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xerophyte | i have question if i setup postfix with saslauthd and i enable the smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes .. how does the postfix knwo where ot find the saslauthd socket to verify .. my setup works so just wondering how does the postfix know about this sasl location because smtpd.conf are different on debian and redhat | 09:14 |
infinity | There should be comiled-in defaults for the socket, as well as ways to override that in the conffile. | 09:16 |
infinity | If the compiled-in defaults work (and they should), there's no need to specify it again in the conf. | 09:16 |
xerophyte | how can i check what is the compiled default lcoation | 09:17 |
xerophyte | because i use Ubuntu and RHEL | 09:17 |
xerophyte | sasl socket on different location and smtpd.conf also on different location | 09:17 |
xerophyte | so i am just confused how does those get connected | 09:17 |
infinity | Look at the source packages in question? | 09:19 |
infinity | 'apt-get source postfix' for instance, to check out the Ubuntu source for postfix, etc | 09:19 |
xerophyte | ??? | 09:21 |
xerophyte | i hae the rpm source let me check so you are saying the spec file should countain the ssasl location | 09:21 |
xerophyte | just wondering | 09:21 |
infinity | Might be a configure option (so, spec file in RPM, debian/rules in DEB), or actually hardcoded in the source, which would be in patches. | 09:25 |
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infinity | I'm not positive in the case of postfix. | 09:25 |
xerophyte | infinity, looks like smtpd.conf config belongs to the postfix and its compile time option | 09:34 |
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Pyretic | does the ubuntu server project have any docs ? | 10:59 |
Pyretic | ah ServerFAQ | 11:00 |
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jguenth | I want to install Ubuntu on a root server and don't find any howtos. | 11:18 |
jguenth | Are there any? | 11:18 |
jguenth | Are there any howtos how to install Ubuntu on a remote system? | 11:19 |
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