
=== alfredn [n=alfred@c-71-192-4-29.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
alfrednHello, is there any place or places to go to learn about setting up sound, and floppy, usb, and cdrom access?  I did well with K12LTSP but I want to use Ubuntu/Debian.  12:08
ograsound works out odf the box in ubuntu/edubuntu if you just set SOUND=True in lts.conf12:09
ogralocaldevice support isnt included yet 12:10
=== alfredn [n=alfred@c-71-192-4-29.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
alfrednSorry got disconnected there12:11
ogralocaldevice support isnt included yet, there is manual work required12:12
ograall other stuff is autodetected on the thin clients in ubuntu12:12
alfrednI don't mind that, lda-new worked so well but I think it needed hotplug, what method are you suggesting for local devices?  As far as sound goes the login sound plays but rhythmplayer or xmms do not.  And it is not a media format problem12:13
ograwe use similar hardware detection the liveCD uses 12:13
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-66-66-115-197.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
PMantisogra, I founs that a Dapper upgrade caused all my wpasupplicant configs to be renamed. Synaptic says it's installed, but no /etc/init.d/wpasupplicant12:13
ograalfredn, as long as your gstreamer output sink is set to esd all should work fine 12:14
ograPMantis, hmm, k thats not very ltsp specific :)12:14
PMantisAlso, the lid switch on my laptop no longer causes a screen lock.12:14
PMantisogra, No, it's not. :)12:14
alfrednI will go check12:14
ograPMantis, /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ for wpa :)12:15
PMantisogra, I just knew you were closer to the Ubuntu project than I, and I thought I hit you with the first report and find out where I *should* report it to.12:15
ograits not run just randomly on every system anymore by an initscript, but on demand :)12:15
PMantisogra, Ahh, not in /etc/wpasupplicant.conf ...12:15
ograthere is also /etc/wpa_supplicant/ifupdown.sh12:16
PMantisogra, I'm currently running it manually to connect.12:16
ograi'm not using any encryption here so i'm not the best person for wpa stuff12:16
ograthe lid/suspend prob has already ~50 bugreports, so i doubt we'll need one more :)12:17
ograits supposed to work fine with network-manager and nm-applet 12:17
ogradid you try that ? 12:17
ograif your card works with it its awesome 12:17
PMantisHmm, no... stopped using that because it didn't support WPA, and NM seems really flakey12:18
ograit supports WPA now and runs stable for cards it supports12:18
PMantisogra, Many times as I'm sitting here, 10 foot from my AP, nm-aplet starts swirling and I loose the connection over and over.12:19
ograsadly thats only 60-70% of the cards, so we didnt include it in the default install, but its on the CD12:19
PMantisWell, I have an ipw220012:19
ograthat should work fine by now12:19
ograwhen did you test it the last time ? 12:19
PMantisFew weeks ago.. on Breezy12:19
ograaw, in breezy12:20
ogranm and breezy are no friends :)12:20
PMantisI even downladed a new ipw2200 from sourceforge, and new firmware for my card.12:20
ogradapper saw a lot improvements wrt nm12:20
PMantisOK, I get it. :) I'll try NM again12:20
PMantisogra, BTW... do you know if I can run a script automatically based on what wireless network I connect to?12:21
PMantisIOW, *if* I connect to my home wireless AP, run a script to start openVPN ?12:21
ograput it in there12:22
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PMantisWild... there's already an "openvpn" file there.12:22
PMantisogra, Know much about the lines: if [ -n "$IF_OPENVPN" ] ; then12:24
PMantis  $OPENVPN start $IF_OPENVPN12:24
PMantisWhat sets $IF_OPENVPN ?12:25
ograsorry, no idea 12:25
ogragrep OPENVPN /etc/*/*/* ?12:25
ogragrep OPENVPN /etc/*/* ?12:25
ogragrep OPENVPN /etc/* ?12:25
PMantisor grep -R OPENVPN /etc/12:25
ograheh, yes :)12:26
alfredncan someone send me their lts.conf hosts dhcp file for a edubuntu ltsp server that has sound and local drive support.  Just curious what I am missing.  I've got it all to work in K12ltsp but not as well in Edubuntu. I want to use edubuntu  though becouse I know in time a community like this will surpass the k12lstp.12:30
ograas i said no localdev support 12:30
ografor sound in lts.conf:12:30
ogra[default]     SOUND=True12:30
ograthats it12:30
ograhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes has hints for dhcp at the bottom12:31
alfrednSorry ogra I thought you said with work yes? Yes sound works after running gstreamer-properties.  alfred@yurtboy.gotdns.com12:33
ograalfredn, actually it was ed harris (k12ltsp founder) who made the first suggestion for edubuntu once12:33
ograso i think he hopes that we surpass k12 some day 12:33
ograso the support is off his sholders ... :)12:34
ograand he can use edubuntu and customize it to his needs12:34
ograto make it k12edubuntu or something :)12:34
alfrednOrga, so the sound is go.  And my dhcp matches the web site.  So how about fuse is that working yet or is there really no chance for 12:35
alfrednlocal devices12:35
ogralocaldev support is planned for the october release, before that you'll have to set up localdev manually12:35
ograltspfs and ltspfsd are in universe, but neither tested nor do the packages include any of the scripts, you need to grab these from ltsp.org12:36
