
maxcoif I want to improve the look and the feel of the ubuntu desktop, I think I have to get involved into Gnome instead of ubuntu ?12:04
sivangmaxco: you can do that, or you can work on stuff in ubuntu which can get used by larger communities if appropriate12:15
maxcobut the "appropriate" word hurt me a little bit12:15
maxcoif I want to inovate a bit, I cant very much because users dont want to break what they are used to12:17
maxcoI think to the "spatial" browsing of nautilus for exemple12:17
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maxcoI think that community does not let you to experiment new design, new concepts of the user interface, etc ... because they just dont have ideas about what thing could be added to improve the user-friendlyness, where dev/designer could12:19
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maxcothen, they just use what they know, when they looks a new feature on windows/macos, they want the same on linux, some things like that12:20
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sivangsort of, yes, we;ve had a couple of those I think12:21
maxcobut linux really have to get a design update12:22
sivangmaxco: if you have a suggestion or so, feel free to add it to the wiki as a specification, or discuss it over the mailint lists for broader consideration.12:22
maxcooh, yeah okay12:22
=== zul_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangmaxco: if you want to change the way the desktop is, then I think you better work it out upstream12:23
sivangmaxco: =GNOME,KDE etc..12:23
maxcoyes, what I though12:23
maxcoI am currently using xfce ( but with some gnome tools ) and I really like the way that xfce takes12:24
maxcothey take care about user/computer interface and standards ( I mean freedesktop ones )12:25
maxcoI think I could get a touch with its devs12:26
sivangmaxco: Doesn't GNOME also follows those standards? 12:27
maxcoless than xfce does ?12:28
maxcoor maybe in the past they dont12:28
maxcodont know very well12:28
maxcoI really like gnome, I use it as well as xfce12:29
maxcobut somethings disturb me, like some designs and the slowness of gtk12:30
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maxcoI think I could start by developping my ideas concretely and propose them to Gnome/xfce devs12:32
maxcobut I want to keep a link to ubuntu, because I really love this distrib12:32
sivangmaxco: okay, then you can do that in two leverls.12:33
sivanglevels, even12:33
sivangmaxco: 1) work with Xubuntu developers and propose your ideas. sometimes things are accepted in ubuntu, then upstream sees its good and decids to adopt them.12:33
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sivangmaxco: 2) work and propose stuff directly to XFce developers, I know they are already in contact with some of the Xubuntu developrs, and pushing ideas back and forth.12:34
maxcookay cool, I will do that12:34
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maxcoI just have a little question : how linux devs works on the last cvs version of a project without breaking all their system with dependencies problems ?12:36
maxcobecause if you want to work on the last version of a tool, you need to get the last version of the libs12:37
crimsunmaxco: I generally keep chroots for that sort.12:37
maxcochroots ? you make a little system inside your usual one ?12:38
crimsunmaxco: indeed.12:38
sivangmaxco: some break their system and then waste time restoring it, like me :) some use chroots, yes 12:39
maxcooh good idea !12:39
=== sivang onces b0rked his /etc/passwd when working on system-tool-backends
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sivangcrimsun: have you been doing work on dh_iconcache ?12:40
=== sivang looks for someone a bit more knowledgeable about this.
maxcoit is so hard to work on a big project on linux ... mainly because of the libs/headers dependencies ?12:40
crimsunsivang: I haven't -- been embroiled in other bugs, sorry.12:41
sivangcrimsun: no problem, thanks anyway ;)12:41
sivangmaxco: hard is relative. Usually each big project has it's own stack of development tools and build ways, once you control those, it becomes easy I think12:42
maxcoyes of course12:42
maxcobut unflexibility breaks innovation ( it is only my advice )12:43
maxcoerm, s/advice/opinion12:44
=== maxco is french
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sivangmaxco: sure, but sometimes when a system is responsible for so many things, there is not escape from complexity and size..12:45
sivangmaxco: taking the approach of componentization could help alot in this cases, though.12:45
maxcoyes yes I agree12:45
maxcoI am thinking to xfree/xorg12:46
maxcothe result is that they become unappropriate for today needs, and you need to make some hacks like xgl12:47
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maxcoeven they was well-designed at the begining12:48
maxcoif on day a guy say "hey I want my desktop being managed only by opengl", you can wait a very long time before this guy release his idea12:49
maxcoit is the way AIXGL takes12:49
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maxcoI think there is something to work on arround that, but I dont know very well where to go in12:52
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maxcoeven google encounters problems when I ask him such questions :p12:54
maxcoI wonder how OSX manage it12:57
=== maxco are sorry to "think" on the chan
sivangmaxco: hehe, but yes, discussinons like this might be more appropriate over #ubuntu-offtopic01:06
maxcoyes sure :p01:06
maxcosorry I really need to talk about my ideas and thinking01:06
maxcoI could write articles and make a website ... maybe01:07
maxcoat least on such a channel, there are advanced users and developpers, not only newbie that dont understand something01:09
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bddebianHeya peoples01:49
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dilingeranyone know what xserver-xorg is using libdiscover1 for?02:36
infinitydilinger: PCI ID -> video driver mappings?02:40
dilingerinfinity: that's what i figured, but debian's doesn't seem to have it, there's no mention of it in the binary (strings /usr/X11R6/bin/X |grep disc), and it's not linked directly against it02:41
infinityThe X server doesn't do it on the fly, just the debconf config stuff uses it.02:42
dilingerah, i see02:42
dilingershouldn't it be dep'ing on discover1, then?  it looks like it calls the binary itself in the .config file02:43
infinityIt doesn't?02:43
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ apt-cache show xserver-xorg | grep Depends02:43
infinityDepends: xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-driver-all | xserver-xorg-driver, xserver-xorg-input-all | xserver-xorg-input, x11-common, laptop-detect, xresprobe, mdetect, discover1, dmidecode02:43
dilingeroh, i misread02:44
dilingernm then02:44
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crimsunwould a main uploader take a look at ubuntu bug #43423 and apply one of the patches to fix subversion?03:46
UbugtuMalone bug 43423 in subversion "svn over https not working any longer" [Critical,In progress]  03:46
infinitycrimsun: No patch required, since I'll be updating to 1.3.1, which supports the new NEON fine.03:47
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crimsuninfinity: ok, thanks for the heads-up.03:47
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infinity(People use SVN over https?)03:47
infinityActually, I should know that, since I had to fix a misfeature in apache2 for that same use case.03:48
yvesI do.03:48
infinity(SVN over https with client certs = explodey after a security fix that broke a misfeature people had been relying on)03:48
crimsuninfinity: the doc team does. And sorry about the duplicate comment.03:49
infinityOh, if the doc team uses it, I'll prioritise the update and fix.03:50
infinitySince the doc team is the only group I can think of with a VALID reason to be using SVN on dapper *and* complaining about it. :)03:50
infinity(How dare they run an OS to document it!)03:50
=== infinity loves that neon's API is so painfully unstable that SVN upstream has to maintain such a silly "working list" in their source treee in the first place.
infinityAnyhow, I'll fix it up right after I go get some lunch to work out my frustrations from the morning hackery. :)03:53
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sleazyesleep stopped working after update today...think it was acpi...is this a known issue?04:15
crimsunsleazye: acpi-support_0.79?04:16
crimsunprobably better addressed in #ubuntu-laptop04:16
sleazyeyes 0.7904:18
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dreyesanyone try installing zimbra????05:41
dreyesanyone here???05:41
bddebianGive me a sec05:42
dreyeswell i followed this forum here http://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Building_the_software_yourself#CVS_Update05:42
dreyesand It installed okay except for a local host but it installed05:43
dreyesbut I can't even log infinity 05:43
bddebianOh, I thought you meant an Ubuntu package05:43
infinitydreyes: This doesn't belong in #ubuntu-devel.05:43
dreyesgot ya see ya05:44
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whiprushhey infinity 05:46
whiprushquick question for ya ...05:46
whiprushchances of you visiting ootb LDAP goodness during edgy?05:47
infinitywhiprush: Decent, if you write me some coherent specs to look over in Paris.05:47
infinitywhiprush: Poor otherwise, as it's not necessarily a personal goal of MINE.05:47
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=== whiprush nods
ajmitchwhiprush: like NetworkAuthentication?05:48
ajmitchwhich I've put in for SoC05:48
whiprushajmitch: from scanning the page, yep.05:49
whiprushajmitch: coolness05:49
ajmitchwhiprush: if it goes through, I should get client & server stuff done05:49
whiprushyou messed around with FDS at all?05:50
ajmitchwill be doing so05:50
ajmitchI haven't had that joy yet05:50
whiprushI've done so on one machine, I haven't played with it as far as the multi-master stuff goes05:50
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infinityI haven't player with it at all yet.05:52
whiprushajmitch: I've just kerberized our stuff at work, it's great stuff.05:52
infinityIs it "yet another slapd fork" with some extra glue?05:52
whiprushMaybe my school will send our ldap guy to paris.05:52
ajmitchinfinity: old netscape code05:52
ajmitchsadly I won't be in paris05:52
infinityajmitch: Oh, ick.05:53
whiprushinfinity: forked off the old netscape code05:53
whiprushthen they spent a few months making the admin tools work with free java.05:53
whiprushit's not /bad/, but it's not entirely fun to use either, imo.05:53
ajmitchso I hope people don't spec too much that runs against what I'm working on :)05:53
=== ajmitch will be back in ~15 min
infinityajmitch: Well, I don't intend to spec anything LDAP-related for edgy, I have other fish to fry.  Since I'm likely the only core-dev who gives a crap about LDAP, that probably means you're safe.05:54
bddebianinfinity: I gotta hand it to you man, I don't know how you deal with any/all these X bugs??05:57
whiprushinfinity: they invented ldap like 45 minutes from me, and for the life of me I can't find anyone in their LUG or faculty willing to work on the stuff. :-/05:57
infinitybddebian: I ignore them until the nagging becomes overwhelming?05:59
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bddebianinfinity: Heh.  I wish I could help you more man :-(06:02
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diemanthe school acm group finally passed on the ubuntu SoC email06:46
diemanto their student members on their jobs list06:46
infinityI'm unsure whether to love or hate the SVN testsuite...06:46
ajmitchdieman: the one where applications are due in < 24 hours?06:47
infinityIt's saved my ass a few times..  But it also takes like 12 freakin' days to run on my 2GHz Pentium-M.06:47
diemani sent them days ago06:47
diemanand someone decided to leave them in the queue, obviously06:47
lifelessinfinity: wow. seriously?06:47
infinitylifeless: No, not quite 12 days.  That might be hyperbole.06:47
lifelessinfinity: is it all blackbox tests ?06:47
infinitylifeless: It's rather comprehensive, however.06:47
infinitylifeless: EPARSE.  blackbox tests, meaning?  (I'm not a testing engineer)06:48
=== jdub wonders if god entertains test driven design... and are we the product, or the test suite?
