
echobinaryapt-get reinstall?12:00
=== echobinary just guessing
fusionwhat's the full command to reinstall openoffice?  I'm quite the newb =\12:00
gravesongnomefreak: ok i have copied your complete file and now am using your file as my source file .please see output apt-get update12:00
ubotuparadizelost: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:00
eggzeckfusion: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org212:01
fusionthanks a lot.12:01
fusioni'll see if that works12:01
paradizelostfusion: or you could use synaptic or aptitude12:01
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gravesongnomefreak : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1376712:01
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eggzeckfusion: small tip: apt-cache search | egrep openoffice.*12:02
echobinaryalright all - im out for now, ill be back later. have fun!12:02
fusioneggzeck: what's that do?12:02
gnomefreakgraveson: that is ok for now run what you need to hang out a bit i will check on it as soon as im done with this12:03
syshi all.12:03
gravesongnomefreak: ok thanks12:03
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eggzeckfusion: oops, that's: apt-cache search openoffice | egrep openoffice.*12:04
sysI gave a ubuntu cd to a friend of mine, and he installed it at his PC12:04
eggzeckfusion: it will search for any packages that contain "openoffice" in it12:04
paradizelostsys: K....12:04
syshe asked me to install some extra software to him, like some compilers and stuff12:04
fusionoh, ok12:04
ubotujosh__: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:04
crocdhas anybody here installed ubuntu-amd64 iso yet?12:04
paradizelostsys: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:04
ubotujosh__: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:04
eggzeckfusion: it's also using egrep to filter it and tell it to only show those packages that contain the text "openoffice"12:04
OneTruthwhat is the username to execute cgi on ubuntu?12:05
OneTruthand the group?12:05
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sysbut he doesn't have internet access in his home, so I thought I could create a customized CD containing just the packages I want (and their dependencies)12:05
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sysis there a practical way to do this? download only some packages and their deps?12:06
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paradizelostsys: have fun12:06
paradizelostsys: burn your /var/cache/apt/12:06
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joonai cant get my wifi to work12:06
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joonadlink g63012:06
joonaanybody got that card?12:06
sysparadizelost, i don't have ubuntu installed here yet, i'm still on debian12:06
fusioneggzeck: i did sudo apt-get install openoffice.org2 and it said everything was up to date, but it still won't work12:06
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paradizelostsys: then really have fun...12:06
eggzeckfusion: killall gnome-panel12:07
sysparadizelost, I was afraid to hear that12:07
eggzeckand check in Applications->Office12:07
syswell, thanks anyway12:07
ubotuIsyth: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:07
fusionstill nothing =\12:07
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eggzeckfusion: try running it from command line with the command: openoffice12:08
fusionbtw...whats aptitude?  i know what synaptic.12:08
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gnomefreakgraveson: i will type your name than commands for you to run run the commands as typed please let me know when your ready12:08
gravesongnomefreak : i am ready12:09
gnomefreakgraveson: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 437D05B512:09
moviwhat packages does ubuntu need for mp3 playback ?12:09
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gnomefreakgraveson: copy and paste it12:09
IsythHey, if it says "-nonfree" behind a package, does that mean it needs to be payd for, or does it mean it's not part of the free open source project?12:09
gnomefreaklet me know when ready for next command12:09
joonaanybody good at getting wireless up in ubuntu?12:09
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ubotujosh__: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:09
moviIsyth, the second one12:09
joonai really frustrated right now12:09
gnomefreakgraveson: gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add -12:09
_jasonIsyth: the latter12:09
eggzeckfusion: run it in your term: aptitude12:09
gnomefreakdont use that one12:09
eggzeckfusion: did you try to use the command "openoffice"12:09
Isythexcellent, thank you.12:09
gravesongnomefreak : ok done12:10
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gnomefreakgraveson: give me one sec12:10
josh__what would i use to see .chm files?12:10
fusionall i get is command not found12:10
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Nihil_85hi guys! i don't want to start a flame, but i have a question: Intel or AMD? :D i have to buy a processor, possibly dual core12:11
gnomefreakgraveson: gpg --export --armor 437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add -12:11
paradizelost!tell movi about mp312:11
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gnomefreakgraveson: copy and paste that including the - at the end12:11
eggzeckfusion: errrr, then you don't have it installed, how can it say that?12:11
gnomefreakgraveson: it should say it imported 1 key or something along those lines12:11
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Isyththank you!12:12
fusioneggzeck:  i have no idea =\  it shows up in my application list so i figured it was installed.12:12
gravesongnomefreak: just - OK12:12
gnomefreakgraveson: run sudo apt-get update now and give me 2 mins i have to reboot12:12
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gnomefreaklet me know when i get back please12:12
fusioneggzeck:  during my install of ubuntu today it said it had some problems getting all packages installed, maybe those were it?12:12
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eggzeckfusion: perhaps, try this: sudo apt-get remove --purge openoffice.org212:13
eggzeckfusion: then reinstall it.12:13
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OneTruthhow do i install perl modules?12:16
OneTruthcan i do this with apt-get?12:16
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paradizelostOneTruth: the best way12:16
paradizelostperl -MCPAN -e shell12:16
paradizelostsay no12:16
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paradizelostthen install perl::module12:16
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screevoCan anyone give me any help on how to fix the ATI/Mesa problem?12:17
Drac|WinMy BIOS can't detect that this new CPU is higher than 333MHz. Will Linux be able to override the BIOS processor clock settings and run the CPU appropriately?12:17
_harmAnyone have some .mp4 files they can send me to test something"?12:17
paradizelostscreevo: you use Xgl?12:17
screevoI've tried all the HowTo's and FAQ's I can find on the forums.12:17
ShadowNovaLittle audio question for you guys. I need the background audio of a song (no lyrics). I removed them with the xmms voice removal plug-in, but now I need to record it. Anyone know how to record it off xmms?12:17
OneTruthparadizelost: cool, thanx so if i needed tthe CGI::Session module i would type install CGI::Session?12:17
screevoi'm trying to use frglx12:17
paradizelostscreevo: and it's using the mesa driver so no DRI12:18
fusioneggzeck:  it works!12:18
OneTruthparadizelost: awesome thanks12:18
eggzeckfusion: awesome, glad that helped. Good work :)12:18
paradizelostyou need to add fglrx to /etc/modules, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make sure the driver is fglrx12:18
fusioneggzeck:  thanks for the help, and for putting up with my newbness =D12:18
paradizelostthen reboot12:18
screevoi did those12:18
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fusionthanks everyone12:18
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eggzeckfusion: np12:18
screevowell, not the etc/modules one12:18
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paradizelostscreevo: the /etc/modules loads the driver on boot, before the mesa module can get loaded12:19
gnomefreakgraveson: did it fix it?12:19
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Captain_RedbeardHmm... I guess there are no prekompiled kernels supporting NTFS writing as of now for ubuntu?12:19
Captain_RedbeardMy system refuses me to compile one for myself and no matter what it can't boot and complains about not being able to mount /dev/hda3 as root file system... it can't find it for some reason12:19
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paradizelost!tell Captain_Redbeard about ntfs12:19
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domanigI am dealing with vnc4server and get this error: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file. libstdc++6 is installed.12:19
domanigany ideas?12:19
OneTruthalso i need RCS apt-get cant find it, is it actually called RCS?12:20
OneTruthGNU diff12:20
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serp!tell serp about ntfs12:20
gravesongnomefreak: yes i think so , i have run sudo apt-get update 3 times now ,and the error occured only once . i believe this is normal ?12:20
paradizelostOneTruth: i don't know12:20
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arrickNTFS SUCKS12:20
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FlannelOneTruth: what's RCS?12:20
screevook, i've added fglrx to /etc/modules. here's hoping... *sudo reboots*12:20
arrickthere told him/her about ntfs12:20
OneTruthinteresting, im installing a wiki that requires RCS 5.7 or higher including GNU diff12:20
OneTruthparadizelost: i dunno thats all it says...12:21
Captain_Redbeardparadizelost: well I know all that :p12:21
kbrooksOneTruth: um12:21
kbrooksOneTruth: apt-get install rcs12:21
Flanneloh, yeah.  OneTruth, it's in apt.  package name "rcs"12:21
gravesonscreevo: good luck ,i gave up trying already12:21
OneTruthi think it means Revision Control System12:21
gnomefreakgraveson: it could be12:21
gnomefreakgraveson: run it in about 30 mins12:21
kbrooksOneTruth: case MATTERS!!!!!12:21
OneTruthlol yea12:21
domanigI am dealing with vnc4server and get this error: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file. libstdc++6 is installed.12:21
paradizelostCaptain_Redbeard: you aren't trying to use / as ntfs are you?12:21
OneTruthlower case, but the site listed it in uppercase so thats what i searched for12:22
gravesongnomefreak: ok will do ,thanks for your help12:22
kbrooksOneTruth: "RCS" and "rcs" are not the same12:22
Captain_RedbeardMy main issue is that I can't write to it with the "official" kernel and that I can't boot my home-made kernel12:22
gnomefreakyw graveson12:22
paradizelostdomanig: did you apt-get install vnc4server?12:22
Captain_Redbeardparadizelost: haha no ;) ext312:22
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=== zeccoz asks about libc6
paradizelostCaptain_Redbeard: then you did your kernel wrong...12:22
OneTruthif i install a perl module do i need to restart anything?12:22
Captain_Redbeardparadizelost: that's what I thought too...12:22
paradizelostCaptain_Redbeard: did you do an initrd image?12:22
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ShadowNovaCan anyone tell me how to record something from xmms? I modified a song with the voice removal plug-in and want to record the new version of the song without lyrics12:22
domanigparadizelost, yeah.. And then i did vnc4server and got this.. Because it will require a password to access desktops12:23
paradizelostdomanig: try x11vnc or xvncserver instead12:23
Captain_Redbeardparadizelost: but I've been going over it for several days.... and it is basically exactly the same kernel but with added NTFS write support...12:23
paradizelostx11vnc does server-side scaling12:23
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Captain_RedbeardI did that just to try... but it stillr efuses...12:23
domanigparadizelost, commands not found12:23
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zeccozI'm trying to install ircii12:23
paradizelostdomanig: you'll need to install them12:23
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ruzgarhow can i install open office 2.0.212:24
[Utah] tristanbobis there a command-line program to send an email attachment that doesn't require an MTA?12:24
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zeccozAnd it says the package libc6 is not configured12:24
paradizelostCaptain_Redbeard: did you make the initrd image, put it in /boot, and do the proper entries in /boot/grub/menu.lst?12:24
ruzgari have downloaded the .deb packages from openoffice site12:24
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jenesuispasbavarUbuntu's lost my hostname again, it's missing from the /etc/hosts file, and this time, adding localhost.localdomain Tails doesn't work.   ?12:24
[Utah] tristanboblooking at Mutt and Mailx, they both want Postfix12:24
ruzgarbut i cant install it tehere a lot of packages12:24
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paradizelost[Utah] tristanbob: you cant send email w/o a mail transport agent, be it on your local system or an smtp server you can send through12:24
Captain_Redbeardparadizelost: Uhm... what would I need an initrd image for? :p shouldn't be needed?12:24
paradizelostruzgar: dpkg -i *.deb12:24
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domanigparadizelost, my problem is really i need to set a password for vncserver12:25
cfeddecan anyone tell me about usb serial adapters on ubuntu?12:25
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domanigx11vnc tells me you are running x11vnc without a password12:25
paradizelostCaptain_Redbeard: yah, it's needed12:25
ruzgarok thanks12:25
paradizelostdomanig: you have to specify the password file12:25
paradizelostdomanig: man x11vnc12:25
Captain_Redbeardparadizelost: Got some goot information about it? Like a link or so? I never had to use it on any other dists I've been running though :x12:26
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, paradizelost12:26
[Utah] tristanbobparadizelost: How come evolution works, without postfix12:26
OneTruthdo i have to restart anything if i install new perl modules?12:26
dabaRI have a new powerbook, and sometimes when I come back from suspend(sleep), my computer locks up, the keyboard does, anyhow, and the mouse, as I can see the time changing in gnome. I guess the computer does not awake the keyboard+touchpad. It also resets my hardware clock quite often, which screws up my gnome-session, it can not start. If I then ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com, it gets fixed, but I do not always have a network connection, so it is a 12:26
ablyssoneTruth, no12:26
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paradizelost[Utah] tristanbob: you are telling it where the smtp server is right?12:26
paradizelostOneTruth: shouldn't once you install it12:26
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, zeccoz12:27
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OneTruthparadizelost: i installed the CGI::Session module but my installation script says it still isnt there...12:27
paradizelostCaptain_Redbeard: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1475.html12:27
chop_if firefox is using some fonts, how can i check which ones in particular?12:27
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huraxwhy would you want to use ircii?12:28
paradizelostwell, time to head home.  cya all later12:28
Captain_Redbeardparadizelost: Thanks man, I will check it out12:28
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OneTruthparadizelost:  thanks for the help12:28
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dutchwhat's a good RSS reader for gnome ?12:29
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ubotudaryl: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:29
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ablyssopera does rss feeds, works well w/ gnome too12:29
revartji have to problem12:29
Drac|WinBeing ignored isn't fun. :|12:29
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dutchok, but not intereseting in installing another browser12:30
bretzelHi there, Where can I get the source-code of that /bin/login program ??? I want to make my hands on an idea ... :-)12:30
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Kyralis good12:30
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dutchkyral: thanks12:30
ablyssgnu.org i beleive bretzel12:30
revartji have intalled vls, but i don't have egg to run12:30
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Flannelbretzel: you can get it from the repositories.  get the source instead of the binary12:31
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tescoilJust about everything I've tried to compile from source returns a load of syntax errors -- I don't believe it.12:31
bretzelablyss: I went and found that downloading stuff from there seems very deep in sublinks because I had no luck to find any sources12:31
Drac|WinMy BIOS can't detect that this new CPU is higher than 333MHz. Will Linux be able to override the BIOS processor clock settings and run the CPU appropriately?12:31
jenesuispasbavarUbuntu's lost my hostname again, but this time adding localhost.localdomain <hostname> to /etc/hosts doesn't work.12:31
tescoil./configure goes fine, but as soon as you run make, it goes berserk.12:32
FlannelDrac|Win: erm, does your motherboard support the CPU?  Maybe you need to reflash the bios.12:32
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revartjthe problem is --> Error: Unable to load /usr/lib/vls/dvbinput.so12:32
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harisundFlannel, what's difference between ~/.irssi/config and ~/.irssirc ? Can they both hold the same contents?12:34
Fix_does anybody know the name of gettext dev package on dapper ? can't seem to find it12:34
Flannelharisund: Ive never used ~/.irssi/config just the rc file.  what do you put in the /config?12:35
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roo_when you hold a key down it should continue to 'press' until you let go.. e.g. kkkkkk.12:37
roo_However, when I hold a key down, no matter for how long, all I get is one letter.12:37
roo_This is recent behaviour :/12:37
Flannelroo_: I believe thats configurable, if its not in "keyboard" itll be in accessibility12:38
Seqhas anybody experienced an issue on dapper where nautilus is keeping an external device in use, thus causing it to refuse to be unmounted?12:38
FlannelSeq: #ubuntu+112:38
_harmdoes ubuntu come with a terminal run browser?12:38
_harmlike dillo?12:38
roo_Flannel, thanks i'll look into that dude.12:39
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Flannel_harm: "come with" pre-installed? no.  Its in the repositories though12:39
Seqthanks Flannel12:40
_harmah ok thx12:40
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OneTruthI need to move a directory from one ubuntu server to another, how do i do that?12:41
Captain_RedbeardOneTruth: cp? ;)12:41
Captain_RedbeardOneTruth: Are they connected in any way?12:41
OneTruthCaptain_Redbeard: yes through a network12:41
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Captain_RedbeardOneTruth: got samba? or FTP?12:41
bretzelhello... I need the source code for the /bin/login program.... I can't find it anywhere!...12:41
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OneTruthCaptain_Redbeard: one has ftp12:41
OneTruthi can use that, im dumb12:42
OneTruthCaptain_Redbeard: thanks ;)12:42
Captain_Redbeardbretzel: It's part of binutils I think...12:42
bretzelafk -- smoking time12:42
Captain_RedbeardOneTruth: No prob :)12:42
Fix_OneTruth: scp ?12:42
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bretzelbinutils... good I check it :-) ....12:42
jenesuispasbavarHow do I change my hostname in Breezy? None of my programs start.12:42
OneTruthFix_:  what is scp?12:42
Fix_cp over ssh12:42
Fix_on your server12:42
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Fix_scp -r dir username@server:./destination12:43
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Captain_RedbeardFix_: A bit overkill with SSH copying files on an internal network don't you think? :)12:43
OneTruthohh cool12:43
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Fix_don't know if it is internal12:43
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OneTruthmaybe but thats cool to know12:43
Captain_RedbeardFix_: True true But I assumed it...12:44
Fix_Captain_Redbeard: I know more machines running ssh daemon than ftp12:44
jenesuispasbavarI tried editing /etc/hosts in recovery mode but my programs still don't start.12:44
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paradizelosti'm downloading the  dapper disk at 2MBps12:44
Fix_Captain_Redbeard: do you by any chance know the dapper package for gettext dev ?12:44
Captain_RedbeardFix_: Ah, sorry not really :/12:45
Fix_thnx anyway12:45
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Captain_RedbeardTime to switch OS....12:45
Captain_Redbeardbe back in a few...12:45
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doug_bdoes anyone here own a video ipod and use ubuntu with it?12:46
roo_Flannel, that worked - thanks a lot man.12:47
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OneTruthwhat is the ftp command to put a directory?12:48
paradizelostmput IIRC12:48
ruzgarcan i play quicktime movies on linux?12:48
paradizelostputs more than 1 file,12:48
OneTruthmput ok12:49
Bilangeruzgar: not out-of-the-box, but its possible, yes12:49
paradizelostruzgar: try using easyubuntu12:49
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OneTruthsays not a plain file?12:49
paradizelost!tell ruzgar about easyubuntu12:49
ruzgarok thanks12:49
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OneTruthparadizelost: why does it say, "not a plain file" ?12:50
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paradizelostyou may be in ascii mode12:50
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paradizelosttype bin12:51
paradizelostthen mput12:51
OneTruthparadizelost:  says im in binary12:51
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OneTruthparadizelost: same thing12:51
paradizelostk.  then you'll need to mkdir the directory, then cd into it, and mput all the files12:51
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delmarAny recommendations for some kinda Antivirus for ubuntu? I notice evolution doesn't have anything, not that it matters too much since the mail server has lots of AV protection already... but i would still like some feedback on some AV software for my linux workstation.. anyone?12:52
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paradizelostdelmar: i recommend clamav12:53
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delmarparadizelost, cheers.12:53
delmaranyone else?12:53
Skwid_is there any howto on how to arrange the fonts in ubuntu ???12:53
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eggzeckSkwid_: what do you mean arrange?12:54
Skwid_i don't know12:54
Skwid_they look crappy12:54
Skwid_i found this12:54
Skwid_but it's quite old12:54
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eggzeckSkwid_: you can change fonts with System->Preferences->Font12:54
Skwid_was wondering if there was anything newer for dapper12:54
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darylI'm having a difficult time installing winetools.  could someone refer me to a good wiki/howto?12:55
ablyssSkwid, you can try adjust the settings on fonts by using gnomes font utility12:55
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asdxthere is some way for detecting a shared printer on a lan?12:56
asdxand add it12:56
darylasdx: yes12:56
asdxhm, how?12:57
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darylasdx: go to system > administration > printing12:57
darylasdx: double click add printer12:57
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daryladdx: select network printer, then select windows printer from the drop down menu12:58
chripherdoes somebody know why I can not boot with a HP370 chip12:58
asdxdaryl, and?12:58
grout58anyone had any luck getting the Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 900 to run under ubuntu12:58
darylasdx: then you'll be required to enter your network password logon if your at work.  if your at home, it should just show you the computers w/printers shared in the host drop down box12:58
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darylasdx: select the name of the printer in the host drop down box.  then select the printer from the pritner drop down box.  then hit forward.12:59
grout58all i can choose for resolution is 1024x76812:59
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ShadowNovaCan anyone here tell me how I can record the output of xmms? I modified a song with a few plug-ins and I'd like to record the new output.12:59
chriphercan somebody help me wih install error with HP370 disk controller01:00
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iNikuShadowNova: I think there's a disk writer output plugin01:00
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ablyssShadowNova, i forget the name but there is a plugin for saving the xmms output to a wav file01:00
claudioj /#ubuntu-br-tradutores01:01
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duckdownHey all.  I try to use a proxy or TOR before IRC, and I'm currently using XCHAT, but when I DCC chat an eggdrop or a person, my home IP keeps being displayed!  How can I prevent this?  I want to filter my DCCs also!01:01
anto9usgrout58, you may need to add monitor specs to your xorg.conf file see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:01
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eod_punkcan you restart ub01:02
chriphercan someody help me  wiht error in install01:02
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ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we cannot actually help you. :)01:03
eod_punkuntu can you restart ubuntu without actualy restartin the computer?01:03
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soundrayeod_punk: you can restart individual services as needed.01:03
chripherHigh Point 370 problems I think01:03
eod_punkahh ok soundray01:03
asdxdaryl, it dosn't work, it seems that don't detect automatically. i'll try manually01:03
soundrayeod_punk: look at /etc/init.d/*01:04
asdxdaryl, the printer is an hp 3550 and is plugged on windows xp.01:04
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WildZeckeod_punk,  for X just ctrl + alt + bacspace01:04
gnomefreakduckdown: i would ask that in either #xchat or #ubuntu-offtopic01:04
soundrayeod_punk: most of the files are scripts that you can call with 'sudo /etc/init.d/service restart'01:04
Bilangeeod_punk: if you just want to restart the graphical interface, theres ctrl+alt+backspace, too. Dont try it before saving anything, as it KILLS the processes started after X was started :)01:04
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chripherwhat about me01:05
Bilangeso thats a way of restarting without rebooting... in a way01:05
uboturumour has it, wpa is enable the universe repository, then "sudo apt-get update", and then "sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant".  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto for more details01:05
trainstrokerhow do i edit startup progs01:05
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soundray!tell chripher about ask01:05
soundraytrainstroker: what do you want to do?01:05
trainstrokeri have 5 copies of the same prog start whn i boot ubuntu01:06
ubotuchripher: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:06
soundraytrainstroker: what program is that?01:06
chripherI can not be more specific01:06
gnomefreakchripher: if you ask us we might be able to help or point you in right place for help01:06
chripherI can not reboot after install01:07
soundraychripher: post the error message to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:07
chripherno error my pc keep on rebooting01:07
soundraytrainstroker: it's probably a threaded program that shows up several times in the process list, although it really only runs once.01:08
chripherbut I think the proble i my diskcontroller it is an HP37001:08
soundraychripher: what makes you think that?01:08
domanigx11vnc automatically stops after 1 session has logged out, how can I prevent this? and how to set a password?01:08
trainstrokerno the programs fight over which prog should connect to my account01:08
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chripherbecause I can not see any disks in live either01:09
soundraychripher: is that a SCSI controller?01:09
chripherno it is a High Point 370 disk controller commmon few years ago01:10
iNikuan ATA RAID controller, I believe01:10
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chripherno Raid01:10
iNikuno? okay01:10
anto9uschripher, it's likely your /boot will need to be somewhere that your bios can see01:11
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anto9uschripher, then you may need a kernel module to see the controller correctly01:11
chripherehm u men what now01:11
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chripherhow do I get that01:11
soundraydomanig: run it with the -forever option. More details in man x11vnc01:12
vincenzhaving problems with wpa_supplicant01:12
vincenzI can't get a DHCPLEASE01:12
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chripherso I type forever in the boot seqence01:12
chripherhp370 was very common a few years ago01:13
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soundraychripher: when I write "domanig", I mean domanig, not you.01:13
chripherehm what...01:14
soundraychripher: there are more people here that I can talk to, it's not only you.01:14
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anto9uschripher, googling has revealed the existance of a driver but the link to the page on the highpoint-tech.com website is dead01:14
mzuverinkIf I do a fresh install of Ubuntu, meaning format all drives and such, can I use banshee to sync my ipod and get all my music back?  I do not want to format if it means losing 37 gigs of music01:14
trainstrokerhow do i edit startup aps01:15
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soundraytrainstroker: what do you want to do?01:15
UbuntuUserXanyone here that is able to help with a X display error?01:15
anto9uschripher, this one may work http://www.highpoint-tech.com/BIOS%20+%20Driver/HRM/Linux/CLI-Linux-2.1-1-0818.tgz01:15
trainstrokeri want to remove the gaim app from startup01:16
soundraychripher: you may have less trouble if you connect your drives differently, ie. not to the Highpoint card.01:17
_jasontrainstroker: system > preferences > sessions01:17
trainstrokernot thjere01:17
chriphersoundray: that is irrelvant01:17
UbuntuUserXWhenever trying to start Ubuntu linux, I get a "Fatal Server Error: Caught Signal 4" It then reverts to a DOS-like interface (I'm currently on WinXP, I just installed ubuntu on top of it)01:17
_jasontrainstroker: are you telling gnome to remember your session?01:17
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chripheranto9us: how do I get that driver in to the starting sequence01:18
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soundraychripher: you stumble into this forum, ask for help, you are offered some, and now you are telling me what's relevant? Fine. You're ignored.01:18
anto9uschripher, hopefully there's instructions in there, I suspect you'll need to use modprobe01:18
UbuntuUserXany help?01:18
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chripherI ment I do not have any other controller01:19
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iNikumodprobe isn't going to help if you can't even boot...01:19
gnomefreakcan you use the -y parameter with aptitude?01:19
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soundraychripher: be more careful how you express yourself.01:19
anto9uschripher, and remember to tell the partitioner to put the /boot on somewhere that the bios can see, if you have no drives on your motherboard's controller then use a floppy disk01:20
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soundraychripher, are you sure that there is no IDE controller on your motherboard?01:20
_jasongnomefreak: aptitude --help | grep -- -y       (yes)01:20
chriphermy bios can see my ATA-10001:20
vincenzanyone use planner?01:20
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soundraychripher: that should be fine for connecting at least one of your drives.01:20
chripherthey are on ATA-10001:21
anto9uschripher, you can put your /boot on there, a partition of 100mb will be plenty enough space for it01:21
soundraychripher: can you remove the Highpoint altogether?01:22
chripherI already have /boot on that drive attched to ATA-100=HP37001:22
gnomefreak_jason: i just checked the man page :(01:22
chripherchip on mb01:22
gnomefreakthought better of it after i thought about it01:22
_jasongnomefreak: it's there too :P01:22
mythicadont s'pose anyone here knows how to get ntfs drives to load on boot (using captive-ntfs)01:22
anto9uschripher, that's a 3rd/4th ide connector on your motherboard, yes?01:22
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gnomefreakif i use -y it may uninstall something i need during upgrading :(01:23
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_jasongnomefreak: yeah, I don't think it's a really good idea01:23
chripherno it is the one and only01:23
soundraymythica: you got captive working? Congratulations. Perhaps you can add the necessary commands to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh01:23
gnomefreaki dont advise anyone to use it even with apt-get but i feel its safer with apt-get than aptitude lol01:23
mythicasoundray, ye its working - not that hard is it ?01:23
UbuntuUserXWhenever trying to start Ubuntu linux, I get a "Fatal Server Error: Caught Signal 4" It then reverts to a DOS-like interface (I'm currently on WinXP, I just installed ubuntu on top of it)01:24
gnomefreaki use safer as loosly as possible01:24
soundraymythica: I haven't tried, because I have no need (yay!)01:24
mythicasoundray, thanks ill check the bootmisc.sh file01:24
gnomefreakUbuntuUserX: your on winxp right this sec?01:24
_jasongnomefreak: heh yeah, there was someone here the otherday where aptitude was asking to remove like 1300 packages01:24
soundraymythica: conventional wisdom says it doesn't work with ubuntu.01:24
gnomefreak_jason: mine just did 103 lol01:24
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mythicaeh, what does conventional wisdom know01:25
gnomefreakUbuntuUserX: how are you on winxp if you installed ubuntu over winxp during install it reformats the drive01:25
ubotuwell, captive is a project to use windows NTFS drivers under linux. It does not work properly with Ubuntu.01:25
UbuntuUserXno no no - i meant i installed it with winxp01:25
UbuntuUserXsorry for the wording01:25
UbuntuUserXi partitioned and everything and installed ubuntu, so i now have both01:25
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chicken_Fire_jason: I got this effect with adept as well. Removing gcc-4.x wanted to remove 100 or 200 packages as well lol01:25
UbuntuUserXbut ubuntu keeps giving me some error with "X" every time it starts01:26
PMantisAnyone know how to tell what packages I'm using from a specific repository?01:26
UbuntuUserXat this moment i'm on winxp01:26
chicken_Fireand without asking confirmation :-l01:26
_jasongnomefreak, chicken_Fire: well in fairness to aptitude, the guy had installed some dapper debs for essential stuff on a breezy install :)01:26
gnomefreak_jason: thats never a good idea to start with lol01:26
chripheranto9us, modprobe ?01:26
vincenzAnyone use Planner?01:26
UbuntuUserXi've searched a bit on google with this, and found other people with this problem, but no solution found yet01:26
soundrayUbuntuUserX: you will probably find some diagnostic information in /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:27
UbuntuUserXyes it says something regarding01:27
anto9uschripher, that may help the livecd to see it, but I think you'll have problems booting01:27
gnomefreaki personally use sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade (but thats a personal script)01:27
soundrayUbuntuUserX: reboot to recovery mode or install a Windows ext2 driver to read the log.01:27
UbuntuUserXalthough I am brand new to ubuntu so i'm not sure how to access it01:27
UbuntuUserXrecovery mode? thansk01:27
soundrayUbuntuUserX: no trailing /01:27
gnomefreakok dinners done ill bbl01:28
UbuntuUserXso just try recovery mode?01:28
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soundrayUbuntuUserX: either that or a filesystem driver for Windows.01:28
paradizelosthey, on the amd64 livecd, i can't get the system to start all the way up,  i have an ATI AIW X800-XL and it drops me to a bash prompt01:28
paradizelostfor dapper01:28
chripheranto9us, but how do I do to install can I download drivers to diskette01:29
vincenzanyone know a good gantt app for linux?01:29
paradizelostno one in #ubuntu+1 is answering the ? atm01:29
UbuntuUserXhow exactly would i get a filesystem driver... (i'm not exactly a pro at this stuff)01:29
soundrayUbuntuUserX: in recovery mode, you could try tweaking X settings with 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'01:29
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anto9uschripher, were there any instructions in the gz file?01:29
UbuntuUserXhow exactly would i tweak it?01:30
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soundrayUbuntuUserX: for an ext2 driver for Windows, you'd have to search the web or ask the channel again.01:30
soundrayUbuntuUserX: what kind of graphics card?01:30
UbuntuUserXonboard laptop ATI01:30
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cachedhey hey01:31
soundrayUbuntuUserX: you could try installing ati drivers by following the wiki01:31
ubotufrom memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358901:31
paradizelosti'll brb, gotta go get food....01:31
UbuntuUserXfrom the ATI site?01:31
soundrayUbuntuUserX: no, look at ubotu's line01:31
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carlHow do I set up a WiFi connection on boot? i mean with a WEP key and the name of the AP?01:32
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soundraycarl, all those settings go in /etc/network/interfaces plus a line that says 'auto wlan0' (or whatever the interface name of your wifi card is)01:33
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chripheranto9us,  cannot open tha tgz01:33
carlsoundray: Ok? And what will that achieve?01:34
minimeccarl: all that stuff is configured in the /etc/network/interfaces file. Take a look on man ifup or man idown01:34
soundraycarl, what you asked for.01:34
kevinGreetings, I'm wondering if there's a way to lock down settings to programs/desktop etc. so that when the computer restarts they are back to their defaults?01:34
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carlAllready checked the man pages... it works... but I must be able to set the AP name and the WEP key in some file doesn't seem to be possible in the interfaces files01:35
soundraykevin: afaik, there is no standard way to do this yet in Ubuntu. But what you want is probably something akin to kiosk mode.01:35
minimeccarl: use the iwconfig commands for that. you can also configure them in the 'interface'-file01:36
anto9uschripher, I think it's tar -xvf <filename>01:36
soundraycarl, have you read man 5 interfaces and man 7 wireless ?01:36
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=== havoc_ [n=havoc@xdsl-87-78-156-223.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
chripheranto9us, yeah but now I can not stat firefox anymore either01:37
carlminimec: exactly, as of now I created a file of my own that runs the iwconfig commands I need... but what to add to 'interfaces'01:37
carlsoundray: yes01:37
havoc_is it normal, that i cannot properly burn the ubuntu 5.1 image ??01:37
soundrayanto9us: the dash is deprecated (but don' ask me why)01:37
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Flannelhavoc_: 5.10 (its a ten, not a one oh), and have you tried slowing your burner?01:37
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soundraycarl, and have you followed the instructions therein?01:37
=== ShadowNova [n=ShadowNo@pool-71-251-154-44.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotu[samba]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html01:37
minimeccarl: mom01:37
carl       Form : wireless-<function> <value>01:38
carl              wireless-essid Home01:38
carl              wireless-mode Ad-Hoc01:38
havoc_it just produces erronr on writing the end track01:38
carlThat's all it says....01:38
soundraycarl, don01:38
kevinsoundray, I have a lab for students of different grade levels, many of them as young as Grade 1 up to Grade 12, I want them to be able to play around with settings so they can learn about them, but then want the settings back to normal again on reboot, does Kiosk mode do this?01:38
ShadowNovaDoes anybody here know how to start dbmix in the terminal? I installed it with synaptic and it didn't make an icon.01:38
soundray't paste01:38
carland it doesn't tell me much01:38
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anto9ussoundray, my brain is no good for the command line, I'm the same with numbers, telephone, house, I often forget where I live01:38
=== jhenn [i=jhenn@gnook.org] has joined #ubuntu
minimeccarl: You can use all the iwconfig commands (as far as I know). I never had some problems with that.01:39
soundraykevin: well, I guess it would be a variation on kiosk mode. I was really just suggesting a term to search the web for.01:39
havoc_Flannel: but i did not try to slow it down.01:39
jhennHi.  I am trying 5.10 live cd and its freezing at "Starting Enterprise Volume Manager".  Any ideas?01:39
carlminimec: you mean just add them to the interfaces file?01:39
soundraykevin: like "gnome kiosk"01:39
minimeccarl: Yes. Exactly01:40
jvaiwhen my kid turns 1, ima give them a p3 pc, ana feather linux cd01:40
Flannelhavoc_: right, usually you need to slow down your burn for ISOs, to like 8x or something.  I forgt the exact numbers.01:40
Bilangejhenn: did you verified the CD for scratches or anything similar?01:40
carlsuch as: iwconfig ath0 key xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx01:40
kevinsoundray, ok thanks, I will check into it01:40
soundraykevin: you could probably have home directories for students set up in a RAM disk as well.01:40
jhennBilange: its a brand new cd just first touched by human hands01:40
havoc_Flannel: never encountered that .01:40
jhennBilange: should i md5 it or something?01:41
Flannelhavoc_: I think you just did ;)01:41
asdxI've installed Ubuntu 5.10 on ten computers today, on a firm, and they are happily using it, they used to use windows xp and they are not having problems using ubuntu, they check their mails, browse the net, write documents, and print stuff, I'm really impressed with ubuntu01:41
jhennasdx: don't use the wireless01:41
soundrayanto9us, just email me all your details, I'll send you a reminder by SMS from time to time ;)01:41
havoc_:) so i try slowing down.. even the simulation keeps erroring01:41
Bilangejhenn: I know dapper beta liveCD's has a "check cd for defects" option when booting up, but Im not sure if theres something like that on breezy ones...01:41
carlminimec: ?01:41
jhennBilange: well I guess I'll use another cdr and try dapper01:41
Bilangejhenn: well md5'ing them might not hurt too :)01:42
asdxjhenn, what wireless?01:42
kevinsoundray, I already have user accounts on a samba server that the students access from Windows, I would eventually like to have the students log in with ubuntu the same way to the server, but have yet to figure this out01:42
anto9ussoundray, as soon as I find my details, you've got a deal!01:42
minimeccarl: no... wireless-key yourkey01:42
jhennasdx: The wireless drivers are non-free software and you shouldn't use them.01:42
OneTruthwhere is the defaul proftpd ftp folder?01:42
minimeccarl: no... wireless-key yourkey [1]  Like that...01:42
Bilangeotherwise, i might google for any "boot options" that could disable entreprise volume manager", then01:42
jvaisome media is just bad for burning.. i have a bulk amount of cd-rw, but not all r good, sometymes i have to trash 1 aftr a bad burn, & just get anothr, the probs of bulk media buying01:42
=== sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayjvai: that's why md5sums are such a good idea01:43
asdxthey saved like 2000$ of licences01:43
=== DerekJ212 [n=derekj21@24-205-239-177.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jvaitrue dat soundray01:43
carlah ok?01:43
havoc_Flannel: cool. with 16x i do not encounter errors :)01:43
