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FunnyLookinHatDoes ubuntu server install automatically install apache?12:33
FunnyLookinHathmm, apparently not.12:37
FunnyLookinHatDoes it install anything more than the base kernel & drivers?12:37
infinityFunnyLookinHat: No, it installs a base system that you can do what you want with.02:07
infinityFunnyLookinHat: By popular demand, the CD does have a boot option to install a "LAMP" server.02:07
infinityFunnyLookinHat: Other than that, the general concensus is "we don't know what YOU want a server to look like, so why should we pick for you?"02:08
infinityFile server, Print server, DNS, Web, KRB Master, LDAP, RBMS, mail, etc, etc.  We have no idea what you will want.02:09
FunnyLookinHatinfinity, and what is a LAMP server?02:44
infinitySilly pointy-haired-boss-ism for "Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP"02:44
FunnyLookinHatdang, that's exactly what i need  : )02:45
infinityRight, well, the easiest way to get that (and this is all the LAMP install does) is "apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql mysql-server"02:45
FunnyLookinHatooh... see the only problem I have is I think my php didn't install correctly02:48
infinityThen you did't install libapache2-mod-php5, probably.02:50
FunnyLookinHatnope, lol02:50
infinitySo, install that, then "dpkg-reconfigure php5-mysql" so it'll get added to the apache2 setup.02:51
FunnyLookinHatand now restart apache2?02:52
FunnyLookinHatHmm.. well my wordpress config says it can't connect to mysql server...  what's the default user/pass for mysql?02:54
infinityThere is none.02:54
FunnyLookinHatoooh.. and I create one how?02:55
infinity(By default, "root" should be able to connect with no password.. You should ideally change that)02:55
infinityAs root, "mysqladmin password <mynewpassword>" to set root's password.02:55
infinityTo create new users with passwords (which is what you should be doing for your wordpress setup), you really should check the MySQL docs.  It's a bit out of scope for this (a development) channel.02:56
FunnyLookinHatheh, ok sweet02:56
FunnyLookinHatthanks for all the help infinity !02:56
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trs80are there netboot images for ubuntu-server dapper?07:33
infinityIf you use netboot, there's no real difference between -server and other installer flavours.07:47
infinitys/i386/<your arch of choice>/07:47
trs80except the preseed file .... *reads up on d-i*08:02
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trs80oh good, the server netboot flavour has the preseed config in the boot line09:23
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idimmuDoes ubuntu-server follow the same release cycle as ubuntu and how long is the support cycle for security patches etc?12:45
idimmuis it the same 18 months as ubuntu, or longer?12:46
spikeubuntu-server will be supported for 5 years12:48
idimmuin that case im going to replace all the servers we have here with it12:50
idimmubye bye redhat \o/12:50
spikeidimmu: certifications from vendors (ie. oracle) are on the way too afaik12:51
spikeat least, there's interest and work in that direction, no idea about the timing12:52
spikesame for hardware certifications12:52
idimmuthats cool12:52
idimmuwe have one tiny bit of hardware here that im going to have to do some research on12:53
idimmubut other than that i think ill just migrate all our systems to ubuntu12:54
idimmuand relax!12:54
spikeidimmu: on the wiki (wiki.ubuntu.com) there are pages for hardware compatibility and the like, and there's also a project for hardware testing you might want to join (reporting your setup and the like)12:55
idimmuoh cool12:56
spikeidimmu: and if you're using some non FLOSS stuff on your servers, like scsi sw for particular controllers etc there's a page where you can request such applications to be inculded into dapper12:56
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idimmumy main issue was kernel drivers for our hylafax cards12:59
idimmubut (i run ubuntu desktop) ive just noticed they're actually available12:59
infinityWhat cards would those be?01:05
infinity(And what driver?)01:05
idimmuim a bit clueless when it comes to our hylafax stuff01:12
idimmuhylafax-4.2.2-1rh9.i386.rpm but thats the package that contains the driver (i assume_01:12
idimmualthough lsmod isnt really mentioning anything01:13
idimmuim still in the research phase hence my initial questions01:13
idimmuno point thinking of switching unless i was sure ubuntu-server had > 18 months of support :)01:14
infinityThe hylafax package in RedHat (and in Ubuntu) shouldn't have any kernel drivers, just the hylafax daemon and such.01:21
infinityIt's pretty much modem-agnostic, hence why I was asking which modem you were using with it that required a special driver. :)01:21
infinity(And if it's something evil like "ltmodem", then I have a valid use case for building non-free drivers for the -server kernels, which we don't currently do)01:22
idimmuyeah ive just realised that01:24
idimmui took over as IT manager here a few months ago01:24
idimmuand the previous guy kind of scarpered01:24
idimmuand everything is in pretty bad shape01:24
idimmulooks like we have an eicon card using diva kernel modules01:28
idimmu00:06.0 Network controller: Eicon Technology Corporation: Unknown device e01501:28
idimmuDivatty               264352   801:28
idimmudiva_mtpx             439556   001:28
idimmudiva_idi               34960   101:28
idimmudivas                 160136   001:28
idimmudivadidd               76516   0 [Divatty diva_mtpx diva_idi divas] 01:28
idimmuEicon Diva S (S for Server), 30 port PRI card01:29
infinityAhh, nice.01:30
