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LeeJunFanwell that was nice. Google just crawled my laptop, found 2 movies in my ~/junfan path on apache and swamped my bandwidth for about 40 mins. What I want to know is how the hell they even knew there was a ~/junfan on my system.12:03
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pyrobobquick question12:12
pyrobobwhen I try to install superkaramba (via ./configure) I get alot of crap about the C compiler cannot create executable12:12
pyrobobhow do I fix that?12:13
eosyninstall gcc12:14
eosynsuperkaramba came with my system or was in adept12:14
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eosynsome of superkaramba's plugins like to pork my box12:15
pyrobobI tried downloading it through adept, but i don't like that version12:15
pyrobobim trying to istall an older version12:15
pyrobobbut I would still need to fix that problem for later installs12:16
pyrobobeven if I can't get superkaramba working right12:16
pyrobobany ideas?12:16
pyrobob... so am I just wasting my time asking?12:18
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apricotxubuntu is not bad.12:30
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MEtaLpREsso i have a 512mb napster mp3 player and i used to work in kubuntu, just plug it in and it would pop up and i could drop file onto it, but now it pops up and only 1 folder is available and i cant even see the other folders12:35
MEtaLpREsany ideas how to make all the other folders visable?12:35
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sikor_sxesince i upgrade to dapper i experience system crashes, is there a way to find out what causes them?12:46
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stefan__try dmsg12:48
squilladmsg | less is better12:49
stefan__yes ;)12:49
sikor_sxedmesg shows stuff since boot, right?12:50
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stefan__i don't know.12:50
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Riddellaseigo: pong01:00
Drakesondo we have rubygems here?01:05
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jeff__hey guys01:10
jeff__any kmplayer users in the house?01:10
jeff__know how to get it out of minimal mode?01:11
Drakesonminimal mode?01:12
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jeff__yeah, i clicked minimal mode in kmplayer01:13
jeff__and i cant get it out of minimal mode because the buttons gone :-/01:13
Drakesonright click doesn't do anything?01:14
befordhey, i was using ubuntu (gnome) 5.10, i just did an apt-get dist-upgrade, and installed kubuntu-desktop, i used kdm too, but once i login in the box, it starts gnome, and not kde, any ideas?01:14
jeff__no :(01:14
jeff__you have to select kde as the session before you click login01:14
jeff__then it will ask if you want to make it default01:14
befordi didnt see that in the login screen01:14
befordlet me check again01:14
Drakesonjeff__: must be shortcut key try some keys on the keyboard ;)01:15
jeff__i am >.>01:15
jeff__oh there we go01:16
jeff__you guys should try kmplayer, its a pretty zippy little app01:16
jeff__plays everything01:16
jeff__with style01:16
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beforddamn, they need to make the "menu" button a litle bigger, thanks jeff__01:18
roniezhm.. where can i get kmplayer?01:23
roniezmy apt-get cant find kmplayer.01:23
DrakesonI think you have to grab the source and compile it01:24
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jeff__no no01:27
jeff__i got it with the add/remove dealy01:27
jeff__click the checkmark beside unsupported and the one beside proprietary01:27
Wikipedia-Gast49jeff sucks01:27
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HowcomesWhats a good FXP Client for Linux?01:30
Wikipedia-Gast49howcomes sucks01:30
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HowcomesThere ARE legitimate uses of Site to Site transfers you know01:31
Wikipedia-Gast49howcomes sucks01:31
HowcomesWikipedia-Gast49 sucks01:31
Wikipedia-Gast49ou suck01:31
crimsunquit it.01:31
HowcomesWikipedia-Gast49 sucks01:31
Wikipedia-Gast49crimsun sucks01:31
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Wikipedia-Gast49howcomes sucks01:32
crimsunI what?01:32
HowcomesWikipedia-Gast49 sucks01:32
HowcomesI think he said you suck crimsun, ive got the logs to prove it01:32
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_nyn_i just opened kmail, findind it strange that no mail had arrived, only to find out that my inbox, all folders actually, were empty.01:38
_nyn_there used to be hundreds of messages there01:38
_nyn_closed kmail, reopened again01:38
_nyn_the previous number of messages appeared, but only for one second, then it all vanished01:39
_nyn_checked the size of .kde directory, and it was tiny01:39
_nyn_anything i could do? any ideas?01:39
_nyn_my latest backup was many months old, as i'm currently having a problem with my local network, where i store backups01:40
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_nyn_contacts are still there01:43
_nyn_thanks a lot!01:46
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andre_How do I stop the updater from upgrading mplayer?  I built my own and it wants to reinstall it again.01:59
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visik7hold it02:00
andre_visik7: How?02:00
visik7echo "pakagename hold" | dpkg --set-selections02:00
mrfishhatkan(some kde humor)  i get some help with some network related issues?02:00
visik7explain the problem don't ask for help02:01
mrfishhatwell no matter what i change the settings to02:01
andre_visik7: thanks, is there a way to do that using adept or adept_updater?02:01
visik7dunno probably02:02
mrfishhatas soon as i hit apply02:02
visik7I don't use GUI frontend for apt02:02
mrfishhatrevets back02:02
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Kadrani need to know how to make a partition to be auto mounted?02:18
RiddellKadran: use disk & filesystems in system settings02:19
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KadranRiddell: i have opened it but i didn't know how to mount a partition02:20
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RiddellKadran: add a new one, fill in the boxes including mount at boot and it will be mounted on next boot02:22
Riddellsudo mount -a  will do it as well02:23
KadranRiddell: thanks02:23
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Cilindradori have this huge problem concerning burned DVDs, which i cant read no matter what.  /// Data dvds w/ video files whose filesystem is iso9660+joliet are not accessed at all. /// I've documented the best i can @ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=963336 and would appreciate any help.02:27
steveklOpenoffice is trying to tell me that Britishness isn's a word02:31
steveklwell i'll show it!02:31
befordargh, i've just installed kubuntu-desktop over and i cant play my stuff with amarok :( xmms works, any ideas?02:32
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visik7beford: change backend02:34
visik7or add plugins to the backend u are using02:34
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at1asanyone using postfix and multiple alias_maps?02:43
at1asDo you have "newaliases" rehashing each configured alias_map correctly?02:43
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fyrmedicHow do I set the framerate for the fglrx driver?02:52
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maximus2000How can I program a button to pop up the kmenu? I think I need to use dcop for this correct?03:58
ablyssmaximus2000:  rightclick kemnu and select menu editor04:00
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steveklI'm sorry, Katapult sucks04:15
steveklit just does04:15
steveklfor various reasons04:15
steveklthey need to work on it more and then maybe it will be good04:15
steveklkopete used to suck and then they got it right04:15
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_bonhi i have been set the task of creating a file sever and was wondering if anyone one could save me some time tomorrow as what to do   - planing on kubuntu on the sever then there 3 hubs and about 8 computers with most xp on them and one mac and i would like the computers to update the sever when they shut down - any help would be good04:21
mrfishhatstevekl: what do you use instead of katapult?04:22
steveklmrfishhat: alt-f2 I guess. I'm still coming up with alternatives04:22
steveklall I know is that I don't like katapult or the way it works heh04:22
dum hi how do i identify myself on freenode?04:23
mrfishhatstevekl: i see, personally i dont mind it.04:23
steveklWell i dont mind its presence because it stays in the background04:23
=== CheeseBurgerMan uses Katapult all the time. :)
steveklI just think it could be improved04:23
steveklI don't disable it or anything04:23
CheeseBurgerManHow so?04:23
CheeseBurgerManThe improvment that is, not the disabling part. :P04:24
steveklWell I can't get its 'program catalog' to include things like kcontrol and other stuff04:24
steveklit only seems to want to launch specific things04:24
CheeseBurgerManIt launches stuff in the K Menu04:24
steveklSo I have to add it to the kmenu04:25
CheeseBurgerManYeah, that will work.04:25
CheeseBurgerManI've done it. :)04:25
steveklCan't I just get it to read all the programs in my $PATH?04:26
=== CheeseBurgerMan wonders if that's what unchecking 'ignore terminal applications' would do. :)
CheeseBurgerManApparently not.04:27
steveklyeah I tried that04:27
CheeseBurgerManDoesn't look like there is a way.04:28
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steveklWell I didn't know I had to add to the kmenu04:29
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CheeseBurgerMankmenuedit from a console04:29
CheeseBurgerManHmm, the katapult in the repos is 3 versions behind. :o04:31
steveklAm I the only KDE user who doesn't use adept? :o04:31
=== CheeseBurgerMan uses apt :)
steveklon the forums everyone's like "use adept blah blah"04:32
steveklI just use apt-get and stuff04:32
steveklit's easy enough04:32
SeantaterI use apt get so much I made aliases for each command that apt takes04:32
steveklI think it's funny how there's threads that say "In order to install xyz, open adept and blahblah"04:32
steveklWouldn't it be easier to just say04:32
CheeseBurgerManI usually tell people to use 'sudo apt-get blah' (and other command line tools) because it's easier than describing the GUI04:32
Seantaterinst for install rmv for remove upd for update04:32
stevekl"In order to install xyz, type 'sudo apt-get install xyz'04:32
steveklor am I missing something about adept04:32
SeantaterMost places say sudo apt blah blah blah now..04:33
Seantaterat least that I know of04:33
CheeseBurgerManSeantater: Probably because it's easier, and more universal. :)04:33
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: that's why I use it04:33
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: but for me personally, I just cannot stand how slow adept filters when I know exactly what I want to install04:34
CheeseBurgerManYeah, I know it.04:34
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: ever use apt-cache search04:34
CheeseBurgerManAll the time.04:34
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: same here -- I just wish it was more tabbed and easier to read04:35
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SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: but I bet that could be arranged04:35
CheeseBurgerManDoesn't bother me, but when I'm searching I'm usually searching for a fairly specific package.04:35
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: yes, but when I look up xine -- I have to look through 2^32 results!04:36
CheeseBurgerManlol, yeah04:36
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: I bet you could have colors, tabs, order of relevancy, etc..04:38
CheeseBurgerManEver used aptitude?04:38
Seantaterno -- is it different>04:38
CheeseBurgerManyeah, run it and see. :)04:38
=== CheeseBurgerMan just ran it for the first time. :P
