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mdkehi all.08:24
mdkeis anyone interested in helping the docteam with those icons I posted to the -art mailing list yesterday?08:24
andreasnmdke: hm, what was that again?08:28
mdkeandreasn, subject was "Some help needed from the Documentation Team"08:29
andreasnI'll check it out08:29
andreasnthose icons at the beginning of chapter 2?08:30
mdkewell, on page 9 you see 4 of em08:31
mdkepart 2 of the preface08:31
andreasnthis reminds me that I promised shaun some new icons for yelp about a year ago... :(08:32
mdkeyou could kill both with one stone08:33
mdkebut what we're really after for these pdfs is black and white ones08:33
andreasnperhaps some nice stuff can be found in the kde high-contrast theme08:34
andreasnand in the gnome high-contrast theme08:34
andreasnthe name of the kde-package is mono or something like that08:34
andreasnneed to fix some food now08:35
andreasnwill you be around later?08:35
mdkeandreasn, yep08:35
mdkei'll stay in here, but in case you don't find me, I'm mdke@ubuntu.com or mdke on here08:35
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