07:28 |
arrick | _jason, slavik pwease try again | 07:29 |
intelikey | paul_ /var/lock or /tmp i don't really know where the lock file is. | 07:29 |
paul_ | thanks intelikey i'll look for it | 07:29 |
slavik | cge: fine I lied. He will defect to gentoo ... | 07:29 |
_jason | arrick: The requested URL /submiterror.html was not found on this server. | 07:29 |
slavik | arrick: what _jason said | 07:29 |
arrick | its ther, I wonder why its not picking it up | 07:29 |
pvd2006 | When I try to open a .mpg in firefox or mozilla it just closes the browser everytime, even though I installed the mplayer plugins into the mozilla plugin directory. | 07:29 |
intelikey | paul_ possable /etc/X11/ but like i said, idk | 07:29 |
pvd2006 | I restarted the browser | 07:29 |
romulo | pvd2006, open it on console and check the output | 07:29 |
cge | slavik, the only system I have windows 3.1 installed on is a laptop with 4MB of RAM and a greyscale screen. | 07:30 |
slavik | cge: install Linux on it :P | 07:30 |
slavik | Damn Small Linux | 07:30 |
slavik | or even Minix | 07:30 |
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slavik | Minix3 is 10MB (source) :) | 07:30 |
pvd2006 | Romulo: I got a segmentation fault | 07:30 |
pvd2006 | that isnt good... | 07:30 |
romulo | hmm pvd2006 , maybe a backtrace with gdb? | 07:31 |
_jason | pvd2006: what version of firefox? | 07:31 |
pvd2006 | 1.0.8 | 07:31 |
arrick | _jason, slavik should work now, had to name it case sensitive | 07:31 |
pvd2006 | but I got the error with mozilla 1.7 as well | 07:31 |
=== Coke [n=[tgn] cok@adsl-63-196-198-197.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | pvd2006: why are you copying stuff manually instead of just letting apt do it? | 07:31 |
cge | slavik, 4MB of RAM. Linux has significant problems loading in such cases, even when I was trying to install it (2.2). I don't recall if I ever got it running. But it was more of a challenge than anything useful - I acquired the computer merely because it was so old. | 07:31 |
pvd2006 | apt? | 07:32 |
cyphase | Gnome On Rails.. | 07:32 |
pvd2006 | how can apt do that? | 07:32 |
pvd2006 | its the mplayer plugin | 07:32 |
_jason | arrick: ''you got an error'' | 07:32 |
arrick | ok, now I just gotta find that and fix it, *&^%*^&2 | 07:32 |
pvd2006 | it only comes in source code according to their site. the binaries are rpm | 07:32 |
FlannelKing | pvd2006: yeah, theres a package for mplayer / mozilla | 07:32 |
kupad | cge: i'm just looking for documentation for a server install...doesn't seem to be much available though | 07:32 |
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pvd2006 | Oh | 07:32 |
intelikey | cge with 16m ram on a 486 lappy i installed mdk9 hehhe it works well.... not as fast as one would like, but very usable. | 07:32 |
FlannelKing | pvd2006: so, get the rpm and use alien, if it's not in apt | 07:32 |
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FlannelKing | yeah, Ive got an old toshiba running on 40mb (thank goodness for extended memory) | 07:33 |
cge | intelikey, yes, it's apparently the 4 mb that causes the problem. | 07:33 |
_jason | pvd2006: mozilla-mplayer, make sure you install mplayer-<arch> first | 07:33 |
_jason | pvd2006: both in multiverse iirc | 07:33 |
intelikey | cge yes linux is a ram hog no doubt | 07:34 |
pvd2006 | _jason, what is multiverse iirc? | 07:34 |
intelikey | cge the ubuntu initrd wont even unpack in 4m ram | 07:34 |
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_jason | pvd2006: multiverse if I recall correctly, I'll have ubotu sedn you a link about multiverse | 07:34 |
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FlannelKing | cge: you might be better off with bsd, it's got some rather slim stuff. | 07:34 |
_jason | ubotu: tell pvd2006 about multiverse | 07:34 |
Iceman | wish ubuntu would install like this | 07:35 |
pvd2006 | I know what multiverse is, what does iirc stand for? | 07:35 |
pvd2006 | if i remember correctly | 07:35 |
pvd2006 | ? | 07:35 |
_jason | yeah that works too | 07:35 |
cge | intelikey, FlannelKing: I tried this years before ubuntu existed. I was using mulinux, running a heavily stripped 2.0 kernel. | 07:35 |
Iceman | actualy installed and running linux on fat32 ... if only ubuntu would let me do that | 07:35 |
Eleaf | hi | 07:35 |
arun | _jason, couldnt get that installed.. :( | 07:35 |
_jason | Iceman: why would you want to? | 07:36 |
FlannelKing | yeah, I look at mu, and delilinux. | 07:36 |
slavik | NetBSD | 07:36 |
arrick | ok _jason one more time, I had to clear about 20 pages of errors out | 07:36 |
Iceman | FlannelKing redundant install, copy one folder and maintain a working install at all times | 07:36 |
_jason | arrick: same, it doesn't seem to be a server error, it may just be some information checking since I entered garbage | 07:36 |
FlannelKing | Iceman: erm? | 07:37 |
Iceman | boot from loadlin | 07:37 |
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arrick | _jason, should still send it, I wanted to generate an error | 07:37 |
arrick | thanks | 07:37 |
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FlannelKing | Iceman: are you sure this stuff is meant for me? | 07:37 |
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cge | kupad, if you really can't find anything, you could look at some of the debian documentation. It might be somewhat similar. | 07:37 |
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Iceman | you ask why i would want to run linux from fat32 ... | 07:38 |
_jason | Iceman: that was me | 07:38 |
FlannelKing | Iceman: I did? | 07:38 |
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Iceman | well same answer ... if only i could convert ubuntu to this type install | 07:38 |
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arrick | _jason, oh yeah, I forgot it has to be a "valid" email to run it ue this one please, last time I promise, MooreAD4473@verizon.net | 07:39 |
_jason | arrick: same | 07:39 |
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cge | Iceman, it would be difficult. The autodetection would have to be much more flexible if you wanted to install by putting a folder in. | 07:39 |
arrick | ok | 07:39 |
arrick | I must have a bad script | 07:39 |
arrick | is there a script check utility out there? | 07:40 |
Iceman | cge it auto detects and mounts most everything ... next i do need to update my kernel .. lol | 07:40 |
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cge | Iceman, yes, but X would have to be set to reconfigure on each restart, wouldn't it? | 07:41 |
surface | is there real developing of flubuntu? | 07:41 |
cge | surface, flubuntui? | 07:41 |
arrick | slavik, can you try again please? use MooreAD4473@verizon.net for the email add | 07:41 |
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FlannelKing | surface: erm, fluxbox? | 07:41 |
froggypinkle | hello | 07:41 |
surface | yup FlannelKing | 07:41 |
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Iceman | cge nope ... one config of x and it retains and works like linux ... just a file system .... "fat32" not ext2 or ext3 ... | 07:41 |
shinakuma | how much ram would fluxbox (+ x) usually use? | 07:41 |
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FlannelKing | surface: I haven't heard anything about it, but its in the repositories | 07:42 |
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Agent_bob | shinakuma about 28m | 07:42 |
FlannelKing | surface: you're welcome to suggest it ;) | 07:42 |
surface | shinakuma: less | 07:42 |
cge | Iceman, oh, I thought you meant you wanted a folder you could transfer to another computer under windows and have ubuntu be installed in that way. | 07:42 |
Iceman | used zipslack as a bas and installed x .. kde .. gnome ... 3 gigs is all | 07:42 |
shinakuma | k thanks | 07:42 |
froggypinkle | could anybody help with my printer issue | 07:42 |
cge | Iceman, it wouldn't be to hard to install it on a fat partition. Have you looked at debootstrap? | 07:42 |
gaz00 | what problem are you having, froggy? | 07:43 |
surface | FlannelKing: i read it at forum, groups of fluxbox user are looking forward to it | 07:43 |
cge | Iceman, you might need to modify initramfs to contain the right drivers. | 07:43 |
shinakuma | because i have an old p2 system that im using with just the server configuration atm, and was wondering if i should get a kvm switch and install a gui for it | 07:43 |
FlannelKing | surface: you have a link? I haven't heard anything about it | 07:43 |
Iceman | cge no the folder allows me to clone my install at all times ... yes change pc's and you would have to reconfigure x ... | 07:43 |
froggypinkle | well it won't print | 07:43 |
Madpilot | froggypinkle, what make/model of printer? | 07:43 |
slavik | gimmie the page link again please | 07:43 |
Iceman | cge wish i could find the probe module used in slax for my install | 07:43 |
froggypinkle | hp deskjet 3653 | 07:43 |
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Madpilot | !tell froggypinkle about printers | 07:43 |
froggypinkle | after i manually compiled hplip i could get it to install | 07:44 |
arrick | Evening Madpilot | 07:44 |
Madpilot | hi arrick | 07:44 |
froggypinkle | before that it wasn't even findable | 07:44 |
cge | Iceman, what does it do that ubuntu doesn't? | 07:44 |
froggypinkle | now it just won't print | 07:44 |
Iceman | dont fully understand the big difference in filesystems ? | 07:44 |
FlannelKing | http://arrick.no-ip.org | 07:45 |
Iceman | fat32 ... ext2 ...ext3 ... and why i could not convert ubuntu to fat32 ? | 07:45 |
FlannelKing | erm | 07:45 |
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Madpilot | froggypinkle, try System menu -> Admin -> Printing, then select New Printer | 07:45 |
ninjus | what i must do with cedega to start games without oryginal exe files (freeshard and must change files and exec with other *.exe file) ? | 07:45 |
FlannelKing | Iceman: fat has no permissions | 07:45 |
arrick | Madpilot, finally got the thing working last night, it was getting grabbed by spamgaurd, and now I cant get its brother to work, throwing submit errors | 07:45 |
ninjus | it's possible ? or must install with wine? | 07:45 |
slavik | 'you got an error' | 07:46 |
froggypinkle | weres the gnome printer install | 07:46 |
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slavik | night all | 07:46 |
surface | FlannelKing: lost the link, they are just discuss, seems xubuntu exist, i was wondering whether flubuntu have in the process of developing | 07:46 |
ninjus | game launch when i exec oryginal client.exe, but dont work when i typy for example client_p4.exe | 07:46 |
Madpilot | froggypinkle, the menu path I gave you above ^^^ | 07:46 |
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eggzeck | froggypinkle, have you tried djtools? | 07:46 |
froggypinkle | i do that | 07:47 |
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froggypinkle | it only shows LPT ports | 07:47 |
froggypinkle | not usb | 07:47 |
froggypinkle | that's my problem | 07:47 |
NickGarvey | !info firefox | 07:47 |
cge | Iceman, I think all you would need would be to use syslinux or such as the bootloader (I don't think grub can read vfat), modify initramfs to have the right drivers, and then use debootstrap from another ubuntu installation (like the livecd), and you should be able to get a bootable system. The lack of permissions might make it a bit strange, but it would probably work. | 07:47 |
ubotu | firefox: (lightweight web browser based on Mozilla), section web, is optional. Version: 1.0.7-0ubuntu20 (breezy), Packaged size: 8268 kB, Installed size: 23932 kB | 07:47 |
NickGarvey | odd.. why am I upgrading then.. | 07:47 |
askar_yahoo | hmm | 07:47 |
froggypinkle | what's djtools | 07:47 |
FlannelKing | surface: nah, I haven't heard anything, nor does the wiki. | 07:47 |
askar_yahoo | anyone help me | 07:47 |
askar_yahoo | :( | 07:47 |
NickGarvey | updating apt-get too! | 07:47 |
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Iceman | anyone know the probe program used in distros to auto probe an config x ... | 07:48 |
eggzeck | froggypinkle, tools for HP deskjet printers... Mainly for 500 series but all should understand. | 07:48 |
surface | just get update... firefox is now 1.08 | 07:48 |
surface | but i am using 1.5 which i follow the manual patch | 07:48 |
ninjus | !info cedega | 07:48 |
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NickGarvey | surface: oh thats it, I ran apt-get upgrade and it started updating, I was hoping for 1.5 ha | 07:48 |
surface | FlannelKing: i see | 07:48 |
cge | Iceman, I think it is actually a command line option to Xorg. | 07:48 |
surface | NickGarvey: too bad, 1.08 | 07:49 |
Madpilot | froggypinkle, I'm not sure why you had to compile hplip - it's available in Ubuntu's repos | 07:49 |
NickGarvey | :) | 07:49 |
=== jack [n=jack@ARennes-257-1-100-161.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
froggypinkle | hp-setup wouldn't run | 07:49 |
Iceman | cge oh xorg ,,, x11 does not support it ... | 07:49 |
Madpilot | !info hplip | 07:49 |
ubotu | hplip: (HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (hplip) - GUI), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.9.5-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 58 kB, Installed size: 508 kB | 07:49 |
froggypinkle | and the printing under admin dosen't see usb | 07:49 |
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Madpilot | froggypinkle, I've got an HP Deskjet 5740 that runs just fine on USB | 07:50 |
surface | NickGarvey: i heard dapper come with firefox 1.5 | 07:50 |
rajat | how to install xubuntu | 07:50 |
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surface | rajat: download the cd, should be same | 07:50 |
cge | Iceman, I don't remember what is used for xfree, it might be the same option. | 07:50 |
rajat | from terminal | 07:50 |
rajat | i want to install it from terminal | 07:50 |
NickGarvey | surface: yup | 07:50 |
froggypinkle | and it shows usb as a connection | 07:51 |
Madpilot | rajat, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop (should work) | 07:51 |
rajat | let me try thanx | 07:51 |
Iceman | may have trashed this install .. :) | 07:51 |
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rajat | i got following msg- Couldn't find package xubuntu-desktop | 07:52 |
Madpilot | froggypinkle, try http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-DeskJet_3650 | 07:52 |
cge | Iceman, how? | 07:52 |
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arun | _jason, :( i couldnt get the sage installed from http://www.evl.uic.edu/cavern/sage/download.php .. i reinstalled all the dependencies still keep getting the same error about missing references http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12711 | 07:53 |
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davecb | how do i update from firefox 1.0.7 | 07:54 |
davecb | to firefox 1.5 | 07:54 |
davecb | ? | 07:54 |
Madpilot | !ff1.5 | 07:54 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 07:54 |
OrTigaS | hi!help to work my sounds i think it only a permission issue.....dont know where to change...new to linux | 07:54 |
surface | davecb: haha upgrade to dapper | 07:54 |
davecb | surface dapper sux =| | 07:55 |
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OrTigaS | it wont work when i play no sounds | 07:55 |
fiendskull9 | hey | 07:55 |
fiendskull9 | will someone test my radio station? | 07:55 |
surface | davecb: not a stable release yet, i look forward to dapper | 07:55 |
eggzeck | davecb, how can you say dapper if the stable release isn't even out yet? | 07:55 |
eggzeck | oops, forgot "sucks" after dapper | 07:55 |
davecb | eggzeck, installed the unstable version | 07:55 |
davecb | :P | 07:55 |
arun | _jason, are u there | 07:56 |
eggzeck | davecb, exactly: "unstable" ;) | 07:56 |
pvd2006 | Ok, I am getting closer to playing all media formats through a browswer. With Opera I set different formats to play with different media players. I set .wmv files to play with totem-movie player because they work. The only problem now is when is when they try to open it says it cant fine the file but if I goto the directory the file is there. its a weird file name like filename (11).wmv | 07:56 |
davecb | lol exactly | 07:56 |
davecb | let me rephrase it | 07:56 |
pvd2006 | I can play the file if I open it manually | 07:56 |
pvd2006 | from the folder | 07:56 |
davecb | ubuntu dapper unstable sux | 07:56 |
davecb | :P | 07:56 |
eggzeck | there you go :P | 07:56 |
pvd2006 | but I cant do it from a direct download | 07:56 |
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davecb | breezy rulz \o/ | 07:56 |
eggzeck | even though it doesn't... it's just not complete | 07:56 |
fiendskull9 | hey | 07:56 |
fiendskull9 | can someone test my radio station real quick? | 07:57 |
davecb | aww on dapper i had a big black screen on GDM | 07:57 |
davecb | re-installed the breezy | 07:57 |
davecb | lol | 07:57 |
surface | davecb: u do dist-upgrade or install fresh one? | 07:58 |
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bifodus | hmm | 07:59 |
davecb | surface, fresh | 07:59 |
bifodus | does anyone have experience installing broadcom wireless internet cards? | 07:59 |
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cafuego | !bcm43xx | 07:59 |
ubotu | To use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware. | 07:59 |
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ice_1963 | davecb: did you install from the text base? | 07:59 |
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surface | ubotu is bot? | 08:00 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, surface | 08:00 |
Madpilot | ubotu, tell surface about yourself | 08:00 |
pvd2006 | I see why it doenst work its trying to open the file with a space in it but it needs the %20 instead of a regular space so it wont find the file... | 08:00 |
pvd2006 | crap | 08:00 |
eggzeck | lol. | 08:00 |
eggzeck | @ Madpilot | 08:00 |
pvd2006 | I dont know how to get past hat | 08:00 |
sunrex | alright, i cant install ati driver cause it says "Detected version of X does not have a matching 'x700_64a' directory"... how do i fix this | 08:00 |
cge | hmmm, my cpu is at ~47C while idling in Windows and sitting on an icepack, and ~45C while running in ubuntu with init level 1... | 08:01 |
davecb | well im an human being (as in newbie lol ) so im gonna answer that i installed it from the ISO cd | 08:01 |
davecb | =X | 08:01 |
ice_1963 | ok | 08:01 |
sunrex | anyone use dapper and ati? | 08:01 |
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cge | sunrex, I do, but only with the free software drivers. | 08:01 |
Madpilot | sunrex, if you're running Dapper 64bit, try #ubuntu+1 | 08:01 |
davecb | btw when will the stable version be out? | 08:02 |
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pvd2006 | so how to get opera to save the file and automaticlly put a %20 for all spaces or how to get linux to automatically recognize a space as %20. | 08:02 |
shinakuma | Madpilot: what about dapper 32bit? | 08:02 |
Madpilot | shinakuma, #ubuntu+1 for all Dapper questions | 08:02 |
shinakuma | ;P | 08:02 |
davecb | i have another stupid question | 08:03 |
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davecb | how can i update to gnome 2.14? | 08:03 |
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face | /join #ubuntu | 08:03 |
Madpilot | davecb, Dapper ;) | 08:03 |
cge | davecb, install dapper :) | 08:03 |
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davecb | BAH | 08:03 |
davecb | is that the only way? | 08:03 |
pvd2006 | So is there a way to get linux to automatically assocate %20 with a space and vice versa when trying to open a file with %20 in it? | 08:03 |
cge | davecb, try dist-upgrading from dapper? | 08:03 |
Madpilot | davecb, probably. Anything else is likely to be messy. | 08:04 |
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=== face has a dumbass question | ||
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pvd2006 | because the program is look for a space but the actual file has %20 | 08:04 |
cge | davecb, I mean to dapper. It is probably less likely to break X. | 08:04 |
eggzeck | pvd2006, escape it | 08:04 |
Madpilot | face, please just ask, no need to ask to ask | 08:04 |
face | where is menuconfig? | 08:04 |
pvd2006 | eggzeck, what do you mean by that exactly? | 08:04 |
davecb | =| | 08:04 |
menisk | Does anyoe here no how to get MYSQL working with php in ubuntu | 08:04 |
davecb | i will wait | 08:04 |
eggzeck | pvd2006: \%20 | 08:04 |
davecb | for the stable version | 08:04 |
ice_1963 | i installed dapper ..text base it's easy give it a try :) | 08:05 |
ro | I'm having a problem upgrading my nvidia drivers to 87 | 08:05 |
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ro | *8756 | 08:05 |
davecb | na ice_1963 | 08:05 |
davecb | its better to wait | 08:05 |
pvd2006 | eggzeck, it already has %20 in the filename it self, but when it tries to open from opera it tries to open it with a space instead of %20 and it doesnt find it. | 08:05 |
davecb | for the stable version | 08:05 |
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davecb | :P | 08:05 |
pvd2006 | so I guess | 08:06 |
pvd2006 | I have to manually | 08:06 |
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pvd2006 | find the url for each file | 08:06 |
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B4zzA | dapper beta is awesome | 08:06 |
pvd2006 | then put %20 in it | 08:06 |
B4zzA | :) | 08:06 |
pvd2006 | and hit enter in my url | 08:06 |
pvd2006 | browser | 08:06 |
pvd2006 | * | 08:06 |
Madpilot | !enter | 08:06 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 08:06 |
ice_1963 | i installed all 3 now back etch | 08:06 |
=== sfar [n=sfar@c-d8f1e253.18-2-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eggzeck | pvd2006, I dunno about file->open but you'd have to escape the % if typing directly in browser | 08:07 |
menisk | hello...does anyonehere know hoe to get MYSQL working with php in ubuntu? | 08:07 |
bc__ | helpme help me pls...... | 08:07 |
_jason | !lamp | 08:07 |
ubotu | Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 08:07 |
arrick | !mysqp | 08:07 |
ubotu | arrick: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:07 |
Apostle^ | !javaselect | 08:07 |
ubotu | Apostle^: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:07 |
Apostle^ | whats the command to choose the java that is used? | 08:08 |
_jason | !multijava | 08:08 |
ubotu | it has been said that multijava is to try to set which java is used, run "sudo update-alternatives --config java" | 08:08 |
B4zzA | quite true ...if your using linux, then you should know what to do after a command :P | 08:08 |
Apostle^ | thanks | 08:08 |
Madpilot | _jason, nice, didn't know that !tell existed | 08:08 |
arrick | What is the site for validating html Madpilot? | 08:08 |
face | so, anyone hack the kernel on ubuntu? where's the tools? config,oldconfig, menuconfig, xconfig, etc | 08:08 |
Madpilot | _jason, the !javaselect one | 08:08 |
Madpilot | arrick, http://validator.w3.org/ | 08:08 |
_jason | Madpilot: it doesn't :) | 08:08 |
FlannelKing | Costa Del Mar Road | 08:09 |
FlannelKing | gah. I hate paste. | 08:09 |
Madpilot | _jason, gah, sorry, meant the multijava one | 08:09 |
Apostle^ | !java | 08:09 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 08:09 |
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cge | should a pentium m in a laptop be going above ~75C when running at 100%? | 08:10 |
me2win | cge: sounds reasonable | 08:10 |
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pvd2006 | actually I see now that it isnt the space that is the problem. Opera is downloading the file with just filename but its trying to open filename (14).wmv | 08:11 |
cranae | what are the biggest differences between ubuntu standard and server releases? | 08:11 |
cge | me2win, really? oh. wow. | 08:11 |
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pvd2006 | ahhh, I meant the other way around Opera is downloading the file filename (14).wmv but totem is trying to open it as filename itself. | 08:11 |
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Apostle^ | !easyubuntu | 08:11 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 08:12 |
Apostle^ | one has a gui one doesn't | 08:12 |
me2win | cranae: no gui in server | 08:12 |
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kestas | hey has anyone here ever had mod point on slashdot? | 08:13 |
kestas | points | 08:13 |
=== xtr [n=94752345@S0106000c41ed11e1.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
hajuu | ive had your mums mod points | 08:13 |
hajuu | all night long | 08:14 |
kestas | ignored | 08:14 |
cge | kestas, yes, but you probably should ask in #ubuntu-offtopic. | 08:14 |
me2win | hajuu: | 08:14 |
me2win | !coc | 08:14 |
ubotu | it has been said that coc is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 08:14 |
arun | _jason, :( i couldnt get the sage installed from http://www.evl.uic.edu/cavern/sage/download.php .. i reinstalled all the dependencies still keep getting the same error about missing references http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12711 | 08:14 |
hajuu | me2win, NO YOUR MUM JOKES?? What is the world comming to... | 08:14 |
=== PwcrLinux-Away is now known as PwcrLinux | ||
PwcrLinux | Hi there | 08:15 |
Madpilot | hajuu, #ubuntu-offtopic can probably tolerate a small number of 'your mom' jokes - provided they're actually funny... | 08:15 |
Madpilot | ;) | 08:15 |
=== JakeM3tz [n=JakeM3tz@cpe-24-167-8-59.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajuu | Isnt the whole idea of your mum jokes, that they are so stupid and unfunny.... | 08:15 |
hajuu | lol | 08:15 |
kestas | your mom can probably tolerate a small number of 'your mom' jokes | 08:15 |
ice_1963 | :) | 08:16 |
hajuu | eheh | 08:16 |
Madpilot | kestas, :D | 08:16 |
cge | hajuu, and if we aren't too busy in there talking about how to eliminate the need for a mouse by controlling the cursor with a combination of capslock and 24 keys. | 08:16 |
hajuu | LOL | 08:16 |
hajuu | im THERE | 08:16 |
pvd2006 | Ok, this is some type of problem with opera, it is trying to use the URL from the internet instead of the saved file. and the filename from the internet is not on my harddrive so it doesnt exist | 08:17 |
hajuu | pvd2006, file-> offline mode? | 08:17 |
pvd2006 | hajuu, that doesnt work either:-\ | 08:18 |
pvd2006 | Let me see if I can explain this better. | 08:18 |
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IceTox | where do i enable the hird mouse button for my mouse? | 08:20 |
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Madpilot | IceTox, it should work by default | 08:20 |
IceTox | *third | 08:20 |
IceTox | it doesn't Madpilot | 08:20 |
=== seamus-laptop [n=matt@cpe-024-211-236-248.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IceTox | well it works with the copy/paste, but not with scroll | 08:21 |
pvd2006 | the filename source came online from http://www.website.com/filename.wmv it is saved on the HD as ~/filename(14).wmv when I try to open filename(14).wmv totem is trying to open filename.wmv instead of filename.wmv like its linking back to the original filename | 08:21 |
cge | pvd2006, file a bug with the company that develops opera. | 08:21 |
Madpilot | IceTox, so it works as a button, but not as a scrollwheel? | 08:21 |
IceTox | yes Madpilot | 08:22 |
=== fiendskull9 [n=clayton@12-201-47-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PwcrLinux | Hmm how I need exit the manual? | 08:22 |
IceTox | PwcrLinux, use q to exit a man file | 08:22 |
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fiendskull9 | hey | 08:22 |
fiendskull9 | does anyone have any topics for my linux radio show? | 08:22 |
PwcrLinux | Ice: ah okay thanks :) | 08:22 |
arrick | hey Madpilot I got a quicky for you, when using radio buttons in html, the name="somename" are the same for that group and the id="somename are also the same correct? | 08:22 |
pvd2006 | cge, heh, and I just thought it was my lacking of knowledge that was at play. I guess it really is some type of bug. | 08:22 |
gaz00 | XGL | 08:22 |
IceTox | you welcome PwcrLinux | 08:22 |
caonex | nanybody knows the name of the atheros / madwifi driver in linux-restricted-modules? | 08:23 |
cge | pvd2006, no, that sounds like a bug | 08:23 |
Madpilot | arrick, ask on #html, not here | 08:23 |
arrick | ok | 08:23 |
varsendagger | how do i changet the term that my computer uses as default? | 08:23 |
Madpilot | pvd2006, which version of Opera? | 08:23 |
hanta | hi i have a usb device that is mounted but needs formatting as fat32.. how do i do this? | 08:23 |
=== lothar [n=lothar@global-69-85-136-38.dialup.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pvd2006 | madpilot: opera 8.5.2 | 08:24 |
=== calamari [n=calamari@ip68-231-173-86.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IceTox | Madpilot, no solution for my problem with the scrollwheel? | 08:24 |
varsendagger | how do i change the terminal that my computer uses as default? | 08:24 |
Madpilot | pvd2006, 8.5.4 is out, try that, then file a bug report with Opera - give them a sample URL if you can | 08:24 |
pvd2006 | alright, thanks. | 08:24 |
Madpilot | IceTox, no idea - check the forums, maybe. | 08:25 |
Madpilot | ? | 08:25 |
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calamari | when I open "Windows Network", I get: ""smb:///" is not a valid location. Please check the spelling and try again." What am I doing wrong? | 08:27 |
PwcrLinux | Madpilot: How I mount the USB floppy drive for reformating the diskette? | 08:27 |
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vook | IceTox, sorry for the late entry, what is the issue with the scrollwheel? | 08:31 |
IceTox | yes vook | 08:31 |
IceTox | :-) | 08:31 |
IceTox | better late then sorry :-) | 08:32 |
vook | not working? | 08:32 |
IceTox | Well, it's working as a button.. that is, i can use it for pasting a copy, but it doesn't wheel | 08:32 |
=== carbo [n=justin@cm181.gamma233.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
davecb | stupid question comming.... | 08:33 |
vook | hmmm, back up your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and then try, from the console, X -configure, | 08:33 |
davecb | how do i install J2SE Runtime Environment | 08:33 |
vook | !blackdown | 08:33 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, vook | 08:33 |
=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-175-190.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IceTox | that's no dumb question davecb :-) | 08:34 |
IceTox | *that's | 08:34 |
IceTox | blackdown works very well too :-) | 08:34 |
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IceTox | I will try that vook.. thanks a lot :-) | 08:34 |
caonex | can someone tell me madwifi module atheros name? | 08:35 |
ro | would there be any adverse effects to reformating the swap partition? | 08:35 |
sobbbber | what's the ftp program for ubuntu? | 08:35 |
davecb | IceTox, | 08:35 |
vook | sobbbber, eh, ftp? try ncftp | 08:35 |
davecb | do you know how to do it? | 08:35 |
davecb | i tried with apt-get but theres no package =| | 08:35 |
IceTox | davecb, go to your menu -> Add application | 08:36 |
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=== sunrex [n=sunrex@c-67-183-47-0.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IceTox | search for blackdown and then just do whatever the computer tells you davecb :-) You cannot fail | 08:36 |
davecb | hmmmmmmmmmmm | 08:36 |
ciph^ | hi, i hate to interrupt but ive been searching for an answer to this for an hour. is it possible for prelink to cause you to no longer be able to login? | 08:36 |
=== NowICanBeWitty is now known as hajuu | ||
sunrex | im trying to install a 64bit ati driver but i get this :Detected version of X does not have a matching 'x700_64a' directory... can anyone help? | 08:37 |
vook | or midnight commander - cd /#ftp:misterftpsite.co.uk | 08:37 |
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LeoBands | Leleco | 08:38 |
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protocol1 | Im thinking about getting a fujitsu brand notebook | 08:38 |
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sunrex | im thinking about destorying ati.. | 08:39 |
hajuu | protocol1, good to know | 08:39 |
vook | protocol1, ok | 08:39 |
PwcrLinux | brb | 08:39 |
hanta | how do i format something fat32? | 08:39 |
Apostle^ | hanta: use gparted | 08:39 |
vook | hanta: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda NONONONONO, sorry, why why why? | 08:40 |
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LeoBands | leleco?? | 08:40 |
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vook | hanta, mkfs.vfat | 08:40 |
hanta | vook: mkfs.vfat: unable to open /dev/sda1 | 08:41 |
vook | hanta, are you root? | 08:41 |
hanta | oh man no.. thanks :) | 08:42 |
vook | :) | 08:42 |
hanta | oh god please fix my shuffle | 08:42 |
kestas | hanta: there'll be better ways to do that | 08:42 |
kestas | hanta: check out apple.com | 08:42 |
hanta | kestas: no linux software on apple.com !! | 08:43 |
kestas | hanta: well you'll have to take it round someone's house who has windows | 08:43 |
=== PwcrLinux [n=DS_Staff@unaffiliated/PwcrLinux] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PwcrLinux | Im back :) | 08:43 |
hanta | why is it better to use shuffle with windows? | 08:44 |
hanta | it is just a usb memory stick | 08:44 |
kestas | hanta: not so much use, but if you want to fix a shuffle only windows and os x have the tools | 08:44 |
Den | Hi - Can I get some help with Debian Etch & KDE?? | 08:44 |
Den | Hi - Mouse help please? I just installed Etch + KDE (apt install kde). The mouse lacks proper acceleration, & I can't get it to accelerate by changing the control panel setting. Suggestions? Also, the touchpad doesn't work. Sony Vaio Laptop. sonypi driver is loaded. Anyone heard about these kind of mouse problems? Suggestions? | 08:44 |
kestas | hanta: theres more to it than that | 08:44 |
FlannelKing | Den: this is ubuntu, not debian. | 08:45 |
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bliss1_ | hi | 08:45 |
Den | FlannelKing: Well, I'll be! | 08:45 |
hanta | kestas: linux's inability to handle the shuffle is surprisingly undocumented. is it truly impossible to fix under linux? | 08:46 |
FlannelKing | Den: anyway, you might have some luck over at #kubuntu, but #ubuntu is primarily gnome | 08:46 |
Den | FlannelKing: I know. I been to #kubuntu, & more - strill trying to get a knowledgeable anser. | 08:46 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: which user group uses tun? | 08:47 |
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calamari | Den: does it work under plain X, or twm, say? | 08:48 |
hanta | kestas: please tell me more if you say 'there is more to it than that' | 08:48 |
Den | calamari: I have only tried KDE sofar. | 08:48 |
PwcrLinux | aha, updating brb | 08:50 |
calamari | Den: another idea might be to try the console mouse, can't remember its name right now.. see if it has acceleration. guess where I'm goign with this: is it the kernel, x, or kde that is causing your problem? | 08:50 |
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calamari | Den: gpm.. thats it :) | 08:51 |
Den | calamari: so, would I install gpm & use that with the ctrl-alt-f1 console? | 08:52 |
calamari | Den: yeah | 08:52 |
Den | calamari: thx :) | 08:52 |
=== PwcrLinux [n=DS_Staff@unaffiliated/PwcrLinux] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PwcrLinux | Whew :) | 08:52 |
calamari | Den: np, I know very little, but hopefully this helps identify the area with the problem | 08:52 |
calamari | Den: btw, I don't remember whether gpm and X play very well together, so probably want to shut that down while trying it | 08:53 |
Den | calamari: How do I "stopx"? | 08:53 |
calamari | Den: ctrl-alt-backspace, although you might have a daemon restart it on you | 08:54 |
=== fiendskull9 [n=clayton@12-201-47-48.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
hanta | i love asking a question about linux and being to to just use windows | 08:55 |
calamari | for example in gnome if I do that, gdm restarts X.. so I'd have to shut down gdm first | 08:55 |
Den | calamari: I was unable to get ctrl-alt-bsp to do anything - do you know a console command to stopx? Or, can i psaux then kill something? | 08:55 |
calamari | Den: I'm sorry, I don't know | 08:55 |
Den | calamari: NP - thx :) | 08:55 |
=== scarn [n=scarn@ppp-70-226-136-156.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ninjus | Den, you wanna stop your X window system ? | 08:56 |
Den | ninjus: Yes, how? | 08:56 |
=== mDot [n=michael@ip68-7-136-15.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ninjus | telinit 3 as root | 08:57 |
ninjus | sudo telinit 3 | 08:57 |
calamari | ninjus: he is having trouble with his mouse, and I suggested he try gpm to see if that worked properly in a tty | 08:57 |
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mDot | guys n gals, ive got good news... im ready to kill my Windows partition. | 08:57 |
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calamari | mDot: wish I could say the same, but Personal Ancestral File doesn't run well under wine yet :) | 08:57 |
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mrchicago | anyone know how i can get madden 200 to run under wine | 08:58 |
ninjus | hm | 08:58 |
mrchicago | it keeps coming up with a language error | 08:58 |
bigfoot1 | how do i download a movie file that starts with mms (mms://blahblah.com/blah.wmv)? | 08:58 |
mDot | i havn't booted into it in weeks, and i just go Enemy Territory running with full widescreen support | 08:58 |
calamari | bigfoot1: mimms or I think mplayer can do it too | 08:59 |
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calamari | mDot: sweet! | 08:59 |
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ninjus | mDot, gratz ;-) | 08:59 |
PwcrLinux | mDot: You gonna erase the windows partations? want to install just linux only HD? | 08:59 |
james__ | !java | 09:00 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 09:00 |
=== kupad [n=kupad@user-12ld4p9.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mDot | PwcrLinux i need to format the Windows partition and reclaim the freed space | 09:00 |
Den | ninjus: Thx for telinit :) | 09:00 |
mrchicago | heh | 09:00 |
james__ | !javadebs | 09:00 |
ninjus | Den, np | 09:00 |
mrchicago | guess what the updated repos has linux | 09:00 |
bigfoot1 | calamari: thanks. i'm getting mimms now | 09:00 |
ninjus | Den, gpm work ? | 09:00 |
mrchicago | java | 09:00 |
mrchicago | i mean | 09:00 |
mrchicago | lol | 09:00 |
Den | ninjus: Havent' had chance to try gpm yet | 09:01 |
PwcrLinux | mDot: oh, hmm I dunno, ask someone know, I am not a M$ user anymore :) | 09:01 |
PwcrLinux | mDot: try gparted to resize a NTFS partitation | 09:02 |
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=== davecb [n=dave@a213-22-150-1.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calamari | PwcrLinux: the last time I tried gparted I had very bad luck and messed up a bunch of files.. of course that could be because I was using ext2 at the time... | 09:03 |
bigfoot1 | calamari: does mimms download the file in 1X speed? | 09:03 |
=== mackan [n=mackan@81-225-152-160-o285.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
calamari | bigfoot1: no I think it downloads as fast as it can | 09:03 |
mackan | hej | 09:03 |
PwcrLinux | calamari: Oh boy | 09:03 |
mackan | hello | 09:03 |
calamari | PwcrLinux: I was able to get it back tho.. I didn't want to reinstall :) | 09:04 |
kupad | i've attempted to mount a FAT32 partition and received a "can't read from superblock" error... | 09:04 |
=== calamari hasn't reinstalled.. warty -> dapper :) | ||
=== croc_ [n=noreply@ALyon-252-1-102-225.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mackan | what a fucking are you doing | 09:04 |
bigfoot1 | calamari: thanks again! what a great tool! | 09:04 |
PwcrLinux | !language | 09:04 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 09:04 |
calamari | bigfoot1: yw.. have fun :) | 09:04 |
=== Cobain [n=cobain@ip72-192-74-62.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
james__ | anyone know how to get java 1.4 installed | 09:04 |
kupad | think anyone can help? | 09:04 |
bigfoot1 | calamari: when i play streaming asx wmv files, i can't fast forward. | 09:04 |
bigfoot1 | but now, thanks to you, i can. | 09:04 |
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=== FallenHitokiri [n=blitz@p54ACEE0A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bigfoot1 | does anybody know how to convert a wmv file to a iPod-viewable format? | 09:05 |
bigfoot1 | (video iPod) | 09:05 |
=== kameleons2006 [n=kameleon@20.Red-81-36-157.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kameleons2006 | hola buenas algun espaol | 09:05 |
PwcrLinux | !es | 09:05 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 09:05 |
calamari | bigfoot1: again, might check out mplayer / mencoder for that.. it can do an awful lot | 09:05 |
kameleons2006 | what is chanel for ubuntu spanish | 09:05 |
kameleons2006 | ok sorry | 09:05 |
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=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bigfoot1 | calamari: which shoudl i check out? mplayer OR mencoder? | 09:06 |
calamari | bigfoot1: they come in the same epackage, afaik | 09:06 |
=== hegemon [n=hegemon@cpe-66-87-4-181.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bigfoot1 | oh | 09:06 |
bigfoot1 | i see | 09:07 |
kupad | the strange thing about the error is that the partition mounts under mandrake | 09:07 |
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=== stjepan [n=stjepan@83-131-7-124.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | hi | 09:07 |
bigfoot1 | stjepan: hi | 09:07 |
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rnd_null | what does the first line of .xsessions need to be ?? | 09:07 |
calamari | bigfoot1: its weird because mplayer is sometimes easier to use to encode things than mencoder .. hehe | 09:07 |
stjepan | I installed WMII and want to add it GDM session list... how to do this? | 09:07 |
bigfoot1 | really? | 09:07 |
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fami | oh | 09:07 |
bigfoot1 | i haven't used mplayer much. only when a gui program can't play a media file | 09:08 |
stjepan | !gdm | 09:08 |
ubotu | stjepan: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:08 |
calamari | bigfoot1: this seems interesting http://atomized.org/2005/11/converting-video-to-play-on-your-ipod-with-ffmpeg/ | 09:09 |
rnd_null | /_-< what does the first line of .xsessions need to be?? | 09:09 |
bigfoot1 | calamari: thanks | 09:09 |
calamari | rnd_null: where is that file? in your home dir? | 09:10 |
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kameleons2006 | hello | 09:11 |
rnd_null | calamari, yes, someone earlier told me that the file would run when X started up, he said that it was in my /home/(user) dir | 09:11 |
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kameleons2006 | what active my nick register | 09:11 |
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majd | Hi, i installed compiz and xgl and they both work wonderfully....but for some reason, rotate isn't in my gconf-editor and cube doesn't have a screen0>options | 09:11 |
rnd_null | calamari, he said that the file would autorun when X started up | 09:12 |
calamari | rnd_null: I have an .Xsession file, but that's the closest I see | 09:12 |
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skpl | does anyone have any idea why i can not 'open selected link in browser' in xchat? i just installed a new version of firefox | 09:12 |
rnd_null | calamari, the first line is bin-bash something? | 09:13 |
calamari | rnd_null: #!/bin/sh | 09:13 |
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rnd_null | calamari, yep, thank you :) ...that was in your home dir right? | 09:13 |
FlannelKing | skpl: did you update preferred-browser? | 09:13 |
calamari | rnd_null: yes | 09:13 |
rnd_null | calamari, thank you :) | 09:14 |
calamari | you're welcome | 09:14 |
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kupad | can anyone help me with this mount issue? i'm attempting to mount a FAT32 partition, but am getting a "can't read superblock" error | 09:14 |
kupad | the partition mounts under my other distro | 09:15 |
majd | skpl: i had the same problem...i can't tell you how to fix it but it works in dapper.... | 09:15 |
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stjepan | is fakeroot secure? | 09:16 |
calamari | kupad: is this a usb stick by chance? | 09:16 |
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kupad | calamari: no, it's a harddrive | 09:17 |
=== VincentMX [n=vincent@c3eea5664.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skpl | FlannelKing, this is my entry for preferred browser gnome-www-browser %s | 09:17 |
kameleons | hello help | 09:17 |
kupad | sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hdf5 /media/big | 09:17 |
kupad | that's what I try | 09:18 |
VincentMX | hi | 09:18 |
kameleons | #ubuntu-es :Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel | 09:18 |
kameleons | ke tengo hacer | 09:18 |
kameleons | 09:18 | |
FlannelKing | skpl: go to a terminal and type "gnome-www-browser" does something come up? | 09:18 |
calamari | kupad: if you leave off the -t vfar does it work ? | 09:18 |
kupad | cal: no, it demands i explicity give it a fs | 09:18 |
Madpilot | kameleons, you are registered already, you just need to identify | 09:18 |
calamari | kupad: weird.. I don't have to do that here | 09:19 |
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calamari | kupad: perhaps only because it's in my fstab | 09:19 |
kupad | cal: i don't typically have to either....the other strange thing is that this partition mounts with my other distro | 09:19 |
kameleons | ok Since I register, the nick costs(suits) registardor of the ircap | 09:20 |
calamari | must be something weird going on with that partition.. I have 2 fat32 partitions mounted right now, no prob | 09:20 |
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skpl | FlannelKing, bash: gnome-www-browser: command not found | 09:20 |
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FlannelKing | skpl: there's your problem ;) | 09:20 |
FlannelKing | skpl: try just www-browser | 09:20 |
BlueEagle | kupad: sudo fdisk -l <= Check that there really is a hdf5 | 09:21 |
skpl | FlannelKing, w3m version w3m/0.5.1, options lang=en,m17n,image,color,ansi-color,mouse,gpm,menu,cookie,ssl,ssl-verify,external-uri-loader,w3mmailer,nntp,gopher,ipv6,alarm,mark,migemo | 09:21 |
skpl | and some other junk | 09:21 |
skpl | no browser | 09:21 |
kameleons | Since I identify ? | 09:21 |
FlannelKing | hmm, alright. well, there's your problem. you'll need to reconfigure your browser dohickey, and then switch to that instead of gnome- | 09:21 |
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FlannelKing | kameleons: identify, then you can join | 09:21 |
kupad | blueeagle: thanks...hdf5 doesn't show up | 09:22 |
BlueEagle | kupad: Have you got the drivers for your IDE chipset loaded? | 09:22 |
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Madpilot | kameleons, you need to type /msg NickServ identify <yourpassword> - and put your password in where I put <yourpassword> | 09:22 |
ospite | :) | 09:22 |
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kupad | blue: in fact, hdf doesn't show up at all...but it shows up in /proc/partitions | 09:22 |
ospite | hi there | 09:22 |
kameleons | I sit(feel) it it(he,she) is that soi new caundo I try to speak in the Spanish channel says this to me::Please register with services and uses(use) the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel, and not that I have to do | 09:23 |
BlueEagle | kupad: sudo depmod -a | 09:23 |
ospite | how it works there? | 09:23 |
BlueEagle | kupad: then try fdisk -l again. | 09:23 |
backz | I'll do a production server. can I use 5.10 for now and when 6.06 (Dapper) will out, can I upgrade it safely via apt ? | 09:23 |
FlannelKing | kameleons: it is because we have had some problems with bots | 09:23 |
kupad | blue: still doesn't show | 09:23 |
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BlueEagle | kupad: Which chipset is on the IDE controller onto which hdf is connected? | 09:24 |
FearMoth | are there any tutorials on setting up lirc using the packages I've installed with synaptic ? | 09:24 |
BlueEagle | kupad: (hint: lspci|grep IDE) | 09:24 |
skpl | FlannelKing, how do i do that | 09:25 |
kameleons | Deacuerdo, but that I have to do to enter and that leaves me to speak, to excuse that it(he,she) is so pesao | 09:25 |
kameleons | sorry for my translations | 09:25 |
FlannelKing | skpl: sorry, no idea. don't use a wm regularly. Theres a command, and it'll bring up the menu to select your browser. | 09:25 |
kupad | blue: 0000:00:07.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01) | 09:25 |
kupad | blue: but i should have two | 09:25 |
BlueEagle | kupad: you sure should. | 09:25 |
Madpilot | kameleons, this channel was set up the same way for a while. There have been bot attacks on channels. | 09:25 |
kameleons | Then I cannot enter | 09:26 |
kameleons | ? | 09:26 |
BlueEagle | kupad: lspci and see if you can find something useful or head over to pastebin.com and past the output there | 09:26 |
stjepan | when building pyFltk I get this error: error: invalid Python installation: unable to open /usr/lib/python2.4/config/Makefile (No such file or directory) | 09:26 |
stjepan | any ideas how to fix this? | 09:26 |
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Madpilot | kameleons, yes you can, you just need to identify like I told you above | 09:27 |
FlannelKing | kameleons: you need to register your nickname and identify to nickserv | 09:27 |
BlueEagle | stjepan: You need python sources installed apperantly. | 09:27 |
BlueEagle | stjepan: or python at all. | 09:27 |
=== EvilDin [n=xtreme@BSN-77-83-28.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kameleons | Already but not as(like) identifying | 09:27 |
EvilDin | hay i can upgrade | 09:27 |
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EvilDin | can't | 09:27 |
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BlueEagle | evildin: you can't upgrade what? | 09:28 |
kameleons | Does my nick in ircap this one already registrao cost(suit) this same? | 09:28 |
kameleons | And as(like) me login here | 09:28 |
lachim | hi, is it possible to disable dvd-rom initialising at boot (breezy) | 09:28 |
PwcrLinux | kameleons: you need to register nickname /msg nickserv register yourownpassword | 09:28 |
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Madpilot | kameleons, the nick you're using right now is already registered - you should be able to speak in #ubuntu-es | 09:28 |
EvilDin | when i make apt-get update, it writes that can't make list because it is using old one, somehow have to fi this | 09:29 |
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stjepan | BlueEagle, tnx, it works, I just installed python2.4-dev | 09:29 |
FlannelKing | Madpilot: he's not registered | 09:29 |
BlueEagle | stjepan: There you go. | 09:29 |
kupad | blue: working on it...hold on - i ran a command before with which both drives showed up | 09:29 |
lachim | I need to disable dvd-rom at all it is brooken and freezes my laptop at boot | 09:29 |
stjepan | is it better to use apt-get or aptitude? | 09:30 |
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Madpilot | FlannelKing, his nick shows up as n= when you run whois - he should be reg'd and id'd | 09:30 |
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BlueEagle | kupad: Well the fact that lspci doesn't list it with |grep IDE is a bit unnerving. | 09:30 |
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FlannelKing | Madpilot: whois him. "is identified to services" is absent. | 09:30 |
kupad | blue: i agree | 09:31 |
BlueEagle | evildin: Shut down all running instances of apt-get and/or synaptic and/or aptitude | 09:31 |
EvilDin | how to | 09:31 |
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Madpilot | FlannelKing, gah, you're right - I guess the n= stuff has changed? | 09:31 |
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BlueEagle | evildin: ps aux|grep apt | 09:31 |
fiendskull9 | IM running OSX86 in vmware guys | 09:31 |
BlueEagle | evildin: then kill off any processes that use the file that is locked | 09:31 |
FlannelKing | Madpilot: erm, lilo was talking about it the other day, I guess it must be something else then. | 09:32 |
kameleons | ok merci | 09:32 |
kameleons | goodbay | 09:32 |
PwcrLinux | kameleons: Now, do id'ing /msg nickserv identify yourownpassword then join a channel | 09:32 |
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Madpilot | FlannelKing, missed that. AFAIK, n=$nick meant reg'd/id'd, i=$nick meant unidentified - anyway, doesn't matter | 09:33 |
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stjepan | I need opengl to compile fltk.... what package should I install? | 09:33 |
lachim | i have tried adding cdrom and ide-cd to /etc/hotplug to disable that broken dvd-drive but it doesn't help (still freezes at boot) | 09:33 |
BlueEagle | stjepan: AS a basic rule: When unfamiliar with linux use prebuildt packages. | 09:34 |
lachim | /etc/hotplug/blacklist | 09:34 |
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stjepan | BlueDevil, I must compile fltk | 09:34 |
EvilDin | not problem is here it somehow dosn't get connection to all gpg files, i don't know why? | 09:34 |
refnumzx | im trying to modify the ip_nat_ftp and ip_conntrack_ftp to do natting on alternate ports i placed the files with the module name in the modprobe.d directory and placed the text of the options i want inside the file then ran update-modules command but it does not generate a /etc/modules.conf, ideas? | 09:34 |
stjepan | BlueEagle, so where is opengl?? | 09:34 |
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kupad | blue: posted http://pastebin.com/674819 | 09:34 |
stjepan | BlueEagle, mesa? | 09:34 |
BlueEagle | stjepan: Well, you must live and you must die. The rest is actually optional. :) | 09:34 |
majd | Hi, i think there's a problem with my ATI driver...when i type in fglrxinfo this is what i get: http://pastebin.com/674818 | 09:34 |
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BlueEagle | !opengl | 09:35 |
ubotu | BlueEagle: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:35 |
BlueEagle | !info opengl | 09:35 |
BlueEagle | hmm | 09:35 |
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stjepan | !mesa | 09:35 |
ubotu | Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, stjepan | 09:35 |
majd | BlueEagle: was that for me? | 09:36 |
BlueEagle | majd: Not really. | 09:36 |
majd | oh ok | 09:36 |
stjepan | BlueEagle, I installed libgl1-mesa-dev, I'll try to compile now | 09:36 |
Den | Hi - Debian question: Does the "synaptics touchpad" sw handle the touchpad in Etch for sony vaio lapop? If yes, how is it installed? loadable module? What module?? | 09:36 |
kupad | blueeagle: not sure if you saw it: http://pastebin.com/674819 | 09:37 |
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BlueEagle | den: Why are you asking a debian question here?? o.O | 09:37 |
stjepan | BlueEagle, it seems to be working now :) | 09:37 |
Den | BlueEagle: Cause I wanted to talk with you :) | 09:37 |
PwcrLinux | Den: try join #debian | 09:37 |
Madpilot | Den, #debian - and be glad you're not asking an Ubuntu question in #debian :P | 09:37 |
BlueEagle | kupad: 0000:00:0f.0 Unknown mass storage controller: Promise Technology, Inc. PDC20262 (FastTrak66/Ultra66) (rev 01) is the one we need the drivers to. | 09:38 |
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Den | Madpilot: #debian LOVES ubuntu! | 09:38 |
=== Edgy_Eft LOVES ubuntu, too! | ||
Den | !debian | 09:39 |
ubotu | Debian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded"; see http://www.debian.org Thank You Ian and DEBra Murdock! 1994 Vers. 0.9. Debian and Ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship/ | 09:39 |
majd | also, when i open up ATI Control, i get this: Driver does not provide the FireGL X11 extensions! panel components will operate only partially | 09:39 |
Madpilot | Den, not much, from all reports ;) | 09:39 |
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kupad | BlueEagle: not even sure where to start | 09:40 |
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BlueEagle | kupad: Working on it. | 09:42 |
BlueEagle | kupad: I started with google. ) | 09:42 |
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FearMoth | are there any tutorials on setting up lirc using the packages I've installed with synaptic ? | 09:42 |
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FlannelKing | FearMoth: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LircHowto | 09:43 |
FearMoth | thank you | 09:43 |
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FearMoth | FlannelKing: so I shouldn't bother with apt-get'ing the prcompiled .deb's ? | 09:44 |
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FlannelKing | FearMoth: if there are debs, use those ;) I just know about that howto since I search for irc yesterday ;) | 09:44 |
majd | (i know this pisses people off but..) can i get some help here please? | 09:44 |
FlannelKing | FearMoth: but, later it talks about config and stuff. | 09:44 |
hyphenated | majd: it annoys people because it's so vague, not because they're unwilling to help | 09:45 |
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FearMoth | thanks i'll take a closer look | 09:45 |
FlannelKing | hyphenated: he asked a specific question, five minutes ago | 09:45 |
EvilDin | i have problem somehow apt-get update dosn't get connection to all gpg files, i don't know why? | 09:45 |
FlannelKing | majd: it just means no one whos on now has an answer | 09:45 |
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majd | hyphenated: i already asked the question :) but here it is again. I installed compiz and xgl and the wobbly effect works fine. Cube and rotate don't work however and i believe it's because of my video card's driver. When i run flgrxinfo i get this line: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0". | 09:46 |
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majd | FlannelKing: eh...i guess | 09:46 |
kupad | BlueEagle: i haven't had much luck yet | 09:46 |
delayota__ | gimme opengl .net 2.0 tutorial | 09:46 |
delayota__ | gimme opengl .net 2.0 tutorial | 09:46 |
delayota__ | gimme opengl .net 2.0 tutorial | 09:46 |
delayota__ | gimme opengl .net 2.0 tutorial | 09:46 |
delayota__ | gimme opengl .net 2.0 tutorial] | 09:47 |
FlannelKing | !ops | 09:47 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 09:47 |
PwcrLinux | delayota__: Don't flood in here pls | 09:47 |
sfar | delayota__: one more time please | 09:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
kupad | BlueEagle: i'm also trying to find that command I typed in to get the info on both my HD's | 09:47 |
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rob | heh | 09:47 |
rob | tool | 09:47 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
kupad | blue: it's not in my history for some reason | 09:47 |
BlueEagle | kupad: still working on it. :) | 09:47 |
hyphenated | majd: not a good sign. this is in dapper or breezy? | 09:47 |
__mike__ | Alright, long question. I installed, after some struggling, ubuntu 5.10. I then installed some upgrades, and Automatix. Once I was done with the upgrades I ran Automatix, and it seems like most of Automatix did NOT work. | 09:47 |
majd | dapper | 09:47 |
hyphenated | majd: you've asked in #ubuntu+1? | 09:48 |
__mike__ | Any insights as to what i did wrong? I realize this ain't much to go on, but... | 09:48 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell __mike__ about automatix | 09:48 |
Madpilot | __mike__, you used Automatix | 09:48 |
majd | hyphenated: would i look stupid if i said no? | 09:48 |
__mike__ | ...I see. | 09:48 |
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__mike__ | Thank you muchly. | 09:48 |
hyphenated | majd: it'd seem like you didn't read the topic | 09:48 |
__mike__ | If that's the case then I have one more question. | 09:48 |
Madpilot | hyphenated, nobody reads the topic :P | 09:49 |
majd | bah | 09:49 |
majd | who reads the topic | 09:49 |
__mike__ | Is it possible to use all the .deb's in my apt cache folder to avoid re-downloading all the patches? | 09:49 |
FlannelKing | !automatix | 09:49 |
ubotu | [automatix] unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu. | 09:49 |
majd | :) sorry bout that | 09:49 |
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hyphenated | majd: ATI works fine for me in breezy, and fglrxinfo doesn't give that error | 09:49 |
lachim | newermind, i modified /etc/hotplug/ide.rc and it seems to work | 09:49 |
majd | i found that automatix worked great | 09:49 |
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BlueEagle | kupad: sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/ide/pci/pdc202xx_old.ko | 09:50 |
majd | hyphenated: i don't even know where to start debugging the problem, i'm completely lost...i need to read a book or something | 09:50 |
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monsterb | hi | 09:50 |
Edgy_Eft | which is more supportet in ubuntu: nVidia or ATI? | 09:50 |
BlueEagle | kupad: sudo fdisk -l | 09:50 |
BlueEagle | kupad: did that help? | 09:50 |
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FlannelKing | Edgy_Eft: nvidia, because nvidia is a lot nicer to linux than ATI | 09:50 |
__mike__ | Or moreover, a more direct question... should I wipe my system now to get rid of the Automatix curse? It's a brand new Ubuntu install, so. | 09:51 |
FlannelKing | __mike__: I would | 09:51 |
monsterb | Edgy_Eft: nvidia | 09:51 |
nbound | Edgy_Eft: nvidia, coz nvidia cares :P | 09:51 |
arrick | FlannelKing, , I just found an error in my script, can you try the form at http://arrick.no-ip.org and use the email address MooreAD4473@verizon.net in the form, has to be legit emaill addy, but the rest can be giberish, and you gotta click on one radio button per section | 09:51 |
__mike__ | FlannelKing: OK | 09:51 |
majd | FlannelKing: just my luck....i have an ATI card and a Lexmark printer and an unsupporrted Logitech quickcam | 09:51 |
nbound | but ati cards using fglrx are fine | 09:51 |
__mike__ | FlannelKing: Can I use the .deb's in the apt cache to avoid re-downloading the rest of this stuff? I'd rather not burn through all my month's throughput in one day. | 09:51 |
majd | oh yeah, and a windows mobile 5 pocket pc | 09:51 |
nbound | majd: depending on ur model of lexmark it will work | 09:52 |
arrick | majd, yu are up a creek without a paddle with ubunt | 09:52 |
monsterb | Edgy_Eft: nvidia very easy to setup | 09:52 |
majd | arrick: lol i know...it gets the job done though | 09:52 |
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arrick | nbound, good luck even with supported lexmark, I had to write my own driver for mine | 09:52 |
nbound | monsterb: unless u use real nvidia drivers... rather than the synaptic ones | 09:52 |
nbound | arrick: i gave mine to my parents and bought an epson | 09:52 |
kupad | BlueEagle: insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/ide/pci/pdc202xx_old.ko | 09:53 |
nbound | which sucked coz i had to wait several months before i could visit home | 09:53 |
arrick | haha | 09:53 |
FlannelKing | arrick: I got an error ;) | 09:53 |
BlueEagle | kupad: ? | 09:53 |
monsterb | nbound: the synaptic drivers work great | 09:53 |
kupad | Blue: sorry | 09:53 |
BlueEagle | :) | 09:53 |
majd | arrick: how hard is it to write drivers? | 09:53 |
kupad | Blue: insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/ide/pci/pdc202xx_old.ko': -1 File exists | 09:53 |
arrick | the submiterror, saying "you got an error" FlannelKing | 09:53 |
arrick | ? | 09:53 |
majd | i might write one for windows mobile 5 | 09:53 |
nbound | monsterb: the nvidia ones, are faster and support the newer cards better and also newer stuff like GLX 1.4 | 09:54 |
FlannelKing | arrick: aye. very descriptive ;) | 09:54 |
BlueEagle | kupad: lsmod|grep pdc202xx | 09:54 |
arrick | ok thanks | 09:54 |
majd | i want to make it synchronize to evolution | 09:54 |
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kupad | blue: it's there | 09:54 |
BlueEagle | kupad: ...and the line(s) read? | 09:54 |
monsterb | nbound: true - im using a 5500 - | 09:55 |
Den | pax: Did you see my reply in the private msg window? | 09:55 |
pax | den, no. | 09:55 |
kupad | blue: pdc202xx_old 10240 1 | 09:55 |
nbound | monsterb: really they arent that hard to setup as long as u know how to tell it to use gcc3.4 and get rid of some evil modules before installing it | 09:55 |
kupad | ide_core 125268 6 ide_disk,usb_storage,pdc202xx_old,ide_cd,ide_generic,piix | 09:55 |
Den | pax: I see you, but can't send - nic not registered. | 09:55 |
Den | pax: thx | 09:56 |
pax | den, it's alright, jes wanted to share than page, maybe it will help. np :) | 09:56 |
BlueEagle | kupad: Well, as far as I can tell that is the module that is supposed to handle that IDE controller. :/ | 09:56 |
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BlueEagle | kupad: just for kicks try this: | 09:56 |
BlueEagle | kupad: sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/ide/pci/pdc202xx_new.ko | 09:56 |
LOL | KJ | 09:57 |
BlueEagle | kupad: then sudo fdisk -l | 09:57 |
kupad | blue: no luck --- still not listed by fdisk | 09:57 |
LOL | HI | 09:57 |
monsterb | nbound: I've done it before when I needed the latest driver. My card is a aging 5500, so the deb version good enough for me. ;) | 09:58 |
BlueEagle | kupad: Then the best suggestion I've got is to build your custom kernel and include that driver in the kernel and not as a module. | 09:58 |
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kupad | blue: i appreciate the help, thank you. I was planning of compiling the kernel regardless | 09:59 |