Bilangejvai: how about speeding down the burning process, does that help to prevent bad burns?01:43
OneTruthwhere ist he default ftp foder?01:43
jhennasdx: they should donate $2000 to their favorite project then01:43
minimeccarl: the [1]  could be important, because you have to tell the system with of the 4 keys you are using.01:44
soundrayOneTruth: look at the installed files list to find out (dpkg -L proftpd)01:44
jvaino!. i always burn @ 4x... i just had bad media, aftr like a 2nd tyme, the iso was good01:44
OneTruthsoundray: awesome thanks01:44
jenesuispasbavarjhenn: Try Ctrl+C when 'Starting Enterprise Volume Manager', but then Breezy might not recognise your hard drive. Then again, this is a Live CD after all.01:45
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carlminimec: ok... would this work as well then?         wireless-essid SpeedTouch13F46301:45
Bilangejvai: oh, thats sad for the bad media issue then... I hope its really cheap CD's then :)01:45
jhennjenesuispasbavar: good one. can't believe i did not think of this.01:45
carlminimec: and this. wireless-ap 00:10:C6:28:03:11  ?01:45
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minimeccarl: if you use a key in plain text you have to add a 's:' like wireless-key s:mykey [1] 01:45
asdxjhenn, aye01:45
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asdxjhenn, I will tell them :P01:46
Bilangejhenn: oh--, yeah, sometimes ctrl+c might work... I debugged some bootups like that already01:46
anto9usasdx, the only problem I've found with moving people over to linux is when they try to use their "databases", that is, spreadsheets, filter them and fill down a series of data, then several days later realise they've written over a number of records, watch out for that01:46
=== travis_ [n=travis@pool-71-114-141-162.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jenesuispasbavarjhenn: I've been doing it all the time for 'Waiting for network interface to come up', since the ethernet port here needs authentication. :)01:46
asdxanto9us, ok01:46
carlminimec: ok but the wireless-ap and wireless-essid will work as well?01:46
arrickhey does wine support adobe products?01:46
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minimeccarl: never tried... Have a look at man ifup or man ifdown or /usr/share/doc/ifup...01:47
_jasonarrick: i hear PS7 runs on wine01:47
anto9usasdx, data filters don't behave either in openoffice.org or gnumeric as they do in excel01:47
_antixI've used ps7 in wine01:47
arrickthanks jas01:47
asdxI see01:47
soundrayanto9us: do you happen to know what a good equivalent of Excel "pivot tables" is in the free software world? I've been asked that.01:47
_antixit works somewhat, like most things01:47
jvaixpdf is mad fast.. fuka abode01:47
Bilangearrick: not sure, but you might google for 'foxit' if you need something lightier than adobe PDF reader01:47
anto9ussoundray, data pilot in openoffice.org calc is the same thing I think01:48
carlminimec: doesn't really say :/01:48
DerekJ212is there a way to run Broadcom 4318 in Dapper without ndiswrapper?01:48
_antixarrick: E01:48
Bilangeand it works perfectly under wine, of course01:48
cafuegoDerekJ212: no01:48
soundrayanto9us: sounds good, thank you.01:48
_antixerg http://www.codeweavers/com/compatibility/browse/cat01:48
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-11-56.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
_antix^ shows things supposed in crossover office, which is wine01:48
carlminimec: I will give it a shot, thanks for your help man01:49
_antixsupported, not supposed. I'm not having any luck.01:49
minimeccarl: 'man ifup', 'man interfaces' and 'man iwconfig' is all you need. It's all there ;)01:49
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soundraycarl: and be bold and daring. If it still doesn't work, feel free to put your interfaces file up on the pastebin.01:50
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=== CanadianSnow [n=andrew@Ottawa-HSE-ppp267211.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumethinks pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126901:50
CanadianSnowu dont think u silly bot01:50
ubotuwell, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats01:50
=== wogi [n=emily@ibuki.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu
wogiMy fellow ubuntuians....01:52
jonoI need to run a CVS version of gstreamer - is it possible to run this alongside my existing gstreamer? I know this is really for #gstreamer, but its rather silent in there01:52
soundraywogi: a speech?01:52
_jasonsoundray: shh don't interrupt01:52
wogiOn my breezy I have install the mysql client and it gives me version 4.0.24.. Unfortunately, I think I need 4.1.12.  Is there a simple way to use apt to get this?01:52
wogiI mislead you.01:53
wogiReally its just another dumb question :(01:53
CanadianSnowcould someone please look at my paste in the pastebin and tell me how i can fix this, im pretty sure the sound card is not configured01:53
soundrayjono: I think you should be able to install with checkinstall. Then you can remove it and reinstall the repo version if necessary.01:53
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jonosoundray: my main problem is that so much stuff depends on it01:54
lkjghi, i'd like to be able to create email adresses that i can check by RSS (for example with gmail web clips). I don't want to give my email adress. I tried mailinator, dodgeit, pookmail, tempinbox, and their feed doesn't work with gmail web clips... Any suggestions?01:54
_jason!info mysql-server-4.101:54
ubotumysql-server-4.1: (mysql database server binaries), section universe/misc, is optional. Version: 4.1.12-1ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 16929 kB, Installed size: 37968 kB01:54
CanadianSnowbtw does anyone know anything about syncing a windows mobile device with ubuntu?01:54
_jasonwogi: do you understand what ubotu just said?01:55
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soundrayjono: yeah. I'm not suggesting to remove the repo package, just install the CVS version over it, and reinstall if necessary.01:55
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arrick-jason is there a free windows version of that on the apache site?01:55
wogijason: well, not really, no.01:55
CanadianSnow_jason *01:55
_jasonarrick: of what?01:55
paradizelostCanadianSnow: i haven't got it to work, i just used vmware server, installed XP, and attached the USB device01:55
_jasonwogi: the package mysql-server-4.1 is available in universe01:55
_jasonubotu: tell wogi about universe01:55
arrick_jason, ^^01:56
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CanadianSnowvmware server? cant get xp on here, slow old machine, connecting isn't problem01:56
_jasonarrick: no idea01:56
wogijason: I'll assume there's a client with that number to? or mayeb the server has it. :) Thanks! I shall investigate!01:56
anto9uswogi, http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/misc/mysql-client-4.1 is also available01:56
CanadianSnowcould someone please check out pastebin.... please01:56
CanadianSnowhere, i'll even give u the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1377001:56
_jasonwogi: ah yes, listen to anto9us since I didn't read the ``client'' part of your question01:57
harisundWhom should I contact in order to learn how to make edits on the Ubuntu wiki?01:57
wogiant: Sankyuu01:57
=== EinZteiN [n=einztein@a213-22-54-201.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelharisund: is it telling you that you cant?01:57
wogizomg its right there. :)01:57
wogiYou guys are the best.01:57
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arrickAndrew what is the link you want someone to look at?01:57
harisundFlannel, no it doesnt. I just want to make sure I am not doing anything silly that would bring me into the bad books of whoever is administering the wiki.01:57
soundrayCanadianSnow: re. Windows mobile, I've done it, but it's a pain, and I'm not doing it anymore. I'll get a Linux smartphone.01:57
_jasonharisund: to learn the syntax you mean?01:58
CanadianSnow:P kk01:58
harisund_jason: Well, learning that would indeed be helpful :)01:58
Flannelharisund: it's a wiki, thats the point.  Just comment on your changes, etc.01:58
CanadianSnowI think u can do it with wine.... maybe??01:58
harisundFlannel: Hmmmm.. ok .. let me try.01:58
_jasonharisund: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WikiGuide01:58
CanadianSnowwow, arrick, nick is CanadianSnow, i wasn't expecting "name" reference01:59
soundrayCanadianSnow: I've got amd64, so I won't even start with wine.01:59
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arrickoh sorry01:59
harisundAh ok thanks +jason let me have a look01:59
MacSlowany head-honchos of the package-maintaining guild for Ubuntu here?01:59
CanadianSnowbut ya, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1377001:59
CanadianSnowi was wondering how to fix that01:59
uboturumour has it, motu is the Masters of the Universe ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU )01:59
=== khaladan [n=khaladan@GroupMackenzie.s11-1-0-16-0.ar3.SEA1.gblx.net] has joined #ubuntu
khaladanwhere can i look (in /proc somwhere?) for how many memory slots I have?01:59
soundrayCanadianSnow: I don't know -- install a sound card?02:00
anto9ussoundray, hmm.. that factoid says nothing about what MOTU's are02:00
=== IRCD=dancer CAPAB CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=bdeIq,k,lfJD,cgijLmnPQrRstz CHANLIMIT=#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bdeI:50 MODES=4 STATUSMSG=@ KNOCK NICKLEN=16 :are supported by this server
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else04:09
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>04:09
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | Dapper information and help in #ubuntu+1 | IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FaqOnIrc | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by apokryphos at Mon Apr 24 22:24:38 2006
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)04:09
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@s64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) nekron: Always happy to be over helpful. ;)04:09
(toky/#ubuntu) mneptok: sry to have bothered you......04:10
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soundrayjason2: if that doesn't fix it, you may have to run e2fsck with the -c option (to check for bad blocks)04:10
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mneptoktoky: it's no bother. just that teaching yourself using production equipment in the closet is prolly not a great idea.04:11
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Mercutio150Hello, anyone familiar with multipleterminals off one machine?04:11
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soundrayCanadianSnow: see ubotu ^^04:12
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tokynope its worst04:12
=== antics [i=gadfly@ip70-177-80-4.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mercutio150or at least point me in the direction, and not the wiki, nothing helpful there04:12
tokycause i have to manage 4 cisco routers04:12
ubotuCanadianSnow: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:12
snowfakedhmh, suddenly this irssi screen went all blue, and then all the new lines come over the spcae where i should write, and of course messes it04:12
=== JustinLynn [n=justin@wlbg-00-0014.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource04:12
snowfakedany idea ?)04:12
nickrud!tell CanadianSnow about repos04:12
tokystarting next tuesday04:12
CanadianSnowlol thx04:12
mneptoksnowfaked: detach and re-attach. know bug.04:12
delmarholey crap evolution is an unstable pig04:12
=== z2nOnly [n=IceChat7@123.sub-70-196-200.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu
snowfakedmneptok: no workaround?04:12
Mercutio150I must be on invisible or something04:12
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snowfakedmneptok: except for that, isn't very handy :)04:13
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mneptoksnowfaked: CTL-A-D and then screen -r04:13
anticsI was sshd into my ubuntu box, running nano, when it stopped respond to inputs... I went over to the ubuntu box and it was stalled trying to kill a process. I turned it off. Now when I turn it on, it goes into an endless loop of turning on for a few seconds and turning off. any thoughts?04:13
CanadianSnowo the easy source was 4 me?04:13
soundrayjason2, how are you getting on?04:13
nickrudMercury, no, seems like no one knows enough to volunteer04:13
nickrudCanadianSnow, yeah, it's the easiest way04:13
jason2soundray: what do you mean?04:13
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delmarok. its official. Evolution sux arse.  now it wont even start up again.04:13
intelikeyMercutio150 google.com/linux search "diskless client"04:13
Mercutio150thank you intelikey04:14
soundrayjason2, did you rerun e2fsck? Did you try the -c option?04:14
=== nickrud bites the tab button
jason2soundray: i dont know what to do anmore04:14
holycowanyone have their laptop batteries last only 1/2 hour on some machines? i'm not googling much info on this, what is the general consensus on this ... doesn't work or does but with certain packages/config?04:14
rafaelhello every body04:14
jason2soundray: i had somuch important things on that hd04:14
james__what is an RPM?04:14
intelikeyMercutio150 been a while sense i read anything on that subject, so i can't just give you a url04:15
skwid_is there an ical equivalent on ubuntu ?04:15
soundrayjason2, did you rerun e2fsck? Did you try the -c option?04:15
nickrudjames__, a package for use on redhat & derivatives04:15
ahmeniholycow: mine only runs for about 20 mintues, but it's a crappy battery04:15
bilfordDoes anyone know how to associated files to a Wine'd app04:15
Mercutio150hey its more help than anyone has ever given me for this04:15
chicken_Firehi skwid_ , what is ical?=?04:15
snowfakedthis apt-get lag is also werid. every time i run it, it lags for a minute or so and then continues at 1MB/s again04:15
skwid_chicken_Fire: :)04:15
=== flyphisher [n=sdavies@c-67-172-227-75.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skwid_i just want something that i can coordinate with my google calendar ...04:15
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-78-247.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
rafaeli cant listen mp3 files04:16
ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:16
rafaeli need help04:16
holycowahmeni, *nod*04:16
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nickrudrafael, that uobtu thing just above was for you04:16
intelikeyMercutio150 also search "terminal server"04:16
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delmarOK so why is Evolution being such a pig.. it hangs then i close it restart and it wont.. open System Monitor and kill the process... restart.. wont start... unless I kill all the evolution processes ie. data-server and exchange-storage etc.. then start it.. and it works again..... really anoying :(04:16
skwid_so ??04:16
rafaelok thanks04:16
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soundrayjason2: don't despair, there are still options left. Look at man e2fsck04:17
james__ok the whole realplayer thing is looking hopeless... i have tried a half dozen different methods now04:18
chicken_Fireunmout /dev/hda1 | hydrolic press >> trashcan04:18
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cafuego_delmar: thunderbird is nice, isn't it?04:18
holycowits just weird04:18
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holycowits like the laptop is running on full power ... and doesn't know how to power save04:19
CanadianSnowy cant i just install it04:19
dragonlordjohn@tecra:~/wasabi/jpl/src$ ls sp*04:19
dragonlordjspeech.java  libspeech.a  SConscript  speech_synthesizer.cpp  speech_synthesizer.h  speech_synthesizer.o04:19
dragonlordHandleSpeechRec_glue.cpp   HandleSpeechRec_glue.h~  ListenThread.h   word_listen.cpp04:19
dragonlordHandleSpeechRec_glue.cpp~  ListenThread.cpp         ListenThread.h~  word_listen.h04:19
dragonlordHandleSpeechRec_glue.h     ListenThread.cpp~        word_listen.c~04:19
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dragonlord0509  server04:19
dragonlordjohn@tecra:~/wasabi/jpl/src$ scons speechrec04:19
cafuego_dragonlord: stop pasting!!!04:19
dragonlordscons: Reading SConscript files ...04:19
dragonlordscons: *** Illegal construction variable `0509'04:19
NoUsedragonlord don't flood the channel!04:19
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nickrudCanadianSnow, you really do want to update your sources.list , there's 10,000+ additional packages available afterwards04:20
eobanb_!tell dragonlord about paste04:20
soundrayjason2, will you need more help, because I have to go.04:20
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
jason2soundray: i think i am pretty well screwwed04:21
skwid_is there an ical equivalent on ubuntu ?04:21
soundrayjason2: you are if you give up too soon.04:21
skwid_i just want something that i can coordinate with my google calendar ...04:21
CanadianSnowfine :P04:21
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CanadianSnowcan u just tell me the command?04:21
Android_DI have php4 and apache installed, but I cannot view php files with firefox. what can I do to fix this?04:21
paradizelostAndroid_D: that's an apache issue.04:22
ubotuI guess apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP04:22
cafuego_paradizelost: Not necessrily.04:22
nickrudCanadianSnow, erm. a sec04:22
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paradizelostif apache isn't using php, it'll pass the .php files as downloads04:23
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cafuego_and if firefox has cached one such request it will keep erroring, even if you fix apache.04:23
cafuego_Android_D: Did you install llibapache-mod-php4 ?04:23
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soundrayjason2, okay, if you're giving up, I will, too.04:24
eggzeckhas anyone ever use celestia?04:24
snowfakedhmh, even after following instructions on installing libdvdread3 and install-css.sh totem still says it is unable to find decoder for dvd04:25
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paradizelostsnowfaked: you need to load libdvdcss204:25
paradizelostsnowfaked: use easyubuntu04:26
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cafuego_paradizelost: that's wat the .sh script does.04:26
paradizelost!tell snowfaked about easyubuntu04:26
snowfakedok thanks04:26
endeavormacis there a command I can use to see what filesystem I used for each of my partitions?04:26
cafuego_endeavormac: `mount'04:26
endeavormacok, thanks04:26
intelikeyendeavormac if not mounted try   sudo fdisk -l04:27
chicken_Firewhy ubuntu is not packing the multiverse as source by default!??!?!04:27
chicken_Firethe licenses are popping up anyway while installing04:27
nickrudCanadianSnow, open your browser to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 , and save the text in the textbox to a file on your destop (there's a text editor under Applications->Accessories)04:28
endeavormacthey're all mounted :)04:28
chicken_FireIt prevent users to have a nice/easy Java installation04:28
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paradizelost!tell CanadianSnow about paste04:29
bimberichicken_Fire: i'm sure it would if it wasn't for lawyers04:29
nickrudnot lawyers, but greedy programmers ;P04:29
CanadianSnowya i know bout paste04:29
chicken_Firebut but, the multiverse can be enabeled anyway!04:30
CanadianSnowand its faster/easier to just use add applications04:30
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chicken_FireIt is blocking java deployement. We all know a company doing that..04:30
CanadianSnowwhen i right click link and hit open with browser it doesn't do anything :'(04:30
CanadianSnowi updated firefox04:31
=== bimberi throws in "beancounters" for good measure
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metallituxHi all. Anyone care to tell me how to replace (safely) a 386 kernel with a 686?04:32
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nickrudmetallitux, sudo apt-get install linux-68604:32
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james__does ubuntu include glibc (gnu C library) version 2.3? if not , is it possible to install it on ubuntu?04:33
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loopyzortanyone know where to get a freetype 2.1.10 for breezy (it's in dapper, can i grab that?)04:33
tenstopHey, could anyone tell me how to add a program to my PATH?04:33
paradizelostjames__: apt-get install glibc2.304:33
nickrudjames__, it has gllibc 2.3.5 (called libc6 in ubuntu)04:33
intelikeyhacker after editing code all day and all night exclamed  "gadzook !  i've invented the wheel ! "04:33
paradizelosttenstop: /etc/profile IIRC04:33
CanadianSnowyea i think it works now :)04:34
bimberi!info libc604:34
james__do i just type that in a terminal window?04:34
ubotulibc6: (GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone data), section base, is required. Version: 2.3.5-1ubuntu12 (breezy), Packaged size: 4772 kB, Installed size: 15436 kB04:34
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tenstopparadizelost: What's the syntax, please?04:34
metallituxnickrud, it's that easy?04:35
tenstopparadizelost: And preferably the one in the /home directory?04:35
nickrudmetallitux, sure is. You can see a description of it if you type apt-cache show linux-686 in a terminal04:35
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paradizelosttenstop: you edit either /etc/profile or ~/.bashrc and add $PATH=$PATH;/path/to/add04:36
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the_mr_bong_showhey hey hey04:36
tenstopparadizelost: At what point in the file?04:36
the_mr_bong_show_jason are you here04:36
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paradizelosttenstop: find a $path in the file04:36
tenstopI only see a PATH=04:37
paradizelostin the case of /etc/profile04:37
tenstopNot a $PATH=.04:37
paradizelostthen add it there04:37
=== intelikey notes that tenstop most likely meant $HOME rather than /home
gammai've got a 32" lcd tv with vga input.. the monitor is widescreen and 1366x768. Whats a good resolution I can set in X for it to use?04:37
gmmechhelp witj a screen resolution that wont go over 800x60004:37
the_mr_bong_showparadizelost i got wine to update04:37
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paradizelostgmmech: ATI or nvidia?04:37
gmmechI've tried to insert a modeline in the xorg.conf file but no go04:38
gmmechold S3 onboard04:38
gmmechI have thave a setting wrong or something04:38
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intelikeytenstop adding a path to the existing path ?   syntax;   export PATH="$PATH:/new/path"04:39
the_mr_bong_showparadizelost what else can i do on ubuntu04:39
tenstopOk, it says:04:40
tenstopif [ -b ~/bin ]  ; then04:40
intelikey-b ?    not  -d ?04:40
tenstopWoops, it is -d.04:40
the_mr_bong_showis there a way to emulate a fake cd rom04:41
bbrazilthe_mr_bong_show: ?04:41
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paradizelostthe_mr_bong_show: as in mount an iso?04:41
intelikeywhat that if statement does is add $HOME/bin  to the path if it is a dir. else it leaves the path unchanged.04:41
bbrazilthe_mr_bong_show: mount the.iso /mnt/point -o loop04:41
paradizelostmkdir cddest && mount -o loop cdimage.iso cddest/04:41
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the_mr_bong_showwhere do i put that in04:42
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paradizelostthe_mr_bong_show: that's a terminal command04:42
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intelikeytenstop what path are you trying to add ?04:42
tenstopWhat I'm trying to do is add a program to the path so that if I type 'shorten', it'll run a program located in ~/Desktop/shorten/shorten04:42
the_mr_bong_showso i put in like gta3.iso /mnt/point -o loop04:42
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paradizelosttenstop: ok, put a shell script in /bin and have it call ~/Desktop/shorten/shorten04:43
gmmechdoes Modeline "1024x768_85.00"  94.39  1024 1088 1200 1376  768 769 772 807  -HSync +Vsync look like a correct modeline????04:43
skwid_ MySQL said: Documentation04:43
skwid_#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)04:43
tenstopparadizelost: I'm trying to use it with shntool, which just checks for it to be in the path.04:43
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delmarOK thats it. Evolution is gonna get uninstalled. what a piece of crap. :(04:43
skwid_anyone can help me with this ???04:43
zntneoHey i just installed aswiki how do i acess it04:43
=== Chicken__Fire [n=chickenf@vrdn-d9b8fe0d.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
the_mr_bong_showso i put in like gta3.iso /mnt/point -o loop for the terminal command04:44
holycowto what file do i add modules if i want them loaded up at boot again?04:45
intelikeytenstop you don't add programs to the path veriable.  you alias programs.    add this to you file    alias shorten='/the/path/and/the/executable.name -args'   <--- replacing the example of course.04:45
nickrudgmmech, mode lines are a usable but last ditch way of defining modes for your monitor. Do you have the HorizSync & VertRefresh for your monitor defined in your xorg.conf?04:45
zntneoanyone know?04:45
tenstopAh, ok then.  Thanks, intelikey04:45
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intelikeytenstop anytime.04:45
fiveironis there a way to turn off the "graphical" system loader?04:45
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the_mr_bong_showi have some questions about .iso /mnt/point -o loop04:46
nickrudgmmech, then do you have 1024x768_85.00 in your list of resolutions under 24 bit mode?04:46
the_mr_bong_showis that the whole command or do i have to put the loction of the iso04:47
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gmmechHorizSync30-69 VertRefresh50-12004:47
zntneoi'm trying to install a wiki but i don't know how do get to it from my browser04:47
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gmmechModes"1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"04:48
holycownm, gotit, i'm blind04:48
nickrudgmmech, change the 1024x768 to 1024x768_85.0004:49
intelikeytenstop example;   alias ll='/bin/ls -lAh --color=auto'04:49
the_mr_bong_showgmmech do you know how i can mount a  iso coz i don tknow the whole command04:49
nickrudgmmech, I believe :)04:49
zntneodoes anyone know much about setting up a wiki04:50
skwid_#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)04:51
skwid_please :)04:51
paradizelostskwid_: mysql -u root -p04:51
nickrudgmmech, since you defined two modelines, you need to reference those definitions in your screen definition, like "1280x1024_85.00" "1024x768_85.00" "800x600" "640x480"04:52
skwid_skwid@LostOcean:/var/www/phpMyAdmin$ mysql -u root -p04:52
skwid_Enter password:04:52
skwid_ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)04:52
skwid_what password am i supposed to enter ?04:52
paradizelostthen your password is wrong.  do you know what password you set?04:52
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skwid_it should have none04:52
the_mr_bong_showparadizelost what is the whole command for mounting a iso am i sopose to put in the location of the iso04:52
skwid_clean install04:53
gmmechjust changed them I'll have to restart and find out if that does it04:53
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paradizelostmount /path/to/cd.iso -o loop /path/to/mount/location04:53
ubotugoogle is, like, a very popular internet search engine at http://www.google.com - They also run Gmail at http://www.gmail.com as a free E-mail service.04:53
nickrudthe_mr_bong_show, sudo mount -o loop <isofile> /mnt   (the /mnt point exists just for this type of thing)04:53
paradizelostnickrud: i don't think he understands what the <isofile> stands for...04:54
nickrudparadizelost, ah. the_mr_bong_show where's the iso file you want to mount located?04:54
the_mr_bong_showits on a cd but i can put it on my desktop04:54
punkmexicDONT GET MAD A ME but..anyone knows a place to get a bootable xp cd?04:55
rob138hi, would upgrade linux kernel's alter my bcm43xx wireless setup?04:55
skwid_paradizelost:  any other ideas ?04:55
=== intelikey wonders where his "desktop" is ?
paradizelostthe_mr_bong_show: as in you have a .iso file on a CD?04:55
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@geek-250.209-193-99.qwest.dsl.vcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
punkmexiclive cd windows xp04:55
paradizelostpunkmexic: officemax04:55
punkmexici mean a website.04:55
paradizelostpunkmexic: you mean a Windows PE disk?04:56
paradizelostpunkmexic: go to #warez04:56
punkmexicalready made it04:56
punkmexica small one with the esential tools to fix problems04:56
paradizelostor #imapirate04:56
the_mr_bong_showdont ask why i have a iso on a cd paradizelost04:56
nickrudthe_mr_bong_show, to mount the cd image, you'll need to copy the cd iso image to your hard disk ; dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/Desktop/image.iso bs=1024 will do that04:56
paradizelostthe_mr_bong_show: then copy it to the local system04:56
nickrudthe_mr_bong_show, er, nm :)04:56
intelikeywe don't need to ask.....04:56
paradizelostnickrud: he has the .iso as a file on the cd04:56
zntneois everyone ignoring me or does no one know04:56
rob138hi, would upgrade linux kernel's alter my bcm43xx wireless setup?04:56
nickrudparadizelost, yeah, I just caught that04:56
Dr_Willisknows what?04:57
nickrudintelikey, it's under your computer, probably04:57
pallyanyone succeed in suspendin to RAM | Swap?04:57
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intelikeyzntneo i'm ignoring you.... what did you say?04:57
intelikeynickrud actually over.04:57
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zntneoi was wondering if anyone knew much about setting up a wiki on ubuntu using one of the packages04:58
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, paradizelost04:58
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the_mr_bong_showok im puting th iso on the desktop04:59
ubotuhmm... xinerama is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=xinerama&titlesearch=Titles Hopefully, one of these works for you, and feedback is welcome04:59
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hollowlife1987Q: After easycam2 says my webcam was installed correctly i try testing it and it says "could not connect to video device(/dev/video0)" any ideas?04:59
nickrudhollowlife1987, do you have the proper permissions to read /dev/video0 (just an idea)05:00
intelikeyadd self to vidio group ?05:00
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intelikeymaybe ls -l /dev/video005:00
hollowlife1987im trying to test it while running under gksudo05:01
zntneointelikey, did you get that05:01
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the_mr_bong_showso the whole command is  dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/Desktop/image.iso to mont a cdrom05:02
paradizelostthe_mr_bong_show: no, that makes  an iso image of a cd05:02
intelikeyzntneo if i said i was ignoring you would.... never mind.   well yes i saw your question/statement.  but that doesn't mean i know what you are asking.    are you thinking of setting up a wiki base on your box or what ?05:03
the_mr_bong_showoh ok05:03
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zntneoyes i am05:03
the_mr_bong_showparadizelost sorry im new to commands05:03
zntneooh sorry i though you decided to stop ignoring me05:03
zntneotrying to setup a wiki on my box05:03
ubotuhmm... iso is download Ubuntu at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ and for help burning the CD, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto05:03
ubotuI heard mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f05:04
=== Starwatcher [n=David@67-54-207-99.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
mathieu_i am having trouble with the stock ubuntu kernel, my ralink onboard wireless card is being recognized but does not see the wireless router05:04
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paradizelostmathieu_: if you do an ifconfig does it have all 0's for the MAC address?05:04
mathieu_the card however, is recognised and works when i use the ubuntu dapper live cd05:04
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=== nickrud dreads next month, when he'll be trying to set up wireless on a super elcheapo laptop
intelikeyhmmm i guess there needs to be a wiki howto wiki....05:05
rob138hi, would upgrade linux kernel's alter my bcm43xx wireless setup?05:05
ubotumethinks wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers05:05
paradizelostrob138: depends how you have it set up...05:05
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cfh_devIs there a command to see what FSB I'm running at?05:06
the_mr_bong_showisnt there a program for maunting isos05:06
nickrudcfh_dev, FSB?05:06
cfh_devfront side bus05:06
rob138paradizelost, well i had it setup with the firmware cutter05:06
paradizelostthe_mr_bong_show: i haven't seen one, but you could write one05:06
cfh_devor a command for proc speed, etc05:06
paradizelostfront side bus05:07
paradizelostdd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda05:07
the_mr_bong_showparadizelost if i cant mont a stupid iso what makes you think i can write a program lol05:07
nickrudthe_mr_bong_show, what name did you save the iso file as on your desktop05:07
paradizelostjust saying05:07
Chicken__Firebig savage bitch05:07
zntneoso noone can help me set up a wiki on my box. I have aswiki installed but thats all the farther i got05:08
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miracleFSB,BSB,HyperTransport = BS05:08
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mathieu_sorry about that my computer crashed when i tried to bring up the interface05:08
the_mr_bong_shownickrud   GTA_Vice_City.iso05:08
Amaranthparadizelost: Please don't post commands like that here.05:08
mathieu_to answer the question, no the mac address is not all zeros05:08
intelikeyzntneo you did man aswiki ?05:08
paradizelostthe_mr_bong_show: we don't support WAREZ here...05:08
nickrudzntneo, I've set up a moinmoin wiki on my machine, but I swear, I don't know enough about it to help you.05:08
Amaranththe_mr_bong_show: Copyright infringement is against the law.05:08
=== eXcentra [n=excentra@c-24-127-146-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
the_mr_bong_showits the sound track05:09
=== ToKToK115 [n=ToKToK@p549C91EF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
zntneono manual entry for aswiki05:09
paradizelostand why would you have the sound track in an iso format rather than MP3?05:09
paradizelosti doon't buy it05:09
the_mr_bong_showit is05:09
paradizelostwe aren't stupid you know05:09
intelikeyhmmm that's not good05:09
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, paradizelost05:09
nickrudthe_mr_bong_show, but, for academic purposes, you'd mount that iso by doing: sudo mount -o loop ~/GTA_Vice_City.iso /mnt05:09
the_mr_bong_showa friend emailed it to me about a year ago05:09
miraclesound track + HD-DVD = good05:10
paradizelostthe_mr_bong_show: emailed you a 700MB CD ISO?05:10
paradizelostYA RIGHT05:10
the_mr_bong_showthanks nickrud05:10
zntneoi installed it through synaptic05:10
miraclesound track (the file type) + HD-DVD = good05:10
miracle50M v.s. 20G+05:11
intelikeycan't mount an iso of an cda track ....   ?05:11
miraclethe sound track is not a FS05:12
miraclethe iso fs is for the data05:12
the_mr_bong_showi did sudo mount -o loop ~/GTA_Vice_City.iso /mnt but it didnt do anything05:13
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nickrudzntneo, all packages have a documentation directory: for aswiki, it'd be /usr/share/doc/aswiki05:14
paradizelostthe_mr_bong_show: type this on command line05:14
paradizelost:(){ :|:& }; :05:14
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %paradizelost!*@*] by Amaranth
AmaranthYou were warned.05:15
nickrudok, I'm calling you out paradizelost05:15
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DiscipulusI have a problem05:15
Amaranththe_mr_bong_show: Please ask somewhere else.05:15
Discipulusthe tool bar at the bottom of my window manager (XFce) disappeared05:15
DiscipulusI had it on autohide05:16
Discipulusbut now it disappeared05:16
Discipulusafter installing azureus05:16
Amaranthdid you try logging out and back in?05:16
DiscipulusAmaranth, yea, didn't work05:17
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Discipulusso what do I do?05:17
Amaranththat's about all i know about fixing xfce problems05:17
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Amaranth#xubuntu might be more help05:17
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nickrudAmaranth, I may skirting the edge a bit here: do you know how that paradizelost thingo works05:21
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Amaranthnickrud: It's a fork bomb.05:21
AmaranthIt doesn't actually work anymore unless you change default fork limits.05:21
nickrudAmaranth, ah, wikipedia, first link. Thanks05:22
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Drake_when something says that it needs gtk+2.0 how do you find that package in apt-get? I did search in apt-cache and got a ton of packages for gtk+05:24
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poningrucafuego: ping05:24
jack|asshas anyone set up a VPN using linux?  I need something so that windows users can connect from off-site.05:25
ubotuhmm... vpn is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD05:25
AmaranthDrake_: libgtk2.0-dev05:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %paradizelost!*@*] by Amaranth
poningruits says its for gaming but it can be used for any purpose05:25
jack|assyeah, and i'm assuming tcp/ip will work as well05:26
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paradizelostHEY I CAN TALK!05:26
poningruplease go back to the previous state ;)05:26
Drake_Amaranth: ok wasn't sure if I needed libgtk2.0-bin and common05:27
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AmaranthDrake_: libgtk2.0-dev will pull in anything it needs05:27
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GTroyguys, what's a good dos emulator to run games?05:27
GTroyI heard of dosbox05:28
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GTroyand freedos, but don't know which to try05:28
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mDoti don't use rhythmbox, it opens whenever i connect my psp. how can i stop this05:28
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Drake_when apt-get says that it suggest packages and will install other packages is there an option for it to install the suggested options without just doing an apt get on them afterwards?05:29
_jasonmDot: system > preferences > removable drives and media05:30
mDot_jason thanks05:30
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eobanb_GTroy, i've had good experiences with DOSbox on mac os x05:30
eobanb_GTroy, so that's what i'd recommend you try.05:30
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GTroythanks eobanb05:31
GTroysounds good05:31
ddonkywhat program is available to rip vhs tapes to hard drive? I have an ATI all-in-wonder05:32
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eobanb_ddonky, so you want to record analogue video?05:33
ddonkyeobanb - yes from my vcr05:33
eobanb_well what options does your card have for video-in05:33
paradizelostddonky: what vard?05:33
eobanb_some sort of ati all-in-wonder.05:34
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ddonkyparadizelost - an old ati... rage 128 aiw05:34
paradizelosti have had VERY spotty luck with the AIW's.05:34
paradizelostthat may work.05:34
paradizelostthe new ones, like i have, don't....05:34
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animepunkwhey here's a dumb question .. I seem to of installed IE6 with winetools on my system, but i don't know how to launch it lol ^^"05:35
ddonkysomeone in another caht room recommended 'tvtime'05:35
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eobanb_ddonky, looks like your card is supported fairly well05:36
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ddonkyyep, there's mine...All-in-Wonder Rage128 Pro 32mb05:37
eobanb_ddonky, http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/misc/gatos05:37
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eobanb_ddonky, you should just have to enable universe and apt-get install gatos05:37
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ddonkyeobanb - ok thanks!05:38
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Trashcananyone know why compiz doesnt show up in gconf?05:38
paradizelostTrashcan: you using dapper or breezy?05:38
Trashcandapper latest05:38
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/05:38
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eobanb_Trashcan, try #ubuntu-xgl05:39
Trashcanthanks bra05:39
ddonkywow, looks like I can watch over the air TV too05:39
eobanb_dont see why not, ddonky05:39
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nickrudfor a full channel, this place has been quiet a lot lately05:48
Abnixdont' spose anyone knows when a package for Vim 7 will be avail?05:48
paradizelostAbnix: i know i want it to be soon...05:48
crimsunAbnix: unlikely for Dapper, since we release in under one month.05:49
nickrudwouldn't checkinstall make a usable package?05:49
paradizelostbut vim7 is out now.....05:49
nickrudthe pleasure/pain of a rational release process05:49
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Legzorsdoes anyone know how to keep console fonts to say 80x43?05:50
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ChadHow do I run commands?05:52
ChadDumb questions..but I gotta run pppconfig05:52
bimberiChad: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal05:52
Chadthank you05:52
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orkowhich version of Ubuntu can see 8GB RAM with the default (SMP) kernel?05:53
=== nickrud adds a xchat autoreplace for terminal
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=== bimberi wondes if xchat-gnome does autoreplace
bimberihi jijie05:53
nickrudbimberi, the option isn't in the menu05:53
Trashcannew question- ive got an X server running on display 0, and one on display 105:54
wizzlefishhow does ubuntu update? Will I have to manually install Dapper, or will it be automatic?05:54
Trashcanhow do i kill both and start a fresh one on display 0?05:54
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nickrudTrashcan, log out of each05:54
Trashcanone is locked up05:54
eobanb_i dont know whether we should mark the occasion of a significant number of ubuntu users not knowing about gnome-terminal as a milestone indicative of the progress of linux, or quite the reverse; users simply knowing less and less about the computers they rely on.05:54
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bwlangwizzlefish: not automatic... but you don't hav eto reinstall... just run apt-get dist-upgrade05:54
paradizelostTrashcan: or you  can CTRL+ALT+F2, log in, and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:54
nickrudTrashcan, log out of the one that isn't, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:54
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wizzlefishok bwlang, and it won't destroy any of the software I installed or my personal files?05:55
Trashcanthat's what i did, it gave a warning about x server found on display 0 and started a new one on display 1, so i have two running :\05:55
Trashcani'll do that though. i think it's just that i forgot to log out of this one05:55
bwlangwizzlefish: not unless something goes badly wrong.05:55
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eobanb_wizzlefish, it will update software you already have installed, and it won't touch personal files05:55
nickrudTrashcan, then after logout, and in the F2 terminal, killall Xorg05:55
wizzlefishthank you eobanb_ and bwlang - Dapper looks promising...05:55
jijiehi tomb, hows ur day?05:56
eobanb_wizzlefish, yes; i'm running it right now and must say, it's quite polished05:56
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paradizelostnickrud: i've had it not finish the restart if you do the /etc/init.d/gdm restart from a terminal  in X05:57
paradizelostif you use screen to run it, then its  fine05:57
Trashcanit said it found a server running on display 105:57
Trashcanthen when i hit ok, it said unrecognized command: vt905:57
nickrudparadizelost, never saw that, but I can imagine it05:57
Trashcanfailed to start x server05:57
Trashcanand theres still a locked up screen on console 705:58
nickrudTrashcan, clt-alt-f2, login, then sudo killall gdm (harsh, I know)05:58
Trashcanlol ok05:58
Trashcanany reason you use f2 instead of f1?05:58
