
Zdragdmflexiserver --xnest12:03
sivangZdra: nice :) what is gdmflexiserver ?12:06
sivangZdra: so sabayon only adds profiles to those :)12:07
Zdrasivang: I don't know ubuntu had a icon in the application menu with that before dapper, now it's hidden by default :)12:07
sivangway cool12:07
Zdraall I know is that it worked on breezy :)12:07
sivangI wish I know what this is12:07
sivangslomo: maybe you have an idea about gdmflexiserver ?12:08
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ajmitchafternoon Hobbsee03:32
ajmitchwell, morning for you03:32
Hobbseemorning ajmitch03:33
bddebianHeya Hobbsee, ajmitch03:33
=== Hobbsee didnt think it was *that* late!
ajmitchhello bddebian03:33
Hobbseehi bddebian03:33
=== ajmitch ended up waking up at 7:30AM, of course :P
Hobbseecrazy ajmitch!03:34
ajmitchyes, crazy for staying up that late03:35
ajmitchsomeone is a bad influence on me, I'm sure03:35
Hobbseefound a new way for the dcc exploit03:35
ajmitchsomething else to deal with in channels03:36
ajmitchsigh, I have to go off to uni in a few minutes03:37
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Hobbseeheh, enjoy03:43
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ajmitchyay, 3 students in the lab04:00
ajmitchit's going to be an exciting afternoon04:00
ajmitchok, it's grown to 4 students, I might be really busy then :)04:02
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=== Hobbsee_ growls at her dodgy net connection
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=== Kyral mutters to himself
=== Hobbsee pokes Kyral
bddebianHeya Kyral04:32
=== Kyral is thinknig about stopping going for MOTU
bddebianAck, why?04:34
KyralI dunno...I'm becoming more involved with ArchLinux...04:36
TheMusoKyral: I guess you are finding it better for your needs?04:37
KyralTheMuso, yah04:37
Kyralits quicker on the draw so to speak and its easier to tweak every aspect04:38
TheMusoquicker on the draw?04:38
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KyralYah....as in performs faster04:39
MongooseO RLY?04:39
MongooseKyral: =)04:39
Kyraland the AUR is nice04:40
TheMusoDo you really think i686 optimizations are helping with that?04:40
bddebianKyral: What packaging system does it use?04:40
TheMusobddebian: Its own AFAIK.04:41
TheMusoTheir packages aren't broken down so much however.04:41
TheMusoSo you want ncurses, you get the libs and the headers in the one package.04:41
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bddebianTheMuso: Ah04:41
KyralTheMuso, moreso that it doesn't assume you want any daemons running04:42
Kyralie, drops you to a command line and lets you build from scratch04:42
Kyralso I don't have RAID running when I don't need04:42
TheMusoIt is targeting a different audience I guess.04:42
Kyralsame with modules04:42
bddebianSounds like Slackware or Gentoo :-)04:42
Kyraldo a lsmod | wc -l right now and tell me how many modules you have loaded04:42
KyralI have 66 loaded04:43
TheMusoI was a Slackware user, but got sick of tweaking and settings things up04:43
TheMusoAnd the package management...04:43
TheMusoI played with arc a bit, but wasn't fond of it./04:43
bddebianKyral: 6304:43
Kyralbddebian, on Ubuntu?04:43
bddebianKyral: Yep04:44
Kyralhmm nm then lol04:44
Kyralthen again I have my full complement loaded04:44
bddebianKyral: Of course that's my server install ;-P04:44
=== Kyral falls down
KyralNo GUI?04:44
bddebianNope :-)04:44
TheMusoKyral: So I guess the question is, why are you still here?04:45
KyralTheMuso, because I still maintain packages...04:45
KyralI won't abandon them04:45
KyralOh bddebian I have you beat04:45
Kyralhorribly beat04:45
TheMusoIf thats the case, you should go for MOTU, as the middle man will be removed if you have upload rights.04:46
Kyralmy XenBreezy server, only 12 modules loaded :P04:46
