hachre | idefix_: you should start with clients that are for gnome | 12:00 |
eth0 | kingspawn: an mp3 that you pay for | 12:00 |
eth0 | legitimatly | 12:00 |
Apostle^ | kingspawn: why, isn't it safe | 12:00 |
polpak | eth0, I think you mean mp4s? | 12:00 |
hachre | idefix_: most things starting with g hint on being for gnome | 12:00 |
eth0 | as you do on itunes | 12:00 |
kingspawn | eth0: Well, yes, they play mp3s | 12:00 |
kingspawn | Apostle^: Haha, are you kidding me? | 12:00 |
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polpak | or is it m4p | 12:00 |
Apostle^ | eth0: itunes uses .aac | 12:00 |
hachre | idefix_: but it should be written somewhere into their description | 12:00 |
LoMonteiro | kingspawn: Please explain, i don't understand | 12:00 |
idefix_ | hachre, ha now we have only five then | 12:00 |
kingspawn | LoMonteiro: Its not a dangerous error, was all I was saying | 12:01 |
eth0 | oh i see | 12:01 |
LoMonteiro | kingspawn: Ok, and how I fix ? | 12:01 |
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Apostle^ | !dualboot | 12:01 |
ubotu | for wintel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo :for the Mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 12:01 |
eth0 | well then i mean download legal music tracks | 12:01 |
=== Random_Transit [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | eth0: Well, if they are DRM'ed I dont know. Dont buy music that's DRM'ed. | 12:01 |
idefix_ | what is gnome? | 12:01 |
Chriffer | So I assume the default behaviour isn't to just totally blank the partition table in the installer, so it must have been broken | 12:01 |
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[blindx] | !tell idefix_ about gnome | 12:01 |
kingspawn | eth0: If you bought it, and it was mp3, these are fine and dandy for playing it | 12:01 |
hachre | idefix_: good luck :D | 12:01 |
varsendagger | how do you know if it is DRM's or not? | 12:01 |
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varsendagger | !gnome | 12:01 |
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kingspawn | varsendagger: No idea, but google will tell you. Wma is often DRMed | 12:02 |
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hachre | idefix_: gnome is basically the graphical interface you use | 12:02 |
varsendagger | ahh | 12:02 |
pike | Chriffer: i think the default option is to wipe disk yes | 12:02 |
hachre | idefix_: when you right click on a panel you see about gnome | 12:02 |
hachre | idefix_: meaning everything you see is gnome | 12:02 |
Chriffer | Wow has the world gone insane? | 12:02 |
kingspawn | pike: Without telling you it is wiping your disk? | 12:02 |
kingspawn | pike: I dont think so | 12:03 |
eth0 | kingspawn: yeah i was looking for a place to buy legal music | 12:03 |
=== Drac|Retro [n=Draconic@c-24-60-219-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefix_ | the options you get when you right click an a panel are just files/dirsin some directory somewhere right? | 12:03 |
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kingspawn | eth0: Oh, was that what you asked? Heh, no idea. | 12:03 |
hachre | idefix_: um? | 12:03 |
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tbw | Howdy | 12:03 |
hachre | idefix_: a panel is the uppermost bar for example | 12:04 |
crod | hey | 12:04 |
=== lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefix_ | like with windows when you had "send to" they were just shortcuts in a send to directory somewhere in the windows dir | 12:04 |
tbw | Would it be possible to change my sources.list and then do a apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade to move from breezy to dapper? | 12:04 |
hachre | idefix_: when you right click it you get some options like about gnome, about ubuntu etc | 12:04 |
lsuactiafner | how do i check the progress jigdo has made? | 12:04 |
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crod | usb2.0 memory stick problem: mounts as read-only!!!!! | 12:04 |
eth0 | kingspawn: yeah that was what i asked | 12:04 |
hachre | idefix_: send to is special | 12:04 |
LoMonteiro | kingspawn: ??? | 12:04 |
pike | kingspawn: of course it asks but it is the default | 12:04 |
bimberi | !tell tbw about upgrade | 12:04 |
lakin | how do I make banshee the default music application for gnome? (Instead of rhythmbox)? | 12:04 |
hachre | idefix_: most of the choices are hardcoded | 12:04 |
crook | eth0 http://allofmp3.com russian and really cheap and supports multiple encoding quality downloads | 12:04 |
kingspawn | pike: Well, okay, that we agree on :) | 12:04 |
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bimberi | !tell lakin about defaultapp | 12:04 |
idefix_ | I almost got my housemate to switch to linux when he saw you guys answereing here | 12:04 |
eth0 | crook: are those legal though? | 12:04 |
hachre | idefix_: hehe | 12:05 |
Drac|Retro | Sorry. Had to tweak stuff. | 12:05 |
crook | i think in russia they are :P | 12:05 |
Jowi | crod: make sure your /etc/fstab entry looks like this: blah blah defaults,user,umask=000 | 12:05 |
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kingspawn | says crook... ;) | 12:05 |
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eth0 | crook: yeah but is it legal to export? | 12:05 |
kingspawn | eth0: Are you in the US? | 12:05 |
polpak | eth0, if you pay for them, AFAIK they're legal. If those companies aren't making the appropriate royaltee payments that's their problem not yours | 12:05 |
eth0 | im in UK | 12:05 |
tbw | well | 12:06 |
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tbw | how easy is that stuff! | 12:06 |
crod | Jowi: it doesn't | 12:06 |
tbw | ;) | 12:06 |
tbw | sweet | 12:06 |
tbw | thanks | 12:06 |
tbw | ;_) | 12:06 |
kingspawn | eth0: Then they are probably legal to export | 12:06 |
NoUse | !enter | 12:06 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 12:06 |
mzinz | How do you change a files "modification" dates through Kubuntu? | 12:06 |
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mzinz | So it looks like it hasn't been touched in days | 12:06 |
eth0 | wow, seems a little too good to be true :) | 12:06 |
crook | eth0: there is a page with a legal faq read it? | 12:06 |
eth0 | crook: k, thanks | 12:06 |
Jowi | crod, my memory stick entry look like this (modify to fit your needs): /dev/sda1 /media/camera vfat defaults,user,umask=000 0 0 | 12:06 |
kingspawn | mzinz: do you code C? | 12:06 |
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Jowi | brb | 12:07 |
crod | Jowi: can I just add something like that to my fstab? | 12:07 |
mzinz | kingspawn: java.. a little.. but i know its possible and easy in windows so i figured it would be in Unix too | 12:07 |
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lakin | bimberi: not so much when I click on a music file in nautilus. In the keyboard shortcuts there is a launch music player option, but this apparently is hardcoded https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/control-center/+bug/4265 ... guess I'll do a symlink fix | 12:08 |
Drac|Retro | Cedega screwed things up... This should be the last time... | 12:08 |
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bimberi | lakin: ah, kk | 12:08 |
stevr1it2 | hi | 12:08 |
lakin | bimberi: thanks for the help anyways, however. :) | 12:08 |
kingspawn | mzinz: not so easy in unix, i believe. but i might be mistaken about that. | 12:08 |
bimberi | lakin: np :) | 12:08 |
=== tarik_ [n=tarik@dslb-084-058-135-101.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tarik_ | can someone tell me if there is a translator like babylon for dapper? | 12:09 |
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concept10 | I cant start Firestarter from normal user account, anyone have this problem before? | 12:09 |
stevr1it2 | i need help with my laptop video ati rangeon 9000 | 12:09 |
newbie33 | how to shutdown PC from terminal? | 12:09 |
Jowi | crod: yes you can. the umask=000 is the important part that make it read+writable | 12:09 |
polpak | mzinz, afaik it's part of the filesystem. Which means it's controlled by the kernel. The only real way to do it is to change the system clock back to the appropriate date, touch the file, then change the clock back | 12:09 |
kingspawn | newbie33: shutdown -h now | 12:09 |
crook | shutdown -h now | 12:09 |
crod | Why does ubuntu mount usb2.0 memory stick read only?? | 12:09 |
newbie33 | thanks | 12:09 |
tarik_ | sutdown: sudo init 0 | 12:09 |
kingspawn | newbie33: -r for rebooting | 12:09 |
mzinz | polpak: haha. | 12:09 |
newbie33 | goodnight lovers :) | 12:09 |
mzinz | polpak: thanks | 12:09 |
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polpak | mzinz, or alternatively | 12:10 |
crod | Jowi: how can I find out if "Vfat" is what I need?? | 12:10 |
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stevr1it2 | i don't see anything | 12:10 |
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kingspawn | polpak: unless you just code a program to do it, which is very easy | 12:10 |
Jowi | crod: vfat is fat32 filesystem. very common in memorysticks | 12:10 |
kingspawn | crod: by doing sudo fdisk -l /dev/whatever | 12:10 |
polpak | kingspawn, I'm pretty sure that you can't do it w/o root access though either way | 12:10 |
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kingspawn | polpak: if you own the file you can | 12:10 |
kingspawn | polpak: no problem | 12:10 |
Jowi | crod: "man fstab" for alot of good info | 12:10 |
stevr1it2 | anyone free to help me? | 12:10 |
user_ | jp | 12:10 |
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crod | Jowi: thanks a lot guys | 12:11 |
luisito | hello, guys | 12:11 |
stevr1it2 | i am using ubuntu gnome on a laptop acer | 12:11 |
polpak | kingspawn, I'm not sure that's true, because the modification time isn't stored on the file, it's in the FS which is managed by the kernel. You'd have to at a minimum have write access to the device node, and some way to parse the fs structure and update the appropriate inode info | 12:11 |
kingspawn | polpak: man utime | 12:11 |
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kingspawn | polpak: I did just what we are discussion two hours ago as part of a program | 12:12 |
stevr1it2 | but after ahving tied to configure the 3d accellerator i don't see anything | 12:12 |
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kingspawn | polpak: that is, if you have manpages-dev | 12:12 |
stevr1it2 | i only can go on recovery | 12:12 |
luisito | If I buy an 64bit AMD processor, can I install the 32bit ubuntu version in that machine or only the 64bit version? | 12:12 |
polpak | kingspawn, hrm... I stand corrected.. | 12:12 |
stevr1it2 | it does not recognise the video anymore | 12:12 |
polpak | kingspawn, it seems like a security problem to allow that sort of thing though | 12:12 |
Cassidy123 | Hello | 12:12 |
Cassidy123 | go to the forums... www.ubuntuforums.org | 12:13 |
imbroglio | question, what is generic root password? | 12:13 |
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Cassidy123 | sudo | 12:13 |
NoUse | !tell imbroglio about root | 12:13 |
kingspawn | polpak: hm, I almost agree, but still, there are permissions. If you have let someone into your account, them changing the mtime isnt the worst that can happen | 12:13 |
Cassidy123 | o haha | 12:13 |
osotogari | can i enter in just an ip address for an inbound connection in Firestarter? | 12:13 |
Chriffer | well I'm going to try the kubuntu livecd installer again, and maybe this time I won't end up with a blank partition table | 12:13 |
sethk | imbroglio, there is none. You can set one, but you are better off using sudo | 12:13 |
kingspawn | polpak: you cant just code some C-program that changes the utime of /etc/shadow | 12:13 |
Cassidy123 | chriffer: a blank partition table? | 12:13 |
Chriffer | I want to see why it thought that would be a good idea | 12:13 |
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Chriffer | empty, blank, without content | 12:14 |
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Cassidy123 | haha i know that but w/e | 12:14 |
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imbroglio | sethk, thanks, former slack user and that kind of confused me after install | 12:14 |
kingspawn | Chriffer: If its just the partition table, its easily correctable | 12:14 |
stevr1it2 | anyone free? | 12:14 |
Chriffer | yeah yeah gpart | 12:14 |
polpak | kingspawn, I know that but it still seems shady even with user files | 12:14 |
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luisito | If I buy an 64bit AMD processor, can I install the 32bit ubuntu version in that machine or only the 64bit version? | 12:14 |
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Chriffer | which I will be using soon, but I want' to figure out why it happened now | 12:14 |
sethk | imbroglio, if you use the expert install option, you would have been prompted for a root password, as you are in a slackware install | 12:14 |
EmprCezar | I have a question. I've setup dual monitors in X. It works when gdm is up with the login screen, but when I login it shuts off and switches back to one screen. Is there a user specific setting I need to change? | 12:14 |
Urza | anybody in here a wizz with Ubuntu want to help me with installing it and setting it up? | 12:14 |
Jowi | stevr1it2: did you try to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ? | 12:14 |
kingspawn | polpak: Heh, its worth some thought, I agree | 12:14 |
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kingspawn | polpak: but its just like saying "editors cant change the modification time of my documents" | 12:15 |
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Urza | meh, I'll just real off my Question maybe somebody can help, | 12:16 |
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polpak | kingspawn, in my mind they shouldn't be able to. It should be managed entirely by the filesystem. If you open a file for writing the modification timestamp should be updated to the current date. | 12:16 |
pike | Urza: real away | 12:16 |
=== Iceyes [n=Iceyes@81-233-33-9-no36.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | kingspawn, and in fact that's what happens, the editor doesn't have to make the change | 12:16 |
runelind | no chance of getting flash 8 to work in ubuntu I take it? | 12:16 |
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kingspawn | polpak: yes, but opening a file for writing from C-code takes you 3 seconds... | 12:16 |
Iceyes | !sshd | 12:16 |
ubotu | sshd is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto | 12:16 |
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eobanb_ | runelind, you do mean Flash, not Flash Player, right? | 12:17 |
imbroglio | sethk, damn, using an older warty install disk i had laying around, looks like i should go get newest | 12:17 |
imbroglio | had no "expert" option | 12:17 |
kingspawn | polpak: Maybe there is some sort of security policy one can employ that disallows mtime-change? | 12:17 |
sethk | imbroglio, good idea, yes | 12:17 |
arrick | evening kingspawn | 12:17 |
kingspawn | arrick: hey there | 12:17 |
runelind | eobanb_: I guess I mean flash player, for website content | 12:17 |
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BockBilbo | kingspawn, ive checked the bios | 12:17 |
Urza | Basically, I'm installing Ubuntu on a PC that had previously had ubuntu on it (12months ago or so) but has since had windows put back on it (my sister needed a PC for her School work), now no hardware has changed, but when i install it, the network card isn't recognised, and I keep losing mouse use too | 12:17 |
polpak | kingspawn, I'll check =) | 12:18 |
Urza | anybody have any ideas | 12:18 |
kingspawn | polpak: Heh, tell me if you find anything interesting | 12:18 |
_JuDgEn_ | hmm, can a crash of kdetv break my font cache? | 12:18 |
BockBilbo | and when booting, it shows up a serial ata program which says there is no serial ata hd plugged... | 12:18 |
ubuntu | I have problems to load my ubuntu live cd om my acer travelmate.... anybody knows why _ | 12:18 |
kingspawn | BockBilbo: Yeah, what'd it say? | 12:18 |
BockBilbo | :S | 12:18 |
joelbryan | hello, anyone know how to invoke filters in command-line parameters with synaptics? | 12:18 |
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kingspawn | BockBilbo: Did you enter that program? | 12:18 |
BockBilbo | yeah | 12:18 |
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kingspawn | joelbryan: What are you trying to accomplish? | 12:18 |
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BockBilbo | it says there is no device attached | 12:18 |
kingspawn | BockBilbo: No disk detected? | 12:18 |
BockBilbo | no | 12:18 |
kingspawn | BockBilbo: Then its time for tinkering about with cables | 12:19 |
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stevr1it2_ | who can help me? | 12:19 |
Urza | if anybody can give me a little one on one help PM me please :) | 12:19 |
eobanb_ | !tell runelind about flash | 12:19 |
BockBilbo | i think they are well configured | 12:19 |
stevr1it2_ | please | 12:19 |
pike | Urza: what version are you using? | 12:19 |
joelbryan | kingspawn: running gksudo /usr/sbin/synaptic -i="find rar and mark it as install" --task-window | 12:19 |
kingspawn | BockBilbo: ... I usually think so too, when I plug something in. Until I find the error, that is. | 12:19 |
BockBilbo | the serial ata cable is plugged to the sata1 plug on the mother board and on the hd | 12:19 |
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Urza | latest one, I just downloaded it from website lastnight | 12:19 |
stevr1it2_ | probel with the video after xord 3d accellerator | 12:19 |
kingspawn | joelbryan: What in the h*** are you doing that for? :)) | 12:20 |
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polpak | kingspawn, ah | 12:20 |
BockBilbo | and i have also plugged the power cable | 12:20 |
Urza | 5.1 is it pike? | 12:20 |
joelbryan | a script | 12:20 |
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polpak | kingspawn, I understand why now | 12:20 |
polpak | kingspawn, so there are pros and cons | 12:20 |
kingspawn | polpak: definitely | 12:20 |
polpak | kingspawn, cause if it were restricted, untarring a file from a backup would have the current time | 12:21 |
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polpak | kingspawn, not the original files mod time | 12:21 |
stevr1it2_ | i need defently someone's help, probably is somethign very easy to solve, but... | 12:21 |
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osotogari | anyone know where mozilla is on a default install breezy 5.10 | 12:21 |
kingspawn | polpak: good example. things like these, in environments that need data integrity, is very difficult | 12:21 |
kingspawn | s/is/are | 12:21 |
eobanb_ | osotogari, is mozilla even installed by default? | 12:22 |
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joelbryan | kingspawn: it's a script, I like to invoke synaptics for installation | 12:22 |
kingspawn | osotogari: I dont think it is | 12:22 |
kingspawn | joelbryan: I suggest you invoke apt-get for installation from a script | 12:22 |
eobanb_ | osotogari, sudo apt-get install mozilla | 12:22 |
kingspawn | joelbryan: no way of telling if synaptic ever returns control to your script | 12:22 |
stevr1it2_ | who cn help me? i need to recover my video | 12:22 |
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pike | Urza: maybe try downloading the dapper install disk or distupgrade. you never know support might be fixed | 12:23 |
osotogari | ah right, thanks guys | 12:23 |
kingspawn | osotogari: we treat you well :) | 12:23 |
osotogari | :D | 12:23 |
MrFreeBird | hi guys. I have a Lexmark USB Z42 installed on UBUNTU. It installed ok. It printed tha page test OK. But when I print a document (Openoffice, for exemple), it prints only the first page. The rest of the document stays in spool forever | 12:24 |
stevr1it2_ | anyone to help me? | 12:24 |
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Urza | where do I get that Pike? | 12:24 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: just ask | 12:24 |
stevr1it2_ | thank you king | 12:24 |
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blenox | i have a question about Cedega. Can anyone help? | 12:24 |
sm | what's the deal with Epiphany not being able to handle the "n" key ? | 12:24 |
stevr1it2_ | ok the video does not work anymore aftere trying to cofigure it with 3d accellaerator | 12:25 |
sm | I have this problem with no other app | 12:25 |
stevr1it2_ | i am now in root | 12:25 |
stevr1it2_ | recovery mode | 12:25 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:25 |
BockBilbo | kingspawn, what should i do? | 12:25 |
eobanb_ | stevr1it2_, what graphics card do you have | 12:25 |
stevr1it2_ | i cannot have my ubuntu gnome working | 12:25 |
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stevr1it2_ | ati rangeon 9000 | 12:25 |
kingspawn | BockBilbo: Take the machine apart and check that everything is wired correctly | 12:25 |
tarik_ | I need some help! It is really serious! I need to write a summary of 3 articles in english, while my mothers language is german. -----> Now I need a translator like babylon for windows... I need functions like right-clicking on a word and then get the translation... pleasse someone help me | 12:25 |
BockBilbo | ok | 12:26 |
stevr1it2_ | i don't mind the 3d accellearator but at least working | 12:26 |
kingspawn | sm: epiphany can be crazy... :) | 12:26 |
=== _JuDgEn_ [n=nobody@dyn-ks-std-britsen-cust2.netit.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrFreeBird | anyone may help me? | 12:26 |
eth0 | does ubuntu support wma? | 12:26 |
stevr1it2_ | really i don't know what to do | 12:26 |
kingspawn | tarik_: babelfish.altavista.com | 12:26 |
_JuDgEn_ | eth0: yes | 12:26 |
eth0 | _jason: thanks | 12:26 |
_JuDgEn_ | eth0: but not drm | 12:26 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: my line doesnt work? | 12:26 |
eobanb_ | !tell eth0 about wma | 12:26 |
eth0 | er | 12:26 |
sm | truly ! | 12:26 |
osotogari | are there mozilla specific repositories for the most up to date Firefox? | 12:26 |
eth0 | _jason: thanks | 12:26 |
=== LexiCon [n=Black-Ma@130-127-52-184.holmes.resnet.clemson.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | eth0: wma is evil, dont use it. (/end lecture) | 12:27 |
eth0 | _JuDgEn_: thanks | 12:27 |
stevr1it2_ | wait i try now | 12:27 |
_JuDgEn_ | eth0: no problem | 12:27 |
MrFreeBird | ubuntu + usb printer (lexmark). Prints only the first page | 12:27 |
sm | it worked once, and I see no way of fixing it.. purge/reinstall didn't help | 12:27 |
eth0 | kingspawn: it's the only format i can get atm | 12:27 |
kingspawn | eth0: silence can be a blessing... | 12:27 |
_JuDgEn_ | kingspawn: wma has one advantage over some other formats like .ram though | 12:27 |
pike | Urza: sorry was away from comp http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/flight-6/ | 12:27 |
=== PS [n=psweetma@i-83-67-70-93.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eth0 | heheh | 12:27 |
stevr1it2_ | i am trying king | 12:27 |
kingspawn | _JuDgEn_: Haha, .ram :) Nice example | 12:28 |
stevr1it2_ | what should i do now, autodetect? | 12:28 |
stevr1it2_ | or something else? | 12:28 |
kingspawn | Okay, here comes my lecture: Dont use Java, Flash, wma, ram, rm, .wmv, mp3, or any other idiotic format. | 12:28 |
PS | hi, is /mnt obsolete in ubuntu - replaced by /media? | 12:28 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: Id try autodetect first | 12:28 |
stevr1it2_ | OK | 12:28 |
Flannel | java is a format? | 12:28 |
stevr1it2_ | i try+ | 12:28 |
kingspawn | PS: /media has been chosen, yes | 12:28 |
kingspawn | Flannel: come on... | 12:28 |
Flannel | kingspawn: grin | 12:29 |
kingspawn | ;) | 12:29 |
polpak | Flannel, it pretty much is | 12:29 |
eobanb_ | PS, yes | 12:29 |
=== Firetech [n=Jocke@h78n2fls311o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sneex | java is detected as a plugin, so it's sort of a format | 12:29 |
polpak | Flannel, or rather compiled java is a format | 12:29 |
Urza | pike, so I just download and install that then, is it a previous version? | 12:29 |
stevr1it2_ | how much memory in kb? | 12:29 |
Flannel | polpak: nah, it's machine code | 12:29 |
eobanb_ | stevr1it2_, ...? | 12:29 |
pike | Urza: most recent beta | 12:29 |
stevr1it2_ | it is a card using the pc ram to work | 12:29 |
Urza | ah okay, stableish? | 12:29 |
kingspawn | Format or no, it's ugly. | 12:30 |
stevr1it2_ | i try without any | 12:30 |
=== linav [n=chatzill@222-152-1-51.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PS | eobanb_: thanks | 12:30 |
polpak | Flannel, no, the VM is machine code, compiled java is java byteops | 12:30 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: that kind of depends | 12:30 |
osotogari | what would people recommend as a media player? Amarok, RythmeBox, or others? Bearing in mind i have an ipod | 12:30 |
=== simian__ [n=ben@host81-155-232-45.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: try something like 32768 | 12:30 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: if you get it working, we can start it again and try to get better results | 12:30 |
kingspawn | osotogari: Mindbogglingly enough, every media player for linux Ive seen has sucked. | 12:31 |
Chriffer | Well I am pretty sure it was a bad CD, A VERY BAD CD | 12:31 |
Flannel | polpak: nah, it's machine code, just not for the processor, for the VM. | 12:31 |
kingspawn | osotogari: xmms sucks the least, and thats not saying much (no ipod support) | 12:31 |
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phace | kingspawn: amarok has | 12:31 |
stevr1it2_ | i ma trying with our ad restarting | 12:31 |
kingspawn | phace: indeed, but it is a nightmare to use :) | 12:31 |
osotogari | hmmmm, yeah im using amarok at the moment, but thats crashing like hell | 12:31 |
polpak | Flannel, that's like saying an mp3 is machine code, for an mp3 player | 12:31 |
stevr1it2_ | it works wowowowow thank youuuuuu | 12:32 |
phace | kingspawn: well... install itunes :) | 12:32 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: Great :) | 12:32 |
kingspawn | phace: HA! | 12:32 |
stevr1it2_ | but the 3 d accellerator will never work with it am sure | 12:32 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: no, that needs more configing | 12:32 |
=== brokengun [n=brokengu@augusta-cuda1--24-49-160-14.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | !nvidia | 12:32 |
osotogari | itunes is the devil | 12:32 |
ubotu | nvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 12:32 |
phace | kingspawn: windows version :P | 12:32 |
stevr1it2_ | ahhh | 12:32 |
eobanb_ | stevr1it2_, you said you had a radeon 9000? you can get 3D working on it no problem | 12:32 |
stevr1it2_ | do you have any link? | 12:32 |
kingspawn | phace: stop man, stop! this is hurting | 12:32 |
stevr1it2_ | helpo me then | 12:32 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: read what ubotu said | 12:32 |
osotogari | fecking deleted my whole ipod library the other day :-/ | 12:32 |
stevr1it2_ | on howto? | 12:33 |
HaxoR91 | huh | 12:33 |
kingspawn | stevr1it2_: seems wise | 12:33 |
eobanb_ | stevr1it2_, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#installatidriver | 12:33 |
Iceyes | how to install the webbrowser opera? | 12:33 |
stevr1it2_ | good i see now | 12:33 |
kingspawn | oh, ati | 12:33 |
kingspawn | ... :) | 12:33 |
=== cyphase_ [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-137-82.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brokengun | Im trying to get SSH running on my mac so i can access my Ubuntu machine from it through the network. The problem however is that I want X to run though it so i can basicly use my laptop as a monitor for the Ubuntu machine. Does anyone have any experience with this? | 12:33 |
=== martynda [n=martynda@ip70-171-14-163.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | Iceyes: download it from opera.com, dpkg -i <file.deb> | 12:34 |
kingspawn | Iceyes: Then hit the web, jack | 12:34 |
=== LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-142177214120.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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eobanb_ | brokengun, yes, you can do that. | 12:34 |
Iceyes | kingspawn ill try that thanks | 12:34 |
stevr1it2_ | thank and good night | 12:34 |
polpak | brokengun, you just need to install the X server on your mac | 12:34 |
brokengun | eobanb: yeah, i uh don't know too much about linux | 12:34 |
polpak | brokengun, and properly export your display | 12:34 |
BockBilbo | kingspawn, do you know if i need to install any driver for the sata drive? | 12:34 |
brokengun | oh alright | 12:34 |
eobanb_ | brokengun, on the ubuntu machine, you need to enable ssh, and edit sshd_config so that xforwarding is enabled | 12:34 |
Flannel | brokengun: it's called X tunneling, it's rather easy. but yeah, youll need X on your mac. | 12:34 |
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brokengun | oh ok | 12:35 |
brokengun | well i have x11 | 12:35 |
brokengun | is that the same thing? | 12:35 |
eobanb_ | yes.. | 12:35 |
brokengun | lol ok then that work | 12:35 |
brokengun | so when i login will it just take over my laptop screen like it was a monitor? | 12:35 |
eobanb_ | i dont remember, i think you might need to edit ssh_config on the mac os x computer to enable x forwarding, or maybe just use ssh -X | 12:35 |
eobanb_ | brokengun, no. | 12:35 |
eobanb_ | that's not how x works | 12:36 |
kingspawn | BockBilbo: Hm, I am not sure. Have you searched the wiki for tips? | 12:36 |
brokengun | oh ok | 12:36 |
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BockBilbo | im searching the list | 12:36 |
eobanb_ | brokengun, when you run an X program, it will open on the client as if it was running locally. | 12:36 |
polpak | brokengun, http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Remote-X-Apps.html | 12:36 |
brokengun | oh | 12:36 |
=== Apostle^ [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brokengun | i wan to be able to view the entire screen | 12:37 |
HaxoR91 | how do i run iso cd on ubuntu | 12:37 |
brokengun | so will i have to do something else as well | 12:37 |
HaxoR91 | ? | 12:37 |
brokengun | ? | 12:37 |
polpak | brokengun, you need something different | 12:37 |
polpak | brokengun, remote desktop or vnc | 12:37 |
eobanb_ | brokengun, for that you need VNC | 12:37 |
Apostle^ | can gparted on an ubuntu live-cd resize a /home partition @ the end of the disk ? | 12:37 |
brokengun | ah | 12:37 |
brokengun | see | 12:37 |
brokengun | i am running that now | 12:37 |
brokengun | but it is quite laggish | 12:37 |
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eobanb_ | are you running it over the local network, or across the internet? | 12:37 |
polpak | Apostle^, yes it should | 12:37 |
brokengun | and i heard i could use X through SSH without much lag | 12:37 |
Apostle^ | polpak: it can resize, your sure | 12:37 |
brokengun | local network | 12:37 |
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=== Dime|RD [n=dechstan@Toronto-HSE-ppp3690322.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | Apostle^, pretty sure, yes | 12:38 |
polpak | Apostle^, I've done it before | 12:38 |
Dime|RD | how do i copy a file? | 12:38 |
Dime|RD | cp? | 12:38 |
brokengun | i have 10/100 ethernet | 12:38 |
polpak | Dime|RD, yes | 12:38 |
brokengun | i thought it would be fine | 12:38 |
Dime|RD | ok thanks | 12:38 |
Apostle^ | kk | 12:38 |
eobanb_ | brokengun, personally i've never understood why people use VNC when they can just use X forwarding, so i invite you to try it | 12:38 |
brokengun | hmm... well | 12:38 |
brokengun | i might do that | 12:39 |
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=== rukuartic [n=rukuarti@pool-72-66-86-75.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bjv | i would use Xforwarding, but the xserv on my nokia is all funky :( | 12:39 |
Flannel | brokengun: if it's local network, do you really need the SSH? | 12:39 |
bjv | vnc lags a little bit over wireless, though | 12:39 |
brokengun | well vnc is very laggy | 12:39 |
bjv | why not? ssh is so easy | 12:39 |
bjv | why not use it on a lan | 12:39 |
brokengun | i plugged in my laptop and my linux box | 12:39 |
rukuartic | Hmm... Here I've got a really interesting problem. Want to put ubuntu on an old microlaptop. All it has is a 56k modem and a floppy drive, no CD or USB support. | 12:39 |
rukuartic | Yes, SSH is awesome. | 12:39 |
Flannel | shrug, bandwidth is better without, I trust my lan, don't need the security | 12:39 |
eobanb_ | rukuartic, for that i would recommend debian instead of ubuntu. | 12:40 |
rukuartic | eobanb_: Any suggestions on how to get linux on it? you can /msg me if you want | 12:40 |
polpak | rukuartic, you there's a "netboot" ubuntu floppy, but you still need an internet connection to dl all the packages | 12:40 |
Flannel | rukuartic: get an ethernet PCI card, or setup a phone network ;) but yeah, ubuntu is probably too heavy for the laptop anyway. | 12:40 |
=== Khisanth [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-90-243.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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bjv | anyone here have a wireless card on /dev/ra0 as well? | 12:41 |
stfn | what's the best way to maintain local changes to a package? I've edited one file in the python standard library in a way that's probably not interesting to anyone else. I'd like to keep the latest packaged python on my system with the exception of that one file. | 12:41 |
eobanb_ | and how do you suggest he would use a PCI card in a notebook? | 12:41 |
Flannel | erm, PCMCIA sorry. | 12:41 |
Flannel | or, find a serial CDrom drive, that's what I did. | 12:41 |
eobanb_ | ...a serial CD drive? you mean a parallel | 12:41 |
polpak | stfn, I would have suggested not changing the file, but instead to create a wrapper or some such. (I'm not sure what you changed) | 12:41 |
brokengun | thank you guys for the help | 12:42 |
Flannel | actually, I found a serial one. but yeah, parallel would work just as well. | 12:42 |
arrick | eobanb_, I have a pci adapter for usb, why not that? | 12:42 |
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revartj | hello | 12:42 |
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HaxoR91 | how do i run iso cd on ubuntu | 12:42 |
HaxoR91 | ? | 12:42 |
Dime|RD | how do i give my user root permissions | 12:42 |
eobanb_ | arrick, we're not talking about that | 12:42 |
stfn | polpak: it's a couple of lines in pdb.py | 12:42 |
revartj | somebody can tell me, where i can found the mirrors for VLC | 12:42 |
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Dime|RD | or set permissions to files that i want my user to access | 12:42 |
eobanb_ | !tell Dime|RD about sudo | 12:42 |
eobanb_ | !tell Dime|RD about chmod | 12:43 |
eugen | how do i make my tv-pvr tuner care with connexant chip work on ubuntu? | 12:43 |
polpak | Flannel, I was lucky.. the ethernet card in the last laptop I had (no floppy, bootable usb, or cdrom drive) supported netboot. So I just configured my other laptop to dchp serve the install cd | 12:43 |
eobanb_ | !tell eugen about mythtv | 12:43 |
HaxoR91 | how do i run a iso cd on ubuntu? | 12:43 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, what do you mean | 12:43 |
eugen | 10x | 12:44 |
HaxoR91 | like boot | 12:44 |
HaxoR91 | like boot from cd | 12:44 |
polpak | stfn, what did you change in the debugger?? (Just wondering) | 12:44 |
HaxoR91 | i dont have any blank disks | 12:44 |
Flannel | !ops | 12:44 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 12:44 |
HaxoR91 | so how do i use terminal to boot it rform there? | 12:44 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, ........ ????? | 12:44 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, i dont get what you're asking | 12:44 |
_jason | revartj: vlc is in universe, have you enabled it? | 12:44 |
stfn | polpak: I made "u!" and "d!" go directly to the top and bottom of the stack | 12:44 |
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codecaine | say you installed a program from synaptic if you want to to be under one of the menus in applications how do you do that? | 12:45 |
HaxoR91 | i want to install freebsd and how do i run the image on ubuntu? | 12:45 |
revartj | _jason, yes i am enable it | 12:45 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, you mean run a virtual machine? | 12:45 |
revartj | the name is only vlc | 12:45 |
revartj | ??? | 12:45 |
_jason | codecaine: if the package does not provide an icon, you can use system tools > applications menu editor | 12:45 |
_jason | revartj: yes, search synaptic for vlc | 12:46 |
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=== twisted` [n=twisted@a213-84-144-245.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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laetyboop | hi all | 12:46 |
codecaine | ty | 12:46 |
HaxoR91 | like running the freebsd installation cd on ubuntu | 12:46 |
laetyboop | i'm french | 12:46 |
_jason | !fr | 12:46 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 12:46 |
twisted` | during the installation I chose edit sources by hand, but I assume it is Vi (or Vim) but it doesn't accept any input... how can I exit? | 12:46 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, you can't do that. you have to boot the freebsd install CD natively | 12:46 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, all you have to do is burn the .iso to a blank CD-R and boot from the disc | 12:46 |
baconbacon | HaxoR91: if you want a system like virtualpc or vmware, there is qemu | 12:46 |
concept10 | twisted`, :q | 12:46 |
=== TrevorP [n=trevorp@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | twisted`: press i to insert text if it is vim, you can save and exit with ESC :wq | 12:47 |
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eth0 | anyone know of a iTunes type program for linux? or a decent website to buy from? | 12:47 |
twisted` | it doesn't accept the : | 12:47 |
baconbacon | !gtkpod | 12:47 |
ubotu | What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, baconbacon | 12:47 |
HaxoR91 | where can i get that? | 12:47 |
twisted` | that's what I'm wondering about | 12:47 |
HaxoR91 | qemu? | 12:47 |
_jason | twisted`: maybe it's not vim? | 12:47 |
stfn | polpak: i guess i could use a wrapper here. my use case is that sitecustomize sets sys.excepthook to invoke pdb.pm on uncaught exceptions, but that could just as easily be my_customized_pdb.pm | 12:47 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, it's in the repository.. | 12:47 |
=== MrRio [n=rio@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MrRio] has joined #ubuntu | ||
twisted` | _jason: man I got no idea what it is | 12:47 |
twisted` | _jason: scary that's for sure | 12:47 |
twisted` | but i was able to exit :) | 12:47 |
revartj | _jason, but ........ | 12:47 |
_jason | revartj: hmm? | 12:47 |
rukuartic | Daaaang we're talking legacy hardware now, its 75 mhz with 16 meg of ram. anyone reccommend a good distro to put on it thats still easy to learn for a semi-advanced user? | 12:48 |
=== linuxboy [n=anon@yoda.frogfoot.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eobanb_ | rukuartic, debian | 12:48 |
polpak | stfn, that seems to be a much more maintainable solution | 12:48 |
revartj | _jason, i want installing in pc that is a server | 12:48 |
eugen | !tell eugenbittorent | 12:48 |
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eugen | how do i use bit torent | 12:48 |
eugen | ?? | 12:48 |
stfn | polpak: yes, and thanks for suggesting it :-) | 12:48 |
=== Gary [n=garyke@host86-135-79-127.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | Rudemeister, damn small linux ? | 12:48 |
=== Iceyes [n=Iceyes@81-233-33-9-no36.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Gary [n=garyke@host86-135-79-127.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
polpak | Rudemeister, whoops | 12:49 |
revartj | _jason, it haven't graphis mode | 12:49 |
polpak | rukuartic, damn small linux ? | 12:49 |
_jason | revartj: does vlc work without X? If it does, you can do 'sudo aptitude install vlc' | 12:49 |
rukuartic | polpak: looking at that... | 12:49 |
rukuartic | eobanb_: Is debian small enough to install with floppies? | 12:49 |
eobanb_ | rukuartic, yes. | 12:49 |
eobanb_ | rukuartic, it's not easy, but you can do it. | 12:49 |
=== rukuartic researches... | ||
revartj | _jason, yes this do it, but i don't found | 12:50 |
_jason | revartj: what do you mean ``don't found'' ? What error do you get? | 12:50 |
revartj | aptitude install vlc | 12:50 |
revartj | Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho | 12:50 |
revartj | Creando rbol de dependencias... Hecho | 12:50 |
revartj | Leyendo la informacin de estado extendido | 12:50 |
revartj | Inicializando el estado de los paquetes... Hecho | 12:50 |
revartj | No se pudo encontrar ningn paquete cuyo nombre o descripcin coincida con "vlc"No se instalar, actualizar o eliminar ningn paquete. | 12:50 |
revartj | 0 paquetes actualizados, 0 nuevos instalados, 0 para eliminar y 0 sin actualizar. | 12:50 |
revartj | Necesito descargar 0B de ficheros. Despus de desempaquetar se usarn 0B. | 12:50 |
revartj | Escribiendo informacin de estado extendido... Hecho | 12:50 |
revartj | Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho | 12:50 |
_jason | revartj: don't paste here, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ please | 12:50 |
revartj | Creando rbol de dependencias... Hecho | 12:50 |
crook | eth0 every page without drm or proprietary software should work but if you are lookinf for save lefal status you will have to stick to a local shop .. | 12:50 |
revartj | Leyendo la informacin de estado extendido | 12:50 |
revartj | Inicializando el estado de los paquetes... Hecho | 12:50 |
eobanb_ | revartj, stop | 12:50 |
eobanb_ | !paste | 12:51 |
ubotu | Please don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL | 12:51 |
=== xajondee [n=xajondee@67-54-197-144.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | revartj: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please | 12:51 |
eth0 | crook: yeah, i mean i didn't want to go without paying royalties to the musicians | 12:51 |
eobanb_ | !es | 12:51 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 12:51 |
crook | hm looking legal .. new keyboard | 12:51 |
=== Mystery47 [n=janne@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== michele_ [n=michele@host50-76.pool8257.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eth0 | i can't believe there's no itunes for linux | 12:52 |
eth0 | that totaly sucks | 12:52 |
eobanb_ | eth0, there are many similar applications | 12:52 |
crook | what do you need itunes for? | 12:52 |
Mystery47 | hi....! | 12:52 |
eth0 | itunes has the biggest selection of music | 12:52 |
polpak | eth0, he want's something that will play is DRM locked music | 12:52 |
Iceyes | can i change access privleges for the default user to root access? | 12:52 |
crook | i use windows for workstation wouldnt dare to install itunes | 12:52 |
eobanb_ | eth0, you can buy music from itunes using pymusique | 12:53 |
kingspawn | lecture: never buy drm'ed music. | 12:53 |
eth0 | eobanb: ok, thanks, ill check it | 12:53 |
Mystery47 | I have one question.....what happends if i put dapper cd in machine and i update? | 12:53 |
michele_ | hello, does anyone know how to add install DAPPER on a DUO T2300 | 12:53 |
kingspawn | I will keep saying it, folks. | 12:53 |
revartj | _jason, saw | 12:53 |
HaxoR91 | ok i installed it how do i open it? | 12:53 |
kingspawn | Never gonna stop | 12:53 |
eth0 | what's DRM'ed mousic | 12:53 |
Mystery47 | i just have breezy now.... | 12:53 |
eobanb_ | Mystery47, you dont need to use a CD to update | 12:53 |
_jason | revartj: what? | 12:53 |
revartj | _jason, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12861 | 12:53 |
HaxoR91 | how do i open qemu? | 12:53 |
polpak | eth0, music you can't play on any player, or copy to any other format | 12:53 |
kingspawn | eth0: Music files that have special prints in it, so that they inhibit you from playing them where yuo want to, even though you payed for them | 12:53 |
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@CPE-72-135-8-5.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HaxoR91 | how do i open qemu? | 12:53 |
eobanb_ | michele_, just download the dapper beta ISO, burn it to a CD, and boot from the CD | 12:53 |
Mystery47 | oh....i just wanted to get dapper programs to work in my breezy... | 12:54 |
HaxoR91 | how do i open qemu? | 12:54 |
baconbacon | qemu in console | 12:54 |
kingspawn | eth0: like, you buy a song, but you can only keep it on your one ipod, even though you just got a new one, etc etc | 12:54 |
_jason | ubotu: tell HaxoR91 about patience | 12:54 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, you type 'qemu' | 12:54 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, please don't repeat yourself | 12:54 |
polpak | eth0, or you get a CD, and you can't rip songs onto your ipod, etc | 12:54 |
baconbacon | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Rights_Management | 12:54 |
HaxoR91 | i typed qemu and it showed me a list of commands | 12:55 |
eth0 | i'll only be playing them on this PC anyways, no ipod | 12:55 |
=== mfb__ [n=fkraiem@dyn-213-36-160-85.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | eth0: Its evil, and you should fight it. | 12:55 |
HaxoR91 | i said i wanted to install freebsd with ubuntu | 12:55 |
BockBilbo | kingspawn, everything seens to be plugged fine | 12:55 |
=== geno_ [n=geno@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3578170.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | eth0: Dont you think that when you get a new TV, you should be able to take it up to your cabin for the weekend? | 12:55 |
BockBilbo | :S | 12:55 |
eobanb_ | !paitience | 12:55 |
ubotu | eobanb_: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:55 |
HaxoR91 | like running the freebsd installation on ubuntu. | 12:55 |
kingspawn | BockBilbo: ... :) | 12:55 |
eobanb_ | er | 12:55 |
eobanb_ | !patience | 12:55 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you. | 12:55 |
BockBilbo | this sucks | 12:55 |
eth0 | kingspawn: yeah sure | 12:55 |
revartj | _jason,??? | 12:55 |
HaxoR91 | !patience | 12:55 |
=== aquarius [n=aquarius@82-47-92-64.cable.ubr04.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crook | eth0: your need might change .. your next gf will aks you for a song and you will have to buy it again :p | 12:56 |
kingspawn | eth0: Shouldnt you be able to take your mp3s too? | 12:56 |
phace | i have the following problem... when i'm listening to music (xmms) i cant hear anything else... lets say i am watching a flash web page and i cant hear the sounds... | 12:56 |
crook | needs | 12:56 |
michele_ | eobanb that's done, it doesn't seem to b configured for the Duo T2300 (seems to have ONE processor only= | 12:56 |
eth0 | eobanb: where can i find pymusique, just did a search, but nothing | 12:56 |
BockBilbo | a friend has told me that i need to install a driver on the bios or something like that.. any idea? | 12:56 |
eth0 | yeah sure | 12:56 |
kingspawn | luckily the gplv3 handles drm | 12:56 |
aquarius | How can I find out which source package contains a particular file? packages.ubuntu.com seems to only search the contents of binary packages. | 12:56 |
HaxoR91 | i'll wait | 12:56 |
Mathman | anyone know any apps that sorta display what's in a directory? like a tree or something, with file sizes and whatnot? | 12:56 |
kingspawn | eth0: then _DONT_ buy music with digital copyrights in them | 12:56 |
eth0 | kingspawn: ok | 12:56 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, i don't use qemu, so i can't help you with that. i suggest you search the ubuntu wiki or google on how to create a new VM with qemu for booting the .iso | 12:56 |
=== KingOfNoWhere [n=KingOfNo@dynamic-acs-24-154-96-100.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eth0 | kingspawn: i was mainly thinking if i had to reinstall or anything | 12:57 |
meshe | Mathman: ls -alFh | 12:57 |
crook | eth0 you want a shop that has all music you want .. now there are 500shops and eachone has different songs ..so unless you only listen to mainstream you will need more than one webshop | 12:57 |
Jowi | !qemu | 12:57 |
ubotu | I guess qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=200357&postcount=1 | 12:57 |
kingspawn | eth0: Might be the case. If you change your hardware, your music wont be recognized anymore | 12:57 |
imbrandon | Mathman: natulis ? | 12:57 |
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eobanb_ | Jowi, he's gone | 12:57 |
eth0 | kingspawn: i see | 12:57 |
eobanb_ | well, i'll be back in a bit | 12:57 |
_jason | revartj: sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude -v install vlc | 12:58 |
=== jesseman_ [n=jesse@cblmdm72-240-102-106.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mathman | meshe: not what I want | 12:58 |
Mathman | imbrandon: I'd like a text file as the output | 12:58 |
meshe | Mathman: ls -alFh > textfile.txt | 12:58 |
revartj | _jason, no | 12:58 |
_jason | revartj: ? | 12:58 |
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eth0 | crook: yeah, i checked out yahoo, but they didn't have much, same with a couple of others | 12:59 |
Mathman | meshe: you're not really understanding. I want like a tree. with directory sizes and stuff like that. maybe a way to tell it to only go 3 levels deep perhaps. know what I mean? | 12:59 |
revartj | _jason, the same that antes | 12:59 |
_jason | revartj: I don't understand | 12:59 |
kingspawn | Mathman: du --max-depth=3 -h | 12:59 |
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eth0 | crook: can you reccomend any? | 12:59 |
revartj | _jason,0 paquetes actualizados, 0 nuevos instalados, 0 para eliminar y 0 sin actualizar | 12:59 |
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kingspawn | Mathman: du --max-depth=3 -h > textfile | 01:00 |
crook | the russian one :p .. | 01:00 |
eugen | Totem could not play 'file:///home/eugen/Desktop/Enemy At The Gates/Enemy.At.The.Gates.SCR-PDivX.avi'. | 01:00 |
_jason | !info vlc | 01:00 |
Mathman | yeah, that might work better. seems like there's something better that I've heard of though. oh well. thanks | 01:00 |
ubotu | vlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.4-svn20050920-3+hal0ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 5817 kB, Installed size: 13740 kB | 01:00 |
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kingspawn | Mathman: well, ls -Rlh > file does what you asked for. | 01:00 |
_jason | revartj: can you translate the error messages and put them on pastebin please? | 01:00 |
revartj | _jason, ok | 01:01 |
crook | eht0 unless the maijor labels get their shit together and bring music online for a reasonable price they dont deserve any money for it | 01:01 |
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Jowi | eugen: "file Enemy.At.The.Gates.SCR-PDivX.avi" should tell you what codec you need | 01:01 |
eugen | it started with wlc | 01:01 |
eugen | vlc | 01:01 |
eugen | 10x anyways | 01:01 |
meshe | Mathman: sorry, maybe i read the question wrong, du, like kingspawn said should work | 01:02 |
revartj | _jason, translate uffffffff | 01:02 |
=== Iceyes [n=Iceyes@81-233-33-9-no36.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
john-l | Good afternoon. I've recently installed Ubuntu and upgraded it to Dapper Drake. I've installed gvim (the gnome version), but it won't let me select any of the available fonts besides "Monospace". Might this be an odd interaction between gvim and X, or something else? | 01:02 |
eugen | i downloaded myght tv from synaptic package manager and now what what do i do wher is the damn program?? | 01:02 |
revartj | _jason, 0 package update, 0 package delete and 0 packages installed | 01:03 |
Iceyes | can i change autohrity? | 01:03 |
_jason | revartj: the whole thing? | 01:03 |
stfn | Mathman: you might be thinking of the tree package from universe "Displays an indented directory tree, using the same color assignments as ls, via the LS_COLORS environment variable." | 01:03 |
=== nekostar [n=nekostar@unaffiliated/starscalling] has joined #ubuntu | ||
revartj | _jason, i don't understand | 01:04 |
pike | eugen: if you just want to watch tv on comp one of the other tuner apps might be better | 01:04 |
_jason | revartj: the output was more than one line. Can you give me all of the output on pastebin? | 01:04 |
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revartj | _jason, but translated i don't know | 01:04 |
eugen | pike the other does not work | 01:05 |
Mathman | stfn: yeah, could be. I'll check that out. thanks | 01:05 |
eugen | help please :D | 01:05 |
_jason | anyone know the environment variable to make the terminal speak in english if someone is using a different language as default? | 01:05 |
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apolo | hola | 01:05 |
kingspawn | Mathman: Easily done in C if you know the language. | 01:05 |
=== jcbwalsh [n=james@c-24-147-79-110.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aquarius | If I compile my own version of a package, by apt-get source-ing it, patching, debuild, and then dpkg -i, howdo I go back to the version from Ubuntu if my version doesn't work? | 01:05 |
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ro | when I run doom3 or quake4 I get chopped up sound... any ideas? | 01:06 |
revartj | _jason, hi | 01:07 |
Mathman | stfn: yeah, shoot. tree would be perfect if it did the sizes kinda like du. oh well. guess I'll make do with du. | 01:07 |
_jason | revartj: hi, one sec let me visit google | 01:07 |
=== coldboot [n=neil@Ottawa-HSE-ppp265830.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eugen | how do i start myth tv ?? | 01:07 |
engla | _jason: look at the LANGUAGE and LANG env vars | 01:07 |
polpak | eugen, did you install it? | 01:07 |
polpak | eugen, I'd suggest following a mythtv howto. There's a bit of setting up that goes on | 01:08 |
=== adminbear [n=adminbea@82-71-54-104.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | Mathman: If you need the sizes, you could easily write a script that takes one value and divides/multiplies it with what you ned | 01:08 |
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_jason | engla: would LANG=en_US, let me see revartj's error messages in english? | 01:08 |
adminbear | wowzers | 01:08 |
engla | _jason: I think so. Try | 01:09 |
eugen | ok 10x | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | I'm trying to set up WPA wireless. I've followed the wiki instructions, but when I try to test wpa_supplicant it's a no go. The wiki suggests asking here. The output from the attempt is :james@testdrive:/$ sudo wpa_supplicant -Dipw -ieth1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd -w | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | Initializing interface 'eth1' conf '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver 'ipw' ctrl_interface 'N/A' | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | Configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' -> '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | Reading configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | Line: 1 - start of a new network block | 01:09 |
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jcbwalsh | ssid - hexdump_ascii(len=6): | 01:09 |
_jason | revartj: ok can you try this: LANG=en_US aptitude -v install vlc | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | 46 61 69 6c 74 65 Failte | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | proto: 0x1 | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | key_mgmt: 0x2 | 01:09 |
_jason | ubotu: tell jcbwalsh about paste | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | PSK - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED] | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | Priority group 0 | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | id=0 ssid='Failte' | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | Initializing interface (2) 'eth1' | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | EAPOL: SUPP_PAE entering state DISCONNECTED | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | EAPOL: KEY_RX entering state NO_KEY_RECEIVE | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state INITIALIZE | 01:09 |
_jason | jcbwalsh: please /quit if this is much longer | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0 | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0 | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | wpa_driver_ipw_init is called | 01:09 |
jcbwalsh | SIOCGIWRANGE: WE(compiled)=19 WE(source)=18 enc_capa=0xf | 01:10 |
jcbwalsh | capabilities: key_mgmt 0xf enc 0xf | 01:10 |
jcbwalsh | Own MAC address: 00:16:6f:66:86:f8 | 01:10 |
_jason | !ops | 01:10 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 01:10 |
jcbwalsh | wpa_driver_ipw_set_wpa: enabled=1 | 01:10 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ | ||
jcbwalsh | ioctl[IPW_IOCTL_WPA_SUPPLICANT] : Operation not supported | 01:10 |
jcbwalsh | wpa_driver_ipw_set_key: alg=none key_idx=0 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0 | 01:10 |
=== jcbwalsh was kicked off #ubuntu by apokryphos (flood) | ||
imbrandon | !pastebin | 01:10 |
ubotu | from memory, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 01:10 |
=== Apostle^ [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codecaine | hey when I go on some webpages when its like wma's it plays choppy how can I fix that? | 01:10 |
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revartj | _jason, hi | 01:10 |
=== AkariChan [n=AkariCha@i216-58-26-178.cybersurf.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | revartj: hi, did it work? | 01:10 |
imbrandon | tweak your plugin settings codecaine | 01:10 |
jvai | cant learn nada, w/ channel flooding... he must sit in the back of the class | 01:10 |
AkariChan | hello everyone | 01:10 |
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codecaine | I installed aoss | 01:11 |
codecaine | but I still get the same results | 01:11 |
revartj | _jason, i am put in pastebin | 01:11 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos | ||
Apostle^ | hi i can't seem to find anything that will resize my home parition | 01:11 |
_jason | engla: thanks | 01:11 |
kingspawn | Apostle^: gparted wont do you? | 01:11 |
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engla | _jason: good. I forgot that I could have tried on my own machine to make sure it worked :) | 01:12 |
maz | hi all, anyone here? | 01:12 |
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maz | ok i see people now | 01:12 |
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kingspawn | maz: lots of people here | 01:12 |
varsendagger | hey you guys remember jcbwalsh? | 01:12 |
apokryphos | maz: > 700, yes | 01:12 |
Apostle^ | kingspawn: is their a gparted only live-cd ? | 01:12 |
varsendagger | he was a butthole | 01:12 |
_jason | revartj: ok I'm still not sure, can you pastebin: LANG=en_US apt-get update | 01:13 |
maz | so does anyone know why the ymessenger and gaim programs don't seem to be able to send files? | 01:13 |
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apokryphos | varsendagger: please what your language in here. | 01:13 |
kingspawn | Apostle^: Hm, dont think so. did you try fdisk? | 01:13 |
Apostle^ | i can't use command line partition tools | 01:13 |
Apostle^ | lol | 01:13 |
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-136-143.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | Apostle^: Oh, heh | 01:13 |
maz | kingspawn is there a way i can get a linux chess tutor on ubuntu? I've got Knights and it destroys me even on weak setting lol | 01:13 |
kingspawn | Apostle^: Then i'm not really sure | 01:13 |
Desh | Can I ask a Kubuntu question here? No one in #kubuntu answered. | 01:13 |
kingspawn | maz: GNU Chess might have something of the sort, but computers generally destroy us pretty easily | 01:14 |
varsendagger | what are the videoeditors availible? | 01:14 |
_jason | varsendagger: kino is one | 01:14 |
apokryphos | Deserir: driver-related questions are better asked in here, yes. | 01:14 |
maz | yeah it's pretty demoralising kingspawn, I've played it 50 times and never won. I'd hate to see it on the strong setting | 01:14 |
Desh | Cinelerra, Kino, and a few others..none work for me thought. :( | 01:14 |
HymnToLife | cinelerra (or whatever the hell it is spelled) is another | 01:14 |
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Clean_C_to | /server 6000 | 01:14 |
varsendagger | i'll try it | 01:14 |
Desh | Can I ask a Kubuntu question here? No one in #kubuntu answered. | 01:14 |
polpak | maz, learn to play go. They can't make a computer program that can play it very well at all | 01:15 |
apokryphos | Desh: driver-related questions are better asked in here, yes. | 01:15 |
=== KingOfNoWhere [i=root@ns1.aoloser.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | Desh, don't ask if you can ask, just ask | 01:15 |
kingspawn | polpak: coward :) | 01:15 |
varsendagger | Desh, yes | 01:15 |
Desh | Hello everyone. I am running Kubuntu 5.10, after failing at getting fglrx drivers to work I reverted back to ati drivers. however, I can no longer "Lock Sessions." Also, Penguin Racer and another game, which used to load up, though they'd lag, don;t even load anymore. | 01:15 |
polpak | kingspawn, =o | 01:15 |
maz | I've heard that polpak, I'll look into it. But there's something about chess that appeals to me | 01:15 |
kingspawn | maz: Play humans for chess | 01:15 |
kingspawn | maz: Much more fun :) | 01:15 |
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maz | true kingspawn :) | 01:15 |
HymnToLife | I heard of some MTG playing programs too, it's laughable | 01:16 |
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varsendagger | what is MTG? | 01:16 |
HymnToLife | Magic The Gathering | 01:16 |
engla | maz: you can play on fics (free internet chess server) | 01:16 |
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maz | I'd have thought that there would be a computer program that I could dumb down to my level, but there isn't | 01:16 |
engla | maz: Don't know about any client for ubuntu though, but there has to be one | 01:16 |
maz | ok engla I'll look into it | 01:16 |
=== aquarius [n=aquarius@82-47-92-64.cable.ubr04.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
sethk | Desh, sounds like there were some ati specific fglrx drivers. you clobbered them with newer ones, and uninstalled the newer ones, and now they are missing | 01:16 |
Apostle^ | !dualboot | 01:16 |
ubotu | for wintel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo :for the Mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 01:16 |
Apostle^ | !grub | 01:16 |
polpak | engla, there are linux clients. nothing ubuntu specific | 01:17 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 01:17 |
HymnToLife | maz > there's always Fritz but it only runs on Windows AFAIK | 01:17 |
HymnToLife | maybe with WINE, never tried it | 01:17 |
Desh | Yeah, I deleted some fglrx drivers...but either way I use the "ati" ones, since fglrx won't let X start. | 01:17 |
maz | ok HymntoLife | 01:17 |
baconbacon | isnt gnome-chess fics-enabled | 01:17 |
codecaine | When I open a program in mplayer I get a error New_Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong. Please supply the text font file (~./mplayer/subfont.ttf) | 01:18 |
polpak | maz, anyway, go is both simpler (rule wise) and more complex (strategy wise).. I find it to be far more elegant that chess | 01:18 |
codecaine | It still plays the song but I want to get rid of that error message | 01:18 |
maz | ok polpak, I will have to do it | 01:18 |
varsendagger | Desh, maybe do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:18 |
varsendagger | codecaine, me to | 01:18 |
kingspawn | Oh well, its bedtime, work in 6 hours | 01:19 |
pike | codecaine: you can drop any .ttf file in that dir and it will work | 01:19 |
polpak | maz, sudo apt-get install qgo gnugo and you should be off and running =) | 01:19 |
varsendagger | kingspawn, where are you | 01:19 |
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polpak | maz, course it'd help to learn how to play =) | 01:19 |
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Desh | Yeah, thought so. >_< I have like 4 different versions of "fglrx." | 01:20 |
polpak | kingspawn, good night =) | 01:20 |
Desh | Because I added some repositories. | 01:20 |
maz | lol cheers polpak | 01:20 |
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pike | codecaine: you might have to rename to subfont.ttf.. not sure | 01:20 |
maz | so did anyone know why gaim and ymessenger seem unable to send files?? | 01:20 |
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codecaine | I did a locate on that font but I don't find it | 01:20 |
jvai | my hoary stop playing wmv media, i dont kno why, it worked aftr the easyubuntu install, but now.... but i cant play dvd's still | 01:21 |
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Desh | How do I remove a kernel? Somehow kernel k7-smp snuck its way onto my laptop... | 01:22 |
pike | codecaine: there should be a ton of those on comp try locate -i .ttf | 01:22 |
codecaine | ty | 01:22 |
Desh | Oh....k7-smp is my running kernel....why is this... | 01:22 |
Desh | What's the recommended kernel for an AMD64? | 01:23 |
Desh | I'm running the 32bit Kubuntu, not 64bit. | 01:23 |
AkariChan | hello, i have a quesiton, how do u mount a drive (i.e. /dev/sda1) with full access as a user? what do i ahve to put in /etc/fstab? | 01:24 |
apokryphos | Desh: why not running 64bit Kubuntu? | 01:24 |
apokryphos | you're losing a lot of extra paciness | 01:24 |
apokryphos | no point in having a 64-bit processor if you're going to run 32-bit :-O | 01:24 |
nekostar | me goes to work :/ | 01:26 |
AkariChan | hello, i have a quesiton, how do u mount a drive (i.e. /dev/sda1) with full access as a user? what do i ahve to put in /etc/fstab? (umask = ?) | 01:26 |
Blissex | AkariChan: depends on the filesystem type. | 01:27 |
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apokryphos | AkariChan: umask only controls permissions for that drive, the option user is what you want for ordinary users to mount/alter it | 01:27 |
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apokryphos | AkariChan: /dev/sda1 /media/usb ext3 user,exec,defaults 0 0 ...should be fine | 01:27 |
AkariChan | ah, it's a vfat, and i want a normal user to be able to mount it (noauto) | 01:28 |
apokryphos | s/ext3/vfat/ | 01:28 |
AkariChan | gotcha, regex -_- | 01:28 |
tybalt | I just upgraded my kernel image to linux-image-k7 using aptitude. Im guessingthe new kernel doesn't have a driver for SCSI cards because none of my SCSI drives (2 50gb drives, one as /home, and one has /home.bak) are being detected by Dapper. I have used two completely different SCSI PCI cards and they both dont work. The drives are fine because I can see them using the SCSI card's BIOS. Any suggestions? | 01:28 |
apokryphos | that's it then, yup. I forget whether you need that exec there; I forget the defaults 8) | 01:28 |
AkariChan | what does the trailling 0 0 stand for? | 01:29 |
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apokryphos | AkariChan: for the fsck | 01:29 |
digen | AkariChan, dump & fsck options respectively | 01:29 |
apokryphos | and the last is dump | 01:29 |
AkariChan | neat | 01:29 |
apokryphos | hm, I could be getting muddled up, yeah 8) | 01:30 |
=== apokryphos mans fstab | ||
digen | apokryphos, i thought it was the other way around | 01:30 |
AkariChan | thanks so much, i needed to learn about it. how about ntfs? if i compiled with r/w option in kernel, same flags? | 01:30 |
=== _jason agrees with digen | ||
imbrandon | tybalt: did you just install linux-image-k7 or linux-k7 ? linux-k7 will pull other dependancies and drivers | 01:30 |
apokryphos | indeed, you're correct | 01:30 |
AkariChan | thank so much | 01:30 |
AkariChan | s/thank/thanks | 01:31 |
AkariChan | =) | 01:31 |
apokryphos | AkariChan: good luck ;-), you could muck up your NTFS partition 8) | 01:31 |
tybalt | imbrandon: I selected linux-image-k7 and I think aptitude selected some other image thingy along with automatically | 01:31 |
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apokryphos | journalling hasn't been mastered at all with NTFS. Write access to it is highly problematic at times | 01:31 |
AkariChan | yeah, last thing i need to do is figure out how to configure raid to read in ubuntu | 01:31 |
AkariChan | its possibly impossible | 01:31 |
LeeJunFan | anyone know of an ntop-like app that doesn't segfault every 5 mins? I'm tempted to put it in inittab and have it restart. hehe | 01:32 |
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mgalvin | silly question, anyone know a good solution to remove stickers from laptops (you the ones with the really sticky glue that doesn't come off), has anyone tried using goof-off? | 01:32 |
=== mgalvin doesn't want laptop case to melt :-/ | ||
AkariChan | mgalvin, peel it off, if it has left overs, use a little bit water and an eraser | 01:32 |
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imbrandon | mgalvin: there is actualy a thread about that on the ubuntu artwork forum ;) | 01:32 |
AkariChan | prepare a big piece of eraser tho | 01:32 |
meteorman | I just finished my first ubuntu install. I have a dual head Matrox G400 card with two monitors hooked up. During bootup, both monitors are a mirror of each other, but once it launches the desktop I only have one monitor....how can I extend my desktop to the other monitor which is now show as off? Any help would be much appreciated. | 01:33 |
digen | talking of stickers,anyplace I can get Ubuntu Stickers in India? | 01:33 |
tybalt | use a q-tip with amonia on it; that disolves the glue | 01:33 |
AkariChan | tybalt, good idea | 01:33 |
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mgalvin | thanks a lot guys, i will try those things :) | 01:33 |
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mad_matt | what can I use for .rar files | 01:34 |
apokryphos | digen: http://www.cafepress.com/ubuntushop | 01:34 |
apokryphos | mad_matt: install unrar-nonfree | 01:34 |
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digen | apokryphos, checking | 01:34 |
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apokryphos | digen: I presume they post to India | 01:34 |
apokryphos | cafepress is very big 8) | 01:34 |
tybalt | hmm.... let me try booting into a different kernel using grub, hopefully the older kernel entry is still there so I can see ifthekernel was the problem. | 01:34 |
imbrandon | mad_matt: sudo apt-get install rar unrar zip unzip | 01:34 |
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digen | apokryphos, i see....let me search a bit there | 01:35 |
meteorman | can anyone help with me with getting my dual monitors to work? | 01:35 |
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Jowi | meteorman: there are a couple of xinerama how to's on the wiki | 01:36 |
Jowi | !xinerama | 01:36 |
ubotu | somebody said xinerama was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=xinerama&titlesearch=Titles Hopefully, one of these works for you, and feedback is welcome | 01:36 |
imbrandon | !xinerama | 01:36 |
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steel | futurama? | 01:37 |
mad_matt | I can't figure out what to use for rar files | 01:37 |
imbrandon | mad_matt: sudo apt-get install rar unrar zip unzip | 01:37 |
luke | When I go sudo apt-get install ruby, it installs 1.8.3, which is incompatible with rubygems. How do I install ruby-1.8.2 or ruby-1.8.4 instead? | 01:37 |
imbrandon | then type unrar <file>.rar | 01:37 |
meteorman | !xinerama | 01:37 |
ubotu | from memory, xinerama is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=xinerama&titlesearch=Titles Hopefully, one of these works for you, and feedback is welcome | 01:37 |
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mad_matt | that didn't work | 01:38 |
imbrandon | mad_matt: sudo apt-get install rar-nonfree | 01:38 |
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digen | apokryphos, thanks mate...they certainly do ship to India | 01:38 |
apokryphos | cool 8) | 01:38 |
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apokryphos | digen: a bit pricey, but hey =) | 01:38 |
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digen | apokryphos, yes :p | 01:39 |
codecaine | anybody know the path of mplayer codecs so I can add somemore codecs? | 01:39 |
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imbrandon | apokryphos: you see that thread about the ubuntu stickers in the ubuntu artwork forum ? heh had some dood ones therre | 01:39 |
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MarcN|E | meteorman: got dual head working? | 01:39 |
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apokryphos | imbrandon: haven't seen it, nope. I very rarely venture into the forums =) | 01:40 |
mad_matt | it's unrar-free | 01:40 |
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jflash | Anyone good with samba, I need some help. I've got a thread going so I don't have to repeat myself: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162336 | 01:40 |
tybalt | it was the kernel | 01:40 |
jcbwalsh | I'm having trouble setting up WPA - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12865 - any help would be appreciated. | 01:40 |
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HaxoR91 | hey | 01:40 |
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imbrandon | tybalt: did you install linux-image-k7 only or "linux-k7" metapackage that pulls all the restricted drivers and all? | 01:41 |
HaxoR91 | i just wanted to know why dont main.cpp have the numbers for c++ | 01:41 |
HaxoR91 | how do i put the numbers | 01:41 |
PORDO | i'm missing the binary for gnupg. how can i reinstall it? | 01:41 |
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PORDO | nevermind | 01:41 |
HaxoR91 | just wanted to know that | 01:41 |
imbrandon | HaxoR91: numbers for main.cpp ? | 01:41 |
tybalt | kernel 2.6.15-21-k7 did not load the drivers for my SCSI card; Im guessing aptitude did not pull linux-k7 and it just installed linux-image-k7 | 01:41 |
HaxoR91 | like 1: 2: | 01:41 |
HaxoR91 | etc. | 01:42 |
julien_c | i have a simple question, how many CDs do we need to install Ubuntu please ? | 01:42 |
jflash | 1 | 01:42 |
HaxoR91 | yes | 01:42 |
apokryphos | julien_c: just the one | 01:42 |
tybalt | would doing `apt-get install linux-k7` solve my problem | 01:42 |
jflash | Or maybe that's DVDs | 01:42 |
digen | julien_c, single cd | 01:42 |
apokryphos | jflash: nope | 01:42 |
julien_c | oh.. great, thank you | 01:42 |
imbrandon | tybalt: try installing with "sudo apt-get install linux-k7" that works on my amd with scsi and sata | 01:42 |
=== tatters [n=chatzill@cpc3-derb5-0-0-cust731.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
julien_c | I think I will be running Ubuntu tonight ;) | 01:42 |
HaxoR91 | = ) | 01:42 |
HaxoR91 | good luck | 01:42 |
julien_c | i'm getting tired of this old mandrake install lol | 01:43 |
HaxoR91 | lol | 01:43 |
imbrandon | heh you will love ubuntu ( and apt-get / synaptic ) | 01:43 |
HaxoR91 | i lie ubuntu best | 01:43 |
MrFreeBird | Hi there guys. I have a Lexmark USB printer X4270. When I try to print any document, it prints only the first page. The rest of the document stays on the spool, nothing happens after that | 01:43 |
HaxoR91 | liek* | 01:43 |
HaxoR91 | like* | 01:43 |
tybalt | the wierd thing is the drivers for my SATA card were loaded fine, it could detect that card and drive | 01:43 |
tatters | in recovery mode any idea how ot change resolution and frequency 800x600 60mhz for TV as monitor in Kubuntu? | 01:43 |
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imbrandon | MrFreeBird: check out ..... | 01:43 |
imbrandon | !printers | 01:43 |
ubotu | hmm... printers is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org | 01:43 |
meteorman | MarcN|E: nope.......I can't get dual head working.....everytime I modify the xorg.conf file I end up screwing up my GUI environment.....have to revert to the backup file. | 01:43 |
HaxoR91 | so how do i get the numbers for main.cpp? | 01:43 |
MrFreeBird | imbrandon, ? | 01:43 |
jola | how do i autorun "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"? is there an autorun file somewhere? | 01:44 |
imbrandon | the ubotu link | 01:44 |
MarcN|E | meteorman: try this: http://nozell.com/blog/archives/2005/09/29/dualhead-with-xinerama-using-ubuntubreezy-compaq-nc6000/ or are you using dapper? | 01:44 |
MrFreeBird | imbrandon, I have reinstalled the driver many times | 01:44 |
tybalt | BTW, how do I set the resolution for IceWM? | 01:44 |
MrFreeBird | imbrandon, I have disconnected the cable too | 01:44 |
HaxoR91 | can someone help me? | 01:44 |
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imbrandon | tybalt: you set the resolution with X not the windows manager | 01:44 |
imbrandon | MrFreeBird: ahh hmm no idea then bro maybe someone else knows | 01:44 |
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jflash | I can't access my Ubuntu box from my XP box over my network. Full thread is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162336 if anyone can help. | 01:45 |
MarcN|E | HaxoR91: what do you mean by 'get the numbers'? | 01:45 |
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tatters | I cannot find X11.conf in Kubuntu does it use something else? | 01:45 |
HaxoR91 | you know when you reading the c++ tutorial? | 01:45 |
meteorman | thanks | 01:45 |
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HaxoR91 | you see a set of numbers going down | 01:45 |
MrFreeBird | ok | 01:45 |
biovore | tatters: xorg.conf | 01:45 |
HaxoR91 | 1: 2: 3: | 01:45 |
MarcN|E | HaxoR91: haven't in years. you mean in an editor? which one? | 01:45 |
HaxoR91 | etc | 01:45 |
imbrandon | HaxoR91: the numbers are just a guide they are not part of the source | 01:45 |
HaxoR91 | yes in an compiler | 01:45 |
Iceyes | I think i screw my privileges up i cant acess users and groups and the terminal says emil is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 01:45 |
Iceyes | what to do? | 01:45 |
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HaxoR91 | but i try putting the error | 01:46 |
tybalt | imbrandon: apt says linux-k7 is already the latest version; is there a way to force it to reinstall it with the SCSI drivers? | 01:46 |
HaxoR91 | int main(int argc, char* argv[] ) | 01:46 |
imbrandon | the source files I.E. main.cpp dosent have line numbers ( this isnt vic 20 basic ) | 01:46 |
jflash | Can anyone help me? | 01:46 |
HaxoR91 | with out line 4 | 01:46 |
HaxoR91 | but i didnt see no error | 01:46 |
Iceyes | can anyone help? | 01:46 |
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imbrandon | tybalt: hmmm honestly i dont know about reinstalling, only thing i would know how to do it uninstall and purge it and reinstall it | 01:47 |
MarcN|E | jflash: does ifconfig show an ip address? | 01:47 |
luke | now ive installed Rails and its dependencies, how do I go about processing it? should I use apache? | 01:47 |
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HaxoR91 | what you need help with ice? | 01:47 |
tybalt | will it let me do that with the kernel? | 01:47 |
imbrandon | not sure | 01:47 |
eugen_ | how do i use bit torrent on ubuntu? | 01:47 |
imbrandon | never tried | 01:47 |
tatters | nope did wjereis org.conf and xorg.cof no such file? | 01:47 |
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HaxoR91 | just go to torrentspy.com and download the file you need | 01:48 |
imbrandon | eugen_: install bittornado-gui | 01:48 |
MrFreeBird | does anybody know how to correct a problem about Lexmark 4200 series? It prints just the first page | 01:48 |
HaxoR91 | open with bittorrent | 01:48 |
MarcN|E | eugen_: install bittorrent package | 01:48 |
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tybalt | well... I suppose I could re-install ifworst comes to worst... | 01:48 |
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Iceyes | HaxoR91 I think i screw my privileges up i cant acess users and groups and the terminal it says emil is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 01:48 |
jflash | Yeah, and internet and other networking works fine, I just get a "Cannot connect" error when I try and access my Ubuntu box | 01:48 |
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tatters | lol Xorg.conf and xorg.conf both says no file | 01:48 |
HaxoR91 | hmm | 01:48 |
HaxoR91 | try su | 01:48 |
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eobanb_ | tatters, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:48 |
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HaxoR91 | and type your pw | 01:48 |
eugen_ | where can i get an dc++ ubuntu version? | 01:48 |
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luke | how do I make uninstall something? | 01:49 |
Iceyes | HaxoR91 it says su: Authentication failure | 01:49 |
Jowi | jflash: are you on the correct Workgroup? | 01:49 |
HaxoR91 | hmm | 01:49 |
eugen_ | where can i get an ubuntu version for dc++ | 01:49 |
jflash | Yes, XP can see the box, just not connect to it. | 01:49 |
biovore | luke: you talking from a source install? | 01:49 |
Iceyes | HaxoR91 i changed something in users and group | 01:50 |
luke | yes | 01:50 |
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HaxoR91 | try creating a new user | 01:50 |
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Iceyes | HaxoR91 how? i cant acesss users and groups? | 01:50 |
biovore | luke: not all source packages have a make uninstall feature | 01:50 |
eugen_ | where can i get an ubuntu version for dc++ | 01:50 |
HaxoR91 | oh | 01:50 |
luke | biovore, so what do I do then? | 01:50 |
biovore | luke: delete the files in installs | 01:50 |
eobanb_ | Iceeyes, sudo is broken? | 01:50 |
eobanb_ | Iceyes * | 01:51 |
biovore | luke: (it) | 01:51 |
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HaxoR91 | i don't know | 01:51 |
hou5ton | hmmmmm..... how come my Firefox 1.0.8 started crashing every time I click on another bookmark link? | 01:51 |
HaxoR91 | sorry | 01:51 |
Iceyes | eobanb_ is there something i can do about that? :o | 01:51 |
eobanb_ | (there's a firefox 1.0.8?) | 01:51 |
luke | biovore, how do I know where they are though? | 01:51 |
hou5ton | eobanb: that's what mine says | 01:51 |
eobanb_ | Iceyes, yes, boot into recovery mode | 01:51 |
jflash | eobanb_: It's up to 1.5.1 | 01:51 |
Jowi | jflash: in /etc/samba/smb.conf, do you have "hosts allow = 192.168.0." (ip should match your local network. no number after the last dot) | 01:51 |
eobanb_ | jflash, uh, i know | 01:51 |
biovore | luke: you have to look at the install part fo the Makefile | 01:51 |
Iceyes | eobanb_ ok what then? | 01:51 |
tatters | sthere a command to boot into 800x600 so i can change value in GUI ? | 01:52 |
HaxoR91 | where can i get an editor for ubuntu? | 01:52 |
HaxoR91 | i already have vim | 01:52 |
_jason | HaxoR91: what kind of editor? | 01:52 |
codecaine | for mplayer is there a way when you go to full screen that the images strech? | 01:52 |
HaxoR91 | for c++ | 01:52 |
eobanb_ | Iceyes, if you boot into recovery mode you should have a root console, and from there you can fix whatever you need to | 01:52 |
_jason | HaxoR91: any text editor you want in synaptic | 01:52 |
eugen_ | chose torrent file to use what is this???? | 01:52 |
hou5ton | well ... I thought Ubuntu automatically updated stuff? | 01:52 |
luke | biovore, isnt there some kind of way I can make it just list all the files it installed? | 01:52 |
sherwin | anybody know an internet cafe timer in ubuntu?? | 01:52 |
HaxoR91 | i already have a text editor | 01:52 |
jflash | Jowi: Let me check | 01:52 |
HaxoR91 | abiword | 01:52 |
biovore | luke: is all handled by make in the makefile.. | 01:53 |
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eobanb_ | abiword is not a text editor, abiword is a word processor | 01:53 |
Iceyes | eobanb_ and i guess theres not make this easier that im noob on this | 01:53 |
stfn | vim is a text editor | 01:53 |
HaxoR91 | how do i open it? | 01:53 |
sherwin | anybody know an internet cafe timer in ubuntu?? | 01:53 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, what are you looking for that gedit or vim dont offer | 01:53 |
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luke | biovore, gah why is it so complicated | 01:53 |
_jason | HaxoR91: type vim, but if you are new to vim I suggest you type vimtutor first | 01:53 |
HaxoR91 | i wanna open a text editor | 01:53 |
HaxoR91 | how do i open it? | 01:53 |
sherwin | anybody know an internet cafe timer in ubuntu?? | 01:53 |
=== darqueMeye [n=darqueme@ip72-199-189-22.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | HaxoR91: in a terminal | 01:54 |
eobanb_ | type 'gedit', HaxoR91 | 01:54 |
sherwin | eoband | 01:54 |
eobanb_ | my nick is eobanb. | 01:54 |
eugen_ | how do i download with bit torrent?? | 01:54 |
=== csmall [n=csmall@cpe-72-231-137-206.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sherwin | ok | 01:54 |
biovore | luke: it source code.. all the install script dose is copy some file.. same thing when working with source on windows | 01:54 |
sherwin | eobanb_ | 01:54 |
steel | http://www.thepiratebay.org | 01:54 |
Jowi | jflash: also see if you have something like this set up: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12866 . then restart samba. | 01:54 |
Iceyes | eobanb_ what should i do there? add a new user? | 01:54 |
eobanb_ | Iceyes, sure, you can try doing that. | 01:54 |
sherwin | you know a cafe timer in ubuntu? | 01:54 |
biovore | luke: It all comes back to how the author sets up he build enviroment | 01:54 |
eobanb_ | sherwin, i don't know. | 01:54 |
Iceyes | eobanb_ how can i do that from the consonle? | 01:55 |
eobanb_ | Iceyes, with useradd | 01:55 |
darqueMeye | i need help setting up a grub splash. i have the file downloaded but i dont know how to move it to the /boot/grub folder | 01:55 |
eugen_ | 10x | 01:55 |
Iceyes | eobanb_ ill try | 01:55 |
csmall | is edgy gonna be ubuntu unstable or a seperate dist? | 01:55 |
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_jason | !edgy | 01:55 |
ubotu | Edgy Eft is the next codename for Ubuntu dapper+1. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html | 01:55 |
eobanb_ | csmall, edgy will be a release | 01:55 |
tatters | how can I force kubuntu to start up in 800x600 using recovery mode ? | 01:55 |
eobanb_ | csmall, grumpy groundhog is the perpetually unstable (analogous to debian sid) | 01:56 |
hou5ton | Ok ... yes ... there is a Firefox 1.5 ... but Synaptic shows 1.0.8 as the latest version | 01:56 |
eobanb_ | hou5ton, 1.0.8 is the latest version for breezy badget | 01:56 |
eobanb_ | badger* | 01:56 |
csmall | eobanb_: ok, will edgy be avalible anytime soon? Non a final releaseI mean | 01:56 |
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crimsun | csmall: chomping at the bit, aintcha? We haven't even released Dapper yet. | 01:57 |
eobanb_ | csmall, yes, edgy will be available almost as soon as dapper final is released | 01:57 |
HaxoR91 | the deletion is confusing | 01:57 |
PwcrLinux | Hmm not working to register on the load list.. how I can unload it? | 01:57 |
hou5ton | eobanb: right ... so ...any ideas why it started crashing when clicking a bookmark link? | 01:57 |
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csmall | eobanb_: thank you | 01:57 |
eobanb_ | hou5ton, i have no idea. | 01:57 |
csmall | crimsun: no, being a seperate thing I figured it would have be out there somewhere for dev already | 01:57 |
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PwcrLinux | oh sorry wrong window.. | 01:58 |
crimsun | csmall: we don't open the next dev branch until the current one is released as stable. | 01:58 |
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luke | biovore, if i find an "Installed Files" with a list of files, how can I automaticall rm -f them? | 01:58 |
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eobanb_ | csmall, until june, edgy exists in name only | 01:58 |
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csmall | crimsun: sure, I understand that. But I unstood edgy to be a seperate project of sorts | 01:58 |
csmall | eobanb_: k | 01:58 |
slide | I have a disk with a messed up ext3 partition, how can i completely redo the disk and with a ext3 partition? | 01:58 |
crimsun | csmall: it's only a codename for our next version. | 01:58 |
HaxoR91 | how do you save in vi main.cpp? | 01:58 |
eobanb_ | slide, use qtparted | 01:58 |
csmall | k | 01:58 |
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ubuntulin | i have two partitions, ubuntu and windows - can i use gparted to delete the windows partition and add it to ubuntu? | 01:58 |
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eobanb_ | !qtparted | 01:59 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, eobanb_ | 01:59 |
slide | eobanb, k lemmy install | 01:59 |
eobanb_ | meh. | 01:59 |
eobanb_ | slide, it works well | 01:59 |
csmall | man xgl is amazing | 01:59 |
csmall | I like it | 01:59 |
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biovore | luke: how is that file formated.. entry per line? | 01:59 |
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luke | biovore, yes | 01:59 |
stfn | HaxoR91: hit the escape key then type ":w" and press enter ":wq" if you want to save and exit | 01:59 |
biovore | luke: you any good with the cli? | 02:00 |
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JuhazOne | this channel is big... | 02:00 |
luke | biovore, i dont even know what it is, command line interface? | 02:00 |
biovore | luke: yup.. that screen with a prompt.. | 02:00 |
luke | biovore, sure | 02:00 |
biovore | luke: you know anything about bash? | 02:01 |
=== punkcut [n=punkcut@dsl253-000-034.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntulin | i have two partitions, ubuntu and windows - can i use gparted to delete the windows partition and add it to ubuntu? | 02:01 |
punkcut | when using aptitude search - which man page would i look at to figure out what the p,v,i,etc mean to the left of each package name | 02:01 |
luke | biovore, a little yes | 02:01 |
eobanb_ | ubuntulin, sure. | 02:01 |
Jowi | ubuntulin: yes. | 02:01 |
Desh | Ok, when I try to use apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx it returns with an error, anyone know how I can remove it? | 02:01 |
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ubuntulin | eobanb_, Jowi: will i lose my existing data? | 02:01 |
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eobanb_ | ubuntulin, obviously | 02:02 |
_jason | punkcut: file:///usr/share/doc/aptitude/html/en/ch02s03.html is the best I ahve found | 02:02 |
Jowi | ubuntulin: well, you did say you wanted to delete it | 02:02 |
MarcN|E | Desh: why is the error. it should give a clue | 02:02 |
ubuntulin | eobanb_, Jowi: i'm trying to avoid a reinstall | 02:02 |
punkcut | _jason : thx | 02:02 |
eobanb_ | ubuntulin, a re-install of what? | 02:02 |
biovore | luke: try this.. Asumming the file contains a list of files with full paths.. cat filelist.txt | xargs -n1 rm (carefull with this) | 02:02 |
Desh | when removing `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/share/fglrx/diversions/libGL.so.1.2 by xorg-driver-fglrx' | 02:02 |