lifelessjdub: haha06:48
infinitySome of the magic (and pain) of the suite comes from the fact that many tests generate random repository scenarios on the fly to catch "bugs no one's though of yet".06:50
infinityWhich has actually caught a few, which is neat, but is also hell on entropy.06:50
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bddebianGnight peopleses07:03
infinityfabbione: Your last GDB upload seems to have hosed the testsuite on other arches...07:12
infinityfabbione: More failures than before, and ia64 and powerpc even decided to hang.07:12
LathiatBenC: about?07:20
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pittiGood morning07:27
diemanmisfire, wrong chan07:27
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pittijdub: my evo greeted me with an 'invalid file format' for the fridge web cal this morning; any idea?08:39
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dholbachgood morning08:50
Mithrandirhiya daniel08:50
=== dholbach hugs Mithrandir
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neuralisdholbach: have you seen anyone complaining about dapper video playback in multihead setups? a malone search reveals nothing useful.08:59
dholbachneuralis: I think there was one bug about multihead and totem, but that can have been upstream too.09:00
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neuralisdholbach: it's a very serious regression from breezy that i only now noticed, and appears non-trivial to debug :/09:01
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sivangmorning all09:43
carlospitti: hi, I didn't get translation status mails for Saturday and Sunday, is there any problem with your scripts?09:46
pitticarlos: yes, I fixed it this morning, sorry09:47
carlospitti: ok, no problem at all. Thanks09:47
pitticarlos: will work again today09:47
pitticarlos: btw, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MissingPotFiles looks pretty well now; can you confirm this list?09:47
carlospitti: I think so, most of the .pot files were approved on Friday09:49
=== pitti looks forward to today's report
carlospitti: I still need to do the manual imports for some packages, will try to do it today so tomorrow we would get near 100% exports from Rosetta09:52
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sivangjdub: when you come online, could you please add me to planel? please add http://sivan.linuxguru.net/ as a feed.09:56
=== sivang hugs slomo
slomohi sivang :)09:56
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MithrandirKinnison: is it you or ogra I should talk to about gss locking my screen (sometimes) when unplugging power?10:20
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hungerYahoo, resume works for me again with the new kernel.10:30
hungerUnfortunately the box shuts down right after it resumed.10:30
Mithrandirmvo: 30171 should be confirmed at least, shouldn't it?10:30
Treenakshunger: Hey, it's a start :)10:31
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hungerTreenaks: Yeap. And getting it to resume again should have been the hard part, too:-)10:32
mvoMithrandir: yes. I currently sync by hand when I have time. I still need to figure how to merge unreleated trees in bzr then I can use the cvs import we have10:32
Mithrandirmvo: I'm going through unconfirmed bugs so if we could at least just confirm it, it'd drop off my radar for now.10:33
mvoMithrandir: done10:33
mvoMithrandir: sorry for not doing it earlier10:34
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sabdflmoin moin10:37
sabdflanybody else see kernel 2.6.15-22 not properly install?10:38
sabdflit does not show up in my boot menu10:38
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pittihi sabdfl 10:38
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danimowhere has the the fs_dav plugin for subversion gone?10:39
danimoin current dapper, it's not possible to access http urls anymore10:40
danimowebdav-based repos, that is10:40
pittisabdfl: I just dist-upgraded, it worked fine for me10:40
pittisabdfl: are the /vmlinux{,.old} symlinks correct?10:41
sabdflpitti: yes10:41
Toadstooldanimo: it's a known bug and has been fixed this night, the packages will be quickly available on your mirror10:41
Toadstoolhi here by the way10:42
pittisabdfl: and /boot/grub/menu.list still shows -21 for the default kernel /vmlinuz?10:42
pittithat indeed seems to be a bug in the kernel postinst then10:42
sabdflBenC: ping ^^^10:42
pittisabdfl: sometimes I ended up with grub using the 'wrong' boot partition (after test installs, etc.), but that doesn't seem to be the case here10:43
dholbachsabdfl: a full /boot partition maybe? does  sudo update-grub  say anything?10:43
danimoToadstool: ok, tnx10:44
sabdflreinstalling gives:10:44
sabdflNot touching initrd symlinks since we are being reinstalled (2.6.15-22.34)10:44
sabdflNot updating image symbolic links since we are being updated (2.6.15-22.34)10:44
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pittiwell, the symlinks were okay anyway10:44
pittiupdate-grub should rewrite menu.list10:44
sabdflinteresting, grub is not installed10:45
sabdflthere is no chain of dependencies10:45
pittioh, that explains the issue then :)10:45
pvanhoofthere's something wrong with that new subversion package10:45
sabdflwhy is grub not a dependency of -minimal?10:45
pvanhoofit can't handle https URL's10:45
pittisabdfl: some people might want lilo10:46
pittisabdfl: (I want lilo on my server, e.g.)10:46
sabdflpitti surely we should depend on (lilo | grub)10:46
pittisabdfl: indeed, the kernel should do (grub | lilo, even)10:46
Kamiongetting grub installed is handled by the installer10:46
thom(some people might /have/ to have lilo, even if they don't want it)10:46
Kamionthere's no infrastructure in -minimal for alternative dependencies at the moment10:46
Kamion-minimal doesn't depend on the kernel either, somewhat deliberately :)10:47
sabdflKamion: i think -desktop at least should have the (lilo | grub) dependency10:47
Kamionsabdfl: no infrastructure for it there either; germinate can't express that10:47
sabdfli also noticed that ubuntu-artwork wanted to be removed over the w/e10:47
pittithom: I never managed to get the grub equivalent of lilo's -R option working, so I just sticked to lilo on my server10:47
sabdflKamion: ok, i'm just suggesting its a bug that the user can end up with no boot loader updates10:47
Kamionsabdfl: well, only if they choose to remove packages :)10:48
thompitti: i can't remember what -R is; I have seen machines that grub physically doesn't work on10:48
pittithom: lilo -R linux.new boots the image linux.new once and then falls back to 'default='10:48
sabdflKamion: we have smart packaging systems to keep machines lean and mean, and if there is no dependency then the packages could well end up being removed10:48
pittithom: a vital life saver if you have to adminstrate a remote server with only ssh (like I do)10:48
thompitti: oh, cute10:48
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ajmitchKamion: are there a a few zope & python2.3-* packages in NEW at the moment?10:49
pittithom: so, with panic= and an init.d script which autoreboots after 5 minutes (at job), I'm fairly safe against screwing up in a kernel update, etc.10:49
ivoksKamion: i noticed one bug in ubiquity (choosing croatian layout doesn't change a thing), so I'm wondering is this ubiquity bug or it has something to do with localisation packages?10:50
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thompitti: yeah. LOM for the win, really :-)10:50
pittithom: LOM?10:50
thomlights out management10:51
jdubmjg59: ping10:51
Kamionivoks: ubiquity bug I imagine10:51
ivoksKamion: ok10:51
Kamionthere are some related ones filed, but none for Croatian10:52
ivoksok, i'll take a look10:53
ivoksthank you10:53
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UbugtuMalone bug 43526 in Baltix "Since May 8 subversion cannot do https anymore" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  10:53
pvanhoofCan somebody move that to Ubuntu?10:53
Kamionpvanhoof: it's already fixed10:53
pvanhoofare you uploading a new package?10:53
Kamionand no, somebody can't move it to Ubuntu, look at the bug on the web10:53
Kamionit's already filed on Ubuntu10:53
Kamionpvanhoof: not me10:53
pvanhoofokay, thanks .. whoever fixed it10:54
pvanhoof*rolled libsvn and subversion back* I'll upgrade in a few hours and try again10:54
pvanhooffunny monday mornings when running dapper :)10:55
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sivangRiddell: ping11:11
czrwill xen be integrated in any form for dapper?11:11
czrlack of time or some other reason?11:11
phanaticczr: i suppose feature freeze11:11
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czrk. thanks for that info11:12
Mithrandirit's way, way, way too late now and nobody has spent the effort earlier.11:12
phanaticwas long time ago11:12
MithrandirIt'd have been sweet if it had been pushed for five months ago, but it wasn't.11:12
czrwhat about the next version (what was it anyway?)11:13
Mithrandiredgy eft.11:13
czryeah, that one :-)11:13
czralways have problems remembering the new names :-)11:13
Mithrandirsomebody needs to expend the effort.  If a volunteer does it, I can't see it not being accepted.11:13
czrno one is working on it yet?11:14
MithrandirI don't know if it'll be a high-priority goal.  Maybe, maybe not.11:14
dholbachczr: we're all focussing on getting the release ready.11:14
Mithrandirwe're busy getting dapper out.  Nobody's supposed to focus on eft yet.11:14
czrdholbach, I understand11:14
dholbachczr: cool11:15
czrgoing to play with xen this week and since ubuntu is my fav distro just wanted to know if there are any plans. that's all :-)11:16
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dholbachczr: you sound like a member of the XenTeam for next release, it seems ;)11:17
czrdepends on how busy I'll be with other stuff :-)11:17
czrand depends on how well my playing with xen will go over, but from what I've understood, getting it to work isn't that hard. getting it integrated properly might be more pita.11:18
sivangczr: there's already some efforts to make it work out of the box, wait a sec I'll find you the link11:18
czrsivang, thanks11:19
Mithrandirczr: there's some very unofficial stuff, I think it was announced on ubuntu-devel some time ago.11:19
czrwell there is a project for debian at least11:19
sivangMithrandir: talking about what jmg's working on?11:22
sivangczr: It seems that link has been removed, and I'm reluctant to give you repository location without the howto.. try to contact jmg on IRC when he's online11:23
