
phanaticsivang: huh...12:03
phanaticsome weeks ago i was able to produce clean debdiff output (no /tmp/blabla stuff included in filenames), but now it just not works (no tm :))12:04
phanaticthe answer to my question is interdiff12:15
phanaticsivang: shall i file a bug with my stuff? (i don't have upload rights)12:17
sivangphanatic: you mean, with you debdiff ?12:21
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phanatici thought of filing a bug report and assign it to motu-reviewers12:23
sivangphanatic: you can do that, and you can also upload a new package to REVU I guess12:24
sivang(thats what I intend to do)12:24
sivangphanatic: I happen to like the extra checkups REVU does and the convinient logs12:24
sivangphanatic: did you solve the clean debdiff stuff btw? I12:26
phanaticyeah, aswered for myself :)12:27
sivangphanatic: ah, you had interdiff missing?12:28
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bddebianHeya gang01:49
crimsunhi bddebian, hi/bye ajmitch01:50
bddebianLater ajmitch01:51
bddebianHi crimsun01:51
bddebianWhat's new?01:51
crimsunfiling UVF exception requests, bug hunting, and the like. Yourself?01:51
bddebianJust getting back on it :-)01:51
bddebianBeen out with the family all day01:52
crimsunnice. It's dreary here (50 F, raining).01:52
crimsunit's always sunny on irc ;)01:53
bddebianThus is true :)01:53
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bddebianGads it's so overwhelming I never know where to start :-(01:55
\shmorning bddebian02:00
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crimsunmorning \sh02:04
crimsunbddebian: I'm just combing for duplicates atm02:05
\shok..just wrote the flight7 announcement for kubuntu.de02:13
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crimsun\sh: awesome.02:15
\shno it's not..now I'm trying to tidy up my asoundconf gui tool for kubuntu and release it somewhere ;)02:16
crimsun\sh: are you following bug #31699?02:18
UbugtuMalone bug 31699 in alsa-utils "Can't use other than default sound card" [Major,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3169902:18
crimsun\sh: your gui tool needs to set the variables I've described in the post timestamped (2006-05-05 02:51:46 EDT).02:19
\shcrimsun: it's already working :)02:20
crimsun...which reminds me I need to ping pitti so I rework asoundconf.102:20
\shthe bug report I actually can use all of my sound cards, but only one card at a time.02:20
\shit's not possible to change soundcards during a kde session, don't know how it is in gnome02:20
\shI'm talking about the default sound card02:21
\shwhen I'm configuring e.g. amarok xine engine to play on ICH-6 which is not the default when I'm using my headset, it plays on this card..02:21
\shbut changing the default soundcard e.g. ice-6 is set to default, and it doesn't matter if you do it with asoundconf or manually, it doesn't work02:22
crimsunright. To cover every possible case, though, it's not enough to just set !defaults.pcm.card and !defaults.ctl.card02:22
\shif the default goes away, the engine just goes away as well02:22
\shbut what's in your eyes the best way to accomplish it...restarting a session is not a good solution, reloading the modules didn't work for me either02:23
crimsunright. Dunno how to address the arts part easily. Perhaps kill and restart arts whenever the default card is changed using your tool?02:23
\sharts has nothing to do with it :)02:23
\shxine engine is doing the same02:23
\shforget about arts02:23
crimsuneww, I see what you're saying now.02:24
crimsunxine needs to be made to release /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*02:24
\shquite funny...I declare one card not as default but as "foobar", now foobar is my usb headset, I configure xine to play on card foobar...works.02:26
\shI remove foobar, xine tells me, you don't have a soundcard named "foobar" and xine won't work02:26
\shnow, I'm trying to set the default sound device to "barfoo", which is my second card, declared via .asoundrc, it won't works, but setting card 2 to foobar doesn't work, because xine is not rereading the global asound.conf and therefore not the local .asound.conf02:29
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\shbut alsa is saying: appliation X has to reread the asound.conf every time it starts02:29
crimsunyeah, that's a corner-case02:30
\shand amarok is more broken with xine engine02:30
crimsungnome skirts the issue with gconfaudiosink02:30
\shcrimsun: xine engine is configured via .xine/config right?02:31
crimsun\sh: believe so, though I've seen some apps use ~/.[weird hierarchy] /xine-config02:31
\shok..amarok does the same...I have to try it :)02:32
\shuntil now it looked to me, that even xine engine didn't read it's own config file02:33
\sh.kde/share/apps/amarok/xine-config should be a symlink to .xine/config02:33
crimsunyeah, I'm not sure how to workaround that without requiring a restart of amarok02:34
crimsunok, I'm heading out for some dinner, will check scrollback02:37
\sheven then it's not working :)02:39
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bddebianSorry \sh, crimsun, I got knocked off02:46
bddebianHi \sh :-)02:46
\shbddebian: how is life? rocking on universe lately? :)02:47
bddebianNO, I seem to suck lately :-(02:47
\shah no ways...02:50
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bddebian\sh: Yeah, I'm on a negative hit rate :-(03:15
\shbddebian: can't be...03:16
\shoh well...i didn't sleep again this night...and I have to get ready in 15 minutes to prepare my travel to karlsruhe ... i'm doomed03:16
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zul_bddebian: ping03:33
zul_Why did you close #31170?03:33
zul_Bug #31170?03:33
UbugtuMalone bug 31170 in linux-source-2.6.15 "To fix in Dapper: Firewire portion of ALI combo cardbus" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3117003:33
bddebianOh, hehe, I read the description wrong.  I backported the bug to breezy03:35
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ajmitchafternoon all04:00
bddebianHeya ajmitch04:01
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ajmitchMithrandir: btw, I did get the SoC proposal in04:03
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zakamehi all04:16
crimsun'lo zak, ajmitch04:16
zakameheya crimsun04:18
bddebianHeya zakame04:19
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persiaIs anyone overseeing the libopenal transition?  I was thinking of creating a wiki page listing the outstanding packages, but don't want to duplicate effort.04:26
ajmitchsiretart is04:28
persiaajmitch: Thanks.  I won't do anything then.04:28
=== bddebian doesn't do anything either lately :'-(
ajmitchbddebian: only about 25x as much as I do04:30
bddebianajmitch: Nah, the last fews days I have been striking out :-(04:31
ajmitchbddebian: have you seen my name on dapper-changes at all? :P04:31
bddebianTo be honest, I haven't subscribed to dapper-changes :-)04:31
crimsunI'm not either; I refresh the Web page04:32
bddebianWell I don't read that either :-)04:32
persiaWhen updating from version 1.7-4build1, does one go to 1.7-4ubuntu1?04:34
persiaajmitch: Thanks.04:34
ajmitchassuming it's a change, not a rebuild04:34
bddebianBah, ya beat me to it :-)04:34
persiaajmitch: Yes, a change.  I don't do rebuilds :)04:35
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bipolarbddebian: I just want to make sure you know that qt 4.1.2 from sid built on dapper w/ no problems.05:16
bddebianbipolar: Yeah, I saw your note but missed you.  Thx05:20
bipolarnp :)05:20
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bbrazilhi, where should I report incorrect links on the main ubuntu.com website to?06:00
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Hobbseehi everyone06:37
bddebianHello Hobbsee06:38
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bddebianHeya jsgotangco06:40