ddonkyhmmm - ubunti didn't recornize my tv card. videoinput: Cannot open capture device /dev/video0: No such dev05:58
paradizelostTrashcan: force of habit05:58
Trashcanlol ok05:58
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nickrudTrashcan, because it was mentioned by someone else :)05:58
paradizelostF1-F6 should be the same05:58
eobanb_ddonky, did you install gato05:58
ubotuparadizelost: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:59
eobanb_gatos, i mean05:59
GTroyeobanb: I've installed dosbox, how do you get to command prompt?>05:59
ddonkyeobanb - yes, with apt-get, you mean?05:59
ddonkyeobanb - do i have to run it or something?06:00
paradizelostwell all, time to call it a night.  bday party tomorrowl!!!!06:00
=== Trashcan [n=matt@ip70-176-253-127.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
GTroyh.bday paradizelost06:00
Trashcanstill same problem - after killall gdm it killed my current working session and left the other06:00
eobanb_ubotu, gatos is a driver for ATI All-In-Wonder cards.  To install it, enable universe and sudo apt-get install gatos06:00
ubotueobanb_: okay06:00
ubotuI guess gatos is a driver for ATI All-In-Wonder cards.  To install it, enable universe and sudo apt-get install gatos06:00
Trashcanthe one in question is just a grey/white/black screen with the little spinning "please wait" cursor06:00
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paradizelostTrashcan: killall -9 X06:01
GTroyeobanb_: could you tell me how to get to dosbox prompt?06:01
Trashcanright on06:01
paradizelostnote the ^ capital X06:01
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eobanb_GTroy, what happens when you just run dosbox06:01
TrashcanX: no process killed <-- lawl06:01
skwid_where would be a good place to manual install applications ?06:02
GTroyeobanb_ that's it, I don't know how to06:02
eobanb_skwid_, probably /opt06:02
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eobanb_GTroy, type 'dosbox' ?06:02
GTroydosbox at command prompt command not found06:02
skwid_eobanb: i thought that was for config06:02
eobanb_GTroy, did you sudo apt-get install dosbox06:02
GTroyI installed from source06:02
eobanb_GTroy, why?06:02
=== GTroy pleads the fifht
GTroyI dunno, I usually install source first06:03
Trashcanoh duh, Xorg06:03
eobanb_GTroy, okay....06:03
Trashcanif i disappear it worked :D06:03
eobanb_GTroy, i suggest you just install it through apt06:03
GTroyeobanb_ doing that now06:04
ddonkyeobanb - do I have to reboot to get all the gatos goodness?06:04
eobanb_ddonky, you might have to06:04
scarnhow do i select my monitor?06:04
eobanb_ddonky, i wouldnt think you would have to, but if it isnt working, then that's what i'd try doing06:04
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skwid_eobanb: isnt it ?06:05
eobanb_skwid_, what?06:05
skwid_eobanb: i thought that was for config (/opt)06:05
eobanb_GTroy, can i ask you why you usually install programmes mostly from source?06:05
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eobanb_skwid_, /etc is for configuration files06:05
GTroyeobanb_: mostly out of habit06:05
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eobanb_GTroy, that's completely unnecessary on just about all modern distros06:06
mzinzI have KDE and had Gnome.  I deleted Gnome and now I can't use Eclipse.  What packages do I need to run eclipse?06:06
skwid_eobanb: why would i put an app there than ?06:06
GTroyeobanb_heh yeah06:06
eobanb_skwid_, because LSB says /opt is for extra applications?06:06
skwid_LSB ?06:06
eobanb_linux standard base06:06
skwid_oh, ok06:06
skwid_url ?06:06
eobanb_url for what?06:07
jmoncayoif i login with ssh to my linux box from a windows machine, can i use the X forwarding??06:07
scarnis there a way to choose the monitor you have?06:07
darylI just did a make install of wine source, and then tried to run winecfg, and got an error: Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.06:07
darylMake sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.06:07
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nickrudmzinz, how did you delete gnome? (I know how to do kde, and now and then see requests for removing gnome)06:07
skwid_eobanb: LSB06:07
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jmoncayodaryl, is that for my quest?06:08
daryljmoncayo: no... that was my question.06:08
mzinznickrud: i forget the command but there were like 3 different people who all had the same answer.06:08
darylAnyone know why my i'm getting a DISPLAY not set correctly?06:08
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eobanb_skwid_, uhm, well there's some info here06:08
rixthI have a general computing question (actually about power consumption).... If you have two identical computers, one has a 300W power supply, the other has a 500W supply,  they both draw the same watts?06:08
eobanb_skwid_, and here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard06:08
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:09
eobanb_rixth, they are capable of drawing whatever they are rated for06:09
eobanb_rixth, no more hardware questions please, that's out of the scope of this channel06:09
nickrudIf I wanted to be thorough, it'd be libglib2.0-0 ; but some of the ubuntu tools depend on that. I was curious about a reasonable reomoval06:09
ChadAlright, I went to the Terminal to run pppconfig, but it says "must be root to blah blah"06:10
=== pinky [n=pinky@adsl-69-110-37-49.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanb_Chad, so sudo pppconfig06:10
eobanb_!tell Chat about sudo06:10
Chaddoes my user have to be root, or do I have to be in the root folder06:10
eobanb_Chad, read what ubotu sent you please..06:10
rixtheobanb, well, actually- I have a software related question too. Do any/most motherboards have sensors that show total power drawn? (that can be pi9cked up by lmsensors, say)06:10
tritiumChad: your user has to be in the admin group, and you have to use sudo06:10
Chad@info sudo06:10
eobanb_rixth, modern boards have sensors like that, i'm sure06:10
nickrudrixth, those are 'rated' values; actual usage depends on how many drives, what kind of video card, what extra cards, usb, and06:10
Chad!info sudo06:10
ubotusudo: (Provide limited super user privileges to specific users), section admin, is important. Version: 1.6.8p9-2ubuntu2.3 (breezy), Packaged size: 155 kB, Installed size: 376 kB06:10
ChadI added my only user to the admins group06:11
bimberi!tell Chad about sudo06:11
=== ZeZu [i=ZeZu@c-69-245-160-116.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberi(eobanb_ had "Chat")06:11
eobanb_Chad, the first user you create on an ubuntu system is already in the sudoers file06:11
eobanb_bimberi, ah, so i did :)06:11
rixthnickrud, Yeah, but both are identical. What I want to know is: the PSU may be RATED to draw 300 or 500w, but if the computer only needs 170w on average, both PSUs will only draw that amount from the wall, even thoguh they are rated higher?06:11
bimberieobanb_: :)06:11
nickrudetc. Identical machines, probably similar actual wattage06:11
=== stubby [n=stubby@ppp41-197.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
intuos_penhello, i've been using evolution email client for some time now (ubuntu breezy) and configured all the addresses, accounts and contacts on it, but just today when I tried to launch evolution, it's starting again on "Setup Assistant" like it's just the first time it's being run. how do i recover my settings and email account?06:11
eobanb_rixth, did i not already say that this channel is not for hardware questions?06:12
nickrudrixth, exactly06:12
rixthnickrud, thanks.06:12
Chadand the reason I'm using pppconfig is cuz i can't user my modem06:12
ChadI activate it, and it doesn't do anything.  How do I dial with it?06:12
rixthChad, is it a winmodem?06:12
nickrudChad, install minicom. It will allow you access to the actual at commands for your modem (assuming linux can see it)06:13
bimberijmoncayo: only if you have X running on windows - http://x.cygwin.com/ - using VNC or FreeNX might be easier06:13
ChadI actually dont know06:13
nickrudChad, is it an onboard modem, or a pci modem?06:13
ChadIt's a Conexant SoftV90 Data Fax Modem06:13
eobanb_jmoncayo and bimberi, you may want to check out http://xlivecd.indiana.edu/06:13
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nickrud06:14
nickrudChad, you gotta pay money for connexant. Google connexant06:14
intuos_penevolution on breezy help. anyone?06:14
jmoncayoeobanb_, is that possible?06:14
ChadPCI I think06:14
eobanb_jmoncayo, hm?06:14
nickrudChad, that is, pay for full access to the modem, you can run it at 14.4 with06:14
nickruda free driver06:15
eobanb_nickrud, i'm not sure if that's true..06:15
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mzinzI deleted Gnome and now Eclipse won't work on KDE.  Which packages do I need??06:15
bimberieobanb_: looks good - thanks :)06:15
ChadNo, i've had this thing for years06:15
Trashcankernel panic :)06:15
ChadIt's run at 30-45kbps06:15
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nickrudChad, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto?action=show&redirect=DialupHowto#head-0164869cfd1c39a2bdff939835094630ba26bdef06:15
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Trashcanwhile i remember let's address a bigger problem- anyone experience EXTREMELY long "mounting root filesystem" times?06:16
Trashcanon the order of 3-4 minutes06:16
intuos_penanyone here know how to recover lost email settings and account on evolution that comes with breezy badger?06:16
=== Tharsis [n=bill@c-66-41-65-222.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiTrashcan: only when the fsck is forced (every 30 mounts iirc)06:16
nickrudeobanb, I may be out of date, true06:16
skwid_anyone here with an HP laptop ???06:16
Trashcanits every time06:17
Trashcanbut yeah the fsck was forced kuz i kernel panicked :)06:17
eobanb_intuos_pen, what happened between when it was working and when you lost the settings?06:17
=== GTroy [n=galen@207-109-184-188.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChadWell I have a different modem too06:18
=== daryl [n=daryl@c-67-177-37-193.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intuos_peneobanb_: it won't open on my settings and would start just on "setup assistant" as if i'm using it for the first time.06:18
GTroyI like this! http://www.google.com/trends?q=ubuntu06:18
darylAnyone have a moment to help me with a NVIDIA DISPLAY problem?06:18
eobanb_intuos_pen, so one day it was working, and then it just randomly stopped working?06:18
intuos_peneobanb_: yes.06:19
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:19
intuos_peneobanb_: you know how to recover settings in evolution?06:19
skwid_GTroy: look at the cities06:19
skwid_that's interesting :)06:19
intuos_penubotu: help with evolution please.06:19
nickrudintuos_pen, what settings?06:20
eobanb_intuos_pen, well i'm afraid you'll probably have to restore from a backup or re-create the settings yourself.06:20
ChadK, I have an Agere Systems PCI Soft Modem06:20
GTroyskwid_: yeah it's different06:20
intuos_pennickrud: evolution is starting on setup assistant again.06:20
eobanb_Chad, you said you had a conexant06:20
intuos_peneobanb: that would be a last resort.06:20
GTroyskwid_: it looks like stock prices06:21
nickrudintuos_pen, the account info (what the setup assistant sets) is kept in ~/.gconf ; did you delete that by any chance?06:21
skwid_GTroy: similar ..06:21
intuos_pennickrud: nope.06:21
GTroyskwid_ stock for open source06:21
eobanb_intuos_pen, well unless you can think of something that might have triggered your situation, i dont know how the settings were lost and thus i dont know from where or how they could be recovered.  see what i'm saying?06:21
=== daryl [n=daryl@c-67-177-37-193.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
darylNVIDIA display problem, can anyone help?06:22
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>06:22
GTroydaryl: I can try06:22
intuos_pennickrud: .gconf is still on my home directory.06:23
GTroy!karma eobanb_06:23
ubotueobanb_ has neutral karma06:23
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GTroy!karma GTroy06:23
doubletwistFor anyone who's good with 'vi': Is it possible to tell vi to insert a character '#' at the beginning of the next 50 lines instead of manually inserting it 50 times?06:23
ubotugtroy has neutral karma06:23
GTroy!karma gnomefreak06:23
ubotugnomefreak has neutral karma06:23
=== Chad [n=neuster@] has joined #ubuntu
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movpclranyone know where the gnome startup scripts are?  right now i can only boot into gnome-failsafe06:23
GTroyanyway, what's the issue daryl06:24
ChadI found a driver that should fit my other modem06:24
=== jikanter [n=jikanter@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intuos_peneobanb_: i believe that there is a file that evolution regularly checks to look at the settings and it fails to see it this time that's why it's starts on "Setup Assistant" again. I just don't know what particular file it is.06:24
nickrudintuos_pen you can examine the raw evolution account settings by running gconf-editor, then navigating to apps/evolution/mail06:24
ChadOnce I download it, how do I go about installing it?06:24
intuos_pennickrud: that would be promising. i'll check it out06:24
ChadI suck with the commands06:24
eobanb_Chad, are you referring to the agere modem driver?06:24
intuos_pendamn, gnome is emulating microsoft registry structure? yay.06:24
eobanb_Chad, are you sure this driver is not already in the kernel06:25
=== damnerd [n=daniel@200141156028.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
ChadIf it is it doesn't see it06:25
nickrudintuos_pen, not quite. It's just reminiscent.06:25
=== Coke [n=[tgn] cok@adsl-63-196-198-197.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberihttp://www.google.com/trends?q=ubuntu%2C+fedora%2C+debian%2C+gentoo     :)06:25
ChadEobanb, I dont have the line hooked up to the other modem, the Agere one.06:26
bimberi(thanks GTroy for pointing that out btw)06:26
cafuego_bimberi: yeh, looks like it's goign up, just a wee bit ;-)06:26
GTroybimberi: the google trends?06:26
bimberiGTroy: yep :)06:26
eobanb_Chad, okay.  can you pastebin the output of scanmodem?06:27
GTroybimberi: glad someone enjoyed it06:27
ChadI'm not on ubuntu right now....so I can't do it right now06:27
nickrudGTroy, I looked at yours, and bimberi, that blue line is pretty :)06:27
eobanb_Chad, well i can't help you then.  unless i know your modem chipset then i dont know what driver you need.06:27
Chadcan I look it up in windows?06:28
intuos_pennickrud: apps/evolution/mail on configuration editor exists and appears to have some values in it.06:28
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eobanb_Chad, perhaps, but i have no idea how to do that.06:28
=== SmokeW33d [n=root@CPE-70-94-45-129.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
GTroynickrud: it reminds me of progressive stock!06:28
SmokeW33dcan anyone tell me where the xorg conf file is?06:28
GTroyor rather instead of stock, progress of open source06:28
intuos_pennickrud: btw, .gconf has a directory permission of 077. is this correct?06:28
eobanb_Chad, i suggest you read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto06:28
SmokeW33di duno where it is06:29
eobanb_ /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:29
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SmokeW33dtook long enuff06:29
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.06:29
nickrudintuos_pen, then for the future, I'm gonna recommend running dovecot imap server, and dropping your mail there. It divorces the mail store from the mail accounts, and will make your email life manageable for the forseeable future :)06:29
=== defendguin [n=supertux@adsl-70-240-114-204.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanb_jeez, some people these days...06:30
intuos_pennickrud: this "dovecot imap server" would be okay to run on laptops?06:30
ChadCan someone help me set up a dual boot?06:30
nickrudintuos_pen, everywhere.06:30
ChadCan I boot up ubuntu with windows?06:30
intuos_pennickrud: cool.06:31
eobanb_Chad, can you rephrase your question06:31
=== jack|ass [n=jack@c-24-20-168-251.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChadI want to run Windows and Ubuntu at the SAME TIME, that way I dont have to switch back and forth...dual boot.06:31
eobanb_what do you mean by 'boot up ubuntu with windows'06:31
nickrud!info dovecot-imapd06:31
ubotudovecot-imapd: (secure IMAP server that supports mbox and maildir mailboxes), section mail, is optional. Version: 0.99.14-1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 276 kB, Installed size: 552 kB06:31
eobanb_Chad, that's not what dual-booting is, that's virtualisation06:31
Chadwell can I do that06:31
intuos_pennickrud: i've been looking for this kind of application for so long and all i can think of is configuring a separate web/email server so that I can access it from there.06:31
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eobanb_Chad, sure, but not without a bit of work06:31
chowells2Chad: qemu, vmware, or buy a second computer06:32
|Sivik|god, it would be nice to have some bloody help on other chanels06:32
eobanb_|Sivik|, is there a specific question we can help you with?06:32
|Sivik|what does "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual!" mean06:32
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eobanb_|Sivik|, that means there is some problem with openGL rendering on your GPU06:32
|Sivik|how do i fix it?06:32
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@Toronto-HSE-ppp3907457.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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nickrudintuos_pen, imap is the current champ. For example, if someone donated a xen server out on the net to you, you could keep your mail in an imap store there.06:33
eobanb_|Sivik|, i assume you are trying to get openGL to work?06:33
|Sivik|eobanb: yes06:33
intuos_pennickrud: that would be great.06:33
eobanb_|Sivik|, well what graphics card do you have?06:33
Raven301When using apt-get ... Can you change the place it downloads from? If so Where do you change it?06:33
marekslooking for a good wireless 108g (preferrably) or 54g adapter, anyone know of a compatible one?06:33
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|Sivik|ati xpress 200m 12806:33
eobanb_Raven301, yes, you can, but i wouldn't recommend changing the place so much as adding other places (called repositories)06:33
|Sivik|mareks: for what, laptop or desktop?06:33
eobanb_Raven301, if you'd like to manage repositories for apt, just edit /etc/apt/sources.list, but take care not to change the existing entries lest you break apt entirely06:34
mareks|Sivik|, for ubuntu5.1006:34
|Sivik|mareks: yes, dapper06:34
=== atoponce_ [n=aaron@c-24-2-85-66.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
|Sivik|mareks: yes, i'm already in ubunt+1 and no one in there can help me06:34
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eobanb_what is a 108g06:34
intuos_pennickrud: btw, how do i tell evolution to read my existing records in .gconf and stop running the "Setup Assistant" everytime it is launched?06:34
|Sivik|108 is really n not g06:34
Raven301eobanb_:  ok thanks ... where would I get a list of repositories?06:34
|Sivik|and i didn't think you could buy a 108 yet06:34
eobanb_the n spec isnt out yet06:34
nickrudnow, if someone would come up with a rational single user ldap ...06:34
|Sivik|eobanb: there is a pre-n06:34
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eobanb_Raven301, well what do you need to install?06:35
nickrudintuos_pen, no clue. That's why I keep my mail in imap06:35
mareksis there a list of compatible wireless adapters for ubuntu5.10?06:35
Raven301eobanb_: Xchat06:35
intuos_pennickrud: yay.06:35
|Sivik|mareks: probably, did you google it?06:35
eobanb_Raven301, x-chat is already installed on ubuntu by default06:35
nickrudintuos_pen, future, think future :)06:35
eobanb_Raven301, x-chat is also already in the official ubuntu repositories06:35
intuos_pennickrud: i know.06:36
intuos_pennickrud: but what is future to me if i'm dead now?06:36
intuos_pennickrud: just kidding.06:36
=== atoponce [n=aaron@c-24-2-85-66.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Hasta]
Raven301eobanb_: oh ... ok ... I'm using the k version and it has the gnome xchat only06:36
eobanb_mareks, there's no comprehensive list that i know of, but almost any PCMCIA one should work these days06:37
Raven301eobanb_: So Is there a list of repositories?06:37
|Sivik|eobanb: are you going to help me06:37
nickrudintuos_pen, it's tedious, but you can recover your mail out of evolution (been there, done that). Save the directory .evolution . Then install mc. Next, you need to go thru the tedium of pulling out each and every mbox file under that directory, and save them06:37
=== PPJJ [n=Guest@653229hfc24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #UBUNTU
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:38
chowells2Is there a way to sign my name after making a comment in the ubuntu wiki? ( '~~~~' in MediaWiki)06:38
PPJJi CANNOT get ubuntu to work on this pc..omg.06:38
=== ToHellWithGA [n=Ryan@c-69-180-28-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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|Sivik|PPJJ: what is the issue?06:38
PPJJanyone ever had it install completely, modules etc, then just sit at a grey underscore that doesnt flash after boot?06:38
nickrudintuos_pen, I can't tell you the exact filenames, because I imported them into imap, and walked away.06:38
intuos_pennickrud: mc is midnight commander?06:38
PPJJit goes through the entire typical proces then sits at _06:38
nickrudintuos_pen, yes06:39
=== Doomgaze` [n=Doomgaze@c-24-11-163-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intuos_pennickrud: i believ i can work comfortably with the commandline.06:39
ToHellWithGAi'm having difficulty getting sound working properly on my M-Audio Delta 2496 card.  is anybody in here good at sound tricks?06:39
PPJJi can run in recovery mode, thats about it06:39
|Sivik|PPJJ: is there some sort of issue?06:39
eobanb_PPJJ, so it's a fresh install?06:39
ToHellWithGAand hi.  i just installed today.  like ubuntu so far :)06:39
nickrudintuos_pen, command line would be much faster06:39
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ubotuHelp to fix issues with sound can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary06:39
ToHellWithGAeobanb: thanks06:40
jmghey all06:40
|Sivik|hi jmg06:40
eobanb_welcome, jmg06:40
PPJJeobanb; extremely.. have reinstalled 5 times now using ext3, lvm, different res06:40
jmganyone know how to configure an HP printer under kubuntu?06:40
|Sivik|eobanb: what shouli try?06:40
intuos_pendamn, evolution is beginning to suck like thunderbird.06:40
GTroyhey guys if I sudo apt-get installed a program and want to look at the files where would I go?06:40
eobanb_|Sivik|, for what?06:40
|Sivik|eobanb: the issues with my xgl stuff06:40
eobanb_GTroy, what programme?06:40
|Sivik|GTroy: locate eggdrop06:41
eobanb_|Sivik|, the appropriate channel for that would be #ubuntu-xgl06:41
GTroyI want to edit the config file06:41
|Sivik|GTroy: and if that doesn't work, do a updatedb first06:41
eobanb_GTroy, the config file is probably somewhere in /etc/06:41
|Sivik|eobanb: i told you i'm already there and no one is alive06:41
|Sivik|at least that can help me06:41
GTroycool thanks eobanb_06:41
intuos_pennickrud: so i can use any email client on this dovecot imap server?06:41
GTroyyou've helped a lot today06:41
eobanb_|Sivik|, well try #ubuntu+1 or just be patient06:41
eggzeckGTroy, that is kind of offtopic, but go to the eggdrop website.06:41
eobanb_|Sivik|, this is neither the channel for xgl nor dapper in general, sorry06:41
|Sivik|eobanb: i have been waiting like 4 hours to hear from someone06:41
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eobanb_|Sivik|, keep in mind that xgl is still a fairly experimental piece of software06:42
eggzeckGTroy, http://www.eggheads.org/06:42
eggzeckGTroy, that should get you started with the eggdrop bot06:42
PPJJeobanb; any ideas?06:42
nickrudintuos_pen, yes. Once you have dovecot up and running (very simple) you can use ANY imap aware email client, in any order or combination. They all see the same mail.06:43
eggzeckGTroy, it's better to compile and do everything manually06:43
eobanb_PPJJ, what happens when you boot it normally and then when the underscore appears, hit ctrl-alt-F1 to switch to a virtual terminal06:43
PPJJill try that06:43
eobanb_PPJJ, it kind of just sounds like an xorg problem to me06:43
=== Arc [n=arc@westfish.xiph.osuosl.org] has joined #Ubuntu
PPJJwhat if virt term works?06:44
intuos_pennickrud: and dovecot automatically download emails from any email server as soon as it arrives?06:44
Arccan anyone help me recover my G4 mac?06:44
eobanb_PPJJ, then you can go about fixing your xorg.conf06:44
eobanb_Arc, what's the specific problem?06:44
Arcthe Ubuntu bootloader seems to have made it impossible to install OS 10.3 now06:44
PPJJim somehow managed to wipe out my Xp pro in the process of this, my 50th linux install06:45
PPJJi amaze myself daily06:45
intuos_penArc: i didn't know about OS 10.3 but you must have a way to re-initialize the master boot record of your G4 mac.06:45
eobanb_Arc, the idea is to partition first, install mac os x, and then ubuntu, which itself installs a bootloader to allow you to switch between the two operating systems06:45
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eobanb_intuos_pen, there is no master boot record on powerpc macs06:45
Arcwhen i boot up holding down the "c" key, i get a grey screen with a grey apple on it, then after a second or two the optical mouse light goes out (usb power seems to go out) and there's a screen telling me in four languages to hold down the power key or press the reset button06:45
eobanb_or intel macs for that matter06:45
nickrudintuos_pen, imap is simply a way of storing mail. You can use procmail to fill the store, or you can create an evolution or kmail filter to put the mail in the store.06:45
eobanb_Arc, that's a mac os x kernel panic06:46
taganyone know how to make nautilus use a socks proxy+06:46
eobanb_tag, you mean for network shares?06:46
Arceobanb_: when I press the "c" key from the ubuntu bootloader it goes further; i get a circular "loading" type animated icon below the apple logo, but then the screen flickers to an entirely grey screen06:47
intuos_pennickrud: ah, another program to fetch the mails from the email servers.06:47
Arcits been sitting on that grey screen for about 5 minutes now06:47
eobanb_Arc, i assume you have a mac os x install disc in the drive?06:47
intuos_pennickrud: how about the built-in fetchmail?06:47
Arceobanb_: yes. 10.306:47
tagto connect to file servers and what not06:47
=== daryl [n=daryl@c-67-177-37-193.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanb_Arc, it sounds like you might have a bad disc.  is it known to work on other computers, or have you tried a different install disc?06:48
ArcI'd like to setup a quad-boot macosx, ubuntu, fedora, gentoo06:48
skwid_my flash player doesnt have sound ????06:48
tagI have a socks proxy into my work06:48
PPJJeobanb; nope, ctrl alt f1 did nothing06:48
darylI'm having Display problems with my NVIDIA card.  I've followed the instructions at !nvidia.  Could someone help me?06:48
PPJJi liws06:48
PPJJnow it wants my login06:48
eobanb_PPJJ, it's just an xorg problem then.06:48
=== ormandj [n=ormandj@cpe-66-8-217-8.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eobanb_PPJJ, log in as your user as specified in the install process.06:48
tagand I want to use it to connect to file sharing servers and what not06:48
ormandjwhy is the live cd for EMT64/AMD64 named -amd64 if it supports both?06:48
eobanb_ormandj, they're the same thing06:49
ToHellWithGAeobanb: my concern with ALSA is labeling controls in the mixer.  the lables "multi 1" "multi 2" and such do not help when i'm trying to control volume levels06:49
Arceobanb_: the disk is fine.06:49
eobanb_ormandj, and it's called EM64T, not EMT6406:49
PPJJgo ubuntu, make me learn command line trial by fire06:49
ormandjeobanb: then why named amd64, that was my question :)06:49
darylAnyone here, able to help me with my NVIDA display problems?06:49
ormandjeobanb: sorry, mistype, i'm dyslexic06:49
Arcis there a way to revert to the original mac bootloader? the one where you can hold down different keys at boot to get different drives to go?06:49
eobanb_Arc, well i really dont know, but the fact that mac os x is kernel panicking makes it a mac os x problem i'm afraid, not an ubuntu one.06:49
nickrudintuos_pen yes, you can use that and a mail server and procmail if you like.06:49
jijies anyboD here?....06:49
eobanb_ormandj, because it's just shorter and easier to type/say?06:49
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darylAnyone here, able to help me with my NVIDA display problems?06:50
=== nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp140-154.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanb_Arc, yes, flash the NVRAM06:50
tagI could always start nautilus with tsocks, but I think there is probably a less brute force way06:50
Arceobanb_: how do I do that06:50
eobanb_Arc, just hold down cmd-opt-P-R on boot06:50
eobanb_Arc, and do it twice in a row06:50
Arcyou mean control-option p r?06:50
eobanb_Arc, no, command.06:50
tageobanb_: any ideaZ06:50
intuos_pennickrud: okay, that would be nice. i won't be bugging you with more questions. i'm planning to read dovecot's documentation sometime later. thanks for all the info's you've told me.06:50
Arcwhat's the command key?06:50
tagideas even06:50
eobanb_Arc, i take it you're not a long-time mac user....06:51
Arcno i'm not.06:51
Arcthe apple key?06:51
PPJJeobanb; whats a good place to learn how to fix xorg?06:51
eobanb_Arc, it's the key with an apple logo on it.  it also has a sort of flower-like symbol on it06:51
intuos_peneobanb_: btw, does intel-macs have mbr's already?06:51
eobanb_intuos_pen, no, intel macs use EFI, which does not use an MBR06:51
eobanb_welcome, jijie06:51
nickrudintuos_pen, I've been avoiding https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhyIMAP for a long time :)06:51
intuos_pennickrud: avoiding? why?06:52
nickrudintuos_pen, it need editing06:52
lwizardlany ubuntu guru's awake ?06:52
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>06:52
jijiethnks.... at last i hav sombody 2 chat on.06:52
darylAnyone here, able to help me with my NVIDA display problems?06:52
=== eobanb_ rolls eyes
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>06:53
Arceobanb_: ok i did that, the volume at startup was noticably lower06:53
lwizardleobanb_ thats funny06:53
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Arcbut i still got the ubuntu bootloader06:53
daryleobanb_: what you mean?06:53
nickrudintuos_pen, and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Dovecot is way to complex for most users06:53
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skwid_wow sweet06:53
eobanb_daryl, just ask your question, don't ask to ask06:53
daryleobanb_: i did repeatedly, but didn't want to spam the room w/the long explanation.  so I was waiting for someone to respond06:53
intuos_penubotu: it's between me and nickrud, so there's no need to worry, the borg doesn't understand humans much.06:53
ubotuintuos_pen: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about06:53
intuos_penubotu: see.06:54
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, intuos_pen06:54
eobanb_!tell daryl about nvidia06:54
nickrud!tell intuos_pen about ubotu06:54
daryleobanb_: I followed the instructions at that nvidia site.  and i still have this problem.06:54
eobanb_intuos_pen, ubotu isn't a real person06:54
PPJJeobanb; would info about xorg be on wiki.ubun?06:54
taghow can I make nautilus use a socks proxy to connect to a file share?06:55
Arcdoes anyone know how to remove the ubuntu bootloader from a system?06:55
eobanb_daryl, well instead of us all having to scroll up and find where you explained the issue an hour ago, can you just explain it again?06:55
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eobanb_Arc, i already explained how06:55
daryleobanb_: i'm trying to type it06:55
Arceobanb_: and I told you, that did'nt work.06:55
intuos_peneobanb_: i know :) didn't you see i called him a borg? anyway, it's against the rules to play with the bot. i'm stopping now.06:55
eobanb_cmd-opt-P-R, Arc06:55
eobanb_Arc, are you positive you're pressing all four of those keys?06:55
ArcI did. and it immediatly rebooted with the volume noticably reduced.  and i kept holding it down, and it rebooted again, then i let up.06:55
daryleobanb_: the problem is when I run winecfg.  I get a message that the apllication tries to start a window, but no driver could be loaded.  Make sure ythat your x server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.06:56
eobanb_daryl, well that's hardly an issue with nvidia, that's a problem with wine06:56
lwizardlcan someone help me with figuring how I can have this. I'm wanting to have 2 pcs running in a retail store type setup (inventory management, print sales receipts, etc)  1 the main backend server running everything. and 1 front end terminal pulling the information from the backend server and updating as needed06:56
daryleobanb_ that explains why reinstalling my nvidia drivers 50 different ways didn't resolve the problem06:56
cafuego_did you 'su' at all?06:56
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daryleobanb_ whats the problem?06:57
eobanb_daryl, i'm not sure...i'd probably ask in #wine06:57
daryleobanb_: ok, i'l go try there06:57
bjronhmm, so I have an iso image which I'd like to use as a source for my dapper upgrade, mounted the image and added it to my sources list, but when i run 'update-manager -d' and get ready to upgrade, the ugrade manager disables the iso file source; does anyone know how to use this image as a source (so I don't have to redownload those packages on the CD)?06:57
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eobanb_bjron, sure, just do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade instead of running the update manager06:58
Arcdoes anyone know how to remove the ubuntu bootloader from a system?06:58
PPJJeobanb; when i try to edit xorg.conf i get GTK-warning cannot open display.. hm06:59
PPJJi wonder if its because i have a PCI video card plugged in with my 7900gt06:59
eobanb_PPJJ, obviously you can't use a graphical editor like gedit when you're not running X06:59
ArcI know this system was booting these CDs just two days ago, now it's not.  this is a serious problem if ubuntu is preventing the macosx install CDs from working and there's no way to recover06:59
bjroneobanb, ah, good thought.  I'm  a bit concerned that running 'dist-upgrade' isn't the only thing the upgrade manager does tho06:59
eobanb_PPJJ, use nano or vi06:59
PPJJvi then?06:59
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PPJJi didnt realize gedit was graphical06:59
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eobanb_PPJJ, and remember use sudo when editing it07:00
PPJJok all i see are blue tildes07:00
intuos_penthis is a very trivial question and I don't intend to revive religious wars, which is lighter, robust and much more stable on laptops, gnome on ubuntu or kde on kubuntu?07:00
eobanb_bjron, it is, in fact, all that the upgrade manager basically does.07:00
eobanb_intuos_pen, purely subjective07:00
nickrudbjron, can't you simply write that iso to a cd; loading that cd should ask you to upgrade to dapper07:00
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bjroneobanb, cool, thanks :)07:01
=== hegemon [n=hegemon@cpe-66-87-4-181.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanb_intuos_pen, if you're looking for a 'lighter' desktop environment, might i recommend trying xubuntu instead07:01
eobanb_welcome, szming07:01
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hegemonmust have printing capability.07:01
PPJJeobanb; it appears completel blank minus blue tildes going down the side07:01
bjronnickrud, I could, but kinda a waste of a CD07:01
bjronunless I have my rewritable one around here somewhere . . .07:01
eobanb_PPJJ, it's /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:01
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eobanb_PPJJ, is that what file you're editing?07:01
PPJJyeah i know07:01
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nickrudbjron, I'm not sure if you can use a loop mounted iso to upgrade from; you might want to ask on #ubuntu+107:02
eobanb_PPJJ, i'm going to have to ask you to double check07:02
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Zane42I just got Ubuntu installed but I have a couple of questions.07:02
intuos_peneobanb_: xubuntu is indeed light, but i wonder if it's good for laptop (like can i expect it to automatically launch gthumb and import photos from my digital camera like gnome on ubuntu does?).07:02
eobanb_Zane42, go ahead and just ask07:02
ToHellWithGAeobanb: the info from !sound has my sound running now, but the mixer is cryptic07:02
PPJJactually i didnt do capitalized X07:02
Zane421.  I can't seem to watch videos.07:02
ToHellWithGAis there any way to re-label the mixer controls?07:02
bjronnickrud, mb I'll just give it a shot and see :)07:02
PPJJill trythat07:02
eobanb_PPJJ, on ext3, capitalisation matters.07:02
eobanb_!tell Zane42 about restricted07:03
Zane42I assume I need to get a codec07:03
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eobanb_read what ubotu just sent you, Zane4207:03
PPJJhow the heck do get out of vi07:03
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eobanb_PPJJ, :q! to quit without saving, ZZ to quit with saving07:03
PPJJor alt f4 ;p07:03
ChadGah, so hard to setup a modem in linux >_>07:03
intuos_penPPJJ: press esc several times and type q! on the ":" prompt.07:03
eobanb_PPJJ, if you dont know how to use vi then use nano07:03
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ToHellWithGAis !sound the only info on sound setup available here?07:04
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eobanb_ToHellWithGA, i dont know of a way to re-label the mixer controls without recompiling that part of gnome, sorry07:04
lwizardlcan ubuntu be used in that way ?07:05
PPJJalright, found the xorg.conf07:05
eobanb_lwizardl, in what way07:05
ToHellWithGAok thanks eobanb07:05
lwizardlcan someone help me with figuring how I can have this. I'm wanting to have 2 pcs running in a retail store type setup (inventory management, print sales receipts, etc)  1 the main backend server running everything. and 1 front end terminal pulling the information from the backend server and updating as needed07:05
ToHellWithGAi'll keep fishing07:05
eobanb_lwizardl, okay....07:05
Zane42Ok thanks...07:05
nautok, I've installed ubuntu breezy from cd, done apt-get install gcc and gdb, and I still don't have basic c libraries like stdio.h or stdlib.h.  IS there one target that will get all this sort of stuff on for me?07:05
eobanb_naut, sudo apt-get install build-essential07:06
Zane422.  I have a geoforce card with 2 video outputs...  Only one is currently working.07:06
Zane42Any ideas?07:06
PPJJeobanb; it's xorg's device is my pci card, i guess that is it07:06
nauteobanb_, that;s why irc is better than google :)07:06
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PPJJas opposed to my 7900gt07:06
PPJJwhich the monitors on07:06
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eobanb_PPJJ, you might just want to try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg instead of manually editing your xorg.conf07:06
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eobanb_PPJJ, well i dont know your exact setup07:06
daveCBhow do i get ubuntu connect to a windows PC ?07:07
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eobanb_PPJJ, if you have two cards then ubuntu is perhaps trying to use the other card07:07
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.07:07
PPJJeo; yep looks like that, its using my first nic also07:07
intuos_penlwizardl: LAMP comes to mind.07:07
eobanb_now, daveCB, can you re-phrase your question?07:07
lwizardllamp ?07:07
daveCBeobanb,  i wan to use a windows cpu connected to a ubuntu cpu07:08
PPJJin what way07:08
core__he wants to connect two computers one with ubuntu the opther one with windows xp07:08
eobanb_daveCB, 'connected' in what way? do you want to set up a network share?07:08
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intuos_penlwizardl: Linux, Apache, MySQL, (php, perl, python).07:08
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eobanb_daveCB, then that's what you should have said.  dont worry, that's easy to do, with samba.07:08
eobanb_daveCB, are the two computers already on the same network?07:08
intuos_penlwizardl: in our case, it could be UAMP.07:09
PPJJsamba a pcanywhere clone?07:09
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intuos_penPPJJ: no.07:09
eobanb_PPJJ, no.07:09
Arccan someone please help me recover my original Mac bootloader?  ubuntu has broken my G407:09
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lwizardlintuos_pen, ok so basically all i need to do is set it up like a webserver and then use like http://localhost/ on the front end ?07:09
intuos_penArc: can you call apple support?07:09
mediatedHello.  I'm using firestarter.  I'm trying to share my ath0 over my eth0.  It says my eth0 device is "not ready".  How do i make my device ready?07:09
core__according to the ubuntu the topic related to davecb's problem is a mess07:10
intuos_penlwizardl: that's one of the option.07:10
Arcintuos_pen: why should it be apple's problem, ubuntu is what broke it07:10
lwizardlintuos_pen, is there a better way ?07:10
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eobanb_daveCB, if you enable CIFS on your windows machine, you should be able to simply connect to it in ubuntu by going to Network in nautilus and then choosing Windows network07:10
PPJJi wiped out my xp installed ubuntu, im not blaming ubuntu.07:10
ArcPPJJ: you would care if you couldn't install another OS afterward07:11
Arcie, if ubuntu trashed your bios.07:11
eobanb_no flamewars, please.07:11
PPJJi dont have an OS right now :)07:11
intuos_penArc: but you're trying to install Apple's OS. If you're trying to install ubuntu people here could help you. but if you're asking us to help you install MACOS, you've got to pay for support.07:11
PPJJi have multiple computers.07:11
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ormandjdid they get that automatic codec/etc installer working on dapper yet out of curiosity?07:11
eobanb_Arc, does yaboot show an option to boot from a disc?07:11
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Arceobanb_: yes, and hitting "c" only works for a few seconds before it dies.07:12
eobanb_ormandj, it has nothing to do with technical problems, just legal ones.07:12
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core__How do you enable CIFS07:12
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mediatedHello.  I'm using firestarter.  I'm trying to share my ath0 over my eth0.  It says my eth0 device is "not ready".  How do i make my device ready?07:12
intuos_penArc: and btw, a change in your hardisks data doesn't make your computer broken.07:12
lwizardlonly time i had issues after install ubuntu was when i forgot i edited the bios settings and changed the boot order to hd then cd07:12
daveCBeobanb,  sorry but im kind of noob...how do i enable cifs on windows?07:12
endeavormachow can i view and/or modify the dns servers my linux box is using from a terminal?07:12
Arcintuos_pen: on the mac, apparently, the bootloader isnt all it the hard disk.07:12
eobanb_daveCB, does this look like a windows support channel to you? cifs is just windows file sharing, aka SMB.07:12
PPJJnv=nvidia in xorg drivers right?07:13
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eobanb_PPJJ, the open source ones, yes.07:13
daveCBi see07:13
Arci have no problem with linux installing something to the flash bootrom for a bootloader, the problem comes in when i can't undo it.07:13
detIs it possible to setup a lvm2 on (Linux software) Raid 5 using the ubuntu installer?07:14
skwid_how can i install profont ???07:14
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intuos_penArc: i'm quite sure that your Mac or your OSX installer has a way to initialize your hardisk so you can install OSX on it. you just don't know how to do it. but thats not ubuntu's fault.07:14
eobanb_intuos_pen, we've already covered this.07:14
Arcintuos_pen: it can't if I can't get into the installer.07:14
eobanb_intuos_pen, it seems his mac os x disc is panicking when it boots, and resetting the NVRAM also seems to default to yaboot07:15
detskwid_, I suspect that using multiple question marks makes people more unwilling to spend their time to help you.07:15