BlueEagle | kupad: Well I hope that fixes your IDE controller. And you're most welcome. :) | 09:59 |
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monsterb | arrick: u had to write your own Lexmark driver? | 10:01 |
herede | I'm looking for a dev package for MySQL (headers + libs), any ideas? | 10:02 |
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BlueEagle | !info mysql-devel | 10:03 |
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BlueEagle | !info mysql-dev | 10:03 |
FlannelKing | !info libmysql12dev | 10:03 |
cyphase | wow | 10:04 |
cyphase | dapper beta is really lagging | 10:04 |
cyphase | or, i should say, media playing in dapper | 10:04 |
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herede | bah, why is ubuto so slow today??! | 10:04 |
herede | ubotu* | 10:04 |
BlueEagle | !info mysql-common | 10:04 |
FlannelKing | too much partying yesterday about the beta. | 10:05 |
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BlueEagle | herede: libmysqlclient14-dev (for the client devel package) | 10:05 |
nbound | !multimedia | 10:05 |
ubotu | it has been said that multimedia is for codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications | 10:05 |
PwcrLinux | yea, I wouldn't need a dapper beta, I rather wait till the dapper releases on june 1st | 10:05 |
nbound | PwcrLinux: why not? its quite good | 10:06 |
BlueEagle | herede: Actually it's listed as "mysql database development files" | 10:06 |
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cyphase | PwcrLinux, i waited until beta to install it on my main machine | 10:06 |
PwcrLinux | nbound: I didn't want messed or freaked up on my lappy :) | 10:07 |
arrick | yep | 10:07 |
arrick | monsterb, yep | 10:07 |
arrick | x6170 | 10:08 |
nbound | PwcrLinux: lol, its not in alpha anymore, beta applications are generally fairly much perfect... unless ur doin fiddly crap | 10:08 |
nbound | they iron out the bad stuff in the alpha releases | 10:08 |
FlannelKing | or using eastern languages | 10:08 |
nbound | FlannelKing: lol | 10:08 |
monsterb | arrick: mine is a Z22 | 10:08 |
FlannelKing | no, seriously. They were just put it | 10:08 |
FlannelKing | that was the big reason for the delay | 10:09 |
monsterb | arrick: it prints poorly with cups driver | 10:09 |
Madpilot | monsterb, Lexmark Z22? I'm surprised it runs on Linux at all... | 10:09 |
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__mike__ | I've got a /var/cache/apt/archives full of updates and extra packages and i'm going to blank and reinstall my Ubuntu. Is there any way to re-use these without having to re-download everything? | 10:10 |
nbound | Madpilot: z22's run on liunx afaik | 10:10 |
PwcrLinux | nbound cyphase, does the beta have more options of synpatic mousepad? | 10:10 |
nbound | just dont give it an X1195 :P | 10:10 |
arrick | yep | 10:10 |
monsterb | arrick: when it does work, the aligmnt is off | 10:10 |
cyphase | PwcrLinux, i don't know | 10:10 |
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nbound | synaptic mousepad? | 10:10 |
ubuntu | hey, why wont gparted format to AF? | 10:11 |
PwcrLinux | nbound: yes on the sony lappy | 10:11 |
nbound | PwcrLinux: u mean is it supported by dapper? | 10:11 |
nbound | your laptops mousepad? | 10:11 |
monsterb | Madpilot: when it does work, the aligmnt is off | 10:11 |
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nbound | if its supported in breezy it will work in dapper | 10:12 |
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captainredbeard | is flash 8 available for linux yet? | 10:12 |
crimsun | no. | 10:12 |
stjepan | __mike__, make a backup of these archives | 10:12 |
Madpilot | CaptainMorgan, no. Complain to Macromedia. | 10:12 |
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stjepan | __mike__, and after reinstallation copy those archives back | 10:12 |
stjepan | __mike__, and then install all those packages again :)] | 10:12 |
PwcrLinux | nbound: yep, so my mousepad too much sententives (tappings) and I had to put the cover to preventing taps and uses a USB HID wheel mouse.. | 10:13 |
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endgamer | Hi, everybody. Could someone check a point for me? I've updated to Dapper and my Palm Devices Configuration icon has disappeared from the menu - could someone check the name of the gnome-pilot configuration utility so I can call it from the command line? For the life of me I can't find it, not through locate or hand-scanning through the binary folders! | 10:13 |
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FlannelKing | endgamer: you'll be better off asking in #ubuntu+1 | 10:14 |
stjepan | endgamer, gpilotd-control-applet | 10:14 |
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stjepan | endgamer, works? | 10:15 |
endgamer | stjepan: Thankyou so much, lifesaver! | 10:15 |
endgamer | Yup, works fine. | 10:15 |
__mike__ | stjepan: So just copy 'em out of /var/cache/apt/archive, and then copy them right back in? That's it? No config stuff? | 10:15 |
endgamer | Cheers guys | 10:15 |
__mike__ | stjepan: Well, and reinstall, but. | 10:15 |
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stjepan | __mike__, yeah... and dist-upgrade | 10:15 |
__mike__ | stjepan: Alright. Thank you very much. | 10:16 |
stjepan | that's what I did | 10:16 |
stjepan | np | 10:16 |
__mike__ | Thank you much to everyone who helped out tonight. I appreciate it greatly. | 10:16 |
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nbound | PwcrLinux: couldnt u just change the sensitivity in the options | 10:17 |
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nbound | system > preferences > mouse | 10:17 |
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Beawolfe | Is there a channel for Very NOOB info? | 10:18 |
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PwcrLinux | nbound: Breezy don't have extra options in preference > mouse | 10:19 |
BlueEagle | beawolfe: This would probably be it. :) | 10:19 |
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arrick | I have this file and I want to install it, what do I do? pastebot-20040908.tar.gz | 10:20 |
Beawolfe | Windows user trying out Linux base for first time and am lost as S**T | 10:20 |
arrick | Beawolfe, what up? | 10:20 |
BlueEagle | beawolfe: What have you got so far then? | 10:20 |
stjepan | arrick, tar -xzf pastebot* | 10:20 |
stjepan | cd pastebot | 10:20 |
arrick | thanks | 10:20 |
stjepan | ./configure && make && make install | 10:20 |
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stjepan | arrick, you should also have a look at checkinstall | 10:21 |
Beawolfe | I got mail working...........found out how to get screensaver working...............and of course Office is the same as MS Word so...... | 10:21 |
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Beawolfe | other than that I am still hunting and pecking | 10:21 |
nbound | PwcrLinux: there is an option for sensitivity | 10:22 |
Madpilot | Beawolfe, sounds like you're doing OK. Have you found the Ubuntu wiki yet? | 10:22 |
nbound | PwcrLinux: i know because i can change it on my other PC which still has breezy on it | 10:22 |
Beawolfe | I am trying to set upfor newsgroups but have run into problems | 10:22 |
stjepan | Beawolfe, don't worry, in one month you'll learn more than with windows in one year! | 10:22 |
arrick | stjepan, I will, but I gotta get it installed first | 10:22 |
stjepan | arrick, checkinstall is for installing | 10:23 |
PwcrLinux | nbound: Yea, it's full "low" doesn't effects at all.. | 10:23 |
arrick | oh ok | 10:23 |
stjepan | arrick, before doing "make install" see checkinstall | 10:23 |
stjepan | checkinstall will make a .deb package | 10:23 |
arrick | ok | 10:23 |
TraceGreen | Hello, lspci told me: pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices, what can i do? I don't find /sys/bus/pci/devices in my system. | 10:23 |
Beawolfe | I D/led BRAG and need files but can't seem to figure out how to install from desktop | 10:23 |
stjepan | and then you should install it: dpkg -i yourpkg.deb ; | 10:23 |
stjepan | ;) | 10:23 |
arrick | how do I see checkinstall? | 10:23 |
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BlueEagle | tracegreen: sudo lspci | 10:23 |
BlueEagle | ? | 10:23 |
kupad | BlueEagle: this is the output from lshw -C disk: http://pastebin.com/674846 | 10:24 |
TraceGreen | BlueEagle, i use root. | 10:24 |
stjepan | arrick, download it here: http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/files/deb/checkinstall_1.6.0-1_i386.deb | 10:24 |
arrick | ok got it | 10:24 |
stjepan | arrick, install checkinstall: sudo dpkg -i checkinstall_1.6.0-1_i386.deb | 10:24 |
nbound | PwcrLinux: also tryed moving the others to low | 10:24 |
monsterb | What's the command to sync the clock? | 10:24 |
Beawolfe | Madpilot...No I haven't found wiki yet | 10:24 |
Madpilot | Beawolfe, brag is in Ubuntu's repositories - System menu -> Admin. -> Synaptic, then search for brag | 10:24 |
Madpilot | Beawolfe, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 10:25 |
stjepan | arrick, then do this: tar -xzf pastebot-20040908.tar.gz && cd pastebot-20040908 && ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall && sudo dpkg -i your_checkinstalled_package.deb | 10:25 |
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wooster1168 | monsterb, if you have ntp try ntpdate -b -u pool.ntp.org | 10:26 |
Madpilot | Beawolfe, start here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto then read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 10:26 |
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PwcrLinux | nbound: already there, probably dapper might would have new extra option to disable tapping and other new stuff for the sytpantic mousepad control.. | 10:26 |
monsterb | wooster1168, thx | 10:26 |
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kameron | how do i disable the sound server at startup, without using the gui tool? | 10:27 |
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`Manuel` | hi all | 10:27 |
`Manuel` | anyone remember the command for edit boot scripts? | 10:27 |
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stjepan | `Manuel`, bum? | 10:28 |
nbound | PwcrLinux: doubtfull, i know i was having problems with my compag mouse pad... i just got used to position my hands so as not to accidently tap it | 10:28 |
BlueEagle | tracegreen: You are logged in as root? o.O | 10:28 |
`Manuel` | no... | 10:28 |
BlueEagle | kupad: ...and still no luck with fdisk -l? | 10:28 |
TraceGreen | BlueEagle, yeah. | 10:28 |
BlueEagle | tracegreen: why? | 10:29 |
BlueEagle | tracegreen: Well never mind that. | 10:29 |
kupad | BlueEagle: I'm looking for the module now | 10:29 |
TraceGreen | BlueEagle, the most important thing now is that I want to use lspci to check my hardware, but now i can not see anything but some numbers. | 10:29 |
BlueEagle | kupad: sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/ide/pci/pdc202xx_old.ko | 10:29 |
Doat | i'm having problems installing the ati driver. sudo modprobe gives me "FATAL: Module fglrx not found." though i followed the instructions in ubuntu starter guide | 10:29 |
BlueEagle | tracegreen: custom kernel? | 10:29 |
TraceGreen | BlueEagle, yeah. | 10:30 |
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BlueEagle | tracegreen: Did you include the PCI device name database? | 10:30 |
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kupad | BlueEagle: that's the same we tried last time | 10:30 |
Frogzoo | TraceGreen: running irc as root is to be strongly discouraged | 10:30 |
TraceGreen | BlueEagle, what do you mean? do you mean i should config it in kernel? | 10:30 |
BlueEagle | tracegreen: yes. | 10:30 |
TraceGreen | Frogzoo, i know. | 10:30 |
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Frogzoo | cool | 10:30 |
TraceGreen | Frogzoo, actually, i just sudo su to do some work and then exit. | 10:31 |
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Madpilot | TraceGreen, try "sudo -i" | 10:31 |
BlueEagle | kupad: Well that is the one that I believe should handle that device. Then again I can be wrong. | 10:31 |
kupad | BlueEagle: do you think looking for a Seagate module might work? that's what i've been googling for | 10:32 |
Beawolfe | I can see I am going to have to do alot of reading before I can get this stuff up and running :( | 10:32 |
arrick | hey stjepan you last is not working | 10:32 |
TraceGreen | BlueEagle, could you please tell me where shoud i set about pci database in kernel? i use kernel 2.6.14, i check .config whic "PCI", but don't find "database" | 10:32 |
arrick | it says no ./comfigure found | 10:33 |
BlueEagle | kupad: The device is a PDC20262 and it's a fairly old card hence the conclusion that pdc202xx_old should handle it. | 10:33 |
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BlueEagle | tracegreen: hang on. | 10:33 |
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nandemonai | Greetings people, just wondering how to get a program running at boot time (not a service just a single command from term) without using gnome session as this machine in question is cli only.. Can anyone point me in the right direction.. I used to know how to do this via a certain file in fedora / redhat but seems that debian doesnt use the same boot scripts... Any ideas? | 10:34 |
kupad | BlueEagle: that doesn't bode well for me | 10:34 |
BlueEagle | kupad: as I said, building it into the kernel _might_ fix things. | 10:34 |
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sirver | if i install a firewall for ubuntu, then DHCP server for local machines, will those machines need a firewall on ? | 10:35 |
arrick | stjepan, help? | 10:35 |
kupad | BlueEagle: I know...i just thought the output from lshw might have helped... | 10:36 |
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BlueEagle | tracegreen: It should be named PCI Name database, but I think I was wrong to suggest that. THat databse is legacy and depreciated. Don't know what creates /sys. Was thinking udev but that doesn't make sense. | 10:36 |
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BlueEagle | kupad: Well as long as fdisk can't see it then it doesn't really matter if other utils (using other access methods) can see it afaik. | 10:37 |
TraceGreen | BlueEagle, anyway, thanks very much, i may google it more. | 10:37 |
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BlueEagle | kupad: cat /etc/modules |grep pdc202xx_old <= is it listed there? | 10:40 |
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kupad | BlueEagle: it isn't | 10:41 |
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BlueEagle | kupad: then add pdc202xx_old in a separate line in /etc/modules | 10:41 |
Eleaf | does anybody wanna play a 3d-multiplayer game? lol | 10:41 |
=== Eleaf drools | ||
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BlueEagle | kupad: and reboot. Not guaranteeing anything but loading it at boot time might also help. | 10:42 |
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BlueEagle | kupad: (can't really see how that will help tho) | 10:42 |
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kupad | BlueEagle: i'll give the reboot a try for tomorrow...right now, I'm gonna sleep on it | 10:44 |
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kupad | BlueEagle: Good night, and thanks again. | 10:45 |
=== ghandi [n=ghandi@c-69-180-9-96.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yy | hi everybody | 10:45 |
stjepan | arrick, hey, u there? | 10:45 |
Beawolfe | I see that Ubuntu has a newsreader called "Pan"...installed it but canrt find it in any menus now....now what? | 10:45 |
ghandi | hello all. I am trying to debug my program. when it segfaults, there is no core dump. why is this? | 10:46 |
ninjus | Beawolfe, type "Pan" in konsole? | 10:46 |
ghandi | i need to debug with gdb but i have no core file | 10:46 |
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sphivo | ghandi: your ulimit is probably set to 0, try 'ulimit -c unlimited' | 10:47 |
Beawolfe | okay...now where is the konsole?...like I said I am very NOOB to this OS | 10:47 |
sphivo | er, core ulimit setting, i mean. | 10:47 |
monsterb | Eleaf: I'm still waiting for the AArmy update. When it come out, i'll b ready to play u. :) | 10:47 |
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Eleaf | hmm | 10:47 |
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DarkED | does anyone know about the error /dev/dsp: broken pipe? | 10:48 |
ghandi | sphivo: worked thanks a lot! | 10:48 |
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Eleaf | monsterb, I don't have AA, are you planning on playing that game or do you have any other suggestions? | 10:48 |
BlueEagle | darked: the dsp (digital sound processor) is busy or you have not got access to it. | 10:48 |
sphivo | ghandi: No problem | 10:48 |
DarkED | BlueEagle: Ok, this is what I get when running Quake. How can I get access to it? | 10:48 |
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PwcrLinux | Grrrrrrr, I hate the gaim popped up for ppls want to add me or authorizating, I kept denying on them... I had to log off the ICQ protocols for awhile.. | 10:49 |
Beawolfe | ninjus....how do I get to konsole? | 10:49 |
monsterb | Eleaf: what FPS game do u have? | 10:49 |
DarkED | BlueEagle: I have already disabled the KDE sound system, so it's not blocking it | 10:49 |
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kameleons | what is comand loged pasword for mi nick | 10:50 |
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BlueEagle | darked: which method is quake attempting to use to produce sound? | 10:50 |
Eleaf | monsterb, hmm, I should get some (relatively fresh dapper) Which do you have? | 10:50 |
DarkED | BlueEagle: I would guess it would be OSS | 10:50 |
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DarkED | BlueEagle: since its older | 10:50 |
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DarkED | BlueEagle: I read something that told me to use this command: udo echo equake 0 0 direct > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss | 10:51 |
BlueEagle | darked: hmm... Been to long since I've done that. Don't remember how to fix it. | 10:51 |
DarkED | BlueEagle: sudo* even | 10:51 |
kameleons | hello | 10:51 |
blu3_c | help me pls | 10:51 |
kameleons | for open movie on format .wmv | 10:51 |
DarkED | BlueEagle: so I did that and it gives me bash: /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss: Permission denied | 10:51 |
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kameleons | what is progama requiered | 10:51 |
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DarkED | BlueEagle: ok, thanks | 10:51 |
BlueEagle | darked: ls -l /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss | 10:51 |
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blu3_c | i already install icewm, but i can't find in my window decoration | 10:52 |
monsterb | Eleaf: the only one I play is America's Army. Not many servers on 2.5 --- im waiting for 2.6 (only avail for windows right now) | 10:52 |
BlueEagle | darked: see which group it has got and check that you are in that group | 10:52 |
Frogzoo | DarkED: sudo | 10:52 |
blu3_c | anyone, why? | 10:52 |
BlueEagle | darked: you can also chmod a+rw on it | 10:52 |
Eleaf | hmm | 10:52 |
DarkED | BlueEagle: its marked for root | 10:52 |
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DarkED | yay it did it | 10:52 |
DarkED | lets see if it works :D | 10:52 |
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hajuu | hey does anyone know in VLC how to set it to use esd? I downloaded vlc-plugin-esd.. but I still cant find the setting anywhere and it gives no output | 10:53 |
hajuu | :( | 10:53 |
jita | why is'nt there firefox 1.5.2 package? | 10:53 |
DarkED | :) | 10:53 |
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BlueEagle | darked: there you go. | 10:53 |
DarkED | oh... crap | 10:53 |
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[SIN] Judas | Hi can anyone possibly help me? | 10:53 |
DarkED | BlueEagle: Didnt work :D | 10:53 |
blu3_c | pls help me | 10:53 |
DarkED | hmm lemme log into gnome and see what it does | 10:54 |
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monsterb | Eleaf: do u have broadband? AArmy is a free download. | 10:54 |
gnomefreak | jita: same reason why there isnt a package | 10:55 |
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gnomefreak | ubotu tell jita about ff1.5 | 10:55 |
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Eleaf | monsterb, ye, I know. Can I run it without having to do some evil global install? | 10:56 |
jita | gnomefreak: i found package in draper repo | 10:56 |
jita | | 10:56 |
gnomefreak | jita: yes its in dapper | 10:56 |
gnomefreak | this is not a dapper channel | 10:56 |
monsterb | Eleaf: Do u have a Nvidia card and drivers installed? | 10:56 |
gnomefreak | everyone in here is assumed to be running breezy | 10:56 |
Eleaf | monsterb, yes.. | 10:56 |
gnomefreak | !dapper | 10:56 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 10:56 |
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Eleaf | monsterb, I could download it, I just don't want to have to install anything globally, just run it in its nice little dir.. ;p | 10:57 |
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thej | hello | 10:57 |
monsterb | Eleaf: download game and install it with "sh filename" | 10:58 |
Eleaf | I have to install it? | 10:58 |
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monsterb | Eleaf: yes | 10:58 |
Eleaf | why? | 10:58 |
pax | what's this AArmy, a game? | 10:58 |
Madpilot | Eleaf, um, because it's a program? | 10:58 |
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Madpilot | pax, America's Army FPS | 10:59 |
pax | great, that's all we need. | 10:59 |
Eleaf | Madpilot, why would you have to 'install' something, that doesn't make sense to me... =/ | 10:59 |
monsterb | pax: it's a FPS army game | 10:59 |
Eleaf | Madpilot, why can I not just run the binary? | 10:59 |
Madpilot | Eleaf, no idea, complain to the folks who make the thing | 11:00 |
Eleaf | and have it point to its own libs. | 11:00 |
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Eleaf | does it come with an uninstall script? xP | 11:00 |
Madpilot | Eleaf, it's a giant .bin file AFAIK, so it probably is static | 11:01 |
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monsterb | Eleaf: aarmy has a easy installer | 11:01 |
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PwcrLinux | Afaik?? what's that? | 11:01 |
Eleaf | monsterb, huh? | 11:01 |
Madpilot | PwcrLinux, "as far as I know" | 11:02 |
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PwcrLinux | ah | 11:02 |
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-117-171-105.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkED | I got it working | 11:02 |
=== Revolution [n=jorn@a80-127-51-149.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkED | thanks for the help | 11:02 |
Beawolfe | can anyone tell me how to get to the konsole so I can run an installed program? | 11:02 |
monsterb | Eleaf: are we talking about the same thing? lol | 11:02 |
Eleaf | I guess... I dunno ;p | 11:02 |
monsterb | Eleaf: aarmy? | 11:03 |
Madpilot | Beawolfe, Alt + F2 | 11:03 |
hajuu | ok so I do my lspci, and it now shows my soundblaster live... BUT it gives some "unknown header 7f" for the verbose information... how can I find out where that sound device is mounted or whatever? like where its accessible | 11:03 |
Eleaf | mmhm | 11:03 |
gnomefreak | Beawolfe: applications>accessories>terminal | 11:03 |
Madpilot | Beawolfe, or Applications->Accessories->Terminal if you want a full terminal | 11:03 |
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gnomefreak | konsole is for kde | 11:03 |
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pax | wep | 11:04 |
homegrown | test | 11:04 |
Edgy_Eft | test? | 11:04 |
pax | test failed | 11:04 |
gnomefreak | fail | 11:04 |
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homegrown | looking to register my nick | 11:05 |
patrick24601 | any xgl pros? | 11:05 |
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Madpilot | !tell homegrown about register | 11:05 |
monsterb | monstrous: just saying HI to a fellow monster | 11:05 |
sfar | /msg nickserv identify pass | 11:05 |
sfar | no | 11:05 |
patrick24601 | I am trying to install and I am this step 'sudo apt-get install compiz xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 compiz-gnome' | 11:05 |
homegrown | Ta | 11:05 |
sfar | register | 11:05 |
sfar | :| | 11:05 |
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sfar | i'll shut up | 11:05 |
monstrous | monsterb: *raaaaaaaaaaaw* hi back | 11:05 |
Madpilot | patrick24601, #ubuntu-xgl | 11:05 |
gnomefreak | patrick24601: try #ubuntu-xgl | 11:05 |
patrick24601 | thanks | 11:05 |
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monsterb | monstrous: lol | 11:06 |
patrick24601 | did not know there was a chan just for that. | 11:06 |
stephen_banks | patrocl24601; have you got the universe package repositories enabled? | 11:06 |
stephen_banks | sorry, spelt your name wrong, its too early in the morning for me | 11:06 |
patrick24601 | stephen: I believe I do | 11:06 |
patrick24601 | cant find compiz though | 11:07 |
stephen_banks | patrick24601: okee | 11:07 |
Madpilot | patrick24601, if you're running Dapper, there's also #ubuntu+1 for Dapper | 11:07 |
gnomefreak | patrick24601: compiz-gnome? | 11:07 |
patrick24601 | yeah... came from here : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131267 | 11:07 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell patrick24601 about xgl | 11:07 |
monsterb | Anyone here try Gentoo? | 11:08 |
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gnomefreak | monsterb: try #gentoo | 11:08 |
Edgy_Eft | one time | 11:08 |
Cyri1 | me too | 11:09 |
Cyri1 | it's cool! | 11:09 |
HedgeMage | monsterb: I don't think other distros are on-topic in here, but if you're looking for a comparison or something distrowatch is a good place to see different ones side by side. | 11:09 |
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Edgy_Eft | monsterb, i dont want to study how to compile a gentoo kernel and to install a gentoo | 11:10 |
Cyri1 | Edgy_Eft: where are you from? | 11:10 |
monsterb | HedgeMage: just asking...I tried it last week, i'm back on Ubuntu now | 11:10 |
Edgy_Eft | system | 11:10 |
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gnomefreak | Cyri1: please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:10 |
Edgy_Eft | Cyri1, south germany | 11:10 |
fid | so here is a question... on i accident I removed the panel that displays all the programs running. How do I bring that panel back? | 11:10 |
nbound | !multimedia | 11:10 |
ubotu | methinks multimedia is for codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications | 11:10 |
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Cyri1 | Edgy_Eft: no, i mean where your country is...:D | 11:11 |
gnomefreak | fid: right click add panel | 11:11 |
arrick | how do i change the password to my ssh connection? | 11:11 |
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Eleaf | arrick, eh? | 11:11 |
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HedgeMage | monsterb: I run both ubuntu and gentoo right now :) | 11:11 |
Madpilot | Cyri1, #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat, please | 11:11 |
Eleaf | arrick, the password is whatever the password is for that user. | 11:11 |
fid | and that will show the programs running in what would to compare to be the windows task bar? | 11:11 |
arrick | well how do I change that? | 11:11 |
Revolution | does anyone know how to enable surround sopund in dapper? | 11:12 |
Revolution | sound | 11:12 |
Eleaf | arrick, your user password? Probably System->Administration->Users and groups | 11:12 |
arrick | through terminal? | 11:12 |
gnomefreak | Cyri1: Edgy_Eft bring it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:12 |
Edgy_Eft | Cyri1, mh...between france and poland? and between denmark and swiss? :) | 11:12 |
arrick | I dont have a gui | 11:12 |
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Madpilot | fid, right-click on the panel, choose Add To Panel - find the Window List applet | 11:12 |
stephen_banks | Revolution: i always just mess about in alsamixer until it does work! | 11:12 |
roryy | arrick: 'passwd' | 11:12 |
bhna | !root | 11:12 |
ubotu | Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 11:12 |
arrick | thanks | 11:12 |
monsterb | HedgeMage: I'm sticking with Ubuntu | 11:13 |
Madpilot | Edgy_Eft, social chat on #ubuntu-offtopic please, not here | 11:13 |
roryy | arrick: i recommend using a key-files for ssh; can be considerably more convenient | 11:13 |
Cyri1 | Edgy_Eft: good...i am from Taiwan~:D | 11:13 |
arrick | roryy, dont understand you technical terms | 11:13 |
fid | yay | 11:13 |
fid | got it | 11:13 |
fid | thanks yo | 11:13 |
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gnomefreak | ubotu tell Cyri1 -about offtopic | 11:14 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Edgy_Eft -about offtopic | 11:14 |
Madpilot | weee | 11:14 |
thatGuy_ | lol | 11:14 |
thatGuy_ | right | 11:14 |
nbound | net split | 11:14 |
zOrK | wow | 11:14 |
zOrK | Xd | 11:14 |
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nbound | and theres still 551 people in here after that | 11:14 |
zOrK | Even I doesnt have more blood than an netsplit | 11:14 |
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arrick | that was FUUUUNNNN lets do it again, shall we? | 11:15 |
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C-O-L-T | how to add other theme to gaim, where is that guification menu? | 11:15 |
stephen_banks | 0.0 | 11:15 |
zOrK | amazing | 11:15 |
arrick | what the server went down or something? | 11:15 |
Madpilot | arrick, be careful what you wish for :P | 11:15 |
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Madpilot | arrick, one server lost connection | 11:15 |
roryy | !tell arrick about ssh | 11:16 |
monsterb | Where's the flood? | 11:16 |
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C-O-L-T | how to add other theme to gaim, where is that guification menu? | 11:16 |
roryy | arrick: the wiki page contains info about public key authentication | 11:16 |
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arrick | ok | 11:16 |
arrick | night all | 11:16 |
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Beawolfe | madpilot....THANX!!! I got it running finally! | 11:17 |
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fid | sweet my customized theme is coming along swimmingly | 11:18 |
fid | ha | 11:18 |
nbound | well for anyone who was wondering the w32codecs do work in dapper | 11:18 |
Madpilot | Beawolfe, cool | 11:18 |
pax | no kidding! | 11:18 |
nbound | i just hadnt switched over to totem-xine yet | 11:18 |
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Beawolfe | now for my next question..........is there a way to move files and see files between the to drives.....ubuntu and winxp? | 11:20 |
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stephen_banks | sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hd* /mountpoint | 11:20 |
Madpilot | Beawolfe, NTFS is read-only in Linux - MS won't tell anyone else how to write to it... | 11:21 |
Madpilot | !+ntfs | 11:21 |
ubotu | somebody said ntfs was the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 11:21 |
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ozzloy | Beawolfe: yes you can see the files by mounting using the mount command | 11:22 |
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Madpilot | night all | 11:23 |
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Beawolfe | okay thanx again I found the info I needed to mount the drives | 11:24 |
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pax | if you use xp as home desktop, have no use for quotas or ntsf permissions, then make you windows partitions fat32 and make your linux experience more pleasant by reading/writing to your windows partition from within linux | 11:25 |
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monsterb | Beawolfe: I have a FAT32 partition I store and swap files with ubuntu and windows. | 11:25 |
pax | better yet, if you have a windows and ubuntu machine, rdp to your windows from ubuntu and now you are on both machines. | 11:26 |
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mattes | hallo | 11:26 |
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PwcrLinux | cya later all, off to Zzzzzz | 11:27 |
mattes | welche systemvorraussetzung ist fr ubuntu notwendig? | 11:27 |
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Beawolfe | I have each OS on different HD's and right now win XP wont see ubuntu and ubuntu wont see the win xp drive | 11:28 |
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monsterb | Beawolfe: what filesystem are you using? Ext3? If you want to view/write files to linux from windows, try this program http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/%7Ejn/linux/explore2fs.htm | 11:28 |
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C-O-L-T | how to make a bar like in Apple MAC OS X, so the dock bar | 11:30 |
Beawolfe | okay monsterb will look it over....Thanx! | 11:30 |
mattes | ubuntu 5.10 don't restart when i type the keys "strg" + "alt" + "del". it shutdown | 11:30 |
mattes | what is the problem? | 11:31 |
monsterb | Beawolfe: your harddrives list in /media ? | 11:31 |
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gnomefreak | HedgeMage: you here still? | 11:31 |
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thatGuy_ | i have to tackle this ndiswrapper problem right now | 11:32 |
=== thatGuy_ using a hp zv6000 | ||
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Beawolfe | monsterb......2 cd-roms and 2 floppys only I think | 11:33 |
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HedgeMage | gnomefreak: kinda | 11:34 |
HedgeMage | gnomefreak: what's up? | 11:34 |
monsterb | Beawolfe: u need to edit fstab and add your harddrives | 11:34 |
gnomefreak | HedgeMage: was there a second netsplit? | 11:34 |
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gnomefreak | nickserv un-identified me :( | 11:34 |
Pizarrin | hello, I want to try the released livecd, but I don't know the username and password to login | 11:35 |
HedgeMage | gnomefreak: the last netsplit was abotu 20 minutes ago | 11:35 |
gnomefreak | yeah i saw that one :( | 11:35 |
stephen_banks | pizarrin: does it not just log you in automatically? | 11:35 |
Beawolfe | and how do I go about doing that monsterb | 11:35 |
gnomefreak | Pizarrin: this is dapper cd? | 11:36 |
Frogzoo | C-O-L-T: try gnome-applets | 11:36 |
Pizarrin | yes, xubuntu 6.06 beta | 11:36 |
Frogzoo | Coke: sry, gdesklets | 11:36 |
C-O-L-T | Frogzoo: I am there, I just don't know it's name | 11:36 |
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gnomefreak | Pizarrin: #ubuntu+1 for dapper help please | 11:36 |
monsterb | Beawolfe: this site helped me...http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html | 11:36 |
Pizarrin | sorry, thanks | 11:37 |
thatGuy_ | Berge, here is where i did it from | 11:37 |
Frogzoo | C-O-L-T: there's screenies about, google 'screenshots gdesklets' | 11:37 |
thatGuy_ | beasty_, here is where i did it from | 11:37 |
thatGuy_ | lol first time trying this | 11:37 |
thatGuy_ | Beawolfe, here is where i did it from | 11:37 |
thatGuy_ | Beawolfe, http://ubuntuguide.org/#windows | 11:37 |
thatGuy_ | full instructions | 11:37 |
gnomefreak | thatGuy_: no dont every recommend that please | 11:37 |
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gnomefreak | !ubuntuguide | 11:38 |
ubotu | well, ubuntuguide is out of date, reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead | 11:38 |
thatGuy_ | why? | 11:38 |
gnomefreak | ^^^ | 11:38 |
thatGuy_ | it worked perfect for me | 11:38 |
thatGuy_ | ahh | 11:38 |
thatGuy_ | hmm, well i know that worked | 11:38 |
gnomefreak | thatGuy_: just because something works fine for one person doesnt mean it will for another | 11:38 |
thatGuy_ | and i'm on dapper drake 6.06 | 11:38 |
C-O-L-T | Frogzoo: thanks I have got it | 11:38 |
thatGuy_ | alrighty | 11:38 |
Frogzoo | nice | 11:38 |
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Beawolfe | okay Thanx | 11:39 |
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thatGuy_ | but yeah, its instructions on the whole fstab thing | 11:39 |
thatGuy_ | line for line | 11:39 |
thatGuy_ | that'll set it up to mount automatically on boot. . . and how to do it manually | 11:40 |
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Dime | Can someone help me? | 11:41 |
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roryy | Dime: please tell us what your problem is. | 11:42 |
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Dime | i have a fresh install of ubuntu 5.10 | 11:42 |
Dime | and i would like to share files between the winxp machine in my home and ubuntu | 11:42 |
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imactest1 | Does anyone here know how to change the screen position in the monitor, the width etcetera | 11:42 |
imactest1 | things you normally do with manual buttons on the screen | 11:43 |
imactest1 | but a mac doesnt have those | 11:43 |
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roryy | !tell Dime about samba | 11:43 |
imactest1 | so i need a software tool to do it | 11:43 |
imactest1 | help!! | 11:43 |
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roryy | Dime: ubotu should just have sent you some links about 'samba', software which will allow you to do that | 11:44 |
Edgy_Eft | you have a mac and use ubuntu? | 11:44 |
imactest1 | yz | 11:44 |
imactest1 | ubuntu PPC | 11:44 |
imactest1 | its an old G3 so its useless bcoz it wont run OSX | 11:44 |
Edgy_Eft | ah ok | 11:44 |
imactest1 | w/ linux i can run normal stuff like xmms and firefox etc | 11:45 |
imactest1 | i just cant resize the screen | 11:45 |
imactest1 | without a software tool | 11:45 |
imactest1 | reposition it | 11:45 |
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imactest1 | i remember there was this old X tool that let you shift it around | 11:46 |
gnomefreak | imactest1: you mean resolution or position of screen if position of screen the settings should be on the moniter (is with everything else should be with mac too) but not positive | 11:46 |
imactest1 | but i cant remember what it as | 11:46 |
imactest1 | or the command to start it | 11:46 |
imactest1 | i googled for ages | 11:46 |
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imactest1 | no i mean position as in the vertical and horizontal size, placement and such | 11:47 |
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imactest1 | on a regular PC you can change that with buttons on the screen | 11:47 |
rabe | have 5.1 soundsystem, followed this tutorial: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Surround_Sound, finnaly managed to have sound from 4 speakers (of 6), but the 2 rear don't work! Any idea why?? | 11:47 |
imactest1 | and with macos you have a softwaretool with settings to do it | 11:47 |
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imactest1 | but with linux i dunno | 11:47 |
bliss1_ | hi | 11:47 |
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davidhouse | hi guys. having big troubles configuring my local wireless network connection on my kubuntu laptop. | 11:47 |
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barosl | [[test] ] | 11:47 |
Frogzoo | imactest1: think you mean xvidtune - you need to then export these settings to xorg.conf | 11:47 |
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davidhouse | KWifiManager thinks it's connected to the network, but i still have an empty routing table and obviously all outgoing requests fail. | 11:48 |
imactest1 | yz that's it!! | 11:48 |
Edgy_Eft | i dont know a software tool | 11:48 |
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imactest1 | i've been searching it for ages | 11:48 |
imactest1 | tnx | 11:48 |
HCl | hi, might anyone be able to help with my compaq r3000? yesterday i upgraded from ubuntu breezy to ubuntu dapper and since then the button to turn wireless on/off (this is supposed to be a hardware button) is stuck to off and refuses to respond.. | 11:48 |
falcon3 | Hi, is it possible to disable my sound when my headset is plugged in? (automatically) | 11:48 |
Edgy_Eft | just configure /etc/X11/xorg.config imactest1 | 11:48 |
rabe | have 5.1 soundsystem, followed this tutorial: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Surround_Sound, finnaly managed to have sound from 4 speakers (of 6), but the 2 rear don't work! Any idea why?? | 11:49 |
Frogzoo | HCl: -> #ubuntu+1 | 11:49 |
davidhouse | i'm meant to be connected to my router which has IP, but pinging that fails. | 11:49 |
imactest1 | yz i know i have to export the settings i find w/ xvidtune to the x config file | 11:49 |
imactest1 | tnx for the help | 11:49 |
imactest1 | bbl | 11:49 |
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HCl | thanks | 11:49 |
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davidhouse | also, KWifiManager says "Local IP: unavailable", so i don't think it's connected properly. | 11:49 |
davidhouse | i've definately got the right encryption configuration. | 11:50 |
falcon3 | installing kde3.5 is not a problem on ubuntu ? | 11:50 |
gnomefreak | falcon3: no | 11:50 |
sfar | "''"" ""' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ''''''''''''''''''""""""""""""""""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''""'"'"'"'"'" | 11:50 |
gnomefreak | falcon3: what version of ubuntu are you using | 11:50 |
gnomefreak | sfar: please dont do that | 11:50 |
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falcon3 | gnomefreak: ubuntu breezy | 11:50 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell falcon3 about easysource | 11:50 |
kameron | i know you can dist-upgrade to dapper.. but from dapper, can you do something similar, but opposite? as in, downgrade? | 11:50 |
Frogzoo | kameron: nope, no downgrades | 11:51 |
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falcon3 | thank you gnomefreak | 11:51 |
kameron | danggg | 11:51 |
kameron | does anyone have mythtv working on dapper? | 11:51 |
sfar | ease up gnomefreak | 11:51 |
gnomefreak | falcon3: in your pm open link click on the kubuntu repos and send than add those to your /etc/apt/sources.list and run sudo apt-get update than sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 11:51 |
gnomefreak | sfar: i asked you not to do that there is nothing to ease up on you have been in here long enough to know not to do that | 11:52 |
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bliss1_ | Frogzoo: heres something maks a file in /etc/udev.rules.d/ called cutom.rules and stick this in it KERNEL=="tun", NAME="net/%k" | 11:53 |
falcon3 | "the latest kde version" known by kubuntu or the real latest version? | 11:53 |
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hovvin | ? | 11:54 |
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hovvin | 11:54 | |
sfar | well, it was a mistake pasting that into the channel.. your whine was exactly as many lines as my mistake (1 line) and therefor as much spam.. | 11:54 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: then KERNEL=="tun", GROUP="admin", MODE="0660" and KERNEL=="kqemu", MODE="0666" on two sperate lines | 11:54 |
roryy | !zh | 11:55 |
ubotu | For support in Chinese, please try the channel #ubuntu-zh. | 11:55 |
roryy | i hope that *is* Chinese. And we should really get a chinese-language redirect, too. | 11:55 |
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slackern | ni hao? ^^ | 11:55 |
jang_ | Hi all! Anyone have experience with running VMWare under Ubuntu? | 11:56 |
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hovvin | 11:56 | |
fid | how can you tell which theme you currenty have running? | 11:56 |
barosl | roryy, i guess it's impossible. program cannot distinguish chinese and korean and japanese | 11:56 |
roryy | fid: System -> Preferences -> Theme would be my guess | 11:56 |
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hovvin | hi.. | 11:57 |
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barosl | hovvin, hi :-> | 11:57 |
falcon3 | # kubuntu.org packages for the latest KDE version (packages, GPG key: DD4D5088) | 11:57 |
falcon3 | deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest breezy main | 11:57 |
falcon3 | # kubuntu.org packages for the latest KDE version (sources, GPG key: DD4D5088) | 11:57 |
falcon3 | deb-src http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest breezy main | 11:57 |
taran | hello guys | 11:57 |
bliss1_ | jang_ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VmWare | 11:57 |
falcon3 | it cant find these packages | 11:57 |
hovvin | how can i restart the xwindow? | 11:57 |
stephen_banks | ctrl alt backspace | 11:57 |
hovvin | how can i restart the xwindow? | 11:57 |
taran | i am trying to lunch something but it gives me this error | 11:57 |
hovvin | :) | 11:57 |
hovvin | ths | 11:57 |
jang_ | Thanks blissl_ | 11:57 |
taran | Missing dump prefix. | 11:57 |
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monsterb | jang_, I ran Ubuntu on VMWare on windows. It ran slow but worked. | 11:58 |
hovvin | how can i use the xwindow in root? | 11:58 |
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taran | any help is welcome | 11:58 |
taran | Missing dump prefix. | 11:58 |
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kameron | what about downgrading a single package, is that possible? | 11:59 |
roryy | taran: Please give us a little more detail. What program are you trying to start? | 11:59 |
taran | airodump | 11:59 |
taran | but it gives Missing dump prefix. | 11:59 |
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jang_ | monsterb: any theory on why it was slow? Low on mem? | 11:59 |
stephen_banks | oh by the way, bit of an obscure question, but has anyone got a ms intellimouse explorer and managed to get the side scrolling tilt wheel to work in linux? | 12:00 |
Oetzi | hi | 12:00 |
sfar | taran: have you read the INSTALL-file? | 12:00 |
Oetzi | how can i import own truetype-fonts into ooffice | 12:00 |
taran | yep | 12:00 |
taran | and install was cuul | 12:01 |
taran | but lunching is giving me a hell | 12:01 |
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monsterb | I have a AMD64 with 1.5GB mem .... the only Linux that ran good for me was DSL on VMWare | 12:01 |
kameron | !mythtv | 12:01 |
stephen_banks | Oetzi: i think you can import the fonts globally by navigating to Fonts:/// in nautilus | 12:01 |
ubotu | methinks mythtv is for watching TV in Linux. Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/ | 12:01 |
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Oetzi | stephen_banks: thx | 12:02 |
taran | i'm really newbie in ubuntu platform | 12:02 |
monsterb | jang_, I have a AMD64 with 1.5GB mem .... the only Linux that ran good for me was DSL on VMWare | 12:02 |
barosl | [[RestrictedFormats] ] | 12:02 |
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barosl | [[RestrictedFormats] ] | 12:02 |
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fid | hmmm | 12:03 |
barosl | [[RestrictedFormats] ] | 12:03 |
inklbot^home | [RestriktedFormats] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 12:03 |
Frogzoo | monsterb: that makes no sense | 12:04 |
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monsterb | Frogzoo: sorry. DawnSmallLinux ran the fastest for me on VMWare. | 12:05 |
Frogzoo | monsterb: something wrong there | 12:05 |
inklbot^home | [RestriktedFormats] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 12:06 |
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falcon3 | The following packages have unmet dependencies: kde: Depends: kdesdk but it is not going to be installed | 12:06 |
falcon3 | E: Broken packages | 12:06 |
falcon3 | how do i fix that ? | 12:06 |
monsterb | Frogzoo: I ran Ubuntu with VMware, but it was lagging. | 12:07 |
Frogzoo | monsterb: sure, but ubuntu native should be faster than dsl on vmware | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | falcon3: sudo apt-get -f install <<type that exactly as i have | 12:07 |
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falcon3 | gnomefreak: same error | 12:08 |
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monsterb | Frogzoo: it is - u missed the 1st part of the conversation | 12:08 |
Frogzoo | monsterb: also, did you allocate ubuntu extra ram? like 512? | 12:08 |
gnomefreak | falcon3: sudo apt-get update | 12:09 |
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jang_ | blissl_ Thanks. I am up and running now. | 12:09 |
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falcon3 | gnomefreak: still the same | 12:09 |
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tux | hi | 12:09 |
fid | hrmm ok so quick question | 12:09 |
tux | hello | 12:09 |
gnomefreak | falcon3: apt-get update gave you unmet depends error? | 12:09 |
bliss1_ | jang_ glad to here it that was quick | 12:09 |
bliss1_ | hear | 12:10 |
dmizer | okay ... i have a real problem. i can't sudo at all. all i get is "timestamp too far in the future" | 12:10 |
falcon3 | gnomefreak: no, that was fine, trying to install it gave me depends error again | 12:10 |
gnomefreak | falcon3: run sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 12:10 |
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fid | trying to copy some .png files into the /usr/share/icons/gnome/filesystem/ so i can replace the normal gnome 'trash' icon | 12:10 |
fid | but its saying I do not have the permissions | 12:10 |
falcon3 | downloading, now gnomefreak thx | 12:10 |
fid | do i have to do that from the terminal | 12:10 |
falcon3 | what is aptitude? | 12:11 |
roryy | dmizer: try 'sudo -K' first | 12:11 |
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Frogzoo | falcon3: man aptitude | 12:11 |
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falcon3 | oh | 12:12 |
falcon3 | apt but fancier | 12:12 |
dmizer | i did ... but i get the same problem, but maybe i'm just having a usage problem ... it's sudo -K (pipe) command? | 12:12 |
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roryy | dmizer: no, 'sudo -K' releases your timestamp | 12:12 |
roryy | removes, rather | 12:12 |
roryy | dmizer: i.e., 'sudo -K' then 'sudo <whatever>' | 12:12 |
taran | i've got it guys | 12:12 |
taran | tnx for ur help | 12:13 |
dmizer | i tried that already. but then i get usage error ... | 12:13 |
gnomefreak | falcon3: aptitude handles packages better than apt-get | 12:13 |
goonie | I have a weird problem with my cd drive... It sometimes shows nothing, sometimes a few files and sometimes some files with gibberish filenames. But I'm running Windows XP in VMWare as well and the XP reads and lists the cds correctly... Have you guys seen this before? | 12:13 |
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roryy | dmizer: 'sudo -K' gives you a usage error ? | 12:13 |
Toma- | goonie: are they multi-format or multi session cds? | 12:14 |
protocol1 | !dapper | 12:14 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 12:14 |
gnomefreak | sorry for not answering sooner im trying to update my wiki | 12:14 |
dmizer | yes ... "sudo -K | -L | -V | ... | 12:14 |
roryy | dmizer: run just 'sudo -K' | 12:14 |
dmizer | tried that too. | 12:14 |
goonie | Toma-~ no, I tried burning one especially for this and finalized it and still it works like this | 12:14 |
dmizer | lol | 12:14 |
roryy | dmizer: and does *that* give you a usage error? | 12:15 |
bliss1_ | Frogzoo: just winserver on qemu with kqemu looks ok | 12:15 |
Toma- | goonie: hmmm. bizarre. | 12:15 |
bliss1_ | just got | 12:15 |
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dmizer | yes ... same one. | 12:15 |
monsterb | dmizer, a quick fix -- unistall sudo --- and reinstall it :) | 12:15 |
roryy | dmizer: what version of ubuntu are you using ? | 12:15 |
dmizer | breezy with a network install. | 12:15 |
fid | whats the command to just rename a file from the terminal? | 12:16 |
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goonie | Toma-~ there's a screenshot of it here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163591 | 12:16 |
roryy | dmizer: i do not understand how 'sudo -K' can give a usage error; either we are miscommunicating, or something is very wrong with your system | 12:16 |
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gnomefreak | fid: you can use mv <<<has no backup or cp <<keeps old version as well but you would cp /path/to/file.whatever /path/newname | 12:17 |
monsterb | fid: "mv" command is move or rename | 12:18 |
dmizer | roryy: give me a sec and i'll type the whole error. | 12:18 |
monsterb | fid: mv file1 file2 | 12:18 |
gnomefreak | monsterb: cp renames also | 12:18 |
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roryy | dmizer: not in the channel | 12:18 |
dmizer | okay. | 12:18 |
roryy | dmizer: use a pastebin, or use #flood (warn me first) | 12:18 |
gnomefreak | if he messes up with mv hes not gonna be happy if it was important | 12:19 |
protocol1 | whats the latest working kernel fir breezy? | 12:19 |
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protocol1 | fir* | 12:19 |
Dime | hmm | 12:19 |
protocol1 | for* | 12:19 |
Dime | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba | 12:19 |
Dime | i went to that site | 12:19 |
Dime | did what it said | 12:19 |
Dime | but samba gave me errors? | 12:19 |
monsterb | gnomefreak: cp ? what option to rename? | 12:19 |
Dime | would 5.04 and 5.10 be the same ? | 12:19 |
Dime | samba wise? | 12:20 |
dmizer | roryy: how about a link? | 12:20 |
roryy | dmizer: for the pastebin? http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 12:20 |
dmizer | thank you. | 12:20 |
protocol1 | and how do I go about checking which kernel version I have via console? | 12:20 |
roryy | Dime: should be similar, at least | 12:20 |
Dime | i dunno im gonna restart | 12:21 |
Dime | and see if it changes it | 12:21 |
roryy | restart ubuntu? | 12:21 |
Dime | yes | 12:21 |
roryy | well, you can try; i doubt it will change too much | 12:21 |
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roryy | dmizer: what is the output of 'sudo -V' ? (should be just one line) | 12:21 |
gnomefreak | protocol1: uname -a | 12:22 |
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gnomefreak | protocol1: uname -r will give you les output but will give you kernel also | 12:22 |
dmizer | roryy: sudo verson 1.6.8p9 | 12:22 |
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roryy | dmizer: well, at least that is correct | 12:23 |
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rabe | hello, how to show ALL drives/devices (HDs, partitions, CDroms, floppy, etc...)? | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | rabe: places>my computer? | 12:23 |
roryy | dmizer: let us know the link once you've submitted your data | 12:23 |
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protocol1 | my kernel version is 2.6.12-10-686 is that the latest one out for breezy? | 12:24 |
rabe | gnomefreak, i mean with properties, like hdd1 and so on (all mounted drives) | 12:24 |
starzinger | protocol1: I think so | 12:24 |
gnomefreak | protocol1: yes | 12:24 |
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dmizer | roryy: will do. | 12:24 |
protocol1 | ok...cool | 12:24 |
starzinger | rabe: in a console, write "df" | 12:24 |
rabe | ok thanks | 12:25 |
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gnomefreak | protocol1: easiest way to check in sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:25 |
Frogzoo | protocol1: yes | 12:25 |
rabe | but how do i know WHICH is my CDrom drive (s)? | 12:25 |
bliss1_ | if i use the modprobe command and I want to see the log or output is this possible | 12:25 |
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rabe | because it's not hdc | 12:25 |
starzinger | rabe: is it mounted? | 12:25 |
roryy | rabe: try 'ls -l /dev/cdrom' | 12:26 |
starzinger | if so, then it should be mounted at /media/crdom or something equivalent | 12:26 |
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protocol1 | gnomefreak, ill try that | 12:26 |
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roryy | bliss1_: tried 'modprobe -v ...' ? | 12:26 |
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rabe | rorry, i have 2 cd drives, so which is it? | 12:27 |
gnomefreak | rabe: places>computer gives you a gui of your disks | 12:27 |
gnomefreak | alot easier to understand | 12:27 |
rabe | yes, but NO things like "hda" | 12:27 |
roryy | rabe: hrm. sorry, that I'm not sure about. I guess put a disk in the one, run 'mount' to see which one is mounted (assuming auto-mount works); then put a disk in the other, and rerun mount. | 12:28 |
gnomefreak | rabe: if hda isnt mounted nothing is going to show it | 12:28 |
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bliss1_ | roryy; tried that just returned to prompt | 12:28 |
rabe | ok will try with the cd | 12:28 |
roryy | rabe: try also 'cat /etc/fstab' -- shows links from /media/* to the cd devices | 12:29 |
[nige] | anyone have a repository list for firefox 1.0.5 | 12:29 |
[nige] | or the latest version of it? | 12:29 |
Frogzoo | !ff1.5 | 12:29 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 12:29 |
starzinger | It's just stupid windows that shows devices when there's nothing in them :) | 12:29 |
dmizer | roryy: pastebin ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12720 | 12:29 |
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[nige] | !mplayer-plugin | 12:29 |
ubotu | [nige] : Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:29 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell [nige] about mplayer | 12:30 |
roryy | bliss1_: I'm not sure what you want; you'd need to use the -v with the command. maybe there's something in /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/messages ? | 12:30 |
rabe | gnomefreak, even if i insert a cd in the drive, it's automatically mounted but it's NOT shown WHICH drives/partition it is (like "hda" for ex.) | 12:30 |
roryy | dmizer: no | 12:30 |
roryy | dmizer: run *just* sudo -K, i.e. , 'sudo -K<enter>' | 12:31 |
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dmizer | ah. | 12:31 |
roryy | dmizer: then try your sudo command again | 12:31 |
dmizer | lol | 12:31 |
gnomefreak | rabe: i dont think cdroms are named that way normally its like cdrom0 or cdrom1 | 12:31 |
rabe | rorry, that did it | 12:31 |
rabe | they are called hda and hdb | 12:31 |
=== IRCMonkey [n=chatzill@d154-20-149-48.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roryy | dmizer: changing dates/times is a good way to get sudo confused about timestamps (perhaps that is obvious) | 12:31 |
dmizer | roryy: it won't let me do that either. timstamp too far in the future. | 12:31 |
roryy | dmizer: 'sudo -K<enter>' doesn't work? | 12:31 |
dmizer | nope. | 12:32 |
=== gnomefreak could have sworn you mounth them as /dev/cdrom0 | ||
gnomefreak | mount* | 12:32 |
starzinger | roryy and dmizer: I had that problem a while ago | 12:32 |
roryy | rabe: guess you have SATA for your hard-drives? | 12:32 |
bimberi | rabe: 'df' (once it's mounted) will tell you | 12:32 |
starzinger | I just waited | 12:32 |
roryy | dmizer: open a new gnome-terminal | 12:32 |
roryy | dmizer: try 'sudo ls' there | 12:32 |
rabe | gnomefreak: dev/hda for the cd altough it's in gnomefreak (mounted) | 12:32 |
rabe | gnomefreak: dev/hda for the cd altough it's in /media/cdrom1 (mounted) | 12:32 |
gnomefreak | ahhh ok | 12:33 |
dmizer | roryy: ? ... why did that work? | 12:33 |
rabe | roryy, don't know :-) | 12:33 |
=== whitynz [n=whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | /dev/hda is the device, /media/cdrom1 is the mountpoint | 12:33 |
roryy | dmizer: a sudo timestamp is associated with a particular 'terminal' | 12:33 |
rabe | bimberi: df didn't tell me :-( | 12:33 |
dmizer | roryy: so i just shut the terminal off and don't worry about the timestamp issue anymore? | 12:34 |
roryy | dmizer: yip | 12:34 |
dmizer | my hero | 12:34 |
roryy | dmizer: gnome-terminals are free | 12:34 |
bimberi | rabe: hm *grabs a cd* | 12:34 |
rabe | bimberi i did | 12:34 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@dyn-213-36-161-165.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dmizer | roryy: indeed they are. thank you very much. | 12:34 |
roryy | np | 12:35 |
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rabe | but i found with fstab and the "eject cdrom0" for example ejects the cdrom, so i know which it is ( i have 2 cdrom drives) | 12:35 |
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=== cpl-tnt900 [n=kokonut@bzq-219-213-247.pop.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cpl-tnt900 | hi ! im new to ubuntu are there any guides for linux there ? | 12:36 |
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Frogzoo | !docs | 12:36 |
ubotu | somebody said docs was an index of documentation on the Ubuntu Wiki - you can find it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation | 12:36 |
gnomefreak | !ubuntu | 12:36 |
ubotu | methinks ubuntu is a free GNU/Linux distribution. More at http://www.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth | 12:36 |
bimberi | rabe: df shows me (for example) "/dev/hdc 639902 639902 0 100% /media/cdrom0" once the cd is mounted | 12:36 |
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cpl-tnt900 | thanks !!! | 12:36 |
HymnToLife | rabe> then you should have cdrom0 and cdrom1 | 12:36 |
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rabe | bimberi: strange but no, it's not shown on "df" | 12:39 |
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rabe | and how to remove these information that users leave or enter in Xchat? | 12:40 |
starzinger | rabe: pm me | 12:40 |
=== FallenHitokiri [n=blitz@p54ACEABF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaur | hi i am using dapper beta and i'm having a problem with my networ. I can see and activate ethernet connection after running 'modprobe 8139too' in terminal. Only after a restart i have to do it again. How can i make this thing automatic? | 12:41 |
gnomefreak | kaur: #ubuntu+1 for dapper please | 12:41 |
rabe | starzinger: i have now, right? | 12:41 |
roryy | kaur: on breezy, you would just add the line '8139too' to the file /etc/modules ; i suspect dapper is similar | 12:41 |
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starzinger | ah crap, need to register | 12:42 |
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starzinger | rabe: join #rabe | 12:42 |
starzinger | too much spam in here :) | 12:42 |
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kaur | i'll try | 12:43 |
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protocol1 | hello peeps | 12:47 |
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=== MattMcFarland [n=MattMcFa@cpe-24-209-205-146.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MattMcFarland | hey guys | 12:47 |
MattMcFarland | I updated to dapper | 12:47 |
MattMcFarland | and now my PCMCIA service will not start | 12:47 |
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gnomefreak | MattMcFarland: join #ubuntu+1 for dapper please | 12:47 |
=== aeho [n=aeho@cable-vlk-fe76de00-27.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | Why is ubuntu's lilo support so crap? | 12:48 |
roryy | there seem to be more leave/join messages than usual | 12:48 |
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Arafangion | roryy: No, just less chat :) | 12:48 |
cpl-tnt900 | i want to learn "hacking" in ubunto (for checking Local network security only ! ) where can i learn it ? | 12:49 |
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roryy | cpl-tnt900: nmap and ethereal should get you started | 12:50 |
Arafangion | cpl-tnt900: All elite programmers are hackers. | 12:50 |
Arafangion | cpl-tnt900: If you want to use the term "hack", use it CORRECTLY. | 12:50 |
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stjepan | hi | 12:52 |
stjepan | I installed Seveas fglrx drivers, restarted X and fglrxinfo says it's using Mesa indirect rendering :(( what's wrong? | 12:52 |
stjepan | I have not installed linux-386 | 12:52 |
stjepan | linux-headers-386 are installed | 12:52 |
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BlueEagle | stjepan: Which driver is set up in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 12:54 |
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martyn | firefox keeps clocsing on certian sites i go to i think it may be a falsh problem any 1 got any ideas | 12:55 |
stjepan | BlueEagle, fglrx | 12:55 |
BlueEagle | martyn: it might be an idea to try those sites using a different browser? | 12:55 |
BlueEagle | stjepan: what does the error log of X say? | 12:56 |
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martyn | BlueEagle: what browser do you sugest | 12:56 |
BlueEagle | stjepan: have you run opengl-update | 12:56 |
Killaz | how can I see which package of apache is installed? | 12:56 |
BlueEagle | martyn: opera (http://www.opera.com) | 12:56 |
stjepan | BlueEagle, no | 12:56 |
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BlueEagle | stjepan: Not sure if that applies to Ubuntu. I know Gentoo had a tool like that. | 12:57 |
stjepan | BlueEagle, bash: opengl-update: command not found | 12:57 |
Arafangion | Why is ubuntu's lilo support so crap? | 12:57 |
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martyn | BlueEagle: is that what u use | 12:57 |
BlueEagle | arafangion: I think lilo is less supported because grub is concidered to be the better boot loader. | 12:58 |
stjepan | http://richiejp.wordpress.com/files/2006/02/cubedesk2.png - pretty nice, but useless, don't you think? :) | 12:58 |
BlueEagle | martyn: yes. | 12:58 |
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Arafangion | BlueEagle: grub is incapable of booting a pure LVM-based system. | 12:58 |
pax | I need some dunkin' donuts coffee! | 12:58 |
Arafangion | BlueEagle: In addition, grub is very limited in that it needs to be able to actually read the partition, unlike lilo. | 12:59 |
