
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-165-202-116.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
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mbeehello all :)08:05
bimberihi mbee08:05
mbeehi bimberi08:06
mbeeI just tried the live CD (6.0.6 beta 2)08:06
mbeelooks really nice08:06
bimberigreat :)08:06
mbeecan you tell me were I can find gcompris in the menu?08:06
bimberiApplications -> Education (iirc - not on edubuntu atm)08:07
bimberiat the moment :)08:07
mbeehow come?08:07
bimbericurrently using plain ol' ubuntu :)08:08
mbeeI see. What I don't understand is why I can't start gcompris without opening a terminal console.08:09
mbeeI thought that was the whole idea behind edubuntu.08:10
bimberimbee: you should, is it not in that menu?08:10
mbeeno, only the K-stuff and Tux Paint08:11
mbeeunder "Games" there is "GCompris Administration"08:11
mbeebut that does not help either08:11
bimberihm, perhaps i recall wrongly, perhaps it's one of the other menus08:11
mbeeI searched everywhere ...08:12
bimberiah, kk, unfortunately i'm not near my edubuntu install :/08:12
mbeethanks anyway :)08:13
mbeedo you know were I can submit a bug report?08:15
mbeejira, bugzilla, or something? 08:15
bimberijust booted my install - how about Applications -> Games -> Educational suite gcompris08:16
mbeeOh, I feel so stupid.08:16
mbeethank you08:16
bimberinp, i would have looked for GCompris too :)08:17
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs08:17
mbeealthough "Games" does not sound quite right.08:17
mbeeah, great08:17
bimberi^^^^ (for future reference) :)08:17
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=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
bimberiyes i reckon an "Educational suite" would be better off under Education too08:18
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mbeeubotu: I consider gcompris being under Games being a bug. But I don't know how I can add a report. Must I have an account?08:28
ubotumbee: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about08:28
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.08:28
=== mbee feels stupid again ;-)
bimberimbee: but yes, you'll need to create a launchpad account to report a bug08:29
mbeeoh, too bad I must go to work now ;) have fun!08:29
bimberimbee: kk, have a good day!08:29
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cbx33mornin all08:57
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cbx33morning juliux 09:07
cbx33ping highvoltage 09:07
highvoltageping cbx33 09:17
highvoltageERM.. pong09:17
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cbx33quiet here today11:50
lucasvohow can I give a feedback to a spec?11:50
cbx33can you comment?11:50
lucasvoI would like to comment this11:51
cbx33don;'t think you can11:51
cbx33do they have a wiki you could comment on?11:52
cbx33oh, btw, if you have a second : https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuSchoolSupport11:52
lucasvomdz: ping11:57
lucasvocbx33: what should I say about that?11:58
lucasvoI wouldn't change anything11:58
lucasvoit's quite good11:58
cbx33not sure12:01
cbx33thing it sounds ok?12:04
cbx33g=ood good12:07
cbx33what baout https://wiki.edubuntu.org/BETTShow200712:08
lucasvoyeah, it's good12:12
lucasvoare you going to bett?12:12
cbx33i went last year12:13
cbx33hoping to take edubuntu there next year :D12:13
cbx33by last year I mean earlier this year12:13
cbx33lucasvo: what about you?>12:15
lucasvoI would go there12:16
lucasvobut I don't earn anything...12:16
cbx33and sooo?12:17
cbx33you can get in for free12:17
lucasvoyes, but I need a train/flight ticket, accomodation...12:18
=== sankarshan is now known as sm|away
cbx33plus if you wanted to be on the edubuntu team you'd get in for free anyway........we'd get unlimited tickets12:18
cbx33lucasvo: where do you live12:18
=== lucasvo would like to go to paris
=== cbx33 too
cbx33but don't think I'll be able to12:20
cbx33unless someone were to fund it:p12:20
cbx33!seen ogra12:24
ubotuogra <n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra> was last seen on IRC in channel #edubuntu, 2d 2h 39m 14s ago, saying: 'ciao all'.12:24
