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angasuleumh, in Adept, if I click on 'Install Package' for 'boson' (a game) it says 'BREAK(install)', why is that?12:12
ubotuhmm... sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary12:12
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satemplerangasule: because it would cause havoc with the system12:21
angasulesatempler: I don't know why, though, some libraries it installs or what?12:21
mark---Blissex: This is on a Mac TiBook, about six years old.12:21
satemplerangasule: it happens some times with trivial stuff probly libs like you said12:21
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GiGaHuRtZI'm having some trouble getting streaming video going with konqueror, it works in firefox but not konq, and konq picks up the plugins, any idea?12:22
GiGaHuRtZAlso java isn't running in konq but runs fine in FF12:22
mark---Blissex: when booted to OS X, it works just great.12:23
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stephenklJesus christ, the dapper KDM theme is bright as hell12:25
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r0xzdamn, that gmain_server process sometimes stressed my amd64 3200+ totally :(12:34
r0xzi thought i left that (and the more than 1 gig ram usage) with breezy 2 months ago12:35
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r0xzand my bug report on breezy is still not confirmed, although another users said having the same problem. Look like this gamin is a pain in the ass?12:40
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r0xzguys, is there anything i can do to supply information?12:42
r0xzplease let me know...12:42
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FrdPrefctis there any other decent graphics program besides gimp?12:54
dumbkiwiFrdPrefct: krita01:00
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dumbkiwiDoes anyone have the audiocd:/ kio-slave running on konqueror.  I just get 100% cpu usage, and nothing else01:01
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viatori like krita01:05
viatorbut im too used to gimp01:05
viatorso i keep using it01:05
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dumbkiwiDoes anyone have the audiocd:/ kio-slave running on konqueror.  I just get 100% cpu usage, and nothing else01:13
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Joshrdoes kubuntu come with amarok or do i have to get it from repositories?01:14
MantaI think it is inculded on the install cd01:15
Joshrok, cause i am installing kubuntu right now on a machine, i wanna vnc to it, does anyone know of a guide to do that01:15
Joshrwhat i need on my kubuntu machine to do this01:15
Joshrwill kubuntu mount both my hdd when it installs or do i have to mount my second one?01:18
Mantait has the kde romote desktop shareing thingy, which is basicly a vnc server, other wise you can DL and install a vnc server but you will ned to tell it what window to host, never did quite fugure that out my self01:19
MantaIt will try and automount ALL your hard drives for you01:19
Mantayou can specify mount pints manualy if you will during setup01:20
Joshrcan i access the kde remote desktop thingy via a vnc client or does it have to set it up somehow01:20
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Joshri setup the main hdd but i didnt format the second, it is still in a windows format01:20
nirhow i upgrade to the latest version , is there a wiki  ?:)01:21
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mfb__!tell nir about upgrade01:21
Mantayou need to set krfb up, (mainly just click ok a few times and give pirmisions etc) and then any vnc client will conect01:21
Joshris krfb in a menu or so i have to get it from repositories01:22
MantaI "think it was installed automaticly, if not it is in the kde networking package01:23
Mantakrfb should show up in the internet or utilities menu when it's installed01:23
MantaI moved mine so don't remeber wher it was originaly01:24
Joshrthanks manta01:24
Mantaand the partitioner in the install would have left the windows partition alone, it should be in your /meda/ directory01:25
Mantanp, just learning myself ;)01:25
Joshri have used ubuntu, but not a whole lot, just a lil experimenting, not very good at it01:25
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Joshrmanta do you know if i need a internet connection to boot kubuntu, I know it searched for one and gave me errors on ubuntu if i didnt have a connection01:27
Joshrit always finsihed booting, but it always wanted a connection01:27
MantaI have booted without one conected, it did sit awhile when it didn't find a DNS server but it did start eventualy01:28
dumbkiwiDoes anyone have the audiocd:/ kio-slave running on konqueror.  I just get 100% cpu usage, and nothing else01:28
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Mantait might pop up it it tried to find update automaticly, but that can be disable I'd imigin01:28
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GiGaHuRtZAny ideas on how to get my volume control wheel on my laptop work under KDE?  It works fine in gnome...01:29
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ubuntuanyone here?01:29
Evil_MonkeyGiGaHuRtZ: I have an even more annoying problem - the volume down bit works, but not the volume up bit01:30
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GiGaHuRtZHa, same here01:30
GiGaHuRtZin some apps01:30
GiGaHuRtZLike, like when I stream video in firefox01:30
Lilfadeis there a fix for the beta yet?01:30
Evil_Monkeythe weird thing is that it works fine after a clean install of Dapper Flight 5, but then when I do dist-upgrade it craps out01:30
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GiGaHuRtZI found my volume wheel to be a nice feature, and almost not worth using kde without it :(01:31
Lilfadei cant even get it to install01:31
GiGaHuRtZGet what to install?01:31
GiGaHuRtZWorked fine for me...01:32
GiGaHuRtZWhat's the problem with it?01:32
Joshris flight 5 stable?01:32
GiGaHuRtZWell flight 6 is the newest afaik01:32
Lilfadethe install thing works but at step 6 it shuts off and wont continue01:32
GiGaHuRtZOh I use a daily build cd01:32
GiGaHuRtZnot the live cd01:32
GiGaHuRtZWhat did you use for a filesystem?01:33
GiGaHuRtZI heard of a glitch like that01:33
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stephenklIs this the appropriate channel to ask what the big changes for KDE are with dapper, or should I ask that in ubuntu+1?01:33
stephenklsince the question involves KDE01:33
Lilfadewell im on the live version of 5.10 can i dl the iso and mount it on this system and install it?01:33
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MantaLilfade: I think there must be a problem with the installer on the live cd, the same exact thing happend to me, but I then used the "install" cd and it worked fine01:33
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GiGaHuRtZNope, unless you go two cd drives01:33
Lilfadeo pooh01:34
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GiGaHuRtZI know it stinks...01:34
GiGaHuRtZI had the same sort of thing happen01:34
GiGaHuRtZSo I had to install windows just to get a install cd01:34
Lilfadethats what im temped to but it just takes to damm long lol01:35
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GiGaHuRtZI know :(01:35
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JoshrManta, do you know if i have to be booted into kubuntu to use the kde remote sharing thing, or if the sharing thing can sign me on, i dont plan on using this box with a monitor, just vnc so i can't access it to put a password in01:37
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embrikwhat do i do to get kaffeine to play avi and such?01:38
HymnToLife!tell embrik about codecs01:39
MantaJoshr:  Hmm, I'm not sure, I did just that at one time, but I don't remeber if I was using kfrb, you will have to try it, the vnc server will forsure but takes a little configuring01:39
dumbkiwiDoes anyone have the audiocd:/ kio-slave running on konqueror.  I just get 100% cpu usage, and nothing else01:40
Lilfadewhere do i find the dapper reposits list?01:40
dumbkiwiDoes anyone have the audiocd:/ kio-slave running on konqueror.  I just get 100% cpu usage, and nothing else01:40
embrikand what do i do to fasten up the speed on the usb-port?01:40
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MantaI used the hoary rep list and changed the names to dapper01:42
apokryphosManta: say goodbye to your system :D01:43
apokryphoshoary -> dapper dist-upgrade is specifically not supported01:43
Mantatnx, lol01:43
apokryphosas is listed on practically every upgrade guide01:43
apokryphosyou have to hoary -> breezy -> dapper01:43
Mantasorry, ment for finding the address,01:44
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Mantafor the dapper files01:44
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Lilfadehey can i run the "live cd" from my external hdd to install it?01:50
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Joshrdoes anyone know if you can have a user account that can automatically log on without a password?01:58
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stephenklYes, it's possible...there's something about it in kcontrol01:59
stephenklI'm not sure where01:59
Joshris kcontrol installed off the cd?02:00
GiGaHuRtZYes, but kubuntu uses some poorly modified dumbed down version of kcontrol02:00
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Joshrgigahurtz do u know how i can set up so it automatically logs me on without a password, or a tutorial on how to02:01
arrinmurrJoshr: alt+f2 -> kcontrol -> System Administration -> Login Manager -> Convenience -> Enable Auto-Login02:01
GiGaHuRtZI just edit the "system settings" thing on my kmenu so it opens kcontrol ;)02:02
Joshri will see if i can get it to work02:02
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Joshrmy system is slow i am using just as a media center kinda for now02:03
GiGaHuRtZKDE is ALOT more resource intensive compared to Gnome02:03
Joshrwell the one that i have kubuntu on02:03
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_apollo2011_my fonts got messed up after I updated some packages and I set the GTK font settings to use the KDE fonts, but now they are all either too small or too big. I want to switch it back to a different font, but the System Settings window never saves the setting.02:04
Joshrwell i was told that amarok was a good audio player and i didnt like anything off of ubuntu for audio playback02:04
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_apollo2011_Is there someway I can edit a file directly to change the setting?02:04
embrikwhat is the channel for open office called? I tried with #openoffice02:05
arrinmurrembrik: ...and?02:06
embrikI was alone there..02:06
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embrikarrinmur: almost :-)02:07
arrinmurrembrik: #openoffice.org02:07
Mantaembrik: #openoffice.org02:07
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Joshrdoes anyone know how to change my default screen resoulution?02:08
Joshri think what i entered during setup is gonna be too big when i vnc to it02:09
ice_1963dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:09
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_apollo2011_my fonts got messed up after I updated some packages and I set the GTK font settings to use the KDE fonts, but now they are all either too small or too big. I want to switch it back to a different font, but the System Settings window never saves the setting.02:13
embrik I m not able to insert sound in ipress 2.0. There are no alternatives under the insert-menu02:14
embrikI know this isn't a channel for asking about oo, but I am in a hurry and didn't get any contact at openoffice.org02:14
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embrikanybody with the same experience?02:15
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Evil_Monkeyhas anyone else found that with Kerry, the fonts are all weird looking, but then if you go to another window and then back to Kerry, they are fine?02:23
_apollo2011_my fonts goet messed up after I updated some packages and I set the GTK font settings to use the KDE fonts, but now they are all either too small or too big. I want to switch it back to a different font, but the System Settings window never saves the setting. How else can I edit these settings?02:24
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m5mmy fetchmail/mutt setup broke... something with local smtp/mta settings... I need a hand figuring out the problem please02:30
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soulfreshnerwhat is the ubuntu pacage called that includes all the build tools like gcc, make, etc?02:33
Evil_Monkeybuild-essential ?02:34
soulfreshnerta, Evil_Monkey!02:34
soulfreshnerthis is the first time I set up ubuntu with KDE ... it looks so much nicer - pity the default software is pretty crappy compared to gnome02:37
HymnToLifesoulfreshner> I personnally think KDE software is much better than GNOME02:39
HymnToLifek3b, Amarok, Konqueror...02:39
soulfreshnerbut konqueror doesn't have stumbleupon :-/02:39
soulfreshnerhehe - I suppose some of the software isn't too bad02:40
Joshrhow do i check my ip adress in kubuntu02:40
soulfreshnerI like konsole compared to gnome-terminal02:40
HymnToLifeJoshr> ifconfig02:40
HymnToLifeKopete is very nice too compared to gaim02:41
HymnToLifetoo bad there's still that bug in MSN file transfers02:41
soulfreshnerbtw - What is k3b and amarok?02:41
HymnToLifek3b is the app to burn CDs and Amarok is the audio player02:41
soulfreshnerI think I might be a bit biased because I cant get Adept to work02:42
HymnToLifeagreee to that, Adept stinks compared to Synaptic02:42
soulfreshneroh well - I installed both desktops, so I can use both sets of software02:42
HymnToLifesame here :)02:43
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soulfreshnerI haven't had any problems using gnome apps in KDE anyway02:43
HymnToLifefirst thing I do after installing my Ubuntu : sudo apt-get install kubuntu-dektop :p02:43
soulfreshneru using dapper?02:44
HymnToLifeactually right now I'm using Windows :p02:44
Joshrone of my hdd don't show up how do i enable it?02:44
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soulfreshnerwell - when you do decide to upgrade to dapper - get xgl to work02:44
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soulfreshnerit is ubercool02:45
HymnToLifeJoshr> which filesystem ?02:45
Joshrnot sure, either ntfs or fat3202:45
Joshri dunno which one02:45
Joshrit used to be a windows box02:45
HymnToLifeJoshr> sudo fdisk -l will tell you02:45
HymnToLife(that's a lowercase L, for list)02:45
Joshrhow do i mount it02:46
ubotuI guess ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions02:46
HymnToLifeit's all explained in there02:46
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soulfreshnerthanks for the help guys, I'm off to bed :)02:52
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_gregI've got a new kubuntu installation. No internet02:55
_gregKWifiManager shows 54 MBit/sconnection speed;  iwconfig shows I'm connected with an access point,02:55
_gregbut no accessing of internet possible.02:56
_greg"An error occured while loading Http://yahoo.com02:56
_gregunknown host02:56
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stephenkl_greg: hm, check the output of ifconfig03:00
_gregk thx03:02
_gregokay stephenkl what in particular?03:03
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stephenkl_greg: how many interfaces do you see? is there anything other than lo?03:10
stephenklany eth0 or eth1?03:10
stephenklor wlan003:10
stephenklSorry, I have to reboot, just dist-upgraded03:11
_gregI know that ath0 has worked with other distroes on the box03:11
_gregyes, it does mention an eth003:12
dumbkiwiDoes anyone have the audiocd:/ kio-slave running on konqueror.  I just get 100% cpu usage, and nothing else03:14
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Joshri mounted a second harddrive and i can't get it to let me delete files on it03:17
Joshri am logged in under the default user03:17
stodgeThis is driving me nuts - I'm trying to run configure through kdevelop for an app I'm developing, but it just won't see a shared library in /usr/local/lib03:19
Joshrwhy can't i delete files on a harddrive03:19
Joshrit isnt the installed drive it is a second hard drive03:19
stodgelibclanApp-0.8.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:20
stodgels -al /usr/local/lib/libclanApp-0.8.so.103:20
stodgelrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 23 2006-04-17 19:40 /usr/local/lib/libclanApp-0.8.so.1 -> libclanApp-0.8.so.1.0.003:20
Joshrany help?03:21
Joshrwhy wont it let me delete files on a harddrive?03:21
stodgeWho owns the files joshr? I presume it was mounted as root03:22
stodgeWhich means you have to be root to delete the files03:22
CheeseBurgerManJoshr: try using 'kdesu konqueror /path/to/harddrive/' -- that'll open you a root konqueror in the hard drive.03:22
sledgeHey, I would like to use the Cursor font for my editor, but the plus sign ("+") shows up as a small subscript. What's the deal here? O.o03:25
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juanfehallo all03:27
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_joshI am trying to delete files on my hard drives, i am also signed in as joshr on my windows machine03:30
_joshhow do i delete files03:30
stephenklCan i get an opinion on how big my root partition should be?03:30
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_joshhow do i figure out the path to my hard drive03:31
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: look in /media03:32
_joshCheeseBurgerMan what is a typical path to a Hardrive, mine is in media03:33
