
LaserJockpretty dead IRC today12:29
crimsunpretty dead archive, too.12:29
bddebianDead archive?12:33
crimsunI can't reach CC.archive.ubuntu.com at all12:33
=== cassidy_ [n=cassidy@89.113-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockwell, I got the beta text installer .iso downloaded12:39
LaserJockwell, at least the partitioner works better on the text installer12:40
LaserJockeven if I can't figure  out the LVM, I can still do it the old fashioned way ;-)12:41
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joelbryanhello, how do I upload a package in universe?02:32
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bddebianjoelbryan: Well first you need to become an MOTU if you are not one :-)02:37
joelbryanI'm not yet one02:37
bddebianThen you cannot upload, sorry02:37
bddebianIs it a new package or a fix?02:39
=== Arrogance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-96-69.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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joelbryanbddebian: it's http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLiveChatSupport03:05
bddebianAh cool03:07
joelbryanI've uploaded it in revu using anonymous, but I just recently recieve an email that I should use my email as a login. should I re upload again?03:10
bddebianjoelbryan: Probably wouldn't hurt03:12
bddebianWhy does apsfilter suggest dvips?  dvips hasn't been in Debian for a while afaict03:12
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StevenKbddebian: dvips has been sucked into tetex-bin03:28
bddebianThx StevenK03:28
StevenKSo apsfilter should Suggest tetex-bin, unless there is something stronger on it already.03:29
bddebianAnyone know where .mime files are supposed to go that get processed by updatemimedb or whatever it's called?03:37
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tuxmaniacHey is REVU working?06:22
crimsunafaict, yes. Why?06:23
tuxmaniaccrimsun: The site is not loading for me.. It is waiting for data from revu06:23
crimsunloads fine here.06:24
tuxmaniaccrimsun: Can you find my newly uploaded package xcircuit there?06:25
tuxmaniacsomething is wrong!06:28
tuxmaniacI did a dput *.changes> and the upload went smothly06:28
tuxmaniaccrimsun: Is it the right method06:28
tuxmaniaccrimsun: I am a new packager06:28
crimsunis your key in the revu keyring?06:30
HobbseeREVU's down here too crimsun06:30
Hobbseeno, wait, it's come back, hitting refresh06:30
=== tuxmaniac wonders whether it was due to his upload :P
tuxmaniaccrimsun: yeah06:31
crimsuntuxmaniac: you'll have to ask a revu admin to look, then06:31
LaserJockhi tuxmaniac06:31
tuxmaniacHi LaserJock06:31
=== Hobbsee Ni's at LaserJock
crimsunas in shrubbery "ni"?06:32
Hobbseecrimsun: of course.06:32
crimsunI can never tell.06:32
=== LaserJock sends an IT Hobbsee's way
=== Hobbsee demands a shrubbery, crying NI!!!!!
Hobbseeni @ bddebian!06:32
crimsunbeware, I have sharp pointy teeth06:32
=== bddebian whips out the Holy Hand grenade of Antioch
=== Hobbsee has, in her posession, a large killer rabbit
=== Hobbsee sets the killer rabbit to go and attack crimsun
crimsunsomeone has been playing with the beacon again06:33
LaserJockRUN AWAY!!06:33
Hobbseehey no, we're not going into the beacon section!06:34
Hobbseeyes, RUN AWAY!  RUN AWAY!06:34
=== tuxmaniac is away: Off to a function!!