Desh | found `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx' | 02:02 |
ubuntulin | eobanb_: ubuntu | 02:02 |
eobanb_ | ubuntulin, reinstalling ubuntu is not necessary. | 02:02 |
jflash | Jowi: I trie dboth things, and still no luck. | 02:02 |
slimz | anyone feel like helping me out with wine? after installing wine and configuring it to make cdrom0 d:, and cdrom1 e:, i try to wine e:\\autorun.exe, and my autorun gives me an error saying its looking for the files on h: because it thinks the cdrom files are there | 02:03 |
Jowi | ubuntulin: you will not lose your ubuntu installation. only your windows one. if you delete the partition, create a new one in the same space, then apply the changes your partition table should not have changed (much). that is the safest way to go. | 02:03 |
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Jowi | jflash: did you add the last "force group = sambauser"? | 02:03 |
Desh | Anyone know how I can fix that? I can't even try to install fglrx drivers because they don;t appear on the reconfigure-xserver window | 02:04 |
luke | biovore, -n is an invalid option apparently | 02:04 |
Desh | I thought, maybe uninstalling and reinstalling might fix it, but it won;t uninstall... | 02:04 |
ubuntulin | jowi, eobanb_: thx i'll give it a try | 02:04 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-10-102.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
digen | i'm curious does ubuntu have .jigdo files for later update of the ISO ? | 02:04 |
eobanb_ | Desh, did you read the quickstart on how to install fglrx? | 02:04 |
Jowi | jflash: now you must add that user to the system: "sudo smbpasswd -a sambauser | 02:04 |
jflash | Jowi: I did. | 02:04 |
Desh | Yes. | 02:04 |
punkcut | _jason : there is no such file on my computer? | 02:04 |
Desh | It never worked for me. | 02:04 |
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MarcN|E | Desh: read the man page for dpkg-divert | 02:04 |
HaxoR91 | where can i get a good compiler? | 02:04 |
eobanb_ | Desh, what about it didnt work? | 02:04 |
biovore | luke: try this.. cat filelist.txt | xargs -n 1 rm (carefull with this_ | 02:05 |
biovore | -n is valid option | 02:05 |
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biovore | see man xargs | 02:05 |
Jowi | jflash: then "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart" | 02:05 |
eobanb_ | digen, i dont think so | 02:05 |
_jason | punkcut: install aptitude-doc-en | 02:05 |
codecaine | anybody know how to make a video enlarged when you go full screen in mplayer? | 02:05 |
=== Iceyes [n=Iceyes@81-233-33-9-no36.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jflash | Jowi: Can I just make up a password, or does it need to be something specific? | 02:05 |
luke | biovore, got it to work, now im getting Permission Denied errors unfortunatley even with sudo | 02:05 |
biovore | Iceyes: f | 02:05 |
digen | eobanb, oh thats a pity isnt it :( | 02:05 |
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=== optik [n=jose@adsl-75-6-230-226.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Iceyes | biovore what? | 02:05 |
HaxoR91 | uhmm | 02:05 |
biovore | luke: sudo -s then try it | 02:05 |
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HaxoR91 | please where can i get a good compiler/ | 02:06 |
HaxoR91 | ? | 02:06 |
optik | i have a quick question about dvd playback if someone is willing to give me a hand, just installed ubuntu | 02:06 |
eobanb_ | digen, after you install ubuntu, you can use apt to completely update the system | 02:06 |
_jason | HaxoR91: 'sudo aptitude install build-essential' | 02:06 |
digen | jflash, choose your own password | 02:06 |
MarcN|E | HaxoR91: apt-get install gcc | 02:06 |
biovore | HaxoR91: what do you mean by a good compiler? | 02:06 |
_jason | optik: just ask your question | 02:06 |
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Jowi | jflash: make something up. but remember it if you need it later. if that doesn't do it, try turning off the windows firewall. that firewall is messy and have screwed up my samba connections before. | 02:06 |
luke | biovore, done - awesome thanks! | 02:06 |
optik | ok | 02:06 |
MarcN|E | HaxoR91: _jason has a better answer | 02:06 |
eobanb_ | Haxor, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:06 |
predius_ | there's a partition on an old harddrive which i can't mount, it asks me for a filsystem type, but I don't know what it is. anyone know what I can do to mount it? | 02:06 |
optik | i try to install the dvd lib "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2" and i get something like this: eading package lists... Done | 02:06 |
optik | Building dependency tree... Done | 02:06 |
optik | Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:06 |
optik | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 02:06 |
optik | is only available from another source | 02:06 |
digen | eobanb, i know about that,but what about say I wanted to install the updated system,burn it as a image ? | 02:06 |
optik | E: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate | 02:07 |
eobanb_ | optik, read the quickstart. | 02:07 |
_jason | ubotu: tell optik about dvd | 02:07 |
eobanb_ | !restricted | 02:07 |
ubotu | rumour has it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats | 02:07 |
sethk | predius_, try using file /dev/hda1 (or whatever the partition is) | 02:07 |
optik | ok thanks | 02:07 |
optik | i did actually | 02:07 |
tatters | what text editor can I use in reovery mode Kubuntu ? | 02:07 |
optik | does it have to do with the repositories? | 02:07 |
predius_ | sethk: awesome | 02:07 |
sethk | predius_, file /dev/hdX#, where X is a, b, c, or d and # is usually 0, 1, 2, or 3 | 02:07 |
sethk | predius_, sorry, 1,2,3,4 | 02:07 |
eobanb_ | tatters, you could use pico, or vi | 02:07 |
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Iceyes | biovore it says emil is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. | 02:08 |
eobanb_ | optik, you need to enable multiverse | 02:08 |
IceTox | Is there a terminal command to check which harddisks are in a computer? I want to mount a windows disk to copy it's files, but I'm not sure where it's located. | 02:08 |
predius_ | sethk: i actually just get "block special (22/1) | 02:08 |
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eobanb_ | IceTox, just use the Disks Manager | 02:08 |
optik | eobanb, ok thanks man | 02:08 |
_jason | IceTox: sudo fdisk -l | 02:08 |
digen | IceTox, fdisk -l | 02:08 |
biovore | Iceyes: sounds like you user dosn't have permissions to be root | 02:08 |
Jowi | IceTox: "sudo fdisk -l" will list them all | 02:08 |
eobanb_ | System > Administration > Disks, IceTox | 02:08 |
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predius_ | IceTox: or "mount" | 02:09 |
=== netgeek60 [n=netgeek6@1Cust2656.an5.chi30.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HaxoR91 | i already have gcc | 02:09 |
HaxoR91 | the newest version | 02:09 |
HaxoR91 | how do i open it? | 02:09 |
_jason | HaxoR91: then you have a good compiler :) | 02:09 |
IceTox | _jason, that gives me only for hda.. Shouldn't there be like any hdb and shit? | 02:09 |
Iceyes | biovore it was, but i think i changed a little bit to much in users & groups what can i do now? | 02:09 |
sethk | HaxoR91, you don't open it, you use it | 02:09 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, gcc is a compiler, not a development environment | 02:09 |
HaxoR91 | how./ | 02:09 |
HaxoR91 | ? | 02:09 |
biovore | HaxoR91: gcc is a command line tool | 02:09 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, man gcc | 02:09 |
_jason | HaxoR91: gcc file.c | 02:09 |
sethk | HaxoR91, gcc -o filename filename.c | 02:09 |
biovore | Iceyes: man visudo | 02:10 |
sethk | for example | 02:10 |
Jowi | IceTox: "sudo fdisk -l" will list them all | 02:10 |
punkcut | has anyone noticed that the site that seems to be hosting the aptitude user manual is down? | 02:10 |
sethk | don't need sudo for fdisk -l | 02:10 |
HaxoR91 | gcc: file.c: No such file or directory | 02:10 |
HaxoR91 | gcc: no input files | 02:10 |
_jason | sethk: when I don't use sudo it gives me no output | 02:10 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, ... | 02:10 |
biovore | did you write a file.c | 02:10 |
sethk | HaxoR91, well, of course you have to give it a name of a file that exists | 02:10 |
Jowi | sethk: hey, you're right. why do i keep doing that | 02:10 |
IceTox | Jowi, it only shows hda1, 2 and 5. Linux, extended and swap.. Might be extended? | 02:10 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, where 'file.c' is the name of your c programme | 02:10 |
HaxoR91 | oh its called main.cpp | 02:11 |
digen | sethk, sudo is needed | 02:11 |
sethk | HaxoR91, we don't know what file you want to compile :) | 02:11 |
biovore | c compiler are complex bastards.. | 02:11 |
sethk | digen, hmm, I just tried it, it works here | 02:11 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, read the gcc manual | 02:11 |
HaxoR91 | lol | 02:11 |
Iceyes | biovore seems like i in some way have to handle this in recovery mode it wont let me do anything, but what can i do? | 02:11 |
netgeek60 | Noob Question: Is Ubuntu working on an install DVD? I hate downloading software for initial install... have dial up :( | 02:11 |
Jowi | IceTox: the partitions listed under the extended one is what it includes | 02:11 |
sethk | HaxoR91, a .cpp is a c++ file, so use g++, not gcc | 02:11 |
Trae | how can I reverse the packages installed from apt-get build-dep $application ? | 02:11 |
=== GreySim [n=dennisfi@216-160-103-39.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HaxoR91 | how do open that one? | 02:11 |
HaxoR91 | g++ | 02:11 |
biovore | Iceyes: recovery mode? | 02:11 |
biovore | gcc -x == g++ | 02:11 |
digen | sethk, strange it shows nothing here when I issue without sudo | 02:12 |
sethk | digen, yes, it is odd. | 02:12 |
Iceyes | ya, then i have root access, i think i fucked all my privileges up on this account | 02:12 |
stfn | digen: same here | 02:12 |
sethk | digen, I don't think I changed it to be suid, but maybe I did and forgot | 02:12 |
=== Tux [n=Tux@modemcable131.35-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sethk | digen, I'll look | 02:12 |
=== tassinari [n=tassinar@20151241210.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HaxoR91 | no such fle in directory | 02:13 |
digen | sethk, I think you were already in the sudo alloted time of 15 mintes default | 02:13 |
sethk | digen, no, I don't use sudo at all | 02:13 |
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eobanb_ | HaxoR91, what are you trying to do | 02:13 |
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digen | sethk, oh then I need to figure it out | 02:13 |
Jowi | jflash: need to be away for awhile. bbl | 02:13 |
sethk | digen, I remember. I did chmod a+r /dev/hda | 02:13 |
HaxoR91 | im trying to learn c++ | 02:13 |
sethk | digen, then you can do fdisk -l as anyone | 02:13 |
HaxoR91 | but i need a compiler and a editor | 02:13 |
stfn | digen: even then he'd have to type 'sudo' at the begining | 02:14 |
HaxoR91 | first a compiler hough | 02:14 |
HaxoR91 | though* | 02:14 |
digen | sethk, yes :) | 02:14 |
_jason | HaxoR91: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Programming:C_plus_plus | 02:14 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, gcc -x filename.cpp -o filename | 02:14 |
jflash | Jowi: OK. | 02:14 |
Iceyes | biovore is there some way to login on the rooth account and fix my privileges back again? | 02:14 |
sethk | HaxoR91, you have the compiler | 02:14 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, PLEASE read the gcc man page | 02:14 |
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sethk | HaxoR91, as someone earlier said, you may be confusing a compiler with an IDE | 02:14 |
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punkcut | _jason : sorry but that really didnt help me at all - im just trying to update my php4 libraries from 4.3 to 4.4 - this seems to be extremely difficult with apt-get/aptitude | 02:14 |
sethk | HaxoR91, there are IDEs in linux, if that's what you want | 02:14 |
jflash | Anyone else, I disabled Windows Firewall and Norton Worm Protection. Any other ideas (neither helped) | 02:14 |
sethk | HaxoR91, look at anjuta | 02:14 |
_jason | !info php4 | 02:15 |
ubotu | php4: (server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 4:4.4.0-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 24 kB | 02:15 |
HaxoR91 | oh god | 02:15 |
_jason | punkcut: can't you just do 'sudo aptitude install php4' ? | 02:15 |
HaxoR91 | ii just want a c++ compiler right now | 02:15 |
_jason | HaxoR91: you have one! | 02:15 |
HaxoR91 | i dont want ides or anything | 02:15 |
HaxoR91 | where! | 02:15 |
sethk | HaxoR91, in that case, you already have what you want | 02:15 |
punkcut | _jason : its already installed. i just dont get why it wont upgrade it | 02:15 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, you need to listen to what we're saying. | 02:15 |
sethk | HaxoR91, you said you installed it. Probably it is in /usr/bin | 02:16 |
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HaxoR91 | i tried vi main.cpp | 02:16 |
HaxoR91 | but i dont know if thats a compiler | 02:16 |
_jason | HaxoR91: do this step by step please: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/C%2B%2B_Programming/Hello_world | 02:16 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, vi is a text editor | 02:16 |
sethk | HaxoR91, you really aren't listening | 02:16 |
Iceyes | !sudo | 02:16 |
ubotu | I guess sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 02:16 |
sethk | HaxoR91, you can compile from vi. vi is an editor. | 02:16 |
eobanb_ | he means can't | 02:16 |
tatters | thnx for pico its not bad editor compared to vim it drives me insane to use | 02:16 |
sethk | HaxoR91, but what you want is called an IDE, which let's you compile and link and run programs without knowing what you are doing | 02:16 |
HaxoR91 | dude i have a book on learning c++ | 02:16 |
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_jason | HaxoR91: have you opened it? | 02:17 |
HaxoR91 | its called "SAMS Teach Yourself C++ Second edition" | 02:17 |
bigbootay | vi=virtually insance? | 02:17 |
bigbootay | insane | 02:17 |
HaxoR91 | i have that book | 02:17 |
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sethk | HaxoR91, that book is for toy computers | 02:17 |
eobanb_ | HaxoR91, what more do you want from us? | 02:17 |
LoMonteiro | Hi, how I install the printer LexMark Z513. The driver I have, it for Z600 and now ? | 02:17 |
bigbootay | methinks, HaxoR91 is a troll. | 02:18 |
_jason | HaxoR91: the page I sent you explains what to do to write a hello world program, you will understand how to use g++ | 02:18 |
sethk | HaxoR91, but, as I've said at least four times, there are programs in linux that do exactly what you expect | 02:18 |
sethk | bigbootay, no! :) | 02:18 |
punkcut | _jason : so whats the deal? looks like theres a much newer version of php4 available in the repos. just trying to install it with aptitude install php4 | 02:18 |
eobanb_ | !br | 02:18 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada. | 02:18 |
_jason | punkcut: did that command not update it? | 02:18 |
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bigbootay | sethk, just maybe ;) | 02:18 |
punkcut | _jason : nope still thinks its up to date | 02:18 |
ubuntulin | after upgrading your kernal is there a way to delete old kernals? | 02:18 |
eobanb_ | punkcut, then it probably IS up to date | 02:18 |
_jason | punkcut: sudo apt-get update and try again? | 02:18 |
punkcut | _jason : PHP 4.3.10-16 (cli) (built: Aug 24 2005 20:25:01) | 02:19 |
LoMonteiro | thanks ;) | 02:19 |
punkcut | i dont see how thats up to date | 02:19 |
eobanb_ | punkcut, sudo apt-get update | 02:19 |
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punkcut | eobanb : yes done that | 02:19 |
_jason | punkcut: what does aptitude output? | 02:19 |
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ubuntulin | after upgrading your kernal is there a way to delete old kernals? | 02:19 |
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jmg | ubuntulin: you can uninstall them | 02:20 |
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sethk | ubuntulin, yes, but I would not do that until the new kernel is running well for several days | 02:20 |
ubuntulin | jmg, sethk: how do you delete them? | 02:20 |
punkcut | _jason : well i needed the apt-get update but i tried that hours ago - i dont think thats the issue | 02:20 |
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sethk | ubuntulin, on person suggested uninstalling; if you installed the kernel with synaptic or one of the apt tools, then you should uninstall | 02:21 |
_jason | punkcut: so are you saying it updated now? | 02:21 |
punkcut | _jason eobanb : http://pastebin.com/680148 | 02:21 |
sethk | ubuntulin, if you installed another way, you just delete the old stuff | 02:21 |
=== punkcut scratches head at bold text... wtf? | ||
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jflash | can anyone help? | 02:21 |
ubuntulin | sethk: i did sudo apt-get upgrade-dist | 02:22 |
AkariChan | how do I mount ntfs with user and r/w access? ( i compiled the kernel with ntfs write support) but it seems that /dev/sdd1 /media/sdd1 ntfs user,exec,defaults,utf8 0 0 wont work | 02:22 |
ubuntulin | sethk: so i'm not sure how to do it | 02:22 |
xerophyte | how can i tell dpkg to list all the files in the package dpkg -L cyrus-imapd-2.2 thats does not list all the files | 02:22 |
luke | how do I change a file's group from cli? | 02:22 |
_jason | luke: chgrp | 02:22 |
luke | ty | 02:22 |
sethk | ubuntulin, bring up synaptic, it will show you what's installed, and you can uninstall it from there | 02:22 |
IceTox | is there a MySQL in standard of ubuntu? If so, what is it named, and hwere is it headed? | 02:22 |
sethk | ubuntulin, even though you installed a meta package, you can uninstall individual packages | 02:22 |
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_jason | punkcut: what is that command for? | 02:22 |
punkcut | IceTox : whereis mysql | 02:22 |
ubuntulin | sethk: ok, i'll give it a shot | 02:22 |
eobanb_ | why does no one learn to use apt-cache search... | 02:22 |
AkariChan | does anyone know how? -_-? | 02:22 |
punkcut | _jason : shouldnt that upgrade php4? | 02:23 |
=== AkariChan read man fstab but still have no clue | ||
_jason | punkcut: no... you know the -s only simulates and performs no action? | 02:23 |
IceTox | thanks punkcut | 02:23 |
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punkcut | _jason : yes of course but shouldnt it say that its gonna upgrade the package? | 02:23 |
edgardpacheco | hello everybody | 02:23 |
eobanb_ | hi edgardpacheco, what can we help you with? | 02:23 |
_jason | punkcut: type install instead of upgrade | 02:24 |
AkariChan | how can i mount ntfs with user and r/w access? ( i compiled the kernel with ntfs write support) but it seems that /dev/sdd1 /media/sdd1 ntfs user,exec,defaults,utf8 0 0 wont work | 02:24 |
edgardpacheco | thanks :) but i am here to help other people :D | 02:24 |
phace | anyone has problems with the sound ? I cant listen music (xmms) and let's say watching a flash animated web site with audio effects... | 02:24 |
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eobanb_ | nice to hear it, edgardpacheco | 02:24 |
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punkcut | _jason : http://pastebin.com/680157 | 02:24 |
edgardpacheco | phace. maybe your sound drivers? your speakers? | 02:24 |
=== BuckWild [n=Dan@c-68-45-107-72.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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nathanael | Ubuntu Rocks | 02:25 |
_jason | punkcut: use -v | 02:25 |
eobanb_ | good to hear, nathanael | 02:25 |
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punkcut | phace : first you should figure out what sound system is b0rking.. what are you using anyway - OSS, ALSA, ARTs?? | 02:25 |
BuckWild | does anyone know how to get a streaming mp3 server setup using ubuntu | 02:25 |
AkariChan | can someone help? T_T | 02:25 |
BuckWild | I'm kind of a linux newbie | 02:25 |
nathanael | I switched from gnome to KDE, and installed SuperKaramba | 02:26 |
nathanael | it looks real nice | 02:26 |
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eobanb_ | BuckWild, sure, check out icecast | 02:26 |
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BuckWild | but I'd like to get a setup like shoutcast with winamp where I can control the server by using a graphical player | 02:26 |
edgardpacheco | akarichan what can i do for you? | 02:26 |
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punkcut | _jason : libapache-mod-php4 is already installed at the requested version (4:4.3.10-16) | 02:26 |
AkariChan | edgardpacheco, (thanks!) how can i mount ntfs with user and r/w access? ( i compiled the kernel with ntfs write support) but it seems that /dev/sdd1 /media/sdd1 ntfs user,exec,defaults,utf8 0 0 wont work | 02:26 |
eobanb_ | BuckWild, look at icecast | 02:26 |
punkcut | _jason : um but thats not true. | 02:26 |
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BuckWild | eobanb, after icecast, what do I need? cuz icecast is kinda confusing me | 02:26 |
_jason | punkcut: hmm why does it say requested? (I don't know) | 02:26 |
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eobanb_ | BuckWild, icecast + xmms works almost exactly like shoutcast + winamp | 02:26 |
_jason | punkcut: apt-cache policy libapache-mod-php4 | 02:26 |
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luke | how do I make a user a member of another group? | 02:26 |
BuckWild | ah, xmms, is the plugin installed by default? | 02:26 |
Zardiac | Can any1 tell me how to get a japanese layout with direct input.. if I change now I can only input katakana.. | 02:27 |
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_jason | luke: adduser USERNAME GROUP | 02:27 |
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luke | _jason, and that works if the user already exists, and is a member of some groups? | 02:27 |
eobanb_ | BuckWild, i dont know if the plugin is installed by default or not | 02:27 |
_jason | luke: yeah and the group exists too | 02:27 |
luke | ty | 02:27 |
punkcut | _jason : http://pastebin.com/680163 | 02:27 |
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xerophyte | does anybody use postfix + cyrus-imapd if so could you guys give me the cyrus delivery line for the master.conf file for the postfix ??? i could not find the argv for the cyrus-imapd deliver | 02:28 |
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_jason | punkcut: you know debian repos mess you up right? | 02:28 |
punkcut | luke _jason : usermod -g primarygroup -G secondary,groups,separate,by,comma username <-- if the user is already created | 02:28 |
jmg | xerophyte: use lmtp to deliver from postfix to cyrus | 02:28 |
luke | ty | 02:28 |
punkcut | _jason : no i wouldve assumed that someone might actually check their work | 02:28 |
eobanb_ | BuckWild, are you looking for a source app (to encode live audio to an mp3 stream) or a client app to receive the stream? | 02:28 |
_jason | punkcut: hmm? debian packages are not necessarily compatible with ubuntu | 02:29 |
BuckWild | eobanb, I was looking for a source app | 02:29 |
_jason | punkcut: I suspect that's why you are having trouble, you should use the official repos only | 02:29 |
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BuckWild | I wanna stream mp3s to my other computer from my ubuntu machine | 02:29 |
xerophyte | jmg got it i was looking for /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver | 02:29 |
punkcut | _jason : im just using what came with th ebox | 02:29 |
eobanb_ | BuckWild, then icecast is all you need | 02:29 |
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eobanb_ | BuckWild, http://www.icecast.org/docs.php | 02:30 |
_jason | punkcut: the box definitely doesn't have http://security.debian.org by default if you are using ubuntu | 02:30 |
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punkcut | _jason : i got stuck sysadminning some server with ubuntu/debian/whatever on it. | 02:30 |
BuckWild | icecast seems kinda rugged tho, is there a GUI you can install or something? | 02:30 |
punkcut | _jason : wonderful. so im stuck in dep hell | 02:30 |
punkcut | or what? | 02:30 |
SinnerG | there, got windows like sound 2 work (using some tricks :p) | 02:30 |
SinnerG | now I can mix esd/alsa :) | 02:31 |
BuckWild | I was thinking that XMMS could act as the controller like winamp does with shoutcast | 02:31 |
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eobanb_ | BuckWild, icecast has a graphical web interface | 02:31 |
BuckWild | oh does it? | 02:31 |
BuckWild | ok | 02:31 |
CokeNCode | hey, how do I view metacafe vids ... what do i need to download? | 02:31 |
BuckWild | I guess that will work for my purposes | 02:31 |
BuckWild | on an unrelated question, can anyone think why using "sudo mount -a" would mount my media drive, but it doesn't mount on startup even tho it's listed in fstab? | 02:31 |
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luke | uhoh, i just screwed up my groups and now I can't sudo/su | 02:32 |
_jason | BuckWild: what options does it have in fstab? | 02:32 |
punkcut | luke : grab root and change it | 02:32 |
_jason | luke: boot in recovery mode | 02:32 |
luke | punkcut, how? | 02:32 |
punkcut | luke : su - | 02:33 |
_jason | punkcut: ubuntu has root account locked | 02:33 |
BuckWild | _jason, it's //dan/music<tab>/media/music<tab>smbfs<tab>username=name,password=pass<tab>0<tab>0 | 02:33 |
=== punkcut is starting to think ubuntu is way too noobified | ||
BuckWild | I'm not sure what the two ints at the end are for | 02:33 |
luke | _jason, how do I boot in recovery mode? | 02:33 |
CokeNCode | you can give the root account a password | 02:33 |
_jason | luke: it should be a choice in the grub menu | 02:33 |
jmg | luke: Choose it as an option on boot from grub | 02:33 |
CokeNCode | in ordre to use it | 02:33 |
eobanb_ | luke, it's an option in your grub menu | 02:33 |
luke | alright bbs, thanks | 02:34 |
CokeNCode | but, i'm guessing luke neglected to do that | 02:34 |
sethk | CokeNCode, yes, you can, but many consider it better to use sudo | 02:34 |
_jason | BuckWild: ah sorry, don't know much about smbfs | 02:34 |
CokeNCode | sethk, I don't | 02:34 |
BuckWild | I had this working before, not sure why it doesn't now | 02:34 |
BuckWild | thanks anyway | 02:34 |
CokeNCode | that is a nuisance at times | 02:34 |
CokeNCode | if i've got grunt work to do, i just want to go in console, log in as root and be done with it! | 02:34 |
punkcut | ok well this has been a fun ride and all, i think im gonna go try and convince this dude to let me format his box and put something else on there. | 02:34 |
sethk | CokeNCode, you can set the root password, but you can also do sudo -i, and get a root shell that way | 02:34 |
punkcut | thanks _jason | 02:34 |
sethk | CokeNCode, if you don't want to type sudo before each command | 02:35 |
_jason | CokeNCode: sudo -i | 02:35 |
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eobanb_ | CokeNCode, how is that better than just doing sudo -i or sudo bash or sudo xterm? | 02:35 |
BuckWild | btw, this dapper beta will be able to update automatically to the final version in june right? | 02:35 |
eobanb_ | BuckWild, yes. | 02:35 |
_jason | BuckWild: yes | 02:35 |
BuckWild | ok, cool | 02:35 |
CokeNCode | how is it worse ? | 02:35 |
intelikey | ever sense i did " rm /usr/sbin/update-rc.d ;ln -s /bin/true /usr/sbin/update-rc.d " this system has been much more reliable, for me. | 02:35 |
CokeNCode | it doesn't seem any safer to me | 02:35 |
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AkariChan | did anyone recompile 6.06's kernel? | 02:35 |
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sethk | CokeNCode, as I said, you can set the root password | 02:36 |
crook | eobanb you can remote brudeforce the rootpasswd in case you forgot it :P | 02:36 |
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eobanb_ | crook, i consider that a bad thing, not a good thing | 02:36 |
eobanb_ | then again i suppose you were just joking :) | 02:36 |
crook | hehe | 02:36 |
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intelikey | AkariChan what's wrong with 2.6.15-20 ? | 02:38 |
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CNAP | anyway to read *.chm files in linux? | 02:38 |
_jason | CNAP: xchm | 02:38 |
Flannel | AkariChan: #ubuntu+1 | 02:38 |
CNAP | _jason, i knew that ;-) | 02:39 |
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AkariChan | Flannel, im trying to recopmile with ntfs write support | 02:39 |
Flannel | AkariChan: #ubuntu+1 | 02:39 |
AkariChan | intelikey, nothing relaly but i want more modules to be installed | 02:39 |
AkariChan | thakns flange | 02:39 |
AkariChan | uh flannel | 02:39 |
Desh | im gay | 02:39 |
eobanb_ | AkariChan, this is not the channel for talking about 6.06 | 02:40 |
_jason | !offtopic | 02:40 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 02:40 |
eobanb_ | (yet) | 02:40 |
AkariChan | .... fine | 02:40 |
eobanb_ | :) | 02:40 |
varsendagger | Desh, i have a friend who is gay | 02:40 |
Desh | im not | 02:40 |
Desh | lol | 02:40 |
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sethk | who cares? | 02:41 |
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eobanb_ | varsendagger and Desh, this channel is for ubuntu-related discussion only | 02:41 |
Desh | ok | 02:41 |
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intelikey | AkariChan i wish they had ext2/3 compiled in it's lame (imo) to not have the native fs support in the default kernel.... | 02:41 |
AkariChan | intelikey, that is true... i can udnerstand if reiserfs being a module, but ext2? | 02:42 |
AkariChan | =\ | 02:42 |
d3s | hi, can anyone point me where to start to start my compro tvtuner usb on breezy. Tried google but not quite complete. I just don't have a clue on installing this stuff | 02:42 |
PORDO | varsendagger what's your point? | 02:42 |
AkariChan | lol, have anyone try to compile x with "make randconfig"? =) | 02:42 |
AkariChan | compile kernel* | 02:42 |
d3s | s/ to start to start/to start | 02:42 |
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coir | can anyone point me to documentation on Dapper Beta's zeroconf? | 02:43 |
luke | how do I change what services boot via the cli please? | 02:43 |
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eth0 | hi, could someone tell me how i fix this... configure: error: Can not find "mono" in your PATH | 02:44 |
coir | Is there an IRC channel for dapper discussion? | 02:44 |
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eobanb_ | coir, #ubuntu+1 | 02:44 |
crimsun | eth0: mono-devel, among others. | 02:44 |
sethk | eth0, install mono | 02:44 |
intelikey | luke update-rc.d or mc is good for manipulating the symlinks in /etc/rc*.d | 02:44 |
coir | eobanb, thanks. | 02:45 |
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Desh | hi | 02:46 |
=== Firebird8 [n=Firebird@pool-138-88-111-209.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Firebird8 | how do i start CUPS? | 02:46 |
sethk | /etc/init.d/cupsys start | 02:46 |
eth0 | just mono? | 02:46 |
luke | sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys start | 02:46 |
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sethk | eth0, someone give you a package name, mono-devel, which you definitely need | 02:46 |
eth0 | ah ok | 02:47 |
sethk | eth0, I would run synaptic and use search and type in mono, and look at the list that comes up | 02:47 |
starkes | hey, does anyone have an idea why things like gaim and azureus, which should minimize to the top panel, have suddenly stopped showing up in the panel? | 02:47 |
eth0 | there's quite a long list of mono stuff | 02:47 |
steel | mono's a game | 02:47 |
eobanb_ | steel, that's not what we're talking about. | 02:47 |
steel | it's a good game! | 02:48 |
sethk | steel, it's also a disease, but that's not what we are talking about either | 02:48 |
=== bwlang [n=bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== MrPrimate [n=winston@c-24-22-188-108.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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steel | its also a shortened version of a word for an eyeglass held in the eye socket! | 02:48 |
intelikey | starkes maybe the status/notifier/pager or what ever it is, has be removed from the panel ? | 02:48 |
MrPrimate | hey my install screwed up and it's missing a ton of packages (doesn't even have gnome) -- is there something like Debian's pkgsel to select a large group of packages ? | 02:49 |
Desh | >_< That was my sister, I was afk, I appologize. | 02:49 |
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MrPrimate | or is there some way to get back into the ubuntu installer to have it install the main packages again ? | 02:49 |
AkariChan | is it possible to compile a particular module into the current kernel? | 02:49 |
_jason | Desh: nice sister | 02:49 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | MrPrimate: 'ubuntu-desktop' is a meta-package that depends on the entire 'normal' ubuntu installation - install that, and you get everythign else. | 02:49 |
MrPrimate | AkariChan you can compile a module to use with your kernel yes | 02:49 |
MrPrimate | PuMpErNiCkLe, that's already installed ! :/ | 02:50 |
AkariChan | MrPrimate, neat, do u know how do to so ? i want to compile NTFS r/w support as a module | 02:50 |
starkes | something is wrong with the panel entirely, it doesnt show the little dotted section you can use to make the section for minimized applications any bigger or smaller, the whole section just no longer exists | 02:50 |
Desh | So, how can I uninstall fglrx when it won;t allow me? | 02:50 |
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makaveli | i need with my frostwire!! | 02:50 |
intelikey | AkariChan you could compile the module and put it in the modules dir making it available to the running kernel yes. | 02:50 |
MrPrimate | AkariChan, get the kernel source, then go into /usr/src/linux and find the option for NTFS r/w support and hit the M key on your keyboard, then recompile kernel and modules | 02:51 |
CokeNCode | so ammm, can anyone tell me what i need to download to view metacafe vids on Ubuntu? | 02:51 |
intelikey | /lib/modules/*/*/blah | 02:51 |
=== SpAcY [n=spacy@ivr94-6-82-230-253-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrPrimate | PuMpErNiCkLe, damn ubuntu-desktop package doesnt remove or install anything extra for me, just itself | 02:51 |
makaveli | i need help dowloading froswire | 02:51 |
AkariChan | MrPrimate, that's why, cuz i don't want to recopmile the whole kernel + modules. I haev the current kernel and i have it downloaded (source) | 02:51 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | MrPrimate: Try updating, then reinstalling it - if it's there, you should have a complete ubuntu desktop install. o_O | 02:51 |
AkariChan | intelikey, so i can just make modules? | 02:52 |
Desh | My fglrx driver will not uninstall. | 02:52 |
=== newtolinux [n=newtolin@pcp017381pcs.southhall.mu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrPrimate | PuMpErNiCkLe , well I def. didn't have gnome, I just installed gnome-desktop-environment manually, and when I log in GDM it goes to a blank screen (!) | 02:52 |
Desh | dpkg-divert: mismatch on divert-to | 02:52 |
Desh | when removing `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/share/fglrx/diversions/libGL.so.1.2 by xorg-driver-fglrx' | 02:52 |
Desh | found `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx' | 02:52 |
Desh | Any clues? | 02:52 |
=== nomasteryoda|w [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
makaveli | help please | 02:52 |
intelikey | AkariChan it may not be the best way, but it is possable. | 02:52 |
MrPrimate | PuMMpErNiCkLe-- I just did apt-get install gnome, and it's installing gnome, but I am worried that I am missing all kinds of other stuff | 02:53 |
AkariChan | intelikey, awesome, im gonna give that a try. | 02:53 |
SpAcY | hi, I can't find the meaning of "sy" and "ni" with the cmd top, does any one know them plz ? >"< | 02:53 |
eth0 | could someone tell me how to fix this.. Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you | 02:53 |
blindx | What's the mencoder switch to change movie format? | 02:53 |
eth0 | installed software in a non-standard prefix. | 02:53 |
eobanb_ | spacey, man top | 02:54 |
SpAcY | im using kinda 1.0% us, 50.6% sy, 48.3% ni.... sound strange :/ | 02:54 |
blindx | Like, I have an avi, I want to change it to an mpeg | 02:54 |
=== borderhopper [n=borderho@pcp017381pcs.southhall.mu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrPrimate | PuMpErNiCkLe , perhaps I have xubuntu-desktop installed and need to remove that first (?) | 02:54 |
makaveli | i need help please | 02:54 |
jmg | Spacy: user, system, nice | 02:54 |
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Desh | >_< Does anyone know how I can force fglrx to uninstall? | 02:54 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | MrPrimate: You should be able to have both at once. afaik, they don't conflict | 02:54 |
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jmg | Spacy: and man top | 02:54 |
SpAcY | jmg: i did it ! >.< | 02:55 |
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AkariChan | sudo rm / -r =) | 02:55 |
makaveli | excuse me | 02:55 |
AkariChan | please don't do that. | 02:55 |
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intelikey | makaveli begging for help, when you have not asked a question......... don't. | 02:55 |
makaveli | i did ask my question | 02:56 |
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=== Firebird8 is away: Away | ||
blindx | What's the mencoder switch to change movie format? Like, I have an avi, I want to change it to an mpeg.. I just don't remember the switch (I'd rather not do a man mencoder, it's like 5k pages) | 02:56 |
makaveli | i need help downloading frostwire | 02:56 |
bluefoxicy | <makaveli> i need with my frostwire!! | 02:56 |
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bluefoxicy | This is neither in the form of a question, nor in proper english. | 02:56 |
makaveli | help | 02:56 |
makaveli | i just need help | 02:57 |
LocoMan | can anyone help me get ubuntu running with the nvidia driver?... it gives me a blue screen saying that X can't start... | 02:57 |
makaveli | that all i am asking | 02:57 |
blindx | makaveli, what CANT you do? | 02:57 |
makaveli | nothing | 02:57 |
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@CPE-72-135-8-5.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
makaveli | can u help me please | 02:57 |
blindx | ... then what do you need help with? | 02:57 |
=== edgardo [n=edgardo@201-220-118-67.bk10-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eobanb_ | !patience | 02:57 |
intelikey | <makaveli> i need help downloading frostwire <--- that is not a question. it is a statement. | 02:57 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you. | 02:57 |
makaveli | i cant download frostwire | 02:57 |
makaveli | on ubuntu | 02:57 |
CokeNCode | so ammm, can anyone tell me what i need to download to view metacafe vids on Ubuntu? pretty please with sugar on top? | 02:58 |
eobanb_ | makaveli, let me put this simply: why not? | 02:58 |
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CokeNCode | :/ | 02:58 |
Inazad | I cannot see my monitor on my TV.. How I can enable my SVideo Output ?... On my TV, it's black.. | 02:58 |
intelikey | !frostwire | 02:58 |
blindx | CokeNCode, I know you can play just about any video in VLC | 02:58 |
borderhopper | I am new to ubuntu and I was wondering why the installation hangs on a at translated set 2 keyboard error. Any help would be appreciated. | 02:58 |
xin | Does anybody know if theres an ubuntu php5 package that uses a linked mysql library and not an embedded one? | 02:58 |
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CokeNCode | blindx, but metacafe vids show up in the browser | 02:58 |
eucaris | Hi, can I ask a question? | 02:58 |
makaveli | you guys are not going to help me | 02:58 |
blindx | oh. | 02:58 |
eobanb_ | eucaris, just go ahead and ask | 02:59 |
blindx | Then I'm not sure, CokeNCode. Sorry :\ | 02:59 |
=== GueVaRa [n=GueVaRa@c-66-31-18-223.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eobanb_ | makaveli, that's not what we said. we just want to know what you need help with | 02:59 |
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CokeNCode | blindx, ok thanks neway. I was starting to feel invisible for a second there ... | 02:59 |
intelikey | !tell makaveli frostwire | 02:59 |
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eucaris | how can I build a repository cd from the /var/cache/apt/ directory? I mean how can I take the files to update other computers that don't have internet? | 02:59 |
intelikey | !tell makaveli about frostwire | 02:59 |
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blindx | CokeNCode, I know how it goes. the activity this channel gets, you just have to wait, and sometimes repeat your question a few time :P | 02:59 |
blindx | s/time/times | 03:00 |
Polix | join #ubuntu-es | 03:00 |
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starkes | does anyone have any idea why i would suddenly lose the ability to minimize things like azureus and gaim to an icon in my top panel in gnome? | 03:00 |
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makaveli | how to downloading | 03:00 |
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@222-152-109-224.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eth0 | hi, could someone please tell me how to fix this.. Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you | 03:00 |
eth0 | installed software in a non-standard prefix. | 03:00 |
eobanb_ | eth0, what's the context? | 03:00 |
blindx | eth0: I got that same error one time. What are you doing? | 03:00 |
makaveli | i got the package name | 03:00 |
eth0 | eobanb: i'm trying to install something, and that's what it comes up with when i ./confgiure | 03:00 |
eth0 | er ./configure | 03:00 |
luke | anyone know a good program for taking screenshots in gnome? | 03:01 |
blindx | what are you installing? | 03:01 |
eobanb_ | eth0, what are you trying to install? | 03:01 |
Desh | How can I delete a file when not root? | 03:01 |
makaveli | but dont know how to | 03:01 |
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eobanb_ | luke, just hit the PrntScreen button | 03:01 |
eth0 | eobanb: sharpmusique | 03:01 |
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andrew_ | !upgrade | 03:01 |
ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . | 03:01 |
=== linux-soldiers [n=linux-so@modemcable131.35-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eth0 | blindx: installing sharpmusique | 03:01 |
=== PseudoPlacebo [n=Placebo@user-0cevea6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
makaveli | all i need is how to get frostwire working | 03:01 |
PseudoPlacebo | How do I find Ubuntu system stats? | 03:01 |
blindx | That's gay | 03:01 |
makaveli | to know | 03:01 |
blindx | oops wrong channel | 03:01 |
luke | eobanb, whoh.. | 03:01 |
PseudoPlacebo | Like "Ubuntu Version 5.10" | 03:01 |
PseudoPlacebo | In a window? | 03:02 |
eucaris | nobody can answer me? | 03:02 |
LocoMan | "Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0.7667, but this X module has the version 1.0.8756. Please make sure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version" <-- anyone knows how to fix this after installing the nvidia drivers? | 03:02 |
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LocoMan | at least that's the only thing I understand of the log it gives me... | 03:02 |
makaveli | i need to get frostwire running!!! | 03:02 |
=== FHX [n=ubuntu@cm87.epsilon141.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | eucaris you can just burn them to cd and then cp them to the other boxes /var/cache/apt/archives/ and run the install command apt will find them there. rrrrr after second thought you might need to do it with dpkg -i off the cd apt might not look for something not in it's database | 03:02 |
=== strayhikari [n=straylig@ip68-100-70-74.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jadaz87 | does anyone know what the terminal command for 3ddesktop is or where the configuration of shortcut to it is? | 03:03 |
FHX | Could comeone please advise? I was trying to do a dual boot, so i wanted to startover new and install windows then add on linux, like a normal dual boot configuration would go. So I inserted the windows cd in, deleted my linux partition, and reformatted the HD. at 64% it got stuck, so I thought okay, I' ll try that again. This time I Selected " quick format" , so it formatted and then it went on to copying files. It kept getting stuck and cou | 03:03 |
digen | PseudoPlacebo, at the terminal man uname | 03:03 |
blindx | makaveli: have you tried using apt-get to download Frostwire? | 03:03 |
LinuxJones | LocoMan: where did you get the nvidia binaries from ? | 03:03 |
Desh | I need to move some files, but I'm not root...how do I do it w/o rebooting into recovery mode? | 03:03 |
LocoMan | LinuxJones: from the nvidia website | 03:03 |
makaveli | blindx how? | 03:03 |
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LocoMan | but I had tried the ones from synaptic and they killed X too.. | 03:03 |
LinuxJones | LocoMan: can't you use the ones Ubuntu provides ? | 03:03 |
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jadaz87 | does anyone know what the terminal command for 3ddesktop is or where the configuration of shortcut to it is? | 03:04 |
=== Inazad [n=inazad@c207.134.19-141.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | meh nevermind. after checking with ubotu it's not a package. :\ | 03:04 |
blindx | anyways. | 03:04 |
eth0 | blindx: me? | 03:04 |
LinuxJones | LocoMan: you have to modprobe the nvidia driver before you re-start x after installing the drivers. | 03:04 |
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=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@c211-28-183-112.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | no eth0, makaveli | 03:04 |
eth0 | oh ok | 03:04 |
blindx | makaveli, check the PM ubotu sent you | 03:04 |
makaveli | blindx what you mean? | 03:04 |
LocoMan | LinuxJones: how do I do that? <-- 4 days old linux newbie here.. 8^) | 03:04 |
intelikey | fhx quick format doesn't check the disk.... you need to do the full format. my guess is a bad sector on the hdd. | 03:05 |
makaveli | blindx tell how to use apt-get | 03:05 |
blindx | What's the mencoder switch to change movie format? Like, I have an avi, I want to change it to an mpeg.. I just don't remember the switch.. | 03:05 |
jadaz87 | does anyone know what the terminal command for 3ddesktop is or where the configuration of shortcut to it is? | 03:05 |
makaveli | me | 03:05 |
dj-fu | I think it's 3ddesktop | 03:05 |
dj-fu | ;P | 03:05 |
LinuxJones | LocoMan: uninstall the current driver you have installed then goto the wiki and follow the instructions | 03:05 |
jadaz87 | dj-fu i tried that | 03:05 |
blindx | makaveli, check the PM ubotu sent. (its about apt-get) | 03:06 |
eth0 | eobanb_, blindx: any ideas? | 03:06 |
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=== hcarty [n=hcarty@pool-70-108-227-66.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AkariChan | quick question, where does kernel modules reside? | 03:07 |
eth0 | blindx: how did you fix yours? | 03:07 |
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blindx | eth0 I haven't a clue. I'm still very new. | 03:07 |
blindx | eth0: I didn't :P | 03:07 |
eth0 | blindx: ah ok | 03:07 |
eth0 | i see | 03:07 |
makaveli | i read it | 03:07 |
LinuxJones | LocoMan: >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 03:07 |
BuckWild | I forget, if you bind an icecast server to localhost, will it work from the IP otherwise, or does it only bind to the localhost? | 03:07 |
Xenguy | Anyone happen to know what the 'rc' in .bashrc stands for? | 03:07 |
blindx | I think I asked in here for a while, and didn't get an answer, and then I got sidetracked. lol | 03:07 |
BuckWild | I think it only works from that computer but I can't remember | 03:07 |
eobanb_ | Xenguy, that's the bash configuration file | 03:07 |
makaveli | blindx tell me how to download frostwire on terminal | 03:07 |
intelikey | dapper question, and don't just say goto ub plus one... anyone having trubble with xterm ? | 03:07 |
=== ranix [n=ranix@ip70-181-23-57.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | makaveli: i don't know how. | 03:08 |
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eobanb_ | intelikey, if you already know that this is not the channel for dapper support, why are you asking the question here? | 03:08 |
biovore | intelikey: xterm works here. | 03:08 |
Xenguy | eobanb_: yes: what is the 'rc' an acronym for though? | 03:08 |
Trixy | hey guys, how do I make VLC always start movies at double zoom? | 03:08 |
makaveli | blindx what do you know then? | 03:08 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-10-102.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trixy | Or, alternately, mplayer | 03:08 |
eth0 | eobanb: i take it you're not sure about my problem? | 03:08 |
eobanb_ | eth0, i dont know. | 03:08 |
eth0 | ok | 03:09 |
LocoMan | LinuxJones: that was the first thing I tried before I reformatted and reinstalled ubuntu and I got the same thing (so I went with the nvidia ones), but I'll try it again since this time I installed the nvidia ones first | 03:09 |
blindx | makaveli: i know you should either learn to read and figure things out, or reinstall windows. | 03:09 |
intelikey | Xenguy i give up what does the rc stand for ? | 03:09 |
blindx | resource! | 03:09 |
blindx | just a wild guess. not sure. :P | 03:09 |
makaveli | i probaly go back to windows | 03:09 |
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-136-143.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
makaveli | i am out | 03:09 |
intelikey | biovore you up to date ? | 03:09 |
LinuxJones | LocoMan: do you have a newer model nvidia card, like the latest model ? | 03:09 |
=== Xterm35 [n=Xterm35@c-69-245-161-170.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riddlebox | is there a gnome-office or something, that is faster than openoffice.org, I already use abiword, but I need to replace calc, and impress? | 03:10 |
=== FHX [n=ubuntu@cm87.epsilon141.maxonline.com.sg] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
biovore | my dapper install is a mess around install on vmware | 03:10 |
eobanb_ | riddlebox, not really. | 03:10 |
blindx | Xenguy: does it stand for resource? :D | 03:10 |
Xenguy | intelikey: still trying to find out | 03:10 |
LocoMan | LinuxJones: it's a 5500 | 03:10 |
Xenguy | blindx: I dunno yet :-) | 03:10 |
luke | is it possible to create a user whom cannot access the internet, and is only able to open OpenOffice? | 03:10 |
riddlebox | eobanb, well at least abiword is alot faster than openoffice.org, starting up | 03:10 |
intelikey | biovore k thanks. | 03:10 |
LinuxJones | LocoMan: that should work just fine | 03:10 |
=== hanzomon4 [n=hanzomon@adsl-33-196-145.lft.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | Xenguy: I remember using ResHack on windows, and it saved resources as .rc files, so that's what my guess is :P | 03:11 |
biovore | intelikey: I'll do an update on it.. and take a look again.. | 03:11 |
intelikey | Xenguy i always assumed remote control *shrugs* | 03:11 |
=== SpAcY [n=spacy@ivr94-6-82-230-253-61.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
Xenguy | blindx intelikey I was thinking it was 'runtime control', but that's a wild guess only | 03:11 |
stfn | riddlebox: there is a gnome-office package, it includes gnumeric (a spreadsheet program) but no presentation software | 03:11 |
LinuxJones | luke: if you run dapper you can do that. | 03:11 |
=== mzuverink [n=marc@adsl-69-209-127-96.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux-soldiers | hi.e body | 03:11 |
riddlebox | stfn, ok I will check it out then thanks | 03:11 |
luke | LinuxJones: why dapper? | 03:11 |
eobanb_ | hi, linux-soldiers | 03:11 |
=== seamus-laptop [n=matt@cpe-024-211-236-248.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | Xenguy ReConfigure | 03:12 |
=== Whity_ [n=whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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LinuxJones | luke: Gnome 2.14 has a lockdown feature for like kiosk machines | 03:13 |
luke | awesome. | 03:13 |
luke | 1st June right? | 03:13 |
Xenguy | intelikey blindx looks like 'runtime configuration' (http://dmalloc.com/docs/5.4.2/online/dmalloc_32.html) | 03:13 |
blindx | i was SO far away :[ | 03:13 |
blindx | you two put together were correct | 03:13 |
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jcapote | anyone here watch adult swim? | 03:14 |
Xenguy | heheh | 03:14 |
eobanb_ | jcapote, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, please | 03:14 |
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jcapote | well its not so offtopic cuz i was then going to ask if anyone can get the adult swim fix to work in ubuntu | 03:14 |
jcapote | which is basically a streaming asx | 03:14 |
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-24-14-165-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jcapote | it works fine in totem but the sound has issues | 03:14 |
LinuxJones | luke: I am running dapper it's pretty stable right now, the app you need for lockdown is called pessulus | 03:15 |
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jcapote | ive also seen this "bug" in other streams | 03:15 |
riddlebox | stfn, man I used to love everything kde, till I used ubuntu, and now it seems like all I want is gnome apps | 03:15 |
luke | if I update to the beta now, will it take much work? | 03:15 |
jcapote | be it wmv or asx | 03:15 |
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LinuxJones | luke: it's not hard but it will be several hundred megs of downloads :) | 03:16 |
linux-soldiers | join #mepis | 03:16 |
riddlebox | luke, I have upgraded two machines, both worked fine | 03:16 |
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luke | LinuxJones riddlebox: thanks, I think I will then | 03:17 |
LinuxJones | luke: have a look at the webpage to make sure it does what you want >> http://www.gnome.org/~vuntz/pessulus/ | 03:18 |
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=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-136-143.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Desh | How can I run this: /usr/share/fglrx/ati-uninstall.sh | 03:18 |
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riddlebox | Desh, sh /path/to/file.sh | 03:19 |
Desh | Thanks, | 03:19 |
kameron | just got a nikon p1 home, plugged it in, it was detected by kde.. how do i mount it.. 'sound mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1' asks me to specify the fs type. | 03:19 |
riddlebox | Desh, sudo sh /path/to/file.sh | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:48:50) BrittneyJH: so | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:48:54) BrittneyJH: what r u up to | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:48:55) BrittneyJH: ? | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:49:03) BrittneyJH: what classes do u have tomorrow | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:49:03) BrittneyJH: ? | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:49:36) Joe Jaxx: i have History, Literature, and Psychology | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:49:47) Joe Jaxx: and i am only going yo Psychology | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:49:51) Joe Jaxx: to* | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:51:32) Joe Jaxx: can you see what i am typing? | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | (20:51:45) Joe Jaxx: oh no not again :-( | 03:19 |
jadaz87 | sorry wrong scren | 03:19 |
Desh | Hehe. | 03:19 |
siimo | jadaz87, dude... | 03:19 |
siimo | lucky there no autokick | 03:20 |
jadaz87 | does anybody know the terminal command for 3ddesktop? | 03:20 |
intelikey | screen size 1024x7?? ? | 03:20 |
eobanb_ | !paste | 03:20 |
ubotu | Please don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL | 03:20 |
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jadaz87 | eobanb i know about paste | 03:20 |
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jadaz87 | i pasted in the wrong window | 03:20 |
eobanb_ | jadaz87, not to be rude, but you really need to be more careful. | 03:20 |
=== intelikey forgot the last number ? | ||
intelikey | 768 ? | 03:20 |
dj-fu | jadaz87, use synaptic, search for 3ddesktop and right click properties. then go to "installed files" it'll tell you the commands it has installed | 03:21 |
jadaz87 | eobanb blame it on ubuntu pasting functions | 03:21 |
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jadaz87 | dj-fu oh ok thanks | 03:21 |
eth0 | hey, what do i do with a .deb? | 03:21 |
dj-fu | you install it | 03:21 |
eobanb_ | jadaz87, actually i happen to blame it on you | 03:21 |
eth0 | dj-fu: how? | 03:21 |
=== dientespodridos [n=mauro@dsl-200-67-236-216.prod-empresarial.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dj-fu | I also happen to blame it on you, jadaz87. | 03:21 |
jadaz87 | eth0 sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb | 03:21 |
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Xenguy | !dpkg | 03:21 |
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dj-fu | ^^ | 03:21 |
eth0 | jadams: thanks | 03:21 |
steel | how do i put a bunch of files in a rar or zip archive? | 03:21 |
Xenguy | grrr | 03:21 |
eth0 | jadaz87: thanks | 03:21 |
jadaz87 | eth0 you are most welcome | 03:21 |
_jason | steel: can you use tar.gz? | 03:22 |
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Xenguy | !tell eth0 about dpkg | 03:22 |
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jadaz87 | well what ever when i do right click copy and then ctrl+v i rely on ubuntu to past e the right thing | 03:22 |
jadaz87 | so that puts an end to that conversation | 03:22 |
dj-fu | steel, use tar.bz2 - tar -cfj /home/path/dir/ backup.tar.bz2 | 03:23 |
_jason | steel: you can select files, right click, and create archive, that creates a tar.gz | 03:23 |
dj-fu | err | 03:23 |
steel | thanks | 03:23 |
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=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dj-fu | that was the wrong method of useing tar, i forget | 03:24 |
_jason | steel: oh I just checked, and it actually gives you options for a bunch, not just tar.gz :) | 03:24 |
linux-soldiers | rar *.rar | 03:24 |
Desh | Is there a command to force uninstallation and ignore diversion errors? | 03:24 |
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=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-172-222-62.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Desh | apt-get remove doesn't. | 03:25 |
biovore | Desh: you tried using dpkg? | 03:27 |
Desh | How would I do that? | 03:27 |
ice_1963 | apt-get --purge remove | 03:27 |
biovore | man dpkg | 03:27 |
Desh | WHat would dpkg do? | 03:27 |
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biovore | dpkg is the backend for apt | 03:27 |
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muraii | Hi there. | 03:27 |
Desh | fglrx won;t uninstall because of a diversion error, so should I use that? | 03:28 |
biovore | dpkg will install .deb files and handle uninstall of packages | 03:28 |
Desh | sudo man dpkg remove fglrx? | 03:28 |
biovore | read the man page | 03:28 |
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FHX | I was trying to do a dual boot, so i wanted to startover new and install windows then add on linux, like a normal dual boot configuration would go. So I inserted the windows cd in, deleted my linux partition, and reformatted the HD. at 64% it got stuck, so I thought okay, I' ll try that again. This time I Selected " quick format" , so it formatted and then it went on to copying files. It kept getting stuck and couldn't copy certain files, but | 03:28 |
biovore | man dpkg and read | 03:28 |
FHX | Could someone please advise? | 03:28 |
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chiche | FHX, ? | 03:29 |
muraii_ | So, that was fun. | 03:29 |
imbrandon | FHX: sounds like a bad hdd | 03:29 |
_jason | FHX: you got cut off at ``file, but'' | 03:29 |
biovore | bad HDD probably | 03:29 |
=== bur[n] er_ [n=burner@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eobanb_ | FHX, you're asking about a problem with installing windows??? | 03:30 |
chiche | FHX, bad skills I think | 03:30 |
ice_1963 | your cdrom is bad i bet | 03:30 |
eobanb_ | FHX, i dont really see how your issue is really related to ubuntu at all | 03:30 |
_jason | FHX: how old is the hard drive? | 03:31 |
FHX | _jason: four years old | 03:31 |
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FHX | Im asking about installing windows because I'm trying to configure a dual boot | 03:31 |
imbrandon | yup time for a new hdd | 03:31 |
sethk | FHX, your drive is going bad, get a new one | 03:31 |
=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
muraii_ | Yeah, and girls don't like guys who don't have good skills. | 03:31 |
NickGarvey | !info build-essential | 03:31 |
ubotu | build-essential: (informational list of build-essential packages), section devel, is optional. Version: 11.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 48 kB | 03:31 |
FHX | sethk: Yes but is there any way to fix it? I can' t get a new one. =( | 03:31 |
sethk | FHX, probably not. | 03:32 |
NickGarvey | how can I get the list of packages in build-essential? | 03:32 |
=== Lurkan [n=agsm@dsl-201-128-14-246.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eobanb_ | FHX, this is not an ubuntu issue, this is either a windows issue or a hardware issue | 03:32 |
pax | FHX: first, try to clean that windows CD you are using. | 03:32 |
sethk | FHX, you could run badblocks which would mark off the bad blocks and stop using them, but usually when a drive goes bad it cascades | 03:32 |
Desh | WOOO!! LOVE DPKG!! | 03:32 |
=== muraii__ [n=muraii@WS-ESR2-72-49-233-50.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FHX | Hm.. | 03:32 |
FHX | I remember | 03:32 |
Desh | fglrx is dead ^_^ | 03:32 |
FHX | When I first tried installing Kubuntu, there was a HD error. | 03:33 |
FHX | this guy helped me through it in the Bios | 03:33 |
FHX | and after that Kubuntu installed fine | 03:33 |
=== tiak [n=tiak@c-71-202-57-240.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FHX | do you think it has something to do with that? as in, is there any way to fix it? | 03:33 |
sethk | FHX, I don't think so, no | 03:33 |
LocoMan | linuxjones: thanks... seems to have worked (at least survived 2 reboots... 8^) ).. no idea why it didn't work before, though... maybe the fact that I had installed ubuntu in spanish and is now in english affected it somehow? | 03:33 |
pax | FHX, how old is your disk? | 03:33 |
sethk | FHX, he probably had you turn off DMA or something of that sort, to get the install to go | 03:33 |
zF | !flashplayer | 03:33 |
ubotu | What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, zF | 03:33 |
Desh | Wait...no.. | 03:33 |
sethk | FHX, that's really unrelated to what you are seeing now, most likely | 03:33 |
zF | Grrrr | 03:33 |
NickGarvey | !flash | 03:33 |
ubotu | Installation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 03:33 |
zF | Thanks, NickGarvey | 03:34 |
NickGarvey | :) | 03:34 |
FHX | sethk: Oh. | 03:34 |
FHX | Hm. | 03:34 |
=== Hawk|- [n=Hawk@p549CB525.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FHX | Well I really have no idea | 03:34 |
FHX | gparted doens' t even detect anything | 03:34 |
eobanb_ | !enter | 03:34 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 03:34 |
sethk | FHX, why would it? | 03:34 |
Desh | Apt-get won;t find fglrx...but Adept does... :( | 03:34 |
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sethk | FHX, the problem is in the middle of the disk, not in the partition table | 03:34 |
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FHX | sethk: Do you think you could help me? I've been surfing for hours now and have been having this problem since last night. People are not wanting to help me because I'm an idiot when it comes to computers. .__. | 03:35 |
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sethk | FHX, I really think you have a bad piece of hardware, and there isn't much you can do about that. PM me if you like | 03:35 |
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eobanb_ | FHX, that's not the reason. the reason is that this channel is for ubuntu support, and your issue is completely outside that scope | 03:35 |
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FHX | Okay it' s the same thing. | 03:36 |
FHX | I can' te even install Ubuntu/Kubuntu. | 03:36 |
FHX | Nothing detects it. | 03:36 |
nathanael | How do I change my bootsplash? Is there an easy KDE utility?? | 03:36 |
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sethk | FHX, you can /msg me if you like, but take it off this channel. eobanb_ is correct, it really doesn't belong here | 03:36 |
eobanb_ | FHX, let me say one more time, this is a HARDWARE issue. | 03:36 |
FHX | I'm asking for help to detect it, because it only stopped detecting my HD after I aborted a kubuntu installation. | 03:36 |
FHX | Okay | 03:36 |
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FHX | sorry | 03:36 |
=== nathanael wonders how to change his bootsplash | ||
Desh | Ok, can someone help me with a package removal error? | 03:37 |
intelikey | Desh what is be ? | 03:37 |
imbrandon | nathan look arround on gnome-look.org | 03:37 |
Madpilot | greetings, Ubuntubians | 03:37 |
imbrandon | heya Madpilot | 03:37 |
Desh | I am trying to uninstall fglrx, but it says there is a diversio error. | 03:37 |
eobanb_ | hello Madpilot | 03:37 |
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jadaz87 | !usplash | 03:38 |
ubotu | hmm... usplash is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto | 03:38 |
Desh | *diversion | 03:38 |
muraii_ | Anyone know of a better personal finance prog for Linux than GnuCash? | 03:38 |
intelikey | Desh run it in a term and see the exact error please | 03:38 |
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Desh | Ok, paste in #flood? | 03:39 |
Desh | Or PM? | 03:39 |
eobanb_ | !paste | 03:39 |
ubotu | Please don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL | 03:39 |
biovore | Desh: dpkg -r <package_name> | 03:39 |
biovore | that works on debian | 03:39 |
intelikey | Desh pastebin ^ | 03:39 |
=== Bilange_ [n=Warbird@dsl-139-121.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alexcamilo | i've noticed something odd about the splash screen in edubuntu. it's nice and shiny provided that nothing goes wrong but when something fails it goes back to white text mode. marks it as "failed" and continues. is there any way to tell it to stay in that spash screen? its annoying when something like contacting the ntp server when not online fails. | 03:39 |
intelikey | apt-get remove package | 03:40 |
eobanb_ | alexcamilo, that's so that you can see more information about what failed | 03:40 |
alexcamilo | i'm setting up the comp for someone who would see white text and go EEEEEEEP! so it would be nice if i could disable it | 03:40 |
=== d3s [n=d3s@CPE-144-136-94-197.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eobanb_ | ah. | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | alexcamilo: probably ask that in #edubuntu | 03:40 |
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alexcamilo | ok | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | ah, you did get an anser | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | *answer | 03:40 |
Desh | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12867 | 03:41 |
d3s | where can I get kernel-tree-2.6.12 package? | 03:41 |
intelikey | alexcamilo maybe append=" quiet " | 03:41 |
=== imbroglio [n=imbrogli@cpe-72-228-49-206.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alexcamilo | thats in grub right? | 03:41 |
Desh | Argh, ignore that. | 03:42 |
biovore | Desh: did you put a divert into the system for the gl? | 03:42 |
imbroglio | how do you change the refresh rate on your monitor? | 03:43 |
=== me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-1-40.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Desh | I never diverted anything myself, I did install other fglrx drivers, w/o uninstalling the original one... | 03:43 |
biovore | Desh: sudo dpkg -r xorg-driver-fglrx (what dose it day when you do that?) | 03:43 |
Madpilot | alexcamilo, that "drop to plain text" thing is a bug that Ubuntu has too | 03:44 |
Desh | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12868 This ne is correct. | 03:44 |
Desh | *one | 03:44 |
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imbroglio | biovore: i believe i am using xfree86 | 03:45 |
alexcamilo | ah. thats why i asked here. i was told that edubuntu w/o the LTSP is just ubuntu w some apps. | 03:45 |
=== ts20_5m0k3 [n=smoke@dsl-216-227-86-27.gtcom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
imbroglio | this is version 4.10 | 03:45 |
alexcamilo | and its kinda dead there in edubuntu at times. | 03:45 |
intelikey | Desh sudo mv /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 . && sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx && sudo mv libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib | 03:45 |
=== wil_ [n=wil@c-24-1-33-110.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
biovore | imbroglio: what you tring to do? | 03:45 |
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imbroglio | biovore: thought you were talking to me sorry, didn't read the first line | 03:46 |
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Desh | mv: cannot stat `/usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2': No such file or director | 03:46 |
imbroglio | i'm looking to change the refresh rate of my monitor | 03:46 |
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Desh | I never found the 1.2 file in usr/lib | 03:46 |
Madpilot | alexcamilo, I'm not certain, but I think it's a known bug in the usplash app that makes the startup scroll pretty | 03:46 |
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biovore | imbroglio: you using brezzy? | 03:47 |
imbroglio | warty | 03:47 |
=== FHX [n=HX@cm87.epsilon141.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
biovore | imbroglio: old school eh.. | 03:47 |
eobanb_ | any certain reason you're using warty? | 03:47 |
eobanb_ | warty is very old | 03:47 |
intelikey | ah ok then maybe sudo touch /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 && sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx desh | 03:47 |
osotogari | heelo all, when im using firestarter, i cant seem to be able to get at my Samba shares from my XP box, I have Samba ports open in my inbound rules but this still isnt working. Anyone got any ideas? | 03:47 |
biovore | imbroglio: look under /etc/x11/ for xorg.conf or xfree86.conf | 03:47 |
imbroglio | kk | 03:47 |
Desh | :( Same... | 03:48 |
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intelikey | desh let me read the error again... | 03:48 |
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alexcamilo | its not that bad. i guess i'l just ignore. | 03:48 |
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Desh | Ok, /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2, doesn;t exits..which I find extremely odd... | 03:48 |
imbroglio | warty because i recieved about 25 of these disc packages for free when ubuntu first started and i handed out a bunch of them, i found this one and installed it because i am lazy and didn't feel like dwnlding 5.10 | 03:48 |
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eobanb_ | imbroglio, it's very simple to update ubuntu | 03:49 |
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intelikey | desh that's why i said touvh it. | 03:49 |
imbroglio | eobanb_: some swaret type software? | 03:49 |
intelikey | touch even | 03:49 |
Desh | I see, I got the same error though. | 03:49 |
Madpilot | alexcamilo, when you turn the machine over to the non-techie folks who're going to be using it, just mention that the startup might sometimes change, and that it's nothing to worry about... | 03:50 |
eobanb_ | imbroglio, ...? | 03:50 |
biovore | imbroglio: dist-upgrade :-P | 03:50 |
imbroglio | :x | 03:50 |
imbroglio | that easy | 03:50 |
imbroglio | swaret is what i used in slack to keep up with current dir/ | 03:50 |
Desh | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12869 | 03:50 |
osotogari | where is the update manager located for breezy? | 03:50 |
jadaz87 | i have a quesiton can you downgrade from dapper to breezy? | 03:50 |
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NullVector | !java | 03:51 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 03:51 |
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alexcamilo | maybe they'l get curious and start lerning more. | 03:52 |
alexcamilo | lol | 03:52 |
ice_1963 | :) | 03:52 |
alexcamilo | get 'em when they're 5 | 03:52 |
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biovore | learning linux is like climing a brick wall very alien for windows users | 03:52 |
intelikey | Desh it's not the "propper" way but you can edit the /var/lib/dpkg/info/xorg-driver-fglrx.post-removal and fix it there. | 03:52 |
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biovore | so prepare to be comfussed | 03:52 |
BuckWild | biovore, yeah it is | 03:52 |
BuckWild | I've been using windows for years | 03:53 |
alexcamilo | i watched my friend's first steps in kde yesterday. | 03:53 |
BuckWild | and computers for decades | 03:53 |
alexcamilo | was interesting. | 03:53 |
biovore | you have 40 years of evloution of the unix os to cover | 03:53 |
BuckWild | and I'm still having a little bit of trouble | 03:53 |
BuckWild | I understand basics, command line and such | 03:53 |
osotogari | i thought Ubuntu was pretty easy to move over to tbh | 03:53 |
BuckWild | cuz I used that in windows | 03:53 |
BuckWild | but to do anything complicated | 03:53 |
alexcamilo | i learned command line in osX | 03:53 |
BuckWild | like I'm trying to set up an icecast server | 03:53 |
imbroglio | so to increase my refresh rate i should prolly take out the 16x12 resolution, right? | 03:53 |
BuckWild | takes forever for me still | 03:53 |
alexcamilo | made linuc a bit easier | 03:53 |
biovore | windows cli is nothing like unix cli.. unix cli is so powerfull for data processing and text processing | 03:53 |
intelikey | Desh if that's too heavy for you... ah maybe someone else can sujest something. | 03:53 |
BuckWild | whereas in windows it was two clicks and I'm going | 03:54 |
imbroglio | having vert and hor frequencies already set correctly, refresh should increase | 03:54 |
Desh | Hehe. | 03:54 |
alexcamilo | first time i borked up xorg.conf was fun | 03:54 |
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arrick | Where are all the normal named peeps? | 03:54 |
eobanb_ | ... | 03:55 |
biovore | not here | 03:55 |
arrick | where di all the new people come from | 03:55 |
luke | if i install the beta of dapper now, will the download be smaller when I upgrade it to final release in June? | 03:55 |
=== intelikey kinda gets right to the subprocess and RIP'S the guts out.... | ||
Desh | Is there a way to reinstall the OS w/o losing my stuff? | 03:55 |
eobanb_ | luke, yes | 03:55 |
biovore | luke: no | 03:55 |
eobanb_ | sure it will. | 03:55 |
ice_1963 | ubuntu has made it so easy installing linux step by step :) | 03:55 |
biovore | luke: yout completely updating every still | 03:55 |
intelikey | Desh yes. but it's not easy. | 03:55 |
luke | ic | 03:55 |
arrick | evening intelikey | 03:55 |
osotogari | im thinking of ditching my suse install on my laptop for ubuntu breezy, yay or nay? | 03:55 |
intelikey | arrick / | 03:55 |
Desh | Argh. | 03:56 |
Desh | Yay. | 03:56 |
BuckWild | osotogari, yay, why not dapper tho? or wait till dapper | 03:56 |
patrick24601 | good luck - hope you don't want kde | 03:56 |
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biovore | osotogari: suse isn't bad.. I just like the apt package manager better then rpm | 03:56 |
alexcamilo | when is dapper comin out? | 03:56 |
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patrick24601 | I can get KDE installed to save my life | 03:56 |
patrick24601 | can't | 03:56 |
BuckWild | june is dapper time | 03:56 |
ubuntu | hi | 03:56 |
alexcamilo | sweet | 03:56 |
eobanb_ | biovore, updating from breezy to dapper flight 6 was about 400 MB of downloading; updating from flight 6 to beta was about 150 MB of downloading | 03:56 |
BuckWild | I'm running the beta, I couldn't wait | 03:56 |
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biovore | eobanb_: because you already download 400MB of stuff. | 03:57 |
luke | how do I upgrade to dapper beta, I tried sudo update-manager -d but it didnt work | 03:57 |
eobanb_ | biovore, but that's what we're talking about | 03:57 |
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Desh | intelikey, I can't find that file... | 03:57 |
osotogari | biovore: i am the same, since i installed Ubuntu here on the desktop, i have so much fun configuring and fixing little things. i think its just so much easier to use than suse | 03:57 |
eobanb_ | biovore, he asked whether updating to dapper final would be a smaller download in june if he updated to dapper beta now | 03:57 |
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HymnToLife | !tell luke about upgrade | 03:57 |
biovore | I see I miss understud you | 03:57 |
jadaz87 | epbanb_ i was wondering what will be the difference between dapper beta and final? | 03:57 |
intelikey | Desh tab completion | 03:58 |
BuckWild | I'm really appreciating dapper actually | 03:58 |
BuckWild | they were right about the new gnome | 03:58 |
luke | to clarify, I asked whether or not I would have to download lots of stuff again if I upgraded now | 03:58 |
Desh | ...? | 03:58 |
BuckWild | it's a lot snappier | 03:58 |
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biovore | eobanb_: form current dapper to final dapper will be small 150MB or so | 03:58 |
eobanb_ | jadaz87, almost nothing in terms of new features; just stability improvements | 03:58 |
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patrick24601 | What is the easiest way to get KDE? I can't seem to do it via synaptic. | 03:58 |
osotogari | A BuckWild: I'll read up about Dapper, I think I saw some screens the other day, it looks pretty!!! | 03:58 |
eobanb_ | biovore, i KNOW | 03:58 |
=== GreySim [n=dennisfi@216-160-103-39.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BuckWild | oh yeah, dapper is much better looking IMO too | 03:58 |
graft | Dapper, like breezy, is only as pretty as you can make it | 03:58 |
biovore | patrick24601: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 03:58 |
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jadaz87 | eobanb_ so does that mean i should just upgrade and keep downloading updates? | 03:58 |
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BuckWild | graft, you have to admit tho that the default theme in dapper is miles ahead of breezy | 03:58 |
alexcamilo | bah. irc crashed | 03:59 |
eobanb_ | jadaz87, that's what i always do. | 03:59 |
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BuckWild | I still can't get XGL working tho | 03:59 |
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graft | BuckWild: running KDE anyway, so i wouldn't know | 03:59 |
intelikey | Desh use the tab key to complete the parts of the file name i.e. nano /va[tab] /li[tab] /dpk[tab] /....... and so on. | 03:59 |
juanca7777 | hello everyone | 03:59 |
biovore | I have xgl and comviz working here | 03:59 |
BuckWild | oh | 03:59 |
BuckWild | I'm not sure if I like KDE | 03:59 |
alexcamilo | does anyone know if gnome eats less cpu power then kde? | 03:59 |
graft | biovore: do they have xgl working with kdm/gdm smoothly yet? | 03:59 |
BuckWild | it's too windows for me | 03:59 |
juanca7777 | where, which channel, can I get info about changin the icon of the main menu for Gnome? | 03:59 |
jadaz87 | eobanb_ i want the native broadcom support lol i was wondering i have broadcom+ndiswrapper i was wondering if i should get rid of ndiswrapper? | 03:59 |
biovore | yup | 03:59 |
patrick24601 | biovore : I'll give it a shot. Thanks. | 03:59 |
jadaz87 | eobanb_ before i upgrade? | 03:59 |
biovore | I got kbfx working nice too | 04:00 |
cafuego | jadaz87: yes | 04:00 |
graft | biovore: serious? sweet | 04:00 |
ubuntu | #winchester | 04:00 |
BuckWild | KDE kinda seems like an attempt at windows' taskbar to me | 04:00 |
alexcamilo | gnome in it's less pimped out default mode | 04:00 |
djs_2_6 | Hello. On breezy, is it possible to successfully install a rarp and tftp setup? If so, could someone familiar with this help me PLEASE? | 04:00 |
Desh | I'm at the folder, /var/lib/dpkg/info/... | 04:00 |
eobanb_ | jadaz87, it doesnt really matter, i dont think | 04:00 |
biovore | granted it took some hacking | 04:00 |
juanca7777 | alexcamilo:use gnome 2.14 and you'll fell the difference in memory consumption | 04:00 |
intelikey | Desh package name | 04:00 |
graft | BuckWild: KDE is pretty flexible in terms of what you make your desktop look like | 04:00 |
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zF | What's the command to output what kernel modules are in use? | 04:00 |
zF | or loaded, at least? | 04:00 |
jadaz87 | cafuego should i do sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter before i upgrade so i will have it? | 04:00 |
graft | BuckWild: you can go OS-X style, Win-XP style, etc... mix and match | 04:00 |
Desh | Oh god...so confused, sorry. | 04:00 |
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intelikey | zf lsmod | 04:00 |
zF | intelikey, thanks | 04:01 |
BuckWild | graft, yeah, I'm sure you can | 04:01 |
BuckWild | I'm talking out of the box | 04:01 |
nemik | helo, so what app do you guys recommend for usenet/binaries? i'm using pan but for lists with many articles, it is VERY slow at loading them. | 04:01 |
BuckWild | out of the box it looks like windows | 04:01 |
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juanca7777 | how can I change the main menu icon? | 04:01 |
fiendskull9 | hey guys | 04:01 |
NullVector | !javadebs | 04:01 |
fiendskull9 | juanca7777, i have the same question | 04:02 |
graft | BuckWild: it's been a long time, actually i forget what it looks like out of the box | 04:02 |
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fiendskull9 | juanca7777, because on all other distros the icon is in the pixmaps folder, but the ubuntu one isnt | 04:02 |
juanca7777 | fiendskull9: why's that? | 04:02 |
intelikey | i'm goin' FOOD ! | 04:02 |
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fiendskull9 | juanca7777, gimme a sec, ill look on the ubuntu forums | 04:02 |
Desh | I think I may end up reinstalling from scratch... | 04:03 |
blindx | What's the mencoder switch to change movie format? Like, I have an avi, I want to change it to an mpeg.. I just don't remember the switch.. | 04:03 |
juanca7777 | fiendskull9: cool :) | 04:03 |
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graft | Desh: what's your prob? | 04:03 |
graft | blindx: -ovc <codec> | 04:03 |
blindx | nope | 04:03 |
bobafeet | anyone have a good resource for wifi problems besides the wiki? | 04:03 |
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osotogari | quick question, when Dapper goes live, is it just a case of downloading via apt-get to upgrade Breezy? | 04:03 |
jadaz87 | osotogari yes | 04:04 |
Desh | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12869 | 04:04 |
juanca7777 | osotogari: yes | 04:04 |
nemik | is there anything better/faster than pan for usenet? | 04:04 |
Desh | same with apt-get and dpkg | 04:04 |
graft | blindx: what do you mean nope? | 04:04 |
blindx | i mean no. | 04:04 |
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osotogari | Cool. | 04:04 |
graft | blindx: i tell you yes! if you want to convert an avi to an mpeg, do like | 04:04 |
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blindx | -ovc lavc im doing. but it doesn't change the format. | 04:05 |
fiendskull9 | will dapper have pre-order? | 04:05 |
fiendskull9 | like a few weeks before it comes out | 04:05 |
smo | nemik: only found three workable solutions. the first was to put a metric truckload of ram in my desktop so pan didn't slouch so much. the second was using 'brag' on the console. the third involved dropping usd2k on a mac, and is very off-topic | 04:05 |
graft | mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 or whatever | 04:05 |
fiendskull9 | so they ship quicker | 04:05 |
pax | juanca7777: to work around the shoes, replaces /usr/share/icons/Tango/X/places/gnome-main-menu.png with ubuntu's gnome-main-menu.png | 04:06 |
pax | doh! | 04:06 |
Madpilot | fiendskull9, yes | 04:06 |
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fiendskull9 | Madpilot, sweet | 04:06 |
nemik | smo, thanks. i have 1.5GB of RAM, can't believe it is not enough for pan. ridiculous. i can try brag from console, i'll see. what about klibido? is it workable? | 04:06 |
Desh | Oh god I hate diversions, and I don;t even know what they are. >_< | 04:06 |
Madpilot | fiendskull9, but the final image won't be ready literally until release day, so they can't really pre-manufacture CDs | 04:06 |
fiendskull9 | yeah | 04:06 |
smo | nemik: can't say I've tried klibido, sorry | 04:06 |
fiendskull9 | but i just dont wanna forget to order my cd's | 04:07 |
bluelotus | how do I save my gedit preferences? | 04:07 |
fiendskull9 | if your thinking, why not dist-upgrade, i like to have the physical cd's if i reinstall | 04:07 |
osotogari | ok i installed Firefox via apt-get which is version 1.0.8 or something like that. I wanted to upgrade so i downloaded the tarbell from getfirefox.com, what do i do after untarring the tarbell? | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | !tell osotogari about firefox1.5 | 04:07 |
Madpilot | fiendskull9, get the ISOs and burn them yourself, if you can - faster than waiting for Shipit | 04:07 |
nemik | smo, no problem. i may just go with brag. it won't be very nice d/ling binaries from console though..will it? is it easy enough to get bunchs of files? | 04:07 |
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fiendskull9 | Madpilot, i always get bad burns, and i like having "official" cd's | 04:08 |
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=== ablyss would like to share a screenshot | ||
Madpilot | fiendskull9, fair enough :) | 04:08 |
fiendskull9 | lol | 04:08 |
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ablyss | screenshot now available @ http://epluribusunix.net/screenshots/screenshot-04-24-06_22_08_47.jpg | 04:08 |
jadaz87 | Madpilot i hope my official cds are ok | 04:08 |
smo | nemik: it's a pain in the rear, but light and effective. it does 'a bunch of files' very well tho | 04:09 |
graft | hey Desh, read this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-18108.html | 04:09 |
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fiendskull9 | Madpilot, when i was just getting into linux, and i saw the shipit thing, and it was free, i jokingly ordered some. forgot about it, then one day i get a bunch of cd's (like 25) from france. lol. | 04:09 |
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jadaz87 | ablyss what wm do you use? gnome/kde? | 04:09 |
osotogari | Thanks Hobbsee!! | 04:09 |
jadaz87 | fiendskull9 lmao | 04:09 |
ablyss | jadaz87, kde | 04:09 |
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bjv | i just installed a new mouse, it detected it and ive got an 'MX700' tab in mouse config | 04:10 |
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NullVector | could someone help me get java installed? Been trying to the last few days, unsuccessful so far | 04:10 |
nemik | smo, i figured as much. so long as i can get my 'bunches' ;) thanks! | 04:10 |
_jason | NullVector: what have you tried? | 04:10 |
jadaz87 | nullvector? java? | 04:10 |
bjv | but i want to reset my xorg.conf file with the new input device, instead of the old one | 04:10 |
bjv | how do you do that? | 04:10 |
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_jason | !xorg | 04:10 |
ubotu | xorg is probably To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html | 04:10 |
NullVector | _jason: tried the instructions on the wiki and using sevea's packages | 04:10 |
bjv | neat. | 04:10 |
=== imbroglio [n=imbrogli@cpe-72-228-49-206.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NullVector | _jason, unless I am doing something wrong | 04:10 |
_jason | NullVector: ok what failed when you used Sevea s' packages | 04:11 |
imbroglio | question how to add user w/ sudo privelages(sp?) | 04:11 |
_jason | imbroglio: add him to the admin group | 04:11 |
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NullVector | _jason, not sure exactly, it seems like it installs, but java doesn't work. Unless I need to link it to mozilla | 04:11 |
_jason | NullVector: are you using firefox 1.5 on breezy? | 04:11 |
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NullVector | _jason, using firefox 1.08 | 04:12 |
imbroglio | adduser --group admin (user)??? | 04:12 |
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NullVector | _jason, should I update FF first? | 04:12 |
biovore | dapper with compviz and kbfx working.. http://www.biovore.net/Graphics/dapper-shot/dapper-shot1.png | 04:13 |
jmg | biovore nice | 04:13 |
fiendskull9 | biovore, thats a nice kde theme..... | 04:13 |
Plitskin | hi, how can I quit x window and go to full terminal mode? | 04:14 |
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dj-fu | http://deejafuzion.t4c0.info/music/Screenshot.png | 04:14 |
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sesstreets | _jason: dude I upgraded to dapper....whered the old xchat go? | 04:14 |
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dj-fu | sesstreets, it got replaced by xchat-gnome - apt-get remove xchat-gnome && apt-get install xchat | 04:14 |
_jason | sesstreets: idk search in synaptic, I think it's xchat-gnome now | 04:14 |
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dj-fu | nearly the first thing I do | 04:15 |
Desh | Oh my..I think it worked... | 04:15 |
dAndy | Plitskin: ctrl-alt-backspace kills the xserver | 04:15 |
newbieme | any solution on dapper nx6125 xorg.conf?? | 04:15 |
sesstreets | it kills everything | 04:15 |
newbieme | tnx in advance! | 04:15 |
Plitskin | thanks dAndy | 04:15 |
winchester | hello! | 04:15 |
tritium | newbieme: #ubunt+1 for dapper | 04:15 |
Desh | intelikey and graft, I finally got it to work, thanks for the help guys!! | 04:15 |
_jason | NullVector: do you still have the seveas package installed? | 04:15 |
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dj-fu | http://deejayfuzion.t4c0.info/music/Screenshot.png ;[ | 04:16 |
NullVector | _jason, no | 04:16 |
ice_1963 | how come to installing nvidia is so different in ubuntu then debian? | 04:16 |
