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wckdkl0wni am updating ubuntu to kubuntu.. was i supose to change the repositories?12:09
wckdkl0wnso leave it as hoary then?12:10
squillajustinstall kde-desktop12:10
tschentz...and uninstall ubuntu-desktop if you want to get rid of gnome12:10
wckdkl0wni remember i did this a while back and had to change it to breezzy or something like that12:10
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DrNickRivierais it often a problem installing packages for breezy on dapper, or is it generally ok?12:11
wckdkl0wnok i did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:11
wckdkl0wnwithout changing anything12:11
wckdkl0wnnow to uninstall the ubuntu i do what?12:12
squilladon't - sorry12:14
wckdkl0wngdm or kdm display manager?12:14
squilladoes not matter12:15
wckdkl0wnwent with kdm12:16
squillaquestion of style - tey both :-)12:16
squillame too12:16
h3sp4wnDrNickRiviera: You can get away with the breezy version of freenx on dapper but generally its a bad idea12:16
wckdkl0wnSetting up kdm (3.4.0-0ubuntu18.2) ...12:16
wckdkl0wn * Reloading K Display Manager configuration...                          [fail] 12:16
squillatype less /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:17
squillalook for lines beginning with (EE)12:18
DrNickRivierahmm, want to install mythtv and can't find up to date binaries for dapper12:18
DrNickRivierathe ones in the official repos are 0.18 rather then 0.1912:18
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squillaman - yesterday you couldn't even boot and today you're close to pvr?12:18
DrNickRivieramight have to compile it myself :-/12:18
DrNickRivierai still can't boot properly ;)12:19
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DrNickRivierajust need a couple of days break until i will attempt to solve that problem12:19
squillasame as before?12:19
DrNickRivierayeah, have to go through the recovery mode and run telinit 312:19
squillano (EE) in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?12:20
wckdkl0wnok brb gonna restart12:20
squillanothing in "dmesg | less"?12:20
squillanothing in /var/log/messages?12:20
squillagood luck wckd12:20
DrNickRivierathe only EE's in Xorg.0.log are "Cannot open /dev/wacom"12:22
DrNickRivierawonder why it's even trying to do that12:22
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squillaI got those too - that's small bug12:24
DrNickRivierai might try and find something in the logs tomorrow, would be much too hard to find now anyway, systems been running for ages since i last tried it12:25
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wckdkl0wnhrmm still says ubuntu when starting up into linux12:26
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wckdkl0wnwhat else should i do now that i just changed it to kubuntu?12:27
squillawhat do you want it to say?12:28
squillakubuntu just means you have the kde desktop12:28
wckdkl0wnshouldnt it of said kubuntu instead of ubuntu?12:28
wckdkl0wnoh ok12:28
squillanot if you started with ubuntu12:28
squillaIt'sa really all the same12:28
DrNickRivierajust that the kubuntu colours are way cooler12:29
h3sp4wnI think the xubuntu ones look the best12:29
squillaLove the choices!12:30
DrNickRivierachanging from fedora is definitely one of the best decisions i've made in a while12:31
DrNickRivieracan't believe how much more consistent it is12:31
DrNickRivieraand most stuff is far easier to do too12:31
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squillaDrNick: agreed12:32
kkathmanDrNickRiviera:  did you run Gnome under Fedora or KDE?12:32
squillaI been racing nfs most wanted - did I tell you that already?12:32
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kkathmanshould be no difference then really between KDE's .. its KDE hehe12:33
DrNickRivieramy desktops on the two systems are practically identical12:33
DrNickRivierawell, it's partly coming from yum to apt12:33
kkathmanthat is unless Fedora didnt keep up with version12:33
DrNickRivierainstalling fedora was always a pain, just had a lot of problems12:34
DaSkreechdoes anyone know a good script to server my amarok collection across the network12:34
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johnny3dcrimsun, hello12:34
DrNickRivieraapart from the screen going blank problems i've had with ubuntu the install was amazing12:34
kkathmanDrNickRiviera:  I have SuSE and ubuntu both and they are identical also12:34
DrNickRivieraDaSkreech: use mysql as the database12:34
DrNickRivierathen you can connect to that from however many clients you want12:34
DaSkreechDrNickRiviera: Huh?12:35
DaSkreechWhen I say My collection I don't mean the metatags etal I mean streaming/downloading the music across the network :)12:35
DaSkreechThere are a bunch of scripts that are made I don't recall anyof them right now12:35
DrNickRivieraah, ok12:35
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DrNickRivierathought you just wanted all the files stored centrally12:35
DrNickRivierakkathman: there are quite a lot of differences though, aren't there12:36
squillachaps I'm for bed - goodnight12:36
DrNickRivierawouldn't be much point in having all the distros otherwise12:36
DrNickRivieran8 squilla12:36
kkathmanDrNickRiviera: none actually - except that Kubuntu adds their own control center for KDE which I dont like personally12:37
kkathmanKDE is KDE, each distro has a few little tweaks but none really significant12:37
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Depends what you want to use as players (I use a WGT634U with a usb soundcard) it affects your choice of server though12:37
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apokryphoskkathman: you won't say that after you've used Linspire :P12:38
kkathmanwelll....... there are exceptions apokryphos :)  How ya been btw ?12:38
DrNickRivierais linspire really that bad?12:38
Tm_Tkkathman: hi12:38
apokryphosvery well. Exams start this week so little time for other things :)12:38
kkathmanhi Tm_T12:38
apokryphosDrNickRiviera: it's hated quite a bit by many :P12:39
apokryphosor just disliked12:39
Tm_Tapokryphos: yo12:39
kkathmanapokryphos:  good luck (I doubt you'll need it tho)12:39
DrNickRivieramy boss just bought a copy of it, because he thinks it will be easier to use then other distros12:39
apokryphoshow you doin', Tm_T? :)12:39
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Tm_Tapokryphos: alive, you?12:39
apokryphoskkathman: heh, we shall see 8)12:39
apokryphosTm_T: just about alive. Work is killin' me :P12:39
kkathmanI never got the urge to run linspire...went straight to mainline linux12:40
kkathmansettled in on ubuntu and SuSE12:40
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: I just use madplay and icecast12:40
apokryphoslinspire is quite popular, but not so much mainstream UNIX12:40
apokryphoskkathman: out on the 11th ;-)12:40
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DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Something that can spit out a HTML site12:41
DaSkreechThat way I can listen to my music anywhere in the world :-)12:41
kkathmanapokryphos:  yep..Im looking forward to it...but scared of the upgrade :)12:41
apokryphosit should be fine12:41
kkathmannever done one there apokryphos12:41
apokryphosthey officially support it, and they'll be doing it for an awful long time... so hey12:41
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apokryphoskkathman: though, don't you have your /home on a seperate partition?12:42
kkathmanapokryphos:  I dont remember actually12:42
apokryphosdf -h =)12:42
kkathmanI dont think so12:42
apokryphosit's always a good idea to do that12:43
apokryphoswell, I also partly do it to easily move between distros12:43
kkathmandarn I didnt :(12:43
apokryphoshaving /home on a seperate partition is a very good idea12:43
kkathmanI did once on ubuntu12:43
kkathmanbut then it got hosed and I reinstalled it and forgot12:43
apokryphosmakes me never really care about worst-coming-to-worst12:43
kkathmanwell I regularly back up my HOME so I can always just drop it in12:44
DrNickRivierawhat do you think of having /usr/local on an extra partition too?12:44
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DrNickRivierai've heard quite a few times now, that that's a very good idea too12:45
kkathmanDrNickRiviera:  why?12:45
apokryphoskkathman: no need to ever back up really if it's on another partition :P12:45
DrNickRivieradon't know, suppose so you don't have to install programs that are in there again12:45
kkathmanmost programs split between /usr/bin   and /usr/local/bin  so if you use that strategy, you'll need to split that off too12:45
DrNickRivierastill haven't quite gotten to grips with what goes where in linux though12:46
DrNickRivieraso i don't really know12:46
kkathmanand typically when doing an upgrade theres alot of change12:46
apokryphoswell /usr/bin is for executables that your distro would put in12:46
kkathmanwhats good to do is keep your debs tho in your home12:46
kkathmanthen its easy to reinstall everything12:46
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bleakedpersonally, i just have 6 partitions: /, /usr, /var, /etc, /home, and /tmp12:47
kkathmanbut most data files that are significant are stored in your home12:47
bleakedhaving /etc and /home on separate partitions is most important to me.12:47
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bleakeda /var partition on servers is key as well12:48
apokryphosyeah, I'd really only have /var and /etc on a seperate partition if I *had* to12:49
crimsunjohnny3d: hi12:49
solid_liqmy apt-get won't upgrade or install any software.  It keeps giving me this error: http://pastebin.com/708432     and the suggested fix doesn't work.  Anyone know how I can fix it?12:49
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visik7anyone know a good 4:3 laptop with an nvidia card and link compliant hardware ?12:51
visik7and a res greater than 1024x76812:51
johnny3dback at work crimsun ?12:51
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crimsunjohnny3d: yes, won't be able to answer for some hours12:52
apokryphossolid_liq: sudo apt-get -f install ?12:52
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solid_liqapokryphos: that gives me this message at the end of its output:   http://pastebin.com/70845112:53
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apokryphossolid_liq: so remove libfame0 and install that one12:54
apokryphosbe careful to watch out of possible packages that depend on it though12:54
solid_liqapokryphos: it doesn't let me remove it12:54
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apokryphossolid_liq: what's the error?12:54
=== Tm_T is compiling again kicker, kwin, kopete, kdepim and amarok atleast
apokryphoswhy :D12:55
solid_liqjust a sec...12:55
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angasulewill dapper use the Adept package manager? or something else?12:57
solid_liqapokryphos: ok, got it:12:58
apokryphosangasule: adept12:59
angasuleapokryphos: improved? I've tried synaptic and it's a lot more useful and looks better :/12:59
apokryphosangasule: very much so, yes12:59
apokryphosit also contains now a simpler adept installer12:59
apokryphoswhich is very nice01:00
solid_liqapokryphos: did you see the output from when I try to remove libfame0?01:00
apokryphossolid_liq: so remove that package as well :)01:00
angasulegood, the current adept is nearly unusable for searching01:00
solid_liqapokryphos: look at what it says01:00
apokryphosI did01:00
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solid_liqdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libfame-0.9_0.9.0-0.1_i386.deb (--unpack):01:02
solid_liq trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libfame-0.9.so.0.0.0', which is also in package libfame001:02
solid_liqI keep getting this error despite removing those packages, and manually deleting the offending file:01:02
solid_liqthere are now no /usr/lib/libfame* files, but this error still comes up and I don't know the package management system well enough to do anything about it, apokryphos01:04
apokryphossolid_liq: I told you what to do... remove that package, don't try to install others.01:04
solid_liqmanually, I mean :D01:04
apokryphossolid_liq: if you get other packages saying they have problems because they depend on it, remove those as well.01:04
solid_liqapokryphos: I did, but it keeps telling me to use apt-get -f install01:04
solid_liqand I did remove those as well01:05
apokryphossolid_liq: in theory if you had kubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-desktop installed those issues wouldn't ahppen.01:05
apokryphossolid_liq: and what's the output when you try to remove those?01:05
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solid_liqapt-get remove gstreamer0.8-plugins-unofficial01:06
solid_liqReading package lists... Done01:06
solid_liqBuilding dependency tree... Done01:06
solid_liqYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:01:06
solid_liqThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:06
solid_liq  transcode: Depends: libfame-0.9 but it is not going to be installed01:06
solid_liqE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).01:06
solid_liqapokryphos: and that's what I get with everything01:07
apokryphossolid_liq: not a good idea to paste in here :P01:07
solid_liqapokryphos: and I did an apt-get remove transcode  :(01:08
apokryphossolid_liq: look, you're not removing all the packages at once :)01:08
solid_liqdo you have to remove them all at once?01:08
apokryphossolid_liq: sudo apt-get remove transcode gstreamer0.8-plugins-unofficial libfame001:08
solid_liqah ok, thanks01:08
apokryphossolid_liq: of course, otherwise they can't all be processed at once.01:08
solid_liqI think it may be working this time :D01:10
apokryphossolid_liq: install kubuntu-desktop after it has finished01:10
solid_liqawesome, it worked!!!  Thank you so much apokryphos01:10
solid_liqI think I installed on this machine from the kubuntu cd01:11
apokryphosno :)01:11
solid_liqI can't remember though01:11
apokryphossolid_liq: which one?01:11
solid_liqI used ubuntu and kubuntu cd on various computers, and upgrade to kubuntu somehow on the ones where I used the ubuntu cd01:11
apokryphossolid_liq: if you want latest dapper (you're on dapper, right?) then install kubuntu-desktop and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:11
solid_liqoh, no I'm on the latest stable one with some backport sources01:12
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solid_liqit's working now to upgrade to dapper?01:12
apokryphossolid_liq: oh ok, I see.01:13
apokryphossolid_liq: dapper is still technically unstable01:13
apokryphosyou can wait till june 1st when it officially reaches stable status, or you can choose to upgrade now01:13
solid_liqok, might as well upgrade :D01:13
solid_liqshould I let it do the normal apt-get upgrade first, or no reason to bother?01:14
imbrandon_no reason , dist-upgrade will take care of it01:14
solid_liqok cool, thanks!01:14
apokryphossolid_liq: make sure you have kubuntu-desktop before upgrading01:15
imbrandon_but you need to change your sources.list from breezy to dapper IF you want to do the upgrade01:15
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades .01:15
imbrandon_to dapper that is, and install kubuntu first like apokryphos said ;)01:15
imbrandon_heya apokryphos01:15
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_bonhow do i get rid of this error at ktorrent start up http://pastebin.com/70849601:19
_bonstupid question?01:20
solid_liq_bon: have you checked the permissions on the Desktop directory?01:24
solid_liq_bon: alternately you can create a dummy file for the one it's looking for, and that might fix the problem.  You can use touch to do that (man touch)01:25
_bonpermissioon on desktop are not root01:25
solid_liq_bon: try just creating the file it's looking for01:26
=== Mattchewie [n=chewie@adsl-69-212-35-63.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
MattchewieOk, I'm sure you guys get asked this all the time, but how do I go about upgrading to kde 3.5(.2)? I figure update apt repositories through adept but...is there a trick I'm missing01:31
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imbrandon_you on breezy i presume ( kde 3.5.2 is default in dapper ) but you can install it on breezy from the kubuntu wiki01:32
_bonsolid_liq didnt work - i shall read that man01:32
ubotumethinks kde3.5.2 is to upgrade to KDE3.5.2, Follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php (add the deb...line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".01:32
imbrandon_it gives the repos you need to add01:32
Tm_TMattchewie: look ;)01:32
MattchewieYeah I just installed breezy, drapper is testing correck?01:32
Tm_TMattchewie: yes01:32
imbrandon_yea Mattchewie read what Tm_T said01:33
Mattchewiehaha wow, that was supposed to be *correct*01:33
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Mattchewiesweet, I thought for sec I would have to do a 3.5 install...then 3.5.1...then 3.5.201:34
=== puckman just installed flight 7
puckmanIt looks fantastic01:35
imbrandon_cool puckman ;) ( does a dist upgrade to the latest every few hours ;))01:35
puckmanKubuntu dev guys are my herous ^_^01:35
puckmanimbrandon_: I left my other drive at work by mistake so downloaded the lastest flight and re-installed01:36
apokryphosimbrandon_: you're just wasting their bandwidth :P01:36
imbrandon_apokryphos: nah i have a local mirror apokryphos01:36
puckmanI think it really shows that you can just grab a hd, bang it in your machine and with just 1 cd and a quick install be on the net, chat and grab your emai01:37
apokryphosyup =)01:37
imbrandon_i have about 10 or 11 ubuntu machines here so i run a local breezy and dapper mirror01:37
apokryphoswow, nice01:37
imbrandon_i should probbly drop the breezy one though as it only is running on one machine01:38
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imbrandon_but it gives me local lan access ( and i give the address to our lug members too for a local mirror )01:38
puckmanI'm a bit sad though, looks like the backlight of my laptop screen is on its way out01:38
puckmantakes ages to warm up01:38
imbrandon_and its rsync'd about 2 times a day01:38
imbrandon_ouch puckman01:39
puckmanyeah, shes my sepcial, its an IBM Thinkpad X2401:39
puckmanspecial :P01:39
puckmanBetter check eBay for a screen or another second hand one, dont like the new machines01:40
imbrandon_pick you up a macbook pro core duo ;) lol j/k01:40
puckmanMight do01:41
imbrandon_although they are nice01:41
MattchewieOne other small dumb question, you can do a full dist upgrade from adept? yes no? (just trying to figure out what I can and can not do with the gui tool set here)01:41
puckmanI'm a big apple guy, only bought the ibm as a toy 1 year back to plat with linux01:41
puckmanloved it so much that I sold my macs01:41
imbrandon_Mattchewie: should be able too, i use command line most of te time but last i looked you could01:42
puckmanplat = play01:42
imbrandon_linux runs on ppc ;)01:42
solid_liqI wouldn't mind getting one of the Apple core duo lappys to run linux on :D01:42
puckmanyeah but not the pro01:42
puckmanthey stink01:42
puckmanwho wants a silver or white machine?01:42
solid_liqdualproc and killer display :D01:43
puckmanI dont trust hardware that aint black01:43
solid_liqsilver sure, white, hell no01:43
imbrandon_sure , with bootcamp runs fine ( has it installed upstairs on an intelmac )01:43
solid_liqmy HP desktop is silver and grey :D01:43
puckmanI have 3 intel macs in the office01:43
solid_liqand my HP lappy is silver, grey and black :D01:43
puckmantried bootcamp but did not like the reboot so using parallels instead01:44
imbrandon_bootcamp will dualboot them with linux easy ( or even grub for that matter )01:44
solid_liqdoesn't grub work?01:44
solid_liqguess so heheh :D01:44
imbrandon_grub is a bit tricky on a mac solid_liq01:44
solid_liqit's fussy?01:44
imbrandon_not sure why, i think its the efi stuff01:45
MattchewieYeah it was werid I tried to do a full upgrade last night, reboot after just incase, ...system came up and kcontrol said kde 3.4.201:45
imbrandon_thats the latest stable in breezy Mattchewie01:45
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MattchewieLooked at the kde packages, ..said 3.5.2 was available, tried to upgrade it, but then it said (break) ....so I...I again was scratching my head01:46
solid_liqwell, gotta go01:46
imbrandon_heheh kde 3.5.2 is default in dapper but is avail with the right repos in breezy01:47
imbrandon_backported blah blah blah01:47
nagyvis there a way to upload to flickr directly from gwenview? are there plugins for it?01:47
imbrandon_brb gonna change comps01:47
apokryphosnagyv: only in the latest rc2 kipi-plugins01:48
apokryphoscan use digikam etc etc to do it too01:49
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MattchewieI should of just rolled flight 7 lol01:50
apokryphosnagyv: it's trivial to compile though.. I recommend trying it out 8)01:50
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nagyvapokryphos: thx01:55
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Mattchewieok, it appears the upgarde is done, I should be able to reboot and see the new hotness yes?01:59