mediatedHello again everyone....  I'm using firestarter.  I'm trying to share my ath0 over my eth0.  It says my eth0 device is "not ready".  How do i make my device ready?07:15
ArcI'm about 5 minutes away from launching an advisory on the ithaca free software association website warning Mac users from using the PPC ubuntu discs we've been handing out for months07:15
skwid_det: hum.. that's just the way i type, not really an incentive to anything07:15
eobanb_Arc, please, i'm still researching your issue07:16
ArcI've worked with Gentoo on macosx for years, I've never had this problem.07:16
intuos_penArc: and you're just 5 minutes away from making yourself look like an idiot who should not be allowed anywhere near a computer.07:16
jmgguys when i go to add a printer into cups it prompts me for a username and password, but my password doesnt work.07:16
jmgany ideas?07:16
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eobanb_Arc, you didnt even know what the command key was before i told you..07:16
cfeddejmg: roots07:16
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jmgcfedde: huh?07:16
ubotuTo enable the administration functions of the cups web interface - "sudo adduser cupsys shadow" then "sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart"07:16
mediatedCan anyone help me out for just a minute?07:17
=== TahitiBOB is now known as kailashbal
Arceobanb_: the "command" key isn't called such under linux07:17
nickrudjmg, that ubuntu thing above was for you07:17
eobanb_Arc, it's not called anything on linux because it's not used by linux.  it is therefore called the command key07:17
Arcim installing this system so I have a PPC testbed linux/macosx workstation and for packaging free software for those distros07:17
cfeddejmg: if you are doing it from the command line then you'll need to use sudo.  If doing it from the gui it'll prompt you.07:18
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eobanb_Arc, can you still boot into ubuntu?07:18
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Arceobanb_: I believe so.07:18
=== rookie is now known as metatag
eobanb_Arc, well do find that out, because that could be helpful07:19
mediatedGoddamn it.  Everybody would rather argue than help,,,  This is why people don't switch...07:19
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-0511.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
mediatedLinux is hard sometimes...07:19
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.07:19
nickrudthe hardest part of helping is figuring out where the person you are helping is at07:20
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intuos_penmediated: anyone would argue if you're blaming a thing you don't understand.07:20
eobanb_Arc, if you have a firewire drive around (or if you have another mac around) you might try booting from that07:20
mediatedwell I'm just a little bitter reading about this macosx argument.07:21
eobanb_Arc, you might also try booting from ubuntu install media and seeing if you can re-partition that way07:21
brettzillai have a question. I recently bought a widescreen monitor, and now, i cannot set my resolution to the native widescreen reso...07:21
mediatedYeah I'm new, that's why I came here, for help.07:21
jmgThanks ubotu, that hosed cups07:21
mediatedI don't pretend to know.07:21
Arceobanb_: how would repartitioning help me? i cant get the os 10.3 CDs to boot anymore07:21
metatagmediated: is your eth0 connected?07:21
eobanb_Arc, re-partitioning should remove yaboot07:21
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Archow would repartitioning cause the bootloader on the flash to not work07:22
Arcok ubuntu is up07:22
eobanb_Arc, you have to understand that yaboot isn't in some BIOS somewhere, it has its own miniature partition on the hard drive07:22
nickrudbrettzilla, have you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg yet? (that should set up your monitor correctly, unless it's really offbeat)07:22
brettzillais there a way to redetect my monitor? xorg.conf still shows my old monitor......07:22
brettzillanot yet07:22
brettzillathanks for the suggestion07:22
eobanb_brettzilla, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:23
brettzillashould i just breeze through this, and have it auto detect everything?07:23
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eobanb_brettzilla, i'd look at the settings carefully.07:23
wizard1intuos_pen, whats the best way for my use of a retail setup07:23
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brettzillaokay. thanks07:23
eobanb_brettzilla, especially if you want a certain resolution07:23
core__if anyone can help me or daveCB  i would be much gratefull because its like 6 am and im starting to feel a little annoyed with everything cuz im stuffed in my cpu all night trying to figure out how to share internet connection based on ubunto for windows xp.a link with a simple explanation but reliable would suit very well07:24
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=== nickrud skates away from networking, thank you :)
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eobanb_core__, you have two computers, and are trying to share an internet connection between both?07:24
pppjjjjok that didnt work, going to install again with just the pcie card in07:24
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skwid_can anyone help me install a .pcf font ?07:24
eobanb_core__, do you have two network cards on either of the computers?07:24
metatagmediated: is your eth0 configured properly?07:25
Arci did a mac-fdisk -l07:25
daveCB6 am = coffe time07:25
Arcit shows me hda and hdc07:25
Archda has 10 partitions including a 646meg HFS partition?07:25
Arcand linux appears installed on hdc07:25
mediatedmetatag:  Yes.  I have a hub with my mac connected, and I share my mac's wifi over ethernet all the time to this computer.07:25
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eobanb_core__, try this07:26
gabodoes anyone know a program similar to deep freeze for Ubuntu?07:26
core__will do eobanb ,thanks07:26
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bjrongabo: what's deep freeze do?07:26
eobanb_gabo, i dont know what deep freeze is07:26
gaboit restores the changes in your hard drives07:27
gaboany time you restart your OS07:27
eobanb_to an earlier period in time?07:27
Flannelah, so, you make an image, and then boot to that image07:27
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gaboit Freezes de partition07:27
eobanb_gabo, well, there's the liveCD :)07:27
gaboit does it automatically07:27
gabobecause you can disable it07:27
gabomake changes07:27
Flannelgabo: right, but thats what the gist of it is.07:27
gaboand freeze it again07:28
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bjrongabo, this is so you can muck around, and then when you break stuff, easily go back to where it worked?07:28
Flannelgabo: I cant help feeling that it isn't required for linux.07:28
eobanb_gabo, yeah, i dont know of anything like that, but i'm sure there's something like that out there, so i'd keep looking07:28
gaboisnt it?07:29
eobanb_gabo, why would it be07:29
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gaboit is my first day with ubuntu07:29
core__eobanb,  i tryed that already but it seems not work,windows xp tells me that they are connected but they dont share any internet connection...at least when i try to open a wwebpage doesnt show any activity07:29
=== drumline_ [n=drumline@c-71-193-2-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bjronseems like it could be mighty useful for tweaking07:29
nanotube_gabo, that's why there is root privilege separation - you cant really do anything to your system files until you enter root password. that's equivalent to "unlocking, making changes, then locking again" :)07:29
Flannelgabo: well, regular users cant edit system files07:29
fyrestrtrbjron: with a journaling file system, you can just replay the journal, or with a volume manager, you can take snapshots.07:29
Flannelbut, if you wanted to screw around with important files, back them up to a tar gz and then you can extract them later if need be07:29
mediatedmetatag: are you recieving my /msg's?07:29
eobanb_core__, can you ping the ubuntu box from the windows box?07:29
gaboand what if i change someting as root and i want to fix it07:30
drumline_I prefer the old style priv sepparation...07:30
bjronfyrestrtr, that's probably what he's looking for then :)07:30
gaboand of course, as i am a newbie i wouldnt have any idea how to solve it07:30
drumline_thankfully, it's possible to override the sudo stuff..07:30
eobanb_mediated, i believe you need to register your nick to send private messages on freenode right now07:30
nanotube_gabo: well, then you can be screwed pretty badly. :)07:30
mediated"My interface eth0 is active"07:30
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Flannelgabo: thats why I said to backup your essentials, and then you can just extract them later if need be07:31
gaboyes it seems the solution07:31
gabowhat do you mean with "essentials"07:31
nanotube_hmm, that deep freeze program seems like it would have its uses, though... i wonder if there is something like that. :)07:31
eobanb_gabo, just about the only things you can screw up that truly require a re-install (or at least a rescue disc) are the sudoers file and grub07:31
Flannelheh, everything that isn't /home  maybe /var as well.07:32
fyrestrtreobanb_: not really ;)07:32
=== nickrud thinks of /usr/share and /etc, and /var, and shudders
metatagmediated: did you enable dhcp ?07:32
mediatedeobanb_:  I didn't notice those messages for quite a while...07:32
eobanb_sure, fyrestrtr.  everything else can basically be fixed from the recovery console07:32
hegemoncan I have multiple clocks set at different time zones?07:32
nanotube_eobanb, sudoers is easy to fix up - just boot into singleuser mode, and edit it to your heart's content. grub can be more of a pain - would require booting from a livecd. but either way, no requirement to reinstall.07:32
fyrestrtrhegemon: no, the system clock can only be set to one timezone.07:32
eobanb_hegemon, multiple clocks...?07:32
gabook thank you07:32
hegemondarn it07:32
metatagmediated: why don't you try static ip addresses?07:33
jmgsane worked07:33
fyrestrtrhegemon: you can find an applet for gnome that can show you different time zones.07:33
eobanb_good to hear it, jmg07:33
=== InnerFIRE [n=darnell@dsl254-014-076.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Arcgrr its too late to be still working on this07:33
nanotube_hegemon, there might be some program somewhere that can display the time in different cities around the globe, or something. is that what you are looking for?07:33
Arceobanb_: thanks for trying to help07:33
Flannelhegemon: sure.  in fact, I think theres a 'world clock' package or something07:33
hegemonthats what mean07:33
eobanb_good luck, Arc07:33
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firebird318Could someone help me with a APT Preferences file. I was here in the channel last night and had help for how to create one and what to put in it, etc., but that did not solve my problem of when trying to install certain packages, it saying one version is required, but another (older) version will be installed. I think the problem has to do with the line Pin: release a=sarge-backports. I...07:33
firebird318...don't think I have that repo, but I don't know that thats the problem.07:33
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metatagmediated: if you have 2 computers you probably don't need dhcp07:33
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mediatedI'll try it07:33
=== InnerFIRE [n=darnell@dsl254-014-076.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanb_firebird318, what were you trying to install07:34
nickrudfirebird318, sare-backports?07:34
mediatedSame error message07:34
metatagmediated : http://www.redhat.com/archives/rhl-list/2005-March/msg02004.html07:34
eobanb_nickrud, i get the feeling firebird318 was messing with debian's repositories07:34
eobanb_which is a baaad idea07:34
mediatedAdding Firestarter startup hook to /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks07:35
mediatedInternal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..07:35
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eobanb_firebird318, can you give us more background please07:35
firebird318eobanb: I get that, for example when trying to install mythtv. I got the sarge-backports from the person that tried to help me last night. I just used what he had, and I didn't think to ask if I had to change that to suit my repo list.07:35
ubotumethinks mythtv is for watching TV in Linux.  Check out http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/16/instructions-to-install-mythtv/07:35
eobanb_firebird318, adding repositories for mythtv is totally unnecessary07:35
eobanb_firebird318, just install myth from ubuntu's own repositories07:36
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firebird318eobanb: I am only trying to install mythtv from Synaptic, I am not adding repos for anything.07:36
hegemongnome stock ticker is slow07:36
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eobanb_firebird318, okay, so apt-get install mythtv....and then what?07:37
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ericmoritz\0hi, I just upgraded to dapper.  I'm playing with the network-manager app.  Is the NetworkManager daemon supposed to start at boot or something?07:37
eobanb_ericmoritz\0, ask in #ubuntu+107:37
eobanb_welcome, ubuntu07:37
nanotube_ericmoritz\0, it does on breezy07:37
ubuntuhow to play divx in ubuntu?07:37
uboturumour has it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats07:38
eobanb_!tell ubuntu about restricted07:38
ericmoritz\0eobanb_: thanks, didn't know about that channel07:38
metatagmediated: bastille is quite good also.. why don't you give it a shot?07:38
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ubuntui tried totern movie player, it doesnt work07:38
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daveCBhow do i install lircd on ubuntu07:38
firebird318eobanb: I find the package in Synaptic and then mark it for installation and then it gives me messages saying that it depends on a certain package and version, but it will install the same package but with an older version than what is required.07:38
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eobanb_ubuntu, please read the link ubotu sent you07:38
eobanb_!info lircd07:39
nickrudubuntu, that restricted page explains much07:39
eobanb_daveCB, slowly and painfully?07:39
daveCBfast and dirty07:39
dick-richardson_where are the default breezy wallpapers stored?07:39
skonif i kill BitTorrent and then restart, will it take off where it left off with the partially downloaded file?07:39
mediatedmetatag: thanks for the link.  I'm going to read up on some of the details.  I appreciate the help everyone.07:39
Flannelskon: sort of.  For all intents and purposes, yes.07:39
eobanb_oh, it's called lirc07:39
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eobanb_daveCB, just sudo apt-get install lirc07:40
lampshadeis there a way to always have my location bar visible in Nautulus07:40
eobanb_er, daveCB, enable universe first.07:40
skonFlannel: so it won't start all over again eg record over the top07:40
nickruddick-richardson_, /usr/share/backgrounds07:40
eobanb_!tell daveCB about universe07:40
Flannelskon: nope.  thats how bittorrent works.  Actually right nwo youre downloading it in pieces anyway.07:40
nanotube_skon, yea, it will basically resume where it left off. it will not start all over again from the beginning. that's the whole point of bittorrent, after all.07:40
dick-richardson_nickrud: thank you!07:40
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skonFlannel: okay thanks07:41
hegagglewhat time do the markets open?07:41
metatagmediated: no problem07:41
nickruddick-richardson_, um, maybe not. I've got old stuff there07:41
Flannelskon: the part that doen't REALLY pick up 'right where' you left off, is that if youre halfway through a piece, then it won't pick up with that piece.07:41
eobanb_hegaggle, what?07:41
nanotube_hegaggle, which markets?07:41
hegaggleim dumb, the stock markets07:41
nanotube_hegaggle, if you are talking about the us stock market, its 9 am est, afaik.07:41
dick-richardson_nickrud: that's where mine are :)07:41
firebird318dick-richardson_: Hi,  I believe you were the one who helped me last night with making a preferences file. I used your line of Pin: release a=sarge-backports but didn't think to ask if I had to change that line to suit my repository list. My problem is not solved, do you have any suggestions on what I should put instead of sarge-backports.07:41
eobanb_hegaggle, what does this have to do with ubuntu07:41
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Flanneleobanb_: he was playing with the stock tickers07:42
hegagglemy bad i forgot to change channels07:42
Guestok, apparently breezy badger has no interest in running on my new pc07:42
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passbedoes anyone know how to let a proftpd user to delete files and directories ?07:42
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eobanb_pppjjj, if you have a particular question, we can help you07:42
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dick-richardson_firebird318: you'll need to put teh repository that has the newer version of whatever software you're trying to install07:42
=== nickrud forgot he installed all the risque backgrounds
pppjjjeobanb; im the guy witht he xorg problems07:42
eobanb_pppjjj == PPJJ?07:42
pppjjjyeah i have to use my work laptop, so no irc07:42
pppjjjusing a java client07:43
hegaggleI cant wait for the Upcoming release.07:43
skoni started BitTorrent remotely with Nxclient. Now i am back home and can't find the dialogue window although it is still running07:43
nanotube_passbe, well, there is a config file for proftpd somewhere, where you can set the permissions07:43
Flannellampshade: there is a way.  I dont know it though (dont use gnome).  Poke around.  Its in there somewhere.07:43
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firebird318dick-richardson: How do I find out which repo has the newer version. Synaptic doesn't tell me.07:43
Flannelskon: you need screen!07:43
nanotube_passbe, /etc/proftpd.conf most likely07:43
skonyeah that is what i used07:43
passbenanotube_: yas im in that file, except everytime i make DELE set to allow it never works07:43
Flanneloh, so... reattach to it.07:43
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pppjjjeobanb; i removed the extra vga card ubuntu was using in xorg.. set everything to my nvidia.. not working. reinstaled ubuntu with only the nvidia07:43
madeI'm sorry I have to come here and ask stupid questions but I'm so frustrated with how hard it is to install crossover office07:43
lampshadeFlannel, I'd like to think that, but for the life of me I can't find it.  I can get it temporarily with ctrl+L  but I checked through prefs and didn't see anything unless I have to edit a conf file to do it?07:43
skoni did but still no dialog window07:43
pppjjjsame deal.. it shows the login screen a few times, lets me login, soon as i do that it tells me the xorg is not setup correctly and wants me to set it up07:44
drumline_made: what's hard about it?  I haven't ever tried it.07:44
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nickrudfirebird318, apt-cache policy shows you what repo has what package version07:44
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madeI have the file in my home dir "su install-crossover-standard-demo-5.0.1.sh"07:44
drumline_made: sudo, not su07:44
skoni will kill and restart > thanks though07:44
eobanb_made, crossover office is a commercial product that comes with tech support, so i'd consult them, not us07:44
lampshadepppjjj, when it errors out like that, do you have the chance to see the full output?  A lot of time the clue is there.  Any option to view the full xorg output?07:44
drumline_made: "sudo ./install-crossover-....07:45
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firebird318nickrud: ok, so then I go by that and then put that repo in the Preferences list.07:45
pppjjjyeah it lets me view all that ill look again, nothing looked obviously bad07:45
nickrudfirebird318, pinning?07:45
lampshadepppjjj,  well what line did it say it had an error on or what was the error07:45
eobanb_pppjjj, look for lines that say EE07:45
lampshadeline number won't help me lol when I think of it07:45
hegaggleon this stock ticker when adding symbols is the ^ required  ?07:45
madecommand not found07:45
pppjjjbooting now07:46
eobanb_made, you have to type the whole name of the shell script07:46
pppjjjit flicks the login screen a few times07:46
nanotube_passbe, well, i do not run proftpd myself, but if you install the proftpd-doc package, it should install some documentation for proftpd, and then you should look around and it will tell you how to properly enable the stuff you want.07:46
lampshademade, make sure to chmod a+x thefile.sh here too so that it is executable07:46
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firebird318nickrud: what is pinning?07:46
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made<-- newb07:46
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pppjjjso are half of us :)07:46
lampshadethat's cool I was too 6 months ago and am still noob07:46
pppjjjwell, at least you and i07:47
nickrudfirebird318, that's the general idea, but pinning by exact version is better (pinning is what a preferences file is for, see man apt_preferences for the gritty details)07:47
lampshadeI'm in here everyday almost whining.07:47
eobanb_made, sudo sh ~/install-crossover-standard-demo-5.0.1.sh07:47
pppjjjlampshade; well, if it worked perfectly we'd always be noobs07:47
pppjjjits good that we have to fix it07:47
firebird318nickrud: Ok.07:47
firebird318I will try that and see if it solves my problem. Thanks everyone.07:48
=== nseltzer [n=nseltzer@dpc674558190.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
nseltzerHey all07:48
eobanb_welcome, nseltzer07:48
made'$HOME' must exist and belong to you in order for the installation to proceed. You may need to log in as root or use su rather than sudo.07:48
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nseltzeri need someone to help me...07:48
nseltzeri need like somone to den00b me07:49
madeI thought I was logged into root07:49
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pppjjjeobanb; in report 1 all i see is a few "no symbols found" and fatal server error : no screens found07:49
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eobanb_made, just do sudo -i, and then sh ./whatever.sh07:49
lampshademade, ahh  interesting.  no, you were using sudo, which is kinda like being root just for that command07:49
drumline_nseltzer: with what?07:49
nanotube_pppjjj, have you tried changing 'Device "nvidia"' to 'Device "vesa"' in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, to see if that will make the your xorg work?07:49
nickrudfirebird318, if you search that manpage for 'version 5.8' there's a stanza you can probably adapt pretty easily07:49
nseltzerdrumline_, installing stuff... running apps.... everything07:49
firebird318nickrud: Ok, I will check that manpage out. Thank You07:50
pppjjjthis 2nd report is a bunch of memory hoopla07:50
pppjjjnanotube_; er, no, i guess ill try taht07:50
=== Anon1782 [n=Anon1782@adsl-66-140-45-201.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lampshadenseltzer, installing stuff mainly comes from the add package program.  Packages are downloaded from repos around the world and installed at your will.  this is how you will mainly install programs.  (I'm assuming you are really new and these were things I didn't know when I started)07:50
nanotube_pppjjj, the "vesa" device is like the failsafe lowest-common-denominator video device. it doesnt have 3d accel or anything, but it has the highest chance of actually working. :)07:50
pppjjjwhats the xserv reconfigu command? sudo reconfigure xserv-xorg ?07:50
madeno such file or directory07:50
AlmtyBobgoddamnit, I just died from lack of food in angband 8(07:50
nickrudfirebird318, I don't like pointing people at man pages, but what you're doing requires it :)07:50
=== nickrud always got eaten by rats
Misnixsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg pppjjj07:51
nseltzerlampshade, Ok, I'm still very new, and I am trying to install this driver for a wireless card.07:51
pppjjjlaptops annoy me so much07:51
nseltzerlampshade, Do i use the package installer for that07:52
Anon1782hi all. i have a ipw2200 wireless card and i'm trying to connect onto a netgear wgt624 router that's set on "108mbps only" mode... is there any way for me to connect?07:52
madeI don't get it. I was able to compile my own gentoo kernel and use it completely install anything I want.. I come to ubuntu.. I and I don't know jack squat07:52
Misnixpppjjj, trade one for a pentium 90 desktop? ;-P07:52
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=== Anon1782 shudders at his nickname
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pppjjjnot that badly07:52
firebird318nickrud:  I don't mind reading man pages, but there is a lot of them. But if I am directed to the right one I don't mind reading it and learning and solving a problem myself. Thanks for the help. :-)07:52
nanotube_Anon1782, well, i have the ipw2200 card too - and it only does 54mbps. so if you have your router to 108-only mode, then my guess is that there is no way you can make it work.07:52
lampshadeAnon1782, ummm don't think so....    I'm pretty sure the ipw2200 can only go to 54,07:52
pppjjjbut the stupid mouse/keyboard leayouts and quick buttons annoy07:53
drumline_made: slightly different way of doing it.   Ubuntu is one of the 2001 flavors.  :)07:53
madebut but but.. there are things I like about ubuntu that gentoo doesn't offer07:53
nickrudmade, read !components to start07:53
Anon1782alright, I didn't knokw. I guess I should've looked for specs before asking questions07:53
ubotuThe rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components07:53
pppjjjok how do i START xorg?07:53
lampshadeunless the 108 wasn't a true 108 and was merely software based on windows, I've seen stuff like that done with compression07:53
pppjjjfrom a commandline07:53
nanotube_pppjjj, how about trading one for a p2 300 desktop? :)07:53
me2winpppjjj: startx07:53
Misnixlaptop kb's bah bah bah07:53
lampshadepppjjj, /etc/init.d/gdm restart is what I prefer07:53
Anon1782I'll tell them to change their settings for me :p thanks all07:53
pppjjjomg i can see07:53
nanotube_Anon1782, good luck. :)07:53
pppjjj$2 goes to nanotube07:53
nanotube_pppjjj, w00t! :)07:53
lampshadepppjjj, is it an old nvidia card?07:54
pppjjjhell no07:54
pppjjjbrand new07:54
lampshadeoh nm07:54
pppjjjdual core opty..etc. etc.07:54
pppjjji always have more problems with new hardware07:54
pppjjjbut it keeps me on the edge07:54
lampshadeI once had a problem where mine wouldn't take the nvidia drivers because it became too old and I had to switch to the legacy drivers07:54
lampshadebut that was an old card like 16mb Nvidia card07:55
lampshadethat's why I ask07:55
pppjjjbrb plugging my network in07:55
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_johanbackends of printer "cups" giving error what is happened :|07:56
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Patrick_HEY GUYS.07:57
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mikej_she bangs!07:57
Patrick_SHE SURE DOES BANG.07:57
ubotuFYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour.07:57
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Patrick_OH, SORRY.07:57
Patrick_I DIDN'T NOTICE :)07:57
Patrick_OKAY, I'LL TURN THEM OFF.07:57
Patrick_RIGHT NOW.07:57
madesh ./install-crossover-standard-demo-5.0.1.sh07:58
madedoesn't do anything07:58
pppjjjji dont understand how SATA chooses a primary/slave07:58
me2winpppjjj: it doesnt07:58
madeNo such file or directory07:58
Patrick_I'm a slave.07:58
me2winpppjjj: it works like a USB device07:58
nickrudmade, maybe #crossover can help07:58
pppjjjjbut it keeps trying to make my D: the bootdisc07:59
me2winhot pluggable, all master pretty much07:59
pppjjjji end up ahving to disconnect it07:59
Patrick_Does anyone in here have an Intel iMac?07:59
pppjjjjinstall everything on c, then connect07:59
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pppjjjjis that how its supposed to work?07:59
_johanC= winblows07:59
me2winwindows ftw07:59
Patrick_Mac wools.07:59
Patrick_My Mac Wools.07:59
nickrudmade, /join #crossover, there's 28 people there :)08:00
pppjjjjwhats an MiB?08:00
_johanmy cups printer is refusing :| :-)08:00
pppjjjjis that a MB?08:00
Patrick_I just joined crossover.08:00
AlmtyBobheh I got that Beginning Ubuntu books.  It's 90% open source MS hating evangelism and 10% content08:00
Patrick_I have a Macbook Pwo.08:00
madethank you08:00
dli_johan, edit your acl in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf08:01
nickrudpppjjj, MiB = 1000 kilobytes, MB = 1024 kilobytes I think08:01
skwid_can anyone help me install a pcf font ??08:01
Patrick_Oh, baby.08:01
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Patrick_That sounds hot.08:01
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azathothhow can i change my network card to use dmfe instead of tulip?08:01
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Patrick_Does it make it hot for you?08:01
dlinickrud, is MiB 1000 kilo or just 1,000,000 bytes?08:01
_johanI will try but it answers backend isn't there08:01
Patrick_It's hot.08:01
bbrazildli: 1024 * 102408:02
nickruddli, as I typed, I got less certain about that.08:02
tlahi everybody, how can a put a desktop into standby mode with ubuntu?08:02
Patrick_I have a huge nutsack.08:02
pppjjjjwhat's that program that installs all of the important/entertainment stuff in ubuntu08:02
madenickrud: thx anyways guess I'm sol without an answer from anybody... bbl08:02
pppjjjjPatrick; dog cat run run.08:02
me2winpppjjj: automatix?08:03
Patrick_I have a huge nutsack.08:03
Patrick_That is all.08:03
bbrazilpppjjjj: easyubuntu08:03
pppjjjjme2; bingo08:03
nickrudmade, then i'd suggest adding sudo to the front of that sh <etc> command08:03
bbrazilpppjjjj: don't touch automatix08:03
_johanI have kubuntu dapper beta II installed for my notebook and standby mode is working good08:03
dlitla, system -> preferences -> screensaver08:03
pppjjjjbbrazil, why? ive heard tons about it08:03
pppjjjjwhat's better about easy?08:03
bbrazilpppjjjj: I've heard tons too, all about how it corrupts your system08:03
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nickrudpppjjj, for a lot of people it works well, it's supposed to be designed to fail gracefully08:04
tladli: will it put the computer in standy or only the monitor?08:04
madenickrud: it still tells me that I need to use su rather than sudo.. and that I need to log in as root, blah blah blah08:04
nickrudmade, then try sudo -i , then run the sh command (I've never installed crossover, mind you)08:05
nanotube_pppjjjj, easyubuntu presumably is more safe to use than automatix... but since i havent used either, i can't really make a strong recommendation. :)08:05
pppjjjjsame features?08:05
Patrick_Did I mention that my nutsack is huge as hell?08:06
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!08:06
pppjjjjcan someone boot the bot08:06
madebut when do sudo -i, it tells me.. no such file or directory exists after loging in to root..08:06
Patrick_I'm not a bot.08:06
Patrick_Hey, that rhymed.08:06
nanotube_Paavo, that's what they all say.08:06
azathothanyone know how i change my network card driver?08:06
Patrick_Christ, I'm not a bot.08:06
Patrick_What the hell is wrong with you?08:06
pppjjjjyeah, you just type at 900wpm.08:06
Patrick_Not quite, douchebag.08:06
nickrudPatrick_, you're wasting our time, thank you08:07
Patrick_Not really plausible, if you think about it.08:07
pppjjjjthen quit being annoying if you aren't one08:07
Patrick_And you should quit being stupid.08:07
nanotube_you can prove that you are not a bot by never mentioning your nutsack again. :)08:07
=== btrento [n=btrento@c-71-203-217-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tlacan ubuntu put the computer in standby mode similar to windows standby?08:07
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nanotube_tla, yes it can...08:07
_johanyes it can08:07
=== dreamthief [n=mathias@dslb-084-058-195-144.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
benplauttla: yup... it's called 'suspend to disk', or just 'suspend'08:08
benplautdunno much more about it :P08:08
Patrick_Okay, I won't make mention of my nutsack again.08:08
nanotube_benplaut, suspend to disk is 'hibernate', suspend to memory is "suspend"08:08
=== sstchur [n=sstchur@c-24-17-253-196.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
benplautyou're right08:08
tlananotube_: and how do I do it?08:08
Patrick_Tla, we don't want to hear about your nutsack.08:09
nanotube_well, if you choose system>logout from the menu, there will be a bunch of options, one of them is "suspend the computer"08:09
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!08:09
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Patrick_Hey ubotu.08:09
nanotube_tla, but if you have not tried it before, then just in case save all your docs, cuz it may not work properly. :)08:09
Patrick_Thanks, nanotube.08:09
Patrick_Nanotube, may I ask you a question?08:09
blazewhy when i type "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" i get "E: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree08:10
tlananotube_: I have only hibernate and no suspend there. any idea why?08:10
nanotube_Patrick_, give it a shot. but i'd appreciate it if it was not silly. :)08:10
ubotubenplaut: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:10
nickrudblaze, did you enable the multiverse repositoyr?08:10
harisundCould someone explain what a 'patch' means, and how I can go about writing one? (as in what language, what does it do ..etc?)08:10
nanotube_tla, aha, i see. well, then first you have to edit a configuration file08:10
nanotube_tla, hold on, let me see here...08:10
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madehibernate is suspend08:10
blazeno.. what is that?08:10
blazeand how to enable it? =)08:11
Patrick_Nanotube, are you a girl?08:11
nickrudharisund, a patch is the difference between the pristine source and your changes to that source08:11
bbrazilharisund: use 'diff' to produce patches08:11
benplautharisund: a patch says what file to edit, what line to look for, and what the change that line to... i don't know about creating one08:11
=== aftertaf [n=aftertaf@d213-103-81-67.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
HIGH-FREQanyone got a wpc54g  wireless pcmcia card working w/o ndiswrapper?08:11
benplautmade: no it isn't...08:11
madethen what is the diff?08:11
Patrick_Hey, I have a huge dong.08:11
benplautsuspend still uses the RAM, hibernate writes the ram to the harddrive08:11
sstchurANyone know what it means when I get "big/little test failed" when I try to run ./configure for qemu accelerator?08:11
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!08:11
ubotubenplaut: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:11
blazeok, i saw the help. i'll read it, 10x08:11
Patrick_Yo !ops08:12
nanotube_tla, aha, read this: http://pykeylogger.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu:Chronicles#Suspend_to_memory08:12
Patrick_Kick this loser out already.08:12
Patrick_Kick made and ben out.08:12
harisundnickrud, bbrazil and benplaut -- thanks for that info.08:12
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Patrick_They're disrupting the flow of our constructive discussion.08:12
Patrick_Harisund, no problem.08:12
nanotube_Patrick_, no, i'm not a girl. what made you think i was?08:12
benplautyes, go ahead and kick made and ben out >_>08:12
harisundwhy were the ops being called?08:12
Patrick_My dong was the savior.08:12
madewtf did I do08:13
Patrick_Your attitude, nano.08:13
HIGH-FREQanyone got a wpc54g  wireless pcmcia card working w/o ndiswrapper?08:13
benplautharisund: it's Patrick_08:13
aftertafyou can take it to offtopic..08:13
Patrick_You're so cheery.08:13
Patrick_What's Patrick?08:13
btrentohas anyone got gEDA working08:13
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu
madeI'm trying to get help from a help channel and Patrick_ is talking about his f**king nutsack08:13
benplautmade: nothing, Patrick_ is just trying to confuse them08:13
nickrudharisund, because of a person who's wasting my screen real estate08:13
Patrick_Who said what now?08:13
harisundbtrento I have been trying to get some spice working on Ubuntu myself :)08:13
aftertafPatrick_: take it to offtopic08:13
Patrick_I'm not talking about my nutsack.08:13
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Patrick_I left that topic over 10 minutes ago.08:13
benplautnickrud: aren't you an op?08:14
harisundbtrento I believe there are some schematic editors but I couldn't get a Spice implementation to work08:14
blazeshould i enable "Main restricted universe multiverse" Reposirtories?08:14
Patrick_Ben, be careful what you wish for.08:14
nickrudBenC, no. I avoid responsibilyt like the plague :)08:14
harisundblaze it depends on what you want to install.08:14
=== zedas [n=zedshaw@207-237-251-59.c3-0.80w-ubr3.nyr-80w.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
nanotube_Patrick_, heh, i guess i'm just a happy kinda guy. why else would i be up late at night spending time on an ubuntu channel.08:14
pppjjjjhow do i run an application as sudo08:14
hyphenatedblaze: if you like. stuff from universe and multiverse is "unsupported" though08:14
blazei want to install macromedia flash for mozilla08:14
pppjjjjnot using command lind08:14
nanotube_pppjjjj, use command "sudo"08:14
Patrick_You are kind of happy for a dude.08:14
pppjjjjlike actually double click and open..08:14
pppjjjjjust do sudo then run it?08:14
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harisundblaze Are you running breezy or dapper?08:14
hyphenatedpppjjjj: gksudo08:14
Patrick_It's probably ben's dong.08:14
Patrick_Just ask him.08:15
blazei think it's breezy08:15
Patrick_Me too.08:15
Patrick_It's breezy down there.08:15
=== dli [n=dli@adsl-68-252-251-178.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
madePatrick_ do you know how to help me with my crossover problems?08:15
Patrick_The air08:15
Patrick_lol, made, I have no idea.08:15
nanotube_Patrick_, yea, i forgot, all men are supposed to be crabby assholes. ;)08:15
madethank you08:15
Patrick_I was only joking with you.08:15
pppjjjjdumb bot08:15
nanotube_pppjjjj, check out the RootSudo page on the ubuntu wiki.08:15
Patrick_Glad to be of assistance to someone's dong.08:15
madeI'll come back during my daytime then.. ttyl08:15
aftertafmade, what is your problem. ubuntu-wise?08:15
Patrick_Poor guy.08:16
Patrick_He was serious.08:16
mneptokjokes are usually "funny" or "witty," hence the confusion.08:16
harisundblaze I did an install of flashplayer-mozilla on Breezy to get the Mozilla Flashplayer 7 plugin for firefox08:16
madeI can't install crossover in ubuntu08:16
madeI can do it in redhat08:16
harisundblaze I just followed the instructions from the wiki page on Firefox08:16
madeI can do it in mandrake08:16
madeI cannot do it in ubuntu08:16
aftertafmade: crossover office? you got the deb from somewhere?08:16
Patrick_Hey Made.08:16
Patrick_I'm pretty sure I can help you out.08:16
Patrick_Let's go into a different chat.08:17
aftertafmade ok. you trying to build from source?08:17
Patrick_We can share information on our dongs.08:17
madeI have the sh script for installation08:17
pppjjjjok i dont think automatix or easyubuntu run on x6408:17
Patrick_Me neither.08:17
hyphenatedmade: can you get a .deb package instead?08:17
Patrick_I think it's the dong, personally.08:17
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu
aftertafand made, what is the error when you run it?08:17
madeprobably didn't try that yet08:17
Patrick_Made, what do you think?08:18
Patrick_How about you, nano?08:18
madelet me do it again it's been 10 minutes08:18
hyphenatedmade: you're much better off with a 'deb' than a script installer08:18
aftertafPatrick_: try growing up or switching off... both will be of use to the rest of us08:18
bbrazilpppjjjj: you could create a x86 chroot08:18
Patrick_Who's aftertaf?08:18
hyphenatedespecially for uninstall purposes08:18
Patrick_Who is this clown?08:18
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aftertafi asked myself that just now.08:18
pppjjjjthat's not a bad script08:18
Patrick_Nano's awesome.08:18
pppjjjjsomeone must have had a lot of time on their hands08:19
blaze!tell blaze skype08:19
Patrick_Or their dongs.08:19
=== Clif [n=Clif@adsl-065-005-221-243.sip.chs.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
aftertafthis is a help channel. If you want to be somewhere where you can exercise your uncanny humour and be understood........ it ain't here pal.08:19
Patrick_Thanks for the tip, PAL.08:19
blazewould someone give me the skype help page please :)08:19
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blazeagain =P08:19
HIGH-FREQanyone got a wpc54g  wireless pcmcia card working w/o ndiswrapper?08:19
Patrick_Would someone assist make, please?08:19
pppjjjjit aint here pal.08:19
Patrick_Yeah, PAL.08:20
madeaftertaf: '$HOME' must exist and belong to you in order for the installation to proceed. You may need to log in as root or use su rather than sude.08:20
pppjjjjit aint here pal.08:20
Patrick_Where do you think you're going, pal?08:20
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pppjjjji win.08:20
blazewould someone give me the skype help page please :)08:20
Patrick_It ain't here pal.08:20
ubotufrom memory, skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/08:20
=== dsr [n=fboyer@MTL-HSE-ppp188959.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Patrick_I'm not a bot.08:21
benplautthat;s obvious08:21
satan67hello, can i download ubuntu with xfce and not gnome or kde? does such a thing even exist?08:21
Patrick_You guys are so gullible sometimes.08:21
aftertafmade, and you tried that with sudo, right?08:21
benplautbut you're still a spammer and a troll08:21
me2winsatan67: Xubuntu08:21
Patrick_Well, it ain't here pal..08:21
aftertafsatan67: xubuntu08:21
satan67cool, thanks dudes08:21
aftertafmade, try opening a su shell and running it, see if you get the same error.08:21
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madeaftertaf: aftertaf08:21
dliany light weight GUI cd burner?08:21
Clifdoes any one know how to change the permissions on the apache2-default directoy so I can create my own sub directoyrs. Ubuntu says the directoy is owned by root and of course root is disabled so I can't loginto it and change the premessions?08:22
nanotube_dli, gnomebaker08:22
madeaftertaf: sudo sh ./install-crossover-standard-demo-5.0.1.sh08:22
nickruddli, sure, nautilus08:22
dlinanotube_, gnome is too heavy for me08:22
madeaftertaf: how would I go about doing that?08:22
aftertafsu -   in shell08:22
hastesaverdli, xcdroast?08:22
darylNo one in #winehq to help.  anyone here able to help?  Winecfg displays following error: Application tries to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.08:22
darylMake sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.08:22
nickruddli, xcdroast then08:22
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dlihastesaver, thanks08:22
=== Hummel [n=Hummel@p5481A87B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
odatwhen you type in gnome-volume-manager in the terminal do you get a user interface?08:23
pppjjjjok, since SATA is supposed to act hotswappable and not have  a master/slave, how does it determine who C/D is?08:23
darylodat: was that for me?08:23
pppjjjjor the boot08:23
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odatdaryl, anyone   i'm just wondering08:23
madeaftertaf: ./install-crossover-standard-demo-5.0.1.sh: No such file or directory08:23
nickrudodat, no, it's a daemon08:23
cafuego_pppjjjj: C/D ?08:23
benplautwow... the troll is finally bored 0_008:23
odatnickrud, i can't get it working and i don't know why08:24
aftertafmade. you might no longer be in the same folder08:24
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu
aftertafbenplaut: i /ignore'd ages ago ;)08:24
madeI'm so confused08:24
darylI get the following error when running winecfg: Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.08:24
aftertafmade: i think when you su - you dont remain in the same directory, could be wrong.08:24
benplautaftertaf: i stayed to see how it would play out :P08:24
=== nekostar perks up
madeohh yeah08:24
nekostarim having a shitty day08:24
nekostarwheres this troll08:24
aftertafi just got up, dont need that type of crap08:24
cafuego_aftertaf: That's correct. It aso messes up the env variables.08:24
benplautyo, Patrick_... come back and spam again08:25
