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httpdssdoes anyone know if there is any plaxo (as a resource) for kontact being developed ?02:02
=== Riddell doesn't know what plaxo is
httpdssits like a web service that works as a personal online agenda (contacts and event calender) ... http://www.plaxo.com/02:09
httpdssthere is a thunderbird plugin for it...02:10
httpdssand also works with M$ outl**k02:11
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_SimeI can't open mulitple Kates now... anyone know how to fix this?10:06
Lure_Sime: I think Tonio_ added some magic to desktop file...10:11
Lureyou should be able to start tem from shell ;-)10:12
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hungerAny idea why my display keeps getting darker at random times?01:19
Lurehunger: just when inactive or in general? Laptop?01:20
hungerLure: When my laptop is on AC and I am working on it.01:20
hungerLure: Suddenly the milo brightness dialog comes up and the screen gets much darker.01:21
hungerLure It is a T43p (Lenovo Thinkpad)01:21
Lureinteresting... my notebook has only HW key controls for brightness01:21
hungerusing kpowersave.01:21
Luredo you use kpowersave - I know it has some brithness settings in last version01:22
Luremaybe you scheme in powersave changes (not sure why) and causes change in brightness setting01:23
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hungerLure: Possible.01:24
hungerLure: I wonder why that would happen though.01:24
hungerWell, something for eft to fix;-)01:24
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jpatrickor us to fix in eft01:26
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freeflyingRiddell: I got lots feedback that beta's install cd can not install grub 01:46
\shsame I heard yesterday for ubuntu espresso install01:47
freeflying\sh: seems this is know ?01:48
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\shdunno..but looks like..01:54
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kmonkubuntu live beta torrent for amd64 is way sloow....02:09
jpatrickcan someone confirm bug #40628 ?02:12
UbugtuMalone bug 40628 in kmediafactory "kmediafactory seems to depend on mjpegtools to work." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4062802:12
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mornfallRiddell: ping?02:48
=== Hobbsee waves to mornfall
mornfallhi Hobbsee 02:49
jpatrickhi everyone02:49
Hobbseehi jpatrick 02:50
Lurehi evertone02:51
Lures/evertone/everyone/ ;-)02:51
=== Hobbsee waves to Lure
=== Lure waves back ;-)
jpatrickalthough evertone sounds better02:52
=== Hobbsee happily munches on dinner at 11pm :P
jpatrickI'll be dead by that time02:53
=== jpatrick HAS to eat dinner at 7pm or else
Lurecan somebody confirm bug 35581 - I cannot reproduce...02:54
UbugtuMalone bug 35581 in kubuntu-meta "dapper f5 live: administrator mode doesn't work in systemsettings" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3558102:54
Hobbseejpatrick: really?  why?02:56
jpatrickHobbsee: i get hungry02:56
Hobbseegood point02:56
jpatrickI'm off to lunch02:58
=== Lure got hungry while your are discussing it ;-)
HobbseeLure: trying to reproduce02:59
HobbseeLure: i cant reproduce that - p/w box comes up, it wont accept the wrong p/w, it does accept the correct p/w03:01
Lureexactly - I do not know whay they got such behaviour - it is too bad to be true 03:01
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HobbseeLure: it seems commonly reported.  does it happen on a new user?03:04
LureHobbsee: good point - I have dual boot with Kubuntu Beta (no update yet) and will try there03:05
mornfallHobbsee: you did something to Riddell?03:05
HobbseeLure: okay.   mine's always worked in dapper, all the way thru the flights (installed off flight 1, and flight 4)03:06
Hobbseemornfall: er...duct tape and locked him in the cupboard?  how'd you figure that out?03:06
mornfallHobbsee: he doesn't react03:06
Hobbseemornfall: idle for an hour....03:07
mornfallso probably the duct tape prevents him from reaching keyboard? :)03:07
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Hobbseewell, the problem probably is more that he cant see the screen, to know when to type03:07
raphinklet's fix kipi-plugins for gallery2 support :)03:11
raphinksmall yet useful :)03:12
raphinkhi Hobbsee03:12
Hobbseehey raphink 03:12
raphinkthanks for the reporting about the kopete patch Hobbsee, that was a very nice one :)03:12
Hobbseeraphink: no problem :)  _arthurb_ first mentioned it in here though03:13
raphinkmy #1 bug to fix now is the korganizer one03:13
raphinkwhich is horrid03:13
raphinkand I don't have the knowledge to fix it myself in a reasonable time03:13
raphinkI mean shipping a korganizer that crashes everytime you try to add/edit an event is not an option03:14