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_joshthanks i think i had an extra charactger03:34
_apricotwelcome to kubuntu!03:34
_apricotsays a gnome user03:34
_joshi can't get anything to delete03:35
_joshhow do i delete files03:35
viatorrightclick and choose delete?03:36
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_joshviator that isnt working03:36
viatoryou can only delete what you have permission to delete03:36
_joshhow do i get permission03:36
_joshi am the only user on the computer03:36
viatorwhere are the files03:36
_joshmy second harddrive03:37
_joshit is either ntfs or fat32 format03:37
_joshdont remember03:37
Snake___josh: if its NTFS your not going to be able to delete it03:37
_joshis there a utility to format a hdd inside kubuntu03:38
viatoryou can read and write to ntfs just that write doesnt work so well03:38
viatorformat a seperate hd?03:38
Snake___josh: sudo apt-get install qtparted and run it03:38
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viatorqtparted yep03:39
_joshwhat format should i have just a extra hdd in03:39
viatorwell depends03:39
Snake__is it linux03:39
_joshfor linux03:39
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_joshjust for file storage03:40
viatoryou can red and write to it from windows with a plugin03:40
viatorif you want03:40
sledge_josh: If you want access it from Windows, I would recommend fat32.03:40
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Snake__viator: I stopped suggesting that when someone came to me complaining about how their years of data got screed :)03:40
stodgelibtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/libGL.la'03:40
viatoro well03:40
_joshnothing on this computer is valuable03:41
_joshjust using it for audio03:41
stodgeAny ideas how to fix this?03:41
_joshnothing happened when i sudo apt-get install qtparted03:42
LeeJunFancrap, be careful what you open with krita, I didn't even save the image and just lost it.03:42
Emesshey, im trying to set up openSSH authentication with pub/priv keys, but i dont have the file .ssh/authorized_keys2 on the box, am i meant to make it or do i need to dl it?03:42
LeeJunFanEmess: make it03:42
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: Have you enabled multiverse/universe?03:42
CheeseBurgerManIt's in my repos03:42
LeeJunFanEmess: just put the pub keys in you wish to be able to log in.03:42
_joshoh, lol not yet03:42
_joshhaven't gotten that far03:42
_joshmy bad03:42
viatori like krita03:43
EmessLeeJunFan: its jsut an empty file plaintext that i fill with the pub data?03:43
viatorbut im just too used to the gimp03:43
LeeJunFanviator: I did until I just lost a pic of my kid.03:43
CheeseBurgerManDo it, and...try 'sudo apt-get install qtparted' again. ;)03:43
LeeJunFanEmess: yep, just copy your pub key and paste it into that file for each user.03:43
CheeseBurgerManKrita has potential, but I still like GIMP better.03:43
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Emessok, any particular exntension i should give it or its fine without one?03:44
LeeJunFanCheeseBurgerMan: only thing I don't like about gimp is all the stinking windows on the desktop. Pain to manage that.03:44
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LeeJunFanEmess: no extension just .ssh/authorized_keys03:44
CheeseBurgerManLeeJunFan: True, but that's not enough to make me use Krita. :)03:44
Emessok, thanks a lot03:44
_joshcheeseburgerman do i use adept package updater03:44
LeeJunFanCheeseBurgerMan: true.03:44
LeeJunFanEmess: np.03:44
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_joshthat is the repository prog?03:44
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: You can use any text editor03:45
CheeseBurgerManyou just have to run it as root03:45
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viatorgimp should use tabs thatsa true03:45
_joshoh ok03:45
CheeseBurgerMan'kdesu [program]  /etc/apt/sources.list'03:45
_joshhow do i get it root?03:45
CheeseBurgerManWhat I just said. :)03:45
Emessmmm for some reason i need to setup the network on it eery time i boot....03:45
viatorwhat ever you doto your network add those lines to etc/network /interfaces03:48
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_joshcheeseburgerman where do i turn on the universe repositories?03:50
_joshis that under adept pagage updater?03:50
CheeseBurgerMannot sure, I don't use adept very often03:51
CheeseBurgerManTry this 'kdesu kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list'03:51
_joshnothing happens03:52
viatoropen the cli03:52
viatorand do sudo nano /etc/sources.list03:53
CheeseBurgerManYeah, then listen to viator, I don't use nano. :P03:53
CheeseBurgerMancommand line interface, aka conosle03:53
stephenklCan someone tell me what the optimum size for one's root partition should be?03:54
_joshis that the terminal or run console03:54
viatorsame thing03:54
dumbkiwistephenkl: Depends on what other partitions you intend having03:55
_joshstill nothing happens03:55
viatoryou can type konsole03:55
viatorfrom the run command box03:55
_joshi have konsole open03:55
_joshi type in sudo nano /etc/sources.list and nothing happens03:55
viatortyp cd /etc/apt03:55
stephenkldumbkiwi: I'm using a separate /home, is that what you mean?03:56
stephenklI want to know how much space i need for the OS, not my /home stuff03:56
_joshdoes adept have to be closed?03:56
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viatordoes iot show03:56
viatoryour in the apt dir03:56
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viatornext to your cursor there03:57
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_joshi am confused03:57
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: Close Adept, Open Konsole, and paste in 'sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list' (don't paste the quotes)03:57
dumbkiwistephenkl: I'd say 10GB to be safe03:57
_joshwhat am i looking for03:57
emmakelleykubuntu is cool03:57
viatordont be confused03:57
viatoryour looking for a file03:57
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viatorthe files name is sources.list03:57
stephenkldumbkiwi: ok03:57
CheeseBurgerManemmakelley: Yep, that's why we use it. :)03:58
viatoryou can only edit it as root or as a sudoer03:58
stephenklyeah dapper seems to use about 5 gigs03:58
_joshI did that03:59
_joshnow what03:59
emmakelleyedubuntu is cool to03:59
emmakelleyBut in schoo; they use windows03:59
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: what did you do? DId you paste the command?03:59
_joshit did something04:00
CheeseBurgerManIt opened the /etc/apt/sources.list in vi04:00
CheeseBurgerManwhich is a console text editor04:00
CheeseBurgerManOK, see the lines that have a "#" before "deb" and "deb-src"?04:01
_joshhold on a min04:01
_joshsome reason my sys is running stuff i typed in like 30min ago04:01
_joshi must have had a backlog of shit in here04:02
_chris_hi can someone tell me what repo i can install jre from?04:02
viatoruse blackdown04:02
_joshok back cheeseburger man04:03
_joshi got to what u meant04:03
CheeseBurgerManhehe, OK04:03
_chris_eh? can u tell me what to add to sources.list?04:03
CheeseBurgerManNow, take out the "#", before all the "deb" and "deb-src" lines.04:03
CheeseBurgerManThis uncomments them, making it so that apt doesn't ignore them.04:04
_joshnow what04:05
viatori have the plf repos04:05
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noteventime04:05
CheeseBurgerManOK, now press escape, and then type it ':wq'04:05
viatorwhich has alot of extra stuff04:05
CheeseBurgerManemmakelley: Java Runtime Environment04:06
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource04:06
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic04:06
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: Now type 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qtparted'04:07
viator# Penguin Liberation Front packages not available elsewhere deb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free04:07
viatoris helpful :)04:08
_joshthis time it worked04:08
viatorif you want libdvdcss2 w32codecs etc etc04:08
_joshwill the formater installed to the programs list then?04:08
_joshor do i have to call it with a command?04:08
CheeseBurgerManNot sure what you mean by that.04:09
viatorqtparted will show on the list04:09
viatorafter you install it04:09
viatorsudo apt-get update04:09
_joshit is installing now04:09
viatorsudo apt-get install qtparted04:09
viatoro cool04:09
viatorim just used to using the cli for apt04:09
CheeseBurgerManAs am I. :)04:10
viatori dont use adept or synaptic04:10
emmakelleygo on wallpaperstock and you'll get some nice backgrounds form the nature section04:10
viatorgoto kdelook04:11
_joshwhat category is gtparted in in the menus04:12
=== CheeseBurgerMan guesses
CheeseBurgerManLook in system04:12
CheeseBurgerManIf not, look in utilities04:12
CheeseBurgerManI don't know where it is, that's a guess. :)04:12
emmakelleyAnyone heard of tamagochi v304:12
CheeseBurgerManNot I04:13
_joshnothing happens when i run qtparted04:13
=== Massacration [n=thiago@201-1-70-189.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
Massacrationgood evening04:13
viatorsomthing give me the impression josh is having problems04:13
CheeseBurgerManHey, Massacration04:14
viatorjosh you have an old system04:14
_joshi just installed it andi can't get it to run04:14
_joshyeah older04:14
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: run qtparted from a console.04:14
Massacrationhi cheeseburger04:14
viatorwhats the specs04:14
Massacrationnice to see u again04:14
_josh128mb ram04:14
viatoritsll tak a min04:14
_josheverythign else runs fine04:14
Massacrationis there anyway to update de brezy5.10 to the new dapper?04:15
viatorthink about this vista to run with all the eyecandy at a DECENT rate you need a gig of ram04:15
noiesmoMassacration, yes but may break your system you need to change the breezy to dapper in sources.list file then apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade04:16
Massacrationvista wil scuk04:16
CheeseBurgerManviator: I tried vista, it ran at a decent rate with 512MB of RAM04:16
CheeseBurgerManWith the default eyecandy at least, I didn't check to see if there was more.04:16
viatori would say 512 minimum04:16
MassacrationI updated from kubuntu 5.0.4 to 5.1.0 and worked fine04:16
viatorthat might be what it says on their packaging when released04:17
McScruffi have used so many os's and i have now stuck to kubuntu as main os on pc and lappy both dueling with winxp04:17
MassacrationI think vista won't be any different04:17
Massacrationfrom XP04:17
Massacrationwhich sucks04:17
CheeseBurgerManMassacration: This is only a beta - it's not the final product. It broke on Flight 6, don't know if it does with the new beta.04:17
viatorits prettier and has some features that make it a little more secure04:18
Massacrationthat's ok i ll not update...04:18
Massacrationbut it's still based on ms dos04:18
McScruffMassacration: you say xp sucks but i cant go without it, if i dont duel boot i still need it in a vm04:19
Massacrationoff course me neither...04:19
viatorwhat do you run in windows04:19
Massacrationi wish i could04:19
McScruffi run many windows only tools04:19
MassacrationI work with softwares made in C# .net04:19
McScrufflike nintendo ds homebrew stuff04:19
m5mDoes anyone here run fetchmail and have a clue what might be preventing it to delivering mail locally via system smtp???04:20
Massacrationsay mono to my boss and he will laugh04:20
viatoryou mean ya snag games :P04:20
m5mI'm getting fetchmail error "SMTP connect to localhost failed04:20
Massacrationthey don't wanna port anything to linux04:21
viatorofcourse not mass04:21
viatorcause they are BRAINWASHED04:21
Massacration'cause they don't have any client demand04:21
viatorwell i see that04:21
Massacrationnothing to fo with brainwash04:21
McScruffalso i need windows for the 1 thing i cnat live without "Football manager 2006" and i dont want to ruin it by useing wine04:21
Massacrationmoney is the word04:21
Massacrationsmall company04:22
emmakelleyMcScruff: Don't use wine04:22
viatori dont know why in 2006 there windows only or linux only or mac only executables04:22
Massacrationis there any fix for that?04:22
Massacrationmultiplataform exe?04:23
viatoreverything should be univeral not making calls for things that are only on certain os's04:23
Emessmy inet config keeps resetting when i reboot, so i  have to reconfigure my network every time i boot, is there a way to make it stay?04:23
Massacrationuniversal libs?04:23
viatorsomthing like that yes04:23
Massacrationlike java04:23
viatoror atleast an improved java04:24
Massacrationyeah java is still too slow04:24
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Massacrationvista won't be based on .NET anymore, is this true?04:24
Massacrationwhy can't I run 2 audios at the same time in kubuntu? this really pisses me off04:25
_joshwould qtparted not run if i need updates from adept04:28
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: I'm not sure why qtpared isn't running.04:29
CheeseBurgerManTry running it in a console, and pastebin the output.04:29
_joshshould i try reinstalling it?04:29
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_joshi try to run through console too04:29
CheeseBurgerManDid you get an error?04:30
viatorclose everything EXCEPT irc04:30
_joshno, nothing04:30
McScruffMassacration: audio thing is something to do with arts04:30
_joshi even look in the task manager thing and nothing runs when i run it04:30
viatorim asking you is anything else open?04:30
_joshjust this04:31
viatorfor fun in the console try sudo qtparted04:31
_joshare there any tasks that would prevent qtparted from working04:31
viatornot really04:32
CheeseBurgerManTry running it in the console, and pastebin the output04:32
viatoris this a live cd josh or a hd install?04:32
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_joshit ran now04:32
_joshwhy wont it run from the menu?04:32
viatorit was a permission prob04:32
Massacrationarts? but its installed correctly04:33
_joshhow do i get my account to have all permissions?04:33
McScrufflike root ?04:33
_joshyeah i guess04:33
McScruffyou do know thats not a good idea04:33
_joshi want my user account to have all permissions04:33
_joshi dont care04:33
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_joshi am the only user04:34
=== CheeseBurgerMan [n=bigk@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
viatorya cant run as root in kubuntu04:34
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viatorthe file04:34
McScruffstick yourself in the root group04:34
CheeseBurgerManviator: Yes you can. sudo -i04:34
_joshso how do i go about running things that need root04:34
CheeseBurgerMankdesu <app>04:34
viatorwell yes04:34
McScruffsudo kcontrol04:34
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_joshsudo kcontrol04:34
McScruff&run kcontrol as root04:34
viatortheres no "login"  from kdm04:35
McScruffsudo will run wiith root privs04:35
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CheeseBurgerManviator: True04:35
CheeseBurgerManBut you can go to a console login, and then use sudo -i, and then run 'startx'04:35
CheeseBurgerManGenerally though, you don't need to run as root, so it's not a big deal anyway. ;)04:36
viatori can login to from kdm as root though04:36
_joshi just have to remember to run anythign from the console with sudo to run it if i need it to run in root?04:36
viatorLinux mepis1 2.6.15-20-386 #1 PREEMPT Thu Apr 6 13:43:48 EDT 2006 i686 GNU/Linux04:36
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: Generally if it's a GUI app, you should use kdesu04:36
viatorwith dapper as my base :)04:37
CheeseBurgerManI'm still on breezy, and plan to stay that way until Dapper final is out. :)04:38
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McScruffCheeseBurgerMan: both my machines are on dapper04:38
McScrufflappy and desktop04:38
CheeseBurgerManWell, mine's not. :)04:39
viatorim using mepis 6.004:39
McScruffi was on that04:39
McScruffSysinfo for 'Laptop': Linux 2.6.15-20-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: Intel(R)Celeron(R)Mprocessor1.40GHz at 1396 MHz (2795 bogomips), , RAM: 416/496MB, 83 proc's, 1.45h up04:39
CheeseBurgerManSystem Information for    [ kworld ] 04:39
CheeseBurgerManOS/Kernel                 Linux 2.6.12-10-amd64-generic04:39
CheeseBurgerManCPU Info                  AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-28 797.726 Mhz   1568.76 Bogomips04:39
CheeseBurgerManHD Info                   80GB total storage capacity04:39
CheeseBurgerManMemory                    240.457/462.977MB04:39
CheeseBurgerManProcesses                 9004:39
CheeseBurgerManUptime                    2 days04:39
CheeseBurgerManThat's an annoying amount of lines. :\04:39
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McScruffits been updated :)04:40
viatornot thewhats the command for sys info again?04:40
McScruff - /sysinfo04:40
McScrufffor konversation anyway04:40
CheeseBurgerManyeah, I don't remember what you do for irssi. :P04:41
Massacrationis there anyway to knemo shows when you disconnect your pc from the network, like windows does?04:41
viatornope not for xcha04:41
CheeseBurgerManviator: I don't think that xchat has it04:42
Massacrationwhich program do you use to visualize your network activities?04:43
MassacrationI use Knemo...04:43
CheeseBurgerManI don't use any. :P04:43
Massacrationis ther anyway to install gnome in kubuntu?04:44
CheeseBurgerMansudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:44
Massacrationand how do i start it? which gui will strt first?04:45
Massacrationwhich other gui could i use with kubuntu?04:45
CheeseBurgerManYou get to choose04:45
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apricotfile browser in kubuntu?04:52