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answerguyI have an off-topic question: I've just created a very simple PAM module ... and I've packaged it up as a tarball and in RPM form.  (The tarball contains a working .spec file .. which I've tested)07:17
answerguyOnce ... many eons ago ... I "debiatized" some package ... just to teach myself how.07:17
answerguyThe question: where would be the best place for me to ask for a little coaching on how to package this PAM module for Debian/Ubuntu as well?07:17
Hobbseeanswerguy: here, and see http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html07:18
answerguyActually the question *here* is ... a little more specific:  do I have to have a .diff?07:18
crimsunyes, because your module is not native.07:18
answerguyIf my original source tree has a ./debian directory can I just package with that way?07:18
crimsunyes, but it still needs a diff.07:19
=== answerguy reads the Ubuntu Packaging Guide
crimsun'afternoon, ajmitch07:20
Hobbseehi ajmitch!07:21
ajmitchhow's it going?07:21
crimsunnot bad, you?07:23
ajmitchalright, just been visiting parents07:23
crimsunah, they're doing well?07:23
ajmitchwas just celebrating dad's 50th birthday07:24
crimsuncool :)07:24
ajmitchyeah, it was good to see the family again07:25
LaserJock_awayhmm, quick question. should I run into any problems using XFS for / ?07:27
ajmitchyou may do07:27
ajmitchI've only heard of rumours of grub issues lately07:28
LaserJock_awaywell, I finally got dapper beta installed and I went all crazy with the FS stuff07:28
LaserJock_awayI did LVM with XFS07:28
LaserJock_awaynow I am thinking to myself if I maybe shouldn't have done XFS07:29
ajmitchyou're seeing a few issues?07:29
LaserJock_awayno, nothing yet07:29
LaserJock_awayI just wondered if you more "experienced" guys would know07:29
LaserJock_awayI guess I can switch it latter if I want, I made a large backup non-LVM ext3 partition07:30
crimsunI ran XFS on / for years07:30
=== No1Viking [n=Viking@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJock_awaywith no problems? what do you use currently?07:31
crimsunat first I had /boot as ext2 (then ext3), but it was no big deal07:31
crimsuneventually I wiped out the separate /boot07:31
LaserJock_awayI have /boot as a seperate partition right now since I like to store other kernels there07:32
crimsunI run JFS on lvm (Breezy) on one older machine, and this X41-2527 uses ext3 for /07:32
ChipzzI've been wonderig the same thing actually; what if upstream keeps track of all debian/ changes (and no diff is *needed*); do you stillhave to ship an empty .diff.gz?07:32
=== answerguy looks at Chipzz
LaserJock_awayChipzz: my experience is that it is nice to still seperate them in case a bug fix needs to be quickly done07:33
crimsunChipzz: is the package native?07:33
LaserJock_awayChipzz: it is much easier if you don't have to upload the entire source tarball each time07:33
answerguycrimsun: What does "native" mean in this context?07:34
Chipzzcrimsun: lets presume for a moment that the upstream maintainer is the debian packager and he keeps changes in upstream cvs/svn/whatever07:35
answerguyMeanwhile let's presume that the package maintainer is the author but that the package not in any archive ... it's just out on some website07:36
Chipzzand in such case, the upstream maintainer would commit any changes needed in debian/ upstream the moment they're needed07:36
Chipzzor, upstream != native, but debian maintainer is authorized to make commits in upstream cvs/svn/whatever07:37
crimsunChipzz: a diff is extremely useful. That's precisely the situation with vlc.07:37
Chipzzand debian/ubuntu maintainer decides to keep changes in upstream07:37
crimsunSam is both upstream developer and its Debian maintainer07:37
Chipzzis there a reason to keep a diff.gz in such case?07:38
crimsunyes, for Debian-specific things07:38
Chipzzfor example, debian maintainer wants to any user to be able to build a package from upstream cvs/svn/etc at whatever time possible, and keeps upstream up-to-date07:39
Chipzzcrimsun: let me put it another way: is possible, would there be a reason *not* to keep the debian/ dir in sync upstream all the time?07:40
crimsunChipzz: that's a maintainer preference, really. Ideally, no, but if the package was not written specifically for Debian/Ubuntu, then it's non-native and must have a diff.07:42
Chipzzcrimsun: so the debian/ubuntu archive would still contain a diff, which, if expanded, would be 0 bytes?07:45
crimsunI've never seen that case, but if so, it could happen07:46
ChipzzI'm just assuming someone with an upstream version ocntrol account, with a big interest in debian/ubuntu, would, with the approval of upstream, instantly commit any changes in the debian dir07:49
Chipzzactually, I have been in the case of having a gnome cvs account in the past, and was interested i commiting changes in upstream cvs, but never dared/bothered to ask the debian maintainers07:51