TheMusoSo to speak.04:46
TheMusoBut how much of that is in the kernel? :)04:46
Kyralgood point...I had to custom compile the kernel....04:46
bddebianKyral: :-)04:46
Kyralit IS Xen04:46
Kyral5.1 MB kernel04:47
KyralI should slash it down when I go to Xen 304:47
KyralI don't need like ANYTHING in there04:47
KyralI could prolly drop it to 2 MB04:47
Kyralbasically I'm a performance junkie right now04:50
Kyralmy laptop is 3 years old, so I need every advantage I can get04:50
Kyralthis Desktop is almost a year and a half and lives on an Athlon XP, which isn't made anymore (sadly)04:51
Kyraland personally I find it fun to take these things to the limit :D05:03
KyralTo see how far I can push my hardware05:03
Kyralto see if I can do it05:03
Kyralthis is why I'm gonna (at least try) to make my own distro at some point05:03
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TheMusoGood luck. :)05:09
TheMusoLFS is probably the place to start.05:09
KyralHow'd you guess I was gonna start there :P05:11
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TheMusoThats where most would start probably.05:18
=== Hobbsee shudders at the idea of masses of compiling
KyralIt would be fun to see if I could do it05:20
Kyralto write my own package management system05:20
KyralI may be getting ahead of my self, but I think I know what I would call it05:21
KyralInfinity Linux (I was doodling in class the other day and I randomly drew the Infinity symbol and thought "Hey! That would be a cool name for a distro")05:25
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bddebianHeya tritium05:32
tritiumhello bddebian :)05:32
Se7hFetched 150MB in 5m50s (427kB/s)05:32
Se7h\o/ updates05:32
Se7hhello :)05:32
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bddebianHeya zakame05:36
zakamehello bddebian05:36
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jmganyone run ubuntu on a macbok pro?06:13
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dholbachgood morning motu world :)07:58
Hobbseeafternoon dholbach07:59
ajmitchit's evening, not afternoon07:59
ajmitchthe sun has set!07:59
dholbachhey Hobbsee :)07:59
dholbachHobbsee: how are you?07:59
Hobbseei'm okay, thinking about lunch and work07:59
=== dholbach thinks about coffee and work ;)
dholbachi finally got that  vi  mug during the weekend08:01
dholbachmaybe it'll work better for me today :-p08:01
ajmitchHobbsee: isn't it a little late for lunch? :)08:02
Hobbseeajmitch: its' 4pm...08:02
Hobbseeand if i dont have some form of lunch before work, i'll pass out...08:02
dholbachHobbsee: don't worry - seb128 asks me the same questions all the time :)08:02
ajmitchso it's dinner, not lunch08:02
ajmitchwe really don't think passing out is a good idea08:03
Hobbseeno, dinner will be when i get home again!08:04
ajmitchand breakfast was at noon?08:05
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=== Hobbsee now has lunch.
Hobbseeer...did breakfast occur today?08:14
ajmitchwelcome back, good to see you're still with us08:14
Hobbseeoh yeah, it was yesterday that it didnt occur.  yes, lunch occured today...11am or something...08:15
Hobbseeof course i'm still here.  i'd only pass out in a few hours, at work08:21
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sivangslomo_: ping, morning10:31
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zakamehi all02:18
ajmitchhi zakame02:20
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchevening Hobbsee02:24
Hobbseehi ajmitch02:24
Hobbseethought you might still be awake02:24
ajmitchme? nah..02:24
Hobbseeyes.  you.02:26
ajmitchwhy would I be awake at this hour?02:26
Hobbseebecause you never sleep?02:27
zakamehello ajmitch Hobbsee02:27
Hobbseehi zakame02:27
=== StevenK jumps on Hobbsee.
=== Hobbsee pokes StevenK hard in the ribs
ajmitchhello StevenK02:29
=== StevenK waves.