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er4z0r | re | 01:00 |
Arafangion | BlueEagle: Though, in hindsight, I should've made a small boot and root partition, then made the rest of the system LVM. | 01:00 |
Killaz | where is the log file of apt-get? I wish to see which version of apache I installed.... | 01:00 |
stjepan | Seveas, you there? | 01:00 |
BlueEagle | arafangion: That is true. | 01:00 |
Killaz | cause it seems that php5 is trying to install apache2 ..... but I think that apache is already installed and running | 01:00 |
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Arafangion | BlueEagle: But for as long as the installer has an option to do the entire thing in LVM, lilo support really must be better. | 01:01 |
=== hajuu rubs his nipples while he is apt-get update'ing | ||
martyn | BlueEagle: ok i have downloaded that put in my home folder and tried to install ve: sudo bash then the name of the file it wont run just get errors | 01:02 |
fid | whats the best way to uninstall xmms? | 01:02 |
hajuu | apt-get remove xmms ? | 01:02 |
hajuu | :/ | 01:02 |
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fid | thanks | 01:02 |
fid | its being all stupid | 01:02 |
fid | gonna try to remove and fresh install | 01:03 |
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stjepan | BlueEagle, there' a "(WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering not yet supported on Radeon 9500 and newer cards | 01:03 |
stjepan | " line in /etc/Xorg.0.log!! | 01:03 |
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Arafangion | stjepan: Probably means you do not have hardware accelerated graphics. | 01:04 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Give the commercial drivers a go. | 01:04 |
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-137-82.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajuu | yay finally got my apt sources under control lol | 01:04 |
stjepan | Arafangi2n, no, I'm using fglr | 01:04 |
stjepan | fglrx* | 01:04 |
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stjepan | but I don't know why it wants to use the radeon driver?? | 01:05 |
hajuu | How can I perminently disable my eth0 interface? | 01:05 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Any particular reason? | 01:05 |
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stjepan | Arafangion, for what? | 01:05 |
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roryy | stjepan: doesn't fglrx refer to the ati drivers? | 01:05 |
roryy | stjepan: do you have an nvidia card? | 01:05 |
fid | hrmm | 01:05 |
fid | that didn't remove it at all really | 01:05 |
Arafangion | roryy: Yes, fglrx refers to ati. | 01:05 |
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fid | well i reinstalled xmms and the old playlist and everything was still there | 01:06 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Are you using the free drivers, or the ATI drivers? | 01:06 |
stjepan | roryy, no, ATI Radeon 9600 | 01:06 |
stjepan | Arafangi2n, ati drivers, fglrx | 01:06 |
stjepan | just a moment... I'll restart x | 01:06 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Give the free version a go, then. | 01:06 |
fid | anyone know why xmms will go back to the default skin after it switches songs? | 01:07 |
blu3_c | help me | 01:07 |
blu3_c | help me | 01:07 |
blu3_c | help | 01:07 |
Arafangion | blu3_c: Right now you're asking for a ban. | 01:07 |
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stjepan | hi again | 01:07 |
cappiz | oooo | 01:07 |
stjepan | works now :) | 01:07 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Nice :) | 01:07 |
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Arafangion | stjepan: If it's a laptop, I would check to see if standby and hibernation work. | 01:08 |
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blu3_c | i've trouble with icewm | 01:08 |
Arafangion | !ask | 01:08 |
ubotu | Just ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important. | 01:08 |
stjepan | but there are random lockups :(((((( | 01:08 |
fid | grrrrr!!! | 01:08 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Give the free version a go, then. | 01:08 |
stamen81 | hi | 01:08 |
fid | xmms is being retarded | 01:08 |
fid | haha | 01:08 |
stjepan | Arafangion, it's not a laptop | 01:08 |
stjepan | Arafangi2n, it's free | 01:08 |
blu3_c | i've installed icewm, but ican not find in window decoration why? | 01:08 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Well, give the ATI version a go, then. | 01:09 |
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stamen81 | how can I make again the drives to be visible in /media | 01:09 |
Arafangion | blu3_c: What do you mean? | 01:09 |
stjepan | Arafangion, opensource drivers don't work very well | 01:09 |
stamen81 | what to do in fstab | 01:09 |
Arafangion | stjepan: I've heard that they sometimes work better than the ATI drivers. | 01:09 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Pretty much touch and go which one is better on ati cards. | 01:09 |
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apsuva | how to install mercury-messenger? | 01:10 |
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stjepan | Arafangion, I want 3D acceleration | 01:10 |
blu3_c | i already installed icewm, but i cannot find it in kwin | 01:10 |
Arafangion | stjepan: afaik, it does have 3D acceleration. | 01:10 |
Killaz | somewhere in a config file of apache apt-get set a variable to 1 so apache2 can not be start automatically which file is this? | 01:11 |
Killaz | somewhere in a config file of apache2 | 01:11 |
rabe | is there anyway to remove the message in the chat with "*blabla is leaving" ? | 01:11 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Just not as good as ATI's version. | 01:11 |
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blu3_c | anyone can answer my question | 01:11 |
Arafangion | stjepan: It's the free nvidia drivers that don't have 3d acceleration at all. | 01:11 |
Arafangion | !give ask to blu3_c | 01:11 |
ubotu | Arafangion: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:11 |
Arafangion | !ask | 01:11 |
antoniojulio | howto compile a .py file? | 01:11 |
ubotu | Just ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important. | 01:11 |
=== ptniko [n=ptniko@nor75-19-82-244-48-35.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | antoniojulio: Why do you want to? | 01:12 |
rabe | is there anyway to remove the messages in the chat with saying which user is entering/leaving the chat? Like "*blabla is leaving #ubuntu" ? | 01:12 |
blu3_c | .... | 01:12 |
Arafangion | rabe: Dependant on the client. | 01:12 |
HedgeMage | rabe: in what client? | 01:12 |
rabe | xcaht | 01:12 |
rabe | xchat | 01:12 |
Arafangion | rabe: Probably in options or preferences. | 01:12 |
=== kameleons [n=kameleon@20.Red-81-36-157.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apsuva | how to install mercury-messenger? | 01:13 |
rabe | i can't find it :-( anyone using xchat? | 01:13 |
Arafangion | apsuva: Find the .deb for your ubuntu version. | 01:13 |
Arafangion | apsuva: And install it. | 01:13 |
fid | i'm using xchat | 01:13 |
blu3_c | i've been mount my vfat system, to media/windows, but when i restart i must mount it again,,,, any ideas | 01:13 |
apsuva | i am install mercury-messenger_1710_S7_i386.deb package but not working | 01:13 |
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rabe | fid: did you manage to remove the messages in the chat with saying which user is entering/leaving the chat? Like "*blabla is leaving #ubuntu" ? | 01:13 |
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fid | oh | 01:14 |
blu3_c | can i make it atoumatic mountes | 01:14 |
blu3_c | can i make it atoumatic mounted | 01:14 |
fid | ummm | 01:14 |
fid | not but it never really bothered me | 01:14 |
fid | haha | 01:14 |
stjepan | Arafangion, the only opensource ati drivers which provide 3d acceleration are the cvs ones | 01:14 |
rabe | it's jsut so messy | 01:14 |
rabe | aah | 01:14 |
Arafangion | apsuva: Why did you get that one? It's for debian. Now that I've checked the site, it looks like they do not have an ubuntu version. | 01:14 |
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HedgeMage | rabe: sorry... I use irssi... if I were you I'd ask in #xchat (or is it ##xchat?) | 01:14 |
Arafangion | stjepan: Interesting. | 01:14 |
stjepan | Arafangion, I meant for my card | 01:15 |
rabe | HedgeMage: @freenode? | 01:15 |
Arafangion | stjepan: I see. | 01:15 |
stamen81 | so how can I ma ke them visible | 01:15 |
=== HedgeMage nods to rabe | ||
fid | i wish someone would have ported xircon for linux | 01:15 |
fid | xircon was the best irc client ever made | 01:15 |
=== Lorvija [n=lorvija@dsl-lprgw5-fecdf900-132.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HedgeMage | rabe: I just looked, it's #xchat :) | 01:15 |
fid | or maybe they did | 01:15 |
blu3_c | nyong | 01:15 |
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rabe | HedgeMage: they are all dead there :-( | 01:16 |
fid | hrmm...anyone know why my xmms skins will not work. I extracted the files to /home/fid/Desktop/xmms/skins/ | 01:16 |
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=== arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@MDCVIII.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fid | but i'll load the skin and then the song will switch and it goes back to xmms default skin | 01:16 |
fid | and for some reason the folder in the | 01:16 |
apsuva | Arafangion : how to install msn with webcam? | 01:16 |
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=== HumanPrototype [n=HumanPro@88-111-43-95.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fid | skins containing the skin files doesn't show up in the skin browser | 01:17 |
roryy | fid: i'd guess /home/fid/.xmms/Skins is where you want your skins to go. (I don't use xmms, though) | 01:17 |
=== movi [n=movi@qb34.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
movi | i need help with gnome and netatalk | 01:17 |
=== Arafangion [n=arafangi@220-245-219-228-act-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
movi | anyone ? | 01:17 |
apsuva | Arafangion : how to install msn with webcam? | 01:17 |
Arafangion | apsuva: Have you tried an alternative client? such as gaim? | 01:17 |
HumanPrototype | hi all | 01:18 |
Arafangion | apsuva: Oh, hmm. | 01:18 |
apsuva | i m using gaim | 01:18 |
apsuva | but webcam? | 01:18 |
HumanPrototype | im thinking of installing dapper with reiserfs v4 as a filesystem, is there anything i should look outfor | 01:18 |
Arafangion | apsuva: I would give the "Linux" version a go. | 01:18 |
=== wd3 [n=wd@adsl-69-227-69-19.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fid | ya i have been trying that | 01:18 |
fid | its not working | 01:18 |
bnbvnb | hi | 01:19 |
HedgeMage | rabe: awww :( | 01:19 |
Arafangion | apsuva: It's a distribution independant format, it means that your package manager will not be able to manage it, so if a new one arrives, you're responsible for removing it and upgrading it manually, etc. | 01:19 |
HedgeMage | rabe: there's an off chance someone in #freenode-social would know... it's a social chan, not a support chan, but most of those folks (myself included) spend WAY too much time on IRC :P | 01:19 |
=== stjepan [n=stjepan@83-131-7-124.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | apsuva: Just like windows :) | 01:19 |
fid | when i do sudo apt-get remove xmms is that completely removing the program ? | 01:20 |
fid | like I want not trace of the program found | 01:20 |
fid | then I want to install it from scratch | 01:20 |
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apsuva | ok Arafangion thank you:) | 01:20 |
Arafangion | fid: try sudo apt-get remove xmms --purge | 01:20 |
Arafangion | fid: If you didn't use --purge, some configuration files may remain. | 01:20 |
Arafangion | fid: Other than that... It pretty much removes everything. | 01:21 |
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Arafangion | apsuva: Did that work | 01:21 |
bnbvnb | Hi I've having a bit of trouble installing ubuntu | 01:21 |
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Arafangion | bnbvnb: You should state the version and the nature of the trouble. | 01:21 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: You're on irc, so I figure that you've got the monitor on, etc... | 01:21 |
fid | ugh.. | 01:22 |
=== freshmeat [n=freshmea@p54931AE0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bnbvnb | im trying to do a dual boot with grub and install without a cd | 01:22 |
=== xophEr [n=xopher@a84-230-124-206.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | bnbvnb: (In other words, it's pretty difficult for us to just guess as to what might be wrong) | 01:22 |
fid | i wonder if its like calling a file that its just not getting cause its still loading with the old playlist file when i install it again | 01:22 |
fid | even after the --purge one | 01:22 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: Are you able to install with a CD? | 01:22 |
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bnbvnb | i have no burner so no not really | 01:22 |
unforcer | Hey do you know why bmpx(beep-media-player 2) stopped working with the last update for dapper? | 01:23 |
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rabe | HedgeMage: i did find the answer: http://www.xchat.org/faq/#q211 | 01:23 |
Arafangion | fid: Try moving ~/.xmms or something to a temporary folder. | 01:23 |
rabe | much better now, cleaner the chat | 01:23 |
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unforcer | Did the last update change something big? | 01:23 |
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HedgeMage | rabe: cool | 01:23 |
bnbvnb | ive been using instlux.exe | 01:24 |
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freshmeat | hi folks, i have some questions regarding installation of a second linux os on my harddrive, i prefer to switch between ubuntu and debian in grub, how is that going that. | 01:24 |
bnbvnb | that sets up grub basically | 01:24 |
HedgeMage | rabe: Try being staff... you have no idea the amount of junk I see scrolling by! eek! | 01:24 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-0312.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | bnbvnb: I see. It's much nicer to use the CD's (You can order them, I hear, for free). | 01:24 |
rabe | HedgeMage: do you know how to enable time stamps | 01:24 |
fid | Arafangi2n: how do i do that? | 01:24 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: But that's really a question for the ubuntu geeks, I'm more of a Debian person. :( | 01:24 |
bnbvnb | i did order one today but it will take probably 2 months or so | 01:25 |
fid | what is this ~/.xmms thing | 01:25 |
Arafangion | fid: mv ~/.xmms ~/.xmms-old | 01:25 |
calamari | anyone know of a program that sets up ctrl-alt console switching through ssh? for example (in windows), I'd connect through ssh and a program would enable virtual consoles inside the ssh | 01:25 |
HedgeMage | rabe: no clue... I haven't used xchat in over a year, so I forgot where everything is | 01:25 |
fid | then what reinstalling? | 01:25 |
Arafangion | fid: On linux, "hidden files" merely have a dot in the front. | 01:25 |
bnbvnb | im in seoul and I hear it takes 4 weeks in the usa to get the cd shipped | 01:25 |
rabe | HedgeMage: so what's better than it? | 01:25 |
Arafangion | fid: I thought you've already reinstalled it? | 01:25 |
fid | I have | 01:25 |
fid | like 4 times | 01:25 |
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fid | i did the sudo apt-get remove xmms --purge | 01:26 |
fid | that didn't seem to work | 01:26 |
bimberi | rabe: Settings -> Preferences -> Text Box (at the bottom) | 01:26 |
fid | so remove then move that? | 01:26 |
bnbvnb | i'll probably just buy a burner but it seems like this should be working | 01:26 |
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Arafangion | fid: No, keep it installed. | 01:26 |
fid | ok | 01:26 |
Arafangion | fid: ~/.xmms or similar file should be what keeps your configuration for xmms. | 01:26 |
fid | ok | 01:26 |
fid | well i moved it | 01:26 |
Arafangion | fid: I don't actually use xmms, so I'm guessing that it's ~/.xmms | 01:26 |
fid | now what? | 01:26 |
Arafangion | fid: Try starting xmms again. | 01:27 |
fid | well the icon is not working anymore | 01:27 |
bnbvnb | when I starts the install everything works fine until it trys to actually install the system | 01:27 |
blu3_c | m o n y e t | 01:27 |
=== Arafangi1n [n=arafangi@220-245-219-228-act-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fid | wait nope | 01:27 |
fid | its still loading | 01:27 |
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bnbvnb | i set up the network settings, download the release, partition the drive, and then it trys to install the system, and says there was an error | 01:27 |
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bnbvnb | then if i reboot windows will also not load | 01:28 |
Killaz | where in the config file can a daemon like apache a variable be set so it won't start automatically any more? | 01:28 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: Probably because you wiped windows when you repartitioned the drive. | 01:28 |
bnbvnb | well thats the thing | 01:28 |
bnbvnb | i had just installed windows | 01:29 |
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bnbvnb | on an 80g drive | 01:29 |
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bnbvnb | using only 35g of the space | 01:29 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: So partition it in advance, install windows, then use the same partition table for ubuntu. | 01:29 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: I see, you already did that. | 01:29 |
Killaz | I got this message y'day from apt-get that it changed something in a file so apache2 wont start automatically any more | 01:29 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: I'm sorry, if this were debian, I could help you, but I'm just not savvy with Ubuntu. | 01:29 |
Killaz | now I dont remember which file it was | 01:29 |
bnbvnb | ok | 01:30 |
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bnbvnb | well then lets install debain | 01:30 |
bnbvnb | any development will work for me | 01:30 |
Killaz | *sigh* | 01:30 |
bnbvnb | im just trying to set up a dual windows/linux system without a burner | 01:30 |
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bnbvnb | i just had read that debain was more advanced | 01:31 |
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Arafangion | bnbvnb: Not more advanced. | 01:31 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: imho, Debian's better for servers, Ubuntu's better for Desktops, but I am a traditionalist. | 01:31 |
olemikal | witch packages do i need to get apache php and mysql??? | 01:31 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: If you want helpw ith debian, we'd best go to #debian. | 01:32 |
bimberi | ubotu tell olemikal about lamp | 01:32 |
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Eleaf | Does anybody have "sopwith" | 01:32 |
Eleaf | I would like to play a game | 01:32 |
Eleaf | lol | 01:32 |
Arafangion | bnbvnb: Debian is *much* more manual than Ubuntu, though. | 01:32 |
=== Eleaf begs | ||
Eleaf | somebody with sopwith.. please... | 01:33 |
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unforcer | beep-media-player-2: Couldn't connect to session bus: No reply within specified time | 01:33 |
Eleaf | yes, that cheesy little arcade type dog fight game | 01:33 |
hajuu | Eleaf, | 01:33 |
Eleaf | hi | 01:33 |
hajuu | get it using synaptic | 01:33 |
hajuu | sopwith is on there | 01:33 |
Eleaf | I have it | 01:33 |
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Eleaf | I want somebody to play it with hajuu | 01:33 |
hajuu | probably in universe | 01:33 |
=== xerxas [n=xerxas@60.31.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | yes.. | 01:33 |
bimberi | Killaz: do you want to stop apache2 starting at boot? sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove | 01:33 |
xerxas | Hi | 01:33 |
Eleaf | I have it... I want to play it with somebody though hajuu | 01:34 |
xerxas | I just got a new macbook pro , is there a ubuntu version for it ? | 01:34 |
bimberi | Killaz: or install 'bum' (boot up manager) | 01:34 |
lee_ | hi | 01:34 |
hajuu | Eleaf, | 01:34 |
bimberi | !tell Killaz about bum | 01:34 |
xerxas | can I boot that version with xen ? | 01:34 |
hajuu | im up for that, ill download it | 01:34 |
hajuu | lol | 01:34 |
Eleaf | awesome! | 01:34 |
=== ptniko [n=ptniko@nor75-19-82-244-48-35.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | xerxas: Can it run windows? | 01:34 |
Eleaf | the sound is kinda loud and annoying, so beware.. lol | 01:34 |
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xerxas | Arafangi1n: it's already running windows | 01:35 |
Arafangion | xerxas: If so, try the intel version of ubuntu. | 01:35 |
xerxas | and osx | 01:35 |
hajuu | lol its ok my sound isnt even working :D | 01:35 |
=== maskd [n=maskd@dsl-220-253-77-250.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | xerxas: In that case, it might work with the intel version. | 01:35 |
xerxas | Arafangi1n: There's a need for special drivers | 01:35 |
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Arafangion | xerxas: Well, you'd be on your own, I guess. | 01:35 |
xerxas | Arafangi1n: at least ATI | 01:35 |
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xerxas | Arafangi1n: probably wireless | 01:36 |
fid | how do i delete the /usr/share/xmms directory? | 01:36 |
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maskd | fid: sudo rm -R /usr/share/xmms/ | 01:36 |
Eleaf | fid, 'sudo rm -r /usr/share/xmms' | 01:36 |
Eleaf | MAWAHAHAH | 01:36 |
Arafangion | fid: Don't do that! | 01:36 |
Eleaf | lol | 01:36 |
Eleaf | ? | 01:37 |
fid | ? | 01:37 |
Eleaf | ?? | 01:37 |
=== Phlosten [n=Phlosten@CPE-60-229-105-171.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fid | so what do i do? | 01:37 |
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maskd | anyone else run into programs with the livecd beta of dapper? | 01:37 |
hajuu | oh my god | 01:37 |
=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Killaz | bimberi: I'm trying to start apache2. I installed it but then something went wrong during installation. When I got rid of the problem (apache1 was running so it couldn't use prot 80) I re-installed it. | 01:37 |
hajuu | this game is OLDSCHOOL | 01:37 |
maskd | which game hajuu | 01:38 |
hajuu | how do you.. take off. | 01:38 |
hajuu | ? | 01:38 |
hajuu | sopwith | 01:38 |
Killaz | bimberi: but now it can't start up: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 01:38 |
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Eleaf | oh | 01:38 |
hajuu | Eleaf, how do I take off | 01:38 |
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Eleaf | hajuu, are you doing the normal single player? | 01:38 |
hajuu | yeah just til I know how to play | 01:38 |
hajuu | :/ | 01:38 |
Killaz | bimberi: I'm using the CL so no graphcal utilities | 01:38 |
Eleaf | if you are going against the computer | 01:38 |
Eleaf | x is throttle, you have to tap it a few times and the plane should begin to move hajuu | 01:39 |
Eleaf | then press left to bring it into the air | 01:39 |
hajuu | whats throtle down? | 01:39 |
bimberi | Killaz: have a look in /var/log/apache2 (iirc) | 01:39 |
Eleaf | I think z hajuu | 01:39 |
Eleaf | space is fire | 01:39 |
=== fiendskull9 [n=clayton@12-201-47-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | b is bomb | 01:39 |
hajuu | oh my god | 01:39 |
hajuu | this is THE BEST | 01:39 |
=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | v is missiles if you have it enabled, it's disabled by default | 01:39 |
Eleaf | ;p lol | 01:40 |
=== bimberi wonders how well the sopwith flies in #ubuntu-offtopic :) | ||
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hajuu | the graphics are deceptive to quite a good game | 01:40 |
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Killaz | bimberi: both files in the directory are empty | 01:41 |
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Eleaf | yea hajuu | 01:41 |
Killaz | bimberi: error.log and access.log | 01:42 |
Eleaf | hajuu, tell me when you want to do a game with me | 01:42 |
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hajuu | so.. what.. I just have to bomb the buildings and stuff? | 01:42 |
=== Bedbug105 [n=laurent@ADijon-152-1-61-114.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | yea.. | 01:42 |
bimberi | Killaz: yes it probably has to successfully start before it will populate those - how about 'grep apache2 /var/log/*' | 01:42 |
Eleaf | you can also go against the computer with another plane | 01:43 |
bimberi | ? | 01:43 |
Eleaf | hajuu, you might want to enable missiles | 01:43 |
hajuu | how ? | 01:43 |
Eleaf | I do at least, at the main menu, go to options, and then set missiles to on | 01:43 |
hajuu | ah yeah | 01:44 |
hajuu | easy | 01:44 |
Killaz | bimberi: alot of lines | 01:44 |
Eleaf | hajuu, okay, do you wanna try a game now? | 01:44 |
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[[BeLLLoTa] ] | aja! | 01:44 |
bimberi | Killaz: any clues as to why it doesn't start? | 01:44 |
[[BeLLLoTa] ] | :o por aca hay mas gente :D | 01:44 |
[[BeLLLoTa] ] | speak spanish? | 01:45 |
Eleaf | ;p | 01:45 |
bimberi | X!es | 01:45 |
bimberi | !es | 01:45 |
hajuu | lol sure | 01:45 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 01:45 |
hajuu | how do we do this | 01:45 |
Eleaf | hold on | 01:45 |
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[[BeLLLoTa] ] | :o | 01:45 |
olemikal | i have installed ubuntu server.. if i want blackbox can i just type apt-get install blackbox and ubuntu installs all it need?? | 01:45 |
Eleaf | ok, go to the main menu hajuu | 01:45 |
[[BeLLLoTa] ] | thnks! | 01:45 |
Killaz | bimberi: well apt-get said duing the installation prblem that it changed a line somewhere to NO_START=1 and that I should change that back to 0 | 01:45 |
hajuu | whats your ip | 01:45 |
=== [[BeLLLoTa] ] kiss everybody xD! | ||
Eleaf | hajuu, I'm not entirely sure this will work, as for it is designed for lan, but we will be adventurers! lol | 01:45 |
Killaz | bimberi: but I cant not remember whoch file | 01:45 |
Killaz | which* | 01:45 |
hajuu | lol :P | 01:45 |
hajuu | are you hosting a game yet? | 01:45 |
bimberi | Killaz: probably somewhere in /etc/apache2 - 'sudo grep -r NO_START /etc/apache2/*' | 01:46 |
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Eleaf | hajuu, ones sec, not yet | 01:46 |
Killaz | bimberi: no luck... :( | 01:47 |
Killaz | bimberi: does apt-get make a log of all its actions? | 01:47 |
Eleaf | hajuu, hello? | 01:47 |
Revolution | does anyone know how to higher my screen refresh rate? It's max 60 Hz now but should be able to handle 75 Hz | 01:48 |
hajuu | Eleaf, just tell me when to connect man | 01:48 |
bimberi | Killaz: no, but dpkg does - /var/log/dpkg.log - but before that try /etc/default/apache2 | 01:48 |
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bimberi | !tell Revolution about fixres | 01:49 |
=== Fysidiko [n=jacob@user-1965.l5.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | lol | 01:49 |
Eleaf | hajuu, hello? | 01:49 |
hajuu | Eleaf, just tell me when to connect man | 01:50 |
hajuu | Eleaf, just tell me when to connect man | 01:50 |
Eleaf | lol | 01:50 |
Eleaf | hajuu, okay | 01:50 |
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hajuu | :P | 01:50 |
Killaz | bimberi: you're a genius.... NO_START=1 | 01:50 |
hajuu | now? | 01:50 |
Eleaf | let me start it again | 01:50 |
Eleaf | lol | 01:50 |
hajuu | lol kk | 01:50 |
Revolution | bimberi: thnx! :) | 01:50 |
Eleaf | hajuu, okay, go to the connect to remove host | 01:50 |
bimberi | Killaz: yw :) (actually google helped me) | 01:50 |
Eleaf | hajuu, I'm | 01:50 |
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bimberi | Revolution: yw :) | 01:50 |
Killaz | bimberi: what was your search string? | 01:51 |
hajuu | Eleaf, I know, ive just gotta press enter | 01:51 |
hajuu | you ready? | 01:51 |
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bimberi | Killaz: apache2 NO_START | 01:51 |
Eleaf | I'm ready hajuu | 01:51 |
Killaz | bimberi: cause I googled it also.. but no luck for me | 01:51 |
Killaz | heh | 01:51 |
Killaz | *sigh* | 01:51 |
hajuu | oh what was that! | 01:51 |
Eleaf | woah | 01:51 |
Eleaf | did yours quit? lol | 01:51 |
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Killaz | bimberi: apache NO_START gave mo no usefull hits | 01:51 |
Eleaf | hajuu, try it again | 01:51 |
hajuu | commconnect: connected to ''! | 01:51 |
hajuu | random seed: 17767 | 01:51 |
hajuu | readshort: timeout on read | 01:51 |
hajuu | ok | 01:51 |
=== Afief [i=Afief@89-138-51-91.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
hajuu | ready? | 01:52 |
lflashl | how do i open a rar in linux | 01:52 |
Eleaf | yes | 01:52 |
bimberi | Killaz: apache2 | 01:52 |
Eleaf | well | 01:52 |
hajuu | damn | 01:52 |
hajuu | that sucks | 01:52 |
Eleaf | hajuu, it said "waiting for other player" | 01:52 |
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Eleaf | so it's definetely talking.. hmm | 01:52 |
hajuu | mine just crashes | 01:52 |
Eleaf | mine crashes too | 01:52 |
Killaz | bimberi: ty | 01:52 |
olemikal | i have installed ubuntu server.. if i want blackbox can i just type apt-get install blackbox and ubuntu installs all it need?? | 01:53 |
Eleaf | I wonder if you have to have that port unblocked | 01:53 |
bimberi | Killaz: np :) | 01:53 |
Killaz | apache2 started successfully | 01:53 |
Fysidiko | !tell lflashl about unrar | 01:53 |
Eleaf | hajuu, do you have a local firewall tool like firestarter or something? | 01:53 |
bimberi | Killaz: took a while but we got there eventually :) | 01:53 |
hajuu | no sir. no firewall. | 01:54 |
hajuu | no router | 01:54 |
hajuu | nothing. | 01:54 |
Eleaf | how are you connected to the net? | 01:54 |
Afief | How can i integrate ReiserFS4 in my Ubuntu? | 01:54 |
hajuu | dial up | 01:54 |
Eleaf | mm | 01:54 |
Killaz | bimberi: yeah, it was a good that I remember that NO_START variable | 01:54 |
Eleaf | can I try connecting to you hajuu ? | 01:54 |
hajuu | sure | 01:54 |
hajuu | sec | 01:54 |
Eleaf | I think I have your ip, it showed up in my terminal | 01:54 |
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bimberi | Killaz: indeed! | 01:54 |
|lostbyte| | Is there a kde firewall program, if yes. what is it called ? | 01:55 |
Killaz | bimberi: hey but's that the whole idea of this ubuntu CL adventure... ;) | 01:55 |
hajuu | Eleaf, /dns me for my ip | 01:55 |
Fysidiko | !firewall | 01:55 |
ubotu | Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic. | 01:55 |
Eleaf | hajuu, alright are you ready? | 01:55 |
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hajuu | yessir | 01:55 |
Eleaf | do you have it set to listen | 01:55 |
Eleaf | ok | 01:55 |
|lostbyte| | I am looking for a kde in specific. | 01:55 |
polopolo | Please see: | 01:56 |
polopolo | !firewall | 01:56 |
ubotu | Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic. | 01:56 |
Eleaf | woah | 01:56 |
hajuu | :( | 01:56 |
Eleaf | hajuu, the thing loaded.. lol | 01:56 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| you're already firewalled | 01:56 |
hajuu | looks like we're out of luck | 01:56 |
Eleaf | but then quit | 01:56 |
hajuu | lol yeah thats what happened for me | 01:56 |
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Eleaf | weird.. lol | 01:56 |
|lostbyte| | fyrestrtr: huh ? | 01:56 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: ^ | 01:56 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| All Linux has a 'basic' firewall built into the kernel | 01:57 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| to configure it you can use firestarter | 01:57 |
Eleaf | hajuu, have you configured the firewall on ubuntu at all? | 01:57 |
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Eleaf | that could be it.. | 01:57 |
hajuu | I never installed one | 01:57 |
Eleaf | it has one by default | 01:57 |
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hajuu | not mine :/ | 01:57 |
Eleaf | are you sure..? | 01:57 |
hajuu | yep | 01:57 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| to install firestarter you can use synaptic or run sudo apt-get install firestarter in a terminal | 01:58 |
Eleaf | how do you know? lol | 01:58 |
hajuu | cause there is no settings for it | 01:58 |
hajuu | at all | 01:58 |
hajuu | anywhere | 01:58 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: Yes. but i belive iptables is the once. | 01:58 |
Eleaf | yea I know | 01:58 |
Eleaf | hajuu, like the other person said, there is a built in one in the kernel | 01:58 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| iptables just blocks specific IPs. There is an actual firewall in Ubuntu, trust me :) | 01:58 |
Eleaf | or there are basic iptables set. | 01:58 |
hajuu | ... in hoary? | 01:58 |
Eleaf | oh | 01:58 |
Eleaf | maaayyybbeee | 01:58 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| If you want confirmation, install firestarter | 01:59 |
Eleaf | why are you running hoary still? ;p hehe | 01:59 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| That'll give you an interface to it like you'd have on Windows | 01:59 |
=== PeterPowell [i=PeterPow@user-206.lns2-c7.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PeterPowell | HI ALL | 01:59 |
hajuu | im running hoary because its all I have on cd | 01:59 |
hajuu | and im dialup | 01:59 |
Eleaf | oh I see | 01:59 |
PeterPowell | I NEED HELP | 01:59 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: ok ! your saying i already have firewall blocking port in ubuntu by default, right ? | 01:59 |
lflashl | do i need to make a symbolic link to make vlc play all media types?? | 01:59 |
hajuu | I ordered some breezy ones, but you know how that is.... I waited like 6 months for hoary | 01:59 |
Eleaf | ;p | 01:59 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| I'm not sure what the exact settings are, it depends what port you want to clock | 02:00 |
Fysidiko | *block | 02:00 |
Eleaf | hajuu, oh wel, at least you discovered an 'interesting' game. ;p | 02:00 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| There will be ports open for any services you're using, for example SSH or an HTTP server | 02:00 |
hajuu | lol yeah there goes my saterday night! | 02:00 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: ok ! if i want to view the configuration to my actual firewall in ubuntu by default, where can i see or edit it ? | 02:00 |
Eleaf | haha | 02:00 |
Eleaf | hajuu, I would maybe try using firestarter though | 02:01 |
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lflashl | wht does symbolic link do? | 02:01 |
hajuu | bah I dont need no firewall trash | 02:01 |
Eleaf | hajuu, whenever I do anything web-related, I have to use that to open up some ports. | 02:01 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: with out installing firestarter, that is. | 02:01 |
MisterN | hi | 02:01 |
Eleaf | hajuu, I think it blocks all incoming ports though. | 02:01 |
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hajuu | then I definately dont have one installed | 02:02 |
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Fysidiko | |lostbyte| Not sure how to configure it without any tools installed | 02:02 |
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indypende | hi all! | 02:02 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| for KDE, Guarddog's pretty nice too | 02:02 |
Eleaf | hajuu, can you ssh into your computer? | 02:02 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: Till now i thought iptables talk to the kernel, and act as the core firewall over which other apps are used as frontend. Pls correct me. | 02:02 |
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Eleaf | (if you have ssh-server installed) | 02:02 |
hartz | Hello, please someone tell me how to change the X-windows window manager port size. Where do you adjsut this - I am using Enlightenment | 02:03 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| Ubuntu uses Netfilter, which talks to IPtables, as well as having other rules built in | 02:03 |
Ilokaaaasu | i use svideo to watch movies on tv but video screen is only blue, what should i do to make movie visible ? | 02:03 |
hajuu | Eleaf, yeah, and I do regularly | 02:03 |
hajuu | as well as ftp in | 02:03 |
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hajuu | webserver in | 02:03 |
hajuu | etc etc | 02:03 |
Eleaf | oh alright hajuu | 02:03 |
PeterPowell | CAN SUM 1 PLZ PM ME I NEED HELP | 02:04 |
Eleaf | lol | 02:04 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| Wait, unless it's the other way round... one of the two controls the other :-$ | 02:04 |
hajuu | PeterPowell, LESS CAPS PLEASE ASSHAT | 02:04 |
shinakuma | lol | 02:04 |
olemikal | i have installed ubuntu server.. if i want gnome can i just type apt-get install gnome and ubuntu installs all it need?? | 02:04 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: :) | 02:04 |
PeterPowell | sori | 02:04 |
pax | ouch! | 02:04 |
shinakuma | olemikal: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 02:04 |
Eleaf | hajuu, the other thing could be that it can't handle the lag the dial-up may be causing and is doing that "timeout on read". Since it's used to having a low-lag local connection. Not sure though. | 02:05 |
pax | !info loco | 02:05 |
ubotu | loco: (Perl script to add nice colors to your /var/log/messages file), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 0.32-2 (breezy), Packaged size: 7 kB, Installed size: 64 kB | 02:05 |
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olemikal | shinakuma: do i get tons of programs i dont need then?:D | 02:05 |
pax | hehe good ol' loco is still around! | 02:05 |
newbie33 | !glade | 02:05 |
ubotu | Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, newbie33 | 02:05 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte|: Looks like Netfilter uses iptables for user configurable rules, while also tracking connections etc | 02:06 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| So you can configure it via IPtables | 02:06 |
hajuu | Eleaf, I think its a game bug myself.. it timesout way way way too fast | 02:06 |
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Fysidiko | |lostbyte|: Not sure what I was talking about :) | 02:06 |
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|lostbyte| | your right, maybe netfilter is controlling iptables. cause netfilter is not installed by default. | 02:06 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte|: Netfilter is a part of the Linux Kernel | 02:06 |
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Eleaf | hajuu, true. I was able to connect to myself though hehe. open up two sopwiths and then connect to | 02:06 |
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|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: huh ? you mean like an inbuilt module ? | 02:07 |
hajuu | hahah | 02:07 |
hajuu | thats awsome | 02:07 |
hajuu | should have tried to fly both | 02:07 |
Eleaf | lol! | 02:07 |
stjepan | can I get xcomposite working with my Radeon 9600? | 02:07 |
Eleaf | the sound gets all scary.. | 02:07 |
Eleaf | with both going at the same time.. yeh.. | 02:07 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte|: Netfilter is the part of the kernel that controls networking packets | 02:08 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| IPtables is the tool to create rules for it | 02:08 |
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Fysidiko | |lostbyte| They both come with pretty much all distros, | 02:08 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: oh ! then iptables talkes to netfilter. | 02:09 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| Yes | 02:09 |
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|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: netfilter is only there to do the real stuff. but is useless with out iptables. makes sence now. | 02:09 |
lflashl | anyone know of a linux rar password cracker | 02:09 |
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Fysidiko | |lostbyte|: Not useless, just not configurable | 02:10 |
bobcat | help, my screen locks-up after booting into kubuntu, i have a nvidia 6600 grafix card | 02:10 |
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|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: k .. thanks for the info. | 02:10 |
james__ | hello | 02:10 |
|lostbyte| | lflashl: there is non. for windows there is. try google. | 02:10 |
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james__ | can some one help me install a .bin file | 02:11 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte|: What is it that you want to change about your firewall? | 02:11 |
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|lostbyte| | james__: chmod +x file.bin;./file.bin | 02:11 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: I am looking for a qt frontend to iptables :) | 02:12 |
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Fysidiko | |lostbyte| Only frontends I know of are firestarter and guarddog | 02:12 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| Firestarter definitely isn't QT, not sure about guarddog | 02:13 |
roryy | apt-cache suggests kmyfirewall | 02:13 |
stjepan | I want transparent windows without XGL with my ATI Radeon 9600... is it possible? | 02:13 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: which one is qt ? | 02:13 |
|lostbyte| | oh | 02:13 |
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|lostbyte| | ok ! i'll check. | 02:13 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte| Looks like gd is QT | 02:13 |
bobcat | anyone else having problems with nvidia cards in linux? | 02:13 |
james__ | so like chmod +x file.bin;./home/james/jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin | 02:13 |
Fysidiko | http://www.simonzone.com/software/guarddog/ | 02:13 |
lflashl | bobcat, NOPE | 02:13 |
bobcat | hmmm | 02:14 |
Frogzoo | !tell bobcat about nvidia | 02:14 |
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bobcat | i just freezes, cant do anything | 02:14 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: yes its qt. | 02:14 |
|lostbyte| | Fysidiko: tx | 02:14 |
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Frogzoo | bobcat: update your driver, see ubotu's pm | 02:14 |
Fysidiko | |lostbyte|: Don't mention it | 02:14 |
josip | Using gnome-terminal and vim on ubuntu (dapper), installed through apt-get . I don't get any highlighting | 02:15 |
Frogzoo | stjepan: you can enable transparency in gnome terminal, no xgl required | 02:15 |
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lsuactiafner | i need somoene that knows lartc well to help me with this setup http://rootshell.be/~edc/network.html its 5 wireless IPs the ISP provides us with, each is 128kbit, i want to combine those ips into one 640kbit link, to increase download speed, futher i want to give each user on the network a dedictaed 128kbit link, and shape p2p downloads so that http transfers are still fast | 02:15 |
roryy | josip: tried ':syntax on' ? | 02:15 |
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james__ | chmod +x file.bin;./home/james/jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin ???????????????// | 02:16 |
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josip | roryy, omg :) I tried to manually set like :set syntax=.. damn :) | 02:16 |
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james__ | is that how i install a .bin file | 02:16 |
roryy | josip: i presume that can be added to '~/.vimrc' (i'm not actually a vim user ;) | 02:16 |
Frogzoo | james__: best to consult the README/INSTALL/other docs | 02:16 |
|lostbyte| | james__: chmod +x /home/james/jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin;/home/james/jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin | 02:16 |
roryy | also, there are prepackaged debs for java | 02:17 |
roryy | !javadebs | 02:17 |
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tombs | hi all | 02:17 |
james__ | thjanks | 02:17 |
roryy | !tell james__ about javadebs | 02:17 |
stjepan | Frogzoo, I want for all windows | 02:17 |
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Fysidiko | stjepan: That's not built into basic Ubuntu | 02:17 |
Frogzoo | stjepan: well then xgl | 02:17 |
stjepan | what about xcompmgr? | 02:18 |
Fysidiko | stjepan: Not very stable, very slow | 02:18 |
stjepan | any other ideas? | 02:18 |
lsuactiafner | ompaul : i need somoene that knows lartc well to help me with this setup http://rootshell.be/~edc/network.html its 5 wireless IPs the ISP provides us with, each is 128kbit, i want to combine those ips into one 640kbit link, to increase download speed, futher i want to give each user on the network a dedictaed 128kbit link, and shape p2p downloads so that http transfers are still fast | 02:18 |
stjepan | xgl is a crap, a big crap | 02:18 |
stjepan | don't you think? | 02:18 |
Fysidiko | !tell lsuactiafner about repeat | 02:18 |
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lsuactiafner | Fysidiko : i was addressing ompaul since i know from experience he can help with advanced questions | 02:19 |
apricot | why my sound sucks??? | 02:19 |
Fysidiko | stjepan: I've never got it going properly, it's been really nice before though | 02:19 |
Frogzoo | stjepan: it's more bling than anything in vista, and if there's bugs, it will get sorted out | 02:19 |
lsuactiafner | he joined after i asked | 02:19 |
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Fysidiko | stjepan: Don't worry, if he's being smarter than me I'll shut up :) | 02:19 |
lsuactiafner | i know for a fact none of the ubuntu users can help me, unless they are like Seveas or ompaul | 02:19 |
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stjepan | I used XGL for a while... crap crap carp | 02:19 |
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Fysidiko | stjepan: oops, not you | 02:20 |
ompaul | lsuactiafner, it ain;t me :-( | 02:20 |
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apricot | why my sound sucks??? | 02:20 |
stjepan | Frogzoo, no, not bugs, XGL itself is a crap | 02:20 |
Fysidiko | lsuactiafner: If you want someones attention, open a private window to them | 02:20 |
apricot | why my sound sucks??? | 02:20 |
Fysidiko | lsuactiafner: Otherwise please wait 10 minutes between questions, we can see you don't worry | 02:20 |
Frogzoo | apricot: 'sound sucks' is pretty vague | 02:20 |
stjepan | Frogzoo, that cube, expose ... totally useless... I just want transparency | 02:20 |
Fysidiko | !tell apricot about sound | 02:21 |
Ilokaaaasu | can someone help, my tvout shows videos only as blue screen, i can still hear the audio | 02:21 |
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ompaul | Fysidiko, no, that is rude, the way to do it is ask can they open a private window - quickest way to get ignored or the kind of attention you don't want :-) | 02:21 |
apricot | my sound is like behind the wall | 02:21 |
damian_ | what would cause my system to write to the /etc/resolv.conf when i'm not using a dhcp to get machine ip? | 02:21 |
stjepan | XGL is just a pure eye-candy, useless, very useless | 02:21 |
apricot | and it isn't a equilizer problem | 02:21 |
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Frogzoo | stjepan: I will be running xgl for exactly that - I want to play vids on my desktop, & watch while I'm working :) | 02:21 |
stjepan | Frogzoo, what??? | 02:22 |
Fysidiko | ompaul: Sorry, haven't been here long | 02:22 |
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stjepan | Frogzoo, you'll get sick of this one day ;) | 02:22 |
|lostbyte| | apricot: remove your speakers from behinde the wall :P | 02:22 |
Frogzoo | apricot: at least describe which app you're using & which codecs | 02:22 |
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ompaul | Fysidiko, no problem, :) | 02:22 |
apricot | amarok | 02:22 |
lsuactiafner | Fysidiko : i used to be a reg here helping newbs for about 3 hrs a day, i know the rules but if i need help i will ask ppl directly when i feel its appropriate. | 02:22 |
stjepan | Frogzoo, there's nothing usable there.... I HIGHLY recommend you to give WMII a try: www.wmii.de | 02:22 |
apricot | codecs from faq page. | 02:22 |
james__ | Hello how do i install a rpm file | 02:22 |
jor | Is there some netinst/businesscard cd/usb-key install image somewhere? | 02:23 |
Fysidiko | lsuactiafner: I don't mean to be rude, just used to people asking the same question over and over | 02:23 |
|lostbyte| | apache2: check alsamixer and disable some switches.. like mic or mic booster.. | 02:23 |
apricot | can you prescribe me other codecs that i need to have, please! | 02:23 |
Fysidiko | lsuactiafner: I don't think anyone here's good enough to help you :( | 02:23 |
lflashl | dam it i dl lost and its in rar with password !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 02:23 |
|lostbyte| | lflashl: check the place you downloaded from, for a password. | 02:24 |
james__ | Hello how do i install a rpm file | 02:24 |
Fysidiko | lsuactiafner: Have you tried ubuntuforums? | 02:24 |
apricot | ? | 02:24 |
roryy | james__: preferably don't. Is this still for java? | 02:25 |
|lostbyte| | james__: you cant basically in ubuntu. get a .deb version. | 02:25 |
james__ | no this is limewire | 02:25 |
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roryy | !tell james__ about limewire | 02:25 |
apricot | help please. | 02:25 |
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|lostbyte| | !limewire | 02:26 |
ubotu | first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. Consider !frostwire as an alternative. | 02:26 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell apricot about codecs | 02:26 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell apricot -about restricted | 02:26 |
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=== FenX [n=gabumon@ip-99.net-81-220-31.lyon.rev.numericable.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] | ||
hajuu | ubotu tell gnomefreak about special offer in his area! | 02:27 |
Frogzoo | apricot: what app are you using to play music? | 02:27 |
=== bpuccio [n=brian@ool-457a9c38.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
james__ | !frostwire | 02:27 |
=== Din [n=xtreme@BSN-77-83-28.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Din is now known as EvilDin | ||
apricot | amarok, alsaplayer | 02:27 |
Ilokaaaasu | could someone help me with this blues screen when playing videos on the other screen(tvout) | 02:28 |
EvilDin | me having big problem with apt-get upgrade | 02:28 |
EvilDin | where can i paste error | 02:28 |
james__ | !java | 02:28 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 02:28 |
=== lance_ [n=lance@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
|lostbyte| | EvilDin: pastebin.com | 02:28 |
james__ | !javadebs | 02:28 |
gnomefreak | !pastebin | 02:28 |
ubotu | I heard pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 02:28 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell james__ about msg the bot | 02:29 |
=== mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-53-117.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | apricot: what's your sound card? | 02:29 |
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EvilDin | ok http://pastebin.com/675038 help help | 02:30 |
gnomefreak | EvilDin: what language? | 02:30 |
EvilDin | slovenian | 02:30 |
Frogzoo | apricot: install pkg 'amarok-xine' first, & see if configuring this in amarok as your engine helps | 02:30 |
=== Fysidiko [n=jacob@user-1965.l5.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
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|lostbyte| | EvilDin: goh ! check for your channel. | 02:31 |
EvilDin | i would give you in engilish if i would know how to switch | 02:31 |
gnomefreak | Frogzoo: do you know is there is a slovic channel? | 02:31 |
pax | any idea why bootlogd is not enabled by default? | 02:31 |
Frogzoo | gnomefreak: no idea | 02:31 |
gnomefreak | EvilDin: what country sode is it? | 02:31 |
gnomefreak | code* | 02:31 |
EvilDin | it is si | 02:31 |
=== Boglizk [n=Boglizk@c-73e471d5.024-80-6f72653.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Frogzoo | !si | 02:32 |
=== main2 [i=1004@c51475421.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Frogzoo | 02:32 |
Frogzoo | heh | 02:32 |
gnomefreak | lol | 02:32 |
EvilDin | :D | 02:32 |
gnomefreak | i just joined was only one is it close enough to russian? | 02:32 |
Ilokaaaasu | how to make my tv to be the first screen so videos would not play blue :) ? | 02:32 |
EvilDin | no it is not close | 02:32 |
roryy | heh. is dutch close to english ? ;) | 02:32 |
main2 | i guy in ##linux is wondering why he is banned in this channel (name 'zelevw') | 02:32 |
gnomefreak | lol roryy | 02:32 |
EvilDin | there is just problem with ip | 02:32 |
main2 | could an op tell him why or something? | 02:32 |
EvilDin | and i don't know why | 02:32 |
EvilDin | it say that it can't make connection | 02:33 |
=== T5 [n=jan@dslb-088-072-237-233.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roryy | EvilDin: change the addresses in sources.list. Try plain 'archive.ubuntu.com' instead of (I guess) si.archive.ubuntu.com | 02:33 |
gnomefreak | EvilDin: try sudo apt-get update | 02:33 |
=== yUSiyEEE [n=yusiye@av103012.reshsg.uci.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== stjepan [n=stjepan@83-131-7-124.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boglizk | Does ubuntu come iwth any c++ compiler or do i have to DL one? | 02:33 |
gnomefreak | Boglizk: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:34 |
Boglizk | thanks | 02:34 |
gnomefreak | iirc it has g++ with it | 02:34 |
roryy | EvilDin: scratch that, it looks like si.archive.ubuntu.com maps to archive.ubuntu.com | 02:34 |
EvilDin | http://pastebin.com/675043 | 02:35 |
EvilDin | i dod | 02:35 |
EvilDin | did | 02:35 |
roryy | Boglizk: build-essential is on the install CD; if you don't have that, it will need to be downloaded (using apt-get or synaptic) | 02:35 |
EvilDin | same thing | 02:35 |
EvilDin | look that pastebin | 02:35 |
=== lucas [n=lucas@h127n4c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boglizk | okay.. | 02:35 |
EvilDin | or should i delte first all | 02:35 |
EvilDin | then make apt-get update | 02:35 |
EvilDin | and then add the new ones | 02:36 |
EvilDin | delete* | 02:36 |
gnomefreak | EvilDin: can you translate it including the repo its complaining about? | 02:36 |
stjepan | pfff... why Radeon 9600 can't get xcomposite working? :-o | 02:36 |
EvilDin | ok i will | 02:36 |
roryy | EvilDin: can you browse to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ using firefox ? | 02:36 |
=== MagnusGoldstein [n=Bruce@ppp983.adelaide.on.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EvilDin | no connection reset by peer | 02:37 |
MagnusGoldstein | hello ppls | 02:37 |
=== AMDXP [n=Vegeta@user-0vvd9jf.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boglizk | evil peer.. | 02:37 |
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EvilDin | but why is connection reset by peer | 02:37 |
roryy | EvilDin: ah. Works fine here -- maybe a network problem | 02:37 |
gnomefreak | EvilDin: what repo is it | 02:37 |
MagnusGoldstein | by any chance, is anyone familiar with the problem of a missing memset.h in their /usr/include ? | 02:37 |
Boglizk | Couse the connection was reset by peer | 02:37 |
=== five_laptop [n=fiveiron@12-220-37-238.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EvilDin | i know it works one other two ubuntu machine | 02:38 |
EvilDin | only one doesn't work | 02:38 |
roryy | EvilDin: e.g., if your ISP has a transparent proxy | 02:38 |
Boglizk | peer = crappy connection | 02:38 |
Boglizk | :p | 02:38 |
EvilDin | it is brezzy | 02:38 |
=== yUSiyEEE_ [n=yusiye@av103012.reshsg.uci.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | MagnusGoldstein: no memset.h here, why do you need it? | 02:38 |
MagnusGoldstein | compiling cinelerra | 02:39 |
EvilDin | it works so long | 02:39 |
=== MagnusGoldstein gets ready for the flying bricks | ||
EvilDin | is now anything chanhed | 02:39 |
Frogzoo | MagnusGoldstein: have you tried with CC=gcc-3.4 ? | 02:39 |
MagnusGoldstein | amd64 btw | 02:39 |
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EvilDin | changed | 02:39 |
ubuntu_ | hy all, had anyone tried to install kubuntu daper from the live cd? the window of the installer sudnly disapear at step 5?anyone can help me? | 02:39 |
=== alex__ [n=alex@lal69-1-82-67-12-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roryy | EvilDin: can you browse other websites ? www.google.com? | 02:40 |
=== james__ [n=james@c211-28-249-92.frank1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MagnusGoldstein | maybe I should just install 3.4... am running 3.3... | 02:40 |
james__ | Hey again | 02:40 |
apricot | I was out, Frogzoo, my card is NVidia nForce2 | 02:40 |
gnomefreak | ubuntu_: join #ubuntu+1 for dapper please | 02:40 |
james__ | how do u install a .deb file | 02:40 |
=== stuzz78 [n=stuzz78@cor7-ppp376.for.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EvilDin | yes i can | 02:40 |
Frogzoo | MagnusGoldstein: have you tried to pull source from repos? | 02:40 |
Frogzoo | james__: sudo dpkg -i blah.deb | 02:40 |
stuzz78 | good evening everyone :) | 02:40 |
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EvilDin | i thought that dns is wrong | 02:40 |
roryy | !tell james__ about deb | 02:40 |
james__ | ty | 02:40 |
EvilDin | but doesn't seem | 02:40 |
gnomefreak | MagnusGoldstein: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:40 |
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MagnusGoldstein | which source from repos? cinelerra source? | 02:40 |
apricot | my player is amaro-xine | 02:40 |
gnomefreak | MagnusGoldstein: sudo apt-get build-dep cinelerra | 02:41 |
gnomefreak | MagnusGoldstein: after those 2 commands everything should be there for you | 02:41 |
roryy | MagnusGoldstein: there's no memset.h in breezy/AMD64 -- I just checked on packages.ubuntu.com | 02:41 |
Frogzoo | MagnusGoldstein: 'apt-get source cinelarra' & x fingers | 02:41 |
MagnusGoldstein | cheers... will try above after a download finishes | 02:41 |
roryy | memset *is* a function in string.h, though | 02:41 |
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=== Snorre_Ruch [n=maxb@219-88-179-26.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boglizk | hooray, i made a Hello World script | 02:42 |
=== MrRio [n=rio@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MrRio] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boglizk | :P | 02:42 |
Frogzoo | roryy: maybe it's excluded by #DEFs though... | 02:42 |
gnomefreak | Boglizk: congrats | 02:42 |
MagnusGoldstein | apt-get, cinelerra, amd64 and me have never had much luck together | 02:42 |
Boglizk | lol... i actually think i had g++, just that i didnt remember it. | 02:43 |
=== usuario01 [n=usuario0@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | is cinelerra build for 64bit? | 02:43 |
usuario01 | hola | 02:43 |
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gnomefreak | !es | 02:43 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 02:43 |
ferronica | hi room | 02:43 |
newbie33 | how to get and install file named glib from ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/ to breezy | 02:43 |
Killaz | how can I find for example all packages related to php5? | 02:43 |
=== Fig0 [n=fig0@p5486E219.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MagnusGoldstein | yes... but never found it on a repository | 02:43 |
gnomefreak | Killaz: apt-cache search php | 02:43 |
ferronica | help! | 02:43 |
gnomefreak | !helpme | 02:44 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 02:44 |
Boglizk | lol | 02:44 |
Frogzoo | newbie33: glibs should already be installed I'm guessing | 02:44 |
MagnusGoldstein | lol | 02:44 |
gnomefreak | it better he wouldnt have X without it in gnome iirc | 02:44 |
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ferronica | help! | 02:44 |
MrRio | ferronica: whats wrong? | 02:45 |
newbie33 | Frogzoo, ./autogen.sh | 02:45 |
newbie33 | **Error**: You must have `glib' installed. | 02:45 |
newbie33 | You can get it from: ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk | 02:45 |
=== gnomefreak thinks glibs for gnome is like libqt3-mt for kde | ||
ferronica | booting | 02:45 |
MagnusGoldstein | ferronica: what are you asking for help with? | 02:45 |
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gnomefreak | ferronica: your here how bad could booting be? | 02:45 |
ferronica | dual booting | 02:45 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: try asking a question about it | 02:45 |
Boglizk | with XP? | 02:46 |
MagnusGoldstein | winXP / linux? | 02:46 |
Boglizk | i have an url | 02:46 |
Boglizk | sec | 02:46 |
ferronica | ya both | 02:46 |
ferronica | i hav two hdd | 02:46 |
ferronica | soory threee | 02:46 |
MagnusGoldstein | if you have put grub on the MBR, you are asking for trouble (IMHO) | 02:46 |
Boglizk | http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/ | 02:46 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: what is wrong with it ( what errors are you getting? can you tell us anything about it? | 02:46 |
=== indypende [n=indypend@d83-176-112-39.cust.tele2.it] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ferronica | ntldr | 02:46 |
gnomefreak | MagnusGoldstein: i put grub on mbr and never have a bit of trouble | 02:46 |
ferronica | missing | 02:46 |
Frogzoo | newbie33: try 'locate glib' you'll see you have many glib libraries already installed | 02:47 |
ferronica | i hav two os | 02:47 |
Boglizk | which ones? | 02:47 |
MagnusGoldstein | I used to have problems with boot loaders on the MBR with dual boot win/lin boxes | 02:47 |
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Frogzoo | gnomefreak: think MagnusGoldstein means trouble with doze | 02:47 |
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MagnusGoldstein | I've been using a combo of bootmagic/grub since... never had a problem again | 02:48 |
Frogzoo | nt used to lose it's lunch if you messed with the mbr | 02:48 |
gnomefreak | i have to boot to that one of these days :( | 02:48 |
MagnusGoldstein | the prob isn't grub (or lilo) it's bloody windows having a hissy fit | 02:48 |
gnomefreak | if it wasnt for others in house i would throw windows out the damn windows | 02:49 |
newbie33 | Frogzoo, I need new glib for glade :/ | 02:49 |
=== ZoomCities [n=ZoomCiti@60-240-206-10.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | newbie33: apt-cache search glade | 02:49 |
Frogzoo | MagnusGoldstein: think it's not the problem it used to be - the standard is that those 512bytes are off limits, and I think Redmond have mended their ways | 02:49 |
MagnusGoldstein | if it wasn't for 1 or 2 pieces of software, I'd be windows free ATM | 02:49 |
gnomefreak | might want to pipe it less | 02:49 |
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=== Chris_Tucker [n=ChrisTuc@stjhnf01-23-142163031224.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arafangion | momo77: What programs are they? | 02:50 |
momo77 | ubuntu dapper | 02:50 |
momo77 | xchat | 02:51 |
Arafangion | MagnusGoldstein: What programs are they? | 02:51 |
=== cafuego_ [n=cafuego@ppp82-219.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MagnusGoldstein | Frogzoo: Redmond may have mended their ways, but too little too late to keep me on board... once I can do on Linux, everything I need to on windows, windows is gone ;) | 02:51 |
MagnusGoldstein | AD&D Core Rules 2.0 and VirtualDubMod | 02:52 |
=== aimaz [n=stephen@i-83-67-17-205.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | MagnusGoldstein: lol - redmond don't store data in the mbr any more, but that's not to say they've mended their ways in all other respects | 02:52 |
kbrooks | MagnusGoldstein: What are these programs? | 02:52 |
=== G0SUB_ [i=ghoseb@2001:5c0:8f54:1:0:0:2:1] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roryy | have all the archive mirrors been disabled? I'm getting that us.archive.ubuntu.com (and others) all end up pointing to archive.ubuntu.com | 02:53 |
MagnusGoldstein | first one is a (poorly written) proprietary program for dungeons and dragons, the second I use for converting thigns to matroska | 02:53 |
ferronica | so r u gona help me | 02:53 |
kbrooks | MagnusGoldstein: name them | 02:54 |
ferronica | i hav three HDD ok | 02:54 |
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ferronica | gnomefreak: ok u help me | 02:54 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: | 02:54 |
Arafangion | MagnusGoldstein: Why don't you use a different program for d&d? What is matroska? | 02:55 |
=== nir [i=nir@ppp-70-224-222-46.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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nir | anyone know where a digital camera plugged in via a usb port would usually be located /dev/**? | 02:55 |
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=== aCMe[ubu] [n=ID4FFEA@201-3-215-132.bnut3702.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
MagnusGoldstein | there aren't different programs lol (not under linux) | 02:55 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: i use to boot via ubuntu,then option window came for OS choce when i choose Xp pr. ERROR --NTLDR missing | 02:55 |
MagnusGoldstein | matroska is a video/audio file format | 02:55 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: my XP is in SATA HDD | 02:55 |
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ferronica | gnomefreak: i hav 3 seperate hdd | 02:55 |
aCMe[ubu] | hi everbody | 02:56 |
aCMe[ubu] | *everybody | 02:56 |
MagnusGoldstein | I'm going to have to debug some source I think | 02:56 |
Frogzoo | nir: not sure, but /dev/ttyUSB0 I'm thinking | 02:56 |
