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BluekujaSeveas :ping01:08
SeveasBluekuja, ?01:09
Bluekujahi dennis can i ask you a fast question about irc bots?01:09
Bluekujai have a irc server and i need a logger bot ,do you know a good software for it?01:10
pygiBluekuja: mostly any will do, eggdrop seems like a reasonable choice, too bloated tho :P01:11
Seveasif you operate the server, then just let the server log01:11
Seveasotherwise, use a supybot or an eggdrop01:11
Bluekujaoh perfect01:11
Bluekujatnx seveas and pygi01:11
=== pygi considers eggdrop too bloated for such simple tasks :)
Seveaseggdrop sucks anyway 01:12
=== pygi heartly agrees with Seveas...
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Bluekujagoodnight #edubuntu02:05
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alexcamiloI have some questions about edubuntu. Are there polish versions of the various applications/games? and what are the recommended specs for running edubuntu?08:28
alexcamiloWould a 650mhz intel celeron cpu and 160mb of ram suffice? 08:29
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=== pourriture [n=pourr@c-69-242-205-193.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
pourriturehello .... was just looking for a distro to install on a testbed and I stumbled across edubuntu ... am VERY interested in hearing success stories09:12
pourritureI love the idea of an os for kids/education ... when I was 10 I started with apple basic and it was a bit daunting ... what age group does edubuntu have the most "stuff" for?09:14
highvoltagehi pourriture 09:14
highvoltagei work on the tuxlabs project: http://www.tuxlabs.org.za09:15
highvoltagewe user a highly customised, and a bit more primitive setup, but similar to edubuntu09:15
highvoltagewe run it in 200 schools across south africa at the moment, and it's been great.09:16
pourriturecool ... am  looking  at that now ... don't have kids myself (yet) but friends and co-workers are always asking me about good computer stuff for their kids09:17
pourrituremore home use ... not terminal server type classroom things09:17
highvoltageok. the default edubuntu installation doesn't have massive amount of software for kids.09:19
highvoltagebut if you download software from the ubuntu universe, there's lots of cool stuff.09:19
pourritureI have installed the debian jr package before ... but it was kind of hit and miss as far as being current09:20
pourritureand I don't usually use gnome or kde ... so I might have missed some of the finer points .... for my boxen I use a slim fluxbox or svgalib config09:22
pourritureso the full blown desktop environment is a bit out of my arena09:22
highvoltageXFCE is really nice.09:31
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highvoltagehi jsgotangco 11:28
highvoltagehow are things going?11:28
jsgotangcoi had a bad sprain this morning11:29
highvoltageouch. recovered from the fall yet?11:33
jsgotangcooh i did already11:35
jsgotangcoi just woke up, and i felt a sharp pain11:35
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janimoogra_ibook: ping12:07
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mhzhighvoltage, ping06:30
mhzhighvoltage, I could finally boot into ISO in hda806:31
highvoltagemhz: pong06:32
highvoltageyay :)06:32
=== mhz is gonna wiki it
mhzhighvoltage, do you think this should be wikied in w.u.o or my personal wiki?06:33
highvoltagemhz: it's just a copy and paste from both :)06:34
mhzwhat you mean?06:34
highvoltagei mean, you could do it in both.06:34
mhzi c06:34
highvoltageonce you've done it in either, you could just copy and paste it, since it's all moin :)06:34
josh__hey, i wonder if you could help, can i edit the GRUB from edubuntu?06:34
josh__because when i rebooted after installing edubuntu the GRUB bootloader didnt give me XP as a option...just ubuntu06:35
highvoltagepress alt+f2, then type sudo "gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"06:35
mhzhighvoltage, yeah, the diff is I write spanish in my personal one06:35
highvoltagemhz: aaah06:36
highvoltagemhz: perhaps the ubuntu one then :)06:36
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josh__thanks for that highvoltage06:37
mhzhighvoltage, as I have dapper install iso, I tried it with elive.iso first06:38
mhzhighvoltage, elive ROCKS!!!!!06:38
mhzhighvoltage, its Elive Panel is out of this world!06:38
spaceywhats elive?06:39
highvoltagehmm... yeah. i don't know what it is either.06:39
mhzelive is a live/installable distro based on enligthenment06:39
mhze16 and e1706:39
=== mhz is testing e17
mhzand i must admit I am entering nirvana here06:40
mhzit is so spectacular 06:40
mhzvery, very stylish and cool06:40
highvoltagetry e17 + gxl :)06:41
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bobulatorsome of you might like this:07:54
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highvoltagegoodnight, #edubuntu09:38
juliuxgoodnight highvoltage 09:39
highvoltagenight juliux!09:40
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cbx33hey everyone :D10:34
cbx33ogra_ibook, you around?10:34
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cbx33hey Bluekuja 10:36
Bluekujahey cbx33 :)10:37
Bluekujathis server is lagging10:37
Bluekujaim trying to identify10:37
Bluekujaok done10:37
cbx33how've you been10:37
cbx33Bluekuja, you used bzr?10:38
Bluekujai was initially in launchpad10:38
Bluekujathen im putting up an irc server10:38
cbx33ah....yeh you said the other day10:38
cbx33I'm trying to checkout one of ogra's bzr archives10:38
cbx33but it still doesnt work10:38
Bluekujanope i didnt use before bzre10:39
cbx33ah ok10:39
cbx33Bluekuja, you used REVU before?10:39
Bluekujathats motu software10:40
cbx33i know10:40
Bluekujaoliver is an expert10:40
Bluekujaso just wait me10:40
Bluekujabut its away10:40
Bluekujatomorrow he will be here for sure10:41
cbx33I have many questions for him :p10:42
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