biovore | nice screenshot of xgl :-) | 04:16 |
Overand | oh cr$% | 04:16 |
_jason | NullVector: k, can you install it again and we can see what happened | 04:16 |
sesstreets | wheres the site for that auto ubuntu thingy? | 04:16 |
Overand | I believe I have forgotten my mySql root password | 04:16 |
NullVector | _jason, sure | 04:16 |
fiendskull9 | !easy-ubuntu | 04:16 |
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ubotu | fiendskull9: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:16 |
biovore | ice_1963: I use the same method on debian as I do no ubuntu here | 04:17 |
fiendskull9 | !easyubuntu | 04:17 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 04:17 |
ice_1963 | ok | 04:17 |
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ice_1963 | me to | 04:17 |
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newbieme | tnx tritium | 04:18 |
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NullVector | _jason, installed | 04:19 |
jmg | dj-fu: lnp for your 0day ftp plz ;) | 04:19 |
fiendskull9 | biovore, like my wallpaper? http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/112/3/5/OSx86_Mac_Computer_Wallpaper_by_fiendskull9.png | 04:19 |
_jason | NullVector: ok close all firefox and open again, test java, report back | 04:19 |
Pl1tsk1n | arrrgh... when I do ctrl + alt + backspace I'm being brought to the login screen... I just need to go to full terminal mode without x running... | 04:19 |
fiendskull9 | biovore, matching minimalistic art - http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/112/3/4/OSx86_Mac_Computer_by_fiendskull9.png | 04:19 |
dj-fu | jmg, | 04:19 |
Pl1tsk1n | arrrgh... when I do ctrl + alt + backspace I'm being brought to the login screen... I just need to go to full terminal mode without x running... | 04:19 |
NullVector | ok | 04:19 |
biovore | fiendskull9: I don't like the x86 mac Idea | 04:20 |
jmg | dj-fu btw i know you from undernet | 04:20 |
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biovore | fiendskull9: wallpaper is cool though | 04:20 |
fiendskull9 | biovore, well, i run osx86 on my other pc | 04:20 |
fiendskull9 | biovore, its unix with a fancy ass gui | 04:20 |
sethk | biovore, good, you just saved yourself a lot of money :) | 04:20 |
biovore | fiendskull9: I think apple is going to be canning the project though | 04:20 |
ice_1963 | biovore: i have never installed ati driver in debian yet but i will :) | 04:20 |
biovore | OS x is cool | 04:20 |
dj-fu | jmg, oh? what chan? | 04:20 |
NullVector | _jason, still no go | 04:20 |
sesstreets | osx pwns | 04:20 |
fiendskull9 | biovore, yeah, because now that its x86, its so much more vulnerable for hackers (not crackers) | 04:21 |
jmg | dj-fu: cant remember, so long ago | 04:21 |
_jason | NullVector: what's the name of the package you installed? | 04:21 |
newbieme | join #ubuntu+1 | 04:21 |
biovore | ice_1963: I avoide ATI + Linux like the puage | 04:21 |
sesstreets | plauge* | 04:21 |
jmg | dj-fu: im cartel on undernet | 04:21 |
fiendskull9 | biovore, i use it as a windows alt. because i record and use photoshop | 04:21 |
=== Tommy83a [n=Tommy83a@cli-504b115e.stadsnat.gippnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ice_1963 | lol | 04:21 |
NullVector | the java package or seveas package? | 04:21 |
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NullVector | !java | 04:21 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 04:21 |
_jason | NullVector: the java package you installed from seveas' repo | 04:21 |
dj-fu | ah. | 04:21 |
biovore | fiendskull9: well I think the x86 mac hardware platform will never take off.. | 04:22 |
=== bill [n=bill@71-9-154-029.dhcp.chtn.wv.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dj-fu | if they made osx x86 run on all hardware, it might | 04:22 |
sethk | biovore, I agree | 04:22 |
dj-fu | afaik it only runs on mac x86 hardware | 04:22 |
biovore | biovore: Power PC still has some life in it.. Power6 has some kick | 04:22 |
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coffelius | hello | 04:22 |
jmg | dj-fu: osx86 project has hacked it to run on any hardware | 04:22 |
Tommy83a | okey, IRCchat built into the os?! cool!! | 04:22 |
jmg | even without efi | 04:23 |
biovore | yeah.. I am talking to my self :-P | 04:23 |
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-136-143.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fiendskull9 | biovore, yeah, well they are dropping powerbooks in 2007. also heres another wall (crap quality, png export wasnt working right) - http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/082/1/f/iTux_by_fiendskull9.jpg | 04:23 |
=== Krassykev [n=user@c-24-63-168-254.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chiche | the x86 mac on new p-m is a good start | 04:23 |
Desh | Ok, I used to be able to use the "lock session" option, but it randomly stopped working... | 04:23 |
fiendskull9 | screw it, heres my da - http://fiendskull9.deviantart.com/ | 04:23 |
Desh | And games like Penguin Racer stopped loading... | 04:23 |
sesstreets | !mplayer | 04:23 |
ubotu | from memory, mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 04:23 |
IceTox | hum | 04:23 |
fiendskull9 | brb | 04:24 |
NullVector | _jason, getting this error with the seveas package repo: http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/breezy-seveas/java/binary-amd64/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found | 04:24 |
=== fiendskull9 is getting some water | ||
sesstreets | !mplayer-plugin | 04:24 |
ubotu | sesstreets: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:24 |
IceTox | *removes the penguin highlight* | 04:24 |
chiche | bbl | 04:24 |
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_jason | NullVector: so you are on amd64? | 04:24 |
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NullVector | _jason, correct, and using the 64bit ubuntu breezy | 04:24 |
bill | I have a dual pros. computer I had to reinstall to day and lost the commpand to install the smp kernal can someone help | 04:25 |
_jason | NullVector: ah, seveas does not have packages for 64bit | 04:25 |
=== fiendskull9 is back | ||
osotogari | why is mcdonalds.com coming up everytime in firefox when i launch it, even though my homepage is set to a blank page | 04:25 |
coffelius | XMoto is the best package of seveas | 04:25 |
_jason | NullVector: did you read the bottom of the restricted formats page? | 04:26 |
biovore | bill: apt-get cache search linux-image | 04:26 |
Desh | Ok, I am using 32bit Kubuntu, what kernel should I be using with an Amd64? | 04:26 |
Desh | Currently I am using k7... | 04:26 |
fiendskull9 | does anyone know if azureus is opensource? | 04:26 |
imbroglio | so what is the easiest way to upgrade my warty install to a newer version? | 04:26 |
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NullVector | !resitrcted | 04:26 |
ubotu | No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, NullVector | 04:26 |
fiendskull9 | imbroglio, sudo dist-upgrade | 04:26 |
biovore | Desh: I would tell you what kernel.. But I have a custom kernel installed here.. :-/ | 04:26 |
coffelius | mldonkey is opensource | 04:26 |
imbroglio | danke | 04:26 |
_jason | NullVector: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=Java#head-83aab3cae30dbbab8f1f695a8df72b4b01ab87a0 | 04:26 |
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Desh | I see, I don;t know if the amd64 kernels are what I need...seeing as I'm on a 32bit OS | 04:27 |
imbrandon | hmm | 04:27 |
imbroglio | fiendskull9: dist-upgrade: command not found | 04:27 |
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imbroglio | erhm, sudo: dist-upgrade: command not found | 04:27 |
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biovore | imbroglio: sudo apt-ger dist-upgrade I belive | 04:27 |
_jason | !upgrade | 04:27 |
ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . | 04:27 |
imbrandon | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 04:27 |
NullVector | _jason, tried that yesterday, didn't work, shall try again t hough | 04:28 |
biovore | (apt-get) | 04:28 |
luigi | how many of ya'll like g-unit? | 04:28 |
fiendskull9 | none | 04:28 |
Overand | heh | 04:28 |
_jason | NullVector: pastebin any errors you get | 04:28 |
fiendskull9 | lol | 04:28 |
_jason | !offtopic | 04:28 |
fiendskull9 | i shouldnt bash musical prefrence | 04:28 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 04:28 |
=== fiendskull9 slaps himself | ||
jmg | loL | 04:28 |
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Desh | What kernel should I use, k7 or amd64, if I am using the 32bit Kubuntu with an amd64 proccessor.. | 04:29 |
imbrandon | k7 | 04:29 |
biovore | Desh: you running the 32bit version of the OS? | 04:30 |
imbrandon | untill you install the 64bit edition | 04:30 |
Desh | Yes. | 04:30 |
biovore | imbrandon <-- hes got it | 04:30 |
Desh | I am running 32 bit OS. | 04:30 |
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biovore | Desh: sick with 686 or k7 kernels then | 04:30 |
imbrandon | k7 with 32 bit, 64 when you upgrade to the 64bit os | 04:30 |
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NullVector | _jason, no errors this time. maybe I did it wrong yesterday, thanks | 04:30 |
Desh | Alright, k7 is what I have. :) | 04:31 |
Tommy83a | Hmm... is it possible to stop wieving who'is entering, leaving and changing rooms? | 04:31 |
jadaz87_opera | hello i was wondering | 04:31 |
Desh | Any clues why Lock Session and certain games like Penguin Racer would stop loading? | 04:31 |
Tommy83a | !help | 04:31 |
imbrandon | Tommy83a: depends on your client | 04:31 |
jadaz87_opera | is bcm43xx and bcm94306 the same thing? | 04:31 |
nathanael | I cannot customize my Karamba themes, is this because my user does not have rights? | 04:31 |
biovore | Desh: probably something busticated with your gl install | 04:31 |
Remy | !gl | 04:31 |
ubotu | Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Remy | 04:31 |
Desh | gl? | 04:32 |
nathanael | !karamba | 04:32 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nathanael | 04:32 |
jadaz87_opera | cafuego is bcm43xx and bcm94306 the same thing? | 04:32 |
nathanael | !superkaramba | 04:32 |
ubotu | SuperKaramba is a KDE application that allows you to create interactive eye-candy on your desktop. Official site: http://netdragon.sourceforge.net SK Themes: http://kdelook.org | 04:32 |
Desh | But I'm using the "ati" driver not fglx | 04:32 |
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cafuego | jadaz87_opera: I've never head of a 94306 | 04:32 |
Tommy83a | imbrandon : X-chat [2.4.4] | 04:32 |
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fiendskull9 | hey | 04:33 |
endeavormac | I can't seem to get the program sopwith to close | 04:33 |
imbrandon | Tommy83a: then yes there is a way but i dont use xchat so i couldent tell you how | 04:33 |
jadaz87_opera | cafuego that is what it says on the bottom of my hp laptop i just noticed :Broadcom BCM94306 | 04:33 |
fiendskull9 | how do i add Programming tools to the main menu? | 04:33 |
Madpilot | Tommy83a, Settings->Preferences, somewhere in there | 04:33 |
d3s | I tried to plug my compro videomate u900 in, but I didn't get any info about the tvtuner from dmesg nor lspci | 04:34 |
Tommy83a | imbrandon Madpilot : ok? Thanks | 04:34 |
jadaz87_opera | cafuego but i use the bcm5wl driver for windows and ndiswrapper so i do not know | 04:34 |
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Madpilot | fiendskull9, when you add a Programming tool, it'll add the submenu - try installing Bluefish, for example | 04:34 |
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nathanael | When I right-click on any Karamba theme, "customize theme" is grayed out...why? | 04:34 |
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fiendskull9 | Madpilot, i installed anjuta and screem, and still no programming menu | 04:34 |
cafuego | jadaz87_opera: Then bcm43xx MAY work. It could be a slightly different revision. | 04:35 |
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nathanael | ::sigh:: | 04:35 |
Madpilot | fiendskull9, screem should have appeared in your Programming submenu... | 04:35 |
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jmg | nathanael: try #kubuntu | 04:35 |
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Madpilot | fiendskull9, did Screem appear anywhere? | 04:35 |
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fiendskull9 | Madpilot, nvm, i reinstalled | 04:36 |
venox | hey, I have bought a sony dsc-s60 digital camera and I want to mount it so I can browse my photos, how can I do that on ubuntu? | 04:36 |
venox | I tried something like `sudo mount -t fat /dev/sda1 /media/cam` but it doesn't work, any ideas? | 04:36 |
Madpilot | venox, it doesn't automount: | 04:36 |
Madpilot | ? | 04:36 |
noiesmo | venox, try digikam the camera might be using ptp | 04:37 |
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Madpilot | venox, try gThumb - File->Import From Camera | 04:37 |
venox | hmm | 04:37 |
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venox | I'm using xubuntu as desktop, not the gnome one | 04:37 |
venox | maybe that's the problem | 04:37 |
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ice_1963 | your useing xfce4 | 04:38 |
venox | yes, xfce4. | 04:38 |
noiesmo | venox, most camera's are like usb device so if you put in usbpen and it automounts then if camera is usb style it should automount if not the camara uses ptp | 04:38 |
venox | well, the camera has three modes for usb: pictbridge, ptp and normal | 04:38 |
venox | I think normal is something like a mass storage device, isn't it? | 04:38 |
EvilolivE_ | whats a good hard drive formatting tool | 04:39 |
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cafuego | EvilolivE_: Linxu doesn't fomat them , it just writes new filesystems. | 04:39 |
noiesmo | venox, my camara is kodak but it uses ptp I noticed in digikam that canon vcan be either ptp or usb maybe yuours is ptp | 04:39 |
EvilolivE_ | cafuego: how can I do that? | 04:39 |
digen | EvilolivE_, fdisk | 04:39 |
jadaz87 | cafuego 0000:00:09.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 04:40 |
venox | well | 04:40 |
venox | it's working with gthumb | 04:40 |
venox | on the ptp mode ;) | 04:40 |
EvilolivE_ | digen: do I have to unmount the drive first? | 04:40 |
ikaruga2099 | hi all---just had a quick question. I just followed the ubuntu unofficial guide to get mysql and apache working together (apache and php are already working) but the wierd thing is that phpmyadmin works (i can log on and create databases) but wordpress says I have no mysql installed | 04:40 |
jadaz87 | cafuego is lspci affected by the ndiswapper? or does ndiswrapper not have an effect on it | 04:40 |
digen | EvilolivE_, is it a new drive/partition your adding? | 04:40 |
noiesmo | venox, there you go ptp picture transfer protocal not usbpen like | 04:40 |
ikaruga2099 | I was wondering perhaps mysql isn't installed after all | 04:41 |
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EvilolivE_ | I already mounted a ntfs drive, now I wanna repartition as 1/2 ntfs and 1/2 ext3 | 04:41 |
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Madpilot | !tell ikaruga2099 about lamp | 04:41 |
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Tommy83a | %v | 04:43 |
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Tommy83a | hmm | 04:43 |
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digen | EvilolivE_, you can delete the partition with fdisk, & create new partitions with it too | 04:43 |
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ikaruga2099 | madpilot, obotu: thanx a million --- a simple ";" did the trick! | 04:45 |
[itrebal] | what packages do i need for mpg files? | 04:45 |
_jason | ubotu: tell [itrebal] about multimedia | 04:45 |
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ikaruga2099 | thanks again all and goodnight! | 04:45 |
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Ummmmm | hey all | 04:46 |
fogos | hi,... xorg doesnt save me the resolutions,,, any help? | 04:46 |
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noiesmo | ubotu, tell fogos about resolution | 04:47 |
Ummmmm | having a problem with a disk mount. it's fat32.i can mount it fine with the disk manager, but 1) the mount doesn't persist through reboots, and 2) only root has write access to the drive | 04:47 |
beril | how global is System->Prefences->Font? Is it a Gnome thing? GTK? Or what? | 04:47 |
Ummmmm | help? | 04:47 |
Ummmmm | ubotu tell me about mount | 04:48 |
=== Humility [n=humility@host86-144-176-178.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
der0b | is anyone else having a problem with kopete crashing when attempting to configure it? (Setting -> Configure) | 04:48 |
noiesmo | Ummmmm, here's my howto http://pastebin.com/680319 | 04:48 |
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-136-143.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Desh | How can I check what video card driver is being used? | 04:49 |
EvilolivE_ | to delete patrition1 :fdisk -? | 04:49 |
Humility | Is anybody using dapper right now? Are you experiencing problems with firefox? | 04:49 |
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Desh | I chose fglrx in reconfigure-xorg but in xorg.conf it says I'm using the "ati" driver. | 04:49 |
gn0m3 | Can anyone help me with the gaim messenger? | 04:50 |
Flannel | Humility: ask in #ubuntu+1 | 04:50 |
Flannel | they're the ones using dapper ;) | 04:50 |
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Ummmmm | thanks to noiesmo for giving me the right link :D | 04:50 |
gn0m3 | anyone? | 04:50 |
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noiesmo | Ummmmm, np :) | 04:50 |
Humility | thanks | 04:50 |
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Ummmmm | Humility: a friend of mine is using it successfully without any problems. What is your problem specifically? | 04:51 |
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gn0m3 | anyone can help me with gaim (adding pucs) | 04:51 |
gn0m3 | uhhh | 04:51 |
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luke | is there any way to install Windows fonts on gnome, like Verdana and Tahoma? | 04:52 |
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noiesmo | Humility, im on dapper no probs here | 04:52 |
Humility | Firefox tends to "freeze" after I use it. I often have to kill it via the system monitor | 04:52 |
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Humility | flash works half the time, i'm not sure why | 04:52 |
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Humility | and some fonts aren't working | 04:52 |
noiesmo | ubotu, tell fogos about msfonts | 04:52 |
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noiesmo | ubotu, tell luke about msfonts | 04:53 |
Humility | Otherwise it's fine. I love dapper ... but the firefox thing is annoying. it won't auto-update to 1.5.2 either | 04:53 |
Jowi | Humility: dappers firefox version is kinda not good. better to download it from mozilla for now (at least I think so) | 04:53 |
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Humility | won't it break my packages? | 04:54 |
Ummmmm | Humility, I'm not sure I'm afraid. That's what you get for using unsupported unreleased software ... :( | 04:54 |
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Jowi | Humility: no. you can install it whereever you want. I have it in /opt/firefox. | 04:54 |
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Humility | Ummm: yeah I was expecting a few things to be buggy ... basically I wanted to try. but I like it so I probably won't go back to breezy | 04:55 |
Humility | that would be switching to black and white TV when u already used to color tv | 04:55 |
Humility | *would be like | 04:55 |
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Jowi | Humility: good news with dapper: it is improving every day :) | 04:55 |
Humility | Jowi: thanks .. I'm going to do that | 04:55 |
luke | thanks noiesmo | 04:56 |
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Humility | Jowi: Yep! I'm really impressed with this... it's going to be extraordinary one the final version gets out | 04:56 |
noiesmo | luke, np :) | 04:56 |
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Jowi | Humility: about firefox, you can even put it in your home directory and run it from there if you want. then you don't have to worry about your system settings. | 04:57 |
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Humility | Jowi: Really? yeah I can do that ... I didn't like installing Firefox in /opt because of the permission problems | 04:57 |
Humility | Same thing with azureus | 04:58 |
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Ummmmm | i'm reading the man pages for mount -- it doesn't seem to support fat32?!?!?! | 04:58 |
diomedes | can you net install ubuntu like you can debian? | 04:58 |
Ummmmm | what's going on? | 04:58 |
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Ummmmm | or does linux call it something else, like vfat ?? | 04:58 |
diomedes | fat32 = vfat | 04:59 |
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Ummmmm | ta | 04:59 |
sethk | Ummmmm, yes, vfat | 04:59 |
sethk | Ummmmm, or you can use -t msdos, and mount will do a pretty good job of figuring out which type of fat is to be mounted | 04:59 |
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codecaine | I selected a directory in myshare on ubuntu but I don't see the folder on my other pc as an share | 05:00 |
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codecaine | its a external hd im sharing | 05:00 |
Tommy83a | ==>>/cmd away <<== Wrong? :) | 05:00 |
Humility | Anyway, thanks guys. I really like this room...it' too crowded but ppl are nice | 05:00 |
Humility | enjoy your evening! | 05:01 |
comrade | hey I got a question, I did a cat /proc/cpuinfo, my model is identified as an amd 2100+, but it's saying I'm only running at 531 mhz, is this just a goof or am I getting jipped cpu? | 05:01 |
Ummmmm | prob a goof | 05:01 |
Ummmmm | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 05:01 |
Jowi | c u Humility | 05:01 |
Ummmmm | oops wrong window :) | 05:01 |
comrade | someone said my acpi might be making my cpu run less | 05:01 |
comrade | and like eclipse is slow as balls for me | 05:01 |
Ummmmm | hmm says i'm running a 2400 at 2000 MHz (which I am, it's slightly overclocked, should be 1900) | 05:01 |
Ummmmm | ... | 05:02 |
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Ummmmm | so actually i think your machine is doing something weeeird | 05:02 |
comrade | gheyed!! | 05:02 |
sethk | comrade, check that you don't have throttling on for cpu temperature, and something wrong in the lmsensors code making it think it has to throttle | 05:02 |
Jowi | comrade: which kernel are you using? should be linux-k7 | 05:02 |
comrade | sethk, I have no idea how do that | 05:02 |
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luigi_ | hey | 05:02 |
comrade | i got the 686 one | 05:02 |
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comrade | it's a laptop so I was thinking something goofy was going on with the power control or whatever | 05:03 |
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luigi_ | hows the linux? | 05:03 |
Jowi | 686 is for the pentium cpu | 05:03 |
sethk | comrade, that is possible | 05:03 |
fiendskull9 | hey dudes, what is glib labeled as in the repos? | 05:03 |
fiendskull9 | !glib | 05:03 |
ubotu | fiendskull9: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 05:03 |
sethk | comrade, turn it off, see if the speed changes | 05:03 |
Ummmmm | comrade, is your cpu speed set correctly in the bios? | 05:03 |
comrade | sethk, how do I do that | 05:03 |
comrade | yea | 05:03 |
diomedes | so anyone tell me if there is a net install iso for ubuntu? | 05:03 |
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DarkElf109 | Hey there. I was wondering, is it possible to configure auto-login with LTSP clients? I've searched the 'net and forums high and low, and there have only been vague mentionings of it. If it is possible, how is it done? (I'm trying this with edubuntu, but, since that channel's pretty empty, thought I'd try in here) | 05:03 |
diomedes | or am i install straight debian again | 05:03 |
venox | hey, what's the command line for the gnome image viewer? | 05:03 |
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venox | I want to see the EXIF of my photos | 05:03 |
Jowi | venox: eo | 05:04 |
[koji] | transitioning from beta to the final release in june shouldn't be much of a big deal? | 05:04 |
Jowi | venox: eog | 05:04 |
sethk | comrade, I don't remember specifically, but there is something on the admin menu that will do it for you | 05:04 |
venox | thanks | 05:04 |
venox | ;) | 05:04 |
comrade | sethk, I don't want to turn anything permantly off cause I like how ubuntu actually controls my fan | 05:04 |
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comrade | u think that would get turned off | 05:04 |
sethk | comrade, yes, I imagine it would | 05:04 |
Ummmmm | comrade: that's a desktop, right? | 05:04 |
sesstreets | _jason why doesnt google find auto ubuntu? | 05:04 |
sesstreets | !autoubuntu | 05:04 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sesstreets | 05:04 |
comrade | Ummmmm, nah a laptop | 05:04 |
sethk | comrade, I don't know what files to back up to make sure you don't lose the settings | 05:04 |
_jason | sesstreets: umm what is auto ubuntu? | 05:05 |
hyphenated | I think he means easyubuntu | 05:05 |
sesstreets | OO its easy | 05:05 |
comrade | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-82263.html | 05:05 |
comrade | check that out | 05:05 |
=== harisund_ [n=harisund@ip24-255-87-152.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
comrade | that's where I read about it a bit | 05:05 |
harisund_ | Is it even worth contributing stuff to ubuntu wiki that relates to Breezy now? Like LaptopTesting et al ? | 05:05 |
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Jowi | harisund_: i think breezy will be supported for quite a while longer | 05:06 |
Ummmmm | hmm slowness | 05:06 |
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comrade | is there a channel about the powernowd | 05:06 |
poningru | harisund_: yeah dude def add stuff to the wiki | 05:07 |
Ummmmm | it takes me like 5 seconds to open a new terminal ... but firefox and other apps are quite fast | 05:07 |
harisund_ | Jowi ah ok. So it means even after Dapper is officially released, I can continue using Breezy? | 05:07 |
der0b | is there some place that explains where ubuntu installs it's user apps? (just trying to learn a bit about how things are done) | 05:07 |
hyphenated | harisund_: of course | 05:07 |
poningru | harisund_: precisely for 18 months | 05:07 |
harisund_ | poningru yeah.. I am using Breezy, and it is quite convenient.. | 05:07 |
harisund_ | ah good to hear that .. | 05:07 |
nandovieira | hi... my gnome is not showing progs on taskbar, not loading icons on main menu... all after updating... anyone knows what is happening? | 05:07 |
Ummmmm | der0b, look at 'properties' in synaptic for the packages you've installed | 05:07 |
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der0b | thanks ummmmm | 05:07 |
harisund_ | any does anybody know how to tell mplayer that I have w32codecs installed? somehow I get the feeling it doesn't even know that :( | 05:07 |
Jowi | need sleep. 'night all | 05:08 |
harisund_ | poninguru, in some ways I find Breezy more convenient .For example, I could easily setup XDMCP on GDM in Breezy, the gconf-editor is available from the menu... | 05:08 |
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der0b | ummmmm: I'm actually using kubuntu so all I have is adept which doesn't seem to tell me where things are installed to | 05:09 |
Dr_Willis | harisund_, and here i just edit the gdm config file.. :P | 05:10 |
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Flannel | der0b: so, install SPM ;) | 05:10 |
Dr_Willis | i ermber when gdm had its own 'configure' feature ya could get to from the gdm screen.. but i guess that was too confiuseing for users. | 05:10 |
Flannel | or use apt | 05:11 |
Ummmmm | use apt | 05:11 |
harisund_ | Dr Willis: Yeah, I guess that is a good idea too.. I ended up doing that of course. Do you know whether GDM has to be running or not running in order to login remotely? | 05:11 |
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Ummmmm | sudo umount /mnt/media | 05:11 |
Ummmmm | oooops :p | 05:11 |
Dr_Willis | harisund_, i think it does. i normally enable it. :P so its always running anyway | 05:12 |
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harisund_ | Dr Willis: What is the other machine that you use to login to Ubuntu? | 05:12 |
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chriskilmer | Hi folks. I need some help with my wireless config | 05:13 |
chriskilmer | i have a dell 8500 that i just installed Breezy on | 05:13 |
fsd | anyone have an idea why a ubuntu box running dhcp resorts back to its old dhcp address after a while, after ive changed it to a static address via ifconfig? | 05:13 |
fsd | 5.10 installed | 05:13 |
fsd | fresh a couple of days ago | 05:14 |
Dr_Willis | harisund_, linux of some type. :P often a live cd even. | 05:14 |
harisund_ | fsd: I think if you change it via ifconfig it is only temporary, for that session. | 05:14 |
chriskilmer | when i view the network applet, i do not even see my wireless card listed | 05:14 |
fsd | harisund_: know how i can set it permanently? | 05:14 |
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DarkElf109 | fsd: Try /etc/network/interfaces | 05:14 |
harisund_ | Dr_Willis: What is the command you use? I tried it only on Cygwin in Windows. | 05:14 |
harisund_ | fsd You will have to edit your /etc/network/interfaces file. | 05:14 |
jadaz87 | cafuego | 05:14 |
fsd | i was hoping not to touch interfaces :( | 05:15 |
fsd | oh well | 05:15 |
fsd | thanks for the help guys | 05:15 |
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DarkElf109 | fsd: You could use the network config dialog | 05:15 |
fsd | ssh only | 05:15 |
Dr_Willis | harisund_, hmm.. the gdm login screen on the other disrtos (and kdm) both have a item to search.. or ya use 'startx -- query' i think.. i aint done it manually in ages | 05:15 |
DarkElf109 | fsd: Well, then, interfaces it is =) | 05:15 |
DarkElf109 | fsd: You could always run a headless VNC, if you like GUIs and all that | 05:16 |
fsd | na no gui for me | 05:16 |
fsd | ill just do interfaces | 05:16 |
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harisund_ | Dr_Willis: Ok so it is using -query. Thanks, I was just curious about that. | 05:16 |
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beto123 | hola | 05:16 |
Dr_Willis | harisund_, i think.. ya should google for it. :p | 05:16 |
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beto123 | como fuciona | 05:16 |
beto123 | esto | 05:16 |
_jason | !es | 05:17 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:17 |
harisund_ | Dr_willis: no need to.. you are right.. that is what needs to be done. Thanks ! | 05:17 |
Dr_Willis | harisund_, of course i am! :P lol | 05:17 |
Dr_Willis | harisund_, handy little feature - that often gets over looked. | 05:17 |
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harisund_ | That aside, what is the general opinion of the users? Is Automatix better or Easy Ubuntu? | 05:18 |
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Flannel | !automatix | 05:19 |
ubotu | somebody said automatix was unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu. | 05:19 |
Flannel | that's it harisund_ ;) | 05:19 |
linux_galore | ubotu: use easyubuntu | 05:19 |
ubotu | linux_galore: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 05:19 |
harisund_ | Ah ! Super neat Flannel.. thanks ! | 05:19 |
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fsd | DarkElf109: mind if i pm you for a minute? | 05:19 |
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linux_galore | ?? | 05:19 |
orbin | linux_galore: ubotu is an irc bot | 05:19 |
DarkElf109 | fsd: Go ahead | 05:19 |
orbin | ubotu: tell linux_galore about yourself | 05:19 |
wy | Hi all. I've trouble making xrefactory working with linux kernel source | 05:20 |
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fsd | private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. pl | 05:20 |
fsd | ugh | 05:20 |
linux_galore | aaah | 05:20 |
pax | easyubuntu is not any safer unless you know and trust wherever repos they use. | 05:20 |
codecaine | I installed samba when i select a directory I want to share files in folders shares it doesn't come up active on my windows pc | 05:20 |
xerophyte | did anybody got the cyrus-imapd work with saslauthd ?? i am having problem cyrus-imapd find the saslauthd .. because of the chroot does anybody know any workd around that ?? | 05:20 |
linux_galore | theres another one for dapper | 05:20 |
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linux_galore | jdub linked it before | 05:21 |
DarkElf109 | fsd: /msg nickserv register <pass> <email>, if I remember right | 05:21 |
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sfllaw | So... I have a hypothetical situation. | 05:21 |
sfllaw | Let's say you own a Thinkpad. | 05:22 |
DarkElf109 | sfllaw: We have a hypothetical solution! | 05:22 |
sfllaw | And let's say it's an old Thinkpad. | 05:22 |
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blindx | What's the mencoder switch to change movie format? Like, I have an avi, I want to change it to an mpeg.. I just don't remember the switch.. :| | 05:22 |
sfllaw | And let's say you dropped it one too many times. | 05:22 |
IceTox | Anyone good with installing apache on apt-get? I've got an error while processing apache: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12875 | 05:22 |
sfllaw | What's a good Thinkpad to buy, if you were, I dunno, thinking of putting Ubuntu on it? | 05:22 |
sfllaw | Hypothetically speaking. | 05:22 |
linux_galore | sfllaw: the older PIII models work perfect | 05:22 |
t0p | Is there a fault in the dapper live cd installer? Ppl on forums etc been saying its wiped their disks | 05:23 |
Flannel | thinking about it hypothetically, sfllaw? ;) | 05:23 |
_jason | !dapper | 05:23 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 05:23 |
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sfllaw | Flannel: The laptop still works. But I travel a lot. | 05:23 |
linux_galore | T40 works fine with Ubuntu | 05:23 |
sfllaw | And it's been dropped n times now. | 05:23 |
blindx | IceTox, I just tried and got the same error. Don't know why | 05:23 |
Flannel | !hardware | 05:24 |
ubotu | hardware is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 05:24 |
tonyyarusso | sfllaw, Why hypothetically? Running on a T43 myself. | 05:24 |
ubuntu | Hello all | 05:24 |
Flannel | woohoo. there is one. | 05:24 |
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crimsun | sfllaw: #ubuntu-laptop, topic | 05:24 |
Flannel | sfllaw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops | 05:24 |
tonyyarusso | Flannel, We would lecture you about !fishing......but you were right. ;) | 05:24 |
Flannel | but, thehardware support will get you there | 05:24 |
crimsun | sfllaw: in essence, "most of the ThinkPads barring the new *6 series" | 05:24 |
minerale | can anyone tell me if it's worth it to run the amd64 branch considering the better performance vs missing out on flash and codecs? | 05:24 |
chriskilmer | i've got a dell inspiron 8500 laptop that i have just installed ubuntu on. i wanted to config my wireless. however, when i use the network applet to view my connections, my wifi card isn't even listed. can anyone provide some suggestions? i've googled my head out and haven't found the answer. | 05:24 |
blindx | What's the mencoder switch to change movie format? Like, I have an avi, I want to change it to an mpeg.. I just don't remember the switch.. :| | 05:24 |
Flannel | tonyyarusso: grin, I got lucky | 05:24 |
linux_galore | sfllaw: good link with info on many laptops many with Ubuntu installed -> http://tuxmobil.org/distribution_linux_laptop_ubuntu.html | 05:25 |
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sfllaw | Beautiful. You're all wonderful people. | 05:26 |
blindx | Thanks :D | 05:26 |
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jadaz87 | flannel how do i remove packages that were installed along with kubuntu-desktop? | 05:27 |
jadaz87 | flannel all together i mean | 05:27 |
DarkElf109 | blindx: You can stop asking. If anybody knows, you'll find out =) | 05:27 |
orbin | chriskilmer: there are a few forum topics it seems | 05:27 |
Flannel | er, there's some... debfoster. except I believe theres a new packaging program that will do it, I really don't know. | 05:28 |
linux_galore | I noticed Lenovo are already making the laptops with cheap none Linux supported stuff, unlike when they were under IBM | 05:28 |
blindx | Well thanks for responding, DarkElf109. Now I know I'm not being ignored. | 05:28 |
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DarkElf109 | blindx: Glad to help =) I'm looking it up now, btw, so, if I find anything, I'll let you know | 05:28 |
sfllaw | Well, whadaya know. Hubert bought a Z60t. | 05:28 |
linux_galore | I have a feeling Lenovo are going to totally stuff up the linux support to keep the things cheap and everyone will swap to macbooks | 05:29 |
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sfllaw | That's too bad. X11 likes three buttons. | 05:30 |
DarkElf109 | blindx: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/menc-feat-vcd-dvd.html#menc-feat-vcd-dvd-lavc might help | 05:30 |
blindx | thanks, I'll check it out | 05:30 |
=== Tommy83a [n=Tommy83a@cli-504b115e.stadsnat.gippnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galore | hmm Z60t works with Ubuntu with some stuffing around | 05:31 |
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ubuntu | is there anyway to test my laptop hardware if it is compatible with Mandriv , before installing it? | 05:32 |
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DarkElf109 | ubuntu: You mean...Ubuntu? | 05:33 |
ubuntu | no | 05:33 |
Flannel | ubuntu: I suppose you should check their website for hardware compatability. | 05:33 |
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ubuntu | Thank you | 05:34 |
Flannel | ubuntu: I have no idea if they have one, but I don't think you expected anyone here to. | 05:34 |
ubuntu | ok | 05:34 |
holycow | ubuntu, why the hell would you ask that here? | 05:34 |
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jadaz87 | !language | 05:34 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 05:34 |
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sfllaw | holycow: Excuse me. | 05:34 |
ubuntu | thanks | 05:34 |
codecaine | why don't samba don't work with windows on ubuntu? | 05:34 |
Flannel | codecaine: it does? | 05:34 |
holycow | ubuntu, why don't you just phone/email/surfe their forums? | 05:35 |
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holycow | asking that here is like asking for windows help in #fedora | 05:35 |
DarkElf109 | ubuntu: http://wwwnew.mandriva.com/community/mandrivaone | 05:35 |
jadaz87 | does anyone know what the direct address for the universe repos so i can download a debfile directly from it? | 05:35 |
DarkElf109 | Hey, guys, calm down. Don't have to get evangelical...'least he's using Linux, at least | 05:35 |
=== Apostle^ [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | whats wrong with you? don't speak english? | 05:35 |
codecaine | doesn't show the shows folder shows that an smb is up but not directory | 05:35 |
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sfllaw | holycow: Please be civil. | 05:36 |
holycow | can't handle the slightest thing that doesn't fit into your little categorical world view | 05:36 |
holycow | right? | 05:36 |
jadaz87 | !tell holycow about conduct | 05:36 |
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holycow | lol or what? | 05:36 |
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jadaz87 | does anyone know what the direct address for the universe repos so i can download a debfile directly from it? | 05:37 |
tritium | holycow: be nice | 05:37 |
holycow | this has nothing to do about civility, i like what you guys preach its great | 05:37 |
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linux_galore | jadaz87: ttp://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu | 05:38 |
linux_galore | http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu | 05:38 |
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jadaz87 | linux_galore is that the dapper one? | 05:39 |
linux_galore | jadaz87: the directories are marked | 05:39 |
DarkElf109 | jadaz87: Head into dists/dapper, and you're golden | 05:39 |
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_jason | jadaz87: packages.ubuntu.com would probably be easier | 05:40 |
jadaz87 | _jason linux_galore thank you all | 05:40 |
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACD8FE51.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | wow just set up dualboot with linux/windows xp | 05:40 |
=== Ruckus [n=Ruckus@12-221-125-186.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | ubuntu is great | 05:41 |
linux_galore | jadaz87: this one works sorry last one seems to not work -> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ | 05:41 |
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DarkElf109 | Apostle^: Congrats! Eventually, you'll end up with a single-boot again...just Linux =) | 05:41 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: i doubt it, i tried to play doom3/quake 4 on linux it ran like garbage because of ati's terrible linux driver | 05:41 |
blindx | -of that's it! | 05:41 |
blindx | -of mpeg | 05:41 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: i needed a game system since i dont have an xbox 360 yet | 05:41 |
ben_underscore | Apostle^, and if you got an Intel Apple Mac you could tri-boot OSX, XP and Linux | 05:42 |
linux_galore | Apostle^: ATi make nice cards but there drivers are total crap even on windows | 05:42 |
DarkElf109 | ben_underscore: Who needs a mac? osx86project.org | 05:42 |
=== frank23 [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ben_underscore | DarkElf109, you don't get Acqua with it | 05:42 |
Apostle^ | linux_galore: yea alteast i can run stuff on windows, i'm also overclocking my card on windows /w atitool | 05:43 |
DarkElf109 | ben_underscore: Meh. Not a big deal. OSX has some nice apps...if I wanted a pretty OS, I'd install Koraraa and be done with it | 05:43 |
Apostle^ | linux_galore: got mem/core up to 475 | 05:43 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: What card? | 05:43 |
Apostle^ | x700 pro 256mb pci-e | 05:43 |
=== HiDeo [n=HiDeo@73.155.39-62.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HiDeo | hello | 05:43 |
Apostle^ | runs doom3 on high perfectly | 05:43 |
Apostle^ | gonna try quake 4 tomrrow | 05:44 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: Darn you...I'm still using a 6800 vanilla AGP to play Oblivion =P | 05:44 |
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Apostle^ | i've had this card for like a year | 05:44 |
Apostle^ | i love it | 05:44 |
Apostle^ | just hate ati's drivers. | 05:44 |
Apostle^ | whats oblivion?? | 05:44 |
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DarkElf109 | Go nVidia. The drivers keep getting better | 05:44 |
DarkElf109 | 0_0 | 05:44 |
linux_galore | Apostle^: there are tools in Linux for overclocking ati stuff | 05:44 |
Apostle^ | linux_galore: the driver is too poor not worth it | 05:44 |
Apostle^ | i cant even run d3 on low in linux | 05:44 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I'd reckon it's the best PC RPG ever created | 05:44 |
IceTox | ok, thanks for trying blindx :-) | 05:45 |
=== comrade [n=comrade@69-162-55-155.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | oh i dont play rpg's | 05:45 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: Bah. You're dead to me now =P | 05:45 |
Apostle^ | im dling quake 4, call of duty 2, f.e.a.r and battle field 1942 | 05:45 |
steel | does elder scrolls work in cedega? | 05:45 |
Apostle^ | haha | 05:45 |
=== mischko [n=esther@207-118-80-11.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | steel: Morrowind should...you'll have to check their site to see if Oblivion's working yet | 05:45 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: i setup windows with the ext2 driver already :-P | 05:45 |
Apostle^ | dunno if i should bother mounting my NTFS part in linux, no point really. | 05:46 |
DarkElf109 | steel: I will say, even if it is, you're better off dual booting for this one game...it's worth it entirely | 05:46 |
steel | yea, i have it, jsut wonderin' | 05:46 |
=== bifodus [n=Yup@roy-tuc-univ-148-229.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | i have a humungous HD | 05:46 |
mischko | How do I switch from Kubunto to Ubuntu | 05:46 |
mischko | ? | 05:46 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: Well, there's that new writable NTFS driver, that operates on the same principals as ndiswrapper | 05:46 |
Apostle^ | so i pretty much do whatever i want | 05:46 |
Apostle^ | eh no need since i can read/write from windows | 05:46 |
Apostle^ | i just like to DL torrents on linux, so i can have it on and just switch to windows for gaming | 05:47 |
linux_galore | mischko: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 05:47 |
DarkElf109 | mischko: Installation, or simply on boot? | 05:47 |
=== Elazar [n=matt@ip68-229-159-133.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steel | how are you able to wreite onto your windows partition? | 05:47 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: Torrents of creative commons music and linux distributions, right? *wink wink nudge nudge* | 05:47 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: whats a good action game ? | 05:47 |
Elazar | Running FF Anyone know how I can have it interpret a middle-click on the mouse as clicking on the Back button? | 05:47 |
linux_galore | steel: is it ntfs | 05:47 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: you know it brotha | 05:47 |
steel | i can't write to mine... | 05:48 |
steel | i mounted it... but no writey | 05:48 |
linux_galore | steel: is its a ntfs partition | 05:48 |
mischko | DarkElf109: I'm running kubuntu 5.1 now and wanted to switch to Gnome Ubuntu. | 05:48 |
linux_galore | steel: Microsoft hasnt documented NTFS | 05:48 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: ubersoldier looks nice. | 05:48 |
steel | oh | 05:48 |
=== jygge [n=jygge@a88-112-195-118.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steel | ok | 05:48 |
DarkElf109 | steel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaptiveHowTo?highlight=%28captive%29%7C%28ntfs%29 | 05:49 |
linux_galore | steel: you can get an app called "captive" that allows read write to a NTFS partition from Linux but if things break dont complain | 05:49 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: I've been playing BF2 and UT2k4 for a while now...they're both still great games | 05:49 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: yea | 05:49 |
linux_galore | steel: http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/ | 05:49 |
steel | thanks | 05:50 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: dude check out ubersoldier i just looked @ a screen, it looks insane | 05:50 |
DarkElf109 | mischko: Yeah, do like linux_galore said and get ubuntu-desktop, then, on boot, select gnome instead of kde | 05:50 |
steel | ill just keep it non-writable | 05:50 |
steel | no need to frack it up | 05:50 |
=== River [n=annie@c211-30-65-244.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: You seen the shots from the next FarCry game yet? It looks as close to real as I've ever seen | 05:50 |
linux_galore | steel: just get a USB thumb drive, end of problem | 05:50 |
DarkElf109 | linux_galore: 2gb file limit | 05:50 |
linux_galore | steel: or next time create a 1Gb fat32 partition | 05:50 |
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DarkElf109 | linux_galore: Or 4? I forget... | 05:51 |
linux_galore | 4Gb | 05:51 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: no i havent, i have far-cry on a dvd.. not sure if i will install it on my windows, i have beaten it already long time ago:-P | 05:51 |
=== badfish [n=badfish@CPE-70-92-24-161.mn.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | Meh. Still a problem when you're working with DVD images | 05:51 |
linux_galore | think it depends on your sector size | 05:51 |
DarkElf109 | Nah, Fat32 is limited to 4gb per file | 05:51 |
badfish | What's goin on all. | 05:52 |
River | can anyone tell me if I need to put in a symlink to get the macromedia flash working in Ubuntu | 05:52 |
linux_galore | steel: the fat32 partition can be read by Linux and Windows | 05:52 |
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linux_galore | steel: and you can write to it | 05:52 |
steel | so... its kind of the middle man | 05:53 |
DarkElf109 | steel: I've used captive a bit, and I've never had problems with it...just a liability thing. Same as any alpha software | 05:53 |
EvilolivE_ | linux_galore: fat32 have a max size limit?? | 05:53 |
linux_galore | steel: yes, just a dumping area | 05:53 |
steel | ok thaks | 05:53 |
DarkElf109 | EvilolivE_: Yeah. 4gb/file. | 05:53 |
linux_galore | EvilolivE_: yeah there a partition limit and a file limit | 05:53 |
DarkElf109 | Only really a problem with videos and DVD images | 05:53 |
linux_galore | EvilolivE_: both are a none issue for me with linux as i have XFS and that has a 3,000 Tb file limit lol | 05:54 |
=== TTT_Travis [n=Travis@bal-bb-cable-1-39.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: check this out, looks pretty damn good ... http://www.dailygame.net/Articles/media/screens/ubersold/ubersold2.jpg | 05:54 |
TTT_Travis | how can I delete all mpg files in a several folders deep recursively | 05:55 |
TTT_Travis | It would take forever todo folder by folder | 05:55 |
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DarkElf109 | Apostle^: http://uk.media.pc.ign.com/media/694/694190/imgs_1.html | 05:55 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: I win =) | 05:55 |
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Apostle^ | DarkElf109: HOLY MACARONI | 05:56 |
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Apostle^ | DarkElf109: are those in game? | 05:56 |
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badfish | TTT_Travis | 05:56 |
badfish | did you get your answer? | 05:56 |
badfish | I can help otherwise | 05:56 |
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theplateau | hey its been a while since ive burned linux, i have completley forgot how to do it using nero | 05:57 |
linux_galore | TTT_Travis: you need to use two tools the file command and the rm -r command | 05:57 |
theplateau | can someone help remind me | 05:57 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: Sorta. They're rendered with the new CryTech engine, or whatever it's called. It's the engine that the game will use, in-game | 05:57 |
=== [Rodrigo [n=rodrigo@200-103-240-49.ctame7042.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[Rodrigo | !xgl | 05:57 |
fluvvell | theplateau, do you have an .iso file? | 05:57 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/ | 05:57 |
theplateau | i just attempted to burn and the actual iso was burned | 05:57 |
theplateau | yea | 05:57 |
TTT_Travis | badfish I still need an answer | 05:57 |
badfish | TTT_TRAVIS: find /pathname -name \*.mpg -exec rm -f {} \; | 05:57 |
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TTT_Travis | k | 05:57 |
TTT_Travis | thanks | 05:57 |
badfish | np | 05:57 |
DarkElf109 | theplateau: Download an iso, go to Recorder>Burn Image, find it, burn it | 05:57 |
linux_galore | sorry the find command and rm -r | 05:58 |
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badfish | that will find all .mpg files in /pathname and remove them. | 05:58 |
fluvvell | theplateau, I just used k3b last time, you select burn cd image | 05:58 |
badfish | TTT_Travis, make sure you get the slashes right! | 05:58 |
theplateau | on the left is it | 05:58 |
theplateau | cd rom iso | 05:58 |
theplateau | or cd rom boot | 05:58 |
DarkElf109 | iso | 05:58 |
River | I have just upgraded firefox to 1.5 and am trying to get my plugins working, | 05:59 |
River | have used synapyic to install java and symlinked them so they work well, have synaptic'd macromedia plugins as well but don't know the symlink ... can anyone help ? | 05:59 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: i bet the req's to play that game = like 2gb ram @ minimum | 05:59 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: and a sli card | 05:59 |
AngryElf | what is 802.3 as it relates to 802.11b/g? | 05:59 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet that, to get the advanced graphics, a physics card is required =P | 05:59 |
DarkElf109 | AngryElf: 802.3 is ethernet | 05:59 |
TTT_Travis | badfish worked like a charm | 05:59 |
HiDeo | 802.3 = ethernet | 06:00 |
TTT_Travis | thanks allot | 06:00 |
Apostle^ | DarkElf109: cold fusion lol | 06:00 |
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galore | badfish: surprised no one has added a plugin to any of the file browser to recursive delete or rename folder, its a common question | 06:00 |
AngryElf | DarkElf109, as in plain ordinary ethernet? | 06:00 |
DarkElf109 | Apostle^: Heh. Cold fusion power supply =P | 06:00 |
DarkElf109 | AngryElf: Yup. Plain old ethernet | 06:00 |
HiDeo | yes | 06:00 |
HiDeo | read ccna | 06:00 |
DarkElf109 | As specified by the IEEE in 199* | 06:00 |
DarkElf109 | I *think* it was '97 | 06:00 |
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AngryElf | is there a reason most wireless routers are toting 802.3 all of a sudden?...correct me if i'm wrong but that wasn't the case a couple months back | 06:01 |
fluvvell | can anyone who recently compiled from a tar.gz, remind me what " No rule to make target `modules'. " indicates that I should install which packages first? | 06:01 |
DarkElf109 | I just looked this stuff up yesterday...was reading an article on cluster hookups =P | 06:01 |
fluvvell | I thought I had all my sources in.... | 06:01 |
=== Owner [n=Owner@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galore | AngryElf: security | 06:01 |
DarkElf109 | fluvvell: Untar, ./configure, make, make install | 06:01 |
badfish | Anyone else have sound hissing issues? | 06:02 |
steel | how do i share my ubuntu files to other people with linux; and people with windows | 06:02 |
DarkElf109 | AngryElf: You sure it's not 802.1x? | 06:02 |
=== bon_ [n=bon@82-41-231-23.cable.ubr08.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
badfish | I'm on a HP nc6220 laptop | 06:02 |
AngryElf | no, it's .3 | 06:02 |
linux_galore | steel: samba | 06:02 |
fluvvell | yeah, thanks DarkElf109, thats where i get the No rule to make... comment from | 06:02 |
crimsun | badfish: please elaborate | 06:02 |
AngryElf | i've just seen it a lot on websites selling them lately | 06:02 |
linux_galore | steel: of setup an ftp server | 06:02 |
steel | so... /join #samba and stop botherign you? | 06:02 |
linux_galore | or* | 06:02 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Nah. We can help! | 06:03 |
Owner | HI, i have a weird problem where my monitor gives me a "frequency out of range" error | 06:03 |
steel | hehe | 06:03 |
steel | lemme just look up ftp servers for a bit | 06:03 |
Owner | i can still use the computer cause i can hear the login sound...but i can't see anything | 06:03 |
Owner | any help? | 06:03 |
fluvvell | DarkElf, I've got kernel headers, source and build essential in, but still no go... | 06:03 |
linux_galore | steel: depends how complex you want it to be, for simple file sharing ftp is for fine but for more complex stuff use samba | 06:03 |
blindx | Why is it so incredibly hard to burn a VCD? I finally get the AVI converted to mpeg format, CDRDAO is missing. whatever, install that. Now VCDIMAGER is missing. wtf.. | 06:03 |
bon_ | hi i got a problem installing a plugin for gwenview "piwiz" for resizeing photos this is what i get http://pastebin.com/680360 | 06:03 |
DarkElf109 | steel: apt-get install samba, then go to...something. Hold on =P | 06:04 |
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steel | heh | 06:04 |
DarkElf109 | fluvvell: Still a 'modules' error? What are you compiling? | 06:04 |
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noiesmo | Owner, do Ctrl+Alt+F2 from here you can login and reconfigure your xserver | 06:04 |
steel | i got that far | 06:04 |
orbin | ubotu: tell Owner about xorg | 06:04 |
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linux_galore | blindx: I use k3b, total no brainer when it comes to burning | 06:04 |
River | can anyone help me with a symlink command line ? | 06:05 |
blindx | linux_galore, i AM using k3b | 06:05 |
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fluvvell | DarkElf109, its a kernel module for Intel536EP modem, I've done it before on another machine, the howto has changed a little at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97983&highlight=536ep but I'm missing something.... | 06:05 |
linux_galore | blindx: hmm, wonder if its a bug | 06:05 |
Owner | how can i get dir to show me hidden files also? | 06:05 |
bon_ | hi i got a problem installing a plugin for gwenview "picwiz" for resizeing photos this is what i get http://pastebin.com/680360 | 06:05 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Once you've got samba installed, right click a folder, select Sharing..., select samba, and wotk from there | 06:05 |
hajuu | hey guys.. need an ident server for irc... anyone know how to do that? | 06:05 |
crimsun | try oidentd | 06:05 |
blindx | it doesn't burn avi files. also, it doesn't resample mpgs, they have to be in VCD format or they don't burn correctly. | 06:05 |
DarkElf109 | Owner: ls -a | 06:06 |
=== fluvvell tries to remove mental block | ||
=== dapperdude [n=albanian@ool-44c7d33a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galore | blindx: have a look on the k3b home page there have been some weird bugs with set file types, all fixed now | 06:06 |
steel | how do i make windows computers see it | 06:06 |
=== fluvvell finds however that the mortar has set firm | ||
=== JeffAMcGee [n=jeff@host-66-205-125-240.classicnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | steel: Make sure it's on the same domain/workgroup | 06:07 |
bon_ | does anyone know a good program for batch resizing photo's? | 06:07 |
orbin | Owner: hidden ones start w/ a . | 06:07 |
steel | yea got that | 06:07 |
csixty4 | hi all | 06:07 |
steel | what should i put for host description? | 06:07 |
DarkElf109 | fluvvell: Hrm. Not sure what the problem would be...sorry =/ | 06:07 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Whatever you want =) It's a personal thing | 06:07 |
dapperdude | if I wanted to shutdown linux in say 2 hrs, what exact command/string should I enter | 06:07 |
River | can anyone point me inthe right direction to find a symlink ? | 06:07 |
fluvvell | ok DarkElf109, thanks. Anyone else care to have a stab at it? | 06:07 |
steel | whats WINS server? | 06:07 |
linux_galore | blindx: I backed up all my anime stuff last week with k3b 0.12.4 worked fine avi vcd the lot | 06:07 |
DarkElf109 | dapperdude: shutdown -hP +120 | 06:08 |
blindx | linux_galore, the link underneath "K3b 0.12.15 (KDE 3.2)" -- can i still use that if I'm on gnome? :\ | 06:08 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Shouldn't need it | 06:08 |
dapperdude | darkelf thanks | 06:08 |
linux_galore | blindx: yes | 06:08 |
=== fluvvell has set up dozens of samba shares | ||
linux_galore | blindx: as long as you have kde installed | 06:08 |
blindx | ... | 06:08 |
blindx | I don't | 06:08 |
linux_galore | blindx: then no | 06:08 |
linux_galore | blindx: how can you use k3b then if you dont have kde installed | 06:09 |
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steel | :\ i'm still not seen by my friend in the workgroup | 06:09 |
DarkElf109 | linux_galore: kdelibs package =) | 06:09 |
linux_galore | aaah | 06:09 |
blindx | linux_galore, I didn't specially install it. does it come installed? | 06:09 |
linux_galore | blindx: should work | 06:09 |
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DarkElf109 | steel: Try sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 06:09 |
Owner | thanks a lot orbin, that ubotu tip worked, i appreciate it | 06:09 |
blindx | it should work? | 06:09 |
blindx | im so confused. | 06:10 |
linux_galore | blindx: if you have k3b working it will work | 06:10 |
blindx | ok. | 06:10 |
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linux_galore | blindx: the new one will | 06:10 |
=== VR_ [i=vr@31-107.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steel | ah, thanks | 06:10 |
orbin | Owner: no sweat | 06:10 |
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galore | the k3b guys build against older versions of kde not the new one so it should work | 06:10 |
fluvvell | steel, have you shared a file or folder? Get your friend on windows to do a search for computer, use the name of your machine | 06:10 |
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bon_ | does anyone know a good program for batch resizing photo's? kununtu | 06:11 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Oh, yeah, you actually needa make a share, too =P | 06:11 |
steel | eh? | 06:11 |
=== MEtaLpREs [n=metalpre@c-24-62-67-63.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluvvell | bon_ , ImageMagix has programs to do that | 06:11 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Make sure you actually have a folder shared | 06:11 |
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linux_galore | bon_: yeah theres a plugin for Konqueror that does that | 06:11 |
DarkElf109 | steel: System>Administration>Shared Folders | 06:12 |
bon_ | mmh ok thx | 06:12 |
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fluvvell | libmagick6 I think | 06:12 |
steel | ah yes | 06:12 |
Owner | is there a way to "demote" to breezy from dapper without data loss or format? | 06:12 |
=== linuzo [n=linuzo@d64-180-172-246.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | Man...I should come in here more often...I had no idea I knew so much =P | 06:12 |
Owner | degrade would be a better term | 06:12 |
fluvvell | bon_ , sorry its imagemagick | 06:13 |
blindx | do i have to uninstall the old version of k3b before i install the new one? | 06:13 |
DarkElf109 | Owner: Downgrade =) But, you could try removing the dapper sources from /etc/apt/sources.list, apt-get updating, and apt-get upgrading...I think...It's not safe in the least bit, mind you | 06:13 |
=== apprentice3 [n=gschuett@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bugz_ [n=bugz@ppp-69-238-54-48.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galore | Owner: only if you have a /home partition | 06:13 |
Owner | blah...i'll just reinstall from scratch | 06:13 |
=== cafuego [n=cafuego@ppp82-219.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steel | server Enterthegame | 06:14 |
linux_galore | bon_: let me get a link for you | 06:14 |
steel | oops | 06:14 |
=== julien_c [n=julien_c@modemcable010.79-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== steel [n=steel@c-67-187-206-90.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | Now, back to why I came in here... | 06:15 |
DarkElf109 | is it possible to configure auto-login with LTSP clients? I've searched the 'net and forums high and low, and there have only been vague mentionings of it. If it is possible, how is it done? (I'm trying this with edubuntu, but, since that channel's pretty empty, thought I'd try in here) | 06:15 |
=== Owner is now known as majd | ||
julien_c | I just installed Ubuntu Breezer on my other comp, and it stats in terminal... is it normal ? | 06:15 |
julien_c | starts* | 06:15 |
bon_ | thx very much think i might have it | 06:15 |
=== C-O-L-T [n=hunika@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bon_ | installed it but can find it | 06:15 |
hajuu | fuck I cant download anything from universe... why might that be? I can update my lists, but anything wont download from there | 06:15 |
DarkElf109 | julien_c: Have you tried restarting? It may just be a one-time thing | 06:15 |
DarkElf109 | !language | 06:15 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 06:15 |
hajuu | My bad. | 06:16 |
steel | julien_c: try starting your GUI | 06:16 |
DarkElf109 | =) | 06:16 |
csixty4 | what do you mean it starts in terminal? It starts x but opens a terminal window (I think this is normal), or it starts in the full-screen console? | 06:16 |
bon_ | linux_galore : installed it but can find it | 06:16 |
DarkElf109 | julien_c: If you wanna force it open, as an interim solution, use /etc/init.d/gdm start | 06:16 |
julien_c | csixty4: full screen console | 06:16 |
csixty4 | ouch | 06:16 |
blindx | how do i uninstall a program on ubuntu? | 06:16 |
orbin | hajuu: using a mirror? | 06:16 |
DarkElf109 | Nah, no biggy, assuming that X isn't borked already | 06:16 |
orbin | blindx: depends on how you installed it | 06:16 |
DarkElf109 | blindx: apt-get remove <package> | 06:17 |
hajuu | im using the australian mirror, cause I dont seem to even be able to get a list from the us servers | 06:17 |
=== Daskies is now known as Das|Away | ||
DarkElf109 | Alright guys. I've got work to do. If anyone needs me, feel free to message =) | 06:17 |
=== zyth [n=pink@d206-116-100-144.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
orbin | hajuu: really? i've never had a problem w/ the official sources here in melb. | 06:18 |
orbin | ubotu: tell hajuu about sources | 06:18 |
julien_c | -bash: /etc/init.d/gdm: no such fire or directory | 06:18 |
linux_galore | bon_: there are a few tools heres one http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=32338 and another http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=11505 | 06:18 |
blindx | Hm. I removed the old version of k3b, but the new ./configure tells me to remove the old version :\ | 06:18 |
hajuu | orbin: | 06:18 |
hajuu | Err http://au.archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe slidentd 1.0.0-1 | 06:18 |
hajuu | Connection failed [IP: 80] | 06:18 |
hajuu | Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/slidentd/slidentd_1.0.0-1_i386.deb Connection failed [IP: 80] | 06:18 |
zyth | man #ubuntu-ppc is.. dead. | 06:18 |
hajuu | zyth, lol yeah no kidding | 06:18 |
jadaz87 | zyth no one in there? | 06:18 |
zyth | jadaz87, me and some idle person | 06:19 |
jadaz87 | hey i will join to accompany you | 06:19 |
linux_galore | bon_: with the konqueror one you just right click on the image | 06:19 |
bon_ | linux_galore : ok i will just check them out | 06:19 |
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galore | bon_: there a menu there for resize change format exapand etc | 06:20 |
linux_galore | bon_: flip it around | 06:20 |
linux_galore | bon_: digicam can also do all that stuff too | 06:21 |
=== ckasprzak [n=ckasprza@69-162-199-115.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44b709.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galore | sorry type digiKam | 06:21 |
zyth | Is there 3d support for ATI Rage chipset in X w/o using ATI drivers? | 06:22 |
julien_c | i'll try reinstalling everything, it looks like nothing got installed | 06:22 |
linux_galore | bon_: I use digikam to manage all my images | 06:22 |
=== twidget [i=Charles@adsl-0-9-57.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bon_ | i am useing kubuntu and i quite like gwenview | 06:23 |
steel | man... i can't get my ftp to work... i know i just haven't started it or something like that | 06:23 |
=== AviF [n=AviF@ACA956C1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zyth | steel, did you open port 21 on your firewall? | 06:23 |
zyth | :D | 06:23 |
majd | does ubuntu come with a builtin C compiler? | 06:23 |
steel | hah nope | 06:23 |
majd | steel, was that to me? | 06:23 |
linux_galore | digikam allows you to manage images http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=9957 and even has plugins http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=16082 | 06:24 |
zyth | majd, apt-get install gcc I think would do it. | 06:24 |
steel | it was to anyone who could help me out | 06:24 |
AviF | is the "revolution" irc thread up yet? | 06:24 |
majd | oh ok | 06:24 |
majd | zyth, thanks | 06:24 |
linux_galore | bon_: if you load a gtk app your loading two libs thus slowing the machine down more than needed | 06:24 |
majd | is it ANSI C compatible? | 06:24 |
zyth | yes | 06:24 |
=== zF [n=zF@av104191.reshsg.uci.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ophiocus | hi there, how can i check that i have xgl on my system? | 06:24 |
joelbryan | !wma | 06:25 |
AviF | from the ubuntu cafe in the forums | 06:25 |
ubotu | from memory, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats | 06:25 |
blindx | I'm really having some troubles coping with linux :@ | 06:25 |
steel | how do i figure out my local IP address in ubuntu? | 06:25 |
linux_galore | Ophiocus: trust me if you have XGL you know it | 06:25 |
blindx | I go to install this, it needs that. I go to install that, it needs that other thing. | 06:25 |
=== jadaz87 is now known as jadaz87`sleep | ||
blindx | I go to install that other thing. it needs something else. | 06:25 |
bon_ | linux_galore : never knew that but i am still learning about linux | 06:25 |
linux_galore | blindx: use apt-get install digikam | 06:25 |
blindx | what's that linux_galore | 06:25 |
zyth | blindx, are you using apt-get? it automagically handles all the dependancies. | 06:25 |
steel | i need the equivalent of 'ipconfig' in windows | 06:25 |
blindx | no, it's not IN apt-get | 06:26 |
noiesmo | steel, ifconfig | 06:26 |
zyth | steel: ifconfig | 06:26 |
steel | ohh tricky | 06:26 |
linux_galore | blindx: apt-get installs applications from the kubuntu/ubuntu repositories on the internet | 06:26 |
blindx | yes, i know that | 06:26 |
blindx | i was asking what "digikam" was | 06:26 |
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Ophiocus | linux_galore: well things like 3d screensavers that used to crawl on breezy are hammer fast in dapper, that means xgl right? | 06:26 |
AviF | hello? | 06:26 |
steel | can i connect to my own FTP server on the same comp? | 06:26 |
=== jadaz87`sleep is now known as jadaz87`insomnia | ||
linux_galore | blindx: digikam is the all in one image/digital camera manager for kde | 06:26 |
MEtaLpREs | yes | 06:26 |
blindx | linux_galore, why would i want/need that? :\ | 06:27 |
=== gromov [n=gromov@Toronto-HSE-ppp3870549.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_galore | Ophiocus: no | 06:27 |
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
-gromov:#ubuntu- LOL http://lnk.bz/oh | 06:27 | |
Ophiocus | linux_galore: how could i "prove myself" xgl is installed? | 06:27 |
linux_galore | Ophiocus: XGL sticks out like soar thumb, everything is heavily animated, grab a terminal window and when you move it it flexes like its made of rubber | 06:27 |
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-137-82.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AviF | does anyone now? | 06:28 |
AviF | know | 06:28 |
-gromov:#ubuntu- LOL http://lnk.bz/oh | 06:28 | |
linux_galore | bon_: sorry wrong name | 06:28 |
julien_c | linux_galore: wow lol... eye candy at its best | 06:28 |
linux_galore | blindx: sorry wrong name ack | 06:28 |
blindx | lmfao | 06:28 |
BuckWild | Ophiocus, no, that means openGL, what the eff | 06:28 |
bon_ | yeah do with that | 06:28 |
blindx | this fu**ing thing won't install :@ | 06:29 |
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BuckWild | XGL is next gen cool shit | 06:29 |
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AviF | please? | 06:29 |
BuckWild | I wish it would come installed on dapper dammit... | 06:29 |
rolim | hi, | 06:29 |
Ophiocus | i c | 06:29 |
linux_galore | yeah but XGL is still experimental | 06:29 |
DarkElf109 | !language | 06:29 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 06:29 |
rolim | i need 1 help :D | 06:29 |
BuckWild | oh, sorry | 06:29 |
DarkElf109 | Bah...I come back for 1 minute... | 06:29 |
=== xauz [n=xauz@200-96-52-224.cscgo7002.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steel | i've install "proftpd", how do i start a server up? | 06:29 |
fluvvell | steel, you can connect to your own machine on any server you run | 06:29 |
-gromov:#ubuntu- LOL http://lnk.bz/oh | 06:29 | |
AviF | hello!? | 06:29 |
fluvvell | steel, it should be started automatically | 06:30 |
blindx | avif: what? | 06:30 |
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rolim | i have my cdrom mount error | 06:30 |
-gromov:#ubuntu- LOL http://lnk.bz/oh | 06:30 | |
blindx | !ops | 06:30 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee | 06:30 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Probably something along the lines of /etc/init.d/proftpd | 06:30 |
Ophiocus | how could i get xgl now? i feel like trying next gen cool shit :D | 06:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
zyth | uuug laaag | 06:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*n=gromov@*.sympatico.ca] by Amaranth | ||
da3rX | (07:30:11) -gromov@#ubuntu- LOL http://lnk.bz/oh | 06:30 |
rolim | i have it in /dev/hdb, this is corect? | 06:30 |
da3rX | this dude's spamming me with this link | 06:30 |
BuckWild | Ophiocus, you have to run dapper first, and I dunno, I couldn't get it working | 06:30 |
BuckWild | good luck with it | 06:30 |
AviF | you know the revolution topic on the forums | 06:30 |
Madpilot | da3rX, he spammed the whole channel | 06:30 |
blindx | da3rX, don't follow it. | 06:30 |
Apostle^ | !ntfs | 06:30 |
ubotu | rumour has it, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 06:30 |
da3rX | i haven't | 06:30 |
blindx | trust me. don't follow it | 06:30 |
Ophiocus | well so far so good, sourceforge download? | 06:30 |
BuckWild | I installed dapper beta with the explicit intention of getting XGL to work and I completely failed | 06:30 |
ITSa341 | there's a loser in every bunch | 06:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
Amaranth | BuckWild: #ubuntu-xgl | 06:31 |
steel | steel@steel:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start | 06:31 |
steel | ProFTPd is started from inetd/xinetd. | 06:31 |
AviF | blindx? | 06:31 |
da3rX | yea it seemed to be like a bot, so i didnt | 06:31 |
=== gromov [n=gromov@Toronto-HSE-ppp3870549.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
blindx | what Avif? | 06:31 |
rolim | please, any helpme | 06:31 |
BuckWild | Amaranth, oh don't worry, I'm not going to ask a question, I gave up on that days ago | 06:31 |
=== LoMonteiro [n=luis@200-171-180-2.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | steel: /etc/init.d/xinted restart, then | 06:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
DarkElf109 | or inetd, whatever you're running | 06:31 |
AviF | do you know the topic in the forums about revolution | 06:31 |
blindx | I do not. | 06:31 |
=== monsterb [n=monsterb@c-71-201-196-192.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | AviF: If you'd like help regarding a certain post on the forum, please provide a lunk | 06:32 |
DarkElf109 | link* | 06:32 |
steel | the restart command didnt work | 06:32 |
=== execve [n=bann3d@host86-136-4-71.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
steel | no such file or directory | 06:32 |
AviF | no not about the post | 06:32 |
=== da3rX [n=Erko@212-49-2-218.vihvi.webs.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | steel: /etc/init.d/inted restart, then =) | 06:32 |
fluvvell | If I recall last time I set it up, ProFTP needs a bit of a tweak after installing | 06:32 |
=== linux-soldiers [n=linux-so@modemcable131.35-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rolim | hey, any helpme | 06:32 |
steel | oh yea that either | 06:32 |
=== Kupal[] [n=Kupal[|] @247-167.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | yo | 06:32 |
orbin | !help | 06:32 |
AviF | he was setting up an irc channel and I wanted to know if anyone knew if it was up yet? | 06:32 |
Kupal[] | lots of people in ubunto? | 06:32 |
rolim | i have my cdrom mounted in /dev/hdb, it is corect? | 06:32 |
AviF | no rolim | 06:33 |
Kupal[] | So, im an old time debian user. You guys have been annoying #debian for years. I wonder should I consider using ubunto? | 06:33 |
=== slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
AviF | that would be a hard drive I believe | 06:33 |
steel | rolin: /media/cdrom[0,1,2,3,4] | 06:33 |
DarkElf109 | Kupal[] : ubunt*u*, and yes, you should =) | 06:33 |
zyth | Kupal[] , nah, Unbunto is weird. ;) | 06:33 |
blindx | Kupal[] , you joined the channel, it's ubuntu. | 06:33 |
=== m5m [n=michael@pool-71-102-156-80.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | rolim: yes, if its connected as the primary slave | 06:33 |
blindx | I'm surprised you're not talking in #ubunto | 06:33 |
Kupal[] | How long would it take me to configure traffic shaping, balancing iptables, on ubuntu? | 06:34 |
zyth | hdb = primary IDE slave | 06:34 |
rolim | what i need for i fix it? | 06:34 |
Kupal[] | I sledgehammer | 06:34 |
m5m | Is anyone here running ubuntu on a new Intel Mac? Heard of anyone doing so? | 06:34 |
Kupal[] | rolim hit it with a hammer. | 06:34 |
DarkElf109 | Kupal[] : If you do it manually, the same time it would take you anywhere else | 06:34 |
zyth | m5m, it's been done. | 06:34 |
AviF | yes m5m | 06:34 |
steel | darkelf109: sorry to bother you in specific, but that didn't work either (no such file or directory) | 06:34 |
AviF | picture on the forums | 06:34 |
zyth | PPC macs are still better. | 06:34 |
=== malv [n=arthur@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | rolim: nothing, having a cdrom on /dev/hdb is fine | 06:34 |
=== zyth sulks. | ||
blindx | steel: what are you trying to do again? | 06:34 |
fluvvell | steel, have you set ServerType yet in /etc/proftp.conf ? | 06:34 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Really? inetd should be installed... | 06:34 |
m5m | zyth: so there are issues with it? | 06:35 |
blindx | proftp, right | 06:35 |
steel | start an ftp server | 06:35 |
Kupal[] | can osX run on a laptop(intel) with same the chipset as the new macs, the new intel-vt stuff ? | 06:35 |
blindx | apache is in the repos, right? | 06:35 |
holycow | wewt! ubuntu on a mini pc | 06:35 |
holycow | sweet | 06:35 |
steel | i apt-get proftd | 06:35 |
holycow | okay | 06:35 |
zyth | m5m, not that I'm aware of, besides heat. Apple underclocks the ATI graphics to keep the thing cool. Ubuntu doesn't. | 06:35 |
holycow | is the dude i kinda slandered still around? | 06:35 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Yeah, check through the config file...probably a setting in there | 06:35 |
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holycow | i wann appologize | 06:35 |
Kupal[] | DarkElf109: some distro's just have the repositorys and the nice configs/or configmakers avail. | 06:35 |
DarkElf109 | holycow: I think he's gone | 06:35 |
steel | ok | 06:35 |
alekz | does ubuntu supports SATA hdds ? | 06:35 |
DarkElf109 | alekz: Yes | 06:35 |
Kupal[] | Debian was ahead of its time for the day but is somewhat behind imho. | 06:36 |
bimberi | blindx: yes | 06:36 |
=== Matic`Makovec [n=biggi_ma@k0x.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steel | yea i set the server type to 'inetd' | 06:36 |
rolim | but i dont anything with my cdrom | 06:36 |
linux_galore | Ophiocus: easy way is to get the kurroo live CD with XGL setup | 06:36 |
holycow | ah well ... i can't stand beyond stupid questions ... but i gotta get over that and start being nice i guess :) | 06:36 |
Kupal[] | what is better about ubuntu then debian? | 06:36 |
DarkElf109 | Kupal[] : There are some simple firewalls available, like firestarter and whatvnot, but I've never done enough iptables work to look deeper than that | 06:36 |
Kupal[] | or how is it different. | 06:36 |
=== Owner [n=Owner@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | Kupal[] , not much | 06:36 |
fluvvell | steel, try standalone | 06:36 |
zyth | Kupal[] , it has a sexier name. | 06:36 |
rolim | i need create one iso with commando DD but i dont | 06:36 |
joelbryan | hello, how do I install gstreamer wma audio codecs? can't find it in RestrictedFormats | 06:36 |
Owner | has anyone had any success running itunes using wine? | 06:36 |
Kupal[] | but debian ppl hate #ununto ppl asking questions. | 06:36 |
zyth | !wma | 06:36 |
ubotu | somebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats | 06:36 |
steel | fluvvell: won't that make my box a dedicated FTP server? | 06:37 |
holycow | Kupal[] , its just debian unstable frozen every 6 months + a rich dudes money to support a bunch of people to do the elbow grease bits | 06:37 |
bimberi | !tell Kupal[] about debian | 06:37 |
holycow | a rich dude that is pretty darned clever imho too | 06:37 |
fluvvell | steel, nope. What are you trying to do though? | 06:37 |
Owner | !tell Owner about debian | 06:37 |
steel | just share my files to my friends on the intarweb | 06:37 |
DarkElf109 | steel: That just means it runs independant of inetd or xinetd. It's what you want | 06:37 |
steel | oh ok | 06:38 |
Kupal[] | Owner? | 06:38 |
Kupal[] | Are you the Owner? | 06:38 |
Owner | yeah | 06:38 |
rolim | hey bimberi, help me :( | 06:38 |
Owner | i own ubuntu and all it's subsidiaries | 06:38 |
=== scanwinder [n=caleb736@CPE-60-224-220-183.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Owner | lol jk | 06:38 |
comrade | anyone know why eclipse sux so much ballz on linux? | 06:38 |
Owner | i'm just a joe schmo linux newb | 06:38 |
DarkElf109 | !languge | 06:38 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DarkElf109 | 06:38 |
zyth | IBM made it. | 06:38 |
DarkElf109 | !language | 06:38 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 06:38 |
alekz | is Video NVIDIA PCI Express 256MB 16x supported ? | 06:39 |
=== dyneuser [n=dyneboli@dsl4-048.express.oricom.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== No1Viking [n=Viking@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
comrade | lol that's not even bad language | 06:39 |
rolim | sorry, i speak portugues, o from brasil | 06:39 |
DarkElf109 | comrade: It shouldn't. It's exactly the same as on any other OS. I know. I've used it | 06:39 |
orbin | holycow: was shuttleworth interested in linux before ubuntu? or is it just a case of it being a project to him? | 06:39 |
=== ogami1972 [n=michael@66-90-205-56.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | rolim: what is the problem? | 06:39 |
DarkElf109 | comrade: 'Tis the Joy of Java | 06:39 |
comrade | DarkElf109, the visual editor runs terrible, eclipse ran really smooth on this machine in windows | 06:39 |
dyneuser | salut | 06:39 |
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DarkElf109 | comrade: That's a plugin. Eclipse itself runs fine, though =) | 06:40 |
zyth | comrade, do you have DRI and all that going in X? | 06:40 |
scanwinder | im having some trouble getting my tv tuner card(bt878 chipset) to work in ubuntu dapper. When i open xawtv i get sound but no video. Can someone please help me resolve this? | 06:40 |
rolim | i use dd if=/dev/hdb of=~/StarWar.iso | 06:40 |
rolim | for create one iso | 06:40 |
orbin | rolim: did you know there's a brazilian channel? | 06:40 |
rolim | but i have error of IO | 06:40 |
comrade | zyth, yea, it's slow in general though | 06:40 |
minerale | I have a second hard drive at /dev/hda1 ... how can I mount it (it's ntfs) | 06:40 |
comrade | it ran good when i was using gentoo, but I never used the visual editor on gentoo | 06:40 |
bimberi | rolim: what is the error? | 06:40 |
rolim | yes, but he dont know anithing | 06:40 |
DarkElf109 | minerale: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 | 06:40 |
AviF | or use the disk mounter | 06:41 |
rolim | wait | 06:41 |
csixty4 | anyone know if the bcm43xx driver in Dapper supports the Broadcom 4311? | 06:41 |
comrade | i dont see how the visual editor would put that much stress on the system | 06:41 |
DarkElf109 | comrade: The VE crashes eclipse on one of my Windows boxes, so it working at all is a blessing to me | 06:41 |
linux-soldiers | _ | 06:41 |
bimberi | rolim: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org if it's more than one line | 06:41 |
rolim | dd: read `/dev/hdb': Erro of in/out | 06:41 |
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=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | comrade: Has something to do with Java eating resources like a fat guy at a county fair pie eating contest... | 06:41 |
zyth | java is evvvvvilll | 06:42 |
zyth | apple's java is more evil | 06:42 |
zyth | I can't get the newest ver unless I upgrade my whole os. evil. | 06:42 |
monsterb | my Java is outdated :) | 06:42 |
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julien_c | DarkElf109: nice analogy lol | 06:42 |
comrade | DarkElf109, yea i guess I had to change the library too to the sun one, or visual stuff didn't run at all with the default java vm | 06:42 |
steel | sweet! it works | 06:42 |
DarkElf109 | You think Java's bad, you should see C#...takes away the one benefit, that it runs on most OS's =P | 06:42 |
linux-soldiers | * | 06:42 |
steel | thanks guys | 06:42 |
DarkElf109 | steel: Glad to help =) | 06:42 |
rolim | sory, i has dont undrstand | 06:43 |
bimberi | rolim: that's the exact message? | 06:43 |
rolim | yes | 06:44 |
linux-soldiers | can some body tell my what is the best IRC Client for Linux - right now i have the defaul pre installed XGAT? | 06:44 |
zyth | I don't think you can ISO a CD with DD? Maybe I'm wrong. | 06:44 |
rolim | have more but nothy inportant | 06:44 |
zyth | linux-soldiers, xchat is about the best. | 06:44 |
julien_c | linux-soldiers: I've used XChat in the past, it rocks | 06:44 |
DarkElf109 | linux-soldiers: I'd say bitchx, but that's because I <3 the console =P | 06:44 |
linux-soldiers | ok thaks! | 06:44 |
rolim | sory, it in my leangue | 06:44 |
rolim | i translate for u underestand | 06:45 |
bimberi | rolim: i think it means that it couldn't read part of the dvd | 06:45 |
steel | the files aren't showing up | 06:45 |
steel | in the ftp | 06:45 |
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=== Journich [n=journich@219-90-154-189.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steel | i don't think they are at least... | 06:45 |
rolim | but i load cd normal | 06:45 |
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=== slaterock [n=slateroc@71-214-193-130.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | anyone know why opengl isn't working in wow? | 06:46 |
scanwinder | im having some trouble getting my tv tuner card(bt878 chipset) to work in ubuntu dapper. When i open xawtv i get sound but no video. Can someone please help me resolve this? | 06:46 |
rolim | if i use ls /media/cdrom0, i see the cd!! | 06:46 |
bon_ | linux_galore : you seem to need plugin for digimak | 06:46 |
bon_ | linux_galore : you seem to need plugin for digikam | 06:46 |
alekz | is Video NVIDIA PCI Express 256MB 16x supported ?? | 06:46 |
blindx | my first torrent download on ubuntu hit 700kb/s ..and now when I run them, they go to 20kb/s at max, and fluctuate from 1 to 20 during that time. I doubt it's the torrent because it happens with every one. what else could this be? | 06:46 |
monsterb | Linux-soldiers: I like XChat. :) | 06:46 |
zyth | slaterock, there could be lots of reasons. Did you edit your wow config to use opengl instead of directx? | 06:46 |
slaterock | or, anyone know how to install successfully the fglrx that come with dapper? | 06:46 |
bimberi | rolim: does the error happen immediately after you type the command? | 06:47 |
rolim | my mount speak /dev/hdb on /media/cdrom ....... | 06:47 |
rolim | y | 06:47 |
slaterock | do you have to remove anyting in the wow config? | 06:47 |
=== AviF [n=AviF@ACA956C1.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
scanwinder | slaterock: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide | 06:47 |
DarkElf109 | blindx: What client? | 06:47 |
rolim | i use 3kb also and i have prob also | 06:47 |
noiesmo | slaterock, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide | 06:47 |
slaterock | scanwinder, i've done that a gazillion times | 06:47 |
comrade | how are so many people running dapper already | 06:47 |
blindx | the default one. what's it.. gnome-btdownload or something? | 06:47 |
slaterock | i cannot get it to work | 06:47 |
comrade | is it even out yet | 06:47 |
scanwinder | slaterock: the bit where i makes you compile stuff? | 06:47 |
DarkElf109 | comrade: Sort of | 06:48 |
scanwinder | http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Generating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_newer_8.24.8_drivers_in_Ubuntu_Dapper | 06:48 |
rolim | dont have more 2 second | 06:48 |
bimberi | comrade: either testing or impatient (or both) :) | 06:48 |
DarkElf109 | comrade: You can upgrade to it | 06:48 |
scanwinder | slaterock: the method 2 on there works every time for me | 06:48 |
comrade | DarkElf109, isn't it still being worked on though | 06:48 |
DarkElf109 | blindx: Grab Azureus from the site, throw it in /opt, and use that | 06:48 |
csixty4 | http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Ge | 06:48 |
csixty4 | +nerating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_newer_8.24.8_drivers_in_Ubuntu_D | 06:48 |
csixty4 | +apper | 06:48 |
bimberi | rolim: does it work for other CDs? | 06:48 |
DarkElf109 | Believe me, it's the only good Java program =P | 06:48 |
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minerale | darkelf109: I'm getting 'mount point /mnt/hda1 does not exist' | 06:48 |
blindx | DarkElf109, I hate azureus | 06:48 |
zyth | DarkElf109, Frostwire is good. | 06:48 |
zyth | blindx, get Transmission | 06:49 |
zyth | it's happy. | 06:49 |
rolim | yes, i place one of cdrom and other dvd | 06:49 |
DarkElf109 | minerale: mkdir /mnt/hda1 | 06:49 |
rolim | this 2, open correct | 06:49 |
DarkElf109 | blindx: Bah. Then it's your own problem =P | 06:49 |
DarkElf109 | zyth: Frostwire? For bittorrent? | 06:49 |
steel | darkelf109: how would i confine my ftp server to only my /home/ftp directory? | 06:49 |
slaterock | i do have an ati 9000 igp card in my notebook | 06:49 |
zyth | DarkElf109, n o | 06:49 |
slaterock | and haven't successfully gotten fglrx working | 06:49 |
zyth | DarkElf109, but it's a good java program ;) | 06:49 |
blindx | now he's going to get "/dev/hda1 is busy or /mnt/hda1 is busy" | 06:49 |
DarkElf109 | Oh, java app | 06:49 |
julien_c | my favorite bittorrent client: microtorrent (or mutorrent, same thing), but it only works on windows | 06:49 |
zyth | Transmission is a good BT client. | 06:49 |
zyth | I use in in OSX. | 06:49 |
=== LoMonteiro [n=LoMontei@200-153-196-237.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkElf109 | steel: Sorry, I haven't configured FTP in a while... | 06:50 |
rolim | c ficou curioso em hehe | 06:50 |
blindx | i was hitting 700kb/s on this torrent though, it's simple, i like it. it doesn't take up a lot of resources. | 06:50 |
blindx | on this client* | 06:50 |
steel | ok | 06:50 |
