
LaserJockuniq: you might try #kubuntu-devel12:03
freeflying-ibookuniq:is it in main?12:05
uniqit's a motu package in universe. and it's on the priority list https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=unmetdeps&orderby=-datecreated&search=Search12:06
freeflying-ibookuniq: I can review it for you12:06
uniqfreeflying-ibook: no, it's on dholbacks list of unmet deps packages. very MOTU imho.12:06
uniqwell, the patch adds a >, not much to review. But sure.12:07
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LaserJockhi zul12:40
zulhey LaserJock12:41
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alleehi, I've a bug in malone, and right now preparing the bug report for upstream bts.  Upstream told me to keep him up to date01:05
alleeNow I'm ponder if it's okay to create a  lauchpad account for upstream (asking upstream before of course) and subscribe this account to bugs that are upstream bugs.01:06
alleethis would keep upstream automaticly informed in case more info gets added to malone.01:07
alleeOr are there other ways better achieve this?01:08
lifelessget upstream to make their own account ;)01:08
lifelessthen you can subscribe them to those bugs01:08
lifelessdo upstream have a bts ?01:08
alleelifeless: okay is there a naming conventions  like  <product>-upstream  or <product>-devel01:09
lifelessallee: no, accounts are for *people*01:09
alleelifeless: yes KDE bts (and I add a lauchpad link when KDE bts bug is filed)01:09
lifelessallee: what sort of updates was he/she asking for ?01:10
alleelifeless: we were hunting https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/digikam/+bug/34462  on #digikam channel01:11
UbugtuMalone bug 34462 in digikam "Digikam deletes EXIFs when auto-rotating on import" [Major,Confirmed] 01:11
alleelifeless: yeah, but upstream are several people.  3-5 in this case01:11
lifelesscreating an account for a list is wrong01:11
alleelifeless: all digikam bugs in KDE bts are send to digikam-devel ml01:11
lifelessallee: so, when you file it upstream, they will get mail.01:12
lifelessallee: I'm trying to understand what 'upstream' want to happen here01:12
lifelessthen I can advise how to make malone do that01:12
alleelifeless: upstream told me: keep me inform, send debug output etc01:13
lifelessallee: once its filed upstream, you should be doing that in the upstream bts though01:13
lifelessallee: thats what *upstream* means.01:13
jmghi all01:13
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alleelifeless: I'll do this in KDE bts.  But what happens when other see the malone bug and add infos to the malone bug, then01:13
lifelessallee: the bug is tagged upstream. So other know to go to the upstream bts.01:14
alleea) I've to tell them please use upstream bts or b) forward it myself01:14
alleechecking ...01:14
lifelessallee: there are two choices here. you can use the upstream bts, or malone, as this bug gets fixed.01:14
lifelessif you use malone, and upstream want to be involved, then they need to use malone01:15
lifelessgiven that you are saying this *is an upstream bug*, its entirely appropriate that you use the upstream bug tracker.01:15
lifelessmalones upstream bug watch will synchronise data from the kde bts eventually, though it doesn't right now.01:16
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alleeheh, develish: for marked-as-upstream don't allow additional comments, redirect to upstream bug URL instead ;)01:18
lifelesshmm, digikam product isn't linked tothe source package01:19
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lifelessallee: is it still stable in dapper ?01:20
alleeis a product created automaticly?  I vaguely remember that I started long ago to add it but when bazarr came into play aborted01:21
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lifelessyou created the product01:21
lifelessits a little stale, just updating it01:21
alleelifeless: for cameras without gravity sensor, yes.01:21
lifelessis it still the stable release that we package in dapper ?01:21
alleelifeless: but there's 0.8.2-beta1 that better than 0.8.1 (I've a half finished UVF for it  + digikamimageplugins later)01:22
alleeUVF not finished because I could convience upstream to look into the exif-list bug (fixed in devel trunk already, for of future 0.9 release)01:24