cbx33is ogra alright? - he's been gone a long time?12:25
spaceylooks like he had a weekend :)12:25
juliuxogra was at the weekend in wiesbaden12:31
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cbx33guim: <ubotu> ogra <n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra> was last seen on IRC in channel #edubuntu, 2d 2h 39m 14s ago, saying: 'ciao all'.<cbx33> is ogra alright? - he's been gone a long time?12:32
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33how are you ogra :p12:34
ografine apart from havong a horrible mail backlog of 800 mails12:35
cbx33ping: JaneW 12:40
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
spaceyit seems coffee doesn't help today01:07
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highvoltagewe need supercoffe01:19
spaceythats madness01:22
=== nattfodd [n=nattfodd@gentoo/developer/nattfodd] has joined #edubuntu
nattfoddI'm interested in the student control panel project for the summer of code01:26
nattfoddis this the right channel if I have some questions about it?01:26
lucasvonattfodd: yes01:35
nattfoddpygi told me about it yesterday01:36
nattfoddand I was wondering about how ltsp and vnc would be used in it01:36
nattfoddobviously, showing up the thing on the teacher's computer can be done using vnc01:37
nattfoddbut where is ltsp used?01:37
nattfoddis it the "distro" the students computers are running?01:38
nattfoddand so it should ask applications from the SCP server on the teacher's machine?01:38
nattfodd(just trying to make sure I understood properly the thing)01:38
highvoltagenattfodd: yep, this is the right channel. i suggest you hang around a bit01:44
highvoltagenattfodd: ogra works on that, he should be popping in a bit later01:44
nattfoddthe thing is just that I must submit the application before 15 UTC01:45
nattfoddwhich is in three hours :/01:45
cbx33nattfodd: oooooooooh01:46
cbx33tight deadline01:47
nattfoddyeah 01:47
nattfoddbut I guess it's still ok if I don't have feedback before applying01:47
spaceyogra is developing that yes01:50
spaceyit connects back to the client with vnc01:51
spaceynattfodd: SCP server?01:51
nattfoddspacey: Student Control Panel server02:01
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spaceynattfodd: i;m not sure it has a "server"02:09
nattfoddspacey: that's what is told on the TeachersPet wiki page02:10
nattfoddI guess that by server, they mean "master application"02:10
=== Petaris [n=Petaris@] has joined #edubuntu
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alexandros_seHello highvoltage02:22
Petarisogra: ping02:27
highvoltagehello alexandros_se 02:30
highvoltagei'm in a rl meeting, so won't be very responsive02:30
alexandros_sehighvoltage, no problems :)02:32
PetarisI am having an issue where upon first logon in to xfce the background is all screwed up, logging off and back on fixes it02:32
PetarisIs there anyway to dissable apci on the server?02:32
Petariswith a kernel option or something?02:33
Amaranthnoacpi, i think02:33
Amaranthadd that to the grub boot line02:33
Amaranththe end of that line02:33
cbx33Amaranth: yeh, or acpi=no02:34
cbx33can't remember which worked last time02:34
cbx33think it was noacpi02:34
Petarisat the end of the kernel line right?02:34
Amaranthwhatever it's called, it's been awhile since i used grub02:35
Amaranthstupid yaboot02:35
Petarisis it acpi or apci02:35
Amaranthacpi, afaik02:36
Amaranthyep, acpi02:36
Petarislet me reboot02:36
AmaranthAdvanced Configuration and Power Interface02:36
alexandros_sehighvoltage, if you see Helen King online tell her that I would like to speak with her :) I havent seen her online yet...02:39
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highvoltagealexandros_se: ok02:54
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PetarisCan anyone give me a hand debugging a smbfs mount issue?03:30
cbx33ogra: ping03:31
PetarisWhen I try to mount an smb share I get this: 03:36
Petaris6584: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)03:37
PetarisSMB connection failed03:37
cbx33tried doing an smbclient -L03:38
cbx33on the host?03:38