stephenklDamn, I forgot how to tell KDE how to change focus rules04:53
stephenklanyone remember?04:53
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CheeseBurgerManapricot: Konqueror04:53
stephenklI know it's in kcontrol somewhere04:53
CheeseBurgerManstephenkl: I'm not sure04:54
apricotok, can i import contacts from thunderbird to Kontact?04:55
apricotthunderbird want start, why is that?04:57
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devin__is the kubuntu LTS dapper drake pretty stable?04:57
McScruff[03:57]  <apricot> thunderbird want start, why is that? <<want typo for wont?04:57
McScruffopen a konsole and goto start it , it will give an error04:59
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viatorSysinfo for 'mepis1': Linux 2.6.15-20-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMD Athlon at 1222 MHz (2447 bogomips), HD: 2/69GB, RAM: 491/502MB, 102 proc's, 3.4d up05:19
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canllaithHi, I'm having a bit of a problem where suspend-to-ram only works in gnome and not in KDE05:30
DeadS0ulyou acutally got that working in linux?05:31
canllaithWorks flawlessly in gnome and it used to work on KDE until I upgraded from breezy to dapper05:31
canllaithNow it only works in gnome05:31
canllaithThis laptop has a great ACPI compliant bios05:31
canllaithSo if I hit fn f4 in gnome, the laptop goes to sleep. In KDE nothing happens.05:36
canllaithIf I select 'sleep' from the gnome logout dialog, the laptop goes to sleep.05:36
canllaithbut if I right click on klaptop icon and select 'suspend' once again nothing happens05:36
canllaithThis worked fine in breezy until I upgraded to dapper yesterday05:36
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canllaithk, and if I manually run klaptop-acpi-helper it sleeps fine :(05:40
DeadS0ulare there any packages you might be missing?05:41
canllaithI don't think so05:42
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DeluxXxhm weird after i updated i cant listen to music anymore without being an admin05:43
crimsunDeluxXx: is your user still in the audio group?05:43
DeadS0ulDeluxXx: add your user account to the audio group05:43
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DeluxXxwhere do i add it to the audiogroup ?05:44
DeadS0ulopen up kuser05:44
DeadS0ulclick on the groups tab05:44
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DeadS0ullook for the audio group, and check if your user name is there05:44
DeluxXxhm looks like im in there05:45
crimsunDeluxXx: pastebin ``ls -l /dev/snd''05:46
DeluxXxsudo pastebin ``ls -l /dev/snd''05:48
DeluxXxsudo: pastebin: command not found05:48
ubotuI heard pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126905:48
DeluxXxah srry =)05:48
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DeadS0ulhe's asking you to check the permissions of your sound devices ..do ls -l /dev/snd and check the group and permissions your sound devices are assigned05:49
DeluxXxok =)05:49
DeadS0ulseems right05:51
DeadS0ulhmm. ..you can play sound files are root, or using sudo, but you can't when you're a user?05:52
crimsunDeluxXx: pastebin ``lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*''05:53
DeadS0ulhe did that05:53
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DeadS0uloh no he didn't =|05:53
DeluxXxwait a sec05:55
canllaithok, I know where it's fouling up now.05:55
canllaithwhen I suspend from the gui the suspend is hanging when it calls dcop kded for some reason05:55
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DeadS0ulmight as well submit a bug report.05:56
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DeadS0uldammit juk doesn't query musicbrainz anymore06:01
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DeluxXxsrry guys my http ports get blocked at 12 and i just wanted to send the stuff on pastebin06:03
DeluxXxcan i paste it ?06:03
robotgeekDeluxXx: yeah, put it on pastebin06:04
robotgeekDeluxXx: use #flood06:05
DeluxXxk i pasted it06:06
crimsunDeluxXx: what error do you get with ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav''?06:06
DeluxXxaplay: test_wavefile:726: can't play not PCM-coded WAVE-files06:07
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crimsunhmm, you have more serious issues06:07
DeluxXxhm sounds great ^^06:07
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DeadS0ulwhat happens when you try that as root?06:07
DeluxXxyou mean lsmod or aplay .. ?06:08
DeadS0ulheh wahs't you make him pase06:08
Hobbseeclearly that was a long flood06:08
DeadS0ulwhat did you make him paste even06:09
DeadS0ulahh..nm..need a drink..bbs06:09
Hobbseei dont know....i didnt ask anything06:09
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_joshcheeseburgerman, i can't get qtparted to format my drive06:11
_joshand i am using the kdesu to open it06:12
_joshit runs, but i can't get it to format a drive06:12
DeadS0ulthat nick always makes me hungry06:12
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: What happens?06:12
CheeseBurgerManDeadS0ul: You have now noticed the power of the CheeseBurgerMan of Steel!06:12
_joshit opens, but it has the options for deleting and formating greyed out06:13
DeadS0uluntil cheeseburgermanwithmushrooms and his bro cheeseburgermanwithbacon come along06:13
_joshand i am using kdesu to open it06:13
_joshin console06:14
ubotufonts is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto06:14
CheeseBurgerMan_josh: I'm not sure why, to be honest.06:15
_joshwhen i first opened it the first time there was an option to format and delete, but now the option is gone06:15
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_joshit isnt asking me for my root password anymore06:16
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temifowlhey a quick one, how do i open sources.list again :P06:16
DeadS0ulvi /etc/apt/sources.list06:16
temifowlthanks :D06:17
CheeseBurgerMansudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list06:17
CheeseBurgerManYou can't edit it unless you're root. :)06:17
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temifowlya lol06:17
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temifowlhey anyone know if theres another way to get flash player then dling it?06:24
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robotgeektemifowl, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:30
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stephenklCan someone tell me how to get the little katapult icon in my taskbar06:47
stephenklso I can right click and configure it06:47
Hobbseestephenkl: alt+f2, katapult, ctrl+c06:48
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stephenklHobbsee: oh wow thx06:54
Hobbseestephenkl: not a problem :)06:54
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dumbkiwiDoes anyone have the audiocd:/ kio-slave running on konqueror.  I just get 100% cpu usage, and nothing else07:19
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tiglionabbitI'm new to kubuntu, so I have a few questions.  First of all, konsole is chopping off the ends of letters like m that go outside the box...  how can I change the font so it doens't do that?07:35
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tiglionabbitoh, fixed it.  Secondly, it didn't install properly.  After installing 84% of the packages after the restart, it said some didn't install properly and I may experience problems, and that I'd have to fix this manually07:38
tiglionabbithow do I fix something like that?07:38
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tylerWhats the command for print screen in Kubuntu07:42
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robotgeektyler: press the print screen button (in dapper), otherwise install ksnapshot07:45
Hobbseetiglionabbit: sudo dpkg-configure -a i think07:45
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mzinzhow do i register my nickname08:01
Emess /nickserv register password08:03
mzinzEmess: it says the beta for dapper came out.. would u advise people to get it or to wait for the final? or any clue?08:04
Emessme? id wait for the full distro, but im pretty new to k/ubuntu08:05
=== Emess is a slacker
tiglionabbitwhy doesn't kubuntu include kynaptic?08:12
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robotgeektiglionabbit: cause you have adept08:13
Emesswhy doesnt kubuntu include slackware?08:14
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robotgeekEmess: oh, apt-get install it :P08:15
barbyi've a problem08:17
barbyi start kubuntu08:17
crimsunrobotgeek: emacs install slackware? :p08:17
robotgeekcrimsun: parse error :)08:17
barbyarriving to cheecking root file system08:17
barbyand doesn't find it08:18
tiglionabbitdwarg adept's hanging on me08:21
ice_1963i use synaptic in kde :)08:22
tiglionabbitdoes kubuntu use qt4?08:24
robotgeektiglionabbit: nope, qt4 is not usable right now08:24
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tiglionabbitnot usable?08:25
tiglionabbitwhat do you mean by that?  I've used it08:25
robotgeektiglionabbit: qt4? are you sure?08:25
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rohanand, being on kubuntu dapper beta, i really dont like this "Simplified Konqueror" how do i get back the original one ?08:26
robotgeektiglionabbit: well, kubuntu doesn't use (and i don't think it's going to be in dapper +1 even)08:26
robotgeekrohan: check the faq on www.kubuntu.org08:27
tiglionabbithm.  I wonder why not.  It really simplifies things from previous versions, and it's finally free for windows and mac as well-- portability08:27
rohanrobotgeek: hi ! we meet again :)08:27
robotgeekrohan: hey08:27
rohanrobotgeek: and, that FAQ applies to dapper?08:27
robotgeekrohan: sure, you could also check for stuff in the Kubuntu Docs in Help menu08:27
rohanoh, never thought of those, robotgeek , thanks08:28
=== robotgeek points rohan to the Kubuntu Desktop Guide in the help menu :)
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rohanrobotgeek: :)08:28
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rohanrobotgeek: you sure that the original konqueror method is there in kubuntu docs ? then i will fish deeper08:30
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robotgeekrohan: yeah, i think i put it in there08:30
rohanrobotgeek: oh, ok08:30
robotgeekrohan: it is there in the webbrowsing section08:31
rohanrobotgeek: aha, thanks.. i was waiting for you ;)08:32
tiglionabbitgrr.  Adept lets me mark incompatible changes and then just fails when I try to install them08:32
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rohanHow do I change Konqueror back to the default KDE profiles?08:32
tiglionabbitbut it never tells me they're not going to work beforehand08:33
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rohanrobotgeek: that didnt do it, do i need to logout and back in kde ?08:34
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robotgeekrohan: not sure, probably not08:35
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rohanhmm.. kubuntu has got konqi to look like ff :D08:38
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=== robotgeek doesn't know what rohan is talking about
rohanrobotgeek: nevermind, silly joke.08:42
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rohanah, no k3b-mp3 packages ?08:47
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rohanerr.. how do i select which locales to generate ? dpkg-reconfigure locales does not give the list, as it used to, in older ubuntu 5.1008:52
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rohanhmm.. how do i configure what locales to generate ?08:57
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TheChronoTriggerdoes anyone have experience with sendmail? I'm trying to get php to have mail support, and it seems to need sendmail. I've tried installing send mail, but it keeps failing. Anyone have any ideas?09:04
robotgeekTheChronoTrigger: maybe php-mail package needs to be installed, i am not sure09:05
TheChronoTriggerhmm.. I'll check.. thanks09:06
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wawbHeya, how do I setup users/dirs for vsftp?09:09
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rohanaha, on dapper the konsole icon is broken09:11
rohanthe small icon shown in menus09:11
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Hobbseerohan: why broken?09:12
Hobbseewell, how broken?09:12
rohandoes not show09:12
rohani set my panel size to small09:12
rohanand added the konsole application09:13
rohanand even in the menus, the icon shows a black09:13
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rohanthe big 48x48 icon is fine09:13
rohanthe smaller one is broken, i think09:13
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rohanwhats the package that provides the "crystal" icon set ?09:14
rohanon kubuntu dapper ofcourse :P09:15
Hobbseerohan: apt-cache search crystal09:16
rohanwhy didnt they name the icon set Krystal ? then it would have been unique09:17
Hobbseeupstream is named crystal09:18
rohanwhoa! there is no package for kde-icons-crystal on the cd of kubuntu dapper text install09:18
Hobbsee!info kde-icons-crystal dapper09:18
ubotukde-icons-crystal: (Crystal icon theme for KDE), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 3.7-2 (dapper), Packaged size: 1521 kB, Installed size: 3412 kB09:18
Hobbseeuniverse, yeah09:19
DeadS0ul1`yeah i foudn it too hehe09:20
DeadS0ul1`thank god for apt-cache search09:20
DeadS0ul1`i remember my rpmfind days09:20
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rohanbut from where is the kubuntu install getting the crystal icons ?09:26
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DeadS0ulwhat do you mean?09:27
DeadS0ulfrom where...?09:27
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rohanrobotgeek: oh, well konqui is fine after restarting kde09:31
rohan:o koffice 1.5 will not make it to dapper officially ?09:33
Hobbseerohan: it may09:33
rohanHobbsee: then why the unofficial pkgs on kubuntu.org ? for people who cant wait ?09:34
crimsunpackages on kubuntu.org are _official_09:35
Hobbseerohan: there's a main inclusion report in at the moment, IIRC09:35
Hobbseethey're waiting to see if they will be included in09:35
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rohancrimsun: yes, i just said that.09:35
crimsunit's probably the one exception to the archive.u.c rule09:35
Hobbseecrimsun: which rule is that?09:36
crimsunrohan: you did?09:36
Hobbseeabout official packages, yeah09:36
rohancrimsun: yes.09:36
rohan13:04 < rohan> Hobbsee: then why the unofficial pkgs on kubuntu.org ? for people who cant wait ?09:36
Hobbseerohan: unofficial is not the same as official09:36
crimsunsorry, but I only see "unofficial" whereas I'm referring to official09:36
rohanoh, sorry, my mistakte in reading.09:37
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eckerhas anyone ever gotten this error. kubuntu A problem occur while loading a library or a decoder: divxc32.dll     This is a new install of dapper drake kubuntu and im getting the error in kaffeine09:45
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n3stormhi everyone10:06
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rohanif i have a file, how can i find which package does it belong to ?10:37
smooshhi. how can hi speed up my dvd player? hdparm don't work fine...10:38
dumbkiwiDoes anyone have the audiocd:/ kio-slave running on konqueror.  I just get 100% cpu usage, and nothing else10:39
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rohanis there some way i can tell apt to install the dependencies of a package, but not the pkg itself ? (not build-dep, just runtime deps)10:40
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smooshdumbkiwi: yes, but mine don't use 100% cpu..10:43
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smooshhow can i spped up my dvd player, hdparam work only if i run cdda2wav....10:58
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tvorohan, dpkg -S for finding out to which package a file belongs11:09
tvooops he left already :/11:09
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MastusGood morning everyone, and could you help me a bit... Is this a mission impossible: fglrx (using Radeon 9550se) and tv-out?11:20
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cossidhonIs there a way to disable all popup messages from knetworkmanager?11:25
cfraz89i havent found one yet11:26
cfraz89i have been looking too11:27
cossidhonIt's distracting me11:27
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chxhi. i have a strange problem, which irks me ever since my desktop runs Linux. Internet browsing is not 'smooth'. With IE, I click a page and it's there. Under Opera/FF/Konqueror there is a visbile wait. It's quite possible that the time from click to full page is the same, but it feels slower :(11:34
cfraz89its annoying when you log in to get flooded with popups11:35
cfraz89chx, maybe you could try increasing the cache size?11:35
chxAnd this is definitely ISP related, I have two ISPs (one cable, one wifi) and I get the same from both.11:35
cfraz89i think ie uses lots of cache by default11:35
cfraz89konqueror uses 511:36
cfraz89which isnt much11:36
chxOpera uses 2011:36
chxof disk cache11:36
chxi upped to 40011:36
chxwe shall see11:36
MastusI wonder whether is possible to "Force TV detection" in xorg.conf?11:39
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smooshhdparam setting are enabled only after that i've run cdda2wav.... how can i fix this?11:42
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smooshi can extract a cd audio tracks at max speed with kaudio, only if first run cdcd2wav from console...11:44
cfraz89you can use sudo hdparm -D 1 /dev/cdrom11:45
cfraz89you can edit /etc/hdparm.conf11:45
cfraz89for setting on boot11:46