Seantaterit suggest 1 removal 3 keep and an upgrade, but apt does not say the same thing?04:40
Seantaterit says 4 are broken04:40
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Seantaterapt does not agree04:41
CheeseBurgerManTrust apt. :P04:41
SeantaterI do04:41
_deuxis there a way to move from Breezy to Dapper without reinstalling ?04:41
SeantaterWonder what would cause that..04:41
Seantater_deux: yes04:41
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades .04:41
_deuxOK thanks04:42
CheeseBurgerManDoes upgrading to Dapper still break the system?04:42
Seantater_deux: read the second part of what ubotu just said04:42
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: no, to my knowledge, it never did04:42
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: it's really easy04:42
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Seantaterkubuntu_rocks: I aggree with your nick04:43
CheeseBurgerManWell, I've from that several people that upgrading to Dapper flight 6 broke the system.04:43
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: that was an x issue04:43
kubuntu_rocksSeantater: ya i agree just this latest beta 2 sucks ass04:43
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: just read the dapper forums for recent problems befre upgrading04:44
kubuntu_rocksSeantater: I installed it from scratch from a cd and it didn't even prompt me to create a user04:44
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: is nothing/not reporting common problems, go for it!04:44
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Seantaterkubuntu_rocks: hum -- that does not sound good04:44
CheeseBurgerManSeantater: Kubuntu is my main OS, I'd rather not use non-stable builds.04:45
CheeseBurgerManAnyway, when I tried the Live CD I couldn't get my wireless card on.04:45
kubuntu_rocksSeantater: i didn't mind i created my own user and started kde and did an upgrade so the issues should be fixed.. i just have to reboot to make sure04:45
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: To me, it's as stable as breezy, but wait a month and it will be even better..04:45
kubuntu_rocksSeantater: i agree04:46
kubuntu_rocksfew little minor issues i've found.. other than that its good04:46
CheeseBurgerManLike I said, I couldn't get my wireless card on, that was a deal breaker. :P04:46
kubuntu_rocksCheeseBurgerMan: what card do you use?04:46
_deuxI think I'm good now :) thanks04:46
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Seantaterkubuntu_rocks: but breezy had more problems in the clock than dapper has altogether04:46
CheeseBurgerMankubuntu_rocks: It's a broadcom, I'm not sure which one exatly04:46
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: the model makes a difference..04:47
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan:  I;m 98% sure mine is broadcom wireless 4318..04:47
kubuntu_rockstotally.. broadcoms arent that good anyways i've found04:48
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan:  I have not tried kubuntu, but pclinux can use it, but as a beta, pclinux is quite unstable..04:48
CheeseBurgerManWhichever one I have is natively detected by Kubuntu.04:48
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: the reason I have not tried kubuntu is beacuse I don;t want to somehow destroy the month's work it took..04:49
Seantaterfour people left recently..04:49
SeantaterI think my breath is bad..04:49
CheeseBurgerManAnyone here on amd64 and wanting the latest version of katapult?04:50
CheeseBurgerManThat would be a "No"04:52
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: not really04:53
CheeseBurgerManSo I saw. ;)04:53
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: how do I use katapult anyway?04:53
Seantaterand from there?04:53
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Seantaterlooks neat..04:54
CheeseBurgerManthen type in the name of the program04:54
CheeseBurgerManOr file/folder in your home dir04:54
CheeseBurgerManThen press enter (if you couldn't guess)04:54
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Seantaterfiles in / work too04:55
CheeseBurgerManin /?04:55
CheeseBurgerManI know they do in your home folder04:55
Seantateroops -- only tmp04:55
Seantaternothing else04:55
Seantateroh -- nevermind, tmp's in my ~..04:56
CheeseBurgerManIt does your Amaork library too, but seems to only do it while Amarok is running. :\04:56
Seantateryou're right04:56
Seantaterokay - I'll try it04:56
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CheeseBurgerManStill, that and YaKuake are a couple of my favorite apps. :)04:57
Seantatersee ya later04:57
SeantaterCheeseBurgerMan: mine too04:57
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fatejudgerwhat's the best way to extract an iso in Kubuntu?05:00
Kadranfatejudger: try kiso05:01
LorenzodHi, can somebody confirm if kaffeine actually works on current dapper?05:01
KadranLorenzod: i run movies in Kaffeine and it work fine05:02
fatejudgerKadran: I can't seem to extract it, only mount it05:02
LorenzodKadran: thanks.05:02
LeeJunFanLorenzod: there's very little I can't play with it.05:02
LeeJunFanLorenzod: of course you need the restricted mplayer codecs.05:03
Kadranfatejudger: i do mount iso images with kiso05:03
fatejudgerKadran: I don't want to mount it, I want to extract it05:03
fatejudgerKadran: I need to put it on my USB flash drive05:03
LorenzodLeeJunFan: I user kmplayer currently, as kaffeine hangs on start-up.05:03
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fatejudgerkmplayer is completely unusable for me05:04
fatejudgerneither xine, nor gstreamer work05:04
fatejudgerin kmplayer that is05:04
fatejudgerKaffeine works great though05:04
Lorenzodfatejudger: it works okay for me, as long as I use mplayer "engine".05:05
KadranLorenzod: i guess there was a problem with kaffeine and Xorg and when you upgrade both they work fine05:05
fatejudgerthat only works for music for me05:05
fatejudgerwhich isn't what I need it for05:05
LorenzodKadran: I see. I'm up-to-date though, and it still freezes.. :-(05:05
fatejudgerso no one knows of any program for Linux to extract an iso?05:05
Lorenzodfatejudger: what do you mean? You can always mount the iso..05:06
fatejudgerand then take the files off that way05:06
Kadranfatejudger: the only trick i know is to mount it first sorry :(05:06
fatejudgerI guess05:06
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LorenzodHm.. I just tried starting kaffeine again, but it still freezes. :-(05:07
LorenzodCould somebody try launching kaffeine from a terminal and summarizing what happens?05:08
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Lorenzodokay, thanks. Does kaffeine release your terminal after this?05:11
LorenzodOkay, thanks.05:12
LorenzodHm.. I wonder if I should purge/re-install xine..05:12
LorenzodI don't mind kmplayer really, but I don't like the way it handles the playlist..05:13
Lorenzodcodeine is nice in a way, but maybe a bit too simplistic..05:13
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fatejudgerme2win: I hate you05:20
me2winfatejudger: i <3 you05:20
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kevmanCan someone point me to a correct sources.list? Mine seems to not have what I need.05:42
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource05:42
CheeseBurgerManThere. :)05:42
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unpersonAnyone know how to get mozilla to use the mplayer plugin to play video rather than the xine plugin?05:50
unpersoner, rather than the *totem* plugin, I mean.05:50
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paulohi all!!! =)06:03
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GullyFoyleis there a firefox for amd64 in a repo somewhere?06:10
GullyFoylefirefox 1.5 that is06:10
me2winGullyFoyle: not sure06:12
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GullyFoylei feel left behind still using 1.0706:13
b-_-dhow big is min install06:14
b-_-dworking with mem drive :(06:14
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CheeseBurgerManGullyFoyle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:17
b-_-dforget it i will just try06:19
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stupendo44will ff1.5 ever be in the breezy repos?06:32
stupendo44why isn't it yet?06:32
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b-_-dinstalling now06:37
b-_-dwill the install fail?06:37
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KhaotikHi all, Anyone here know how to set up a MAC Media Netowork Bridge under Kubuntu?06:43
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olaffhow can i make an screenshot06:58
MEtaLpREspoint your digital camera at the screen :)06:59
olaffplease? :(07:00
KhaotikGo to the KDE button then go to Grapics07:00
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Khaotikthen go to Ksnapshot if ur on Kubuntu07:00
Khaotikor run ksnapshot in konsole07:02
Khaotik:) np07:02
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jak08well i can see that this is an exciting channel07:30
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noiesmoanyone know how to stop amarok displaying the next track everytime it changes songs07:39
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Chaniwhat needs to be installed to play avi files in kaffeine?08:16
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noiesmoubotu, tell Chani about avi08:22
Chaniyeesh, that seems complicated. I know I got it working more easily on my bf's comp... I'll leave my friend with mplayer until I can actually go to her house and se what kafeine's doing wrong.08:27
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firephotoChani: i think you're looking for libxine-extracodecs08:33
firephotoyou'll need the universe/multiverse/whateververse stuff..... ;)08:34
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t4terhey all if I installed dapper ubuntu can I swith to the kde interface and remove gnome easily?09:00
noiesmot4ter, cooool09:04
t4terwhats cool?09:04
noiesmohey all if I installed dapper ubuntu can I swith to the kde interface and remove gnome easily?09:04
noiesmot4ter, sorry mis read09:05
noiesmot4ter, yes you can switch easliy thru session type at logon screen09:06
t4terok coolio thanks09:06
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visik7anyone here using ifplugd ?09:41
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DenWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!10:18
HobbseeDen: which repos are you using?10:19
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DenWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!10:19
DenHI - I'm getting an error message when I try to apt-get dist-upgrade for the purpose of installing the latest KDE sw (KDE 3.5.2 Released with Kubuntu Packages) into Kubuntu Breezy.  Following the instructions there, I did wget the key then "sudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg".  BUt, I'm getting an ""10:19
DenEr, couldn't get that entered properly.10:19
DenRepository is:   deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main10:20
DenHobbsee: Any ideas?10:20
HobbseeDen: you can ignore that10:20
Hobbseebut that should be accepted if you got the key in correctly10:21
DenOk, but why is it giving that msg?10:21
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DenHobbsee: You know the web page with those instructions, right? (I last was at that page a day or two ago, & don't have the exact url here right now, but I saved the text of the page & followed the instructions for wget & apt-key. - so, I shouldn't get that msg, right?10:23
Hobbseebecause it's not part of the official repos...10:23
Hobbseethat's correct...10:23
Hobbseedo the sudo apt-key add whateverthekeyis, and see if it says "OK" or "no trusted keys found"10:24
DenHobbsee: It said "OK" when I just redid it about 4 min ago.10:24
Hobbseehmmm okay10:24
DenHobbsee: I think I got that "no trusted keys found" msg the first time I did the key, but I can't recall for sure10:24
Densudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg10:25
