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ProN00bwill the behaviour of the eject cd button on the drive change with the next release ?12:31
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mdkeProN00b, the eject button on the cd drive should always have the same behaviour, regardless of release, because it is intended for one purpose only12:41
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mdke(to eject the cd)12:42
mdkeI'd be really concerned if my eject button suddenly started muting volume, or shutting down, or something12:42
ProN00bhmm, lemme try this again12:42
ProN00bbut it was a common problem in dapper that it did Not eject the cd12:43
HiddenWolfProN00b: intended behavior12:44
ProN00bHiddenWolf, why ?12:44
ProN00bwhy should a eject button not eject a cd ?12:45
ProN00bwhat wicked logic is behind this12:45
HiddenWolfProN00b: I'm not the expert, but as far as I know it's not always possible to correctly catch the right hardware signal due to wacky hardware, and safely unmount/eject the disk12:45
HiddenWolfI'd rather have to manually unmount it than starting to eject mounted disks12:46
ProN00bthen catch the signal, and try to unmount12:46
ProN00bif unpossible display error12:46
HiddenWolfAnyway, pitti should know12:46
=== HiddenWolf afk
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mdkeProN00b, if something doesn't work, search the bugtracker, and if it isn't known already, file a bug. It's clearly not intended behaviour for the eject button to fail to eject12:50
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ProN00banother thing i have to flame about: why don't you include updated release versions of programms (ff1.5 usw... (ff might be a bad example because of libs)) ? (you could at least put them into universe or multiverse)12:52
RiddellKamion: about?01:04
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ProN00bhmm, why totem ?02:05
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bddebianDamnit, where do .mime files go again on install?02:52
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bddebianHeya slomo_03:09
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robertjis disk really the right group for raw1394?03:36
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jsgotangcolol i go to the impi linux website and ubuntu is classified as economy class06:01
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=== jdong wonders when updated l-r-m and l-i packages will show up on mirrors :)
crimsunwhenever k NEWs them. I wouldn't hold my breath -- probably Monday. Let 'im have the weekend at least.06:22
jdongthanks, crimsun06:23
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desrtmmm.  the new artwork changes are nice06:42
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sivangmorning all09:16
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nomedhi all10:19
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highvoltageanyone seen heno on IRC recently?10:29
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zakamehi all10:31
jsgotangco\sh, nice to see you back again10:32
zakamehello \sh !10:32
\shjsgotangco: thx :) 10:32
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=== sivang wonders if ubuntu-artwork is the right place to ask an icon for a program that will probably be in main for dapper+1
sivangsee, I want it to be co-herent with the rest of the artwork10:39
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sivanganybody knows the difference between 'dip' and 'dialout' groups?11:34
sivangI'm looking at malone #4080211:34
UbugtuMalone bug 40802 in gnome-system-tools "in users-admin user privileges there are 3 modem entries" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4080211:34
lifelesssivang: dialout get modem access, dip can run ppp when they dialin IIRC. (dial-in-ip) IIRC. 11:35
sivangokay, so this needs clarification then11:36
sivangwhat do you think about the audio entry?:11:36
sivang  "audio"     => _("Use serial devices such as Modems and Palm Pilots."),11:36
sivangthis seems to be as a glitch ;-) 11:36
lifelesswow, that seems confusing11:36
sivangloudly confusing11:36
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sivanghmm, I wish pitti was here so I could have asked him about 'audio' group11:40
sivangKeybuk: Heya Scott, maybe you could shed some light, is that exactly what audio group is about? :11:40
sivang"audio"     => _("Use serial devices such as Modems and Palm Pilots."),11:40
sivang(taken fro users-conf in s-t-b)11:40
sivanglifeless: so dip is actually for being able to run ppp over a serial interface or so?11:41
lifelessthat was memory, I suggest goodle tc11:42
sivanghmm google suggests you do need to be in audio to access some modems11:43
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Keybuksivang: I think audio is largely a hang-over from Debian11:45
sivangKeybuk: what happened to "Being able to play audio" ;-)11:46
KeybukI was just checking that11:46
Keybukindeed, audio is the group that can write to audio devices on the system11:46
sivangKeybuk: I'm trying to help malone #4080211:46
UbugtuMalone bug 40802 in gnome-system-tools "in users-admin user privileges there are 3 modem entries" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4080211:47
Keybukaudio should be "Use audo devices"11:47
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Keybukthe other two "modem" devices -- one is describing actual modems, ie. pci and isdn modems11:48
sivangKeybuk: okay, I need to find the patch that changed that, since this used to be like this once, and remove it, it's a start against confusing :)11:48
Keybukone is just describing serial ports in general11:48
Keybukobviously we can put actual modems in the modem group, but a serial device can be many things11:48
sivangindeed. a serial connection between a laptop and a black VT box os so11:48
