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Jowiamphi: but userdel still refuses saying he is logged in. argh12:00
PuMpErNiCkLechristian1832: I'd check out pacpl http://pacpl.sourceforge.net/12:00
christian1832when i try to play a wav file, it says that aplay cant play PCM coded wav files12:00
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sichilianbimberi : ok then i'll just have to make the package myself ... :)12:01
kingspawnJowi: try deluser12:01
amphiJowi: dunno - is any process using that user's home directory? (lsof)12:01
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roryychristian1832: even something like    aplay /usr/share/sounds/login.wav     ?12:01
christian1832roryy, let me try it12:01
Jowiamphi: nope, lsof returned 012:01
christian1832nope that worked12:02
christian1832it must be a problem with the file12:02
roryychristian1832: according to 'file', that is a PCM wav file12:02
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Jowikingspawn: deluser fail with same error12:02
christian1832so i cant play them?12:02
christian1832is there a codec for that?12:02
Bone`btw when double clicking the volume control uptop there, I get this error "No volume control elements and/or devices found." and I can't hear sound at all12:02
christian1832or should i just convert it to something playable with PAC12:02
bimberisichilian: all the best :)12:03
sichilianbimberi : e.tobi.net gives an up2date version of VDR on its depot but it's for sarge or sid ... :(12:03
amphichristian1832: what does file say it is?12:03
kingspawnchristian1832: run "file <yourfile>" on it12:03
amphikingspawn: ;)12:03
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sichilianbimberi : i just migrate from fedora recently ...12:03
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sichilianbimberi : i'm still not very used to package deb files though :(12:04
Jowiamphi, kingspawn: running users-admin show that the user is in fact deleted. why would userdel say he is logged in? strange stuff. oh well. mission accomplished i guess.12:05
christian1832 RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, MPEG Layer 3, stereo 44100 Hz12:05
Buckuntuumm, on the synaptic in the beta version of the new ubuntu12:05
bimberisichilian: you could try those - although it would be best to get as many dependencies as possible from the ubuntu repositories12:05
BuckuntuI don't see anything on the repositories thing that will let you change to view disabled repositories, am I looking wrong or what's going on?12:05
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bimberisichilian: alternatively a good guide to compiling on ubuntu is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware12:05
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kingspawnJowi: strange indeed12:06
sichilianbmberi : thks there are a lot of howto out there on how to compile VDR on ubuntu though12:06
bimberisichilian: kk :)12:06
sichilianbimberi : but i like package to keep it up2date12:06
Jowikingspawn, amphi: tried with another user. same error but user got deleted from system.12:06
christian1832does that mean its an mp3 with a wav extnsion?12:06
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amphiJowi: has the user's entry in /etc/passwd been removed?12:06
kingspawnchristian1832: yes, it would seem so12:07
Jowiamphi: nope12:07
gymsmokeanyone here installed qmail, etc. from the qmailrocks pages ?12:07
amphiJowi: hmm... well, you could remove it ;)12:07
sichilianbimberi : how do you get the source from a package with apt-get ?12:07
sichilianapt-get source ?12:07
amphiJowi: and /etc/shadow12:07
bimberisichilian: yes, once you enable sources repositories12:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by ompaul
christian1832so should i just rename the file with a .mp3 extension?12:08
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sichilianbimberi : k ....12:08
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bimberisichilian: they're the ones in /etc/apt/sources.list beginning with deb-src12:08
christian1832that didnt work12:08
christian1832its just a shit file i guess12:08
amphichristian1832: seems a bit odd12:08
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Jowiamphi: done. deluser removed it two out of three times though.12:09
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ompaulchristian1832, you could say that without the bad language12:09
sichilianbimberi : thks... i manage to install dapper before breezy, but it was impossible with the DVD that i found on the web12:09
Jowii will try this agian, if it still fail it is time to report a bug12:09
sichilianbimberi : is it simple to upgrade from breezy to dapper ?12:09
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amphichristian1832: a 'normal' .wav would be reported by file as something like this: z12:09
bimberisichilian: oh.  dapper has a beta out now...12:09
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades .12:09
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bimberisichilian: ^^^^12:09
ompaulchristian1832, np12:09
amphichristian1832: oops -Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Stereo12:10
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sichilianwhat a great bot :)12:10
christian1832so what do you guys think i should do?12:10
iceman_anyone done a custom linux build ... and a linux god ?12:10
amphichristian1832: sorry, mispaste _again_ - RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, stereo 48000 Hz12:10
christian1832totem will play it, so is there a way i can convert it to a standard wav file?12:10
spazzzDoes anyone know a good printer that is easy to set up under Ubuntu?12:10
bimberisichilian: only as good as the factoid maintaners :)12:10
sichilianbimberi : i'll wait until it's no longer a beta :)12:11
simian__can someone enter into a browser, i want to see if my router is set up properly?12:11
amphichristian1832: if audacity will open it, you can export as 'standard' wave12:11
kingspawnspazzz: I've got a nice Samsung ML-2010 laser that just works12:11
bimberisichilian: kk :)12:11
christian1832i dotn have audacity12:11
christian1832sudo apt-get audacity?12:11
kingspawnsimian__: placeholder-stuff12:11
amphichristian1832: it's only a 'sudo apt-get install audacity' away ;)12:11
ompaulsudo apt-get install audacity12:11
spazzzkingspawn: I'm looking more along the lines of a Inkjet/Scanner combo12:11
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simian__kingspawn: thanks12:12
kingspawnspazzz: then no idea :)12:12
kbrooksreboot time12:12
sichilianbimberi : it's a long night for me that's beginning12:12
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AngryElfisn't pas1 of e2fsck suppose to be pretty quick?12:12
spazzzIve tried a ton of printers and they either won't work under Ubuntu or they have some stupid espon like lockout thing that makes it so I can't easily replace cartrages12:12
Apostle^spazzz: the hp 1610 is a printer/scanner/copier combo and it works perfectly with ubuntu12:12
sichilianbimberi : compiling VDR ... wow :) what a challenge for a saturday night :)12:12
thorreis there a updated Firefox package available for Dapper?12:12
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christian1832that wont work12:12
sichiliansaturday night fever ! yo12:12
Apostle^spazzz: cheap too12:12
barteksomeone can help noob? :P12:12
bimberisichilian: fun to be had :)12:12
spazzzIm trying to make a Dell A920 to work and its being retarded12:13
amphichristian1832: audacity can't open it?12:13
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>12:13
bimberibreakfast time here,  time to go and make it,  good luck :)12:13
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gn0m3im trying ot install java12:13
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs12:13
gn0m3when i type12:13
gn0m3su in my terminal12:13
martynwhat the best media player like winamp12:13
christian1832amphi, i dont have audacity12:13
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.12:13
spazzzUnfortunatly I think it's a rebranded lexmark and lexmarks have crap support12:13
gn0m3i get asked for a pw12:13
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gn0m3but it doesnt let me type it12:14
amphichristian1832: what doesn't work?12:14
ompaulgn0m3, read that note there by ubotu12:14
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iceman_i need a linux god ... kowledge on how to build a distro and set load sequence ...12:14
christian1832and now, when i open synaptic, it tells me i have a broken package?12:14
christian1832how do i fix that?12:14
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=== amphi doesn't use synaptic
gn0m3ompaul what12:14
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.12:14
ompaulgn0m3, ^^^^^^12:14
christian1832well how do i get rid of a broken package?12:14
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bipolarWhat script do I have to edit to change what gets started with the "Failsafe" option in XDM?12:14
christian1832or what is that?12:14
Jowiiceman_ asking a more direct question might bring you more replies12:14
kingspawnchristian1832: maybe with sudo apt-get -f install12:15
martynis there any programs like winamp12:15
amphimartyn: xmms12:15
christian1832i tried that12:15
ompaulgn0m3, I will now get the bot to send you java install info12:15
christian1832but i think its because of that broken package thing12:15
martynamphi: thx12:15
christian1832cuz i tried to dl PAC and then install it, and it failed12:15
iceman_i need a guide on settin loadlin as a boot manager, and building a disrto using loadlin12:16
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ompaulgn0m3, one more on its way to you12:16
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christian1832Perl Audo Converter12:16
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ompaulgn0m3, thats music and lots of stuff like that12:17
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gn0m3what it12:17
ompaulgn0m3, that last message from the bot12:17
amphiwhat what is?12:17
gn0m3i missed it12:17
gn0m3who was the bot12:18
gn0m3or better yet12:18
gn0m3where is it typed12:18
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.12:18
ompaulgn0m3, you have messages from ubotu please read them12:18
gymsmokeisn't there a reinstall arg to apt-get or dpkg ?12:18
amphichristian1832: ?12:18
gn0m3ompaul  how to i check my messages from ubuntu12:18
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ompaulgn0m3, what client are you using for irc?12:19
iceman_how to build convert a ext2 install and install to fat32 ... and load via loadlin12:19
gn0m3im a noob12:19
christian1832amphi, you asked what PAC was, because i think thats why it is saying I have a broken package now12:19
gn0m3i dont know what irc is12:19
amphichristian1832: what package is broken?12:19
amphign0m3: that's a qotd ;)12:19
gymsmokegn0m3: it's what you're on ...12:19
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christian1832amphi, im assuming PAC12:20
gn0m3it says i recieved CTCP from ompaul12:20
amphichristian1832: apt should tell you which package is broken12:20
ompaulgn0m3, that is correct12:20
ompaulwhat program are you using at the moment?12:20
gn0m3what is that CPCT12:20
christian1832amphi: just type in apt12:20
gymsmokeamphi: more like it'll scream and throw a tantrum about what is broken12:21
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ompaulgn0m3, look at the tabs at the bottom there is one from >> ubotu <<12:21
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christian1832amphi, what should i type in to figure out which package is broken?12:21
ompaulgn0m3, the other thing is don't use enter when a comma will do, put your thoughts on a single line12:21
amphichristian1832: try sudo apt-get -f install audacity12:22
gymsmokechristian1832: you can try apt-get check12:22
miguelsrhey do u know if ther is an ubuntu suppurt channel in spanish?12:22
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:22
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gymsmokemiguelsr: ubuntu-es12:22
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christian1832how do i do that pastebin thing?12:23
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gymsmokechristian1832: go to www.pastebin.com in a browser...12:23
gymsmokechristian1832: paste your code, type your name at the bottom, post it, then take the addr in the url bar, copy it, and paste it here12:24
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iceman_how to conver linux "ubuntu" to run from fat32?12:25
christian1832amphi, this is what i get when i try sudo apt-get check12:25
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iceman_hydra sucks trust me12:26
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amphichristian1832: synaptic is open? if so, get rid of it, and try again12:26
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christian1832amphi, sorry youre right, ill try it again with synaptics closed12:27
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amphichristian1832: :)12:27
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manish__can any one tell me how to install kbuntu on ubuntu12:28
christian1832amphi, http://pastebin.com/67596212:28
ctianohello all12:28
geneo93manish__:  jsut kde12:28
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soundraymanish__: do you mean kubuntu? The package is kubuntu-desktop.12:28
ctianoI have a Latitude D600, my wireless card the Dell truemobile 1350 is not being recognized. Any help apreciated12:29
manish__ya i want kde desktop12:29
geneo93soundray:  i would do that12:29
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geneo93apt-get install kde12:29
manish__will that install it12:29
geneo93that way it wont mess with gdm12:30
amphichristian1832: you could try install the dependencies manually, eg 'sudo apt-get install libaudio-flac-header-perl" etc.12:30
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Trixyhey guys, I'm trying to install a new PCMCIA wireless card. I used ndiswrapper to install the .inf driver, ndiswrapper -l says the device is present, modprobe ndiswrapper. Then the lights turn on and my device shows up in iwconfig. I can do iwlist wlan0 scanning and see the neighborhood. But when I iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys (an open AP), iwconfig wlan0 commit, and then try dhclient wlan0, I see "dhcpdiscover" an12:30
Trixyd then masses of "bogus UDP packet length: 556". What is wrong?12:30
manish__and how much time it will take??12:30
soundraygeneo93: why not apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? That would get a rounded setup. gdm/kdm issues are easy to resolve.12:30
christian1832what are those?12:30
geneo93manish__:  yes12:30
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amphichristian1832: what do you mean?12:31
manish__and how much time it will take12:31
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christian1832what if i just want to get rid of whatever is broken?12:31
manish__i m using 115.2 kbps net connection12:31
geneo93it'll tell you12:32
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gymsmokeanyone running clam on 5.10 ?12:32
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B_166-ER-XI did a reinstall 2 days ago, reconfigured it all, like it was , Install my nvidia Drivers like always. but althought they seem ok, because i have the splash screen and some 3d performance, its not the half of what i used to have, i cannot even play armagetron (geforce2,  amd-k7 2.8ghz)12:32
manish__ok thnx now let me try...12:32
B_166-ER-Xwhat could it be ?12:32
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christian1832amphi, it keeps telling me that there unmet dependencies12:33
ompaulB_166-ER-X, kernel the same?12:33
amphichristian1832: remove pac12:33
christian1832amphi, how do i do that/12:33
B_166-ER-Xthe last k7 for breezy12:33
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gymsmokei need to update clam on my server... closest binary is debian sarge... is that at about the same release level as ubuntu ?12:34
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=== GregAsche [n=greg@CPE-72-131-119-235.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gn0m3can u play counterstrike on linux12:34
ompaulB_166-ER-X, try to play chromium, it really needs 3d12:34
GregAscheanyone know where I can find my browser.xul file for firefox? I get a weird error everytime I start FF12:34
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B_166-ER-X3ddesktop  is rushing... and armagetron is unplayable :|12:35
kingspawngymsmoke: yeah, and its almost 100% guaranteed to be stable12:35
gymsmokekingspawn: thanks... i'll get the binary from there and set it...12:35
amphign0m3: don't shout12:35
christian1832amphi, did you get that?12:35
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gn0m3how am i shouting12:35
gn0m3if its a chatting prog12:35
amphichristian1832: sudo apt-get remove --purge pac12:35
bolrodWITH CAPSLOCK?12:35
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gymsmokeApostle^: my ears are still ringing12:35
amphign0m3: ALL CAPS is SHOUTING12:36
christian1832amphi, thanks12:36
ompaulgn0m3, capitals are considered shouting12:36
GregAschehow do I use find to search inside all my files for a phrase12:36
B_166-ER-Xompaul,  any idea ?12:36
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amphiGregAsche: grep12:36
bolrodCapital letters are for beginning of sentences and 'I'12:36
baconbacongn0m3: cs 1.6 in linux is possible12:36
ompaulB_166-ER-X, try to play chromium, it really needs 3d12:36
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bolrodand not for 'you'12:36
bolrod;] 12:36
gn0m3is it the regular steam site12:36
soundrayGregAsche: find / -print0 | xargs -0 grep string12:36
amphign0m3: and for registered trademarks ;)12:36
gn0m3or does it have a special site12:36
kingspawnbolrod: clever monkey ;)12:36
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christian1832amphi, sweet, apt-get -f install audacity is not working, thanks man12:36
gymsmokeGregAsche: man grep/info grep12:36
amphisoundray: why not grep -r ?12:37
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B_166-ER-Xchromium works12:37
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amphichristian1832: it's _not_ working? ;)12:37
soundrayamphi: (S)he asked to use find12:37
ompaulB_166-ER-X, if its playing then you need to consider anything else you might have used that would have helped these games before12:37
christian1832amphi, what?12:37
ompaulB_166-ER-X, sorry I am not much good with video12:37
B_166-ER-Xi dont see..12:37
amphichristian1832: see what you wrote above12:37
B_166-ER-Xthanks, seems like a fine game ;)12:38
B_166-ER-Xwill take the place of armagetron i think12:38
christian1832amphi, and how do you make the text in my screen red? oh yea, it IS working12:38
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gn0m3how do i get cs 1.6 for linux12:38
bolrodwith cedega12:38
amphichristian1832: what text am I making red?12:38
christian1832like when you type my name in before the message, am i doing that with typing in "amphi,"?12:38
ompaulchristian1832, by typing your name your irc client converts it to read12:38
bolrodspeaking of which.. --> CS12:38
ompaulchristian1832, or red eveb12:38
gn0m3ok guys im a noob12:39
amphichristian1832: yeah, my client highlights my nick12:39
christian1832oh, so is it working on your side too? when i put your name at the beginning, does the line shop up red?12:39
gn0m3so like12:39
gn0m3whats cedega12:39
amphichristian1832: yellow here (irssi)12:39
ompaulstop it12:39
christian1832amphi, thanks for helping me, youre a lifesaver, sorry im such a dummy :)12:39
bolrod:x.. sorry12:39
amphichristian1832: no one's born knowing this stuff ;)12:40
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=== SoulPropagation [n=ethan@c-66-41-75-182.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gn0m3where can i get cedega12:40
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simian__how do you restart the apache daemon? i think it's graceful somothing somthing12:40
christian1832amphi, yesssss, i can now play the wav file, ive been slowly working on this for like 2 weeks in 10 min increments12:40
amphichristian1832: the debian reference at debian.org has good info on the various package management tools12:40
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amphichristian1832: hehe12:40
SoulPropagationHow do I change a machine's IP addr and hostname through the command line?12:41
apricothow to install c++ development kit?12:41
MrIronI need kernel 2.6.16 at my acer ferrari laptop.. I run ubuntu 5.10.. is it safe to change to testing in apt, and update my linux-image? and then switch back?12:41
=== BuckWild [n=Dan@c-68-45-107-72.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ompaulSoulPropagation, ifconfig and hostname12:41
gymsmokekingspawn: the clam site recommends compiling from source, but i already have clam through apt.  so choices are leave it out of date, install 3rd-party binary, or compile...12:41
BuckWildhas anyone here installed XGL on ubuntu dapper drake beta?12:41
SoulPropagationsimian__: sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart12:41
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SoulPropagation/etc/init.d/apache2 if you're running 2.012:42
MisterNapricot: try typing g++. chances are it is installed12:42
BuckWildI followed the FAQ and got a "couldn't load display" error12:42
crimsunMrIron: as in debian etch?12:42
kingspawngymsmoke: well, you could compile, it shouldnt be impossible. I'd recommend that before 3rd-party12:42
SoulPropagationBuckWild: Yeah, it works. #xgl12:42
MrIroncrimsun: what?12:42
gymsmokekingspawn: if i compile from source, will it play nice with the package already installed?  or should i remove it and compile, and then maintain it myself...12:42
gn0m3anything free?12:42
kingspawngymsmoke: anything special you need in new version?12:42
crimsunMrIron: "testing"?12:42
SoulPropagationompaul: thanks12:42
gn0m3cedega is 5$ a month12:42
Stormx2!tell patrick_king about lamp12:42
kingspawngymsmoke: I'd remove :)12:42
apricoti need an environment12:42
amphign0m3: you have to rent it?12:42
gn0m3rent what12:42
kingspawnapricot: then don't litter12:42
ompaulSoulPropagation, yw12:42
gn0m3its a subscription12:42
kingspawn(oh my God, that was clever)12:42
simian__SoulPropagation: thanks12:43
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amphi < gn0m3> cedega is 5$ a month12:43
gymsmokekingspawn: don't know, exactly.  It just made me a  bit nervous to install a virus scanner and as soon as it's installed have a message come up saying "Your virus software is out of date!"12:43
MrIroncrimsun: I dont know how yet, but I guess I can change the 5.10 repository to the beta rep. , the question is, is that safe? just to upgrade my kernel12:43
amphign0m3: how very Redmondian12:43
crimsunMrIron: no, you will want to dist-upgrade to dapper. And we don't have
gymsmokeMrIron: if it's production - no.12:43
Xenguy_commercial that's all12:43
vince_Hi, Does anyone know why XSane wants to freeze the whole system when you try to start it?12:43
gn0m3if i use dynamic ip12:43
gn0m3can i just keep reinstalling a demop12:43
kingspawngymsmoke: I dont really think you need a virus-scanner12:44
apricoti need an environment  for developing c++, what do i need to install?12:44
MrIroncrimsun: so the only way to get 2.6.126 is to build one by myself?12:44
amphigymsmoke: given the rate at which viruses appear, it would be alarming if it didn't say that12:44
kingspawnapricot: environment? what do you mean. Like an IDE?12:44
Xenguy_apricot: build-essential12:44
MrIron126 = 1612:44
soundrayapricot: check out apt-cache search integrated development environment c++12:44
crimsunMrIron: yes12:44
apricoti ment like borland c++ compiler12:45
MrIronthanks for your help12:45
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amphiapricot: g++12:45
kingspawnapricot: then sudo apt-get install build-essential12:45
kingspawnapricot: installs gcc, which has g++ in it12:45
soundrayapricot: run 'apt-cache search integrated development environment c++'12:45
amphikingspawn: g++ is in build-essential?12:45
MrIronoh, another thing.. why is for example firefox 1.0.8 in the rep, when 1,5 is out? hehe:P12:45
gymsmokekingspawn: for a production server? better safe than sorry12:45
kingspawnamphi: well, not exactly, since its some sort of meta-package, but it depends on all compilers etc12:45
gymsmokeamphi: that's a good point12:45
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Bone`how do I install gtk+2.8?12:46
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kingspawngymsmoke: heh, well, you go. But just be careful of how you install things, and you'll be ok12:46
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Xenguy_gymsmoke: 6 month release intervals12:46
soundrayMrIron: because 1.5 came out after breezy.12:46
amphikingspawn: I know it's a meta-package - I just don't know if it includes g++; I'm sure it doesn't include fortran and objective-c compilers for example12:46
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gymsmokekingspawn: noted.  I just don't want to develop too long a list of packages that I'm maintaining myself... I guess I'm a bit lazy that way12:46
kingspawnamphi: heh, it includes gcc, which has g++ in it12:47
kingspawngymsmoke: totally agreed :)12:47
MrIronsoundray, aah... thats how it work.. how safe is it to change to dapper? hehe..12:47
gymsmokeXenguy: Ubuntu's 6-month clock isn't the same as ClamAV's 6-month clock12:47
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apricotthanks, soundray12:47
baconbaconinstall build-essential for c, c++ compilers and libraries12:47
soundrayMrIron: it's beta now, so you may need some troubleshooting experience.12:47
SoulPropagationompaul: Ok, so I had this server I was setting up for my school. I installed Ubuntu and stuff at home, so of course I set the IP to work with my router. Unfortunately, my school's router doesn't use the same numbering scheme (5-box home network vs. 1000+-box citywide network, what do you expect, lol) so I needed to change the ip. I did ifconfig eth0 <some IP address> and it didn't bind12:48
gymsmokekingspawn: i've asked about building an ubuntu package for qmail and vpopmail, since they aren't there... i'm waiting for feedback on that now... if it's not too crazy, i'll take a shot at it...12:48
amphikingspawn: I'm on debian ATM, and g++ is a separate package from gcc12:48
Xenguy_gymsmoke: yeah?12:48
BuckWildthere's nobody in #xgl that's responding...12:48
gymsmokeamphi: it is12:48
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=== Xenguy_ checks his punctuation...
patrick_kinghow do i login as root12:48
soundrayMrIron: I am using it in production (against official advice of course). Join #ubuntu+1 if you want to know more.12:48
SoulPropagationBuckWild: Find the thread on ubuntuforums12:48
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ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.12:49
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gymsmokeXenguy_: yeah, if it's not too crazy, I'll do it... I've gotten alot from the Ubuntu community, so I don't mind giving something back at all12:49
ompaulSoulPropagation, well what you could do is this, let it come up with dhcp, get the ip and that will give you an idea of what to bind to, best idea though is to get an ip from the network admin12:49
tonyyarussoHow to change an AVI file to MPEG?12:49
amphitonyyarusso: mencoder12:49
baconbaconSoulPropagation: from ifconfig man : ifconfig eth0 address <ip>12:49
GregAschehas the recent update in the apt-get libraries of firefox broken things for anyone else?12:49
kingspawnamphi: hm, yes, you are probably right. But what I do know is that build-essential includes it :)12:50
Xenguy_gymsmoke: do what you are interested in :-)12:50
amphikingspawn: cool ;)12:50
tonyyarussoamphi: Any tips for using it, or should the man be pretty straightforward?12:50
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amphitonyyarusso: straightforward? hahaha12:50
gymsmokeI'm interested in doing no work, so I can be free to spend money, ride motorcycles, work on music, and generally take life easy... but that's another story12:50
kingspawngymsmoke: that makes two of us12:50
amphitonyyarusso: 5674 lines in a 128-char wide console - that includes mplayer info too though12:51
tonyyarussoamphi: I suspected as much...  Willing to help me out with the syntax?12:51
yerikoanyone how can help me with my nvidia installation ... cant get the nvidia drivers to work in ubuntu 5.10 ?12:51
yerikomsg me12:51
gymsmokekingspawn: I finally got to visit eastern europe last year, and now i've got an itch to be a world traveller...12:51
yerikoif you want to help me12:51
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amphitonyyarusso: install mplayer-doc, and look under /usr/share/doc/mplayer-doc/HTML/en12:52
kingspawngymsmoke: yeah, I know how you feel. I went to Slovakia last year, it was a very good trip. And the price of beer... oh, let's not talk about the price of beer.12:52
tonyyarussoamphi: My ultimate goal here is to try to burn a svcd out of an avi file, btw.12:52
amphitonyyarusso: that should have an example of whatever you're trying to do12:52
baconbaconisnt svcd mpeg-212:52
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jonohi all12:52
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soundraygymsmoke, kingspawn, there is #ubuntu-offtopic for conversations like yours.12:52
jonois it ok to delete /var/log/syslog?12:52
gymsmokekingspawn: omg - i was in Prague and Austria... beer, beer, beer, caving, beer, beer,12:52
amphitonyyarusso: what does file say about that file?12:52
Xenguy_jono: jeez12:52
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jonoXenguy_, ?12:53
amphigymsmoke: why the caving? seems a bit frivolous ;)12:53
tonyyarussobaconbacon: I think that's right - it's what k3b told me it needed to do it.12:53
kingspawngymsmoke: #ubuntu-offtopic for general talk :)12:53
Xenguy_jono: not unless you have to12:53
jonoXenguy_, what happens if I delete it?12:53
gymsmokekingspawn: mama's home...12:53
Xenguy_jono: why do you want to remove the log file?12:53
tonyyarussoamphi: RIFF (little-endian) data, AVI, 640 x 272, 23.98 fps, video: DivX 3 Low-Motion, audio: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (stereo, 48000 Hz)12:53
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Xenguy_jono: you lose information about your system12:53
gymsmokeamphi: something to work up a sweat for the beer...12:53
ompaulgymsmoke, kingspawn  is right - #ubuntu-offtopic this place is busy enough12:53
ACUguys - do you know how to wget from a bunch of folders only the files containing i386 (for example)12:54
gymsmokekingspawn: so, not upgrading to the latest clamav shouldn't hurt anything at this point12:54
jonoXenguy_, thats OK, but it doesnt break anything if I delete it?12:54
kingspawngymsmoke: i'd be very surprised if you were infected with a virus12:54
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jonoI want to remove it because it is 396MB big12:54
Xenguy_jono: repeat; why? :-)12:54
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amphitonyyarusso: see the docs I pointed you to - there's also a vcdtools package IIRC12:54
gymsmokekingspawn: never happened yet, and i'm putting spamassassin in, and then setting up iptables for the _real_ security12:54
amphitonyyarusso: it's long since I played with vcd at all12:54
tonyyarussoamphi: Yes, there is a package called that.12:55
_nano_I just installed dapper, I need a resource for installing my external wireless card .. would appreciate if someone could paste a link12:55
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Xenguy_jono: sounds like you maybe need 'logrotate' ?12:55
vince__Hello,  Does anyone possibly know why XSANE freezes the whole system on startup?  I've got this used printer/scanner combo that i'm trying to verify works.12:55
gymsmoke_nano_: google is a good place to locate resources... what wireless card is it?12:55
jonoXenguy_, so, is it OK to delete it?12:55
Xenguy_jono: log files should automatically 'rollover'12:55
kingspawngymsmoke: yeah, spend more time on that than clamav atleast :)12:55
Xenguy_jono: sure, can't hurt12:55
ompaul*** News Flash *** If you want to talk about dapper please do so in the channel #ubuntu+1 thats the place for it, thanks12:56
pvd2006is Gnome-Baker a pretty good burning app for linux?12:56
amphi_nano_: you may find info here: http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/12:56
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gymsmokekingspawn: yeah, it's basically running and logging fine, so it's time to move on...12:56
_nano_gymsmoke: yeah i spent some time on google, all i got was forum convs that didn't give any info :(12:56
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amphipvd2006: I like cdrecord12:56
kkathmanompaul so #ubuntu is only for breezy or less12:56
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Jimmey__Can someone help me to do this: 'Specify both a horizontal sync and a vertical refresh.'?12:56
_nano_gymsmoke: it's a dell wireless card, i used ndiswrapper with bcwl5.sys in my breezy12:56
soundrayvince__, can you be a bit more specific about how and when it freezes?12:57
amphiJimmey__: you can do that with various levels of precision in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:57
ompaulkkathman, well we do talk kde - if pushed :-) but thats the idea that all dapper stuff so program xyz is broken is not here :)12:57
kkathmanalrighty then12:57
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pvd2006amphi, I was learning cdrecord, but I never got down to it.  I guess Ill look around for some articles on how to use it.12:57
kkathmanthen off we go to #ubuntu+1 :)12:57
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kingspawnpvd2006: k3b seems to work fine12:58
pvd2006kingspawn, k3b doesnt work for me so far.12:58
simian__what is the command to find out the ip address of a website?12:58
vince__soundray: I'm afraid not.  I even tried from the command line to see if it was throwing errors  I click the icon the program starts, says something like "Scanning for Devices" then that window disappears and a second later the system freezes.  Every single time.12:58
amphipvd2006: there's a cd writing howto at tldp.org, and man cdrecord has examples of various things; it helps if you set up /etc/default/cdrecord12:58
kingspawnpvd2006: oh, heh :)12:58
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Apostle^how do i deny a program internet access?12:58
gymsmokeis there a command to re-read the cront file ?12:58
Toranhttp://pastebin.ca/50596 <--- I'm having an APT problem, can someone help12:58
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kingspawngymsmoke: restarting the daemon?12:59
Linux_Junkiesimian__, there is a firefox extention called show IP12:59
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soundrayvince__: is the scanner connected via USB?12:59
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vince__soundray: Yes it is12:59
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Linux_Junkiesimian__, you can also ping it .12:59
_nano_could you please provide a link for wireless related documentation  for dapper?12:59
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simian__Linux_Junkie: thanks12:59
kingspawn_nano_: #ubuntu+112:59
gymsmokekingspawn: i was thinking there may be a cron util for it, similar to rndc reload ...12:59
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Apostle^how do i deny a program internet access?01:00
amphigymsmoke: cron should reread the file if it changed01:00
phoulIm trying to use grip and im having a itny problem01:00
_nano_kingspawn: thanks01:00
soundrayvince__, does it behave like that when you run xsane with the scanner disconnected?01:00
phoulI wanna encode to ogg01:00
gymsmokeamphi: thanks01:00
phoulWhich encoder do I use?01:00
soundrayphoul: oggenc01:00
amphiphoul: install oggenc and tell it to use that01:00
vince__soundray: I did not disconnect the usb cable but I did turn it off and it still did it.01:00
baconbaconoggenc comes default?01:00
Toranhttp://pastebin.ca/50596 <--- I'm having an APT problem, can someone help?01:00
gymsmokeApostle^: you mean like a web-enabled application?01:00
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Apostle^gymsmoke: like doom301:00
amphiToran: fglrx is a world of pain01:01
ompaulToran, ehh where did you get that deb you wanted to istall?01:01
phoulReading package lists... Done01:01
phoulBuilding dependency tree... Done01:01
phoulE: Couldn't find package oggenc01:01
ToranIt's in Seveas's repos01:01
gymsmokeApostle^: oh, as in a game that goes out to servers...01:01
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crimsunphoul: vorbis-tools01:01
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ToranTell me about it. I don't have money for an nvidia card, and I want the one I've got to work.01:01
amphiphoul: the package is yclept vorbis-tools01:01
soundrayvince__, try with it disconnected anyway. The USB part of the scanner electronics may be powered on standby.01:01
amphiToran: what card is it?01:01
ToranRadeon 920001:01
amphibaconbacon: 'named' in old english01:01
pvd2006can you use a mp3 with cdrecord?01:02
amphiToran: that's fully supported by the Free xorg driver01:02
pvd2006to burn01:02
amphiToran: as man radeon explains01:02
Toranamphi: Will I get as good framrates?01:02
vince__soundray: Ok,  If I don't respond please give me a second to reboot and get back here :-)01:02
=== baconbacon english seconde lang. bear with me
Toranas with their driver?01:02
kingspawnpvd2006: you want to ... burn an audio cd? put the mp3 on disc?01:02
phoulumm I installed vorbis tools but still error01:02
ompaulToran, and the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI that worked for me the other day01:02
pvd2006kingspawn, yes01:02
phoulam I missing something els?01:02
pvd2006trying to make an audio cd01:02
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pvd2006with mp3s that is.01:03
soundraypvd2006: no, you have to convert to wav format if you want an audio CD. I recommend k3b, it does it for you.01:03
amphiToran: I have no idea, I don't have that card - on my old 7500 I get enough for celestia and stellarium with the free driver01:03
kingspawnpvd2006: a disc with mp3s is a data disc01:03
baconbaconphoul: error where?01:03
Apostle^anyone know how to deny internet access to a program?01:03
Jowipvd2006: try cdparanoia01:03
pvd2006kingspawn, most burning programs convert that for you though dont they?01:03
phoulwhen I try to use oggenc01:03
_nano_amphi: you have radeon 7500 as well !01:03
amphipvd2006: man cdrecord has an example of the pipeline for doing that01:03
phoulinvalid coder exe01:03
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Jowipvd2006: oh, you said burn, not read. sorry01:03
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kingspawnpvd2006: pvd2006: cdrecord does not do it for you, you need to pipe it through something01:04
phoulinvalid encoder exe*01:04
amphi_nano_: I sure do, ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] 01:04
soundrayApostle^: that would be quite difficult. What are you trying to achieve?01:04
Apostle^soundray: i just want to stop a certain program from accessing the internet01:04
gymsmokesoundray: Apostle^ left a minute back01:04
amphi_nano_: I don't play games, so it's more than enough for my needs01:05
_nano_amphi: so did you install any special drivers or is the default installation good enough?01:05
baconbaconphoul: oggenc needs wav files i think01:05
Apostle^gymsmoke: im her01:05
pvd2006when I try to use k3b, I select audio cd then I try to drag and drop a mp3 file and it says the file format is not supported01:05
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phoulbaconbacon, why would It need wav01:05
Apostle^soundray: can i bind it to lo some how?01:05
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kingspawnpvd2006: then it does not convert automatically01:05
gymsmokeApostle^: wow - i saw a line pop up saying you left...01:05
phoulGrr I just want the names of the programs I need01:05
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kingspawngymsmoke: stop drinking01:05
gymsmokeApostle^: must have been a virtual walk out..01:05
pvd2006Yeah, how can you get k3b to convert mp3 to wav for you? anyone know?01:05
amphi_nano_: this machine is running debian; it needs kernel support for DRI to work01:05
gymsmokekingspawn: yeah - i need to slow up a bit01:05
baconbaconphoul: what are you trying to encode, mp3? cd?01:05
Xenguy_kingspawn: belay that order =)01:05
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cyber_cool_catneed some help with a blue tooth mouse01:06
kingspawnXenguy_: ;)01:06
phoulIm using grip to pull from a cd to computer and encode it to ogg01:06
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amphi_nano_: you want to get 3d accel working with that card?01:06
crimsun!info k3b-mp301:06
ubotuk3b-mp3: (The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder), section universe/libs, is optional. Version: 0.12.2-0ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 30 kB, Installed size: 92 kB01:06
phouland it wont let me use ogg it says its wrong01:06
soundrayApostle^: what program, and why?01:06
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baconbaconphoul: have you tried sound-juicer01:06
Apostle^soundray: doom3 and because it is annoying me with updates01:06
_nano_amphi: well i want to get the best out of my graphics card :)01:06
phoulI would rather get it working with grip01:06
amphi_nano_: PM?01:07
=== GTroy_ [n=galen@207-109-184-188.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
astro9040does anyone know how to change color depth like from 32bit to 8bit01:07
amphi_nano_: you're not identified to services01:07
david_uknewbie alert: failed to install ubuntu i386... hit strange error when installing packages after reboot. Failed at 44% "Preparing to configure gstreamer0.8.jpeg"01:07
phoulFixed it01:07
cyber_cool_catBLUETOOTH mouse support anyone any ideas??01:07
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soundrayApostle^: find out which address it connects to and make local entries in /etc/hosts for them.01:07
phoulInstead of using oggenc as exe I used /usr/bin/oggenc01:07
amphiphoul: cool01:07
david_ukanyone know how to install i386 if you've encountered that problem?01:07
=== vince_ [n=vince@h69-128-247-112.69-128.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
pvd2006It looks like I need some plugin for k3b to automatically convert a mp3 to .wav to put onto the cd.01:07
_nano_amphi: hangon01:07
Jowiastro9040: do you mean in X or in gimp or what?01:08
soundrayApostle^: or configure your firewall to deny access to the address range.01:08
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Apostle^soundray: i dunno what the address's are01:08
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astro9040Jowi, i think in X its for the desktop01:08
ubotusomebody said mount was the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f01:08
vince_soundray: The scanner wasn't the problum01:09
SodiumHello! I'd like to know how to install the VMWare Player that I've recently downloaded.01:09
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astro9040Jowi, need it for gui01:09
Jowiastro9040: "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and change "DefaultDepth 16" to "DefaultDepth 8"01:09
soundrayvince_, have you found out what it was?01:09
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astro9040Jowi,  thx01:09
vince_After it froze I disconnected all my USB devices and it turned out the Scanner was the culprit.  However XSANE now says that no supported devices were found even with the scanner on01:09
Jowiastro9040: or if you only have the console replace "gedit" with "nano"01:09
vince_Scuse me01:09
vince_The scanner was not the culprit my webcam was01:09
astro9040Jowi,  how do i do that01:10
lordnirI have a usb drive detected on /dev/sda1 but when i mount -t usbfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1, the only things in the dir is the folder 001 and 'devices' and 'drivers' anyone know what i did wrong?01:10
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Apostle^soundray: how do i figure out what internet address's a program is going to01:10
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee01:10
=== ggeecko [n=ggeecko@adsl-065-012-183-078.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguy_gn0m3: stopit01:10
Jowiastro9040: "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf".01:10
Bone`when I see the terminal command "sh$" what does that mean?01:10
Seveaswhat an ass..01:10
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Apostle^Seveas: indeed01:10
fiftyfour123the ubuntu installer was unable to install a bootloader, without the bootloader how do i get into linux? i'm on a powerpc mac01:11
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SodiumHello! I'd like to know how to install the VMWare Player that I've recently downloaded.01:11
radekrazorsoundray you can see where is it connecting with netstat -tap01:11
vince_soundray: any idea on whatelse I can try to get this thing to work?01:11
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soundrayApostle^: look at radekrazor's suggestion ^^01:11
Bone`sh$, any ideas on what that command means?01:11
pvd2006See I dont get this, When I goto k3b help it shows it being able to automatically burn mp3s to a cd without any extra steps, but for some reason it still says "format not recognized" when I try to drag and drop any mp3.01:11
astro9040Jowi, does ubuntu use vi editor?01:12
soundrayvince_, have you checked xsane's compatibility list?01:12
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Xenguy_astro9040: maybe nvi  ?01:12
vince_soundray: Yes.. This particular scanner is listed as "untested"01:12
Apostle^radekrazor: how do i single out on app with that01:12
Jowiastro9040: yep. "sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:12
soundraypvd2006: you've had the answer above. Install k3b-mp301:12
Xenguy_astro9040: or vim :-)01:12
Apostle^radekrazor: some kind of grep?01:12
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astro9040Xenguy_, nvi?01:12
cyber_cool_catbluetooth expert anyone???01:12
soundrayvince_, do they suggest a backend?01:12
astro9040Jowi, thx01:12
Jowiastro9040: that is, if you want it to :)01:12
pvd2006soundray, sorry about that, didnt see it.01:12
astro9040Xenguy_, thx01:12
vince_soundray: yes sane-lexmark01:13
Xenguy_astro9040: yw - it's as close to old vi as you get I hear01:13
fiftyfour123the ubuntu installer was unable to install a bootloader, without the bootloader how do i get into linux? i'm on a powerpc mac01:13
astro9040Jowi, ty01:13
vince_but I don't know much about how to set that up or if it is already01:13
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Xenguy_astro9040: I prefer vim01:13
radekrazorwith netstat -tap last column gona be Program name01:13
burdenNo one is replying in #xubuntu could someone with some XFCE knowledge pm me?01:13
=== daddius [n=daddius@user-0cdfdua.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
astro9040Xenguy_, ill have to check those out01:13
daddiushello people01:13
daddiuscould anyone help me with this problem with gnome01:13
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Xenguy_astro9040: vim is vi on steroids01:13
=== cafuego [n=cafuego@ppp82-219.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
astro9040Xenguy_, lol01:14
Xenguy_astro9040: smart editor01:14
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Xenguy_astro9040: learning curve tho01:14
fiftyfour123can anyone help me?!?!01:14
daddiuswhen logging in i can't get the gnome menu bars at all...  this is a basic install01:14
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soundrayvince_, it'll be difficult to get an untested device to work if you're a xsane newbie.01:14
roostishawanyone, how can i make a virtual machine out of my curren installation, keeping settings and all?01:14
SodiumI'd like to know how to install the VMWare Player that I've recently downloaded.01:15
david_ukQ: is it possible to convert an AMD64 installation to an i386 installation?01:15
daddiushey would i have to reinstall because of this problem with gnome?01:15
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riddleboxhow do I stop a module from loading?01:15
soundrayvince_, I think your best chance will be to get help on the sane mailing lists.01:16
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soundraydavid_uk: only by reinstalling. All the binaries are different.01:16
david_ukthanks soundray01:16
vince_soundray: Well I did try some things.. If I run sane-find-scanner it says "FoundUSBScanner" and gives me a vendor and product id01:16
david_ukit'll be my 7th install today... i'll try again01:16
pvd2006soundray, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12748 I got this error of a unmet dependency when I tried to install k3b-mp3.01:16
david_ukthe i386 keeps failing01:17
JowiSodium: https://wiki.ubuntu.com has got some documents on that01:17
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radekrazorto stop module from loading put it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:17
soundraydavid_uk: bad burn?01:17
shinuhow can i remove repeated text from a text file? is there any tool for that?01:17
vince_but when I try scanimage -L it says no scanners identified01:17
pvd2006I looked up k3blibs under synpatic and it is already installed, just the wrong version or something.01:17
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-019-029.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
iceman_damit how to convert ubuntu to run from fat32 loadlin...01:17
lflashli did a install off xmms skins where abouts do i point to load them01:17
david_uksoundray: don't believe so... but i've nuked the image on another reinstall, so i'll download and burn again for a sanity check01:17
SodiumJowi: Thanks, I'll take a look!01:18
soundraypvd2006: looks like you've mixed ubuntu versions.01:18
david_uksoundray: I'm seeing the gstreamer error before install completes as per here: http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?entry=opensuse_10_0_vs_ubuntu01:19
pvd2006soundray, I am using breezy badger, at one time I accidently had hoary hedgehog sources but I changed it.01:19
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pvd2006should I completely remove k3b and reinstall?01:19
david_uksoundray: that someone else experienced it (a few google results, but nothing with an answer), i don't think it's the burn... but i shall try again01:19
soundraypvd2006: did you apt-get update before you installed k3b-mp3?01:20
blindxApostle^, you still here?01:20
Apostle^blindx: yea01:20
pvd2006soundray: no01:20
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blindxI got rockbox installed (kinda. i got the bootloader set up. im on the actual install stage now. the bootloader works)01:20
soundrayvince_, some scanners require a firmware upload.01:21
Apostle^blindx: nice01:21
gymsmokeapt-get install spamassassin wants "razor" ... anyone have some insight on what this is?01:21
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vince_soundray: yay01:21
blindxApostle^, now when I copy .rockbox and rockbox.ipod, am I copying it to /dev/sda2 ? or should i just put it in /media/ipod to be safe ?01:21
vince_i wish somone would make a darn printer/scanner combo that works in linux01:21
Apostle^blindx: /media/ipod01:22
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gymsmokevince_: agreed01:22
soundrayvince_: write to your favourite manufacturer and ask them to support sane driver development.01:22
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fenstahey guys.. can someone help me with this dual boot issue really fast01:23
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Telarian02I just did a clean install of breezy on a laptop.....the laptop's screen is damaged and if you move it sometimes the whole computer locks down...I wouldn't think a damaged screen would lock up the computer but I'm a newbie, any suggestions?01:23
fenstaim installing 5.1 ..... I have winxp on 1 partition and formatted ext3 on the other01:23
pvd2006soundray: I think I got it to work, I completely removed all of k3b and did apt-get upgrade and then re-installed it and k3b-mp3 and it didnt give me any errors.01:24
fenstain ubuntu setup...... do I set the ext3 partition as / bootable and my ntfs partition as "do not use">?01:24
blindxApostle^, I copied them, but it says "Rockbox error: -2" and loads the original firmware. :|01:24
soundraypvd2006: well done. It should work now.01:24
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Apostle^blindx: hmm. ... odd i got that error, i forget how i fixed it01:24
pvd2006:), thanks.01:24
Apostle^blindx: try chmodding to 77701:24
blindx /media/ipod to 777?01:25
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[cro] smiley01:25
[cro] smileydoes anyone know link for downloading wxSmith plugin for Code Blocks01:25
[cro] smiley01:25
soundraydavid_uk: try #ubuntu+1 if you're on dapper.01:25
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blindxSame error, Apostle^. Do they have a forum?01:26
blindxnevermind, found the forum01:26
Apostle^blindx: they have a channel on this server #rockbox01:26
Bone`anyone here have experience with linpal?01:26
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blindxoh nice01:26
pvd2006For burning a cd should I leave writing mode at auto or change it to Disk-At-Once?01:26
roostishawanyone, how can i make a virtual machine out of my curren installation, keeping settings and all?01:26
blindxBone`, i couldn't get it to work :|01:26
david_uksoundray: not really sure what dapper is... i'm a total newbie. a windows programmer by trade, but M$ pissed me off in a teleconference yesterday so i'm trying my hand at linux ;)01:26
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NullVectoris there a repository for JAVA?01:27
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blindxBone`, i just run the windows client through wine. the log, find users/rooms dialogs aren't good, cause the font is so small though01:27
blindxer. you do !javadebs01:27
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Bone`oh that sucks, thanks though01:27
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gorskiis there a tool like Microsoft Visio in Ubuntu?01:27
Telarian02anyone know if a damaged laptop screen will lockup a computer or more likely an error during install of breezy?01:27
blindxoh yeah, Bone` ...01:27
vince_Does anyone use the HP Scanner/Print Combo?   How does that work under ubuntu?01:27
blindxanother thing. If you move the propbag/toolbar outside of the window (the main window) your computer will freeze and you won't be able to unfreeze it. have to hold power till it shuts off.01:28
JowiTelarian02: not very probable. You might get wierd colours but it should not lock anything up.01:28
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Bone`I'll have to watch out for all of that if I ever get it heh01:29
soundraydavid_uk: my mistake, you're probably on breezy (= Ubuntu 5.10).01:29
Bone`having second thoughts01:29
jlangusvince_: I've got an HP Photosmart that runs just fine as a printer, haven't gotten the scanner up yet01:29
blindxBone`, if you can get linpal to work, please PM me or something haha01:29
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gymsmokegak! can anyone tell me what razor is?  all the info im finding googling is drivvel01:29
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pvd2006soundray, is it ok for the cd burner to have a red light when im burning? according to k3b its burning fine.01:30
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willllhi.... just a single question.. I am able to make a Windows Share from Gnome, I just need to know how Ubuntu make the connections to windows since there is no entry shown in a "mount" command01:30
gymsmokepvd2006: as long as you don't see smoke...01:30
Bone`dun think I will :P tried using this CVS thing but it asks for a pass and I'm fairly sure that means the dude has totally quit supporting this and has locked it up01:30
pvd2006lol gymsmoke, why do you say that?01:30
TaikumiHello, I just have a problem installing, it says: Looking for DSDT in initrd: not found.01:30
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soundraypvd2006: yes, that's probably okay.01:30
blindxyeah sucks. i used to palace every day hah01:31
learnerrhi, anyone familliar with linux clusters?01:31
Taikumiif someone could help me, that'll be nice, thanks.01:31
unl3sspvd2006: a red light means that the drive is in the process of burning, usually01:31
lsuactiafnerif /root/.ssh/known_hosts contains an entry just after ive installed it, ubuntu, aint that insecure?01:31
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pvd2006Oh ok, I am use to the green light:-x.01:31
pvd2006oh well, ill see after it is done burning.01:31
Bone`yeah its more a nostalgia thing used to use it years and years ago, I'm surprised it still has so many people01:31
unl3sspvd2006: green light means that it's reading01:31
learnerrhi, anyone familliar with linux clusters?    msg in private please01:31
gymsmokepvd2006: i had a guy setting up an iso on his cd the other night, and asked me on the phone if it was bad that he thought he smelled something; turns out the cd drive locked up and the electronics were smoldering... hehe01:31
pvd2006gymsmoke, lol01:32
=== coz_ [n=cooldadd@c-71-236-91-89.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TaikumiHello, could someone possibly help me with an installation problem?01:32
_jasonTaikumi: what are you installing?01:32
TaikumiUbuntu? lol01:32
willllconnect to server/windows share/   Works great... how can I do to list windows files, from a terminal?01:32
Taikumijason, could I pm you?01:33
=== duality [n=duality@h247n12-m-rg-gr100.ias.bredband.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bone`well, now to try to solve my other woes, like getting AVI files to run and getting my soundcard recognized01:33
_jasonTaikumi: best to just ask your question here01:33
gymsmokeVipul's Razor is a distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network.01:33
_jason(more people can help)01:33
unl3ssCan anyone help me with this? I just hooked up my external USB hard drive that's formatted with NTFS, but I don't have the permissions to write because apparently it's a "read-only disk." I never set it this way and I just think it's because it's NTFS... how can I enable writing?01:33
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Taikumiwell, when the CD loads.. it asks for server or normal installation mode: So i hit Enter, for normal mode01:34
Taikumithen a bunch of things fly by01:34
_jasonunl3ss: writing to ntfs is not safe01:34
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Taikumithen, it stops01:34
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Taikumisaying Looking for DSDT in initrd : not found01:34
mfb__unl3ss> you can't write on NTFS from Linux01:34
TaikumiI tried another distro, such as SuSE, but that didnt work either T__T01:34
_jasonTaikumi: is this a shipit cd or did you burn it?01:35
david_ukunl3ss> copy the items off, format as FAT, copy the items back... readable in both01:35
Taikumii burned it01:35
david_ukand writable in both01:35
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3574140.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
_jasonTaikumi: what speed?01:35
qalimasI was chosen to do a gaming presentastion at our city's next LUG meeting, I choose Ubuntu because that's what I run on my gaming machine, but I don't know many good free games to show off and tell people about, anyone have any suggestions?'01:35
onkeljonashi... my 6.06 install boots really slowly. Hangs for several minutes at "Mounting root filesys" - any ideas what the problem is?01:35
[cro] smileydoes anyone know link for downloading wxSmith plugin for Code Blocks01:35
unl3ssalright mfb__ and david_uk: thanks... but is there any workaround possible?01:35
sexytrinican anyone tell me if I can set up a wireless network with ubuntu01:35
mfb__qalimas> Frozen Buble :p01:35
=== Zerhacke [n=Zerhacke@69-166-148-31.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
iceman_dang i am guessing gygwin need windows and will not run from native os .. ?01:36
mfb__damn, what's this nick I have ?01:36
_jasonTaikumi: burn at like 2x or 4x and try again01:36
iceman_native dos01:36
TaikumiHmm. OK01:36
TaikumiThanks alot sir.01:36
david_ukunl3ss: nope... NTFS cannot be written to from linux yet... so switch the file system to something friendly to both... FAT01:36
learnerrhi, anyone familliar with linux clusters?    msg in private please01:36
unl3ssdavid_uk: Alright, thanks a lot!01:36
soundrayqalimas: tuxkart, planetpenguin-racer (my son's favourites)01:36
gymsmokeman, i wish these guys would get package installation order right!01:37
soundrayunl3ss: there are experimental ways to write to NTFS01:37
gymsmokeinstall spamassassin (and dep's) ... tries to configure dcc before dcc-common ...01:37
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qalimassoundray: I was thinking more along the lines of showing that Linux can handle the big gmaes Windows can.  So far, I've got UT2003, Enemy-Territoy, Neverwinter Nights, America's Army, Legends, and Wesnoth01:37
btaylor5619Can someone help me with XMame and/or XMess?01:38
gymsmokecan i just re-do the setup with dpkg -reconfigure dcc-client?01:38
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coz_btaylor5619, I have't use xmame much but what is the problem01:38
jlangusqalimas: i convinced my girlfriend to use linux simply by showing her World Of Warcraft could run on it01:38
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jlangusmight be a good choice01:38
qalimasI don't have a copy of woW01:38
btaylor5619How do I get the durn thing working?01:39
btaylor5619I mean, how do I compile and build and all of that kind of stuff?01:39
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_jason!find xmame01:39
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'xmame' (5 shown): xmame-common ;; xmame-sdl ;; xmame-svga ;; xmame-tools ;; xmame-x.01:39
frankie_anybody know how to configure/install NAT?01:39
coz_btaylor5619, lol good question last i tried i had a similar probke when i did get it working i couldn't tweak it properly so hopefully someone here has the answer for  you sorry guy01:39
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_jasonbtaylor5619: no need to compile, it's in the repos01:39
gymsmokewow - Ubuntu was the big hit at FLISOL 2006 in Chile!01:40
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jlangusis there anything better than gimp for image editing?01:40
frankie_anybody know how to configure/install NAT?01:40
HymnToLifejlangus> Photoshop01:40
apokryphosfor svgs there inkscape01:40
btaylor5619So all I should do is "make install"?01:41
soundrayfrankie_: there are plenty of web pages around, but it's probably best to use a frontend, like firestarter01:41
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iceman_anyone used cygwin01:41
frankie_soundray: can i just do an apt-get for NAT?01:41
jlangusi was looking at inkscape, i might go ahead and try that out01:41
_jasonbtaylor5619: is there a reason you don't want to use the xmame in the repositories?01:41
soundrayiceman_: yes, but that's a Windows program. Wrong channel.01:41
btaylor5619i do not understand01:41
biovorefrankie_: nat on your computer is handled by iptables01:42
lsuactiafnerSeveas or anyone with ops in here (someone every knowledgeable) please allow me to send a private msg, think i found a serious security flaw01:42
btaylor5619"the repositories..." where can i find them?01:42
_jasonbtaylor5619: have you used synaptic before?01:42
iceman_i ask for just general info ...01:42
NullVectorfirefox doesn't do ftp does it01:42
soundrayfrankie_: no, it's called iptables and you probably have it already.01:42
Seveaslsuactiafner, msg me 01:42
btaylor5619oh, all that "apt-get" and stuff?01:42
iceman_it is winblows dependant ... i take it ..01:42
_jasonbtaylor5619: yes01:42
green_earzfrankie_:   have a look at the shorewall site for a nat setup with shorewall package01:42
HymnToLifeNullVector> course it does01:42
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btaylor5619yes, well, "xmame" does not come up on my Synaptic package manager01:42
biovoreiceman_: cygwin is a linux emulation layer for windows01:42
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NullVectorHymnToLife: how? all I get is a bunch of text and garabge01:43
iceman_biovore so i take it it must have winblows and cant use just dos ?01:43
HymnToLifeNullVector> ftp://user@host01:43
biovoreiceman_: yeah.. needs win2k or XP I think01:43
_jasonbtaylor5619: it seems to be in multiverse, have you enabled it?01:43
soundraybiovore: no, it runs on Win 9X as well. But this is still the wrong channel.01:44
NullVectorHymnToLife: ?01:44
iceman_biovore dang .. if only i could use DOS and build from there ... want to dump smicroshaft ...01:44
pvd2006success! Audio cd works perfect with k3b burning. :)01:44
_jasonubotu: tell btaylor5619 about multiverse01:44
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willllWhy cant I use mount -t smbfs?01:44
biovoreiceman_: getl inux01:44
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burdenI know this is the wrong channel but no one in #xubuntu seems active, could someone pm me, and help me with XFCE?01:45
btaylor5619i really need to read the wiki more01:45
HymnToLifeNullVector> type this in the adress bar, ie ftp://mfb@fkraiem.no-ip.org01:45
iceman_biovore untell i find a linux command refrenece i got to turn to dos ...01:45
soundrayburden: if you ask a question, maybe.01:45
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NullVectorHymnToLife: connection was refused01:45
biovoreiceman_: doe:linux   cd:cd  dir:ls  copy:cp  move:mv01:45
jlangusiceman_: googling linux command reference turns up http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/01:45
HymnToLifeis your server running ?01:45
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_jasonubotu: tell iceman_ about cli01:46
NullVector? my server?01:46
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burdenWell I have follows the instructions on the xubuntu wiki to a tee, repated several times with clean install,  and it won't work01:46
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=== Zerhacke-aWay is Away, Reason: ( Beer run. ) | Since: ( Saturday, April 22, 2006. 19:15:52 ) Xlack v2.1
=== volmarias [n=volmaria@ool-4355b8a3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifeNullVector> the FTP server you want to connect to01:46
soundrayburden: how does it fail?01:46
NullVectori hope so01:47
volmariasHi, I'm having trouble trying to compile anything with GTK. I am told that the gtk/gtk.h include is not found. However, I'm pretty certain that I've installed GTK and gtk-dev01:47
volmariasWhat should I do?01:47
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NullVectortrying to get blackdowns java01:47
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burdenIt boots up I log in, the instructions say to type in "xserver" or "startxfce4", and I get an error stating command not found.01:47
biovorevolmarias: sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2-dev01:47
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volmariasbiovore, it is already installed.01:48
volmariasIt told me as such when I ran apt-get01:48
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HaxoR91whats up?01:48
soundrayburden: try just startx01:48
intelikeyanyone know any way to get the default linux-image-2.6.15*  to boot ?    it seems there is no ext2/3 fs support in the kernel or the initrd.img      ?01:48
pvd2006Now time to figure out how to back up dvds on linux.01:49
BensinHello, I am trying to manually install Flashplayer (as a plugin to FireFox). I got the files from Macromedia, unpacked them, but can't find The right catalog to put the files in. Question: Where can I find FireFox's folder on my computer?01:49
burdensoundray: I've tried that too, same message01:49
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biovorevolmarias: what are you tring to build?01:49
volmariasToshiba Linux Utilities01:49
volmariasFor some reason I'm stuck on "zomg power save" mode, hopefully this can remedy it01:49
learnerri need help01:50
volmariasthe console takes 5-6 seconds to start up, and don't even get me started about eclipse! :(01:50
learnerri want to append a number next to a batch of files01:50
learnerrhow can i write a script to do that ?01:50
HymnToLife!tell Bensin about flash01:50
HaxoR91Bensin:try going to your hard drive01:50
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soundrayburden: have you tried running just the X server? (X on a line by itself)01:50
blindxhow do you copy a directory via terminal?01:50
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intelikeylearnerr  changing file names ?01:50
HaxoR91 )01:51
green_earzpvd2006: check out the package dvdbackup01:51
HaxoR91= )01:51
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biovorevolmarias: not familuar with the toshiba tools..01:51
pvd2006green_earz, thanks.01:51
learnerrintelikey i want to add numbers from 1 to something...01:51
intelikeylearnerr secquential or a single number ?01:51
soundray!tell blindx about cli01:51
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volmariasbiovore, it's irrelevant. Its the fact that including gtk/gtk.h doesn't work in the source01:51
amphilearnerr: seq(1) is part of what you want01:51
volmariasbiovore, I suspect that if I tried to do the GTK hello world program, it would do just the same01:51
biovorevolmarias: is there a gtk.h in /usr/include/gtk?01:51
green_earzblindx: cp -R dir01:51
jadaz87hello what are some good virus scanners for linux?01:51
learnerramphi: they are hard to read those files01:51
steelis there any way i can make my windows button open terminal in ubuntu01:51
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blindxthanks green_earz01:52
BensinHaxoR91, very funny, but not specific enough. Please don't heckle!01:52
_jasonsteel: system > prefs > keyboard shortcuts01:52
volmariasI don't have usr/include/gtk, I have usr/include/gtk-2.0 and 1.201:52
BensinHymnToLife, I'll try that.01:52
volmariasShould I create a symlink for one of them?01:52
burdensoundray: after I tried "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg" I began getting a message claiming X had failed, with no real information as of why in the output01:52
HaxoR91= )01:52
biovorevolmarias: the gtk/gtk.h  is in referance to /usr/include..  so might need a simlink or something01:52
green_earzblindx: cp -R from-dir     to-dir01:53
biovoreto gtk1.201:53
volmariasbiovore, I'll give that a shot and let you know. Glad to have help instead of messageboards filled with "Go install gtk!"01:53
goudkovhow can i disable passowrd lock for screensaver? i have "lock screen" unchecked, but it still asks for a password01:53
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soundrayburden: you may get a better idea from the messages in /var/log/Xorg.0.log (end of that file)01:53
NullVectorI need help installing Java for amd64 Ubuntu, seems the url for blackdown java listed @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaAMD64 is down?01:53
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-172-222-62.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayburden: did you install from a xubuntu CD?01:53
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>01:54
jadaz87does anyone know of any good antivirus software for linux?01:54
HaxoR91then look for firefox01:54
blindxOkay, I'm having some trouble copying to my iPod.. in that, once the iPod is disconnected, the files disappear. Anyone know how to remedy this?01:54
volmariasShoot. What's the command to create a symlink? Brain fart >_<01:54
biovorevolmarias: like alot of code made by these hardware manufactures it fairly messed up..  probably dosn't get the correct information out of pkg-config for gtk01:54
steeljadaz: ClamAV is good01:54
_jasonjadaz87: will you be running a mail server for windows users?01:54
volmariasbiovore, it's actually user created01:54
jadaz87_jason no01:54
Eleafwhat are some good 'small' multiplayer games that somebody wants to play with me?01:55
intelikeyok learnerr  something like    echo -e "#!/bin/bash \n\nNUM=0 \n\nfor this in \$* \n  do mv \$this \$num\$this \n  NUM=\$((\$NUM + 1 )) \ndone " > myscript.sh ;chmod 755 myscript.sh01:55
_jasonjadaz87: then you don't really need an antivirus01:55
BensinHaxoR91, better! Thanks! I'll try that after HymnToLife's suggestion.01:55
burdensoundray: no I thought about it thought but when I looked the only releases they had were for Dapper01:55
biovorevolmarias: is it giving you this error on ./configure?01:55
volmariasbiovore, I just hope that it'll actually do something for me. I'm sick of the absurdly long load times.01:55
volmariasbiovore, make depend.01:55
jadaz87_jason no operating system is non-subceptable to virii01:55
soundrayburden: how did you install?01:55
volmarias./configure works great01:55
intelikeylearnerr put that in a terminal and see what you get.01:55
_jasonubotu: tell jadaz87 about linuxvirus01:55
green_earzvolmarias: ln -s from-file   to-file01:55
learnerrits on my other hard drive01:55
biovorevolmarias: hmm , sound like toshiba need to learn how to make configure files..01:55
volmariasgreen_earz, thanks01:55
learnerrintelikey ill reboot later tonight01:55
Eleafjadaz87, the only thing I would find most useful to have a virus scanner in linux is if you are running a mail server and you wanna weed out sending files with virus's on them..01:56
volmariasbiovore, it's not toshiba, it's a "fan" created set of utils01:56
intelikeylearnerr you can save it to a file for later.01:56
burdensoundray: via the instructions, typed server at boot, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop01:56
biovorethe ./configure dosn't seem to check the gtk settings thoughly01:56
HaxoR91whats xubuntu01:57
ubotuwell, xubuntu is Ubuntu using XFCE instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu01:57
blindxOkay, I'm having some trouble copying to my iPod.. in that, once the iPod is disconnected, the files disappear. Anyone know how to remedy this?01:57
ubotuI guess kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE (not a fork) ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/01:57
learnerrintelikey: and what does ti do exactly01:57
volmariasbiovore, )!(&*@!!^...01:57
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Eleafdoes anybody want to play a game with me? ;D01:57
volmariasAnyway, now I can stumble through making it build, now that I've figured out this issue.01:57
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volmariasthanks again for the help01:57
biovorevolmarias: ok01:57
HaxoR91can i install it by terminal?01:58
soundrayburden, have you got xserver-xorg-core installed?01:58
blmartin777I am just curious why you have choosen ubuntu? What is so much better than other distro's?01:58
learnerrease of use!01:58
learnerrits the best i met01:58
burdensoundray: Not sure, isn't that included in xserver-xorg?01:58
learnerrinstall and work like a charm01:59
learnerrdetected my sound card01:59
blmartin777is the new beta very buggy?01:59
jlangusfirst distro that didnt take a day to setup01:59
learnerri dont know how to stress test a system...cant really hepl01:59
HymnToLifeblmartin777> not anymore, but it depends on your harsware01:59
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intelikeylearnerr writes a script called myscript.sh   makes it executable     the script can then be used to number files.      ./myscript.sh *.mp3       or   ./myscript.sh *     or the like.01:59
learnerrbut i could sure use some advices01:59
brouillardserver irc.afterworkchat.com02:00
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soundrayburden, sorry, I mean x-window-system-core02:00
learnerrintelikey: it add numbers in front of the already existing files ?02:00
blmartin777thanks guys02:00
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intelikeylearnerr yep02:00
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viktorhi guys02:00
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:00
learnerrintelikey : thank you :D02:00
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blindxOkay, I'm having some trouble copying to my iPod.. in that, once the iPod is disconnected, the files disappear. Anyone know how to remedy this?02:01
soundrayburden: sorry, I'm on the wrong trace. You got x-window-system-core with xubuntu-desktop02:01
intelikeydoes  mv file.ext 1file.ext   then  mv nextfile.ext 2nextfile.ext ....02:01
kingspawnblindx: run "sync"02:01
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soundrayburden: did the install run through?02:01
kingspawnblindx: just shooting in the dark here, never used an ipod02:01
blindxbefore or after copying?02:01
kingspawnblindx: after02:01
kingspawnblindx: sync writes everything the filesystem might be caching to disk02:01
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Rakel_23I've installed manually libc6 with dpkg.. How can I return to last version again?02:01
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burdensoundray: Yes everything installed02:02
intelikeylearnerr you can add a _ between   \$num and \$this    thus   \$num_\$this     if you want to pretty up the thing a little.02:02
soundrayburden: did you find anything at the end of that log file?02:02
Madpilothi all02:02
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kingspawnhey Madpilot02:02
intelikeyeeeeek  and make that  caps.    NUM  there   too i typoed learnerr02:03
Rakel_23please.. I cant install anything now :S02:03
blindxhey kingspawn it worked :D02:03
blindxthanks a lot.02:03
Rakel_23How can I return to last version of libc6 ?02:03
burdensoundray: I can't really check becuase im running puppylinux(livecd) to talk to you, I'll see if I can mount and get it02:03
kingspawnblindx: goodie :)02:03
=== intelikey goes to look at it again to make sure that's all he messed up.
pvd2006so I downloaded the source of mplayer plugin got it to make and make install copied the .so and .xpt files to the right directories for firefox, restarted firefox, but its not opening up mplayer plugin when I try to open video files.02:03
learnerrintelikey: its fine ill study the script then adjust if theres need to02:03
jadaz87_jason why do they even attempt to have antivirus for unix/linux then?02:03
=== Bilange_ is now known as Bilange
intelikeylearnerr  --->      echo -e "#!/bin/bash \n\nNUM=0 \n\nfor this in \$* \n  do mv \$this \$NUM_\$this \n  NUM=\$((\$NUM + 1 )) \ndone " > myscript.sh ;chmod 755 myscript.sh02:04
pvd2006jadaz87, if your running a windows partition for one reason02:04
pvd2006you can scan your window files from linux02:04
learnerrintelikey: my mp3 player screw up the sorting of files so i just put numbers to get some order02:04
Madpilotjadaz87, for paranoid types - or those still afflicted with Windows02:04
_jasonjadaz87: if you run a mail server, you don't want people spreading viruses02:04
=== yeriko [n=yeriko@81-225-184-160-o285.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeythat ought to do it.02:04
kingspawnpvd2006: might need to tell firefox that it should associate files with the plugin02:05
learnerris there a free software to resize my drive?02:05
learnerrcreate a fat32 partition so i can move my mp3 to my other disk ?02:05
nitishplearnerr: gparted, qtparted, or just plain ol' parted.02:05
learnerrnaa for windows02:05
jadaz87_jason is clam av gui based or cli?02:05
_jasonintelikey: do those \$ become $ with echo?02:05
learnerrits all ntfs right now02:05
_jasonjadaz87: I don't actually know02:06
nitishplearnerr: If you want to keep using your ntfs partition with write access then check out ntfs-progs.02:06
burdensoundray: Where is the X log at?02:06
=== Apostle^ [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikey_jason yes they do.02:06
_jasonintelikey: ah yes they do :)02:06
soundrayburden: /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:06
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learnerrnitishp: i just want to copy my files ntfs to ext302:07
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Apostle^anyone here play doom3 ?02:07
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intelikeyi see one thing i forgot to momment tho  third try... and i tested this one.  it works.02:07
intelikeylearnerr  --->      echo -e "#\!/bin/bash \n\nNUM=0 \n\nfor this in \$* \n  do mv \$this \$NUM_\$this \n  NUM=\$((\$NUM + 1 )) \ndone " > myscript.sh ;chmod 755 myscript.sh02:07
nitishplearnerr: cp /path/to/ntfs/partition/music/song.mp3 /home/learnerr/songs/song.mp3 then?02:07
intelikeyhad to  \!  because bash trys to exec it.02:07
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonintelikey: I would just use '' instead of ""02:08
Apostle^i don't understand why doom3 runs so choppy on ubuntu, i have a great graphics card02:08
learnerrnitishp: i have a lot of them02:08
Apostle^even at the lowest setting it runs terribly02:08
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pvd2006kingspawn, I am not sure how to tell firefox that, I don't see anywhere in firefox options to do so.02:08
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intelikey_jason  then \n would not make new lines.02:08
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doo_magsalut tlm02:08
adamnubuntu is amazing!02:08
_jasonintelikey: it does, I just tested02:08
nitishplearnerr: Then cp * from that directory.02:08
learnerrnitisho: it can damage the ntfs partition02:08
lsuactiafnerApostle^ : runs fine here02:08
lsuactiafnerApostle^ : check that your hard disk is fast and had dma enabled.02:09
pvd2006kingspawn, there is a section that says, "File Types: " but there is nothing in there.02:09
=== adamn says whoohoo
Apostle^lsuactiafner: hmm... i'm sure i have dma on, how do i check02:09
pvd2006and I can't add anythin becuse the buttons are greyed out.02:09
doo_magil est mort le forum ce soir ou a vient de chez moi..02:09
burdensoundray: Alright it's not letting me mount, I'll have to reboot, will you still be on?02:09
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:09
=== jadaz87 sees a young JadaZ87 The Young Ubuntuian in adamn
jadaz87:-) :-D02:09
lsuactiafnerApostle^ : and make sure you run hardware accelleration, on your video card, run glxinfo | grep -i direct     <-- do that first02:10
soundrayburden: why is it not letting you mount?02:10
Apostle^lsuactiafner: i have it setup right02:10
Apostle^lsuactiafner: answer: yes02:10
nitishpCopying *from* ntfs to fat32 shouldn't corrupt your music files.02:10
Apostle^lsuactiafner: how do i turn dma on ?02:10
Apostle^maybe dma on the hd is off02:10
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lsuactiafnerhdparm -d /dev/disk02:11
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Apostle^lsuactiafner: hmm i see no output ?02:11
lsuactiafnerand make sure your settings in zoom are autodetected and not too high02:11
burdensoundray: Proably because its not in the fstab, which i have no idea how to properly edit02:11
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intelikey_jason   i'm so used to coding things like that on older bash  i didn't know they had fixed the "' issue with \n   thanks for the heads up .02:11
soundrayburden: have you got root in puppylinux?02:12
j0hannesFrogzoo: hi. i think i have solved the problem with the freezing x system02:12
burdensoundray: yes02:12
Apostle^lsuactiafner: whats the command to turn dma on?02:12
_jasonintelikey: yep, extend the life of your \ key a bit :)02:12
intelikey_jason that saves several key strokes. in that one line.02:12
soundrayburden: do you know the device name of your Ubuntu root partition?02:12
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varsendaggeris there a way to undo rm file?02:13
burdensoundray: hda or hda1, but im pretty sure its the former02:13
lsuactiafnerhdparm -d 1 /dev/disk02:13
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, lsuactiafner02:13
kingspawnvarsendagger: no02:13
Apostle^lsuactiafner: HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device02:13
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_jasonvarsendagger: nope, not really02:13
lsuactiafnerwhats that automatic thing?02:13
vinboyhow do I limit my network connection?02:13
lsuactiafnerApostle^ : ide or sata disk?02:13
j0hannesFrogzoo: i switched to waimea as window manager and stopped using gnome applications02:13
Apostle^lsuactiafner: umm... sata i think02:13
Apostle^lsuactiafner: it's /dev/sda1 so sata ?02:13
intelikeywell i'm going to make ubuntu boot now.     IF i have to use my own shoe!02:13
soundrayburden, enter 'mount /dev/hda1 /mnt', then see if you can 'tail /mnt/var/log/Xorg.0.log'02:13
lsuactiafnerthen you dont need hdparm..02:13
lsuactiafnerthen no idea why its slow.02:14
Apostle^lsuactiafner: hmm.. then i wonder why doom3 is running like crap02:14
Apostle^makes no sense02:14
lsuactiafnermaybe something on your system is hogging something02:14
_apollo2011_my fonts got messed up after I updated some packages and I set the GTK font settings to use the KDE fonts, but now they are all either too small or too big. I want to switch it back to a different font, but the System Settings window never saves the setting.02:14
lsuactiafnerlike updatedb or something like that02:14
Apostle^i've tried with nothing open02:14
lsuactiafnerwhats that program called that automatically installs everything not allowed to be included in nix?02:14
lsuactiafnerautomatix or something?02:15
Apostle^lsuactiafner: automatix, but it sucks02:15
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu02:15
Apostle^easyubuntu is better02:15
Apostle^lsuactiafner: you have no ideas?02:15
burdensoundray: it worked02:15
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soundrayburden: and do the messages give a clue?02:15
lsuactiafnerApostle^ : what cpu? cpufreq-selector -f  anf set it to the highest02:15
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lsuactiafneri set mine to performance or to 2000000 for my 2G amd64 320002:16
lsuactiafnerthanks soundray02:16
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Apostle^lsuactiafner: it's a p402:16
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Apostle^user@System:~$ sudo cpufreq-selector -f 300002:17
Apostle^No cpufreq support02:17
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Trunkzgonna compile my first kernel :D02:17
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CNAPok i've got a good one here. i have 2 NICs on the same hub with the same MAC address. both are receiving IP's and are able to ping, also do name resolution. however i can't access anything useful like HTTP, apt-get, even XCHAT. can anyone here atleast help figure out why?02:17
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soundrayburden, you can copy the tail to the pastebin if you want me to have a look02:17
ubotusomebody said pastebin was http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126902:17
burdensoundray: http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/clip.php?clip=2a702:18
pvd2006I keep getting a segmentation fault when I try to open a .mpg file through firefox 1.0-1.5 and mozilla 1.702:18
pvd2006anyone else have this problem?02:18
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pvd2006join #mozilla02:19
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intelikeywhy will dapper not boot ?     all i ever get is that blasted busybox shell02:19
lsuactiafnerApostle^ : no idea.02:20
lsuactiafnermaybe some gaming forumms will have covered the bug02:20
soundrayburden, this could be a number of things. First, I would make sure that x-window-system-core is really installed.02:20
green_earzvinboy: wondershaper   or shapecfg    the subject for limiting network trafic is called packet shapeing02:21
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Trunkzgod.. how many files are there in a kernel tar o.o02:21
Trunkzmeh.. xD02:21
blindxThat's not true :P02:21
TrunkzI know xD02:21
TrunkzIts gone past that mark02:21
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intelikeyabout 20x that i think02:21
TrunkzWell hopefully this should give the system a good boost02:21
TrunkzKernel 2.6.1602:22
soundrayburden, then maybe run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'02:22
Trunkzfrom Ubuntu's default kernel02:22
blindxhey, how do i get write support for my NTFS drives?02:22
Trunkzthe laptop's on 256MB ram02:22
Trunkzso i can use all the help it can get02:22
green_earzvinboy: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Traffic-Control-HOWTO/index.html02:22
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blindxso extracting a million files is gonna help that ram out :P02:22
vinboythanks green_earz02:22
HymnToLifeblindx> you don't02:22
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burdensoundray: Alirght will try be back in a bit.02:23
blindxHymnToLife, ...at all?02:23
soundrayburden, I have to go.02:23
HymnToLifewell, you can02:23
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burdensoundray: Alright02:23
HymnToLifebut the risk of losing the entire partition is quite high, so I wouldn't recommend it02:23
soundrayburden: but there's always helpful people around if you are patient.02:23
blindxWell shit.02:23
Apostle^lsuactiafner: 26516 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5303.166 FPS02:23
Apostle^ is good isn't it02:23
green_earzvinboy: http://luxik.cdi.cz/%7Edevik/qos/htb/manual/userg.htm02:23
blindxpardon my language :x02:23
burdensoundray: thanks for your help02:23
m5mAnyone use Fetchmail? I had it working and made the mistake of trying to change my setup... now I'm getting exit code 10 on local smtp delivery... I can't find the tutorial i referred to to set it up originally...02:24
Apostle^anyone here run doom3 ?02:24
soundrayburden, good luck.02:24
burdensoundray: see ya02:24
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blindxSo how do I format a drive? and what filesystem does linux understand02:24
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szbwhat is the best gui firewall for a newbie02:25
HymnToLifeblindx> if you want a file system you can easily read/write fom both Windows and Linux, go for FAT02:25
HymnToLifebutit can't handle files > 4 GB02:25
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blindxthat might be a problem.02:25
blindxi don't know, though02:26
rudlavibizonlinux can read ntfs02:26
blindxbut not write.02:26
blindxi need r/w02:26
HymnToLifethen go for ext3, you just have to install a driver to access it from Windows02:26
blindxi don't run windows anyways02:26
cafuegoblindx: Go with WIndows then, that can read and write ntfs.02:26
=== yeriko [n=yeriko@81-225-184-160-o285.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifethen why do you have a NTFS partition ?02:26
PaciFicHi to everybody02:26
blindxi DID run windows.02:26
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m5mSomehow I screwed up my local MTA filtering & fetchmail can't deliver to me/mutt anymore... Where would you begin to look for the glitch?02:26
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blindxwow I just tried to cp D:/file/file02:27
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eriklhow do I set opera as standar webbrowser?02:27
blindxand then wondered why it didn't work :\02:28
PaciFic_OceAnHi to everybody02:28
PaciFic_OceAnI'm cool02:28
jisatsuis there any graphical utility I can use to delete an NTFS partition? gparted doesn't seem to let me02:28
=== Ratty_ [n=asd@82-147-17-184.dsl.uk.rapidplay.com] has joined #ubuntu
PaciFic_OceAnI'm a good person02:28
Madpiloterikl, System menu -> Prefs -> Preferred Applications02:28
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_apollo2011_my fonts goet messed up after I updated some packages and I set the GTK font settings to use the KDE fonts, but now they are all either too small or too big. I want to switch it back to a different font, but the System Settings window never saves the setting. How else can I edit these settings?02:28
=== yipe [n=yipely@12-218-169-50.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
yipesimpl question02:29
Madpiloterikl, then click the "Custom" button and put "opera %s" in the Command box02:29
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yggdrasilwhats up guys02:29
yipewhat is the equivalent to fsck but for a Fat16 drive?02:29
antonio_hi there, anyone that could help me out with a muouse issue?02:29
yipeI don't wanna have to go boot up my mom's slow-ass winbox, tell it to check the USB, then reboot02:30
Ratty_i've been unable to book any version of dapper. on the live cd, when you start ubuntu the green "loading" text at the top looks corrupt and then i end up with a blank screen which never loads. i'm unable to switch to a console using ctrl+alt+f1/2/302:30
=== HaxoR91 [n=suspect@ool-44c76d4b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifeantonio_ > just ask :)02:30
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HymnToLifeif someone can help, he will02:30
Ratty_breezy worked fine. my graphics card is an ati radeon x800pro02:30
PaciFic_OceAnMy name is Leonardo da Silva and i'm born in Brazil-RS-Carazinho and i live in Brazil, I like to hear rap, and i'm 14 years old02:30
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HaxoR91im on xubuntu02:30
HaxoR91its nice02:30
yipeanybody? fsck equivalent?02:30
antonio_good to know, the issue is rather simple, installed ubuntu:mouse not responding02:30
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.02:31
rudlavibizonhow do you make tv out in theatre mode with ati?02:31
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jisatsuis there anything at all capable of deleting an ntfs partition?02:31
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PaciFic_OceAnwho is ubotu?02:31
antonio_works ok on other oses, been reading about and i ve seen kernel 2.6.26 as a possible solution but i wouldnt know how to find it02:31
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HymnToLifejisatsu> GParted02:31
yipesuicide is better than gparted?02:32
HymnToLife!tell PaciFic_OceAn about ubotu02:32
PaciFic_OceAni'm cool02:32
PaciFic_OceAnMy name is Leonardo da Silva and i'm born in Brazil-RS-Carazinho and i live in Brazil, I like to hear rap, and i'm 14 years old02:32
jisatsuHymnToLife, I looked, but the delete button is greyed out, could it be because it's mounted ro?02:32
PaciFic_OceAnwho is ubotu?02:32
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yipeoh wait... I'm thinking chisetsu02:32
MadpilotPaciFic_OceAn, this is not a chat channel, it's a tech support one. Please join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to just chat02:32
PaciFic_OceAnwhat is chisetsu02:32
yipeor.... awww damn I've lost my ability to speak japanese:(02:32
yipePaciFic_OceAn, ubotu is a robot02:32
HymnToLifejisatsu> of course, you can't do basically anything on a mounted partition, unmount it first :p02:32
blindxwould the correct command to copy a directory's contents into the current directory be as follows: cp /path/one .02:32
jisatsuah, ok :)02:33
=== sajjad [n=sajjad@S010600105a1391cf.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
yipedoes ANYBODY know how to fsck a Fat32 usb drive?02:33
yipemy mp3 player is losing memory02:33
green_earzPaciFic_OceAn:   install streamtuner   for internet radio02:33
Madpilotyipe, have you checked with google02:33
antonio_so erm yeah, i havent gotten an answer :)02:33
yipethis is supposed to be a tech support room Madpilot02:34
=== holden [n=holden@cust-182-188.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
yipeand fsck won't deal with fat32, it only wants etx02:34
PaciFic_OceAnubotu is so fool02:34
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, PaciFic_OceAn02:34
PaciFic_OceAni'm cool02:34
Madpilotyipe, yes, but nobody here knows everything...02:34
PaciFic_OceAni'm 14 years old02:34
MadpilotPaciFic_OceAn, please stop, before I have to remove you02:34
PaciFic_OceAni live in Brazil02:34
PaciFic_OceAnI have 2 cats02:35
blindx<ubotu> My cat's name is Mittens  << lmfao i've never seen that before.02:35
=== labandus [n=labandus@p54ACD3C8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotPaciFic_OceAn, #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat. Last warning.02:35
PaciFic_OceAnCat1: your name is Tigrinho and it is yelow02:35
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PaciFic_OceAncat 2: your name is Jade and he is black and white02:36
Madpilotlabandus, it helps if you ask an actual question02:36
labandushallo cat 202:36
PaciFic_OceAnand i'm a good person02:36
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yipe:( I'm just gonne go use my mom's winbox02:36
blindxlol yipe02:36
yipestupid boxen.... make me so mad...02:36
gymsmokeanyone know how to log messages from qmail-scanner?02:37
CNAPok i've got a good one here. i have 2 NICs on the same hub with the same MAC address. both are receiving IP's and are able to ping, also do name resolution. however i can't access anything useful like HTTP, apt-get, even XCHAT. can anyone here atleast help figure out why?02:37
PaciFic_OceAni know to defeat02:37
blindx2 nics with the same mac address?02:37
antonio_could anyone help me to setup a mouse that is not responding?02:37
jadaz87!opsCNAP same mac address?02:37
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jadaz8702:37
gymsmokeCNAP: 2 nic cards, same MAC?  dont' think so02:37
blindxi thought mac addresses were unique per device02:37
kingspawnhey, anyone know of any tool that lets you view .odt-files in terminal?02:37
HymnToLifehey guys, what would you say to some dude asking you why Linux is better than Windows ?02:37
jadaz87blindx i thought so too02:37
JowiCNAP: yeah, they got the same MAC. change one of them02:37
CNAPgymsmoke: yes same MAC. Jowi's on top of it02:38
kingspawngenerally im looking for some sort of program that just strips documents of all formatting and outputs them as clean text02:38
pvd2006How would you go about uninstalling all the binary video codecs you have downloaded.02:38
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Madpilotpvd2006, if you mean the w32codecs package, it should install itself02:38
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antonio_could anyone help me to setup a mouse that is not responding? anyone?02:38
pvd2006MadPilot, I need to uninstall all of them.02:38
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PaciFic_OceAnHi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody02:38
PaciFic_OceAn Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybod02:38
PaciFic_OceAny Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybody Hi Hi Hi Everybo02:38
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee02:39
intelikeypvd2006 same process   apt-get remove02:39
gymsmokeantonio: in X ?02:39
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antonio_its a plain and simple ps202:39
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intelikeyMadpilot hope you ban the ip....02:39
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jadaz87yes please MAdPilot02:39
jadaz87thank you02:39
Madpilotthere we go, Seveas beat me to it02:39
CNAPjowi, gymsmoke, had to do it so i can get my 2nd box on the net. my APT complex, only allows 1 NIC per port. anyway, i had it working, then upgraded to dapper drake (caused all kinds of trouble), downgraded to breezy and i can't get both boxes on the net at the same time again02:39
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pvd2006Intelikey, I understand that part, Im just trying to figure out which all video codecs I have installed.02:40
jisatsuis it easy to move the placement of /home and not mess things up? I want to move all the /home stuff onto my new harddrive02:40
=== oldFart_ [n=richard@ZYKMDXXIX.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
JowiCNAP: with MAC spoofing you will probably be able to get an ip, but won't be able to do anything useful. especially not on the same network (might work if the two MACs don't collide). 2 NIC with same MAC is asking for trouble.02:40
gymsmokeCNAP: i have been under the impression that MAC addresses were hardware implemented, so they would be unique... i have no idea how you would change 2 nic's to have the same hardware address, unless they fell off the back of a truck in Brooklyn...02:41
intelikeypvd2006 dpkg -l | grep ii | less02:41
JowiCNAP: it is common to spoof the MAC to fooling ISP's you're using only one computer when using a DSL modem connected to a router. But it only work 50% of the time.02:41
antonio_i really dont wanna troll but, a simple mouse issue,. anyone?02:41
CNAPgymsmoke, in windows just mess with the registry02:41
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gymsmokejisatsu: as long as you don't have system apps running, sure... moving home is fine02:42
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gymsmokeCNAP: i don't doooo win02:42
=== Apostle^ [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowiantonio_: ask a specific question and you might be lucky02:42
CNAPjowi, i had it working up until a few days ago. so i know it works for a fact. i just can't figure out what i did02:42
jisatsugyaresu_,  thanks :) just wanted to make sure it wouldn't hose my files02:42
CNAPgymsmoke, i'm sure there's a way to do it in linux02:42
antonio_jowi thats why i said i dont wanna troll i ve asked already many a time,..02:42
Apostle^how do i change the gnome-splash screen again?02:42
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antonio_but here goes: i have a ps2 mouse that is not responding under ubuntu, it works fine with other oses02:43
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gymsmokeCNAP: when i worked security information services for DoD, whenever we would find stuff like that, it would raise alot of curiosity, so I would steer clear of it02:43
JowiCNAP: oh yes, it works alright. but luck is involved. I've seen it work, i've seen it fail. I set it up myself for some ISP modems. but as I said, it is a hit'n'miss thing.02:43
=== PhoenixP3K [n=opera@modemcable177.231-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotApostle^, just a sec, there's a tutorial I've got bookmarked02:44
antonio_any ideas?02:44
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somadoes anyone know if there is a "show desktop" function in compiz similar to the mac os x one?02:44
intelikeyantonio_ mouse issue ?02:44
CNAPgymsmoke, i doubt me spoofing a MAC so i can plug 2 computers into the same is going to perk up rummy's ears ;-)02:44
Apostle^Madpilot: i thought it was just one app?02:44
JowiCNAP: try to change one of them.02:44
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gymsmokeCNAP: haha02:44
MadpilotApostle^, it is, but there's a nice walkthru02:44
CNAPjowi, already did -- ISP blocked that MAC02:44
gymsmokeCNAP: you'd have to run him over with a train to get _his_ attention02:44
antonio_intelikey,  it lights up and show the mouse responding, but the cursor dosent mouse nor the click event works02:44
JowiCNAP: well, an easy solution: get a proper router02:44
CNAPjowi, routers don't mask MAC's, just IP's. wouldn't work either02:45
antonio_jowi any ideas?02:45
gymsmokeJowi: good suggestion...02:45
JowiCNAP: let the modem take the MAC address from the router and connect as many NICS as you need.02:45
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MadpilotApostle^, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Desktop_EyeCandy#HOWTO:_CHANGE_LOGIN_SCREEN_.28GDM.29.02:45
blmartin777What is a recommended partitioning sceme for a 40 gb hard drive. It just wants to do / and a swap?02:46
Apostle^Madpilot: thanks02:46
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intelikeyantonio_   maybe    modprobe mousedev psmouse     also check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf   device settings for the mouse.  should be  /dev/psaux   i think.02:46
CNAPjowi, gymsmoke, BRB -- going to reset my hub (i doubt, but if i do a hard reset i might stop the bits from colliding)02:46
Apostle^does anyone use FLAC ?02:46
Madpilotblmartin777, a separate home directory is a good idea02:46
Jowiantonio_: see if /etc/X11/xorg.conf contains this:        Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice" [new line]       Option          "Protocol"              "ImPS/2"02:47
MadpilotApostle^, yes02:47
blmartin777How much do I need for /02:47
gymsmokeanyone know where to add --log-details syslog for qmail-scanner ?02:47
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Apostle^Madpilot: if i go from mp3 to audio-cd then to flac thats just a waste isn't it? won't gain any quality02:47
tommasoHow can I choose custom theme colors and such?  (Dapper beta live CD currently)02:47
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HymnToLifeblmartin777> I personally use 10 GB but it's more than needed02:47
MadpilotApostle^, no, you won't gain, only loose. For top quality, rip straight from CD to flac02:47
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HymnToLifeApostle^> yep, no gain at all02:48
Apostle^is sound juicer good?02:48
Apostle^it can do flac02:48
MadpilotApostle^, yes, I've used it for several hundred CDs so far with no issues at all02:48
=== CNAP [n=frankie@mr-jax-210-48.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
HymnToLifeI personnally don't like SJ, I use abcde02:48
intelikeybe back later.02:48
antonio_oh crap i cant rezise and it scrolled by :/02:49
M4rC10J5alguem conhece ferramenta para gerenciar conexao wireless com opcao de conecao usando WPA-PSK, que o que vem junto com o Ubuntu 6.06 "Dapper Drake" Development Branch, nao vai02:49
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JowiCNAP: here's the thing. if you have a DSL modem you can either 1. let the modem handle the connection, ISP will get the MAC of NIC connected to modem. 2. let router handle the connection _through_ the modem, ISP will get whatever MAC you tell the router to use for the DSL connection. It's a done deal.02:49
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.02:49
icemanwow, wonder how mush harddrive cygwin will want ..02:49
CNAPjowi, i don't understand it. it works for a few seconds then i lose it02:50
somaM4rC10J5: actually.. yes :)02:50
KingBahamutevening all02:50
M4rC10J5ninguem sabe la02:50
JowiCNAP: i'm not surprised. get a router. it's not more than 50?02:50
icemanthats a huge download02:50
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CNAPjowi, hold on02:50
blmartin777HymnToLife: what is the recommended then if 10gb is a lot?02:50
pvd2006intelikey, I am looking through this list and there is like 1800 lines:-\ is there any way to shorten it so it only shows video codecs02:50
somaM4rC10J5: With networkmanager, its a breeze02:50
Madpilotantonio_, you mean intelikey's last command for you?02:50
christian1832could someone tell me why i cant pipe the results of an fgrep -l command into rm?02:50
CNAPjowi, what's more confusing is that i can ping, i can even type: www.gmail.com and i see my browser translating it to: mail.google.com and it trying to hit the site but it never gets there02:50
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antonio_madpilot yes02:51
HymnToLifeblmartin777> you should be OK with 5 GB, depends on how much software you install02:51
christian1832what is the proper way of doing this02:51
Apostle^Madpilot: it's too bad i hardly own any cd's lol.. all mp302:51
Madpilotantonio_, intelikey antonio_   maybe    modprobe mousedev psmouse     also check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf   device settings for the mouse.  should be  /dev/psaux   i think.02:51
JowiCNAP: it's because the hub isn't a router. a router translates traffic, a hub doesn't02:51
blmartin777HymnToLife: thanks02:51
icemanwish cygwin was availale via iso's02:51
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christian1832fgrep -l . Album* | rm02:51
christian1832this is what im trying to use02:52
christian1832and it wont work02:52
christian1832what is wrong with this?02:52
JowiCNAP: the router can see which IP belong to which MAC and can redirect (or, hear this: "route") traffic.02:52
CNAPjowi, i understand that. but why is it going that far, and then hanging?02:52
JowiCNAP: a HUB is just a dummy connector. it got no intelligence02:52
pvd2006If only I knew how to use awk or grep I could use regular expressions to only return lines with codec in it and output it.02:52
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CNAPjowi, obviously there's something going thru. ICMP traffic, and HTTP traffic02:52
JowiCNAP: yes, but by chance only.02:53
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antonio_please help me out in a chan named antonio that way the stuff wont scroll, i xorg.conf i got diferent options in there02:54
holdencould anyone be a doll and send me his ndiswrapper.ko file?02:54
JowiCNAP: MAC spoofing is useful as long as only one computer is connected at one time.02:54
gymsmokeanyone here familiar with qmail configuration ?02:54
skplcan someone tell me how to add a delay to my startup programs?02:54
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Xenguy_gymsmoke: non-free02:55
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CNAPjowi, theoretically this is true. i've gotten it to work without fail for several weeks, which leads me to think that there's something i was doing unknowingly02:55
=== rukuartic [n=rukuarti@pool-72-66-86-75.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
CNAPjowi, packet forwarding from the linux box maybe?02:55
gymsmokeXenguy: is this channel only for free packages ?02:55
Xenguygymsmoke: not at all02:55
pvd2006I am learning perl but i dont know how to put the output of this command into a file and then to put that in perl and use regular expressions.  I know something like / ?codecs ?/ig might match it. I think.02:55
JowiCNAP: nope, you did it correctly. but the first time it worked "reliably" was pure luck.02:55
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JowiCNAP: another possibility you have: modem connected to computer 1 (with two nics) connected to computer 2. computer 1 acts as a router. this is more stable.02:56
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_gregI've got a new kubuntu installation.   I cannot access anything with the web02:57
antonio_can i paste here parts of my xorg.conf relevant to the mouse?02:57
CNAPjowi, yeah already thought about that. i'd install a router, before i'd do that02:57
=== sanmarcos [n=jade@adsl-69-224-46-230.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
arunhow do i disable firewall in ubuntu02:57
rukuartic_greg: What type of internet connection do you have, how do you connect to it?02:57
_gregWiIfif manager shows high signal strength, "Connected to newtowrk", access point02:57
Xenguyarun: there is no firewall by default02:58
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blindxif it says newtowrk, you're messed up02:58
cycom_campingAhh. Behold the power of geek.  I am camping, in a pop-up camper, using a car battery booster, power inverter, laptop, data cable, and cell phone to chat on IRC.02:58
JowiCNAP: router is the way to go. and they are cheap nowadays. If you spoof the MAC, only have one computer connected at a time and it will work fine.02:58
pvd2006oh btw why is it when I try to use the output operats > that I get an error saying permission denied02:58
rukuarticpvd2006: don't own the file?02:58
sanmarcos*hen I try to install initramfs-tools, I get that it needs a kernel > 2.6.12, but any kernel bigger than that depends on initframs-tools, any ideas on how to make it work (upgrading breezy > dapper)?*02:58
arunXenguy, i tried an ssh in ubuntu but i keep getting connection refused02:58
christian1832anyone know why "fgrep -l . Album* | rm02:58
christian1832" isnt working?02:58
pvd2006rukuartic, I run sudo with it02:58
HymnToLifeyou rock cycom_camping :p02:58
rukuarticpvd2006: whats the exact command?02:58
sanmarcoschristian1832: what are you trying to do?02:59
arunXenguy, i thought it was a firewall problem02:59
_gregKWifiMan says connected to network, shows an access point, Local IP, Frequency.  But I am unable to access internet with Konqueror or Adept02:59
_jasonchristian1832: | xargs rm02:59
pvd2006like for example, sudo ls > test.txt02:59
blindxcycom_camping, that's nothing. i IRC from my pocket PC using my cell phone from everywhere :P02:59
Xenguyarun: do you use AllowUsers in /etc/ssh/sshd_config  ?02:59
gymsmokeXenguy: i'm so close to the end of this setup/config...02:59
christian1832im just trying to delete all the files in my music with the first word Album02:59
christian1832_jason: thanks02:59
rukuarticarun: Do you have openssh installed?02:59
JowiCNAP: your thoughts were in the right way at least. it's your HUB that make it fail since it can not direct traffic properly.02:59
arunXenguy, no :(.. how do i do that..02:59
cycom_campingblindx, does it run linux?02:59
blindxnot yet, but soon02:59
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sfeehanpvd2006, do something like sudo sh -c 'ls >test.txt'03:00
arunrukuartic, i have ssh in /etc/03:00
rukuarticarun: dpkg -l | grep ssh03:00
Xenguyarun: it's a good idea, but I was just checking to see if that would by denying access; it's sounds like that's not the issue03:00
antonio_Section "InputDevice"03:00
antonio_Identifier"Configured Mouse"03:00
cycom_campingWow. I have more respect for you now. Getting windows based technology to work is impressive!03:00
antonio_Option"ZAxisMapping""4 5"03:00
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sanmarcos*hen I try to install initramfs-tools, I get that it needs a kernel > 2.6.12, but any kernel bigger than that depends on initframs-tools, any ideas on how to make it work (upgrading breezy > dapper)?*03:00
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL03:00
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool90-209.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguy!tell antonio_ about repeat03:00
JowiCNAP: oh and one more thing, don't be tempted to get a switch instead of a router. a switch is only useful behind a router.03:01
antonio_asked if i could, got no reply, so i assumed a positive03:01
rukuarticarun: Did it return anything?03:01
arunrukuartic, yeah i m pasting it.. just a min..03:01
CNAPjowi, yeah i know. i'm trying to be a cheapa$$ here and it's not working.03:01
blindxanyone in here familiar with Rockbox ?03:01
JowiCNAP: yep, been there myself :)03:01
antonio_is there anything wrong in that anyway?03:01
HaxoR91no sorry03:01
arunrukuartic, here is waht i got http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1275303:02
cycom_campingCNAP, also, most routers have a switch in them.03:02
intelikey[root#~]  mkinitrd -o initrd.img 2.6.15-20-386       E: Couldn't find package     [root#~]  _03:02
intelikeywhat kind of error message it that ?03:02
Jowiantonio_: your config file look ok. must be hardware or driver. you got a wireless mouse or what?03:02
skplcan someone tell me how to play videos with firefox in ubuntu?03:02
rukuarticarun: You don't have the server installed :P03:02
cycom_campingCNAP, if you want to be super cheap, use one of your computers as the router and just buy a nic! :)03:02
rukuarticarun: sudo apt-get install openssh-server03:02
blindxCan someone help me mount my iPod? :\ it USED to auto-mount, but it won't for some reason03:03
antonio_Jowi, standard run of the mill mouse that thrives in windows03:03
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arunrukuartic, oh!!! :D.. i will try that.. thanks03:03
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rukuarticantonio_, Jowi My mouse doesn't work in linux XD03:03
Jowicycom_camping, CNAP: only 30? more for a proper router. and you don't need to have both computers on to make it work :)03:03
=== dolly [n=dolly@carlsbad-cuda-6-68-69-241-39.crlsca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeythis box wont boot     what the crap is a guy supposed to do ?     no fs support in the kernel   and can't build an initrd.img    ?03:03
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Jowiantonio_: Ps/2, serial, USB. ??????03:04
CNAPjowi, i'd just rather buy a route03:04
antonio_i ve said that already03:05
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
CNAPjowi, lol i think i'll just buy a wifi router and sell access to my roomies03:05
hyperstreamhmm when using alsa as my xmms sound output thingo, i get static if i have a couple things open such as gaim and firefox. and it gets more staticy when i scroll or type in a gaim window,  yet when i choose OSS (no surround sound might i add)  its fine. not static or anything. but no surround sound :/03:05
JowiCNAP: good choice. P.S. avoid D-Link03:05
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rukuarticJowi: dlink = bad?03:05
antonio_i ve read some people find that fixed with the latest 2.6.15 and higher kernels03:05
CNAPjowi, linksys. what we used at work -- easy, cheap, fast way to get the execs online03:05
=== Chris_Tucker [n=ChrisTuc@stjhnf01-23-142163031216.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
JowiCNAP: THAT I have thought of myself actually. extra cash03:05
blindxhow do you format a drive?03:05
rukuarticblindx: fdisk03:06
varsendaggerhey i am using fluxbox, what should i use to see my harddrive graphically?03:06
cafuegoblindx: 'mkfs'.03:06
Jowirukuartic: yeah, i worked at d-link support. features that never get implemented, patches that don't work, power supply probs.03:06
cafuegoblindx: not 'fdisk'.03:06
sanmarcos*hen I try to install initramfs-tools, I get that it needs a kernel > 2.6.12, but any kernel bigger than that depends on initframs-tools, any ideas on how to make it work (upgrading breezy > dapper)?*03:06
intelikeyantonio_ is the mouse modules installed i mentioned eariler ?    lsmod | grep mousedev ; lsmod | grep psmouse     she wont fly without them.03:06
CNAPjowi, excellent way to make classrooms look more aesthetically pleasing...no cables or wires going anywhere. just what non-techs like to see03:06
green_earzCNAP: i use a netgear router and no problem with it03:06
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blindx /media/hdb1 is not a block special device. <<< what's a block special device?03:06
CNAPgreen_earz, price?03:06
Jowirukuartic: there are good d-link products, but the basic routers (like DI-604) would not be my choice03:06
rukuarticJowi: Hahaha...03:07
blindxI happen to like linksys :x03:07
Jowirukuartic: unstable is an understatement03:07
Jowiblindx: linsys != d-link :)03:07
blindxI know this.03:07
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blindxI sell routers :P03:08
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=== Jowi like netgear. cheap and resonably stable for consumer goods.
