
Zairewell if the live cd is 650 I might aswell re-format lol Ive already done so on this thing like prob 10 times in the last week lol12:03
Zaireonly 3 linux distro's Ive used seem to run stable for me and they are Redhat 9, ugh mandriva 10.2 and Debian lol12:04
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satemplerwell Ubuntu and Kubuntu is an off shoot of Debian12:04
satemplerbased on debin unstable12:05
satemplermade stable12:05
satemplerZaire: debians unstable is stable pretty much for the rest of the world12:06
ZaireI liked debian cept for the sound issue with skype that kinda dropped some points for it but thats more skypes doing then anything lol12:06
satemplerya Skype has some issues12:07
satemplerI have stoped using it12:07
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Xaero_Vincentthe only problem i have with Ubuntu is that if it kills Debian (unlikely), Ubuntu would be in serious trouble. Basically Ubuntu is dependent on another distribution12:07
robotgeekXaero_Vincent: not going to happen, really12:08
satemplerXaero_Vincent: no Ubuntu won't kill debian but helps debian12:08
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satemplerall the things Ubuntu dose gose back to debian unstable tree12:09
satempleri would think12:09
Zaireyea both are good like all system both need work but it will get done lol12:09
Xaero_Vincentif people move to Ubuntu to get away from Debian politics then they have alot to lose. People would stop maintaining packages for the unstable branch because nobody is using Debain but rather offshoots of it..12:10
robotgeekXaero_Vincent: what debian politics?12:11
Zairedunno what mean by politic either but anyway lol Nvidia crash's seem to be a theme lol a friend of mine has an ATI and Kubuntu works great for him but on bugzilla for ubuntu if you search for Nvidia+crash you should get a fair amount of results lol12:12
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Xaero_Vincentdebian has a democratic government (sort of speak).. u vote for members and such. Plus Debians loyalty to GNU is to the extreme12:12
Zaireall the ones I had started reading from the top were basically what happen to me12:12
robotgeekXaero_Vincent: that's a topic of kubuntu-offtopic, i guess12:12
Zairewell anywa thanks for the help Im gonna try Kubuntu again lol laters12:14
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Nirvana|I fucked up my install :-(12:40
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RiddellNirvana|: how?12:41
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Nirvana|to Dapper12:42
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OdyXand you reached your nick ?12:43
Nirvana|Now /etc/network/interfaces is screwed (I think it's deleted), and I need 75K of apt pkgs. It's no biggie though, I just downloaded the Beta CD and will apt-cdrom add to upgrade12:43
Nirvana|OdyX: ChatZilla on Windows12:43
OdyXfine !12:44
Nirvana|just finished12:44
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method|what is a good ftp client for kde?01:22
OdyXmethod|: Konqueror...01:23
OdyXtype ftp://username@ftp.myserver.tld01:24
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method|I need something with a bit more functionality01:28
method|i need a client that makes it easy to transfer between two different sites01:28
method|and one that has a download queue that i can add too01:28
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noteventimemethod|, gftp :D it's not KDE but it's OK. YOu can use split view in konqueror01:30
noteventimeJust right click the status bar01:30
method|gftp doesn't have a queue that you can add too01:31
method|that's what im using now01:31
method|it find except for that01:31
noteventimeHave you tried kbear?01:32
method|might give it a go01:32
noteventimeTheres also one called kasablanka01:32
OdyXand command-line ftp ... :-|01:33
noteventimeIMO konqueror is the best :D, maybe theres some kind of plugin01:33
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nochhey, how come when i try to set a pic as my background it does do it? when i say set centered, by background goes blue, when i say set tiled, it goes to white01:37
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andre_after a recent update all my fonts appear very small anyone have an idea why?01:37
andre_after a recent update all my fonts appear very small anyone have an idea why?01:37
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OdyXandre_: use nvidia ?01:42
psyke83has anyone here got a rage 128-based card?01:42
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ToyManhmm. perhaps someone could help me with a dapper upgrade....01:46
ToyManall of my kde apps were de-installed and not re-installed01:46
ToyMantrying to reinstall with synaptic, and it complains about a krita dependancy01:46
andre_OdyX: Yes01:47
ToyManmight be easier to move my home dir. off to another spot and reinstall from scratch01:47
ToyManok, removed krita and krita-data and it still complains.... hmmm.01:48
OdyXandre_: this is a known bug...01:48
OdyXandre_: KDM guesses DRI wrongly:01:48
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bimberiToyMan: an upgrade tool has been developed for breezy -> dapper ...01:49
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades .01:49
andre_OdyX: whats the fix??01:49
ahmeniOdyX: DRI? do you mean DPI?01:49
OdyXahmeni: yep...01:50
ToyManbimberi, ty01:50
OdyXandre_: open /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc in sudo01:50
OdyXandre_: at the end of the line ServerArgsLocal01:50
OdyXadd -dpi 10001:51
OdyX(for example)01:51
OdyXrestart X01:51
bimberiToyMan: yw :)01:51
OdyXbug 3707201:51
UbugtuMalone bug 37072 in kdebase kdm "After installing (and enabling) of nvidia-glx, KDM makes wrong DRI guesses" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3707201:51
andre_i actually use GDM. i dont like kdm much01:52
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OdyXandre_: so I can't help you. sorry.01:55
andre_you helped quite a bit actually.01:55
OdyXno worry01:55
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Nirvana|hibernation doesn't work on my Toshiba Satellite M70 SR2, is there a fix? It doesn't work on some other Toshiba's either (from what I've seen, not heard)01:58
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ToyMan! repos01:59
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource01:59
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic02:00
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Phleagor_i just installed kubuntu02:02
Phleagor_and i can't login as root02:02
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Phleagor_i read that there is no passwort set, but i just can't login02:03
bimberiubotu: tell Phleagor_ about root02:03
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bimberiPhleagor_: you can use 'sudo' and 'kdesu' when you need superuser privs (see the /msg from ubotu)02:04
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ririi have no cdrom02:06
ririjust the livecd02:06
ririhow can i start it from linux ?02:06
ririsorry i mean the beta version02:06
Phleagor_boot from that cd02:08
ririsorry i didn't explain well ... i only have the iso02:08
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ririno cd02:09
ririi have the iso on linux... mandriva02:09
ririis there a way to try it as iso ?02:09
Phleagor_burn the image on a cd and boot from it02:09
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ririi have no cd...02:09
ririblank cd02:10
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ririit's just to give a try02:10
ririi know i could use vmplayer02:10
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riribut on mandriva it's terrible slow02:11
Chris_Tuckernow i remember why having one taskbar didnt bother me.. it can be set wider so it gets two lines of windows in there :D02:11
ririotherwise i have to wait till shop is open in france ! lol02:11
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ririit's only 2h am here..02:12
Phleagor_don't the shops open tomorrow?02:12
ririyes... 10h02:12
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riribut you know i can't wait ...02:12
ririi would like to know if i can get rid of mandriva with kubuntu...02:13
Phleagor_i installed it 30 mins ago02:13
Phleagor_and it's great02:13
ririi stick to mandriva because network and squid easy to configure02:13
Phleagor_i used mandrake 10.1 official before02:13
ririi believe you...02:14
viatorget the vmware player image02:14
viatorand run it02:14
Phleagor_kubuntu is more easy to configure02:14
ririare you sure for the network ?02:14
Phleagor_when you boot the cd you just have to hit the enter key a few times :)02:14
ririyes i know02:14
Phleagor_everything works02:14
riribut i have a network with two pc02:14
ririand my other notbook is on xp02:15
ririso i need to configure network02:15
ririyou know mandriva asks you if you want to connect to internet and a click your other pc works02:17
ririi tried with kubuntu 5.0.1 i think02:17
riribut more complex to install network02:17
riridid it change ?02:17
Phleagor_i don't know02:17
Phleagor_i use it the first time02:18
ririi guess02:18
riribut i already used kubuntu02:18
Phleagor_do tou use KDE?02:18
ririand i couldn't configure my network even with the doc02:18
viatorwhats so difficult02:18
Phleagor_how can i create a custom icon in the taskbar?02:19
ririvery easy02:19
Phleagor_i can just choose an app in the menu02:19
viatorright cvlick02:19
Phleagor_but it's not in the menu02:19
ririif you have it the menu02:19
Phleagor_but it's not02:20
ririselect it with right mouse and choose the second option02:20
viatorclick add non kde\02:20
ririthen go on the taskbar (sorry i am french)02:20
Phleagor_i got it02:22
Phleagor_and i thought KDE is easy to use...02:22
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Phleagor_i used fluxbox before02:22
ririkde is very easy to use02:22
viatorkde is simple in some respects but there are ALOT of options02:22
viatorwhich makes it very configurable /powerful02:23
viatorbut sometimes cluttered and overwelming02:23
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Search4Lancerugh what a pain.... can't update any packages without a 6.06 disc....02:28
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Search4Lancerand I left my blanks at home02:29
CheeseBurgerManWhy can't you update?02:29
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CheeseBurgerManSomething wrong with your repos?02:30
Search4Lancerbecause it won't let me without a 6.06 disc02:31
Search4Lancerit asks for it02:31
CheeseBurgerMancomment out the deb-cdrom line in sources.list02:31
=== Search4Lancer doesn't remember where sources.list is
Search4Lancerbeena couple weeks since I touched it02:32
CheeseBurgerManIt's there. :)02:32
Search4Lancerupdating now, thanks02:34
CheeseBurgerManYou're welcome. :)02:34
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Ahmuckhi, how is beta02:38
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Phleagor_fine, now i just have to get my dvb card work and ecerything works02:41
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yanisI get this when I try to configure a program02:44
yanischecking for KDE... configure: error:02:44
yanisin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.02:44
yanisSo, check this please and use another prefix!02:44
yaniswhat should I do?02:45
Phleagor_which program?02:47
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yanisbut I get hte same messange when I try to compile other app too02:48
yanisI have kubuntu02:48
bimberiyanis: try installing kdebase-dev02:48
yanisthanks bimberi02:49
yanisoops it's 10mb P02:49
=== bimberi hopes it works then :)
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crimsun!info automake1.602:55
ubotuautomake1.6: (A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles.), section devel, is optional. Version: 1.6.3-12 (breezy), Packaged size: 304 kB, Installed size: 1120 kB02:55
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poimenneed help02:59
poimenI need to configure net on dapper02:59
poimenbut I woint get the kcontrol net configuration tool to work02:59
poimenI use dhcp02:59
poimenhow can I start the net manually by the shell?02:59
tarmathpoimen: dhclient303:02
bleakedso i've been playing around with composite..using the built in composite manager in kde, i've successfully enabled transparency, shadows, and fade-in effects.  it really looks great.  however, when enabled, my kicker seems more dim..looks gray and not milky white like it should be.  is this just a setting, or intrinsic to the composite mode?03:03
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yanisbimberi: it works :)03:12
jonathan_is anyone having problems with adept updater in kubuntu beta?03:12
bimberiyanis: phew! :P03:12
CheeseBurgerManjonathan_: I'm not using the beta, so I can't help there. I can offer an alternative via the command line though.03:13
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jonathan_yeah that i know :)03:13
CheeseBurgerManOK. :)03:13
jonathan_it was just a little easier with adept03:13
jonathan_thank you though03:13
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CheeseBurgerManI personally find that YaKuake and apt are very convenient. :)03:13
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jonathan_what is the big thing with that03:14
Chris_Tuckerhow do i set firefox as my default browser and thunderbird as my default mail app? web links seem to cling to konq03:14
jonathan_i have heard that thrown around a bit03:14
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yanisso kmplayer rocks :)03:14
poimenI am at dapper I need to play mp3s03:14
CheeseBurgerManChris_Tucker: Just a minute.03:14
poimenakode-mpeg wont work :(03:14
CheeseBurgerManChris_Tucker: Control Center > KDE Components > Component Chooser03:15
jonathan_poimen...hang on i have a link for you03:15
jonathan_there...that's the starter guide, i used it and things setup nicely03:15
poimenthankx brother03:16
jonathan_so burger man....what's the deal with yakuake?03:18
Chris_TuckerCheeseBurgerMan, should i need to log out and back in for it to take affect? it doesnt appear to have worked03:18
CheeseBurgerManChris_Tucker: I don't think so03:18
jonathan_chris: are you sure you have the correct command ?03:19
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CheeseBurgerManjonathan_: It's quite cool. It's a hidden console emulator that scrolls out of your way until you press F12 (I think that's the default, I've changed it)03:19
CheeseBurgerManI find it very convenient. :)03:19
Chris_TuckerCheeseBurgerMan, well its still all going to konq03:19
jonathan_is there a deb pack for it03:20
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CheeseBurgerManjonathan_: It's in the repos. :)03:20
jonathan_ok i'll look at it03:20
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=== Phleagor_ is now known as Phleagor
Phleagoranyone using a dvb card with kubuntu 5.10?03:22
Phleagorthe channels are all grey in kaffeine03:22
Phleagorbut they are all scanned, so the card works03:23
Phleagorbut i can't click at one to see it03:23
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cjoneshow do you gor back a version like from the dapper bata ?03:24