Mithrandirsivang: maybe that's what it is, I can't remember exactly.11:23
czrsivang, that's ok. I'm going to play with xen with my own system first (not ubuntu), just asked about plans (if any) about xen-'support' in the future11:24
sivangczr: jmg already has packages that install a patched dapper kernel and seems to go past installation, but I personally couldn't make the subdomains work, or connect to them..11:24
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Mithrandirczr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenVirtualMachine/XenOnUbuntuDapper has something11:26
czrI'm going to play with xen patched 2.6.16 running my own initramfs this week. so mainly the question was whether ubuntu will behave nicely running in a domU11:26
czrthanks Mithrandir 11:26
janimoKamion: I am planning an upload which renames one of the xfce library binary packages. Can I ping you when it's built to let it out of NEW?11:26
czranyhow, thanks for all the links & info, I'm going to stop the xen-questions now, you have better things to do :--)11:28
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MithrandirKamion: 34465 should be fixed now, or haven't you had the time to check?11:33
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zakamehi all11:39
Kamionjanimo: if it's urgent, yes11:39
KinnisonMithrandir: theoretically me11:39
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KamionMithrandir: oh, yeah, that's a dup, I'll mark it as such11:40
MithrandirKinnison: I don't know the exact steps needed to reproduce it yet, but it happened to me this morning.11:40
MithrandirKamion: thanks.11:40
KinnisonMithrandir: check your system logs from around that time11:40
KinnisonMithrandir: g-p-m is supposed to log when/why it does things11:41
MithrandirKinnison: what does it use as its tag?11:43
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lucasvoAnybody know what's the difference from embedded-ubuntu to 'miu'ubuntu?11:46
KinnisonMithrandir: not a clue, grep -i for gnome ought to do it11:47
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MithrandirKinnison: well, doesn't seem like it has logged anything here11:48
Kamionsabdfl: the problem with adding grub|lilo to metapackages is that it makes it difficult to set up a chroot and be confident that stuff inside the chroot isn't going to render your machine unbootable11:48
Kamionsabdfl: I think I'd rather make our smart packaging tools a little bit smarter, and tell them to try hard not to remove bootloaders11:49
sabdflKamion: ?11:49
sabdflwhat about depending on "boot-loader" and have three things that provide that: grub, lilo, and a dummy11:49
sabdflthen you can put the dummy in the chroot11:50
Kamiondunno, sounds fiddly to get the chroot created properly then, but I suppose it's possible11:50
KamionI'd probably better not dive into that morass today though :)11:51
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KinnisonMithrandir: Hmm, then it's possible it wasn't g-p-m11:53
=== Kinnison ponders
lucasvo!seen alizardo11:56
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Kamioninfinity: was it you who was apparently halfway through doing a retchmail sync?12:10
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infinityKamion: Nope.  Blame Keybuk.12:14
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Riddellsivang: pong12:24
sivangRiddell: let me know if this is legite, or helps in any way https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/4345912:25
UbugtuMalone bug 43459 in amarok "dh_iconcache added." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:25
Riddellsivang: I've no idea, I've not looked at dh_iconcache at all, you'd need to ask a gnome packager12:26
sivangRiddell: k, thanks alot.12:26
pittidoko: could you please take a look at merging/syncinc libstruts1.2-java from sid? (new upstream microversion fixes three security bugs, but we have ubuntu specific java changes)12:27
dokopitti: ok12:27
pittidoko: thanks12:27
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pittislomo: do you feel like merging ethereal with Sid, to fix a plethora of vulns?12:34
KinnisonMithrandir: There's no mention of g-p-m there at all?12:34
=== Kinnison looks confused
slomopitti: hm, write me a mail with all packages and i'll get this done over the week whenever i have some free minutes :)12:36
pittislomo: just ethereal12:36
KinnisonMithrandir: grep for " because "12:36
KinnisonMithrandir: if that produces nothing then I'm not sure what happened.12:36
slomopitti: oh how boring :) it's on my todo list now... is there a bug about this?12:36
MithrandirKinnison: nothing since May 5th.12:36
KinnisonMithrandir: do you have any of your actions set to "blank screen" ?12:37
pittislomo: I don't know, I just spotted it in ubuntu-cve (I repaired debian changelog parsing)12:37
MithrandirKinnison: when laptop lid is closed, yes.12:38
KinnisonMithrandir: so you unplugged ac and that caused it to do laptop-lid-close action?12:38
MithrandirKinnison: apparently, yes.12:38
slomopitti: hm this would get us a new upstream version... maybe i'll just backport the fixes... i'll take a closer look later12:38
KinnisonMithrandir: can you run g-p-m in --no-daemon --verbose mode and log it all to a file, and then prod around and try and reproduce it?12:38
pittislomo: as you wish, but I think you don't really want to backport ~10 security fixes for ethereal (the new upstream release does not much (nothing?) else anyway)12:39
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MithrandirKinnison: I can see if I can reproduce it first, though I don't really know where to start, given that it doesn't reproduce magically12:39
slomopitti: well... it's 0.10.something -> 0.99... sounds scary :) but i didn't take a look at the changes yet12:39
pittislomo: oh, I see, our version is even older; hmm12:39
pittislomo: thanks12:39
chris_^... just a little question - you know that nvidia modules don't work in dapper with 2.6.15-22?12:40
KinnisonMithrandir: it sounds like g-p-m's internal notion of where the lid was is confused12:40
slomopitti: np :)12:40
pittichris_^: did you update linux-restricted-modules as well?12:40
chris_^pitti: yes12:40
chris_^on my gaming machiene (even my dapper test machine), there is with 2.6.15-21 the error message "can't load module nvidia"...12:40
pittichris_^: incidentially I have to reboot for the new kernel (and nvidia) as well, let's see12:40
chris_^no, with 15-2212:41
KinnisonMithrandir: because it does the lid-close-on-battery action when ac is removed andit thinks the lid is closed12:41
chris_^with 15-21 working well12:41
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MithrandirKinnison: yeah, something like that12:41
KinnisonIrritatingly it seems to lose events sometimes12:42
Kinnisonesp if lid changes occur during syspend/resume cycles12:42
Mithrandirthat might very well have happened.12:42
KinnisonIt's really hard to debug these kinds of breakages, and even harder to fix12:43
Kinnisonit'd be easier if we had a reliable way to query if the lid was open or closed12:43
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Mithrandir: tfheen@thosu ~ > cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state12:44
Mithrandirstate:      open12:44
Kinnisonit's not always reliable12:44
Kinnisonstupor% cat button/lid/LID/state12:44
chris_^pitti: working all well?12:44
Kinnisonstate:      closed12:44
pittichris_^: works fine here12:44
Mithrandirheh, ok12:44
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chris_^pitti: ohh, i think restricted modules are missing12:47
chris_^just thought apt has installed new version.. grml12:47
pittichris_^: yes, I dist-upgraded, rebooted, no problem12:48
chris_^pitti: i dist-upgraded, rebootet, linux-restricted-modules-2.6-15-22-686 or so is missing..12:48
chris_^but installed it, worked..12:48
infinityThis brings up a point, actually.12:49
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infinityDoes anyone think it would be horribly heavy-handed for me to make linux-restricted-modules-$(KVER)-$(FLAVOUR) depend on linux-$(FLAVOUR)?12:49
infinityIt's obviously incorrect, but it would mean that people who install LRM manually will be pretty much forced from there on it to have kernels and LRM in sync on upgrades.12:50
pittichris_^: you need to have the metapackages12:50
infinitychris_^: Installing "linux-686" would solve your issue for future upgrades.12:50
pittiinfinity: sounds like a good circumvention of this common bug; Recommneds: maybe?12:51
infinitypitti: Users don't pay attention to Recommends, so it wouldn't solve the bug, really.12:51
chris_^infinity: yes, thanks.. bye :)12:51
infinitypitti: My rationale was basically that people who want LRM probably want their hand held in this fashion anyway, so it's not THAT bad. :)12:51
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pittiinfinity: only apt-get install doesn't respect recommends, right? anyway, a depends would be just fine for me12:52
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pittiinfinity: I don't see a reason why anyone using ubuntu kernels would not want to have the metapacakges anyway12:52
infinitypitti: apt-get can be told to, but it won't by default.  Even dselect and aptitude let you NOT install them, though (obviously).12:52
pittiinfinity: right, but if I do aptitude install -R, I probalby have a reason (i. e. opt-out instead of opt-in)12:53
infinityFair point.12:53
infinityUnfortunately, several dozen HOWTOs out there say "if you need to install fglrx/nvidia, invoke "apt-get install nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`"12:54
pittistill, I don't object against Depends:, it's just that using recommends: would be more correct12:54
infinityAnd since users tend to just follow such docs blindly and have no idea what they mean...12:54
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infinity(And no, I can't go fix every bad doc I run across..)12:54
infinityThough I'd love to.12:54
pittiok, you convinced me12:55
infinityYeah, I'll asl a few more people, so it's not just a committee of two, but I think this abuse of Depends is the lesser of two annoyances.12:55
infinity(You should see all the bugs LRM gets filed when stable kernels have ABI bumps)12:56
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MithrandirKamion: bug 29810 should be rejected with "if you want to preseed from a floppy, make sure your initrd includes something that provides mountfloppy"?01:01
UbugtuMalone bug 29810 in debian-installer "mountfloppy package not installing" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2981001:01