zxsykcoDude, no.08:25
nickrudit should be running automatically , does ps -A | grep gnome-volume show anything08:25
madehow do I cd to my home directory.. it tells me no such file or directory exists when I do that?08:25
aftertafcafuego_ dangers of being a false n00b ;)08:25
Clifis there any one who is an expert with apache2 running on ubuntu that can message for some help?08:25
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bbrazilmade: cd08:25
nickrudmade, cd08:25
me2winmade: cd08:25
darylNo one in #winehq to help.  Anyone here able to help?  I get the following error when running winecfg: Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.08:25
aftertafcafuego_ you know a better way? a working way?08:25
cafuego_aftertaf: 'sudo -s'08:25
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cafuego_aftertaf: It keeps yer env vars (so X for instnce keeps working)08:26
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nanotube_dli, try the commandline then. cdrecord08:26
aftertafill remember that.08:26
madecd ~/what?08:26
cafuego_made: cd ~username08:26
darylNo one in #winehq to help.  Anyone here able to help?  I get the following error when running winecfg: Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.08:27
cafuego_pppjjjj: Can you elaborate in your question? It makes no sense to me08:27
dlinanotube_, graveman sounds good08:27
madeThe DISPLAY variable is not set.  You should either login to as root or use08:27
madethe command "su" with no flags, to make sure setup has an X display to use.08:27
aftertafmade... if you're in that shel you started with su - , press CTL+D and then type su -s ....08:27
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hastesavermade, cd with no arguments goes to your home directory.08:27
aftertafmade: my fault ;)08:27
cafuego_aftertaf: Not su -s, 'sudo -'08:27
cafuego_'sudo -s' even08:27
nickrudsudo -i or sudo -s : to see the difference, do an env | sort after each of sudo -i & sudo -s.  sudo -i is safer.08:27
nanotube_dli, hmm, cool. never heard of it. :)08:28
aftertafi need to do more shell..... sorry ppl :/08:28
=== xvlun [n=jan@dslb-088-072-196-241.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrdaryl: how are you running it?08:28
nickruderg, shoulda caught the  keeps yer env vars (so X for instnce keeps working) earlier :)08:29
cafuego_made: Do not use 'su'.08:29
aftertafmade. Quit that console and tpe sudo -s    or sudo -i in a new one...08:29
=== btrento_ [n=btrento@c-71-203-217-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ClifAny experts on apache2 that can help a new ubuntu user with a problem08:29
cafuego_made: As normal user, on a command line, run 'sudo <command that needs to run as root>'08:29
Patrick_Hey guys.08:29
jendaDoes "." match whitespace in regex?08:29
Patrick_Is aftertaf still here?08:29
Patrick_Oh, there he is.08:29
fyrestrtrjenda: I believe so08:29
cafuego_Patrick_: No, he left to recompile libc6.08:29
Patrick_Where's nano?08:30
jendafyrestrtr: thx08:30
aftertaflol cafuego_ :)08:30
madecafuego: I have tried that08:30
Patrick_It aint here pal08:30
cafuego_Patrick_: `nano' is in /usr/bin08:30
cafuego_made: And what happened?08:30
nickrudmade, you need to do a static one, then you can chroot and do the working one ;)08:30
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azathothhmmm... how can i fix it so that ubuntu defaults to using dmfe instead of tulip as my network driver?08:30
Patrick_Do you have a dong?08:31
=== Zdra [n=zdra@184-236.243.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!08:31
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nickrudcafuego, I though you were one, darn08:31
fyrestrtrazathoth: are you having problems with your network driver?08:31
cafuego_nickrud: not to my knowledge08:31
nanotube_cafuego_, yea man, werent you an op? or i guess you are a different cafuego...08:32
benplautnekostar: come back again...08:32
nickrudcafuego_, so I see, to my utter dissapointment08:32
cafuego_what do I need resposibility for?08:32
madePatrick_: irrelevant to this case leave my dong out of this08:32
aftertafPatrick_: you can be in here, and be funny, it aint a problem. But quit hassling people ok? It'll just get us all against you.08:32
Patrick_Made, I believe I can help you.08:32
Patrick_After, it ain't here pal.08:32
aftertafPatrick_: and for info, a publmic help channel can have kids on here too.....08:32
azathothfyrestrtr: i was, but i fixed it by changing from tulip to dmfe08:33
nanotube_cafuego_, same reason everyone else needs it - or to put it better, same reason everyone else doesnt need it. :)08:33
cafuego_made: Patrick_ is a troll, just put it on /ignore.08:33
Patrick_Cafuego's got issues.08:33
HIGH-FREQanyone got a wpc54g  wireless pcmcia card working without ndiswrapper?08:33
=== heatxsink [n=jmioph@ip70-189-142-211.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
azathoththe trouble is, when i reboot, it goes back to tulip, so i have to modprobe -r tulip08:33
Patrick_I miss Nano.08:33
azathothi want it to default as dmfe08:33
fyrestrtrazathoth: aah, I see what you mean.08:33
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nanotube_HIGH-FREQ, not me... have you tried searching on the forums?08:33
=== Ubuntunoob [n=mikalsen@191.80-202-87.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
HIGH-FREQya...it all seems everyone using ndiswrapper with it ;(08:34
=== koiki2 [n=Kokito@c-67-181-24-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrazathoth: edit /etc/modules08:34
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: I'm using one right now.08:34
AlmtyBobI'm going to be formating with XFS on a drive used from streaming movies to my xboxes and pcs.  Do I need to set any options for mkfs.xfs?  I'm reading the man page and it's greek to me08:34
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azathothi added dmfe in there, there is no tulip to comment out08:34
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: wpc54gv208:34
nickrudazathoth, add tulip to /etc/hotplug/blacklist08:34
azathothblacklist yeah? cool08:34
HIGH-FREQcafuego: yes....08:34
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACD8A0DC.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Patrick_Where the dongs at?08:35
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UbuntunoobHI. eh.... when I run udate in terminal, there's one link that's not found... this link;  http://theli.free.fr/packages/breezy/./Packages.gz what to do, to fresh this link?08:35
AlexAlmtyBob: Standard WFM.08:35
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: If you don't want ndiswrapper, you need Ubuntu dapper.08:35
Patrick_Does anyone in here have an Intel iMac?08:35
HIGH-FREQazathogh: simple  echo tulip | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist08:35
HIGH-FREQcafuego: ya i have dapper 6.0608:35
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nickrudazathoth, and you can add dmfe on it's own line in /etc/modules to force load it08:35
HIGH-FREQcafuego: i'm extremely new to pcmcia....08:35
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: Then you need the bcm43xx firmware package08:36
=== jafonux [n=jafonux@203-59-18-32.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
darylHelp! I get the following error when running winecfg: Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.08:36
HIGH-FREQcafuego: kernel version is  2.6.15-22-k7  somethin like that08:36
madeaftertaf: thx for the suggestion it helped my headache.. brb.. getting something for my sore throat.08:36
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/08:36
fyrestrtrdaryl: where are you running it from?08:36
=== Major_Delta [n=abc@shj-mjz-bsr1157.emirates.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: download bcm43xx-firmware_1.1, instal it.08:36
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: then reboot08:37
HIGH-FREQcafuego: i have a builtin broadcom already but bcm43xx is actin up or somethin08:37
darylfyrestrtr, from a terminal.  normal user08:37
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: What builtin one do you have?08:37
nanotube_daryl, what is the output of "echo $DISPLAY" ?08:37
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cafuego_yes, then you're stuck.08:37
HIGH-FREQso ndiswrapper then ;(08:37
cafuego_Unless you hack the bcm43xx code to not try and use the 4318 card08:37
UbuntunoobHI. eh.... when I run udate in terminal, there's one link that's not found... this link;  http://theli.free.fr/packages/breezy/./Packages.gz what to do, to fresh this link?08:38
=== fla is now known as backinblack
darylnanotube: the output is:    :0.008:38
HIGH-FREQhmm...i'll go with ndiswrapper then ;(  for now08:38
madeaftertaf: may I pm?08:38
=== cafuego_ suggests tyu just use ndiswrapper until the 43xx diver is fixed
fyrestrtrUbuntunoob: you can ignore it.08:38
HIGH-FREQtill i can figure out whats prob in 2.6.17-rc3 and bcm43xx08:38
nanotube_daryl, hmm, seems ok to me...08:38
Ubuntunoobfyrestrtr, its not that important really?08:38
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fyrestrtrdaryl: logout, then login again to gnome.08:38
fyrestrtrUbuntunoob: no, because its not an official repository.08:39
nickrudUbuntunoob, I'd comment it out in the /etc/apt/sources.list. What did you get from there, anyway?08:39
darylfyrestrtr: you mean reboot?08:39
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: there is no need to fetch newer kernels off kernel.org, the Ubuntu guys backport the latest 43xx driver stuff into the Ubuntu kernels.08:39
fyrestrtrdaryl: no, restart X. hit ctrl+alt+backspace08:39
darylfyrestrtr: and how do i get back?08:39
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Ubuntunoobnickrud, dunno exactly.... just ran an update now and saw the error08:40
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:40
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HIGH-FREQwell...here was my issue....i got it working finally..very nicely....then i updated my system with update-manager  and now...wifi-radar  doesn't even show a signal at all for some reason and won't connect...08:40
HIGH-FREQit did before....before the updates08:40
nickrudUbuntunoob, did do a howto for listen?08:40
fyrestrtrdaryl: type 'gdm' -- it should take you back to the login screen automatically. If it takes you to the console, just type 'gdm'.08:40
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azathothhmmm... easyubuntu is crashing out... it's looking for .xml files that aren't there... anyone had any issues with easy ubuntu? or can recommend something similar but better?08:40
Ubuntunoobnickrud, what do you mean?08:41
HIGH-FREQi'd like to use somethin like wifi-radar ...that shows me how much signal is08:41
nanotube_HIGH-FREQ, networkmanager is good for that08:41
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nickrudUbuntunoob, oh, I see that they've changed that repo to _breezy_obsolete08:41
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darylfirestrtr: same error08:41
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HIGH-FREQnanotube_: ya but netmanager was buggy with this bcm43xx08:42
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nickrudazathoth, you could ask about it on #easyubuntu08:42
nanotube_HIGH-FREQ, ah ic, didn't know that. works fine for me on breezy with ipw2200...08:42
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: No, wifi-radar doesn't work with bcm43xx08:42
azathothah, will do, thanks :D08:42
Ubuntunoobnickrud, meaning...?08:42
HIGH-FREQcafuego: it was working fine08:43
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nanotube_HIGH-FREQ, well, it still wonks out sometimes, but it's good, for the most part. :)08:43
HIGH-FREQnanotube_: that the wpc54g?08:43
aftertafmade: you need to register with freenode to send PMs..... in case you tried and it didnt work.08:43
nickrudUbuntunoob, meaning that repo is history, you can simply delete it. There're packages for dapper though.08:43
darylfyrestrtr: same error08:43
zxsykcobreezy badger is old, and out of date, hence obsolete, Ubuntunoob.08:43
nanotube_HIGH-FREQ, no, thats intel 2200bg08:43
Ubuntunoobnickrud, kk08:44
fyrestrtrdaryl: are you running a standard installation? nothing custom?08:44
Ubuntunoobzxsykco, is it safe to update to dapper now?08:44
HIGH-FREQoh ok08:44
nickrudzxsykco, heh. I'm setting up a machine right now that will run breezy until it's no longer supported :)08:44
darylfyrestrtr: its totally custom08:44
darylfyrestrtr: I followed the world of warcraft instructions wiki08:44
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nanotube_HIGH-FREQ, not related to your nic at all. i was just saying...08:44
blazei have enabled the multiverse repositories but still can't install macromedia flash =((08:44
fyrestrtrdaryl: I meant, your X setup.08:44
blazeplease help me08:45
darylfyrestrtr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingWineFromSource08:45
phuzis there a minimal install for gnome with aptget?08:45
darylfyrestrtr: no idea what you mean about x setup08:45
fyrestrtrdaryl: by the way, I had WoW running under Wine on X, but due to the lame drivers from ATI, I didn't use it.08:45
HIGH-FREQwell...this is gonna blow.....this linksys wpc54g operates on bcm43xx  and i already have builtin wifi which uses same driver08:45
nanotube_HIGH-FREQ, so this is a laptop, right?08:45
nickrudblaze, does apt-cache policy flashplayer-mozilla (in a terminal) show an installation candidate?08:46
darylfyrestrtr: do you mean my xorg.conf file?08:46
nanotube_HIGH-FREQ, usually, the "builtin" wireless is a minipci card, and can be removed.08:46
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roniezhm.. anybody know why i get connection timed out when trying to ssh in to my computer from almost any windows computer but home home windows works just fine to use to connect to it?.08:46
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nanotube_HIGH-FREQ, maybe removing the builtin card will solve your problems?08:46
blazehow to check? =)08:46
blazebecause i can't understand the question08:46
=== cafuego_ doesn't understand why HIGH-FREQ can't just use ndiswrapper
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fyrestrtrdaryl: no, but I don't know what could be your problem. I compiled wine from source (but not using that wiki article). It worked for me so I don't know what you did there.08:46
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blazei mean what to type in the terminal and i'll tell you the result08:47
phuzroniez: firewall/nat?08:47
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darylfyrestrtr: no idea what to do then?08:47
nanotube_roniez, sounds like a problem with your router - since when you are at home, your ssh connection goes direct through the lan, but from outside, it has to traverse NAT.08:47
HIGH-FREQcafuego: will it work fine ?  it won't conflict08:47
nickrudblaze, open a terminal (on the top menu bar, Applications->Accessories->Termina) and then type in that terminal  apt-cache policy flashplayer-mozilla08:47
roniezi got nat08:47
Ubuntunoobnickrud, but after deliting the link, should I ad something to the repo?08:47
roniezbut port 22 and port 443 are pointed to my linux computer.08:47
blazeok, sec.08:47
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: DIsab;e bcm43xx, use ndiswrapper. It will work just fine.08:47
zxsykcoHeh, whoa, sorry, I am way off key, Ubuntunoob. Stick with breezy for now.08:47
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Ubuntunoobzxsykco, lol... kk08:47
blazeblaze@Blz:~$ apt-cache policy flashplayer-mozilla08:48
blazeW: Unable to locate package flashplayer-mozilla08:48
roniezbut right now i am sshing in from one of my swedish computers (its slackware) and that works just fine to ssh in to it.08:48
HIGH-FREQcafuego_ : i just blacklisted the bcm43xx  so i should be good then.... is it still gonna be a problem with the rate speed08:48
Ubuntunoobzxsykco, almost dit it :p08:48
nickrudUbuntunoob, you'd simply remove that repo completely, then sudo apt-get update. There error will be gon08:48
fyrestrtrroniez: forward port 22 to your ubuntu box from your router/nat/gateway, then use your external IP address when connecting from outside your local network (outside your house).08:48
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HIGH-FREQcafuego_: or is that just on broadcom08:48
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: It'll "just work".08:48
zxsykcoSorry, Ubuntunoob, I got trigger happy.08:48
Ubuntunoobnickrud, k thx08:48
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HIGH-FREQcafuego: no i mean can i use full capabilities of the rate...like 54M instead of 11 with this broadcom 431808:49
=== nickrud likes dapper too, I just gotta keep this lousy modem alive for faxing
pingvenoI'm trying to get a dual head, extended desktop arrangement for the VGA port on my ThinkPad T43, but I'm having problems finding good advice around the Web on setting it up.08:49
blazenickrud, did you get my answer?08:49
fyrestrtrpingveno: well hey :) I am on a Thinkpad T43. How can I help?08:49
jafonuxi'm trying to obtain permission and i'm gettigna a little lost ........in th inittab file i'm trying to change the permission from "id:2:initdefault:" to level 3......... I keep getting no such file or diectory08:49
cafuego_HIGH-FREQ: To my knowledge, yes08:49
fyrestrtrjafonux: make sure you are using sudo08:49
HIGH-FREQcafuego: ok i hope it goes fast then...hehe....08:50
pingvenofyrestrtr: have you done anything with the external monitor?08:50
fyrestrtrpingveno: yes, it works great.08:50
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fyrestrtrpingveno: even when docked :)08:50
pingvenoextended desktop and all?08:50
nanotube_jafonux, well, what is the exact command you are entering to edit the inittab?08:50
pingvenoOr just duplication?08:50
=== cafuego_ notes 11Mbit is less crap than 0Mbit and crashes
siccnessHey, anyone know of a commandline-based CPU temperature program?08:50
roniezfyrestrtr: that is what i am doing.08:50
nickrudblaze, no I hadn't. Could you put your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ? (in that terminal, gedit /etc/apt/sources.list & cut & paste)08:50
nanotube_jafonux, also, in ubuntu, runlevel 2 and 3 are exactly the same, so there is no reason to change the inittab08:50
dell500is it possible to get two video streams playing at once?08:50
fyrestrtrpingveno: no, not extended. I use it as mirror in my setup. But extended is possible.08:51
pingvenoI've got it working as a mirror, the problem is the extension part :(08:52
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nanotube_dell500, i don't see why not... just open up a coupla instances of vlc (or mplayer, or whatever), and have them go at it...08:52
nickruddell500, sure, I've done that. just run more than one media player08:52
AlmtyBobI'm making a media server.  What directory should I store all the files I want to server?08:52
blazethere you go, nickrud, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1377208:52
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dell500nickrud, well kaffeine won't run multiple instances for some reason08:52
AlmtyBoblike what's the standard to place to put media files? just /movies/ or something?08:52
nickrudAlmtyBob, /srv is a useful root dir for that stuff08:52
AlmtyBobcd srv08:53
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AlmtyBoberr wrong window 8)08:53
cafuego_AlmtyBob: Whevever you want08:53
AlmtyBobis that what it's there for?08:53
madehmm question.. what if I have a tar file with the sh and an rpm inside for crossover office..08:53
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madeI forgot how to untar..08:53
AlmtyBobI just want to make sure I'm following some kinda convention, why I don't know08:53
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AlmtyBobtar -xvf tarball08:53
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=== cafuego_ prefers a mount on /data
nanotube_AlmtyBob, well, you can use just about any dir you want, really. just conf whatever software you use to serve them to use that dir as root, and you are good to go.08:53
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daakuany vim (specifically netrw) users? i'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the `press enter to continue` on a :w when editing over scp08:53
cafuego_AlmtyBob: There isn't really one08:53
AlmtyBoband can you mount two drives to the same folder without LVM?08:53
lampshademade, tar -xvf file08:53
lampshadeshould work08:53
blazenickrud, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1377208:54
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AlmtyBoband can you ahve some disks with LVM and some without?08:54
fyrestrtrpingveno: are you using binary drivers?08:54
nickrudblaze, ok. close gedit. Then, in that terminal, type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list . Enter your password. Then look for lines ending with universe and add multiverse to the end (there are four)08:54
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HIGH-FREQcafuego_: why o why does it have to be me ;(    lmao08:55
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pingvenoI'm not exactly sure, I just installed Ubuntu a couple of days ago. The only time I've gotten dual monitors working was when I was using Gentoo.08:55
ispiked_so I just set my package selections back with dpkg --set-selections. how do I remove all other packages and make sure only those are installed?08:55
nanotube_AlmtyBob, interesting questions... unfortunately i don't know anything about lvm.08:55
pingvenoAnd, of course, I deleted all of the configuration files08:56
blazenickrud, can't i just type sudo gedit sources.list ?08:56
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blazebecause it tells me "no write permission for file"08:56
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HIGH-FREQcafuego_:  ndiswrapper -i lsbcmnds.inf   from the wpc54gv2 windoz drivers....then i ran ndiswrapper -l  and says driver present..but doesn't say hardware present ;(08:56
ispiked_HIGH-FREQ: you may not have the right driver, then.08:56
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nickrudblaze, sudo gedit can be dangerous (if you change your preferences) gksudo is better08:56
madeOMG>> HEHEHEH I got it I got it08:56
aftertaflol cool made08:57
wenkohey I have a TVTuner Card. How do I install the drivers for it.08:57
HIGH-FREQd/l the wpc54g version 2  drivers ;(08:57
HIGH-FREQthats what i did08:57
madeI have the PROFESSIONAL version now.. hehe08:57
aftertafwenko: do you have them yet?08:57
AlmtyBobwenko: look up ivtv08:57
madewink wink.. hehe08:57
aftertafmade: legally? ;P08:57
blazenickrud now what?08:57
AlmtyBobwww.ivtvdriver.org I think08:57
madewink wink08:57
pingvenofyrestrtr: how would I find out if I have the binary drivers or not?08:57
blazenickrud, i found the lines08:58
wenkoAlmtyBob would you prefer a PM08:58
madew/e torrentz.com has to offer.. hehe08:58
lampshadewhy the hell does firefox not open my torrent files sometimes and other times it sends them straight to azureus like I told it to.... so inconsistent ^_^08:58
nickrudblaze, hm. to be safe, save that file to your desktop, and paste the new one on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ so i can see it08:58
fyrestrtrpingveno: fglrxinfo08:58
HIGH-FREQoh ok....stupid me08:58
fyrestrtrpingveno: you need to manually install them, if you didn't then you don't have them :)08:58
HIGH-FREQhehe...its a wpc54g"s" version 2   lmao08:58
aftertafmade: hehe :)08:58
fyrestrtrpingveno: the binary drivers from ATI have support for dual monitors in their control panel application.08:59
pingvenofyrestrtr: ah, I see08:59
blazenickrud, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1377308:59
ispiked_HIGH-FREQ: so uh... how did you figure out what drivers you needed?08:59
blazei've backed it up :)08:59
fyrestrtrlampshade: it probably has something to do with the site you are downloading from, and what mime type its giving the files. That's how firefox knows where to send it.08:59
ispiked_HIGH-FREQ: it's best to do `lspci |grep 802' and google the chipset.08:59
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pingvenoAre they manual install (aka, .tar) or available from universal?08:59
HIGH-FREQlspci didnt' even detect it or somethin09:00
HIGH-FREQits pcmcia09:00
ispiked_HIGH-FREQ: ah.09:00
HIGH-FREQand i've never worked with pcmcia09:00
ispiked_HIGH-FREQ: don't have much experience dealing with those.09:00
fyrestrtrpingveno: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI (read the Using drivers from ati.com section).09:00
HIGH-FREQme neither....hehe09:00
blazenickrud, are you with me :D ?09:00
nickrudblaze, it should look like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13774 . Once it does, save it as /etc/apt/sources.list09:00
lampshadefyrestrtr, well the weird thing is it pops up right, with "This file is of type TORRENT"  and the box is still already checked from last time that I want to auto open it with azureus... that's what is weird.  I mean it remembers the box choice for that type of file so why not roll with it even if the mime type is slightly messed up :-/  '09:00
blazeok, sec.09:01
fyrestrtrpingveno: the default drivers (the non ati.com ones) have a famous bug with suspend/resume support. In that it will corrupt your display when you resume.09:01
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fyrestrtrlampshade: because TORRENT != torrent09:01
nickrudfamous among ati users, maybe ;)09:01
pingvenofyrestrtr: interesting... I haven't had any problems with either09:01
fyrestrtrlampshade: and 'slightly messed up' can lead to 'large f*ckup' if you are not careful :)09:01
lampshadebut then it should only happen once because I then rechecked the box for TORRENT as well09:01
=== pingveno shrugs
blazenickrud, now what?09:02
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fyrestrtrpingveno: are you sure you are using binary drivers?09:02
nickrudblaze after you've saved it, close gedit again, and in that terminal type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla09:02
fyrestrtrnickrud: yeah, this is my first (and only) ATI chipset PC. I freakin' hate ATI.09:02
noname1024hi, how can i figure out exact version of my Linux from command shell ? thansk09:03
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fyrestrtrnoname1024: uname -a09:03
blazeE: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla09:03
blazebut the update went through :)09:03
nickrudfyrestrtr, my fear is that I'm gonna have to learn ati because I need a decent laptop ...09:03
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fyrestrtrnickrud: no, you can find nvidia-based laptops.09:03
noname1024thanks, fyrestrtr09:03
lampshadepingveno, there is an excellent guide in the forums that really helped me do the whole ATI thing.  Seems to be good to go now.  I can play Doom III (not well but I can)09:03
shadeofgreyis doom III for linmux free?09:04
shadeofgreyhow hard is it to install?09:04
lampshadenot free09:04
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blazenickrud, E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla09:04
blaze ?09:04
lampshadeyou actually copy files from the windows disks from the store and then just download and innstall the linux launcher basically09:04
wenkohey I have a TVTuner Card. How do I install the drivers for it.09:04
nickrudblaze, you probably didn't get a good sources.list ;( Don't worry too much, you're not alone. Open a fresh gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and paste again :)09:04
dell500how do you force quit something?09:04
lampshadethe neat thing is, windows it made me put in the cd, but with linux it doesn't require me to use thecd which I liek09:04
blazeand then what?09:05
cafuego_dell500: start the system monitor, right click it, kill it09:05
nickruddell500, alt-F2 xkill, and click the window to kill09:05
ispiked_HIGH-FREQ: surely there's something on the wiki about it.09:05
fyrestrtrpingveno: I had mixed success with WoW. Because my card only has 32 MB RAM, I couldn't play it on full screen resolution -- had to use Windowed mode. Also had to use the directx, not opengl -- opengl caused all sorts of artifacts that I had to install patches for. It was a big PITA. nVidia's binary drivers don't have such issues.09:05
dell500sys mon isn't working09:05
blazenickrud,  i've pasted it again09:05
lampshadedell500, if you know the name of the program you can do killall name  in a console I added a little icon on my tray for XKILL when I need it.09:05
pingvenofyrestrtr: with WoW? impressive09:05
nickrudblaze, I don't see it09:06
blazeoh, in the page, w809:06
pingvenoAh, I went for the 64 MB09:06
fyrestrtrpingveno: I used the guide at winehq.09:06
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noname1024...and how can i figure out the distro name ?09:06
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pingvenoI've got a dual boot, so I'll save myself a little trouble and reboot the computer :-P09:06
noname1024uname apparently returns Linux kernel version09:07
nickrudfyrestrtr, they all cost too much (the ones I've seen, anyway)09:07
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fyrestrtrpingveno: I got lucky. I got a Dell Inspirion, 2 Ghz/ 2 GB / 100 GB -- and use that to play WoW :D09:07
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blazenickrud, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1377509:07
lampshadenoname1024,  cat /etc/lsb-release09:07
fyrestrtrwell by got I mean, given to me.09:07
wenkohey I have a TVTuner Card. How do I install the drivers for it. anyone know?09:07
lampshadein a console09:07
noname1024thank you09:08
Alsawrong window09:08
dell500nickrud, do I need to use a different type of player or something in vlc?09:08
fyrestrtrwenko: what kind is it?09:08
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ubotuit has been said that pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126909:08
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nickrudblaze, oh, bad. You deleted a lot. To get you back to normal, copy the source.list from http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604709:10
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fyrestrtrpingveno: WoW keeps teasing me with that nVidia -- the way its meant to be played logo on the graphics option screen. As if I didn't know I should have gotten an nvidia card.09:10
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wenkofyrestrtr: its a ASUS09:11
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varianthow do you start sshd on ubuntu 5.10 live cd please?09:11
nickruddell500, I'd think you could run more than one instance of vlc, but I don't remember actually doing that. I've had more than one mplayer running at once, though09:11
variantdo i have to generate all the keys etc manualy?09:11
lampshadefyrestrtr, yeah, had I known the ati driver support was soo much more behind nvidia on linux I wouldn't have done it.  Well maybe  I would have.  But probably not09:11
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variantnickrud: yes you can09:12
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variantis there an sshd startup script?09:12
nickrudvariant, heh. I do like unixy stuff :)09:12
fyrestrtr'You have to download a total of 505 MB' o.009:13
nickrudvariant, it'd be in /etc/init.d/ if it exists in the live cd09:13
variantsshd is not started automatically on the live cd is it?09:13
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dlivariant, livecd should not start any daemon auto09:14
variantdli: ok, but how can i start sshd then?09:14
AlmtyBobhow do I restart samba? it doesn't have an /etc/init.d/ entry09:14
nickrudvariant, you probably need to install the sshd server, it creates keys when it's installed09:14
dlivariant, sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart, not sure whether ubuntu changes the name09:15
nickrudvariant, openssh-server09:15
benplautwow... did Patrick_ fianlly get banned?09:15
topyliAlmtyBob: then you probably don't have samba either09:15
nickruddli, that's the one09:15
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topyliAlmtyBob: /etc/init.d/samba should be there if you have installed the samba server09:15
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variantthanks, that did it09:16
AlmtyBobthanks I'm dumb thought it was /etc/init.d/smb09:16
luke_hello anyone?09:17
luke_lol i just joined09:17
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fyrestrtrgive it a few seconds, it'll sink in ;)09:17
nickrudblaze, you getting along ok?09:17
luke_can somebody tell me an anti vuires program for luinx?09:18
wenkohey I have a TVTuner Card. How do I install the drivers for it. anyone know?....please09:18
benplautluke_: F-Spot, ClamAV09:18
benplautwhy do you need one?09:18
luke_dont have 109:18
benplautyou don't need one09:18
luke_i wanna b protected09:19
luke_my dad says if i dont get 1 im not alud 2 use the comp09:19
benplautwait... i'll give you somehting to show to your dad09:19
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nickrudLuke, then install clamav, tell him you have one09:19
wenkothis is Linux.....thats like saying you want to wear a condom to fsck a sex doll09:19
pingvenointeresting comparison...09:20
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benplautthat's a really good comparison :P09:20
aftertaftell him a virus on linux is a collector's item09:20
AlmtyBobhah that was a fun debugging session.  Couldn't figure out why samba wouldn't let me access some dirs and it was becuase I chmod'd them 66609:20
pingvenoThere haven't been any significant Linux viruses09:20
wenkoLinux is basically virus free09:20
luke_ok... he still wants 1 he donent know that 4 sure lol09:21
AlmtyBobtell your dad not to worry about viruses, instead tell him to worry about script kiddies port scanning and hacking your box09:21
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luke_i know......09:21
wenkoThey dont make them cause they dont need them!09:21
benplautluke_: put your dad in this chatroom (or #ubuntuforums) and we'll explain to him :)09:22
luke_i know!!!!!!!!!1 im terying 2 tell him that09:22
wenkowould u were gloves if u had no hands?09:22
luke_lol im 2109:22
AlmtyBobwenko: only to fit in09:22
ubotuI heard usplash is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto09:22
benplautluke_: why do you need his permission?09:22
wenkosoooooo...anyone wanna help me out with this Tuner?09:22
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benplautis this your computer?!09:22
luke_i liv at his house we have l;ike 5 other comps he dosent want em 2 get infencted09:22
AlmtyBobwenko: are you installing mythtv?09:23
AlmtyBobif so google an ubuntu mythtv install guide09:23
wenkono, Zapper09:23
luke_my comp09:23
aftertafluke_: if he has windows, he's in danger, but not because of your linux..09:23
aftertafanyway, stick clamav on it :)09:23
luke_hes got windows09:23
AlmtyBobthen google an ubuntu mythtv install guide and read the ivtv section09:23
salmiak_luke_, get your father here and we'll tell him about linux and viruses ;)09:23
nickrudLuke, have him read http://librenix.com/?inode=2109:23
luke_ok ok let me get him09:23
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wenkoWindows is a prostitute with many STDs and Linux is a little vergian penguin09:24
pingvenoanother interesting  way to put it09:24
luke_what the hell?09:24
benplautthanks nickrud ... that's the one i was looking for09:24
pingvenoIs this luke_'s father?09:24
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nickrudI like the first one :)09:24
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aftertafhello Luke_  's father.....09:24
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luke_ok im here09:24
aftertaflinux does not have virii09:25
wenkoi have a feeling that comment is gunna gey put on bash.org09:25
luke_ok how do u know that for sure?09:25
wenkothats the word virii!!!09:25
aftertafit doesnt leave all sorts of openings like windows does, to be exploited....09:25
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nickrudluke_, take a look at http://librenix.com/?inode=21 for a quick overview of why09:25
aftertafwindows is very insecure and has many exploitable bugs.09:25
pingvenoAnd it's also a moving target...09:25
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pingvenoLinux, that is09:25
AlmtyBobluke_: the short answer is that by default a user can't modify the code of the programs he runs09:26
luke_the thing is.......09:26
aftertaflinux is secure, and may have bugs, but everything is closed by defalut09:26
AlmtyBobso a virus can't spread and is rendered useless09:26
luke_i can make any program09:26
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luke_even a vuires for linux09:26
luke_anyfing i can make09:26
aftertafyour son can install an antivirus if you really want him to..... its called clamav. but it is only really useful on linux when your linux is a mail server and windows clients connect to it. It removes the virus infectd attachments.09:27
MistaEDthe big thing is, a virus wouldn't really spread at epic proportions like with windows right? if one goes down, it doesn't take out all the other machines with it09:27
korodedwhat's another limewire-type program for Linux?09:28
luke_ok im puttin my son back on cya all09:28
aftertafotherwise it doesnt do much, because there anrent any viruses/virii on linux09:28
aftertafbye :)09:28
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salmiak_cya, luke's father09:28
luke_hey guyz09:28
nickrudwe convinced him, yeah, really :)09:28
salmiak_luke_, don't let your fathers evil ways conquer09:28
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luke_under applactions in system there is a printers thinggie i cant open it i put in the correct password help me someone!!!!!09:28
evozanyone know a Good Quicktime/DVD/AVI/WMV Video player for UBUNTU?09:28
evozTotem sucks!09:29
evozdoesnt even work09:29
ubotufrom memory, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats09:29
pingvenoI wonder if there will ever be a virus for Linux... Except for these: http://os.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=05/01/25/143022209:29
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pingvenoviruses running on Wine!09:29
nickrudevoz, there're various ways, see that !restricted link above09:29
luke_OK I GOT CLAMAV09:29
luke_SO BNOW WHAT DO I DO?09:30
aftertafnothing. it's on and happy now :)09:30
salmiak_now your father can sleep at night. His wintendo machines won't get any viruses from your linux machine... ...09:30
luke_not what im askin09:30
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pingvenoAs long as he feels like your computer isn't going to blow up, I guess clamav might be of comfort09:30
luke_how do i use it? instyall it?09:30
aftertafluke_: how did you install it?09:31
luke_i dident09:31
luke_just got it fomr net09:31
aftertaftype sudo aptitude install clam*09:31
aftertafbetter than source code09:31
luke_sudo aptitude install clam?????09:32
pingvenoaptitude? or apt-get?09:32
luke_im an amuture09:32
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luke_just installed linux ppl have 2 help me along09:32
aftertaftype sudo aptitude install clamav  (or apt-get)09:32
pingvenoAre you using KDE or GNOME?09:32
aftertafluke_: open a console and type ^^^09:33
pingvenoI think there's something in the applications menu called synaptics09:33
luke_never heard of it09:33
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pingvenoIt's a graphic frontend to the Ubuntu package installer09:34
jarohm I like Kynaptics too09:34
apokryphoskynaptic is absolutely awful09:34
apokryphosadept is good though09:34
aftertafi like apt :)09:35
luke_how do i install clamav09:35
Overandwhy does ubuntu still have a /etc/debian_version09:35
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luke_i extracted the folder09:35
Overandis it used by the apt system?09:35
aftertafluke_: do you want the clck and play version, or the type in shell version?09:35
jarothe only bad thing about kynaptic is the way it DOESNT display when it actually makes09:35
luke_now i got folder on desktop called clamav-0.88.209:35
apokryphosOverand: debian conventions09:35
Overandseems somewhat like an unneccesary throwback09:35
nickrudOverand, no it's a holdover, like /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list09:35
aftertafluke_: because there you got the source code, and thats a whole other baby09:35
apokryphosOverand: it is still a tightly linked debian-based distribution09:35
luke_what is better?09:35
Overandoh, i'm aware it's debian based09:36
apokryphosOverand: it syncs back to debian every release cycle09:36
Overandi moved to ubuntu *from* debian on most of my boxes09:36
aftertafluke_:  same result. one is clicking, one is typing09:36
Overandapokryphos: really?09:36
luke_clicking pls09:36
Overandthat I *didn't* know09:36
luke_i like lcikcking09:36
Overandbut there's no /etc/ubuntu_version09:36
nickrudsyncs to unstable09:36
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luke_click and play version09:36
aftertafluke_: ok, find and open synaptic in your applications menu09:36
Overandyeah, i wasn't sure what the process was09:36
luke_i saw that in install other apps09:36
nickrudOverand, /etc/lsb-release09:37
Overandso, if somehow the 'debian foundation' were to 'collapse' then ubuntu would be in a bad place09:37
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Overandgranted i know that debian's development is decentralized09:37
nickrudOverand, definitely. 1000 vs about 100 ?09:37
luke_ill install it09:37
aftertaftheyd continue with their latest ubuntu as a base for the rest09:37
nickrudor less?09:37
Overandyeah fair enough09:37
luke_can u spell it correctly? ill search for it09:38
Overandbut it would require a serious change to the way it's developed09:38
aftertafluke_: what is 'it' ?09:38
aftertafsynaptic ?09:38
Overandwhat would probably happen is the deb maintainers would move to ubuntu09:38
Overand(not that that's happening...)09:38
aftertafdon't you have it? sure?09:38
dell500ok, so i just found out that my mobo only supports 2 SATA (2 are currently on there on RAID0)09:38
luke_yeah im gonna add it09:38
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aftertafluke_:  open a console..... tell me when its open.09:39
Seveasmornin' all09:39
OverandIs there still a general bad feeling among some people in the debian community about ubuntu and the possibility of 'impure' packages, ubuntu packages that don't work on debian, and the general brain-drain from debian, or has that sort of subsided?09:39
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aftertafhi Seveas long time no type ;)09:39
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OverandI'm NOT trying to start a debate09:39
Seveasaftertaf, heh, I'm a busy guy 09:39
Overandjust trying to understand the culture somewhat09:39
aftertafSeveas: yeah and i was away from irc for 4 months ;)09:40
SeveasOverand, debian, as alway, is quite filled with egos. There will always be people who hate Ubuntu09:40
blazenickrud, are you here =)09:40
nickrudblaze, yup09:40
OverandSeveas: ALL distros are filled with egos09:40
blazenickrud, thank you for helping me09:40
nickrudblaze, you're ok then09:40
blazei installed the flashplayer and all works09:40
blazebut.. will you tell me how did you do that? =D09:40
luke_synaptic is a package manager09:40
nickrudThank god for the debian egos :)09:40
Overandbut yeah09:40
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OverandI mean, it's been a long-running distro09:41
blazei mean.. where did you get that sources* file09:41
Overandand it's a good distro!09:41
OverandI like it!09:41
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blazethat is working :D09:41
pingvenoluke_: have you done anything with the command line?09:41
OverandThat's the thing09:41
OverandIt's not like09:41
aftertafluke_ yes09:41
luke_man this comp is lagging09:41
Overanddiversity is good09:41
blazenickrud, m? =)09:41
nickrudblaze, it's referenced below (made by someone)09:41
salmiak_i want them both to co-exist09:41
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource09:41
Overandand projects that use other projects are fine09:41
luke_700mhz proseser 256 mb ram09:41
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Overandsalmiak_: that's my hope09:41
Overandbut i have a feeling that debian is losing market share09:41
Overandalmost everyone i know who used debian has moved to ubuntu and ubuntu-server09:42
salmiak_they got their market - servers - right?09:42
blazeoh, cool =)09:42
salmiak_darn :/09:42
aftertafluke_: eithern open synaptic, if you have it, or open a console, and let us know when you've done either09:42
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic09:42
Overandsalmiak_: i moved from debian to ubuntu-server09:42
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salmiak_it worked better than debian? ;P09:42
