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zul | heylo | 12:40 |
ivoks | hi | 12:57 |
sn9 | lo | 12:58 |
ivoks | like bob on winter olympics :) | 12:58 |
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zul | heylo | 03:00 |
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zul | heylo | 03:05 |
zul | so i applied to become a core dev last night | 03:08 |
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infinity | zul: Good. We need more people with clue. | 03:29 |
zul | heh im good at faking it ;) | 03:30 |
infinity | We all are, dude. We all are. :) | 03:31 |
infinity | It's all about how *well* you fake it. :) | 03:31 |
zul | hehe... | 03:31 |
infinity | (Only slightly tongue-in-cheek here, since knowlege isn't what's important, it's the ability to rapidly acquire knowlege that sets people apart, IMO) | 03:32 |
zul | thats so true | 03:32 |
infinity | So, the faster you can Google, and the quicker you can pretend to be familiar with kernel subsystem X, the more you win. | 03:32 |
fabbione | hey infinity | 03:41 |
fabbione | did you get rid of your headacke? | 03:41 |
infinity | I wish. | 03:41 |
fabbione | ok | 03:42 |
fabbione | :/ | 03:42 |
infinity | Oh well, I can think clearly enough to drive the buildds and other mindless tasks, so I'm getting SOMETHING done. | 03:43 |
infinity | Just not much hacking right now, cause I'm not alive enough to program my way out of a paper bag. | 03:43 |
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Mithrandir | I recommend using your hands or a knife or something to get yourself out of a paper bag. | 03:46 |
zul | leeches i hear work | 03:46 |
zul | hey ben | 04:18 |
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Seveas | BenC: unreproducable kernel oops/kernel nullpointer with tainted kernels: reject/low priority/something else? | 05:42 |
mjg59 | Ask them to repeat with an untainted kernel | 05:43 |
mjg59 | Then leave at needinfo forever | 05:43 |
Seveas | ok | 05:44 |
BenC | yeah, that sounds like a plan | 05:45 |
=== davidj [n=davidj@cpe-071-075-067-136.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
davidj | I'm trying to build fuse, and I've run into a problem. The fuse-2.5.3/kernel/Makefile seems to require building as root. Specifically, it won't build without write access to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/fuse/. How did you fix this when you packed fuse for ubuntu? | 06:18 |
BenC | basic kernel makefile | 06:19 |
BenC | in-tree build doesn't do that | 06:20 |
davidj | Ah, that's right, your kernel has fuse built in. I'm trying to build it for RH, which doesn't have it. | 06:20 |
zul | uh...we dont do redhat | 06:21 |
davidj | zul: I know. | 06:22 |
davidj | I'm building for for LTSP, and there are a lot of links between ubuntu and ltsp. | 06:22 |
davidj | ogra suggested that BenC might have a hint or two that might help me. | 06:22 |
BenC | I suggest removing the line that tries to copy the file to /lib/modules/ | 06:23 |
davidj | BenC: Thanks for your response. I'll keep working at it. | 06:23 |
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mdz | BenC: how confident are you in ipw3945? | 11:56 |
mdz | I'm a bit wary of adding an entirely new driver after beta | 11:56 |
BenC | mdz: to be honest, I have no confidence, because I have no way to test it, however, because of Intel has a good track record with their drivers, and because we didn't have to hack any code to get it to build, I suspecrt it will work perfectly | 11:57 |
mdz | ipw2200 certainly wasn't perfect when we first got it in, but it was no worse than having no driver at all | 11:58 |
mdz | that's the only bar we need to set ;-) | 11:58 |
BenC | fitting it into our source was 10x's easier than some of the drivers we pushed in there, and they seem to be doing ok :) | 11:58 |
infinity | If it works for one user, we win, IMO. | 11:58 |
mdz | so long as it doesn't, say, hang the kernel when the module is loaded, it's ok | 11:58 |
infinity | And surely we can find one user to test the bloody thing. | 11:58 |
mdz | but if it does that, it can make it nearly impossible to install ubuntu | 11:58 |
BenC | yeah, that would be the major draw-back | 11:58 |
BenC | but I don't see that happening, most likely it would crash when it is configured, if anything | 11:59 |
mdz | I know sabdfl will appreciate his X60's wireless working though | 11:59 |
Keybuk | he has an X60 now? | 11:59 |
Keybuk | what did he do to his X40? | 11:59 |
BenC | when I get .22 out, I'll email him to test it | 11:59 |
mdz | he still has it I think | 11:59 |
=== infinity notes that the ipw3945 thing was more or less delivered to us as an edict from on high. | ||
mdz | BenC: good plan | 11:59 |
BenC | yeah, it was actually the sab that wanted it in there, and he was very pushy about it :) | 12:00 |
mdz | infinity: oh? I didn't get that memo | 12:00 |
cjb | Wait, isn't ipw3945 the one that needs the binary userspace daemon running as root? | 12:00 |
mdz | cjb: yes | 12:00 |
infinity | cjb: Yup! | 12:00 |
cjb | *boggle* | 12:00 |
BenC | cjb: yeah, it gets started automatically when the module is loaded | 12:00 |
cjb | Is that even legally redistributable? | 12:00 |
BenC | yes | 12:00 |
infinity | mdz: I've noticed that some memos seem to be strategically CCd so as to avoid opposition. :) | 12:00 |
BenC | it and the firmware come with redistribution rights | 12:00 |
mdz | infinity: if there is an email trail for that, please forward me a copy of the thread | 12:01 |
infinity | mdz: I'll have to poke mjg59 for his end of the trail. | 12:01 |
infinity | BenC: Did you get any such? | 12:01 |
BenC | mdz: it was a very thin thread I got from sabdfl asking if we could include it, he sent it about the same time you emailed me, when the driver got released | 12:01 |
infinity | mdz: I was out of the loop, except for the part where I did he LRM work, cause I was "in there anyway". | 12:01 |
cjb | Is anyone working on a free version of the binary driver? Can't be that hard to figure out what it's doing. | 12:02 |
BenC | it wasn't really a decleration from above, just a request, but one which I couldn't really refuse :) | 12:02 |
infinity | cjb: I'm sure several people already are, but not in time for dapper. | 12:02 |
BenC | and I'm sure Intel knows that will happen too | 12:02 |
infinity | They're counting on it, I suspect, so they can drop their silly "we're doing this to placate the FCC" workaround. | 12:03 |
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