smooshcfraz89: it's already set, and the dma is enabled...11:46
DeadS0ulthere's an /etc/hdparm.conf that runs at boot time11:47
smooshDeadS0ul: yes11:47
cfraz89have you set it up?11:47
smooshcfraz89: yes11:47
cfraz89so you get dma on boot, but not max speed ripping?11:48
DeadS0uli don't hink i have, i'm gonna try it out11:48
DeadS0ulhahah sweet11:49
cfraz89maybe you could just put cdda2wav in your kde autostart11:49
smooshcfraz89: yes, the dma is on, but i got max speed ripping only first i run "cdda2wav with paramiters" from console11:49
cfraz89maybe you could make it do that every time you logind11:50
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cfraz89put the cdda2wav command in .kde/Autostart11:50
smooshcfraz89: ok, i'll try11:50
cfraz89that way you dont have to do it manually11:50
cfraz89what command would it be?11:51
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cfraz89because my cd ripping is soooo sloooowwww11:51
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smooshi've uset this: "cdda2wav -D /dev/hda -x -d0 -t1" -t1 is for extract the first track only...11:52
cfraz89so you actually have to rip a track?11:52
smooshcfraz89: yes, but with cdca2wav all work fine...11:53
cfraz89do you tell kaudiocreator doesnt work max speed because it is slow?11:54
smooshcfraz89: yes, but when i run cdda2wav, also kaudiocreator is speed...11:55
cfraz89i think cdda2wav sets the drive speed11:55
cfraz89you should be able to do the same with hdparm11:56
cfraz89hdparm -E11:56
smooshcfraz89: i understand... great...11:57
cfraz89i hope its right11:57
cfraz89im not sure how you would set it from /etc/hdparm.conf11:57
cfraz89but i think your drive should be set to max speed at boot anyway shouldnt it?11:58
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smooshcfraz89: now i try to set the speed in hdparm.conf and reboot... and then i let you know if it work or not...11:58
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smooshcfraz89: no, it don't work :(12:04
Mastusreboot ->12:04
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cfraz89smoosh, how did you set it in hdparm.conf?12:07
smooshcfraz89: command_line {12:08
smooshcfraz89: hdparm -E52 -d1 /dev/hda12:09
smooshcfraz89: }12:09
cfraz89does that work?12:09
smooshcfraz89: no :(12:09
cfraz89i mean can you actually do that12:09
cfraz89is it legal12:09
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smooshyes, but i don't understand why it don't work...12:10
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lackdiant_hi, before having my kubuntu dapper i had a debian and i could print perfectly, but now i'm trying to configure my epson stylus and kubuntu doesn't want to install it12:12
lackdiant_i don't know what packages i need12:12
cfraz89lackdiant_:  the default install should support it12:13
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cfraz89what happens when you try to isntall it?12:13
lackdiant_ok one moment12:13
lackdiant_kcontrol recognise my printer12:14
lackdiant_it appears the controller in the list12:14
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lackdiant_well, my english is not perfect :P12:15
lackdiant_when i select my printer12:15
cfraz89in printers, it shows up?12:15
lackdiant_an error appears12:15
cfraz89about connecting to cups?12:16
lackdiant_saying me there's no driver or i don't have permission12:16
lackdiant_i'm trying on cups, in kcontrol12:16
cfraz89peripherals->Printers ?12:17
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lackdiant_i tried also on localhost:631 but it doesn't accept my password12:17
lackdiant_the error that appears (in spanish) is: Imposible cargar el controlador solicitado:12:17
lackdiant_Imposible crear el controlador Foomatic [Epson-Stylus_Color_670,gimp-print] . O bien el controlador no existe, o usted no dispone de los permisos necesarios para realizar esa operacin.12:17
cfraz89so as soon as you go to printers you get error?12:17
lackdiant_only in the last dialog12:18
lackdiant_when i select a driver12:18
cfraz89are you in the group lpadmin?12:18
lackdiant_it seems there aren't these drivers12:18
cfraz89and administrators?12:18
lackdiant_mmmmm maybe not12:18
cfraz89its ok12:18
lackdiant_when i do these operations i'm admin12:18
lackdiant_because i press the root button before configuring the printer12:19
cfraz89it shouldnt matter12:19
cfraz89as long as you are in lpadmin group12:19
lackdiant_i think i'm not in that group12:20
cfraz89i hope thats it12:20
cfraz89i could be wrong12:20
lackdiant_well, how can i do it12:20
lackdiant_in kuser12:20
cfraz89click on your user12:21
cfraz89and press modify12:21
lackdiant_these are my secondary groups12:21
lackdiant_adm, admin, audio, cdrom, dialout, dip, floppy, lpadmin, plugdev, scanner, video12:21
lackdiant_lpadmin appears :P12:22
cfraz89so you are in it12:23
cfraz89i was thinking12:23
cfraz89is there a gutenprint version of the driver?12:23
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smooshcfraz89: bye :)12:25
lackdiant_one moment12:25
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lackdiant_there's one12:27
cfraz89try that?12:27
cfraz89its gimp-print 5.012:28
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lackdiant_EPSON Stylus Color 670 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.0.0-rc2 [English] 12:28
cfraz89it should work better12:28
lackdiant_but there's no info about this driver12:28
cfraz89try it12:28
lackdiant_i press try button12:29
lackdiant_and window closes12:29
cfraz89doesnt sound good12:29
cfraz89maybe you could try reinstalling cups12:29
lackdiant_L in aptitude12:29
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lackdiant_well cfraz89 thanks for your help, i'm trying later :P12:33
cfraz89sorry i couldnt help12:34
lackdiant_another question12:34
lackdiant_i have my registered nick lackdiant but yesterday i had to reboot12:34
cfraz89and its still logged on?12:35
lackdiant_and since then i can't come with this nick12:35
cfraz89i think i know what to do12:35
cfraz89use /msg nickserv reckover lackdiant <password>12:35
cfraz89sorry, use /msg nickserv recover lackdiant <password>12:35
lackdiant_ah ok12:36
cfraz89it should kick lackdiant12:36
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lackdianti had to put also /msg NickServ RELEASE lackdiant to release the nickname before the timeout12:38
cfraz89oh ok12:38
lackdiantwell i log out12:38
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Mastussome progress: Added the "ForceMonitors" "CRT, TV" in xorg.conf... and now it detects tv (no picture though)12:43
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Mastusthere still must be something missing from xorg.conf...12:45
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tiglionabbitso uh, in kubuntu, how do I get sound to work in games?12:48
tiglionabbitI can hear amarok, but I can't hear wine or chromium12:48
cfraz89try killing artsd12:49
tiglionabbitis there a more elegant solution, involving configuration?  I'll try that first12:49
cfraz89you can configure to disable arts :)12:49
cfraz89first make sure its the problem12:50
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tiglionabbittried killing artsd but no differenc12:50
cfraz89is there anything else running which could be using the soundcard?12:50
tiglionabbitkilled stuff and now I can hear it12:51
tiglionabbitwell, i can hear chromium but not wine12:52
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cfraz89sorry im not too sure about wine12:52
cfraz89try changing the sound driver?12:52
tiglionabbitwhat do you mean and how?12:53
cfraz89in wine12:53
cfraz89i think there is a program called winecfg which lets you configure wine12:53
tiglionabbiton apt?12:54
cfraz89part of wine i think12:54
tiglionabbitthere's winesetuptk, but it conflicts with my version of wine12:55
cfraz89im pretty sure its winecfg12:55
cfraz89or wineconfig12:55
cfraz89it comes with the wine source builds at least12:55
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tiglionabbityou sure that's not for before you build it?12:56
cfraz89its a program for setting wine's settings12:56
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cfraz89like sound and video drivers12:56
tiglionabbitoh =P I do have it12:56
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tiglionabbitokay it doesn't seem to like me clicking on the audio tab.  Say uh, how do I get my artsd stuff back the way it was?12:57
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tiglionabbit(restart x?)12:57
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cfraz89just run artsd again12:58
tiglionabbit/etc/init.d/artsd restart ?12:58
cfraz89jsut artsd12:58
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tiglionabbitreally?  It seemed to have quite a few instances before12:59
cfraz89you might want to lower its timeout so that chromium can get sound12:59
tiglionabbithow do I do that?12:59
cfraz89it multithreads when its using the soundcard12:59
cfraz89in system settings12:59
cfraz89sound and multimedia12:59
cfraz89sound system12:59
cfraz89turn autosuspend down to about 5 seconds01:00
tiglionabbiterror while initializing the sound server01:00
cfraz89maybe should login again01:01
cfraz89make sure chromium and wine arent running01:01
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tiglionabbithad to do a full restart to get arts working again01:08
tiglionabbitand the 5 second delay thing didn't make chromium work01:08
cfraz89it means that you should be able to play chromium 5 seconds after arts has finished playing a sound01:09
tiglionabbitoh, it does work then01:09
cfraz89so either you started chromium before the  seconds of the login sound01:09
tiglionabbitI guess it was too soon after the startup noise01:09
cfraz89oh ok01:09
tiglionabbitcan I make that 0 seconds without any problems?01:10
cfraz89i think 1 is minimum01:10
cfraz89it should be ok too01:11
tiglionabbitwhy don't we use alsa?01:11
cfraz89chromium doesnt01:11
cfraz89its kind of old01:11
cfraz89but arts doe01:11
tiglionabbitI was able to get it to be happy with alsa on my other install-- that one was ubuntu01:12
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tiglionabbityes.  I mean I made everything else alsa and chromium still played sound01:12
cfraz89maybe it was piped through esd or arts01:13
tiglionabbitI killed esd I believe =P01:13
cfraz89if you used 'artsdsp chromium' it will work with alsa01:13
cfraz89but also drop sound quality01:13
tiglionabbitsay, how do I get konsole to not do beeps by default?01:13
cfraz89settings -> bell ->none01:14
tiglionabbityeah but it doesn't remember01:14
tiglionabbit"save as default"?01:14
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tiglionabbit=D!!   Cave Story is working, with sound!  Dig that chip music, yeah01:16
tiglionabbitwow, that's some bad sound lag though01:16
tiglionabbitnearly a second late01:16
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cfraz89whats cave story?01:17
tiglionabbita really awesomely retro game made by only one person, who goes by "Pixel"01:18
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tiglionabbityou play as a robot who wakes up on this floating island and has to stop the evil doctor from taking over the world with rabit bunnies01:19
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tiglionabbitit's so awesome that it has three endings, the latter of which are significantly harder to get01:20
cfraz89cool its japanese01:20
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tiglionabbitunfortunately, I'm not so sure about the emulation here yet..01:20
cfraz89your running it through wine?01:20
tiglionabbitI played it on windows01:20
cfraz89try dosbox01:21
tiglionabbitjust trying to see if it'll work on linux so I can show it to some linuxy friends01:21
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theD3viLhow to save session in kde if i have selected "restore manualy saved season"?01:32
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adbhi, anyone know how to install openoffice 2.0.2 with breezy?01:40
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adbi see dapper has that - so maybe upgrading to dapper would do it01:41
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adbbut i do not know how to do that either01:41
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tiglionabbitanyone know how to fix sound delay from certain programs?01:41
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ubotuTo upgrade to OOo 2.0.x, see http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-October/012520.html (add one of the 'deb' lines to sources.list and update+upgrade)01:45
bimberiadb: ^^^^ (although it's 2.0.1)01:45
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PupenoWhat do I have to do to play a divx, I have installed the gstreamer plug in, yet, kaffeine doesn't play it.01:50
Pupenois there some server to re-start ?01:51
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adbubotu, bimberi: what if i install using the .deb file from the official openoffice.org site?01:52
ubotuadb: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about01:52
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Pupenoadb: not recommended.01:56
MastusPupeno: Have you ran gst-register-0.801:56
noteventimeIs there any way to tunnel all sound in the system through alsa?01:57
noteventimeI mean artS01:57
PupenoMastus: no, is it needed to get the new plug ins to work ?01:57
adbPupeno: what might go wrong?01:57
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MastusPupeno: Yes. Had the same thing with monkey audio-plugin and Amarok...01:57
Pupenoadb: at best, it just won't install due to dependency problems.01:57
PupenoMastus: ok, let me see.01:58
adbPupeno: how about and upgrage to dapper?01:58
Pupenoadb: what with an upgrade to dapper ?01:58
LeeJunFannoteventime: no, but you can use artsdsp per application.01:58
noteventimeI know, hmm, to bad01:58
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PupenoMastus: I still can't see the video.01:59
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adbPupeno: ah, maybe dapper is not what i want - Kubuntu 6.06 LTS  will give me ooo 2.0.202:00
Mastusdid you sudo the command or ran it as a user?02:00
Pupenoas a user.02:00
Pupeno(it worked: Rebuilding user_registry (/home/pupeno/.gstreamer-0.8/registry.xml) ...)02:00
adbPupeno: but i need to know how to upgrade a kubuntu installation02:00
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jpatrickadb: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:00
Pupenoadb: do whatever you want, but all those paths lead to un-stabilities and problems, be prepare to solve them.02:01
PupenoMastus: even as root, it still doesn't show the video :(02:01
PupenoMastus: nevermind, I'll use the Xine engine for now.02:02
adbPupeno: do you know of a web page that shows how to upgrade a kubuntu installation?02:02
jpatrickPupeno: xine's better02:02
LeeJunFanyes, and it's the default engine in dapper too [xine] .02:03
Pupenoadb: I believe that when Kubuntu is released, upgrade information is released with it.02:03
PupenoLeeJunFan: really ?02:03
LeeJunFanPupeno: yep.02:03
PupenoI know that xine might be better now, but gstreamer seems like a better design.02:03
LeeJunFanadb: you'd have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list, change any instances of breezy to dapper, and do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade02:04
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LeeJunFanadb: dapper is 6.06, it's in development still, so there may be some problems.02:04
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LeeJunFanPupeno: I'd say a design that works is better. :p I've never had good luck with gstreamer.02:04
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adbLeeJunFan: i have downloaded a stack of .deb files from the openoffice.org site. what are the chances of them working and how do i get apt to use them?02:06
PupenoLeeJunFan: I disagree. Most things working currently are worst designs that things being developed on now... If we stick to what works we would be still using arcane programming languages like C.02:06
jpatrickadb: "dpkg -i *.deb" them02:06
adbjpatrick: thanks02:06
LeeJunFanPupeno: you mean like the kernel?02:07
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Pupenooh! we are still using arcane programming languages like C!02:07
PupenoWell, some people move forward... at least, most of us are not using Cobol anymore :)02:08
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LeeJunFanadb: you may want to use the --dry-run with dpkg to see if it's all going install correctly.02:08
adbLeeJunFan: too late :-)02:08
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tiglionabbitomg fixed audio lag using jack02:12
rohanhi all, i installed kubuntu dapper a few hours back. then kdm was fine. now, it takes like 2 minutes to start it.02:12
rohanthe cursor just shows busy for a long time02:13
rohanwhy is kdm lagging so much ?02:13
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LeeJunFanrohan: before you even get to the password prompt?02:13
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rohanLeeJunFan: yes, before i get the password prompt. the screen is all black, and cursor shows the busy cursor02:14
LeeJunFanrohan: have you changed your hostname? and if so did you change /etc/hosts to reflect as your new hostname?02:14
rohanLeeJunFan: i used the text install cd, and at time of install set my hostname to the default "ubuntu", and havent changed it since02:16
rohanthe line is etc hosts is -02:16
rohan127.0.1.1       ubuntu02:16
rohanwhat may have cuased this problem ? and do i change it to "" ?02:17
LeeJunFanrohan: which it should be if that's what your hostname is - ubuntu02:17
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LeeJunFanrohan: that is correct for a system with a hostname of ubuntu.02:17