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MattchewieMan, I'm stummped02:12
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Mattchewieput in the kde 3.5.2 rep in my apt config...I updated, I then told it to upgrade the dist...and still...no 3.5.202:13
Tm_Tdid you try to do "apt-get install kdebase"02:14
Tm_Tand if yes, what it says02:14
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fyrmedicHow do I set up my linux box to serve as a gateway for the machines that my kids use so that I can actively filter and monitor their activity on the internet?03:04
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fyrmedicno one?03:09
CheeseBurgerManfyrmedic: Guess not. I honestly have no idea how to do that.03:10
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Kadranhi, how to read the syslog to know the last installed pakages?03:13
timHow do I install kdevelop03:13
Kadrantim: sudo apt-get install kdevelop03:14
troytim: or install using adept03:14
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trymhow do I remove a package without removing packages depending on it?03:16
pussfellerfyrmedic, i think you need squid, not for the faint of heart03:17
NoUsetrym you can't, it will break the system03:17
timIt won't install03:18
pussfellerbut an smarter way, is to watch their cookied or history in their browser and then have a talk with em, if they keep breaking the rules, no internet03:18
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fyrmedicthats what I have heard. I am very new to Linux and not very familiar with command line but willing to try if I can find a solution that will work.03:19
timPackage kdevelop is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:19
timThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:19
timis only available from another source03:19
timHowever the following packages replace it:03:19
tim  kdesdk-scripts03:19
timE: Package kdevelop has no installation candidate03:19
pussfelleror setup tightvnc servers on their computers and not have it change the background and play with their mouse a few times so they know you can be logged in at anytime, and they wont necessarily know it03:19
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pussfelleror you can get a huge hosts file with all the bad ips on it looped back to
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pussfellerbut I think that slows down name resolution and it will cause a windwos box to crash if the file is too long03:21
troytim: try kdevelop3 instead of kdevelop03:21
pussfelleror get a dd-wrt compatible linksys wireless router and watch the ips with wallwatcher....03:22
Kadranhow to know if certain pakage is installed to my system or not?03:23
timIt didn't work03:23
Kadrantim: did you installed sources?03:24
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timwhat do mean you?03:26
AhmuckKadran: open adept and do a search03:26
Kadrantim: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:27
pussfellerfyrmedic, but to answer your question speciffically, you should probably check out http://dansguardian.org03:27
KadranAhmuck: i can't have any gui03:28
Kadrani am chating through irssi and trying to recover my system i think i have installed something that do restart my system by itself03:29
CheeseBurgerManKadran: Then use 'sudo apt-cache search <package>'03:30
Kadrantim: try this site and this will create you a source.list file, put it in /etc/apt/03:30
KadranCheeseBurgerMan: will this command gives me the pakages that currently installed?03:30
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knighthawkhi all03:31
Kadranknighthawk: hi03:31
CheeseBurgerManKadran: No, it searches through the packages, let me see if I can figure out one which lists installed packages.03:32
pussfellerfyrmedic, DG for ubuntu -> http://www.pilpi.net/journal/item-985.php03:32
KadranCheeseBurgerMan: thanks it will help me alot :)03:32
CheeseBurgerManNP, still can't figure out the listing packages command though. :P03:33
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CheeseBurgerManKadran: Run 'aptitude'03:34
KadranCheeseBurgerMan: ok i think may be the problem with powertweakd or powersaved demons, i will remove them03:34
KadranCheeseBurgerMan: doesn't kubuntu do any logging for installing process?03:35
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timwhy c03:37
timroot@Kubuntu:/home/tim#  gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv KEY03:38
timgpg: directory `/root/.gnupg' created03:38
timgpg: new configuration file `/root/.gnupg/gpg.conf' created03:38
timgpg: WARNING: options in `/root/.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet active during this run03:38
timgpg: keyring `/root/.gnupg/secring.gpg' created03:38
timgpg: keyring `/root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg' created03:38
timgpg: "KEY" not a key ID: skipping03:38
timroot@Kubuntu:/home/tim#       gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -03:38
timgpg: WARNING: nothing exported03:38
timgpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.03:38
Kadrantim: you will replace the 'KEY' with the number of key id specifed in the pakages03:39
CheeseBurgerManYour normal user has root priviliges? :o03:40
CheeseBurgerManOh no, nvm03:40
CheeseBurgerManMy bad.03:40
Kadrantim: the one that called GPG key: #######03:40
timwhat now?03:41
Kadrantim: 'sudo apt-get update' then 'sudo apt-get install kdevelop'03:42
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timI did that but I didn't have any luck!03:47
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tim# deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Alpha i386 (20060504)] / dapper main restricted03:58
timdeb cdrom:[Kubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Alpha i386 (20060504)] / dapper main restricted03:58
timdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted03:58
timdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted03:58
tim## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the03:58
tim## distribution.03:58
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Ahmuckis scim the input editor in kubuntu04:01
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troyAhmuck: look for 'skim' maybe, under utilities04:08
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spikebcan i do a server install off the livecd?04:10
Ahmucki have scim, but i cannot figure out how it works.04:10
Ahmucki have it configured, but when i click on it, no keyboard except english04:10
troyspikeb: livecd will install a system that matches the livecd04:11
GullyFoylewhen dapper is released (stable) can i expect to easily upgrade from breezy or will there be glitches? this is my first kubuntu install.04:11
troyAhmuck: I'm sorry, I don't know enough about scim - never had to use it04:12
troyGullyFoyle: it'll work quite well04:12
spikebin theory, it will work great.04:12
troyGullyFoyle: however, would still recommend backing up /home/username just in case :)04:13
GullyFoyleusing apt-get dist-upgrade?04:13
troywell, you'll have to grab the dapper sources list first, but yeah04:13
GullyFoyletroy: and comment out the old breezy ones?04:14
troyI can send you a copy of my dapper sources.list if you'd like04:14
spikebi wonder if/when adept will be as "nice" as gnome-app-install04:14
GullyFoyletroy: i'm not gonna try the beta04:15
troyGullyFoyle: works fine for me, but packages are still being occasionally added or changed04:15
troyspikeb: never used that other app, so don't know... personally, I moved to kubuntu from freebsd, so adept is a huge usability improvement over freebsd's ports04:16
spikebi'll show a screenshot of what it looks like to give an idea...04:16
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GullyFoylehrm, i gotta put adept in my fluxbox menu04:17
GullyFoylei like using flux w/kde support04:18
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timWhy can't I install kdevelop?04:19
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troytim: are you using adept to install it?04:20
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troydoes kdevelop3 show up in your list when you search for kdevelop?04:21
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somekoolany plan to start working on a KDE 4 live C D? so we can tryout ?04:21
murph2481how do i put a 2 second pause between tracks when burning with k3b?04:21
somekooli believe kdelibs and many programs compil already, no ?04:22
troysomekool: that would require kde4 packages, and since much of kde4 doesn't even build yet...04:22
troyhalf of kdebase is compiling, if that's what you mean :)04:22
troybut like, plasma isn't ready yet, so you have to use kde3's kicker in a half-broken state... etc.04:23
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somekooltroy ok thanks for the info04:23
TTT_Travishey Kubuntuers I need some testers that run xubuntu to test out my Ubuntu Center product04:24
spikebTTT_Travis: try looking in #xubuntu04:25
spikebTTT_Travis: what is ubuntu center?04:25
timyes finally04:25
somekoolits appreciated. I'll install a separate box and try to make it compil from svn04:25
TTT_TravisI just released on new release today04:25
somekooli suppose running stable 3.5 and svn-4.0 is not recommended on the same computer, right ?04:25
troywell, you could do it I guess... just create a new user, and for that user, create a /home/user/lib /home/user/bin, etc. etc. and install kde4 there04:26
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TTT_Travisread the post04:26
TTT_TravisI think you'll like it if you give it a try04:26
TTT_TravisI need some testers from xubuntu and kubuntu04:27
TTT_Travishave fun04:27
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somekool troy thanks04:27
troysomekool: might be trouble though, getting it all to work :P04:28
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thinkpadHi,  $ netstat -anup |grep 50004:29
thinkpadudp    0    0*        -04:29
thinkpadHow can I tell what's listening on this port?04:29
konfuzedhey there, how can I confirm what hardware specs I have with kubuntu??04:29
somekooltroy sounds like trouble yes ! but isn't whats linux is about ;)04:29
troykonfuzed: kinfocenter04:29
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troykonfuzed: should be under the system menu04:29
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konfuzedtroy, is that the same as kde infocenter04:30
konfuzedI cant seem to find the cpu04:31
troythinkpad: netstat -lp | grep 50004:31
Ahmuckdoes kubuntu recoginize volume buttons on keyboards ?04:31
Ahmuckhow ?  mine does not work04:32
Ahmuckdo i have to tell it what keyboard i have ?04:32
Carbon_MonoxideI didn't nothing about it04:32
troythinkpad: you'll probably have to do that as "sudo netstat -lp | grep 500"04:32
spikebAhmuck: sometimes yeah04:32
troydepends if it recognizes the keyboard04:33
Carbon_MonoxideAhmuck : It just works itself04:33
Ahmuckit looks like i just have a generic keyboard04:33
Ahmuckor it looks that way to kubuntu04:33
Carbon_MonoxideAhmuck: I'm using the Microsoft wireless keyboard   :)04:33
troyyou know, for all their faults, they do make some decent hardware...04:34
troyAhmuck: is it usb?04:34
Carbon_MonoxideAhmuck: Mine is just regconized as "Generic 104-key PC".04:35
thinkpadtroy: excellent catch! sudo would reveal it. thaks a lot04:35
Ahmucktroy: no.04:36
troyI'm curious as to what it is/was...04:36
Ahmuckit is a logitech elite keyboard le04:36
troyAhmuck: google may be the place to go ...04:37
troyAhmuck: if it was USB, sometimes just updating the list of usb ids with 'sudo update-usbids' will give devices their full functionality04:37
troyit usually works for me when new cameras or mp3 sticks show up on the market and linux doesn't know what to do with them04:38
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Carbon_Monoxidetroy: wow great!04:38
konfuzedkubuntu on a p3 intel coppermine 866Mhz with 256K cache and 256MB ram is running noticably slower than a AMD K6(TA3D) 64MB on win98, is there a common reason for this? any suggestion as to where to look as to why?04:39
troykonfuzed: breezy?04:39
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Carbon_Monoxidekonfuzed: how about the other devices?04:39
troyif it's breezy (or older), is it always slow, or does it seem slow when reading a CD for example (DMA is off by default on breezy)04:40
wilkkuhey. is there any easy way to go from 64 bit kubuntu to 32 bit kubuntu, or do I have to do a complete reinstall?04:40
troywilkku: reinstall... or run the 32bit stuff in a chroot and keep the 64 bit stuff04:41
troywilkku: you're missing flash and some codecs, and maybe wine, right?04:41
konfuzedcarp I got this guy on the phone with kubuntu and i got edubuntu breezy on mine04:41
konfuzedwhere do I tell him to find the terminal icon04:41
konfuzedso i can have him uname - a04:42
spikebisnt edubuntu kde based as well?04:42
crimsunshould be in System Tools or whatnot04:42
konfuzedgnome based04:42
Carbon_Monoxidetroy: Do you mean Hoary is having better performance than Breezy? No flaming04:42
wilkkutroy, yeah04:42
troyApp menu->System->konsole04:42
spikebkonfuzed: kmenu, system, konsole04:42
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CaBlGuYanyone I remember in here??  :p04:43
troyCarbon_Monoxide: no, haory did that too - see, certain models of cd-rom broke with dma turned on (freezing the system), so rather than turning it off for just those systems, it turned it off by default04:43
spikebwhy the bloody hell doesn't kubuntu replace the kmenu icon with the kubuntu logo?04:43
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troywilkku: 32bit chroot will wolve your problem with some work... it's not pretty though04:43
troywilkku: solve*04:43
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troyspikeb: it does sort of - look at the side of the k menu when it pops up04:44
spikebwell yeah04:44
troygood enough04:44
spikebi suppose i can just change the icon meself04:44
wilkkutroy, i think i'm just gonna do the reinstall :)04:45
troythat works too -- the only places you'll lose speed is in video encoding and a few similar processes04:45
Carbon_MonoxideHas anyone here done a comparison on Kubuntu's and Ubuntu's performance?04:45
spikebnot i04:45
konfuzedlinux ubuntu 2.6.10-5-386 #1 THU AUGUST 18  TIME  UTC 2005 i686 gnu linux04:46
spikebCarbon_Monoxide: somebody was complaining the other day that kde apps were faster than gtk apps though04:46
troyCarbon_Monoxide: that would only be comparing gnome vs. kde performance, not really useful04:46
konfuzedso is that breezy??04:46
=== troy thinks it might be hoary actually... breezy had 2.6.12
troyor .1304:46
konfuzedwhy doesnt uname -a    say kubuntu or hoary or breezy04:46
spikebuname doesn't give distro names04:47
konfuzedwould it be straight forward for him (for me to help him) upgrade to breezy or even dapper?04:47
spikebkonfuzed: yeah04:48
konfuzedis dapper on kde or gnome right now?04:48
spikebkubuntu dapper uses kde, ubuntu dapper uses gnome04:48
troykonfuzed: both04:48
konfuzedlast I looked dapper in devel was only one of them04:49
konfuzedso is there a doc for upgrade from haory to dapper04:49
spikebno. but there is one from hoary to breezy, and another from breezy to dapper04:49
konfuzedcan I go right to dapper or do i have to do breezy then dapper?04:50
spikebyou have to do breezy then dapper.04:51
konfuzedok so where can I find these two upgrade docs04:51
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades .04:52
konfuzedi'll email those links to him04:52
konfuzedthen go over and help him do it04:52
Carbon_MonoxideSo is there any way for me to shift to Kubuntu from Ubuntu?04:52
CheeseBurgerManCarbon_Monoxide: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop', then log out and select 'GNOME' from the session menu.04:52
spikebor, in the reverse case, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, then select kde from the session bit04:53
Carbon_Monoxideahhh... I wanna go to Kubuntu from Ubuntu04:53
CheeseBurgerManSorry, read that wrong. :\04:53
CheeseBurgerManDo what spikeb said. ;)04:53
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konfuzedok so i should be able to handle it from here.04:55
konfuzedim gonna go over and hold his hand through all those tech words ;^)04:55
troyCarbon_Monoxide: there are instructions for that at  http://kubuntu.org/04:55
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Carbon_Monoxideso doing "sudo apt-get install Kubuntu-desktop" will grab all the packages for Kubuntu along with removing GTK stuffs?04:57
Carbon_Monoxideor I have to remove GTK stuffs myself?04:58
troyCarbon_Monoxide: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingKDE04:59
troyCarbon_Monoxide: you could leave some of the gtk stuff around, for gimp mostly :)04:59
spikebi'm surprised there's no kimp05:05
robotgeekspikeb: use krita05:05
spikebrobotgeek: i have :)05:05
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troythere was a kimp, but krita is far surpassed that effort05:09
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Ahmuckremoving cacti with adept does not work in kubuntu drapper05:19
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Ahmuckwhen i installed beta 1 there was a console window one could pull down using F12 ?05:26
Ahmuckis this still there ?05:26
Ahmuckwhat is the package that allows you to pull down a command window using F12 ?05:34
robotgeekAhmuck: yakuake05:36
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_john_yo yo im still konfuzed because the !upgrade instructions is all for ubuntu instead of Kubuntu.  kynaptic doesnt seem tohave the edit repositoriues. what is the file name and path from /05:37
robotgeek_john_: /etc/apt/sources.list05:37
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_john_ok so in sources.list I changed all isntances of hoary to breezy , that would be the thing to do for upgradwe right05:40
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lunitik_john_: sure... once you do that... simple 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'05:41
robotgeek_john_: before doing that, you should probably install kubuntu-desktop package05:41
lunitik_john_: rare time you actually _use_ dist-upgrade... else use simply 'upgrade' unless you're sure05:41
lunitikrobotgeek: why>05:41
lunitikrobotgeek: then he installs all of KDE twice  :/05:41
lunitik_john_: ignore robotgeek k  :P05:41
robotgeeklunitik: dist-upgrading with that meta package installed will ensure smooth upgrade05:42
robotgeeklunitik: please don't give wrong advice05:42
lunitikrobotgeek: installing _only_ the nevest version will be smoother05:42
lunitikrobotgeek: then there is less of a transistion  :/05:43
lunitik(because you're not upgrading... pretty logical to me, idk?)05:43
robotgeeklunitik: he is upgrading from hoary to breezy, installing kubuntu-desktop on hoary does not install ALL of kde05:43
lunitikrobotgeek: think dude05:44
lunitikrobotgeek: right now he doesn't have kubuntu-desktop installed.05:44
_john_ok so this is hoary with kde. and just did an update before changing the sources.list05:44
lunitikrobotgeek: why not just install ONLY the breezy version of kubuntu-desktop?05:44
robotgeeklunitik: he is on kde?05:44
_john_ i did %s/hoary/breezy/g05:44
_john_this is kubuntu channel right05:44
_john_so then how bout a clarification on the next upgrade command ;^)05:45
robotgeek_john_: okay, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, then :)05:45
lunitikrobotgeek: meh... I didn't read full issue... sorry...05:45
robotgeeklunitik: np05:45
_john_well its doin the dist-upgrade downloads05:48
_john_any kaveets for after the dist upgrade??05:50
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robotgeek_john_: well, if you had the kubuntu-desktop package installed, none05:51
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mrfishhati seem to be getting very little performance from my geforce 6800gt  and the nvidia drivers seem to be working05:55
GullyFoylemy geforce 6600gt runs great05:57
mrfishhatwell when i make a selection box on the deosktop05:58
mrfishhatafter it gets medium sized05:58
GullyFoylea selection box?05:58
mrfishhatit starts to lag a bit05:58
mrfishhatlike when selecting things05:59
mrfishhatdragging a clicked mouse and whatnot05:59
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GullyFoyleselecting what things?05:59
mrfishhatnothing really05:59
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mrfishhatjust empty desktop space05:59
GullyFoylecan you run glgears?05:59
spikebno need to sudo it06:00
mrfishhatyes its running06:00
GullyFoyleopen a terminal and type glxgears06:00
ubotuTo display the FPS type "glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark"06:00
mrfishhatwell when i play darwina the framerate is horrible06:01
GullyFoylei play unreal tournament 2004 and it's smooth as butter06:01
mrfishhatwell thats something id love to accomplish06:02
mrfishhatso about these gears06:02
mrfishhatwhen something is covering them up06:02
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mrfishhatthe fps is around 500006:02
spikebthat is not right.06:03
mrfishhatand when they are visible06:03
mrfishhatis 6 or 706:03
spikebdri can't possibly be installed06:03
spikeber, configured06:03