Hobbseehi jsgotangco and bddebian06:41
ajmitchhello Hobbsee, jsgotangco, bddebian06:44
bddebianHeya ajmitch06:44
Hobbseehi ajmitch :D06:45
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bddebianAck, 1am.. Gnight folks07:03
Hobbseehehe night bddebian07:04
=== Hobbsee pokes Seveas over his rogue bot
Mithrandirajmitch: yay. :-)07:25
ajmitchMithrandir: up early, or up late? :)07:25
Mithrandirajmitch: half past seven in the morning, so up early.07:25
ajmitchyeah, I was awake around 6 this morning, which is a bit early for me07:26
ajmitchif you want any changes made to the application, just ask07:27
Hobbseeajmitch: you got it in?  yay!07:27
ajmitchHobbsee: it got written, at least07:28
Hobbseethat's a start...07:28
Mithrandirajmitch: I need to read my mail first, I suspect. :-)07:28
ajmitchno rush, there's still about 18 hours left till the deadline :)07:28
crimsunurg. these mplayer bug reports are piling. :/07:41
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siretartpersia: if you see a package that is affected by openal, please file a bug and assign it to me08:28
siretartpersia: I'll handle them. or if you insist, go ahead with fixing them. but the transistion is because of me.08:29
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persiasiretart: the only ones I really notice are vegastrike and torcs, although it looks like the complete list is "boson-base, crystalspace, pyopenal, schorched3d, torcs, trigger, vergastrike, xpilot-ng".  They're just rebuilds, so I can't fix them, but was previously thinking of creating /MOTU/Transitions/openal on the wiki (perhaps not required).08:42
siretartpersia: most of them are already uploaded and in dep-wait08:44
persiasiretart: Nevermind then, I'll just wait.  Sorry to trouble you.08:45
siretartpersia: no problem. It may be that I missed some. if you want to help me, file bugs with status updates08:45
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dholbachgood morning motu world08:50
Mithrandirhiya daniel, hugmaster08:50
dholbachMithrandir: how are you?08:50
Mithrandirfine, woke up at a little past seven, have gotten through my mail and it's a really nice day outside.08:51
dholbachsame here :)08:51
dholbachi just needed to rush to bring the rented car back and get the dog out08:51
Mithrandirit's been shorts and t-shirt weather since Thursday, which is nice.08:51
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persiasiretart: Before I open a bunch of bugs, I just want to verify that searching by source package on https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+builds with no success for any status is a good way to verify that the package needs a rebuild forced.09:15
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lifelessbug 3022209:18
UbugtuMalone bug 30222 in xclip "xclip installs binary in wrong directory /usr/X11R6/bin" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3022209:18
lifelessthis is open with a fix ready09:19
Lathiatsiretart: well, sometimes they were built on the old build system/09:21
Lathiatsiretart: err09:21
Lathiatpersia: that was to you09:21
lifelessit makes the package unusable :[09:21
Lathiatpersia: best way is to09:21
Lathiatpersia: compare source and binaries in the archive09:21
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persiaLathiat: By version number?  Would I be correct to be looking at the difference between aptitude show binpkgname and apt-cache showsrc srcpkgname?09:23
siretartLathiat: this is not an issue here, the transition started last week09:23
Lathiatsiretart: ah, ok09:24
Lathiatpersia: in that case that would work09:24
Lathiati guess09:24
persiaLathiat: Thanks09:24
persiasiretart: Based on that, I'll open bugs.  Thanks for the suggestions.09:25
persiasiretart: Malone bugs 43509-43516.  That should complete the transition.09:34
UbugtuMalone bug 43509 in boson-base "Needs rebuild for openal transition." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4350909:34
siretartpersia: thanks. some of them can be fixed by syncing the latest debian version, some of them need to be merged09:43
sivangmorning MOTUers09:43
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ajmitchhello sivang09:44
persiasiretart: I thought that under UVF, we weren't using the new debian versions.  Would attached merge diffs be useful for these bugs?09:46
siretartpersia: most of them don't include new upstream versions, but only new debian revisions09:48
siretartthats okay09:48
siretartpersia: are you familiar with crystalspace?09:48
sivanghey ajmitch , siretart others :)09:49
persiasiretart: I understand.  I'll check if merges are required, and upload diffs if they are.09:49
siretarthi sivang09:49
persiasiretart: I'm not familiar with crystalspace.09:49
=== sivang goes on to continue with DhIconCache
siretartpersia: I know that crystalspace is kind of a pita.09:49
siretartwill need more time for that. if you want to take over, no problem09:49
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persiasiretart: I'll start with the other ones then - looking at packages.debian.org, the status of crystalspace frightens me :)09:53
siretartpersia: as said, crystalspace is a pita09:54
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Lathiatnetwork-manager broken for anyone else?09:56
Lathiatgnome variaety09:56
Mithrandirworks for me09:56
Lathiatjust installed it on dapper here on a mates notebook and the applet doesnt start09:56
siretartLathiat: try restarting it along with the dispatcher, and check that the interfaces are commented out in /etc/n/i09:57
siretartLathiat: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/*networkmanager restart09:57
Lathiatrebooted too09:58
Lathiat"The network manager applet could not find some required resources, it cannot continue"09:58
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Lathiatmight source it and see what triggers that09:58
Lathiatdispatcher/n-ma re running09:58
Lathiatjust the paplet that fails09:58
ajmitchafternoon Lathiat09:59
Lathiathowdy ajmitch09:59
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Lathiathrm every thign i see that says that.. says "the glade file was not found" on the end10:00
Lathiatah, somethign about not being able to load icons10:00
Lathiati saw something about dh_iconcache recently?10:01
Lathiaticon nm-npn-lock is missing10:02
siretartwhere has persia gone now?10:05
Lathiathad to run10:06
Lathiatgtk-update-icon-cache -f .10:06
Lathiatin the hicolor directory10:06
siretartok. I think I should have uploaded now almost everything for openal transition. 2 packages are waiting for sync from debian, one more is to be merged but requires the sync10:07
siretartand crystalspace is still a pita. if someone wants to fix it, go on! make sure you fix sear along with it ;)10:08
siretartneed to run now, cu10:08
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dholbachLathiat: we're moving all the packages that install to hicolor and gnome to use dh_iconcache atm10:14
dholbachLathiat: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DhIconCacheChanges has the remaining list10:14
dholbachLathiat: after that we should be fine10:14
Lathiatah cool10:15
sivangdholbach: I already did amarok :)10:24
sivangdholbach: working on the main pkgs on that page10:24
sivangdholbach: but I wanted to ask, does it make any sense to patch KDE packages? I've seen work done at them already10:32
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dholbachsivang: Riddell should be informed about that kind of stuff (main)10:40
sivangdholbach: already CC'd him on the bug report10:40
sivangdholbach: should I ping him on IRC?10:41
dholbachsivang: yeah just ask him as soon as he's around10:41
sivangdholbach: cool, thanks, trying to get some work done for tomorrow's universe approvals by TB10:42
ajmitchsivang: nice, apart from upbackup & dh_iconcache stuff, what do you have?10:43