sivangKeybuk: gotta run for a while, be back in 30 minutes.11:49
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whiprushWoo hoo! Convention Report = 800+ CDs distributed, ubuntu talk totally packed. World Domination, on schedule.12:02
jsgotangcopfftt that's nothing when the LTS system gets in place12:03
jsgotangco(Laser Targetting System)12:03
jsgotangcowhiprush: i'm happy to know you're still awake at this time :)12:04
whiprushKeybuk: dude I totally owe you some info on that one bug report, I feel shitty for it being so crappy in the first place.12:04
Keybukwhiprush: heh, yeah :)12:06
sivangKeybuk: so, as basw-passwd docs say:12:06
sivangdialout = Full and direct access to serial ports. Members of this group can reconfigure the modem, dial anywhere, etc.12:06
sivangI think I'll make a patch now :)12:06
\shI think /usr/sbin/dip was something like a dial in helper program for pppd...something like expect or chat12:07
whiprushso dudes I'm on day three at this linux convention here at home, you guys wouldn't /believe/ the excitement around dapper. 12:08
whiprushThis guy from Google, chris dibona, is like, fanboi #1.12:09
ajmitchwhiprush: excellent12:09
ajmitchwhiprush: and you're whipping up the hype too?12:09
whiprushmy talk was packed.12:09
whiprushit's just unreal man.12:09
jsgotangcodibona was there?12:09
jdubwhiprush: fun!12:10
jsgotangcoajmitch: he was with dibona dude, talk about celebrity status12:10
=== jsgotangco is nort worthy of whiprush
ajmitchjsgotangco: almost as much of a celebrity speaker as you?12:10
whiprushDude so he's like "You guys won't believe how awesome ubuntu is. Stop what you're doing, get the CD."12:10
jsgotangconaw i'm already past my prime12:10
\shI wonder who this dibona guy is?12:10
jdubhe heads up google's open source office12:10
whiprushhi \sh!12:10
jsgotangco\sh: he used to be one of the original slashdot editors12:11
jdubhe was previously with VA and so on12:11
\shoh this dibona guy :) yeah I remember :)12:11
jdubwhiprush: so when's the ohio linux thingy?12:11
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whiprushjdub: I talked to them today, in october, I have the contacts, I mentioned "the plan".12:12
whiprushthey will email you soon.12:12
jdubwhiprush: sweet12:12
Keybuk"the plan" ?  is jdub living in airports for a month again?12:12
whiprushjdub: looks like aseigo is a go too, it should be sweet.12:12
jsgotangco"the plan"12:12
jdubwhiprush: are there public dates in october?12:12
whiprushjdub: The dates just got finalized, I will email them to you as soon as the guy wakes up, I think I drank him under the table.12:14
\shaseigo could be the man to push kubuntu as no. 1 kde distro in europe12:14
jdub\sh: probably better to get a european12:14
whiprushjdub: there will be a python track this year too. You have no excuse. :D12:14
jdubwhiprush: rock, thanks :)12:14
jsgotangcowou;d there be a shaving auction event too?12:15
\shjdub: well, he's sponsored by the trolls, he is a good spokesman for kde...ok, another choice would be mr. ettrich, but he signed already a crontract with the trolls :)12:15
whiprushjdub: dude, I can't begin to explain how pumped up people are for dapper.12:16
whiprushI've been flooded for three days of people.12:16
jsgotangcoEft is the future!12:16
whiprushfrom all walks of life ... it's been /amazing/12:16
whiprushjdub: blog post will follow on the event of course.12:17
\shjdub: another idea is, stay a couple of months in the netherlands, get cloned with a bit of kde drugs in your blood, and kubuntu will have jdub2, the fanatic blue guy without pants ;)12:17
jdubwhiprush: lots of people at LWE sydney were pissed that dapper was delayed, and that i didn't have dapper CDs anyway - holy crap12:17
whiprushjdub: oddly enough, when I explained the delay, I got nothing but nods.12:17
sivangthe plan, october etc, all of those linux conferences?12:17
jdub\sh: the host would reject the transplant12:17
whiprushI think a majority of them are still very happy with breezy.12:18
jsgotangcowhiprush: that's pretty normal, breezy is incredibly stable for most people12:18
jdub"okay, so you're telling me it's going to be better, and that there are good reasons for it... 'sok by me!"12:18
whiprushjdub: until I did the last minute of XGL, then all of a sudden, they're all about edgy. :D12:18
jdubLWE was pretty funny12:18
jdubi had dapper running with XGL on my 24" lcd12:18
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sivangjdub: oh, sweetness12:19
jduband the novell guys (with big fancy stand) only had videos of their XGL demo12:19
\shjdub: very sad, but then we need someone who is as charismatic as you, and have your skills to hypnotise the masses12:19
jdubso everyone loved the linux australia stand12:19
whiprushjdub: I did an ubuntu on sunray talk too.... 12:19
jdubwhiprush: how did that go?12:19
sivangwhiprush: what's sunray?12:19
jsgotangcojdub: is there a linux presence in CeBit in Darling harbour?12:19
jdubjsgotangco: now that i won't be away, i'll be there ;)12:21
jdubjsgotangco: there are a bunch of local linux companies as well as LA and OSIA12:21
jdubwho will be there12:21
whiprushsivang: a thin client.12:21
whiprushso like, pre-edubuntu thin clients. :D12:22
jdubjsgotangco: each of the cebit sections is called a 'parc' (numbskulls), and there is a 'linux parc'12:22
jsgotangcojdub: yeah i was looking through the website a few days ago, i won't be anywhere near that place that time though12:22
jsgotangcoi will most likely be in hanover next year though12:23
jsgotangcoohh LA is a sponsor12:23
jdubjsgotangco: 'partner' more like ;)12:23
\shjsgotangco: so we can meet in hannover next year for an early morning visit to the bavarian cebit hall...to have a "Mass Weissbier and a Weisswurst" ;)12:24