GullyFoyleseems like your prob isn't 3d acceleration but your card isn't configured06:04
mrfishhatwould i want to use DRI with an nvidia based card?06:04
mrfishhatand how would i go about this "configuration"06:04
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GullyFoyledo you have nvidia settings in your system menu?06:05
mrfishhatunder settings:/ ?06:06
GullyFoyleSystem-> nvidia settings06:06
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mrfishhatthere isnt one06:07
mrfishhatand i now the driver is set to be used06:08
GullyFoylemaybe you need to update your driver?06:08
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mrfishhati adepted the driver 3 days ago though06:08
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spikebi think nvidia-settings is a seperate package06:09
SuperKhey guys I none of my kde apps will work suddenly, getting 'no mime types installed' error06:09
SuperKanyone know what I messed up?06:10
SuperKand how to fix it?06:10
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_john_Is there a way to get a new lexmark x2350 printer runing of Breezy?06:12
koshSuperK: my first suggestion is if you just did an update try logging out and then logging back in again, if libs change running programs keep running but new ones may not start until you restart kde06:13
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SuperKIt happened after I was trying to get screensavers working but drned if I know what I did to it06:15
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SuperKI'll try logging out though06:16
mrfishhatso i adepted the nvidia settings package06:16
mrfishhatand terminal -> sudo nvidia-settings06:16
mrfishhatthe  cursor went down a line06:17
mrfishhatand is just sitting there06:17
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Nolaanybody set up a Sierra wireless broadband card before? ..  Ican't get kubuntu to recognize my card.06:18
robotgeekNola: never heard of it before06:18
Nolarobotgeek: yeah, its like a cell phone.. but in a pcmcia card.06:19
mrfishhatok so the nvidia x server settings popped up06:19
mrfishhatwhat would i need to change now06:19
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Nolathere are linux drivers for it, and one day when kubuntu was checking the disk.. I saw  something about an error  with those drivers.06:20
Nolaother than that, I love Kubuntu. :)06:20
Nolawould I be hollered at if I asked in #ubuntu ?06:22
NolaI'm new to these channels.06:22
thom_there is a linux channel also06:23
thom_i dont know that card06:23
Nolaits supposed to be recognized as a serial device06:23
thom_is it a wireless card?06:24
LynoureNola: If you haven't already googled, there is a lot of talk about sierra wireless cards (is it aircard 555?) on Linux online06:25
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NolaI've googled my brains out :) hehe.. its an 860. problem seems to be right now linux recognizing it..06:26
LynoureNola: but you have found other people wo say it works? (BTW, I'm not an Ubuntu person, just use it, mostly from Debian world)06:27
Nolayes ,, not necessarily with ubuntu06:28
NolaI read one guys post that had it working in Fedora06:28
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konfuzedso johns upgrade seems to be running nicely06:29
konfuzedhopefully it'll reboot without a hitch06:29
konfuzedintel graphics card06:29
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LynoureNola: What errors were you seeing, btw?06:31
Nolawell, just no device on /dev/modem06:32
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NolaI tried the auto detect in kppd .. and it couldn't find it... so I tried stty1 through 306:32
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NolaI'm looking in dmsg and found this error "Detected deprecated PCMCIA ioctl usage." so I'm googling that...06:33
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LynoureNola: You read http://mycusthelp.com/sierrawireless/supportkbitem.asp?sSessionID=&Inc=4703&sFilA=FAQ%20Category&sFilB=Products&sFilC=&FA=19&FB=26&FC=-1&KEY=linux already?06:37
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Lynoure"Guide to Sierra Wireless AirCard 850/860 on Linux"06:37
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NolaLynoure: yes06:37
LynoureNola: and followed it? people report getting the card to work with that, though slowly06:38
NolaLynoure: yes, I did06:39
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NolaLynoure: I don't get this: "" When the card is inserted two high beeps should be heard, indicating that the AirCard 850/860 has been recognized and the serial driver has been successfully loaded. ""06:39
LynoureNola: Probably based on their own confguration... I wouldn't expect beeps06:40
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LynoureNola: You have also checked permissions of the /dev/modem ?06:40
NolaLynoure: I thought as much and continued with rest of steps. The modem flashes green.06:41
NolaLynoure: Hmm no... what should the permissions be?06:41
NolaLynoure: ls -l /dev/modem says no such file or directory06:42
LynoureNola: what are they now?06:43
Lynoure(including own and the group)06:43
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LynoureNola: another thing to do is to check if lspci shows your card06:45
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Noladone that... not shown.06:46
_john_Is there a way to get a lexmark x2350 printer runing of Breezy?06:46
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NolaLynoure: at this moment, I'm on my regular wireless card... I could try to turn that off and then try again. it might not like both at once.. but I did do some checking before if its off..06:48
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LynoureNola: As I have npcmciao experience with the card, I'm not that good at helping you... especially as it has been a while since i played with any modem like devices06:53
Nolahmm well I'm not giving up.. if you get any idea, shoot me an email at mrnicksgirl@gmail.com ... thanks Lynoure!06:54
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Nolanight all  :)06:54
LynoureNola: Not giving up is good :) Good night06:54
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poimenI need to know how to put acents on letters because I am from Puerto Rico I need to do some work in my machine06:58
poimenI remeber back in the red hat 8 times I used to change the keyboard leyout to us_intl or something like that06:59
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Search4Lancerhow can I compile a C file?07:01
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mrfishhatDoes anyone have any idea why an nvidia graphics card would be performing completely underpar?07:14
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konfuzedok so _johns upgrade made it and he runs firefox and its still running the browser with sympatico.ca at the very same timed speed (hes actually usued a timer) and its like 45 secs to load pages07:30
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konfuzedlinux ubuntu 2.6.10-5-386 #1 THU AUGUST 18  TIME  UTC 2005 i686 gnu linux07:30
konfuzeduh was that and is now breezy07:31
konfuzedkubuntu on a p3 intel coppermine 866Mhz with 256K cache and 256MB ram is running noticably slower than a AMD K6(TA3D) 64MB on win98, is there a common reason for this? any suggestion as to where to look as to why?07:31
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rafI have Kubuntu on a desktop, ACPI is running, can I stop that service?07:47
rafI saw in a page that ACPI it's for laptops07:48
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fatejudgerthis is getting absolutely absurb since I have no idea why this is happening, but KWord is horribly slow on my laptop and seems to be using tons of CPU power07:49
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fatejudgeraround 60% of total CPU07:49
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fatejudgerI think KOffice is being poorly packages07:53
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rafHow can I open ports in Kubuntu? I've installed MLDonkey, I need to open the port 466208:29
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fatejudgerraf: with OpenPort08:34
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raffatejudger: is openport in Kubuntu?08:35
fatejudgerraf: it's a program08:35
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rafI typed "openport" in the terminal, I haven't that program08:35
rafWhere can I download OpenPort? with apt-get? with Adept?08:36
fatejudgerthe same place you download MakeMyComputerWork08:36
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rafoooh, I understand, you'r telling me I am a stupid08:37
fatejudgerit's not a router08:37
rafhahaahah, good joke08:37
fatejudgerports are opened and closed when you need them08:37
rafwell, How can I close ports? :D08:38
fatejudgerthere's a few08:38
fatejudgerI don't use them since I'm not paranoid08:38
fatejudgerLinux is about as secure as it gets08:38
rafI know that, but how can I do that?08:38
rafooh, ok08:39
rafI see MLDonkey it's not downloading anything, so I think maybe there're some closed ports08:39
Lynourefatejudger: I wouldn't call it paranoia, still...08:39
LynoureI tend to think of it as a minor guard against misconfiguration08:40
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fatejudgerit's paranoia08:42
LynoureBased on what?08:42
fatejudgerit's alright, there's a reason some people use Linux08:42
fatejudgerno need to get defensive about it08:42
fatejudgerbut think about it08:43
LynoureThe fact the there are never bugs and even more rarely configuration mistakes?08:43
fatejudgerwhat's the likelyhood that someone would try and compromise your computer?08:43
fatejudgernow what's the likelyhood that they'd succeed on a Linux computer?08:43
Lynourefatejudger: I'm not defensive, though calling i paranoia is mildly offensive.08:43
fatejudgeror that they'd even try08:43
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Lynourefatejudger: happens every day to loads of people.08:43
fatejudgercalling someone a retard is mildly offensive to someone who's retarded08:43
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Lynourefatejudger: Take a look at the results from Honeynet project, for example.08:43
fatejudgerbut regular people wouldn't take offense to that08:43
fatejudgerthat's different08:44
fatejudgerI ran Windows for years08:44
fatejudgerand never had a problem08:44
fatejudgerno virus scanner08:44
fatejudgerno spyware scanner08:44
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fatejudgerI didn't move to Linux for the security08:44
LynoureStatistically you got mightily lucky, then.08:44
fatejudgermy point is, you're basically admitting that you're paranoid08:44
fatejudgerby taking offesnse to your paranoia08:45
rafno, I suppose that he never used internet nor diskettes08:45
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Lynourefatejudger: I'm explaining why I think it can be reasonable. not taking offense08:45
rafnor cd's08:45
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Kadranhi i have my pc giving me that has reached critical temperature and shuting down however it didn't reached it??08:47
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LynoureBut software firewalls are indeed just mild protection, as turning them off is a pretty easy thing to do for any malware that has come through, so it does not protect from recklessness, but nothing really does, except cable cutters.08:50
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koshLynoure: some of the software firewalls on windows can even be disabled remotely08:59
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koshLynoure: however the unix software firewalls are pretty good, what do you think those hardware firewalls are running? :)08:59
koshKadran: how do you know your pc has not reached critical temp?08:59
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psychoaktiffhi i have one small problem: when i reboot my laptop i always have to go to alsamixer and turn external amplifier on. is there any possibilty to save this state??? alsactl store is not working for me :(09:00
Lynourekosh: yep, and plug and play port opening exists in some routers. Funny, that.09:01
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Lynourekosh: I know what hardware firewalls are not running: lots of services and user apps09:01
tom___hi, anyone tried dual head with dapper and twi radeon cards??09:04
Lynourekosh: or users running all sorts of things as sudo :)09:04
koshLynoure: well on my linux boxes the only ports open are those that I have specially opened09:05
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koshLynoure: and the only ethernet cards things are bound to are those that I specified manually09:05
Lynourekosh: I'm too lazy to read though all the code I run or keep checking which ports are open contantly.09:06
Lynourekosh: but yes, I assume things to be the same way on my computer. There are also people who assume this and are wrong.09:07
koshLynoure: that is a major advantage of linux over windows, it was easy to bind zope to internal only ports however on windows I have never found a way to have it run with no open ports09:07
koshLynoure: I check mine09:07
Lynourekosh: How often? *curious*09:07
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koshLynoure: everytime I install new software09:07
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Lynourekosh: If one was paranoid, that would not be often enough :)09:08
Lynourekosh: But good habit, that.09:08
=== Lynoure starts considering tripwire, but only casually
koshLynoure: I am the only one that modifies any software on the server so unless the box is broken into then it is fine09:10
koshLynoure: and my servers just run zope and ssh as external services09:10
koshLynoure: and getting through ssh is probably easier then zope09:10
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Lynourekosh: I meant that occasionally there are exploitable holes in the user software. And that a really clever backdoor in a code would only open after a delay.09:11
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ptrohi all09:11
Lynourekosh: but, that's just an issue if one is paranoid, or overly cautious.09:11
LynoureOne cannot really be paranoid about network security as there are plenty of people after any computer =) But obsessive-compusive would not be fun, either.09:12
ptroI have a problem with a Philips PCVC750K WebCam [pwc] , when i run xawtv with my webcam the picture is blue09:12
ptrodoes anyone have a solution ?09:13
koshI don't like to take things to extremes but I have not had any problems in years and none with linux ever09:13
koshptro: no idea on that09:13
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Lynourekosh: I am _not_ saying  you should, or that anyone should.09:14
koshhowever zope cuts down on a LOT of problems09:15
Lynourekosh: I was just originally reacting to the claim by fatejudger than running a firewall is paranoid and that linux machines do not get broken into09:15
koshI see a lot of automated attacks but nothing ever comes of it09:15
ptrosecond question, when I configure kamera, I have Digital Camera, but not my webcam, why the webcam is not in the list, and how to insert it into this list ?09:15
koshactually the most common way for servers to get broken into right now are bad web apps09:15
koshthat is one nice thing about zope, the nice access control list system  and that access to the filesystem is forbidden09:16
koshor to the system itself09:16
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Lynourekosh: I was just reading about http response splicing. Seemed interesting. Too bad I'll have to test against that soon.09:16
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koshLynoure: zope gets security audited about once per year and so far there are basically no exploits against it in about 6 years or so09:18
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Lynourekosh: Are you trying to sell zope to me? :)09:19
koshI don't care if you use it09:19
koshI am trying to point out that I chose my software very carefully09:20
Lynourekosh: I never claimed you didn't.09:20
Lynourekosh: Did it seem like I did? And no, not a rhetorical question, I'm wondering whether people see me more aggressive than I mean to be. Whether I use English badly in that way.09:21
koshLynoure: you did seem to push pretty hard on security09:21
koshLynoure: however my experience is that most security failures are not because of the os09:22
Lynourekosh: hmm, I just meant to say that firewalls are not a sing of paranoia and nothing is really enough for a paranoid person.09:22
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koshLynoure: you can run windows and have it be pretty darn secure, it just takes a lot of tightening down09:22
Lynourekosh: I wasn't blaming any os either. I think most happen because of recklessness of some sort of another, or leaving known security bugs around.09:23
koshthe way windows deals with extensions has certainly caused a number of exploits09:24
koshthey keep patching ie, media player etc but the fundamenal problem is still there09:24
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koshhowever you can basically avoid most of the probolems if you know what you are doing09:24
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puckmananyone know where I can download the flash plugin?09:25
puckmanThe download on adobe's site is b0rked09:25
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koshhowever if you have to be an expert in the system in order to run it securely then most people can't do it09:25
koshpuckman: sorry no idea about that09:25
Lynourepuckman: You have no reason to trust me but I have it on my desktop here and can put it somewhere. I recommend you check the checksum for it, though, if you choose to use it09:25
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Lynourekosh: I don't believe in 100% security anyway :)09:26
puckmanLynoure: Thats trie ^_^ but no sweat, webguys at adobe made a type, I got the file now, thanks09:26
Lynourepuckman: good :)09:27
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Lynourekosh: I don't believe in 100% security even in the hands of an expert. But good enough secrity, yes, sure.09:33
koshI believe there are a lot of simple things you can do in order to get rid of 99% of the problems people have09:34
Lynourekosh: I agree with you completely.09:35
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arwatei've got a problem with the kubuntu 6.06 beta209:57
arwateactually, I have two problems.09:57
arwate1st: the installer quits after the greeting screen09:58
arwateit shows the second screen, then quits without error message09:58
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arwate2nd: i can't write files to my hd. it is mounted, root has all rights and can create directories and touch files.09:59
arwatebut i can't write to them.09:59
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arwateany thoughts?10:00
swokeHow to update the menu under kubuntu ?10:02
imbrandonkmenu edit10:03
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swokeimbrandon: that's to get the GUI menu editor, I just want to update this menu to get the last soft installed...10:04
rockdonusi see dot11WEPDefaultKey0= in the wlancfg-MYESSID file.10:04
rockdonusif iwconfig wlan0 key 9622435686 works normally, then do i set dot11WEPDefaultKey0=96:22:43:56:86?10:04
imbrandonswoke: kill kicker and restart it or log out of kde and back in10:04
swokekillall kicker10:05
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swokeimbrandon: same... I've installed kde-games, and no entry in menu...10:05
imbrandonswoke: then log out and back in, that is a sure thing to do it ( as long as it created the menu entries ) kinda sucks but it works10:07
swokeimbrandon: Ok, gonna try this..., thanks a lot for answer.10:08
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Kadranhi, i need to know how to disable the system shutdown when reaching a certain temp. or even how to change it?10:15
swokeimbrandon: damn, still doesn't work... :s10:15
imbrandonthats strange10:15
imbrandonand you CAN start the games via cmd line correct ?10:15
swokeof course :)10:16
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Kadranplease can any one tell me how to change the critical temperature ( using command line )???10:18
axismenumber 1 on google10:19
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Kadranaxisme: will i find here how?10:20
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Kadrani am using cammand line and it is missirable here, the only browser i have is lynx10:21
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SkrotHi.. in kontact, in the calendar, how can I change the font in the "date select" widget thingy10:28
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Kadranthanks guys now i am in kde again :)10:35
scheurihi all10:35
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Kadranhi scheuri10:35
scheuriKadran: your message to me just appeared red to me...(I am in Konversation)...was that a private message? or why is it red?10:36