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lifelessbug 4167801:34
UbugtuMalone bug 41678 in ispellcat "Please sync with Debian unstable" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4167801:34
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crimsunjmg: hi01:42
LaserJockoh sweet, irssi is sponsoring SoC projects01:42
jmgdont know if i should bother you with alsa stuff01:43
crimsunjmg: I'll be in a much more suitable timeframe to look at alsa stuff in an hour01:43
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LaserJockhi Kyral03:01
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zulhow is it going ajmitch?03:11
ajmitchgood, how are you?03:11
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jmgif network-manager is interfering (i think) with my bootup, wheres the right place to file a bug?03:23
jmg /etc/init.d/networking start after bootup will fix the problem. hmm03:23
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freeflyingajmitch: ping03:50
ajmitchyes? any reviews must wait, i'm at work03:51
freeflyingajmitch: not reviews, heh, can I ask for sync from sid now03:52
ajmitchyou can, but why ask me?03:53
freeflyingajmitch: thanks, just wanna confirm from you that can ask for now.03:55
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bddebianHeya gang04:38
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bddebianHello dolson04:39
zakamehi all04:40
zakamehello dolson04:40
dolsonhi zakame04:40
dolsonzakame: I got a job today, did you hear? :D04:40
bddebiandolson: Cool, congrats :-)04:41
zakamedolson: w00t! :D04:41
zakamedolson: good for you, now its my turn to find a job :)04:41
dolsonbddebian: I thought you were here earlier when I said it :D04:41
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dolsonzakame: yeah, I'm a Perl developer starting Monday. I get to install Ubuntu on my workstation. And now I'm looking for a good book on learning Perl04:41
bddebiandolson: I sorta was but I was swamped at work so I didn't say anything :(04:42
zakamedolson: now, double w00t! I'm doing Perl too... I have the Llama, second ed04:42
crimsundolson: the ora.com cookbook & learning perl are good04:42
dolsonbddebian: ;) it's all good. I hope that I can pull it off04:42
dolsoncrimsun: thanks bro, I'll check out the ora one (I already bookmarked Learning Perl)04:42
crimsunzakame: it seems you and I are triggering the same soyuz bug with '.' ;)04:43
bddebianWho reviews the MOTU UVF requests?04:43
zakamecrimsun: looks like it04:43
crimsunbddebian: the uvfe team (sire,slom,dholb)04:44
zakamea workaround would be to update my key's UIDs, right? add a "Zak Elep" without the B...04:44
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crimsunzakame: just make sure your display name and your changeslist name both have no '.'04:44
crimsunzakame: that's the workaround that cprov recommended to me04:44
zakameah, ok04:45
crimsunlike I have to use "Daniel T Chen" instead of "Daniel T. Chen"04:45
dolsonoh no, it's Beginning Perl that I bookmarked04:45
zakamebut anyhow, celso's already doing the fix :D04:45
bddebianHmm, to attempt to look at bugs at this hour or not...04:53
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bddebianGnight gang06:14
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dolsonhow does Yelp work, exactly? if I install something like postgresql-doc-8.1 does it show up docs in Yelp, or do I have to browse to the files and such?06:38
crimsunit's unlikely that pgsql's docs will show up in yelp by default, since yelp is gnome-centric06:41
crimsunyou'll more than likely need to use info, man, and $PAGER in /usr/share/doc/postgresql-doc-8.106:41
dolsonoh, there it is06:43
dolsonI just tried it and it does show up06:43
crimsunah, excellent.06:43
dolsonyeah, I'm impressed :D06:43
dolsongo to System > Help > System Documentation to launch Yelp, then go to Applications > Programming, and it lists it there. Pretty slick stuff06:44
dolsonooh, Yelp has bookmarks too. I love this.06:45
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XhyldazhKhi all06:54
XhyldazhKi have... kind of a request...06:54
XhyldazhKi'm a chicken scheme user, but i've found that chicken in dapper drake is 1.63, that is ancient (2004 or earlier)06:55
XhyldazhKthere is a chicen source .deb in debian unstable, currently i'm compiling it06:55