rohanstrange is the fact that i have _never_ touched that file.02:17
rohan17:46 < rohan>       ubuntu  ----> is correct ? my host name is "ubuntu"02:18
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LeeJunFanrohan: yes, that's right.02:18
LeeJunFanrohan: but do you also have an entry    localhost ?02:18
rohanLeeJunFan: i dont know, do i remove that line ?02:19
rohanand there is also all this ipv6 stuff in it .. i dont use ipv6, do i remove all that ?02:19
LeeJunFanrohan: you should probably have 2 lines starting with, one will be prepended to 'localhost' the other will have 'ubuntu'02:19
LeeJunFanrohan: no, leave that all there.02:19
rohanLeeJunFan: can you please paste your hosts so that i know ?02:20
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rohancan someone please paste their /etc/hosts file for me, so that i get the proper layout ?02:23
LeeJunFanrohan: 127.x.x.x is your local machine. so and reach the same place. should be localhost and should be your hostname.02:24
Kamping_Kaiserrohan, ip hostname.netowrk hostname02:24
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rohanLeeJunFan: so then my hosts file is correct02:24
LeeJunFanrohan: follow the above link.02:24
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LeeJunFanrohan: so it seems02:24
rohanrohan@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/hosts02:24
rohan127.0.0.1       localhost02:24
rohan127.0.1.1       ubuntu02:24
LeeJunFanrohan: yes, that's right. That's not your problem.02:25
rohanoh, then what do i do for kdm :S02:25
LeeJunFanrohan: does running 'hostname' tell you your systems name is ubuntu?02:25
rohanyes its ubuntu02:25
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noteventime02:25
rohani had got such problem, at that time my lo was no running. now lo is fine02:25
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LeeJunFanrohan: I'm not sure, perhaps the logfiles for kdm or Xorg will have some clues.02:28
rohanX starts fine ... where are the logfiles for kdm ?02:28
LeeJunFanrohan: /var/log/kdm.log02:29
rohanerror opening security policy file /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy02:30
rohan(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom No such file or directory.02:30
rohani am getting that wacom error repeatedly02:30
LeeJunFanrohan: do you have a wacom tablet?02:30
rohanand this is interetsting02:30
rohankrootimage: WARNING: failed to load SVG file /usr/share/wallpapers/kubuntu-wallpaper.02:30
rohanLeeJunFan: no, its a desktop pc, and i have no tablet.02:31
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LeeJunFanrohan: odd, maybe try changing your wallpaper on the login screen.02:32
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rohancan someone please to "dpkg -S /usr/share/wallpapers/kubuntu-wallpaper.svgz" ?02:32
rohanLeeJunFan: ^^^02:32
LeeJunFanrohan: it's part of kubuntu-defaults which I don't have installed here.02:33
rohankubuntu-default-settings ?02:33
LeeJunFanrohan: yeah, that's it I think.02:33
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paulvolkI was just wondering what is the diffrence between Xubuntu and Ubuntu?02:34
rohanalso, dapper doesnt have that nifty menu in right click, for installing .debs ?02:34
cfraz89_awayi have it02:35
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cfraz89_awaythe menu02:35
rohanpaulvolk: Ubuntu uses gnome as main desktop, xubuntu uses xfce02:35
rohanawww no02:35
rohancfraz89_away: :(02:35
rohancfraz89_away: why is my dapper install so broken02:36
cfraz89_awayis it a fresh install?02:36
shogoukicause its beta ?02:36
cfraz89_awaydo you know how it broke?02:36
rohancfraz89_away: no.02:36
paulvolkI did a fresh install and then I couldn't use adept it wouldn't work. nothing else went wrong except that.02:36
cfraz89_awayi think i figured out the adept errors02:37
rohantell me, whats the name of menu, or the menu under which its displayed, for installing .deb;s ?02:37
cfraz89_awayif adept fails to start02:37
paulvolkHow would I fix that?02:37
cfraz89_awayrun 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' in a terminal02:37
cfraz89_awayits called kubuntu package menu02:37
paulvolkwhy did you have the same problem?02:37
rohancfraz89_away: awww do you know what package provides it ?02:38
cfraz89_awayill see if i can find it02:38
rohanok, no hurry02:38
cfraz89_awaypaulvolk: sometimes i do02:38
paulvolkoh ok02:38
cfraz89_awayif dpkg needs to ask a question adept will fail02:38
LeeJunFanrohan: what do you want to bet - kubuntu-default-settings? :)02:38
rohanLeeJunFan: heh :D02:38
rohanLeeJunFan: i am reinstalling that on anyway02:38
paulvolkit should be fixed though by the final release?02:38
cfraz89_awayi dont know02:38
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cfraz89_awayif adept isnt upgraded then it wont be02:39
cfraz89_awaythey need to make it parse dpkg questions02:39
cfraz89_awayinstead of bombing out02:39
paulvolkThat problem better be fixed02:39
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paulvolkI don't want to upgrade to find out that I can't get any updates02:39
paulvolklike what is the point of that?02:39
cfraz89_awayewll running that command after adept is done fixes it02:40
adbLeeJunFan: any quick way to back track and uninstall all the stuff a load of .deb files installed?02:40
rohanalso, is the "konsole" icon missing for you all dapper users, in the menu ? menu -> system -> Terminal program02:40
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rohanis that icon missing ?02:40
cfraz89_awaywow your install really is messed02:40
cfraz89_awayif i were you id go for a complete kde reinstall02:40
rohanhow ?02:40
rohanalso, cfraz89_away , if you have time, please do "dpkg -S kubuntu-wallpaper.svgz" for me02:41
cfraz89_awaysudo apt-get remove kdebase && sudo-apt get install kdebase ?02:41
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cfraz89_awayactually dont do that02:41
cfraz89_awaybad idea02:42
cfraz89_awaypackage not found02:42
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cfraz89_awaymaybe you should do an apt-get check02:43
cfraz89_awayor reinstall kubuntu-desktop02:43
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rohanmaybe i'll just change the wallpaper ;)02:45
cfraz89_awayi meant to fix your install02:45
cfraz89_awaywell yeh it is kubuntu-default-settings which should give you the package menu02:45
rohanwhat does apt-get check do ?02:46
cfraz89_awaychecks dependencies02:46
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rohanrohan@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get check02:48
rohanReading package lists... Done02:48
rohanBuilding dependency tree... Done02:48
rohanthats all02:48
cfraz89_awayso its ok02:48
paulvolkHow would I start an windows install via Wine off a CD?02:48
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rohanblaa, do i just go format and reinstal this thing ?02:48
cfraz89_awayyou shouldnt have to02:48
cfraz89_awaymaybe your kde settings are messed up02:48
cfraz89_awayhave you tried deleting .kde ?02:48
rohanthen, what do i do about the konsole icon ?02:48
rohancfraz89_away: ok, will do that02:49
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cfraz89_awaydont delete it02:49
rohanbut first this icon thing02:49
cfraz89_awayjust rename it02:49
cfraz89_awayit might help with icon too02:49
cfraz89_awaylogin again02:49
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rohancfraz89_away: cant, i use the default icon theme02:49
cfraz89_awaywell to fix it right click on kmenu and edit it02:49
cfraz89_awaythen you can find its icon02:49
rohanyes, i can see th big one there02:50
rohanbut the small one is black02:50
cfraz89_awayso you can set konsoles icon02:50
paulvolkHow can I run a .exe file from a CD in wine?02:51
cfraz89_awaypaulvolk: open a terminal at the cd directory02:51
cfraz89_awayprobably /media/cdrom02:51
cfraz89_awayand then type in wine <name>.exe02:51
rohanwhich pkg provides the konsole icon ?02:51
cfraz89_awaykdebase id say02:52
paulvolkok cfraz89_away it says the command wine cannot be found02:53
cfraz89_awayi think you need to install wine02:54
rohanpaulvolk: sudo apt-get install wine02:54
kubuntutaotaobrothers, my ktorrent doesn't connect the peers and other mans.02:54
cfraz89_awayport forwarding maybe02:55
cfraz89_awaywhat port are you useing in ktorrent?02:55
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cfraz89_awayyoull need to set that up for port forwarding in your modem02:56
cfraz89_awayalso sometimes it helps to use a different port02:56
cfraz89_awaysome isps block it02:56
cfraz89_awayand some torrent networks block it too02:56
frepeHello. Is there anyone here who speaks hungarian? I really need help translating a very short text into english.02:56
cfraz89_awayi use 4915302:57
rohanLeeJunFan: ping02:57
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rohanLeeJunFan: how do i disable all the errors about wacom tablet ?02:57
LeeJunFanrohan: not sure, I don't know why it would be doing that one.02:58
Chris_Tuckeri wanna switch back to kde but im getting overly acustomed to having the space of two taskbars :/03:01
Chris_Tuckerim gonna try to switch over03:02
LeeJunFanChris_Tucker: so make another one in kde. I've got 2.03:02
rohanLeeJunFan: baa now i removed all wacom stuff, yet the same problem03:02
rohani changed the wallpaper too03:02
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PupenoI am converting images from tiff to png with ImageMagick's convert, how do I achieve the greatest compression ?03:03
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rohanerror opening security policy file /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy03:03
rohanQImage::convertDepth: Image is a null image03:03
rohanQImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image03:03
rohanhow do i remove this Scim stuff ?03:03
rohanahhh.... konsole icon problem fixed ! atleast03:04
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LeeJunFanrohan: not sure about scim, but I also don't have the xserver dir, so that's not it.e03:05
LeeJunFanrohan: I've also got the scim stuff loading in mine w/o a problem.03:06
rohani am trying to remove all possible problems03:07
rohanLeeJunFan: ok, i set wallapepr to a solid color03:07
rohanjust in case03:08
rohanah, ok, that didnt help03:08
rohanLeeJunFan: any more ideas plz ?03:08
LeeJunFanrohan: did you check the X logs just in case it logged something while kdm was starting?03:10
rohannothing thats interesting03:10
rohanadded ps2mouse as input device03:11
rohanand such03:11
rohan(II) I810(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 003:11
rohan(II) I810(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 103:11
rohan(II) I810(0): xf86UnbindGARTMemory: unbind key 203:11
rohanoh well, but for this kdm issue, everythings fine now03:12
LeeJunFanrohan: I'm about out of ideas unless strace kdm -nodaemon will show you where it's hanging.03:13
rohanoh, ok03:13
rohantrying that too03:13
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rohanalso, i request any kubuntu developer out here, to please implement this bug -- https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/4008903:14
UbugtuMalone bug 40089 in kdebase kwin "Rebuild using the patch from bugs.kde.org/124807" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 03:14
rohanRiddell maybe ?03:14
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Chris_TuckerAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... why does xchat look like it was written in the early days of QT in kde?!03:17
rohanaha, LeeJunFan got it03:17
rohanrt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, [] , 8)  = 003:17
rohanread(12, "\6\0\0\0", 4)                 = 403:17
rohanselect(17, [4 6 7 8 9 12 16] , NULL, NULL, NULL03:17
rohanhere its hanging like hell03:17
rohanany more debugging i can do with that message ?03:18
rohanoh, even when the user/pass prompt is displayed, strace shows the same thing03:18
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LeeJunFanrohan: I was hoping it would be more informative than that :-/ I'm at a loss.03:20
rohanChris_Tucker: do you have gtk2-engines-gtk-qt installed and configured ?03:20
LeeJunFanrohan: have you done updates since you've installed?03:20
rohanLeeJunFan: any way of getting more verbose output ?03:20
rohanLeeJunFan: no, not done any updates03:21
LeeJunFanrohan: there were a lot of kde updates friday at about 7PM EST, perhaps that would fix you up.03:22
Chris_Tuckerrohan, so ... xchat DOES use qt?03:22
rohanChris_Tucker: no, xchat uses gtk203:22
Chris_Tuckeruh, w/e ... installing now... but how do i configure it?03:22
rohanLeeJunFan: yes, i do see lots and lots of kde updates03:22
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rohanChris_Tucker: kcontrol -> appearance -> gtk themes and fonts -> and set gtk apps to use "Qt" theme and "My KDE Fonts"03:23
LeeJunFanwell, I gotta run for a while. good luck rohan.03:23
rohanLeeJunFan: hehe thanks03:24
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Chris_Tuckerthanks rohan, this is much better, but my fonts in xchat are still tiny, but tinier than any font size i have set in my fonts tab...03:25
Chris_Tuckeronly in xchat03:26
Chris_Tuckernvm... found that dialog03:26
Chris_Tuckerhere we are :)03:26
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BrianB04Morning all.03:28
rohanhello, BrianB0403:30
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BrianB04How goes it in here today?03:30
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Chris_Tuckerkcontrol isnt in my menu03:41
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paulvolkHello could someone point me to a good how to on using Alien?03:41
Chris_Tuckerweird... anyway.. where would i find the proper icon for kcontrol? i know how to add the menu item, just no idea where to link the icon from03:41
ubotu[alien]  a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/03:42
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paulvolkand could someone tell me a good replacement for Limewire?03:42
Chris_Tuckerpaulvolk, frostwire03:43
paulvolkwhere could I get it?03:43
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ygetartsonhi. u know of gentoo, the file manager?03:44
ygetartsoni got a prob:03:44
ygetartsonkcontrol settings wont affect its look03:44
ygetartsonhows that?03:44
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ygetartsonbtw, i run ubuntu dapper03:45
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ygetartsonkcontrol affects, say, ktouch03:45
jpatrickbecause it's not a KDE app03:46
ygetartsonits not?03:46
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ygetartsonit doesnt look like a gnome 1...03:46
Chris_Tuckerthe file manager in gnome is not a kde app... no03:46
jpatrickit's GTK03:46
Chris_Tuckeri think its called nautilus, it will be affected by your gnome theme settings03:47
=== apokryphos shivers :P
ygetartsonno, i mean, gentoo03:47
ygetartsonnot the linux dist,03:47
ygetartsonthe file manager03:47
apokryphosI think Nautilus is even one of the few *gnome* apps (not just GTK), too.03:47
Kamping_Kaiserapokryphos, i would expect so03:48
Chris_Tuckeranyway, where would i put a command to have it run on login in kde?03:48
ygetartsoni know of nautilus, and i am not having probs with it03:48
apokryphosKamping_Kaiser: I found it very curious when I first discovered how many apps weren't gnome at all, but just GTK.03:48
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ygetartsonpraps gtk settings are not affected by gtk2?03:49
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Kamping_Kaiserits got half a dozen gnome lib<blah> wich is gnoem related03:49
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etami want to adept mplayer but it sais break install :|03:49
etamapt-get install mplayer03:50
etamsays that i need libdirectfb03:50
florin-i'm running kubuntu dapper 6.06 and when i'm tryng to run adept y get this: The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.,apt-get install works just fine from the konsole, what can y do to remadiate?03:50
etamand it cant be installed03:50
apokryphosetam: /msg ubotu mplayer03:50
etamapokryphos: thanks03:50
Chris_Tuckerwhere would i put a command to have it run on login in kde?03:51
apokryphosChris_Tucker: ~/.kde/Autostart/03:52
ubotu[mplayer]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106103:52
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mornfallflorin-: sudo debtags update03:52
apokryphosChris_Tucker: any executable file in there will be run on KDE startup03:52
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=== mornfall pokes Riddell again
Chris_Tuckerthanks apokryphos03:52
Riddellhi mornfall03:53
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cossidhonhi there :-)03:56
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paulvolkYa frostwire seems great but I can't get it to start03:58
paulvolkI click on the icon in the menu and it shows it loading but nothing ever comes up.03:58
paulvolkhow can I fix it?03:58
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_simon_sry for spam04:03
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solanhow can I make firefox my default web-browser?04:04
etamapokryphos: but there is anything about (BREAK) install04:04
etamis is possible to adept mplayer in kubuntu?04:05
jpatricketam: do it from the konsole04:05
jpatricksee what breaks?04:05
ubotusomebody said mplayer was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106104:05
etamjpatrick: but in console it needs libdirectfb09.2004:06
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etamjpatrick: and i have libdirectfb09.2204:06
etamjpatrick: maybe my repository is wrong? or there is another error04:07