Klick_Hey all can anyone tell me if its possiable to get panel menues to be translucent, right now all i am able to do is get my panel bar to be translucent03:08
blindxnetgear's no cheaper than linksys03:08
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antonio_mousedev  10912 1   and psmouse  26116 003:08
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antonio_does that zero mean anything03:08
blindx /media/hdb1 is not a block special device. <<< what's a block special device?03:08
Jowibut sometimes i need to restart router for HTTPS to work on one of the computers. the others never have any problems. strange03:09
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green_earzCNAP: new they about 60  and on ebay for a used one about 30  a dg 83403:09
gymsmokewoot!! minor problem with smtp, but qmail-scanner works!  interfaces with spamassassin and clam very nicely03:09
antonio_they are both there03:09
blindxanyone? :\03:09
JowiCNAP: don't buy a second hand router. you might need the warranty! (trust me on that one)03:10
=== tech [n=hg@cpe-72-225-57-104.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
antonio_what else can i try?03:10
Klick_block devices are used to correspond to devices through which data is transmitted in the form of blocks. These device nodes are often used for parallel communications devices such as hard disks and CD-ROM drives03:11
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blindxI could have found that definition. I need it in layman's terms :P03:11
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Jowiantonio_: can you use pastebin ("/msg ubotu pastebin" for more info) to post "cat /proc/bus/input" please03:11
blindxhow would i go about formatting an NTFS partition?03:12
antonio_ok gimme a sec keybaord surfing is though (although i admit kinda fun)03:12
rukuarticblindx: NTFS support in linux is limited03:12
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blindxeven for formatting? :\03:12
rukuarticblindx: unless you want to format the drive from NTFS to something else03:12
intelikeyblindx if you want it to be ntfs you'd prolly do it from windows03:13
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rukuarticblindx: What are you trying to do?03:13
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techlifeI just recently upgraded breezy to dapper beta, but the network icon is broken..any suggestions how I can fix the connection?03:13
sunrexHow do i change my fronts on firefox.. its weird03:13
blindxtrying to format an NTFS partition to ext303:13
antonio_darn it03:13
rukuartictechlife: #ubuntu+103:13
antonio_please repeat the command03:13
bolrodok.. seriously.. how can I see what processes use a disk?03:13
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techlifeis that another channel?03:13
blindxyes, techlife03:13
Klick_blindx, get gparted it makes all that formating filesystems and stuff a breeze03:14
Xenguybolrod: ps03:14
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antonio_is there a keyboard shortcut to make xchat fullscreen?03:14
Xenguybolrod: top03:14
sunrexHow do i change my firefox fronts.. i cant even really read them!03:14
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intelikeyblindx sudo cfdisk /dev/hd? <--- know your dirve...   fdisk -l  might help there.     delete the ntfs one and make a new linux partition then sudo mkfs.ext# /dev/hd?#  (best way)03:14
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antonio_it says its a directory03:15
tony_Angmy realplayer cannot open after install03:15
bolrodXenguy: and then?..  say I want all processes that use something in the directory /foo03:15
rukuarticblindx: hould be mkfs03:15
_jasontony_Ang: how did you install?03:15
rukuarticblindx: but if you can use a partition editor it would be easier03:15
tony_Angjust add from "add application03:15
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Xenguybolrod: that's pretty specific; maybe 'ps aux |grep <dir>'  ?03:15
_cerberus_Does anyone know why modem lights would be missing from the list of options I can add to a panel?03:15
_jasontony_Ang: try opening it in a terminal and see what it says03:16
bolrodI thought fuser would do the trick.. but apparently it doesn't03:16
antonio_looks like i should go up to devices maybe mouse is in there03:16
Jowisunrex: edit -> preferences -> content. you've got a font selection there03:16
bolrodI want to umount a disk...  but it sais its busy03:16
Xenguybolrod: you're a smart guy - figure it out and report back :-)03:16
bolrodbut I doubt it03:16
bolrodI'm only logged in once.. through ssh03:16
bolrodno X started or something03:16
tony_Angjason: why my terminal not show at menu.... need to open from folder03:17
bolrodhrm.. apache might be it03:17
arunrukuartic, hey i installed the openssh-server and then tried ssh again .. still i am getting the same connection refused error.. are there some setting that needs to be changed03:17
Jowiantonio_: sorry, i typed it wrong. "cat /proc/bus/input/devices"03:17
antonio_i cant copy fron keyboard to take to pastebin though03:17
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antonio_i figured that was the one03:18
Xenguyarun: maybe you need to give specific examples (don't paste in channel tho)03:18
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Jowiantonio_: tip: when you reply to someone type their name infront of you message. that way your message will be highlighted and not so easily missed.03:18
bolrodnop >:/03:18
antonio_jowi roger that03:18
flashhey, I have a slight problem... When I dial up with wvdial, I am unable to ping in remote ip address, except for the remote ip address, which I am connected to.  Does anyone have any tips?03:19
antonio_Jowi,  roger that03:19
Jowiantonio_: "name=" and "handlers=" should be enough03:19
Jowiantonio_: reading you loud and clear :)03:19
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arunXenguy, here is my command and output.. tell me if u need more http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1275503:19
_jasontony_Ang: terminal is in accessories03:19
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blindxreboot. brb03:19
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antonio_Jowi,  got one entry for keyboard and another for "pc speakers" but no mouse entry03:20
=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
antonio_is that a file i can edit?03:20
Xenguyarun: your syntax is wrong...03:20
Jowiantonio_: ouch. that means your mouse is not even detected at boot-time.03:20
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varsendaggerhey is there an application that will graphically show me the layout of my HD?03:20
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antonio_Jowi,  can i set manual entries for it?03:20
Xenguyarun: try just -> ssh localhost03:20
Jowiantonio_: you said it was a normal 2-3 button ps/2 mouse? no wireless?03:20
bolrodXenguy: got it >:/03:21
_jasontony_Ang: highlight with your mouse to copy and then paste with middle click03:21
arunXenguy, same error :(03:21
Jordanhow do I open wordpad?03:21
Xenguyarun: ps aux |grep -i ssh03:21
intelikeyantonio_ Section "InputDevice"03:21
intelikey        Identifier      "Generic Mouse"03:21
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JordanI am new to linux I just got it installed03:21
antonio_Jowi,  not wireless, run of the mill,. ps2, it lights up and lights "down" when you pick it up so motherboard deals with it fine (and works with other oses)03:21
varsendaggerplease somebody help me03:21
Jowicrap, i'm out of beer03:21
arunXenguy, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1275603:22
pvd2006It seems the problem with segmentation fault in web browsers opening up certain links is a problem with ubuntu according to the forums:-\. hopefully the release in june will be fixed.03:22
antonio_intelikey,  that to edit oxrg.conf?03:22
vladuz976is dapper actually easy enough for my mom to use? she doesn't have any computer experience other than some ie and outlook at work. i wanna install it on her laptop, but you guys think it's ok for unexperienced users?03:22
varsendaggerJordan, way to go03:22
intelikeyMarineboy colling problem caused cpu mal....  i see.03:22
Xenguyarun: I don't see sshd running...03:22
varsendaggerwhat are you using it for?03:22
tony_Angjason, im not good in command line03:22
intelikeyantonio_ yes  and some other lines i'll get them for you.03:22
Xenguyarun: sudo /etc/init/d/ssh --start03:22
MarineboyJordan: ask your questions, one of the smart technitions will help you soon!03:22
Jordanhow do I open wordpad?03:23
Xenguyarun: then repeat 'ps' command03:23
tony_Angjason, how to open realplayer in terminal03:23
Xenguyarun: sorry03:23
Xenguyarun: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh --start03:23
MarineboyUbuntu forsay, dont have a "wordpad"03:23
Marineboythere is something called Text editor and OpenOffice.03:23
MarineboyIt would be in programs03:23
pvd2006vladiz976, I wouldn't recommend any person without much computer experience linux unless you are going to maintain it for her or if she has the time to learn it.03:23
vladuz976what is wordpad?03:23
antonio_intelikey, i made a channel with my name without the underscore so you could paste those there (am not registered here so cant get pv msgs)03:24
oldFart_Does MS Wordpad work with wine? :P03:24
Jordanoh thanks a lot!03:24
Jowiantonio_: ok, intelikey has given you some good pointers. if that doesn't help, try "lsmod | grep mouse" you should have "psmouse" loaded. if not, type "sudo modprobe psmouse"03:24
intelikeyantonio_   single line each of these...   ...        Driver          "mouse"...         Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"...         Option          "Protocol"              "ImPS/2"...         Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"... EndSection   <---- that's all.03:24
Marineboywordpad, its a windows program that allows you to create word documents like, MS Word.03:24
varsendaggeroldFart_, whay would you do that?03:24
arunXenguy, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1275703:24
vladuz976pvd2006: i also wanted to put it on the office machines, since all they use is a browser office xp and outlook, once set up it should be easy enought to maintain03:24
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intelikeyi'm gone again.03:25
Xenguyarun: good - now try ssh'ing in03:25
arunXenguy, its working.. :)..03:25
antonio_how could i select text with the keyboard? that ll scroll up before i can type it03:25
Xenguyarun: heh03:25
arunXenguy, so i have to do a start each time is it..03:25
varsendaggerhey is there an application that will graphically show me the layout of my HD?03:25
Xenguyarun: your server is running; now the service works :-)03:25
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Jowiantonio_: just try "lsmod | grep mouse" you should have "psmouse" loaded. if not, type "sudo modprobe psmouse"03:26
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Xenguyarun: you can configure to start automatically03:26
HaxoR91does anyone know how to hack?03:26
Xenguyarun: upon boot03:26
rukuarticHaxoR91: Wrong channel.03:26
varsendaggerHaxoR91, i can03:26
arunXenguy, hehe.. thanks a lot.. oh ok.. where shud i make the change03:26
XenguyHaxoR91: define hack03:26
HaxoR91then whats thiis channel for?03:26
rukuarticarun, Xenguy: I think its automatically set up to run03:26
Xenguyarun: lemmee think03:26
tony_Angnot found the path03:26
vladuz976pvd2006: so you actually think an system admin is needed for that?03:26
nboundthe ubuntu operating system HaxoR9103:26
rukuarticHaxoR91: yes. Infact, go to #shadowserver. You'll find help there.03:26
HaxoR91yes i know03:26
arunrukuartic, oh ok..03:26
rukuarticarun: I don't know. But it should be set to run at boot.03:27
HaxoR91is that a hacking channel?03:27
_jasontony_Ang: just talk here, what do you mean not found the path?03:27
antonio_mousedev  10912 1   and psmouse  26116 003:27
pvd2006Vladuz976, if they are just goign to be using office programs, probably not.03:27
antonio_Jowi,  mousedev  10912 1   and psmouse  26116 003:27
tony_Angno such file or directory03:27
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_jasontony_Ang: what command did you use?03:27
Xenguyarun: rukuartic might be right - you want sshd service to start on boot-up03:27
tony_Ang# If using esd, realplayer tries to load libesd.so, which is only in03:28
tony_Ang# libesd0-dev. To work around this, point it at a directory that has a03:28
tony_Ang# file by that name, linking to the actual library.03:28
tony_AngLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/RealPlayer8:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH exec /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay "$@"03:28
Jowiantonio_: crap, i hoped your psmouse wouldn't be loaded. :-/03:28
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL03:28
varsendaggerHaxoR91, i can hack a grandma wearing white gloves into apt-getting a chocolate icecream03:28
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vladuz976pvd2006: yeah that's what i think, and gnome is pretty intuitive, too. i hope it'll work03:28
antonio_intellikey s message scrolled by03:28
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Xenguyarun: see 'update-rc.d, bum, rcconf, etc'03:28
antonio_could you pv it to me please03:28
_jasontony_Ang: paste teh command you used too on pastebin please03:28
Jowiantonio_: can you try to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and see if X suggest the proper mouse for you?03:28
arunXenguy, ok.. thanks a lot..03:28
MarineboyJordan: did that help any?03:28
Xenguyarun: yw03:29
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Jordanyes it did! thanks03:29
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MarineboyJordan: your very much welcome.03:30
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blindxhaving some troubles mounting a drive :|03:30
ubotumount is probably the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f03:30
blindxwell, no03:30
blindxi can mount it fine03:30
blindxbut then i can't access it :\03:30
thirdnormalWhen I log into Gnome several programs start automatically. When I go to System->Preferences->Sessions->Startup Programs the list is empty. Where is there a gnome config file that defines programs that are launced at login.03:31
thirdnormalthanks in advance03:31
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Marineboyfollow the directions in the wiki.03:31
Jowiblindx: for read and write support add something like this to /etc/fstab: /dev/drivename        /media/mountpoint vfat defaults,user,umask=000      0       003:32
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Marineboyjust create a new partition, like it says.03:32
Jowiblindx: ntfs or something else? i never had an ntfs drive03:32
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blindxit's ext303:32
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thatGuy_ubuntu fuX0r3d me03:32
Jowiblindx: the "umask=000" is what makes it tick03:32
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thatGuy_has anyone at all got a wireless card working with it?03:33
blindxi do.03:33
rukuarticthatGuy_: Yep.03:33
blindxlinksys though03:33
rukuarticsame here.03:33
thatGuy_been at this shit forever now. two full days, doing nothing else03:33
blindxAlthough, my card didn't wanna work at first03:33
antonio_Jowi, how do i restart to see if the configuration worked? i turned off three buton emulation, it didint ask much else03:33
thatGuy_finally tried from firmware, and ubuntu wont boot now03:33
blindxsupported out of the box my ass :|03:33
thatGuy_crashed when i installed it, hasn't been up since03:33
Apostle^blindx: did you get it all setup ?03:33
rukuarticthatGuy_: What card are you using?03:33
blindxApostle^, what?03:34
flashdoes anyone know how to solve the "destination host unreachable" error while connecting via wvdial?03:34
blindxmy pod?03:34
Apostle^blindx: yea03:34
MarcNwhat is the debian/ubuntu equivalent to RedHat's chkconfig to turn off/on services on boot?03:34
Apostle^blindx: whats the problem03:34
blindxit won't mount03:34
blindxcause i don't know what I'm doing03:34
Apostle^blindx: whats dmesg say03:34
Jowiantonio_: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" or ctrl-alt-backspace should do it. you will exit everything though, you've been warned.03:34
ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.03:34
XenguyMarcN: rcconf works (there are other ways)03:34
Apostle^blindx: msg me on aim again03:34
blindxdmesg says the same thing as before.03:34
blindxi forgot your name :\03:34
cafuegothatGuy_: Mine both work fine.03:34
antonio_k brb03:35
thatGuy_you* i got it from your site!03:35
thatGuy_the firmware03:35
cafuegothatGuy_: *nod*03:35
thatGuy_computer completely locked up after that03:35
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Jowiomg cafuego screwed up something03:35
thatGuy_looks like ubuntu is scrapped03:35
cafuegothatGuy_: The firmware package didn't cause the computer to lock up <heh>03:35
thatGuy_lol, it locked up immediately after i ran that .deb03:36
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cafuegoit installs files and sets some symlinks, this doesn't cause breakage.03:36
hyperstreamcan someone take a look at: http://pastebin.com/676198 its a alsa issue says buffer size select invalid argument ??03:36
MarcNXenguy: thanks.  Getting ready for a tradeshow and will be on an insecure network.03:37
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thatGuy_yeah, boot wont get past "loading hardware drivers now"03:37
thatGuy_when i so the recovery boot, it stops after line bcm43xx03:38
cafuegothatGuy_: start the rescue mode, see what it actually hangs on03:38
cafuegothatGuy_: ooher ;-)03:38
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XenguyMarcN: :-)03:38
cafuegothatGuy_: Boot with 'init=/bin/bash' and remove the package.03:38
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MarcNAnyone going to be at MySQLUC?03:38
thatGuy_alright, that's what i'd like to find out how to do03:38
TrixyHey all, has anyone here ever compiled ndiswrapper who can give me a hand with it, or does anyone know where I can get a .deb of a more recent version of ndiswrapper than 1.1?03:38
thatGuy_i can boot a shell with the ubuntu cd, and move around /03:38
cafuegothatGuy_: On the safe mode boot option, hit 'e'03:39
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Apostle^03:39
ubotuinfo for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto03:39
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thatGuy_... hit e after it starts to boot?03:39
cafuegothatGuy_: Then hit 'e'  again on the 'kernel ...' line and remove the 'single', replace it with 'init=/bin/bash'03:39
thatGuy_i never see a place for boot options like that03:39
antonio_nothing but now i screwed up the screen too03:39
thatGuy_alright, i'll look for hat03:39
antonio_Jowi, still around?03:40
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thatGuy_now... how do i remove the package?03:40
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cafuegodpkg -P bcm43xx-firmware03:40
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TrixyHelp! I need help with ndiswrapper! Can anyone help? I think the standard Breezy ndiswrapper is horribly old, and I don't know how to compile the source.03:42
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apricoti am happy!03:42
thatGuy_so with the firmware03:42
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thatGuy_is that something that you other guys had to do also?03:42
CokeNCodehmmm, wine is ticking me off, it says that it needs to be updated, i try to download hte update, it gets like halfway and then i get disconnected03:42
CokeNCodewhat's going ON03:42
thatGuy_i kept getting siofflag errors03:42
CokeNCodeIs anyone else having problem downloading updates for wine?03:42
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Jowiantonio_: sure is. that's unfortunate. if you go to /etc/X11 and do "ls" you will see that there is a backup of your previous config for your xorg.conf. copy it back like this "sudo cp xorg.conf.20060423something xorg.conf" and restart again. at least you will get your screen settings back.03:42
cafuegothatGuy_: that would imply the driver isn't loaded.03:43
thatGuy_everything i googled referenced not being able to find the firmware03:43
thatGuy_or the proper firmware03:43
=== hajuu [n=hajuu@dip-220-235-33-214.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
apricoti need i download menager03:43
Jowiantonio_: that mouse is annoying the hell out of me03:43
cafuegothatGuy_: The one I packaged works fine on both a Mac and a PC here.03:43
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cafuegothatGuy_: Any chance ndiswrapper was loading before bcm43xx?03:44
cafuego(or after?)03:44
thatGuy_i had it installed03:44
antonio_Jowi,  tall that to the guy erasing the paint on his tab key03:44
thatGuy_and i had set it up with the bcm driver03:44
apricoti need a download menager, please.03:44
thatGuy_this was before trying the firmware03:44
thatGuy_it said that it was finding the hardware from ndiswrapper -l03:44
=== cafuego nods
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thatGuy_the problem came if i tried to do ....03:45
cafuegoIf they both try to load, badness happens.03:45
thatGuy_ifconfig eth0 up03:45
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antonio_Jowi, what bugs me the most,.... it works ok in other os03:45
thatGuy_ok... i can't use ndiswrapper with that?03:45
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Jowiis there anyone out there that is a mouse-guru-master (at least black belt) that can help antonio out. he's got a normal ps/2 mouse that is proven to work under other os's and psmouse and mousedev  modules are loaded. the xorg.conf settings look ok as well, but no mouse listed in /proc/bus/input/devices03:45
ubotusomebody said ati was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358903:45
cafuegothatGuy_: You cna use EITHER ndiswrapper OR bcm43xx. Having both enabled is bad.03:45
MisnixLAAT JE03:45
thatGuy_what was weird was that ti still named the bcm as eth0 too03:45
thatGuy_ok... so i guess that was my problem03:46
cafuegoMisnix: wat?03:46
Misnixoops, keyboard stuck03:46
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thatGuy_i really like ubuntu... this has been on only MAJOR problem. that and my touchpad, which took me some time to get around03:47
Jowiantonio_: i'm stuck man. it's a bloody mouse. i feel ashamed.03:47
thatGuy_added everythign i could think of to xorg.conf03:47
antonio_tell me about it03:47
thatGuy_yeah, finally got it where it does no tapping at all now03:47
antonio_this is a brand new p4 with great specs, no hardware issues there03:47
Trixycafuego, do you know anything about ndiswrapper? The current version on the sourceforge page is 1.14, and the Breezy package is 1.1-4, is this the same, or does the SF source imply 1.14-x?03:47
thatGuy_its a bit slower now though, the speed03:47
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antonio_Jowi, can you tell me how to install a 2.6.15 kernel?03:48
antonio_i ve heard those solve many ps2 incongruencies03:48
Trixythat is, is 1.9 more or less than 1.1-4?03:48
cafuegoTrixy: No, breezy uses 1.1, sourceforge is 1.14.03:48
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cafuego!info ndiswrapper dapper03:48
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cafuego!info ndiswrapper-utils dapper03:49
ubotundiswrapper-utils: (Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper), section misc, is optional. Version: 1.8-0ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 27 kB, Installed size: 136 kB03:49
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cafuegoDapper has  alater version (but not the latest)03:49
Jowiantonio_: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-20-386 (i'm on dapper so i'm not sure you have that option)03:49
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thatGuy_cafuego, i think it was 1.1803:50
thatGuy_i think that's what it installed on mine03:50
thatGuy_lol, i could be very wrong03:50
cafuegothatGuy_: Did you fetch it from sourceforge?03:50
mikomikowhile viewing this http://java.chikka.com/install/upac_loginpage.php?client_id=default&version=1,0,0,34 I see it with only X not the usual messenger I have when i am still using Windows. What is the best solution for this?03:50
arrickevening all03:50
antonio_Jowi,  couldnt find the package03:50
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Jowiantonio_: how about "sudo apt-get install linux-image-386"?03:51
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antonio_Jowi,  am running on that03:51
Trixycafuego, I have a wireless card that I hear was supported in 1.9 of ndiswrapper, Dapper has 1.8.x. I installed my whole system from binaries, and I don't have the kernel source that the ndiswrapper makefile is looking for. What should I do?03:51
djtanseyhow can you watch dvds using totem-gstreamer in dapper?03:51
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)03:51
thatGuy_to upgrade his kernal jowi....03:51
=== edgardo [n=edgardo@201-220-108-74.bk9-dsl.surnet.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
thatGuy_apt-get dist-upgrade03:51
thatGuy_that did it on mine03:51
antonio_Jowi,  latest is installed as 2.6.1203:52
Jowiantonio_: try what thatGuy_ said :)03:52
cafuegoTrixy: You'll need to probably build a custom kernel and ndiswrapper package.03:52
thatGuy_that prolly installed the latest full ubuntu03:52
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thatGuy_i was on dapper already, but it might put dapper on if you're not running it03:52
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antonio_Jowi, am up to date and giving up, back to wind blows03:53
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Jowiis there anyone out there that is a mouse-guru-master (at least black belt) that can help antonio out. he's got a normal ps/2 mouse that is proven to work under other os's and psmouse and mousedev  modules are loaded. the xorg.conf settings look ok as well, but no mouse listed in /proc/bus/input/devices03:53
=== FibreDeVerre [i=ntj65@hltp-d-062.resnet.purdue.edu] has left #ubuntu []
Trixycafuego, is this over the head of a novice user?03:53
cafuegoTrixy: Somewhat, possibly.03:53
=== wolfsong13 [n=wolfsong@c-24-0-31-76.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ratty_hi, i'm trying to get fglrx to work, but even after updating my xorg.conf and restarting, fglrxinfo shows my card as "mesa glx"03:53
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Ratty_am i missing something else?03:53
Jowiantonio_: sorry to dissapoint you. i have no clue.03:54
twisted`hi, question, I just installed Breezy Badger on my pc, after updating everything I changed my sources to Dapper, updated everything... now it seems my networking doesn't work anymore at boot, I got to modprobe the module for my network card myself. How can I fix this?03:54
MadpilotRatty_, ATI card?03:54
Trixycafuego, Could you point me towards where to get information on that? Google is not forthcoming03:54
antonio_hey cafuego feel like giving it a dhot? a mouse is beating ubuntu like a whooped puppy03:54
MadpilotRatty_, have you seen the wiki's ATI page?03:54
twisted`oh and firefox seems to refuse to show itself in the menu :S03:54
antonio_Jowi,  i ve installed ubuntu many a time, first time this ever happenes03:54
MadpilotRatty_, what model of ATI?03:54
Ratty_radeon x800 pro03:55
Jowiantonio_: i bet. first time ever for any linux distro. used redhat 3.something. got it on about 35-40 floppies and it detected my mouse ok.03:55
antonio_i would be blaming the motherboard if it didint work like a charm on windows03:56
Ratty_are fglrx drivers any different from ati's drivers on their site?03:56
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antonio_i swear i ll solve this one way or the other03:57
ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.03:57
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antonio_for now, back to windblows,. see you all and thanks for tips03:57
twisted`hmm... what file decides what modules to be loaded?03:57
antonio_Jowi, thanks for trying, that counts03:57
_jasonxorg.conf (5x)       - Configuration File for Xorg <--- how do I access that?03:57
_jason(the man page listed in apropos)03:58
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twisted`_jason: nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:58
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thatGuy_just had a horrible though03:58
=== chalcedony smiles
_cerberus_Does anyone know why modemlightsisn't apparing in the list of applets I can add to my gnome panels?03:58
_jasonnah, I want to see the man page that 'apropos xorg.conf' returns03:58
thatGuy_might have to buy a external card just for ubuntu03:58
thatGuy_how horrible..03:58
ubotusomebody said sudo was a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:00
arrickhey guys, where it the file located at to set what ports ubuntu listens to, or apache2 listens to?04:00
=== arun [n=arun@c-67-167-210-144.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotarrick, ports.conf for apache204:00
twisted`the latest ubuntu is dapper right?04:01
arrickthanks Madpilot04:01
arrickMadpilot, have you ever sat up pastebot before?04:01
_jasonarrick: /etc/apache2/ports.conf04:01
_jasonoh too slow04:01
Madpilotarrick, no04:01
tonyyarussoWhy do I have to run CD burning apps with sudo?  How can I make burning allowed for user?04:01
_jasontonyyarusso: is your user in the cdrom group?04:02
tonyyarusso_jason: Yes.04:02
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Jowitonyyarusso: i did it like this: add the user to "cdrom" group and make suer /dev/hdc (or the name of the cdrom) has got group write on.04:03
Jowisuer = sure04:03
Ratty_oh, th ere we go, fglrx goodness04:03
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mikomikoIs there a way to change my ubuntu password04:03
tonyyarussoJowi: How do I do the 'group write on' part?04:03
_jasonmikomiko: passwd04:03
kingspawnmikomiko: type "passwd"04:03
arun_sorry i got disc... i want to know if there is a default root password..04:03
Jowitonyyarusso: chmod g+w /dev/device04:03
_jasonubotu: tell arun_ about root04:03
Madpilotarun_, no. Use sudo & your own user pw04:03
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mikomikoi managed to change it successfully04:04
mikomikobut when trying to use "su" command it says authetication failed04:04
tonyyarussoJowi: I'll give it a shot.04:04
=== upper [n=surreal@adsl-11-169-210.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowitonyyarusso: if it already is, check if /media/cdrom0 has got it as well04:04
rukuarticIs there any way you can go and set a different password for sudo and your login? Or is the sudo password based on your login?04:04
hyperstreamMika_i,  sudo passwd su04:04
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hyperstreami think04:04
_jasonmikomiko: are you using su to change to a different user?04:04
hyperstreamand reset the su password04:04
mikomikoto install my java04:05
_jasonmikomiko: why are you using su?04:05
Madpilotrukuartic, they're the same - you can have users who don't have the ability to use sudo, though04:05
rukuarticMadpilot: Yeah, I figured :P04:05
mikomikofor my java04:05
=== nvez [n=nvez@toronto-HSE-ppp4211262.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonmikomiko: if you need root privileges, you should use sudo04:05
_jasonubotu: tell mikomiko about sudo04:05
hyperstreammikomiko, i think u can install is as a non root usr. and just relink the /usr/bin/java04:05
_jasonubotu: tell mikomiko about java04:05
Madpilotafk - need food - back later...04:06
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_chris_hi how do i install suns JRE?04:07
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, rukuartic04:07
surfduei love you!04:07
rukuarticjre is java04:07
=== the_mug [n=ro@ip70-178-26-219.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
_chris_doesnt seem to be in any repo i have04:07
m5mI need help with fetchmail; SMTP connect to localhost keeps failing, I have spent many hours today trying to figure this out; if you use fetchmail & think you can help I really need a tip!!!04:07
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nvezm5m, explain the problem, more.04:08
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_chris_yeah i know.. but on suns page there is no deb.. just rpm04:08
nvez"SMTP connect to localhost keeps failing"04:08
nvezAny errors, anything else?04:08
_jasonubotu: tell _chris_ about javadebs04:08
tonyyarussoJowi: No dice.04:08
_chris_and the guides i read dont have the working repositories04:08
the_mugquick newbie question: when dapper or whatever the next version after breezy comes out.. will I have to reinstall it from scratch? or will it be 'a la' gentoo where all my stuff is pretty much up to date04:09
=== boelloesch [n=boelloes@ip128.63.1411G-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonthe_mug: you can upgrade through apt04:09
Jowitonyyarusso: does /dev/cdromdevicename got cdrom as group?04:09
m5mnvez: fetchmail was working (via pop with ssl) now, it check the server, dl's the message and fails to deliever it to my local address for the reason given04:09
rukuarticthe_mug: Its pretty simple... sudo apt-get distupgrade04:09
rukuarticthe_mug: or something liek that04:09
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mineraleHi, I just installed a Unbuntu Drake Beta cd, the livecd booted but the resolution is way too high so my monitor just displays OUT OF SYNC04:09
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nvezWhat's the reason, m5m ?04:09
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m5mnvez: well I'm not sure exactly, but just that fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed04:09
nvezCheck if it's running.04:10
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nvezFrom SSH: telnet localhost 2504:10
ubotuI guess resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:10
tonyyarussoJowi: I'm not quite sure.  I have a symlink /dev/cdrom with group root, which points to /dev/scd0 with group cdrom.04:10
nvezrukuartic, try ALT+F2 to go to console and change the resolution of X11 somewhere.04:10
m5mnvez: it was working fine this morning, then I tried changing some things to get mutt to work with other apps and somehow I fudged it oup04:10
the_mugnext and final question: any idea why I can't get synaptic package manager to show up... I click it... type in the root pw and nothing... I'm using aptitude(which is cool) but I was wondering about that...04:10
noiesmominerale,  I guess resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:10
rukuarticnvez: Wrong person :P04:10
_jasongeren: yeah, ubuntu! :)  Do you have some kind of support question?04:10
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m5mnvez I'm not sure what I've done to break it but I really would like it to work again...04:10
rukuarticthe_mug: Just a guess, don't know if it'll help04:10
nvezOh snap, rukuartic . =P04:11
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rukuarticthe_mug: Edit /etc/Xorg/xorg.conf and removing invalid display modes04:11
_jasonthe_mug: 'sudo echo hi' in a terminal.  What does that do?04:11
gerenok i do04:11
m5mnvez: I can use mutt's builtin pop powers, but fetchmail's daemon mode is a lot nicer I think04:11
gereni currently want to switch to ubutun from fc 5, is that a wise move?04:11
rukuarticm5m: how do you set up mutt to work with other things than sys mail?04:11
rukuarticgeren: What do you use fc for?04:11
gerenrukuartic, like just experimentation04:12
nvezm5m, is it running though, m5m?04:12
mineralenoiesmo: I'm stuck on the text interface04:12
the_mug_jason: asks me for passwd... I do and echoes 'hi'04:12
nvezFrom SSH: "telnet localhost 25"04:12
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m5mrukuartic: you don't really, you use things like fetchmail or getmail to query pop or imap and deliver locally04:12
rukuarticgeren: Oh, if you're new to linux, yeah! ubuntu's great. very user friendly04:12
_jasonthe_mug: 'gksudo synaptic' in a terminal, what does it say?04:12
rukuarticm5m: kay04:12
Jowitonyyarusso: sounds right. i got the same. i also got a /dev/cdrw with group write and root:root pointing to /dev/hdc04:12
m5mnvez I don't understand the question "is it running through"...04:12
gerenrukuartic, better than fc5?04:12
nvezMaybe it's because the SMTP service is not running.04:13
boelloeschhi to all - im new in linux and really new in ubuntu! am i right here to get some help?04:13
the_mug_jason: (synaptic:13858): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:04:13
_jasonthe_mug: 'echo $DISPLAY' ?04:13
nvezYep, you're in the right place, boelloesch .04:13
the_mug_jason: :0.004:14
tonyyarussoJowi: My /dev/cdrw points to /dev/scd0 as well.04:14
rukuarticgeren: Never quite used fc5, but its very user friendly04:14
noiesmominerale, this is whatis in my monitor section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:14
noiesmoSection "Monitor"04:14
noiesmo        Identifier      "BENQ V772"04:14
noiesmo        Option          "DPMS"04:14
noiesmo        HorizSync       30-7204:14
m5mnvez: nvez that may be it... do you think ubuntu is set up to use ssmtp by default?04:14
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL04:14
noiesmo        VertRefresh     50-12004:14
_jasonnoiesmo: use a pastebin please: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:14
tonyyarussonoiesmo: Please don't pase here.04:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by rob
rukuarticgeren: And our user community is very friendly too...04:14
Jowitonyyarusso: and does /dev/cdrw got lrwxrwxrwx ?04:14
the_mug_jason: I've checked all you've asked me to do... but I'm doing it just in case I'm missing the obvious04:14
_jasonthe_mug: hmm, stuff like gedit opens ok and without that error?04:14
robeek don't do that noiesmo04:14
rukuarticgeren: Been to other #<your distro here> channels, they don't help too much04:14
gerenrukuartic, yea,04:14
tonyyarussoJowi: Ya.04:14
Eleafwesnoth isn't making any sounds, what should I do? lol04:15
EleafI'm a longtime wesnoth player ;p04:15
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boelloeschi would like to set up the gfx-card - can anyone help me?04:15
Jowitonyyarusso: strange stuff. how does your /etc/fstab look for the cdrom?04:15
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the_mug_jason: yeah, and even network-admin works... which requires sudo as well..04:15
nvez<m5m> nvez: nvez that may be it... do you think ubuntu is set up to use ssmtp by default?04:15
tonyyarussoJowi: /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto04:15
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rukuarticEleaf: dd if=./yoursoundfile of=/dev/dsp04:15
JowiEleaf: can't you make your own sound-effects!? works for me. and it is way cooler ;)04:16
ranix_cafuego, thank you very much Cafuego, you helped point me in the right direction and now my wireless card works04:16
gerenso what is better about ubuntu than fc5?04:16
=== weo [n=weo@p5499AF60.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ranix_cafuego, you must have helped me like 20 times so far and I know Linux much more than I would have if you weren't around04:16
m5mnvez: is 'ssmtp' ubuntu's default smtp app?04:16
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ranix_cafuego, you are really cool, and I mean it04:16
Eleafrukuartic, huh?04:16
the_mugfc5 is bloated... yum < apt-get as a package manager04:16
Jowitonyyarusso: i got this: /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       004:16
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gerenthe_mug, does it matter?04:17
nvezm5m, not running it right now, but I don't know really. :-\04:17
nvezMailservers + Ubuntu aren't my thing, I'm more of a RHEL/CentOS guy. =P04:17
tonyyarussoJowi: So the only difference is ro on yours.  That doesn't make any sense.  Maybe if it was the other way around.04:17
boelloeschi would like to set up the gfx-card - can anyone help me?04:18
mineraleI'm on ubuntu livecd my monitor was not being recognised so I ran dpkg-reconfigure xser... now how do I restart the x server / session? CTRL-Alt backspace shut it down, but it's not coming up04:18
nvezboelloesch, define setting it up?04:18
gerenalso its, apt, not apt-get04:18
nvezIs anything wrong with it?04:18
Eleafrukuartic, what will that do?04:18
the_muggeren: to a degree... I use a slimmed down fedora on all my servers and compile all my services... apache, php, mysql, etc... works great... but for desktop.... gentoo or ubuntu are what I use04:18
the_muglol apt sorry04:18
Jowitonyyarusso: ro is readonly so it make no sence. however, you said that /media/cdrom was owned by root, which is correct, but does it allow writing?04:19
the_mug_jason: any ideas?04:19
arrickWho here is familiar with setting up bots?04:19
arrickcafuego, you still here?04:19
_jasonthe_mug: googling and getting some hits, but not solutions04:19
tonyyarussoJowi: lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root    6 2006-01-07 12:13 cdrom -> cdrom004:19
arrickevning tonyyarusso04:19
tonyyarussoJowi: Looks like it.04:19
gerenisnt gentoo/ubunta harder for new users?04:19
arrickIdleOne not here yet?04:19
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mineraledoes anyone know if the livecd uses gdm?04:20
tonyyarussoarrick: Hey.  Care to tell me why I can't burn a CD w/o sudo?04:20
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the_mug_jason: don't worry about it.. I can google it I was just wondering if what something you guys have ran into.04:20
pppoe_dudeis there a command-line alternative to ethereal?04:20
the_mugif it was*04:20
_jasonthe_mug: ok, try running 'xhost +' and seeing if it opens afterwards04:20
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arrickyour permissions, you need to set it to your username to make you owner04:20
Jowigeren: gentoo absolutely. ubuntu, not really.04:20
NullVectorhello all04:20
tonyyarussoarrick: I shouldn't need to be owner, just in the group.  Which looks all fine.04:20
arrickor change the group to admin and chmod g+w04:20
gerenSeems illogical to me that you would use Fedora to run completely self built services like that. Wouldn't gentoo be a better choice if that's what you want ?04:20
Jowitonyyarusso: yeah, group cdrom should be enough. works for me04:21
pppoe_dudegeren, gentoo is more of a geek linux distro. ubuntu is probably the easiest or one of the easiest distros to start with04:21
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gereneasier then fc5?04:21
the_mug_jason: no dice04:21
njangeren, compiling your entire distribution simply because you have a few applications you compile yourself makes very little sense..04:21
Jowihi NullVector04:21
_jasonthe_mug: weird, you could always post on the forums or mailing list04:22
pppoe_dudegeren, well, more user friendly and less hassle. Fedora is a bit restrictive (red hat)04:22
tonyyarussoJowi: Arrg.  Maybe I'll just sudo for the next few hours and hope a fresh Dapper install does the trick  ;)04:22
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NullVectorGood Evening Jovi04:22
=== Yango [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #ubuntu
Jowilol, just do that tonyyarusso :)04:22
=== Davey` [i=foobar@77-231.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
arrickhas anyone here ever setup bots besides cafuego?04:22
the_mug_jason: like I said... I use aptitude and it's fine I was just puzzled....04:22
the_mug_jason: thanks for trying tho04:22
=== MoonRanger [n=ubuntu@Toronto-HSE-ppp3905175.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonthe_mug: np, only other thing I came across is it happens if you are root04:23
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_jason'apropos xorg.conf' returns ``xorg.conf (5x)'', how do I access that man page?04:24
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thatGuy_anyone know what kernel dapper final is going to come with?04:24
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thatGuy_fc5 looks like its running 2.6.1604:25
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NullVectorI am using ubuntu 64 bit version of 5.10, wondering what is best for java?04:25
gerenWhat I don't understand is why you rebuild the packages - is it because the prebuilt ones don't have features you need04:26
_jasonarrick: supybot is easy to setup04:26
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arrick_jason, I am setting up pastebot04:26
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Remyhi guys, what the best / easiest way to dual boot ubuntu and windows ? I allready have ubuntu installed....04:26
laplecoyou should have installed windows first.04:27
JowiRemy: you have win installed as well? you should install win first04:27
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RemyJowi, nope, just ubuntu on this machine...04:27
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RemyI have win CDs...04:27
laplecoBecause Windows'es bootloader is :/ but if you install windows then Ubuntu then Ubuntu will configure GRUB to boot from both04:28
navilonyeah, easyer to install win first04:28
JowiRemy: you can install win aftet but  type !grub in here to learn how to repair the bootsector after a win install04:28
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Yangowhat webcam would you recommend for installing in ubuntu breezy to work in skype/gaim ?04:29
ubotuI heard automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.04:29
laplecoYou can still do it the other way arround but it involves you booting into a livecd and installing and configureing grub from that04:29
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting04:29
ranix_Jowi, you are cool too. I think you helped me fix my MBR yesterday or something04:29
rukuartic"yes" is a cool command rofl04:29
Jowiranix_: i talk a lot of rubbish as well. but sometimes i get lucky ;)04:29
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laplecoEverything is working but the sound on this laptop...04:31
NullVectorAnyone know if SUN Jre2 or Blackdown JRe2 is better for 64 bit?04:32
NullVectorfrom what I am reading, Blackdown looks to be the best option04:32
rukuarticNullVector: If its not made by sun, its the best option04:33
Apostle^actually, in my experience sun java is much better.04:33
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NullVectorApostle, are you using the 64 bit release?04:33
jerwarejava has no support for raw sockets04:33
jerwareor data link access04:33
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Apostle^NullVector: no i'm not.04:34
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=== jerware prefers C\C++
XitantoHoly moley - many... people here.04:34
rukuarticXitanto: We all like ubuntu :P04:34
NullVectorThis is what I am reading - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaAMD6404:34
jerwareubuntu Rules04:34
mrdlousidis there a website that i can find documentation on how to troubleshoot ubuntu 64bit dapper problems04:34
jerwarebut horrible for devel.  you have to manually install manpages and  system calls04:34
rukuarticyes... hear the voice of ubuntu! "dd if=/vmlinuz of=/dev/dsp"04:34
=== Jowi prefers Delphi, but that was updated last time around 1920's during WWI.
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NullVectorcan someone inform me how to download Blackdown from the link I posted above, Firefox just loads gibberish04:36
gymsmokewoot!!! my Ubuntu server is up and running with its own nameserver and mailserver!!! first server i ever fully setup04:36
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arrickgymsmoke, good job04:37
arrick!help with a bot?04:37
NullVectorGymsmoke: rock on04:37
rukuarticgymsmoke: congrats04:37
XitantoCan someone spend some time with me to help fix a simple broadcom wireless issue with dapper drake 6.06 beta release: Acer laptop Aspire 3600. Medium linux/ubuntu experience - i.e. I know what terminal is.04:37
XitantoI also need to have help finding that 855resolution tut. again04:37
gymsmokearrick: a couple of tweaks left (like, how to just dump mail that is marked "SPAM"...04:37
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rukuarticWhats the point of a name server, out of interest?04:38
JowiXitanto: /j #ubuntu+1 for dapper discussions04:38
arrickgood luck on that one, I will post a link on monday from my guru if you would like04:38
bsoftanyone could help me debugging a freenx problem?04:38
gymsmokea last run through iptables to make sure of my rules, and i can add the rest of my users, and then prepare for part 2: building my corporate sites04:38
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gymsmokerukuartic: i'm doing it for 2 reasons: one - to see how to do it, and 2 because i have alot of domains/test/dev's under them to do dev code04:39
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arrickDr_Willis, where can I go to get help setting up a bot?04:40
ValSpyI know I will sound like a noob to eveyone here but how do you change the boot loader from grub to the windows XP one?04:40
rukuarticgymsmoke: If ya need someone to try the ssh login I'm here :P04:40
rukuarticValSpy: If you change it to the windows xp boot loader, I don't think you'll have the option of booting to linux04:40
KlohuntIs upgrading from 5.10 to Dapper 6.06 recommended?04:40
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_jasonKlohunt: on June 1st it will be04:41
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Klohunt_Jason, thanks04:41
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JowiKlohunt: i did it without major issues but other people has not been so lucky04:41
_jasonKlohunt: you can try the beta now, as long as you remember it is a beta (I hit a few bumps upgrading personally)04:41
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KlohuntJowi, sounds like I will be waiting. thanks then.04:41
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Klohunt_jason, I see... So a stable version is scheduled for release june 1st?04:42
gregoryHow can I listen to streaming media on the net?04:42
_jasonKlohunt: yeah04:42
rukuarticgymsmoke: So if you have a DNS set up, if someone types in "servername.com" and the DNS has an entry for "servername.com>" then it'll redirect?04:42
JowiKlohunt: it is pretty stable for a beta (alpha?) release though04:42
gn0m3how do i download limewire04:43
_jasongn0m3: I'd recommend frostwire instead, it's basically the same04:43
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_jasonubotu: tell gn0m3 about frostwire04:43
ValSpyrukuartic: I am looking for uninstalling ubuntu, can I just delete the partinion or will my computer not boot?04:43
gn0m3sounds good04:43
gn0m3if u delete ubuntu04:43
_jasongn0m3: make sure you hava java installed first04:44
gn0m3it wont boot04:44
gn0m3i had a problem with the java04:44
_jasongn0m3: what was that?04:44
gn0m3b/c im new04:44
gn0m3i dont understand how to install the jaa04:44
_jasongn0m3: did anyone point you to seveas' repo for the java debs?04:44
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting04:44
gn0m3not so far04:45
ValSpyty :D04:45
_jasongn0m3: alright, it involves some sources.list editing but the wiki page should be clear.  If you are unsure about soemthing, just ask ehre04:45
_jasonubotu: tell gn0m3 about javadebs04:45
gn0m3thanks man04:45
gn0m3life saver04:45
=== dapperdude [n=albanian@ool-44c7d33a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
gn0m3_jason do i go to the debs one04:46
gn0m3or the mirror04:46
_jasongn0m3: seveas' repo is probably the best way to do it04:46
rukuarticValSpy: Oh you mean, you wanna get rid of ubuntu? How did you install it, on the same HD as windows?04:46
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NullVectorOkay, I downloaded the sun java <jre-1_5_0_06-linux-amd64.bin to my desktop, and attempted to do the following command, sudo chmod +x jre-1_5_0_06-linux-amd64.bin and I get a error message saying there is no such directory or fill04:47
boelloeschi wanna do xdcc-bots04:47
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gn0m3_jason: when i go ther04:48
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noiesmoNullVector, do ls is the file there04:48
gn0m3vontc es04:48
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rukuarticNullVector: chmod 700 jre...04:48
noiesmoNullVector, if not do cd Desktop then sudo  chmod +x jre-1_5_0_06-linux-amd64.bin04:48
gn0m3roni jan04:49
dapperdudewhen compiling seahorse, how would I enable gedit plugin support?04:49
_jasondapperdude: you know seahorse is in the repos?04:49
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rukuarticdapperdude: less README04:49
dapperdudei roll my owl, and I looked  at the readme rukuartic04:49
pvd2006Has anyone had problems playing hollywood video rentals?04:49
NullVectorwon't let me do cd desktop04:49
arrickok, in the bot instructions it says "run pastebot.perl" wnat to tell me how?04:49
dapperdude*roll my own04:50
_jasondapperdude: ./configure --help ?04:50
gn0m3_jason: i need help04:50
_jasongn0m3: ok, what part are you on?04:50
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gn0m3i got to the site04:50
dapperdudestill doesnt tell me much, this is cvs by the way04:50
gn0m3and i have a ist04:50
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Ratty_hi, i'm using xgl/compiz, but need to use my superkey for some effects, but it doesn't appear to be working, how do i enable it?04:50
Ratty_this is on dapper04:50
gn0m3theres java, and next to it there is a thing that says browse contents04:50
DaveyRatty_: #ubuntu-xgl04:51
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)04:51
arrickNullVector, try cd Desktop04:51
Ratty_ok ta04:51
arrickcase sensitive04:51
gn0m3but no where there does it say download04:51
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_jasongn0m3: you lost me (try to not use enter as punctuation)04:51
NullVectorarrick I did04:51
arrickdid it work?04:51
_jasongn0m3: do this in a terminal: gksudo 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'04:51
arricktry sudo04:51
NullVectorsudo desktop?04:52
_jasonNullVector: capital D04:52
arricksudo cd Desktop04:52
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_jasonNullVector: cd ~/Desktop04:52
NullVectordumb me04:52
arrick_jason, I already told him that, no worky04:52
_jasoncd isn't a command by the way, it's a builtin04:52
gn0m3_jason: ok now what04:52
NullVectorgot it, keep forgetting everything is case senisitive, thanks04:53
rukuarticNullVector: :P I hate that... but you get used to it.04:53
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_jasongn0m3: ok, now at the bottom add this: deb [WWW]  http://seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas breezy-seveas java04:53
=== NullVector slaps myself
_jasongn0m3: no, do not do that, I made an error04:53
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eggzeckit's better to use ~/Desktop since he might not be in /home ;)04:53
arrickWHERE oh where do I go to get help with a bot??04:53
_jasongn0m3: ok, now at the bottom add this: deb http://seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas breezy-seveas java04:53
gymsmokeis there a way to restart syslog without a warm boot ?04:53
bjvwhy does the ssid not set on my card like it should04:53
gn0m3i dont want to do that04:53
gn0m3with playboy04:53
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_jasongn0m3: lol ok hold on: deb [WWW]  http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/ breezy-seveas java04:54
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bjviwconfig ra0 essid "Vote Libertarian"; iwconfig ra0   == not set essid04:54
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gn0m3will this one work?04:54
rukuartic_jason: now we know what YOU're looking at04:54
_jasongn0m3: ugh, stupid copy link, I mean: deb http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/ breezy-seveas java04:54
=== sesstreets [n=Andrew@cpe-24-29-133-177.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sesstreetsOK Ive had enough with windows04:54
_jasonrukuartic: look, my theology teacher in high school (who was a priest) explained to us porn was ok :)04:55
sesstreetsIm ready to switch04:55
rukuarticsesstreets: Whoot!04:55
arricknormally to start an ap, you type in its name in terminal right?04:55
sesstreetsTheres just a few things or apps that I need to have.04:55
roni87hi sesstreets04:55
rukuartic_jason: He could also explain that murder was ok but does it? :P04:55
gn0m3do i type that in the terminal04:55
gtrplrHi, I have updated to dapper and I lost my wlan0. Now I have a eth1 that I cant get config'ed. help?04:55
sesstreetsIs there a notepad++ alternative for linux?04:55
_jasongn0m3: no, you add that line to the end of what you opened in gedit04:55
rukuarticsesstreets: Well, Linux usually has a replacement for nearly all windows programs04:55
sesstreetsOr a similar tabbed text editor?04:55
rukuarticsesstreets: Yep "gedit".04:55
_jasonsesstreets: gedit has tabs04:55
sesstreetsoh ok04:55
NullVectorfinally, java is extracted now to get firefox to recognize it as a plugin04:55
eggzecksesstreets, Linux is all for Coders ;)04:56
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sesstreetsI know photoshop = gimp04:56
gn0m3does that replace the last thing04:56
rukuarticsesstreets: And for everything else, there's "WINE"04:56
gn0m3or does it do under04:56
sesstreetsWell not photoshop04:56
_jasongn0m3: no just make a new line and put it at the bottom04:56
Jowigtrplr: #ubuntu+1 for dapper help/discussion04:56
gtrplrJowi: thanks04:56
bjvWait, how can i tell what runlevel I am in?04:56
=== davidmccabe [n=david@c-24-20-177-147.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
davidmccabeHi folks.04:56
gn0m3i did that, and what do i press after04:56
devin__is the kubuntu LTS dapper drake pretty stable?04:56
gymsmokeif i add ip_conntrack_ftp to the kernel using insmod, does it show as "ip_conntrack_ftp" when running lsmod ?04:56
davidmccabeI can't find anything in Breezy that will talk to the latest ipod. Any pointers? Thanks!04:56
Jowibjv: type "runlevel"04:56
sesstreetsI dont play games anymore so I dont need them...04:56
_jasongn0m3: now save it, then run 'sudo aptitude update'04:56
rukuarticsesstreets: What else ya looking for?04:56
eggzecksesstreets, yes you could use AIM/MSN/Others/Limwire ;P04:57
sesstreetsmeh I dont use that stuff04:57
sesstreetsI have gaim win3204:57
gn0m3umm dont mean to look stupid but how do i do that04:57
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_jasongn0m3: which part? save?04:57
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roni87i'm gettim gaim on line04:57
gn0m3no the run04:57
_jasongn0m3: oh, I just mean type it into the terminal04:57
bjvJowi: roger. i just cat /etc/inittab, but thanks04:57
dapperdudeis ubuntu+1 having the spam problem also?04:57
_jasonwithout quotes04:58
_jasondapperdude: the bots?04:58
gn0m3nice, thanks and is that it04:58
=== sirkism [n=sirkism@pool-71-253-227-18.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sesstreetsis there a good ftp proggy for ubuntu besides stupid qftp?04:58
dapperdudeyeah, because for whatever reason im banned from that room04:58
rukuarticsesstreets: wget? ftp... yeah there's a boatload04:58
bjvsesstreets: i used vsftp for a while04:58
sirkismanyone know how to get ubuntu to work with a ati graphics card?04:58
randini'm trying to i'm trying to ssh port forward with this command " ssh -v -g -L 7003:example.com:7003 me@example1.com"  but it keeps throwing "bind: addres already in use", i know the port is not bound. and the same exact command works in mac os X, what is wrong?04:59
sesstreetsok ill look into it04:59
bjvoh, an ftp _client04:59
sesstreetssirkism, most cards just WORK with ubuntu04:59
=== Fazer [n=fazer@CPE0050f276c615-CM000f212fd32a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
gn0m3_jason: is that it man04:59
gn0m3when its done04:59
FazerHello guys, how do I upgrade my Ubuntu installation to the lates tone?04:59
bjvmost cards work, but only nvidia cards work _well. like with 3D drivers.04:59
Fazer*latest one04:59
dapperdudefazer don't dist upgrade04:59
_jasongn0m3: now you need to add the gpg keys probably.  You see the grey box in the wiki?  each line is a command, just do both one right after another05:00
Apostle^bjv: :-(05:00
dapperdudeI had a huge problem with that05:00
_jasonFazer: breezy is latest stable05:00
_jasonFazer: what are you running now/05:00
Fazer_jason: Not sure, I think I am running Hoary how do I exactly find out? uname -a?05:00
_jasonFazer: lsb_release -c05:00
gn0m3_jason: which grey boxes05:01
gn0m3there are a ton05:01
Fazer_jason: yeap, i was right.  its hoary05:01
gymsmokeif i add ip_conntrack_ftp to the kernel using insmod, does it show as "ip_conntrack_ftp" when running lsmod ?05:01
_jasongn0m3: the one in the Errors when using this repository secion, begins with gpg05:01
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_jasonubotu: tell Fazer about upgrade05:01
gn0m3jason_: i cant find it05:02
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gn0m3jason_: can u send it to05:02
_jasongn0m3: ok here is the first one: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 1135D46605:02
boelloeschi wanna do xdcc-bots05:02
dapperdudeanyone here know how to enable the seahorse plugin for gedit05:02
gn0m3this one works05:03
arrickeveryone: please check out http://sial.org/pbot/16855 and help me out.05:03
gn0m3ok thanks05:03
_jasongn0m3: ok now: gpg --export --armor 1135D466 | sudo apt-key add -05:03
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gn0m3_jason: ok i got this too05:04
gn0m3_jason: now what do i d05:04
_jasongn0m3: now we should be able to install java: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install sun-j2re1.505:04
Fazeroh btw, how do i make it so i can ssh to my ubuntu machine?05:04
gn0m3_jason: umm any idea how to do this05:05
_jasonubotu: tell Fazer about ssh05:05
_jasongn0m3: do what?05:05
gn0m3_jason: install it05:05
=== flange [n=jcook@adsl-208-191-38-232.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasongn0m3: I gave you the command, starts with 'sudo aptitude...'05:05
gymsmokewhat's correct syntax for installing a kernel module ?05:05
_jasongn0m3: you could also use synaptic, but this is easier for me to help you05:05
Fazer_jason: Heh, thanks.05:05
boelloeschi would like to install the 3d of gfx05:06
_jasonboelloesch: what card?05:06
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ubotuI heard nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736805:06
boelloeschi dont know - its onboard05:06
_jasongn0m3: now, we should make sure you have sun java as default, run this and choose sun's java: sudo update-alternatives --config java05:07
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gymsmokedid you know that there is a channel called ubuntu-server ?05:09
boelloesch_jason - i got the gfx information05:09
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_jasonboelloesch: do you know what card it is?05:09
vinboyhi, where r my samba settings located?05:09
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ubotusamba is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html05:10
rukuarticvinboy: /etc/samba/samba.conf05:10
rukuarticvinboy: sorry, smb.conf05:10
vinboythanks rukuartic05:10
gn0m3_jason: Its done05:10
gn0m3is that it05:10
boelloesch_jason - sis650_651M650_74005:10
vinboywhere can I find info abou the directory structures in linux? i'm confused by where wat files go05:10
_jasongn0m3: that's it, now you have java.  You can install frostwire like ubotu explained now05:10
gn0m3_jason: thanks05:11
_jasonubotu: tell vinboy about dirs05:11
gymsmokevinboy: get a permutated index on05:11
vinboynvm i found it in google05:11
NullVectorbah, burnt out for the night going to go play on windows then go to sleep05:11
gn0m3_jason: is there like a way i can rep u or something05:11
gymsmokevinboy: linux05:11
gn0m3_jason: giv eu points05:11
_jasongn0m3: nah, it's cool05:11
gn0m3_jason: thanks a million05:11
_jasongn0m3: np05:11
nboundwhat restricted modules do u have to remove before putting on nvidia drivers05:11
gymsmokeanyone here setup iptables ?05:11
gtrplrany wireless help out there?05:11
nbound(not nvidia-glx)05:11
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hajuuhey guys, anyone know how I kill oss?05:11
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rukuartichajuu: killall oss05:11
gtrplrkillall -15 OSS05:11
AngryElfhey all, how do i remove a filesystem that's on a logical volume?05:12
jisatsuanyone know of a program to edit ogg metadata?05:12
hajuuit says oss isnt running.. but when I go to rmmod it, it is in use :/05:12
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gtrplrhajuu: top05:13
gtrplrsee whatsrunning05:13
gtrplryou may have to grep oss05:13
rukuartichajuu: ps aux | grep oss05:13
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gymsmokedo i need to specify the full path to a .ko in order to install it with insmod ?05:13
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hajuuroot     26742  0.0  0.2   2904   712 pts/2    R+   11:13   0:00 grep oss05:13
rukuartichajuu: its not running?05:13
maximausjisatsu, easytag05:14
rukuarticgtrplr: is -15 SIGTERM05:14
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jisatsumaximaus, thanks ^^ I'll give it a go05:14
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hajuuroot@dcportal:/home/hajuu # rmmod snd_cmipci05:14
gn0m3_jason: hey jason it doesnt tell me how to install05:14
mettallicathey people .. i need help on this http://pastebin.com/67628505:14
hajuuERROR: Module snd_cmipci is in use05:14
_jasongn0m3: did you go to the frostwire page and get the debian/ubuntu deb already?05:15
boelloesch_jason - you can help?05:15
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gn0m3_jason:  yes05:15
gn0m3its on my desktop05:15
_jasonboelloesch: I don't know what that card is sorry05:15
boelloeschnext time i will have some more data05:15
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davidmccabeSorry about asking a qusetion and then leaving earlier; my computer crashed.05:16
gn0m3its a shame you cant install files here like you can on window05:16
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_jasongn0m3: ok open a terminal and do this: sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/Frost<tab>, capitalization is important and <tab> means press the tab button and it should complete05:16
davidmccabeSo, to ask again, nothing I've tried on Breezy can work with my new iPod. Any ideas what will?05:16
MagnusGoldsteinhi peeps... just wondering, I want to force the install of something that's already a dependenciy for X number of little packages already installed05:16
gymsmokedon't know where all your heads are at (including mine!) insmod doesn't install the modules, modprobe does05:16
_jasongn0m3: in dapper (currently beta) you can just double click on debs05:16
Apostle^i wish ati05:16
Apostle^didnt have shity drivers05:16
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MagnusGoldsteinbasically need to know how to force: sudo dpkg -i libopenex*.deb05:17
gn0m3that would be good05:17
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gn0m3_jason:  wow i did that and it said preparing05:18
mrproperCan someone on Linux in Firefox load http://kbreit.dyndns.org:8080/ and tell me what happens?05:18
gn0m3then it stopped05:18
=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mettallicathey people .. i need help on this http://pastebin.com/676285 anybody to help me :D05:18
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_jasongn0m3: can you put the command and the output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give me a link please?05:18
NickGarveymettallicat: sudo apt-get instal gcc-3.405:18
boelloesch_jason - maybe this helps - ASUS PUNDIT05:18
NickGarveymettallicat: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.405:18
mettallicatNickGarvey, i have gcc-3405:19
NickGarveyI'd do /join #vmware mettallicat05:19
_jasonboelloesch: to tell you the truth I can only really help you with an nvidia, and I can link you to an ati tutorial.  Other than that, I don't know much about it.  if no one here cna help, you can try the forums and/or mailing list05:19
_jasonubotu: tell boelloesch about support05:19
mettallicatNickGarvey, http://pastebin.com/67629205:19
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karl1t0shttp://unplug.org.ve:8000/carlitos.ogg <---Heavy05:21
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bjvanyone have a wireless card that uses the rt61.ko driver?05:22
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karl1t0shttp://unplug.org.ve:8000/carlitos.ogg <---Heavy05:22
aaron_this support?05:22
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NickGarveyaaron_: yup, look at the title ;)05:23
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bjvmine's an Edimax, /dev/ra0 it comes up as05:23
aaron_lol, good05:23
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diegohola,,una consulta,05:23
gn0m3_jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1275805:23
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gn0m3i think its this05:23
mrkoje_diego, como le va usted05:23
diegohi,,everyone,,,I have a question,,,05:23
aaron_just curious, ive followed a few guides on how to install my sb live 24bit on ubuntu 5.10, but I just cant get it working05:23
diegohola mrkoje05:23
mrkoje_tienes preguntas05:23
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:23
diegosi,,,claro,,,pero en espaol o igles?05:23
sevtastici need help with nvidia drivers. does anyone know what i need to install from apt to get the drivers to install?05:23
mettallicatNickGarvey, so have an ideia why that append05:23
_jasongn0m3: oh that means it installed.  Type 'frostwire' now, you may get an error that we have to fix because of a little bug.  Just let me know05:24
sevtasticperhaps a link to a howto?05:24
diegol{m sorry05:24
NickGarveymettallicat: nope, did you go to the channel I suggested?05:24
mrkoje_lo siento05:24
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mrkoje_I forget that people who are not bilingual often get upset05:24
gn0m3_jason:  it says command not found05:24
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gn0m3no such directory05:24
gn0m3stuff like that05:24
boelloesch_jason: thank you05:24
gn0m3_jason: then there are two line 24 errors05:25
aaron_so any help with the sblive 24?05:25
mettallicatyes ... no one there alive05:25
noiesmo!tell mettallicat nvidia05:25
diegoI havea problem y lost de icons to change from multiple desktop....I dont know exactly what happened05:25
etaoinhey, i forgot to instruct the installer to mount my ntfs partition.. so i edited fstab and added an entry for it, with the options "users,noauto,ro", and special bits 0 and 0. i can mount it fine as my non-root user, but i don't have permissions to read it (i.e. can't cd into it or ls).. what gives?05:25
thatGuy_Cainus, test05:25
thatGuy_cafuego, test05:25
ubotuI heard nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736805:25
diegocan anyone help me?05:25
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thatGuy_cafuego, yeah, that help worked05:25
|main|hi all05:25
_jasongn0m3: ok, do this: 'sudo aptitude install sysutils && sudo dos2unix /usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh'05:25
cafuegothatGuy_: Hmmm?05:25
thatGuy_cafuego, well, did and it didn't05:26
JRlinuxJust booted xubuntu, but was wiped out.  No clue regarding username or password !!!!05:26
thatGuy_ini=/bin/bash only got me into read-only drive access05:26
aaron_just curious, ive followed a few guides on how to install my sb live 24bit on ubuntu 5.10, but I just cant get it working05:26
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thatGuy_but i booted the ubuntu cd, which for some reason gives me root on the hd w/o passwd05:26
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diegoI havea problem y lost de icons to change from multiple desktop....I dont know exactly what happene,,,,,can anyone help me?05:26
cafuegothatGuy_: You cna remount it read-write; mount -n -o remount,rw /05:26
thatGuy_so then i removed the cafuego firmware and it booted right up05:26
thatGuy_glad to have my ubuntu back05:26
cafuegothatGuy_: Can you paste the 'lspci' details for the bcoradom card ONLY to the channel?05:27
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gn0m3_jason: THANKS!!!!!!05:27
_jasongn0m3: np05:27
gn0m3it works05:27
gn0m3u were really helpful05:27
JRlinuxAny help on Xubuntu user name/ password?05:27
aaron_just curious, ive followed a few guides on how to install my sb live 24bit on ubuntu 5.10, but I just cant get it working05:27
_jasongn0m3: yeah, you caught me at a good time :)05:27
diegoThanks anyway I just dit it05:28
thatGuy_caf,0000:03:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)05:28
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cafuegothatGuy_: ok, identical to mine.05:28
gn0m3it closed itseld05:28
_jasongn0m3: any output to the terminal?05:28
mrkoje_thatguy, if your using Broadcom chipset you will need to use NDIS Wrapper05:28
thatGuy_i think the situation that i have that other folks dont is that i'm 64-bit05:28
gn0m3do i have to leave the terminal open?05:28
thatGuy_mrkoje_, i tried ndiswrapper05:29
cafuegomrkoje_: No, you don't.05:29
thatGuy_mrkoje_, repeatedly05:29
_jasongn0m3: if you start it in a temrinal and then close the terminal, the program goes too05:29
gn0m3that explains it05:29
_jasongn0m3: you can just use the menu shortcut05:29
JRlinuxOK, I will google for it !05:29
cafuegomrkoje_: Dapper includes native support, which works for many people (but not thatGuy_)05:29
mrkoje_I guess you don't05:29
thatGuy_cafuego, you mean your card worked right away?05:30
cafuegothatGuy_: Yep05:30
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mrkoje_cafuego, native support for Broadcom? I didn't think the drivers were o.s.05:30
mrkoje_shows how much i know05:30
mineraleWhat tool do I need to use to configure my wireless network card // wep key ?05:30
thatGuy_cafuego, naw, i keep getting these SIOFFLAGS errors05:30
cafuegomrkoje_: they're not. A group of people reverse engineered them, wrote a specification, and wrote open drivers.05:30
thatGuy_cafuego, SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory05:31
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gymsmokeanyone know where the iptables rules files are kept in ubuntu?05:31
mrkoje_minerale, I don't think you really want to use wep unless you can't get around it. Otherwise there is always wpasupplicant05:31
thatGuy_that's what i get from ifconfig eth0 up05:31
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thatGuy_and if i use network manager. . .05:31
cafuegothatGuy_: What interface are you trying to configure?05:31
punkassdoes anyone know of a mp3 tag editor that supports gnome-vfs?05:31
thatGuy_that's the thing, its named eth0, not wlan005:31
cafuegothatGuy_: is the broadcom eth0?05:31
thatGuy_thought you were giong to notice that05:31
NickGarveyyes  ihad the same problem!!05:32
NickGarveyI couldn't fix it05:32
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cafuegothatGuy_: Do you have other network cards? Could it be eth1 instead?05:32
cafuegomine switched randomly between eth1 and eth2 for a while :-/05:33
Fazerhi, i am trying to ssh to my linux machine inside of the lan, it just stays there and doesn't ask for the password.05:33
FazerI am thinking that its either a firewall issue?05:33
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Fazeror port forwarding?05:33
ubotusomebody said multimedia was for codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications05:33
FazerI have set the router to forwar the 22 port to the linux machine.05:33
volmariasQuestion: In a regular compile with something with gtk, I add  `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` after the gcc and the filenames, etc. I need to put this in a configure file somewhere, or in a makefile. Where do I do this? Do I add this as an argument when I run ./configure?05:33
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gymsmokeFazer: is one of the boxes running openssh-server?05:34
volmariasbiovore, if you're here, I get the feeling that you know this one :)05:34
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Fazergymsmoke: yes...05:34
mrkoje_Fazer, most common problem is a firewall, however I don't think Ubuntu has one on in a default setup. You might look at sshd.conf in /etc/ to see what mode of authentication openssh is using05:34
volmariasFazer, I know this one05:35
Fazermrkoje_: okay, i will look into it.05:35
gymsmokeFazer: are you running 5.10 ?05:35
volmariasedit your hosts file, and add something for the ip of the other machine05:35
FazerWait, its the firewall.05:35
volmariasit's trying to resolve the other machine, but failing05:35
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FazerI was running Firestarter.05:35
Fazerand i tblocked it05:35
volmariasnvm :\05:35
gymsmokethat'll do it ...05:35
mrkoje_Fazer, I'm not sure what the default sshd.conf looks like in Ubuntu.. but it might set to accept key authentication instead of password05:36
mrkoje_and you might not have a key05:36
Fazermrkoje_: Oh? I was able to log in fine though...so does that mean my key is alright?05:36
mrkoje_Fazer, I thought you were not able to log in... it just sat twiddling its thumbs when trying to log on05:37
gymsmokeanyone here skilled with iptables rules ?05:37
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Fazermrkoje_: yeah, the connection would time out :(05:37
Fazermrkoje_: so at first, i thought it was the router, then i thought it could be just the firewall.05:38
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mrkoje_Fazer, so you were logged into an account and then it would time out?05:38
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Fazermrkoje_: no, when i type in ssh <ip addr> from my Mac, it would just do nothing.05:38
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FazerBut when i set firstarter to allow that, it worked fine.05:38
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mrkoje_Fazer, so then what is your problem now?05:39
astro9040does anyone know how to fix broken packages05:39
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gymsmokeastro9040: apt-get check05:39
mrkoje_astro9040, did you install it with apt-get?05:39
mettallicatNickGarvey, it sims looking for gcc3.4 .. how i force to use it ,,, using gcc-3.4 ?05:39
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Fazermrkoje_: nothig, its fixed.  i was just investigating what i had to do with the /etc/ stuff you guys were mentioning earlire.05:39
fenstahey can someone help me do this dual boot install please05:40
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astro9040mrkoje_, with the gui package installer05:40
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fenstaim installing 5.1 ..... I have winxp on 1 partition and formatted ext3 on the other05:40
fenstain ubuntu setup...... do I set the ext3 partition as / bootable and my ntfs partition as "do not use">?05:40
Fazergymsmoke: iptables?  Won't using firestarter help?  Although that's a GUI solution :(05:40
astro9040gymsmoke, ill try that05:40
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Fazerfensta: NTFS is used by windows..05:40
Fazerfensta: So it sounds like you are trying to dual boot?05:40
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fenstaI know.. I need help with the settings to make sure I dont screw up my windows partition05:40
mrkoje_Fazer, nothing I guess but I would highly suggest that you change "Allow root login yes" to no05:41
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Fazermrkoje_: hm, isn't that set no as default though?05:41
lunarokay, if I get the panic "MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC" should I use "linux noapic" or "linux pci=noapic"?  I have seen two different solutions online.05:41
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mrkoje_Fazer, I'm not sure with ubuntu.. other distros it isnt05:42
astro9040gymsmoke, still having troube05:42
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volmariasAnyone have a solution/suggestion to my problem05:43
thatGuy_eth1 is my nic05:43
thatGuy_which i'm on right now05:43
thatGuy_cafuego, i think you're the first person i've heard that the bcm worked right away for05:43
volmariasor where I should look for help05:43
thatGuy_i think the situation i have that most others dont is that i'm 64-bit05:43
astro9040mrkoje_, it was the synaptic package manager05:43
thatGuy_Installed ndis drivers:05:43
thatGuy_netbc564                driver present, hardware present05:43
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Fazermrkoje_: just so i can double check, can you repeat which file i should look under?05:43
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mrkoje_Fazer, it should be "sshd.conf" not ssh.conf and it should be under /etc/05:44
mrkoje_Fazer, so /etc/sshd.conf05:44
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mrkoje_fazer, sorry, etc/ssh/sshd.conf05:44
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_jason /etc/ssh/sshd_config here05:45
mrkoje_or that.. it really depends on what distro you're using.. I use a couple different ones05:45
_jasonwhat's your favorite (after ubuntu of course)?05:45
mrkoje_you get the gist though.. its obviouslly ssh... and its obviouslly the config file for the ssh daemon05:45
mrkoje__jascon, Fedora05:46
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monsterbHi all, Whats a good firewall for Ubuntu?05:46
mrkoje__jason, for a server anyway05:46
ubotuUbuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic.05:46
mineraleIs it ok to share the swap drive between two ubuntu installations? (a 32 and a 64 bit one) ?05:46
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boelloeschis a firewall really needed?05:47
astro9040mrkoje_, do u know how to fix broken packages05:47
ubotuUbuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic.05:47
sesstreetsim on ubuntu now05:47
slack_pradminerale, yes05:47
sesstreetsso uh...now what?05:47
monsterb_jason: thanks05:47
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astro9040does anyone know how to fix broken packages05:47
mrkoje_astro9040, i'm not sure how deep your problem goes but you could always remove and reinstall the package05:47
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Fazermrkoje_: thanks!05:48
thatGuy_cafuego, i'm back05:48
thatGuy_apparently this gui app only supposed one interface at a time.  i messed with the wifi and eth1 shut off05:48
_jasonastro9040: how did they break?05:48
astro9040mrkoje_, thats were i ran into problems05:48
thatGuy_man, did it again05:48
sesstreetsnobody congradulated me05:48
linuxgeekerybye guys!05:48
_jasonsesstreets: welcome to ubuntu :)05:48
astro9040_jason, by installing w/o dependentcies05:48
thatGuy_cafuego, i'm back.  network problems05:48
mrkoje_astro9040, I really don't know much about the Synaptic package manager. Isn't it just a gtk frontend for apt?05:48
_jasonastro9040: what are you installing?05:48
Madpilotsesstreets, contgratulations, then - "what now" depends on what you want to do - or what you have to get working still, sometimes ;)05:48
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mrkoje_you know syn-APT-ic05:49
sesstreetsWell I need a few things05:49
sesstreetsBut so far I think I have everything I need.05:49
astro9040mrkoje_, i think im still new to ubuntu05:49
mrkoje_astro9040, what package is it05:49
astro9040_jason, affiche05:49
astro9040mrkoje_, affiche05:49
_jason!info affiche05:50
ubotuaffiche: (An application to "stick" little notes on the desktop), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.6.0-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 55 kB, Installed size: 368 kB05:50
_jasonastro9040: did you install it from universe?05:50
sesstreetsIs it worth upgrading to drake?05:50
astro9040_jason, i believe so im still new to ubuntu and still a linux noob05:50
vinboywhere is my linux bootup log file?05:50
_jasonsesstreets: I would not do so on my main system until June 1st05:50
_jasonsesstreets: but it is nice...05:50
vinboythere were some errors during boot05:50
mrkoje_vinboy, should be under /var/log05:50
_jasonastro9040: what command did you use to install it?05:51
ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.05:51
jetscreamersometimes you have to turn the bootlog on05:51
astro9040used synaptics05:51
jetscreamerin /etc/defaults05:51
vinboyok thx mrkoje_05:51
astro9040_jason, used synaptics05:51
sesstreetsI wonder...did firefox start with windows or linux...05:51
mrkoje_it started with mozilla05:51
_jasonastro9040: you made synaptics force install it without dependencies? (I didn't know you could do this)05:51
sesstreetsdid mozilla start on windows?05:51
_jasonstarted with netscape05:52
astro9040_jason, i dont think i did that oh u no what it waa alien05:52
volmariasAny suggestions on my problem?05:52
astro9040_jason, alien -i05:52
volmariasAnyone have experience hacking configure files?05:52
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mrkoje_you could always throw your machine out the window in frusteration05:52
_jasonastro9040: remove affiche, then we'll do it the right way.  You want to always avoid alien, it is a last resort-- one that can sometimes break your box05:52
jetscreameryes you print them out and take a hatchet to them05:52
sesstreetsHrmm...updates almost complete05:53
astro9040_woah didnt know that but it was as a deb file and now when ever i try to remove the package i get errors05:53
sesstreetsI think I used an old install cd...05:53
sesstreetsIm pretty sure that its installing a new kernal aswell05:53
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astro9040_jason, woah didnt know that but it was as a deb file and now when ever i try to remove the package i get errors saying it cant be done05:53
_jasonastro9040: pastebin please05:54
ubotupastebin is, like, totally, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126905:54
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Madpilotsesstreets, there's always lots of updates right after you do an install - the disc would have been made last fall, there's been updates since then05:54
volmariasCan anyone give me a suggestion on WHERE I can ask my question? Can anyone even respond?05:55
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Apostle^volmarias: hi05:55
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volmariasApostle^, hi.05:55
astro9040_jason, whose name do i put in the box05:56
Madpilotvolmarias, "hacking config files" is pretty broad - ask a more specific question, and someone might be able to help05:56
volmariasMadpilot, I have.05:56
_jasonastro9040: yours will do05:56
volmariasI'll repeat it, though05:56
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_jasonastro9040: just give me the url after you post it05:56
volmariasI'm trying to compile something that uses GTK05:56
jetscreamerdull scissors?05:56
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volmariasI need to use gtk-config in the compile arguments05:56
_jasonvolmarias: what are you compiling?05:57
astro9040_jason, k done can u see it05:57
astro9040_jason, oh05:57
sesstreetsahhh ubuntu+fresh made apple pie = OMG05:57
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astro9040_jason, hold on here..05:57
volmarias_jason, toshiba linux utils05:57
sesstreetsahh updated05:57
astro9040_jason, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1276005:57
volmariasit's running in "zomg power save" mode, and everything is taking forever05:57
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astro9040_jason, there u see it now?05:58
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volmariasI'm googling, and seeing stuff about setting clibs and such in the configure file, but it seems that the cflags setting is blank on purpose :(05:58
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_jasonastro9040: yeah I see it... I suppose 'sudo aptitude remove affiche' gives a similar error?05:58
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astro9040_jason, hold on let me try that05:59
astro9040_jason, same error05:59
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volmariasAnyway, is there somewhere I should ask this question?06:00
astro9040_jason, is there a way to manually install06:00
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_jasonastro9040: the problem is we need to remove that first06:00
astro9040_jason, ok any ideas?06:00
_jasonastro9040: I have two, but I'm not sure they are the right thing to do...06:01
_jasonastro9040: aliened an rpm for 'affiche' and now aptitude throws this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12760 .  Is there some safe way of forcing the removal?06:01
dueyfinsterAnyone know how to add chatrooms (irc or jabber) to Psi? I have added like its a normal contact, but no lucl06:02
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astro9040_jason, it was a .deb06:02
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bjvAnyone know how to configure a ra0 wireless device?  i have the kernel module working, but cannot figure how to work it06:02
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bjviwconfig ra0 commit, for instance does not work06:03
_jasonastro9040: but didn't you alien it from an rpm?06:03
astro9040_jason, nope06:03
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_jasonoh, you just used alien, ok I see06:03
JRwHELP, what username/password do I use to get live Xubuntu going?06:03
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astro9040_jason, came as a .deb file when i downloaded it06:03
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volmariasAnyway, suggestions on where I should ask?06:04
tonyyarussoHow does one go about making custom themes?06:04
_jasonastro9040: well you can try 'sudo apt-get install -f', that will try to fix the dependcy problems06:04
_jasontonyyarusso: art.gnome.org has a tutorial06:04
tonyyarusso_jason: Will look.06:05
astro9040_jason, ill give it a try06:05
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JRwI have googled without result.  Someone must know the unsername to Xubuntu...?06:05
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_jasonJRw: ubuntu06:05
astro9040_jason, got error message06:05
tonyyarusso_jason: Haha, lovely.  The 'Tutorials' link takes me to a non-existant page.06:06
_jasonastro9040: pastebin06:06
astro9040_jason, want to see06:06
JRw_jason, OK.  And the same for password?06:06
astro9040_jason, ok06:06
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_jasonJRw: password is blank, (no password)06:06
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JRw_jason, OK, thank you!06:06
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sesstreetsmy theme wont install...06:06
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PieteHi guys. It seems that "base-config" has been deprecated in dapper.. And idea what is used now?06:07
tonyyarusso_jason: It's okay though, because the list of "similarly named pages" looks useful.06:07
astro9040_jason, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1276106:07
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iplgeckocan someone please help me with copying something from my windows partition to linux?06:07
iplgeckoWindows isnt starting but its accessable06:07
Dr_willisiplgecko:  and the problem is?06:08
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iplgeckoI cant get it06:08
iplgeckoim at root06:08
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iplgeckoand the file is on my desktop in windows06:08
Dr_willisyou cant access the mounted windows parttion you mean?06:08
iplgeckowell I can06:08
zhenrehow does one install servers (ssh/www/mysql)?06:08
Dr_willisor you just dont know HOW to get to where its at? or what exactly.06:09
iplgeckoatm if I "ls -a" im on my cdrive06:09
_jasonubotu: tell zhenre about ssh06:09
_jasonubotu: tell zhenre about lamp06:09
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sesstreetsso besides stupid qftp what is a good graphical ftp client06:10
ubotuwell, xmms is to get xmms to work in Ubuntu Hoary and Breezy, set the output plugin to eSound (right-click on the XMMS window, then choose Options -> Preferences)06:10
zhenre_jason: thanks06:10
_jasonastro9040: can you link me to where you got the deb?06:10
sesstreetsso besides stupid qftp what is a good graphical ftp client06:10
Apostle^sesstreets: gfto06:10
_jasonsesstreets: gftp, nautilus maybe06:10
Dr_willissesstreets:  i tend to use 'mc' :P06:10
Dr_willisbut ive rarely had to use a real ftp client in ages...06:10
Dr_willisssh is the way to go.06:10
Apostle^Dr_willis: sshfs is the way to go06:11
Dr_willisApostle^:  not messed with that so far. :P not had the need.06:11
iplgeckoCould you please give me an example of copying something06:11
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asfarital  684/06:11
Apostle^Dr_willis: encrypted and works great06:11
Dr_willisiplgecko:  you mean you dontknow the 'cp' command?06:11
iplgeckois it "cp <name> <directory> " ?06:11
iplgeckoI do06:11
sesstreetsI mean besides gftp06:11
iplgeckoI mean an example of where to put the dir06:11
Dr_williscp filename /home/username/dir06:12
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asfarital  683/06:12
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asfarital  684/06:12
Dr_willisiplgecko:  or install 'mc' and use it :P06:12
Hobbseeasfarital: ?06:12
asfaritalasfarital is a simple bot.06:12
asfaritalType "*help" to see list of commands.06:12
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Dr_willis'mc' the wonder-file manager. :P06:12
sH4asfartal  //  bot?;06:12
Skwid_how do i know the whole path to the current folder ?????06:12
sH4r u korean  ?06:13
iplgeckooh ok thanks06:13
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iplgeckobut one thing06:13
iplgeckoI need to copy it to my desktop06:13
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asfarital  684/06:13
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iplgeckoso its "cp <filename> /Desktop ?06:13
Dr_willisiplgecko:  the users desktop under Gnome is  in their home dir/Desktop (or was it desktop)06:13
crimsunwhoever "owns" asfarital needs to disable it in here.06:13
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Dr_willis--> /home/username/Desktop06:13
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Dr_willis- /Desktop would be a dir on the root of the / Hard drive06:14
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farousanyone know how i can put a cap on my uploads and downloads for specific users? I need to put a quota for each user06:14
Madpilotcrimsun, we had someone running a google-bot here a day or so ago too - that got removed...06:14
felixdacator if you are logged in as yourself cp <filename> ~/Desktop06:14
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iplgeckoI just need to know the directory of my desktop,because if I try just /Desktop it wont work06:14
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Dr_willisiplgecko:  thats because thats WRONG. :P06:14
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intelikeyok i finally got the thing booted....  now all i need is an initrd that will work.      2.6.15-20-386     sujestions ?06:14
Madpilotiplgecko, try ~/Desktop06:14
Dr_willis~/ is shortcut for /home/username/06:15
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intelikeyhere's my issue,  at boot time it always drops me into a busybox shell in the ramfs   no device nodes in /dev but console and root    /  is on scsi sda1  ext2fs  but it cant mount /       i need a working initrd.img-2.6.15-20-386    i've rebuilt this one but it didn't help a thing.06:15
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iplgeckothanks guys ill try06:15
iplgeckostupid windows -_-06:15
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Dr_willisiplgecko:  may be worth while to read a bash tutorial or 2 :P06:16
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hollywoodbintelikey: check /boot/grub/grub.conf ? default breezy install for sata left me with a broken 'root=' option06:16
=== Hobbsee needs to change that alias!