XhyldazhKplease update chicken, it shouldn't be very hard06:56
XhyldazhKthe one in debian unstable is latest one, 2.306:56
crimsunwe're two months past upstream version freeze.06:56
lifelessXhyldazhK: that means, that unless there is a serious bug in chicken, we'd rather not update it06:56
lifelessbecause we'll run the risk of *adding* bugs.06:56
lifelesswe can make exceptions, there is a process.06:57
XhyldazhKok... but it will be updated in system updates / next version?06:57
crimsunin dapper+1, yes06:57
lifelessyou can file a bug on chicken in dapper now if you like, as a memo06:57
lifelessbut it *should* be automatica.06:57
XhyldazhKwell is not a bug, its simply that 1.63 cannot use chicken 'egg' modules in static linking and 2.2+ can06:58
crimsunXhyldazhK: are these modules already packaged in dapper?06:59
crimsun(I don't know anything about chicken, sorry)06:59
XhyldazhKnope... they are installable via a program that is included with chicken06:59
XhyldazhKit downloads them and installs them06:59
crimsunif it were to install 1.63 now, would said modules be usable by default, or is extraordinary effort required to make them work?07:00
crimsuns/if it/if I/07:00
lifelesscrimsun: what are you trying to ask ?07:01
XhyldazhK1.63 can use those modules, only cant make a statically linked executable using them07:01
crimsunlifeless: if the current package is unusable (as in the older version of gtk-gnutella, say), then that's viable for a UVFe request07:02
XhyldazhKwhat is a problem for me because i'm developing for the gamepark holdings gp2x using a compiler installed by myself and using a cross-compiled chicken installed by myself(2.3) in addition to the 'normal' chicken 1.6307:02
XhyldazhKnow that I speak, for dapper+1 a cross compiler for gp2x would be great07:03
dolsonXhyldazhK: is there one in Sid?07:03
XhyldazhKsid = unstable?07:03
dolsonXhyldazhK: debian unstable, yeah07:03
crimsunXhyldazhK: ok, as long as 1.63 is usable at least with those modules, then the impetus to file a UVF exception is much lower07:03
XhyldazhKyes, i know...07:04
XhyldazhKif that's not possible i will simply post somewhere the method to get ht updated chicken deb07:04
dolsonXhyldazhK: if there is a gp2x cross-compiler in debian unstable/sid, then it should be in ubuntu edgy automatically, but if not, then someone has to package it07:05
crimsun(never fear, dapper+1 is only a bit over one month away)07:05
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ivoksno one? :)08:18
crimsunhi ivoks08:18
crimsun& Hobbsee08:18
ivokshi crimsun08:18
Hobbseehi crimsun08:18
ivokscrimsun: did you wrote any spec?08:19
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ivokscrimsun: i tried to contribute something, but I guess that owner has to put me in Contribute list, right?08:19
crimsunivoks: I haven't yet, no08:20
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zakamehi all09:44
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zakamewb all09:45
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zakamewhat's up with malone 28810?09:51
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UbugtuMalone bug 28810 in kdrill "undeclared dependency on libXp6" [Major,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2881009:51
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Unfrgivenhi all!10:06
highvoltagehi :)10:07
Hobbseehi Unfrgiven and highvoltage10:07
highvoltagehi Hobbsee10:08
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zakamehello Hobbsee highvoltage Unfrgiven10:08
=== Hobbsee waves to zakame
=== highvoltage waves to zakame too
highvoltagepublic holidays++10:10
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slomozakame: ping?10:20
zakameslomo: pong, what's up? =)10:20
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slomozakame: regarding bug #6004... please look bug #600310:20
UbugtuMalone bug 6004 in xvidcore "Changed CFLAGS for a speed increase." [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/600410:20
UbugtuMalone bug 6003 in transcode "Changed CFLAGS for a speed increase." [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/600310:20
slomozakame: so don't do it ;)10:21
zakameslomo: ah, thanks for the heads-up ;-)10:21
slomozakame: np :)10:22