ografuse is available as module in ubuntu 12:37
ograand the ltspfs packages get compiled against our fuse library12:37
ograbut things like lbus and the different connction and device creatin scripts are missing12:38
ograand we'll likely not implement it the way ltsp.org did it 12:38
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-66-66-115-197.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
PMantisogra, ok, on wiht NM12:38
PMantisWPA too!12:38
ograso it works stable for you ? 12:39
PMantisHeh... I've only been on for 2 minutes12:39
PMantisSo.... can't tell ya. :)12:39
ograbut you are here :)12:39
PMantisNow to figure out the openvpn integration for if-up12:39
ograit even works with my airport extreme in this ibook here 12:39
PMantisThat would be SLICK!12:39
ograjust the level reporting doesnt 12:40
PMantisheh, cool12:40
PMantisOh.. on scans?12:40
ograno, in the little meter in the panel12:40
ograits a known regression of the broadcom driver12:40
PMantisOh, for the *current* AP.12:40
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@70-33-151-214.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograhaha, welcome #ltsp :)12:42
=== ogra sees slowly coming all people over to #edubuntu
PMantisogra, Have a repo for dapper?  http://www.grawert.net/ubuntu/12:44
ograthats mostly dead stuff i didnt work on since warty12:45
PMantisI have it here beacuse of a howto... forgot what for.12:45
PMantisBRB, kids' bed time12:46
ograasything specific you want from there ? i'll happily package it for universe :)12:46
cliebowogra: it is a happening place!!12:48
cliebowdapper has me really psyched..is that going to differentiate into edu k goo12:49
ograwe're still missing local devices12:52
ograthats a major blocker it seems12:52
cliebowogra: it is still pretty dicey in 4.2 anyway...12:53
cliebowsound is the the showstopper in education..for 4.212:54
ograyes, but people choose 4.2 over ubuntu ltsp because of it12:54
cliebowjust a big pain 12:54
ograour sound works fine as far as i can tell 12:54
ogra(i have no 100 client setup to stress test)12:55
cliebowwhere is the bootup slowdown?12:55
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
ograX configuration and hardware probing for the device drivers12:55
ograand getltscfg is pretty slow for no apparent reason, i'll look into it for edgy eft 12:56
cliebowi have a fairly large setup..but no significant server to run it..and the prurchase of mlti laptops at 50bucks a pop jeopardise that12:56
cliebowthe setups i have12:57
ograi'm also planning to evaluate if we could switch to dash instead fo bash that will gain us an immensely small memory footprint i think12:57
cliebowpython doesnt figure then on the client side at all?12:58
ogra+python is fine on the client side, but dash is a) a lot faster than bash b) a lot smaller than bash :)12:58
ograthe client is more than just the python scripts ;) 12:59
ograthats my proposed todo for edgy01:00
cliebowi need to look..edgy geing October?01:00
Burgworkogra, have you looked at the stateless linux stuff from redhat. Apparently they are doing more work for fc601:01
Burgworkafaict, there isn't much code on the ground yet, but it is a good idea01:01
ograBurgwork, thats like netbooting workstations iirc, right ? 01:02
Burgworkogra, sort of01:02
enyc?stateless linux?01:02
ograso what i call thick client support :)01:02
ograits my 5th point and i think its very easy to implement in our current ltsp01:03
ograeven i dont plan more than the top four for eft01:03
enycogra: sound handy... workstations take state and run local apps/cpu... 01:04
ograand mount /home from the server 01:05
cliebowthanks for sharing these with me...01:10
ograLaserJock, highvoltage, the edubuntu.org mailadresses should work now01:12
LaserJockogra: I have a edubuntu.org address? now I really feel special ;-)01:13
ogracliebow, well, thats what we're here for, collaboration :)01:13
ograLaserJock, you got more than me btw, somehow *my* address makes probs again ... :)01:14
cliebowYes..makes my world go around..hope to have more to contribute as time goes on..01:15
ograwe'll happily accept everything :)01:16
=== alfredn [n=alfred@c-71-192-4-29.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockogra: ya! it worked.01:20
alfrednOgra I got disconnected there can you list the ltspfs files I need to try fuse and have you had any luck?  By the way why does my ltsp client not boot to the gui screen but to the console and I have to alt-ctrl f8 to it?01:21
ograyou have an old version of ltsp-client running, i fixed that bug (console login instead of gui) on monday01:22
ograthere are ltspfs and ltspfsd01:22
ograbut you will also need lbus from ltsp.org and all the little nifty scripts to make everything play together01:23
cliebowogra: what are you using for authentication.i am deep into an ldap /cgi thing right now01:24
ograthere is an "ltsp-server-pkg-ubuntu" package on ltsp.org with all scripts and tools in it, but i never tried it01:24
ogra(in the local device section on the ltsp.org wiki that is )01:24
ogracliebow, only shadow/pam locally, edubuntu is still a single classroom distro01:25
=== PMantis is back
ograthere are some summer of code projects addressing network authentication in ubuntu, i hope we'll get something nice to adopt it in edubuntu01:25