iplgeckoyea, thanks06:16
astro9040whats a good way of changing .rpm's to .deb or is alien good enough06:16
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Dr_willisastro9040:  tats the only way - that i have heard of.06:17
intelikeyhollywoodb  i've re done lilo.conf and it's not the boot loader.06:17
farous!tell astro9040 about alien06:17
farousastro9040: better off looking for a deb or source pacakge than using alien06:17
intelikey# /etc/lilo.conf        ASCII text configuration file06:18
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intelikeycome on somebody that has a clue about this dapper boot process   ?06:19
astro9040farous, thx06:19
Madpilotintelikey, nobody in #ubuntu+1?06:19
iplgeckohey I installed mc06:19
iplgeckohow does it run?06:20
=== Dr_willis gives iplgecko a gold star. :P
Dr_willistype 'mc' at a shell.06:20
farousur welcome :)06:20
iplgeckogot it06:20
intelikeyMadpilot not that seems to know anything,   several questions   no answers.06:20
astro9040Dr_willis, Ok06:20
zhenrehow does one give the computer a SEVERNAME06:20
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intelikeyzhenre hostname  ?06:21
meirhey -- running dapper, needed ndiswrapper for wireless card, but ubuntu "autodetects" module bcm43xx.. so i need to modprobe -r it and then modprobe ndiswrapper.. any way to remove bcm43xx permanently?06:21
intelikeymeir blacklist06:21
meirintelikey, blacklist?06:22
sesstreetsautomatix is pretty cool06:22
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thatGuy_meir, did you get your card working?06:22
Hobbsee!tell sesstreets about automatix06:22
meirthatGuy_, yes, under ndiswrapper06:22
iplgeckoso How can I access my windows parition with mc?06:22
meirthatGuy_, but first i always need to unload bcm43xx06:22
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ubotuwell, services is to view and alter system services, use one or more of rcconf, sysvconfig, sysv-rc-conf, update-rc.d or ls, ln and rm in /etc/rc?.d/06:22
thatGuy_meir, your card is bcm4306?06:22
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=== thatGuy_ running been at this for the past two days
meirno, it's MN-72006:23
intelikeymeir yes...   ls /etc/modprobe.d/06:23
zhenreI'm trying to set up apache2...but it says it can't determine the server name, I don't think that'll stop it from working but I'd like to get that set as soon as possible06:23
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meirintelikey, gotcha.. so i just add a line "blacklist bcm4306"06:24
sesstreetssudo apt-get install subversion06:24
sesstreetsE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:24
sesstreetswhats that mean?06:25
intelikeymeir  idk.   man blacklist   might be a good place to start....06:25
iplgeckothis doesnt make sense, I can access my c drive with administration > disks and I can read things butI just cant copy06:25
Trixy#windows is that way, iplgecko06:25
thatGuy_meir, !bcm430606:25
thatGuy_that's where i saw to remove bcm430606:25
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intelikeyiplgecko yes it do.   !ntfs06:25
thatGuy_only thing is i'm trying to get it working06:25
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, thatGuy_06:25
ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.06:26
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intelikeyanyone using kernel 2.6.15-20-386  ?06:26
thatGuy_amd64-generic here, but same kernel06:26
astro9040does anyone know how to install programs from .deb files06:26
Hobbsee!tell astro9040 about deb06:27
sesstreetsseriously do I just restart?06:27
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ellbiddyAh yes, the helpful hand of IRC...I had a (what I thought would be) simple question, I want to compile the kernel I'm currently using which was an image,  manually, the version is 2.6.12-9-amd64-k8-smp06:27
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ellbiddy and the sources aren't in synpatic using the repositories that I have. So I was wondering what the easy solution would be to setup the EXACT same thing, but having it compile manually?06:27
Wass|hello, I would like to know when dapper is expected to come out.06:28
MadpilotWass|, June 1st06:28
Wass|Madpilot : thnx06:28
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Trixyastro9040, a .deb is a precompiled binary package with dependancy lists and paths to e used with dpkg. dpkg -i (file) will install it, or at least tell you what dependencies you need before installing. You can usually have good luck with apt-getting dependancies for your obscure .debs06:28
astro9040Hobbsee, thx06:28
astro9040and ty06:28
astro9040Trixy, thx trixy06:29
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intelikeyanyone using   kernel version  2.6.15-20-386   care to /dcc me a copy of your initrd.img     i would really like to get this thing where it will boot without having to  mknod /dev/sda1 b 8 1 ;modprobe aic7xxx ;modprobe ext2 ;mount /dev/sda1 /root -t ext2 ;chroot /root/ etc/init.d/rc 2          that's kind of obserd to have to do that for every boot....06:30
nxI've got a bunch of .debs that I kept from a Ubuntu installation gone horribly awry.  They were updates and things from Synaptic.  I want to reinstall them without redownloading them all.  How do I do it?06:30
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astro9040Trixy, no anything about broken packages like how to fix them?06:30
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Trixynx, by default the synaptic package manager will not destroy the .deb files unless you tell it to completely remove them06:30
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Trixyastro9040, apt-get -f usually handles dependency broken packages06:31
Trixyastro9040, are you having a specific problem?06:31
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intelikeynx put them in  /var/cache/apt/archives/   and do the install it wont dl them if they are there already.06:31
Trixythe guys in #debian might know more about apt and dpkg than us06:31
Trixyif you're just comparing distros06:31
nxintelikey: OK.  What commands should I type?  I'm a newbie to Debian-style distros.06:32
nxAnd I'd rather not screw up and have to reinstall a third time.06:32
ellbiddyHappy Easter :D06:32
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ellbiddy(At least if you're from around Eastern Europe/Western Asia06:32
astro9040Trixy, no im not06:32
intelikeynx one could   sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb || sudo apt-get install -f06:33
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ubotuApostle^: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:33
nxintelikey: Including the || ?  What does that do?  I'm unfamiliar with that redirector.06:33
Apostle^can somone tell me what initg is ?06:33
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intelikeynx that only runs the last half if the first half fails06:34
nxintelikey: Alright.06:34
nxintelikey: Thank you very much.06:34
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meirhey guys. i managed to get ubuntu to not auto-load the broadcom driver, but i still need to manually tell it to modprobe ndiswrapper. how do i get it to do it automagically?06:35
intelikeynx you could use  ;  in place of ||  and it will run both halfs reguardless of exit status.06:35
nxintelikey: But it's better to do it this way so if it doesn't need to be run it isn't, yes?06:35
intelikeymeir /etc/modules  <--- put ndiswrapper there06:36
intelikeynx yes06:36
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nxintelikey: Alright.  Thank you very, very much.06:36
Hobbseemeir: or sudo ndiswrapper -m06:36
mDothey guys, trying to run enemy territory and i get this error http://pastebin.com/676354 , i am having problems with nvidia drivers with my 6800 please help06:36
gtrplrintelikey: didja get it working06:36
meirHobbsee, i've already done that, didn't help06:37
intelikeyHobbsee hmmm has it's own switch to add it eeh   nice.06:37
Apostle^is their a utility for linux that optimizes the pc's speed?06:37
Apostle^boot or otherwise06:37
Hobbseeintelikey: it does, yes :)06:37
intelikeygtrplr  nope.06:37
HobbseeApostle^: yes...well, one for boot time - see the howtos of ubuntuforums.org06:37
meirintelikey, if i put it in /etc/modules, will it check for it at boottime and give up, or will it detect it if say i insert it sometime after boot?06:38
intelikeyanyone using   kernel version  2.6.15-20-386   care to /dcc me a copy of your initrd.img     i would really like to get this thing where it will boot without having to  mknod /dev/sda1 b 8 1 ;modprobe aic7xxx ;modprobe ext2 ;mount /dev/sda1 /root -t ext2 ;chroot /root/ etc/init.d/rc 2          that's kind of obserd to have to do that for every boot....06:38
Apostle^meir: edit /etc/modules and add the modules you want loaded to the list06:38
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nathanaelSo I just installed Breezy, and it mounted my NTFS on my desktop, I chnaged fstab to allow users RO access, and rebooted, now, it's not on the desktop - why?06:39
=== thatGuy_ [n=joey@c-69-141-132-254.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeymeir at boot time...  but if the module can't be inserted at boot time... i don't think it will retry it automaticly.....      most modules can be inserted even if hardware is not there....06:39
Apostle^nathanael: is it mounted06:39
meirah excellent06:40
meirthanks everyone06:40
meirbrb to restart and pray06:40
nathanaelI know it's mounted, but why no desktop icon?06:40
Apostle^intelikey: can you point me to a guide for linux speedup06:40
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nathanaelIs it because only /media items get ounted and placed ont he dekstop?06:40
sesstreetsok easy ubuntu is easiER06:40
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intelikeyApostle^ prolly not....   http://google.com/linux    is as close as i can get you.06:41
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psquared89nathanael if you want a shortcut on your desktop, open up (nautilus / konqueror) then hold middle click and drag it to your desktop, it will creat a shortcut for you06:42
nathanaelCan I do it from the command line?06:43
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vitriolwhat media player can i use to play a streaming 'winamp aac+' station?06:44
vitriolif anybody would like to attempt it it's kxul.com06:44
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vitrioli can't get it to work with xmms, kmplayer, or totem06:44
intelikeynathanael errr maybe only things mounted via hotplug of other automatic crap make icons....  things in fstab are staticly mounted.    you could make a shortcut to the mount point    ln -s /mount/point  ~/Desktop/<name you like>   and set the properties to what ever icon you like.06:44
nathanaelHow do you "middel-click" on a laptop with 2 buttons?06:44
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Hobbseenathanael: bth buttons together06:45
mDotnathaneal: both keys06:45
vitriolnathanael: use two fingers rapidly on the touchpad06:45
Hobbseehaha - none of us can spell!06:45
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vitrioli'm serious06:45
vitriolit works06:45
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ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, monsterb06:45
dracosilvdoes anybody know how to set up samba?  (don't flame me, i really don't know much [yet]  about linux and how to do some of this stuff.)06:45
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intelikeyoh sorry Hobbsee i meant bof06:45
Hobbsee!tell dracosilv about samba06:45
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Hobbseeintelikey: hehe06:46
linux_galoredracosilv: swat is your buddy06:46
vitriolcan anybody play that radio station? kxul.com06:46
meirok, it works, thanks everyone with the wifi help... BUT.. i have another question06:46
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felixdacatdracosilv - Check out howtoforge.org.  There is a really good howto on setting up samba with Breesy Badger.06:46
nathanaelNow the icon looks like crap06:46
Hobbseemeir: shoot.06:46
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mDotmeir one question per hour06:46
nathanaelOh how I hate the little arrow06:46
meirmDot, :P06:46
Hobbseehehe  @ mDot06:46
dracosilvi'll check that out.06:46
meiri get a permission denied when i try to ls or read my mounted windows partition06:46
meiri added a line to fstab to mount it (it's ntfs) with options ro, user, noauto06:46
TrixyHey guys, I need some advice. Kismet hates ndiswrapper. What do I do?06:47
monsterbI did a Synaptic install of xmms-skins ... cannot find them - where did it install them?06:47
nathanaelYou need to change the fstab entry06:47
meiri can mount it without sudoing but i can't read anything06:47
felixdacatdracosilv - I setup a machine at work using it in about an hour and it works great.06:47
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meirnathanael, what should i change?06:47
intelikeythis is my hour....  some body tell me how to fix my stinking initrd.img06:47
Hobbseemeir: modify this line, to suit your system "/dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       0"06:47
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crimsunintelikey: have you tried reverting to the stock one?06:47
nathanaelI googled it, but hang on...06:47
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thatGuy_meir, what are you using for your wifi?06:47
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meirahh thanks Hobbsee, it's the umask i forgot to set06:48
joshrcan someone tell me how i should partition my hdds please06:48
intelikeycrimsun the one for the hoary kernel ?06:48
meirthatGuy_, ndiswrapper06:48
Hobbseemeir: not a problem :)06:48
crimsunintelikey: no, the one for your kernel as distributed by Ubuntu06:48
nathanaelmeir:/dev/hda1       /xp     ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=02222        0       006:48
thatGuy_meir, so you uninstalled it in order to reinstall it?06:48
linux_galorejoshr: varies06:48
intelikeycrimsun it's the one that wont mount the /06:48
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linux_galorejoshr: just use the default for now06:48
intelikeyit drops me into a busybox shell in ramfs06:49
joshrI need to know what format my second hdd will need to be in, i dont want to have to mount it later on, it is a pain06:49
joshri have tried b4 without success06:49
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linux_galorejoshr: if you want to do ,multiple installs though and to make life easy I would make /home  its own partition06:49
intelikeycrimsun  it drops me into a busybox shell in ramfs06:49
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joshrthe second hdd is for file storage only06:49
crimsunintelikey: ask keybuk in #ubuntu-boot on Monday06:49
thatGuy_meir, can i get advice on what you did?06:50
linux_galorejoshr: Linux only or mixed06:50
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joshrlinux only06:50
intelikeycrimsun arrrrg  ;/06:50
linux_galorejoshr: doesnt really matter ext3 should be fine06:50
thatGuy_meir, i'm trying to get the bcm43xx drivers off of mine also06:50
linux_galorejoshr: Linux isnt hung up on a single file system like windows06:51
intelikeywhat leave it running until then...... ?   it won't boot.06:51
meirthatGuy_, do you mind if i msg you in private?06:51
Xenolithsorry to be a bother, but would any of you guys be able to help me with a ubuntu wireless problem?06:51
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thatGuy_meir, ok06:51
meirXenolith, shoot ;)06:51
bur[n] er_thatGuy_: you're using breezy?06:51
nathanaelFavorite FIlesystem anyone? Reisier?06:51
joshrwhen i try to format more than one hdd in the partitioner that is in setup it gives both drives a swap and ext3 are both supposed to have a swap?06:51
crimsunintelikey: what're the particularls of your / ?06:51
thatGuy_bur[n] er_, no i'm using dapper06:51
linux_galore<- prefers XFS as his default file system06:51
vitriolwhat media player can i use to play a streaming 'winamp aac+' station?06:51
intelikeycrimsun  sda1 ext2    scsi06:51
crystalhlo, just installed warthog, need to access root, how do i?06:51
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linux_galorenathanael: all the tests show XFS has the best all rounder06:52
thatGuy_meir, just now identified to accept msgs06:52
tonyyarussoubotu: tell crystal about sudo06:52
zhenredoes webmin work in ubuntu06:52
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linux_galorezhenre: yep06:52
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nxI've got SuSE 10 on Reiserfs, my Ubuntu install is on ext3.  I'm wondering if that was a stupid thing to do, actually.  I'm not up on FS performance stuff these days.06:52
intelikeycrimsun bios will boot the darn thing  but linux dapper cant mount it....06:52
joshrlinux_galore when i partition more than one hdd with the installers partitioner it gives both hdds a swap and ext3, is this normal?06:52
XenolithI've setup a network bridge in windows xp so that ubuntu can connect wirelessly and get details via DHCP from the router and use the internet. Its been able to connect and I see signal strength, however the ubuntu machine isn't connecting to the internet or able to ping06:52
tonyyarussocrystal: You do realize that Warty Warthog is old, and there are newer releases, right?06:53
vitriolnx: no it shouldn't really matter06:53
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linux_galorejoshr: no you dont need multiple swaps one is more than enough even with multiple installs06:53
zhenrelinux_galore: it doesn't install via apt-get do I need to add a repository (I think I've got universe and multiverse)06:53
nxvitriol: Whew.  Thanks.06:53
intelikeytonyyarusso what kernel you running ?06:53
linux_galorezhenre: yea06:53
crimsunintelikey: hmm, let me see if I can find the exact sequence of commands that Scott gave me when he was assisting me.06:54
Apostle^are the ATI made drivers faster or, open source?06:54
tonyyarussointelikey: 2.6.12-10-68606:54
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tonyyarussointelikey: (Only for another day or two probably.)06:54
linux_galorejoshr: swap is flushed on every reboot06:54
juansoy nuevo aca06:54
smb_i need help playing wmv06:54
Apostle^are the ATI made drivers faster or, open source?06:54
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juani am a new user06:54
linux_galorejoshr: its not a storage thing its more a cache06:55
intelikeytonyyarusso i just up'd to dapper and 2.6.15  wont  boot  for crap.06:55
bur[n] er_Apostle^: faster not open06:55
MadpilotApostle^, the ATI ones06:55
tonyyarussointelikey: Icky.  That's what I was going to do too.  Live CD works, I know that much.06:55
mDotsmb_ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:55
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Xenolithmeir: any ideas?06:55
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tonyyarussojuan: Hi.06:56
bigfoot1anybody have any recommendations of a good place to get sounds for "system sounds" (Sound Preferences)?06:56
Apostle^Madpilot: im running the ATI ones and doom3 is choppy, i have a pci-express 256MB card.. this is crazy06:56
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intelikeytonyyarusso yeah i don't know what went south,  but something in the initrd.img is fubar06:56
juanwere do u live06:56
sessSo how in the hell do I get flash to have sound?06:56
tonyyarussointelikey: Strange.06:56
linux_galorebigfoot1: depends what your default desktop is ?? gnome or kde06:56
sessThis is like the last thing I need06:56
tonyyarussojuan: This channel is for support.  General chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please.06:56
bigfoot1linux_galore: gnome06:56
zhenrehow do I get to root...su with the initial password I set up isn't working06:56
linux_galorebigfoot1: www.gnome-look.org06:57
orbinlinux_galore: how would the DE matter?  they're just sounds.06:57
bigfoot1linux_galore: ty06:57
linux_galoreorbin: because there themes06:57
sessSound in flash anybody?06:57
Apostle^Madpilot: any ideas06:57
mDotthere is no real root in ubuntu, thats what sudo is for, if you need to you can create a root terminal shell by doing sudo -s -H06:58
MadpilotApostle^, not really, I don't know anything about PCI-E06:58
bigfoot1linux_galore: are there official sounds for the Ubuntu Theme?06:58
=== intelikey hopes crimsun finds a jackpot of howto.....
Apostle^Madpilot: i just wonder why doom3 runs bad06:58
linux_galorelast I looked gnome and kde put there sound themes in different places06:58
=== stephenhome [n=stephenh@cm218-254-16-38.hkcable.com.hk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:58
orbinlinux_galore: oh i see06:58
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sessBut you can do it06:59
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sessTwo steps06:59
intelikeyzhenre  ^06:59
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sessYou have to enable root local login via GDM and you have to give a password to root in users and groups06:59
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Apostle^and it's stupid06:59
oldFart_is amarok kde only?06:59
nathanael_I have made a discovery: Whenever a disk is mounted under /media, Ubuntu automatically places an icon on the desktop06:59
HaxoR91hey how can i delete the xpti.dat file?07:00
nathanael_One without the "shortcut" arrow07:00
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HaxoR91frommy mozilla folder?07:00
Apostle^Madpilot: if i were to just try the open source drivers i could switch back to ati after the test right?07:00
intelikeysess giving the passwd for root is easy    sudo passwd07:00
MadpilotApostle^, yes07:00
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sessthat way works too07:00
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sess_jason, how do you get sound in flash?07:00
linux_galoreoldFart_: you can run amarok from within gnome, you just need to have the kde base stuff installed07:00
Apostle^Madpilot: just reconfigure xorg and ctrl+altr+bspace right?07:00
intelikeyit's also easy to "relock" the passwd    sudo passwd -l07:00
HaxoR91hey how can i delete the xpti.dat file?07:00
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HaxoR91from my mozilla folder?07:01
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_jasonsess: what version of firefox and ubuntu?07:01
MadpilotApostle^, probably - the fglrx stuff works for me, I've not had to do any experimenting07:01
zhenreintelikey: how do you view secured files?07:01
nathanael_I tried Dapper Beta, but found it to be too buggy for use07:01
sessff 1.0.807:01
sessand breezy07:01
intelikeyzhenre as root07:01
nathanael_Eventually wouldn't boot07:01
Apostle^Madpilot: the ati driver shows up as fglrx also in the xserver list, what do i choose?07:01
HaxoR91hey how can i delete the xpti.dat file?07:01
HaxoR91hey how can i delete the xpti.dat file?07:01
HaxoR91from my mozilla folder?07:01
intelikeyHaxoR91 as root07:01
nathanael_Any recommendations ona good Mac OSX-like Dock app?07:02
sessHaxoR91, stop asking the same question over and over again please.07:02
HaxoR91whats the command?07:02
linux_galorenathanael report any bugs07:02
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sessnathanael, good luck finding one07:02
sessif you do tell me07:02
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_jasonsess: sudo aptitude install alsa-oss && echo 'FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"' > ~/.mozilla-firefoxrc07:02
intelikeysudo rm path/to/file07:02
Apostle^HaxoR91: sudo rm -r xpti.dat07:02
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nathanael_no I couldn't get logged back in, and I'm not sure what caused it07:02
_jasonsess: (restart firefox)07:02
intelikeyApostle^ -r ?07:02
linux_galorenathanael yes no brainer for the dock app let me get the link07:02
nathanael_Can KAramba be used in Gnome?07:02
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Apostle^intelikey: habit :-p07:02
HaxoR91rm: cannot remove `xpti.dat': No such file or directory07:02
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intelikeywhy recursive ?07:02
sesswhat did i just install?07:02
linux_galorenathanael theres actually a OSX Docker clone for Linux07:03
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_jasonsess: alsa-oss, let's you run oss apps through alsa07:03
nathanael_linux_galore: What is it called?07:03
intelikeyHaxoR91 i told you add the path.07:03
HaxoR91hey i got an error07:03
sesswell it worked freakin A07:03
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Apostle^is the 'ati' entry in the xorg configuration even an option or does it not work?07:03
HaxoR91what paht?07:03
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sessOne thing I wish ubuntu had was multi file support07:04
CraiZEhello, is there a batch image converter? i want to convert from TGA to JPEG, but lots of images, how can i do that?07:04
nathanael_linux_galore: What is it called?07:04
sessIn windows you can select a bunch of mp3s and press enter07:04
linux_galorenathanael here we go Kxdocker for Linux -> http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=1095507:04
intelikeyHaxoR91  ~/.mozill[tab-key]     and keep going till you get there.07:04
sessthey would just file into winamp or wmp is there something like that in ubuntu?>07:04
nathanael_linux_galore: Thanks!07:05
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orbinApostle^: it's an option.  doesn't work for most cards from what i've seen though07:05
orbinApostle^: go w/ fglrx07:05
Apostle^orbin: i have the open source ones installed, and the ati07:06
Apostle^orbin: but i think only one is = to fglrx07:06
sess_jason, now whats up with this...I think I installed mplayer for firefox and now when I open a wmv it plays for just a second and then stops, if I refresh it closes firefox07:06
linux_galoreIve got the latest kxdocker app installed with xgl, not bad07:06
nathanael_OK - I know IRC polls are annoying, but who's using KDE, and how many on Gnome?07:06
Apostle^orbin: how do i know if i'm using free or ati driver07:06
orbinApostle^: free is ati.  fglrx isn't ... afaik07:06
linux_galoreor e17 depends on my mood07:06
Apostle^orbin: my doom3 plays like crap trying to find out why07:07
crimsunintelikey: boot with mount=break, then follow what keybuk says on http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-boot-2005-12-01.html beginning at 09:41 (near the bottom) after I rejoin07:07
_jasonsess: try running firefox from a terminal and recreating it, see if you get any useful output07:07
Hobbseenathanael: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic07:07
orbinApostle^: what driver are you currently using?07:07
nathanael_linux_galore: Did you find XGL difficult to set up?07:07
HaxoR91didnt work07:07
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intelikeycrimsun ok... fetching file now.07:07
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Apostle^orbin: the ati one i think07:07
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linux_galorenathanael not really its the plugins for the effects that are fiddly07:08
nboundhow do i get my video's to thumbnail?07:08
sess_jason, Warning: a .mozilla-firefoxrc file has been found in your home directory07:08
sessWhile it is still supported, it is recommended to move it to07:08
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Apostle^orbin: how do i know if it's the free one or not07:08
sessyeah same thing07:08
orbinApostle^: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf | tail -107:08
sessIt starts to download the file, stops playing it, and locks up the player07:08
_jasonsess: interesting... maybe you should move that file then just to use the right policy (but it has nothing to do with your lock up)07:09
Apostle^orbin:         Driver          "fglrx"07:09
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intelikeycrimsun url bad ?07:09
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sess_jason, you just lost me07:09
crimsunintelikey: no, it's definitely valid07:09
orbinApostle^: ok, so you're using the binary driver i guess.  did you install it via the wiki?07:09
intelikeyi cant find a file  cp/pasted your url07:09
linux_galoresess I usually just wget url   the file and then play it07:09
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nboundhow do i get my video's to thumbnail in nautilus... ive just clean reinstalled but i dont remember what to do?07:09
Apostle^orbin: the cchtml.com wiki07:09
tmnanybody know if installing portage would screw up Ubuntu?07:10
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orbinApostle^: never heard of the site.  you should stick to the official wiki07:10
linux_galoretmm you bet07:10
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nboundtmn, id say so :P07:10
orbinubotu: tell Apostle^ about ati07:10
crimsunintelikey: I just (re)loaded it, so it's valid...07:10
sess_jason, http://pastebin.com/67637007:10
Apostle^orbin: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide07:10
intelikey   The requested URL /~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-boot-2005-12-01.htm was not07:10
intelikey   found on this server.07:10
tmnwhat do you think would it screw up? apt?07:10
crimsunintelikey: you stripped the 'l'07:11
linux_galoretmm like asking if putting nitros in your mums car would cause some problems when she drops the kids off and hits the wrong button07:11
nboundprobably, and it would probably have some dependencies not available (easily) for ubuntu07:11
intelikeycrimsun  not intentionally... single quoted it.07:11
_jasonsess: mv ~/.mozilla-firefoxrc ~/.mozilla/firefox/rc07:11
orbinApostle^: ah, dapper.  that's where i say goodbye. :-/07:11
lukewho know why my gnome be without borders on windows while using aixgl  ?07:11
nboundif u really want portage just use gentoo07:11
orbinApostle^: have you asked in the dapper channel yet?07:12
Apostle^orbin: no07:12
orbinApostle^: #ubuntu+107:12
linux_galoretmn:  also portage has its own system for dependencies07:12
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_jasonsess: pastebin what about:plugins displays when  you type it in firefox's address bar07:12
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orangeyhey all!07:12
tmnis anybody else having problems with lmsensors? I have an nForce2 chipset, it says no sensors found, somebody configed it for me before my last reformat but I didn't know anything about linux back then07:12
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orangeyI have a problem with dapper beta.07:13
orbinApostle^: i don't run dapper, but if you have fglrx installed and you seem to have 3d accel but it still sucks.  i'd say it's b/c ati cards suck under linux unfortunately07:13
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)07:13
linux_galoretmn: did you isntall the nvidia drivers07:13
intelikeycrimsun i cp/pasted "http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-boot-2005-12-01.htm"  both in console and in links   they both give file not found error.....07:13
Apostle^orbin: ;\07:13
sess_jason, http://pastebin.com/67637307:13
orbinApostle^: but there may be a few tweaks you could do07:13
tmnfor the chipset?07:13
answerguyI have an off-topic question: I've just created a very simple PAM module ... and I've packaged it up as a tarball and in RPM form.  (The tarball contains a working .spec file .. which I've tested)07:13
Apostle^orbin: like ?07:13
linux_galoretmn: yes07:13
orbinApostle^: dunno them myself.07:14
tmnI started to, but it said it's just for audio (if I remember correctly)07:14
_jasonsess: you said you wanted to use mplayer right?07:14
answerguyOnce ... many eons ago ... I "debiatized" some package ... just to teach myself how.07:14
Apostle^orbin: :-907:14
intelikey<crimsun> intelikey: boot with mount=break, then follow what keybuk says on07:14
sessI want to use anything that will play wmv's07:14
intelikey          http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-boot-2005-12-01.htm07:14
crimsunintelikey: .html, not .htm ...07:14
calamariis there some kind of power / acpi control panel so that I can stop my drives from powering down?07:14
intelikeythat's your post  ^07:14
tmnI'm sure there's another way though... a friend of mine did something and got them working before?07:14
answerguyThe question: where would be the best place for me to ask for a little coaching on how to package this PAM module for Debian/Ubuntu as well?07:14
intelikey   i asked if it was right.....07:14
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orbincalamari: gnome-poer-manager07:14
linux_galoreor kpowersave07:15
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calamariorbin: thanks!07:15
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_jasonis there a proper way to make firefox use the mplayer plugins instead of libtotem_mozilla.so that's placed in the plugins directory (and other than placing them in ~)?  (I don't like delete libtotem_mozilla.so since it belongs to a package)07:15
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Madpilotanswerguy, for packaging, you might want to try #ubuntu-motu07:15
ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.07:15
_jasonsesstreets: you have mplayer installed already?07:15
sesstreetsBeats me07:15
linux_galore_jason: yes theres is an extensions for that07:15
answerguyThanks Madpilot ... I will07:16
sesstreetsI used easy ubuntu and clicked the mplayer for firefox07:16
_jasonsesstreets: pastebin ls /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/07:16
answerguyAnother question: what would be the best channel to discuss PAM programming and sudo?07:16
linux_galore_jason: lookup MediaPlayer Connectivity extension07:16
orbinApostle^: sorry dude.07:16
Apostle^orbin: no problem, i'm getting quake 4 so we'll see if it's a doom3 only game07:17
Apostle^orbin: problem*07:17
_jasonlinux_galore: well I want to use the mplayer plugin,, I believe that extension opens up media in external players of my choice right?07:17
linux_galore_jason: its on the mozilla/firefox extensions home page07:17
sesstreets_jason, http://pastebin.com/67637707:17
crimsunintelikey: I'm positive I pasted html, I'd verify with ubuntulog, but -current hasn't caught up07:17
intelikeycrimsun hahha i see what you are saying too.....  bx proke the url between m & l   and i thought you said  I  after the url.   hehhe.07:17
linux_galore_jason: you can set it to anything you want with that extension07:17
_jasonubotu: tell sesstreets about replacetotem07:18
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tmnanybody try gnome 2.14 on breezy?07:18
_jasonsesstreets: after you do those three steps, make sure you grab !w32codecs as well07:18
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sesstreetsI got that already07:18
_jasonsesstreets: got what?07:18
tmnI tried compiling Gnome 2.14 and installed all the dependencies and compilers but got an error like [9]  error *all07:19
sesstreetsthe win32 codecs07:19
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linux_galore_jason: click on Tools -> Extension  then click on  get more extensions   then search for MediaPlayer Connectivity07:19
ubotumplayer is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106107:19
_jasonlinux_galore: k thanks07:19
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tmnnobody tried gnome 2.14?07:19
_jasontmn: wait a month for dapper07:19
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tmnI didn't know it's coming out next month07:20
_jasontmn: June 1st :)07:20
mDotnot next month07:20
linux_galorewell the review of dapper are very good07:20
nboundanyone know how to get video thumbnails working... i have all the codecs...07:20
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orbinnbound: none of them are coming up?07:21
linux_galorethey all comment about the speed being better07:21
orbinnbound: check nautilus' preview prefs.07:21
nboundorbin, nope, only image ones07:21
sesstreets_jason, did all those three steps trying right now07:21
Madpilotlinux_galore, I've tried the Dapper LiveCDs, just to test, and it's almost as fast running in LiveCD as my installed Breezy...07:21
ubotuhmm... restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats07:21
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats07:22
linux_galoreMadpilot: yeah I found that too07:22
thatGuy_are there any issues with using the ndiswrapper from apt-get?07:22
nboundorbin, still no go, even when set to preview files smaller than 1GB07:22
sesstreetsyeah it worked07:22
=== answerguy loves the 6.04 beta Live CD he just tried :)
thatGuy_apt-get and synaptic would get the same version right?07:22
intelikeycrimsun are you under crimsun or some other name ?07:22
linux_galorethatGuy_: yes07:22
_jasonsesstreets: great, I'm off to bed now, night07:22
orbinnbound: what file format are they in?07:22
sesstreetsmore more thing07:22
sesstreetsThe controls arent showing07:22
nboundthey worked before i clean reinstalled07:22
tmnhey does anybody know what file to edit in order to see what programs/daemons start with linux? for some reason my sshd starts and it's not the most secure thing to have running all the time07:23
orbinnbound: are you in icon view?07:23
intelikeynm i found you on the second 9:40 list07:23
linux_galoretmn: actually its very secure07:23
_jasonsesstreets: sometimes they don't show, it got better with later releases of the plugin.  You can right click on it though (and make sure the configure options say to show controls too)07:23
sesstreetsI did07:23
sesstreetsthey still wont show07:23
IceToxDo anyone know how to start the program "xmms-infopipe" ? I downloaded it to use along with a plugin for xchat, but didn't really find out to start it. "xmms-infopipe" in terminal does not start it.07:23
calamariis there some kind of power / acpi control panel so that I can stop my drives from powering down? neither kpowersave nor gnome-power-manager seem to give a disk setting07:23
_jasonsesstreets: yeah, sometimes they don't :/07:23
linux_galoretmn: Ive got ssh sessions open on all my machines, as long as you keep it up_to_date you dont have issues07:24
sesstreetsmuch thanks anyway07:24
answerguytmn: there are a number of files under /etc/init.d and the various /etc/rc*.d directories07:24
tmnmy friend knows my root passwd though and even though he helps me through sshd I wouldn't trust it. I want to disable it from starting up when the system07:24
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tmnthanks, I'll look them up07:24
sesstreets_jason, I just think its wimp.com thats messing it up07:24
answerguytmn: what runlevel do you start in?07:24
linux_galoretmn: Ubuntu has no root password by default and you can setup ssh to not allows root07:24
lazyb0yhey guys ima n00b... not hearing any sound...it sucks...????07:25
orbinnbound: dapper or breezy?07:25
nboundorbin, breezy07:25
nboundlazyb0y, get some drivers for it07:25
tmnI enabled root, can't live without it ;) and I need it in sshd for when I need help from a friend, I just don't want it starting with linux07:25
answerguyThe normal practice is to remove or rename the /etc/rc*.d/S*ssh symlinks from those runlevels in which you want to disable ssh07:25
lazyb0yfigured that .... i dont know what is is .... where should I look.... ginaric drivers?07:26
tmnI'm not sure what yo mean by that07:26
answerguytmn: a better solution would be for you to give your friend his own account and either add him to sudo or, better yet, learn how to use multi-user screen sessions07:26
orbinnbound: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3307&highlight=video+preview+nautilus07:26
tmnthere is a sudo group?07:26
answerguyThen you'd passwd -l $MYFRIEND when you dont' want him logging in07:26
linux_galoretmn: everything thats started up is linked in one directory  remove the link and it wont load07:26
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answerguytmn: sudo is configured by /etc/sudoers07:27
nboundorbin, dont worry i fixed it anyway07:27
answerguyYou can modify it by using the command visudo07:27
orbinnbound: how?07:27
billytwowillyis the expected release date really june?07:27
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nboundim an idiot, should have deleted the .thumbnails earlier07:27
intelikeyah crimsun that's not going to be usefull for me is it ?    you are accessing things on the hd   no?07:27
answerguyRead the sudoers man page first ... and it's pretty picky about the syntax so it's not easy07:27
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orbinnbound: ah07:27
oldFart_where has the location textbox gone?07:28
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tmnyou have to enable it07:28
oldFart_thats just evil07:28
tmnopen gconf-editor07:28
intelikeycrimsun i mean while keybuk had you testing things....07:28
lazyb0yalright ... its mos def driver issue,,,if you guys could just send me to a site with good sound drivers that would save alot of searchin07:28
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tmnchoose nautilus07:28
tmnit's one of the setting07:28
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mDotim going to go ahead format my windows partition, how can i go about reclaiming that space?07:28
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crimsunintelikey: he stepped me through the udev/initramfs process to chase down a race condition07:29
capiCrimmhow do you use <(or > I forget) to write files in the CLI?07:29
crimsunintelikey: if you can mount / by following those instructions, you'll need to let him know07:29
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nboundlazyb0y, do it yourself, we arent ur slaves07:29
ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:29
sesstreetsI now have EVERYTHING I had in winblows07:29
etmntsame here07:29
etmnteven photoshop :)07:29
sesstreetsNow I just need a kick ass wallpaper07:29
sesstreetshowd u get that working?07:30
etmntcrossover office07:30
sesstreetsdid u download it?07:30
IceToxDo anyone know how to start the program "xmms-infopipe" ? I downloaded it to use along with a plugin for xchat, but didn't really find out to start it. "xmms-infopipe" in terminal does not start it.07:30
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etmntof course not ;)07:30
lazyb0yfine i will .... just thought you guys would know thw specalized sites ...peace07:30
nboundIceTox, google it07:30
nboundlazyb0y, check the manufacturers site for ur card07:30
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orbinIceTox: read the man page and/or docs07:31
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intelikeycrimsun ok....  i have it mounted now.   but not via the same method.    i'm trying to learn what you were doing there.   let me study it some more.07:32
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ferronicahi room07:32
ferronicaneed help07:32
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ferronicaany one gona help me???07:33
etmntwith what07:33
nboundferronica, might help if u asked a question ;)07:33
ferronicain booting07:33
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sesstreetsYou know they should recreate the win+d key for ubuntu07:33
sesstreetsI wonder if u can do that...07:33
uenyiohawhich package provides stdio.h07:33
nboundferronica, what about booting07:33
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ferronicai am using two OS in seperate HDD07:33
ferronicai use to boot my computer via  ubuntu07:34
orbinsesstreets: check sys>prefs>k/board shortcuts07:34
nbounduve put windows on the other one and now its screwed up?07:34
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ferronicanbound: in GRUB ubuntu show me Xp pro when i choose it to boot, error came NTLDR missing07:34
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ferronicanbound: So anyhelp???07:35
nboundferronica, i had that problem once when i used to use windows... ummmm07:35
nboundi think i rewrote the boot sector and/or the mbr07:36
calamariyay.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161362&highlight=disk+powering07:36
ferronicanbound:is there any problem with ubuntu menu list/??07:36
nboundferronica, no i dont think so07:37
nboundNTLDR is an XP thingy07:37
etmntdid you manually add XP to grub? or it was installed before linux?07:37
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intelikeyw3m  howto  go back ?07:38
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Frogzooferronica: did you install ubuntu & xp to separate partitions?07:39
nboundFrogzoo, he did... on separate disks07:39
intelikeycrimsun you still have the .deb you installed to fix it ?    :)07:39
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nboundany aussies here get annoying cutoffs from the repositories when dloading wine?07:40
orbinintelikey: backspace or alt+left?07:40
nboundor is it just me :P07:40
crimsunintelikey: that debugging session was for udev, though07:41
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crimsunintelikey: if you were able to mount /, please file a bug/let keybuk know07:41
orbinnbound: #ubuntu-au07:41
orbinnbound: probably just you though. :P07:42
nboundorbin, lol07:42
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:42
sEbaKiLLeRthanks bot!07:42
sesstreetsme gusta espanol07:42
sesstreetsel mi no hablo espanol v_v07:43
sEbaKiLLeRi always forget the name of the channel so i ask to the bot!07:43
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intelikeyorbin  not  [bs] 07:43
etmnthablo espanol07:43
sEbaKiLLeRq suerte07:43
sEbaKiLLeRmetete en #ubuntu-es07:44
etmntmuy suerte!07:44
sEbaKiLLeRbye !07:44
intelikeyyes crimsun but do you still have the  .deb he had you dl that patched your udev ?07:44
etmntque es metete...07:44
nboundorbin, sorry i cant pm07:44
sEbaKiLLeRjoin the spanish channel07:44
etmntmy spanish sucks though07:44
etmntonly 4 years of it07:45
sesstreetsSeriously which came first windows mozilla or linux mozilla07:45
sEbaKiLLeRlinux !07:45
sesstreetsBecause I know firefox is based on Moz07:45
nboundsess, windows i think07:45
etmnthablo espanol muy mal07:45
onthostim pretty sure it was windows07:45
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nboundcoz mozilla is based on netscape07:45
nboundand netscape was windows and mac07:45
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sEbaKiLLeRmozilla is not based in netscape!!!07:45
qalimasThe #wormux channel is dead, anyone here I can talk to generally about the game?07:45
sesstreetsAlso...I noticed that both firefox and thunderbird have larger file sizes then their windows counter parts07:46
sesstreetshow come?07:46
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ferronica_hi room07:46
nboundsEbaKiLLeR, well they have the same development team or something07:46
sesstreetsferronica, HI07:46
sEbaKiLLeRmozilla is not like netscape07:46
sesstreetsits based on netscape07:46
sEbaKiLLeRnetscape has copied the GUI07:46
onthostmozilla was the open source spinoff of netscape07:46
etmntbuilt off gecko07:46
nboundthank you sesstreets07:46
etmntnetscape was out before mozilla07:46
sesstreetsI think netscape used gecko07:47
ferronica_help me......07:47
sEbaKiLLeRlook the first mozilla and tell me07:47
sesstreetsferronica, whats wrong?07:47
etmntopera is also built on older versions of gecko07:47
onthostThe Mozilla project's launch by Netscape in 19907:47
sesstreetsbut tweaked*07:47
onthostit is a netscape project07:47
|main|opera isnt built on gecko07:47
sesstreetsYes it is07:47
sesstreetsor is it...07:47
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sesstreetswait ill check07:47
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sesstreetsim thinkin that opera uses msies engine07:48
|main|opera 100% is not gecko.07:48
|main|because gecko is the worst engine there is07:48
etmntno it's not msies07:48
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|main|the slowest, and the biggest.07:48
orbin#ubuntu-offtopic please guys07:48
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nboundorbin, oh cmon its a slow day in here07:49
IceToxthanks orbin.. I don't even know why I didn't think of that.. *blushes*07:49
etmntyou're wrong. Opera's base is Mozilla (1.4) Gecko07:49
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echo anyone know how to create icons on a fluxbox desktop?07:49
etmntand it was taken out of the project eaely, so it's actually and older version of Gecko07:49
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etmntthat's why it doesn't support CSS307:49
orbinnbound: yes, but i can already see it's gonna generate into a browser war07:50
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IceToxOhzie, now I remember.. there was no manual for it orbin :-)07:50
Madpilotetmnt, um, no. And Opera 9 supports bits of CSS3, as well07:50
IceToxsorry Ohzie07:50
etmntI haven't tried 907:50
OhzieYou use xchat. ;D07:50
|main|so you re gonna say embedded opera uses gecko?07:50
orbinIceTox: any docs in /usr/share/doc?07:50
ferronica_nbound: where r u?07:51
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etmntnot sure about Opera907:51
etmnteverything before it is built off early Gecko (1.4)07:51
|main|when was gecko 1.4 released?07:51
Madpilotetmnt, #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to keep talking about browsers, please07:52
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etmntI'm there ;)07:52
lazyboyvortex1 soundcard im not finding much about drivers07:52
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ferronica_nbound: help07:52
ferronica_i can't boot XP from grub07:52
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ferronica_nbound: i can't boot XP from grub07:53
sEbaKiLLeRthat s really a problem07:53
sEbaKiLLeRdo u have any important document?07:53
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IceToxNope, not at all orbin.. I'll trace back that website though.. All I know, I got that xmms thingie from apt-get install07:53
ferronica_i can't boot XP from grub07:54
ferronica_help me07:54
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ferronica_any one free here to help me07:54
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pypcjsinstall grub??07:54
sEbaKiLLeRferronica_ do u have any important doc there?07:54
ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.07:54
sEbaKiLLeRin windows?07:54
ferronica_in Xp?07:55
ferronica_yes yes07:55
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ferronica_yes yes07:55
pypcjshow install xmms207:55
sEbaKiLLeRferronica_ star nautilus as root07:56
ferronica_sEbakiller: yes07:56
Ohziepypcjs: Load up synaptic07:56
OhzieAnd search for xmms07:56
ferronica_sEbakiller: what?07:56
OhzieCheckbox, apply, and you're done. :D07:56
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sEbaKiLLeRferronica_ in a console write: sudo nautilus07:56
intelikeyno use gksudo nautilus07:57
intelikeysEbaKiLLeR you going to walk him through gnome not starting because of the command ?07:57
intelikeygksudo will protect the authoruty files in ~   sudo will let root own them then the next login gnome will fail to load....07:59
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sEbaKiLLeRi think that it cant start because it isnt bad configured07:59
ferronicasEbakiller; whai do07:59
intelikeyuse  gksudo  to start nautilus   not sudo.08:00
ferronicasEbakiller; what i do???08:00
ubotuUse gksudo to run gtk applications with root privileges. Using sudo to start gtk apps can scramble your user account permissions.08:00
ferronicai hav 3 HDD08:01
ferronicatwo IDE and one sata08:01
sEbaKiLLeRgoto /boot/grub/menu.lst08:01
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ferronicain sata XP,IDE ubuntu08:01
thatGuy_HEY YALLL08:01
thatGuy_sry about the caps08:01
onephatmindhey guys08:01
thatGuy_but it took all day!!!!!08:01
thatGuy_and i finally got it08:01
thatGuy_FINALLY got the bcm4306 working08:01
onephatmindhas anybody set up win xp under xen ib ubuntu 6?08:01
thatGuy_clap it up for #ubuntu08:01
sEbaKiLLeRferronica ?08:01
thatGuy_it was all you guys08:01
thatGuy_couldnt have done it without you08:01
ferronicaok menulist opened08:02
Madpilotorbin, there's an #ubuntu-au channel08:02
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ferronicasEbakiller: what to do here08:02
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sEbaKiLLeRferronica look for the line title Windows Xp08:03
blmartin777How do I get wpasupplicant to work with Dapper?08:03
ferronicasEbakiller: in bottom08:04
sEbaKiLLeRferronica wat says in root?08:04
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ferronicasEbakiller: this entry automatically added in the debian installer08:05
orbinMadpilot: yes, in there now. cheers. :)08:05
=== hey560 [n=himesh@S01060011d8c100ff.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ferronicasEbakiller; title  microsoft win Xp08:06
sEbaKiLLeRferronica wat else?08:06
ferronicarootnoverify         (hd2,0)08:06
ferronicamap                (hd0) (hd2)08:07
ferronicamap                (hd2) (hd0)08:07
ferronicachainloader        +108:07
ferronicasEbakiller: my Xp is in SATA08:07
sEbaKiLLeRferronica do u have windows before installing linux?08:07
ferronicasEbakiller: i installed linux  after installing Xp08:08
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sEbaKiLLeRferronica have u moved any partition?08:08
Wo|fAnyone have a copy of install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz mirrored anywhere?08:08
ferronicasEbakiller: like?08:08
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ferronicasEbakiller: i did nothing08:09
tiglionabbitWo|f: can't you get it from macromedia.com ?08:09
PuMpErNiCkLeWo|f: http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash08:09
sEbaKiLLeRdo u have xp and linux in separated hards?08:09
ferronicasEbakiller: just installed ubuntu08:09
Wo|ftiglionabbit: Nope.08:09
blindxI have a folder, my music folder.. with folders like Artist (Album (songs))... i just copied everything in this folder and when I try to chmod them (because the permissions are set to 444), it gives me "Argument list too long" -- any way to get around this?08:09
ferronicasEbakiller: yes seperate hdd08:09
PuMpErNiCkLeWo|f: oh... n/m then08:09
Wo|fPuMpErNiCkLe : I know what the URL for it is, thank you. I need a mirror, as the server isn't available.08:09
PuMpErNiCkLeWo|f: It's working for me.08:10
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Wo|fI'm having some kind of DNS issues with my provider08:10
ferronicasEbakiller: Is there any problem???08:10
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Wo|fpopped out to a shell, but I'm over my Web quota08:10
ferronicasEbakiller: yes?08:10
sEbaKiLLeRferronica how many discs do u have?08:10
ferronicasEbakiller: i hav 3 HDD08:11
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Wo|fI'll give it another try from here08:11
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Wo|fthanks anyhow08:11
sEbaKiLLeRferronica wat says at line root in ubuntu?08:12
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ferronicasEbakiller: One sata two IDE08:12
ferronicasEbakiller: in sata XP and IDE channel 0 ubuntu08:12
ferronicasEbakiller: where is line root?08:12
onthostI need help installing ubuntu on a oldworld mac, any ppc people here?08:12
sEbaKiLLeRin the file menu.lst08:12
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ferronicasEbakiller: ????08:13
PuMpErNiCkLeonthost: iirc from about a year ago, Ubuntu doesn't work so well with ppc08:13
ferronicasEbakiller: in bottom08:13
PuMpErNiCkLeonthost: oldworld ppc, I mean08:13
PuMpErNiCkLeonthost: You may be able to get it to work using a MacOS installation + BootX08:14
onthostpumpernickle: ya i found that out, ive gotton as far as the reboot, and i get thrown to a shell with a error about evms08:14
sEbaKiLLeRwhere says: title ubuntu, kernel...08:14
skplcan someone help me? i have java enabled in my browser which would lead me to believe that it is installed coereectly however when i try to load a java client firefox says it is missing the plugin08:14
onthostit says /sbin/evms not found08:14
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onthosti am brand new to ubuntu, i am a big freebsd geek, but ubuntu is suposted to be easier to install on old world macs08:15
onthostIve followed the instructions on the ubuntu wiki to the T08:15
PuMpErNiCkLenot so much - I think YellowDog was the best for it08:15
ferronicasEbakiller: # title                Linux08:16
ferronica# root                (hd0,1)08:16
ferronica# kernel        /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 ro08:16
=== PuMpErNiCkLe checks the wiki
ferronicathis one08:16
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onthostill give it a try if this wont work08:16
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PuMpErNiCkLeAt least until version 3 they had official support for oldworld macs, and in version 4 BenH set up some kernels separately that would work.08:16
ferronicatitle                Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-38608:16
ferronicaroot                (hd0,0)08:17
ferronicasEbakille: now got08:17
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onthostPuMpErNiCkLe: where could i find these kernels? maybe is it just a matter of using a different kernal08:17
sEbaKiLLeRguarda una copia del documento menu.lst08:17
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ferronicasEbakille: hello08:18
ferronicasEbakille: got ??08:18
ferronicasEbakilleR: got ??08:18
sEbaKiLLeRdoc saved?08:19
ferronicasEbakilleR: Ok08:19
pipI need help! why is there so much promiscuity characters on webpages when I browser with Firefox?08:19
ferronicasEbakilleR: now what i do??08:19
sEbaKiLLeRnow change the line rootnoverify (hd2,0) to root (hd1,0)08:19
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monsterbWhen Dapper is released will I have to do a fresh install?  or can I update 5.10??08:20
sEbaKiLLeRin the part of windows08:20
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Madpilotmonsterb, you can update from 5.1008:21
ferronicasEbakilleR: its better to paste08:21
ferronicaand u read it all08:21
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ferronicagive me the link of paste bin08:21
sEbaKiLLeRsend me the file08:21
ubotuwell, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126908:21
feni realise this question has probably been asked a million times, but why is azureus not in the repository? is it not O/S?08:21
monsterbMadpilot: thats good - thx08:21
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Madpilotferronica, see what ubotu posted above ^^^08:21
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Madpilotferronica, now paste your pastebin URL here08:23
skplcan someone help me with installing java in ubuntu?08:24
skplactually i already installed it and have enabled it in my browser but it is not working08:24
etmnttry installig through automatix?08:24
etmnttry it08:24
skplwhat is it08:24
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etmntsomething that can install it auto for you08:25
ubotuautomatix is, like, totally, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.08:25
etmntalong with firefox08:25
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu08:25
skpldoes not sound so safe either08:25
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skpli have installed it using this method before08:25
skplfor some reason it did not work this time08:25
ferronicasEbakilleR: something missed in that i think08:26
etmnttry again, it's pretty easy and just a script, no reason it shouldn't work for you08:26
ferronicaopen this one08:26
ferronicasEbakilleR: open this one,previous one i missed some line08:27
vixenkMSG chaosstartripper08:27
sEbaKiLLeRsave that08:27
sEbaKiLLeRand restart08:27
ferronicaopen this one08:27
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monsterbskpl: i just installed java and it set up firefox to use it. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy   search for j2re08:28
vixenkMSG DarkS7ar heya baby08:29
=== DarkS7ar chuckles
vixenkMSG DarkS7ar Download:08:29
=== PwcrLinux-Away is now known as PwcrLinux
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, PwcrLinux08:29
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee08:30
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PwcrLinuxStop Flooding!08:30
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sEbaKiLLeRferronica save this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1276608:30
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PwcrLinuxthanks :)08:30
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Hobbseeack.  that alias is screwed!08:31
oldFart_Im dualbooting ubuntu and windows and I would like to access some music that I have on my windows ntfs partition, would anyone dare to give me a hint?08:31
DarkS7arNalioth, bot or live admin?08:31
nalioth_zZzDarkS7ar: what?08:31
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orbinubotu: tell oldFart_ about ntfs08:31
skplmonsterb, that is an outdated version of java though08:31
Hobbseeright, it didnt save correctly the first time!08:31
DarkS7arI was asking if you were a channel bot or a live admin08:31
DarkS7arim gonna guess the latter? heh08:31
nalioth_zZzDarkS7ar: i'm an irritated user atm08:32
alexcamiloHello, i have some questions about edubuntu but its kinda dead in that channel so i'm gonna ask here.08:32
alexcamiloI have some questions about edubuntu. Are there polish versions of the various applications/games? and what are the recommended specs for running edubuntu?08:32
blindxin the "mount" command, how do you specify filesystem08:32
sEbaKiLLeRferronica do u have?08:32
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oldFart_cool. mounting was done automatically in suse so I thought something was wrong :) Im glad nothing is08:32
alexcamiloWould a 650mhz intel celeron cpu and 160mb of ram suffice?08:32
DarkS7arInteresting... anyone can ban anyone here?08:32
nalioth_zZzDarkS7ar: join me in #ubuntu-offtopic08:33
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blindxin the "mount" command, how do you specify filesystem08:33
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ferronica_r u there08:33
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MadpilotDarkS7ar, no, but the ops don't spend all their time op'd here08:34
sEbaKiLLeRferronica yes08:34
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DarkS7arWell, someone was just banned because of me... didnt really think it was fair.. wanted to explain.08:34
ferronica_which one to use08:34
sEbaKiLLeRferronica http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1276608:34
ferronica_this link???08:34
ferronica_what u changed08:34
PwcrLinuxbbl in an hour or so08:34
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ferronica_rootverify to root08:35
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=== Snake__ lurks
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ferronica_seBaKilleR: Is it?08:35
alexcamiloi know the GUI can come in polish. but its kinda pointless if the apps are in english.08:35
dksitedoes the new gnome,2.14 draw black rectangles when minimizing?08:35
Snake__dksite: yes08:36
sEbaKiLLeRferronica ya08:36
dksitedo u like them08:36
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Snake__dksite: ehhh no prefrence. dont mind them with or without08:36
ferronica_seBaKilleR: but u told me to change hd2,0 to hd1,008:36
alexcamilocan anyone hear me? did i register correctly?08:37
ferronica_seBaKilleR: if something gose wrong then?08:37
Madpilotalexcamilo, welcome to Ubuntu08:37
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alexcamilook cool. i think some of the stuff i previously said didn't go through cause i just noticed the topic. XD.08:37
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sEbaKiLLeRferronica u can enter linux again08:38
alexcamiloHello, i have some questions about edubuntu but its kinda dead in that channel so i'm gonna ask here. I have some questions about edubuntu. Are there polish versions of the various applications/games? and what are the recommended specs for running edubuntu? Would a 650mhz intel celeron cpu and 160mb of ram suffice?08:38
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onephatmindhello; how would i go about creating a link to a directory, as in /c linking to /dev/sda6; ln -fs /dev/sda6 /c didn't quite work08:39
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Zlowonephatmind: put it in your fstab08:40
=== SleepySocks [n=oinkuser@209-144-249-56-dyndsl.oplink.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotulsuactiafner: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:40
will_whats the terminal command for delete please ???   'not del like winblows08:40
Madpilotwill_, rm08:40
onephatmindi really wanted to keep it mounted to /dev/sda6 but also link to it with /c08:40
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SleepySockshi everyone..quick question on vmware08:40
lsuactiafneri want to allow users to use the disks mounted for which there are icons on the desktop.. whats the link?08:40
ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the diskmounter file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter  See <partitions>.08:40
=== damian__ [n=damian@mlb-adsl1-11.idx.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
SleepySocksanyone here use it?08:41
fyrestrtralexcamilo: I would suggest more ram; but it should run fine -- a bit sluggish if at times. I am sorry, but I don't know about the translation part.08:41
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damian__hi how do i set a program/command to gnomes startup?08:41
will_Madpilot   rm folder ??08:41
SleepySocksi'm trying to confirm that I have vmware-tools running08:41
Snake__will_: rm -r08:41
Snake__will_: rm = remove -r = recursivly08:41
will_ahh ta08:41
alexcamilohow hard would it be to translate it myself? is the stuff stored in an XML document somewhere?08:41
will_thanks man08:41
ubotuFor a list of basic commands, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands08:41
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damian__SleepySocks: Tigerx86....lol08:42
ferror u there???08:42
grigstie cineva romana?08:42
onephatminddamian: settings -> session -> start up apps..08:42
=== maskd [n=jacob@dsl-220-253-77-250.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ferrou know what r u going to do wid my ubuntu08:42
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onephatmindis there really no way to create a link to a directory?08:42
Snake__onephatmind: symlink.08:43
SleepySocksanyone here ever installed vmware-tools (ubuntu as a guest)08:43
Snake__onephatmind: give me a minute, ill figure out a command08:43
=== jdmpike [n=jordan@CPE-65-26-49-184.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
damian__lol the new macos has been cracked to run on any intel pc not just the new intelmacs everyone seems to be downloading the vmware image of it lately and trying to run it08:43
onephatmindSnake__, thanks a bunch to answering but if you mean ls -s it did not work..08:43
jdmpikedoes anyone in here have their pc hooked up to an HDTV?08:43
PuMpErNiCkLedamian__: It's been cracked or pirated since the developer macs came out.08:43
damian__i only just found out...08:44
arunhello.. is it possible to set the environmental variables permanently.. unlike per terminal setting..08:44
SleepySocksoh, so people are trying to get osx running withing vmware08:44
onephatmindSnke, for answering**;)08:44
Snake__onephatmind: what dirs08:44
alexcamilotried osx86. was fun. had quad boot for a while b4 my plates crashed.08:44
Snake__onephatmind: what dirs are you working with08:44
PuMpErNiCkLedamian__: Try it, it's a good OS. ^^08:44
damian__now if only i could find it:P08:44
SleepySocksI thought of trying that but been having a lot of fun with ubuntu08:44
onephatmindSnake__, i need /c linking to /dev/sda608:44
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onephatmindSnake__, sda6 is a vfat partition08:44
damian__yeah i will be08:44
MadpilotSleepySocks & damian__ - non-Ubuntu chat to #ubuntu-offtopic, please08:45
SleepySocksvmware-tools is suppose to be running as a service, but i dont see it?08:45
SleepySocksok madpilot08:45
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will_for OSX .... try a thing called   parralell workstation ... i think that's what its called ... i saw it advertised yesterday08:45
damian__i mean08:45
Snake__onephatmind: ln -s /dev/sda6 /c08:45
Snake__onephatmind: try08:45
alexcamilowhat is enough memory to run gnome well? 256?08:45
will_and the tigerx86 image can be installed to a fresh harddrive08:45
will_wont run well (if at all) under vmware08:46
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onephatmindSnake__, i did; it creates a /c bit "cd /c" says it is not a directory08:46
damian__yeah reding up on that now08:46
SleepySocksalex it should be fine08:46
Snake__onephatmind: /c is already made right?08:46
jdmpikeI can't get xorg.conf to output to my HDTV - during boot, it outputs 1920x1080i,  but then when x tries to start... it falls apart... anyone have this problem?08:46
damian__it does work fine theres a couple of things you need to turn off under vmwares settings08:46
Snake__onephatmind: when you "ls" in / theres a dir called "c" right?08:46
SleepySocksi run it under vmware with 256k and its quite snappy08:46
damian__apparently again havent tried it yet08:46
onephatmindSnake__, not a dir, a link08:46
onephatmindSnake__, u cant cd into it08:46
=== st3v3dnd [n=steve@24-155-75-254.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
will_well didnt when i tried it ... but was 6 mnths ago ;008:47
will_;] 08:47
Snake__onephatmind: you need to set up a dir first, then it forward /dev/sda6 to /c08:47
SleepySocksdamian, I just want to ensure that the vmware driver service is running08:47
SleepySocksbut I cant see the service using bum08:47
SleepySocksoops bum08:47
ferrohelp me08:47
st3v3dndIs there a Human dark theme?08:47
ferroany one help me08:47
onephatmindSnake__, i tried that as well; then it create a weird /c/sda6 link which is not a dir;)08:47
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>08:47
will_my other problem .... azureus run under XP fine ... port 46665 .... but not under ubuntu ....08:47
Snake__onephatmind: give me a moment to research08:48
ferroi cant boot my XP via ubuntu GRUB08:48
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onephatmindSnake__, i appreciate this08:48
damian__SleepySocks: check your device manager within the installed os08:48
sEbaKiLLeRferro didnt worked?08:48
jdmpikeI can't get xorg.conf to output to my HDTV - during boot, it outputs 1920x1080i,  but then when x tries to start... it falls apart... not how it works with Windows...08:48
onephatmindferro, is it listed at the grub menu?08:48
damian__what os have you installed within vmware? ubuntu?08:48
alexcamiloi'm getting a laptop for my niece in poland. i'm a collage student so i'm stuck to hardware i can afford (old hardware). right now i'm looking at the gateway solo 1150. looks like a cute computer. they go for pretty cheep on ebay. anyone had any horrible experience with this model worth mentioning?08:48
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will_damian__  yah ?08:48
ferrowhat XP08:48
ferrobut cant boot08:49
onephatmindferro, which is it?08:49
SleepySocksdamian, do you happen to know if its within the menus or is it a terminal command?08:49
ferrosaying NTLDR missing08:49
Madpilotubotu, tell alexcamilo about laptop08:49
onephatmindfroo, sp it does boot it up only windows dies with a error right?08:49
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu08:49
Snake__onephatmind: hmmm... this is akward08:49
alexcamilooo shiny thanx!08:49
SleepySocksIm running winxp as a host and ubuntu as a guest08:49
sEbaKiLLeRferro try to enter the partition with linux08:49
Madpilotalexcamilo, np08:49
onephatmindSnake__, weird right08:49
=== BuckWild` [n=Dan@c-68-45-107-72.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotumethinks ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358908:50
SleepySocksim running the latest dapper drake beta08:50
damian__SleepySocks: system->administration->device manager08:50
ferroi dont know abot linux tooo much08:50
pvd2006what is a good pdf viewer for ubuntu?08:50
onephatmindpvd2006, xpdf08:50
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnerhow do i give users access to the various mounted disks?08:50
Madpilotpvd2006, Evince08:51
sEbaKiLLeRmenu system/administrator/disks08:51
onephatmindlsuact..: umask is fstab08:51
damian__SleepySocks: check for the ethernet and display devices there names will include "vmware" in them if they have been installed correctly08:51
pvd2006Madpilot Evince gives me problems like, I can't copy test, and when I go over text it whites out the rest of the text.08:51
SleepySocksok damian08:51
damian__SleepySocks: under vendor i think08:51
Snake__onephatmind: alright man, all you can do is make it so that you cd into a /c/sda6 (thats not alright why??)08:52
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onephatmindSnake__, thanks a lot man;  /c/sda6 is not a dir its a link too;)08:52
Snake__onephatmind: heres what I want you to do08:52
Snake__onephatmind: "sudo mkdir /c && ln -s /dev/sda6 && cd /c"08:53
Madpilotpvd2006, you can install Adobe Acrobat Reader - acroread - it's sometimes the best, although it's a giant bloated app...08:53
=== maskd [n=jacob@dsl-220-253-77-250.NSW.netspace.net.au] has left #ubuntu []
ferrodidnt found....08:53
grigstie cineva romaneste?08:54
onephatmindSnake__, i did that before i asked the questionl it creates a link under /c/sda6;)08:54
ferroin menu.list08:54
pvd2006onephatmind, I don't see an option in xpdf to copy text08:54
pvd2006Is there one?08:54
ferrowhy i am unable to boot Xp08:54
Snake__onephatmind: so thats bad why?08:54
onephatmindpvd2006, madpilot is right, acroread is large but good08:54
=== Snake__ doesnt understand exactly what your trying to acomplish
onephatmindSnake__, because /c/sda6 is not a dir its a link; u cant cd into it08:55
SleepySocksdamian:  I think i may be ok as I see a vmware-user process running from within the system monitor08:55
Snake__onephatmind: are you sure? I can... :)08:55
onephatmindSnake__, in a nutshell; /dev/sda6 is automounted to /media/sda6 oh shoot im a moron08:55
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Snake__onephatmind: you could just make it mount to /c couldnt you?08:56
SleepySockswould that be a good indicator that vmware-tools drivers are working?08:56
onephatmindSnake__, i'm tryin gto ln a dir to a device (/dev/sda6 instead of /media/sda6)08:56
onephatmindsoryr man08:56
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Snake__onephatmind: hmm yes that would make sense :)08:56
=== wireddd [n=wired@66-188-72-233.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
MagnusGoldsteingot cinelerra working under amd64 breezy at last (by the looks)... hooray!08:56
fidbefore I install my new mouse and keyboard, does ubuntu have built in support for usb devices?  I.E. my new mouse and keyboard?08:56
onephatmindSnake__, thanks a million for your efforts man08:56
Snake__onephatmind: I cant believe I didnt catch that :)08:56
Snake__onephatmind: yep08:56
onephatmindfid, a fantastic one08:57
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=== MagnusGoldstein is taking a break now
onephatmindfid, it was the only distro to pick up my sd08:57
Snake__fid: should work :)08:57
fidgonna hook these babies up then haha08:57
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Snake__fid: if you want, get yourself a live disk and test08:58
Snake__but ill bet you it works08:58
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fidya i'm thinking it should,it picked up my ipod shuffle and digital camera with no effort on my part08:58
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Snake__fid: go for it man :)08:58
fidman ubuntu is the shit08:59
=== Riko [n=mitch@S0106001217be8678.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
onephatmindanybody try using ubuntu-server in production?08:59
fidsorry didn't mean to swear08:59
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.08:59
pvd2006I did sudo apt-get remove xpdf, but it still seems to run08:59
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fidhehe my bad08:59
Rikowhat's a good program for unrar w/ ubuntu08:59
=== highvoltage [n=Jono@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuit has been said that rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression08:59
onephatmindpccd, kill it08:59
btaylor5619Can someone here help me with an issue I am having?08:59
alexcamiloanyone know any good pcmcia modems that work under linux. any recomendations?08:59
Snake__Riko: ^^^08:59
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=== Snake__ hopes all this tech support will pay off to someone :)
fidthe custom gnome theme i'm doing is sweeet09:00
=== Draconicus [n=Glitch@c-24-60-219-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DraconicusAre there any issues with dual layer DVDs in Ubuntu Breezy?09:00
=== kev009 [n=kev009@ip70-162-43-70.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Snake__onephatmind: holy = ?09:00
onephatmindZend Studio hangs ans takes ages to close up09:00
onephatmindwgy is that so09:00
btaylor5619Now that I have installed "dgen," how do I go about executing the program?09:00
onephatmindnever had that before09:00
kev009is xen going to make it into dapper?09:00
Snake__kev009: ill check09:00
onephatmindkevor, they promised09:00
=== Znort [n=Znort@82-171-181-106.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
onephatmindkev*;) didnt know how the kevor happened09:01
pvd2006I must be missing something, How do you completely remove a package from ubuntu? I use sudo apt-get remove xpdf and it said it removed but when I tpye in xpdf its still running, I tried running killall -9 xpdf and it said no process killed.09:01
Snake__kev009: xen-tools is here..09:01
fidalex, I haven't rocked a modem with linux for years, but I always went with usrobotics modems09:01
onephatmindpvd2006, then it is not running09:01
DraconicusI'm trying to get my friend onto Ubuntu, but he's backing up to dual-layer DVDs. Is there any reason why they wouldn't work?09:01
Snake__kev009: xengine as well09:02
pvd2006its not running09:02
kev009awesome, I've tried Fedora and OpenSuse but they suck.. I just want a good solid distro for servers where Gentoo is too much09:02
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, btaylor561909:02
pvd2006Im saying, it runs when I retype xpdf09:02
onephatmindpvd2006, try ps -e | grep -i pdf09:02
mDot_Livetrying to merge two ext3 partitions on one physical drive, gparted doesn't appear to be able to do this.... any ideas09:02
alexcamilocorrect me if i'm wrong. stay away from software modems?09:02
ZnortG'morning people. Yesterday I started up my computer, and it checks the HD because it is the 30th time booting without check. All normal alday stuff. But then it detects an error and my whole booting process goes wrong. It sais a file is corrupt and that I should run fsck. So I run fsck, and it crashes again on the same file. Anybody any idea how I can avoid/solve this?09:02
=== dark_ [n=dark@201008107226.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
pvd2006onephatmind, I have something called pdflush open09:03
onephatmindkevor, "they suck" seemds to be a major overstatement09:03
Snake__kev009: OpenSUSE aint bad :) not good for a server tho imho09:03
onephatmindit's been pretty syable in my experience09:04
onephatmindplus the ncurses yast helps out09:04
=== Therasim [n=miles@c-24-18-178-158.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
onephatmindand i am so sorry for the typos09:04
pvd2006ah its xpdf-reader09:04
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alexcamiloi used debian and ubuntu on my "screw around and have fun servers" . nothing has gone horribly wrong. yet.09:05
TherasimCan someone tell me which process and package is associated with the logout/shutdown/restart/sleep/hibernate dialog in Dapper?  I want to submit a bug report for it.09:05
Snake__hmmmm great question Therasim ..09:06
=== Snake__ hunts around
TherasimMaybe someday Gnome will give us a menu editor so I can figure out what each menu item triggers.09:06
onephatmindalexcamilo, well debian is a given, but i am a little afraid to switch production boxes to ubuntu...09:06
TherasimSnake__, I have searched and looked all over the Ubuntu pages.  No joy.09:07
Snake__Therasim: dapper has a menu editor called alacarte (I dont know if its in breezy)09:07
=== Petskull [n=petskull@pppoe.204.205.netband.caribe.net] has joined #ubuntu
fidhmm interesting works perfectly09:07
TherasimSnake__, I will see if I can load it.09:07
onephatmindTherasin, ps it09:07
fidI should have opted for the wireless mouse but I wasn't sure if it would have worked09:07
Therasimonephatmind, I have09:07
alexcamiloi'm not cinfident in my abilities to do anything real important yet. right now i'm lernin. lol.09:07
will_im installing a deb file .... what was the dpkg cmd line again please ???    :D09:07
Therasimonephatmind, I see no new processes started, afaics09:08
lsuactiafnerdpkg -i09:08
Snake__will_: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb09:08
Petskulltry starting with spelling, alx09:08
will_:)   danka !09:08
Petskull...unless that was on purpose...09:08
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Petskull... in which case... um... good one09:08
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ZnortNobody answered, so I think I will explain my question in some more detail. If you can't help, please say so that I am not wasting my time in here. Here we go: When I start up my PC it checks my HD for errors. Then arround app. 60% the check crashes, and I come into a shell. I can't sudo anything because the hostname is "(none)". The system message recommends me to run fsck, so I run fsck and it crashes on the same file. Truely nobody has09:09
Znortgot any idea how to come into a graphical enviroment or to fix this corrupt file?09:09
=== unikuser [n=unikuser@dialpool-210-214-45-22.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu
onephatmindZnort, recovery mode is useless?09:09
Snake__Znort: if someone had a answer they generally would have responded, you could wait a bit longer, or check back at a later time. The forums are open for search as well :)09:09
TherasimSnake__, it appears that the logout/etc dialog is called by the Menu Bar code directly.  At least, alacarte shows no Logout menu item at the bottom of the System menu.09:10
Znortonephatmind, its useless indeed (via grub I suppose)09:10
Snake__Therasim: :(09:10
onephatmindZnort, does it load up?09:10
MadpilotZnort, what happens when you try recovery mode via grub's menu?09:10
TherasimSnake__, that doesn't help me determine which process is rendering the dialog.  :-\09:10
pvd2006I still can't even copy the text with acroread, they must have it protected...09:10
ZnortSnake__: please forgive me =P09:10
Snake__Therasim: indeed09:10
pvd2006this sucks09:10
=== ahalstea_ [n=ahalstea@mo-71-50-20-118.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ZnortMadpilot, onephatmind, I get the same error (with hell a lot of debug output in advantage)09:11
Rikowhat's the story with the unrar-nonfree package?09:11
ahalstea_Hello--If anyone has the time, I'm having trouble with my ftp daemon09:11
Snake__Riko: whats up?09:11
PetskullAnyone know how to get my wifi working on Breezer?09:11
onephatmindZnort, try the recovery mode on the installation cd09:11
PetskullI can connect (I think, but I can't browse09:12
pvd2006looks like im going to have to get past this security so I can copy text from it.09:12
Znortonephatmind, gimme a sec then i'll have a look09:12
RikoSnake__, I've got a bunch of rars broken up... .rar, .r01 r02 r03 etc...09:12
Znortjust cd in and type recovery?09:12
onephatmindPetskull, do you get and ip, mask, gw, dns?09:12
NoUseRiko rar is a non-free format, so to support all the features, you need a non-free software package09:12
Petskullthat's the thing..09:12
onephatmindRiko, apt-get install rar09:12
Snake__Riko: yes, but whatcha mean about the unrar-nonfree package? (go into more detail of the problem)09:12
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Snake__onephatmind: thats not the command ;)09:12