Petarisits a windows host03:38
cbx33have you tried doing smbclient -L <winhost>03:39
Petarisit asks for a password03:40
Petarisbut not a username03:40
Petariswhat password does it want?03:40
cbx33i think thers a -U option03:40
cbx33username and password for the windows machine03:40
Petarissession setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE03:41
PetarisI wonder03:41
cbx33works fine here03:42
PetarisI don't need to add this box to the domain do I?03:42
cbx33not with the smbclient command03:42
cbx33not got AD authentication working yet then?03:42
Petarisits not a priority on this lab03:42
cbx33it is on mine :p03:42
cbx33hopefully going to get aht working soon.03:42
Petarisit is on the new lab going in the high school03:43
cbx33I hope you're documenting all the work you're doing :D03:43
cbx33Petaris: whens that going in by?03:43
cbx33I hope to have an AD howto soon03:43
Petaristhis summer03:43
cbx33when i get a spare second to myself03:43
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Petariscbx33: I rarely have time to do much documentation on anything I'm working on :(03:46
jsgotangcohey guys03:47
PetarisI can't do a net ads join03:49
PetarisI have no winbind either03:50
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ryan_rousseauHello everybody!  Are there any SoC mentors here that would be interested in mentoring a project aiming to replace KWordQuiz with a full featured quizzing system with a GTK interface? =)04:47
=== cbx333 [n=c2df514b@mail.trinsite.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
cbx333hi all, I'm now in YouthLUG's first session with the LTSP server04:47
cbx3335 clients04:47
lucasvocbx333: btw, do you plan to translate the schooladvocacy pamphlet?04:48
cbx333we do04:48
highvoltagecbx3333333333333333: nice04:54
lucasvowhat's the average age of youthLUG?04:56
lucasvooh, cool04:57
highvoltagebye lucasvo and cbx333!05:00
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cbx333What are your first experiences of Edubuntu? 06:05
cbx333When I got asked this I thought mmm I dont know, well after a bit of pondering I thought hang on there has been no crashes, no errors and I was cracking myself up when I was told it was running over a network on ltsp from a Dell D600 laptop and here it is with five of us doing everything we want with no lag and a wonderful graphical interface. Wow! and all the menus and selections are clear and explained! 06:05
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cbx333hi Petaris_lab 06:09
Petaris_labcbx33: hi06:09
Petaris_labI can't seem to setup printing06:09
Petaris_labthe cups web ui is asking for a username and password but nothing is working06:10
Petaris_labI've tried the root pass06:10
cbx333are the machines on an activedirectory?06:10
Petaris_labI've tried my first user06:10
cbx333and on a domain?06:10
Petaris_labthis is just on the ltsp06:11
Petaris_laband a laserjet 5n06:11
Petaris_labwith a jetdirect card06:11
cbx333what is the printer connected to?06:11
Petaris_labthe network06:12
Petaris_labwhat is the official way to setup printers?06:12
Petaris_labthrought the webui right?06:12
Petaris_labogra: ping06:14
Petaris_labbig problem with logoff of xfce06:14
Petaris_labif you hit the "quit" button in xfce it gives the user options of logoff,restart,shutdown,hibernate06:15
=== jinty [n=jinty@94.Red-83-49-50.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
Petaris_labif a user (any user) hits shutdown/restart it downs the server06:15
Petaris_labthis is bad(tm)06:15
Petaris_labI found this out because a normal user did this today06:16
Petaris_labcbx33: any thoughts on the printer setup?06:16
Petaris_labits been disabled06:19
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Petaris_labI think I have printing fixed06:25
Petaris_labbut that shutdown thing is really bad06:26
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mdzlucasvo: pong06:32
lucasvomdz: solved it06:36
lucasvomdz: I had problems with the wikipage about Embedded ubuntu06:36
Petaris_laber, back06:36
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PetarisIs there any way to modify what is shown on the xfce quit dialog?07:03