jsgotangco\sh: i'll take note of that, we're scheduled already for hannover as early sa now12:25
whiprushjdub: I spent about an hour going over pessulus and sabayon, and explaining how we deploy mass desktops with custom profiles.12:26
whiprushdid the whole thing live, very cool.12:26
=== sivang wonders how one can manage a job / RF and attending so many events and conferences :-)
\shjsgotangco: don't go there during the weekend..weekend is "collectors day"...better to visit the cebit the first 3-4 days....12:26
jdubwhiprush: rawk!12:26
jsgotangcowhiprush: they must have digged pessulus so much12:26
whiprushjsgotangco: it's incredible, how even among linux people, how things like pessulus are not well known.12:27
whiprushsabayon got people clapping though.12:27
jsgotangcoand deskbar?12:27
whiprushXnested thing, click and drag, make your profile, done and done.12:28
whiprushoh dude, you know I did the deskbar. :D12:28
whiprushso we made the profile, and I deployed a few different ones12:28
=== Keybuk doesn't "get" the desk bar
whiprushdid some "deployment" stuff...12:28
whiprushMy last slide was called "Holy Crap!"12:29
\shwhiprush: how do you massdeploy, via fai or kickstart?12:29
whiprushwhich was showing the profile stuff stuffed into LDAP.12:29
whiprush\sh: kickstart12:29
\shwhiprush: oh well, when I'm finished with my project, let's talk about the "real thing" (tm) named FAI :)12:29
whiprushso you can like, stick all the goodies in LDAP, and deploy the profiles by OU.12:29
whiprusheven the windows guys were impressed.12:30
=== sivang nods to \sh about the coolness of this buzzword ;-)
jdub\sh: fai is poop12:30
KeybukI have a cute demo I give to Windows users now12:30
KeybukI install dapper onto a laptop12:30
whiprush\sh: I have lots of old RHEL kickstart scripts, so I just reuse those. ::D12:30
Keybuktake the hard drive out, then boot it in a completely different laptop12:30
Keybukand watch their open jaws when it doesn't spend the next week playing the "Found new hardware" game12:31
sivangKeybuk: hehe , they probably don't know what hit them :)12:31
jdubKeybuk: tickling their abstract funny bone only gets you so far :-)12:31
Keybukor ever ask for the CD :)12:31
\shjdub: fai is the best thing to install and setup a lot of servers....12:31
whiprushjdub: the one bummer is that I couldn't get gimmie to work out of cvs for a lightning talk, I really wanted to say "GNOME IS MADE OF PEOPLE!"12:31
jdubwhiprush: ha ha12:31
Keybukjdub: it's an extreme example, but it's not that unusual for even minor hardware changes to annoy Windows users -- it's a cute way to demonstrate Ubuntu deals with hardware changes perfectly12:32
Keybukwell, other than X12:32
jdub\sh: naw, it only seems like it. kickstart + cfengine is much better. (fai is like an abused kickstart plus a lame cfengine-lite, so why not go for the real deal?)12:32
whiprushjdub: people really like the new add/remove programs, and gdebi.12:32
jdubwhiprush: yeah, the new g-a-i is really raising eyebrows12:33
jsgotangcowhiprush: did you get some new ideas for g-a-i?12:33
whiprushjsgotangco: mostly just oohs and aahs.12:33
whiprushmost of my problem areas were non ubuntu specific, things like an oddball broadcom and whatnot12:34
\shjdub: kickstart is just like autoyast :) but with fai I can implement deployment not only of debian based distros but as well rpmdistros like suse or redhat (that's my project right now), and for rolling out configurations, fai is able to use cfengine1/2 ...which is again implemented by default12:34
j^Keybuk only that pnp desktop resize with external monitors and projectors is more common than replacing the laptop of a harddisk12:34
\shjdub: and the main dev is sitting in cologne :)12:34
Kamioncan anyone tell me *why* on God's green earth pygtk's gtk.main() wrapper eats exceptions?12:34
Kamionit's so dangerous12:34
jdubj^: we should team up on daniels and harass him about x automagic stuff12:35
Riddellis the kubuntu live fs being built?  today's live CD doesn't contain the new kubuntu-meta12:39
Riddellor maybe a build time of  01:45:27 BST is too late for it12:39
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j^jdub first step would be Auto enabling and disabling Xinerama screens.<http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/SummerOfCodeIdeas>12:46
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jduboh man12:52
jdubi just had the most awesome idea for dapper release love12:52
Keybukoh aye?12:53
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jdubhave to make sure it's viable first12:53
jdubbefore i blather it12:53
\shspace, the final frontier, these are the adventures of Ubuntu Dapper Drake...12:56
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j^\sh disk space?12:57
\shs/space/time/ ?12:59
sivang\sh: I started reading Einsetien's Relativity book01:01
sivang\sh: then one he claims is for "people with high scholl knowledge" to understand01:02
sivangnice so far01:02
\shsivang: good to know, that einstein himself was not good in school :) 01:05
sivang\sh: but it's true, he actually did physics in his spare time from the patent office in germany I think01:06
sivang\sh: he used to be a patent accountant or something01:06
sivangand he did not do so good at school01:06
sivang(or maybe it was switzeland, can't recall)01:06
\shswiss :)01:07
sivangright :)01:07
\shand he messed up with the university-entrance diploma :)01:07
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sivang\sh: heh, he did? did he try to cheat? :-)01:08
\shno...i just failed an exam :) 01:08
sivang\sh: LOL01:08
\shso he had to repeat one school term01:09
sivang\sh: nice, reading now01:12
jsgotangcogood night01:12
sivangnight jsgotangco 01:13
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infinityRiddell: I hadn't turned the dailies back on yet.  Doing now.01:31