RikoSnake__, so yea what's the story with the nonfree package09:12
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Petskull... I downloaded wifi-radar in order to see the nets..09:13
onephatmindSnake__, ?09:13
Snake__Riko: its free, dont worry :)09:13
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Snake__onephatmind: its install unrar-nonfree :P09:13
Petskull... but I'm not confident that the 'connect' is doing anything...09:13
Snake__Riko: I believe the put (nonfree) as in not open source (perhaps?)09:13
onephatmindSnake__, what sthe difference? are you saying rar wont work?09:13
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
TherasimSnake__, is Ubugtu a bot or a person who might be able to help me?09:14
PetskullThe icon in the tray is counting traffic09:14
Rikolol ok imma try09:14
onephatmindPetskull, run ifconfig and pm me the output09:14
anto9usPetskull, does iwconfig list wlan0 with an inet address?09:14
uboturar is probably a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression09:14
Snake__Therasim: Ubugtu is a bot, as is ubotu09:14
Petskullgimme a few minutes...I'm dual-booting here...09:14
Znortonephatmind, what kernel image should I use at startup with cd in?09:14
=== engla [n=ulrik@kr-lun-116-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
ahalstea_Can anyone help me with anonymous logins and proftpd? (they dont work)09:14
TherasimSnake__, no gurus here who you think could help me?09:14
onephatmindZbort, there is a preset recovery option09:15
=== stuzz78 [n=stuzz78@cor4-ppp763.for.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
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Snake__Therasim: its a bit late atm, and I havnt seen any around09:15
onephatmindTherasim, i think there are gurus here who could help you; dont speculate!09:15
stuzz78xubuntu question..  does anyone know how to turn off the taskmanager?09:15
pvd2006Yep it is protected, Content extraction or copy not allowed it says. so how am I suppose to get the text files out of it they though post within the .pdf that is sort of pointlesss09:15
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Znortonephatmind, how do I access it? Typing recovery or something like that when the ubuntu screen pops up when booting from instal cd?09:16
onephatmindSnake__, so whats wrong with rar?09:16
Snake__!info rar09:16
uboturar: (Archiver for .rar files), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.30-2 (breezy), Packaged size: 239 kB, Installed size: 488 kB09:16
Therasimonephatmind, I have asked and so far you and Snake are the only folks to respond.  I am just wondering whether to go to sleep.09:16
onephatmindZnort, which version?09:16
Snake__onephatmind: heh I wasnt aware that was a package :)09:16
stuzz78not the teakmanager..  sry.  the taskbar!09:16
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Therasimonephatmind, I don't know who else to prod for help.09:16
onephatmindSnake__, you do have to ln unrar to rar though09:17
Znortonephatmind: breezy 5.1009:17
=== Ruckus is now known as aPello
Znortonephatmind: I typed "rescue" and he is now in "rescue mode" is that ok?09:17
onephatmindZnort, when you boot up with the cd it gives you optionsl is there a "Recovery mode" among them?09:17
will_is 'cp'  copy ?09:17
Snake__Therasim: well its 3am here, i believe most of our "gurus" are sleeping09:17
Snake__will_: correct09:17
Znortonephatmind: no09:17
TherasimSnake__, understook.  It's 12:15am here.09:18
onephatmindZnort, do you have a login prompt?09:18
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Therasimunderstood, even.09:18
onephatmindoh is anybody running win xp under xen?09:18
Snake__Therasim: try back in about 14 hours :)09:18
Znortonephatmind: Why would I have a login prompt when booting from install cd as you said?09:18
anto9usTherasim, many dialogs are rendered with zenity09:18
TherasimSnake__, thanks for the clue with alacarte!09:18
Snake__ahh good call anto9us09:18
onephatmindZnort, shoot, i've never tried the rescue option on the cd; what hapened when u picked it?09:18
Snake__Therasim: zenity may be what your after09:18
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stjepananyone here uses Xnest?09:19
Znortonephatmind: Nothing yet, I didnt go any further (coward as I am) but I will try now09:19
Rikohaha thx guys, nonfree worked!09:19
anto9usstjepan, I've used it, you're best off just asking your question for anyone who might know though09:19
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ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.09:19
Testah Hello.09:20
will_is this what it should be looking like please ???          sudo cp /home/will/azureus/Azureus.png usr/share/pixmaps/azureus.png09:20
anto9uswill_, that looks fine09:20
Snake__will_: hmm...seems to look right09:20
stjepanwell, I start Xnest by this command: "Xnest :1", how to open xterm on display :1.0??09:20
onephatmindwill_, it sohuld be /usr not usr09:20
anto9usonephatmind, well spotted :)09:21
Snake__onephatmind: Damn man, your on your game. We need you to lurk in here more often :)09:21
Znortonephatmind: In rescue mode now, doesnt look any different except the text "rescue mode" upon the left corner09:21
Therasimanto9us, the issue I want to file a report on is that when I suspend from that dialog, two problems result.  First, the dialog says that hitting any key should wake up my laptop.  It doesn't.  I have to tap the tiny switch that is triggered by closing my laptop lid.  Secondly, when I resume, the logout/etc dialog is still displayed.  It should be dismissed once it is activated with the suspend command.09:21
TestI'll just ask then- I am testing linux on a dual-boot. The automatic upgrade from 4 to 5 made it unbootable, so I installed Dapper beta. Can the beta upgrade to release, and if it breaks again, can I restore ubuntu without losing data?09:21
will_perfect thankyou ^_^09:21
onephatmindima proud noob09:21
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tritiumTherasim: #ubuntu+1 for dapper, please09:21
Testsorry, tesint ubuntu, not just 'linux' :)09:21
Snake__mighty tritium !09:21
anto9usTherasim, I suspect it's the acpi configuration that you need to look into09:21
onephatmindTherasim, the whole suspend an dhibernate thing is off; especially on laptops09:22
tritiumHi Snake__09:22
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Therasimanto9us, not sure is that would be zenity related.09:22
Testerm... hello?09:22
anto9usTherasim, that's right, it wouldn't be09:22
dj-futhe logout/etc dialog still displayed is Normal.09:23
stjepanif I run "xterm -display :1", it says: xterm Xt error: Can't open display: :109:23
stjepanwhat's wrong? :(09:23
=== A_Serial_Thrilli [n=jon@westsidehub-cuda1-68-67-58-233.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
dj-fusomething about the suspend button becoming pressed once the system restores09:23
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A_Serial_ThrilliIs there a free replacement for Ventrilo?09:23
dj-fustjepan, do you hae a display 1?09:23
Testis there a quiet channel than this?no-one can hear me09:23
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TherasimThanks all.  tritium I'll try the other channel.09:23
dj-fuA_Serial_Thrilli, a replacement or a free client for vent?09:23
Znortonephatmind: I ran through the rescue mode, now I am in a shell. Dont really realize what I can do in there, I will try deleting the corrupt file now09:24
dj-fua replacement would be Teamspeak.. a free client - nope.09:24
stjepandj-fu, I opened it with "Xnest :1"09:24
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dj-fustjepan, `man Xnest` - i have no idea how to use it ;P09:24
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onephatmindZnort, u waned to get x right? put in startx09:24
stjepandj-fu, it says I should open xterm with "xterm -display :1", but it doesn't work :(09:24
anto9usTest, don't format the partition that contains your /home and you shouldn't lose the data09:24
stjepananto9us, any ideas?09:24
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Znortonephatmind: command not found09:25
onephatminduh oh09:25
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onephatmindthen check the disk from there09:25
ZnortWell it sais it may cause SEVERE damage to my HD because the filesys is already mounted09:26
Serial_ThrillistHey I need something like Ventrilo but don't wanna go back to windows . . .09:26
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ZnortSerial_Thrillist: try teamspeak: goteamspeak.com09:26
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Znortonephatmind: umount it?09:27
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onephatmindZnort, do you really have important thing on you old system? maybe you could back up a few files and reinstall?09:27
Znortonephatmind: Except from a highly tweaked wine to run World of Warcraft there isnt anything really important there09:27
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ZnortIs there anyway I can reinstall without hurting me files?09:28
ZnortOnly overwriting the core files?09:29
onephatmindyes but..09:29
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onephatmindit might screw up09:29
onephatmindbut do try that09:29
onephatmindjust mount the old fs as / but do not format it09:29
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.09:29
Znortonephatmind: Im screwed up already, can't get any wose =P09:29
danielnewbiehey, does anyone know the command to change directories up?09:29
danielnewbiein DOS it was cd..09:29
danielnewbiewhat is it in linux?09:29
onephatminddanielnewbie, same in linux09:29
onephatmindgiven it was copied from unix into dos09:30
Znortonephatmind: so "umount /" ?09:30
tritiumdanielnewbie: cd ..09:30
danielnewbieI tried cd.. but it didn't change directories to the parent directory09:30
danielnewbieahh, space09:30
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onephatmindZnort, no; reboot and go for a new install09:31
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Znortonephatmind: will try. AFK now while installing.09:31
alexcamilodanielnewbie: cd, mv, rm. Very useful.  change directory. move. remove.09:31
anto9usstjepan, you could try putting the xterm in your .bashrc09:32
onephatmindZnort, luck09:32
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trevorany girls here09:33
lflashli just update xmms with skins but where do they install to09:33
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lsuactiafnertrevor : you want to pick girls up here? :)09:33
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trevori donno is there any   other rooms09:34
fogoshi everybobody, someone use 915 resolution on dappe beta version?09:34
Madpilottrevor, if you just want to chat, #ubuntu-offtopic09:34
trevoris there any local chat09:34
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anto9ustrevor, this is a tech support chatroom and network for that matter09:34
skplcan someone help me with flashplayer? it is not playing any sound09:34
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onephatmindskpl, is the rest of your sound functioning?09:35
fogos<skpl>, what package has you installed?09:35
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tritiumtrevor: s/is/are09:35
tonyyarussoWhat system files are worth backing up?  fstab, xorg.conf, what else?09:35
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skplonephatmind, yes, the rest of my sound works, just not flashplayer. i have trouble playing videos with it as well09:35
trevorso how do i go to a diffeerent room09:35
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lflashlhow do i find my xmms skins09:36
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onephatmindskpl. fogos's right; what did u install?09:36
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trevorhey i    have a question09:36
=== TiggerUK [i=ident@host86-132-148-65.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
trevori tried to install festival09:37
Petskullopm- that ifconfig is after I was 'connected'..09:37
trevorthe text to speech09:37
skplonephatmind, i installed the flash plugin that my browser recommended. is there a better way?09:37
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ltibor65HI Guys! Help, please! I want to install opera 8.54 for Ubuntu, but it requires xlibs and xlibg6. Where can I download these two files for Dapper?09:37
fogos<skpl>, yes search at synaptic09:37
crimsunltibor65: no, use the debs for Debian testing (etch) from Opera09:38
Petskullltibor- are you online right now with your ubuntu09:38
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crimsunltibor65: those have the correct package dependencies09:38
trevorwill any one talk to me please09:38
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, lsuactiafner09:38
trevori need help09:38
sobbbberwhat program can convert .3gp video to .mpg?09:38
yetistompsubotu, tell me about installing mplayer09:38
onephatmindskplt, listen to fogosl u need plugins09:38
fogos<skpl>, flashplugin-nonfree09:38
yetistompsubotu, tell me about mplayer09:38
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trevori have a question09:39
trevordoes any one know about ksayit09:39
sobbbberwhat program can convert .3gp video to .mpg?09:39
Petskullnever heard of it09:40
Madpilottrevor, if you need help, you'll get it faster by asking a clear, specific question09:40
trevori am wanting to find a text to speech program to when i type it will say it out loud09:40
onephatmindsobbbbbbbbber, kino i think might do that for you09:40
will_is there a "cleanup unneeded junk" option in ubuntu??   my partition is way too small :D09:41
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scarni just installed ubnutu 64bit. how can i update my video drivers?. i only have 3 choices for resolution09:41
trevorwill festival do it09:41
skplfogos, no such package09:41
onephatmindskpl, did you enable all the repos?09:41
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fogos<skpl> do youhave universe and multiverse turned on09:42
onephatmindscarn, it might be you monitor09:42
fogos<skpl>, ?09:42
sobbbberwhat program can convert .3gp video to .mpg?09:42
skplfogos, yes09:42
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scarnhow can i choose my monitor? i dont see na option09:42
fogos<skpl>, i am on dapper. you?09:42
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onephatmindfogos, its in backports09:42
Petskullonephatmind- I pm-ed you that dump09:42
skplfogos, dapper09:42
fidcan anyone recommend a good peer 2 peer software prog?09:43
onephatmindPetskull, i never got anything09:43
=== topyli [n=juha@dsl-hkigw3-fe23de00-139.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
noiesmofid, frostwire09:43
fidi have been told limewire but to no avail have i found it09:43
lflashlwith 3 250gig hard drives what would be the best setup raid 0 or 109:43
fidfrost wire?09:43
MadpilotPetskull, you need to be identified to Freenode to pm users09:43
will_fid limewire .... gtk-gnutella ?09:43
Madpilot!tell fid about limewire09:43
Petskullah... whaddaya suggest?09:43
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noiesmofid, http://www.frostwire.com/static/index.html09:44
fogosfid>, giFT09:44
Madpilot!tell Petskull about register09:44
onephatmindPetskull: i think u have to ger with the server09:44
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scarnonephatmind , is there an option somewhere to set my monitor?09:44
Madpilotonephatmind, you'll need to register too, if you want to pm back to anyone09:44
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fogosfid>, giFT, connect to openFt, Gnutella and Fastrack09:44
will_limewire goes thru all sorts of install stuff in those help pages ... i just open the sh file from /home directory ... works fine ... same with azureus09:44
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onephatmindnope, only if i need to initiate09:44
fidcan i apt-get frost wire or limewire?09:44
onephatmindand i'm about to register;)09:44
fogos<skpl>, try this web http://macromedia.mplug.org/09:45
Madpilotfid, did you see the pm from ubotu?09:45
Petskullonephatmind- go to #for-opm09:45
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fidoh i do now09:45
ltibor65crimsun, I tried install opera from debian etch, but the problem is the same: it requires xlibs and xlib6g09:46
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verdeterrejoignez #i-savoir s'il vous plait, besoin de soutien pour le lancement09:46
mDoti have two adjacent partitons (hda1 and hda2) hda1 was my Windows partition, but has since been formatted ext3. hda2 is my linux partition. I would like to merge the partitions. any ideas09:46
will_is there an ubotu about azureus plz?09:46
skplfogos, there is nothing on that page for ubuntu09:46
crimsunltibor65: try the 9 beta 1 deb09:46
tonyyarussoWhat system files are worth backing up?  fstab, xorg.conf, what else?09:46
=== chip42 [n=ftg2@cm-24-121-34-241.flagstaff.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu
fidman I don't know how snowy weather effects cable internet but whenever it snows my connection slows down soooo much.  Can't tell if the weather actually causes the decreased speeds or if its just because more people are inside but it sucks09:47
gymsmokenight, all09:47
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mDotor, is there any way for me to move the contents of hda2 to hda1 without breaking my install09:47
Jake_hey guys, needin some help here with samba09:47
eckerhas anyone ever gotten this error. kubuntu A problem occur while loading a library or a decoder: divxc32.dll     This is a new install of dapper drake kubuntu and im getting the error in kaffeine09:47
fidwhats the difference between kubuntu and ubuntu anyways?09:48
mDotecker #ubuntu+109:48
Jake_i set it up and everytime i click on the "connect" button in mac os x , Finder freezes and im forced to relaunch it09:48
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lsuactiafnerwhy would apt-get build-dep not work? i have two pcs,each have identical sources and one works and the other doesnt?09:48
mDotfid the window manager (GNOME vs KDE)09:48
crimsunlsuactiafner: you don't have deb-src enabled for whatever component(s)?09:48
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lsuactiafnercrimsun : it is enabled.09:48
fidi guess when i installed ubuntu i found it wierd that it didn't just offer the 209:48
chip42fid: very little. you can have both sets of packages09:48
Jake_is there something i can do to get smb working from mac os x?09:49
fidlike it would be nice to have a choice of more than just one window manager09:49
lsuactiafneridentical sources.lst on both pcs, one works and the other doesnt.09:49
mDotfid you do09:49
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic09:49
ltibor65crimsun, installing opera 9 beta is the problem the same.09:49
fidcause i would like to try out kde as well09:49
fidhow do i go about doing such a thing?09:49
chip42fid: kde or gnome.. or one of a dozen other lightweight options09:49
crimsunltibor65: on Dapper?09:49
mDotsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, you can then pick KDE from the Sessions menu at login09:50
ltibor65crimsun, yes on dapper.09:50
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crimsunltibor65: I know for a fact that Opera 9 beta 1 packaged for Debian testing (Etch) works just dandy on Dapper. This should be discussed in #ubuntu+1.09:50
Madpilotfid, install "kubuntu-desktop" for KDE09:50
fidgetting it now09:51
fidwow thanks dudes09:51
Madpilotfid, or "xubuntu-desktop" for XFCE09:51
aPelloAny one know what could be causing this:09:51
aPelloError reading /home/ruckus/.nano_history: Permission denied09:51
aPelloPress Return to continue starting nano09:51
fidcan i do all of those safely?09:51
Madpilotfid, yes, generally09:51
fidok cool09:51
fidafter this kde installs i'll get the xfce but as i recall I never really liked xfce09:52
mDotnow, someone wanna help me merge partitions?09:52
=== danielnewbie [n=daniel@d207-216-253-14.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
scarncan some one tell me how to set my monitor profile?09:52
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fidbut then again i didn't really like gnome until i tried ubuntu either so ya09:52
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mDotbliss1_ hi09:52
fidhah, but i haven't rocked linux since redhat 1.0 so who knows whats good anymore09:52
danielnewbiehey, could someone help me install Java runtime environment?09:53
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bliss1_mDot; hi09:53
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onephatminddanielnewbie, open synaptic and search for "sun" or jre1.509:53
onephatmindjre1.5 is better09:53
Madpilot!tell danielnewbie about java09:53
chip42fid: windowmaker was always my favorite. :)09:53
Jake_ok guys, i read something ons the forums and i read i need the new samba 3.0.20 but under synaptic manager, it only shows the latests as 3.0.14a09:53
danielnewbieI've downloaded it from the Java website, but I can't get it installed nad working with Firefox09:54
fidoh ya i remember that09:54
fidafter redhat I gave up on linux for awhile09:54
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fidactually no not true09:54
Madpilotdanielnewbie, see the pm you just got from ubotu09:54
fidwhen redhat first came out i used it for awhile09:54
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.09:54
danielnewbieah, thanks09:54
Jake_please someone help me09:54
=== marius_ [n=marius@cp994360-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Jake_or at least acknowledge me09:54
fidthen i didn't try anything until fedora core 3 which sucked09:54
bliss1_just ran a make file it needs P2spdf or i got a warning for P2spdf but when i try apt-get is not there09:54
fidso my friend told me to try ubuntu and i'm hooked now hah09:55
homegrownWhatsup Jake?09:55
mDothi Jake_09:55
Jake_im having problems with samba09:55
bliss1_Madpilot: good morning09:55
Jake_it wont let me connect through mac os x09:55
homegrownJake - whats the prob?09:55
lillpellebliss1_: you do mean P2spdf, and not ps2pdf?09:55
lillpellethe latter may come with ghostscript or similar09:56
Jake_and i read here....https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/2367909:56
bliss1_lillpelle; yep my mistake09:56
NoUseJake_ have you read the wiki page on how to set up Samba?09:56
Jake_i need the 3.0.20 version of the samba server but the synaptic manger or w/e is showing the latest being 3.0.14a09:56
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Jake_no, ill take a look at the wiki real fast09:56
Madpilotmorning bliss1_09:56
NoUseJake_ well if you need a new version of Samba, it will be in Dapper09:57
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, lsuactiafner09:57
Jake_ok what do you mean when you say "it will be in dapper"?09:57
Jake_im like a complete newbie to linux , sry guys09:57
bliss1_lillpelle: i will try ps2pdf09:57
NoUseJake_ dapper is the next version of Ubuntu09:57
NoUseJake_ will be released in June09:58
Jake_is there anyway i can get that new samba version now?09:58
lsuactiafnerthe easysource generated sources list of kubuntu gives Err http://kubuntu.org breezy/main Packages 404 Not Found.09:58
danielnewbieI can't seem to find synaptic in Xfce09:58
NoUseif you're feeling brave you can upgrade to Dapper now09:58
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onephatminddanielnewbie, put in synaptic in terminal09:58
Jake_im going to stream movies to my xbox in xboxmediacenter and i would rather have samba sharing that anything else09:59
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades .09:59
Jake_but is there a way to just put the new package in ubuntu now?09:59
bliss1_lillpelle: nope apt-get cannot find package09:59
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anto9usJake_, for streams you don't need samba09:59
NoUseJake_ not easily09:59
Jake_yes, i do09:59
Jake_xbmc is set up for smb streaming only10:00
anto9usJake_, that wouldn't be a stream, that would be a file share10:00
Jake_well xbmc "streams" videos over smb10:00
lillpellebliss1_: sorry, seems to be in the gs-common package10:01
Jake_are there any major problems in the new ubuntu version?10:01
chip42Jake_: always going to be something wrong... but no, i haven't noticed anything serious in awhile10:02
chip42from my limited perspective10:02
bliss1_lillpelle: so run apt-get install gs-common?10:02
MadpilotJake_, in Dapper? That depends - it is still in beta testing10:02
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lillpellebliss1_: that should be it, yes10:02
bliss1_lillpelle; thanks10:02
lillpellebliss1_: perhaps it wants to intall mor packages to have a fully gs working.10:02
chip42Jake_: it changes every day. sometimes those changes break things10:02
falk0nwould anyone be willing to help me with some questions about installed ubuntu10:03
=== Cturtle [n=Cturtle@a213-84-50-38.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>10:03
Jake_ok and another thing, can anyone recommend a good ftp server under linux?10:03
bliss1_lillpelle: ok well the first thing or warning I got with this make file was it wanted latex not this one what next10:03
bliss1_now this one10:04
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Jake_ok well i just started the upgrade to dapper10:05
Jake_about how long will it take?10:05
lillpellebliss1: then you should insall the tetex packages.10:06
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fid|awaywhere do i check how much hard drive space i have left?10:06
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anto9usJake_, depends on your hardware, half an hour to an hour maybe on a modern system10:06
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anto9usJake_, oh and bandwidth is an issue too10:07
Jake_k, well im dlng at 610kbs10:07
Jake_i guess ill just let it go10:08
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bliss1_Mudpilot: i use postfix and last week i got this strange encrypted message Protected Message from Yahoo.com user.10:08
bliss1_MIME-Version: 1.0 with a password  from From: n39806@yahoo.com originating IP [
anto9usJake_, shouldn't take too long then :)10:08
Jake_haha cool10:08
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Jake_can anyone recoomend a good ftp server under ubuntu?10:09
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Jake_preferable one with a gui10:09
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anto9usJake_, I usuallly use ssh for remote file access, is that not an option?10:09
Jake_well i dont know a whole lot about ssh, im just familiar with ftp10:10
scarndoes anyone have any idea how to select a monitor profile?10:10
Jake_forgive me if im wrong but isnt ssh like just telneting to the machine?10:10
MadpilotJake_, the file manager in Ubuntu can do basic FTP10:10
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Jake_thnx madpilot10:10
MadpilotJake_, SSH is secure telneting - it can be used for file transfer too10:10
anto9usJake_, ssh is much more secure, inherits permissions of the linux users and can be compressed too10:11
Jake_hmm ill check into that10:11
bliss1_Madpilot: i use postfix and last week i got this strange encrypted message Protected Message from Yahoo.com user.10:11
bliss1_bliss1_ MIME-Version: 1.0 with a password   From: n39806@yahoo.com originating IP [
MadpilotJake_, File->Connect To Server in the file manager10:11
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mykquestion about installation - if i have 2 drives, PM and PS, will it allow me to choose which to install to?10:12
Jake_i was reading that rythmbox supports itunes music sharing, is that true?10:12
anto9usmyk, yes10:13
wy Need some help. I found that Emacs is not actually using the Chinese font I specified. And xfontsel can't display TTF Chinese fonts.10:13
mykanto9us, will it delete stuff on the slave? i have a ton of video files that i want to keep.10:13
anto9usmyk, only if you format the partition10:13
mykanto9us, would it be safer to d/c the 2nd drive, install on the 1st, then reconnect it during a reboot?10:14
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crimsunJake_: in Dapper.10:14
Jake_ok thnx10:14
myki ask that because i kinda did that and got some weird errors...10:14
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Jake_i was just reading over rythmbox's website10:14
anto9usmyk, that would prevent user error, yes :)10:15
mykanto9us, and at 115am, user error is bound to occur.10:16
henkIs there a wpa capable wireless manager in dapper or am i still going to do this manualy with wpa supplicant>10:16
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Jake_ok, what do i need to do to have ubuntu log me in automatically and start vnc after it logs in10:16
anto9ushenk, ask in #ubuntu+1, I think there is10:16
anto9usJake_, you can configure gdm to log you in automatically, anything you want to run you can put in .bashrc10:17
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animatohello, how do i stop the audio previews in nautilus?10:18
Jake_there a manual on how to do that?10:18
falk0nI downloaded the files to install ubuntu and i dont know what to do with them, do i just burn all of them to a cd or is there a certain file10:18
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anto9usanimato, Edit | Preferences | Preview10:19
bliss1_ KQEMU installed, max_instances=4 max_locked_mem=88856kB. is 88856kb is that 888mb?10:19
animatofalk0n, just burn the iso10:19
Madpilotfalk0n, you got the big ISO file, right?10:19
animatothanx anlo9us10:19
ubotuFor help burning the Ubuntu ISO to CD, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto10:19
Jake_falk0n are you usin windows xp and WinRAR?10:19
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falk0nyes jake10:19
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lampshadeWhy is it that SuperTux has no sound unless I'm sudoing into it?  I'm already in the audio group, what gives?10:19
lampshadereally annoying10:20
MadpilotJake_, let me guess - WinRAR does something silly with ISO files, right? Like it does with JARs?10:20
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Jake_winrar idetifies .iso files as kind of a "packagged" file so dont open it in winrar10:20
Jake_just burn the .iso10:20
Jake_lol madpilot, ya10:20
Jake_i had the same problem a few days ago10:20
falk0nso just burn that file to a cd10:20
Jake_ya, the file you downloaded10:21
falk0nok cool thanks10:21
Madpilotfalk0n, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto10:21
chip42bliss: more like 8810:21
anto9usfalk0n, it's important to burn it as an image and not just put the iso on a new data cd10:22
bliss1_chip42 thanks, well thats strange as i have a total of 768mb10:22
chip42bliss1_: yeah that is wierd10:23
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bliss1_chip42; maybe thats the mimium10:24
bliss1_chip42; or that is 4x 88mb10:24
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vekiI have installed and reeinstalled cupsd and hplip on ubuntu 5.10 and after that cupsd is started but when I go into Administration/Printer it says thatit cannotcontact cupsd although it is running.  I restarted X but I cannot enter X anymore.  After login prompt it says that session laste only 10 seconds and that it could not login.  Hm what to do10:27
bookworm??? plaese how do i conpile a package i've down loaded to my desktop10:27
chip42bliss1_: doubt it. seems more like the message is giving information about the application.. can run 4 of itself at a time, consuming at  most 88856k of memory. but i don't know anything about it. just an educated guess10:28
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Madpilotveki, the error msg you go - was it something about ICEauthority?10:29
vekiyes it is10:29
vekiI suppose tht ahplip installed some python or so libraries and that screwed X10:30
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vekiit sayd that it cannot acces .ICE ... file in home/user although the file is there10:30
bliss1_chip42: thanks for that I will ask at the dev page see if they can shed so light10:30
aileananyone know why the fonts on the menus of xmms are blocky?10:31
Madpilotveki, when you start Ubuntu, hit ESC when Grub is loading, enter the recovery console.10:31
vekiand then?10:31
joelbryanIs there a $ENV_VAR for what type of ubuntu version I'm running?10:31
Madpilotveki, then type "rm ~/ICE*" and then "shutdown -r now"10:31
Madpilotveki, without the quotes around those two commands, obviously10:32
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Madpilotveki, sorry - "rm ~/.ICE*"10:32
vekiI will do that10:32
vekiwill you be later on IRC also, because I can try that in hour and half?10:33
Madpilotveki, no, I'm off soon, but there's always someone here - just ask10:33
Nameeateris there any way to see the last X packages I have installed? I have installed some packages and now my 3d stuff is really slow and has artifacts10:33
vekiok, thanks10:33
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TheRabbitIf I wanted to download songs onto my Sanso Sandisk MP3 player how would I do that with Ubuntu?10:35
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vekiMadpilot: OK, so you think actually that something screwed up .ICE permissions and rm /ICE will actually ask X to create new one that will work10:35
Lock-Doghow do i mount cdrom in ubuntu?!10:35
Madpilotveki, yes, that's right - I've had that error myself, twice10:35
vekiok, great10:36
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fyrestrtrLock-Dog: just insert the cdrom, it should auto-mount10:36
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Lock-Dogi don`t think it worked...10:36
Lock-Dogany command?10:36
vekiMadpilot: is that possibel to do as root from terminal without X10:36
fyrestrtrwhy do you think it didn't work?10:36
thatGuy_cafuego, you wont the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx page?10:36
vekiI mean sudo...10:36
newieHello. I think that i have somehow lost window titlebars in Gnome, after using fluxbox and so... help?10:36
Madpilotveki, that's what the recovery console is10:36
fyrestrtrveki: yes.10:37
vekiok, good10:37
Lock-Dogbecause i just think,not sure.10:37
Lock-Dogi`ll check..isn`t there a command?10:37
chip42Lock-Dog: mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom ... maybe. devices and mount points vary. man mount10:37
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Lock-DogConnection: Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC - Packet Scheduler Miniport @ 10.0 Mbps (Rec: 2075.10MB Sent: 1381.11MB)10:38
Lock-Dogi need to make internet connection in ubuntu10:38
Lock-Dogalcatel speed touch home modem10:38
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uboturumour has it, modem is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto10:38
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uboturumour has it, modem is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto10:39
vekiMadpilot:" I have also the following problem.  I have HP ethernet printer that is connected to switch. my Ubunutu can ping it nicely, but When I wantto print its says that it is busy10:39
fyrestrtrLock-Dog: you probably want ppoe since the modem you have is actually a dsl modem, iirc.10:39
Madpilotveki, I know nothing about network printing - sorry10:40
Lock-Dogi found the info already10:40
Lock-Dogit`s k..10x.10:40
vekiok, thanks, tghe same happened with printer on parllel port, so Ithink it i snot related to netwrok itself10:40
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matidHi, is there any way to substitute minicom that I use to run my modem so I would be able to run it on system startup?10:41
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Jake_ok, im just messing around with ssh, i have an external hard drive, how do i access it via command line(ssh)10:41
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will_thanks for the help  :)10:42
LoevborgHey, do you guys occasionaly get this. "swsusp: Not enough free swap" ?10:42
brammatori have manual pptp connection. how to add it to 'networking' list of interfaces? also, is storing my pass in /etc/ppp/chap-secrets absolutely inevitable?10:43
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MadpilotJake_, not sure you can. SSH is a computer-to-computer thing, AFAIK10:44
Jake_well i can browse it in the file browser in ubuntu,shouldnt i be able to access it via ssh?10:45
vekiJake:  you have to access with mount command , please check manual for man and fstab10:45
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vekiyou can access with ssh things that do have IP number and enabled ssh access10:45
Jake_ok, well the external hard drive is hooked up to that computer and i can browse its files in ubuntu file browser10:46
Jake_sry for the misunderstanding10:46
vekiJake: you can access with ssh things that do have IP number and enabled ssh access10:46
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brammatorJake_ find mount point for this hdd and browse it with ssh10:46
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jimiwindows has ipconfig /renew what is int linux with similar function?10:47
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vekiso, I supose your HD doe snot have special IP number because it does not have Ethernet connection, so you cannot acces sit with ssh10:47
Jake_ok, im not familiar with how files are laid out in linux, would it be in /dev/?10:47
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vekiyes, your external HD would be in /dev but also check fstab amd mount commands and you will see,10:47
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brammatorJake_ better look into file browser first. some of /media/ i presume.10:47
brammatorJake_ also, run "mount" via ssh and see if any of this lines looks like your HD10:48
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Jake_sweet, thanks guys, i found it10:48
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anto9usJake_, 'man hier' will describe the linux file system hierarchy10:49
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Jake_great man page, right there, thanks10:50
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thatGuy_cafuego, nvm, i read the signature at the bottom. the page fixed everything after i removed the dapper default driver and tried ndiswrapper from scratch again10:50
vekithere is on Linux Documentation project book abut fiyles system hierarchy that I recomend for reading10:50
Jake_k, ill google it10:51
LorD-LsDis there a line for help or do we just blurt out in the channle ?10:51
vekiwww.ldtp.org I think10:51
MadpilotLorD-LsD, just ask10:51
anto9usLorD-LsD, blurting is recommended :)10:51
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vekisorry,m something similar is the Linux Documentation project10:52
g1gamani have to hdd drives (3gb & 1,7gb). can anyone give me advice how should i partition them while installing ubuntu 5.10. which is the best way?10:52
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LorD-LsDthanks.. here is my situation i just installed linux.. (extreme newb wanting to learn) and i have a bluetooth keyboard and mouse how can i make these work with ubuntu i dont have a regular mouse but i do have a standard keyboard also how can i get my wireless card to work10:53
anto9usg1gaman, seperate /home should be enough10:53
zcat[1] 3G is a bit tight, no?10:53
etmnt_awayI have a quick question, how often should we updatedb?10:53
anto9usg1gaman, with 2 drives though, I'd configure raid0 for faster performance10:54
poningruLorD-LsD: the bluetooth you can make it work out of the box starting in the june release (the next release which is called dapper)10:54
anto9uszcat[1] , a bit tight, yes10:54
LorD-LsDi have dapper flight 6 whatever that means ?10:54
etmnt_awayhow often should we updatedb?10:54
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anto9usetmnt_away, it should run automatically during the early hours of the morning10:54
NameeaterI have installed a package but when I go to remove it with apt, it wants to take other (important) stuff with it, how can I make it just remove the 1 package?10:55
poningruLorD-LsD: hmm that should allow you to use bluetooth kb10:55
zcat[1] I'd suggest 3G root, 1.5 home, 200M swap..10:55
etmnt_awayso it starts auto?10:55
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agliv5Greetings all :)  Is it posible to run a virus scanner booting from the liveCD?10:55
poningruand mouse10:55
etmnt_awayI didn't see it in crontab10:55
g1gamananto9us,  i will not have lots of data on them. 3gb is primary master. /home should be on second (smaller) disk?10:55
poningrunot sure how to set it up thought, since i have never played with it10:55
zcat[1] actually no, I'd suggest get a 20G drive..10:55
LorD-LsDponingru how do i get to the setup for it tho it did not autodetect or ask me to configur the bluetooth during the install10:55
anto9usg1gaman, /home will be where all your user files go10:55
xbox_skyHi! How do I make my applications/script to launch anywhere in my bash? Like nzbperl (script) is located in a folder, but how do I make it launch/evrywhere on my system?10:56
agliv5Anyone?  Virus Scan,  LiveCD,  Help please :)10:56
poningruLorD-LsD: look under system either pref or admin there should be a bluetooth option10:56
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LorD-LsDponingru_ how can i get to those menus with just a keyboard ?10:56
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g1gamananto9us, ok thanx a lot. another question. maybe i should make partition /swap on slave disk? the purpose of computer is net surfing and no downloading/creating data.10:58
poningruLorD-LsD: press alt+ctrl+tab that should allow you to cycle to the top bar10:58
poningruerr hold down alt and ctrl and keep on pressing tab untill the top bar it higlighted10:58
LorD-LsDponingru okay thank you i will reboot and try this now.. is there a configuration for setting up a wireless card so i can access the internet ?10:58
poningruthen use the arrow keys to go to the menus10:58
poningruLorD-LsD: need to know which wireless card10:58
anto9usg1gaman, sounds good, yes10:59
weiliujoin #ubuntu-cn10:59
anto9usetmnt_away, it's run as slocate10:59
LorD-LsDits a dwl5g10:59
LorD-LsDfrom dlink10:59
=== Znort [n=tobias@82-171-181-106.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
g1gamananto9us, which partitions are used for program files and which are user partitions?10:59
poningruLorD-LsD: hold on let me check11:00
anto9usg1gaman, "man hier" will give a comprehensive description but generally all user files are in /home11:00
ZnortG'morning ppl, guess who's back... I succeeded in installing the new ubuntu, but when I compile it sais my compiler fails the sanity check. Anything to work around that?11:00
g1gamananto9us, maybe there is a online manual, but i cant find it11:00
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Jake_whoohoo!! 52min till dapper is installed!!11:00
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poningruLorD-LsD: you sure that was the name of the card?11:01
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LorD-LsDponingru_ to be more exact its a dlink airplus g dwl-g51011:01
poningruah much better11:01
poningrulet me check11:02
LorD-LsDthank you11:02
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andrejHi guys ... I've been googling for hours but can't seem to find a suitable breezy-repo for mplayer, acidrip and the likes11:04
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Madpilotandrej, mplayer is in Multiverse11:05
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Madpilotso is acidrip11:05
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:05
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lesshasteis there any im client for linux that can do video?11:05
zcat[1] how about w32codecs and libdvdcss?11:06
andrejare there different software packages on repos in different countries?11:06
poningruLorD-LsD: yeah that should work out of the box11:06
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poningruLorD-LsD: go to your network configuration11:06
LorD-LsDponingru okay and i can get to all that with cntr alt tab ?11:06
andrejThe NZ mirror certainly doesn't have mplayer or acid11:06
Madpilotandrej, I don't believe so, but I'm not sure11:06
anto9usandrej, there shouldn't be, they should all be mirrors11:06
Madpilotandrej, do you have Multiverse enabled?11:06
poningruLorD-LsD: yeah its under system->admin11:06
LorD-LsDthank you .. i will reboot now and give this a go11:07
poningruLorD-LsD: which you can reach using ctrl alt tab thing11:07
Madpilotandrej, switch to the main repos11:07
anto9usandrej, have you run "apt-get update" ?11:07
Kassahon Dapper, I've noticed that the bubble notifications will cross screens on a Xinarama setup making it hard to read.. does anyone have a solution to this?11:07
poningruand the arrow keys11:07
andrejrepeatedly :}11:07
zcat[1] Kassah: file a bug report..11:07
andrejMadpilot - which are the main repos?11:07
poningruLorD-LsD: once you have highlighted the bar with the mensu bar make sure to get into the menus using the arrow key11:07
agliv5Can anyone help me pls my system is infected by a virus, I assume, and I can only boot from a LiveCD...  What can I do to clean my system?11:08
Madpilotandrej, the archive.ubuntu.com ones - with no country codes in front11:08
=== londonboi2k3 [n=londonbo@cpc3-walt3-0-0-cust769.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
londonboi2k3Hi guys, trying to compile bzflag but I am getting an error. Client build has been requested, but GL is not fully available (missing gl.h) Have searched the forum but cant seem to get an answer11:08
andrejOk, ta11:08
anto9usagliv5, a linux system is infected?11:08
poningruagliv5: hehe sorrry dude there are almost zero viruses for linux11:08
ZnortNobody has a solution for "/lib/cpp fails sanity check"? Then I reckon I should move on. Thanks anyway ;)11:08
poningruagliv5: whats the prob?11:08
Madpilotandrej, standard Breezy sources.list - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 - compare w/ yours11:08
poningruZnort: do man cpp tell me what that says11:09
poningruerr nm11:09
poningruits a lib not bin11:09
anto9usagliv5, try clamav11:09
zcat[1] comments on source-o-matic?11:09
poningruanto9us: I dont think its a virus11:09
agliv5Yes and no, I was running Windows when the system became infected and now I can only start from the Ubuntu liveCD that I have...11:09
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agliv5anto9us is it possible to run clamav from the LiveCD?11:10
zcat[1] summat's overwritten the mbr perhaps?11:10
andrejWell, the DVD as a source aside ubuntu has customised the sources.list to point at NZ with exception of security11:10
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anto9usagliv5, yes, you should be able to, you might need to install it if it's not there already11:10
Znortponingru: a long man page appears11:10
Madpilotandrej, yeah, it'll do that, but you can always switch repos.11:10
andrejOk, I did switch, and run apt-get update ...11:10
poningruZnort: whats the first line11:10
MadpilotZnort, did you do the full build-essential install for compiling?11:11
andrejapt-cache search acidrip still comes back empty handed11:11
ZnortMadpilot: What do you mean?11:11
agliv5anto9us Thanks, I'll look for clamav and report back ;)11:11
Madpilot!info acidrip11:11
ubotuacidrip: (ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder), section multiverse/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.14-0.0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 53 kB, Installed size: 276 kB11:11
Madpilotandrej, ^^^11:11
__filip_http://pastebin.com/676528 I get this when i try to play an mp3 in juk. I have try Arts and aKode. The sound works sometimes and sometimes not. So if i restart the computer i may work. The sound doesnt work in amarok or xmms either. I run Kubuntu dapper.11:11
poningruZnort: do sudo apt-get install build-essential11:11
Znortponingru: First line: NAME: cpp - The C processor11:11
zcat[1] andrej: google 'source o matic' - it'll build you a sources list for whatever stuff you want..11:11
__filip_The sound have work perfectly in the other relases11:11
poningruoh rofl11:11
Madpilotandrej, acidrip & mplayer are both in Multiverse, honest11:11
anto9us__filip_, #ubuntu+1 for help on dapper11:12
lesshasteis there any im client for linux that can do video?11:12
poningruandrej: did you add the multiverse to your source list?11:12
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poningrulesshaste: amsn11:12
andrejyes, sure did11:12
lesshasteponingru: thx... I'll take a look.. no skype video?11:12
andrej deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse11:12
poningrulesshaste: skype is there for linux11:13
andrejThat should have me covered?11:13
Znortmadpilot: build-essential gives a wierd error11:13
ubotufrom memory, skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/11:13
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lesshasteponingru: thx11:13
Madpilotandrej, you need more than just the backports11:13
=== scorpion [n=scorpion@205.Red-83-55-25.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
scorpionHola, como hago para tener una imagen diferente en cada escritorio?11:13
Madpilotandrej, do a full copy/paste of that default sources.list I gave you the URL for11:13
Edgy_Eftje ne parle francais11:13
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:13
Edgy_Eftprego uno litro de late11:14
poningruZnort: whats the error?11:14
poningrustupid bot11:14
Kassahzcat[1] : you don't happen to know what package the notification bubbles are in?11:14
MadpilotZnort, what error?11:14
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andrejMadpilot , sorry, I can't see a url that you gave me?11:15
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scorpionHola, como hago para tener una imagen diferente en cada escritorio?11:15
Madpilotandrej, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604711:15
Znortponingru: It's in dutch, but litteraly translated it sais: The following packages have not the right requirements: libc6-dev (enter) libc-dev11:15
=== whitynz [n=whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
poningru!tell scorpion about es11:15
Madpilotscorpion, #ubuntu-es11:15
shinuwhy in find cant i have -type before -perm?11:15
albertoke tal jente?11:16
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:16
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scorpionHola, como hago para tener una imagen diferente en cada escritorio?11:16
poningruZnort: try to do a repair11:16
Znortponingru: By issueing what command?11:16
Madpilotscorpion, English here, please. For Spanish, #ubuntu-es. thanks11:17
poningruerr hold on11:17
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scorpioni don't enter11:17
poningruMadpilot: whats the command for repair packages?11:17
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Madpilotponingru, not sure... man apt-get :P11:17
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poningruhehe not at my computer right now11:17
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Znortapt-get -f?11:18
scorpiondonde se va al xat espaol?11:18
albertoeso pregunto11:18
AnAntdoesn't Ubuntu setup virtual consoles (ie /dev/ttyX) ?11:18
poningruZnort: hmm might be sorry not sure dude11:18
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poningruAnAnt: ctrl+alt+ f111:18
=== Blue-Omega [i=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu
Znortponingru: tried to but it keeps whining about a broken pipe =S11:19
r0bis it worth installing the current stable release, or is the new release going to supercede it soon and i should just wait11:19
poningruZnort: problem is I dont have my laptop with me I am using a school computer that is running windows11:19
albertoaki alguien sabe espaol?11:19
Znortponingru: lol11:19
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Madpilotalberto, English here, please. For Spanish, #ubuntu-es. thanks11:19
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albertopor fin alguen!!11:19
AnAntponingru: well, I am trying the Live DVD, and it doesn't have it11:19
AnAntponingru: so I was wondering if that is just because it's a live distro11:20
poningruMadpilot: dont think they can enter es they have to register I think11:20
poningruAnAnt: oh yeah I dont think the live distro has it11:20
scorpionalberto entra en este canal11:20
andrejgood grief ... this channel is way too lively for me :D11:20
Madpilotponingru, why the heck is #ubuntu-es +R when #ubuntu isn't?11:20
=== poningru shrugs
=== poningru is a lowly helper
=== BlueEagle is a lousy helper
AnAntponingru: ok, I'm not used to debian, how can I get the version of software I have here ? I mean, is there something like rpm -q ?11:21
=== poningru hugs BlueEagle
=== BlueEagle hugs poningru in a strictly non-gay-ish fashion
enycAnAnt:  "dpkg -l {package}"  in debian/ubuntu11:22
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enycAnAnt: note that this is #ubuntu not #debian ;-)11:22
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poningruAnAnt: obviously you have to be super user11:22
ZnortOk thanks for the great help here (im not sarcastic). I go try at the wine channel. Bye11:22
r0bis it worth installing the current stable release, or is the new release going to supercede it soon and i should just wait11:22
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highvoltager0b: new release is due for june 1.11:22
poningrur0b the next release is going to be in june11:22
Madpilotr0b, install the current stable, and upgrade in place when the new one is stable11:23
enycAnAnt: I am able to dpkg -l  not as superuser... you can search and query etc... -- just not change/install-romeve packages etc.11:23
poningruwhat is -q??11:23
r0bawesome thanks will do :)11:23
=== [nige] [n=nige@ppp112-220.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
poningruI thought that was install in rpmm11:23
BoglizkWhy do i get "bash: ./helloworld.sh: Permission denied" ? :S11:23
anto9usr0b, depends how mission critical it is, I'd say the beta is quite stable now11:23
poningruerr nm11:23
enycr0b: the new (dapper // 6.06) installer / system is quite different from breezy (5.10 / stable)11:23
andrejthanks to whoever the friendly person was to point me at google and source o matic ... thanks :}11:23
r0bwell its my first stab at linux/debian so :D11:23
poningrur0b yeah dude if you just wanna have fun install the beta now11:23
andrejI mean it :)11:23
MadpilotBoglizk, have you made sure your script has execute set?11:23
BlueEaglerob: You can install breezy and then upgrade that to dapper when the next stable is released.11:24
poningrur0b stick with stable11:24
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BlueEaglerob: however if this is a production machine my advice is to stick with the tried and tested.11:24
[nige] can linux do dynamic dns, so it adds dhcp leases/ address to its dns records?11:24
enycr0b: if you are playing around // desktop user etc.  imho I would get the dapper beta -- http://releases.ubuntu.com/dapper/11:24
AnAnthey, what's the superuser password in the live distro ?!11:24
poningruAnAnt: ignore me11:24
andrejNigelS: you can do that with scripting11:24
andrejbind as such can't11:24
BoglizkMadpilot: i just wrote "#!/bin/bash <newline> echo Hello World" in it11:24
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anto9us[nige] , yes11:24
MadpilotAnAnt, there isn't one11:24
[nige] anto9us, without scripting?11:25
Boglizki probably screwed up, didn't i? :/11:25
fyrestrtrAnAnt: none11:25
AnAntMadpilot: well, I fail to do SU11:25
MadpilotAnAnt, use sudo11:25
scorpionHola, como hago para tener una imagen diferente en cada escritorio?11:25
AnAntsaying authentication failure11:25
[nige] andrej,  I would prefer to stay away from scripting11:25
Madpilot!tell AnAnt about sudo11:25
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anto9us[nige] , I just set system to dhcp and the gateway is listed as my dns server11:25
=== bananasontoast [n=bananaso@CPE-139-168-67-96.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
andrejwell ... when you say DNS, do you handing out random names?11:25
BlueEagle[nige] : I think I remember setting that up. You need bind and dhcpcd iirc.11:25
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MadpilotBoglizk, you just need to make sure the file you created has Execute set in it's permissions11:25
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scorpionHola, como hago para tener una imagen diferente en cada escritorio?11:25
AlthHey Madpilot :)11:25
bananasontoastCan anyone possibly point out documentation on how to install using the live/install DVD?11:25
andrejIf the names are meant to be static it takes some effort11:25
r0bif i setup my system just how i want it, ie drivers etc, when i upgrade to dapper, would i have to start all over again or?11:25
BlueEaglescorpion: #ubuntu-es por favour11:26
scorpionHola, como hago para tener una imagen diferente en cada escritorio?11:26
[nige] BlueEagle, i was only going to use the dhcpd11:26
BoglizkMadpilot: oh.. allright, thanks11:26
[nige] :)11:26
[nige] well bind things11:26
poningrur0b no the update will not touch the settings11:26
[nige] they are pretty much the leader in the linux world arent they?11:26
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Madpilotr0b, for some things like 3d drivers, you might have to redo some things. Most settings will be OK11:26
BlueEagle[nige] : Well you can't run a dns w/o a nameserver like bind (berkley internet name daemon)11:26
poningruoh true11:26
r0boh well, off to install my first distro11:26
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r0bwish me luck :)11:26
poningrur0b good luck11:26
anto9usr0b, good luck11:26
=== e_trigan [n=jmacsal@cpc1-galw1-6-1-cust234.dbln.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEagleg/l rob11:27
anto9us[nige] , you want static dns with dhcp, yes?11:27
shinuif i have an internal graphic card, how do i check how much ram is assigned to it?11:27
scorpionhello.who it can diferent wallpapers in desktops?11:27
=== poningru has a delayed reaction to BlueEagle's earlier joke and lols
=== JulianRoss is now known as JulianRoss_
=== Revolution [n=jorn@a80-127-51-149.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
BlueEagleponingru: somewhat delayed I must say. :p11:28
Madpilotscorpion, if you mean different wallpapers in different virtual desktops, you can't do that yet11:28
poningruscorpion: right click on the desktop and choose change background11:28
poningruI think he means change background11:28
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poningrunot sure11:28
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poningruwe need someone to remove the R in es11:29
Revolutionshort, stupid question :P Can I just use KDE apps on GNOME?11:29
MadpilotRevolution, yes11:29
poningruRevolution: yes11:29
[nige] anto9us, I want to beable to issue dhcp leases to clients, and when i type in say smb://computernumber1/ to be take to it, not have it not beable to find its hostname11:29
bananasontoastCan anyone possibly point out documentation on how to install using the live/install DVD?11:29
Revolutionthnx ;)11:29
andrejare there any repos with transcode as well?  I just leeched mplayer and acidrip ... but still ain't all happy ;}11:29
scorpionrevolution, yes11:29
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, poningru11:29
andrejNigelS: that's easy ... all you need to do is to tie the dhcp lease to a mac address11:30
BoglizkHow do i change permissions on the .sh file from Terminal?11:30
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x50a16037.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
andrejerrh ... without the S :)11:30
englaHello. I wonder one thing: Is it possible to make apps "swallow" the first click in a window, so that if I click to focus it I don't inadvertedly click a link, button or any control like that?11:30
Madpilotponingru, I just pm'd Sev. about the +R in -es11:30
[nige] andrej, but then I need to knw everything machines mac address11:30
BlueEaglerevolution: Yes you can, however that will cause the KDE graphical libraries (QT) to be loaded into memory. QT does take a nice chunk of memory.11:30
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Revolutionah ok :)11:31
=== Silent1 [n=damnit@6532252hfc71.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
poningruMadpilot: sweet11:31
englaBoglizk: normally it's "chmod +x file.sh" to add the executable "bit" to the file's permissions11:31
BlueEaglerevolution: also most QT applications attempt to use the ARTS sound library and they might conflict with EDS11:31
Silent1poningru i tried what you said.. but i could not acess the menus i could switch between top bottom and desktop but nothing let me open the menus11:31
andrej[nige]  How many machines?  It's quite easy, I've written an awk script that extracts macs from arp-requests ;}11:31
Boglizkengla: Thanks!11:31
=== Silent1 is now known as LorD-LsD
andrejBut that's not really a ubuntu-topic, is it?11:31
[nige] well i have say 5 machines at home, and yer thats not an issue to get them all11:31
poningruandrej http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/breezy/x11/transcode11:32
LorD-LsDponingru i tried what you said.. but i could not acess the menus i could switch between top bottom and desktop but nothing let me open the menus11:32
englaBoglizk: +r and +w for read and write. You can also set absolute permissions, or perms for just the owner (like 'u=rwx go=r')11:32
[nige] but if i expand that it might get a little more tricky11:32
poningruLorD-LsD: try moving the arrow keys around11:32
anto9us[nige] , that's netbios isn't it?11:32
poningruthat was one thing I was trying to tell you...11:32
andrejI had no problems with a network of > 60 machines ;)11:32
MadpilotBoglizk, man chmod for more info11:32
[nige] anto9us, no, becuase the internet works on name to ip address number11:32
LorD-LsDi did.. played around and tried several command combos.. best i could do was get access to a console mode i think.. alt ctrl and f111:32
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=== Alth waits for Hobbsee
[nige] I belive its called dynamic dns, not the one your thinking of with things like i guess no-ip.com etch11:33
=== feugan3333 [n=pico@dsl-145-131-124.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
poningruLorD-LsD: no do the ctrl+alt then tab and highlight the top bar11:33
LorD-LsDit was highlighted11:33
poningruthen use the arrow keys to move to the menu11:33
anto9us[nige] , you may need to configure each client11:33
LorD-LsDit didnt do anything11:33
poningruthe arrow keys?11:34
DraconicusAre there any issues with the installer and SATA that I should know about?11:34
poningrudapper or breezy?11:34
andrejNigelS:  the problem is that you'll need to SOMEHOW (magically?) tie the lease to a name ... and the only way that's POSSIBLE is via the MAC11:34
[nige] well no, I dont think you do11:34
poningruoh right11:34
poningruthats weird11:34
MadpilotDraconicus, there shouldn't be - my only HD is SATA, I had no issues installing11:34
andreji did it again.11:34
[nige] the problem is I know how to do this in windows servers :S I am trying to work out if there is an equivlant for linux11:34
DraconicusMadpilot: Okay. Thanks.11:35
=== andrej hates nicks that start with a [ ;}
andrejwell ... the method I first described is trivial11:35
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ferronicaany one gona help me11:35
andrejand if you keep editing the dhcp.conf as you add machines it's quite doab'e11:35
[nige] andrej, but with say 800pc its not11:36
poningrucan someone get to their application/system menus using just the kb? I was able to do it before I dont think I remember how to do it now, sitting at my windows comp11:36
[nige] espically if change say 2 machines11:36
anto9us[nige] , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BIND9ServerHowto may be helpful11:36
andrej[nige]  ... that's where arp requests come in handy.11:36
Madpilotponingru, there's always Alt+F2, if you can find the name of the app you want to launch11:36
[nige] cheers I will have a read11:36
andrej[nige]  what do you mean by change?11:37
=== SaLoMoN [n=SaLoMoN@pD9578A85.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
poningruMadpilot: he wants to access a system thing under admin11:37
ferronicaHelp Me!11:37
poningrunot sure what the app name for that is11:37
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poningruferronica: cant help sorry11:37
Madpilotferronica, please ask an actual question, don't just yell11:37
feugan3333ferronica, stop that11:37
poningruferronica: you didnt ask a question11:37
feugan3333ferronica, ask a question11:37
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ferronicai cant boot my XP via UBUNTU GRUB..11:38
anto9us[nige] , if I understand the problem correctly it may be as simple as editing the hosts file on your dhcp server11:38
ferronicaERROR-NTLDR missing11:38
=== Jimmey_1 [n=james@user-3921.l1.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
[nige] that may work anto9us11:38
Jimmey_1How do I reconfigure xserver-xorg?11:38
=== JulianRoss_ is now known as JulianRoss
Jimmey_1I can never fully remember it11:38
feugan3333ferronica, Was windows working before you installed Ubuntu?11:39
[nige] Jimmey_1, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:39
ferronicai hav three seperate hdd11:39
ferronicaya its working fine11:39
[nige] I know dnsmasq does something similar to it11:39
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gravesoncan anyone help me please ? what can i use to create dvd video11:40
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LorD-LsDis it possible to launch the bluetooth config utility via the alt-f211:40
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poningrugraveson: what do you mean? you have some video and you want to record it to a dvd disc?11:40
feugan3333ferronica, well start by posting the file /boot/grub/menu.lst11:40
poningruor do you want to rip from a dvd to a file?11:41
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kranebitt5hi guys. I am owning an11:41
BlueEaglekranebitt5: congratulations11:41
gravesonponingru:yes some avi files that i want to record on dvd to watch on set top dvd player11:41
kranebitt5Fujitsu siemens laptop but I can't get the 3d aacceleration to work11:41
ferronicanow what i do11:41
kranebitt5can anyone help me?11:42
BlueEaglekranebitt5: lspci|grep VGA11:42
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FujitsuI don't make any products with Siemens :P11:42
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Fujitsukranebitt5, a number of people have asked similar questions...11:42
Siemensfujitsu: Yes you do!11:42
=== Siemens is now known as BlueEalge
feugan3333ferronica, did you post the file?11:42
anto9usgraveson, dvdauthor may be what you're looking for11:42
ferronicawhat file???11:42
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=== Fujitsu makes no products with BlueEagle or BlueEalge.
poningrukranebitt5: what kind of vid card do you have?11:43
anto9usgraveson, it's in the universe repository11:43
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feugan3333ferronica, this file: /boot/grub/menu.lst11:43
LorD-LsDis it possible to launch the bluetooth config utility via the alt-f211:43
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kranebitt5I have a Sis M67011:43
ferronicaoh u need ok wait11:44
BlueEalgelord-lsd: it should be.11:44
anto9usgraveson, alternatives listed here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DVDAuthoring11:44
LorD-LsDBlueEalge how ?11:44
ferronicagive me the pastelink11:44
ubotuwell, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126911:44
poningrukranebitt5: hold on11:44
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kranebitt5ok thanks11:44
gridblocksup ppl?11:45
BlueEalgelord-lsd: open the run dialog (with ALT+F2) and type gnome-bluetooth-manager11:45
kranebitt5I tried to look up online forums but I couldn't find the solution11:45
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feugan3333gridblock: all good homie ;-)11:45
LorD-LsDokay i will try that hopefully i can get a mouse to work with that11:45
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ferronicaok done11:45
poningrukranebitt5: hold on11:45
kranebitt5sorry poningru, it's a m76011:46
gridblockfeugan3333, good, homie :P11:46
poningruhehe k11:46
ferronicafeugan333: pasted11:46
ferronicafeugan333: u can read it11:46
feugan3333ferronica, you need to give us a link to the post11:46
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ferronicau will find i hav 3 hdd ok11:47
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ferronicaone sata and three IDE11:47
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ZnortflHello, Znort here again. Now synaptic sais my index is broken. Anything to fix that?11:48
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DevGetHi! Anyone that has heard of an gdesklet like application that collects all files you have on your desktop and put them in a small list on the desktop, so your desktop is clean for programs?11:48
poningrukranebitt5: hmm doesnt look like you can dude they dont give out linux drivers for that it seems11:49
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DevGetI have realized that I need an app like that...11:49
kranebitt5which means I have no chance...11:49
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poningrukranebitt5: sorry dude11:50
patrick24601I am trying to install compiz and getting error messages like: compiz: Depends: libcairo2 (>= 1.0.2-2) but 1.0.2-0ubuntu1.1 is to be installed11:50
ferronicafeugan333: please solve my problem everytime i hav to change my boot device from CMOS ,if i wanna to use XP or ubuntu11:50
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patrick24601Does that mean my version of libcairo is too new ?11:50
poningrukranebitt5: this is for 3d accel right? cause you can just get normal vid using the vesa drivers or the hacked together sis drivers11:50
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kranebitt5right, it's just for 3d everything else works fine.11:51
ferronicafeugan333: ok be right back within 20 miniutes ok11:51
BlueEalgekranebitt5: you _can_ send an email (or a thousand) to the manufacturer and ask for linux drivers.11:51
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Smartyplease look this error :(11:51
kranebitt5that is actually not a bad idea11:51
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kranebitt5would you send it to Sis or to Fujitsu Siemens11:52
anto9usDevGet, I'm not sure what you're asking for, you want something like a folder with a list of contents instead of an icon?11:52
poningrukranebitt5: both11:52
kranebitt5Ok, I'll try that.11:53
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kranebitt5And, poningru, do you know an easy way to get wine running on an amd64?11:53
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poningrubasically tell siemens that you are not happy since they used a hardware that is not well supported, and a letter to\11:53
DevGetauth00: yes, like files listed in a folder but on the desktop with the desktop-folder11:53
poningruthe sis just yelling11:53
poningrukranebitt5: ... sorry dude no clue11:54
kranebitt5ok but thank you.11:54
poningrukranebitt5: you looked through the wiki right?11:54
Smartyhttp://s5.bitefight.net/c.php?uid=27402 :(11:54
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anto9usDevGet, you've confused me even more now11:55
kranebitt5Yes I did, and in most of them they simply tried to set up a whole new 32bit system within the 64bit one11:55
DevGetanto9us: I will draw an image that explain...11:55
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ZnortflMy apt index seems to be broken. How do I repair it?11:56
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BlueEalgeznortfl: what makes you think that it's broken?11:57
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ZnortflBlueEagle: Synaptic sais so11:57
t2g7th7bHi there, Can I install ubuntu on VMware11:57
ziziehello ... my server ip = ( gateway for client ) how to foward incomming packet to ip ?11:57
KnelixCan I get GNOME 2.14 while in Breezy?11:57
BlueEalgeznortfl: Does it say "Your index is broaken" or does it give another error message?11:58
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RootSnatcht2g7th7b: yes you can11:58
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ZnortflBleuEagle: yes11:58
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t2g7th7bgreat , can setup an FTP server on it and access it over the network11:59
KnelixHow can I get it?11:59
BlueEalgeznortfl: Are you able to install packages with other tools?11:59
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ZnortflBlueEagle: not tried yet, but build-essential keeps whining about libc6-devel which I cant install in any way that came up12:00
anto9uszizie, you want to forward connections for a specific port from your router or your system is acting as the router?12:00
kickfaccecan someone tell me why xmms won't play music i had my onboard audio disabled then enabled it again and now it won't play through it my default sound device selected is the one its plugged into12:00
ziziei mean foward "some bad request" like a udp flood etc etc12:00
zizieanto9us : mean foward "some bad request" like a udp flood etc etc12:01
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anto9uszizie, from your router?12:01
anto9uszizie, my router will email them to me12:01
FrogzooKnelix: not easily12:01
zizieISP ---- cable modem ---- server ( ) ----hub/switch ---- Lan ( 192.168.1.x )12:01
DevGetanto9us: http://gustav.egy.nu/desk.gif <- 2 desktops, the left is how it's now, the reight is how I want it, the small circle at the bottom is a program launcher12:01
ziziecause my server got udp flood :(12:01
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BlueEalgezizie: all servers gets udp flooded at some point or another.12:02
BlueEalgezizie: What you want is to firewall all inbound ports except the ones you really want people to access.12:03
kickfacceanyone have any ideas of how i can make xmms play through the correct sound card?12:03
anto9usDevGet, ok, I understand that now, am looking for a solution12:03
ZnortflBlueEagle: There's absolutely no way I can install other packages12:04
BlueEalgekickfacce: Use the preferences to choose the output device you want.12:04
KnelixFrogzoo: So basically it would be easier to just install Dapper?12:04
zizieis there any software that i can istall/setting from apt-get intall some_packaged_name ?12:04
BlueEalgeznortfl: Then I do not know.12:04
fyrestrtrzizie: what?12:04
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kickfacceBlueEalge, i don't see where to select it12:04
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ZnortflBlueEagl:e Although I dont know what I did... it worked =S12:05
GrDsanyone familiar with firestarter ?12:05
kickfacceBlueEalge, nevermind i got it12:05
BlueEalgekickfacce: press CTRL+P and choose "Configure" button ear the bottom.12:05
fyrestrtrmmm maybe :)12:05
BlueEalgekickfacce: :)12:05
GrDswhere does firestarter get active connections from ?12:06
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kickfacceBlueEalge, is it the same way with vlc?12:06
fyrestrtrGrDs: from the device that is currently your gateway (you select the device on setup)12:06
BlueEalgekickfacce: I don't know. Try it.12:06
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GrDsI have active connections still showing in the list while they arent for real12:06
feugan3333Anyone installed mplayer on dapper?12:06
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GrDsanyone knows about firestarter active connections ????12:07
BlueEalgefeugan3333: #ubuntu+112:07
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feugan3333BlueEalge: Ah ok12:08
BlueEalgegrds: It lists connections that has been recently active afaik.12:08
BlueEalgegrds: either that or check netstat12:08
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GrDsbut where does it get them12:09
GrDsi want to reset the list12:10
GrDsthere is no active connections, so this must be in some text file12:10
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patrick24601I am trying to install compiz and getting error messages like: compiz: Depends: libcairo2 (>= 1.0.2-2) but 1.0.2-0ubuntu1.1 is to be installed12:13
patrick24601Does that mean my version of libcairo is too new ?12:13
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anto9usDevget, I've broken my Desktop trying to swallow nautilus into a panel, couldn't see a gdesklet or adesklet to solve it though12:16
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naranhashould i use internal agpgart with the ati drivers, or the one from the kernel?12:21
cerberusHow do you get modemlights to show up on a gnome panel, I click add to panel but there is no modemlights option.12:23
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patrick24601a modem - what's that? :)12:25
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Frogzoopatrick24601: now now patrick24601, we don't all have T1s12:26
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cerberusBoth google and the ubuntu forums have turned up blank12:29
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KenJoeyI am using Ubuntu LiveCD and need to become super-user. What's root password for LiveCD?12:29
cerberusthere isn't one, just sudo su while logged in12:30
cerberusno prob12:31
KenJoeyIs it possible that I run out of memory while using LiveCD?12:31
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kandinskihey, does the wine in AMD64 ubuntu run 32bit windows programs well?12:32
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naranhashould i use internal agpgart with the ati drivers, or the one from the kernel?12:32
kandinskiI am thinking of installing Drake on a relative's computer, but she needs to use a couple of windows programs12:33
KenJoeyI have 640MB memory, but I heard LiveCD needs minimum 128MB memory. Anyway, when I run out of memory, should I use swap file/partition on a hard disk?12:34
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hyphenatedkandinski: you'd have to actually run the program to be sure how well it works in wine. it works great for some things, and awful for others12:34
hyphenatedKenJoey: uh.. 640 > 128. what's the problem?12:34
cerberusI think he means 64MB12:35
kandinskihyphenated: it does work in wine on intel32 ubuntu breezy12:35
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hyphenatedkandinski: so install breezy ;-)12:35
kandinskihyphenated: the question is whether wine for win32 works on the AMD64 dapper (I don't know)12:35
hyphenatedkandinski: it's best if you talk about dapper in #ubuntu+1 tho12:35
kandinskican dapper already mix ah, thanks for the tip12:35
kandinskihyphenated, cool name for a channel (I did not know)12:36
kandinskiI guess I asked here five weeks too early12:36
hyphenatedkandinski: it's mentioned in the topic, but most users don't read it12:36
anto9usDevGet, I see no easy way of getting what you want, sorry12:36
kandinskihyphenated: guilty as charged. IT scrolled off too fast12:36
hyphenatedkandinski: yeah, like 99% of people that come here ;-)12:37
hyphenatedkandinski: it's also hard to predict how well things work on AMD64 compared to i386, because they're different enough to have their own sets of problems. until something's actually run, it's just a guess12:37
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KenJoeyhyphenated: I am thinking what I should do in case I run out of memory using LiveCD. I'll give a friend of mine a copy of Ubuntu LiveCD to try Linux. I want to make sure it works on his computer.12:38
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kandinskihyphenated: thanks. I just don't want to install my niece's computer with something that doesn't work and needs a reinstall. Selling Linux is being hard work already.12:39
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Revolutiondo IDE's with a visual editor exist for Java?12:40
slackernhmm what would be the proper command to show the loginmanager selector, the one where you could choose from xdm/gdm/kdm and so on.12:40
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KenJoeyThis LiveCD is really cool. I'd like to make my own customized LiveCD ;)12:41
hyphenatedRevolution: eclipse?12:42
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KenJoeyAh, I just found out that LiveCD automatically detects and mounts a swap partition from the hard disk12:43
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jendaWhat's a good place for desktop backgrounds? I find gnome-look very annoying in the number of clicks one has to go through in order to see a single paper...12:44
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martynWhat is the eastes way to see if java is working once it is installed?12:45
jguenthIs the Ubuntu-kernel used by Dapper somehow patched?12:45
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ali_hey all12:45
jguenthI want to compile 2.6.17 from kernel.org and wonder if I will miss some things then.12:45
jendamartyn: try running limewire or azureus...12:46
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jendamartyn: or frostwire...12:46
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martynjenda: ok12:46
Jimmey__Where's my Breezy ( firefox ) bookmarks at?12:46
jendaJimmey__: I think it should be something like .mozzila/firefox/profiles/blah blah.default12:47
ali_im having so much fun setting up a ubuntu server!!12:47
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jendaWhat's a good place for desktop backgrounds? I find gnome-look very annoying in the number of clicks one has to go through in order to see a single paper...12:49
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lsuactiafnerwhy would ubuntu only see hdb (dvd disk) but not hda but all my sata disks are shown?12:50
lsuactiafnerand how wouldi create hda using mknod?12:50
MenZaDoes Ubuntu come with IRSSI?12:51
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jguenthjenda: just google for wallpaper12:51
jguenthjenda: or free wallpaper12:51
Jimmey__jenda, or use blender/gimp to bust out your own ;)12:51
bimberiMenZa: yes, installed by default12:51
jguenthMenZa: yes12:51
ali_must say that the standard brown wallpaper isnt nice12:52
jendajguenth: I get the impression that if I add 'free' it's going to give me tons of paid sites...12:52
jendaMenZa: Huzzah!12:52
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lsuactiafnerjenda : deviantart.com12:52
jendaali_: in fact, i rather like it, but it doesn't work well with a transparent terminal, and I'm p for a change...12:53
jendalsuactiafner: will check, thanks.12:53
MenZajenda: :D12:53
Jimmey__jenda, my terminal rocks12:53
Jimmey__Would you love to see it12:53
jendaJimmey__: sure12:53
ali_i go for standard all black, easier to work wiv12:53
jguenthjenda: digitalblaspemy.org should had nice backgrounds last time I looked for wallpapers.12:53
=== Kezzer [n=ralph@88-105-244-13.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Alth<jguenth> jenda: digitalblaspemy.org <-- Agreed.12:54
hyphenatedapart from the site being spelt wrong..12:54
jguenthshould be blasphemy , shouldn't it?12:54
jguenthI don't remeber...12:55
ali_ive got simplymepis on another machine, transparent menus overlap, not nice, cant read a thing12:55
hyphenatedI can't make either work, actually12:55
=== Ap4ch3 [n=coco@appleboy.claranet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jendajguenth: will check, thx12:55
=== Ilokaaaasu [n=matti@dsl-aur-ff27c000-33.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
jendaJimmey__: it didn't work... mind tryin' agin?12:56
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=== BearMan [i=karsten@freenode/staff/sourcemage.wizard.BearPerson] has joined #ubuntu
=== BearMan is now known as BearPerson
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ali_me thinks keyboard needs recharging12:58
=== anstei [n=anstei@adsl-84-226-37-33.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu
=== jenda nods at BearPerson... didn't know you hang here too. On Ubuntu?