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:dholbach] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | We are in feature freeze now. Focus on http://tinyurl.com/nl87h (MOTU bugs) and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DhIconCacheChanges and http://tinyurl.com/rjcqu (UNMETDEPS)
dholbachunmetdeps went from 91->8510:51
dholbachrock on!10:52
=== Hobbsee examines the page
Hobbsee85 hey?10:54
dholbachand that was on i38610:56
dholbachi suppose there are more around on amd64 and powerpc10:57
dholbachit'd be nice if we could clean those up10:57
dholbachmost are easy rebuilds10:57
dholbachand others might be just stuff we might want to remove10:58
dholbachor sync from debian10:58
Hobbseedholbach: ping?10:59
dholbachHobbsee: pong10:59
dholbachi'm here :)10:59
Hobbseebug 41535 - that package can now be removed from the repos, it's depreciated with kde 3.110:59
UbugtuMalone bug 41535 in konq-shellhere "[UNMETDEPS]  xsim has unmet dependencies" [Minor,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4153511:00
dholbachi followed up on the bug11:00
dholbachi'd rather like somebody from the kubuntu camp to get that done11:00
Hobbseeoh, didnt see that11:00
dholbachi don't want to be blamed for removing kubuntu packages :)11:00
Hobbseedholbach: well, i'm more from the kubuntu side, adn i'm telling you that you can remove it...that okay?11:00
dholbachno :)11:00
dholbachI want somebody to justify and present it to 'ubuntu-archive' team.11:01
Hobbseedamn.  i'll raise it in our meeting tomorrow then11:01
dholbach... somebody else than me.11:01
Hobbsee*wonders how to do that*11:01
dholbachjust say: it's obsolete, functionality is nowadays in blah, makes no sense, package has no rdepends, remove it please.11:01
Hobbseehow can you see if anything relies on the package?11:02
dholbachapt-cache rdepends <something>11:02
dholbachrock on11:02
Hobbseenothing, great.11:02
Hobbseegets justified in the bug report?11:02
dholbachand subscribe 'ubuntu-archive'11:03
dholbachand make the bug description a bit more telling :)11:03
dholbach<-- my fault11:03
Hobbseehehe gotcha11:03
dholbachbut as I said in my mail to ubuntu-motu, the bug in the script is fixed now11:03
dholbachso next bug massfiling will be happier :)11:03
Hobbseedholbach: okay, done that one :)11:08
Hobbseeni!  to you too11:08
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach in return :)
Hobbseeer...for bug 41564 the package doesnt seem to exist on my system...11:10
UbugtuMalone bug 41564 in illuminator "[UNMETDEPS]  xsim has unmet dependencies" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4156411:10
ajmitchthat's the source package name11:12
ajmitchbinary packages are on https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/illuminator/0.9.1-311:12
=== ajmitch hugs dholbach & Hobbsee as well ;)
Hobbseeooh, more hugs!11:12
dholbachhey ajmitch :)11:12
ajmitchhey daniel, how's it going?11:13
dholbachfine, thanks11:13
dholbachjust trying to look into a gok segfault11:13
ajmitchsounds nasty11:13
Hobbseeooh goody...i think i can fix this one too...11:15
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kelmo_lapmoin siretart12:50
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siretarthey kelmo_lap12:54
siretartkelmo_lap: I uploaded something based on r370 to ubuntu for fixing the wext issue12:55
siretartkelmo_lap: there are quite a lot of reports in NM which I think will be fixed by this12:56
kelmo_lapsiretart, sure there would be12:56
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kelmo_lapsiretart, cheers for verifying that on the ipw2100 hardware, i do not have ipw2100 available to me01:01
kelmo_lapr370 or r320?01:04
siretarterr, the one just before you refactored the ifupdown script01:04
kelmo_lapok, 32001:04
siretartI didn't get to thorough testing of the new script01:04
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kelmo_lapi would like to push a new upload, but would appreciate testing/advocating of the "refactored" script01:05
kelmo_lapsiretart, wouls that be possible for you todo sometime in the next week or so?01:05
siretartkelmo_lap: I see that I get at week end to it01:07
siretartkelmo_lap: a quick test showed me that it works01:07
siretartbut since we are in deep freeze for dapper, I'm more conservative with uploading there than to unstable01:07
kelmo_lapsure, you have every right to be01:07