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Riddellmvo: mornfall got this backtrace on qt-language-selector http://rafb.net/paste/results/1QvmkW44.html01:12
Riddellmvo: installed from his chroot so might be a missing dependency01:13
RiddellI can't recreate it01:13
mvoRiddell: thanks, can I get a bugreport about it please? I'll check it out then01:13
KamionMithrandir: but AFAIK our cdrom initrd *does* include mountfloppy ...01:13
Kamionoh, not in breezy apparently01:14
Kamionso fix released, not rejected :) I'll look up when it was fixed01:14
MithrandirKamion: thanks.01:15
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dokopitti, Mithrandir: no clue about norwegian, but shouldn't language-support-no depend on myspell-nn | myspell-nb ?01:17
pittiMithrandir, doko: I can add these, no problem01:18
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Mithrandirpitti: econtext?01:18
pittiMithrandir: adding muyspell-{nn,nb} to language-support-no01:20
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Mithrandirpitti: that'd be useful, I think.01:20
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Kamiondoko: have you noticed that openoffice.org-l10n 2.0.2-2ubuntu5 FTBFS?01:24
Kamiondoko: and was openoffice.org-help-lt intentionally removed?01:24
infinityKamion: He knows that it's FTBFS (it's been tried twice now).  Even mentioned investigating said FTBFS in the last distro meeting. :)01:25
Kamionoh, right, missed that01:25
pittiMithrandir: done01:26
dokoKamion: yes, I would like to know why, build ok outside the buildd. -lt: yes, not translated, and we fall back to english anyway01:28
Kamionpitti: could you remove openoffice.org-help-lt from language-support-lt's dependencies, then?01:28
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infinitydoko: Are you positive it builds okay in a completely clean chroot?01:29
infinitydoko: I can do some test builds and keep a build tree for you.01:29
dokoinfinity: I'll recheck with my next update01:29
pittiKamion: done01:30
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=== pitti wonders why he got Rejected emails for some old uploads and at the same time an accepted email for the current upload
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^robertjq. who determines the stylesheet for the ftp pages02:06
^robertjI still feel cheated if something is blue and underlined and not a hyperlink02:07
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phaidroswhere are the changelogs for dapper packages in the www ?02:10
seb128phaidros: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/<package>/+changelog ?02:12
phaidrostahnx :)02:13
seb128not sure that's what you are looking for though02:13
Amaranthchangelogs.ubuntu.com works too02:13
janimoKamion: if one binary pkg from a source is NEW, does it prevent the other binary build from same source and version to enter the archive as well? Not sure if archive is lagging well behind LP publisher or the former02:14
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janimolibxfce4util4 should be binary NEW soon02:14
seb128phaidros: other way http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool02:14
Amarantheither way i don't think they show up right away02:14
Amaranthif a package just hit the archives and you want to know what changed you have to apt-get source it02:15
Kamionjanimo: yes02:16
Kamionuploads happen in units of .changes files02:16
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janimoKamion: ok, whenever you have time then please let it out of NEW,  I'd like to rebuilt the ~40 xfce packages against it. thanks02:19
janimoalso, the moment it appears in the archive, is it safe to assume the buildd daemons will see it too in the same time?02:20
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Kamionjanimo: yes02:20
janimosivang: do not bother with xfce4-trigger-launcher, I plan to fix it FTBFS and get some bugfixes in at the saem time02:22
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sivangjanimo: sure thing, sorry for the noise then.02:23
Kamionjanimo: accepted02:23
janimosivang: np, actually it made me aware of the bug being opened (known about it outside LP). same for wavelan02:23
janimoKamion: thanks02:23
sivangjanimo: good to know I've done some good with going over the unmetdeps :)02:24
mvoinfinity: nvidia-settings is no longer required and nvidia-glx provides all that is required?02:24
mvoinfinity: (bug 02:25
mvoinfinity: #43485)02:25
^robertjdoes anyone else get the hibee-jibees seing blue underlined text that isn't a hyperlink?02:26
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FjodorHAs anyone looked at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/libx11/+bug/40761?02:28
UbugtuMalone bug 40761 in libx11 "Most X apps warn about locale not supported" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  02:28
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carlospcping Kamion02:35
Kamioncarlospc: hello02:36
carlospchi, Raphael Hertzog point me to you 02:37
carlospci'm thinking in recoding debian-cd02:37
carlospcand i just want to talk a little bit with you about that02:37
Kamionyou'd be better to talk with Steve McIntyre, really, unless you need to know about Ubuntu-specific details02:38
KamionSteve's had a gradual rewrite in the works for a while02:38
sivangdoko: package 'zope' is uninstallable in dapper currently, making zope-zshell uninstallabel as well due to unemtdeps. is there a scheduled sync for that or should dependency be changed?02:39
janimoKamion: sorry for the noise, but am not familiar with the timings of the syncs between various machines in the DC. You let the package out of NEW, and it's built but not in the archive yet.02:41
dokosivang: zope was removed from dapper02:42
Kamionjanimo: buildds produce binary uploads, which are uploaded to the queue, and may require NEW processing02:42
Kamionjanimo: NEW processing moves the upload from the NEW queue to the ACCEPTED queue02:42
Kamionjanimo: every hour, the publisher processes whatever's in the ACCEPTED queue02:42
Kamionjanimo: when the publisher finishes, newly-accepted uploads are visible in the archive02:43
janimoKamion, thanks I'll paste this to a file02:43
sivangdoko: okay, which means then that zope-zshell should be removed as well, as the dependency will never be satisfied.02:46
dokosivang: no, please request a sync02:48
janimodholbach: hi, if  you think it's ok  I can handle the libgoffice + gnumeric patch. New abiword-plugins also need the separate goffice handling as otherwise they dep on gnome02:48
sivangdoko: okay, you mean then that zope is replaced with zopeX.X ? (by 'removed' , that is)02:51
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ivoksKamion: there is no croat layout, only hr02:52
ivoksKamion: croat was for console-tools iirc02:52
Kamionivoks: yes I'm talking about the console layout02:56
Kamionivoks: for dapper, the installer (including ubiquity) deals in console layouts and relies on X code to convert02:56
Kamionwe'll be revisiting that after dapper02:56
ivoksi'll file a bug02:57
ivoksquick fix would be linking croat with slovene keyboard, since they are the same02:58
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Mithrandirsladen: around?03:02
Kamionanyone mind if I upload xorg to fix some keyboard configuration bits?03:03
ivoksno :)03:03
Kamions/anyone/any X maintainers/ ;-)03:04
ivoksKamion: that would be great since we are in the middle of translation marathon and it would be a shame if everything is translated, but keyboard doesn't work on install :/03:05
infinitymvo: nvidia-settings was never "required", but yes, nvidia-glx completely replaces it.03:05
infinitymvo: Same for nvidia-xconfig.03:05
Kamionivoks: you can stop trying to persuade me to fix the bug now :)03:05
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ivoksKamion: ok03:06
ivoksKamion: sorry :)03:06
mvoinfinity: thanks, i was looking over the upgrade logs and noticed that sometimes the dist-upgrade has trouble with it and removes nvidia-glx instead of nvidia-settings. I guess nvidia-settings is needed for people who prefer the "nv" dirver over the glx one?03:06
mvoinfinity: otherwise I could add a rule to auto-remove nvidia-settings on upgrade (but I guess that is not a good idea ...)?03:06
infinitymvo: No, nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig are to configure the binary driver.03:08
infinitymvo: The newest nvidia-glx just happens to include those apps in it.03:08
infinitymvo: So, iff the user is upgrading nvidia-glx, make sure it wins over those two.03:08
infinitymvo: OTOH, if they have nvidia-glx-legacy installed, there's no conflict there.03:08
infinityivoks: Replaces means "overwrites"... Conflicts is correct in this case.03:09
infinityivoks: "Replaces" just means "replaces one or more files from the other package"03:09
ivoksi tought overwrite is wanted method... if not conflict is ok03:09
infinitymvo: If it helps hint apt's problem resolver, I can change the conflict to a conflict/replace pair, but those are "wrong", IMO (and we only ever used them in the past to work around dpkg bugs)03:10
mvoinfinity: hmm, currently the apt problem resolver seems to cope well with the situation. I could add a new type of rule to the dist-upgrader: "if A is installed: remove B " sort of03:11
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_ionCool, the new version of gajim uses notification-daemon.03:24
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sivangdoko: are you going to change all zope2.8 dependencies away from python-*2.3 ? currently zope2.8 is not installable, so I can't even test if the sync would help. and I feel I must test it myself before requesting the sync, or can I just go ahead, and when zope2.8 is fixed, assume zope-zshell will be as well?03:32
sfllawWhen our kernel panics, does it leave anything to look at somewhere?03:32
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dokosivang: why should I change them from 2.3?03:36
sivangdoko: well, (excuse me I'm way wrong with this) - zope2.8: Depends: python2.3-xml but it is not installable03:37
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dokosivang: right, the joy of main/universe03:38
bddebianMorning folks03:39
dokocopy the python-xml source to python2.3-xml, and build onl ythe python2.3-xml package. 03:39
sivangdoko: I thought zope in general (at least, current version) is supposed to be in main no?03:40
janimosfllaw: if it locks up and you reboot then there's no log of the panic03:40
dokosivang: no, because it's not validated for 2.403:40
sivangdoko: ah, I see. okay, thanks for the tip, will try it out.03:41