MagnusGoldstein | :( | 02:56 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: R u there? | 02:56 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: i dont think i understand you have 3 hdd and none of them boot? | 02:56 |
nir | alright i'll give it a try | 02:56 |
ferronica | lol | 02:56 |
Boglizk | whats the command to delete something? | 02:56 |
Frogzoo | MagnusGoldstein: wine? | 02:56 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: i hav 3 hdd, in my computer | 02:56 |
MagnusGoldstein | amdtp.c:165: warning:incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'memset' | 02:56 |
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ferronica | gnomefreak: C D E | 02:56 |
ferronica | Ok | 02:56 |
Frogzoo | Boglizk: rm | 02:57 |
MagnusGoldstein | I hope to get core rules running udner wine... eventually | 02:57 |
NixerX | Anyone here using 6.06? | 02:57 |
aCMe[ubu] | pls.. someone can say to me how can i upgrade my ubuntu??? | 02:57 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: you still havent answered my questions | 02:57 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: what | 02:57 |
gnomefreak | NixerX: #ubuntu+1 for dapper | 02:57 |
=== DeBert [n=Bert@82-197-200-123.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | aCMe[ubu] : which release r u on atm? | 02:57 |
NixerX | gnomefreak thx | 02:57 |
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ferronica | gnomefreak: ok ask again | 02:57 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: what doesnt boot? | 02:57 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: Xp | 02:58 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: are you getting any grub choices? | 02:58 |
aCMe[ubu] | i want to upgrade to breazy | 02:58 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: yes | 02:58 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: from there when i choose Xp | 02:58 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: NTLDR missing | 02:58 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: your issue is with windows see #windows more than likely something you need is not there | 02:58 |
aCMe[ubu] | [Frogzoo] : i want to upgrade my ubuntu to breazy | 02:58 |
gnomefreak | see there you go | 02:58 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell aCMe[ubu] about upgrade | 02:59 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: what i do | 02:59 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: type /j #windows | 02:59 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: why so | 02:59 |
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boglizk | ubotu tell Boglizk about upgrade | 02:59 |
aCMe[ubu] | tks gnomefreak | 02:59 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: my Xp is allright | 02:59 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: ubuntu boots fine correct? | 02:59 |
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ferronica | gnomefreak: yes | 03:00 |
gnomefreak | xp is not booting you said that tells me its not alright | 03:00 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: Xp is all right, but to use Xp i hav to change boot device from CMOS | 03:00 |
Frogzoo | aCMe[ubu] : edit your /etc/apt/source.list - change all mentions of hoary to breezy, then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 03:00 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: everytime | 03:00 |
Frogzoo | !tell aCMe[ubu] about upgrade | 03:00 |
Frogzoo | aCMe[ubu] : also see the pm from ubotu | 03:01 |
aCMe[ubu] | ok i see.. thanks | 03:01 |
aCMe[ubu] | Frogzoo | 03:01 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: to use Xp i hav to change boot device from CMOS | 03:01 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: NTLDR has nothing to do with ubuntu its a windows issue (if winodws was ok you wouldnt havet o do anything to boot to it just choose it) | 03:01 |
=== lsuactiafner [n=noirrac@tpc-ip-nas-1-p94.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ferronica | gnomefreak: but when i choose Xp from GRUB | 03:02 |
movi | does nautilus support afp shares ? | 03:02 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: ERROR came NTLDR missing | 03:02 |
=== [nige] [n=nige@ppp112-220.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[nige] | hi all | 03:02 |
momo77 | hi | 03:03 |
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | ferronica: yes i know that but that has _nothing_ to do with grub nor ubuntu | 03:03 |
[nige] | anyone know how to change from gdm to xdm? | 03:03 |
apricot | i hided menu bar in amarok-xin, how to get it back, plaese!!! | 03:03 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: then what | 03:03 |
gnomefreak | NTLDR = NT BOOT LOADER IIRC | 03:03 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: problem with Xp | 03:03 |
gnomefreak | nt = windows platform | 03:03 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: i dont thibk so | 03:03 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: /j #windows | 03:03 |
Killaz | uhm I want apt-get to install everything of apache2 again... b'cause I deleted the /etc/apache/apache2.conf but when I install apache2 again using apt-get it doesnt make that file | 03:04 |
=== Chadza [n=Chadza@c-69-243-24-182.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ferronica | gnomefreak: agin i wanna told u my win Xp is allright | 03:04 |
ferronica | Ok | 03:04 |
=== polopolo [n=icechat5@ip5457cfa6.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | y have a process called partman _newlayo that's eating all of mi system resource , what is it ? if y kill him it will reapear with anouther pid | 03:04 |
apricot | i hided menu bar in amarok-xine, how to get it back, help plaese! | 03:04 |
Killaz | is there a way to force apt-get to install ALL files of a package again? | 03:04 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: Xp unable to boot from GRUB | 03:04 |
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=== ep [n=mdr@ip68-97-122-135.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | ferronica: /j #ubuntu-ko please | 03:05 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: shud i type it in terminal | 03:05 |
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=== agabus [n=agabus@203-217-54-108.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | ferronica: no in here | 03:05 |
agabus | how can i check my system uptime? | 03:05 |
ubuntu_ | y have a process called partman _newlayo that's eating all of mi system resource , what is it ? if y kill him it will reapear with anouther pid | 03:05 |
[nige] | agabus, uptime | 03:05 |
gnomefreak | ask them in that channel its you native language | 03:05 |
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ferronica | gnomefreak: sorry i didnt get | 03:06 |
Frogzoo | ubuntu_: I wouldn't go killing anything called partman unless I know what it was doing | 03:06 |
[nige] | agabus, also install uptimed, then type uprecords | 03:06 |
agabus | [nige] - sweet, cheers | 03:06 |
thatGuy_ | I'm having trouble with ndiswrapper on here | 03:06 |
Frogzoo | Killaz: dpkg --purge, apt-get install | 03:06 |
[nige] | agabus, uptimed, will give a list of its top 10 uptime list | 03:06 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: what i do now???? | 03:06 |
thatGuy_ | I'm getting this: | 03:06 |
thatGuy_ | "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory" | 03:06 |
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gnomefreak | !ko | 03:06 |
ubotu | For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko | 03:06 |
agabus | [nige] - uptimed seems not to work? | 03:06 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, are you running as root? | 03:06 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: ^^^ | 03:07 |
thatGuy_ | yes | 03:07 |
ubuntu_ | what does partman doing ? | 03:07 |
[nige] | agabus, you need to install uptimed :) apt-get install uptimed | 03:07 |
Chadza | I'm running ubuntu on my laptop, and every 2 or 3 minutes, a message pops up saying my battery is charged. It's plugged in when it does this, and so how do I keep the message from coming up constantly? | 03:07 |
agabus | [nige] - fair enough, thanks | 03:07 |
momo77 | who is Korean? | 03:07 |
polopolo | Hello | 03:07 |
[nige] | agabus, then uprecords | 03:07 |
Frogzoo | ubuntu_: dunno, what are you running related to partition management? | 03:07 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: is momo77 | 03:07 |
thatGuy_ | i get that on iwlist and i get something similar when i try to open network connection gui ulitity | 03:07 |
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assilvanunes | hello | 03:07 |
polopolo | Can I install .rpm file's on ubuntu? | 03:07 |
momo77 | r u korean? gnome | 03:07 |
ubuntu_ | absolutly nothing | 03:07 |
Alth | Not easily, polopolo | 03:07 |
gnomefreak | polopolo: try not to | 03:07 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, can you bring the interface up? | 03:07 |
gnomefreak | momo77: no | 03:07 |
thatGuy_ | SIOCSIFFLAGS: error: No such Device | 03:07 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | polopolo: You can, using alien, but you probably shouldn't. | 03:07 |
ubuntu_ | no whait, | 03:08 |
[nige] | oh sounds like you have no device drivers installed :) | 03:08 |
gnomefreak | polopolo: what are you trying to install? | 03:08 |
thatGuy_ | not on ifconfig | 03:08 |
momo77 | go tp irc.hanirc | 03:08 |
[nige] | my wireles runs under ifconfig :) | 03:08 |
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[nige] | thatGuy_, mine is ifconfig wlan0 up | 03:08 |
polopolo | Notting | 03:08 |
thatGuy_ | NigelS, it does show on iwconfig though | 03:08 |
momo77 | there r lots of korean | 03:08 |
[nige] | hmm | 03:08 |
[nige] | check to see if you have it loaded under ndiswrapper | 03:08 |
[nige] | there is a command for it, but i cant remember it off the top of my head | 03:09 |
agabus | [nige] - trying to apt-get uprecords says couldn't find package uprecords | 03:09 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , what's weird is that its not even a name like wlan0 | 03:09 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , its eth0 | 03:09 |
[nige] | agabus, uptimed is that package, uprecords is the command to see your uptimes | 03:09 |
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[nige] | thatGuy_, is your other nic enabled? | 03:09 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , when i do ifconfig up for it , is when i get SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory | 03:09 |
agabus | [nige] - k thanks | 03:09 |
thatGuy_ | yes | 03:09 |
=== danne755 [n=daniel@81-234-222-182-no23.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Killaz | Frogzoo: ok.. | 03:09 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, hmm it sounds like your drivers arent installed | 03:10 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , yeah, i'm trying to use ndiswrapper | 03:10 |
apricot | how to completely remove amarok | 03:10 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: tell me | 03:10 |
stjepan | huh.... don't you guys think today window managers are very bad? why is the windowing system working like that? | 03:10 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , this thing has never ever 'just worked' for me | 03:10 |
ferronica | gnomefreak: i can understand english | 03:10 |
Warbo | apricot: "sudo apt-get remove --purge amarok" | 03:11 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, there is an ndiswrapperto tell you whats loaded and whats not | 03:11 |
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thatGuy_ | right | 03:11 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , it shows loaded.. ndiswrapper -l | 03:11 |
gnomefreak | ferronica: not really well your not because i have told you over and over that the error you are getting is a windows issue not ubuntu to join #windows | 03:11 |
james__ | Hello Again | 03:11 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, is the hardware present too? | 03:12 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , says hardware is present | 03:12 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, everything takes a little while to work | 03:12 |
james__ | i installd the deb file like u seid and i can not find were it installed 2 | 03:12 |
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[nige] | wanna give me a shell to your box? | 03:12 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, what to give me a shell to your box? | 03:12 |
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ompaul | ferronica, you mighe want to see this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KoreanTeam | 03:12 |
gnomefreak | james__: dpkg -L packagename | 03:12 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , i guess | 03:12 |
=== mr_lampe [n=tho@dslb-084-056-132-221.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stjepan | why are there overlapping windows? Why are there windows which are small? Don't you think there must be all the screen space used, so all windows must use all the screen space? Don't you think the type-point-click-type-point-click model is not very fast to use? Don't you think today window managers are too complex and they are too slow? Don't you think keyboard should be used as much as possible? | 03:12 |
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thatGuy_ | [nige] , just need some instructions on how to do that | 03:13 |
stjepan | what are you opinions of this? | 03:13 |
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Boglizk | shortcuts ftw :p | 03:13 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , not really detailed, i'm not extremely new to linux, just haven't done that before | 03:13 |
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gnomefreak | stjepan: please ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:13 |
Warbo | stjepan: I like E16 with LOADS of workspaces, so no windows overlapping :) | 03:13 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, its all goood | 03:13 |
sml | i just lost my window borders in xubuntu? any ideas? | 03:13 |
Boglizk | Whats xubuntu? | 03:14 |
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thatGuy_ | [nige] , is all you need is a user account and for me to enable ssh? | 03:14 |
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ferronica_ | hi | 03:14 |
gnomefreak | Boglizk: ubuntu with xfce instead of gnome | 03:14 |
Warbo | sml: What is the window manager in XFCE? Try killall "windowmanagercommand" | 03:14 |
ompaul | sml, ask that one #xubuntu mabe | 03:14 |
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Boglizk | oh.. | 03:14 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: will u help me or not | 03:14 |
deefzi | where can i from vmmon/vmnet from menuconfig? | 03:14 |
apricot | please, this is stupid; i hided menu bar in amarok-xine and now i do not know to bring it back, help please! | 03:14 |
Boglizk | i only knew of KDE and GNOME :p | 03:14 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, did you get my msg | 03:14 |
[nige] | ? | 03:14 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: will u please | 03:14 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , no | 03:14 |
gnomefreak | Boglizk: xubuntu has iso now with dapper | 03:14 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: please buddy | 03:15 |
stjepan | Warbo, see www.wmii.de | 03:15 |
erUSUL | stjepan: you can use "ion" or "ratpoison" if you think they are more apropiate and/or productive | 03:15 |
gnomefreak | ferronica_: i cant help you this is not a windows support channel | 03:15 |
Warbo | Boglizk: There are LOADS of possible environments you can use, but GNOME and KDE are the most complete | 03:15 |
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ompaul | ferronica_, have a look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KoreanTeam | 03:15 |
gnomefreak | xfce file manager is thundar | 03:15 |
Boglizk | Probably why i've only heard of them then | 03:15 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: i dont know korean | 03:15 |
stjepan | erUSUL, yes, but are you feeling comfortable when using GNOME or KDE? | 03:15 |
erUSUL | stjepan: the good thing about free software is "*choice*" | 03:15 |
stjepan | I know | 03:15 |
erUSUL | stjepan: yes | 03:15 |
gnomefreak | ferronica_: you said yesterday you were korean | 03:15 |
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ferronica_ | gnomefreak: but i grew up in singapore | 03:16 |
EvilDin | do anyone know why my apt-get update bind do much on all links and reverse the m to ip, which is now not working, how could i make him to connect for example to, which works | 03:16 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, install openssl, install ssh, make sure you have port on your firewall open for ssh | 03:16 |
newbie33 | !gtkmm | 03:16 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, newbie33 | 03:16 |
ompaul | ferronica_, so what is your native language? | 03:16 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: my first language is english | 03:16 |
apricot | please, this is stupid; i hided menu bar in amarok-xine and now i do not know to bring it back, help please! | 03:16 |
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Warbo | EvilDin: Did you "upgrade" or "update". To update a single package just use "install bind" | 03:17 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: So now will u help me | 03:17 |
gnomefreak | ferronica_: than why dont you understand what i am telling you or are you here to fight with me? | 03:17 |
newbie33 | does someone knows how to get gtkmm? | 03:17 |
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erUSUL | it is your choice as it is mine which tools to use. discousions of emacs vs vi gnome vs kde... linux *BSD are fruitless and a waste of time and energy. use whatever you like and be done with it. | 03:17 |
lostbyte_laptop | What are these configuration files that come with the packages ? | 03:17 |
gnomefreak | newbie33: apt-cache search gtk | less | 03:17 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: i told u i am new in linux | 03:17 |
ferronica_ | very new | 03:17 |
EvilDin | when i make update or upgrade i get evrythingin erros becuase of server which doesn't works | 03:17 |
Killaz | Frogzoo: no luck... | 03:17 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: and i already told u my problem | 03:17 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , i'd have to give you root too... | 03:17 |
EvilDin | so i need to fix somehow this | 03:17 |
ompaul | ferronica_, it appears your question is about the windows operating system we don't do windows here please go to the channel ##windows | 03:17 |
gnomefreak | ferronica_: the problem you are having is caused by windows please join #windows for help on your issue | 03:17 |
Warbo | lostbyte_laptop: They tell the software how to run. Settings are usually in /etc and preferences are in your home | 03:18 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: no no | 03:18 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
Killaz | I want the apache2 package to install the all the .conf file again and not only httpd.conf | 03:18 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, unfortunately | 03:18 |
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lostbyte_laptop | Warbo, ok ! so they dont usually go if you remove them. | 03:18 |
ompaul | ferronica_, stop annoying him | 03:18 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, you could always put me in the sudoer group | 03:18 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: with GRUB | 03:18 |
lostbyte_laptop | remove the application* | 03:18 |
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ferronica_ | gnomefreak: when i choose Xp from GRUB | 03:18 |
apricot | please, this is stupid; i hided menu bar in amarok-xine and now i do not know to bring it back, help please! Where are the conf files? | 03:18 |
lostbyte_laptop | ferronica, yes ! | 03:19 |
gnomefreak | ferronica_: again NTLDR is nts boot loader not grub | 03:19 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: then y my Xp didnt start | 03:19 |
Warbo | lostbyte_laptop: If you tell Synaptic to "Completely Remove" or apt-get to --purge then they will go. Otherwise no (so you will keep your settings if you reinstall it later) | 03:19 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: so what i hav tto do | 03:19 |
ferronica_ | any idea | 03:19 |
ompaul | ferronica_, that is a windows problem, you fix windows | 03:19 |
lostbyte_laptop | Warbo, thats nice. | 03:19 |
ferronica_ | ubuntu is in IDE channel | 03:19 |
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ferronica_ | gnomefreak: window is in sata HDD | 03:19 |
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thatGuy_ | [nige] , yeah,i don thtink ubuntu ever put me in that group | 03:19 |
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[nige] | as default you should be | 03:20 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , I always have to enter root password to do ish | 03:20 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: what i do to change channel | 03:20 |
lostbyte_laptop | Warbo, also.. does apt-get or dpkg support dependences alone ? i know there are other programs that do soo.. | 03:20 |
Warbo | ferronica_: FRUB doesn't boot windows, it just lets windows boot itself. It is a windows problem | 03:20 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, I think i have a link on setting up ndis | 03:20 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, hold on a tick | 03:20 |
lostbyte_laptop | Warbo, sorry, dependences removale* | 03:20 |
ompaul | ferronica_, >>>/join #windows<<< | 03:20 |
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Warbo | lostbyte_laptop: dpkg doesn't work out dependencies, it just moves the files around and things. apt handles the dependencies. Synaptic and aptitude control apt | 03:21 |
ferronica_ | gnomefreak: ok | 03:21 |
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thatGuy_ | [nige] , yeah. i'm all over their wiki. i think I'm going to give a restart a try. | 03:21 |
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lostbyte_laptop | Warbo, aptitude is a gui app ? | 03:21 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, what wireless nic are you using by chance? | 03:22 |
Warbo | lostbyte_laptop: If you have deborphan you can see which packages were installed automatically (dependencies) which are no longer needed. Aptitude uses ncurses (menus in a console) | 03:22 |
thatGuy_ | broadcom 4306 | 03:22 |
thatGuy_ | from what it seems | 03:22 |
[nige] | ahh | 03:22 |
thatGuy_ | i tried the 4318 driver, and it didn't work | 03:22 |
[nige] | i think i might have the same card | 03:22 |
[nige] | oh | 03:22 |
[nige] | oh | 03:22 |
thatGuy_ | just i know that i have bluetooth on my card too and i want that to work as well | 03:22 |
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[nige] | thatGuy_, I had to hack the driver out of mephis to get it working on my laptop | 03:22 |
lostbyte_laptop | Warbo, ok ! one last thing.. have you any idea on gtkrc and how i can add new themes ? | 03:22 |
apricot | in wich directory lays conf files of amarok, please!? | 03:22 |
[nige] | I think I still have a copy of it | 03:23 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , mephis? | 03:23 |
ferronica_ | what i do to join window channel | 03:23 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, simply mephis, another distro..wireless worked straight out the box | 03:23 |
ompaul | ferronica_, /join ##windows <<<<<<<<< | 03:23 |
thatGuy_ | lol | 03:23 |
Warbo | lostbyte_laptop: Get the gnome-art package to automatically install themes from art.gnome.org. To install them manually just decompress them in $HOME/.themes (and icon themes in $HOME/.icons) | 03:23 |
ferronica_ | join channel | 03:24 |
ferronica_ | i did | 03:24 |
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thatGuy_ | ferronica, now go talk in there | 03:24 |
apricot | when installed, where is amarok-xine on the drive, please? | 03:24 |
lostbyte_laptop | Warbo, where does the gtkrc file go ? | 03:24 |
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lostbyte_laptop | in .themes i guess ? | 03:25 |
Killaz | !apache2 | 03:25 |
ubotu | Killaz: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 03:25 |
Warbo | apricot: Synaptic > right click on package and go properties. Installed Files will tell you everything it has installed | 03:25 |
=== cokehabit [n=george@gentoo/contributor/pdpc.active.cokehabit] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Killaz | damn this means a new installation of ubuntu..... | 03:25 |
Warbo | lostbyte_laptop: I think so | 03:25 |
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apricot | i would like to know the directory of amarok-xine, where is it located? | 03:26 |
Killaz | does someone have the apache2.conf file... | 03:26 |
lostbyte_laptop | Warbo, thanks, i'll give it a manual try first and tell you about it.. brb | 03:26 |
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Warbo | apricot: It is split up all over the place, this isn't windows | 03:26 |
lostbyte_laptop | Warbo, oh and thanks for the apt-get info too :) | 03:26 |
Warbo | lostbyte_laptop: np | 03:26 |
apricot | ok, got that. | 03:26 |
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alexx860 | hi | 03:27 |
Warbo | alexx860: Hi | 03:27 |
=== Exposure` [n=exposure@a80-126-234-67.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thatGuy_ | [nige] , or anyone else, is it a bad thing when your wireless interface is named eth0? | 03:27 |
Boglizk | how come g++ cant compile .cpp files? (i'm following a tutorial) | 03:27 |
[nige] | thatGuy_, normallly its a bad thing | 03:27 |
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[nige] | thatGuy_, plug your nic in and see what addrress it gets | 03:27 |
lostbyte_laptop | Boglizk, try gcc | 03:27 |
gnomefreak | Boglizk: g++ file.cpp -o file | 03:27 |
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Boglizk | kty | 03:28 |
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[nige] | thatGuy_, if it "eth0" gets an address then you know its using the nic not the wireless | 03:28 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , its so weird, iwconfig see it as having a wireless extension, the gui networks app see it as a wireless card.. | 03:28 |
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Killaz | is the apache2.conf file downloaded during the installation of apache2? There is no documentation which file is being d/l and where on the documentation section of ubuntu | 03:28 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , my nic is eth1 | 03:28 |
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thatGuy_ | [nige] , I'm on it right now | 03:28 |
[nige] | hmm | 03:28 |
[nige] | okay | 03:28 |
[nige] | it should be okay ten | 03:28 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , ok, but i get some conflicting info in other places.... | 03:29 |
Warbo | Killaz: It gives you an example file I think. If it's not in /etc then look in /usr/share/docs | 03:29 |
=== Revolution [n=jorn@a80-127-51-149.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alexx860 | I have two screens, can I deplace window from one to another? (I have 2 differents taskbars, ..) | 03:29 |
Killaz | Warbo: but why if you delete the example apache2.conf it wont put it back if you reinstall the package? | 03:29 |
=== ryanpg [n=ryanpg@c-67-173-28-166.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thatGuy_ | [nige] , if i do iwlist eth0 scanning, i get "eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning : No such device" | 03:30 |
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=== fcadi [n=fcadi@200-161-219-131.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[nige] | thatGuy_, I get that too on my nic | 03:30 |
[nige] | but its okay :) | 03:30 |
Warbo | Killaz: Maybe it remembers this as "your settings". Try purging it then reinstalling | 03:30 |
thatGuy_ | lol | 03:30 |
thatGuy_ | alright | 03:30 |
thatGuy_ | alright, so i set the essid with iwconfig... but it doesn't see the ap | 03:30 |
Killaz | Warbo: I already tried that sudo dpkg --purge apache2 | 03:31 |
thatGuy_ | btw, do i always have to know the essid? | 03:31 |
=== hajuu [n=hajuu@dip-220-235-49-145.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thatGuy_ | what if i want to scan for open networks? | 03:31 |
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[nige] | thatGuy_, Here is a good place to start http://antonym.org/node/89 | 03:31 |
^h0rse^ | helo | 03:31 |
ferronica_ | hey no one is in ## windows | 03:31 |
Boglizk | try with just one # | 03:31 |
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Warbo | Boglizk: It has two | 03:32 |
Boglizk | why? | 03:32 |
gnomefreak | #windows will bring you to ##windows | 03:32 |
Warbo | Boglizk: Because it's Windows? :) | 03:32 |
Boglizk | er.. k | 03:32 |
DBO | 92 people are in windows... | 03:32 |
DBO | I just went there | 03:32 |
=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Warbo | Killaz: Try getting the apache2 deb file, extract it and look in data for the config file | 03:33 |
MagnusGoldstein | okay... got a lot further that time with the compile | 03:34 |
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ompaul | ferronica_, there were 92 there when I was there with you, if they don't answer it is not our problem, NT Loader not working is nothing to do with Ubuntu which is linux | 03:34 |
MagnusGoldstein | had another error, but I think I already solved it | 03:34 |
Warbo | Killaz: It should be in /var/cache/apt/archives | 03:34 |
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ompaul | ferronica_, I don't mean to sound harsh but you would not bring a sick person to a mechanic we don't do that windows stuff | 03:34 |
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Zarephath | Anyone suggest a nice bells and whistles terminal program other than konsole or the gnome-terminal? | 03:35 |
thatGuy_ | this is such a headache. i have never installed a distribution where this ish just worked | 03:35 |
thatGuy_ | i been at this for hours. it took me a week to get it even somewhat working with fc4 | 03:35 |
thatGuy_ | and i mean partially | 03:35 |
Killaz | Warbo: ok.. lemme figure out how to extract a .deb file | 03:36 |
Warbo | Killaz: You can do it with dpkg (I'm not sure how) but file-roller cn do it | 03:36 |
ompaul | Zarephath, they are all just xterms modified and you can do a lot to the shell, so xterm and work with the rc file get it up to a few K that should take a couple of weeks for you to get bored with :) | 03:36 |
=== maskd [n=jacob@dsl-220-253-77-250.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ferronica_ | hey how to get minu list from ubuntu | 03:37 |
ferronica_ | what command | 03:37 |
Zarephath | dpkg install or X for extract :-) | 03:37 |
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Warbo | ferronica_: less /boot/grub/menu.lst will show you it's contents | 03:37 |
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ferronica_ | command | 03:37 |
thatGuy_ | [nige] , that's a good website. i'm giong through their steps | 03:37 |
ferronica_ | i wanna to see it | 03:37 |
[nige] | yep, I added the repeated onese | 03:38 |
Warbo | ferronica_: The n do as I said "less /boot/grub/menu.lst" | 03:38 |
Zarephath | ompaul: K thanks... | 03:38 |
[nige] | unfortunately the link to theweirdone.iwarp is dead | 03:38 |
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ompaul | ferronica_, to edit >> sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.list<< | 03:38 |
martyn | how do i do a auto upgreade to Drapper from brezzy | 03:38 |
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buithuhien | #help | 03:39 |
_jason | martyn: do you understand dapper is still in beta? | 03:39 |
ferronica_ | no i wanna to see it | 03:39 |
ferronica_ | in notepad | 03:39 |
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buithuhien | hi everybosy | 03:39 |
Zarephath | martyn: First edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change breezy to dapper..then apt-get update...then apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:39 |
Warbo | martyn: Change your sources.list (sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list) to say dapper instead of breezy then update and dist-upgrade | 03:39 |
buithuhien | everybody | 03:39 |
martyn | _jason: Yeah | 03:39 |
=== MrTrick [n=mrtrick@c220-237-102-57.carlnfd3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
buithuhien | i'm newbie | 03:39 |
_jason | ubotu: tell martyn about upgrade | 03:39 |
=== Smeggy [n=Smeggy@220-253-103-50.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
buithuhien | can you show me how to login in root | 03:39 |
Warbo | buithuhien: You don't want that if you are a newbie | 03:40 |
martyn | _jason: i jave been using it for a while on my laptop and fell happy with ut | 03:40 |
=== Aurelian [n=Aurelian@i-195-137-4-14.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zarephath | You don't "login to root" you use sudo <command> | 03:40 |
ferronica_ | give me the command | 03:40 |
ferronica_ | to see menu.list | 03:40 |
ferronica_ | ok | 03:40 |
_jason | ferronica_: gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:40 |
MrTrick | if you want to execute a couple of commands as root... | 03:40 |
MrTrick | use sudo -i | 03:40 |
buithuhien | but it requires pass | 03:40 |
ompaul | ferronica_, you have been given that several times | 03:40 |
MrTrick | then 'logout' to exit back to the normal user | 03:40 |
buithuhien | yes | 03:40 |
Warbo | buithuhien: It is your password, not root's | 03:40 |
buithuhien | i want to run a app | 03:41 |
Zarephath | Yes use your password you used to login | 03:41 |
buithuhien | but it's default | 03:41 |
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inwards | My volume control icon has gone missing -- both by the clock and in Totem. Any ideas? | 03:41 |
Warbo | buithuhien: There is no default password (are you in the Live CD?) | 03:41 |
Aurelian | Hi, im having problems with the CD/DVD release. it boots fine, but when it gets to actually installing, it says it cannot read from disk, (i checked all the usual, re-create, diff cds drives) happens with all of them, so im wondering if anyone else is having this problem? | 03:41 |
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buithuhien | no i install from cd | 03:42 |
inwards | Actually, the control is still there, but the icon is missing. | 03:42 |
newbie33 | where I could find package libglademm-2.4 its for glade | 03:43 |
Warbo | buithuhien: Then you can log in as your normal user, yes? If that is the first user you made then "sudo command" and your normal password will let you run an app as super user | 03:43 |
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Zarephath | newbie33: Did you apt-cache search libglade.*? | 03:43 |
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gnomefreak | newbie33: apt-cache search libglademm | 03:43 |
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Zarephath | Hi gnomefreak... | 03:44 |
newbie33 | thanks | 03:44 |
gnomefreak | hi | 03:44 |
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Beetlejuice | tenho uma duvida sobre temas, alguem me pode ajudar? | 03:45 |
ompaul | !br | 03:45 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada. | 03:45 |
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punkrockguy318 | I'm creating a package. How can a make my package be in the Open WIth menu in nautilus? | 03:45 |
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buithuhien | sorry can i ask a question | 03:46 |
OlliK | yes | 03:46 |
buithuhien | how can i run a *.mp3 from terminor ? | 03:46 |
ferronica | my firefox is not running | 03:46 |
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OlliK | buithuhien: you must use a command-line program that plays mp3s | 03:47 |
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Warbo | buithuhien: To run it in something like XMMS type "xmms file.mp3" to run it in a completely console player install mpg123 or 321 | 03:47 |
OlliK | buithuhien: you need a player to play .mp3 files | 03:47 |
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OlliK | buithuhien: if you type xmms file.mp3, it will start the xmms player which is like winamp | 03:47 |
MrTrick | Hmm.... where's the entry meant to be that starts apache? | 03:47 |
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MrTrick | (on bootup) | 03:48 |
ferronica | help me | 03:48 |
OlliK | buithuhien: but if you don't want to run a program with GUI, install mpg123 | 03:48 |
Warbo | MrTrick: /etc/init.d | 03:48 |
MrTrick | thanks Warbo | 03:48 |
ferronica | my firefox is not running??? | 03:48 |
ferronica | my firefox is not running??? | 03:48 |
OlliK | ferronica: why not? | 03:48 |
Warbo | ferronica: A little more specific? | 03:48 |
ferronica | i dont | 03:48 |
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ferronica | when i click on it | 03:48 |
OlliK | ferronica: what does it say when you try to start it? | 03:48 |
ferronica | it get minimized | 03:48 |
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OlliK | ferronica: what happends when you try to maximize it? | 03:49 |
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ferronica | firefox nothing | 03:49 |
ferronica | after sometime it get closed | 03:49 |
buithuhien | ollik : thanks | 03:49 |
OlliK | buithuhien: np | 03:49 |
ferronica | ollik; ?? | 03:49 |
OlliK | ferronica: I've never seen this kind of problem before... | 03:50 |
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ferronica | ollik: what i do now??? | 03:50 |
OlliK | ferronica: Try to re-install firefox | 03:50 |
OlliK | ferronica: sudo apt-get remove firefox | 03:50 |
newbie33 | kilall firefox-bin | 03:50 |
ferronica | from termianl | 03:50 |
Zarephath | actually remove and then re-install firefox | 03:50 |
OlliK | or is it mozilla-firefox | 03:50 |
ferronica | how to remove it all | 03:50 |
OlliK | ferronica: then sudo apt-get install firefox | 03:50 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica what is the output when start firefox from the terminal ? | 03:50 |
sHaDe | E Lo scudetto se ne va.....sahudhsaudhasud | 03:50 |
ferronica | i hav FF1.5 | 03:50 |
Warbo | OlliK: mozilla-firefox is meta-package I think | 03:50 |
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OlliK | Warbo: rgr | 03:50 |
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ferronica | i dont know how to start from terminal | 03:51 |
=== kavefish [n=kavefish@c-68-48-6-227.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ferronica | i just clcik that icon | 03:51 |
Linux_Junkie | mozilla-firefox | 03:51 |
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OlliK | ferronica: you can usually start from terminal just by typing the name of the program | 03:51 |
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Linux_Junkie | when starting things in terminal you get extra verbose information. | 03:51 |
ompaul | ferronica, firefox in a terminal | 03:51 |
OlliK | ferronica: just type firefox in terminal window | 03:51 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica by starting in the terminal you can usually see at which job it hung up at. | 03:51 |
ferronica | (firefox-bin:11450): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib | 03:52 |
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OlliK | ferronica: then it will start the firefox but you will also see info that it gives to the terminal window | 03:52 |
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ferronica | i typed ---mozilla-firefox | 03:52 |
ferronica | this error came Up | 03:52 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica are you in as root ? | 03:52 |
ferronica | yes | 03:53 |
ferronica | i am the owner | 03:53 |
ferronica | of my computer | 03:53 |
Warbo | ferronica: Don't do stuff as root 1) You can break your system 2) You won't use your own preferences | 03:53 |
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buithuhien | oh i have a bin file (real player from internet ) and i don't know to install it . please help me | 03:53 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, try running as user | 03:53 |
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ompaul | ferronica, you should not be logged in as root, it is not the way you get the most out of ubuntu | 03:53 |
Linux_Junkie | hehe | 03:53 |
newbie33 | :) | 03:54 |
Warbo | buithuhien: Sure. Can you navigate around in a terminal? | 03:54 |
Linux_Junkie | so is it true the new version of ubuntu is delayed til the windows vista release ??? | 03:54 |
newbie33 | yesterday I had the same prolem with ff | 03:54 |
newbie33 | simply reinstall it | 03:54 |
buithuhien | warbo : yeas | 03:54 |
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gnomefreak | Linux_Junkie: no dapper will be released june 1 | 03:54 |
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Linux_Junkie | gnomefreak, ahh nods. | 03:55 |
ompaul | Linux_Junkie, no, we will most likely have 2 if not three releases out by then | 03:55 |
buithuhien | i login as root | 03:55 |
newbie33 | dapper is beter than breezy? | 03:55 |
Linux_Junkie | gnomefreak, thinking of perhaps trying out ubuntu yet again. | 03:55 |
ompaul | buithuhien, who advised you to? | 03:55 |
gnomefreak | newbie33: dapper is same as breezy for most part | 03:55 |
Linux_Junkie | gnomefreak, been a gentoo user for a long time now. | 03:55 |
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sethk | buithuhien, usually you would just do ./filename.bin assuming it is in the current directory | 03:55 |
buithuhien | by sudo -i command and type my password (buithuhien) | 03:55 |
Warbo | buithuhien: OK. Just go to the directory where it is installed (in a terminal) and type "chmod 755 filename.bin" then "sudo ./filename.bin" that dot is very important | 03:55 |
tonyyarusso | Linux_Junkie: We're going to have Dapper AND Edgy out before Vista :) | 03:55 |
sethk | buithuhien, you may also have to do this (first): chmod +x filename.bin | 03:55 |
Linux_Junkie | tonyyarusso, any of which will have some xgl goodness ? | 03:56 |
buithuhien | thanks everyone | 03:56 |
gnomefreak | vista last i heard is nov of 2007 | 03:56 |
Linux_Junkie | I heard vista was coming out sometime next year hah. | 03:56 |
ompaul | gnomefreak, so that is like 2008 with slippage? | 03:56 |
joelito | gnomefreak: Jan 2007 would be more accurate | 03:56 |
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ompaul | and it was what due in 2003? | 03:56 |
tonyyarusso | Linux_Junkie: You can get Xgl on Dapper, although it will take some work and might be a little fuzzy at this point; we should see leaps and bounds by October for Edgy. | 03:56 |
gnomefreak | ompaul: yep its been delayed 3 times already lol | 03:56 |
Warbo | sethk: I still can't get the havg of chmod using the rwx options, I just use the numbers | 03:56 |
sethk | don't use numbers with chmod. the correct thing to do is chmod +x for execute | 03:56 |
tonyyarusso | ompaul: Yep. | 03:56 |
sethk | Warbo, the numbers are an invitation to make a serious mistake | 03:57 |
buithuhien | oh sorry i am still not understand | 03:57 |
sethk | Warbo, what is difficult about +x? | 03:57 |
newbie33 | how to configure laptop touchpad, its very sensitive | 03:57 |
ferronica | so what i do | 03:57 |
chiche | u+x? | 03:57 |
buithuhien | i want to install realplayer.bin | 03:57 |
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sethk | chiche, +x is the same as u+x | 03:57 |
gnomefreak | joelito: im going on what a xp tech told me when i asked | 03:57 |
chiche | o+x etc. | 03:57 |
Warbo | sethk: I just don't get it, it doesn't seem to change in a way that I understand. I've played about adding and taking away permissions then ls -l | 03:58 |
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ompaul | !tell buithuhien about restricted | 03:58 |
=== gnomefreak hates windows | ||
tonyyarusso | Hey, /topic still says to register, but the channel's not +r anymore. | 03:58 |
=== chiche hehe | ||
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ferronica | what i do | 03:58 |
Warbo | buithuhien: To run it either type "sudo sh filename.bin" or "sudo ./filename.bin" | 03:58 |
ompaul | buithuhien, that web page that the bot sent you will help you with lots of stuff including realplayer the way it works on Ubuntu | 03:58 |
ferronica | my firefox is not running??? | 03:58 |
sethk | Warbo, I want it to be executable, I use +x. I want it not to be executable, I use -x. no problem at all | 03:58 |
ferronica | my firefox is not running??? | 03:58 |
ferronica | what to do now | 03:58 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, heh | 03:58 |
=== MrRio [n=rio@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MrRio] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, go into user right | 03:58 |
chiche | is sudo safe? | 03:58 |
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Warbo | sethk: How do you change it per user/group/other? | 03:58 |
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gnomefreak | chiche: yes | 03:58 |
ompaul | chiche, yes | 03:58 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, wipe out .mozilla/firefox directory | 03:59 |
=== PuMpErNiCkLe [n=PuMpErNi@CPE000d8802a749-CM0012c9a9a6dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aCMe[ubu] | help! how can i listen mp3 on xmms??? | 03:59 |
chiche | (hehe) | 03:59 |
sethk | Warbo, g+x, g-x, o+x, o-x | 03:59 |
Warbo | chiche: for what exactlt? Giving to a script kiddy? no | 03:59 |
gnomefreak | ubotut ell aCMe[ubu] about mp3 | 03:59 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, then reinstall firefox via apt-get mozilla-firefox | 03:59 |
Warbo | sethk: OK, I will use that in the future | 03:59 |
newbie33 | aCMe[ubu] , just open and listen | 03:59 |
sethk | Warbo, much less error prone | 03:59 |
aCMe[ubu] | (newbie33): xmms crash | 03:59 |
ferronica | how to go as user | 03:59 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, I had a problem with firefox not starting up with one of my laptops | 03:59 |
aCMe[ubu] | he doesn't work when i listen a mp3 | 04:00 |
buithuhien | sorry what's restricted | 04:00 |
gnomefreak | !restricted | 04:00 |
ubotu | it has been said that restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats | 04:00 |
ferronica | in termianl | 04:00 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, i had to backup my settings on it then wipe out .mozilla/firefox directory reinstall and it worked. | 04:00 |
ompaul | ferronica, you can do it as root and you don't know how to do it as a user, this seems a most advanced pickle you have gotten yourself into | 04:00 |
newbie33 | aCMe[ubu] , try to update or reinstall | 04:00 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, you are logged as your user right ? | 04:00 |
Warbo | ferronica: You are a normal user by default. Do not use sudo unless you are changing your system | 04:00 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, you should automatically log in as user. | 04:00 |
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ferronica | right | 04:00 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, hah well seems like there are tons of people in here already to help, gonna go buy a pack of smokes. | 04:01 |
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Linux_Junkie | ttyl ubuntu channel. | 04:01 |
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aCMe[ubu] | newbie33, sudo .. ? | 04:01 |
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ferronica | what | 04:01 |
ferronica | help me | 04:01 |
ferronica | help me | 04:01 |
ferronica | help | 04:01 |
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Linux_Junkie | wth hah | 04:01 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, just told you what to do. | 04:01 |
ferronica | what i type in terminal | 04:02 |
ferronica | tell me | 04:02 |
ferronica | first | 04:02 |
ferronica | ok | 04:02 |
newbie33 | aCMe[ubu] , sudo apt-get upgrade xmms | 04:02 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, ok | 04:02 |
aCMe[ubu] | tks | 04:02 |
apokryphos | ferronica: please stop being annoying. | 04:02 |
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Warbo | ferronica: Are you using FF1.5? Did you follow the Wiki guide? Have you tried regular FireFox? All of this as a normal user? | 04:02 |
apokryphos | or that happens :) | 04:02 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, do this "cp -r .mozilla/firefox ~/firefox.backup | 04:02 |
gnomefreak | lol | 04:02 |
Linux_Junkie | " | 04:02 |
gnomefreak | guys its gone | 04:02 |
newbie33 | :) | 04:02 |
gnomefreak | its = he/she/not sure | 04:02 |
Linux_Junkie | ferronica, take out the quotes | 04:02 |
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Linux_Junkie | rofl | 04:03 |
Linux_Junkie | stare. | 04:03 |
gnomefreak | how many times can someone leave without comming back? | 04:03 |
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Linux_Junkie | gnomefreak, start counting. | 04:03 |
Warbo | Anyone know of an euae package or should I just run it from it's own directory? | 04:03 |
Hoxzer | is there any howto to get dmix to work? | 04:03 |
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apokryphos | !dmix | 04:04 |
ubotu | I heard dmix is first try system>prefrences>multimedia system selector change it to alsa. for oss application type aoss <appl name> if still have problems then http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin | 04:04 |
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Jowi | Is there a way to automatically put files in userdirectories when that user is created? Example: create a new user and a specific .muttrc is put in /home/user | 04:04 |
Warbo | Jowl: Put stuff in /etc/skle | 04:04 |
Knorrie_ | Jowi: see /etc/skel | 04:04 |
Jowi | thanks Warbo and Knorrie | 04:04 |
Linux_Junkie | hah | 04:04 |
Warbo | Wow. Two spelling mistakes in one message! | 04:04 |
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gnomefreak | brb smoke | 04:05 |
sethk | Jowi, there is a capability to build a skeletal directory for use in creating each new user's home directory | 04:05 |
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ompaul | ban avoidence hate that | 04:05 |
Warbo | sethk: There is a gui program that uses Xnest, but I forget it's name. I remember it says "All your settings are belong to us" | 04:06 |
Jowi | sethk: yeah, I found the skel example, thanks :) | 04:06 |
chiche | eh, installing too many FF plug-ins, is it good for you? | 04:06 |
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chiche | Warbo, hahaha | 04:07 |
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Warbo | chiche: That is not the UNIX way. Use external players for playing movies and music. Use external download managers, etc. like Epiphany does. 1 program does 1 task REALLY WELL | 04:07 |
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DE_Retiree | test | 04:08 |
chiche | is epiphany still alive? | 04:08 |
gnomefreak | chiche: yes | 04:08 |
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Warbo | chiche: It is part of GNOME, I use it | 04:08 |
apokryphos | DE_Retiree: failed | 04:08 |
ompaul | CraiZE, #ubuntu-offtopic please :-) | 04:08 |
CraiZE | ok | 04:08 |
chiche | Warbo, not always... | 04:09 |
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Warbo | chiche: example? Here's one. File Roller does 1 thing. It controls archivers. Each archiver supports one archive type | 04:10 |
chiche | Warbo, so? | 04:11 |
Warbo | chiche: Just saying, that gives you a more stable, expandable system | 04:11 |
chiche | Warbo, I doubt | 04:11 |
Dr_Willis | i dont. | 04:12 |
Dr_Willis | i find it to be true | 04:12 |
Warbo | chiche: It does. If you want a better example, then you don't have to redownload TONS of programs if a major error is found in gzip (as gzip is the only gzip program) | 04:12 |
Frogzoo | how do I convince apt to build me an unstripped binary? | 04:12 |
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movi | by the gods! help me set up my Mac to print to my Ubuntu box using ipp | 04:13 |
chiche | to work in one way is not a good idea (like the framework) | 04:13 |
chiche | gtk/gnome = a framework | 04:13 |
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Warbo | chiche: How many archivers are there for Windows on Download.com? Loads. Why? Because each tries to do everything and fails | 04:13 |
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DE_Retiree | test 2 | 04:14 |
Warbo | Anyway, if nobody knows of an euae package I'm off to Richard Drummond's site (if I can remember it) | 04:15 |
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ompaul | Warbo, if only there was a way to search the internet :-) | 04:15 |
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chiche | Warbo, not really, for instance, mozilla > ff for me | 04:15 |
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thatGuy_ | [nige] | 04:16 |
chiche | the second, emacs > vim | 04:16 |
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xanvier | hello all!~ | 04:17 |
chiche | there are dumb users/develops, there are no dumb applications | 04:18 |
xanvier | just OT, apologies, anyone knows what is happening to distrowatch website? :D I can't seem to access it... | 04:18 |
Warbo | ompaul: rcdrummond.net? Yay first try! Anyway, would I be better off building the source or using the prebuilt one. It says it is built with: gcc 4.0.1, glibc 2.3 and libSDL 1.2 | 04:18 |
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chiche | xanvier, what's wrong with distrowatch? | 04:18 |
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xanvier | hmm...it returns an empty page for me when i try to access it. | 04:19 |
MrTrick | if apache isn't starting on boot... what am I doing wrong? | 04:19 |
chiche | xanvier, even through a proxy? | 04:19 |
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Warbo | xanvier: Hmmm. Have they banned you for refreshing the Ubuntu page 5000 times? :) | 04:19 |
xanvier | LOLOLOL | 04:19 |
xanvier | that's not possible | 04:19 |
xanvier | i only managed to install my first distro just a few days ago. Not yet a fanboy of any distro yet. :P | 04:20 |
chiche | xanvier, do you need distrowatch to find a good distribution? | 04:20 |
xanvier | ;) i managed to download slackware and ubuntu to try it out. | 04:20 |
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chiche | xanvier, distrowatch = ADs for me | 04:21 |
xanvier | so far erm...ubuntu is what i have installed so far. heh | 04:21 |
Warbo | xanvier: Your first distro? Slackware? It's your choice...... | 04:21 |
timgoh0 | Hi, I've installed Breezy 5.10 on an AMD64 machine, using kernel 2.6.12-9-amd64-generic. I've got a problem with automount with gnome-volume-manager. CDROMs automount just fine, but CDRs created in TAO don't. Manual mounting works though. | 04:21 |
thatGuy_ | this wireless situation is driving me up a wall | 04:21 |
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timgoh0 | hald tells me that 22:11:16.761 [W] hald_dbus.c:86: No property info.callouts.add on device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_label_ when I mount a cdr. | 04:22 |
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timgoh0 | This is not optimal as I've got a user who would rather not mess with manual mounting. | 04:22 |
chiche | especially, the usb wireless device is pain in the @ss | 04:22 |
xanvier | just wondering, i noticed that the list of applications available are different for different desktop environment man. (e.g gnome, kde, xfce) so in this context, can anyone kindly point to me where i can find a list of apps for xfce? cant seem to find one. heh | 04:23 |
chiche | twm/fvwm +1 | 04:23 |
timgoh0 | xanvier: Apps for other desktop environments will run just fine. | 04:23 |
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xanvier | timgoh0: oh is it!? | 04:24 |
thatGuy_ | yeah. wlan cards aren't even new... dont know why linux still can't handle this ish | 04:24 |
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timgoh0 | There is no desktop environment dependant app. As long as the relevant libraries are there, it will run. | 04:24 |
timgoh0 | Apt will settle that for you. | 04:24 |
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xanvier | oh i see, im a newbie here, so paiseh. apologies | 04:24 |
timgoh0 | So, anyone can help with the automount problem? | 04:24 |
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timgoh0 | xanvier: Hey, you're from .sg as well! | 04:24 |
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Warbo | xanvier: XFCE generally uses GNOME apps as they both use GTK libraries | 04:25 |
xanvier | @timgoh0: hey hey. i was also wondering if ya came from there too. heh. | 04:25 |
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xanvier | warbo: oh i see. any good intro to GTK libraries for newbie in ya opinion? :) thanks | 04:26 |
kavefish | how might one ask apt what package provides a specific file? | 04:26 |
chiche | Warbo, that's not the fault of XFCE | 04:26 |
Bone` | major noob trying to get AVI working, any FAQs you guys recommend? | 04:26 |
Warbo | xanvier: Newbies don't need to bother with libraries. Apt will sort that out for you. Just install what you want | 04:26 |
JDahl | kavefish, "dpkg -S xxx.h", for instance | 04:27 |
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kavefish | thanks JDahl | 04:27 |
timgoh0 | kavefish: I think you want apt-cache search. | 04:27 |
chiche | Warbo, if possible, I wanted a gtk/qt-free os | 04:27 |
Warbo | JDahl: The porno headers. Excellent, what provides that? :) | 04:27 |
JDahl | Warbo, good one ;) | 04:28 |
st3v3dnd | How can I ignore some of the available updates? I installed firefox 1.5 on my own, and now Ubuntu is bugging me to upgrade to 1.0.8 | 04:28 |
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chiche | O.o | 04:28 |
simonpca | plop | 04:28 |
chiche | upgrade = downgrade? | 04:28 |
st3v3dnd | Not necessarily | 04:28 |
st3v3dnd | THere's no packages in synaptic for ff 1.5 | 04:29 |
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st3v3dnd | So it was a manual install, I thought I read when doing that that the old install needed to be left there to avoid some problem. | 04:29 |
st3v3dnd | Is it safe to just uninstall the older firefox version? | 04:29 |
st3v3dnd | I'm running Breezy, and not Dapper | 04:30 |
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timgoh0 | st3v3dnd: You want to install and divert with dpkg-divert. | 04:30 |
Warbo | chiche: There is a meta theme thing being worked on by SymphonyOS guys which applies the same theme to GTK and QT. QT has a basic GTK pixmap thing and I have a QT theme "Polymer" installed which does something similar. You need one kind of Widget set, even if it's MUI or something | 04:30 |
timgoh0 | st3v3dnd: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for instructions. | 04:30 |
kolin | does ubuntu support a VIA PCI 10/100mb fast ethernet adapter (VIA Technologies, Inc). network interface card | 04:30 |
rabe | i do have floppy formatted in windows, if i delete everything on it, only ~400kb is free ... How to format it completely (for linux)? | 04:30 |
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Warbo | rabe: mkfs.vfat /dev/fd0 | 04:31 |
Warbo | rabe: be careful with that | 04:31 |
runew0lf | :) | 04:31 |
rabe | why? | 04:31 |
chiche | Warbo, I know what the x-window programming are... | 04:31 |
kavefish | JDahl, timgoh0: I'm trying to determine which package I need to install to correct a build failulre (of mozilla sunbird); dpkg only tells me about what I have installed and I don't see how apt-cache can tell me what package provides a specific header file | 04:31 |
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Warbo | rabe: If you misspell something you could format something which is not your floppy drive :) | 04:32 |
st3v3dnd | timgoh0: Thanks, I'll take a look | 04:32 |
onthost | I have a install question with Breezy for PPC. I get through the first half of the install, drop to a shell, install the new ramdisk and kernel to the HFS drive, then when I reboot into linux i get | 04:32 |
onthost | " | 04:32 |
chiche | Warbo, it's a common sense for a long time... | 04:32 |
rabe | mkfs.vfat /dev/hdd1 LOL aaah | 04:32 |
onthost | "/scripts/local-top/evms: 31: /sbin/evms_activate not found" | 04:32 |
onthost | and it dies | 04:32 |
scd | hi all | 04:32 |
kavefish | something akin to 'yum provides xxx.h' is what I'm looking for | 04:32 |
_jason | kavefish: install apt-file | 04:33 |
runew0lf | well just downloaded and installed ubuntu today.... | 04:33 |
runew0lf | its blummin great! | 04:33 |
rabe | Warbo: mkfs.vfat: /dev/fd0 contains a mounted file system. | 04:33 |
rabe | (should i unmount it wiht umount?) | 04:33 |
_jason | kavefish: usage: iniitially you must 'sudo apt-file update', then just do 'apt-file search name_of_file_I_looking_for' | 04:33 |
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Warbo | rabe: Yes, unmount it | 04:33 |
timgoh0 | kavefish: apt-cache search <regex> --full will search through the entire package list. The filename should be in there. | 04:34 |
kavefish | _jason, thanks I'll give that a shot | 04:34 |
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davidhouse | hey, on ubuntu's emacs, is there a setting i can toggle to switch it from dark colour scheme to a light one? | 04:34 |
davidhouse | other than changing every. single. face. | 04:34 |
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Warbo | Hmmm. I got a seg fault while checkinstalling euae | 04:34 |
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timgoh0 | kavefish: Oh, wait. Spoke too soon. Ignore the last. | 04:35 |
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Jowi | Warbo: using dapper? | 04:35 |
Warbo | jowi: Yes | 04:36 |
rabe | why does the copy process to floppy take so LITTLE time (comparing to windows)? | 04:36 |
rabe | amazing | 04:36 |
kavefish | timgoh0, _jason, thanks for your help; apt-file did the trick | 04:36 |
timgoh0 | kavefish: Use packages.ubuntu.com? | 04:36 |
MisterN | rabe: when copying a file? | 04:36 |
Jowi | Warbo: yes, checkingstall is broken on ls and mkdir commands. it has been fixed for ages but the package in dapper is not updated. | 04:36 |
rabe | can i read a floppy formatted in windows? | 04:36 |
runew0lf | i was usin slax before this, this is MUCH better | 04:36 |
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Warbo | rabe: The files aren't copied straight away, they are kept in RAM. When you are done you unmount the disk and changes are written | 04:36 |
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rabe | ah ok | 04:36 |
MisterN | Warbo: or hopefully on idle, also | 04:37 |
rabe | Warbo: can i read a floppy formatted in windows? | 04:37 |
rabe | formatted in linux | 04:37 |
rabe | * | 04:37 |
Warbo | rabe: Which is why it is important that you not just eject the disc | 04:37 |
chiche | a silly question, can we rebuild one ubuntu system from the source? (in theory) | 04:37 |
Warbo | rabe: vfat is fat32, so windows and linux can read it. If you use ext2 then it is hard to get windows to read it | 04:38 |
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chiche | who cares? | 04:38 |
rabe | but it's basically fat32 when copying (as i did now)? | 04:38 |
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chiche | windows is a dead man | 04:38 |
runew0lf | much better | 04:38 |
Warbo | rabe: yes, the mkfs.vfat command made a fat32 (windows) disk | 04:38 |
kolin | hello im trying to install GNU/Linux without any CD, floppy, USB-key, nor any other removable media using the meathods explained on this page http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html | 04:38 |
chiche | like the dos | 04:38 |
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runew0lf | naww windows will stay around for a good long while yet | 04:39 |
rabe | Warbo: for ext2/3 would i use "mkfs.ext3 ... " ? | 04:39 |
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chiche | if you used linux/bsd, ext2 is a good beginning | 04:39 |
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Warbo | rabe: yes, but for some reason in the GUI floppy formatters I have seen they only use ext2 and not 3. Probably the journal takes up valuable space | 04:40 |
chiche | ext3 in bsd? hahahahaha | 04:40 |
runew0lf | chiche, i do have to say though, the home office is contemplating changing to linux :D | 04:40 |
rabe | windows is not bad, at least i'm able to play surround 5.1 (real) and my ati card does not make problems, altough that's the issue of ati more than ubuntu | 04:40 |
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chiche | windows is not bad for dummies... but it still is a dead man | 04:41 |
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Frogzoo | rabe: open a ticket with ati & insist they bring their drivers up to standard | 04:41 |
Warbo | rabe: As the antichrist once said: "Developers, developers, developers, developers..." It is not really Ubuntu's problem (but they still try gawd bless em) | 04:41 |
runew0lf | i got windows on my desktop and ubuntu on me laptop | 04:41 |
rabe | it's all bout money | 04:41 |
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rabe | if every one would use linux, they would be FORCED to make decent drivers for it | 04:41 |
runew0lf | and dummies make up a large percentage of our population ;) | 04:41 |
chiche | windows was dead at 2001 | 04:41 |
Warbo | rabe: Developers don't make stuff for non-m$ because nobody uses it. Nobody uses it because there are no apps for it. Catch 22 (which is why I hate m$ for shafting Java) | 04:42 |
rabe | but still it's SO annoying having no fglrx drivers working for my radeon 9800 and no surround | 04:42 |
MrTrick | I want to remove apache2, completely... dpkg --purge apache2 doesn't seem to work. | 04:42 |
chiche | until now, there no any NEW thing in windows world | 04:42 |
Frogzoo | rabe: if ATI get enough pressure from a wide base, they will reconsider their shoddy resourcing of linux drivers | 04:42 |