HobbseeDen: and the message is definetly for that repo?  not others?10:25
DenI think so - I followed the instructions on the KDE packages page exactly10:26
HobbseeDen: okay, want to pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?10:27
Hobbseeseems weird that you're getting a warning10:27
Hobbseewhich you can just ignore10:27
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DenHobbsee: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1338110:33
ubotumorrow: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:33
DenHobbsee: Any ideas?10:34
HobbseeDen: and where's the kubuntu repo in that lot?10:34
Denfirst line?10:34
Hobbseeah yes10:34
Hobbseeadd that line to the bottom of !repos10:34
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:34
Hobbseeyou're missing some of the important ones - like main.10:34
visik7anyone here using ifplugd ?10:38
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DenHobbsee: In my sources.list paste, line 6 has main, & line 26 has universe & multiverse - Isn't that all you're telling me I need??  Or, are you saying I have to put the "kde352" at the _end_ of my sources.list file???10:40
Hobbseeah, i missed it.10:41
Hobbseeit'll work wherever you put it10:41
DenHobbsee: Ok, np, any suggestions what the problem is?10:41
HobbseeDen: no...but it's a warning - you can ignore it10:41
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Hobbseeas long as you trust the packages that come from there - whcih you can, because it is an official one10:42
visik7i'm stupid10:43
Hobbseevisik7: i doubt that.  why so?10:43
DenHobbsee: But it seems improper to ignore the warning since I've _specifically_ put the key in _to ensure things are OK & there are no warnings_.10:44
Hobbseei guess10:44
DenHobbsee: If I _hadn't_ put the key in, & got a warning, no surprise - but when I _do_ put the key in, there _shouldn't_ be a warning - something must be wrong - correct??10:45
HobbseeDen: which packages does it say are unauthenticated?10:46
Den& so, what must be wrong?10:46
DenHobbsee: A lot - maybe all of the KDE packages10:46
DenI can paste if yo want to see exactly10:46
HobbseeDen: paste the full thing into pastebin...10:47
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DenHobbsee: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1338210:48
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DenHobbsee: Suggestions?10:49
HobbseeDen: not a clue.  but if the key is added correclty, and said okay, it may well be a problem upstream, rather than at your computer10:50
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DenHobbsee: So, should I notify someone, or will you notify them?10:50
HobbseeDen: i'll do it...10:51
HobbseeRiddell: ping?10:51
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DenHobbsee: In the mean time - how much problem could it be if I do the upgrade now, when it says it dcan't verify?10:51
HobbseeDen: shouldnt be a problem at all - like i say, it's only a warning10:52
DenOK, - note in that paste that it's gong to remove "kubuntu-desktop" - that's OK??10:52
DenHobbsee: ^?10:53
HobbseeDen: yes, but after it finishes the upgrade, do a sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop again10:54
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DenHobbsee: I would have never thought to do that on my own - therefore I now am concerned that there might also be _other_ things I have to do to get a working system, after doing this upgrade -10:55
DenHobbsee: Is there anything else I might need to do?10:55
HobbseeDen: after installing kubuntu-desktop, after the upgrade, type "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"10:55
Hobbseethat'll restart X, which will give you your new kde...10:56
DenHobbsee: And anything else?10:56
Hobbseenot that i remember10:56
Hobbseeit'll be fine10:56
Dr3asi use ssh -X to run some programs on my server at home, but is it possible to do something like screen, that makes it possible to deattach and den later attach again?10:56
DenHobbsee: So, If I hadn't noticed that k-destop thing - I'd have been left with an improperly setup system?10:57
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HobbseeDen: no, it would have worked - but you might have had a bit of trouble trying to upgrade to dapper, for eg10:57
DenHobbsee: OK, & how about the other things it's removing - anything else I need to do about any of them?10:57
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Hobbsee] : Kubuntu 6.06 Beta 2 released! http://tinyurl.com/g9owy | Amarok 1.4 beta 3, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
HobbseeDen: no, they looked fine10:58
DenHobbsee: Thanks! :)10:58
Hobbseeit wasnt trying to remove all of kde, which tends to be rather unpleasant :P10:58
Hobbseedone that once...i hope to never again do it!10:58
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nrdbif I do a 'cat main.c > /dev/lp0' it should print something?11:01
=== Hobbsee wonders what's in main.c
Hobbseenrdb: if the file main.c exists, then yes, it should...i think11:01
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nrdbHobbsee: I get a permission denied.  I am in the lp group (just done that), I don't have a printer but I set the default printer as the printer to pdf virtual printer.11:04
=== Hobbsee is not good on printers at all, sorry
nrdbHobbsee: do you know where I can find an example on how to get a C program to print?11:05
=== Hobbsee is really rather braindead... :P
Hobbseeand therefore useless :P11:05
nrdbHobbsee: already tried that no luck, seems to be very little info on the subject.11:06
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ph8hi all, i've just performed a broken dapper upgrade11:10
ph8alert! can't find /dev/sda5 on startup, found something on google that reckons dapper calls it /dev/sde5 first rather than sda, so i'm just altering grub's menu.lst to see if that'll work11:10
ph8question is, can i alter files using explore2fs from my windows partition?11:10
ph8or do i need something sexier?11:10
Vampishm, how can I change the bootsplash screen in kubuntu ? I hate the blue kubuntu-thingy :P11:11
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VampisI'd like the default text-mode11:11
ph8the program's called usplash11:11
ph8there might be a usplash.conf somewhere?11:11
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Vampishm, didnt help alot *keeps looking*11:12
ph8first result in google11:13
VampisI got a german result :)11:13
Hobbseeph8: you cant modify the linux files from explore2fs11:14
ph8or from any drivers i can find :(11:14
ph8all i can get into on boot is this busybox thing11:14
Hobbseehowever, you can hit "e" when in the grub menu, which will let you edit whatever you like - then hit "b" to boot11:14
ph8ah orgasmic11:14
ph8hopefully this will be all the problem is, but somehow i doubt it11:14
ph8I hope it'll be fixed before dapper goes mainstream11:14
ph8back in a minute!11:14
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ph8ok, that didn't work11:22
pedroHi everyone11:22
ph8i'm a bit stuck, does anyone have any idea what could be wrong? (problem mentioned above before i quit)11:22
pedroI have got an error message everytime I try to start "Kwrite" with sudo11:23
ph8if dapper's using the 2.6.15 kernel, as i've seen somewhere - it hasn't been installed - grub options still show 2.6.1211:23
Hobbsee!tell pedro about kdesu11:23
Hobbseepedro: you should be able to ignore that11:23
Hobbseeph8: so all the locations looked right?  with /dev/sda5 and the image booting from the correct place?11:24
ph8there's no /dev/sda5 in /dev11:25
pedroI tried to use kdesu and the message is the same11:25
ph8only /dev/hdc, some tty stuff11:25
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ph8and some other bits and pieces11:25
ph8but no sda*11:25
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ph8it was a bit of a shot in the dark with sda -> sde11:25
Hobbseeph8: what should the drive be mounted as then?  should be the same as it was in breezy11:25
ph8it was sda5 in breezy11:26
pedroany help?11:26
zm0ph8: you should give this ext2/ext3 driver a try: http://www.fs-driver.org/11:26
ph8that pastebin site's very slow pedro11:26
ph8cheers, i'll remember it if i need it11:27
pedrodo you want I paste the message here?11:27
ph8use pastebin.com11:27
ph8or pastebin.it11:27
ph8something that's not laggy11:27
ph8actually n/m11:27
ph8it's loaded now11:27
ph8any ideas Hobbsee? Google's got quite a few occurences11:28
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Hobbseeph8: does booting into a recovery console work?11:28
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ph8good question, i might give that a go11:28
pedroIs it right now?11:29
ph8"Thank you for answer. I downloaded 2.6.15 kernel and now it works Grin"11:30
ph8that seems to be the way of fixing it Hobbsee11:30
ph8but, how do i install a kernel package without being on the partition? :s11:30
pedroisn't there suggestions?11:31
Hobbseewith great difficulty11:31
=== Hobbsee sugests a clean install
ph8bloody "switch to dapper, it's almost stable" people11:31
Hobbseedist-upgrades are often risky - especially while still into development11:32
ph8that means i've got to download cd images11:32
Hobbseethat is true.11:32
ph8which will make my local JANET admins antsy11:32
nagyvHello! I would like to use my kubuntu with a Xerox Phaser 3425, but I can't find the driver when adding the printer. What could I do?11:32
Hobbseethere are probably other ways11:32
ph82.6.10 tends to get a lot further but boot from that perspective culminates in a crashed usplash screen11:32
Hobbseeph8: if you can get into the recovery console, you can reinstall grub.11:32
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting11:32
Hobbseehas the details - second link11:33
ph8ok, i'll try the recovery console, then 2.6.10 fixage, then if that doesn't work i'll restore11:33
Hobbseethat usually helps11:33
Hobbseewell, if you can get in there, it's easier to troubleshoot..11:33
Hobbseeand then you can use startx to get back to a GUI, if you wish11:33
ph8so when you say a clean install11:34
ph8you mean back to breezy?11:34
ph8or can i download dapper disks?11:34
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ph8thx for your help11:37
pedrosorry for my clumsiness11:37
pedroI am a newbie11:37
pedroI am trying to solve my problem and I cannot11:37
pedroI would be glad to have some help11:38
Hobbseedarn, was too late.  for when he comes back, i meant dapper disks.11:38
visik7pedro: put the question11:38
pedroI repeat11:38
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Hobbseepedro: if the program is still opening, you can usually ignore that.  it also seems to come up with adept11:39
Hobbseehey Den - how'd it go?11:39
DenHobbsee: will have a question for you in a sec11:39
Hobbseehehe okay11:39
Hobbseedunno if i can answer it11:40
pedroWhen I start Kwrite with sudo or kdesu I always got an error message11:40
pedrowhat do you mean with "it also seems to come up with adept"?11:41
=== Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee_away
pedrowhat is adept?11:41
Hobbsee_awaypedro: another kde program - package manager11:41
pedroI don't have it installed11:41
DenHobbsee: The upgrade bsically went ok, one small problem - the panel disappeared, & I couldn't find it till I put my mouse on the left bottom - so then I adjusted that to full bottom.11:41
DenHobbsee_away: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13383  Can you look at that?11:42
Hobbsee_awayDen: that's weird...wonder how it got hidden to one side...11:42
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DenHobbsee_away: That is about kubuntu-desktop depends on akode11:43
Hobbsee_awayso i see...11:43
DenHobbsee_away: Any suggestion about what I should do about kubuntu-desktop?11:43
pedrothanks very much11:43
pedroI have to go11:43
pedrosee you ;)11:43
Hobbsee_awayDen: probably install it anyway, and remove those other packages11:44
Hobbsee_awayunless you like using juk, of course11:44
=== Hobbsee_away is really afk now, but i pinged Riddell who runs the repo...