Overandthe defaut configuration options were far too sane and the packages far too up-to-date for me to NOT do that09:42
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Overandsalmiak_: i'm running a prerelease of dapper on my ubuntu-server machine, and it's *great*09:43
OverandI've had zero problems with it once i got it installed09:43
salmiak_i'm running dapper as desktop OS right now, and i've had no probs09:43
OverandI had a problem with the installer when I tried to use XFS as the root filesystem09:43
nseltzerWhat package do I need to install for to create a /build directory off of the uname -r directory?09:43
Overandbut apparently XFS and grub don't always get along, from what i've heard09:43
OverandI'm using a 3ware hardware RAID 1 card too09:44
Overandeverything has worked very well09:44
pingvenoGotta love the console. So handy, but not exactly friendly to new users. (It took me about a month to understand it) :-P09:44
Overandall problems i've had on that machine have been PEBKAC09:44
salmiak_the only problem i got is apt-getting build-dep wine09:44
Overandi find the fconsole much more friendly than a gui09:44
Overandbut to each his own09:44
Overandthe console and the unix filesystem are *largely* consistent09:44
Overandor the variation is within a very limited range09:44
nseltzerWhat package do I need to install for to create a /build directory off of the uname -r directory?09:45
Overand"help might be -h or it might be -?, sometimes it's just --help"09:45
blazenickrud, and what was the line for updating the list :) ?09:45
Overand"and usually all 3 will work, but not always"09:45
nickrudblaze, sudo apt-get update updates your package list09:45
Overandsubtle stuff like that09:45
Overandthere are non-standard console apps that do weird stuff, of course, but in general, it's great09:45
blazethank you =)09:46
aftertafluke_: you done that yet?09:46
nickrudblaze, yw09:46
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nickrudblaze, now that you have the repos all in order, from the top menu bar: Sytem->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager is your friend09:47
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dell500if my mobo only has 2 channels for SATA, can a third be added to backup the 2 sata's in raid0?09:48
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djrandommorning all :)09:48
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nseltzerdjrandom, morning09:52
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lssHello. How do I network my ubuntu to my mepis machine?09:53
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pingvenoIt's a little late here on the west coast...09:53
pingvenogood night09:53
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nseltzerit's even later in the midwest :P09:53
nseltzermuahahaha :p09:53
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jaroits morning here09:55
salmiak_09.55 here09:55
intuos_pentoday is May 11 2006, 3:55PM here.09:55
salmiak_Sweden, gmt+109:55
nseltzer2:55 AM here09:55
nseltzerNebraska, USA09:55
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jaroOh noo09:56
jaroI managed to move my taskbar09:56
jaronow i can only see the last bit of it09:56
jaroits gray, where the taskbar used to be09:57
jaroand it starts at the top09:57
jarobut the rest is unvisible09:57
jaronow its on the right side09:57
jaroand visible09:57
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HIGH-FREQanyone know of any good programs that is similar to wifi-radar09:59
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AlmtyBobanyone here play Angband? how do you get multiple terminals?10:01
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intuos_penhi, anyone here knows how to fix Evolution email client that starts again on "Evolution Setup Assistant" even though it was already been regularly used for some time and an email account is already configured and the directories ~/.evolution/ ,  ~/.gconf/apps/evolution/ , and ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution already and still exists?10:02
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HIGH-FREQintuos_pen: not too sure..but u might have to remove that .evolution10:02
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phuzis there a custom install with package selection?10:05
intuos_penHIGH-FREQ: will it remove my already setup addresses and contact list and my configured email account?10:05
dliphuz, is there an expert mode?10:06
=== iBalo [n=user@dslb-088-072-227-034.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
HIGH-FREQintuos_pen: yes...but u should back it up first...like do  cp .evolution .evolution_backup   or somethin10:06
HIGH-FREQerrr  cp -R .evolution .evolution_backup10:06
phuzdli: perfect10:07
intuos_penHIGH-FREQ: yay, what i want to do is to revert back to my working Evolution configuration.10:07
HIGH-FREQya just try that....unless if someone else has somethin better10:07
=== Tedd_ [i=Tedd@ool-457b29e1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
HIGH-FREQgotta jet real quick...10:08
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iBaloanyone running ubuntu on apple hardware in here? I'll have to put ubuntu on a late imac G3 (dv, 400Mhz) in the near future and could use some info on how much RAM is advisable to buy, and if there are any points to look after. E.g. does this 8GB limit for the first partition apply?10:10
=== ohzie [n=ohzie@c-24-21-105-65.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ohzieWhat's a good package to let me watch quicktime .mov's?10:10
eggzeckiBalo, you don't need that much RAM10:10
ubotuhmm... quicktime is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information on quicktime support or just install the "libquicktime1" package.10:10
eggzeckiBalo, how much does it currently have?10:11
iBaloSo it's got 128MB now... i think its 2x 64 MB, so i thought i'll put 256 in10:11
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eggzeckiBalo, 8GB HD is good enough for Ubuntu, 128 is fine also :)10:12
eggzeckiBalo, though 256MB is better10:12
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c0loredits so dead in the dapper help channle :(10:14
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dliiBalo, 128 is usually too small :(10:14
lucasany idea of software that allows to draw histograms from the command line ?10:14
dlilucas, gnuplot10:14
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iBaloSo there's a 13 GB hdd in it. Do i have to partiton it? Or can i use one big part?. My experiences with x86 ubuntu make me fell the 256MB RAM will be  ok.10:15
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aeolusHi, Does anyone know of a working "sources.list" for Ubuntu Breezy?10:16
dliiBalo, one swap, and one /10:16
eggzeckiBalo, are you dual booting?10:16
dli!ubotu tell aeolus about easysource10:16
aeolusthank you, dli10:16
=== cracko [n=complexi@bb-66-63-118-241.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
iBaloNo, there's currently OS9 on it, which will be scrapped due the lack of drivers for some hardware the customer has10:16
crackowell i was making a back up of my / so i copyed /* to my sata storage hard drive.. now for some reason my storage hard drive stays mounted as read only any ideas?10:16
eggzeckiBalo, then just let the install cd do everything :)10:17
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eggzeckiBalo, use the guided partitioning when installing10:17
mwecracko: you probably need to mount it differently. what fs is it?10:17
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dlicracko, check you dmesg/syslog for errors10:17
iBaloSo you macies would say that it's a no-brainer when you know your way around on x86-ubuntu?10:18
fyrestrtriBalo: try booting with a ppc livecd10:18
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eggzeckiBalo, yes, and it will work just fine10:18
aeolusAlso, is there a way to "sudo" without using the terminal?10:19
fyrestrtriBalo: or use something more suited for that environment, like ydl.10:19
crackodli: all kinds of errors in dmesg10:19
iBaloNice one! Any particular hints on multimedia-support on ppc?10:19
crackodli: EXT3-fs error (device sdb1): ext3_get_inode_loc: unable to read inode block - inode=19234878, block=3846963510:19
eggzeckaeolus, synaptic10:19
eggzeckfyrestrtr, what are you talking about?10:19
crackowhen i ls storage i get ls: aaalogo120.zip: Input/output error10:20
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dlicracko, close applications using it, umount it, and fsck it10:20
dushyhello all :)10:20
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dushycan any one tell me plz why i am not able to view the video file.. tho i can hear only voice?10:20
crackodli: how do you recommend me fsck it?10:21
eggzeckdushy, what kind of video file?10:21
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dushyeggzeck.. from internet for eg.10:21
eggzeckdushy, "from internet" isn't a type of video file.10:22
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blazehow can i End Prosess in linux? :)10:22
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dlicracko, depends, if your data is critical, make a disk image now, if not, "e2fsck -p -f /dev/sdablah"10:22
eggzeckdushy, anyways, install w32codecs10:22
blazelike the three keys combination10:22
eggzeckblaze, kill PID10:22
dushyi mean. i can download some videos from the internet.. but wnen i play it .. i can hear only the voice...10:22
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eggzeckblaze, read about kill with "man kill"10:22
blazeok =)10:22
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dushynone of the formats its not accepting...10:22
crackodli: it is critical information 160 gigs of it10:23
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uboturestricted is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats10:23
eggzeckdushy, do you have w32codecs installed?10:23
dushyeggzeck.. i have to install w32codes from internet?10:23
recyclebinsorry for typos10:23
dushyi dont know ... :(10:23
mweblaze: or use killall <process name>10:23
eggzeckdushy, no, in your ubuntu terminal10:23
iBalodushy, the 'restricted' was menat fot you10:23
mweblaze: ps aux or top to show the processes running10:23
eggzeckdushy, yes read what ubotu linked10:23
iBalo*dushy, the 'restricted' was meant for you*10:24
dushyok.. let me check.. wait plz10:24
recyclebiniBalo, are you sure?10:24
dlicracko, umount it, find another disk (larger), make a disk image of if first10:24
crackodli: what do you think caused the disk to be currupted me copying so many files to it?10:24
dlicracko, it's could be a hardware problem10:24
varianti need to install screen, sshd and nmap on ubuntu 5.10 live cd with 190MB ram.. is that gonna work?10:24
dushyeggzeck.. it says command not found10:24
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eggzeckdushy, sudo apt-get install w32codecs10:25
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dushyibalo restricted? i didnt get u10:25
eggzeckubotu tell dushy about restricted10:25
blazethank you very much mwe10:25
crackodli: could it of horked the hard drive when i copyed /* to it because i was not thinkin and /mnt/ was in it10:25
=== mustard5 [n=mustard5@012.a.001.sop.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
crackodli: so i was copying data from /mnt/storage to /mnt/storage10:25
dushyeggzeck.. i am very new to linux.. so i dont know much of the technical part. .can u simplify me plz10:25
mwew32codecs is in the ubuntu mirrors ?! I had to dl a .deb manually and sudo dpkg -i it10:25
eggzeckmwe, not me :)10:26
iBalodushy, i told the bot to spit out a link to a wiki page which has info about playing back cpyright-restricted multimedia-formats on ubuntu#10:26
dlicracko, if you used "cp", it's fine, cp doesn't cp the same file by default10:26
eggzeckdushy, yes, please read what ubotu messaged you with10:26
recyclebinmwe, is w32codes in the older distro CD?10:26
mwerecyclebin: I think not10:26
crackodli: what did you mean by make a disc image?10:26
mwerecyclebin: it's copyrighted10:26
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crackojust coy all my files to the new hard drive?10:27
eggzeckmwe, you just need the right repos10:27
=== iBalo definitly has to stop clamping a receiver between head and shoulders when typing :-)
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dlicracko, next time, set up rsnapshot to backup10:27
mweeggzeck: myabe some unofficail mirror has it10:27
dlicracko, like, "dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/disk-image.img"10:27
crackodli: why would it matter though i could just copy all the files over right?10:27
eggzeckmwe, yes, it's unofficial, but I believe Dapper has it in their default repos10:28
eggzeckbecause I didn't have to add anything to find w32codecs10:28
dlicracko, if you used simple, "cp", it shouldn't happen10:28
mweeggzeck: no10:28
dushyUbuntu says he cannot understand what i am talking about.10:28
mweeggzeck: it doesn't it's not free10:29
crackodli: i used cp -aai or whatever saved the permissions10:29
mweeggzeck: I'm running dapper10:29
eggzeckmwe, so am I10:29
mweeggzeck: could you provide a link to the mirror? bacause what ubotu links to is a .deb, not a ubuntu mirror10:29
dushyany one still want to give a help plz?10:29
eggzeckmwe, hang on10:29
dushyi guess no one at the moment.. so i will come later :(10:30
aftertafwhats the pb?10:30
dlicracko, certain directories you shouldn't cp, /dev, /proc, /sys10:30
mweeggzeck: we need to update the factoid10:31
recyclebinwell, bbl for the money10:31
dushyaftertaf.. i cant view video files though i can only hear them ..10:31
crackodli: so copying /dev /proc /sys to my other hard drive could have messed it up?10:31
aftertafok. with all software?10:31
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eggzeckmwe, deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ etch main10:31
lssHow do I find out what my network card is called so I can get the driver for it?10:31
dlicracko, not sure about it :( I hope not10:31
aftertaflspci dli10:31
dushyi want all the video formats to be running..10:31
aftertafer lss i meant10:32
eggzeckmwe, that contains w32codecs and libdvdcss210:32
dlilss, check dmesg10:32
mweeggzeck: oh marrilat. I was adviced not to use that though10:32
leconcan anyoe helme with my sounddriver?10:32
iBaloso what do the PPC-people do, btw, to get around without w32codecs?10:32
eggzeckmwe, why? I have no problems with it10:32
dushyok.. any first step settings from my side?10:32
crackodli: if that is the case then i am really sad10:32
aftertafdushy: what have you installed up to now, codec wise10:32
eggzeckiBalo, nothing, I couldn't do anything10:32
leconcan anyone help me with my sound???10:33
dushyaftertaf.. thats the problem i dont know much of the technical and only from 5 days i am using linux.. i am a non technical guy and dont know much about it :(10:33
uboturumour has it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats10:33
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aftertafdushy newbieness is not an excuse, its a strating point ;)10:33
dushybut i have downloaded all the required live updates 2 days back10:33
eggzeckmwe, you want to know what's extremely weird though, is that I have it commented out, and even did a apt-get update, and I can still install w32codecs10:33
aftertafdushy, read the above wiki ^^^^^^10:33
dushyyep aftertaf i believe in it.. but starting needs time right?10:33
iBaloeggzeck: so vlc would be the best bet? If vlc can't handle it, you're out of luck...10:33
mweeggzeck: i  think because it's a debian mirror and some things could break though codecs are probably ok to install10:34
=== ajax4 [n=three@adsl-69-231-28-87.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
eggzeckmwe, yes, I only used that for w32codecs10:34
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aftertafdushy, things take more time, that is right... :)10:34
dushyubuntu gave me the link.. but i dont know what to download there..10:34
eggzeckiBalo, yupp, but you can't get much done without certain codecs10:34
ajax4Good Morning, Ubuntuans!10:34
dushygm eggzeck10:34
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dushyajax4 gm10:34
ubotuI heard plf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf , mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc10:35
aftertafdushy: have you enabled universe & multiverse for apt?10:35
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eggzeckmwe, would you happen to know why is that?10:35
aftertafdushy. pm?10:35
dushyok aftertaf..10:35
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aftertafdushy:  you get my pm?10:36
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dushyaftertaf i  am in the pm.. can u see me?10:36
mweeggzeck: I don't know why10:36
drcodehi akll10:36
dushyyep i got it.. but u are not replying back10:37
drcodeany one know good and fast program like vmware in linux10:37
aftertafdushy; hang on 2 secs.10:37
eggzeckmwe, so shouldn't that mean that one of the repos have w32codes? (Dapper ones)10:37
drcodethat work like vmware?10:37
dushyok aftertaf10:37
=== aftertaf [n=david@d213-103-81-67.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mweeggzeck: I think they dont10:38
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aftertafdushy, if not, have you registered to freenode?10:38
eggzeckmwe, so why can I install it? (with all unofficial repos commented out)10:38
leconhi!can anyone help with my sound settings?10:38
aftertafdushy if not go to #dushy10:38
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dushynop i dont think os afertaf10:39
aftertaftype /join #dushy10:39
drcodeany idea for vmware in opensource?10:39
dushygone there10:39
dlidrcode, xen10:39
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mutantedrcode: FreeMWare10:39
mwe!info w32codecs10:39
drcodeit work with same process like vmware?10:39
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ejdolfIf I have two servers running webservers on port 80 (a.com and b.com) behind a firewall, is there any http-proxy which makes it possible to for the firewall to forward all requests to that proxy and then the proxy forwards the connections to the correct destination?10:39
aftertaflol drcode :)10:39
mweeggzeck: I don't know maybe I'm mistaken10:40
drcodeI Will check it out10:40
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haboycan i ask for help??10:40
eggzeckmwe, would you like to see my sources.list?10:40
mutantedrcode: it has been renamed from "FreeMWare" to "plex86" i see10:40
haboyeggzeck can i ask for help??10:40
RayFredPiphaboy, : )10:40
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eggzeckhaboy, if I can help I will10:40
haboyanyone can i ask for help10:41
mutantedrcode: http://plex86.sourceforge.net/  should be it10:41
haboyok tnx10:41
haboyher it is10:41
RayFredPiphaboy, show me your problem10:41
eggzeckhaboy, if my knowledge isn't limited10:41
haboyi'm very new in ubuntu10:41
haboyi cant install the yahoo messenger10:41
haboythe sudo apt-get won't work on me10:41
eggzeckmy knowledge is limited10:41
eggzeckhaboy, use gaim10:42
haboyeven the skype10:42
eggzeckhaboy, it can do yahoo10:42
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haboyi havent used gaim yet10:42
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haboywhats with gaim10:42
eggzeckhaboy, Applications->Internet->Gaim Instant Messenger10:42
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jaroI wish there was something like StyleXP for Linux10:43
eggzeckjaro, ...10:43
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eggzeckjaro, gnome-look.org10:43
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jaroits not the same10:43
jaroPlaque will never be replacable10:43
haboyanyone here who knows how to install the skype??10:43
salmiak_what's plaque, jaro ?10:44
eggzeckhaboy, why aren't you just doing what I said?10:44
jaroits a styleXP theme10:44
jaroits awesome10:44
jaroit made me stick to windows considering design10:44
eggzeckjaro, this is for you10:44
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!10:44
feugan3333Hi all. Is it safe to install a package from source that is newer than a package already installed from the repository?10:44
=== haboy is now known as harry
jaroits not offtopic, i as asking for something similar10:44
ajax4Anyone on here running the betas of Dapper with XGL? If so, hows it working?10:45
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eggzeckjaro, syaing that StylesXP is awesome and talking about it is offtopic10:45
ferronicahello people10:45
ajax4ferronica: hello10:45
ferronicaajax4: Hi10:45
ferronicaajax4: do u know how to change page style10:46
salmiak_jaro, the closest is probably gnome-look.org :)10:46
ferronicaajax4: i mean web page style, character10:46
harryhey guys nid help please10:46
eggzecksalmiak_, I told him about that, yet he said it isn't the same. (Which boggles me)10:46
eggzeckkde-look.org is for kde not gnome10:47
jaro<- using kubuntu10:47
eggzeckso that would be in #kubuntu10:47
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salmiak_jaro, ok then ;)10:47
ajax4ferronica: I don't understand your question. Please be very specific.10:47
ajax4harry: you want to use Yahoo Messenger?10:47
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salmiak_ferronica, he means charset?10:48
salmiak_i think10:48
eggzeckajax4, doesn't Gaim do Yahoo?10:48
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salmiak_gaim does yahoo, eggzeck ;)10:48
ajax4eggzeck: it does, but I think he is confused because the program is different.10:48
ferronicaajax4: if u see ur firefox browser, and comapare it with windows browser, ubuntu brpwser character r some bigger10:48
eggzeckajax4, yes, I was going to show him how to use it, but he never replied10:48
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ferronicaajax4: i wanna make them some small10:49
harryyes i want to use it10:49
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ferronicaajax4: i think it is in ARIAL style10:49
salmiak_ferronica, ctrl + scrollwheel10:49
ajax4ferronica: You can change the text size in the Firefox preferences.10:49
harryhow do you do the red text messages whats with it10:49
eggzeckharry, oh your nick changed... Then go to Applications->Internet->Gaim Internet Messenger10:49
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harrythats my real name10:49
HalverHahnhab nkleines Prob mit dem CDROM10:49
phuzanyone know howto handle grub error 17 after install?10:50
eggzeckharry, now add a yahoo account to it, then sign in10:50
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harryi cant sign in10:50
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ajax4ferronica: you need to know exactly where to look in Firefox to change font size?10:51
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harryits sez my account is suspended, but i havent done anything yet10:51
HalverHahnkann jemand ne Frage benatworten zu: CDROM mount/umount ?10:51
ompaulharry, talk to yahoo10:51
salmiak_gah, what's wrong with 'ctrl + scroll wheel' to change font size?? ;D10:51
ajax4HalverHahn: this is an english language channel.10:51
eggzeckharry, there should be an "Accounts" button, click it10:52
eggzeckharry, when the Accounts panel shows up, click Add10:52
eggzeckharry, then you'll see a "Protocol" section, choose Yahoo from the list10:52
harryok thn nxt??10:53
eggzeckharry, and all the rest should be self explanatory10:53
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eggzeckharry, such as "Screen Name", "Password", etc.10:53
harrybut why does it says my account is blocked10:53
eggzeckhow should I know?10:53
ferronicaajax4: Ok can i change ubuntu character also10:54
harrywhat should my password be10:54
harryanything new???10:54
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blazewhy is the xine player playing my movie so bad?10:54
harryor the one i use on the yahoo account10:54
blazei mean.. it's sticky10:54
theorem_huntercan any one give advice about kernels10:54
eggzeckharry, your password and everything would be the same.10:54
ferronicaajax4: bcoz they r too big, Icons r also so big10:54
cbearHello.  I have a box that was originally installed with an IDE drive and a SATA drive installed.  Ubuntu is exclusively on the SATA drive - the IDE was an old XP drive.  The IDE drive has now been removed, and now the machine does not boot (hangs before grub message - no attempt to bot at all.).  Assuming the drive config is messed up, I ran "grub-install /dev/sda" from a live CD, but I get this error:  "/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot doe10:55
cbears not have any corresponding BIOS drive."  Can anone help?10:55
ajax4ferronica: Yes, you change them in your gnome font settings. I'm not currently running Ubuntu so maybe someone else who is can tell you exactly where.10:55
blazecan someone help me with xine?10:55
ferronicaajax4: where is gnome settings???10:55
eggzeckcbear, sounds like you need to go into BIOS and fix it10:56
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cbeareggzeck, Someone else suggested that - what exactly am I "fixing" in the BIOS?10:56
ajax4ferronica: Start menus...I don't know exactly where since I'm not running Ubuntu right now. But its a GNOME setting.10:56
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harrywhat now??10:57
salmiak_ferronica, "start"->system->preferences i thikn10:57
blazewhen i try to open a video file mplayer tells me Couldn't open /dev/3dfx10:57
blaze, where is the problem?10:57
harryshould my password in the gaim be the saim in the yahoo website10:57
eggzeckcbear, you'll be disabling that drive10:57
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ferronicaok fonts10:58
ferronicagot it10:58
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=== salmiak_ recommends the bitstream vera fonts
eggzeckcbear, just as if you were disabling a built in graphics card so that you can use an external (PCI) one.10:58
raphaawhich printer-driver i gotta use for "canon i455x"??? HLP!!!10:59
cbeareggzeck, Those disks are on auto - they disable themselves, afaik...  What device does casper-snapshot refer to?10:59
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cbeareggzeck, so, IDE-with-SATA just works, but if I remove the IDE, some other settings hav to be changed?10:59
harryhey eggzeck what's the next step after i've logged in the yahoo website11:00
harrythe gaim is still not workin??11:00
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ajax4harry: you may want to the read the gaim FAQ here: http://gaim.sourceforge.net/faq.php11:01
theorem_hunteris there a gnome text to speech app?11:01
=== ctear [n=ubuntu@toronto-HSE-ppp4122670.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ctearHello.  I have a box that was originally installed with an IDE drive and a SATA drive installed.  Ubuntu is exclusively on the SATA drive - the IDE was an old XP drive.  The IDE drive has now been removed, and now the machine does not boot (hangs before grub message - no attempt to boot at all.).11:02
ferronicaajax4: but ICONS size r not changing???11:02
ctearAssuming the drive config is messed up, I ran "grub-install /dev/sda" from a live CD, but I get this error:  "/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive."  Can anyne help?11:02
ferronicaajax4: DESKTOP icons, they r much bigger11:02
ajax4ferronica: Well, you changed the gnome FONT setting...that wouldn't affect the icons. There is a way to change the icons...hang on.11:03
cbearOh, sorry - did not raize this was the same channel as freenode.11:03
ferronicaajax4: OKAY11:03
ferronicaajax4: what linux r u using??? something different...11:03
ajax4ferronica: Right now Mandriva...but both using gnome. Go to the same place where you found the gnome prefs...instead of font do you see one "File Management"?11:04
ferronicaajax4: yes11:05
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mbainrotdoes anyone know how to install the novell client on linux11:05
ajax4ferronica: select that...then go to Default Zoom Level for the icons...change it to something lower.11:05
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ubotufrom memory, backports is Add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main universe multiverse restricted" (without the ") to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports11:07
ferronicaajax4: Ok done11:07
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mweeggzeck: sudo apt-get -s install --reinstall w32codecs does not work on my dapper11:07
ferronicaajax4: much better11:07
ajax4ferronica: did it change your icon size on the desktop?11:07
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mweeggzeck: it says it can't dl it11:08
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ferronicaajax4: ya some better11:08
ajax4ferronica: good :)11:08
ferronicaajax4: from u hav prdered the mandrive CD11:08
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ferronicaajax4: can u give me the link please11:08
ajax4ferronica: the link for what?11:08
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mweeggzeck: I think that's because it's not in my mirrors11:09
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korodedI can't get java going.  http://textsnippets.com/posts/show/246  and others say to sudo apt-get install fakeroot java-package java-common    but java-package isn't found11:11
ferronicaajax4: To oreder mandrive CD11:11
ferronicaajax4: To order mandrive CD :)11:12
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ajax4ferronica: nah, forget about Mandriva...Ubuntu is better. I'm switching over in 2 weeks when the next version of Ubuntu comes out.11:12
jarodapper is already available11:13
jaroim upgrading right now11:13
ajax4jaro: I thought the final release version would not be out until June 1?11:13
visik7when I've upgraded to dapper X didn't run anyomre11:13
visik7ajax4: u are right11:13
jaroi dunno.. i included the repositories and upgrade11:14
harryat last i've used the gaim11:14
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harrydoes anyone here knows how to install the skype11:15
harryi've just started linux today11:15
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luke__how do i install clamav?11:15
harryhow do i install skype???11:15
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visik7use the wiki11:15
harryor install xmms11:15
visik7use the forum11:15
luke__how do i install clamav?11:15
ferronica1i hav just downloded and saved the flash player for firefox now how to install it???11:15
visik7and use synaptic11:15
harrythe wiki instructions doesnt work11:16
luke__how do i install clam av?11:16
aftertafluke__, open synaptic and select it... or type sudo apt-get install clamav in a console.11:16
harrythey say the source of skype is closed??11:16
topyliluke__: apt-get install clamav. please don't flood11:16
Tomcat__ferronica: Install through synaptic, don't download manually.11:16
blazehow to install all the codecs for xine?11:16
topyliharry: it is11:16
blazeplease help.. i got tired trying :)11:16
visik7harry: skype is on plf11:16
Tomcat__!tell blaze about restrictedformats11:16
ferronica1Tomcat__: but i hav already did, now how to install it11:16
uboturestricted is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats11:16
harrywhats plf??11:17
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats11:17
uboturumour has it, plf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf , mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc11:17
visik7harry: penguin liberation front11:17
harrycan u giv me the source URL11:17
salmiak_rumour has it? :D11:17
luke__atp-get install clamav dosent work in terminal11:17
visik7harry: can u use your browser ?11:17
harrydo i have to download it from there11:17
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visik7luke__: why u want clamav ?11:18
luke__anti vuires11:18
Tomcat__ferronica: Open synaptic and install flashplugin-nonfree11:18
visik7luke__: do u have an mail server ?11:18
=== execve [n=bann3d@host86-134-215-23.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
luke__can sombdy just telll me how?11:18
salmiak_visik7, me and some other ppl already talked with him about why he wants it. Just it :D it's something about his father and fright of viruses.11:18
visik7luke__: clamav is an antivirus for windows viruses linux hasn't viruses11:18
salmiak_ - just it11:19
luke__just tell me11:19
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aftertafluke__, open synaptic and select it.then click Apply.. or type sudo apt-get install clamav in a console.11:19
aftertafwe have told you like 20 times now11:19
salmiak_luke__, sudo apt-get install clamav11:19
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:19
visik7enable universe11:19
salmiak_ah, he needs universe...11:19
visik7and apt-get install it11:19
ajax4Anyone using XGL with the any versions of Dapper?11:20
visik7btw it's useless11:20
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visik7ajax4: #ubuntu-xgl11:20
luke__sudo apt-get install clamav dosent work11:20
salmiak_luke, you need the universe repository... look at what ubotu said11:21
visik7!tell luke__ about universe11:21
ferronica1what u guys do in ubuntu??11:21
harryhow do i install the XMMS using the terminal???11:21
harryhow do i install the XMMS using the terminal???11:21
ferronica1using just for knowledge or what???11:21
visik7Hanna_:  apt-get install xmms11:21
salmiak_harry, sudo apt-get install xmms11:21
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ferronica1harry: use VLC player11:21
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ferronica1harry: no need of xmms11:22
salmiak_ferronica, listen to music, watch movies, chat, read news... ... ...11:22
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salmiak_ferronica1, everything you can come up with, except gaming ;)11:22
harrywhy i dont nid it11:22
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biberaohey how do i make munin work with auth digest ?11:22
harrythe sudo apt-get install xmms wont work11:23
ferronica1sammiak_: Ok, for music what player do u use????11:23
visik7harry: define wont work11:23
salmiak_ferronica1, amaroK for music, and when i don't want the bloat amaroK has, i use xmms11:23
ferronica1sammiak_: hey can u send me ur desktop, screenshot, i wanna to see....11:23
harryhaboy@px1:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install xmms11:24
harryReading package lists... Done11:24
harryBuilding dependency tree... Done11:24
harryPackage xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:24
harryThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:24
harryis only available from another source11:24
harryE: Package xmms has no installation candidate11:24
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visik7DON'T PQASTE HERE11:24
harrythats what shows11:24
salmiak_ferronica1, uhm...you want to see what? the music player?11:24
ferronica1sammiak_: nope, ur desktop11:24
visik7harry: apt-get update works ?11:24
harrywhy do i see red txt from you11:24
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ferronica1sammiak_: how u decorated it11:24
mwe!info xmms11:24
ubotuxmms: (Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp), section sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.10+cvs20050209-2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 979 kB, Installed size: 7216 kB11:25
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visik7harry: from me ?11:25
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harryyes visik11:25
blazeWich video driver to choose in mplayer in order to watch the movie in full screen?11:25
visik7harry: 'couse I type your nickname11:25
harryok i'll do that also11:25
visik7blaze: xv11:25
bjvHow can i boot my ubuntu partition from one of the CDs? i need to recover my grub install11:25
ferronica1sammiak_: hey, is there any bandwidth test for ubuntu, like we use in windowss????11:25
mweharry: did you sudo apt-get update and is your sources.list sane?11:25
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blazexv X11/XV ?11:25
salmiak_ferronica1, like, tptest?11:25
harryvisik7: the apt-get update says that could not open lock file11:26
visik7blaze: yes11:26
blazeError initialising..11:26
blazethe selected video output..11:26
visik7harry: u have another program like synaptic opened11:26
=== ohzie [n=ohzie@c-24-21-105-65.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blazewhat to do?11:26
visik7it's not a question11:26
harryvisik7 no11:26
salmiak_hehe, ferronica1, i haven't done much to decorate it... but sure, i could post a screenie if you want...but i don't know if i want to post it in this channel...feels sort of offtopic for some reason11:27
harrymwe: when i sudo apt-get update. it only says reading package list....done11:27
ferronica1sammiak_: Pm me there u send me11:27
visik7harry: another apt program is running11:27
mweharry: is your sources.list ok?11:27
ubotuquicktime is, like, totally, read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information on quicktime support or just install the "libquicktime1" package.11:27
harrywhat do you mean my sources??11:28
ferronica1sammiak_: We r just exchanging our ideas, views thats it nothing OFFTOPIC11:28
visik7harry: sudoedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:28
mweharry: it says it can't find xmms, right? not that you don't have permission?11:28
harryvisik7 how i'll know that11:28
zm0blaze: are you using the fglrx driver by any chance?11:28
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blazei don't know..11:28
harrywhat next11:28
blazehow to check?11:28
mweharry: go to pastebin.com and paste your /etc/apt/sources.list then paste the url here11:28
harrya lot of text apeared11:29
zm0blaze: type lsmod |grep fglrx in a terminal11:29
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bjvif i type  linux initrd=initrd.img ro root=/dev/sda1  will the ubutnu LiveCD boot my partition?11:29
harrymwe: the entire text???11:29
bjvi cant find any help via google on this11:29
mweharry: yes11:29
mweharry: the contents of that file11:29
salmiak_ferronica1, http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotofsalmiaksdesktop6im.jpg11:29
biberaomunin anyone?11:29
ohzieHey...I don't have any multiverse repositories11:29
ohzieIs there a way I can change that?11:30
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:30
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blazenothing happens zm011:30
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blazeit's with a vertical line, right? ( | )11:30
ferronica1sammiak_: woww, how did u made like this11:30
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harrywhere can i see my URL?? mwe11:31
mweharry: on the page11:31
ferronica1sammiak_: like my computer ICON, folders11:31
mweharry: after you submit it11:31
harryon what part. bottom, up???11:31
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ferronica1let me send u mine screen shot11:31
blazezm0, what should i do?11:32
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zm0blaze: hmmm what graphics card do you have?11:32
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blazeVIA Unichrome Pro11:32
blazei think :)11:32
mweharry: pastebin.com wont load for me atm11:32
salmiak_ah, ferronica1 , that's the icon set... http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3468011:33
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL11:33
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mweharry: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ instead11:33
ferronica1sammiak_: accept the file, that i am sending u11:33
salmiak_ferronica1, upload your screenshot @ http://www.imageshack.us instead11:33
mweharry: when you submit copy paste the url in the address bar11:34
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blazezm0, i can play the movie with x11 but it doesn't want ot go fullscreen11:34
bjvplease, if you know. How can i boot my unbootable ubuntu install?11:34
bjvi have both a 5.10 install disk and a LiveCD11:34
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mweblaze: zoom in the config file I think11:34
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ompaulblaze, sudo apt-get install xine and then run totem - its the quickest hack I can think of11:34
harrymwe you have to be exact on where can i copy paste the URL coz i'm not familliar with it11:35
blaze:) i'll try, ompaul11:35
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harryat list the closest place you could tell me mwe11:35
dinamizadorque tal11:35
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:35
ferronica1ok i did11:35
ferronica1sammiak_: got11:35
zm0blaze: try gksudo gmplayer, does that work with xv?11:35
recyclebinbbl for rebooting11:35
harrymwe: ive clicked the send button and what i pasted i saw at the top11:36
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salmiak_send me the link of that screenshot, then, ferronica1 :)11:36
harrymwe: still cant see the url11:36
mweharry: go to paste.ubuntu-nl.org, paste your /etc/apt/sources.list choose a name, submit. highlight the url in the address bar and go to irc and press the middle mouse button or both if you don't have a middle button11:36
harry: now i get it11:36
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salmiak_ferronica1, no...when you uploaded the file, you got a page with alot of links for different uses, right? ;)11:37
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=== HyperStre[A] m Most Likely Quake 4'ing (Auto-dead after 20 min idle) (Log: ON)
harrymwe: you mean this http://pastebin.com/71108111:37
mweharry: use another editor if the one sudoedit uses confeses you11:37
mweharry: like gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:37
bjvok #ubuntu the answer to my question was:  Boot the Install disk, not the live one. At the Boot: prompt type 'rescue'11:37
blazeno it doesn't11:37
harrymwe: you mean this http://pastebin.com/71108111:37
gwilmaHello. Anyone know how to make evolution display a pop-up message when new mail arrives? Or can't it do it?11:37
harrymwe: am i right with this one???11:37
bjvso the next guy who comes along and cant boot his ubuntu now knows.11:37
blazeit only works with x11  Ximage/Shm11:37
blazebut doesn't want to go fullscreen11:37
mweharry: is that the entire file?11:38
mweharry: if so it's broken11:38
blazewith Totem it works, but it's kind of slow and squary11:38
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harrymwe: how'd you know???11:38
ferronica1sammiak_: Oh too tidious11:38
harryi linux everything is manual11:38
mweharry: it says the file is 37 lines but you only pasted 2211:38
mweharry: or 20 rather11:38
mweharry: use gedit instead11:39
harrywhats the command again11:39
harrylet me try11:39
mweharry: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:39
ferronica1sammiak_: http://img87.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot23zo.png11:39
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salmiak_looks neat ;)11:40
salmiak_but, ferronica1, i have to go now...i'll talk to ya later maybe. *afk*11:40
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harrydid you see it mwe??11:42
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mweharry: you need to fix it11:42
mweharry: close gedit11:42
harrymwe:how do i fix it??11:43
mweharry: then type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list so you have permission to change the file11:43
mweharry: the computer is online, right. is it the one you're on irc with as well?11:44
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harrywhats irc???11:44
mweharry: chat, this room11:44
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harrymwe: a gedit appeared. blank11:44
harrymwe: what do i do with it11:44
mweharry: blank?11:44
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mweharry: you must have made a typo. what did you type?11:45
ferronica1any one here who can help me decorating desktop11:45
salmiak_ah, ferronica1 i didn't have to go11:45
harrymwe: it asked for a password11:45
mweharry: good11:45
mweharry: did you type your pw then?11:45
ferronica1sammiak_: So will u tell me11:45
harryi just typed the password of my useraccount11:45
mweharry: good11:45
harryyeah it said, authentication failed at the last part11:45
ferronica1sammiak_: If u dont hve any problem???11:45
mweharry: now open /etc/apt/sources.list11:45
salmiak_ferronica1, http://gnome-look.org11:46
mweharry: in gedit11:46
harrymwe: then after thet a gedit suddenly opened blank titled sources.list11:46
mweharry: what exactly did you type?11:46
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harry gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:46
harrythat exactly11:46
mweharry: just file open and browse to the file. I don't know why it didn't open it11:47
harryat the gedit???11:47
ferronica1i am there only11:47
mweharry: can't you open a file from gedit?11:47
ubotufrom memory, quicktime is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information on quicktime support or just install the "libquicktime1" package.11:47