imbrandonscheuri ,becouse your name was said in the sentance10:36
scheurithanks a lot10:37
imbrandonif you have more than one channel open the tab will turn red too10:37
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imbrandonwhen your name is said10:37
scheurithat makes sense...yeah, reckoned that with the tab,...thanks10:37
=== imbrandon lubs his konversation but i have to change some of the default colors for nicks ;)
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imbrandonbrb gotta restart x10:42
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spikebkubuntu has WAY too many tooltips by default10:45
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Hobbseehi aftertaf11:02
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aftertafHobbsee: you know how to make the clock keep the right time? between linux & windows.11:02
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aftertafthey get 2 hours apart all the time.11:03
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Hobbseeaftertaf: er...is the hardware clock set at UTC?11:03
aftertafin the bios? i dunno.11:03
Hobbseei think you have to set the hardware clock at either current time, or UTC, then fiddle...11:03
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Hobbseealso, you can force windows time to change11:03
aftertafhow do i do that?11:03
Hobbseein the bios?11:04
aftertafyeah i know, but its annoying.....11:04
aftertafgrr! stupid bios11:04
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aftertafkubuntu with 178 members :)11:07
aftertafthats an increase from before...11:07
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spikebi am just checking out kubuntu - still can't stand kde11:08
aftertafi know ow you feel.11:08
aftertafim the same about gernome :)11:08
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animatohello, i'm using ubuntu with gnome and i want to try kubuntu, does it have an update manager like gnome's?11:11
aftertafanimato: yes11:11
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aftertafadept updater11:11
animatono i mean11:11
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aftertafanimato: just do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop :)11:11
animatodoes it have pop-up windows for new updates?11:11
animatolike gnome does?11:11
aftertafanimato: with adept, yes, iirc11:12
aftertafor you can use the same applet11:12
aftertafas gnome11:12
animatoso i don't have to check it manually11:12
Hobbseeanimato: dapper or breezy?11:12
Hobbseein breezy, no11:12
animatois there anyway to completely remove kde if i try it and i don't like it? i thought kubuntu-desktop was a meta-package11:12
animatoi'm using dapper11:12
aftertafhehe i guess its dapper Hobbsee :)11:12
Hobbseeanimato: remove libqt3-mt11:12
animatoit removes all of kde?11:13
Hobbseeoh yeah...oops...11:13
aftertafnasty... ;)11:13
Hobbseeanimato: yes11:13
animatokewl thanx11:13
aftertafis there the same command for gnome? :] ] ] 11:13
ubotuHobbsee: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:14
Hobbseeaftertaf: there is.  there's a howto on the forums.11:14
aftertafhehe ok.11:14
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aftertafbut i do use a gnome app or two, bnut just for my culture :)11:14
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aftertafshower and sandwich and off to work.11:19
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mth`MAWhi there11:26
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:apokryphos] : Kubuntu 6.06 Flight 7 released! http://tinyurl.com/zvj5h | Amarok 1.4 beta 3, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
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spikebkubuntu needs an app (not package) installer, and an update manager like ubuntu has, and it's good to go for my sister heh12:27
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imbrandongrrr wtf over12:29
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rosexhow do i update xorg?12:30
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imbrandonsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:31
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DeBertspikeb: Doesn't Kubuntu already have one?12:38
spikebDeBert: not really.12:38
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DeBertAny idea why the Kubuntu devs chose OpenOffice over Koffice?12:43
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spikebprobably because openoffice is "the other standard" when it comes to office suites12:44
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Kamping_Kaiserand its cros platform ?12:44
spikebnot sure why kubuntu devs would care about that12:44
DeBertWell, they both support opendocument now, but the thing is that OpenOffice is slow as...12:45
imbrandonbut ms office doesent support opendocument and ooog does12:46
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imbrandonsupport ms formats12:46
dansthi does anyone know if it is possible to execute a command before and after automount does its magic (mounts a drive)?12:46
spikebconsidering ooo and koffice don't support opendoc the same way, adding MS to that would be a nightmare12:47
DeBertimbrandon: Koffice supports MS-Office to12:47
spikebDeBert: not as well12:47
DeBertspikeb: Not the same way? :s Than what's the use of an open document format lol12:47
imbrandonnot saving DeBert , only opening, write something in koffice and then send it to a ms office computer ;)12:47
spikebDeBert: i dont know heh12:47
spikebDeBert: basically, either ooo or koffice doesn't support the standard fully12:48
spikebDeBert: because if you make an opendoc document in one, and open it in the other, chances are it won't look right12:48
DeBertspikeb: that's crap12:48
DeBertWell, where i work you get the dirty look anyway, when you give something in a MS format :)12:48
imbrandonDeBert ,but thats not most of the world unfortunately12:49
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imbrandoni totaly agree with you DeBert but thats how it is untill someone either convinces them koffice needs to be "fixed" or the marketshare for ms office deminishes12:50
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DeBertimbrandon: Yeah, vendor lock in is a wonderful thing12:53
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sakkeHello everyone. I'm in a desperate need of consulting. I ran into a serious problem while trying to remove phpmyadmin via adept. I already found a similar entry in the ubuntu forums but nobody had a solution.01:04
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sakkethis is preventing me from (re)installing apache2 php* modules as well (via adept)01:05
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__-vash-__HI boys and girl, i?ve a question, why in my first install of kubuntu linux distro, in the installation procedure I can't configure the root pass?01:08
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spikeb__-vash-__: there's no need to.01:09
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Kamping_Kaiser!tell __-vash-__ about rootsudo01:12
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Lynoure__-vash-__: I don't know how !tells work, did you get your answer?01:16
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sakkeis is safe to just rm everything that says phpmyadmin?01:19
Cyph3rI use video's alot with Kubuntu 5.10.. when I made a fresh install I got little thumbnail previews for each video file.01:20
Cyph3rNowadays I don't get any previews anymore for video files.01:20
Cyph3rPictures are no problem.01:20
Cyph3rI've been trough all options which are related to thumbnail previews.01:20
Cyph3rI can't seem to get the thumbs back.. Who knows what could be the problem..?01:20
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mth`MAWSorry wrong channel ...01:24
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everthello all01:24
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pipitasRiddell: BTW, final release of CUPS 1.2.0 happened yesterday morning01:25
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sonicHi there, I have a FAT 32 partition along with another ext3 partition that I want to accss. At the moment they are both owned by root, group disks. therefore the only way I can write to them is to make a dir as root and set the owner of that dir as me. Would there be anything wrong with just setting the permissions on both drives as 770?01:31
sonicOr would it be better to set the owner as me?01:32
Kamping_Kaisersonic, you should mount the hard drives world readable01:35
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sakkethanks for the support guys...01:36
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sonicKamping_Kaiser: How do you mean 'mount' them world readable? They are already mounted.01:42
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Kamping_Kaisersonic, for fat32: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch05.html#id253266401:43
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sonicKamping_Kaiser: Thanks01:43
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sonicKamping_Kaiser: Are you still there?02:04
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Kamping_Kaisersonic, yep. here and there :d02:05
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sonicThat link you gave me, shouldn't I go for the method at the end of the page so that the partition will always be there on boot-up?02:05
Kamping_Kaiseryes, good idea02:06
kkathmanGreetings Kamping_Kaiser :)02:07
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sonicKamping_Kaiser: Thanks for the help :-)02:08
Kamping_Kaiserhi kkathman02:08
Kamping_Kaisersonic, np.02:08
Kamping_Kaiserany time02:08
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root_Hi folks02:09
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scotty_Just upgraded to Dapper02:09
scotty_Very shiny02:09
scotty_But my dual-screen has gone away :(02:09
spikebyeah it is quite shiny02:09
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scotty_Do any of you know if I need to change anything in my xorg.conf file now we're at xorg 7.0 ?02:10
Lynourescotty_: If it works, don't change it :)02:10
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Kamping_Kaiserscotty_, make sure you have the restricteed moduels installed, and check your xorg again02:11
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scotty_Lynoure: hehe too late now02:11
scotty_Kamping_Kaiser - I tried that first. It works with a single-head configuration using "nvidia" (as opposed to "nv")02:11
scotty_but putting enabling the second screen02:11
scotty_makes X crash just after trying to set the resolution on the second card02:12
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Lynourescotty_: ok, "if the stops working, tey the backup of the old configuration" :)02:12
Kamping_Kaiserscotty_, i dont have dual head running (i reinstalled recently), but if you have a good tute let me know - i lost mien :/02:12
scotty_Kamping_Kaiser: Ahh, thanks anyway. It worked with 5.10, and just copying the xorg.conf file gives me the same problem.. Hmm :)02:13
scotty_Lynoure: Tried that one too :)02:13
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LynoureBah, since the latest update I lost my mute led02:14
scotty_Lynoure: Casualties of war ;)02:15
Lynourescotty_: well, opefully just not working and not broken02:15
scotty_Lynoure: :)02:15
Lynoureinterestingly it claims to work but doesn't...02:16
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everthello all , i'm having a small problem with kubuntu dapper brake02:22
evertwhen i wanna open adept i get this error02:22
evertAnother process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.02:22
evertbut this is just after a reboot02:22
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DeBertevert: did you look with ps -ax?02:22
Kamping_Kaiserevert, tried running 'lsof' and grepping fo rthe lock file02:23
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evertwith ps -ax , i can't see a thing what's using adept ... but i'm new to linux ..02:23
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DeBertWhen i mount files over NFS from my FreeBSD server, it takes forever when i don't have the "nolock" option in /etc/fstab. Is this normal?02:24
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evertkamping kaiser .. when i do 'lsof' i get a long list of processes02:25
evertwhat can i do with it ?02:25
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Kamping_Kaiserevert, try 'lsof |grep lock' or 'lsof |grep dpkg' i cant remember what the lockfile is called in this exact instance02:25
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evert_still get this error :02:28
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evert_You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.02:28
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Kamping_Kaiserevert_, run 'lsof |grep /var/lib/dpkg/lock'02:30
Kamping_Kaiserdoes it return anything?02:30
evert_it doesn't return something02:31
Kamping_Kaiserdoes 'ls /var/lib/dpkg/lock' ?02:31
evert_evert@evert:~$ ls /var/lib/dpkg/lock02:32
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v3ctorps -ef|grep adept_updater02:33
evert_evert@evert:~$ ps -ef|grep adept_updater02:33
evert_evert     5472  5285  0 14:33 pts/1    00:00:00 grep adept_updater02:33
siefkencpgood morning fellow geeks02:35
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Kamping_Kaiserhi siefkencp02:36
siefkencpi think ive descovered the fundimental difference between a geek and a nerd...02:36
evert_what does the ps message means  ? can i do something with it ?02:36
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siefkencpwell, I'd say its more of a fundimental question of purpose02:37
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siefkencpsee a geek has some goal in mind (ussually) they are going some where or getting something done02:37
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v3ctorevert_: means that adept_updater is not running in background02:38
siefkencpwhile a nerd is stuck book smart for the sake of it with no real direction..02:38
siefkencpthats my philisophical observation for the morning02:38
hastesaversiefkencp, http://www.okcupid.com/tests/take?testid=993503099004673881502:40
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spikebDeBert: i was wrong about kubuntu and an update manager :)02:41
evert_what can i do now to get adept working back again ?02:41
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LynoureI think any apt thing migth cause it, not necessarily adept02:43
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evert_so how can i check or apt is doing something ? and how can i get back again acces to adept ?02:44
DeBertspikeb: ah, i thought i was getting seniel :)02:44
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Lynoureevert_: is the apt or dkpg in your ps -A ?02:46
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evert_nope no apt or dkpg in the ps -A list02:48
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siefkencp  Are there any television shows that are so central to your schedule that you plan other events, such as meeting with friends, dates, etc., around them? (If this is irrelevant, due to owning a tivo or something similar, answer as you would without that ability/equipment.)02:48
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Lynouresiefkencp: That's not a sign of a nerd nor a geek... most 'normal' people would answer yes, especially housewives02:50
DeBertsiefkencp: Stargate SG1 :)02:50
Lynoure"I don't want to miss <fave soap series>"02:50
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siefkencpi was just humoring about the tivo buisness02:51
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evert_nobody who can help me with the adept problem ? :(02:54
LynoureNo tivos here. :/02:54
siefkencpim always threatening my wife with one...02:55
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siefkencpbut then she reminds me that we dont have cable02:55
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=== v3ctor took the test and is a pure geek
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siefkencp34 % Nerd, 21% Geek, 13% Dork02:57
siefkencpI'm Joe normal"02:57
xwolf-ever since i did this big update thing, my media:/ only shows floppy drive.... how can i fix that?02:58
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Lynouresiefkencp: simply no tivo service nor the devices available in Finland. Otherwise it would be nice02:58
kane_hello everyone02:58
kane_Riddell: is someone working on a PyKDE edition of gdebi ?02:58
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Lynoureooops, sorry again02:59
v3ctor30% nerdiness, 52% geekosity, 8% dork02:59
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hastesaversiefkencp, but I think at the end it gave definitions of the three terms? I don't remember...03:01
v3ctorit does03:01
siefkencpohh i didnt look03:01
siefkencpi just rolled on... after being told i wasnt a geek... i cant have it ruin my self image03:01
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hastesaverIt said I was "69% Nerd, 60% Geek, 28% Dork" or something like that... called me a "Modern Nerd" :)03:04
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siefkencpi'm on the buffy the vampire slayer test now03:04
siefkencpi need a new job03:05
siefkencpthis one blowes03:05
smooshi see a square char instead of a correct char in kHexEdit, i've set the utf-8 and iso8859-15 charset with "dpkg-reconfigure locales" , but nothing was changed03:06
Lynouresiefkencp: What is your job?03:06
siefkencpI'm an "IT Director" -- direct reports = 003:07
Lynouresiefkencp: : so, what do you do?03:07
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siefkencpbasically i have a room full of toys and a wad of cash with no real challenges except -- how am i going to get service techs to do thier jobs03:08
siefkencpi do everything from network admin03:08
Lynouresiefkencp: sounds fun03:08
siefkencpto trying to decifer what my predicescor did with a thing called "AutoIT"03:09
evert_ 47 % Nerd, 21% Geek, 52% Dork03:09
Lynouresiefkencp: I bet there is a lot of things that can be improved or built upon03:09
siefkencpdef.. it would be awsome03:09
siefkencpbut the owners are Nazi's03:09
evert_i can't acces adept , the error says that i'm have already opened adept .. but i just rebooted and there is nothin opened yet03:09
LynoureI'm a tester (on sick leave, though), and it is not at all my calling03:09
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Lynouresiefkencp: Report them to the international court =)03:10
siefkencpi'd love my job if the company wasn't so rude to its employees03:10
siefkencpor its customers03:10
siefkencpthere is no value on human capital here03:10
imbrandonevert_, run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" see if that helps03:11
siefkencp30 people work here -- we fire and hire 2 people a month03:11
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evert_it works back again , really thanks imbrandon !!03:11
imbrandonnp evert_03:11
siefkencpso, i basically need to leave and work for someplace that wont hire some one off a job just to fire them 4 days later03:12
Lynouresiefkencp: I just find testing unnatural as the only activity... I like fixing and building03:13
siefkencpI tend to agree with you.... thats why i dont want to work for a big company03:13
siefkencpi like the flexabilty to come in and develop for a whole day03:13
insanekaneevert_: maybe it is the update notifier03:13
siefkencpor build a domain tree03:13
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siefkencpor waste time on an IRC channel03:14
Lynouresiefkencp: well, in theory I'm part of a scrum team... but. :/03:14
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Lynouresiefkencp: for me, spending worktime on irc is a sign of job unhappiness... I want to be in flow and if I'm on irc and working at the same time, I am most likely not having flow03:15
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siefkencpyeah im miserable...03:16
DeadS0ulwho isn't03:17
=== Lynoure is Pure Geek
DeadS0ulthat's why they made linux03:17
spikebto make us more miserable03:17
Lynoure47 % Nerd, 56% Geek, 21% Dork03:17
DeadS0ulbecause we're too proud to use macs03:17
spikebim running linux on my mac03:18
=== spikeb struts
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DeadS0uli have a mac keyboard on my pc =\03:18
Lynourespikeb: A wonderful combination, I have been told03:18
DeadS0ulis it?03:19
DeadS0ulI would stick with OS X haha03:19
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siefkencpim runing kubuntu on a dell 1u box03:19
spikebLynoure: if you can stand not having flash, a java plugin for firefox that works, no win32codecs, and no ati/nvidia drivers from the vendor03:19
koshhmm I like using linux and I have been using it for a long time now03:19
koshI am certainly more productive using it then osx, windows etc03:19
siefkencpyeah i love nix man03:19
DeadS0ulNO FLASH03:19
LynoureDeadS0ul: The mac hardware tends to be rather nice and linux o the other hand is flexible and free03:19
DeadS0ul...yeah...linux is so god damn sweet.03:20
