
=== freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lurebtw, we are talking getting it to System submenu and not main menu, right?12:15
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HobbseeLure: yes12:19
freeflyingTonio_: ktranslator is 0.4 now , works more well thanit is in universe now 12:22
Tonio_freeflying: uvfe required ?12:23
freeflyingTonio_: ya12:23
Tonio_freeflying: will do this we :)12:23
freeflyingTonio_: how to get the build log of pbuilder? 12:24
Tonio_freeflying: sudo pbuilder build -o output.file bla.dsc12:25
freeflyingTonio_: can't get it with -o option12:26
Tonio_hu ?12:26
Tonio_freeflying: arf sorry12:26
Tonio_freeflying: sudo pbuilder build --logfile output.file bla.dsc12:26
freeflyingthen where shall the logfile be?12:27
ajmitch_in the current directory12:27
freeflyingstrange, I've trid with --logfile and pkgname-logfile, still can not get the log12:28
Tonio_freeflying: paste tour command here plz ?12:29
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Hobbseethis is tedious.....01:20
=== Hobbsee suspects that most people will stop attending the meetings if they're all this tedious...
=== Hobbsee wonders who will be the one to get them back on track.
Lurelooks like #kubuntu-devel when everybody is online ;-)01:26
HobbseeLure: hehe rather.  and while tha'ts great, it's not for a meeting when you're trying to get stuff sorted out!01:27
Lureagree - we need somebody to lead each meeting and press for time 01:28
Lureraphink did it once and it was not that bad...01:28
freeflyingraphink: can you confirm the craches of kcmviewer on ppc01:28
HobbseeLure: Riddell does it most of the time...he's just not much of a firecracker about it :P - he does do a good job though01:29
Lureyou need to have somebody to say: "that is off-topic"01:29
raphinkdidn't ahve the time to test freeflying01:29
=== Hobbsee wonders what it would be like to have that job
raphinkI don't have much time for me lately01:29
raphinkvery very busy01:29
Hobbseeraphink: that's as i thought - you and Riddell do heaps, and the rest of us are kind of lost, not really knowing what to do that much...01:31
raphinkHobbsee: I don't do heaps lately01:32
Hobbseewell, more heaps01:33
freeflyingRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/7901:41
freeflyingrobotgeek: are you around01:42
HobbseeLure: bug 3171001:50
UbugtuMalone bug 31710 in xfce4-session "package won't install - clashes with xfce4-toys" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3171001:50
HobbseeLure: bug 3071001:50
UbugtuMalone bug 30710 in kdeadmin knetworkconf "Configuring a wlan0 in system settings/kcontrol crashes system settings" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3071001:50
Hobbseethat looks better!01:50
LureFixed last week 01:51
Hobbseeright.  there was more added to it, in my inbox this morning...so i dunno.  i'll ask for more testers01:51
Lurebug 3077501:52
UbugtuMalone bug 30775 in kdeadmin knetworkconf "[Dapper]  Application Crash when trying to configure network interface thats not enabled" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3077501:52
LureI have fixed those:01:52
Lure  * Add kubuntu_03_dns_alias.diff to fix wrong warning about missing01:52
Lure    alias in DNS server add dialog (Closes: Malone #35507)01:52
Lure  * Add kubuntu_04_enable_apply.diff: before enable/disable interface01:52
UbugtuMalone bug 35507 in kdeadmin knetworkconf ""You have to type an alias first" appears when adding DNS server in network settings" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3550701:52
Lure    check if settings have been changed and ask user to apply01:52
Lure    (Closes: Malone #35509)01:52
Lure  * Add kubuntu_05_net_calc_crash.diff to fix crash in netmask/broadcast01:52
Lure    calculation in case of empty/uninitialized fields (Closes: Malone #30775)01:52
UbugtuMalone bug 35509 in kdeadmin knetworkconf "Enabling network interface fails if changes to network settings have not been applied" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3550901:52
UbugtuMalone bug 30775 in kdeadmin knetworkconf "[Dapper]  Application Crash when trying to configure network interface thats not enabled" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3077501:52
Lure  * Added kubuntu_02_wep_key.diff to fix WEP key (Malone #24516)01:52
UbugtuMalone bug 24516 in kdeadmin knetworkconf "Wireless Configuration Writes Bad Interfaces File" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2451601:52
LureI am looking now to fix bug 18069 which also breaks n-m01:53
UbugtuMalone bug 18069 in kdeadmin knetworkconf "Syntax error in /etc/network/interfaces file" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1806901:53
Lure(but it is harder than I thought)01:53
=== Hobbsee nods
=== Lure has to get some sleep - it is 2 AM...