kelmo_lapsiretart, the other thing a didn't get a chance to say, madwifi-ng is on the verge of experimental (rotting in NEW), the madwifi-includes patch i already have in preparation for our experimental branch01:11
kelmo_lapsiretart, but we could make another choice01:11
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kelmo_lapsiretart, on second thought, probably not01:12
kelmo_lapsiretart, again, i'd like to test your thoughts on that issue01:12
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kelmo_lapheh, as i ask, a bug is filed with an interesting patch01:23
kelmo_lapdebian bug #36501401:24
UbugtuDebian bug 365014 in wpasupplicant "Subject: wpasupplicant: Patch for supporting madwifi-old and madwifi-ng in parallel" [Wishlist,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/36501401:24
kelmo_laphmm, interesting01:24
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siretartkelmo_lap: err01:56
siretartkelmo_lap: I don't get it quite, I think. Why don't we just keep the madwifi-old headers in the package, and let the madwifi-ng users just use wext?01:56
kelmo_lapsiretart, that was my "second thought"01:57
StevenKIs wext less sucky than supplicant?01:57
kelmo_lapsiretart, i would be happy todo that until as madwifi upstream, i declare madwifi-old dead01:57
kelmo_lapsiretart, which could be as soon as 2.6.1701:58
siretartand why do you want to switch the headers from madwifi-old to madwifi-ng at all?01:59
siretartI understand that it is for madwifi-old users only anyway01:59
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siretartwb kel ;)02:00
kelmo_lapsorry, my sesion timed out02:00
kelmo_lap_always_ happens mid-conversation02:01
kelmo_lapnever when its quiet02:01
siretartwhy do you want to switch the headers from madwifi-old to madwifi-ng at all? I understand that we need the driver backend 'madwifi for madwifi-old users only anyway02:02
kelmo_lapsiretart, i said yes, we should do exactly that, until madwifi-old is oldr than old, when it becomes madwifi-dead02:03
kelmo_lapsoon it will be cactus ; )02:03
=== Fuddl [n=fuddl@faui00t.informatik.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
kelmo_lapsiretart, but like i said before, i am extremely wary about supporting both madwifi and madwifi-ng private ioctls, like suggested in the new bug02:04
siretartkelmo_lap: even if it becomes dead, the header is gpl'ed, and it doesn't harm02:04
kelmo_lapsiretart, i use madwifi-ng on 2.4.3202:04
kelmo_lapsiretart, there is no wext there02:04
siretartkelmo_lap: I completly understand. and now there is the new fact, that madwifi-ng is happy with wext, so the bug report gets sort of 'invalid'02:05
siretartbut didn't you say that madwifi-ng would work with wext?02:05
siretartaah, not on 2.4. I see02:05
siretarthi Fuddl :)02:05
Fuddlhi siretart02:05
kelmo_lapsiretart, yes i completely agree with you in some ways02:06
kelmo_lapsiretart, but in other ways i take a different rtain of thought02:06
=== Amaranth does a little dance
kelmo_lapsiretart, as you can already see, I am already telling the reporter of the new bug that madwifi-ng supports wext, therefore no extra patching is required02:07
kelmo_lapsiretart, but in a way, as a madwifi admin, i feel like madwifi-ng should have full support at some stage02:07
kelmo_lapsiretart, just at the right time ; )02:08
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kelmo_lapsiretart, so thanks for your input, i think we can agree that since wext support is there, we can leave things as they are for now, ok?02:08
siretartkelmo_lap: I completely agree.02:10
siretartkelmo_lap: I suppose that there are still many users out there who don't want to switch to madwifi-ng (yet). I'd like to provide them with a working wpasupplicant as well02:11
kelmo_lapsiretart, sure, but i don't like patches to support both02:11
siretartand for those who run madwifi-ng, there is wext. So only 2.4 users with madwifi-ng are in the cold, right?02:11
kelmo_lapsiretart, no matter how good these patches are02:12
kelmo_lapsiretart, because upstream already rejected such ideas02:12
siretartif upstream doesn't support that, we needn't either02:12
kelmo_lapsiretart, 2.4 users, and users of <=2.6.1302:13
kelmo_lapwill be "in the cold"02:13
siretartI think that should be the minority. or become the minority in the foreseeable future02:13
siretartwe cannot satisfy everyone anyway02:13