cjonesanyone here03:25
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os2macanyone play around with google cal yet?03:30
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poimenRiddell how esspresso doing?03:35
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poimensomeone knows how to set up dma on dapper?03:36
poimenhdparm config file I dont see it03:36
frank23poimen: I thought dma was enabled by default on dapper. Not quite sure though03:37
poimenI see03:37
frank23poimen: try hdparm /dev/hdc   to check03:38
poimenyep gppd idea03:38
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[Nirvana] The new theme is pretty good03:49
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=== Ktah is now known as Kteeh
Kteehhi there, I'm having problem activating USB ports for normal user04:06
Kteehwhen I enter as root I can mount and umount /dev/sda1 (USB) flash 512 MB memory04:06
=== yellowdart [n=yellowda@cpe-24-166-51-128.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Kteehbut I can't with another users04:07
Kamping_Kaiseris your system up to date?04:07
KteehI'm running breezy04:07
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Kteehthe problem is...I need to restart hotplug as root everytime I wanna read something04:08
DarkEDhey i have a question04:08
Kamping_Kaiserso when you plug it in it just sits silent?04:08
DarkEDim using the newest xchat in kde04:08
Kteehafter the USB is mounted as root, I can't delete or modify files as "normal" user04:08
DarkEDwhy does the type cursor not show up?04:08
Kamping_KaiserKteeh, yeh. thats expected04:08
KteehI know04:08
Kteehbut...why I can't mount the USB as normal user04:09
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DarkEDKteeh: dont worry bout it, mount it as root then do sudo nautilus/sudo konqueror :D04:09
=== Kamping_Kaiser isnt sure. if your systems up to date i dont know whats casuing it
DarkEDKteeh, enjoy :D04:09
Kamping_KaiserDarkED, thats not a fix :(04:09
DarkEDKamping_Kaiser, it is on my NTFS partition04:09
Kamping_Kaiseras for your question DarkED - was it svn?04:10
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Kamping_KaiserDarkED, mount it properly already :/04:10
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DarkEDKamping_Kaiser, svn?04:10
Kamping_KaiserDarkED, subversion... did you compile from source from apt or subversion04:10
DarkEDKamping_Kaiser, oh, no i used apt in dapper04:11
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DarkEDKamping_Kaiser, apt-get xchat04:11
Kamping_Kaiserwb Hobbsee04:11
Hobbseehi Kamping_Kaiser04:11
Kamping_KaiserDarkED, check out LP04:11
DarkEDirc client?04:11
DarkEDlaunchpad, ok04:12
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Kteehhi there04:13
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Kteehcan someone give me a feedback, in order to know why I have to restart hotplug each time I need to read a USB flash drive04:13
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DarkEDKamping_Kaiser, uh, i dont think i have it installed...04:16
DarkEDand there is no such package04:17
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Kamping_KaiserDarkED, http://launchpad.net04:19
bimberiDarkED: launchpad is a website http://launchpad.net .  It's where you can report bugs on packages04:19
DarkEDahh ok, thanks04:20
DarkEDsorry, never been there before04:20
bimberiKamping_Kaiser: 'morning (just)04:20
Kamping_Kaisersorry, i should have explained04:20
Kamping_Kaisergday bimberi, still morning here ;)04:21
bimberiKamping_Kaiser: yep, a few minutes left :)04:21
bimberi(for you that is)04:22
Kamping_Kaiser8 ;D04:22
bimberi12:22 'ere04:22
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=== Kamping_Kaiser runs ntpdate to be sure
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Kamping_Kaiser offset 0.202292 sec <- not bad. its usualy up to 15 sec out04:23
bimberihm 'offset 5.916158 sec' here04:25
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=== Kamping_Kaiser should get ntp running localy on his network
bimberihow extensive is the network?04:27
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Kamping_Kaiser2 static boxes, half a dozen dynamic04:28
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=== bimberi has 1 desktop pc, 1 laptop pc, 1 mac and 2 tivos (all static while playing with edubuntu)
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Kamping_Kaiseri have my desktop, my laptop, my parents box, and then dynamic boxes04:29
Kamping_Kaiserhopefully soon a gateway and server04:29
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bimberiah, nice04:30
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Kamping_Kaiser*looks at 166 just waiting for gateway duty*04:31
Kamping_Kaiserdebian sarge04:32
Kamping_Kaisersomething i know a bit about04:32
DarkEDI have two laptops and a desktop04:32
Kamping_Kaisermy dynamic boxes are mostly work boxes i'm trying to get some testing done on (like the laptops for ubuntus laptop team)04:33
bimberiah, kk04:34
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bimberiat work i use IPCop on a PPro-180 for a gateway - it's very good04:34
Kamping_Kaiseri hear its good, but i was told ipfrog was the way to live ;)04:35
Kamping_Kaiserbuilt in p2p server o_0 (i mean wtf?)04:35
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m5m /window close05:04
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Nomad411Hi.. I'm trying to build a DVD of OpenSuse for a friend and I need autoyast in order to create it.  Does anyone know if it will run on Kubuntu^05:29
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kkathmanNomad411: no05:30
Nomad411you sure?  I guess you are :(05:31
Nomad411so much download.  Must learn to read ahead!!05:32
kkathmanNothing of SuSE -YaST has a chance to work with Kubuntu05:32
kkathmantwo totally different systems :)05:32
kkathmanI run both in a dual boot05:32
Nomad411To try and not have this be a total waste of time and bandwidth, do you think it<s possible to boot with a network install iso and run the yast command from there?05:33
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Nomad411It"s just needed in order to create teh package description file(s)05:34
kkathmanNomad411:  Im not sure what you are trying to do05:34
kkathmanbut I see no way to get yast and kubntu to even play in the same ballpark :)05:34
=== TheUni [n=cory@c-24-30-32-8.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
kkathmanyou might want to go to #suse and ask your question tho Nomad41105:35
Nomad411I downloaded the 5 ISO Cds and followed the instructions to create a DVD from them:  http://en.opensuse.org/Making_a_DVD_from_CDs#Manually_build_a_DVD_from_the_CD-Set05:35
Nomad411I did..05:35
tarmathwhat do you want to do on kubuntu?05:35
kkathmanI thought there was a DVD image also05:35
Nomad411I'm running Kubuntu.  A friend of mine is new to Linux and asked me to create him the DVD instead of CDs05:36
Nomad411is there?05:36
tarmathjust grab the dvd iso and burn it05:36
kkathmanfor OpenSuse right?05:36
Nomad411I think you have to order it and get it mailed05:36
kkathmanyou can burn it under kubuntu I would imagine05:36
Nomad411He wants to compare it to Ubuntu05:36
kkathmanbut I dont know why you would need yast05:37
kkathmank3b should do it I'd figure05:37
kkathmanor whatever your tool is05:37
Nomad411for this command:   create_package_descr -x setup/descr/EXTRA_PROV -l english -l spanish -l french -l german -l czech -l hungarian -l italian05:37
kkathmanohhh hmmm... I see05:37
Nomad411The 5 ISOs content is dumped into 1 directory, and then it looks like the package descriptions have got to be remade05:38
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tarmathi guess you canonly create that dvd image from the cds with suse05:38
kkathmanI thought they had a DVD image tho05:38
Nomad411look slike it, must run SUSE to make SUSE :)05:38
kkathmanwhy not just burn the 5 cds05:39
Nomad411kkathman: If you see a link to it anywhere I<d be happy to get it from you..  Maybe it<s only visible if you already run SUSE.. hehe05:39
kkathmanyou might could have done that already while trying to figure out how to make theDVD :)05:39
Nomad411kkathman: I didn<t question him, he asked for a DVD05:39
Nomad411I did look for a DVD-iso, I find only CDs05:39
kkathmanwhat kind of machine does he have05:40
kkathman386 or 6405:40
Nomad411Oh shoot!!  There is an unofficial ISO now.. 32 .  he needs 6405:40
Nomad411I think I<ll get the 32 for myself :)05:41
Nomad411I haven<t run SUSE in ages, I<m curious to see where it<s at these days.  It was pretty sold back then05:41
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kkathmanNOmad:  http://www.novell.com/products/suselinux/downloads/ftp/mirrors_isos.html#americas05:42
kkathmansorry Nomad411:  http://www.novell.com/products/suselinux/downloads/ftp/mirrors_isos.html#americas05:42
kkathmanthat has the DVD isos05:43
Nomad411nut not the opensuse one05:43
Nomad411nut = but :)05:43
kkathmanits fine05:44
kkathman10.0 is what you want05:44
kkathmanyou can get everything else later05:44
=== BobLoblaw [n=sheldon@dh223168.res.uvic.ca] has joined #kubuntu
TheUnimy boot settings are totally screwed up05:44
TheUnigrub messed up, so i reinstalled xp on a blank partition05:44
TheUnithen tried to reinstall grub and have it pick it up, but installed grub on THAT partition05:44
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TheUniany way to get windows to boot again without reinstalling it? its bootloader is gone.05:45
kkathmanTheUni:  you have kubuntu somewhere?05:45
kkathmanor not?05:45
=== TheUni clearly has no idea what he's doing
TheUniyea, i can do the recovery stuffs05:45
TheUnibut i'm currently in ubuntu.05:45
kkathmanwhats on your ubuntu...is it clean05:46
kkathmanas in a clean install right now?05:46
Nomad411you dualboot Ubuntu and Kubuntu^05:46
TheUnier... no. kubuntu05:46
TheUnikkathman: this is my main os that i'm in now. not clean. i want to use xp as secondary.05:46
kkathmanTheUni:  hmm... well its always best to put XP on first, then install k/ubuntu05:46
TheUnikkathman: that's what i did first.05:47
Nomad411Oh ok.. There's a wiki page about that05:47
TheUnibut then grub messed up05:47
kkathmanbecause the k/ubuntu installer will sense the XP and put that in its bootloader05:47
TheUniso i figured i'd just reinstall xp, then reinstall grub.05:47
kkathmandoing the other way around wont work05:47
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kkathmanonce you have an XP bootloader, its much harder05:47
kkathmanthats why you load it down 1st05:48
unpersonI'm trying to record sound with krec, but I can't seem to get anything.05:48
TheUnibeen using kubuntu for a few months now  :\05:48
kkathmanmost linux installs, if they use grub, will fix it all nice05:48
unpersonI've tried recording from both my mic and from the sound_out.05:48
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kkathmanTheUni:  easiest thing....back up your ~/ directory and what ever you might want, and reinstall k/ubuntu and let it write its grub with the XP OS as an option05:49
unpersonkrec has two sound levels shown in the window on the left hand side.  One is the recording level and the other is the sound level incomming, correct?  So I ought to see something there if krec is getting sound?05:49
TheUniwas afraid that was gonna be the answer05:49
TheUnikkathman: well, thanks for the help05:49
kkathmanits a bit of time05:50
kkathmanbut reliable05:50
TheUniin the interests of learning linux05:50
TheUnii'm gonna try to hack around and get it fixed05:50
TheUnii'm sure i'll just end up doing that, though05:50
Nomad411kkathman: I just saw that eval i snot time-limited.  Weird name :)05:51
kkathmanI never saw one with a time limit05:51
kkathmanI'd go to #suse and get them to point you there tho05:51
unpersonAnyone sucessfully been able to record sound with krec?05:52
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lgcHi. Anyone in here?05:54
Hobbseelgc: nope :P05:54
HobbseeTheUni: you can reinstall grub05:54
lgcHobbsee, good! Now I can poke a finger in my nose!05:54
TheUniHobbsee: but i've already overwritten the xp bootloader05:57
Hobbsee!tell TheUni about grub05:57
TheUnii guess i need to reinstall xp first, then reinstall grub?05:58
HobbseeTheUni: your XP partition is fine?05:58
kkathmanthe bootloader is already gone Hobbsee05:58
kkathmanso there's nothing to tell grub to link to05:58
Search4Lanceranybody know how many fortunes there are in /fortune?05:58
Hobbseehow'd it go?05:58
kkathmanWell, I think maybe his attempt to reinstall grub might have done a little bit of damage :)05:59
Hobbseei'd try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-32d586a32fe70f9e1accb80d55cf3d3f0600175a   ...but otherwise reinstall05:59
Hobbseeand backup first05:59
TheUniHobbsee: xp partition is fine, yea. but the bootloader is gone.05:59
kkathmanyah I thought if there was a way to boot to wins05:59
kkathmanTheUni can you boot to Xp right now?05:59
kkathmanHobbsee:  thats what I mean05:59
Hobbseeah ok06:00
kkathmanNTBootLoader is a no show06:00
Hobbseeweird that grub screwed up that badly...if it's messed the partition table up06:00
TheUniHobbsee: i'm sure i did it somehow06:00
TheUnii switched a bunch of drives around06:00
HobbseeTheUni: you're on linux now?06:00
kkathmanTheUni  you might try the folks in ##windows, and see if they can help you get your bootloader back06:00
HobbseeTheUni: before that06:01
Hobbseetry "sudo update-grub"06:01
Hobbseejust see what it does06:01
kkathmanworth a shot I guess...cant hurt :)06:01
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HobbseeTheUni: if that doesnt work, type $ grub-install /dev/hdaX where X is your Ubuntu root install.06:02
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TheUniHobbsee: yea.. but xp bootloader needs to be there first, right?06:03
kkathmanHobbsee:  but.. his ubuntu is fine tho06:03
HobbseeTheUni: er...not sure about that.06:03
kkathmangrub cant do anything without pointing to the bootloader06:03
TheUnino windows data lost, not a big deal06:03
=== jeubanks [n=jeubanks@pool-71-101-184-114.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
HobbseeIIRC grub doesnt point to the bootloader - grub IS the boot loader06:03
kkathmanHobbsee: just like grub points to the loader in linux06:03
TheUnijust an extra hour  :\06:03
kkathmanok bad terminilogy06:04
Hobbseemaybe my brain is warped06:04
kkathmanit points to the BOOT image06:04
TheUniHobbsee: but windows has to know how to boot.06:04
HobbseeTheUni: so, grub works fine, yet windows wont boot?06:04
TheUnintloader has to be somewhere.06:04
TheUniHobbsee: yup.06:04
kkathmanTheUni - IF the boot image hasnt been damaged you can still use grub06:05
kkathmanHobbsee can tell you by looking at her gurb06:05
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TheUniwhen i'm in grub bootloader, and i choose to boot to the xp partition, it reloads grub. coz i accidentally overwrote the xp bootloader with another instance of grub.06:05
Hobbseeeww...and the second instance of grub wont boot xp?06:05
kkathmanTheUni - but you just overwrote the bootloader06:06
=== Hobbsee wonders about fdisk on windows...