Hobbseeit's a bit like that...01:55
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=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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apokryphosbug system is still listed as "Bugzilla" on the Kubuntu site :D02:04
Riddellapokryphos: where?02:08
Riddellhmm, yes02:08
apokryphoswould be nice as well, I think, to have the wiki links in the navigation point to the kubuntu wiki02:09
apokryphosnicer blue 8)02:10
HobbseeLOL!  i mentoined earlier that no one had complained about the artwork for a while...and now am proved wrong02:19
Hobbseeoh, he's on breezy..that's okay then02:21
=== jjesse [i=user@69-87-139-98.async.iserv.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEspresso || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperGoals || http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/ || Kubuntu meetings in #ubuntu-meeting -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings -- Next meeting is 05/11/06 2100 UTC
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robotgeekfreeflying-ibook: pong05:13
freeflying-ibookrobotgeek: can you use kchmviewer on ppc 05:15
robotgeekfreeflying-ibook: okay, let me install. 05:15
robotgeekfreeflying-ibook: any specific repo?05:15
freeflying-ibookrobotgeek: in universe05:16
freeflying-ibookI'm suffering crashes of it 05:16
robotgeekfreeflying-ibook: do you have .chm handy?05:17
freeflying-ibookrobotgeek: sorry,no05:18
robotgeekkk, lemme google05:19
robotgeekfreeflying-ibook: yes , crashes on startup05:22
freeflying-ibookrobotgeek: bug 3461005:27
UbugtuMalone bug 34610 in kchmviewer "Crashes when I try to run or open chm file " [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3461005:27
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robotgeekfreeflying-ibook: added my backtrace too05:38
freeflying-ibookrobotgeek: it crashes on ppc, but works fine on i386,even the latest05:40
robotgeekhmm, weird. i never used this, use xchm mostly05:40
freeflying-ibookthis can support unicode better then xchm, heh05:43
robotgeekah, okay. i did not know this existed :P05:44
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SimeRiddell: Guidance 0.6.6 is out ( http://www.simonzone.com/software/guidance/ )08:21
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freeflyingseaLne: ping10:50
freeflyingseaLne: the interview of Jane has been translated into Chinese10:55
freeflyingseaLne: http://www.foss.org.cn/node/10310:55
seaLneyou doing Riddell as well?10:56
freeflyingseaLne: sure10:57
freeflyingseaLne: http://www.foss.org.cn/node/85 --< Riddell's10:59
seaLnefreeflying: roughly how long does it take to translate?11:01
freeflyingseaLne: 1-2 days11:01
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seaLnehow many hours?11:02
freeflyingseaLne: If i do like Riddell's , maybe 1-2 hrs11:02
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Riddellcool!  I'm in Chinese11:48
freeflyingRiddell: got my feedback of beta2?11:49
Riddellfreeflying: Lure tested it yesterday and seemed happy11:53
Riddellcool, mepis loves us http://www.mepis.org/node/974511:54
freeflyingRiddell: i'm a exception? but I also got feddbacks about this 11:55
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellfreeflying: what sort of feedback?12:01
freeflyingRiddell: fail to grub install 12:02
Riddellfrom text installer?12:05
freeflyingand also another issue , when I choose chinese from gfxboot , then I can not select lanuage in d-i12:06
=== Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbsee_awayoh evening Riddell - did you have a good sleep?12:21
RiddellHobbsee_away: yes, wonderful thanks12:22
=== Hobbsee_away will be back in a bit
=== Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey again kwwii 12:51
kwwiihowdy Hobsee12:51
=== Hobbsee kicks kwwii and advises him to use tab completion :P
Riddellmorning kwwii, brainwashing ceremony go ok?12:53
kwwiilol, sorry12:53
kwwiiRiddell: yeah, but it was really stressy12:53
kwwiiRiddell: I think they convinced him12:54
kwwiianyone here know which stand number the kubuntu stand at linuxtag is?12:57
LureRiddell: any define in KDE headers for byte-order (LSB/MSB)? I need to fix 23750 and need to know byte order (or platform at least)01:08
Lurebug 2375001:09
UbugtuMalone bug 23750 in kdeadmin knetworkconf "kcm_knetworkconfmodule: route: inverse byte order, like 1.x.168.192" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2375001:09
LureRiddell: I could use /usr/include/endian.h, but not sure how portable this is (probably just Linux) - do we care for other?01:15
LureRiddell: found it - Q_BYTE_ORDER is probably more portable01:22
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-251-243.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LeeJunFanRiddell: did you have a different cups to test still somewhere other than in repos for dapper? I can't print to PDF from konqueror currently.01:52
LeeJunFanRiddell: although I think it's actually GS that's the problem.01:52
HobbseeLeeJunFan: and Lure - Riddell is AFK01:54
OdyXDid the "Linux for human beings" disappeared from Ubuntu's communication yet ?02:27
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-212-144-129-015.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== robotgeek removes libqt3-mt
=== alleeHol [n=ach@dialin-212-144-129-156.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseerobotgeek: er, why?02:49
SimeRiddell: Guidance 0.6.6 is out ( http://www.simonzone.com/software/guidance/ )02:58
RiddellSime: excellent, does it fix the Apply issues?03:02
sebasNice logo: http://tweakers.net/reviews/623/2 ;-)03:12
Riddellsebas: yes, that has been pointed out before03:15
Riddellit's incase this whole giving away software at no cost thing fails, we can just close them down for trademark infringement :)03:15
=== alleeHol [n=ach@dialin-212-144-129-113.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lurefreeflying: around? can you try attached patch in bug 23750?03:26
UbugtuMalone bug 23750 in kdeadmin knetworkconf "kcm_knetworkconfmodule: route: inverse byte order, like 1.x.168.192" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2375003:26
Lureor anybody else that can build and test on PPC03:27
freeflyingLure: hi03:27
Lurefreeflying: hi03:27
freeflyingLure: need now ?03:28
Lurefreeflying: when it is fine with you - I just do not want to request upload before test as it has platform conditional code03:29
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freeflyingLure: ok, build it now03:30
sebasRiddell: Ah, always good to have at least one stable business model at hand ;-)03:31
freeflyingLure: building03:36