scanwinder | slaterock: are you getting a particular error? | 06:50 |
rolim | bimberi? | 06:50 |
DarkElf109 | blindx: You could try bittornado...also a good one | 06:50 |
zyth | Torrent speed depends mostly on the seed. | 06:50 |
scanwinder | slaterock: the ati driver is really problematic | 06:50 |
zyth | seeds. | 06:50 |
rolim | q apelido em hehe | 06:50 |
blindx | yeah, i had bittornado on windows.. | 06:50 |
LoMonteiro | hehehehe sim... eu quero saber tbm... | 06:50 |
blindx | hm. worth a try | 06:51 |
zyth | scanwinder, older cards like the ATI Rage don't need fglrx for 3D, right? | 06:51 |
rolim | como fala ideia? | 06:51 |
slaterock | i've never had fglrxinfo show ati | 06:51 |
LoMonteiro | idea | 06:51 |
rolim | s | 06:51 |
bimberi | rolim: then it's probably a fault on that cd/dvd - i understand that dd is not very error tolerant | 06:51 |
LoMonteiro | s um segundo | 06:51 |
slaterock | it alwasy shows mesa | 06:51 |
steel | how do i confine my proftpd server to only my /home/ftp folder? | 06:51 |
zyth | slaterock, then you havent' got it installed properly. | 06:52 |
scanwinder | zynth: isnt there a separate driver for ATI rage on the ati site? | 06:52 |
LoMonteiro | rolim, Idea! | 06:52 |
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | it's an ati radeon mobility 9000 igp | 06:52 |
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rolim | but why i have one erro of burn with k3b and error with dd? | 06:52 |
zyth | scanwinder, under linux I think it uses some open source thingy, I'm unsure tho | 06:52 |
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACD8FE51.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rolim | vlw | 06:52 |
rolim | have u any idea? | 06:52 |
slaterock | the odd thing is, glxgears runs fine | 06:52 |
slaterock | it looks like opengl is working | 06:52 |
rolim | o q ele quiz dizer com a fraze dele? | 06:53 |
LoMonteiro | rolim, o slaterock ? | 06:53 |
scanwinder | slaterock: if opengl is working, usually everything is fine with it | 06:53 |
scanwinder | slaterock: whats it say if you run fglrxinfo | 06:53 |
julien_c | i'm gonna buy a laptop this summer, and was wondering what to choose between ATi and nVidia (what's best with linux ?) | 06:53 |
rolim | q??????????/ | 06:53 |
noiesmo | julien_c, nvidia | 06:53 |
slaterock | right now, i just have the default ati driver that is installed with dapper | 06:53 |
bimberi | rolim: i don't know sorry | 06:53 |
slaterock | so no info on fglrxinfo | 06:53 |
julien_c | noiesmo, ok thank you | 06:53 |
scanwinder | julien_c: nvidea works much nicer in linux | 06:53 |
slaterock | says no such command | 06:53 |
orbin | julien_c: nvidia apparently | 06:54 |
minerale | darkelf109: ok, i created the folder, I mounted that went fine... when I go and try to 'ls' it hangs forever | 06:54 |
rolim | cheat :( | 06:54 |
julien_c | hehe, i think i will go for nvidia then ;) | 06:54 |
scanwinder | slaterock what about glxinfo? | 06:54 |
slaterock | direct rendering: yes | 06:54 |
slaterock | server glx vendor string: sgi | 06:54 |
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DarkElf109 | minerale: That's...odd. I'm not sure what the problem is. Sorry =/ | 06:55 |
=== Starwatcher [n=Starwatc@67-54-254-116.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scanwinder | slaterock: what happens when you install the ati driver from the ati website? | 06:55 |
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slaterock | it never works | 06:55 |
DarkElf109 | Alright. I needa go to sleep. 'Night all | 06:55 |
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slaterock | it always shows up as mesa in fglrxinfo | 06:55 |
orbin | slaterock: how are you trying to install it? | 06:55 |
julien_c | good night DarkElf109 | 06:56 |
slaterock | i've created the deb packages, i've used hte installer | 06:56 |
slaterock | blah blah blah blah blah | 06:56 |
orbin | most important step is the module stuff | 06:56 |
slaterock | ?? | 06:56 |
rolim | ok, bimberi, tanks for u help :D | 06:56 |
steel | when i try to connect to my FTP it just says "recieving file names..." forever | 06:57 |
scanwinder | slaterock: have you used module-assistant to compile the fglrx module? | 06:57 |
orbin | slaterock: you used the wiki page right? | 06:57 |
slaterock | yes... | 06:57 |
slaterock | i believe so | 06:57 |
noiesmo | slackern, have a look might be helpfull http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problems_with_fglrx | 06:57 |
=== Papageno [n=Papag3n0@cpe-24-160-126-32.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | rolim: np :) | 06:58 |
scanwinder | can someone help me get my tv tuner card working in dapper? i get sound but no video | 06:58 |
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eggzeck | scanwinder, #ubuntu+1 | 06:58 |
scanwinder | eggzeck: what? | 06:58 |
Papageno | My monitor can run at 1600x1200 at 75 Hz, but the resolution app only lets me do 60 Hz for any res. How can I inform it of my monitors capabilities, or alternatively, how can I force 75 Hz? | 06:59 |
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scanwinder | eggzeck: oh right | 06:59 |
eggzeck | this channel is for latest stable, ask dapper questions in #ubuntu+1 | 06:59 |
eggzeck | :) | 06:59 |
=== Beawolfe [n=dale@ip68-100-129-38.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
monsterb | !qemu | 07:00 |
ubotu | qemu is probably an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=200357&postcount=1 | 07:00 |
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Madpilot | !tell Papageno about fixres | 07:01 |
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Madpilot | hi Beawolfe | 07:01 |
slaterock | i don't understand why it doesn't work right off the bat | 07:01 |
slaterock | it's dumb | 07:01 |
eggzeck | !tell eggzeck about fixres | 07:01 |
eggzeck | sounds interesting :P | 07:01 |
slaterock | i should be able to install xorg-driver-fglrx | 07:01 |
slaterock | no problems | 07:01 |
slaterock | i don't fathom why it won't work | 07:02 |
scanwinder | slaterock: thats never worked for me but supposedly it works better in dapper | 07:02 |
Papageno | Madpilot, thanks, but I get a timeout error when trying to access the link ubotu gave me. | 07:02 |
=== bleaked [n=bleaked@CPE-70-94-13-227.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | Papageno, it works here - try again in a bit? | 07:03 |
Papageno | Madpilot, very well. Thanks again. | 07:03 |
=== wastrel [n=wastrel@dsl254-127-242.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | good evening | 07:03 |
LoMonteiro | Hi, when I write sudo apt-get install libdivx4linux | 07:03 |
LoMonteiro | - E: Impossible find the package libdivx4linux | 07:03 |
LoMonteiro | 07:03 | |
_jason | !info libdivx4linux | 07:04 |
bleaked | if i am trying to play a dvd, and it plays very, very, slowly..almost choppy, and chokes my system, is it my hardware or perhaps could it be a software issue? | 07:04 |
_jason | bleaked: have you enabled dma? | 07:04 |
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slaterock | how do you kill gdm? | 07:04 |
_jason | slaterock: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 07:04 |
wastrel | sudo killall gdm | 07:04 |
slaterock | thanks jason | 07:04 |
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bleaked | _jason. hrm..i just slid this drive in a minute ago, so i suppose not. | 07:04 |
wastrel | stop, kill ... | 07:04 |
_jason | ubotu: tell bleaked about dma | 07:05 |
_jason | stop is nicer | 07:05 |
wastrel | yeah | 07:05 |
=== mr_lampe [n=tho@dslb-084-056-146-190.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | be back | 07:05 |
slaterock | might need help in a bit | 07:05 |
=== _jason runs | ||
noiesmo | ubotu: tell noiesmo about dma | 07:05 |
=== Lyctus [n=Lyctus@82-36-136-172.cable.ubr02.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
steel | anyone here know about proftpd? | 07:06 |
=== nemik [n=nemik@c-67-162-61-199.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | i just installed sharpmusique. | 07:06 |
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Lyctus | Can someone please tell me if there is a mozilla channel and if so where? | 07:06 |
=== klm [n=isometsa@a81-197-82-77.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nemik | smo, are you on? i just found THE best solution for usenet on linux | 07:07 |
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steel | try.... /join #mozilla | 07:07 |
Lyctus | k | 07:07 |
tonyyarusso | Lyctus, There is, but they're really quiet in my experience. (I've had better luck asking in -offtopic and waiting) | 07:07 |
monsterb | !dma | 07:07 |
wastrel | how do i set up firefox so it opens sharpmusique when i click a ITMS link? | 07:07 |
Lyctus | :$ should have tried the obvious.... thanks steel | 07:07 |
steel | hehe | 07:08 |
wastrel | nemik: please share | 07:08 |
Lyctus | didn't even know if i was on the right server | 07:08 |
smo | nemik: shoot | 07:08 |
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Beawolfe | Madpilot....Hi right back...sorry was reading wiki pages | 07:08 |
=== slaterock [n=slateroc@71-214-193-130.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux-soldiers | i invit all the Linux users to my firts linux site http://www.linux-soldiers.org - for all the Linux newbies like me. the webpage is availible on spanish and frech too... | 07:09 |
linux-soldiers | the webpage is under construction... | 07:09 |
slaterock | alright, so i just installed xorg fglrx | 07:09 |
nemik | ok, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23434 follow those instructions. it build pan from source and the performance boost in indescribable | 07:09 |
slaterock | can anyone trouble shoot with me? | 07:09 |
slaterock | fglrxinfo shows mesa | 07:09 |
nemik | wastrel, smo http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23434 follow those instructions. it builds pan from source and the performance boost in indescribable | 07:09 |
linux-soldiers | but you canfin videos that gona help you install sofware like Opera firefox vmware wine etc... | 07:10 |
linux-soldiers | sorrry for my english. | 07:10 |
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linux-soldiers | (VIDEO) installation of opera browser 9 (Mepis 6)http://www.linux-soldiers.org/download.php?view.8 | 07:10 |
=== julien_c [n=julien_c@modemcable010.79-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
julien_c | yay ! now I'm writing this from ubuntu | 07:11 |
=== Glutinous [n=steven@ppp169-225.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux-soldiers | (VIDEO) Installing Firefox 1.5.2 http://www.linux-soldiers.org/download.php?view.5 | 07:11 |
nemik | nice job julien_c, how do you like it? | 07:11 |
slaterock | can anyone trouble shoot with me? | 07:11 |
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=== xtr [i=01928375@S0106000c41ed11e1.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Lyctus | may as well pick your brains as well.....i've just programmed my own web server and it's meant to limit at 5 connections, so in firefox, i start 5 downloads and then the next request blocks...with mozilla i start 2 downloads and it blocks..? are the download in mozilla multithreaded or something? | 07:12 |
julien_c | slaterock, it's pretty nice, i like the default gnome theme | 07:12 |
slaterock | that was nemik | 07:12 |
slaterock | :) | 07:12 |
julien_c | now i'm gonna play around with the installed apps | 07:12 |
slaterock | can anyone tell me what to look for to find out why mesa is still showing up when i do fglrxinfo? | 07:12 |
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nemik | :) go for it julien_c i remember being in your shoes about 1 yr ago, i now use ubuntu on all my machines and am in love with it | 07:13 |
holycow | Lyctus, thats a question best server by #firefox on irc.mozilla.org | 07:13 |
mikebot | is dapper out? | 07:13 |
crimsun | no, not until 1 june | 07:13 |
nemik | slaterock, it doesn't seem like many people know; try posting on the forum. it is quite active as well | 07:13 |
slaterock | kk | 07:13 |
=== sM_Midpipps [n=Midpipps@host-178-75-111-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slaterock | thanks nemik | 07:14 |
nemik | np slaterock, good luck with you problem :) | 07:14 |
zF | nemik, haven't adventured out to any of the more "advanced" linux flavors? | 07:14 |
Lyctus | okay holycow I've asked the mozilla channel suggested before but not response so far.. | 07:14 |
mikebot | crimsun, thanks | 07:14 |
julien_c | i'm very impressed, i thought i would have hardware problems, but everything seems to work | 07:14 |
=== neiras [n=gbauman@S0106001217ad6427.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bleaked | _jason. still very choppy and runs like crap..even with dma | 07:15 |
=== [Spooky] [i=spookan@c-739de155.93-2-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
julien_c | i can even put a higher screen resolution than under windows | 07:15 |
nemik | zF, before ubuntu i tried a stage 2 gentoo install. it raped me and scared me from linux fo a year. i use redhat at work though but absolutely love ubuntu and see no reason to switch | 07:15 |
julien_c | lol nemik | 07:15 |
noiesmo | slaterock, this is gentoo but has mesa problem info http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/gentoo-linux-help/54709-ati-direct-render-problem.html | 07:15 |
tonyyarusso | What? Gentoo scare off a new user? Never... | 07:15 |
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julien_c | i tried installing slackware first but failed miserably | 07:16 |
nemik | i think their forums and IRC channels actually scared me even more than the OS itself! :D | 07:16 |
neiras | Hullo, I have an issue with my laptop's CDRW drive. dmesg spits out "hdc: drive_cmd: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }" when I stick a CD in, and it refuses to eject unless I repeatedly press the eject button. Drive works great under WIndows | 07:16 |
neiras | Anyone have any ideas? | 07:16 |
nemik | i only even gave ubuntu a shot because its african, i used to live in SA like mark and liked the philosophe behind it | 07:17 |
vook | anyone know how I would go about making my wireless lan wlan0 instead of eth1, as it is now? | 07:17 |
neiras | vook, look into the ifrename command | 07:17 |
nemik | smo, wastrel, what do you guys think of the new pan? | 07:18 |
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vook | neiras, thanks | 07:18 |
neiras | vook, also look at /etc/iftab | 07:18 |
julien_c | is there a keyboard shortcut for quickly switching workspace under gnome please ? | 07:18 |
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nemik | julien_c: ctrl + alt + <--- or ---> | 07:18 |
julien_c | hehe thanks it works | 07:18 |
maskd | i change mine to alt + s and alt + d so its right next to alt + tab :) | 07:19 |
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nemik | you should see it with xgl and compriz...have it on my dapper box. that is so freaking cool! | 07:19 |
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wastrel | busy with itunes , haven't looked yet | 07:19 |
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julien_c | omg... i just tried the "Robots" game installed by default... now i know my sound is working (and my parents know it too lol...) | 07:20 |
IceTox | How do I rename a folder using terminal ? | 07:20 |
maskd | mv | 07:20 |
IceTox | thanks | 07:20 |
julien_c | IceTox: mv oldname newname | 07:20 |
Beawolfe | Madpilot.......question if possible about what we were talking about last night | 07:21 |
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blindx | Is there another VNC viewer besides the built in one? It doesn't want to connect. I give it an address, and it asks me for the address again, I type it in, asks again, over and over.. | 07:22 |
imbrandon | type the address :1 or :0 | 07:22 |
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blindx | same issue, imbrandon. | 07:23 |
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franck | Hi all! | 07:23 |
blindx | Actually.. when i hit enter with the numpad, it asks for a new addresss... when i hit "return" it freezes. | 07:23 |
imbrandon | you sure vnc is running on the server? | 07:23 |
blindx | hi franck | 07:24 |
blindx | imbrandon, positive | 07:24 |
imbrandon | hmm not sure i just know the :0 is a common mistake | 07:24 |
franck | Where can I find all the packages that ubuntu supports? does it have mapserver? | 07:24 |
monsterb | IceTox "mv command" also renames: example mv oldname newname | 07:24 |
steel | how do i view my groups? | 07:24 |
imbrandon | try runnig it from a consoel to get any errors | 07:24 |
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steel | nvm | 07:24 |
imbrandon | cat /etc/groups | 07:24 |
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blindx | i did that. it doesn't give me any errors | 07:25 |
IceTox | monsterb, got it.. thanks :-) | 07:25 |
michael117 | I want to make a nice eye candy desktop and have a plan for a background with certain sections being clickable to launch applications. How could I accomplish making these sections of the image clickable as launchers? | 07:25 |
IceTox | thanks maskd and julien_c | 07:25 |
bimberi | franck: you can search/browse packages via http://packages.ubuntu.com | 07:25 |
franck | bimberi: thx | 07:25 |
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imbrandon | hmm damm i'm at a loss then blindx you might try tsclient ( its in the repos ) but i think thats just another front end for vncviewer | 07:25 |
bimberi | franck: yw :) | 07:25 |
eggzeck | oops, I ruined my xorg.conf file lol | 07:25 |
blindx | you backed it up, right? | 07:26 |
bimberi | !find mapserver | 07:26 |
eggzeck | yes. :) (thank God) | 07:26 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'mapserver' (3 shown): cgi-mapserver ;; mapserver-bin ;; mapserver-doc. | 07:26 |
bimberi | franck: or use ubotu ^^^^^ :) | 07:26 |
wastrel | how can i set up firefox to open up itms links with sharpmusique? is this possible? | 07:26 |
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franck | bimberi: I don't have ubuntu | 07:27 |
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franck | oh, sorry | 07:27 |
linux_galore | michael117: in kde they use superkaramba -> http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=38&PHPSESSID=9670dca5e84d4b76aed617922c5207b4 | 07:27 |
hyphenated | wastrel: you'd need a firefox plugin/extension to bind the protocol (itms://) to an app, I imagine | 07:28 |
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franck | bimberi: I don't see the php extension of mapserver... | 07:28 |
franck | now I see it ;) | 07:29 |
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wastrel | rgr | 07:29 |
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michael117 | linux_galore: any similar gtk solutions? Could I run superkaramba in gnome? | 07:30 |
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linux_galore | michael117: I heard there was a gnome project that was doing the same, dont know the name though always poke around www.gnome-look.org | 07:30 |
franck | bimberi: on http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/web/php4-mapscript what is [universe] ? | 07:30 |
nemik | goodnight everyone! | 07:31 |
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shedi | universe is a repository category | 07:32 |
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franck | shedi: what does it mean? | 07:32 |
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shedi | it means that in the order to have access to from apt, you need to enable it by adding it to your source.list | 07:33 |
LoMonteiro | My gedit is slow... | 07:33 |
shedi | LoMonteiro, gedit is slow | 07:33 |
michael117 | linux_galore: Hmm... maybe I'll just kind of work around it by copy that section of the image and creating icons to match and place accordingly. Is it possible to lock icons into place on the desktop? | 07:33 |
LoMonteiro | shedi, and evrything that use the terminal is slow.. :/ | 07:34 |
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shedi | franck, if you take a look at /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:34 |
franck | shedi: is it like a contrib category which is not part of the main distribution? | 07:34 |
wastrel | bah. | 07:34 |
wastrel | night | 07:34 |
shedi | yes, exactly | 07:35 |
bimberi | !tell franck about components | 07:35 |
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LoMonteiro | shedi, please, help-me | 07:35 |
linux_galore | michael117: here we go -> http://www.pycage.de/software_gdesklets.html | 07:35 |
shedi | franck, it's a category of unsupported software | 07:35 |
sharp | is there a tool i can apt-get to disable certain services that start up? I dont need apache or Appletalk. | 07:35 |
shedi | LoMonteiro, what is your problem? | 07:35 |
bimberi | community supported :) | 07:35 |
shedi | sharp, rcconf | 07:36 |
shedi | yes yes | 07:36 |
shedi | :) | 07:36 |
franck | shedi: I don't have ubuntu... In fact now that I look at all the packages, I can be specific. I have made 2 rpm for mandriva tikiwiki and tikiwiki-mapdata and I'd like to encourage the ubuntu community to add them in the package list of ubuntu | 07:36 |
sharp | okies.. let me try that. | 07:36 |
LoMonteiro | shedi, when I write gedit .... in 5 minutes I receive the answer :/ | 07:36 |
linux_galore | michael117: better link is http://www.gdesklets.org/ | 07:36 |
franck | these 2 packages do not need to be compiles but just packaged correctly | 07:37 |
shedi | LoMonteiro, slow computer ? | 07:37 |
LoMonteiro | shedi, No... | 07:37 |
shedi | :) | 07:37 |
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shedi | what about other programs | 07:37 |
LoMonteiro | shedi, before 10 minutes, it's ok. | 07:38 |
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ramza3 | question, anybody know the popular ubuntu wallpaper that has an brunette/purple anime girl with sandals? | 07:38 |
bimberi | franck: getting new packages into ubuntu is in the realm of the MOTUs - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 07:38 |
LoMonteiro | 'System' -> Adm -> Printers - is slow too... | 07:38 |
ramza3 | well, wtf does "Hdbri yd mchdnd" mean? | 07:38 |
shedi | LoMonteiro, I really have no idea | 07:38 |
linux_galore | LoMonteiro: sounds like a resource problem | 07:39 |
LoMonteiro | shedi, hm.. | 07:39 |
LoMonteiro | linux-soldiers, what ? | 07:39 |
linux_galore | lack of resources = slow as hell | 07:40 |
LoMonteiro | I finished install codecs and all slow. | 07:40 |
shedi | LoMonteiro, you could try running top, to see if there is something eating up your cpu | 07:40 |
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shedi | LoMonteiro, top is a program you run in the terminal | 07:40 |
eggzeck | yay fixed. | 07:40 |
LoMonteiro | shedi, and how I know ? | 07:41 |
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intelikey | hmmmm here's one for ya. Cannot find /lib/modules/initramfs-2.6.15-20-386 | 07:41 |
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linux_galore | getting a new user to run top is just nuts, run gtop or ksysguard | 07:41 |
intelikey | dpkg: error processing udev (--configure): | 07:41 |
shedi | yes yes | 07:41 |
intelikey | man ps | 07:41 |
LoMonteiro | shedi, i don't understand | 07:41 |
linux_galore | intelikey: if it cant find it then it not here simple | 07:42 |
linux_galore | ls lib/modules/init* | 07:42 |
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intelikey | linux_galore sure it's simple. so why wasn't it installed ? | 07:42 |
linux_galore | ls /lib/modules/init* | 07:42 |
linux_galore | intelikey: maybe its an extra package | 07:43 |
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linux_galore | intelikey: or the driver on question is a binary blob so isnt there by default | 07:43 |
intelikey | linux_galore required by udev,,,, not likely | 07:44 |
LoMonteiro | grr.. | 07:44 |
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julien_c | uh oh... my root password wasn't set up correctly, is there a way to change it without reinstalling everything ? | 07:44 |
shedi | julien_c, sudo passwd root | 07:45 |
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linux_galore | intelikey: sometimes things are totally broken so they dont install it | 07:45 |
=== intelikey doesn't recall linking /lib/modules/2.6.15-20-386 to /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386 | ||
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iceman | Anyone know if the Openstep os is available for download anyplace | 07:45 |
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xerophyte | if i have something like in the fstab => /var/run/saslauthd /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd none rw,bind 0 0 how can i mount it without rebooting the server | 07:45 |
julien_c | shedi: wow thanks | 07:45 |
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intelikey | hehhe linux_galore yeah pre-release crap is often borked..... :) | 07:45 |
ubuntu | why does find / -name blabla doesnt give results in the live cd ? | 07:46 |
pb | hi folks, there seems to be an issue with nautilus here.. you see, after opening a certain folder (with, say, 24.4 gb size), it freezes abrubtly, and I hate to restart nautilus... i'm on breezy btw, and ive never had this problem on hoary -_- any pointer please? | 07:46 |
intelikey | ubuntu if it doesn't fint and no error then to output. | 07:46 |
ubuntu | the "search files" gives the file system properlply | 07:46 |
linux_galore | intelikey: I use shinny new kernels often and between releases Linus or one of the lieutenants will push a driver of the tree as its too unstable | 07:46 |
ketsugi | Ugh, is it normal for each Gnome panel applet to use up about 15+ mb of memory? | 07:47 |
ubuntu | yes intelikey then to output ? | 07:47 |
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intelikey | ubuntu ? | 07:47 |
noiesmo | xerophyte, you could try sudo mount -t none /var/run/saslauthd /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd | 07:48 |
pb | oh, and btw, I can access the files normally through the terminal -- its just a nautilus thing... :( | 07:48 |
roaet | Hello. | 07:48 |
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intelikey | ubuntu if find / -name blabla ;then echo found ;else echo 'nothing there' ;fi | 07:48 |
roaet | how do I get the 'taskbar' to stop stacking? | 07:48 |
linux_galore | pb: this on flight 6 | 07:48 |
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ubuntu | intelikey i get this | 07:48 |
ubuntu | find: WARNING: Hard link count is wrong for /proc/21772: this may be a bug in your filesystem driver. Automatically turning on find's -noleaf option. Earlier results may have failed to include directories that should have been searched. | 07:48 |
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pb | i don't think i get what you mean, linux_galore? can you elaborate? | 07:49 |
linux_galore | pb: you on daper or breezy | 07:49 |
pb | breezy | 07:49 |
ubuntu | intelikey what does that error mean plz ? | 07:49 |
pb | i was on hoary one week ago | 07:49 |
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linux_galore | pb: ok and you have updated | 07:50 |
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ubuntu | i mean that warning | 07:50 |
linux_galore | pb: have you done the normal updates yet | 07:50 |
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pb | actually i did a fresh installation, and i updated everything required | 07:50 |
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linux_galore | pb: ok, then its a bug | 07:50 |
intelikey | ubuntu means that searching through the ram is not by default a good idea anyway. what are you looking for, and why? i'll see if i can't help you locate it. | 07:50 |
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darx | greetings | 07:51 |
ubuntu | ok i am looking to start the pppoe conn | 07:51 |
iceman | cant find openstep for download ... well i'll try edonkey or emule | 07:51 |
darx | how can i enable word wrap in gnome dictionary ?? | 07:51 |
pb | Ugh, that's too bad =\. So for now should I just be using the terminal? How can I go about reporting the bug? | 07:51 |
ubuntu | cant find rs-pppoe | 07:51 |
darx | any clues?? | 07:51 |
ubuntu | ;/ | 07:51 |
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ubuntu | i am running the 64 bit version | 07:52 |
slavik | anyone ever play wild 9? | 07:52 |
intelikey | ubuntu try typing rs-p[tab] where [tab] is the tab key | 07:52 |
ubuntu | gotcha | 07:52 |
ubuntu | lemme | 07:52 |
darx | Word wrap gnome dictionary//?? Please help | 07:52 |
ubuntu | intelikey | 07:53 |
ubuntu | root@ubuntu:~# rs-p | 07:53 |
ubuntu | -su: rs-p: command not found | 07:53 |
ubuntu | root@ubuntu:~# | 07:53 |
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xerophyte | noiesmo, its says mount: unknown filesystem type 'none' ?? how can i fix that | 07:53 |
cafuego | ubuntu: You run ppp(oe0 connections via 'pon' after using pppoeconfig. | 07:53 |
ubuntu | hmm pppoeconfig ? | 07:53 |
roaet | how do I get the things in the task bar to stop stacking? | 07:53 |
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roaet | grouping that is? | 07:53 |
ubuntu | its in /usr/sbin ? | 07:54 |
darx | cant even resize the darn window | 07:54 |
noiesmo | xerophyte, not sure could try without the -t none | 07:54 |
=== intelikey wonders what rs-pppoe is.... ? | ||
darx | any clues?? | 07:54 |
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pb | intelikey, thank you for your help.. i can deal with this through the good ol' terminal.. ;-) should I just report the bug through ubuntu? | 07:54 |
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ubuntu | rs-pppoe | 07:54 |
intelikey | pb sure. malone | 07:54 |
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lovelyx | hi | 07:54 |
ubuntu | is the pppoe proggy written by roaring penguin | 07:54 |
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intelikey | pb on the http://ubuntu.com site link is called malone i think | 07:55 |
ubuntu | cafuego how to get the pppoeconfig ? | 07:55 |
pb | alright, thanks. | 07:55 |
lovelyx | why should I use Ubuntu? | 07:55 |
ubuntu | there is no adsl-setup etc like in other distros ;/ | 07:55 |
linux_galore | pb: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/bugs | 07:55 |
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ericmoritz\0 | hi | 07:56 |
intelikey | lovelyx you shouldn't. | 07:56 |
nemik | so i'm trying to install sharpmusiqe via sudo dpkg -i sharpmusique_1.0-1_i386.deb but get dependency problems; why? apt-get always took care of those automaticlly...i'm confused now | 07:56 |
cafuego | ubuntu: it should have been installed. | 07:56 |
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ubuntu | lovelyx cuz it means humanity to others | 07:56 |
ericmoritz\0 | I'm having a strange issue with my ipod nano when ejecting | 07:56 |
cafuego | lovelyx: Nice well-integrated desktop, easy to setup & admin. | 07:56 |
intelikey | lovelyx it is 'imperfect' don't bother with it. | 07:56 |
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ubuntu | xD | 07:57 |
ubuntu | hehehehehe | 07:57 |
ericmoritz\0 | if I eject from the desktop I get, invalid parameter error but if I use pumount it fine | 07:57 |
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ubuntu | i got my 45 cds pack yesterday | 07:57 |
ubuntu | since then i have been sitting with the cds | 07:57 |
ubuntu | hehehehe | 07:57 |
lovelyx | cafuego, how easy would it be for a windows user? | 07:57 |
cafuego | ericmoritz\0: Are you on Ubuntu 5.10? | 07:57 |
ericmoritz\0 | is there anyway to make gnome use pumount instead of the eject command? | 07:57 |
cafuego | lovelyx: Depends on the windows users. | 07:57 |
ericmoritz\0 | cafuego, yeah breezy | 07:57 |
ubuntu | 64 bit version seems good | 07:58 |
linux_galore | intelikey: grab a live cd and play with it, no damage done and you get to play with Linux | 07:58 |
ubuntu | mucha lucha | 07:58 |
cafuego | ericmoritz\0: Known bug then, it will be fixed in the next release. | 07:58 |
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ubuntu | intelikey knows enough of ubuntu and live cds | 07:58 |
ubuntu | :D | 07:58 |
lovelyx | cafuego: i mean, if I just want to listen to music, surf the internet, and make docs? | 07:58 |
ericmoritz\0 | cafuego, hurry, that's a crappy answer :) | 07:58 |
ubuntu | yes u can | 07:58 |
ericmoritz\0 | whens dapper scheduled? | 07:58 |
Madpilot | ericmoritz\0, June 1st | 07:59 |
ketsugi | What's a good image viewer that can open zip/rars directly for viewing comics/manga? | 07:59 |
cafuego | lovelyx: It does all that by default :-) | 07:59 |
cafuego | lovelyx: it comes with a few music players, firefox and openOffice. | 07:59 |
ubuntu | roger that | 07:59 |
lovelyx | cafuego: how it tands above other distros? | 07:59 |
intelikey | > dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 07:59 |
intelikey | > Errors were encountered while processing: | 07:59 |
lovelyx | stands* | 07:59 |
intelikey | > udev hal xfce4-session xfce4 | 07:59 |
linux_galore | ketsugi: depends on your default desktop, there are a few comic viewer apps | 07:59 |
monsterb | gDesklets is pretty good. | 07:59 |
intelikey | so is it really really bad that udev is not installed ? | 08:00 |
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linux_galore | ketsugi: goto www.freshmeat.net and search on comics | 08:00 |
cafuego | lovelyx: it's got 'apt-get', which others don't. (easy way of adding software) | 08:00 |
ubuntu | and above all ubuntu has perl and python xD i cant live without them | 08:00 |
ubuntu | :D | 08:00 |
ubuntu | :DDDD | 08:00 |
Shrike | Anyone know if there is anything like "system-config-display" on Fedora for Ubuntu? Something I could use for quickly changing modes when I plug my laptop to a monitor | 08:00 |
ketsugi | thanks | 08:00 |
scanwinder | in vlc, is there a way to make the dvd playing bit default to /media/cdrom0? because dvd:// dosent seem to work | 08:01 |
lovelyx | cafuego: ok lot of thanks! | 08:01 |
linux_galore | Shrike: you mean like ctrl alt + | 08:01 |
linux_galore | Shrike: or ctrl alt - | 08:01 |
ubuntu | ok i go install the 64 bit edition asap | 08:02 |
ubuntu | cya guys | 08:02 |
ubuntu | thanks for help | 08:02 |
lovelyx | cafuego: but debian also uses apt-get | 08:02 |
intelikey | ubuntu ubuntu can live without perl and python. it's hard to get it to. but i have a box right beside me that has no perl or python on it and "was" ubuntu hoary, i don't think ubuntu would claim it now though :) | 08:02 |
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Shrike | linux_galore: Uh, do I? | 08:02 |
ubuntu | :D | 08:02 |
cafuego | lovelyx: Yes, but for a *desktop* I fiond Ubuntu to be easier, better integrated and more up to date. | 08:02 |
linux_galore | Shrike: ctrl alt +/- will change the resolution | 08:02 |
cafuego | lovelyx: I still use Debian on my server systems. | 08:03 |
lovelyx | ah ok | 08:03 |
Shrike | linux_galore: What about refresh rate? | 08:03 |
ubuntu | but intelikey u should asap destroy that box without perl and python xD | 08:03 |
Shrike | It stays the same if the graph card can handle it? | 08:03 |
ubuntu | no perl no python == no linux | 08:03 |
linux_galore | Shrike: well I have an extra app installed on my taskbar that does both | 08:03 |
Shrike | linux_galore: Which one is that? | 08:03 |
joedj | is there any software for end-to-end VCD creation? my input media is stuff like .avi and .rm | 08:04 |
intelikey | linux_galore atcually ctrl alt +/- don't change the rez, it just zooms in or out. the rest of the desktop is scrollable. | 08:04 |
linux_galore | Shrike: dont laugh its called "resize and rotate" | 08:04 |
Shrike | linux_galore: You have an URL for it or is it availagle through Synaptic? | 08:04 |
linux_galore | Shrike: I dont think its on synaptic trying to remember were I got it | 08:05 |
Shrike | Lemme google then | 08:05 |
=== intelikey tries to remember how to force udev to install...... | ||
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lovelyx | cafuego, ok thank you very much | 08:05 |
lovelyx | bye | 08:05 |
linux_galore | Shrike: its created by a SuSE programmer for kde | 08:06 |
TraceGreen | Hello, "locale is not support by Xlib, locale set to C", how shall i fix it? | 08:06 |
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Shrike | linux_galore: Cheers, I'll try looking for that. | 08:06 |
linux_galore | Shrike: Ive used it in gnome though | 08:06 |
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Shrike | linux_galore: Good, thats what I'm using | 08:07 |
intelikey | hehhe i did a touch /lib/modules/initramfs-2.6.15-20-386 and apt-get install -f i think it's installing now. | 08:07 |
intelikey | it did..... | 08:07 |
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nesa | password | 08:09 |
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Shrike | linux_galore: Apparently this is it: http://linux.mikeasoft.com/pyrandr.php | 08:10 |
blu3_c | hallo | 08:10 |
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blu3_c | hi room | 08:11 |
intelikey | why should this keep x from running Error opening /dev/wacom : No such file or directory ? | 08:11 |
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intelikey | would someone do a ls -l /dev/wacom and post it for me please ? | 08:11 |
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blu3_c | i've download dapper 'n i burned it, but it seems the file boot is error. is there a way to install dapper without boot from cd | 08:13 |
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Flannel | blu3_c: what's the error? | 08:13 |
intelikey | blu3_c why do you want a broken system ? but if you have ubuntu installed you can upgrade to dapper | 08:14 |
tonyyarusso | blu3_c, Could you explain what the error was? Probably a bad burn. | 08:14 |
blu3_c | well, the cd cannot boot | 08:14 |
=== luke [n=luke@c220-237-135-6.mckinn1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | blu3_c: whys that? does it give you an error? or what? | 08:14 |
luke | Dapper is pretty cool, but the interface is MUCH slower | 08:14 |
tonyyarusso | blu3_c, Did you burn as a CD image instead of just a file? | 08:14 |
intelikey | does it attempt to boot and fail or not try ? | 08:14 |
Flannel | intelikey: do you have a tablet? | 08:14 |
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Flannel | luke: what are you talking about? | 08:14 |
tonyyarusso | luke, What? | 08:15 |
blu3_c | yes i burn an image | 08:15 |
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intelikey | tablet ? | 08:15 |
luke | Flannel tonyyarusso, I find Gnome to be a fair bit slower | 08:15 |
Flannel | intelikey: a wacom tablet? | 08:15 |
blu3_c | maybe i should try to burn it again, isn' it? | 08:15 |
intelikey | Flannel no. | 08:15 |
tonyyarusso | luke, That's odd, b/c the opposite is true in various benchmarking tests. | 08:15 |
Flannel | intelikey: well, for some reason it's looking for one. that's what the wacom is. | 08:15 |
luke | wierd | 08:15 |
Flannel | blu3_c: what's the error it gives you? | 08:16 |
tonyyarusso | blu3_c, What is the error? | 08:16 |
holycow | luke, there is a psychological aspect to 'it feels fast' as well | 08:16 |
intelikey | Flannel ok. there sure a lot of bugs and querks in dapper. | 08:16 |
holycow | there is something about what qt does to draw windows that feels faster i think, i am not certain that it is actually faster | 08:16 |
Flannel | intelikey: it's beta, what do you expect? Oh, this is dapper? ask in #ubuntu+1 | 08:16 |
luke | holycow, what do u mean? | 08:16 |
blu3_c | first, i start my computer, then i insert the dapper cd | 08:17 |
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blu3_c | then the computer say: cannot boot from the cd, press any key | 08:17 |
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UKMatt | blu3_c, the image was probably burned wrong | 08:17 |
intelikey | Flannel lol ub plus one was silent all the time i asked in there.... :) and i expect it to be hosed. it's pre-release still. in fact i expect it to still have bugs after it's released. | 08:18 |
holycow | luke, you can trick the eye in lots of ways. for example, instead of blitting a whole pulldown menu, one can stage it so that the outline comes in first, then blit the bcgrnd then icons ... etc. one wouldn't do this of course, but qt definately draws everything diffferently from gnome at least to my eyes | 08:18 |
UKMatt | blu3_c, either the file you downloaded was corrupted, or the .ico was burned wrong | 08:18 |
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holycow | luke, the human mind is an imprecise device, its very easy to fool, its a question of actually working out how to tho | 08:18 |
luke | holycow, haha true I guess | 08:18 |
Flannel | intelikey: I just got back, anyway.. I don't know. Check launchpad to see if its a known bug, if not, report it. | 08:18 |
blu3_c | UKMatt, sorry what is ".ico was burned wrong" | 08:19 |
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Fracture | anyone know how to fix this ""i486-linux-gnu-g++: Internal error: Segmentation fault (program cc1plus)" | 08:19 |
Flannel | blu3_c: he meant iso. check your md5sum of your iso, and burn it at a slower speed | 08:19 |
holycow | there are also optical features of our eyes that are completely weird. for example we never actually see the WHOLE image. you can pickup a psych 101 book anywhere and perform tests | 08:19 |
UKMatt | blu3_c, when you made the boot CD, how did you do it? | 08:19 |
intelikey | Flannel i'm not registered. | 08:19 |
holycow | you actually see something like 1/18 of an image slice at a time | 08:19 |
UKMatt | blu3_c, yeah .iso like Flannel said sorry | 08:19 |
Flannel | intelikey: so.. register. You can still search without registering. | 08:19 |
blu3_c | how do check md5sum for my iso | 08:19 |
intelikey | no | 08:19 |
holycow | strangely ... there is also a dead spot to the bottom right of your eye ... something can actually be right in front of you (the right size of course) and you can't see it | 08:20 |
holycow | and so on | 08:20 |
Flannel | no? psh, that's a rather poor attitude to take. | 08:20 |
soliac | Hello! Does anyone here have any experience with Ubuntu on Dell laptops? specific model: Inspiron 5160 | 08:20 |
holycow | basically someone hacked us together in a very sloppy mannger | 08:20 |
holycow | god is a terrible hacker | 08:20 |
Flannel | holycow: actually, it's right in the center of each eye, where the optical nerve leaves. | 08:20 |
cafuego | Only with a Latitude CPtS 500. | 08:20 |
holycow | *ding* what flannel said | 08:21 |
holycow | :) | 08:21 |
cafuego | They run it, but very s l o w l y | 08:21 |
intelikey | Flannel i only register with things i like. that kinda leaves ubuntu out... :) | 08:21 |
holycow | in fact i expect it to still have bugs after it's released. <-- as opposed to what? | 08:21 |
holycow | say for example software of a company that has 30 billion in cash in the bank maybe? | 08:22 |
holycow | or do you mean as opposed to some jerkass comparison you just made up? | 08:22 |
soliac | I tried to install Ubuntu on my inspiron 5160 but it wouldn't install the bootloader | 08:22 |
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Flannel | holycow: who cares what he says, he's acting immature regarding bugs, not worth my time. | 08:22 |
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holycow | Flannel, indeed | 08:23 |
=== holycow shushes | ||
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intelikey | holycow it means exactly what i said. there is no repete NO comparison. if you want to compare it to something go ahead. but leave me out of it. | 08:23 |
holycow | lol | 08:23 |
holycow | your a retard | 08:23 |
Madpilot | !coc | 08:24 |
ubotu | hmm... coc is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 08:24 |
intelikey | could be. | 08:24 |
Madpilot | *cough* | 08:24 |
=== holycow hands Madpilot a hankie | ||
holycow | :) | 08:24 |
intelikey | be back later maybe.... storm rolling in atm. | 08:25 |
Flannel | heh, he's running as root? | 08:26 |
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holycow | Flannel, i bet his password is something like 'flannel' or 'password' | 08:29 |
andrej | Hi Gents, where can I find a repo that has xdtv that's installable on breezy 5.10? I've added deb http://spello.sscnet.ucla.edu/marillat/dists/sid/main/binary-amd64 ./ | 08:29 |
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andrej | But it fails to install xdtv from there with these messages | 08:30 |
=== holycow googles xdtv | ||
andrej | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 08:30 |
andrej | xdtv: Depends: libasound2 (> 1.0.10) but 1.0.9-2 is to be installed | 08:30 |
andrej | Depends: libavcodeccvs51 (>= 3:20060305) but it is not going to be installed | 08:30 |
andrej | Depends: libavutilcvs49 (>= 3:20060305) but it is not going to be installed | 08:30 |
andrej | Depends: libogg0 (>= 1.1.3) but 1.1.2-1 is to be installed | 08:30 |
andrej | Depends: libvorbis0a (>= 1.1.2) but 1.1.0-1ubuntu1 is to be installed | 08:30 |
andrej | Depends: libvorbisenc2 (>= 1.1.2) but 1.1.0-1ubuntu1 is to be installed | 08:30 |
andrej | E: Broken packages | 08:30 |
andrej | How do I resolve that? | 08:30 |
Flannel | andrej: usually mixing debian and ubuntu packages results in problems. | 08:30 |
holycow | andrej, you can't really without finding properlycompiled versions of those libraries forubuntu | 08:31 |
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andrej | Thanks Flannel ... do you know of "pure" ubuntu packages for xdtv? | 08:31 |
holycow | you can perhaps try looking at the online package listings and see if those libraries are in dapper | 08:31 |
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Flannel | andrej: nope. Not in breezy at least. might be in dapper, you can look at packages.ubuntu.com | 08:32 |
andrej | K | 08:32 |
Madpilot | !info xdtv dapper | 08:32 |
Madpilot | nope | 08:32 |
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andrej | Bummer. | 08:34 |
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andrej | Or maybe a WORKING Mythv (not broken bits with three differen versions) of MythTV (for AMD64)? | 08:35 |
andrej | errh | 08:35 |
andrej | Was that still understandable? | 08:35 |
holycow | actually setting up myth on ubuntu breezy is simple | 08:35 |
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holycow | there are some great step by step tutorials out there | 08:35 |
holycow | i've set it up, its not hard, but i hate tv so dismanteled the project | 08:36 |
andrej | I've seen some that reference sources that I can't find . | 08:36 |
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andrej | BUt back at my dependcy problem with the AMD64 debian packages for xdtv ... is there some way of resolving those? | 08:37 |
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er4z0r | re | 08:37 |
holycow | andrej, only way really is to grab sources and start compiling | 08:38 |
holycow | those error messages mean the required libraries don't exist | 08:39 |
holycow | thus | 08:39 |
=== carlos [n=carlos@105.Red-81-34-77.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | there is nothing to resolve | 08:39 |
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holycow | you haveto build it | 08:39 |
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andrej | *sigh* :) | 08:39 |
luke | at the moment in my "services" window, I have klogd, sysklogd, cron, atd and anacron all starting up each boot. is this really necessary? | 08:39 |
andrej | you can probably do without the cron, atd and anacron if you wont schedule anything ever ... | 08:40 |
ic56 | has anyone installed ubuntu on a drive with bad sectors? How do I tell the installer to run badblocks when creating the filesystems? | 08:40 |
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andrej | But they're all low overhead, and won't heard | 08:40 |
andrej | hurt | 08:40 |
andrej | *sigh* | 08:40 |
andrej | you NEED klogd and syslogd | 08:41 |
paloyme | how do you share files and folders between an xp and a linux? | 08:41 |
luke | ok ty | 08:41 |
Flannel | paloyme: samba | 08:41 |
andrej | http://www.samba.org for info on windows file-sharing | 08:41 |
bimberi | !tell paloyme about samba | 08:41 |
andrej | too late :P | 08:41 |
paloyme | thanks all | 08:42 |
[nige] | anyone got any experriance with bind? | 08:42 |
andrej | Hello again nigel ;) | 08:42 |
[nige] | hi andrej | 08:43 |
andrej | It appears that the isc dhcpcd CAN update bind dynamically | 08:43 |
andrej | I didn't know that | 08:43 |
[nige] | apprently it will allow dynmic updates :) | 08:43 |
=== Sirrush [i=sirrush@ip68-104-180-142.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andrej | I looked it up yesteerday | 08:43 |
[nige] | I knew it could do it,k I just dont know how | 08:43 |
[nige] | I think i have it setup almost right | 08:43 |
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Sirrush | Hey everyone | 08:43 |
andrej | NigelS: i don't think that this is the right forum for you, though ... try to find something more networkish :} | 08:44 |
=== andrej hates bitch for automatically expanding partial names | ||
holycow | with people with more experience | 08:44 |
holycow | ubuntu is very noob centric | 08:44 |
[nige] | lol okay | 08:44 |
Sirrush | Everyone has to start out somewhere Ubuntu is a good starting point | 08:45 |
[nige] | trying under #networking now : | 08:45 |
[nige] | :) | 08:45 |
andrej | Sirrush : that' | 08:45 |
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andrej | s a matter of taste and opinion ;} | 08:45 |
Sirrush | True .. I've moved a few windows users to linux usually with the simple distros | 08:46 |
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holycow | ubuntu is an excellent starting point indeed | 08:46 |
paloyme | ok, i was able to install wine and configure it using sidetool, or something like that, and i got IE, how do i use IE now? where can i find it? please help, thanks | 08:46 |
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Sirrush | I used Ubuntu since 5.04 before that I was using slackware.. redhat .. and freebsd ( some solaris) aswell | 08:47 |
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Cheerios | Hey all | 08:47 |
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Sirrush | Hi Cheerios | 08:47 |
Cheerios | Question: How do I specify which user a daemon runs as (I'm trying to get exim to run as 'mail' instead of 'Debian-exim') | 08:48 |
Cheerios | Hey Sirrush | 08:48 |
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holycow | paloyme, it never occured to me to try and run something as crappy as ie on linux ... so i can't help unfortunately, i would tell ya if i knew. i'm curious what your reason for running it on linux might be? | 08:48 |
paloyme | i need to browse a sight that only accepts ie holycow | 08:49 |
paloyme | unfortunately | 08:49 |
holycow | you can masquarade as ie via fox ... are we talking about activex? | 08:49 |
_Rappy_ | hi all! I got a domain on a server, which is only avaliabe locally (within the local network). Now I can't remember which file I have to edit to make it public avaliable on the internet | 08:49 |
Sirrush | wow ... yeah I was thinking about making the browser lie as to what it really is | 08:49 |
holycow | yeah there is an extension for that | 08:50 |
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n3uron | hey | 08:50 |
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n3uron | how can i update the nvidia-glx drivers? | 08:50 |
paloyme | holycow, i dont know if its activex, can you check it for me? http://www.eritesting.com/q/perception.dll?login=ERI | 08:50 |
holycow | n3uron, depends how you installed them. how did you install them? | 08:50 |
n3uron | with synaptic | 08:50 |
sifl_ | what's a good app to get to ftp files to your web space | 08:50 |
tonyyarusso | !ftp | 08:51 |
ubotu | FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: vsftpd, proftpd | 08:51 |
holycow | n3uron, no you are upgrading why? the synaptic installed drivers don't work? | 08:51 |
holycow | paloyme, sec gotta find that extension | 08:51 |
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n3uron | holycow, i installed wine to play WoW | 08:52 |
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n3uron | but it crashes when i try enthering a building | 08:52 |
hajuu | n3uron, try cedega | 08:52 |
hajuu | WoW works with that | 08:52 |
n3uron | i applied some patches, it doesnt crash anymore, but the screen keeps flickering | 08:52 |
n3uron | hajuu, is cedega free? | 08:53 |
sifl_ | i just ran apt-get install ah and now i have the auction house | 08:53 |
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hajuu | lol no | 08:53 |
n3uron | i knew that, i dont have a credit card to buy it.. | 08:53 |
n3uron | thats why i installed wine | 08:53 |
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n3uron | holycow, is there any way of upgrading the nvidia driver? | 08:55 |
Flannel | n3uron: is there a newer version somewhere? | 08:55 |
hajuu | No there is no way to update it. | 08:56 |
hajuu | its impossible | 08:56 |
hajuu | .... | 08:56 |
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n3uron | hajuu, someone said i need the kernel sources | 08:56 |
n3uron | where can i get those? or do i need to compile the kernel myself? | 08:57 |
paloyme | what does it mean when it says, "couldn't display home/user01/desktop/Internet Explorer.lnk | 08:57 |
hajuu | theres a thing about it on the official page | 08:57 |
holycow | n3uron, not from the repo, you would need to uninstall it | 08:57 |
hajuu | or the wiki | 08:57 |
holycow | n3uron, then download the nvidia installer and run that | 08:57 |
holycow | or | 08:57 |
n3uron | does that upgrade the glx? | 08:58 |
holycow | downlaod nvidia binary package, and find the howto on how to convert it to a .deb so thatyou don't bypas the packaging system | 08:58 |
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holycow | n3uron, not sure, i presume everything you would need | 08:58 |
Flannel | it's called alien | 08:58 |
ice_1963 | :) | 08:58 |
holycow | alien doesn't convert binaries bro | 08:59 |
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holycow | just package conversion, and really mostly on packages with similar targets | 08:59 |
n3uron | !alien | 08:59 |
ubotu | alien is probably a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/ | 08:59 |
Flannel | eh? I could swear Ive converted a bin before | 08:59 |
holycow | if so let me know how :) | 08:59 |
ice_1963 | fakeroot | 08:59 |
paloyme | how do i check my wine version? | 08:59 |
bimberi | paloyme: wine --version | 09:00 |
holycow | ah you know what, i can't find the extension for ffox to mask it as ie6, dude your going to haveto find that your self | 09:00 |
holycow | sorry | 09:00 |
paloyme | tenks | 09:00 |
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paloyme | my version say 0.9.12, is that new? | 09:01 |
paloyme | my wine version is 0.9.12, is that the newest version? | 09:02 |
Chousuke | www.winehq.org | 09:03 |
Chousuke | :P | 09:03 |
paloyme | there's a guide here at sidenet that says, please use wine 200407, is that a version? | 09:03 |
Chousuke | that's an old version | 09:04 |
Chousuke | when wine still had only CVS snapshot releases. | 09:04 |
paloyme | aaa ok | 09:04 |
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Plitskin | hi guys, is there a whois kind of thing in Gaim? | 09:06 |
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Sirrush | Plitskin, what kind of info are you trying to find out ? | 09:09 |
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Plitskin | Sirrush: The IP of the person I'm chatting with | 09:09 |
Sirrush | Ahh ok | 09:10 |
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Plitskin | Sirrush: Or at least the service provider | 09:10 |
squeaka1 | o | 09:10 |
squeaka1 | hello | 09:10 |
Sirrush | open a Terminal window and you can do a netstat -n | 09:10 |
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holycow | wow | 09:10 |
holycow | this mini pc's are wicked | 09:10 |
jml | do I still need to create umask wrapper scripts around svn binaries on a dapper install? | 09:10 |
Sirrush | helps if they just sent you a message aswell | 09:10 |
squeaka1 | ath | 09:10 |
squeaka1 | wath | 09:10 |
holycow | so this is what its like to have a silent system | 09:10 |
holycow | neato | 09:10 |
Plitskin | Sirrush: That's cool, thanks a lot :D | 09:11 |
squeaka1 | hein | 09:11 |
squeaka1 | what | 09:11 |
squeaka1 | my fursnam | 09:11 |
Sirrush | Plitskin, try it you might have to eliminate say MSN's IP, then IRC then a few others but you should be able to get that persons IP | 09:11 |
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river | can anyone help me sort our Shockwave plugin on firefox 1.5 in Ubuntu ? | 09:11 |
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squeaka1 | tes ki toi | 09:12 |
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squeaka1 | tes i toi | 09:12 |
Plitskin | yes, I'll try that. Thanks ;) | 09:12 |
squeaka1 | tes ki toiiiii | 09:12 |
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squeaka1 | ok tu tappelle dookie | 09:12 |
dhaval | hello there | 09:12 |
dhaval | how do ya all do here ??? | 09:12 |
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ailean | !fr | 09:13 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:13 |
dookie | hi there | 09:13 |
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river | can anyone help with t plugin issue please ? | 09:14 |
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ailean | what's the problem river? | 09:14 |
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Sp4rKy | hi | 09:15 |
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Sp4rKy | does anyone use initNG ? | 09:15 |
dookie | a little question... after installing kubuntu on a ubuntu-gnome-system, i cant use gnome anymore.. :-( | 09:15 |
dookie | what could i do? | 09:15 |
river | ailean: cannot get ubuntu / firefox to play games requiring flash / shockwave plugins | 09:15 |
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Sp4rKy | i'm trying to use it and i've some errors with network (can't start) , it looking for ifupdown :/ | 09:15 |
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river | i have installed it via synaptic | 09:15 |
river | and put in a symlink | 09:15 |
ailean | river, I'm having probs myself with flash 8, but lower than that is installed | 09:16 |
river | it shows in about plugins but the games still won't run | 09:16 |
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ailean | river, however, it doesn't recognise keystrokes so games can't be played :) | 09:16 |
ciplogic | I use Ubuntu Dapper (6.06) and when I set up another keyboard layout I've got next errors: | 09:16 |
ciplogic | Eroare la activarea configurrilor XKB. | 09:16 |
ciplogic | Aceasta se poate ntmpla n diverse situaii: | 09:16 |
ciplogic | - o problem n biblioteca libxklavier | 09:16 |
ciplogic | - o problem n serverul X (utilitarele xkbcomp, xmodmap) | 09:16 |
ciplogic | - serverul X are o implementare de libxkbfile incompatibil | 09:16 |
ailean | river, could be my problem | 09:16 |
ciplogic | Translated into english: Error on setup XKB | 09:16 |
ciplogic | That problem may appera in next cases: | 09:17 |
river | ailean: hmm .. any ideas on how to get around .. my prob is it just wants me to install a plugin, but it is already there | 09:17 |
Plitskin | uhmmm... another question... what's the equivalent of tracert of windows in linux? | 09:17 |
river | have I used the correct symlink ? | 09:17 |
ice_1963 | ailean: flashplayer 8 for linux? | 09:17 |
ailean | ice_1963, yep | 09:17 |
ailean | ice_1963, you have it working? | 09:18 |
ciplogic | - a problem in library libxklavier | 09:18 |
ciplogic | - a problem of X server (tools: xkbcomp, xmodmap) | 09:18 |
ciplogic | - X server has a incompatible libxkbfile implementation | 09:18 |
ice_1963 | no | 09:18 |
ailean | ice_1963, i have 7 | 09:18 |
ciplogic | Any idea how do I setup another keyboard layout in Ubuntu Dapper? | 09:18 |
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ice_1963 | were can i get it ? | 09:18 |
river | ailean: i have only installed 7 .25 | 09:18 |
river | ailean: 7.0.25 i believe | 09:18 |
ailean | ciplogic, there is an option through System, Preferences | 09:18 |
ailean | ciplogic, the gui takes care of it | 09:19 |
ciplogic | I get that error from thare | 09:19 |
ciplogic | *there | 09:19 |
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ciplogic | ailean: System->Preferences->Keyboard | 09:19 |
ailean | ciplogic, yes | 09:19 |
ciplogic | But I get error from there | 09:19 |
ailean | ice_1963, where can you get 8? I don't think you can yet | 09:19 |
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ailean | ciplogic, sorry, can't help you in that case. ask again later and hopefully someone who can will be on | 09:20 |
ciplogic | My question is: if doesn't work to setup the layout what means to me? | 09:20 |
ciplogic | Thank in advance then ;) | 09:20 |
ailean | :) | 09:20 |
ice_1963 | ailean: ok ya i have 7 ...not installed lol | 09:21 |
ailean | heh | 09:21 |
ailean | yeah these things are a pain, no? | 09:21 |
GueVaRa | Q: i did "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", enabled more screen size. but the new size settings didnt show...do i need to be root or reboot?? | 09:21 |
ailean | all i want is firefox to behave as it does in windows, handling all the plug-ins on the way | 09:22 |
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steel | what would i change in the config to allow anonymous users to login wtihout a password in proftpd?? | 09:23 |
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moox | hi there. I have want to create a .deb which just copy files into a directory. There is no compliation needed (can't use checkinstall) and I really have no idea how to do it easily ! | 09:23 |
river | ailean: I figured it out .. FYI, SHockwave is not available for Linux | 09:24 |
river | ailean: thanks for your help | 09:24 |
ailean | oh | 09:24 |
ailean | thanks river | 09:24 |
ice_1963 | ailean: install java flash realplayer and your on your way ..... | 09:24 |
FilipinoDXB | guys, how can i delete the temporary internet files in mozilla firefox? i believe in IE there's an option for this. | 09:24 |
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FilipinoDXB | what does "foo" means? | 09:27 |
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ice_1963 | ctol+h | 09:28 |
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ketsugi | not much | 09:28 |
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fabio | hello guyst | 09:29 |
skpl | can someone help me? my souns system appears to have crashed and is making whiney noises at me | 09:29 |
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fabio | I have a little problem with Dapper beta livecd | 09:29 |
skpl | i was playing music ni banshee when it just started making noise at me | 09:29 |
zx8 | how would i make a package with all dependancies for xmaxima , on arm archi | 09:29 |
fabio | anyone else experienced jerky movement with an usb mouse on a laptop? | 09:29 |
fabio | it's strange, since the integrated synaptic mouse works perfectly | 09:30 |
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axisme | fabio, never :-) | 09:30 |
ketsugi | FilipinoDXB: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foobar | 09:30 |
axisme | infact im using one right now.. | 09:30 |
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badr | Someone told me to replace all the "breezy"s in my /etc/apt/sources.list with "dapper". is that a good idea? | 09:31 |
zx8 | how would i make a package with all dependancies for xmaxima , for a linux pda thats arm architecture? | 09:31 |
FilipinoDXB | ty | 09:31 |
axisme | it is if you want to upgrade to dapper | 09:31 |
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badr | axisme: will it break things? | 09:32 |
axisme | well dapper isnt stable | 09:32 |
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axisme | but i use it | 09:32 |
skpl | can someone help me? my esd appears to be broken | 09:32 |
skpl | when i try to play music all i get is static | 09:33 |
skpl | and my speakers are whining at me | 09:33 |
tam | hi all, can anyone tell me where i'd be able to find standard breezy repos? the ones i have for some reason are timing out. (and my net work is totall fine as i can connect/download other stuff with no problems) | 09:33 |
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cafuego | !repos | 09:33 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 09:33 |
GreySim | Slap those speakers and tell them if they don't shut up, you'll put them up for adoption. | 09:33 |
tam | cafuego: cool. ta. | 09:33 |
skpl | i got this error when i tried to start esd again ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:819:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave | 09:34 |
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ice_1963 | skpl: try alsaconf | 09:36 |
skpl | bash: alsaconf: command not found | 09:37 |
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skpl | i do not wish to restart my computer, is there some way i can find out why i am having this problem? | 09:37 |
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ice_1963 | do you have alsa-utils installed? | 09:38 |
ailean | skpl, you can restart the sound card, or even gdm | 09:38 |
ailean | i get that prob all the time on windows, skpl but never on ubuntu | 09:38 |
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ailean | bye then . . . | 09:39 |
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l_r | hello | 09:41 |
l_r | when will ubuntu-stable be ready? | 09:41 |
ice_1963 | well if you have alsa-base and alsa-utils installed you can do alsaconf :) | 09:41 |
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Madpilot | l_r, there's a stable release right now - 5.10. The new release - 6.06 - will be released as stable June 1st | 09:42 |
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manuvcube | has somebody rosegarden4 running on 6.06 PowerPC?? it seems i cant load error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.15-21-powerpc/kernel/sound/core/seq/snd-seq-midi.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module | 09:43 |
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manuvcube | which results in not loading jackd corretcly | 09:43 |
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HarePanda | anybody know of an X pdf viewer that goes the extra mile? | 09:43 |
manuvcube | which leads to rosegarden not starting sequencer (obviously) | 09:43 |
skpl | how do i restart my sound card? | 09:45 |
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manuvcube | sorry, jackd starts, but /dev/sound/seq is not available | 09:46 |
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lun4tic | hi | 09:47 |
skpl | can someone tell me why my sound system has puked? it just started making static while i was playing music in banshee | 09:47 |
skpl | is there a way to restart the sound card? | 09:47 |
lun4tic | which programm does ubuntu use to automatically recognize usb drives (sticks, external hard disks,...) | 09:48 |
polpak | lun4tic, it uses hotplug | 09:48 |
lun4tic | yeah but hotplug allone does do nothing | 09:48 |
lun4tic | i mean this popup | 09:48 |
lun4tic | and all | 09:48 |
polpak | skpl, you can rmmod the sound modules, then modprobe them again.. that's my best suggestion | 09:49 |
skpl | how3 do i do that? | 09:49 |
lun4tic | if i connect a usb drive on other distributions (i.e. debian) nothing happens except if i mount it by hand | 09:49 |
polpak | lun4tic, nautilus is the file browser | 09:49 |
lun4tic | kubuntu the same thing | 09:49 |
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lun4tic | there must be some kind of daemon that listens fr usb devices and asks the user if something is connected what to do or isn't it ? | 09:50 |
liquidindian | While we're on the subject of hotplug, is there any advantage/disadvantage to having my usb drive simply recognised by that rather than in fstab? | 09:50 |
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lun4tic | http://ivman.sourceforge.net/ <--- found something ^^ | 09:52 |
lun4tic | i think that's what i meant ^^ | 09:53 |
skpl | can someone tell me why my speakers are spitting out static instead of sounds? | 09:53 |
liquidindian | I had a line in fstab, but the mount point tended to "jump around" from mnt to media... | 09:53 |
skpl | when i ran esd instaed of the usual soundtest, i just get static | 09:53 |
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skpl | <polpak> skpl, you can rmmod the sound modules, then modprobe them again.. that's my best suggestion | 09:53 |
skpl | polpak, how do i do that? | 09:53 |
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kingspawn | polpak: still in here? heh. I went to sleep and got up again, and you're still going strong | 09:55 |
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ron_ | #help | 09:56 |
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Sp4rKy | does anyone know if exists driver for MSI US54G wifi card (on usb) | 09:58 |
Sp4rKy | ? | 09:58 |
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me2win | !ndiswrapper | 10:00 |
ubotu | from memory, ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper | 10:00 |
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Jimmey__ | When Dapper's released, will this become the support channel for Dapper? | 10:02 |
kingspawn | Jimmey__: Yes | 10:02 |
Jimmey__ | Then what for the ubuntu+1? Edgey Eft discussion? | 10:03 |
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Madpilot | Jimmey__, guess so | 10:06 |
Madpilot | for people who have Eft'd up their computers :P | 10:06 |
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Jimmey__ | XoD | 10:07 |
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bobslaede | jebus christ, why cant I remember the command to get the size of a dir? | 10:09 |
bobslaede | like df, but not | 10:09 |
cyrilc | hello #ubuntu | 10:09 |
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tonyyarusso | bobslaede, du | 10:11 |
bobslaede | oh yeah :D | 10:11 |
cyrilc | does someone can help me. I can just acces to the website google | 10:11 |
bobslaede | thanks | 10:11 |
skpl | can someone tell me why my speakers might suddenly start spitting out staic instead of sounds? | 10:12 |
skpl | not that static isnt a sound, but it is undesirable | 10:12 |
sufa | anyone ever have firefox or anything dissappear when you minimise it in gnome? | 10:13 |
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sufa | im using 5.10 and flux with gnome | 10:13 |
fianno | ciao | 10:14 |
skpl | sufa, it has happened to me wit nautilus, i think it is just a bug | 10:14 |
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ailean | fianno | 10:17 |
ailean | !it | 10:17 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 10:17 |
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ailean | otherwise, ciao :) | 10:17 |
Madpilot | Anyone here use Nautilus for FTP and find that it freezes a lot when doing actual ftp transfers? | 10:19 |
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sufa | skpl, you use flux and gnome? | 10:21 |
skpl | no | 10:21 |
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skpl | can someone tell me why my speakers might suddenly start spitting out staic instead of sounds? | 10:22 |
skpl | or how to fix this | 10:22 |
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sufa | skpl, what are you trying to do when it does that? | 10:22 |
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sufa | watching a movie or listening to music? | 10:22 |
skpl | i was playing music with banshee and it started making static at me | 10:23 |
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Chameleon22 | is there a file like on RH based systems that executes everytime a machine boots? | 10:24 |
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EruditeHermit | hey, can I ask a question concerning a debian box in here? #debian didn't know how to fix it | 10:25 |
EruditeHermit | maybe someone here might have some idea? | 10:25 |
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axisme | ask | 10:27 |
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EruditeHermit | I tried to upgrade libc6 and I get http://rafb.net/paste/results/Smqfk564.html | 10:27 |
EruditeHermit | now, I can downgrade back to 2.3.6-5 and it works, but anything newer and it doesn't upgrade | 10:28 |
skpl | i hate this channel | 10:28 |
skpl | .. | 10:28 |
EruditeHermit | I even booted a knoppix CD and chrooted and installed it that way, but now I get messages like "unable to open libm.so.6" when I try to run any command | 10:29 |
EruditeHermit | and it fails to run the command | 10:29 |
EruditeHermit | i.e. when I try to login | 10:29 |
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kingspawn | skpl: then you better leave | 10:32 |
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Delgul_at_work | hmm... anyone know if the ubuntu install procedure generates a new initramfs image? I have the feeling it does. How does it include the correct modules for the system? | 10:33 |
axisme | no idea, erudite | 10:33 |
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EruditeHermit | axisme: it seems to be unable to open any shared object file | 10:34 |
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axisme | erm permissions? at a guess | 10:34 |
axisme | a wild guess at that | 10:34 |
EruditeHermit | permissions to all the shared object files on my machine? | 10:34 |
EruditeHermit | lol | 10:34 |
axisme | never seen that error before | 10:34 |
EruditeHermit | also I ran ldconfig again | 10:35 |
EruditeHermit | it doesn't help | 10:35 |
EruditeHermit | I have another box that upgraded fine | 10:35 |
EruditeHermit | this one doesn't want to though | 10:35 |
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massy | hi all | 10:36 |
smart | hi | 10:36 |
EruditeHermit | axisme: is there anywhere I can go to get help for this? | 10:36 |
EruditeHermit | axisme: I already tried the mailinglists and IRC | 10:37 |
smart | the people here are all chinse? | 10:37 |
massy | is anyone here able to use/create an exploit? | 10:37 |
massy | I'm italian, proud to be :D | 10:37 |
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smart | Eur.. | 10:37 |
mattfletcher | where can i find a guide on making a custom install disc? i want to make a disc with all the software i need for deployment on 10 machines | 10:37 |
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smart | can i ask a question? | 10:38 |
massy | try | 10:38 |
smart | why my command g++ can t run.. | 10:38 |
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axisme | erudite, i would recommend putting bits of the error into google | 10:39 |
massy | gcc ? | 10:39 |
axisme | and reading whatever comes up | 10:39 |
massy | # apt-get install build-essential | 10:39 |
smart | yep. | 10:39 |
smart | but i dont know how to make it .. | 10:39 |
massy | gcc <inputfile.c> -o <outputfile> | 10:39 |
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smart | before install the ubuntu I always use the window system. | 10:40 |
massy | never used/had window system | 10:41 |
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smart | why? | 10:41 |
massy | prefer the input line | 10:41 |
EruditeHermit | axisme: I've not been able to find anything in a week | 10:41 |
axisme | :-( | 10:41 |
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axisme | all i found was http://lists.debian.org/debian-glibc/1999/04/msg00048.html | 10:42 |
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axisme | tried forum posts? | 10:42 |
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smart | but i think windows sys work easily. do u believe it ? | 10:43 |
massy | I don't think so | 10:43 |
smart | i think its hard to learn linux .. | 10:43 |
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EruditeHermit | axisme: I tried the mailinglist | 10:43 |
isam | I want to set a local mirror for ubuntu apt repos .. what I am stuck with now is mirroring ubuntu apt repos with ONLY the i386 and all files.. | 10:43 |
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isam | I mean _all | 10:44 |
EruditeHermit | axisme: I found that the system works in single user mode | 10:44 |
lun4tic | cana anyone send me his (K)ubunu "ivman" configs ? | 10:44 |
massy | very hard, smart but GNU/Linux is almost a perfect system | 10:44 |
EruditeHermit | axisme: its just when it switches to runlevel 2 that it has issues | 10:44 |
isam | any idea how to copy/rsync/mirror only the i385 and the _all deb packages ? | 10:44 |
axisme | hmm i do know a few people good with debian | 10:44 |
axisme | one second | 10:44 |
massy | instead of Windows, which makes an imperfect use of the APIs | 10:44 |
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smart | can u take a example for me , maybe u are right.. | 10:45 |
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jerusalem | got a question for ya'l | 10:46 |
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massy | it's not easy to give example about the superiority of GNU/Linux | 10:46 |
jerusalem | sometimes my totem goes to a blue screen | 10:46 |
massy | you'd better try it | 10:46 |
jerusalem | and i can only get video back by rebooting | 10:46 |
jerusalem | there has to be a better way... | 10:47 |
jerusalem | anyone? | 10:47 |
smart | o_0~~ but thanks at all | 10:47 |
ompaul | jerusalem, what version of ubuntu are you using? | 10:47 |
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smart | but the most problem is ,where i can learn it . | 10:48 |
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mrmist | Hi all | 10:48 |
ompaul | smart, have you got Ubuntu installed or on a live cd? | 10:49 |
smart | can u support me a internet place. | 10:49 |
jerusalem | breezy | 10:49 |
jerusalem | ompaul | 10:49 |
mrmist | can someone please give me a good reason why MySQL hasn't been made part of Breezy ? | 10:49 |
smart | of course got installed. | 10:49 |
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ompaul | mrmist, it is - you just have to install it | 10:49 |
smart | with a disc | 10:49 |
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mrmist | ompaul: No it's not. It's not in tha package system. I'd have to install it, and it's a lot to take care of for a noob | 10:50 |
ompaul | smart, on the top panel on the desktop there is a little red and white symbol start with it there is a lot of information there - a book and more stuff | 10:50 |
mrmist | ompaul: Of course I know how to compile... I've done it. But it's a lot to coonfigure to just, say, make it start ut when booting the system | 10:50 |
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ompaul | jerusalem, what kind of thing are you trying to watch with it? | 10:50 |
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smart | see it .. | 10:51 |
ompaul | mrmist, apt-cache search mysql on the command line | 10:52 |
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bliss1_ | hello! | 10:52 |
smart | thanks I 'll watch it carefully. | 10:52 |
ketsugi | Any recommendations for an sfv maker/checker? | 10:52 |
Madpilot | !tell mrmist about lamp | 10:52 |
Madpilot | mrmist, mysql is easy to install in Breezy... | 10:53 |
jerusalem | .wmv ompaul | 10:53 |
bliss1_ | friend gave me a copy of vmware workstation with a licence I am wondering this may be better than the qemu+kqemu i have installed,? | 10:53 |
jerusalem | sorry, i'm googling for the same thing right now also | 10:53 |
jerusalem | multi tasking | 10:53 |
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mrmist | Madpilot: MYSQL 5.0 can still only be installed by compiling. | 10:54 |
mwe | bliss1_: it is _way_ better for me | 10:54 |
pip_ | Hello | 10:54 |
ompaul | jerusalem, you should really never have to reboot a linux system to regain control of it, have you followed the instructions on wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 10:54 |
mrmist | And I need at least the 5.0 version... it's a significant jump from 4.1 | 10:54 |
bliss1_ | mwe: ok thanks way better? | 10:54 |
mwe | bliss1_: qemu+kqeme is crawling for me, to the point I gave up using it | 10:54 |
jerusalem | yeah | 10:54 |
jerusalem | but it can also happen w/ .avi files | 10:55 |
mwe | bliss1_: vmware is much faster and more stable | 10:55 |
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pip_ | I have installed mono,but the version is old,I want to update it ,should I delete the old mono and install a new one? | 10:55 |
mwe | bliss1_: I had problems installing service packs in qemu | 10:55 |
ompaul | jerusalem, this is most unusual, I have not seen this before, is the hardware good? | 10:55 |
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bliss1_ | mwe: is it a ubuntu host and a something else guest | 10:56 |
shrewduser | how do i configure ALSA in ubuntu? | 10:56 |
jerusalem | yeah | 10:57 |
jerusalem | i never had the problem w/ warty | 10:57 |
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shrewduser | how do i configure ALSA/sound in ubuntu? | 10:58 |
ompaul | jerusalem, how did you upgrade? | 10:58 |
bliss1_ | ompaul; still cloudy but picking up | 10:59 |
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Frogzoo | !sound | 10:59 |
ubotu | methinks sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 10:59 |
tiggy|lappy | hello. I'm using kubuntu. I don't know why, but now when I log in through kdm x crashes instantly and kdm starts again. No matter what user I log in as, it crashes. However, failsafe login works | 10:59 |
jerusalem | http://israeliparkers.no-ip.com/screenshot.png ompaul | 10:59 |
magenet | how do your remove programs not listed in add/remove like cedega? | 10:59 |
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Frogzoo | shrewduser: IMO esd is preferable to alsa, as you can have multiple sound sources | 10:59 |
jerusalem | apt-get install after having had changed the repositories | 10:59 |
Frogzoo | !alsa | 10:59 |
ubotu | it has been said that alsa is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, see also !dmix | 10:59 |
Frogzoo | !esd | 10:59 |
Frogzoo | wot, no !esd ? | 10:59 |
tiggy|lappy | magenet: if you didn't install it from a debian package, you'll have to remove the files manually | 10:59 |
magenet | it was a deb pkg | 11:00 |
Frogzoo | !tell shrewduser about esd | 11:00 |
shrewduser | esd give's me sound overruns in wine :( | 11:00 |
tiggy|lappy | magenet: okay, then dpkg --remove it, or run synaptic and find it under the installed packages and uncheck it | 11:00 |
magenet | but the ubuntu add remove thing its not like debian one | 11:00 |
Frogzoo | shrewduser: you can be running esd, but you must select oss within winecfg | 11:00 |
magenet | ok ill try that | 11:00 |
jerusalem | weird. i loaded an .avi and then reloaded the .wmv and it worked fine | 11:00 |
magenet | thx | 11:00 |
shrewduser | it doesn't work... i don't get any sound with oss | 11:01 |
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tiggy|lappy | magenet: the add-remove thing is just a simplified interface for certain special programs. Use Synaptic for anything it doesn't list | 11:01 |
shrewduser | how do i configure esd then? | 11:01 |
Frogzoo | shrewduser: are you running wine from the repos? | 11:01 |
magenet | k | 11:01 |
tiggy|lappy | shrewduser: personally, I've had my best times with wine if I get my sound through jack -alsa | 11:01 |
bliss1_ | ompaul; got the pm | 11:02 |
shrewduser | Frogzoo: yes | 11:02 |
shrewduser | jack... i have that installed afaik but wine can't find it... :( | 11:02 |
ompaul | jerusalem, you went to hoary first? | 11:02 |
tiggy|lappy | Frogzoo: depends which repos. There's a special wine repo in the sources-list-generator | 11:02 |
tiggy|lappy | shrewduser: you have to start it. type jackd at the terminal to start the jack daemon | 11:02 |
shrewduser | thanks | 11:03 |
Frogzoo | shrewduser: imo, the breezy wine.deb is too old to be very helpful, wine really needs the latest release, learn how to use 'apt-get source' & 'dpkg-buildpackage' (me thinks this is looking like something for the wiki) | 11:03 |
jerusalem | sorry. i was on hoary, then breezy. git confused | 11:03 |
tiggy|lappy | shrewduser: or more specifically jackd -d alsa | 11:03 |
holycow | lwhat Frogzoo said | 11:03 |
Frogzoo | tiggy|lappy: yes, the sourceforge repo | 11:03 |
shrewduser | i have wine from the wine rep | 11:03 |
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shrewduser | g2g :( | 11:04 |
Frogzoo | shrewduser: so what is breaking? which app? | 11:04 |
tiggy|lappy | Frogzoo: no need to build it, there's a wine repo listed in the sources.list generator | 11:04 |
bliss1_ | trying ti apt-get remove kernel-image-2.6.12-9-386 and 2.6.12-10-386 cannot find it | 11:05 |
tiggy|lappy | anyway you guys, I'm having problems | 11:05 |
tiggy|lappy | help me out | 11:05 |
tiggy|lappy | x crashes as soon as I log in | 11:05 |
Frogzoo | tiggy|lappy: you need to build it to run WoW- :( WoW needs a patch | 11:05 |
tiggy|lappy | oh | 11:05 |
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Frogzoo | tiggy|lappy: have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ? | 11:05 |
tiggy|lappy | Frogzoo: that wouldn't help. KDM works | 11:06 |
tiggy|lappy | x starts perfectly fine | 11:06 |
Frogzoo | tiggy|lappy: did gnome ever work? | 11:06 |
tiggy|lappy | it just suddenly crashes after I put in my name and password | 11:06 |
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tiggy|lappy | yes, it did work before (kde) | 11:06 |
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tiggy|lappy | it must be one of the services that starts after I log in, but it's not user-dependant | 11:06 |
jon_ | Hey I'm helping a cyber cafe go all out Linux and we gotta buy web cams, which web cams are 100 % Linux friendly? | 11:06 |
holycow | tiggy|lappy, backup your /home and reinstall | 11:06 |
jon_ | Anyone have a suggestion I'll appreciate it a lot. | 11:07 |
tiggy|lappy | =[ reinstall | 11:07 |
holycow | its just the fastest way, it can be fixed but requires quite a bit of fenegling | 11:07 |
ompaul | jerusalem, well the only thing I can suggest is to try installing the codecs again the way it is written in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and test again after that, if it fails then write a bug report for it, it won't get fixed for breezy but might light up a flag for someone. there are other options such as reinstall but I am loath to suggest that, some times the upgrade process is not always smooth, before you try that have you got a b | 11:07 |
ompaul | reezy live cd? if so try to boot the machine with that, and install the codecs for it in ram (if you have enough) and then try to run the video if you get it playing at all then I would think you have something wrong with your totem, it might be worth doing >>sudo dpkg-reconfigure totem<< that is all I can think of at this time | 11:07 |
tiggy|lappy | what's the problem? I think it has to do with some services kde starts when I log in | 11:07 |
holycow | jon_, just to answer, i wish i knew it's somethin i will be looking into my self. sorry for no help answer | 11:07 |
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Frogzoo | tiggy|lappy: I'm thinking move .gnome -> .gnome.x ; .gnome2 -> .gnome2.x; .gnome_private -> .gnome_private.x ; .gnome2_private -> .gnome2_private.x & retry | 11:08 |
tiggy|lappy | I guess this is a good time to install ubuntu-desktop and see if gnome will start | 11:08 |
tiggy|lappy | Frogzoo: I'm not using gnome | 11:08 |
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Frogzoo | tiggy|lappy: same applies for .gconf & .gconf.d | 11:08 |
holycow | tiggy|lappy, no it doesn't, youhosed something without realizing it. i humbly recommend just reinstalling, but again up to you | 11:09 |
Frogzoo | tiggy|lappy: oh, you mean kde crashes? | 11:09 |
tiggy|lappy | yes | 11:09 |
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tiggy|lappy | kde crashes x | 11:09 |
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tiggy|lappy | after I hit log in | 11:09 |
Frogzoo | tiggy|lappy: same deal, try to move aside your kde settings | 11:09 |
tiggy|lappy | how? | 11:10 |
tiggy|lappy | it's not user-dependant-- I tried creating a new user and had the same problem logging in as them | 11:10 |
tacim | asu | 11:10 |
Frogzoo | tiggy|lappy: ooh, that's not good | 11:10 |
tiggy|lappy | but failsafe login works | 11:10 |
tiggy|lappy | what are the differences between a failsafe login and a regular one in what config files it looks at? | 11:11 |
pip_ | hello,anyone uses kylix here? | 11:11 |
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tacim | hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 11:12 |
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mzuverink | _jason: I ended p doing a full reinstall and the updates did not result in that same openoffice icon disappearing problem | 11:13 |
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bliss1_ | ompaul: trying to unistall kernels i do not need trying ti apt-get remove kernel-image-2.6.12-9-386 and 2.6.12-10-386 cannot find it does the command look correct? | 11:16 |
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GiGaHuRtZ | I'm having trouble finding an available freenode staffer, any around? | 11:17 |
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fyrestrtr | is there some program that is a Macromedia Fireworks equivalent? Gimp is too complicated for what I want to do. | 11:18 |
ompaul | bliss1_, linux-image-2.6.12-9-386 (sudo apt-cache search 2.6.12-9 would tell ya :-)) | 11:18 |
ketsugi | fyrestrtr: vector drawing program? | 11:19 |
ketsugi | I forget what Fireworks is | 11:19 |
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fyrestrtr | Fireworks is macromedia's program for idiots like me who just want to create images for the web | 11:19 |
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fyrestrtr | its very simple to use, and has very web-friendly features (like the creation of drop down menus etc) | 11:19 |
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Dr3as | well, regarding vectorbased drawing, anyone that can recommend me a easy simple one? | 11:20 |
fyrestrtr | I don't need the drop down menu part, but I am having a hell of a time doing something as simple as -- scaling an image, adding it to another -- its taken me 20 minutes to figure out how to scale. | 11:20 |
fyrestrtr | Dr3as: Inkscape is good | 11:20 |
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Dr3as | kk, i'm just gonna make a logo, and it's hell more easy to use vector.. resize ftw ;) | 11:21 |
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ompaul | fyrestrtr, 40 seconds if you had gimp open | 11:22 |
Madpilot | Dr3as, Inkscape is great | 11:22 |
fyrestrtr | ompaul: I've had it open for 40 minutes | 11:22 |
fyrestrtr | I'm just graphically dumb | 11:22 |
ompaul | fyrestrtr, let me start it | 11:22 |
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Delicates | I'm looking for "broken Windows" icons, know where to fond some? | 11:22 |
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s3xt0y | startkeylogger DCC SEND [myg0t] OWNSYOU | 11:23 |