LaserJockcbx33: around?07:16
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cbx33LaserJock: hi07:43
LaserJockcbx33: did you have a chance to work on ESA over the weekend?07:44
cbx33a little, did you see what I've done?07:44
cbx33I just ported across the apps07:45
cbx33I'll proably do a lot tomorrow07:45
cbx33got a prety funny day, work wise07:45
cbx33shoud get a lot of time07:45
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cbx33ping ogra07:46
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Burgworkogra, you around?08:35
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=== LaserJock jumps
cbx33hi LaserJock 08:48
cbx33sorry about dissapearing on ya08:48
cbx33did that make sense what I said08:48
cbx33I have a bit of time now08:48
cbx33how about you?08:48
cbx33ping Bluekuja 08:49
cbx33ping ogra 08:49
Bluekujaoi pete08:49
LaserJockcbx33: sorta busy but I can float in and out08:49
cbx33ok np08:49
cbx33hi Bluekuja 08:49
Bluekujahi man08:49
Bluekujanews for the doc'08:49
cbx33in #edubuntu-doc08:50
cbx33we'll look into the common questions section08:53
cbx33Bluekuja, any more ideas for common questions?08:54
Bluekujammm... let me check existing ones08:54
LaserJockthe other thing is that it would be good to somewhat categorize the edu apps by their purpose08:54
cbx33We need to modify the Localication part08:54
cbx33seeing as it refers to the doc as a website08:54
cbx33and it will be a printed leaflet08:54
LaserJockyeah, I wasn't sure what to do with that08:55
cbx33LaserJock, yes, totally08:55
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cbx33Well, Bluekuja, if our intention is to translate,08:55
Bluekujacbx33: another common question that we can add its if this software is free and related things08:55
LaserJockcbx33: and is there a way to put some sort of age range on the apps? or are they more or less all the same08:55
Bluekujabut saying that is open source answer to this08:55
cbx33should we just produce the doc in all the languages and mention that it's available in other lanuages?08:55
LaserJockBluekuja: that is pretty well handled in the beginning08:55
cbx33LaserJock, I thought of the age range thing too08:56
Bluekujayeah, jordan exactly08:56
Bluekujawell another common question08:56
LaserJockwhat about LTSP related questions, like "what does it do for me?"08:56
Bluekujais can i read this doc in my language08:56
cbx33LaserJock, true08:56
Bluekujawe have to provide some translations08:56
cbx33Bluekuja, ^^^^08:56
Bluekuja^^ :)08:56
LaserJockwhat about "How is Edubuntu related to Ubuntu?"08:56
Bluekujayeah nice08:57
cbx33once we are happy with the text and freeze it you could start translating if you like08:57
cbx33LaserJock, nice question08:57
cbx33I'll add it08:57
Bluekujaok ill put it on italian mailing list so i can get some help08:57
LaserJockwhat about "Is more software available for installing on Edubuntu?", put in Universe and the number of packages08:58
cbx33so what's the decision about the locoteams section08:58
Bluekujapete leave that section08:58
Bluekujais usefull08:58
cbx33LaserJock, yes, I tried to cover that at some point by mentioning how many packages were in universe08:58
LaserJockI think it might be better to either link to a wiki page or condense the loco info08:58
LaserJockit isn't really that much and it takes a lot of space08:59
cbx33I agree LaserJock 08:59
Bluekujawell it points to basicall infos08:59
cbx33It's needed08:59
cbx33but maybe not presented in that way08:59
LaserJockBluekuja: the problem is that it says "there isn't that much yet" which isn't really a positive thing08:59
cbx33could have a short section saying, already there are locoteams for ......... you can help by ........ 08:59
cbx33what do you think09:00
LaserJockcbx33: sounds good, encourage people to get involved09:00
cbx33Bluekuja, ?09:00
crimsunI would couch them in the context of "specialised" assistance09:01
crimsunthat way there's no stigma around there being so few09:01
crimsuninstead, make it a positive thing09:01
LaserJockcrimsun: yeah, that's what I'm trying to shoot for.09:02