sivangajmitch: also got sponsered for the following https://launchpad.net/people/sivan/+packages , see the 'uploaded packages'10:46
sivangajmitch: I plan to get more work done on DhIcon today10:46
sivangajmitch: or should I work in unmetdeps instead?10:46
sivang(which is more importat...)10:46
ajmitchdh_iconcache changes are fairly simple10:46
ajmitchnot really a good display of packaging skill :)10:47
ajmitchsince TB approval means you'd have free reign on universe10:47
sivangajmitch: thanks for noting, so I will switch to unmetdeps then? or universe bugs?10:48
ajmitcha few unmet deps are rebuilds10:48
ajmitcha few others are quite a lot more involved10:48
sivangajmitch: could you suggest the ones which are more involved?10:48
=== sivang wants to try the hard part of stuff
ajmitchno, since to do that I'd end up doing the work :)10:48
sivangajmitch: anyway, thank you for the guidance. I'll go now check out the unmetdeps page10:49
sivangajmitch: hmm, what about fixing bugs all over the place? (main as well)10:49
ajmitchdo what you wish10:49
sivangk, will do10:49
ajmitchjust don't break stuff10:50
sivangajmitch: even if I do, i quickly fix it :)10:50
sivangajmitch: one more question, why on most of the unmetdeps bugs there's "xsim has ..." ?10:52
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ajmitchbug in script used to create bugs10:52
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sivangokay, that makes alot more sense now10:53
sivanghmm, Barry already went on almost all of them ....;-)10:53
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phanatichi people11:06
phanaticGloubiboulga: fixed some more dh_iconcache packages ;)11:07
Gloubiboulgahey phanatic11:08
GloubiboulgaI've seen your patches and uploaded 2 :)11:08
phanaticyeah, thanks a lot :)11:08
Gloubiboulgabut maybe avoid making too many changes11:09
Gloubiboulgafor bug 43524 for example11:09
UbugtuMalone bug 43524 in potracegui "dh_iconcache added and some minor fixes" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4352411:09
phanaticok, i just wanted to have clean diffs11:09
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phanaticif you don't like it, feel free to exclude the appropriate lines :)11:10
phanatichi \sh11:10
phanatichello Toadstool11:10
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, yep, I understand ans agree with that, but we try to keep the diff with debian as small as possible11:10
Gloubiboulgahey \sh11:10
Toadstoolhi \sh11:11
phanaticGloubiboulga: thanks for the note, i'll concentrate just on dh_iconcache then...11:11
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, thanks for your work :)11:11
phanaticmy pleasure to be able to help :)11:12
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phanaticGloubiboulga: what to do if a package has -1build1 version? shall i bump it to build2?11:27
persiaphanatic: Earlier I was told to use ubuntu1 after build111:27
phanaticpersia: thanks, i was just wondering if it's okay11:27
phanaticthanks :)11:27
Mithrandirif you make source changes, change it to ubuntu1, if you just rebuild, change it to build2.11:27
Gloubiboulga'build' is used if you don't change a thing in the package (except the changelog)11:28
phanaticMithrandir: since it's a dh_iconcache issue, i suppose to change it to ubuntu111:28
Mithrandirphanatic: isn't it just a rebuild, then?11:28
phanatici men11:29
phanaticno :)11:29
phanatici change the debian/rules11:29
persiaphanatic: Doesn't it involve changes to debian/rules?  If so, ...ubuntu111:29
phanaticit's not a simple rebuild then i think11:29
ajmitchonly a rebuild for those cdbs-using packages with gnome.mk11:29
phanaticajmitch: this package uses debhelper11:30
zakamehi al11:30
phanatichey zakame11:30
zakamehey phanatic11:31
persiasiretart: Sorry for stomping you.  I think I have a solution also for crystalspace - did you already do this as well?11:32
Tonio_heya people11:32
Gloubiboulgahello Tonio_11:32
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persiaIs the python transition complete?  Is it now safe to leave python2.3-dev | python2.2-dev | python-dev in Build-Depends?11:51
Gloubiboulgasivang, don't fight with the xfce4 unmet deps ;), porting the plugins to the new panel is a huge work11:57
Gloubiboulgasivang, if upstream doesn't do it, the plugins will be dropped from the archive I think11:58
sivangGloubiboulga: thank you for the note :)11:58
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Gloubiboulgasivang, np :)11:59
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Riddellsivang: patch them if you want yes12:25
Riddellbut I'll not spend time on it, it's a gnome issue only so far12:25
sivangRiddell: I see, so what's the rationale in patching KDE apps as well? (quite some have done so)12:26
Riddellsivang: so that when KDE apps are installed their icons are added to the cache and gnome can find the icons quicker, I expect it will only make a difference for the app icon in the application menu12:27
sivangRiddell: I see, thanks again.12:27
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sivanganybody knows what we should do with https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-goodies/+bug/41545 ?02:06
UbugtuMalone bug 41545 in xfce4-goodies "[UNMETDEPS]  xsim has unmet dependencies" [Normal,Needs info] 02:06
Gloubiboulgasivang, the package will be updated as soon as the other Xfce unmet deps will be fixed02:07
sivangGloubiboulga: okay, thanks02:09
sivangsiretart: any idea where to go next with https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/manderlbot/+bug/41551 ? there is not note about where this is standing.02:11
UbugtuMalone bug 41551 in manderlbot "[UNMETDEPS]  manderlbot has unmet dependencies" [Unknown,Unconfirmed] 02:11
=== sivang aplogizes for the massive bugging. trying to find where to be helpful on unmetdeps.
siretartsivang: well, I noticed that this bug is also in debian/unstable. and the problem was explained in the referenced debian bu02:13
siretartsivang: I don't think we can fix this bug in time for dapper, unless you find someone familiar with erlang02:14
siretartit would be best if it could be fixed on the debian side and we merge it. but well..02:14
sivangsiretart: okay, thanks. then I'd better stay off of this.02:15
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sivanghmm, zope is not installable in dapper?02:21
sivangthis seems to be the cause for zope-zshell missing depends02:21
siretartsivang: ask ajmitch, he has been working a lot on zope and related packages02:21
siretartsivang: and check malone there may be some syncs pending02:22
sivangajmitch: ping, is there a problem with zope installation in dapper currently? zope-zshell is unmetdeps , drilling down I see 'zope' matches zope2.8, which is uninstallable.02:22
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=== siretart points to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2006-May/000654.html
siretartpersia: --^02:27
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persiasiretart: I'll take a look at worldforge.  Thanks.02:40
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YagisanG'day all02:49
Hobbseehi Yagisan and Mithrandir02:49
YagisanDo we have any tutorials on packaging python applications. I might be misunderstanding it, but the debian reference looks more like it is for python modules.02:51
Yagisanhey Hobbsee.02:51
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Yagisanfinish your assignment ?02:51
siretartYagisan: have a look at the londonlaw packaging.02:53
sivangYagisan: what are you trying to package?02:53
Yagisansiretart: thanks02:56
Yagisansivang: a gui lancher for a game02:56
sivangYagisan: is it complex?02:58
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persiasiretart: sear needs some work (in progress), but I don't see a relationship to crystalspace (aside from lack of attention).  Am I missing something?02:58