BearPersonjenda, not really01:00
=== scorpion [n=scorpion@205.Red-83-55-25.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
BearPersonbut right now I hang on all larger channels so I spot spambots faster01:00
skplcan someone help me? i am having trouble getting java to work in my browser01:00
jendaBearPerson: I see. I'm a spambot...01:01
ali_skp1: mozilla?01:01
BearPersonthough they seem to have diminished of late, we're probably getting more efficient fighting them01:01
jendaskpl: firefox? I know of one way that never failed me: easyubuntu - but it's not too widely supported in this channel, so it's for you only if you're interested in something that does the work _for_you_, not a way to do it yourself...01:02
jendaBearPerson: congrats :) I might soon be the only spambot left...01:02
=== ^geekgirl^ [n=asdsadsd@84.Red-81-39-6.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
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scorpionhello.who i can put diferent wallpapers in diferents desktops?01:03
ali_will hav work blog for 'blackbox' project online soon01:03
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BearPersonjenda, though few spambots have a 25-week-old nick, several alternates, and a couple of channels registered ;-)01:04
scorpionhello.who i can put diferent wallpapers in diferents desktops?01:04
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jendaBearPerson: Well, I'm very good at it, you know? 01:05
animatois there a way to remove the xubuntu-desktop after installing it on ubuntu?01:05
Jimmey__sudo apt-get --purge remove xubuntu-desktop01:05
jendaanimato: sudo apt-get --purge remove xubuntu-desktop01:05
telimI have a little problem with my tv card , with xawtv I have the image on a chan and on the next chan I have the sound is it normal01:05
telimhow can I setup this to have sound and image01:05
jendascorpion: I think that requires a 3rd party app.01:05
ali_would like to try xubuntu, havnt played wiv ityet. Any good??01:06
Jimmey__ali_, yes.01:06
=== jow [n=foo@pD9E37ADD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
jendaali_: I've heard good things about it. It's very lightweight.01:06
=== roryy [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p152.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
lsuactiafnerhow do i determine a module name in the kernel for IT821X IDE support?01:06
Jimmey__How can I copy directories with the terminal?01:06
ali_would be intresting to try it on blackbox01:06
animatojenda, does that only uninstalls the xubuntu-pacakge itself?01:07
animatoi want to remove xfce completly01:07
roryyJimmey__: you can use 'cp -R'.  I also recommend investigating rsync01:07
=== ben_underscore [n=ben@ppp193-30.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
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jendaanimato: I think it removes completely... but I never tried. You might want to do a little search at wiki.ubuntu.com01:07
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animatook thanx01:07
^geekgirl^my GPL codes at -> http://usuarios.lycos.es/sosweet19/01:08
aileanis it possible to run the mplayer plugin for mozilla smoothly?01:08
=== roy [n=roy@cpc4-bolt4-5-0-cust24.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
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scorpionhow i can enter to xat spanish?01:08
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:08
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ali_does anyone find that rythembox, doesnt alwas close properly?01:11
=== Widoff [n=Widoff@1-1-3-22a.gka.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
jendaBearPerson: check out ^geekgirl^, seems to be a spambot to me...01:11
ali_or work well wiv the vu meter01:11
=== Kwipper [i=Kwipper@c-71-201-58-215.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
KwipperI haven't used Ubuntu yet and I was wondering something about the OS.01:12
aileandont ask to ask, just ask :)01:12
KwipperHow easy can you install programs into the OS.01:13
aileanprograms that are meant for ubuntu, VERY easily01:13
aileanjust select them from a menu01:13
aileanthey install over the net01:13
ali_with apt-get install and synaptic, very easily01:14
=== scorpion [n=scorpion@205.Red-83-55-25.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jendaKwipper: any particular programs you want to know about?01:14
KwipperIs it as simple as windows where all you have to do is download the executable, run the executable with a click of a mouse button (or two clicks), choose where you want it to go on your hard drive and click "Install"01:14
jendaKwipper: it's easier01:14
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:14
KwipperWhat about programs that aren't made for ubuntu?01:14
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-207-250.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
aileanyou can run a lot of windows prorams using a linux program called wine01:14
jendaKwipper: all you need is to type "sudo apt-get install <name of program>01:14
ali_as long as there .deb, still very easy with dpkg01:15
ben_underscoreKwipper, imagine in windows that you had an application installation management tool that listed thousands of applications you could choose to install. there is very little that is non-ubuntu or that does not have an equivalent01:15
jendaKwipper: and you don't have to worry about where it is installed on your drive, because Ubuntu takes care of that...01:15
KwipperHmm okay01:15
ben_underscoreKwipper, what are you running at the moment?01:16
aileani was running football manager on my box this morning01:16
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KwipperWindows XP01:16
ali_Kwipper, get a live cd and have a play01:16
rukuarticKwipper: Whoo! Another person interested in 'buntu!01:16
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ben_underscoreKwipper, you can download an ISO and burn a disc.01:16
ali_kwipper: www.ubuntu.com01:16
KwipperHmm.. how about running it off of a 512 MB Flash Drive01:16
jendaKwipper: and those that aren't available through the central package management system (over 16000 packages), you can often download teh .debs, as ben mentioned. Those work similar to ,exe installers.01:16
KwipperIs that possible?01:16
aileanyes, it's possible01:17
jendaIt is... but a little more advanced me thinks01:17
rukuarticKwipper: Good fer you. By the way, you can dual boot as well. I won't bother with explain' it, but you can set it up so you can choose whether you want to boot into XP or Ubuntu if you choose01:17
aileanyep :)01:17
=== SirKillalot [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-096-084.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
rukuarticKwipper: The Live CD works well though, you can just sit there and run Ubuntu without making any changes.01:17
aileani run both ubuntu and windows Kwipper01:17
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ali_I run a 8-way boot, ubuntu was installed last and it took care of everything01:17
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aileanand i can access my windows side from ubuntu01:17
KwipperI'll check it out then01:18
lsuactiafnerwhere can i get the .config of the latest breezy kernel for i686?01:18
jendaKwipper: have a look at this: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/about-ubuntu/C/index.html01:18
roryylsuactiafner: it's usually in the linux-headers-* packages, isn't it?01:18
ben_underscoreKwipper, and if you want a list of download sites, go here http://www.ubuntu.com/download01:18
rukuarticKwipper: Can you tell we get excited about new people?01:18
aileani take it no one has had the mplayer plugin running smoothly then?01:18
=== rukuartic hypervhentilates and passes out
jendaKwipper: it's the documentation teams draft for people just like you...01:18
roryylsuactiafner: e.g., I see a .config at /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-k7/build/.config01:19
jendarukuartic, Kwipper welcome to ubuntu... you are user number 1 568 423...01:19
lsuactiafnerroryy : will look, though i got 6.16.5 here, dont really want to download another package just for one file01:19
lsuactiafneroh thanks roryy01:19
ali_Kwipper: plus the ubuntu community is alwas here to help01:19
aileanthat's true . . . there are never less than about 300 people in this room :)01:19
rukuarticThats what makes us better than the other distros, we actually help people instead of RTFM'ing them01:19
lsuactiafnerheh not on this pc though, weird01:20
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roryylsuactiafner: that file is part of the linux-headers-whatever package01:20
jendaailean: I haven't seen less that 600 for a long time...01:20
jendaBearPerson: bingo01:20
rukuarticKwipper: Out of intrest, how do you connect to the internet? I mean, what device do you use? Wireless?01:20
BearPersonjenda, huh?01:21
aileanjenda, i haven't been paying attention :) i just remember 300 when i first used ubuntu01:21
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jendaBearPerson: * ^geekgirl^ has quit (K-lined)01:21
KwipperCable connection01:21
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ZnortflApt-get keeps whining about libc6-devel which I cant install due to a "broken pipe". This is keeping me googling/irc'ing the whole day. Anybody has any idea how to solve this?01:21
rukuarticKwipper: So do you connect with an ethernet card or wireless?01:21
KwipperBuilt in Ethernet01:22
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ali_my os's: windows xp /server 2003, solaris 10, ubuntu, simplemepis, slax KB, bsd and aLinux!!!!!01:22
rukuarticKwipper: Ah, ok. Good! :P Ubuntu's just a little difficult to get working with wireless. They're fixing it in the next version01:22
gnomefreakZnortfl: sudo apt-get -f install  (no packages type it as i did)01:22
lsuactiafnerroryy : can you quickly upload me the .config file somewhere? am on a very slow link, which has no bandwidht left atm01:22
=== roy [n=roy@cpc4-bolt4-5-0-cust24.manc.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
roryylsuactiafner: i'll put it on the pastebin. Standby01:22
aileanUbuntu recognises ethernet connections and networks much more easily than windows does01:23
jendarukuartic: yup... that's a big minus. But for ether-folk, it's all good.01:23
rukuarticIt works with wireless, just a bit difficult. They're fixing that in dapper.01:23
ali_Kwipper: then again ive got an old belkin wifi card, wouldnt work wiv xp, works fine on ubuntu01:23
roryyhope seveas' pastebin can handle 64k files01:23
Seveasroryy, should work01:23
ali_though speed was reduced01:23
Znortflgnomefreak: Tried many times. Doesnt work. "Broken pipe" error01:23
ben_underscorerukuartic, i disagree with that01:23
roryySeveas: cool beans01:23
=== Pluk [n=Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu
rukuarticZnortfl: Try "sudo apt-get clean" and redownloading it01:24
rukuarticben_underscore: They're not fixing it in dapper/01:24
gnomefreakisnt it libc6-dev?01:24
lsuactiafner2.6.12 is a bit old01:24
gnomefreaknot libc6-devel01:24
cerberusDoes anyone know why modem lights wouldn't be visible in the list of applets available to add to a gnome panel?01:24
ben_underscorerukuartic, whoops, sorry i just read your subsequent comment & retract my comment01:24
Znortflrukuartic: Sudo apt-get clean and then sudo apt-get -f install?01:24
rukuarticben_underscore: Haha no prob01:25
aileanThis XGL stuff is maturing now, eh?  It's pretty good.01:25
gnomefreakZnortfl: the package is libc6-dev01:26
rukuarticZnortfl: apt-get clean removes the download and then tries getting it again... that might fix it. Don't know if you need the -f though. "sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install <packages>"01:26
gnomefreakZnortfl: you were trying to install libc6-devel01:26
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Znortflgnomefreak, rukuartic: doesnt work01:26
=== freakabcd [n=freakabc@60-241-6-203.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ali_for anyone in UK, i will be holdin a ubuntu stand at bletchly park during the july computer fair, givin out free copies, hopefully....01:26
gnomefreakZnortfl: type sudo apt-get install libc6-dev01:26
rukuarticali_: Whoo. Go for you.01:26
freakabcdali_, dapper cds ?01:27
ali_freakbsd: hopefully01:27
Znortflgnomefreak: same error01:27
gnomefreakZnortfl: do me a fav and paste the command and error to pastebin please01:27
Znortflgnomefreak: just about to do that01:27
freakabcdali_, i'm not bsd!! ;)01:27
Znortflgnomefreak: its dutch thoguh01:27
ali_so im gunna setup a chat room, for noobs at he show, would b nice for some members to come on and giv anvise01:28
gnomefreakSeveas: is there a way to translate on pastebin?01:28
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freakabcdali_, are you really in uk? advice is the uk version iirc01:28
gnomefreakZnortfl: you could always try #ubuntu-de01:28
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ali_*really sorry*sorry keyboars batts are going flat01:29
ali_at the moment01:29
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=== JDahl [n=joachim@3e6b7449.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
er4z0rwhat is LC_ALL needed for?01:29
=== anymo [n=anymo@lns02-1369.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
MrIronWhen I try to apt-get remove, evolution mail, gaim etc, it also wants to remove ubuntu-desktop, why?01:30
gnomefreaknot sure but i think that is all the locales01:30
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firestormHowdy. How can I convert a PS document from landscape to portrait before printing01:30
cerberusubuntu desktop is just a dependancy list, it's alright to remove it01:30
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ali_Freakabcd, at the moment, i move around alot01:30
freakabcdali_, ah ok.01:30
=== bananasontoast [n=bananaso@CPE-139-168-67-96.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
MrIroncerberus: so Its just to remove?01:30
bananasontoastHey guys, how are we? I've just installed ubuntu onto my laptop and booted in for the first time, but I can't seem to be able to get my wireless network configured. I think this is because the wireless device is activated by a hotkey that only works in windows. Does anyone know if there would be a way around this?01:31
cerberusIt isn't actually a package just a list of packages (simplification) but it's fine to remove it01:31
gnomefreakZnortfl: can you please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin01:31
ali_freakabcd, going to east london, south africa, for 5 days 2morrow :-) no braodband :-(01:31
freakabcdheh.. good01:32
Znortflgnomefreak: gimme a sec01:32
gnomefreakZnortfl: ok ill brb while your doing that01:32
rukuarticbananasontoast: What type of card is it, internal or plugged in?01:32
rukuarticbananasontoast: your sn makes me hungry btw01:32
Jimmey__bananasontoast, as far as I know, the hot keys work with Ubuntu aswell.01:33
ali_bye guys, gotta charge this bloody keyboard again!!!01:33
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
bananasontoastrukuartic, internal... My laptop is this: http://au.lge.com/md/product/prodcategorylist.do?actType=detail&currPage=1&categoryId=0200000045&parentCategoryId=0200000603&categoryLevel=4&productId=1100000768&productImage=&selectModel=110000076801:34
Znortflgnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1277201:34
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gnomefreakZnortfl: ok is that file still open?01:35
CokeNCodehmmm, can anyone tell me what is up with wine?01:35
CokeNCodeand why the darn package never downloads completely on the first go?01:36
=== MrRio [n=rio@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MrRio] has joined #ubuntu
Znortflgnomefreak: tell me what to modify01:36
=== syncmaster [n=mika@dsl-tregw3-fe59f800-123.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
=== jenda fell in love with deviantart.com
=== MenZa shrugs
gnomefreakZnortfl: the very first line says deb cdrom  infront of word deb put a #01:36
Hexidigitalgood morning everyone01:37
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rukuarticbananasontoast: Try typing "lspci" in gnome-terminal01:37
gnomefreakZnortfl: theres more that wasnt all01:37
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Znortflgnomefreak: will post again,sec01:37
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Znortflgnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1277301:38
gnomefreakZnortfl: on the rest of the lines that start with the word deb take the # away from it and when it says universe at end of line add a space than the word multiverse01:38
gnomefreakZnortfl: hold on ill fix it for you so you can replace it with yours01:39
rukuarticbananasontoast: That'll give you a list of PCI devices on your system. See if you can find your wireless card.01:39
gnomefreakreplace yours with this one01:39
bananasontoastrukuartic, http://pastebin.com/67665701:39
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Hexidigitaldoes anyone know how much space will be consumed by installing all available packages? (and if there's an aptitude command for it?)01:40
=== Capdav [n=Capdav@ASte-Genev-Bois-152-1-78-117.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakZnortfl: this is what your sources.list should look like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1277401:41
martynWhat is the best word proc. for linux , thats not open office01:41
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gnomefreakmartyn: ^^^01:41
rukuarticbananasontoast: Ok, I think it found it there... but it doesn't know what it is XD01:41
Jimmey__where are my firefox bookmarks?01:41
gnomefreakZnortfl: when your done changing it to look like that please save  and paste it to pastebin please01:41
rukuarticbananasontoast: From what I understand, most wireless cards need a piece of software called "ndiswrapper" to get it working. What it does is take a windows driver and let linux talk with it.01:42
jguenthIs there an ubuntu-channel just for shouting YEAH!!! ?01:42
martyngnomefreak: do feel that is better than or same as word01:42
roryyJimmey__: $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/<something>.default/bookmarks.html01:42
rukuarticJimmey__: ~/.mozilla/firefox/(find it from nere)01:42
gnomefreakmartyn: i use OOo writer so i wouldnt know about word01:42
bananasontoastrukuartic, okay sounds like it makes sense...01:42
Znortflgnomefreak: I copy-pasted mine over yours01:43
roryyJimmey__: $HOME is your home directory (Places -> Home; .mozilla is a hidden directory, use Ctrl+H to make it visible01:43
freakabcdjguenth, #ubuntu-offtopic01:43
bananasontoastrukuartic, I'll download and compile it, give me a minute?01:43
=== angelbm [n=angelbm@145.red-82-159-182.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakZnortfl: you need to paste mine in place of yours01:43
martyngnomefreak: ok thx01:43
=== oaimage [n=oaimage@n128-227-179-37.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
roryymartyn: what sort of docs are you going to be writing ? normal, technical ?01:43
jguenthJust testes the last things on my laptop with the Dapper Beta and now I have WLAN, Suspend-to-disk, suspend-to-ram an I can turn my fans of by hand.01:43
Znortflgnomefreak: I did01:44
=== selinium [n=selinium@82-45-118-133.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jguenthAnd I only needed one howto and google for wlan.01:44
gnomefreakZnortfl: save close and than run sudo apt-get update01:44
jguenthsuspend out of the box is really a great thing.01:44
=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-3921.l1.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
gnomefreakjguenth: #ubuntu+1 is the dapper channel01:44
martynroryy: well both am at uni doing Computing trying to get away from Microsoft but i hate the look and feel or Openoffice01:45
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=== indypende [n=indypend@d83-184-251-46.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
rukuarticbananasontoast: Should be on the CD -- try apt-getting it01:46
roryymartyn: for technical documents, consider TeX.  There's a fairly 'friendly' front-end for it in the ubuntu repositories called Lyx.  For someone doing Computer Science TeX is entirely appropriate, considering it's history ;).01:46
=== vouzico [n=vouzico@ANancy-152-1-24-201.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
martynroryy: thx mate01:47
gnomefreakZnortfl: let me know of errors with update upgrade and libc6-dev ;)01:47
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Hexidigitalum... i think i just did something very bad... i think i used aptitude to delete all packages from my system01:47
Znortflgnomefreak: sec01:47
JDahl martyn, Lyx is not that great, imo... if you can figure out, e.g., to write HTML code in an editor, then you can also write LaTeX without LyX01:48
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freakabcderr.. vim + latex01:48
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gnomefreakmartyn: i would try what was suggested and make your own coice ;)01:48
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting01:49
freakabcdmartyn, if you're going to be involved in any sort of 'paper' submissions, etc. you might want to take a long hard look at latex01:49
martyngnomefreak: well i just install abie word it loos good and io can use .doc with it01:50
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gnomefreakmartyn: should beable to use .doc but off hand i dont remember if it is supported i dont use them much anymore01:50
bananasontoastrukuartic, I've installed it now, what is next?01:50
JDahlmartyn, I didn't quite catch that... what I mean is that for someone used to programming (and writing LaTeX docs), LyX is more a burden than a real help01:51
FaithXjSomeone around who has time to chat about usermodelinux?01:51
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PupenoWhat do I have to do to play a divx, I have installed the gstreamer plug in, yet, kaffeine doesn't play it.01:51
Pupenois there some server to re-start ?01:51
martynJDahl; its just as a replacment for WORD01:51
Znortflgnomefreak: libc6-dev is now working, nuked glibc-devel01:52
JDahlmartyn, Lyx? I never thought of that as a replacement for WORD - more like a graphical frontend to LaTeX01:52
mrmiyagican anybody tell me if there's something special i need to know about the way ubuntu handles java's CLASSPATH enviroment variable?01:52
rukuarticbananasontoast: Sorry I gotta go mate...01:53
PupenoJDahl: I am a programmer but I don't know Latex and I don't have the time to learn it now (more interesting things to do, like, prgoramming), so I use LyX and I love it.01:53
freakabcdmartyn, as for plug-in replacement for 'Word' then neither of OOo and abiword work unfortunately01:53
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PupenoJDahl: lyx is sometimes more than a front-end to LaTeX and sometimes less. It is not a Word-replacement (OOo is) but something different for people that choose to work differently.01:54
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mrmiyagiive setup the classpath env-var in .bashrc but it doesn't seem to work, if enter the classpath directly into javac -classpath it works01:54
Pupenohow do I get new gstreamer plug-ins to work ?01:54
roryymrmiyagi: make sure you export the variable01:54
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stjepaninitializing modules failed at boot... it says: "/sbin/lrm-manager: command not found".  What's wrong here??01:57
mrmiyagiroryy, thanks alot :-) that did the trick :-P01:57
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roryystjepan: lrm-manager is part of linux-restricted-modules-common -- have you uninstalled this package ?01:59
mrmiyagiroryy, just out of curiousity (im, as u probably can tell) not 100% on top of how exactly enviroment variables work on linux/unix, wut exactly happens when u export (i mean, i could echo the variable before the export, and like, see wut it contained n' all (which was why i suspected it like, might have been renamed or sumthing :-P)01:59
masqueradeq: i have a problem with bluetooth, my phone recognizes the computer for a while and after some data transfer it doesn't01:59
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unikuserq: how can I disable mysql-server to start automatically at boot time? sth like chkconfig in fedora? I have seen in services gui, but mysql-server  does not exist  there.01:59
roryymrmiyagi: it means the variable will be passed to 'child' processes, like the java runtime01:59
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roryymrmiyagi: check out 'help export' in the bash shell02:00
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stjepanroryy, tnx02:00
mrmiyagiwill do, thanks a lot for the assistance :-)02:00
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KwipperHeya guys02:01
aileancan I mount /mnt/windows under "Computer"?02:01
aileanhey Kwipper02:01
aileanu under the live cd now?02:02
masqueradeailean, what do you mean 'computer' ?02:02
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aileanin gnome, on the Places menu02:02
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masqueradeailean, that is just a short cut02:02
aileanclick on computer, you'll see CD drives and the FileSystem02:02
aileanoh right02:03
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roryyailean: my windows mount appears there; i've mounted in under /media/hda1, not /mnt/hda1, though02:03
bigfoot1so in nautilus, when i start typing onto my keyboard it will find a file that starts with the letters i've typed. Question is: how do i do a "Find Next"?02:03
aileanah, there's an idea - thanks roryy02:03
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freakabcdailean, as roryy says all the mounts under /media will show up there02:04
aileanfreakabcd, i did not know that :)02:04
maskdbigfoot1: im pretty sure that feature doesnt exist02:04
aileanstill a newbie02:04
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A[D] minSi want to resize " / "02:04
freakabcdailean, all of us are :)02:04
A[D] minSso what can i do02:04
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maskdbigfoot1: oh wait! try the up and down arrows on your keyboard02:04
shreevatsaHi, is there ever a reason to use "apt-get upgrade" instead of "apt-get dist-upgrade"?02:05
aileani'm very excited about the XGL stuff I have going on, and wine running my windows progs02:05
bigfoot1maskd: you did it!02:05
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bigfoot1maskd: did you just guess that?02:05
masqueradeailean, just manually go to the place which you want to show up in the link and 'Bookmarks'->Add Bookmark02:05
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bigfoot1is that parst of some manual?02:05
bigfoot1parst--> part02:05
maskdbigfoot1: nah just guessed it02:05
__user__shreevatsa: check the manual, actually it is NOT the same02:05
bigfoot1how did you learn that?02:05
maskdjust played around a little bit02:05
bigfoot1I think that should be part of every Ubuntu/Linux Welcome Manual, don't you think?02:06
bigfoot1maskd: thanks02:06
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jendaIs there a third pty app that allows automatic desktop cycling? Say picking a new random desktop from a directory on startup?02:06
shreevatsa__user__, I know, they aren't the same; but isn't dist-upgrade better in all ways? Why would anyone use upgrade?02:06
neillzeromaskd, bigfoot1: that won't find the next thing that matches what you typed. (on breezy(02:06
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maskdneillzero: im using dapper beta02:06
bigfoot1neillzero: it works for me02:06
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bigfoot1i'm using dapper too02:06
maskdmust be a newly added thing then02:06
__user__shreevatsa: do you know what you are doing ?02:06
freakabcdgrr.. you guys on dapper beta.. i'm still on flight6+02:06
bigfoot1i asked the question here because i thought it would be a general ubunu thing.02:06
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neillzeromaskd: for me it just goes to the next file, regardless of name, and filter02:07
bigfoot1maskd: yeah, must be a new addition to gnome02:07
shreevatsa__user__, quote "dist-upgrade *in addition to performing the function of upgrade*, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages" (from the apt-get manpage)02:07
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imbrandonfreakabcd: just do a apt-get dist-upgrade ;)02:07
bigfoot1neillzero: i guess it's time for you to upgrade to dapper 8-)02:07
masqueradeq: i have a problem with bluetooth, my phone recognizes the computer for a while and after some data transfer it doesn't02:07
freakabcdimbrandon, not now.02:07
freakabcdi'll wait another week or so02:07
__user__there should not be changing dependencies in a stable release02:07
maskdits pretty rock solid for a beta i reckon02:07
shreevatsa__user__, I've always been using dist-upgrade all these years (two), I suddenly am curious why "upgrade" exists02:07
neillzerobigfoot1: hehe, i think it is, i just seem to have broken my packages in breezy02:07
bigfoot1neillzero: do it, dude02:08
bigfoot1i did it 2 days ago02:08
maskdnah its better to download an iso, means you dont have to redownload as many update02:08
bigfoot1my P3 1Ghz computer runs faster02:08
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freakabcdwow.. how far? 400m or 800m or marathon?02:08
maskdcant believe how good wine has gotten, grabit installed without a hitch02:09
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imbrandonheh your 1ghz dosent run faster bigfoot1, you just dont have a hod windows os eating all the cpu cycles02:09
bigfoot1http://www.lifehacker.com/software/text/geek-to-live-list-your-life-in-txt-166299.php#c98650 says that appending ".log" onto a txt file will have it append dates when i open the text file. i can't get it to work.02:09
neillzerobigfoot1: prefer to try to get to the bottom of the dependencies problem first. the same thing's going to happen eventually on dapper.02:09
Otacon22i have to intall the directx 8 for wine to play some games for windows, anyone con help me?02:09
bigfoot1imbrandon: i mean faster than breezy02:09
shreevatsabigfoot1, that's for windows, IIRC02:09
Otacon22i know where download but i don't know how install02:09
bigfoot1shreevatsa: you read the article?02:09
maskdimbrandon: i find things normally "load" faster in windows, but you just leave them open because linux memory management is far better than windows02:09
CokeNCodehmmm, i'm running phpbb2, but it's giving me errors because I don't have a mail server set up, what's the easiest way to set up a mail server on ubuntu ?02:10
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shreevatsabigfoot1, yes, just now (but after that comment ;) )02:10
freakabcdbigfoot1, sounds like an editor specific thing02:10
imbrandonCokeNCode: apt-get install postfix02:10
freakabcdthats not a system provided facility02:10
bigfoot1shreevatsa: so we can't get the ".log" renaming to auto-add date?02:10
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shreevatsabigfoot1, that only works with notepad02:11
bigfoot1freakabcd: maybe. i guess i should read the article again02:11
bigfoot1shreevatsa: is that right?02:11
freakabcdif you really want a version control system, why not use svn or arch or bazaar or such?02:11
shreevatsabigfoot1, besides, you can always see the access-time, modification-time, etc, with ls02:11
bigfoot1can't believe Windows' notepad is better than linux02:11
freakabcdsomewhere in between is lame02:11
maskd6 virtual workspaces full of programs/windows and only using 300mb of ram :o02:11
shreevatsabigfoot1, huh? Some obscure feature makes it better? :p02:11
shreevatsabigfoot1, I'd call it a bug; a text editor shouldn't do such things! :)02:11
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bigfoot1well,i have a plain text file that i use as a journal/diary. when i open it up, it would be cool if it could auto-add the daet02:12
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shreevatsabigfoot1, you can do that with, say, emacs. You'd probably have to type "M-x insert-date" or something like that :)02:12
bigfoot1i switched from gedit to leafpad as my basic text editor.02:12
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maskdbigfoot1: Edit > Insert Date & Time ;)02:12
freakabcdas i said waaaay earlier.02:13
bigfoot1shreevatsa: in that case, it would be faster for me to type in the date02:13
maskdoh nm02:13
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freakabcdsome obscure _editor_ feature!02:13
needlz_hey, does anyone have a thinkpad? for the xorg configuration, which keyboard model should i use? pc104, pc105? any other model? thanks02:13
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shreevatsabigfoot1, no no; I meant you can make emacs auto-insert that line when you open that file02:13
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bigfoot1shreevatsa: oh i see02:13
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Frogzoobigfoot1: use an "alias tgedit='date >> file; gedit file' "02:13
bigfoot1shreevatsa: isn't emacs a programmer's tool?02:13
ferronicaso any one help me02:13
bigfoot1Frogzoo: pardon me?02:14
ferronicai cant boot my Xp from GRUB02:14
gnomefreakbigfoot1: emacs is a text editor02:14
bigfoot1Frogzoo: i'm no geek, please speak english 8-)02:14
ferronicaNTLDR missing02:14
Erikaciao wi!!02:14
shreevatsabigfoot1, emacs is just a text editor; you can use it for programming if you want02:14
Erikak casino!!!02:14
martuzciao wi!02:14
freakabcdwho the heck said its a programmer's tool?02:14
Erikamaria ci capisci qualcosa???02:14
axismeany error, ferronica?02:14
martuzsi si si certo certo02:14
freakabcdemacs can browse the web, read email!02:14
freakabcdits crazy :)02:14
ferronicaNTLDR missing02:14
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Erikachi e matto scusa??02:15
gnomefreakall text editors are programmers tools in a sense but i would stick with calling it a text editor02:15
__user__freakabcd: IMHO emacs is overbloated :p02:15
bigfoot1emacs does alll that?02:15
ferronicawhen i choose Xp02:15
Frogzooemacs is a text editor, an operating system, and a kitchen sink02:15
ferronicaFoom GRUB02:15
freakabcdnow thats a word to describe it:: 'overbloated' :p02:15
ferronicado i need some changes in menu.list02:15
bigfoot1freakabcd: he could have just said "bloated"02:15
Erikawho spak italian??????'02:15
freakabcdbigfoot1, emcs does a whole lot more!02:15
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:15
axismedoes it not load at all?02:15
KwipperBTW. Here's a suggestion for Ubuntu. When you're tyring to play media, and it says you don't have the proper codecs installed, it would be nice if Ubuntu would bring up a list of codecs you can download so that you can play the file you want to play.02:15
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axismedid ubuntu find it during setup?02:15
OmegHi all. I've installed Quake on my Ubuntu system and downloaded two binaries that would allow me to run the game under Linux. But when I attempt to start it, I get an error message that says "Segmentation fault" in the terminal.02:16
OmegAny suggestions?02:16
gnomefreakaxisme: can i make a suggestion?02:16
martuzsi si ;-)02:16
roryyKwipper: there are legal reasons that the codecs are not installed.  See easyubuntu for a way to easily install the codecs02:16
CokeNCodeWOW THANKS !02:16
CokeNCodeThat was really easy02:16
shreevatsabigfoot1, here you go02:16
ferronicait shows me Xp02:16
HymnToLifeKwipper> since most codecs are non free, doing so would be illegal in some countries02:16
gnomefreakaxisme: if your talking to ferronica  dont bother her issue is a windows issue and wont go to windows for help02:16
shreevatsabigfoot1, look at http://www.geocities.com/kensanata/dot-emacs.html and search for date02:16
KwipperYeah, but MP3 is a given02:16
axismeoh right02:16
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roryyKwipper: mp3 is a given legal problem02:16
Omegroryy:  it _would_ be nice if Ubuntu gave you a quick and easy method to turn on universe and multiverse at the same error dialog, though.02:16
KwipperOn the MP3 Live CD I can't even play Mp302:16
HymnToLifemp3 is a non free format02:16
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bigfoot1shreevatsa: yikes , ijust opened up emacs. it's intimidating02:17
ferronicano its ubuntu issue02:17
OmegOr at least explain why the files cannot be played.02:17
ferronicabcoz my Xp is allright02:17
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shreevatsabigfoot1, relax :)02:17
ferronicato boot Xp i hav to change boot device from CMOs02:17
KwipperOkay. If I did want to play MP3 files in Ubuntu, how would I do it?02:17
ferronicathats it02:17
freakabcdomg! behold the great interface02:17
shreevatsabigfoot1, think of it as "Notepad with a trillion other features" :)02:17
bigfoot1i'm a leafpad user02:17
neillzerodependencies: I tried installing libreadline5, but had to uninstall.  Now, previously installed packages complain that they depend on libreadline5 (i'm pretty sure they need libreadline4 only)02:17
gnomefreakferronica: for the _last_ time NTLDR is not a ubuntu issue02:17
freakabcdok, i'll hold off the sarcasm for a while02:17
HymnToLife!tell Kwipper about mp302:17
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bigfoot1shreevatsa: would i need anything more than just notepad?02:17
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shreevatsabigfoot1, (which it is, anyway)02:17
bigfoot1i'm just typing my journal.02:18
bigfoot1no special thing is needed02:18
shreevatsabigfoot1, well, Emacs *is* for typing02:18
__user__bigfoot1, if you dont use emacs, why dont just purge it ?02:18
__user__and stick with vi, nano, etc02:18
freakabcdyes, yes. DO IT!!02:18
ferronicaok i agree02:18
ferronicaand now now listen me02:18
bonythere is a 64 bit system on which i installed dpper-drake 32bit and i see most of the apps are running slowly there is a 256MB ram in it. apps like gimp komba2 etc. Is it because i installed 32bit ubuntu on 64bit system ?02:18
bigfoot1__user__: actually i don't use vi, nano either.02:19
bigfoot1__user__: i use leafpad02:19
shreevatsabigfoot1, so what do you use? gedit?02:19
bigfoot1a plain and simple text editor02:19
roryybigfoot1, freakabcd, etc.: please take the editor wars to #ubuntu-offtopic02:19
bigfoot1shreevatsa: leafpad, which is even simpler than gedit02:19
ferronicaif i choose boot Xp from CMOS directly02:19
bigfoot1roryy: i'm in no war02:19
freakabcdthis aint no war. and its no editor we are discussing ;)02:19
xerophyte if we place a file in /etc/pam.d do i have to restart it .. if so  how ??02:19
ferronicathen y that time it boot it02:19
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__user__darn gui :p02:19
ferronicano ntldr missing02:19
shreevatsabigfoot1, ok, whatever. The feature is there in Emacs if you want it; and it can do everything leafpad can (I'm sure ;)02:20
KwipperIt seems I would have to use terminal in order to get the MP3 codecs.02:20
KwipperThis is not good.02:20
HymnToLifebigfoot1> something plainer and simpler than nano ? gotta check it ut :p02:20
ferronicaif something wrong in Xp it shud not boot02:20
bigfoot1HymnToLife: yes, check out leafpad02:20
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bigfoot1HymnToLife: but it's gui02:20
axismeferronica, are you booting from two different hard drives?02:20
HymnToLifeKwipper> nop02:20
HymnToLifeyou can install them through Synaptic too02:20
__user__ferronica: what does your grub cfg look like ?02:20
ferronicai hav 3 HDD02:20
jendawhat's the best pdf reader for Ubuntu? Evince takes very long to display a page of the 600-page Jazz RealBook...02:20
roryyKwipper: google for easyubuntu02:20
KwipperOh okay02:20
gnomefreakferronica: NTLDR = NT BOOT LOADER NT = windows platform02:20
HymnToLifebut you'd better get used with the terminal, it will be your best friend on Linux02:20
ferronicaok agree02:20
__user__active +1...02:20
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roryyjenda: afaik you can get adobe's reader from multiverse02:20
HymnToLifeafter Frozen Bubble of course :p02:21
freakabcdjenda, how about kpdf or even simpler: xpdf ?02:21
needlz_im trying to get the 's etc working on my ubuntu 5.10 installation. after logging into the shell it works perfect (changed it with dpkg-reconfigure locales), but when i start enlightenment with startx the $'s dont show up. does anyone have a idea? the xorg.conf is here http://pastebin.ca/5067302:21
jendaroryy: and will it be any better? I'd love to have it FOSS...02:21
gnomefreakferronica: we can not tell you how to get it back this is _not_ a windows support channel02:21
jendafreakabcd: I'll try xpdf...02:21
shreevatsabigfoot1, just put the lines in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12776 in your .emacs, and you can insert the date by typing "Ctrl-c, i"02:21
needlz_also ~ doesnt work, i guess its a problem with the keyboard model02:21
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freakabcdyup xpdf is very lightweight02:21
shreevatsabigfoot1, But if you're attached to leafpad, I don't know...02:21
gnomefreaknow please as said for last 3 days join #windows see if they can help02:21
roryyjenda: in my experience adobe's reader has the best quality screen output02:21
freakabcdalthough you could say that of evince and kpdf nowdays as they just use the poppler lib02:21
jendafreakabcd: lol... xpdf is MEGAbetter02:22
HymnToLifelmao, there actually is a #windows channel ?02:22
gnomefreakHymnToLife: yeah its ##windows02:22
bigfoot1where do i insert that exactly?02:22
bigfoot1shreevatsa: ?02:22
ferronicai told u my Xp is allright nothing wrong02:22
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ferronicaif i boot xp alone02:22
jendaroryy: It's just sheet music - need to find the page I want as fast as possible to print it out...02:22
shreevatsabigfoot1, In your home directory, there will be a hidden file called ".emacs"02:22
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__user__ferronica: partition not active...02:22
shreevatsabigfoot1, Just put it at the bottom of that file02:22
ferronicait works no ntldr missing02:22
gnomefreakferronica: than why does it say your missing ntldr?02:22
bigfoot1shreevatsa: ok02:22
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bigfoot1i'll try it out, shreevatsa thanks02:23
jendaHymnToLife: I could burst out laughing when I first noticed it...02:23
axismeis it set as hd0 or hd1 in grub conf?02:23
BrianB04Morning all.02:23
HymnToLifeespecially on FREEnode :p02:23
ferronicawhen i boot my computer via ubuntu02:23
__user__ferronica: http://www.aboutdebian.com/dualboot.htm02:23
bigfoot1shreevatsa: is it called " .emacs.d " ?02:23
shreevatsabigfoot1, No, that's a directory02:23
ferronicathen ubuntu sho me Os choice02:23
shreevatsabigfoot1, It's just called ".emacs"02:23
needlz_has anyone even read my question? :P02:23
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shreevatsabigfoot1, Maybe it doesn't exist yet and you have to create it... here's a tip:02:24
roryyneedlz_: i suspect very few people use enlightenment.  is there a #enlightment you can try?02:24
freakabcdroryy, hell yeah02:24
shreevatsabigfoot1, Start Emacs, and type "Ctrl-h t". Take the time to read the tutorial, and you'll learn to love one of the best editors ever! :)02:24
bigfoot1is there a list of all the new changes in Dapper's gnome02:24
freakabcd#e for users, #edevelop for e devels02:24
needlz_roryy: i guess its not a problem of enlightenment, its the xserver02:24
__user__ferronica: as I told you ages ago.. non-active.02:24
needlz_(i think so)02:25
beta_mhow do i compare two ascii files in ubuntu... i know there is a command, but i don't remember what it is02:25
needlz_beta_m: diff02:25
jendaroryy, freakabcd thanks, adobe is very good too, but I think xpdf wins with me. lightweight, fast and FREE 02:25
beta_mneedlz_:  thanks02:25
needlz_beta_m: np02:25
freakabcdjenda, sweet. another happy xpdf user02:25
g1gamanhow can i add a keyboard switcher to panel?02:26
CokeNCodehey, which linux tool can I used to open .zip files ?02:26
__user__ferronica: you can test out prior saving; reboot: enter the grub cmd modus; rootnoverify (hdX,Y); makeactive; chainloader +1; boot02:26
jendaoh yeah...  BTW, a very good friend of mine (female!!!) wants to switch to Ubuntu... I feel we are going to win this war afterall...02:26
pschulz01Greetings.. trying to find  <sys/io.h> in breezy...02:27
__user__it WILL work if you set the HDD and the partition correct.02:27
jendag1gaman: right click panel, add to panel, keyboard switcher02:27
freakabcdjenda, why did you say 'female' was that relevant in that sentence?02:27
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ferronicamy win Xp is in SATA drive02:27
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ferronicanot in IDE02:27
g1gamanjenda, :) no, it is not like that02:27
roryypschulz01: install the build-essential package02:27
pschulz01The software that I am trying to compile works in 'Dapper' but not 'Breezy'.02:27
axismelook at your message windows02:28
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__user__ferronica: does not matter02:28
ferronicarootnoverify         (hd2,0)02:28
g1gamanjenda, gnome02:28
jendafreakabcd: because there are very few women using linux, and from experience, they are less open to technical debate...02:28
newbie33how to get more gnome themes?02:28
jendag1gaman: sorry, it's keyboard indicator02:28
gnomefreakjenda: there is a ubuntu-womens team02:28
jendanewbie33: gnome-look.org02:28
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freakabcdumm.. ok. all the women in my dept use linux02:28
jendagnomefreak: I know.02:28
__user__ferronica: makeactive and chainloader +1 also part of your menu.lst ?02:28
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pschulz01roryy: build-essential is already the newest version.02:28
g1gamanjenda, i meant language to language switcher02:28
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__user__ferronica: is the partition marked as ACTIVE ?02:29
Frogzoo!tell newbie33: about themes02:29
Frogzoo!tell newbie33: about theme02:29
g1gamanjenda, like EN to FR and otherwise02:29
__user__ferronica: fdisk -l /dev/sda02:29
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Frogzoonewbie33: check the pm from ubotu02:29
ferronicamap                (hd0) (hd2)02:29
newbie33Frogzoo, thankus but I already written !themes :)02:29
Frogzoonewbie33: please register with nickserv02:29
ferronicamap                (hd2) (hd0)02:29
jendagnomefreak, g1gaman, all my converts so for were men, and no member of the marketing team is a female, so that's why I'm happy I have a female convert now - that's all. :)02:29
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bigfoot1breezy users: tell me what version is your nautilus?02:29
newbie33Frogzoo,  I got msg from ubotu :)02:30
roryypschulz01: and sys/io.h is missigin ?02:30
newbie33all ok02:30
Frogzoonewbie33: ok, cool02:30
pschulz01roryy:  dpkg -S include/sys/io.h02:30
pschulz01dpkg: *include/sys/io.h* not found.02:30
jendag1gaman: OK, that's exactly what keyboard indicator does. You need to set up the alternat keyboard layout in System > Prefs>Keyboard Settings02:30
axismeferronica..... Open up a terminal. type "cd /etc/grub"02:30
axismethen type "nano menu.lst"02:30
gnomefreakpschulz01: try dpkg -L sys/io.h02:30
ferronicacome privately02:31
Seveas!tell pschulz01 about compiling02:31
Frogzoo(it seems bot is playing up - spamming "(target invalid?))" when the pm has been sent)02:31
axismewhat error02:31
roryypschulz01: puzzling. I set libc6-dev -- which is a dep of build-essential02:31
ferronicabash: cd: /etc/grub: No such file or directory02:31
roryypschulz01: that is, i *get* libc6-dev (from dpkg -S ... )02:31
Frogzooferronica: /boot/grub/menu.lst02:31
axismeoh sorry my bad02:31
__user__ferronica: it has to be part of /boot/ anyways02:31
freakabcdroryy, err..02:32
axismeyeh what frog said02:32
pschulz01libc6-dev is installed..02:32
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freakabcdhes searching for non-existent files02:32
ferronicait is already opened02:32
freakabcdshouldn't you specify the full path to -S ?02:32
__user__ferronica: /etc/grub is probably just a symlink to /boot/grub02:32
roryyfreakabcd: ah, yeah, sorry02:32
axismeso scroll down02:32
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roryypschulz01: /usr/include/sys/io.h02:32
axismeuntil you find the windows option02:32
g1gamanjenda, thanx, it worked. me = stupido02:32
freakabcdand whats the problem with libc6-dev ?02:33
ferronicain bottom i found02:33
jendag1gaman: no problem at all 02:33
pschulz01roryy: dpkg -L libc6-dev | grep sys/io.h -  doesn't return anything on Breezy.02:33
axismejust change the contents of the root to the destination of your windows hdd02:33
ferronica# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS02:33
imbrandonplease use pastebin02:33
roryypschulz01: it does on my breezy ;)02:33
roryypschulz01: what arch are you on?02:33
pschulz01roryy: PowerPC02:34
ferronicawhat axisme02:34
axismeyes below that02:34
ferronicawhat i change02:34
roryypschulz01: let's check on packages.ubuntu.com02:34
axismeyou will see root            (hd0,1)02:34
axismeor something like that02:34
axismechange the contents of the bracket to the drive you want it to boot02:34
ferronicarootnoverify     (hd2,0)02:34
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axismedid you change it?02:35
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axismewhat was it before?02:35
ferronicaright now it is hd2,002:35
pschulz01roryy: Is is arch dependent?02:35
roryypschulz01: wouldn't have thought so02:35
axismeok and which drive do you want to boot?02:36
roryypschulz01: but that is the only difference between our system02:36
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ferronicai want ubuntu ask me to choose OS,02:36
ferronicaif i choose Xp it shud boot Boot02:36
axismeyes but which hdd is xp on02:37
axismeis it set right?02:37
imbrandonprobly hd0,102:37
ferronicaXp is on SATA02:37
axismeif it is, i have no idea what your problem is. If its set to boot in the wrong place, change it02:37
ferronica0 channel02:37
ferronicaand ubuntu is in IDE02:37
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ferronica0 channel02:37
pschulz01roryy: My Dapper is on i386, and this has this file..02:37
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buithuhiencan i ask a question02:38
imbrandonjust ask02:38
roryypschulz01: i'm on i386 breezy02:38
sfarbuithuhien: you just did02:38
buithuhieni there any soft to read pdf file02:38
roryypschulz01: hmm. http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=sys%2Fio.h&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=breezy&arch=powerpc02:38
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axismewhat does ubuntu root say02:38
axismeor hd102:38
roryypschulz01: as opposed to http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=sys%2Fio.h&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=breezy&arch=i38602:38
imbrandonbuithuhien: apt-get install xpdf02:38
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ferronicaroot                (hd0,0)02:39
axismewhen you go to cmos, where do you tell it to boot from, to get xp to boot02:39
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roryypschulz01: looks like it is arch specific02:39
imbrandonferronica: try hd1,0 for windows, see if it works02:39
newbie33I am having a HUGE problem with my mobile phone's cable and it's applications.02:39
newbie33I am a Siemens cx65 user and use the siemens DCA-510 usb data cable. In windows there was a driver that emulated usb port to be found from siemens apps as a communication ports (u could selected the port). I can run the programs thru wine but they cannot recognise the cable, because they need commport cables. Is there any way to do this?02:39
ferronicai set it on ubuntu02:39
ferronicanot in XP02:40
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buithuhienimbrandon : thanks02:40
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ferronicaif i wanna use Xp again i ahv to change02:40
imbrandonbuithuhien: np02:40
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axisme....so whats the xp hdd drive called?02:40
axismehd1? hd2?02:40
Frogzoonewbie33: pretty sure wine supports serial ports02:41
axismeif you can manually boot it, it should tell you there02:41
imbrandonaxisme: i dont think she knows02:41
pschulz01roryy: Thanks.. looks like I'll have to hack some code..02:41
ferronicareally i dont know02:41
gnomefreakwhy not paste /boot/grub/menu.lst to pastebin02:41
ferronicai am dumbo in linux02:41
ubotumethinks pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126902:41
axismeor just do what brandon sways and change the windows one to  (hd1,0)02:42
axismejust guessing02:42
axismeno idea what its on heh02:42
ferronicaok done02:42
imbrandonif your linux is hd0,0 and on ide and the other is on sata and there are no other hdds installed i bet its hd1,002:42
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ferronicathere is only one sata02:43
ferronicaand two IDE02:43
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imbrandonahh try hd2,1 thern02:43
=== axisme nod
imbrandonif there is two ide02:43
jendaHow can I rip a page out of a pdf book? output to postscript would suffice, but evince doesn't seem to work...02:43
ferronicaya there is two HDD02:43
Frogzooimbrandon: sata would be sd002:43
ferronicaIDE two02:44
=== TG|Mino [n=chatzill@dsl-213-134-239-104.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
imbrandonnot in grub02:44
roryyFrogzoo: in grub too ?02:44
imbrandoni run sata for all my drives02:44
gnomefreaksd(a)0 in grub no?02:44
gnomefreak(a) = a or b or whatever letter02:44
imbrandonhd just the same02:44
imbrandonmy sata drives are hd just as ide ones02:44
imbrandonjust depends on the order02:45
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imbrandonferronica: try to change rootnoverify         (hd2,0) to rootnoverify         (hd2,1)02:45
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axismechange rootnoverify         (hd2,0) to rootnoverify         (hd2,1)02:45
axismetry that02:45
roryy'fdisk -l' should at least let you identify which partition of the drive it is02:45
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ferronicaand reboot ok02:46
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ferronicacommand to open menulist02:47
TG|Minocan anybody help me a bit with booting ubuntu...02:47
Frogzoororyy: device.map should map hdx -> /dev/sdx02:47
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axismenano menu.lst02:47
imbrandongnomefreak: grub sees all hard drives as hdx,x but the OS see's them as /dev/sdX02:47
TG|MinoI just installed ubuntu from cd on a partition, I allready had a windows xp install on my syststem02:47
newbie33how to reach mounted drives threw terminal?02:48
newbie33where it is?02:48
TG|Minonow it shows a nice grub prompt and me wondering what to do next02:48
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axismeshould be in /media02:48
imbrandonnewbie33: probbly /media but it depends on where you mounted them02:48
Frogzoonewbie33: mount will show where it's mounted02:48
newbie33found, thanks02:48
TG|Minomy ubuntu install is at (hd1,1)02:48
keithhhhhDid anyone have this problem installing ubuntu.... After getting past Selecting Country and Keyboard its freezes at 92%-"Detecting Hardware to find CD-Rom Drive         Loading module 'isofs' for Linux ISO 9660 filesystem' ...02:48
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imbrandonkeithhhhh: it just seems like its locked it takes a long time on older systems02:49
imbrandoni thought that the first time02:49
keithhhhhwell this is a fairly new sytem02:49
roryyTG|Mino: you're seeing a grub> prompt ?02:49
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keithhhhhand Ive gotten past this problem before02:49
HaxoR91how do i install my printer?02:49
keithhhhhthis is my second install  :(02:49
imbrandonhmmm ok keithhhhh02:49
ubotumethinks printer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org02:49
imbrandonmy bad02:49
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roryyTG|Mino: i can try to help you by telling you commands from my menu.lst, and using grub's filename completion02:50
keithhhhhimbrandon Ive tried 3 disks  :(02:50
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TG|Minowell my question really is what to do next, how do I boot my winXP install again or a ubuntu install02:51
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HaxoR91uhmm can someone please tell me how to install my printer?02:51
ubotuwell, printers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org02:51
roryyTG|Mino: you can use a windows install CD, with the 'fixmbr' command, to restore your windows system02:51
axismeMIno, didn't grub find the windows install when you installed unbuntu?02:51
roryyTG|Mino: it sounds like your ubuntu install failed -- any ideas why?02:51
TG|Minonot really it appeared to go well02:52
athlonis firefox package for dapper / breezy available from the official repositories ?02:52
gnomefreakathlon: no get it from02:52
TG|Minoit told me to reboot without cd to install some other software, but it didn't really got to that obviously02:52
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:52
imbrandonathlon: is dapper not yer02:52
roryyTG|Mino: maybe the grub install got confused. I get the idea with multiple drives, things can more easily go wrong02:53
athlonoh okay... I thought theres something wrong with my sources.list02:53
roryyTG|Mino: what do you want to do?02:53
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lesshasteanyone know how to make a simply 3d plot with gnuplot?02:54
lesshasteI have a file of x y z values02:55
TG|Minowell could be, I got my windows install on IDE hd, and I got a 200gig ata hd partitioned with fat32, I took 10 gig from that 200gig fat32 partition to install ubuntu on, but it doesn't really seem to work that easy...02:55
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roryyTG|Mino: i imagine the grub config can be fixed up manually02:55
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TG|Minook can you give me a hint on how to do that02:55
alexMKUbuntu Dapper rocks :)02:55
freakabcdlesshaste, easy02:55
gnomefreakalexMK: #ubuntu+1 for all dapper discussion02:56
lesshastefreakabcd: :) how?02:56
roryyTG|Mino: let's try to get ubuntu booted02:56
alexMKI mean Ubuntu Dapper "Live" rocks :)02:56
freakabcdlesshaste, if you already have a file 'data.dat' with x y z values: splot 'data.dat'02:56
TG|Minoyes thats the idea02:56
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roryyTG|Mino: first,    'root (hd1,1)'     (without the quotes)02:56
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lesshastefreakabcd: cool.. I just need a nice surface to be drawn02:57
TG|MinoFilesystem type is ext2fs, partition thype 0x8302:57
freakabcdset pm3d02:57
freakabcdset surface02:57
roryyTG|Mino:    'kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6<TAB>'    (the <TAB> keypress should hopefully complete the name)02:57
alexMKgnomefreak:This live version is cool, I can actually install software running Ubuntu from the CD (Live) with the new UnionFS :)02:57
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phish_Can anyone help me?02:57
phish_I'm new to linux.02:58
TG|Mino[Linux-bzImage, setup-0x1c00, size=0x124b1b02:58
TG|Mino] 02:58
keithhhhhphish - I find everyone helpful here, just ask the question and say thank you after  ;)02:58
roryyTG|Mino: hmm02:58
gnomefreakalexMK: please bring all dapper support issues to #ubuntu+1 and for dapper offtopic talk please join #ubuntu-offtopic02:58
roryyTG|Mino: doesn't sound quite right02:58
alexMKoh sorry02:58
lesshastefreakabcd: that didn't do it... http://pastebin.com/676774 is the data02:58
lesshastefreakabcd: I get a nice colour bar on the right but no surface drawn02:59
phish_When i go to install my nvidia drivers it tells me i am running an X server and i need to stop ruinning it. what does it mean and how can i stop it?02:59
jimi is there anything to view what inside the /boot/bzImage file?02:59
alexMKgnomefreak:I didn't understand that #ubuntu+1 at first :P, got it now02:59
TG|Minoany idea on what could cause this -not quite rightigousness-02:59
imbrandonphish_: easyest thing is to reboot02:59
gnomefreakphish_: please reboot02:59
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roryyTG|Mino: 'kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6<TAB>'  gives me 'Possible files are e: vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-k7 vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-k7'03:00
imbrandonbrb, btw good morning gnomefreak ;)03:00
gnomefreakgood morning imbrandon03:00
roryyTG|Mino: are you putting a space before the TAB by any chance?03:00
imbrandonbrb quick reboot myself03:00
shackan_on freebsd I can force my centrino on a fixed frequency (no scaling) using sysctl dev.cpu.0.freq=XXXX, is there anything similar on linux ?03:00
freakabcdlesshaste, ah yes.. you need to tell gnuplot to explicitly interpolate and draw the surfaace..03:00
TG|Minothe command after tab read: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-38603:01
lesshastefreakabcd: ah ok.. how do you do that?03:01
freakabcdlemme try to find my files i did the exact same thing many moons ago03:01
roryyTG|Mino: ah, good03:01
roryyTG|Mino: don't press enter, there are still some boot parameters after that03:01
TG|Minoah ok03:01
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roryyTG|Mino: the line should look like this:     'kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 root=/dev/sda2 ro quiet splash'   (the /dev/sda2 is a bit of a guess -- you said this is an SATA drive, and your other drive is IDE ?)03:02
lesshastefreakabcd: thx very much03:03
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TG|Minoyes as fas as I can remember I build a IDE and a sata drive in this pc ^_^03:03
PupenoI am converting images from tiff to png with ImageMagick's convert, how do I achieve the greatest compression ?03:03
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roryyTG|Mino: well, we'll find out soon enough03:03
phish_Well, unfortunatly i got the same error.03:03
roryyTG|Mino: next line is 'initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-386'03:04
jimi is there anything to view what inside the /boot/bzImage file?03:04
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roryyTG|Mino: you can use <TAB> to complete the initrd.img name (that will verify that it's correct)03:04
freakabcdlesshaste, set dgrid3d03:04
imbrandonjimi: thats your kernel03:04
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phish_How do i stop "X"03:04
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TG|Minoit gives the same response as without the 'root=' but if I remember it right it should be sda5 so I'll try that03:04
lesshastefreakabcd: thx!03:05
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imbrandonphish_: rebooting will restart x03:05
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roryyTG|Mino: ah, fair enough, if it's an extended partition03:05
OffHandanyone got his HP Deskjet 843C printer to work in Dapper Beta?03:05
phish_imbrandon: i need to stop it03:05
freakabcdlesshaste, your points a too sparsed out. hence it doesn't provide a smooth surface03:05
roryyphish_: in a terminal 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'03:05
imbrandonphish_: x is your windows03:05
lesshastefreakabcd: it also makes some odd interpolation03:05
TG|Minook no luck until 9 :/03:06
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freakabcdhelp dgrid3d03:06
freakabcdanyway, whats this data set from? its weird03:06
lesshastefreakabcd: for some reason it goes up and down in both the x and y axes03:06
roryyTG|Mino: root=/dev/sda9 ?03:06
gnomefreaki could be wrong on this but doesnt grub send signal to windows loader to boot windows (grub is not really booting anything)03:06
roryyTG|Mino: sounds dodg03:06
lesshastefreakabcd: not sure how to stop it doing that03:06
lesshastefreakabcd: I linear interpolation would have done!"03:06
lesshasteA linear03:07
OffHandis there a dapper drake irc channel?03:07
TG|Minoall gives thes same response: [Linux-bzImage, setup=0x1c00, size=0x124b1b] 03:07
gnomefreakOffHand: #ubuntu+103:07
freakabcdOffHand, #ubuntu+103:07
roryyTG|Mino: well, let's see what happens.  Put in the initrd line I posted a little earlier03:07
roryyTG|Mino: oh, that's ok03:07
roryyTG|Mino: sorry, i think i misunderstood you. I thought that was the 'completion' response03:07
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roryyTG|Mino: i think try '/dev/sda2', unless you remember creating an extended partition03:08
freakabcdless linear interpolation is what you get if you just set dgrid3d03:08
mthakurhi, can ne1 tell me how to run windows program on linux?03:08
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freakabcdand it will decide the interpolation03:08
freakabcdand the surface will _not_ be smooth03:08
gnomefreakmthakur: wine cedega crossover office your choice03:08
mthakurgnomefreak, how do u use it/install it?03:09
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gnomefreakmthakur: not all win apps run on them wine is only free one in the group03:09
freakabcdlesshaste, you still there?03:09
gnomefreakubotu tell mthakur about wine03:09
TG|Minook the initrd [Linux-initrd @ [somehex] , [morehex]  bytes] 03:09
lesshastefreakabcd: yep03:09
gnomefreakubotu tell mthakur about cedega03:09
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mthakurgnomefreak, cheers!03:09
roryyTG|Mino: ok, let's try boot03:09
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phish_What was the command to stop "X" again? i need to write it down this time03:10
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TG|Minoah that looks good03:10
roryyTG|Mino: just 'boot'03:10
lesshastefreakabcd: I have to set hidden3d too03:10
gnomefreakphish_: ctrl+alt+backspace is one way to do it03:10
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freakabcdsorry if you wanted just crappy linear interp wth a surface, unset dgrid3d; set pm3d; set dgrid3d 5,5; splot "data.dat"03:10
TG|Minowill it work the next time grub will load like this?03:10
TG|Minoor will I have to retype all this03:10
roryyTG|Mino: no, i think you may need to tweak the grub config file03:10
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lesshastefreakabcd: ok... here goes :)03:11
roryyTG|Mino: can that machine access the internet ?03:11
TG|Minoit should ye03:11
TG|Minoit's now installing the rest of the packages03:11
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freakabcdthe pm3d is what is providing the colours you can change the colourscheme. take a look at the gnuplot 4.x demo pages on the net. lots of good examples03:11
lesshastefreakabcd: that is at least monotonic!03:11
lesshastefreakabcd: the previous ones weren't for some reason03:12
HaxoR91ubuntu didnt detect my printer03:12
HaxoR91what do i do?03:12
roryyTG|Mino: well, when all the install bits are done, put your /boot/grub/menu.lst file on the pastebin http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl and we'll see if we can fix it03:12
newbie33how to exit man command?03:12
newbie33ctrl + c not helps03:12
roryyTG|Mino: you should recognize some of the commands we just typed as being in that file03:12
roryynewbie33: q03:12
TG|Minook is it possible to fix the windows boot aswell?03:12
HaxoR91ubuntu did detect my printer03:13
gnomefreaknewbie33: q03:13
theSamohaakonn: hmm, where does ubuntu keep all the .debs it downloads?03:13
imbrandonubotu tell HaxoR91 about printers03:13
HaxoR91i dont know what to do03:13
freakabcdlesshaste, yeah it was because of dgrid3d's interp03:13
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lesshastefreakabcd: I don't suppose you know how to do non-linear interpolation that will be monotonic in the x and y axes? :)03:13
theSamosry for that , this was a general question03:13
HaxoR91dude that does not help03:13
newbie33rkz@tyla:/media/hda5/Program Files$ cp Skype /home/rkz/skype03:13
newbie33cp: omitting directory `Skype'03:13
theSamowhere does ubuntu keep all the .debs it downloads?03:13
newbie33whats wrong?03:13
roryyTG|Mino: hopefully we can do that in the menu.lst file too03:13
lesshastefreakabcd: I suppose I could do it by hand ...03:13
roryyTG|Mino: i know it's not much help, but things are usually much smoother than this (normally the boot manager 'Just Works')03:14
imbrandonnewbie33: cp -R Skype /home/rkz/skype03:14
TG|Minoyeah, I ussually have this kind of trouble... I once managed to destroy a harddrive trying to dualboot suse and windows server... never really understood much of it03:15
newbie33thanks imbrandon , I wonder what means -R03:15
freakabcdlesshaste, look at help dgrid3d; unfortunately your data set interpolates in a weird way. 5,5 because your data set is essentially a 5x5 grid03:15
G|zehi have sum problem03:15
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phish_this is kind of annoying.03:15
TG|Minobut thanks for the help03:15
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imbrandonnewbie33: it means recursive , type "man cp" if you want to know about it03:15
G|zehcan i ask a question pls?03:15
imbrandonyou just did G|zeh03:16
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phish_basiclly, how do i install my nvidia drivers? (geforce 5200 fx agp, i386)03:16
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G|zehokay i installed nforce sound drivers for my nforce 2 mobo03:16
imbrandonphish_: type "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" and then reboot when its done03:16
G|zehbut system sounds arent working anymore03:16
G|zehid like to hear em03:17
G|zehis there any chance to get em back?03:17
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phish_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavail able)03:17
phish_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc ess using it?03:17
imbrandonyou dident type sudo03:17
imbrandonor synaptic is running03:17
bpucciophish_: do you have synaptic open in the background?03:17
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phish_jesus you guys know alot03:18
alexMKdoes anyone know if the arial font is in any ubuntu package?03:18
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imbrandonlol it wont take you long to learn03:18
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phish_i got used to windows03:18
phish_super fast03:18
phish_then i got sick03:19
lesshastefreakabcd: ok thx... I am now trying to work out if I can plot two 3d surfaces on one graph :)03:19
phish_but ive always wanter to learn linux junk.03:19
G|zehbtw nforce drivers are audio driver which use oss03:19
imbrandonalexMK: its in the msttcorefonts pkg03:19
bimberialexMK: msttcorefonts (in multiverse)03:19
alexMKthanks guys :)03:19
phish_imbrandon: im done.03:19
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phish_imbrandon: after i reboot what do i do?03:20
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imbrandonthey are installed03:20
phish_the driver will be there?03:20
G|zehanyone knows?03:20
imbrandonG|zeh: no idea bro , someone in here might though03:20
kevinzhow to turn on bitmap for fonts?03:20
G|zehokay imbrandon03:21
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bigfoot1i was playing around with "gok" (on screen keyboard), and now my numeric keypad  (to the right of the alphabetical keys ) don't work03:22
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coz_just installed streamtuner on dapper and I get three erros when trying to run it the first on is Script/usr/share/streamtuner/python/scripts/google-stations.py could not beloaded: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv03:22
bigfoot1gok is not running , or at least i think so03:22
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imbrandonbigfoot1: is you numlock key on? if not turn it on03:22
bigfoot1imbrandon: i tried both03:22
Toma-coz_: #ubuntu+1 for dapper support03:22
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bigfoot1actually, i think it or something associated with it, is still on03:22
entropyI've just installed ubuntu to try help port some of my software for linux/ubuntu, how do I install gcc?03:23
pschulz01seveas: Thanks for the link.. the software that I am trying to compile needs to have 'configure' added :-)03:23
gnomefreakbigfoot1: please join #ubuntu+103:23
phish_ok more help :P. so i installed wine earlier03:23
phish_and i installed steam with it, how do i open steam now?03:23
roryyentropy: install build-essential03:23
bigfoot1when i press Shift twice, "sticky Keys configuration" pops up.03:23
bigfoot1so that's why i'm guessing it's still on03:23
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entropyroryy thanks03:23
bigfoot1gnomefreak: is this a dapper issue?03:23
gnomefreakbigfoot1: are you using dapper?03:23
imbrandonphish_: type "wine /path/to/steam.exe"03:23
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TG|MinoOk I posted the menu.lst there03:24
bigfoot1gnomefreak: yes03:24
phish_imbrandon: when i installed it said "C:\program files\" what would the linux equivlent ofthat be?03:24
gnomefreakbigfoot1: if your using dapper all issues are assumed to be dapper related03:24
newbie33who knows how to load radio list in xmms?03:24
TG|Minoit's on http://paste.ububntu-nl.org/1277903:24
imbrandonphish_: probbly something like /home/<username>/.wine/c_drive/Programfiles etc etc etc03:24
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coz_you know I was told by several operators that #ubuntu suports dapper yet everytime i ask a question here i am told to go to ubuntu+1 for dapper support03:25
entropyroryy: is there a commandline install tool in ubuntu? I'm in 'system->administration->add application' and cannot find "build-essential"03:25
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pschulz01entropy: apt-get03:25
imbrandonentropy: apt-get03:25
Toma-coz_: who told u that?03:25
roryyentropy: yes, you can use 'apt-get' or 'aptitude'.  Try also synaptic (gui); should have all packages03:25
entropyah, thanks :) now i know what to rtfm ;)03:25
gnomefreakentropy: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:25
Toma-coz_: they obviously havent read the /topic :)03:25
coz_Toma-, who told this channel supports dapper03:25
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redLAWhow can i enable multimedia buttons on my keyboard03:25
Toma-coz_: yeh. seen the topic?03:26
entropygnomefreak: fantastic, thanks for the kickstart03:26
HaxoR91how do i install the driver for my printer?03:26
phish_imbrandon: is there a way to search the filesystem? like windows has?03:26
coz_Toma do you realize this is the official "ubuntu" chammel and last I heard dapper si ubuntu03:26
ubotuFitzz: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:26
Toma-coz_: its still development tho.03:26
imbrandonif you have slocate installed you can run "sudo updatedb" and then type "locate <blah>"03:26
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Fitzz03:26
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roryyTG|Mino: hmm. That lone 'root' on line 133 looks suspicious03:26
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roryyTG|Mino: what message did grub give on boot ?03:27
imbrandonphish_: if you have slocate installed you can run "sudo updatedb" and then type "locate <blah>"03:27
nominhow do I play streaming audio with xmms.  I have a link from shoutcast.  I just want to know where to paste it in xmms.03:27
imbrandoni think slocate is installed by default03:27
phish_ill install it03:27
TG|Minoit looked all very standard03:27
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bimberiphish_: Places -> Search for Files...03:27
entropyahh, much better :) i'm much more at home with console utils03:27
Fitzzhow can i play techsmith videos? i already installed codecs on the ubuntu unofficial guide03:27
TG|Minobut I'll have to reboot to see it again :)03:27
redLAWhow can i enable multimedia buttons on my keyboard03:27
phish_bimberi: thank god... :P03:27
roryyTG|Mino: never mind.  I think it will be easiest to just remove that 'root', save and reboot03:27
entropythanks for the help guys03:28
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bimberiphish_: :)03:28
imbrandonredLAW: depends on the keayboard most dont have linux drivers you have top mess with custom keymaps03:28
roryyTG|Mino: just a second...03:28
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HaxoR91how do i install the driver for my printer?03:28
ubotuFitzz: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:28
roryyTG|Mino: hrm, i can't see if a bare 'root' would generate an error03:28
imbrandonHaxoR91: we gave you the link03:28
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dabuni_Hi! I have a wlan problem. I installed Ndiswrapper succesfully and dmesg said me that it has been loaded succesfully. but ifconfig and iwconfig both don't show a wlan0 device or something03:29
TG|Minoit doesn't generate any errors right now03:29
imbrandonHaxoR91: goto system settings and click on printers03:29
roryyTG|Mino: did you reboot?03:29
_jasonHaxoR91: check your private messages from ubotu03:29
redLAWimbrandon: i have logitech media keyboard elite03:29
phish_bimberi: that program is restarded, i searched steam in filesystem... when on my desktop there is a steaminstall binary03:29
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HaxoR91you mean printing?03:30
roryyTG|Mino: and?03:30
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HaxoR91imbrandon: you mean printing?03:30
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imbrandonno i use kde not gnome so mine is diffrent thats why we said check the link03:30
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ubotuit has been said that printer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org03:30
bimberiphish_: it might rely on the slocate database - do a 'sudo updatedb' in a terminal and retry03:30
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TG|Minowell I didn't yet remeove the root so I had to do that steps I did before03:31
buithuhienhow can i play mp3 file03:31
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bimberi!tell buithuhien about mp303:31
roryyTG|Mino: no informative error messages?03:31
roryyTG|Mino: it's a bit weird for grub to just drop into a shell like that03:31
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TG|Minono, just the message that I could use simple bash command03:31
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sanderellacan someone tell me why i can't safely download java on ubuntu?03:31
roryyTG|Mino: oh... hm. I guess it can't find the menu.lst file03:31
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imbrandonsanderella: search for "blackdown" in syanptic03:32
Urikuhey, does anyone has experience with Image Magick?03:32
sanderellathanks imbrandon03:32
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs03:32
phish_stupid wine giving me errors..03:32
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TG|MinoI guess I can fix that in the command prompt?03:32
TG|Minoheh shell03:32
roryyTG|Mino: i think grub needs to be reinstalled03:33
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aveendHi! I have a wlan problem. I installed Ndiswrapper succesfully and dmesg said me that it has been loaded succesfully. but ifconfig and iwconfig both don't show a wlan0 device or something03:33
buithuhieni have a music player03:33
buithuhienit say that it can play mp303:33
buithuhienbut when i add a song03:33
Urikuwhat music player do you have?03:34
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avalostbuithuhien: do you have the correct sound driver selected?03:34
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billytwowillyxfs vs reiserfs go03:34
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buithuhienthis file is not audio stream03:34
roryy!tell TG|Mino about grub03:35
buithuhienavalost : yes i have03:35
roryyTG|Mino: did you get a message from ubotu?03:35
buithuhieni can play cd03:35
phish_wow, linux is awesome03:35
phish_so much more sexier than winblows :D03:35
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imbrandonphish_: we think so too ;)03:35
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phish_where can i download skins?03:35
imbrandonfor what?03:35
avalostskins for what?03:35
TG|Minoso there is no fixing :/03:35
LordFalcongnome-look.org ?03:36
phish_thw "windows" if you would clal them that03:36
TG|Minooh well will try this03:36
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Urikuanyone that heard of Image Magick?03:36
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imbrandongnome skins? gnome-look.org03:36
roryyTG|Mino: stand by, i'm browsing the wiki page03:36
avalostyes, gnome-look.org, gnome.org03:36
sanderHi everyone!03:36
imbrandonor kde-look.org if you are using kubuntu03:36
avalostphish_: you may also opt to try other WM's to see what you like03:36
avalostyou're not limited to one WM as you are in windows03:36
avalostUriku: yes03:37
sanderIm new to Linu and Ubuntu and I am trying to install FSV-0.9 but I am not really getting anywhere with it :(03:37
imbrandonyea as quick as you caught on i would recoment fluxbox or kde , just try "try" others I personaly use kde alot ( although i keep gnome installed )03:37
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Urikuavalost: can I use convert to batch convert several files to png?03:37
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phish_this is wierd03:37
avalostUriku: man ImageMagick03:37
sanderAnyone knows why 'make' doesn't work from the terminal?03:38
Urikuavalost: or do I absulutly have to use morgify03:38
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phish_how can i access "my computer" i know thats windows but wine shows it :/03:38
avalostyou may need to write a script to do batch commands though03:38
imbrandonsander:  can you be more descriptive03:38
Urikucurrently, I am not using Linux03:38
avalostUriku: see convert --help03:38
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roryyTG|Mino: you there?03:38
sanderimbrandon: when I type make, it is not reckognized03:38
TG|Minoyes I am03:38
avalostsander: apt-get buildessential03:39
imbrandondo you have make installed ? install build-essentials03:39
avalostsander: apt-get build-essential03:39
roryyTG|Mino: ok, i have an idea how to try to fix this03:39
gnomefreaksander: use avalost's last one03:39
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avalosterr, don't forget "install"03:39
imbrandonsudo apt-get install build-essential03:39
=== avalost chuckles
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avalosthey it's early :p03:40
roryyTG|Mino: hmm, sorry, hang on03:40
sanderThat last one seems to be working :)03:40
=== avalost is a bit hungover
phish_how do i access the C:/03:40
Uriku^_^ the windows CMD works about the same as the Kernal - I tried to do convert --help > more and it created a more txt file03:40
imbrandonme too my brother got married last night and i pulled a good one ;)03:40
phish_there is a Z:/ drive also :/03:40
UrikuI forgot how to use a pipeline03:41
roryyTG|Mino: ok, let's try this03:41
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Urikuhmm... | no?03:41
imbrandonphish_: there is no c:\ in linux03:41
imbrandononly in wine03:41
roryyTG|Mino: get to a terminal   (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal )03:41
avalostimbrandon: he's trying to view his windows partition03:41
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phish_were is this fictitious C:/ wine is making?03:41
TG|MinoI am in it yes03:41
=== avalost never ran linux along side windows
=== avalost has no clue
ceacyI've got a problem with Ubuntu Dapper Drake Beta, trying to compile a library03:41
roryyTG|Mino: ok, now run 'sudo grub'  (enter your user password when prompted)03:41
gnomefreakceacy: #ubuntu+1 please03:41
imbrandonphish_: look in the ~/.wine/fakec dir03:41
conhei need notes to install of nvidia03:42
ceacygnomefreak > ok, thanks03:42
sanderYou have to mount it as a NTFS partition phish03:42
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avalosthmm, I haven't compiled e17 in ages.. maybe I should see whats up03:42
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roryyTG|Mino: let's try this first: 'find /boot/grub/stage1'03:42
roryyTG|Mino: should spit on (hd1,1)03:42
imbrandonsander: no he is using wine not a real windows part03:42
roryyspit out, even03:42
Urikuerr.. how do I exit MORE?03:42
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TG|Minoit does03:42
Urikubesides getting to the end03:43
avalostUriku: q03:43
imbrandonphish_: "cd ~/.wine/"03:43
roryyTG|Mino: ok, now 'root (hd1,1)'03:43
Uriku-_-; tried ctrl+q03:43
sanderBoth for the installation of Nvidia drivers and the mounting of the windows drive take a look at the unofficial ubuntu guide03:43
sanderIt is very good, it helped me a lot03:43
roryyTG|Mino: and then 'setup (hd0)'03:43
sanderIt is at: http://ubuntuguide.org/03:43
TG|Minook it runned an install on menu.lst03:44
imbrandonsander: we're talking about wine not a real windows partition dont confuse him03:44
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Urikuhmm... is there a comperisment table of Linux's Kernal and Window CMD?03:44
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phish_imbrandon: i can set that as my dir in the terminal, how would i go here in the file browser?03:44
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roryyTG|Mino: that should be it -- the 'setup (hd0)' writes to the MBR of your IDE drive, and should point to that partition on the SATA drive03:44
Trunkzhey folks03:44
Trunkzgot a small question03:44
TrunkzI've compiled the 2.6.16 kernel03:44
Trunkzfrom a guide on the forums03:44
Trunkzthats all fine etc..03:44
TG|Minook reboot to try it I guess?03:44
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imbrandonphish_: in the address bar type ~/.wine you have to manualy type it becouse .wine is hidden03:44
Trunkzbut I cant seem to be able to get the linux-headers for it (I need to recompile ndiswrapper)03:45
roryyTG|Mino: yip. exit grub first and shutdown properly03:45
phish_oh ok03:45
roryyTG|Mino: 'quit' to exit grub03:45
roryyTG|Mino: i'm not all that confident of success; i'd think that this is pretty much what the ubuntu installer does03:45
Urikuwell... gonna try using Morgify by drag and drop03:46
sanderOkay I have ' make'  now, do I need to run it with the ' makefile.in'  or ' makefile.am' ?03:46
Urikuwish me luck03:46
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Urikuzomg it worked!03:46
imbrandonsander: just type make03:46
imbrandonit will figure it out03:46
TG|Minohmmm doesn't seem to work yet, I gtg now but I got a lot further now, will try some googling later :) tnx for the help03:47
sanderimbrandon: it says it cant find any make files03:47
roryyTG|Mino: ok03:47
jared_how do I specify ssh in /etc/hosts.allow?03:47
sanderDo I need to run it as sudo?03:47
roryyTG|Mino: i think a solution is to boot your SATA drive first03:47
imbrandonsander then run ./configure first03:47
imbrandonsander then run "./configure" first03:47
roryyTG|Mino: grub can be convinced to boot the other drive for windows03:47
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sanderWhat is it doing now?:S03:48
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sanderIt is doing a lot?03:48
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imbrandonits creating your makefile03:48
phish_imbrandon: when i type wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/Steam.exe it says it cannot find the file03:48
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phish_i also tried03:48
eugmanI think I broke Ice or something. I'm in the failsafe terminal right now.03:48
teletubbiehi, how do I find out how many mb of ram a process uses?03:48
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phish_wine /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/Steam.exe03:49
imbrandonphish_: put quites arround the path becouse there are spaces in it03:49
eugmanany idea how to fix?03:49
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sanderPfff, now it says it can't find the proper GTK+03:49
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imbrandonsander: so install the propper gtk this chan is not to help compile things ;)03:49
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imbrandonphish_: wine "/home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/Steam.exe"03:50
phish_i need to reinstall03:50
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sanderGonna look to see what GTK+ is the right one :)03:51
imbrandonteletubbie: run "top" in a terminal03:52
sanderGTK+ is not in the standard application list right?03:52
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roryysander: you probably need libgtk2.0-dev03:52
teletubbieimbrandon, it only says it in %03:52
teletubbienot in mb03:52
phish_imbrandon: should i run the installer from root? (real root or sudo -i?)03:53
sanderroryy: the latest 2.8.17 wouldn't work?03:53
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imbrandonPhish i woulent run the installer as root at all ( steam right ? )03:53
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roryysander: assuming you're on breezy (ubuntu 5.10), you'll need to install that yourself03:53
phish_yea its steam03:53
chatboy!broadcom wireless03:54
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, chatboy03:54
jessidsome of you can tell me what do I have to do if a program says What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running03:54
jessidkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 03:54
sanderI am at GTK.org now03:54
imbrandonyea dont install it as root03:54
imbrandonsander you can use synaptic to get it i think03:54
jessidbut i dont know where they are or what they are03:54
roryysander: what are you trying to compile?03:54
phish_well when i run the installer at the end it crashes and says "doesn't have right access rights blah"03:54
sanderI am trying to compile FSV-0.903:54
roryysander: i strongly recommend trying the ubuntu provided -dev package first03:54
ubotu[broadcom]  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 for a guide to setting up Broadcom network cards03:55
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roryysander: does that have a longer name?03:55
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sanderimbrandon and rorry, GTK+ should be in Synaptic?03:55
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xbox_skyecho $PATH gives me a few directorys that will execute various commands, what if I wanted to delete a directory from bash, is it possible? Like I don't want $PATH to run executives from /usr/bin/2 etc?03:55
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newbie33how to make printscreen with command from terminal. It should be something like import -window ...03:56
imbrandonxbox_sky: edit your path in .bashrc03:56
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martyni have a TV card for my pc any idea wherer to start to use it03:56
roryysander: it's called libgtk2.0 and libgtk2.0-dev03:56
imbrandonmartyn: mythtv is a good place to start03:56
roryysander: and yes, it should be in synaptic. do you have a URL for that software?03:56
Frogzooxbox_sky: you probably want to leave the stock entries, eg /usr/bin in your path03:56
phish_imbrandon, when i run the steam.exe it tells me it can't access bin/vgui.dll03:56
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phish_its there :/03:56
martynimbrandon : will that auto detected it03:56
imbrandonmartyn it should03:57
imbrandonno garentee03:57
Frogzooxbox_sky: if you want to modify your $PATH, you can set it/reset it in ~/.gnomerc03:57
martynimbrandon : kool thx03:57
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imbrandonphish_: no idea past that man, i dont run steam ( and i use crossover office for my windows apps not stock wine )03:57
phish_crossover office?03:58
phish_any good?03:58
imbrandonphish_: yea its real good but it cost $$03:58
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imbrandonits based on wine though, alot of the stuff is the same03:58
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xbox_skyFrogzoo yes the stock entries, but i've added a few shall we say "unwanted" paths that i'd like to remove03:59
EoS666what are the minimum system rq. for ubuntu?03:59
phish_the internet is free :P03:59
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xbox_skyfrogzoo ok I'll check out gnomerc03:59
sanderrorry Do I need both?03:59
xbox_skylocate gnomerc03:59
xbox_skyis that the one?04:00
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imbrandonEoS666: depends on the install type , basic gnome install i would use atleaste 300mhz with 64mb ram04:00
roryysander: looks like you'll need opengl dev stuff too04:00
EoS666hm that souns good, i want to install it on a celeron 600 with 64mb ram04:00
sanderI am not trying to get the easiest thing installed I guess :p04:01
EoS666is that reasonable?04:01
sanderThis is my first week in Linux :D04:01
imbrandonEoS666: yea that shouldent be a problem, might be a bit slow but faster than windows ;)04:01
EoS666cool thx!04:01
EoS666im gonna get ubuntu then :)04:01
LordFalconsander, good :)04:01
roryysander: learn how to use synaptic's search feature, and look for -dev packages.  packages.ubuntu.com is also very handy for finding particular files.04:01
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LordFalconsander, and remember, you don't get girls if you use linux :)04:02
phish_in wine is there an option to bypass access rights?04:02
oldFart_can I somehow force apt-get to install xserver-xgl?04:02
LordFalconsander, if you was thinking like that04:02
apokryphosoldFart_: on breezy it will not work04:02
imbrandonoldFart_: try #ubuntu-xql04:02
LordFalconand my english suck04:02
apokryphosoldFart_: /msg ubotu xgl04:02
imbrandonoldFart_: try #ubuntu-xgl04:02
oldFart_im running dapper :P04:02
xbox_skyfrogz00 I see no gnomerc in my home directory??04:02
imbrandonoldFart_: try #ubuntu-xgl04:02
oldFart_I know, +104:02
Frogzoophish_: how do you mean?04:02
LordFalcon"This OS got me laid"04:03
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imbrandonphish_: no not realy04:03
teletubbieLordFalcon sander, and remember, you don't get girls if you use linux :) lmfao04:03
sanderrorry, I see in synaptic that GTK+2.0 is already installed, so I now add the -dev too04:03
Frogzooxbox_sky: you need to createa  file ~/.gnomerc     - it's read when you login to gnome, & all child procs inherit the environment04:03
imbrandonhahahah my wife showed me linux actualy many years ago04:03
sanderI just broke up so it is okay:P04:03
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xbox_skyah gothca frogzoo04:04
sanderI think the problem with Linux and no getting any girls is the awfull webcam support in Linux :p04:04
xbox_skythank you Frogzoo :)04:04
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imbrandonsander: hehe webcams work pretty good in linux ;)_04:04
Frogzooxbox_sky: yw04:04
sanderimbrandon, can you connect it to MSN or Skype?04:05
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phish_well its annoying it seems that steam.exe can't access bin/vgui.exe both are located in /steam/04:05
phish_maybe because /.wine/ is hidden?04:05
^^angustahas anyone had trouble with ubuntu and Gefrce 420G chipset vid cards?04:05
imbrandonsander: both04:05
Frogzoophish_: you're best off to work with linux's security, not against it, usually you just need to add your user to a group04:05
jessidhello...where can I find the C headers of my running kernel????04:05
sanderTell me how, maybe I can get a new gf with it :D04:05
phish_Frogzoo: mind telling me how?04:06
hollywoodbphish_:  try to cd to the /steam/ dir and then running wine <appname>04:06
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^^angustajesseman_, linux-headers-`uname -r`04:06
imbrandonbrb reboot04:06
EoS666ok thx for the help everyone, cya04:06
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^^angustause apt-get t install that04:06
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juztinhelp!  when i right-click my trash can in gnome, and hit empty....it does nothing!  it just keeps buliding up and i now have like 300 items in it and i can't empty it!  what do i do?04:07
hollywoodb^^angusta: check the nvidia driver release notes from nvidia's site, if it is supported it should work fine04:07
LordFalconjuztin, chmor -R 777 /home/$USER/.Trash04:07
LordFalcontry that04:07
juztinhelp!  when i right-click my trash can in gnome, and hit empty....it does nothing!  it just keeps buliding up and i now have like 300 items in it and i can't empty it!  what do i do?  this is the error i get : "/storage/.T...irthday.wma" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to modify its parent folder.04:07
juztinok thx LordFalcon04:07
hollywoodbjuztin: try opening the trash and selecting "empty trash" from the file menu04:07
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LordFalconand then empty your trash04:07
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juztinhollywoodb, thats the error i got with it open04:08
LordFalconchmod -R 777 /home/$USER/.Trash04:08
LordFalconI mean04:08
^^angustait's listed under the nvidia supported cards, and works under other distrs04:08
uboturumour has it, steam is http://www.steampowered.com04:08
hollywoodbjuztin: ignore me, Falcon's got it04:08
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juztinLordFalcon, i got the same error04:09
Frogzoophish_: I'm pretty sure you'll find steam setup in the wiki, if that's not the correct url above04:09
sanderNo luck yet: The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found04:09
hollywoodb^^angusta: so it isn't working correctly under ubuntu? breezy or dapper?04:09
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GillesMj'ai besoin d'installer une version plus recente de streamripper et je suis nouveau sous ubuntu04:09
^^angustabreezy or dapper04:09
LordFalconjuztin,hmm.. I tought it was something else, sorry04:09
sanderI have the GTK2.0 and GTK2.0-dev installed now04:09
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:09
juztinnp, thx anyway04:09
juztinhelp!  when i right-click my trash can in gnome, and hit empty....it does nothing!  it just keeps buliding up and i now have like 300 items in it and i can't empty it!  what do i do?  this is the error i get : "/storage/.T...irthday.wma" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to modify its parent folder.04:09
^^angustaneither, just hangs part way through loading, nothing in error log04:09
mzuverinkOn a fresh install of Dapper, what install errors can I expect during the process?  I tried an upgrade and my system was a real mess.  i would just like to know what specific know install errors are there, so that i am not suprised.04:09
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Frogzoophish_: I gotta head - I'm sure someone here will help you04:09
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)04:10
LordFalconsudo chmod -R 777 /home/$USER/.Trash04:10
jessidcan somebody helpme?04:10
LordFalconit should work04:10
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.04:10
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martynimbrandon : ok i have isnatlled Myth tv how do i get it to start04:10
juztinLordFalcon, it gave me the same error :((04:11
newbie33how to extract tar.gz files in terminal?04:11
^^angustaman tar04:11
ubotuI guess tar.gz is a compressed archive similar to a zip file.  tar zxvf filename.tar.gz to extract.04:11
LordFalconjuztin,hmm,.. I dont know then : / sorry04:11
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sanderAfter the installation of the GTK2.0-dev do I need to reboot or something ?04:12
_jasonjuztin: ls -ld ~/.Trash, what does that say?04:12
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, |lostbyte|04:12
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LordFalconjuztin, cd /home/$USER/.Trash; sudo rm *;04:12
LordFalconjuztin, cd /home/$USER/.Trash; sudo rm *04:13
LordFalconI thin04:13
martynI have just installed Myth Tv from the reporsty but can seem to find it or get it to work can any 1 help04:13
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juztinLordFalcon, i figured it out......some of the trash i was trying to delete was located in /storage/.Trash-juztin...i just had to modify the command you gave me.  thanks!04:14
phish_Anyone here experianced with wine?04:14
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_jasonubotu: 7zip is <reply> You can use the Archive Manager to open 7zip files, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression for more info04:15
ubotu_jason: okay04:15
TrunkzWhere am I able to download the 2.6.16-ck3 kernel headers?04:15
martynI have just installed Myth Tv from the reporsty but can seem to find it or get it to work can any 1 help04:15
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phish_in wine, why do i get the error "cannot load module bin/vgui.dll"?04:15
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blacklineanyone experiences trouble using vlc in ubuntu 5.10? i cant get any sound and serveral movies that worked just fine when i had fedora on the same computer locks up now..04:15
Trunkzphish_, go join #wine :)04:15
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ekahi all04:15
_jasonblackline: do you use esd or alsa?04:15
ekaanyone knows why quake 4 gives me segmentation faukt?04:15
bluelotus_hey, I'm using ndiswrapper on a WPC54G v3 linksys card.  I downloaded the driver for this from their website, installed it following the man pages etc... but I think there may be native support for this in Dapper and I may have crushed it.  I didn't note this when starting up... how do I purge myself of the ndiswrapper that I installed?04:16
hollywoodbphish_:  did you try to cd to the dir of the executable you're running and run wine from there?04:16
blackline_jason alsa was what i used before.. where can i see what i use now?04:16
phish_trunkz: empty :P04:16
_jasonblackline: system > prefs > multimedia systems selector04:16
mzuverinkCan someone tell if I will have a better running install doing a fresh install of Dapper rather than a upgrade over breezy?04:16
phish_hollywoodb: yes04:16
hollywoodbphish_: #winehq04:16
Trunkz_jason, can you point me in the right direction to where I might find the linux 2.6.16 headers?04:16
_jasonTrunkz: 2.6.16 isn't in the repos right?04:17
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Trunkznope :o04:17
_jasonkernel.org maybe?04:17
TrunkzI just compiled the kernel from a guide on the ubuntu forums04:17
Trunkz* checks *04:17
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blackline_jason there is says "Ensonic AudioPCI".. remember that name from when i used fedora.04:17
_jasonblackline: isn't their like a default out or soemthing?04:18
blackline_jason in vlc it says Audio output module: Default.. and sound does work in general. so i have no idea04:18
_jasonblackline: ah so you have no sound at all with anything?04:19
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blackline_jason - no. sound work everywhere else04:19
_jasonblackline: k, does the dialog you opened say anything about esd, alsa, oss?04:19
pianoboy3333How do you use the Generate Package Download Script in Synaptic?04:20
blackline_jason just in vlc it doesnt work.. and i havnt done any changes, just installed the vlc package with apt04:20
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sanderblackline: maybe you need a specific codec?04:20
_jasonblackline: see you have to install vlc-plugin-esd or vlc-plugin-alsa depending on what you use and set it in preferences04:20
blacklinesander - why would i need a codec for getting sound in vlc?04:20
blacklinewhen i boot ubuntu it says "alsa starting" or something like that04:21
guemdoes anyone of you know if there is a standard port for DirectConnect Servers/Hubs ?04:21
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spikehi there04:21
TrunkzI cant find the linux-headers o.o04:21
martyncan any 1 help with Myth Tv04:22
sanderguem: Not anything standard I guess04:22
guemsander: what ports do you propose to "check" for ? :)04:22
spikeI just dist-upgraded breezy to dapper and few things broke04:22
sanderguem: I always see the port specified when I visit a hub04:22
spikenamely networking04:22
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)04:22
blackline_jason / sander - i installed the alsa plugin and now it works.. thanks04:22
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guemsander: thing is.. i'd like to search my lan for any active hubs04:23
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Trunkz_jason, still cant find the headers04:23
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fak3ris this the right chan for ubuntuppc questions? (I don't see that chan on here04:23
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bluelotus_how do I remove the default dapper drake drivers?04:24
fak3rdoes anyone have WPA working on PPC?04:24
bluelotus_more specifically, the default atheros-chipset based wifi card drivers04:24
_jasonTrunkz: don't know, never really messed with that04:25
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Trunkzahh k :o04:26
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Sativa\\guys, i installed ubuntu 5.10 but why i cant find apache, mysql on my system ?04:26
sanderHow do I install OpenGL? I thought it was installed cause Unreal Tournament 2004 is running fine, but apparently it isnt04:26
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sanderSativa\\ : because this is for human beings :p04:27
keithhhhhwhat is the minimum hard disk space to install ubuntu?04:27
sanderSativa\\ you can find them in the install applications utility and add them from there04:27
_jasonkeithhhhh: ~1.8gb04:27
sanderHi buithuhien!04:28
fak3rSativa\\: click on Applications -> add/remove software04:28
Sativa\\ok i will try now :)04:28
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buithuhienis there any soft to read .chm file04:28
buithuhienplease help me04:28
fak3rkeithhhhh: far less if you do a 'minimal' install -- at boot on the cd, choose 'minimal'04:28
fyrestrtrsander: did you install video card drivers for your video card?04:28
fak3rbuithuhien: what is a chm file?04:29
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keithhhhhjason ah!!!!04:29
keithhhhhJason I think I figured my probs then04:29