DenHobbsee_away: can yo wait a min?11:45
Hobbsee_awayi'm being called for dinner11:45
DenHobbsee_away: er11:45
DenHobbsee_away: i need multimedia - audio - what do I do?11:45
Hobbsee_awayuse amarok11:45
Hobbsee_awayno point having a few million media players :P11:46
DenHobbsee_away: regarding removing those packages??11:46
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DenRiddell: Are you here?11:46
DenAnyone here to answer some KDE upgrade questions??11:48
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XVampireXMy friend is asking how to connect kubuntu to the internet through a USB modem (adsl)11:50
visik7XVampireX: depending on the modem11:51
visik7usb modem are crappy hardware11:51
XVampireXb-focus usb 16011:52
visik7what google says ?11:53
XVampireXWhat should I search in google?11:53
visik7linux b-focus usb 160 ?11:54
visik7seems to be supported by eciadsl11:54
visik7apt-get install eciadsl11:54
visik7should be enough11:56
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XVampireXvisik7: Can he get the thing from the website or only from apt-get?11:59
XVampireXCause how can he get that if he's not connected to the internet in the first place :P11:59
visik7yes he can get also from the site12:00
visik7but apt is cleaner :)12:00
XVampireXnevermind I asked :P12:00
XVampireXYeah :P12:00
XVampireXbut he is not connected to the internet, so...12:00
XVampireXBut thanks :)12:03
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visik7XVampireX: is a laptop ?12:05
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visik7he can get .deb from packages.ubuntu.com and install via dpkg -i package.deb12:06
XVampireXYes I know12:06
XVampireXYeah, laptop12:07
XVampireXI know dpkg :P12:07
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XVampireXDoesn't work :P12:10
visik7got root12:11
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_alexhi zusammen12:17
_alexhab nen problem mit meinem frisch installierten kubuntu - und zwar kann ich mich nicht aus superuser authen12:18
_alexaus = als12:18
_alexbei der installation wurde ich nach einem einzigen pwd gefragt, aber das frisst er nicht12:18
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de12:21
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RiddellHobbsee_away: hmm?12:32
Hobbsee_awayRiddell: seems to be a problem with your repos...read the log - the stuff from Den12:33
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Hobbsee_awayRiddell: seems to be an WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! message even after adding your key, no unnoffical repos, and http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13383 as an error message - with dependancies12:35
toomaihi all12:35
RiddellHobbsee_away: there's no authentication error there12:36
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Hobbsee_awayRiddell: no, that was from above...12:37
Hobbsee_awayoh...i dunno..12:37
Hobbsee_awaymaybe it did finally accept the key...12:37
Riddelland akode will do that, the package name has changed, not much I can do to fix that12:37
Hobbsee_awaythe second half of it is the bigger issue, it seems - on adding that repo, and upgrading, it wants to remove k-d12:37
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ph8Hey all, anyone who was following my problems above ^^ - i've now managed to get into my build by using the 2.6.10 kernel - unfortunately it doesn't seem to recognise any usb devices so i can't backup12:39
ph8lsusb returns nothing12:39
ph8lspci seems to know things are there12:39
ph8has anyone got any ideas that could help me out?12:39
ph8if i could get it to recognise eth0 i'm thinking i could install the proper kernel and that might save me all this reinstalling trouble12:39
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ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _cansa12:49
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)12:49
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _cansa12:49
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theunholy1how do i create a shortcut for firefox1.501:35
theunholy1i have installed it01:35
VampisCreate where ?01:35
Vampison the desktop ?01:35
Vampisor what ?01:35
VampisOr in the start-menu ?01:35
theunholy1desktop & menu01:35
Vampisin KDE ?01:35
VampisFor the startmenu: Run kmenuedit01:36
Vampisthen add it01:36
Vampisthen on the desktop01:36
VampisRightclick, and choose Add link to application01:36
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theunholy1my firefox01:36
theunholy1i just extract it01:37
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Vampishuh ?01:37
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theunholy1it is a .zip file01:38
theunholy1i just extract it01:38
Vampisfirefox in a zip file?01:38
Vampiswhats wrong with sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox ? =)01:38
theunholy1whats that?01:39
Vampishum, are you in the right channel?!01:39
Vampiswdv ?01:40
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HobbseeVampis: it should be working.  perhaps you want firefox, not mozilla-firefox?01:47
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genioone question?!01:49
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genioanybody can help me?!01:49
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ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model and output of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.01:49
kunutizadowhen i restart the computer01:51
kunutizadothe gw dont be saved in my computer01:51
kunutizadoi must write in console: sudo route add default gw
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kunutizadohow i can to make it automaticaly01:52
kunutizado(sorry for my english)01:52
Hobbseekunutizado: you should be able to set that in the interfaces file.  man interfaces for the exact syntax01:52
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kunutizadoi make an vim /etc/network/interfaces01:53
kunutizadoand i can see the address, netmask...01:53
kunutizadonow i must add....01:54
kunutizadogateway ...01:54
kunutizadoi'm going to restart01:55
DevGethow to enable java in konqueror?01:55
kunutizadoi return in a few moments01:55
VampisHobbsee: I didnt need help, the guy that parted ddi01:57
Vampisdid *01:57
VampisThanks anyway01:57
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ubotundiswrapper is probably a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper02:02
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pgmii have ubuntu and installed kubuntu-desktop , but i still have gnome running , how do i put KDE active ?02:08
Seantaterpgmi: log out, and in gdm choose to run kde02:09
pgmiokay , ty m802:09
Vampispgmi: Its located under sessions02:10
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Kadranhi drovosek02:32
Kadrandoes any one knows a program that works like stardict02:33
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XydOKadran: what is StarDict ?02:36
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KadranXydO: it is a dictionary but i like the way it translate just by pointing to the word02:37
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KadranXydO: do you use any kind of dictionary pakages?02:38
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OdyXKadran: well.. only correction, not translation.02:39
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pvtloasis there any resource i can access to find out how to get java running using nothing but open source sw?02:52
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Riddellpvtloas: apt-get install gcj02:59
Riddellor something like that02:59
pvtloasi've done that. i've tried kaffe and something else02:59
pvtloasbut i still have problems trying to run any java app03:00
Hobbseewoohoo!  java still crashes!  sure i shouldnt be playing pool anyway :P03:03
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larrywellsis there software for blocking certain websites??03:23
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Infectocan some one tell me why my kaddresbook lost my contacts ?03:24
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Infectofirst i cant add an addres becaus app is locked03:25
Infectolock  std.vcf  std.vcf_1  std.vcf_2  std.vcf_3  std.vcf_4  std.vcf_5  std.vcf_6  std.vcf_7  std.vcfKaR13b.new03:25
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Infectoand when i cd to this directory /home/infecto/.kde/share/apps/kabc03:25
Lorenzodinfecto: I haven't experienced this myself, but I've heard others say the same..03:25
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Infectoso this is not only my problem03:26
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Lorenzodno I heard somebody mention it as late as yesterday.03:26
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larrywellsIsn't there a way to block some internet usage?03:26
LorenzodBut, but, I hope you read the warning signs about Dapper.03:26
Infectothats the dapper problem ?03:27
LorenzodIt's not quite out the door yet. Issues can still arise.03:27
Infectoor in kaddresbook03:27
Infectook i understand that :)03:27
Vampisonly problem with dapper I have is a printer problem03:28
UbugtuMalone bug 39484 in samba "cups smb printing backend no longer works" [Major,In progress] 03:28
VampisThat problem :P03:28
bimberilarrywells: putting entries in /etc/hosts that send unwanted addresses to is one way - dansguardian is another03:29
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Infecto6.06 Beta 2  is in it aixgl ?03:30
Infectolarrywells: use iptables03:31
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Infectoagain kmail: ERROR: The resource '/home/infecto/.kde/share/apps/kabc/std.vcf' is locked by application ''.03:39
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larrywellsHow do you use iptables?03:42
iNikularrywells: man iptables03:42
iNikularrywells: http://www.netfilter.org/03:42
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gan|y|medhow stable is dapper drake? is it already suitable for productive usage?03:48
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gan|y|medbut the release is set for june, right?03:50
chowellsgan|y|med: It's the only OS on my laptop03:50
virnikInfecto: just delete lock in your home dir03:51
virnikInfecto: there is lock file03:51
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gan|y|medchowells: what do you mean?03:55
trym_do I need to run a smp kernel for amd dualcore processors to work properly ?03:55
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ubuntui need music04:05
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Infectovirnik: i know, what with my lost contacts ?04:06
Infectois that will instantly repeat ?04:06
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haakonnrunning beta2. knetworkmanager says "NetworkManager is not running". i had to apt it in manually after the upgrade from breezy. how would i get it working?04:10
_gonzohello is there a C developper please04:10
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tokerhi all04:20
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visik7Infecto: no04:20
OculusAquilae_gonzo: what for?04:23
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andre_how do I change login managers?04:24
OldTokerHi all I just tried the instructions from the site on how to upgrade my system when I put in the line it tells me to.. I get this any thoughts?04:26
andre_OldToker: the command is gksu not gksudo04:27
trym_do I need to run a smp kernel for amd dualcore processors to work properly ?04:28
OldTokerok thanks.. then the site needs updating :)04:28
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OldTokertrym_: still get command not found.04:28
OldTokererr sorry trym_  that was supposed to go to andre_04:29
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OldTokerandre_ still getting command not found04:30
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hiaslOldToker: do you have the gksu package installed?04:30
OldTokerdunno.. I just finished installing breezy.. and doing the first updates.04:30
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OldTokerI assume not since it's not working..04:31
hiasltry apt-file, this command tells you which command is in which package.04:31
ctothejAnyone install linux on an ATI-based motherboard with 2 pci-e slots (crossfire capable)?04:31
OldTokerit wasn't installed but is now I think.. I am totally new to apt.. Been in the Mandriva world... tilll now..04:33