Yagisansivang: not really as far as I can tell, but I'm sort of the linux guinea pig. I need to package it, and hunt down windows and mac assumptions02:59
sivangYagisan: well, if it's not that complicated, you can check out hubackup02:59
siretartpersia: IIRC, sear, the worldforge client was developed on top of crystalspace?02:59
sivangYagisan: I based the packaging of it on gdebi's , and it turned out to be quite okay.03:00
siretartpersia: maybe I'm not uptodate anymore. would be good if you could enlighten me (best would be in the bugreport or as follow up to the email)03:00
Yagisansivang: we have a book on python don't we. I should install and read it.03:01
persiasiretart: Looking at recent materials, I'm not sure, but any connection is at several removes.  I'll try to get a working compile and demonstrate a connection between sear and cyphesis-cpp locally, and update 6527, which is more likely to be the preferred solution.03:05
sivangYagisan: well, I started by reading all I can about distutils,03:05
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phanatichi people03:05
sivangYagisan: then watchign how its stuff gets called from debian/ruels03:05
sivanghey ph03:05
sivanghey phanatic03:05
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sivangphanatic: how's it going?03:06
Yagisansiretart: a simple rebuild is enough for the openal transition ?03:06
sivangsiretart: who do I ask fro sync request from debian sid?03:06
phanatichey sivang, a storm is comin :)03:06
Yagisansivang: ok. I know absolutely 0 python.03:06
sivangphanatic: storm?? where are you in?03:07
=== sivang notes is bloody hot in here
phanaticsalut Gloubiboulga, i'll create less agressive debdiffs for the packages ;)03:07
phanaticsivang: budapest, hungary03:07
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, ok, thanks :)03:08
siretartYagisan: often, but not always. you need to identify if the package is not actually using alut, which was split into its own package03:08
siretartYagisan: if the package is really using openal only, yes, it should be done with a simple rebuild03:09
siretartsivang: read the updated DeveloperRessources wiki page, and note the updated part about 'syncs'03:09
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phanaticGloubiboulga: i have a problem tho... pureadmin depends on libfam-dev. when i want to install that package, it wants to remove a lot of others (part of the desktop), so i cannot build a package which i could try in a pbuilder environment (.dsc). what to do? when i remove that dep, the pkg builds well03:10
phanatichey, it's like a monsoon here :\03:10
persiaphanatic: Does it work with gamin?03:11
phanaticpersia: what do you mean?03:11
persiaphanatic: The replacement for libfam.03:11
phanatici didn't know that :) how to change the deps? and may i change if i only want to do the dh_iconcache stuff? (Gloubiboulga suggested me not to touch other parts of the source)03:12
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Gloubiboulgaphanatic, you can change anything needed to fix a bug :)03:13
Yagisansiretart: ok. if it FTBFS I needed alut ;)03:13
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, but I've successfully built pureadmin on my system and in pbuilder without changing the dependency03:14
phanaticGloubiboulga: thanks :) shall i file a separate bug, or is it enough to mention it on the dh_iconcache bugreport?03:14
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, don't open a new bug, just mention it :)03:15
persiaphanatic: The dependencies are adjusted in debian/control.  You'll first want to read the docs for libfam and gamin, and make sure they are source compatible.  If not, you'll want to patch the source to work.  There's no patch system for pureadmin, so it would be rather invasive, merge-wise (although it may still be worthwhile).03:15
phanaticbut i need that dsc file for debdiff + pbuilder03:15
phanaticplease correct me if i'm wrong, or could do somehow without installing libfam-dev to my system :)03:16
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, libgamin-dev provides libfam-dev now03:16
Gloubiboulgaso with libgamin-dev installed, it should build03:17
phanaticthen i'll change the dep03:17
sivangcan someone please upload a fixed package with the debdiff I provided in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/bzrk/+bug/37162 ?03:18
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UbugtuMalone bug 37162 in bzrk "bzrk is broken with current version of bzr in dapper" [Major,Confirmed] 03:18
persiaGlah!  ftp.debian.org is down (at least for me) :(03:19
phanaticsivang: thanks for fixing that one ;)03:19
sivangphanatic: no problem, should I upload a fixed package to REVU ?03:19
sivangphanatic: (this is a very small debdiff, so I figured is useless to do so)03:20
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phanatici think i can wait till it hits the archive :) (have other things to do)03:20
sivangphanatic: so no need to ? is someone else going to upload that for me?03:22
phanatici don't have access for upload, sorry :(03:23
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phanaticGloubiboulga: another issue with pureadmin. it generates a file in autpackage/ during the build, but make distclean doesn't remove it. is it okay to rm it from debian/rules, or shall i leave it unchanged?03:24
persiasivang: Assign the bug to motu-reviewers, and someone will upload the patch when they have a chance.03:24
tuxmaniacseems like my libgnome*-dev are all broken.. And it is so on Breezy :O03:25
siretartphanatic: yes, remove it from debian/rules. you need to clean up after upstream scripts03:25
tuxmaniacGuys any body tell why the follwoing Broken Package error is due to On breezy http://pastebin.com/70525203:27
phanaticsiretart: thanks03:27
sivangpersia: done03:27
tuxmaniacI have run apt-get update!03:27
tuxmaniacstill no luck03:28
zakamehi all03:31
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sivanghey zakame03:32
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sabdflhi guys03:33
sabdflwho are the best folks to speak with about REVU?03:34
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sabdflhey tuxmaniac03:34
tuxmaniacajmitch \sh03:34
sabdfli'm keen to get going on building similar functionality right into LP03:34
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sivangwoo, that sounds cool :)03:34
sabdflajmitch_ \sh: around?03:34
Hobbseesabdfl: afaik, ajmitch was doing an assignment03:35
tuxmaniacsabdfl: You better build it.. I have been facing problems with REVU for the past 2 weeks.. Even the REVU admins are unable to solve it03:35
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sabdflsivang: should be, if we do a classy job of it03:35
Gloubiboulgasiretart is a REVU admin iirc03:35
sabdflok, i will ping them by mail03:35
sabdflthanks guys03:35
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sivangsabdfl: indeed. could go along well with DistroPolicyTracker verifications03:35
zakamehi all03:38
phanatichi zakame03:38
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zakamehey sab03:38
phanatichey bddebian03:38
zakamehey phanatic bddebian03:38
phanaticGloubiboulga: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/pureadmin/+bug/43451 hope it's ok now :)03:38
UbugtuMalone bug 43451 in pureadmin "dh_iconcache added and some minor fixes" [Normal,In progress] 03:38
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bddebianHeya gang03:39
bddebianHi phanatic, zakame03:39
Hobbseehey bddebian03:39
bddebianHi Hobbsee03:39
Gloubiboulgahey bddebian :)03:39
bddebianHowdy Gloubiboulga03:39
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, looking :)03:39
Toadstoolhi bddebian03:39
bddebianHeya Toadstool03:40
bddebianWow, the gangs all here this morning :-)03:40
freeflyingbddebian: hi03:40
=== Hobbsee is procrastinating. again.