MrTrick | [in that there are lots of 'apache2' files and folders left] | 04:42 |
jeff_hann | MrTrick:slocate apache | 04:43 |
rabe | Frogzoo: is there any petition made to make drivers (decent) for linux? | 04:43 |
jeff_hann | then remove'em | 04:43 |
rabe | i mean nvidia did the job | 04:43 |
MrTrick | what's slocate meant to do? | 04:43 |
rabe | nivida rules | 04:43 |
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MrTrick | ah... | 04:43 |
Edgy_Eft | sorry, falsches Fenster :) | 04:43 |
Frogzoo | rabe: dunno, I just opened a ticket to let them know I take the problem seriously | 04:43 |
jeff_hann | MrTrick:first do sudo updatedb | 04:43 |
=== MrTrick has been using ls -R | grep searchstring .... all this time | ||
jeff_hann | it makes/updates a database of all your files | 04:44 |
Warbo | chiche: I always try to correct people when they say "Windows can use my device" to "Your device can use Windows" because a bare windows box would be pretty useless. Take the install CDs from all of the hardware out there and you see how good Linux driver support is | 04:44 |
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jeff_hann | then search with slocate/locate | 04:44 |
jeff_hann | and remove | 04:44 |
MrTrick | cool, thanks. | 04:44 |
jeff_hann | n p | 04:44 |
Edgy_Eft | mh.... | 04:44 |
MrTrick | having issues with apache | 04:44 |
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Frogzoo | MrTrick: it's a slow version of locate | 04:44 |
scd_hu | msg nickserv register <Pass-wd72> | 04:44 |
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Edgy_Eft | i use Windows XP only as a kind of "graphic driver" for World of Warcraft :) | 04:45 |
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jeff_hann | man slocate | 04:46 |
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OnkelJonas | hi... I'm wanting to make my USB HD mp3 player have a bootable partition with ubuntu on it. Anyone got pointers that could help me? | 04:47 |
WildZeck | it's not easy | 04:48 |
OnkelJonas | ok... is there any info about it somewhere? | 04:48 |
rabe | anyoe know how to CLEAR the cache of "execute" (alt+f2)? | 04:49 |
WildZeck | search about usb distribution | 04:49 |
chiche | cache? | 04:49 |
OnkelJonas | I have plenty of freetime at the moment, being home sick and all | 04:49 |
WildZeck | floonix | 04:49 |
WildZeck | etc... | 04:49 |
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OnkelJonas | ok thx - in the forums or | 04:49 |
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rabe | chiche: the cache or whatever is saved when you click on the arrow | 04:50 |
htrl2004 | hi. i have installed the gnome applet for change the cpu clock on my centrino. i can switch between 798 mhz, 1.06 ghz, 1.33 ghz and 1.73 ghz. but how can I set as default the 798 mhz instead of 1.73 ghz (sorry for my bad english) | 04:50 |
chiche | ro -rf /home? | 04:50 |
chiche | rm | 04:50 |
gimmulf__ | !bluetooth | 04:50 |
ubotu | well, bluetooth is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothSetup and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothRemote | 04:50 |
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Edgy_Eft | !sudo | 04:50 |
ubotu | sudo is, like, totally, a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 04:50 |
rabe | anyone know how to CLEAR the cache (when clicking on the down-arrow) of "execute ..." (alt+f2)? | 04:50 |
Edgy_Eft | !WIFI | 04:50 |
ubotu | it has been said that wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 04:50 |
chiche | I think that would do the trick | 04:50 |
rabe | chiche: sorry didn't see your post, trying that... | 04:51 |
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Warbo | OnkelJonas: I am running from my USB hard drive at the moment (sda5) so you should be able to do it. Only problem is how do you shrink the partition on your MP3 player when the firmware loads as soon as you turn it on? | 04:51 |
chiche | hey guys, do you have any bluetooth device? | 04:52 |
Warbo | chiche: I have a dongle which just works | 04:52 |
Edgy_Eft | !wpa | 04:52 |
=== MrTrick will see what happens on reboot... fingers crossed | ||
ubotu | rumour has it, wpa is enable the universe repository, then "sudo apt-get update", and then "sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant". See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto for more details | 04:52 |
Dr_Willis | i synced with my bluetooth cell phone. using a usb dongle | 04:52 |
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rabe | chiche: rm -rf /home ?? i jsut deleted my home folder!! | 04:52 |
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Warbo | chiche: I bound my phone to a serial port and dialed a pay-as-you-go ISP. It wasted all of my credit | 04:53 |
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OnkelJonas | I have a custom firmware that can boot in USB mode so I don't think that should be a problem | 04:53 |
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Edgy_Eft | !3com | 04:53 |
ubotu | Edgy_Eft: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:53 |
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rabe | how to restore my home folder? (rm -rf /home)??? | 04:53 |
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chiche | it cleans your caches, isn't it? | 04:53 |
rabe | chiche: no!!!! | 04:53 |
rabe | my home | 04:53 |
rabe | yes | 04:53 |
xanvier | my goodness... | 04:54 |
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rabe | anyway to restore? | 04:54 |
Warbo | OnkelJonas: As long as you can resize the MP3 player partition with QTParted then your only other problem (if you have an old mobo like me) is booting from USB, which I overcame with a custom initrd and a GRUB CD | 04:54 |
ninjus | pray pray pray... | 04:54 |
erUSUL | rabe: it will be imposible to recover the data. | 04:54 |
chiche | I think it cleans all caches, including that in your brain | 04:54 |
ninjus | and wait for miracle | 04:54 |
ninjus | ;-> | 04:54 |
erUSUL | rabe: i'm afraid | 04:54 |
Edgy_Eft | .oO ( cleaning also Layer 9 ) | 04:55 |
rabe | well it's not that important jsut had some configs (fresh install) | 04:55 |
rabe | chiche: do you think that's funny? | 04:55 |
rabe | a**hole | 04:55 |
chiche | what funny? | 04:55 |
chiche | me? | 04:55 |
rabe | yep | 04:55 |
chiche | ... | 04:55 |
newbie33 | what it means breezy-backports main restricted universe | 04:55 |
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rabe | "rm -rf /home" | 04:56 |
_jason | ubotu: tell newbie33 about backports | 04:56 |
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_jason | rabe: can we please not paste commands like that in here | 04:56 |
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ralph | hello....new to ubuntu..how do i get plugins/codecs for totem? | 04:56 |
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rabe | well he told me to enter this | 04:56 |
Warbo | _jason: Not his fault, but really there should have been a disclaimer on it rabe | 04:57 |
rabe | kick that bastard ! (chiche) | 04:57 |
Edgy_Eft | !op | 04:57 |
ubotu | Edgy_Eft: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:57 |
chiche | no~ | 04:57 |
rabe | how old are you man? | 04:57 |
chiche | 10? | 04:57 |
_jason | rabe: I see now | 04:57 |
Warbo | ralph: You need Universe (Synaptic>Settings>Repositories>Add>Universe+Multiverse>OK) then install all of the "gstreamer" packages | 04:58 |
_jason | chiche: goes for you too, plese don't paste commands like you did in here without some explanation | 04:58 |
rabe | _jason: anyway to recreate a new home dir? | 04:58 |
ralph | thanks Warbo | 04:58 |
orbin | ubotu: tell ralph about multimedia | 04:58 |
rabe | just a default one | 04:58 |
orbin | ubotu: tell ralph about restricted | 04:58 |
chiche | ok | 04:58 |
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Warbo | rabe: "cp -r /etc/skel /home/username" | 04:59 |
_jason | rabe: you ran that command? | 04:59 |
rabe | is there any WAY to created a home dir (default one), because if i reboot, i can not enter anymore? | 04:59 |
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cycus_zwisus | ms ubuntu xp unproffessional - when? | 04:59 |
brandon_ | i've got a really onnaying bug in dapper right now. the mixer values are going int he opposite direction. so, in other words, to raise the volume levels i push the bar down, and to lower the volume, it goes up. it's backwards | 04:59 |
roryy | rabe: probably easiest just to create a new user | 04:59 |
rabe | _jason: yES!!! | 04:59 |
Warbo | rabe: Do that without /home/username existing | 04:59 |
roryy | rabe: you can still boot up in recover mode | 04:59 |
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orbin | cycus_zwisus: sentence speak makes sense - when? | 04:59 |
newbie33 | is it good to have very long sources.list file?:) | 04:59 |
rabe | "sudo: cannot get working directory | 05:00 |
rabe | " | 05:00 |
Warbo | brandon_: I found that somethimes. Really annoying, but I don;t get it anymore | 05:00 |
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roryy | rabe: try 'cd /' first | 05:00 |
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apricot | i have no sound in AA. | 05:00 |
rabe | thanks | 05:00 |
_jason | rabe: cd /, sudo mkdir -p /home/username | 05:00 |
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orbin | newbie33: it's not the size mate, it's how you use it | 05:00 |
brandon_ | Warbo: did you ever find out what was causing it? | 05:00 |
Warbo | brandon_: Nope | 05:00 |
feistel | hi | 05:00 |
feistel | what tool I can use for configuring X ? | 05:00 |
brandon_ | dammit | 05:00 |
feistel | command line tool | 05:00 |
Warbo | apricot: AA? ASCII Art library? | 05:00 |
apricot | no, americas army | 05:01 |
roryy | feistel: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 05:01 |
cycus_zwisus | what's the difference between ubuntu and windows? | 05:01 |
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Warbo | cycus_zwisus: You're joking right? | 05:01 |
jeff_hann | :)) | 05:01 |
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Frogzoo | actually it's a good question... | 05:01 |
Xenguy_ | cycus_zwisus: you have some reading to do :-) | 05:01 |
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Edgy_Eft | cycus_zwisus, we all use ubuntu, no one windows | 05:01 |
Warbo | Edgy_Eft: Some people dual boot (I don;t) | 05:02 |
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Warbo | What is it with me and pressing ; instead of '? | 05:02 |
_jason | rabe: let me know if that worked | 05:02 |
stuzz78 | hello.. i have a new server install of ubuntu with xubuntu-desktop added... how do i get sound going? | 05:02 |
jeff_hann | alsaconfig | 05:02 |
rabe | _jason, Warbo: i have a dir with my username | 05:02 |
Frogzoo | cycus_zwisus: #1 - ubuntu is open source ie you can redistribute for free, & you can recompile & modify the source | 05:02 |
rabe | _jason, Warbo: i have a dir with my username and 2 files in it: .bashrc and .bash_profile | 05:03 |
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rabe | is that ok? | 05:03 |
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Warbo | rabe: If you want to "restore" your default settings then making an exact copt od /etc/skel in /home with your username will do (asfter changing it's permissions) | 05:03 |
_jason | rabe: ok, logout of gnome and come back in, it should create some stuff | 05:03 |
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rabe | ok | 05:04 |
_jason | rabe: Warbo makes a good point, you need to give ownership to your home first | 05:04 |
rabe | how to? | 05:04 |
cycus_zwisus | ubuntu is the easiest distribution, and that's why it's so popular | 05:04 |
Frogzoo | cycus_zwisus: #2 - ubuntu is built on linux, itself a unix derivative - whereas windows is a dos derivative, which never was built for multitasking | 05:04 |
Warbo | _jason: Will it log in without .Xauthority? | 05:04 |
_jason | Warbo: should create it | 05:04 |
GameOver69 | hey can anyone help with getting 3d acceleration working with my ATI radeon 7500 mobility | 05:04 |
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Warbo | _jason: OK. | 05:04 |
rabe | i made sudo cp -r /etc/skel /home/hischam | 05:04 |
Warbo | GameOver69: I assume you know about fglrx? | 05:05 |
_jason | rabe: sudo chown username:username /home/username | 05:05 |
cycus_zwisus | even mandriva is more harder, that's a shame, isn't it? :/ | 05:05 |
cycus_zwisus | is harder* | 05:05 |
webwolf_27 | can somebody help me with a dhcp problem? The server ( on breezy ) appears to be configured correctly, but the client ( also breezy ) can't connect to the internet although it has an IP. | 05:05 |
GameOver69 | Warbo, doesnt seem to work | 05:05 |
Frogzoo | GameOver69: have you added 'dri' to xorg.conf ? | 05:05 |
roryy | _jason: i'd add a -R to that | 05:05 |
kestas | webwolf_27: can the server access the internet? | 05:05 |
_jason | rabe: sudo chown -R username:username /home/username | 05:05 |
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_jason | roryy: thanks | 05:05 |
Warbo | cycus_zwisus: Madriva has some nice custom config programs, but they are KDE and they don't release them to the community like Ubuntu does | 05:05 |
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webwolf_27 | kestas, I'm sitting at it now | 05:05 |
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rabe | _jason: ssudo chown -R username:username /home/username and then restart gnome? | 05:05 |
kestas | webwolf_27: and can the client ping and access the server? | 05:06 |
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delliott | Hi, I am having a problem installing IBM Java on PPC. It does show show in the list when I run 'sudo update-alternatives --config java'. Does anybody have experience with this? | 05:06 |
webwolf_27 | kestas, yes | 05:06 |
_jason | rabe: ls -ld ~, what does it say? | 05:06 |
roryy | rabe: if things go completely wrong, you can reboot in recovery mode (you will be root in that case) | 05:06 |
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kestas | webwolf_27: are you intending to use NAT or a proxy? | 05:06 |
Warbo | GameOver69: Sorry, I use mostly nvidia (and I have 1 ATI with just ati driver as fglrx causes random crashes) | 05:06 |
cycus_zwisus | ubuntu has such config programs too, but they are based on gnome | 05:06 |
webwolf_27 | kestas, nat | 05:06 |
GameOver69 | Frogzoo, i tried that yesterday | 05:06 |
Frogzoo | !tell GameOver69 about fglrx | 05:06 |
rabe | _jason: drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2006-04-22 17:04 /home/rabe | 05:06 |
GameOver69 | Frogzoo, that doesnt seem to work | 05:06 |
Warbo | cycus_zwisus: I know, but they are released to the community and I prefer GNOME anyway | 05:07 |
rabe | _jason: ok so? | 05:07 |
_jason | rabe: did you change 'username' in the command to your actual username? | 05:07 |
Frogzoo | GameOver69: fglrxinfo | grep ATI | 05:07 |
webwolf_27 | kestas, and masquerade has been added to IPTABLES | 05:07 |
MagnusGoldstein | could anyone repeat that apt-get line to get the dependencies for cinelerra? it's scrolled off of the screen lol | 05:07 |
rabe | _jason yesd | 05:07 |
cycus_zwisus | Warbo: gnome is more windows-like, i prefer kde | 05:07 |
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Warbo | cycus_zwisus: I think the exact opposite. Have you seen Konqueror? | 05:08 |
Frogzoo | MagnusGoldstein: page up to scroll backwards | 05:08 |
_jason | rabe: try again: sudo chown -R rabe:rabe /home/rabe | 05:08 |
GameOver69 | Frogzoo, that doesnt do anything | 05:08 |
kestas | webwolf_27: hmm, tbh I use freebsd with pf for my gateway, I've never used iptables | 05:08 |
Chris_Tucker | Is there a working whatpulse client out there for linux? | 05:08 |
kestas | webwolf_27: but there must be some good guides out there, it sounds like you can follow them | 05:08 |
Frogzoo | GameOver69: then you haven't got fglrx installed - see the pm from ubotu to install the fglrx drivers | 05:08 |
MagnusGoldstein | Frogzoo: I've done that... it's right off the top... | 05:08 |
MagnusGoldstein | (can't scroll that far) | 05:08 |
cycus_zwisus | Warbo: i've been using konqueror for 2 years | 05:08 |
orbin | cycus_zwisus, Warbo : distro chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 05:08 |
rabe | _jason: drwxr-xr-x 3 rabe rabe 4096 2006-04-22 17:04 /home/rabe, ok? | 05:08 |
GameOver69 | well i dont have the card for that | 05:08 |
Warbo | orbin: Sorry | 05:08 |
GameOver69 | Frogzoo, its 8500 and above | 05:08 |
GameOver69 | i have a 7500 | 05:09 |
_jason | rabe: good, now just check 'ls -ld /home' real quick | 05:09 |
Frogzoo | GameOver69: oh i c :( | 05:09 |
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rabe | _jason: 'ls -ld /home | 05:09 |
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rabe | drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2006-04-22 17:02 /home | 05:09 |
webwolf_27 | kestas, already have, and the router ( iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE is added to the rule list, filter is set to allow on the used interface | 05:09 |
Frogzoo | MagnusGoldstein: sudo apt-get build-dep cinelerra | 05:09 |
_jason | rabe: ok you should be good to go, logout of gnome and back in | 05:09 |
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rabe | ok thanks for your help | 05:09 |
GameOver69 | Frogzoo, so what can i do :( | 05:09 |
Warbo | I'm off for some food | 05:10 |
Frogzoo | GameOver69: dunno, get an nvidia? | 05:10 |
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MagnusGoldstein | yep... just woprked it out lol | 05:10 |
cdubya | I use bash all the time, but I've never really dug into the guts of it and how it works.....so how do you setup a different directory to be the default prompt directory when you open a new bash session? | 05:10 |
GameOver69 | lol | 05:10 |
Frogzoo | yeh, ATI bites hard | 05:10 |
MagnusGoldstein | source package for cinelerra does not exist :P | 05:10 |
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GameOver69 | Frogzoo, yeah i know | 05:10 |
GameOver69 | but its what came with my laptop | 05:11 |
orbin | GameOver69: what card? | 05:11 |
GameOver69 | ati radeon 7500 mobility | 05:11 |
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Frogzoo | GameOver69: same deal here, pretty pissed off | 05:11 |
orbin | not sure, but i think the radeon driver provides dri. | 05:11 |
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GameOver69 | but i know it can be done | 05:11 |
hischam | back :-) it does work, however i lost my theme :-) | 05:11 |
GameOver69 | ive read testimonials | 05:11 |
Frogzoo | GameOver69: even when it works, the performance blows | 05:12 |
hischam | if i want to make a backup, waht should i backup? only home? | 05:12 |
cpl-tnt900 | any one have some hacking tuturials for linux ? | 05:12 |
GameOver69 | orbin, i tried something last night with dri, but it still doesnt seem like it works | 05:12 |
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orbin | GameOver69: what current driver are you using? | 05:12 |
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apricot | how to uptdate file base for searching new files? | 05:13 |
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roryy | hischam: all your personal data (documents, etc etc) should be in your home directory (/home/rabe, i would imagine) | 05:13 |
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gwark | im new(b) ... guys ... what codec do i need to play wmv files in VLC media player ? | 05:13 |
hischam | yep | 05:13 |
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orbin | GameOver69: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf | tail -1 | 05:13 |
hischam | ok so only backup /home/rabe ? | 05:13 |
Frogzoo | hischam: /home & /etc /root & /var/www if you have a web server... | 05:13 |
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_jason | gwark: the repository version will not play wmv9 | 05:13 |
cdubya | apricot, have you added any new repos to your list? | 05:13 |
GameOver69 | says "radeon" | 05:13 |
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hischam | ok thanks! | 05:14 |
gwark | _jason , multiverse etc ? | 05:14 |
Frogzoo | hischam: have a long think about what you've missed before reformatting | 05:14 |
apricot | no | 05:14 |
orbin | GameOver69: oh. there geos my suggestion then. :) | 05:14 |
GameOver69 | orbin, lol | 05:14 |
GameOver69 | i cant believe this is so difficult! | 05:14 |
_jason | gwark: the vlc that you obtain from ubuntu's repositories can't play wmv9 is what I mean. Only way to do it that I know of, is to recompile | 05:14 |
cdubya | apricot, are you using synaptic? | 05:15 |
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apricot | yes | 05:15 |
delliott | Are there any PPC Ubuntu users here? | 05:15 |
cdubya | apricot, Breezy? | 05:15 |
_jason | gwark: xine or mplayer with w32codecs should handle wmv9 though | 05:15 |
gwark | _jason : ahhh i gotcha. :) thanks man | 05:15 |
apricot | yes | 05:15 |
cdubya | delliott, yes | 05:15 |
gwark | _jason o sweet cheers! | 05:15 |
hischam | Frogzoo: i will make a fresh install of Dapper (i run breezy atm) so i just installed it for testing, and so nothing really went lost deleting my home dir (uff!) | 05:15 |
delliott | cdubya: Do you have experience with installing the IBM Java 1.5 JRE? | 05:15 |
hajuu_ | hey can you get soldat for linux? :/ | 05:15 |
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suicida | erm, i have to test something, so please don't hurt if there's an away-message | 05:16 |
cdubya | delliott, I think I installed that on the last one I did, but it's been awhile.....having troubles? | 05:16 |
gwark | vlc 's great .. handles much stuff without much effort :D | 05:16 |
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hischam | but still it's nice how you can completely remove your home dir and create a new one without even rebooting | 05:16 |
delliott | cdubya: Yes, I can install it fine using the fakeroot alien commands as mentioned on the wiki page. | 05:16 |
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GameOver69 | so i guess im stuck with no 3d then huh :( | 05:16 |
apricot | please this one is silly; i hided the menu bar in amarok-xine, how to bring it back!? | 05:17 |
Boglizk | is it possible to have Macromedia Flash Player 8 on Linux? :s | 05:17 |
cdubya | delliott, so what's the issue? | 05:17 |
delliott | cdubya: But when I try sudo update-alternatives --config java, the Java that has been installed into /opt does not show up. | 05:17 |
ralph | thanks corbin.......worked great | 05:17 |
hischam | btw, where are the passwords saved? | 05:17 |
cdubya | delliott, ouch..... | 05:17 |
_jason | hischam: /etc/shadow has hashes of them | 05:17 |
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Frogzoo | hischam: /etc/shadow | 05:17 |
hischam | ok | 05:17 |
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rebelliousfreedo | hye | 05:18 |
cdubya | apricot, in synaptic, go to Settings > Repositories | 05:18 |
cdubya | delliott, I've not had that issue as long as I chose the right one when running that command | 05:18 |
rebelliousfreedo | anyone can help me? | 05:18 |
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delliott | cdubya: Would you like me to pastebin exactly what I do? | 05:18 |
cdubya | rebelliousfreedo, just ask :) | 05:18 |
Otacon22 | hi all | 05:18 |
cdubya | delliott, you can | 05:19 |
Frogzoo | rebelliousfreedo: it's entirely possible, but until you ask, we can't very well know | 05:19 |
cycus_zwisus | imho hoary was much better than breezy | 05:19 |
delliott | cdubya: Let me dpkg -r the package and start again. | 05:19 |
Frogzoo | cycus_zwisus: bollocks!! :p | 05:19 |
Frogzoo | jk | 05:19 |
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apricot | please this one is silly; i hided the menu bar in amarok-xine, how to bring it back!? | 05:19 |
cdubya | apricot, then click on the Breezy 5.10 binary server and click edit...... | 05:19 |
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gorski | how to install kde desktop? | 05:21 |
cdubya | apricot, then in the Sections area, after the main and restricted, add the words universe multiverse, then click ok and close all the windows....it should prompt you to do the update at that point.... | 05:21 |
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cycus_zwisus | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 05:21 |
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cdubya | apricot, ctrl-m on the menu bar | 05:21 |
roryy | !tell gorski about kubuntu | 05:21 |
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rebelliousfreedo | where to find ubuntu tutorial for beginner | 05:22 |
rebelliousfreedo | ? | 05:22 |
apricot | tnx a lot! | 05:22 |
cdubya | np | 05:22 |
cdubya | apricot, you get all that about synaptic? | 05:22 |
orbin | rebelliousfreedo: sys>help>starterguide | 05:22 |
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rabe | isn't that a BIG SECURITY issue that i can be root in recovery mode without even typing a password? | 05:22 |
rebelliousfreedo | im all messed up with microsoftwindows | 05:22 |
cycus_zwisus | gorski: btw, congratulations | 05:22 |
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apricot | it helped also, tnx again! | 05:22 |
onthost | rabe: you have to be physically at the term however | 05:23 |
cdubya | apricot, np. | 05:23 |
onthost | physical security is the BEST security | 05:23 |
_jason | rabe: not really, anyone can pop a livecd into your machine and do as they please | 05:23 |
revartj | somebody how i can truncate to number real y mysql??????? | 05:23 |
cdubya | rebelliousfreedo, heh, what's the issue? | 05:23 |
Otacon22 | i had try to use half life on linux ubuntu with wine but it is so slow to load and i can't see the menu, i think is a directx problem, how i can fix it? | 05:23 |
rabe | but then you could password protect the bios | 05:23 |
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cdubya | revartj, what are you trying to do? | 05:23 |
revartj | what funtion i have that use | 05:23 |
Frogzoo | rabe: if you can get physical access, you can steal the HDs, so it's no biggie really | 05:24 |
cpl-tnt900 | how much gb should i allocate for ubuntu linux (+ few basic programs ) | 05:24 |
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cpl-tnt900 | ?? | 05:24 |
rabe | ok so | 05:24 |
Frogzoo | rabe: however, you can passwd protect the grub screen if you like | 05:24 |
revartj | i want take the part integer of number | 05:24 |
redguy | rabe: well if you password protect your BIOS the recovery mode would be also "protected", wouldn't it? | 05:24 |
Frogzoo | cpl-tnt900: 20gig is comfortable | 05:24 |
_jason | rabe: if you password protect bios they can't get to recovery mode either right? | 05:24 |
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cdubya | revartj, so you want the numbers already in the table to be ints? | 05:24 |
onthost | redguy: yea but you could take the harddrives out and get the data that way | 05:24 |
cdubya | revartj, or something else | 05:24 |
cpl-tnt900 | Frogzoo :10x for the answere , i was told 5-10gb should do ... | 05:25 |
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redguy | onthost: yes, I know that physical access == root access, you don't have to convince me | 05:25 |
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simonpca | a+ | 05:25 |
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Frogzoo | cpl-tnt900: 20gig means not having to worry about disk, you can probably get by with less | 05:26 |
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revartj | i have a real number calculate and i wanted trunc for i have take the part integer | 05:26 |
can-o-worms | can someone please tell me if ubuntu shows an icon on the desktop when you put a blank cd in? or does there have to be something on it? | 05:26 |
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revartj | cdubya,? | 05:26 |
riddlebox | can-o-worms, yes | 05:26 |
bookworm | got a question. want to duel book linux and xp which do i load first | 05:26 |
redguy | revartj: ok, so what does this have to do wuth ubuntu again? | 05:27 |
rebelliousfreedo | how actually linux works? | 05:27 |
riddlebox | bookworm, load xp first | 05:27 |
bookworm | thank | 05:27 |
Frogzoo | bookworm: xp | 05:27 |
rebelliousfreedo | i just switch to linux | 05:27 |
redguy | bookworm: you'll be better off if you install Winblows earlier | 05:27 |
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can-o-worms | riddlebox: yes, to which one? | 05:27 |
revartj | redguy, i don't understand | 05:27 |
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riddlebox | can-o-worms, it will put an icon up when you put a cd in, if you put a floppy in, you just click the icon and it will mount, usb devices you plug in and an icon will be placed on the desktop | 05:28 |
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zP-Osama | yooooooo | 05:28 |
redguy | revartj: This is the Ubuntu linux distribution support channel. I was just asking you what your question has to do with Ubuntu... | 05:28 |
JDahl | rebelliousfreedo, try and google for "linux tutorial"... it's impossible to give you a quick tour over an IRC channel | 05:28 |
roryy | rebelliousfreedo: try reading here: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/index.html (same as the starterguide you were pointed to earlier). https://wiki.ubuntu.com is a good place to look too. | 05:29 |
rabe | _jason, redguy: but can you do everything as ROOT with a live-cd? | 05:29 |
can-o-worms | riddlebox: do you have to click a cd icon for it to mount, or is it mounted as soon as put it in? | 05:29 |
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redguy | rabe: you can chroot from the live CD and do anything as root | 05:29 |
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suicida | does anybody know weevils away-script for xchat and knows how to teach it to stop changing nicks on specific networks (freenode) | 05:29 |
riddlebox | can-o-worms, it is mounted when you put it in, if you want to open the cdrom drive, you have to right click on the icon and choose eject | 05:30 |
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redguy | rabe: actually, you can do even more from the live cd than from the system itself | 05:30 |
apricot | is it posible to listen music on amarok and play americas army for example? | 05:30 |
zP-Osama | apricot yeah if ure cpu will suport it | 05:30 |
Frogzoo | can-o-worms: you can't mount a blank cd, for reasons that should be obvious | 05:30 |
delliott | cdubya: http://rafb.net/paste/results/27JXL284.html <- Terminal output | 05:30 |
zP-Osama | apricot: amarok is a big cpu hog | 05:30 |
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riddlebox | can-o-worms, for a blank cd a dialog box will open asking what you want to do with it | 05:31 |
Frogzoo | apricot: I think only esd supports multiple simultaneous sound sources, not alsa or oss | 05:31 |
apricot | when i start americas i have no sound when amarok plays | 05:31 |
cdubya | revartj, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/truncate.html | 05:31 |
apricot | i will try that | 05:31 |
apricot | what is gdm and kdm? | 05:31 |
apricot | display menagers? | 05:32 |
_jason | alsa should, but amercas is probably using oss, | 05:32 |
revartj | cdubya, thank | 05:32 |
cdubya | apricot, yes | 05:32 |
redguy | Frogzoo: I think that depends on the card's ability do do hardware mixing when you use alsa. | 05:32 |
Frogzoo | apricot: gdm = gnome, kdm = kde (they are desktop managers) | 05:32 |
apricot | aha | 05:32 |
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apricot | default question | 05:32 |
can-o-worms | Frogzoo: exactly, but does it put up an icon or not? | 05:32 |
cdubya | revartj, np, hope that helps.....here's another that talks about it.....looks like a cast to int using TRUNCATE(int) http://marist89.blogspot.com/2005/09/mysql-to-oracle-dba-part-ii.html | 05:32 |
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Frogzoo | can-o-worms: I somehow doubt it, for the same reason | 05:33 |
Sye | Hrrm, I'm trying to install xubuntu-desktop and it appears that xfwm4-themes is borked. - - - xfwm4-themes: Depends: xfwm4 (>= 1:4.3) but is installed. | 05:33 |
can-o-worms | Frogzoo: but you don't know | 05:33 |
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riddlebox | can-o-worms, it does put an icon up that says blank cdrom | 05:33 |
_jason | Sye: that's because you have xfwm4 installed from svn | 05:33 |
apricot | when i install kde, can i remove it if i do not like it? | 05:33 |
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Frogzoo | can-o-worms: can't say for sure, no | 05:33 |
can-o-worms | riddlebox: thanks | 05:33 |
redguy | can-o-worms: in KDE it does | 05:33 |
_jason | Sye: wait, I may have misread :) what does apt-cache policy xfwm4, say? | 05:34 |
riddlebox | can-o-worms, in gnome as well | 05:34 |
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SGC|Home | How do I change my gnome-panel to "applications places system" instead of the ubuntu start-menu style icon? | 05:34 |
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can-o-worms | redguy: riddlebox thanks | 05:34 |
_jason | Sye: is this on dapper? | 05:35 |
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apricot | when i install kde, can i remove it if i do not like it? | 05:35 |
delliott | cdubya: Any ideas w.r.t. what I've done wrong there? | 05:35 |
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cdubya | delliott, I'm looking.....:) | 05:35 |
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_jason | !info xfwm4-themes | 05:35 |
SGC|Home | apricot, yes, you'll be able to remove through synaptic/aptitude/apt-get/whatever | 05:36 |
ubotu | xfwm4-themes: (Theme files for xfwm4), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 4.2.2-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 540 kB, Installed size: 15548 kB | 05:36 |
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SGC|Home | apricot, as long as that's how it was installed | 05:36 |
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orbin | SGC|Home: add the menu bar applet, not the main menu | 05:36 |
rebelliousfreedo | if we install ubuntu | 05:36 |
cdubya | delliott, so you're basically stuck at the point where it's not showing up as an alternative? | 05:36 |
delliott | cdubya: Yes. | 05:36 |
_jason | !info xfwm4 | 05:36 |
rebelliousfreedo | how about hardware driver | 05:36 |
ubotu | xfwm4: (window manager of the Xfce project), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 4.2.2-1ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 904 kB, Installed size: 4832 kB | 05:36 |
rebelliousfreedo | how to install hardware on ubuntu | 05:37 |
rebelliousfreedo | is it the same like windowsxp | 05:37 |
rebelliousfreedo | ? | 05:37 |
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rebelliousfreedo | sorry about my english | 05:37 |
SGC|Home | orbin, thanks! | 05:37 |
cpl-tnt900 | Any one familliar of hacking guides ? from the simplest hack to the most comlicated one ? | 05:37 |
orbin | rebelliousfreedo: no. depending on what h/ware, it's usually harder unfortunately. | 05:37 |
cdubya | delliott, and you added all the stuff in your .bashrc? | 05:38 |
erUSUL | rebelliousfreedo: shut down the computer, plug the hardware, turn up the computer with fingers crossed ;) | 05:38 |
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apricot | tnx | 05:38 |
redguy | cpl-tnt900: kernel hacking guides? | 05:38 |
jeff_hann | cpl-tnt900:hacking as in what? | 05:38 |
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cpl-tnt900 | hacking in networks and kernel | 05:38 |
redguy | cpl-tnt900: or hacking as in cracking | 05:38 |
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delliott | cdubya: No, that seemed like a step that came after... I'll give that a go. | 05:38 |
cpl-tnt900 | cpl-tnt900: or hacking as in cracking lol that too 10x for the reminder | 05:39 |
jeff_hann | networks as in breaking into someone else's machine? | 05:39 |
redguy | cpl-tnt900: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/khg/HyperNews/get/khg.html | 05:39 |
cdubya | delliott, I'd try that first. | 05:39 |
redguy | cpl-tnt900: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html | 05:39 |
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cpl-tnt900 | i want 3 hacking subjects to learn : Hacking Networking , Hacking Into files ( cracking ) | 05:39 |
cdubya | delliott, you're following the docs here? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaPPC | 05:39 |
delliott | cdubya: java -showversion returns 1.4.2 | 05:39 |
redguy | cpl-tnt900: join a hacking school | 05:39 |
delliott | And there is not change to the update-alternatives. | 05:40 |
orbin | gee, someone's up to no good :-/ | 05:40 |
delliott | cdubya: Yes, that document. | 05:40 |
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delliott | But I didn't do fakeroot alien fakeroot alien | 05:40 |
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riddlebox | hrmm wonder what he is going to try | 05:40 |
jeff_hann | cpl-tnt900:l33t | 05:40 |
jeff_hann | :) | 05:40 |
cpl-tnt900 | redguy : 10x alot man ! | 05:40 |
delliott | I just did fakeroot alien, it didn't like it when there were 2. | 05:40 |
cdubya | delliott, yeah, I saw that and thought it was a typo ;) | 05:40 |
redguy | cpl-tnt900: np | 05:41 |
zP-Osama | cpl-tnt900: go buy hacking exposed 5th edition. i jsut picked that up myself | 05:41 |
cpl-tnt900 | redguy : anything else u would recommand to learn b4 starting to read this sites ? | 05:41 |
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delliott | cdubya: Seems to be. | 05:41 |
ro | HOw does one quit X from within x given that f1-6 don't work? | 05:41 |
cdubya | delliott, I'll have to look at that machine and see if I installed it or not....I can get back to you on it if you want, or I can keep looking a bit | 05:41 |
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orbin | can we please move the hacking chat to #ubuntu-offtopic? | 05:41 |
redguy | cpl-tnt900: start with this: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html#what_is | 05:41 |
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ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, so what is your local language we may have a channel for it | 05:41 |
orbin | ro: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 05:41 |
cpl-tnt900 | zP-Osama : 10x but english is not myu primary language though it is my strong one... | 05:41 |
cdubya | delliott, thought I had, but maybe not....in fact, think I may have just used 1.4 as it works for what I need | 05:42 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul:nvm thanx | 05:42 |
zP-Osama | cpl-tnt900: well hacking exposed 5th edition has alot of info in hacking in general so if ure interested i recommedn it | 05:42 |
delliott | cdubya: Well, the article needs to be marked as 'flawed' | 05:42 |
BearKnuckle | Hi, I would like to install kubuntu via ftp, anyone knows a cd-image for a "net-start-installation" or a source for information? | 05:42 |
cdubya | delliott, are you programming so that you need something in 1.5, or can you live with 1.4? | 05:42 |
ro | orbin: Yeah, sorry, I allready tried that, bvlack screen of deeath :( | 05:42 |
cdubya | delliott, it needs to be checked for sure | 05:42 |
delliott | cdubya: I'd like to run Azureus. | 05:42 |
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ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, well if your not comfortable we may have something that is more useful to you, I am going to have the bot sent you some information that may be useful | 05:43 |
cdubya | delliott, and the reqs are 1.5? | 05:43 |
cpl-tnt900 | zP-Osama : 10x , is that edition sold on e-book ? | 05:43 |
delliott | The /usr/lib/j2re1.5-ibm/jre/bin/ directory does not even exist. | 05:43 |
ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, what kind of video card have you got? | 05:43 |
delliott | cdubya: It moans on OS X if it isn't 1.5 | 05:43 |
zP-Osama | cpl-tnt900: should be i dunno. i picked it up from barnes and noble :P | 05:43 |
rebelliousfreedo | geforce4 | 05:43 |
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=== gorski [n=apricot@lns02-0779.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yancheng | is there any GUI able to compare the difference between directory just like Windows WinMerge. I just Linux tkdiff, but it just able to compare between files | 05:44 |
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gorski | i do not get all the files listed when i search for files. | 05:44 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul:thanx:) | 05:44 |
cpl-tnt900 | :P coolz.. | 05:44 |
orbin | BearKnuckle:http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation maybe | 05:44 |
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ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, enjoy, we have people who use almost every lanuage avaialable they can help you localise the machine so you can use the correct font sets for you | 05:45 |
cdubya | delliott, k......I'd try it on this box, but I've got 1.5 installed, so I couldn't be sure 1.4 would work anyways... | 05:45 |
cpl-tnt900 | zP-Osama : i found some Hacking Exposed - Network Security secrets & Solutions | 05:45 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: my local language is bahasa melayu | 05:45 |
zP-Osama | cpl-tnt900 thats a good one i havent gotten it yet | 05:45 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: im malaysian | 05:46 |
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JDahl | cpl-tnt900, IMO, it's easier to just club the sysadmin with a wooden stick and steal his root password | 05:46 |
ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, okay no problem let me find something for you | 05:46 |
=== LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-142177216174.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orbin | yancheng: dirdiff, xxdiff | 05:47 |
deefzi | how can i see what NVDIST should i use? | 05:47 |
BearKnuckle | orbin: I already checked this, but that's not what I expected. I would like to have a cd-image, burn it to a disc, boot the image, start the installation via passing a ftp-server to the installation-process, but in the wiki are weird ways to install via net... | 05:47 |
ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MalaysianTeam so its only one guy but he may be useful to you :-) | 05:47 |
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mohkohn | Hi I am using XFCE4 and my kicker at the bottom | 05:48 |
orbin | BearKnuckle: yeah. i don't know for sure but i think you can't actually do a "net-install". the best way is to just grab the install cd. | 05:48 |
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mohkohn | has dissapeared | 05:48 |
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delliott | ARGH, which java returns nothing now. | 05:49 |
BearKnuckle | orbin: didn't think of that.. i have a small (getting bigger! :) ) hang-over, i try that, thanks. | 05:49 |
=== delliott kicks the wiki | ||
_jason | delliott: what are you trying to do? | 05:49 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: im running on livecd | 05:49 |
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juanma | hola | 05:49 |
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rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: i plan to install ubuntu permanently | 05:49 |
delliott | _jason: Install Java1.5 on PPC. | 05:50 |
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cdubya | delliott, maybe something here? it's referring to the older version of java, but may work. You might check it out.....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66534&highlight=ppc+java | 05:50 |
=== aeho [n=aeho@cable-vlk-fe76de00-27.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delliott | It's not going to work | 05:50 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: currently im using windows xp | 05:50 |
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orbin | BearKnuckle: i thought you were asking b/c you're low on bandwidth | 05:50 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: im fedup with those virus and so on | 05:50 |
rebelliousfreedo | :( | 05:50 |
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_jason | delliott: so I take it using java-package did not work? | 05:50 |
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ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, well when microsoft won't fix the problem you can, use ubuntu :-) | 05:51 |
zP-Osama | lol true | 05:51 |
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delliott | _jason: Just trying to follow the wiki. | 05:51 |
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_jason | delliott: there are javadebs available if you would rather use them instead of creating your own | 05:51 |
riddlebox | the problem I have with wiki's is they usually have old info and things have changed | 05:51 |
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BearKnuckle | orbin: If I would be low on bandwidth, there would be no difference for an image-download and a net-install, I think :-) | 05:52 |
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delliott | _jason: The problem arises when I try sudo update-alternatives | 05:52 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: is there any problem with files to read/write using ubuntu | 05:52 |
_jason | delliott: what happens when you do that? | 05:52 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: i mean | 05:52 |
orbin | BearKnuckle: yes, i re-read my post and had a what the hell am i talking about moment. :-/ | 05:52 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: u know all my friends here using microsoft | 05:53 |
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rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: dealing on assignments | 05:53 |
=== Gator [n=mhanlon@43-237-210-63-arpa.cust.cinci.current.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orbin | BearKnuckle: did you not know about the install cd? why did you want an ftp install? | 05:53 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: can i edit them let say word document | 05:53 |
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ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, you can | 05:53 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: videos,mp3 | 05:53 |
delliott | _jason: http://rafb.net/paste/results/27JXL284.html | 05:53 |
ompaul | !tell rebelliousfreedo about restricted | 05:53 |
ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, lots of good stuff | 05:54 |
martinez | holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 05:54 |
ompaul | !es | 05:54 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:54 |
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feistel | hi | 05:54 |
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_jason | delliott: ugh does the wiki really suggest you alien an rpm? | 05:54 |
delliott | Yes. | 05:54 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: what ubuntu software that same as adobe photoshop? | 05:55 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: i mean graphic software | 05:55 |
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redguy | rebelliousfreedo: gimp | 05:55 |
Frogzoo | reggaemanu: gimp - or PS under wine | 05:55 |
feistel | I have 2 mouses, one is PS/2 and the other is USB, I need one mouse for a X and the other for another X. But now both mouse point to same X | 05:55 |
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feistel | how I can see what dev is for one and for another? | 05:56 |
ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, we have seveal ways to do that gimp is similar but better | 05:56 |
_jason | delliott: ok, want to try to remove that and use this instead: http://www.giannaros.org/buntu/breezy/ppc/ ? | 05:56 |
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orbin | feistel: you want two mouse pointers? :-/ | 05:56 |
=== BearKnuckle [n=Thomas@dslb-084-056-141-196.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, it is a very powerful tool and the "online help" is a book | 05:56 |
feistel | orbin, yes, because I have two momnitor | 05:56 |
orbin | oh | 05:56 |
feistel | and two keybs | 05:56 |
BearKnuckle | orbin: I prefer ftp, because I have up-to-date-packages in the installation and I download only, what I need. Only thing i am used to download at start ist a small boot-cd-image with a few mb and then start the installation. Thats what I usually do with all linux-installations and I don't want to change. ;) | 05:57 |
feistel | I need know what /dev/ file is for one and for another | 05:57 |
feistel | any suggest? | 05:57 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: does virus on xp can affect ubuntu? | 05:57 |
ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, no | 05:57 |
delliott | _jason: Ok. | 05:57 |
rambo3 | xp is not writing to ext3 so no worry | 05:58 |
rebelliousfreedo | ompaul: hahaha one of why i switch to ubuntu | 05:58 |
delliott | Now I need to figure out how to get which java to work again though :-/ | 05:58 |
feistel | rebelliousfreedo, yes, some Windows virus can affect Linux boxes | 05:58 |
redguy | feistel: which ones? | 05:58 |
ompaul | rebelliousfreedo, have a look at this page: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/faq | 05:58 |
stinkytoe | dues the basic install cd have packages for ooffice? i'm going to do an install on a machine with no network connection. (forgive me i'm a gentoo guy) | 05:58 |
feistel | redguy, Macros Virus for MS Office | 05:58 |
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Frogzoo | rebelliousfreedo: you can run your viruses under wine if you want | 05:58 |
orbin | BearKnuckle: ah. i don't have broadband. i've always done installs off cds. | 05:58 |
redguy | feistel: the /dev/ entries for mice should be /dev/input/mouse0 and mouse1 | 05:59 |
_jason | delliott: still not working after the new package? | 05:59 |
rebelliousfreedo | what is wine? | 05:59 |
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_jason | rebelliousfreedo: alcoholic beverage | 05:59 |
feistel | redguy, I have 1 only entry, but have 2 mouses working now | 05:59 |
ompaul | feistel, ehh wrong it impacts MS Office | 05:59 |
evert | hello all | 05:59 |
evert | hello , i need help pls ! I started my pc (with kubuntu 64) like always , but at once , my home map (evert) is emtpy except desktop :O who can help me pls ? | 05:59 |
delliott | _jason: Just working on it. | 05:59 |
_jason | !wine | 05:59 |
rebelliousfreedo | hmm | 05:59 |
BearKnuckle | orbin: I am pretty annoyed by the fact there seems not to be a ftp-installation I am used to and every other distribution supports... | 05:59 |
ompaul | feistel, which funny enough is not what I have running here | 05:59 |
_jason | ubotu: tell rebelliousfreedo about wine | 05:59 |
feistel | root@cahimira:/proc# ls /dev/input/ | 06:00 |
feistel | mice | 06:00 |
rambo3 | BearKnuckle, yes there is netinstall | 06:00 |
redguy | feistel: hmm | 06:00 |
Frogzoo | !wine | 06:00 |
feistel | redguy, but both work fine | 06:00 |
Frogzoo | !tell rebelliousfreedo about wine | 06:00 |
_jason | rebelliousfreedo: there is a version in the repos too (but it's a little older) | 06:00 |
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feistel | USB device: Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0458:003a KYE Systems Corp. (Mouse Systems) | 06:00 |
orbin | rambo3: url for instructions? | 06:01 |
BearKnuckle | rambo3 Do u have a source? | 06:01 |
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BearKnuckle | And the link to the dvd-iso on the official pages is broken, not good start for ubuntu, if you ask me. :-) | 06:01 |
feistel | /dev/usbdev4.2 ??? | 06:01 |
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rambo3 | search ubuntu forums and wiki | 06:01 |
Frogzoo | feistel: you can have dual mouse/kb setups - you'll need to tinker with xorg.conf - you'll find examples by googling | 06:01 |
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ompaul | feistel, anyone ever tell you not to run as root, its just not needed | 06:02 |
rambo3 | here is one on floppies http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75372&highlight=netinstall | 06:02 |
redguy | feistel: hmm, check your /etc/X11/xorg.con for input setup, you should have entries for both mice in there I suppose | 06:02 |
rambo3 | and iso http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso | 06:02 |
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feistel | guys, I have two mouse configured in xorg.conf | 06:03 |
feistel | but in the actual layout I have only 1 mouse | 06:03 |
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rambo3 | why wuold you think that thats a problem | 06:03 |
BearKnuckle | rambo3: Great, that's what I was looking for. Next time I be in here, it will be with ubuntu. Thank you and good bye! | 06:03 |
feistel | mmmm | 06:04 |
redguy | feistel: I suppose that /dev/input/mice gets events from both mice | 06:04 |
feistel | redguy, yes | 06:04 |
=== BearKnuckle [n=Thomas@dslb-084-056-141-196.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
feistel | I try with cat /dev/input/mice | 06:04 |
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orbin | rambo3: sweet | 06:04 |
redguy | feistel: :-) just wanted to suggest you that | 06:04 |
feistel | redguy, then how I can fix that? | 06:04 |
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rambo3 | fiestal just make a copy of xorg.conf before you do anything | 06:06 |
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redguy | feistel: well I have both mouse0 and mice in /dev/input, mouse0 is major 13, minor 32. I don't know exactly how to make these appear in your /dev/input, but I suppose that this requires some udev tweaking. | 06:06 |
=== Brimmy is now known as brimster | ||
orbin | ubotu: netinstall is To install Ubuntu via the net, try here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75372 ... Breezy netboot CD image: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso | 06:07 |
feistel | redguy, what types of mouse you have? | 06:07 |
ubotu | orbin: okay | 06:07 |
orbin | feel free to change that guys | 06:07 |
redguy | feistel: a ps/2 mouse | 06:07 |
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=== redguy went to have a smoke | ||
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brimster | anyone here sunning ubuntu on a latitude d610? | 06:09 |
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brimster | sunning=running | 06:09 |
brimster | cause my battery life sux running ubuntu | 06:09 |
orbin | brimster: try here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport or search the forum | 06:10 |
brimster | thanks | 06:10 |
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ACU07 | hey guys - how to burn a CD in Gnome - I have downloade an .iso file and do not know how to burn it | 06:12 |
brimster | running dapper | 06:12 |
brimster | not much in there about dapper | 06:12 |
eagle7 | using ndiswrapper i can see my access point using iwconfig wlan0, but dhcpcd wln0 fails | 06:13 |
ompaul | ACU07, right click on the iso in nautilus and choose the burner (if you have more than one) and emm burn it :-) | 06:13 |
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leagris | hello | 06:14 |
leagris | how can I enable non UTF_8 locales in ubuntu ? | 06:14 |
orbin | brimster: have you used breezy or other earlier ubuntu versions? | 06:14 |
redguy | ACU07: try right clicking is, there should be an option to burn it | 06:14 |
linuxboy | hi | 06:15 |
redguy | !tell brimster about dapper | 06:15 |
leagris | sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales regenerate existing UTF-8 locales without letting me choose any other | 06:15 |
linuxboy | why doesn't rythmbox not play mp3s in dapper? | 06:15 |
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crimsun | linuxboy: because you haven't installed gstreamer0.8-mad (if you're using breezy) | 06:15 |
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crimsun | leagris: dapper? | 06:15 |
leagris | yes crimsun | 06:15 |
linuxboy | crimsun: as I said, dapper | 06:16 |
redguy | leagris: try dpkg-reconfigure -p medium locales | 06:16 |
erUSUL | !tell linuxboy about mp3 | 06:16 |
redguy | leagris: or even -pmedium, don't remember which one is it | 06:16 |
crimsun | linuxboy: then install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly | 06:16 |
leagris | redguy, same with any -pmedium critical low or whatever | 06:16 |
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crimsun | linuxboy: dapper questions belong in #ubuntu+1 | 06:16 |
crimsun | leagris: #ubuntu+1 | 06:17 |
leagris | yes | 06:17 |
brimster | i was running breezy before | 06:17 |
tycon | i'd like to use the binary kde 3.5.2 packages provided at download.kde.org. is there a way to install them via the synaptics package manager? | 06:17 |
redguy | leagris: try -p medium | 06:17 |
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cycus_zwisus | tycon: of course | 06:17 |
tycon | cycus_zwisus: how? | 06:18 |
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cycus_zwisus | edit your sources.list | 06:18 |
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tycon | ok thanks | 06:18 |
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cycus_zwisus | and add the line: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main | 06:19 |
cycus_zwisus | after that run sudo apt-get update | 06:20 |
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cycus_zwisus | and sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 06:20 |
cycus_zwisus | or sudo apt-get upgrade (if an older version of kde is already installed on your system) | 06:21 |
delliott | _jason: That worked :D | 06:21 |
delliott | was it the fakeroot alien stuff that was the problem? | 06:21 |
_jason | delliott: yeah you should avoid alien as much as possible if you can | 06:21 |
delliott | Maybe the wiki should be updated to reflect this. | 06:22 |
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_jason | delliott: go for it | 06:23 |
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delliott | _jason: Should I link the .deb from your site? | 06:24 |
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_jason | delliott: that sounds fine, just make a note at the top that a deb is available which is better than alien'ing the rpm and link to it and provide the dpkg -i command | 06:25 |
delliott | Ok. | 06:25 |
delliott | I'll provide it as a 'point of reference'. | 06:25 |
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delliott | Since what is there didn't work for me, but that doesn't mean it wont work for others. | 06:25 |
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MagnusGoldstein | dang! I was going to report compiling success... then I found a repository at the last moment... no need for all the bother :( | 06:26 |
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cycus_zwisus | mc | 06:27 |
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cycus_zwisus | how many of you guys are adult? | 06:28 |
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=== delliott is | ||
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void^ | body or mind? | 06:29 |
=== riddlebox maybe | ||
=== MagnusGoldstein is (30yo) | ||
=== PuMpErNiCkLe pours himself a beer | ||
martin_ | ^^ | 06:29 |
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martin_ | How do you upgrade FireFox from to | 06:30 |
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=== luckyshot [n=luckysho@CPE001346428d09-CM000f9fac92e0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MagnusGoldstein | update you sources first? | 06:30 |
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martin_ | I have all the Dapper repos enabled | 06:31 |
cycus_zwisus | martin_, my firefox self-updates :P | 06:31 |
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=== WarpedShadow [i=dmackie@shell.rucus.ru.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | when I set a shortcut in gnome's keyboard shortcuts using my multimedia keys on my keyboard, one key display as '0x8b' while another displays as 'XF86AudioStop', where do these things come from? | 06:31 |
_jason | martin_: #ubuntu+1 for dapper | 06:31 |
martin_ | ? | 06:32 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@dyn-213-36-154-152.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== duck_ [n=duck@a82-92-157-140.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | martin_: dapper questions should be discussed in #ubuntu+1, just do: /join #ubutnu+1 | 06:32 |
martin_ | Eh, ok | 06:32 |
=== lordnir [i=nir@ppp-69-217-52-1.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cycus_zwisus | _jason: what about hoary questions? | 06:33 |
gwark | ok i am a bit confused how to mount my fat32 partition so i can read + write ... could someone point me in the right direction please ? | 06:33 |
_jason | cycus_zwisus: here :) | 06:33 |
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cycus_zwisus | fine | 06:33 |
_jason | ubotu: tell gwark about vfat | 06:33 |
gwark | sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/partitionname -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000 .............. isnt working ...... lol im new | 06:33 |
cycus_zwisus | martin_: help > check for updates (or sth like this) | 06:34 |
_jason | gwark: what do you mean by ``not working''? does it mount? | 06:34 |
=== MachineScrew [n=machine@ip68-225-114-11.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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gwark | _jason : thanks thats heaps easier that what i was trting to do | 06:34 |
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gwark | i think i may have told terminal the wrong partition .... *shrug* | 06:34 |
cycus_zwisus | oh, martin_ has gone :/ | 06:35 |
ompaul | gwark, click on system administration disks its rather easy there | 06:35 |
=== panzer [n=panzer@175-126-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | cycus_zwisus, he has joined +1 | 06:35 |
MachineScrew | is there a gui for wpa | 06:35 |
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=== threeseas [n=knoppix@mail.id3group.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
threeseas | hello | 06:35 |
panzer | pan | 06:35 |
=== satu_ [n=satu@dsl-hkigw5-fe4cde00-8.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
threeseas | question | 06:36 |
threeseas | ubuntu 5.1 live... can this write to a mounted ntfs file system? | 06:36 |
_jason | threeseas: no | 06:36 |
WarpedShadow | I'm having problem with a new install of ubuntu with my graphics. intel 950 on bd. can't change teh screen resolution | 06:36 |
threeseas | thanks _jason | 06:37 |
=== aidencade [n=aidencad@d36-2-43.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | ubotu: tell WarpedShadow about fixres | 06:37 |
gwark | ompaul ahhh thanks .... it worked after i added it under /media | 06:37 |
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gwark | ompaul was trying the desktop before | 06:37 |
gwark | cheers | 06:37 |
MagnusGoldstein | well... nite-e-nite congadoodies... I'm off to bed | 06:37 |
gwark | ompaul _jason thnx | 06:37 |
=== Himling [n=satu@dsl-hkigw5-fe4cde00-8.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
threeseas | byre | 06:37 |
MagnusGoldstein | is monday a public holiday BTW? | 06:37 |
tigerspirit | I have HP ethernet printer that is connected to my switch and ping with it works fine, but whenever I want to print print job manager says that printer is busy. Do you know what may be issue? | 06:38 |
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MachineScrew | is there a gui for wpa | 06:38 |
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ompaul | gwark, enjoy | 06:38 |
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=== vbgunz [n=sysadmin@uslec-66-255-127-2.cust.uslec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbgunz | what is Dasher and why does it ship with Dapper? | 06:40 |
_jason | ompaul: do you know what the default permissions are for disks mounted with the gui? I tend not to recommend it because I though it would mount root owned and with 700 permissions | 06:40 |
=== patwack [n=paddy@cpc2-blfs2-0-0-cust120.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | !info dasher dapper | 06:40 |
=== bifodus [n=Yup@roy-tuc-univ-148-229.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | dasher: (A graphical predictive text input system), section x11, is optional. Version: 4.0.2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 285 kB, Installed size: 788 kB | 06:41 |
=== |epineph| [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Afief | Is there a way to make Ubuntu connect to my network automaticly when i connect the lan cable? as it is now i have to deactivate and reactivate the network interface | 06:41 |
_jason | vbgunz: might have better luck in #ubuntu+1 with dapper questions | 06:41 |
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vbgunz | _jason: ahh yeah, sorry :) | 06:42 |
daxxar | =) | 06:42 |
tycon | hrm, what do i need to add to my sources.list file in order to access ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/unix/X11/gui/kde/stable/3.5.2 via synaptics? | 06:42 |
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linoman | hello | 06:44 |
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rambo3 | deb that-longadress and kubuntu/breezy ? | 06:44 |
annaraps | i installed linuxdcpp and can't uninstall it now , it tries to uninstall everything , what do i do ? | 06:44 |
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tycon | rambo3: ? | 06:45 |
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=== Emess [n=Emess@CPE-60-230-194-126.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thingfish | tycon: that doesn't look to be an apt repository, at least from the address. | 06:46 |
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linoman | does anyone here know the e-mail for the admins at Carnical? | 06:46 |