crimsunit would be more sensible imo to maintain debian/ on alioth, perhaps07:51
Chipzzbut lets say for a moment upstream either didn't care/did agree?07:52
Chipzzwhat about commiting changes on alioth in upstream?07:52
Chipzz(yes, I know, this is very theoretical, but I'm just wondering)07:53
answerguyAs a practical matter I've installed the dh_make, pbuilder, lintian and linda pages, etc and done an apt-get source hello07:55
crimsunChipzz: personally maintaining debian/ outside of the upstream source makes things easier07:55
answerguy... and I've created a copy of my (upstream) source tree and copied in the hello.../debian/* files thereunder.  So now I've edited the changelog, control and other files, and removed the postinst and prerm scripts (which are unnecessary for this package)07:56
Chipzz(I'm asking because in practice, if there *is* a debian dir upstream at all, most upstream maintainers don't care to keep it up-to-date; so you would have an out-of-date upstream debian dir whch wouldn't work most of the time anyway)07:56
answerguyNow I'm looking at the debian/rules file.  What a mess.07:56
crimsuntake for instance quod libet, where Joe is both upstream co-developer and Debian maintainer. debian/ is maintained in upstream svn but in a completely separate section from the QL/EF source.07:56
crimsunanswerguy: some people would argue that cdbs is far preferable.07:58
answerguyWell, I'm not here to argue.  I don't even know what a cdbs is07:58
crimsunit's also covered in the Packaging Guide07:58
crimsun(well, an introduction to it at least)07:59
answerguySo I see07:59
answerguySo I have a question for you crimsun ... would you be willing to look at the sources to my package and give some suggestions?08:00
Chipzzcrimsun: anyway, my apologies for bothering you, I should have asked on a mailinglist in the first place I guess ;))08:00
crimsunnp, you're not bothering08:00
answerguyIt's pretty trivial; one .c file which compile into a .so PAM module.08:00
crimsunanswerguy: I'm busy atm, perhaps later today?08:01
crimsun(someone else can, too)08:01
answerguyI'll still take a crack at doing it myself, but I'm a bit tired now.08:01
Chipzzcrimsun: nn :)08:01
answerguythe coding for this was trivial (just took Solar Designers pam_mktemp package, ripped about half of it, added less than a dozen lines of my own and it works)08:02
answerguyBut documenting and packaging is all the real work.08:02
=== answerguy goes to take a break
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Hobbseeto all who ask, no, i was not nick changing at random, i was testing someone09:03
crimsunstop changing nicks randomly@!09:10
Hobbseecrimsun: sorry!09:11
Hobbseekonv has dodgy scripting!09:11
Hobbseeit's better than opping random people by accident!09:11
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sivangmorning all09:20
crimsun'morning, sivang09:20
Hobbseehi sivang09:22
sivanghey crimsun , Hobbsee , how's it going ?09:27
sivangHobbsee: cold? where are you based at?09:28
Hobbseesivang: sydney.09:29
crimsunsivang: not too bad, finding a bedtime story09:30
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nomedhi all10:04
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nomeddoes ubuntu livecd use same gdm.conf as the installed system ?10:21
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ajmitch\sh: documented the cdimage stuff yet? ;)10:34
zakamehi all10:34
\shajmitch:no didn't have the time last week...was all the week down in karlsruhe to get the new job running10:34
ajmitch\sh: ok, I'll accept that :)10:34
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-212-144-131-132.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchwhen do you start working?10:35
\shajmitch: oh well..that was a bit strange...I came to karlsruhe around noon, then I had a 30min interview, around 3pm I signed an NDA, and at 6pm I was sitting in a meeting to discuss what I will do to setup FAI :)10:36
ajmitchhehe nice :)10:36
ajmitchvery quick10:36
\shyeah...this guy is a debian freak :)10:37
ajmitchalways a good sign10:37
\shso I hope when I write my invoice next week, I get the money asap...and I can transfer some money back to the donators :)10:39
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Yagisanajmitch: I see you finally overtook me.11:20
ajmitchYagisan: yes, I did11:26
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=== tuxmaniac is away: Off to FSUG-Bangalore Meet! Be right Back!
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phanatichi people01:51
YagisanG'day phanatic01:52
phanatichello Yagisan01:52
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bddebianHeya gang03:39
=== Hobbsee waves to bddebian
bddebianHi Hobbsee03:40
ajmitchhello bddebian, Hobbsee :)03:49
=== Hobbsee waves to ajmitch
=== highvoltage wonders what Hobbsee is so excited about... perhaps bug1 got solved or something.