bddebianHello freeflying03:40
phanaticbddebian: no wonder, it's already afternoon here ;)03:40
bddebianAhh :-)03:41
Yagisantuxmaniac: no idea why you get problems with revu. I think you are the unlucky one that gets all the problems.03:41
sivanghey there Hobbsee !03:41
zakameheya Toa03:41
Hobbseehi sivang :)03:41
YagisanHobbsee: need help procrastinating ? I've been told I'm good at it03:42
tuxmaniacYagisan: And at a time when I plan to get some UVF's running :((03:42
HobbseeYagisan: hehe...i need someone to do this paper for me...03:42
Hobbseethat's what would *really* help03:42
Yagisantuxmaniac: you only do source only uploads ?03:43
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tuxmaniacI tried uploading the binaries also!! No luck!03:43
YagisanHobbsee: no worries. just do what people at CSU do, ask someone on the internet to do it03:44
Yagisantuxmaniac: nah, revu doesn't take binaries. you use dput ?03:44
tuxmaniacYagisan: And for the past two days one more has propped up.. http://pastebin.com/70525203:44
tuxmaniacYagisan: Duh! Yeah.. dput -f revu <packagename>_source.changes !!!03:45
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phanaticGloubiboulga: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/potracegui/+bug/43524 this is another v2 patch fixing iconcache only03:45
UbugtuMalone bug 43524 in potracegui "dh_iconcache added and some minor fixes" [Normal,In progress] 03:45
tuxmaniacYagisan: And guess what.. It says succesful upload!03:45
Yagisantuxmaniac: and it's a signed changes file ?03:51
tuxmaniacYagisan: ^03:52
Yagisantuxmaniac: odd. I'll upload something, see if it still works for me.03:52
tuxmaniacYagisan: The thing is everybody is able to see it on /incoming and also see it getting accepted but not getting reflected on the webpage :((03:52
sivangany anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?03:55
sivangpooh@tigershark ~/src/zope-zshell $ dpkg -x zope-zshell_1.60-2.2.dsc .03:55
sivangdpkg-deb: `zope-zshell_1.60-2.2.dsc' is not a debian format archive03:55
Yagisantuxmaniac: fantastic. whats' one of your packages there ?03:56
persiasivang: You probably want dpkg-source -x foo.dsc03:56
zakamehmm bug 28810 has the sync been done?03:57
UbugtuMalone bug 28810 in kdrill "undeclared dependency on libXp6" [Major,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2881003:57
sivangpersia: oh crap, right! :)03:57
=== sivang got confused
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persiazakame: Not yet.03:58
zakamewb \sh03:58
sivanghmm, and another quesionts. still about zope-zshell03:59
zakamepersia: should I re-request then? =)03:59
sivangAfter realizing that the zope depdendency will be fixed with zope2.8 will get out of NEW,04:00
persiazakame: I'd like that.  I haven't used kdrill in a while, and need to practice more :)04:00
sivangI now see that it also depdens on python2.204:00
sivangso this is more then just a sync as it seems..04:00
sivangas this will rquire patching04:00
sivanganybody an idea?04:00
Yagisantuxmaniac: hmm. odd. anyone else try to upload it ?04:00
Yagisantuxmaniac: I'll try. where is it ?04:01
tuxmaniacI have it on my comp :)04:01
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bddebianHeya persia.  Anyone touched your list yet?04:01
tuxmaniacI will upload the files to my server and get back?04:01
zakamepersia: thanks :D04:02
Yagisantuxmaniac: that works. I think dcc also works (at least if I set my firewall up right this time)04:02
tuxmaniacYagisan: So what do I do? Try uploading again?04:03
tuxmaniacI have done that 10 times or more :))04:03
Yagisantuxmaniac: send me a copy. I'd like to see if it hates me too04:03
tuxmaniachehe :)) Sure Yagisan04:04
sivanghmm, actually, python2.2 installs nicely from unvierse04:04
sivangno issue :)04:04
=== sivang request a sync from ubuntu-archive
bddebiansivang: python2.2 2.2-dev should be fine but no other modules I think04:05
persiaIs the MOTU Merge Team still the correct assignee for merge bugs, or should they currently be assigned to MOTU-UVF?04:05
sivangbddebian: it also depdens on jaxml (3.01-1ubuntu1)04:06
sivangI assume this is okay as well04:06
bddebianpersia: If it requires a UVF exception, yes04:06
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zakamehmm seems kdrill would need more than just a sync, as the current Debian pkg fails to build in dapper :/04:37
persiazakame: Does the new debian version assume the changes to imake?  That's what caught me before when I was looking at that bug.  It was suggested that significant effort would be required, and it would be a post-dapper fix.04:40
siretartdholbach: bddebian: regarding sear: from the past I remember it is a quite fragile package, which is currently uninstallable. since we updated varconf and eris, I think we should update sear. I don't know how much time michael (the maintainer) has had in the past, but I remeber it being a pita in breezy and hoary :/04:41
bddebiansiretart, dholbach, persia: Please see Bug #4150404:41
UbugtuMalone bug 41504 in sear "UVF Exception: sear" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4150404:41
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persiasiretart: BTW, there is no relation between sear and crystalspace.04:44
ryuhi, will vim 7 be in dapper?04:45
persiaryu: No.04:45
siretartpersia: ok, then I got something terribly wrong.04:46
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siretartpersia: I'm currently testbuilding the latest crystalspace from debian on dapper/amd64. the changelog promises alut transition and amd64 compile fixes04:46
ryuok, then i have to pack in on my own04:47
zakamepersia: lemme check again04:47
siretartbddebian: uuh, great duplicate uvf requests :/04:47
siretartthanks for heads up04:47
persiasiretart:  Take a look at #43510.  It has some of my notes from when I was playing with it.  Let me know if I can generate any more useful files.04:48
siretartbug 4351004:48
UbugtuMalone bug 43510 in crystalspace "Needs rebuild for openal transition." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4351004:48
bddebiansiretart: Well I was working on the Unmet Deps list so that's how I caught it :-)04:48
siretartpersia: ah, thnx04:49
siretartpersia: diffstat doesn't work with debdiffs. please diffstat the upstream tarballs04:49
siretartand this is really ridiculous:  1521 files changed, 1650310 insertions(+), 1033018 deletions(-)04:49
bddebianI ALREADY HAVE!!!04:49
siretartbddebian: for crystalspace?! i thought you are talking about sear?04:50
bddebianOhh, I thought we were talking about sear too, sorry04:50
persiabddebian: For crystalspace?04:50
=== bddebian bows his head in shame
siretartbddebian: hehe, no problem. I think we are all a bit confused today ;)04:50
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bddebianHeya ivoks04:52
zakamepersia: yes, seems that this is an imake bug04:52
siretartpersia: thanks for your merge on crystalspace, the patch is looking good04:52
zakamehmm bug 29802, would probably require an UVF except/sync right?04:52
UbugtuMalone bug 29802 in mysql-admin "MySQL Administrator Locks when trying to do User Administration" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2980204:52
zakamejust checked the new debian -kg of mysql-admin, seems to fhix that04:53
persiazakame, it will be fixed by bug #28707 later, once dapper is released.04:53
UbugtuMalone bug 28707 in imake "ProjectRoot set incorrectly" [Minor,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2870704:53
persiasiretart: better diffstat uploaded.04:57
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Yagisansiretart: ok. I'm relatively sure tuxmanic's trouble with revu is a configuration or user issue05:02
Yagisansiretart: I had no trouble uploading his package05:02
siretartYagisan: I think so as well05:03
Yagisansiretart: his key on the keyring ?05:03
siretartYagisan: if you uploaded xcircuit, then yes05:04
Yagisansiretart: yeah, but I signed the changes with my key, so I thought I'd check05:05
siretartwhats his keyid?05:05
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Yagisansiretart: brb- need to attent to kids. I'll look it up on google when I get back05:08