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OldTokerhiasl: I think I am hitting the same problems I was having in Mandriva.. it's got to do with my Nvidia Card.. and no drivers being installed for it.04:35
OldTokerbut then again I could be wrong.04:36
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roniezhas anybody sucssefully setup a vnc server or a x11forwarding anytime?04:41
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gringoh3sp4wn: hi. do you remember my wpa problem?04:41
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andre_is the dude that made the adept-updater in here?04:42
h3sp4wngringo: Sort of04:42
gringoh3sp4wn: i wasn't able to connect using wpa_supplicant04:43
OldTokerok now this is wierd.. my system won't let me run anything as root. says bad passowrd.. but yet I can su on command line and become root there????04:43
rraajjOldToker: Did you change your root password?04:43
OldTokerdon't think so..... i can become root on command line..04:44
OldTokerusing my root password.04:44
OldTokerbut anytime I try to run any thing in the GUI and the "Run as root" box comes up and I put in my root.. says bad passowrd.04:44
rraajjOldToker: I think it is looking for your sudoers password, which is your user's password.04:45
KadranOldToker: why don't you try entering your user password04:45
gringoanyone has some experiences in XGL?04:45
OldTokerok please be patient with me.. this is my first attempt with kubuntu.04:45
rraajjOldToker: Being root and running things as root are different things in K/Ubuntu. :)04:46
h3sp4wngringo: why have you fixed it ?04:46
gringoh3sp4wn: I just disabled the hidden SSID. I don't know why... but with a visible one it just works fine. Now I am using network-manager-kde.04:47
Kadranrraajj: that's true but i need to ask you a question, i was using mandriva and i didn't get used of not knowing my root password so i have changed it does that right?04:47
OldTokerOk.. I am getting a strange GTK error about not being able to open the display?04:48
rraajjKadran: Sorry, I didn't think I got your question right...04:48
h3sp4wngringo: is knetworkmanager reliable for you ? It kept on bringing my link down all the time04:48
rraajjKadran: Are you asking me if it's alright to change your root password?04:48
Kadranrraajj: no problem, yes04:48
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rraajjKadran: It _is_ technically alright, but you can utilize sudo instead of switching to root and running things from there.04:49
Kadranrraajj: will this be a sucurity hole or something, i am new to kubuntu too04:49
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rraajjKadran: Just don't login as root, it is disabled in Kubuntu by default, btw.04:49
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gringoh3sp4wn: it works fine for me. Ok there are some things that may could run better.04:50
Kadranrraajj: ok, thanks alot04:50
rraajjKadran: You're welcome. :)04:50
OldTokerIf I wanted to install the Nvidia driver from nvidia.. how do I ensure that the kernel source is already installed before I attempt it?04:50
OldTokerin kubuntu?04:51
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andre_old-toker, install linux-restricted-modules04:58
andre_it should bring in the kernel source it requires.04:58
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trappistandre_: oldtoker is gone, but I don't think linux-restricted-modules will install source - he wants to apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)05:01
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andre_you don't need the source to install the nvidia modules do you?05:02
andre_I dont think I install them05:02
trappistto install the ones from nvidia.com, yeah - they need to be built, and that requires kernel headers05:02
andre_i se.05:02
andre_oh well. :) I'm out05:02
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gringoI want to change the icon for my external USB Disk (it appears as a USB Stick). How do I do that?05:08
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roniezright click on it?05:09
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Kadranis there is a way to run my hsf modem in kubuntu?05:14
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DrBairI <3 squid05:21
XVampireXYou do05:22
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stamen81I have a question ofcourse :)05:27
stamen81could anybody help me05:27
OculusAquilaestamen81: ask, then we know if we can help05:27
stamen81ok :)05:27
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stamen81how can I make visible the icons of the mounted media in Storage media05:28
stamen81the had disapeared05:28
stamen81since I upgraded the distro05:28
stamen81not to dapper05:28
stamen81just normal upgrade05:29
stamen81the media is there but is only seen in konsole05:29
stamen81under konsole05:29
stamen81but from the browser not05:29
stamen81what to do05:29
stamen81to make them visible again05:29
OculusAquilaestamen81: all media or only hard drives?05:30
stamen81lets say hard drives05:30
OculusAquilaei dont know if that is possible, in dapper they are again there05:31
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stamen81OculusAquilae, are you there05:34
stamen81and the other question is how to play games05:35
stamen81I am installing the games in /usr/local05:35
OculusAquilaestamen81: what for games?05:35
stamen81and the setup wants root accses05:35
stamen81to install them there05:35
stamen81but after that I can't play it05:36
OculusAquilaewhich game?05:36
stamen81HEavy metal fack05:36
OculusAquilaedon't know05:36
OculusAquilaewhat is "you can't play it"?05:37
stamen81and why the setup want to have root05:37
stamen81I can't play it05:37
stamen81I can't start it05:37
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stamen81only root can05:37
OculusAquilaedo you know how to start it?05:37
OculusAquilaeah only root can05:38
stamen81yes because the setup runs with root permission05:38
stamen81and it is installed for root05:38
stamen81but for me not05:38
stamen81this is the 2nd game which I install all is the same sh*t05:39
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stamen81and first I installed Loki05:40
stamen81after that the game is installes05:41
stamen81for so many users only one try to help me05:41
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flapanehi men05:42
HymnToLifeif no one answers, that's bause no one knows...05:42
flapanecan someone tell me if can I delete all the -dev packages installed, if I don't need to compile something anymore?05:42
GameCathi, can someone help me change the monitor power-saving for the login screen?05:42
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GameCatflapane: the dev packages are ususally not required for anything other than compiling05:43
pedrohello everyone05:43
GameCatwell, i certainly know of no other use for them05:43
pedroI would be glad to receive help about a thing05:44
flapaneGameCat, so if I decide erasing those tons of pkgs...05:44
flapanei won't have problems with my compiled programs?05:44
GameCat...it's not my fault :)05:44
pedromy language is spanish, I am breezy's user05:44
=== flapane sta ascoltando: Shindler's list (piano version)
pedroAnd I have 2 partition in my HD, one of them with windows XP with ntfs05:44
GameCatflapane: not once they are compiled, not to my knowledge05:45
flapanecause i have about 200mb dev libraries i used05:45
flapaneinto these months05:45
pedroI cannot read right special character and 05:45
flapanegot it m805:45
pedrowhat can i do?05:45
flapanemy ideas was to leave only05:45
flapanethe dev for kernel ricopile05:45
flapanencurses etc etc05:45
GameCatflapane: burn the install debs off to a CD, just in case you want to put them back05:45
flapanepedro try utf805:46
pedroI have tried it05:46
pedroin my /etc/fstab, the line that mention the partition ntfs05:46
flapaneGameCat the problem is not about donwloading them another time, i only want to be safe when I'll erase them:D05:46
pedroincludes nls=utl805:46
flapaneyep pedro05:46
flapanetry DMESG05:46
flapaneand see if it say something05:46
flapaneabout that ntfs partition05:47
flapanei couldn't read   05:47
GameCatflapane: you should be fine :)05:47
flapanebut i solved05:47
flapanetnx gamecat ;)05:47
pedroI am certainly newbie05:47
flapaneflapane@a64:~$ more /etc/fstab | grep 'utf'05:47
flapane/dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 ntfs defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,nls=utf8,auto,ro,users 0 005:47
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flapanesee what i did05:47
flapanemaybe it can help you man05:47
pedroI am going to compare05:48
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flapanep.s pedro...could you tell me which zone is vizcaya province?05:48
GameCatro is important in there - writing to ntfs is dangerous05:48
pedroof course05:48
pedroIt is in the North05:48
GameCatokay, always worth mentioning though :)05:48
flapanetoward la coruna?05:48
pedroat the east05:49
flapaneah so the other side of north05:49
pedronearest to France05:49
flapanegot it yep05:49
pedronot at all05:49
=== JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
flapaneso let us know if you can solve with fstab05:50
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flapaneah anyway those damn italian post took 80eur to ship to vizcaya a 10kg package05:51
pedrodo I have to do same thing with fat32?05:51
stamen81flapane, did you solved the problem with deb's05:51
flapanepedro probably yes05:51
flapanestamen81, GameCat  told me that i can erase dev libraries if i don't need anymore to compile05:52
stamen81flapane, ?05:52
flapaneso i shouldn't have any problems05:52
stamen81flapane, yes05:52
stamen81flapane, if you had installed all05:52
flapanethey're almost 200mb05:52
stamen81you can move them to back up cd05:52
stamen81if you want05:52
flapaneyep i used them to compile other things i couldn't find into repositories...05:52
GameCatonce the kernel compile is done you can even remove the source if you want to reclaim some more space05:52
flapanesuch as university purpose05:53
flapaneyep source have been already scratched05:53
stamen81once they have been installed you don't need them05:53
pedroI still have the problem05:53
flapanei'll only leave dev lib for kernel ricompile05:53
stamen81if you compile05:53
flapanepedro have you rebooted?05:53
stamen81but the way to remove them is this05:53
pedroI made >mount -a<05:53
stamen81sudo apt-get -c05:53
pedroDo I have to reboot?05:54
stamen81sudo apt-get --cleen05:54
flapane-c ? ah didn't know it...05:54
flapaneyep but clean removes deb packages in the cache05:54
stamen81and all debs are erased05:54
flapanepedro i rebooted, so i donnow...05:54
stamen81not only in the cashe05:54
flapanenot only?05:54
pedroI am going to reboot and come back05:54
stamen81from the hard too05:54
=== LazySod [n=henryson@1-1-11-41a.f.sth.bostream.se] has joined #kubuntu
pedroI wait to be luck05:54
flapanebut those dev libraries are installed05:54
flapaneso i think i have to remve them manually from apt manager05:55
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=== flapane sta ascoltando: Ennio Morricone - Il Buono, il Brutto e il Cattivo
flapaneah what about ati 3d acceleration?:(05:56
flapanei never managed to once i ricompiled the kernel ...05:56
flapanedamned ati05:56
flapanewon't work with xorg7....05:57
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== GameCat sticks to nvidia
GameCatno idea05:58
stamen81why it works05:58
Infectovirnik: are you  sure  ?05:58
=== flapane donnow what to do damn
stamen81I have ati and I have 3d05:58
flapanei also spoke in msn to ati developer05:58
flapanehe hadn't any ideas05:58
flapanethey know that their drivers are foot-made05:58
GameCatflaplane: look deeply at your xorg.conf05:58
stamen81which kernel and distro you have05:58
flapanekubuntu dapper 2.6.1505:59
flapanefglrx compiled05:59
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stamen81flapane, still in dapper there are only trbl.05:59
flapaneflapane@a64:~$ fgl_glxgears05:59
flapaneUsing GLX_SGIX_pbuffer05:59
flapaneError: couldn't get an RGBA, Double-buffered visual05:59
flapanestamen81,  probably yes...05:59
flapanemaybe that's the point05:59
flapanebut i'm not sure05:59
stamen81it is not oficial release06:00
flapanein dmesg: [fglrx:firegl_unlock]  *ERROR* Process 3053 using kernel context 006:00