LaserJockI think it is also worth pointing out the Ubuntu loco teams.09:02
LaserJockfor problems not specific to Edubuntu there is a lot of support out there09:03
cbx33there are more of those?09:03
cbx33I suppose we should expand a little more on that09:03
cbx33as edubuntu is really just a customisation of ubuntu09:03
LaserJockcbx33: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList09:04
LaserJockyeah, that's what I mean09:05
LaserJockand Edubuntu users have access to those loco teams too, they just are specialized to Edubuntu09:06
cbx33we could list all of them, in a line, just to show off :p09:07
cbx33Bluekuja, you around?09:09
cbx33LaserJock, what about categorising them in sections ike09:10
cbx33language, painting, maths09:10
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LaserJockcbx33: but that is a dynamic list, I think a link to the wiki page and saying something like "there are over X localization teams for Ubuntu and Y team specific to Edubuntu"09:11
LaserJockcbx33: sounds good09:11
cbx33I'll get started on that09:11
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cbx33LaserJock, ok they are now all rearranged09:19
LaserJockcbx33: looking good09:25
LaserJockcbx33: can I tweak them? :-)09:25
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cbx33hi Bluekuja 09:29
cbx33what happened ?09:29
Bluekujasorry pete09:29
Bluekujai had some problems09:29
Bluekujawith server connection09:29
cbx33um, take a look09:29
cbx33LaserJock, is just editing a few changes I made09:30
cbx33I just rearranged some of the apps into subject order09:30
Bluekujaok great09:30
cbx33we talked a little more about the locoteams section09:32
cbx33saying that we can incorporate the ubuntu locoteams too09:33
cbx33cbx33: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList09:33
cbx33LaserJock, suggested somethign like but that is a dynamic list, I think a link to the wiki page and saying something like "there are over X localization teams for Ubuntu and Y team specific to Edubuntu09:33
cbx33did you want to have a go at that section?09:34
cbx33LaserJock, did you say you have done some docbook too?09:35
cbx33Bluekuja, any mail news?09:38
Bluekujanope :(09:39
Bluekujano news from matt09:39
LaserJockjust a sec09:39
LaserJockcbx33: ok, reload09:45
LaserJockcbx33: I can help with the docbook09:45
LaserJockwe are still working on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy/LaserJock right?09:46
cbx33LaserJock, yes09:46
cbx33LaserJock, all i'd need is a little template of where to start09:47
cbx33after that I can do the rest09:47
cbx33LaserJock, looks a lot better09:49
LaserJockcbx33: notice that I added, Xaos to the "Drawing" section. It doesn't have much of a description09:49
cbx33I noticed09:50
LaserJockI think that perhaps we should try to reword the app descriptions a bit. Some of them are long and you don't need to have the name of the app twice when bulleted09:51
cbx33LaserJock, how long would it take to give me a really simple small docbook tmeplate?09:52
LaserJockheh, if wiki.u.c ran moin 1.5 we could docbook straigh from the wiki09:54
cbx33oooh really?09:54
cbx33that'd be nice09:54
cbx33LaserJock, what about setting up a wiki ourselves09:54
cbx33or do you think they'll upgrade soon?09:54
LaserJockIt wouldn't be worth setting up our own. I was looking for one I could "borrow" for a sec09:55
cbx33i was thinking of setting a moin wiki up09:56
LaserJockI have a personal wiki on my iMac but it is 1.3 :(09:56
cbx33i like it better than media wiki09:56
LaserJockactually, maybe I could use moin's sandbox09:57
cbx33LaserJock, is it advantageous to have it "online"09:57
cbx33or could I run it on a desktop wiki?09:57
cbx33I mean would having it on a server help in our collaboration?09:58
cbx33what do you think?10:01
Petarislater all10:02
LaserJockcbx33: no, doing it on the Ubuntu wiki is good. I got some docbook now10:03
cbx33ok nice10:03
cbx33chuck it in something like EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy/Template10:03
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cbx33Bluekuja, you around?10:15
Bluekujayep a little less busy but ok10:16