keithhhhhJason I have 1.8 right now  :D04:29
keithhhhhfak3r Ill give that a try   :D04:29
fyrestrtrfak3r: compiled help -- windows help file.04:29
sanderIf OpenGL is working in UT2004,does this mean the libraries are installed too, or do I need to look them up in Synaptic?04:29
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fak3rsander: if you dope to a cmd line can you run glxgears?04:29
fyrestrtrsander: yes, means they are installed -- but what are you trying to do?04:29
fak3rsander: that should mean things are working, what kind of graphics card do you have?04:29
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sanderfyrestrtr: Yes, and UT2004 works great- definetly hardware accelaration :)04:29
hollywoodbsander: it is probably working, 'glxinfo | less' should give you some info04:29
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guembuithuhien: gnochm ?04:29
fyrestrtrsander: then you have opengl working fine :)04:30
fak3rsander: yeah, glxinfo is a better way04:30
fyrestrtrsander: glxinfo | grep direct04:30
sanderglxgears is running fine too04:30
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guembuithuhien: "apt-cache search chm view"04:30
sanderdirect rendering: yes04:30
fyrestrtrsander: then don't worry, be happy04:31
fyrestrtrand now, I'm going home04:31
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buithuhienguem : thanks04:31
=== molar1 [n=Molar@80-195-163-96.cable.ubr03.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sanderBut I can't configure FSV :'(04:31
fak3rsander: FSV == ?04:32
sanderFSV-0.9: http://fsv.sourceforge.net/04:32
guemguys.. i have a 2d (no dri and stuff) only graphics chip on my notebook .. is there any way to use software rendering or something to get a game running? (it worked pretty good with windows)04:32
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sanderguem: What chip is it?04:32
guemsander: sis650 or something04:33
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guem65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter04:33
geno_Wow, so much more peopel than 3 months ago here! :O04:33
tom_tazi'm new to linux and ubuntu...i just installed it yesterday...can somebody help me with a few questions ?04:34
guemtom_taz: ask right away04:34
mramtom_taz: what kinda of questions?04:34
sanderGuem: Maybe you can get some info from here http://www.winischhofer.net/linux2.shtml04:34
tom_tazso far I don't have any problems except for, i'm not able to play a .mpg video04:35
fak3rrerun: does anyone have WPA wireless working on Ubuntu-PPC?04:35
sanderguem: This page is not meant for absolute Linux beginners. You should at least know how to configure and compile a kernel.04:35
tom_tazi have a webpage, http://www.zacherfamily.com  and i have video's on there04:35
mramtom_taz: you need to install the gstreamer good and ugly from synaptic04:35
=== VE [n=VE@pool-138-88-97-28.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
tom_tazi had downloaded a video and I wasn't able to play it...said i didn't have the correct codec04:36
_jasonubotu: tell tom_taz about multimedia04:36
mramtom_taz: have you heard of easy ubuntu?04:36
tom_tazi have totem 1.0.104:36
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VEtom_taz you need to get your video codecs thats why its not working04:37
_jasontom_taz: ubotu sent you some codecs you should install04:37
fak3rtom_taz: I would try mram's suggestion -- easy ubuntu will get the video codecs installed for you.  ubuntu doesn't have them by default, it's not a technical reason, it's a licencing issue04:37
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sandertom_taz: You could also try adding XMMS04:38
tom_taznow comes the next newbie question...how do I install a file on linux? i'm very familiar with win xp with my 4 winxp computers at the house04:38
sanderXMMS does come with some codecs apparently04:38
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mramtom_taz: fak3r is right it is a licencing issue, and with easy ubuntu you will be up and running in no time, you can get it at http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org04:39
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee04:39
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VEtom_taz pop open a terminal04:39
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VEsudo apt-get install xmms04:39
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sandertom_taz: what program do you want to install?04:39
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VEtype your pass and it'll do it for you04:39
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bluelotus_heh I'm doing a dist-upgrade with an alpha breezy.  Will this give me the beta?04:39
tom_tazw8 1....VE04:39
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_jasonbluelotus_: what is an alpha breezy?04:39
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Kamping_Kaiserjason, out of date ;)04:39
mrambluelotus_: it should, mine is a beta now04:39
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VEno clue i'm running dapper04:40
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_jasonI would upgrade the breezy first04:40
VEwhy in 40 days or so dapper will be done04:40
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sanderGuys anyone know what is the difference between libopengl-dylan, -perl or -ruby?04:40
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tom_tazVE could you send me an e-mail with instructions....  e-mail@zacherfamily.com04:41
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krgShould I file a bug report on <https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs> for a grammar bug?04:41
beta_msander:  well, my guess is that -perl is for perl programmes04:41
VEtom_taz do you have aim?04:41
bluelotus__jason haha04:41
VEI'll talk you through it04:41
bluelotus__jason alpha daper04:41
tom_tazVE could you do a private chat with me?04:41
sanderbeta_ that sound reasonable :D04:42
tom_tazVE- negs I have google talk, msn messenger and yahoo messenger04:42
bluelotus_mram thanks I look forward to it :-P  hopefully beta will support atheros based chipsets better04:42
beta_msander: isn't there a description ?04:42
VEgoogle talk that like the gmail chat thing?04:42
_jasonbluelotus_: yeah, should give you latest beta, #ubuntu+1 for dapper talk :)04:42
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beta_msander:  what are you using to install them?04:42
tom_tazyes the same as google chat04:42
phoulHello is it possible to change the usplash screen04:42
mrambluelotus_: no problem, atheros chipset for wireless nic?04:42
phoulLike the boot splash I guess04:42
VEok well my gmail is coloradoavefan99@gmail.com04:43
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bluelotus_yah, mram.  The atheros that I have doesn't support scanning and won't connect... like using the wrong driver with ndiswrapper04:43
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, newbie3304:43
sanderI am looking for OpenGL libraries in Synaptic, cause I am trying to .\configure FSV-0.9, but it says I need GL or MesaGL libraries04:43
_jasonspam bots are going to grab your email since this channel is logged and put on the internet :/04:43
bluelotus_thanks _jason04:43
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newbie33is aterm better than simple terminal?04:43
jimianyone know why i get such error plesae help http://pastebin.com/67687904:44
phoul_jason, do you kniw how?04:44
sanderI am not familiar with MesaGL and I thought OpenGL already came with my Nvidia drivers04:44
hollywoodbnewbie33: aterm is nice and fast, though I just use gnome-terminal these days04:44
fak3rok all, have fun, gotta run04:44
mrambluelotus_: i see hopefully i won't the same problem when i get my laptop next month04:44
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_jasonubotu: tell phoul about usplash04:44
bluelotus_mram lenovo is good about linux compatibility, what are you getting?04:44
VEtom_taz i'm in gmail chat, I've never used this so ya04:44
slaterockwhat's the easiest way to set up remote desktop between a linux and windows machine?04:44
beta_msander:  i think i've installed Mesa when i needed it OpenGL capability for another programme04:44
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sanderIs that libglu1-mesa?04:45
beta_msander:  hold on... i'll check what on earth i've installed... q;-)04:45
VEhas anyone heard of xgl?04:46
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sanderThanks beta_ :)04:46
mrambluelotus_: well i am currently as college student and I am planning on getting an HP because they give good discounts and plus one of my buddies has a compaq and ubuntu worked well except for the wireless issue which we fixed on our own with a bit or research on the net04:46
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kestasanyone have any experience with ubuntu and dual screens?04:47
DarkEDare there any wireless tools for linux where i can see what networks are around me instead of having to know the name04:47
VEya me I failed mesirably though04:47
phoul_jason,  Is there a tutoriel in putting a picture on your grub boot loader?04:47
kestasVE: :(04:47
sanderkestas: What you need to know? I know I had some trouble getting DVI working here04:47
fenstahey guys.. how do I update gnome?04:47
_jasonphoul: maybe, search the wiki and forums.  I remember seeing it somewhere04:47
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kestassander: just wondering how hard it is, one of the main reasons I moved back to windows was so that I could use the dual screen functionality of my laptop04:47
VEkestas i got the dual screens working though the color was off on one of the moniter04:48
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sanderphoul: Yes, the unofficial guide says something about it04:48
mirakis there a way to start a new X with a login screen without restarting GDM ?04:48
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kestassander: but Im not sure how well linux would cope with me closing screens or unplugging the monitor or something04:48
mramDarkED: i belive so, i ran into one when i was in the Add and Remove programs, under that search for network you will sure to see one that will do just that04:48
sanderkestas: I think if you do some research on the net it should be no problem04:48
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_jasonmirak: do you just want another login screen or do you actually want to start X again somehow?04:49
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animatohello, does anyone know of any GUI video converters for ubuntu?04:49
sanderkestas: You might have to do some editing of some files though04:49
beta_msander:  i have libgl1-mesa (and -dev to compile myself) and libglu1-mesa (also with -dev) also i have mesa-utils... but i think that was an overkill04:49
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mirak_jason: hem04:49
Tr0nAd0rany can help me04:49
sanderbeta_ those are in Synaptic?04:49
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ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.04:49
Tr0nAd0ri have a error with the Encore Network card04:49
mirak_jason: I want to start a Xgl server, but when I try to run another login session from gnome it fails for Xgl04:49
tom_tazVE - it said your offline and can't accept chat att04:50
tom_tazi did send you an e-mail from my google acct04:50
VEthats insane04:50
DarkEDmram: thanks04:50
_jasonmirak: try #ubuntu-xgl too, I don't know about xgl04:50
slaterockremote desktop?04:50
Tr0nAd0rI compile the driver of my ethernet card but i cannot start it04:50
Tr0nAd0ri have this error:04:50
mramDarkED: no problem04:50
Tr0nAd0rsundance: version magic '2.6.12-9-386 386 gcc-4.0' should be '2.6.12-9-386 386 gcc-3.404:50
tom_tazVE - send me an e-mail.... e-mail@zacherfamily.com04:50
VEis there a way we can start a private chat here04:51
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mirak_jason: what's the program that run a new session ?04:51
beta_mTr0nAd0r:  you need to get gcc3 to compile whatever you are working on04:51
_jasonmirak: not sure04:51
tom_tazVE - this is my first time using it, but you can right click on my name and direct client - offer chat04:52
beta_mTr0nAd0r:  go to Synaptic Package Mannager and intall gcc304:52
Tr0nAd0ri have it04:52
bluelotus_mram, aye HP are really good.  I have a client who used to swear by them until his work bought him an Emperor Linux Lenovo :-P04:52
beta_mok then do in terminal "which gcc"04:52
Tr0nAd0ri must unistall gcc-4??04:52
kestasTr0nAd0r: you have to specify which compiler to use when you ./configure04:52
beta_mno you don't need to do that04:52
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kestasTr0nAd0r: ./configure --help04:52
ScrappyDooCan anyone offer any ideas on how to change the refresh rate on my system - I have a Nvidia 6200 Graphics Card, and seem to be failing quite well on installing the latest driver from NVidia, cannot get it to install04:52
Tr0nAd0ri edit the Makefile and change the "CC" to gcc-3.404:52
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Tr0nAd0rbut i have the same error04:53
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kestasTr0nAd0r: if it has a configure script that's where you should change the CC04:53
sanderBeta_ It asks for some more packages now, but I think I am getting there :)04:53
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Tr0nAd0rhow i configure gcc-3.4 as the default compiler??04:53
mooeyis there any way to disable a specific kernel module being loaded on boot? I want to use ndiswrapper instead of the native linux driver04:53
Tr0nAd0rit dont have configure script04:53
pipHello,I need help04:53
beta_msander:  install whatever it asks for, those are just dependencies04:53
VEtom_taz i'm just going to send you an email04:53
Tr0nAd0ri have the source and makefile04:53
VEi'm just making sure my instructions work04:53
der0bwhat are the chances that the latest ver of xchat is going to make it into breezy repositories?04:54
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pipcan I play 3D games on linux ?04:54
tom_tazi'll reply as soon as I get it...i also sent an e-mail to you04:54
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sanderWhoops sorry04:54
mathieuhi, is it possible to have a list of essid to connect to?04:54
VEreal quick question04:54
mathieuinstead of just having one04:54
sanderpip: Try Unreal Tournament 2004: It is the best!04:54
VEdo you have univers and multivers repositorys enabled04:54
mooeymathieu: iwconfig scanning should do it04:54
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beta_mTr0nAd0r:  if you do "which gcc" in the terminal, it'll tell you which gcc gets run04:54
VEtom_taz good this will work then04:55
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sanderpip: You can find a demo on the unrealtournament.com website04:55
mirakgdmflexiserver fails to run Xgl04:55
mathieumooey: i want to provide a list of essid's to connect to automatically. i don't want to discover them. i already know them04:55
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tom_tazi can't tell what that is...so i'm not sure04:55
pipsander, I dont know how to install 3D games on linux04:55
beta_mTr0nAd0r:  must be a redirect then...04:55
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datacrusherhi people!04:55
sanderpip you have your video driver installed?04:56
Tr0nAd0r rm gcc04:56
mrambluelotus_: :-) well Lenovo used to IBM, it's odd that they a good linux support and yet really good, AMD just announced that they will support linux more now.04:56
pipsander, unreal ? is it a physics engin ?04:56
VEtom_taz the email is sent04:56
Tr0nAd0rln -s /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 /usr/bin/gcc04:56
beta_mdon't do that Tr0nAd0r04:56
pipsander, yes04:56
datacrusherhey, what good c++ compiler to use with ubuntu?04:56
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Tr0nAd0rgcc is a symlink04:56
datacrusherand developer too..04:56
beta_myou need to edit the makefile manually then to put in the path to the correct one04:56
datacrusherlike dev or sort of04:56
pipdatacrusher, GCC04:56
sanderpip: Go to UnrealTournament.com; It is a great game and also available as an engine04:56
Tr0nAd0ri remove it and link to gcc-3.404:56
tom_tazVE - i'll go check it04:57
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sanderpip: I am doing an internship with that engine :)04:57
datacrusherhm.. on the dirsto already have the gcc?04:57
beta_mwell, if you want to go about it this way... ok04:57
pipsander, In fact I want to play Balance04:57
fenstahey guys.. how do I update gnome?04:57
datacrusherunreal is pretty good04:57
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beta_mbut don't forget that you've done that04:57
Tr0nAd0rthe kernel have a configure script for the modules??04:57
fenstaI installed 5.1 but it has older gnome04:57
pipsander, so good04:57
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sanderpip: You can download a free demo of the game from the website (also for windows and mac)04:57
bluelotus_mram, I look forward to all the new linux shit that's happening.  It's quite exciting to come from the tweaking times of linux as it slowly progresses towards user-friendly.04:57
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sanderbluelotus_ : Still too slow sometimes :P04:58
TokenBadok can someone help me...I am trying to apply the 3355 patch for ut2004..and everytime do the tar -xf ut2004-lnxpatch.tar or whatever..it goes through giving me all these errors..and also does the same if trying to use sudo...04:58
datacrusher[pip] : i dont have internet at home, where my ubuntu its installed.. do i have to download some librarys, or the gcc itself?04:58
mrambluelotus_: yes it is. plus ubuntu looks so good, with new icons and new color for the clearlooks theme04:58
sanderTokenbad: Try the 3369 update04:58
sanderTokenbad: google for it04:58
TokenBadI didn't see a 3369 patch for linux..04:58
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sanderTokenBad: on the website there is only 3355 but some other sites have the 3369 for Linu too04:59
pipdatacrusher, OK! I think you should install GCC04:59
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sanderTokenBad: Look at gamershell05:00
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Frogzoodatacrusher: build-essential05:00
mrambluelotus_: one of main reason i want a hp laptop is becuse i want a amd turion6405:00
TokenBadsander, thanks found it...05:00
Tr0nAd0ri must set a $compiler var??05:00
TokenBadalso in tar...how can use it to do bz2 files?05:00
_jasonubotu: tell TokenBad about tar05:00
FrogzooTokenBad: option j05:01
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bluelotus_mram, I'm afraid to go into 64bit processing until it's more supported.05:01
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mrambluelotus_: good thing about the amd ones they are highly backwards compatable, my friend has a AMD64 and it runs 32bit apps with no problem what so ever05:02
Tr0nAd0ri exec the gcc-version.sh script05:02
sanderTokenBad just extract the file and run the script05:02
Tr0nAd0rand i have the error05:02
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Tr0nAd0rline 12: -E: command not found05:03
bluelotus_mram that's good to know.  I'll be in the market soon so I'll keep that in mind.05:03
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sanderTokenBad: It will ask for your installation directory05:03
datacrusher[pip] : is there a place i can download it here, and burn it to read on my pc at home?05:03
pipsander, do you know virtools?05:03
Tr0nAd0rand the version showed is 000005:03
datacrusherthe gcc and its librarys?05:03
sanderPeople I have FSV running! :D :D :D05:03
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sanderPip: virtools? No, what is it?05:03
mrambluelotus_: :-)05:03
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pipdatacrusher, You can find it with google05:03
Large_Boxhello, I forgot to change my clock now that I've corrected it I get an error from sudo saying05:03
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Large_Boxsudo: timestamp too far in the future how can I correct this?05:04
ferronicai am unable to modify menu.list05:04
pipsander, http://www.virtools.com/ have a look,cool05:04
datacrusher[pip] : thanks05:04
phaceferronica: sudo menu.list05:04
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ferronicawhat i do05:04
ferronicaunable to edit menu.list05:04
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beta_mferronica:  who are you trying to edit it?05:05
beta_mer. how05:05
phaceferronica: sudo vi menu.list05:05
phacesorry my mistake05:05
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ferronicanot opened05:05
ferronicawhat command05:05
AnAntI have the Ubuntu DVD on one machine on the network05:05
pipsander, how do you find it ?05:06
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buithuhieni have a bin file05:06
AnAnthow can I install it on another machine via local network?05:06
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buithuhienhow can i install it05:06
TokenBadsander, what script..its alot of files05:06
sanderpip: find what?05:06
phaceferronica: sudo vi menu.list05:06
beta_mferronica:  i'm getting lost in what you are asking, is the file not opening, or is it opening read only?05:06
sanderTokenBad: Wait I download it again and look what I did :)05:06
munzirHi, If I need to configure my static ip, should I leave that auto eth0 or remove it?05:06
sanderTokenBad you have the release version not the demo right?05:06
Bone`buithuhien: have you burned the bin file to a CD?05:06
beta_mferronica:  phace tells you how to open it if you have the latter problem05:06
TokenBadsander, yes05:07
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jendaI need a script that'll add a file to the xmms playlist without blanking it. Any ideas?05:07
ferronicafile is opening05:07
ferronicabut unable to edit05:07
beta_mare you sure you start with "sudo"05:07
ferronicai wanna make some changes there05:07
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beta_mwhat editor are you using?05:07
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ferronicarootnoverify         (hd2,0) to rootnoverify         (hd2,1)05:08
ferronicathis change05:08
beta_mok, which programme are you using to edit05:08
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buithuhienBone : no05:08
phaceferronica: are you reading what i wrote ???  here how it shoud look * phace@cartmanland:/boot/grub$ sudo vi menu.lst05:08
phace *05:08
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sanderTokenBad: You have this one: http://www.gamershell.com/download_11755.shtml?05:08
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buithuhieni see that the bin file can run directly , alright?05:08
TokenBadsander, yes05:08
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Bone`buithuhien: if you're trying to do a boot install you'll have to burn it to a cd05:09
beta_mferronica:  i don't even know what getedit is, but do what phace told you05:09
Bone`buithuhien: in order to run a bin file directly you'll need a CD emulator like Daemon Tools, which requires that the OS is on05:09
beta_mferronica:  go to the terminal, and change to the directory where menu.list is05:09
ferronicain top of menu list written05:09
sanderTokenBad: I am downloading it to my desktop now, you did the same?05:09
fenstahey guys.. can someone please help me update gnome?05:09
fenstait isnt showing up in software updates05:10
jdmpikeI can't get xorg.conf to output to my HDTV - during boot, it outputs 1920x1080i,  but then when x tries to start... it falls apart... not how it works with Windows...05:10
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ferronica'menu.list[read only]  (/boot/grub) - gedit05:10
TokenBadI downloaded it to a spot on my drive..not my desktop though..cause I don't have ut2004 on my main drive05:10
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AnsiCdeb http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted05:10
AnsiCdeb http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted05:10
AnsiCif i have the second line05:10
AnsiCcan i delete the firsth?05:10
phaceferronica: listen... try it like this... open the terminal... enter sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.list05:10
_jasonAnsiC: no, they are different.  One gives you updates05:11
sanderTokenBad, okay I think it will be the same, I have UT2004 in my personal folder05:11
AnAntI have the Ubuntu DVD on one machine on the network. How can I install it on another machine via local network?05:11
beta_mferronica: ok do this: go to terminal and type "gksudo gedit"05:11
TokenBadbut what mine did was make a dir called ut2004-patch...and alot of dirs and files inside that..but no file for installing it that I can see...05:11
mirakis Fedora nice to use ? I am using ubuntu since warty, I am wondering if I really miss something not trying something else05:11
beta_mferronica: it is *the only way* to do this...05:11
sanderTokenBad: You did install UT2004 from Linux right? You are not trying to patch a Windows-UT2004?05:11
beta_myou must be root05:11
Frogzoofensta: gnome won't be upgraded until dapper is released05:11
TokenBadit is linux..yes05:11
phacemirak: fedora sux... i migrated recently from Fedora to Ubuntu =)05:12
buithuhienbone : sorry i don't understand05:12
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Frogzoofensta: or to be more precise, it won't be upgraded - you'll need to move to dapper, when it's released05:12
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buithuhieni think that i only download it from internet and install it05:12
LazyAngelhi! i'm trying to reinstall my gf's win xp. But there is something wrong with her cdrom driver. So i was thinking of copying the factory restoration cd to an external harddrive and make that bootable. Would that be possible?05:12
fenstawell there is a newer gnome out than what I have now05:12
beta_mferronica:  did you do that?05:12
sanderTokenBad: sorry download is very slow05:12
fenstacan I not update gnome manually?05:12
mirakphace: what is bad ?05:12
TokenBadthats ok05:12
phaceLazyAngel: ROFL05:12
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Frogzoofensta: not easily, if you're an expert yes, otherwise, don't try05:13
ferronicanothing opend05:13
mirakphace: what sucks ?05:13
LazyAngelphase: whats the funny part?05:13
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pipsander, virtools05:13
phacemirak: well it's okay for a beginner but it's kind of crapy when comparing it with ubuntu... one nice thing about fedora you have most of the packages on the dvd but on ubuntu you have to download... + fedora doesnt have mp3 support... =)05:13
fenstathis makes little sense to me... updates arent available until a new OS version is rlsd?05:13
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sanderpip, what is virtools?05:14
beta_mferronica:  you should have had the password prompt, did you type your password there?05:14
mirakphace: what is crappy ?05:14
ferronicasudo /boot/grub/m05:14
mirakphace: it's not easier to configure ?05:14
pipsander, http://www.virtools.com/05:14
ferronicasudo /boot/grub/menu.list05:14
Frogzoofensta: that's how ubuntu/debian work - they only release security fixes05:14
ferronicai typed this one05:14
sanderpip: looking at virtools.com now :)05:14
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_jasonfensta: ubuntu makes a stable release every 6 months and then provides security updates until the next stable release, that way... things are stable :)05:14
mirakphace: I will give it a shot I think. That's the other major distribution. mandriva sucks I already used it at the begining05:14
Frogzoofensta: take a look at firefox - same deal05:14
ferronicadidnt asked me password05:14
fenstabut these updates add features do they not?05:15
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beta_mferronica type this "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list" (without quotes) and type pass when asked05:15
Frogzoofensta: no, for new features, you need to wait for a new release05:15
pipsander, so you are an expert on graphics ?05:15
fenstabut is what im saying is there is a new gnome release05:15
phacemirak: well... you have the pirut tool that sucks (add/remove programs), you cannot run it if you are not connected on the INet. You cannot install from the DVD after the install at all... it searchs from the repositories and downloads the updated versions...05:15
sanderpip: I study Media and Knowledge Engineering05:15
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Frogzoofensta: besides, dapper's release is only 5 weeks off05:15
Bone`buithuhien: Bin files are all CD date05:16
kloswhere do i find a softwareraid partition ?05:16
sanderpip: Not an expert yet :p05:16
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TokenBadsander, just let me know when you figure it out...maybe I am missing something05:16
ferronicahey a new menu.list has been opened05:16
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klosi only find the sda/sdb partitions05:16
ferronicai wanna edit small thing05:16
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emma-chanhi hi05:16
ferronicanot whole05:16
Bone`buithuhien: err sorry, Bin files are all CD data, in order to run it it must be on CD05:16
sanderTokenbad: 18.2MB now05:16
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sanderYou extracted all the files TokenBad?05:16
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beta_mferronica:  what do you mean "not whole"05:16
fenstawhat about if openoffice has a new rls.. I cant update it until the new ubuntu rls?05:17
phaceferronica: how stupd are you ? open the terminal and enter the following command: sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.list05:17
phacestupid *05:17
mirakphace: I am not sure I ever want to try gentoo again lol05:17
TokenBadsander, I did tar -xjf ut2004-lnxpatch3369.tar.bz205:17
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sta1hey, isn't ubuntu going to fix the keyboard layout selector ? :)05:17
Bone`does Ubuntu come with its on program for getting on newgroups?05:17
phacemirak: gentoo is nice... but it takes long to install it :)05:17
ferronicaa blank menu.list opened05:17
sanderTokenBad, I just right click and do "extract here" :)05:17
emma-chanArch is good stuff.05:17
sanderI am GUI oriented :)05:17
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emma-chanIt is like Gentoo with a sane install time. ^.^05:17
danny_ya i agree05:18
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emma-chanBut Ubuntu is easy to use.05:18
beta_mferronica:  go into "File->open" and open it that way05:18
emma-chanSo Ubuntu for my parents it is. ;)05:18
Frogzoo!tell fensta about ooo205:18
ferronicau mean file system05:18
beta_mferronica:  you should be able to edit any file this way05:18
danny_well i think we should all eat rce and beans05:18
Frogzoofensta: read the pm from ubotu, there is an update for oo05:18
jimihow to check if my kernel has netfiler support?05:18
ferronicanow its opened05:18
beta_mferronica:  gksudo gives you permissions to do anything in the graphical programme05:18
ferronicabut unable to edit05:19
ferronicai cant edit anything05:19
=== GoZeR [i=phobos@dialup117.rod.sch.gr] has joined #Ubuntu
mirakphace: I don't like there crappy handbook05:19
sanderTokenBad, I am stupid :p05:19
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fenstaso basically they do updates between the ubuntu rls based on importance.. and then at ubuntu rls time they update everything?05:19
mirakphace: as well as installing all from command line05:19
mdkeit seems that ~/bin isn't in my path, how can I add it?05:19
phacemirak: well the handbook is really helpful =)05:19
sanderTokenbad, you just need to extract the files in your UT2004 folder05:19
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GoZeRthis is a real network05:19
mirakphace: well the problem is you really need it05:19
GoZeR751 users on #Ubuntu05:19
TokenBadso don't let it make the ut-patch dir?05:19
sanderOr copy the extracted files over the installed files05:20
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beta_mferronica:  i think you've done something differently then05:20
phacemirak: no i dont need it anymore =)05:20
mirakphace: I mean with debian there is debconf, so you do everything not from command line :)05:20
emma-chanGoZeR: There are fake networks too? O.o05:20
beta_mbecause you *must* be able to edit it as root05:20
sanderOr copy them from UT2004-patch to UT200405:20
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GoZeRemma-chan, yeap05:20
beta_mi can definitely edit mine... i've opened it for edit just now05:20
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emma-chanGoZeR: kk05:20
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emma-chanI wuv you guys05:20
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Frogzoofensta: officially, the oo update is a test release - it's not part of breezy05:20
FlameSphereis there a media player that plays wma05:21
=== pdlnhrd [n=pdlnhrd@24-107-186-75.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ferronicabut i cant Y?05:21
mdkeFlameSphere, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:21
emma-chanFlameSphere: audacious05:21
Bone`is there a recommended program (or does Ubutu come with one?) for getting onto Usenet?05:21
Frogzoofensta: usually people will use backports to keep up to date, but the backports aren't official05:21
ferronicado i need to login as a root user05:21
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ferronicaor what05:21
emma-chanOh wait.05:21
fenstaFrogzoo.. Im just new to linux/ubuntu and I odnt understand how updates happen05:21
Frogzoo!tell fensta about seveas05:21
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FlameSphereis there a media player that plays wma05:21
pdlnhrdis there a special way to burn a dvd9 disc? i am trying to burn an iso to a dvd9 and it keeps failing05:21
beta_mBone`:  you can use Thunderbird05:21
=== Herby_XTC [n=herbert@213-84-82-135.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mdkeFlameSphere, don't repeat yourself, especially when you're question has been answered twice05:22
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FlameSphereit has05:22
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ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.05:22
beta_mFlameSphere, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:22
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Bone`Ubuntu doesn't happen to come with Thunderbird does it?05:22
ferronicawhat i do05:22
FlameSphereoh, ok05:22
Bone`seeing as it comes with Firefox05:22
emma-chanI doubt that ubotu has Chuck Norris quotes, but that is a start. XD05:22
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ubotuemma-chan: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:22
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beta_mBone`:  go to "Add programmes"05:23
=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-3921.l1.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Bone`ahh okay05:23
Frogzoofensta: the package system is called 'apt'. now there's a file /etc/apt/sources.list that tells apt where to find 'repositories' - collections of software packages, you can add additional repositories & apt will happily upgrade from those repositories05:23
_jasonemma-chan: join #ubuntu-offtopic and try @chuck05:23
Jimmey__Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,05:23
Jimmey__or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla):05:23
Jimmey__What should I tell it?05:23
mdkeit seems that ~/bin isn't in my path, how can I add it? <-- someone must know this!05:23
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emma-chan_jason: s'okay, phrakture loaded phrik up with them in #archlinux. ^.605:23
sanderFlameSphere: Xine and MPlayer are the 2 players that I know if that play .wma files in Linux05:23
fenstaok Frogzoo... now official repositories wont have like version upgrades.... just security upgrades?05:23
ferronicahow can i edit menu.list05:23
ferronicai tried to open it05:24
_jasonferronica: try menu.lst05:24
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beta_mJimmey__:  do you have Mozilla or Netscape?05:24
ferronicacommand not found05:24
sanderFlameSphere and apparently there is a plugin for XMMS too05:24
Jimmey__Mozilla firefox05:24
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beta_mferronica:  what are you typing when you get "command not found"05:25
_jasonferronica: gksudo 'gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst'05:25
Frogzoofensta: so to keep reasonably up to date, I use the seveas repo for ati drivers, the oo update repo for oo2, the sourceforge repo for wine, & there's a repo to update amarok05:25
_jasonferronica: there is no i05:25
beta_mJimmey__:  ok, do you know where it is05:25
fenstaso is there one for the newest gnome?05:25
Jimmey__Nope XD05:25
beta_mferronica:  file should be called menu.lst05:25
hakishey guys..I was wondering if any1 could tell me how to acess my RAID-harddrives from ubuntu? new user here :$05:25
SkeletonixI found new folder(Screen Savers) in Gnome menu Apllication-->Sytem tools--> Do you know how can I remove it from menu? gnome menu editor doesn't work...the folder is not visible in menu editor05:25
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ferronica gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:26
ferronicajust typed this command05:26
Frogzoofensta: to add a repo, it's probably easiest to use synaptic, just click on repositories, take a look in /etc/apt/sources.list anyway, to see the format used05:26
ferronicalist opened05:26
ferronicabut cant able to edit05:26
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource05:26
_jasonferronica: gksudo 'gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst'05:26
_jasonferronica: type that all like that05:26
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ferronica Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib05:26
ferronica Gdk-WARNING **: cannot set locale modifiers05:26
fenstaso just find any repositories I want and add them?05:26
fenstathat should keep me up to date with my softwaRE?05:27
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_jasonferronica: and please, make a backup and make sure you know what you are doing05:27
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beta_mJimmey__:  go see if you have /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox05:27
fenstaI will give it a shot.. I just need to find good repositories.. what about XGL.. do yall have that installed?05:27
beta_mJimmey__:  if you do have that folder that's the one to enter05:27
Frogzoofensta: if it's a much used app, you can pm the bot, & usually you'll find a link to a repo - however these backported repos aren't "official"05:27
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ferronicaunable to edit05:28
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_jasonferronica: paste exactly the command you typed05:28
hakisCan some1 tell my how to acces my raid harddrives from ubuntu?05:28
Jimmey__Sorry: Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,05:28
Jimmey__or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): /usr/lib/firefox/plugins05:28
Jimmey__WARNING: Please enter a valid installation p05:28
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ubotuI guess raid is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaidConfigurationHowto05:28
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ferronicagksudo 'gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:29
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_jasonferronica: you forgot the ' at the end05:29
ferronicaand it didnt asked me for passowrd05:29
beta_mJimmey__:  i've answered your question05:29
fenstaok kewl.. thx Frogzoo... have you used xgl though?05:29
hakisthx :D i'll read it05:29
Jimmey__Oh, my bad05:29
ferronicasome wrnings came05:29
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-170-163.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonferronica: that's ok05:29
Skeletonix I found new folder(Screen Saver ) in Gnome menu: Apllication-->Sytem tools--> Do you know how can I remove it from menu? gnome menu editor doesn't work...the folder is not visible in menu editor05:29
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ferronicadone it works05:30
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Zquakerzil y a des francais05:31
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:31
Frogzoofensta: xgl is dapper only, and there's no way around it05:32
fenstaah ok05:32
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fenstaI Thought people were hacking it to get it to work on dappter05:33
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/05:33
SkeletonixI found new folder(Screen Saver ) in Gnome menu: Apllication-->Sytem tools--> Do you know how can I remove it from menu? gnome menu editor doesn't work...the folder is not visible in menu editor05:33
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hollywoodbSkeletonix: if you have 2 Screensaver entries there, one is probably xscreensaver, one is gnome-screensaver, you can use synaptic to remove the one you don't want05:34
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Sativa\\Can I install debian's packages on Ubuntu :)?05:35
SkeletonixHollywooddb: is  gnome-screensave default ?05:35
_jasonSativa\\: not in general05:35
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Sativa\\ok, 10x05:36
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daddiusanyone around?05:36
daddiusgood at ubuntu?05:37
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edgardpachecoi am a starter05:37
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edgardpachecoi have just installed it05:37
daddiuswanted to know if i could find a game called lbreakout205:37
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daddiuscouldn't find it with the package app05:37
ferronicadidnt worked05:37
edgardpachecohow do i use the aptitude?05:37
ferronicathere is no such partition05:37
roryy!info lbreakout205:37
ubotulbreakout2: (A ball-and-paddle game with nice graphics), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 2.5.2-2ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 210 kB, Installed size: 608 kB05:37
=== IceTox [n=IceTox@unaffiliated/icetox] has joined #Ubuntu
ferronicagive me gain that command05:38
Snake__ubotu: tell daddius about sources05:38
ferronicato open menu.list05:38
Snake__daddius: do that, then try05:38
daddiusubotu, let me find that05:38
ubotudaddius: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:38
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@collaredlory2.hornet.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
edgardpachecofor example, i want to get the gftp05:38
edgardpachecoI open the terminal05:38
edgardpachecoand i write05:38
edgardpachecosudo aptitude gftp05:38
mineraleHow may I choose the resolution for the "login screen" ? It's way too high05:38
roryyedgardpacheco: is there a reason you can't use synaptic? It's a bit easier for first time users05:38
Snake__edgardpacheco: sudo aptitude install gftp05:38
edgardpachecoi didn't know about synaptic05:38
=== PSIplus [n=psiplus@chello062178223058.13.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #Ubuntu
PSIplusThere is a new Beagle-Web-Frontend with KDE-Support: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=3828905:39
roryyedgardpacheco: System -> Administration -> Synaptic05:39
=== SaLoMoN [n=SaLoMoN@pD9578A85.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
daddiusubotu, couldn't find it :-(05:39
ubotudaddius: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:39
ferronicacan any one give me command to open menu.list05:39
daddiusno big deal05:39
ferronicaand to edit it05:39
Snake__daddius: ubotu us a bot ;)05:39
roryyferronica: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:39
jetscreamer!what are you05:39
ubotujetscreamer: what are you talking about?05:39
jetscreamera dumb bot05:39
daddiusSnake__, you a bot05:39
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edgardpachecogedit is the codename for the text editor right?05:40
Snake__daddius: nope im human :)05:40
Putiikkiminerale: you have to reconfigure your X server05:40
AnAntwhat is the root password in Ubuntu distro ?05:40
ubotuxorg is, like, totally, To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html05:40
hollywoodbSkeletonix: in breezy xscreensaver is default05:40
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:40
AnAntit didn't ask me for root passowrd at installation !05:40
daddiusahhh for human beings05:40
roryydaddius: ubotu should have sent you a private message about setting up repositories05:40
AnAntubotu: well I can't Sudo either !05:40
edgardpachecofor human beings xD sounds like dramatic05:40
ubotuAnAnt: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:40
daddiusmmm i hope so05:40
_jasonAnAnt: what happens when you type 'sudo echo hi' in a terminal?05:40
_jasonAnAnt: ubotu is a bot by the way05:41
AnAnt_jason: I am trying to sudo lilo , and it asks for password !05:41
edgardpachecoi have to use "sudo" when I install something new right? when i write "sudo" it gives me administrative permission right??05:41
ubotuwell, w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install05:41
_jasonAnAnt: it is your user password05:41
daddiussnake_, thanks again for sending it05:41
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, minerale05:41
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xbox_skyis there a way to use a wikipedia search/display the result (NO GUI) in a terminal :O ?05:41
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AnAntwhy do I always see grub although I installed LILO ?!!!!!05:42
edgardpachecois gaim better then amsn?05:42
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_jasonxbox_sky: lynx, links2 ?05:42
Putiikkiedgardpacheco: no imo05:42
TonyStAlright, noob question here. I'd like to defragment my disk. How would I go about doing such a thing?05:43
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Putiikkiyou dont have to05:43
roryyTonySt: my impression is that defragmenting is unnecessary for linux filesystems05:43
TonyStSweet. Told you it was a noob question.05:43
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MonoNoSaint_BRHey, good afternoon!05:43
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TonyStIt was just that on startup, I saw something go by that said something to the tune of "2.0% somethingorother non-contiguous"05:44
edgardpachecoi have just installed gftp, where do i open it?05:44
edgardpachecoi can't find it...05:44
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edgardpachecodo i have to type something in the terminal?05:44
=== PSIplus [n=psiplus@chello062178223058.13.15.vie.surfer.at] has left #Ubuntu ["adios"]
roryyedgardpacheco: is it not under applications -> internet ? (this is a guess)05:44
MonoNoSaint_BRCould anyone help me? I have one broken package that is really annoying me, I can't install any new apps because of it.05:44
edgardpachecono, it isn't05:44
edgardpachecoi installed it with aptitude05:44
mirakthat's anoying that when you install KDE, KDE apps are interfering with Gnome applications in the menus.05:44
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SkeletonixMonoNoSaint: unistall it05:45
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ska_surferCan anyone say me how can I put some transparency on my ubuntu windows??05:45
mirakit would be nice to have the choice of not having KDE stuff interfering on Gnome when you install both05:45
roryyedgardpacheco: you should be able to run 'gftp' from the terminal.  Maybe logout and login -- i'm not sure how when the menus are updated.05:45
mirakand vice versa05:45
egon_spenglermirak, That can be remedied by telling the KDE menu items to only display in KDE05:45
edgardpachecobut what do i type for running gftp??05:45
MonoNoSaint_BRI already used the "resolve broken packages" option in synaptic but it didn't work.05:45
roryyedgardpacheco: have you tried     gftp    ?05:45
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MonoNoSaint_BRSkeletonix: that is my problem, I did it with remove, purge, but it won't!05:46
FlameSpherewhat program can play midi files (not use a synthisizer, just play them)05:46
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_jasonI am getting strange behavior with nautilus.  If I use it to open a wmv9, it crashes xine.  xine plays the file find through a terminal though.  Where would I be able to see error output or logs for nautilus?05:46
linuxgeekeryFlameSphere: you'd have to convert them, first.05:46
MonoNoSaint_BRit always claims about a "post script error" and never complete the unistall.05:46
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edgardpachecoi have to go now05:46
Skeletonixapt-get romeve "name of the package! doesn  work?05:46
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MonoNoSaint_BRSkeletonix: Nope. Let me show you:05:46
roryy_jason: maybe ~/.xsession-errors05:47
roryy_jason: or try launching nautilus from a terminal05:47
Skeletonixsorry  apt-get remove05:47
roryyMonoNoSaint_BR: don't paste here, please05:47
MonoNoSaint_BRdpkg -r compiz-aiglx-gnome05:47
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_jasonroryy: thanks, terminal won't work but I'll try that log05:47
ubotusomebody said pastebin was http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126905:47
MonoNoSaint_BRdpkg: erro processando compiz-aiglx-gnome (--remove):05:47
MonoNoSaint_BR subprocesso post-removal script retornou cdigo de sada de error 105:47
MonoNoSaint_BRroryy: sorry.05:48
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owlmanatthowdy, i've got an ubuntu box with a static IP set up in /etc/network/interfaces. I have a gateway in there, but my default route isn't being set...what am I doing wrong?05:48
roryyMonoNoSaint_BR: ah, i think 3 lines is ok ;)05:48
roryyMonoNoSaint_BR: maybe ask for help in #ubuntu-xgl if you don't get any here05:48
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mirakegon_spengler: how do you do that ?05:49
_jasonroryy: doesn't seem to send anything there, any other ideas?05:49
MonoNoSaint_BRhere it is05:49
MonoNoSaint_BRI tried to remove and purge it05:49
daddiusman this is sweet05:50
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egon_spenglermirak, in terminal cd /usr/share/applications/kde05:50
daddiusgot the lbreakout running and everything05:50
MonoNoSaint_BRIt is the first time a package breaks on me like that. Any suggestions?05:50
lastnodewhere can I check if the prolink hurricane 8600 adsl modem is supported by ubuntu?05:50
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roryy_jason: no, sorry.  I see there are some debug options in nautilus --help, but they look a bit arcane05:50
_jasonroryy: k thanks05:51
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egon_spenglermirak, then sudo for i in *; do "echo OnlyShowIn=KDE;" >> $i; done05:51
roryyMonoNoSaint_BR: my guess is to read 'man dpkg', especially the '--force' options05:51
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mirakegon_spengler: ok05:52
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MonoNoSaint_BRGod, not even forcing the removal works!05:52
egon_spenglermirak, I use that each time I get KDE/Kubuntu updates that rewrite all the KDE menu items05:52
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CraiZEuhm hi, how can i make konqueror use a double click to launch / go into a folder instead of a single click ?05:53
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Skeletonixpleas..how can copy udio cd by nautilus-burner?05:54
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Skeletonix*pleas how can I copy audio CD in Nautilus-burner05:54
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PuMpErNiCkLePersonally, I'd use Serpentine, rip to flac, and burn.05:55
PuMpErNiCkLenp :)05:55
bluelotus_What's better in your oppinion, XMMS or Rhythmbox?05:55
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facugaichRythmbox looks way nicer05:56
facugaichin Gnome that is05:56
PuMpErNiCkLeRhythmbox is nice, but I don't like the way it handles a bunch of stuff.05:56
owlmanattMy default gateway is not being set at startup...I have gateway in my /etc/network/interfaces file. What am I doing incorrectly?05:56
PuMpErNiCkLeI haven't actually found a music player I really like, yet.05:56
bluelotus_That's kinda like windows media vs winamp kinda... cept winamp has some sick skins and a lot more functionality then xmms05:56
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facugaichyeah me neither05:56
CraiZEHi, how can i make konqueror (kbear actually, but i think if i get it right in konqueror, i will have it in kbear also) use a double click to launch / go into a folder instead of a single click ?05:57
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facugaichxmms claims to be like Winamp but it lacks so much functionality05:57
hollywoodbamaroK is cool, can use kcontrol to make it look like gnome apps05:57
mineraleI just installed ubuntu-amd64 .... Where can I download codecs? I cna't even play .mpeg files05:57
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bluelotus_Lets all go write one :-P05:57
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PuMpErNiCkLebluelotus_: Sure, I'll get right on that.  You don't mind if I write it in Lisp, do you? :o)05:57
tdnCan you help me get wlan to work in Ubuntu breezy?05:58
CaminomasterPlease help me: Now I'm getting an error when log-in to any user05:58
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bluelotus_I'd much rather have you write it in C so I can help :-)05:58
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Caminomaster".dmrc must have permission 644 and must belong to the user"05:59
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CaminomasterI've edited permissions but it don't work...05:59
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PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: Have you run chmod 644 and chown yourname on it?06:00
bluelotus_whoot almost dist-upgrade completed!06:00
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CaminomasterNo, chmod no. I used nautilus as root06:00
CayManhow to find the list of rooms in this server? and what happened to X-Chat terminal tab?06:01
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, .dmrc shows the permissions 644 now, but I still getting the message06:01
PuMpErNiCkLeCayMan: /list06:01
PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: Are you the owner of it, or is root?06:01
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CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, I got the error in each of the users06:02
PuMpErNiCkLeThat's not good at all. :o06:02
theSamohmm, why does libgl1-mesa-dev miss a GL/gl.h file in include06:03
theSamothat's seriously messed up06:03
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, I understand that refers to each .dmrc of each user06:03
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jisatsuI get a lot of clipping when I play music with rhythmbox, anyone else ever had that problem?06:03
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, am I right?06:03
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PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: Yeah06:03
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PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: I'm just not sure how they all seem broken at once.06:04
xwolf-any idea why cant i set my own ip number, just through dhcp am i able to connect anywhere external?06:04
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, Then, I don't understand why if I changed that files system don't recognize it...06:04
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FilipinoDXBhow can i view webcam from yahoo/msn messenger?06:05
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PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/33130 <-- it looks like an official bug06:05
blacklinewhats the command for restarting the apache webserver, or any service at all for that sake..06:05
TaikumiHello, could someone help me with an installation problem? =/06:05
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PuMpErNiCkLeFilipinoDXB: gaim-vv, amsn, kopete I think have that ability06:05
Managublackline: "sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart"; most other services have similar restart commands06:06
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, In adition, My Broda made I DON'T KNOW WHAT & now all files  of all users have 777 permissions...06:06
FilipinoDXBPuMpErNiCkLe, for ubuntu?06:06
DraconicusI'm trying to use the nvidia-legacy drivers with my GeForce 2, and I'm getting "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!" from X, even though lsmod shows that the NVidia module IS loaded. I have everything needed according to the wiki. What gives?06:06
blacklinethank you managu06:06
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FilipinoDXBi'm using gaim but it doesn't support06:06
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TaikumiI'm getting some error when installing: ACPI - looking for DSDT in initrd ... not found06:06
DraconicusI had no trouble using the drivers on Dapper with the same card. I moved it to this Breezy machine and the Breezy drivers won't work...06:06
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v3n3n0s0hola imbeciles06:07
AnsiCsomebody know a good channel about programming ???06:07
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, I don't know if have to cry or Kill06:07
Taikumiif someone can help me with this, that'll be great, thanks06:07
DarkEDhey i have a question06:07
PuMpErNiCkLeFilipinoDXB: gaim-vv is a fork of gaim, it'll be merged into the official gaim 'soon', but for now it's separate06:07
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AnsiCi need somebody that understand very good programming and how system linux work06:07
DarkEDi tried to do echo $JAVA_HOME to get my java path, but it gives me nothing06:07
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PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: all files are at 777? O_O06:07
mineraleis MPlayer on universe?06:08
ManaguTaikumi: a number of messages printed during installation are diagnostic, and not really errors.  Does the install freeze after you get that message?06:08
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PuMpErNiCkLeminerale: multiverse, I think06:08
DraconicusCan somebody please look into my Breezy driver problem?06:08
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Taikumiit just freezes, nothing else appears =/06:08
TaikumiI waited for about, 20 minutes, and nothing happened06:08
AnAnthow do i resume the ubuntu installation ?06:08
DarkEDahh, $JAVA_HOME isnt in my list of variables06:08
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eFfeMhi, I am on dapper drake and want to build a kernel module, but make for this module is missing /lib/modules/2.6.15-18-686/build06:08
eFfeMwhat package do I need to install to get this06:09
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ManaguTaikumi: I don't know what the problem is, not being an installer guru, but the likely culprit is whatever is happening right after the acpi checks (and you're not getting a diagonstic for it).  I'd suggest looking at the bootup options, and fiddling around with them a little06:09
_jasoneFfeM: what do you mean by make is missing?06:09
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, Yes! : (06:09
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:09
sesstreetsSo how do you install a deb?06:09
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ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)06:09
ManaguTaikumi: I don't have them off the top of my head (there's a few help screens first thing when you run from the cd).  Something like noacpi might help06:09
sesstreetsyeah but it says dkpg doesnt work06:09
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AnAnthere was the setup procedure: I had a boot image on a USB, I used it to install Ubuntu from a machine on the local network that had the DVD mounted06:10
sesstreetsandrew@andrew:~$ dkpg06:10
sesstreetsbash: dkpg: command not found06:10
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AnAntso it installed the base system it seems06:10
eFfeM_jason: make reports that /lib/modules/2.6.15-18-686/build is missing06:10
jerwarehow do you leave a message when quitting?  on xchat06:10
Taikumiwell, theres 2 mode06:10
_jasonsesstreets: what are you trying to install? (and spell it right :))06:10
AnAntbut there is no X yet06:10
Armagguedesi've just updated from a Flight to Dapper Beta06:10
AnAntso how do I complete the setup ?06:10
TonyStAny awesome people in here want to help me do the impossible?06:10
jerwaresuch as06:10
Taikumione, when you press ENTER for standard install06:10
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CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, Now U can understand why I wanna Kick my bro06:10
Taikumiand server if i remember correctly06:10
Armagguedesand ive lost keyboard functionality (embeded in laptop)06:10
PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: lol06:10
Taikumifor server install only06:10
DraconicusI'm trying to use the nvidia-legacy drivers with my GeForce 2, and I'm getting "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!" from X, even though lsmod shows that the NVidia module IS loaded. I have everything needed according to the wiki. What gives?06:10
sesstreetsTonySt, what happened?06:10
Managutaikumi: right, but there are some advanced options pages, too, no?06:10
Taikuminope, not that I know of06:11
Armagguedesi need to hold down the keys 2-3 in order to type any single character/enter/capslock/etc06:11
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PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: wedgie him - that's some nasty stuff he's done ^_^06:11
jerwarei walked with my laptop in the rain and how my nic card cannot be recognized06:11
TaikumiThe installer goes fine when I drop it in virtual PC06:11
jerwarei have to use my wifi card06:11
eFfeM_jason, actually I am missing the complete src tree; what is the best way to get that on my system?06:11
jerwareare there such nic cards fro pcmcia06:11
jerwareeth nics ?06:11
AnAntso how do I complete the setup ?06:11
TonyStsesstreets: I'd like to make (or get) a script that automatically runs "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper", then goes to my network preferences and enables my wireless network adapter.06:11
eFfeMwas actually looking for a package kernel-src or so, but can't find it06:12
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ScrappyDooany recommendations on a mp3 player?06:12
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_jasoneFfeM: well there is linux-source and linux-headers, for modules I think you just need the headers06:12
sesstreetsScrappyDoo, xmms06:12
DraconicusTonySt: I don't know about the second part, but you can just add ndiswrapper to your modules loaded by default.06:12
mathieuany recommendation for a GNOME rss app in the notification area?06:12
pmjdebruijnI'm using Ubuntu through a serial terminal, my boot messages are borked, and I think this is because of the default terminal settings06:12
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ManaguTaikumi: I see.  That's even more suggestive; I bet it's probing for some hardware you don't have, and locking up the machine with the probes.  SCSI probes are notorious for that, iirc.  Anyways, I'd ask around, or look around for bootup options.06:13
pmjdebruijnHow can I changed the default terminal settings to vt102 in Ubuntu?06:13
_jasoneFfeM: by the way I've never done what you are doing so you might want to try #ubuntu+1 to see if it is a dapper-specific issue06:13
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Taikuminvm I found the advance option06:13
Taikumiis it06:13
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Taikumiboot: pci=noacpi06:13
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, The .dmrc was big,.. now I don't know how the permissions must be restored06:13
beerockxshm, there's no way to remove xchat but retain xchat-common?06:13
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ManaguTaikumi: I have no clue which options would best suit your machine.  I'd suggest experimenting with it a bit06:14
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TaikumiHmm okay06:14
DraconicusCan't anyone help me with my nvidia driver problem?!06:14
HunterZhow can i install wine in breezy badger because it is borken package?06:14
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apokryphosHunterZ: /msg ubotu wine06:14
eFfeM_jason, tnx;06:14
AnAntcan anyone help me in Ubuntu installation ?06:15
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PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: Is your entire system at 777, or just your home directory?06:15
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, first state your problem, then people can think about if they can help you06:15
facugaichbeerockxs, what for?06:15
PhewLlysol@PhewL:~$ fglrxinfo06:15
PhewLdisplay: :0.0  screen: 006:15
PhewLOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org06:15
PhewLOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect06:15
PhewLOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.2.1)06:15
ManaguAnAnt: quite possibly, and maybe not.  But you're better off asking your question, instead of asking to ask your question =p06:15
beerockxsfacugaich: I use xchat-gnome06:15
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: I said my problem a good five or ten minutes ago. Nobody replied. It's a simple topic that people are usually very familiar with.06:15
PhewLwhy do i keep getting that after i do all that it says on this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:15
eFfeM_jason actually my kernel is 2.6.15-18 and synaptic only gives headers for 2.6.15-19 -20 and -21 (and yes, I am up to date)06:16
AnAntManagu: I setup the base system06:16
DraconicusI'm trying to use the nvidia-legacy drivers with my GeForce 2, and I'm getting "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!" from X, even though lsmod shows that the NVidia module IS loaded. I have everything needed according to the wiki. What gives?06:16
AnAntManagu: now I want to continue the setup procedure, so how ?06:16
beerockxsPhewL: what errors do you have in Xorg.0.log?06:16
ManaguDraconicus, I haven't seen this wiki entry; but the name "nvidia-legacy" sets off alarm bells with me06:16
ManaguAnAnt: once the base system is setup, the machine should reboot; did it?06:16
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AnAntManagu: yup06:16
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AnAntManagu: and I got a login prompt06:16
TonyStDraconicus: I'm a (bit of a) noob when it comes to Ubuntu, or linux in general, so could you please point me in the right direction?  I've got Kubuntu, if it changes anything.06:16
ManaguAnAnt: text or nice graphics?06:17
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, hmm did you also install nvidia-glx-legacy? you didn't accidentally mix legacy and non-legacy packages?06:17
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DraconicusManagu: Nvidia legacy drivers work fine in dapper, and SHOULD work fine in Breezy, since they've supposedly worked since hoary.06:17
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, what does your dmesg tell you?06:17
krgDId you do depmod?06:17
ManaguAnAnt: black background?06:17
defendguinanyone know where i can get gaim-beta3 package for dapper?06:17
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AnAntManagu: yup, virtual console06:17
DraconicusTonySt: Unfortunately, I can't remember how to put it there.. sorry..06:17
Managuanant: that's definitely a bug somewhere =/06:17
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: One moment.06:17
AnAntManagu: so ?06:18
TonyStDraconicus: Aah, ok.  I see you're quite busy, anyway.  Thanks for your help, though.06:18
Managuanant: can you log in?06:18
PhewLbeerockxs, (II) fglrx(0): Using XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA)06:18
PhewL(II) fglrx(0): Acceleration enabled06:18
PhewL(II) fglrx(0): Direct rendering disabled06:18
AnAntManagu: yup06:18
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beerockxsPhewL: are you loading the DRI module in the module section?06:18
didi_hi every one06:18
AnAntManagu: here's what I done, I used a USB boot image on a USB disk, then installed via LOCAL network06:19
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facugaichbeerockxs, xchat-common depends on xchat, so I think tis not possible06:19
owlmanattMy default gateway is not being set at startup...I have gateway in my /etc/network/interfaces file. What am I doing incorrectly?06:19
PhewLidk how do i check that out ?06:19
beerockxsfacugaich: I'm just wondering why.06:19
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AnAntManagu: that is, I had a Ubuntu DVD mounted on another machine & installed via FTP06:19
beerockxslook in xorg.conf, in the module section06:19
VincentMXhow do i open wmv files?06:19
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Lots of keyboard errors, but nothing to indicate problems with the card. It had no trouble loading the module. agpart had no problems, either.06:19
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owlmanattVincentMX: You need to install the proper codecs06:19
beerockxsPhewL: and those are not errors, just information06:20
facugaichbeerockxs, bad software design?06:20
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owlmanattVincentMX: If you search the ubuntuforums, you'll find lots of material on the topic06:20
PhewLbecause i get no errors06:20
beerockxsPhewL: is there anything with (EE) in it?06:20
VincentMXowlmanatt, ok06:20
Managuanant: Hrmm.  I have no experience with that sort of setup, I'm sorry.  I'd try installing again -- maybe use internet rather than the DVD.  Alternatively, (and I have no clue if this will work), try running "tasksel" as root06:20
PhewLxorg runs fine06:20
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, hmm sorry, I don't think I can help you...06:20
PhewLjust 3d accel doesn't work06:20
Sativa\\how to set nameserver? /etc/resolv.conf doesnt work :)06:20
AnAntno tasksel06:20
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PhewLSection "Module"06:20
PhewLyup dri is in there06:21
AnAntManagu: I can't install again06:21
jzahi I want tsome information regarding the partitioning process in butuntu06:21
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pmjdebruijnPhewL, please don't paste in channel, should GLcore be loaded? isn't that Mesa?06:21
ManaguAnAnt: heh, why's that?06:21
FilipinoDXBi've just installed aMSN ... but it hangs... is there a command that is equivalent to Task Manager in windows so i can stop the process?06:21
jzafirst it doesnt give me the cchoice of watching my partitions which sucks06:21
AnAntManagu: whenever I try to boot from the USB flash drive, it logs me into the linux that was partially installed06:21
_jim_i need some help with the installation06:21
PhewLi dont know ? is it mesa ? i want it to use fglrx06:21
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PhewLi dont remember what i did last time06:21
PhewLbut i remember i got it working06:21
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, Now I'll verify that...06:21
_jim_can anyone help me please ?06:21
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ManaguAnAnt: I don't understand why that would be a problem.  Reset the flash drive with the other machine?06:22
=== brodel [n=brodel@c-24-30-228-64.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jza_jim_, what u need06:22
AnAntManagu: I did06:22
_jim_im trying to install ubuntu at my other pc06:22
_jim_it already has windows xp home06:22
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Are you sure? I really need to get this card to work. It's my only option after my 128MB Radeon 7500 made X use 200MB of my swap...06:23
_jim_i want to install it on another partition06:23
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FilipinoDXBguys, how can i stop a running process? my aMSN is running but i can't close it.06:23
PhewLdo a ps x | grep amsn06:23
=== Cubanp3te [n=cubanp3t@81-179-221-35.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
jza_jim_, yeah so ur confusied about the partitioning process06:23
PhewLthen kill -9 <pid>06:23
PuMpErNiCkLeFilipinoDXB: killall amsn06:23
minerale*behold this is stupid* ... but in gnome... if I double click a moviie, ie foo.mpg ... how do I choose what program loads automatically ?06:23
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, huh, really? A Radeon 7500 should work perfectly out of the box on Breezy06:23
_jim_i got a free partition06:23
_jim_named LINUX06:23
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PuMpErNiCkLeminerale: right click on it -> properties -> open with06:23
_jim_i booted the ubuntu install cd06:24
PuMpErNiCkLeminerale: Changing what's selected there will change the default.06:24
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mineralepumpernickle: where is this setting saved?06:24
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, No. most of "file system" are 75506:24
jza_jim_, whats ur filesystem06:24
_jim_i type expert , it loads something but after that nothing happens06:24
jza_jim_, partition have filesystems06:24
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Yes. Yes, I know. I think it might have something to do with my motherboard, actually. :\06:24
PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: okay, that's good06:24
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, I've made chmode in my session06:24
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mineralepumpernickle: Ok, but when I click the next .mpeg file... totem still opens06:25
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, I think I may restart to verify...06:25
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, like how? anyway might that not also prevent the GF2 from functioning properly...?06:25
jza_jim_, NTFS r not linucxx partitions06:25
_jim_so , to install linux through EXPERT installation what i must do ?06:25
PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: okay - tell me how it goes06:25
FilipinoDXBguyz... i'm using dell 510m and i'm having problem with my touchpad... it's too sensitive... why? i've already changed the setting but it's still the same06:26
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: I'm thinking the same thing, but the problem seems to be with reading the module... Why can't it see the module? That's the question to ask. Regardless, the Radeon 7500 worked fine in terms of acceleration, but it caused X to use severely abnormal amounts of memory for no apparent reason...06:26
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, Then I'll return in a few minutes...06:26
jza_jim_, you need to errase that NTFS partition06:26
StarkMjolkanyone have experience with grub and sata + pata drives? atm my computer just locks up during grub-boot06:26
_jim_with windows ?06:26
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jzaalso you need to make sure that the first partition is on the primary partition06:27
StarkMjolk_jim_: yeah, windows and linux06:27
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pmjdebruijnDraconicus, you have tried rmmod nvidia && modprobe nvidia and then restart X06:27
_jim_when u say first partition06:27
StarkMjolkthe installer detected my windows and added it to grub and everyone was happy06:27
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_jim_which one do you mean06:27
jza_jim_, yeah windows or linux, what are you usingpartition magic06:27
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: I haven't. Let me try that.06:27
_jim_yeah partition magic06:27
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FilipinoDXBi've already run "killall amsn" but the window is still on the desktop and it's not removed.06:28
StarkMjolkI have windows primary on hda1 and my linux root on sda106:28
jerwaredoes anyone know how to put a video on repeat in mplayer?06:28
jza_jim_, ok you should see that the HD have two type of partitions called Primary or Logical06:28
jzajerware, I did that once but go to the mplayer channelthey know all the options06:28
_jim_im not currently at the other pc trying to install linux06:28
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_jim_should i join irc from that ?06:29
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Same problem. :|06:29
jza_jim_, well you neeed to get that anyway here is my recomended choice to have a machine on dual boot06:29
twingeWould anyone be willing to help me get Xinerama working? I've read the wiki post, and i'm really close06:29
jerwareoh nice an #mplayer thanx jza06:29
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mineraleanyone know how to set the default app that loads when a .mpeg file is double clicked ?06:29
twingeubuntu is treating my desktop like it's wide, but the second monitor isn't showing anything06:29
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pmjdebruijnDraconicus, no clue then...06:30
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StarkMjolkanyone good with grub troubleshooting? I haven't had many dual-boot systems before06:30
jza_jim_, [ WINDOWS]   [linux root ]  [ swap]  [ home ]  [ data ] 06:30
=== Eppu [n=improv@dsl-roigw1-fe84de00-137.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
StarkMjolkbut this particular machine I'll have to migrate over time so I need it06:30
ketsugiIs there any Gaim plugin that lets me have floating contacts, like in Messenger Plus?06:30
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_jim_brb :D06:31
jzaketsugi, yeahg there is06:31
ketsugiWHat's is called and where can I find it?06:31
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ketsugiI didn't see it on the Plugins page on sourceforge06:32
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jzathere should be some plug=-ins usually it include the plugins06:32
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ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL06:32
jzamaybe the 2.0 version doesnt include them06:32
ketsugiI guess not; I'm using Gaim 2b306:33
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ketsugibut my previous install of 1.5 didn't seem to have it either06:33
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_jim_ok :D back06:33
jzaketsugi, is odd I have gaim 1.x and it did from installation I use mandriva thought06:33
_jim_im at this pc that i wanna install ubuntu06:34
jzaso not sure about the ubuntu repositories and their mods06:34
ketsugiWhat's the plugin called?06:34
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: I guess I'll just use my second machine, which has an equally good Celeron in it, for my gaming machine for the time being, and wait till I get a new motherboard. I think that's the problem. I did a memory test today.. and it's fine. It must be the board.06:34
jzafloating icons or something simil.ar06:35
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PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: ^^06:36
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trappistI just installed a new motherboard/cpu and my cdrom drive doesn't show up.  there's no /dev/hdc, though it was installed from there and the installer saw fit to make an fstab entry for it.  any ideas?06:36
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CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, doesn't work...06:37
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ChrisNCI've got a bit of a stupid question06:37
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ubotuOp #ubuntu-nl staat de koffie al voor je klaar.06:37
ChrisNCI was about to download Ubuntu last night, then I see this Kubuntu project.. I'm pretty much still a linux n00b although I've got my feet wet before06:37
ChrisNCWhat would I get with Ubuntu?06:37
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, I still without Understanding why if the file already is 644 system tells that no06:37
soulfreshnerI installed mysql-query browser with apt - and it crashes as soon as I open anything using the help tab...06:37
ketsugiHm, jza, can't find it on the sf page. oh well.06:37
ChrisNCKDE and GNOME?06:37
Belgainquick question... i'm trying to write a .img image ot a usb pen drive.  when issuing "cat image_name.img > /dev/sde1" i get a permission demied error06:38
trappistChrisNC: ubuntu is gnome - kubuntu is kde06:38
PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: Did you read https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/3313006:38
Belgaini've unmounted the USB drive, and run the command as root06:38
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, so, so06:38
trappistBelgain: sudo dd if=filename.img of-/dev/sde106:38
ChrisNCtrappist, would you prefer gnome?06:38
ccc_ChrisNC: try both, then decide.06:38
trappistBelgain: sudo dd if=filename.img of=/dev/sde106:38
PuMpErNiCkLeChrisNC: Ubuntu is Gnome-based, Kubuntu is Ubuntu with anything related to Gnome replaced with KDE06:38
soulfreshnerChrisNC: yep et you can install both kde and gnome on either06:38
StarkMjolkanyone have a good idea why grub would stall during boot?06:38
trappistChrisNC: I'm a kde guy, myself06:38
PuMpErNiCkLeChrisNC: There's also Xubuntu, which you might like06:39
ChrisNCSee, with my experience with Red Hat in the past..06:39
ChrisNCI always prefered KDE06:39
ScrappyDoohow to I easily mount a network share?  in windows i'd just map a drive to \\devicename\sharename but in ubuntu I have no idea how to do this???06:39
ketsugiI used to prefer KDE when I was trying Red Hat06:39
ketsuginow with Ubuntu I find Gnome rather nice06:39
ChrisNCI'll give Gnome a shot06:39
soulfreshnerboth kde and gnome are pretty nicely polished in ubuntu - byt kde is prettier :)06:39
trappistScrappyDoo: sudo mount -t smbfs //server/share /mnt/point06:40
ChrisNCI've toyed with different distros before, and I always ended up coming back to Windows like an idiot. Now I'm finally just fed up with it.06:40
ChrisNCTired of my computer getting slower just because I use it.06:40
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pmjdebruijnsoulfreshner, fancier is a better word...06:41
patrick24601I am trying to install compiz and getting error messages like: compiz: Depends: libcairo2 (>= 1.0.2-2) but 1.0.2-0ubuntu1.1 is to be installed06:41
patrick24601Does that mean my version of libcairo is too new ?06:41
Belgaintrappist: great, that seems to have worked - thanks!06:41
stjepanpatrick24601, no, too old06:41
owlmanattMy default gateway is not being set at startup...I have gateway in my /etc/network/interfaces file. That one GW gets set, but I have to do `sudo route add default gw` to be able to ping anything outside of my LAN. What am I doing incorrectly?06:41
patrick24601So then why doesn't it try to resolve it automatically?06:41
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ChrisNCand I like how generous the developers are for this distro.. it's almost scary06:41
=== ChrisNC goes off to download
soulfreshnerpmjdebruijn: yep - but I'm happy with either - I'm more used to gnome, but I started using KDE yesterday  and I like the look06:42
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stjepanpatrick24601, open synaptic, find libcairo2, and click package>force version and set it to 1.0.2-2 or better06:42
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patrick24601stjepan: I have to do that for each dependency? Whoa - I am going to be here for awhile.06:42
patrick24601stjepan: Thanks though06:42
twingecould someone please help me with getting Xinerama set up?06:42
twingei've read all the wiki posts I could find06:43
stjepanpatrick24601, no, not for each dependency06:43
twingebut it doesn't quite work06:43
stjepanpatrick24601, just for libcairo2 and then everything will be okie dokie06:43
patrick24601stjepan: There are several in the list like that - version is not current enough06:43
stjepanpatrick24601, which are the newest ones?06:44
=== OffHand [n=offhand@a9189.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
FilipinoDXBplease help me remove the aMSN window.06:44
patrick24601stjepan: I posted one of about five messages that I am getting but they are saying the same thing according to what you said - not a current enough version06:44
Caminomasterpump: chmod works on the file of the current session user?06:44
FilipinoDXBposted a link in paste.ubunti-nl.org06:44
twingeanyone in here have xinerama working on a dell laptop?06:44
FilipinoDXBi'm using dell...06:45
=== madewokherd [n=urk@VRP5000.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe,  chmod works on the file of the current session user?06:45
FilipinoDXBbut i don't have xinerama... sorry i can't be of help06:45
twingethanks anyways06:45
=== Lorvij [n=lorvija@dsl-lprgw5-fecdf900-132.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
stjepanpatrick24601, what's the current installed version of libcairo2?06:46
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twingehow about someone with xinerama and radeon?06:46
FilipinoDXBis there somebody here who can help me remove window??????06:46
cycus_zwisushi, how to make windows the default os in grub menu?06:46
twingei'm >so< close to having it working06:46
patrick24601stjepan: 1.0.206:46
twingevery frustrating06:46
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patrick24601stjepan: But I am getting ready to force it like you said06:47
ketsugiStrange: Synaptic/apt says I have 2.6.15-20 installed, but `uname -r` shows my kernel as 2.6.15-1906:47
FilipinoDXBthis room is quite frustrating... i'm not getting any answer.06:47
ketsugihow do I force the upgrade?06:47
patrick24601stjepan: But I have several packages like that needed for compiz that are behind06:47
stjepanpatrick24601, no, what's the full version of it? 1.0.2_XubuntuX06:47
stjepanpatrick24601, don't worry with dependencies06:47
stjepanyou just have to force it to install the newer version06:48
patrick24601stjepan: 1.0.2-0ubuntu1.106:48
arrinmurrFilipinoDXB: what do you mean by removing a window?06:48
twingeno c compiler with gentoo?06:48
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stjepanpatrick24601, and what versions are available to force?06:48
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pmjdebruijntwinge, not by default? apt-get install build-essential (or just gcc)06:48
mDot_livegrub error 22 help06:48
_jasontwinge: 'sudo aptitude install build-essential'06:48
patrick24601stjepan: 1.1.1-0ubuntu106:48
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stjepanpatrick24601, ok, install that version06:48
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mDot_livenevermind.. its time for a reinstall anyway06:49
twingewhat's the diff between aptitude and apt-get?06:49
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FilipinoDXBthe aMSN stopped working for i don't know what the reason was... then i clicked 'x' to close it but it doesn't close...06:49
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FilipinoDXBit stays on my desktop06:49
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StarkMjolkwhat to do if menu.lst for grub looks perfectly fine and it locks up during boot?06:49
patrick24601stjepan: So the original message that I receved from trying to install compiz had about five packages that are behind - cairo being one of them06:49
FilipinoDXBi can't find a refresh desktop option...06:49
marsh'Ere! anyone know when e17's likely to be in the repos for breezy?06:49
PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: yeah06:49
patrick24601stjepan: Don't I have to go through and fix each one?06:49
arrinmurrFilipinoDXB: : ctrl+alt+esc , and click on the window06:49
pmjdebruijntwinge, aptitude is ncurses, apt-get is commandline06:49
twinge__jason: what's the diff between aptitude and apt-get?06:50
StarkMjolkI myself am out of solutions...06:50
stjepanpatrick24601, I am confused, /msg me those messages06:50
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twingepmjdebruijn: thanks06:50
kestasmarsh: breezys repos wont get new versions06:50
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marshe16's pretty good - but the keybindings are not too easily changed :(06:50
PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: Unless you run it as root - then it will work on anything.06:50
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kestasmarsh: only securiy updates06:50
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Guess what.06:50
marshkestas: only security updates? for enlightenment?06:50
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, what?06:50
twingepmjdebruijn:  so same effect in the end...06:50
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: I rebooted and it worked perfectly. :P06:50
_jasontwinge: aptitude remembers dependencies (aptitude can be used like apt-get too) and will uninstall them if they are not needed when you remove the original package that pulled them in06:50
pmjdebruijntwinge, yes06:50
kestasmarsh: yup, wait for dapper to get e1706:51
TrunkzFinally.. got that damned thing workin xD06:51
kestasmarsh: or get a backport06:51
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pmjdebruijnDraconicus, uhm you might have installed a kernel upgrade, and the kernel module was only available in the newer (still not booted) kernel? or something like that?06:51
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marshkestas: when's dapper due? and (forgive my ignorance) when it's done, do I lust 'dist-upgrade' to get it?06:51
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Nope. I had the latest kernel and everything. I think it might have just kind of been.. um.. MAGIC. Yes. Magic. Somehow. o_o06:52
twingepmjdebruijn: aptitude/apt-get is prompting for the CD... how do you force it to get my package from the internet instead?06:52
=== mark__ [n=mark@80-193-7-175.cable.ubr02.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kestasmarsh: jun, and yep afaik the upgrade procedure is pretty simple06:52
pmjdebruijntwinge, no clue, you can remove the CD entry in your /etc/apt/sources.list06:52
patrick24601  compiz: Depends: libcairo2 (>= 1.0.2-2) but 1.0.2-0ubuntu1.1 is to be installed06:52
patrick24601          Depends: libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.10.0) but 2.8.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed06:52
patrick24601          Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.12.1) but 1.10.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed06:52
patrick24601          Depends: libsvg (>= 0.1.4) but it is not going to be installed06:52
patrick24601          Depends: libsvg-cairo (>= 0.1.5) but it is not going to be installed06:52
patrick24601          Depends: libxcomposite1 but it is not going to be installed06:52
cycus_zwisushow to make windows the default os in grub menu?06:52
patrick24601          Depends: libxml2 (>= 2.6.23) but 2.6.21-0ubuntu1 is to be installed06:52
stjepanpatrick24601, heeey06:52
_jasonpatrick24601: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ please06:52
pmjdebruijnPaavo, don't paste in here! read the entry message~!06:52
AnAntwhat is the package name for the GUI application used to install more software ?06:52
patrick24601oh man  sorry06:52
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pmjdebruijnPaavo, sorry06:52
patrick24601That was supposed to be a /msg06:52
patrick24601And that is what I did06:52
Caminomasterpump, All i've read about the bug lead me to re-install...06:53
pmjdebruijnpatrick24601, please just use a pastebin06:53
stjepanpatrick24601, manually force all these packages to versions which compiz requires06:53
patrick24601oh I see what happened06:53
twingepmjdebruijn: that worked06:53
Ra211Does anyone know what the marketing team is up these days?06:53
mark__patrick24601, if you send it in a message and there is a new line command, that is what happens...06:53
marshAnd i'll tell u what - Opera is fantastic. my life is becoming a dream with it... irc/mail/browser/filebrowser....06:53
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, or to still so06:53
rem_hey anyone knows how i can force realplayer to use also ... like "aoss" in command line, but that it deos it automatically .. ?06:53
buithuhienhow can i install gnochm after unzip it06:53
twingenow if only i could get xinerama...06:53
rem_alsa i meant ..06:53
patrick24601The first line of my paste was only the private one06:53
twingei'd be a happy convert06:53
patrick24601I A M   S O R R  Y06:53
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: I dunno what happened, but the reboot fixed it. Thanks for your attempt at support regardless. Sometimes reboots just fix things... even in Linux, I've found...06:53
pmjdebruijnpatrick24601, don't scream!06:53
marshkestas: afaik? that a yes on the 'dist-upgrade' thing06:53
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pmjdebruijnDraconicus, no problem06:54
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MoonRangeris thier a website that tells you about the next version of ubuntu this 6.06 i just downloaded the iso for it but would like some info on whats new in it06:54
pmjdebruijnMoonRanger, you downloaded a beta06:54
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pmjdebruijnMoonRanger, it's not 6.06 yet?06:54
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, I think that the NERD way to fix that is founding the file that tries to read .dmrc...06:54
=== marsh [n=marshcas@62-30-203-241.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
TrunkzFinally xD06:54
TrunkzGot that damn linux header workin <306:55
mark__patrick24601, exactly, the first line had /msg in fornt of it, then the others don't.... either   /query <nick> and open a seperate window, or use pastebin  :)06:55
kestasmarsh: not sure on dist-upgrading06:55
AnAntwhat is the package name for the GUI application used to install more software ?06:55
twingestill no C compiler found by a ./configure script. do i have to add it to my $PATH manually?06:55
MoonRangeryeah any webpages that have some info on what the changes are etc06:55
kestasmarsh: all I know is it's a simple procedure which is well docuemnted06:55
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, Maybe that file has the bug, not the .dmrc06:55
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stjepanpatrick24601, how's it going?06:55
marshkestas: tha's cool - i'll go look it up at the time anyways...06:55
marshthanks kestas.06:56
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_jasontwinge: shouldn't need to... did gcc get installed? what does 'which gcc' say?06:56
marshcan't wait for the e17...06:56
marsh<--- excited06:56
twingepmjdebruijn: do i have to reboot after the apt-get for cpp to be found in my path?06:56
seliniumOk peeps, I have been trying to get a DVD drive working on spare system. Try as I might i cannot get it to play a dvd that plays quite happily on my system... Any help gratefully recieved!06:57
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twinge__jason: doesn't look like it06:57
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twinge__jason: aptitude said it was going to install it...06:58
twingebut now it can't be found06:58
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_jasontwinge: did build-essential get successfully installed? apt-cache policy build-essential06:58
twingemake installed properly06:58
ChrisNCAnyone here know anything about eggdrop.. I'm in windows06:58
pmjdebruijntwinge, not that I know06:58
twinge__jason: looks like a "no"06:58
pmjdebruijntwinge, did cpp even get installed?06:58
_jasontwinge: can you pastebin the output you got from the install command?06:59
pmjdebruijntwinge, you asked for a C compiler, now you're talking about C++06:59
twingeah. here's a thought... i'm behind a proxy. there should be a way to tell apt-get about my proxy.06:59
twingepmjdebruijn: gcc, not cpp. sry06:59
Jowiselinium: can you be a bit more specific. what errors do you get?06:59
ubotusomebody said apt_proxy was for Apt via a http proxy, make a file called apt.conf in /etc/apt and put this in it...     Acquire::http::Proxy "http://PROXYADDRESS:PORT";06:59
pmjdebruijntwinge, it should work right away, try logging out, and logging in06:59
PuMpErNiCkLeCaminomaster: Possibly it's just the way the perms in your entire home dir are messed.06:59
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=== PuMpErNiCkLe brb
seliniumJowi: I am not getting any errors... drive spins up for age then stops. It never mounts the DVD... It works fine with data DVDs07:00
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Okay, I'm on another machine now. It contains my Radeon 7500. I figure you can help. I have a slight problem.07:00
stjepanwhen I try to install plwm, I get this error: No candidate version found for plwm - why???07:00
Jowiselinium: what player do you use? totem? if you start totem from a terminal you should be able to see if it has got problems with decss or something like that.07:01
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, shoot...07:01
tomwill ubuntu (dapper beta) work with 128 MB RAM? it would be just for gnome + firefox07:01
Apostle^how can i mount a .bin ?07:01
_jasonApostle^: is it a video?07:02
tomApostle^: what does 'file yourfile.bin' say?07:02
QuincyHey, I'm new, I don't need a firewall, antivirus, anti-spyware for ubuntu, do I? If so, which?07:02
Apostle^_jason: data07:02
twinge__jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1279007:02
Apostle^tom: data07:02
Jowitom: well, replace gnome with another wm and you should do just fine (like xfce, e17, ice-wm etc)07:02
CaminomasterPuMpErNiCkLe, How?07:02
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_jasontwinge: did you see what ubotu said about a proxy?07:02
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Alright. When I try to use glxgears as a benchmark, regardless of the fact that it's not supposed to be, it says "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:02
seliniumJowi, take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12789    dmesg|tail07:02
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twinge__jason: i already had an apt.conf file with the proxy specified, but Acquire::::Proxy was set to "false"07:02
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varsendaggerhey what are the mods for /tmp07:03
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twinge__Jason: so i set it to true and tried again, with different output07:03
Apostle^_jason: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 d3.bin /media/iso doesn't work for some reason07:03
twingei'll paste that now07:03
_jasontwinge: those errors are after fixing it?07:03
tomJowi: can i just 'apt-get install xfce' after installing it?07:03
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tomApostle^: i think you can't mount it07:03
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Jowitom: xfce is fully gnome complient i think. yes you can.07:03
jisatsuhow might I enable suexec in apache2?07:03
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pmjdebruijnDraconicus, you need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to include 'glx' in the 'Modules' section07:03
rmbrainWhy do so many people argue over which is better:  Free Software or Open Source?07:03
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ferronicai cant boot my Xp via GRUB07:04
ferronicahelp me!07:04
Jowi!info xfce07:04
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, 'Load "glx"'07:04
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: I thought I had in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg... I'll check xorg.conf07:04
varsendaggerrmbrain, there is no such thing a freeesoftware07:04
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twinge_jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1279107:04
pmjdebruijnvarsendagger, ???07:04
rmbrainvarsendagger, there's not?  www.fsf.org07:04
twinge_jason: a bunch of 404s07:04
varsendaggerrmbrain, freesoftware is a trojan horse 9 itme out of 1007:05
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: "glx" is in the list of modules to load in xorg.conf.07:05
pmjdebruijntwinge, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade07:05
rmbrainvarsendagger, i call you a troll ... i want a good answer, not an idiot.07:05
Jowiwhy does ubotu say that xfce doesn't exist?07:05
_jasontwinge: uh, so there is probably some way to do this without rebooting, but I think something has to get restarted for apt to use that conf and I don't know what, so want to just reboot?07:05
ferronicahelp me!07:05
pmjdebruijnvarsendagger, you've got terms mixed up, you mean 'freeware'07:05
rmbrainvarsendagger, www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Software07:05
ferronicahey jason07:05
_jasonferronica: I don't know07:05
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, do you also have 'dri' in there?07:05
ferronicajason: Hi07:05
Apostle^how do i create a cue for my .bin ?07:05
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Yes.07:06
ferronicajason: please07:06
ferronicajason: do something07:06
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Jowiselinium: does all dvd movies get that error?07:06
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_jasonApostle^: google turned up a lot of hits, I don't know how to do it myself07:06
ferronicajason: i cant boot Xp07:06
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twinge_jason: I'm trying the update/upgrade first07:06
_jasonferronica: do you want me to just make something up?07:06
twinge_jason: it seems to be working, meaning the proxy is working07:06
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, you can compare against: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12792 , I have a Radeon 9250GE/TD so that should be similar07:07
_jasontwinge: hmm ok07:07
ferronicajason: what u mean07:07
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rmbrainWhich is better?  Free Software or OSS?07:07
_jasonferronica: I've heard your problem, and I don't know how to help you07:07
pmjdebruijnrmbrain, depends, on your point of view, define better, anyway there are loads of articles on that to be found with the help of Google, make up your own mind07:07
twingei really would have thought xinerama would would be more common...07:07
=== akcom [n=rofl@67-60.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AnAntwhat is the package name for the GUI application used to install more software ?07:08
ferronicajason: How to boot my Xp07:08
ferronicajason: i tried so many times07:08
_jasonubotu: tell ferronica about support07:08
seliniumJowi, Yes all movies.  more info at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12793   It says it cant find /dev/hdd in fstab.... take a look in pastebin07:08
varsendaggerrmbrain, the fact that most oss is free makes this a bit of a cunundrum.   i personally would rather have a piece of software that has the sourcecode releases over no source code07:09
=== Cubanp3te [n=cubanp3t@81-178-73-175.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
M4GG0TYo guys i'm trying to set up my Wlan but i'm not getting very far.... anyone want to help me out?07:09
mirakis it it possible to have a toolbar au nautilus window ?07:09
ferronicaubotu: tell jason i dont like to talk to Robots07:09
=== DeBert [n=bert@82-197-200-123.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
twingemirak: I've had issues getting wlan to work too... the live cd detected it all nicely, including a util i don't see in the install version07:09
pmjdebruijnAnAnt, Synaptic?07:10
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twingemaybe there's something extra i need to install...07:10
deefzido i need nVidia framebuffer support if i have nforce2 with nvidia's gf4 and i want to use nvidia's drivers07:10
miraktwinge: ?07:10
Jowiselinium: are you using dapper or breezy?07:10
ferronicaubotu: tell jason to help me07:10
seliniumJowi, breezy. fresh install07:10
pmjdebruijndeefzi, no, you absolutely don't, I think it might even cause problems07:10
twingemirak: that was intended for maggot07:10
twingeM4GG0T: read what i said to mirak07:10
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ferronicaubotu: tell jason hello07:10
varsendaggerif you are not planing on making any changes yourself or you don't want to learn about coding and the such you can go with freesoftware but i would prefer oss07:10
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deefzipmjdebruijn, that's what i thought too, because it whined about that yesterday. but i didn't even get X running so it made me think for a second07:11
seliniumJowi, I have installed libdvdcss207:11
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ferronicai dont need help of robots07:11
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deefzipmjdebruijn, so, i don't need to compile "support for frame buffer devices" into my kernel, right?07:11
_jasonferronica: the robot gave you a link to how you can get more help, read it please07:11
M4GG0TI'm not going anywhere at all... this is the first time i'm using Linux...07:11
=== prcleary [n=prcleary@dynamic-62-56-42-36.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
M4GG0TI really wouldn't kmow what to do07:11
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Out of curiosity, why aren't you using fglrx for your newer Radeon?07:12
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Jowiselinium: can you 1. mount /dev/hdd with the dvd movie in the drive, 2. start totem, click Movie -> Open Location 3. type in "/media/cdrom1" and see if that works?07:12
seliniumJowi, on it now...07:12
pmjdebruijnferronica, read the message and think, these robots are here to answer commonly asked questions, for which the asked is also easily found using google07:12
=== BearKnuckle [n=thomas@dslb-084-056-181-014.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
BearKnuckleHow can I see if a kernel-modul (in my case vesafb) is installed and then how can I activate it to be loaded on start?07:12
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pmjdebruijnDraconicus, because that's proprietary, I bought my 9250 especially because it's one of the fastest cards supported by DRI07:13