flapaneyep, we have to wait til june06:00
GameCatflapane: have you tried plain glxgears? that seems to be a fail on the framebuffer, not the 3d (it's not getting that far)06:00
stamen81I made the upgrade too, and after that I reinstalled all my linux06:00
flapaneplain glxgears?06:00
flapanewhat do you mean?06:00
stamen81to breezy again06:00
flapanewow stamen8106:00
=== pedro [n=pedro@152.Red-88-7-180.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
GameCatjusrt type glxgears06:00
stamen81because you can't downgrade06:00
flapanegame same effect06:00
GameCatah well06:00
flapaneyep, well........06:01
pedroI am here againe06:01
flapanedamn ati:(06:01
stamen81so, you must wait06:01
flapaneyes let's hope well06:01
flapanei'd like to try cedega06:01
stamen81they are good, but in the support are verry verry bad06:01
flapanethe only 3d purpose, for me06:01
flapanesure, i chose x800gt because06:01
stamen81nvidia is the best for lin now06:01
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flapaneit was fasterrr than 6600gt06:01
flapanehow many troubles06:02
GameCatit's only faster if it works :)06:02
stamen81I love ati but with this support they loose me as a custumer06:02
flapaneso pedro?06:02
flapanesure stamen8106:02
pedroin fat32 I cannot use nls=utf806:02
flapanegamecat in fact i play in windows:)06:02
flapaneonly thing i can do06:02
=== GameCat nods
pedroI gave me an error and didn't mount the partition06:02
stamen81yes for win they are good06:02
flapanepedro and for ntfs?06:02
flapanesure especially for anti aliasing06:02
stamen81but I wan't to use it in linux too06:03
pedroand in Windows I still cannot see the accents and other characters06:03
flapanesplinter cell and tomb raider legend are amazing06:03
flapanestrange, pedro06:03
stamen81not one thing for lin aother for win06:03
flapanei solved with that option06:03
GameCatI play on my xbox360 - no driver hassles06:03
pedrosame I say06:03
stamen81GameCat, :))06:03
flapaneGameCat,  but i don't have a big big tv06:03
flapanefor xbox06:03
pedroany idea?06:03
flapanelike 35''lcd06:03
stamen81pedro, what you want to do06:03
flapanehe can't see    etc etc06:03
GameCatflapane: ah, i have a hi-def projector - Tomb Raider 7 feet wide :D06:03
stamen81pedro, to whrite in fat32 system06:03
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flapaneGameCat, great:D:D06:04
GameCatoh it is :)06:04
stamen81pedro, ?06:04
flapanei wonder06:04
pedroI would like to write in fat32 with accents,  and other characters06:04
pedroand can see those characters in ntfs06:04
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stamen81try this06:05
stamen81vfat    users,gid=users,umask=0000,utf8=true        0       006:05
GameCatright, I'm off - have fun06:05
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stamen81and reboot06:05
stamen81make a backup06:05
stamen81for fstab06:05
=== flapane sta ascoltando: Colonne sonore - James Bond theme
pedroI am goint to try06:07
flapanestamen81, any news about .wma on xmms?06:07
flapanei compiled a russina plugin but06:07
flapaneit screwed up xmms06:07
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stamen81I am not listening wma with xmms06:09
pedrobefore to reboot06:09
stamen81so I can't help you06:09
stamen81pedro, yes, what06:09
pedroI have readed that a good option is to include "iocharset=utf8"06:09
_laurenthi all06:09
pedrowhen I did it I had an advertence at boot telling me that is a bad option to vfat06:10
stamen81try with my example06:10
pedroI'll come back06:10
flapanevfat was good also for usb pen if i remember well06:10
apokryphosvfat isn't too bad as long as you're not running an OS with it or you don't plan on having files bigger than 4 gigs or whatever it is06:12
flapanelike fat3206:12
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pedroThere are some problems06:14
stamen81waht problems06:14
pedrobut I think it is not the option utf=true06:14
pedroI could see at boot that didn't recognize the option of "guid=users"06:15
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pedroHow can I see all the message from boot?06:15
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stamen81it must be "utf8=true"06:15
pedrobecause there were several error message06:15
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stamen81maybe without ""06:15
stamen81adn try to remove guid06:15
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pedroAnother thing is that when I call Kwrite with sudo or kdesu I have got the message like...06:17
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apokryphosnever call kwrite with sudo06:17
ubotuUse kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.  If it is not working, you may need to run "sudo adept-updater"06:17
apokryphoswhat does that mean?06:18
apokryphosis the terminal output from kdesu kwrite?06:18
pedrowhen I do "sudo adept-updater" it say it don't recognize the command06:18
apokryphosubotu: no kdesu is <reply> Use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.06:19
ubotuokay, apokryphos06:19
pedroBut I have the same error message with kdesu06:19
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apokryphosis that the output you get from running it in the terminal?06:19
pedroand from running with graphical way06:20
apokryphoswhat's the first line mean?06:20
apokryphosand, are you on breezy?06:20
pedroYes, I am on breezy06:20
apokryphosI think kdesu was altered slightly in breezy updates, but I'm not sure if it related to that as well. Do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:21
pedroI use aptitude06:21
pedrois it right?06:21
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apokryphoseither way06:22
apokryphossudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade06:22
pedroI will try when I solve the problem with characters06:22
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stamen81I have to go06:22
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flapanepedro so didn't u solve?06:25
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tripAnyone had an issue where when they attempt to log onto a wifi network from within KDE their system locks up?06:33
tripI think this same issue is also responsible for my system randomly locking up as well06:33
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DrBairhaven't had any problems with that, but have you checked dmesg and kern.log for clues on the crashes?06:34
tripthat's the problem06:35
tripit's a hard lockup06:35
tripso the system couldn't even write errors to logfiles i doubt06:35
DrBairi had that problem last week, turned out to be a dieing dvd drive06:35
DrBairtheres always the serial terminal approach06:35
tripYeah I originally was leaning towards failing hardware06:36
tripbut then I tried to setup the wifi connection from console06:36
tripand it worked fine06:36
tripit's a very curious issue06:36
DrBairi knew mine was hardware when it started locking in BIOS06:36
tripi almost wish this problem would show up elsewhere06:36
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LynoureI'm trying to configure a system bell, but get no sound when I press Test  and despite checking Use system bell, still get the fancy alarm noises from KDE06:37
LynoureAny idea what might be wrong? (Dapper)06:38
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pedroI am here again06:48
pedroI still have problems with accents and 06:48
pedroI made some changes but and the error is different but still an error06:48
Lynoureyour  seems fine here. I'm not saying I can help you but what kind of problem you have?06:52
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pedroIn partition fat32 I cannot read and write accents and 06:52
pedroAnd in partition ntfs I cannot read the same characters06:52
pedroIn this partition there is no problem06:53
LynoureThat can be complicated. I assume you are talking about reading and writing them from linux, not writing from linux and reading from some MS Windows06:56
pedroI am in Linux and would like to read and write in fat32 and read en windows06:57
pedroI think it is not a big thing06:57
DrBairwould you need nlt_utf8 kernel module loaded to do utf8 in vfat?06:58
pedroI am a newbie06:58
pedroI don't understand very well the answer06:58
DrBairmight want to try 'sudo modprobe nls_utf8' and remounting the vfat partition with the utf8 option06:59
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pedroStill is there the error07:01
LynoureWhat error?07:01
pedroI cannot write accents in fat3207:02
pedroand do not read right in ntfs07:02
LynoureI mean, does it complain somehow? what happens when you try?07:02
pedrowhen I try to write in vfat07:02
pedrokde show me an error window advirtising that it cannot be07:03
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DrBairpedro: have you tried it in the command line at all?07:03
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pedroand i have the same thing07:04
DrBairhave you checked dmesg output when mounting the drive?07:05
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pedroI don't know how to do it07:05
BroxtorHow can I configure my soundcard in Dapper?07:05
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Infectosome one pass thru skype and sound device problems07:08
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ss2cire|linuxi was wondering, where does konqueror save downloaded files?07:11
=== ss2cire|linux can't find his download
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DrBairss2cire|linux: konqueror should ask you by default07:11
ss2cire|linuxi didn't07:12
ss2cire|linuxjust downloads07:12
ss2cire|linuxno asking where to save...07:12
ss2cire|linuxthis is a fresh install of kubuntu.07:12
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red_salut j'ai un problme avec la lecture des avi07:19
red_quelqu'un pourrait m'aider07:20
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red_is someone here able to give me a hand07:21
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stefan___what's your problem exactly?07:22
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red_i'm not able to read avi files.07:22
stefan___please try:07:23
stefan___run that script07:23
stefan___it may help you07:23
ss2cire|linuxhow do you configure konqeror to allow you to choose a download location?07:24
ss2cire|linuxi dont see anything all related to it...07:24
LynoureI think there was a button at the bottom of the download window07:25
LynoureBut I might remember wrong07:25
ss2cire|linuxnope, nothing.07:25
ss2cire|linuxjust the url you're downloading from07:25
ss2cire|linuxand a progressbar07:26
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red_thank you stefan i'm gotta try it07:26
jarleIS it possible to have konqueror display thumbnail of movies?07:26
jarlestefan___: any default settings I need to change?07:27
stefan___just enable the previews for the movie extension you want07:27
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stefan___go to view->preview07:27
stefan___there should be something with movies07:28
stefan___if it is not enabled, click on it07:28
stefan___if it is enabled and you don't see thumbnails it may be another problem07:28
jarlestefan___: where do I enable preview?07:28
stefan___in the menu view07:28
stefan___then "preview" (is a submenu)07:29
jarlestefan___: I have everything ckecked there, but no movie filetypes is listed there?07:30
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stefan___what kind of movies do you have?07:31
jarlestefan___: What do you have in that list reflecting movies?07:31
stefan___avi, wmv, mpg, mov, ...07:31
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stefan___on my desk "movie-files" is checked07:31
jarlestefan___: I have "Scalable Vector Graphics, Clipart etc." but no movie formats...07:32
DaSkreechCan adept show you a changelog?07:33
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jarlestefan___: I have to check some boxes in konqueror->settings->configure konqueror->previews & meta data I think.... will give it a try...07:34
ss2cire|linuxim getting a window now07:34
ss2cire|linuxthat says the file im trying to download is an executable07:34
ss2cire|linuxand trying to save it will result in a corrupt file07:34
ss2cire|linuxit's a tgz file.07:34
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pgmihi , i have gcc version 4.0 and my kernel compiler was gcc 3.4 , this brings me some issues , should i compile kernel with gcc 4.0 to solve them ?=07:34