cliebowogra: so a web based thingie is passe..or not?01:26
alfrednthanks ogra I will try and update things and the fuse why does edubuntu seem to be a step back from k12ltsp is it because alot is changing?01:26
ogranot really what i'm targeting ... but a good optional add on in any case 01:26
cliebowalfredn:new 01:26
PMantisAnyone know how to tell what packages I'm using from a specific repository?01:27
ograalfredn, its all newly designed, there are some new basic principles that need to be worked in 01:27
ograPMantis, apt-cache madison <package>01:28
PMantisWhat it <package> is what I *don't* know ?01:29
ograalfredn, also we only work with plain distro packages, so instead of writing a script that makes my stuff work but breaks the package in every other context, i make the change directly to the package and make sure the change corresponds to all other use cases of the package01:29
ograthat takes more time but is way cleaner ... and i can devolp everything inside of ubuntu not as a subproject :)01:30
ograPMantis, hmm, you want it reverse 01:31
PMantisYes, provide repository, get list of packages01:31
PMantisAlthough, I just created a Synaptic filter, looking from grawert in "origin".01:32
PMantisonly 3 items01:32
ograthere is not much in my old repo01:32
ograi should either shut it down or update the packages ...01:33
ograsince there is no warty anymore 01:33
LaserJockPMantis: what repo are  you looking for?01:33
PMantisCan you tell me if that's true? Only 3 in the repo?01:33
ograpimp was really famous 01:33
PMantisLaserJock, I'm trying to determine *if* I'm using any package from ogra's repo.01:34
ograthere are 6 packages01:35
ograbut at least graveman and gcursor are in universe since hoary01:35
ograso you wont be able to use my old packages for them01:36
PMantislinkf from XChat arent' working since Daper upgrade01:36
PMantiserr links01:36
ogramrburns is totally immature and not remoptely as good as serpentine01:37
ograpimp is fine for photo importing if you dont want to use an app like f-spot 01:37
PMantis...and MAN, my laptop spends *muck* more time with the CPU scaled up to full speed, and I'm not doing anything special.01:37
ograor gtumb01:37
PMantisI use Gallery01:37
ograi use f-spot now ... it does great gallerys 01:38
alfrednogra last question i went to update ltsp-client and got "Removing ltsp-utils " from apt get?01:38
ogradont ever use ltsp-utils if you use ubuntu ltsp01:39
ograit will surely break everything, i promise01:39
ograso apt is right :)01:39
ograerr, and make sure you update in the chroot 01:40
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 apt-get update01:40
ogra^^^ thats the command to get the recent packagelist01:40
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 apt-get upgrade01:40
ograthats actually upgrading the client environment01:40
ograPMantis, startup-settings is actually something good i should pull into the distro01:41
ograits great for dual booting systems01:41
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alfrednogra, when I did apt-get non-chroot it want to do things like remove and install but when 01:44
alfredni do it chroot it sais all is up to date, I linked the ltsp sources to the /etc/apt/sources01:45
ogradont install ltsp-client on a normal system01:45
ograit will turn your server in an ltsp client, you dont want that01:45
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
alfrednshould I remove things and start again01:46
ograif you installed ltsp-client on the server system, yes01:47
ograthen remove it 01:47
ograelse you wont have a login manager next boot 01:47
ograltsp-client should only be in the chroot01:47
alfrednall that is installed in regular root is ltsp-server ltsp-server-standalone ltsp-utils01:48
ograyou are using breezy (5.10) right ? 01:49
alfrednsorry no I should have mentioned dapper01:49
ograok, then first thing to do is sudo apt-get remove --purge ltsp-utils 01:50
ograand forget about that package in the future, its the scripts for ltsp 4.1 and incompatible with ubuntu ltsp01:50
alfrednI think I loaded it to try and use ltspinfo tool01:51
ograif you used any of these scripts that acrually changed something (ltspadmin/ltspcfg), you should wipe the /opt/ltsp dir 01:51
ograand start over again01:52
alfrednno I read not to use those01:52
ograi think only running ltspinfo should not break anything01:52
alfrednlast question for real -- any chance of getting a microphone to work and therefore skype even gnome-recorder can't see the mic01:54
ograalfredn, you should make sure you have the 0.86 version of ltsp-server on the server and ltsp-client in the chroot01:54
ograthat has the fix for the boot to console bug01:54
ograthat microphone thing a bit more tricky01:55
ograyou'll need to run skype as local app 01:55
ograthe ltsp.org wiki has info about how to set that up01:55
alfrednI will look, by the way (yes another question before I run off) should I remove ltsp-server-standalone01:56
ograltsp-server-standalone is a metapackage that cares that dhcpd gets installed01:57
alfrednOgra thanks again you saved me hours of messing around, I tried to join the mailing list but no reply yet.  I do want to try and help out more.01:57
ograit will also make sure that you always have the latest packages needed for ltsp ...01:57
ograoh, the edubuntu ML ? 01:57