zakameheya StevenK02:30
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=== Hobbsee waves to Seveas
zakamehi Seveas02:30
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cyberixslomo_: GNUnet update ack. gnunet-gtk will get an update too?02:45
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zakameheylo zul02:50
zulhey zakame02:51
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phanatichi people03:52
zakamehello phanatic03:52
Gloubiboulgahi phanatic, zakame03:53
phanatichey zakame, Gloubiboulga03:53
=== Hobbsee waves to zakame Gloubiboulga and phanatic
=== phanatic waves back to Hobbsee :)
Gloubiboulgahi Hobbsee03:55
ajmitchHobbsee: it's easier to just wave to .*03:55
zakameheya Gloubiboulga  Hobbsee03:57
=== Mithrandir waves to ajmitch, tickles Hobbsee and runs away again
=== Hobbsee thwaps Mithrandir and pokes him hard in the ribs
MithrandirHobbsee: too late, I'm out of range already.03:58
=== Hobbsee gets her big stick ready for the next time
MithrandirI'll have to bring a long stick with feathers on, then?03:59
Hobbseeyou'll find it pretty hard to manipulate04:00
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ajmitchmorning bddebian04:00
zakameheya bddebian04:00
Hobbseehi bddebian04:00
=== Hobbsee pokes bddebian with the big stick
Hobbseesee, this is how it's done...04:01
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bddebianHeya gang04:01
bddebianHi ajmitch, zakame, Hobbsee04:01
sivangheya bddebian jaw breaker :)04:01
bddebianHi sivang04:01
sivangbddebian: what are you plans for breaking today? :-D04:02
Hobbseehe's going to break apt, of course :D04:02
bddebianDunno yet, got something I SHOULD break? ;-P04:02
sivangbddebian: hehe04:02
Hobbseebddebian: yes, apt.04:03
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=== zerokarmaleft_ is now known as zerokarmaleft
bddebianNah, I like "fixing" a bug for a universe package, trying to upload, then finding out part of it is in main :-(04:05
ajmitchand having to get main UVF exceptions? :)04:06
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bddebianajmitch: Nah, it was a small change04:07
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bddebianHeya tuxmaniac04:12
tuxmaniacbddebian: Hi04:12
tuxmaniacGot your email04:12
tuxmaniacbddebian: I will change the changelog04:12
bddebianCool.  Any resolution on the REVU problem yet?04:12
tuxmaniacbddebian: Nope. Still it says file already present in the server! :)04:13
zakamechangelog the changelog04:13
bddebianzakame: :-)04:13
tuxmaniachi zakame  :)04:13
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zakameheya tuxmaniac04:14
zakamewb phanatic04:14
phanatichey zakame04:15
bddebianajmitch: Any chance you have a second to look at tuxmaniac's upload to REVU?04:15
tuxmaniacajmitch: I dont know whether it got uploaded :)04:15
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zakamewowoctaviz takes long04:17
zakamegar sticky keys04:17
ajmitchtuxmaniac: what package?04:18
ajmitchtuxmaniac: how far did the upload get?04:19
ajmitchsince I don't see it at all on there04:19
tuxmaniacajmitch: All the 4 files got uploaded..04:20
ajmitchunless someone has kindly removed it04:20
tuxmaniacInitially I dint configure it to revu04:20
ajmitchah right04:20
tuxmaniacajmitch: so might have got uploaed to ubuntu04:20
ajmitchthat's probably why04:20
ajmitchyou tried again with dput -f ?04:20
tuxmaniacajmitch: But afterwards bddebian helpeed me.. And when i again tried04:21
tuxmaniacajmitch: it throws up a File already present in the server error!04:21
ajmitchand in your dput config?04:21
ajmitchI can see that it's certainly not here04:21
tuxmaniacI did change my dput.cf file.04:22
ajmitchyes, but tell me what's in your dput.cf file, please04:22
tuxmaniacThats the error i get04:23
ajmitchright, so it says that files *may* be present04:23
bddebiantuxmaniac: Can you pastbin your dput.cf?04:23
ajmitchbut it's likely that your dput.cf is wrong04:23
tuxmaniacajmitch: I am new to packaging.. So bare with me pls :)04:24
ajmitchtuxmaniac: it's wrong, change it to what is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU04:25
zakamehmm gnus just got the O04:25
ajmitchspecifically the incoming = / line04:25
ajmitchshould be incoming = /incoming04:25
tuxmaniacajmitch: Oh ok04:26
tuxmaniacajmit:)ch: zakame : bddebian : Its uploading finally04:27
tuxmaniacajmitch: Danke!04:27
ajmitchok, now people can get on correcting the packages :)04:27
bddebiantuxmaniac: Awesome!04:27
bddebianajmitch: Thanks04:28
zakametuxmaniac: rock on! =)04:28