TheUniyea it does, but it's the same as the first.06:06
kkathmanHobbsee  open your grub and see under the windows section what it points to06:06
TheUniHobbsee: i tried that too.06:06
kkathmanTheUni  listen06:06
kkathmanHobbsee should be able to show you what her grub entry is for Windows06:07
kkathmanand you should be able to copy it06:07
Hobbseethere ^06:07
Hobbseeassuming your windows is on hda106:07
kkathmancuz its not going to point to the bootloader for windows I dont thing06:07
lgcHobbsee, are you familiar with a "cdrecord" which just doesnt't?06:07
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kkathmanHobbsee:  am I all wet here?06:07
Hobbseelgc: no...i've heard of it, but know nothing about it06:07
TheUniyea, that's what mine looks like06:07
lgcHobbsee, np. Maybe someone in here is...06:08
kkathmanguess it DOES need the bootloader :(06:08
TheUnithanks for the help guys (and gals) but i'll just reinstall xp06:08
beefsprocketTheUni: hang on06:08
TheUnireinstall grub06:08
TheUnion the right partition06:08
TheUnithen it should pick it up06:08
beefsprocketthere is a tool that I've used that can help I think06:08
TheUnigrub needs to be on the root partition, no?06:09
beefsprocketI'm coming to this late, so I'm not totally sure what's up,06:09
HobbseeTheUni: usually wise06:09
=== TheUni is new to linux
kkathmanwindows and linux sometimes dont play nice together :)06:09
kkathmanunless you tell them to06:10
beefsprocketTheUni: if your mbr is messed up, use http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk06:10
TheUniall this over activesync, lol06:10
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Nomad411beefsprocket: Interesting tool06:13
beefsprocketNomad411: I destroyed an ntfs partition when starting out with warty, that saved 200gigs06:13
TheUniwelp, off to try stuff06:13
TheUnithanks again guys06:14
beefsprocketso cool that its gpl too, could charge hundreds  for it06:14
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Nomad411long live free..06:14
Nomad411it fits in my budget06:14
beefsprocketanyone familiar with openssl 0.9.8a?06:15
LeeJunFanI once had an app setup to put my mrtg graphs from a webpage on my desktop, but I can't remember what I used to do that - anyone know of something like this?06:16
LeeJunFannot taking over my background, just individual images on my desktop.06:16
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ports-anyone installed adobe acrobat on kubuntu?06:28
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Hobbseeports-: you looking to read or write pdf's?06:29
ports-for now06:29
Hobbseeports-: take a look at kpdf.  there's also a pdf reader in konq06:30
ports-Hobbsee:  ive got it installed.. i wanted to see what adobe acrobat for linux was like06:30
Hobbseeah ok06:31
=== Hobbsee shrugs
=== Hobbsee has never needed it :P
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=== Hobbsee upgrades her thunderbird, in the background
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ports-Hobbsee: no.. setting up apache, mysql, and php is messy06:39
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mendredports- : Ah come on it isn't too bad...06:41
ports-mendred:  i havent started yet.. but its all new to me06:42
mendredports-: the only time i had trouble was making those entries in apache's conf for php06:42
mendredports:- apt-get is ur best friend :)06:43
ports-mendred:  how about adept06:43
mendredports- :yeah anyone of those (synaptic, adept, apt etc..)06:43
mendredports- u using kubuntu as a server?06:45
dj_tasakaanyone got an idea how to control acroread via dcop,d-bus, or any other sort of IPC?06:46
dj_tasakaspecifically, how to tell it to close an open document?06:46
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ports-mendred:  for a little while, yes06:55
mendredports- k :)06:56
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ports-Hobbsee:  hrm.. whatd be abetter option06:57
=== kkathman wakes Hobbsee up :)
=== Hobbsee is off trying to make moztraybiff work with thunderbird binaries
ports-looked at the wrong screen06:57
kkathmanyer such a guru girl :)06:58
ports-mendred:  whats a better option?06:58
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mendredports-: not saying kubuntu is bad :)06:59
ports-but im sure theres another distro thats better prepared07:00
mendredports-: heh that would be debian :)07:00
ports-mendred:  well we're modifyin a Wordpress package to run a blog news source on campus... and i figured itd be easier to run the demo site on a local server that i controlled instead of at OIT servers on campus, or at an off campus host07:02
mendredports- nice07:03
ports-main part is that the authentication system in Wordpress sucks.07:03
ports-we have to redo it from scratch.07:04
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mendredports- hmmm..i maybe wrong i haven't used Wordpress..07:04
mendredports- but i was under the impression07:04
mendredports- that it had an auth plugin system07:05
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ports-let me check.. i didnt notice it07:05
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ports-because i asked on the forum and the response was "you would need to code that'07:06
mendredports- http://dev.webadmin.ufl.edu/~dwc/2005/03/02/authentication-plugins/07:07
mendredports- i think after 1.5.1 u have plugins07:07
mendredports- like i said i haven't used it..so i dunno how practical it is07:07
mendredports- hope it helps neways07:07
mendredports- http://dev.wp-plugins.org/07:08
ports-lessee if any of those do what i need07:09
ports-because the auth method we want is very paranoid07:09
beefsprocketports-: doesn't wp have a good captcha plugin?07:10
beefsprocketor is that drupal?07:10
mendredports- hmmm wots ur auth method ?07:11
ports-whats captcha07:11
ports-mendred: we need to do auth emails from the edu domain only..07:11
mendredports- hmmm07:12
beefsprocketports-: you know those alphanumeric grids where you have to type the text?07:12
ports-beefsprocket:  yes07:12
beefsprocketmostly good for stopping spammers or automated login attempts07:12
ports-beefsprocket: i hadnt thought of using that.. but that may be something to do also.07:12
LeeJunFanam I alone in getting a lot of errors with konqueror and google "connection broken"? If not - are you also using dapper?07:12
beefsprocketnot on its own, but it limits the number of attempted breakins07:13
crimsungoogle works fine in konqueror here on dapper.07:13
ports-beefsprocket:  basic goal is to have a verified EDU address to every user on the site. therefore anyone that acts up... will be dealt with by the dean of students07:13
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mendredLeejunFan: yes on dapper.. no not facing problem..how do u reproduce it07:14
ports-beefsprocket:  i didnt think about useless/spam accounts too much since people wouldnt be able to write their own blogs... theyd simply by signing up so that they could respond to news articles, or talk in the discussion areas07:15
beefsprocketright, perhaps not needed then07:15
beefsprocketusers sign themselves up?07:15
Hobbseeports-: finally got it to wokr :D07:16
LeeJunFanmendred: I just keep getting it popping up in konq, trying to narrow it down to which network layer is the problem, :)07:16
ports-beefsprocket:  right.. and what we've planned for is that ill go to the site... request an account.. .. system requires that i use an EDU email account.. an auth code is sent to that account.. you verify it.. and then choose a password07:16
LeeJunFanmendred: was hoping for app layer, easiest to deal with.07:16
ports-Hobbsee:  congrats :)07:17
Hobbseedarn enter key07:18
beefsprocketports-: that's way beyond me...07:18
=== bimberi cheekily considers !enter :P
beefsprocketanyways, night07:18
ports-beefsprocket:  ive got 2 guys from the CS dept that said they can design that system07:18
=== Hobbsee cheekily considers the banstick :P
beefsprocketsounds like simple mysql queries mostly07:19
bimberiooooh touchy :P07:19
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ports-mendred:  With .htaccess files, you can use any of the authentication mechanisms available in Apache, such as basic authentication... --- whats that mean07:20
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mendredLeejunFan: seems to me everyone has complicated problems today on this channel :)07:23
ports-mendred:  lol mines not too complicated07:23
ports-i wont be working on it for atleast 2 weeks07:23
ports-its just going to involve a lot of book reading... because i dont want to have ryan and kit code something that already exists07:24
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ports-apparnetly thats the Close Tab button07:24
mendredports- http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/howto/htaccess.html07:25
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mendredports- am assuming ur using apache 107:25
mendredports- wots the close tab button ?  :)07:25
ports-in Konversation.. to the right of the text edit box..07:26
mendredoh ok07:26
ports-ok HTAccess which Apache has.. is something different07:27
ports-that restricts access to folders on the site itself..07:27
mendredummmm ports- whose htaccess were u referring to ?07:28
mendredi assumed u were referring to apache's07:28
ports-i was just reading stuff on those links you posted07:28
ports-from that original link where it talked about User Authentication in Apache... i thought it was referring to a system like i wanted...07:28
ports-mendred:  its going to be a long summer :)07:29
mendredports- should be fun neways :)07:29
ports-it probably will be07:30
ports-nice part is... i just need to make sure the demo site works.. i dont have to worry about security etc on Apache07:30
mendredports- hmmm07:30
mendredports - put up a blog on all this when u do..it should make for interesting reading07:31
ports-mendred:  lol ok07:31
ports-what i need is a revenue stream for this.. about $50/month07:31
ports-we've got a very gracious domain host.. only $4/month... but promoting this thing on campus is going to cost a lot of money07:33
mendredstudents fund raising?07:33
ports- yeah07:33
ports-im not a fan of fundraising :)07:33
mendredyeah i can relate :)07:33
ports-in many cases... the raising part costs more than the donations received07:33
ports-which doesnt mean that i wont be grilling in the quad during lunchtime..07:34
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Zaireim back lol07:34
ports-just means that if im earning $10/day profit off it... and spending 4 hours out there.. ill scrap it07:34
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mendredports- well...good luck..u probably could set up a project page onsite with a paypal thingy for donations or something :)07:35
Zairewell kubuntu still crashs lol ........one thing I could not figure out was how to get the kernel sources installed from commandline07:36
ports-mendred:  i am trying to work out a deal with the campus activities board.. they spend a lot of money on promoting events in the campus newspaper...  im thinking that they can funnel me some advertising money... (and it helps that ive been a programming chair in that organization for 2 years)07:36
mendredports- bon chance07:37
ports-mendred: yep.. its exciting because the group of people helping with this are connected all over campus.. and its really easy to get people onboard07:38
ports-i started writing the constitution for the organization in the middle of februrary.on friday student govt approved the organization and its purpose.. took 2 months. mainly because i took 6 weeks to write the constitution07:39
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mendredports- are u considering eventually going for an MBA ?  :)07:40
ports-mendred:  no why07:40
mendredports- u would be very good at it :)07:41
ports-mendred:  im an engineer07:42
mendredports- so are 3/4 of the ppl who passed out of my class :)07:45
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mendredports- actually make it 98%07:47
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mendredports-well..catch u later..gotta go07:52
mendredciao all07:52
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_dustinhi i have a question, one day i right clicked a folder, intending to play all of its contents in xmms, and after that every time i tried to normally open a folder, it would open it in xmms. Is there something i can reset so that this wont happen anymore?08:25
_dustini'm new to linux, if that helps any08:26
_dustini have breezy badger right now08:29
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_dustinhi i have a question, one day i right clicked a folder, intending to play all of its contents in xmms, and after that every time i tried to normally open a folder, it would open it in xmms. Is there something i can reset so that this wont happen anymore?08:30
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bpmgood morning08:59
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LeeJunFandoes this page fully load for anyone else http://images.google.com/images?q=image&svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&start=20&sa=N09:09
LeeJunFanIt won't load in firefox or konqueror for me.09:09
LeeJunFanwell, it finally did after about the 6th try.09:10
LeeJunFanto he11, I'm going to bed.09:10
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kkathmanhowdy LeeJunFan :)09:23
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simirawhat files manages the menus in kubuntu?09:49
simirathe structure in the menu, what apps to be listed and how etc.09:49
Emessjsut kde settings09:50
Emessright click the k symbol and go menu settings...09:50
Emess*menu editor09:50
simiraEmess: I don't use kde, we need a file to be distributed on the workstations on my workplace09:51
Emessoh, then i have absolutely no idea09:53
noaXess_kubuntuhi all..09:54
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merc248wee, i love kubuntu.09:55
merc248that is all09:55
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simiracan anyone else help me?09:58
painessimira: I don't understand your question.09:59
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simirapaines: I need a file to edit and redistribute through network, to manage the kubuntu menus09:59
simirapaines: the meny settings must be set in some file...10:00
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Emesslike a .conf file? tried google?10:01
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painessimira: first of all. try to find out where kde is saving its menu. so best is, ask in  #kde10:05
merc248i can't wait for KDE410:05
merc248i just found out about it10:05
merc248while trying to look for a kopete upgrade thing10:06
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Emessoh sweet i can run a console in konversation, good irssi died then :)10:08
Emessno more screen for meeee *dances*10:08
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EmessSystem Information for    [ ubuntu ] 10:33
EmessOS/Kernel                 Linux 2.6.12-9-38610:33
EmessCPU Info                  Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz 2993.861 Mhz   5931.00 Bogomips10:33
EmessHD Info                   0GB total storage capacity10:33
EmessMemory                    193.754/504.387MB10:33
EmessProcesses                 10410:33
EmessUptime                    1:1110:33
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Emesslook at the HD Info10:37
EmessOGB...i have a 400GB SATA in this one :S10:37
ChousukeWell, you need a better script :p10:39
Emessnah, im running of a live cd to test this system sound card which isnt working in windaz10:41
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Emessit even thought my baby had )gb when shes got close to 8TB :D10:41
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Glin|JolWinamp  5.20 Stopped10:41
ubotuit has been said that mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:41
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firepolhi there, can someone help me to get the latest version of amarok working under breezy? if i add the breezy repos in my sources.list it gives me an error as you can see here: http://pastebin.com/67846511:20
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painesfirepol: latest amarok isn't for breezy11:26
firepolpaines, so what happens if I upgrade to dapper? do you think im safe?11:26
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painesfirepol: depend on what you are using or doing with your installation. for me,  it works great.11:27
firepolis somebody here using dapper? I would like to upgrade but I'm afraid to break my distro. Actually I'm using kde 3.5.2 (added the kubuntu.org repos to my sources.list)....11:28
firepolit's my workstation at work. I need firefox, thunderbird, konsole, kate and quanta working. the rest can have some bugs (i cna live with that)11:28
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painesand you just want to upgrade due to amaork ?11:31