alfrednwell the dev one, what is the best way to get involved? 01:58
ograthats automated, you should have gotten an autoreply01:58
ogradid you subscribe here ? https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-devel01:59
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== Topic for #edubuntu: Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu, download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/ | Mailing List http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-devel | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org | Website http://www.edubuntu.org | MEETING: every wednesday at 12:00 UTC | Read before installing: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInstallNotes | Dapper beta is out http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/dapper/
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by juliux at Sat Apr 22 16:31:52 2006
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cbx33mornin all06:58
cbx33ping ogra 07:22
highvoltageogra: cool, i'll try it out later today :)07:30
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pygi-ubuntusivang: he update his application08:21
bimberiBurgwork: ping (op needed in #ubuntu)08:35
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bimberiBurgwork: nvm (problem gone) :)09:06
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=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@mail.trinsite.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33hi everybody09:49
cbx33ping ogra 09:50
cbx33highvoltage: anyway to get wiki.edubuntu.org to link to our wiki homepage10:02
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jsgotangcohey guys10:30
cbx33hi jsgotangco 10:34
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juliuxJaneW, ping12:58
JaneWjuliux: pong01:04
juliuxJaneW, who have i to ask if i want to have an extrac mailinglist at lists.ubuntu.com?01:04
cbx33ogra: ping01:07
cbx33JaneW: ping01:08
jsgotangcojuliux: jdub01:08
juliuxjsgotangco, thanks01:08
ograjsgotangco, we have another contact for that now01:09
ograsomething like mailadmin@ubuntu.com 01:09
jsgotangcoahhh much better01:09
ogradont remember the exact address01:09
cbx33ogra: pm?01:09
jsgotangcooh right, i remember elmo doesn;'t do syncs anymore either01:09
ograbtw, the edubuntu.org adresses work now01:10
ografor all in th eedubuntu-members team, including EC01:10
cbx33ooooh... ogra does that include ours too?01:10
cbx33that could mean my ubuntu one is fixed :D01:10
cbx33elmo said he'd do them at the same time :D01:10
jsgotangcomore spam for us!01:10
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@mail.trinsite.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
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cbx33hey guys02:12
cbx33I just had 9 clients loaded, 7 logged in and working on a d600 laptop02:13
cbx33and it wasn't the speed was ok02:16
cbx33that didn't make sense,02:16
cbx33and the speed was ok02:16
cbx33ogra: I did have a hint of that issue that Petaris was talking about yesterday though02:16
cbx33had a few times when two users couldn't login02:16
cbx33after I ran the update ssh keys it was ok02:16
cbx33just about to comb the logs to see why02:17
highvoltagei had a user (non-tsf/tuxlab related) that phoned me this morning and couldn't log in with the 6.06 beta02:20
cbx33over client highvoltage ?02:20
highvoltagei told him to do a build-ssh-keys (forgot the exact command) and then it ran fine again02:20
cbx33yes i did that and it was fine02:20
highvoltageso it seems like s recurrence of an old bug02:20
cbx33where are the ldm logs stored?02:21
highvoltagecbx33: over client?02:21
ograthere were no such bug02:21
cbx33ie not on the server02:21
cbx33ogra: where are the ldm logs?02:21
ograand it simply is technically impossible that update-sshkeys fixes it, it must be something else02:21
ograin /var7log02:22
cbx33well that's what I thought02:22
=== pygi [n=korisnik@HOTEL-OMORIKA.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33ogra: I must be stupid where abouts?02:22
highvoltageogra: i'm refering to the bug in previous alphas where you had to run update-sshkeys after installation, because it didn't run during installation because ssh wasn't running. having said that, however, i can understand that it's not that bug.02:23
cbx33ogra: auth.log:May 11 12:43:40 localhost su[8689] : (pam_unix) authentication failure; logname= uid=1000 euid=0 tty=pts/0 ruser=pete rhost=  user=andyauth.log:May 11 12:43:43 localhost su[8689] : - pts/0 pete:andyauth.log:May 11 12:43:48 localhost su[8708] : + pts/0 pete:andyauth.log:May 11 12:43:48 localhost su[8708] : (pam_unix) session opened for user andy by (uid=1000)auth.log:May 11 12:43:51 localhost su[8708] : (pam_unix) session closed for user an02:24
pygisivang: poke02:24
pygiJaneW: poke02:26
cbx33but interesteingly enough I coudn't log in either on two seperate machines and I'm not in the log02:26
cbx33perhaps there was a network connectivity issue at that moment?02:26
cbx33ok i found the issue02:28
cbx33hang on02:28
pygihi cbx33 02:28
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=== Petaris [n=Petaris@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33hi pygi 02:29
cbx33ogra: http://pastebin.com/71130402:29
cbx33Petaris: the issue you were having yesterday with the not being able to log in02:29