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tuxmaniacYagisan: Sorry05:15
tuxmaniacYagisan: Murphy at his best ! Nework was down suddenly05:15
phanatictuxmaniac: he's away now05:15
persiatuxmaniac: Yagisan is away, but before he left he promised to look up your keyid.  Perhaps you can shortcut the process?05:16
tuxmaniachmmm.. The package got uploaded for him on REVU! :)05:17
tuxmaniacpersia: WHat shortcut?05:17
=== tuxmaniac is off for dinner.. will be back by half hour max
Yagisansiretart: can't find his key05:19
Yagisantuxmaniac_dinner: speaking of which05:19
tuxmaniacYagisan: Am back05:19
tuxmaniacyeah Yagisan My key is not htere?05:19
Yagisantuxmaniac: just found it. had to try a few keyservers05:20
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tuxmaniacYagisan: you figured out the problem?05:21
Yagisansiretart: keyid is 23088C1E05:21
Yagisantuxmaniac: I suspect either key or configuration05:21
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Yagisantuxmaniac: use your uid Aanjhan Ranganathan <aanjhan@tuxmaniac.com> for the changelog05:24
Yagisantuxmaniac: hopefully it will sign ok then05:24
tuxmaniachmm.. I am doing it05:25
siretartgpg: key 23088C1E: "Aanjhan Ranganathan <aanjhan@tuxmaniac.com>" not changed05:25
siretarthe was already in the keyring05:25
Riddellwhat's the current practice for syncing from debian?05:26
Yagisantuxmaniac: nope, your changelog is Aanjhan <aanjhan@tuxmaniac.com>05:26
Yagisantuxmaniac: it may make a difference05:26
Yagisansiretart: thanks for checking05:26
tuxmaniacyes.. I am changing and resiging!05:26
bddebianRiddell: File a sync request or UVF exception on LP05:26
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Yagisantuxmaniac: don't forget to retarget to dapper instead of hoary05:27
Riddellbddebian: and what happens if it's approved?05:27
bddebianRiddell: It gets synced :-)05:27
Riddellclever, thanks05:27
bddebianRiddell: It is a new upstream version?05:27
tuxmaniacYagisan: Sure05:27
bddebianRiddell: If so:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/UVFStatus05:28
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tuxmaniacYagisan: I will try uploading again or how is it gonna work?05:30
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siretartlucas: do you have time to handle the ruby1.9 upgrade the next days?05:31
lucashi siretart05:32
siretarthuhu lucas05:32
Yagisantuxmaniac: can you pm me your dput config for revu ?05:32
lucasI'll try to05:32
lucasI can't promise anything05:33
zakamegn8 all05:36
bddebianLater zakame05:36
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Kyralwhat do with an 8 year old P105:42
bddebianInstall Debian GNU/Hurd ;-P05:43
KyralI was about to ask how HURD was with legacy lol05:43
bddebianThat's about all it runs on ;-P05:43
KyralCan it run BIND9 yet?05:43
bddebianHmm, we had it at one point, but I think there might be some PATH_MAX or MAXPATHLEN regressions?05:44
=== Kyral looks blankly at bddebian
azeem> net.c:271: error: 'IPV6_PKTINFO' undeclared (first use in this function)05:45
bddebianAhh, IPV605:45
bddebianKyral: azeem knows all :-)05:45
YagisanKyral: works well with ubuntu as a firewall05:45
bddebianKyral: You could take on one of the Hurd SoC projects!! :-)05:46
Kyralbddebian: I have a job lol05:46
KyralWeb Bitch :P05:47
KyralYagisan: Ubuntu|HURD?05:47
KyralI'd rather pull Infinity/HURD05:48
YagisanKyral: why not ? and while you are at it how about Ubuntu|ReactOS05:48
KyralYagisan: ReactOS is a full OS05:48
Kyralnot a kernel05:48
YagisanKyral: well. It is wine with a kernel05:49
KyralI still need to put a NIC into the old machine05:49
bddebiankernel+wine.. Ugh05:50
YagisanKyral: sure its what $2 for a realtek now isn't it ?05:50
Yagisanbddebian: sounds like fun. would not boot on my amd64 though05:50
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KyralYagisan: I was just thinking of pulling out the NIC from my 8 year old eMachines05:51
Kyralseeing as I have scavanged most of the other hardware from it lol05:51
Yagisanbddebian: it's a toy like HURD isn't it ?05:51
KyralYah, a Secondary DNS server running HURD05:51
Kyralowned :P05:51
bddebianYagisan: Yes, but why re-invent Windows?? :-)05:51
Yagisanbddebian: to prove it can be done right05:52
Yagisanbddebian: maybe they really like virualdub ?05:53
KyralIts interesting05:53
KyralQuicker too05:54
YagisanI'd like it to work, most of my customers use windows, and I'd rather not need to buy a copy just to test something for them05:55
Kyralmy friend had it running in an unaccelerated Qemu05:55
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Kyraland thing booted fully in like 10 secs05:55
YagisanI think in future, with more bios updates coming as windows installers, it will become more important, like freedos used to be05:56
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bddebianIs it a no-no to mix gcc-4.0 and gcj-4.1?06:10
Yagisanbddebian: I don't think it breaks anything. it's a bit late to get gcc-4.1 synced from debian, but I have it in a private repo if you want it06:14
Yagisanbddebian: that reminds me, I should see if I need to update that too.06:14
bddebianYagisan: No, I added it to meta-ul without thinking06:14
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tuxmaniacYagisan: Ugh!!! Murphy is playing havoc in my life today :(06:16
sivangtuxmaniac: but Murphy is dholbach's dog, not yours?06:18
tuxmaniacsivang: heh06:19
tuxmaniacsivang: But seriously I am in no mood to laugh! :(06:19
=== Yagisan notes that one day, he may get to bed at a reasonable hour
tuxmaniacYagisan: never till I am around :)06:20
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tuxmaniacYagisan: did you check my config http://pastebin.com/70554706:21
Yagisantuxmaniac: you don't have "allow_unsigned_uploads = 0" in your revu section06:21
tuxmaniacYagisan: ^06:23
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=== Yagisan debates if he should scare windows users with how bad their systems are.
=== tuxmaniac feels Yagisan need not scare them.. They are already scared!
Yagisantuxmaniac: upload working yet ?06:26
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tuxmaniacYagisan: are you clearing the previous upload you did?06:27
Yagisantuxmaniac: not here. they are ignorant little sheep. baa baa.06:27
Yagisantuxmaniac: just upload over it06:27
tuxmaniacYagisan: ok06:27
Yagisantuxmaniac: besides, I never receive support calls from people that I've converted to ubuntu :)06:28
Yagisantuxmaniac: just takes 1~2 hours to teach them the differences06:28
tuxmaniacYagisan: Heh.. Wana do some support for me? I have some serious broken dependency problem! Resolving it?06:28
Yagisantuxmaniac: dapper, breezy or hoary ?06:29
Yagisantuxmaniac: production system ?06:29
tuxmaniacYagisan: And it is like this06:30
Yagisantuxmaniac: universe & multiverse enabled ?06:30
tuxmaniacYagisan: I do a apt-get install libgnome*-dev It shows Broken packages unable to install06:30
tuxmaniacYagisan: heh.. Thats basic.. I have done that!06:30
tuxmaniaci mean any libgnome dev files06:30
tuxmaniacYagisan: Uploaded!06:31
tuxmaniacYagisan: My pastebins --> http://pastebin.com/70525206:32
Yagisantuxmaniac: I tempted to be cheeky and say upgrade to dapper06:32
tuxmaniacYagisan: That is easy to say for everyone!! Try resolving it and I promise you a treat!06:32
Yagisantuxmaniac: ok. you did an apt-get update right ?06:33
tuxmaniacYagisan: Yes.. I did it06:33
tuxmaniacI tried to manually install whatever package it said.. And at last It gave me a different error message06:33
tuxmaniacYagisan: ^06:34
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Yagisantuxmaniac: humour me. use aptitude instead of apt-get06:34
=== Yagisan off to get a coffee
tuxmaniacYagisan: http://pastebin.com/705301 <--- This is what I got finally after a lot of traversals down the dependency chain!! :D06:35
=== tuxmaniac says HIP HIP Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=== tuxmaniac hugs REVU, Yagisan bddebian siretart ajmitch and who ever helped him out in this time!!