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Lurefreeflying: thanks!03:37
freeflyingLure: not at all  :)03:37
freeflyingLure: done, how can I give you 03:46
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freeflyingLure: works03:48
Lurefreeflying: great - and thanks again!03:56
freeflyingLure: or I upload the debdiff to LP?03:57
Lurefreeflying: I have still ono or two fixes I plan to include today, therefore I plan to send it by the end of day...03:57
freeflyingLure: okey03:57
freeflyingLure: you've tested beta2?03:58
Lurefreeflying: yep, LiveCD + Ubiquity install on my desktop - 03:58
Luresome minor glitches still, but it does not corrupt partition table for me anymore03:59
freeflyingLure: the text-installer fails to install grub for me 03:59
Lurefreeflying: interesting, but text installer is the same as in beta1 - they did not change the CD image...04:00
freeflyingLure: alpha, I've got feedbacks about this issue04:00
freeflyingLure: from alpha, I've got feedbacks about this issue04:01
SimeRiddell: Apply button issue. No, I haven't had enough time to go into systemsettings and work it out yet.04:21
SimeRiddell: I figured it would be a good idea not to sit on bug fixes too long now. => release.04:21
Riddellthat's 0.6.6 uploaded now04:22
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LureSime: while looking at systemsettings, can you explain bug 23818? it looks like network module does not shutdown on Show All05:06
UbugtuMalone bug 23818 in kde-systemsettings "When a page is unsaved, hitting show all, followed by "apply" to save settings results in the page being reloaded in the background, blocking you from using it again" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2381805:06
=== alleeHol [n=ach@dialin-212-144-130-073.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
SimeLure: I can't seem to reproduce the problem here.05:33
kmonkubuntu bittorrent for beta2 is a little bit slow05:34
SimeLure: What I can say is that tell networkconf to discard the changes, doesn't actually discard the changes.05:34
kmonat least for amd64 live cd :(05:34
SimeLure: BTW, clicking on Show All doesn't unload the modules. This is true (and OK).05:34
SimeLure: The older version of systemsetting unloaded modules and crashed things a lot.05:34
LureSime: ok, I thought that show all should unload it - then I need to fix Discard... :-(05:35
LureSime: maybe knetworkconf is counting on that it will be unloaded to actually Discard...05:36
SimeLure: It did, but it was very buggy.05:36
SimeLure: maybe.05:36
LureSime: thanks - at least I know what to look for now...05:36
SimeLure: BTW, if you run two instances of sys-settings...05:37
SimeLure: ...then you can't go to admin mode in networkconf for example, in both.05:37
SimeLure: You can't run the same module twice as root.05:38
LureSime: you cannot even open the network in second 05:38
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SimeLure: as the normal user you can. But going to admin mode wno't work.05:38
LureSime: networkconf does not allow it even for normal user (at least for me)05:38
SimeLure: oh... also as a normal user too...05:39
LureSime: but that is not a problem I think... not real-life use case IMHO05:39
SimeLure: no it is not a problem. But it might look like a bug to some people.05:40
SimeLure: actually the behaviour kind of is a good idea.05:40
LureSime: I think so - it does not make much sense to allow even for non-root to have two open at the same time05:41
SimeLure: you also stand a good chance of corrupting config files that way too.05:41
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LureSime: but if we change to that, then having module running after Show All does not make much sense as the other window will complain that it is already running even than you are now already in different module...05:45
SimeLure: maybe... The fact is that I tried to fix the old behaviour (unloading) and couldn't get it worked out so that things didn't crash all the time when click on Show All.05:46
LureSime: were crashes only with specific modules or in general? It may be easier to fix those modules that try to address side effects (even thought they are minor annoyances and not crashes)05:48
SimeLure: it got trick with the modules running as Admin. (i.e. as an external process).05:50
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Riddellsalut tonio06:36
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RiddellTonio_: seen the announcement about the ubuntu distro spec sprint?06:37
Tonio_just back from work :)06:37
Riddellword on the streets is that it's in paris06:37
Tonio_Riddell: url ?06:37
RiddellI don't actually have one06:37
Tonio_so you'll be in paris soon ? ^^06:38
Tonio_great, if you don't have a place to sleep, you can come at home, no pb, I have two rooms and leave alone since girlfriend is gone, so that's fine :)06:39
Tonio_I just saw compiz now works with aiglx06:39
Tonio_very interesting since aiglx is by far easier to integrate than xgl06:39
Tonio_anyone tested ?06:39
Tonio_Riddell: will the ubuntu spec sprint be opened to public ?06:41
RiddellTonio_: yes of course06:43
Tonio_Riddell: great, I'll be there, and that'll be my latest month in paris, since I'm leaving to orleans in july :)06:44
Riddell18th to 24th06:45
Riddelland just as a warning, these events are grueling long days of hard labour writing and discussing specs.  but occationally we have fun too :)06:46
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Tonio_Riddell: sounds very interesting, I'll be there, no pb ;)06:49
Tonio_salut mon raphinou06:49
Riddellah, raphink, up for long Parisian nights of fun and joy?06:49
raphinkRiddell: my bets friend is here for a few days06:50
raphinkso I spend quite a lot of time with her as it happens very very few06:50
Riddellgood, bring him too06:50
tomagoing to bed at 2am does not improve productivity during the next work day...06:50
raphinksalut Tonio_06:50
Riddell18th to 24th June, Paris06:50
raphinkRiddell: what's going on there at that time?06:51
Riddellraphink: ubuntu distro spec sprint!06:51
raphinkoh great :)06:51
raphinkin Paris ?06:51
raphink:D :D06:51
Riddelloui oui06:51
freeflying-ibookRiddell: after that will be a i18n conference?06:51
Riddellfreeflying-ibook: no idea, I've not heard of one06:51
raphinkthat's great :)06:51
raphinkthanks for the news Riddell06:52
jpatrickRiddell: any idea what my issue is now: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/68727606:52
Riddellwith all our great French contributors we should have a good kubuntu showing :)06:52
=== toma wonders what a distro spec sprint is, but will not ask that, because that will show that i dont know it.