Petariscbx33: yeah?02:30
cbx33can you possibly put the contents of /var/log/auth.log somewhere I can see02:30
cbx33I had the same issue today and want to check it out02:30
ograits pretty clear a DNS breakage02:30
cbx33wanted to check if that was the same for Petaris 02:30
pygiogra: perhaps you know who Kyller Costa Gorgnio would be?02:31
Petariscbx33: ok, just a sec02:31
sivangpygi: peek :)02:31
pygisivang: hey :)02:31
pygisivang: have you seen updated application? :-D02:32
sivangpygi: I've the changed application, it's nice to see he's willing to check what can be done with exsiting tools, indeed. but did you see Scott's comment?02:32
=== pygi looks
Petariscbx33: the last two logs on it good enough?02:33
pygisivang: ugh, indeed :-/02:33
cbx33just make sure they cover the time perood you were having problems02:33
sivangpygi: I talked with him a bit about it, he said to write something that boots to a rescue mode is considered very small work in his regards, for the other parts, he says that there are arelady half a donze tools that arealdy doing that. he just doesn't think there too much meat there for the program, let's call him to discuss as well so you can hear it directly from him02:34
pygiI agree, so no need to discuss02:34
pygisivang: lets just call it a day, and scratch it02:35
Petariscbx33: http://katerina.frederic.k12.wi.us/code/auth.log  and http://katerina.frederic.k12.wi.us/code/auth.log.002:35
sivangpygi: very hard for me, I do not completely agree with Scott, but OTOH I don't have his epxerience to know it's so small work.. (I actually think it would be wise to talk with him before scratching it)02:36
pygioki, lets talk with him then02:36
cbx33Petaris: hmm.....not the same issue 02:36
cbx33looks from the logs like the password was wrong02:36
cbx33well it coudn't authenticate anyway02:37
sivangpygi: I could suggest in return a couple replacement projects, pythong dar bindings, python libnotify bindings, stuff surrounding this.02:37
sivangpygi: you want to do it here, or in a new channel?02:37
Petariscbx33: all of the user passwords are the same02:37
pygisivang: doesnt matter where we discuss it...indeed, you could, but notice he doesnt like python too much02:37
cbx33hmmm strange then02:37
cbx33i had some broken DNS problems02:38
sivangpygi: he's on -devel, join there 02:39
pygisivang: I am there02:41
sivangpygi: cool, let's wait for him to respond.02:41
pygisivang: I hope you meant #ubuntu-devel :)02:43
Petariscbx33: What I run into is that I can't login withoiut running the ltsp-update-sshkeys command02:43
pygiJaneW: poke once again :)02:43
Petarisand then if I logout and try to log back in I hav eto run that command again02:43
cbx33yes, Petaris but that shouldn't affect it02:44
Petariscbx33: Yet it is so02:45
cbx33well i thought so till i looked at my logs02:45
PetarisI also notice my clock keeps getting out of whack02:45
cbx33andfound it wasn't it02:45
PetarisI wonder if that could be affecting it02:45
cbx33you're not using kerberos to authenticate 02:45
cbx33are you?02:45
cbx33on a windows active directory?02:46
Petarisnot on this server02:46
Petarisnot kerberos being used02:46
Petarisbut that is why I thought of that02:46
cbx33cos a >5min clock shift will result in not being able to log in02:46
Petarisheh, sometimes less then that02:47
sivangpygi: indeed02:47
cbx33officially should be 502:47
PetarisAD and my sambea server stop talking if it is greater then about 3 minutes02:48
=== pygi waits for Scott
Petariscbx33: Any thoughts on what else could cause logins to be rejected?02:57
Petaristhe username is valid02:57
Petaristhe password is valid02:57
cbx33no not at all really02:57
Petarisbut it just bounces back to the username screen, like if you had entered an incorect username/password02:57
cbx33unless there is another authentication mechanism being used02:57
cbx33yes that's what I got too, but mine was a different issue02:58
PetarisI didn't screw with anything dealing with auth02:58
Petariswell I may have to run over their today, I will tail auth.log and see what I see02:59
Petarisbut from looking at the log it doesn't seem to show all of those failed attepmts03:00
Petarisjust the wrong username / password ones03:00
ograrather get the ldm log from the client and file a bug with it :)=03:00
Petarisis there a way to update the clients?03:01
Petarisby that I mean /opt/ltsp/i386/ on the server03:01
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/03:02
ograthen just apt-get update and apt-get upgrade03:02
ogramight be you need to copy the sources.list from the server into the chroot first03:03
ogra(it will default to cdrom unless you did a manual run of ltsp-build-client)03:05
Petarislet me try updateing the clients03:07
ograrun ltsp-update-kernels on the server afterwards (might not be necessary, buit just in case)03:09
pygisivang: I have to go now :(03:11
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cbx33ogra: d'ya get my pm?03:14
Petarisogra: should that be upgrade or dist-upgrade?03:15
sivangpygi: okay, I will try and talk to him if he reponsds. 03:20
pygisivang: just poke me if he ever responds, I should be free in like 5 minutes03:21
sivangpygi: k, sure03:21
JaneWpygi: I am here, just can't talk right now, sorry03:24
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Petarisok, clients updated03:35