janimosfllaw: but if it's something you can reproduce and want to have written down it can be done03:41
dokosivang, Kamion: bug #35998 (ajmitch says, this is in NEW)03:42
UbugtuMalone bug 35998 in zope2.8 "zope2.8 uninstallable" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3599803:42
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sladenMithrandir: yes03:42
sivangdoko: ah ha! thanks.03:42
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Mithrandirsladen: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/31953 ; have you observed this on any machines yourself?03:43
UbugtuMalone bug 31953 in syslinux "isolinux/gfxboot should use 640x400 not 640x480" [Normal,Confirmed]  03:43
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neutrinomasssladen: (feel free to ignore this if you're busy) I'm the OP of #36353 and you were trying to track down the solution but we lost it somewhere. Thanks.03:48
sladenMithrandir: not directly.  I was based on bug reports for various Acers(?) that won't get past syslinux in that resolution.  I'd knock down the priority until somebody comes up with a direct report (or I'll cross-reference it when I next come across one)03:52
KinnisonMithrandir: I may be able to use hal's knowledge of the laptop lid state to augment g-p-m's understanding03:52
=== Kinnison is currently investigating
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sladenKinnison: there's a patch to hal (not sure whether I uploaded it) that refreshes the status of the lid/etc on unsuspend/unhibernate03:53
sladenKinnison: debian/patches/12_refresh_acpi_states.patch if I uploaded it03:54
ograinfinity, ping03:54
bddebianHeya ogra03:54
Kinnisonsladen: I'll just look03:55
Kinnisonsladen: looks like we lack that one03:56
Kinnisonsladen: can you mail me that patch so I can look at it?03:57
sladenKinnison: http://www.paul.sladen.org/ubuntu/upload/hal_0.5.7-1ubuntu12-refresh_acpi_states.debdiff  check that it applies okay04:00
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coz_the bug i reported was fixed.... thanks to all who were responsible... the bug was dapper not bboting reporting that Ubuntu-root did not exist....thanks again04:02
bddebianSheesh, even ogra doesn't love me anymore :'-(04:03
=== ogra hugs bddebian
bddebianogra: What's up with you lately?  You swamped with edubuntu?04:03
zakamehmm I can still request syncs right? =)04:04
bddebianzakame: Sure you can04:04
zakamehi ogra , bddebian 04:04
ograbddebian, yep and some RL stuff04:04
bddebianHello again zakame :-)04:04
bddebianogra: Ah :-)04:04
zakamebddebian: cool!04:04
zakameelmo: ping, please sync kdrill from debian per bug 2881004:05
UbugtuMalone bug 28810 in kdrill "undeclared dependency on libXp6" [Major,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2881004:05
bddebianzakame: I think you have to move that bug to a synce request on LP?04:06
elmozakame: I don't do syncs anymore, please read up on the wiki and/or u-d-a archives about the new procedure04:06
bddebianelmo: Are you still the only one for @ubuntu.com e-mail though?04:07
sivangzakame: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources , "Syncs" section.04:07
Kinnisonsladen: I had to fix one of the hunks but I'm building a test package now04:07
elmobddebian: dude, already answered you about that04:07
bddebianelmo: You said No Way04:07
zakameelmo, sivang, bddebian: aye, thanks :D04:08
siretartelmo: I'm curious, do backports still go via you or should requests go via ubuntu-archive as well?04:08
zakamehmm I gather this sync also requires an UVF exception approval?04:14
bddebianzakame: If its a new version and not just a release/bugfix, yes04:15
=== bddebian goes into raging mode
Kinnisonsladen: well it didn't break my laptop's suspend/resume04:15
zakamethanks for clarifying :D04:15
Kinnisonsladen: I'll upload it soon04:18
=== Kinnison wants to get the g-p-m patch done too first
bddebianKamion: ping?04:19
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slomoogra: any news with dia 0.95?04:22
ograslomo, oh, thanks for reminding 04:22
ogranot yet ...04:22
slomoogra: np :) i would love to have this in...04:23
infinityogra: Quick ping before I head t obed.04:29
ograinfinity, any idea to bug 3929404:30
UbugtuMalone bug 39294 in ltsp "No ldm login on the thinclient" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3929404:30
ograseems the initscript doesnt get that its on console 7 by whatever reason04:30
ograldm starts up fine, i see the theme coming up and then the usplash script switches back to vt 104:31
ograthe hacksaw method would be to just blacklist the usplash initscript in ltsp-build-client, but thats rather a bad workaround to the prob i think04:34
KinnisonHas anyone here noticed bizarre firefox behaviour on launchpad bug listings? My cursor keeps flickering between the link ptr and the normal arrow when moving over links on bug listings)04:42
Kinnisons'not always happening, just sometimes04:43
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infinityogra: Check /etc/init.d/gdm, which stops usplash before it runs GDM.04:46
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Kamionbddebian: yo04:46
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bddebianKamion: Do you have a minute for a side conversation (or the patience to deal with me for that matter?) :-)04:47
Kamionbddebian: sure04:47
ryan_rousseauHello everybody!  Are there any SoC mentors here that would be interested in mentoring a project aiming to replace KWordQuiz with a full featured quizzing system with a GTK interface? =)04:47
joelbryanwhat's a mentor?04:48
phanaticryan_rousseau: a very last minute try :)04:48
joelbryanwhat's a SoC mentor?04:49
ryan_rousseaujoelbryan: a google summer of code mentor04:49
lucasvojoelbryan: Google Summer of Code mentor04:49
joelbryanwhat's that? is like a project manager?04:49
ryan_rousseauphanatic: well, I submitted my proposal yesterday, and I was talking to pygi and he gave me the hint to come hunting for a willing mentor04:49
phanaticryan_rousseau: okay, i wish you luck...04:50
bddebianKamion: Did you get my /query?04:50
ryan_rousseauphanatic: thanks much04:50
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joelbryanI made some gtk+ apps over the last days, it's the Ubuntu Welcome Center. I got an screenshots04:51
sladenKinnison: yes.  It's not just on launchpad.net pages, and if you switch to a different tab and back, it'll disappear.  I reported it as a bug somewhere04:51
ograinfinity, thanks04:51
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joelbryananyone like to see it?04:52
=== ivoks hugs Kamion :)
Kinnisonsladen: okies, ta04:52
ryan_rousseaujoelbryan: the mentor guides a student that is working on a project for their organization over the summer 04:52
joelbryanryan_rousseau: is it someone who provide the contents for the student to code it?04:53
sladenKinnison: bug #32448 if you fancy confirming it04:54
UbugtuMalone bug 32448 in firefox "Statusbar flashes between $url and "Done." hovering over links" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3244804:54
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joelbryancheck out the Ubuntu Welcome Center, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/joelbryan?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Screenshot-Ubuntu+Welcome+Center.png04:54
joelbryanother screenshots are the attachments04:54
ryan_rousseaujoelbryan: I don't believe so.  I think the main role for the mentor is to monitor the student's progress, to make sure they are keeping up their end of the bargain, and to give advise when needed04:56
neutrinomassThere's this problem with a usb modem here, made by a local company but based on an accessrunner chipset. The kernel driver exists, but needs binary only firmware. I want to phone them to ask permission for distribution with Ubuntu : What should I ask for exactly ? And in the unlikely case that they grant it (written), will it make it to the main cd (not neccessarily dapper)? Sorry if this is OT and please redirect me to the right cha04:56
ryan_rousseaujoelbryan: very cool screenshots04:56
joelbryanryan_rousseau: it's the half-done work, I got alot of progress with it, w/c I have not yet made an screenshtos04:58
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ryan_rousseaujoelbryan: what language are you using, C?04:59
joelbryanGTK+ 2.0 and C04:59
ryan_rousseauvery nice05:01
joelbryanThere's a lot of thing you can do with GTK+05:01
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_ionBtw., there's a typo: "X Windows System"05:02
joelbryanyou can do javascript mouse-over effects in GTK05:02
ryan_rousseauyeah, GTK is very cool, I mostly do PyGTK development05:02
joelbryan_ion: what's the right spelling for that?05:05
_ionjoelbryan: X Window System05:05
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trappistif I'm, say, a moron and I accidentally send an email to launchpad that was meant to go to an individual, and if that message contains sensitive information, is it possible to get the comment removed from the bug?05:06
Chipzz_ion: I think the initial spelling was right05:06
_ion:%g/Ubuntu is build on Debian/norm fdrt05:07
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_ion:%s/\<alot\>/a lot/05:07
trappist_ion: that one is a pet peeve of mine05:07
_ionUpdates...ensures  drop the s05:07
Chipzz_ion: X windows system yields 314 million reults on google, while X window system only yields 148 million05:08
_ionDocumentations  ditto05:08
_ionchipzz: man Xorg05:08
_ionchipzz: See the bottom.05:09
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flapanei have problems with flash and realplayer 32bit on my amd6405:10
flapane<flapane> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=995208#post99520805:10
flapane<flapane> who can help me?05:10
ograflapane, #ubuntu05:11
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joelbryansome changes in Samba description too, "allows you to connect to networks using other operating systems" should I change it to "DOS based operating system"05:11
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infinityjoelbryan: Uhm, "DOS based"?05:19
infinityjoelbryan: In whose world are all CIFS/SMBFS-using operating systems "DOS-based"?05:19
joelbryaninfinity: I change it to windows based, still couldn't decide if I'll use Microsoft Windows based05:20
infinityjoelbryan: It's not just windows-based, either.05:20
thomjoelbryan: people using CIFS all over the place05:20
infinityjoelbryan: Netware serves CIFS/SMBFS.05:20
thomjoelbryan: it's fine as is05:20