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Riddellinfinity: could you start a livefs build running?01:42
infinityRiddell: Any particular arch you want?01:43
Riddellinfinity: all of them would be good01:44
Riddellwanting to test ubiquity01:44
infinityRiddell: Kay.  I'll do amd64/i386/powerpc.01:45
infinityWant me to spin the ISOs when I'm done, or are you all over that?01:46
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Riddellif it's no hassle to you that would be lovely01:47
KamionRiddell: I'm working on all those "zapped my partition table" bugs, BTW01:48
KamionRiddell: there are basically three problems there01:48
mjg59Kamion: Espresso doesn't always seem to cause a /etc/mkinitramfs/conf.d/resume to appear01:48
KamionRiddell: one is that ubiquity's UI throws an exception at all (and we just have to fix each of those in turn)01:48
Kamionmjg59: s/always/ever/01:48
Kamionmjg59: I know, just heard about that in my mail this morning, will sort something out01:48
mjg59Heh. No problem01:49
KamionRiddell: the second is that pygtk doesn't propagate exceptions beyond nested gtk.main() calls; I don't know if you have the same issue with pykde01:49
KamionRiddell: the third is that partman doesn't generally run with 'set -e' and so doesn't notice the debconffilter going away, and carries on merrily regardless01:49
KamionRiddell: to address the second, I'm going to add an exception handler to gtkui that puts up an exception dialog, asks people to file a bug, and then exits; you may like to do something similar in kde-ui01:50
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Kamionfrom ubiquity.frontend.yesnodialogue import YesNoDialogue01:51
KamionRiddell: ^-- you don't appear to have added that to bzr01:51
\shRiddell: btw...did you try the KGlobal.locale().insertCatalogue(...) for the translation stuff?01:55
whiprushguys: i have to do my second ubuntu talk in a few hours, can someone summarize the core duo/wifi situation?01:57
jdub3945 stuff?01:57
jdubi believe there's an effort to make sure what exists will be in the kernel01:57
jdubbut what exists right now doesn't seem all that hot01:58
mjg59It's in the kernel01:58
jdubso it might not be elite for dapper01:58
whiprushok, we're doing a manual three step process here.01:58
whiprushit's the driver, the blob, and some other thing.01:58
mjg59Driver is in the kernel, the rest is in l-r-m01:58
infinityDriver, firmware, and binary-only daemon.01:58
mjg59Just needs to get through NEW01:59
mjg59I believe01:59
=== infinity nods.
infinityThat's in progress right now.01:59
mjg59Getting test feedback would be good01:59
mjg59I've got no test hardware, and nor does infinity01:59
whiprushmjg59: so I totally added to your mystique. I got a bunch of acpi questions.01:59
Chipzzbinary-only daemon? I thought intel was quite open wrt their wireless chipsets?01:59
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mjg59Chipzz: Yeah, the situation is a bit complicated02:00
whiprushand my answer was "Top men are on it, they're very British, and don't go to his blog, unless you want to hear multiple instances of a C word I can't say here."02:00
mjg59whiprush: Go ahead02:00
Chipzzlemme guess... patents? :P02:00
mjg59Chipzz: FCC02:01
mjg59Chipzz: Actually, paranoid lawyers02:01
whiprushsomething like "yeah, and so, the laptop guy is a total alcoholic ..."02:01
whiprush"that's how screwed we are."02:01
mjg59Aw. I had one small glass of vodka yesterday.02:01
mjg59And really quite a lot of beer the night before02:02
\shthat's nothing02:02
Chipzzmjg59: vodka-redbull! ;)02:02
Chipzzmjg59: anyway, what's different compared to ipw2[12] 00 for the lawyers?02:03
\shChipzz: that's pestilent :)02:04
jdubChipzz: the norty stuff is done in software instead of firmware/hardware02:04
Chipzzjdub: "win-wifi"? :P :/02:05
Chipzzhave they learned NOTHING then?02:05
=== Chipzz sighs :(
Chipzzyou thought that after the whole win-modem debacle people would know better02:06
Chipzzffs :(02:06
KamionRiddell: could you add -I.bzrignore to the list of flags you pass to dpkg-source when building packages? I don't think there's much point in including .bzrignore in ubiquity source packages.02:06
\shChipzz: the redbull stuff in vodka02:06
Chipzz14:00 < mjg59> Chipzz: Yeah, the situation is a bit complicated02:07
Chipzznm that02:08
whiprush\sh: msg me please.02:08
KamionRiddell: also your source tree isn't quite clean - you have debian/ubiquity-guadalinex-doc/ lying around there (which is commented out of debian/control, so debian/rules clean doesn't clean it)02:09
infinityChipzz: Having software control the Tx/Rx power seems perfectly reasonable to me.  It just also happens to be something the FCC would prefer was obfuscated and not generally available.02:12
infinityChipzz: So, Intel releases a binary-only daemon to make the FCC happy and limit their liability, and other people reverse engineer it and provide a free alternative at their own risk (just as people take to wifi firmware with hex editors to make FCC-unfriendly changes currently)02:13
Chipzzcould be worse I guess02:13
infinityChipzz: In the end, if a free alternative is produced, I doubt the FCC will go after them, but Intel would prefer not to lose FCC licenses or suffer fines.  Individuals likely care less.02:13
Chipzzinfinity: and individuals would also be "less liable"?02:14
Chipzz(is that even a word, liable? :P)02:14
infinityAnyhow, the situation is a bit icky, the binary-only daemon is rather sketchy, but word on the street (from people who own the hardware) is that it works.02:14
infinityChipzz: Individuals would be just as liable for pissing off the FCC, but if they do it outside the US, there's nothing they can really do about it.02:15
Chipzzinfinity: what's the situation for us if people DO reverse engineer it?02:15