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firepolpaines? not only, so whan dapper is out in june ill already have all the upgraded packages and wont lose time to download all the packages ;)11:32
firepolpaines: also why not, to give some feedback to the kubuntu teram if i discover some bugs?11:33
firepolteram* team11:33
painesi see.11:33
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firepolanywa yi wont do that, it seems too dangerous from the feedback i get around ;)11:35
paineswell, for me I am using it everyday, in office and at home. no issues so far for me. I using it on desktops pc's. one i386, and at home amd64.11:35
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firepolwhy are ubuntu and kubuntu "split" like if it was 2 different operating system? isn't kde just a package like fluxbox is?11:49
Tm_Tfirepol: sort of, but Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE and good set of KDE apps11:51
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Tm_Tfirepol: problem is, somehow many users seems to think they are "different" but they're not11:52
firepoli know thast there is a sort of religion war between gnome and kde users... so that's reflected also in ubuntu and kubuntu?11:53
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Tm_Tbut more like, if you like to have KDE, you prolly like to have KDE apps too11:53
Tm_Tso, Kubuntu team tries to offer good KDE experience in Ubuntu11:54
Tm_Tbut Kubuntu team also helps a lot in "gnomeware" issues ;)11:54
Tm_Tso I can't see any war going on11:54
firepolTm_T I dont need to have double apps that do the same thing. I uninstalled all my gnome packages as I prefear kde11:55
Tm_Tfirepol: isn't it good? so you have a choice?11:55
firepolAnyway when it comes to standard packages, like firefox, where should i ask support? in ubuntu or kubuntu forums? You see what I mean?11:55
firepolyeah but isn't it good to have only a main centralized platform (forum, irc channel etc) ?11:56
Tm_Tfirepol: both are fine, but mostly Kubuntu support is meant to kubuntu/KDE specific issues11:56
firepoli see11:56
Tm_Tand no, too centralized and you can't find the Kubuntu part from there =)11:56
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Tm_Tfirepol: think it this way, Kubuntu and Ubuntu are cars manufactured in the same factory, but just different colour and seats and that11:58
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firepolTm_T, so if I have a car that has a different color I should call a different office in case of problems? ;)11:58
Tm_Tfirepol: so, if you put repair service to same place, they need to keep two or four different kind of seats in the same place instead of half of it11:58
firepolTm_T dont worry i got it ;)11:58
Tm_Tyeah :)11:59
Tm_TI'm not a good explainer11:59
=== mendred thinks Tm_T rocks
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firepoli guess there is a centralization for obvious purposes: a kde user has kde specific problems...11:59
=== Tm_T hides
mendredTm_T: ur kopete package didn't have voice enabled :(12:00
abattoir hello Tm_T :)12:00
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firepolpaines: has dapper firefox in its packages?12:02
morrowhmmm.. this baghira keeps crashing my firefox :/12:06
jorikdoes whatever-fs-DVDs-use support soft links ?12:15
Tm_Tmendred: ofcourse don't have, because there's no correct ortp in ubuntu12:16
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ralf_Updated today and everything is smooth in kubuntu 6.06 ppc. But kino still has probs with avc (status error) and dvgrab can't find a camcorder?12:25
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mennodoes anybody use Kubuntu with low latency for audio-work?12:50
eulcheni have tried one time but crash12:51
mennonot good...12:51
mennothere is still some work to be done i guess12:52
mennothe day will come that an end-user like me can make the switch12:53
eulchenim new to linux took me 2 days till i could play my mp3s ;)12:53
mennothat 's within limits12:54
eulchenhe he well i know now tht the codecs bit hidden for legal reasons12:54
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eulchenbut i still wonder why all the windoofs progis install them but not linux12:55
mennoyeah i never wondered but yeah12:56
mennoi guess they use Lame?12:56
mennoand not Frauenhoffer12:56
eulchensome  audiacity for windoes yes needs lame    but i dont know whta winamp and the others use12:57
eulchenhard to imagin billi gates paid frauenhofer ? hm hm12:58
mennowhy not?12:59
eulchenhe never paid anyone dont you know him ? giggles12:59
eulcheneven his first msdos was stolen from his friend12:59
mennonot personally, just seen pictures of his house12:59
mennotaken with wide-angle01:00
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Emessmm i hope my ibm can handle dapper (64mb ram ftl)01:36
Emesshow do i turn on teh SSH daemon?01:38
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Danamaniaapt-get install ssh (it'll install both client and server, I think client is the only one installed by default)01:39
Danamaniaapt-get install openssh-client will probably do the same01:39
Danamaniagah. scratch that01:39
nagyvhello! I don't know why but my root partition seems to get full. df01:40
Danamaniaapt-get install openssh-server01:40
Danamaniathat's the one sorry :)01:40
Danamanianagyv: you may still have a load of downloaded packages laying around. does "sudo apt-get clean" clear up a load of space?01:40
nagyvit has 5Gb, /usr is 2.2, /tmp is nearly empty, /var is 1.8. I see no reason why it would get full!01:41
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nagyvDanamania: thx, this was the problem. Is there any way to set up this cleaning automaticaly?01:42
EmessDanamania: thanks, shouoldnt the server be installed default though? i guess not :(01:42
Danamanianagyv: I don't know, sorry - apt-get's manpage just mentions that you might want to run it from time to time.01:44
nagyvDanamania: thx, I will try to remember.01:44
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DanamaniaEmess: I think the approach is not to run services unless they're specifically required. I'm still pretty new to ubuntu :)01:45
Emessiv never used ubuntu before, or any other debian based system01:45
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Danamaniaahh. I come from straight debian myself.01:46
Emessyeah, im looking to dual boot my slack10 server with kubuntu, or if possible Xubuntu01:47
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tRSShow can I start another xsession from tty1. currently, i am doing 'startx -- :1' and it loads another x session but then nothing happens. I can't even kill this process01:50
Emessfind the pid and kill it...01:51
tRSSEmess: well, killing the process is not the issue. issue is starting another xsession from tty1 or tty2 or tty301:52
inc|freakyhi all, im using knetworkmanager. but when connecting to my router, wireless, it gives me the wrong IP-address over dhcp ... i have set up a static IP for the MAC adress of my laptop on the router. when connecting over a cable it works. just not over wireless. what could this be caused by or how can i fix this?01:53
painestRSS: look in to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config and change allowes_users= to anybody01:55
painesallowed_users i mean01:55
tRSSpaines: thanks, let me try it01:57
tRSSpaines: on my other machines, I am able to do it from tty1 by just doing 'startx -- :1' but on this machine I only ubuntu, wheres as on this machine also I have Kubuntu, which primarily use01:59
Emessok this is wierd, im isntalling ubuntu and when i get to the partitioning part it jsut repepatedly says 'Killed' and jsut keeps on repeating...01:59
tRSSstill getting a 'no protocol specified' error02:02
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Emessfrom the forums it seems to be a problem on computers with 64mb rasm...which is what this box has :(02:11
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florianHello !02:40
florianIs this the good chan for dapper beta or #ubuntu+1 ?02:40
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cenobytehow do u play .nsv files with xine or vlc?02:42
Hobbseeflorian: ubuntu+102:44
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florianHobbsee: thx, I'm in, but no-one answer :(02:45
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florianDo you know if new installer support LVM ?02:45
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knoppixHi! i'm having trouble installing breezy onto a pair of sata drives on an nforce4-based motherboard02:45
Hobbseei've got no idea, but i suspect so.02:45
florianseems it doesn't :s02:46
knoppixflorian, is this dapper? there was an LVM option in the installer, i saw it today while i was trying to install02:46
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Hobbseendazza: yes it is02:47
florianndazza: Yes, the dapper-beta02:47
ndazzathe installer/partitioning section seemed identical, including LVM02:47
ndazzaonly difference was the new one didn't pick up my drives :(02:47
florianOn graphical installer ?02:47
uboturumour has it, midi is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8736 or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo02:48
florianndazza: how can you setup a "classic" install ?02:49
florianI didn't find the way to...02:49
florianOnly live-cd02:49
ndazzaflorian,  i was using dapper flight 6. it went straight to non-gui boot02:49
florianHo, yeah, ok for flight 6, but dapper-beta seems to be only graphical...02:49
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cenobytecan someone help me out02:50
ndazzaoh okay02:50
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ndazzaflorian, cool, maybe that will work with my hardware hehe02:51
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MrMistHi all02:52
MrMistanyone know why there isn't any official MySQL 5.0 release for Debian/Ubuntu/Kubuntu ?02:52
Emessbecause you compile software from source like a normal person?02:53
MrMistof course I'm able to. But it would be simpler not having to02:53
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MrMistI'm compiling as we speak.02:53
Emessthen you'll need a precompiled binary, and they dont make on for debian so try an rpm or compile like you already are :)02:54
MrMistThe companies themselves more often than not omit compiling for Ubuntu02:55
h3sp4wnWhat is there in mysql 5 that is not in 4 that you need ?02:55
MrMistBut the programs are released in the apt-get-system anyway... don't know who's in charge of it though02:55
MrMisthmm... much02:55
MrMistincreased security02:56
MrMistthe ability to make views02:56
MrMiststored procedures02:56
MrMistthese are just the improvements I know of... I'm sure there's even more02:56
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MrMistAnyone know who's in charge of those systems ? Someone should push the right buttons to get MySQL updated in the system02:59
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h3sp4wnMrMist: Mysql 5 is in dapper03:00
MrMistI know. But dapper is still in Beta03:00
MrMistI require a stable system03:01
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h3sp4wnMrMist: There is no way it would be updated in breezy03:01
MrMistwhy not ?03:01
apokryphosMrMist: because dapper's about to be released, it would be a huge effort to backport to breezy, etc etc03:01
apokryphosit'll never happen, for sure03:01
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bigescaladehy! can u help me in this case : I installed kubuntu linux and i want to play my mp3 files with amaroK! but when i click on a file amaroK starts but doesn`t plays! What`s the problem?03:03
MrMisthmm... but the package-system is on different servers03:03
MrMistisn't that just a matter of compiling for each platform ?03:03
apokryphosno, it's a lot more than that03:03
srednaIn that respect gentoo is better, since if you update you allways gets fully up to date with the entire system. If that is not possible with ubuntu, one needs to reinstall for each release.03:03
apokryphossredna: true, but often if new version of packages are *just* released they're backported, but also (i) there is quite a short/quick release cycle, and (ii) for those who can, it's very easy to still compile03:04
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apokryphosalso, new releases don't require a reinstall per se, just an update03:05
ndazzaMrMist, you could try downloading the .rpm and using alien to convert it to a deb03:05
MrMistI'm compiling it now03:05
ndazzadoes the dapper-beta live cd install as well?03:05
srednaapokryphos: Ok, as long as there is somthing that makes reinstall unnessecary, since that means overwriting configuration data ;)03:05
MrMistI'm a programmer, so I know how03:05
apokryphosndazza: yes03:05
apokryphosndazza: I don't think there's an distro now that has no "update" option when a new release comes out, yeah.03:06
MrMistI'm just getting a bit sad 'cause it's so much fiddling around in Linux compared to Win.03:06
ndazzaok, is the gui installer or the text installer most likely to work on troublesome hardware? specifically SATA drives with nforce chipset03:06
apokryphos* sredna, not ndazza :)03:07
MrMisteven though I'm one of the guys that knows how03:07
apokryphosndazza: I presume so. The more testing it gets, the better it will be :)03:07
apokryphosndazza: remember though that it is still technically beta software03:07
ndazzaspeaking of which, is there an install report that i can fill out? the flight 6 installer is worse at detecting my hardware than the breezy one03:08
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apokryphosndazza: best is to compile a bug report, however I'd only recommend filing one if you're using the latest beta03:09
=== ndazza nods
apokryphosotherwise you'll probably get "test with latest beta; does it work?"03:09
ndazzadownloading now...03:09
=== Hobbsee tends to write lots like that :P
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xwolf-If i use DHCP, i can connect to the net and everything. And when I put the IP address myself, i can't... i mean, it reaches the router adsl modem but i can't access google, for example. looks like a dns problem, but i already have a list of them in kcontrol03:22
xwolf-any ideas?03:23
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ndazzaxwolf-, can you google.com from the command line? can you ping google's ip address? (
ndazzaoops, can you *ping* www.google.com03:24
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nico8481how can I add, for example, "play with amaroK" to the list of actions that are proposed when I right-click on a folder containing music files ?03:26
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noteventimeI've managed do something bad :P03:27
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noteventimeI'm unable to start kde03:28
ndazzanico8481, the actions list only has options for any files i think, it doesn't recognise music files/directories as different03:28
OdyXnoteventime: that's not bad, it's fun !03:28
noteventimeI get into KDM login screen03:28
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mayurdid anybody knows about virtual cd software for kubuntu?03:28
noteventime:) but when i login the screen turns black for a second03:28
OdyXnoteventime: try:03:29
nico8481ndazza: how come it proposes me "open with Kaffeine" in the list of actions for such a directory then?03:29
OdyXsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:29
noteventimemayur, if you want to mount ISO images, then its built in in the system03:29
OdyXsudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm03:29
ndazzanico8481, no idea... i guess i'm wrong :)03:29
noteventimeOdyX, I tried reconfigure KDM but I don't think KDM is the problem03:29
noteventimeI think the xserver is03:29
OdyXnoteventime: then try to reconfigure it.03:29
noteventimeBecuase I tried to manually start the xserver03:30
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ndazzanoteventime, do other environments start? gnome/icewm/etc?03:30
noteventimeI just tried fail safe03:30
noteventimeBut as I'm unable to start the xserver manually03:30
mayurwhere is the package?03:30
mayurfor mounting iso images03:31
noteventimeIt won't even give me any erros03:31
ndazzamayur, it isn't a package, it's in the kernel. the command you need is mount03:31
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mayuri dont know command very well03:31
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mayurplz caaan u give me syntax03:31
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ndazzamayur, unfortunately i don't know if/how it's done with the gui, but if you open a console and type the command mount -t iso9660 /path/to/cdfile /mnt -o loop03:32
OdyXnoteventime: tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?03:32
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ndazzathat will place your cd image into the directory /mnt03:32
mayurthnx but i want a gui tool03:32
ndazzafrom there you can browse it with gui03:32
noteventimeOdyX, yes03:32
OdyXWell... dunno noteventime03:33