tuxmaniacthanks all.. I luv ubuntu for this only...04:28
tuxmaniacbddebian: And abt the other issue of installing into X diectory04:29
tuxmaniacbddebian: thats how the previous package was packed :P04:29
tuxmaniacGuys while uploading should the dinstall run?04:30
bddebiantuxmaniac: Well it was wrong too then :-)04:31
bddebiantuxmaniac: Does it run imake or xmkmf?04:32
tuxmaniacYeah.. Successfully uploaded packages :)04:34
tuxmaniacbddebian: it did not run.. I first did a simulation and then really uploaded then04:35
ajmitchtuxmaniac: because you uploaded a binary package, not a source package04:36
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=== Hobbsee wonders what imake actually is
Hobbseemaybe it was somethign else that i was thinking of...04:37
bddebianHobbsee: A PITA, that's what imake/xmkmf is :-)04:37
ajmitchHobbsee: Evil04:37
Hobbseeeven more evil than checkinstall?04:37
Hobbseeoh yeah, it was that that i was thinking of...04:38
Hobbseehow does one change the file to use make instead?  change teh makefile or something?04:38
tuxmaniacajmitch: I have uploaded .orig also.. Is that enough?04:39
tuxmaniacajmitch: I mean when I gave dput.. It uploaded the changes, dsc,deb, .orig.tar04:39
tuxmaniacajmitch: Is that fine or something else to be done?04:39
Hobbseetuxmaniac: did it upload the .diff.gz?04:40
tuxmaniacSorry I missed it out04:40
tuxmaniacHobbsee: Yes it did :D04:41
Hobbseeoh good04:41
ajmitchtuxmaniac: no it's not ok, sorry\04:41
ajmitchyou need to build a source-only package04:41
ajmitcheg debuild -S -sa04:41
tuxmaniacOh Thanks I do it right away04:42
tuxmaniacajmitch: Done!04:43
tuxmaniacajmitch: I upload it once again?04:43
ajmitchmake sure you upload the _source.changes file04:44
tuxmaniacajmitch: Again the previous problem of file already existent on the server comes :(04:47
ajmitchtry again, with dput -f04:48
tuxmaniacajmitch: Yeah Doing it!04:48
tuxmaniacajmitch: Danke :)04:49
tuxmaniacajmitch: Hey Connection Refused upload I guess!05:00
tuxmaniacSorry for disturbing you ajmitch05:00
ajmitchwhat do you mean?05:00
Hobbseeajmitch: likes being kept up all night, you know :P - he doesnt sleep, anyway05:01
tuxmaniacConnection refused.. My network dropped.. :( Again I try to do a dput and same file already existing rror05:01
tuxmaniacpops up05:02
ajmitchwhich is different from the connection being refused05:02
ajmitchI can clear it so you can try again05:02
tuxmaniacYeah pls.. :) Sorry yaar!05:02
ajmitchtry again please05:02
tuxmaniacyeah uploading05:03
=== ozamos-__ [n=nnozamos@h48n5c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== tuxmaniac is away: Off for Dinner!
ajmitchnight all05:12
bddebianLater ajmitch05:12
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=== tuxmaniac is back (gone 00:47:09)
jpatrickhi tuxmaniac05:57
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Hi.. The thing got solved! Wrong Dput configuraton :)05:57
tuxmaniacjpatrick: But my network is irritating me..05:57
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Murphy's law!! Still unable to upload!05:57
jpatrickI usually get that05:58
jpatrickjust that it doesn't go slooow, it just _stops_ entirely05:58
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Exactly the problem!! :)05:58
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Somebody has to clear the previous upload for me now! Hope ajmitch does not mind once again..  :)05:59
jpatricktuxmaniac: I could06:00
tuxmaniacbddebian: U have any suggestion to automatically force! -f is _not_ working06:00
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Nice if you can do it :)06:00
jpatricktuxmaniac: try now06:01
tuxmaniacyeah thanks jpatrick06:04
jpatrickno problem06:04
bddebiantuxmaniac: I didn't know you hung out in #hurd too ;-)06:05
tuxmaniacbddebian: A newbie there too.. Jus got impressed with its archtecture06:06
tuxmaniacbddebian: A fan from yesterday!06:06
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tuxmaniacDone! Upload successful06:08
jpatricktuxmaniac: running revu-report as an added extra06:09
jpatrickwow, lots of compile warnings06:11
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tuxmaniacjpatrick: Yes.. :) I tried to remove it.. Seems its an Upstream problem!06:11
jpatricktuxmaniac: done; http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=230206:11
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Super! Thanks06:12
tuxmaniacjpatrick: Seems there are lots of problems!06:15