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jpatricketam: it's in multiverse04:07
psyke83solan: kcontrol, KDE Components, Component Chooser04:08
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etamjpatrick: yes, i know04:08
etamjpatrick: i hav it in /etc/apt/sources.list04:08
etamjpatrick: what is wrong with libdirect?04:09
jpatrickno idea04:09
etamjpatrick: ok, thanks04:09
_simon_how do i change the default firefox cursor to the kde cursor?04:12
Hobbsee!tell _simon_ about firefox04:13
_simon_thx ;)04:13
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solanpsyke83: thx m8:)04:15
psyke83np :)04:15
paulvolkok in firefox my cursor changes from the default one I have choosen, how can I fix it sho that firefox/thunderbird use it?04:15
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Hobbsee!tell paulvolk  about firefox04:17
Hobbseepaulvolk: _simon_ :  is this in dapper default too?04:17
paulvolkWhat do you mena?04:17
_simon_im using breezy... dont know about dapper, sry04:19
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h3sp4wnpaulovolk: you will need to change the default cursor for gtk as well as qt04:19
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de04:19
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource04:20
_simon_is this the sources.list that comes with kubuntu?#04:20
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic04:20
apokryphosubuntu and kubuntu have the same default sources.list, yes.04:21
_simon_ok thx, is there any sources.list you can recommend?04:21
apokryphos_simon_: the one ubotu provides04:21
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apokryphoswith a few additions ;-)04:22
apokryphossuch as:04:22
ubotumethinks kde3.5.2 is to upgrade to KDE3.5.2, Follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php (add the deb...line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".04:22
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apokryphosubotu: latest amarok is <reply> Latest amaroK packaged for Kubuntu is amaroK 1.4 beta 3: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4beta3.php04:23
ubotuokay, apokryphos04:23
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paulvolkWhat would you guys say was the best media player for playing MP3s?04:27
Hobbseepaulvolk: amarok!04:28
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paulvolkhave any of you heard of the game called Boson?04:33
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paulvolkcan anyone point me to a good how to for setting up windows shares?04:37
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soulfreshnerhow do I select kdm as my default session manager?04:59
soulfreshnerwhat is that configurator that runs when you install kbuntu-desktop?04:59
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Kamping_Kaisersoulfreshner, `sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm`05:00
Kamping_KaiserAPT and dpkg mostly in answer rto your second question05:00
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soulfreshnerKamping_Kaiser: ta! dpkg-reconfigure is what I was looking for05:01
bertugh, default theme makes my eyes hurt :S05:01
Kamping_Kaisernp soulfreshner05:01
Kamping_Kaiserbert, you up to date?05:02
Kamping_Kaiseri hear it was "intersting" for a while05:02
kubuntutaotaowhy my ktorrent can't connect other mans05:02
bertKamping_Kaiser: i just reinstalled kubuntu and did a dist-upgrade05:02
Kamping_Kaiserkubuntutaotao, whats up?05:02
Kamping_Kaiserbeast, hm. in that case i would expect it to be the new theme (whatever it is)05:03
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bertKamping_Kaiser: it needs more customizing than the last time i installed it, that's sad...05:04
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kubuntutaotaoKamping_Kaiser:my ktorrent can't connect05:04
Chris_Tuckeri forget how to config kde so that single click = select and double click = open :(05:04
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MastusI just wonder, has anyone managed to get the TV-out working? (ATI)05:04
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Chris_TuckerMastus, what card?05:05
Kamping_KaiserMastus, very much depends on your card05:05
Kamping_KaiserChris_Tucker, its single by default isnt it?05:05
MastusChris_Tucker: Radeon 9550SE05:05
Chris_TuckerKamping_Kaiser, single to open, yes. but i forget the program to change all the settings05:05
Chris_TuckerMastus, your tv out should be no trouble to get working05:05
Kamping_KaiserChris_Tucker, i would expect it to be that controll center thing05:06
Chris_TuckerKamping_Kaiser, no, it was a wizard somewhere...05:06
Kamping_Kaiseri dont know im afraid chip4205:06
Kamping_Kaiser* Chris_Tucker05:06
MastusChris_Tucker: So I thought...05:06
Kamping_Kaisersorry chip42 , not you05:06
Chris_TuckerMastus, the forums have a how-to05:07
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MastusChris_Tucker: I've followed the "ATI Drivers v.0.2 how-to" and have installed the fglrx and they are working.05:09
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MastusProblem is that how I "enable TV"05:11
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sledgeWhat are the keyboard shortcuts to switch between virtual desktops?05:20
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sledgeCTRL+TAB / CTRL+SHIFT+TAB don't work :/05:20
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bertWhat's the difference between linux-k7 and linux-image-k7?05:22
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ubuntuI, I have just tryed to install kubuntu with the new espresso installer, at the end of the 6th step of the installation the program crash, I rebot and I see that my MBR is removed !! I remember that the first partition end at sector 729 but for the other I forgot, how I can do ?05:24
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sledgeNevermind. I found the keyboard shortcuts...05:25
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fjellrev1How can I auto send programs when I start them to a certain desktops?05:31
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jpatrickfjellrev1: what?05:33
mrgreenCan I load Firefox in kubuntu64?05:33
fjellrev1jpatrick: well,each time I start a program it automatically goes to desktop 1,seems kind of pointless if I have to organize my desktops each time I start a progam05:35
jpatrickfjellrev1: strange05:35
fjellrev1jpatrick: whats standard?05:36
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jpatrickshould go to the current desktop05:36
xwolf-any idea why cant i set my own ip number, just through dhcp am i able to connect anywhere external?05:36
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PSIplusThere is a new Beagle-Web-Frontend with KDE-Support: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=3828905:39
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MastusIt kind of works now  \o/05:44
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Mastusactually I think it has been working all along...05:45
MastusI just thought that "restart X" could be done in "Ctrl+Alt+Backspace"05:46
MastusBut nope, had to logout, and then it worked...05:46
noteventime               Frst och frmst mste du vara kund i Skandia eller SkandiaBanken och en ha personlig kod.05:47
noteventime r du inte redan kund kan du bli det  hr. Inom ngra dagar fr du sedan en personlig kod och mer information med posten.05:47
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noteventime05:47
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noteventime05:47
noteventimeDoes someone know how to use the tvout connector in linux05:48
noteventimeI'm using a i915gn05:48
noteventimeand Sorry for the random text, stupid touchpad hotkey for paste05:48
Tm_Tnoteventime: wiki.ubuntu.com knows05:48
noteventimeThanks Ill take a look05:49
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] Denis[how i can install gnome via apt-get at kubuntu?05:52
arrinmurrsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:52
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] Denis[cool.. i will try arrinmurr05:53
] Denis[:)05:53
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CraiZEHi, how can i make konqueror (kbear actually, but i think if i get it right in konqueror, i will have it in kbear also) use a double click to launch / go into a folder instead of a single click ?05:57
noteventimeCraiZE, kcontrol -> peripherals -> mouse05:58
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xwolf-any idea why cant i set my own ip number, just through dhcp am i able to connect anywhere external?05:58
CraiZEthanks! :)05:58
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GameOVer69hey guys can anyone help me get xserver running on my laptop again, i just tried installing the ati DRI drivers, and now i cant get into the kde GUI05:59
DeadS0ulyou installed the drivers but did you reconfigure x?06:01
GameOVer69i had to do the whole DRI stuff06:02
GameOVer69and no i dont think i reconfigured x06:02
GameOVer69im still new to linux so i dont know :(06:02
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DeadS0ulGameOVer69: arlight, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:02
Armagguedesi've just updated to the beta version (from the previous flight) of Dapper06:02
Armagguedesand now i have a huge problem06:02
Armagguedesmy keyboard is non-responsive06:03
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Armagguedesin order to type smtg, i have to hold down the key 2-3 seconds06:03
GameOVer69DeadS0ul: do i attempt to autodetect hardware?06:03
Armagguedesfor the first action to occur06:03
DeadS0ulArmagguedes: ps/2 keyboard?06:03
DeadS0ulGameOVer69: yeap06:03
DeadS0ulGameOVer69: what card do you have?06:03
ArmagguedesDeadS0ul builtin laptop06:03
GameOVer69DeadS0ul: ati radeon mobility 750006:03
Armagguedesany ideas?06:04
GameOVer69DeadS0ul: now for the desired xserver driver, shouldnt it be radeon... all i see is ati?06:04
DeadS0ulGameOVer69: what drivers do you have?06:06
DeadS0ulArmagguedes: never seen teh problem, I don't hink I can be of much help06:07
GameOVer69i downloaded radeon, and common06:07
GameOVer69for the DRI06:07
DeadS0uland you have the kernel driver too?06:07
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GameOVer69i dont think so06:07
DeadS0ulI think you need those more than anything else06:08
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GameOVer69i didnt see those mentione din the message board from hwere i got the info from06:09
GameOVer69but what can i do then06:09
DeadS0ulone sec06:09
DeadS0ulI dunno bout your laptop, but to use the ati driver, I went to ati.com and downloaded their linux drivers06:11
DeadS0ulcompiled, installed it06:11
DeadS0uland then used their utility to create my xorg.conf06:11
GameOVer69they only support 8500+06:11
DeadS0uldamn, alright you might ahve better luck in #linuxhelp on undernet06:12
DeadS0ulthis channel is kinda quiet right now06:12
GameOVer69alright thanks06:12
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DeadS0ulGameOVer69: tehy're like that over there at times06:17
DeadS0ultell me whta you did? did you reconfigure X?06:17
GameOVer69they ar bastards06:18
GameOVer69im freaking new to this06:18
Armagguedesi've just updated from the alfa flights to the dapper beta, and i have a keyboard input problem (laptop, builtin): in order to type smtg, i have to hold down the key 2-3 seconds in order for something to happen (a character gets typed/enter-newline/capslock/etc). The problem gets pseudo-fixed with a Crtl-Alt-Backspace.06:18
Armagguedesany ideas?06:18
GameOVer69and i got into startx06:18
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GameOVer69now im rebooting to see if i can get in normally06:19
che_benwayHi all. I want to edit/manage the processes that load at start-up. For eg my system loads PCMCIA and I'm using a desktop PC. Running Dapper. Thanks06:19
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DeadS0uloops sory06:26
DeadS0ulhow dod you reconfigure x?06:26
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jpatricksudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:27
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GameOVer69be honest06:27
GameOVer69i just was pressing esc06:27
GameOVer69to get out06:27
GameOVer69and it still wrote whatever default changes06:27
GameOVer69but it works now06:27
GameOVer69with 3d acceleration06:27
GameOVer69make any sense to you?06:27
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DeadS0ulche_benway: I think youc an configure stat up services with  KSysV06:27
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DeadS0ulGameOVer69: not quite, but if you used dpkg-reconfigure, there will be a back up in your /etc/X11/ dir06:28
DeadS0uland next time use Ctrl C to get out06:28
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GameOVer69hmmm how do i see the fps in glxgears06:30
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arrinmurrGameOVer69: glxgears -printfps06:31
GameOVer69arrinmurr: now now what can i do to increase my fps06:34
GameOVer69its only 700+06:34
arrinmurrGameOVer69: if you already have the best 3d-accelerated drivers installed for your graphics card, i don't know06:39
GameOVer69alright, question though do u use DRIconf?06:40
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arrinmurrGameOVer69: me? no06:45
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cycus_zwisushi, how to make windows the default os in grub menu?06:46
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cycus_zwisushow to make windows the default os in grub menu?06:52
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jpatrickcycus_zwisus: look at /boot/grub/menu.lst06:54
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cycus_zwisusyes i looked there, but i don't know what sholud be changed06:54
BearKnuckleSilly question, how do I search in apt-get, I thought it was "apt-get --search" but... this doesn't work.06:54
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jpatrickBearKnuckle: apt-cache search ...06:55
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BearKnucklejpatrick: Of course... me stupid, thanks!06:55
jpatrickcycus_zwisus: change the default line06:55
cycus_zwisusand what should be insterted there?06:57
savasHi,i have a laptop that has an i915GM graphics on it.DRI works but,Flightgear and other GL apps crashes X immediately, i'm confused about mesa packages.There is libgl1-mesa and libglu1-mesa06:57
BearKnuckle"The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem." None of the hints solved the problem, anyone else has a hint for me?06:57
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jpatrickcycus_zwisus: depends on your partitions06:57
jpatrickBearKnuckle: something using dpkg ?06:58
BearKnucklejpatrick: I am starting ubuntu the first time I don't know what should use dpkg,06:59
jpatrickBearKnuckle: do you have adept or apt-get running?06:59
cycus_zwisusactually my friend wants windows as a default one , i'm happy with ubuntu as first06:59
BearKnucklejpatrick: no, at the moment yes, but for sure not the time I tried to open the application07:00
cycus_zwisusok, i'm reading grub manual at the moment07:00
BearKnuckleThe only application running and having adept or apt in it's name is "adept_notifier", but I don't think this is blocking the application, isn't it?07:01
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ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, buz07:02
buzdoes anybody know about s2ram binaries for ubuntu?07:02
cycus_zwisusubuntu sucks, in mandriva there was a nice configuration tool07:02
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jpatrickcycus_zwisus: you go program it then07:04
buzjpatrick: he's not totally wrong07:05
buzguidance seems dangerous to use07:05
buzthe X config module is totally unusable07:05
buzbetter not offer something like that i say07:05
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paulvolkI was trying to install a game on linux using Wine but it has 2 CDs. I was wondering how would I change cds half way through the installation07:07
DeadS0ulumount the cd..07:08
DeadS0uleject it07:08
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DeadS0ulput the new cd in07:08
DeadS0uland mount it07:08
cycus_zwisusubuntu tries to be the easiest distro but it's still much worse than amndriva07:08
paulvolkoh ok cause when I tryed to press the eject button it wouldn't eject07:08
buzthen why dont you use mandriva?!?07:08
visik7use mandriva and don't bother us07:09
cycus_zwisusvisik7: i ahven't been using mandriva for a year but i think i'll go back to it07:09
cycus_zwisusa year with ubuntu was just a waste of time07:09
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buzsure took you long to notice07:10
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cycus_zwisusubuntu is good for english speaking folks only07:10
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paulvolknot true07:11
buzi18n in ubuntu is top notch07:11
bennyhello, how can I install ndiswrapper? I think I dont have all sources in the apt-get list07:11
BearKnuckleHow can I see if a kernel-modul (in my case vesafb) is installed and then how can I activate it to be loaded on start?07:11
paulvolkI think Ubuntu is a very good distro and is one of the easiest to use07:11
cycus_zwisusit's true, I can't find help in my native language for ubuntu07:11
paulvolkWhat is your native language?07:11
visik7cycus_zwisus: we'll consider your insigniful suggestion in the next ubuntu release07:11
paulvolkwait even before that how long and hard have you looked07:12
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paulvolkcause if you do a half assed job then doubt you would find anything07:12
bennyis there a kubuntu channel for german user? my english is horrible :)07:12