koshI have been using linux now for about 11 years or so03:20
spikebi get macs because i like the hardware (have a mini at the moment)03:20
siefkencpits awsome once you start to really understand the nuts and bolts that make it work03:20
DeadS0ulyeah pc hardware is a pain03:21
siefkencpi'd say every network requires at least 1 nix machine to make it viable03:21
DeadS0uli got a mother board, it comes with a PITA soundcard etc etc03:21
spikebi mostly just like the mac mini, the ibook, and the imac.03:21
koshpc hardware is a pain only if you go for cheap stuff03:21
Lynoureexpensive stuff can also be pain03:21
spikebif i wanted a tower, i'd build a pc03:21
DeadS0ulasus mobo, with i865 mb03:21
v3ctori have great success with the cheap stuff03:21
LynoureAt least 3d display cards with linux03:22
DeadS0ulcheap soundcards are a pain03:22
DeadS0ulcheap video cards, aren't, cheap tv cards aren't..03:22
DeadS0ulcheap network cards aren't a problem at all03:22
DeadS0ulnor are dvd drives, cd drives, hard drives, keybaords, mice..03:22
spikeba lot of onboard sound seems supported, at least officially, nowadays03:22
DeadS0ulexpensive keyboards and mice are a pain03:23
Lynourereally cheap soundcards aren't either. Like soundblaster 128 :)  And unless one makes music, that tends to bee good enough03:23
siefkencpWarren Mears03:23
siefkencp 54% amorality, 45% passion, 45% spirituality, 36% selflessness03:23
siefkencp   Focus--that's the word that best describes Warren Mears... and it just might be the word that best describes you. You're calm, cool and collected, down-to-earth, know what you want and are willing to do what it takes to achieve your goals.03:23
siefkencp You might also be something of an evil genius.03:23
siefkencpthats what the buffy test told me03:23
spikebsupported sometimes means "works for me, good luck to you" though03:23
DeadS0ul..yeah but not midi ports and stuff liek that, artsd messes up with my soundcard at times and kmix goes nuts and takes all my cpu cycles03:23
DeadS0ulbuffy test03:23
DeadS0ulhave you taken the seasme street test?03:24
spikebthat sucks03:24
DeadS0uli got kermit =D03:24
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siefkencpnot yet03:24
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imonkeyhello, i just installed kubuntu and it looks great there's only one thing i would like to change and that the trash icon i would like to move it to the desktop instead of the toolbar is there a way to do this? i cant figure it out03:26
siefkencpman thats a good question03:26
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siefkencpi always wanted to do that too03:27
insanekanesiefkencp: could you type something with my nick in front of it ? I just want to test konversation ...03:27
Lynoureinsanekane: picky, aren't you =)03:28
insanekaneLynoure: thanks03:28
DeadS0ulmake a link to trash:/03:28
insanekaneLynoure: could you do that again in 5 seconds ?03:28
imonkeyDeadS0ul: could you explain me how i can do that?03:28
DeadS0ulright click the desktop03:28
LynoureDoes it react to other occasions of your nick too, insanekane?03:28
insanekaneLynoure: thanks muchly ...03:29
DeadS0ulcreate new -> link to URL03:29
insanekanethe taskbar entry doesnt blink ... though the systray icon does03:29
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DeadS0ultryp in trash:/ as the location and "Place for Cheap hardware"..03:29
Lynoureinsanekane: you are welcome :) I'd offer a heavenly almond butter bread too but it does not travel through irc03:29
insanekaneLynoure: :)03:30
imonkeyDeadS0ul: "place for cheap hardware?"03:30
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DeadS0ulI'm just trying to make a funny =P03:31
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imonkeyDeadS0ul: hehe well i dont really understand it but the link worked thanks alot!03:32
Lynoure... must rest.03:32
SeanTater_has anyone here used the live cd installer?03:32
LynoureSeanTater_: It never works right for me. I don't know why.03:32
insanekaneSeanTater_: espresso ? no03:32
SeanTater_Lynoure: have you used the *flight 7*  live installer -- it actually works..03:33
LynoureSeanTater_: no, only stable and flight 603:33
SeanTater_Anyone here used qt parted?03:33
LynoureSeanTater_: And those were supposed to work too, said other people03:34
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LynoureSeanTater_: At some point, long ago03:34
SeanTater_Lynoure: but -- they don;'t -- I've used the flight 7 installer and have yet to run into a bug in it..03:34
spikebi've used the live cd installer03:34
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SeanTater_OKay -- In the partition (qt parted), I'm trying to make a new partition for linux.,.03:35
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SeanTater_I'm taking the space from Windoes03:35
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SeanTater_I defragmented ntfs in windows, so as to not run into problems.03:35
spikebUbiquity == espresso?03:36
SeanTater_Then I resized it in qtparted to 10 GB (the file system has 6 GB of data on it)03:36
SeanTater_spikeb: yes, thry do03:36
SeanTater_spikeb: Ubiquity = expresso03:36
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LynoureSeanTater_: If you have problems, why not go for the normal installer? It resizes partitions rather elegantly for you...03:37
SeanTater_But when I make the ext3 partition, there's still free space left03:37
imbrandonexpresso is the old name03:37
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SeanTater_Lynoure: "Normal installer?"03:37
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spikebtext mode install cd03:37
imbrandonthe non live cd version03:37
SeanTater_But that will take another era to download (I'm very impatient)03:38
spikebi can relate03:38
spikebthankfully, i only use one OS on my machine, so i made the installer do everything03:38
imbrandon700mb cd on my cable takes only 1 hours maybe less ;)03:39
SeanTater_The free space mentioned above is 6 MB in size.. But ext3 won;t resize to take the free space..03:39
SeanTater_It's not A big deal, AFAIK, but it's kind-of annyoing03:39
imbrandonSeanTater there will almost always be a little free space on the drive ( less than 10mb )03:39
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Lynourespikeb: I use two, and still it was quite elegant, though some parts could have benefitted from a usability designer :)03:40
SeanTater_I thought it was bad for the free space to be there03:40
imbrandonnah thats semi normal03:40
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spikebLynoure: kind of like KDE03:40
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=== spikeb hides
Lynourespikeb: I'm not a participant in the great desktop wars :)03:40
hastesaverSeanTater_, Someone said it's better to leave some free space at the end :) (This could just be superstition, I'm not sure)03:40
=== imbrandon hunts spikeb , i lub my kde ;)
=== DeadS0ul falls his chair laughing
spikebi am, kind of, more interested in usability than any particular desktop though03:41
SeanTater_well -- actually, the free space is in the middle03:42
LynoureEven my participation is the OS wars is limited to an occasion "such is life with Windows" comment03:42
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=== spikeb injects some geek into Lynoure
spikebthere, that should help03:42
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Lynourespikeb: If it is your field/calling, offer your help to some free software project? Makes them better, adds interesting things to your CV/resume and makes the world better03:43
SeanTater_It's resizing now!03:43
imbrandonspikeb, http://imbrandon.sytes.net/snapshot1.png kde 3.5.2 customized to "look" right ;)03:43
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spikebLynoure: i'm not an expert, only a very intersted amature.03:43
spikebLynoure: and i help out where i can03:43
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evert_I can't install the nvidia drivers .. if i install them with adept i can't acces X any more .. if i try to install them with the installer from nvidia he says there is no 'precompiled kernel' for me03:44
Lynourespikeb: It's not the geekness I'm lacking, but the preaching gene, maybe. It's easy to let oneself drift into a solistic amusement.03:44
spikebLynoure: or the agressive bit :)03:44
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Lynourespikeb: Experts become experts by growing themselves. So, go for it anyway, if you wish03:44
imbrandonevert_, did you install nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy , what nvidia card, and what exactly did you do?03:45
Lynourespikeb: Many people would think not. I think I sound blunt like Finns tend to when using the languages where small talk is natural.03:45
SeanTater_hum -- the installer stopped at operation "0"03:45
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gilii need some help03:46
evert_I have used the nvidia-glx ... i have got a 6800Gt03:46
SeanTater_It's says it's at 100%, but it's not done03:46
gilii did some upgrades yesterday on my kubuntu03:46
giliand i get a Kernel panic message at boot up now03:46
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gilisomething about multiple packages03:46
DeadS0ulany idea what's causing it?03:46
imbrandonevert_, did you do ANYTHING besides "apt-get install nvidia-glx" then reboot ?03:47
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SeanTater_ohp -- the installer started up again -- speeding through it's progressbar03:47
evert_i enabled the nvidia driver03:47
spikebSeanTater_: yeah, just ignore it until it wants your attention03:47
evert_otherwise i still use the 'nv' driver03:47
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spikebSeanTater_: it's not very good at actually showing progress03:47
giliI am using Kub. 6.06 need some help with bad update??03:48
imbrandonwith nvidia-enable or the dpkg-reconfigure ?03:48
evert_nvidia enable03:48
evert_I had that driver problems also in 5.10 .. . In suse there was no problem .. strange03:48
Lynouregili: so you get a kernel pani, every time? What if you choose the recovery mode? Still then?03:48
imbrandonok install the nvidia-glx DONT run nvidia enable  instead run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose nvidia not nv , that should help03:49
gilii did some update/installs with adept...some stuff for kde i dont remember anymore03:49
xwolf-ever since i did this big update thing, my media:/ only shows floppy drive.... how can i fix that?03:49
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evert_i'll try it imbrandon03:49
gilinow at boot the kernerl panic says that there is some conflicting multiple existing files or packages03:50
DeadS0ulxwolf: is hal/dbus working?03:50
crazy_penguinhow could i reset my root passwd on the system?03:50
SeanTater_Okay -- it's copying and installing..03:50
imbrandoncrazy_penguin, there is no root in ubuntu03:50
crazy_penguinthen how can i mantain my system?03:50
DeadS0ulcrazy_penguin: type in sudo -i03:51
crazy_penguindoesn't work03:51
DeadS0ulsudo doesnt' work =O03:51
crazy_penguinhe's asking for my root passwd what i don't have03:51
crazy_penguinnot sudo03:51
Lynouregili: is there some way you can write down what exactly it says03:51
imbrandonits YOUR password not roots03:51
DeadS0ulnaw use user password03:51
giliyes. i can i am just at my office now...linux machine at home03:52
DeadS0ulget a live cd so you can log on at home03:52
crazy_penguinthx guys03:52
imbrandonnp ;)03:52
crazy_penguinit's working03:52
giliit gives me an error that there is file conflict....lists # then goes on loop03:53
gilikill init03:53
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gilithen does nothing03:53
Lynouregili: Ok, try not to worry about it meanwhile. Going back from a bad update can be a pain but usually it is doable, and even if not, it's completely doable to back up everything with aid of a live cd and reinstall03:53
giliin recovery mode03:53
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Lynouregili: lists #? list numbers, or files? (Sorry, I'm ill and my brain is not all there today)03:55
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giliright after grub starts loading the kernel it encounters an error, saying something to the extent that the thre is two of the same of one file or packageor process03:55
gilithen it halts03:56
xwolf-ever since i did this big update thing, my media:/ only shows floppy drive.... how can i fix that?03:56
gilisays kill init03:56
gilithen kernel panic stops03:56
gilidoes nothing03:56
DeadS0ulxwolf-: check if hal is running03:56
gilistays ont hat screen03:56
xwolf-DeadS0ul wouldn't know how to.03:56
giliit lists the [#]  on left....not sure what that ts03:56
imbrandonhal is killed in the last update for some reason bug 3996203:57
Lynouregili: Does it name the file or process or?03:57
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imbrandonhal is killed in the last update for some reason bug 396203:57
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imbrandonor something03:57
gilino it doesnt actually name anything in particular03:57
DeadS0ulxwolf : ps ax | grep hal03:57
xwolf-ok, got five lines03:58
DeadS0ulsee a /usr/sbin/hald?03:59
gililet me look at it properly and i will tell you exactly what it says03:59
Kadranhi, does any one knows a good antispam i am using bogofilter and it doesn't do any thing at all03:59
gilithankks lynoure03:59
xwolf-yes DeadS0ul03:59
xwolf-7640 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/hald04:00
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gilioh one more question04:00
DeadS0ulmeh try invoke-rc.d dbus restart04:00
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gilishould i use kubuntu breezy5.10 for cd install or should use 6.06 dapper04:01
imbrandondapper ;)04:01
DeadS0ul6.06 is still in beta >|04:01
gilior is it arbitrary?04:01
DeadS0ulmusicbrainz isn't wokring on it yet04:01
imbrandonmatter of choice, but i've been running dapper for months no major problems04:02
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gilii had a weird thing with the install of dapper though04:02
xwolf-i did that invoke thing, DeadS0ul, and then accessed media:/, and it said something like KDE's media manager wasnt running (translating it from portuguese)04:03
Lynouregili: sorry I couldn't be much help. Often that kind of cases require being there, booting with some other kernel (rescue floppy ect) and then digging around.04:03
giliwhen it picks up network devices if you dont have a connection to the internet....it leaves the network interfaces completely disabled04:03
gilicant enable them from settings>network connections04:04
DeadS0ulxwolf-:  that didn't happen before?04:04
giliworked with ifconfig and dhclient04:04
Lynouregili: breezy is stable but older, dapper has more weirdnesses still, and risks, like with upgrades, but it is newer.04:04
xwolf-DeadS0ul nope04:04
xwolf-be back in 10.04:04
imbrandongili, no idea never run into that ;)04:04
gilibut had to do it mannualy....(thanks squilla :-)04:04
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spikebi misread that as thanks tequilla04:06
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evert_hello i'm back04:07
evert_I installed the nvidia drivers , the way you told me .. .but X still don't works then :(04:07
DeadS0ulspikeb: dont' tempt me =P04:07
xwolf-ok DeadS0ul, this problem seems to have started after an update.04:08
Lynouregili: I like dapper myself, but I'm having an illusion that I don't mind if things still break now and then04:08
gilino...after i configured it properly it seemed to run ok ....04:09
gilitill i screwed it up04:09
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DeadS0ulwhat does it say when you do media:/ again?04:09
Lynouregili: that's the typical way with beta04:09
xwolf-"KDE media manager is not being executed"04:10
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xwolf-it's just a translation from portuguese04:10
gilihmm.....lynoure....you the man/woman04:10
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evert_Can somebody help me with installing the nvidia drivers ? I tried it already on 3 different ways .. but X never wants to work :(04:10
Lynouregili: But I didn't manage to help you yet...04:10
giliwill get back here when i know what the actuall error is...04:10
gilii know, but you are trying to help04:11
giligood enough....:-)04:11
Lynouregili: If I'm not here, there is plenty of clueful people to go around :)04:11
DeadS0ullemme think.04:11
gilimy girl has no clue why i want to change M$ to linux...but she did like the environment very much...04:12
giliso heres one for K04:12
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Lynouregili: some day she'll be a linux user too :)04:12
imonkeyim using kde for the first time now and played a litte arroudn whit the config it really looks great but there's only one problem when i minimalize a window i dont see it in the panel anymore. is there someone who could help me out?04:12
giliyes////wouldnt hold my breath....04:13
giliok i am off04:13
gilibefore i get fired04:13
Lynouregili: Bye04:13
visik7imonkey: check that the taskbar applet is loaded04:14
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[miles] hi04:14
[miles] just got the lastest flight 704:14
DeadS0ulxwolf-: hmm I'm not sure what to do, i htink you have to restart kded media manager somehow04:14
[miles] is there anyway to install it to a system, but via booting... ?04:14
xwolf-DeadS0ul right. now to find where the hell is that04:15
[miles] only way I see is booting as a live cd, then choosing install04:15
DeadS0ulit's in kde components in system settings04:15
imonkeyvisik7: thanks alot that was it :)04:15
xwolf-DeadS0ul managers found: file manager, services manager, session manager04:16
DeadS0ulyeah services manager04:16
imonkeyis there a how-to for konquerer and flash?04:16
xwolf-DeadS0ul Error: could not contact KDED04:17
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DeadS0ulyeah same shit for me ehre04:17
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ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:18
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timI am having a problem with printer drivers!04:27
DeadS0ul.oh dea04:29
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timwhat do I?04:31
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DeadS0uli honestly dunn04:35
DeadS0ulwhat printer do you have?04:35
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timI am having a problem with printer drivers!04:38
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VincentMXhttp://www.computerconnections.nl/index.html?lang=nl&target=d143.html <--- do any of these TV Cards work with Kubuntu?04:45
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wimpiesHi, tried to install apache2-doc but cannot seem to open index.html properly ... anybody can help with that ?04:47
VincentMXwhat do you mean, you can't open it?04:48
VincentMXhow do you try to open it? and with what program?04:48
wimpieswell there is a file /usr/share/.../manual/index.html04:48
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wimpiesbut when I openit with konqueror it does not show html but a bunch of URI references04:48
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wimpiesI could open index.html.en but clicking on any topic I again got some URI04:48
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hastesaverwimpies, I had that problem too...04:50
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wimpiesAnd ?04:50
hastesaverwimpies, and I never was able to fix it :)04:50
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wimpiesdamn ...04:51
Bazzi_wimpies: it is meant to be opened through localhost, not through filesystem04:51
hastesaverwimpies, the documentation is somewhere else, BTW, if you want to look at it04:51
hastesaverBazzi_, it didn't open through localhost04:51
user_hi there04:51
VincentMXhey user_04:51
Bazzi_then httpd.conf wasn't set up properly04:51
wimpiesindeed.  I get themain page saying documentation is installed but04:51
wimpieswhen I click on it it does not open index.html04:51
Bazzi_usually it is http://localhost/manual/ or something similar.04:51
wimpiesbazzi_ how should it be set up then ?04:51
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wimpiesI have linked /var/www/manual to the /usr/share .../manual but to no avail04:52
Bazzi_uh it should be close to the default setup :)04:52
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Bazzi_don't have an Apache here so I cannot help you out though04:52
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Hobbseehow big is a kubuntu install, usually, when installed?  5gb or so?04:53
goldenearhi again (I was user_)04:53
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hastesaverwimpies, file:///usr/share/doc/apache2-doc/manual/index.html.en works for me04:54
Bazzi_Hobbsee: uh, I installed some extra software and am at ~4G now04:54
hastesaverwimpies, er no it doesn't, sorry04:54
wimpiesif you click on a topic in that page, what happens then ?04:54
HobbseeBazzi_: okay04:54
=== Hobbsee needs more hard drive space, for when edgy comes out!
