=== kimo [n=ahmed@] has joined #ubuntu-ports [10:16] Hi, is there any guide on installing (better dual booting) ubuntu on sparc?? === Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu-ports === Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has left #ubuntu-ports ["Konversation] [10:23] kimo: not really.. just install :) [10:26] u're the kernel guy, right [10:26] no [10:27] i am the sparc guy [10:27] I just heard fabbione "head of ubuntu kernel team" or somthing like that! [10:27] that was a release ago [10:27] wow, does it change that fast! [10:27] yes [10:27] it was 6 months ago [10:28] things change fast [10:28] well, it still is a pleasure talking to you ;) [10:28] :) [10:28] so, if I want to install ubuntu on a sparc machine ... there are zero docs ? [10:28] I am *very* well experienced with Linux [10:29] but very new to sparc machines & solaris [10:29] kimo: i usually suggest netboot/netinstall [10:29] that means rarpd+tftpd [10:29] oops, that's the shit I know nothing about right? [10:29] the same docs you find for debian or any other distro are valid for ubuntu [10:29] there is no real difference [10:30] I use boot.img to 'netboot' ? [10:30] hmm yes === kimo searching for debian docs [10:30] so how good/stable is ubuntu on sparc? [10:30] http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ [10:31] these should be fairly up-to-date [10:31] thnx a million [10:33] np [10:53] I will probably be installing on a (ultra10 machine, not sure of the name though). Does hardware drivers come with the system? [10:53] yes there are no binary/proprietary drivers for sparc [10:53] only for one scsi controller and one gfx you need the firmware [10:54] but it's not U10 business :) [10:54] u10 should work out of the box [10:55] who writes these drivers! [10:55] regular Linux hackers [10:55] or with help from Sun [10:55] regular Linux hackers <- [10:56] incredible! [10:57] Since Linux has an army of devs, this kinda makes sense, but I don't understand how solaris x86 also manages to write drivers for 'PC' hardware! [10:57] I mean Solarisx86 has only been about for a few years [10:58] SUN has money... [10:58] anyway i am heading to sleep [10:58] good night [10:58] thanks a lot man ... [10:58] I am really honored