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Tonio_hello all06:42
Gloubiboulgahi Tonio_06:42
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Tonio_Gloubiboulga: you're trying the motu membership ?06:45
bddebianHeya Tonio_06:46
Tonio_hey bddebian06:46
LaserJockhi bddebian and Tonio_06:47
bddebianHeya LaserJock06:47
Tonio_hey LaserJock ;)06:47
GloubiboulgaTonio_, yes :)06:48
Tonio_Gloubiboulga: I'll be there to support you :)06:48
Gloubiboulgamerci Tonio_ :)06:49
Tonio_de rien ;)06:49
Tonio_Gloubiboulga: j'ai toujours aim l'ile aux enfants ;)06:49
jpatrick_ groovy06:50
phanatichey Gloubiboulga, that's great :) i'm sure you make it06:53
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Gloubiboulgaphanatic, thanks, we'll see tomorrow...06:53
phanatici'll try to be there too as a silent supporter :)06:56
Gloubiboulgathanks :)06:57
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slomo_cyberix: yes07:33
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bddebianIs there some way I can get 'apt-get build-dep foo' to continue even on errors?08:06
=== bddebian loves talking to himself
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ograever thought about podcasting your monologues ? :P08:13
ograi guess a local repo in sources.list might do08:13
bddebianogra: What, of me talking to myself since no one answers me? :-)08:14
ograyep :)08:14
bddebianThis is why I'll never be a main uploader :'-(08:14
=== bddebian feels unloved again
cyberixslomo_: Great08:17
=== Mithrandir ruffles bddebian
=== bddebian crosses his fingers and starts a scilab build
LaserJockI'll cross mine too08:22
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jpatrickLaserJock: ping09:17
LaserJockjpatrick: hi09:17
jpatrickdid you get my patch?09:18
bddebianscilab SUCKS! :-)09:18
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LaserJockjpatrick: yep09:19
slomo_sivang: ping?09:19
LaserJockjpatrick: but I haven't applied it yet.09:19
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sivangslomo_: pong09:31
slomo_sivang: i have some time now for your package :)09:32
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sivangslomo_: cool, lt me see if I can put an archive online somewhere with fixes09:33
slomo_sivang: ask siretart for a revu login and upload it there ;)09:33
sivangslomo_: at the momnet it would be faster for me to put it on one of the servers I'm using :-)09:34
crimsunbddebian: url to packages in which you're getting that error on autoconf09:34
bddebiancrimsun: It's scilab09:34
bddebiancrimsun: But I'm using the newer .1 release from Debian09:35
crimsundo you plan to/have you file/d a uvfe for it?09:35
sivangslomo_: there some small fixes (yet) I want to do before the initial upload, until when will you be available ?09:35
slomo_sivang: 2 1/2 hours from now at least09:36
bddebiancrimsun: Do I need one for a release add for a bugfix?  I thought that was only for API/ABI changes?09:36
sivangslomo_: okay, if I can pull the fix in an hour, I'll do that, if not then just ping you back to review and upload if appropriate09:36
crimsunbddebian: no, it's more like an informative clue for me, since I need to prioritise my pbuilder attempts09:37
bddebiancrimsun: Well just give me a hint, you don't have to build it :-)09:37
crimsunI can't give you a hint without trying it, but I'll attempt Debian's .1 in a few minutes as soon as I leave this meeting.09:38
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sivangslomo_: okay, let's do it this way, I've put the fixed archive online, http://mercury.linuxguru.net/~sivan/HUB09:47
sivangslomo_: see if this is okay, if so, I'll then work on the fix I wanted to have and then ping you to do the actual upload given I do not touch the packaging anymore.09:47
slomo_sivang: as it's a native package don't use a x.y.z-a version... but only x.y.z09:47
sivanghub: oh, sorry again.09:47
ograsivang, you should consider renamming the abbreviation :)09:48
sivangogra: yes :)09:48
sivangslomo_: apart for that, everything's okay with respect to your other comments?09:49
slomo_sivang: no... i found new issues ;) shall i write them here or by mail?09:49
sivangslomo_: email plesae09:49
=== sivang sighs
slomo_sivang: address?09:50
sivangslomo_: sivan@ubuntu.com09:50
ograwhy dont you guys just use revu ?09:50
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slomo_ogra: don't ask me but sivang ;)09:50
LaserJockogra: I was wondering that myself09:50
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=== sivang searches for the revu instructions.