mayurin windows i use deamon tools03:33
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ndazzanoteventime, have a look in /var/log/xorg.log.1 or whatever the filename is03:33
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ndazzamayur, have a look at http://packages.ubuntu.org/ there's a search engine there03:34
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ndazzaoops, sorry that link is bad... i'll find the right one03:34
noteventimeerror opening security policy file /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy03:35
noteventimeBut it goes on beyond that03:35
ndazzaahh http://packages.ubuntu.com/03:35
noteventimeThats the only error message i got :(03:36
ndazzanoteventime, check that the file exists, permissions on the file. search for lines beginning with (EE)03:36
ndazza(that last is in the log file again)03:36
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noteventimendazza, the file doesn't exist but there are no (EE) lines at all in the log03:37
noteventimeThats the wierd thing03:38
noteventimeAfter trying to start X, when i get back to the console, there are no error messages03:38
ndazzahmm... i have a big SecurityPolicy file at that location - but i'm using XFree8603:38
ndazzaperhaps look in /var/log/kdm.log03:39
noteventimeI did03:39
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ndazzaare you using binary video drivers?03:40
noteventimeX: client 4 rejected from local host03:40
noteventimeyes, i810 but I've tried uing vesa03:40
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noteventimesame problem03:40
ndazzai'm thinking there might be something funny with the X authentication stuff03:41
ndazzaxauth and friends03:41
noteventimeok, dunno about tha : / any ideas on how to check?03:42
ndazzai can't remember what the name of the tool is to authorise remote connections and the like...03:42
ndazzaif your pc is well-firewalled on a private trusted network..... you could try xhost +03:43
ndazzayea 'xhost +'03:44
ndazza+ means allow all03:44
noteventimeohh, ok03:44
ndazzaif it doesn't work, don't forget to use 'xhost -' afterwards, i'm pretty sure it's a security hole03:45
noteventimeunable to open display "" and with DISPLAY=:0 i get unable to open display ":0"03:45
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noteventimeconnection refused by server03:45
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ndazzaokay, i'm running out of ideas now...03:46
noteventimeHmm, the computer hung so I had to hard reboot during prelinking, DO you think that could be a problem? I've finished a prelink now and I'll try to restart03:47
noaXess_kubuntuare her some sybase database specialists? i know, not the right channel, but i need help.. or some other places where i can get help.. yes, i have searched in google.. some hours.. but found nothing what help..03:47
ndazzanoteventime, haha yes that could be a very big problem03:47
ndazzaa botched prelink could cause all kinds of problems with your libraries03:48
noteventimeJust that I thought I'd get segmention faults or similar and not this but-looking thning :)03:48
ndazzanoaXess_kubuntu, there's a tonne of db gurus on #mysql03:48
noteventimeok, trying to login now03:48
nico8481if i want Konversation to use firefox instead of konqueror when i click on a link, do i have to set it up somewhere in Konversation or is it defined at KDE level ?03:48
noaXess_kubuntunoteventime: ok.. just try there.. thanks03:49
noteventimestill the same problem03:49
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noteventimeDidn't help03:49
ndazzaok, have you tried dpkg --configure xserver?03:50
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ndazzahmm taht might not be the correct package name03:51
noteventimeonly xserver-xorg but that should be the same, or not?03:51
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ndazzayeah that's probably the right one (not on a kubuntu machine here)03:51
ndazzaat this point i'm pretty much stumped... one thing you might like to try is logging in from another linux box using ssh with X forwarding03:52
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ndazzasee if you can get x apps to send their display over the link03:52
noteventimeHow do I do that03:53
ndazzafrom command line: ssh -X user@host03:53
noteventimeNever done that :)03:53
ndazzaonce on the other side, make sure it was set up correctly: echo $DISPLAY03:53
noteventimeOk, thanks :)03:54
ndazzathen run something simple like xcalc03:54
ndazzathe echo $DISPLAY should return localhost:10.003:54
ndazza(i think)03:54
noteventimeConnection refused03:55
noteventimeboth ways03:55
noteventime:( guess I'll have to format and go for the new beta :D03:57
noteventimeI'll just install an FTP server and make an backup of my home folder03:58
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CTVhi all04:06
ndazzanoteventime, ahh you will probably need to actually start the server first :) i forgot about that little detail04:06
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ndazzause this: /etc/init.d/ssh start04:07
noteventimebut startX wont work :S04:07
noteventimeahh, ok... sorry04:07
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noteventimewhat package do I need to install?04:07
CTVi made a skript what replaces the interfaces file on /etc/networks/ but the changes wouln't replaced04:08
CTVonly after reboot04:08
CTVhow can i restart the network services ?04:08
HobbseeCTV: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:08
ndazzanoteventime, ssh-server i think...04:09
ndazzai'd have a look but konsole is going really strange right now...04:09
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Jaymacany network gurus here?04:12
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HobbseeJaymac: wired or wireless?04:13
JaymacUbuntu pc connected to the net... Crossover cable going into windows xp laptop04:15
JaymacI'm chatting away on IRC on the laptop04:15
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Jaymacbut cant do anything else.. i.e log into AIM, or pull up any webpages04:15
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Jaymacany ideas?04:18
Hobbseenot a clue, apart from the fact that it's obvoiusly not working properly04:19
MacAnthonyso you are trying to setup your xp lappy as a router?04:20
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JaymacMacAnthony.. no04:25
JaymacI'm trying to share an internet connection between my kubuntu pc and my xp laptop04:25
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Jaymacwith the pc being the router04:25
HymnToLifeJaymac> which PC ?04:26
Jaymacthe xp comp is a laptop04:26
MacAnthonybut you said you are chatting on the xp box right04:26
HymnToLifethen you install dhcp3-server and then firestarter04:26
MacAnthonyso isn't it working then?04:26
Jaymaci can chat on irc on the xp laptop04:26
HymnToLifeand you activate the connection sharing with firestarter04:26
Jaymacbut do nothing else04:26
HymnToLifeso the connection works04:27
Jaymaci'm using hte linux pc at the moment04:27
HymnToLifedo ou have a firewall ?04:27
MacAnthony<Jaymac>I'm chatting away on IRC on the laptop04:27
Jaymacin another channel04:27
Jaymacthey're both right in front of me04:27
Jaymaclinux pc works fine04:27
MacAnthonyHow are you chatting on the laptop if the network connection isn't working?04:28
Jaymacoh ffs04:28
Jaymacthat is my question04:28
Jaymacirc works on the laptop, nothing else04:28
HymnToLifewell, seems the connection _is_ working then04:28
HymnToLifedns yeah most likely04:29
MacAnthonycan you go to a site by ip?04:29
Jaymaccant ping anything04:29
MacAnthonyyou can on the kubuntu box04:29
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MacAnthonyso use the IP address you get from the ping on the kubuntu box04:30
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Jaymacok, that works fine04:30
Jaymaci can ping google from xp box04:30
Jaymacwell, i can ping google's ip04:31
MacAnthonyk, then make sure the dns numbers are setup on the xp box04:31
Jaymacwhat do you mean?04:31
MacAnthonycheck the properties of you internet connection and make sure they are using your ISPs DNS numbers04:32
=== MacAnthony isn't an xp guru
MacAnthonybut I can look04:33
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h3sp4wnJaymac: Try installing dnsmasq its alot easier to setup than bind / dhcp-server04:41
Jaymaccheers will try it04:41
h3sp4wnJaymac: Its a dns server and dhcp server in one for small networks04:42
Jaymacdnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket: Address already in use04:42
h3sp4wnJaymac: you need to remove dhcp-server first04:43
Jaymacyeah i removed it04:43
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h3sp4wnJaymac: do ps auxww | grep -i dhcp04:44
Jaymacdhcp      8428  0.0  0.1   2320  1132 ?        Ss   14:02   0:00 dhclient3 -pf /var/run/dhclient.eth0.pid -lf /var/run/dhclient.eth0.leases eth004:44
Jaymacjohn     16127  0.0  0.0   2932   572 pts/4    R+   15:44   0:00 grep -i dhcp04:44
h3sp4wnJaymac: do you have a dns server running ?04:45
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h3sp4wnJaymac: remove firestarter as well04:46
Jaymaci just did that04:47
Jaymactrying again04:47
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raven3x7im having a problem with espresso04:52
h3sp4wnJaymac: Does the machine have two ethernet cards ? The dhcp server won't be able to listen if dhclient is running on the same interface04:52
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raven3x7i tried to change the language to greek. i then clicked  on continue but it would not move on. i switched back to english but it would still not respond. i then decided to close the app and restart it but now it wont launch. is there a known problem with non english languages?04:55
Jaymacyes i hyave 2 cards04:56
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Pankesorry for the stupid question, but: How to open rar-Archivs? Ark isn't able to do ist (unrar is not in the PATH or so) and unrar-free - the only other programm i found yet - too04:58
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raven3x7ugh pastebin wont work05:00
h3sp4wnJaymac: can you pastebin me the /etc/dnsmasq.conf and /etc/init.d/dnsmasq - Is udhcp still not starting ?05:03
raven3x7i get this error when espresso is run in cmd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12839 can anyone help?05:03
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h3sp4wnJaymac: presumably your internet connection is on eth0 - and you need to run dhcp on eth105:03
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raven3x7Panke: unrar - free should do it, though rar - nonfree is probably  a better choice05:04
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raven3x7rar-nonfree is probably not the exact name of the package05:05
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robotgeekPanke: on dapper, it is called unrar05:06
Pankeusing 5.1005:06
Pankecan i install unrar-nonfree by using Adept? Because i can't find it, but ich have chosen all repositories05:07
Jaymach3sp4wn, yes internet connection is eth005:07
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h3sp4wnJaymac: you will just need to specify the interface that udhcp and dnsmasq listens on but I can't tell you where to set it until I see the files specified above05:11
robotgeekPanke: you will need to enable multiverse05:11
raven3x7oh well. ill try a restart of the live cd. and the ill just go for english05:11
robotgeekubotu: tell Panke about repos05:11
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Jaymach3sp4wn, i sent you the pastebin file05:11
Pankerobotgeek: I already had05:12
robotgeekPanke: did you update after adding repos?05:13
robotgeek!info unrar-nonfree05:13
ubotuunrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB05:13
kkathmanmornin robotgeek :)05:14
robotgeekkkathman: morninng05:14
h3sp4wnJaymac: I missed it because it didn't have my name in the line - look for the line #interface and change to - interface=eth1 (removing the #)05:14
Jaymacin  the /etc/dnsmasq.conf file?05:15
h3sp4wnJaymac: yes05:15
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Jaymach3sp4wn, still fails to bind05:17
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PankeI'm using http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu for multiverse. Is this right?05:18
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robotgeekPanke: can you put the entire line somewhere?05:18
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Jaymach3sp4wn, i just removed clam-av and almost instantaneously i got cut off from irc on the xp machine05:19
Jaymacthat has to just be a coincidence though, right?05:19
Pankehttp://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy backports main restricted universe multiverse05:20
raven3x7yes there seems to be a bug with espresso wnen choosing greek as the default install language05:20
h3sp4wnJaymac: run dnsmasq -K -F,,,12h -I eth105:20
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h3sp4wnJaymac: Probably is coincidence05:21
Jaymach3sp4wn, dnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket: Address already in use05:21
h3sp4wnJaymac: Can I have the full output of ps auxww then pastebinned - another dns or dhcp must be running (preferably without php syntax highlighting)05:23
Jaymach3sp4wn, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/67903505:25
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raven3x7ok keyboard layouts are also problematic.05:25
h3sp4wnJaymac: Do sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop and then sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq start05:26
raven3x7great it crashed again. i hope they can iron it out till the official launch05:26
Jaymach3sp4wn, done05:27
h3sp4wnJaymac: Did it complain about unable to bind ?05:28
Jaymach3sp4wn, sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq start05:28
JaymacStarting DNS forwarder and DHCP server: dnsmasq.05:28
h3sp4wnJaymac: From the windows xp machine do ipconfig /renew (from a command prompt)05:28
Jaymach3sp4wn, Windows IP Configuration05:29
Jaymach3sp4wn,  The operation failed as no adaptor is in the state permissible for this operation05:29
h3sp4wnJaymac: you need to change the connection to automatic in the network configuration05:30
Jaymaceth1 in linux box?05:30
h3sp4wnJaymac: on xp05:30
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h3sp4wnJaymac: The linux machine should have a static ip address for eth105:32
Jaymach3sp4wn, i'm in the properties tab of my nic.. and cant find anything05:32
h3sp4wnJaymac: In windows ?05:32
h3sp4wnJaymac: it should be in tcp properties05:33
h3sp4wnJaymac: tcp/ip sorry05:33
Jaymacgot it05:33
Jaymacobtain ip address automatically?05:33
h3sp4wnJaymac: yes05:33
Jaymacwhat about the DNS server addresses? leave as they are?05:34
h3sp4wnJaymac: put that to automatic as well05:34
Jaymaccurrently set to Use the following DNS server addresses: Preferred DNS server
Jaymacok will do05:34
h3sp4wnJaymac: do ipconfig from the windows xp box05:35
Jaymactrying to renew ip address on windows05:35
Jaymach3sp4wn, nothing happening05:36
h3sp4wnJaymac: what ipaddress is assigned to eth1 ?05:36
Jaymacok, windows box says it was unable to contact my dhcp server, request timed out05:37
h3sp4wnJaymac: do sudo killall dnsmasq05:38
Jaymach3sp4wn: done05:38
Jaymacrenew ip again on windows/05:38
h3sp4wnJaymac: then run dnsmasq -K -F,,,12h -I eth105:38
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h3sp4wnJaymac: sorry sudo should be infront of that05:39
Jaymach3sp4wn: done05:39
Jaymacyeah, i got a permission denied error first time :)05:39
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h3sp4wnJaymac: Then try again from the windows xp machine05:39
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Jaymach3sp4wn: no dice05:40
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h3sp4wnJaymac: Does the xp machine have windows firewall on it ? If it does disable it (at least temporarily)05:41
Jaymacno, i disabled it05:41
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h3sp4wnJaymac: sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE05:45
Jaymach3sp4wn: done05:46
h3sp4wnJaymac: then run nslookup from the linux box05:46
Jaymacnslookup what?05:47
h3sp4wnJaymac: with no arguments05:47
Jaymaci just get a > prompt05:47
h3sp4wnJaymac: type server
JaymacDefault server:
h3sp4wntype in www.google.co.uk05:48
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Jaymacwww.google.co.uk        canonical name = www.google.com.05:49
Jaymacwww.google.com  canonical name = www.l.google.com.05:49
JaymacName:   www.l.google.com05:49
JaymacName:   www.l.google.com05:49
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h3sp4wnJaymac: Anything you may have just said I have missed (computer hard locked)05:52
Jaymaci didnt say anything after pasting google results.. did you see them?05:52
h3sp4wnJaymac: But you can get the ip of google from their yes ?05:53
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h3sp4wnJaymac: Try in windows tcp/ip settings setting it back to a static mask gateway dns server