Hobbsee3 OS's, plus any development gets a little difficult on 40gb04:55
hastesaverHobbsee, are you trying to have all the releases simultaneously or what? :)04:55
Hobbseehastesaver: no...but i cant run unstable *all* the time - like when it's really unstable04:55
Hobbseei have XP (for games), $current kubuntu, $development kubuntu04:56
goldenearI wonder why there is not (AFAIK) a "Seach file in this Directory" option when I righ click on a directory in Konqueror ?04:56
Hobbseealthough i took breezy off in about jan - dapper seemed stable enough04:56
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hastesaverwimpies, it works from localhost for me, not from file:///04:56
goldenearIs there a way to add such a functionnality in the "Action" menu ?04:56
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hastesaverwimpies, is apache2 up and running? Can you see webpages, etc?04:58
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goldenearCould anybody help me and can tell me how to add an action to the right click menu of Konqueror ? please04:59
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DeadS0ulyou're better off asking that in #kde04:59
billytwowillyanyone have a working dapper kde Xsession file?05:01
goldenearDeadS0ul: I believe this option is in the normal KDE ...05:01
vengefulwhats the error billy?05:01
goldenearI'm not sur05:02
billytwowillyvengeful, when I try to start kde through kdm I get an error. one sec, I'll point you to my ubuntuforums post;)05:02
goldenearbut if it's not, it should be added :)05:02
goldenearI'm going to ask in #KDE05:02
vengefuli know how to fix ;-)05:03
vengefulbtw stop using applets not designed for your window manager05:03
billytwowillyvengeful, the above post was to answer your question..05:03
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vengefulhmm not what i thought it was05:06
billytwowillyknow how to fix it?05:06
billytwowillyit happened right after updates yesterday. Now I'm stuck in gnome..05:06
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billytwowillywant a pastebin of my Xsession file?05:07
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vengefulnope, not what i thought it was05:09
vengefuli thought your xsession file had changed ownership due to applets05:09
vengefulsowwy no clue05:09
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billytwowillyhttp://pastebin.com/709495 global xsession05:10
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billytwowillybecause this has to get fixed. it's quite frustrating.05:11
billytwowillydoes kdm run anything else to try and start kde?05:12
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vengefulhas it worked before?05:13
vengefulif so...try booting into the previous version on select bootup05:14
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sonicIve just followed theinstructions (http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch05.html#id2532903) in order to have a mounted windows partition writable without the need to be root. I then put the 'umask=000' entry in instead of 'default' in /etc/fstab for an existing ext3 partition and rebooted. The mount of the ext3 partition has failed on noot up. Does anyone know where I've gone wrong?05:17
wimpieshastesaver : yes everything works just fine05:17
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sonic*boot up05:18
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yanis_can I rename a group of files together in konqueror?05:23
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jbsnakeanyone there?05:30
koshI devoured all their souls05:30
jbsnakethat wasn't very nice05:30
koshI needed them for a spell05:30
koshdo you have any idea how hard it is to control a ranking demon? :)05:30
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jbsnakeany cats harmed in the making of this spell?05:30
koshso what is your question?05:30
jbsnakewell... i retardedly boffed my kubuntu install :)05:31
jbsnakeit installed... all was well05:31
jbsnakei decided to upgrade... changed all the apt sources to dapper and did apt-get update; apt-get upgrade dist05:32
DaSkreechthen I typed fdisk instead of man fdisk05:32
jbsnakerestarted... X no go05:32
DaSkreechoh sorry continue with your story05:32
jbsnakelol... close05:32
jbsnakemay as well have05:32
jbsnakethat's about it05:32
jbsnakei've tried to uninstall then reinstall... to no avail (xserver-xorg)05:33
jbsnakebut there is a step i just know i'm missing05:33
sonicAnybody know why the fstab entry '/dev/hda1 /media/projects ext3 umask=000 0 0' won't mount the drive on boot up?05:34
jbsnakemaybe add default to the umask line...05:35
jbsnakeofcourse i could be way off :)05:35
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billytwowillywell, it's definitely a kdm problem.. I can boot into kde with gdm just fine.05:37
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jbsnakeany ideas kosh...05:39
koshah sorry I got caught up in something else just a sec05:39
sonicjbsnake: Thanks, I'll give that a try. (but I thought the 'umask=000' part was supposed to replace the 'default' part?05:40
koshjbsnake: can you look as ls -l /usr/bin/X and tell me what you see?05:40
iNikusonic: why do you want umask=000 with ext3?05:40
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sonicI was just trying to make the ext partition writable by default05:40
iNikusonic: it is05:40
jbsnakesonic: if it replaces... just add umask=000,auto05:40
koshsonic: that should be done with permissions normally05:41
iNikusonic: you just need to set the permissions correctly05:41
koshI would not do a umask at all for ext305:41
iNikuand yeah, you need auto if you want it to be mounted automatically05:41
iNikusonic: the umask thing is useful with dos/windows filesystems which have no concept of permissions05:41
sonicok guys, I just didn't really know what I was doing. thanks for the help05:41
jbsnakekosh: i see the executable X05:42
jbsnakeowned by root05:42
sonicSee, I got the umask thing from a tutorial about mounting windows partitions05:42
koshjbsnake: my bet is that if you did an upgrade then the /usr/bin/X link is broken and something is expecting it, what I do to fix it is sudo rm /usr/bin/X   sudo ln -s /usr/bin/Xorg /usr/bin/X05:42
koshjbsnake: it is really an executable? it is not a symlink or something?05:42
jbsnakeit doesn't look like a symlink05:43
jbsnakelemme double check05:43
jbsnake(it's on a different box)05:43
iNikumy /usr/bin/X is an executable, too.05:43
jbsnakepermissions look weird05:43
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iNikuit's a setuid binary05:43
sonicSo just setting the dir to which the new partitioin is mounted to world writable (777) will do the job?05:43
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iNikuprobably just a launcher to start Xorg as root05:44
iNikusetuid and setgid05:44
jbsnakegot ya05:44
iNikusonic: yep05:44
sonicThis channel is very helpful :-)05:44
iNikuoccassionally :D05:45
iNikumost of the time, really05:45
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jbsnakei've never had a bad experience here nor #ubuntu.....05:45
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sonicHere's one, I was using Ubuntu for a while, then my flat mate came home and said "Sonic, type apt-get install kubuntu". So I did, switched over to kde,and have loved it ever since. Was there much difference from doing that as opposed to just installing Kubuntu out straight from the cd?05:49
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ccc_sonic: not really05:52
sonicSo would you recommend on my next install, to just go straight from the Kubuntu cd?05:53
ccc_yeah definitely.05:53
ccc_if you're gonna do a clean install, go with kubuntu :)05:54
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sonicDo you use kontact at all?05:55
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sonicDoes anybody use the Notes in kontact?05:56
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aseigosonic: no, i use kjots myself05:57
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sonicaha, ok. It's just that I think there's a bug in it05:58
jarleTrying to install my printer in Kubuntu I get "Unable to load the requested driver:05:59
jarleUnable to create the Foomatic driver [Epson-Stylus_C86,gimp-print] . Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have the required permissions to perform that operation." Any ideas?05:59
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ccc_sonic: you can file a report at bugs.kde.org05:59
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sonicccc_: Will do, Thanks06:00
imbrandonok dumb question , but how do i turn on "3d accel" in dapper ? ( i run a i845G video card using the i810 driver , works well just no 3d )06:01
imbrandonjarle, you have to click the "administrator mode" button at the bottom06:03
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, imbrandon06:03
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jarleimbrandon: I have done that (I would not be able to add a printer otherwise)06:04
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DaSkreechWhats the Ubuntu Control Center?06:14
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Allzhelp please06:22
Allzi put the disk in another cpu formatted in ntf now in my cpu i always get searching for boot record from cd and then just error loading operating system. disk as my hdd- and ive tryed fc4 cd windows cd ubuntu cd none works and thent the thing again06:22
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BlissexAllz: more comprehemsibility please06:29
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Allzhow do i connect fedora06:29
Allzit says register06:29
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration06:35
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milianhi there, anyone here who uses the mysql-query-browser? I'm on dapper and it is *very* unstable06:36
SmokeW33dis there anything on linux taht converts avi to dvd (vob)?06:36
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L33TrDaNui've got kde installed.... and  a tri-monitor setup. Using two nvidia cards. Everything works except that Konqueror freezes my system06:37
jbsnakedon't use konqueror06:37
SmokeW33davi to dvd anyone?06:38
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jbsnakeSmokeW33d: try doing a search for that on google.com/linux06:38
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SmokeW33djbsnake: already did that06:39
jbsnakeand nothing came up?06:39
L33TrDaNujbsnake: that is a horrible solution =)06:39
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jbsnakeL33TrDaNu: why?... i don't nor have not used konqueror in the last 7 years06:40
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L33TrDaNujbsnake: i just hope its *konqueror* and not my video driver (nvidia) screwing it up06:40
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jbsnakewell... if everything else works... and your video card is involved on everything else...06:41
jbsnakestart up tux racer...06:42
jbsnakesee how smooth the 3d graphics are...06:42
SmokeW33danyoen knwo hwo to moutn an mds file?06:42
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goldenearwhat's an mds file ?06:43
jbsnakegoldenear: beat me to is :)06:43
jbsnakedamn... i need to learn to type06:43
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goldenearjbsnake: can't you directly mount the iso file ?06:47
jbsnakemount -o loop /path/to/iso.iso /path/to/dir/to/mounton06:48
jbsnakenot sure where that came from... :)06:48
jbsnake"all because of you"06:49
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ninHerhi all06:54
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goldenearhi ninHer06:58
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ninHerhi goldenear06:58
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ShouryuuHello, I'm trying to install Kubuntu on my dearest computer, but sadly enough I get stuck on a "Ok, booting to kernel" screen... I've had the same problem with a previous attempt to install Ubuntu... Anyone happen to know why?07:14
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mustard5Shouryuu, did you burn the disk yourself?07:19
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mustard5Ok, well there a few steps you should go through first to eliminate common causes07:20
mustard5you should verify the ISO you downloaded with the md5sum from the download page07:20
mustard5have you done that or do you know how to do it?07:20
ShouryuuDone that :p07:20
ShouryuuAnd the ISO is fine07:21
mustard5Ok, so have you verified the burnt media after burning?07:21
mustard5I think there is a verify media option when you start the install disk07:21
mustard5What speed did you burn at btw?07:22
ShouryuuRecommended speed07:22
ShouryuuCan't remember, it was a while ago07:22
ShouryuuI think it's under 8X right?07:22
mustard5Ok, well ideally it would be the lowest...yeah ok...8x is as low as mine would go so that sounds good07:22
mustard5Shouryuu, what type of hardware are you running?07:23
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ShouryuuAcer Apire 5500, I'll take a look on the Acer web-site and give you my exact specs07:23
evert_hello all07:24
mustard5hey evert_07:24
evert_i'm having trouble with installing nvidia drivers on dapper drake07:24
mustard5you should probably ask in #ubuntu+1 which is the dapper channel07:25
evert_but i (was) having the same problems with the normal kubuntu07:26
mustard5and what is that problem?07:26
evert_when i install the 'nvidia-glx' drivers with adept , and then enable them ... Then X don't start any more07:26
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evert_when i wants to install the nvidia driver installer , then he says that he can't install the nvidia drivers on my system07:27
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mustard5evert_, you definitely have a nvidia card?07:27
evert_yes i have a 6800gt07:27
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evert_Under windows everything goes fine ... When i used suse 10 i had no problems with installing the nvidia drivers (the one i downloaded from  nvidia.com)07:28
mustard5it could be specific to that particular hardware07:28
evert_No it worked with suse07:28
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evert_that's the strange thing ..07:28
mustard5have you searched on the ubuntuforums for similar problems with the 6800?07:28
evert_nope , i tought somebody here would know the solution07:29
evert_i'll give it a look07:29
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mustard5evert_, I don't have any ideas really07:29
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Shouryuumustard5 here is my computer http://global.acer.com/products/notebook/as5500.htm07:29
evert_I find it strange that it worked for suse but not for ubuntu (breezy and dapper)07:30
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mustard5evert_, yes, so it's likely a driver problem specific to ubuntu.  There may be a solution on ubuntuforums I dont know for sure07:30
evert_I'm searching on the forums07:31
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_f_r_a_n_scusate chi sa dove posso trovare i repositories per passare dalla flight 6 alla 7?07:33
mustard5Shouryuu, you could try booting with the noapic option or even noapic nolapic07:34
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ShouryuuOk, I'm an average computer. What does that mean?07:35
mustard5Shouryuu, k..at the 'boot>' prompt when you start up the install cd you can add extra options07:35
_f_r_a_n_sorry ehere can i find the repositories to upgrade form dapper  flight 6 to dapper flight 7?07:35
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mustard5Shouryuu, if you hit the function keys they show you lots of options you can use and noapic nolapic are a couple of those options07:36
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ShouryuuOn the kubuntu install screen?07:36
mustard5Shouryuu, yeah..when you see the prompt that looks like this  'boot>'07:36
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ShouryuuI'll try that07:36
ShouryuuThanks a lot :P07:37
mustard5Shouryuu, you normally just hit enter, but rather than doing that look through the options for special parameter07:37
ShouryuuYup, I know where to find it07:37
ShouryuuWish me luck =D07:37
mustard5_f_r_a_n_, they should already be enabled07:37
_f_r_a_n_ok thanks , i hope it..07:38
mustard5_f_r_a_n_, just do a sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade07:38
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DaSkreechHow do I get routing turned on for a server?07:50
BlissexDaSkreech: depends what you mean by that, but first thing you need to enable forwarding in '/proc/sys/net' There are very many good guides to routing etc.07:51
DaSkreechok I did that :)07:52
DaSkreechCna I get a pointer to a routing gateway umm Guide I guess07:52
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BlissexDaSkreech: the Linux network administrator guide for example...07:53
DaSkreechBlissex: Thats TLDP?07:53
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BlissexDaSkreech: or a lot of mirrors...07:54
DaSkreechBlissex: Thanks07:54
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gilii have problems with update....installed a bunch of stuff off adept now cant boot07:58
giligetting Kernel panic error07:58
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giliwho can help07:58
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gilii need help with kernel panic07:59
gilican someone help me please?07:59
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cow_2001is there a way to install all packages a package is depended on?08:00
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Blissexgili: I suggest reading http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html on how to ask questions.08:01
Blissexcow_2001: yes.08:01
cow_2001what is the way to install all packages a package is depended on? :)08:02
insanekanecow_2001: well ..08:02
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Blissexcow_2001: use a dependency manager like 'apt-get', 'aptitude', 'adept', 'synaptic'.08:03
insanekanecow_2001: you should use gdebi for now08:03
insanekanecow_2001: but there should be a KDE solution for that08:03
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insanekanecow_2001: i assume you have a deb file, and you want to install it ?08:03
cow_2001insanekane, no08:03
insanekanecow_2001: hmm ... ok, then what do you want to do ?08:04
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shannondoes anyone know the differences between the "power profiles" in acpi/klaptop?08:04
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cow_2001i did a prelink and broken my system. i --reinstalled sysv and now it's working, but still, sometimes stuff doesn't work08:05
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cow_2001oh, wait08:06
cow_2001what is the way to reinstall all packages a package is depending on?08:06
cow_2001sorry :-/08:06
trappistcow_2001: sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(apt-cache depends packagename | grep Depends | awk '{print $2}')08:07
cow_2001trappist, thanks08:08
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SmokeW33dcan someone tell me how to mount an iso?08:08
trappistSmokeW33d: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop filename.iso /mnt/point08:08
imbrandonmount -t auto /path/some.iso /mnt/somedir08:08
SmokeW33dtrappist: thanks08:09
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giliok i am all educated now on how to ask questions....thank you for that informative link08:09
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gilinow, can someone tell me what Circular Dependency error is at boot. I get that right after the first kernel boot ling08:10
giliSays: "PANIC: circular dependency. Exiting08:11
trappistgili: sounds like a modules.dep error, where you've modules with circular dependencies08:11
insanekanemaybe you need to regen the initrd ?08:11
gilihmmm thats interesting08:11
gilihow do i solve this problem08:12
gilii cant proceed from here08:12