infinityjoelbryan: And most UNIX operating systems now do as well.05:20
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mvosiretart: hi! I noticed that you can reproduce bug #38958? could you please apply http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13630 and tell me what the ouput is then?05:21
UbugtuMalone bug 38958 in unattended-upgrades "spawning cron error messages" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3895805:21
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joelbryanI'll use Netware, Windows, and most Unix.05:22
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sladenjoelbryan: fantastic work, I love the screenshots.  It should save journalists alot of work :)05:24
joelbryanthanks, it's press information right into your desktop.05:24
joelbryanlolz :-)05:24
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joelbryanI still got some problems with the netstatus-applet not displaying the right interface when boot from Windows, or change the modem from different NIC's. anyone can apply this fix? Bug #4210005:27
UbugtuMalone bug 42100 in gnome-netstatus-applet "Fix the wrong device registered in netstatus applet, and automatically set it to the first working network connection." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4210005:27
siretartmvo: err, my file currently looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1363105:27
siretartmvo: your patch doesn't seem to match my version, I think05:27
mvosiretart: *cough* thanks05:27
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siretartmvo: just tell me if I can do anything else for you05:31
Kamionany Greek users here? I'd like to know what the right X keyboard configuration for Greek is05:31
neutrinomassKamion: How can I help you ?05:33
Kamionneutrinomass: is XkbLayout "us,gr" with XkbOptions "grp:alt_shift_toggle" (matching our configuration for other non-Latin languages, so that you can type Latin usernames and stuff) a reasonable keyboard configuration for you guys?05:33
KamionI noticed that our xserver-xorg package doesn't automatically configure Greek properly05:34
neutrinomassJust a moment ....05:35
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Kamionpeople might prefer XkbVariant "nodeadkeys" or something like that as well, not quite sure05:35
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neutrinomassKamion: Sorry, I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about. I remember that adding greek was simply a matter of adding a keyboard layout .05:37
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Kamionok, if you've only ever done it by means of the GNOME keyboard configurator or whatever, fair enough05:37
=== neutrinomass is entirely unfamiliar with keyboard/xkb configuration stuff
neutrinomassKamion: Ok, sorry that I can't be of more assistance. :(05:38
Kamionnever mind, I'll fumble along as best I can, I guess05:38
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pittitrappist: ping05:57
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atincjonhave an issued with ia32-libs, and was recommended to talk to doko, or mithrandir.06:21
BenCwhat's the issue?06:21
carlospcsorry, after we got a problem at the office06:22
atincjonia32-libs pthread version is different than 64bit version, and cancelation has changed, making code not compile correctly06:22
carlospci mean before06:22
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atincjoncompiling for 64bit on x86_64 works fine, but compiling for 32bit target on same machine fails due to pthread_cleanup_push macros06:24
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Burgworkmako, you around?06:27
Keybukyeah, you want to speak to doko or Mithrandir :)06:29
Kamioncarlospc: yes?06:29
Kamioncarlospc: did you see my earlier comments?06:29
atincjonkey: any idea when that could happen?06:30
BenCatincjon: how are you compiling for 32-bit, and do you have ia32-libs-dev?06:30
BenCare you using the linux32 command prefix?06:31
atincjonusing gcc -m32 foo.c06:31
BenCtry linux32 gcc -m32 foo.c06:31
BenCjust for kicks06:31
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atincjonno linux32?06:32
atincjonn/m got it, same thing06:33
Keybukatincjon: what's the actual error you get from gcc?06:33
carlospcabout steve06:33
atincjontest.c:(.text+0x78): undefined reference to `__pthread_register_cancel'06:33
carlospci've already talked to him06:33
carlospcRaphael Hertzog point to you06:34
BenCatincjon: gcc -m32 -pthread foo.c06:34
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carlospcmaybe you are looking for new features06:34
atincjonanyone know a paste link? cmd is gcc -m32 test.c -lpthread06:34
pittiHi BenC, how are you?06:34
carlospci'm doing a new spec06:34
BenCpitti: hey, good...how about you?06:34
carlospckamion, you can found it here: http://wiki.debian.org/debian-cd-ng06:34
pittipretty fine :)06:34
BenCatincjon: use -pthread instead of -lpthread06:34
Keybukatincjon: always use -pthread not -lpthread06:35
atincjonno change.06:35
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BenCatincjon: email me the file, if you can, bcollins@ubuntu.com06:35
pitticarlos: I just fixed buildd langpack import, mesa required an override (that's why there was no tarball today); doing now06:35
atincjonok, only 14 lines06:35
makoBurgwork: yes06:35
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makoBurgwork: a little distracted but around06:35
carlospitti: ok, thanks06:36
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Kamioncarlospc: ok, the biggest things we do to debian-cd are (a) rip out all its dependency-handling brains and tell it to just do what germinate says instead (probably wouldn't be appropriate for Debian because germinate doesn't have anything corresponding to the concept of multi-CD sets)06:37
atincjonBenC: sent06:37
BenCatincjon: ok, give me a second to try it06:37
Kamioncarlospc: (b) add a mode to rip out more of its brains so that it can build live CDs06:37
Kamioncarlospc: (c) standard stuff to add Ubuntu suites06:37
dokoBenC: thanks.06:38
carlospci've modified a little bit germinate for guadalinex purposes06:38
Kamioncarlospc: if you want to have a look through the changes I made, they're in arch, 'baz register-archive http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/archives/colin.watson@canonical.com--2005; baz get colin.watson@canonical.com--2005/debian-cd--ubuntu--0'06:38
Kamionit's a bit of a mess to be honest06:39
Kamionbut works :)06:39
BenCroot@phoenix:~# gcc -m32 -pthread foo.c -o foo06:39
BenCroot@phoenix:~# ./foo06:39
BenCHello World!06:39
BenCGoodbye World!06:39
dokoatincjon: you won't find a complete 32bit development environment; if you really want to develop for ia32, please create a chroot use it for your development06:39
carlospcthanks ;) i'm in charge of the generation of Guadalinex, so i know about this a long time ago :D06:39
BenCatincjon: works perfect for me06:39
BenCatincjon: I'm running latest dapper06:39
atincjonguess it's time to change up then. 06:40
BenC# uname -r06:40
carlospcthe live cd feature will be hard to integrate06:40
BenCare you running breezy?06:40
BenCah, sorry, can't test that quickly06:40
Kamioncarlospc: yeah, no good ideas on that06:40
Kamionultimately it's "get big blob of data from somewhere, shove it on CD, don't worry about adding packages to the CD"06:41
atincjonBenC: thanks for sorting that out.06:41
carlospcanyway, i'm trying to design something that could be easy to hack06:42
carlospci've already thinked in use some code of germinate06:42
Kamionthe biggest problem I have TBH is the bootloader configuration06:42
Kamionit's reimplemented in totally different ways for every architecture06:42
Kamionwhich makes it hard to unify boot options etc. across architectures06:43
dholbachKinnison: you rock! I can't wait to test the new gpm06:43
Kinnisondholbach: thanks dude06:43
Kinnisondholbach: my finger hurts now, but I think it's worth it06:43
=== dholbach hugs Kinnison
KamionSteve's concern is primarily making it efficient, so stuff like JTE, figuring out how to pack .debs onto CD sets in the most efficient way, integrating better with mkisofs to keep track of CD size on the fly so that we don't have to have hardcoded guesses at how much space will be taken up by bootloaders06:44
Kamionthat sort of thing06:44
Kamionhackability as such is not my biggest concern, although fixing the boot script nightmare would help hackability a lot more than the mere fact of a rewrite06:45
carlospcof course06:45
Kamionthough the make/shell business isn't the easiest system in the world to handle well, I concede06:45
wasabiDon't suppose anybody has used swapd?06:46
carlospcWell, i'm sure that python business have a lot to say here06:47
wasabiLooks interesting...06:47
carlospcThanks a lot Kamion06:47
Kamionyou're welcome06:47
carlospci'm going to continue writing the spec06:47
KinnisonKamion: Do you remember being asked about a UVF exception for powernowd 0.97 ?06:49
KinnisonKamion: back toward the end of march?06:49
KinnisonKamion: I was trawling through my bug lists and found the stuff I did back then for it. I'm just tidying up the changelog and wondered if it'd be okay to upload06:49
_ionwasabi: From what i've read, swap files shouldn't have any real overhead compared to swap partitions nowadays.06:49
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wasabiYeah, they shouldn't. Just curious about the actual software package swapd. Doesn't seem to be "working". Wondering if anybody actually knows/cares.06:50
wasabiOr if there's an alternative.06:50
wasabiI like the idea of it creating swap files on demand when memory gets low.06:50
ivokspitti: i have one issue with locales package06:50
KamionKinnison: it's still in my inbox, yes06:51
Kamion<mdz> Are there any other changes?  Is there a proper changelog?06:51
ivokspitti: i located the source of the problem and would like to talk about it with you when you have time06:51
Kamionnever saw an answer to that06:51
pittiivoks: fire away :)06:51
ivokspitti: problem with time-admin is that, when you select Belgrade, Zagreb or Ljubljana06:51
Kamion<Kinnison> if you want to follow up to the mail with detail, please do06:51
KinnisonKamion: aah. I don't think there's a proper changelog06:51
ivokspitti: on next start it shows Sarajevo06:51
Kamioner, s/<Kinnison>/Kinnison:/06:51
mdzKinnison: I already approved it; there's a bug open06:51
Kinnisonmdz: I couldn't find which bug was the approval06:52
ivokspitti: problem is in locales package, not time-admin program06:52
Kinnisonmdz: last related bug I found was the question from paul06:52