infinityAnd then the only people breaking the law are people who use the new free/open code to increase their transmission rates further than the law allows, which is your own risk, no one else's.02:15
infinityAt any rate, the FCC's ability to demand obfuscation of code to change Tx power is sketchy at best.  They may feel the urge to test it in court against someone they can make an example of (Intel, Broadcom, etc), but I doubt they'd care to go after Joe Q Hacker.  Don't take that as solid legal advice to go do it, though.02:17
Chipzzso, either we include a binary only daemon, OR, we do not include a reverse engineered daemon?02:17
infinityI'll just wait for some enterprising Australian resident (oh wait, I live in .au) to do it.02:17
infinityChipzz: Erm, what?  No.  Either we include the binary daemon, or we include a free/open one when one is made available.02:18
Chipzzeither way it still sucks02:18
Chipzz"14:15 < infinity> And then the only people breaking the law are people who use the new free/open code"02:18
infinityChipzz: Distributing it doesn't constitute circumvention any more than distributing a free zip file password cracker.02:18
Chipzzwouldn't that be a problem?02:18
infinityChipzz: You cut off my sentence.02:18
infinityChipzz: "people who use it to increase their Tx rates out of FCC-allowed spec"02:18
infinityAnyhow, way offtopic, not sure why I'm discussing this here.02:19
Chipzzsorry about that, didn't want to misrepresent what you said... guess I just misunderstood02:20
Chipzzk will shut-up now ;)02:20
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sivanginfinity: not to mention the damage of radiation :)02:22
sivanginfinity: when in access outside the limits, that is02:22
Chipzzsivang: the animals in tschernobil also survive... so will our children ;)02:22
kmonHi. Anyone knows why the linux-image & linux-restricted-modules update isn't available yet?02:23
sivangChipzz: not sure how those experiments are conducted ;-)02:23
infinitykmon: Happening as we speak.02:23
Chipzzsivang: experiments? :)02:23
kmoninfinity: Oh. Great :)02:23
sivangChipzz: never mind, let's cut the off topic ness :)02:23
Chipzzsivang: uhu :)02:24
sivanginfinity: so I heared yo're pulling in support for the new ATIs in the 60's :-) Couldn't you do that before I purchased my T43? 02:24
Kamionkmon: when package names change, they go into the new queue for manual approval.02:25
sivangthat is, for the {T|X}60's :-)02:25
infinityKamion: Dude, is there a particularly sane reason why cron.daily-live returns instantly and does... Well... Nothing?02:26
sivangah , actually not much of a problem, the current fglrx is giving nasty corruption that might still be worthwhile debugging even02:26
highvoltagesivang: i think the T43's are nicer than the 60's anyway :)02:26
sivanghighvoltage: that's a first timer, and a cheering hand! Let me know your reasons :)02:26
mdke(in another channel)02:26
highvoltagesivang: well, first of all, the X60's are damn ugly02:27
highvoltagesivang: it's also a bit big, i like the idea of having a laptop that's at least mobile02:27
highvoltagesivang: and that big screen also drinks battery power like it's Sprite lite.02:27
sivanghighvoltage: they claim to have ground breaking battery life :)02:28
sivangtogether with dual core processing, this seems a bit unreal02:28
highvoltagemdke: sorry, were you talking to us?02:28
sivanghighvoltage: he's right, PMing02:28
sivangmdke: even though it's sunday? :-)02:28
infinityKamion: Oh.  Filesystem's full.  Feh.02:28
Kamioninfinity: /dev/sda3            562456664 533885524         0 100% /02:29
KamionI'll sort it out02:29
mdkesivang, it looks to me like the developers are trying to do some work, so yeah, keeping to the topic is important even today02:29
=== infinity never seems to look there first, until something whines about it.
infinity(In this cash, baz whined)02:29
sivangmdke: noted, agreed, sorry again :)02:33
infinityFWIW, I don't mind much when people let their hair down a bit on the weekend and go a bit off-topic here.  Others may care more, though. :)02:34
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sivanginfinity: all I can say, that I'm greatful for you giving an off topic advice here once, about getting 1400x1050 on a thinkpad :)02:40
Kamioninfinity: little should be happier now02:44
mdkemjg59, I'm getting a debconf question for the latest acpi-support, is that intended?02:44
mjg59mdke: No02:45
mjg59Especially since it doesn't have any debconf support02:45
mjg59What's the issue?02:45
infinityUhm, yeah.  No debconf at all...02:45
infinitymdke: Do you mean a conffile prompt?02:46
infinity(That would be intentional)02:46
mdkeah could be02:46
mdkesorry, I heard once that users shouldn't ever see those questions02:46
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mdkeis that wrong?02:46
infinityNo, users shouldn't ever see them IF no conffiles actually got changed.02:47
infinityYou quite probably chnaged yours. :)02:47
mdkeyes, I did. fine, thanks02:47
infinityKamion: Thanks.02:47
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infinityRiddell: You have new ISOs.03:02
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=== \sh has to download an actual ubiquity source package..
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\shhey bddebian03:40
bddebianHi \sh!03:41
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SurakKamion, I noticed the name of espresso changed to ubiquity. What happened?03:57
jpatrickSurak: make it more Ubuntu-ish03:57
infinityAnd give it some more meaning, as well...03:58
infinity"espresso" was meaningless, if you didn't know the name was derived from "Ubuntu Express"03:58
infinityBut Ubiquity has meaning in itself, as in "we want Ubuntu to be Ubiquitous, and Ubiquity will help make that happen".03:59
=== infinity still has a fondness in his heart for pitti's "Prestobuntu" suggestion, though.