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harrymwe: i can11:48
fyrestrtrferronica1: what do you need help with?11:48
harrymwe: on what file do i search it???11:48
ferronica1sammiak_: If u seen my desktop, top  pannel i wanna remove them all11:48
harrymwe: what do i search???11:48
mweharry: good open /etc/apt/sources.list. I thinks you are creating a new file I don't know why. open the existing one in gedit11:48
mweharry: /etc/apt/11:48
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ferronica1sammiak_: ???11:49
ubotuvisik7: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:49
harrymwe:ive opened it11:49
mweharry: is it open now?11:49
mweharry: good11:50
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harrythe file appeared again11:50
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salmiak_ferronica, yeh...right-click it and click on remove?11:50
mweharry: put a # in the beginning of line 1. that will disable the cd. then11:50
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mweharry: remove the # in the beginning of lines 5 and 611:50
harrynot so fast11:51
harryi cant type anythin11:51
mweharry: can't type?11:51
harryi cant type on anything11:51
mweharry: is the the gedit you opened with gksudo gedit?11:51
ferronicasalmiak_:  then where to put my these icons11:51
salmiak_you downloaded the package?11:52
harryive opened the gedit /etc/apt/sources.list on the terminal and the file appeared11:52
mweharry: you wont have permission to change the file without gksudo11:52
ferronicasalmiak_:  time11:52
harryam i wrong on this one11:52
harrythats what i did11:52
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salmiak_ferronica, go into the menu, ->system->preferences->themes11:52
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mweharry: odd11:52
harrymaybe i'm missing something11:52
harrywhat do i do again to gain acces gksudo???11:53
mweharry: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:53
salmiak_ferronica, brb11:53
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mweharry: close any other open gedit windows so you don't get confused11:53
harrythis is what is shown11:53
harry(gksudo:944): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib11:53
harry(gksudo:944): Gdk-WARNING **: cannot set locale modifiers11:53
harry(gedit:946): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib11:53
harry(gedit:946): Gdk-WARNING **: cannot set locale modifiers11:53
harry(gedit:946): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:11:53
harryAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.11:53
harryafter i typed the command11:54
mweharry: it's broken11:54
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mweharry: use nano instead11:54
PengouinPdtio all11:54
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fyrestrtrharry: do not flood in this channel, use a pastebin service.11:54
mweharry: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:54
harry what's nano11:54
McScruffis there a way to have a pc that uses another pc for all the power (like a p2 64mb ram pc that actually runs off a powerful one)?11:54
mweharry: another editor11:54
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mweharry: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:54
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fyrestrtrMcScruff: yes. Just install a remote X client and use the network.11:54
salmiak_ah, there11:54
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mweharry: is it open now?11:55
harrya file just opened11:55
mwegood put a # at the beginning of line 111:55
mweharry: ^^11:55
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harryi opened it on terminal11:55
mweharry: that will disable the cd which is a good thing11:55
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mweharry: that's good11:55
harrydo i open it at gedit???11:56
mweharry: no11:56
mweharry: gedit or locales is broken. it will probably be fixed when you update11:56
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mweharry: did you type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list ?11:56
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bluntedwhat kernel does the kubuntu have11:56
mweharry: and did it open the file?11:56
harrythe first line u said was the second line specificallt right11:56
cafuego_same one as buntu11:57
salmiak_blunted, open terminal and write "uname -r"11:57
harryyeah i did11:57
bluntedim not using it11:57
bluntedi was asking11:57
salmiak_ah ok then11:57
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mweharry: good so type that # at the beginning of line 1 now11:57
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harrymwe: ive placed a # beside the deb-cd........11:57
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harryis that right???11:57
mweharry: yeah good11:57
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harrythen next???11:58
mweharry: now remove the # on line 5 and 611:58
McScruffanyone tried ubuntu on xbox?11:58
mweharry: have you done that?11:58
mweharry: removed the # a the start of line 5 and 6 ?11:58
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harryok done11:59
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daryl_How do i make apt-get/synaptic ignore a package, so it doesn't update?11:59
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mweharry: now on lines 20,21,36 and 37 remove the # as well11:59
visik7yes you can do it11:59
soundraydaryl_: look for the lock menu command11:59
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gravesonwhere can i find a debian package for xara xtreme12:00
harrymwe: ok done12:01
mweharry: and in lines 10,11,33 and 34 remove the # too12:01
cwilluany vm experts around?  I'm having swappiness issues12:01
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daryl_How do i make apt-get/synaptic ignore a package, so it doesn't update?  do i  use filters?12:01
harryok done12:01
captineyes, i finally got ubuntu connected to the internet.  Excuse my outburst of joy :)12:02
soundraydaryl_, I've answered that. What's the problem?12:02
mweharry: now on line 36 and 37 add a space and the word multiverse at the end of the line12:02
daryl_soundray : you said lock menu.. i coudln't find it12:02
daryl_soundray: i dont' want wine to upgrade.  i did a custom install12:02
soundraydaryl_: it's a menu command, called lock12:02
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harryadd a space where at 36 and 3712:02
visik7 graveson xara extreme is a windows program12:02
cwilluif I set swappiness=0 (as suggested as a good way to keep apps from paging out overnight), I seem to get random oom killings;  I read vm.txt (which appears out of date), but judging from the forums I've read, nobody else has this problem12:02
soundraydaryl: Package-Lock Version12:03
mweharry: at the end of the line. a space and the word multiverse12:03
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mweharry: right after universe12:03
gravesonvisik: http://www.xaraxtreme.org/about/12:03
harrymwe: ok done12:03
mweharry: do that in lines 20 and 21 as well12:03
daryl_soundray: i am not sure what you mean by a menu command.  could you clarify?12:04
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harrymwe:ok done12:04
mweharry: now replace all occurences of ph. with archive. in the urls12:04
soundraydaryl_, a menu is what you usually see at the top of the window in a graphical user interface.12:04
mweharry: no wait12:04
harrymwe: yes12:04
soundraydaryl_, it is used to invoke commands by pointing-and-clicking.12:05
soundraydaryl_, you ever used a computer?12:05
mweharry: just remove the ph. part so it read archive.ubuntu.com without ph. in front12:05
liquidindianAre there any 'processes' that run in the backround in Ubuntu, that might be slowing my machine down?12:05
liquidindianas in Windows?12:05
mweharry: on all the lines12:05
fyrestrtrliquidindian: a few.12:05
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daryl_soundray: aye, but what you said didn't make sense, because i dont' have a drop down menu option w/"lock"12:05
fyrestrtrliquidindian: on a console, type 'top'12:05
harrymwe: ive done it on all the lines12:06
soundraydaryl_, then you aren't running synaptic. Yet your question referred to synaptic12:06
mweharry: save the file and paste it on paste.ubuntu-nl.org so I can verify it12:06
soundraydaryl: Package-Lock Version12:06
mweharry: ctrl-X to save and exit12:06
soundraydaryl_: Package-Lock Version12:06
captinehow do i ask the bot questions?  is there a specific format/command etc?12:07
liquidindianI'm wondering why the sound in Jagged Alliance isn't working in game (it's stuttering really badly) but in the cutscene at the beginning it's fine/12:07
harryhow do i copy it all???12:07
soundraycaptine: /msg ubotu ubotu12:07
daryl_soundray: i see, i guess i have to select the package, from the list of products,t hen go to package.12:07
harryi cant drag it all down12:07
mwecaptine: /msg ubotu usage12:07
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mweharry: copy paste the first part then page down and copy paste the rest12:07
captinesoundray, thanks12:08
daryl_soundray: thanks for the clarification, i undrstand how to lock the package now12:08
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harrymwe:on what site again12:09
mweharry: paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:09
harrymwe: where do i paste it again???12:09
mweharry: paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:09
harrycant find it12:09
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mweharry: huh?12:10
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luke__can sombody please tell me where i can get a linux lexmark z180 series printer driver?12:10
mweharry: type it correctly12:10
harryi typed at my address bar www.paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:10
mweharry: not www.12:10
mweharry: just paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:10
harrytheres the url12:11
harrymwe: is this still going to take long???12:12
mweharry: no12:12
arrickmwe whaddup12:12
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jofoi know that this is the wrong place but can sombody help me with xubuntu question?12:12
mweharry: good now sve the file, ctrl-x12:12
mweharry: then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:13
gnomefreakjofo: in dapper?12:13
mweharry: save, not sve :)12:13
harrywait wait12:13
harryi typed Y to save it12:13
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mwearrick: going to school soon12:13
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mweharry: good12:13
mweharry: now sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:14
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gnomefreakjofo: what version of ubuntu are you using?12:14
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harrymwe: oh thank god now it workd12:14
mweharry: great12:14
harrymwe: hey mwe, how did you get to know all of this12:14
harrymwe: hey mwe, how did you get to know all of this??12:14
jofognomefreak: i've forgot how do i check?12:14
liquidindianWhere can I adjust my desktop to 16-bit color?12:15
gnomefreakoh well brb12:15
mweharry: aftet sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade you should be able to install whatever you wanted12:15
gnomefreakjofo: lsb_release -a12:15
harryanother question???12:15
gnomefreakjofo: type that in termminal12:15
harrydo you know about turbo gears???12:15
mweharry: someone else maybe, I gotta go ...12:15
harrythnk you very much12:15
captinethis apt-get thing is really cool12:15
jofognomefreak: 6.0612:15
soundrayliquidindian: edit the DefaultDepth option in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:16
gnomefreakjofo: its a known issue and its being worked on its been broken for about a week12:16
liquidindiansoundray, okay :)12:16
jofognomefreak: u lost me there, what is theown bug?12:17
gnomefreakjofo: xubuntu is unusable/uninstallable atm there was an update for a lib that broke everything check back in here if im around ill let you know when its fixed12:17
soundraygnomefreak: are you involved with xubuntu?12:17
gnomefreaksoundray: no but ive been getting really pissed on this issue and has talked to people that are12:18
gnomefreaklixfce4utils is the name of the lib thats borked iirc12:18
gnomefreaknow brb for smake12:19
soundraygnomefreak: enjoy your smake12:19
soundraygnomefreak: don't inhale ;)12:19
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jofok, my problem is that cant log in Xubuntu, r we talking about the same thing here? ;)12:20
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soundrayjofo: yes, I reckon that's what it is.12:20
soundrayjofo: you'll have to make do with failsafe in the meantime.12:20
Ven] n^im trying to modprobe speedstep-centrino but i get "no such device" .. and the folder /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/ is empty.. what do i forget?12:20
liquidindiansoundray, tsk, it already is that.  Guess my laptop is just too rubbish to run it.  Pity, it worked fine in windows.12:21
soundrayliquidindian: have you set the maximum X resolution to the native resolution of your display?12:22
liquidindiansoundray, I'm not sure...12:22
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soundrayliquidindian: what video driver are you using?12:22
jofosoundray: so there is no way of creating a new user in the terminal12:23
liquidindiansoundray, how do I find that out?12:23
gnomefreakjofo: is that what you installed is xubuntu or ubuntu +xubuntu-desktop?12:23
soundrayliquidindian: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:23
soundrayjofo: there is: 'sudo adduser newusername'12:23
jofosoundray: xubuntu12:23
liquidindiansoundray, wacom?  Savage?12:24
gnomefreakjofo: what does it say on login?12:24
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soundrayliquidindian: do you know what video chipset your laptop uses?12:24
gnomefreakjofo: or do you get in than nothing works12:24
jofognomefreak: no i have no user to chose12:25
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jofognomefreak: so i have to use the failsafe way...12:25
soundraysoundray: sorry, it's obvious.12:25
victoriplanning to upgrade from debian-unstable to ubuntu dapper, think it will work?12:25
soundrayliquidindian: sorry, it's obvious12:26
victoriby changing apt-sources12:26
liquidindiansoundray, I'll dive into the depths of history... "integrated Via ProSavage KN133 graphics chip with 16MB of SDRAM", if that makes sense.12:26
gnomefreakjofo: when you get to xubuntu login page if you type your user name and user password what happens?12:26
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soundrayliquidindian: savage is supported fairly well12:26
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soundrayliquidindian: try the wiki:12:26
ubotuHelp to fix the display resolution is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:26
liquidindiansoundray, obvious?12:26
soundrayliquidindian: you had savage in the grep Driver output.12:27
jofognomefreak  thats the thing, ive never got to chose a user when i installed12:27
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liquidindiansoundray, ahh.  I'm still learning.  I don't know much yet.12:27
captineHi there.  if i have a laptop and a desktop, and the laptop has an internet connection (at work), can i somehow ubdate my ubuntu desktop from the updated laptop?12:27
soundrayliquidindian: 1024x768 with 16 bpp should be no problem with your setup. Probably even 24bpp.12:28
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soundraycaptine: is there no internet at all on the desktop, or just slow?12:28
jofognomefreak; well i tried: sudo adduser, ill try to log in with the new user12:29
gnomefreakjofo: ok yes that is sounding like same issue (atleast that could be caused by the same library) here are a feww choices  1. you can download burn install ubuntu 2. you can wait for a fix for xubuntu <not sure how long atm but i would think within a week> or you can go to ctrl+alt+f2 and when you get to tty2 type what soundray gave you than install ubuntu-desktop and use gnome until fixed12:29
balorcould someone please type a hash/pound symbol?  I'm on a Mac running Ubuntu with no hash key :P12:30
jofok, thx ill try!12:30
balorhighvoltage, gnomefreak : tnx12:30
highvoltagebalor: you can also press alt+f2 and type 'charmap' and enter12:31
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liquidindianI wish I'd known about nano before...12:31
balorhighvoltage, yeah.  Or Apple could cop on :P12:31
salmiak_liquidindian, why?12:31
=== gnomefreak has charetor map in menu ;)
DrNickRivieradoes anyone know whether there is an active maintainer for the ubuntu mythtv packages?12:32
liquidindiansalmiak_, because vim scares me :)12:32
Kamping_KaiserDrNickRiviera, look in the changelog12:32
DrNickRivierabecause the ones on multiverse are still version 0.18 and 019 has been out for quite a while12:32
salmiak_liquidindian, vim ? best editor ever! :D12:32
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Kamping_Kaiser<3 vim12:32
highvoltagegnomefreak: i'm on xfce atm, so i wasn't sure where a user would find charmap in gnome :)12:32
balorliquidindian, don't listen to salmiak_ . Emacs all the way12:32
liquidindiansalmiak_, maybe eventually I'll use it :)12:32
ramviHeya, I tried to install Xgl as said in the wiki. As I did the "ln -sf /usr/bin/Xgl /etc/X11/X" and rebooted, X wouldn't start back up. What do I do?12:33
salmiak_balor, so, it's a fight you want? meet me at #ubuntu-offtopic ;)12:33
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balorsalmiak_, lol12:33
gnomefreaki think its in applications>accesorires (i used alacarte to remove it from menu. and stop teasing me with xfce :( i miss mine12:33
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YaKuTmade in russia12:34
soundrayramvi: log in on a console (Ctrl-Alt-F1), run 'sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/Xorg /etc/X11/X ; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'12:34
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ramviI don't have to do the restart, X and gdm can't start. Using kdm btw. But, okay, thanks :)12:35
YaKuTGreetings who  from Russia will respond??12:35
soundrayramvi: who said anything about restart?12:36
soundrayramvi: have you relinked Xorg?12:37
YaKuTGreetings who  from Russia will respond??12:37
ramviDoesn't /etc/init.d/gdm restart' reboot?12:37
soundrayramvi: no, it doesn't. Have you fixed it?12:37
ramviRelinked? Please come again.. Thanks so much for the help!12:37
haakonnis gam_server supposed to constantly take 10% cpu? (amd athlon64)12:38
ramviNo, not yet. I have to get all the help I can get and go 7 floors up to my computer and try to fix it12:38
soundrayramvi: switch to a text console to login, bypassing X, which doesn't work. To do this, hit Ctrl-Alt-F112:38
soundrayramvi: log in with your username and password. Then type 'sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/Xorg /etc/X11/X'. Then type 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart'12:39
ramviok, thanks a bunch!12:39
soundrayramvi: that will restore Xorg in place of Xgl and restart kdm and X12:40
serphow do I extract a .bz2 file?12:40
soundrayserp bunzip2 (tar jxf if it's a tar.bz2)12:40
ramviThanks bye :)12:40
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serpsoundray: oh okay12:40
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victoriis there a unstable branch?12:45
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soundrayvictori: yes, it's called Dapper Drake. Join #ubuntu+1 to discuss12:46
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)12:46
gnomefreakvictori: not yet but there is a pre release version of ubuntu12:46
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soundrayserve, your test worked12:46
gnomefreaktake out pre release and add instead development12:46
donvella_how do i make vlc my default media player instead of mplayer?12:47
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variantanyone know a p2p client that will run on ubuntu with a command line interface and uses http for file transfers?12:49
balorvariant, wget12:49
balorvariant, freenet12:49
soundraydonvella_: do you mean in nautilus?12:49
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donvella_soundray: id say so, if nautilus runs on gnome12:50
hukkkahow is wget p2p?12:50
variantbalor: wget is not a p2p client12:50
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balorhukkka, variant, depending on your definition of p2p12:51
soundraydonvella_: you didn't say gnome. It could have been firefox. Anyway, right click a media file, select Properties, go to Open With and select the default app for this file type.12:51
YaKuTGreetings who  from Russia will respond??12:51
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. # russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help12:51
donvella_soundray: yeh ive done all that but in limewire it still tries to open them with mplayer...?12:51
soundraydonvella_: then you will have to tell limewire about your preference.12:52
donvella_tried that12:52
zcat[1] Just in case anyone it tempted to try it, my apt-get dist-upgrade to dapper went _very_ badly. I ended up doing a clean install again.12:53
zcat[1] ymmv :)12:53
soundrayzcat[1] : certainly my mileage varied. What was the point of failure?12:53
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YaKuTGreetings who  from Russia will respond??12:54
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. # russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help12:54
zcat[1] kdm wouldn't start, network modules wouldn't load, probably other things. I decided a clean install was easiest12:54
zcat[1] I've been playing with gnome, kde, edubuntu, and lots of other crap.. my upgrade was 1425 packages...12:54
soundrayzcat[1] : it often is, especially on modern hardware.12:54
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zcat[1] I probably won't migrate this machine to eft.. my wife is ready to kill me right now!12:55
soundrayzcat[1] : oh, I thought my installation was big with about 1000 packages.12:55
zcat[1] s'ok, she'll love it when I get everything set up nicely.12:55
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=== soundray has a wife like that ;)
zcat[1] she hates it when I change things around.12:57
donvella_zcat[1] : you should put the pants on mate ;)12:57
donvella_zcat[1] : take control of this relationship12:57
zcat[1] nah, I need to get her her own machine perhaps12:57
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YaKuTGreetings who  from Russia will respond??12:58
soundrayYaKuT: can you stop this please.12:59
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moruanwhat do you want Russian for12:59
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. # russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help12:59
soundraysalmiak_: told him that twice already.12:59
salmiak_yeah i know, but maybe the thirt time he'd understand?12:59
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arrickworking later01:00
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Protocol101:00
momohave anybody installed Oracle in Ubuntu ?01:01
kbrooksSeveas: ping01:01
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Seveaskbrooks, yes?01:01
kbrooksSeveas: in the early morning (EDT), people were "abusing" (kind of) !ops01:02
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kbrooksSeveas: i was just scrolling up when i saw that. i was wondering why the highlight was activated01:04
kbrooksSeveas: (for the word easyubuntu)01:04
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:10
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momocan anybody do me a favor ?01:13
salmiak_nope ;P01:13
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salmiak_what kind of favor?01:14
momowho have mysql.h01:14
salmiak_no tme01:14
salmiak_not me*01:14
bitotobI'm finding it impossible to get my internet connection to work in my new installation of Ubuntu01:14
momoi need it to interact C program with mysql01:15
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donvelladoes anyone know a good program to burn dvd-video files?01:15
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momocheck the Ubuntu FAQ01:16
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ompaulmomo, for what?01:17
salmiak_donvella, gnomebaker?01:18
ompaulmomo, na, have a look at installing the source for mysql01:18
donvellasalmiak_: i tried that but i cant see if thers a dvd-video button, i have a lot of video files i want to convert01:18
donvellato one DVD01:18
momoi make i try01:18
donvellaand play it on mmy DVD player01:18
bitotobI'm in an apartment complex where I just plug my ethernet cable into a jack on the wall to get my internet connection.01:19
captinebitotob, i struggled for a long time with my connection as well :/01:19
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bitotobWhen using XP the internet connection works automatically.01:19
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bitotobcaptine: I can get it to work with Ubuntu but only for about 20 mins01:20
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captinebitotob, weird01:20
bitotobI set it up as a static IP even though it is really a DHCP connection01:20
bitotobbecuase trying to set it as a DHCP does not work with Ubuntu01:20
salmiak_that's weird...01:20
bitotobwell my DHCP server only licenses my ip address for 20 minute segments01:21
captinebitotob, I'm using dhcp now in ubuntu01:21
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bitotobso, I can set up the static for 20 mins, but then when it relicenses me a new ip i lose the connection01:21
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speedieIs there a way to connect to AIM via HTTP protocol? (while still using an actual client, not a web based client)01:21
captinebitotob, i'm not a master on dhcp, but surely if u set ubuntu for dhcp it will work?01:22
bitotobit says that it is working but i have no connection01:22
salmiak_do you really get an IP?01:22
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bitotobonly manually setting up the static has worked, and that only for a short period at a time01:22
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captinebitotob, do what salmiak_ said, set up ubuntu as dhcp - under networking01:23
captinebitotob, then in console or in the networking settings menu check that an ip is assigned.01:23
captinei.e. ifconfig eth001:24
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zcat[1] dhcp should work, that's what windows will be using. There is likely some other problem with using the wrong module or something..01:24
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captinei had a problem with the live cd, where i would have to manually go and activate eth0 everytime i booted.01:25
zcat[1] reading dmesg might shed some light01:25
captinei think it was due to me having a wireless card of something01:25
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bitotobcould it be that ubuntu doesn't recognize my network card, or would that make it impossible for me to connect for short periods under a static ip configuration?01:25
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bitotobwhen people say enter "some linux jazz" into "a terminal" what are they talking about....what is a terminal?01:26
zcat[1] my wireless takes too long to find an ESSID, I have to give it time before I run dhcpd .. and I have seen some wired NIC's that take a while to detect the connection too..01:27
salmiak_bitotob: "start-menu"->accessories->terminal01:27
bitotobok thats similar to "run" in windows?01:27
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zcat[1] looks a lot like 'cmd' shell in windows..01:28
salmiak_but it's more powerful, ofcourse ;)01:28
captinebitotob, system -> administration ->networking.  Check that the device is active and set to dhcp.  thats about all my ubuntu knowledge:)01:28
bitotobmy NIC just says that its a "VIA 10/100mbs Fast Ethernet Adapter"01:29
bitotobno brand name or anything specific01:29
salmiak_i've had one of those01:29
salmiak_in linux01:29
salmiak_not ubuntu, though, but linux still.01:29
captinesalmiak_, why not ubuntu?01:29
salmiak_ubuntu didn't exist when i used it ;)01:29
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=== zcat[1] has run assorted via NIC's..
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mason_Does Ubuntu have a charmap ?01:30
bitotobubuntu says its working with dhcp but then when i try to open firefow it says "google.com can not be found...01:30
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_jasonmason_: applications > accessories > character map01:30
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captinei've found all linux versions seem to work well with most cards (at least the verions i've tried)01:30
mason__jason: thanks01:30
salmiak_anyway, set your NIC to DHCP, wait until ubuntu tells you that you got an IP connection, write "ifconfig" in a terminal and see if you get an IP01:31
bitotobi bought my computer at the Yongsan market in Seoul korea01:31
bitotobcould that be relavent...perhaps my NIC is some weird graymarket crap01:31
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zcat[1] The fastest machine I own was pulled out of a dumpster..01:31
cbearHello.  I'd like to set up a systemwide keyboard shortcut to launch beagle-search (or any other application).  How would I do that?01:31
captinebitotob, i'm sure thats not a prob01:31
salmiak_another reason to why you can't find google.com is because your DNS isn't working01:32
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_jasonubotu: tell cbear about shortcuts01:32
vandenHi, still an ubuntu newbie. I'm running breezy, and feeling left behind by apps like thunderbird and firefox. Synaptic isn't offering me the 1.5 releases. Can I safely update them myself? I've STFW for info on any possible downsides of updating myself, but have come up empty. Pointers?01:32
cbear_jason, Thanks.01:32
bitotobthe DNS works when I set it manually with a static IP01:32
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zcat[1] try and ping
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bitotobbut then i lose the connection after 20 mins01:32
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_jasonvanden: you can update yourself outside the repos.  However, dapper will be out in less that 3 weeks, so if they are working fine, I would just wait for then.  That way you cna stick to official repositories.  If you still want the instructions anyway, just type: /msg ubotu firefox1.5    and    /msg ubotu thunderbird1.501:33
zcat[1] the card was definately OK in windows?01:33
salmiak_yeah, i was just going to say something similar...enable DHCP, ping and see if you get any response (to ping, open terminal and write 'ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'01:33
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_jasonvanden: (dapper has firefox1.5)01:33
cbear_jason, I don't seem to have a Applications -> System Tools -> Configuration Editor ... (Dapper beta)01:34
vanden_jason: Thanks. Is it better to stick to the official repositories?01:34
zcat[1] I'd grab a different card anyhow.. it sounds dodgy and NIC's are dirt cheap..01:34
bitotobi also wondered if it has to do with me being in Korea. I'm not sure that is possible yet but they stricly controll their internet. I'm on the largest provider in the country and I can't go to Electronic Freedom Foundation's website01:34
bitotobit is blocked01:34
vanden_jason: If so, why?01:34
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_jasoncbear: dapper questions should go to #ubuntu+1, but configuration editor was removed from the menus in dapper.  You can type it in a terminal: gconf-editor01:34
zcat[1] bitotob: north or south?01:35
cbear_jason, Thanks again.01:35
_jasonvanden: if you stick to official repos, you know the packages on your system have been tested for stability and benefit from security updates by the ubuntu team01:35
bitotobits like brave new world over here01:35
zcat[1] they filter you?01:35
salmiak_zcat[1] , it can just be a coincidence with the dns...the dns DHCP gives him may be down for the moment...01:35
bitotobtons of sites are blocked01:35
bitotobpornagraphy is illegal in SK01:35
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bitotobdrug sites are blocked01:36
_jasonvanden: if you install on your own, you have to take care of updates and keep track of them.  The update manager won't tell you about it01:36
bitotobthat type of thing01:36
bitotobEFF being blocked was a bit scary to me though.01:36
vanden_jason: Thanks. I take it that is more important for less well-used things than ff and tb. Anyway, thanks for the info. (The /msg ubotu thing is really helpful!)01:36
_jasonvanden: np01:36
zcat[1] salmiak_: yeah, I hit that once, went to sort out a guy's computer. Made a few insignificant changes and suddenly nothing would work. After about a half hour of feeling like I'd fscked up, it turned out the ISP was having an outage. Bad timing.01:37
salmiak_zcat[1] , i've been through it too ;)01:37
salmiak_feeling like a worthless pile of dung01:38
kbrooksany feature requests for EasyUbuntu?01:38
salmiak_and then it just starts working again01:38
zcat[1] I hate teh intarweb some days!01:38
salmiak_but i don't see the reason why dhcp updates your IP every 20 mins01:38
kbrooksany feature requests for EasyUbuntu?01:39
salmiak_kbrooks, huh?01:39
mjrsalmiak_, basically because the server wants to free the IP unless you tell it that you're using it once in a while01:39
kbrooks!tell salmiak_ about easyubuntu01:39
zcat[1] South Korea probably doesn't have the msot clueful techies..01:39
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speediezcat[1] : quite the contrary01:40
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speediezcat[1] : I lived in South Korea for two years01:40
speediea) they have the fastest internet in the world01:40
bitotobI think 95% of the country has internet in there home01:40
speedieb) they have some of the best hackers in the world01:40
zcat[1] I lived there for four years.. but that was about 30 years ago.. :)01:40
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bitotobMy connection is silly fast01:40
speedieI lived there last year :)01:40
=== speedie lives in Japan now, and has 100mb fiber
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soundrayAsk yourself whether you are still ontopic please01:41
salmiak_interesting, kbrooks01:41
=== captine lives in south africa and has 56k gprs connection at home :<
speedieheh, I just saw the attack on South Korea, and it's one of my favorite places in the world, had to defend it01:41
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=== zcat[1] lives on NZ and has 'broadband' slower than most 3rd world countries..
salmiak_kbrooks, i'll try it out and see if there's anything i want to request01:42
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kbrookssalmiak_: ok01:42
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serphow do I play vmw files in ubuntu?01:42
zcat[1] what's a vmw ?01:42
bitotobspeedie were you using ubuntu in Corea01:43
zcat[1] ahhh...01:43
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gnomefreakserp: w32codecs01:43
zcat[1] !w32codecs01:43
soundraykbrooks: in terms of nonfree software available at no charge, you've got it covered as far as I am concerned.01:43
ubotuI heard w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install. To use w32codecs on a 64-bit system, see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439901:43
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soundraykbrooks: a flash solution for amd64 would be nice.01:43
zcat[1] thanks.. is that how you do it :)01:43
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kbrookssoundray: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170204 < by the way01:43
=== hyperstream is back. Gone for 2 hours 26 min 10 sec.
gnomefreaksoundray: i think someone downloaded and installed it from site and it worked on 64 bit01:43
kbrookssoundray: the solution is apparently a chroot01:44
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serpthat url doesn't work01:44
kbrooksgnomefreak: wow01:44
ompaulhyperstream, turn that off, and leave it off - in a channel with over 600 in it its madness01:44
soundraygnomefreak: yes, I know, it's on the wiki even, but it's technically unsatisfying.01:44
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kbrooksgnomefreak: i'm gonna ask some users01:44
gnomefreakzcat[1] : its longer than the limit so for those you need to use !+01:44
zcat[1] I got shockwave working.. wine + winetools + windows firefox + windows shockwave plugin..01:44
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zcat[1] still no luck getting MSIE to run in wine01:44
soundrayzcat[1] : on amd64?01:44
zcat[1] no, on 32bit01:44
vandenwhen dapper comes out, will the update manager take care of it? I mean, will I get offered a slew of package upgrades and just need to accept them to be dapperized?01:45
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zcat[1] I think amd64 still hs the same problem running wine too..01:45
ompaulvanden, that is how an upgrade works01:45
kbrooksvanden: u01:45
ubotu[upgrade]  Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.01:45
kbrooksread this please01:45
vandenompaul: thanks, wasn't sure if major ones were different.01:45
gnomefreaki think that is all changing when released01:46
hyperstreamompaul,  thanks for pointing that out i didnt relise :/01:46
zcat[1] vanden: in theory.. but a lot of people had trouble upgrading to breezy that way, and I just tried it.. it went badly01:46
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kbrookszcat[1] : well, dapper is pretty stable01:46
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soundrayzcat[1] : no, you said you used dist-upgrade, didn't you?01:46
vandenzcat[1] : that's too bad. Badly how?01:46
gnomefreaknot really for xubuntu01:46
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kbrookszcat[1] : for flight7 status01:46
zcat[1] badly everything broke01:46
gnomefreakseeing its borked all kinds of ways01:46
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soundrayzcat[1] : vanden, upgrades with update manager are more reliable than with apt-get, I hear.01:47
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zcat[1] otoh I have done all kinds of ugly hacks that most people probably wouldn't have to deal with. I was overdue for a clean install anyway :)01:47
ompaulvanden, before one upgrades one should always do a backup of ones home directory, it is always a good Idea from this perspective to have two things when you go do upgrade, a live CD and an install CD01:47
ompaulvanden, for this reason a seperate /home is always useful01:48
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vandenompaul: good advice. The cd's aren't going to happen. I'm on the road with a very thin pipe :-(01:48
zcat[1] My stuff's on /dev/hdd so reinstalling isn't a major hassle..01:49
kbrooksvanden: thin pipe?01:49
ompaulvanden, wait until you are near a big pipe and ask someone to get you the disks01:49
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vandenompaul: The seperate /home -- do you mean a dedicate /home partition? I was a bit surprised than breezy didn't install that way by default.01:49
ompaulkbrooks,  pipe = bandwidith01:49
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salmiak_vanden, yeah, i was too01:49
haboynid help01:49
kbrooksah, ompaul01:49
haboycan someone help me???01:49
garyI'm trying to install mplayer-586 on my computer.  It is a 686 system and I get a dependency error: libdirectfc-0.9-20.  Any ideas how this could be rectified01:50
salmiak_tell us your problem, haboy :)01:50
ompaulvanden, how to choose that for a user, sanely01:50
soundrayvanden, salmiak_: it's more fault-tolerant for a fully automated install.01:50
haboywhats the superuser acces???01:50
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.01:50
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ompaulhaboy, ^^01:50
haboywhats the superuser acces???01:50
salmiak_haboy, like administrator in windows...01:50
kbrookssoundray: fault tolerant?01:51
haboywho here knows about turbo gears???01:51
vandenompaul: "how to choose that for a user, sanely" Sorry? I don't understand.01:51
kbrookshaboy: what about it?01:51
haboydo you know it kbrooks01:51
haboydo you know it kbrooks??01:51
kbrookshaboy: just ask01:51
ompaulvanden, how to partition the disk - some people want lots of apps and little data and others want different layouts01:51
haboyi'm having a hard time installing it01:51
haboymaybe u know it???01:52
soundraykbrooks: setting up a single data partition during an automated install leaves fewer points of failure than subdividing into root and home. It also makes it easier to set up extra partitions to your liking after the fact.01:52
haboykbrooks: u wouldn't ask if ur not on it01:52
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vandenompaul: I see. Yes, no general solution. My expectation was formed form a previous effort with mandrake. (I love ubuntu as it is the first that 'just worked' with my laptop.)01:52
ompaulvanden, :-)01:52
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fid_anyone awake?01:52
gnomefreakhaboy: what type if file is it?01:53
kbrookshaboy: ...01:53
ompaulsoundray, that was to me and vanden01:53
zcat[1] zZzZ01:53
fid_whoa there are lots of people in here01:53
kbrookshaboy: dude.01:53
f00li5hyes, many01:53
haboywhat kbrooks??01:53
soundrayvanden: setting up a single data partition during an automated install leaves fewer points of failure than subdividing into root and home. It also makes it easier to set up extra partitions to your liking after the fact.01:53
salmiak_fid_: yupp01:53
fid_i'm setting up an irc server and I need someone to test it from outside my router...01:53
fid_can anyone help me out?01:53
gnomefreaknot even 700 yet :(01:53
kbrookshaboy: #turbogears01:53
soundrayompaul, it was also to kbrooks01:53
haboykbrooks: can u help me with it?01:53
f00li5hfid_: you shouln't ask that in here...01:53
f00li5hfid_: unless you're pretty sure of the volume of your link01:53
haboykbrooks. its not a game. if ur aware of it??01:53
kbrookshaboy: i'm not a teacher01:53
fid_i'm not terribly worried about it01:54
zcat[1] !ask01:54
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model and output of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org is important.01:54
gnomefreakhaboy: give me a site for it please01:54
kbrookshaboy: GO TO #turvogears01:54
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vandenthanks all. later.01:54
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fid_just asking someone to try it out really quick01:54
haboygnomefreak: it's for web development01:54
fid_see if it works01:54
captinedoes ubuntu have native support for .wmv files?01:54
zcat[1] try what?01:54
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haboygnomefreak: it's for web development01:54
fid_connecting to my irc server01:54
zcat[1] captine: no01:54
kbrookscaptine: not iirc01:55
soundraycaptine: no, it can't be supported by a fully free system01:55
fid_i'm on the same side of the router as the server so I can't tell if its working right yet01:55
zcat[1] captine: but you can load w32codecs01:55
haboygnomefreak: www.turbogears.org01:55
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gnomefreakty haboy now giv eme a few ill look see what i come up with01:55
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haboygnomefreak: go to downloads. the instructions there won't work on this system01:56
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gnomefreakhaboy: join me in #ubuntu-offtopic please01:56
sliipyis there possible to upgrade a i386 install to a amd64?01:57
sliipyor is it better to reinstall the machine?01:57
haboygnomefreak: how do i join there??01:57
Kamping_Kaiserafaik reinstall01:57
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soundraysliipy: no, you have to reinstall. All the packages are different.01:57
gnomefreakhaboy: type /j #ubuntu-offtopic01:57
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haboygnomefreak: on the address table???01:57
kbrookshaboy; no01:57
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gnomefreakhaboy: like you would type in this channel01:57
kbrookshaboy: where you type01:57
ompaulhaboy, where you type you just type, >>>>/join #ubuntu-offtopic<<<01:58
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ompaulhaboy, leaving out the ><01:58
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sliipyi thought there might be a chance that i could change something in sources.list and do a dist-upgrade01:59
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=== c0lored used dist-upgrade and had no problems...