Yagisanyour welcome tuxmaniac06:43
tuxmaniacYagisan: you still have one more to go ^^^^06:43
Yagisantuxmaniac: add breezy-updates and breezy-security (+ universe & multiverse)06:44
Yagisantuxmaniac: run aptitude update06:44
siretarttuxmaniac: good to have you in our team! :)06:44
jpatricktuxmaniac: hi06:44
=== tuxmaniac apologises for missing out jpatrick 's name
Yagisantuxmaniac: then using eg synaptic or aptitude search for that package06:45
=== tuxmaniac thanks jpatrick for reminding :D
jpatrick;) *06:45
tuxmaniacYagisan: I did that!!06:45
Yagisantuxmaniac: as my breezy box as all of those packages avaiable06:45
tuxmaniacYagisan: Still no luck! Wanna take a look at my sources.list?06:47
Yagisantuxmaniac: you have dapper in your sources list don't you06:48
Yagisantuxmaniac: yes. you have stuff in it from another repo, that's why you have dependency issues06:48
Yagisantuxmaniac: libglib2.0-dev: Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.8.3-0ubuntu1) but 2.10.2-1ubuntu1 is to be installed06:49
Yagisantuxmaniac: that isn'y pure breezy06:49
Yagisans/isn'y/is not06:49
tuxmaniacYagisan: hmm.. How do I resolve?06:49
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Yagisantuxmaniac: pastebin sources.list06:50
tuxmaniacYagisan: http://pastebin.com/70562506:51
Yagisantuxmaniac: that is odd.06:53
tuxmaniacYagisan: I told you. I get bugs that are odd!! :D You need to be really at it to solve my problems!!06:53
Yagisantuxmaniac: where did you install those .debs from ? dpkg -i my_cool.deb ?06:55
tuxmaniacYagisan: Which .debs?06:56
Yagisantuxmaniac: ever use "backports" ?06:56
tuxmaniacYagisan: Never used it till date!06:56
Yagisantuxmaniac: try apt-cache clean then apt-get update then try to install again06:58
=== tuxmaniac welcomes LaserJock with a wide grin!! :D
tuxmaniacYagisan: Ok06:58
tuxmaniacYagisan: says E: Invalid operation clean07:01
Mithrandirapt-get clean07:02
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tuxmaniacMithrandir: Yeah just figured out! :) Thanks07:02
Yagisansorry, typo :-[07:03
tuxmaniacYagisan: Still no luck!! Same Broken Package problem :(07:04
Yagisantuxmaniac: use this sources.list http://pastebin.com/70565407:08
trappistthe way I understand it, kuickshow was dropped because imlib (a dependency) was dropped from main - is there any reason not to maintain kuickshow in universe now?07:11
tuxmaniacYagisan: No change! Same broken package error!07:11
Yagisantuxmaniac: got a backup ?07:12
tuxmaniacof sources.list or the data itself?07:12
tuxmaniacYagisan:  Entire hard disk?07:12
Yagisantuxmaniac: make a nice good backup of your important data. test it. then s/breezy/dapper in your sources.list && apt-get dist-upgrade to happiness07:13
tuxmaniacHmm.. I have all data backed up.. I guess thats the only happy day solution!!07:14
Yagisantuxmaniac: I have no idea why you get that error07:14
Yagisantuxmaniac: by all rights, it should only be pointing to breezy, unless the us mirror is stuffed, in which case others would be here complaining07:15
tuxmaniacYagisan: No its a problem with my system only.. I am sure abt it07:15
=== Yagisan wishes he could see the system
Yagisantuxmaniac: you have a breezy pbuilder ?07:17
tuxmaniacYagisan: Yes07:17
tuxmaniacYagisan: Do I have to wait for Dapper final?07:18
Yagisantuxmaniac: do a pbuilder login and see if it installs in there07:18
Yagisantuxmaniac: well, none of my breezy -> dapper upgrades were smooth07:19
tuxmaniacI am planning to do a fresh install rather than a dist-upgrade!07:19
Yagisantuxmaniac: those all worked well07:20
Yagisantuxmaniac: anyway, does it install in pbuilder ?07:20
tuxmaniacI am checking out wait07:21
tuxmaniacYagisan: ^07:21
tuxmaniacit does not07:23
sivangYagisan: I did not back up anything...ooo I'm naughty :)07:23
sivangbut then again, I switched to dapper a bit after UBZ07:23
Yagisansivang: I had an incomplete backup and flight 6 ate some of my xvids :( I had to reencode them07:26
sivangYagisan: Ah, I see07:27
sivangYagisan: well, I've never lost anything yet in ubuntu dist-upgrades, besides for when once experimenting with reiserfs07:27
Yagisansivang: well 200GB of data, and not enough dvds07:28
sivanggo get some more ! :)07:28
Yagisansivang: I have a nice big stack now. (and a new burner. the other one didn't make it)07:29
sivangpoor him, did you at least arrange for proper burrierl ?07:30
Yagisansivang: nope. I'm using it as a coaster for my coffe right now07:30
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=== Yagisan wonders if getting connection failed to ubuntu forums is actually a blessing in disguise
=== Yagisan bets his pm is "dUd3 y0uR p@c|<@G3 sUx b3c@uS3 |T |5|\|'T 4 d@PP3r"
bddebianYagisan: :-)07:38
Yagisanbddebian: I'm not cynical really. I admit only what 9 out of 11 pms were like that. the other 2 were thanks07:41
Yagisanbddebian: yep. some idiot has gone to dapper and hit the openal transition.07:43
ivoksdholbach: making a mess? :)07:44
Yagisanbddebian: why do people not the the 44pt message saying "breezy only" ?07:44
bddebianWhy do people do a lot of the things that they do? :-)07:45
Yagisanbddebian: I don't know. one of them poked around and found my dapper development repo. the one where all my half working eat you system stuff lives07:47
Yagisanbddebian: they must be determined. It's not advertised anyware, and I redirected you back to my main webpage if you access non-existent files or folders07:50
=== Yagisan takes a deep breath. in out in out in out. nope doesn't help
LaserJockanybody know anything about the sponsorship for Paris? I'm interested in how fast decisions will be made?07:54
sivangLaserJock: aren't we all :)07:57
LaserJocksivang: well, my problem is that sponsorship would determine if I could go or not. I really can't get plane tickets, for example until I know07:59
LaserJockthere's no point in applying if we are going to find out the day before the conf starts07:59
sivangLaserJock: that's true, but I am sure replies will be sent pretty quick08:03
phanaticLaserJock: same problems here :\08:04
LaserJocksivang: well, I'll just signup and see what happends08:04
phanaticLaserJock: deadline was 5th may i think, but some people have signed up after that ;)08:05
LaserJockack, it was?08:05
Yagisansome opinions please. Biggest bang for buck. -Os or -O2 ?08:06
sivangLaserJock: indeed.08:06
LaserJockwell, that makes me a little upset :/08:07
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phanaticGloubiboulga: ping09:22
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siretartdholbach: err, re bug #43648: are you sure you wanted to set that 'confirmed'?09:45
UbugtuMalone bug 43648 in quodlibet "UVF 0.18 -> 0.20.1" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4364809:45
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crimsunI would object, because I'm still chasing down a crasher09:47
crimsunI have not confirmed with Joe whether his latest changesets fix it09:47
crimsunI'll cherry-pick from svn and check tonight09:47
crimsunthe crasher being a random segfault due to stack explosion.09:48
dholbachsiretart: arg no09:48
dholbachsiretart: needsinfo would be a bit more appropriate :)09:48