Bluekujatell me10:16
cbx33what ya been busy on?10:16
cbx33more bugs?10:16
Bluekujaworking on gnome stuff10:16
cbx33ah, what ya working on?10:16
cbx33on gnome?10:17
Bluekujathe gnome website10:17
cbx33ahhh cool10:17
Bluekujathere will be a new re-designed website10:17
cbx33I was hoping highvoltage would be here 10:17
Bluekujai havent seen him today10:17
cbx33i saw him very early on10:18
Bluekujanews for the page?10:18
cbx33not really10:18
cbx33did u try the loco team sectoin10:18
Bluekujayou mean wiki page?10:19
Bluekujaofficial one /LocoTeams?10:19
Bluekujaor locoteams paragraph10:20
Bluekujaah yes10:21
Bluekujai need to remake it 10:22
Bluekujamore linear10:22
Bluekujaand simple10:22
cbx33and refer to the ubuntu locoteams too10:24
cbx33LaserJock, when do you think we should start docbook conversion? - once approved by ML?10:24
=== alexandros_se [n=alex@2-1-1-18a.spa.sth.bostream.se] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockcbx33: I'll have it in a sec ;-)10:34
LaserJockcbx33: wget http://chem.unr.edu/~mantha/ubuntu/esa.xml10:53
LaserJockcbx33: and yelp esa.xml10:53
cbx33LaserJock, i didn;t mean for you to do the whole bloody thing :p10:54
LaserJockwell ...10:54
cbx33crapped out in fedora...yelp did nt like it10:55
LaserJockhmm, works on Dapper10:55
cbx33I'll try it on breezy later10:56
LaserJockcbx33: anyway, I did everything but the loco list because it is a pain to do it in docbook the way it is done on the wiki and I think we are going to work on it anyway11:01
cbx33seriously though LaserJock I was goign to do that tomrorow11:02
cbx33on the way to work11:02
LaserJockwell, look at it and fix any problems ;-) The indentation is bad11:02
cbx33I will I'll try it on yelp on breezy11:03
LaserJockI'll see about getting it put in the doc team repo so  we can all have some fun :-)11:04
cbx33jsgotcango said as soon as it was in docbook format he'd give me svn rights to upload it11:04
Bluekujapete, just talk with him11:04
LaserJockcbx33: well, that will actually take a while.11:05
Bluekujahe will be available tomorrow11:05
LaserJockcbx33: currently svn access isn't controlled by the doc team so it can take some time11:05
cbx33ah i see11:06
LaserJockso it really depends on how busy elmo is11:08
cbx33ah...back to elmo again11:09
cbx33Bluekuja, and i are waiting for our emails to be fixed by elmo, he's super busy :p11:10
Bluekujacbx33: heheeh11:10
Bluekujacbx33:  elmo is really busy11:10
LaserJockelmo runs everything ;-)11:10
Bluekujahehe yes11:10
cbx33everything??? :p11:11
LaserJockcbx33: pretty much, he also runs most of Debian too11:11
cbx33bloody ell11:11
Bluekujacbx33: lol11:12
LaserJockhe is the Debian ftp master11:12
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cbx33i just wish I'd gotten into linux ealier11:12
LaserJockcbx33: ok, so are you ok with me putting the docbookized version in the doc team repo?11:12
cbx33I so could have you know11:13
cbx33when i was like 1311:13
cbx33I'd be soooo damn good now:p11:13
LaserJockcbx33: same here11:13
cbx33but we gotta work with what we got11:13
cbx33and we're all doing good11:13
=== cbx33 just can't wait for his ubuntu email :p
LaserJockcbx33: ok, I'm going to put it in, last chance to stop me11:14
cbx33put it in where?11:14
cbx33the svn?11:14
cbx33ya bugger :p11:14
cbx33go ahead11:14
cbx33thumbs up from me11:14
cbx33Bluekuja, ?11:14
cbx33you happy?11:15
Bluekujawith putting it in the repo?11:15
cbx33I cant wait for the artwork to be confirmed so we can start the frackin screenshots11:15
Bluekujaits ok for me11:15
cbx33seen the ltest edubuntu wallpaper lisa worked on?11:16
Bluekujai have to go pete11:16
Bluekujasee you tomorrow11:16
Bluekujawith news11:17
cbx33nn Bluekuja 11:17
Bluekujacya jordan11:17
Bluekujacya pete11:17
LaserJockcbx33: very nice11:19
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LaserJockcbx33: I commited it. If you grab the doc team repo it is under edubuntu/SchoolAdvocacy11:51
LaserJockcbx33: and if you run make esa in the edubuntu dir then you'll get an HTML version in build/edubuntu/school-advocacy11:51

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