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tycon | thingfish: so i'll have to download each package by hand? | 06:47 |
=== Profichilla [n=jakob@p548DAF6E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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linoman | cause I have a review that I would like to e-mail to the admins | 06:47 |
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roryy | linoman: http://www.canonical.com/contact | 06:47 |
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linoman | thanks roryy | 06:47 |
roryy | linoman: i see reviews often posted to the ubuntu-sounder list | 06:47 |
WarpedShadow | _jason: ta | 06:47 |
=== Deserir [i=greeny@226gis182.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thingfish | tycon: I wouldn't. I'd wait for ubuntu to package it. | 06:48 |
=== GarethMB [n=gareth@81-178-244-73.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Emess | hi, im trying to isntall onto an old box, but its trying to boot into a previous isntallation of mandrake with grub, is there a command to make grub boot from the cd? | 06:48 |
linoman | well roryy would you take a look at http://www.x64bit.net/site/board/index.php?act=ST&f=73&t=2386 and tell me what ya think? | 06:48 |
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OnkelJonas | emess... can't you just use the bios to force a CD boot? | 06:49 |
Emess | OnkelJonas: no, its an old IMB box, doesnt have boot settings in the bios at all | 06:49 |
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OnkelJonas | that complicates matters :P | 06:49 |
roryy | linoman: sure, give me a few minutes | 06:49 |
OnkelJonas | sorry... I don't know grub very well | 06:50 |
=== Aven [n=aven@adsl-69-231-53-243.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aven | hey | 06:50 |
linoman | thanks roryy | 06:50 |
Aven | anyone know a similar client like centericq? | 06:50 |
Aven | AIM/MSN/etc. all in one | 06:50 |
Aven | command-line | 06:50 |
=== nandemonai__ [n=nandemon@ppp210-95.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Overand | Aven: consider Bitlbee | 06:51 |
Emess | yeah, i tried plugging the hdd in after the cd had booted, but when it tried to isntall it jsut kept repeating 'killed' | 06:51 |
=== escobar5 [n=gsdgds@cable200-116-145-41.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Overand | bitlbee is an aim/msn/yahoo/etc --> IRC gateway | 06:51 |
=== dedalus [n=dedalus@lns-bzn-54-82-251-82-51.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aven | Overand: alright thanks | 06:51 |
ompaul | _jason, no idea, I would imagine you got to change the directory where it is mountednot the fstab entry | 06:51 |
escobar5 | hello, can anyone help me, i can't get my floppy mounted | 06:51 |
OnkelJonas | you could format the drive in another machine | 06:51 |
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simplydazed | escobar5: whats the error you are getting? | 06:51 |
rambo3 | floppies are vfat | 06:51 |
m0nk_ | hey everyone | 06:52 |
=== Sturek [n=jens@dialin-clp-080-228-34-061.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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annaraps | anyone: package i want to uninstall tries to uninstall every other package , help please ? | 06:52 |
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ailean | hey guys, when i'm playing back videos, I see a diagonal line from the top left to the bottom right - especially when there is a lot of movement in a scene. Does anyone know what this is, and how to correct it? Videos play back well on the windows side. | 06:52 |
escobar5 | simplydazed, first of all, shouldn't the floppey be automounted? | 06:52 |
m0nk_ | i am going to build a computer soon, in about a month | 06:53 |
simplydazed | escobar5: i'm not sure how you are tryn to do it, console or Gnome ? | 06:53 |
annaraps | m0nk_:all the best | 06:53 |
=== johnny3d [n=johnny3d@pool-72-72-128-72.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johnny3d | how do I stop arts? | 06:53 |
m0nk_ | i am wanting to run ubuntu as well as windows for gaming, but i will be putting in some hardcore shit for my gaming | 06:53 |
Aven | Overand: :localhost. NOTICE AUTH :BitlBee-IRCd initialized, please go on | 06:53 |
Aven | I get that error | 06:53 |
Aven | and it doesn't do anything :P | 06:53 |
m0nk_ | my concern is i wanna know if ubuntu will be able to support all my hardware | 06:53 |
escobar5 | simplydazed: i'm in gnome and it doesn't get automounted, then i try mounting it in console and i get this error: mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified | 06:54 |
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m0nk_ | im going to put a nividia in it, im already running an older nividia on my other computer which ubuntu can use | 06:55 |
m0nk_ | but idk if it will be able to handle an SLi | 06:55 |
Overand | Aven: it's an IRC/etc gateway | 06:55 |
Overand | Aven: you connect to 'localhost' with your irc client | 06:55 |
Overand | (which, if you're console, would be irssi, bitchx, etc) | 06:55 |
Aven | ahh | 06:55 |
=== B_166-ER-X [n=ghost@c207.134.28-184.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aven | yeah I use irssi | 06:55 |
ompaul | !shout | 06:55 |
=== nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp210-95.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | [shout] WE CAN READ LOWER CASE! | 06:55 |
simplydazed | escobar5: mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy | 06:55 |
simplydazed | escobar5: ? | 06:56 |
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tritium | annaraps: please lower your case | 06:56 |
=== beasty [n=beasty@d54C2D6F9.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Emess | score ubotu being in au... | 06:56 |
annaraps | Okay okay | 06:56 |
annaraps | @#!$#% | 06:56 |
escobar5 | simplydazed: yes, that line is in my fstab, so i use mount /dev/fd0 | 06:56 |
ompaul | annaraps, if it is saying *ubuntu-desktop its okay | 06:56 |
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=== rudiz [n=rudi@e189158.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | annaraps, okay we dont do bad lanugage in this channe; | 06:56 |
annaraps | ompaul: i am not doing any bad language | 06:57 |
harry666 | how can i move all data from one harddisk to another so that i'm able to boot from it ? | 06:57 |
simplydazed | escobar5: did you try and specify the fs type as vfat ? | 06:57 |
=== Cipres [n=cipres@185.Red-80-35-35.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
annaraps | ompaul: could someone please help me out | 06:57 |
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tritium | annaraps: which packages are going to be removed? | 06:57 |
hugifrb | test irc | 06:57 |
annaraps | ompaul: everrthing | 06:57 |
ompaul | annaraps, I already answered your question | 06:57 |
mohkohn | Hello | 06:57 |
annaraps | ompaul:1400 in all | 06:57 |
tritium | annaraps: what makes you say everything? Please be exact. | 06:57 |
hugifrb | use everone heer larsWM? | 06:57 |
ompaul | annaraps, if it is saying *ubuntu-desktop its okay - what exactly are trying to remove | 06:57 |
escobar5 | simplydazed: going to try | 06:58 |
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x50a16037.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chiche | hello guys, I am back | 06:58 |
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chiche | what's going on here? | 06:58 |
ompaul | annaraps, more to the point why do you want to remove it | 06:58 |
annaraps | tritium: sudo apt-get remove linuxdcpp asks to try sudo apt-get install -f | 06:58 |
=== Pordos [n=PREL@adsl-69-226-228-59.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
annaraps | because it slows down the computer | 06:58 |
=== oshupa [n=oshupa@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
annaraps | sometimes gnome crashes | 06:58 |
=== pokey67 [n=pokey67@c-68-48-219-67.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m0nk_ | annarap how fast is your computer? | 06:59 |
escobar5 | simplydazed: it was in auto, i changed to vfat and it works, thanks | 06:59 |
hugifrb | use no one larsWM? | 06:59 |
tritium | annaraps: linuxdcpp? Which reposotory did you grab that from? | 06:59 |
=== DUMAiSO [n=thomaz@200-230-130-88-mns.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
simplydazed | escobar5: cool | 06:59 |
=== Arnald [n=Arnald@81-86-116-102.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | annaraps, linuxdcpp that is not a native ubuntu application, how did you install it? | 06:59 |
annaraps | ompaul : when i do sudo apt-get install -f , it asks for uninstalling other packages too | 06:59 |
roryy | linoman: can i /query you ? | 06:59 |
annaraps | omapul: through a debian package | 06:59 |
linoman | Sure you can roryy | 06:59 |
oshupa | anybody here? | 07:00 |
Pitersburgs | anyone knows descent repository with xen-enabled kernel packages for Debian/Ubuntu? | 07:00 |
=== Eurakarte is now known as lolipod | ||
annaraps | ompaul : i know its a mistake to do so , but i really liked the interface and now it won't get uninstalled | 07:00 |
=== hugifrb [n=martin@p549FF039.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["...] | ||
ompaul | annaraps, lesson one ubuntu is not debian and mixing packages can be bad for you | 07:00 |
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annaraps | ompaul:is there a way out ? | 07:00 |
ompaul | annaraps, how did you install it? | 07:00 |
annaraps | ompaul: dpkg -i package name | 07:01 |
mohkohn | My battery light thingy in gnome is not doing anything. But the power is apparently charging my battery. | 07:01 |
ompaul | annaraps, first off it is running? | 07:01 |
annaraps | ompaul: yes very well , except for the hogging memory part | 07:01 |
mohkohn | I mean the picture of the battery. Which when you plug it in turns into an electric plug and says charging. | 07:01 |
ompaul | annaraps, killall linuxdcpp | 07:02 |
m0nk_ | lol mohkohn i accidently got rid of that on my laptop:| | 07:02 |
mohkohn | Does anybody know how to get it working again? | 07:02 |
annaraps | ompaul: no it isn't running right now , but when it does synaptic pops up a message saying the package is broken and to fix the broken package which is linuxdcpp | 07:02 |
mohkohn | Did you get it back m0nk_ | 07:02 |
m0nk_ | but i havent tried to get it back because i already know when my batteries will die, i time it | 07:02 |
GarethMB | arrh ive been working since 8.30 am | 07:03 |
=== Tedd [n=na@pool-162-83-223-37.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mohkohn | Mine seems stuck on 97% | 07:03 |
GarethMB | and still got loads t do | 07:03 |
Aven | Overand: when I type /quote help, it doesn't respond :\ | 07:03 |
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Tedd | Can anyone help me install Photoshop on WINE? | 07:03 |
m0nk_ | hmm. i never really trust any of those | 07:03 |
Tedd | It installs fine | 07:03 |
Tedd | but it installs in a script font | 07:03 |
Overand | Aven: odd | 07:03 |
Tedd | that I can't read for shit | 07:03 |
ompaul | annaraps, dpkg -rP linuxdcpp << may help | 07:04 |
=== harisund [n=harisund@ip24-255-87-152.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r0bby | Aven :P | 07:04 |
Aven | hey r0bby | 07:04 |
Aven | you're everywhere :P | 07:04 |
r0bby | no shit | 07:04 |
annaraps | ompaul:are you there ? | 07:04 |
r0bby | er language i apologize | 07:04 |
mohkohn | What is the device called? the wee battery thing? | 07:04 |
ompaul | Tedd, easy on the language r0bby also | 07:04 |
=== harisund [n=harisund@ip24-255-87-152.br.br.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
tritium | r0bby: watch your language! | 07:04 |
Aven | lol | 07:04 |
=== Onizuka [n=onizuka@43-87.245.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | annaraps, I answerered you already | 07:04 |
Aven | I'll try BitchX | 07:05 |
Tedd | ompaul, sorry | 07:05 |
r0bby | I apologized before hand! | 07:05 |
=== _jason [n=jasonr@dhcp0534.hrn.resnet.group.upenn.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r0bby | excuse me | 07:05 |
m0nk_ | oh crap, im sorry for the language i used earlier in the room, i didnt know you guys didnt like the language | 07:05 |
r0bby | I must go | 07:05 |
annaraps | ompaul: i don't get you , please be very explicit , i am a newbie | 07:05 |
nalioth | we welcome you all to leave the barnyard language in the barnyard | 07:05 |
Tedd | But this is a very odd error. I haven't gotten this before. | 07:05 |
nalioth | !ircrules | 07:05 |
ubotu | you are invited to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcRules | 07:05 |
=== taavi [n=taavi@a80-186-132-224.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
annaraps | ompaul: i removed the package just now using dpkg -r | 07:06 |
Aven | what are other AIM/MSN/etc. clients command-line? | 07:06 |
Aven | other than centericq and bitlbee | 07:06 |
roryy | nalioth: i think that should possibly be IrcGuidelines | 07:06 |
ompaul | annaraps, first step remove the program >>dpkg -rP linuxdcpp<< | 07:06 |
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OnkelJonas | that irc rules page is empty | 07:06 |
annaraps | ompaul: done , i think it works | 07:06 |
tritium | roryy: they're stronger than simply guidelines | 07:06 |
annaraps | ompaul : thanks for the help | 07:06 |
nalioth | roryy: i didnt make em, i just link to em | 07:06 |
ompaul | annaraps, second step change the file /etc/apt/sources.list so that no outside repo is pointed at | 07:06 |
roryy | tritium: there's no IrcRules page ;) | 07:06 |
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OnkelJonas | w000t... no rules! | 07:07 |
OnkelJonas | :D | 07:07 |
annaraps | ompaul: oh the repo thing , where can i get a proper config | 07:07 |
m0nk_ | hmmm yeah OnkelJonas thats what i was thinking lol | 07:07 |
ompaul | !tell annaraps about easysource | 07:07 |
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=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | annaraps, please check the link from ubotu in a PM | 07:07 |
NickGarvey | how do I unzip tgz files? | 07:08 |
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_jason | !guidelines is <reply>you are invited to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 07:08 |
ubotu | _jason: okay | 07:08 |
annaraps | ompaul: done , thanks a lot ompaul | 07:08 |
ompaul | OnkelJonas, the bot is fixed | 07:08 |
simplydazed | NinjaDuck: tar xvf file.tgz | 07:08 |
NickGarvey | simplydazed: thank you | 07:08 |
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NinjaDuck | ? | 07:08 |
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ompaul | annaraps, enjoy | 07:08 |
_jason | rules were decided to become guidelines in last CC | 07:09 |
nalioth | !ircrules | 07:09 |
ubotu | You are invited to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 07:09 |
nalioth | enjoy | 07:09 |
mohkohn | Is this battery thing linked to the apmd? | 07:09 |
annaraps | three cheers for ubuntu | 07:09 |
Tedd | Has anyone ever heard of this error? I'm installing Photoshop and it installs in a script font. | 07:09 |
OnkelJonas | thanks ompaul :) | 07:09 |
Tedd | Can anyone help me fix this? | 07:09 |
mohkohn | Which I discover is called Battery Charge Monitor 2.12.1 | 07:10 |
nalioth | Tedd: photoshop on linux? | 07:10 |
ompaul | Tedd, that would be a windows issue? | 07:10 |
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Tedd | nalioth, yes. I'm installing with WINE and I reeeaaaally don't want to have to go hunting for Crossover Office | 07:10 |
m0nk_ | im just wondering guys, how many trolls do you guys get in here? | 07:10 |
MenZa | Does anyone know of any good XHTML/CSS editors that support automatic indentation and syntax highlighting? | 07:10 |
nalioth | Tedd: you might get better luck in #winehq | 07:10 |
simplydazed | MenZa: bluefish ? | 07:10 |
ompaul | Tedd, then #winehq is the place for you | 07:10 |
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Tedd | MenZa, I use KDevelop | 07:10 |
m0nk_ | i reg in some yahoo chat rooms and I used to always end up having to boot some trolls | 07:10 |
MenZa | simplydazed: Bluefish has auto-indentation? | 07:11 |
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MenZa | Tedd: I like to stay away from KDE apps if possible :) | 07:11 |
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Tedd | MenZa, not a good policy :P | 07:11 |
simplydazed | MenZa: no idea, i used it once, never used it again | 07:11 |
Tedd | Errrr | 07:11 |
MenZa | (Why? Because I'm a perfectionist. I don't mind KDE -- or its looks -- but KDE+GTK = lose :\) | 07:11 |
MenZa | I'll try it, simplydazed. | 07:11 |
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MenZa | (I've tried gedit, kate, quanta, nvu...) | 07:12 |
simplydazed | MenZa: nvu aswell | 07:12 |
simplydazed | oh ok | 07:12 |
MenZa | NVU doesn't have auto-indentation | 07:12 |
MenZa | :) | 07:12 |
simplydazed | then forgot nvu | 07:12 |
MenZa | hehj | 07:12 |
MenZa | heh* | 07:12 |
simplydazed | *forget | 07:12 |
ompaul | !enter | 07:12 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 07:12 |
cA1mAn | hello, how do I make a tar archive for ONLY (and in one step in command line) /home & /etc (anything more needed for BACKUP???)? | 07:12 |
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MenZa | Argh, I'm running a dist-upgrade. APT is out-of-bounds :\ | 07:13 |
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MenZa | Is Bluefish in the repositories, simplydazed? | 07:13 |
simplydazed | cA1mAn: tar cvf backup.tat /home /etc | 07:13 |
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cA1mAn | what's .tat? | 07:13 |
simplydazed | MenZa: Filename: pool/universe/b/bluefish/bluefish_1.0.1-0ubuntu3_i386.deb | 07:13 |
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simplydazed | cA1mAn: typo sorry .tar | 07:14 |
cA1mAn | ah ok | 07:14 |
MenZa | simplydazed: sweet, thanks (I'm on Dapper -- let's hope it's there anyway ;)) | 07:14 |
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MenZa | It is. | 07:14 |
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simplydazed | :) | 07:14 |
MenZa | Thanks -- I hope it's right for me. | 07:14 |
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OnkelJonas | Is Espresso mature/stable enough to be used without handtuning/tweaking stuff? | 07:14 |
MenZa | Yay! GTK! | 07:14 |
cA1mAn | so for a complete backup of the configurations (themes, passwords, setting for apps) jsut the home and etc dirs are needed, right? | 07:14 |
tritium | MenZa: apt-cache search <search-term> will come in handy for you | 07:14 |
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deefzi | when i installed the new nvidia gfx-drivers, it says "Skipping /usr/X11/R6/lib/modules/libfb.a:fbmmx.o": No symbols found" when i try to start gdm | 07:15 |
deefzi | what am i lacking? | 07:15 |
theplatypus | error when trying to copy files to external hd."Error while copying to "/media/backup" " any ideas | 07:15 |
MenZa | Oh, hell no -- auto-completion of tags. No thanks. | 07:15 |
cA1mAn | so for a complete backup of the configurations (themes, passwords, setting for apps) just the /home and etc dirs are needed, right? | 07:15 |
cA1mAn | oops sorry spamming | 07:15 |
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tritium | MenZa: watch your language | 07:16 |
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cA1mAn | is it enough to backup ONLY etc and home ? | 07:17 |
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Apostle^ | cA1mAn: depends | 07:18 |
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iy7fdi | how can i update my computer from the terminal | 07:18 |
simplydazed | cA1mAn: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 | 07:18 |
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NickGarvey | iy7fdi: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 07:19 |
iy7fdi | thanks | 07:19 |
cA1mAn | already read that, but he's backing up everything exluding some | 07:19 |
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cA1mAn | i want jsut the settings/passwords/themes/... of gnome & other apps | 07:19 |
mohkohn | cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | 07:20 |
_jason | cA1mAn: all of your personal settings should be in $HOME | 07:20 |
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mohkohn | cat: /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state: No such file or directory | 07:20 |
cA1mAn | and for firefox? | 07:20 |
_jason | cA1mAn: still $HOME | 07:20 |
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cannibal27 | msg ubotu register | 07:20 |
mohkohn | This battery thing used to work before. How do I get it working again? | 07:20 |
NickGarvey | hey that is pretty cool mohkohn | 07:20 |
NickGarvey | charging state: discharging | 07:21 |
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mohkohn | What is cool? | 07:21 |
simplydazed | cA1mAn: ~/.mozilla | 07:21 |
_jason | !dict cool | 07:21 |
cA1mAn | that's home, ok then | 07:21 |
cannibal27 | duh, anyone prepared to help me install realplayer plz? | 07:22 |
cannibal27 | i just discovered linux! | 07:22 |
Jowi | !realplayer | 07:22 |
ubotu | [realplayer] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:22 |
Morrowyn | how do i reinstall the grub onto my hdd, i had to reinstall windows, and windows was so nice to rewrite the bootsector for me and had a nice feature to remove grub for me | 07:23 |
Morrowyn | any ideas? | 07:23 |
_jason | !grub | 07:23 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 07:23 |
cannibal27 | done it, downloaded a rp .bin file, cant open it | 07:23 |
Morrowyn | thanks :) | 07:23 |
_jason | cA1mAn: wiki gives you a deb | 07:23 |
cA1mAn | _jason: a deb of what? | 07:23 |
cannibal27 | ah so, muchas gracias senor | 07:24 |
_jason | cA1mAn: hmm confused you with cannibal27 , sorry | 07:24 |
cannibal27 | i need to find a terminal.... | 07:24 |
cA1mAn | ah ok | 07:24 |
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_jason | cA1mAn: what bin are you referring to? | 07:24 |
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cannibal27 | its realplayer10gold.bin | 07:25 |
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cA1mAn | _jason: it's cannibal27 | 07:25 |
cA1mAn | ;-) | 07:25 |
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_jason | cA1mAn: use the deb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-848295cba1b3591a4b4a0dbea5844fd5d2894b6b | 07:25 |
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_jason | and stop confusing me! :P | 07:25 |
cannibal27 | thanks cAlmAn | 07:25 |
cA1mAn | leave me alone :-) | 07:26 |
Chris_Tucker | where is an individual user's crontab file located? | 07:26 |
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_jason | cA1mAn: wait, when you said it's cannibal27, did you mean you are cannibal27? because that's how I understood it... | 07:26 |
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cannibal27 | look, this is the real cannibal27 | 07:27 |
cannibal27 | beware of imitations | 07:27 |
cannibal27 | i just want to see if rp works on linux! | 07:27 |
_jason | cannibal27: ok, well use the deb on the wiki for realplayer | 07:27 |
mohkohn | I seem to be finding lots of references to the error but no solution | 07:27 |
=== bifodus [n=Yup@roy-tuc-univ-148-229.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cannibal27 | it says to use the terminal to turn the .bin file to an executable | 07:28 |
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bifodus | does anyone know why using ssh in commandline would work but i can't mount an ssh drive using nautilus? | 07:28 |
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annaraps | exit | 07:29 |
Chris_Tucker | where is an individual user's crontab file located? | 07:29 |
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_jason | Chris_Tucker: man crontab, should tell you | 07:29 |
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cannibal27 | jesus no wonder ppl go back to windoze | 07:29 |
ompaul | cannibal27, all the info you want is here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:29 |
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ompaul | cannibal27, do not curse or annoy other people thanks :) | 07:29 |
cannibal27 | tnx ompaul | 07:29 |
_jason | cannibal27: in the new version of ubuntu coming out in june, you can just double click on .deb's, makes it similar to .exe's to be honest | 07:29 |
cannibal27 | sorry | 07:29 |
olivier | hi, I follow a tutorial for installing my wireless card BCM4306, it says I have to install bcm43xx-fwcutter but it doesn't seam to be on the repertory | 07:30 |
NickGarvey | olivier: I don't think its that hard... | 07:30 |
Chris_Tucker | _jason, well it doesnt. | 07:30 |
cannibal27 | i'm gonna stick with ubuntu | 07:30 |
_jason | Chris_Tucker: yes, it does... I just read it | 07:30 |
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Chris_Tucker | where is it in the manpage then? | 07:30 |
cannibal27 | i just need to learn how to use it i guess | 07:30 |
_jason | Chris_Tucker: 'man crontab' | 07:30 |
NickGarvey | olivier: I mean mine is BCM4318 and all I needed was ndiswrapper | 07:30 |
bifodus | have you checked the utilities universe repository olivier? | 07:30 |
MachineScrew | there needs to be somthing a tad easyer for WPA configuration | 07:31 |
Chris_Tucker | _jason, your not even reading what im typing | 07:31 |
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dos000 | howdy | 07:31 |
_jason | Chris_Tucker: hmm? Didn't you ask for the location of individual user's crontab files? | 07:31 |
dos000 | anyone tell me how i can get nautilus to display the address bar ala windows explorer ? i remember the gnome in hoary had the address bar | 07:32 |
olivier | bifodus, yes and the tutorial is an ubuntu one, from ubuntu-fr | 07:32 |
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Chris_Tucker | _jason, yes, but my second question was where in the manpage you saw the file location | 07:32 |
olivier | NickGarvey, the card dosen't work with ndiswarpper | 07:32 |
olivier | :/ | 07:32 |
_jason | Chris_Tucker: it's in the first paragraph, last sentence | 07:32 |
bifodus | i think you may have to make it from source olivier | 07:33 |
Rdde | whats the best tool for remote connecting to ubuntu from a xp comp? | 07:33 |
bifodus | hehe, i went through all this about 45 minutes ago | 07:33 |
Chris_Tucker | but _jason, no point now, ive got the file. | 07:33 |
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bifodus | been trying to get my BCM4406 card to work for a couple days now | 07:33 |
bifodus | but fwcutter works | 07:33 |
bigfoot1 | does anybody have an on-screen keyboard working? | 07:33 |
olivier | bifodus, you got a url about it ? (even if it's in english) | 07:33 |
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kbrooks | question for everyone | 07:34 |
AMDXP | Rdde: have you tried enabling the remote desktop on ubuntu and then using like vnc | 07:34 |
AAA | Rdde vnc or putty | 07:34 |
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AMDXP | they have another program but i never could get it to work | 07:34 |
Rdde | AMDXP, no but thats sounds simple? and i like simple =) what do i do? | 07:34 |
AMDXP | its supposed to be really fast | 07:34 |
bifodus | http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/pub/mirrors/debian/pool/contrib/b/bcm43xx-fwcutter/ | 07:34 |
bifodus | it looks like they have it in there | 07:34 |
AAA | rdesktop is a GREAT tool on the linux side for rdp | 07:35 |
sunrex | How do i get wine to work on a 64bit system? | 07:35 |
Rdde | AMDXP, im using gb network so speed is no problem | 07:35 |
olivier | bifodus, thanks | 07:35 |
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Rdde | AMDXP, how do i enable the remote desktop? | 07:35 |
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AAA | Rdde just rdesktop <remote host> | 07:35 |
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Rdde | AAA, ? =) | 07:36 |
AMDXP | Rdde: are you using gnome | 07:36 |
Rdde | AMDXP, yep | 07:36 |
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AAA | Rdde just put that on the cmd-line | 07:36 |
sunrex | 3ddeskd: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.. can anyone help | 07:36 |
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AMDXP | he can also go System>>Preferences>>Remote Desktop | 07:37 |
Rdde | AAA, am i supose to put the connecting host ip in <remote host> | 07:37 |
iy7fdi | does anyone know what this means god@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:37 |
iy7fdi | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 07:37 |
iy7fdi | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 07:37 |
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skipper_ | hi | 07:37 |
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skipper_ | can somebody help me out here | 07:37 |
Rdde | AMDXP, nice, how do i connect to it from xp? | 07:37 |
_jason | iy7fdi: do you have synaptic or update-manager open? | 07:38 |
iy7fdi | no | 07:38 |
AAA | Rdde on the winders box enable remote desktop sharing, on the linux box type> rdesktop <the ip/name of the winders box> | 07:38 |
_jason | iy7fdi: how about some other apt process? | 07:38 |
iy7fdi | no | 07:38 |
sunrex | Is there a command to reinstall the main files on ubuntu? | 07:38 |
luisito | hello. I have installed a new DVD burner but when I insert a disc it doesn't mount it. What should I do? | 07:38 |
_jason | iy7fdi: did you kill an apt or dpkg process before it finished? | 07:38 |
AAA | luisito that is because it is not formatted probably. use something linke k3b to format it to your needs | 07:39 |
iy7fdi | yep | 07:39 |
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_jason | iy7fdi: that's bad | 07:39 |
patrick_king | hi all | 07:39 |
_jason | iy7fdi: but should be safe to just delete the lock file I believe | 07:39 |
patrick_king | hoe do i register my name | 07:39 |
iy7fdi | _jason my computer froze nothing io could do | 07:39 |
skipper_ | how do you change "-shared" ldflag to "-dynamiclib" in your makefile? | 07:39 |
AAA | patrick_king /m nickserv help | 07:39 |
luisito | AAA, no, it is a data cd, with data inside. | 07:39 |
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patrick_king | it doesnt do any thing | 07:40 |
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AAA | luisito check first. type> mount then look to see if it is mounted. if not try> mount /media/cdrom1 or maybe /media/cdrom0 | 07:40 |
patrick_king | it just goes >nickserv< help | 07:40 |
=== Stirlitz [n=lukas@buk18.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AAA | patrick_king look in your 'status' window. your /query nickserv help | 07:41 |
AAA | s/your/or | 07:41 |
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Rdde | AAA, i have activated remote desktop whit password in syste > pref > remot how do i connect to it from windows? | 07:43 |
AAA | patrick_king /m nickserv register <password> | 07:43 |
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patrick_king | done it now thanks | 07:43 |
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AAA | Rdde you use rdesktop from linux to xp, it doesn't work the other way, use vnc from xp to linux | 07:44 |
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iy7fdi | _jason now i dont get that ":could not open lock file eror. but it still wont upgrade gnopernicus | 07:44 |
Rdde | vnc is a program? | 07:44 |
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Tommck | hello all... I have been google searching for a while on this and can't find a resolution: I have burned about 6 copies of the Ubuntu 5.10 Live CD on 2 different machine, 2 different OS's and tried to read them from two different CD drives and I always get an error reading casper-udeb during bootup and the CD always fails integrity checks, even though the ISO has the proper MD5SUM. Can anyone tell me why? | 07:44 |
_jason | !info gnopernicus | 07:44 |
ubotu | gnopernicus: (Screen reader for GNOME 2), section x11, is optional. Version: 0.11.7-0ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 524 kB, Installed size: 7368 kB | 07:44 |
bifodus | does anyone know why using ssh in commandline would work but i can't mount an ssh drive using nautilus? | 07:44 |
_jason | iy7fdi: what version do you have now? | 07:45 |
AAA | Rdde yes, you run the Xvncserver on linux and then you can use the vnc from att to connect from xp, just search google for vnc | 07:45 |
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iy7fdi | dapper | 07:45 |
_jason | iy7fdi: #ubuntu+1 for dapper please | 07:45 |
NickGarvey | Tommck: using a different iso? | 07:45 |
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Tommck | Nick - no... same ISO | 07:45 |
dantheman25 | anyone know if they are planning in putting XGL in dapper? or will it wait till edgy? | 07:45 |
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AAA | bifodus sounds like you are missing a module or plugin for nautilus, not sure thought | 07:45 |
NickGarvey | Tommck: mm but the sum checks... | 07:45 |
rusakk0 | hi there.. anyone wanna help with gimp.. how do I delete bg color in a gif image so that it is "see through" | 07:46 |
Tommck | Nick - you think, even with it passing MD5SUM, that it's bad? | 07:46 |
Tommck | yeah | 07:46 |
NickGarvey | Tommck: yeah.. I'm not sure.. | 07:46 |
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bifodus | ok, i'll look into that | 07:46 |
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NickGarvey | Tommck: are you trying to boot from more than one computer? | 07:46 |
Tommck | NickGarvey - the worst thing is that this'll be my first Ubuntu install :) | 07:46 |
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Tommck | NickGarvey - did that once, havent tried it lately | 07:47 |
AAA | is there an ubuntu net-installer? | 07:47 |
Tommck | NickGarvey - same machine, 2 different CD drives | 07:47 |
Tommck | NickGarvey - currently running memtest on it now :) | 07:47 |
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patrick_king | !apache | 07:48 |
ubotu | from memory, apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 07:48 |
sunrex | how would i go about reinstalling dapper without deleting my files on the os? | 07:48 |
AMDXP | Rdde: check the forums for remote desktop and it will show you how to set it up with resumable sessions | 07:48 |
NickGarvey | Tommck: you did try another computer at some point? | 07:48 |
Tommck | NickGarvey - once, but I should try it again... I will try my wife's now | 07:49 |
sunrex | anyone? | 07:49 |
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NickGarvey | sunrex: back them up? | 07:49 |
sunrex | meh... | 07:49 |
AAA | !netinst | 07:50 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, AAA | 07:50 |
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sunrex | !dapper | 07:50 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 07:50 |
_jason | ubotu: tell sunrex about upgrade | 07:50 |
dantheman25 | !xgl | 07:50 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/ | 07:50 |
NickGarvey | xgl is pretty... | 07:50 |
Tommck | oh crap... we're having another version soon? | 07:50 |
=== Tommck wants pretty | ||
NickGarvey | Tommck: in june | 07:50 |
Tommck | that's pretty soon. | 07:50 |
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AAA | found it http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso :: you can try that if you are having trouble with the other cd | 07:52 |
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Tommck | AAA - to whom are you speaking? | 07:52 |
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grig | stie cineva romaneste? | 07:52 |
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AAA | someon was having problems with the full install. hrm. is that a netinstall cd or just a netboot from a local network? oh well | 07:53 |
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grig | romaneste? | 07:54 |
NickGarvey | AAA: I don't think there is a net install... | 07:54 |
NickGarvey | was warty or hoary before breezy? | 07:54 |
Tommck | AAA - I am having issues with Live CD | 07:54 |
_jason | NickGarvey: warty, hoary, breezy | 07:54 |
NickGarvey | thank you | 07:54 |
mphill | I'm having huge problems playing two sounds at the same time, I have tried two different sound cards, and Audigy and one with the ICE chipset. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have tried to configure my applications to use ALSA, but the issue persists. | 07:54 |
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AAA | Tommck nevermind. that cd would not help you then. if the md5's match then you must have some driver issue when it stops loading maybe | 07:55 |
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escobar5 | hello, anybody can help me, i can't get my ipod mounted | 07:56 |
NickGarvey | Tommck: did you try the other computer? | 07:56 |
NickGarvey | !ipod | 07:56 |
ubotu | info for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto | 07:56 |
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escobar5 | ubotu: i have already read that, the problem is that i can't get it mounted | 07:56 |
ubotu | I think you lost me on that one, escobar5 | 07:56 |
arrinmurr | mphill: have you tried to use esd? | 07:56 |
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NickGarvey | escobar5: ubotu is a bot ;) | 07:57 |
Tommck | NickGarvey working on that now | 07:57 |
escobar5 | oh, lol | 07:57 |
NickGarvey | escobar5: http://pag.csail.mit.edu/~adonovan/hacks/ipod.html | 07:57 |
ACU07 | grig: stie - depinde ce intrebi | 07:58 |
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Tommck | NickGarvey - looks like it's lovvked up trying to mount the SATA drive on that machine | 07:58 |
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Tommck | NickGarvey - my other machine had an old PATA drive | 07:58 |
escobar5 | thanks NickGarvey i will read that and come back if i still can't get it mounted | 07:58 |
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NickGarvey | Tommck: try some boot options then, mix and match ;) | 07:58 |
Tommck | yeah | 07:58 |
grig | stie cineva romaneste? | 07:59 |
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=== Tommck wonders if anyone knows what grig is saying | ||
Rdde | is there any good torrent clients for ubuntu gnome? i cant get bittorrent to work.. | 07:59 |
ACU07 | grig ---- DA domnule | 07:59 |
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NickGarvey | Rdde: utorrent? | 08:00 |
Tommck | NickGarvey - I just got a memory test failure on the other machine... wow... I've never had a memory test failure :) | 08:00 |
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NickGarvey | Rdde: not sure though I have never used it | 08:00 |
NickGarvey | Tommck: that's not good.. | 08:00 |
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Tommck | NickGarvey - it's ooooooolllldd memory | 08:00 |
Tommck | NickGarvey - probably 10 years | 08:01 |
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palomer | hello | 08:01 |
palomer | if I'm inactive for a while my screen turns black | 08:01 |
palomer | is this because of xscreensaver? | 08:01 |
apokryphos | most probably -- yes. | 08:01 |
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palomer | but sdl claims to turn xscreensaver off | 08:01 |
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palomer | furthermore, it happens in console too | 08:01 |
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davidhouse | hey guys, where can i get mousewheel support for emacs? (i.e. which package) | 08:02 |
apokryphos | palomer: it's possibly a feature of your monitor then | 08:02 |
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palomer | it isn't | 08:03 |
Apostle^ | palomer: in xorg.conf do you have DPMS ? | 08:03 |
apokryphos | does ubuntu use gnomescreensaver or xscreensaver? | 08:03 |
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palomer | Apostle^: how do I check? | 08:03 |
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Apostle^ | palomer: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look for Option "DPMS" if you find it delete the line and save the file | 08:04 |
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Apostle^ | palomer: then ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X and make the changes final | 08:04 |
Ummmmm | i did a silly | 08:04 |
palomer | oh yes, it's on | 08:04 |
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NickGarvey | Ummmmm: what kind of silly.. | 08:05 |
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Ummmmm | i tried to mount my second hard drive at /dev/media ... which is just not right | 08:05 |
NickGarvey | nope | 08:05 |
bob_ | bonjour | 08:05 |
Ummmmm | which config file holds that info | 08:05 |
Ummmmm | ? | 08:05 |
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NickGarvey | Ummmmm: what do you mean? what info? | 08:05 |
Ummmmm | I need to change the mount point | 08:05 |
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ACU07 | apostle^: do you know if I can install Debian Sarge with X-org from the begining (avoiding Xfree86?) | 08:05 |
NickGarvey | Ummmmm: umount /dev/media | 08:05 |
mphill | arrinmurr, how do i switch the sound system over to esd? | 08:05 |
Ummmmm | it's trying to mount on /dev/media and failing | 08:05 |
ompaul | Ummmmm, menu, system - administration - disks | 08:05 |
Zarephath | Under places I select network servers then Windows Network then Workgroup and it says it can't open it? I am connecting from ubuntu to a windows share using WinXP...I have the computer in my hosts file and hosts.allow | 08:06 |
Ummmmm | it's not mounted | 08:06 |
Apostle^ | ACU07: this is the ubuntu channel, i know nothing aboutDebian | 08:06 |
eugman | Hey is there a terminal based client in the repos for playing muds? Or is there only telnet. | 08:06 |
roryy | eugman: there's tt++ | 08:06 |
NickGarvey | Zarephath: samba? | 08:06 |
eugman | thanks | 08:06 |
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Zarephath | eugman: Did you apt-search mud ?? | 08:06 |
roryy | eugman: i tried papaya (gtk based, afaict), quite nice. | 08:06 |
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Zarephath | Nick: Yes... | 08:06 |
Zarephath | smb.conf is setup to use "WORKGROUP" | 08:07 |
florin- | can anyone help me with a asus prob? with any kernell superior of 2.6.12 y cant poweroff my pc anymore, my hd are off but my alimentation and monitor are still on with a poweroff mesage, i'vd searchd with google but cant find anithing , just somme people that have the same prob, i'vd alredy tried with apm=force-off acpi=on but nothing, can anyone help me? | 08:07 |
eugman | Zarephath , of course not. I'd have to have some idea what I was doing. Heh. | 08:07 |
Zarephath | eugman: Either that from term...or open synaptic and search for mud... :-) | 08:08 |
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arrinmurr | mphill: i think it should be running by default in ubuntu, so you'd just need to select esd output in the programs you're trying to use. not all programs support esd though | 08:08 |
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Ummmmm | yay | 08:08 |
Ummmmm | it's working :) | 08:08 |
Ummmmm | thanks guys :) | 08:08 |
NickGarvey | :) | 08:08 |
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florin- | anyone? | 08:09 |
mphill | arrinmurr, I followed some steps on ubuntuguide.org and that seems to have fixed it. thanks | 08:09 |
NickGarvey | eh I have no idea what asus is | 08:09 |
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Tommck | NickGarvey - hardware manufacturer | 08:10 |
Ummmmm | florin, there are different ways to tell your monitor to power off | 08:10 |
Ummmmm | this may have changed between driver releases ?? | 08:10 |
NickGarvey | Tommck: oh okie then | 08:10 |
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Apostle^ | florin-: you can add Option "DPMS" to the device section of your xorg.conf | 08:11 |
florin- | yes but my powersuply? | 08:11 |
Ummmmm | dpms | 08:11 |
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jramsey | export KERNELDIR=/usr/src/linux-headers-'uname -r' | 08:13 |
jramsey | <= is this the correct syntax? echo $KERNELDIR doesn't show the kernel version part | 08:13 |
crimsun | jramsey: use /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build | 08:13 |
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jramsey | crimsun, ty | 08:14 |
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eugman | Hey how do you tell what the command for a program is if you are running in the command line? | 08:14 |
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florin- | Ummmmm: y have option dpms true | 08:15 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | eugman: man programname will give you details | 08:15 |
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eugman | Pupernickel , how do I find out the program name? It's apparently different from the package name. | 08:16 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | eugman: What's the packagename? | 08:16 |
eugman | tintin++ | 08:16 |
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Apostle^ | tintin? | 08:16 |
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Apostle^ | " tintin " | 08:17 |
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_jason | eugman: try: dpkg -L packagename | grep bin, for a clue | 08:17 |
Zarephath | How do I connect from Ubuntu to Windows with Samba? I can't get to it from Konqueror smb:// or the places drop down | 08:17 |
florin- | Ummmmm: y have option dpms true | 08:18 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | eugman: "tt++" | 08:18 |
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eugman | well lets see if that works. | 08:18 |
Zarephath | It browses to workgroup and then can't stat any shares within Workgroup? | 08:18 |
coleco | Gi I am having problems seting up wireless on my laptop | 08:18 |
coleco | *Hi | 08:19 |
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roryy | eugman: i suggest reading the docs, in /usr/share/doc/tintin++ | 08:19 |
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shiz | how are you today? | 08:19 |
=== THJ [n=thorhajo@ti541210a080-2931.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jramsey | coleco, u still having trouble? | 08:19 |
eugman | Well pumpernickle has the right answer but I'm glad I know how to find it out via terminal now. | 08:19 |
shiz | is this a very helpful channel to new users of ubuntu? | 08:19 |
THJ | i need to know which package creates the default /etc/X11/Xsession file | 08:19 |
NickGarvey | shiz: I like to think so.. | 08:19 |
Tommck | NickGarvey - can't get that 2nd machine to get past the SATA drive | 08:20 |
=== Gff-MaC [n=gff-mac@82-39-67-120.cable.ubr01.jarr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jramsey | shiz, that is like asking the realtor if the house is fairly priced ;) | 08:20 |
Tommck | NickGarvey - tried noapic nolapic... nothing else seemed that pertinent | 08:20 |
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coleco | jramsey I gave up with the PC wireless card this is a laptop I just got off of ebay and I picked up a wireless card for it | 08:20 |
jramsey | coleco, ah ok | 08:20 |
Gff-MaC | hey guys, ive got a prob with yaboot running on a g5 | 08:20 |
NickGarvey | Tommck: anything else? expert vga=771 or anything? (I don't know if its 771 or not so don't try that) | 08:21 |
Gff-MaC | it wont boot into mac os | 08:21 |
shiz | nick are you just learning ubuntu? | 08:21 |
Tommck | coleco - are you that handheld baseball game with the flashing red lights I used to play with all the time? :0 | 08:21 |
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coleco | Yes. | 08:21 |
NickGarvey | shiz: sort of.. I haven't used linux for even 8 months yet | 08:21 |
shiz | is the house fairly priced ;) | 08:21 |
NickGarvey | I'd say so | 08:21 |
=== tom__ [n=tom@cpe-69-202-97-253.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tommck | NickGarvey - you think a vga issue would cause it to hang when dealing with the SATA drive? | 08:21 |
Tommck | coleco - :) | 08:21 |
NickGarvey | haha no idea | 08:22 |
jramsey | shiz, the house is a bargain! | 08:22 |
NickGarvey | not even sure what vga is, it just made mine work though ;) | 08:22 |
coleco | I think that ubuntu set up the driver stuff for it by default the problem is I dont know how to tell it to connect to my network | 08:22 |
shiz | Nick, do you have any recommendations for any new software utilities? | 08:22 |
NickGarvey | shiz: what kind of stuff are you looking for | 08:22 |
jramsey | shiz, and seriously this is a gr8 site for ubuntu beginners as long as u dont mind wikis and docs | 08:22 |
shiz | anything cool ;) | 08:22 |
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NickGarvey | shiz: well firefox 1.5 is nice.. | 08:23 |
jramsey | shiz, meaning do ur homework but the folks on here are gr8 | 08:23 |
shiz | thanks jramsey | 08:23 |
NickGarvey | shiz: gaim is good stuff (which you should have already) | 08:23 |
shiz | does this place attract regular users? | 08:23 |
NickGarvey | shiz: what do you mena regular? | 08:23 |
Apostle^ | yes, we have experts here also.. | 08:24 |
jramsey | shiz, there are pros and evangelists here so i think i would say yeah, definitely reg. users | 08:24 |
shiz | like do you spend much time here on a regular basis? | 08:24 |
=== McCart42 [n=mp@wikipedia/McCart42] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shiz | ;) | 08:25 |
jramsey | shiz, e.g. _jason is usually here and i haven't stumped him yet with a question | 08:25 |
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shiz | sweet ;) | 08:25 |
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shiz | ok then ill have to come back | 08:25 |
NickGarvey | :)shiz: | 08:25 |
=== madewokherd [n=urk@VRP5000.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eugman | Hey, will I have to unarchive a .txt.gz file to read it? | 08:26 |
shiz | thanks, ill talk with ya guys later | 08:26 |
_jason | eugman: use zcat | 08:26 |
=== MachineScrew [n=machine@ip68-225-114-11.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | adios | 08:27 |
_jason | eugman: or zless or zmore | 08:27 |
=== frayoyo [n=maxmon@dslb-084-060-198-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boglizk | I've found files from the installation of Ubutnu which contains my password, username and full real name, would it be safe to delete this file? | 08:28 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | Boglizk: delete it, now :o | 08:28 |
eugman | Hmmm I did zcat filename | less is that any different then using zless? | 08:28 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Boglizk: That's a bug from the installer. | 08:28 |
Boglizk | Okay, thanks | 08:28 |
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=== afief [n=afief@85-250-31-101.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eugman | Boglizk updating should take care of it. | 08:29 |
Boglizk | I havn't seen any new updates | 08:29 |
Boglizk | How do i manually check for them? | 08:29 |
_jason | Boglizk: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 08:29 |
Zarephath | Ok riddle me this folks...why in the hell do I have a /etc/samba/smb.conf file...when samba isn't installed....WTF | 08:29 |
nandemonai | sont forget the extra sudo on the end Boglizk | 08:30 |
nandemonai | *dont | 08:30 |
Boglizk | huh? | 08:30 |
eugman | Hey can someone illuminate me on the difference between less and more? | 08:30 |
_jason | Boglizk: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, thanks nandemonai | 08:30 |
=== nikopol [n=nikopol@d213-103-225-26.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nandemonai | :P | 08:30 |
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=== kokito [n=koki@c-67-181-24-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nandemonai | I do that all the time.. | 08:30 |
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=== yUSiyEEE_ [n=yusiye@av103012.reshsg.uci.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== chiche [n=default@218-160-78-154.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | eugman: less is better | 08:32 |
_jason | eugman: for example, you can't scroll back up with more | 08:32 |
spielmann | I have a wlan pcmcia card which worked with the rt2500 module in Debian. I'm using Ubuntu now and the module is automatically loaded. However, no network device is created :( What should I do? :( | 08:32 |
Apostle^ | _jason: no more is better! | 08:32 |
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chiche | less is more | 08:33 |
_jason | Apostle^: no most is best! | 08:33 |
NickGarvey | less > more | 08:33 |
Apostle^ | _jason: hehe | 08:33 |
=== florin- [n=graphicc@host113-202.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | assuming you mean the commands.. | 08:33 |
kbrooks | incredible. | 08:33 |
_jason | !es | 08:33 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:33 |
kbrooks | switch useer works flawlessly | 08:33 |
jramsey | on Evolution setup, should UTC be selected as the timezone?? | 08:33 |
Apostle^ | jramsey: select your local timezone? | 08:33 |
=== dimitri [n=dimitri@d54C469AE.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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eugman | _jason, ok then whats the difference between cat and more? | 08:34 |
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_jason | eugman: cat just prints the whole thing to your terminal, more gives you a page at a time, just try them, you'll see | 08:34 |
=== Yoe [n=wouter@d515283CC.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jramsey | Apostle^, i assumed utc was universal but i selected my own time zone | 08:34 |
chiche | cat is a smaller tiger | 08:34 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | meow | 08:35 |
Apostle^ | hmm | 08:35 |
Yoe | https://launchpad.net/people/vcs-imports/+branch/nbd/main -- this should point to sf.net's subversion now, rather than CVS | 08:35 |
Apostle^ | dapper is nice :-p | 08:35 |
chiche | hahahha | 08:35 |
NickGarvey | dapper is nice :) | 08:35 |
chiche | dapper? | 08:35 |
Boglizk | dapper i havn't tried yet | 08:35 |
NickGarvey | !dapper | 08:35 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 08:35 |
chiche | ubuntu-1 | 08:35 |
=== Canute [i=Zevzor@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== GodFather [n=rcc@12.sub-70-217-229.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== graft [n=graft@c-65-96-165-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eugman | _jason on one last thing. Is there any difference bwteen me doing zless on a file and me doing zcat file | less ? | 08:36 |
_jason | eugman: not really | 08:36 |
graft | probably buffers differently | 08:36 |
Apostle^ | some time's ubuntu repo's are very fast, some times slow :-( | 08:37 |
Apostle^ | i get between 80 KB/S to 1Mb lol. | 08:37 |
kbrooks | is there a generic ubuntu FAQ? | 08:37 |
Boglizk | 100/10 MB ftw :d | 08:37 |
kbrooks | er | 08:37 |
kbrooks | sry | 08:38 |
NickGarvey | !faq | 08:38 |
ubotu | The most Frequently Asked Questions of #ubuntu are summarized on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FaqOnIrc - please have a look - see also !desktopguide | 08:38 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Apostle^: Right after they release a new beta is probably a bad time to update. ;) | 08:38 |
NickGarvey | if you want the irc one | 08:38 |
=== benkong2 [n=benkong2@cpe-024-088-247-060.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | PuMpErNiCkLe: hmm? | 08:38 |
chiche | well, can we rebuild ubuntu from the source? | 08:39 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Apostle^: That's when everyone else is updating, so the servers get a lot more load than usual. | 08:39 |
Apostle^ | PuMpErNiCkLe: new beta of what, ubuntu ? | 08:39 |
NickGarvey | oh yeah | 08:39 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | Apostle^: dapper | 08:39 |
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NickGarvey | I am going to need to get up at midnight to update | 08:39 |
Apostle^ | PuMpErNiCkLe: oh, i updated to dapper last night | 08:39 |
chiche | so? | 08:39 |
chiche | is it good? | 08:40 |
Apostle^ | yea it is | 08:40 |
Apostle^ | really good | 08:40 |
chiche | how fine? | 08:40 |
Apostle^ | 20% faster than breezy | 08:40 |
Apostle^ | in my opinion | 08:40 |
chiche | oh | 08:40 |
Boglizk | But its just a BETA | 08:40 |
Apostle^ | Boglizk: in linux all that means is a few broken packages :-P | 08:40 |
chiche | how to get the 20% number? | 08:40 |
graft | and not even that, really | 08:40 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | It was intended to be released now... the extra dev time is just a bonus. :) | 08:40 |
graft | i've been using dapper for months, and it's always been great | 08:40 |
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=== shiz [n=shiz@c-71-228-90-68.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | chiche: reach into your ass and pull it out | 08:41 |
jramsey | Apostle^, why the speed increase?? | 08:41 |
=== Tommck [n=Tommck@dpc691921154.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Boglizk | Allright... i think i'll wait though | 08:41 |
chiche | ... | 08:41 |
Apostle^ | jramsey: new kernel i guess | 08:41 |
=== FadedSun [n=Filipe@cpe-66-67-220-23.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PuMpErNiCkLe | jramsey: gnome 2.14 was massively optimized | 08:41 |
DUMAiSO | any program in gnome to edit mp3 tags? | 08:41 |
graft | chiche: (i.e., it's more or less made up) | 08:41 |
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apokryphos | DUMAiSO: any of its mp3 players. i.e. rhythmbox | 08:42 |
_jason | DUMAiSO: easytag is one | 08:42 |
jramsey | oh so the speed increase is with gnome and not a new minor kernel 2.6 rev bump?? | 08:42 |
apokryphos | or beep | 08:42 |
chiche | a average fvwm > a optimized gnome | 08:42 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | jramsey: pretty much | 08:42 |
DUMAiSO | _jason, does it search in the internet and apply tags to the files? | 08:42 |
=== paul_ [n=paul@user-0cdf7mo.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | !es | 08:42 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:42 |
_jason | DUMAiSO: I don't use it that much, but I don't think it does | 08:42 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | !se | 08:42 |
kbrooks | !ES | 08:42 |
ubotu | Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 08:42 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | oops | 08:42 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:42 |
kbrooks | !caps | 08:42 |
ubotu | FYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour. | 08:42 |
shiz | _jason can you recommend a really secure firewall program with lots of features for the Ubuntu 5.10? | 08:42 |
=== rabe [n=rabe@80-218-13-85.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PuMpErNiCkLe | lol | 08:43 |
DUMAiSO | ok | 08:43 |
=== danne755 [n=daniel@81-234-222-182-no23.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== endeavormac [n=endeavor@ip-134-53-166-28.dhcp.muohio.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | shiz: firestarter | 08:43 |
_jason | !firewall | 08:43 |
Ummmmm | hmm i've been unable to get flash since i installed this pc ... blasted macromedia, they have an invalid url on their download page for linux. Anyone know of any other way to install flash without having to use macromedia's site? | 08:43 |
ubotu | Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic. | 08:43 |
jramsey | PuMpErNiCkLe, i am not sure i can deal with a gui 20% improvement in performance; i have been polluted with Windows upgrades that progressively run slower on the same machine | 08:43 |
chiche | I found one thing, kernel 2.6.x took something away from the souce... | 08:43 |
shiz | yeah | 08:43 |
=== jinho [n=paul@user-0cdf7mo.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shiz | im looking 2 get secure | 08:43 |
=== RancidLM [n=rancidlm@linuxfordummies/RancidLM] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | shiz: linux already is | 08:43 |
chiche | so, 2.4 is better than 2.6 for now | 08:43 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | jramsey: lol - welcome to linux :D | 08:43 |
RancidLM | hey all | 08:43 |
kbrooks | shiz: ubuntu is secure by default | 08:43 |
_jason | Ummmmm: I think you can install flashplayer-mozilla from the repos | 08:43 |
graft | chiche: took something away from the source? | 08:43 |
shiz | is it really? | 08:44 |
kbrooks | shiz: yes | 08:44 |
_jason | Ummmmm: erm, mozilla-flashplayer | 08:44 |
RancidLM | does any one know of a good way of sync'ing documents from one computer to laptop using a centrial server? | 08:44 |
crimsun | _jason: (please suggest flashplugin-nonfree, since the other has been removed from pool due to illegal distribution) | 08:44 |
shiz | what do you think of firestarter | 08:44 |
chiche | mmm, some "format" surports | 08:44 |
kbrooks | shiz: it doesnt open any remote ports | 08:44 |
kbrooks | shiz: i use it | 08:44 |
jramsey | PuMpErNiCkLe, i now hate windows; outlook decided on its own to turn off encrypted email so it stopped sending mail to comcast but could read it; comcast said "we dont support the full version of outlook" nice eh? | 08:44 |
_jason | crimsun: I assumed he was having problems with that since he said the url wasn't working | 08:44 |
arrinmurr | DUMAiSO: are you looking for something like musicbrainz? amaroK has some kind of musicbrainz integration | 08:44 |
danne755 | !es | 08:44 |
kbrooks | GOYINGO: | 08:44 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:44 |
kbrooks | !es | 08:44 |
kbrooks | !caps | 08:44 |
ubotu | FYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour. | 08:44 |
roryy | GOYINGO: /join #ubuntu-es | 08:44 |
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=== Misnix [n=jkr@corona.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shiz | kbrooks are you a sys adiim? | 08:45 |
crimsun | _jason: he needs to use a mirror by reading the update script. | 08:45 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | ubotu: tell GOYINGO about es | 08:45 |
kbrooks | shiz: no, altho i would use ubuntu if i were | 08:45 |
DUMAiSO | arrinmurr, i don't know musicbrainz | 08:45 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | jramsey: phun :o | 08:45 |
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kbrooks | uh, shiz | 08:46 |
kbrooks | and everyone | 08:46 |
arrinmurr | DUMAiSO: see musicbrainz.org | 08:46 |
kbrooks | :P i'm 15 | 08:46 |
shiz | do you find that the software provided in the universe and those repositories helpful and secure? | 08:46 |
endeavormac | I'm looking for a program that can tell me how many kilobits or kilobytes (doesn't matter) are being transferred a second over a connection. Any recommendations? | 08:46 |
kingspawn | can gparted resize ntfs? | 08:46 |
jinho | hi does anyone know how to get a 5 button mouse (MS Intellimouse) to work in firefox/filemanager...the stuff in the forums hasnt helped me... | 08:46 |
kbrooks | shiz: dont be sooooo concerned | 08:46 |
DUMAiSO | arrinmurr, i will | 08:46 |
graft | there's 15-year-old sysadmins... | 08:46 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | endeavormac: the system monitor has that capability, and it's installed by default | 08:46 |
kbrooks | kingspawn: with ntfsresize | 08:46 |
roryy | endeavormac: i like iptraf (command-line program) | 08:46 |
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thingfish | I'm making a new launcher (gnome) but for some reason when I browse to pick an icon for the new launcher, all choices - no matter which dir I go to - are greyed out. | 08:47 |
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3574140.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
endeavormac | ok, thanks | 08:47 |
graft | yeah, iptraf is great | 08:47 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | endeavormac: np :) | 08:47 |
_jason | crimsun: is that offered during the install or would one have to go searching for it? | 08:47 |
=== {BiK}thrift [n=thrift@c-24-131-94-90.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | abc | 08:47 |
shiz | im settleing in | 08:47 |
shiz | lol | 08:47 |
kingspawn | kbrooks: thanks | 08:47 |
jramsey | PuMpErNiCkLe, where is sysmon? available thru a gnome dropdown? | 08:47 |
=== yUSiyEEE__ [n=yusiye@av103012.reshsg.uci.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | jramsey: installable | 08:47 |
jramsey | nevermind i see it | 08:47 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | jramsey: :) | 08:47 |
graft | argh... damn wireless card | 08:47 |
DUMAiSO | arrinmurr, yes, i am looking for something like musicbrainz | 08:47 |
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jramsey | look first, ask second | 08:48 |
=== luftdufd [n=seft@N905P024.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrinmurr | DUMAiSO: Picard might be what you need, see http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/PicardLinuxInstall#ubuntupackages | 08:48 |
=== Ohzie [n=ohzie@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jinho | hi does anyone know how to get a 5 button mouse (MS Intellimouse) to work in firefox/thunar? | 08:48 |
DUMAiSO | arrinmurr, ok, thanks | 08:48 |
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=== nowotny [n=nowotny@ahz91.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | jinho: what do you mean 'in firefox'? | 08:48 |
jinho | graft: like the forward/back buttons | 08:49 |
=== Ribs [n=ribs@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== shiz [n=shiz@c-71-228-90-68.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jinho | graft: that are on the sides of the mouse | 08:49 |
_jason | Ummmmm: so, to clear things up. Did you try installing flashplugin-nonfree first? | 08:49 |
crimsun | _jason: post- | 08:49 |
=== ploom [n=ploom@84-50-157-3-dsl.est.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theplatypus | error when to write to an external hd."Error while copying to "/media/backup" " any ideas | 08:49 |
theplatypus | attempting* | 08:49 |
jinho | graft: does that clear things up? | 08:50 |
graft | jinho: um, firstly, you should tell your X windows that you have a five button mouse | 08:50 |