sivangI need to send a signed email somewhere right?09:53
=== Lure_ [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sivangslomo_: I recall now I forgot to take off the shlibs:Depends09:53
slomo_sivang: yes, but that's not the only problem ;)09:54
ograsivang, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU09:54
sivanghmm, ajmitch already added a while ago09:55
sivangogra: how di I put my package there if I'm already in the keyring?09:55
=== sivang recalls he already set up REVU acces IHRR
sivangogra: thanks, this page has all instructions09:56
ograsivang dput09:56
sivangI already have a revu entry in dput.cf09:58
sivangdoes it come like this when you install dput ? :)09:58
ograyep iirc09:59
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crimsunbddebian: ping10:02
bddebianSo, what are we doing with "fixed in Dapper" bugs?10:03
crimsunbddebian: are you syncing?10:03
bddebiancrimsun: No, I'm adding a desktop file and cping X11_defaults/scilab.xpm to usr/share/pixmaps10:04
crimsunbug #(s)?10:04
bddebianBug #349610:05
UbugtuMalone bug 3496 in scilab "scilab installer bad path and fonts" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/349610:05
crimsunok, maybe I'm missing something, but there's no attachment with a desktop file10:07
slomo_sivang: review finished :)10:07
crimsunbddebian: does 14.1 actually address the font issue(s)? Nothing in the changelog mentions it.10:09
crimsunbddebian: 14.1 pbuilds fine here (ia32)10:10
bddebiancrimsun: No, I am adding the desktop file myself.  That's my specialty ;-P  I know it builds fine but it's picking up /X11R6/ dirs from configure, which is why I wanted to try an autoconf, etc10:11
bddebianTry to run it10:11
crimsunah, ok.10:11
sivangslomo_: yes, got your email. Funny I was sure I moved all needd to Binary-Indep :)10:13
=== sivang hopes for a last nitpicking cycle
slomo_sivang: huh? i didn't say something about binary-indep, that was ok :)10:14
sivangslomo_: hmm, after workday tiredness then :10:14
sivangslomo_: sorry for whining10:14
sivangslomo_: btw, how do you pick al those errors so quick and with detail? :)10:15
slomo_sivang: np :) hmm, you get used to find such problems fast after reviewing many packages10:16
bddebianI can't reproduce Bug #33528   Close it as Fixed in Dapper?10:16
UbugtuMalone bug 33528 in gbib "starting gbib produces segmentation fault in breezy" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3352810:16
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sivangslomo_: how do you set up debuild to sign your package at end of debuil -S ?10:17
uniqi think it's default behaviour if you have gnupg installed? -us -uc tells it to not sign.10:18
slomo_sivang: no idea, i use dpkg-buildpackage... and it does this by default unless you specify -uc or -us10:18
sivangslomo_: okay, thanks10:18
sivangslomo_: debuild is basically a frontend to dpkg-buildpackage IIRC10:20
uniqsivang: you can actually set the options in /etc/devscripts.conf10:20
uniqi have not done it, and it sill works.. though.10:21
sivanguniq: yes worked for me now, I guess it just needed to sense that the secring is there10:21
sivanguniq: I just plugged the usbdisk with my keys, so may it be it needed time to open the secring file10:21
sivangweird, in any case.10:22
sivangbut works now10:22
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sivangslomo_: I upload to revu just to see if it works, it does not include the changes required yet.10:23
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bddebiancrimsun: Are you playing with this or did I lose you? :-)10:28
crimsunmy machine is very slow, dpkg is just finishing postinst10:28
bddebianAhh :-)10:28
sivangslomo_: is the {python:Depends} like shlibs:Depends for python programs?10:31
crimsunbddebian: the bug report is a red herring for scilab10:31
slomo_sivang: not really... only the python dependencies are put in there... the dependencies on python, not the dependencies on any python packages like python-gtk210:32
crimsunbddebian: pvm is a Recommends; the font issue is due to defoma10:32
bddebianDid you run it?10:32
bddebianYou get that weird ass font?10:32
crimsunyes, it's due to defoma10:32
bddebianOK, fine but how do I fix it? :-)10:33
crimsunthat bug report is misfiled against scilab10:33
sivangslomo_: is there something like the shlibs for python? I would envisage a subtvar that would take care of adding the required dependenies by going over my import statement sin the code :-)10:33
