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dous | prgrmr: hi | 07:56 |
prgrmr | dous: hi | 08:13 |
prgrmr | dous: can you help me? | 08:14 |
dous | prgrmr: what's the problem? | 08:21 |
prgrmr | what do i need to install for jdbc? | 08:21 |
dous | prgrmr: what database will you be using? | 08:23 |
prgrmr | mysql | 08:23 |
dous | you can try the libmysql-java package | 08:24 |
prgrmr | ok, i try runing this http://pastebin.com/697510 , the problem is in the code? | 08:32 |
prgrmr | (line 7 is "Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");") | 08:32 |
dous | you should add the jar to your classpath | 08:35 |
prgrmr | dous: like this CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/share/java/mysql.jar ? | 08:37 |
dous | yup | 08:48 |
prgrmr | ok, 10x :) | 08:48 |
dous | Lok? | 08:53 |
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prgrmr | why do i get Exception on Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/", "root", "****"); ? | 01:03 |
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