Hobbseeme?  excited?  not in particular, why?03:54
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zakamehi all04:30
Hobbseehi zakame04:30
zakameheya Hobbsee!04:31
=== Hobbsee considers falling asleep on the keyboard
phanatichey zakame04:31
bddebianOh, Hi over here too zakame :-)04:31
zakamehi phanatic04:31
zakameheya bddebian ! :D04:31
=== zakame has finally gotten around to merge the CVS patch annotations
joelbryanhello, how to be a MOTU member?04:39
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phanaticjoelbryan: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes04:43
phanaticupload packages to revu04:43
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joelbryanjust got a new package, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCommercialSupport04:43
phanaticbe arund for a couple of months, and you'll become a motu ;)04:43
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zakamecool new app04:54
=== Mongoose is away: /_\ zzZzZZZZzz
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=== tuxmaniac is back (gone 05:37:19)
zakamehello \sh05:27
\shhey zakame05:27
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jpatrickLaserJock_away: warn me when you're back06:39
tuxmaniacAny Revu Admin here!!?07:00
jpatricknot sure...07:00
tuxmaniacI want to know how much time will it take for a uploaded package to get reflected on the site07:00
jpatrick5 minutes07:00
tuxmaniacI uploaded  reflecteda package around 12 hrs back! And still not yet07:00
tuxmaniacI uploaded a package around 12 hrs back! And still not yet07:01
jpatrickwhat's it called?07:02
tuxmaniacI used dput <*.changes> command07:03
tuxmaniacjpatrick: It uploaded four files after verifying my sig!! But still it has not got reflected07:03
jpatricktuxmaniac: what's your default dput server?07:03
jpatrickyou may of have uploaded to ubuntu07:04
jpatricktry "dput revu *.changes"07:04
tuxmaniacOh ok.07:04
=== xophEr [n=xopher@a84-230-124-206.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Yeah I see the mistake!07:07
=== nomed [n=nomed@host19-60.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tuxmaniacdput.cf not configured properly07:08
jpatrickok, there you go07:08
tuxmaniacjpatrick: I need help configuring it! the default_host_main is pointing to ubuntu07:09
tuxmaniacjpatrick: If I am right it should point to rev?07:09
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Also the fqdn should be chaned to upload.revu.com?07:10
jpatrickdefaults are fine07:11
jpatrickjust try dput revu *.changes07:12
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Error is No host revu found in config07:13
tuxmaniacIf I change fqdm setting to upload.revu.com07:14
tuxmaniacit checks my signature and says good.. And then pops the following error07:14
jpatricktuxmaniac: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/67715507:14
tuxmaniacConnection refused.07:14
jpatrickput that into your /etc/dput.cf ^07:15
tuxmaniacAfter doing the changes the above error pops up.. So the server has got my upload?07:17
jpatricki don't see it in incoming/07:18
tuxmaniacThen how is this error07:19
jpatricktuxmaniac: beyond me, sorry07:21
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Ok. No probs07:22
tuxmaniacbddebian on ubuntu-bugs is tryi to sort it also :)07:22
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phanatichi people07:36
tuxmaniachi paniq07:40
tuxmaniachi phanatic07:40
phanatichello tuxmaniac07:41
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=== Mongoose is back (gone 02:27:42)
bddebianHello phanatic07:44
phanatichey bddebian07:44
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sivangre all08:03
awb4422morning all08:04
bddebianwb sivang08:05
bddebianHello awb442208:05
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sivanghey bddebian , still breaking stuff? :)08:07
sivangslomo: gonna clean the rules file now, do that build-indep change, then will you be up for some review?08:08
sivangslomo: (re: HomeUserBackup)08:08
slomosivang: sure... just give me the url08:08
bddebiansivang: Of course :-)08:08
awb4422I'm sure you guys get this question all the time..well at I least I hope you do..08:08
sivangbddebian: hehe, you always make me laugh with how you describe what you do ;)08:08
sivangslomo: k, in about 30 minutes from now08:09
awb4422but I really want to help - and I'm hoping to just hang out in here while I learn some stuff if that's cool08:09
sivangslomo: then, how do I upload subsequent versions?08:09
awb4422eventually I'd like to become a MOTU-Hopeful08:09
slomosivang: i don't understand your question ;) upload to where?08:09
sivangslomo: after the inital upload, can we have an arrangemnet to quick upload for fixes and progress?08:10
awb4422and maybe maintain openafs packages if possible08:10
slomosivang: sure... just ping me whenever you want something uploaded :)08:10
sivangslomo: not something, but this specific thing :) HUB08:11
slomosivang: sure :) well, something was a bit broad anyway (think of the kernel etc ;) )08:12
