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persiaWhat would be the best place to request a change to the documentation visible from http://doc.ubuntu.com/?01:34
mdkepersia: here, the mailing list, or the bugtracker01:35
persiamdke: The specific request is to add simple-patchsys.mk to the example CDBS rules file in http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/basic-cdbs.html.  I'd be happy to use the bugtracker, but I'm not sure which - it is Malone?01:37
LaserJockpersia: I can field that one ;-)01:38
persiaLaserJock, mdke: Thank you.01:38
LaserJockpersia: but I don't see why simple-patchsys.mk is needed01:39
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persiaLaserJock: Because some of the senior MOTUs recommend against adding a new patch system to a package, as the Debian maintainers have complained, but without a patch system, the changes are not restricted to the debian/ directory.  For new packages, it seems best practice to encourage the definition of the preferred patch system prior to any patches being applied, so as to prevent later direct patches.01:40
persia(note that senior in this case just means having been around a longer time)01:41
LaserJockpersia: but that example there are no patches01:42
LaserJock*in that01:42
LaserJockpersia: however, for Edgy we will be doing a much better treatment of patch systems and then your point will be perfectly valid01:43
persiapersia: simple-patchsys doesn't crash when there are no patches, and no patches directory: it just doesn't do anything.  Without this, cdbs-edit-patch won't work properly unless one manually adds one of the patch systems to the rules file.01:43
LaserJockpersia: ok, can you send me (mantha@ubuntu.com) an email about it. I gotta get home now.01:44
persiaLaserJock: Could we please change for Breezy?  I've about 10 packages in the repository with changes in diff.gz that don't use a patch system to avoid irritating maintainers, and it is difficult to merge new debian versions when this is done.01:44
persiaLaserJock: No problems.  Thanks again.01:45
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mdkerevision 3000 eh01:59
mdkenot bad01:59
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Documentation Team - general discussion - backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | Website http://doc.ubuntu.com | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda |
=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by Madpilot at Thu Apr 20 04:11:03 2006
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Burgundaviamdke: you around?09:48
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ompaulmdke, got a moment10:43
mdkeompaul: alright10:44
ompaulI was thinking about Matt Z's mail, I think the wiki upgrade pages could all be pulled into one a standard format, where you have an explaination like Matt's at the top and then it should not have to change except to include version numbers10:46
ompaulright now the wiki looks like a mess https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=upgrade&titlesearch=Titles so it would condense all of that into one page of goodness (but I don't know if kubuntu / xubuntu) can have the same menu entry at the end for users rather than testers10:48
mdkegive me a few minutes to try and understand what you just said10:49
mdkeok, lots of those pages you linked aren't documentation10:49
ompaulI am bouncing the idea for an evaluation of "is it reasonable" Clapham omnibus etc10:50
mdkedude, you have a really odd way of expressing yourself :) anyway, the idea is to make a page about how to upgrade to the next version of Ubuntu?10:51
ompaulI concur about the expressing ones self. yes it is, I think that all existing pages can be condensed into one page 10:52
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mdkeompaul: it's tricky because the graphical method only applies to dapper and subsequent11:03
mdkeompaul: perhaps something like this: Upgrading (introduction), Upgrading/Warty, Upgrading/Hoary etc11:04
ompaulthat works, I'll do something with it,  when I am happy, I'll hand it off for review. 11:05
mdkeor just leave things as they are now with one page to draw everything together11:05
mdkeompaul: btw, are you interested in the idea of changing the bot to point at documentation, rather than give answers?11:06
mdkeompaul: is there a web interface that one can use to change the bot?11:07
ompaulits got to be done through the !11:07
mdkeompaul: so how are we going to go about it?11:07
mdkeare there people who take care of the bot particularly?11:08
ompaulits open to anyone11:08
ompaulhang on a sec11:08
mdkesure, but are there people who do lots of work in that area?11:09
ompaulI imagine there are about 10 regulars11:09
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ompaulhttp://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ can be used to dump the info 11:10
ompaulsorry stick pop.php after that 11:10
mdkeso we'd need to get them familiar with where the more reliable docs are on various areas11:10
ompaulmdke, yeap that would be the idea11:10
ompaulif you have a land line handy want me to ring you, I don't speak quite as bad as I type :)11:10