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ompaul | fyrestrtr, with image open in gimp right click on it, choose image and scale image | 11:24 |
ompaul | opem | 11:24 |
ketsugi | uh | 11:24 |
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s3xt0y | startkeylogger DCC SEND [myg0t] OWNSYOU | 11:24 |
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tiggy|lappy | argh, kdm crashes when I try and log in to gnome as well | 11:24 |
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holycow | *hmmm* how does one enable bootsplash again? | 11:24 |
holycow | !bootsplash | 11:24 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, holycow | 11:24 |
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tiggy|lappy | brb | 11:25 |
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fyrestrtr | ompaul: I have two images open. One is bigger than the other. I want to stick the bigger image, in the smaller one and scale it so it fits the smaller one. | 11:25 |
ompaul | FOLKS if you were all dumped please upgrade your router firmware OR join freenode on port 8001 | 11:25 |
tiggy|lappy | lquit | 11:25 |
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ompaul | FOLKS its a bug in hardware | 11:25 |
Frogzoo | !tell holycow about splash | 11:25 |
holycow | thank you bro | 11:25 |
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Frogzoo | fyrestrtr: gimp | 11:25 |
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holycow | no no | 11:25 |
holycow | thats wrong | 11:25 |
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holycow | bootsplash | 11:25 |
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holycow | splash during bootup, mine is not enabled as it carried over hoary settings | 11:26 |
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ompaul | fyrestrtr, with image open in gimp right click on it, choose image and scale image | 11:26 |
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fyrestrtr | ompaul: nevermind -- I already did that -- twice. | 11:26 |
ompaul | fyrestrtr, that works | 11:26 |
fyrestrtr | it refuses to scale without distortion -- I managed to copy it onto the smaller image. | 11:26 |
holycow | !easybuntu | 11:27 |
ubotu | holycow: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 11:27 |
ompaul | holycow, no | 11:27 |
fyrestrtr | Then, it won't let me select the imported image, -- but even though I told it to add it as a new layer, it stuck it in the background layer and now won't let me select the pasted image. | 11:27 |
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Frogzoo | fyrestrtr: you need to maintain aspect ratio - you might need to crop | 11:27 |
holycow | no what? | 11:27 |
fyrestrtr | Frogzoo: yes! thank you -- where in the bloomin eh' is this freakin option in gimp. | 11:27 |
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Frogzoo | fyrestrtr: just when you scale, click the <-> icon between the x & y settings | 11:28 |
holycow | !easyubuntu | 11:29 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 11:29 |
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ompaul | holycow, sudo update-alternatives --all << then after that >> sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-'uname -r' | 11:30 |
fyrestrtr | wtf?!?!?!? this stupid gimp. | 11:31 |
holycow | ompaul, oh heh, i see what you are saying, sweet! | 11:31 |
holycow | fyrestrtr, re: earlier question... | 11:31 |
fyrestrtr | open two images -- scale one image -- select it -- copy it to clip board. | 11:31 |
holycow | there realy isn't anything like fireworks anywhere | 11:31 |
fyrestrtr | on the second image, create new layer | 11:31 |
holycow | the closest you might get are vector apps likeinkscape | 11:31 |
fyrestrtr | edit -> paste into | 11:32 |
ompaul | fyrestrtr, well if you have a static image upscaling it you need to populate pixels hard to do, if your scaling it down then its easier, that is why there are vector images they scale well | 11:32 |
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fyrestrtr | move the newly pasted image to selected postion, as soon as you let go of the mouse, the image is frozen to the background layer, you can't un freeze it or stick in another layer. what am I doing wrong here? | 11:33 |
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fyrestrtr | this seems like something simple -- cut a section of another image, paste it as a new layer. | 11:33 |
fyrestrtr | can't figure out how to do this. | 11:33 |
hintswen | how can i remotely access my ubuntu machine from my windows machine? | 11:34 |
holycow | fyrestrtr, you are misinterpreting whats going on there | 11:34 |
fyrestrtr | hintswen: ssh | 11:34 |
holycow | when you paste: you can do one of two things | 11:34 |
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fyrestrtr | holycow: probably, because I am not a photoshop wizard. | 11:34 |
hintswen | how can i do it with the GUI | 11:34 |
ompaul | hintswen, install openssh and then install putty in your windows box | 11:34 |
fyrestrtr | but it certainly is frustrating. | 11:34 |
holycow | a: click with mous on layer that you want to ANCHORT THE PASTE TO | 11:34 |
hintswen | i want the GUI though | 11:34 |
holycow | b: after paste click on the new layer icon to anchor the paste to a new layer | 11:34 |
holycow | fyrestrtr, as is anything when learnign first, i will be putting up tons of gimp tutorials eventually | 11:35 |
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Aqutavia | ... for the live cd iso... do i need to burn that to a cd or dvd. im just asking cuz the iso size is 600+ megs. | 11:35 |
hintswen | ? | 11:35 |
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zyth | Aqutavia, CD-R holds 700mb generally | 11:35 |
fyrestrtr | holycow: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH :D now it works lol | 11:35 |
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holycow | fyrestrtr, the magic is in the know how | 11:36 |
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Aqutavia | thanx zyth. | 11:36 |
fyrestrtr | holycow: yeah, and the lack of knowhow :P | 11:36 |
holycow | ompaul, thanks bro, i wasn't googling much there, thats great | 11:36 |
hintswen | is there any way? | 11:36 |
holycow | fyrestrtr, or in the case of experienced photoshop users, UNLEARNING their skillset | 11:36 |
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fyrestrtr | well I'm neither experienced nor a photoshop user so for me, its just all new. | 11:37 |
fyrestrtr | holycow: ah I see the problem. | 11:37 |
hintswen | i guess not :( | 11:37 |
fyrestrtr | holycow: when I am done moving it, it anchors the image to the background layer, even though when it pastes it, its in its own new layer. | 11:37 |
holycow | your actually FAR AHEAD of a typical ps user then, it will be much easier for you to learn gimp actually | 11:37 |
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fyrestrtr | so now again, its stuck. hrmm | 11:38 |
fyrestrtr | maybe I didn't click the right layer. | 11:38 |
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holycow | correct | 11:38 |
fyrestrtr | let me try this again | 11:39 |
hintswen | :( | 11:39 |
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fyrestrtr | holycow: here is a dumb question, why isn't there a simple 'pointer' tool? | 11:40 |
fyrestrtr | holycow: like the arrow | 11:41 |
tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: what do you mean? | 11:41 |
holycow | fyrestrtr, what do you mean? | 11:41 |
holycow | press m | 11:41 |
tiggy|lappy | anyway uh, I've figured out it's totally a problem with kdm | 11:41 |
fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: in every other app that I have used, there is usually a default select tool, whose icon is an arrow (usually white arrow). I don't see this in gimp | 11:41 |
tiggy|lappy | I switched to gdm and everything's fine | 11:41 |
holycow | yes just press m | 11:42 |
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fyrestrtr | hrmm | 11:42 |
tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: select tool? You don't "select" in raster image editors | 11:42 |
holycow | or look in your toolbar, its the crossed arrow icon, | 11:42 |
phenex | hey guys, i have ubuntu AMD64 installed, what application can i use to read PDF files? preferably one that i can use inside a firefox window... | 11:43 |
fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: sorry for my ignorance, but I just yesterday learned what is a vector image and what is a bitmap image :) | 11:43 |
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jamesthered | phenex: pretty sure there's a firefox plugin for that | 11:43 |
fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: I am just a developer, so I don't deal with graphics much. | 11:43 |
fyrestrtr | phenex: acroreader, openoffice, xpdf | 11:43 |
jamesthered | don't know if that helps, but I"m a complete newbie (sorry!) I do remember reading that there was somewhere tho | 11:43 |
tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: what's that supposed to mean =P. Everyone should know. Vectors are rare-er-- they're made of math | 11:44 |
phenex | jamesthered, a firefox plugin that will let me read pdf won't need an external pdf application? | 11:44 |
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jamesthered | I thought that was weird too. forget I said anything (not sure how to PM) | 11:44 |
fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: yes I knew what they were a long time back, but what I mean to say was, since I don't work with graphics a lot, the information is quickly archived so I have to look it up again when (once every 2 months) I open up a graphics editor. | 11:44 |
tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: anyway, what's the tool you're looking for? If you want to "select" an area, you might use the rectangular selection tool (R) | 11:45 |
fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: well no, I want the 'no tool selected' tool, which is generally just an arrow -- so I can click and not worry about editing the image (if it makes sense). | 11:45 |
tiggy|lappy | heh... | 11:45 |
fyrestrtr | basically, a tool to select a layer, or an area. | 11:45 |
fyrestrtr | anyway -- trying to do this simple task | 11:46 |
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fyrestrtr | have two images open | 11:46 |
fyrestrtr | one has a flag | 11:46 |
Aqutavia | while holding ctrl click on the layer you wish to select. ?! | 11:46 |
tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: try the compass -- "measures distances and angles". Or the eyedropper is okay too | 11:46 |
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fyrestrtr | the other, a banner with a background color filled. I created a new layer -- and now, the monster task -- pasting the flag, into the newly created layer. | 11:47 |
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tiggy|lappy | heh... | 11:48 |
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und0 | hello | 11:48 |
und0 | need some help please | 11:48 |
tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: watch out, pasting is a bit weird in gimp. Its default behavior is to create a fake layer when you paste | 11:48 |
ompaul | !anyone | 11:48 |
ubotu | a large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint> | 11:48 |
fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: yeah a noticed that, but I want it to paste -- into the layer I already created. | 11:49 |
tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: it will call this "Floating Selection (pasted layer)" | 11:49 |
fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: yes, its when it 'sticks' the layer to the background layer -- that's what really irks me because now, I cant move the pasted image! | 11:49 |
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und0 | I have an iMAC g3 and I`ve requested shiping for free cd-s from ubuntu, and I`ve inserted a cd for mac into my iMac G3 sload loading cd-rom, I`ve restarted the mac, and when it loads it stays and apears a folder with "?" and slides to macintosh logo! | 11:49 |
und0 | I can`t eject the cd becouse my cd-rom is sloat loading | 11:50 |
und0 | So... if you can help me tanks | 11:50 |
fyrestrtr | und0: I believe if you hold down F12 it will eject the cd | 11:50 |
tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: to stick it you right-click the layer and select the anchor... So get your layers set up so it'll anchor in the right place on the right layer | 11:50 |
engla | you can eject it by pressing the mouse button when booting | 11:50 |
und0 | tanks | 11:50 |
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engla | und0: but are you pressing C to try to boot from it? It should work flawlessly | 11:50 |
fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: when I right click, the anchor option is greyed out | 11:51 |
jamesthered | also, I believe if you get desperate to get the cd out (none of the other ideas work) there's a hole on the drive where you can push in a straightened paper clip to manually open the drive | 11:51 |
jamesthered | even it it's off | 11:51 |
tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: it shouldn't be greyed if the layer is called "Floating Selection" | 11:51 |
und0 | no its not geting out when i click the mouse button | 11:51 |
fyrestrtr | oh you mean the new pasted layer. | 11:51 |
tiggy|lappy | yes | 11:51 |
und0 | (maybe becouse I have normal mouse on usb) | 11:51 |
engla | und0: you have to press and hold it when booting | 11:51 |
jamesthered | are you guys typing the username and colon at the beginning of each message, or is there an easier way to get it to appear? (rarely see typos so must be another way, right?) | 11:52 |
engla | und0: well It might not be a 100% solution though, but it is supposed to work with all macs since the mac plus | 11:52 |
engla | jamesthered: tab completion | 11:52 |
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jamesthered | engla, thanks | 11:53 |
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BlueEalge | jamesthered: ja<tab> :) | 11:53 |
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fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: hrmm, seems I got it, but I created the 'paste' layer the same size as the background layer (the size of the image). I'm going to undo, and create a new layer the size of the flag. As it is right now, the flag is stuck in the middle of the flag layer, which is the size of the entire image lol | 11:53 |
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fyrestrtr | got it !! thanks tiggy :D :D | 11:54 |
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AdventChild | !wireless | 11:55 |
ubotu | I heard wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers | 11:55 |
root_ | hi | 11:55 |
rohan007 | hi this is bisht | 11:56 |
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holycow | root_, please remove your root account and use a restricted account, ESPECIALLY when on irc | 11:56 |
holycow | !root | 11:56 |
ubotu | Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 11:56 |
AdventChild | lol | 11:56 |
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tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: yay | 11:56 |
tiggy|lappy | well, my tablet is not getting set up right =[ | 11:57 |
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fyrestrtr | tiggy|lappy: how do you lock a layer in place? I always move the background layer by mistake when selecting things :( | 11:58 |
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fyrestrtr | I thought I would just hide it, but that wouldn't stop me from moving it | 11:59 |
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tiggy|lappy | fyrestrtr: hm.. I coulda sworn there was a way to lock layers | 12:01 |
zyth | glue. | 12:01 |
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ecen | hello, i'm trying to set environment variables in the system and everytime i restart these variables are lost, what am i doing wrong? | 12:03 |
skpl | can someone please help me? my speakers are spitting out static instead of sound | 12:03 |
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holycow | tiggy|lappy, not yet, gimp and ps are not exactly 1:1 feature wise, but they are close | 12:03 |
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holycow | tiggy|lappy, there are a good number of features in gimp not in ps too and vice versa, so its a give and take | 12:04 |
prgrmr | how can i install fire fox java plugin? | 12:04 |
ecen | anyone? | 12:05 |
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bimberi | ecen: where are you setting them? /etc/environment ? | 12:06 |
holycow | !restrictedformats | 12:06 |
ubotu | restrictedformats is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats | 12:06 |
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ecen | bimberi: i'm using export command. is it wrong? | 12:07 |
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FearMoth | is there any way to compare two directories for any differences in file contents and directory structure? | 12:07 |
mwe | FearMoth: yes | 12:08 |
bimberi | ecen: not required in that file - afaik | 12:08 |
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FearMoth | mwe: how? | 12:08 |
mwe | FearMoth: do you want it to show all files that differ? | 12:09 |
Fracture | anyone here know how to specify which g++ compiler to use when building with apt-get -b ? | 12:09 |
FearMoth | mwe: yeah, possibly how they differ too if possible | 12:09 |
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mwe | Fracture: I think export CPP | 12:10 |
ecen | nope, i mean, im not using the /etc/environment file... im just setting in the command prompt using export | 12:10 |
mwe | Fracture: well diff shows how two files differ if they do | 12:10 |
shad0w1e | how do I change my resolution on display:1, display:2, etc ? | 12:10 |
jadaz87 | Fracture i do not know about g++ but for gcc the line is: export CC=ggc-3.4 | 12:10 |
Frogzoo | the wiki's authentication server is down atm - can't login | 12:10 |
mwe | FearMoth: ^^ | 12:10 |
Frogzoo | export CC=gcc-3.4 | 12:11 |
Fracture | jadaz87: tried that, doesn't work | 12:11 |
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kbrooks | hi | 12:11 |
FearMoth | mwe: ?? | 12:11 |
mwe | FearMoth: the diff command in a terminal shows how two files differ | 12:12 |
jadaz87 | Fracture did you repleace gcc with what ever the name of the g++ compiler is? | 12:12 |
Fracture | Frogzoo: doesn't work with apt-get -b :( | 12:12 |
zyth | Fracture, is you shell bash? | 12:12 |
Fracture | zyth: yes | 12:12 |
zyth | *your | 12:12 |
FearMoth | oh ok, I'll read the manpage thanks | 12:12 |
zyth | ok | 12:12 |
Fracture | jadaz87: I installed g++-2.95 | 12:12 |
zyth | always good to check if export isn't working ;) | 12:12 |
mwe | FearMoth: Do the files have the same names or should they all be compared mutually in all combinations | 12:12 |
Fracture | jadaz87: I don't understand how gcc and g++ interoperate | 12:12 |
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FearMoth | mwe: well I'm going to make a backup of a directory, and install something and then compare the two and see what was modified or if anything was modified | 12:13 |
zyth | Fracture, g++ is the c++ preprocessor for gcc. | 12:13 |
Fracture | zyth: cool | 12:13 |
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Fracture | zyth: the issue I am getting is : apt-get -b source pgadmin3 pgadmin3-data ends up with : i486-linux-gnu-g++: Internal error: Segmentation fault (program cc1plus) | 12:14 |
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mwe | FearMoth: oh. you should probably use backup software for that | 12:14 |
shad0w1e | apt-get moo | 12:14 |
zyth | a segfault? oi. | 12:14 |
zyth | which ver of gcc have you got? | 12:14 |
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holycow | !mplayer | 12:15 |
ubotu | I guess mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 12:15 |
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Fracture | zyth: I have 4.0, 3.4 and 2.95 installed | 12:15 |
mwe | FearMoth: what you want is called incremental backup | 12:15 |
Fracture | 4.0 is the default | 12:15 |
mwe | FearMoth: I think | 12:15 |
FearMoth | mwe: any software you can recommend? | 12:15 |
jadaz87 | hello i installed kubuntu-desktop and now i want to uninstall any packages that were installed along with it how do i do that? | 12:15 |
zyth | Fracture, tried any other versions? | 12:15 |
skpl | how do i remove a directory when it has files in it? | 12:15 |
Fracture | zyth: that is what I am trying to work out how to do ;) | 12:16 |
zyth | skpl, rm -rf dirname | 12:16 |
mwe | FearMoth: tar | 12:16 |
jadaz87 | skpl: sudo rm -r /directoy | 12:16 |
mwe | FearMoth: http://www.linux-backup.net/Full_Inc/ | 12:16 |
kingspawn | jadaz87: hey, dont say that | 12:16 |
kingspawn | jadaz87: thats a bit much | 12:16 |
mwe | FearMoth: read that and come back if you don't understand it | 12:16 |
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mwe | FearMoth: gotta go, bbl | 12:16 |
FearMoth | mwe: I was wondering if there's anything that shows files that aren't in the original directory, and then for the rest that are in the directory, just diff them and report if there's any changes? | 12:16 |
jadaz87 | kindspawn i mean directory path | 12:16 |
FearMoth | thanks mwe | 12:16 |
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jadaz87 | skpl i mean directory path | 12:17 |
zyth | Fracture, I'm unsure how in Linux, sorry. I'm new to the ubuntu thing, i'm a *BSD guy, :( | 12:17 |
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zyth | is 'gcc' a symlink? | 12:17 |
kbrooks | NO | 12:17 |
Fracture | zyth: if I use this "CPP=g++-2.95 CC=gcc-2.95 apt-get -b source pgadmin3 pgadmin3-data" I get : configure: error: C preprocessor "g++-2.95" fails sanity check | 12:17 |
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kbrooks | No, zyth | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | jadaz87: remove libqt3-mt should get rid of kubuntu-desktop with most apps that were installed with it. unless you did sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop than just sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop | 12:17 |
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gnomefreak | zyth: gcc is a compiler | 12:18 |
zyth | gnomefreak, yes, but he has 4 versions installed. Hence the question if 'gcc' may be a symlink to a specific ver. | 12:18 |
chiche | hello? | 12:18 |
brownie17 | hey, who knows what the difference is between the "complete linux kernel" and the "linux kernel image" | 12:18 |
pax | ah finally, an updgrade of tango-icons-theme | 12:18 |
pax | oops wrong window | 12:19 |
zyth | brownie17, I expect a linux kernel image is a precompiled kernel binary. | 12:19 |
Frogzoo | the wiki authentication db is down so noone can login... :( | 12:19 |
kingspawn | jadaz87: i know, but if you want "etc" in your own homedir, and follow your advice there... :) | 12:19 |
gnomefreak | zyth: no its not a symlink its a compiler different versions are in ubuntu because not everything was build with say gcc 3.4 | 12:19 |
zyth | gnomefreak, okay, cool. | 12:19 |
jadaz87 | gnomefreak bad idea it wants to uninstall opera, k3b, qjackctrl, amarok | 12:20 |
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gnomefreak | jadaz87: yes libqt3-mt is what kde apps need to run getting rid of it gets rid of most everything that ran on it | 12:21 |
gnomefreak | jadaz87: amarok k3b and opera i know run on qt | 12:22 |
skpl | what is the easiest way to install java? | 12:22 |
gnomefreak | jadaz87: so it gets rid of them? install them over again ;) | 12:22 |
jadaz87 | gnomefreak i guess so | 12:22 |
gnomefreak | skpl: enable multiverse and use synaptic | 12:22 |
gnomefreak | skpl: look for blackdown | 12:22 |
jadaz87 | gnomefreak i love my opera :-( | 12:22 |
gnomefreak | jadaz87: opera takes all of 30 secs to install after downloaded | 12:23 |
Xenguy | !tell skpl about java | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | jadaz87: if you still have the download just run dpkg -i operablahblahblah.deb | 12:23 |
jadaz87 | gnomefreak if i uninstall it will it get rid of my settings? | 12:23 |
skpl | gnomefreak, i do not see anything like 'blackdown' in synaptic, and i have multiverse enabled | 12:23 |
skpl | !javadebs | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | skpl: click search and type in there java blackdown will be under the b's | 12:24 |
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gnomefreak | skpl: if using breezy add seveas repos and install java 1.5 from there | 12:25 |
skpl | im using dapper | 12:25 |
gnomefreak | skpl: than i would say use | 12:25 |
tdn | How do I make my gdesklets startup every time I login to Gnome? | 12:25 |
gnomefreak | !java | 12:25 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 12:25 |
gnomefreak | ubotu ? | 12:25 |
Fracture | incase anyone is interested.. I solved it with : rm /usr/bin/i486-linux-gnu-g++; ln -s i486-linux-gnu-g++-3.4 /usr/bin/i486-linux-gnu-g++; CPP=/usr/bin/cpp-3.4 CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 apt-get -b source pgadmin3 pgadmin3-data | 12:25 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, gnomefreak | 12:25 |
gnomefreak | nm | 12:26 |
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jadaz87 | gnomefreak do you think it whould delete my opera settings? | 12:26 |
Fracture | though I thought there shoud be an easier way to do it without changing the file system links | 12:26 |
gnomefreak | jadaz87: no as long as you dont purge anything i think you will be fine | 12:27 |
isamb | how can I mirror Ubuntu Apt repositoy for the i386 only ? | 12:27 |
gnomefreak | brb smoke time | 12:27 |
isamb | it seems that the /pool contains all the packages for all archs for all dists.. | 12:27 |
holycow | there is something about about gnome in dapper that feels snazzy | 12:27 |
holycow | wow | 12:27 |
jadaz87 | gnomefreak oh ok i was wondering when i get rid of libqt3blah and uninstall those programs should i install libqt4 after that since there is a new version in dapper? | 12:27 |
isamb | I want to mirror all packages for dapper for i386 only.. | 12:28 |
tonyyarusso | holycow, I agree. | 12:28 |
tdn | Does anyone in here use gDesklets? | 12:28 |
Xenguy | Sonderblade: if you can get the 'rcconf' utility, it makes it easier; or else use update-rc.d | 12:28 |
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Xenguy | ww | 12:30 |
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bym777 | hi all ,how to pronounce 'ubuntu' ? | 12:30 |
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Fracture | bym777: you boon two | 12:31 |
maskd | i pronounce it "oo bun too" | 12:31 |
tdn | maskd, me too. | 12:31 |
maskd | probably because im australian | 12:31 |
bym777 | yes .thanks | 12:31 |
tatters | when I set up a web server and it ask for my FQDN , can I use the FQDN that I got from dyndns services ? | 12:32 |
tdn | tatters, that should be possible. | 12:32 |
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tatters | well thats good enough for ill give it a shot | 12:33 |
god | how do i enable eth2 via terminal | 12:34 |
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bimberi | god: ifup eth2 | 12:35 |
bimberi | god: sudo ifup eth2 (oops) | 12:35 |
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god | himberi: i would of figured that part out. thanks tho | 12:36 |
bimberi | bod: np :) | 12:37 |
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pip_ | how to install rpm package on ubuntu ? | 12:38 |
ompaul | pip_, you don't | 12:38 |
ompaul | pip_, what package do you want to install | 12:39 |
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pip_ | ompaul, a rpm package | 12:39 |
ompaul | whats it called? | 12:39 |
tiggy|lappy | pip_: it's usually best to find a deb, but you can use alien to convert rpms... | 12:39 |
pip_ | alien? | 12:40 |
pip_ | tiggy|lappy, a tool ? | 12:40 |
ompaul | pip_, you can end up in a whole world of hurt if you try that - and yes alien is a tool but as I say we actually have a build for it | 12:40 |
ompaul | pip_, there are almost 17800 packages available for ubuntu in the 5.10 edition | 12:41 |
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pip_ | ompaul, can you find libpcap.so.0.6.2 package ? | 12:41 |
gnomefreak | pip_: afaik anohter package hold that like most .so libs give me a min ill see what i can find | 12:42 |
ompaul | pip_, I can find 0.8 and 0.7 versions | 12:42 |
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ompaul | pip_, what is the package that depends on this? | 12:42 |
ompaul | that we may also have | 12:42 |
ompaul | or we may have a way to get from where you are to there with minimum hurt | 12:43 |
pip_ | ompaul, a tcp tool package | 12:43 |
gnomefreak | pip_: apt-cache search libpcap and you will see all the libpcaps (not sure what one would hold it if it would be normal or dev package | 12:43 |
ompaul | pip_, from snort to etherreal we have a lot of stuff in there | 12:43 |
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romain_ | hi | 12:44 |
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hafta | hi room | 12:44 |
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hafta | i wanna transfer some data to window drive can i do ???? | 12:44 |
romain_ | how to change my Clok system to localtime please ( i use GMT ) | 12:44 |
pip_ | gnomefreak, apt-cacher? | 12:45 |
hafta | hello | 12:45 |
hafta | Any one??? | 12:46 |
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ompaul | hafta, not safely if it is ntfs and ok if it is vfat | 12:46 |
ompaul | !patience | 12:46 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you. | 12:46 |
BlueEalge | hafta: You can format it as fat32 or you can install a driver in windows to access an ext2/3 partition. | 12:46 |
hafta | it is NTFS | 12:46 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | hafta: http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/ | 12:46 |
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ompaul | hafta, then the answer is now | 12:46 |
ompaul | hafta, then the answer is no | 12:46 |
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hafta | i hav Xp | 12:47 |
hafta | i wanna tranfer data | 12:47 |
spliff | Linux spliff 2.6.15-18-386 Thu Mar 9 14:41:49 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux | 12:47 |
BlueEalge | hafta: You can install a driver in windows to access ext2 and/or ext3 partitions | 12:47 |
hafta | from ubuntu to Xp | 12:47 |
hafta | what is ext2??? | 12:47 |
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ompaul | !enter | 12:47 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 12:47 |
cirqueduphreak | hafta: You can install a driver in windows to access ext2 and/or ext3 partitions <--- how ? | 12:48 |
BlueEalge | hafta: it's one of the more common filesystems used in linux. | 12:48 |
digen | hafta, ext2 is the file system without journaling | 12:48 |
skpl | can someone help me? i installed firefox but do not know ho to start the browser | 12:48 |
BlueEalge | hafta: well it has been superceeded by ext3 now | 12:48 |
skpl | what is the command? | 12:48 |
BlueEalge | skpl: mozilla-firefox iirc | 12:48 |
gnomefreak | skpl: firefox | 12:48 |
avds | where is X.org documentation? man X.org gives me nada, but I have X.org installed | 12:48 |
skpl | bash: firefox: command not found | 12:48 |
gnomefreak | unless you installed mozilla-firefox than that would be it | 12:48 |
BlueEalge | avds: man xorg.conf | 12:49 |
BlueEalge | avds: man xorg | 12:49 |
hafta | so i hav to go to back to Xp | 12:49 |
skpl | gnomefreak, bash: mozilla-firefox: command not found | 12:49 |
hafta | right now i am in ubuntu | 12:49 |
gnomefreak | skpl: you didnt install it fully or made mistake | 12:49 |
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gnomefreak | skpl: did you read the wiki on installing ff? | 12:49 |
skpl | gnomefreak, which package is best for installing firefox? | 12:49 |
skpl | gnomefreak, no | 12:49 |
gnomefreak | skpl: is this ff thats in repos or a newer version? | 12:49 |
BlueEalge | hafta: you can make a vfat partition or run wmware server on your windows partition, but they are both workarounds. Please feel free to email microsoft and ask them to release the NTFS spesifications. | 12:50 |
skpl | i had installed but it was crashing so i deleted the installation dir and tried to install firefox from the repos | 12:50 |
skpl | gnomefreak, but i do not know how to start the program now | 12:50 |
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avds | # man xorg.conf | 12:50 |
avds | No manual entry for xorg.conf | 12:50 |
digen | avds: man xorg | 12:50 |
gnomefreak | skpl: you have to remove the symlink. please read the ff1.5 page for removal instructions | 12:51 |
BlueEalge | avds: Then something's wrong. | 12:51 |
kbrooks | skpl: what command did you use to delete the directory? | 12:51 |
gnomefreak | ff1.5 | 12:51 |
hafta | BlueEagle: what i do now | 12:51 |
gnomefreak | !ff1.5 | 12:51 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 12:51 |
hafta | BlueEagle: what i d/l | 12:51 |
avds | man xorg works | 12:51 |
skpl | gnomefreak, i do not have a working browser, so i cannot visit that page | 12:51 |
kbrooks | skpl: epiphany | 12:51 |
BlueEalge | hafta: the easiest if you haven't got a fat32 partition and you need something from your linux partition in windows is to get it from windows using a ext2/3 driver. | 12:52 |
digen | avds: yes it does :) | 12:52 |
BlueEalge | hafta: unless you formatted your linux partition(s) as reiserfs. | 12:52 |
avds | digen, DOH, but man xorg.conf DOESN'T! | 12:52 |
gnomefreak | skpl: w3m or install a number of graphical browsers | 12:52 |
hafta | BlueEagle: what driver shud i d/l | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | skpl: there are so many browsers for pretty much any os you just have to choose one ;) | 12:53 |
BlueEalge | hafta: http://www.google.com/search?q=windows+ext+driver+filesystem | 12:53 |
digen | avds: man xorg.conf works | 12:53 |
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hafta | BlueEagle: right now i am in ubuntu | 12:53 |
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romain_ | how to change my Clok system to localtime please ( i use GMT ) | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | ok time for class later all | 12:53 |
avds | digen: can you please 'ls /usr/share/man/man5 | grep xorg' | 12:53 |
hafta | where i install it | 12:53 |
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hafta | in window or where | 12:54 |
jadaz87 | does anyone know where the kdedesktop backgrounds are located? | 12:54 |
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AnAnt | where does Ubuntu save network configuration ? | 12:54 |
AnAnt | I need to assign 2 IPs to a network interface | 12:54 |
AnAnt | ie. make eth0 & eth0:1 | 12:54 |
jadaz87 | AnAnt /etc/network/interfaces | 12:54 |
BlueEalge | anant: /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/resolv.conf | 12:54 |
AnAnt | thx | 12:54 |
digen | avds: its taking me to the prompt | 12:55 |
jadaz87 | you are most welcome | 12:55 |
digen | avds:back to the prompt rather | 12:55 |
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hafta | BlueEagle: where to install ext driver in Xp | 12:55 |
hafta | or ubuntu | 12:55 |
holycow | wow dapper gnome terminal is very fast now | 12:55 |
holycow | neato | 12:55 |
digen | hafta:install in xp | 12:56 |
jadaz87 | does anyone know where the kdedesktop backgrounds are located? | 12:56 |
apokryphos | jadams: /usr/share/wallpapers? | 12:56 |
avds | digen find /usr/share/man/ -name '*xorg.conf*' then please | 12:56 |
apokryphos | *jadaz87 | 12:56 |
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BlueEalge | hafta: It being a windows driver I would guess you need to install it in windows. | 12:56 |
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jadaz87 | apokryphos: thank you so very much | 12:57 |
hafta | i hav Xp sp2 | 12:57 |
digen | avds: it takes me to the prompt | 12:57 |
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hafta | please give direct link of program | 12:58 |
avds | digen, and man xorg.conf works??? | 12:58 |
hafta | BlueEagle: i am new in linux | 12:58 |
digen | avds: yes it does | 12:58 |
=== Hawk|- [n=Hawk@pcp03506.fh-reutlingen.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hafta | BlueEagle: i hav 3 hdd | 12:58 |
hafta | one for Xp | 12:58 |
digen | avds: let me try finding its location | 12:58 |
hafta | second one for linux | 12:59 |
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avds | digen oops, find /usr/share/man/ -name 'xorg.conf*' should | 12:59 |
hafta | third one for data storage | 12:59 |
avds | do the trick | 12:59 |
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BlueEalge | hafta: Then I would really suggest that you make one of them a fat partition if you intend to be sharing data between windows and linux. | 12:59 |
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hafta | BlueEagle: now its very difficult to convert | 01:00 |
hafta | bcoz i hav to format it | 01:00 |
WarOfAttrition | the values that ddcprobe and grep monitorrange give me don't give me 120Hz refresh rate available, does anyone know what I need to do? | 01:00 |
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BlueEalge | hafta: Well, if you haven't thought about that sooner then you'll probably have to think about it later. | 01:01 |
BlueEalge | :) | 01:01 |
hafta | BlueEagle: from now i dont wanna to use linux any more | 01:02 |
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hafta | BlueEagle: what driver to download now | 01:04 |
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hafta | for access my NTFS hdd | 01:04 |
digen | avds: try this man /usr/X11R6/man/man5/xorg.conf.5x.gz | 01:04 |
pip_ | how to use apt-cacher? | 01:04 |
WarOfAttrition | can x server even display 120Hz? | 01:04 |
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Aqutavia | i know this is probubly not a real good idea;) but i recently aquired a hp omnibook 4150. the lcd is dead so im using an external monitor 17" monitor. i booted using live cd. my desktop looks scrambled(wrong resolution/refresh rate). could some1 walk me though the process of changing the settings via keyboard. im blind as to no clear display on the monitor.;( | 01:05 |
skpl | can someone tell me why i get no sound when playing videos with the mplyare plugin for firefox? | 01:06 |
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Aqutavia | it looks like there is a dialog box in the center of the screen... but i dont know if its asking me to log in or do any other additional configuarion. | 01:06 |
jadaz87 | does anyone know why this whould be happening? Firefox can't find the file at /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html. | 01:06 |
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jadaz87 | joejaxx@eclipse:~$ ls /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/ | 01:08 |
jadaz87 | firefox-index.html img index.html locales-ubuntu ubuntu.css <<<the file is there | 01:08 |
vmware | Can I ask how to change icons in Gnome ? | 01:08 |
bimberi | Aqutavia: does ctrl-alt-f1 work? (ie. bring up a console) | 01:08 |
Aqutavia | bimberi - yes it does. | 01:09 |
Aqutavia | i can atleast see the consol now;) | 01:09 |
vmware | I have installed them (drag & drop in theme manager) | 01:09 |
vmware | but how do I change to new theme (icons!) ? | 01:09 |
MM2 | how to find out which ubuntu version I have? | 01:10 |
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bimberi | Aqutavia: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' - try some different settings | 01:11 |
bimberi | !version | 01:11 |
ubotu | To find out what ubuntu version you have type 'lsb_release -a' or 'cat /etc/issue' in a terminal. | 01:11 |
bimberi | MM2: ^^^^^ | 01:11 |
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Aqutavia | bimberi - im new to the linux seen. i heard that there was increased usability. so im trying it out. but as far as the "dos on steroids go" i have know idea how to controll the beast. | 01:12 |
avds | digen, I'm using dapper and this file is just not present http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=xorg.conf.5x.gz&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=dapper&arch=i386 | 01:13 |
pax | 'dos on steroids' that's cute | 01:13 |
Aqutavia | thanx;) i think. | 01:14 |
bimberi | Aqutavia: hehe, yes unfortunately this issue will mean some command-line stuff to sort out :) | 01:14 |
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bimberi | s/mean/need/ | 01:14 |
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pip_ | how to install a rpm package? | 01:15 |
Aqutavia | no problem bimberi. im willing to give it a shot. its just nice to walk though something the first time with some1 that has done it b4. | 01:15 |
vmware | how do I change icon theme in Gnome? | 01:16 |
Frogzoo | pip_: the correct answer is either you don't or that it's highly inadvisable. However, if you must persist, man alien | 01:16 |
Frogzoo | !tell vmware about theme | 01:17 |
vmware | !tell icons | 01:17 |
vmware | Frogzoo, bot broke lol | 01:17 |
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bimberi | Aqutavia: kk, if you type that command i gave you earlier, go through the screens, the default are usually pretty good - something you could try on the 2nd screen is to select the "vesa" driver | 01:17 |
pip_ | Frogzoo, I must install libpcap.so.0.6.2 | 01:18 |
pip_ | Frogzoo, can you help me ? | 01:18 |
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AshyIsMe | hello | 01:18 |
AshyIsMe | i just downgraded from dapper to 5.10 (is that badger?) and i'm having some trouble getting my wireless to work again | 01:19 |
AshyIsMe | i kept my /home partition unformatted | 01:19 |
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AshyIsMe | is there a config file stored in ~ that i should delete? | 01:19 |
AshyIsMe | the wireless works fine with the live disc (i'm using it now) | 01:19 |
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AshyIsMe | urgh, "kept my /home partition unformatted" - i mean i didnt format it | 01:20 |
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Aqutavia | bimberi. i just selected all defaults. the specified the resolutions to use. now im at the cli. how do i get back to gui? | 01:22 |
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=== vmware thanks Frogzoo, very much!!! | ||
hindley | join #ubuntu+1 | 01:23 |
jadaz87 | does anyone know what the command do search and remove all orphan packages in deborphan is? | 01:23 |
hindley | oops... (demonstrates inability to use irc client) | 01:23 |
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bimberi | Aqutavia: i think ctrl-alt-f7 will take you to X on the live-cd. It will on the old settings though. Hit ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X | 01:24 |
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toresbe | Hello, I have a problem. | 01:24 |
ecen | which command do i use to edit a text file in ubuntu like "edit" in windows? | 01:24 |
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sufa | nano <filename> | 01:25 |
toresbe | ecen: there are several - I recommend nano for beginners, or vim if you want to learn an efficient editor | 01:25 |
sufa | or gedit <filename> | 01:25 |
sufa | for graphical | 01:25 |
ecen | thanks | 01:25 |
toresbe | How does Ubuntu allow for shutdown from GDM? | 01:25 |
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toresbe | My computer has been cracked, I need to shut it down now. | 01:25 |
ecen | is nano installed by default? | 01:26 |
sufa | yes | 01:26 |
toresbe | ecen: should be | 01:26 |
Frogzoo | toresbe: just pull out the nic | 01:26 |
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toresbe | But however, he's taken out the sudo | 01:26 |
=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-181-19.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pip_ | Hello, there is a .deb package in my Desktop,how can I install it ? | 01:26 |
ecen | ok, thanks | 01:26 |
Frogzoo | pip_: sudo dpkg -i blah.deb | 01:26 |
avalost | "my computer has been cracked" | 01:26 |
sufa | pip_ dpgkg -i <filename>.deb | 01:26 |
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avalost | define: "cracked" | 01:26 |
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hindley | toresbe: big red reset button if all else fails! | 01:26 |
toresbe | Frogzoo: you mean the network cable | 01:26 |
sufa | oops dpkg* | 01:26 |
pip_ | sufa, no path ? | 01:27 |
Frogzoo | toresbe: yes | 01:27 |
toresbe | I have no physical access. | 01:27 |
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pip_ | Frogzoo, blah ? | 01:27 |
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avalost | ? | 01:27 |
Frogzoo | pip_: s/blah/debname | 01:27 |
sufa | pip_ /path/to/filename.deb | 01:27 |
avalost | toresbe: be more specific | 01:27 |
=== feydin [i=user@e182076239.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | toresbe: ru sure you've been hacked? this is not easy to do, and actually pretty rare | 01:28 |
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pip_ | Frogzoo,then how to uninstall it ? | 01:28 |
sufa | ok pip what is the exact file you are trying to install and what is the name you log onto the computer with | 01:28 |
Frogzoo | pip_: sudo dpkg --purge pkgname | 01:28 |
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pip_ | Frogzoo, Frogzoo thanks | 01:28 |
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doms | hellow | 01:29 |
toresbe | Frogzoo: I am positive. | 01:29 |
kbrooks | toresbe: do ynou have any root access into this computer? | 01:29 |
toresbe | avalost: maliciously hacked. | 01:29 |
toresbe | My sudo privs have been revoked. | 01:30 |
sufa | toresbe has su been enabled? | 01:30 |
doms | i install my windows xp, besides my ubuntu box, but the problem is when i reboot my computer i cant select which OS should i select to go through,.. | 01:30 |
toresbe | As I am in the "adm" group, I am able to view logs. The auth.log shows some incredibly wrongness. | 01:30 |
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avalost | toresbe: and what leads you to believe this? | 01:30 |
avalost | erm I see | 01:30 |
avalost | paste the logs in pastebin | 01:30 |
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toresbe | avalost: the PAM is a mess, and there are signs of an alternative sshd being put into place | 01:31 |
avalost | and is your box open to the outside world? | 01:31 |
avalost | I see | 01:31 |
doms | i install my windows xp, besides my ubuntu box, but the problem is when i reboot my computer i cant select which OS should i select to go through,.. but when i install xp first then second is ubuntu then my grub loader detect another OS! | 01:31 |
feydin | hey, is there a command which displays cpu load in %? i want to use it in a script, so "top" does not fit | 01:31 |
avalost | so you were running ssh, with multiple logins? | 01:31 |
Frogzoo | feydin: indeed 'top' is your friend | 01:31 |
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toresbe | Just please tell me how I can shut the machine down *now* | 01:32 |
Frogzoo | feydin: ah, just a sec | 01:32 |
feydin | Frogzoo: hehe | 01:32 |
ls | Hello. I am trying to install Ubuntu 5.10 64Bit on a Medion MD97300. The Problem is, that the kernel hangs during boot of the liveCD. | 01:32 |
obnibolongo | doms: it's normal, you need to install XP first. I assume there is a work-around to detect XP at a later stage but as I edit my GRUB entries at hand I won't know :) | 01:32 |
skpl | does anyone know when flash 8 is expected to arrive for linux/ | 01:32 |
toresbe | I don't want to debug the problem now. I'm at work. | 01:32 |
ls | Anyone expirience with this? | 01:32 |
skpl | ? | 01:32 |
=== Tommy83a [n=Tommy83a@cli-504b115e.stadsnat.gippnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toresbe | I just want that damn relay inside the PSU to go click so I don't have to worry. | 01:32 |
Tommy83a | goomorning people... | 01:32 |
toresbe | howdy | 01:32 |
avalost | toresbe, pull the plug, unhook the eth0 and re-install | 01:32 |
avalost | using better passwords preferably | 01:32 |
avalost | and new logins | 01:32 |
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toresbe | avalost: I don't have physical access. | 01:32 |
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obnibolongo | doms: it's normal, you need to install XP first. I assume there is a work-around to add Windows XP *if installed after ubuntu* to GRUB menu but as I edit my GRUB entries at hand I won't know :) | 01:33 |
avalost | oh I see | 01:33 |
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eugen | hello | 01:33 |
toresbe | now the thing is | 01:33 |
doms | oo so bad how about ubuntu box | 01:33 |
avalost | toresbe: does who show any other users? | 01:33 |
eugen | can anyone help me setup my tv tuner card?? | 01:33 |
toresbe | I don't have root, so I need it shut down as a regular users. | 01:33 |
cirqueduphreak | !grub | 01:33 |
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ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 01:33 |
toresbe | avalost: Yes, my girlfriend. But I can't trust w, of course. | 01:33 |
toresbe | I don't have root, so I need it shut down as a regular user. Ubuntu can poweroff without sudo, I need to know how it does that | 01:34 |
toresbe | and how I can invoke this from the command line | 01:34 |
avalost | toresby; halt has not been enabled to normal users? | 01:34 |
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avalost | 'halt' | 01:34 |
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACBC6D9D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sufa | toresbe shutdown -hf now | 01:34 |
toresbe | tore@fortran:~$ halt | 01:34 |
toresbe | halt: must be superuser. | 01:34 |
Aqutavia | bimberi did the system actually restart? or just xserver? because when i did ctrl-alt-bksp it seemed to reboot.. but when faced with same scrabled screen problem and switched to the cli. the last thing it shoed me still exsisted. | 01:34 |
doms | coz my xp is crash then i re-install it besides ubuntu box that what happen next i around i cant detect my ubuntu box when booting | 01:35 |
toresbe | tore@fortran:~$ shutdown -h now | 01:35 |
toresbe | shutdown: you must be root to do that! | 01:35 |
ls | Can someone help me with my problem or should I post in the forum? | 01:35 |
jadaz87 | !help | 01:35 |
obnibolongo | doms: ubotu said http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting . go there | 01:35 |
sufa | toresbe do you have access to the powersupply | 01:35 |
eugen | can anyone help me setup my tv tuner card is a v-stream model with connexant chip set | 01:35 |
feydin | Frogzoo: you got an idea? | 01:35 |
avalost | and sudo does not work at all | 01:35 |
sufa | liek sometimes APC has a web based interface | 01:35 |
Hobbsee | ls: what's the problem? | 01:35 |
toresbe | sufa: No, I do not have physical access. It is at home, I am at work. | 01:35 |
avalost | man, that sucks.. | 01:35 |
avalost | feh | 01:35 |
sufa | oh oh | 01:35 |
toresbe | sufa: aha, no, no such luck. | 01:35 |
avalost | is anyone at home? | 01:36 |
toresbe | no. | 01:36 |
=== looksaus [n=janhuib@233.246-200-80.adsl-fix.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GueVaRa | Q: how to use firefox updater?? | 01:36 |
sufa | toresbe sorry sometimes they have that in datacenters | 01:36 |
toresbe | and nobody has keys. | 01:36 |
avalost | I see | 01:36 |
avalost | drats | 01:36 |
toresbe | sufa: yeah. :) | 01:36 |
avalost | lunch break maybe? | 01:36 |
sufa | where do you live :-P | 01:36 |
ls | The kernel does not finish booting (Last message: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio0) | 01:36 |
toresbe | hehe | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | GueVaRa: mozilla binaries, or the package from the repos? | 01:36 |
toresbe | ls: That's strange. | 01:36 |
sufa | anywhere near australia? | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | ls: ack. no idea | 01:36 |
ls | :) Thanks | 01:36 |
eugen | can anyone help me setup my tv tuner card is a v-stream model with connexant chip set | 01:36 |
toresbe | sufa: Norway. So yeah... uh, I mean no. | 01:36 |
Frogzoo | feydin: there's various useful things in /proc loadavg cpuinfo self/stat self/status but no %, I'm thinking you'll need to look at what's available & calculate it | 01:36 |
sufa | and can you get me a job there | 01:36 |
sufa | oh | 01:36 |
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sufa | :-P | 01:36 |
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Frogzoo | feydin: if desperate, dl the 'top' source & see what it does | 01:37 |
GueVaRa | Hobbsee: just d/l the tar file from firefox site...after extract there is a updater file....tried exec it under terminal...didnt work... :S | 01:37 |
bimberi | Aqutavia: did it reboot? you'd see your bios messages etc. | 01:37 |
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jmibanez | hullo | 01:37 |
jadaz87 | hello | 01:37 |
=== darkomen_ [n=darkomen@67.Red-83-43-222.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | GueVaRa: yep, close all of firefox, sudo firefox, then run the updater, then close firefox, open it again normally | 01:37 |
eugen | hello can anyone help me setup my tv tuner card is a v-stream model with connexant chip set | 01:38 |
feydin | Frogzoo: ok thanks for that :) i got another question, maybe you can help | 01:38 |
bimberi | Aqutavia: that would be no good because any reconfiguration won't be kept :/ | 01:38 |
Aqutavia | bimberi i think i misunderstood you when you told me that ctrl-alt-bksp would reboot. | 01:38 |
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avalost | toresbe: do you have any hunches on how they gained access? | 01:38 |
Aqutavia | im hard booting now. | 01:38 |
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bimberi | Aqutavia: it should restart X but not reboot | 01:38 |
jmibanez | on breezy badger: ehci_hcd dies on resume from software suspend on a fujitsu lifebook c-series, /var/log/syslog and console say 'startup error -19' | 01:38 |
GueVaRa | Hobbsee: so under terminal....sudo firefox...then how to run the updater?? | 01:38 |
jmibanez | any ideas? | 01:38 |
kingspawn | toresbe: running ssh port 22? | 01:38 |
GueVaRa | sry...1st timer | 01:38 |
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Hobbsee | GueVaRa: help, check for updates. | 01:39 |
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACBC6D9D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eugen | can anyone help me setup my tv tuner card is a v-stream model with connexant chip set Please help me | 01:39 |
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feydin | Frogzoo: i dont understand how "who" oder "w" works... i want to see who is logged into my machine, but most of the users logged in, are root.... how do i know which user is behind that root login, and on which terminal? | 01:39 |
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kingspawn | toresbe: can you pastebin your auth.log? | 01:39 |
toresbe | kingspawn: how is that relevant? | 01:39 |
Frogzoo | jmibanez: iirc usb doesn't support suspend, & the usb driver should be stopped/started for the suspend's duration | 01:39 |
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kingspawn | toresbe: its just personal interest | 01:39 |
GueVaRa | Hobbsee: tried...only check for extension and plugins...didnt update firefox itself.. | 01:40 |
toresbe | kingspawn: I'll do that noce I'm home. | 01:40 |
kingspawn | toresbe: I have just half-read your problem. You have been hacked? | 01:40 |
kingspawn | toresbe: and lost sudo rights? | 01:40 |
jmibanez | Frogzoo, it's on the blacklist, the driver is unloaded | 01:40 |
Hobbsee | GueVaRa: what version of firefox does it show? | 01:40 |
=== irvined [n=irvined@netegralopenpoint-237.netegral.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eugen | can anyone help me setup my tv tuner card is a v-stream model with connexant chip set | 01:40 |
GueVaRa | Hobbsee: i got the tarball file...where should i extract it?? | 01:40 |
avalost | kingspawn: thats the rumor.. | 01:40 |
avalost | eep | 01:40 |
toresbe | kingspawn: yup | 01:40 |
Hobbsee | !tell GueVaRa about firefox1.5 | 01:40 |
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GueVaRa | Hobbsee: now i have 1.0.8....want to update to | 01:41 |
eugen | !tell eugen about tv tuner | 01:41 |
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Hobbsee | GueVaRa: see your private messages | 01:41 |
Fracture | !tell Fracture about tv tuner | 01:41 |
eugen | can anyone help me setup my tv tuner card is a v-stream model with connexant chip set | 01:41 |
Frogzoo | feydin: they should both show a tty or an ip | 01:41 |
feydin | Frogzoo: they dont... maybe this is a screen issue? | 01:42 |
feydin | Frogzoo: all connected to the same screen session | 01:42 |
kingspawn | toresbe: well, then the auth.log might be of interest. well, what are you trying to do? re-enable sudo? | 01:42 |
GueVaRa | Hobbsee: GREAT thx!!! | 01:43 |
kbrooks | Fracture: msg the bot | 01:44 |
kbrooks | Fracture: /msg ubotu ... | 01:44 |
doms | soooooooo huge reading about grub only what i nid to detect my ubuntu box after i install my xp | 01:44 |
eugen | does anyone know how to make a tv tuner work on ubuntu? | 01:44 |
Fracture | kbrooks: thanks. the bot can't help :( | 01:44 |
Fracture | eugen: i'm having the same problem :( | 01:45 |
Hobbsee | !tell doms about grub | 01:45 |
Hobbsee | doms: second link | 01:46 |
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GueVaRa | Hobbsee: tried to run "sudo apt -get install libstdc++5".....sys return "sudo: apt: command not found"???? | 01:46 |
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doms | is their something a executable file so that i can install it under my xp to repair my grub boot loader? | 01:47 |
Hobbsee | no space between apt and -get | 01:47 |
Fracture | I can't even manage to get a dvb device to come up | 01:47 |
GueVaRa | oh..lol | 01:47 |
eugen | Fracture i love ubuntu but i really need my tv tuner :D | 01:47 |
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Fracture | eugen: yeah . I love ubuntu too | 01:47 |
eugen | Fracture what kind of card do u have?? | 01:47 |
Fracture | eugen: though I can always walk next door to watch tv ;) | 01:47 |
Fracture | eugen: avermedia dvb-t 777 | 01:47 |
eugen | how ca i see whay card do i have? | 01:48 |
Frogzoo | feydin: then they're local I'd imagine | 01:48 |
Fracture | eugen: lspci | 01:48 |
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ompaul | !tell eugen about mythtv | 01:48 |
Fracture | eugen: lspci -v (for verbose) | 01:48 |
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ompaul | !tell Fracture about mythtv | 01:49 |
eugen | Fracture what? where do i type that in the terminal? | 01:49 |
Fracture | eugen: yep | 01:49 |
eugen | ok | 01:49 |
Fracture | eugen: it shows you your pci devices | 01:49 |
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intuos_pen | anyone knows a fix on XFCE4 on breezy? the problem is xfce4 desktop isn't functioning well because the wallpaper/color isn't showing and the menu won't appear on right click. | 01:49 |
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steveb | can anyone tell me where the list of lib paths are? | 01:49 |
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steveb | or how to set new ones? | 01:49 |
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intuos_pen | XFCE4 was installed using "apt-get install xubuntu desktop' | 01:49 |
intuos_pen | help. :) | 01:50 |
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doms | mbr sooooooo stupid | 01:50 |
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=== Fracture knows about mythtv... but mythtv doesn't configre your dvb device fo ryou | ||
doms | i cant run anymore my ubuntu box after in installing windows xo | 01:50 |
AnAnt | how can I disable tap-to-click for my ALPS touchpad ? | 01:50 |
ompaul | Fracture, so does that web page say anything about that? | 01:50 |
AnAnt | I tried MaxTapTime=0 | 01:50 |
AnAnt | but it wont work | 01:50 |
kingspawn | doms: youll need to get grub back, perhaps by way of booting onto a livecd | 01:51 |
Fracture | ompaul: well.. i've tried many hours to find out how to get it to work.. without any luck | 01:51 |
Hobbsee | doms: see your private messages | 01:51 |
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ompaul | Fracture, sorry don't have any more info - must find someone with the knowledge to do it :-/ | 01:52 |
doms | booting in live cd | 01:52 |
doms | you i nid to install live cd | 01:52 |
doms | you mean i nid to install live cd | 01:52 |
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kingspawn | doms: you installed windows and it overwrote your mbr, correct? | 01:54 |
eugen | Fracture me too :(( | 01:54 |
Fracture | eugen: its really hard :L( | 01:54 |
eugen | god damn the tv tuners | 01:54 |
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tom | the dapper-beta desktop CD hangs when booting. it displays: "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel." | 01:55 |
tom | why does it hang? | 01:56 |
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eugen | ok i`m tiered bye bye | 01:57 |
Fracture | The bit I don't know is how to find firmware for the card | 01:57 |
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hesemes | hi | 01:59 |
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bliss1_ | hello | 01:59 |
HymnToLife | tom > because it's a beta :) go back to Breezy | 01:59 |
doms | i'am screwed | 01:59 |
bliss1_ | what is the command to remove from apt-cache/? its not remove or purge | 01:59 |
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soundray | bliss1_: clean / autoclean | 02:00 |
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bliss1_ | soundray: thanks for that I willgive it a tey | 02:00 |
bliss1_ | try | 02:01 |
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bliss1_ | soundray: its saying they are both invaild operation | 02:03 |
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doms | kingspawn yes its overwritten | 02:04 |
Salazar | bonjour | 02:04 |
tom | HymnToLife: well it should boot anyway | 02:04 |
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doms | do you have an idea how d-i successfully recover it | 02:05 |
kingspawn | doms: then you get a live cd, boot into it, and use grub to set it up correctly again | 02:05 |
soundray | bliss1_: the full syntax is 'sudo apt-get autoclean' (you can replace autoclean with clean if you want to empty the cache completely) | 02:05 |
doms | ooo thats it | 02:05 |
tom | HymnToLife: it hangs in "adding live cd user" and then it displays "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel." | 02:05 |
=== Gorax [n=gorax@cor4-ppp2196.for.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jadaz87 | hello anyone i was wondering if there are irc bots in the ubuntu repos? | 02:05 |
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doms | after repairing grub to i pursue installing live cd | 02:06 |
raid | hey all, I need some help with ubuntu for amd 64 installation, it freezes on acpi-suppor installation | 02:06 |
raid | anyone can help me with this? | 02:06 |
pip_ | how to find a package I installed in the past ? | 02:06 |
soundray | jadaz87: bots in the repos? You would hope not. | 02:06 |
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doms | raid you need to install 64 architecture | 02:06 |
jadaz87 | soundray i mean to install | 02:06 |
raid | doms i know, i did | 02:07 |
soundray | jadaz87: I see. Try apt-cache search irc bot | 02:07 |
raid | doms it just frezzes on 71% when it installs acpi-support libraries | 02:07 |
doms | and cant continue | 02:07 |
doms | is your partition is healthy | 02:08 |
raid | yeah | 02:08 |
pip_ | how to find a package installed in the past? | 02:08 |
doms | your sure | 02:08 |
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doms | try re-installing | 02:08 |
raid | i already did several times | 02:08 |
raid | like 4 or 5 times | 02:09 |
doms | oo | 02:09 |
pip_ | no one help me ? | 02:09 |
raid | problems comes up with 32 bit distro too | 02:09 |
doms | i think their something major problem on that | 02:09 |
kingspawn | raid: boot with acpi turned off | 02:09 |
bliss1_ | soundray; thanks | 02:09 |
=== RobyX [n=ubuntu@S0106000f3d4a7f25.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raid | kingspawn: installation is the problem, not the boot | 02:09 |
ompaul | raid look at wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions | 02:10 |
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kingspawn | raid: yes, i am talking about installation. at the boot: prompt, type linux acpi=off noapic nolapic | 02:10 |
raid | is it possible to install without installing acpi-suppor libraries? | 02:10 |
pip_ | how to find installed package ? | 02:10 |
doms | raid try some advance parameters for installation | 02:10 |
soundray | raid: listen to kingspawn | 02:10 |
raid | i?m not that advanced user | 02:10 |
kingspawn | raid: I just told you | 02:10 |
doms | ahhhh | 02:11 |
doms | just install for server | 02:11 |
ompaul | raid, 5.10 or dapper? | 02:11 |
raid | how do i get promp on installation progress | 02:11 |
doms | aftwards reconfigure to Dekstop environment | 02:11 |
raid | 5.10 | 02:11 |
eugen | how can i make my games work on ubuntu for example warcraft frozen throne.exe | 02:11 |
doms | cedega | 02:11 |
doms | cedega is good for warcraft | 02:12 |
Frogzoo | !tell eugen about wine | 02:12 |
RobyX | Guy's this is my first time on a linux program and installing a second OS. Does anyone know how to make Ubuntu the default boot and remove WinXP entirely? because when I restart it will just go back to xp agian.. and I Have to install Ubuntu again | 02:12 |
ompaul | raid, as the machine starts to boot it pauses for a moment and says press enter or enter peramiters what kingspan said | 02:12 |
Frogzoo | cedega is crap | 02:12 |
raid | ohh ok roger that | 02:12 |
ompaul | raid, kingspawn raid: yes, i am talking about installation. at the boot: prompt, type linux acpi=off noapic nolapic | 02:12 |
ompaul | Frogzoo, you meant rubbish did you not :-) | 02:12 |
roaet | dsad | 02:12 |
raid | guys u all the best thx all | 02:12 |
_jason | RobyX: can you press ESC when you boot to get to the grub menu? | 02:13 |
raid | thx! | 02:13 |
Frogzoo | ompaul: I won't say more ;) | 02:13 |
doms | why is it scpi is built in for 64 machines | 02:13 |
RobyX | I havent tried | 02:13 |
RobyX | But im scared to log off again if it doesent work i have to install this linux again lol | 02:13 |
doms | why is it acpi is built in 64 architecture for 64 machines | 02:13 |
soundray | Frogzoo: I saw a forum post about OpenWrt by a frogzoo -- is that you? | 02:13 |
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_jason | ok anyone know how we could check that RobyX is using grub as his bootloader? | 02:14 |
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Gorax | question: has anybody else had issues with gksudo not starting the apps it's meant to start for 5-10 mins? | 02:14 |
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kingspawn | _jason: from inside windows? | 02:15 |
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_jason | kingspawn: he is in ubuntu now I believe | 02:15 |
doms | why is some of my computers which i installed ubuntu architecture but works slowly specially when i open openoffice write it took 15 minutes to open? anybody can configure out........... | 02:15 |
RobyX | I am using Ubuntu right now, but if I restart it will go back to WInXP by default | 02:16 |
b08y | does any one know, what had happend with the "human" icon theme, my on gets brocken after updating | 02:16 |
RobyX | I Dont want WInxp on my computer at all so it goes into Ubuntu each restart | 02:16 |
raphael | can anyone help me with synce on my pocketpc? it seems I can`t make and INDEX | 02:16 |
=== raid [n=raid@host84-51.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | _jason: okay, well, fdisk /device -> hit x, then d, look at 0x000 | 02:16 |
soundray | doms: perhaps you have too little RAM on those machines. | 02:16 |
kingspawn | _jason: if 0x000 is EB 48 90, we are using grub | 02:16 |
raid | hey kingspawn i get this at prompt Could not find kernel image: acpi=off | 02:17 |
RobyX | As I said this is my first time using LInux, I Dont even know how to do all that stuff jason but I can learn after I make this my default boot =/ | 02:17 |
doms | i hav 128 memory | 02:17 |
doms | is that enough | 02:17 |
_jason | kingspawn: thanks, I'll walk him through that | 02:17 |
kingspawn | raid: try just removing acpi=off, and boot with the other two | 02:17 |
kingspawn | _jason: goodie | 02:17 |
raid | ok | 02:18 |
_jason | RobyX: ok open up a terminal, applications > accessories > terminal | 02:18 |
RobyX | Ok just did | 02:18 |
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_jason | RobyX: now, do you have only one hard drive? | 02:18 |
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raid | kingspawn:same feedback | 02:19 |
RobyX | Yeah | 02:19 |
=== Fracture [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AnAnt | how can I change the font used for a certain language ? | 02:19 |
VisezTrance | how can i configure the internet connection in ubuntu ? | 02:19 |
_jason | RobyX: ok, now type this: sudo fdisk /dev/hda | 02:19 |
=== Fracture is fed up with dvb cards. | ||
doms | why is some of my computers which i installed ubuntu architecture but works slowly specially when i open openoffice write it took 15 minutes to open? anybody can configure out........... | 02:19 |
=== montbazin [n=cweb@dyn-83-156-124-219.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxzer | how can I find out witch Repos are not working? | 02:19 |
kingspawn | _radius: wh, are you typing linux in front of those two? | 02:20 |
RobyX | OK just did | 02:20 |
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codecaine | is there a rispirtory to auto update firefox | 02:20 |
kingspawn | raid: like "linux acpi=off ..." | 02:20 |
_jason | RobyX: now enter x and then d, and read off the first 3 values on 0x000: (you may have to scroll up) | 02:20 |
doms | synaptic is best for you | 02:20 |
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lab3linux | rei | 02:20 |
raid | kingspawn: is there a place where i can go check these options at boot time? | 02:21 |
codecaine | not updated in there | 02:21 |
RobyX | 33 C0 8E | 02:21 |
raid | kingspawn: i got it | 02:21 |
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kingspawn | raid: nice :) | 02:21 |
pindahoonmain | which is the best rss reader for ubuntu/gnome? | 02:22 |
_jason | RobyX: ok, that means grub isn't being used. I am going to have the bot send you a guide on reinstalling grub. If anything is unclear just come in here and ask the channel. You want the ``restoring grub after installing windows'' link | 02:22 |
VisezTrance | how can i configure the network settings in ubuntu.... ? | 02:22 |
_jason | ubotu: tell RobyX about grub | 02:22 |
=== truz24 [n=truz24@12-203-70-118.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
montbazin | hi everybody, what command will tell me what processor is and how much ram memory is on my machine, thanks | 02:22 |
_jason | ubotu: test | 02:22 |
truz24 | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 02:22 |
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truz24 | cat /proc/meminfo | 02:22 |
raid | kingspawn: i just wrote linux acpi=off u say i should've wrote other two commands too? | 02:22 |
truz24 | that was for you montbazin | 02:23 |
doms | our school laboratory is fully installed ubuntu architecture, but it works to slow,, why when i open openoffice it took 15 minutes to open, i hav 128 ram, 1 ghz processor | 02:23 |
soundray | doms: 128 MB RAM is definitely not enough to run OpenOffice reasonably fast. | 02:23 |
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_jason | RobyX: ubotu seems to be sleeping, here is the link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 02:23 |
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RobyX | Thanks. | 02:23 |
montbazin | thanx truz24 | 02:23 |
_jason | RobyX: before you go, if you have problems, there is no need to reinstall ubuntu, just come in here from windows | 02:24 |
luke | do u think my box is more likely to be comprimised under XP or Ubuntu? | 02:24 |
doms | 128 ram why is in my windows machine it works fine | 02:24 |
ubotu | Crashed. | 02:24 |
kingspawn | raid: yes | 02:24 |
slackern | shouldn't take 15 minutes to start openoffice with 128Mb though. | 02:24 |
doms | not like openoffice for almost 15 minutes | 02:24 |
doms | greeeeeeeeeeee | 02:24 |
RobyX | Alright | 02:24 |
soundray | doms: were you running Openoffice on windows? | 02:24 |
raid | kingspawn: roger | 02:24 |
RobyX | I can cope under windows much better then this thing atm.. | 02:24 |
doms | nope | 02:24 |
kingspawn | raid: roger, roger | 02:24 |
pindahoonmain | which is the best rss reader on the gnome desktop | 02:25 |
raid | what where the 2 others commands lol? | 02:25 |
doms | in ubuntu machine, we have 15 computers in lab, which fully installed ubuntu architecture | 02:25 |
doms | those 15 pc works slow | 02:25 |
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doms | when opening a openoffice | 02:25 |
kingspawn | raid: noapic nolapic | 02:26 |
doms | for 15 students | 02:26 |
_jason | pindahoonmain: I like liferea | 02:26 |
ompaul | doms, the right thing to do there is to test a more ram situation | 02:26 |
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kingspawn | doms: openoffice is bloated, get something else | 02:27 |
steveb | how can i add lib paths to ubuntu? i just compilied the latest version of mythtv (which isnt in the repositories) and it cant find the libmythtv librarys | 02:27 |
montbazin | truz24, Iv checked "cat /proc/meminfo" great, telle me what I wabted, but how can I see what my processor is ? | 02:27 |
doms | those 15 pc has thesame ram 128 mb | 02:27 |
pindahoonmain | thank you _jason | 02:27 |
steveb | they are in /usr/local/lib but i cant work out how to get ubuntu to search there | 02:27 |
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truz24 | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 02:27 |
montbazin | truz24, sorry for my typing errors | 02:27 |
ompaul | doms, you really should get 512 megs of ram for that monster - what CPU have you got | 02:27 |
soundray | kingspawn: hey, the word is "feature-rich" ;) | 02:28 |
montbazin | truz24, thanks | 02:28 |
doms | not that rich our school | 02:28 |
doms | to buy more ram | 02:28 |
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ompaul | doms, to prove this get simms from a couple of the computers and add it to one box and then you will see the improvement | 02:28 |
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ompaul | doms, the other option is to have one Big Server (as much and can be afforded) and have it serve open office across the wire | 02:29 |
luke | h4kz al3rt | 02:29 |
doms | ooo | 02:29 |
=== HiTech69 [n=hitech@pool-71-251-121-55.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pindahoonmain | liferea doesn't seem to be available through synaptic | 02:30 |
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_jason | !info liferea | 02:30 |
ubotu | liferea: (feed aggregator for GNOME), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.9.7b-1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 459 kB, Installed size: 1612 kB | 02:30 |
_jason | ubotu: tell pindahoonmain about universe | 02:30 |
pip_ | how to format my USB disk ? | 02:30 |
ompaul | luke, I can read that now what would you like to discuss | 02:30 |
doms | you mean i nid to install a openoffice on server the walk thru to the client | 02:30 |
soundray | What can one do if /proc/acpi/thermal_zone is empty? I'd like to read my board temperature. | 02:30 |
_jason | pip_: you can use gparted | 02:30 |
pip_ | _jason, what is it ? | 02:30 |
luke | ompaul, i got rooted | 02:31 |
ompaul | doms, as long ias it has lots of ram and a good processor why not | 02:31 |
pindahoonmain | oh okay | 02:31 |
doms | ok | 02:31 |
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kingspawn | soundray: feature-rich... hehe, nice ;) | 02:31 |
Rudemeister | me got a problem compiling something: | 02:31 |
Rudemeister | checking size of off_t... configure: error: Unsupported off_t size | 02:31 |
ompaul | luke, and you did this how? | 02:31 |
_jason | gparted (1) - a graphical partitioning tool | 02:31 |
Rudemeister | what does it mean | 02:31 |
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kingspawn | Rudemeister: what are you compiling? | 02:31 |
ompaul | doms, in fact nx it out to all the desktops or somesuch | 02:31 |
luke | ompaul, i gave someone a shell to help me fix a problem and they installed a rootkit | 02:31 |
soundray | kingspawn: "exhaustive capabilities" is also accurate. | 02:32 |
doms | but in my home i hav a pc an installed also a ubuntu architecture with the same ram and it work faster thatn our laboratory | 02:32 |
Rudemeister | kingspawn: irssi | 02:32 |
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kingspawn | Rudemeister: do you strictly need to compile? | 02:32 |
kingspawn | soundray: hahah, excellent | 02:32 |
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ompaul | luke, you will not do that again in a hurry, you now can't trust anytying on that machine - install from a clean source and start again | 02:32 |
Rudemeister | kingspawn: yes, its _not_ on my ubuntu box | 02:32 |
soundray | doms: when you have too little RAM for an app, Ubuntu will start using virtual memory on hard disk. Your hard disk speed then determines how fast the app runs. | 02:32 |
kingspawn | Rudemeister: where is it? and we'll need a bit more meat on the error-bone | 02:33 |
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luke | ompaul, im going to plan my revenge now | 02:33 |
Rudemeister | kingspawn: well, that's the only error, when compiling (actually, the ./configure part) on a hp-ux box.. | 02:33 |
ompaul | luke, well that is not the right thing to do it wastes energy, go reinstall and count it as the best lesson you ever learnt, | 02:33 |
doms | i dunno | 02:34 |
ompaul | luke, back up your personal data first | 02:34 |
kingspawn | Rudemeister: well, seems like you need to get down and dirty, trying to find out what this off_t is defined as | 02:34 |
luke | ompaul, you're prolly right. its just i only installed this distro today and now i have to reinstall it already.. gah | 02:34 |
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kingspawn | luke: dont give people shells :) | 02:34 |
skpl | can someone help me? my speakers are spitting out static instead of sound | 02:34 |
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soundray | luke: that's much better than having to erase an installation with heavy customization. | 02:35 |
Rudemeister | kingspawn: true , I am already swimming in the Makefile:) | 02:35 |
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luke | true | 02:35 |
kingspawn | Rudemeister: won't find it there, which file is it compiling when the error occurs? likely its in there/headers it includes | 02:35 |
Frogzoo | skpl: apps -> sound -> volume control - look for mutes - on both sound card & mixer devices | 02:35 |
pindahoonmain | !info liferea | 02:35 |
ubotu | liferea: (feed aggregator for GNOME), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.9.7b-1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 459 kB, Installed size: 1612 kB | 02:35 |
codecaine | anybody has troubles sharing files with windows xp using samba share folder in ubuntu 5.10 | 02:35 |
skpl | why would i want to mute my sound? | 02:35 |
[nige] | anyone know how to send hostname information to a dhcp server? | 02:36 |
luke | ompaul, kingspawn, soundray, im looking into locking down my box now. i installed Bastille and removed all daemons except SSH, is there anything else I should consider? | 02:36 |
Rudemeister | kingspawn: got this: | 02:36 |
ompaul | luke, just a normal installation and don't give shells | 02:36 |
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skpl | is there a utility to manage partitions from within gnome? | 02:36 |
RobyX | Wait how do I know where my root partion is? says here to type "$ grub-install /dev/hdaX" and X being the root but how do I Find that? | 02:36 |
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kingspawn | luke: well, dont go overboard. I also recommend you change ssh port to something other than 22 | 02:37 |
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ompaul | luke, bastille is a tad over the top I would only suggest it if you have some crazy exposed server on the internet | 02:37 |
hyphenated | RobyX: type in 'mount' and read the first line of output | 02:37 |
luke | kingspawn, will do that now | 02:37 |
ompaul | luke, not even a default webserver | 02:37 |
soundray | luke, I'd say well done. If you want an even more secure machine now, you have to pull the network cable ;) | 02:37 |
RobyX | Thanks | 02:37 |
ompaul | kingspawn, security through obsecurity | 02:37 |
=== vmware [n=vmware@client-86-27-81-20.brhm.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skpl | can someone recommened a good program for managing partitions? | 02:37 |
vmware | !version | 02:37 |
luke | alright thanks guys, you rock :) | 02:37 |
soundray | skpl: gparted? | 02:38 |
vmware | !version | 02:38 |
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Rudemeister | ehm | 02:38 |
ubotu | To find out what ubuntu version you have type 'lsb_release -a' or 'cat /etc/issue' in a terminal. | 02:38 |
kingspawn | ompaul: its not security as such, it is simply an easy way of routing out all those script-people | 02:38 |
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vmware | !update | 02:38 |
ompaul | kingspawn, saying like that you get away with it :-) | 02:38 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, vmware | 02:38 |
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kingspawn | ompaul: :) | 02:39 |
vmware | !gnome | 02:39 |
Frogzoo | codecaine: none at all - have you set your workgroup in /etc/samba/smb.conf ? | 02:39 |
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kingspawn | vmware: just message the bot, you'll get private sessions | 02:39 |
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vmware | nah! I was thinink of updating gnome | 02:39 |
vmware | *thinking | 02:40 |
luke | kingspawn, do you know where the openssh config file is? | 02:40 |
ompaul | kingspawn, I am a great beliver in default (sendmail 1.0) :-/ | 02:40 |
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kingspawn | luke: /etc/sshd/sshd_config | 02:40 |
kingspawn | ompaul: hehe :) | 02:40 |
vmware | Is it like possibe to upgrade gnome to 2.14? | 02:41 |
soundray | luke: try dpkg -L packagename the next time. | 02:41 |
soundray | vmware: sure, just upgrade to dapper (beta software, not for production machines, blah...) | 02:41 |
ompaul | vmware, its on dapper you could consider a backport but it needs to take so much stuff with it I would say if you reallllllly need it and the box is not production then think about dapper if you don't I would not suggest it | 02:42 |
luke | kingspawn, do you mean /etc/ssh/ssh_config? sshd doesnt exist | 02:42 |
kingspawn | luke: sorry, just typing a bit fast | 02:42 |
luke | soundray, dpkg -L openssh doesnt work. do you know what the package name is? | 02:42 |
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luke | kingspawn, "# This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file." | 02:42 |
soundray | luke: openssh-server. That also answers your question to kingspawn ;) | 02:42 |
rohan007 | join #python | 02:42 |
luke | ah ty | 02:43 |
kingspawn | ah, confusion is me | 02:43 |
kingspawn | i thought you had the server installed | 02:43 |
soundray | rohan007: start that line with a slash (/) | 02:43 |
vmware | do I use apt-get or dpkg? | 02:43 |
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luke | kingspawn, im pretty sure its openSSH, there is some kind of daemon installed | 02:43 |
soundray | vmware: to upgrade to dapper? | 02:43 |
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pindahoonmain | thanx _jason,installed liferea, looks good | 02:44 |
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vmware | soundray, yeh! | 02:45 |
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vmware | Not used to debain yeet | 02:45 |
montbazin | please how can i read mp3 files ? | 02:45 |
raphael | does anybody know how I can free an INDEX slot on a pocketpc? | 02:45 |
vmware | !dapper | 02:45 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 02:45 |
kingspawn | !restrictedformats | 02:45 |
luke | kingspawn, ok, found it. /etc/ssh/sshd_config hehe :P | 02:45 |
ubotu | restrictedformats is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats | 02:45 |
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kingspawn | montbazin: read ubotu on restrictedformats | 02:45 |
vmware | ;-( | 02:46 |
kingspawn | luke: right'o | 02:46 |
soundray | vmware, best if you join #ubuntu+1 and get advice there. | 02:46 |
Rudemeister | kingspawn: it seems to go wrong the the --with-file-offset-size option | 02:46 |
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b08y | help, my "human" icon theme get broken after updating, now i have a mix of human and blue tango | 02:46 |
b08y | after updating, yesterday | 02:47 |
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montbazin | kingspawn , thanks, i'll do that | 02:47 |
soundray | b08y: that should be a fairly unique look and feel... | 02:47 |
ompaul | b08y, u using dapper? | 02:47 |
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doms | but in my home i hav a pc an installed also a ubuntu architecture with the same ram and it work faster thatn our laboratory | 02:47 |
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_jason | yesterday I had my keyboard become completely unresponsive, I could move my mouse, but it seemed like a ctrl-key or something was stuck because I couldn't get to the gnome menu. I ended up pressing my power button and the computer shut down that way. At that point, is there anything else I can do? | 02:48 |
kingspawn | Rudemeister: tried the easy way out and just disabling it? ;) | 02:48 |
pianoboy3333 | What is the version of evolution packaged with dapper? | 02:48 |
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_jason | pianoboy3333: #ubuntu+1 for dapper please | 02:48 |
kingspawn | _jason: click shut down with the mouse? :) | 02:48 |
hyphenated | pianoboy3333: #ubuntu+1 and packages.ubuntu.com | 02:48 |
Rudemeister | kingspawn: I thought I did but dont really know how | 02:48 |
pianoboy3333 | I'm banned from #ubuntu+1 for some reason... | 02:48 |
ompaul | doms, different packages CPU or some such | 02:48 |
doms | maybe | 02:49 |
kingspawn | Rudemeister: This is an option passed to gcc via Makefile? | 02:49 |
_jason | kingspawn: maybe I'll add some weird 4 button mouse combo to xbindkeys that shuts down the pc | 02:49 |
pianoboy3333 | _jason: \I _wish_ I could ask there | 02:49 |
_jason | pianoboy3333: why can't you? | 02:49 |
b08y | ompaul: jeah im using dapper | 02:49 |
doms | i think also the processor | 02:49 |
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kingspawn | jaso1: did you try just unplugging the keyboard? | 02:49 |
pianoboy3333 | _jason: me is banned | 02:49 |
_jason | kingspawn: laptop | 02:49 |
pianoboy3333 | I don't know why though | 02:49 |
luke | ok noob question, but i did look in man/wiki for it so anyway... how do I go about modifying the processes that startup from cli? | 02:49 |
ompaul | b08y, please ask in #ubuntu+1 | 02:49 |
doms | what is minum requirement of ubuntu | 02:49 |
b08y | ompaul: i had dapper, and after simple updating ist change my icons | 02:49 |
kingspawn | _jason: oh :) might be some wild acpi-issue | 02:49 |
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b08y | ompaul: oki | 02:50 |
Frogzoo | !tell codecaine about ff1.5 | 02:50 |
kingspawn | luke: you can install a tool called bum | 02:50 |
arrick | Morning everybody | 02:50 |
kingspawn | luke: or go nuts in /etc/rc.d etc, but go for bum | 02:50 |
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Rudemeister | kingspawn: merely an option given to configure | 02:50 |
luke | kingspawn, /etc/rd.local looks nasty - i think ill get bum. ty | 02:50 |
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secureboot | once you've already created a printer - how can you modify its settings? | 02:50 |
lukiinhas_ | hi | 02:51 |
_jason | pianoboy3333: /msg ubotu evolution dapper | 02:51 |
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_jason | pianoboy3333: /msg ubotu info evolution dapper | 02:51 |
luke | anyway time to reinstall OS, cya in an hour or so guys | 02:51 |
pindahoonmain | how to check memory allocated to a running process | 02:51 |
kingspawn | luke: good luck | 02:51 |
lukiinhas_ | does anybody knows how to use a dlink 210 on ubuntu? | 02:51 |
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Frogzoo | pindahoonmain: ps -al |grep procname | 02:51 |
Sonderblade | have anyone gotten fai to work on ubuntu? | 02:51 |
MetaMorfoziS | i hasn't got sound! | 02:51 |
lukiinhas_ | that sux usb modem... | 02:51 |
MetaMorfoziS | please help me this is new problem | 02:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | before this, it has wake up hardly, but works after 1-20seconds | 02:52 |
doms | install alsa | 02:52 |
doms | configure it | 02:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | i has alsa i think | 02:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | apt-get said it's the newest | 02:52 |
doms | some plug-in for it | 02:52 |
doms | unmute | 02:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | what? | 02:52 |
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doms | try OSD | 02:53 |
MetaMorfoziS | osd is a sound ser er like alsa? | 02:53 |
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kingspawn | off work now, going home. bbl. | 02:53 |
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pindahoonmain | Frogzoo: that's showing mem usage for the process started in that terminal?What about process started in other terminals or from menus? | 02:54 |
pip_ | After I have copied a file into my USB disk ,but I opened the USB disk again,I cant find the file | 02:54 |
_jason | pianoboy3333: try entering #ubuntu+1 now | 02:54 |
kingspawn | pip_: type sync before you umount it | 02:54 |
RobyX | When I typed in mount, I got /dev/mapper/casper, is that my root? because when I install grub it tells me to put this type $ grub-install /dev/hdaX where X is your Ubuntu root install. | 02:54 |
RobyX | Still dont know exactly what to put in the X. | 02:54 |
Hobbsee | pianoboy3333: it should be okay now... | 02:55 |
pip_ | kingspawn, so it is not my USB 's problem ? | 02:55 |
MetaMorfoziS | doms: what i need to install? | 02:55 |
Hobbsee | sorry about my screw up. | 02:55 |
_jason | RobyX: when you type 'mount' does it say '/dev/hdaX on / type...' ? | 02:55 |
kingspawn | RobyX: type: mount | grep '/ type' | 02:55 |
kingspawn | pip_: nope | 02:55 |
pianoboy3333 | _jason: thank you | 02:55 |
Frogzoo | pindahoonmain: either try 'top' or 'ps aux' | 02:56 |
RobyX | /dev/mapper/casper-snapshot on / type auto (rw,noatime) | 02:56 |
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RobyX | That's what it says when I put that. | 02:56 |