=== haakonn [n=haakon@pdpc/supporter/active/haakonn] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | how do i increase the nice level in gsm | 08:51 |
thingfish | I'm making a new launcher (gnome) but for some reason when I browse to pick an icon for the new launcher, all choices - no matter which dir I go to - are greyed out. | 08:51 |
=== jablotronik [n=jablotro@1-user9.scnet.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haakonn | why must dvds still be so hard to play correctly on linux? vlc is the only one that will play movies successfully, but it flickers a lot, as if i'm playing an mpeg4 on a 486 :/ | 08:52 |
thingfish | How do I choose an icon? | 08:52 |
graft | jinho: after that you can probably get firefox to recognize the extra buttons | 08:52 |
graft | haakonn: mplayer! | 08:52 |
haakonn | graft: mplayer dvd:// exits with some error | 08:52 |
graft | mplayer dvd://<track number> | 08:52 |
haakonn | "Couldn't open /dev/3dfx" | 08:52 |
=== temery [n=francois@AMontpellier-251-1-108-181.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | abc | 08:53 |
graft | err.. hm | 08:53 |
=== luiso_ [n=luis@201-13-42-188.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jramsey | anyone know where i can find the evolution setup for comcast high-speed? the evolution wiki doesn't show anything and comcast's site is pretty useless | 08:53 |
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Tommck | NickGarvey - tried a different machine... same problem | 08:53 |
antoniojulio | i find howto postfix and ldap , do you help me? | 08:53 |
jinho | graft: how do I tell x windows that? (I'm a noob) | 08:53 |
=== kirk2ski [n=kirk2ski@netblock-68-183-85-50.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tommck | NickGarvey - and the Live 5.04 version works fine. | 08:53 |
=== kronoz [n=kronoz@ACC93DCF.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jablotronik | hi guys, i have a problem with GRUB, i have installed Ubuntu firstly, and after that i have installed Kubuntu on other partition. and now i want to make Ubuntu Grub, from first instalation active, how to do it ? | 08:54 |
=== green_earz [n=admin@213-232-83-67.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | jinho: um. need me to walk you through it? you edit your xorg.conf and put a "Buttons" "7" option in the mouse section | 08:55 |
graft | haakonn: try a different video-out with mplayer | 08:55 |
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=== eka [n=eka@24-44-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haakonn | graft: yeah, working on it :) | 08:55 |
jinho | graft: this is the same thing I did in the forums...and it didnt seem to help... | 08:55 |
eka | hi all | 08:55 |
graft | haakonn: just do -vo xv, that's usually ideal | 08:55 |
=== bighil [n=bighil@dslb-084-061-136-206.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haakonn | graft: "Xv: could not grab port 61" | 08:56 |
=== caplink811-log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-117-200.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haakonn | graft: ah, some mplayer process if clogging | 08:56 |
=== Fig0 [n=fig0@p5486E219.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | haakonn: um. you've got multip... yeah | 08:56 |
haakonn | :) | 08:56 |
haakonn | stupid mplayerplug-in | 08:56 |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@unaffiliated/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jinho | are there noticable differences in speed btwn amd64 ubuntu and i386 ubuntu if you have an amd64 cpu? | 08:57 |
Kennie | i expired trouble with libs on 64bit | 08:57 |
gnomefreak | jinho: imo if there is a speed difference its not worth the trouble | 08:58 |
Pegasos989 | (iso | 08:58 |
Pegasos989 | !iso | 08:58 |
{BiK}thrift | anyone know how ubuntu stores it's per user fonts settings? | 08:58 |
jinho | haha | 08:58 |
ubotu | [iso] download Ubuntu at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ and for help burning the CD, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto | 08:58 |
Pegasos989 | !mounting | 08:58 |
ubotu | Pegasos989: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:58 |
Pegasos989 | !filesystem | 08:58 |
ubotu | What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Pegasos989 | 08:58 |
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matth-w | Hello | 08:58 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Pegasos989 -about msg the bot | 08:59 |
eka | i'm just installing ubuntu and is at 85% installing packages for long time, ichecked top and aptitude is running but i dont know why is taking so long | 08:59 |
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theplatypus | eka: is it updating? | 08:59 |
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catskul | anyone know what the name of the package is which contains the network "monitor applet" | 08:59 |
eka | theplatypus: fresh instalation | 08:59 |
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theplatypus | eka:are you using Breezy or Drake? | 09:00 |
gnomefreak | im thinking its kind of hard to check top and aptitude during install | 09:00 |
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{BiK}thrift | anyone know how ubuntu stores it's per user fonts settings? | 09:00 |
matth-w | Alright, I've got a question about my cam if anyone is able to help.. I have camorama installed, when I run it, it says to check connection (/dev/video0) | 09:00 |
{BiK}thrift | I'd like to restore my fonts to defaults, i messed em all up ;) | 09:00 |
crimsun | {BiK}thrift: for gnome, they're stored in gconf | 09:00 |
{BiK}thrift | do you know the key? I searched for font and got no hits | 09:00 |
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deluxe | hi i have just installed dapper drake flight 6 amd64 for my shuttle xpc st20g5 (athlon 64 3000+ 1 gig ram ati 200xpress thing and 6800gs and sata hard drive) after letting dapper update i no longer have a working xserver and no eth0 | 09:01 |
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haakonn | can mplayer do dvd menus? | 09:01 |
eka | gnomefreak: what do you mean? i'm on anothr term | 09:01 |
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{BiK}thrift | deluxe: do you have the restricted modules installed? | 09:01 |
deluxe | i dont know how do i find out | 09:02 |
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_SGershon | Hi all. | 09:02 |
_SGershon | What is the | 09:03 |
graft | haakonn: no... i think only VLC does that (not even sure about that) | 09:03 |
_SGershon | what is the root password of the live CD? | 09:03 |
deluxe | {BiK}thrifti know that i need to have the intel snd hda deal blacklisted because of the sound card on board | 09:03 |
Tommck | _SGershon - can you get me a date with Gina? | 09:03 |
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deluxe | {BiK}thrift know that i need to have the intel snd hda deal blacklisted because of the sound card on board | 09:03 |
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haakonn | yeah, vlc does it | 09:03 |
{BiK}thrift | deluxe: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` | 09:04 |
graft | haakonn: xine might do it... | 09:04 |
deluxe | i am unable to bring up eth0 do i still go ahead and issue that command i dont know if ubuntu uses distfiles like gentoo | 09:04 |
{BiK}thrift | i am using ubuntu and just had to do that command today | 09:05 |
{BiK}thrift | i would try it, ethernet and video are restricted modules on ubuntu if you are using nforce board | 09:05 |
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n3storm | I everybody | 09:05 |
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n3storm | I am having trouble with networking | 09:05 |
{BiK}thrift | deluxe: do you have any other ethernet connection? | 09:05 |
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graft | hey jinho ... does your scroll wheel tilt? | 09:05 |
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Heimo | #tuo | 09:05 |
n3storm | the problem is: | 09:06 |
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n3storm | sometimes I can ping my gateway sometime I don't | 09:06 |
jinho | graft: what do you mean tilt? | 09:06 |
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graft | jinho: i mean does it tilt left and right for additional functions | 09:06 |
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n3storm | sometimes dnss resolv and sometimes doesn't | 09:06 |
jinho | graft: nope..its just a regular scroll | 09:06 |
Jowi | n3storm: are you using a router as your gateway? | 09:06 |
escobar5 | hello, i'm still trying to mount my ipod, when i connect it this is what i get running dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12733, anybody knows what is the problem?? | 09:07 |
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deluxe | {Bik}thrift i do but for some reason it wouldnt allow me to use it | 09:07 |
davs | Hy! | 09:07 |
eka | it can be that a cd installation is downloading some packages? | 09:07 |
n3storm | yes | 09:07 |
eka | hwo can i see whats happening? | 09:07 |
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n3storm | now I am on a laptop that works perfectly | 09:07 |
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Jowi | n3storm: does restarting the router solve it temporary? | 09:07 |
n3storm | yes, sometimes | 09:07 |
graft | jinho: well... as far as i can tell, what you wanna do is set your protocol to ExplorerPS/2 in xorg.conf, install imwheel, and configure it for firefox | 09:07 |
{BiK}thrift | umm you have to be able to sudo and you have to have inet access | 09:07 |
jinho | graft: the mouse is simply 2 side buttons for forward/backwards, left, right mouse btn, and a middle scroll wheel w/ middle mouse button capabilities | 09:07 |
jinho | graft: k | 09:07 |
n3storm | but I have three machines here: Jowi | 09:07 |
deluxe | i cant bring it up it says it doesnt exist but when i tried to run the command you said it said dpkg was interrupted and that i needed to do a dpkg reconfigure -a which im doing | 09:08 |
JarG0n | Is there a recommended hardware list for Ubuntu? | 09:08 |
Jowi | n3storm: to make sure, you can connect to internet without the router. if that helps, you might want to call techsupport of the router for replacement... | 09:08 |
n3storm | the three of them with (k)ubuntu | 09:08 |
n3storm | and I am only having trouble with one | 09:08 |
n3storm | I have changed wires, etc... | 09:08 |
=== GTroy [n=galengus@207-109-184-188.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matth-w | Alright, I've got a question about my cam if anyone is able to help.. I have camorama installed, when I run it, it says to check connection (/dev/video0) | 09:08 |
{BiK}thrift | deluxe: ok i have never seen that before, so if it works...great :) | 09:08 |
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GTroy | anyone good with dapper wifi? | 09:09 |
MenZa | #ubuntu+1 | 09:09 |
GTroy | thanks menza | 09:09 |
Jowi | n3storm: ah. when you changed cables, did you also try to connect to a known good port like one that another of your computers use? | 09:09 |
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n3storm | yes | 09:09 |
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n3storm | I tried all that | 09:09 |
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JarG0n | Is there a recommended hardware list for Ubuntu? Specifically, I'm looking for video cards. | 09:09 |
n3storm | I was connected to a switch before | 09:10 |
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n3storm | and now I am directly connected to the router | 09:10 |
deluxe | {BiK}thrift hopefully thx alot though you've been the most help in the ubuntu chat room for me ever cant wait till i stop being lazy and install gentoo again | 09:10 |
apokryphos | JarG0n: nvidia :D | 09:10 |
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n3storm | and nothing changes | 09:10 |
Jowi | n3storm: could still be the router, but it may also be faulty network card or driver problem. | 09:10 |
green_earz | n3storm: check to see if the rounter as a idle time setting in which it will drop the connection to your isp. set up the router so there is no idle time, so its connected all the time | 09:10 |
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JarG0n | apo> that's a good start :) | 09:10 |
{BiK}thrift | delux: :/ gentoo :( | 09:10 |
n3storm | green_earz: I can't ping the gateway | 09:10 |
apokryphos | JarG0n: how much have you got to spend? ;-) | 09:10 |
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onthost | anyone experienced with old world macs & ubuntu here? | 09:11 |
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n3storm | internet is working through the router as you can see, I am writting from another laptop | 09:11 |
escobar5 | hello, i'm still trying to mount my ipod, when i connect it this is what i get running dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12733, anybody knows what is the problem?? | 09:11 |
Jowi | green_earz: the other computers connected to the router has internet access | 09:11 |
eka | how can i see network use from terminal? | 09:11 |
roryy | eka: iptraf | 09:11 |
{BiK}thrift | eka: tcpump? | 09:11 |
onthost | I get the error "/scripts/local-top/evms: 31: /sbin/evms_activate not found" on boot and it dumps me ot a shell | 09:11 |
JarG0n | apo> this is an old box, i don't want to spend hardly anything. Any upgrade is better than the 8mb video card I have now. | 09:11 |
n3storm | I am not a poweruser, but I am not newbie ;) | 09:11 |
n3storm | I have restarted the machine several times now | 09:12 |
green_earz | n3storm: it looks like its some thing that on the machine ethernet that you are using | 09:12 |
apokryphos | JarG0n: I'd say go for an nvidia fx5200. They're quite cheap ($30 or less, or so, now) and *very* decent | 09:12 |
{BiK}thrift | anyone know how to restore the font settings for a user to the ubuntu defaults? | 09:12 |
Jowi | n3storm: i would try if another kernel version helps. | 09:12 |
apokryphos | JarG0n: for all other hardware: /msg ubotu hardware | 09:12 |
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JarG0n | great! thank you | 09:12 |
eka | roryy: its not installed ... i'm installing | 09:13 |
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graft | argh. anyone know how to keep flash from continually crashing firefox? | 09:13 |
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n3storm | green_earz:,Jowi when I nmap myself | 09:14 |
[1] justin | hey - i'm having problems getting my ubuntu to boot. can anyone give me a hand? | 09:14 |
MenZa | [1] justin: what's the problem? | 09:14 |
n3storm | I see 32770 and 32771 ports are open | 09:14 |
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MenZa | Does it start in a command-line interface, or doesn't start at all? | 09:14 |
escobar5 | hello, i'm still trying to mount my ipod, when i connect it this is what i get running dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12733, anybody knows what is the problem?? | 09:14 |
freezey | can someone answer a few questions about samba | 09:14 |
n3storm | does it have any sense? | 09:14 |
Jowi | n3storm: what are those for? | 09:14 |
{BiK}thrift | ask em | 09:14 |
n3storm | no idea... | 09:15 |
[1] justin | it's been working for a while, and then grub started complaining...i popped in the install disc, went to rescue, tried reinstalling grub, but it still just says 'GRUB' on powerup, and sits there | 09:15 |
n3storm | checking at google | 09:15 |
MenZa | :\ | 09:15 |
=== grout [n=grout@69-164-124-150.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grout | how can i installthe latest nvidia drivers? | 09:15 |
freezey | i just edited my smb.conf so it shares 3 folders that i want to be my 3 drives on my windows network | 09:15 |
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apokryphos | grout: are you on breezy? | 09:15 |
freezey | but like i am thinking that its just folders its not the actualy drives | 09:15 |
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n3storm | umm | 09:15 |
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Jowi | n3storm: "sudo lsof -i tcp:32770", note the PID, and then "ps -fg PIDnumber to see what program uses it | 09:16 |
[1] justin | MenZa, so no command line interface or anything - just GRUB and then dead silence | 09:16 |
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MenZa | I wouldn't know :\ | 09:16 |
[1] justin | MenZa, no errors, either | 09:16 |
pax | freezey: samba is mainly for win machines to access resources on Linux machines. | 09:16 |
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grout | how can i install the latest nvidia drivers? | 09:17 |
OffHand | grout: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074 | 09:17 |
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OffHand | I just used that guide myself. It's not easy though | 09:17 |
n3storm | Jowi: hplip, hp printers | 09:17 |
sfar | where can i change so that "Computer" "Trash" and "Home" icons is not visible on the desktop? | 09:18 |
Jowi | n3storm: network sharing printers. ah. | 09:18 |
[1] justin | so does anyone know anything about making grub work? :) | 09:18 |
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OffHand | grout it helps when you are sort of comfortable with the command line | 09:18 |
arun | Hi all.. i m hitting an error that says cannot find -lXmu (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12734) when i am installing a package called sage.. does anybody know what i should install to solve this problem | 09:18 |
n3storm | I didnt explicity share them? | 09:18 |
OffHand | and print it out | 09:18 |
n3storm | but i dont think that is the problem | 09:18 |
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Jowi | n3storm: hplip is installed by default (only for laptops?) if i'm not mistaken | 09:19 |
eka | how to execute instructions that need root acces? | 09:19 |
escobar5 | hello, i'm still trying to mount my ipod, when i connect it this is what i get running dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12733, anybody knows what is the problem? | 09:19 |
JarG0n | wow! This is a short list of supported motherboards! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMotherboards | 09:19 |
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pax | !reinstallgrub | 09:19 |
Jowi | n3storm: i've no printer so i removed cups and all. can't say if that can be a problem or not. | 09:19 |
ubotu | reinstallgrub is, like, totally, to reinstall GRUB, follow the guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76652 | 09:19 |
_SGershon | I connwected an USB mouse and it was not detected, how can I detect it manually? (ubuntu live) | 09:19 |
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eka | i mean commands | 09:20 |
eka | cause i use sudo but it ask me root passwk | 09:20 |
Jowi | eka: try your own password | 09:20 |
pax | user your user's passwd | 09:20 |
pax | use* | 09:20 |
JarG0n | why do bots attack this room? | 09:20 |
_SGershon | I connwected an USB mouse and it was not detected, how can I detect it manually? (ubuntu live) | 09:21 |
_SGershon | conn*ected | 09:21 |
n3storm | Jowi: all I can say is I have this printer a couple of months ago | 09:21 |
n3storm | and the network started failing this evening | 09:21 |
apokryphos | JarG0n: they're attacking a lot of Freenode. They specifically tend to target large channels (such as this one) | 09:21 |
pax | because lamers think they're l33t by disrubting this channel, JarG0n | 09:21 |
apokryphos | they don't really survive long in here, usually :) | 09:22 |
JarG0n | apokryphos> how does this benefit the perpetrators? | 09:22 |
apokryphos | JarG0n: it gives them some sort of pleasure | 09:22 |
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Jowi | _SGershon: go here: http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ follow the instructions and see what driver look to be the one you want. then do "sudo modprobe modulename" | 09:22 |
makol | hola! | 09:22 |
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JarG0n | apokryphos> or is it complete idiocy? ah, makes sense then. | 09:22 |
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grout | cant automatix or easy ubuntu install the drivers? | 09:22 |
_SGershon | Jowi i will check | 09:22 |
graft | wait, what bot attacked this channel? | 09:23 |
apokryphos | JarG0n: on rare occassions you get unintelligent people trying to get other channels shut down by pretending to spam for them | 09:23 |
gnomefreak | !automatix | 09:23 |
ubotu | automatix is, like, totally, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu. | 09:23 |
[1] justin | pax, that provides two methods - is there any difference between doing 'grub-install hd1' and using the gui to do it? i already tried the 'grub-install' with no success - still says 'GRUB' on powerup, and stares at me. | 09:23 |
Jowi | n3storm: could be a failing network card or a connector attached to it. have you upgraded the kernel this evening? if you did, try the old one. | 09:23 |
arun | hi.. i want get freetype-config in ubuntu.. i tried installing all the freetype items in synaptic but couldnt get it working.. any ideas on how to get it.. | 09:23 |
n3storm | gnomefreak: I read easyubuntu is not developed anymore | 09:23 |
pax | [1] justin: then try the other method? | 09:23 |
kbrooks | n3storm: actuqally | 09:24 |
kbrooks | n3storm: see #easyubuntu | 09:24 |
[1] justin | pax, ok, lets see | 09:24 |
kbrooks | n3storm: thats a myth | 09:24 |
gnomefreak | n3storm: neither of them atm run on dapper but yes easy ubuntu is still out there | 09:24 |
n3storm | Jowi: Ill try that | 09:24 |
kbrooks | n3storm: who told u that it isnt developed anymore | 09:24 |
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n3storm | I read it at a blog | 09:25 |
apokryphos | link? | 09:25 |
kbrooks | n3storm: URL? | 09:25 |
gnomefreak | kbrooks: maybe the automatix people on the forums ;) | 09:25 |
n3storm | mmm | 09:25 |
gnomefreak | lol | 09:25 |
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palle | #nslu2-general | 09:25 |
n3storm | spanish translator of automatix ;) | 09:25 |
apokryphos | *easybreezy* isn't developed anymore (and that's not entirely accurate, as it merged) | 09:25 |
kbrooks | gnomefreak: Very funny | 09:25 |
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=== apokryphos chuckles | ||
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gnomefreak | kbrooks: i wasnt kidding in a sense | 09:25 |
n3storm | if I remember | 09:25 |
=== pax listening to andrew bird - fake palindromes (this is a killer song :-) | ||
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gnomefreak | apokryphos: what did it merge with? | 09:26 |
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dracflamloc | hey all. is the new beta of xfce 4.4 available for ubuntu? | 09:26 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: easyubuntu | 09:26 |
kbrooks | gnomefreak: the original version of EU | 09:26 |
LuKe-LuKe | does anyone used Gnash on amd64 ?? | 09:26 |
gnomefreak | oh ok | 09:26 |
apokryphos | which automatix was originally based on :P | 09:26 |
IceTox | !tar | 09:27 |
apokryphos | IceTox: what are you trying to do? :) | 09:27 |
grout | whats the key shortcut to switch virtual desktops? | 09:27 |
kbrooks | IceTox: what do u wwant help on? | 09:27 |
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=== JarG0n [n=adam@12-222-201-117.client.insightBB.com] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
Jowi | grout: ctrl+alt+F1, F2 etc. graphical display is at F7 | 09:27 |
Der_Richter | Since i wanted to run KDE, because my girlfriend likes it better than Sawfish/GNOME, i did get it with apt. Seems to work like a charm. But some software are run as regular user, which makes for trouble. The config-softwares for instance. At first i liked it, but now, as an old Slackware-regular this sudo-only stuff is annoying. Any ideas? | 09:27 |
redguy | !xgl | 09:28 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/ | 09:28 |
=== timmy334 [n=timmy334@user-69-73-27-151.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IceTox | apokryphos and kbrooks I just neded help on how to untar a tar.gz file. tar -zxvf didn't work | 09:28 |
Der_Richter | Since i wanted to run KDE, because my girlfriend likes it better than Sawfish/GNOME, i did get it with apt. Seems to work like a charm. But some software are run as regular user, which makes for trouble. The config-softwares for instance. At first i liked it, but now, as an old Slackware-regular this sudo-only stuff is annoying. Any ideas? | 09:28 |
Jowi | grout: oh wait, you said virtual desktops, not console. sorry | 09:28 |
Jowi | grout: i need a pause it seems | 09:28 |
apokryphos | Iceman: what's the error? | 09:28 |
apokryphos | * IceTox | 09:28 |
IceTox | =) | 09:28 |
IceTox | Lemme paste it into the bin | 09:28 |
timmy334 | is there a way to tell apt-get to NOT install the wacom driver? when I update it destroys my xorg | 09:28 |
grout | thx | 09:28 |
n3storm | Jowi: I am starting the machine with a live cd | 09:28 |
gnomefreak | IceTox: tar zxvf file.tar.gz | 09:28 |
=== JarG0n_ [n=me@12-222-201-117.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IceTox | tried that already gnomefreak | 09:29 |
=== EinZteiN [n=einztein@a213-22-54-25.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jowi | n3storm: ...like you usually do or just to test? | 09:29 |
_jason | IceTox: what does 'file name_of_file.tar.gz' say? | 09:29 |
LuKe-LuKe | Der_Richter: "sudo su" and you're root | 09:29 |
IceTox | _jason, I will paste it now | 09:29 |
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gnomefreak | in pastebin i hope | 09:29 |
n3storm | Jowi: for testing purposes | 09:29 |
=== JarG0n_ is now known as JarG0n | ||
fid | thanks to you guys in this channel I was able to customize my ubuntu desktop to look like this.. | 09:30 |
Jowi | n3storm: cool. just asking to make sure i didn't miss anything | 09:30 |
=== unstable [n=user_nam@unaffiliated/kerplunk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fid | http://www.howtostartafire.net/images/Screenshot.png | 09:30 |
LuKe-LuKe | does anyone used Gnash on amd64 ?? | 09:30 |
unstable | Do all Ubuntu releases have a 5 year support? | 09:30 |
apokryphos | no | 09:30 |
=== termleech [n=termleec@c-69-250-81-52.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | unstable: only dapper and after | 09:30 |
=== GTroy [n=galengus@207-109-184-188.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | unstable: only the LTS versions | 09:30 |
unstable | LuKe-LuKe: It will only work up to flash version 4ish...It's very very early development. | 09:30 |
Der_Richter | LuKe-LuKe: Yep. But that only stretches as far as the active cosole? | 09:30 |
apokryphos | _jason: no | 09:30 |
unstable | LuKe-LuKe: You are shit out of luck on flash/64bit..You need to wait. | 09:30 |
=== shyboy [n=shyboy@ARennes-257-1-110-238.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unstable | !lts | 09:31 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, unstable | 09:31 |
IceTox | _jason, gnomefreak apokryphos and kbrooks: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12736 | 09:31 |
IceTox | :-) | 09:31 |
=== dannym [n=dannym@cm74-32.liwest.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unstable | apokryphos: LTS? | 09:31 |
_jason | apokryphos: was about to ask if lts was everything after dapper, but I got my answer | 09:31 |
apokryphos | Long Term Support | 09:31 |
GTroy | hey guys networking problems with dapper...how do I install kernel iteration 19? | 09:31 |
unstable | apokryphos: Which versions will have Long term Support? | 09:31 |
gnomefreak | unstable: desktop 3 years server 5years for dapper only atm | 09:31 |
unstable | apokryphos: All versions after dapper? | 09:31 |
apokryphos | unstable: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases | 09:31 |
timmy334 | is there a way to tell apt-get to NOT install the wacom driver? when I update it destroys my xorg | 09:31 |
blindx | Anyone with an iPod recommend any particular pod management utilities? | 09:31 |
=== yUSiyEEE__ [n=yusiye@av103012.reshsg.uci.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
timmy334 | blindx, gtkpod | 09:32 |
Apostle^ | blindx: gtkpod | 09:32 |
OffHand | timmy334, you can lock it in synaptic | 09:32 |
kbrooks | unstable: no | 09:32 |
blindx | haha gtkpod it is. | 09:32 |
GTroy | !iteration | 09:32 |
ubotu | GTroy: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:32 |
LuKe-LuKe | i've got debootstrab chroot installed but ... then i have to update also my 32 chroot ubuntu all the time :( | 09:32 |
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[1] justin | timmy334, can't you just apt-get remove it | 09:32 |
apokryphos | timmy334: yes, man apt_preferences | 09:32 |
Eftarjin | hi | 09:32 |
gnomefreak | LuKe-LuKe: gplflash is a flash for 64bit | 09:32 |
timmy334 | [1] justin, nope | 09:32 |
GTroy | !kernel | 09:32 |
Jinkguns | Has anyone here done business with System 76? | 09:32 |
timmy334 | once it's installed my xorg is hosed permanently | 09:32 |
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LuKe-LuKe | gnomefreak: Have you tried it? | 09:33 |
escobar5 | hello, i'm still trying to mount my ipod, when i connect it this is what i get running dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12733, anybody knows what is the problem? | 09:33 |
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=== Lous [n=linux@145.Red-83-32-212.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | apokryphos: is enterprise equiv. to lts? | 09:33 |
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gnomefreak | LuKe-LuKe: i would never install 64bit to begin with | 09:33 |
timmy334 | fid, where did you get that wallpaper and those icons on your top panel? | 09:33 |
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apokryphos | _jason: yes | 09:34 |
LuKe-LuKe | gnomefreak: why? | 09:34 |
=== ralph [n=MojoRiso@12-210-59-69.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | yeah 64 and linux don't play to nice.. | 09:35 |
gnomefreak | LuKe-LuKe: alot of apps are a pita to get to run on 64 hence your flash issues | 09:35 |
IceTox | gnomefreak, do you happend to know the solution of my problem? I can't tar the file.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12736 | 09:35 |
ralph | hello again | 09:35 |
_jason | IceTox: gunzip the file and then run 'file' on it again | 09:35 |
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=== GameOver69 [n=GameOver@ool-4350fc5b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ralph | i have another stupid question.....i have ubuntu on an older computer and this new one...on older one i can run .sh files...on new install i can not...what am i missing? | 09:35 |
GTroy | can anyone post a link to how to go to kernel iteration 19? | 09:36 |
GTroy | from 20? | 09:36 |
IceTox | still the same reply on file _jason | 09:36 |
apokryphos | ralph: what's the error? | 09:36 |
_jason | ralph: the .sh files on the new install probably don't have execute permission | 09:36 |
ralph | no error.....just doesnt run | 09:36 |
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GTroy | !kernel | 09:36 |
ralph | hmmmm......dont remember changing permissions on older install | 09:36 |
_jason | IceTox: when you did gunzip, you should end up with file.tar. Did you do 'file file.tar' then? | 09:36 |
LuKe-LuKe | gnomefreak: I don't have any other problems with amd64. flash works for me, but I would like to have it working without chroot! | 09:37 |
apokryphos | ralph: if there's no error then in theory it runs just fine | 09:37 |
blindx | just to make sure, clicking "sync" in gtkpod is going to copy my files to my ipod, leaving the existing db intact, right? | 09:37 |
IceTox | iyt's a tar.gz file _jason | 09:37 |
IceTox | *its | 09:37 |
apokryphos | ralph: whether your script does what you expect it to though is another question | 09:37 |
_jason | IceTox: gunzip file.tar.gz | 09:37 |
gnomefreak | LuKe-LuKe: gplflash will work on 64 without chroot but again hit or miss | 09:37 |
Apostle^ | ralph: blindx yea | 09:37 |
=== BearKnuckle [i=BearKnuc@dslb-084-056-141-196.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matth-w | Alright, I've got a question about my cam if anyone is able to help.. I have camorama installed, when I run it, it says to check connection (/dev/video0) | 09:37 |
ralph | hmmm.....i'm trying to run programs that ran just fine on older install | 09:37 |
GameOver69 | hey guys my brother just upgraded to dapper, with apt-get upgrade distro, and changing the sources list from breezy to dapper, but now we have some problems | 09:38 |
=== MachineScrew [n=machine@ip68-225-114-11.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | LuKe-LuKe: there are about half the apps for 64 than 32 unless you run them in chroot and that is too much trouble for me to do | 09:38 |
_jason | ralph: how are you trying to run them? | 09:38 |
apokryphos | GameOver69: /msg ubotu dapper | 09:38 |
GameOver69 | we see that preparing restricted drivers and starting PCMCIA services fails | 09:38 |
BearKnuckle | Hi, one short question: How good is the ability of ubuntu to update from one version (let's say 5.10) to the next (let's say 6)? | 09:38 |
gnomefreak | GameOver69: ubuntu+1 for dapper please | 09:38 |
GameOver69 | i cant get in | 09:38 |
=== wthanna [n=wthanna@ppp-70-243-161-79.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ralph | just double clicking the .sh file | 09:38 |
GameOver69 | im banned | 09:38 |
GameOver69 | for what | 09:38 |
n3storm | matth-w: what happens? | 09:38 |
GameOver69 | i dont know | 09:38 |
ralph | when i run in terminal it goes by too fast to read | 09:38 |
gnomefreak | ralph: | less | 09:38 |
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=== davidhouse [n=david@host86-132-141-43.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | wait no nm not on sh file | 09:39 |
LuKe-LuKe | gnomefreak: gplflash doesn't work for me ... i can see only gray box in place where flash things should be! | 09:39 |
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GameOver69 | please help the computer is useless right now :( | 09:39 |
matth-w | I open camorama, and it says "Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0) Please check connection" | 09:39 |
=== piyo [n=piyo@a80-186-184-69.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | LuKe-LuKe: reason i said hit or miss | 09:39 |
ralph | yes.....sh files are named | 09:39 |
_jason | ralph: what command do you use to run the sh file? | 09:39 |
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LuKe-LuKe | gnomefreak: I found almost ever app that I was looking for | 09:39 |
ralph | no bash....just running from gui | 09:40 |
blindx | it deleted my DB. sonnnn of aaaaaaa | 09:40 |
IceTox | _jason, hehe.. got it now :-9 thanks a lot | 09:40 |
_jason | IceTox: it is still a tar though? | 09:40 |
ralph | should i try to run from actual terminal? | 09:40 |
_jason | ralph: yes | 09:40 |
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ralph | k....brb | 09:40 |
blindx | hm. the music is still there. how do i ... get my DB back. :| | 09:40 |
=== der0b [i=s0d_0ff@c-24-147-15-207.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | i think i know why you were banned | 09:40 |
PlayboySicliano | why | 09:41 |
gnomefreak | stop changing your name | 09:41 |
PlayboySicliano | thanks but thats not it | 09:41 |
PlayboySicliano | i thought changing my name would get me in | 09:41 |
PlayboySicliano | but i geuss they hav emy ip | 09:41 |
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ralph | ok.....i havent used bash in years......what's the command to run? | 09:41 |
gnomefreak | nope it annoys the channel and can get you kicked/banned | 09:41 |
IceTox | _jason, it changed from tar.gz to tar, and then I was able to tar -zxvf it :-) | 09:41 |
PlayboySicliano | i never changed my name ever | 09:41 |
n3storm | matth-w: can you explain what happens to your camorama? | 09:41 |
PlayboySicliano | i just idd now so that i thought i could get in | 09:41 |
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gnomefreak | most ops wont ban you from name | 09:42 |
_jason | IceTox: k | 09:42 |
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PlayboySicliano | exactly | 09:42 |
FallenHitokiri | i get mount: RPC: Program not registered when i try to mount a nfs server. i know that there is a package missing on my client but i have no idea which one | 09:42 |
_jason | IceTox: looks like someone gzipped it twice | 09:42 |
PlayboySicliano | i didnt do anything so i dont know | 09:42 |
gnomefreak | so changing your name isnt helping you get it | 09:42 |
gnomefreak | in | 09:42 |
PlayboySicliano | ok but i was never in there in the first place | 09:42 |
ralph | .....command to run an executable in bash anyone? | 09:42 |
n3storm | Jowi: still around? | 09:42 |
kbrooks | gnomefreak: alert the ops | 09:43 |
gnomefreak | apokryphos: ? | 09:43 |
apokryphos | hi | 09:43 |
crimsun | what's the issue? | 09:43 |
IceTox | thanks anyway _jason.. it's All fixed now =) | 09:43 |
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@207.Red-88-11-138.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | can someone find out why he was banned from ubuntu+! or who | 09:43 |
ralph | and they are set as executables in the permissions | 09:43 |
gnomefreak | +1 | 09:43 |
PlayboySicliano | yes please | 09:43 |
crimsun | why who? | 09:43 |
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PlayboySicliano | mr | 09:44 |
PlayboySicliano | me | 09:44 |
apokryphos | gnomefreak: I can't check the bans list; seveas banned him, though | 09:44 |
kbrooks | crimsun: PlayboySicliano | 09:44 |
Jowi | n3storm: yup, but with a kid on my arm so typing is less than quick. did livecd help? | 09:44 |
n3storm | matth-w: better if we talk here so everybody learns | 09:44 |
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=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-3921.l1.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | PlayboySicliano: please go to #ubuntu-offtopic and ask seveas there | 09:44 |
gnomefreak | PlayboySicliano: because he cant get in and he keeps changing names :( | 09:44 |
matth-w | Alright | 09:44 |
kbrooks | apokryphos: did he ban a host? | 09:44 |
jmoschetti45 | the #xorg guys sent me over here with this | 09:44 |
jmoschetti45 | (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so | 09:44 |
jmoschetti45 | (EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (loader failed, 7) | 09:44 |
jmoschetti45 | (EE) Failed to load module "vesa" (module does not exist, 0) | 09:44 |
jmoschetti45 | (EE) Failed to load module "kbd" (module does not exist, 0) | 09:44 |
jmoschetti45 | (EE) Failed to load module "mouse" (module does not exist, 0) | 09:44 |
jmoschetti45 | (EE) No drivers available | 09:44 |
matth-w | n3storm, What do you mean explain what happens? I run the program and it just says what I said... | 09:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ | ||
jmoschetti45 | Fatal server error: | 09:44 |
jmoschetti45 | no screens found | 09:44 |
fid | so with a fresh install of ubuntu 5.10 and after all updates, are there any security issues i should be aware of? | 09:44 |
=== jmoschetti45 was kicked off #ubuntu by apokryphos (flood) | ||
gnomefreak | jmoschetti45: no pasting | 09:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
n3storm | Jowi: hehe, ubuntu live cd doesn't get networking | 09:44 |
piyo | can somebody help me? I am reading a guide that tell how to install realplayer 10, but i got stuck at giving a command "sudo ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" | 09:44 |
n3storm | so I guess is the router | 09:44 |
_jason | ubotu: tell piyo about realplayer | 09:44 |
kbrooks | Seveas: deal with PlayboySicliano | 09:44 |
piyo | so where i have to type that command | 09:45 |
kbrooks | ban him now! | 09:45 |
_jason | piyo: use the deb on the restricted formats page | 09:45 |
piyo | ? | 09:45 |
martyn | i have mounted 2 NTFS drives but when i try and acsess them it says i dont have presmssion to use them any ideas ? | 09:45 |
n3storm | matt-w: let me say it in another way. | 09:45 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ool-4350fc5b.dyn.optonline.net] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
_jason | ubotu: tell piyo about terminal | 09:45 |
matth-w | ALright | 09:45 |
Seveas | kbrooks, at your service | 09:45 |
n3storm | matt-w: would you please explain what do you expect from camorama to say? | 09:45 |
kbrooks | Seveas: heh | 09:45 |
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apokryphos | Seveas: did you ban him before in +1? He didn't really do anything bad in here. | 09:45 |
matth-w | Well, I expect it to run and access my webcam from my USB port. | 09:45 |
crimsun | apokryphos: the entire mask is banned; he's not singled out | 09:45 |
matth-w | It's either not reading my USB or not able to run the cam | 09:45 |
piyo | I am really new here :D | 09:45 |
Seveas | apokryphos, have to check | 09:45 |
crimsun | ban *!*@*ool-*.dyn.optonline.net <-- | 09:46 |
apokryphos | crimsun: yup, but was wondering if it was him it was aimed at earlier. | 09:46 |
martyn | i have mounted 2 NTFS drives but when i try and acsess them it says i dont have presmssion to use them any ideas ? | 09:46 |
Seveas | hobbsee banned a complete provider | 09:46 |
kbrooks | Seveas: maybe unban him please and let him get back in | 09:46 |
n3storm | matth-w: ok, we are getting somewhre | 09:46 |
ralph | the programs i'm having problems running are opera web browser and a game called cube | 09:46 |
=== Nrbelex [n=chatzill@ool-457688c5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jowi | n3storm: if there is an upgrade for it you might want to try it. but beware, some router upgrades I've tried fail. especially true for DLink stuff | 09:46 |
=== apokryphos nods | ||
Jimmey__ | martyn, gksudo nautilus | 09:46 |
Jimmey__ | !sudo | 09:46 |
kbrooks | Seveas: he | 09:46 |
ubotu | sudo is, like, totally, a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 09:46 |
kbrooks | er' | 09:46 |
kbrooks | Seveas: he's innocent | 09:46 |
Seveas | she most likely had a reason for it | 09:46 |
n3storm | Jowi: router is on rent, I would ask the company to change it | 09:47 |
ralph | sudo.....that sounds familliar | 09:47 |
=== graft [n=graft@c-65-96-165-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | I think I'll lift the ban from +1 for now and see how it goes | 09:47 |
Seveas | apokryphos, please don't | 09:47 |
n3storm | matth-w: can you do "ls /dev/usb"? | 09:47 |
martyn | Jimmey__: ok doen that | 09:47 |
Nrbelex | Hi, I'm trying to use !easyubuntu but whenever I get to the 3rd step. "gksudo python easyubuntu/trunk/easyubuntu.py", I get a can't open, no such file error. | 09:47 |
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n3storm | and tell me what does it says? | 09:47 |
n3storm | on a terminal | 09:47 |
kbrooks | Nrbelex: #easyubuntu | 09:47 |
Seveas | the ban is only 2 days old and hobbsee doesn't ban a complete provider without reason | 09:47 |
matth-w | no such file or directory | 09:47 |
Nrbelex | thanks | 09:47 |
kbrooks | Nrbelex: i'm in there | 09:47 |
martyn | Jimmey__: what now my home folder has open | 09:48 |
apokryphos | Seveas: re-initiating it is never hard :) | 09:48 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos | ||
Blissex | Seveas: there was some annoying spammer changing addresses... | 09:48 |
Jimmey__ | martyn, move to where the NTFS drives are mounted, you should have permission to access ( read ) | 09:48 |
=== zebulon [n=zebulon@d05v-212-194-121-230.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | Blissex: genuine spammer or bot attack? | 09:48 |
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Blissex | apokryphos: bot probably... | 09:49 |
martyn | Jimmey__: yeah but i want to have acsees from my desktop. it will let rout have acsess but not my log on | 09:49 |
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Jimmey__ | martyn, then in the terminal try chown NTFSfoldername usergroup:username | 09:50 |
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=== [1] Iceman is now known as Iceman | ||
martyn | Jimmey__:? lol | 09:51 |
Jimmey__ | My group's James, and my username's james, so I'd put chown /home/james/Desktop/NTFS/ james:james | 09:51 |
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SirKillalot | how can tar show me the content of a archive? | 09:51 |
_jason | SirKillalot: -l I think, check man tar | 09:51 |
apokryphos | -t | 09:52 |
gnomefreak | SirKillalot: fileroller iirc can show you | 09:52 |
apokryphos | SirKillalot: man tar :) | 09:52 |
_jason | SirKillalot: yeah -t, it's --list :) | 09:52 |
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n3storm | matth-w: what does "lsusb" command say? | 09:52 |
erUSUL | my num lock key does not work, have anybody a clue of what can be happening? | 09:52 |
Der_Richter | Why won't this work... All i need is to become root for a while... In KDE. In slack i could just log in as root/superuser for that task. | 09:52 |
Der_Richter | Won't work here | 09:52 |
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Random_Transit | hey...i just downloaded the install CD for the latest dapper beta...and I was wondering, firsty, how stable is this beta, secondly...can i use the install cd to upgrade from Breezy without touching any of my current settings? | 09:52 |
matth-w | Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0545:8080 Xirlink, Inc. IBM C-It WebCam | 09:52 |
matth-w | It see's the cam. | 09:52 |
_jason | Der_Richter: what are you trying to do? | 09:53 |
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kbrooks | Random_Transit: the beta may or may not be stable | 09:53 |
kbrooks | Der_Richter: sudo -i | 09:53 |
thorre | is there a tool in ubuntu that helps you choose your local ubuntu mirror | 09:53 |
apokryphos | thorre: where are you located? | 09:53 |
kbrooks | thorre: not really | 09:53 |
n3storm | matth-w: where does it see it? | 09:53 |
thorre | im in sweden | 09:53 |
SirKillalot | is there a possibility to recover just deleted files on ext3 partitions? | 09:54 |
sfar | how do i run this file "arcfour-client-tcp: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped" ? | 09:54 |
Random_Transit | also, is GNOME 2.14 available in the Breezy repos yet? | 09:54 |
Der_Richter | kbrooks: In a console... But will that affect the system in general or only the actual console? I'm trying to get this sudo-stuff :) | 09:54 |
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matth-w | n3storm, it's not giving me a dir it see's it from | 09:54 |
Jimmey__ | SirKillalot, if you deleted them as root, they may still be in /root/.trash | 09:54 |
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tux_ | hello every body | 09:54 |
n3storm | matth-w: but it will give a usb address | 09:54 |
hartz | Hello, please someone tell me how to change the X-windows window manager port size. Where do you adjust this - I am using Enlightenment | 09:55 |
zP-Osama | wow lotta ppl in here today | 09:55 |
apokryphos | thorre: prefix your archive.ubuntu.com repositories with "se." | 09:55 |
matth-w | Well 003 is the device the cam is plugged into. | 09:55 |
erUSUL | my num lock key does not work, have anybody a clue of what can be happening? | 09:55 |
thorre | apokryphos: ok, | 09:55 |
thorre | apokryphos: thanks | 09:55 |
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Joetheodd | I'm pretty bored, so I was wondering if anyone knew where to get a brainfuck interpreter? | 09:57 |
zP-Osama | a wha? | 09:57 |
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jeff_hann | erUSUL:is it working under other OS? | 09:57 |
Joetheodd | Brainfuck, it's a programming language. | 09:57 |
zP-Osama | o lol | 09:57 |
tux_ | I have some problems with my Ubuntu 5.10 this dist. doesn't support my bulit-in sound card chipest although being known " Intel HD " ? | 09:58 |
_jason | Joetheodd: bf | 09:58 |
_jason | !info bf | 09:58 |
ubotu | bf: (a fast Brainfuck interpreter), section universe/devel, is optional. Version: 20041219 (breezy), Packaged size: 13 kB, Installed size: 100 kB | 09:58 |
meff | i am a debian sid user and considering moving to ubuntu, though the 6 month release cycle kinda worries me.. i want to keep up to date, newest kernels, packages, etc.. with sid, this is fairly easy and the new pkgs that come into sid are usually pretty stable.. how is it using the unstable tree for ubuntu? im just worried that it may be much more unstable than sid | 09:58 |
Joetheodd | haha sweet | 09:58 |
zP-Osama | has anyone successfully dist-upgraded to dapper? | 09:58 |
_jason | zP-Osama: plenty of people | 09:58 |
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matth-w | n3storm, I have to head out for a bit, thanks for the help though, I'll be back if you're still willing to help. Thanks again | 09:58 |
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n3storm | byby matth-w | 09:59 |
zP-Osama | _jason: i tried it and let it go overnight nd when i came back next morning i had a black screen :( | 09:59 |
_jason | zP-Osama: yeah, you should stick around during it | 09:59 |
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_jason | zP-Osama: try #ubuntu+1 for help | 09:59 |
tux_ | I have some problems with my Ubuntu 5.10 this dist. doesn't support my bulit-in sound card chipest although being known " Intel HD " ? | 10:00 |
=== graft [n=graft@c-65-96-165-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zP-Osama | _jason: thx | 10:00 |
PhoenixP3K | can someone please tell me what is the name of the Terminal Server Client ? | 10:00 |
erUSUL | jeff_hann: it's been ages since i last run windows but it worked on breezy (i'm in dapper) in the forums i've see people with the same problem. maybe the next xorg update will bring light to me ;) | 10:00 |
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graft | Terminal Server? | 10:00 |
jeff_hann | most prolly a bug | 10:01 |
tux_ | I have some problems with my Ubuntu 5.10 this dist. doesn't support my bulit-in sound card chipest although being known " Intel HD " ? CAN ANY ONE HELP ME | 10:01 |
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Guest257018 | how to to change my nickname in xchat ? | 10:01 |
jeff_hann | check the lists/forums | 10:01 |
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asfarital | exceptions.TypeError: len() of unsized object | 10:01 |
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|lostbyte| | guerby: /nick name | 10:01 |
PhoenixP3K | is it tscleint ? | 10:01 |
|lostbyte| | Bidoh: ^ | 10:01 |
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Bidoh | |lostbyte|, ? | 10:01 |
|lostbyte| | ops ! | 10:01 |
|lostbyte| | :) | 10:01 |
PhoenixP3K | See I need some help with TSCLIENT | 10:01 |
Bidoh | =D | 10:02 |
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Der_Richter | What in the name of... Is it supposed to be impossible to run a KDE-program as root user... To access the make commands from within that software!? I'm going insane... Webmin won't let me apt, from within the software either. Damn. | 10:02 |
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Der_Richter | I don't want to unlock the root account either. I want to keep sudo. It works good. | 10:02 |
blindx | Why am I getting this error when trying to sync with my ipod on gtkpod: "Opening of '/media/ipod/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB' for writing failed. | 10:03 |
blindx | " | 10:03 |
=== SirKillalot [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-105-132.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bidoh | i need one good sources.list | 10:03 |
Bidoh | pls | 10:03 |
_jason | !sources | 10:03 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 10:03 |
Jimmey__ | blindx, are you using sudi? | 10:03 |
Jimmey__ | *sudo | 10:03 |
tux_ | I forot the root password in Ubuntu 5.10 , how can i restor it ? | 10:03 |
blindx | ..no. | 10:03 |
meff | so, any long-time debian sid users here that have done the switch? i am wondering how usable ubuntu's unstable tree is for mostly desktop usage.. w/ sid its a pretty good experience with only a few probs here and there | 10:03 |
blindx | dammit >.< | 10:03 |
_jason | ubotu: tell tux_ about root | 10:03 |
Jimmey__ | blindx, try that.. | 10:03 |
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tux_ | :( | 10:04 |
pingwing | hey | 10:05 |
=== spine55 [n=tomaras@c-69-180-53-201.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pingwing | I need help with dial-up on Ubuntu | 10:05 |
rhalff | how to reconfigure locales ? it used to be 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales' at least on debian, now that command only regenerates the locales, without an option to select more locales | 10:05 |
_jason | tux_: why the sad face? | 10:05 |
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pingwing | anybody hear me? | 10:06 |
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graft | pingwing: no... but i can see what you typed | 10:06 |
blindx | Jimmey__, same error. | 10:06 |
tux_ | this the 1st time to me to use this dist and i have a lot of problem like useing the root account and this dist. doesn't support my bulit-in sound card chipest although being known " Intel HD | 10:07 |
pingwing | graft: rude bwoy help me set up PPP no? | 10:07 |
falcon3 | i have ubuntu with kde installed, how do i use Karamba, or should i use superkaramba? how do i get it to automatically load and display the modules when i start kde? | 10:07 |
Der_Richter | Why on earth will this not work? Will i really have to enable the root account!? | 10:07 |
pingwing | mi deh yah a dead fi help | 10:07 |
pingwing | anyway | 10:07 |
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deluxe | i installed dapper drake flight 6 amd64 on my shuttle st20g5 and allowed it to update now i have no tg3 module for eth0 how can i get this back (i am on my laptop in front of my desktop) | 10:07 |
pingwing | my name 'pingwing' my daughter gave it to me | 10:07 |
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blindx | Why am I getting this error when trying to sync with my ipod on gtkpod: "Opening of '/media/ipod/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB' for writing failed." | 10:07 |
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graft | pingwing: dunno much about ppp... | 10:07 |
newbuntie | why is xchat removed when upgrading to dapper? | 10:08 |
pingwing | graft: that's sucks :( | 10:08 |
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=== Grout58_ [n=grout@69-164-124-150.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | pingwing: what's your issue exactly? | 10:08 |
cappiz | (FTPRush1.0.0.589)-(ThreadPoolRunningfor)->4days00:31.)-(Pool)->3,)-(Hits)->768.)-(Created)->100,)-(Released)->97 | 10:08 |
cappiz | (TotalContainers)->23)-(Connected)->0)-(Transfering)->0)-(CurrentlyDownloaded)->4861MB)-(Uploaded)->2360MB)-(FXPed)->4942MB | 10:08 |
cappiz | ops | 10:08 |
Apostle^ | blindx: is the ipod mounted in /media/ipod ? | 10:08 |
blindx | yes. i can read it just fine. | 10:08 |
Apostle^ | blindx: try running gtkpod with gksu | 10:08 |
blindx | it is. | 10:08 |
Apostle^ | hmm.. weird | 10:09 |
pingwing | graft: I wanna install PPP so I can use it to dial-up | 10:09 |
Apostle^ | try changing /media/ipod to 777 | 10:09 |
Apostle^ | and chown it to you | 10:09 |
blindx | Actually, it's running with gksudo, does that matter? | 10:09 |
Apostle^ | thats fine | 10:09 |
graft | pingwing: so... install ppp... | 10:09 |
pingwing | graft: thanks for nothing dude | 10:09 |
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pingwing | I'm out | 10:09 |
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Apostle^ | blindx: if you want to do away with the itunesDB alltogether you could install rockbox | 10:09 |
=== Strato [n=Strato@dsl-kpobrasgw1-fed7fa00-149.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | "chmod: changing permissions of `/media/ipod': Read-only file system" | 10:10 |
blindx | uh.. | 10:10 |
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blindx | that's probably my problem | 10:10 |
graft | pingwing: i mean, you can just do it easily: 'sudo apt-get install ppp' | 10:10 |
pingwing | I'm out anyway | 10:10 |
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pingwing | peac | 10:10 |
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Apostle^ | blindx: yea | 10:10 |
blindx | wtf. read only? | 10:10 |
blindx | how do i make it UN readonly :[ | 10:10 |
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blindx | lol that makes no sense, but you know what i mean :P | 10:10 |
christian1832 | hay guys, i just converted my comp to ubuntu, and im thinking i dont have the right driver for my video card, because video plays really choppy | 10:11 |
Jimmey__ | .pingwing, pppeoconf | 10:11 |
Jimmey__ | In the terminal | 10:11 |
christian1832 | and my screensaver is choppy as well | 10:11 |
graft | christian1832: what's your video card? | 10:11 |
christian1832 | i dont know | 10:11 |
deluxe | lol | 10:11 |
christian1832 | is there an easy way to find out? | 10:11 |
christian1832 | i know | 10:11 |
graft | um. type lspci | 10:11 |
christian1832 | ok | 10:11 |
Strato | how can i install drivers for my wheel? | 10:11 |
graft | and look for a line like 'VGA Compatible controller' | 10:11 |
christian1832 | yea | 10:11 |
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christian1832 | nvidianv34 | 10:12 |
christian1832 | nvidia nv34 | 10:12 |
blindx | Apostle^, any clue why it is Read only, and how to change that? :\ | 10:12 |
graft | ah... well then you should install the nvidia drivers | 10:12 |
christian1832 | GeForce FX 5200 | 10:12 |
Apostle^ | blindx: whats your fstab line look like | 10:12 |
Apostle^ | blindx: pastebin it | 10:12 |
graft | lessee... | 10:12 |
christian1832 | so i go to nvidia's website | 10:12 |
blindx | !nvidia | 10:12 |
ubotu | well, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 10:12 |
graft | yeah there we go | 10:12 |
graft | thankee blindx | 10:12 |
christian1832 | cool | 10:12 |
blindx | lol no prob | 10:12 |
christian1832 | thanks guys | 10:12 |
=== Erika [n=erika@adsl-237-230.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | christian1832: no just apt-get install | 10:13 |
blindx | apostle... where's that :x | 10:13 |
christian1832 | oh really./ | 10:13 |
Erika | 10:13 | |
Apostle^ | blindx: sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 10:13 |
gnomefreak | christian1832: you on breezy? | 10:13 |
christian1832 | apt-get install what? | 10:13 |
christian1832 | gnomefreak: yes | 10:13 |
gnomefreak | christian1832: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings nvidia=glx | 10:13 |
graft | christian1832: just read that BinaryDriverHowto thing | 10:13 |
=== Fysidiko [n=jacob@user-1727.wfd87b.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
christian1832 | wow, thanks man | 10:13 |
gnomefreak | nvidia-glx | 10:13 |
christian1832 | k | 10:14 |
blindx | http://pastebin.com/675711 | 10:14 |
Erika | hi | 10:14 |
gnomefreak | christian1832: read the wiki there are 2 more steps give or take | 10:14 |
kingspawn | blindx: could try mount -o remount rw /media/ipod | 10:14 |
kingspawn | blindx: thats just for the current session, though | 10:14 |
=== edgar [n=edgar@BrTC-S3-1-6-paemt301.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
christian1832 | ok, the link that i was given earlier? | 10:14 |
blindx | kingspawn: well that would be fine, i don't plug it in every day | 10:14 |
Erika | 10:14 | |
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Erika | ciao | 10:15 |
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HeMan | Anyone using an ATI graphic adapter? | 10:15 |
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{BiK}thrift | anyone know how to restore the font settings for a user to the ubuntu defaults? | 10:15 |
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klaxian | i can't print to the upper tray (4x6) for my printer, HP Photosmart 7760 even when I choose the "upper tray" option. any ideas? | 10:16 |
graft | HeMan: me | 10:16 |
newbuntie | heman I am | 10:16 |
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graft | seems like it's either nvidia or ati these days for most people | 10:16 |
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HeMan | I try to add Option "NoDDC" but in the log it just says: Option "noddc" is not used | 10:16 |
HeMan | any ideas? | 10:16 |
=== SirKillalot [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-105-132.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
{BiK}thrift | klaxian: make sure you are using the proper ppd file | 10:17 |
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graft | um. nope. dunno what DDC is | 10:17 |
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gibbster | Hi. for dual-booting between ubuntu and windows, is the windows (xp) boot loader or grub preferred? | 10:17 |
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klaxian | {BiK}thrift: i will, but i don't see where to choose that...in gnome-cups-manager, the printer adds fine | 10:17 |
kaur | I should be talking in ubuntu+1 but maybe someone can help... | 10:17 |
newbuntie | heman: no idea, btw, is there any man page or other help on xorg.conf settings? | 10:18 |
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HeMan | DDC is the "auto-monitor-probe" | 10:18 |
klaxian | {BiK}thrift: using hpijs driver | 10:18 |
JDahl | gibbster, grub. Does Windows even provide a boot manager? | 10:18 |
kaur | i can access a cd only manualy when going to /media/cdrom0 | 10:18 |
kaur | flashdisk is not detected at all | 10:18 |
newbuntie | heman: isn't it probing your monitor by default? | 10:18 |
gibbster | JDahl: yeah, at least windows 2000/xp does. | 10:18 |
gleesond | so my ubuntu box has all my mp3/ogg files and its hooked up to my stereo, I want to be able to manage playlists and volume over my local network like from my laptop. any one know of any good programs that can help me do this? | 10:18 |
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graft | ah... you don't like it why? | 10:18 |
kaur | how can i fix this? | 10:18 |
=== jinho [n=paul@user-0cdf7mo.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|lostbyte| | gibbster: anyone.. depends on your needs.. | 10:18 |
{BiK}thrift | klaxian: you go to the print preferences, driver, install driver, and pick the right ppd file | 10:18 |
jinho | hello, what do you guys use to open pdfs? | 10:19 |
{BiK}thrift | the ppd file defines things like trays | 10:19 |
Jimmey__ | evince | 10:19 |
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kaur | acrobat reader | 10:19 |
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klaxian | {BiK}thrift: cool, thanks for the help | 10:19 |
jinho | on linux? | 10:19 |
gibbster | lostbyte: my needs are to be able to boot between windows and ubuntu ;-) | 10:19 |
kaur | linux version | 10:19 |
HeMan | newbuntie: yes, but i don't want it to not do that since i have a VGA-to-SCART-adapter | 10:19 |
gymsmoke | hey, all ... | 10:19 |
|lostbyte| | jinho: kpdf | 10:19 |
{BiK}thrift | klaxian: np | 10:19 |
gymsmoke | just completed setting up qmail/vpop on my ubuntu server | 10:19 |
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gymsmoke | followed the guide from qmail rocks | 10:19 |
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klaxian | {BiK}thrift: what directory contains PPD files? /usr/share/something...? | 10:19 |
jinho | |lostbyte|: is that for kde only? or can I use it on xubuntu too? | 10:19 |
gymsmoke | now, apt-get is broke ... | 10:19 |
kaur | i think so | 10:20 |
Jinkguns | Why is my Cd-RW/Dvd-rom drive listing a dvd as a cd-rom? It also can't open it, I installed the css decoder package. :/ | 10:20 |
JDahl | gibbster, I think you're much better of by installing grub, since Ubuntu updates it whenever you install a newer kernel | 10:20 |
=== erg [n=erg@cpe-66-25-154-20.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
{BiK}thrift | klaxian: dunno lemme look | 10:20 |
|lostbyte| | jinho: not sure, i am on kde. give it a try. if it askes for kde then say no and tell me :) | 10:20 |
gibbster | JDahl: yeah. Ok, thanks! | 10:20 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: what does apt-get say? | 10:20 |
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kaur | Jinkguns, van u mount flashdisk? | 10:20 |
jinho | |lostbyte|: kk | 10:20 |
klaxian | {BiK}thrift: /usr/share/ppd has some | 10:20 |
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kaur | can* | 10:20 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: every apt-get operation ends with "...unmet dependencies" try apt-get -f install with no packages (or specify a solution) | 10:20 |
{BiK}thrift | klaxian: /usr/share/cups/model/gutenprint/5.0/en/ | 10:20 |
=== Erika [n=erika@adsl-237-230.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jinkguns | kaur, I don't know how to do that. | 10:21 |
klaxian | k | 10:21 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: it's complaining about exim, maildrop, and postfix | 10:21 |
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kingspawn | gymsmoke: and when you try apt-get -f install? | 10:21 |
kaur | do u have an usb flashdisk? | 10:21 |
Jinkguns | no | 10:21 |
kaur | then u can't try that | 10:21 |
blindx | Okay, after remounting my ipod as read/write and chmodding /media/ipod to 777, I'm still getting "Opening of '/media/ipod/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB' for writing failed." | 10:21 |
newbuntie | heman: where are you using the nodcc option, in xorg.config? | 10:21 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: i don't want to install postfix and exim... | 10:21 |
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kaur | i am having a problem with removable media too | 10:21 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: it took me 2 days to get this setup right, and i don't want to break it | 10:21 |
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b964f4.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaur | are u using dapper? | 10:22 |