paulvolkI think so07:13
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de07:13
paulvolklol there you go07:13
cycus_zwisusubuntu is very slow too07:13
bennythx :)07:13
paulvolkno not true07:13
paulvolk6.05 is faster07:13
paulvolkplus it depends on you hardware as well as what you us it for.07:14
cycus_zwisusubuntu is for i38607:14
paulvolkI think you can get it for others too07:14
paulvolkI am sure of it07:14
cycus_zwisusfor i686? where?07:15
NiceGuy24_is there any advantage of installing from DVD than CD?07:15
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paulvolkya you can get it for 64bit and powerpc07:15
paulvolki386 is so that they can be avalible to a wider array of users07:16
cycus_zwisusbut you can't get it for i68607:16
cycus_zwisusand i think it sucks07:16
paulvolkso??? what is the diffrence?07:16
visik7u want optimized code ? use ubuntu07:16
visik7u want optimized code ? use gentoo07:16
cycus_zwisusbesides all thosew dependencies make mi sick07:17
paulvolkI don think mandrivia is a better choice then Ubuntu though I highly doubt it. I think Ubuntu is one of the most up-to-date OS07:18
buzdont feed the troll07:18
paulvolkI never get any dependencies.07:18
paulvolkI wonder what I am doing right?07:18
cycus_zwisusboth mandriva and ubuntu are so windows-like07:18
paulvolkwhich is a good thing07:18
DeadS0ulmy kubuntu desktop is mac like =D07:19
paulvolkfor users that migrate07:19
paulvolkbasicly Linux you can modify to be like any OS from Mac to Windows to something totaly new07:19
paulvolkyou can't really compare that I would say.07:19
paulvolkcause it can be changed so much.07:20
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eckerAnyone in here run Azureous if so what repos in ur sources.list did you use ??07:20
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cycus_zwisushave you ever compiled anything on ubuntu?07:20
cycus_zwisusubuntu is for lazy people07:21
buzthat's why i use it, really07:21
cycus_zwisusi have to compile a lot07:21
paulvolkit makes it easy which is good? do you want to decode everything from binary or something?07:21
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cycus_zwisusnowadays many packages are just outdated07:22
paulvolkso you compile a lot. what is your point?07:22
paulvolkWhat do you mean?07:22
cycus_zwisussome older packages just can't be uninstalled because of dependencies07:22
eckermy point is wheres the Azureous at07:22
eckerim dying here07:22
buzhow about ktorrent?07:23
buzfaster than azureus, for sure07:23
cycus_zwisusthe only solution is to install newer ones to /usr/local so as not to interfere with the old ones07:23
eckerthats booty07:23
cycus_zwisusi don't actaully need two versions of the same package07:23
paulvolkok so what is the problem cycus_zwisus07:23
eckerI like the lil from logo07:23
cycus_zwisusbut it's the only solution in ubuntu07:23
paulvolkso why can't you take the old one out cycus_zwisus?07:24
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cycus_zwisusbecause of dependencies07:24
buzdpkg --force07:24
buzi suggest you go use gentoo07:24
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paulvolkbut if you replace it then there shouldn't be a problem should there?07:24
cycus_zwisusgentoo is for real maniacs, i think of trying slackware07:25
h3sp4wnThere is only one case that I have come across where I need something to be updated and I couldn't install it in /opt or /usr/local07:26
cycus_zwisusi just wan't you to admit that ubuntu is so cool and nice that it's actually unuseable07:26
jpatrickok, calm down guys....07:26
paulvolkCorrection I am using it so you are wrong!07:27
cycus_zwisusbesides i hate gnome07:27
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visik7I don't admit the false07:27
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paulvolkI am not using Gnome07:27
paulvolkI am using KDE07:27
cycus_zwisuskde is neglected in ubuntu07:28
paulvolklol no07:28
paulvolkever heard of Kubuntu?07:28
jpatrickcycus_zwisus: there are less of us devs for Kubuntu07:28
cycus_zwisusall new and sometimes cool features concern gnome07:28
buzhas anyone gotten http://suspend.sourceforge.net/ to work on dapper?07:28
buzor even compile, for that matter07:28
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paulvolkcycus_zwisus: what desktop enviroment do you want?07:29
DREADi have an emergancy07:29
cycus_zwisusyes paulvolk i mean kubuntu-desktop07:29
jpatrickDREAD: welcome to the club07:29
DREADstuck installing at 25% instalation repositorys07:29
jpatrickcycus_zwisus: if you want to help: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu07:29
paulvolkcycus_zwisus: again I ask you what desktop enviroment do you want???????????07:30
visik7cycus_zwisus: u are on kubuntu so it supposed that users use kde07:30
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visik7bother ubuntu with your stupid opinion07:30
visik7or just use windows07:30
cycus_zwisusi know that kde is default in kubuntu07:30
DREADi got the hump with windows07:31
cycus_zwisusi use it right now, i said that i hate gnome07:31
Gom_Arkya til un francais ii ?07:31
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:31
paulvolkcycus_zwisus: WHAT DO YOU WANT? you aren't telling anyone so we can help you!!!07:31
Gom_Arkmerci jpatrisk07:31
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paulvolkdo you want kde or gnome or something else what???07:32
jpatrickGom_Ark: de rien07:32
cycus_zwisusi just wrote that kde is a bit neglected in (k)ubuntu07:32
paulvolkHow so??? I don't understand???07:33
cycus_zwisussynaptic is gtk2 etc07:33
buzthere's adept07:33
paulvolkYa adept07:33
h3sp4wncycus_zwisus: makes it more stable less messing with it07:33
paulvolkisn't the kynaptic or something?07:33
buzand there's dapper for the enterprising (like myself)07:33
jpatrickkynaptic sucks07:33
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DREADcan someone help me with the install i made my account and set my password but now is got a loading bar stuck at 25% its been like that for ages07:34
paulvolklol that may be nut I am giving him choices07:34
h3sp4wnaptitude is all you need07:34
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paulvolkI use Adept myself07:34
cycus_zwisusit's possible to use ubuntu woithout qt  but it's frustrating to use kubuntu without gtk07:34
cycus_zwisuskynaptic - lol07:35
paulvolkknow I think that is what it is called no joke07:35
paulvolklol here you go... straight from Adept07:36
paulvolkand you said KDE is neglected07:36
paulvolkKynaptic is a graphical package management tool based on KDE and APT using the same code base as Synaptic. Kynaptic enables you to install, upgrade and remove software packages in a user friendly way.07:36
paulvolkjust have to make sure you see this part "based on KDE"07:37
DREADkbuntu isnt very easy to install07:37
paulvolkanyways I have to go but one more thing KUBUNTU ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAYAYAYA07:38
paulvolkthat will change I think drapper is coming with a GUI installer07:38
paulvolkI read it somewhere07:38
paulvolkanyways bye07:38
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cycus_zwisuskubuntu is very easy to install07:38
DREADwhys it stuck at 25% for 2 hours07:39
DREADthen :P07:39
koshit doesn't like you07:39
DREADshould i reboot? or abort?07:39
koshthe most likely problem is a bad cd burn or bad hardware07:39
cycus_zwisusmaybe your cd/dvd is corrupt07:39
DREADoh great07:39
koshit should not take more then about 10 minutes or so to install kubuntu on anything remotely modern07:39
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qweqwehi guys07:40
qweqweanyone here?07:40
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DREADi burnt its at 4x so it cant be a burn error07:40
elementim trying to install Kubuntu on a 17inch Powerbook07:40
cycus_zwisustoday on my friend's computer i installed ubuntu as a server and then installed kde 3.5.2 via apt then07:40
DREADand the iso is 640 megs so no problems there07:40
koshwhat speed you burn it at has nothing to do with it being possible to have a burn error07:40
h3sp4wnDREAD: Did you verify the disk07:40
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elementbut it keeps giving me a CD-ROM drive not found error07:40
Vgewhen computer starts why hidden panels start as nonhidden then fade to hide position, this messes my icons in desktop as my leftside panel is huge but autohidden?07:41
elementive downloaded the latest version.. any ideas?07:41
DREADit vomited text very quick at me then asked whats my language07:41
DREADthen i installed it made my accound now it just says instalation repositroys 25%07:42
DREADill go have another look07:42
DREADnope still stuck at 25%07:43
elementdoes anyone kno how to install kubuntu on a 17icnh powerbook?07:43
DREADpowerbook is a mac right?07:44
elementi keep getting an error message07:44
elementya :)07:44
DREADno idea07:44
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elementoh ok07:44
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DeadS0ulg'nite peeps07:44
elementi keep getting the error message CD-ROM drive not found07:44
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DREADim trying to get it to install on my dads crap laptop07:44
DREADgets to 25% and then sits there07:44
DREADi got 25.1 gigs on the hdd what more does it want07:45
DREADori s it 12 :P07:45
elementall u need is 5 gigs rly07:45
DREADwell i got plenty then07:45
elementlinux is very small07:45
elementdoes it come up with an error message?07:45
elementtry expert install07:45
elementit will ask u a lot of questions so u may need to sit next to a linux guru to help u install it :)07:46
DREADno it says setting up primary installation repositorys07:46
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DREAD25% and thats all it wants to do07:46
jpatrickDeadS0ul: please get rid of that, gracias07:46
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DREADill have yet another look07:47
DREADno still 25%07:47
Vgeelement: i have now used 5Gb from my 10Gb / partition07:47
elementahh well i guess it dont take up a lot07:48
elementmy m8 says 10gb's is all u need07:48
elementvge: any idea how to get kubuntu working on a 17inch powerbook (MAC POWERPC)07:48
DREADi pressed cntrl alt delete and gave it a smack07:49
Vgewell for / partition yes, but i had the same sized windows partition as well, what is "alot" to you?07:49
elementi get the error CD-ROM not found when trying to use the live CD on my powerbook07:49
DREADwhat kind of cd is it?07:49
elementlive-CD of kubuntu for powerpc07:49
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elementthe cd in the powerbook is a dvd-drive07:49
Vgeelement: never used a mac, never will07:49
elementdunno what make07:50
DREADu burnt it yourself?07:50
elementvge: tell me about it i hate the OS07:50
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elementthe hardware is good tho07:50
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elementapart from that stupid single click07:50
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DREADdont talk about the mouse07:50
DREADit annoys me07:50
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elementwell u just plug a mouse into the usb07:50
DREADmy teacher and i hat a argument over it07:50
elementand then u get right click07:50
DREADah heres the thing07:50
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DREADit should come with one07:51
elementcuz mac want to be different07:51
DREADhows removing buttons be different07:51
elementthey are all about style, whilst not thinking about practicality and ease of use07:51
DREADlets say for instance the prnt screen button07:52
elementits all part of trying to be seperate from PC's and Windows, which is why they also made the ctrl key the Apple Command key07:52
elementits gay07:52
DREADi have to press 3 buttons to do 1 thing07:52
elementive been spending a long time getting past those issues07:52
elementoh yea print screen button isnt there either07:52
elementi had to install a seperate application to print screen07:52
DREADwell i only need it for grage band final cut pro and imovie07:52
cycus_zwisuswhich web browsers do you use guys on kubuntu?07:52
elementwell i would tell u if i could get the bloody thing working on my mac :D07:53
DREADsince im a film student the whole uni has nothing but macs07:53
DREADand the best thing for windows is sony vegas and imovie is better than that07:54
DREADlinux doesnt have anything id imagine07:54
DREADnever heard of it is it good?07:54
h3sp4wnWhat do you think pixar etc use ? It is available if you pay for it07:54
jpatrickDREAD: pretty good to me07:55
DREADis it a industry standard or more of a imovie thingy07:55
cycus_zwisusdid any of you use fedora?07:55
DREADdont like it07:55
jpatrickDREAD: http://susku.pyhaselka.fi/damu/software/kmediafactory/07:56
cycus_zwisusi don't like it either07:56
jpatrickerr it's for DVDs07:56
DREADthats a film editor :P07:57
h3sp4wnDREAD: what about maya ?07:57
DREADmaya doesnt edit video07:58
DREADor does it?07:58
jpatricktry it07:58
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cycus_zwisuswhy there is no usplash in kubuntu with kernels 2.6.15 and above?07:59
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DREADmaya is for cg :P07:59
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DREADthey dont seem to have a video editor08:00
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jpatrickDREAD: look! there's tons of stuff out there08:01
DREAD:P its just usualy u find the good stuff by asking around08:02
stephenklHow hard would it be to rename my main user?08:04
h3sp4wnstephenkl: sudo vipw08:04
h3sp4wnstepjhenkl: find the name of your user and then change it08:06
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_dominichi anybody here?08:07
elementi am08:07
elementKubuntu on MAC anyone ?08:07
elementhow can i get it working?08:07
_dominicintel oder g5 mac?08:07
elementg4 powerbook 17inch :)08:07
elementpowerpc processor08:08
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elementi was trying the live-cd release when i encountered an error saying somin about it cant find my CD-ROM drive08:08
_dominicsorry :/ i dont know this on powermacs08:09
elementnope not many do :) its ok08:09
cycus_zwisuswindows on mac anyone?08:11
cycus_zwisushow can i get it working?08:11
elementvirtual pc08:11
elementits very slow on the g4 powerbook08:11
elementi wouldnt recommend it08:11
cycus_zwisusubuntu on commodore c64 anyone?08:11
elementon the G5 then it will probably be ok08:11
elementa miricle08:11
cycus_zwisushow can i get it working? :P08:12
wawbHow do I add  users/dirs to vsftp?08:12
cycus_zwisuskde 3.5.x anyone?08:12
DREADdoesnt new kde work with old kde stuff?08:13
kkathmancycus_zwisus: what are you asking exactly?08:13
h3sp4wnwawb: add the user normally but set the shell to /bin/false08:13
DREADi have no idea08:13
kkathmanDREAD:  yes08:13
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cycus_zwisuskkathman: did you upgrade from 3.4.x or did you do a fresh installation?08:13
kkathmanboth on separate machines08:14
kkathmanupgraded on one, and installed fresh on another08:14
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cycus_zwisusthe former didn't work for me, there were error messages every 5 minutes08:14
kkathmancycus_zwisus: what kind of error messages?08:15
cycus_zwisusespecially the ones concerning kwin08:15
kkathmanyou were at 3.4.3 or something?08:15
kkathmanyou put in the 3.5.2 repos, and did the sudo apt-get update08:16
kkathmanthen the dist-upgrade?08:16
cycus_zwisusi put 3.5.0. and then apt-get upgrade08:16
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kkathmanwhen you add a repo, you must do a sudo apt-get update first08:17
kkathmanthen for a KDE install, you must do a dist-upgrade for best results08:17
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kkathmanIm pretty sure thats what the kubuntu instructions say08:17
cycus_zwisusyes, first repos, then apt-get update and finally apt-get upgrade08:17
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kkathmanbut not a dist-upgrade?08:17
cycus_zwisusthere was no dist-upgrade08:18
kkathmanthen to go to 3.5.2 for instance, you have to remove the other repo and put in the new08:18
kkathmanokie dokie..there we go :)08:18
cycus_zwisusthis is what i did08:19
cycus_zwisussometimes kubuntu is strange and unpredictable08:19
MastusArgh, I think these ATI-drivers aren't too great...08:20
kkathmanshrug...sometimes there are random things that cause one package to be installed out of order08:20
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cycus_zwisusubuntu is considered more stable, but why? both use the same repositories08:22
jpatrickcycus_zwisus: I don't know where you get all this stuff from but oh well08:23
cycus_zwisusjpatrick: didn't you hear such opinions? there are plenty of them08:25
jpatricki'm a dev, so anyhoo08:25
cycus_zwisusjpatrick: so it's all your fault!!08:27
jpatrickcycus_zwisus: :'(08:27
jpatricki just do what I can08:28
jpatrickcycus_zwisus: for example: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PatrickDavies08:28
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cycus_zwisusi've been using kubuntu for a year so for me you do much08:28
cycus_zwisusotherwise i wouldn't be here08:29
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cycus_zwisushello apokryphos08:30
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cycus_zwisushow's your suse?08:30
jpatrickcycus_zwisus: right now, I have personal to attend to, then i'll be working kubuntu-es related stuff08:30
apokryphoshi cycus_zwisus; it's doing good. It's pretty amazing how many bugs were squashed in such a short time (RC1 -> RC2)08:31
n3stormhi everyone08:31
cycus_zwisushi n3storm08:31