pip_ | kingspawn, just type sync ? | 02:56 |
kingspawn | pip_: yes | 02:56 |
kingspawn | i really gtg | 02:56 |
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MetaMorfoziS | okay it get worked | 02:57 |
pip_ | kingspawn, then evrytime should I do that ? | 02:57 |
MetaMorfoziS | i dunno why | 02:57 |
MetaMorfoziS | !nvidia | 02:57 |
ubotu | hmm... nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 02:57 |
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MetaMorfoziS | i need the latest, newest nvidia driver | 02:58 |
_jason | RobyX: are you using a livecd now? | 02:58 |
MetaMorfoziS | where i found a howto that helps me to install it? | 02:58 |
doms | were i can locate my cache packages | 02:58 |
RobyX | Yeah | 02:58 |
doms | were i can locate my cache packages in my filesystem | 02:58 |
pip_ | kingspawn, no ,I tried ,didnot work either. | 02:58 |
_jason | RobyX: but you did install ubuntu right? | 02:58 |
pindahoonmain | thanx frogzoo | 02:59 |
RobyX | All I know is I downloaded ubuntu5.10livecd.iso and burned it and installed it | 02:59 |
pip_ | kingspawn, after I have copied a file to usbdisk ,I typed sync and umount the disk ,and mount it again ,and found none in it | 02:59 |
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RobyX | Now im using Ubuntu trying to figure out how to make it boot by default instead of XP. | 02:59 |
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gfx | hello... | 03:00 |
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_jason | RobyX: ah, the livecd just loads ubuntu from the cdrom, it is a sort of preview. What you want to download, is the install cd | 03:00 |
pip_ | kingspawn, how to format USBdisk ? | 03:00 |
=== Boglizk [n=Boglizk@c-34e471d5.024-80-6f72653.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gfx | can someone help me find an apt-repository that has the latest unstable bitlbee? | 03:00 |
gfx | for ubuntu | 03:00 |
kkathman | RobyX: you are dual booting Ubuntu with XP ? | 03:00 |
RobyX | Yeah | 03:00 |
RobyX | I want to get rid of XP and just have ubuntu on this machine | 03:00 |
kkathman | to get it to autoboot - just move ubuntu to the top of the grub | 03:01 |
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kkathman | if thats what you used that is | 03:01 |
RobyX | well im trying to install grub right now lol | 03:01 |
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kkathman | ahh ok | 03:01 |
_jason | RobyX: you don't have ubuntu installed if you didn't use thte install cd | 03:01 |
kkathman | it should have been loaded when you installed ubuntu | 03:01 |
RobyX | So.. livecd is just a preview? | 03:02 |
_jason | RobyX: yes | 03:02 |
soundray | What does it mean if /proc/acpi/thermal_zone is empty? Something wrong or just my sensors unsupported? | 03:02 |
FabParmaITA | I would like to create gateway for a LAN that works as proxy or proxy chain to protect the lan privacy. Have you idea if there is something like that aroun the world? ;) | 03:02 |
Frogzoo | soundray: does /proc/acpi exist? | 03:03 |
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pindahoonmain | any real time graphical representation of memory and cpu usage of processes? | 03:03 |
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RobyX | Luckily I have the install cd as well, im going to go on winxp and burn that then install it | 03:04 |
soundray | Frogzoo: yes. thermal.ko is loaded, too, I've checked. | 03:04 |
RobyX | be back in a bit | 03:04 |
montbazin | kingspawn, great, mp3 works fine | 03:04 |
cafuego | pindahoonmain: I think SGI opened up PCP, dunno how well it integrates into linux yet | 03:04 |
Boglizk | How do i make the cmd 'javac' work, insted of typing '/home/boglizk/jdk1.5.0_06/bin/javac javafile.java' each time i want to compile? | 03:04 |
Frogzoo | soundray: run 'sudo sensors-detect' & see if you need to add something in /etc/modules | 03:04 |
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gfx | can someone help me find an apt-repository that has the latest unstable bitlbee? | 03:05 |
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Boglizk | :( | 03:05 |
Frogzoo | gfx: google? | 03:06 |
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gfx | i wouldn't be here if i had success on google | 03:06 |
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gfx | i've been searching the whole time i've been here | 03:06 |
_jason | Boglizk: make a symlink to that somewhere in your PATH | 03:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
_jason | Boglizk: but even better would be to install java properly using a .deb | 03:07 |
pindahoonmain | Boglizk:have a look at http://tabreziqbal.wordpress.com/2006/04/01/java-15-and-eclipse-in-gentoo-part-ii/ | 03:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*n=transm@*.sympatico.ca] by ompaul | ||
pindahoonmain | it applies to ubuntu | 03:07 |
montbazin | I'm on a "Cisco" wired rooter connecting 3 computers to my dsl line. A PC, a Mac and my Ubuntu - how can y read the desctops of each computer knowing the IP address of each of them? | 03:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@toronto-HSE-ppp4020026.sympatico.ca] by ompaul | ||
Boglizk | thanks guys | 03:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@toronto-HSE-ppp3969596.sympatico.ca] by ompaul | ||
soundray | Frogzoo: it just finds fan sensors, none for the temperature apparently. | 03:07 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@65-255-65-45.dyn.highspeed.pldi.net] by ompaul | ||
gfx | what does "dapper" refer to? | 03:08 |
_jason | !dapper | 03:08 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 03:08 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o ompaul] by ompaul | ||
gfx | ah | 03:08 |
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cafuego | !dict dapper | 03:09 |
ubotu | Dictionary 'dapper' marked by smartness in dress and manners; "a dapper young man"; "a jaunty red hat" | 03:09 |
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_jason | cafuego: when I ask ubotu to define eft, it takes him like 10 minutes, other words seem instant (or so it was a couple of days ago) | 03:10 |
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Frogzoo | soundray: you might get lucky: http://secure.netroedge.com/~lm78/supported.html | 03:10 |
cafuego | _jason: Depends on how fast the dictionary server is, eh? | 03:10 |
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ubuntu | heeeej | 03:10 |
ubuntu | how are you? | 03:10 |
_jason | cafuego: ah I see | 03:11 |
=== kkathman thinks they should have skipped edgy eft and gone straight to freaky frog instead | ||
ubuntu | is anybody here? Hey, Neo, are you there? | 03:11 |
cafuego | ubuntu: watnou? | 03:11 |
ubuntu | jabadabadooooo | 03:11 |
afd_ | hi! I'm using dapper and I can't find xine or mplayer in the repos. I have multiverse and universe enabled, and run apt-get update. Any clues? | 03:11 |
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Frogzoo | ubuntu: you again? | 03:11 |
cafuego | !info mplayer dapper | 03:11 |
ubuntu | I love this | 03:11 |
ubotu | mplayer: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu6 (dapper), Packaged size: 3264 kB, Installed size: 7912 kB | 03:11 |
cafuego | afd_: Nevertheless, it's there. | 03:11 |
_jason | afd_: join #ubuntu+1 for dapper help | 03:11 |
ubuntu | Frogzooo: who are you? you have escaped from the zoo? | 03:11 |
ubuntu | just kidding | 03:12 |
ubuntu | ok by | 03:12 |
ubuntu | bye | 03:12 |
afd_ | cafuego: weird, I'll check again, I was looking under multimedia | 03:12 |
orjan | the first username is forgot so I can not sudo on the box. Is the easiest way to boot in rescue mode and change config sudo for the other user? | 03:12 |
soundray | Frogzoo: is the code that puts the temperature readouts in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone the same as in lm-sensors? | 03:12 |
cafuego | afd_: Click 'search' or simply run 'sudo apt-get install mplayer' | 03:12 |
kkathman | afd_: apt-cache search xine | 03:12 |
_jason | orjan: look at /etc/passwd and figure out your first username | 03:12 |
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cafuego | soundray: No, it is not. | 03:12 |
kkathman | more xine than you can shake a stick at | 03:12 |
kkathman | hehe | 03:12 |
=== looksaus [n=janhuib@233.246-200-80.adsl-fix.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
orjan | -jason don't know the pasword either | 03:13 |
afd_ | I'll check | 03:13 |
Frogzoo | soundray: lm_sensors is the project for acpi drivers - so you might find a driver at that url | 03:13 |
kkathman | same with mplayer | 03:13 |
_jason | orjan: you can reset that in recovery mode with 'passwd username' | 03:13 |
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orjan | _jason: ahh ok I see | 03:13 |
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osity | good morning | 03:14 |
orjan | _jason: thankns | 03:14 |
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Boglizk | uh... how do i make one of those "symlink somewhere in my PATH" | 03:14 |
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vmware | !version | 03:14 |
ubotu | To find out what ubuntu version you have type 'lsb_release -a' or 'cat /etc/issue' in a terminal. | 03:14 |
_jason | ubotu: tell Boglizk about javadebs | 03:15 |
soundray | cafuego, Frogzoo: thanks for your input. I conclude that I need a new board if I want temperature readouts. Or go to the BIOS setup :( | 03:15 |
_jason | Boglizk: use a java .deb to install java and you won't have to worry about that | 03:15 |
=== sumeet [n=sumeet@45.170.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vmware | soundray, lm_sensors? | 03:15 |
Boglizk | I have Java, i recently downloaded JDK so could compile. | 03:15 |
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fred11mistral | bonjour tout le monde | 03:16 |
=== meta [n=meta@3e44b709.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meta | !nvidia | 03:16 |
Boglizk | bonjour | 03:16 |
ubotu | [nvidia] at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 03:16 |
osity | hey ....how would I go about setting up some webspace for an individual user | 03:16 |
cafuego | soundray: sensors chip not supported? | 03:16 |
b08y | hello, i need java sdk 4 dapper? | 03:16 |
soundray | cafuego: no, apparently not. sensors-detect finds only fan sensors. | 03:16 |
kkathman | !javadebs | 03:17 |
osity | i have a site setup up somewhere in the www directory that is up but what if I want to setup a second? | 03:17 |
vmware | emmm .... | 03:17 |
b08y | kkathman, javadebs? plz explain | 03:17 |
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sumeet | osity: are u in working in apache or samba? | 03:17 |
cafuego | soundray: that's odd, they're wired in through the same hardware normally. | 03:17 |
b08y | kkathman, where i can find them? | 03:17 |
kkathman | ubotu tell b08y about javadebs | 03:17 |
vmware | lm_sensors can be apin to set up | 03:18 |
vmware | *a pain | 03:18 |
kkathman | b08y: read the PM that ubotu just sent you | 03:18 |
osity | sumeet apace i think....arent they 2 completely different things? on is a webserver the other a bridge tool to connect 2 os's | 03:18 |
arrick | how do I send a message so it puts the little start in here where the username usually is? | 03:18 |
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=== cafuego asks arrick what he means | ||
_jason | arrick: a little start? | 03:18 |
Frogzoo | arrick: /me blah blah | 03:18 |
arrick | like that | 03:18 |
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arrick | ok thanks | 03:18 |
b08y | kkathman, hopfuly there are ment sdk and not re :D | 03:19 |
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soundray | cafuego, vmware: on loading smsc47m1 I can read two fan speeds, but no temps. | 03:19 |
_jason | oh star | 03:19 |
arrick | a little star, get used to my typos already | 03:19 |
arrick | haha | 03:19 |
arrick | thanks guys | 03:19 |
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cafuego | soundray: /usr/share/doc/lm-sensors/doc/chips/smsc47m1 | 03:19 |
Neurosis | is there a command line that will list the distro of linux you have installed on your machine? | 03:19 |
Neurosis | not just linux version | 03:20 |
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Frogzoo | Neurosis: cat /etc/issue - but it's not g'teed | 03:20 |
cafuego | soundray: Looks like there's 2 versions, one that ONLY monitors the fans. | 03:20 |
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sumeet | osity: I meant apache and samba? my bad | 03:20 |
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osity | ah yes | 03:21 |
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soundray | cafuego: I see. In any case, "The hardware monitoring block is not supported by the driver" | 03:22 |
Neurosis | Frogzoo: it worked, thanks | 03:22 |
cafuego | soundray: yah | 03:24 |
cafuego | soundray: Well, beta, so that might change. | 03:24 |
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soundray | cafuego: I'll be patient. Thanks again. | 03:25 |
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cafuego | soundray: The cpu isn't likely to die whilst the fans spin anyway :-) | 03:25 |
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soundray | cafuego: maybe not, but I've made my fans very quiet -- maybe more quiet than is good for the CPU life. | 03:28 |
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mrmist | I'm having problems installing eclipse... | 03:29 |
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mram | mrmist: what kind of problem | 03:29 |
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cafuego | soundray: do you do a lot of compiling of gaming? | 03:29 |
mrmist | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 03:29 |
mrmist | eclipse-sdk: Depends: eclipse-jdt (= 3.1.1-1ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed | 03:29 |
mrmist | Depends: eclipse-pde (= 3.1.1-1ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed | 03:29 |
cafuego | !paste | 03:29 |
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mram | mrmist: use synaptic, it worked for me | 03:30 |
kdm | hi all | 03:30 |
mrmist | I'm using synaptic too | 03:30 |
cafuego | horror! | 03:30 |
kdm | i've got installed the newest nvidia driver | 03:30 |
cafuego | ubotu: test | 03:30 |
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mrmist | Gives the same error | 03:30 |
kdm | but after the restart | 03:30 |
kdm | kdm isn't started | 03:30 |
_jason | cafuego: he did it a few minutes ago too, came back after a minute | 03:30 |
mram | mrmist: hmmm...try adding more repositories | 03:30 |
kdm | has anybody an idea? how to debug it? how to solute it? | 03:30 |
mrmist | hmm | 03:30 |
soundray | cafuego: no, but I run floating-point intensive image processing for hours on end. | 03:30 |
mram | ttyl | 03:31 |
cafuego | soundray: hmm :-) | 03:31 |
bliss1_ | i have two directories in /usr/src they are kernel-header directories in one directory all the files are linked to the other kernel-header directory, now when i am asked to give the path to kernel-header directory I am told does not contain a linux subdirectory as expected? | 03:31 |
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_jason | mrmist: can you put your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give us a link? | 03:31 |
=== cafuego rehups the bot | ||
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-130-249.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mrmist | _jason: put it on the web? Why ? | 03:32 |
kdm | i've got installed the newest nvidia driver | 03:32 |
kdm | but after the restart | 03:32 |
kdm | kdm isn't started | 03:32 |
_jason | mrmist: so we can see it | 03:32 |
kdm | has anybody an idea? how to debug it? how to solute it? | 03:32 |
_jason | !enter | 03:33 |
_jason | oh right... | 03:33 |
=== ployer` [n=ployer@81-224-170-24-no23.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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ployer` | hello I have just install ubuntu "server", now my my question how do I install ssh? | 03:34 |
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bliss1_ | woo | 03:34 |
soundray | ployer`: sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server | 03:34 |
bimberi | ployer`: sudo aptitude install ssh | 03:34 |
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ployer` | okey thx alot | 03:35 |
MenZa | ...that hurt. | 03:35 |
bliss1_ | i have two directories in /usr/src they are kernel-header directories in one directory all the files are linked to the other kernel-header directory, now when i am asked to give the path to kernel-header directory I am told does not contain a linux subdirectory as expected? | 03:35 |
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mrmist | _jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12889 | 03:35 |
green_earz | ployer`: aptitude install ssh | 03:35 |
=== Major_Delta [n=abc@shj-mjz-bsr1157.emirates.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu | ||
green_earz | ployer`: sorry its sudo aptitude install ssh | 03:36 |
kuja | or... sudo apt-get install ssh | 03:36 |
kuja | whatever gets you moving | 03:36 |
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mrmist | _jason: see anything out of order ? | 03:37 |
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_jason | mrmist: no, not with your sources... pastebin the output of: sudo aptitude -v install eclipse-jdt | 03:38 |
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the_mug | anyone had any luck watching Quicktime Mov's? | 03:38 |
soundray | the_mug: yes, no problem here. | 03:39 |
AndyR | afternoon all | 03:39 |
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kingspawn | _jason: hey, that RobyX dude, was he running off a live cd? | 03:39 |
the_mug | soundray: how? | 03:39 |
_jason | kingspawn: yeah | 03:39 |
mrmist | _jason: it's main part is just one line: | 03:39 |
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soundray | the_mug: mplayer. Didn't have to do anything special. .mov files off my camera. | 03:40 |
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kingspawn | _jason: heh, just thought of that on the subway home | 03:40 |
godrik | hello | 03:40 |
kingspawn | _jason: hehe | 03:40 |
mrmist | _jason: The following packages have unmet dependencies: eclipse-jdt: Depends: eclipse-platform (= 3.1.1-1ubuntu3) but it is not installable | 03:40 |
the_mug | apt-get install mplayer ? any other pkgs? | 03:40 |
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_jason | ubotu: tell the_mug about mplayer | 03:41 |
osity | how do i set up 2 website can someone chat with me on an apache question please. the chat goes by very quickly on this page and I lose my spot | 03:41 |
_jason | ubotu: tell the_mug about w32codecs | 03:41 |
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_jason | mrmist: apt-cache policy eclipse-platform | 03:41 |
soundray | the_mug: you may need extra codecs. ubotu sent you info. | 03:42 |
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mrmist | hmm | 03:42 |
diabolett | hello everyone | 03:42 |
mrmist | _jason: want me to paste it again ?? | 03:42 |
diabolett | i'm fixing a linux box of a friend | 03:42 |
diabolett | i'm installing ubuntu breezy | 03:42 |
_jason | mrmist: yeah, use pastebin though | 03:42 |
eneried | hello, could you help me with Azureus on ubuntu? | 03:43 |
protocol1 | hello | 03:43 |
the_mug | gracias friends and b0t$ and all! | 03:43 |
_jason | ubotu: tell eneried about azureus | 03:43 |
diabolett | it needs kernel >= 2.6.14, i'd like to find some repositories in which i can find it prepackaged... | 03:43 |
eneried | XD | 03:43 |
diabolett | can someone help me? | 03:43 |
eneried | i have a particular question | 03:43 |
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godrik | I look at http://www.ubuntu.com/support and i haven't see where to ask for a package update in dapper. | 03:43 |
godrik | is the irc channel where to ask ? or is there a web form or a mail dedicated to package update ? | 03:43 |
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eneried | i need to know if i can use a shared download folder for Azureus between Windows and Ubuntu | 03:44 |
ompaul | osity, that is too much to ask in irc here is a link with some useful unformation https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=apache&titlesearch=Titles | 03:44 |
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JackHanna | eneried, I believe so | 03:44 |
JackHanna | I've moved an iso from one to another and seeded it | 03:44 |
ompaul | eneried, same machine or different machines | 03:44 |
venox | hey, does the nvidia driver support the riva tnt video card? | 03:44 |
eneried | same machine, but operative systems working at diferent times | 03:45 |
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mrmist | _jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12890 | 03:45 |
godrik | where should I ask for a package update in dapper ? | 03:45 |
tritium | !tell venox about nvidia | 03:45 |
JackHanna | I'm having a hard time finding info about drivers and the ATI eXpress200 chipset... I'm not worried about video drivers but SATA and others | 03:45 |
ompaul | eneried, then the best thing is a vfat (fat32) partition | 03:45 |
eneried | ompaul, i want to start a torrent from windows, and when i need to move to ubuntu, coontinue it there | 03:45 |
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eneried | yes, now my friend is creating it | 03:46 |
venox | hmm, right, it's supported | 03:46 |
ompaul | eneried, that is how torrent works blocks of 100k moved at a time | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | godrik: which is it, and does it only do bug fixes, or add new features as well? | 03:46 |
venox | my desktop is a bit *slow* | 03:46 |
_jason | mrmist: run sudo apt-get update, and try installing again | 03:46 |
osity | ompaul: actaully its a 2 minute question is someone can spare the time.... | 03:46 |
venox | (I have a riva128 based card, viper v330) | 03:46 |
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godrik | Hobbsee, the relased version of make 3.8.1 | 03:46 |
mrmist | _jason: I ran apt-get update just minutes ago | 03:46 |
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godrik | it fixed bug on eval function of make | 03:46 |
teong | hi i am a new bee in linux world, can i know how to browse the folder in the same window when i double click on it ? | 03:46 |
osity | ompaul: unfortunately I dont know how else to ask the question without it sounding like a chore... | 03:47 |
eneried | ompaul, then in that way can i work the same torrents in both operative systems? | 03:47 |
venox | if I upgrade my video card to a riva tnt 32mb, do you think it will considerably faster? | 03:47 |
venox | *will be | 03:47 |
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venox | (riva128 isn't supported by the nvidia drivers) | 03:47 |
soundray | JackHanna: laptop? | 03:47 |
WolfmanK | morning ubuntuites | 03:47 |
_jason | mrmist: ok, keep going down then... I don't see what repo you are missing, what does: sudo aptitude -v install eclipse-platform, say? | 03:47 |
JackHanna | no desktop Soundray | 03:47 |
godrik | the make version actually included in dapper is 3.8.1b4, the 3.8.1 was release at the start of April | 03:48 |
Hobbsee | godrik: do you have a changelog of it? | 03:48 |
osity | can someone that knows about setting up webserver spare 2 minutes? | 03:48 |
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WolfmanK | can anyone tell me how to get around the following.... my installation hangs on this message: Running /etc/hotplug/usb.rc | 03:48 |
WolfmanK | [ 70.457693] usb 1-2: new low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 3 | 03:48 |
WolfmanK | [ 71.456327] ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.0 Unlink after no-IRQ? Controller is probably using the wrong IRQ. | 03:48 |
godrik | I'm getting it | 03:48 |
mrmist | _jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12890 | 03:49 |
soundray | JackHanna: I have an MSI board with the express 200. It works. SATA is plain old sata_sil | 03:49 |
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mrmist | _jason: sorry... it's http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12891 | 03:49 |
JackHanna | sound: that's what I was wondering, if I'd need nay special drivers for the chipset.... the only info that I can find online is about ATI video drivers | 03:50 |
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eneried | i have another question, is it safe to install dapper beta now? is it better to install breezy instead? | 03:50 |
_jason | mrmist: hmm I didn't notice E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. before | 03:50 |
godrik | Hobbsee, should i dcc it to you ? | 03:50 |
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eneried | i want to install the beta, but i'm scared about losing my current winxp installation :s | 03:50 |
mrmist | _jason: what does it mean ? | 03:50 |
_jason | mrmist: try sudo apt-get install -f | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | godrik: pastebin it, probably | 03:50 |
mrmist | _jason: nothing | 03:51 |
soundray | JackHanna: I'm having trouble with the sensors -- no temperature readouts. But otherwise it's okay. | 03:51 |
soundray | JackHanna: in terms of manufacturers supporting Linux, it's apparently best to buy Tyan, though. | 03:51 |
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_jason | mrmist: ok, replace your sources with these http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 and apt-get update, and try installing again | 03:51 |
osity | viper v330? wow ...that cards was hot .....7 years ago! | 03:52 |
JackHanna | sound: thanks | 03:52 |
godrik | http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/cbngtd43.html contains change since Christmas | 03:52 |
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eneried | how safe is dapper betta vs breezy? can i install dapper beta and use some breezy packages? | 03:52 |
osity | how can you tell when someone responds to your question when using mirc? | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | eneried: to the latter, no. | 03:53 |
mrmist | _jason: I did as you told me...followed it downwards... there was some basic java-stuff missing, I think | 03:53 |
the_mug | _jason: is there a way to tell apt to install all unmet dependencies? (http://rafb.net/paste/results/8UGOQq45.html) | 03:53 |
tritium | eneried: #ubuntu+1 for dapper, please | 03:53 |
JackHanna | dapper is BETA... if you can live with it blowing up at any time then do what ever you want with it | 03:53 |
=== Bedbug105 [n=laurent@ADijon-152-1-95-97.w86-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zyth | *kablewie* | 03:54 |
eneried | Hobbsee, i have som euniverse and multiverse breezy packages here, and i want to use them instead downloading them for dapper, are there incompatibles? | 03:54 |
mrmist | _jason: I was able to do a apt-get install eclipse-sdk now | 03:54 |
_jason | the_mug: ok, replace your sources with these http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 and apt-get update, and try installing again | 03:54 |
eneried | thanks tritium | 03:54 |
_jason | the_mug: don't install 'mplayer' install mplayer-<arch> as well | 03:54 |
_jason | ubotu: tell the_mug about mplayer | 03:54 |
_jason | mrmist: ok, cool | 03:54 |
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mrmist | _jason: Must say I'm still quite confused though | 03:55 |
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Hobbsee | eneried: they're likely to be incompatible yes, better to download the dapper versions of them | 03:55 |
_jason | mrmist: yeah, I didn't see what you were missing in your sources other than a breezy-updates, but that may have been it | 03:55 |
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mrmist | _jason: Should I add a repository or something for that then ?? | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | godrik: want to join #ubuntu-motu ? they're asking about what bugs it fixes... | 03:56 |
_jason | mrmist: nah, you used the new sources.list from taht url right? | 03:56 |
mrmist | _jason: Nope... after following "the white rabbit" (:P) I just tried apt-get install eclipse-sdk again, and suddenly it worked | 03:57 |
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_jason | mrmist: strange, up to you if you want the breezy-updates repo. (I would) | 03:57 |
Hobbsee | godrik: [23:57] <zul> Hobbsee: i was going to upload the patch tonight | 03:57 |
godrik | Hobbsee, will the new version be integrated soon or should I make install it localy ? | 03:57 |
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godrik | I haven't read, it was for this | 03:58 |
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mrmist | _jason: You recommend I just replace my old sources.list with that one then ? | 03:58 |
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_jason | mrmist: yeah | 03:58 |
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mrmist | _jason: Wouldn't that increase download-times dramatically? Rather than using my local servers and stuff ? | 03:59 |
the_mug | _jason: change my entire sources file to that? | 03:59 |
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_jason | mrmist: oh, yes I should have said, use those repos but add your country's prefix | 03:59 |
_jason | the_mug: yeah | 03:59 |
_jason | the_mug: are you familiar with the process? | 03:59 |
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mrmist | _jason: hmm.... where ?? It would be "http://no.archive.ubuntu..." and so forth ? | 04:00 |
_jason | mrmist: yes | 04:00 |
the_mug | _jason: yeah sources sets up the repository apt uses | 04:00 |
_jason | the_mug: k, let me know if you still get that error after changing and updating your sources | 04:01 |
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the_mug | :: updating :: | 04:02 |
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b08y | hallo, wo bekomm ich eine aktuelle xlibs | 04:03 |
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bliss1_ | hi | 04:05 |
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_jason | !de | 04:05 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de | 04:05 |
bliss1_ | does a c header file have a small H in the corner? | 04:05 |
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kingspawn | bliss1_: say what? | 04:05 |
bliss1_ | kingspawn: hi just a sec | 04:06 |
bliss1_ | kingspawn looking for l | 04:06 |
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jita | can i upgrade ubuntu 5.10 to 6.06? | 04:07 |
bliss1_ | kingspawn: looking for c in kernel -headers dir so gcc can build | 04:07 |
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_jason | jita: you can, but do you know it is still in beta? | 04:07 |
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jita | _jason: i know, whats the procedure of the upgrade? | 04:07 |
_jason | !upgrade | 04:07 |
ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . | 04:07 |
mrmist | Any rumors about when Dapper will be released ?? | 04:07 |
bliss1_ | jita: its available for download now yes | 04:07 |
_jason | mrmist: june 1 | 04:08 |
olemikal | how do i prevent ubuntu from starting x when i start it?? | 04:08 |
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mrmist | Cool :) | 04:08 |
kingspawn | bliss1_: still, im not exactly sure what you are asking. looking for c? | 04:08 |
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mrmist | _jason: Do you know eclipse well ? | 04:09 |
bliss1_ | C hearders files which match my running kernel | 04:09 |
the_mug | _jason: worked great... so to install win32codecs I can use the same sources? | 04:09 |
eneried | i want to install an old application that nedds packages from hoary, can i use the breezy newer packages instead? | 04:09 |
bliss1_ | headers | 04:09 |
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_jason | ubotu: tell the_mug about w32codecs | 04:09 |
olemikal | how do i prevent ubuntu from starting x when i start it?? | 04:09 |
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_jason | the_mug: you have to download the w32codecs, they are not in official repos | 04:09 |
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_jason | olemikal: man update-rc.d, get rid of gdm | 04:09 |
jita | _jason: should i download the install cd or upgrade from 5.10? i have 6.06 live cd, but i cannot install from it, it has a serious bug of deleting the partitions tables | 04:09 |
the_mug | _jason: I can definitely compile them from source if neede... thanks man | 04:10 |
skorenjak | join #ubuntu+1 | 04:10 |
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bliss1_ | kingspawn: think thrtr in /urs/src/linux-headers but not sure which directory think its /include/linux | 04:10 |
_jason | jita: best to ask in #ubuntu+1, but you can use either method I believe | 04:10 |
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harisund_ | Could someone help me choose a nice LaTeX editor? | 04:11 |
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jadaz87 | LaTeX? | 04:11 |
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meta | hi all | 04:12 |
harisund_ | Yes, I installed tetex | 04:12 |
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eneried | mrmist, go to http://shipit.ubuntu.com, and you can request some from may | 04:12 |
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Nosf3ratu | Is it possible (recommended) to install Ubuntu from an already-working debian sid installation? | 04:13 |
mrmist | eneried: hm !? | 04:13 |
soundray | harisund, I use emacs for LaTeX editing, with the auctex package. | 04:13 |
roby | Hey jason I got it working man | 04:13 |
roby | Wish I chose Linux sooner. | 04:13 |
mrmist | eneried: the URL was non-existing | 04:13 |
soundray | harisund: lyx is good, too, for people who like that sort of thing. | 04:14 |
Nosf3ratu | e.g., just change the sources.list and dist-upgrade? | 04:14 |
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meta | i has a little problem about nvidiadrivers, i downloaded the latest, and installed successfully. And that time it works fine, i tried. So after reboot the kdm isnt start. But, if i again runs the nvidia installer, and i accept it make ernel modules and load it, it's again works. SO i think it not loads something a the startup. | 04:14 |
MistaED | hey could someone tell me how to create/restore root for ubuntu? i know i don't need to but it's just a ubuntu install in vmware | 04:14 |
jadaz87 | !tell meta about nvidia | 04:14 |
MistaED | i'm testing some kdrive servers | 04:14 |
ltkun_ | Nosf3ratu yes ubuntu is abased on debian sid | 04:14 |
meta | jadaz i'm from konsole | 04:15 |
jadaz87 | meta using the nvidia drivers is a bad idea | 04:15 |
reon | what command do I use to umnount my /home partition. need to runfsck | 04:15 |
Nosf3ratu | ltkun_, I know that . . . just wondering if I can change to Ubuntu on a running sid install, though. | 04:15 |
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jadaz87 | meta that is the drivers from the website | 04:16 |
meta | i n33d some solution, not the type of idea about nvidia driver please | 04:16 |
meta | yes | 04:16 |
meta | the nvidia.com | 04:16 |
meta | and if i run the installer it works fine | 04:16 |
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travalas | has anybody here worked with xsupplicant? | 04:16 |
ltkun_ | Nosf3ratu, you can try. Someone has succeed in doing so . | 04:17 |
bliss1_ | kingspawn: still with me | 04:17 |
jadaz87 | meta in the word of directhex|workdon't every touch ANYTHING from nvidia.com unless you want an unusable system | 04:17 |
jadaz87 | words* | 04:17 |
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meta | jadaz87: and what you say, where i need nvidia driver? | 04:18 |
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meta | the stable 77.77 is old for me | 04:18 |
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eneried | mrmist | 04:18 |
Printer | Hey all. | 04:18 |
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Oli | HIya, just apt-get'ed mysql server, trying to start it up, without look evenwith the start script or just mysqld_safe it starts and instantly shutsdown...no interessting loogs, next step to try? | 04:19 |
mrmist | eneried: what ? | 04:19 |
Printer | Has the printing to samba printers been fixed for dapper yet? | 04:19 |
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jadaz87 | meta use the one from the repos | 04:19 |
meta | read up!^^ | 04:19 |
meta | it's old | 04:19 |
eneried | mrmist, the corect url is, http://shipit.ubuntu.com, but it seems it's not working now | 04:19 |
=== Ali [n=omar@adsl196-89-238-217-196.adsl196-16.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | bliss1_: barely, you're spelling was so confusing I couldnt gather what you meant | 04:19 |
jadaz87 | does it function? | 04:19 |
Ali | hi all | 04:19 |
meta | if you know a rtepo that contains the newest, it good for me | 04:19 |
Ali | i have some problems with all video players | 04:20 |
Ali | whane i start a video | 04:20 |
meta | the official ubuntu repo has 77.77 | 04:20 |
Ali | it apears distorted | 04:20 |
mrmist | eneried: The correct URL for what? Ordering a copy of dapper ? | 04:20 |
Ali | there are some lines ate the right side of the video | 04:20 |
Ali | i am using dapper | 04:20 |
eneried | mrmist, its working now ;) | 04:20 |
bliss1_ | kingspawn_ do a goole for kernel-headers | 04:20 |
Ali | and have a matrox g200 | 04:20 |
jadaz87 | Ali join #ubuntu+1 | 04:20 |
eneried | yep, but in the future, there says you come back to that address inmay | 04:21 |
Ali | okey thank you :) | 04:21 |
kingspawn | bliss1_: I could do that, but what for? | 04:21 |
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zireck | t | 04:21 |
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mrmist | eneried: Is there a request page for kubuntu as well ?? | 04:22 |
ubuntu_ | hello | 04:22 |
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ubuntu_ | is anyone there | 04:22 |
Morrowyn | how do i get the java into ubuntu 5.10?\ | 04:22 |
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eneried | !java | 04:23 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 04:23 |
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eneried | ubotu tell Morrowyn about java | 04:23 |
bliss1_ | kingspawn: just wanted to know if i have the correct directory for C headers they are a icon with a H in the bottom right hand corner also what appears to be a open coca cola can? you may laugh | 04:24 |
ubuntu_ | how do i get sonar 5 into ubuntu 5.1 ? | 04:24 |
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kingspawn | bliss1_: they are in /usr/include | 04:24 |
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kingspawn | bliss1_: err, i mean /usr/src | 04:25 |
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Oli | HIya, just apt-get'ed mysql server, trying to start it up, without look evenwith the start script or just mysqld_safe it starts and instantly shutsdown...no interessting loogs, next step to try? | 04:26 |
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bliss1_ | kingspawn ok in my more specifically /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.etc etc/include/linux ? | 04:26 |
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bleaked | Morrowyn. you might find this page very useful: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 04:26 |
kingspawn | bliss1_: Yes | 04:26 |
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Morrowyn | thanks | 04:27 |
bleaked | Morrowyn. er, nevermind, the bot beat me. | 04:27 |
Morrowyn | quite some hassle though | 04:27 |
NoUse | Oli you might need to initialize the db, follow the link ubotu is about to send you | 04:27 |
Morrowyn | s'ok | 04:27 |
NoUse | !tell Oli about lamp | 04:27 |
bliss1_ | kingspawn thanks sorry about spelling always 4 out 10 at school | 04:27 |
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kingspawn | bliss1_: its okay, we got it | 04:27 |
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kingspawn | :) | 04:27 |
eneried | bliss1_ it's not english your native tongue? | 04:28 |
bliss1_ | kingspawn: we did and no its not but i have been in uk long enough to spell | 04:28 |
Printer | Anybody able to print to a samba shared printer on a Windows box from Dapper? | 04:28 |
eneried | there's a problem if i install some hoary packages on breezy? i mean end user applications like a text editor or and old p2p client | 04:29 |
Morrowyn | ill stick to java 1.4 then :) | 04:29 |
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bliss1_ | kingspawn: did i chat to you about a week in another channel? | 04:29 |
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zildjan | nice server | 04:29 |
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Oli | NoUse: thought I hade run the init script anyway have togonow, will bbl | 04:30 |
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Neurosis | is there a way to tell what program/software a particular directory or file belongs to? | 04:32 |
eneried | bye | 04:32 |
bliss1_ | kingspawn: catch you at later | 04:33 |
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AngryElf | is a crontab w/ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade probably the best way to have ubuntu automatically upgrade itself? | 04:34 |
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Frogzoo | AngryElf: not sure this is ideal - if you need to intervene, what then? easiest is just upgrade when you get the alerts | 04:36 |
kingspawn | Neurosis: what are you trying to find out? | 04:37 |
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Neurosis | kingspawn: i have a couple of directories in my home dir and im not sure what added them | 04:37 |
roby | I downloaded Frostwire LInux version, and it gave me a .rpm file.. how do I open it? | 04:38 |
ashridah | hey. i've run into someone that's having some issues with a more recent nvidia driver. worked once for him, but after reboot, it's failing. anyone got any quick guesses what it might have been? i'm a little rusty on my troubleshooting skills in this dept | 04:38 |
_jason | roby: download the debian/ubuntu .deb from frostwire website | 04:38 |
Neurosis | kingspawn: im afraid to delete them without knowing what they belong to | 04:38 |
_jason | ubotu: tell roby about frostwire | 04:38 |
roby | Ok thanks | 04:38 |
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kingspawn | Neurosis: hm, no definite way, I believe. which directories are we talking about? | 04:38 |
Neurosis | one is called .link | 04:39 |
Frogzoo | Neurosis: dpkg -S filename | 04:39 |
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hyphenated | packages generally don't touch things in someone's home directory, so dpkg -S isn't going to find it | 04:39 |
Neurosis | Frogzoo: i think these directories were added after running a program not during install. would that matter? | 04:39 |
Frogzoo | Neurosis: correct, .link is pretty vague, what's in the file? | 04:40 |
Neurosis | there are just a bunch of directories under it | 04:40 |
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Neurosis | then a uninstall file | 04:40 |
Morrowyn | thanks guys, installing the newest java was easy peasy japanese with the wiki :D | 04:41 |
hyphenated | Neurosis: run 'find ~/.link -type f' and put the output in a pastebin | 04:41 |
=== ryu [n=chris@p5487DD27.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hyphenated | Neurosis: that'll give us a much clearer idea of the files and directories you're worried about | 04:41 |
Frogzoo | Neurosis: the uninstall file should be pretty informative | 04:42 |
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=== rauno_ [n=rauno@a88-113-149-86.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shane_ | !sources | 04:42 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 04:42 |
rauno_ | hello | 04:42 |
rauno_ | i'm a newuser so could you tell me how to install avg? | 04:42 |
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Frogzoo | rauno_: is avg an application? | 04:42 |
draw | avg ? anti-virus ? | 04:42 |
rauno_ | yes | 04:43 |
rauno_ | anti-virus | 04:43 |
wenko | lol | 04:43 |
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Frogzoo | lol - why do you need antivirus? | 04:43 |
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wenko | dude its linux | 04:43 |
rauno_ | just in case | 04:43 |
draw | i think that avg i not the bast anti-virus under linux | 04:43 |
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St_Iron | hi | 04:43 |
=== Lurkan [n=agsm@dsl-201-128-14-246.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rauno_ | to examine the things i download and transfer to windows | 04:44 |
hyphenated | antivirus on linux makes sense if you run a mail server or file server. I'd use clamav though | 04:44 |
AngryElf | Frogzoo, when would I need to intervene? | 04:44 |
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AngryElf | i'm not exactly selective when the upgrades come, i always install them all | 04:44 |
draw | rauno: so you should emulate avg | 04:44 |
digen | rauno_, http://www.clamav.net/ | 04:44 |
Neurosis | Frogzoo: the uninstall file looks compiled/unreadable | 04:44 |
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rauno_ | i've planned to make a server comp with linux, but i'm a new user to all is very difficult to me | 04:45 |
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hyphenated | rauno_: since it's not a program that comes from any ubuntu repository, you should be looking at AVG's website for installation instructions | 04:46 |
rauno_ | ok, isee | 04:46 |
hyphenated | rauno_: alternatively, you can choose to use one that is in ubuntu's repositories | 04:46 |
hyphenated | and we can help with those ones quite easily :-) | 04:46 |
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WolfmanK | ok so my ubuntu install just exploded all of my display.... there are problem with the AMD 64 version? | 04:47 |
AngryElf | does ubuntu have an auto-install option somewhere for updates? | 04:48 |
_jason | What is the difference between ``change time'' and ``modifcation time'' ? What man page would contain this information? | 04:48 |
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rauno_ | does ubuntu have a firewall of it's own? | 04:48 |
Frogzoo | Neurosis: try, 'strings uninstall' | 04:48 |
_jason | !firewall | 04:48 |
ubotu | Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic. | 04:48 |
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stamen81 | #Ubuntu+1 | 04:49 |
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d3wd | does posessive its have an opostrophe? | 04:49 |
Hobbsee | d3wd: no... | 04:49 |
Hobbsee | possessive, maybe? | 04:49 |
Plitskin | uhmmm... how do I extract .bz2 files? | 04:49 |
d3wd | Hobbsee: :) | 04:49 |
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Hobbsee | oh..hang on.. | 04:49 |
Hobbsee | iv'e got no idea... | 04:49 |
Frogzoo | d3wd: yes, it's its' apostrophe | 04:49 |
dereks | so, i am looking at the irssi-scripts package, is there a list of what each script actually does? | 04:50 |
d3wd | no | 04:50 |
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d3wd | that is incorrect | 04:50 |
zmo | Plitskin: bunzip2 -d foo.bz2 | 04:51 |
d3wd | sorry. I'm done being a dick. I want to install linux on a box or two. I'm zeroing in on ubunto, or maybe Knoppix. I have experience with Red Hat. But that was years ago. | 04:52 |
=== stewart [n=stewart@82-36-132-77.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hyphenated | d3wd: so download a few and burn them to CD and install them | 04:52 |
hyphenated | pick a favorite when you're done | 04:52 |
d3wd | huphenated: I would, but I have no working burner. I'm gonna take ubuntu on a stick to a friend tomorrow | 04:53 |
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Frogzoo | d3wd: you are correct, no apostrophe for its | 04:53 |
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d3wd | Frogzoo: Yes. I'm correct, but that was just an intro. I really want to talk about ubuntu | 04:54 |
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d3wd | I wanted a live CD, but the distro for x86 didn't seem available on torrentspy.com | 04:55 |
d3wd | I have the install .iso on my stick now. | 04:55 |
d3wd | for x86 | 04:55 |
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d3wd | I'd like to run ubuntu right from the stick, to try it | 04:56 |
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Frogzoo | ubuntu.com's best place for .torrent | 04:56 |
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rambo3 | i only could make geexboox run from iso, | 04:56 |
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St_Iron | !modprobe | 04:57 |
ubotu | Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, St_Iron | 04:57 |
d3wd | some people drill holes in their heads... google trepanning | 04:57 |
d3wd | what is your point? | 04:57 |
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d3wd | :)j/k | 04:58 |
Neurosis | Frogzoo: this is what it looks like... this is only part of it. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12894 | 04:58 |
Neurosis | there is allot more | 04:58 |
Neurosis | :| | 04:58 |
Plitskin | hi, I have a driver... I tried to install it using make... How can I make sure that it's installed properly? | 04:58 |
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Jimmymaniac | Hi. Quick question: Suggestions for a not too expensive wifi usb lan adapter that works well with ubuntu? a friend wants to use it with 3 PCs | 04:59 |
bleaked | you know those little 4 prong audio cables for optical drives that you run to your soundcard for direct playback, of say, audio cds? on the ones without the clip, is it possible to put them in backwards, or does it not really matter? | 05:00 |
rambo3 | man insmod && man modprobe && man lsmod | 05:00 |
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rambo3 | Plitskin, man insmod && man modprobe && man lsmod | 05:00 |
Frogzoo | Neurosis: try 'strings uninstall |grep -i version | 05:01 |
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Plitskin | rambo3: thanks... | 05:01 |
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Neurosis | Frogzoo: nothing good | 05:02 |
MrNobody | hi everyone, I have breezy installed do I need to uninstallit to get dapper I can just "update the os"? | 05:02 |
Jimmymaniac | or is there a hardware database i can check to look for compatible wifi adapters? | 05:03 |
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Frogzoo | Neurosis: loki mean anything? | 05:03 |
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Neurosis | yea, that was what i meant that the directory name was | 05:04 |
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Neurosis | its .loki | 05:04 |
bleaked | MrNobody. you just need to change the repositories and update. | 05:04 |
Neurosis | im searching google but am finding nothing good about it | 05:04 |
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MrNobody | just apt-get update? thats it? | 05:05 |
Frogzoo | Neurosis: do you run games under wine? | 05:06 |
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rambo3 | MrNobody, dist-upgrade | 05:06 |
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MrNobody | rambo3: thanks :) | 05:07 |
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eyedol | i have a ATI-Radeon Xpress 200M please how do i get the ati drivers loaded i had to load vesa driver before my xserver starts | 05:08 |
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Frogzoo | eyedol: you want to use the fglrx driver | 05:08 |
Frogzoo | !fglrx | 05:08 |
ubotu | fglrx is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:08 |
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eyedol | yes | 05:09 |
eyedol | if i load that driver i can't get X to start | 05:09 |
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Frogzoo | eyedol: have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ? | 05:10 |
eyedol | nope | 05:10 |
Frogzoo | well that's the next step | 05:10 |
Frogzoo | !tell eyedol about fixres | 05:10 |
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goldeagle | I need help with instalattion zope2.7 in ubuntu dapper amd64, zope2.7: Depende: python2.3-xml mas no est instalvel | 05:11 |
jpbotelho | anyone know a repository of xubuntu <> of universe?? bcuz universe dont find xubuntu packs here | 05:11 |
Frogzoo | goldeagle: so install python | 05:11 |
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jaypim | @find unix system administration | 05:12 |
goldeagle | Frogzoo: I donr have this package, broke for amd64 | 05:12 |
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Frogzoo | goldeagle: well you'd better ask in #ubuntu+1 - that's dapper support | 05:13 |
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someoneuseless | Hi @ll | 05:13 |
Frogzoo | goldeagle: (or at least discussion, as dapper's not really 'supported') | 05:13 |
goldeagle | Frogzoo: ok, thx | 05:13 |
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someoneuseless | kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich mit bash die benutzte kernel version abfrage? | 05:14 |
jmoncayo | hey could somebody tell if this rules are good http://pastebin.com/681061 ?? | 05:14 |
Frogzoo | !de | 05:14 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de | 05:14 |
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Frogzoo | if that's german? | 05:14 |
someoneuseless | ja | 05:14 |
someoneuseless | it is | 05:14 |
someoneuseless | sorry | 05:14 |
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jmoncayo | hey could somebody tell if this rules are good http://pastebin.com/681061 ?? | 05:16 |
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d3wd | can anyone here guide me to success with Ubuntu on a stick? (flash drive) in place of a live CD? | 05:18 |
welly | hey all.. i did the following - useradd alastair followed by su alastair | 05:18 |
welly | it didn't prompt me for a password | 05:18 |
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welly | so i've done passwd and then pressed return but then i get authentication failure | 05:19 |
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jmoncayo | try #passwd alastair | 05:19 |
welly | hm.. same thing | 05:19 |
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welly | there's no default password is there? | 05:20 |
chmod775 | hi folks | 05:20 |
jmoncayo | you need to be root | 05:20 |
welly | oh right | 05:20 |
chmod775 | I have installed nice menus and I am getting this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function: drupal_add_js() in /home/ashish/public_html/modules/nice_menus/nice_menus.module on line 26 | 05:20 |
chmod775 | ? | 05:20 |
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jmoncayo | o try sudo passwd username | 05:20 |
welly | cheers jmoncayo that worked | 05:20 |
chmod775 | sorry | 05:20 |
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chmod775 | wrong channel | 05:20 |
jmoncayo | np | 05:21 |
Plitskin | uhmmmm guys... where do I get these packages? | 05:21 |
Plitskin | x-dev, libx11-dev and libxext-dev | 05:21 |
Plitskin | is it possible to get it through apt-get? | 05:21 |
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rambo3 | try? | 05:22 |
Jimmymaniac | Plitskin: try, it should at least give you a meaningful message | 05:22 |
Jimmymaniac | heh, beat me to it :) | 05:22 |
Plitskin | Jimmymaniac: ok, will try... thanks | 05:22 |
spazzz | Morning folks, Can anyone help me with a quick OpenOffice question? I'm trying to build a line graph in Calc and its giving me some issues. I know this isn't exactly Ubuntu related but I'm not sure where else to ask | 05:23 |
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Plitskin | I'm just curious though since I didn't use mandrake... Is there also a repository for mandrake? And is there also a apt-get command there? | 05:23 |
NoUse | spazzz there is a #openoffice.org channel | 05:23 |
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NoUse | Plitskin the last time I used Madrake (2-3 years ago) it had something similar called urpmi | 05:25 |
spazzz | NoUse thanks i'll check it out then | 05:25 |
TuPari | Where do I report a bug I found in 6.06 beta? | 05:25 |
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Jimmymaniac | NoUse: i think they still have it, and apparently they also have apt | 05:25 |
NoUse | !bugs | 05:26 |
Plitskin | NoUse: that's great to know... thanks... | 05:26 |
NoUse | !bug | 05:26 |
ubotu | bugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | 05:26 |
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falc | Hey | 05:26 |
TuPari | thanks | 05:26 |
falc | I am having some trouble on my Ubuntu system. Synaptic doesn't seem to work.... infact.... sudo doesn't seem to work. | 05:27 |
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NoUse | falc what error are you getting from sudo? | 05:27 |
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falc | No error. Nothing. | 05:27 |
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Jimmymaniac | Ok, leaving. Thanks :) | 05:28 |
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NoUse | falc run "sudo whoami" | 05:28 |
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falc | It didn't do anything. D: | 05:29 |
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weed_man | I can't my Broadcom 4318 to find the access point no mather what I do...I'm using daper drake 6.06 and it finds my card without using ndiswrapper..Any help would be very much appreciated | 05:29 |
Neurosis | Frogzoo: sorry. yes, ive had some sort of wine installed before. It may be for that | 05:29 |
NoUse | falc did you change anything recently? | 05:29 |
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falc | The mouse. Thats it. | 05:29 |
weed_man | I just get Access Point: Invalid | 05:29 |
linuxpoet | silly question, under what menu (in Gnome) willl I find the ability to make my desktop icons smaller | 05:29 |
weed_man | I've tried the 11M rate | 05:30 |
NoUse | falc I have to run, I'll be back in a bit | 05:30 |
falc | Alright. | 05:30 |
falc | Thanks. | 05:30 |
rambo3 | weed_man, do you have firmware for your card, anyway searchg ubuntu forums can be helpful | 05:30 |
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|lostbyte| | Help ! Any one here done COunterstrike on wine ? | 05:31 |
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weed_man | rambo3: I've found some info about this particuar card, but even if I follow the instructions I can't get it to work. I read somewhere that I might need to disable wifi, but I have no clue how to do that | 05:31 |
jmoncayo | hey could somebody tell if this rules are good http://pastebin.com/681061 ?? | 05:31 |
rambo3 | does day of defeat source count ? | 05:31 |
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linuxpoet | Nobody knows how to make the Icons smaller ? ;) | 05:33 |
|lostbyte| | rambo3: Its more about the networking part. | 05:33 |
Plitskin | I need a little help with this since I'm getting deeper with kernel stuff... I'm still trying to configure my touchpad and the INSTALL file had this one instruction I don't understand... For use with kernel 2.6.x you need to enable synaptics touchpad | 05:33 |
Plitskin | support when configuring the kernel (CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2). You also | 05:33 |
Plitskin | need support for the evdev interface (CONFIG_INPUT_EVDEV). If you | 05:33 |
Plitskin | compile evdev as a module, make sure it is loaded before starting | 05:33 |
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Plitskin | the X server, as it will not be auto-loaded. | 05:33 |
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chamo | hello | 05:33 |
ubuntu_user`` | how can i enable and use my webcam in ubuntu? | 05:33 |
|lostbyte| | rambo3: i cant seem to find other server on the network.. ? | 05:33 |
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rambo3 | well i am running on wireless with router. and its slow to play anyway | 05:34 |
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rambo3 | weed_man, you dont think that disableing wifi will help . there are wifi tools like iwconfig , and apps like wifi radar | 05:36 |
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Plitskin | you guys have any idea about what I should be doing regarding my previous message? | 05:36 |
_jason | What is the difference between ``change time'' and ``modifcation time'' ? What man page would contain this information? | 05:37 |
kingspawn | Plitskin: the text in caps refers to what the options are called when using the old config-way of doing it. you need to find these two items, and enable them | 05:37 |
takedown | !easysource | 05:37 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 05:37 |
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farruinn | ubuntu_user``: I don't have a webcam, but the first place I would look is the HardwareSupport wiki page | 05:37 |
Plitskin | I don't know where stuff like CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2=y are located... | 05:37 |
Plitskin | should be editing the kernel? how...? | 05:37 |
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=== farruinn is too late :( | ||
kingspawn | _jason: man 2 stat | 05:38 |
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kingspawn | Plitskin: eh, how have you planned on doing this, exactly? | 05:38 |
robinl1 | how to edit scheduling (cron) with a gnome preferences tool? | 05:38 |
Pacman | What is the command to extract an .rpm file? | 05:38 |
_jason | kingspawn: thanks | 05:38 |
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kingspawn | Pacman: are you sure you cant get a hold of a .deb? | 05:39 |
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Tommy83a | Hmm... im a new Ubuntu user want a nice Mp3 / movie player whith a good selection of skins... anyone know what prog i search for? Plz... | 05:39 |
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Pacman | I think it offers that to, what do I do with the .deb when I download it? | 05:39 |
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Plitskin | kingspawn: I'm still a little lost here... but thanks... @_@ | 05:39 |
zmo | Pacman: dpkg -i foo.deb | 05:40 |
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Plitskin | kingspawn: I'm just following an INSTALL text with the driver I downloaded... | 05:40 |
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demo__ | hi all | 05:40 |
demo__ | anyone got xgl running? | 05:40 |
kingspawn | Plitskin: does it say the you need to recompile your kernel? | 05:40 |
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Pacman | Tommy83a http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33183 | 05:41 |
kingspawn | Plitskin: yes, according to what you pasted, it does. that means downloading the kernel source code, building a new one, and booting off that | 05:41 |
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Plitskin | kingspawn: I've never done anything like that before... | 05:41 |
eyedol | dem_ what abou xgl | 05:42 |
demo__ | I have run through this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131253&highlight=%22grey+screen%22 but all I get is a grey screen and gdm doesnt start | 05:42 |
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Plitskin | kingspawn: I think this sets my limit with linux... If I could somehow accomplish this then I'm in a whole new level, I guess :D | 05:42 |
eyedol | what video card are you using | 05:42 |
demo__ | my ATI driver is running fine | 05:42 |
chamo | Anyone know why my Open Office Writer spell checking doesnt work ?? (even when installed) | 05:42 |
demo__ | eyedol, Radeon Mobility 9200 | 05:42 |
Tommy83a | paceman thank u, gonna have a look :) | 05:42 |
Pacman | It say's to use the dpkg command, I need the "superuser privlege" | 05:43 |
kingspawn | Plitskin: it can be quite strenous, yes. are you sure that the kernel you are using now doesnt support this? it its stock ubuntu, its got loads of stuff in it | 05:43 |
eyedol | which drive have loaded fglrx | 05:43 |
vicks | since some recent update, the only way to shut down my computer is to log out to gdm. this is a bit irritating. isn't there a way to shut down from within gnome? | 05:43 |
eyedol | which drivers have you loaded fglrx? | 05:44 |
demo__ | eyedol, I am using the fglrx driver | 05:44 |
kingspawn | Pacman: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb | 05:44 |
Plitskin | kingspawn: All I know is that I have a 2.6 kernel... | 05:44 |
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kingspawn | Plitskin: try follow the rest of the text | 05:44 |
kingspawn | Plitskin: and we'll see the results | 05:44 |
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Plitskin | kingspawn: Ok sir, I'll try to compile the source again... | 05:45 |
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Tommy83a | wow paceman - this is wonderful =) just what i needed ;) | 05:45 |
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Tommy83a | Thanks! | 05:45 |
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bub2000 | I'm having a problem with installing NVIDIA drivers with the Dapper beta... I've installed nvidia-glx and the restricted modules, but modprobing yields a fatal error. I have a GeForce MX440... any suggestions? | 05:46 |
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Pacman | kingspawn I put that command then it ask's me for a password, but it wont let me type | 05:46 |
ubuntu | hi everybody | 05:46 |
Pacman | Im pressing keys but no letters are coming up. | 05:46 |
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kingspawn | Pacman: you are typing | 05:46 |
kingspawn | Pacman: its just not visible | 05:46 |
Pacman | oh ok | 05:46 |
ubuntu | i have a problem | 05:46 |
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jonobacon | anyone able to help ? | 05:47 |
kingspawn | just ask, if someone knows, theyll tell | 05:47 |
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Roffin | Hi! | 05:47 |
Roffin | Ubuntu = Best? | 05:47 |
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ubuntu | how can i install my internal ethernet card | 05:47 |
ubuntu | in knopix | 05:47 |
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KingOfNoWhere | anyone have any recommendations for a good (linux 'supported') USB, tv tuner? | 05:48 |
vicks | since some recent update, the only way to shut down my computer is to log out to gdm. this is a bit irritating. isn't there a way to shut down from within gnome? | 05:48 |
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ibob63 | when I am sending an attachement with the mail function the file is appears in the message rather than an attachement. Can't seem to work this out. | 05:49 |
darkness | Hi, what's the command to compile a .cpp using the g++ compiler, then open the file? | 05:49 |
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KingOfNoWhere | darkness, try c++ | 05:49 |
KingOfNoWhere | just the command c++ | 05:49 |
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darkness | Thanks | 05:49 |
xtra | hii | 05:49 |
ibob63 | this is what I type.... mail -s "I am sending a file" me@foo.com < bar.gz | 05:50 |
lamego | darkness, g++ file.c -o command | 05:50 |
tombs | hi all | 05:50 |
darkness | lamego, that worked. | 05:50 |
anstei | vicks: did you install KDE? | 05:50 |
ibob63 | is there a way of making the file appear as an attachement | 05:50 |
lamego | c++ is an alias for g++ | 05:50 |
vicks | anstei: yes | 05:50 |
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darkness | Now, how do I open the file in the terminal? | 05:50 |
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eyedol | vim filename.cpp | 05:51 |
anstei | vicks: i think that that is the problem, allthough i don't know how to fix it, besides removing KDE | 05:51 |
jpotex | Can ubuntu be run with dmraid? | 05:51 |
dereks | anyone here use chanact with irssi? | 05:51 |
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darkness | eyedol: I meant the executable file? | 05:51 |
darkness | No question mark... | 05:51 |
vicks | anstei: ok. i'm thinking of doing a clean reinstall of ubuntu anyway. thanks | 05:51 |
XamDM | darkness, ./filename | 05:51 |
lamego | darkness, ./file | 05:51 |
eyedol | ./filename | 05:52 |
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vicks | where do i tell ubuntu to run gdm at startup? | 05:52 |
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vicks | where do i tell ubuntu to run gdm at startup? (instaead of kdm, that is) | 05:52 |
bub2000 | I'm having a problem with installing NVIDIA drivers with the Dapper beta... I've installed nvidia-glx and the restricted modules, but modprobing yields a fatal error. I have a GeForce MX440... any suggestions? | 05:52 |
darkness | Thanks... I couldn't remember what it was... Ansd trying open booltest wasn't working... Lol | 05:52 |
XamDM | vicks, try dpkg-reconfigure gdm | 05:52 |
vicks | XamDM: i kind of remember that there is some kind of config file where you can specify this | 05:53 |
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francolq_ | hello. i want to resize the root filesystem of my ubuntu. a good way to do this? parted-doc says i should make a Parted Boot Disk from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/parted/bootdisk but the link is dead! | 05:54 |
vicks | anstei: just to clarify, i _should_ have some kind of option to shut down from "within gnome" | 05:54 |
XamDM | vicks, it is started vi /etc/init.dgdm.. maybe you should look there ... | 05:54 |
XamDM | just gdm .... | 05:54 |
vicks | XamDM: gonna try there, thanks | 05:54 |
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anstei | vicks: yes, but it only exists when kde is not installed, somehow. i don't know what exactly the reason for the behaviour | 05:55 |
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anstei | vicks: it could also be because of kdm, idk | 05:55 |
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vicks | ok, thanks | 05:56 |
Plitskin | is xorg.conf = XF86Config? | 05:56 |
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jaypim | @find Essential system administration | 05:58 |
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topyli | Plitskin: yes | 05:59 |
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fjso | I have a pentium 2, 300mhz, 64mb ram notebook computer (really old)... How can I boot into somekind of 'minimal' version of ubuntu live? | 06:00 |
Jimmey__ | type 'server' at the prompt | 06:00 |
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Jimmey__ | No graphics :) | 06:00 |
|lostbyte| | Jimmey__: nice .. | 06:00 |
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fjso | what I want graphics, just to surf the web... is there another option? | 06:00 |
Jimmey__ | fjso, Damn Small Linux | 06:01 |
Kennie | just remove all programs u dont use | 06:01 |
Jimmey__ | That will run from 16 MB | 06:01 |
|lostbyte| | fjso: install fluxbox seperatly. | 06:01 |
fjso | yeah, thinking about fluxbox, I don't think damn small linum is an option, I love UBUNTU! :) | 06:01 |
ubuntu | hey, i'm getting a kernel panic - not syncing: I/O error reading memory image. what shall i do to fix that? | 06:01 |
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Jimmey__ | fjso, sounds like you love Gnome, then.. | 06:02 |
|lostbyte| | ubuntu: HAve you done any hardware changes lately ? | 06:02 |
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Jimmey__ | fjso, maybe Ubuntu lite | 06:03 |
Jimmey__ | But I doubt it | 06:03 |
ubuntu | |lostbyte|: no. | 06:03 |
fjso | I guess I'm going to have to install ubuntu and then use fluxbox | 06:03 |
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fjso | ubuntu live is still trying to load.. lol, it's been 50mins now | 06:03 |
verb | anyone know of issues with ubuntu (dapper beta) and geforce 2mx PCI cards? | 06:04 |
verb | i can't install | 06:04 |
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|lostbyte| | ubuntu: Whats the last thing you did ? | 06:04 |
bub2000 | verb, what problem are you having? | 06:04 |
bub2000 | i'm having issues loading the nvidia modules | 06:04 |
verb | i just get a black screen and a flashing cursor once the install is almost done | 06:04 |
bub2000 | ah | 06:04 |
verb | i remove the card and use on-board video and it works fine | 06:04 |
bub2000 | does it go back down to the console after that or no? | 06:04 |
verb | no | 06:05 |
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verb | it just stays black with the cursor | 06:05 |
bub2000 | hm... that's odd... are you using the nv module? | 06:05 |
thoreauputic | vebtry asking in #ubuntu+1 | 06:05 |
verb | live CD then 'install' | 06:05 |
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verb | ok i will | 06:05 |
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astro9040 | hello | 06:05 |
ubuntu | |lostbyte|: resized the swap partition, edited fstab, killed cfdisk (which i had used 2 days earlier to look at the partition table), installed lm-sensors. | 06:05 |
Pacman | I just extracted the .deb file and it unpacked/setted up and such.. but where did the file actually go to? | 06:06 |
Dr_Willis | you mean you INSTALLED it? | 06:07 |
Pacman | I dont know I just used a sudo dpkg command | 06:07 |
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Dr_Willis | so yes.. You Installed it :P | 06:07 |
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symptom | hi ppl! i have some problems with gcc 4.0 - it can't compile any file (Ubuntu 5.10) | 06:07 |
Pacman | lol so where did it install to? | 06:07 |
Dr_Willis | packages could go anywhere.. depends on what you installed. | 06:07 |
Pacman | Oh so lol how do I find out where it went =/ | 06:08 |
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soundray | Pacman: dpkg -L packagename | 06:08 |
thoreauputic | !tell symptom about b-e | 06:08 |
Dr_Willis | !apt-get | 06:08 |
ubotu | apt-get is, like, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/apt-howto.en.txt (in depth) and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto | 06:08 |
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Pacman | Wow it's telling me I didint install it even though I just did | 06:09 |
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soundray | Pacman: the package name is the part of the deb filename up to the underscore (_) | 06:09 |
tdn | Does Automatix work with the new Dapper Drake beta? | 06:09 |
thoreauputic | !automatix | 06:10 |
ubotu | well, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu. | 06:10 |
soundray | tdn: I don't know, but easyubuntu does. | 06:10 |
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thoreauputic | tdn: please forget automatix | 06:10 |
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thoreauputic | !easyubuntu | 06:10 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 06:10 |
tdn | soundray, okay. I have already used Automatix on several of my machines and recommended it to others :( | 06:10 |
ubuntu | |lostbyte|: so, any idea? | 06:11 |
tdn | soundray, thoreauputic: Is there a way to "undo" Automatix and get rid of it? | 06:11 |
Dr_Willis | 'friends dont let friends use automatix' :P | 06:11 |
thoreauputic | tdn: I doubt it - it messes with your config files | 06:11 |
Dr_Willis | 'this is your pc... this is your pc on automatix...' | 06:11 |
tdn | thoreauputic, so... You think that I need to reinstall from scratch? | 06:12 |
harisund | Hmm... does anybody know of a command-line only gaim-like client? Something for AOL, Jabber, MSN and Yahoo? | 06:12 |
tdn | harisund, centericq | 06:12 |
Dr_Willis | last i tested automatix - there was no undo feature at all.. a clean install was the only option | 06:12 |
soundray | tdn: you can probably undo things that automatix does if you read its script code. | 06:12 |
thoreauputic | tdn: I don't know - I suspect that an upgrade to dapper after using automatix might be... *cough* interesting | 06:13 |
lamego | there are some debian packages from automatix wich canot be properly removed | 06:13 |
tdn | soundray, ok. | 06:13 |
harisund | tdn: centericq? I just did a apt-cache search centericq and it seemed interesting. Hmm.thanks a ton ! | 06:13 |
lamego | I would suggest you to do a clean install | 06:13 |
tdn | thoreauputic, hmm... I have done that on three systems without problems. | 06:13 |
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thoreauputic | tdn: YMMV as they say | 06:13 |
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tdn | thoreauputic, YMMV? | 06:14 |
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thoreauputic | your mileage may vary - you may have a different experience | 06:14 |
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Ivaldi | How do you export your gpg keypair? | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | ie it might work for you, or not | 06:15 |
tdn | thoreauputic, okay. | 06:15 |
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tdn | thoreauputic, but you would still reinstall the system? | 06:15 |
tdn | thoreauputic, even if it appearently works fine? | 06:15 |
thoreauputic | tdn: up to you really | 06:15 |
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ubuntu | does anyone know what could be done about this? kernel panic - not syncing: I/O error reading memory image. | 06:16 |
thoreauputic | tdn: I guess you only reinstall as a very last resort - this is Linux after all | 06:16 |
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thoreauputic | ubuntu: I/O errors are often pointers to a hardware problem | 06:16 |
tdn | thoreauputic, yeah. I thought so. That was why I got very concerned, when it sounded like I had to reinstall. | 06:17 |
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ubuntu | thoreauputic: and how would i find out what's going wrong and how would i fix it? | 06:17 |
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tdn | Why don't you show a warning at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138405? | 06:18 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: if it's your memory, you can run memtest from the boot up menu | 06:18 |
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thoreauputic | ubuntu: have you recently updated or changed your RAM ? | 06:18 |
ubuntu | thoreauputic: RAM, no, swap, yes. | 06:19 |
thoreauputic | tdn: ask the forums admins | 06:19 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: what did you do with your swap? | 06:19 |
soundray | tdn: this whole automatix discussion has been blown out of proportion. I wouldn't worry too much about your installation. | 06:19 |
Dr_Willis | just dont do it again. :P | 06:19 |
tdn | thoreauputic, I thought they was in here. | 06:19 |
soundray | tdn: Like I say, you could have a quick look through the code to see what config file changes it makes, and undo them. | 06:19 |
thoreauputic | soundray: I think it was arnieboy who blew it out of proportion, frankly | 06:20 |
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tdn | soundray, hmm... I am trying to uninstall Automatix right now. | 06:20 |
Dr_Willis | The whome automatix thread (ok.. FLamewar) was very.. interesting. | 06:20 |
tdn | soundray, the forum post said that I could remove it with: sudo apt-get remove automatix | 06:20 |
ubuntu | thoreauputic: resized / (-2gb), resized swap (+2gb), deleted swap, created extended partition, created hda5 (swap 1.6gb), created hda6 (swap 1.6gb), | 06:20 |
Plitskin | gonna try to restart x now... hope this touchpad works now... wish me luck :) | 06:21 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: sounds like you might have got the changeswrong then | 06:21 |
soundray | thoreauputic: it doesn't matter very much who did what (although I agree with you). | 06:21 |
Dr_Willis | whole lot of arguening over a huge script. | 06:22 |
soundray | tdn: removing it won't undo anything. Plus, you won't have the script any more to look at what it did. | 06:22 |
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thoreauputic | soundray: well, it appears arnieboy won't be supporting automatix for dapper - so maybe easyubuntu will get more attention now ( at least the developers are open to the community) | 06:22 |
tdn | soundray, oups :( | 06:22 |
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ubuntu | thoreauputic: how do i fix that via a livecd? | 06:23 |
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stuii | aye | 06:23 |
stuii | now look here | 06:23 |
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stuii | I cannot launch gnome-app-install | 06:23 |
stuii | permission to paste error message | 06:23 |
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Ivaldi | Could anyone help me with a gpg question? | 06:24 |
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thoreauputic | ubuntu: it depends what you actually did - you will need to ensure the swap is correctly entered in /etc/fstab, correctly formatted, and switched on at boot etc | 06:24 |
thoreauputic | stuii: use the pastebin | 06:24 |
thoreauputic | !pastebin | 06:24 |
ubotu | I guess pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 | 06:24 |
stuii | rightho | 06:24 |
stuii | one moment | 06:24 |
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massy | 'sera | 06:24 |
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patrick_king | !apache | 06:25 |
ubotu | hmm... apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 06:25 |
stuii | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12895 | 06:25 |
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Plitskin | waaaaaaaah! I messed up my x server | 06:25 |
Plitskin | I can' | 06:25 |
ubuntu | thoreauputic: uhm, how do i mount / in a livecd again? | 06:26 |
Plitskin | I can't start X... :( | 06:26 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: sudo mount /dev/hd* /your/mount/point where * is the partition number | 06:26 |
thoreauputic | eg hda1 | 06:26 |
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thoreauputic | or hda5 etc | 06:27 |
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lamego | Plitskin, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:27 |
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thoreauputic | Ubugtu: sudo fdisk -l to see your partitions | 06:27 |
_jason | can I force mv to overwrite a directory or do I have to rm the directory I am trying to overwrite? for example: ~/a/x and ~/b/x exist, and I try mv ~/a/x ~/b | 06:27 |
Plitskin | lamego: hmmm... thanks, I think I'd resort to that later... | 06:27 |
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stuii | thoreauputic: any ideas about the paste? | 06:28 |
boonjungo | May I ask a question? | 06:28 |
NoUse | !ask | 06:28 |
ubotu | Just ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important. | 06:28 |
thoreauputic | stuii: sorry, that is beyond my knowledge I fear | 06:28 |
eneried | hello everybody, do you know how to install the arial and times new roman fonts on ubuntu? | 06:28 |
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stuii | mmkay | 06:28 |
stuii | that's irritating | 06:28 |
_jason | eneried: enable multiverse and install msttcorefonts | 06:28 |
thoreauputic | !tell eneried about fonts | 06:29 |
hanasaki | what doies this mean? mail from the internet is fine.. just internal is messed up | 06:29 |
boonjungo | Do you think that once I've updated this repositry thing,I will be able to get the newest firefox through apt-get?Or am I just ultran00bing? | 06:29 |
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_jason | ubotu: tell eneried about multiverse | 06:29 |
hanasaki | ** root@home.hanaden.com R=smarthost T=remote_smtp_smarthost: SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<root@home.hanaden.com>: host cognition.home.hanaden.com [] : 550 "Invalid domain or IP given in HELO/EHLO : Domain is not RFC2821 compliant | 06:29 |
ubuntu | thoreauputic: http://pastebin.com/681200 | 06:29 |
Pacman | I am having major problems understanding packages for some reason -_- | 06:29 |
_jason | Pacman: any aspect in particular? | 06:29 |
ompaul | Pacman, what is the problem | 06:29 |
NoUse | boonjungo in breezy, you will only be able to get Firefox 1.0 | 06:29 |
NoUse | boonjungo through apt | 06:29 |
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Pacman | I have a .deb package and I use the install command then it installs but I dont know how to run it | 06:30 |
ompaul | NoUse, you might say a patched 1.0.8 :-) | 06:30 |
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Pacman | Or where to find the program | 06:30 |
kingspawn | jason: mv -f | 06:30 |
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_jason | Pacman: what are you installing? | 06:30 |
ompaul | Pacman, that is not how you install typically | 06:30 |
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_jason | kingspawn: doesn't seem to work | 06:30 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: so your / is on /dev/hda3 it appears | 06:30 |
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Pacman | It isint? I have a .deb for Frostwire. | 06:30 |
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ompaul | !frostwire | 06:31 |
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kingspawn | _jason: strange, lemme check | 06:31 |
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_jason | ompaul: he's been lazy today | 06:31 |
Trae | Is there a way I can easily apt-get install a "web server" meta package or something? That grabs mysql and apache so I can run a web server on localhost? | 06:31 |
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ompaul | _jason, lagged I would imagine | 06:31 |
_jason | Pacman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWireHowTo | 06:31 |
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Trae | ubotu, Apache? | 06:32 |
ubotu | well, apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 06:32 |
thoreauputic | !lamp | 06:32 |
ubotu | Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 06:32 |
Trae | thoreauputic, hehe | 06:32 |
eneried | _jason, thanks | 06:32 |
Trae | thoreauputic, thanks | 06:32 |
Pacman | Thanks man | 06:32 |
ompaul | Pacman, typically that is not how you get programs :-) | 06:32 |
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ubuntu | thoreauputic: yes. | 06:32 |
iqon | is there an alarm clock applet for gnome? | 06:33 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: check that /etc/fstab agrees with sudo fdisk -l on your placement of swap etc | 06:33 |
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kingspawn | _jason: really seems that you just can't do it. thats a bummer | 06:33 |
ompaul | Pacman, typically programs exist in things called repositories, you grab them from there, they are huge mirrors with thousands of programs in them, I will have the bot send you two useful links if you like | 06:33 |
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_jason | kingspawn: yeah, guess I'll have to write some extra lines. Thanks for verifying | 06:34 |
Tommy83a | paceman - it seems like u know about things in Ubuntu and stuff... To install things here, is it different between Linux and windows? or what? do i have too install things Manual? | 06:34 |
ompaul | Pacman, the whole process is automated for the "native programs" | 06:34 |
soundray | iqon: there is a timer applet. You can also set alarms in evolution, iirc. | 06:34 |
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keithhhhh | hey can anyone tell me how to mount a fat32 partition on my hard disk? | 06:34 |
ubuntu | thoreauputic: http://pastebin.com/681206 it does. | 06:34 |
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thoreauputic | iqon: don't know - you can use sleep 8h && cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp ( that should wake you up *g*) | 06:34 |
kingspawn | _jason: hm, would you at any point be interested in doing a little betatesting of a program I am making? (its called ecp, extended cp) | 06:34 |
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soundray | !tell keithhhhh about fat32 | 06:35 |
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patrick_king | when i restart apache2 i get this "apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" | 06:35 |
iqon | thoreauputic: not if i have my sound off :)...was hoping for a visual | 06:35 |
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_jason | kingspawn: sure, maybe later this week after my first wave of finals are over | 06:35 |
sad | kjhkjhkjhkjl. | 06:35 |
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ompaul | sad, please don't do that | 06:35 |
zyth | Can someone tell me where sources.list lives? | 06:35 |
_jason | zyth: /etc/apt | 06:35 |
kingspawn | _jason: yeah, no hurries, its not quite ready yet. gonna put in a --remove option now, to do just what you wanted mv to do now | 06:36 |
zyth | thanks _jason | 06:36 |
sad | no no one can tell you | 06:36 |
thoreauputic | hmm actually cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp | 06:36 |
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jmoncayo_ | what is the RPC is see it everywhere | 06:36 |
soundray | keithhhhh: quick-and-dirty: 'sudo mkdir /mnt/fat ; mount -f vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/fat' (assuming that /dev/hda1 contains your fat filesystem). | 06:36 |
Tommy83a | i have a XmmS, i have unpacked it, but cant figure it out, cant install it... =( | 06:36 |
_jason | Tommy83a: install xmms using synaptic | 06:36 |
_jason | ubuntu: tell Tommy83a about universe | 06:36 |
thoreauputic | iqon: sleep 8h && xmessage Here is your reminder | 06:36 |
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_jason | Tommy83a: erm, you don't even need universe, xmms is in main | 06:36 |
patrick_king | when i restart i get this apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 06:37 |
patrick_king | is this a problem | 06:37 |
Tommy83a | Ok?! | 06:37 |
soundray | keithhhhh: sorry, correction: mount -t vfat | 06:37 |
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_jason | Tommy83a: do you understand? | 06:37 |
Chetwin | Hi all | 06:38 |
Chetwin | Anyone got wpa working with dapper via gui? | 06:38 |
Chetwin | No? Anyone? | 06:38 |
_jason | Chetwin: #ubuntu+1 for dapper please | 06:38 |
Chetwin | Thanks you | 06:39 |
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Tommy83a | humm... No... =( Installed this tonight so its still very new for me... Main? | 06:39 |
Tommy83a | _jason humm... No... =( Installed this tonight so its still very new for me... Main? | 06:39 |
_jason | ubuntu: tell Tommy83a about synaptic | 06:39 |
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_jason | Tommy83a: synaptic is where you should isntall everything from, ubotu has sent you a tutorial to help you | 06:40 |
_jason | ubotu: tell Tommy83a about synaptic | 06:40 |
soundray | ubotu: tell Tommy83a about synaptic | 06:40 |
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Tommy83a | oh, got somthing here... thanks, gonna read it | 06:40 |
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iqon | thoreauputic: thanks | 06:41 |
thoreauputic | iqon: not very pretty, but works OK :) | 06:41 |
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Plitskin | what does this error mean?... Warning: font renderer for ".pcf" already registered at priority 0 | 06:41 |
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thoreauputic | iqon: zenity would look nicer | 06:42 |