PetarisI really hope this didn't break anything else03:35
cbx33I'm in the middle of trying to get AD to work03:50
jsgotangcoSamba integration to an AD?03:52
cbx33well, but have hit a wall at the moment03:52
cbx33had a funny error which has now dissapeared03:52
cbx33but now I can't do wbinfo -u or -g03:53
cbx33just comes up with error03:53
jsgotangcoits been years since i did windows server heh03:53
cbx33oooh gotten a step closer04:00
cbx33wbinfo now works04:00
cbx33just need to setup the pam modules04:00
cbx33ping ogra you there04:00
cbx33or anyone who knows about pam setup for ltsp?04:01
pygicbx33, please remind me what package are Man devel pages?04:10
pygiI just need to install it to someone, and I forgot it :-/04:10
bimberipygi: manpages-dev04:15
pygibimberi, thanks :)04:15
cbx33bah you beat me04:15
bimberipygi: np :)04:15
cbx33but hhhhhheeeeeyyyy I have AD authentication working :D04:15
bimberithat beats me :P04:15
bimberihands down04:15
cbx33now for the tricky task - I have to get their home directory to map to their windows home directory04:17
cbx33but the difficult task is done04:17
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cbx33highvoltage: we had 7/9 in use machines on that D600 today04:36
PetarisI really need to get this login issue fixed04:48
Petarisand there is a boot issue with the clients now too04:49
Petarissome hang on tftp with a time out04:49
Petarissome hang on /opt/ltsp/i386 load04:49
Petaristhe coming up to the console login is minor compared to these two04:50
pygisivang: poke05:00
ograPetaris, is your ltsp-client package in the chroot at 0.86 now ? 05:01
ograthe console login stuff was fixed in 0.8505:01
ograalso did you run ltsp-update-kernels on the server after the upgrade ?05:02
Petarisyeah its at 0.8605:03
ograthen it shouldnt happen anymore ...05:04
PetarisIt may not05:04
PetarisI haven't gone over there yet05:04
Petarisbut the login issues still happen05:04
ograoh, i thought you see it 05:04
Petarisno, I will go over there and check in a bit05:05
ograah, k05:05
PetarisI'll pop in when I get over there05:10
Petarismaybe there is something simple that can be done05:10
ograi'm pretty sure its not ssh related ... 05:11
ograssh only shows the symptom05:11
ogradoes the  server have two NICs ?05:15
Petarisboth static05:15
Petarisone is the other
ograhmm, so no dynamic DNS that could change or something05:16
Petariser, thats actually05:17
jsgotangcocan anyone remember that supposed to be clean and easy package manager?05:18
jsgotangco(not smart)05:18
ograi was about to say smart05:18
Petarisme too05:18
jsgotangcosmart is actually well, a bit smarter than the other one05:19
ograedgy will switch to it :)05:19
jsgotangcoyeah i'm all for it05:19
jsgotangcomvo and mdz are heavily involved in it right?05:20
ograi dont think mdz is much involved in any coding atm05:21
ogramvo might be, dunno05:21
=== pygi doesnt like smart :(
ograsmart is cool05:22
ograwill make our life a lot easier05:23
pygiyea, yea, don't wanna argue about that05:23
jsgotangcoits not like we're abandoning apt05:23
jsgotangcosmart should complement it05:24
jsgotangcoerr deb i mean05:24
ograwe wont switch away from .deb05:24
pygido whatever you want, I can't influence that anyway :)05:24
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cbx33can someone change the topic abotu the meeting at some point ?05:34
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vijayhi all, today i installed edubuntu on my system, but i changed my monitor afterwards, and my display is coming larger than my screen, can anybody help me05:37
ogravijay, switch to console (ctrl-alt-f1), log in and run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:38
ograit will use the current values, so just hit enter until you reach the resolution question05:38
vijayogra: i did that also05:38
vijayok, i selected 1024X76805:39
ogracbx33, feel free to do it :)05:39
vijaybut still iam getting like that only05:39
vijayand my screen is flickering unnsessarily05:39
jsgotangcowhat display is this?05:40
vijaymine is intel 82845G brookedale chipset05:41
ograi think you need a special tool for that card05:42
vijaywhat tool?05:42
ograto make it use higher resolutions05:42
vijayi want to run it on 1024X768 only05:42
ograsomething like i915resolution05:43
ograsorry, cant look it up here, that doesnt exist on powerpc05:44
=== alfredn [n=alfred@c-71-192-4-29.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
alfrednHello, I was wondering about sound again.  Has anyone set up the recording or microphone on a ltsp client05:52
ograalfredn, as i said before, that wont work unless you run skype locally on the thin client which requires a lot of fiddling05:53
alfrednHello ogra05:53
alfrednI got it running on a local client thanks to a good site http://pachikov.com/ablog/posts/2006/03/07/terminal-server-for-home-media-pcs/05:53
alfrednBut it can not login now?  So I thought it may be a nat thing05:53
ogradont follow the thin client howto05:54
ograits a pretty crappy document (the original had only 4 or 5 lines)05:55
jsgotangcoi just got to taste the weirdest cup noodle ever from taiwan05:55
ograpeople thought they'd need rubbish like NAT on thin client networks etc05:55
ograso it grew several heads :)05:55
alfredni thought that was strange for the nat it is also here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowtoNAT05:56