jisatsuI have suexec loaded now, but cgi scripts still don't seem to be running as the owner of the script. anything else I need to do other than just loading the module?07:13
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, and because it just works out of the box07:13
ferronicabut i hate robots07:13
akcomDoes anyone know how to install grub manually using the Ubuntu install cd?07:13
_jasonferronica: ubotu has feelings too07:14
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Odd. I thought newer ATIs needed fglrx to have the BEST acceleration. Regardless, I can't find any problems. You have a look:
seliniumJowi, that works fine! So am I missing a link somewhere?07:14
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Jowiselinium: thought so. do you have the following packages installed (version does not matter much): libdvdnav, libdvdplay, libdvdread ?07:15
deefzianyone running nforce2 with nvidia's retail-drivers?07:15
seliniumferronica, that bot saves people in this channel repeating themselves, it is part of the support stucture07:15
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pmjdebruijnDraconicus, with frglx it might performance better, I don't know, I don't care... anyway 9250 is actually more or less a 850007:15
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: I see. I noticed that I lack the 12ci module that you have. Do you think it matters?07:16
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, indeed looks fine, have you tried rebooting?07:17
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pmjdebruijnDraconicus, no it probably doesn't matter07:17
owlmanatti'm having some network problems, can anyone help?07:17
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, do you have the radeon kernel module loaded?07:17
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seliniumJowi, it doesn't look like it....07:18
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: I'm not certain. I do now realize that I still have the nvidia kernel module loaded from the previous card, and that might be hogging the glx functions. I'll remove that and see what happens.07:18
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Jowiselinium: doesn't look like what? doesn't look like you have them installed?07:18
ferronicajason: ok tell me, how to acces my floppy drive07:18
Draconicuspmjdebruijn: It's loaded now.07:18
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seliniumJowi, noe of the above installewd07:19
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eckerAnyone in here run Azureous if so what repos in ur sources.list did you use ??07:19
Jowiselinium: the exact package names might differ.07:19
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Jowi!info libdvdread307:19
owlmanattmy default gateway is not being set at startup...I have gateway in my /etc/network/interfaces file. That one GW gets set, but I have to do `sudo route add default gw` to be able to ping anything outside of my LAN. How can I get the route set at start without me having to do anything?07:19
ubotulibdvdread3: (Simple foundation for reading DVDs), section libs, is optional. Version: 0.9.4-5 (breezy), Packaged size: 52 kB, Installed size: 176 kB07:19
seliniumJowi, sorry I have got nav and read07:19
ferronicajason: or how to uninstall my older FF1.0.707:20
ferronicafrom ubuntu07:20
pmjdebruijnDraconicus, oh, right, don't forget to de-install nvidia-glx(-legacy)07:20
Jowiselinium: you might want to upgrade totem (if you have totem-gstreamer try totem-xine or vice versa) or even try another kernel.07:20
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Draconicuspmjdebruijn: Done and done. nvidia is removed, and radeon is loaded. I'll try it, now. Thanks for the help.07:20
BearKnuckleWhy is nvidia-glx uninstalled if I install nvidia-settings?07:20
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seliniumJowi, ok.... but this is a fresh install.... I wonder why it is mis behaving?07:20
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twingeWhat's the wireless network utility that comes with the live cd? is it part of the normal install too?07:21
=== turpentine [n=jordan@cpe-65-31-58-10.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jowiselinium: it shouldn't be like that. something is wack. i would believe something in the kernel is not configured as it should. try another kernel just for fun. an earlier one or one specifically for your CPU type07:21
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=== ChrisNC kicks his computer
pmjdebruijnBearKnuckle, please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list and the apt-get message about the removal in a pastebin07:21
__StarScreamhey guys, i was wondering how long it takes on average to go from gdm to gnome ?07:22
Jowiselinium: or even do a dist-upgrade to get the latest kernel07:22
turpentinei just got ubuntu for my pc, been using osx and windows was just pissing me off.  how do i get the nvidia drivers running?07:22
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turpentinei keep getting an error07:22
pmjdebruijn__StarScream, on my Athlon 3000+ about five seconds07:22
=== SoulPropagation [n=ethan@c-66-41-75-182.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
seliniumJowi, k07:22
AlexandreHey guys i have a optical mouse and want work with it in my UBUNTU. What i need to do?!?!?!07:22
__StarScreamit takes over 25 seconds on my g3 ibook with 512mb ram...seems a bit excessive07:22
turpentinei have a g4 ibook :)07:22
__StarScreampmjdebruijn, hmm thats nice and quick07:22
ketsugiI can't get the Nvidia drivers to work with my GeForce 420 Go07:22
pmjdebruijnturpentine, please google, there enough documentation about that avialable on the web07:22
ketsugiOh well07:22
bootsHello can anyone tell me how to create a new folder in the terminal07:23
__StarScreamturpentine, any idea roughly how long yours takes to login ?07:23
pmjdebruijnAlexandre, it should work right away07:23
AnAntpmjdebruijn: thx07:23
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seliniumboots, mkdir07:23
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ompaulferronica, you don't you update it and it goes away - to 1.0.807:23
pmjdebruijnAlexandre, it's not a bluetooth mouse?07:23
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turpentinei did.  i get unable to find system utility 'ld';please make sure you have package 'binutils' installed.07:23
seliniumboots : to create an empty file use touch....07:23
Alexandrepmjdebruijn: no is ps207:23
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pmjdebruijnturpentine, sigh, don't use the driver from nvidia07:24
varsendaggerdeefzi,  there is a script on the !nvidia site that tell you how to make enable the drivers07:24
turpentinethats a new one.07:24
pmjdebruijnturpentine, Ubuntu has package for that, google for 'ubuntu nvidia', or try ubuntu guides07:24
bootsthx selinium ill give it a try07:24
soul__I still have problems with the mysql query browser crashing when I try to open a help tab07:24
soul__any suggestions?07:24
turpentinejust found ubuntuguides thanks07:25
Alexandrepmjdebruijn: no , is ps207:25
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pmjdebruijnboots, mkdir mydir, but any good Linux book will tell you, google for RUTE07:25
pmjdebruijnAlex, wired?07:25
pmjdebruijnAlexandre, wired07:25
bootsok great thx07:25
pmjdebruijnAlex, sorry07:26
arrickmorning all07:26
AlexNp :)07:26
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ubotusomebody said nvidia was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736807:26
deefzi!tell deefzi about nvidia07:26
IceTox_Do you guys by any chance know when the xchat 2.6.* versiona re added to apt sources?07:26
SoulPropagationHow well does ubuntu (5.10 or 6.06F5) support managing 25+ machines from a server?07:26
pmjdebruijnIceTox_, after release they aren't...07:26
chuenjiksatsaucohi ppl07:26
IceTox_it's on the unstable sources pmjdebruijn ?07:26
pmjdebruijnIceTox_, you'll have to wait for Dapper07:26
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chuenjiksatsaucorespect 4 all ubunteros07:26
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pmjdebruijnIceTox, unstable? you mean dapper? anyway dapper already haws 2.6.107:27
eckerWhat repo is  Azureous in ??07:27
chuenjiksatsaucodivx....which player?07:27
IceToxok, so I'll have to do it manually for another while then? :-)07:27
turpentineroot@jordan-desktop:/home/jordan# sudo nvidia-glx-config enable07:27
turpentinesudo: nvidia-glx-config: command not found07:27
arrickAnyone here have experience setting up bots?07:27
pmjdebruijnecker, please google07:27
SoulPropagatione.g. having the server fetch updates and then automatically propagating them to the other workstations, or changing a config file and have it change on all the stations07:27
Alexandrepmjdebruijn: just restart my X?!?!?!07:27
pmjdebruijnSoulPropagation, define managing?07:27
IceToxpmjdebruijn, I'm used to debian.. All this ubuntu thingie is new to me.. Are you able to give me those "dapper" sources?07:27
SinnerGI'm thinking of going for a dualboot with winxp, anyone know any (free) tool to alter my ntfs fs so I can get some space for ubuntu?07:27
SoulPropagationpmjdebruijn: administering07:27
pmjdebruijnIceTox, huh just apt it07:28
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pmjdebruijnSoulPropagation, sigh, I know what the word means07:28
seliniumSinnerG, on install you can set up dual booting07:28
arrickor even where to get the knowlege on setting up the bots?07:28
pmjdebruijnSoulPropagation, but what exact tasks07:28
SinnerGI know selinium, but my whole hd is used atm for the ntfs partition, so I need to 'shrink' it07:28
SoulPropagationpmjdebruijn: updates, configuration, troubleshooting07:28
chuenjiksatsaucoa player 4 divx files......can anyone help me07:29
IceToxpmjdebruijn, apt-get install dapper-source something?07:29
pmjdebruijnSoulPropagation, there it something called clusterssh, google for it07:29
teletubbieany one has genome 2.14 on ubuntu 5.10?07:29
ramza3__uh...anybody know what "GRUB loading, please wait... Error 17 is?07:29
pmjdebruijnIceTox, no, what version of Ubuntu do you have installed?07:29
arrickWhere oh Where are all the regulars today?07:29
pmjdebruijnteletubbie, no, and it can't  be done07:29
teletubbiewhy not?07:29
pmjdebruijntelemaco, you'll have to wait for dapper07:29
IceToxpmjdebruijn, 2.6.12 ?07:30
pmjdebruijnteletubbie, lot's of reasons,07:30
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teletubbielike what07:30
SoulPropagationpmjdebruijn: is clusterssh in the repos?07:30
eipipuzhi, could someone help me setting up a webcam?07:30
IceToxpmjdebruijn, anyhow.. The newest one..07:30
pmjdebruijnIceTox, that's your kernel, but i think Breezy, so your not using Dapper07:30
buithuhienis there any java developer in linux07:30
chuenjiksatsaucono problem ppl I wait.........07:30
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pmjdebruijnteletubbie, Ubuntu Policy, Dapper is available in two month, backporting is just not worth the effort07:31
IceToxwell, can't I just add some adresses to /etc/apt/sources.list pmjdebruijn ?07:31
Alexandrepmjdebruijn: just restart my X?!?!?! and my ps2 optical mouse will work ?!?!?!?07:31
twingewoah. doing an aptitude upgrade changed my background07:31
ersaquealgun espaol???07:31
eipipuzersaque, yo, que sucede?07:31
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SoulPropagation07:31
twingei think i liked the other background better07:31
ubotuSoulPropagation: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:31
teletubbiepmjdebruijn, what if I won't upgrade to dapper?07:31
SinnerGjeez, only thing between me and linux is my winxp uptime (the irony) => 2 months atm07:31
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:31
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SinnerGI dont like to reboot ;p07:31
teletubbiethen there is no way I can get gnome 2.14 for breeze?07:31
ecker can i use Hoary hedgehog repos? on dapper drake?07:32
pmjdebruijnteletubbie, then you won't have GNOME 2.1407:32
pmjdebruijnteletubbie, NO!07:32
_jasonecker: why would you want to?07:32
teletubbiewhy can't I compile it myself?07:32
turpentinei think i got the driver working but 3d screensavers still don't work and windows don't minimize well07:32
teletubbiewould this cause problems?07:32
ChrisNCHey, do eggdrop scripts work with winbot?07:32
arrickSinnerG, you are one very lucky person, with 2 months up on xp, I have been using it since it came out, and it never has been up for more that 3 days for me07:32
ecker_jason i need to use there backports to get azureous07:32
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_jasonubotu: tell ecker about azureus07:32
SoulPropagationteletubbie: just upgrade to dapper.07:32
teletubbiedapper is still in test state07:33
Frogzooecker: don't mix debs across releases - it's absolutely begging for trouble07:33
turpentineits beta07:33
SoulPropagationteletubbie: it's stable enough07:33
twingeteletubbie: it's stable enough for me...07:33
teletubbiehow do I upgrade?07:33
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades .07:33
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pmjdebruijnecker, no, you can't07:33
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bjornkrihey hey07:33
teletubbiehow reliable is this upgrade?07:34
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teletubbieany chance it will screw up the system?07:34
_jasonteletubbie: you may hit some bumps07:34
jisatsudoes anyone know how to get suexec working with apache2? it says the module is loaded, but scripts are still running as www-data07:34
sriramadasi have just installled ubuntu07:34
Frogzooteletubbie: dapper is beta atm - yes, it could bork your system totally, with betas there are no guarantees07:34
sriramadasand it din't prompt for any root password07:34
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:34
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, varsendagger07:35
Frogzoosriramadas: use sudo - there's no root password07:35
teletubbieis it posible to downgrade back to breeze?07:35
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:35
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sriramadasi can't get u07:35
Frogzooteletubbie: no07:35
SinnerGarrick: never had uptime probs with winxp :p07:35
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bjornkriI've been organizing my photos so the folders have one of the images they contain as an icon for easy browsing. Changing icons using 'Select Custom Icon...' is a PAIN though... Has anyone done this and/or know of a better way?07:35
eugmanHey is there anyway to alter what font gnome-mud uses?07:35
SinnerGexcept those darn patches(fixes) .. :p07:35
ubotuhmm... sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:35
arrickSinnerG, your lucky07:35
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:35
IceToxhow do I Untar a <file>.tar.bz2?07:35
SinnerGsec, I'll check uptime07:35
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SinnerGits my record atm tho :p07:36
ubotuwell, tar.bz2 is a compressed archive similar to a zip file.  tar jxvf filename.tar.bz2 to extract.07:36
teletubbieok, I'm upgrading :)07:36
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FrogzooIceTox: tar jxf blah.tar.gz07:36
IceToxtired -zxvf :-)07:36
arrickSinnerG, I changed over to ubuntu because of the uptime problem, everytime I turned around it was crashing and throwing my website offline07:36
teletubbie:S have to dl 1241 packages :\07:36
IceToxthanks Frogzoo and _jason07:36
arrickmorning Frogzoo07:36
FrogzooIceTox: -z is for gzip, -j is for bz207:37
Frogzooarrick: hiya07:37
SinnerG54 days atm07:37
arrickgood to see a familiar name07:37
SinnerGso not 2 months ;p07:37
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IceToxYeah I know that now.. Running the man file didn't hard Frogzoo :-)07:37
sriramadasshould i run !sudo from terminal07:37
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arrickthats still good SinnerG how bogged down is the system07:37
ubotusomebody said sudo was a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:37
arricksriramadas, see ubotus post above ^^07:37
turpentinecan i apt-get flash player?07:38
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turpentineand how07:38
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:38
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gn0m3tell terpentine about flash player07:38
venoxhey. my brother's keyboard is freezing randomly while using ubuntu, any ideas?07:38
venoxhe's using hoary07:38
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twingeany xinerama buffs join the channel since the last time i asked?07:38
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bjornkriI've been organizing my photos so that every folder has an image as an icon for easy browsing. Changing icons using 'Select Custom Icon...' is a PAIN though... Are there any other ways of changing to a custom icon on individual objects?07:39
Frogzoovenox: upgrade to breezy? not guaranteed to fix, but well possible07:39
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blu3_c_jason, how to config desktop display07:39
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CptMillerIs there any way, to record movies of a Linux Desktop?07:39
_jasonblu3_c: what do you mean?07:39
Frogzoobjornkri: turn on 'view as icons' in nautilus - then scavenge the icons07:39
twingeubunut clears /tmp on every reboot?07:39
venoxFrogzoo: hmm, maybe..07:40
blu3_cmy desktop curently at 640x480, i want to change it07:40
CptMillerin xorg.conf07:40
Frogzooblu3_c: system -> prefs - resolution07:40
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venoxFrogzoo: if he get the ubuntu breezy cd, how can he upgrade from hoary to breezy?07:40
Frogzoo!tell venox about upgrade07:40
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Frogzoovenox: try just inserting the cd, that may work just all by itself07:41
CptMillerblu3_c: you have to look it to your screen section, there are some resolution, where you have to add yours07:41
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soulfreshnerhere is the error I get when trying to open a help tab in mysql-query-browser:07:41
Frogzoo!tell blu3_c about fixres07:41
soulfreshner*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x09c81398 ***07:41
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bjornkriFrogzoo: I have that already, but I'm trying to get the folders to display a photo inside the folder. So the folder '060202 London Trip' would have one of those pics from London, for instance.07:41
Apostle^is .ccd the same as .iso ?07:41
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blu3_ci'm confuse, ican't find any resolution config07:42
sriramadasi got it07:42
owlmanattmy default gateway is not being set at startup...I have gateway in my /etc/network/interfaces file. That one GW gets set, but I have to do `sudo route add default gw` to be able to ping anything outside of my LAN. How can I get the route set at start without me having to do anything?07:42
joshrhow do i make it so i can autologin?07:42
seliniumJowi: if you are about ,it worked using the K7 kernel... Very Strange!07:42
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bjornkriFrogzoo: I have such a huge number of folders, many of them with only dates and no further explanation, so having a graphical representation of what's inside would make a huge difference... But the whole Choose Custom Icon process is very unweildy. :\07:42
sriramadasmy first expirience is amazing07:42
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turpentinefirst os to require a gpu07:43
turpentineWindows Vista? is the first operating system that requires a dedicated GPU (graphics processing unit) to realize its full potential. Every aspect of Windows Vista, from the operations of opening and closing desktop windows, to smooth operation of applications and games, will be enhanced by the presence of a dedicated NVIDIA GPU.07:43
turpentineaside from osx.07:43
twingeall i want for christmas is... my xinerama working!07:43
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twingecan't really justify switching from windows to ubuntu if i loose my dual monitor setup07:43
ENE|ToxicIs there a way to disable cd-rom support while installing packages in apt-get (sometimes it tells me to insert the cd-rom, and it may not always be available)07:43
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joshranyone know how to set it up to autologin?07:44
DarkEDhi, i had a grub failure so i am trying to reinstall grub from the livecd07:44
egon_spenglerENE|Toxic, Sure, just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the CD lines07:44
DarkEDi opened a term and typed grub, grub loaded, then i did root (hd0,0)07:44
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Jowiselinium: yeah, i had a similar problem with dapper, the latest kernel solved that for me as well. it is a strange bug since all permissions are fine and the /etc/fstab is ok so it *should* work. :)07:44
ENE|Toxicegon_spengler: thanks, why didn't I think of that :)07:44
DarkEDit gives me "selected disk does not exist"07:44
DarkEDany ideas would be appreciated :D07:44
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omoios hello  i've a web cam which i canot  seem to get working  with ubuntu could someone give me some  help ?07:45
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teletubbiethe new gnome does not have any new feature but only bug fixes and a litle bit better performance?07:45
teletubbieany one experiences better performance on dapper?07:45
seliniumJowi, Thanks again, I had been looking for an hour and a half and was getting nowhere, I don't think I would of sorted it without your advice. CHeers07:45
[cro] smileyis there devhelp-book for wxwidgets?07:45
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Jowiselinium: you're welcome: )07:45
omoioscould anyone give me some help with a webcam i'm trying to connnect ?07:46
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omoiosany giudance ?07:46
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Ribsteletubbie: see http://www.gnome.org/start/2.14/notes/en/rnusers.html07:46
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blaamannomoios: Check spaca5xx and if that driver support your cam07:46
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joshranyone know how to setup my user account to autologin07:46
drawis someone know in what package are located opengl headers please ?07:46
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jadaz87joshr System>>Administration>>Login Setup07:46
omoiosblaamann,   my chipset is epcam"07:47
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fbolducHello everyone! I'm looking for help about Wireless network card installation. Am I at the right place?07:47
omoiosblaamann,  the model is  --> Creative Technology, Ltd WebCam PD100107:47
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Jowijoshr: "sudo gdmconfig" should have an option to autologin a user on first boot.07:47
omoiosblaamann,  what is my first step ?07:47
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omoiosshould i join video4linux ?07:48
Jowijoshr: sorry should be "sudo gdmsetup"07:48
blu3_canyone help me07:48
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seliniumfbolduc, you are in the right place!07:48
omoiosis there such a channel ?07:48
selinium!tell fbolduc about wifi07:48
blaamannomoios: Search the Ubuntu forums, there are a page for this in there07:48
omoiosblaamann,  you mean for that model ?07:48
blaamannomoios: No, for webcam support07:49
omoiosblaamann,  is there a channle for webcam support ?07:49
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blaamannomoios: Don't know07:49
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omoiosi remember there was something  for my tv card07:49
fbolducselinium: I use Ubuntu Dapper. When I boot with livecd, the wireless network card is available. I installed from livecd and I run standalone and wireless network card is nowhere to be found.07:50
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blaamannomoios: Take a look here  and see if your chip is supportedhttp://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html07:50
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Jowifbolduc: #ubuntu+1 for dapper support/discussions07:50
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Josh43Can anyone tell me how to lock the top and bottom panels for my kids?07:50
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seliniumfbolduc, I dont use wifi so i cannot help you there... also as it is a dapper problem you can try in #ubuntu+107:51
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sriramadasdoes ubuntu plays mp3 by default?07:51
Josh43sriramadas, no07:51
ubotusomebody said mp3 was a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:51
seliniumsriramadas, no07:51
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Josh43sriramadas, Look up "easy Ubuntu" once you have read why it does not07:52
blu3_cwhere i can find xorg.conf07:52
bjornkriWoohoo! I figured it out. If the sidebar is on and set to Information, you can drag a photo onto the sidebar and it becomes the folder icon :D Beautiful...07:52
__StarScreamsriramadas, you may like to convert your mp3's to a non proprietry format also07:52
Josh43blu3_c, /etc/X11/07:52
paxstay away from that script if you can.07:52
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__StarScreamsriramadas, you can use mp32ogg for that07:52
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omoiosblaamann,  that link does not work07:52
twingewhat's the best way to install zlib/zlib-dev?07:52
blaamannomoios:  http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html07:53
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ubotunvidia is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736807:53
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Josh43bjornkri, What were you customizing? That sounds like a trick I would enjoy :)07:53
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sriramadashow do i convert mp3 to ogg?07:54
sriramadasany idea07:54
gn0m3linux comes with an mp3 converter07:54
_jim2_my pc is dead07:54
Josh43sriramadas, google mp32ogg07:54
gn0m3you should be able to do it from there07:54
gn0m3go apps07:55
gn0m3add apps07:55
Frogzoobjornkri: hey, that's pretty neat07:55
gn0m3and under edutainment07:55
gn0m3or somethnig of that sort07:55
gn0m3there is a converter07:55
gn0m3i use it alot07:55
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.07:55
joshri have all my music as mp3's on my windows box, is there a better format to play it on ubuntu, and if so a decent way to convert them?07:55
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blmartin777I am trying to get wpasupplicant to work here is the error I am getting --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12794  <-- can anyone help me with this?07:56
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gn0m3do you guys know any good programs07:56
Frogzoojoshr: nothing wrong with mp3 - just use amarok to organise everything07:56
gn0m3apps i can dwnld07:56
blaamannjoshr: Ogg is better07:56
=== Babycakes [n=marciear@c-67-186-213-200.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
joshrcan i run amarok in gnome?07:56
ubuntumy install of ubuntu worked fine with the exception of installing the grub boot loader, so now i'm trying to install it from a livecd07:56
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ubuntubut grub-install hd007:56
ubuntujust seems to be hanging07:56
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dougskojoshr, unless you convert to a lossless format, your gonna lose more quality07:56
ubuntunot doing anything any at all07:56
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Frogzoogn0m3: amarok for sound, project for proj mgt, oo2 for office apps, gimp for dtp07:57
joshrcan i use amarok with gnome?07:57
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Frogzoojoshr: yes indeed07:57
gn0m3frogzoo: Thanks man07:57
dougskojoshr, ogg is lossy, going from lossy (mp3) to another lossy format (ogg) is no good07:57
=== Ven] n^ [n=shag@217-188-119.5001.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
Ven] n^cheers07:57
joshrhow do i install amaroke07:57
=== Fysidiko [n=jacob@user-1727.wfd87b.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusudo is, like, a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:57
jmoncayoblaamann, is 0gg smaller than mp3?07:57
joshri have used it in kubuntu, but not in ubuntu07:57
chip42dougsko: is it really that bad? i converted my collection into ogg with no perceivable loss in quality07:58
FysidikoHi! Can I change the colour of the text in window title bars?07:58
Frogzoojoshr: 'sudo apt-get install amarok amarok-xine'  - then open amarok & select xine as engine07:58
dougskowell, technically it is bad, but if you cant hear it , whats it matter?07:58
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=== Bergcube [n=Bergcube@host-81-191-188-203.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu
Ven] n^an update popped up about firefox 1.0.8 recently.. i already have 1.5 installed (from automatix) .. if i update to 1.0.8 .. will the 1.5 be removed/corrupt?07:58
blaamannjmoncayo: Depends, but I prefer ogg because it is a free format07:58
jmoncayowhat is amrok for??07:58
FysidikoVen] n^: Yes, I had the same problem07:58
dougskooggs are like twice as small as mp3 too07:58
Frogzoojmoncayo: sound player07:59
OverandConverting from one lossy format to another is never a good idea.07:59
FysidikoVen] n^: Set it to lock version in synaptic07:59
joshrwill i loose alot of quality going from mp3 to ogg?07:59
Overandjoshr: it's a bad idea.07:59
chip42dougsko: that is my philosophy at least.. i suppose if that quality really mattered to ou, the only real solution would be to reencode the files from the original tracks.07:59
joshri am just looking for a way to put more music in the lil space i have07:59
Overandchip42: I respectfully disagree with any philosophy that involves lossy transcoding07:59
daihedzbrb, bin kurz mll wegbringen etc08:00
=== ubuntu is now known as akcom1
=== akcom1 is now known as chloro
FysidikoOverand: If you rip in high-quality lossless, e.g. 320Kb/s OGG, you could transcode08:00
dougskoyes, i agree, lossy to lossy = bad. but if your strapped to hd space, and you dont really care about quality that much, then whatever, encode away i say!08:00
OverandFysidiko: you mean high-quality LOSSY08:00
FysidikoOverand: lol yeah08:00
FysidikoOverand: typo08:00
OverandWell, I'm an audio snob.08:01
joshrwill i loose that much quality from a 128k/s mp3 to a ogg file?08:01
FysidikoOverand: Although FLAC is great08:01
akcomanyone have any ideas as to how i can fix/install grub?08:01
dougskoif you want lossless, go flac08:01
Overandjoshr: 128k mp3s sound pretty bad to begin with08:01
dougskoflacs are pretty huge though08:01
Overandjoshr: going from that down to a 96k ogg file is a really bad idea, IMO08:01
Ven] n^Fysidiko, ok, thnx08:01
joshri am not sure what bitrate my mp3's are at, prolly 256 or higher, but i was just wandering08:01
OverandPersonally, I'd rather stick pins in my ears than have music in 128k anyway...08:01
FysidikoAnyone know how to change the color of text in the titlebar?08:01
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arrickhey guys, how do I change ubuntu so that when I install something in terminal I can get the complete message and look for errors?08:02
joshrso i should just leave my mp3's as mp3's then?08:02
Fysidikojoshr: yes08:02
Overandjoshr: yes08:02
egon_spenglerakcom, How exactly is your grub broken?08:02
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OverandIf you're that strapped for space, get a new HD =] 08:02
mookyis AnsiC still causing problems in multiple channels ?08:02
joshri just need a new hdd for files on ubuntu08:03
Ven] n^Fysidiko, how do i do that?08:03
arrick_jason, ?08:03
akcomegon: i tried to install over an old linux installation08:03
AnsiCno mooky08:03
Ven] n^Fysidiko, "lock version"?08:03
AnsiCi'm sorry08:03
akcomand when it got to the point where it installed grub08:03
akcomit failed08:03
chip42joshr: try transcoding a few. if you keep the compression the same, the files shouldn't sound any different. of course someone will always claim they can hear something. something you should decide08:03
cycus_zwisuswhy there is no usplash in ubuntu with kernels 2.6.15 and above?08:03
FysidikoVen] n^: Open Synaptic, search for Firefox, click the package, package -> lock version08:03
akcomso now when i try to do "grub-install hd0" from a livecd it doesnt work08:03
Ven] n^thanks, found it08:03
_jasonarrick: you should get errors with apt-get or aptitude if there were some, what do you mean?08:03
AnsiCis one hour that i do not speak in this channel08:03
AnsiCthe people do not think that i create problem becouse i do not like LFS08:04
joshrmaybe i will try ripping some cd's to a diff format that is smaller08:04
joshri just dont wanna have to re rip all them08:04
=== Ven] n^ [n=shag@217-188-119.5001.adsl.tele2.no] has left #ubuntu []
arrick_jason, it is scrolling a lot to far, and I cant access the whole install msgs, cause i can only scroll so far, I need to increase this or somthing08:04
Fysidikojoshr: How much space do your MP3s take up?08:04
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OverandYeah seriously...08:04
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OverandI've got ~330 gigs of music08:04
AnsiCand becouse i'm not arrogant to think  that LFS book is the only possible solution to create a sane linux system08:05
FysidikoOverand: woah!08:05
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OverandFysidiko: flac08:05
joshri have like 7gigs on my windows machine, and i ahve a 3 gig file hdd of my ubunut box08:05
FysidikoOverand: ah08:05
_jasonarrick: pipe to less: command | less08:05
mookyAnsiC your an idiot08:05
chip42AnsiC: that is troll bait. that is probably why you were told to stop08:05
Overandjoshr: a 250 gig hard drive is $9008:05
joshri knwo08:05
ubotu[coc]  the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/08:05
FysidikoOverand: I have about 40-50, 256Kb OGG08:05
AnsiCis not important what you think about me08:05
seelkcan the latest beta Xubuntu be installed in a flash drive?08:05
mookyI've just seen the rubbish you where typing in the linux from support group08:05
joshri have plenty of storage on my windows machine, i just can't afford a hdd right now08:05
ompaulAnsiC, it may be useful to discuss that, however it is offtopic for here - go to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to discuss that thanks08:05
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mookyand you didn't even understand the toolchain and you where making stupid comments to clever people trying to help you08:06
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Overandjoshr: why not share the files on the windows machine across the network?08:06
arrickhey _jason still not showing all of it08:06
joshri could08:06
_jasonarrick: press the space bar to scroll down08:06
seelkcan 6.06 beta be installed in a flash drive??08:06
joshri had a pain doing that last time though08:06
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AnsiCmooky is offtopic to08:06
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arrick_jason, its scrolled all the way down now08:06
sfarubuntu wants to have swap space during the install.. is it prefered even tho i have 2GB in ram?08:06
egon_spenglerakcom, What error message does grub-install /dev/hda give you?08:06
AnsiCis not important what i do in another channel08:06
ompaulAnsiC, I concur08:06
Fysidikojoshr: Why? I've not had any trouble with Breezy/Samba08:06
_jasonarrick: PgUp, PgDn work too08:06
mookyit is08:06
ompaulmooky, and AnsiC please do not consider it on topic here08:07
mookyits important as every channel I've been in you've been trolling like a moron08:07
joshri dont really want my windows machine to have shares on the network right now08:07
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mookyompaul apologies08:07
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AnsiCmooky you are in ignore08:07
joshri dont like others being able to access my files08:07
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=== Overand rolls his eyes
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Fysidikojoshr: Password protect them08:07
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joshryeah i could08:07
akcomegon_spengler, it just hangs for (going on) 5 minutes08:07
filipHi. I'm wondering how i would enable another graphical terminal emulation port at tty808:07
Fysidikojoshr: Best of both worlds08:07
joshrwell i will give it a try08:07
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arrick_jason, its only showing about 10% of the total, and not showing the errors even though the error report at the end said there were errors08:08
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joshrmy ubuntu is still finishing its install08:08
egon_spenglerakcom, Is it possible the filesystem for /dev/hda is mounted read-only?08:08
chip42AnsiC: heh/ with a bit more effort, you can be on everyone's ignore ;)08:08
joshri had trouble with kubuntu so i reinstalled ubuntu08:08
ferronhow to install .exe in ubuntu08:08
AnsiClibc or glibc is totally the same think ???08:08
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ferronstored  on desktop08:08
miguelsrhey were is ubutu for spanish?08:08
mookycan someone ban him08:08
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mookyhe's ruining every channel I'm in08:08
akcomegon_spengler, hold, let me check08:08
Fysidikoferron: You'll need wine, and even then it's not plain sailing08:08
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Fysidiko!tell ferron about wine08:09
_jasonarrick: less will let you scroll whatever it outputs, if you prefer you can redirect the output to a file and view it there: command > ~/logfile, then use anything you want to open ~/logfile08:09
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:09
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Frogzoofilip: see this line in /etc/inittab # Note that on most Debian systems tty7 is used by the X Window System,08:09
ferronbad manners08:09
ompaulmooky, I will ban you here if you don't stop he is not on or off topic here atm and you started with the grief08:09
Frogzoo# so if you want to add more getty's go ahead but skip tty7 if you run X.08:09
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ompaulferron, STOP now08:09
akcomegon_spengler, the only partition from hda that is mounted is hda1, and it is mounted as follows: "/dev/hda1 on /h1 type xfs (rw)"08:09
Fysidikoferron: Different kind, but you'll probably wish you had some alcohol if you start using wine08:09
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mookyompaul apologies08:09
arrick_jason do I run that command before I start the install?08:09
Frogzoo!tell ferron about enter08:09
ompaulferron, its a busy enough channel08:10
jadacyrusis there an easy way to convert a .NRG to .ISO ?08:10
_jasonarrick: you do sudo aptitude install blah &> ~/logfile08:10
Frogzooferron: use wine to run .exe's08:10
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arrickoh ok08:10
ferronin ubuntu08:10
SinnerGshould I take the amd64 one or the regular one?08:10
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SodiumHow can I make Firestarter start without asking for a password?08:10
ferroni hav just d/l macromedia flash for FF1.5 saved on dektop08:10
AnsiCroot@hostname:/bin# apt-get install glibc08:10
mookyha ha ha, glibc has to already be installed08:11
FysidikoSodium: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php08:11
AnsiCapt for the rest of package do not require write the version08:11
egon_spenglerakcom, Have you tried a chroot grub-install?08:11
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mookyor you wouldn't be on a working system08:11
akcomno, hold08:11
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dougskoSodium, even with the gui totally closed and exited, firestarter is still running08:11
bjornkriCan I somehow map strange key combos like 'Windows key' + ',' will print '<' (for instance)?08:11
arrick_jason, this look right?08:11
arricksudo make install-cpan &> ~/logfile08:11
Fysidikoferron: You need the Linux version not the exe08:11
akcomyou mean like08:11
dougskoit starts at boot08:11
AnsiCi want to be sure that install libc6 is the same of install glibc608:11
akcomchroot /h1 then08:11
filipFrogzoo, does that mean i should go straight to tty8?08:11
akcomif so, then yes, i have08:11
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jhennhi. i hit "syncronize now" on the date settings, the screen went black, then the screen showed up again, but it was noticibly dimmer and is still.  how get my brightness back? its a CRT by the way.  and i checked monitor settings already.08:11
Frogzoofilip: yep, f7 is for x08:11
_jasonarrick: what are you trying to install?08:11
SodiumOk, thx for all that info, I'll check the site08:12
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filipFrogzoo, thank you08:12
SinnerGanyone who can suggest me the i386/amd64 one? (what one?)08:12
arrick_jason, a pastebot08:12
CaminomasterHelp me: I tried to install amule-common t oacces to CAD network... and don't works; then I tried to uninstall it but I can't (synaptic & apt-get): "output error 208:12
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ferronits toooo hard to use linux i think guyss08:12
sriramadashi "mp32ogg_0.11-2_all.deb"08:12
michoelchi all. i just installed an irc server (sudo apt-get install ircd), and i cant figure out how to configure it. can anyone help?08:12
_jasonarrick: hmm well are you compiling it?08:12
sriramadasi have the abouve file08:12
sriramadasi have the file "mp32ogg_0.11-2_all.deb"08:12
sriramadashow to install08:13
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Fysidikoferron: Most things are fine, you get used to the occasional hickup08:13
_jason!info mp32ogg08:13
ubotump32ogg: (Converts MP3 file to Ogg Vorbis), section universe/sound, is optional. Version: 0.11-4 (breezy), Packaged size: 7 kB, Installed size: 64 kB08:13
ompaulsriramadas, where did you get it? it will not work if you got it from the right place08:13
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_jasonsriramadas: enable universe and do 'sudo aptitude install mp32ogg'08:13
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)08:13
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sriramadasjason:enable universe?08:13
_jasonubotu: tell sriramadas about universe08:13
arrick_jason, just trying to install it and get it going, downloaded it from a source, and according to the guys in #perl it work08:13
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tr0nici've tried to install the kernel headers using synaptic and they don't seem to be anywhere i've noticed the package is suffixed .deb how can i do this manually - as i say i installed the kernel headers and they are not in usr/src or anywhere i have used the find command from root to check this08:14
tr0nicanyone help?08:14
=== defendguin [n=supertux@adsl-69-151-251-194.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonarrick: ok, just know that uninstalling may require a little detective work, but yes your command will save the output to a file08:14
onephatmindhello folks08:14
filipFrogzoo, not exactly what i wanted to do. i wanted another x window system at tty8, not another command line one08:14
icehello im kinda new to linux could any one give me the run down on how to use it08:14
ferronafter installing wine what can i do08:14
Zquakerzle forum francais svp08:14
arrickok thanks _jason08:14
Fysidiko!tell tr0nic about deb08:14
miguelsrsome one can help me08:14
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CaminomasterCAn I use aptitude 4 this?08:14
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ompaultr0nic, linux-headers-*08:14
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.08:14
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Frogzoofilip: lol, sorry about that, that I don't know how to do08:15
tr0nicompaul whats that linux-headers-* i chose the linux headers from the install list ok08:15
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ferronubotu is a robot08:15
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ferron08:15
Zquakerzwhere is the french server08:15
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:15
miguelsrin spanish?08:15
dougskomiguelsr, ive never set up ircd, but im guessing the config file is in /etc/irc or something close to that08:15
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:15
tr0nicdpkg someone told me08:15
tr0nicty fysidko08:15
onephatminda quick question; the apache2 packages from ubntu repos creates a very weir conf file layout; it creates /etc/apache2/apache2.conf which prevents php5 from compiling with axps2 since php is looking for /etc/apache2/httpd.conf08:15
dougskomiguelsr try a "man ircd"08:15
=== basherio [n=basherio@m67.net81-64-56.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
sriramadashow to enable universe08:15
ompaulice, there is a little icon like at life saver in the top panel use that to learn more :-) there is a book there08:16
ferronnice robot who made it08:16
ferronubotu i hate you08:16
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ferron08:16
ferronubotu you are sick08:16
ubotuferron: I think you lost me on that one08:16
FrogzooZquakerz: de rien08:16
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ompaultr0nic, that is the package you should find where * is for your arcg08:16
tr0nicwhy isn't freenode on the mirc server list?08:16
FlannelKingonephatmind: it does make a httpd.conf08:16
ompaultr0nic, arch08:16
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tr0nicarch ompaul?08:16
michoelcdougsko, i tried man irc. - no manual found/08:16
onephatmindsriram: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment everything that begins with #deb08:16
icewill this teach me how to install stuff08:16
tr0nici'll just use dkpg and install it manually08:16
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ompaultr0nic, i386 AMD64 or something such08:17
tr0niclike someone said08:17
tr0nici know ompaul08:17
belkinhi all , need to know how will i install mplayer in ubuntu please08:17
dougskotry "man ircd"08:17
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onephatmindFlannelKingL weird, i decided to go for an all-ubuntu/all-debs install08:17
tr0nicits not there after using synaptic i'm going to install manually08:17
filipbelkin, apt-get install mplayer08:17
tr0nici thought it was  like the rpm package manager08:17
FlannelKingonephatmind: as did I.  well, no debs, just ubuntu.08:17
XconHey, new to this just installed Ubuntu on the system and stupidly detached the trash from the tool bar how to I get it back?08:17
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onephatmindFlannelKingL: which one are you running? dapper?08:17
michoelcdougsko, tried that too (sorry about the typo thats what i meant the first time...)08:17
belkinfilip i know that ... i just need to add more repos ...08:17
FlannelKingonephatmind: no, breezy08:17
blacklinehow do i see if ftpd service is started in ubuntu?08:18
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ompaultr0nic, it has to be visible in synaptic08:18
green_earztr0nic: aptitude search kernel-headers    then when you find the one you want sudo aptitude install  kernel-headers-version08:18
miguelsrsome one know spanish channels08:18
tr0nicit is visible in synaptic but when i install from synaptic it isn't in usr/src or anywhere i've used find from root to check this08:18
ompaultr0nic, dpkg -i foo.deb08:18
tr0niccool ompaul08:18
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dougskomichoelc, look up the package in synaptic, go to the properties of the package and look at what files it installed. the config file has to be in /etc somewhere08:18
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michoelcdougsko, ok, i tried locate ircd - nothing found. ill try that.. thx08:19
miguelsrsome one know spanish channels?08:19
awb4422I found a typo in the Code of Conduct - who should I contact?08:19
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:20
ompaultr0nic, if it is not installing for you in /usr/src you have some other issues, that is where they end up once installed08:20
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jadacyrushow do i convert a .nrg to a .iso?08:20
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ompaulawb4422, lodge a bug on launchpad08:20
tr0nicits a clean install ompaul08:20
twingewhat tool do you use to control your mounts?08:20
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tr0nicok i'll try dpkg brb08:20
ompaultr0nic, well how can I say this, they are in /usr/src here08:20
tr0nicor not08:20
tr0nicthanks for info08:20
onephatmindis there a way to pass certain flags to synaptic before it installs a package? such as --prefix=/dir?08:21
lwizardlhow do you repair firefox? i'm getting error popups installing plugins or adding bookmarks08:21
awb4422ompaul: for package, should I just type in Code of Conduct?08:21
ompaulawb4422, I would08:21
ompaulawb4422, does it allow you08:22
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awb4422ompaul: im just typing it in manually, ill let you know08:23
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ompaulralph1, that is spam don't do it again08:23
awb4422ompaul: no dice08:23
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sorush20can I read ext3 filesystem form windows?08:23
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sorush20windows xp?08:23
sorush20okay thanks..08:24
Trunkzthere's a program08:24
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Trunkzneed to remember the name08:24
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Trunkzgoogle up ext3 in windows08:24
Trunkzbut ya, you can read ext308:24
Trunkznot write to ext3 tho :p08:24
roryye2fs, iirc08:24
ompaulawb4422, send a mail to info at canonical dot com08:24
awb4422will do08:24
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jadacyruscan anyone get flashplayer 8 movies to show?08:25
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jadacyrusmost websites now i goto have flash 8 and apparently there is no linux version for flash 8 yet..08:25
arrick_jason, how do I install http::negotiate?08:26
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beerockxsi should be able to set vmargs for by editing ~/.eclipse/eclipserc, right?08:26
beerockxser, for eclipse08:26
ompaulTrunkz, any chance you could put all the thoughts on one line seperated by a comma, thanks08:26
SinnerGif I have 80GB of space, and I need to have a fat32 partition to make it possible to share data between winxp & ubuntu => how should I divide the 80GB?08:26
Warbojadacyrus: I find Flash Player 7 for Windows runs fine in WINE, but I haven't tried 808:26
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=== belkin sal all
jadacyrusanyone know how to convert a .NRG to a .ISO08:27
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belkinhow will i mount my secound hard disk drive without being root ?08:28
WarboSinnerG: It depends on how you use your space. If you have loads of huge games for windows then you will obviously need lots of space for windows. If you have loads of movies you want to share then you will want more fat32.08:28
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jhennis there a way to adjust monitor brightness from ubuntu? because my screen got dimmer all a sudden08:28
arrickanyone: how do I install http::negotiate?08:28
SinnerGI already have 220GB for winxp ;)08:28
Trunkzompaul: (19:26:14) (dtrinh) haha, trunkz doesn't understand what a comma is :X08:28
TrunkzI hope that clears that up :)08:29
SinnerGits the spare 80GB that I'm going to use :p08:29
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blacklinehow do i start ftp daemon?08:29
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Trunkzyou need to install it08:29
manish__hi al08:29
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Trunkzproftpd is one I think08:30
WarboSinnerG: I have 250GB hard drive (but I only use Linux). I have 20GB for my system and 200GB for my personal files (in a subdir of my home)08:30
blacklineTrunkz I have installed it08:30
Trunkznot too sure if its good tho :)08:30
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Trunkzwhats the ftpd daemon08:30
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blacklineftpd is what starts the ftp server..08:30
SinnerGso I make it 20GB for ubuntu, 40GB for /home and 20GB FAT3208:30
SinnerGshould be ok08:30
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arrickHOW oh HOW do I install HTTP::Negotiate?08:31
manish__my ubuntu system got very slow n its performance is not up to the mark so can any one tell me how to improve it08:31
roryyblackline: try something like 'sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd restart'08:31
blacklineroryy thanks08:31
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roryyblackline: precise service name depends on which ftp server you installed08:31
WarboSinnerG: You shouldn't need more than maybe 10GB for an Ubuntu system with a few big games (like VegaStrike) but if you have the space then there is no harm08:31
dougskomanish__ you might have a runaway process, check your process manager to see if something is eating up your cpu08:31
awb4422arrick: sudo apt-get install libwww-perl08:31
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manish__how to check it???08:32
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Warbomanish__: In System Tools > System Monitor08:32
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bluelotus_could someone tell me how I restart my xserver?08:33
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unhappysudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:33
roryybluelotus_: one way is ctrl+alt+backspace, but beware, that will log you out.08:33
awb4422sorry shouldve mentioned that08:34
Warbobluelotus_: You should just press ctrl-alt-backspace. A command to do it (from a console, not in X) would be /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:34
manish__ok let me check08:34
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filipdoes anyone know how i would add another graphical login to tty8?08:34
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Warbofilip: System Tools > New Login, but I'm not sure if that is there by default08:34
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filipWarbo, what's System Tools? i only have System, or System Settings08:36
FysidikoCan I change the colour of the text in the title bar?08:36
Warbofilip: Applications > System Tools08:36
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teletubbiehow do I know if DMA is turned on for hd access?08:36
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arrickhow do you untar a tar.tar?08:37
BlueSwirlDoes anyone know where an iPod shuffle is mounted?08:37
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Warboarrick: tar -xf tar.tar08:37
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cirohi all08:37
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filipWarbo, i don't have applications either :(08:37
Warboarrick: Maybe no -08:37
pradeep1BlueSwirl, /dev/sdb for me08:37
Warbofilip: Are you in KDE?08:38
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ChrisNCI got an IRC bot going finally... Chainsaw08:38
BlueSwirlpradeepl, cheers08:38
ChrisNCWell I'm out. Cya guys later. Thanks for your help,, ill let you know how I like this distro08:38
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Warbofilip: Sorry, I was assuming GNOME. Have a look through the menus (If you are using GDM that is, I'm not sure if you can graphically do it with KDM)08:38
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arrickWarbo, I have a file called libwww-perl-5.805.tar.tar08:39
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Warboarrick: Did you download it with Windows by any chance?08:39
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ciroI changed my system user and I added it in plugdev group to let he could open cds.now I have a problem cuz I can't burn cd because k3b tells me I have no write permission on my cd device.who can help me to solve this problem?08:39
arrickWarbo, yes08:40
=== xavier_ [n=xavier@220-134-207-101.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
arrickbut then transferred to a ubuntu box08:40
sriramadaswhat is the command to install .deb file08:40
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ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)08:40
xavier_some bady help me ?08:41
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Warboarrick: I thought so. Windows is stupid and needs 3 letter file extensions to work. If you download a .tar.gz file it will rename it to .tar.tar for some reason. Try untaring it with "tar -xzf filename.tar.tar" if it is gzippped or "tar -xjf filename.tar.tar" if it is bzip208:41
xavier_how can type chinese~08:41
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cirocan nobody help me?08:41
arrickWarbo, I dont know if its zipped08:41
FlannelKingWarbo: nah, it doesn't need three extensiosn anymore, it's just that IE and mimetypes sometimes get confused08:42
Warboarrick: I think it is, because it has 2 extensions (which windows made the same). Try one and if it doesn't work try the other08:42
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rittyanHi guys... can someone advise, how to install liblame0 on dapper? =_= It says that there is no such package... but it is listed in packages.ubuntu.com...08:43
roryyciro: how about adding your user to the cdrom group ?08:43
Doati have a 200gb hard drive. is it rational to have one big ext3 partition and a swap partition or should i have more than one ext3 partitions?08:43
WarboFlannelKing: Anyway, I still prefer "video.filename" and "picture.filename" as it keeps them together alphabetically08:43
sonsnixhey guys, has anyone some experience with the apache mod mod_musicindex?08:43
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roryyciro: my cdrom device has 'cdrom' as group (check with 'ls -l /dev/hdc' or whatever /dev/cdrw points to)08:43
sonsnixi've set it up, and it's actually working, but how can i stream something to my icecast-server`08:44
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cirororyy, ciro@CIRO:~$ ls -l /dev/hdc08:44
cirobrw-rw-rw-  1 root cdrom 22, 0 2006-04-23 19:15 /dev/hdc08:44
=== SoulPropagation [n=ethan@c-66-41-75-182.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboDoat: I always have a seperate partition for /home, in case I change distro later or REALLY screw up my system, but I've always used partitions of every system I've used. 1 partition is a bad habiot you should break08:44
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Fysidiko rittyan: I can install it with apt08:44
roryyciro: for reference, my user is in all these groups: 'adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin'08:44
Fysidiko rittyan: Have you got all the repos checked?08:44
teletubbiewhen you go an upgrade to dapper, does it upgrade the kernel?08:44
rittyanFysidiko: can you paste your 'sources.list' in pastebin.com?08:45
FlannelKingteletubbie: yes08:45
roryyciro: ok, now check /dev/hdc08:45
teletubbiewhat version?08:45
Fysidikorittyan: try apt-cache search liblame008:45
rittyanFysidiko: i've uncommented everything in sources.list... hm...08:45
DoatWarbo, hmm ok08:45
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rittyanFysidiko: nothing08:45
chip42Doat: contrasting opinion. i only use partitions on production servers, where reserving space for logging is critical.. all my desktop systems have always been 1 partition.. i just backup often08:45
cirororyy, how many users do u have in plugdev?08:45
Fysidiko rittyan: That's weird, mine finds it08:45
Fysidiko rittyan: I'll paste my list to the ubuntu pastebin08:45
rittyanFysidiko: ok, give me link then...08:46
roryyciro: my user, and the 'hal' user (i presume a system user)08:46
FlannelKingteletubbie: 2.6.15, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/dapperbeta08:46
WarboDoat: The things I would recommend for different partitions are /home, /usr/local and if you use LVM /boot08:46
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cirororyy I have y user only.should I m to add hal too?08:46
DoatWarbo, LVM?08:46
roryyciro: i think plugdev is probably for usb drives etc08:46
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cirook I'll check the other groups08:46
roryyciro: i don't know, sorry08:47
WarboDoat: Locical Volume Management, an abstraction layer for hard drives which GRUB doesn't understand, so you need /boot to be a normal partition08:47
belkinhi all , i try to install mplayer and i get the error08:47
belkinChecking for cc version ... 4.0.2, bad08:47
Fysidikorittyan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1279908:47
DoatWarbo, and how should i divide disk space between the partitions?08:47
roryyciro: add your user to the cdrom group for cdrom access; i wouldn't worry about the rest08:47
belkinany ideea what version should i install ... and how ?08:47
rittyanFysidiko: thanks a lot08:47
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SoulPropagationOkay, so I have a bunch of computers I wanna update, but I don't want each one to have to download the updates. I know it's possible for them to download the updates from a network server, but how do I do that?08:47
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WarboDoat: Ubuntu itself (/) should only need around 15GB for a REALLY bloated system. /home should use whatever you feel you need (if you have large music and video collections, for example)08:48
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Jimmey__Xfmedia's refusing to play anything.08:48
dougskoSoulPropagation, check out wiki.arslinux.com/Distributed_apt-get08:48
DoatWarbo, what's /usr/local for then?08:49
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WarboDoat: If you compile your own programs from source then they will go in /usr/local. It has the same structure as /usr08:49
belkincan anyone please help me with mplayer ?08:49
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_jasonbelkin: what about it?08:50
belkinChecking for cc version ... 4.0.2, bad08:50
WarboDoat: You should never have to use it really, just rely on Ubuntu's package management (well, Debian's package management)08:50
belkinthats what i get when i try to configure it from the source08:50
belkinany ideea ?08:50
DoatWarbo, ok. why do i need an own partition for it then?08:50
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_jasonbelkin: no need to compile, mplayer is in multiverse08:50
_jasonubotu: tell belkin about mplayer08:51
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ENE|ToxicIs there a way to rename/move a file which starts with the "-" hyphen char. Term interprets it as the beginning of a parameter. Quoting it makes no difference, neither does "\-".08:51
chip42Doat: you don't. you can get away with 1 partition. in fact it is recommended if you don't know why you would need the others08:51
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WarboDoat: Just if you compile stuff yourself you can keep it seperate. If it was easier to resize partitions I would have EVERYTHING seperate. But that's my opinion08:51
belkin_jason last time i install it from there it didnt works proper ...08:51
b0uncerhi everyone..I'm having a problem with the clock; Gnome displays it correctly, but in console it's 3 hours too much :/08:51
_jasonbelkin: by the way, the reason you got that error is because mplayer1.0pre7try2 doesn't compile with gcc4 you would need 3.408:51
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_jasonbelkin: more info?08:52
Doatchip42, well having an own partition for /home sounds good08:52
ketsugiHi, I need some help getting WPA working... I'm using Network Manager and I'm trying to connect to my wifi AP which is using WPA but when the dialog to enter a key comes up, I only get WEP options.08:52
chip42Doat: it does make backups easy. no fuss08:52
ketsugiI have wpasupplicant installed08:52
belkin_jason ... well hhow will i remove gcc4 and install 3.4 ?08:52
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crimsunbelkin: just install gcc-3.408:52
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ubuntuanyone been able to install opera beta 9?08:52
ubotuTo display the FPS type "glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark"08:52
crimsunbelkin: there's no need to remove gcc-4.0; they coexist fine08:52
_jasonbelkin: are you sure you don't want to try recoliving the problems you had with mplayer from the repos?08:52
crimsunubuntu: I run it just fine under Dapper08:53
_jasonresolving even08:53
roryyyeesh. or just   'glxgears -printfps'08:53
_jasonubuntu: install the 'other/static deb'08:53
WarboB0FH: That reminds me, got to fix my nvidia. Bye everyone08:53
belkincrimsun well how will i tell apt with version do i want ?08:53
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belkin_jason yeah im sure .. i wanna try it from the source this time08:53
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ubuntu_jason, crimsun, when i try to install the .deb package i get Error: Dependency not found: xlib6g|xlibs08:53
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joshritgerhow do i setup so i can autologin08:53
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_jasonbelkin: I would compile mplayer from cvs anyway, but to use gcc-3.4, you would just do 'export CC=gcc-3.4' before compiling08:54
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joshritgeri tried sudo gdmsetup, but i dunno what to change08:54
ubotuati is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358908:54
SoulPropagationjoshritger: System > Administration > login window08:54
_jasonubuntu: are you using the 'other/static deb' ?08:54
joshritgerwill try08:54
roryyjoshritger: there's an 'automatic login' entry under the 'General' tab08:54
ubuntu_jason yes w/ dapper08:54
roryyjoshritger: that menu takes you to gdmsetup, afaik08:54
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EoS666im having trouble installing ubuntu, anyone wanan help?08:54
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ubuntuEoS666 what's the problem?08:55
joshritgerThanks i missed that08:55
SoulPropagationdougsko: That's cool, but each box still has to download the packages08:55
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FysidikoHow do I change the colour of the text in the window title?08:55
SoulPropagationdougsko: how do I get it so they download the packages from a box on the network08:55
jmoncayois there anyway i can know the ip addr from someone in gaim??08:55
EoS666ok during install of the base system i get "unable to install initrd-tools"08:55
FlannelKingSoulPropagation: nah, you can download, burn, and install them locally.08:55
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edgardpachecoanyone there?08:56
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FlannelKingSoulPropagation: ah, you'll want to setup a pseudo mirror.  Add it to your repositories08:56
olivierhi all I really need help, about a wireless card installation on breezy, here is my card Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)08:56
olivierI see my SSID but unable to connect08:56
blackeyeshow do i boot into single-user mode in dapper PPC?08:56
olivierbut with another computer all work well08:56
ubuntu_jason are you using it on dapper?08:56
dougskoSoulPropagation, yeah, just make their sources.list point to the box you want them to dl from08:56
ENE|ToxicIs there a way to rename/move a file which starts with the "-" hyphen char. Term interprets it as the beginning of a parameter. Quoting it makes no difference, neither does "\-".08:56
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EoS666olivier try without WEP08:56
jmoncayois there anyway i can know the ip addr from someone in gaim??08:56
crimsunblackeyes: choose rescue mode at the bootloader prompt08:56
_jasonubuntu: I did yesterday08:57
b0uncerhow do I change console use UTC time instead of some timezone's ?08:57
olivierEoS666, theire is no WEP on my netword08:57
oliviernetwork sorry08:57
gr33npho3nixjmoncayo: yes, ask them08:57
blackeyesi just installed dapper on my powerbook g4 but something is wrong with the screen resolution and it wigs out at startup08:57
gr33npho3nixjmoncayo: why are you trying to get it08:57
ubuntu_jason, is this the package: opera-static_9.0-20060411.1-qt_en_i386.deb08:57
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blackeyescrimsun: i don't have grub, it's yaboot on ppc08:57
crimsunb0uncer: sudo dpkg-reconfigure timezone08:57
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roryyENE|Toxic: i can tell you how to erase the file08:58
crimsunblackeyes: you should still have a rescue mode entry08:58
_jasonubuntu: yeah08:58
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kmilotomcat5 need jsdk?08:58
ENE|Toxicroryy: hehe, that wouldn't be what I'm looking for.08:58
chip42jmoncayo: they attempt a direct connect.. otherwise you are communicating with a central server and the server is communicating with them.. no ips to be relevealed08:58
MrPocketsanyway i can send a message to a windows box over my LAN with an Ubuntu command?08:58
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fidso when i run sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5 its not working, is there a newer version number i have to type or something?08:58
olivierI use the bcmwl5a08:58
jmoncayogr33npho3nix, because my uncle wants me to connect to his box throug ssh but he doesnt know the ip of his box because it continuosly change08:58
ENE|Toxicfid: just use synaptic and search for it08:58
olivierplease pity ... I really need help  :)08:58
roryyENE|Toxic: ah, same trick works with mv.  mv -- -yourfilename  newfilename08:58
b0uncercrimsun: it tells me package timezone is not installed :/08:58
gr33npho3nixhave him goto whatismyip.org08:58
ubuntuwas anyone else able to install opera 9 beta on dapper?08:59
blackeyescrimsun: alll i have is a linux/cd choice at the beginning08:59
ENE|Toxicroryy: nice thanks08:59
blackeyesthen a boot: prompt08:59
dougskoSoulPropagation,  this site might be helpful too : https://gna.org/cookbook/?func=detailitem&comingfrom=1599&item_id=11808:59
blackeyesi don't see any options08:59
EoS666can anyone help?during install of the base system i get "unable to install initrd-tools"08:59
MrPocketsanyway i can send a message to windows box over my LAN with a ubuntu command?08:59
gr33npho3nixjmoncayo: the alternative is tougher, but if you do a netstat before, then direct connect, and do a netstat, the new ip in the list is his08:59
_jasonubuntu: well it says it depends on 'xlibs', that package doesn't actually do anything afaict for dapper08:59
gr33npho3nixjmoncayo: but whatismyip.org is much easier08:59
crimsunb0uncer: sorry, just run sudo tzconfig08:59
chip42MrPockets: smbclient -M will do it, provided the service is turned on in windows... its off by default08:59
b0uncerok, thanks09:00
ubuntu_jason, yeah i already installed xlibs09:00
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crimsunblackeyes: can you edit the entry to append 'single' ?09:00
plbgnrhello, does anybody use scanimage utility from sane-utils package? (breezy) ..it doesn't work and his gui brother xscanimage works for me ...I need to use console version for using in script09:00
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blackeyescrimsun: i can type anything at the boot menu, what should I type09:00
_jasonubuntu: hmm don't know then09:00
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belkinbash: make: command not found09:00
belkinwhats this ?09:00
crimsunbelkin: install build-essential09:01
ubuntu_jason, thx anyway09:01
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apokryphosbelkin: what are you trying to compile?09:01
Otacon22I will have some problems if I convert with gparted a ntfs partition in fat?09:01
belkincrimsun  automake its installed09:01
belkinapokryphos  mplayer09:01
crimsunbelkin: automake != make09:01
apokryphosbelkin: what's wrong with the one in the repositories?09:01
belkinapokryphos aint working proper ...09:01
apokryphosbelkin: what's the error?09:01
Jimmey__Otacon22, you'll loose all the data on the NTFS.09:02
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belkinapokryphos tryed so many times ...09:02
dougskobelkin, make only works if theres a makefile. try to run ./configure first09:02
ubuntuanyone else able to install opera 9 beta?09:02
belkindougsko did09:02
dougskothen make && make install09:02
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apokryphosyou need root perms for make install09:02
apokryphosand checkinstall is probably to be preferred09:02
Jimmey__dougsko, what's '&&'?09:02
belkinapokryphos to slow scaling ... problem with the xv or something like that09:02
dougskoJimmey__,  it means "and"09:02
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Jimmey__And it works with bash?09:03
apokryphosJimmey__: x && y  --> do x and then do y presuming exit status of x is not an error09:03
ubuntuany one using opera 9 beta?09:03
Jimmey__The same as command1; command2?09:03
apokryphosnot the same, no09:03
crimsunubuntu: yes, I already said, but under Dapper.09:03
FlannelKingJimmey__: no, because it makes sure that the first one isn't an error.09:03
blackeyesanyone know how to boot into safe/rescue/sincle user mode in dapper PPC?09:03
ubuntucrimsun, i'm having install problems - i use dapper too09:03
tomhm. the ubuntu desktop-cd should be able to boot? i'm getting errors like "cdrom_read_intr: data underrun"09:03
FlannelKingubuntu: ask in #ubuntu+1 then09:03
crimsunubuntu: use the package for debian testing (etch), not the ubuntu or xandros or whatever one09:04
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filipi have a problem. i added a new user, and my new user doesn't have any sound. although my old users sound still works09:04
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ubuntucxrimsun, i still get Error: Dependency not found: xlib6g|xlibs09:04
vincenzWhy is firefox SERIOUSLY slow and spams x.org at 100% whene selecting text in an edit box09:05
crimsunfilip: add the new user to the audio group09:05
vincenzit's REALLY annoying09:05
mykhi all. i've put a 2nd HD into my system, but can't figure out how to get to it. i dont see it in Places. do i need to do something special to get it to work?09:05
|lostbyte|filip: i think something to do with user permission..09:05
crimsunubuntu: what's the file name of the deb you're attempting to install?09:05
dougskomyk, you might have to mount it09:05
ompaulvincenz, version?09:05
SoulPropagationSo what I'd do is something like this: "[admin@localrepo: /packages] $ sudo apt-get -d update && apt-ftparchive packages ./ ./Packages && gzip ./Packages" ?09:05
Jimmey__myk, try fdisk -l09:05
|lostbyte|filip: Check "id" command for both users..09:05
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ubuntucrimsun, opera_9.0-20060411.6-shared-qt_en_etch_i386.deb09:05
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myker, if fdisk in linux is anything like dos, i dont wanna fdisk it. it has a bunch of data on it...09:06
beingshi all09:06
crimsunubuntu: remove any previous opera-static installations09:06
beingscan someone please help me with nvidia09:06
nicklasHello. Are there some like batch files from windows, on linux?09:06
Jimmey__myk, that will list disks / partitions...That's all09:06
ubuntucrimsun, i don't think i have any - but how would i do that?09:06
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crimsunubuntu: apt-get --purge remove opera-static09:06
ompaulbeings, please check the message from ubotu the channel bot09:06
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beingsompaul: I have a special problem09:07
vincenzompaul: ubuntu breezy09:07
SoulPropagationSo what I'd do is something like this: "[admin@localrepo: /var/www/packages] $ sudo apt-get -d update && apt-ftparchive packages ./ ./Packages && gzip ./Packages" ? Then for the client machines, just add "deb packages/" ?09:07
ubuntucrimsun, i get this: ackage opera-static is not installed, so not removed09:07
ubuntu0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 419 not upgraded.09:07
FlannelKingmyk: you have to mount it09:07
beingsompaul: forums wont help, need alive person09:07
FlannelKingmyk: is it fat32 or ntfs?09:07
mykFlannelKing, will that erase the data on the disk?09:07
ompaulvincenz, cant help you there, don't have that one isntalled, me I use 1.0809:07
FlannelKingmyk: no it just mounts it09:07
myker, whatever winxp puts it to ;)09:08
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ubotuntfs is, like, totally, the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions09:08
FlannelKingmyk: read that09:08
blackeyesanyone know how to boot into safe/rescue/sincle user mode in dapper PPC?09:08
crimsunubuntu: um, you haven't finished your dist-upgrade.09:08
plbgnris it possible to find out which device application uses? ...at the moment running application (GUI)09:08
crimsunubuntu: you have _419_ pending packages09:08
Jimmey__myk, fdisk -l will give you the information you need to mount the drive - Then you can read files.09:08
ubuntucrimsun - what's the command?09:08
Jimmey__I think.09:08
ubuntusudo apt-get dist-upgrade?09:08
crimsunubuntu: sudo apt-get -f install09:08
fidare there quicktime and windows media plugins for ubuntu?09:08
ompaulbeings, then say what the actual issue is, if there are several lines put the text in paste.ubuntu-nl.org so save the channel and give us the url then someone with the skills may be in a position to help you09:08
mykJimmey__, using the terminal?09:08
falcon3how do i set my /etc/resolv.conf and make it not change when i reboot my pc ?09:08
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FlannelKingmyk: read that link09:09
Jimmey__myk, you'd need root privileges to screw up a partition anyway.09:09
ubuntucrimsun, i get "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 419 not upgraded09:09
arrickI am trying to install HTTP::Negotiate, and I get the following: "arrick" at pasted "I get this when performing the make for the HTTP::Negotiate, and the following for Makefile.PL" (24 lines, 925B) at http://sial.org/pbot/1686709:09
ompaulbeings, however the wiki page should work - if you choose the right driver (there are two) for your card09:09
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roryyJimmey__: oddly enough, you need root permission to list and mount partitions09:09
crimsunubuntu: then yes, you need to dist-upgrade09:09
belkininstall: cannot create regular file `/usr/local/lib/libdha.so.1.0': Permission denied09:09
mykJimmey__, fdisk -l gives me another prompt09:09
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mykFlannelKing, reading now09:09
belkinwhy i cannot create that file ... i am root now .. any ideea ?09:09
qualushow does one run 3ddesktop ?09:09
beingsompaul:  I have a laptop with Nvidia Go 6600 . THe fan is working very loud, all i want is power management and i cant find it anywhere. I am a total noob.please excuse me09:09
qualuscan't remember the command for it :/09:09
Jimmey__myk, no output?09:09
roryymyk: just read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions09:10
m00nshinehow do I add a root user to a new mysql install?09:10
mykJimmey__, no output ;)09:10
falcon3m00nshine: edit config file09:10
roryymyk: if you do wish to go the manual route, you'll need to run 'sudo fdisk -l'09:10
falcon3there are nice tutorials about installing mysql on ubuntu09:10
Jimmey__myk, you need to do it with sudo.09:10
joshritgerhow do i get my hdd icons to show up on my desktop09:10
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falcon3joshritger: superkaramba09:10
Jimmey__try sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb09:10
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m00nshinewhich one falcon?  my.cnf?09:11
joshritgerfalcon3 what is that?09:11
Jowifalcon3: the use of a static ip should do it.09:11
mykJimmey__, i see the 2nd drive now...09:11
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Jimmey__myk, are there any partitions? Or just one?09:11
blackeyesanyone know how to boot into safe/rescue/sincle user mode in dapper PPC? shouldn't it be really easy?09:12
beingsompaul: any help?09:12
falcon3Jowi: i cant use static ip09:12
OmegHey guys, I've got a question. Has anyone ever tried playing Quake on Linux? I seem to have trouble getting it to work with the JoeQuake frontend.09:12
blackeyessomething is wrong with my xorg and i need to edit it09:12
uboturumour has it, windowsdrives is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions or see http://tinyurl.com/bly9f09:12
ubotumount is, like, totally, the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f09:12
Jowifalcon3: i guess the dhcp will also fetch the nameservers from your isp.09:12
falcon3joshritger: it's a program to add stuff on your kde desktop, gnome has gdesklets for it... google09:12
blackeyesI just want to boot to a terminal prompt09:12
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mykJimmey__, 1. and am i guaranteed that mounting won't blow my stuff away? irreplaceable family vids and all ;)09:12
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beingsanyone here can help with nvidia laptop?09:13
Jimmey__myk, yes.09:13
ketsugiif it's an ntfs partition, there's no chance of that09:13
Jimmey__If it's NTFS.09:13
falcon3Jowi: they are wrong, i have my own dns and that shouldnt change... any suggestions how i make it static? so it doesnt update it ?09:13
OmegNTFS is non-writable, right?09:13
chip42joshritger: superkaramba. its a kde toy.. creates desktop widgets.. system monitors, clocks, whatever you can think of.. under kde though, you can get your hdd icons on the desktop through create new - >link to device09:13
ubuntumyk: always backup! :)09:13
OmegWell, it's writable... just not possible to make new files with it.09:13
OmegIf I recall correctly.09:13
blackeyesdoing it in OS X you just hit command-S at startup09:13
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blackeyesthere has to be a similar shortcut for ubuntu09:13
arrick"arrick" at pasted "I get this when performing the make for the HTTP::Negotiate, and the following for Makefile.PL" (24 lines, 925B) at http://sial.org/pbot/1686709:13
Jimmey__Is that because NTFS owned by MS ( closed source, and all that )?09:13
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SoulPropagationIs this how to make a local repository? [admin@localrepo: /var/www/packages] $ sudo apt-get -d update && apt-ftparchive packages ./ ./Packages && gzip ./Packages .... Then for the client machines, just add "deb packages/", right?09:13
blackeyescan anyone tell me how?09:13
ompaulbeings, please leave it 10 / 15 minutes between requests and use the more verbose version of your question, currently I don't have one of those laptops so I have no idea how to help you09:13
m00nshinehow do I add a root user to a new mysql install?...  Do I edit the my.cnf file?09:14
mykubuntu, backing up 200gb of data is kind of impossible since the drive that im trying to get to IS the backup. the vid tapes have been re-recorded over09:14
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OmegI recall someone writing a workaround which involved booting into Windows to make a huge file on the NTFS partition (such as a non-compressed zipped copy of anime episodes, which he used) and then overwriting the file on Linux with new ones.09:14
FlannelKingJimmey__: it's because we haven't been able to completely test our reverse engineered writing to it yet, so it's still unstable09:14
harisundDoes anybody know of, and used any ghosting software for ubuntu? I basically want to try out different operating systems.09:14
ubuntumyk: ah09:14
harisundBut want to restore my Ubuntu the way it is now ...09:14
falcon3tip: mount ntfs partition as rw, share it using samba, mount it's samba share as rw09:15
mykWOOHOO! okay. i can see it now. thanks all ;) i'll be back in 30 seconds with another question :D09:15
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blackeyesam I doing something wrong, resulting in me being ignored?09:15
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LinuxJonesharisund: there's mondoarchive09:15
blackeyesi figured this would be an easy thing to do -- boot into single user/rescue mode on dapper PPC09:15
=== falcon3 hears something
beingsompaul: it is not about that specific laptop, it is in general, almost all of the laptops have that working in windows, I am sure it is possible in Ubuntu, All I want is to have dynamic work of my video car, at the momnet it is working as if I am doing serious 3D work and fan is spinning to the fullest, that is not how it supposed to be. All i need is for it to work like it should, in 2D mode09:15
=== alfabet [n=jamestoy@c-65-96-214-226.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
roryyblackeyes: we just don't know. on i386 i press ESC to see the grub boot menu09:16
SoulPropagationblackeyes: there's a "rescue mode" option in GRUB i think09:16
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blackeyesi don't have grub though, it's yaboot09:16
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harisundLinuxJones where can I look for instructions on how to use it? It seemed to complicated..09:16
belkin_jason please tell me how will i remove gcc4 and install 3.4 ?09:16
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Jowifalcon3: i'm checking.09:16
roryyblackeyes: does yaboot have a website with docs ?09:16
_jasonbelkin: you don't have to09:16
tr0nici hate an ntfs disk showing as /dev/hda i want to know how to mount it can anyone help me i tried putting it into fstab09:16
blackeyesit seems very weird to me that I can't easily find how to do this in any documentation easily09:16
falcon3Jowi: thank you09:16
Jimmey__FlannelKing, if it where an open-source filesystem ( =-S ), would it be possible?09:16
alfabetblackeyes: then you are running ppc09:16
_jasonbelkin: have you installed build-essential and gcc-3.4?09:16
tr0nici also hate it lol09:17
harisundLinuxJones do you know of any? Somebody here suggested Mondo - Mindi to me earlier.09:17
belkin_jason build-essential yes09:17
_jasonbelkin: install gcc-3.409:17
qualusis 3ddesktop compatible with KDE at all, btw ?09:17
blackeyesalfabet: i know i'm running PPC09:17
tr0nichey there's a howto i'll be back if it doesn't work09:17
tr0nicsorry to waste time09:17
Jimmey__harisund, which operating systems09:17
joshritgerI have two harddrives, will the second one show up under filesystem or where?09:18
=== USER015575 [n=USER0155@85-18-14-10.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
belkin_jason thank you09:18
harisundJimmey__ I have a perfectly working Ubuntu now, and I want to make a disk image of it to be able to restore it later.09:18
ompaulbeings, no point in addressing me as I said I don't have that info, my apci works but I am using development software, and please leave it for 10 minutes before you repeat the question, if you remove the ompaul from the start then it would be a useful question for the channel in general but include the machine type in case anyone has a specific hack for that hard ware09:18
_jasonbelkin: you have to 'export CC=gcc-3.4' before compiling09:18
harisundJimmey__ Then try other Linuces, FreeBSD, ReactOS ..09:18
arrick_jason, "arrick" at pasted "I get this when performing the make for the HTTP::Negotiate, and the following for Makefile.PL" (24 lines, 925B) at http://sial.org/pbot/1686709:18
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belkin_jason hmm how will i do that ?09:19
alfabetblackeyes: ok...then09:19
alfabetblackeyes: what is your issue09:19
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harisundJimmey__ my hardware is old enough and compatible with most new OSs without any tweaking required. That's why I want to try out different platforms.09:19
alfabetppc is my speciality =)09:19
mykokie dokie now, Totem Movie Player says it cant play my .mp3's and when i try to watch a .avi, video doesn't show... any ideas?09:19
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blackeyesalfabet: i just want to boot into safe/single user mode09:19
alfabetmyk: codecs09:19
_jasonarrick: doesn't libwww-perl provide that?09:19
harisundJimmey__ But I want to return to Ubuntu the way it is right now. So I was looking for some sort of a ghosting tool....09:19
beingsOk, if anyone here know how to make nvidia card work properly on a laptop - slow down the fan to its normal speed. Please Help.09:19
alfabetblackeyes: it should show you parameters09:19
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alfabetblackeyes: hold s09:19
_jasonbelkin: you just type it in09:19
arrick_jason, ok, wasnt sure09:19
alfabetblackeyes: recardles you are looking for an s09:19
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Jimmey__harisund, couldn't you dual-boot?09:20
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blackeyesalfabet: hold s after rebooting?09:20
harisundJimmey__ Hmm.. that is a good suggestion.. wonder why I didn't think of it .. just space constraints basically ..09:20
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thinkleI'm on ubuntu-dapper -- my cups appears to be fubared (reinstalling all cups packages makes no difference). Anyone else experiencing this?09:20
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harisundJimmey__ Besides I dont' know if installing a new OS might overwrite Ubuntu's Grub.09:20
harisundJimmey__ For example, if I install Windows it sure does overwrite Ubuntu's grub. That's a PITA for me for sure.09:21
=== qualus [n=qua@ZYYYMMDCCI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
alfabetblackeyes: you can try that09:21
alfabetor get to the loader prompt09:21
alfabetwen its booting09:21
chip42thinkle: me. i rebooted into another OS and printed from there.. let me know if you manage to fix it :\09:21
alfabetit should say...5..4...3..2.09:21
Jimmey__harisund, I guessed if you backed up your entire ubuntu partition onto (c)dvd, you could, if you screw up, make a new ext3 partition, copy the files over, and mark it bootable.09:21
=== nGen [i=nGen@200-208-50-222-mns.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Jowifalcon3: it seems like dhclient is doing the update for the nameservers /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf. "man dhclient" for more info. probably the do-forward-updates flag that need to be set. another way would be to make resolv.conf readonly (remove the owner write permission)09:21
alfabetblackeyes: so then cut that and add -s09:21
luis_hi...could anybody tell me where can i download the build essentials for ubuntu 5.10? I'm following the intrucctions of several webs but it doesn't work..thank u09:21
Jimmey__That way it'd be back to normal..09:22
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.09:22
ompaulalfabet ^^^09:22
lowroadhey everyone, i'm trying to watch a mkv file but there is no sound in totem or any other program except mplayer.... problem is, mplayer never lets me change the size of the actual video, even when i fullscreen it, the viewable video stays the same, anythoughts on how to get audio to work in totem or vlc?09:22
harisundJmmey__ Now you are giving a real good suggestoin.. let me get it right..09:22
blackeyesalfabet: I don't see any of that, yaboot doesn't seem to have very many options09:22
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alfabetompaul: ??09:22
harisundJimmey__ Is it sufficient if I just "copy the partition" and "make it bootable" .. are there no such things as hidden sectors or stuff that won't get copied onto a DVD?09:22
mykis there a keyboard plugin type thing that will enable the windows keys on my keyboard?09:22
alfabetompaul: then you bloody help him09:22
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LinuxJonesharisund: yes that's it >> http://www.mondorescue.org/09:23
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harisundLinuxJones: Ok I will have a look . thanks.. Jimmey__ I will have a look at your suggestion too. sounds workable09:23
belkinhow will i mount one of my secound hard disk driver and be able to write to it without being root ?09:23
thinklechip42: I found this bug report... https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/3907809:23
lowroadhey everyone, i'm trying to watch a mkv file but there is no sound in totem or any other program except mplayer.... problem is, mplayer never lets me change the size of the actual video, even when i fullscreen it, the viewable video stays the same, anythoughts on how to get audio to work in totem or vlc?09:23
Jimmey__harisund, you'd have to configure Grub to the changes, but the kernel's on your ubuntu partition, Grub will point at that, and ( if bootable ), your ubuntu will boot *-)09:23
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Jimmey__harisund, if you just copy your / to a DVD09:24
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harisundJimmey__ Looks liek that is a workable solution. Thanks ! I will have a look into it09:24
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falcon3Jowi: thankyou09:25
=== Tomcat__ [n=Tomcat@p54A186C0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
lowroadI'm trying to watch a mkv file but there is no sound in totem or any other program except mplayer.., anythoughts on how to get audio to work in totem or vlc?09:25
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool89-92.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
joshritgermy hdd shows up under disks, but i can't find the storage anywhere on my computer, do i have to mount the disk?09:25
Jimmey__lowroad, 'killall esd'09:25
rambo3maby you have to set sound to mono in vlc09:26
Jimmey__joshritger, yep..09:26
thinklechip42: The bug reports appear to suggest that if I wait long enough I'll get a list of printers from "Add Printer" - we shall see. My current situation is that I see no drivers...09:26
ubotuhmm... mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f09:26
lowroadJimmey__ didn't work09:26
intelikeyxfs is running, why this ?  Fatal server error:09:26
intelikeycould not open default font 'fixed'09:27
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Jimmey__lowroad, that's all I got :( Try 'vlc' from the terminal, then open the file you want to play - analyse the output for errors09:27
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lowroadI'm trying to watch a mkv file but there is no sound in totem or any other program except mplayer.., anythoughts on how to get audio to work in totem or vlc?09:27
belkinhow do i get full permissions to a mounted hard drive in /media/hard1 ? right now im not able to delete anything ...09:27
chip42thinkle: that is somewhat different from my situation. it was working.. but now it sits and does nothing when i attempt to print. wonder if i wait long enough...09:27
Jimmey__lowroad, Try 'vlc' from the terminal, then open the file you want to play - analyse the output for errors ?09:27
kingspawnbelkin: what fs?09:27
=== Spofer [i=Spofer@bzq-88-152-208-254.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
naliothblackeyes: join me in #ubuntu-offtopic please09:28
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belkinkingspawn well the hard was formated with ubuntu ... so its ext3 ( 83 )09:29
lowroadJimmey__ matroska @ blah blah unknown track header entry09:29
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ompaulblackeyes, for help with that join #ubuntu-offtopic09:29
lowroadJimmey__ i dont even get picture in vlc, at least i get picture in totem, just no audio09:29
SpoferI'm having a problem with my ubuntu installation09:29
ompaulblackeyes, your ppc video09:29
kingspawnbelkin: then you will need to chmod the directories you want access to. does ls -l tell you that the files are owned by root?09:29
lowroadI'm trying to watch a mkv file but there is no sound in totem or any other program except mplayer.., anythoughts on how to get audio to work in totem or vlc?09:29
thinklechip42: Yeah -- I had working printing a few weeks ago as well... but I did get the situation with no drivers being loaded when I went to re-add the printer... (oddly enough, when I manually loaded the PPD file, I got a message that it was already installed - ack!)09:29
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tdnI am installing Ubuntu on my friends computer. My friend got a lot of hard drives. It is very important, that he doesn't lose his data. When I am installing from the CD it requires me to set up software RAID. I would really like to have Ubuntu ignore the software RAID part. It should only touch the one disk (/dev/hda) which I want to install on. Is it safe for me to select "Finish" in the menu where I have the following options: "Creat09:29
=== Pegasos989 [n=pekka@cs78165177.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Jimmey__lowroad, try the same with totem, then post the errors here09:30
rambo3lowroad, stop repeating09:30
=== NsOmNiAc [n=NsOmNiAc@ppp-70-244-160-79.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
belkinkingspawn yes . because i mounted with  sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/hard1/09:30
SpoferProblem: I'm getting a command prompt instead of the ubuntu desktop after installing09:30
lowroadJimmey__ :  this is what i get:  (totem:20643): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_accel_label_set_accel_closure: assertion `gtk_accel_group_from_accel_closure (accel_closure) != NULL' failed09:30
lowroad(totem:20643): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_accel_label_set_accel_closure: assertion `gtk_accel_group_from_accel_closure (accel_closure) != NULL' failed09:30
lowroad(totem:20643): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_str_has_prefix: assertion `str != NULL' failed09:30
lowroadlibvorbis: this bitstream does not contain vorbis audio data.09:30
lowroadlibvorbis: this bitstream does not contain vorbis audio data.09:30
thinklechip42: True enough -- I just waited it out and was able to add my printer normally after a *long* pause.09:30
lowroadlibvorbis: this bitstream does not contain vorbis audio data.09:30
lowroad[mpeg4 @ 0xb64b5e50] vop not coded09:30
lowroad[mpeg4 @ 0xb64b5e50] vop not coded09:30
lowroad[mpeg4 @ 0xb64b5e50] vop not coded09:31
Jowilowroad: do not paste in here09:31
lowroad[mpeg4 @ 0xb64b5e50] vop not coded09:31
lowroad[mpeg4 @ 0xb64b5e50] vop not coded09:31
lowroad[mpeg4 @ 0xb64b5e50] vop not coded09:31
lowroad[mpeg4 @ 0xb64b5e50] vop not coded09:31
baconbaconlowroad: pastebin!09:31
ubotuwell, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126909:31
=== wtfhappened [n=love@kr-lun-162-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
thinklechip42,  It appears the old printer is back to working as well09:31
lowroadsorry all09:31
kingspawnbelkin: if you want all files on the disk owned by your user, do: sudo chown -R user:user /media/hard1  if this is not the case, you need to set up permissions a bit more cleverly09:31
SpoferProblem: I'm getting a command prompt instead of the ubuntu desktop after installing09:32
thinklechip42, we have lift-off -- printing is back!09:32
intelikeyX error      could not open default font 'fixed'  ?09:32
=== tr0nic [n=trnc@host-84-9-200-183.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3Spofer, yes don trepeat . it maby xorg or many other errors09:32
chip42thinkle: very cool. going to mess with it some now, and be patient this time :)09:32
thinklechip42, hope it works for you as well... you just have to let cupsd chew up 80-90% of your CPU for 5 or 10 minutes with no feedback, and it appears to work.09:32
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venoxhey. how can I install thunar on ubuntu breezy?09:33
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Spofersry about repeating. I'm pretty new to this whole Linux thing. could you ellaborate?09:33
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tr0nici've tried mounting a windows disk (hda1) by using sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows -t ntfs -o umask=0222 and i get device is already mounted or busy any help here is there a simple way to mount an ntfs disk09:33
SoulPropagationIs this how to make a local repository? [admin@localrepo: /var/www/packages] $ sudo apt-get -d update && apt-ftparchive packages ./ ./Packages && gzip ./Packages .... Then for the client machines, just add "deb packages/", right?09:33
baconbaconSpofer: what's your video card09:33
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kingspawntr0nic: well, IS it already mounted?09:34
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dj_baggiohi guys :)09:34
=== cyphase_ [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-137-82.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
tr0nicwhere would it be mounted kingspawn09:34
tr0nicin disks it shows09:34
chip42tr0nic: df09:34
kmiloI install tomat but http://localhost:8180 don't work09:34
tr0nicno it isn't showing up in df09:34
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=== Steele-Campbell [n=steele@chtwpe0105w-142068114118.pppoe-dynamic.pei.aliant.net] has joined #Ubuntu
tr0nicit's showing up in disks from the menus though09:34
tr0nicas hda09:34
rambo3Spofer you video card may be missconfigured.09:34
kingspawntr0nic: doesnt show if you type just mount either?09:34
rambo3!tell Spofer about fixres09:34
tr0nicno i've tried the mount command as above09:35
tr0nici've tried mounting a windows disk (hda1) by using sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows -t ntfs -o umask=0222 and i get device is already mounted or busy any help here is there a simple way to mount an ntfs disk09:35
tr0nic^ that09:35
SpoferIt's Geforce 780009:35
tr0nici created the windows directory under the mount directory09:35
=== harisund [n=harisund@ip24-255-87-152.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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kingspawntr0nic: yes, but i am asking for just "mount"09:35
xwolf-any idea why cant i set my own ip number, just through dhcp am i able to connect anywhere external? (in kcontrol, that is)09:35
Spoferhow do i configure it?09:35
rambo3Spofer, read that but before can you login in console and type:  startx  and report what it says09:35
tr0nicmount /dev/hda?09:35
kingspawntr0nic: no, "mount".09:35
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Spoferok that's good09:35
tr0nicjust issue the mount command?09:35
chip42no options09:36
kingspawntr0nic: ...09:36
tr0nicas in mount nothing else09:36
tr0nicit's not in fstab09:36
=== [GekO] [n=geko@41.Red-83-36-242.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
kingspawntr0nic: just type mount.09:36
Spoferhow do i configure things on the console?09:36
tr0nicjust type mount as root09:36
tr0nicbut mount will have to know what to mount won't it09:36
nathanaelI just tried to install the macromedia flash plugin for firefox, and it says "not found"09:36
=== Airborn [n=Airborn@ajr178.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
tr0nicit's not showing up in df09:36
kingspawntr0nic: I am nearing retirement age here, just type "sudo mount" and hit your "ENTER" key.09:36
nathanaelIS there another place I can get this?09:36
tr0nicok kingspawn09:37
tr0nici too am old09:37
=== zenmac [n=zenwhen@h161.16.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3Spofer, read what ubotu told you , before that can you type startx in console ?09:37
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tr0nici will be back if it doesn't work09:37
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, xwolf-09:37
tr0nicty very much for your help09:37
rtsOn my desktop system (which is quite old), Dapper Drake detected almost nothing about my system: it didn't detect either of the 2 printers, SMP, my ethernet card, my sounds card... none of which are very exotic.  How do I coax it to detect my ethernet, sound card, ... ?09:37
kingspawntr0nic: you're not in ubuntu now?09:37
uboturambo3: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:37
tr0nicno i am not09:37
tr0nici am trying to get off windows09:37
kingspawntr0nic: then wait 2 secs09:37
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kingspawntr0nic: If hda1 does not show up when you type "mount", try typing "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda" too, to be sure that your hda1 is the ntfs partition09:38
tr0nici thought mount needed parameters before it did anything09:38
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jmoncayois it good to have a reiserfs partition?09:38
=== Yokalosh [n=andrew@cpc3-cbly2-0-0-cust594.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulrts, please ask that in the dapper drake channel #ubuntu+1 (if your using xchat just click on the channel name)09:38
kingspawntr0nic: without arguments, it just shows you every mount point in use. its just to be certain its not mounted somewhere else09:38
tr0nicbut will just mount mount it09:39
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joshritgerfor file storage do i want my hdd to be primary or extended09:39
nathanaelCan I get flash anywhere else besides macromedia.com?09:39
kingspawntr0nic: No, and stay in ubuntu when you come here next time, will make this so much easier :)09:39
SpoferOk i'll see what the startx says and will come back09:39
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:39
ubotu[sound]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary09:39
=== ninfa [n=ninfa@] has joined #ubuntu
tr0nicjust wondering how would being in irc on ubunto help me more09:39
tr0nici'm trying to get onto ubunto09:39
Yokaloshis there any program for playing 3gp videos? it is the format my mobile/cell phone uses09:40
tr0nicare you saying you could connect to me?09:40
kingspawntr0nic: No, but arent you trying to mount an ntfs disk? By that, I take it that you have ubuntu up and running09:40
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joshritgerdo i want a hdd for just file storage in primary or extended format09:40
chip42tr0nic: more like you could try what we suggest without rebooting.. it is going to take a long time if you reboot every time you need more information09:40
tr0nicchip 42 i can't connect from ubuntu next09:40
tr0nicthats what i'm trying to do get the drivers across from this windows09:41