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ubuntu | thoreauputic: so the fstab is fine it seems, doesn't it? | 06:42 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: sorry I missed it | 06:42 |
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thoreauputic | ubuntu: if your partitions are correct I guess that isn't the problem | 06:43 |
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Plitskin | also this... Could not init font path element unix/:7100, removing from list! | 06:43 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: did you run sudo swapon -a ? | 06:43 |
Plitskin | I guess I'll google a bit... | 06:43 |
iqon | thoreauputic: i also found kalarm | 06:43 |
soundray | Plitskin: your X not working? | 06:43 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: and does free -m show swap ? | 06:43 |
ubuntu | thoreauputic: http://pastebin.com/681206 fdisk output http://pastebin.com/681200 fstab, yes i did run swapon -a | 06:44 |
Plitskin | soundray: Yes... | 06:44 |
ubuntu | thoreauputic: yes, shows 3341mb | 06:44 |
soundray | Plitskin: fresh install? | 06:44 |
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thoreauputic | ubuntu: OK - so it should be working (that's a huge swap - overkill IMO ) | 06:45 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: so that appears not to be the issue then :( | 06:45 |
Plitskin | soundray: Nope, I tried to install a touchpad driver... After editing config file and restaring x, I got this message... | 06:45 |
ubuntu | thoreauputic: well yes, but as long as i'll never have to see oom-killer in action again it's ok ;) | 06:45 |
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Chetwin | What is the dapper room again? | 06:46 |
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thoreauputic | #ubuntu+1 | 06:46 |
Chetwin | thanks | 06:46 |
ubuntu | thoreauputic: besides, there also must be a problem with x.org, as it's using up to 50%+x mem sometimes | 06:46 |
Tommy83a | downloading some stuff and installing Xmms now... thanks | 06:47 |
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soundray | Plitskin: what kind of touchpad do you have? | 06:47 |
Plitskin | soundray: Synaptics | 06:47 |
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soundray | Plitskin: should have just been a matter of installing xserver-xorg-input-synaptics | 06:48 |
soundray | Plitskin: anyway, you could put your /etc/X11/xorg.conf on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org if you want us to have a look. | 06:49 |
quentin | do you know french servers? | 06:49 |
Plitskin | soundray: I didn't know... There's actually a package for this touchpad? | 06:49 |
soundray | !fr | 06:49 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 06:49 |
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quentin | thanks | 06:49 |
soundray | Plitskin: yes, and over here, it installed automatically... | 06:49 |
patrick_king | when i restarted apache2 i get this apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 06:50 |
Plitskin | soundray: Awwwww... Well... I can't possibly send you the file since I can't start x at all... | 06:50 |
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soundray | patrick_king: ignore this if you only want to access pages from localhost. | 06:50 |
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soundray | Plitskin: what are you chatting with? | 06:50 |
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patrick_king | i want to view from out, which i can. but i wonderd wat the problem | 06:51 |
Plitskin | soundray: Windows, on another computer | 06:51 |
october | hmmm when I try and access from browser... it prompts me with "save .phtml" file... I am using Drupal. Have it setup and everything to work on localhost | 06:51 |
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Plitskin | I do have windows on the same partition as my broken linux though... | 06:52 |
astro9040 | how do i install .tar.bz2 .tar.gz .tgz files is it with dpkg? or do i have untar using tar on the tarballs | 06:52 |
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patrick_king | kingfly.co.uk is my site and it works but i get that error when i restart the srever | 06:52 |
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ubuntu | astro9040: untar, read the INSTALL file. | 06:53 |
lamego | astro9040, .tar.gz/bz2 files are just compressed files, usually contain source code | 06:53 |
soundray | Plitskin: let's try and find out first what X is actually stumbling over. The relevant message will be at the end of the logs. | 06:53 |
thoreauputic | astro9040: they are usually source files that need to be compiled - but what app is it? It's probably in Ubuntu repos anyway | 06:53 |
steff | I hav problem with sound in AVI MPEG-4 (XviD, ffmpeg) ..I have win32codecs ..what I am missing? | 06:53 |
soundray | Plitskin: run tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if you can make sense of what you see there. | 06:53 |
astro9040 | ubuntu, ok | 06:53 |
astro9040 | lamego, alright | 06:54 |
soundray | Plitskin: after logging in on a text console, of course (you may have to hit Alt-Ctrl-F1 first) | 06:54 |
astro9040 | thoreauputic, its one i downloaded off of softpedia.com | 06:54 |
farruinn | I'm trying to get a backtrace following the instructions on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash - do I need to remove my currently installed version before installing the debugging version? | 06:54 |
thoreauputic | astro9040: name? | 06:54 |
KingOfNoWhere | steff: what ru using to play the vids | 06:54 |
astro9040 | thoreauputic, call eye of gnome | 06:54 |
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astro9040 | thoreauputic, called* | 06:54 |
thoreauputic | astro9040: that's already installed by default | 06:55 |
Plitskin | soundray: what is that for? | 06:55 |
steff | KingOfNoWhere, gxine ..but I have same problem with all players | 06:55 |
thoreauputic | astro9040: type eog in a teminal | 06:55 |
astro9040 | thoreauputic, oh is it | 06:55 |
soundray | Plitskin: to switch to a text console | 06:55 |
astro9040 | thoreauputic, ok | 06:55 |
steff | KingOfNoWhere, the sound is somewhat noise.. | 06:55 |
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steff | noisy | 06:55 |
Plitskin | soundray: Ok... | 06:55 |
astro9040 | thoreauputic, thx | 06:55 |
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CiderJack | I just installed Ubuntu, and it wont let me log on as administrator. I'm using the correct name/password, but it doesn't recognize it. I can log on as a user though. How to log on as admin? | 06:55 |
thoreauputic | astro9040: practically everything is installable with the synaptic package manager anyway | 06:55 |
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Plitskin | I'll try to type in all at once what I see in my log Xorg.0.log file.. | 06:56 |
soundray | !tell CiderJack about root | 06:56 |
thoreauputic | !tell astro9040 about synaptic | 06:56 |
thoreauputic | !tell astro9040 about repos | 06:56 |
CiderJack | soundray, thanks | 06:56 |
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lamego | well, not practially everything, but a lot :P | 06:56 |
KingOfNoWhere | steff: i would recommend trying mplayer, and playing with the audio configuration | 06:56 |
houda | hello | 06:57 |
thoreauputic | lamego: well, about 17 000 packages :) | 06:57 |
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ubuntu | thoreauputic: any other ideas what the problem might be? | 06:57 |
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picur | How to mount *.ISO files? | 06:58 |
thoreauputic | ubuntu: not really - it's a bit hard to troubleshoot it on IRC I think | 06:58 |
soundray | Plitskin: no, don't type it all in. Try and make sense of it first. | 06:58 |
thoreauputic | picasso: mount -o loop file.iso /mnt/point | 06:58 |
phace | anyone have problems with the sound... i have the following problem... i am playing an mp3 with xmms and watching an web with flash animation (with sound effects) and it only playes the mp3 without the sound effects from the flash... | 06:58 |
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october | what should be the permissions of things in /var/www for php to work? | 06:59 |
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Plitskin | soundray: Ok... | 06:59 |
lamego | october, 755 | 06:59 |
october | err, sorry, ownership | 06:59 |
thoreauputic | picasso: you'll need sudo in front of that | 06:59 |
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picasso | where picasso=picur | 07:00 |
lamego | well I mean, php does not require any particular privilege, apache does to read the files | 07:00 |
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thoreauputic | oops | 07:00 |
steff | KingOfNoWhere, I cannot play it on gmplayer.. But I think I am missing some codecs.. do u know where I can find codecs for Xvid ffmpeg? | 07:00 |
lamego | october, by default that path is owned by root | 07:00 |
thoreauputic | picasso: sorry maestro :) | 07:00 |
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picasso | np | 07:00 |
thoreauputic | heheh | 07:00 |
october | it needs to be something like foo www right? | 07:00 |
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steff | !tell steff about xvid | 07:00 |
steff | !tell steff about avi | 07:00 |
Plitskin | soundray: ok | 07:01 |
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lamego | october, no, it just need to be something accessible by the apache user | 07:01 |
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picur | picasso, itt doesnt workthanx | 07:01 |
Plitskin | first of... here's what I get at the end of the log file... | 07:01 |
picur | a moment | 07:01 |
picur | :) | 07:01 |
Plitskin | (II) RADEON(0): [drm] removed 1 reserved context for kernel | 07:01 |
Plitskin | (II) RADEON(0): [drm] unmapping 8192 bytes of SAREA 0xccb9b000 at 0xb3d91000 | 07:01 |
thoreauputic | picur: sure it works | 07:01 |
KingOfNoWhere | steff: in the mplayer configuration you can specify individual codecs, see what is listed in there | 07:01 |
soundray | Plitskin: also consider installing ssh on Ubuntu. You can then transfer files to Windows easily with pscp.exe from putty ssh | 07:01 |
Visualise | when installing ubuntu, can i use it alongside with windows? is there a dualboot app with it? | 07:01 |
NoUse | steff xvid codecs are in synaptic | 07:01 |
tritium | Visualise: definitely | 07:01 |
lamego | Visualise, yes | 07:01 |
Visualise | thanks | 07:01 |
thoreauputic | picur: sudo mount -o loop file.iso /your/mount/point | 07:01 |
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october | :( | 07:02 |
october | still getting the odd permissions thing I think | 07:02 |
soundray | Visualise: you get a dual boot system by default if you install on a machine that has Windows already. | 07:02 |
UKMatt | Does anyone know of any photo managers for Ubuntu (like Google's Picaso) | 07:02 |
picur | it works it work... I tryed the same about a hour and it doesnt work than | 07:03 |
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picur | I don't know... /me dude :)) | 07:03 |
lamego | october, what error do you get when you try to access to the page ? | 07:03 |
iqon | UKMatt: try f-spot | 07:03 |
october | lamego, same one this guy got: | 07:03 |
soundray | UKMatt: there was a useful review a while ago... http://lwn.net/Articles/76391/ | 07:03 |
october | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-10800.html | 07:03 |
october | lamego, --^ | 07:03 |
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october | it's prompting me to download something | 07:04 |
october | I have changed my php.ini | 07:04 |
october | and restarted apache | 07:04 |
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NoUse | october have you read the wiki page on setting up PHP and Apache? | 07:04 |
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arrick | !aoache | 07:05 |
ubotu | arrick: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 07:05 |
arrick | !apache | 07:05 |
ubotu | well, apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 07:05 |
october | NoUse, yeah... | 07:05 |
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october | NoUse, got apache set up and mysql | 07:05 |
arrick | Whaddup Dr_Willis ? | 07:05 |
october | I'm able to pull up a test.php | 07:06 |
october | <?php phpinfo(); ?> | 07:06 |
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october | in it | 07:06 |
steff | NoUse, I got the divx files in synaptic | 07:07 |
october | but I can't get my Drupal installation working... it prompts me to download | 07:07 |
october | I've set up Drupal thousands of time elsewhere on remote servers | 07:07 |
Dr_Willis | arrick, playing with 'networkmanager' | 07:07 |
october | just not on my own personal webserver | 07:07 |
october | heh | 07:07 |
Plitskin | how can I list stuff on the screen so it doesn't go all the way up without me pressing a button? | 07:07 |
Plitskin | *key | 07:07 |
lamego | october, your problem is not a privilege issue | 07:08 |
steff | NoUse, is any way to be something fault in my soundcard just for specific files? | 07:08 |
lamego | privilege/owner gives permission denied | 07:08 |
Doat | Plitskin, <cmd> | less | 07:08 |
october | lamego, nod | 07:08 |
lamego | october, you are missing a configuration directive on your apache configuration | 07:08 |
october | lamego, hmmm | 07:08 |
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october | lamego, yessir | 07:08 |
october | lamego, somewhere :/ | 07:08 |
tatters | If I wanna make a server public behind NAT whats best DMZ or port forwading? | 07:08 |
lamego | october, to tell that .php should be interpreted instead of downloaded | 07:08 |
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lamego | october, did you installed php from apt ? it usually takes care of the apache configuration | 07:08 |
october | lamego, yeah I edited my .php | 07:08 |
october | lamego, yup | 07:08 |
october | got it from apt | 07:08 |
Plitskin | Doat: thanks | 07:08 |
october | errr | 07:09 |
october | my php.ini | 07:09 |
Doat | no prob | 07:09 |
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soundray | tatters: port forwarding. DMZ is about as good as no security for the hosts that are in there. | 07:09 |
soundray | Plitskin: how are you getting on? | 07:09 |
Plitskin | is FontPath an environment variable or something? | 07:09 |
lamego | october, you should have a file /etc/apache/mods-available/php5.conf: | 07:09 |
lamego | do you have it ? | 07:10 |
soundray | Plitskin: don't worry about FontPaths. They aren't the cause of your problem. | 07:10 |
zyth | what | 07:10 |
Plitskin | soundray: I'm trying the stuff found here... http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-23000.html | 07:10 |
october | hmmm using php4 | 07:10 |
soundray | Plitskin: run tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what really fails your X server. | 07:10 |
october | root@heavyday:/etc/php4/cli# locate php4.conf | 07:10 |
october | root@heavyday:/etc/php4/cli# | 07:10 |
zyth | what's the easiest package to install to set up a webserver? Is the something like xlampp (or whatever it's called) for ubuntu? | 07:10 |
Plitskin | soundray: ok... | 07:10 |
Plitskin | soundray: would you like to see the logs? | 07:10 |
october | root@heavyday:/var/www# locate php.ini | 07:11 |
october | /etc/php4/cli/php.ini | 07:11 |
soundray | Plitskin: yes, if you can put them in a pastebin. | 07:11 |
lamego | grrr october its apache configuration ! not php | 07:11 |
Plitskin | ok, where is that again? | 07:11 |
RobyX | Why do I not have file permissions to execute them? Say's the file owner and group is "root" how do I make it myself so I can launch programs | 07:11 |
Plitskin | where can I paste it? | 07:11 |
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october | lamego, :( | 07:11 |
lamego | your problem is that apache is not processing the .php files with the php module | 07:11 |
soundray | Plitskin: your xorg.conf as well. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 07:11 |
lamego | did you found the file I have asked for ? | 07:11 |
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october | lamego, no, I did a locate on it... and couldn't find it | 07:12 |
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lamego | october, how did you install php ? | 07:12 |
october | apt-get install drupal | 07:12 |
october | heh | 07:12 |
lamego | maybe you installed the language, but not the apache module | 07:12 |
october | then It grabbed all the debs | 07:12 |
october | err deps | 07:12 |
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october | and then I installed mysql-server | 07:12 |
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highvoltage | anyone know if i can see my bluetooth signal strengh in ubuntu? | 07:12 |
budluva | howdy all | 07:13 |
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Plitskin | soundray: all good... | 07:13 |
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Plitskin | soundray: just pasted it | 07:13 |
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lamego | october, I am using dapper on my case it would be: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 | 07:14 |
october | lamego, I also installed libapache-mod-php4 | 07:14 |
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october | lamego, I'm on dapper too | 07:14 |
october | lamego, err | 07:14 |
october | lamego, I take that back | 07:14 |
october | this laptop is Breezy | 07:14 |
october | heh | 07:14 |
october | my desktop is Dapper | 07:14 |
lamego | wll the module should have this file for apache | 07:14 |
lamego | well | 07:14 |
|lostbyte| | highvoltage: i think.. there is a bluetooth ping command.. | 07:15 |
october | /usr/share/php4/php.ini-dist | 07:15 |
soundray | Plitskin: is that really the tail command output? | 07:15 |
october | lamego, /usr/share/php4/php.ini-dist | 07:15 |
october | I see that | 07:15 |
october | from locate php |grep ini | 07:15 |
october | and I see this: /etc/php4/cli/php.ini | 07:15 |
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lamego | october, GRRR read my lips. the problem is on the apache configuration, you need to have the php module beeing loaded and the .php files being set for it, forget php.ini | 07:16 |
october | /usr/lib/apache/1.3/500mod_php4.info | 07:16 |
Plitskin | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12897 | 07:16 |
lamego | you are running apache1 ??? | 07:16 |
Plitskin | soundray: yes | 07:16 |
Plitskin | soundray: I copied it exactly as it is... | 07:17 |
october | lamego, is that such a sin? heh | 07:17 |
lamego | october, well, yes, it is very old, and I can't help you because I dont know the proper configuration locations for it :) | 07:17 |
october | lamego, :( | 07:17 |
RobyX | Does anyone know how to enable myself Permission to execute files. | 07:17 |
lamego | I would recommend you to install apache2+php5 | 07:17 |
october | lamego, well, you've taken a lot of time trying to help. Thannk you very much | 07:17 |
budluva | can someone answer some apache security questions for me? i installed apache2+php4+mysql4 and i run my phpinfo.php test script which contains phpinfo() and im starting to read through it, and i has all my info right out in the open, like where my php.ini file is, where all my apache config is...now how safe is it to have all this info viewable by anyone? | 07:18 |
soundray | Plitskin: what's on the screen when you switch to the graphical console (Ctrl-Alt-F7)? | 07:18 |
MrKimm | RobtX, how do you mean= | 07:18 |
MrKimm | *? | 07:18 |
lamego | RobertB, permissions are not set on you, they are set on files that you can execute | 07:18 |
RobyX | I can't execute some programs i've installed. Because my account doe snot have permission to do that | 07:18 |
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MrKimm | RobyX, ah, but you have administration rights (sudo)? | 07:19 |
ketsugi | sudo o+x filename | 07:19 |
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lamego | budluva, is not unsafe but is not a good security policy to provide more info than you need about a service, sou you shouldn't left a phpinfo script available to the world... | 07:19 |
RobyX | I dont know | 07:19 |
Plitskin | soundray: I killed x using ctrl + alt + backspace | 07:19 |
RobyX | http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/5443/screenshot9xu.png | 07:19 |
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Plitskin | soundray: ctrl + alt + f7 just won't work right now... | 07:19 |
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RobyX | Not really sure what I did when I installed linux/made this account | 07:19 |
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MrKimm | ok | 07:20 |
soundray | Plitskin: I thought X wasn't working at all -- ? | 07:20 |
MrKimm | RobyX, what is the program that will not work? | 07:20 |
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RobyX | Frostwire | 07:20 |
budluva | lamego i understand that, phpinfo script was just for my viewing pleasure, just wondering how hard it is for someone to get that info themselves? i have deleted the phpinfo() long time ago | 07:20 |
Plitskin | soundray: I killed it right after I made the changes to the configurations... | 07:20 |
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RobyX | Or basicly any app.. | 07:20 |
lamego | RobyX, it looks like you are lookin at a shortcut to a program, not the progam | 07:20 |
Plitskin | soundray: I killed it right after I made the changes to the configurations... Then after that, I could no longer startx | 07:20 |
MrKimm | RobyX, ok, how did you install the program? | 07:20 |
lamego | RobyX, what happens when you run the application ? | 07:20 |
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RobyX | I installed the .deb and then went in synaptic and installed there.. went into that apps directory and realized I couldent run it | 07:21 |
october | lamego, ok | 07:21 |
lamego | budluva, anyone with the ability to edit files on your server will be able to add an phpinfo() | 07:21 |
october | lamego, I have: apache2 (apache removed) and php5 and libapache-mod-php5 installed | 07:21 |
soundray | Plitskin: did you copy the tail output manually? | 07:21 |
_jason | RobyX: where did you get the deb from? | 07:21 |
lamego | budluva, but well any user which already has write permissions on your server shoule be trustful | 07:21 |
RobyX | Official site the .deb you said to get earlier. | 07:21 |
october | lamego, I also removed libapache-mod-php4 | 07:22 |
MrKimm | RobyX, try opening a terminal: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal, and typing: frostwire, then clicking enter | 07:22 |
lomonteiro | Hi, when I write: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list Open in one second. when I write: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list. Is slow... slow... slow... Anybody help me ? | 07:22 |
=== october reads up | ||
Plitskin | soundray: can't think of any other way... But that's exactly how it appeared on screen I swear... | 07:22 |
lamego | october, so know you have the apache2 properly configured with php | 07:22 |
october | k | 07:22 |
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pat | hello! | 07:22 |
RobyX | Say's command not found | 07:22 |
october | I have that php5.conf file now | 07:22 |
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RobyX | And that I need java | 07:22 |
budluva | lamego so far im the only person with an accounts (user account/ftp/mysql) so as long as my passwords are good then eh? | 07:22 |
october | lamego, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf | 07:23 |
MrKimm | RobyX, if you need java then thats the problem | 07:23 |
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soundray | Plitskin: I'm just trying to think of an easier way for you to show me your config and log files. | 07:23 |
_jason | ubotu: tell RobyX about javadebs | 07:23 |
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RobyX | But I dont see how java will give me full admin rights? | 07:23 |
october | lamego, still prompts me to download the file instead of displaying things. | 07:23 |
lamego | budluva, yup, but please note that some installations of apache2/php did have a /phpinfo/ installed by default, I don't know if it is the case for the ubuntu debs (I think not) | 07:23 |
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MrKimm | can Automatix install Java? | 07:23 |
Plitskin | soundray: yeah :) | 07:23 |
_jason | RobyX: you need java and once you get it you need to modify one of the files for the .deb | 07:23 |
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MrKimm | RobyX, Frostwire will not run without Java | 07:23 |
dfccbn | hi, is there any way of having programs startup on a certain workspace? | 07:23 |
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lamego | october, did you removed the old apache also ? | 07:24 |
carlos_ | hi | 07:24 |
soundray | MrKimm: I don't know, but easyubuntu can. | 07:24 |
budluva | lamego no /phpinfo/ here, just my created phpinfo.php test script | 07:24 |
Plitskin | soundray: hmmm... what could be wrong with this... | 07:24 |
october | lamego, yah | 07:24 |
lamego | budluva, so it should be ok :) | 07:24 |
MrKimm | soundray, ok :) | 07:24 |
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pat | I've downloaded the dapper-insall-{i386,amd64}.iso install cds. The most recent version as of this morning. After booting from it, I only get a big Ubuntu logo - but I can't enter anything, and nothing happens (even after 10 minutes of waiting). Before the logo is displaye there's some text about malloc - but I can't read it as the logo comes up really fast. Any ideas? | 07:24 |
Plitskin | soundray: wait a minute... | 07:24 |
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soundray | Plitskin: when you enter X (on a line by itself), do you get similar output to what you put on the pastebin? | 07:25 |
MrKimm | pat, checked the CD md5? | 07:25 |
Plitskin | soundray: x is back when I rebooted... | 07:25 |
MrKimm | pat, and that the CD was burned correctly... | 07:25 |
pat | MrKimm: I doubt that both, i386 and amd64 are broken | 07:25 |
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pat | the cd was burned correctly, yes. | 07:25 |
MrKimm | pat, ah, that is strange... | 07:25 |
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pat | it indeed is | 07:25 |
Plitskin | but I think the changes I made didn't take effect... | 07:25 |
pat | but I'll check the md5sums, just to make sure. | 07:25 |
Nafai | Is there an equivalent to http://incoming.debian.org for Ubuntu? | 07:25 |
bleaked | has anyone in here played around with mkcue? | 07:25 |
lamego | pat, did you tried to swithch to the other virtual consoles ? | 07:25 |
lamego | to look for more detailed errors ? | 07:26 |
pat | lamego: I don't think that linux even booted yet. | 07:26 |
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soundray | Plitskin: you mean the touchpad doesn't work? | 07:26 |
rabe | why isn't there the newest kernel with breezy? what's the one for dapper? | 07:26 |
lamego | pat, you mean, you weren't even presented to the boot options ? | 07:26 |
pat | lamego: nope, not even the boot options. | 07:26 |
Plitskin | soundray: it does work, only that the tapping is still enabled... | 07:26 |
ketsugi | Current dapper kernel is 2.6.15-21 I think | 07:26 |
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soundray | Plitskin: maybe the tpconfig package is what you are looking for. | 07:27 |
lamego | rabe, because there are kernel changes wich are not supposed to happen on stable releases :) | 07:27 |
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HumanPrototype | hi all | 07:27 |
soundray | rabe, because ubuntu favors stability over bleeding-edgedness. | 07:27 |
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rabe | so how to have always the LATEST (stable) kernel in Ubuntu? | 07:27 |
Plitskin | soundray: yes, but I get trouble on dealing with run levels... | 07:27 |
lamego | rabe, you install a vanila kernel from the source :P ? | 07:28 |
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etmnt | . | 07:28 |
rabe | what distro is good for bleeding edge then? (i still like ubuntu :-)) | 07:28 |
october | :( | 07:28 |
etmnt | ubuntu is | 07:28 |
lamego | rabe, ubuntu dapper = bleeding edge | 07:28 |
pat | anybody know of a way to disable the logo on the cd bootup? | 07:28 |
october | shouldn't be this #%!@#% hard to get a web server up and oging should it? | 07:28 |
lamego | bleeding edge and stable don't match :P | 07:28 |
Dr_Willis | !lamp | 07:28 |
ubotu | Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 07:28 |
soundray | rabe, debian sid | 07:28 |
HumanPrototype | much as i love ubuntu i would like to try another distro to expand my knowlege of linux. I aim in particular at learning more about the shell and just different ways of doing things (but not rpm...). Can anybody recommend a distro? | 07:28 |
rabe | and gentoo? | 07:29 |
djk_ | HumanPrototype: gentoo or LFS | 07:29 |
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etmnt | gentoo | 07:29 |
pat | the md5sums are ok, btw. | 07:29 |
dieman | HumanPrototype: freebsd :) | 07:29 |
Dr_Willis | HumanPrototype, learn the shell by using the shell. :P the fundamentals are the same. | 07:29 |
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lamego | october, no, if you have started by apache2 and php5 instead of trying with "drupal" whith is a CMS | 07:29 |
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rabe | gentoo is rpm based? | 07:29 |
etmnt | no | 07:29 |
etmnt | portage | 07:29 |
Dr_Willis | 'different ways of doing things' is a little vague. :P | 07:29 |
ZedZeta | hey guys -- i have a peculiar problem -- I installed Easy Ubuntu to deal with codec issues, and now I'm having trouble starting totem | 07:29 |
october | lamego, I've installed Drupal a thousand times | 07:29 |
ompaul | !offtopic | 07:29 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 07:29 |
etmnt | better than rpm based, and better than apt | 07:29 |
HumanPrototype | djk_, im currently trying gentoo and having problems getting it working after installing | 07:29 |
october | lamego, I work on it for civicspace | 07:29 |
ZedZeta | anybody familiar with that? | 07:29 |
october | lamego, a company that does Drupal based modules and stuff | 07:29 |
ompaul | HumanPrototype, that would be a job for #gentoo | 07:30 |
lamego | october, ls -la /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.* | 07:30 |
october | lamego, (I do css / graphics) | 07:30 |
october | heh | 07:30 |
october | lamego, yessir, sec | 07:30 |
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soundray | Plitskin: why do you get runlevel trouble in connection with your touchpad? | 07:30 |
october | lamego, http://pastebin.com/681321 | 07:30 |
HumanPrototype | ompaul, i am on there as we speak but wondered if there was a kind of middle ground distro between ubuntu and gentoo | 07:30 |
lamego | october, ps -ef | grep -i apache | 07:31 |
Plitskin | soundray: I read that I have to make a script and run the script before x started... I placed the script inside bootmisc.sh though because I couldn't put it anywhere else... | 07:31 |
Flannel | HumanPrototype: what middle ground? what's there to middle ground about? | 07:31 |
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ompaul | HumanPrototype, there is none, I would say to you get kubuntu or damn small linux or kanotix but thats just me there are 200 of them out there | 07:31 |
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ompaul | HumanPrototype, and this subject is totally offtopic | 07:32 |
october | lamego, http://pastebin.com/681326 | 07:32 |
Plitskin | soundray: also, tpconfig --tapmode=0 won't work while x is running | 07:32 |
october | lamego, (sorry it's taking me so long) I'm slow without a mouse | 07:32 |
october | lamego, useing touchpad | 07:32 |
_nano_ | How could I view trailers from apple.com ? | 07:32 |
soundray | Plitskin: okay... putting it in bootmisc.sh should be fine, though. | 07:32 |
Plitskin | soundray: but it didn't do what I wanted it to do... | 07:33 |
soundray | Plitskin: anyway, if you haven't installed the ubuntu synaptics package yet, I suggest you do that. Be sure to read the docs... | 07:33 |
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NoUse | _nano_ install mozilla-mplayer | 07:33 |
Plitskin | soundray: ok... thanks... | 07:33 |
_nano_ | NoUse, thanks ! | 07:33 |
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soundray | Plitskin: in /usr/share/doc/xorg-driver-synaptics/ | 07:34 |
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will_ | humm | 07:35 |
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Printer | Hey again. | 07:35 |
will_ | I do like this new dapper! | 07:35 |
_nano_ | NoUse, err I am on dapper, and mozilla-mplayer doesn't seem to be on the repository (I've included universe) | 07:35 |
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Jimmey__ | !dapper | 07:35 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 07:35 |
Printer | I have been everywhere and cannot find a way for Dapper to print to a samba printer. Does anyone have any ideas or solutions? | 07:36 |
_nano_ | Jimmey__, thanks :P | 07:36 |
NoUse | _nano_ enable multiverse | 07:36 |
_nano_ | NoUse, ok | 07:36 |
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Flannel | Printer: ask in #ubuntu+1 | 07:36 |
will_ | so there is no dapper talk here? | 07:36 |
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Printer | Flannel: K. Thanks | 07:37 |
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soundray | will_: the d word is banned here ;) Join #ubuntu+1 | 07:37 |
Flannel | no, this is breezy support. We aren't running dapper (well, some of us are, but thats irrelevant) | 07:37 |
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will_ | soundray: lol! | 07:37 |
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_nano_ | NoUse, PM? | 07:38 |
etmnt | lawl | 07:38 |
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will_ | ubuntu has come a long way since warty......i remember when there was just 100 or so ppl in this room! | 07:39 |
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Jimmey__ | will_, I wish I could be among those that are able to say that they've been with Ubuntu from the start | 07:39 |
Jimmey__ | Hoary XoD | 07:39 |
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kkathman | I caught ubuntu about 4 months before hoary when it was warty :) | 07:40 |
will_ | Jimmey__: well I wen toff it when I saw breezy....... it destroyed my Promise RAID array, and i got angry!!! | 07:40 |
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soundray | kkathman: same here | 07:40 |
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ketsugi | I caught Warty and I couldn't get my wifi card working so I gave up | 07:41 |
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ketsugi | then I tried Hoary and I couldn't get my wifi card working so i gave up | 07:41 |
ketsugi | then I tried Breezy and it still wouldn't work | 07:41 |
kkathman | but I had also tried other distros | 07:41 |
ketsugi | now I'm on Dapper and it works out of the box. | 07:41 |
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ketsugi | Oh, I dropped a d-bomb, oops | 07:41 |
Rug | Howdy all | 07:41 |
Jimmey__ | Rug, hello :) | 07:41 |
will_ | ketsugi: dont say the D word here!! | 07:42 |
will_ | lol | 07:42 |
ketsugi | ;( | 07:42 |
Rug | during apt-get update, What would cause this error msg: /breezy/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 07:42 |
engie | Hi. How can I remove a package that ubuntu-minimal depends on without removing ubuntu-minimal - just tell apt that I know what I'm doing and to carry on as if this package is still installed - but remove it anyway | 07:42 |
engie | ? | 07:42 |
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Jimmey__ | engie, you mean, say, when you're trying to remove Evolution, and it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop with it? | 07:43 |
etmnt | .. | 07:43 |
farruinn | engie: It's ok if ubuntu-minimal is removed | 07:43 |
soundray | kkathman: like for example? | 07:43 |
engie | farruinn: I'm slightly scared that I'll miss out on packages that get brought in by being added to ubuntu-minimal | 07:43 |
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kkathman | soundray: RH9, SUSE 3, 4, 5, 6, Libranet, debian, | 07:44 |
farruinn | engie: What package do you want to remove? | 07:44 |
engie | networkmanager and wpasupplicant | 07:44 |
kkathman | I dual boot k/ubuntu with SUSE 10.0 now | 07:44 |
NoUse | engie ubuntu-minimal is a meta-package, it won't hurt anything if it gets removed | 07:44 |
RobyX | Well I better get off and find something else to do.. been setting up this linux for over 9 hours, got stuck on the java part though oh well.. cya guys next time | 07:44 |
roryy | engie: do you really need to uninstall those packages? and, if you do, you can always reinstall ubuntu-minimal before dist-upgrading (to ubuntu 6.06) | 07:45 |
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engie | thanks | 07:46 |
soundray | kkathman: :) those are on my list too, except the later SuSEs... I had Corel Linux as well, and Knoppix and tomsrtbt ;) | 07:46 |
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soundray | kkathman: now Ubuntu feels a bit like $HOME | 07:46 |
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kkathman | hehe... its getting better and better | 07:47 |
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mrtomte_ | hmm... trying to get a nice desktop here... for all i can figure out, its not possible to get skins for Gaim instant messenger or what? if it's like that then its no fun... :/ | 07:48 |
Boglizk | what am i suppose to do with Debian packages? :p | 07:48 |
etmnt | dpkg -i [package] .deb | 07:49 |
etmnt | it'll install it auto | 07:49 |
Boglizk | ty | 07:49 |
Chousuke | Boglizk: whatever you want :P | 07:49 |
Chousuke | :P | 07:49 |
Boglizk | lol | 07:49 |
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Rug | I have d'loaded an entire mirror (rsync'd every night), I have altered my /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the 'new' mirror. But when I apt-get update, I get a gzip error. | 07:50 |
Plitskin | where is the kernel configuration? | 07:50 |
october | anyone know where the actual httpd.conf file is? | 07:51 |
october | all I have in my httpd.conf for apache2 is this: | 07:51 |
Plitskin | october: locate httpd.conf | 07:51 |
october | http://pastebin.com/681357 | 07:51 |
october | Plitskin, did that | 07:51 |
Boglizk | hooray! javac works | 07:51 |
etmnt | locate | 07:51 |
=== Boglizk is off to play with Java | ||
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=== etmnt hates java | ||
Rug | Any ideas? | 07:51 |
october | Plitskin, that's all I have in my httpd.conf file for apache2 | 07:52 |
october | Plitskin, :( | 07:52 |
mirak | is it normal that I feel that everything is lagging on linux ? | 07:52 |
etmnt | no | 07:52 |
Rug | mirak: no | 07:52 |
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mirak | I feel firefox is lagging, as well as metacity and xorg when I move a window | 07:52 |
etmnt | pc specs? | 07:52 |
Boglizk | hardware details? | 07:52 |
Boglizk | argh | 07:52 |
Boglizk | :p | 07:52 |
etmnt | lol | 07:53 |
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mirak | I have just azureus and amule running togheter, but even on XP I don't feel that much "lag" | 07:53 |
farruinn | How do I get the default usplash config in breezy? I did a dist-upgrade from hoary but I don't get usplash when I boot | 07:53 |
etmnt | what are your specs, mirak | 07:53 |
Boglizk | Azureus is a RAM-eater | 07:53 |
mirak | A64 3000, 1,5G of ram | 07:53 |
Rug | Boglizk: yes | 07:53 |
mirak | ram is ddr 3200 | 07:53 |
etmnt | hmm | 07:53 |
etmnt | should run fine | 07:53 |
Plitskin | october: locate apache2.conf | 07:53 |
Boglizk | and i've found linux to be lagging alot when playing java games | 07:53 |
mirak | I have nvidia drivers | 07:53 |
Boglizk | the game itself doesn't lag, but all other programs does | 07:54 |
mirak | I have always felt firefox is faster on windows anyway :-/ | 07:54 |
Plitskin | october: not suere about that one though... But it looks like it has the things you need to configure apache... | 07:54 |
etmnt | java is always laggy even more on windows lol | 07:54 |
roryy | Rug: take a look here for a little info on making your own repo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptMoveHowto | 07:54 |
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Boglizk | on windows, i know what processes are ok to shut down :p | 07:54 |
mirak | etmnt: it's like the ordonnancing is crap or something | 07:54 |
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etmnt | lol | 07:54 |
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teletubbie | hi | 07:55 |
Rug | etmnt: thanks | 07:55 |
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vx | hey | 07:55 |
teletubbie | how do I remove the kubuntu desktop? I installed via dapper | 07:55 |
Boglizk | howdy | 07:55 |
etmnt | Rug: for what | 07:55 |
Rug | ack sorry wrong person... | 07:55 |
etmnt | lol | 07:55 |
Rug | roryy: Thanks and sorry! | 07:55 |
mirak | telemaco: unfortunely you can't remove everything | 07:55 |
roryy | Rug: ;) | 07:55 |
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NoUse | teletubbie removing kdelibs will probably get most of it | 07:55 |
Boglizk | i accidently installed a Edubuntu theme once.. ^^ | 07:56 |
mirak | telemaco: there should be a metapackage that depends of all kubuntu or all gnome that remove everything when you remove it | 07:56 |
teletubbie | I don'tmind to have it on my system, but I installed xfce4 and it doesn't work | 07:56 |
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teletubbie | I only see the wallpaper when it starts | 07:56 |
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mirak | also rythmbox still sucks | 07:57 |
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mirak | sucks a bit less | 07:57 |
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mirak | lol | 07:57 |
myavuzselim | Do package sizes between breezy and dapper differ much? | 07:57 |
NoUse | myavuzselim I doubt it | 07:57 |
=== nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp217-178.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
myavuzselim | I am doing dist-upgrade from breezy, but now I see I will have +- 400 mb left after downloading | 07:58 |
Boglizk | I really want a good musicplayer and torrent program, i miss foobar2k and torrent :/ | 07:58 |
felipe__ | does ubuntu plays m4a files? | 07:58 |
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Rug | Boglizk: Amarok for music, and rtorrent | 07:58 |
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Boglizk | Amorak.. i'll try that | 07:59 |
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Rug | It isnt' light-weight like Foobar, but it is VERY powerfull. | 07:59 |
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myavuzselim | or do you need some temporary space while upgrading. I hope that won't be any problem | 07:59 |
Boglizk | allright, thanks | 07:59 |
_harm | how do i check which version of ubuntu i have? | 07:59 |
NoUse | myavuzselim its probably because you will have downloadeed a lot of breezy debs and then downloaded almost all dapper deb, after the upgrade you can run apt-get clean to remove old debs | 08:00 |
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Boglizk | i cant seem to find there site on google.. they have any? | 08:00 |
Rug | Boglizk: What? | 08:00 |
vx | while using GAIM, i cant middle/right/left click them open into FIrefox, anyone know what my problem is? | 08:00 |
Boglizk | Amorak | 08:00 |
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-130-249.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | amarok.kde.org | 08:00 |
HymnToLife | it's Amarok ;) | 08:00 |
myavuzselim | NoUse, thanks | 08:00 |
HymnToLife | sudo apt-get install amarok | 08:00 |
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vx | middle/right/ or left click open web pages i mean | 08:01 |
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Rug | Boglizk: you using Breezy or Dapper? | 08:01 |
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mirak | honestly metacity is really slow. It's slow to redraw windows | 08:01 |
vx | breezy | 08:01 |
mirak | it's slow to moves them | 08:01 |
minerale | mirak who's your graphic card by? | 08:01 |
Boglizk | Rug: Badger | 08:01 |
tritium | _harm: lsb_release -a | 08:01 |
mirak | minerale: nvidia | 08:01 |
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=== GazzaK [n=Gary@host86-135-79-127.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | minerale: with proprietary drivers | 08:02 |
minerale | mirak: download the nvidia driver | 08:02 |
minerale | mirak: what is the graphic card? | 08:02 |
mirak | minerale: I think glcore is disabled as module, but the module is the proprietary one, I got the logo | 08:02 |
mirak | minerale: 6600GT | 08:02 |
Rug | the version is the Breezy repos isn't uptodate. follow the faq's to get the newest verions. | 08:02 |
mirak | minerale: I am on dapper though | 08:03 |
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minerale | Mirak: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html, before you install the driver make sure you apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 08:03 |
Flannel | mirak: ask on #ubuntu+1 | 08:03 |
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speedsix | Hi, can anyone help make a Grub boot floppy to boot from a SATA drive? | 08:04 |
sovin | um.. | 08:04 |
sovin | hello? | 08:04 |
speedsix | Hi | 08:04 |
sovin | i'm in something of a predicament. | 08:04 |
Rug | spit it out | 08:04 |
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=== _Fred [n=fredf@81-86-149-249.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | minerale: hem the driver is in the restricted module package according to the right kernel | 08:05 |
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sovin | a person in a chatroom i'm in has been saying he was going to 'hack my box'.. | 08:05 |
sovin | and for me to check my 'svchost' | 08:05 |
sovin | i was wondering if i should pay him any mind | 08:05 |
_harm | tritium this might sound weird but were can i launch a terminal in breezy? | 08:05 |
roryy | sovin: you're running ubuntu? | 08:05 |
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sovin | yes | 08:05 |
tritium | _harm: Applications->Accessories | 08:05 |
speedsix | basically I have install ubuntu on an old machine fine but the mobo refuses to boot from the sata pci card so my only option it seems is to make a grub boot disk | 08:05 |
Flannel | mirak: #ubuntu+1 is for dapper support, not here. | 08:05 |
roryy | sovin: afaik svchost is a windows thing; i wouldn't worry | 08:05 |
sovin | roryy: yes | 08:05 |
Flannel | ah, you've found it. | 08:05 |
sovin | roryy: phew. well thank you. | 08:06 |
mirak | Flannel: yes | 08:06 |
mirak | Flannel: but well the metacity lag is also on breezy | 08:06 |
Rug | tell him: My IP os, hack away looser!! | 08:06 |
_harm | tritium that is well hidden | 08:06 |
speedsix | Anyone? | 08:06 |
roryy | sovin: if this is IRC, you should investigate the '/ignore' command -- very handy for shutting people out | 08:07 |
=== rortega [n=rortega@pcmecanismos.eps.cdf.udc.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_harm | tritium iam going to upgrade to dapper breezy i dont like.. thx though | 08:07 |
william__ | hola | 08:07 |
tritium | _harm: you think so? | 08:07 |
tritium | !es | 08:07 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:07 |
=== Fig0^Breezy [n=NightFig@p5486D05C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_harm | tritium yah i would ave expected it under Apps > SysTools | 08:07 |
william__ | gracias | 08:07 |
tritium | _harm: okay, #ubuntu+1 for dapper discussions | 08:07 |
william__ | por que ya no entendia nada aca | 08:07 |
tritium | _harm: not anymore ;) | 08:07 |
rortega | hi!! | 08:07 |
william__ | #edubuntu-es | 08:08 |
tritium | william__: ve te a #ubuntu-es por favor | 08:08 |
william__ | quit | 08:08 |
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william__ | tritium como le hago no entiendo | 08:09 |
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william__ | es la primera ves que me meto hacer esto en linuz | 08:09 |
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william__ | es la primera ves que me meto hacer esto en linux | 08:09 |
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_jason | /join #ubuntu-es <--- william__ | 08:09 |
tritium | william__: /j #ubuntu-es | 08:09 |
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william__ | william__: /j#ubuntu-es | 08:10 |
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maruchan | quick questions what can i use to do hexedit | 08:11 |
_jason | maruchan: ghex | 08:11 |
maruchan | thx | 08:11 |
veneficus | Hello everyone! ;) | 08:12 |
william__ | join #ubuntu-es | 08:12 |
_jason | william__: you need the / | 08:12 |
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NoUse | oy, he is using IRC as root too | 08:14 |
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william__ | tank | 08:16 |
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speedsix | Hi, can anyone help make a Grub boot floppy to boot from a SATA drive? | 08:16 |
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NoUse | speedsix https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto/BootFloppy | 08:17 |
immolo | anyone one here running BT broadband with ubuntu? | 08:17 |
speedsix | thanks will check it out | 08:17 |
mrtomte_ | brb | 08:18 |
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=== MrGreen [n=MrGreen@client-86-27-81-20.brhm.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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MrGreen | which is the best way to install ubuntu livecd or install iso? | 08:21 |
runparts | What would be the best way to configure a hp laserjet 4m printer using cups on breezy badger without installing X and using the gnome printing utilities? | 08:22 |
_jason | MrGreen: you can only install with the install cd for breezy | 08:22 |
GazzaK | you cannot install via live cd | 08:22 |
MrGreen | ;-( | 08:22 |
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MrGreen | dapper has an installer but it did not work for me | 08:22 |
GazzaK | live cd is good for testing and seeing if you like it | 08:22 |
MrGreen | true | 08:22 |
GazzaK | the latest released offical version is 5.10 Breezy | 08:23 |
ompaul | !dapper | 08:23 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 08:23 |
und0 | need some help please | 08:23 |
und0 | I have an iMAC g3 and I`ve requested shiping for free cd-s from ubuntu, and I`ve inserted a cd for mac into my iMac G3 sload loading cd-rom, I`ve restarted the mac, and when it loads it stays and apears a folder with "?" and slides to macintosh logo! | 08:23 |
MrGreen | yo | 08:23 |
NoUse | !ask | 08:23 |
ubotu | Just ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important. | 08:23 |
und0 | I can`t eject the cd becouse my cd-rom is sloat loading | 08:23 |
dfccbn | hi does anyone know if you can start a program in a worksoace of your choice in gnome? | 08:23 |
=== immer [n=Immerohn@pal-171-211.itap.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | und0 what happens when you right click on the disc on your desktop and click eject? | 08:24 |
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runparts | und0 hold down F12 to eject a cd | 08:24 |
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ompaul | und0, you mean you have an apple, it may be the case that if you press F12 as your booting it will eject the disk | 08:24 |
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liz | und0: it doesnt get to the desktop correct? | 08:24 |
runparts | und0 hold down C with while booting with the cd in the drive and it should boot from the cd | 08:24 |
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giorgio | bbbbbbbbbbbb | 08:24 |
und0 | NoUse read the question | 08:24 |
=== bosco [n=bosco@pool-71-114-188-236.trrhin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdmpike | Does anyone one know why a USB hub wouldn't work and what you could do to fix it? | 08:24 |
ompaul | giorgio, what is that for? | 08:25 |
und0 | when i hold down C doesent happen nothing | 08:25 |
ompaul | und0 F12? | 08:25 |
blindx | jdmpike, is it externally powered or powered through the usb port? and what have you tried plugging into it? | 08:25 |
und0 | whait please | 08:25 |
jdmpike | blindx, I have tried plugging it into one of the two USB ports on my laptop | 08:26 |
=== bosco [n=bosco@pool-71-114-188-236.trrhin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | und0, please write out what machine you have and what CD you put in it | 08:26 |
blindx | no no, what are you plugging into it? | 08:26 |
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jdmpike | blindx, I am trying to plug a mouse into it | 08:26 |
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_jim_ | hi guys | 08:26 |
und0 | I have a iMac g3 350 256 Rams - Ubuntu linux for power pc mac5.10 | 08:26 |
_jim_ | i installed wine i think but how i can run an app with it ? | 08:26 |
blindx | jdmpike, is it externally powered? or powered through usb? | 08:26 |
Stormx2 | An application listening to a port has crashed. Now I can't access the port when I open the application again. Any ideas? | 08:26 |
und0 | and f12 is not working | 08:27 |
blindx | _jim_: wine <progam> | 08:27 |
_harm | Stormx2 reboot? | 08:27 |
jdmpike | blindx, dmesg sees "new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address ...: | 08:27 |
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Stormx2 | _harm: I don't wanna :( | 08:27 |
blindx | jdmpike, can you please answer my question? | 08:27 |
_jim_ | blindx , by console ? | 08:27 |
_harm | Stormx2 kill? | 08:27 |
jdmpike | blindx, it is externally powered | 08:27 |
und0 | so? | 08:27 |
runparts | und0 I've had luck installing breezy on a couple of similar iMacs | 08:28 |
jdmpike | blindx, I guess - I don't think the usb hub is externally powered, just the fans that are in it | 08:28 |
_harm | _jim_ open up a terminal and do wine applicationname.exe | 08:28 |
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_jim_ | alright :D | 08:28 |
_jim_ | thanks | 08:28 |
und0 | runparts A ubuntu live cd | 08:28 |
blindx | Sounds like a faulty device then, jdmpike. Have you tried plugging anything else into it? | 08:28 |
_harm | _jim_ wait | 08:28 |
Stormx2 | _harm: Kill what? | 08:28 |
jdmpike | blindx, it works fine under windows | 08:28 |
_harm | _jim_ first you have to go to where the .exe is located | 08:28 |
mzuverink | I have nautilus scripts in my ~/.gnome/nautilus-scripts dir, but nautilus does not offer me the right click scripts offing. What do I need to do to get this to work? | 08:28 |
ompaul | und0, then your into the land of the paper clip and poke it in the pin hole below the CD | 08:28 |
und0 | but, like it doesent load anithing | 08:28 |
_harm | Stormx2 kill the prgm that was using that port | 08:28 |
blindx | jdmpike, have you tried plugging anything else into it? | 08:29 |
Stormx2 | _harm: its not open | 08:29 |
und0 | Il try | 08:29 |
jdmpike | blindx, dmesg sees it "USB hub found; 4 ports detected" | 08:29 |
_harm | Stormx2 urm.. ok :( | 08:29 |
Stormx2 | anyone? | 08:29 |
Nosf3ratu | bueller? | 08:29 |
blindx | jdmpike, have you tried plugging anything else into it? | 08:29 |
=== Hey_neken [n=NoFX@215.Red-213-96-129.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | Don't make me use my failsafe attention seeking phrase =) | 08:29 |
runparts | und0 The slot loading iMacs don't have a paper clip hole, stupid design, but F12 has always worked for me | 08:29 |
jdmpike | blindx, the mouse works when I plug it directly into the other USB port on the laptop | 08:29 |
=== mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-91-243.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | that's not what i asked. | 08:30 |
jdmpike | blindx, but not when I plug it into usb | 08:30 |
=== teletubbie [n=we2by@h8441153081.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
teletubbie | hi | 08:30 |
_harm | lol a teletubbie :D | 08:30 |
teletubbie | how do I set which verison gcc to use? | 08:30 |
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jdmpike | blindx, yes I have tried to plug a hd into it also, and another wireless mouse | 08:30 |
Stormx2 | omg dis neva happns on windows xp i shud neva hav gon 2 ubuntu no1 helps mee!1111 | 08:30 |
blindx | and they don't work either? | 08:30 |
blindx | lmfao Stormx2 | 08:30 |
_harm | Stormx2 well just reboot :| | 08:30 |
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und0 | runparts so what can I do? | 08:30 |
Stormx2 | blindx: Any ideas as to my problem? ;) | 08:30 |
blindx | let me scroll up and read it lol | 08:31 |
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runparts | und0 Did they send you a liveCD and an install cd? if so, try the other cd to see if it boots | 08:31 |
Stormx2 | Rebooting is for bill gates >.> | 08:31 |
jdmpike | blindx, yeah - anything I plug into the usb hub doesn't seem to work | 08:31 |
Stormx2 | Whatever | 08:31 |
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blindx | Stormx2, have you... checked ps aux to see if the program was still running, even though it crashed? | 08:31 |
und0 | runparts I can`t eject the cd doh :D | 08:31 |
=== XamDM [i=tclsze@p54A4DD0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdmpike | blindx, dmesg can't see anything when I plug devices into the hub | 08:31 |
Stormx2 | I will now | 08:32 |
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ompaul | und0, if you are still having problems go to #ubuntu-offtopic and there is a guy there who has done that recently | 08:32 |
=== EinZteiN [n=einztein@a213-22-54-25.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blindx | jdmpike, I'm not sure then. sounds funky. my usb hub works..so i don't know. | 08:32 |
GazzaK | when ubuntu send out the cd's, are they like proper silver pressed cd's with proper labels? and proper boxes/cases? | 08:32 |
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iroc | hello | 08:32 |
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jdmpike | blindx, this usb hub used to work well | 08:32 |
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jdmpike | blindx, quit working like two days ago | 08:32 |
blindx | gazzak, no. they look like a bunch of chinese people made them. they're labeled with sharpie markers and come in envolopes with no jewel cases. | 08:33 |
jdmpike | blindx, I will post to forum, just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something stupid | 08:33 |
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blindx | jdmpike, you said it was working fine and now it's not? sounds like a faulty device then | 08:33 |
GazzaK | blindx - oh, thats alright then | 08:33 |
runparts | und0 Don't know what to tell you, F12 has always worked for me eventually. Failing that, poke a paper clip in if there is a hole to manually eject it. Failing that, take the stupid thing apart, but that is difficult and breakable | 08:33 |
_jason | GazzaK: http://images.google.com/images?q=ubuntu%20shipit%20cd | 08:33 |
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@collaredlory2.hornet.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GazzaK | thanks _jason :) | 08:34 |
runparts | What would be the best way to configure a hp laserjet 4m printer on breezy badger without installing X and using the gnome printing utilities? | 08:34 |
=== mathieu [n=slicks@dib.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GazzaK | blimey they look fantastic | 08:34 |
runparts | Since ubuntu disables the web configuration tool | 08:34 |
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mzuverink | _jason:that openoffice disappearing icon problem did not reoccure in a new install and update | 08:34 |
_jason | mzuverink: great | 08:35 |
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mzuverink | _jason:however I have no nautilus scripts now | 08:35 |
=== teletubbie [n=jinxi@h8441153081.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
teletubbie | hi | 08:35 |
teletubbie | how do I set my gcc compiler to gcc-3.4 instead of gcc 4?? | 08:35 |
_jason | teletubbie: export CC=gcc-3.4, before compiling | 08:35 |
=== baconbacon [n=bacon@modemcable020.207-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | most should repsect that | 08:36 |
mzuverink | _jason: Is there something I am supposed to install to get nautilus scripts? | 08:36 |
_jim_ | hey guys | 08:37 |
_jim_ | i need some help with wine | 08:37 |
_harm | _jim_ what? | 08:37 |
_jim_ | i cant understand where to place the file | 08:37 |
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_jason | mzuverink: there are some packages that turn up with apt-cache search nautilus script, but you can just copy ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ I think | 08:37 |
_harm | _jim_ were is the .exe you want to run? | 08:37 |
baconbacon | mzuverink: you should put the script in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ and chmod +x it | 08:37 |
_jim_ | home/windows/ | 08:38 |
mzuverink | Ok thanks | 08:38 |
mirak | I wanted to know if there is way to modifiy the kernel ordonancer. for exemple, I don't want that a process takes all the cpu when it needs a lot. it would be better it takes 90% of what is available, and let some room for other processes | 08:38 |
blindx | GazzaK, you still there? | 08:38 |
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
baconbacon | usually once wine is installed you can double click it .. | 08:38 |
_harm | _jim_ in terminal: cd /home/windows then hit enter then: wine example.exe Where example is what u want to run | 08:38 |
runparts | mirak the program 'nice' may work, 'man nice' | 08:38 |
=== floppyears [n=jose@poipu/supporter/floppyears] has joined #ubuntu | ||
floppyears | hi | 08:39 |
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floppyears | I have a quick question | 08:39 |
floppyears | why would Xorg work and show me the xorg server | 08:39 |
_jim_ | i cant understand | 08:39 |
floppyears | but xinit :0 or startx | 08:39 |
_jim_ | it says no such file or dir | 08:39 |
floppyears | give me the error xinit: Server error | 08:39 |
kronoz | is it possible to tell synaptics to ignore a broken package? | 08:39 |
mzuverink | I was putting the scripts in the wrong dir, the g-scripts website says ~/gnome/nautilus-scripts | 08:39 |
_harm | _jim_ make sure of capitols | 08:39 |
baconbacon | i read that as floppy years | 08:40 |
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-172-222-62.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_harm | _jim_ everything is case sensitive | 08:40 |
_jim_ | aah yeah | 08:40 |
mirak | runparts: I know nice, but I don't think I can regulate everything | 08:40 |
_jim_ | lets see | 08:40 |
baconbacon | floppy years : data size unit; the number of bytes read by a floppy drive in a year :P | 08:40 |
mirak | runparts: I don't want that for a particular process, I want that for a general behavior | 08:41 |
_jim_ | it still says that | 08:41 |
=== Oriana [n=Oriana@cable-87-244-171-162.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runparts | mirak hmmm, then I got nothing | 08:41 |
floppyears | anybody who can help me with m xorg problem ? | 08:41 |
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_jim_ | it cant locate Home | 08:41 |
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NoUse | _jim_ could you put the error in pastebin? | 08:42 |
NoUse | !tell _jim_ about pastebin | 08:42 |
_jim_ | i know :p | 08:42 |
gymsmoke | hey all... | 08:42 |
_harm | _jim_ its home not Home | 08:42 |
Trae | how do I turn on modrewrite in Ubuntu apache2? | 08:42 |
runparts | damn I hate printers. The last printer I got working with Linux was an epson dot matrix. | 08:42 |
baconbacon | floppyears: so gdm (x) is started on boot, but you cant start it with xinit? | 08:43 |
_jim_ | still | 08:43 |
_jim_ | bash: cd: home: No such file or directory | 08:43 |
_harm | _jim_ cd /home/windows > wine example.exe | 08:43 |
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runparts | Does ubuntu not include the hp-setup program with hplip? | 08:44 |
NoUse | _jim_ home != /home | 08:44 |
Trae | !ubotu modrewrite | 08:44 |
ubotu | Trae: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:44 |
_jim_ | way | 08:44 |
_jim_ | yayyy | 08:44 |
_harm | _jim_ home is located inside root.. so /home | 08:44 |
_jim_ | im in home lol | 08:44 |
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_harm | _jim_ cd = chance directory for future referces | 08:45 |
_jim_ | now , i cant go to Windows dir... | 08:45 |
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floppyears | baconbacon: no, gdm is not working | 08:46 |
floppyears | so I'm trying to do it manually | 08:46 |
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=== Istario [n=[tgn] cok@adsl-63-196-198-197.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
baconbacon | floppyears: restate your problem please, and don't forget any words | 08:47 |
runparts | Did no one anticipate the need to configure printers on headless servers? everything is "Click on System --> Administration --> Printing" ... not helpfull when I'm on a ssh connection | 08:47 |
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floppyears | baconbacon: ok, my xorg server won't start | 08:48 |
floppyears | baconbacon: it's supposed to start automatically gdm | 08:48 |
baconbacon | runparts: you could start gnome-cups-manager with a ssh session with X forwarding | 08:48 |
floppyears | but it istn' | 08:48 |
NoUse | runparts ubuntus main goal is desktop OS | 08:48 |
gymsmoke | anyone here have some knowledge of ssl certificates? | 08:48 |
floppyears | so I am trying to do it manually at least | 08:48 |
floppyears | startx or xinit won't work | 08:48 |
=== hanasaki [n=hanasaki@CPE-65-30-38-188.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runparts | NoUse yeah, i've just worked myself into a corner with this server | 08:48 |
floppyears | Xorg does work and the xorg server starts | 08:48 |
floppyears | but I don't know how to tell it to give me a shell ? | 08:49 |
hanasaki | anyuone ever seen this from exim? what does it mean? "TLS cache read failed" | 08:49 |
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gymsmoke | runparts: i get that alot too... i'm setting up servers with Ubuntu and get alot of "go into Synaptic" ... | 08:49 |
hanasaki | i asked in exim.. but the channel is sleeping | 08:49 |
runparts | baconbacon true | 08:49 |
=== DeeDee [n=paolo@adsl-114-164.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | runparts you know CUPS has a web interface right? | 08:49 |
runparts | NoUse Disabled by Ubuntu | 08:49 |
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NoUse | runparts have you tried enabling it? | 08:49 |
runparts | NoUse no, that would be a good start. Any hints? | 08:50 |
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NoUse | cupsd.conf | 08:50 |
wasabi | Anybody making round Ubuntu stickers with just the logo? | 08:50 |
{alejandro} | hm | 08:50 |
mlmartin | Can't get my voodoo 3 running greater than 640x480@60Hz... any ideas? | 08:51 |
baconbacon | floppyears: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg first | 08:51 |
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floppyears | I had forgotten about that thanks | 08:51 |
kbrooks | ubotu: karma | 08:51 |
ubotu | kbrooks has karma of 1 | 08:51 |
kbrooks | ubotu: karma Seveas | 08:51 |
ubotu | seveas has karma of 2 | 08:51 |
{alejandro} | man I hate being stupid | 08:52 |
{alejandro} | How should I configure my fstab so I have my second drive mount within my user directory (making it user editable etc.) | 08:52 |
FunnyLookinHat | wasabi, I'd buy ubuntu stickers if i could ifnd tjem | 08:52 |
=== Sturek [n=jens@dialin-clp-080-228-34-243.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FunnyLookinHat | ^_^ | 08:52 |
wasabi | There are ones, on cafepress. | 08:52 |
leggy | how do i set the number of lines of the window list? i guess i have seen window list panels where 2 lines were used...! is it right? | 08:52 |
wasabi | Just not round logo only. | 08:52 |
GazzaK | FunnyLookinHat, make them | 08:52 |
NoUse | runparts CUPS web interface is enabled on my breezy box | 08:53 |
NoUse | runparts it runs on port 631 | 08:53 |
gymsmoke | anyone here have some knowledge of ssl certificates? | 08:53 |
=== caplink811_log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-084-146.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fjso | im using Gnome right now, just after I installed Ubuntu, how can I changed the window manager to fluxbox? | 08:53 |
floppyears | baconbacon: that package doesn't exist | 08:53 |
{alejandro} | fjso just install fluxbox | 08:54 |
floppyears | there's so many xserver-xorg-something pacakge | 08:54 |
floppyears | which one is the one that I should reconfigure ? | 08:54 |
runparts | NoUse Yeah, it is running on my box as well, just says at the top of the page "Administrative tasks have been disabled for security reasons. Please use Menusystem > Administration..." | 08:54 |
{alejandro} | fjso in the gdm startup screen, change sessionm and pick fluxbox | 08:54 |
=== JDahl [n=joachim@3e6b7449.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
{alejandro} | fjso it will ask you if you want to use it as default and say yes | 08:54 |
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fjso | thank you, so I have to restart the system to do this, or can I logout? | 08:54 |
{alejandro} | fjso just log out | 08:55 |
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fjso | thank you! | 08:55 |
=== christina_ [n=christin@pool-71-115-70-175.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | roryy: Well that dind't help.Now I have gpg errors and that odd gzip error! | 08:55 |
baconbacon | floppyears: xserver-xorg? | 08:56 |
christina_ | hello? | 08:56 |
floppyears | sorry I just saw that I hadn't installed it | 08:56 |
floppyears | but I found it weird | 08:56 |
harisund | ompaul /window show 4 | 08:56 |
floppyears | that there was a command Xorg | 08:56 |
bleaked | does anyone know how to change the default tag editor in abcde..i've scoured the config file.. | 08:56 |
floppyears | without the package being installed | 08:56 |
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baconbacon | floppyears: you did the desktop install or server? | 08:57 |
floppyears | server | 08:57 |
roryy | Rug: hrm, sorry, i just knew there was a related wiki page. Have you read the various man-pages ? e.g., 'man apt-ftparchive' ? | 08:57 |
=== christina_ [n=christin@pool-71-115-70-175.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | roryy: yeah I have been through the whole lot. | 08:57 |
=== harisund [n=harisund@ip24-255-87-152.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
christina_ | can anyone tell me how to use my camera? | 08:58 |
Rug | Google has several similar errors, but all are intermittent | 08:58 |
Abnix | push the button...? | 08:58 |
Abnix | (sorry, had to) | 08:58 |
roryy | Rug: i have occasionally had to clean out /var/lib/apt/lists/ by hand | 08:58 |
=== dwarner [n=dwarner@adsl-69-208-22-238.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | bleaked: I think it uses the $EDITOR variable. So just do a export EDITOR=nano or similar before you run abcde | 08:58 |
roryy | Rug: are you doing all this on a test machine ? | 08:58 |
=== baconbacon [n=bacon@modemcable020.207-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | roryy: define test ! =) | 08:59 |
baconbacon | floppyears: whatever you do, dont reconfigure xorg inside a console in x like me ... | 08:59 |
goonie | I need help with a silly problem. I replaced my bottom taskbar with some eye candy and then decided to go back to the old one and I can't get a panel back that has a "task list" (buttons for open programs). How do I add that back to the panel? | 08:59 |
roryy | Rug: one you can break ;) | 08:59 |
baconbacon | like i just did | 08:59 |
_jason | goonie: window list | 08:59 |
Rug | roryy: I can break any computer! | 08:59 |
baconbacon | not @ rug | 08:59 |
roryy | heh | 08:59 |
=== roryy thinks | ||
floppyears | baconbacon: no, I was doing it from one of the 7 terminals | 08:59 |
roryy | one you *may* break :P | 08:59 |
NoUse | christina_ if you could be more specific with your problem, we can try to help you | 08:59 |
=== farruinn [n=farruinn@ssprange-3.umm.maine.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | roryy: I don't have a problem with nuking/reinstalling. | 09:00 |
roryy | anyway, try manually invoking gzip on that file, and see what happens | 09:00 |
Rug | roryy: it extacts fine | 09:00 |
roryy | hm | 09:00 |
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soundray | goonie: have you found the fix? | 09:00 |
christina_ | i want to install my web cam but it won't run | 09:01 |
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goonie | _jason, I'm not on my ubuntu right now so I can't be sure but I think there were two applets called something like window list and neither was like the original one | 09:01 |
{alejandro} | hey anyone care to give me a more concise explanation of fstab and/or how to mount drives on startup | 09:01 |
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baconbacon | !tell {alejandro} about mount | 09:01 |
{alejandro} | danke | 09:01 |
soundray | christina_: is your camera connected to the USB? | 09:01 |
christina_ | yes | 09:01 |
johnm1019 | what is the reccomended VNC viewer for gnome? xvncviewer isn't rendering the scroll bars right making it difficult to deal with a server with ahigher res than my desktop :( | 09:01 |
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goonie | soundray, no I'll have to boot up into ubuntu to check for the solutions, can't get online in ubuntu here at the office | 09:02 |
_jason | goonie: i'm certain the app that gives you the list of open programs so you can click and unminimize and such is called window list. Are you referring to something else? | 09:02 |
Rug | roryy: I was just trying to save myself some grief AND do something cool in the process. It's not a show-stopper. | 09:02 |
baconbacon | vncviewer is by default | 09:02 |
christina_ | it is connected | 09:02 |
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Rug | I've been using Ubuntu for 1.5 years and *nix for 7 | 09:02 |
soundray | {alejandro}: have you read man fstab? | 09:02 |
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KNO3 | OK, ive changed monitors (my old one blew up) and im on a smaller one now that cant hadle the res i set my ubuntu install to use, obviously its unusable, any ideas on how to install its usability | 09:02 |
roryy | Rug: ok. i'm not an apt guru by any means. Seveas probably knows more -- ask him when he's online (he runs his own ubuntu repo) | 09:03 |
Rug | ok good idea. | 09:03 |
=== ramses [n=ramses@d51533868.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | thanks for your help | 09:03 |
baconbacon | johnm1019: vncviewer is already there, does it work | 09:03 |
bleaked | soundray. well that worked..i wish i could just set it in the .abcde.conf..but that does not work..i guess it's bash alias for me. | 09:03 |
roryy | cool | 09:03 |
goonie | _jason, no that's what I'm talking about but I think I only found 2 different variations in the applet list.... gonna boot up in ubuntu and check... brb | 09:03 |
christina_ | i inserted the cd and it won't run | 09:03 |
cello_rasp | is there any way of launching a bash scrip through a desktop launcher? | 09:03 |
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soundray | goonie: you can configure Window List to behave like it did before. Just right click on the handle (on the left) and select Preferences. | 09:04 |
NoUse | christina_ that CD is probably for Windows | 09:04 |
_jason | cello_rasp: sure, just give the path to the script | 09:04 |
Rug | christina_: are you using Ubuntu? | 09:04 |
goonie | soundray, ok thx... gonna try that | 09:04 |
johnm1019 | baconbacon, it works kind of, the scroll bars arent rendering | 09:04 |
christina_ | yes | 09:04 |
roryy | !webcam | 09:04 |
ubotu | [webcam] now easy to install, per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam - webcam support soon to be available in gaim-vv. | 09:04 |
KNO3 | OK, ive changed monitors (my old one blew up) and im on a smaller one now that cant hadle the res i set my ubuntu install to use, obviously its unusable, any ideas on how to install its usability | 09:04 |
=== aurelie [n=aurelie@88-137-84-153.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | christina_: what's the make and model of the camera? | 09:04 |
Rug | KNO3: you need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:04 |
roryy | KNO3: try running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 09:04 |
christina_ | hp | 09:05 |
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cello_rasp | _jason: does it need to be an absolute path or a relative one.. ie /home/Desktop/my_scrips/script or ./script | 09:05 |
_jason | cello_rasp: safer to do absolute | 09:05 |
krys_ | dfg | 09:06 |
KNO3 | Rug: ok, first i need to get into runlevel three, im booting with suse grub | 09:06 |
soundray | christina_: are you a beginner with Ubuntu? | 09:06 |
christina_ | yes | 09:06 |
=== hanasaki [n=hanasaki@CPE-65-30-38-188.kc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Demasu."] | ||
KNO3 | Rug: just adding 3 to the optionst didnt work | 09:06 |
UKMatt | Everyone always talks about how customizeable Ubuntu is, how is that so, I don't see it | 09:06 |
Rug | are you booting into Ubuntu? | 09:06 |
_jason | UKMatt: what do you want to customize? | 09:06 |
roryy | KNO3: runlevels work differently in ubuntu to redhat/suse | 09:07 |
=== he-man [n=he-man@81-203-8-122.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
christina_ | the web cam is a hp | 09:07 |
soundray | christina_: working with webcams is advanced stuff. You're probably better off doing some more mundane work to get used to Ubuntu first. | 09:07 |
UKMatt | _jason, i just hear how programs and all can be customized, i don't see any options to do so | 09:07 |
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roryy | KNO3: once the machine starts, trying Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get a console, or boot in recovery mode | 09:07 |
KNO3 | Rug: it boot, but screen goes fuzzy when x loads up | 09:07 |
NoUse | christina_ you can try following the link ubotu is about to send you | 09:07 |
_jason | UKMatt: maybe they are referring to the fact you can get the source for the program and do whatever you want with it | 09:07 |
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Rug | KNO3: read what rory just said | 09:07 |
NoUse | !tell christina_ about webcam | 09:08 |
christina_ | i really want my web cam on though | 09:08 |
roryy | UKMatt: anything in particular you want to change ? | 09:08 |
KNO3 | yes, cheers all | 09:08 |
NoUse | christina_ try following that wiki page | 09:08 |
UKMatt | roryy, no I was just looking for an example of something so I could see how it was done | 09:08 |
roryy | UKMatt: take a look at system -> preferences -> themes | 09:09 |
cello_rasp | thanks _jason. strange how launchers don't know their own location | 09:09 |
roryy | UKMatt: also the other menu entries under system -> preferences | 09:09 |
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christina_ | can't anyone just tell me how? | 09:09 |
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NoUse | christina_ can't read the webpage? | 09:10 |
heero | christina what web cam do u use? | 09:10 |
christina_ | what web page? | 09:10 |
christina_ | hp | 09:10 |
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roryy | NoUse: to be fair, the webcam wiki instructions are a little advanced | 09:10 |
soundray | christina_: look for the message you received from ubotu. | 09:11 |
heero | hp? | 09:11 |
heero | what model? | 09:11 |
heero | first do need see if supported | 09:11 |
heero | http://www.qbik.ch/usb/devices/ | 09:11 |
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christina_ | where is the message? | 09:11 |
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heero | do u can search here | 09:11 |
=== Pato [n=ubu-pato@C70cb.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XamDM | where is the dns-server stored ??? | 09:12 |
NoUse | !webcam | 09:12 |
ubotu | somebody said webcam was now easy to install, per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam - webcam support soon to be available in gaim-vv. | 09:12 |
NoUse | christina_ ^^^ | 09:12 |
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sque | Hi! How can I change a different version of aclocal? | 09:13 |
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sque | the only way I have found is by changing symlinks at /etc/alterantives | 09:13 |
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NoUse | sque it's probably done via the update-alternatives program | 09:14 |
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=== huami [i=sokolowh@oceanic.wsisiz.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | Hallo | 09:16 |
huami | hi! I have a problem installing libgl1-mesa-dev on ubuntu breezy | 09:16 |
huami | this package requires libgl1-mesa (= 6.3.2-0ubuntu6) but I have installed 6.3.2-0ubuntu6breezy1 | 09:16 |
Rug | whois Seveas | 09:16 |
Rug | ack sorry | 09:16 |
=== ZondeR [n=ZondeR@lns-bzn-61-82-250-112-101.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Rug, hi | 09:17 |
soundray | Rug: wouldn't we all like to know ;) | 09:17 |
NoUse | huami can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file? | 09:17 |
huami | NoUse: yes | 09:17 |
Rug | omg you are here! | 09:17 |
Seveas | soundray, http://launchpad.net/people/dennis (warning: including photo) | 09:17 |
jimcooncat | I thought gaim-vv was dead, should ubotu be updated? | 09:17 |
Rug | Seveas: can I pick your brain on a mirror problem/question? (oh mighty one!) | 09:18 |
=== Dakirith [n=blah@c-68-40-233-65.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Seveas: very pretty. | 09:18 |
huami | NoUse: http://pastebin.com/681520 | 09:19 |
Dakirith | Is there a good apt source for MySQL 5? Also, any recommendations for an SFTP server? | 09:19 |
Seveas | Rug, no, I'm off again, but feel free to PM, I'll answer in 10 minutes or so | 09:19 |
=== _rez_ [n=clement@ip-121.net-81-220-243.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | ok thanks | 09:19 |
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soundray | Dakirith: there are MySQL 5 packages for dapper, if that's of any use... | 09:20 |
=== gittus_ is now known as lilo | ||
NoUse | huami get the "official" sources.list, ubotu will send you a link | 09:20 |
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XamDM | i need help | 09:21 |
=== hanasaki [n=hanasaki@CPE-65-30-38-188.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
huami | NoUse: thanks,I will try with that sources.list | 09:21 |
hanasaki | what is a tls cache? | 09:21 |
XamDM | how can i tell my system to uses the secondary dns if the 1st one doesn't know the name ??? | 09:21 |
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-199-033.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cappiz | some .uk dudes here ? | 09:22 |
soundray | XamDM: if you listed both in /etc/resolv.conf, it should happen automatically that way. | 09:23 |
soundray | cappiz: yes | 09:23 |
Rug | We keep them in a small box | 09:23 |
XamDM | soundray, but it doesn't | 09:23 |
cappiz | soundray could i pm you priv... it has nothing to do with ubuntu/computers? | 09:23 |
soundray | XamDM: then they both don't know the name. | 09:23 |
XamDM | soundray, is it possible that a DNS-server won't answer if a nother one was asked before ?? | 09:23 |
GazzaK | keep who in a small box Rug? | 09:23 |
soundray | cappiz: go ahead. | 09:23 |
Rug | all the .uk people | 09:24 |
XamDM | soundray, if i choose the second one as first it resolves the name | 09:24 |
GazzaK | cappiz, i'm in the uk too | 09:24 |
GazzaK | Rug, thats not nice :p | 09:24 |
Rug | We let them out once in awhile to frollic and play | 09:24 |
GazzaK | thanks | 09:24 |
=== IcemanV9 [n=n0b0dy@c-67-184-83-136.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Rug is from Canada. That's like the unwanted step-child of the UK and annoying upstairs neighbour to the US who keeps yelling: Turn that damn music down! | ||
Nafai | I'm wanting to have a panel applet or notification area icon to display when I get new mail in Evolution | 09:25 |
Nafai | What can I use? | 09:25 |
WolfmanK | The failed "Read Cd/Dvd Capacity" packet command was: | 09:26 |
WolfmanK | (reserved error code) -- (asc=0x3a, ascq=0xfe) <----- HELP! | 09:26 |
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=== spudgun_uk [n=spudgun_@81-178-243-0.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spudgun_uk | Hey - Is it working? | 09:27 |
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soundray | XamDM: strange. | 09:27 |
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spudgun_uk | Ahhh, the internet works :) | 09:27 |
soundray | XamDM: it could be that your application times out the query before the second one has a chance to reply. | 09:27 |
XamDM | soundray, any ideas??, i just want the other order because dns number 2 isn't up always (its my home-server, and my wife looks on powerconsumption), sry for my bad english | 09:27 |
christina_ | ok i have camorama but it won't install my web cam | 09:27 |
=== fabrizio [n=fabrizio@host36-109.pool871.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
christina_ | why? | 09:27 |
XamDM | soundray, a simple ping ??? | 09:28 |
kbrooks | !edgy | 09:28 |
ubotu | Edgy Eft is the next codename for Ubuntu dapper+1. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html | 09:28 |
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runparts | Man, who comes up with these great names | 09:28 |
XamDM | soundray, i also noticed that some hosts only known by dns1 aren't resolved if dns1 is used as secondary dns ... | 09:28 |
picur | ./syslinux -s /dev/sda1 | 09:28 |
picur | sh: mcopy: command not found | 09:28 |
picur | ./syslinux: failed to create ldlinux.sys | 09:28 |
christina_ | how to i connect my webcam | 09:29 |
picur | ??:( ideas? | 09:29 |
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UKMatt | does anyone remember the "gedit ....." command for wine? | 09:30 |
kbrooks | Seveas: ping | 09:30 |
kbrooks | Seveas: pm... | 09:30 |
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NoUse | krfb | 09:30 |
mzinz | Is there a package for Azureus, the bit torrent client? | 09:31 |
NoUse | oops sorry everyone | 09:31 |
tdn | Is it possible to get Photoshop to work under Ubuntu with help from wine or something like that? And what about Flash? Is there a FOSS Flash editor for Linux? | 09:31 |
spudgun_uk | this IRC client; xChat ,does it support resumes in file transfers? | 09:31 |
pianoboy3333 | UKMatt: what does gedit have to do with wine? | 09:31 |
soundray | XamDM: that would support my above suggestion. -- How are you testing? | 09:31 |
UKMatt | pianoboy3333, i know when you put wine on you have to do some edit before it works | 09:31 |
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pianoboy3333 | UKMatt: you do? why? | 09:31 |
UKMatt | pianoboy3333, i just don't remember what that was | 09:31 |
pianoboy3333 | I never have to do anything... | 09:31 |
UKMatt | pianoboy3333, i thought you did, and mine isn't working | 09:31 |
SeamusLP | mzinz: Not in breezy as far as I can tell | 09:32 |
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pianoboy3333 | I just compile all my versions and it works... | 09:32 |
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XamDM | soundray, im just modifing /etc/resolv.conf ...(just switching dns1 and 2 ) | 09:32 |
simonpca | plop | 09:32 |
UKMatt | my wine isnt working then | 09:32 |
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UKMatt | wine can't emulate iTunes can it? | 09:33 |
pianoboy3333 | UKMatt: the last time I checked, no | 09:34 |
pianoboy3333 | You'd need Crossover Office | 09:34 |
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god | how can i enable eth2 via terminal? | 09:35 |
XamDM | soundray, i just noticed the same problm from a xp-client what do i have todo to get this working ??? | 09:36 |
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mzinz | ifconfig eth2 up | 09:36 |
mzinz | i think | 09:36 |
soundray | XamDM: has your provider supplied the DNS addresses? | 09:37 |
soundray | XamDM: and are you using the "host www.somename.com" to test? | 09:37 |
christina_ | i need to install my web cam but can't get the help | 09:38 |
XamDM | soundray, ithere a two local dns-server 1st is a smal hardware-router (asus wl530g) 2nt is a debian-sarge system | 09:38 |
christina_ | i haave an hp cam | 09:38 |
XamDM | soundray, il try a host.homenetwork.local .... (known on 2nd dns) an a my.router known from dns1 | 09:38 |
christina_ | i put in the cd to run but i have no clue what to do | 09:38 |
=== simonpca fait son merdique devoir de maths :: ne pas dranger svp [sauf si c est moi qui vous drange :D] | ||
soundray | christina_: I still have no indication whether you've read the web page you were pointed to. | 09:38 |
runparts | god ifup eth2 | 09:38 |
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christina_ | yes i have read it | 09:39 |
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christina_ | i have something called camorama | 09:39 |
soundray | christina_: then you should be able to supply a more accurate description of what the problem is. | 09:39 |
christina_ | it won't work | 09:39 |
jimcooncat | is Easycam a webcam server, or just a driver installer? | 09:39 |
god | runparts: im getting no such directory | 09:40 |
XamDM | soundray, the main problem is that if i use the debian-system as primary dns and it is off the dns-translation is realy slow | 09:40 |
soundray | XamDM: have you tested the upstream servers from the router and the debian box? | 09:40 |
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XamDM | somegeek, yes | 09:40 |
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christina_ | give me the page again please | 09:40 |
soundray | !webcam | 09:40 |
ubotu | webcam is probably now easy to install, per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam - webcam support soon to be available in gaim-vv. | 09:40 |
=== Whitman [n=a@cpc2-cdif3-0-0-cust616.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
christina_ | soundray? can you give me the page again? | 09:41 |
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NoUse | christina_ look about, its in the channel | 09:41 |
soundray | christina_: see ubotu's line just above | 09:41 |
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christina_ | yeah but it was in french.... | 09:42 |
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christina_ | i couldn't read it when i went there | 09:42 |
=== Martin_v [n=Master@0x503e3845.boanxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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NoUse | christina_ its not in French, I was just at the page | 09:43 |