=== seamus-laptop [n=matt@cpe-024-211-236-248.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
seamus-laptopanyone from laptop testing here?10:33
bddebianWhat about the weird pvm3 path error on startup?10:33
tsengseamus-laptop: #ubuntu-laptop10:33
crimsunbddebian: that's not an error, that's just informative. pvm is a Recommends, so using apt-get doesn't install it by default. It's harmless.10:34
slomo_sivang: unfortunately not (afaik) as not all import are a depenendency... think of (try: import foo except: try: import bar except pass)10:34
=== bddebian wonders if it's built with --with-pvm, why it's just a recommends
sivangslomo_: ah right10:34
crimsunbddebian: well if you feel strongly, promote pvm to Depends :)10:35
bddebianI don't know, I'm dumb, remember10:35
crimsunthen flip a coin10:35
crimsunheads don't promote, tails promote10:35
bddebianSo what do I do about defoma?  It's in main :-(10:36
sivangbddebian: you broke defoma ? ;-)10:36
crimsunreassign, wash your hands like Pilate, and find another boog. :)10:36
bddebianBah, I need to fix stuff.. :-(10:37
=== sivang hugs bddebian and cheers him up
bddebiancrimsun: BTW, how did you determine that it's defoma?10:37
LaserJockbddebian: as long as it disappers from my list ;-)10:38
=== bddebian pokes LaserJock in the eye ;-P
LaserJockbddebian: maybe you should file a bug upstream about pvm, if there isn't one already10:38
crimsunbddebian: try removing the Eastern ttf* packages10:39
bddebiancrimsun: ??10:39
bddebianBut where is it getting it from?10:39
bddebianGrr, maybe I should just hang my hat10:39
crimsunwhatever's injecting it into defoma (pango?)10:39
bddebianSo, no one ever answered me about what to do about Bug #3352810:41
UbugtuMalone bug 33528 in gbib "starting gbib produces segmentation fault in breezy" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3352810:41
crimsunclose it10:42
crimsunI'm facing a similar bug in vlc RE: matroska files crashing it10:42
bddebianClose it as Fix Release "Fixed in Dapper" ?10:43
crimsunno, reject it. Fixed means it was actually fixed; that can't be confirmed here.10:43
LaserJockbddebian: yeah, upstream was never really able to fully confirm it, and I couldn't either for dapper10:44
bddebianBut rejecting it just means we aren't going to fix it doesn't it?10:44
LaserJockit closes it as rejected10:44
=== bddebian runs towards the cliff face
LaserJockdon't do it!10:44
crimsunit can imply that, yes, but how can you fix it if you don't know what's wrong? It's simply not possible to fix it.10:44
bddebianLaserJock: I know but as a user, I would take that as "We ain't gonna fix it" :)10:44
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LaserJockbddebian: yes, we ain't gonna fix something that we can't confirm happens10:45
crimsunif you're really at odds with rejecting it, mark it Needs Info10:45
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crimsun(granted it'll probably stay in "Needs Info" indefinitely in that case ;)10:46
LaserJockbut Debian has basically closed the same bug10:47
crimsunyes, Steve was nice enough to say "we can't reproduce it [so I'm rejecting it] "10:47
bddebianHmm, what about the scilab bugs then10:49
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sivangslomo_: wow! http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/upbackup-0604241620/lintian10:50
sivangslomo_: cool10:50
sivangslomo_: almost as having a private slomo :)10:51
bddebianI guess I'll reject that one too10:51
sivangogra: I'm sold on revu for now on10:52
crimsunI wouldn't; I'd reassign it to either pango or defoma10:52
slomo_sivang: but it only lists some very common bugs ;) about the second one... ignore it... but debhelper in B-D and the other stuff in B-D-I10:52
=== Mithrand1r [n=tfheen@c5100BC63.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebiancrimsun: Sorry, I was talking about the dies on startup bug.  I'll re-assign the font problem to defoma10:54
LaserJockbddebian: it still does that?10:55
crimsunbddebian: it doesn't die on startup.11:00
crimsunbddebian: what appears in the console is simply an informative message11:01
sivangslomo_: second one on the revu/linda output?11:01
slomo_sivang: lintian output... about the build-depends11:01
bddebiancrimsun: I know, I rejected that one :-)11:02
bddebianSheesh :-)11:02
sivangslomo_: okay, what about the -stamps ?11:03
