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gymsmokewow! i wasn't sure this channel existed...05:07
gymsmokei just struggled for the last two days setting up my server (5.10)05:07
gymsmokegot nameservers, mail, ftp, mysql, apache all working (mostly)...05:08
gymsmokecan someone tell me why this doesn't work?  insmod ip_conntrack_ftp (gives "no such file or directory")05:08
gymsmokehello.... ?05:10
gymsmokeman, this is some kind of lively discussion - is everyone here a virtual user???05:21
neuralisgymsmoke: modprobe, not insmod.06:36
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gymsmokeneuralis: thanks... i found it09:03
gymsmokenight, all09:47
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blixtraAfter switching between php4 and php5 I'm no longer able to view php files. Just get a download dialog.12:38
blixtrai get this additional line when restarting apache2: "grep: /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.conf: No such file or directory"12:41
blixtrait seems as if I just need make a link from the mods-available folder12:56
blixtraproblem is that I now no longer have a php module in mods-available12:57
blixtraIn order to start from scratch I installed appche and the php modules and then deleted everything from the /etc/apache2 folder12:58
blixtraI meant uninstalled apach2 and php12:58
blixtraI've tried dpkg-reconfigure alog with different combinations of remove and remove-complete in synaptic01:00
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infinityblixtra: What's the output of "dpkg -l \*php\* | grep ^i" ?01:36
infinityblixtra: Long story short, if you have no PHP stuff in /etc/apache2/mods-available, then you don't have libapache2-mod-php5 installed.01:37
blixtraone sec01:38
infinityAs for the error in the "start" action of the init script, I know about it, I'll fix it before release.01:38
infinityIt's cosmetic, it won't affect functionality, so you can safely ignore it.01:39
blixtrayour right :) ..as I'm sure you knew01:39
blixtrano more error now01:39
blixtraActually, I'm getting the problem again. I just uninstalled php5 (which was working) and installed php4 (also libapache2-mod-php4).01:51
blixtraI get no php4.conf in /etc/apache2/mods-available01:53
infinityI suspect that's also your fault.01:54
infinityYou removed (but didn't purge) libapache2-mod-php4.  That means that the conffiles were left behind.  Then you did an "rm -rf /etc/apache2"... When you reinstalled libapache2-mod-php4, dpkg said "oh, it was never purged, so the conffiles don't need to be installed... Hey look, he deleted his conffiles, that's a totally valid user change, we'll not touch that"01:55
infinitySo, if you "dpkg --purge libapache2-mod-php4" and then reinstall it, you'll get the conffiles back.01:55
infinityOr don't delete the conffiles from a package that is "removed" but not "purged". :)01:55
blixtrawill try01:55
blixtraok that fixed and thanks for the tips01:58
blixtraI had thought it was something along those lines01:59
blixtrathanks so much01:59
=== xerophyte [n=xerophyt@CPE00400559e956-CM014310117547.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
xerophytehow does the pam.d get started02:19
xerophytejust wondering if we place a file in /etc/pam.d do i have to restart it .. if so  how ??02:19
infinitypam isn't a daemon, it's a set of libraries.02:20
infinityEvery time a process authenticates against pam, libpam re-reads the config files in /etc/pamd.02:20
infinitypam.d too.02:20
xerophyteinfinity, have setup postfix with smtp auth pam mysql sasl .. i am trying to understand03:00
xerophytecould not put it gothers03:00
xerophyteif i understood correctly postfix read the sasl library then read the pam library and authedicate am  i right ..03:01
xerophyteis there any daemon involved her just wondering other postfix03:01
infinityNo, juts postfix.03:02
infinityThe rest are just libraries.03:02
xerophyteso postfix load those code authendicate with mysql am i right03:08
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Otherlandhi..I've got some problems with ubuntu 5.10 and NIS... I'vet setup a NIS server (master) and one client, but it doesn't seem that I can logon from the client to the server (regular user login). Do I need to enalbe 'NIS authentication' or something similiar ?10:41
Otherland..on the client I mean10:42
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