Jaymach3sp4wn: done05:57
h3sp4wnJaymac: can you get online from windows ?05:57
Jaymacthe card says connected now05:57
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Jaymacbut ipconfig says no adaptor in the state permissible for this operation05:58
h3sp4wncan you ping
h3sp4wncan you ping ?05:59
h3sp4wnJaymac: can you use nslookup ?06:00
v3ctornslookup v3ctor.org06:00
Jaymach3sp4wn: Can't find server name for address Timed out06:01
JaymacDefault servers are not available06:01
JaymacDefault server: unknown06:01
raven3x7guys i think someone should add a warning in  the topic that Espresso is still quite buggy06:02
h3sp4wnJaymac: run sudo iptables -F06:03
Jaymach3sp4wn: don06:03
h3sp4wnJaymac: sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE06:04
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h3sp4wnJaymac: then try again from windows that firestarter thing may have left loads of stuff you don't need in iptables06:04
Jaymacipconfig /renew?06:05
h3sp4wnJaymac: just ipconfig06:05
Cedric77hey i was woundering if kubuntu dapper the lastest builds comes with kde3.5.206:05
Cedric77not the live cd but the full install06:05
h3sp4wnCedric: yes06:05
Jaymacok, that was successful-ish06:05
h3sp4wnJaymac: what do you mean ? can you do an nslookup ?06:05
Jaymach3sp4wn: i got some output.. IP Address mask gateway
Jaymacstill cant nslookup, no06:06
Cedric77ho then ill download it, wanted to try something different im on suse right now and eeeeeeew i mean it dont even come close to kubuntu06:06
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h3sp4wnJaymac: run sudo iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -i eth1 -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT06:08
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Jaymaciptables: No chain/target/match by that name06:08
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h3sp4wnJaymac: sudo /etc/init.d/squid stop06:13
mhterreshi Riddell06:14
Riddellhi mhterres06:14
jpatrickJaymac: you setting up dansguardian or somewhat?06:15
mhterresI saw the note that you put in dot.kde.org06:15
mhterresDid you saw the video ?06:15
mhterresof fisl7.006:15
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h3sp4wnJaymac: sudo aptitude install ipmasq06:16
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mhterresRiddel: maybe you can be in fisl8.0 next year to talk about Kubuntu06:17
mhterresRiddel: is it possible ?06:18
h3sp4wnJaymac: dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq06:18
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Riddellmhterres: is the video online now?  I did see it live06:19
Riddellmhterres: I doubt I can make it to brazil for a conference06:19
h3sp4wnh3sp4wn: change it to after networking services have been started06:19
mhterresRiddel: I think the video will be released soon.06:19
mhterresRiddel: Why you can come to Brazil ?06:20
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Riddellmhterres: too many conferences06:20
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Jaymach3sp4wn: done06:20
Riddellmhterres: ask me again next year, maybe I will be able to, but in general I have enough conferences06:20
xstWhy isn't DMA enabled by default? (since easyubuntu enables it I guess it is disabled in the default installation)06:20
h3sp4wnJaymac: run /etc/init.d/ipmasq start06:21
mhterresRiddell: I understand. But do you have some conference schedule for april in next year?06:21
mhterresRiddell: You can do a pre-schedule if is possible :-)06:21
mhterresRiddell: I'm pre inviting you :-) But I have to talk with the other guys of Program Comittee06:22
koshxst: the linux kernel automatically has enabled dma on hardware that it knows it will work well with for about 5 years now, however lots of hardware it won't enable it for on automatically since there can be problems06:23
koshxst: ie LOTS of hardware sucks06:23
mhterresRiddell: are you interested ?06:23
xstkosh: ok06:24
koshxst: so if it knows that it is completely safe it will do it, if there is a doubt it won't even try06:24
Jaymach3sp4wn: done06:24
koshxst: there are lots of situations you can do it in but the system can't know for sure that it is okay06:24
mhterresRiddell: we'll try to bring Mark too06:24
koshhave fun I am heading to bed06:24
mhterresRiddell: He was to come this year in June, but we change the date of fisl and his schedule for April was full... :-(06:25
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h3sp4wnjaymac: do you have a ubuntu live cd ? I think the problems are windows related06:26
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Jaymacno h3sp4wn but i can download it06:27
h3sp4wnjaymac: sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward06:27
Riddellmhterres: tell mark he can only come if he brings me too, that way I have to come :)06:27
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Jaymacbash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied06:28
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Jaymach3sp4wn: will take 10 mins to download livecd06:28
mhterresRiddell: We can talk with Mark06:28
h3sp4wnjaymac: Is that with sudo ?06:28
h3sp4wnJaymac: does eth1 have a default gateway set ? It shouldn't have06:29
Jaymacit didnt but you told me to set it to
h3sp4wnJaymac: I told you to set it on the xp machine not the linux one06:30
Jaymacit doesnt on linux06:30
Jaymacback in 506:30
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xstIf I install the new kubuntu beta on my box - will I then be able to get all future kubuntu-upgrades just by a conventional "apt-get upgrade" or will the repository structure somehow change upon the final releas?06:30
Riddellxst: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will do it fine, no changes needed to apt sources06:31
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xstRiddell: How would you judge its current stability? Should I wait or is it useable in its current state?06:32
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mindspinif you depend on the machine, I would recommend to wait06:33
jpatrickxst: pretty sound06:34
Riddellxst: beta wasn't great, current dailys are probably better and live CD installer won't work until the next upload06:34
Riddellthank jpatrick :)06:34
jpatrickwell, I haven't had _any_ problems06:34
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xstok - I'll wait with the install then06:35
Riddellprinting was broken (now fixed), adept was broken due to debtags (now fixed), installer was broken (not quite fixed)06:35
h3sp4wnjaymac: sudo sysctl net/ipv4/ip_forward=106:36
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jpatrickRiddell: probably explains: "Need to get 183MB of archives"06:37
v3ctorsudo sysctl -w net/ipv4/ip_forward=106:37
mhterresRiddell: but your problem is time or money ?06:37
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Riddellmhterres: time mostly06:37
mhterresso if you reserve a time for fisl, there is no problem :-)06:38
mhterresRiddell: do you agree ?06:39
Riddellmy calendar doesn't go past July, I've no idea what I'm doing next year06:39
h3sp4wnJaymac: try from windows now - If it works then edit /etc/sysctl.conf and remove the # from the ip_forward line06:39
Jaymacno luck06:40
rosenhello i have a question, in kubuntu how do i open a graphical view of my ntfs disks?06:41
v3ctorJaymac: did you run with -w06:41
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ubotuit has been said that ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions06:42
Jaymacno luck still06:42
mhterresRidddell: but if you have schedule, are you interested in come ?06:42
h3sp4wnJaymac: Wait until the live cd is downloaded and boot that on the laptop I don't think it is a problem with the ubuntu machine06:43
rosenbut kubuntu finds the disks but tells me that i vannot reach them, i know that in ubuntu theres a file viewer where you simply put you sudo pass and then you can acces the files, isnt there anything similar in kubuntu?06:45
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rosenbut kubuntu finds the disks but tells me that i vannot reach them, i know that in ubuntu theres a file viewer where you simply put you sudo pass and then you can acces the files, isnt there anything similar in kubuntu?06:48
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v3ctoryou should be able to use konqueror for that06:51
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rosenwelli know the way to do that but it doesnt seem to work, trying with nautilus now06:53
v3ctorpoint konqueror to media:/06:53
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rosenthanks for the tips but i changed to nautilus and it worked like a charm ;P06:54
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mrmistHi all :)07:00
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mrmistI'm having trouble with a web-page with some wmv-content... think it's  flash that runs a video-controller of some kind..07:01
mrmistneither firefox or kopete will take it07:01
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mrmistanyone up for a challenge ?07:01
=== puckman just did a clean install of winxp and kubuntu
puckmanwindows is suck a bloody pain to install07:02
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puckmanwow, running adept updater, 315mb07:05
puckmanguys have been busy07:05
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vgewindows is fast to install, just takes forewer to update07:05
steveklWhat's going on07:05
jpatrickstevekl: not alot07:06
jpatrickjust trying to get Xgl to install07:06
rosendoes anybode know the string for apt-get to install limewire/dc/other filesharing program?07:08
vgedo i need a better GPU than some Intel integrated card with it? :)07:08
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vgerosen: search from synaptic or adept07:09
rosenokej thanks07:09
v3ctorapt-get install apollon07:09
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everthello , how can i install skype on a 64 bit kubuntu system ? it says that it won't work because i have 64 bit :( ... can somebody help me a bit pls ?07:09
roseni would like to now that to evert07:10
h3sp4wnJaymac: do you have the live cd yet ?07:10
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Jaymacyeah just booted into it07:10
Jaymacgotta go for dinner back in a bit07:10
evertbecause i wanna talk with some windows friends ... i really need that program (or a free alternative wich works on 64 bit)07:11
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puckmanJaymac: are the gaim guys not working on sound as well?07:12
puckmanI dont know if the beta has support for it yet07:12
vgeevert: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/107 this has any help?07:12
steveklWhat's skype?07:12
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puckmanstevekl: voip software07:13
puckmanbought by ebay07:13
evertnope , they say in the link that it's not working... :(07:13
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puckmanHave you tried installing it?07:14
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puckmanI installed it on my system, installer claims it did not install yet it is there and works07:14
everti'll do it again , so you can see errormessage ok ?07:14
evertit says that i've got another architecture07:17
evertso it's not possible to install skype07:18
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rosenwhy dont you try to install it anyway?07:18
everti can't ? it's a console window (i pressed right mouse on the skype.deb => install package) and i get the error and a 'press enter to continue' message07:19
evertso it's not possible to install it anyway.. (i think)07:19
steveklpuckman: o ok07:19
evertany idea's ?07:20
vgeevert: try this one http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-static  ?07:21
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vgeevert: sry i mean http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/ then choose the "static binary"07:21
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rosenaha okej07:22
evertevert@evert:~$ cd /home/evert/Desktop/skype_staticQT-
evertevert@evert:~/Desktop/skype_staticQT-$ ./skype07:22
evert./skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXcursor.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:22
evertthat's the error i get when using the static07:23
evertwait that's wrong i'm sry07:23
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evertso i searched for the 'libXcursor' but i can't find something like that :s07:23
vgeyou prolly dont have package named libXcursor07:23
everti can't find it with adept07:24
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vgeevert: enable repos07:24
everti enabled them07:25
evertthe restricted , universe and multiverse are enabled ...07:26
rosenConnection error07:26
rosenAn unhandled error was returned when trying to open a connection with the giFT daemon, which is responsible for connecting to the various networks. The reported error was:07:26
rosenOperation not permitted (107:26
rosenwhat should i do?07:27
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v3ctorrosen: what are you running?07:27
vgeevert: if your search for libXcursor gives no output, you dont have em enabled07:27
rosenv3ctor apollon07:27
v3ctordid it install giftd when it installed apollon07:28
everti get output07:28
evertbut there are two packages broken07:28
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rosendidnt se it07:28
evertthe ones with libX07:28
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vgefix the broken packages07:29
everti can't install them ? How can i fix that two broken libx-cursor files ?07:29
vgeim not relly fond with apt-get console commands, atleast synaptic has gui versions for doing thease things, eaven adept whould do07:30
everti'm doing it with the graphical verion of adept ? but i can't commit changes , that gives an error :(07:31
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evertnoboby can help me with this ?07:41
everti've already installed libxcursor1.1.1507:41
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evertstill the same error about missing libxcursor07:41
rosenwell apollon didnt work but if anybody want a good p2p use gtk-gnutella07:42
evertlimewire ?07:42
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robotgeekrosen: dapper?07:43
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steveklI don't know about p2p but if you want a good source of (and I hope this isn't against the rules of the channel) movies and software and stuff, you should sign up with newshosting.com and get a good .nzb downloader07:44
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everti accidentely left07:45
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BroxtorHow can I change my keyboard language in Kubuntu Dapper? (not the mapping, only the language)07:49
BroxtorHow can I change my keyboard language in Kubuntu dapper?07:49
BroxtorI don't mean the mapping, just the language.07:50
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BroxtorSo when I have the Dutch language "e would result in an e with two dots above it.07:50
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r0xzBroxtor: for that you'll need the normal V.S English layout. but with the international (intl) variant07:53
r0xzBroxtor: you can change that in kcontrol07:53
Broxtorr0xz: thnx, will check it out.07:53
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Broxtorr0xz: Got it! Thanks. Can't believe it was that simple....07:54
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Jaymach3sp4wn: you around?07:58
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cedric77hi! id like to know the command that will reply my kde version08:04
cedric77and kubuntu version08:04
robotgeekcedric77: in a kde app, about Kde fron the help menu08:04
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cedric77isnt there any konsole command08:04
v3ctorkde-config --version08:05
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cedric77thank you08:06
cedric77id need to find a list of terminal command08:06
v3ctorcat /etc/issue08:06
v3ctormost kde apps with the --version work08:07
v3ctorkicker --version08:07
cedric77where do you get all these command, all in your head or you have some text file with all thse?08:07
_Rosen_this is maybe not a kubuntu question but how do i choose wich ascci should be used in cowsay?08:07
v3ctorman cowsay08:08
_Rosen_tackar ;P of course08:08
_Rosen_oops swedish *thanks08:08
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cedric77wow just downloaded the last build find myself having 290 upgrade needed ;)08:11
uboturestricted is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats08:12
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats08:12
cedric77does kde come with hummm an mp3 to ogg converter?08:16
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v3ctoryou can get mp32ogg (CLI)08:24
LazySodnow, why would anyone want that?08:26
LazySoddo not transcode lossy formats08:26
