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Plug | hello | 04:43 |
Plug | having trouble creating LVM snapshots under dapper-beta-server | 04:43 |
Plug | best suggestion so far was http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=343671#msg20 | 04:43 |
Plug | basically, it just hangs | 04:44 |
Plug | anyone seen this/got any suggestions? | 04:44 |
Plug | which also seems to be | 04:45 |
Plug | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/38409 | 04:45 |
Plug | (...so, seems not to be that at all; its hanging at suspending the LV, even though I've done that already with xfs_freeze) | 04:51 |
Plug | and if I xfs_freeze -u - it wakes back up | 04:52 |
Plug | strange. ;) | 04:55 |
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hokatichenci | pretty quiet, anybody alive? | 05:41 |
Plug | yep | 06:08 |
Plug | but just me, it would seem | 06:08 |
=== fabbione yawns | ||
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hokatichenci | I've got mysql client 4.1 installed and running (connecting manually to the srever works fine), but when I connect through mediawiki which is php it doesn't work | 06:33 |
hokatichenci | its like php5-mysql is 4.0 only | 06:33 |
fabbione | hokatichenci: -> #ubuntu | 06:33 |
fabbione | this isn't a support channel.. really | 06:34 |
hokatichenci | ah | 06:34 |
hokatichenci | whats it for really | 06:34 |
fabbione | for ubuntu-server development discussion | 06:34 |
hokatichenci | ah | 06:34 |
hokatichenci | i figured it was sort of all purpose, and i'm running ubuntu server, its nice so far | 06:34 |
hokatichenci | once I can get this stuff working that is :-p | 06:35 |
theCore | fabbione: that isn't what the /topic say | 06:35 |
fabbione | for general support see #ubuntu <- | 06:36 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-server:fabbione] : ubuntu-server discussions | for general support see #ubuntu | U. S. (stable) at http://tinyurl.com/b3jek | U. S. (Devel) at http://tinyurl.com/cllfu | U. S. dapper specs: http://tinyurl.com/aen9b | U. S. forums at http://tinyurl.com/b77qg | ubuntu-server@lists.u.c is up and running | searchable packages list: http://packages.ubuntu.com | ||
fabbione | there | 06:36 |
theCore | hehe | 06:36 |
hokatichenci | whats so different anyways between u-s and normal ubuntu besides the fact that it doesn't come with the bells and whistles | 06:39 |
fabbione | wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFAQ | 06:39 |
fabbione | or something like that | 06:40 |
fabbione | there are goodies in the -server work too | 06:40 |
fabbione | U. S. dapper specs: http://tinyurl.com/aen9b | 06:40 |
fabbione | but there is no diff between ubuntu and ubuntu-server if not what's on CD | 06:41 |
fabbione | the archive is shared | 06:41 |
hokatichenci | nods | 06:41 |
hokatichenci | I'm coming from a gentoo background where typically the server group is hardened and wildly different | 06:42 |
hokatichenci | so my apologies for not seeing the topic hehe | 06:42 |
fabbione | no problem | 06:43 |
fabbione | just read the FAQ, it's a page and it will give you a good overview | 06:43 |
fabbione | if the FAQ are not clear, just ask | 06:43 |
theCore | fabbione: the FAQ say that for server related questions, we can ask here ;) | 06:46 |
fabbione | theCore: php+mysql interaction is not server related.. keep reading | 06:46 |
fabbione | i can run php+mysql on my ws | 06:47 |
fabbione | oh actually.. i do | 06:47 |
hokatichenci | fabbione, are you running 4.1? | 06:47 |
fabbione | 4.0 | 06:47 |
hokatichenci | heh bloody hell | 06:48 |
hokatichenci | I really wouldn't want to have to compile my own php binary | 06:48 |
theCore | fabbione: what is the reason why this channel isn't for server software support? | 07:18 |
fabbione | theCore: because there is #ubuntu for general support. and people tend to confuse what -server support is with general support | 07:19 |
theCore | fabbione: ah, ok | 07:20 |
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infinity | hokatichenci: 4.1 is in universe and unsupported. php5-mysql /can/ connect to it just fine, though. | 07:35 |
infinity | hokatichenci: If you want a supported (and supportable) confuguration, though, use mysql-server, which will pull in the supported version (4.0 in breezy, 5.0 in dapper) | 07:35 |
hokatichenci | infinity, yeah i would think it would be able to connect, but for some reason its not, it depends on libmysqlclient-12 but 4.1 is -14 i think | 07:43 |
infinity | client12 can connect to any MySQL version. | 07:44 |
infinity | (Unless you changed the configuration on the 4.1 server, or if it's not a Debian/Ubuntu versoin of the server) | 07:44 |
hokatichenci | its not a debian/ubuntu version of the server | 07:44 |
infinity | Ahh. | 07:44 |
hokatichenci | its gentoo atm | 07:45 |
infinity | From the Debian/Ubuntu /etc/mysql/my.cnf | 07:45 |
infinity | # For compatibility to other Debian packages that still use | 07:45 |
infinity | # libmysqlclient10 and libmysqlclient12. | 07:45 |
infinity | old_passwords = 1 | 07:45 |