giliit gets stuck08:12
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trappistgili: man depmod to see how to regen your modules.dep08:12
gilii cant boot anywhere08:13
giliyou mean command line08:13
gilitrappist can you explain please?08:13
trappistgili: on the command line, say 'man depmod'.  that will show you the instructions for creating a new modules.dep.08:14
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giliok will try08:14
NoUsetrappist I'm not sure he can get to the command line, his kernel panics at boot08:14
gilithats what i was saying08:15
giliit does not go any further than that line08:15
trappistoh.  try hitting esc at the very beginning, to get a grub prompt, and boot to a different kernel.08:15
gilihow do i do that08:15
gilii have only recovery mode08:16
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NoUsegili try recovery mode08:16
trappistthat sucks08:16
insanekanemaybe use a livecd ?08:16
gilirecovery mode locks up with same error Circular Dependency08:17
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NoUsegili yeah I think you'll need a livecd08:17
giliand then what08:17
giliboot with live cd08:17
gilican i fix it08:17
gilior do i need to reinstall everything08:17
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giliok thanks for the info08:19
giliwill try08:19
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SmokeW33dcan somone tell me hwpo to install my nvidia driver in  dapper?08:25
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BlissexSmokeW33d: #Ubuntu+1?08:27
hastesaverIf I install from the Ubuntu CD first and then install kubuntu-desktop, how different is it from installing from the Kubuntu CD?08:28
SmokeW33dBlissex: ?08:28
trappisthastesaver: not very, except I think your bootsplash will still say ubuntu unless you do something about it08:28
hastesavertrappist, actually it says kubuntu08:29
trappisthastesaver: cool :)08:29
hastesavertrappist, but what about using gdm instead of kdm, having the stupid esd running, etc.?08:29
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trappisthastesaver: at some point during the kubuntu install you should be asked whether you want to switch from gdm to kdm, and kde uses arts, not esd08:30
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hastesavertrappist, I know, but esd was still running or something like that... and now that you mention it, I *was* asked whether I want to switch to kdm08:31
trappisthastesaver: if you weren't asked, or if it's still doing gdm, check out /etc/X11/default-display-manager08:31
hastesaverHow are gdm and kdm and different?08:31
trappistdunno, I've only ever used kdm08:32
hastesaverI mean, does KDE work better in its "native" display-manager or something? :)08:32
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troyhola folks08:33
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skipjackcan sombody help me, i want to edit the runlevels, I want to change the services who starts at the beginning ?08:33
troyhastesaver: really, they aren't that different08:33
trappisthastesaver: I wouldn't expect there to be much difference at all, but I don't really know08:33
trappistskipjack: you can use bum (apt-get install bum) or use update-rc.d08:34
troyhastesaver: in fact, they share a common theme format, so in many cases they are indistinguishable08:34
skipjackthx trappist08:34
trappistskipjack: I have bad luck with bum, so I use update-rc.d08:34
skipjacktrappist:  hehe oky ;)08:34
hastesaverskipjack, and I just had bad luck with update-rc.d, but bum can't do much :)08:35
trappistskipjack: there's also something in kcontrol to do it, but I have bad luck with that too08:35
skipjacktrappist:  hehe update-rc.d is cool ;)08:35
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kOpterYello :) If I click one of my other desktops in the bottom of the screen, my kicker disappears..08:39
kOpterIs there a setting that keeps the kicker visable on all desktops?08:39
=== troy looks
BlissexkOpter: thats the default.08:40
troythere might be, but I can't find it08:40
kOpterYeah... but I don't like that :)08:41
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troymaybe nuke kickerrc.... :/08:41
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kOpterIs there a quick way to cycle trough your desktops?08:43
BlissexkOpter: yes, and you can configure it another way too.08:43
kOpterBlissen: Where?08:43
BlissexkOpter: there are three ways: one is CTRL-TAB, another CTRL-F1 to CTRL-Fn, another is to define a shortcut for next/prev desktop08:44
kOpterCTRL-F1 is good enough.. thanks!08:44
BlissexkOpter: I have defined CTRL-, for prev desktop, and CTRL-. for next desktop.08:44
troyI turned multiple desktops off... with konq's tabs, kate's mdi, etc. I don't need it anymore08:46
Blissextroy: it is still a good idea for many things...08:47
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kOpterI was "stuck" on desktop 1 with no kicker to take me back :)08:47
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troyBlissex: I used to use it to keep work apps open and switch to it quickly when the boss was around :P08:48
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DaSkreechunder konq you don't get ads in your GMail :)08:56
troyDaSkreech: don't get a lot of things as 50% of it is disabled :)08:56
troyDaSkreech: but it still breaks with the full interface turned on (can't click on the message titles to read a message)08:57
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troybrb, restarting after kernel updates...08:59
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kOpterDamn, I'm now officially a nerd..09:19
goldenearwhy ?09:20
kOpterI ordered a shirt from the Amarok shop :)09:20
kOpterThis can't be a good thing :)09:20
goldenearI think I'll do the same soon :)09:21
kOpterI saw on the news that white was "hot" this summer..09:21
goldenearbut I'm not a nerd, just a KDE/Amarok supporter :D09:21
kOpterYeah, you keep telling yourself that :)09:22
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kOpterLuckely I was able to resist the urge of ordering a mug..09:23
_s3B4s_somebody knows how to install a locale ISO-8859-15 ?09:24
goldenearyop, ordering a mug would really make you a nerd... but not a shirt ;)09:24
goldenearshirts are for fans/supporters09:24
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goldenearmugs only are for nerds09:24
_s3B4s_becouse when i do dpkg-reconfigure locales, its doesn't give me the choice to select09:25
goldenear_s3B4s_: dpkg-reconfigure locales09:25
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_s3B4s_yes, but don'n give the choice to select09:25
crazy_penguinhi all09:26
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_s3B4s_only genered what i have already install09:26
kOpterI vagely remember somthing like /usr/share/locales/install-language-pack09:26
kOpterWhat did you generate?09:27
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korodedIf I do a 'server' install of kubuntu, what do I need to do to get kde installed and running after that?09:27
_s3B4s_nothing, i only install the Kubuntu09:28
troykoroded: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:29
crazy_penguini have on my system two linux distros. the first distro is on the first hdd and ubuntu is on the second. when i try to boot ubuntu/kubuntu, after a succesfull kernel start the system is accessing the other distro's fs and start the init process from there.09:29
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korodedtroy: perfect, thanks09:29
crazy_penguinwhat can i do to avoid this?09:29
kOpter_s3B4s_ Then I think they should be on your system09:29
troycrazy_penguin: problem with grub - you'll have to edit the boot command to choose the second hard disk as root09:30
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crazy_penguini use lilo09:30
crazy_penguinand i set the second hdd as root09:30
crazy_penguinbut i have the same error09:30
kOpter_s3B4s_: What does "locate ISO-8859-15" give you?09:31
_s3B4s_but, why i can't select when i do dpkg-reconfigure locales09:31
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_s3B4s_> /usr/share/i18n/charmaps/ISO-8859-15.gz09:31
_s3B4s_> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rexml/encodings/ISO-8859-15.rb09:31
crazy_penguinany ideea?09:31
korodedthanks, later09:31
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troycrazy_penguin: you might have to look into the lilo docs... the disk to boot is only really configured there... or try passing 'root=/dev/hdb" as boot param manually during boot09:32
=== troy doesn't recall enough about lilo, haven't used it in a few years
crazy_penguinthx troy09:32
_s3B4s_kOpter: only that09:33
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kOpter_s3B4s_: Does this help? http://gallery.menalto.com/wiki/Debian_locale_HowTo09:34
_s3B4s_let me see09:34
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sass99someone maybe know, where can i found tutorial about remastering kubuntu livecd?09:36
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troysass99: there's one on the wiki someplace, don't remember the link09:37
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hastesaversass99, is that what you wanted?09:37
troyhastesaver: you're faster - just found it too :)09:37
hastesavertroy, the trick is to try "/msg ubotu livecd" ;)09:37
troyhastesaver: I did ALT-F2 "gg: ubuntu livecd customization" - took a second to load the browser :)09:38
hastesavertroy, gg is google?09:38
troyhastesaver: yeah, works nice09:39
troywp: is wikipedia, my second most often used shortcut09:39
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double_dgotta love the quick searches :-)09:39
sass99hastesaver, this is for ubuntu.09:39
h3sp4wnThat livecd customization thing is wrong they switched to squashfs and I don't know with which parameters its created09:39
h3sp4wnYou can rebuild one but it seems to run alot more slowly (extracting the squash chrooting into it) rebuilding it09:40
kOpterYou should edit the Wiki :)09:41
hastesaversass99, there shouldn't be much of a difference -- in fact, that page even mentions ubuntu-5.04-.... so it's outdated perhaps09:41
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h3sp4wnThere is quite alot of differences in the way that its done the image is nolonger an iso but a squashfs partition09:43
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h3sp4wnK0pter: I would do but there is a few things that I don't understand well enough (and haven't been able to find the answers to)09:44
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sass99i just want to add localisation files to kubuntu livecd. Is this so hard?09:48
XVampireXsamba is confusing, where do I figure out what is my username/password so that network people could access me?09:48
kOpterDo you want to access them, or do they want to access you?09:49
XVampireXthey want to access me09:49
XVampireX"they" being my brother09:49
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kOpterAnd you've looked at /etc/smb.conf ?09:50
iNikuXVampireX: you'll probably want to give them their own user accounts for that09:50
uniq_xvampirex: you can make usernames/passwords with 'sudo smbpasswd' (for more info: 'man smbpasswd') all in console of course.09:50
XVampireXWhere do I make their own user accounts?09:50
XVampireXwhat about the username?09:51
XVampireXit only changes password from what I understand09:51
iNikuI'm not sure if you can create smb-only accounts, I think you'll have to make normal linux accounts for them09:52
uniq_xvampirex: smbpasswd -a newusername09:52
uniq_will add newusername09:52
iNikubut you can lock the account so they cannot log in to the linux box and just set an smb password for them09:52
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h3sp4wnsass99: I just wanted to add minicom to the xubuntu live cd, It is a complete pain (unless there are some tools that are used to generate the cd's in the first place that can be downloaded)09:52
uniq_that is smb-only accounts.09:52
iNikuuniq_: that works? cool09:52
iNikuI haven't played around with samba in a while09:53
uniq_that's the default action, yes.09:53
XVampireXFailed to initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for user val. Does this user exist in the UNIX password database ?09:53
XVampireXFailed to modify password entry for user val09:53
uniq_ah.. sure. it needs to exist.09:53
uniq_but that's just for uids.09:53
uniq_you don't need to set a unix password for it.09:53
uniq_so it can be locked and only used with samba.09:53
iNikuokay, so what I said. :)09:54
sass99h3sp4wn: what about using some livecd scripts09:54
XVampireXI'm really confused09:54
iNikuXVampireX: create a normal unix user first09:54
uniq_iniku: sorry, didn't read the whole line. :] 09:54
XVampireXthrough samba or what?09:54
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iNikuwith your gnome/kde tool of choice, or with adduser in the shell09:54
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h3sp4wnsass99: Presumably ubuntu has them for generating their images but I doubt they would let anyone see them09:55
kwwiianyone running flight7 on a powerbook and has the wlan running09:55
macdsass99: there are some online resources for creating your own livecd on hardware you have access to.09:56
iNikuXVampireX: users & groups in the kde system settings should do09:56
_brandonhow can i make kubuntu load faster? i only want the minimal w/ usb support. I don't need RAID or ETH.09:56
iNikuXVampireX: create a new user using the New button and make the account locked09:57
macd_brandon: are you familiar with command line and the init system?09:57
sass99macd: i really dont need my own livecd, only have to add localisation files and set my language as default09:57
_brandonno, but i can learn. i'm new to linux so just tell me where it is located.09:57
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XVampireXbut why do I need to create a new user just for someone to access my files from my user on the network?09:57
macdsass99: then Im afraid I cant be of much help :P09:57
iNikuXVampireX: because you don't want to give them your own username and password to use, do you?09:58
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XVampireXI'm confused, but nevermind, I'll just use my own :P09:58
macd_brandon: as far as eth goes, simply goto /etc/network/interfaces and comment out "auto eth0"09:58
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iNikuXVampireX: if you give them your own username and password, they will be able to log in on your linux box and do whatever they like09:59
iNikuis that what you want?09:59
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uniq_xvampirex: i would suggest adding a 'smbguest' account or something. to not give the others access to all your files.09:59
macd_brandon: and RAID thats more todo with LVM, honestly I know enough about lvm to get in trouble, but not enough to fix it09:59
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psyke83hi, if anyone has an 82865G chipset, can they tell me the fps glxgears reports for you?09:59
_brandonmacd: thank you, also is there a way to auto login? i'm not worried about security, i'd also like it to load a program at start.09:59
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Broxtorwhen I mount a samba share in Kubuntu Dapper the mount command takes ages to complete.09:59
uniq_xvampirex: it's fast, in console: 'sudo adduser username', 'sudo passwd -l username', 'sudo smbpasswd -a username', finished.09:59
BroxtorThen, when it's done and I cd to the folder I mounted the share that also takes ages.09:59
macdadding a program at startup is easy, simply go into kcontrol -> kde componets, add there.  autologin, Ive never done it.10:00
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uniq_xvampirex: the 'sudo passwd -l username' is to lock the unix account, that way it cant be logged in to.10:00
macdhowever Im sure a minute of goggling would reveal that solution10:00
BroxtorThen, when I do an ls on the folder I mounted the share to I get an input/output error.10:00
BroxtorDoes anyone know what goes wrong here? I'm using the following command:10:00
sempaire all10:00
iNikuuniq_: actually, do you know if sshd on linux respects locked accounts?10:00
_brandonmacd: thank you again.10:01
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uniq_iniku: it does.10:01
macd_brandon: np, welcome to the world of free software.10:01
Broxtorsudo mount -t smbfs //ip.of.server.pc/sharename /folder/where/to/mount -o username=myuser,password=mypassword10:01
iNikuor can they log in if they first create an authorized_keys file with their key in it over smb?10:01
macdBroxtor: do you want to mount this at boottime?10:01
uniq_iniku: i can test, hang on.10:01
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Broxtormacd no, I only need to do it once10:02
Broxtormacd: from konsole10:02
XVampireXOkey, thanks man!10:03
Broxtorthe other way around it's exactly the same. When I try to mount a share on this computer to the other one, that other one, also running Dapper, has the same problem.10:03
uniq_iniku: you can actually login with a authorized_keys file. i wasn't aware of that. learning something new every day.10:03
iNikuuniq_: that sort of sucks.10:03
macdBroxter: is this a windows - linux mount, or linux-linux ?10:03
iNikubut I was afraid it would work10:03
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Broxtormacd: linux-linux10:04
macdwell, instead of using smbfs, I would recommend setting up nfs.10:04
iNikuuniq_: wondering if that could be tweaked in sshd_config10:04
macderr, my mistake this is a ont time thing,10:04
iNikuother than by blacklisting all the smb users there one by one, which you could do10:05
macdBroxtor: when you isue the command proceeded by sudo, does it ask for password 2x ?10:05
iNikuor by disabling rsa logins altogether, which you probably don't want to do10:05
Broxtormacd: no, only once for my sudo password. The samba password is already in the mount command.10:05
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macdBroxtor: try this: substitue the myuser/mypass for this: credentials=/root/.smbcredentials10:06
uniq_iniku: don't know. blacklisting accounts is probably the best solution.10:06
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macdthen make a credentials file there, loking similar to: username=  <cr> pass=10:07
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iNikuuniq_: on solaris sshd does respect locked accounts, which has bitten me on more than one occassion10:07
uniq_iniku: i think i would have added a smb group, and DenyGoups thegroup.10:07
Broxtormacd: ok, will give that a try10:07
macdiNiku: oh but locked accounts have also saved you Im sure :P10:07
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iNikumacd: yeah :)10:08
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iNikuuniq_: yeah, that would probably be the best way to go about it10:09
_brandonchecking for library containing guess_format... no10:09
_brandonchecking for library containing guess_format... no10:09
cigais there a way to list the changes before I've donwloaded the packages?10:09
Broxtormacd: exactly the same problem with that10:10
_brandoni get this error when i try and install stepmania 3.9 "checking for library containing avcodec_init.... no" how do i find out which library contains this file?10:10
macdBroxtor: ok one more suggestion, one second10:10
iNikuhmm. where has my cute little "new updates available" icon gone?10:10
iNikuit hasn't been showing up in the kde panel for the past couple of days10:10
ciga_brandon: check configure.log or config.log or configure10:10
macdBroxtor: are there any anomalies in /var/log/smb ?10:11
macdiNiku:  dapper?10:11
iNikumacd: yeah, dapper10:12
iNikumacd: it's not like there are no updates available :P10:13
macdBroxtor: 'sudo smbmount //main-server/public /mnt/share -o username=xxxx'10:13
XVampireXBy the way, recently I've been having some problems with video viewing in mplayer, for some reason sometimes in a movie it would randomly skip, and here's what I get in konsole: "alsa-space: xrun of at least 28.444 msecs. resetting stream,?% 0 0"10:13