SoulPropagationIs this how to make a local repository? [admin@localrepo: /var/www/packages] $ sudo apt-get -d update && apt-ftparchive packages ./ ./Packages && gzip ./Packages .... Then for the client machines, just add "deb packages/", right?09:41
tr0niccan't connect from ubuntu yet09:41
kingspawntr0nic: What will mounting an ntfs disk help you connect to the internet?09:41
tr0nicright thanks i'll try that ty very much09:41
ninfai want to start telnetd on my machine but aparently the package telnet includes only the client, any idea?09:41
eneriedhello anyvbosy09:41
tr0nicthe object of the exercise is to connect from windows then get the drivers across to ubuntu for my modem to connect from ubuntu09:41
Jowijoshritger: you can have maximum 4 primary partitions. if you need more partitions you create an extended partition to put more partitions in.09:41
=== tuxedo_kamen [i=me@bl6-199-106.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
tuxedo_kamenhi everyone09:42
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eneriedcoulsd you help me? i need to know tha linux distro and version of a server looking it via ssh, how to do that?09:42
Eppuninfa: install telnetd, for example09:42
rambo3so uf you install firefox you expect apache to be installed to?09:42
ninfabtw what repositories are good to add to source.list? im on a fresh install but im new to ubuntu09:42
SoulPropagationeneried: man uname09:42
billytwowillyanyone using the dapper beta?  how stable is it?09:42
tuxedo_kameni'm having some problems with gaim, can anyone please help me?09:42
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)09:42
kingspawneneried: use uname09:42
ketsugidapper's pretty stable for me09:42
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tr0nicright thanks i'll try that09:42
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ninfaninfa@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-cache search telnetd09:42
ninfaEppu: no result searching telnetd09:43
TraeDoes anyone here know if Ubuntu supports Raid 1 out of the box?09:43
kingspawnchip42: Did you understand anything of tr0nics problems?09:43
FalstiusTrae: depends on how you are doing raid .. software or hardware09:43
Jowi!info telnetd09:43
ubotutelnetd: (The telnet server), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 0.17-29build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 39 kB, Installed size: 140 kB09:43
conhehelp me  look it  sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname() no join more how root !!09:43
TraeFalstius, I'm guessing software09:43
TraeFalstius, I have two drives the same exact size09:43
chip42kingspawn: only the first half..i am under the impression that he is under the impression that he can get drivers for his modem off his ntfs partition.. what truth there is in that i don't know. i doubt it09:43
Jowininfa: it is in the universe repos09:44
FalstiusTrae: and what you mean by "out of the box" :)09:44
ompaul!tell conhe about root09:44
TraeFalstius, I need to have one be a real - time mirror of the other09:44
TraeFalstius, meaning, can I set it up fairly easily to do that09:44
Jowi!tell ninfa about repositories09:44
eneriedok, uname said me only that thing09:44
ninfaJowi: ill try to see if i understand that 100% brb09:44
eneried... "Linux"09:44
FalstiusTrae: do you need to boot from them?09:44
ompaulconhe, read the message from ubotu09:44
kingspawnchip42: Yeah, might be he's downloaded some drivers onto his disk, but it feels like he doesn't really know what he himself means. Guess he'll be back.09:44
belkinhmm i cannot get my sound fixed :(09:44
TraeFalstius, hmmm, don't need to boot from the mirrored drive I wouldn't think.09:44
TraeFalstius, but from the main one yes09:44
ompauleneried,  do this >>cat /etc/issue<<09:44
belkinmplayer works fine ... but without sound ;))09:45
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FalstiusTrae: well, setting up 2 spare drives as raid 1 would be very easy.  Doing it with your boot drive is more difficult but should be possible.  I haven't done it, so can't give you any specifics.09:45
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TraeFalstius, okies, thanks bunches for trying to anwer09:46
Traeanswer even09:46
eneriedthanks ompaul09:46
kosnicki have downloaded a hole site. Is there any way i can convert it to pdf (writer does only one page not the hole site , as far as i know)09:46
SoulPropagationIs this how to make a local repository? [admin@localrepo: /var/www/packages] $ sudo apt-get -d update && apt-ftparchive packages ./ ./Packages && gzip ./Packages .... Then for the client machines, just add "deb packages/", right?09:46
=== rittyan [n=godkonst@ppp85-140-89-31.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
ompauleneried, >>uname -a<< or >>uname -r<< also useful09:47
ninfaJowi: thx for the info, i think i got it09:47
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ompaulSoulPropagation, no check out debmirror on the wiki09:47
rittyanHi all... why not every font have 'Style' in dapper? I mean bold\undeline\whatever, and also changing size do nothing...09:47
Jowinp ninfa09:47
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kosnickhtml to pdf convertion09:48
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eneriedi need anew help, what exactly does the following command " kill -QUIT process_id"?09:48
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eneried" kill -QUIT process_id" does it kill a process? or only send a signal without killingbthe process?09:49
kingspawneneried: It kills a process by sending it the SIGQUIT signal09:49
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arrickkingspawn, how are you today?09:49
Steele-Campbel1Hey all09:49
eneriedkingspawn, so if i do that the process will die... i'm ok?09:50
kingspawnarrick: Fine thank you :) Yourself?09:50
tr0nicmounting ntfs disk - when i type sudo mount it doesn't show up it does show up as an ntfs disk when i type sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda HPFS/NTFS09:50
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tr0nici want to mount it09:50
tr0nickingspawn you still there?09:50
kingspawneneried: Yes. You can use "kill -9 <pid>" to be as certain as you can that it gets killed09:50
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kingspawntr0nic: Yes. When you fdisk -l /dev/hda, does it show hda1 as ntfs, or does it just say hda?09:51
Eppueneried: QUIT signal may be caught by the process. KILL signal cannot be.09:51
tr0nici can't remember :-/09:51
tr0nicshould i go back and check09:51
mauperhi, quick question for dapper: dpkg-reconfigure locales: where is the selection dialog ? Any alternative ?09:51
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belkinkingspawn works... so from now on i have to type that everytime i boot my machine ?09:51
kingspawntr0nic: Well, if you have to reboot all the time, you best be sure to note down what info you need for coming back here.09:51
tr0nici did fdisk -l and it said hpfs/ntfs09:51
kingspawnbelkin: What did I tell you? Can't remember off-hand.09:51
tr0nicon the line for hda109:52
rittyanGuys is there a way to repair fonts? =_=09:52
tr0nicit shows up as hpfs/ntfs09:52
GammaRayanyone using a BCM4318? do you use the native driver? does it work? have you ever actually connected to a hotspot?09:52
eneriedEppu, but Quit also kill the process09:52
eneriedi needd to stack trace a process ithout killing it09:52
tr0nicit is an ntfs volume09:52
marnanelIs there any way of installing mono 1.1.10 dev libraries in breezy? I heard they were being backported09:52
belkinkingspawn sudo chown -R user:user /media/hard109:52
tr0nicshowing up as hda/109:52
kingspawneneried: Yes, it _may_ kill it, but it the process traps your SIGQUIT-signal, it might not, it might opt to do something else.09:52
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jmoncayohow can people block pings? i mean the webpage is up but when i ping the web it doesnt responds09:52
belkinkingspawn to give user permission to the mounted hard drive09:52
kingspawnbelkin: Ah, no, that's for ever :)09:52
ninfaJowi: i just installed telnetd now how do i run the daemon? theres no /etc/init.d/telnetd or anything like it09:52
Eppueneried: yes, if the process does not handle it. A process may install a signal handler to do something else.09:52
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sfaranyone got DAOC running under ubuntu?09:52
tr0nici try that belkin?09:52
marnaneljmoncayo: with a firewall09:52
arrickkingspawn, not good, trying to get a pastebot woking, and have been working on it for 4 days now09:53
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ubuntu_<= dapper live cd atm09:53
belkinkingspawn so how will i do this next time ? how will i mount my hard because if i use sudo again .. it will be owned by root09:53
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SinnerGthat is ;p09:53
belkintr0nic yeah thats works :)09:53
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jmoncayomarnanel, well what should be the rule for that?09:53
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kingspawnbelkin: No, that should not be the case.09:53
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Jowininfa: no idea. telnetd is not to be considered secure so i haven't installed it09:53
skypais here anyone avaiblable with experiences in the field of pxe booting who could spare a minute for me? :)09:53
=== michael689 [n=michael6@CPE-203-45-246-24.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
tr0nicdo i replace <username> with "root" belkin09:53
Eppuninfa: are you using xinetd? If you are, you need to set up /etc/xinet.d/telnetd09:53
eneriedthasnks a lot09:54
eneriedsee U later09:54
kingspawnbelkin: Try imagining that every time your machine shuts down, your root filesystem resets all permissions...09:54
belkintr0nic no .. with your user09:54
=== Pordos [n=PREL@adsl-69-226-228-59.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU
GammaRayxinetd was such a bad idea...09:54
belkinkingspawn but how will i mount the hard autom. on boot ?09:54
chip42kingspawn: sounds like a great practical joke09:54
SinnerGA new graphical installer is available on the live CD, allowing Kubuntu to be installed quickly and easily to your hard disk => where? :p09:54
kingspawnbelkin: Add it to your /etc/fstab09:54
kingspawnchip42: Heh, would be, wouldn't it :)09:54
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skypadoes the dapper installer support nfs share remote installation?09:54
ninfaEppu: no, i dont have anything like that09:54
belkinkingspawn see thats what im talking about .. if i add it to my fstab .. then it will be mounted as root or not ?09:55
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Falstiusbelkin: you can define which user it will mount as actually.09:55
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Eppuninfa: You usually install either inetd or xinetd daemon, which launches individual daemons like telnetd09:55
kingspawnbelkin: Well, it is still mounted as root, by since you've just set all your files to be owned by you, it does not matter.09:56
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:56
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tr0nicshould i try what belkin said?09:56
kingspawnbelkin: Your root-disk also gets mounted as root, but you still own your home-dir09:56
tr0nicmaybe iu should google more09:56
kingspawntr0nic: I have no idea what he said09:56
tr0nici thought there;d be a simple command to mount an ntfs volume09:56
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kingspawntr0nic: As far as I can see, the command you have been issuing is correct09:56
ubotuwell, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions09:57
belkinso bassic /dev/sda1       /media/hard1/  in fstab should do the trick right ?09:57
kingspawntr0nic: mount -t ntfs -o umask=0222 /dev/hda1 /mount/whatever09:57
GammaRayEppu: does anyone use that anymore except maybe for pop servers?09:57
kingspawnbelkin: Filesystem ext3 and defaults09:57
tr0nicright i'll try that and also thanks for the wiki ubotu09:57
EppuGammaRay: what, inetd or xined? I do at least.09:58
GammaRayEppu: either one...09:58
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EppuGammaRay: I use xinetd. Mainly for telnetd and subversion09:58
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belkinkingspawn  will you please help me to get my sound working ?09:59
Eppuninfa: If you install inetd, you need a line like this in /etc/inetd.conf: telnet          stream  tcp     nowait  telnetd.telnetd /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/in.telnetd09:59
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ninfaEppu: i guess i have inetd because i have a /etc/inet.d directory but theres no telnetd in it09:59
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kingspawnbelkin: That all depends on what the problem is :)09:59
GammaRayEppu: not to but your balls but.... telnet? big old angry user base or something?09:59
noisy_1I'm running server and I'm wondering how to make cp run in the background so I can continue doing CLI maintenance09:59
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kingspawnnoisy_1: cp <bla bla> &09:59
belkinkingspawn  there is no sound output ;)09:59
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kingspawnbelkin: Well now.. :)10:00
harisundDoes anybody use irssi here? How do I make it show all of my windows in the blue status bar at the bottom? It is only showing my current window right now :(10:00
belkinkingspawn do i have to install any alsa package or something ?10:00
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GammaRayninfa: try /etc/init.d/telne....10:00
kingspawnbelkin: System->Prefs->Multimedia systems selector10:00
EppuGammaRay: well it's really quick to use over physical connection you control, like a home ethernet10:00
kingspawnbelkin: What's it set for? ALSA?10:00
noisy_1kingspawn, is there a way to see the progress of that process?10:00
belkinkingspawn i tryed all 3 and none pass the test10:00
kingspawnnoisy_1: Well, not really. You could set it to verbose, but it would keep interfering with your terminal10:01
kingspawnbelkin: Hm, okay10:01
ZdraHi ! what's the default debconf value in dapper for the priority (high ?) and frontend (dialogue ?)10:01
ninfaEppu: GammaRay: theres no /etc/init.d/t*10:01
noisy_1there's no command to make it report a percentage of completion?10:01
FalstiusEppu: ssh and passwordless login .. why would you want telnet.10:01
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ninfaEppu: the line you mentioned was already there, i guess the instalation added it10:01
kingspawnnoisy_1: No, actually there's not. I am just coding such an application, but it is far from ready.10:01
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seyon i'm getting some problems when i try to print from a java application10:02
noisy_1k, let me know when you finish it ;=P10:02
kingspawnbelkin: Had a look in Device manager for your soundcard?10:02
seyoni get allways the message "no print service found"10:02
Eppuninfa: Yeah, you might try /etc/init.d/inetd restart to make sure it's in effect10:02
seyoni'm using dapper10:02
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kingspawnbelkin: does "lspci" tell you anything about it?10:02
EppuFalstius: no really good reason probably, but I've used it for years and years10:02
belkin0000:00:1b.0 0403: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definiti on Audio Controller (rev 03)10:03
belkinthats my sound card10:03
harisundDoes anybody use irssi here? How do I make it show all of my windows in the blue status bar at the bottom? It is only showing my current window right now :(10:03
rambo3harisund, alt +1  alt+2 for channels10:03
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kingspawnbelkin: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems ?10:03
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belkinkingspawn yes .. i did10:03
harisundrambo3 that just takes me to the channels. I want the blue bar on the bottom to show me the channel names. Is that possible?10:03
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rambo3id ont think so , you can always man irssi10:04
kingspawnbelkin: Heh, well then I don't really know, its not really my field. when "crimsun" is on, he might be able to help, he's got the skills with sound10:04
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ninfaEppu: ninfa@ubuntu:~$ /etc/init.d/inetutils-inetd restart10:04
ninfaRestarting internet superserver: inetd.10:04
kingspawnbelkin: try "cat some.wav /dev/dsp"10:04
ninfaEppu: but theres still no inetd10:05
ninfaEppu: sorry i mean no telnet10:05
Eppuninfa: Did you try telnetting to the machine now?10:05
HymnToLifeanyone knows what a "debootstrap error code 2" during the base system install means ?10:05
ninfaEppu: ninfa@ubuntu:~$ telnet localhost10:05
ninfatelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused10:05
kingspawnninfa: Why do you want telnet, if I may ask?10:05
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eneriedhello gain10:06
=== vini_baggio [n=vini@201-43-145-202.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
mykis there any really good video editor for ubuntu? also, any really good picture editors?10:06
ninfakingspawn: someone asked me to install it10:06
ninfakingspawn: consider it like work10:06
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Falstiusninfa, you should have told them no :)10:07
ninfakingspawn: i dont use my self, but im just trying to get some work done10:07
kingspawnninfa: Heh, okay. It's no really considered safe, just so you know. But if its work, you might not care ;)10:07
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marnaneleh, I ran telnetd because someone asked me to do it, and so few people ran it this days there was a damn userlevel exploit in it that went unpatched for years, and someone rooted my server10:07
noisy_1How would I go about creating an alias that cd's then ls's "cdl <foldername>" ?10:07
eneriedi need to know the vnc server port of a server via ssh... could anybody help me10:07
marnanelIt was No Fun10:07
belkinkingspawn how xmms doesnt show me any soundcard errors... the file is playing but there is still no sound ..10:07
ninfaFalstius: i did tell them, and i know its not secure, i think they might have some old cobol aplication that has something to do with telnet haha10:08
kingspawnnoisy_1: set up an alias in .bashrc like alias this="cd bla;ls whatever"10:08
kingspawnbelkin: just turn up the volume, man ;)10:08
belkinkingspawn wen i had ubuntu first time i had to switch the sound on  in console i typed something like alsa-mix ... and worked10:08
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Eppuninfa: make sure the telnetd line is not commented in inetd.conf10:08
belkinkingspawn i did man ... from the graphikal thing aint working i need to get in alsa console ...10:09
kingspawnbelkin: alsamixer?10:09
ninfabelkin: make sure your soundcard isnt muted, use alsamixer10:09
FalstiusI had to install a telnet client for my dad so he could log in to a company that only supported logging in with telnet as root.  I almost fainted.10:09
billytwowillycan anyone point me to a comparison of reiserfs and xfs?10:09
=== rittyan installing gentoo in chroot... bye
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ninfaEppu: i checked that already, the line is exactly as you said10:09
aniagdzie ja jestem???10:09
nekostaranyone using the new ubuntu10:09
kingspawnbillytwowilly: osnews.com10:09
kingspawnbillytwowilly: xfs wins :)10:09
nekostarand if u are ever have any trouble burning via k3b10:09
Jowinekostar: probably everyone in #ubuntu+110:09
nekostaro yeah forgot that chan thanx10:10
Eppuninfa: Does the file /usr/sbin/in.telnetd exist?10:10
arrickhow do I untar something?10:10
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kingspawnarrick: tar xvf file.tar10:10
daddius_hey peoples10:10
ninfaEppu: yes i tried running it but i still cant get connected to localhost10:10
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Eppuninfa: check /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny . There should only be comments there.10:11
Eppuninfa: What ubuntu version are you using anyway?10:11
ninfaEppu: youre right only comments10:11
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ubotuazureus is, like, totally, a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo10:11
billytwowillykingspawn, is that that hack comparison posted on digg.com ?10:12
daddius_anyone know what codec rhythmbox should use for mp3 songs?10:12
kingspawnbillytwowilly: No idea10:12
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MrPocketscan i use GTKpod to edit the music on my Dell Jukebox?10:12
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k3llzwassup evry110:12
Jowidaddius_: gstreamer0.8-mad10:12
ninfaEppu: Ubuntu 5.1010:12
noisy_1command to delete?10:12
ninfaEppu: ninfa@ubuntu:~$ uname -a10:12
ninfaLinux ubuntu.franco.net.ve 2.6.12-10-386 #1 Sat Mar 11 16:13:17 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux10:12
daddius_Jowi, thanks so much10:12
kingspawnnoisy_1: rm10:12
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Eppuninfa: Can't immediately see what is wrong. I'm using xinetd on dapper myself. Shouldn't really make much difference, only a different configuration file and format10:13
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noisy_1what kind of benefits would I get from upgrading to 2.6?10:13
daddius_wait i have gstreamer10:14
=== DarkED [n=darked@68-117-171-105.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
MdSalihhow do you tar up only certain file types in a dir and also in sub dirs ?10:14
daddius_still can't play mp3 music with that rhythmbox... anyone know of a different codec?10:14
ninfaEppu: i cant see the problem either, thx for your help anyways10:14
MdSalihtar cvf myTarFile.tar thefolder/*.tar ?10:14
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roryydaddius_: there are many gstreamer packages10:14
roryy!tell daddius_ about mp310:14
daddius_i have noticed10:14
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Jowidaddius_: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad10:14
kingspawnMdSalih: Are you taring up files that end in .tar?10:15
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Falstiusdaddius_: are you running breezy or dapper?   They're differen't packages for mp3s.10:15
Jeeves_Anyone here who is in the Ubuntu Mirrors team ?10:15
noisy_1cmd to list active processes?10:15
Spoferi'm back10:15
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kingspawnnoisy_1: ps10:15
kingspawnnoisy_1: ps aux being good.10:15
MdSalihkingspawn - yes10:15
Falstiuser they use10:15
MdSalihfor example10:15
MdSalihactually doing *.pfg10:15
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kingspawnMdSalih: then that looks solid if they are inside thefolder10:15
remnonhello. Is there some program someone could recommend for running MS WinXP in Ubuntu ?10:15
daddius_Falstius, i am using breezy10:15
MdSalihnope.. nothing the the direct foldewr10:15
remnonor is that even possible ?10:16
MdSalihbut in subfolders10:16
SpoferMy ubuntu is showing a command prompt after login instead of the desktop10:16
MdSalihi.e. thefolider/folderone/files.pdf10:16
MdSalihnothing in thefolder/10:16
Falstiusdaddius_: okay, then what you were told is right :)10:16
MrPocketswhat can i use to put music onto my Dell Jukebox?10:16
kingspawnMdSalih: Does it work? :)10:16
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Eppuninfa: is the inetd running by the way? You see it in ps?10:16
roryydaddius_: perhaps you have not enabled the universe repository10:16
daddius_installing it10:16
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daddius_man this distro is hot10:17
MdSalihkingspawn - no10:17
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Spoferhow do i find what is wrong with my installation?10:17
noisy_1cmd to kill process using pid?10:17
kingspawnnoisy_1: kill10:17
kingspawnMdSalih: Hm, thats kind of strange10:17
=== sesstreets [n=andrew@cpe-24-29-133-177.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
harisundninfa: Are you having problems with telnet? Could you fix the telnet server?10:17
sesstreetsHow do you change the splash screen?10:17
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ninfaEppu: ninfa@ubuntu:~$ ps -ef|grep inet10:18
ninfaroot     12854     1  0 22:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/inetutils-inetd10:18
ninfaninfa    12870     1  0 22:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/inetutils-inetd10:18
ninfaharisund: i am having trouble with the telnet server10:18
ninfaill bw gone for a while10:18
sesstreetstelnet with ubuntu10:18
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GammaRaydaddius_: as a ubuntu user I live my days with a constant erection10:18
ninfathx everyone for your help10:18
harisundninfa: ok I can help you fix that, I have a telnet server running fine on my machine.10:18
noisy_1kill 1035 didn't kill it10:18
Falstiusninfa: I was just looking at my inetd.conf and it doesn't read the files in inet.d ...10:19
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joshritgerwhat is the recommended path to put a file storage drive?10:19
SpoferI've just installed ubuntu, and i get command prompt after login... How do i get to the desktop?10:20
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falcon3anyone used with NFS ?10:20
Eppufalcon3: sure10:20
njanfalcon3, yup.10:20
falcon3I have a directory mounted, but it is not listing it's content properly10:20
Spoferhow do i use startx?10:20
patrick_kingi cant seem to install  the java from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo im using dapper10:20
noisy_1do you have a desktop environment installed/10:20
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kingspawnnoisy_1: kill -9 pid10:20
sesstreetsnoisy_1, if hes using xchat..10:20
Spoferi think so, isn't it installed by default?10:21
noisy_1thanks king, brb10:21
Eppufalcon3: does "mount | grep nfs" list the directory?10:21
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Spoferhow do i run startx?10:21
FalstiusSpofer: except if you did a server install10:21
falcon3Eppu: it does10:21
falcon3kevin@eros:/$ mount | grep nfs10:21
falcon3persephone:/export on /import type nfs (rw,hard,intr,addr=
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Eppufalcon3: It does not list anything in that directory?10:22
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Spoferhmmmm... Does it say Server installation somewhere in the installation or in the ubuntu name?10:22
joshritgeri can't get a disk to mount10:22
joshritgeri am following the online guide10:22
kingspawnjoshritger: What are you doing, and what is it telling you?10:22
juztincan someone help me out?  when i run esd, i get several messages like this ::: Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 16bit failed ::: , followed by this message ::: Sound device inadequate for Esound. Fatal.10:22
juztin ::: ... also, when i start ubuntu, the opening sounds no longer work (the little bongo and atmospheric sounds)...however, all other sound works fine (gxine, amarok, supertux, etc...)....can someone please help me?  i've searched and searched forums and cannot find any help!10:22
=== whitynz [n=whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
joshritgeri follow the guide all way through and nothing happens10:23
noisy_1if you did a server insall you need to install an environment10:23
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falcon3Eppu: it lists my three directories, two of which are mounts and a normal directory, the normal one has it's full content, the mounted directories are empty10:23
kingspawnjoshritger: Well, what I am asking is what the guide is telling you to do. What commands do you issue?10:23
Spoferhow do i know if i did a server install?10:23
falcon3Eppu: before you ask, yes, they are mounted and working10:23
vini_baggiocan someone give me some pointers to increase samba sharing performance? ive read a lot of stuff in the forums and some samba doc but i still get slow transfers10:23
kingspawnSpofer: You specified "server" :)10:23
noisy_1when you installed did you type "server?10:23
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joshritgerI used this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive10:24
SpoferWell, i don't remember any server specifications... :)10:24
kingspawnjoshritger: Okay, thats a start. What errors do you get?10:24
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Spofermaybe it's something with the Video card?10:24
Eppufalcon3: hmm.. Have you tried restarting the nfs server? Does it then export the mounts correctly?10:24
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sandrinuxSpofer: did you try to digit "startx" at the prompt , after the login with user and password ?10:24
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Spoferyeah, it says invalid command10:25
falcon3Eppu: tried, but it does not export them correctly10:25
joshritgerwhen i try to mount it says i must specify a filesystem, and then nothng happens10:25
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kingspawnjoshritger: Have you installed a new disk that you have just gotten from a store?10:25
noisy_1you dont have an environment then10:25
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noisy_1install gnome or something10:25
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joshritgerno it is a old hdd10:25
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juztin ::: ... also, when i start ubuntu, the opening sounds no longer work (the little bongo and atmospheric sounds)...however, all other sound works fine (gxine, amarok, supertux, etc...)....can someone please help me?  i've searched and searched forums and cannot find any help!10:25
joshritgerbut never had linux on it10:25
Spoferis it on the installation CD?10:26
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kingspawnjoshritger: Since you have been following that guide, what did "sudo lshw -C disk" tell you, did you find your disk in the list it outputs?10:26
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sandrinuxSpofer: yes , must be there10:26
noisy_1should be10:26
joshritgeryes disk shows up10:26
noisy_1you can apt-get it too10:26
kingspawnSpofer: I suggest you reinstall if you have just installed10:26
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Beawolfelooking for help in trying to move files from ubuntu drive to a windows drive please10:26
juztinrunning esd returns "Sound device inadequate for Esound. Fatal.10:26
juztin"  ...  i think i need to make sure esound is using alsa...anyone have any ideas?10:26
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Eppufalcon3: What kind of line do you have in the /etc/exports for those directories?10:26
kingspawnjoshritger: Okay. Which device is it? Like /dev/hda or /dev/hdb or something. And, what filesystem have you got on it?10:26
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SpoferOk i'll try reinstalling...10:27
kingspawnBeawolfe: Filesystem of windows drive?10:27
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falcon3kevin@eros:/$ mount | grep nfs10:27
Spoferlet me just make sure i got the right image...10:27
falcon3Eppu: just a sec10:27
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: samba, ftp, or if it's a local disk, maybe Captive... http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/10:27
noisy_1do a default install10:27
joshritgeri formated it ext310:27
joshritgerbut i can't get it to mount10:27
kingspawnjoshritger: Okay. Have you got somewhere you would like to mount it?10:27
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SpoferI downloaded from URL http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/5.10/ubuntu-5.10-install-amd64.iso10:27
joshritgernot in particular10:28
joshritgerjust so i can put files on it10:28
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falcon3Eppu: /export cerberus(rw,root_squash,sync)   eros(rw,root_squash,sync)10:28
kingspawnjoshritger: then "mkdir /media/hdd"10:28
noisy_1Spofer, reinstall10:28
noisy_1sounds good10:28
Spoferis that what i'm supposed to use?10:28
Spoferwill do10:28
kingspawnSpofer: If youre on AMD64, it is10:28
Spoferthx, will be back shortly i hope10:28
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noisy_1he wouldn't have been able to install on 32 anyway10:28
joshritgerit wont let me do that, says permission denied10:28
arrickhow do I force a directory to be removed in terminal?10:28
PuMpErNiCkLearrick: rm -rf10:29
kingspawnjoshritger: Sorry, put "sudo" in front of that command.10:29
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PuMpErNiCkLenp :)10:29
Eppufalcon3: cerebus is the client machine of course?10:29
noisy_1whats the command to apt-get sudo.. "apt-get install sudo" ?10:29
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falcon3Eppu: affirmative10:29
PuMpErNiCkLenoisy_1: sudo should already be installed10:29
joshritgernothing happened10:29
falcon3Eppu: as is Eros10:29
Eppufalcon3: async and no_subtree_check are nice options to add, although they probably wont help10:29
kingspawnjoshritger: Thats good. Now you do "sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdd1 /media/hdd"10:30
kingspawnnoisy_1: Seems like a good bet. apt-cache search sudo if its not.10:30
ueinI would like to do a shell script which I write "update" and it sends me the whole contents of a path to a virtual path through sftp10:30
PuMpErNiCkLenoisy_1: uh... if you don't have sudo, you'd have to boot in recovery mode and run apt-get install sudo I guess o_O10:30
PuMpErNiCkLenoisy_1: It's kind a really bad situation to be in, though. >_<10:30
Beawolfeit is a local drive on the machine10:31
joshritgernothign happens10:31
joshritgeri dont think it is formated as ext3 anymore10:31
joshritgerunder disks it shows up as not formated10:31
sandrinux"sudo apt-get install sudo " probably will non work :-)10:31
Eppufalcon3: You have probably done all this, but of course check that the exported directory has stuff visible on the server side (that the directory is mounted) and check the /etc/fstab on the client10:31
kingspawnjoshritger: Good. Then you can try using it for something. what does issuing "df" tell you?10:31
twisted`hmm ubuntu sets my onboard soundcard as default... how can I change that?10:31
noisy_1Linux is wicked fast. My K-6 333mhz responds faster than my AMD 64 4000+ on XP ;-P10:32
falcon3Eppu: indeed i have done that10:32
kingspawnjoshritger: Well, there's a difference in partitioning it and formatting it. Did you actually do mkfs.ext3 on it?10:32
=== veruus [n=veruus@ip24-250-206-84.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
joshritgeri was following that guide10:32
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joshritgerit was formated as ext3 underdisks before10:32
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Eppufalcon3: There shouldn't be any problems exporting a different filesystem. I have several on my servers10:32
kingspawnjoshritger: what does "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdd" tell you about it?10:32
falcon3Eppu: and the mounts are no problem either ?10:33
veruushas anyone had trouble w/ evolution in Dapper downloading the same emails over and over via POP?10:33
twisted`veruus: switch off that it stays on the server10:33
Eppufalcon3: Yeah, I mean exporting mounted filesystem.10:33
=== twisted` needs to figure out howto get sound working
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veruustwisted`: I want to keep it on the server10:33
veruusit's my gmail account10:33
Eppufalcon3: What about user ids and permissions. Does the user on the client have proper permissions to the exported directory on the server?10:33
joshritgerwhat am i looking for10:33
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joshritgeranything in particular?10:33
ueinanyone can help me?10:34
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kingspawnveruus: Doesn't gmail itself handle that? I know you can set the option inside Gmail, so I would think that option in evolution does nothing useful10:34
veruusI'll check that out10:34
kingspawnveruus: Best verify this by a little experimentation, though.10:34
veruusyeah, looks likely10:34
veruusI'll see what's what10:34
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falcon3Eppu: they are all owned by "kevin" which is my user10:34
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twisted`veruus: then it's logical it will keep downloading10:34
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joshritgerkingspawn is there anyhting in particular that i should look for?10:34
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kingspawnjoshritger: Information about hdd110:35
ueinI would like to do a shell script which I write "update" and it sends me the whole contents of a path to a virtual path through sftp10:35
twisted`which package holds: alsaconf10:35
crimsuntwisted`: none.10:35
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veruustwisted`: typically pop clients maintain a list of what they have downloaded and make note that they shouldn't download a message again10:35
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arunhi.. i am having a strange problem.. i have installed a library called libfrenchwindows.so and i added its path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in /etc/bash.bashrc and i am trying to run a app that uses this library.. and i keep getting error while loading shared libraries.. i have been trying to solve this for 8hrs.. its driving me crazy :(.. can some1 pls help me10:35
Eppufalcon3: Same user ID? NFS operates on the ids, not usernames10:35
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twisted`crimsun: hmm I read that alsa-utils used to have it10:36
twisted`why was it removed?10:36
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falcon3Eppu: how do i check on UID ?10:36
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joshritgerkingspawn it says Disk /dev/hdd: 2269 MB, 2269863936 bytes10:36
joshritger16 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4398 cylinders10:36
joshritgerUnits = cylinders of 1008 * 512 = 516096 bytes10:36
joshritger   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:36
joshritger/dev/hdd1               1        4398     2216560+  83  Linux10:36
ramza3anybody doing a dapper update, getting an issue with 'bug-buddy' whatever that is10:36
PuMpErNiCkLearun: Would it be easier to put it in /lib ?10:36
crimsuntwisted`: because it munges our infrastructure, is unmaintained upstream, has security bugs, and so on.10:36
Eppufalcon3: They are in /etc/passwd10:36
arunPuMpErNiCkLe, k i will try that..10:36
kingspawnjoshritger: Well, that seems alright. And dont paste many lines at a time in here.10:36
twisted`crimsun: so what the hell am I supposed to use now to set my soundcards?!10:37
Eppufalcon3: However, if all directories had the same owner permissions and one directory works, they all should work too10:37
joshritgeris there an easier way?10:37
falcon3Eppu: kevin:x:1000:1000:10:37
kingspawnjoshritger: If you type "df -h" does it tell you something about hdd1 or /media/hdd?10:37
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falcon3Eppu: i guess 1000 is my UID ?10:37
crimsuntwisted`: isa sound cards or multiple sound cards?10:37
Eppufalcon3: yes, the first number is the UID10:37
arunPuMpErNiCkLe, does it matter where i copy it or just /lib will do10:37
twisted`crimsun: multiple, no isa10:37
Eppufalcon3: also echo $UID works, if you are logged as that user10:37
crimsuntwisted`: use System> Preferences> Sound> default sound card, of course.10:37
twisted`tried it10:37
falcon3Eppu: same UID's10:37
joshritgersays command not found10:37
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twisted`still no sound10:37
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PuMpErNiCkLearun: /lib should be fine... the point is that it's already in your path.10:37
twisted`and I'm not always using gnome10:37
arunPuMpErNiCkLe, ok..10:38
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kingspawnjoshritger: df -h  is certainly there. did you type it correctly?10:38
twisted`so I find that argument very... disrespectful for the non-gui users :P10:38
kmystdoes anybody know how to change the acpi settings like if i hit the suspend button on my laptop it will put it to sleep?10:38
crimsuntwisted`: "still no sound" is very, very different from not setting the default card. What's the root issue?10:38
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twisted`alsamixer also shows my other card to be active10:38
twisted`which makes me wonder10:38
crimsuntwisted`: are you using breezy or dapper?10:38
twisted`crimsun: dapper10:38
twisted`ohyeah joined wrong chan10:39
twisted`true true10:39
Eppufalcon3: Hmm, are you using nfs-kernel-server or nfs-user-server?10:39
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joshritgerit spit out a bunch of info10:39
joshritgerwhat info do you wanna know10:39
BeawolfePuMpErNiCkLe...I am VERY new to Ubuntu...I d/led the proggy to desktop but now what should be done with it?10:39
PuMpErNiCkLecrimsun: chill... relax, have a drink10:39
kingspawnjoshritger: I want to know if it lists some info about /media/hdd10:39
falcon3Eppu: nfs-kernel-server10:39
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: Captive, you mean?10:39
crimsunPuMpErNiCkLe: I'm fine, thanks.10:39
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Eppufalcon3: Should work then10:39
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falcon3i'll reinstall it10:40
PuMpErNiCkLecrimsun: cool :)10:40
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kingspawnjoshritger: Well then, my friend, it is mounted.10:40
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joshritgerhow do i get it to show up then10:40
falcon3Eppu: what is the -user-server ?10:40
joshritgerit doesnt show up anywhere10:40
kingspawnjoshritger: If you just use your file manager to browse to /media/hdd, it's there10:41
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PuMpErNiCkLeI've never installed it myself... hang on a second.10:41
Eppufalcon3: It's a NFS server running completely in user space10:41
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BeawolfePuMpErNiCkLe....yes captive10:41
MrPocketsim trying to install DJsync.  when i enter ./configure  it responds with "No accpetable C compiler found in $path10:41
Eppufalcon3: It's somewhat slower and some other small problems10:41
MrPocketsanyone have a clue what im doing wrong?10:41
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: Did you get the rpm, the tgz, or the source?10:41
venoxhey, does anyone here know how to install xfce4.4beta1 on ubuntu breezy?10:41
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tanubisanyone know of a good program for reading books in various formats?10:42
usr13I see that the Ubuntu install never asks for a root password.  Does it set one for us?  If so, what is it?10:42
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ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.10:42
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usr13How  does one su10:42
|lostbyte|usr13: ^10:43
gnomefreakusr13: use sudo10:43
BeawolfeIt is the rpm10:43
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gnomefreakubotu tell usr13 about root10:43
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usr13default password is !root ?10:43
arunPuMpErNiCkLe, I found out the problem with the library, but i still dont know how to solve it.. the program is using ssh to connect to my machine and when it does the environment variables i used are not there.. is there a way to make env variables be global10:43
usr13is that correct?10:43
_jasonusr13: no, read the link ubotu provided10:43
gnomefreakusr13: your user password please read the pm ubotu sent you10:43
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immoloheya does anyone have an idea on how I can disable a trackerball on a laptop and still use the trackpad?10:44
tanubisHunting for a simple, elegant program that allows for reading books in a variety of document formats... I'm getting frustrated reading things on OpenOffice, the scroll is terrible and there's too many things I don't need.  Anyone have a recommendation?10:44
PuMpErNiCkLearun: Global as in across multiple machines?10:44
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PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: downloading it now10:44
ellbiddySo I was compiling a kernel and making it a package via : sudo make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-lb42306 kernel_image kernel_headers10:44
ellbiddy and then got :dpkg-gencontrol -DArchitecture=amd64 -isp                   \10:44
ellbiddy                        -pkernel-image-2.6.12-lb42306 -Pdebian/tmp-image/10:44
ellbiddydpkg-gencontrol: error: package kernel-image-2.6.12-lb42306 not in control info10:44
noisy_1tanubis, nano10:44
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ellbiddyAny ideas?10:44
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arunPuMpErNiCkLe, actually across all (ssh and bash) sessions in a single machine10:45
tmnanybody having problems with sensors? it says no sensors found, but they worked on other distro's10:45
Beawolfeshould I have d/led the source instead?10:45
gnomefreakellbiddy: please dont paste in here use pastebin for all your pasting needs10:45
arunPuMpErNiCkLe, machine is doing an ssh to localhost..10:45
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: I'm thinking the .tar.gz is the easiest.10:45
Bone`Anybody ever modprobe for the old Rockwell Riptide Soundcard/Modem Combo HP used to put out?10:45
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tanubisHeh, nano doesn't seem to cut it10:46
noisy_1does anyone know of a CLI file management program that can show file movement progress?10:46
arunPuMpErNiCkLe,  I am adding the evniron vars to /etc/bash.bashrc but that doesnt work..10:46
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: It has a convenient install script, and it's not in an rpm package. :)10:46
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noisy_1tanubis, I don't know. The best I've seen is OO10:46
ellbiddygnomefreak, sorry, figured it was short enough.10:46
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BeawolfeI am VERY new (as in 2 dAYS) and still trying to find out how to get things done10:47
Bone`What do I do if I'm installing a program on Wine and it wants WinDist.exe from the Windows folder?10:47
gnomefreakellbiddy: no pasting should be in here because what looks like 1 line ends up being like 5 in here10:47
PuMpErNiCkLearun: Possibly putting it in ~/.bash_profile would work.10:47
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PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: np :)10:48
arunPuMpErNiCkLe,  k.. i will try that..10:48
marthi, anyone running a gnome desktop, but also have any koffice packages installed?10:48
tanubisOpenOffice works great to read all the files that I've come across, my problem is just that I don't want to edit the documents.  I just want something simple and lightweight, that reads anything and is designed to present it in a format that's easy to read in huge chunks.  Openoffice formats each page seperately, has a slow ass load time and scrolls in hard-to-follow chunky movements.10:48
tanubisbut thanks anyhow10:48
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PuMpErNiCkLetanubis: Have you tried Abiword?10:49
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roryytanubis: evince handles *some* formats (i think ps, pdf and maybe dvi)10:49
tanubisI have, similar problems to OpenOffice.  It's difficult to find something designed to read documents, but not edit them.10:49
tanubisI'm a big fan of reading on my laptop, since I can carry a whole library with me10:49
noisy_1Adobe reader10:49
frank23tanubis: OpenOffice has the best .doc support AFAIK10:49
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falcon3Eppu: you have nfs-kernel-server running on ubuntu ?10:50
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tanubisI'll give a few of those a shot10:50
martI'm looking for help to debug this, if anyone has koffice installed?: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/koffice/+bug/4050110:50
Eppufalcon3: yep10:50
mart(or just kword and krita, even)10:50
fensta!tell fensta gnome10:50
falcon3Eppu: could you send me your /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server file ? i rm'ed mine by accident10:50
noisy_1Would upgrading my 2.4 kernel to 2.6 cause any problems?10:51
Eppufalcon3: Sure, but I'm on dapper.10:51
Eppufalcon3: The file might not have changed though10:51
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falcon3Eppu: wouldnt be changed much :)10:51
frank23noisy_1: why do you have a 2.4 kernel?10:51
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frank23noisy_1: do you want to upgrade to ubuntu completly?10:52
noisy_1no, just the kernel10:52
kingspawnnoisy_1: mc10:52
juztinhelp please!  when i run ESD, i get a bunch of lines like this "Audio device open for 44.1Khz, stereo, 16bit failed...Trying 44.1Khz, 8bit stereo....etc, etc" followed by this line "Sound device inadequate for Esound. Fatal."....help please!10:52
noisy_1does it have better security?10:52
kingspawnnoisy_1: for file manager that shows progress10:52
Eppufalcon3: Got it?10:52
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kingspawnnoisy_1: 2.4 has better security, afaik.10:52
roryynoisy_1: wouldn't it be easier to compile your own 2.6 kernel than try to use ubuntu's ?10:53
sesstreetswtf dkpg wont work10:53
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frank23noisy_1: then why would you use the ubuntu kernel?10:53
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sesstreetsis it dkpg?10:53
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sesstreets10:53
martnoisy_1: why not just install a debian 2.6 kernel?10:53
noisy_1Can't I apt-get it?10:53
frank23sesstreets: dpkg10:53
falcon3Eppu: mail it to me: kevin AT van-wilder DOT be10:53
Bone`when installing a program in Wine if it wants to install to C:\ should I let it?10:53
kingspawnnoisy_1: yes10:53
ikaruga2099Hello all thanks for the great work10:53
noisy_1great! Would it cause any problems?10:53
ikaruga2099I'm having some troubles getting php4 to work with apache2.10:53
sesstreetsfrank23, NICE10:54
ikaruga2099I'm having some troubles getting php4 to work with apache2.10:54
sesstreetswhats the problem?10:54
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arunPuMpErNiCkLe, i added the path to ~/.bash_profile .. but it doesnt display the variables when i do a printenv variable10:54
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_jasonikaruga2099: how did you install apache and php?10:54
phish_hey i just updated to the dapper beta but when i reboot it tells me the pcmia or somerthing like that has failed, what does that mean?10:54
ikaruga2099It doesn't seem to want to load php. I have tried several ubuntu guides on the web, but none really seem to helped10:54
noisy_1cmd to show current kernel version?10:54
kingspawnnoisy_1: Probably not10:54
martuname -a ?10:54
ramza3uhhhh, is xchat totally different now?10:54
ikaruga2099_jason: I installed using sudo apt-get install10:54
TimothyPHi, I installed openssh-server but when I /etc/init.d/ssh start I get [failed] , I can't find any indication as to why (unbuntu 5.04 server)10:55
martnoisy_1: yeah, uname -a10:55
BeawolfePuMpErNiCkLe....what should I do with the rpm to install it......or should I d/l the tar.gz instead?10:55
sesstreetsikaruga2099, thats the problem10:55
sesstreetsapt-get isnt a replacement for installing things your self10:55
_jasonikaruga2099: is the php4 mod enabled in apache?10:55
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frank23noisy_1: I would just stick with what works unless you want to upgrade completely.10:55
kingspawnTimothyP: Sure it isnt running already? :)10:55
gnomefreakBeawolfe: what is the app?10:56
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[idkfa] hi10:56
ikaruga2099_jason: as far as I can tell, it is---under "mods-available" is php4.conf and php4.load10:56
ketchuphello, i use vmware to emulate ubuntu-5.10 over this host (also ubuntu-5.10) but i get only lo as interface and no eth0??? how come10:56
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Eppufalcon3: there10:56
ketchupsudo ifup eth0 doesn't work10:56
sesstreetsvmware doesnt support net i think10:56
_jasonikaruga2099: umm how about mods-enabled? is it in there?10:56
=== TimothyP slaps himself around the face
TimothyPhow could I be so stupid10:56
TimothyPit was indeed running after apt-get :(10:56
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ikaruga2099_jason---oh that's what I meant (DOH!)10:57
kingspawnTimothyP: Hehe, life is a school of hard knocks :)10:57
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TimothyPI do it every single time :)10:57
falcon3Eppu: curious name, from where are you? Italy?10:57
frank23ketchup: did you setup vmware correctly? vmware-config went fine?10:57
TimothyPthnx m810:57
gnomefreakBeawolfe: if you cant find a deb for it i personally would use the tar.gz only because i dont like playing with alien nor rpms10:57
ikaruga2099_jason: I had to make ln -s links myself10:57
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Beawolfegnomefreak...it is captive stati.rpm10:57
Eppufalcon3: No, from Finland. An old irc nickname10:57
_jasonikaruga2099: doh, you're suppose to do 'sudo a2enmod php4'10:57
falcon3Eppu: i seem to meet a lot of Fins on IRC10:58
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: I recommend the .tar.gz, because it's set up to be distro-independant.  rpms are for RedHat based systems, and can be a bit weird on Ubuntu.10:58
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ikaruga2099_jason: should I delete those links and do a2enmod?10:58
BeawolfePuMpErNiCkLe...what was the url again please for captive10:58
Eppufalcon3: Sure, it was invented by one too :)10:58
_jasonikaruga2099: I don't know if that does anything extra, but you can just undo what you did, do that command, and then restart apache and see if it works10:58
ketchupfrank23: yes vmware went fine!10:58
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/10:58
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ikaruga2099_jason: it's worth a shot10:58
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arrickwhat was the rmdir foce command again?10:58
PuMpErNiCkLerm -rf10:58
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PuMpErNiCkLenp :)10:58
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noisy_1frank, would upgrading the kernel improve security?10:59
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frank23noisy_1: I don't think so. the 2.4 kernels get security updates too assuming you have the right repositories enabled10:59
afigueiredoThis is the first time I install ubuntu and my windows partitions are automatically mounted and appear in gnome desktop, but they are not visible to common users... do I have to hack fstab or better, what's the common way to let users see those partitions in ubuntu?11:00
anyI'm looking for a tool to extract pages from a pdf.11:00
frank23noisy_1: which version of debian are you using anyways?11:00
noisy_1minimal installation11:00
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_jasonafigueiredo: fstab11:00
afigueiredo_jason: ok11:00
_jasonubotu: tell afigueiredo about windowsdrives11:00
twingeyou'd think this would be easy to find... how do you add icons to the Applications menu?11:00
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anyany idea ?11:00
phoulis tehre a program that can convert mp3 to .wav11:00
noisy_1Linux debian 2.4.27-2-386 #111:00
afigueiredo_jason: cool bot :)11:01
ikaruga2099_jason: wow, many, many thanks dude! It's up and running now!11:01
erUSUL!tell afigueiredo about ntfs11:01
_jasonikaruga2099: np11:01
PuMpErNiCkLephoul: pacpl http://pacpl.sourceforge.net/11:01
roryyany: there's a java thing called multivalent (not in the repos)11:01
NullVector_Jason: you sepend way to much time in here :P11:01
_jasonNullVector: I know11:01
phoulokay lemme refraise11:02
sesstreetsIts true11:02
phoulIs there any program in the repos that can convert mp3 to wav11:02
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kingspawnnoisy_1: Are you on Debian Sarge?11:02
noisy_1I don't know11:02
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kingspawnnoisy_1: cat /etc/issue11:03
phoul_jason, do you know?11:03
roryyany: oh, hang on, pdftk in the repos looks very useful11:03
_jasonphoul: not off the top of my head11:03
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ikaruga2099Now I have one more question---when I used to run windows, there was a graphical utility called Briefcase that allowed you to sync files from a usb stick to your hd. I was wondering if there was anything like that for Ubuntu?11:03
belkinwhat would be a good dc++ fronted program ?11:03
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falcon3Eppu: it works... but still empty directories :(11:03
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noisy_1Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 \n \l11:03
kingspawnnoisy_1: Sarge it is11:03
noisy_1is that good?11:04
kingspawnnoisy_1: Well, Sarge is the current Debian stable, so yes, I would think so11:04
BeawolfePuMpErNiCkLe..okay I have the tar.gz on desktop...now what to install and run it?11:04
noisy_1Would upgrading the kernel to 2.6 help at all with security? Or how do I get 2.4 to auto-update security11:04
ikaruga2099Hey all, I was just wondering if there was anything similar to the Windows Briefcase for linux.11:05
SoulPropagationIn sources.list, will the line "deb http://yourmirror $releasename-updates" have ALL the updates for $releasename? I wanna setup a local miror for a computer lab11:05
Eppufalcon3: That is really weird. Those directories are real directories and not symlinks on the server, right?11:05
gnomefreakfor help with debian please join #debian11:05
kingspawnnoisy_1: No, afaik 2.4 is consider both the stable and secure one, and it auto updates11:05
Eppufalcon3: nfsd does not follow symlinks11:05
falcon3Eppu: right11:05
falcon3Eppu: i know :)11:05
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noisy_1thanks king11:05
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NullVectorcould someone help me install Doom 3?11:06
Eppufalcon3: And permissions are good? You can list the directory contents on the server side?11:06
frank23kingspawn: debian doesn't have a stable release with 2.6 yet?11:06
falcon3Eppu: any way to force a new cache for nfs ?11:06
falcon3Eppu: yes11:06
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: extract it to your desktop, open a terminal, type 'cd /Desktop/captive-static-1.1.7' then 'sudo ./install'11:06
kingspawnfrank23: Well, the Sarge installer defaults to 2.4, which afaik still is the one considered stable. You're free to upgrade to 2.6, of course.11:07
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Eppufalcon3: Well, nfs-kernel-server restart is one way11:07
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: oops, that should be 'cd ~/Desktop/captive-static-1.1.7'11:07
frank23kingspawn: ok11:08
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PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: the ~ is critical :)11:08
ScreaminIkecan someone help me install aimsniff? i aliened the rpm, but there seem to be ... perl dependencies? i don't really understand perl....11:08
gnomefreakPuMpErNiCkLe: you were fine without the ~11:08
falcon3Eppu: naih, that didnt work :(11:08
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gnomefreakPuMpErNiCkLe: cd Desktop puts you on desktop11:08
noisy_1do I have to do anything to my linux box to use putty?11:08
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kingspawnfrank23: I seem to be lying to you. kernel.org says latest stable is
gnomefreak~ is for home and shell defaults to home11:09
kingspawnnoisy_1: Setting up ssh seems wise.11:09
Eppufalcon3: Try remount the directory on client side, just to be sure11:09
noisy_1How might I do that?11:09
kingspawnnoisy_1: apt-get install openssh-server11:09
Beawolfeit says there is no default action with it11:09
Eppufalcon3: umount the nfs dirs, restart the server and mount everything back11:09
ScreaminIkenoisy, isn't putty just a telnet console?11:09
kingspawnScreaminIke: No11:09
PuMpErNiCkLegnomefreak: oh, cool11:09
noisy_1depends what a telnet console is11:09
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SpoferHello again11:10
noisy_1get your environment running?11:10
SoulPropagationScreaminIke: It's an ssh client; it can do telnet and rlogin11:10
Spoferit was that server thing11:10
nathanaelAutomatix is running for the first time - if this works, I think I may be in love...11:10
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frank23kingspawn: that's not necessarily what debian calls 'stable' ;)11:10
ubotuI heard automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.11:10
Spofer<-- feeling quite stupid11:10
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PuMpErNiCkLegnomefreak: only if you skip the first /, though11:10
gnomefreaknathanael: ^^^11:10
manish__can any one tell me hoe to install kde on ubuntu11:10
gnomefreakPuMpErNiCkLe: yes lose the ~/11:11
SpoferI accidently set the resolution to a higher on than my monitor can take11:11
SoulPropagationmanish__: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:11
ubotufrom memory, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu.11:11
gnomefreakPuMpErNiCkLe: cd Desktop/file11:11
frank23manish__: install the kubuntu-desktop package11:11
ScreaminIkei installed apache2, mysql, and php5... but... i have no idea how to use the former, and apache keepstelling me that it doesn't know where it's configure file is11:11
noisy_1make sure your refresh rates are safe11:11
kingspawnfrank23: Hehe, no, it probably should be a couple of years old first :)11:11
noisy_1dont want to screw your monitor over11:11
gnomefreakmanish__: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:11
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu11:11
BeawolfePuMpErNiCkLe...it says there is no default action with the location11:11
phish_where can i download the microsoft fonts?11:11
roryySpofer: try something like   'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'11:11
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: Which command was that?11:11
crimsunphish_: enabled multiverse, and install msttcorefonts11:11
gnomefreakubotu tell phish_ about fonts11:11
noisy_1microsoft fonts are microsoft property aren't they?11:12
SpoferI can't see anything... the monitor is saying out of range11:12
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=== belkin hi al
noisy_1sounds about right11:12
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, NullVector11:12
roryySpofer: type Ctl-Alt-F111:12
gnomefreaknoisy_1: yes11:12
=== jirwin [n=jirwin@128-193-250-87.resnet.oregonstate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
manish__how much time it will take??? to install kde?11:12
gnomefreaknoisy_1: that would be why its in multiverse not main11:12
jirwinhey there11:12
Spoferwhat does that do?11:12
roryySpofer: to restart X from the text-mode console, run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'  (only after reconfiguring)11:12
gnomefreakmanish__: depends on your connection11:12
roryySpofer: ctl-alt-f1 takes you to a text-mode console11:12
noisy_1spofer, console11:13
BeawolfePuMpErNiCkLe ..cd~/desktop/captive-static1.1.711:13
manish__its 115.2kbps11:13
Spoferwill do11:13
roryyanyone with a better definition of what is at ctl-alt-f1 can chip in ;)11:13
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: vsftpd, proftpd11:13
noisy_1you need to set up res and refresh through console11:13
jirwini am trying to stream a video through real player, and, it plays very skippy all of the time11:13
ScreaminIkehe Apache configuration file /etc/apache/httpd.conf does not exist.11:13
arrickroryy, terminal11:13
nathanaelWell, I wish I'd have heard of Easyubuntu first...11:13
=== neville [n=neville@dslb-084-056-165-060.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["...]
jirwinexcept when I am playing something in rythmbox, and then it works perfectly11:13
akcomHow do I prevent the livecd from using my swap partition on my harddrive?11:13
nathanaelah well11:13
dockanehi all ... i dont know how to fix problems compiling zoneminder. any help is welcome : http://www.phpfi.com/11444811:13
jirwinbut no sound in the streaming video11:13
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ubotugftp is probably an ftp client. It is available in repositories and through Applications -> Add/Remove Applications -> Internet11:13
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: try "cd Desktop/captive-static-1.1.7", without the quotes11:14
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: copy/paste it, even11:14
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gnomefreakNullVector: why not ask your doom question on #ubuntu-offtopic11:14
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Spoferwhere can i find those settings?11:14
BeawolfeI didnt have any quotes the first time11:14
noisy_1akcom, why would you want to stop swap?11:15
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gnomefreakNullVector: you might get a better response11:15
noisy_1spofer, one sec11:15
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akcomnoisy_1, because i need to format hda.11:15
vladuz976does anybody here have experience with ubuntu on japanese laptops, i am trying to get dapper to work on a dynabook, japanese keyboard, can someone help? will scim do?11:15
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: good :)11:15
manish__one more thing i m not geting a clear video on any player compare to other so can u tell me how to over come11:15
=== LoMonteiro [n=luis@201-13-109-13.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
belkinhow will i install java support in ubuntu ?11:15
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:15
ScreaminIkecan someone help me install aimsniff? i aliened the rpm, but there seem to be ... perl dependencies? i don't really understand perl....11:15
Eppuakcom: on a runnning system, sudo swapoff -a11:16
martvladuz976: I guess you need scim and scim-tables-ja11:16
roryySpofer: does the dpkg-reconfigure command not let you change the resolution?11:16
=== hachre [n=hachre@dslb-088-064-064-142.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
roryySpofer: at the very least, it should reset the resolution to a 'sensible' value11:16
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Spoferi don't know yet, i need to restart to the ubuntu11:16
roryySpofer: you're in windows now?11:16
gnomefreakScreaminIke: i dont think alien will work with every rpm found and its not really a great idea to use it11:16
LoMonteiroHi, i have a problem with command gedit. Was created a log error. I was sent to e-mail for developers. E-mail ?11:16
hachreheya all11:17
hachrewhich pkg do i have to dpkg-reconfigure to get my keymap changed11:17
=== sybariten [n=noemail@h130n1c1o986.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
roryySpofer: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' should take you through reconfiguring the X setup11:17
sybaritencheers ubuntuers11:17
BeawolfePuMpErNiCkLe...no not good because thats when it said there was no default action for the location11:17
ScreaminIkewell... i don't understand doing stuff from source.. if someone could... walk me through it? thatd be SWEET11:17
=== graft [n=graft@c-65-96-165-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jirwinany idea on why my video won't stream correctly11:17
akcomok, I just completely formatted all the partitions on my harddrive, will that ensure that grub is completely removed?11:17
gnomefreakhachre: cant you go to system>preff>keyboard and do that?11:17
kingspawnScreaminIke: Whatcha doing from source?11:17
jirwinor maybe suggestions on another program to stream the video with11:17
Spoferok i'll try that11:17
Spoferthanks again!11:17
hachregnomefreak: i dont have any x server installed11:17
Spofersee u soon11:17
ScreaminIketrying to intstall aimsniff11:17
gnomefreakubotu tell jirwin about restricted11:17
hachregnomefreak: using ubuntu as a server :P11:18
radiodogScreaminIke: generally ./configure && make && make install?11:18
frank23akcom: no. grub is usally installed in the MBR11:18
sybaritenwould i be concidered a lamer if i pointed at a question i wrote at the forum, instead of writing it here, for sake of clarity and brevity ??11:18
gnomefreakhachre: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:18
kingspawnsybariten: You'd be considered quite clever.11:18
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akcomfrank23, how would i clear the MBR?11:18
ScreaminIke./configure doesnt work because gcc is always giving me errors..11:18
PuMpErNiCkLeBeawolfe: Well, except for the error.11:18
=== patrick_king [n=patrick@cpc2-yarm1-0-0-cust474.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
sybaritenkingspawn: ok11:18
LoMonteiroPlease, look. http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/16311:18
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radiodogScreaminIke: can you pastebin the errors?11:18
kingspawnScreaminIke: You have to tell us about the errors11:18
hachregnomefreak: i have no xorg installed11:18
phish_ i downloaded and installed the windows fonts but they do not show up in wine :/11:18
=== ric [n=ric@bl3-239-247.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakakcom: fixmbr from win term11:19
Eppuakcom: on Linux side, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=111:19
sybaritenthe question concerns taking an already working ubuntu OS install and using as a file storage disk in another ubuntu install. its here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=950566#post95056611:19
phish_(im trying to open steam)11:19
gnomefreakhachre: thats where your keyboard setting are11:19
ScreaminIkebut aminsniff isn't in c. it's in perl... and it's built to run... bah. yea...11:19
akcomEppu: thank you11:19
frank23akcom: clear? I don't know. just install an OS (like windows or linux) and a boot loader will be placed on the MBR11:19
marthachre: dpkg-reconfigure console-data ?11:19
noisy_1wow, putty worked without any box configuration. Is it running safely?11:19
=== GTroy [n=galen@207-109-184-188.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
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hachremart: thanks11:19
akcomMy problem is when installing Ubuntu it informs me that htere was a problem installing GRUB, (I'm assuming its the result of installing it over an old ubuntu install)11:19
akcomSo I'd like the clear the mbr11:20
kingspawnnoisy_1: You shoud read up on hardening debian at debian.org. Has some tips as to configuration of ssh server.11:20
GTroyI have a real newb question....I have a list of music files and I can't cd into them11:20
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gnomefreakakcom: i told you how11:20
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noisy_1Is it possible to run a wireless network card in linux?11:20
akcomgnomefreak, in windows.11:20
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iocasteGTroy: what's the error you get>11:20
gnomefreaknoisy_1: yes11:20
mike1how can I install on a machine without a CD drive, net-install or something?11:20
akcomI believe this is a linux discussion channel11:20
ScreaminIkeakcom, do you actually format your partition that you installed to?11:20
kingspawnsybariten: What does "sudo lshw -C disk" tell you?11:21
noisy_1gnome, where might I find drivers for the card?11:21
akcomScreaminIke, I didn't.11:21
gnomefreakakcom: in win term type fixmbr11:21
akcomWhich i'm assuming is the problem11:21
GTroyiocaste: no such file or directory11:21
frank23noisy_1: yes: but some are much harder to setup than others11:21
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ubotuwell, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736811:21
GTroyiocaste: but it's there I listen to the music all the time11:21
noisy_1What do you recommend (brand name) ?11:21
sybaritenkingspawn: just a sec11:21
ScreaminIkeackom it is the problem. and it has nothing to do with the mbr. you need to reinstall AND format the target partition11:21
kingspawnGTroy: you are typing it wrong. what's the directory called?11:21
iocasteGTroy: if you do 'ls' can you see your directory?11:21
akcomScreaminIke, just formatted it11:21
sybariten(it doesnt erase everything within a radious of thre metres does it?)11:21
=== PuMpErNiCkLe brb
akcomso I'm hoping it will work now :)11:21
noisy_1ls lists directory contents11:22
kingspawnsybariten: Im not going to dignify that with an answer.11:22
=== Abnix [n=abner@adsl-69-209-205-170.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
GTroyyeah, I type $cd /Jack Johnson11:22
vladuz976is there a japanese ubuntu channel, too?11:22
gnomefreaknoisy_1: try #debian since your on debian this is not a debian support channel and hardware is different11:22
GTroyand nothing11:22
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gnomefreakGTroy: you need the full path11:22
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GTroyfull path?11:22
sybaritenkingspawn: ok, i take that as a "hmmmmmmm"11:22
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martvladuz976: not as far as I know :(11:22
gnomefreakGTroy: are they in your home dir?11:22
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kingspawnsybariten: Do you think I would ask you to do something that formats everything?11:22
GTroyon a second hard drive11:22
twingeany of you guys have xinerama working on a laptop?11:22
vladuz976mart: are you using japanese on ubuntu?11:22
iocasteGTtroy: you need a relative path to directory you're currently in11:23
sybaritenkingspawn: i was more or less kidding11:23
gnomefreakGTroy: you cant cd into a different hard drive you have to mount it11:23
belkinwhat repos do i have to add so i can install java ?11:23
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GTroyno, it's mounted11:23
gnomefreakGTroy: what file system is on it?11:23
martvladuz976: no, but I've messed around with scim before when debugging that sort of thing.11:23
roany idea on how i might install ubuntu on a laptop that only has usb1 and a floppy drive? (broken cdrom)11:23
sybaritenkingspawn: ops in certain *nix chans for instance, can be real ... hmmm "top of the manhoods"11:23
belkinin /etc/apt/sources.list11:23
belkin its everything enabled11:23
kingspawnsybariten: Heh, a couple of hours ago I had to tell a guy to type "mount" 10 times because he was afraid...11:23
sybaritenkingspawn: uhm you actually meant "disk" literally didnt you? i entered /dev/hdb first ... hmmm i get a flickering list ...11:24
kingspawnsybariten: Just that you get kinda beat when people are always "Is is safe to do 'ls'?"11:24
sybaritenbut with "...disk" i get an output11:24
B166ERok, i'm in IRSSI and I really need help fast : i had a login screen error 'permision not ok ect.. saying that my $home should be to the user and 644'        i tried to remedy that following a how to on a forum, but now, i still have the error + i'm not able to login in X at all, with the 'unable to create /.gnome2 directory : permission not accorded ect..11:24
GTroyI tried to drag and drop, and still nothing gnomefreak11:24
kingspawnsybariten: I usually mean what I say :)11:24
sybaritenkingspawn: ok i didnt know people used to say that11:24
martvladuz976: are you still having problems?  did you install those packages I mentioned?11:24
belkincan anyone please help me install java ?11:24
ScreaminIkethe ubuntu community in generaly is REALY good in support. they keep their manhood in their pants11:24
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:24
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vladuz976mart: i am updating righ now. i`ll try once i get this done11:25
B166ERplease ?11:25
ketchupon my vmware guest, i only have lo, i can't get eth0 up, how can i do???11:25
B166ERsomeone ?11:25
B166ERi'm clueless11:25
gnomefreakGTroy: if its on a different hard drive than your ubuntu you might have to cd /hd before you can cd into dir11:25
GTroyah gotcha11:25
jirwinok, so I have installed real player following that site11:25
GTroythanks gnomefreak11:25
ice_1963is firestarter a good firewall to use?11:25
gnomefreakGTroy: but not 100% positive on that11:25
jirwinand w32codecs11:25
sybaritenkingspawn: http://pastebin.ca/raw/5077111:25
graftB166ER: what are the permissions on your home directory?11:25
=== Eddie_Allman [n=ubuntu@dhcp1-66-244-80-62.stfd.smithvilledsl.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakjirwin: the whole point of me sending you that site was more for the libs than the players you might want to try mplayer11:26
=== bixter [n=bixter@c-68-44-53-53.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
B166ERi'm in recovery mode, in IRSSI,   i think its 700, but i'm not 'sure'11:26
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:26
bixterany1 know when mesa is going to be updated to 6.5.1?11:26
kingspawnsybariten: and sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb?11:26
vladuz976mart: my girlfriend had issues with windows so i installed ubuntu on her laptop, i just hope that the input method works out fine, coz she doesn`t do much except for browsing and emailing, so i am sure she`ll like it11:26
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graftB166ER: type ls -l /home and see what it says11:27
sybaritenkingspawn: interesting tool ... *nix has some secrets11:27
farruinnB166ER: Did you log into X as root or something?11:27
LoMonteiroHi, I need support. My gedit does not work :(11:27
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Eddie_Allmanque est-ce vous comprenez le francais11:27
martvladuz976: well, to be honest, I've only ever used cjk support in kubuntu - I'm not sure how different it is under gnome.11:27
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: do you have any gui?11:27
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:27
B166ERgraft, i think i cannot open anoter console in recovery :|        et farruinn nope, tried with my username like always11:27
=== sesstreets [n=andrew@cpe-24-29-133-177.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
farruinnB166ER: (and don't make is sound like being in irssi is such a bad thing :P)11:27
vladuz976mart: what is cjk?11:27
frank23Eddie_Allman: moi oui, mais le chan ici est seulement en anglais11:27
martvladuz976: chinese, japanese and korean input.11:28
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LoMonteirognomefreak, Gui ?11:28
vladuz976mart: oh ok11:28
B166ERi'm more an 'gui' one ;)11:28
=== gnomefreak uses irssi all the time ;)
vladuz976mart: should be the same in ubuntu then11:28
daihedzgood night11:28
Eddie_Allmanje comprend anglais11:28
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: do you have any graphics or is it just command line11:28
graftB166ER: um, no virtual consoles in recovery mode? try switching with CTRL-ALT-F2 (CTRL-ALT-F1 to switch back)11:28
gnomefreakEddie_Allman: type /j #ubuntu-fr11:28
LoMonteirognomefreak, Ah, ok. I am using graphics.11:28
ice_1963irssi is jest a text base chat pro :)11:28
B166ERgraft, its just a black screen with an 'invite' flashing at the top corner11:28
frank23Eddie_Allman: ok then.11:29
sybaritenkingspawn: http://pastebin.ca/raw/50773 , at the bottom ...11:29
jirwingnomefreak, I realize this. I have done everything on that page.11:29
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gnomefreakLoMonteiro: what happens when you go to applications>accesories>text editot?11:29
sesstreets_jason, what exactly is metactiy?11:29
sybariten(which is in swedish because i commited the f___ing stupid mistake to install in non-english)11:29
jirwinthis video I am streaming(a video class for school) requires user authentication.11:29
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graftB166ER: um, well, you can still suspend irssi temporarily (ctrl-Z, 'fg' to resume) and check ot those permissions11:29
jirwinmplayer doesn't support this as far as I can tell11:29
B166ERgraft ok, what was that command again ?11:29
=== SoulPropagation [n=ethan@c-66-41-75-182.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
graftjirwin: what protocol?11:30
noisy_1cmd for folder properties? (size)11:30
graftB166ER: um... ls -l /home11:30
Eddie_Allmani am a first year french student and i didnt know where i could go to practice some french11:30
LoMonteirognomefreak, Nothing! I dont open the command. sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:30
LoMonteiro / Was created a log error.11:30
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: did it open?11:30
mathieui'd do a bg after the ctrl-z to avoid disconnection11:30
jirwingraft, when I open the file in realplayer, it comes up with a username/password dialog11:30
kingspawnsybariten: Heh, I understand swedish. Well, this isn't looking bright. Are you sure the partition table on it is valid?11:30
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: and opening from menu doesnt work either?11:30
jirwinit is an .rm file11:30
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kingspawnnoisy_1: look into du11:31
B166ERgraft 'drwx-----'11:31
jirwinthat is the link right there.11:31
LoMonteirognomefreak, In menu work.11:31
graftB166ER: and who owns it?11:31
mathieuEddie_Allman: irc is very bad for learning french... nobody spells it correctly11:31
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: type gedit in terminal11:31
gnomefreakjust gedit11:31
frank23Eddie_Allman: they speak French in #ubuntu-fr but I don't know if you can learn anything there11:31
LoMonteirognomefreak, I will paste and you look ?11:31
B166ERgraft my admin username, (my only user)11:31
LoMonteirook ?11:31
gnomefreak_jason: with the /etc/apt/blah with gedit is it " around just the path?11:32
sesstreetsIts wierd...firefox is mad slow on my system...11:32
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: wait a sec11:32
sybaritenkingspawn: well, this disk was running OK until just an hour before we installed it in the other PC. It was running as an OS disk, serving files and so. We did however have some troubles turning the mac off using software, so we had to force it the last bit ... but i wouldnt think it was doing anything critical then, we had rebooted it11:32
sesstreetsgnomefreak, you dont have to use "11:32
graftB166ER: your admin username? you mean 'root'?11:32
jirwinno ideas I am guessing.11:32
gnomefreaksesstreets: yes you do sometimes11:32
sybaritenkingspawn: thats the only answer i can give on partition tables as i'm not used to looking at them or so11:32
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-247-052.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
LoMonteirognomefreak, Ok!11:32
sesstreetsI guess but not all the time.11:32
_jasonsesstreets: metacity is the window manager11:32
B166ERgraft, well, there is no 'root' in ubuntu no ? its just a user with admin privilege wich can use 'sudo' if he needs to11:32
frank23sesstreets: in dapper?11:32
gnomefreaksesstreets: i dont know why it picks certain people11:32
_jasongnomefreak: it's around everything after gksudo11:32
sesstreetsnah in breezy11:33
sesstreetsShould I go to dapper?11:33
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graftB166ER: there's still a 'root', there's just no root password by default11:33
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gnomefreakLoMonteiro: type gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"   as i typed it with quotes and all11:33
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: let me know if it opens than11:33
jirwinor...if possible...a way to download the stream would be great11:33
B166ERgraft , well the /home owner is still 'ghost' wich is the only username i setted , like all others times i installed it11:33
LoMonteirognomefreak, Wait..11:33
noisy_1kingspawn, how do I set du to show size in GB?11:34
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: you on ubuntu?11:34
frank23sesstreets: no. there is a firefox buf which makes it really slow in dapper I think. I don't know if it has been fixed yet11:34
graftB166ER: but so your normal user owns it... well, ok. i'd just do chmod a+rx /home/ghost and try again11:34
searunnerhey there I need to download the ubuntu5.10 kernel source to this winxp box, where can I find a web page with a link i can click on to download the kernel source11:34
LoMonteirognomefreak, Yes.11:34
frank23sesstreets: bug*11:34
belkinanyone using dc_gui ?11:34
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: batix is not ubuntu bugs may not be same11:34
graftjirwin: you can probably download it with just wget11:34
jirwinbelkin, yes11:34
kingspawnnoisy_1: there are "human readable forms", like -h -H etc, man du for more11:34
martnoisy_1: there's du -h, for "human readable"11:34
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sesstreetsBut im in breezy11:35
graftor, maybe not...11:35
jirwingraft, that gives me a small file...i wanted to download the entire video11:35
graftyeah, got it11:35
kingspawnsybariten: sudo fdisk /dev/hdb, and then hit v11:35
searunnerI also need to download the gcc patch so that I can install the nforce drivers on this system11:35
B166ERgraft , hm, i'll reboot and come back at you with the result ok11:35
noisy_1whew, 64G11:35
belkinjirwin how do you get the hub list ?11:35
BeawolfePuMpErNiCkLe...you still around?11:35
ubotusearunner: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:36
arrickhey whats irc.freenode.net ip address?11:36
LoMonteirognomefreak, I can paste her ? 3 lines11:36
arrickthe one that ends with 411:36
ubotusomebody said nvidia was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736811:36
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graftjirwin: fyi, you can provide username and passwords for RTSP protocols to mplayer, via -user and -passwd options11:36
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gnomefreakubotu tell LoMonteiro about paste11:36
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tr0nicwhenever i try to mount an ntfs drive i have tried putting the line in fstab and using the mount command also - many different ways i get /dev/hda already mounted or media busy11:36
tr0nicanyone know what this may be11:36
vladuz976mart: you know the difference between scim anthy prime and canna?11:37
sybaritenkingspawn: actually tried something like that earlier today. "150136559 oallokerade sektorer" although i dont knwo what that means practically11:37
LoMonteirognomefreak, i Write o command type gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"11:37
belkinjirwin could you please tell me how do i get the public hub list ?11:37
arricktr0nic, your nfts will not be hda normally11:37
tr0nicit is hda11:37
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: did it open?11:37
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tr0nici've checked using fdisk11:37
jirwingraft, on the commandline?11:37
kingspawnsybariten: It means that the disk is empty, as far as fdisk is concerned. in fdisk, hit x, then d. does 0x00 start with something like EB 48?11:37
arricktype mount and paste it11:37
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jirwinbelkin, i don't use the public hubs.11:38
ketchuphow come i can't ifup eth0??11:38
tr0nicarrick will you be here i've got to reboot11:38
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tr0nici can't actually11:38
LoMonteirognomefreak, gksudo is /usr/bin/gksudo11:38
arrickI will be leaving in about 5 minutes11:38
ketchupet en franais ptet?11:38
LoMonteirognomefreak, gedit is /usr/bin/gedit11:38
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:38
belkinjirwin any hub ... i just wanna see the way it works ... how do you add a hub ?11:38
=== phish_ [n=phish@S01060080c6fe68f6.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
LoMonteirognomefreak, And the most important, bash: type: /etc/apt/sources.list: not found11:38
mkulkeanyone has an idea where to put firmware for wireless devices?11:38
martvladuz976: only what "apt-cache show scim-anthy scim-prime scim-canna" tells me11:38
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: gksudo is used to open gui apps with sudo priveldges11:38
graftjirwin: yeah11:38
sybaritenkingspawn: well... lets just say that i get a big table, and its aaaaall zeroes11:39
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kingspawnsybariten: I recommend you try putting that disk back into the other computer :)11:39
tr0nicarrick why won't it be hda11:39
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: run sudo apt-get update11:39
mkulkei placed the mrv8k-b.fw in /usr/lib/firmware, but dmesg still says: "mrv8k: Firmware 'mrv8k-b.fw' not available or load failed."11:39
LoMonteirognomefreak, Not open nothing, only this commands.11:39
sybaritenkingspawn: ok. hm.11:39
kingspawnsybariten: The partition table seems to be overwritten11:39
LoMonteirognomefreak, bash: run: command not found11:39
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: sudo apt-get update work?11:40
vladuz976isn`t there a meta package that installs all the japanese stuff needed to run a gnome session in japanese?11:40
sybaritenkingspawn: ajda. Would you say there's any hope for the data ?11:40
arricktr0nic, i goofed up forget what I said11:40
belkinjirwin thanks a lot11:40
LoMonteirognomefreak, Yes! \o/11:40
tr0nicyou said my ntfs won't be hda i get /dev/hda1 already mounted or /media/windows busy when mounting11:40
tr0nici don't know what it is tried many ways of mounting11:40
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: it works?11:40
kingspawnsybariten: in fdisk, if you are in expert mode, and hit f, does it say anything at all other than "nothing to do"?11:40
LoMonteirognomefreak, Done. Update!11:40
tr0nicit is hda on the fdisk listout11:40
LoMonteirognomefreak, And now ?11:40
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kingspawnsybariten: And no, I think the data might be scorched.11:40
searunnerhey there I need to download the ubuntu5.10 kernel source to this winxp box, where can I find a web page with a link i can click on to download the kernel source11:40
jayif I run gksudo "update-manager -d" to upgrade from breezy to dapper, I get an error immediately after the second step11:41
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: type this next command as i type it please11:41
tr0nicarrick: if you have any ideas11:41
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"11:41
tr0nicbtw are there chat logs for this11:41
arricki gotta go tr0nic be back in about 4 hours11:41
LoMonteirognomefreak,  with " ?11:41
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graftsearunner: why do you need kernel source?11:41
searunnerhelp i need to rebuild the kernel for a box with out networking11:41
searunnerI also need to download the gcc patch so that I can install the nforce drivers on this system11:42
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: yes11:42
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: exactly as i typed it11:42
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graftsearunner: why don't you just install from a CD or something?11:42
LoMonteirognomefreak, (gedit:9266): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:11:42
LoMonteiroAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.11:42
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searunnerwhat cd would that be?11:42
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: thats normal11:42
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: stop pasting11:42
scarn/bin/sh: can;t access tty; job control turned off can anyone tell me what this means??11:42
searunnerits installed ubuntu11:42
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: did it open?11:42
LoMonteirognomefreak, Sorry!11:42
martvladuz976: can't see anything... :(11:42
NullVectorI have doom3 installed, but it seems that I have no mouse or keyboard support. Anyone know what I need to do to resolve this?11:42
ketchupplease help: vmware guest is ubuntu, shows only lo but no eth0, need eth0 to acces internet from the vm11:42
searunneri need to install the nvforce drivers11:42
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LoMonteirognomefreak, No yet!11:42
searunnerno networking on this box11:42
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gnomefreakubotu tell searunner about nvidia11:43
searunnerthus how the hell do I get eh kernel source11:43
martvladuz976: Package: language-support-ja11:43
martvladuz976: perhaps that's it?11:43
searunneryes ive read nvidia a hundred11:43
graftsearunner: what're you going to do with the kernel source?11:43
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gnomefreakLoMonteiro: hit ctrl+c in terminal please it should bring you back to prompt11:43
searunnerso where can I find a link to download the kernel source only to this win xp box as in no apt anything11:43
vladuz976mart: i think that`s it, i am trying, thanks11:43
LoMonteirognomefreak, Done.11:44
searunnerI also need to download the gcc patch so that I can install the nforce drivers on this system11:44
belkinjirwin please tell me how will i import the hub list .. i just find out witch is bz2 arhive what should i do with it ?11:44
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tr0nicanyone know why i get /dev/hda1 already mounted or /media/windows busy when i try to mount an ntfs drive?11:44
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: now type  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:44
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noisy_1I can't log on to my samba server from my winxp machine with username and password11:44
tr0nicits not mounted11:45
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graftsearunner: can you explain more fully what you're hoping to accomplish, here? so we can try and understand what your problem really is?11:45
searunneris there a web page which can let me down load the kernel source for breezy badger??11:45
blazemongerubuntu makes a great audio distro11:45
LoMonteirognomefreak, Sorry, the command is: type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list ou sudo nano /etc/apt...11:45
NullVectoranyone know hwo I can get mouse and keyboard to work in doom3?11:45
=== Spfoer [n=Spofer@bzq-88-152-7-197.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpfoerHello again!11:45
blazemongeris there a crash course anywhere on learning how to make .deb packages11:45
tr0nici feel lame bye11:45
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: dont type type11:45
LoMonteirognomefreak, Open the sources list now!11:45
graftsearunner: wtf are you going to do with the kernel source on a winxp box, without gcc, without gnu c libs, without anything you need to compile it?11:45
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:45
searunnermy problem is i cant find a place to download the kernel source for this breezy11:45
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: good close it11:45
sybaritenkingspawn: ajda. Would you say there's any hope for the data ?11:45
tr0nicanyone know why i get /dev/hda1 already mounted or /media/windows busy when i try to mount an ntfs drive?11:46
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:46
kingspawnsybariten: Answered that up there.. :)11:46
searunnerlook im tired of going over the problem again and again11:46
gnomefreaktype that in command line ^^^ LoMonteiro11:46
searunneri cant install nforce drivers without the kernel source11:46
noisy_1tronic, what drive are you mounting?11:46
searunnerthats the problem11:46
scarni installed ubuntu 64bit on a seperate drive. i re-hooked up the 1st drive, reboted and now ubuntu gives errors when booting. can i get help?11:46
gnomefreaksearunner: you need the restricted-mods package11:46
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tr0nicdrive /dev/hda which is ntfs noisy_111:47
searunnerand no there is no point in trying to use apt anything11:47
Spofersry, hello again11:47
sybaritenkingspawn: i think i got disconnected and missed the answer. I'm running this pimped up mIRC that i'm not really used to yet.11:47
LoMonteirognomefreak, Wait, i waiting open...11:47
=== chop [n=chop@cpc2-walt2-0-0-cust547.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
searunnerthere is no funtioning network card and so no interneet connection11:47
noisy_1where is linux?11:47
gnomefreaki think its linux-restricted-modules$-(uname -r)11:47
tr0nicon another drive11:47
kingspawnsybariten: In fdisk expert mode, hit f, does it say anything useful?11:47
ZarephathWhat do I need to do to add my username to mysql?11:47
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: type that command in ill brb11:47
Spoferhow do i open bin files?11:47
tr0nici've tried using mount and fstab and mount -a11:47
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tr0nicediting fstab11:47
sybaritenkingspawn: ummm... translated to english, something like "nothing to do. the order is already in place."11:48
graftsearunner: you can download whatever debs you want from packages.ubuntu.com and put 'em on a CD11:48
LoMonteirognomefreak, Please explain... ill brb ?11:48
ketchupsomebody help... how come i don't have eth011:48
searunneri really need to downlaod the kernel source can anyone tell me where to find it with IE11:48
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: ill be right back11:48
kingspawnsybariten: Then you need to put it back in the other computer to see if there is something left alive on it11:48
sybaritenkingspawn: or, "the order has been regained" or however you say "aterstalld" in english11:48
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: type the command in and lets see if it opens11:48
searunnerpackages. thank u11:48
sybaritenkingspawn: ok i'll do that11:48
kingspawnsybariten: Yeah, heh. good luck11:48
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sybaritenkingspawn: i thank you very much for showing some serious disk skills11:48
LoMonteirognomefreak, Ah, You will exit  ?11:48
sybaritenkingspawn: and repeat after me11:49
scarnwhy am i always ignored in here?11:49
sybaritenkingspawn: "never, ever, get a f____ng Macintosh"11:49
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kingspawnsybariten: Haha :)11:49
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kingspawnsybariten: Nasty story if the disk is wiped11:49
martscarn: try saying exactly what error you get.11:49
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LoMonteirognomefreak, Open! o/ But does not have nothing wirite. I write gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:50
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jirwingraft, what were the flags again?11:50
scarnok..gimme a minute. i have to toggle my monitor back and forth..11:50
sybaritenkingspawn: yup. nearly 70 gb of material too because it was almost full. Not much private data i think, mainly media files, but still11:50
graftjirwin: -user and -passwd11:50
noisy_1tronic, still there?11:50
ruzgarhow can i play .wmv videos11:50
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LoMonteirognomefreak, Ah, i used " " and work. :D11:50
Madpilot!tell ruzgar about restricted11:50
_jasongnomefreak: see :)11:51
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kingspawnsybariten: Heh, still sucks. I lost all my music recently to a disk gone wrong :)11:51
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gnomefreakLoMonteiro: thats how you will have to open it in gedit until its fixed11:51
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gnomefreakty _jason11:51
hey560hello, anyone here experiencing slow firefox on dapper?11:51
sybaritenkingspawn: :-/11:51
noisy_1tronic fdisk -l /dev/hda11:51
jirwinso: mplayer rtsp:// -user anth210 -passwd Tupac11:51
LoMonteirognomefreak, I can try sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ?11:51
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)11:51
tr0nicyes noisy11:51
tr0nici'm googling too11:51
chatboyFIREFOX Slow, i am too11:51
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: with gedit use gksudo11:52
tr0nicall the mount commands don't work for me11:52
gnomefreakubotu tell LoMonteiro about gksudo11:52
noisy_1fdisk -l /dev/hdb11:52
graftis there an Edgy channel yet?11:52
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_jasonjirwin: you just gave us all your password?11:52
Seveasgraft, #ubuntu+111:52
noisy_1errr hda in your case11:52
LoMonteiroand always i have use " " ?11:52
graft#ubuntu+1 is now edgy?11:52
jirwin_jason, it isn't mine...and I don't really care that you have it.11:52
tr0nici'm not booted into ubuntu11:52
gnomefreakwith gedit yes for time being11:52
Seveasgraft, breezy, edgy, furry, groovy11:52
tr0nicits a problem11:52
nickrudgraft, call it ubuntu+1+ ; then11:52
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: im gonna look into it now see if bug was filed11:52
blazemongergroovy lol11:52
blazemongeri can't wait til groovy comes out11:52
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tr0nici'm trying to get ubuntu connected11:53
blazemongerwill that be in 2012 or something?11:53
LoMonteirognomefreak, Cool.11:53
N2DIYHi gang, I just did my first Ubuntu install, does Ubuntu support smp? I only one cpu working.11:53
Seveasblazemonger, oct. 200711:53
jirwingraft, that should work?11:53
blazemongergroovy sounds so raver'ish11:53
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: if i find a bug on it i will post the link11:53
noisy_1ubuntu should auto-detect your ethernet11:53
graftjirwin: erm. should work if you can play rtsp streams11:54
falcon3Eppu: putting them seperately in exports and mounting them seperately on my client works11:54
LoMonteirognomefreak, Ok. So everything ok in my system ?11:54
Eppufalcon3: What do you mean seperately in exports?11:54
gnomefreakLoMonteiro: yes11:54
ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:55
gnomefreakwell yeah i guess its a bug but its not gonna mess anything upo11:55
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LoMonteirognomefreak, Ok! Thanks, thanks, thanks.11:55
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=== Dongle [n=Dongle@bzq-88-152-7-197.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
harisundDoes anybody know how to zero out free space on a hard disk? I am trying to make a backup, and I want the freespace to be actually zeroed out.11:55
falcon3Eppu: the /export/ dir had some problems, when i put /export/data and /export/downloads in my /etc/exports and mount them on my client, everything is okay11:55
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Donglehow do i restart / shut down ubuntu?11:56
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tr0nichalt/restart dongle11:56
tr0nicas root11:56
MadpilotDongle, you in the GUI or just at the command line?11:56
N2DIYDongle, system/logout11:56
Eppufalcon3: Ah, you mean export was not the actual mounted filesystem? Yeah, that would be a problem :)11:56
MadpilotDongle, System->Log Out11:56
harisundI have seen this being done using dd, but I am not sure what the commands to do it are.11:56
searunnerok some further guidance please to verify i have the right files. im in http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/devel/ and i need the kernel crap updates source for this edubuntu32A which i understand is the breezy386, yet the plain kernel header there lists amd64 architecture. which of these files is the right one?11:56
falcon3Eppu: any particular reason for that ?11:56
reconcilliationDoes the java install work the same in the beta as in the last stable11:56
phaceharisund: man dd =)11:56
Eppufalcon3: Well, that's the way it works. You need to export devices separately11:57
jirwini just don't understand why it would stream perfectly if another app is using the audio resource.11:57
Dongleanother question, i've downloaded a jave plugin for my firefox11:57
Madpilotreconcilliation, it should - but try #ubuntu+1 for Dapper questions11:57
harisundphace: I wish the dd manual was clear enough. :(11:57
N2DIYDoes Ubuntu support smp, or should I take this to the dev channel?11:57
Donglei got a BIN file11:57
Eppufalcon3: I mean separate filesystems11:57
falcon3Eppu: that sucks :)11:57
Madpilot!tell Dongle about java11:57
Donglewhat do i do with it?11:57
MadpilotN2DIY, it should - I don't run multiple CPUs, but there should be smp-capable kernels11:57
scarnmart , its basically acting like it cant find where its installed.. heres a small sample of errors.. too much to write down.. "mount: Mounting /dev/sda1/ or root Failed: no such device." then at the end it says "/bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off"11:57
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graftsearunner: just search for the package you need via the normal search mechanism and download it from its package page11:57
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Donglegreat thx11:58
searunnerthe normal search mecahnism is broken here11:58
N2DIYOk, did I miss something when I did the install?11:58
phaceharisund: but why do you want to zero out your freespace ?11:58
jirwingraft, is there anyway to download the video directly...so I don't have to stream it?11:58
searunnercuz ubuntu wont load the nforce network driver11:58
graftsearunner: um. no it's not.11:58
martscarn: why not try to make sure the drives appear in the other order?11:58
graftjirwin: uh, possibly using like -dumpstream11:59
searunneri said its broken HERE not on your box11:59
MadpilotN2DIY, the basic install just using the x86 kernel, you'll have to install the smp kernel thru Synaptic or apt-get11:59
jirwini can't get it to load in mplayer :(11:59
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jirwinit either says unauthorized...or just Exiting...end of file.11:59
JoetheoddHow can I burn a BIN cd image file?11:59
martscarn: are both disks in there now?11:59
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harisundphace: I believe that will aid in copying faster? Or am I mistaken? I essentially want to ghost my current hard disk so that I could use it as a backup.11:59
N2DIYMadpilot, ok, roger that.11:59
graftjirwin: you sure you can play rm files? you might not have the right codecs installed...11:59
scarnahh. making the linux drive the first to boot?11:59

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