Surakprestobuntu reminds me of 'prestobarba', the most popular razor blade in brazil04:01
bddebianinfinity: I don't suppose you ever got a chance to take a look at ivtools?04:01
infinityNope, I've been busy slacking with beta releases and then falling deathly ill.04:02
bddebianUgh, sorry to hear that04:02
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bddebianHeya zakame04:31
zakamehello bddebian! :D04:31
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infinityRiddell: Also, kdelibs is FTBFS, due to mismatched types in the cups stuff; kdewebdev is FTBFS trying to iterate a for loop over an empty glob.04:50
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infinityDiziet: Your mozilla-firefox-locale-all upload fails to build.04:51
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infinityDiziet: Your pango1.0 is also FTBS.04:52
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mdkeah, that explains the homepages breaking04:54
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ssamam i right in thinking that kde applications (eg kword) are hidden from the gnome menu? should Bug #40501 be rejected?04:56
UbugtuMalone bug 40501 in koffice kword "Kword does not appear in menu" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4050104:56
bddebianmdke: Were you the one that was helping my dumb ass with anjuta?04:56
mdkebddebian, no, sorry04:58
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infinityDiziet: Ahh, nevermind the pango1.0 failure, you should have just used a versioned build-dep on the newer fontconfig.  Tsk, tsk.05:04
bddebianmdke: Well, what do you know about mime/xml files? :-)05:05
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Riddellssam: they are not generally hidden05:10
infinityDiziet: And mozilla-firefox-locale-all seems much happier with a build-dep on ubuntu-docs.  Fix uploaded.  You're off the hook.05:10
infinityRiddell: You get to fix your own this time, though. :)05:10
Riddellinfinity: yep, thanks05:11
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ssamRiddell, so it is a bug that kword does not show in the gnome menu? rather than policy?05:15
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Riddellssam: yes05:15
bddebianMissing/broken .desktop file?05:16
sivanganybody seen smurf ?05:18
bddebianHeya sivang05:19
bddebianNot in the last 20 years or so.. ;-P05:19
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bddebianHello pitti, Burgundavia05:21
Burgundaviasalut bddebian05:21
infinitybddebian: And you get the lyx FTBFS, since you uploaded it last.  Enjoy.05:22
sivanghey bddebian 05:22
sivangbddebian: heh05:22
sivanghey pitti , 'sup?05:23
bddebianinfinity: It FTBFSd?05:23
infinityThat list of 6 build failures looks pretty failed to me.05:23
bddebianAck, WTF I didn't get that locally.. Grr05:25
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\shpbuilding ?05:29
\shor chrooting?05:29
\shlooks like you didn't run make debian/rules clean before :)05:30
bddebianTypically pbuilder05:30
\shthen it's not installed in the right place...debian/lyx.xml looks quite strange :)05:30
pittihi bddebian, hey sivang 05:31
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\shok...cu later gentlemen...05:32
infinitypitti: Okay, looks like someone's packaged php-sqlite3 in Debian.  So, I'm just going to split php-sqlite out of the PHP source completely, so we can punt it to universe.05:32
pittiinfinity: cool05:33
jdubbut the lampies will cry05:33
pittiinfinity: just wait with it until you are back to good health05:33
infinitypitti: Yeah, I may work on some Debian stuff on the laptop in bed tomorrow between naps.05:33
pittijdub: it's just to get sqlite0 to universe and use sqlite3 consistently05:33
infinitypitti: Cause you know how good I am at avoiding computers. :/05:33
jdubbonus :)05:34
infinityI mean, here I am, I've completely lost my voice, and it's late Sunday night (technically Monday morning now), and I'm hunting build failure instead of sleeping.  Go me. :/05:34
infinityPerhaps I should go try to sleep again.05:35
pittiinfinity: have your gf take away all your computers05:36
infinityThen I'll just use hers.05:36
jdubpitti meant your-plural05:37
bddebianAck, where the fsck did that come from.  There isn't a lyx.xml anywhere in the package...05:38
jdub moon-lander (1:1.0-4ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low05:39
jdub .05:39
jdub   * Install moon-lander.desktop from debian/ instead of from $(CURDIR)05:39
jdubinfinity: GO TO BED05:39
bddebianjdub: ?05:39
infinityBut mo-ooooom, I want to stay up and watch Night Court!05:40
jdubon the moon?05:40
=== jdub also goes to bed
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nomedKamion: ping06:03
nomedKamion: could you check please the bug #40095 again ?06:04
UbugtuMalone bug 40095 in espresso "from poke_gnome_screensaver to turn_off_screensaver" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4009506:04
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nomedxscreensaver-command --disable should be --deactivate06:06
nomedi'm tetsing now espresso .. and it gtkui has the wrong opt for xscreensaver06:07
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Kamionnomed: y'know, I do read e-mail. No need to poke me on IRC too. :)06:14
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nomedKamion: well i wrote the email later :)06:17
nomedKamion: one other question ..06:18
Kamionfix committing, anyway06:18
nomedwhat is time-admin ?06:18
Kamionpart of gnome-system-tools06:18
Kamionshould be in xubuntu-system-tools or whatever it's called as well06:18