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christina_ | i clicled on easy cam and it was in french | 09:43 |
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christina_ | clicked* | 09:43 |
=== mantono^ [n=anton@c83-250-204-173.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mzinz | When will the next big kernel release be? | 09:43 |
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NoUse | christina_ did you follow the installation instructions? you don't need to click on easycam | 09:44 |
christina_ | i did...it was in french | 09:44 |
jarle | Just installed Ubunto today, what is the correct way to install KDE? Not quite sure my apt-get is working correctly right after install? | 09:44 |
NoUse | christina_ you *don't* need to click on easycam | 09:44 |
NoUse | christina_ the wiki instructions are all you need and they are in english | 09:44 |
christina_ | how do i get there? | 09:44 |
=== romulo [n=nightz@BHE200139178232.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | XamDM: why don't you use the provider DNS servers -- do you need local caching? | 09:45 |
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NoUse | christina_ the link we just sent you | 09:45 |
=== Spofer [n=Spofer@bzq-88-153-200-241.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | !webcam | 09:45 |
ubotu | rumour has it, webcam is now easy to install, per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam - webcam support soon to be available in gaim-vv. | 09:45 |
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romulo | hi, the module sky2 always load at boot time but i wont use it, i want to use my own module wich is sk98lin, how i disable sky2 loading? | 09:45 |
liliane | cherche web cam compatible ubuntu + conseils installations | 09:45 |
=== jimcooncat says stay on the page :-) | ||
fjso | there is something so strange.. I just did "sudo iwconfig" and it's showing the mac address for my wireless access point.. the strange thing is it's showing the last hex word as E8 but the one showing in my router is E6! | 09:45 |
fjso | weird | 09:45 |
Spofer | Anyone know a flash plugin for firefox on the x86_64 architecture? | 09:46 |
Martin_v | I've got a biig problem.. I wanted to update from breezy -> Dapper. Found sources.list, apt-get update, apt-get dist-install. And it downloaded.. Then suddenly an error came, it was about a .deb-file from a program, Krita.. I rebooted, and then I could not startx! No screens found, no nvidia-module found, no synaptics drivers found.. what shall I do? I've tried apt-get install nvidia-glx and apt-get install nvidia-settings, but it d | 09:46 |
mzinz | fjso: its showing a different MAC on your AP from your computer than on the actual AP? | 09:46 |
romulo | Spofer, it doesnt exists. | 09:46 |
XamDM | soundray, i just wont local dns for the computers so that if frriends connect there PC's they get and ip from dhcp and there hostnames and curent ip are storen on the DNS-server, so everyone knows hoto connect to th pc from for example hans (hans.homenetwork.local" | 09:46 |
Spofer | crap | 09:46 |
=== VR_ [i=vr@31-107.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spofer | no open-source flash players? | 09:47 |
jarle | I have tried "sudo apt-get install kde", but nothing happens, not even an error. Maybe my sudo config isn't working? | 09:47 |
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fjso | mzinz, all the hex letters are the same, just the last character should be 6 according to my wireless router, but iwconfig is showing 8.. all the other characters are the same | 09:47 |
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mzinz | When will the next big kernel release be? | 09:47 |
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mzinz | jarle: sudo apt-get install kdesktop i believe | 09:47 |
=== simonpca a fini son merdique devoir de maths! :: 'pouvez le dranger | ||
mzinz | fjso: is it a 6 on the router itself, like on the bottom? what do other computers say it is? | 09:48 |
jarle | mzinz: but I should still get some kind of feedback from that command? | 09:48 |
=== chiche [n=default@218-162-220-28.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fjso | I didn't check what the other computer says it is.. let me check that and check what's under the router | 09:48 |
soundray | XamDM: why not leave it to the router alone to serve DNS and DHCP? | 09:48 |
blindx | how do you do 'alt codes' in ubuntu? | 09:48 |
NoUse | jarle try 'sudo whoami' | 09:48 |
XamDM | soundray, as far as i know the asus wl530g is still not supported by openwrt..., if it was i just would have configured bind on it .... | 09:48 |
XamDM | soundray, the asus doesn't asing the local computers to dns ... | 09:49 |
=== baconbacon [n=bacon@modemcable020.207-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chiche | hehe | 09:49 |
Martin_v | how can I start X when I get "No screens found"? | 09:49 |
soundray | jarle, the package I'd recommend is called kubuntu-desktop. You may have a sudo waiting for input somewhere, if sudo doesn't work. | 09:49 |
jarle | NoUse: and then input the root password? | 09:49 |
roryy | blindx: do you want to type characters like ? | 09:49 |
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blindx | yes roryy | 09:50 |
leggy_ | does anyone know how i can split the windowlist (in the bottom panel) into two lines? ...like in this screenshot: http://img385.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gnome86qb.png | 09:50 |
mlehrer | Martin_v: that means your config file is broken, it can't find your hardware for some reason | 09:50 |
soundray | XamDM: I see, that's annoying... | 09:50 |
roryy | blindx: one way is to enable the 'compose' key. System -> Preferences -> Keyboard, select the 'Layout options' tab and assign a Compose key | 09:50 |
slackern | leggy: properties on the bar and change the size | 09:51 |
Martin_v | mlehrer: but it used to work.. it's just because I updated to Dapper :S | 09:51 |
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roryy | blindx: i've assigned it to the Right Windows key; I then type Win-" and then e to get | 09:51 |
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slackern | leggy: the windowlist will adept to the size of the bar. | 09:51 |
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Spofer | How do i open BIN files? | 09:51 |
jarle | When sudo asks me for a password, I'm supposed to give it the root password, correct? | 09:51 |
chiche | Spofer, hexedit? | 09:51 |
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Flannel | jarle: no, give your own user password | 09:51 |
Spofer | i downloaded java in a BIN file... | 09:51 |
roryy | blindx: that is, RightWin-" e (Right Windows, Shift and ' together, followed by e by itself) | 09:51 |
Flannel | !tell jarle about root | 09:51 |
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chiche | Spofer, +x and kickstart | 09:52 |
blindx | 09:52 | |
mlehrer | Martin_v: you can look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. kind of cryptic | 09:52 |
blindx | oh i see. | 09:52 |
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soundray | blindx: you can also hold shift-control and then hit the hex code, ie. Shift-Ctrl-4-0 gives you @ | 09:52 |
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blindx | ee | 09:52 |
fjso | mzinz, under the router is it says E6, the router's web interface says E6, sudo iwconfig says E8, I have another laptop that is actually connected to the router in windows but I don't have access to it as it's for my sister and she has the cold | 09:52 |
Spofer | What do u mean? | 09:52 |
mattsches | after updating to dapper, apt-get is broken, or rather dpkg returns errors ... there are 3 packages that can't neither be installed nor be removed | 09:52 |
roryy | soundray: ah-ha, didn't know that. I think I prefer compose ;) | 09:52 |
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leggy_ | ah ok i get it | 09:53 |
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leggy_ | thx | 09:53 |
soundray | roryy: much better if you need it repeatedly, of course. | 09:53 |
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XamDM | soundray, so i feel like a dog hunting its tail | 09:53 |
leggy_ | :) | 09:53 |
NoUse | jarle type in your password, yes | 09:53 |
blindx | 09:53 | |
slackern | leggy: Oh ok good :) | 09:53 |
PortakalCocuk | merhaba :D | 09:53 |
PortakalCocuk | turkce konusayim bir guzel | 09:53 |
PortakalCocuk | var mi konusannn | 09:53 |
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blindx | roryy, what are some other things besides the | 09:54 |
slackern | leggy: You know what theme it he is using in the screenshot, i remember using something that looked like it in firefox a while ago. | 09:54 |
NoUse | jarle in ubuntu there is no root password by default | 09:54 |
ompaul | !tr | 09:54 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu.tr hizmetinizde. | 09:54 |
=== SDPlissken [n=snake@cpe-68-175-17-173.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | XamDM: knowing what the OpenWrt people are like, it won't take them long to support your device, though... | 09:54 |
roryy | blindx: | 09:54 |
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chiche | well, by the by, where can we buy a 802.11a AP? | 09:54 |
Spofer | chiche, where do i put +X? | 09:54 |
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blindx | 09:54 | |
XamDM | soundray, il hope so, don't have the money for a new one .... | 09:54 |
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chiche | spofer, ... | 09:55 |
roryy | blindx: | 09:55 |
roryy | erk | 09:55 |
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Martin_v | mlehrer: I've looked at the xorg.0.log file (lines 225, 227, 313, 329, 337) --> http://pastebin.com/681600 | 09:55 |
chiche | spofer, chmod command | 09:55 |
XamDM | soundray, thx for the help, il have to go to bed know much work tomorrow ..... | 09:55 |
baconbacon | 09:55 | |
=== Chris_Tucker [n=ChrisTuc@stjhnf01-22-142163031140.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jorik | how do i record sounds using ubuntu ? i remember in gentoo being able to do something like eg "cat /dev/micro > /dev/dsp", but i cant find the devices in ubuntu | 09:55 |
roryy | blindx: Compose-o a for and Compose-, c for | 09:55 |
jorik | anyone knows ? | 09:55 |
Spofer | chiche, Sorry, i'm quite new to this whole linux thing :) | 09:55 |
Martin_v | mlehrer: But i've just installed the nvidia-drivers... ? | 09:55 |
soundray | XamDM: okay, gute Nacht ;) | 09:55 |
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blindx | oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 09:56 |
roryy | jorik: try using arecord | 09:56 |
chiche | spofer, (if you trust the SUN,of course) | 09:56 |
blindx | o-op | 09:56 |
XamDM | soundray, good night ;-) | 09:56 |
azurehuesofblue | I would like to use my Mplayer more, but every time I start it up it says New_Face failed. Maybe the font path is wrong. Please supply the text font file (~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf). | 09:56 |
jorik | roryy, ok | 09:56 |
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azurehuesofblue | I just close it, but it's annoying. | 09:56 |
ompaul | jorik, I use the application audacity what it does I have no idea | 09:56 |
baconbacon | azurehuesofblue: mplayer-fonts | 09:57 |
azurehuesofblue | just install them? | 09:57 |
mrtomte_ | Hmmm Emacs or stand alone vers of the terminal, whats the diferense and how do i know wish one i have (Maybee a stupid question, know that...) :) | 09:57 |
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baconbacon | yes | 09:57 |
roryy | mrtomte_: where do you see this choice? | 09:57 |
blindx | :\ | 09:57 |
blindx | i was actually looking for characters like. | 09:57 |
azurehuesofblue | thank you very kindly. | 09:57 |
Spofer | chiche, what does +x mean? | 09:57 |
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mrtomte_ | im doing the beginners guide programmed into the terminal roryy | 09:58 |
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chiche | blindx, are you speaking Unicode? | 09:58 |
heero | Execution | 09:58 |
heero | +x means execution | 09:58 |
liliane | + | 09:58 |
blindx | yeahh | 09:58 |
heero | is able to execute, by that user | 09:58 |
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bambuntu | hello everybody! i have a question concerning Rhythmbox: what is "pipeline" actually supposed to mean there? The same thing as our normal '|' from bash? Or something else, more audio specific? | 09:59 |
roryy | mrtomte_: i'm not sure what that is. I use Emacs on X Window (i.e., as a graphical app). It can also be run in a terminal (i.e., as a text-mode app) | 09:59 |
Spofer | how do i use +x in chmod? | 09:59 |
liliane | + ? | 09:59 |
roryy | mrtomte_: I'd recommend the graphical version | 09:59 |
polpak | Spofer, chmod +x filename | 09:59 |
jorik | hmmm none of those (arcord, audacity) work ... when i just enter arecord is should display something like "cat /dev/random" right ? it's just showing a *lot* of ~'s | 09:59 |
heero | or use some mix of numbers | 09:59 |
heero | like 777 = for all permisions | 09:59 |
chiche | pipe != pipeline | 09:59 |
heero | 766 | 09:59 |
heero | or another more | 09:59 |
blindx | #| hehe | 09:59 |
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Spofer | polpak, didn't do anything.... | 10:00 |
=== klos [n=klos@p54A80CCD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | Spofer, you can also be more granular if you like chmod ug+x filename or chmod ug=rwx,o=rx filename | 10:00 |
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roryy | jorik: try 'arecord > data' and then 'od data' | 10:00 |
mrtomte_ | roryy ok, i do have the text mode version... but i dont know anything about it so right now it doesnt matter wich one i have ... i think | 10:00 |
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klos | hi ich bin gerade auf ubuntu umgestiegen. ich hab viele datein in zip archive gepackt. wie kann ich nun mehrere zip archive aufeinmal entpacken ? | 10:00 |
jorik | roryy, aight ill give it a shot | 10:00 |
Lockjaw | how would i mount a macintosh cd on ubuntu? | 10:00 |
endersshadow | Spofer: when do you ls -l, does it show the correct permissions? | 10:00 |
polpak | Spofer, is the file already set executable? | 10:00 |
klos | mit der gui kann man immer nur ein archiv auswhlen | 10:00 |
heero | english please klos =) | 10:00 |
polpak | !de | 10:00 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de | 10:00 |
klos | sorry | 10:00 |
klos | wrong channel :P | 10:01 |
bambuntu | chiche: okay... i am only familiar with pipelines that people use to pump petroleum thru... :$ | 10:01 |
mirak | is there a way to disable windows border attraction in metacity ? | 10:01 |
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jorik | roryy, well, it gives a lot of numbers .... what should i be looking for ? | 10:01 |
Spofer | endersshadow, i think so - it's green :) | 10:01 |
heero | no problem | 10:01 |
endersshadow | Spofer, then it's executable | 10:01 |
Spofer | polpak, how do i check? | 10:01 |
bambuntu | chiche: have you an idea, what the other meaning could be?... | 10:01 |
Lockjaw | anyone know how to mount a macintosh cd on ubuntu? | 10:01 |
Spofer | oh, ok | 10:01 |
polpak | Spofer, ls -l filename should say "rwxr-xr-x filename" or something like that | 10:02 |
NoUse | Lockjaw I believe all CDs use the iso9660 FS, it should be like any other CD | 10:02 |
heero | alguna chica? :P | 10:02 |
roryy | jorik: well, i presume that is data captured from your sound card | 10:02 |
endersshadow | !permissions | 10:02 |
ubotu | permissions are explained here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions - The easiest way to work with permissions is to sudo chmod {options} filename. Also, try "man chmod", "man chown", and "man chgrp" from the console. | 10:02 |
chiche | bambuntu, person saying "pipeline" = a hardware kiddle | 10:02 |
Spofer | it says that | 10:02 |
roryy | jorik: do you have a microphone attached to the card ? | 10:02 |
heero | Lockjaw i think is the same | 10:02 |
Spofer | polpak, it says that | 10:02 |
god | ifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: no such file or directory | 10:02 |
endersshadow | Spofer, go to that page for more info on permissions | 10:02 |
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Lockjaw | NoUse, thx. | 10:02 |
heero | mount /media/cdrom | 10:02 |
Lockjaw | heero, thank you | 10:02 |
heero | =) ur welcome | 10:02 |
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jorik | roryy, well it just gives a tun of numbers, if i had to guess id say they are 8 digit octal numbers .... what do i do with data to play it ? | 10:03 |
Spofer | will do, Thx! | 10:03 |
=== slackern [n=slackern@106cm72.cable.soderhamn-net.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roryy | jorik: 'aplay data' | 10:03 |
liliane | qui a install une web cam sur ubuntu et laquelle ? rfrences et marque svp merci | 10:03 |
_jason | !fr | 10:03 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 10:03 |
jorik | hmmm doesnt seem to be doing it | 10:03 |
soundray | Lockjaw: some (rare) Mac CDs use hfs. You can mount those too with the mount -t hfs option. | 10:03 |
jorik | oh wait, damn .... it could be the sliders in kmix right ? | 10:03 |
roryy | jorik: yeah, check the volume levels | 10:03 |
roryy | jorik: try 'alsamixer' | 10:04 |
=== julien_c [n=julien_c@modemcable010.79-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bambuntu | chiche: ok, thank you very much! i am currently translating this package in russian for dapper, and it was one thing i didn't easily come out with. Thx a lot! | 10:04 |
=== chiche hands Spofer a Java bin-file with the trojan | ||
Lockjaw | soundray, thank you, yes, because mount is giving me a bad fs msg but i think the cd's all right. i'll try that. | 10:04 |
=== nicolas__ [i=nicolas@modemcable161.209-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nicolas__ | hi | 10:04 |
=== meghan [n=meghan@ppp217-178.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | Incase there was ever an inch of doubt, Seveas is AWESOME!!! | 10:04 |
heero | liliane, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam here a wiki with instructions | 10:04 |
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chiche | bambuntu, you are welcome, always... | 10:04 |
heero | but do must know what is urmodel | 10:05 |
heero | of webcam | 10:05 |
nicolas__ | if im using debian and i add ubuntu sources in source.list and i dist-upgrade, will it work fine? | 10:05 |
jorik | man i dont get any of this | 10:05 |
heero | and how? plug in and do lspci -v | 10:05 |
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liliane | thanks heero ! | 10:05 |
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heero | ur welcome liliane =) | 10:05 |
roryy | jorik: can you play normal sound files? try 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/login.wav' | 10:05 |
=== motin [n=motin@81-225-139-6-o1034.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jorik | amarok works, havent tried aplay directly | 10:06 |
klos | how to unpack multiple zip archives at once ?? | 10:06 |
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klos | i treid using the gui ark and nautilus | 10:06 |
roryy | jorik: assuming that works, you need to make sure that the *input* levels are ok. I guess you can use a GUI app, or use alsamixer and press F4 to see the 'capture' controls. | 10:06 |
klos | but nothing worked | 10:06 |
=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
endersshadow | nicolas__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152728 this guy did it successfully | 10:06 |
NickGarvey | !upgrade | 10:06 |
ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . | 10:06 |
klos | also terminal unzip file* ~/tmp didnt work | 10:07 |
julien_c | i get "undefined reference to `__pure_virtual'" and tons of errors like that when compiling, i think it's a library problem but i don't have any idea how to fix it lol... :/ | 10:07 |
steveb | im having problems with fglrx. the driver loads, but it cant load the DRI module so there is no 3d accell | 10:07 |
steveb | anyone have any ideas on how to fix it? | 10:07 |
Rug | roryy: I now have a working LOCAL mirror! | 10:07 |
roryy | Rug: good stuff :) | 10:07 |
|lostbyte| | klos: i also would like to know :P | 10:07 |
klos | :( | 10:07 |
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Rug | wooHoo, now what can I install?> | 10:08 |
jorik | roryy, well, i pressed F4, there's one single bar that says "capture" which is maxed out. other bars dont appear but they say things like: line, cd, mic, video, phone. The "mic" bar is also not appearing but it says CAPTUR and L R above it. | 10:08 |
|lostbyte| | klos: Thanks for reminding.. i'll do a search ;) | 10:08 |
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roryy | klos: for i in *.zip; do unzip $i -d ~/tmp/; done | 10:08 |
huami | NoUse: thanks a lot, with new sources.list I could install that package | 10:09 |
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NoUse | huami np | 10:09 |
gottlos | quick question - how do I set up a program to run at startup under KDE? | 10:09 |
baconbacon | gottlos: #kubuntu | 10:09 |
gottlos | fair enough | 10:09 |
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patrick24601 | Is there a good reference of how to fix synaptic or sources.list? | 10:10 |
mrtomte_ | any people from sweden in here??? | 10:10 |
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patrick24601 | I can never seem to fully rsolve package dependencies and I get 'broken package' messages from apt-get install/upgrade | 10:11 |
jimcooncat | !sources | 10:11 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 10:11 |
NickGarvey | !se | 10:11 |
ubotu | Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 10:11 |
zC | how can i play the games for windows on ubuntu ?? | 10:11 |
NickGarvey | zC: cedega or wine | 10:11 |
baconbacon | mrtomte_: maybe #ubuntu-se is sweden but i dont understand a thing there | 10:11 |
Rug | patrick24601: have you tried: sudo apt-get if install | 10:11 |
Rug | ack | 10:11 |
Rug | patrick24601: have you tried: sudo apt-get -f install | 10:11 |
zC | NickGarvey pvt-me plis | 10:11 |
falcon3 | what does -f do ? | 10:12 |
NickGarvey | !pm | 10:12 |
ubotu | Ask your questions in the channel so that other people may also benefit from answers received. | 10:12 |
Rug | -f = fix | 10:12 |
falcon3 | k | 10:12 |
mrtomte_ | baconbacon thanks gonna check it out... =) | 10:12 |
patrick24601 | Rug : W: Couldn't stat source package list cdrom://Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ | 10:12 |
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patrick24601 | So do I need to have a CD handy? | 10:12 |
NickGarvey | !aptcd | 10:12 |
ubotu | to turn off apt-get from trying to install from the cd, comment out the line in /etc/apt/sources.list (put a # in front of it) that says "deb cdrom:", or in synaptic, go to settings > repositories and disable the cdrom repository | 10:12 |
Rug | put yer CDROM back in the drive OR comment out the first line in /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:12 |
NickGarvey | patrick24601: read that | 10:12 |
nicolas__ | is there some statistics about people using debian becoming happier switching to ubuntu | 10:12 |
nicolas__ | ? | 10:13 |
Rug | ack, NickGarvey You beat me | 10:13 |
Rug | but I didn't cheat | 10:13 |
Rug | =) | 10:13 |
jorik | ah man im giving up ... bah ill just reboot to windows when i need to record stuff | 10:13 |
soundray | nicolas__: 93.7% are happy. | 10:13 |
NickGarvey | Rug: heh I wrote that factoid and someone added the synaptic part | 10:13 |
NickGarvey | not cheating ;) | 10:13 |
Rug | nicolas__: You can count my Vote as a YES! | 10:13 |
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soundray | nicolas__: (I made that up) | 10:13 |
zC | NickGarvey i need to pay to use wine ? | 10:13 |
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jimcooncat | nicolas__, I tried to install Debian several times, and couldn't get it. About two years ago. | 10:13 |
NickGarvey | zC: wine no, cedega no as long as you compile yourself from what I hear | 10:13 |
Rug | Debian = Server ubuntu = Desktop | 10:14 |
zC | NickGarvey explain for me i don't understand | 10:14 |
bluefoxicy | why can't I change severity of bugs in malone | 10:14 |
soundray | nicolas__: you know what "Ubuntu" means. It's an ancient African word for "I can't configure Debian" | 10:14 |
nicolas__ | hahaha | 10:14 |
NickGarvey | hahahahah | 10:14 |
zC | NickGarvey i'm dont't speek english well | 10:14 |
Rug | hehe | 10:14 |
jorik | LOL | 10:14 |
kbrooks | RUG: False | 10:14 |
NickGarvey | zC: what language do you speak? | 10:14 |
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jimcooncat | soundray, I was a Gentoo user :-) | 10:14 |
kbrooks | rug: debian can be used as a desktop | 10:14 |
zC | NickGarvey portuguese and spanish | 10:14 |
Rug | kbrooks: IMHO I that is how I use the distros | 10:14 |
NickGarvey | !es | 10:15 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 10:15 |
kbrooks | rug: opinion is subjective | 10:15 |
Rug | kbrooks: Yes I know it CAN, but I was referring to BEST role | 10:15 |
bluefoxicy | severity of #41349 should be "Major," 3D has been entirely gone on several peoples' systems according to #29493 (#29493 was for Radeon, #41349 is more generic because the same issue appears to affect via and vesa) | 10:15 |
Rug | What is Debian upto? Gnome 1.1? | 10:15 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@dyn-213-36-156-252.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zC | NickGarvey there are a crack to cedega :? | 10:15 |
kbrooks | rug: neither | 10:15 |
nicolas__ | no but really, except for the easyness, is it worth it for more actual software and less bugs ? | 10:15 |
kbrooks | rug: debian isnt that old | 10:15 |
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klos | |lostbyte|, found anything ?? heard about nautilus is able to decompress multiple archvies, but doesnt work for me | 10:16 |
lukiinhas_ | does anybody knows how to make it work dlink 210 usb modem??? | 10:16 |
Rug | Hell it took Debain YEARS to get SATA & USB support in stable | 10:16 |
bluefoxicy | Rug: RHEL is experiencing a massive case of Debian. The system is over 1.5 years old and will not see an update until the end of this year, so the releases reach 2.5 years out of date. | 10:16 |
zC | NickGarvey or there aren't any way to use after the 14 days ? | 10:16 |
NickGarvey | zC: google, but no you don't need to use a "Crack" /join #cedega | 10:16 |
=== Beawolfe [n=dale@ip68-100-129-38.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zC | NickGarvey ok | 10:16 |
Spofer | how do i delete a file? | 10:16 |
soundray | !tell Spofer about cli | 10:17 |
NickGarvey | Spofer: from terminal? | 10:17 |
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patrick24601 | Rug: OK fix done | 10:17 |
bluefoxicy | Rug: this is #ubuntu though, so the systems here should all be not only enterprise-ready (like RHEL), but up to date (unlike Debian or RHEL, which both suffer a massive Debian infection) | 10:17 |
Rug | I have 12 servers running Debain, 23 firewalls running Debian, and 100+ desktops running Ubuntu. | 10:17 |
soundray | NickGarvey: is there another way? (just kidding) | 10:17 |
Spofer | yes, what's the command? | 10:17 |
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soundray | Spofer: rm | 10:17 |
romulo | how i remove/prevet one module to boot/load? | 10:17 |
zC | NickGarvey thanks brother | 10:17 |
Beawolfe | Anyone here familar with Pan Newsreader for Ubuntu? | 10:17 |
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soundray | Spofer: do read that ubotu link, though. | 10:18 |
NickGarvey | :) | 10:18 |
Spofer | great! thx | 10:18 |
Rug | patrick24601: make sure you run sudo apt-get update | 10:18 |
jimcooncat | Beawolfe, a little | 10:18 |
zC | :D | 10:18 |
Rug | Beawolfe: yeah some | 10:18 |
=== theliz48 [n=prout@mou06-1-82-246-4-197.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spofer | ok, thx | 10:18 |
godis | does anyone know if i can run messenger in ubuntu?? | 10:18 |
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jimcooncat | godis, msn or yahoo? | 10:18 |
Rug | godis: MSN? there are better alternatives, like Gaim | 10:18 |
NickGarvey | godis: what kind of messenger? gaim for anything pretty much | 10:18 |
godis | ,msn | 10:19 |
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NickGarvey | godis: GAIM does it for me | 10:19 |
baconbacon | !gaim | 10:19 |
ubotu | rumour has it, gaim is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GaimHowto/ | 10:19 |
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Beawolfe | I am new the Ubuntu from Win XP and Forte' Agent....was wondering how to lock headers needed and how to set it up to delete headers when Pan closes? | 10:19 |
=== lowroad [n=lowroad@p7021-ipad91marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lowroad | anyone know how to clear a conversation log in GAIM? | 10:20 |
NickGarvey | lowroad: yessir, cd ~/.gaim/logs | 10:20 |
Spofer | !cli | 10:20 |
ubotu | CLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org | 10:20 |
NickGarvey | rm * heh | 10:20 |
lowroad | tell NickGarvey thanks | 10:20 |
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NickGarvey | rm -r * I mean | 10:20 |
regeya | rm -rf * | 10:20 |
jimcooncat | godis, there's also amsn, though I haven't tried it | 10:20 |
Rug | har | 10:20 |
regeya | hehehehehehehehehehehehehe | 10:20 |
jimcooncat | !amsn | 10:21 |
ubotu | amsn is, like, totally, at http://amsn.sourceforge.net | 10:21 |
falcon3 | !gaim | 10:21 |
ubotu | hmm... gaim is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GaimHowto/ | 10:21 |
regeya | rm -rf / | 10:21 |
falcon3 | ftw! | 10:21 |
Rug | regeya: be nice | 10:21 |
zC | NickGarvey anyone kick me on the chanell ^^ because i ask for they if they have crack ahauha , wine it's free ? | 10:21 |
_jason | !gaim =~ s/http:\/\/www.ubuntulinux.org\/wiki\/GaimHowto\//https:\/\/wiki.ubuntu.com\/GaimHowto/ | 10:21 |
chiche | "all old computers are SLI-Driving, including the old farts" | 10:21 |
zC | NickGarvey someone kick me on the chanell ^^ because i ask for they if they have crack ahauha , wine it's free ? | 10:21 |
NickGarvey | wine is free yes | 10:21 |
=== AndyR uses amsn 0.95 | ||
NickGarvey | yeah don't ask for cracks anywhere ever | 10:21 |
falcon3 | !bitlbee | 10:21 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, falcon3 | 10:21 |
zC | NickGarvey it's good ? | 10:21 |
NickGarvey | zC: works fine with solitare ;) cedega for games though, go to google | 10:22 |
godis | but is it possible to run messenger if i have ubuntu i got a lot of old contacts that i don wanna lose | 10:22 |
=== soundray muses how strange it is that wine is free as in beer (and free as in speech) | ||
=== nickrud [n=rich@ppp-70-250-114-240.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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nicolas__ | ok im doing it, sarge to breezy | 10:22 |
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zC | NickGarvey i don't understand what you sayd | 10:22 |
nicolas__ | !pubkey | 10:22 |
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=== JewishNinja [n=guy@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | nicolas__: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 10:22 |
nickrud | heh, what a statement to drop in on | 10:23 |
nicolas__ | !gpg | 10:23 |
ubotu | I guess gpg is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/8746 | 10:23 |
falcon3 | !bitlbeel = an IRC to other chat network gateways, such as MSN or ICQ: http://www.bitlbee.org/ | 10:23 |
ubotu | I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, falcon3 | 10:23 |
falcon3 | !bitlbeel ~= an IRC to other chat network gateways, such as MSN or ICQ: http://www.bitlbee.org/ | 10:23 |
ubotu | falcon3: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 10:23 |
falcon3 | grrr | 10:23 |
NickGarvey | zC: go to google for cedega | 10:23 |
=== endersshadow [n=enderssh@bcvpn120.bc.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
falcon3 | someone add that to ubotu | 10:23 |
zC | ickGarvey but cedega i'ts not free | 10:23 |
falcon3 | !bitlbeel =~ an IRC to other chat network gateways, such as MSN or ICQ: http://www.bitlbee.org/ | 10:23 |
ubotu | falcon3: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 10:23 |
JewishNinja | hello people. how do I indentify a usb wlan card in ubuntu? | 10:23 |
bubuntu | how can i desactivate root account??? | 10:23 |
falcon3 | GRRR | 10:23 |
NoUse | falcon3 ask ubotu for help, he'll tell you how to do it | 10:24 |
NoUse | falcon3 but do it via msg | 10:24 |
NickGarvey | !bitlbeel is an IRC to other chat network gateways, such as MSN or ICQ: http://www.bitlbee.org | 10:24 |
ubotu | NickGarvey: okay | 10:24 |
zC | ickGarvey thanks m don't you no where can i get wine ? | 10:24 |
regeya | zC, wine is fine for a few things, but for games, there's the commercial cedega fork...more complete, at least with the gaming-related stuff...if you're using wine for games, you're playing non-free games anyway. free as in freedom as a goal isn't just for non-games | 10:24 |
JewishNinja | ?? | 10:24 |
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== anderbubble [n=janderso@garfield.olivet.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zC | regeya i don't speek english i'm confused ^ | 10:25 |
regeya | I've run into people in the forums who're complete babies if non-free software is brought up, but that also have posts about running windows games on their ubuntu boxes. meh. | 10:25 |
regeya | I give. | 10:25 |
linlin | when i issue the reboot or shutdown -r now command to my centos machine it just hangs, does not reboot. screen goes black, lights on front still on, just goes into a dead state, what should i try | 10:25 |
zC | regeya but | 10:25 |
NickGarvey | heh | 10:25 |
Lockjaw | hm. okay, i created a dir, ~/mac, and then did: mount -t hfs /media/cdrom ~/mac ... but i just get message that says /media/cdrom is not a block device | 10:25 |
Lockjaw | ??? | 10:25 |
falcon3 | !bitlbee | 10:25 |
regeya | zC, sorry, I don't speak portuguese | 10:25 |
ubotu | bitlbee is, like, totally, at http://www.bitlbee.org/ | 10:25 |
zC | regeya i can use wine to play games | 10:25 |
falcon3 | :) | 10:25 |
zC | regeya no problem | 10:25 |
zC | :D | 10:25 |
regeya | :D | 10:25 |
NoUse | Lockjaw what are you trying to do? | 10:25 |
anderbubble | Every time I start totem it takes about 30 seconds to read my library. It's like, every time it starts, it rebuids it from the fs. Is this just the way it is right now, or is this a bug? | 10:25 |
roryy | Lockjaw: the device will be something like /dev/cdrom | 10:25 |
NickGarvey | Lockjaw: that would be because /media/cdrom is not where it is, is the mac thing on your CD or is it on your hard drive? | 10:25 |
zC | regeya i can use wine to play games ? right ? | 10:25 |
Lockjaw | it's a mac CD | 10:26 |
=== SirKillalot__ [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-083-065.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lockjaw | it's in my CD drive | 10:26 |
NoUse | Lockjaw its probably not hfs, its probably iso9660 | 10:26 |
roryy | Lockjaw: does it not get auto-mounted ? | 10:26 |
Rug | zC: Yes | 10:26 |
zC | regeya i can use wine to play games ? right ? | 10:26 |
Rug | zC: some | 10:26 |
=== mumbles-out is now known as mumbles | ||
Lockjaw | NoUse, well, it doesn't automount like other iso9660 cds ... | 10:26 |
Lockjaw | so i thought it might be hfs | 10:26 |
zC | Rug need for speedy mosted wanted ? | 10:26 |
NickGarvey | odd filesystem for a cd.. | 10:26 |
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=== Inazad [n=inazad@c207.134.49-171.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anderbubble | zC : you can use wine to run windows binaries on a PC. Sometimes it can run your game, sometimes not. | 10:27 |
NickGarvey | Lockjaw: I think fdisk -l would show you | 10:27 |
=== TecnoVM64 [n=tecnovm@unaffiliated/tecnovm64] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anderbubble | rug : you can use wine to run windows binaries on a PC. Sometimes it can run your game, sometimes not. | 10:27 |
Rug | zC: I doubt that will work under WINE, the Wine website has a list of supported titles that yo might want to check out | 10:27 |
NickGarvey | Lockjaw: not sure if it does cd's though.. | 10:27 |
roryy | NickGarvey: afaik fdisk only shows partitionable devices | 10:27 |
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Lockjaw | NickGarvey, thanks, but that worked ... mount -t hfs /dev/cdrom `/mac | 10:27 |
NickGarvey | roryy: or not | 10:27 |
=== MisterN [n=MisterN_@p549CF094.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
regeya | zC: for some games, yes. the commercial cedea wine is a better choice for games; my only point is that if you're not wanting to run cedega because it's proprietary, you're being a bit of a hypocrite...not trying to be insulting, just pointing out something :-) | 10:27 |
Lockjaw | i mean, ~/mac | 10:27 |
NickGarvey | roryy: heh thanks | 10:27 |
Lockjaw | that worked. | 10:27 |
zC | Rug i understand ^^ do you know the website ? | 10:27 |
=== Alexandre [n=administ@20150251129.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== regeya should get back to work | ||
NickGarvey | Lockjaw: good :) | 10:28 |
MisterN | hi | 10:28 |
NickGarvey | hello | 10:28 |
Lockjaw | NickGarvey, thx to all. | 10:28 |
roryy | !wine | 10:28 |
NickGarvey | !tell zC about wine | 10:28 |
Rug | google says: winehq.com | 10:28 |
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=== PuMpErNiCkLe [n=PuMpErNi@CPE000d8802a749-CM0012c9a9a6dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zC | regeya thanks , you just kwon about cedega's simulator ? | 10:28 |
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zC | regeya thanks , you just kwon about cedega's emulator ? | 10:29 |
NickGarvey | no spamming please | 10:29 |
=== OddAbe19 [n=OddAbe19@c-68-82-230-35.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== popubBlocker [n=dnanar@lns-bzn-46-82-253-199-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Beawolfe | jimcooncat...any help at all? | 10:29 |
NickGarvey | hablas que necesitas uno hora no dos por favor | 10:29 |
=== qualus [n=qua@ZYYYMMMDCCXXV.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== SirKillalot__ is now known as loda | ||
jimcooncat | sorry Beawolfe, boss made me lose my train of thought | 10:30 |
=== moreati [n=alex@82-36-135-10.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== fogos [n=marco@dsl-200-67-15-202.prod-empresarial.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nicolas__ | pray for me my friends, pray for my data who is risking their life trying to upgrade to ubuntu | 10:30 |
Beawolfe | jimcooncat...... I understand | 10:30 |
NickGarvey | nicolas__: back it up... | 10:30 |
nicolas__ | im sweating | 10:31 |
jimcooncat | Beawolfe, I don't understand about what locking headers means | 10:31 |
Rug | nicolas__: you have made a backup didn't you? | 10:31 |
fogos | hi someone knows about multiplataform vector graphics software | 10:31 |
NickGarvey | nicolas__: you can save it even if it doesn't go well ;) | 10:31 |
moreati | Can anybody recommend a program to reencode a collection of Oggs, preserving the tags? | 10:31 |
Rug | HD's are dirk cheap, don't be a fool | 10:31 |
nicolas__ | NickGarvey: i know, i just love drama | 10:31 |
Rug | har, dirt | 10:31 |
nicolas__ | its on another hd anyway | 10:31 |
fogos | i need one for linux and windows | 10:31 |
NickGarvey | nicolas__: :) | 10:31 |
nicolas__ | i just fear this upgade will make the system unusable | 10:31 |
NickGarvey | fogos: maybe blender..? not sure.. | 10:32 |
Beawolfe | jimcooncat....I can lock the header or mark it for later d/l and when I quit Agent all headers except the ones locked are deleted | 10:32 |
=== qualus [n=qua@ZYYYMMMDCCLXXXVIII.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | fogos: I really have no idea what you ust said so thats a guess | 10:32 |
roryy | blender is 3D / ray-tracing stuff. Vector graphics refers to stuff like Inkscape | 10:32 |
GazzaK | nah, don't back up, take the risk, it's like extreme sports :) owww, risky | 10:32 |
=== ketchup [n=ketchup@dD577E3E3.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ketchup | hello | 10:33 |
NickGarvey | hello | 10:33 |
NickGarvey | wheres my french fries.. | 10:33 |
Beawolfe | jimcooncat.....in a dvd group where ther soo many headers daily it helps to keep things straight | 10:33 |
roryy | fogos: checked out inkscape? I see it has a windows version too | 10:33 |
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ketchup | how can i change my keyboard into azerty mode in console mode | 10:33 |
fogos | roryy, ok thanks | 10:33 |
Spofer | how do i rm dirs? | 10:33 |
roryy | fogos: www.inkscape.org | 10:33 |
moreati | fogos: the 2 I know of are OpenOffice.org Draw, and inkscape | 10:33 |
NickGarvey | Spofer: rm -r directory | 10:33 |
baconbacon | Spofer: rm -r, watch out | 10:33 |
NickGarvey | Spofer: don't run it as root unelss you are sure of what you are doing | 10:34 |
NickGarvey | Spofer: sudo rm -r / would NOT be good heh | 10:34 |
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NickGarvey | -rf would be even worse heh | 10:34 |
=== slavik [n=Slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ketchup | keyboard in azerty mode in console please | 10:34 |
=== AndyRR [n=andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | NickGarvey done that before :-/ | 10:34 |
NickGarvey | ketchup: man setxkbmap | 10:34 |
NickGarvey | NoUse: what happens? | 10:34 |
NoUse | NickGarvey Bad Things | 10:34 |
NickGarvey | ketchup: eh no man entry | 10:34 |
jimcooncat | Beawolfe, I'm sorry I don't know how that's done. Perhaps with the J key to flag, and the Articles menu to Download flagged articles. Too bad Pan didn't have better help, it's a complicated program | 10:34 |
Spofer | hehe, thx! | 10:35 |
NoUse | NickGarvey I actually Ctrl+C'd it before it went all the way through but I think it took out most of etc and some of usr | 10:35 |
=== budgester [n=budgeste@82-35-152-76.cable.ubr05.enfi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimcooncat | Beawolfe, J to flag, Ctrl-J to unflag | 10:35 |
NickGarvey | NoUse: ouch.. | 10:35 |
Beawolfe | jimcooncat....I agree....docs would help greatly | 10:35 |
slavik | is there a way to remove bad repos? | 10:35 |
baconbacon | bad? | 10:36 |
NickGarvey | ketchup: setxkbmap fr | 10:36 |
=== badr [n=andrew@12-221-86-146.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | yes ... | 10:36 |
slavik | well, I want to upgrade to dapper | 10:36 |
NickGarvey | azerty | 10:36 |
nickrud | slavik, comment them out in the /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:36 |
nicolas__ | ok couples of problem are appearing | 10:36 |
NickGarvey | qsdf | 10:36 |
slavik | nickrud: any automatic way? | 10:36 |
Beawolfe | jimcooncat If I flag then leave the group for another one the flags diappear...thats why I say lock them | 10:36 |
nicolas__ | perl: warning: Setting locale failed. | 10:36 |
nicolas__ | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: | 10:36 |
nickrud | slavik, no, sources are always handled by the admin | 10:37 |
baconbacon | Ive got a breezy install here that used automatix for installing stuff... it's going to break upgrading to dapper right | 10:37 |
slavik | !dapper | 10:37 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 10:37 |
=== kung [n=kung@p85.212.10.121.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | who said automatix? (twitch) | 10:37 |
slavik | !upgrade | 10:37 |
ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . | 10:37 |
jimcooncat | Beawolfe, even if you subscribe to the groups? | 10:37 |
zC | ickGarvey ubotu is a bot ? | 10:37 |
=== GGS [n=gunne@h203n1fls31o834.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kbrooks | NickGarvey: baconbacon? | 10:37 |
zC | nickGarvey ubotu is a bot ? | 10:37 |
NickGarvey | zC: yes | 10:37 |
nickrud | NickGarvey, you're flinching at shadows :) | 10:37 |
baconbacon | bad ubotu | 10:38 |
Beawolfe | jimcooncat Yup! | 10:38 |
NickGarvey | :) | 10:38 |
jimcooncat | !ubotu | 10:38 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots. wonderful | 10:38 |
zC | i'm speeking whith the bot hauhauha | 10:38 |
zC | NickGarvey | 10:38 |
=== MdSalih3 [n=sd324fsd@host86-128-105-123.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimcooncat | Beawolfe, that's sad. Sorry | 10:38 |
NickGarvey | nickrud: I wouldn't use it even if it was good, the guy who programmed it wasn't very nice from the posts I saw of his | 10:38 |
Blissex | ubotu how are you today? | 10:38 |
ubotu | Blissex: I think you lost me on that one | 10:38 |
=== niocin [n=niocin@c-24-17-159-179.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
niocin | Hey guys i need some help | 10:38 |
zC | NickGarvey it's just i instal this http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine_0.9.10-winehq1-2_i386.deb | 10:38 |
niocin | is anyone here? | 10:39 |
zC | NickGarvey ? | 10:39 |
nickrud | NickGarvey, if I never used software from not nice people, I'd miss out on a lot | 10:39 |
NickGarvey | nickrud: ha like what? | 10:39 |
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AndyRR | !ubotu mysql password | 10:39 |
NickGarvey | zC: man dpkg | 10:39 |
niocin | I'm new to this, and i just installed ubuntu, and i have a slave hd, i..cant find it | 10:39 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, AndyRR | 10:39 |
niocin | haha | 10:39 |
jisatsu | what's the command to "eject" /dev/sda or whatever? iPod | 10:39 |
zC | NickGarvey ? | 10:39 |
AndyRR | !ubotu mysql | 10:39 |
ubotu | Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 10:39 |
NickGarvey | niocin: most likely /hdb or something if I recall | 10:39 |
NoUse | jisatsu eject /dev/sda should work | 10:39 |
NickGarvey | niocin: do an "sudo fdisk -l" | 10:39 |
Beawolfe | jimcooncat...Oh Well!.....I guees I will have to work only one d/l ata time | 10:39 |
jisatsu | NoUse, thanks :) | 10:39 |
nickrud | NickGarvey, I'm not about to badmouth someone specific, just tarnish all with innuendo :) | 10:40 |
=== mantono [n=anton@c83-250-204-173.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
niocin | Thanks | 10:40 |
NickGarvey | nickrud: heh okie dokie | 10:40 |
roryy | does 'eject' work on non cd/dvd devices ? | 10:40 |
jisatsu | hmm, error | 10:40 |
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zC | NickGarvey what's the configuration of your pc ? | 10:40 |
NickGarvey | roryy: yeah, usb and stuff it seems, man eject | 10:40 |
jimcooncat | Beawolfe, there are probably other readers besides Pan | 10:40 |
=== Okay [n=Okay@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | zC: thats a little broad.. | 10:41 |
jisatsu | I unmounted the volume, but it still says "do not disconnect", and eject doesn't seem to work | 10:41 |
=== slavik is upgrading to dapper :D | ||
zC | NickGarvey ? | 10:41 |
Beawolfe | jimcooncat...that was the one Ubuntu page said was most like Forte' Agent | 10:41 |
NickGarvey | zC: configuration of what? | 10:41 |
roryy | NickGarvey: the string usb doesn't appear in 'man eject'. It mentions various removable drive types | 10:41 |
zC | NickGarvey you computer | 10:41 |
=== floppyears [n=jose@poipu/supporter/floppyears] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
slavik | nickrud: when I plug in my USB thumbdrive, and write something to it, Ubuntu doesn't actually do the write until I unmount the drive, how do I get Ubuntu to not post-pone the write? | 10:42 |
niocin | Gah i'm so confused, i need to get on that other hd | 10:42 |
NoUse | NickGarvey just run cat /etc/* and paste it in here ;-) | 10:42 |
niocin | lol | 10:42 |
NickGarvey | roryy: oh you are right, I saw removable media and assumed that | 10:42 |
NickGarvey | NoUse: haha | 10:42 |
NoUse | roryy it works for my iPod, I know tha tmuch | 10:42 |
jisatsu | says "eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument" | 10:42 |
zC | NickGarvey where are you from ? | 10:43 |
roryy | NoUse: fair enough | 10:43 |
NickGarvey | zC: USA NY | 10:43 |
=== postix [n=igrar@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | jisatsu try running it with sudo | 10:43 |
jisatsu | ok | 10:43 |
NickGarvey | zC: tengo una clase en espanol, dos anos | 10:43 |
niocin | roryy: how do i access a slave hd. I just installed ubuntu and havent changed anything | 10:43 |
jisatsu | that did the trick, thanks :) | 10:43 |
zC | NickGarvey nice :D | 10:43 |
slavik | NickGarvey: where in NYC? | 10:43 |
postix | hi there. What screencasting programs are availble for gnome? | 10:43 |
roryy | slavik: there is a 'sync' option mentioned in the mount man page, but it (apparently) doesn't work on all file systems | 10:43 |
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NoUse | niocin it should be at /dev/hdbx where x is the partition number | 10:44 |
NickGarvey | slavik: not NYC, upstate new york | 10:44 |
zC | NickGarvey yo hablo portonhol = the misture of portuguese with spanish hauahuhaa | 10:44 |
roryy | niocin: let me see if i can find a wikipage for you. just a second | 10:44 |
niocin | mmk thanks | 10:44 |
slavik | roryy: Ubuntu used to write to the drive as soon as I told it to (not waiting for unmount) ... | 10:44 |
slavik | NickGarvey: fine | 10:44 |
slavik | zC: yo tengo un pene muy grande :D | 10:44 |
slavik | move to NYC :P | 10:44 |
NickGarvey | slavik: PG please | 10:44 |
slavik | pg? | 10:44 |
zC | slavik haha | 10:44 |
=== budgester [n=budgeste@82-35-152-76.cable.ubr05.enfi.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
roryy | niocin: this looks like a good read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?action=show&redirect=AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 10:45 |
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | slavik, sorry, missed the post. I think you can add the option sync to the fstab | 10:45 |
slavik | ty | 10:45 |
zC | slavik mas yo tengo el major ! | 10:45 |
zC | hahaha | 10:45 |
niocin | thanks roryy | 10:45 |
roryy | niocin: if you want some direct help, you'll need to get some info for use | 10:45 |
jimcooncat | Beawolfe, if you want to go hardcore: UBH (Usenet Binary Harvester) is a Perl console application which | 10:45 |
jimcooncat | automatically discovers, downloads, and decodes single- and | 10:45 |
jimcooncat | multi-part Usenet binaries. UBH provides searching via Perl regular | 10:45 |
jimcooncat | expression and a pre-selection capability whereby the user | 10:45 |
jimcooncat | can interactively choose which binaries to download. | 10:45 |
NickGarvey | slavik: as in not talking about anything offensive.. | 10:45 |
NickGarvey | !tell jimcooncat about paste | 10:45 |
slavik | sorry | 10:45 |
slavik | hehe | 10:45 |
jimcooncat | oops | 10:45 |
slavik | !usage | 10:45 |
ubotu | You can find out how to operate ubotu on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 10:45 |
zC | slavik tu se olbidaste | 10:46 |
zC | hauhauha | 10:46 |
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roryy | niocin: start a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and run the commands 'mount' and 'sudo fdisk -l' (enter your own password when prompted). Copy-and-paste the output to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 10:46 |
Beawolfe | jimcooncat...I will look into that one thanx! | 10:46 |
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slavik | that word is unfamiliar to me | 10:47 |
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senjin | hello | 10:47 |
jarle | I have done "su -" in the terminal and when running "kwrite /etc/fstab" I get "kwrite: cannot connect to X server" | 10:47 |
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jimcooncat | jarle, bash has lost track of where your display is, i think | 10:48 |
Beawolfe | Thanx for the info all! | 10:48 |
NoUse | jarle use gksudo | 10:49 |
jimcooncat | jarle, stay as your own user and do "sudo kwrite /etc/fstab" | 10:49 |
iloadmin | hi I want to specify where should a thin client download a kernel image | 10:49 |
senjin | i just instaled ubuntu and got a small problem with findaing somplace to type comandos, would anyone care to give me an advise on the mater? | 10:49 |
zC | NickGarvey how i instal the wine i don't know the "comands" | 10:50 |
NickGarvey | senjin: terminal | 10:50 |
nicolas__ | senjin: a terminal? | 10:50 |
nickrud | senjin, Applications->Terminal | 10:50 |
roryy | senjin: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | 10:50 |
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NoUse | zC synaptic | 10:50 |
nickrud | senjin, argg, see roryy :) | 10:50 |
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senjin | thx | 10:50 |
zC | NoUse what | 10:50 |
zC | ? | 10:50 |
NoUse | !tell zC about synaptic | 10:50 |
jarle | jimcooncat: I'm not sure if my sudo settings is working correctly, I deleted my user and added a new one because I had some problems with permissions when using my old /home dir... | 10:50 |
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linxeh | Hi - I'm having a problem with my SD/MMC card reader - [4490680.628000] generic_make_request: Trying to access nonexistent block-device mmcblk0 (0) | 10:51 |
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linxeh | any ideas how I can fix that ? | 10:51 |
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linxeh | I've tried MAKEDEV but it doesnt know how to make the device | 10:51 |
jimcooncat | ubotu tell jarle about sudo | 10:52 |
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niocin | roryy if i mount the hd, will it erase it? | 10:52 |
nicolas__ | linxeh: it should be sda1, use mknod | 10:52 |
jimcooncat | guess that doesn't work | 10:52 |
jarle | NoUse: nothing happens when I run "gksudo kwrite" as normal user... | 10:52 |
jimcooncat | !sudo | 10:52 |
ubotu | sudo is, like, totally, a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 10:52 |
roryy | niocin: nope. You can mount read-only, if you're concerned | 10:52 |
nickrud | jarle, you probably will need to reboot into recovery mode, and do adduser <newuser> admin to get sudo access for the user | 10:52 |
jimcooncat | jarle, check out that page | 10:52 |
niocin | sweet thanks | 10:52 |
nicolas__ | linxeh: major 8 minor 1 | 10:53 |
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svu_ | anyone seen mt-daapd for ubuntu? | 10:53 |
jarle | nickrud: I'll find recovery in the grub menu? | 10:54 |
nickrud | jarle, the groups for your new user (seen by typing groups <username>) should include all of adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin | 10:54 |
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nickrud | jarle, yes | 10:54 |
linxeh | nicolas__, : many thanks - where can I find that information out in future ? | 10:54 |
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linxeh | nicolas__, : ahh, kernel source, Documenation/devices.txt ? | 10:55 |
niocin | roryy, does the command /dev/hda1: /media/windows/ (vfat) add that hd in /media/windows/ and reformat it? | 10:56 |
=== PaoloC [n=paolo@host40-3.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roryy | niocin: that is not a command i recognize | 10:56 |
niocin | mmk | 10:56 |
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jorik | wow was that even english ? | 10:57 |
roryy | niocin: If you want some specific help: start a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and run the commands 'mount' and 'sudo fdisk -l' (enter your own password when prompted). Copy-and-paste the output to http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl | 10:57 |
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PaoloC | does anybody know why ubuntu dapper is shipping such an ancient version of git? | 10:57 |
NickGarvey | !info git | 10:57 |
ubotu | git: (GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 4.3.20-7build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 248 kB, Installed size: 948 kB | 10:57 |
_jason | !dapper | 10:58 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 10:58 |
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PaoloC | nonix4, I mean git-core | 10:58 |
roryy | PaoloC: version freeze was a while back; i suspect git development is fairly quick | 10:58 |
niocin | rorry, i do sudo fdisk -l and it shows my 200gb hd on there | 10:58 |
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niocin | but i cant access it | 10:58 |
PaoloC | well but the shipped version has more then 2 months | 10:58 |
roryy | niocin: as i said, if you want specific help, please copy-and-paste the output to the pastebin | 10:59 |
niocin | mmk | 10:59 |
nickrud | PaoloC, freeze was about then. The advantage/disadvantage of the ubuntu distro model is stable, unchanging software except for security fixes | 10:59 |
PaoloC | it's a pity for a software like git | 11:00 |
linxeh | nicolas__, : I've tried that, but I still get the same error :( | 11:00 |
nickrud | for those, people who need later stuff usually know how to get it :) | 11:00 |
roryy | PaoloC: i'd imagine the average git user can install from source (what, you can hack the kernel but tar -xjf is too much ? ;) | 11:01 |
nickrud | lol | 11:01 |
matth-w | Got a question, Serpentine isn't burning mp3's but the sites that I have visited about that, are saying that I don't need anything new for it. | 11:01 |
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matth-w | And gnomebaker says that I need a plugin to burn mp3's and I cannot find one | 11:02 |
nickrud | matth-w, there's a walkthrough in the serpentine help for adding mp3 support, I think it's in the preferences section all the way at the bottom | 11:02 |
PaoloC | true, I know how to do that... | 11:02 |
matth-w | Alright | 11:02 |
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matth-w | I'm seeing no walkthrough | 11:03 |
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niocin | wow i'm dumb | 11:04 |
nickrud | matth-w, a sec, I'll find it | 11:04 |
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nickrud | well, that's just lovely, there's no serpentine help in dapper | 11:05 |
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linxeh | dapper has been released? | 11:06 |
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myavuzselim | I didn't clean the apt-get cache before upgrading to dapper, but now I'm nearly out of disk space. I want to remove breezy packages, but not daper packages. Does autoclean do the trick? | 11:06 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | linxeh: not yet - first of june | 11:06 |
ACid81 | hi | 11:06 |
nickrud | no, I'm self-abusive | 11:06 |
linxeh | PuMpErNiCkLe: thats what I thought | 11:06 |
linxeh | : | 11:06 |
linxeh | :) | 11:06 |
=== nmourey [n=nmourey@pool-71-255-133-215.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lance | beta dapper is out | 11:06 |
ACid81 | I have a problem with Ubuntu boot | 11:06 |
linxeh | lance: yeah, I've been running dapper since flight 4 | 11:07 |
ACid81 | can anybody help me? | 11:07 |
lance | me since 6 | 11:07 |
linxeh | having issues getting my SD card reader working though, which is where I store my working copy of source code | 11:07 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | !anyone | 11:07 |
ubotu | a large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint> | 11:07 |
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lance | i tried to update formm breezy but csomething killed it | 11:07 |
matth-w | nickrud, Hey should I get gstreamer, or should I check if I have it? | 11:07 |
nickrud | matth-w, my bad, the thing I was thinking of was in sound-juicer, I'm not sure what your problem was | 11:08 |
matth-w | Could that be the problem? | 11:08 |
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nickrud | matth-w, you have gstreamer already | 11:08 |
matth-w | That's what I was thinking. | 11:08 |
matth-w | Bleh | 11:08 |
lance | my desktop thinks its a laptop now | 11:08 |
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Centaur5 | For some reason the Networking app under Admin doesn't save my default gateway so I can't browse the net. How can I fix this? | 11:09 |
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linxeh | 'm having a problem with my SD/MMC card reader - [4490680.628000] generic_make_request: Trying to access nonexistent block-device mmcblk0 (0). I have tried mknod to create the device (even though there was a device there already) and it still isn't working. Any ideas? | 11:09 |
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ACid81 | my sistem doesn't start after install on my laptop | 11:10 |
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defcon8 | system* | 11:10 |
ACid81 | ok | 11:10 |
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slavik | ACid81: what happens? | 11:11 |
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wpr | Hello! question.. trying to change resolution to 1680x1050 in ubuntu dapper drake 6... not in the list of resolutions in preferences, is there a simple way to do this? | 11:11 |
slavik | wpr: do you have the video card drivers installed? | 11:11 |
nickrud | !tell wpr about fixres | 11:11 |
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slavik | !fixres | 11:11 |
ubotu | methinks fixres is Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:11 |
ACid81 | slavik: after install the system starts and while hotplug starting it hangs | 11:12 |
slavik | ahh | 11:12 |
nickrud | wpr, you probably need to edit the xorg.conf file mentioned in that factoid. Also, are you running an intel 810, 915 or the like? | 11:12 |
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slavik | ACid81: a familiar problem | 11:12 |
linxeh | wpr: in addition to the wiki article, you could try installing the ATI or Nvidia proprietry drivers; that worked better on my dell laptop | 11:12 |
slavik | ACid81: what kind of laptop is it? | 11:12 |
ACid81 | it's an asus | 11:12 |
slavik | what are the specs? | 11:12 |
slavik | ACid81: I had a similar problem, just want to make sure your system is similar | 11:13 |
slavik | is it an AMD system? | 11:13 |
ACid81 | centrino 1.7 ATI X700 | 11:13 |
slavik | hmm | 11:13 |
slavik | what sound card does it have? | 11:13 |
ACid81 | slavik: intel | 11:13 |
slavik | k | 11:13 |
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senjin | 11:14 | |
senjin | sry | 11:14 |
ACid81 | slavik: in recovery mode the boot hangs when the kernel try to load hw_random mudule | 11:14 |
rustlerharv | how is it you set a password on your sn | 11:15 |
NickGarvey | rustlerharv: passwd user | 11:15 |
nickrud | ACid81, if you have a live cd to boot, you could add hw_random to the /etc/hotplug/blacklist file , see if that gets you along | 11:15 |
slavik | nothing about azx_gett_responce? | 11:15 |
NickGarvey | ACid81: failsave / recovery mode might do it too? | 11:15 |
slavik | NickGarvey: nope | 11:16 |
NickGarvey | okie | 11:16 |
slavik | ACid81: do what nickrud said | 11:16 |
nickrud | slavik, you been down this road then :) | 11:16 |
ACid81 | ok thanks to all | 11:16 |
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nickrud | ACid81, if you need some help with that, ask | 11:17 |
slavik | nickrud: I had to blacklist snd-hda-inte | 11:17 |
slavik | intel* | 11:17 |
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nickrud | slavik, I know that one well (I don't have it, but have blacklisted several :) | 11:17 |
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slavik | because I don't have the intel sound card :P (atiixp is the correct module for me) | 11:17 |
wpr | linxeh: : ah, thanks! | 11:17 |
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=== slavik is upgrading to dapper :D | ||
rustlerharv | yay | 11:18 |
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rustlerharv | dapper is fun | 11:18 |
slavik | btw, to get full release of dapper when it comes out, I just do apt-get upgrade (not dist-upgrade) correct? | 11:18 |
slavik | I am doing it for gnome 2.14 and for network manager :D | 11:19 |
nickrud | dist-upgrade | 11:19 |
slavik | does network-manager use wpa_supplicant though? | 11:19 |
mwe | and change mirrors | 11:19 |
Weed_Man | I can't get my wireless card (Broadcom 4318) to work in drapper no mather what I try :( | 11:19 |
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nickrud | mwe, and change mirrors? | 11:19 |
slavik | nickrud: I meants once I have the beta dapper to go to release dapper | 11:19 |
mwe | slavik: I think it does in dapper | 11:19 |
mwe | nickrud: for upgrading to dapper | 11:19 |
slavik | mwe: good, because I need WPA-TTLS support | 11:19 |
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Weed_Man | there is a built in driver that detects the card but it can't find the access point | 11:20 |
nickrud | slavik, dist-upgrade, because there may be a need to remove packages during this beta period | 11:20 |
Weed_Man | and the ndiswrapper doesn't bring up wlan0 | 11:20 |
rustlerharv | i tihnk you want to do dist-upgrade it gives you the packeges you need | 11:20 |
Weed_Man | even though the hardware is present | 11:20 |
slavik | nickrud: would the update manager do it? | 11:20 |
nickrud | mwe, ah. | 11:20 |
nickrud | slavik, I don't know for sure. | 11:20 |
Weed_Man | is there a support forum for drapper? | 11:20 |
slavik | k | 11:20 |
mwe | nickrud: oh if he's already using the beta, of course not | 11:20 |
slavik | Weed_Man: the dapper dev forum | 11:20 |
rustlerharv | Weed_Man: yes | 11:20 |
Weed_Man | slavik: any url? | 11:21 |
slavik | mwe: just upgrade will do it? | 11:21 |
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slavik | Weed_Man: ubuntuforums.org | 11:21 |
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=== ENE|Toxic [n=Toxic133@toxic.brg.sgsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | and #ubuntu+1 | 11:21 |
mwe | slavik: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade if you're already running dapper beta | 11:21 |
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=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-3239.l4.c1.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | I jsut hope the ati drivers don't break when xorg7 gets on the system | 11:21 |
ENE|Toxic | How do I run programs as root in scripts ? | 11:21 |
slavik | mwe: ty | 11:21 |
slavik | ENE|Toxic: sudo | 11:21 |
rustlerharv | dist-upgrade gives you more packeges then upgrade does | 11:22 |
Jimmey__ | !sudo | 11:22 |
ubotu | I heard sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 11:22 |
slavik | !tell ENE|Toxic -about sudo | 11:22 |
Weed_Man | slavik: I only find links for 5.10 not 6.06 | 11:22 |
nickrud | slavik, use aptitude in interactive mode, it's a very intelligent updater | 11:22 |
NickGarvey | ENE|Toxic: be root when you run them | 11:22 |
Jimmey__ | slavik, beat you to it :P | 11:22 |
NickGarvey | ENE|Toxic: ;) | 11:22 |
nickrud | </plug> | 11:22 |
mwe | slavik: dist-upgrade is not for upgrading to another release. the apt-get manual page explains the details | 11:22 |
rustlerharv | Weed_Man: scrool down | 11:22 |
=== me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-28-54.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ENE|Toxic | NickGarvey: Is there no other way, say I want to start apache from a bash script? | 11:22 |
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slavik | I am using the update-manager to get to dapper ebta atm | 11:22 |
ENE|Toxic | slavik: /me knows about sudo :) | 11:22 |
clown | I'm a advance user, How can I install ubuntu on a computer that don't let me boot from CD to install it.... in other word, how do I install ubuntu 5.1 (got both cds) on a computer without CD-ROM is there a temporary lilo wanna like booter that will install in dos and after a reboot that will boot from cd after.. ? | 11:22 |
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mwe | slavik: ok | 11:23 |
NickGarvey | ENE|Toxic: I hope there isn't, then any user could do anything they wanted.. | 11:23 |
ENE|Toxic | NickGarvey: Ok, thanks | 11:23 |
slavik | ENE|Toxic: that's how then | 11:23 |
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me2win | clown: why wont it let you boot from the CD? | 11:23 |
Jimmey__ | clown, maybe an FTP install? I don't know.. | 11:24 |
slavik | Jimmey__: correct | 11:24 |
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NickGarvey | clown: there is a netboot install... | 11:24 |
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NickGarvey | !netboot | 11:24 |
ubotu | I guess netboot is a method of installing Ubuntu over a network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot | 11:24 |
wobble | >.< Does anybody know how to intsall a printer. I'm part of a home network, and there's a printer that's fully functional for the pc and windows laptop, but for my brother and me it doesn't work... | 11:24 |
Jimmey__ | NickGarvey, is there a serial install method? | 11:24 |
mwe | ENE|Toxic: you can set uid root on the script, but that should be used with caution | 11:24 |
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clown | NickGarvey u rocks thanks ! | 11:24 |
patrick24601 | To fix apt-get I did - sudo apt-get -f install | 11:25 |
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NickGarvey | Jimmey__: no idea :) | 11:25 |
patrick24601 | Now I still have packages that will not install due to dependency failures | 11:25 |
ENE|Toxic | mwe: hmm indeed. I guess I can also set sudo to 'not ask for password' but that's also a security risk | 11:25 |
patrick24601 | Is there a bigger hammer? | 11:25 |
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Jimmey__ | wobble, are you trying to get it to work with Ubuntu? Or over the network? | 11:25 |
NickGarvey | patrick24601: apt-get install -f ? | 11:25 |
mwe | ENE|Toxic: yeah. or set it to not ask for a password from a specific user for a specific command | 11:25 |
Weed_Man | slavik: I must be blind because I can't find any link to dapper forum | 11:26 |
NickGarvey | mwe: how would you do that? | 11:26 |
clown | NickGarvey is there a way to prepare a boot disquette that will go to a cd-rom ? | 11:26 |
Jimmey__ | !dapper | 11:26 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :) | 11:26 |
wobble | I want to get it to work with Ubuntu | 11:26 |
ENE|Toxic | mwe: yeah, I did that before though so I guess that'll work, thanks though | 11:26 |
NickGarvey | clown: oh yes of course | 11:26 |
mwe | NickGarvey: in the sudoers file | 11:26 |
nickrud | patrick24601, paste sudo aptitude -v <a package you don't have> | 11:26 |
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mwe | NickGarvey: man sudoers explains it though the man page sucks pretty bad | 11:26 |
Jimmey__ | ubotu, tell wobble about printers | 11:26 |
NickGarvey | clown: http://btmgr.webframe.org/ | 11:26 |
clown | NickGarvey got an url ? | 11:26 |
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clown | cool | 11:26 |
clown | thanks !!! | 11:27 |
patrick24601 | nickrud "This aptitude does not have super cow powers" | 11:27 |
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Jimmey__ | That reminds me... | 11:27 |
Jimmey__ | apt-get moo | 11:27 |
Jimmey__ | XoD | 11:27 |
nickrud | patrick24601, the < .... > means, a package name that you would like, but don't already have. By the way, try aptitude -vvvv for fun | 11:28 |
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@vpnwl-228-154.net.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=111 | 11:28 |
nickrud | Jimmey__, you ever try aptitude with varying -v's :) | 11:28 |
mwe | NickGarvey: <username> LOCALHOST=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/command | 11:28 |
NickGarvey | mwe: very nice, I'll be sure to save that | 11:29 |
mwe | NickGarvey: you can also make it only allow and command with certain switches | 11:29 |
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xerophyte | which is more reliable and scalable courier-imap or cyrus-imap ??/ | 11:30 |
NickGarvey | I don't see /usr/bin/command though | 11:30 |
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A[D] minS | which codes will make file.wmv working ? | 11:30 |
mwe | NickGarvey: heh. that's was an example | 11:30 |
NickGarvey | mwe: ah hahaI see now | 11:30 |
nickrud | sudo is an very useful tool, I don't understand why people insist on having a root account they can log into | 11:30 |
mwe | NickGarvey: use an actual command | 11:30 |
NickGarvey | mwe: yup yup thanks | 11:30 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | ubotu: tell A[D] minS about w32codecs | 11:30 |
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MisterN | PuMpErNiCkLe: bah. :( | 11:31 |
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mwe | NickGarvey: for example I have: mwe LOCALHOST=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/hibernate * | 11:31 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | MisterN: o_O | 11:31 |
patrick24601 | nickrund like this? sudo aptitude -v libarts1-dev | 11:31 |
mwe | NickGarvey: so I can hibernate as my user from a script I use | 11:31 |
j1p | I've been getting the following error with 'sudo apt-get update': W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 11:31 |
j1p | , this has been happening on and off the past week, anything I can do to fix this? | 11:31 |
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n3uron | hey | 11:31 |
MisterN | PuMpErNiCkLe: hey i can't use it after all. and you need a licensed copy of windows, which is kinda contrary to using a free linux | 11:32 |
NickGarvey | mwe: ah ha! I see thank you, let me log this.. | 11:32 |
navidjoon | This is a KDE specific question but since I got no answer in #Kubuntu I ask it here. I messed my ADEPT and it gives me this error :The APT Database will be opened in read-only mode, this means you cannot install/uninstall/upgrade anything. You have to run this program as root to be able to do that. What can I do? | 11:32 |
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j1p | navidjoon, exactly what it says, run it as root instead of as a normal user | 11:32 |
navidjoon | I did run as root but got the same message | 11:32 |
navidjoon | I did a sudo adept but no luck | 11:33 |
mwe | NickGarvey: the * lets my user execute the command with all possible switches like -f | 11:33 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | MisterN: I haven't noticed that that's stopped anyone from using it. | 11:33 |
NickGarvey | navidjoon: try logging in as root? | 11:33 |
NickGarvey | mwe: ah, but for example if you wanted to only allow a switch you would just put that switch right? like hibernate -n? | 11:33 |
navidjoon | Logging in as root NickGarvey? Kidding? | 11:33 |
mwe | NickGarvey: right | 11:33 |
navidjoon | I got no root | 11:33 |
navidjoon | Only my user that uses sudo | 11:33 |
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MisterN | PuMpErNiCkLe: wellll... because people tend not to care about whether things are legal. but i mainly don't use it because i don't want to install a 32bits media player... to much hassle | 11:34 |
NickGarvey | navidjoon: ah.. I couldn't live like that | 11:34 |
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Jimmey__ | NickGarvey, you log in as root? | 11:34 |
navidjoon | Any idea guys? Isn't there some kind of lock file I can delete? | 11:35 |
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Jimmey__ | Try gksudo? | 11:35 |
NickGarvey | Jimmey__: yup | 11:35 |
mwe | using sudo -i has the same effect as su - | 11:36 |
Jimmey__ | NickGarvey, I'd never.. | 11:36 |
NickGarvey | heh I'm not the most cautious type I guess | 11:36 |
HaxoR91 | how do i add sound on gaim? | 11:36 |
NickGarvey | sudo is easy to type though, all on my home row :) | 11:36 |
Jimmey__ | HaxoR91, what kind of sound | 11:36 |
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n3uron | i`m having some problems | 11:37 |
mwe | NickGarvey: you know you can use sudo -i to get a root prompt, so you don't need to type sudo all the time if you need to do a lot as root? | 11:37 |
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n3uron | i installed cedega to play wow | 11:37 |
nickrud | j1p, could you paste the output of sudo apt-key list | 11:37 |
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HaxoR91 | i dont know gaim sounds | 11:37 |
MisterN | n8 | 11:37 |
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n3uron | but i cant make the ext3 filesistem exec instead of noexec | 11:37 |
Lynoure | Hi | 11:37 |
HaxoR91 | i just want sounds on gaim | 11:38 |
ENE|Toxic | mwe: wouldn't the session remember the root access after the first sudo anyway | 11:38 |
Jimmey__ | HaxoR91, try the preferences dialogue | 11:38 |
HaxoR91 | messaging and logging on sounds | 11:38 |
Lynoure | I'm truong to install 5.10 on HP nc8230 but have huge troubles with xserver | 11:38 |
mwe | ENE|Toxic: you'd still have to type sudo for all root commands | 11:38 |
NickGarvey | mwe: didn't know that until a few days ago when you told me | 11:38 |
mwe | ENE|Toxic: just not the password | 11:38 |
ENE|Toxic | mwe: yup | 11:38 |
j1p | nickrud, http://pastebin.com/681852 | 11:38 |
NickGarvey | there is still something about having root power... (flex) | 11:38 |
Lynoure | s/truong/trying | 11:39 |
HaxoR91 | still deosnt work | 11:39 |
mwe | NickGarvey: heh | 11:39 |
morose | hi all | 11:39 |
HaxoR91 | i mean on kubuntu though | 11:39 |
Lynoure | I get Signal 4 no matter what I try. | 11:39 |
Jimmey__ | HaxoR91, use Kopete? | 11:39 |
mwe | NickGarvey: sudo -i is identical to logging in as root though ;) | 11:39 |
HaxoR91 | that desont have sounds | 11:39 |
n3uron | i`ve got "/dev/hda5 /media/d ext3 rw,exec,user,defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 2" in /etc/fstab, but mount reports is as ""/dev/hda5 on /media/d type ext3 (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,errors=remount-ro) | 11:39 |
nickrud | j1p, you have the identical keys I have :( Is there anything you can isolate that was the same on all the failures? | 11:39 |
NickGarvey | mwe: how identical? like exactly? any kind of difference? | 11:40 |
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bosco | so dapper comes out the first of the month | 11:40 |
nickrud | NickGarvey, a useful learning experience: env | sort after each of sudo -i, sudo -s, and gksudo | 11:40 |
j1p | nickrud, all I did each time was run sudo apt-get update, one time to get around the error I just switched repositories to a different one, other than us.archive.ubuntu.com, and that worked, but a few days later i got the same error, so i switched back to my original sources.list, and it gave me that error today | 11:40 |
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n3uron | whuts wrong? | 11:41 |
mwe | NickGarvey: if you get to someone elses machine you wouldn't be able to tell the differene unless you dig bash history of the user or check the log files | 11:41 |
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Centaur5 | My internet worked fine yesterday but now the default gateway won't save in the Networking utility so I can't ping anything but my router. How can I fix this? | 11:41 |
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NickGarvey | so should I be turning off root then? not sure how to do that.. | 11:41 |
mwe | NickGarvey: sudo passwd -l root | 11:41 |
NickGarvey | and I will make su an alias for sudo -i? | 11:42 |
mwe | NickGarvey: keep root if you like, but the ubuntu recommendation is to not enable root logi | 11:42 |
mwe | NickGarvey: I don't think you should. maybe you could get subtle problems later | 11:43 |
NickGarvey | is there a way to make only su and none of the switches refer to sudo -i? so su otheruser would still work | 11:43 |
NickGarvey | okie | 11:43 |
NickGarvey | need to get out of the habit of su then.. | 11:43 |
mwe | NickGarvey: alias si sudo -i ;) | 11:43 |
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nickrud | j1p, that is strange. You might want to consider filing a bug on apt , which will get the attention of the developers. It may be something simple, and you'll kick yourself. But package authentication is important, and should be followed up | 11:43 |
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Imperio59 | Hey, what chmod permissions does a publicly shared samba folder need? Should I chown it to the samba user and then chmod it to 700? | 11:44 |
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j1p | nickrud, I'll file a bug shortly, thanks for the help, just for information as well though, there was a post on the forums a couple days ago with the same error by a different user, that post is here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164927 if you are interested | 11:44 |
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mwe | Imperio59: 755 to allow everyone read access | 11:45 |
nickrud | j1p, interested yes, competent, maybe :) | 11:45 |
n3uron | i`ve got "/dev/hda5 /media/d ext3 rw,exec,user,defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 2" in /etc/fstab, but mount reports is as ""/dev/hda5 on /media/d type ext3 (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,errors=remount-ro) | 11:45 |
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fiendskull9 | hey guys | 11:45 |
Imperio59 | mwe: thx | 11:45 |
fiendskull9 | how would i go about making a .deb package from a source? | 11:45 |
NickGarvey | bah I hate this | 11:46 |
NickGarvey | eek wrong wonder | 11:46 |
mwe | fiendskull9: you should read a guide or use checkinstall | 11:46 |
niocin | gah you guys i'm so lost | 11:46 |
NickGarvey | wait I can't tell | 11:46 |
niocin | i need someone to help me haha | 11:46 |
=== wimpies [n=u19809@cable-87-244-150-183.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fiendskull9 | mwe, ight. | 11:46 |
wimpies | I need a newer version of open office. Use breezy's version now. | 11:46 |
NickGarvey | when ever I switch consoles my screen flips out | 11:46 |
wimpies | Can I use Dapper's. Would I need to upgrade lots ofpackages Or only OO ? | 11:46 |
NickGarvey | like my screen is shaking all over, making me sick heh | 11:46 |
niocin | hey nick can you help me? | 11:46 |
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NickGarvey | lets see whta killing x does | 11:47 |
mwe | fiendskull9: it's not simple to do it the hard way from scratch but there a quite a few utilities to simplify the process | 11:47 |
fiendskull9 | wimpies, i dont reccomend automatix, but it does have a feature to install 2.0 | 11:47 |
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mwe | !automatix | 11:47 |
ubotu | automatix is, like, totally, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, such as !easyubuntu. | 11:47 |
niocin | Can anyone help me with some stuff, i just installed ubuntu and i cant access my slave drive | 11:47 |
A[D] minS | !w32codecs | 11:48 |
ubotu | from memory, w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 11:48 |
dark_fibre | i've got a network with linux and windows computers on it. should i use samba to share folders between the linux computers? | 11:48 |
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n3uron | !noexec | 11:48 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, n3uron | 11:48 |
mwe | dark_fibre: I'd use nfs | 11:48 |
n3uron | !google cant noexec | 11:48 |
ubotu | n3uron: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 11:48 |
go1dfish | Results for cant noexec on Google: | 11:48 |
go1dfish | http://www.linuxforums.org/.../ | 11:48 |
go1dfish | http://openvpn.net/faq.html | 11:48 |
go1dfish | -- | 11:48 |
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nickrud | wimpies, you might check !source-o-matic, there's a source for 2.0 there ircc | 11:48 |
dark_fibre | mwe, cool thanks | 11:48 |
A[D] minS | THX Pupeno_ | 11:48 |
mwe | go1dfish: please don't paste in the channel | 11:48 |
=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | !source-o-matic | 11:48 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 11:48 |
A[D] minS | THX PuMpErNiCkLe | 11:48 |
NickGarvey | eh it worked | 11:48 |
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PuMpErNiCkLe | np A[D] minS :) | 11:49 |
morose | ubuntu is so weird :( | 11:49 |
mwe | !tell dark_fibre about nfs | 11:49 |
=== fiendskull9 slaps morose | ||
fiendskull9 | lol | 11:49 |
Lynoure | weird indeed. :( | 11:49 |
fiendskull9 | yes | 11:49 |
=== nickrud high-fives fiendskull9 | ||
fiendskull9 | but its so good | 11:49 |
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Lynoure | fiendskull9: I might agree after I get it installed... | 11:49 |
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wimpies | so downloading the oo.deb and do a dpkg--install is not advisable | 11:50 |
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fiendskull9 | Lynoure, yes, its strange, its mildly debian based, but thos french change alot in there distros :P | 11:50 |
morose | fiendskull9: emm i'm used to using gentoo..none of this gui stuff on installation dammit :( | 11:50 |
=== morose cries | ||
fiendskull9 | !dpkg | 11:50 |
wimpies | BTW. I have just checked dapper's pool and nocite no 2.0 package (only 1.9.xxx) version | 11:50 |
jmg | morose: use the text installer if you want | 11:50 |
nickrud | morose, everything can be done at the cli, relax :) | 11:50 |
dude_ | 2 | 11:50 |
dude_ | hallo | 11:51 |
jmg | french? | 11:51 |
nickrud | !fr | 11:51 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 11:51 |
Jowi | curses is a gui? | 11:51 |
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jmg | canonical is based in isle of man | 11:51 |
NickGarvey | !fr | 11:51 |
mianiak | i have a network problem, it seems as though the system has fogotten the network adapter. i tried ifconfig eth0 up but it diddnt fix it. | 11:51 |
n3uron | how on hell do i change noexec to exec in a ext3 filesistem, fstab doesnt help | 11:51 |
Lynoure | fiendskull9: O've used debian and to my surprise ubuntu wasn't noticably easier... same kind of fighting than usually with febian, just rarer error (Signal 4) | 11:51 |
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nickrud | Jowi, well, 20 years ago, yes :) | 11:51 |
dude_ | kiffer ??? | 11:51 |
n3uron | nor does mount -o remount,exec ... | 11:51 |
Jowi | lol | 11:51 |
jmg | Lynoure: in what? | 11:51 |
morose | jmg nickrud dude_: emm i just put the damn install cd and am creating parts now....after this i guess i will do cli..it's just that i chose server and the gui is what came up automagically | 11:51 |
mwe | NickGarvey: if you are using breezy and used passwd -l root to disable root login, you should sudo nano /etc/shadow and replace the bogus encrypted password for root with a * to keep rescue mode working | 11:51 |
ENE|Toxic | mianiak: /etc/init.d/networking restart | 11:51 |
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jmg | morose: you can do everything by hand if you wish | 11:52 |
Lynoure | jmg: hp nc8230 if you meant on what hardware | 11:52 |
ENE|Toxic | mian1ak: *network restart | 11:52 |
mianiak | ENE|Toxic, ok | 11:52 |
jmg | Lynoure: new laptop? | 11:52 |
dude_ | ??? | 11:52 |
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dude_ | ??? | 11:52 |
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morose | jmg: it's already writing the parts and unpacking packages now..but i know nothing about apt get and dpkg soooo i'm scwewed | 11:52 |
Lynoure | jmg: not that new, supposed to work for most part: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HPNC8230 | 11:53 |
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dude_ | was | 11:53 |
morose | jmg: does it use /etc/init.d or where are the startup scripts kept? i can look after its done, i'm just sitting here doodling for now | 11:54 |
jmg | morose: yes /etc/init.d | 11:54 |
nickrud | morose, you're looking at 10 years of accumlated experence, so it will be different :) | 11:54 |
n3uron | please help | 11:54 |
dude_ | haha | 11:54 |
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=== n3uron getting annoying :D | ||
dude_ | k | 11:54 |
dude_ | i | 11:54 |
dude_ | f | 11:54 |
dude_ | f | 11:54 |
dude_ | e | 11:54 |
NickGarvey | mwe: oh thank you very much | 11:54 |
NickGarvey | mwe: about the shadow thing, didn't think about that | 11:54 |
morose | nickrud: haha..i don't like change :/ | 11:55 |
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Lynoure | ...but does not work for me out of the box nor with dark powers. There is probably some configuration trick that I'm not guessing, though the signal 4 is a tad scary | 11:55 |
dude_ | :-) | 11:55 |
NickGarvey | mwe: wait I can't.. sudo anymore?.. | 11:55 |
nickrud | morose, I'm pretty much in a rut too | 11:55 |
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NickGarvey | what have I done?! | 11:56 |
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=== linlin [n=linlin@c-67-184-230-198.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | NickGarvey: can't sudo ?! | 11:56 |
NickGarvey | holy freaking crap I did it on my suse machine | 11:56 |
=== produkt_ [n=produkt@pool-72-70-18-77.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | NickGarvey, groups in a terminal, are you in admin? | 11:56 |
NickGarvey | (beats head on wall) | 11:56 |
bolsh | Hi | 11:56 |
NickGarvey | I didn't ssh in first | 11:56 |
morose | nickrud: it has been decreed that the new firewall/combo box is going to be ubuntu vs. gentoo b/c there is only two vhosts and one mailserver running on the box | 11:56 |
NickGarvey | oh god... | 11:56 |
bolsh | Is there any workable solution for a flash plug-in on PPC? | 11:56 |
NickGarvey | I don't.. how do I.. | 11:56 |
nickrud | morose, use debian for that | 11:56 |
nickrud | :) | 11:57 |
NickGarvey | I disabled root.. | 11:57 |
morose | NickGarvey: umm i think i will be updating until the cows come home | 11:57 |
bolsh | I've tried both the free ones, and I get regular browser freeze-ups on sites that use flash | 11:57 |
god | NickGarvey you called | 11:57 |
morose | oops..that was for nickrud, not NickGarvey | 11:57 |
NickGarvey | hahahaha | 11:57 |
mwe | NickGarvey: using grub? | 11:57 |
NickGarvey | I'm sorry that was me messing something up | 11:57 |
NickGarvey | mwe: yessir | 11:57 |
niocin | guys when i type mkdir /media | 11:57 |
morose | nickrud: anyhow..debian updated stable releases are farther between..so with this i won't have to update as much | 11:58 |
morose | nickrud: hopefully :) | 11:58 |
=== aaron_ [n=aaron@ACD7E67E.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | NickGarvey: edit the suse boot line with e at the prompt and change init=/bin/sh and rw instead of ro then you should get a root prompt | 11:58 |
ENE|Toxic | How do i scan for accesspoints (wlan) ? | 11:58 |
mwe | NickGarvey: no gui login and the change will be temp | 11:58 |
nickrud | morose, it's dependable, buggy, but everyone knows the bug work arounds. | 11:58 |
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@f1-pc174.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | NickGarvey: press b to boot it after editing it | 11:59 |
=== rabeldable [n=rabeldab@adsl-69-109-170-181.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | mwe: what do I change init=/bin/sh too? | 11:59 |
morose | nickrud: it == ubuntu or debian; | 11:59 |
sethk | NickGarvey, for a normal boot, yes, you don't want init=/bin/sh | 11:59 |
nickrud | morose, I was thinking debian, but as dapper gets older it'll have the same situation | 11:59 |
NickGarvey | sethk: I disabled my root account.. | 12:00 |
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