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sivangslomo: indeed, which I won't touch even after I have been granted main upload rights.08:14
hubsivang: stop pinging me08:14
slomohub: a package will be named after you soon ;)08:16
sivanghub: sorry :-(08:18
sivanghub: it's just that HomeUserBackup shortcut is your nick :)08:18
sivangslomo: heh08:18
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sivangslomo: should I touch the arch-build target ?08:19
slomosivang: do it how you think it would make sense :)08:21
sivangslomo: okay, I leave it untouched as I see it removes the .bzr meta data. I assume this makes the buildds happy.08:21
zul__right time to catch up with bddebian08:25
bddebianNever happen.. Mwuhahaha08:27
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zul__im a quarter a way there ;)08:28
bddebianI'm kidding, I hope you surpass me :-)08:29
zul__i know...im very competetive though08:31
sivangzul__ , bddebian : talking about who fixed more bugs?08:34
sivangslomo: although I read some bits about make files in the GNU manual, could you give a short concise explenation for the .PHONEY target and it's dependants ?08:35
slomosivang: afaik the .PHONY lists all rules that are meant to be real rules and not files08:36
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sivangslomo: ah, makes sense with I found in this makefile08:37
sivangslomo: thanks08:37
zul__ooh...crocodile dundee is on08:40
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sivangslomo: re s/unstable/dapper, should I do this only in the changlog or is there another place where this is taken from?08:43
slomoonly changelog08:43
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jpatrickLaserJock_away: here: http://www.kubuntu-es.org/jpatrick/parches/ubuntupackguide-20060423.diff09:27
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TTT_Travishi guys, I develop Ubuntu Center ( http://ubuntucenter.info ) I did a pre-Alpha release last month I did make a deb to install it but for my postinst script I just used a simple shell script that asked some question and I am working on making better packaging structure. I am wondering how to make it ask questions using those blue ncurses popup windows09:52
TTT_Travisis there a guide somewhere on howto make them?09:52
zygaTTT_Travis: debian packaging policy, use debconf stuff instead of hand-made questions09:55
zygaI'm not fluent in that so I cannot tell you the details but the policy manual it thick enough to help09:56
zygaTTT_Travis: note that asking questions during install is a pain in the ass09:57
zygadon't do it unless there is really no other way around09:57
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TTT_TravisI get what you're saying10:00
TTT_TravisI think I have an idea on howto make it all web based10:01
zygapackage installation?10:02
TTT_Travisright now during installation it asks like what password you want to use to access ubuntu center and stuff10:03
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TTT_Travisbut I think I can make the web based10:03
zygaTTT_Travis: you can make ~/.some-file or even /etc/some-file, that's easier10:04
TTT_Travisyeah but its no config based10:05
TTT_Travisand since this is a web based tool a web based setup is appropriate10:06
zygabut the password can be, right/10:06
TTT_Travisso I think thats what I will do10:06
zygaif all you need to ask is the password then you can either ask at runtime/first-run or put it in some per-user config file10:07
TTT_Travisfirst run time10:07
TTT_Travisso it would be the first time someone goes to ubuntu center in there web browser10:07
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sivangslomo: okay, I think I'm ready. one last thing -10:19
sivangslomo: dhlobach noted I should alos upload and .orig10:19
sivangslomo: yu didn't mention anything about that, what do you think ?10:19
slomoeither make a native package or don't make one10:19
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slomoand i thought you want to make a native package :)10:19
sivangslomo: hmm right, however , HUBackup could be used on any debian/ubuntu derivatives, and maybe from source if the distro supports /etc/adduser.conf10:21
sivangwhat do you think?10:22
slomomake it non-native and make separate release without debian packaging if it could work on other distros too10:23
slomomake it native if it's debian specific10:23
sivangokay, so currently it's debian specific10:24
sivangso it's gonna be native :)10:24
=== sivang uploads a source to temp location
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sivangslomo: http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/upbackup10:26
sivangslomo: let me know about it now10:26
=== sivang crosses fingers
slomosivang: i'll take a look in ~1 hour10:27
sivangslomo: okay, thanks10:27
sivangslomo: I may go to sleep by then , let's hope I won't have any show-stoppers :)10:27