mdkeah good, looks like there are plenty of links already11:11
mdkeompaul: i don't have one at work11:11
mdkethe links are good, but they point at the wiki rather than our docs11:11
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ompaulthis is because the wiki is easier to search, now do you see why I wanted search :-) [note to self explain in as much detail as you can what it is you are trying to achieve] 11:12
mdkeright, but now the docs are really well structured so you can find the info easily: "ati" would be http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#graphics-cards "repos" would be http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/extra-repositories.html11:13
mdkecodecs/mp3 etc http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html11:14
mdkejava etc for browsers http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/internet.html#web-browsing11:14
ompaulcare to have a chat this evening on this?11:14
mdkeompaul: yeah, this evening is fine, I think11:15
ompaulI would like to give you a heads up on who is who 11:15
mdkesounds fine. I won't have much time to work on this, I've got loads on my todo list for Ubuntu right now11:16
ompaulno problem, I can carry it, if I have instruction11:16
mdkebut I'm encouraged that there are lots of links there already11:16
mdkeso it's just a question of gradually getting in links to our docs11:16
ompaulyeap that makes sense11:16
ompaulokay I'll let you go until later, drop me a note with your telephone, or if you have skype (shudder etc) 11:17
ompaulsay about 8pm?11:17
mdkeompaul: fine, I'll mail you11:18
mdkeompaul: you're in ireland right?11:19
ompaulI am 11:19
mdkewhat tz is that?11:19
mdkeexcuse my ignorance11:19
mdkeoh, good11:19
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jjessehello jsgotangco03:36
jsgotangcojjesse: hi!03:36
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LaserJockmdke: ping?06:25
WaterSevenUbhhmm... in the desktop guide, C/add-applications.xml:219(para),  Ubuntu will inform you with a pop-up and a red icon in your notification area... In one of the daily builds I've tested days ago the icon was orange...06:39
WaterSevenUbis red correct?06:40
LaserJockhmm, I thought it was red, but I can't tell the difference much between orange and red on such a small icon06:40
WaterSevenUbit was red in breezy....06:42
WaterSevenUbbut I think in dapper is orange now...06:42
WaterSevenUbat least was, a few days ago:) yeah, it is very small.06:42
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jjessewas it changed?06:43
jjesseWaterSevenUb: file a bug report :)06:43
WaterSevenUbI will, later on. I need to double-check.06:44
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mdkeWaterSevenUb: we have a bug report on it already07:15
WaterSevenUbmdke, ok, thx.07:15
LaserJockmdke: busy? I wanted to ask you about the change persia wanted in the PG yesterday07:16
LaserJockmdke: if I change a line in a <screen> section will that mess up the translators, it isn't translated and it isn't in a <para> I don't think07:17
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mdkeLaserJock: yeah, that will need translating again08:27
mdkei *think*08:28
mdkewhat's the string inside the <screen>?08:28
LaserJockits just the contents of a file, it shouldn't be translated08:28
mdkeright, but even if it stays the same, it might show up as translatable08:28
LaserJockI'm not terribly keen on adding it08:28
mdkewhat's the exact string currently, i'll search08:29
LaserJockit currently looks like:08:30
LaserJock<screen>#!/usr/bin/make -f08:30
LaserJockinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk08:30
LaserJockinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk</screen>08:30
LaserJockin basic.xml08:30
LaserJockand I persia wanted me to add one more include line08:30
mdkeyeah, it's in the translation template08:31
LaserJockok, well then maybe I'll put it in trunk and leave dapper alone.08:32
mdkesabdfl is going to insist on putting the book in System/Help08:39
LaserJockmdke: could we make it "Ubuntu Book Excerpts" and not in System Documentation ?08:42
mdkeyes, that's the idea08:46
mdkei still think it sucks though08:46
LaserJockdid you read the part in my email about that08:47
LaserJockI think it is a bit odd they argue that their won't be competition because they are different media and targets (books vs. online docs)08:49
LaserJockbut maybe I misunderstood08:49
mdkeyeah, it's all balls.08:50
mdkeI'm starting to suspect there is a commercial reason behind it, maybe it's part of the contract or something08:50
LaserJockthat could be08:50
jjessei was just as shocked as you all are that it is going to be included08:51
mdkeompaul: i won't have time to hook up this evening, we'll have to do it another time.08:52
mdkejjesse: mark said that the discussions about inclusion included the authors08:54
Burgworkmdke, I knew it was going to be included, but I thought the time frame was edgy08:55
Burgworkthere was some talk of possibly having it for dapper, but that was only talk, afaik08:55
mdkeBurgwork: btw, you pinged me earlier?08:56
LaserJockmaybe we should have Mark fill out a UI Freeze exception report ;-)08:57