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Lureraphink: which bug - I am adding events on daily basis...03:15
raphinkLure: really?03:15
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raphinkI have this bug even on debian sid03:16
raphinkand people ahve it on BSD too03:16
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Lureraphink: bug id?03:17
raphinklet me find it03:17
raphinkLure: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/3941903:18
UbugtuMalone bug 39419 in kdepim korganizer "korganizer krashes when creating event" [Normal,Confirmed]  03:19
Lureinteresting... the only thing I can think of is that I have recreated my ~/.kde with Flight 603:20
Lure(I did manually move from Breezy)03:20
LureMaybe is something that was left by older korginizer in config files that makes 3.5.2 unhappy03:21
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Lureraphink: you tested korganizer through kontact?03:22
Lureand I suppose your chroot tests where on clean user (no upgrades)...03:23
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raphinkLure: sorry i'm a bit busy I'll test again soon03:24
raphinknot sure I tested with a clean profile Lure03:26
raphinkI'll do that03:26
Lureraphink: since it crashes in Q widget, I suspect it may have to do with screen resolutions potentially03:27
raphinkthat's weird03:27
raphinkthe weird thing is that editing tasks works fine03:27
raphinkbut not events03:27
LureI will test on my desktop which does not have high-res display (145 DPI) - maybe I can reproduce there03:27
Lureyes, but todo has different dialog than event03:28
Lureit may be good to run with valgrind...03:28
raphinkI reproduced it on 3 machines03:28
raphinkwith different resolutions03:28
raphinkLure: crashes just the same with a clean profile03:29
raphinkon dapper, up-to-date03:29
Lureit looks this crash is due to assert (checking index 56), maybe some field is limited to 55 elements and you have more...03:31
Lureraphink: you tested on english or french?03:32
raphinkI don't have anything in the fields03:32
Lurethat might be - all reporters have non-english names...03:33
raphinksince I'm adding an event03:33
raphinkI'll test in english US then03:33
=== Lure is being called for lunch... bbl
raphinkLure: crashes all the same in US english03:35
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Riddellmornfall: hi03:52
mornfallRiddell: hi03:53
mornfallRiddell: when will debtags update get back to debtags postinst?03:53
mornfallpeople cry about adept not working all the time03:53
RiddellI don't think it can, the build daemons don't have internet access so it times out03:53
Riddellis that what makes adept think the apt database isn't there?03:54
mornfallRiddell: yes03:54
mornfalladept depends on debtags specifically because of the postinst03:54
Hobbseeso he escaped from the duct tape and the closet!  welcome back Riddell!03:54
Riddellmornfall: can't it just ue the debtags database that debtags has?03:55
Riddellmorning Hobbsee 03:56
mornfallRiddell: the one generated by debtags update?03:56
Riddellmornfall: doesnt it have one to fall back on?03:56
Riddellwhat happens if there's no internet access?03:57
Riddellwhich is the case with the live fs build, and probably a fair proportion of traditional style installs03:57
mornfalldebtags update has fallback -- but there is no fallback if the binary index is not there03:57
mornfallthere's also debtags update --local03:58
mornfallfrom some point onwards03:58
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mornfallRiddell: but you don't have tags in Packages file, do you?03:59
Riddelllet me download it and ee04:00
mornfallRiddell: anyway, there's /usr/share/debtags/ IIRC with *some* database04:00
Riddellthere's tags-current.gz04:00
mornfallRiddell: so you should be able to put file:///usr/share/debtags into debtags/sources.list04:01
mornfalland let debtags update run04:01
mornfallRiddell: it also gives you a way to fix kde/gnome/other selection of adept_installer (if the local database is used you can fix that one)04:02
jpatrickHobbsee: any tips for new upstream release updating for PackGuide?04:15
Hobbseejpatrick: i know it's getting kinda late, but that sentence isnt making much sense no matter how many times i read it!04:16
jpatrickHobbsee: I'm working on the PackGuide now04:17
Hobbseeoh, for how to upgrade a package that upstream has released?04:17
jpatrickand you had some points on the updating package bit04:17
Hobbseeoh...from a conversatoin that i had with Riddell many months ago..04:18
Hobbseewhich i pastebinned for a guy?04:18
jpatricksomething for ubuntu-motu04:18
Hobbseejpatrick: this?  http://pastebin.com/67688704:20
jpatrickok, I'll right up a bit on it04:21
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Riddellmornfall: I've uploaded a copy of debtags that includes a copy of the files needed in /var/lib/debtags05:09