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cbx33hi guys, anyone able to answer my questions about REVU?10:37
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phanaticcbx33: i hope i can help you...10:42
cbx33phanatic, ahhh kewl10:42
cbx33I'm not a MOTU10:42
cbx33but I fixed a bug in a package10:43
cbx33uploaded a debdiff to launchpad10:43
cbx33two questions10:43
cbx331) What do I change the status of the bug to10:43
cbx332) Someone said I could upload the patched source to REVU10:43
cbx33if the answer to 2 is yes....what exactly do i need to submit and how :p10:43
sivangslomo: crap, I forgot one debug option I need to remove, re-uploading10:44
phanaticcbx33: for 2) i don't think you need to upload it to revu10:44
cbx33someone said it would happen quicker if I did?10:45
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cbx33but i would submit it for a UVF one of the wiki's said?10:46
phanatici don't really think so10:46
phanaticfor a bugfix you don't need an uvfe afaik10:46
cbx33no no10:46
cbx33but I have filed a UVF10:46
cbx33on an unrelated issue10:47
phanaticyou should assign the bug to the motu-reviewers10:47
phanaticand they'll take care of it10:47
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Zdrahi ! I just uploaded a package to universe using the howto there: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU?action=show&redirect=REVU11:11
Zdrabut I don't understand how and where I can see my package11:11
Zdrawhere are comments from MOTU members if they say something on my package ?11:12
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GloubiboulgaZdra, on http://revu.tauware.de11:13
phanaticand your package is not in universe yet11:13
phanaticjust up for reviewing11:13
phanatichey Gloubiboulga :)11:13
Gloubiboulgahi phanatic :)11:13
Zdraphanatic: yes of course, that's my first package, so I'm waiting for comments ;-)11:13
phanaticZdra: okay :)11:14
Zdragreat it's on the list :D11:14
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phanaticZdra: what does this package do?11:23
Zdrahttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2301 --> it install unrealtournament11:24
Zdradownload and copy data from CDROM11:24
phanatici see...11:24
phanaticthx :)11:24
Zdrathat's just scripts mainly copied from flashplugin-nonfree11:24
phanaticso, then it'll go to multiverse if accepted11:25
ZdraIf this package can be accepted I'll make package for ut2003, ut2004 and doom311:25
Zdraand also make package for demo of all those games11:26
Zdraphanatic: I know it's for multiverse... should I upload it else where ? Or is universe/multiverse managed by the same team ?11:27
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phanaticZdra: the same team, so it's in the right place11:29
phanaticbut the reviewers are busy with bughunting for dapper, so please be patient11:29
Zdraphanatic: of course !11:30
ZdraI can wait for edgy :)11:30
sivangslomo: please wait with the upload , I have yet one more thing to fix in the ode11:31
sivangslomo: code11:31
Zdraand this is my first package so I'm sure there will be thinks to change... but I can learn :)11:31
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slomosivang: sure, i didn't have any time to look at it yet anyway... i fear that i can't do it anymore today but have to do it tomorrow :(11:32
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Zdrahow can I login revu.tauware.de ?11:37
ZdraI enter my email of the changelog, as said11:37
ZdraI presse recover11:37
Zdrabut then I receive no mail11:38
Zdraall I have is this message:11:38
ZdraTo decrypt your password, type the following into your shell:11:38
Zdra> gpg -d <<EOT ; echo11:38
ZdraNow paste the text below, and enter EOT<return>11:38
Zdrabut no encrypted password...11:38
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zulhave you ever uploaded before?11:44
Zdrazul: I just uploaded unrealtournament package11:45
Zdranever before... as far as I know11:45
zulnot sure...i dont revu either :)11:46
Zdraphanatic: any idea ?11:49
phanaticdon't know, you should get it i think...11:50
LaserJockZdra: did you use the same email that you used in the changelog of you packages?11:50
LaserJockand did you get an email back from an admin saying your key was added?11:51
sivangslomo: I see11:51
sivangslomo: never mind, I'll continue working on it then11:51
ZdraLaserJock: I got no mail11:51
sivangslomo: ping m tomorrow okay? :)11:51
slomosivang: sure :)11:51
LaserJockZdra: did you send an email asking to be added?11:52
ZdraI think I did that long before but I didn't uploaded since now11:52
LaserJockZdra: I'd email the revu admins if you can't find one here that is awake11:55
sivangdoes anybody recall the name of the gnome program that allows you to have another GNOME session of a new user inside a window?12:01
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=== sivang notes it may have something with Xnest
sivanghmm, I think it's sabayon12:02

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