ograforget about NAT, you wont need it05:57
alfrednHow about yellow page or nis05:57
ograsure, you can do that, but i think nowadays ldap solutions are rather common05:57
alfrednso if I was going to go with the most recent way then I would use ldap?  Is there a way to centralize this info so people know what is going on now?05:58
ograyes, ldap provides a centralized database ...05:59
ograthere is plenty of docs on the ltsp.org wiki05:59
alfrednYes I know just they seem more towards the other ways ie fedora or non ubuntu how about this link http://www.ltsp.org/documentation/ltsp-4.1/ltsp-4.1-en.html#AEN168306:02
alfrednWell I'm gonna go read about ldap since that seems the best way to run skype local and make it work?06:06
cbx33ogra, done06:11
cbx33ogra, did you see my progress iwth AD and ltsp?06:11
cbx33hopefully can start wiki cleanup today06:11
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cbx33hi LaserJock 06:50
LaserJockhi cbx33 06:53
=== highvoltage [n=Jono@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
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Petaris_labogra: I still ran into the console login issue06:58
ogracould you do: grep usplash /etc/init.d/ltsp-client  ?06:59
Petaris_labalso ran into the login issue as well06:59
Petaris_labon the server?06:59
ograin the chroot06:59
Petaris_lab # if usplash is runing, make sure to stop it now07:01
Petaris_lab                if pidof usplash > /dev/null; then07:01
Petaris_lab                        /etc/init.d/usplash stop07:01
Petaris_labthats what comes up07:01
ograthen i wonder why you still see that issue07:02
Petaris_labnot sure07:02
Petaris_labat any rate its minor compared to the login issue07:02
ogradid you tweak anything in the chroot ? anything thats not default ?07:02
highvoltagehi guys07:02
Petaris_labjsut the stuff in lts.conf07:02
ograwhats in there ? 07:03
Petaris_labHi highboltage07:03
Petaris_laber, highvoltage07:03
highvoltagehighboltage? :)07:03
Petaris_labI hate this keyboard07:03
highvoltagehey Petaris_lab 07:03
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Petaris_labthe strange thing is that /var/log/auth.log shows the login is accepted07:04
Petaris_labbut in actuallity it just sends you back to the login page07:04
ograwhat does ~/.xsession_errors of the user show ?07:04
Petaris_lab Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:07:06
Petaris_labXsession: X session started for petaris at Thu May 11 11:54:07 CDT 200607:06
ogra+there is your issue07:06
Petaris_lab(process:6217): GLib-WARNING **: goption.c:1687: ignoring invalid short option '\xae' (-82)07:06
ograpretty sure an xfce thing07:07
Petaris_labthen why does it eventually let me in?07:07
ograno idea07:07
ograbut something tries to access DISPLAY before its set07:08
ogralooks like a race condition07:08
Petaris_labYou said crimsun is one of the xfce guys?07:08
Petaris_lab*for ubuntu07:08
ograor janimo in #ubuntu-devel07:08
Petaris_labI'll try poking them07:09
ograhave a look how that session stuff in xfce is different from KDE or gnome 07:09
ograhow did you set up your xfce on that machine ? 07:10
Petaris_labI followed your directions07:10
ograinstalling xubuntu-desktop ?07:10
Petaris_labthen did that other thing to make it default07:11
ograand update-alternatives x-session-manager07:11
Petaris_labthat was it07:11
ograthen my side is ok :)07:11
ogramust be the session script07:11
ograprobably just adding a sleep 1 at the top anywhere will already work around the issue for you07:12
highvoltageogra: what's happening in edubuntuland? i feel a bit out of touch.07:28
cbx33nice one ogra :D07:28
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cbx33highvoltage, I'll be starting wiki cleanup either later tonight or tomorrow07:28
highvoltagecbx33: great :)07:28
cbx33got big plans07:28
cbx33and wanted to ask07:28
ograhighvoltage, not much, i'm trying to jump into my car since 2h :)07:28
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cbx33can we possibly have wiki.edubuntu.org pointing to our wiki homepage?07:28
cbx33bbl guys07:29
highvoltageogra: heh! is it the evils of IRC that's keeping you bound?07:29
highvoltagecbx33: i talked to znarl about it before, but i don't think i ever logged a ticket for that, i'll do that now then07:30
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cbx33highvoltage, excellent08:01
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juliux!seen ogra 08:40
ubotuogra is currently on #edubuntu (17h 58m 10s) #ubuntu (17h 58m 10s)08:40
edubuntugirli miss ogra09:05
LaserJockedubuntugirl: you're not the only one09:05
edubuntugirlLaserJock: sorry...09:05
juliuxedubuntugirl, ogra is at the freeway09:08
ogranot yet...09:08
edubuntugirljuliux: I already know stuff about what ogra is09:08
ograbut now09:09
juliuxedubuntugirl, ok09:09
highvoltageogra: are you going with the porche? :)09:10
juliuxhighvoltage, yes i is driving his porche09:10
=== jryer [n=jryer@] has joined #edubuntu
jryerI just installed edubuntu and cannot connect to the internet. I am using this same machine so I know the infrastructure is there and all is connected. I am using ubuntu now. What is different in edubuntu that I need to change?09:12
LaserJockhmm, I wouldn't think there would be any difference? what kind of edubuntu install are you doing?09:13