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Gloubiboulgaphanatic, pong10:01
phanaticGloubiboulga: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/perlpanel/+bug/4367310:02
UbugtuMalone bug 43673 in perlpanel "0.9.1+cvs20051225-1ubuntu1 FTBFS" [Normal,In progress] 10:02
GloubiboulgaIt built fine here :/10:02
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, I update (again) my pbuilder, retest the build and upload10:04
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, thanks :)10:04
phanaticGloubiboulga: in pbuilder it builds fine, however on the server it failed...10:06
phanaticGloubiboulga: i mean -1ubuntu1 built fine in pbuilder10:07
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phanatichope the patch helps10:11
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ajmitchmorning all10:39
bddebianHeya ajmitch, tseng10:43
tsenghi bddebian10:43
bddebianLaserJock: This mayavi thing is a weird one.  Has this been working until recently?10:43
dholbachbddebian: yes - we had trouble in hoary to get it working - herve finally made it10:45
bddebianWell it's expecting the Patented modules and vtk isn't building them because they aren't DFSG Free10:45
LaserJockhmm, so we need to patch mayavi then?10:54
Toadstoolnope vtk IMHO10:54
Toadstoolsee bug 4309510:54
UbugtuMalone bug 43095 in vtk "Mayavi does not start (dependency problem ?)" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4309510:54
Gloubiboulgaand there's a bug filed against pyvtk, with the same problem10:55
ToadstoolGloubiboulga: I marked this one as a duplicate of 43905 and closed it10:56
LaserJockyeah, but if the problem is that vtk isn't shipping DFSG non-free stuff then I think it is mayavi's problem that it is looking for it, no?10:56
GloubiboulgaToadstool, yep, I've just seen this :)10:56
ToadstoolLaserJock: I've quickly examined mayavi source code and it looks like it doesn't use the Patented stuff10:57
LaserJockso vtk is looking for, but we aren't building it?10:57
bddebianvtk is a PIG10:58
bddebianIt's been building for like 2 hours :-)10:58
ToadstoolLaserJock: Patented was removed from Debian vtk 4 years ago10:59
bddebianJust rip that out of __helper.py and see if it works :-)10:59
Toadstoolbddebian: only the del sys.modules["..."]  thing :)10:59
Gloubiboulgais there a known problem with some perl builds?11:00
bddebianYeah, perl sucks11:00
=== bddebian hides
bddebianToadstool: I don't know how to build python object files and such so I don't know if I can just hack that file to test11:01
Toadstoolbddebian: you can, I've already tested and it works11:02
ajmitchsivang: fwiw, zope2.8, etc provide the virtual package zope11:02
bddebianmayavi works too?11:02
Gloubiboulgaperlpanel builds fine with pbuilder but FTBFS on LP: http://tinyurl.com/gebmr11:02
Toadstoolbddebian: let me try11:02
=== ajmitch knew he should have assigned the rest of the zope unmet deps bugs to himself
sivangajmitch: I reassigned them all to you back :) I only touched 2 of them IIRC11:02
ajmitchreassigned them? you mean you assigned some to yourself that were assigned to me?11:03
sivangajmitch: yes , I know , and I found out with doko that it's pending getting out from NEW. I did a workaround to verify zope-zshell becomes installable aagain, and so request a sync11:03
sivangajmitch: never. only 2 that were unassigned.11:04
Gloubiboulgaphanatic, I'll upload a new package with your patch, I hope the missing package is the only issue...11:04
Toadstoolbddebian: mayavi "works"... it fails to start on my box 'cause I don't have glx extensions11:04
Toadstoolat least it doesn't complain about patented11:04
bddebianToadstool: So upload that fix will ya? ;-P11:05
Toadstoolbddebian: you can try to comment the line in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/vtk_python/vtk/__helper.py and launch mayavi11:05
ajmitchsivang: I've just been waiting for a week for python2.3-xml to get out of NEW11:05
ajmitchand then there's some others11:05
sivangajmitch: using doko's workaround (changing control info in the source) I managed to build it, and so could install zope2.8 , and so could test zope-zshell :)11:06
bddebianToadstool: I just have to comment out of the py?  I don't have to worry about the pyo, etc?11:06
sivangajmitch: already sub'd ubuntu-archive for the sync request, I hope I did not step on your toes?11:06
Toadstoolbddebian: just the .py11:06
GloubiboulgaGnight all11:07
Toadstoolg'night Gloubiboulga11:07
ajmitchI'll recover11:07
sivangajmitch: could you please let me know what I did wrong?...11:07
ajmitchnothing bad, as such11:08
bddebianToadstool: Comment out the if and raise lines?11:08
ajmitchsivang: except that zope-zshell still depends on python2.211:09
Toadstoolbddebian:    #del sys.modules['vtk.%s'%mod_name]  <-- this line11:09
ajmitchso it shouldn't have been a sync request11:09
sivangajmitch: I asked bddebian , he said it was okay if it depends on 2.2 and 2.2dev11:09
sivangajmitch: rather a patch to change depdendencies?11:09
bddebianWait, what did I do now?11:10
sivangbddebian: well, you're not to blame. It's me. I should not have touched anything...and ajmitch told me the day before not to break anything..11:10
Toadstoolbddebian: http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Wrapping/Python/vtk/__helper.py?r1=1.6&r2=1.7 <-- upstream fix11:11
ajmitchI'm just surprised that python2.2 is still in the archive, and that anything zope would depend on it11:11
bddebianToadstool: mayavi works with that commented out :-)11:11
ajmitchit'll possibly work, I guess11:11
Toadstoolbddebian: cool :)11:11
bddebianToadstool: Ah nice.  Can you upload yet?11:11
Toadstoolbddebian: nope, I don't have upload rights11:12
sivangajmitch: this is why I asked a sync, I saw it in the archive, and that the thing would install pulling it etc...11:12
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bddebianToadstool: OK, I'll do it.  Thanks for the help!!11:12
Toadstoolbddebian: no problem :)11:12
ajmitchsivang: it'd need updated to work with zope-common anyway11:15
ajmitchbut that's not an absolute requirement11:15
sivangajmitch: zope-common also depends on 2.2 ?11:16
Toadstoolgood night everybody11:18
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=== ajmitch watches his computer start to heat up a bit
tsengwhats new ajmitch11:33
ajmitchnot much11:33
ajmitchapplied for that summer of code thing11:33
bddebianLater gang, time to head home11:33
ajmitchso I might waste some time over the next 3 months doing that11:33
tsengbye bddebian11:33
LaserJockajmitch: what sort of thing would you be doing for SoC?11:34
ajmitchnetwork authentication11:35
ajmitchcpu temp just dropped about 10C11:36
Kyralwhat didja do?11:37
ajmitchturned the fan speed up & stopped some programs11:38
ajmitchnothing much11:38
LaserJockhi Kyral11:47
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Kyralhi LJ11:59
Kyralcan Sendmail send a properly formatted text file as an email11:59
Kyralfrom the commandline?11:59
dholbachgood night guys12:00
dholbachKyral: cat bla | mail somebody -s subject     ?12:01
Kyraldholbach: can I get this to be a cronjob?12:01
Kyralwhere is mail's config file?12:01

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