infinity | That's the only change that should be required to allow older clients to connect to the newer servers. | 07:45 |
hokatichenci | that goes anywhere in the config file? | 07:45 |
hokatichenci | hrm I'll have some ubuntu/debian gurus look at it tomorrow | 07:46 |
infinity | That goes in the server's config file (on the Gentoo box) | 07:47 |
infinity | Nothing Debian/Ubuntuish about it. | 07:47 |
hokatichenci | I know nothing about configuring debian/ubuntu still, so I'm lost as to whats installed now heh :) | 07:48 |
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hokatichenci | am I right to assume at least it would require a custom php compile to get it working without old passwords | 07:51 |
infinity | hokatichenci: Or an upgrade to dapper, yes. | 08:01 |
infinity | (which uses client15, from MySQL 5.0) | 08:01 |
hokatichenci | I do not understand how that works :p I really need to read about debian more | 08:02 |
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infinity | Again, it has nothing to do with Debian/Ubuntu. | 08:04 |
infinity | Just compiling in general. | 08:04 |
infinity | The php5-mysql in dapper is compiled against libmysqlclient15, which is the client library from MySQL 5.0 | 08:04 |
ivoks | not with 15off? | 08:04 |
infinity | You're used to the Gentoo world where any ABI change is met with the lovely advice to "recompile everything". | 08:04 |
ivoks | :) | 08:04 |
infinity | ivoks: Semantics. Don't confuse the boy. | 08:04 |
ivoks | ok :) | 08:04 |
ivoks | diff beetwean ubuntu and gentoo/redhat is that programs are "compiled" against packages | 08:05 |
infinity | "15off" is just "15 with upstream's official symbol versioning script" (which was, unfortunately, incompatible with OUR symbol versioning script, hence the forced ABI change) | 08:05 |
hokatichenci | infinity, yes, I actually like that recompile everything because it keeps everything in check, just takes a while :) The binary speed though is really, really nice. | 08:06 |
ivoks | that's hoax | 08:07 |
ivoks | how much faster can your app be? | 08:07 |
infinity | hokatichenci: You wasted more time compiling than you'll ever regain from speedier binaries, trust me. | 08:07 |
ivoks | it's compiled against libc-686 and on kernel-686 | 08:07 |
ivoks | that's what matters | 08:07 |
hokatichenci | Er, I meant from the time compiling vs time installing binaries | 08:07 |
infinity | oh. :) | 08:07 |
hokatichenci | Its much quicker to install binaries than to compile from source, hah | 08:07 |
hokatichenci | I'm well aware theres no speed benefit, I like the flexibility mostly, but thats a whole nother story. | 08:08 |
infinity | Anyhow, "recompile the world" is a pretty painful way to handle things like security updates, where we fix the security problem, Gentoo tells you to "just upgrade to the latest version". | 08:08 |
infinity | And other such things. | 08:08 |
hokatichenci | yeah | 08:08 |
hokatichenci | thats what I'm looking forward to if I can get this working, just gotta figure out how to upgrade to dapper now | 08:08 |
infinity | The flexibility of use flags is cool, but you find that "flexibile" turns into "painful" when you have a lot of machines to administer, and you're like them all to be identical. | 08:08 |
hokatichenci | yeah it can be problematic | 08:09 |
ivoks | gentoo is nice to play with your system | 08:09 |
infinity | The fact that all Debian/Ubuntu packages are identical, even across architectures, is a pretty big win when you have a large datacentre to look after. | 08:09 |
ivoks | it's useless when you need our system for work | 08:09 |
infinity | I tihnk Gentoo is great toy for a home user. | 08:09 |
hokatichenci | gentoo-hardened project is super nice though, I don't know much about adamantix (debian equiv) | 08:09 |
ivoks | s/our/yours/ | 08:09 |
=== ivoks is typing in bed, so ignore his typos :) | ||
=== infinity needs to get back to work and stop babbling on IRC. | ||
ivoks | eh, it's 8AM here :) | 08:10 |
infinity | 4pm here. Catch up. :) | 08:10 |
ivoks | i'm not sure who needs catching up :) | 08:11 |
ivoks | unless you are in australia :) | 08:11 |
infinity | I am. | 08:13 |
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allee | fabbione: [06:34] <fabbione> for ubuntu-server development discussion | 02:51 |
allee | fabbione: but in topic 'ubuntu-server discussions ...' why not explicitly ubuntu-server development discussions | 02:52 |
allee | makes a huge difference IMHO | 02:52 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-server:fabbione] : ubuntu-server development discussions | for general support see #ubuntu | U. S. (stable) at http://tinyurl.com/b3jek | U. S. (Devel) at http://tinyurl.com/cllfu | U. S. dapper specs: http://tinyurl.com/aen9b | U. S. forums at http://tinyurl.com/b77qg | ubuntu-server@lists.u.c is up and running | searchable packages list: http://packages.ubuntu.com | ||
fabbione | there | 02:52 |
allee | now 50 % can surely leave the channel ;) Not yet sure which half I am in. | 02:56 |
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