Riddell/bin/sed: can't read /usr/lib/libkeximain.la: No such file or directory06:52
freeflying-ibookRiddell: heard from mvo :)06:52
Riddelljpatrick: your issue is that libtool is evil06:52
raphinktoma: it's when you gather for a few days to talk about what is gonna be done in the next version of the distro06:52
Riddelljpatrick: maybe I need to include that file in koffice-dev06:53
jpatrickor, should I just dep on kexi ?06:53
tomaraphink: ow, ok, but 4 days?06:53
raphinktoma: sure06:53
raphinklots of work06:53
toma6 even06:53
raphinkto draft stuff and all06:53
Riddelljpatrick: if that file is in kext then yes06:54
raphinkso there's just to devel afterwards06:54
freeflying-ibookTonio_:  do you agree on include ktranslator in main?06:54
Tonio_freeflying-ibook: I wouldn't mine ;) but I don't decide06:54
Tonio_freeflying-ibook: I need to make an uvfe this WE06:54
Tonio_that's on my todo list06:54
freeflying-ibookTonio_: after all,you are the maintainer heh06:55
Tonio_freeflying-ibook: but honnestly, there are other tools I would like to see in main before ;)06:55
Tonio_like knetworkmanager or wlassistant.....06:55
Tonio_Riddell: we need to ping on that point, as main inclusion reports are now waiting for about a month06:56
RiddellTonio_: those are going to be promoted06:56
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Tonio_Riddell: nice, I saw kmplayer was in main already06:56
RiddellTonio_: they're been reviewed and will be promoted with the anistacia review this week06:56
Tonio_Riddell: perfect ;)06:56
Tonio_Riddell: I wanted to discuss with you about kmplayer06:56
freeflying-ibookTonio_:  then ktranslator :)06:57
Tonio_I'm a bit embarrassed with it06:57
RiddellTonio_: what's up with it?06:57
Tonio_streaming and konq plugin work fine, but to associate mms or rtsp protocols with it, you need the kmplayer standard package06:57
Riddelleven for konq plugin?06:58
Tonio_Riddell: yup06:58
Riddellwhy's that?06:58
Tonio_Riddell: sounds stupid, but that's it06:58
Tonio_Riddell: look for rtsp.protocol actually, it is associated with kaffeine, not the konq plugin06:58
Tonio_but then in konq, that allows the konq plugin06:58
Tonio_that means if we want a good kmplayer konqueror's integration, we have to ship the full kmplayer package, and I don't think we want 2 players in kubuntu06:59
Tonio_Riddell: I was siggesting to investigate and atalk kaffeine upstream about those konqueror crashing07:00
Riddellthere must be a way to have it working without kmplayer proper07:00
Tonio_Riddell: that should and could be fixed I think07:00
Riddellit should be but kaffeine has always crashed and I don't see it being fixed any time soon07:00
Tonio_Riddell: concerning protocols integration, I searched without success07:00
tomadid you talk to Koos Vriesen?07:00
Tonio_toma: nope, but we should ;)07:01
tomahe is very friendly and replies pretty fast....07:01
Tonio_toma: the problem is in fact that using 2 players makes it complicated for the configuration, and none of them is "the perfect player" :)07:01
Tonio_toma: I will send him an email07:01
Tonio_toma: the real problem is those crashes of konq when kaffeine is used.... if that's fixed, we don't need kmplayer at all07:02
jpatrickRiddell: you're right, libtool is evil07:02
tomaTonio_: is there a valid backtrace / bug upstream?07:03
Riddelljpatrick: I'm compliling koffice to see if it generates that file, but it'll take an hour or two07:03
Tonio_toma: so many ;)07:03
tomaTonio_: oki07:03
Tonio_toma: every kaffeine user is complaning about that konqueror integration07:04
Tonio_toma: let me search a bit on launchpad07:04
jpatrickshould be in kexi....07:04
tomaTonio_: hmm, just asking ;-) I have no intend to hack on it ;-)07:04
Tonio_toma: is your latest packaged version more stable concerning konqueror ?07:04
tomaTonio_: i'm a happy kmplayer user07:04
Tonio_toma: I too, but the standalone player is not as good as kaffeine to me07:05
jpatrickRiddell: better put I can't find any *.la files from kexi07:05
tomaTonio_: It is sufficient for me07:06
Riddelljpatrick: quite possibly they're just not included in koffice-dev07:06
jpatrickwas in Breezy's kexi^07:07
Tonio_jpatrick: if you like simple things, you should have a look to codeine07:08
Tonio_it is VERY nice, and very stable too07:08
jpatrickTonio_: i will look at that07:08
Tonio_could have ben an option for kubuntu too since it wasn't only xine compatible07:08
tomabut the maintainer does not respond to mails07:08
jpatrickTonio_: Xine in KMPlayer has died here07:08
Tonio_oups, that was for toma ;) sorry jpatrick07:08
jpatrickTonio_: never mind07:09
Tonio_jpatrick: well, xine is supposed to work, but of course kmplayer is optimised with mplayer07:09
tomaTonio_: i know the app, i wrote a patch for media support for it, but never received a reply from upstream.07:09
=== Tonio_ dreams of a QT gui for vlc
Tonio_toma: it is possibly discontinued07:10
=== toma dreams of a QT gui for kino and will probably start to write it
Tonio_toma: where is your latest kaffeine package available for tests plz ?07:10
Tonio_toma: that wouls be nice too ;)07:10
=== Tonio_ dreams that gnome switches to QT ;)
Tonio_that would help much hihi07:11
jpatrickTonio_: codeine does have xine support07:13
Tonio_jpatrick: yes, but xine only, so as the future seems to be gstreamer for ubuntu, that's not a good choice for us ;)07:14