infinityBut I don't think we ship that driver for any of our kernels out of the box.01:30
infinityI suspect it's so non-free we can't even distribute it, though I'd have to go hunting.01:30
idimmuyeah im just investigating01:32
idimmuive just been told we have an nda developer license to get the source01:32
idimmuwhich is nice01:32
infinity"Diva MAdapter and Diva TTY driver are not public domain. Therefore, you must not redistribute, modify or reverse engineer it or use it otherwise than intended with Eicon ISDN hardware. You may use it with any appropriate Eicon ISDN hardware which you legally acquired."01:34
infinityIt does, however, look like their sources are distributed as .debs, and they have decent docs on how to build your kernel modules.01:34
infinitySo, not rocket science.01:34
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nicolaI am installing ubuntu 64bit edition on a dual xeon DP, (hp proliant 380 DL) default kernel installed is 2.6.12-9-amd64-generic any better? SMP? which is the optimum for the machine?01:56
ivokslinux-amd64-xeon i would say01:57
infinitynicola: "apt-get install linux-amd64-xeon" (desktop kernel, fully tuned for Xeons, though) or "apt-get install linux-amd64-server" (slightly more generic tuning, but designed for server use, so different scheduler, etc)01:57
nicolaso they are ok for dual xeon processor?01:58
trs80all kernels come with smp01:59
trs80due to some magic that rewrites all the locking instructions to NOPs at boot if there's only one cpu01:59
nicolathank you very much!01:59
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lionelpidimmu: are you still there ?05:28
idimmupoke lionelp05:29
lionelpsorry, i was afk, i setup an eicon diva card last week05:29
idimmuheh, on ubuntu-server?05:30
idimmuwhat was your rough process?05:30
lionelpI am not really happy with my process :-(05:30
idimmudownload drivers/compile drivers/install drivers/party/chicks?05:30
lionelpI will investigate more this week05:30
lionelpidimmu: exactly05:30
lionelpI download the .deb on eicon website05:30
lionelpbuild it05:31
lionelpBUT, you have problem with melware dirvers which come with standard kernel05:31
lionelpI finally have to desactivate udev (here is the point I hate !)05:31
idimmuyeah that doesnt sound too thrilling05:31
lionelpbecause udev load melware drivers and does not create the good devices for the proprietary drivers05:32
lionelpdid you tried to install it yet ?05:33
idimmui take it melware are opensource versions of the prop drivers, but not as good?05:33
lionelpnot as good05:33
lionelpyou will not have any support from eicon if you use it (and support is a good point)05:34
lionelpand you loose all the configuration software provided by eicon (which is a quite good quality software)05:34
idimmui wonder how hard it'd be to stop udev from loading the melware drivers05:35
lionelpi think we just have to blacklist them05:36
lionelpthe second problem is that the eicon init script do mknod wich is not compatible with udev usage if I am not wrong05:37
idimmuhmm i might email eicon and see what they say05:38
idimmuif i cant migrate that server it's not the end of the world05:38
lionelpthey offer good support on fedora05:38
lionelpa poor support on Debian05:38
lionelpI do not know on Ubuntu05:38
idimmuprobably no support on ubuntu :)05:39
lionelpI think they do not have face it yet05:39
lionelpactually, with udev desactivated, it works quite well :)05:39
idimmuid rather keep things clean as our fax server is pretty criticle05:40
lionelpOk ok05:41
idimmui was hoping it'd be easiser than that though :)05:41
lionelpI would really like to document the process to make it easier :)05:42
idimmuubuntu wiki, chop chop!05:43
lionelpyeah, but before, I have to found the right way to setup :)05:44
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lionelpI will have a look on tomorrow (today is a day off in France ;-))05:51
lionelpare you often here?05:52
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idimmulionelp: i'll probably be idling here for a while now06:50
idimmuas i plot and plan :)06:51
lionelpoki, cool06:51
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idimmuwhat exactly is the difference between ubuntu-server and regular ubuntu?07:31
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
idimmufrom this https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2006-February/000039.html they're sharing the same package repositories07:32
idimmuso what does the 5 year support cover?07:32
idimmueverything across the board? so it is applicable to a standard ubuntu install too?07:32
idimmuor am i just getting confused between the server install option on the ubuntu cd and ubuntu-server?07:33
idimmuthose are very crap questions :(07:33
lionelpthey share the same repository07:53
lionelpthe only difference is the packages it is composed of07:53
lionelpI lost the link which give the list of the packages which will be supported for 5 years07:54
lionelpidimmu: here is the list http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/seeds/ubuntu-server-dapper/07:58
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subterrificis there are list of features for the server kernel? i'm doing a diff of the config files right now and i'm just wondering if there is something more readable09:03
subterrificnevermind, this is good enough09:09
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xerophytewhich is good method and accurent method to monitor host .. using scripts like getting uptime output or using snmp host.hrSystem.hrSystemUptime .. just wondering which is more reliable ???11:12
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