mdkeBurgwork: while you're here, what do you think about having book sections in System/Help?08:57
Burgworkmdke, I have someone who speaks italian and whose english is a little broken. They also said they couldn't get a hold of the ubuntu-it people. Can I forward you the email?08:57
mdkeBurgwork: course08:57
Burgworkmdke, I have forwarded two to you08:58
mdkeBurgwork: your take on System/Help/Book09:00
Burgworkhmm, thinking09:00
Burgworksorry, work is busy09:01
LaserJockwell, there are always decisions made by leaders that we would like to change. You can't please everyone I suppose.09:11
LaserJockbut this and that darn Edubuntu background are really the only things bugging me so far about Dapper09:11
mdkeas always at this time in the release cycle, I start getting frustrated that Mark gets a million ideas and wants to implement them all at the last minute09:14
LaserJockmdke: maybe we need to give him a fake release date, say 2 months before we really release, so then he can have his fun and we can have time to implement, ignore, etc. :-)09:15
mdkeyeah, but he decides the release dates too :-(09:15
mdkewe need a sabdfl freeze09:15
LaserJockLOL, yes!09:15
mdkei remember jdub proposing that for breezy...09:16
highvoltagean sabdfl freeze?09:16
mdkei gtg09:16
highvoltagebye mdke 09:17
LaserJockcya mdke 09:18
Burgworkmdke, I like the idea of having the book available, but oppose it for dapper09:20
LaserJockhmm, I'm starting to dislike the whole LTS think a bit. It seems like there is a lot of "We gotta get this in because this our big release" but some stuff just isn't timed right09:22
highvoltage'some stuff' will never be timed right :(09:23
LaserJockand lots of stuff is on the way, it just won't be done in time for dapper09:23
LaserJockbut most of this is in hind sight, it is very hard to predict where the distro will be 6 months down the road09:25
ompaulmdke, no worries09:30
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Burgworkholy crap! Canonical is going to be hiring about 24 new people int he new few months10:55
LaserJockfor what?10:56
Burgworkanything and everyting10:59
Burgworksee marks blog10:59
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mdkeBurgwork: btw our new wiki is up. I've started writing down some things we could do before it goes live, feel free to add: https://new-help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiToDo11:23
mdkesame goes for everyone else too11:23
Burgworkmdke, very cool11:25
Burgworkmdke, you should apply to canonical to lead the doc team full tie11:26
LaserJockespecially since you are always here anyway. Might as well get paid for it ;-)11:26
=== Burgwork is thinking of applying to canonical, in a mixed marketing/sales role
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mdkeBurgwork: I would quite like a job with canonical, maybe in local community or documentation, but I'm certainly tied up until september11:27
mdkei wonder if they need a lawyer11:28
Burgworkmdke, I am certain they could wait for a few months11:28
mdkeheh, if they need someone to do that in the first place11:28
Burgworkmdke, you can sell yourself11:29
mdkeactually, the locoteams need a bit of loving11:29
mdkeit's all a bit disorganised11:29
BurgworkI don't think there is a single person on the doc team that wouldn't support you11:29
mdkeawww, shucks11:29
Burgworkyes,  a full time loco team contact would be nice11:29
Burgworkyou have a good mix of social and technical skills, plus dedication11:29
mdkebtw, what has happened to ubuntu-ca?11:29
Burgworkah, the current owner is MIA11:30
Burgworkwe have not lost the domina, merely the DNS is screwy11:30
mdkeubuntu-ca.org is going there too11:30
Burgworkya, I know11:30
Burgworklong story11:30
LaserJockmdke: btw, what is going to happen to Edubuntu pages when the wiki moves? This EC job has got me all Edubuntuized ;-)11:31
mdkeLaserJock: what do you want to happen?11:32
mdkeI'd say, the documentation can come to help.u.c, and anything community should stay11:32
mdkebut obviously, these things are a matter for the edubuntu people11:33
LaserJockhmm, that might become interesting11:35
LaserJockwe'll have to talk it over. it might make a dandy agenda item or the next meeting :-)11:36
LaserJockright, now wiki.edubuntu.org gives the edubuntu theme to the pages. Would that still be in place on the new wiki?11:36
BurgworkLaserJock, are you guys not moving everything to moin anyway?11:37
LaserJockBurgwork: hmm? There is presently a decent amount of documentation on the present wiki11:38
Burgworksorry, not moin11:38
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mdkeLaserJock: we haven't planned any theming for the new wiki at the moment11:41
Burgworkto drupal, or whatever the new thing is11:41
LaserJockBurgwork: haven't heard of that but it could be11:45
mdkeit's a CMS11:46
BurgworkLaserJock, the thing highvoltage is working on11:47
mdkeompaul: still around?11:47
LaserJockhmm, well in the mean time we might have to figure out which, if any, of the pages should go to the new wiki11:52
mdkeLaserJock: the current system is that any page with CategoryDocumentation in it is going to get moved11:54
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