mdzKinnison: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/powernowd/+bug/4143206:52
UbugtuMalone bug 41432 in powernowd "Only scales one CPU" [Normal,Confirmed]  06:52
Kinnisonmdz: aye that's the one I mean06:52
mdzKinnison: it's assigned to you06:52
ivokspitti: in locales source, there is file debian/tzdata2006b.tar.gz06:52
Kinnisonmdz: I know, hence I was trying to get it fixed :-)06:52
ivokspitti: wich holds info about timezones06:53
Kinnisonmdz: If you say you've confirm it's oakay I'll go for it :-)06:53
ivokspitti: it links Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Slovenia and Macedonia06:53
KamionKinnison: the second-to-last comment in that bug is an approval, as I read it06:53
pittiivoks: hm, they all seem to be in the same time zone?06:53
Kamionright, I am officially bored of keymaps for today06:53
KinnisonKamion: okay, thanks06:53
ivokspitti: they are, but Vienna is too, but when you select Vienna, it stays Vienna06:53
ivokspitti: problem is in tzdata2006b.tar.gz in locales source06:54
ivokspitti: all these states are linked to Serbia06:54
ivokspitti: but when time-admin looks for timezone06:54
carlospitti: when do you think your script will be ready?06:54
ivokspitti: it catches first on alphabeticly06:54
ivokspitti: and that's Bosnia (Sarajevo)06:54
carlospitti: I need to leave soon and want to do some basic checks to improve the data for tomorrow's export06:54
pitticarlos: buildd tarball is there; just started the merging script 5 minutes ago, give it ~ 30 minutes06:54
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ivokspitti: roughly speeking, we are all in one state with 6 capitals :)06:55
carlospitti: btw, I think you told me that you were preparing a gcompris package that generates the .pot file06:58
carlospitti: it's not yet fixed or I misunderstood you06:58
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pitticarlos: hm, I uploaded it, maybe it FTBFSed, lemme check06:58
pittiivoks: ah, I see; is there a bug about it?06:59
pittiivoks: I need to discuss that with jbailey06:59
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ivokspitti: i don't think so :/06:59
pitticarlos: hm, it built, I'll check the tarball06:59
ivokspitti: it is a cosmetic bug, but it's time to fix these mistakes (yugoslavia fall apart 16 years ago...) :)07:00
pittiivoks: so, they shouldn't be symlinks, but file copies, or time-admin should respect symlinks?07:01
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ivokspitti: no, in file Europe, after you extract tzdata2006?.tar.gz (located in locales/debian) every country has it's timezone decription07:02
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ivokspitti: all these countrys are linked to one (in that file)07:02
ivokspitti: that was ok 20 years ago, when we had YU (and not BiH, HR, SCG, SI, FYROM) :)07:03
pittiivoks: right, high time then :)07:03
pitticarlos: ah, it's because I suck and forgot the intltool build dependency07:04
ivokspitti: that's langpack-locales-*/debian, not locales/debian07:04
carlospitti: :-P07:04
pittiogra: do you have a pending gcompris upload?07:04
ograpitti, nope07:06
ogrago ahead :) thanks for asking 07:06
pittiogra: ok, I need to add a b-dep; I assume I can upload without disturbing you then?07:06
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Kinnisondholbach: the hal, g-p-m and powernowd stuff should all be building in this cycle and be published in the next07:07
dholbachKinnison: super!07:07
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pitticarlos: fixed package uploaded07:12
carlospitti: ok, thanks07:13
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=== lamont considers the pros and cons of renabling nfsv4 support in mount now that the bug preventing it from working is fixed.
lamontmdz: thoughts?07:17
pitticarlos: script finished07:20
carlospitti: ok, thanks07:21
carlospitti: you got 3 new translation domains?07:21
pitticarlos: yes, for mesa, and probably from seb128's gnome fixes07:23
carlospitti: so you need to filter them out, right?07:23
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mdzlamont: what bug?07:35
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_ionYay. \o/07:37
=== _ion managed to make notification-daemon open the notifications to the first xinerama screen.
Keybukheh, for a second there I was reading that as a window manager bug ...07:39
lamontmdz:   * Release NFSv4 support. Closes: #302420, #239031, #29087307:41
lamontmdz: ubuntu 43581 and 2742507:41
lamontwhich were rejected this AM by someone07:41
lamontLaurent Bigonville <l.bigonville@edpnet.be> to be specific07:42
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lamontmdz: the bug that was keeping it out was that it broke nfs-user-server (v2) because of some sloppy error handling in probing for version 4, 3, 2.07:43
_ionDo you think the best behavior for notification-daemon is to open the notifications on the first xinerama screen, or would it be necessary to make the screen configurable in order for the patch to be accepted?07:43
=== lamont gets dragged away to lunch. back in a while
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LaserJockanybody know anything about sponsorship for Paris?07:50
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SurakI've been reading google SoC wiki - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2006 but there are no directions on how someone can apply to some project. 07:54
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BurgworkSurak, you have 7 hours, so start writing quickly07:54
Surakit's not me, but someone here. He already has it written, but doesn't know where to apply07:55
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sladenKinnison: ta for doing the upload07:56
BurgworkSurak, ah, hmm. #gnome-hackers on gimp.net is currently talking about it07:56
Kinnisonsladen: no problem07:57
mdzlamont: that sounds fine then08:00
mdzlamont: nobody in their right mind uses nfs-user-server anymore anyway ;-)08:01
mdzLaserJock: the wiki page should have information about sponsorship08:01
LaserJockmdz: It seems to just have a signup sheet, no contact info or info on when the decisions will be made08:04
LaserJockwhich is pretty important for people wishing to be sponsored08:05
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mrothBenC: The ipw3945 driver in -22 is currently with broken WPA support (not properly reporting card's capabilities to the system).  There appears to be a bug fix for it (and some other things) upstream (see bug 41214).  Think there is a chance to get the WPA patches in, or perhaps just the entire version of bug fixes?08:17
UbugtuMalone bug 41214 in linux-source-2.6.15 "ipw3945 WPA Patch" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4121408:17
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sladenmroth: if you can pull out the necessary patches (likely very simple if it is just changing the capabilities advertised by the driver), then that would make it easier to fix08:29
=== bddebian is glad he doesn't have a bcm4xxx wireless card :-)
ogramdz, oh, sorry, my changelog entry was confusing, indeed i stop usplash it in the ltsp-client.init script (which i use to think of as ldm's initscript)08:30
ograin fact i just copied the code form the gdm initscript to the ltsp-client initscript08:31
bddebianWhy is libkwiki-perl arch all but only has an amd64 build?08:33
BenCmroth: I'll see08:33
mrothsladen: looks like everything else in the version bump is just a bug fix, it might be simpler just to go with the most recent version?08:33
FjodorAnyone looked at #40761?08:34
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mrothalthough if not, the patch is already at http://www.bughost.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1013 , it appears to be a massive 4 lines of code changed :-)08:35
sladenmroth: can you file that analysis as part of the bug report08:35
mrothsladen: its already in bug 41214 in the first two posts, thats where I found it myself08:35
UbugtuMalone bug 41214 in linux-source-2.6.15 "ipw3945 WPA Patch" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4121408:35
sladenmroth: ah, okay08:36
mrothif you look at the changelog I linked though, bumping up to 1.0.2 would probably be desirable, or at least 1.0.1 which seems to fix a few other capabilities bugs08:36
mroth(1.0.2 and 1.0.3 are both single bug fix releases)08:37
bddebianarrgh and why can't LP find the package libkwiki-perl?08:37
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bddebianOh, it's NEW08:37
BenCmroth: ok, 1.0.3 is in my tree now, so next upload08:42
mrothBenC: neat.  is there a pre-build you want me to test, since the cycle for -23 binary upload will probably be a while.08:42
BenCmroth: not really, but you are welcome to check out git and do a test build08:44
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mrothBenC: sorry, not familiar with the git process, but I'd be happy to help out and give it a try if someone points me towards the documentation08:47
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mdzogra: ok, good08:50
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BenMseb128, ?09:27
seb128hi BenM09:27
BenMso, about gnome-panel, there's a nice new thing in g-s-m to help you measure09:28
seb128ah, nice :)09:28
BenMbecause of the new version Daniel uploaded, the `writable memory' column is an accurate measure of private rss09:28
BenMi'll blog about this sometime tonight09:28
seb128I've tried to patch gnome-panel for the applets yesterday09:28
seb128but had some issues with the autotools patch09:29
BenMoh, yeah09:29
BenMthat was nasty09:29
BenMi hacked my install09:29
BenMi did some serious manual tinkering to get a demo for myself09:29
seb128(since we modify the Makefile.am...)09:29
BenMit involved forcing dpkg09:29
BenMto avoid figuring out how to work with debs :-)09:29
seb128running the autogen.sh should work (it does usually)09:30
seb128I'll have an another try now09:30
BenMcool, thanks09:30
BenMi really appreciate you doing the work to get this into dapper09:30
BenMbtw, between this patch, and the icon cache work09:31
BenMI think the default gnome memory usage is less than 100mb09:31
seb128nice :)09:31
BenMi was able to get it down to that at one point09:31
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seb128do you have a such patch for the trash applet?09:32
BenMactually, no09:32
BenMi mean, it should be copy&paste09:32
BenM(the mixer applet might be another target...i don't know how far you want to go; the mixer applet sucks though because it loads the whole fucking gstreamer framework)09:32