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macdiNiku: mine wont go away ironcly, I guess there are some held back packages10:13
iNikumacd: maybe you're just seeing mine10:13
macdiNiku: tried running apt-get update -f ?10:14
iNikubecause it's definitely not here :)10:14
Broxtormacd: nothing special in logs10:14
macdmaybee the repos need refreshing10:14
macdBroxtor: look up a few lines try that10:14
XVampireXAnyone know how to fix the skipping in mplayer?10:14
iNikumacd: yesterday it appeared after I ran apt-get update by hand, but shouldn't it do that by itself?10:14
macdiNiku: well it _should_ but we know how that works10:14
iNikuyeah :)10:14
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iNikuit's not a problem of course, I can just use apt-get... but it bothers me when there's a nice cute little gui thingy that's supposed to work but doesn't10:15
macdactualy iNiku have you tried restarting kdm?10:15
iNikukdm, or kde?10:15
macdor kicker, either would do the same trick in that case.10:16
iNikuhmm, no. why would that be required?10:16
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iNikukdm is the display manager, it will kill X if it dies10:16
macdI mean the update notifications come from adept, soooo.10:16
macdit'll restart :P10:16
iNikuyeah :P10:16
iNikubut restarting kicker... that's a good point10:16
macdyou wont loose your uptime.. :P10:16
iNikua week or so ago my kicker kept losing the system menu contents10:16
iNikurequiring a restart to get it back10:17
macdthats wierd10:17
iNikuthat's been working now, though10:17
iNikuI think it was fixed in one of last week's updates10:17
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iNikumacd: do you know how the update notification thing actually works, is adept triggered by the adept_notifier running in the systray, or does it get run by something else and the systray notifier just talks to it?10:21
macdIm not sure exactly how it works, but I know the notifier triggers adept10:22
macdthe notifier just monitors the repos then lets you know, then kickstarts adept10:22
iNikuokay, this is a little weird. I just logged out and back in10:22
iNikuthe update icon briefly appeared in the systray, then disappeared10:23
iNikuadept_notifier is running, though10:23
macdtry apt-get upgrade see if theres anything new10:23
macdpossibly by some odd way theres not10:24
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ubuntuam i onn #kubuntu?10:24
_brandonok what is the config.log supposed to show me?10:25
paranubuntu: yes10:25
ubuntuim on the livecd...10:25
macdubuntu: great.10:25
ubuntuoh whatever10:25
iNiku77 new packages available after I did an apt-get update10:25
iNikuand now the update icon is there again10:26
macdby chance does apt-get update show any broken repos or, cant conact any?10:26
iNikuno, works fine10:26
macdIm out of ideas :/10:26
iNikubut it seems that adept_notifier can no longer fetch the package lists or something10:26
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macdyeah 79 updates here today10:27
iNikuor is something else supposed to run the apt-get update10:27
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_brandonis checkinstall beter that make install?10:28
macdand another xserver set of packages,10:28
iNikuyet again10:28
=== macd bets x breaks
_s3B4s_somebody knows how to change UTF-8 for ISO-8859-15 on locale charm ?10:28
macd_brandon: they dont do the same thing10:28
iNikuacpi-support seems to get updated every day, too10:28
_brandonmacd: what is the difference?10:28
macd_brandon: one checks for required componets present to install sucessfully, the other installs.10:28
_brandonmacd: ok thanks, sorry for all the questions but your alot of help10:29
xstHow do I get wireless networking with WEP encryption to work with kubuntu? The signal is good but I do not receive any IP-address. It seems kind of buggy10:29
iNikuxst: are you using network manager?10:29
ubuntucan you run gnome on the livecd, using adept?10:29
macd_brandon: typicaly when building from source, you carry out "./configure" --> make --> sudo make install10:29
macdubuntu: not unless its the ubuntu livecd.10:29
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macdxst: Id recommend using wifi-radar rather than kwifimanager.10:30
xstiNiki: I have both tried kwifimanager and the network manager. None of them works.10:30
_brandonmacd: if done this but i'm getting errors. it can't find certain library's but it doesn't say what libraries they are.10:30
ubuntuu cant get gnome through adept?10:30
iNikuxst: which wifi card do you have?10:30
macd_brandon, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com paste the output of ./configure there.10:31
macdthen give me the link to the posting.10:31
iNikuubuntu: sure you can, but probably not while running on a livecd10:31
squillaxst: what does ifconfig show you10:31
xstiNiki: don't know. Some internal one in my toshiba satellite a50 laptop10:31
ubuntuthe livecd saves to the ram10:31
macdactualy "iwconfig" would give more insight.10:31
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macdat least you could see if its associated then.10:32
_brandonmacd: done10:32
iNikuxst: open a console and do an iwconfig ; ifconfig -a in there10:32
iNikuthen pastebin the output10:32
squillamacd: I assumed it was loaded and just needs an ip from dhclient10:32
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squillamacd: point taken though10:32
KleggasHi. Is there any way of getting opengl to work with dri in dapper?10:33
ubuntuif i did have a serious install, what would the command be to switch between kde and gnome?10:33
iNikuubuntu: you can have both installed10:33
iNikuthen you'll be able to choose which one to use while logging in10:33
vetraeHave a question about SSH if someone could PM me real quick =)10:33
macdKleggas: there is a TON of info on the ubuntuforums regarding that10:33
ubuntutheres no shell command?10:33
Kleggasmacd: thanx10:33
ubuntuinit 5?10:33
macd_brandon: paste it into pastebin yet?10:33
iNikuubuntu: to do what?10:33
ubuntuto switch <--> gnome10:34
macdubuntu: you would log out of gnome and start a kde session.10:34
_brandonmacd: yes http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/71019310:34
ubuntukde <-->gnome10:34
iNikuubuntu: um, you mean you want to switch permanently?10:34
macd_brandon: you need to install the gcc compiler suite.10:34
ubuntua new session10:34
iNikuor do you mean you want to switch on the fly, without logging out?10:34
xstiNiki: http://pastebin.com/71019910:34
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macd_brandon: you can do this in cli by "sudo apt-get build-essential gcc"10:35
iNikuubuntu: you start a session by logging in at the display manager's login screen, right?10:35
iNikuhow would you change between kde and gnome from the command line, and when?10:35
ubuntunvr mind, itsa livecd10:35
ubunturight now10:35
macdubuntu: when you choose to isntall you can simply log out of gnome and log into kde, its very simple10:36
squillaxst: helluva ssid name - are we going to attacked by america now?10:36
iNikuxst: well, that looks good to me10:36
iNikuapart from the ssid, yeah :)10:36
_brandonmacd: cli?10:36
macd_brandon: Konsole10:37
xstHehe, yeah10:37
macdxst: paste the content of /etc/network/interfaces in pastebin10:37
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_brandoni have, error. E: invalid operation build-essential10:37
iNikuxst: I was thinking you might be seeing what some people (including me) have had with certain wifi drivers10:37
macdand does your router/AP do DHCP?10:37
iNikuwhere /etc/iftab causes problems10:37
macddapper pretty much killed wifi for me10:37
iNikubut it's not that, your iwconfig and ifconfig are fine10:37
iNikumacd: how's that? works for me10:38
macdI havent been able to make it stop using the atheros drivers and use ndis, even after removing the modules :/10:38
iNikualthough it did kill my old cisco card, which was just as well10:38
vetraeHave a question involving SSH tunneling if someone could PM me that'd be great10:38
iNikumacd: have you tried blacklisting the ath driver in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist?10:38
iNikuthe madwifi driver, rather10:38
macdits the wierdest thing, If I use the linux atheros driver, my cisco AP reboots constantly, with ndis/windows driver its fine10:38
macdiNiku: yeah10:38
iNikumacd: that's weird10:38
macdyeah it is, same in windows if I use airsnort/pcap drivers it kills the AP, and its a proxim gold card so its not like its  POS.10:39
iNikuhmm. the module shouldn't load if it's blacklisted. are you sure you did that correctly?10:39
macdfarily sure since Ive got fglrx blacklistred too :P10:39
iNikusounds like the AP is a POS :)10:39
xstiNiki: http://pastebin.com/710202 (notice that I have ALSO tried to uncomment the commented lines for eth0)10:39
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macdxst: uncomment those, eth0 is your wifi.10:40
macdthen 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'10:40
iNikuxst: commenting eth0 out is okay if you want to use network manager10:40
_brandoncan i use adept to install a gcc compiler. konsole is giving me errors.10:40
macd_brandon: sure you can10:40
iNikubut yeah, uncomment them and do the restart, or just simply ifup eth010:40
macdeither or, the latter ifup eth0 will let you stay connected here mst likely10:41
xstmacd: I know. Doesn't get any ip-address though10:41
_brandonmacd: is says that i have c++ complier installed already, is there a certain one that i need?10:41
iNikuxst: the "s:blah" syntax for the key is a bad idea10:41
squillaxst: must be the pentagon - I can see the wep key :-)10:41
macdxst: on doing ifup eth0 do you get a broadcast dhcp message?10:41
iNikuxst: put the key in hex instead10:41
xstiNiku: Been there, done that. Didn't work. :-(   The s:blah syntax was actually written to the file by network manager.10:42
macd_brandon: does 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' work?10:42
iNikuyour access point might be using a different algorithm to process the passphrase, that's one of the WEP weirdnesses10:42
macdthat should install everything you need to compile anyways.10:42
iNikuxst: it's still a bad idea. there is no standard way to convert an ascii passphrase into the actual key10:42
_brandonthanks for all the help, i've gotta go.10:42
iNikuxst: and you're sure the hex was correct?10:42
xstmacd: Yes, I can see the following in syslog when doing an ifup etho:  DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 1110:42
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macdwifi/wep/wpa is still buggy at best when not running on "refernce" equipment10:43
iNikuxst: do you control the access point?10:43
macdsxst: and that jut repeats?10:43
xstiNiku: Yes, I've rewritten and re-checked it tons of times.10:43
iNikuxst: can you set the AP to cleartext (ie. disable WEP) for a minute and try if you can get a cleartext connection going?10:44
xstiNiku: Yes I control the access point. But all my windows boxes connects just fine. Also this very laptop connects just fine... but only from windows10:44
iNikuxst: trying it in cleartext would tell you if the problem is with WEP or at a more basic level10:44
iNikuxst: also, do an lspci -v and see what kind of wifi card you actually have10:45
macdmaybee disable wep for troubleshooting  purposes10:45
xstiNiku; Hmm, yes. I'm just a bit afraid of lowering the security - even for a short period. Hoped that I could find a solution without10:45
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macdso it is the pentagon!10:46
iNikuxst: I wouldn't worry too much about that, it's only gonna be for a few minutes10:46
macddont worry xst, they dont have any decent security policies in effect anywho :P10:46
xstiniku:  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG (rev 05)10:46
iNikuhow many people do you expect to be hanging around your apartment with their wifi sniffers at the ready, just waiting to break into your wlan? :)10:46
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iNikuxst: okay, that's good10:46
iNikuthe ipw2200 driver is supposed to be pretty solid10:47
iNikudefinitely should work.10:47
iNiku("definitely should?" oh well...)10:47
squillaiNiku: the driver is working - dhclient isn't - I think10:48
iNikusquilla: dhclient has never given me trouble10:49
iNikuunlike some of the older linux dhcp clients10:49
squillaiNiku: I had exactly this problem10:49
iNikuI'd be surprised if that was the problem10:49
iNikuxst: try to set up the interface manually10:49
squillaiNiku: nealt threw machine off the balcony :-(10:49
iNikuiwconfig eth0 essid pentagon10:49
iNikuiwconfig eth0 key 0 <your key in hex>10:50
iNikuiwconfig eth0 key 010:50
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iNikuifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x up10:50
iNikux.x.x.x being an IP you know is free on your network10:50
iNikuthen try to ping your router10:50
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iNikuand yes, iwconfig key is there twice, on purpose10:51
iNikuthe first one sets your hex key in slot 010:51
iNikuthe second one actually selects that slot for use10:51
squillaiNiku: I watch and learn!10:51
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iNikuactually I'm not 100% sure that iwconfig key syntax works with all drivers. if it doesn't, just do "iwconfig eth0 key <your key in hex>" instead10:53
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_s3B4s_somebody knows how to change UTF-8 for ISO-8859-15 on locale charm ?10:55
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evert_hello all10:55
squillaevert: hi10:55
iNikuwell, I think he gave up :/10:57
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macdlater all, back to the land of coding :P10:57
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squillamacd: cheers10:57
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Lynoure_s3B4s_: you can edit the /etc/environment file... (but now I need to sleep, midnight here)10:58
_s3B4s_Lynoure: thnxs10:58
LynoureMaybe there is some Easy Ubuntu Trick for it as well10:58
_s3B4s_Lynoure: thanxs10:58
squillaLynoure: Hi10:59
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Lynouresquilla: hi, and see you later.10:59
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squillaanyone know why X generates "/dev/wacom/" errors and how to get around it?11:19
ubotuit has been said that x is a portable, network-transparent window system.11:20
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, squilla11:20
=== DaSkreech laughs
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squillaa cheecky bot11:21
ubotudaskreech has neutral karma11:21
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XVampireXsquilla :P11:23
reonWhere do I select my default playback device in kubuntu ? Plantronics headset ???11:23
crimsunreon: difficult to do currently. You have to set ~/.asoundrc, then restart KDE11:23
crimsunreon: what's the output from ``cat /proc/asound/modules''?11:24
reon0 snd_intel8x011:25
reon1 snd_usb_audio11:25
DaSkreechIf I drop a file which is executable in /etc/network/if-<state>/ then it will be run when any network interface enters that state correct?11:25
squillaXVamp: ;-)11:26
=== bilford [n=bilford@71-32-124-173.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
crimsunreon: put the contents of the following post in ~/.asoundrc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1376411:26
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crimsunreon: then restart KDE11:26
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squillaXVamp: Girl guide!11:27
reoncrimsun, where is the asoundrc file ?11:27
bilfordHello, can someone help me please.  I messed up my folder associatons.  When I double click a folder or CD shortcut on my desktop, instead of opening Konnqueror like it used to, it  opens a small window that says Play Files11:27
crimsunreon: in your home directory. That's what ~ signifies.11:28
reoncrimsun, i have no such file, am I creating a new one ?11:28
crimsunreon: yes.11:28
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reoncrimsun, what permissions should the file have ?11:29
reoncrimsun, currently root can read and write and others can read11:31
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:31
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reoncrimsun, thanks it's working. nearly shat myself when kde restarted as it was a bit on the loud side :)11:32
bilfordOk, I now see that when I doube clickk any folder icon on my desktop, it's opening XMMS11:33
bilfordhow do I get it to open Konqueror like it used to11:33
bilfordit's opening the XMMS playlist thing, I htink11:33
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apolreon: http://www.proli.net/2006/05/10/fast-and-short-alsa-trick/ here it is explained11:34
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reonapol, thx11:35
apolI had the same trouble yesterday and wrote about it11:36
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reonapol, something so simple you would think it is accessable from Kcontrol ?!11:37
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DaSkreechWhat the heck is going on with the Updates?11:37
reonWhy ?11:37
apolreon: I think so reon11:37
apolit is possible to solve it easily BTW11:38
bilfordI guess I'll try reinstalling Nautilus11:39
apolYou can check if the mimetype is associated fine11:39
bilfordit's associated with XMMS11:40
bilfordfolders, instead of opening, are starting XMMS and running XMMS playlist11:40
apoland you don't want xmms to open?11:40
apoldo you know how to change it?11:40
apolits easy:11:41
apolin konqueror11:41
apolsettings->configure konqueror->mimetype associations11:41
bilfordok I'll try11:42
apolthere you put the file type and select what program do you want to launch11:42
apolwhen this kind of program is clicked11:42
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bilfordwhen I double click folders on the desktop, I want it to  open Nautilus like it used to11:45
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bilfordI can right click and Open Folder11:46
bilfordwhich is now the 2nd option11:46
apolyou are using kde?11:46
bilfordthe first option is now XMMS11:46
apolI don't know why would you want it :P11:46
apollet me see11:46
apolI thought you were talking about files11:46
bilfordI cant open folders anymore by clicking on them11:47
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bilfordinstead of opening the folder browser Nautilus, it starts XMMS playlist editor11:48
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bilfordwhats the Open Folder command11:48
bilfordI cant believe I messed it up this bad with one accidental click11:48
apolwhats nautilus doing here?  why don't you use konqueror?11:48
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evert_i hate nvidia drivers for ever11:48
bilfordNautilus is the default11:48
apolIn the mimetype dialog I said before11:49
apolyou have fonts->folder11:49
apoldo you have xmms there?11:50
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billytwowillycan anyone point me to a howto to get libtunepimp working with mp3 in dapper?11:50
apolyou see a tree structure, don't you?11:51
bilfordnow my desktop doesnt even work11:51
bilfordI cant click links on my desktop11:51
bilfordoh nm11:52
bilfordI have an idea11:52
bilfordI'll just uninstall XMMS11:52
bilfordand reinstall11:52
apolbefore reinstalling11:52
apoltry it out11:52
apoland see what does he do11:52
bilfordit should work11:53
DaSkreechCan I back up my Amarok Database?11:53
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DaSkreech11:53
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bilforddoesnt work.  I get an error.  it wants XMMS11:55
bilfordI'll reboot11:56
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asbocan you use ssl on freenode?11:57
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bilfordI think I'll have to reinstall everything12:02
bilfordstart with a fresh Kubuntu install12:02

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