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cedric77because i need mp3 format for my mp3 player08:28
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cedric77it doesnt support ogg08:28
v3ctori rip all mine to ogg08:28
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thoreauputiccedric77: you need lame I think08:29
thoreauputic!info lame08:29
ubotulame: (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder), section multiverse/sound, is optional. Version: 3.96.1-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 222 kB, Installed size: 620 kB08:29
cedric77mp32ogg might do the job if i can put ogg to mp3 as well08:30
h3sp4wnJaymac: I am back08:30
cedric77by the way08:30
_Rosen_what video player supports .rm ?08:30
cedric77why do each time i open adept i got some mime type errors08:30
Jaymach3sp4wn: bah, i downloaded the ubuntu live cd and not kubuntu.. i hate gnome08:31
h3sp4wnJaymac: does it connect to the internet tho08:31
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, cedric7708:31
mindspin_Rosen_: realplayer ;-)08:32
h3sp4wnJaymac: run /sbin/ifconfig -a on the laptop08:32
r0xzcedric77: they know this bug08:32
_Rosen_well yes of course but are there any other ;P08:32
cedric77ho ok though i did something wrong during the installation08:32
thoreauputiccedric77: with lame you can just do lame foo.ogg foo.mp3 by the way08:32
cedric77ho nice08:33
JaymacI have eth0, eth1, lo and sit008:33
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cedric77gotta reboot (kernel)08:33
h3sp4wnjaymac: why do you have a point to point tunnel ?08:34
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thoreauputichmm actually you can't use lame to directly go ogg > mp3 ( you need sox or similar to convert to wav first )08:35
h3sp4wnjaymac: does the laptop have too nics as well ?08:36
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Jaymaci'm guessing one of them is wireless?08:36
Jaymacit has one nic08:36
v3ctorthoreauputic: didn't think so...but was too lazy to check08:36
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tripAnyone tried to install KMobileTools on Kubuntu 5.10?08:36
Jaymacit also has a modem08:36
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thoreauputicv3ctor: i just tried it and got random noise ;)08:37
thoreauputicv3ctor: trying the wav intermedairy step now...08:37
jitawhy does the installer quits after the fifth step of installation of the beta release?08:37
v3ctorthat is what my script uses08:37
Cedric77i luv trevi5508:37
v3ctormp3 -> wav -> ogg08:37
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v3ctorogg -> wav ->mp308:38
thoreauputicv3ctor: right - that works08:38
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h3sp4wnJaymac: Has the linux machine been restarted at all ?08:41
Cedric77it didnt here08:41
tripAnyone know where QT4 header and include files are stored when qt4 is installed via apt?08:41
Jaymach3sp4wn: the pc? no08:41
h3sp4wnJaymac: Did you edit /etc/sysctl.conf ? and remove the #from the ip_forward line ?08:42
jitaCedric77: any idea, why the installer quits after 5th step:08:42
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Jaymach3sp4wn: there is no ip_forward line08:43
Jaymach3sp4wn: just these:08:43
Jaymac#kernel.domainname = example.com08:43
Cedric77any error msg?08:43
h3sp4wnJaymac: put 'net/ipv4/ip_forward=1' at the bottom of the file and try restarting it08:44
tripalright how about this...does anyone know if it's possible to build and use applications desiged for QT4 with KDE 3.5.2/QT3 with QT4 installed as well?08:45
h3sp4wnJaymac: The pc that is08:45
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judgen_how do i remove the arrows in the kde menu08:45
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h3sp4wntrip: make sure LDFLAGS is set properly and it should be fine08:46
tripkk i'll check that out, thanks08:46
h3sp4wntrip: depending on whether or not it uses features that are available in both QT3 and QT308:47
h3sp4wntrip: depending on whether or not it uses features that are available in both QT3 and QT408:47
tripWell everytime i attempt to compile regardless of my using --with-qt-dir= or not it gives me a version error08:48
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h3sp4wntrip: what are you trying to build ?08:49
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tripchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found.08:50
tripI feel like I'm just overlooking someone simple08:51
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zizatrip: did you install the dev packages from the repos?08:53
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httpdsstrip: its asking for qt3 ... not qt408:54
h3sp4wntrip: you need qt3-dev-tools08:54
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tripI've got the dev tools for both versions installed08:56
tripIs there anything other than qt3-dev-tools I might be missing?08:56
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jpatricktrip: missing headers?08:57
jpatricktry:  libqt3-mt-dev08:57
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tripbtw, really appreciate the help guys08:58
huiamuhi all08:59
huiamui have a question08:59
huiamuis it normal for synaptic package manager to install mysql-server 30minutes , the package is 15mb ?09:00
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tripwee that resolved that qt error, onto the next error!09:01
v3ctorthe graphical tools seem a lot slower to me09:01
huiamuwho you re talking to09:02
jpatricktrip: :)09:02
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TheNightRider``hey all09:02
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Cedric77how do i install a .deb package09:03
huiamudpkg --help09:03
jpatrickCedric77: dpkg -i *.deb09:03
tripin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.   ...might this be a kdelibs error?09:03
TheNightRider``Right Click -> Package Manager -> Install Package09:04
keffoMorning.. I'm trying to get the nvidia driver packages, but the binary-driver-howto on the wiki says 'restricted copywright', but I cant find it?09:04
huiamuhe he09:04
keffocopyright, even =)09:04
jpatricktrip: kdelibs4-dev09:04
TheNightRider``get easy kubuntu09:04
huiamume too09:04
Cedric77what about that right click thing09:04
TheNightRider``it installs the .deb pack09:04
huiamuhow i can install mysQl-server09:05
v3ctorapt-get install mysql-server09:05
Cedric77dpkg: error processing system:/home/Kde-look/38167-qtcurve_0.35-1_i386.deb (--install):09:06
Cedric77 cannot access archive: No such file or directory09:06
Cedric77Errors were encountered while processing:09:06
Cedric77 system:/home/Kde-look/38167-qtcurve_0.35-1_i386.deb09:06
v3ctorsudo apt-get install mysql-server09:06
TheNightRider``use pastebin09:06
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jpatrickCedric77: don't install via system:/09:06
huiamu<v3ctor>i am trying with the synaptik thing but i spend 30 mins apling the changes09:06
Cedric77i just rightclicked it09:06
TheNightRider``Right Click -> Package Manager -> Install Package09:07
jpatrickCedric77: put ~ into the location bar09:07
TheNightRider``its not so hard09:07
jpatrickTheNightRider``: he's installing from system:/09:07
huiamuis that normal for mysql-server09:07
tripI'm surprised nobody has made a kmobilephone debian package for kubuntu09:07
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jpatricktrip: why didn't you ask?09:07
keffoTheNightRider``: Does the copyright repo. still exist in this way?09:08
TheNightRider``copyright repo?09:08
TheNightRider``what was your question again09:08
TheNightRider``the nvidia drivers?09:08
TheNightRider``no no09:09
TheNightRider``just get easy kubuntu09:09
TheNightRider``it has multimedia packages09:09
TheNightRider``and drivers09:09
TheNightRider``it will install them for about 15 minutes09:09
keffowhat's it called?09:09
TheNightRider``with a good user-friendly interface09:09
TheNightRider``easy kubuntu09:09
TheNightRider``google it09:09
keffoit's not a package then?09:10
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu
huiamuwhy sinaptic aplies changes soo long : 35mins09:11
huiamuit seems that he is doing nothing09:11
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ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu09:12
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keffoTheNightRider``: Groovy.09:14
huiamu<ubotu> easyubuntu.... <what about kubuntu09:14
TheNightRider``huiamu, its doing09:14
TheNightRider``easy kubuntu is the same09:14
huiamufor kubuntu ?09:14
huiamuwhere to get it09:14
huiamui was asking09:14
TheNightRider``kubuntu - same linux, different graphical env.09:14
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huiamuwhy synaptic work soo long on installing mysql-server ?09:16
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huiamuit was having to be finnished now09:16
TheNightRider``huiamu use adept =)09:17
huiamui've remove it09:17
huiamuis that bad09:17
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[eDu] hi09:18
TheNightRider``huiamu, yes its very bad09:19
TheNightRider``it installs packages easyer than with konsole09:19
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Broxtoradept shows I have broken package. How can I fix that?09:25
Roflcopter2323how do i change the theme of wxwidgets09:26
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apokryphosBroxtor: probably somehow from adept, or from command line: sudo apt-get -f install09:26
Broxtorapokryphos: thnx. It looks like that did the trick!09:28
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Roflcopter2323how do i change the theme of wxwidgets in kde09:34
MetaMorfoziSanybody help me please, i'm sucked up my network settings09:35
MetaMorfoziSthe problem is big i think:09:36
MetaMorfoziSmeta@sajt:~$ sudo echo lol09:36
MetaMorfoziSsudo: unable to lookup sajt via gethostbyname()09:36
MetaMorfoziSi'm deleted some dns-es and others in the kcontrol09:36
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jpatrickMetaMorfoziS: you messed up your hostname09:37
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temifowlHey anyone know why when i try to play movies from putfile, i get "Can't init Audio Driver 'alsasink' - trying another one", then "No useable audio-driver found!(alsasink)"09:38
MetaMorfoziSjpatrick what i need to restore it?09:39
mennohello i re-installed kubuntu dapper but like the other time i forgot how to get apt to work. Can someone help me again?09:41
temifowlhm lol, no one online?09:41
Blissexmenno: it should just work, or use 'apt-spy' or similar to get a custom '/etc/apt/sources.list' Remember you got to prefix with 'sudo'09:42
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MetaMorfoziSjpatrick what i need to restore it?09:42
MetaMorfoziSor how can i restore it?09:42
jpatrickMetaMorfoziS: hard work09:43
jpatrickgot a life CD?09:43
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mennoBlissex: i do sudo apt-spy, but command not found09:44
MetaMorfoziSreinstall? like win xp? because the network setting?09:44
=== MetaMorfoziS cries
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Blissexmenno: then so 'apt-get update' to just accept the default mirrors...09:44
BlissexMetaMorfoziS: no, don't cry09:44
jpatrickMetaMorfoziS: boot into it and change /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts so that they have the same hostnames09:44
MetaMorfoziSis it files?09:45
MetaMorfoziSor what?09:45
MetaMorfoziSnamed "hostname"09:45
puckmanhmmm, hey guys, I just ran update on flight 6 and after reboot all my fonts are very small09:45
jpatrickthis is how I fixed it09:45
BlissexMetaMorfoziS: as <jpatrick> says, whatever name  you call your machine, it must be in '/etc/hosts' with address '' usually09:45
jpatrickMetaMorfoziS: /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts09:45
mennoyes there is something happening, but also: E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:46
MetaMorfoziSso if my machine's name is sajt09:46
BlissexMetaMorfoziS: just add "sajt" to the line with "localhost" on it in '/etc/hosts'09:46
mennoBlissex: i have to kill something i guess?09:46
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MetaMorfoziSokay, i try it09:46
jpatrickMetaMorfoziS: wait09:46
Blissexmenno: that should not happen, but try 'sudo killall dpkg apt-get'09:47
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=== MetaMorfoziS can't load wepages at this time
=== MetaMorfoziS only can use the opened connections
MetaMorfoziSmy computer can'T connect anywhere, :(09:47
jpatrickMetaMorfoziS: example: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/67957909:47
MetaMorfoziSif i disconnect from this server, i never can be back.09:48
MetaMorfoziSmy network is died09:48
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MetaMorfoziSbecause i'm kill it:D09:48
MetaMorfoziSso i need edit /etc/hostnames and /etc/hosts09:49
MetaMorfoziSand add sajt09:49
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mennoBlissex: i killed it: no process killed it says09:49
MetaMorfoziSok.the "hostname" has only one line, ant it's sajt09:50
MetaMorfoziSthe hoststhe hosts.allow is empty (except comments)09:50
MetaMorfoziSi thinked it's only one line09:51
mennoBlissex: but after apt-get update still the same:E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:51
MetaMorfoziSso i has this host files09:51
MetaMorfoziS/cmd ls /etc/host*09:51
MetaMorfoziSif no other idea09:52
MetaMorfoziSi try to reset it or go to die:)09:53
MetaMorfoziSthx all, and bye all09:53
Blissexmenno: have you done 'killall dpkg apt-get'? If so, then do /var/lib/dpkg/lock'09:53
Blissexmenno: have you done 'killall dpkg apt-get'? If so, then do 'rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock'09:53
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mennoBlissex: i'm sorry, my child is crying i'll check in l;ater09:54
zaikxtoxi have read the announce of the 6.06 beta of kubuntu (i-m debian user now)09:54
zaikxtoxand and read about Faster system startup and login09:55
zaikxtoxwhile i usually does not reboot my machine more than twice at month , i'm intrigued on the way they made the startup faster. is kubuntu implementing bacground daemons?09:56
Blissexzaikxtox: sort of...09:57
zaikxtoxfine. i hace done that on my old PII some years ago and was cool, but a lot of work to implement against the os.09:57
zaikxtoxi'm really going to install kubuntu :)09:58
crimsunyou might want to hold off til later this week.09:59
crimsunthere's a rather critical installer bug that was just fixed (eats HD partitions for supper), and a new snapshot will be rolled09:59
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mennoBlissex: i removed /var/lib/dpkg/lock now10:02
zaikxtoxcrimsun, yes. i'm reading about10:03
Blissexmenno: try with 'apt-get update' again10:03
zaikxtoxanyway, while installing it i gonna keep my mainhard drive unplugged :D10:03
zaikxtoxand just leave my old ide10:03
mennoBlissex: i do not see an error anymore:)10:04
Blissexmenno: now you can also 'apt-get install apt-spy' or similar and rerun that.10:04
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zaikxtoxor maybe i should symply wait until june, to the release10:05
mennoBlissex: could not find package10:05
zaikxtoxif i can wait 2 years for each debian stable release... i can wait 2 months to try kubuntu10:05
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Blissexmenno: odd, but there is another similar one whose name I can't remember though; do a search on the web for a mirror selection utility for Ubuntu10:07
mennoBlissex: i tried sudo apt-get install synaptic and that is working10:08
Blissexmenno: 'synaptic' is a good thing, but a mirror selection utility can choose for you the fastest APT mirrors...10:09
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mennoBlissex: it asked for the CD and now i have synaptic running...10:10
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mennoBlissex: adept is still not running, si i continue with synaptic now. Thank you for helping me out here10:13
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MeTTYjpatrixk is you here?10:13
Blissexmenno: OK...10:13
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MeTTYBlissex: you saw my problem10:13
MeTTYi'm metamorfozis who deleted the dns, and can't sudo10:13
MeTTYi'm under the root terminal10:14
BlissexMeTTY: have you edited '/etc/hosts'?10:14
MeTTYi'm tried editing the /etc/hosts.conf and /etc/hostname10:14
MeTTYin the /etc/hosts10:14
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MeTTYis a comment that said about some ipv6 and undr that sajt10:14
MeTTYi rewrited it to: "sajt localhost"10:15
MeTTYbut not work10:15
HymnToLifeMeTTY> check your /etc/hosts10:15
MeTTYyes, im in that10:15
HymnToLifethe first line sould say your_hostname10:15
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_chrishow can i configure my wifi to connect automatically?10:15
MeTTYi write it to it10:15
MeTTYmy hostname is my machine's name?10:15
MeTTY(sajt) ?10:16
HymnToLifeit's /etc/hosts, NOT /etc/hosts.conf ;)10:16
HymnToLifeMeTTY> yes, the stuff that's written in /etc/hostname10:16