nomedespresso freeze in xubuntu06:18
nomedfor that cmd06:19
nomedxubuntu-system-tools is not yet in main06:19
KamionI could make the button invisible if time-admin isn't available06:19
nomedit's absolutely needed06:19
Kamionnot really06:20
Kamionwell, not for ubiquity anyway06:20
nomedor just add gnome-system-tools in deps 06:20
Kamionit's not a dependency, but I'll recommend it06:20
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beerockxswhy does xchat-common depend on xchat?06:23
infinitybeerockxs: Because it's useless without it?06:24
Kamionnomed: fixes in my bzr branch06:24
beerockxsinfinity: xchat-gnome depends on it06:24
beerockxsinfinity: I don't want both xchat and xchat-gnome06:24
nomedKamion: perfect 06:25
infinitybeerockxs: No it doesn't...06:25
infinitybeerockxs: xchat-common has nothing to do with xchat-gnome.06:26
beerockxsinfinity: erm, oops. nevermind me, I'm stupid06:26
highvoltageinfinity: aren't you supposed to be in bed by now?06:27
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dokoKamion: zope: zope-externaleditor_0.8-2.1 is already in the archive, although apt-cache showsrc still shows the 0.8-1ubuntu1 version07:20
Kamionzope-externaleditor | 0.8-1ubuntu1 | dapper/universe | all07:23
Kamionzope-externaleditor |    0.8-2.1 | dapper/universe | source07:23
dokoyes, missing build dep07:27
dokofixed in the version you are syncing07:28
Kamionok, will override. Unfortunately all syncs are blocked on bug 4095807:29
UbugtuMalone bug 40958 in qprocd "all sync attempts fail" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4095807:29
KamionI'll poke cprov about that tomorrow07:30
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dokoKamion: ohh, ok, then you do have time processing some NEW stuff? ;-)07:34
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nomedKamion: the [ubiquity (?) |espresso]  installation worked fine this time ..07:39
nomedjuts an issue with gparted that could re-format  a partition ... i couldn't debug it ..07:40
nomeds/could re-format/couldn't/07:40
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Kamiondoko: I'll do some of them, at least. Also you say that as if I haven't done any NEW processing today, which isn't true :P07:49
dokoKamion: no, I didn't mean that. sorry if it did sound like that07:50
=== LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-142177211249.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dokoKamion: my interest was to get azureus in, others required by that are glib-java, cairo-java and bouncycastle07:51
slomodoko: does azureus finally run with classpath? there was a missing class last time i tried07:54
Kamiondoko: yep, all done now07:54
Kamiondoko: you asked for bouncycastle to go to main, but we only do that if it's split out from something already in main or else really really obviously OK, so I've put it in universe; if you want it in main, get pitti to check it over as usual07:55
Kamionsomebody had already done openoffice.org-gtk, it seems07:55
Kamion(infinity I think)07:55
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=== Kamion finally realises the real root cause for espresso eating people's partition tables, and curses Python
dokoKamion: ohh, no, it should stay in universe, not main. 07:56
Kamionwhose bright idea was it to install a SIGPIPE handler by default, and then not have the subprocess module set it back to the default07:56
dokoslomo: which one?07:57
slomodoko: something ssl related... but it's some months ago so everything could've changed07:58
dokoslomo: at least it's not needed for _building_. I know that classpath is still lacking ssl support.07:59
sivangre all08:03
slomodoko: hm... i can try again tomorrow maybe... but it would be nice to have this in the archives :)08:05
bddebianAh ha, it wasn't my fault.  New upstream of lyx whacked my lyx.xml08:11
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sivangbddebian: excuses, excuses! :-D08:14
bddebianThat's what I do best. ;-P08:15
=== sivang ROTFLS
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sivangmjg59: I see you turned off the default to use laptop-mode on batt power, should I expect batt life reduction if I install the package shipped conf file?09:02
jdongI hope that's a temporary workaround, though :)09:04
jdongsivang: laptop-mode had this nasty bug where it'd spin down drives every 5 seconds09:04
zygahmm, I'll ask a nasty question: did anyone notice problems with network-manager dying with 'cannot find required component'09:05
jdongzyga: yes; installing nm-applet and a logout/login fixed that09:06
zygajdong: hmm :)09:06
zygamissing dependency 09:06
zygathanks, did you file a bug?09:06
jdongno; I did not09:06
zygathe UGLY thing is I already have a binary called nm-applet09:07
jdongI thought nm-applet was supposed to be an empty metapackage09:07
zyganm-applet is empty09:07
jdong(transitional package)09:07
zygaI'll relogin to be sure09:07
mjg59sivang: Yes09:07
jdongthe complaint from nm-applet was a missing VPN lock ico09:07
sivangmjg59: this is due to what jdong said? :)09:08
mjg59sivang: No09:08
mjg59It's /supposed/ to spin drives down09:08
mjg59It just also had a nasty habit of hanging the machine09:08
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sivangmjg59: okay, just to tell you that it's pretty amazing - the drive is almost always turned off, I made a record breaking uptime on batt with this new 9 cell t43p compared to windoze :)09:09
sivangmjg59: and it's a 7200 rpm drive :)09:10
=== sivang rejects the package conffile changes.