seb128I think we will keep it to that for dapper, I might have a try on the trash applet, but dapper is for soon and we have other bugs to fix too ...09:33
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BenMtrash applet is surely doable09:33
BenMthat'd be a good win09:33
BenM(agreed about other bugs though... there are a few major ui things. the tabs in pango is pretty visible, also the stupid metacity windows)09:34
BenMhrm, thinking about the g-s-m thing. i wonder if Writable Memory should be made the default number09:35
seb128BenM: so basically I look to the "Writable Memory" column of the new gnome-system-monitor?09:35
BenMi'm 99% sure that's right09:35
seb128looks like09:35
BenM(my mirror hasn't updated yet, i'll confirm for you tonight)09:35
seb128wnck-applet has 3.9MB09:35
BenMif you run my smem.pl script09:35
seb128which matchs what you described09:36
BenMand the private dirty rss is the same09:36
BenMi owe whoever patched that a beer if he's at guadec09:36
seb128what "tabs in pango"? for evolution mail compose you mean? or does it affect something else too?09:36
BenMi think it may affect otherapps09:36
BenMi could try09:36
seb128dholbach and I will likely be at GUADEC :)09:36
BenMor is it only gtkhtml09:37
seb128I know about it for gtkhtml and pinged upstream about it yesterday09:37
BenMit might be just that09:37
BenMi saw the ping09:37
seb128if that's an issue with an another app let me know09:37
BenMi might be imagining things09:37
BenMi'm a bit overloaded at the moment ;-)09:37
seb128we know that too (being overloaded) ;)09:38
BenMif i had more time, i'd actually work more on gnome perf09:38
BenMrather than just bitch :-)09:38
seb128I'll ping behdad tomorrow about that gtkhtml issue to know where he suggests to do the change09:38
seb128I would not call that "just bitch", you actually then patches too ;)09:39
BenMi copied the patch from suse's rpm09:39
BenMgranted, i wrote it and gave it to federico09:39
seb128is that supposed to drop the binaries for those?09:39
BenMa while ago :-)09:39
seb128it changes them to a .so, right?09:40
BenMand another g-p package takes /usr/lib/*09:40
seb128k, the package built correctly09:40
BenMbe careful :-)09:40
BenMthis is where i used --force :-)09:40
seb128but I got the binaries dropped, so I was wondering ;)09:40
BenMso, for g-p, would changing writable memory to be the default memory related column be in the realm of possabilities for dapper09:42
BenMmaybe with a name change09:42
BenMthe column actually *means* something09:42
BenM(much more than can be said for other stats)09:42
tsenghi BenM 09:43
seb128BenM: yeah, we changed the CPU column to use PU instead of CPU Time today, so no problem for that :)09:44
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BenMok, i'll file a bug09:45
BenMactually, we should really do Writable Memory + X Memory09:45
BenMthat  will help with say....firefox :-)09:46
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lamontmdz: OK.  uploading util-linux_2.12r-4ubuntu5 with just the nfsv4 support changed, unless you scream soonish.09:47
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mdkeseb128: syntax highlighting not working in gedit for this: http://pastebin.com/705996 Do you need a bug report?09:48
BenMok, filed https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-monitor/+bug/4367709:50
UbugtuMalone bug 43677 in gnome-system-monitor "Meaningful default memory stats" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  09:50
BenMthat was quick09:51
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seb128mdke: what is wrong about it? how did you name it?09:56
seb128BenM: thank you ;)09:56
BenMi should be around this week, if you need anything else09:57
BenMnext week i'll be really busy09:57
BenMfirst week at google09:57
mdkeseb128: no syntax highlighting. I didn't name it, it's a file from docbook-xsl09:57
seb128mdke: naming it .xml works fine09:58
Treenaks:set syntax=xml09:58
Treenaksworks too09:58
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mdkeseb128: try: /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/fo/pagesetup.xsl09:59
mdkethat was the file09:59
BenMseb128, thanks again for all the work09:59
seb128mdke: that's likely because application/xslt+xml is not listed as known type by gtksourceview, I'll fix it09:59
seb128BenM: you're welcome, thank you for the patches for that ;)10:00
mdkeseb128: :)10:00
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slomo_j^_: ping?10:12
j^_slomo_ pong10:13
slomo_j^_: what name do you want in the changelog for your seahorse patch? :)10:13
Keybukheh, now this is an answer I've always wanted :)10:14
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Keybuk"Thanks to j^ for" is lacking something10:14
j^hehe, j^ or j is fine with me, if you need names Jan Gerber should do10:15
slomo_ah Keybuk :) do you have an idea why nm-applet wouldn't really show up in the notification area but only a bit of space is reserved for it? maybe an icon problem but i wasn't able to find the cause on a friends laptop where this happens... i know of at least two people with this problem but don't have it myself10:16
seb128mdke: gtksourceview fix uploaded10:16
Keybukslomo_: it doesn't start at all if there's a missing icon 10:16
Keybukcould you install the -dbg version and figure it out?10:17
slomo_Keybuk: i already did... everything wents fine and it runs the gtk main loop forever only the icon isn't shown (but you see that some place is reserved for it, maybe 10 pixels)10:17
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Keybukno idea :-/10:18
mdzlamont: fine by me10:18
Keybukseb or dholbach may be more help10:18
Keybukthey know gnome10:18
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seb128slomo_: do you have a transparent panel?10:19
slomo_seb128: nope... only more or less the default settings (and it isn't caused by the used gtk or icon theme)10:20
seb128so no idea10:21
slomo_ok *sigh* i'll try to continue debugging it tomorrow10:22
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jlhamiltonare there jigdo files for the dapper live cds?10:26
Mithrandirno, it wouldn't make any kind of sense.10:26
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Lurejlhamilton: but rsync is quite efficient on them if you have previous (older) live CD10:30
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FunnyLookinHatbut how many people would that apply to?  ; )10:32
=== OetmetG [n=narker@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
OetmetGI want to develop an application that disables a synaptic touchpad when a USB mouse is attached to the laptop... what technologies should I learn? DBUS? HAL?10:34
KeybukX would be the first one you'd have to learn10:38
Keybukyou'd have to rewrite it so that it's possible for X to react to new devices10:39
Keybukright now it can only use the devices plugged in when it starts10:39
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Keybukthe thing that lets you move the mouse and point it at windows, etc.10:40
KeybukXorg if you prefer10:40
OetmetGisn't HAL a hardware layer on the top of X11?10:40
KeybukHAL is just a list of the plugged in hardware10:41
tsengits a hardware layer on top of hardware10:41
Keybukwhich is largely pointless in Linux ;)10:41
Keybukbut it also does give dbus events for hardware changes10:41
OetmetGI have developed using X11.. but it's horrible10:41
OetmetGI don't want that10:41
tsengthere are higher level toolkits than libx1110:41
Keybukyou wouldn't have to develop *using* X11, you'd have to develop X11 itself10:41
Keybukie. make fundamental changes to the X server10:42
OetmetGusing synclient TouchPadoff=110:42
OetmetGdisables the touchpad10:42
OetmetGI just want to make a front-end to that10:42
mjg59Only if the X config is modified10:42
Keybukthat assumes a specific X configuration10:42
OetmetGthe main problem is detect when a USB mouse is connected10:42
mjg59OetmetG: Hal is the right layer for that10:42
Keybukit assumes that there's an input device for /dev/input/mice with the standard driver10:42
OetmetGyes, only if the x config has the right conf10:42
Keybukand it assumes the synaptics touchpad has a separate input device10:43
Keybukand that shmconfig is enabled10:43
Keybukalso I'm not sure that TouchPaddoff=1 actually really turns it off10:43
thomand that shmconfig's not a gaping secuity hole10:43
OetmetGso I just need to know if a usb mouse has been attached (using HAL?) and then execute the synclient in the "background"10:43
Keybukon some laptops it just turns off the driver10:43
Keybukand the touchpad still works, because it's sending ordinary mouse events through /dev/input/mice10:43
OetmetGwell I don't want to develop a generic application.. only a front-end to synclient and synaptic touchpads10:45
Keybukanyway, all that aside, if all you want to do is run that command whenever a mouse is plugged in, and an opposite command when the last mouse is unplugged, then yes -- you want to use HAL10:45
OetmetGnice.. HAL and GTK# would be right10:46
Keybukremember that you'd also need to set the initial state -- if there's a mouse plugged in when X starts, you don't get a HAL message for that10:46
OetmetGyou're right10:48
OetmetGwell I guess I'd have to learn HAL10:48
OetmetGthank you Keybuk10:49
OetmetGI have a clearer idea now10:49
mdkeseb128: thanks a lot, I'll check it works10:50
seb128mdke: np10:51
dholbachRiddell: so Ellen will be Kubuntu hacker soon? :)10:52
jlhamiltoni still think that jigdo is more convenient than rsync10:52
Riddelldholbach: are you reading planet kde?10:52
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dholbachRiddell: yeah10:53
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jcolewe want to provide a kernel (with corresponding restricted modules package) to our employees that has the infamous REGPARM enabled for our VPN software apani netlock to work... what is the "streamlined" and clean way to do this? i've looked at the wiki and it doesn't mention how to simply rebuild the restricted modules package and when i rebuild a kernel, it's name is kernel-image-... not linux-image-... like the stock ubuntu kernels11:13
jcoleah, i think dpkg-buildpackage makes a linux-image-... and make-kpkg makes a kernel-image-...11:15
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RiddellKamion: did you get my e-mail about the isolinux splash?11:43
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jcole"OpenLogic to Pay Open-Source Developers for Support Services" - http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1958756,00.asp11:49
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