MeTTYok, i writed sajt to /etc/hosts10:16
HymnToLifethen reboot10:17
MeTTYi need it to hostname?10:17
HymnToLifeif your hostname is sajt, it shuld work10:17
_chrishow can i configure my wifi to connect automatically?10:17
MeTTYthe "hostname" contains only one line "sajt"10:17
HymnToLife!tell _chris about repeat10:17
MeTTYokay, i try it, thank you i hope i'm backD:10:17
HymnToLifethen it's OK10:17
HymnToLifereboot :)10:17
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44b709.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu
MetaMorfoziSthe sudo is still work10:20
MetaMorfoziSso i get back to my original state10:21
MetaMorfoziSi need sudo dhclient to get network work.10:21
MetaMorfoziStank you all10:21
MetaMorfoziSfor gelping me10:21
MetaMorfoziSand this time, how can i bind "sudo dhclient" for startup?10:21
uniquse /etc/network/interfaces10:22
uniqiface ethX inet dhcp10:22
uniqauto ethX10:22
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uniqwill bring up ethX using dhcp automatically.10:23
MetaMorfoziSsudo /etc/network/interfaces?10:23
uniqthose two lines are to be put in the /etc/network/intefaces file.10:23
uniqno, edit /etc/network/interfaces10:23
MetaMorfoziSi hasn't got that10:23
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uniqand put the two lines i wrote in it.10:23
MetaMorfoziSok i create it10:23
uniqreplace ethX with eth0 or whatever your interface is named.10:24
MetaMorfoziSyes 0, i think.10:24
MetaMorfoziShoho i found the ppoe settings10:24
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uniqyou can find out with 'ifconfig -a'10:25
uniqthe names, that is.10:25
MetaMorfoziSi need comment all of that shits and wrote that lines?10:25
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MetaMorfoziSi commented all10:26
MetaMorfoziSand wroted it10:26
MetaMorfoziSi go reboot for test10:27
MetaMorfoziSthank you, i'll be back10:27
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mzuverinkI know that in Ubuntu's Gnome packages there is the menu editor 'smeg', that when you edit the Gnome menu it does not atleast alter the Xubuntu-desktop menu.  If you install the Kubuntu_desktop is there a menu editor that only alters the Kubuntu-desktop menu?  I only want kubuntu to show KDE apps, Gnome show Gnome apps, etc.10:28
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MetaMorfoziSit works!10:30
MetaMorfoziSthank you10:30
MetaMorfoziSfor($i=0;$i<=1000;$i++) echo "thank you"; // :)10:30
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ccc_mzuverink: right click the k-menu icon, choose 'menu editor'.10:33
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mzuverinkccc_:thanks for the answer10:34
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qualusheya! can anyone please help ? i need to disable Konqueror from popping up when i i.e. click on links in IRC, instead i want Firefox to handle them.. but i'm at a loss when it comes to Konqueror O_o10:36
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ccc_qualus: try system settings > user account > default applications > web browser10:37
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qualusok, done that10:38
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qualusit still launches konqueror O_o10:38
qualusthe default browser is set to FIrefox, from both the default applications-menu and the browser itself..10:40
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qualuswhat i can't figure out, is how to config Konqueror O_o10:40
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Blissexqualus: look at the components and file types.10:41
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robbyI have a question10:42
robbyis anyone there?10:42
robbyis there anyone in here?10:43
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qualusjust ask, mate :)10:43
robby_ok thanx10:44
qualusget's you through faster :p10:44
robby_its about redistribution of unbuntu10:44
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qualusBlissex:  cheers, mate, i got it now10:44
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robby_so many distros never truelly state or are fuzzy on redistribution10:44
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robby_what I want to do is load machines with this OS and sale them on ebay10:44
robby_would that be legal10:44
robby_I want to ask first before I do10:44
robby_Cause  some people said unbuntu is totally free as in you can do whatever you want with it.. as in make a profit on it. .like loading it on machines and selling them on ebay10:45
robby_I was just wondering if theres any truth to that10:45
uniqI can't understand why that shouldn't be legal.10:45
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robby_Is ubuntu 100 percent legal.. as in no restraints?10:46
UbugtuUbuntu bug 100 in libtiff3g "gqview: segfaults while browsing a directory tree" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]  http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=10010:46
temifowlrobby, since your not selling ubuntu, but the hd it is free10:46
temifowlbut since you dont need it to be installed, why bother?10:46
robby_Is there any high rankers in here you could to be sure.10:47
=== Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
qualusi've sold dozens of HDD*s with Ubuntu ready installed, and never ran into any problems with the community10:47
temifowlcheck on there site10:47
robby_I want to install it on the machines I sell... to actuall get people used to linux10:47
robby_it doesnt state on their site10:47
temifowljust give em an empty hd, less work10:47
Tallia1KubuntuGUys? can i access a ext3 using samba from windows?10:47
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Tallia1Kubuntuor does it have to be a windows recognized file system?10:47
MetaMorfoziSTallia1Kubuntu: if you has the power of god:D10:47
robby_this is a distro that can get a big movement started10:47
robby_I usta be a windows person.. and now im not10:47
Tallia1KubuntuMetaMorfoziS: ?10:48
temifowlrobby_, i suggest you dont give linux to people who dont knwo how to use it10:48
robby_they can learn10:48
robby_I mean ubuntu is so easy10:48
temifowlnot most people10:48
MetaMorfoziSyou can get sharing work via samba between linux and win10:48
MetaMorfoziSbut i'm can't help you in that10:48
temifowlmost people and computers dont work10:48
robby_samba is faster than windows nt10:49
Tallia1Kubuntuyes, but in the past i shared only a fat32.. does it work with ext3?10:49
uniqmy grandmother use kubuntu. It's not hard to use at all.10:49
Tallia1Kubuntuuniq: grandmother... holy shit!! :)10:49
robby_see I could have sworn last week.. that it said on there website that like dabian, ubuntu is 100 percent fre as in freedom10:49
robby_but now I cant find that page10:49
temifowlyou cant SELL linux10:50
temifowlyou can give it10:50
robby_thats what I mean10:50
robby_give it with the hard drive10:50
robby_as a gift10:50
temifowlthats why you can dl it for free10:50
uniqi've setup a KIOSK environment for her.. so she can't break anything though.. but still, checking e-mail and surfing the web with kubuntu.10:50
temifowlyes you can10:50
temifowlbut why???10:50
robby_to be nice and to spread linux10:50
h3sp4wnyou can sell it - IBM pretty much sells it and makes money10:50
robby_I want linux to spread10:50
temifowlthats being mean more then nice10:50
Tallia1Kubuntuh3sp4wn: how ibm sells it?10:50
temifowlto most people linux is HELL, most techies cant even use linux10:50
temifowlmy moms work has a linux server but no one there knwos how to use it10:50
robby_its because it doesnt have 1 standard10:51
robby_and your decompiling it on the fly10:51
robby_but this version of linux is a piece of cake10:51
h3sp4wnibm: service based model they change for building and implimenting solutions10:51
temifowlto YOU10:51
temifowlnot to everyone10:51
temifowlbest thing to do is just give an empty hd10:52
temifowlmaybe a free live cd10:52
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h3sp4wnBest thing to do is give them freebsd and the freebsd handbook and refuse to speak to them until the have read it - then let them use stuff that does everything for you10:53
temifowlthat would be funny10:53
chxI just survived a kwin crash by switching to a text console and export DISPLAY=:0 and kwin --replace&        Kubuntu just rocks.10:53
chx(though it took some time to figure out the correct DISPLAY)10:53
temifowlonly bad thing, the wine isnt working well for me10:54
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temifowleverytime i try to install with the emulator it crashes10:54
h3sp4wnwhat emulatot ?10:54
h3sp4wnwhat emulator ?10:54
h3sp4wnWine is not an emulator10:54
temifowla windows emulator10:55
h3sp4wnThats what wine stands for10:55
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temifowlwhy are you saying its not10:55
uniqrobby_: to answer your question. yes, it is legal. You are encouraged to spread and preinstall ubuntu :)10:56
h3sp4wnIt does not work like an emulator10:56
temifowlbut it is10:56
ccc_temifowl: Wine = *W*ine *I*s *N*ot an *E*mulator. it's not an emulator :)10:56
temifowlso random10:56
temifowlwhy is it not an emulator :o10:57
ccc_temifowl: http://www.winehq.org/site/docs/wine-faq/index#IS-WINE-AN-EMULATOR10:57
temifowl*W*hy *I*s it *N*ot an *E*mulator :D10:57
uniqrobby_: you might want to take a look at oem-config. http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/admin/oem-config10:58
temifowl"Wine Is Not a (CPU) Emulator."10:58
temifowlkey words are10:58
temifowlflop in a windows usuable cd, and it says wine emulator10:59
h3sp4wntemifowl you should use the latest daily tarbuild and build it yourself11:00
MacAnthonywine isn't an emulator, they are ported libraries. It's closer to a runtime environment than an emulator11:00
temifowlfor what?11:00
temifowlits called an emulator11:00
temifowlh3sp4wn for what?11:01
chxtemifowl: it's not an emulator, it's an implementation of Win32 API11:01
chxwhich happens to run on Linux kernel11:01
temifowlits CALLED11:01
temifowli can print screen if you want11:01
chxit's not even called that :)11:01
temifowllet me print screen11:02
temifowlnot even running my cd11:02
temifowlnot cool11:02
temifowlright click on a exe for windows11:02
temifowlit says11:02
temifowlWine Windows Emultor11:02
temifowli can even SHOW you11:02
temifowlhm maybe not, unless theres a timer11:03
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h3sp4wnIt only works with certain programs11:03
temifowlgimmi 2 sec11:03
h3sp4wncross-over office may be more useful to you11:03
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temifowlso slow gosh11:04
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temifowlCLICK HERE11:04
h3sp4wntemifowl: What app do you want to run11:04
temifowlim trying to install wc3 lol11:05
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temifowlooh while your there look beside the drop down, a picture of me vaulting a ledge :D11:05
h3sp4wnwhats wc3 ? Warcraft 3 ?11:06
h3sp4wnon cedega or wine standard /11:06
temifowldonno, it just ran by itself using wine11:07
temifowlit said like, Using wine to start or something11:07
temifowlthen it froze mid install11:07
Search4LancerI wish i could get Wine to work worth a goddamn....11:08
h3sp4wnyou shoud use wine version 0.9.1211:08
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h3sp4wnhttp://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=1177 the is a pretty comprehensive howto on how to do it ther11:09
CellarDoorAnyone ever had no sound in one user account but no problem in root or other accounts ? Wondering what this might be ?11:10
MacAnthonyyou have a root account?11:11
crimsunCellarDoor: is your user account in the audio group?11:11
CellarDoorno, actually, I have a friend who is using linspire, but I thought I'd ask about it in here also on the off chance someone might be familiar with such a problem.11:11
CellarDoorI have no problems with kubuntu :)11:12
CellarDoor(except that wierdness that occurred when I installed the seti@home screensaver... dont do it, its really annoying)11:12
CellarDoorcrimsun: this is on behalf of someone else, but I'll check11:13
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temifowlis there a way to check what ver of Wine i have?11:17
temifowlhm nm11:18
_harmtemifowl wine --version  i think11:18
Blissextemifowl: 'dpkg --info wine'11:18
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temifowli just updated it and it said the ver lol11:19
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MerlinofChaos_Can you please tell me how to enable the zeroconf service? When I use some services which require it, it says it doesn't find the daemon.11:20
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temifowlhey is there a command to eject cdrom, cause my cdrom wont open11:22
_harmtemifowl that might also work eh :P11:22
temifowlim desperate to take this cd out11:22
_harmtemifowl do you see the CD on your desktop? just hit the eject11:22
temifowlno i dont :P11:23
MerlinofChaos_So.... anyone knows how to enable zeroconf?11:23
_harmMerlinofChoas i sure dont11:23
uniqtemifowl: in konsole: 'eject'11:24
temifowlmerlinofchaos, do a google search of ubnutu+zerconf11:24
_harmgoogle doesnt help a lot11:24
_harmcheck the wiki11:24
temifowlshit lol11:24
temifowlis there eject2?11:24
MerlinofChaos_Oh well11:24
temifowlcause it opened my first drive11:24
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uniqtemifowl: eject /dev/hdc11:25
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temifowlwould it be 2?11:25
temifowlhm not 1 or 211:26
temifowlum its not 1-6...11:26
uniq'dmesg|grep -i cd'11:26
uniqwill give you a output similar to:11:27
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uniq[   27.960265]  hdc: SONY DVD RW DW-Q78A, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive11:27
uniqthat tells me that /dev/hdc is my dvdrw.11:27
temifowlSB device using uhci_hcd and address 311:27
temifowl[4294678.556000]  usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 211:27
temifowl[4294693.054000]  cdrom: open failed.11:27
temifowl[4294693.058000]  cdrom: open failed.11:27
temifowlya ya11:27
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_harmjust reboot ad during booting open :P11:28
temifowlsmart :D11:28
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uniqtemifowl: is it a IDE device? or sata?11:29
temifowlno clue11:30
temifowli have a dvd and a cd drive11:30
uroshi all - having some difficulty with realplayer + konqueror - konqueror won't embed player (realplayer installed and works with firefox though)11:30
ubuntuI finally got kubuntu correctly reporting a hostname to my linksys router with the <send host-name "hostname"> command in dhclient.conf however how can I make it so I can just ping the hostname of another machine.11:30
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uniqtemifowl: does 'grep -i cd /var/log/kern.log|head -n4' give you anything useful? (use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com to paste multiple lines)11:32
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uniqubuntu: you can manually set that up in /etc/hosts, for single machines.11:33
temifowlgimmi a sec11:34
ubuntuuniq: However, we are using dynamic ip adresses.11:34
temifowlgrep: unknown directories method11:34
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uniqubuntu: then you would need a nameserver which updates dynamically from the dhcp-server.11:35
ubuntunameserver... you mean a dns server? we have them defined... but the gateway is not the dns11:36
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uniqubuntu: yes, a dns server, but, the dns-server must talk to the dhcp-server to update hostnames with new ips if they change dynamically.11:37
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ubuntuoh :(11:38
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ubuntusounds like I need to go a different way then... thank you11:39
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uniqstatic ips with a list of ips and hostnames in /etc/hosts is a simple and fast way of doing what you want.11:39
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akc42New here.  Just blown a liveCD of the beta, and its behaving really strangely when I boot - can anyone here help?11:44
MetaMorfoziSgood night all!11:45
akc42Mmmm - seems a bit quiet.  I'll go try the mailing list.  Bye11:47
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uroscan noone help with embedding the real player in konqueror? real player installed, works in firefox, but not in konqueror - could be plugin issue, although it appears to install the plugin11:55
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syniei installed ubuntu on my old system. it has a nForce2 chipset. ubuntu detects it, and lspci lists the nforce-networkinterface and an other card, i plugged in. but there isn't any ethX o,O can some1 help me ? how can i activate the cards11:58
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takalo ppl12:02

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