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zygaI remember something bad during boot process, usplash going out and something blinked for a moment regarding network manager dispatcher09:11
sivangzyga: see, the spindowns can annoy you at times, buf if you're calm, working on code not doing anything IO intensive it makes your laptop run and run ane run...:)09:11
sivangjdong: I take it you were bothered by the spin donws?09:11
zygasivang: my laptop has a dead battery09:11
=== zyga will reboot to be sure
sivangmjg59: however, I'm using fglrx and resume/suspend only comes back if I wake it up again after a *short* period of time09:12
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mjg59sivang: Shrug.09:14
mjg59I recommend not doing that :)09:14
sivangmjg59: well, you've done a wonderful job in enabling agresive power savin, why should I refuse to use it ? :)09:15
mjg59Fixing fglrx bugs is basically impossible for us09:17
mjg59Whereas ati just got fixed to do suspend/resume on PCIE hardware09:17
sivangmjg59: hmm, the t43p is all PCI-E ?09:18
=== sivang searches thinkwiki
sivangyay, good fonts are back09:19
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mjg59sivang: Yes09:19
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sivangmjg59: I see there are already attempts to make the Accelerometer work under linux, maybe we could start working on a nice pack for next relead - fingerprint (will check this later think week) , the acceleration sensor, maybe even offering iBM to port "Access IBM" to ubuntu? 09:23
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mjg59Fingerprint stuff requires non-free drivers09:24
sivangmjg59: ah, againt the dreadful code sharing agreenments etc?09:24
sivang(like with fglrx)09:24
zygadoes anyone have network-manager crashing?09:25
shayaanyone else having panic's on X startup due to fglrx?09:25
mjg59sivang: I'm just not going anywhere near any closed-source code if I can possibly help it09:27
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=== sivang wished there was a way to make IBM release the specs
mjg59The fingerprint reader isn't designed by them09:31
mdkemeh, the fingerprint reader is a total waste of time, at least on windows09:31
mdkeif you disactivate it, it feels like you've just got an extra gig of ram09:32
sivangmdke: for some reason, even after I've enabled it, it still auto logs on after telling to swipe finger an waiting few secs09:32
sivangmjg59: who does?09:32
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sivangseems accelerometer driver is in mainline, maybe it only required a GUI now...09:36
highvoltagemdke: setting an example? :)09:36
mjg59sivang: UTEK09:37
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sivangUPEK ?09:41
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sivangnice, there are already some applets. only need packaging if not already in debian. /me checks09:43
sivang(for accelerometer)09:43
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shayaaccelerometer needs more than that09:46
Keybuksladen was geeking over one at Debconf last year09:46
shayaneeds a way to park the disk to be of real use09:46
Keybuktrying to make it an input device or something09:46
shayaI'm unconvinced it can be done efficiently from user space09:47
Keybukshackan: hdparm -Y isn't it?09:47
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mjg59That just gets woken up again by the kernel09:48
_ionWouldn't be fun if the accelerometer daemon process just happened to reside in swap, when the laptop fell to the floor. :-)09:49
zyga_ion: har har09:49
zyga_ion: isn't that a kernel code?09:50
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_ionzyga: I was talking about a hypothetical userspace daemon.09:50
zyga_ion: mlock could help09:50
_ionzyga: Note the ":-)"09:51
zygaoh 09:51
zygaI'm too serious today ;] 09:51
_ionMaybe ";-)" would have been more appropriate.09:51
sivangshaya: accoridng to THinkWiki, there is a kernel patch that allos an HD to be protected by a user space process.09:52
zygasivang: how fast the hdd can spin down?09:53
shayaI'm unconvinced in its efficiency09:53
zygaless than 0.5s?09:53
sivangshaya: ah, i see09:53
mjg59There's an emergency park command09:53
sivangzyga: no idea09:53
mjg59You don't actually want it to stop spinning, you just want the heads to be away from the platters09:53
zygamjg59: what if the heads got stuck in an emergency jam ;-)09:54
sivangso they won't scratch the metal of the platter09:54
zygathe heads can probably seek away quite fast09:54
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@ACD8FE51.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shayaits not just how long it takes kernel to react09:55
shayaits how long it takes process to react09:55
shayaprone to scheduler whims09:55
sivang"A kernel patch is required for disk head parking and queue freezing."09:56
sivangwhat does it mean about "queue freezing" ?09:56
shayasivang: if you don't freeze the IO queue, heads will depark right away09:56
zygasivang: probably io-queue09:56
sivangshaya: ah, inside the kernel right?09:57
_ionIMO that should be something entirely done by hardware. The accelerometer controller should be able to tell the HDD{,s} to park the heads immediately. The OS would receive the event, but it wouldn't need to react.09:58
sivang_ion: is the same on windows, as per "by design" :-)09:58
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_ionSomething like human's reflexes  the hardware has already reacted, when the OS receives and handles the event. :-)10:00
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=== zyga is thinking about unofficial, underdog, abandonware packaged for ubuntu...
KaiL_nice to read about ipw3945 in the Changelog - good work ;)10:10
KaiL_now only ATi is missing to say that at least in theory all current laptops are fully supported :)10:11
mjg59KaiL_: Being worked on, though no promises10:11
KaiL_mjg59, todays kernel images include ipw394510:12
mjg59KaiL_: Yes, I meant ATI10:13
KaiL_ah, ok10:13
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sivang_ion: tell that to those producing the sensor :)10:18
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jdongKaiL_: ATI is still missing what?10:36
KaiL_jdong, means there is still no driver for Radeon X1400 and friends in ubuntu10:37
jdongKaiL_: that was just uploaded with the ipw394510:39
Tm_Tlooks like there's bunch of screensavers disappeared10:39
KaiL_ah, really10:40
KaiL_Changelog for restricted modules didn't mention that10:40
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=== jdong pulls up changelog
jdong linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 ( dapper; urgency=low10:41
jdong .10:41
jdong   * Update fglrx to 8.24.8, which includes support for the Radeon X1n00 series10:41
jdong     and the Mobility Radeon X1n00 series cards (closes: launchpad.net/39924)10:41
KaiL_hmm, more than one entry, that's why I didn#t see it10:42
KaiL_I should think about getting a daily build live-CD to try on an Core Duo Laptop ;)10:43
jdongKaiL_: likewise; I got my eyes set on one with a X1400, too10:46
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KaiL_I tried an FSC Amilo Pi1536 with Flight6, on which ipw3945 and the X1400 where the only visible problems, so it SHOULD be fully supported now - the only question, as always, is suspend10:47
KaiL_and the SD reader, but that seams to be hopeless for now10:47
jdongelmo: can you push through some of the backports requests for breezy?10:50
jdongelmo: I'm starting to get some users impatient around here :(10:50
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jdongelmo: (https://launchpad.net/people/elmo/+assignedbugs), there's only around 5 packages10:51
KaiL_backports are evil :p10:52
KaiL_and somebody blame ATI for being even to stupid, to fill the "version" field for their module10:52
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