jpatrickTonio_: I've always prefered Xine07:15
Tonio_jpatrick: yes, gstreamer isn't mature enough for the moment07:16
jpatrickTonio_: and it just works here: http://img131.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot41jg.png07:16
Tonio_jpatrick: yes codeine is the kind of applications that "just work"07:17
Tonio_2 buttons and never crashes07:17
jpatrickand a process bar07:17
ParkotronPersonally, I think Kaffeine is the nicest, most balanced media player I've ever used. It just crashes way to often and has way to many toolbars turned on by default.07:22
Tonio_I'm testing the latest debian packaged version07:23
Tonio_all patches have been removed, so maybe that as something to see with stability07:23
jpatrickI'm off, to buy some guitar strings... later07:26
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Tonio_Riddell: bad news for kaffeine... from upstream : If you're a talking about the crash after leaving the embedded player: Thats a problem with some x-server versions and can not be fixed08:47
Tonio_Riddell: KMplayer runs a xine instance in another process then blits the image to the KApplication. This is less efficient, but at least avoids the crash08:51
Tonio_so we may never found a solution to the issue unfortunately08:52
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Tonio_Riddell: latest kwlan just released, interested in testing it ?08:56
Tonio_as it works with wpa, could be better than wlassistant as default if not bugging08:56
Riddellhmm, probably too late to change wifi manager again08:58
Riddelluniq: what did you do to confirm bug 41720?08:59
UbugtuMalone bug 41720 in kdebase kdm "In dapper, kdm should depend on kubuntu-default-settings or have a different default theme" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4172008:59
LureTonio_: test package of kwlan would be nice09:00
Tonio_Lure: I'm just doing it09:01
Tonio_Lure: I don't have my laptop actually, interested to test it ?09:01
LureTonio_: knm with new icons and some bugfixes were released with SuSE RC3 today09:01
Tonio_Riddell: hum..... since wlassistant isn't in main yet...09:01
LureTonio_: it also includes different solution for disabling notification as the patch from \sh09:02
Tonio_Lure: nice, but requires an ufve09:02
Tonio_Riddell: anywa, could be interesting having kwlan in universe in any case ;)09:02
LureTonio_: I would prefer test binaries first to see if it is worth to ask for UVFe or we wait for next release09:03
LureRiddell: I heard there will be flight 7 - when is this planned?09:03
Tonio_Lure: can you get the tarball while I'm packaging kwlan ?09:03
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A6406E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjessewhy not just use knetworkmanager?09:04
LureTonio_: I am busy testing knetworkconf fixes, but when done I can look into this09:04
jjessei love it09:04
Tonio_Lure: no pb ;)09:04
=== pradeepto [n=pradeept@dialpool-210-214-12-55.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_jjesse: hum, hard to install by default at the moment, since network-manager has a few limitations09:05
Lurejjesse: problem is that when knm does not work it is hard to debug and help people09:05
Lurejjesse: wlassistant and kwlan are simplier (manual) and therefore easier to support out of box09:05
Tonio_like dhcp only....09:05
jjesseoh thanks guys :)  i love the fact that when i go home or travel to a different branch office i don't have to do a sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 it just detects the change and resolves automatically09:05
jjesseand then finding wireless connections is a piece of cake :)09:05
Lurejjesse: when it works it is really nice - and Keybuk&siretart are working on nailing down the bugs so it my get to very decent state before release09:07
jjesseLure: cool to know, but it's got my vote :)09:07
yuriyTonio_: does it say what x-server versions it has a problem with? and if it is an x-server problem, why not fix THAT problem as opposed to just never resolving the issue09:11
yuriyParkotron: have you tried 0.8.1?09:13
Tonio_yuriy: well, if you feel able to fix this ;)09:13
yuriyTonio_: just saying never say never ;)09:14
yuriyas well as, has this issue been reported to the X developers/whatever they use for bug tracking09:15
Tonio_yuriy: hehe sure :)09:16
uniqriddell: i removed kubuntu-default-settings. and restarted kdm.09:22
Riddellhmm, there should be a script to turn off themes in that case09:22
uniqI'll check again.09:23
Riddellit may well not work of course, check for output from dpkg09:23
uniqI may have edited some configs manually at some time too. I'll double check.09:24
yuriyjjesse: I recall someone (Riddell?) mentioning that KsCD was unmaintained.  otherwise i agree #30809 needs a look.  I'll try the use digital playback thing now.09:27
jjesseyuriy: maybe KsCD just needs to be for digital playback by default?09:27
yuriyjjesse: ok well i do get your error in kaffeine09:28
jjesseyuriy: before or after using the digital playback?09:28
yuriybefore. trying now.09:28
Parkotronyuriy: Yes, briefly. And I did notice some improvements. However, I still do most all of my video watching in my Breezy installation, so I haven't really put it to the test.09:28