DaSkreechstefan___: What does the preview for audio do?07:35
stefan___don't know07:35
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jarlestefan___: What do you have checked in konqueror->settings->configure konqueror->previews & meta data? And what is your maximum file size specified there?07:36
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stefan___max is 5MB07:38
stefan___local protocols -> files07:38
stefan___no file - not files07:38
stefan___i mean:07:38
stefan___ local protocols -> file07:38
stefan___sorry - i was confused ;)07:38
stefan___nothing more is checked07:39
pgmihi , i have gcc version 4.0 and my kernel compiler was gcc 3.4 , this brings me some issues , should i compile kernel with gcc 4.0 to solve them ?07:40
jarlestefan___: Seems someone else has the same problem as me: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=97356807:40
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stefan___what type of video are you talking about?07:41
stefan___please also try:07:42
stefan___this script helps you with all that codec-stuff07:42
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ss2cire|linuxso annoying07:42
jarlestefan___: any type of video, mpg, avi, vmv etc...07:42
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ss2cire|linuxseems the archive is automatically being opened in a text editor07:43
stefan___can you play them with kaffeine?07:43
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jarlestefan___: installing kdemultimedia now to see if that helps...07:43
Lynoureeasylinux is a bit of an overkill...07:43
ss2cire|linuxbut i see no file association stuff07:43
Infectoskype works ok :)07:44
Lynoureor at least I assume it's what made my konqueror show .avi by default, leaving copy-paste the only download options07:44
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stefan___i don't think so07:45
stefan___at least not in my case07:45
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jarlestefan___: installing the kdemultimedia package solved the problem, now everything works fine..07:47
stefan___congratulations ;)07:47
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ss2cire|linuxi am a genious07:52
ss2cire|linuxi'll download the file on the windows box07:52
ss2cire|linuxthen copy it over :D07:52
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pedroFinally I got it!08:01
pedroNow I can read and write special characters08:02
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pedrobut have a message at boot that I don't know why08:02
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pedro*Setting sensors limits....          [fail] 08:03
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LynoureDoes SpeedCrunch on Dapper for most people show the calculator GUI?08:08
LynoureI just get white area and radio buttons for degrees/radians + evaluate button08:08
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red_sephan i'm back but i'm problem is not fixed.08:12
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red_i ran the python script....all the W32 codecs are set up but still not able to read avi files08:13
red_somebody here can help me08:14
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red_i set up easyubuntu but i'm still not able to read avi files08:14
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red_fabien peux tu m'aider08:18
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:18
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DaSkreechred_:  where did you get the avi files?08:22
red_from my home folder, downloaded from web08:23
DaSkreechWhere on the web?08:24
DaSkreechDo you know what codecs it is using?08:24
red_i'm able to read this files with my xbox08:25
red_how can i know what codecs it is using for08:25
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somerville32Does kubuntu get the same support ubuntu does?08:35
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PrimoTurboHey guys how do I remove kubuntu and all the apps it installed? I'm going back to gnome, all I did was install kubuntu-desktop08:37
h3sp4wnsomerville32: Probably not but during the dapper flights kde has been pretty much rock solid whilst gnome was breaking all the time.08:37
somerville32You don't sorry08:37
LynoureRock solid?08:37
somerville32h3sp4wn: *nods*08:38
PrimoTurboso guys any idea?08:38
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PrimoTurboI would like to remove kubuntu including all the apps, I read the removing kubuntu-desktop won't do that08:38
jorikPrimoTurbo, heh, i was going to ask the excact oposite of that08:38
h3sp4wnPrimoTurbo: if you use aptitude just do sudo aptitude purge kubuntu-desktop but if you don't then well it won't work08:39
DaSkreechred_: Hmm I'm not sure actually08:39
PrimoTurboI didn't use aptitude :(08:39
Lynoureprimoturbo: I'd use debfoster for that, but I'm weird08:39
jorikall these gnome icons are cluttering my menus08:39
PrimoTurbohow do u use debfoster?08:39
PrimoTurboI found that but is that the right instructions?08:40
mlivnehcan someone help me out? my wireless card is conf'd correctly; on boot it sets the correct essid, but it doesn't pull a dhcp lease. i have to "sudo dhclient wlan0" manually. my /etc/network/interfaces file is here: http://pastebin.com/69852608:40
LynourePrimoTurbo: type debfoster and follow instructions. It'll ask you what you want to keep.08:40
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DaSkreechred_: Do you have mplayer?08:40
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red_i use xine player08:40
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PrimoTurbodo u have to know all the names of the stuff kubuntu installed08:41
PrimoTurbocause I'm scared I will mess up and then I probally won't take the time to get it running again08:41
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mindspinPrimoTurbo: no adept shows the names and wether you have it installed or not08:42
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LynourePrimoTurbo: I don't think there is any way of purging stuff that is compeltely mistake-safe08:42
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bug2000My buddy gets an error: 'an error was returned while trying to install the initrd-tools package onto the target system' what to do?08:44
Guest630^ I'm the one with that error08:44
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HymnToLifeis your cd OK ?08:44
CanabaryChecking it now08:44
Canabary99% no errors yet08:45
Canabaryno errors08:45
CanabaryI think I need to reformat the Partition though... seems I could get a fucked up system if I dont..08:46
CanabaryNow if only I knew how to do that08:46
LynoureDepends a bit on which partition...08:47
HymnToLifebut yeah, the root partition has to be formatted during install08:47
CanabaryJeez now it cant find the cd...08:48
PrimoTurboBefore I do anything stupid, I'm trying to remove kubuntu using debfroster. Will this only remove kubuntu-desktop and all the stuff it installed? I want to keep gnome and all my apps, http://img419.imageshack.us/img419/1626/screenshot6xs.png08:48
Canabaryeven though it is running from it =/08:48
LynourePrimoTurbo: It won't remove gnome unless you mark it removed, but perhaps the aptitude way is better/easier.08:49
=== Canabary formats and tries to install again
PrimoTurboI didn't use aptitude to install kubuntu-desktop08:49
PrimoTurbowill it still work to unisntall kubuntu-desktop?08:49
Lynoureyou can use it know even if you have never used it before.08:50
LynoureIt's just an apt frontend...08:50
LeeJunFanPrimoTurbo: kubuntu-desktop is just a meta package which installs a bunch of other packages, uninstalling kubuntu-desktop will not uninstall everything that came with it.08:51
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LeeJunFanPrimoTurbo: you should probably uninstall kdelibs to remove all the kde stuff.08:51
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Canabarywee works now ^_^08:52
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PrimoTurbokdelibs won't remove all the kde crap08:53
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PrimoTurboi want it all gone and have a clean system08:53
PrimoTurbois python2.4-dev needed for gnome?08:53
PrimoTurbokde-guidance is keeping the following 6 packages installed:08:54
PrimoTurbo  libpythonize0 python-kde3 python2.4-dev python2.4-kde3 python2.4-qt3 python2.4-sip4-qt308:54
BluesKaj_where 's the best site for live cd for AMD64 mchines ?08:54
PrimoTurboAnyoen of this needed?08:54
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Lynourepython2.4-dev is not kde specific in any way08:54
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PrimoTurbodamn I have a feeling I will mess up..08:54
Lynourebut if something else needs that package, saying yes there won't remove it08:55
PrimoTurboin debfroster u mean?08:55
LorenzodHm.. I can't use KDM as my display manager. Any session I start dies within seconds.08:55
LorenzodIs anybody else experiencing this?08:56
Lorenzodbtw, that is on an up-to-date Dapper.08:56
bug2000Canabary, how's the install going on?08:56
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LynourePrimoTurbo: why do you think removing kdelibs wouldn't work?09:00
PrimoTurbodunno will it?09:00
PrimoTurbowill it remove everything?09:00
DaSkreechred_: Mplayer should be able to play the file as well as tell You the codecs it uses09:00
LynoureDepends on what you define with everything09:00
lwellscan anyone help me with Dansguardian??09:00
trymI was starting Xgl fine for a while, but I had forgotten to disable xinerama, so I was unable to start compiz. Not knowing this at the time, I found a howto I decided to follow. I added the repositories it asked me to and upgraded many of my packages. After doing so, Im not able to start xgl. When I try I get: XIO: fatal io error 104 (Connection reset by peer). There are no other errors in the x log. Any ideas what to do to make things work again? Im running 09:00
PrimoTurboI want everything that kubuntu-desktop installed to be removed09:01
DaSkreechred_: There is a package in universe called xineextra (I think) that should give you more file compatibilty09:01
lwellsI am not able to install it09:01
PrimoTurboI want my system how it was before I installed kubuntu-desktop no logs, no apps or whatever nothing else09:01
LynoureI think all kde specific stuff depend on that09:01
_andreasHey, Can someone tell me which "apt-get" command that installs the kernel headers for my running kernel?09:01
red_DaSkreech: thanks09:01
dbakkerhas anyone gotten xgl to work on a FireGL M24 GL card? I locks up pretty fast with the latest fglrx driver, stays up for a bit with the open source radeon driver but most applications crash it09:01
dbakker_andreas: i usually install module-assistant and then run module-assitant and do a prepare09:02
DaSkreechred_: Let me find out what the package is called09:02
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lwellsDoess anyone know aobut Danguardian??09:03
DaSkreechred_: libxine-extracodecs09:03
_andreasdbbakker: Thanx alot, Ill give it a try :)09:04
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red_DaSkreech: works with VLC media player but not with xine or kaffeine09:06
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bug2000Good night.09:06
apricothow to backup partitions?09:06
dbakkerapricot: just the layout?09:07
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apricotwhole partition09:07
dbakkerdd if=/dev/<diskdevice> of=backup.dd09:07
lwellsI want to block certain websites on this computer09:07
dbakkerapricot: block for block. or just use tar09:08
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BluesKaj_never seen my DL speed this high ..steady at 523kb/sec09:14
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BluesKaj_another canuck in the crowd09:14
uniqapricot: i suggest using partimage. it can compress backup images, and the unused space is not copied, as dd does.09:14
LorenzodHm.. I have an error in my kdm log files about not being able to read /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy09:15
LorenzodBut locate tells me that file is in /usr/lib instead.09:15
uniqapricot: apt-cache show partimage, or use sysresccd.org09:15
apikoroshow do disable that $#!@#!@ bouncing icon when i run apps?09:15
LorenzodDoes anybody know what is trying to read SecurityPolicy?09:15
uniqapikoros: system settings -> panel -> startup notification09:17