slomo_sivang: stamps?11:04
sivangslomo_: I see they do something, like dh_testdir and then touch the stamps so they won't get created on subsequent calls11:04
sivangslomo_: is it safe to remove them?11:04
slomo_sivang: "safe" but not very wise ;) but you can remove the complete configure* targets because you don't do anything in there11:05
sivangslomo_: true, why "unwise" ?11:05
slomo_sivang: because they save time :)11:06
sivangslomo_: but you told me to remove them :)11:06
=== sivang is confused
slomo_sivang: it told you?11:06
sivangslomo_: no, in your email to me:11:07
sivang- remove the configure/configure-stamp targets... they don't do anything11:07
slomo_yes... configure and configure-stamp, not all -stamp targets :)11:07
sivangslomo_: okay, so leave the configure one only.11:08
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slomo_sivang: ?11:09
sivangslomo_: yes?11:11
sivangslomo_: sorry, I mean, remove all the configure ones, leave build-stamps :)11:12
slomo_sivang: ok :)11:12
dholbachgood night motus :)11:14
LaserJockcya dholbach11:15
slomo_gn8 daniel :)11:15
dholbachnight you two11:16
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sivangslomo_: hrm I realize now I have no idea why arch build is there11:29
sivangslomo_: or what it does11:29
slomo_sivang: ok =)11:30
slomo_sivang: then remove it ;)11:30
sivangslomo_: say, if I later want to add a C binary to my package, how easy would it be given that I am making this package Build-INdep mostly?11:30
slomo_sivang: fairly easy... but why would you want to do that? ;)11:30
sivangslomo_: I may to add some C magic to detect free space on multi sessions CDs and non empty ones, as currently hal only reports the size of the allocated volume on a CD11:31
sivangslomo_: so I have realiable reading only for empty CDs11:31
sivangslomo_: (coreutils stat is used for other disk devices)11:31
slomo_sivang: there should be hal magic for all of this imho11:33
slomo_sivang: so better get this fixed there :)11:33
sivangslomo_: already checked upstream, this is as good as it gets.11:33
sivangslomo_: they told me to look for / implement my own methods to check this specific free space11:33
slomo_sivang: do you call cdrecord directly?11:34
sivangslomo_: as adding this to hal would mean they'd need to probe devices every once in a while11:34
sivangslomo_: yes, why?11:34
slomo_sivang: it can tell you this too iirc :)11:34
sivangslomo_: I sa something about cdrdao that can do this, not sure about cdrecord. I will check11:34
sivangslomo_: if you happen to run by it, please let me know or email me :11:35
sivangargh, latency is killing me11:35
slomo_sivang: i'll take a look tomorrow... but why don't you use nautilus-burn?11:36
sivangslomo_: well, I wanted it to be usable from nautils-cd-burn and libn-c-b is not installed11:36
sivangslomo_: to have as little dependencies a sI can11:36
sivangit works pretty good, only needs some more error trapping basically.11:37
sivangslomo_: anyway, for the last change - must I remove all the shebangs?11:37
sivangslomo_: ah never mind, removed it from everything that is not menat to be run directly :)11:39
slomo_and everything else should be executable11:39
sivangslomo_: hmm, I wonder how I can do that in the existing package, and not intefere with the "scripts" directive of the dist-utils11:43
sivangslomo_: ny idea? mos tof the stuff installed under the package UPBackup in site-packages is to be executed reictly, but how do I make them executable?11:44
slomo_sivang: make it after the python ./setup.py --install11:44
sivangslomo_: using install -m ?11:47
slomo_sivang: using chmod +x ;) whatever you like more11:47
sivangslomo_: maybe there is a way to do that in the MANIFEST.in file?11:47
slomo_maybe... no idea about python's distutil stuff ;)11:48
sivangslomo_: where can I assume the files to be for the chmod +x thingy? debian/tmp/pkg-name-ver ?11:52
sivangslomo_: ah, okay, maybe I can use $(CURDIR) as it's used here:11:53
sivangpython ./setup.py install --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/upbackup/usr11:53
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sivangalthough I'm not entirely sure about why it's /usr ..11:54
slomo_where would you want it to be? ;)11:55
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sivangI just copied this bit from gdebi :)11:58
=== sivang checks gdebi to get reminded

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