LureRiddell, raphink: sent you debdiff for two knetworkconf fixes - if you have time please review & upload09:30
uniqriddell: you're right. It works for me too, with the default kdmrc.09:30
Riddelluniq: cool09:31
RiddellLure: cooler09:31
yuriyjjesse: enabling "use digital playback" made the audio work in KsCD but didn't affect kaffeine09:32
=== Lure thinks he is done with major issues on knetworkconf and will do some fun stuff now ;-)
yuriybtw, I had no problems at all playing audio cd's with kaffeine 0.8.109:33
uniqriddell: did we have kubuntu-default-settings as dep on kdm before breezy? I think i remember we removed it. Silly me, wanting to re-add it :)09:34
yuriyjjesse: my drop down menu is also empty, but if i put in /dev/hdc it plays09:34
jjesseyuriy: wierd will have to look at kaffiene again for me09:34
Riddelluniq: yes, in breezy it was asasasasas09:35
uniqI'll delete the patch and forget i ever suggested re-adding that dependency :] 09:35
uniqwell, gtg. later kubuntuers.09:37
jpatrickkubuntuero, I think it is09:46
yuriyjjesse: in kaffeine>settings>xine engine parameters>media the first thing there is the audio cd location. so it should at least be in that drop down menu, though it should really just be detecting the cd automatically. maybe it's not reading that setting?09:54
yuriyjjesse: if i go to file>recently played the first thing there is cdda:/1, if i click on that xine says "No plugin found to handle this resource (cdda:/1)", maybe that's what's happening when you put in the CD in the first place, so maybe it's another KIO problem09:59
yuriyor is cdda:/ a xine thing, not a KDE io? i've never seen it before.09:59
yuriyjjesse: no bugs filed on this on malone or kde, so probably a new-ish kubuntu problem or something else wrong on my (our?) systems10:02
LureTonio_: I am looking debian svn for knm: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-utopia/packages/unstable/knetworkmanager/?rev=0&sc=010:07
Luresee latest changelog: they have fixed knetworkmanager package by just doing Provides: - should we do the same?10:08
jjesseyuriy: i think we need to file a bug10:08
OdyXydOBye all. Nice week-end!10:08
yuriyjjesse: typing it up already :)10:09
yuriyjjesse: #4196210:25
uniqany thoughs on #32350 ? I've added a link to a proposed patch to add the shortcut.10:33
Tonio_Lure: I'm forgetting the idea of kwlan, sources are crappy........10:35
LureTonio_: I have read the kdeapps.org and it does not sound ready for test yet...10:36
Tonio_Lure: yes10:36
Tonio_seems like it could be nice to simply merge the debian package for knm if it works nicelly10:37
Tonio_I'm gonna package it10:37
LureTonio_: that would be great - will you take knm sources from SVN or from their src.rpm?10:38
Tonio_Lure: svn10:38
RiddellLure: does provides mean that you can do an   apt-get install knetworkmanager?10:39
=== Riddell isn't sure
LureRiddell: not sure either - but for sure apt-cache search finds it at least10:40
Tonio_Riddell: I changed the package10:41
Tonio_you can now apt-get install knetworkmanager10:41
Tonio_network-manager-kde is just a metapackage for naming convention10:41
LureTonio_: true, but we then have n-m-kde also - mbiebl in debian just used Provides: knetworkmanager 10:42
Tonio_so that you can install both ways10:42
Tonio_Lure: I can change that10:42
LureTonio_: we should try if Provides is enough for apt-get install to actuall install, otheriwse I think we should stick with your solution10:43
Tonio_Lure: what do you mean by "provides" ?10:44
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LureTonio_: ^^^10:45
\shhmmm...since when is changing tabs in konversation not working?10:46
Tonio_\sh: 2 days, I did a fix for k-d-s10:46
Tonio_but raphink didn't upload10:46
\shah :)10:47
Tonio_\sh: you can use secondary option : ctrl + page up/down10:47
\shtoo gnomish :)10:47
Tonio_Lure: that's not a response ;)10:48
LureTonio_: Provides means that the package also provides that package 10:48
Tonio_Lure: even though it can sound stupid, that was a real question :) I didn't understood your previous phrase10:48
uniqexplains Provides:10:49
Lureuniq: thank you10:49
Tonio_Lure: well, I don't see the point, install network-manager-kde, and you'll get knetworkmanager10:49
Tonio_so you can just install knetworkmanager, that will just avoid installing a metapackage :)10:49
uniqit's used for mail-transport-agent and similar.10:51
LureTonio_: question is: if there is no real knetworkmanager package (just n-m-kde + Provides:knm), does apt-get install knetworkmanager work or not (to fullfl \sh requirement)10:51
Tonio_Lure: yes I see10:52
\shthis will work10:52
\shwith the provide, but knetworkmanager should be the real name...and not n-m-k, because nobody will find it10:52
Tonio_\sh: yes, but will apt-cache search be able to find both ?10:53
LureTonio_: yes10:53
Tonio_Lure: that sounds nice10:53
LureTonio_: try apt-cache search powernowd10:54
Lure(powersaved Provides/Conflicts/Replaces powernowd)10:54
\shthe perfekt solution would be: if kubuntu-desktop then apt-get install network-manager installs knetworkmanager10:54
Tonio_yes I see10:54
\shif not, only n-m-g10:55
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\shby the way...the knetworkmanager implemented my idea with a different (easier) approach....10:55
Tonio_\sh: is it possible to make conditionnal dependancies ?10:55