Riddellsorry for messing that up05:09
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mornfallRiddell: i still think that there's a proper way to do that (like using debtags update on a local-only database)05:31
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mornfallno idea how you generate the file in /var/lib, but if it's tdb it's architecture-dependent IIRC05:31
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Riddellmornfall: the version of debtags in ubuntu doesn't seem to have the --local06:00
mornfallRiddell: but if default sources.list has nothing remote, it won't fetch anything now, will iT?06:06
mornfallbut yeah, there'll probably be this problem with upgrade path06:06
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mornfallRiddell: whatever, if it works...06:06
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OdyXWho cares about Kubuntu's iconset ?06:17
Tm_Tkwwii I think06:18
OdyX'cause I wondered about Ogg's icons...06:18
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OdyXI have a video with Vorbis and Theora... Icon stays "loudspeaker"06:19
Tm_TOdyX: well, problem of ogg video when it's not .ogv06:20
OdyXTm_T: Ogv is no known extension...06:21
Tm_Ttrue, but I have seen it somewhere :p06:21
Tm_Tand that did tell me directly what it is06:21
OdyXTm_T: AFAIK (after reading the Ogg specs), Ogg is a container... could contain only video with no sound.06:21
Tm_Togg is just container, normally containing vorbis-audio06:22
OdyXBUT... I just tried to rename it...06:22
OdyXit doesn't change anything...06:22
Tm_Tmight be mime problem06:22
OdyXin properties, it is still said "Ogg Vorbis sound"06:22
Tm_Twell, then container tells it's audio perhaps?06:23
OdyXTm_T: could be that my Ogg is bad formed....06:23
=== OdyX is diving the web to find an example.
OdyXTm_T: That's it....06:27
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OdyXTm_T: the file in Examples is treated correctly.06:27
OdyXTm_T: so this is a thoggen error.06:28
OdyXTm_T: bug kde 10959806:56
UbugtuKDE bug 109598 in general "konqi needs to be a bit tolerant with theora headers" [Wishlist,Resolved: fixed]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10959806:56
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Tm_TOdyX: aah, interesting08:37
jpatrickTm_T: that took a while to reply to08:38
Tm_Tit did?08:38
Tm_Tnah, I don't think so08:38
jpatricklet's see an hour and a half08:39
Tm_Tthat's not much08:40
jpatrickmax is 5 months08:41
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MidMarkdevels: there are no for mozilla browser and email client?09:57
jpatrickraphink: ping09:58
raphinkpong jpatrick09:58
jpatrickREVU request: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=230009:58
raphinknot right now09:58
raphinksend me a mail about it09:58
raphinkI'm busy with a few bugs09:59
jpatrickjust so you know :)09:59
raphinkok 09:59
=== raphink adds a note for it
jpatrickand anyone else that can revu10:00
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raphinkLure: seems you're right about i18n && korganizer bug10:03
raphinkI'm testing stuff on the live CD right now10:03
=== jpatrick is done for this week
raphinkand it seems switching languages provokes the bug10:03
raphinkjpatrick: the week has just begun ;)10:04
Lureraphink: good - at least it is more clear now10:04
raphinkI'm still testing to get sure of it10:04
jpatrickwell in two hours10:04
raphinkI consider weeks begin on sunday :)10:04
Lureyes, and jpatrick is already done with this one ;-)10:05
raphinkhehe right10:05
raphinkthat's right10:05
jpatrickbye now10:06
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raphinkallee: I updated kipi-plugins with a patch for gallery2 export, if you feel like forwarding that to debian11:46
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alleeraphink: Thx. For the info: My current todo is first digikam, then the imageplugins and kipi-plugins.11:56
raphinkit's very fast 11:56
raphinkjust take the patch and forward it if you feel11:57
raphinkit allows to log into gallery211:57
raphinkwhich is currently not possible11:57
raphinkbut many people have switched to gallery2 now11:57
alleeraphink: yeah, I've seen the gallery2 discussion and patch in kde-imaging ml12:00
alleeraphink: but I was too busy lately :(12:01
raphinkthere has been 3 patches12:01
raphinkso I've merged them in one12:01
raphinkthat's applied in kipi-plugins now12:01
raphinkin ubuntu12:01
alleeraphink: lots of bug fixing is currently going on in kipi-plugins.  They try to finalize a 1.0 release12:01
raphinkthat'll be for edgy12:02
alleeraphink: yes, it will be too late.12:02
alleeraphink: + for dapper12:02
alleeraphink: pity because the html export plugins has quite some bugs. and it's successor sounds promising12:03

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