kelmo_lapwell, when madwifi-old ceases to exist, i will change my tune02:14
kelmo_lapmy point was: this is happening much sooner than i anticipated02:14
kelmo_lapdid ubuntu just commit some persistent net renaming to their udev package or so?02:17
siretartI think it is there for some time.. You may want to ask Scott (Keybuk) for that, he cares for udev02:20
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sivangcan anyplease check if he can install a package named "upbackup" ?02:49
sivangthat's the HomeUserBackup package, that has been already uploaded 2 days ago but for some reason did not appear02:49
sivangit alreayd came out from NEW as I recived 'Accepted' message02:49
sivanganyone an idea?02:49
freeflyingsivang: can not02:50
sivangfreeflying: what do you get?02:50
freeflyingsivang: no package02:51
freeflyingsivang: seems it's atill in NEw queue02:52
sivangfreeflying: I see02:53
sivangfreeflying: thanks02:53
freeflyingsivang:  :)02:53
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zakamehi all03:44
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trappistif I assign a bug to motu-reviewers, is motu-reviewers implicitly subscribed to the bug?  It doesn't seem to be getting any attention (bug 36051)04:18
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bddebianHeya gang04:58
=== Hobbsee waves tiredly to bddebian
bddebian:-)  Hi Hobbsee04:59
=== Hobbsee is not here
Hobbseethis is a script, pretending to be hobbsee :P04:59
Hobbseewish the script would find her phone, and figure out the correct time for the alarm though05:01
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YagisanG'day all05:25
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bddebianHeya Yagisan, how's things?05:30
Yagisanbddebian: not to bad. short of cash though05:32
bddebianYagisan: Who isn't? :-)05:32
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Yagisanbddebian: looks like my ddns provider has disappeared tonight. damm that is annoying.05:46
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Amaranthooh, azureus07:11
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LaserJockmutt doesn't come with an addressboook, right?07:14
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SpecI have a .changes file I want to upload to my apt repository sitting elsewhere, I have dput set up to use scp, but when I do dput GANGES blah.changes, I get a traceback, for file in changes.dict['files'] .split('\n'):  KeyError: 'files'09:00
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webwolf_27nothing going on here09:30
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LaserJockwebwolf_27: not much09:30
webwolf_27I noticed09:30
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webwolf_27so now I'm gonna go check #mysql09:31
crimsunwebwolf_27: most of us are in exams or working09:31
webwolf_27but say, there is a debian package that I want to port to breezy and dapper, who do I put in as the packager?09:32
webwolf_27crimsun, I done with exams, and haven't found a job yet :(09:32
LaserJockwebwolf_27: you would probably just add a new changelog entry09:32
crimsunwebwolf_27: it exists in debian but not in dapper?09:32
webwolf_27dapper I haven't checked yet but it's not in breezy09:33
Gloubiboulgait's in dapper09:33
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crimsunBinary: avidemux09:34
crimsunVersion: 1:2.1.2-0.0ubuntu109:34
crimsunwe just approved a uvfe for it, heh09:34
webwolf_27ok, and how do I get it for breezy09:34
crimsuntake the dapper package and build it in a breezy pbuilder09:34
crimsundapper srcpackage, that is09:34
webwolf_27crimsun, of course source package09:36
webwolf_27when I finnally get a few of my own projects finished I'll package them too09:37
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LaserJockso I'm interested to see what happens with the SoC. I wasn't around for the last one but seem like a lot happened09:39
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phanatichi people10:28
Gloubiboulgahey phanatic :)10:29
phanatichello Gloubiboulga :)10:29
bddebianHello phanatic10:35
phanatichey bddebian10:35
LaserJockhi bddebian10:36
bddebianHeya LaserJock10:40
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phanatichi raphink11:02
raphinkhi phanatic11:02
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