highvoltageheh :)09:13
edubuntugirlwhat is he doing there?09:14
edubuntugirljuliux: huh?09:14
jryeredubuntu 6.06. It works for my coworker but not for me.09:16
highvoltageignore edubuntugirl, she is terribly lagged09:16
jryerType of install is workstation09:17
LaserJockjryer: hmm, yeah. that should be a tweaked Ubuntu install. highvoltage, you know of anything?09:17
highvoltagehmmm.. not that i can think of09:19
highvoltagejryer: where does it fail?09:19
highvoltagecan you resolve names?09:19
highvoltageor can you ping IP addresses on your local network?09:19
highvoltagewhat does ifconfig give you?09:19
highvoltageand are you using dhcp, or static settings?09:19
jryerThe install works but I cannot connect to the internet -- using DHCP. 09:22
jryerThat is, firefox cannot resolve IPs and pings fail09:23
highvoltagejryer: if you type ifconfig from a terminal, can you see if you have a valid IP address?09:23
jryerI will try ifconfig. I did try pinging the gateway, dns and dhcp and all failed.09:26
jryerGoing to reboot now to edubuntu. Thanks for the help.09:29
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highvoltagejryer: hold on09:30
highvoltagejryer: sorry, didn't realise you were typing on the same machine09:30
highvoltagejryer: if it doesn't have a valid address, try 'sudo dhclient' and look what it says09:31
elliot_Has anyone had luck booting an indigo imac with the live cd?  09:32
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LaserJockelliot_: what is an indigo imac?09:35
LaserJockI have an intel iMac but I'm guessing that's not it09:36
elliot_2nd or 3rd generation09:37
highvoltageelliot_: as in, one of those orange all in one apple pc's? :)09:37
elliot_We have some indigo, some orange, some grape.09:37
elliot_I've read all over that you need a special XF86Config file, but I can't find what should be in that file to save my life.09:37
elliot_Basically the thing boots, runs through the whole graphical boot process, and then when you should get a login it gives a black screen.  You can hear it logging in though.09:39
LaserJockelliot_: you'll need a xorg.conf file not a XF86Config, that is for the older XFree86 server09:39
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highvoltageis it just the indigo coloured ones that need extra config? that's strange :)09:39
elliot_the orange don't seem to work either.09:40
elliot_I haven't gotten to the grape yet, but I think they are newer.09:40
LaserJockhighvoltage: to bad they didn't have an Ubuntu brown one09:40
elliot_right, the ubuntu disk package for ppc matches the orange ones though, so I thought for sure it would work.09:40
LaserJockelliot_: how about http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103247 ?09:43
highvoltageelliot_: sorry, i'm incredibly boring, all my hardware is 32bit x86 :(09:43
LaserJockhighvoltage: me too, mine just usually works. Except mine intel mac which doesn't even have a chance yet so I haven't tried09:44
elliot_LaserJock, thanks, that is similar to what I've been doing, but slightly different, I'll give it a try.09:45
elliot_no intel mac support yet?09:45
LaserJockelliot_: all we need is drivers I think. Ubuntu has EFI support I think09:45
elliot_We've got this aging mac lab, no money to replace it, but a fairly fast server, so edubuntu LTSP for us!09:45
elliot_ah, shouldn't be too hard to get drivers then.09:46
LaserJockelliot_: well, ATI will have to put out a linux driver for the graphics. I think that won't be easy09:46
highvoltageelliot_: please keep us posted when you get your lab up09:46
elliot_Thanks. I'm going over to try it now, back later.09:46
LaserJockgood luck09:47
=== jinty_ [n=jinty@212.Red-83-54-75.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockoh man, this thing is taking forever to install Flight 7 :(09:49
LaserJockI need my pbuilder09:49
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LaserJockhow much RAM does a thin client need?10:30
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jryerHow do I install programs on ubuntu? I want to install liferea, a feed reader and have downloaded the package. Now what?10:53
LaserJockjryer: sudo dpkg -i <path to package>.deb10:57
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cbx33evenin all11:02
cbx33LaserJock, who would we talk to about upgrading moinmoin?11:05
cbx33ping highvoltage 11:09
jryerThanks...peace out11:16
LaserJockcbx33: for the (ed)ubuntu wiki?11:18
LaserJockcbx33: probably Henrik Omma, but it has been shot down before, I think11:19
LaserJockcbx33: why do you need an upgraded moin for?11:19
cbx33just thinking that some features would be useful11:21
LaserJockthe doc team has discussed that too, as well as possibly using mediawiki11:22
cbx33moin is better imo11:23
LaserJockwell, you can debate that with Burgwork ;-)11:23
Burgworkcbx33, moin is nice, just not for docs and other presentation documents11:25
cbx33i used mediawiki for a long time11:25
cbx33only started using moin when i started working edubuntu11:26
cbx33it's much nicer and faster11:26
Burgworkcbx33, moin has issues with lots of people who are not already integrated as a community11:26
cbx33i see what uyou mean11:30
Burgworkwhich is why it works so well for developers and not so much for other communities11:32

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