HeMan | newbuntie: in the Device-section for the card | 10:22 |
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pax | use apt-get -f wisely, it's really rape, don't abuse it :-) | 10:22 |
{BiK}thrift | klaxian: /usr/share/cups/model/gutenprint/5.0/en/ | 10:22 |
Jinkguns | yes kaur | 10:22 |
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klaxian | {BiK}thrift: my printer wasn't there, but i think i found it in /usr/share/ppd/hplip/ | 10:22 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: i haven't found any info yet on what "apt-get -f install" without arguments will do | 10:22 |
Jinkguns | but it didn't work in Hoary either | 10:22 |
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kaur | then it is dapper's fault... | 10:22 |
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{BiK}thrift | klaxian: ok, i don't know anything about your printer, just what you need to change :) | 10:22 |
klaxian | {BiK}thrift: cool, i think i can take it from here :) you've been very helpful thanks! | 10:22 |
kaur | i've been searching for a solution all day | 10:23 |
Jinkguns | it DIDNT work in hoary | 10:23 |
Jinkguns | ;) | 10:23 |
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@207.Red-88-11-138.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
kaur | it worked | 10:23 |
jinho | |lostbyte|: it loads perfectly, thanks! | 10:23 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: well, the problem might be that you have other packages installed that depend on those packages | 10:23 |
kaur | after modifications | 10:23 |
|lostbyte| | jinho: ;) | 10:23 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: and apt-get takes real exception to that | 10:23 |
xtof | hi, I used to middle clic (paste) in the middle of an opened page in firefox to open a link, and it doesn't work now. I have to empty the url box, and paste in it... Any ideas? | 10:23 |
HeMan | i also would like to use Option "igoreEDID" "no" as well and it does the same as noddc | 10:23 |
Jinkguns | I'm probably just going to load window home on this laptop, the wireless and dvd play are too much trouble. | 10:23 |
=== anymo [n=anymo@lns02-0706.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luciae | Hi. each time I start my computer, I have to reconfigure my network. when I put: route add it answers SIOCADDRT: No such device | 10:23 |
newbuntie | heman: hm..sorry, can't help you, I can't even find the man page for xorg.conf :) for some reason it isn't distributed with ubuntu | 10:24 |
bur[n] er | Jinkguns: don't do it! ;) | 10:24 |
Jinkguns | I'm going to start saving up for a System 76 laptop. (ubuntu installed) | 10:24 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: i'll pastebin the output (don't want to flood the channel) | 10:24 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: k | 10:24 |
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=== Smirnoff [n=kassidyk@sonic.phiveye.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anymo | hello | 10:24 |
kaur | wireless shouldn't be hard under dapper | 10:24 |
falcon3 | how do i install fonts? | 10:24 |
=== linlin [n=linlin@c-67-184-230-198.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anymo | I need some help with getting fluxbox to work | 10:24 |
Jinkguns | kaur, it's a BROADCOM 4306, the horror. :) | 10:24 |
blindx | !fonts | 10:24 |
ubotu | [fonts] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto | 10:24 |
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falcon3 | ty | 10:24 |
blindx | Okay, after remounting my ipod as read/write and chmodding /media/ipod to 777, I'm still getting "Opening of '/media/ipod/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB' for writing failed." | 10:25 |
Erika | ciao | 10:25 |
helge_ | Is this channel for Kubuntu? | 10:25 |
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anymo | after I install it, and run it from session chooser in GDM it runs quite ok, but there is nothing in menu | 10:25 |
kkathman | helge_: no #kubuntu would be | 10:25 |
Apostle^ | helge_: #kubuntu | 10:25 |
Smirnoff | Can anyone help me try to get into my "su" account on Ubuntu? | 10:25 |
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snow_ | hi | 10:25 |
blindx | !root | 10:25 |
ubotu | Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 10:25 |
Apostle^ | Smirnoff: sudo su | 10:25 |
=== ubu [n=ubu@dslb-084-057-155-068.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kkathman | Smirnoff: check out the wiki | 10:25 |
anymo | there is only xterm of apps.. how do I get that menu to be usefull, to contain all my apps? | 10:25 |
mram | Smirnoff, nice nickname, but have you tried sudo | 10:26 |
kingspawn | blindx: well, eh, what kind of filesystem has an ipod got on it? | 10:26 |
snow_ | any one can recommend an Ubuntu book that is freely to be download on the internet ? | 10:26 |
Smirnoff | Just did thanks guys! | 10:26 |
kingspawn | snow_: i suggest starting at hhelp.ubuntu.com | 10:26 |
kingspawn | snow_: help.ubuntu.com that is | 10:26 |
blindx | kingspawn, nevermind, i just tried to make a test directory in /media/ipod got an error, still a read-only filesystem | 10:26 |
blindx | :| | 10:26 |
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Otacon22 | how can i play a .mid on ubuntu? i have try the midi player on shell donwloaded with apt, but it output an error: | 10:26 |
Otacon22 | open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory | 10:26 |
kingspawn | blindx: when you just type mount, what info do you get on the ipod? | 10:26 |
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Otacon22 | how can i fix it? | 10:26 |
mram | snow_ what is it that you need to know? | 10:26 |
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Smirnoff | kkathman: What did you mean by wiki? | 10:27 |
blindx | kingspawn, /dev/sdc2 on /media/ipod type vfat (rw) | 10:27 |
Xaero_Vincent | Kubuntu has been much improved for Dapper Drake Beta... its upto par with Ubuntu... now they just need shipit CDs | 10:27 |
|lostbyte| | Otacon22: try "play" | 10:27 |
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=== {BiK}thrift [n=thrift@c-24-131-94-90.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
gymsmoke | kingspawn: http://pastebin.com/675745 | 10:27 |
kkathman | Xaero_Vincent: not even close | 10:27 |
Otacon22 | |lostbyte| i haven't tha command, but io have alsa play | 10:28 |
kingspawn | blindx: well, its mounted read/write, so thats not the problem any more. when you ls -l inside /media/ipod, i guess it says ownership is root:root? | 10:28 |
Xaero_Vincent | yes it is | 10:28 |
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kkathman | no it isnt | 10:28 |
kkathman | trust me | 10:28 |
Otacon22 | otacon22@ota:~/Desktop$ alsaplayer SONG047.MID | 10:28 |
psycose | hi | 10:28 |
Otacon22 | Nothing to play. | 10:28 |
treke|home | Does gnome have a mime type editor available anywhere? I could have sworn there was one back in the 2.4.10 days, but I can't figure out what it was called. | 10:28 |
Xaero_Vincent | the wiki isnt.. the OS yes | 10:28 |
kkathman | no it isnt... | 10:28 |
kkathman | please dont speak of that which you dont know :) | 10:28 |
=== synackuator [n=drsynack@70-33-63-97.clspco.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | kingspawn, where would it say that? sorry, im still kinda new x.x | 10:28 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: i'd try apt-get -f remove, but if things go haywire i take no resposibility :) | 10:29 |
Otacon22 | i must install the sequencet, but i don't know how i can do it | 10:29 |
kkathman | ubuntu is far more stable and has fewer bugs than kubuntu does right now | 10:29 |
amandah | how come Ubuntu doesn't understahd the make command? | 10:29 |
Otacon22 | *sequencer | 10:29 |
|lostbyte| | treke|home: mime type editor for what ? why would you want to edit .. | 10:29 |
Bidoh | need one good sources.list | 10:29 |
blindx | !tell Bidoh about sources | 10:29 |
kingspawn | blindx: i says something like drrx.... root root 123123123 Bla bla | 10:29 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: that's ok ... i'm not looking to hang this on somebody, just some direction | 10:29 |
psycose | my system load a module for my wifi carc named rt61, well thing is i don't want it todo so ... how can i tell my system not to load this module ? thanks i'm on Badger ... | 10:29 |
mram | you can use ubuntu and just apt-get kde right? | 10:29 |
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kingspawn | gymsmoke: i think apt-get -f remove REMOVES the packages that are causing trouble | 10:29 |
Bidoh | !tell sources.list | 10:29 |
blindx | drwx------ 6 blind blind 4096 2006-03-20 23:57 iPod_Control | 10:29 |
|lostbyte| | amandah: then i think the source yourtrying to make does'nt have make. or you got to ./configure first. | 10:29 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: atleast thats what the man page seems to indicate | 10:30 |
treke|home | |lostbyte|: To change which applications take precedence when opening a certain type | 10:30 |
blindx | I chmodded it to 777. | 10:30 |
|lostbyte| | treke|home: are you on kde ? | 10:30 |
kkathman | mram: install kubuntu-desktop not kde | 10:30 |
treke|home | Gnome | 10:30 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: do you know if mailx is really needed if i have qmail/vpopmail running ? if not, then there shouldn't be any harm in apt-get -f remove ... | 10:30 |
Xaero_Vincent | that isnt the case with Dapper though.. its buggier because of KDE... infact Kubuntu is far better because KDE is better | 10:30 |
amandah | I wrote a make file for some java files | 10:30 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: i dont think it is needed, no | 10:30 |
treke|home | HTML files open up in firefox, and I'm not a big firefox fan. :) | 10:30 |
=== foureight84 [n=wasabi@adsl-68-121-32-69.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | blindx: well, chmod doesnt do much on a vfat-system | 10:30 |
kingspawn | blindx: two secs | 10:30 |
foureight84 | what's the channel for dapper and xgl? | 10:30 |
blindx | oh :| | 10:30 |
|lostbyte| | treke|home: ahh :( .. on kde its simply the kcontrol.. | 10:31 |
mram | kkathman: so there is a difference between those two...hmm thanks, but for me I am gnome fan so i am fine with Ubuntu. :-) | 10:31 |
_jason | ubotu: tell treke|home about defaultapp | 10:31 |
treke|home | Yeah, I know how to do it in kde. | 10:31 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: mailx can be removed whenever | 10:31 |
kkathman | Xaero_Vincent: no KDE is not the thing that is buggy... I run SUSE with KDE and its flawless, again..please dont talk of things you dont know about | 10:31 |
blindx | treke|home, what browser do you use? | 10:31 |
treke|home | _jason: That doesn't seem to do it in this case | 10:31 |
foureight84 | Apostle^, hey wassup | 10:31 |
_jason | treke|home: really? | 10:31 |
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Apostle^ | foureight84: hi | 10:31 |
hartz | Can anybody recommend a good package for stitching photos, ie to create panoramas? | 10:31 |
foureight84 | Apostle^, I fixed that error with my ipw2200 | 10:31 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: i didn't think so, but the forums are littered with people who "don't know of what they speak", and I've always had better (more knowledgeable) input here on the channels | 10:31 |
kingspawn | blindx: mount -o user auto fmask=0111 dmask=0000 remount rw /media/ipod (try that... :) | 10:31 |
_jason | treke|home: does gnome just ignore it? | 10:31 |
Apostle^ | hartz: the gimp ? | 10:31 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: congrats man. sorry about that guy yesterday | 10:32 |
foureight84 | Apostle^, no thanks to that kbrook fellow yesterday | 10:32 |
Apostle^ | yea | 10:32 |
Apostle^ | lol | 10:32 |
kingspawn | blindx: eh, remove the "auto" | 10:32 |
kkathman | Kubuntu is a distinct fork from KDE...lots of different other things that ARENT KDE | 10:32 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: it that's true, then apt-get -f remove should resolve this... | 10:32 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: whats the error? | 10:32 |
treke|home | Epiphany is selected in it, and it uses epiphany for everything it needs a web browser for, except viewing an html file on the hard drive | 10:32 |
hartz | Gimp!? | 10:32 |
foureight84 | Apostle^, no problem | 10:32 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: http://pastebin.com/675745 | 10:32 |
=== lcore [n=lkusmir@bhw14.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hartz | Apostle^, Does it ahve some kind of plugin to do stiching? | 10:32 |
blindx | kingspawn, syntax error? (even after taking out auto) | 10:32 |
treke|home | _jason: oh, you're not talking about the preferred application dialog | 10:32 |
_jason | treke|home: you right clicked and went to properties > open with? | 10:32 |
Xaero_Vincent | its not a fork.. it uses the Ubuntu base.. K 5.10 had problems because KDE was updated last minute | 10:32 |
foureight84 | Apostle^, what's the channel for dapper and xgl? | 10:32 |
blindx | it reads out all the possible commands to use with mount | 10:33 |
=== stpere [n=stpere@ts1-08.f1231.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xaero_Vincent | 6.06 is far better | 10:33 |
kingspawn | blindx: hm, try comma separating them | 10:33 |
Apostle^ | foureight84: #ubuntu-xgl | 10:33 |
=== vitorres [n=vitorres@53-177-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | and ubuntu+1 | 10:33 |
blindx | separating "them" ? | 10:33 |
mram | any suggestions on how to get gaim2.0 beta on ubuntu? | 10:33 |
kingspawn | blind -o option,option,option | 10:33 |
Apostle^ | mram: compile from soure | 10:33 |
kkathman | Xaero_Vincent: KDE isnt the problem, you'd know that if you ran another distro | 10:33 |
foureight84 | Apostle^, thanks | 10:33 |
Apostle^ | yea kde runs like crap on dapper | 10:33 |
blindx | still no good, kingspawn | 10:33 |
Apostle^ | but i hear dapper causes it. | 10:33 |
=== slew [n=slew@cblmdm72-240-143-107.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mram | Apostle^: was afraid of that...oh well i shall try that, thanks. | 10:34 |
treke|home | _jason: That's exactly what I'm looking for. Was confused since it used to be a very different interface. Thanks | 10:34 |
slew | hi. is there a linux program that burns .bin / .cue files?" | 10:34 |
blindx | hey treke|home.. what browser do you use? | 10:34 |
kingspawn | blindx: whaa? eh, did you go "remount,rw" now? | 10:34 |
Xaero_Vincent | I read a review that states that KDE on Dapper is the fastest the reviewer has ever experienced | 10:34 |
Apostle^ | slew: gnome-baker | 10:34 |
treke|home | blindx: Epiphany | 10:34 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: it seems that mailx is really at the root of that pastebin error, so removing it could fix this... | 10:34 |
dannym | slew: cdrdao, I think | 10:34 |
=== SockerFot [i=SockerFo@c80-217-194-221.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | kingspawn, no, "remount, rw" ..take out the space? | 10:34 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: k | 10:34 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: let me check it out | 10:34 |
ploom | hartz, there is hugin | 10:34 |
kingspawn | blindx: take out the comma :) that one needs an argument, the "rw" | 10:35 |
slew | Apostle^, i tired that one, it says it cant find the .bin file, even though they are in the same folder | 10:35 |
kingspawn | blindx: :) | 10:35 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: ok | 10:35 |
amandah | |lostbyte|: I'm new to linux, was reading the Ubuntu wiki and I'm confused about what./configure does. But in any case I'm not compiling someone else's source: I'm trying to compile my code from a Makefile I wrote and the terminal complains that bash doesn't recognize "make" as a command | 10:35 |
Apostle^ | slew: k3b | 10:35 |
ploom | hartz, and yes, Gimp does have some plugin: http://stitchpanorama.sourceforge.net/ | 10:35 |
_jason | amandah: 'sudo aptitude install build-essential' | 10:35 |
kingspawn | amandah: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:35 |
blindx | kingspawn, lol still no good. | 10:35 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: go ahead and remove it | 10:35 |
kingspawn | blindx: come on man! hehe. give me your whole line as you typed it | 10:35 |
=== MHobbit [n=MHobbit@phpbb/modifications/MHobbit] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | sudo mount -o user, fmask=0111, dmask=0000, remount rw /media/ipod | 10:35 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^,kingspawn: thanks ... | 10:36 |
treke|home | blindx: Same rendering engine as Firefox, but with a more comfortable ui. At least in my opinion | 10:36 |
|lostbyte| | amandah: do what _jason says.. | 10:36 |
_jason | blindx: no spaces :P | 10:36 |
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kingspawn | blindx: no spaces between them | 10:36 |
kingspawn | blindx: sorry for not telling you | 10:36 |
blindx | aha worked this time :x | 10:36 |
blindx | iiiiii'm such a noob rofl | 10:36 |
=== kintian [n=kintian@60-224-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | lol | 10:36 |
Apostle^ | it's okay :-p | 10:36 |
kingspawn | blindx: its all good in the ubuntu hood | 10:36 |
blindx | nice, ok. making a folder works. let's see if i can sync now :D | 10:37 |
Apostle^ | i run rockbox | 10:37 |
Apostle^ | so i can just drag/drop music | 10:37 |
kingspawn | blindx: i suggest stuffing that in a script, or making your fstab reflect it | 10:37 |
kingspawn | Apostle^: rockbox is niice | 10:37 |
foureight84 | anyone here running aiglx and compiz on an i915 | 10:37 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: i wonder why mailx is installed at all, since i installed qmail/vpop to handle my mail server, and i'm sure most server admins would rather pick there own | 10:37 |
Apostle^ | kingspawn: it sur i | 10:37 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: come,s default | 10:37 |
foureight84 | i get this error message when i run glxgears | 10:38 |
foureight84 | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b | 10:38 |
kingspawn | Apostle^: I've got a friend thats on the development team, been seeing some cool stuff on the ipod :) like doom, haha | 10:38 |
=== eka [n=eka@24-44-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | kingspawn. ok. just.. put that line in? (i'll match the syntax with the other lines, of course) | 10:38 |
LadyNikon | anyone have problemw with a wireless card? | 10:38 |
=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | kingspawn: yea i have doom on my ipod nano | 10:38 |
LadyNikon | It was working fine til i had to reinstall ubuntu. | 10:38 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: imho, it would be better if it didn't | 10:38 |
foureight84 | LadyNikon, ipw2200? | 10:38 |
kingspawn | blindx: yes, and put in "auto" too | 10:38 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: i use gmail :-p | 10:38 |
eka | hi all | 10:38 |
blindx | i had doom on my ipod :D ( http://blindx.net/iDoom.jpg ) :P | 10:38 |
ralph | hello, i'm still having problems running some .sh files from the gui......new install do i need to update something? | 10:38 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: as a server? | 10:38 |
kingspawn | Apostle^: heh, its unplayable, but its neat :) | 10:38 |
LadyNikon | foureight84: D-link | 10:38 |
Apostle^ | kingspawn: so true | 10:38 |
LadyNikon | DWL-520+ | 10:39 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: hmm? | 10:39 |
jinho | are there any good java ide's out there besides eclipse- eclipse runs slow on my machine for some weird reason | 10:39 |
Apostle^ | kingspawn: i never play it lol | 10:39 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: this is on Ubuntu server (5.10) | 10:39 |
foureight84 | LadyNikon, hmm awh sorry i don't know | 10:39 |
amandah | _jason: thanks | 10:39 |
LadyNikon | k | 10:39 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: i meant i use gmail for my email | 10:39 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: oops - "mysql-server: Depends: mailx" | 10:39 |
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LadyNikon | it is detected and even detects the wap | 10:39 |
LadyNikon | but no signal | 10:39 |
Zarephath | Need some help understanding/fixing why gnome can't see the shares under Workgroup...I installed smb4k and lo and behold all my shares appear and are accessible...so it must be something I presume in gnome not setup correctly | 10:39 |
LadyNikon | all other devices worrk fine. | 10:40 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: oh, i have a gmail account, too , but this is a mailserver on our co-lo company box | 10:40 |
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Apostle^ | gymsmoke: i see | 10:40 |
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gymsmoke | Apostle^: do you know why mysql-server would have a dependency on mailx ? | 10:40 |
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Apostle^ | gymsmoke: nope :\ | 10:41 |
blindx | I'm gonna restart, brb | 10:41 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: it does, according to apt-get | 10:41 |
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kingspawn | gymsmoke: I hate all those insane dependencies | 10:41 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: me, too... i'm trying to clean up the server a bit, so i can get the other packages i need installed, and this has really slowed me up | 10:41 |
Apostle^ | gymsmoke: try using synaptic and reinstalling mialx | 10:42 |
sfar | Hmm.. my file browser (nautilus?) hangs when i start it.. and when i Force Quit it just restarts and is still not working.. where to begin? what to do? | 10:42 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: it's a server - no gui ... | 10:42 |
Apostle^ | ahhh.. | 10:42 |
Apostle^ | pity | 10:42 |
jinho | does anyone have a java ide to recommend besides Eclipse? | 10:42 |
gymsmoke | Apostle^: i'm much more comfortable on the command line anyway... | 10:42 |
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | gymsmoke: hm, well, you should be able to atleast turn off all those things for a while, if you install them to meet the deps | 10:43 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: and then proceed with trying to figure out how the deps are set up | 10:43 |
kingspawn | heh | 10:43 |
=== zorin-h [n=zorin@host86-132-155-136.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eka | so i installed all the required modules to use NVIDIA driver and did what is asked to , and nothing happened | 10:43 |
=== tuckje has just upgraded to kernel 2.6.12-10-386 and now I get a IRQ 15: nobody cared (try booting with rqpoll quetsion) anyone knows how to fix this? | ||
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jinho | ...anyone? | 10:43 |
jinho | does no one program in java...? | 10:44 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: if i install mailx, exim, and postfix, they won't interfere with my qmail/vpopmail setup? -- or the dns setup i already have running? | 10:44 |
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tuckje | bbl | 10:44 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: only the Holy Creator can answer :) | 10:44 |
_jason | jinho: lots of guys in #java might know | 10:44 |
tuckje | but please respond? | 10:44 |
=== tuckje has just upgraded to kernel 2.6.12-10-386 and now I get a IRQ 15: nobody cared (try booting with rqpoll quetsion) anyone knows how to fix this? | ||
gymsmoke | kingspawn: haha | 10:44 |
eka | jinho, eclipse is the best | 10:44 |
eka | jinho, i do | 10:44 |
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jinho | eka: i like it too...but its slow | 10:44 |
kcbanner | I am trying to upload 2000 files to a webserver, there all small files...its going really slow because of the amount of files is there a way to speed it up? | 10:44 |
jc-denton | is there a gnome feauture to sync directories with other computers? | 10:45 |
jc-denton | there is ifolder | 10:45 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: kcbanner pack them together first | 10:45 |
jinho | eka: I used jcreator on windows and that was nice and quick....but on linux eclipse runs painfully slow for me | 10:45 |
jc-denton | but ubuntu does not have it | 10:45 |
eka | jinho, depends on your machine, most of them cause are heavy java engines are | 10:45 |
kingspawn | eh sorry | 10:45 |
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kingspawn | kcbanner: pack them together :) | 10:45 |
eka | jinho, which machine do you have? | 10:45 |
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kcbanner | kingspawn: its a webserver, I cant unzip on the server...i have ftp access | 10:45 |
JDahl | kcbanner, is rsync installed? that's great for things like that | 10:45 |
jinho | eka: amd64 3500, 512 mb ram, | 10:45 |
luciae | amandah: you have to install the right packages for that | 10:45 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-0312.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jinho | eka: 20 gb partiton for xubuntu | 10:45 |
kcbanner | i dont have a shell account on the server | 10:46 |
kingspawn | kcbanner: then you're in for a long upload :) | 10:46 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: wait... what about installing the mta dummy and then installing qmail again with checkinstall? | 10:46 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: hm, that just might work | 10:46 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: sounds like the best idea so far | 10:46 |
kcbanner | kingspawn: I suppose I could install net2ftp and connect to localhost...but I think I'l ust wait | 10:46 |
kcbanner | 350/2700 :( | 10:46 |
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eka | jinho, are you running amd64 kernel? | 10:46 |
jinho | eka: no, i386 | 10:46 |
eka | dont know why your going slow | 10:47 |
eka | jinho, why using i386?? | 10:47 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: yeah, that might work out, since then apt will be happy, and i'll be happy, and the whole world will be a slightly happier place ... | 10:47 |
jinho | eka: cuz i heard a lot of bad things about amd64 kernel | 10:47 |
eka | jinho, try i686 | 10:47 |
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kingspawn | gymsmoke: do it for the sake of the world! | 10:47 |
gymsmoke | kingspawn: it's one small step for me, one gian leap out into the ether! | 10:48 |
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kingspawn | hehe | 10:48 |
jinho | eka: oh, I did upgrade to i686 i believe | 10:48 |
apikoros | i'm trying to convert my (generally computer-apt) dad into linux.. he has a laptop with wifi. it's nothing mission-critical, but should be reasonable stable.. should i install hoary or dapper beta? | 10:48 |
bimberi | tuckje: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76761 | 10:48 |
jinho | eka: but is there any way to make sure? | 10:48 |
dts | does anyone know how to compress images to a certain file size rather than a certain size in image magick | 10:49 |
=== brunosinitro [i=t7DS@20151108242.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gymsmoke | kingspawn: i'm getting the mta dummy pkg first, to see if this calms apt down | 10:49 |
kingspawn | apikoros: dapper beta | 10:49 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: yeah | 10:49 |
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brunosinitro | how do i congfigure modem speedstream 5200 usb? | 10:50 |
apikoros | kingspawn, will apt automagically upgrade the packages to the final release once it's out in june? | 10:50 |
kingspawn | apikoros: yes | 10:50 |
=== Bone` [n=dildomoe@c-68-50-23-9.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gymsmoke | kingspawn: voyla! installing the dummy made apt fat, dumb, and happy again | 10:51 |
JDahl | apikoros, only you run a dist-upgrade | 10:51 |
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apikoros | JDahl, ah, okay. | 10:51 |
kingspawn | gymsmoke: great! | 10:51 |
sfar | Hm... i might have found a nautilus bug.. but im not sure (im a noob) :) | 10:51 |
apikoros | thanks kingspawn and JDahl , i'll go download an ISO of dapper now. | 10:51 |
kingspawn | JDahl: i thought the update manager in dapper beta would just keep on updating | 10:52 |
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graveson | what can i use to create dvd video | 10:52 |
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gymsmoke | what does this mean during apt-get upgrade? - "The following packages have been kept back: inux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386" | 10:52 |
=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Smirnoff | All my knowledge skillsets are in Win32 OS's. Would anyone be so kind as to show some documentation on Debian commands to learn in terminal? :) | 10:52 |
kingspawn | !cli | 10:52 |
ubotu | CLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org | 10:52 |
kingspawn | Smirnoff: ^^^ | 10:52 |
gymsmoke | Smirnoff: you mean commandline mode? | 10:53 |
Bone` | super n00b here, wondering how to run a pygame | 10:53 |
JDahl | kingspawn, major upgrades requires that you do a "apt-get dist-upgrade"... the graphical front-ends to apt might do that automatically, but he did ask what "apt" would do | 10:53 |
Bone` | as I have NO idea | 10:53 |
boolka | Is Ubuntu easy to install? | 10:53 |
Seveas | gymsmoke, it means you need to do dist-upgrade instead of upgrade | 10:53 |
kingspawn | JDahl: Ah, i just didnt read closely enough :) | 10:53 |
=== Aurelian [n=Aurelian@i-195-137-4-14.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Smirnoff | gymsmoke: Ya command line mode? Btw, how can I just talk to single people like your doing in red, I hate bothering everyone at once.. :) | 10:53 |
gymsmoke | Seveas: well, i'm not ready for dapper, and i don't think dapper is ready for the rest of the world yet, so i'll let that be... | 10:54 |
Aurelian | Hey, i have just downloaded, burned and booted the Ubuntu DVD Iso. is there a way i can install from this, as it boots into a live distro... | 10:54 |
Bone` | can anybody help me? :( not even sure if my words are getting through | 10:54 |
kingspawn | Bone`: just ask | 10:54 |
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Bone` | oh heh, did | 10:55 |
gymsmoke | Smirnoff: check out http://www.tldp.org for starters... or google for "linux commands" ... | 10:55 |
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Bone` | super noob wondering how to run a .py file | 10:55 |
Seveas | gymsmoke, dist-upgrade doesn't mean upgrading to dapper. | 10:55 |
kingspawn | Smirnoff: read the links ubotu displayed | 10:55 |
niko_ | Can anybody download my game and see if there are any problems compiling? | 10:55 |
kingspawn | niko_: sure | 10:55 |
niko_ | Yay! | 10:55 |
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Bone` | or atleast direct me to an faq that can answer my stupid question :P | 10:55 |
graveson | what can i use to create dvd video -anyone | 10:56 |
bimberi | Bone`: 'python file.py' | 10:56 |
gymsmoke | Seveas: oh, so it's a kernel upgrade within breezy ? | 10:56 |
Smirnoff | Thanks gymsmoke | 10:56 |
amandah | Where is the file for me to edit environment variables? export PATH only changes the path for the current terminal | 10:56 |
Bone` | haha thanks bim, lets see how I screw up that simple command | 10:56 |
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brunosinitro | do you know how to configure usb modem ? | 10:56 |
bimberi | Bone`: np :) | 10:56 |
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Aurelian | Hey, i have just downloaded, burned and booted the Ubuntu DVD Iso. is there a way i can install from this, as it boots into a live distro... | 10:56 |
gymsmoke | Smirnoff: np - you can always "man dd" or any unix command, or ask in here... | 10:56 |
kingspawn | amandah: /etc/login.defs | 10:56 |
Seveas | gymsmoke, correct, it is only a kernel upgrade | 10:57 |
Aurelian | i have read the wiki/support also and cannot find anything. | 10:57 |
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niko_ | kingspawn, http://socr.uwindsor.ca/~coutso1/em2.tar But I warn you, it's crashed X on my Dapper install | 10:57 |
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kingspawn | niko_: you said compile, not execute :) | 10:58 |
gymsmoke | Seveas: 2.6.12-10 (almost up there with gentoo)... does ubuntu setup a slot for the new kernel similar to gentoo and other distro's ? | 10:58 |
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niko_ | kingspawn, :O I could've sworn I said "run" or something! | 10:58 |
Bone` | bim you might have to help me from the very beginning here but I swear I'm a quick learner | 10:58 |
Seveas | gymsmoke, not sure what you mean there | 10:58 |
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Bone` | I got a few more q's about general installation | 10:58 |
Seveas | if you mean in the bootloader: definitely | 10:58 |
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Smirnoff | gymsmoke: so "man" = meaning manual i'm guessing then the command I am wanting a manual about? | 10:59 |
gymsmoke | Seveas: in gentoo, when you install a new kernel version, it gets 'slotted' in /boot, so that on restart, grub gives you a choice of which kernel you want to boot | 10:59 |
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|lostbyte| | Smirnoff: yes | 10:59 |
kingspawn | niko_: heh, well | 10:59 |
lumpi | #ubuntuusers.de | 10:59 |
gnomefreak | gymsmoke: yes it updates grub | 10:59 |
niko_ | kingspawn, is that a yes? :D | 10:59 |
kingspawn | niko_: it does not compile at all :) | 10:59 |
Seveas | lumpi, don't spam. | 11:00 |
kingspawn | niko_: I'll pastebin you the output. | 11:00 |
niko_ | Gah! What errors do you get? | 11:00 |
niko_ | Thanks | 11:00 |
gymsmoke | Smirnoff: yes. you type man xx, where xx is the command you're interested in. there's also info xx ... some dev's prefer the info pages, so if you don't find alot about something in man, try info as well | 11:00 |
gymsmoke | gnomefreak: thanks... i | 11:00 |
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gymsmoke | gnomefreak: ill check the changelog on the kernel update... | 11:00 |
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eka | hi all | 11:00 |
eka | need help with nvidia drivers | 11:00 |
kingspawn | niko_: http://pastebin.com/675805 | 11:01 |
gnomefreak | eka: can you give alil mor einfo? | 11:01 |
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gnomefreak | a little more info even | 11:01 |
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niko_ | kingspawn, you don't have g++-4.0? | 11:01 |
eka | gnomefreak: i get Failed to initialize NVIDIA kernel module | 11:01 |
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kingspawn | niko_: 4.0.2 | 11:02 |
eka | gnomefreak: i followed instructions from ubuntu web page | 11:02 |
gnomefreak | eka: did you install the restriced mods? | 11:02 |
Aurelian | Hey, i have just downloaded, burned and booted the Ubuntu DVD Iso. is there a way i can install from this, as it boots into a live distro... <-- can anyone help please? | 11:02 |
eka | gnomefreak: i did | 11:02 |
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gnomefreak | eka: stock kernel? | 11:02 |
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eka | gnomefreak: whats that? | 11:03 |
niko_ | kingspawn, can you go to the makefile and change the first line to "CXX=g++-4.0" and try it again? | 11:03 |
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gnomefreak | eka: what kernel are you using? | 11:03 |
kingspawn | niko_: same errors | 11:03 |
kingspawn | niko_: lets take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 11:03 |
eka | 2.6.12-10-686 | 11:03 |
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eka | gnomefreak: 2.6.12-10-686 | 11:03 |
Apostle^ | Aurelian: you need an install cd | 11:03 |
gnomefreak | eka: did you run through sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 11:04 |
Smirnoff | gymsmoke: Cool, ya I am so use to "command /?" in dos based. I like to learn how this all works before I go breaking it :). Also how do I just talk to you or single users so I don't spam the irc chat? | 11:04 |
eka | gnomefreak: no why? | 11:04 |
eka | gnomefreak: should? | 11:04 |
ellbiddy | Ah yes, the helpful hand of IRC...I had a (what I thought would be) simple question, I want to compile the kernel I'm currently using which was an image, manually, the version is 2.6.12-9-amd64-k8-smp | 11:04 |
ellbiddy | and the sources aren't in synpatic using the repositories that I have. So I was wondering what the easy solution would be to setup the EXACT same thing, but having it compile manually? | 11:04 |
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gnomefreak | eka: because you have to (something they left out) you have to make sure your using the right drivers and so on | 11:05 |
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eka | gnomefreak: i'll try | 11:05 |
eka | gnomefreak: give me a min | 11:05 |
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Aurelian | Apostle^: there is an install directory on the DVD, this is my first attempt to install Ubuntu so i guess the DVD would include more packages. i didnt realise it was only a live CD, website isnt very clear on that... | 11:05 |
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fensta | hey guys.. will 1.5 partition my drive and leave my windows drive intact? | 11:06 |
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Apostle^ | can you install from the live-dvd .. anyone? | 11:07 |
graveson | what can i use to create dvd video -anyone | 11:07 |
blindx | I'm having some trouble getting songs from my computer to my ipod through gtkpod. does anyone have experience with it? it's kinda confusing :\ | 11:07 |
Apostle^ | blindx: i do, but i suggest rockbox | 11:07 |
bimberi | Aurelian: There is probably a boot option to go into install mode - hit F1 at the boot prompt. Hopefully it's documented | 11:07 |
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tarvid | in a bit of a muddle over php4 php5 and mysql | 11:07 |
tarvid | early I installed drupal and wound up with php5 | 11:08 |
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blindx | Apostle^, what is rockbox? i remember you saying something about the "getting rid of" the itunes db.. | 11:08 |
tarvid | recently i installed phpmyadmin and wound up with php4 | 11:08 |
tarvid | now things like mysql_connect no longer work | 11:08 |
Apostle^ | blindx: it's a firmware for ipod that allows it to play many more games / view .jpg's play all audio file types and drag+drop audio without using itunes DB | 11:08 |
tarvid | php4-mysql is installed | 11:09 |
Apostle^ | blindx: if your interested i can help you install it | 11:09 |
Aurelian | bimberi: ok il check that | 11:09 |
Aurelian | thx guys | 11:09 |
blindx | apostle: will it work with my iPod? I know IPL doesn't without some patching, and even then not to its fullest. | 11:09 |
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Apostle^ | what ipod do you have | 11:09 |
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blindx | It's not a video, and it's not a photo. It's a color iPod.. | 11:10 |
Apostle^ | blindx: should be fine | 11:10 |
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onkeljonas | rockbox rocks :) | 11:10 |
blindx | sure, i'll try it. | 11:10 |
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Apostle^ | blindx: download this http://download.rockbox.org/daily/ipodcolor/rockbox-ipodcolor-20060422.zip | 11:12 |
blindx | done. | 11:12 |
Apostle^ | you have aim or msn | 11:12 |
blindx | both. which do you prefer? :P | 11:12 |
Apostle^ | can do this faster on their | 11:12 |
Apostle^ | FearTheTrain @ aim | 11:13 |
Apostle^ | is me | 11:13 |
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jinho | is there a java channel? | 11:15 |
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Edison | hi everybody | 11:16 |
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gnomefreak | jinho: #java | 11:16 |
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Edison | i had a problem updating and the message is: Unable to lock the download directory | 11:16 |
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Edison | what can i do??? | 11:16 |
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Ribs | Edison: Check you haven't got synaptic running already | 11:17 |
Ribs | Edison: or anything similar :) | 11:17 |
dos000 | anyone: is it a know bug that espresso will refuse reluctuntly to create a reiserfs partitiion ? | 11:17 |
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Edison | but is synaptic the one which is trying to update a program | 11:17 |
Ribs | Edison: Is it running twice, do you have something else which may be trying to work on your system or install programs? | 11:18 |
Edison | nope that i know | 11:18 |
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Edison | a message appear in my desktop saying that new uppdates were avaliable | 11:19 |
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Edison | and i press show updates | 11:19 |
Ribs | Edison: That's not the same as synaptic. | 11:19 |
Edison | ummmm | 11:20 |
Edison | ??? | 11:20 |
Ribs | make sure synaptic and friends are closed when you do that | 11:20 |
gymsmoke | gnomefreak: is dist-upgrade new ? | 11:20 |
gnomefreak | gymsmoke: what do you mean new? | 11:20 |
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gnomefreak | gymsmoke: its been around as long as apt has afaik | 11:20 |
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gnomefreak | i know its been around for all ubuntu versions | 11:21 |
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gymsmoke | gnomefreak: that's what i meant, thanks... | 11:21 |
gnomefreak | yw | 11:22 |
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graveson | can anyone help me please ? what can i use to create dvd video | 11:23 |
gymsmoke | i'm excited - my first ubuntu server install, first nameserver, first mailserver... everything seems to be working so far... | 11:23 |
dos000 | stupid espresso is refusing to create a resiserfs partition ! | 11:23 |
ompaul | gymsmoke, of course it does, its real software :-) | 11:23 |
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ompaul | dos000, u doing dapper? | 11:23 |
mram | i have a problem with totem player, when i launch it is quickly errors out and closes itself. any suggestions as to why it would do that? | 11:23 |
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nook | how do I format my usbstick??? | 11:23 |
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gnomefreak | dos000: #ubuntu+1 for dapper please | 11:24 |
dos000 | yes | 11:24 |
Edison | sorry but can u give more info about the updating problem!!! | 11:24 |
nook | how do I format my usbstick??? | 11:24 |
nook | how do I format my usbstick??? | 11:24 |
Edison | cause im new using ubuntu | 11:24 |
gymsmoke | ompaul: i've been around unix/xenix/linux for alot of years as a developer/tuner/db consultant... now since i own my own companies, i wanted to have my own server... | 11:24 |
ompaul | dos000, as gnomefreak said please join the channel #ubuntu+1 for dapper | 11:24 |
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gnomefreak | Edison: what is the problems? | 11:24 |
Edison | Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 11:24 |
ompaul | nook, do not repeat. thanks we will get to you in a moment | 11:24 |
nook | ompaul: ok | 11:24 |
nook | ompaul: ok | 11:24 |
gymsmoke | woot! 2.6.12-10 ... fresh kernel meat... yum | 11:24 |
gnomefreak | Edison: open synaptic | 11:24 |
gnomefreak | Edison: let me know when its open | 11:25 |
Edison | it says another synaptic is running | 11:25 |
gnomefreak | Edison: than close it | 11:25 |
Edison | ok now is open | 11:25 |
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gnomefreak | Edison: close all synaptic updater or terminals used to isndtall things | 11:25 |
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gnomefreak | Edison: if you read the rest of the error it should have said "is another process using it" | 11:26 |
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MrRio | why isnt the linux-686 package automatically installed on my AMD64? | 11:26 |
kingspawn | nook: what fileformat do you want on it? | 11:26 |
gnomefreak | 686 is not 64bit? | 11:26 |
kingspawn | nook: and where is it located? | 11:26 |
nook | kingspawn: fat16 | 11:26 |
amandah | hey, I'm not sure how to edit and save login.defs | 11:26 |
nook | kingspawn: /dev/sda | 11:26 |
gnomefreak | just a thought | 11:26 |
MrRio | gnomefreak: i want 32bit | 11:26 |
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kingspawn | nook: why not fat32? | 11:26 |
gnomefreak | MrRio: with the 64bit disk? | 11:26 |
MrRio | gnomefreak, Nope, this is just the normal disc | 11:27 |
ompaul | nook, from the menu System Administration Disks, Then choose disable then choose format | 11:27 |
nook | kingspawn: I want to place there installiso. Don't ask why fat16 | 11:27 |
MrRio | gnomefreak: its given me linux-368 | 11:27 |
MrRio | 386* | 11:27 |
gnomefreak | MrRio: thats fine | 11:27 |
nook | ompaul: may I do it from console? | 11:27 |
kingspawn | nook: heh, sorry. do as ompaul instructed | 11:27 |
Edison | but how do i close the one in the background?? | 11:27 |
kingspawn | nook: mkfs.msdos /dev/sda | 11:27 |
gnomefreak | Edison: is ther ea window for it? | 11:27 |
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MrRio | gnomefreak: So I can just install the 686 package and it will edit grub for me? | 11:27 |
Edison | cause a program is still running but dont know how to close it | 11:27 |
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ompaul | nook, yes but it takes longer | 11:28 |
gnomefreak | MrRio: edit grub for what? | 11:28 |
nook | kingspawn: mkfs.msdos: command not found | 11:28 |
nook | kingspawn: that's all about :[ | 11:28 |
kingspawn | eh? | 11:28 |
Edison | it says package manager is working | 11:28 |
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gnomefreak | Edison: than let it work | 11:28 |
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MrRio | gnomefreak: Adding the new 686 kernel to the list | 11:28 |
Edison | that program is downloding??? | 11:28 |
kingspawn | ompaul: do you know which package contains mkfs.msdos? I thought it was default. Doesnt ubotu have some sort of searching mechanism for such things? | 11:29 |
gnomefreak | Edison: its more than likely reading your sources list | 11:29 |
Edison | ahh ok | 11:29 |
gnomefreak | MrRio: install the 686 kernel if it doesnt get installed for you | 11:29 |
nook | kingspawn: it has apt. apt says me it's dosfstools. but it's again not working | 11:29 |
Edison | well thanks for the help | 11:29 |
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kingspawn | nook: not working? | 11:30 |
jinho | how do i register w/ NickServ? | 11:30 |
onkeljonas | try /msg nickserv help | 11:30 |
djtansey | anyone install the dapper beta? where can i file install bugs? (and why doesn't network-manager-gnome work?) | 11:30 |
nook | kingspawn: $ apt-get install dosfstools; mkfs | 11:30 |
kingspawn | nook: mkfs.msdos | 11:30 |
gnomefreak | jinho: in server tab type /msg nickserve register password | 11:30 |
Stormx2 | Is there an easy way to save a blank file from command line? | 11:30 |
=== zigmunt all come and play ! new supergame !!! http://nextworld.ru/?rid=87670 | ||
nook | kingspawn: yes | 11:30 |
=== zigmunt all come and play ! new supergame !!! http://nextworld.ru/?rid=87670 | ||
=== zigmunt all come and play ! new supergame !!! http://nextworld.ru/?rid=87670 | ||
=== zigmunt all come and play ! new supergame !!! http://nextworld.ru/?rid=87670 | ||
=== zigmunt all come and play ! new supergame !!! http://nextworld.ru/?rid=87670 | ||
gymsmoke | hrmm why does apt-get suggest a package that is not availalble and has no installation candidate? | 11:31 |
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gnomefreak | !ops | 11:31 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 11:31 |
Seveas | gnomefreak, no need for !ops, he already left | 11:31 |
bzaks | Does anyone have a site that can give me a tutorial for installing flash? | 11:31 |
kingspawn | Stormx2: "touch file" | 11:31 |
=== tuckje has just upgraded to kernel 2.6.12-10-386 and now I get a IRQ 15: nobody cared (try booting with rqpoll quetsion) anyone knows how to fix this? | ||
Stormx2 | k thanks | 11:31 |
gnomefreak | Seveas: i was gonna say ban him | 11:31 |
gnomefreak | it looked like bot | 11:31 |
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Edison | thanks gnofreak for the help | 11:32 |
gnomefreak | Edison: yw | 11:32 |
Edison | bye everyone | 11:32 |
bzaks | can I get flash with apt-get? | 11:32 |
nook | kingspawn: OMG! It's in /sbin. Dunno why tab-compl. didnt work properly | 11:32 |
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eka | hi all | 11:33 |
bzaks | or do I need to use this tar.gz I got from a 3rd party site because adobe doesn't seem to want to give shit out to linux people anymore | 11:33 |
gymsmoke | bzaks: apt-get -s install flash | 11:33 |
eka | gnomefreak, i got it working! thnx | 11:33 |
bzaks | thanks :) | 11:33 |
gnomefreak | ubotut ell bzaks about flash | 11:33 |
gnomefreak | eka: yw | 11:33 |
kingspawn | nook: heh, k | 11:33 |
jinho | gnomefreak: I'ts telling me no such nick/password | 11:33 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell bzaks about flash | 11:33 |
graveson | can anyone help me please ? what can i use to create dvd video !!!! | 11:33 |
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Ribs | !coc | 11:33 |
ubotu | I guess coc is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 11:33 |
gnomefreak | jinho: are you typing your password inplace of the word passord? | 11:34 |
gymsmoke | gnomefreak: fat fingers... hehe | 11:34 |
kingspawn | seems like calling it "coc" is just an invite for funniness | 11:34 |
eka | gnomefreak, now i have my 2 windows partitions on my desktop but when i 2clock i get : You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "sdx". | 11:34 |
eka | 2bleclick | 11:34 |
eka | sorry | 11:34 |
jinho | gnomefreak: I have a password? | 11:35 |
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jinho | gnomefreak: lol...I just come onto xChat, w/o ever putting in a password | 11:35 |
gnomefreak | jinho: putting a passowrd there during reg. will get you your password of whatever you tped | 11:35 |
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gnomefreak | ubotu tell jinho about register | 11:36 |
nook | Why when I connect my usbstick I have just /dev/sda but no /dev/sda1 or such?? | 11:36 |
jinho | gnomefreak: thanks gnomefreak | 11:37 |
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nook | Why when I connect my usbstick I have just /dev/sda but no /dev/sda1 or such?? | 11:39 |
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emin | yo | 11:40 |
emin | im new to this | 11:40 |
emin | i need help | 11:40 |
emin | sum1 help me!!! | 11:40 |
nook | emin: what's the point? | 11:40 |
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bimberi | emin: ask a question :) | 11:40 |
emin | well | 11:40 |
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emin | where is the terminal | 11:40 |
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bimberi | emin: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 11:41 |
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nook | emin: ctrl-alt-f1 or applications/accesories/terminal | 11:41 |
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graft | anyone know what to do about this error? nvram: can't misc_register on minor=144 | 11:41 |
emin | thanks | 11:41 |
graft | just on boot | 11:41 |
nook | graft: google it | 11:41 |
emin | anyone know any good programs for this | 11:41 |
graft | yeah, i got nothing that way | 11:41 |
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nook | emin: man | 11:42 |
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emin | yes | 11:42 |
nook | emin: that's the program name: 'man' | 11:42 |
emin | oh | 11:42 |
christian1832 | i asked earlier, and i was wondering what the terminal command is to display the devices on your comp | 11:42 |
emin | :P | 11:42 |
christian1832 | such as what kind of video card you have? | 11:42 |
emin | lol | 11:42 |
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bimberi | christian1832: 'lspci' and 'lshw' | 11:42 |
amphi | christian1832: lspci | 11:42 |
christian1832 | should i install a separate driver for my sound card as well? | 11:42 |
christian1832 | thanks | 11:43 |
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emin | oh yea | 11:43 |
emin | why dont i get any sound | 11:43 |
bimberi | !sound | 11:43 |
ubotu | somebody said sound was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 11:43 |
=== amphi wonders again why ubuntu lacks alsaconf | ||
emin | it says registry is not supported | 11:43 |
emin | or is currupt | 11:43 |
emin | know how to fix this | 11:43 |
amphi | emin: 'registry'?? | 11:43 |
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emin | when i click on my soun d icon | 11:43 |
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emin | it says i need to register | 11:44 |
christian1832 | what is a multimedia video controller? | 11:44 |
emin | is there a coomand for registering? | 11:44 |
christian1832 | thats one of my devices, and I know that my computer has tyhe ability to display tv | 11:44 |
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christian1832 | is that what that is? | 11:44 |
christian1832 | how would i set it up? | 11:44 |
bimberi | amphi: i've seen alsaconf described as a "bug-ridden security errata-filled pos" | 11:44 |
bimberi | !tell emin about register | 11:45 |
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emin | please do | 11:45 |
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bimberi | emin: hopefully ubotu has sent you a /msg | 11:45 |
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Stork | how do i set my default browser? | 11:45 |
amphi | bimberi: heh - worked fine here on debian | 11:45 |
emin | is it in my emails or something? | 11:45 |
emin | where is the message they sent me | 11:46 |
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gnomefreak | emin: please read the link ubotu sent you | 11:46 |
emin | where is the link they sent me gnome | 11:46 |
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ACU | hi guys - does anyone knows how to create a DVD with the i386 BACKPORT applications | 11:47 |
emin | hi | 11:47 |
gnomefreak | in your pm emin | 11:47 |
emin | my pm? <head spinning> | 11:47 |
gnomefreak | !register | 11:47 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 11:47 |
gnomefreak | read that ^^^^ emin | 11:47 |
poningru | ACU, just download the packages from the website | 11:47 |
=== thorre [i=1000@c-e83ee253.03-28-6c6b7012.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thorre | greetings | 11:48 |
thorre | im having a small language / cahrset problem | 11:48 |
ACU | ponigru: I need a DVD because on few sites there is no access to internet at all | 11:48 |
christian1832 | anyone know if i should install a driver for my sound card like i had to do for my video card? It is an Ac '97 audio controller? | 11:48 |
thorre | im in sweden and my native language is swedish | 11:48 |
thorre | therefore i use some non C characters | 11:48 |
emin | ok wait | 11:48 |
gnomefreak | christian1832: find out why your sound doesnt work first | 11:48 |
emin | i want to register my ubuntu | 11:48 |
thorre | when typing in my native languare | 11:48 |
christian1832 | it does work | 11:48 |
emin | so i can get sound | 11:48 |
thorre | language | 11:49 |
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emin | not my nic | 11:49 |
christian1832 | but i still cant play wav files | 11:49 |
roryy | emin's original 'registering' problem had to do with sound, not IRC, afaict | 11:49 |
gnomefreak | christian1832: than no | 11:49 |
christian1832 | how come i cant play wav files? | 11:49 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell christian1832 about wav | 11:49 |
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christian1832 | is that the protected formnats thing? | 11:49 |
emin | no | 11:49 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell christian1832 about w32codecs | 11:49 |
thorre | i want the LANG /locale setting to be en_US and not en_US-UTF8 | 11:49 |
roryy | emin: perhaps if you can tell us the precise error, we can help you | 11:49 |
emin | wav is a format like mp3 | 11:49 |
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emin | ok | 11:49 |
bimberi | roryy: yes, well spotted :) | 11:49 |
emin | on the top right | 11:49 |
christian1832 | ok, so wav is a windows format? | 11:49 |
emin | next to the date and time | 11:49 |
kingspawn | christian1832: wav is raw sound data | 11:49 |
gnomefreak | yes | 11:49 |
emin | there is a volume icon | 11:50 |
thorre | can anyone see the Euro sign? | 11:50 |
kingspawn | christian1832: what is encoded right onto a cd you can put in your audio cd player | 11:50 |
emin | yes | 11:50 |
AngryElf | hey all, how do i extend an XFS partition/ I get that i have to use xfs_growfs...but i can't figure out the options to use it | 11:50 |
thorre | 11:50 | |
roryy | thorre: i see it | 11:50 |
thorre | roryy: nice, thanks | 11:50 |
emin | it says Registry is not present or it is corrupted, please update it by running gst-register | 11:50 |
=== seamus-laptop [n=matt@cpe-024-211-236-248.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
christian1832 | well i downloaded a wav file, but i cant play it with aplay | 11:50 |
christian1832 | but totem plays it | 11:50 |
thorre | have to go, bye | 11:50 |
=== JRlinux [n=JRlinux@gw02.applegatebroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bone` | kalla det vad fan du vil | 11:50 |
Bone` | crap he quit | 11:50 |
gnomefreak | kingspawn: does wav not stand for windows audio video anymore? | 11:50 |
christian1832 | but i want to play it as my new mail sound | 11:50 |
emin | can anyone help me? | 11:51 |
=== asdf25 [n=asdf25@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | emin: type /msg nickserv register help | 11:51 |
asdf25 | anyone know where i can get a deb for wine-0.9.5? | 11:51 |
roryy | emin: we can try | 11:51 |
emin | lemme try | 11:51 |
=== sanmarcos [n=jade@adsl-69-224-46-230.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roryy | emin: first, open a terminal. Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 11:51 |
emin | i type that in my terminal? | 11:51 |
=== umarmung [n=wichtel@p54AA15F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["insert] | ||
sanmarcos | what does linux-image-server have that normal doesnt? | 11:52 |
=== Quincy [n=clint@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | emin: no in your server tab | 11:52 |
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | in xchat or whatever your using | 11:52 |
=== Fysidiko [n=jacob@user-1727.wfd87b.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roryy | gnomefreak: his 'registration' problem has little to do with IRC | 11:52 |
Fysidiko | Hi | 11:52 |
=== umarmung [n=wichtel@p54AA15F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | gnomefreak: heh, yes, but it again is encoded in PCM, but I was trying to kind of abbreviate the level of information | 11:52 |
Fysidiko | Any way of running dual monitors without xinerama? | 11:52 |
fensta | in my ubuntu install do I want ext3 or ext2? | 11:52 |
gnomefreak | roryy: what do you mean? | 11:52 |
kingspawn | fensta: ext3 | 11:52 |
=== Buckuntu [n=dan@c-68-45-107-72.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fensta | thx | 11:52 |
=== dekela [n=dekela@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | kingspawn: ah | 11:52 |
emin | im not trying to register my xchat anem | 11:52 |
roryy | gnomefreak: scroll back and read his messages | 11:52 |
=== lsuactiafner [n=noirrac@tpc-ip-nas-1-p94.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
emin | name* | 11:52 |
roryy | emin: have you opened a terminal yet ? | 11:53 |
emin | yes | 11:53 |
=== umarmung [n=wichtel@p54AA15F9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["insert] | ||
Buckuntu | umm | 11:53 |
emin | now what roryy | 11:53 |
roryy | emin: ok, type gst-register-0.8 and then press <enter> | 11:53 |
gnomefreak | emin: in terminal did you type gst-register? | 11:53 |
Buckuntu | what is the main FAQ on getting XGL to work on dapper drake? | 11:53 |
gnomefreak | roryy: ty | 11:53 |
Fysidiko | This may sound weird, but can people see these messages? My IRC has gone weird. | 11:53 |
emin | HAHA | 11:53 |
gnomefreak | Fysidiko: yes | 11:53 |
kingspawn | Fysidiko: we see you | 11:53 |
gymsmoke | my guess is the only way to test the new kernel is to warm boot the machine... | 11:54 |
Fysidiko | thanks | 11:54 |
roryy | emin: fixed ? | 11:54 |
hartz | how can /bin/sh be a bad interpreter!!!? | 11:54 |
emin | thanks you roryy | 11:54 |
emin | SAVED ME | 11:54 |
emin | btw | 11:54 |
emin | how do u guys know all this? | 11:54 |
WarpedShadow | any suggestions on how to find out why my modem connection keeps on being dropped | 11:54 |
Stork | how do i set my default browser? | 11:54 |
gnomefreak | hartz: in a shell script? | 11:54 |
gymsmoke | because we live here ?? | 11:54 |
amphi | hartz: rc fans would agree ;) | 11:55 |
gnomefreak | hartz: #!/bin/sh | 11:55 |
emin | does limewire work on linux? | 11:55 |
Apostle^ | yes | 11:55 |
gnomefreak | Stork: sudo update-alternatives x-www-browser iirc | 11:55 |
emin | nice | 11:55 |
emin | off to limewire i go | 11:55 |
=== sanmarcos [n=jade@adsl-69-224-46-230.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Dos] | ||
Quincy | Hi, I'm a newbi, I'm trying to install 915resolution but when I type "make" I get "bash: make: command not found | 11:55 |
Quincy | ", Why? | 11:55 |
gnomefreak | !linewire | 11:55 |
ubotu | Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, gnomefreak | 11:55 |
gnomefreak | !limewire | 11:56 |
ubotu | first you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. Consider !frostwire as an alternative. | 11:56 |
kingspawn | Quincy: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 11:56 |
gymsmoke | Quincy: you need to install make... | 11:56 |
Stork | gnomefreak, nope | 11:56 |
=== sichilian [n=sichilia@ASte-Genev-Bois-153-1-62-103.w81-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gymsmoke | Quincy: it will come with build-essentials package | 11:56 |
sichilian | hi there | 11:56 |
Quincy | OK, thanks so much!! | 11:56 |
sichilian | i'm looking for a good depot to install VDR ... | 11:56 |
sichilian | any knows one ? | 11:56 |
gnomefreak | Stork: go with sudo update-alternatives -all and it should walk you through all things | 11:56 |
emin | thanks a billion | 11:56 |
sichilian | problem is the one on ubuntu.com is quite obsolete on VDR | 11:57 |
Jowi | hmmm, i'm trying to delete a user but get error that the user is currently logged in. how can I found out where the user is atm? | 11:57 |
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad@82-35-48-142.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
christian1832 | what does deb stand for? | 11:57 |
emin | where do i get java from | 11:57 |
christian1832 | debian? | 11:57 |
amphi | Jowi: who or w or whowatch | 11:57 |
gnomefreak | christian1832: debian | 11:57 |
Bone` | so how prone is Ubuntu to trojans and stuff? | 11:57 |
bimberi | !info vdr | 11:57 |
Apostle^ | Bone`: 0 | 11:57 |
=== zOrK2 [i=eclipse@c-66-176-181-127.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | vdr: (Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards), section universe/misc, is extra. Version: 1.3.27-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 619 kB, Installed size: 2000 kB | 11:57 |
gnomefreak | Bone`: not | 11:57 |
Bone` | sweet | 11:57 |
livingdaylight | anyo0ne know if googles picasa is available in GNU? | 11:57 |
sichilian | yeah | 11:57 |
bimberi | sichilian: vdr is in the universe repository (^^^) | 11:57 |
sichilian | it's quite old | 11:57 |
emin | where do i get java | 11:57 |
amphi | !java | 11:57 |
Apostle^ | !java | 11:57 |
kingspawn | !java | 11:57 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 11:57 |
kingspawn | hahah | 11:57 |
Apostle^ | lol | 11:57 |
=== Nikopol [n=mambo@i-195-137-15-67.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sichilian | 1.3.27... we're already on 1.3.47 | 11:58 |
bimberi | !tell sichilian about universe | 11:58 |
roryy | Bone`: that's assuming you only install software from ubuntu.com; bets are off if you install software from 'untrusted' sources | 11:58 |
sichilian | hehe | 11:58 |
bimberi | !info vdr dapper | 11:58 |
Jowi | amphi: only whowatch listed the user, but it says: can't access username pts/0 | 11:58 |
ubotu | vdr: (Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards), section universe/misc, is extra. Version: 1.3.37-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 652 kB, Installed size: 2052 kB | 11:58 |
christian1832 | when i try to play a wav file, it says that aplay cant play PCM coded wav files | 11:58 |
sichilian | bimberi: thks but i already installed that one :) | 11:58 |
christian1832 | what does this mean? | 11:58 |
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amphi | Jowi: try sudo whowatch | 11:58 |
lsuactiafner | !recover | 11:58 |
ubotu | I guess recover is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 11:58 |
kingspawn | amphi: is whowatch installed by default? | 11:59 |
livingdaylight | sichilian: was that 'yeah' to me? | 11:59 |
amphi | kingspawn: it is not, AFAIK | 11:59 |
Jowi | amphi: same result. | 11:59 |
bimberi | sichilian: kk :) | 11:59 |
sichilian | livingdaylight : nope sorry dude | 11:59 |
livingdaylight | anyone know about Picasa? | 11:59 |
amphi | Jowi: strange | 11:59 |
christian1832 | did anyone get that? | 11:59 |
amphi | christian1832: get what? | 11:59 |
Jowi | amphi: when i press enter on that user it says "User logged out" | 11:59 |
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