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cycus_zwisusapokryphos: when is the stable version going to be released?08:32
apokryphosplanned release is 25th08:33
Mastusdoes someone know, whether it's possible to get two different resolutions/refresh rates (VGA+Tv-out) out with fglrx drivers...?08:33
elementi keep getting the error "No Common CD-ROM Drive was detected"08:33
elementany idea?08:33
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xwolf-any idea why cant i set my own ip number, just through dhcp am i able to connect anywhere external?09:35
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xwolf-the hard way: if i put DHCP, it gets an IP and is able to connect to the net and everything. But, if i set the IP and DNS myself, it will reach the router, but not be able to connect anywhere external. how can i do that? i got a port forwarded to and want to set that as my ip09:42
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slow-motion /dev/hdc is my dvd drive. bevore the dvd drive there was a cdrom on that port. can i delete links to /dev/hdc that are named cdrom or cdrw under /dev/ delete safely?09:44
jpatrickI wouldn't09:45
ablyssxwolf, are you setting the DNS to those your ISP provided?09:45
xwolf-i've tried like a trillion dns servers09:45
xwolf-none worked.09:45
xwolf-i did think it was a dns problem...09:46
slow-motionit is just so that i dont want more links that i need09:46
ablyssxwolf,  i'm not sure why you are port forwarding either09:46
frank23slow-motion: just leave them as they are. when programs look for a cd, often they look at /dev/cdrom and you'll also put CDs in that DVD-Rom09:46
xwolf-ablyss just ports... 17011 and 6553009:47
slow-motionbut i killed the links under /media and under /09:47
xwolf-but this is a router issue.09:47
ablyssxwolf, is this a router your ISP leased to you or one you got yourself?09:47
slow-motionand made an /media/cdrom and a /media/dvd entry in my fstab. it looks nicer to find a dvd in the file that is named dvd09:48
xwolf-define 'leased'.09:48
ablyssi got better things to do man..09:48
slow-motionmean me?09:48
slow-motioni want a nice looking system09:49
frank23slow-motion: you distinguished between CD and DVD in fstab?09:49
xwolf-is there a way to check which dns am i using through dhcp?09:49
ablyssjust nslookup your ISP09:49
ablyssthat is the DNS you should use09:49
NiceGuy24_Hi guys. can anyone tell me how to use the MD5SUMS file to check the integrity of an ISO?09:50
ablyssi.e., nslookup charter.net09:50
slow-motionyes frank23, because i have a cd burner and a dvd drive and find it stupid to find a dvd always in cdrom009:50
ablyssnslookup earthlink.com09:50
slow-motionand a cdrom in cdrom109:51
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frank23slow-motion: so you have two entries for /dev/hdc?09:51
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slow-motionno i have /dev(hdc thats my dvd drive ind /dev/hdd tahts ma cdrom drive09:51
frank23slow-motion: what happens when you put a CD in your dvdrom drive?09:52
slow-motiongopd question09:52
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slow-motionfrank23 i find it under /media/dvd because it is in my dvd drive09:54
slow-motionthat is ok for me and makes more snse then cdrom009:54
frank23slow-motion: ok09:54
SinnerGA new graphical installer is available on the live CD, allowing Kubuntu to be installed quickly and easily to your hard disk => where ?09:55
frank23SinnerG: its called expresso09:55
SinnerGand how can I find it?09:56
SinnerGI mean where ;p09:56
slow-motionfrank23 i just wanted to change it in a way that i can see where the cd is. /media/cdrom0 and ../cdrom1 are no good names for that.09:56
frank23SinnerG: I have no idea. I imagine its in the menu somewhere09:56
frank23slow-motion: ok09:56
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uniqniceguy24_: 'md5sum file.iso' - compare result with md5sum from secure source.09:57
frank23SinnerG: you're using a dapper live cd right?09:57
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NiceGuy24_uniq: and for the file.ISO what do I put? the file on my drive I just downloaded? or the url of the download site?. Thanks. Do I have to download the file with the Md5SUM code? or what do I do with that long parameter. i.e.:"3ee9eb2611ea57767110b2d984c76357  kubuntu-5.10-dvd-i386.iso"10:02
vgesomebody can make my day and say how i can remove tab switching when scrolling with mousewheel over tabbar?10:02
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uniqniceguy24_: run 'md5sum downloadedfile.iso' that will give you a output like '3ee9eb2611ea57767110b2d984c76357' if that is the same as the md5sum from the trusted location, it's all good :)10:05
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NiceGuy24_uniq: thanks man.10:05
smooshhi, someones use kaudiocreator10:07
GameOVer69hey question how come i can edit DRIconf from the konsole using xstart, but when i normally log into kde, and then use the terminal it wont let me?10:07
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Otherlandhi there... can anyone help me with some NIS problems ?10:10
smooshi can't extract at max speed with kaudiocreator...10:10
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OtherlandI've setup an ubuntu server, running ubuntu 5.10..everything seems to work10:11
robotgeekOtherland: hmm, i wonder if there is #ubuntu-server10:11
samuelI've got a "burning" question involving how Kubuntu manages to not overheat while another distro does.  Anyone up for duscussing ACPI?10:12
robotgeeksamuel: might want to try mailing list, actually10:13
samuelThanks, RobotGeek, but I've actually been RTFMing for at least 7 hours over this issue and would prefer to chat with another person ;-)10:14
robotgeeksamuel: would have loved to, but no idea abou ACPI issues10:15
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smooshanyones can extract cd audio tracks at max speed in kubuntu?10:21
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troysmoosh: what version of kubuntu?10:24
smooshtroy: breezy10:24
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Menno /msg NickServ IDENTIFY fiets10:25
troybreezy and older have DMA mode turned off by default for optical drives which slows it the hell down10:25
frank23Menno: now we all know your password ;)10:25
troysmoosh: one second, there's an easy fix, but I'll see if I can find a website for it10:26
smooshtroy: the dma is on with hdparm...10:26
Mennowell it not fiets!!10:26
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smooshtroy: ok10:26
troysmoosh: are you using kaudiocreator or audiocd:/10:26
smooshtroy: kaudiocreator...10:27
troydoes it seem to stall when ripping?10:27
Mennodo i have contact anyway?10:27
NiceGuy24_uniq: I did that and they came different. does it mean I have to download it again to make sure it will work fine?10:27
smooshtroy: it rip at slow speed...10:27
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Mennocan someone see this message please?10:28
=== troy thinks it uses cdparanoia as a backend, but on the most paranoid settings - keeps it slow
troyMenno: I can10:28
Mennothanks Troy so it working10:29
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troysmoosh: if you type in the konsole "hdparm /dev/hd?" - does it say "using_dma = 1" for your cd drive?10:31
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smooshtroy: yes dma=110:33
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ubotuGameOVer69: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:33
ahmeniAnyone have any idea why my aterm's TERM is being overridden with TERM=rxvtXcursor.theme: kubuntu?10:33
troyhrmm, since that is not the problem, I'll bet it's a setting in cdparanoia that can be changed...10:33
GameOVer69anyone here familiar with DRIconf?10:34
troybut I don't know how to do that :/10:34
smooshtroy: the strange thing is if i use cdda2wav, it rip at max speed...10:34
ahmenimy .Xdefaults is fine, can't even find a reference to Xcursor in any of my bash scripts..10:34
smooshtroy: ...and then also kaudiocreator go at max speed...10:34
=== troy has no idea
troysmoosh: file a bug10:35
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smooshtroy: do you have breezy?10:35
troysmoosh: I did until yesterday :/10:35
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troyworked quick enough for me that I didn't think there was a problem10:36
smooshtroy: but your kaudiocreator rip at max speed?10:36
Mennosomething completely different: how can i change my password?10:37
Mennoin Xchat i mean10:37
troysmoosh: you know, I'm not sure - it ripped fast enough to keep up with the encoding process so I never through anything was unusual10:37
smooshtroy: oh, ok...10:39
troyI could quickly try it on dapper here and see what it does10:39
=== troy throws random cd in
uniqniceguy24_: that basically means the files are not identical. incomplete download or something.10:39
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troysmoosh: the cd sounds like it's spinning a hell of a lot faster than it did in breezy10:40
troylike 20 seconds to rip the first track10:41
SeantaterThat's usually not a bad thing10:41
SeantaterAre you using kaudiocreator10:41
smooshtroy: maybe it's a breezy bug...10:41
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troysmoosh: dapper also has new hdparm defaults which may help10:41
smooshtroy: can you tell me?10:42
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NiceGuy24_uniq: does it happen frequently? I just downloaded the file, should I try to download it again? For example you, when you download files and check them, they come out all good?10:42
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Otherlandis there a way to change a users uid ?10:51
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uniqotherland: 'usermod -u newuid username' - 'man usermod' for more info.10:54
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ubuntuFirst of all, I admit that I did a very stupid thing with a beta product, now, having got that out of the way, the Kubuntu 6.06 live installer deleted my partition tables without finishing the installation.10:55
uniqniceguy24_: matches. as an example 95833fc045a9a17e7f25e22d31863306  kubuntu-6.06-beta-live-powerpc.iso10:56
Otherlanduniq: thanks :-)10:56
uniqniceguy24_: matches the md5sum from http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/6.06/MD5SUMS10:56
ubuntuAny recomendations for data recovery?10:56
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ubuntuIf I use QT Parted and set up my partitions exactly how they were before, telling it not to reformat, will I be able to access my data again?10:58
andre_after a recent update all my fonts appear very small anyone have an idea why?10:59
andre_i'm using dapper.10:59
uniqubuntu: if the partitions were re-formatted by the installer you're probably out of luck. if they were not formatted there is still hope.10:59
ubuntuuniq - I don't think they were reformatted, if they were, it was with the quick options since I the end of the installer was so fast and abrupt...10:59
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uniqubuntu: if only the partition table were changes that could work.10:59
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uniqubuntu: try, if the partition were re-formatted you're probably out of luck. Hope you have backups. :[11:00
ubuntuuniq: (-8  Thanks.  I have some backups.11:01
ubuntuFeature Request: Partition setup in the graphical installer.  (-811:01
uniqi have to goto bed, gnite all.11:01
frank23ubuntu there isn't any? I never tried the graphical installer. You're talking about expresso right?11:02
troylast I tried espresso (the beta livecd for kubuntu), it crashed on the parition handler - so I know it's there at least :P11:03
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m5mhow do I enable the konqueror sidebar?  I just installed a plugin for it, but I can't find the sidebar anwyhere :-P11:06
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paulvolkWas anyone in here before when that guy was complaining about Ubuntu being "unusable"?11:12
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ubuntum5m: You mean the F9 sidebar?11:13
ubuntum5m: You11:14
frank23Riddell: please check out https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-systemsettings/+bug/38530   It leaves a new install of kubuntu unusable because you can't setup networking.11:14
UbugtuMalone bug 38530 in kde-systemsettings "systemsettings crashes when you try to configure a network interface on a fresh install" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 11:14
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ubuntum5m: You're probably talking about something different since the F9 sidebar comes as part of Konqueror.11:14
Riddellfrank23: it's on my todo list11:14
frank23Riddell: ok. great ;)11:14
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m5mnope ubuntu that was it!  the F9 sidebar :-P thanks a bunch.  I dl'ed a delicious bookmarking feature that fits into that sidebar... funny I couldn't find the sidebar in the menus11:19
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frank23ahmeni: that's like the first thing you learn when you learn to type ;)11:24
robotgeekm5m: btw, bookmarkelets go into minitools in konq11:24
ahmeniheh, my screen session is acting up.. i still remember doing fff jjj on old Amigas11:24
bixterany1 know when mesa is going to be updated to 6.5.1?11:25
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mkulkehello, i've been using breezy for quite a while. today i tried a dapper kubuntu livecd and it kind of broke my wlan pcmcia card :/11:29
mkulkeon breezy i used the ndiswrapper driver w/o problems11:29
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mkulkedapper obviously uses the mrv8k driver11:30
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mkulkewhich writes a firmware to the card on every module load11:30
grendelis there a spanish user here? i need some help ;)11:30
mkulkedmesg says there is a firmware file missing11:30
mkulkei extracted the firmware file using the tools on the mrv8k driver website11:31
mkulkebut there is null information on where to put those firmware files11:31
robotgeekmkulke: usually /usr/lib/firmware11:32
grendel(well, if someone can help me: i get "unknown host" when ping to any url [it only happens some times). dns are right. i friend of mine tell me that it's a kubuntu problem)11:34
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:35
grendelthanks ;)11:35
mkulkerobotgeek: i placed the mrv8k-b.fw here, but dmesg still says: "mrv8k: Firmware 'mrv8k-b.fw' not available or load failed."11:36
mkulkei had to create /usr/lib/firmware btw11:36
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robotgeekmkulke: maybe u have to extract the firmware from that file, not sure11:36
ryanakcais there a utility for dealing with .sea files (mac self extractors)?11:37
mkulkeno, according to several forum entries it's the correct file11:37
robotgeekmkulke: hmm, no idea, sorry11:38
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puckmananyone still awake?11:40
robotgeekpuckman: depends on your question :P11:40
mkulkerobotgeek: it's /lib/firmware/11:41
robotgeekmkulke: ah, okay :)11:42
mkulkerobotgeek: thanks it's working now11:42
mkulkeat least i hope so11:42
mkulkei have to reboot into breezy11:42
robotgeekmkulke: could you please wikify the instructions for your card11:42
robotgeekmkulke: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs11:42
mkulkei think i should trigger a bugreport aswell11:42
mkulkebecause trying a livecd shouldn't kill your wlan card11:43
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mkulkethat did not help11:49
mkulkeseems my wlan card is gone for good :P11:49
mkulkeat least with ndiswrapper11:49
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=== Zaire [n=FallenAn@static24-72-92-91.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #kubuntu
ZaireI have a question for installing the manufacturer driver for and Nvidia fx5200 whats the apt-get command for aquiring the kernel sources, gcc and make files?11:54
robotgeekZaire, sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)11:54
ubotuit has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736811:54
Zaireso that command will show me the stuff I need?11:55
robotgeekZaire: i'm not familiar with the nvidia stuff, you might want to read that link11:55
Zairek the reason Im asking is I thought it would be imperitive to before I format and install kubuntu11:56
robotgeekZaire: heh11:56
satemplerZaire: well you will get 2D graphics11:57
satempleron default11:57
satemplerthat link tells you how to get 3D graphics working11:57
Zaireany working graphics without a crash would be nice lol11:58
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satemplerZaire: ya it should work have you tried the live cd11:58
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ZaireIve found Nvidia to be an unstable card to run with certain distros of linux11:58
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satemplerthe live cd will tell you if it can be done without formating11:58
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satemplerZaire: i have found quite the oppisite but that was back in the Geforce 4 days11:59
Zairethe 2 copies I have are breezy badger i386 and the AMD64 versions11:59
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satemplerZaire: can you download the Live CD12:00
Zairepossibly how big is it?12:00
satemplerin other words do you have broadband12:00
satemplerits 650MB or so12:00
Zaireyes lol I like to call it dialup on speed12:00
Zaire256k d/l speed 128k up lol12:01
satemplerI have 9Mbps down and 1Mbps up12:01
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