\shso, this fix should be in the kde-svn...i'll check tomorrow if I can backport the patch10:56
LureTonio_: I think you can say x || y10:56
Lure\sh: Tonio_ will pull svn now and prepare a test package for consideration10:56
\shthat's not conditional....conditional would be to react if something is defined10:56
Lureif it will look good, we will do UVFe10:56
Tonio_Lure: yes you can x||y10:57
Lurethere are new icons I would like to see.. ;-)10:57
Tonio_but I don't see how can \sh proposal be done10:57
Tonio_if kubuntu-desktop then network-manager installs knetworkmanager10:57
\shnever....or in deb pkg format v99 :)10:58
LureTonio_: I am not sure if we need that: k-d depends (not yet ;-)) on n-m-kde (which provides knm) and thsi one depends on n-m10:58
Tonio_Lure: someone searching for network-manager will not find the kde component10:59
\shif k-d will be installed...10:59
Tonio_so maybe the Provides idea is the best10:59
LureTonio_: I thik Provides is good enough: you can search with network-manager or knetworkmanager and you will always find the right package: network-manager-kde11:00
\shthe idea is, that you have a meta package with determins the installed desktop style and installs the required frontend...it's more a packaging thing :) has nothing to do with the deps11:00
Lure\sh: ok, I thought that you know some deb magic ;-)11:01
\shpackage: knetworkmanager should provide network-manager-kde, not the other way around :)11:01
Tonio_\sh: ah, right ;)11:01
Lure\sh: why - I like n-m-kde as it is consitent with otker n-m packages11:01
LureI thought your concern was only about finding the right package11:02
Lureand I also do not wond to be to different to debian in this regard11:02
\shLure: to be honest, I don't know who decided to use the name, but the maintainer don't know who peoples brains are working11:02
\shtrue story: i didn't even know that there was a kde frontend for nm11:03
\shso I searched for knetworkmanager, never found it...11:03
Lure\sh: fyi, suse (=authors) also uses similar name for package networkmanager-kde - see http://ftp.opensuse.org/pub/opensuse/distribution/SL-OSS-factory/inst-source/suse/src/11:03
uniqnow that it's provided by a package you will find the package that provides it in the search.11:03
LureNetworkManager-kde actually11:04
\shso, the normal plain user is searching the name of the application, he/she won't search for anything else..so the package should be named like the application and can provide a "namespace" which is shared between similar packages...I mean: mail-transport-agent and you have to choose between exim, postfix etc. the ideal way would be: install network-manager and decide what frontend you want to have, or the package determines the frontend b11:06
\shand I'm just an old lazy fart and did: apt-get install knetworkmanager and got nothing :)11:06
uniqcorrect. but if only one package provides mail-transoport-agent it's installed automatically.11:07
\shright, but we have at least 11:07
\shshermann@toshiba-laptop:~$ apt-cache search mail-transport-agent|wc -l11:07
uniqYou will get 'Note, selecting [package that provides]  instead of [package] 11:07
uniqnot for network-manager.11:08
\shalso correct....but when I write another frontend, or someone else will write a better gnomish one?11:08
\sh(now we will come to a philosophical discussion :))11:09
uniqthen you must write a fronted that works :)11:09
uniqBut I agree with you. The only reason for not doing it that way, is if debian does it the other way around.11:11
\shso the question is more: do we have better ideas to implement something more intelligent, or do we follow the geekish debian way? ;) (bash hit smash....I said jehova ;))11:13
uniqI don't have any better ideas.11:15
\shimproving the deb format...did you read d-d about the problems of meta-packages and the other approach of tasksel?11:16
Tonio_hum I'm a bit embarrassed with latest version concerning the versionning11:16
Tonio_the actual is 0.1~r503111:17
Tonio_I can't update with 0.99+svn0428200611:17
\shthat's a good thing for showing svn revisions...11:17
Tonio_\sh: what would you suggest ?11:17
Tonio_using revision number ?11:17
Tonio_\sh: revision number has now changes since knetworkmanager is in kde svn11:18
LureTonio_: I think ubuntu way is to use real version (0.1) and ~, while debian do not like ~, therefor they create 0.99 versions11:18
Tonio_yes but revision on kde svn is 53521911:18
Tonio_actual version is 593111:18
uniq\sh: no i don't follow debian-devel anymore, waay to little time for that. Do you have a link/search word to find it?11:19
LureTonio_: this is pain, since they moved from Timo's private svn to novell svn which have huge revision numbers...11:20
\shuniq: I think it was in the "Debian Light Desktop - meta package" thread...there were some nice remarks from joey about the problems / advantages of meta-packages and tasksel11:20
Luremaybe this is the reason why debian swittched to svn<date> as s > r11:21
\shI think i'll meet timo at linuxtag...11:21
Lurebut they use the wrong date to alow proper sort :-(11:21
Tonio_Lure: yes that's a pain....11:21
LureTonio_: but debin version is 0.09+0.1r527269-111:23
Tonio_Lure: we cannot use this too......11:23
Lurewhat if we switch to something like 0.1~svn-r527269?11:23