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apikorosthere is a circle in hell for whomever programmed this bouncing thing09:18
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LorenzodOkay, does anybody know which file is trying to access <some path>/xserver/SecurityPolicy?09:25
LorenzodDuring session initialization, that is (and only when running KDM).09:25
Lynourefiles don't access files, processes do. Try lsof?09:27
LorenzodLynoure: yeah, well you know what I mean. But lsof might be a good idea.09:28
uniqlorenzod: /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy is in the xserver-common package.09:29
uniqlorenzod: try to reinstall the package: konsole -> 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-common'09:30
Lorenzoduniq: thanks. But I have the SecurityPolicy file.09:30
LorenzodI rather need to know what is searching for it in /etc/X11/xserver.09:30
lwellshow do you block a website with iptables?, what is the sytax09:31
ctothejhow can i format an external hard drive in vfat so that both windows and linux can read from it? i want only to store media files on it...09:31
ctothejand isos too09:32
Lorenzoduniq: hold on, you said the file *should* be in /etc/X11/xserver.. Sorry I'm illiterate today.09:32
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etamhow can i change the console resolution?09:44
etami mean alt + f1, f2... consoles09:45
dbakkerthere is an option for grub09:45
etamdbakker: where?09:46
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dbakkergoogle for09:46
etamdbakker: ok09:46
dbakkeretam: im sorry but im at work anyway09:47
dbakkeretam: cant google for ya09:47
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erikstiwhat's the trick to get amarok playing radio? I've tried installing restricted formats..09:50
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TheUniis it possible to have 3 monitors working at once in kubuntu? i have 2 atm, but am getting a 3rd. can i just get another video card and let x pick it up like with the other 2?09:51
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dbakkeri use kaffine09:51
erikstidon't like amaroK, or you just use it for radio?09:52
protocol1eriksti, have you tried installing easyubuntu?09:52
erikstiprotocol1: nope.. where can I read about it?09:52
erikstisounds like it's made for me :)09:53
protocol1it will allow you to use restrictied formats and get your java and other stuff set for you09:53
Cilindradori have this huge problem concerning burned DVDs, which i cant read no matter what.  /// Data dvds w/ video files whose filesystem is iso9660+joliet are not accessed at all. /// I've documented the best i can @ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=963336 and would appreciate any help.09:53
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protocol1tell eriksti about !easyubuntu09:54
erikstifound this: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/09:54
protocol1go through the instructions for that and it will server your needs.....09:55
erikstilooks awesome.. thanks!09:55
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protocol1i used it to get most of stuff working09:55
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reagleBRKLNwhen i plug in an external drive (ext3 formatted) kubuntu tries two automounts a /dev/sda which fails, and /dev/sda1 (which is the real file system.) how should external drives be partitioned?10:07
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TheUnireagleBRKLN: mine are fat.10:09
TheUnisaves me the trouble10:09
reagleBRKLNFAT can be slow and cause tons of problems10:09
reagleBRKLN(with filenames and such)10:10
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sistarhey guys, I came in here to ask about some dvd video and cd audio probs I'm having and saw mention of this easybuntu thang. So I checked it out downloaded and ran it...10:13
sistarNow I need help with it!!10:13
sistarWhen I press ok the gui does nothing and in the command line I get the error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'QString' and 'QString'10:16
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Sergi0sistar: looks like nobody can help you here at this moment, maybe try #ubuntu10:21
sistarThanks Sergi010:23
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steveireanyone use dapper kubuntu?10:28
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>10:28
steveireYes I know10:28
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steveireI'm trying to get mp3s working (!MP3, yes, I know) but the package akode-mpeg is not in the repos. If someone has got it working, please tell me how.10:29
gnomefreakoh mpeg10:30
gnomefreakyes it is10:30
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gnomefreaklibakode2-mpeg - mpeg plugins for akode10:30
steveireStill, I cannot play mp3s10:30
=== gnomefreak doesnt understand why you need mpeg to play mp3s
gnomefreakmpeg is video10:30
steveireI think I said vaguely that in the other chan10:30
steveireAny more ideas?10:31
Dasnipa`steveire, did you add the universe repos?10:31
Dasnipa`and possibly multiverse?10:31
steveireyes i did10:32
steveireDo you use dapper?10:32
crimsungnomefreak: mp3 is mpeg 1 layer 3 audio, so yeah, you need mpeg support.10:33
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steveirecrimsun: do you use dapper?10:34
gnomefreakoh ok10:34
crimsunsteveire: yes10:34
crimsun(not kubuntu per se, however)10:34
steveireubuntu + KDE?10:35
steveireIt's looking like that's the best way to go tbh.10:35
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crimsunsteveire: I normally use whatever allows me to be productive, which at the moment is a simple xterm + opera session under twm10:37
crimsunsteveire: but yes, kubuntu (ubuntu+kde) is a quite a good place to begin10:37
steveireSo, you can't help me then...10:37
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crimsunare you using dapper or breezy?10:37
steveirekubuntu dapper, and i can't play mp3s10:38
crimsunyou either need gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and/or libxine-extracodecs10:38
crimsundepending on which player you're using10:38
crimsunsorry, that should be ugly, not bad10:38
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steveireI have them, Could you read up a couple of lines to save me repeating myslef10:39
crimsunI don't see any mention of what player you're using10:39
steveireamorok, kaffeine, niether work10:40
steveireis there another I can try?10:40
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crimsunamarok and kaffeine should both use xine10:40
crimsundpkg -l libxine-extracodecs |grep ^ii10:41
steveiresteveire@ubuntu:~/Downloads$  dpkg -l libxine-extracodecs |grep ^ii10:42
steveireii  libxine-extracodecs 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 the xine video/media player library, binary files10:42
steveiremplayer plays mp3s10:42
steveiredoes that tell you anything?10:42
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crimsunsteveire: sec, I'm at work10:45
crimsunsteveire: looks fine10:46
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crimsunsteveire: you mentioned you have the gst package installed; can you try this?  gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///some.mp3 ?10:46
steveirebash: gst-launch-0.10: command not found10:49
crimsunsteveire: hmm, you don't have gstreamer0.10-tools installed, then10:50
crimsunsteveire: in any case, if mplayer plays them, then the issue is elsewhere. What's the stderr output from xine?10:50
=== steveire looks n00bishly at crimsun
steveirehow do I get it?10:52
crimsunsteveire: invoke amarok and/or kaffeine from the command line10:52
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steveireno output10:54
crimsunok, just to sanity-check, please install mpg32110:54
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Lorenzodsteveire: does kaffeine actually start at all for you?10:58
crimsunsteveire: then try: mpg321 some.mp310:58
steveireodd: kdesu amarok some.mp3 gives lots of output, and plays the file... Kaffeine starts.10:58
crimsunahh, permissions problem then10:59
crimsuntry: groups|grep audio10:59
steveiresteveire adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin10:59
steveireIt works now!11:00
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steveireI reckon it could have been the tools gstreamer thing11:00
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steveirethanks very much11:00
steveireThese problems are always very frustrating11:00
crimsunodd, I thought amarok/kaffeine were configured to use xine by default11:01
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Lorenzodcrimsun, amarok is (at least for me), kaffeine, I don't know because it hangs.11:01
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LorenzodFunny, codeine works, but also hangs if I try to access xine properties.11:02
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kbrooksDoes anyone here run kubuntu dapper?11:03
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jarleUnable to login again after doing "Lock Session" from KDE. Do I have to change kcheckpass to be owned by root (chmod root.root ) and then SUID the file (chmod 4755 ). Or is there some other solution?11:05
Lorenzodkbrooks, yes11:05
kbrooksLorenzod: copy nd paste the output of dpkg -l libqt3-mt to me in a PM11:05
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steveireI'm using dapper too.11:06
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BluesKaj_OldToker, interesting nick :)11:23
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OldTokerThanks :)11:24
OldTokerI am having major problems with my kubuntu11:24
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OldTokerwhat's the root password?? when I installed the system it only prompted me to put in a user name and pass..11:25
BluesKaj_yeah , same here , just tried the live cd again11:25
OldTokerand it seems that when I put in my user password. when it asks for "Run as root" my User pass seems to work?11:26
OldTokerbut now after installing gksu  It seems that I can't become root anymore?11:26
BluesKaj_wouldn't let me back in after resetting the scrn rez , without username or pww, it didn't ask me for one in th first place ...DOH!11:27
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OldTokerHey Bluekuj_ May I pm ya?11:28
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BluesKaj_yeah sure11:28
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kbrooksanyone who uses kubuntu dapper: /query me and do /exec -o dpkg -l libqt3-mt11:36
kbrooksthank you11:36
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Infectoright now i try to paste my output :)11:38
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Lorenzodinfecto: he did that to me as well..11:42
iNikuhey, does anyone use opera on kde? when restoring the kde session after login, opera always opens on the current desktop instead of the one it was on11:42
iNikuis there a way to fix that?11:42
LorenzodiNiku: try right-clicking on the title-bar, and selecting advanced->special app settings11:44
Lorenzodor something like that..11:44
iNikuand setting what?11:45
iNikuahh, nevermind, thanks11:45
iNikufound it :)11:45
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jtmoneyubuntu/kubuntu is really fucking slick11:46
jtmoneythanks guys11:46
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etamhi, can you help me? my grub is working with vga=0x31b but is not with 0x31c, and sais that it is undefined number... do you know why?!11:48
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Blissexetam that is defined in the card BIOS, not in GRUB. That mans your card does not support mode 0x31c, whatever that is.11:51
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=== xst [n=xst@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl208-012.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #kubuntu
xstOn my laptop I can "doubletap" the mouse pad in order to simulate a left-mouse-press (not -click). But the maximum allowed doubletap interval is currently far to short. How can I enlarge it?11:51
LorenzodCan somebody check if kaffeine --verbose actually produces any output?11:52
=== _jorge [n=jorge@pc-38-158-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu
Blissexxst: thats probably built into the mousepad, so probably it is an option to the mousepad driver...11:54
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