Tonio_well, I'm packaging and we'll decide the versioning later11:24
Tonio_Lure: that can do the job yes11:24
Lurethen when 0.1 will be out we go with standard 0.1-1ubuntu1?11:24
=== toma is now known as toma_
\shor 0ubuntu111:26
\shnot 1ubuntu011:26
\shjust came home from karlsruhe11:27
\shlooks like i'm too tired11:27
Tonio_that's what I'm currently doing11:27
Tonio_and, Lure, I LOVE the new icons ;)11:27
Tonio_I would update only for this :)11:27
LureTonio_: ok... 11:27
=== Lure would like to see new icons
\shuniq: sorry...it wasn't the debian light thread it was utnubu-desktop thread11:28
Tonio_Lure: what did you told me about \sh patches, is it obsolete ?11:28
Tonio_just to avoid spending time on looking the code :)11:28
LureTonio_: they added configure notifications which whould be more generic11:28
Luredrob \sh patch and you will see if you have new stuff in menu11:29
Tonio_Lure: yes, doing this11:29
\shthey implemented configure notifications..which is the easier approach and more likely to fit in knms design..without having a real kconfig section11:31
Lure\sh: so it will fix bug 41051?11:32
UbugtuMalone bug 41051 in knetworkmanager "Setting of "Disable New Network Notifications" is not persistent" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4105111:32
Tonio_Lure: what about po folders etc ? I don't have them on kde svn, should I grab novell svn instead ?11:33
\shi didn't have the time to test the svn version...timo informed me about the patch last wednesday, dunno,11:33
Tonio_I must say I'm a bit lost, since there svn everywhere containing knetworkmanager components :)11:33
\shLure: but when this notification stuff is global, it should have a kconfig section attached and should fix the bug yes11:33
LureTonio_: interesting - I think there is only kde svn... novell svn was never public (just Timo had it's own AFAIK)11:34
Tonio_Lure: so we don't have po files anymore, and I assume translations will go in kde i18n11:34
\sh> btw, the repository for knetworkmanager, it's now in svn.kde.org or in 11:34
\sh> novells svn?11:34
\shIst inzwischen svn.kde.org. Die Lokalisierungsdateien muessen wir nur11:34
\shnoch umziehen bzw. mergen. Wird irgendwann nach dem Release von SL10.111:34
Tonio_good for the future, but that's an issue actually11:34
\shtimo wrote, that the localizations are not in the kde svn right now, they have to move it from novells svn11:35
\shthis will happen after Suse Linux 10.111:35
LureTonio_: we can get them from src.rpm...11:35
Tonio_Lure: yes11:35
Tonio_Lure: do you know how to grab this ?11:35
Tonio_\sh: k-d-s just uploaded so that you'll get your tab switching back in a few hours11:36
LureNetworkManager-kde, then extract tar11:36
Tonio_Lure: thanks11:36
LureTonio_: this is how I got tar last time11:36
\shTonio_: I'm just following up my unread emails... 8304 emails still to read :)11:37
Lure\sh: s/to read/to delete/ and you will be quicker ;-)11:37
Tonio_\sh: ^^ be brave my friend !!!!11:38
\shdid anybody work on the new sip/pyqt/pykde packages, I posted the announcement this week to k-d@l.u.c11:38
Lure\sh: I do not think so...11:38
\shif not, I'll prepare some packages tomorrow and someone can upload them11:38
\shraphink as I speak ;)11:39
\shor Riddell11:39
\shraphink: hey :) how are you doing? :)11:41
raphinkgood thanks11:41
raphinka bit exhausted but I'm good :)11:41
\shraphink: but ready to drink a lot with amu and me while attending linuxtag? ;)11:43
raphink\sh: I'm not a great drinker by principle11:43
kwwiiI will drink you all under the table!11:43
raphinkit's against my moral views11:44
=== hunger wonders whether he will make it to linuxtag.
raphinkbut I can join you for a few beers11:44
kwwiisorry raphink :-)11:44
\shraphink: lol..to be honest..amu and I drank yesterday evening two beer and we were finished for the evening....11:44
raphinkhaha :)11:45
raphinkok I can do that too :)11:45
\shcool..hobbsee got upload rights? :)11:47
Tonio_\sh: do you know a simple and easy way to extract datas from an rpm file ?11:50
Tonio_instead of alien the file and extracting from the deb ?11:50
\shrpm -Uvh <source package> ; cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES11:51
LureTonio_: alien *.src.rpm and then dpkg-deb -x11:51
LureI can send you the pakcage11:51
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uniqyou can use rpm2cpio11:52
Tonio_Lure: I have it that's nice :)11:52
Lurebut \sh is right - you can use rpm directly (and not alien)11:52
Tonio_I just wanted a "without alien" method :)11:52
\shi think it's the best solution :) with direct rpm...I don't trust alien11:53
\sh.oO( i don't trust rpms as well, since someone invented not standard compliant update-rpm packages)11:54
ajmitch_morning \sh 11:54
\shhey ajmitch_11:54
uniq'rpm2cpio file.rpm|cpio -iumd' :] 11:55
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uniqgoing to bed. nite.11:55
\shgood night uniq11:59
raphinkLure: it's not usual to fix your previous changelog entries in the new upload but ok ...12:00
crimsun(sure you can, particularly if there are CVEs or grevious errors)12:01
Lureraphink: I know - it was late that day, so I even did not type my e-mail correctly... ;-)12:01
raphinkLure: it's ok ;)12:01
raphinksure crimsun :)12:01
\shok....going to bed as well...need some sleep...12:03

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