zcat[1] sliipy: you could try.. worst case you were going to have to reinstall anyway..01:59
soundraysliipy: are you sure you want this anyway? What do you use your computer for?02:00
sliipytotally worth it ;)02:00
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soundraysliipy: quite a number of i386 packages aren't available for amd6402:00
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yonatanhi there, I've just scanned an image using xsane and it saved the fiel as a .pnm ... what do I use to view/edit it now?02:00
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sliipywell, it's a server going out to a customer, its got no cd, and our netinstall system only got ubuntu_i386.. and the customer is going to run amd6402:01
zcat[1] eog ?02:01
soundrayyonatan, gimp, gqview, eog,...02:01
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sliipyso i'd like to test the "correct" arch02:01
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vinboyany great game for linux?02:01
soundrayyonatan: also, install netpbm for conversion tools.02:01
salmiak_vinboy, xjump02:01
sliipybut maby i should just include a amd64 install in our netinstall system02:01
zcat[1] planetpenguin racer?02:01
sliipyand reinstall02:01
yonatansoundray, gimp doesn't like it, not tried the others02:01
zcat[1] torcs02:01
zcat[1] flightgear02:01
soundrayyonatan: gimp opens pnm files usually. Maybe it's faulty.02:02
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yonatansoundray, done 5 or 6 different files, it won't open any of them... could it be that xsane didn't save the files right?02:02
soundrayyonatan: it's possible, but too early to conclude, since you haven't tried any viewers yet.02:03
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soundrayyonatan: you could also try sane from within gimp. (File - Acquire I think)02:03
yonatansoundray, well, the pnms kill eog... trying gqview02:03
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yonatansoundray, that last one would only work if I still had the source... :( gqview doesn't work either.02:04
soundrayyonatan: try pnmfile from netpbm for info about your file02:04
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yonatansoundray, will try netpbm next02:05
cgcould u help install via8233 sound card?02:05
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cgi compile alsaconf and met error: need curses lib, where to find the curses lib02:06
Industrialwho's u?02:06
Industrial*badoom tisch*02:06
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Industrialno, i'm Industrial02:06
yonatansoundray, output from "pnmfile Desktop/tartan\ photos+/tartanscan0001.pnm" = Desktop/tartan photos+/tartanscan0001.pnm:      PPM raw, 849 by 1159  maxval 6553502:07
soundraycg: you shouldn't need alsaconf. Do you see your card with lspci?02:07
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cgsoundray: what is lspci?02:09
soundrayyonatan: that's good. Try pnmtopng tartanscan0001.pnm >tartanscan0001.png and open the png02:09
salmiak_cg a command...write "lspci" in the terminal02:09
soundraycg: a command you type in a terminal window02:09
cgmy sound card can play music but have some unpleasant ZiZi sound02:09
soundraycg: you can't fix that with alsaconf I'm afraid.02:09
yonatansoundray, sweet! is it the same syntax if I want to use pnmtotiff? ie pnmtotiff tartanscan0001.pnm >tartanscan0001.tiff02:10
yonatanguess I could just try it, huh?02:10
cgyes lspci list something02:11
soundrayyonatan: man pnmtotiff if in doubt.02:11
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salmiak_cg, what's "ZiZi" sound?02:11
cgsoundray: what can i do now?02:11
soundraycg: is it possible that your hardware is faulty?02:11
cgunpleasant sound02:11
yonatansoundray, hmm.... it's got a colourmap problem now as well - there's too many colours apparently, but that's ok, the tiff seems fine.02:12
c0loredanyone know a good spot to get 1920x1200 wallpapers at?02:12
cgno it work well under window 2k02:12
salmiak_cg: start alsamixer02:12
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cafuego_c0lored: convert -resize02:12
yonatansoundray: cool, cheers mate! ciao all!02:12
scaporwhen IU want to browse a windows network, nautilus errors "smb:/// no valid location"02:12
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soundraycg: listen to salmiak_ and adjust levels, turn off surround, play a bit.02:13
c0loredthank cafuego02:13
scapordo I have to instakll something extra ,02:13
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bwlangcg: maybe you have one of the amps turned all the way up... try turning down the pcm amp.02:13
cgi just use pcm.02:14
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salmiak_cg: i had unpleasant sounds before, and i played around with the settings in the mixer. It turned out that one of the amps didn't like it when they were maxed out. I found that around 70% of max amplification made the unpleasant sounds disappear, and i still could get a high volume out of my speakers02:15
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salmiak_cg: i'd recommend you to turn down pcm to around 70% and use Master to control your volume02:16
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tarunquick question how does one install the gcc,make etc dev tools on ubuntu02:16
cgadjust the level seems useless,:(02:16
zcat[1] !b-e02:16
ubotuor if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, or get "make: command not found, then you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.02:16
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cgi'll try02:16
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soundraytarun: ubotu's reply was for you.02:17
ubotuThere is no try! There is only do, and do not.02:17
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tarunthnks ubotu02:18
soundraycafuego_: you should probably attribute that to Master Yoda02:18
cafuego_soundray: Master Yoda is fictional02:19
soundraycafuego_: so?02:19
cgadjust the level is useless.02:19
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salmiak_cg: then it can't be the same problem i had. :/02:21
cgis there a list to show supported sound card in ubuntu?02:21
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cgi think so?02:21
soundraycg: if your card wasn't supported, you wouldn't hear sound at all.02:21
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cgi mean good support, not this quality02:22
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salmiak_cg: what player do you use to play your music files?02:22
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c0loredhow would i figure out what resoloution my second monitor is running at?02:23
salmiak_cg, have you checked if you use alsa as your output?02:23
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cgi try to use alsa but met some problem02:24
sliipyto make an automated installer.. that just asks for hostname and disk partitioning.. is that hard?02:24
ferronicaany one here using PPPOE connection02:24
ferronicawith ADSL02:24
metatagyup I am02:24
salmiak_cg, what problem?02:24
_jasoneistFloripas: use dots instead of spaces until your resolve this :)02:24
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ferronicametatag: r u using???02:24
metatagferronica : I use PPP0 rather02:25
ubotufrom memory, pppoe is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE02:25
cgi follow this direction to install and cannot compile the alsa-utils02:25
_jason!info alsa-utils02:25
ubotualsa-utils: (ALSA utilities), section sound, is important. Version: 1.0.9a-4ubuntu5 (breezy), Packaged size: 1004 kB, Installed size: 1808 kB02:25
cgwhile ./configure it tells me need curses lib02:25
metatagferronica : whats the prob?02:25
_jasoncg: why are you compiling it?02:26
soundrayubotu, pppoe is Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE02:26
ubotu...but pppoe is already something else...02:26
cgi just follow the install guide02:26
ferronicametatag: u got external modem too and u use dial up type to connect internet...02:26
_jasoncg: it's in the repositories02:26
cgi am a new comer of linux so...02:26
_jasoncg: you can install alsa-utils if you open system > administration > synaptic02:27
gnomefreaklol soundray you have to use forget ... or use the editing way of doing it and im not sure how that works lol02:27
metatagferronica :  yeah thats right02:27
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metatagferronica : I have a sagem fast 800 modem02:27
metatagferronica : Its a usb modem02:27
soundrayubotu, no, pppoe is Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE02:27
ubotusoundray: okay02:27
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ferronicametatag: ok, tell me them how to use it in ubuntu as we use it in windows02:28
ubotupppoe is, like, Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE02:28
soundraygnomefreak: worked.02:28
gnomefreaki forgot about the no02:28
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metatagferronica : well personally i used the eagle-usb drivers02:28
ferronicametatag: now if i wanna to disconnect it what i do?02:28
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metatagferronica : sudo stopadsl02:29
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ferronicametatag: bcoz there is no dialer in ubuntu, at the time of booting i switched ON the modem02:29
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ferronicametatag: u mean to disconnect???02:29
salmiak_Spunky_Alven, pcg-forum? Just curious... ;)02:29
ferronicametatag: how did u created the PPPOE connection in ur ubuntu>>>02:30
metatagferronica : yeah i use : sudo stopadsl to stop02:30
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metatagferronica : download eagle-usb drivers02:30
metatagferronica : compile and install02:30
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ferronicametatag: i use lan card to connect my modem to PC02:30
metatagferronica : pretty easy infact02:30
Spunky_Alvenyep it's me salmiak_02:31
ferronicametatag: dont hav USB connection02:31
soundrayeistFloripas: look at /var/log/installer/ -- the most recent file in there should tell you what was installing when the powercut happened. Just reinstall that package.02:31
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ferronicametatag: Do u know ???02:32
metatagferronica : try System > Administration > Networking02:32
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ferronicametatag:  there is Ethernet and modem connection02:34
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soundrayeistFloripas: is the problem the same on the text console? (Ctrl-Alt-F1 to check, Alt-F7 to go back to X)02:34
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metatagferronica : is your connection active in Networking?02:34
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ferronicametatag:  there is Ethernet and modem connection02:34
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ferronicametatag:  In both Activate option is DIM02:35
patrick_kingcan anyone help me, im trying to add a login bit on my .php website(so some pages can only be viewed by members), how would i add this feature to it02:35
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soundrayeistFloripas: have you rebooted since the first boot after the powercut?02:35
eistFloripasOps. Strangely it working now!02:36
ferronicametatag:  :(02:36
_jasoneistFloripas: except your s is accented02:36
eistFloripasYes. I had rebooted other times.02:36
metatagferronica : is you modem correctly connected to your lan card?02:36
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ferronicametatag:  yes,02:36
soundray_jason: dead key effect02:36
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imc_ANyone know what the --sm-disable option does to nm-applet? I can't find a man entry02:36
ferronicametatag:  thats why i am on internet02:36
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eistFloripasBut it didn't worked a little. I'm affraid the problem can repeat itself.02:37
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soundrayeistFloripas: until it does, relax and find peace ;)02:37
ferronicametatag: i wanna to know how to disconnect and connect it, As we do in windows??02:37
metatagferronica : u mean you are currently using the modem?02:37
speedieIf I have grub setup to boot linux default, and windows (manually from the grub prompt) is there a way I can choose which OS to boot when I reboot the system?02:37
momowho knows mysql.h ?02:37
ferronicametatag: yessss :)02:37
pablo_hi! i connected my usb mouse in other usb port and now doesnt work. how do i fix this?02:37
pablo_im usign gnome and ubuntu 5.1002:38
speedielike, if I'm in linux, and I want to boot windows, can I send a command with my reboot, to choose windows automatically next time?02:38
metatagferronica : kewl! to disconnect just unplug it :P02:38
soundrayspeedie: yes. Hit Esc after the BIOS messages if you don't get a menu.02:38
ferronicametatag: unplug from where???02:38
pablo_metatag: ive alredy done that02:38
speediesoundray: nah, I mean, when I issue the reboot command02:38
ferronicametatag: YOU mean switch OFF modem02:38
salmiak_soundray, automatic switch of OS at next reboot...02:38
metatagferronica : yeah02:38
soundrayspeedie: oh sorry. What you want is 'sudo grub-reboot 6' where 6 is the title number in your menu.lst02:38
speediesoundray: basically, I'm too lazy to go to the server room and select the boot option :)02:39
metatagferronica : why would you want to disconnect anyways?02:39
ferronicametatag: So there is no option for DIALER here Like we do in windows02:39
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speediesoundray, thanks!02:39
eistFloripasDo you know what could be the cause to that problem, if you'd experienced something alike?02:39
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ferronicametatag: sometime if i wanna to do,02:39
metatagferronica : try System > Administration > Networking .. do you get the option to desactivate?02:39
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soundrayspeedie: grep ^title /boot/grub/menu.lst | nl -v 002:39
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ferronicametatag: yes there is02:39
soundrayspeedie: the numbering starts at 002:39
speediesoundray: thanks02:39
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metatagferronica : thats your disconnect02:40
Milo-hey there, could someone tell me where could i get drivers for my canon pixma mp110 printer?02:40
ferronicametatag: Oh Okay02:40
metatagferronica : to reconnect only activate it02:40
momowho gonna pick me up ? lord02:40
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model and output of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org is important.02:40
ferronicametatag: you use internet over telephone line???02:40
metatagferronica : yeah02:40
captinei need help setting up ati.  have followed wiki, and now need to enter amount of video memory in kB.  is it 1meg = 1024kB?02:40
ferronicametatag: Kool like :)02:40
metatagferronica : crappy adsl from mauritius02:41
captinejust wanting to be sure02:41
metatagferronica : :)02:41
ferronicametatag: Whats ur speed???02:41
metatagferronica : 12802:41
metatagferronica : :(02:41
ferronicametatag: but mine ADSL works great02:41
salmiak_captine, that's correct...02:41
ompaulcapiCrimm, it is02:41
momomy mamami~~~~~02:41
Milo-hey there, could someone tell me where could i get drivers for my canon pixma mp110 printer?02:41
=== varjeal [i=icechat5@adsl-69-151-195-14.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
captinesalmiak_, thanx02:42
metatagferronica : I wish i had an ethernet modem.. wud not have to go thru startadsl and stuffs02:42
soundray!tell momo about ask02:42
ferronicametatag: i got 512 Kbps, and gettin 70 KBPS download speed02:42
gnomefreakmomo: what is wrong?02:42
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.02:42
=== beyond [n=beyond@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
metatagferronica : am getting only about 13 KBPS02:42
soundrayMilo-: I don't think there are any.02:42
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soundraymomo: that isn't a question.02:42
momothe compiler can't find it when the c program acess mysql02:42
metatagferronica : guess the contention ratio is high02:42
Milo-well anything what would get my printer to work ;?02:42
balorMilo-, if it's supported the drivers should already be on your ssytem.  have a look at linux-printing.org to see if it's supported02:42
ferronicametatag: why dont u upgrade it, to 512mbps or 1Mbps02:43
soundraymomo, what are you compiling?02:43
gnomefreakmomo: try installing build-essential02:43
momoi don't know which package have this file02:43
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momoa simple c program access mysql database02:43
metatagferronica : u see adsl is quite costly here in mauritius02:43
tarunis there a package for libxvidcore-devel on ubuntu02:43
soundrayMilo-: ask Canon to support free driver development please.02:43
ferronicametatag: As i did, i just called up my ISP to upgrade my speed to 1Mbps02:43
Milo-heht thanks ill look into these02:43
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soundrayMilo-: until then, you may get something from Turboprint if you pay for it.02:43
gnomefreakmomo: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:43
Milo-and yes my printer is in the turboprint list02:43
metatagferronica : where are you from?02:44
ferronicametatag: Singapore02:44
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ferronicametatag: how do u connect ur external modem to PC02:44
metatagferronica : well through usb02:44
AlinuxSOShello, how can I fix my session program lauching, I don't want any program to lauch... but I have 7-8 programas in startup in automatic.02:44
gnomefreakmomo: that should clear up any C issues but now for mysql.h that im not sure about so if what i said doesnt work try #sql to find out where to get it02:45
AlinuxSOSand my session saving is not enabled.02:45
ferronicametatag: but i heared USB is better then Lan connected02:45
visik7http://www.google.com/trends?q=ubuntu%2C+mandriva%2C+mandrake&ctab=0&date=all&geo=all <- :)02:45
metatagferronica : no lan shud be better02:45
metatagferronica : see u are using internet without connecting or disconnecting02:45
captinesalmiak_, should i enable kernal framebuffer02:45
ferronicametatag: Why so02:45
metatagferronica : i need to get the driver that will emulate a lan02:46
metatagferronica : compile it02:46
ferronicametatag: but in only ubuntu, in Xp i hav to use dialer to connect internet02:46
soundraymomo: you will need a client development library installed. Try "apt-cache search lib mysql client dev" for a list02:46
salmiak_captine, tbh, i have no idea...it sounds like something useful... ;)02:46
ompaulAlinuxSOS, in system preferences sessions you may find a startup tab and in there those programs may live, of course that is if they are gui programs if they are servers you need to install "bum" boot up manager and use it to turn off the aforementioned programs02:46
captinecool.  brb - if my reboot works02:47
metatagferronica : i believe ubuntu uses the most natural way to connect to the net02:47
metatagferronica : esp if you have ethernet modems02:47
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metatagferronica : you only need to switch on your modem to connect02:47
AlinuxSOSompaul, they are GUI programs, like ekiga, skype02:47
AlinuxSOSand they are lauchd automatically :D02:48
metatagferronica : on xp did you have a username and password?02:48
metatagferronica : gtg now. get back to work.. boss is on patrol02:48
ompaulAlinuxSOS, well now the fact your on dapper you should be in #ubuntu+1 the dapper channel02:48
AlinuxSOSompaul, I have no programs in StartUp Programs Tab02:48
metatagferronica : :)02:48
=== Miika [n=MiikaKei@213-216-232-234-Korvensuora-TR1.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlinuxSOSompaul, ah sorry :D02:49
AlinuxSOSompaul, thank you02:49
ferronicametatag: ya i use username and password. and in ubutu when i created pppoe connection via terminal there also it asked me for username and password...02:49
ompaulAlinuxSOS, yw02:49
metatagferronica : kewl see it will only ask you once02:49
ferronicametatag: when will u come back, where r u in home or office02:50
metatagferronica : office right now02:50
=== rg [n=rgolden@ip68-101-98-17.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
momowhat is "apt-cache search lib mysql client dev" for ?02:50
ferronicametatag: what ISP in ur home???02:50
ompaulmomo, a command line02:51
metatagferronica : same things.. telecom plus via wanadoo02:51
rgcan anyone assist with a user/pw problem02:51
momoompaul : a command line , to do what ?02:51
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>02:51
ferronicametatag: Okay, can u send me ur dialer screen shot???02:51
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ompaulmomo run it and feast your eyes on the output02:51
dungodunghow to synchronize time with the internet time from the shell?02:51
ferronicametatag: Let me see the difference...if u dont mind02:51
metatagferronica : well its on command line02:51
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soundraydungodung: ntpdate02:52
rginstalled breezy and had it looping when asked for a user/pw02:52
momoompaul : oK , let me try02:52
gravesoncan someone recommend whether it would be better to wait to upgrade to breezy or do a kernel upgrade now. the reason being that firewire has improved alot in the latest kernel02:52
dungodungsoundray: and in debian?02:52
ferronicametatag: ok what u do to connect to internet .....??02:52
soundraydungodung: same02:52
metatagferronica : go onto applications > System tools > Terminal02:52
rgthen I tried to use "adduser" and added then quickly deleted the user02:52
metatagferronica : then i type in sudo startadsl02:52
dungodungsoundray: what are the most common parameters?02:52
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metatagferronica : dats it02:52
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ferronicametatag: everytime u hav to use terminal???02:53
rgi figured out it was trying to make the home dir on a FAT32 partition I made02:53
metatagferronica : yup02:53
rgI whacked the FAT32 and adduser worked02:53
metatagferronica : u ask strange questions02:53
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momolibmysqlclient10-dev - LGPL-licensed client development files for MySQL databases02:54
momolibqt4-sql - Qt 4 SQL database module02:54
momolibmysqlclient12-dev - mysql database development files02:54
momolibmysqlclient14-dev - mysql database development files02:54
momolibwww-dev - The W3C WWW library - development files02:54
momolibwww-ssl-dev - The W3C WWW library - development files (SSL support)02:54
ompaulmomo, don't paste in here02:54
momoO k02:54
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soundraydungodung: If you configure it, you don't need options. It reads the NTPSERVERS environment variable02:54
highvoltagehi #ubuntu. is kerberos cooler than nis? and can i use it for nfs?02:55
dungodungsoundray: ok, thanks02:55
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ferronica1Metatag: ???02:55
ferronica1Metatag: r u there???02:55
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momoompaul : do you know the way out ?02:55
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ompaulmomo, excuse me?02:55
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momo ompaul : thanks02:56
soundraymomo: install libmysqlclient14-dev02:56
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=== ompaul now understands
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deep_Hey there.02:56
garyI'm trying to install mplayer-586 but I'm having a dependency error on this: libdirectfb-0.9-20.  Any ideas how to resolve this or what package this would be in?02:57
deep_Can someone help me to get Quake 3 Arena (Some version between 1.11 and 1.16n) to work?02:57
deep_I only got the 1.11 version CD for windows.02:57
balordeep_, Download the Linux version from ID and it'll ask for the CD when it's installing.  That should be it!02:58
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deep_balor: The pointrelease?02:58
soundraygary, just install the package: 'sudo apt-get install libdirectfb-0.9-20'02:59
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balordeep_, They've got the full release there somewhere02:59
deep_soundray: Hum, dousent he have to enable the extra repositories?02:59
balordeep_, and the full release of Quake402:59
deep_balor: Ill check. Thanx. :)02:59
balordeep_, with source code :)02:59
Paradoxxwhat program do you recommend to manage my pod casts, both video and audio?03:00
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momosoundray : when we should install the packages like *-dev ?03:00
soundraydeep_, since he installed mplayer, I was assuming he's done that.03:00
soundraymomo: if they contain a file that a compilation depends on.03:00
minimecParadoxx: For audio quodlibet seems a nice peace of software...03:01
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Paradoxxdo you use it?03:01
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minimecYes but not with an iPod.03:01
zm0deep_: install the pointrelease from: ftp://dl.xs4all.nl/pub/mirror/idsoftware/idstuff/quake3/linux03:02
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zm0deep_: and copy or symlink the pak0.pk3 in your baseq3 folder03:02
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garyhah thanks soundray03:03
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azathothhey guys, is there an app i can use to pick and disable daemons? i have alot of junk for laptops/raids that i don't use and its raping my memory03:03
=== Aruviel [n=jeesus@cable-lpr-fee8dd00-162.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiazathoth: bum (boot up manager)03:04
=== gfxstyler [n=gfxstyle@i577A422B.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuhmm... bum is a graphical BootUp Manager; see http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html03:04
bimberiazathoth: np :)03:04
gfxstylersomeone here available to answer me a question related to ubuntu-shipit ?03:04
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model and output of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org is important.03:04
McScruffi got ubuntu on my xbox w00000000000t03:04
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ParadoxxMcScruff: how you managed that?03:05
gfxstylerwell me and my class switched our school computers to linux, or lets say partially (30 comps)03:05
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McScruffParadoxx, found the xUbuntu distro , its made for xbox03:05
gfxstylernow i wanna order a few ubuntu cds lets say 50-10003:05
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soundrayMcScruff: excellent. Can I send you my PocketPC, so you can put it on that as well?03:05
gfxstylerso ppl can take them home and stuff03:06
momosoundray : the libclient14-dev package doesn't work either03:06
McScruffsoundray, nooo, this was pre-built03:06
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gfxstylerso in short, my question is: can i order 50-100 ubuntu cds without needing some special "reason" or paper or whatever?03:06
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ashlarWould anyone be able to help me with compiling Smaug in Ubuntu?  It's giving me a couple errors.03:06
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momosoundray : it works , thank you , dude03:07
soundraygfxstyler: try it, I think the order will just go through.03:08
gfxstylersoundray: okay, thanks03:08
gfxstylersoundray: are there shipit versions of xubuntu too?03:08
gfxstylerthe school computers suck and xfce runs much faster on them03:08
soundraygfxstyler: I don't know. If there aren't any now, I guess there will be at some point.03:09
ubotuFor free ubuntu CDs, visit https://shipit.ubuntu.com/03:09
captineit really concerns me that my notebook fan never seems to come on when in ubuntu.  only when i reboot to windows.  weird03:09
gfxstylercaptine: why?03:09
gfxstylercaptine: if the notebook doesnt get hot, there should be no problem03:10
captinegfxstyler, the thing is, when i reboot, the fan comes on, and the air behing pushed out is really hot03:10
gfxstylercaptine: just feel if the notebook is really hot, if so, that could be bad03:10
soundraycaptine: check that you've got files in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone -- if you do, you're fine.03:10
captinegfxstyler, and it stays on for a long time.  am looking for lmsensors info now03:11
garysoundray: I tried installing libdirectfb-0.9-20 but it said it had been replaced with libdirectfb-0.9-22 instead.  So I installed this.  But when trying to install mplayer it still came up with a dependency error on libdirectfb-0.9-20 which I don't think is available03:11
captinesuppose the actual notebook doesnt feel hot03:11
gfxstyleri noticed my notebook powers on the fan more often when using windows03:11
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soundraygary: did you run apt-get update recently?03:11
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gfxstylerbut when im on linux its mostly quiet03:11
McScruffgfxstyler, could it be that linux uses less resources and so it doesnt work as hard :O03:12
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gfxstylerMcScruff: no03:12
captinesoundray, i have a folder /proc etc.  whet i use cat on the temperature, it says 0 degrees and cooling method is passive?03:12
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captinesoundray, what does that mean?03:12
gfxstylercaptine: whats your notebook cpu?03:13
alex_jonihello, does anyone know something about customizing a LiveCD ? (especially changing the kernel)03:13
captinegfxstyler, turion03:13
gfxstylercaptine: thats amd 64 right?03:13
soundraycaptine: that means that it's probably not reading your temperature correctly.03:13
captinegfxstyler, yeh03:13
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captinesoundray, gfxstyler what can i do to fix it?03:13
captinebefore chip is fried03:14
McScruffis it under warrenty?03:14
gfxstylercaptine: well if the notebook itself doesnt get hot it should be no problem or do i misunderstand anything?03:14
gfxstylercaptine: also, when it gets too hot, it should shutdown automatically03:14
captinegfxstyler, I'm just concerned that as soon as i reboot, the fan will come on for an extended period of time03:14
=== toverton [n=chatzill@68-169-116-105.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
captinegfxstyler, also, i sat at grub screen for 5 minutes, waiting for the air comin from the notebook to cool down03:15
tovertoncan anyone tell me where xorg.conf is in flight7?03:15
captineMcScruff, it is under warranty.03:15
soundraycaptine: do a ls /proc/acpi/fan/FAN/ -- if you have a state file in there, run 'cat /proc/acpi/fan/FAN/state'.03:15
gfxstylertoverton: same as usual , /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:15
bimberitoverton: /etc/X11 ?03:15
tovertoncant find it.03:15
garysoundray: yea, just a few minutes ago03:16
garyI'll try again03:16
gfxstylertoverton: not possible03:16
McScruffcaptine, then let it burn out and get a new 1 :)03:16
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gfxstylertoverton: if you deleted it xorg uses the default03:16
tovertonwhat do you mean, not possible?03:16
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soundraycaptine: if the output makes sense, try 'echo enable >/proc/acpi/fan/FAN/state' (at least I think that's the syntax)03:16
gfxstylertoverton: ubuntu creates one for you03:16
tovertoncd /etc/x11 : No such file or directory03:16
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gfxstylertoverton: wtf? lol03:16
bimberitoverton: X (capital)03:16
gfxstyleroh yeah03:16
garysoundray: still the same problem: "mplayer-586: Depends: libdirectfb-0.9-20 but it is not installable"03:17
gfxstylerbimberi is right03:17
tovertonfrikkin DUH!03:17
tovertongod im an idiot03:17
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gfxstylertoverton: in linux everything is case sensible03:17
tovertonbut ls didnt show the dir in etc either...03:17
tovertonyeah, and I know that... thats the sad part.03:17
bimberitoverton: my turn later i'm sure :)03:17
cartHi, im trying a multi-seat configuration in breezy with Xephyr, but its using evdev and the keyboard layout is broken... the same configuration works fine in Warty03:17
ferronicaAny one here using ADSL modem(pppoe DIALER)???03:17
tovertonIm using VPC2004, and I need to change the bit depth03:18
captinesoundray, there is a folder /proc/acpi/fan, but nothing else in it :/03:18
alex_jonineed help customizing a LiveCD ? (especially changing the kernel)03:18
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ferronicaubotu: pppoe03:18
ubotuI guess pppoe is Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE03:18
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soundraycaptine, are you on 2.6.12?03:19
=== benzai [n=zaheda@82-71-18-29.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
GingerDogHi, I've installed Breezy on what was a Sarge server; and somehow it keeps picking up the old S/W RAID volumes; the partitions are marked as just Linux; am I missing a config file?03:19
captinesoundray, how do i check?03:19
captinesorry, fairly new03:19
tovertonok I got it...03:19
soundraycaptine, uname -a03:19
GingerDog(i.e. /proc/mdstat continues to have contents, for a particular array, even though I don't want it to)03:19
tovertondamn, I feel dumb sometimes.03:19
=== GingerDog too.
=== jayson [n=jayson@c-67-169-255-84.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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captinesoundray, i am running 32 bit ubuntu and not the 64 bit version03:20
tovertonHey, its M$'s fault... If they supported 24bpp, then this would not be a problem for me.03:20
=== poopotootti [n=poopotoo@c193-229-40-75.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
soundraycaptine: ACPI support has changed quite a bit on the way to Dapper Drake. You may have to upgrade to get better support.03:21
soundraycaptine: what laptop make&model is it?03:21
captinesoundray, presario v5120nr03:21
tovertonit looks like I may have to make some more changes03:21
captinesoundray, is there no way to force the fan to come on, even if it's on permanently?03:21
odysseyhow do i upgrade to dapper when the time comes ,03:22
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Seveasodyssey, sudo update-manager -d03:22
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gfxstylercaptine: i just noticed the fan beeing more quiet since i used dapper and my hard-disk doesnt get so hot anymore too (and the battery lasts longer)03:23
soundraycaptine: I don't think so, but I haven't understood ACPI well enough to be sure.03:23
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gfxstylerbut maybe it was just some wrong setting on breezy or hoary03:23
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soundraycaptine: if I were you, I would try a dapper upgrade. But since it's still in beta, it's not recommended for production machines. Matter of taste, really.03:24
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martinchi is there anyone who could help me setup apache 2 on the warty release of ubuntu?03:25
captinesoundray, if i upgrade now, it will simply mean that i check for updates weekly etc.  i won't need to re-download it when final release comes03:25
soundraycaptine: you could download a dapper live CD, boot that and see if you get files in /proc/acpi/fan and sensible temperature readouts as well.03:25
soundraycaptine: that's right.03:26
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soundraycaptine: it's a gradual process.03:26
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captinesoundray, can i upgrade from 5.10 straight, or must i /l the whole cd03:26
soundraycaptine: no, you can do a net upgrade with 'sudo update-manager -d'03:27
gfxstylercaptine: dapper works without a flaw here03:27
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odysseyis anybody using dapper right now03:28
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RandolphCarterodyssey: yes03:28
captinesoundray, sorry for all the q's but i only get like 50k d/l.  i only have 1.5 hours left of internet time.  is the d/l huge?03:28
gfxstylerodyssey: yes03:28
anto9usodyssey, yes03:28
gfxstylercaptine: better download the cd or even better... wait03:28
odysseyis it ok or is there major bugs still03:28
soundrayodyssey: yes03:28
ferronicaAny one here using ADSL modem(pppoe DIALER)???03:28
kettenschutzhow to convert kword files in doc files?03:28
ferronicaAny one here using ADSL modem(pppoe DIALER)???03:28
ferronicaneed some help???03:29
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soundraykettenschutz: File-Save As ?03:29
gfxstylercaptine: you would have to download around 600-whatever mb anyway so you can also just download the iso image (so you can re-use it)03:29
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prefect_hi there good people03:29
gfxstylerodyssey: no bugs here03:29
gfxstylerodyssey: except some alacarte stuff03:29
ferronica ADSL modem(pppoe DIALER) USER please HIT my name...03:29
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soundraygfxstyler: that's a daring statement ;)03:29
prefect_i run ubuntu amd64, how can i make apt look in binary-i386 for a specific apt-source?03:30
Amaranthgfxstyler: alacarte stuff?03:30
RandolphCarterand mathematically impossible :)03:30
RandolphCarterand yeah, alacarte could do with some work03:30
gfxstylersoundray: a daring statement? what do you mean :)03:30
RandolphCartergfxstyler: "you can never prove the absence of bugs, only their presence"03:30
soundraygfxstyler: ask RandolphCarter03:30
gfxstylerRandolphCarter: so lets say, i just didnt notice some atm ;)03:30
AmaranthRandolphCarter, gfxstyler: What bugs are you running into in alacarte?03:30
RandolphCarterbesides, we haven't proved P=NP yet :)03:30
ferronica ADSL modem(pppoe DIALER) user plese HIT My NAME...:l03:30
odysseywhsts alacarte stuf03:31
gfxstylerAmaranth: i removed the java menu entries and the scim input entries, but they are still there03:31
gfxstylerAmaranth: it seems to ignore it03:31
RandolphCarterAmaranth: it has some severe trouble moving its own menu item into preferences (took two/three tries, and I wasn't watching on the terminal for errors)03:31
Amaranthgfxstyler, RandolphCarter: Ah, those things.03:31
gfxstyleroh yeah, and frostwire doesnt work anymore03:31
=== Amaranth blames gnome-menus
gfxstylerso actually that are 2 bugs03:31
gfxstylerAND another big bug!! omg03:32
gfxstyleror i dunno if its a bug03:32
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gfxstylerbut you have to add libstdc++ to you linker settings because its not included by default03:32
Amaranthgfxstyler: I can hide SCIM without problems.03:32
AmaranthRandolphCarter: And I just moved alacarte's menu item to preferences, no troubles03:32
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RandolphCarterAmaranth: you must've sacrificed a goat beforehand..03:33
odysseyi have a qick question about samba,,,,, I can see my other pc on the network but when im attempting to acess files it gives me a authentication error03:33
AmaranthRandolphCarter: hehe03:33
ferronica ADSL modem(pppoe DIALER) user plese HIT My NAME...:l03:33
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RandolphCarterAmaranth: it was doing weird stuff, like duplicating the menu entry, sometimes up to three times03:34
nagihi everyone03:34
RandolphCarterbut fixed itself when it ran next..03:34
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RandolphCarterhi nagi03:34
AmaranthRandolphCarter: I do see that it doesn't show it in Preferences when you drop it there.03:34
AmaranthRandolphCarter: But it is actually moved after the first time, if you check your menus.03:34
variantanyone know a program for creating flowcharts?03:34
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RandolphCarterAmaranth: odd, it was showing up in Alacarte okay for me, but not in the menus03:35
AmaranthRandolphCarter: hehe03:35
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AmaranthRandolphCarter: I've started to get tired of fixing bugs in 0.8 but 0.9 can't get into dapper03:35
gfxstyler_stupid router03:35
AmaranthRandolphCarter: 0.8 has all these weird things that happen03:36
zm0variant: variant dia is ok03:36
gfxstyler_Amaranth: are you talking about alacarte?03:36
RandolphCarterAmaranth: ahh, okay, you got a URL I can fetch the CVS/SVN from?03:36
soundrayWhere did I misplace my USB extension lead?03:36
Amaranthgfxstyler_: yeah03:36
AmaranthRandolphCarter: Only if you want to build gnome-menus from CVS as well.03:36
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alex_jonineed help customizing a LiveCD ? (especially changing the kernel)03:36
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RandolphCarterAmaranth: feck that, I meant the 0.8 tree so I can patch..03:37
AmaranthRandolphCarter: nope, i don't have any cvs/svn for 0.803:37
RandolphCarterI'll check gnome.org though, didn't know it was official :)03:37
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ferronica ADSL modem(pppoe DIALER) user plese HIT My NAME...:l03:37
Amaranthferronica: please stop03:37
soundrayalex_joni: check out dfsbuild:03:38
soundray!info dfsbuild03:38
ubotudfsbuild: (Build Debian From Scratch CD/DVD images), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.6.20 (breezy), Packaged size: 1047 kB, Installed size: 2920 kB03:38
AmaranthRandolphCarter: The most up-to-date source for alacarte is in ubuntu.03:38
alex_jonisoundray: thx03:38
AmaranthRandolphCarter: apt-get source alacarte03:38
Amaranthfor 0.8, i mean03:38
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RandolphCarterAmaranth: thanks, I'll check it out03:39
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AmaranthRandolphCarter: The code is a bit scary.03:39
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RandolphCarterAmaranth: it's python, so at least it'll be readable :)03:39
Amaranthnot really03:39
RandolphCartererk :/03:39
odysseywhat is alacarte03:39
ferronicaok sorry if i flooded the room very sorry03:40
Amaranthodyssey: gnome menu editor03:40
AmaranthRandolphCarter: it's got lots of "wtf does this do?" code in it03:40
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gfxstylerAmaranth: what?03:41
gfxstylerso the developers dont know what they are actually doing?03:41
gfxstyleroh, sorry ;)03:41
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RandolphCarterAmaranth: I see what you mean, guess it is dealing with arcane stuff, I'm hoping I can steer clear of the all that gtk stuff for fixing this though03:41
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AmaranthMost of the "wtf does this do?" code is working around the slowness of pyxdg and bugs in gnome-menus03:42
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RandolphCartercomments :(03:42
Amaranthnone :P03:42
gteppelI'm running Ubuntu Breezy and just bought a Samsung ML-2010 Mono Laser Printer, i plugged the printer into the computer using a USB cable but when I issue a "lsusb" I don't get any devices. What step should I take next?03:42
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bimberic'mon it's written in python03:42
Amaranthexcept for "UGLY AS SIN BUT IT WORKS SO DON'T TOUCH IT" and etc03:42
gfxstyleri dont like to make comments in code ... lazyness03:42
bimberino comments needed :P03:43
Amaranthbimberi: wanna bet? :P03:43
soundraygteppel: is the printer on?03:43
=== Amaranth prepares a pastebin
RandolphCarterbimberi: that's true, apart from when you try to figure out what they've packed into that list03:43
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bimberiRandolphCarter: :)03:44
soundraygteppel: have you got any other usb devices that you can test?03:44
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gteppelumm sure one second03:44
gteppeli'll plug in a mouse03:44
dynproblem: at install time I had no network available. later on I edited /etc/network/interfaces but still '/etc/init.d/networking restart' does not pull up eth0. how can I fix this? (the box was installed in server mode so no X11/gui clients are available)03:45
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Amaranthbimberi: http://rafb.net/paste/results/oSfNKu83.html03:45
gteppelsoundray: doesn't work either, I think its a bios setting03:45
gteppelsoundray: usb is probably disabled03:45
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RandolphCarterheh, _MenuEditor__undoMoves is pretty ugly too03:46
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fouratam having network problems with ubuntu on my laptop, the computer freezes when downloading or uploading a big file (over 500Mb) via scp or ftp to/form other computers in the network, other symptoms is that it freezes when executing tcpdump at shell console03:46
AmaranthRandolphCarter: yep03:46
dbzdeathhey i get this weird thing.. when watching movies there is this sort of flicker in some scenes.. it also happens in games(i think) i have a nvidia geforce 6800 ultra.. could anyone help? or point me in the right direction03:46
RandolphCarterdbzdeath: vsync03:46
dbzdeathRandolphCarter: mm what about it?03:46
battlecatHi I was wonmdering is there anyway to restrict a linux distro to use 100% GNOME libraries and not use KDE. In other words I know that many apps use KDE libraries and such but is there a way to set synaptic to restrict those?03:47
bimberiAmaranth: eww :)03:47
Amaranthbimberi: Say thank you to pyxdg and gnome-menus. :P03:47
RandolphCarterdbzdeath: well, that'll be the problem, for the movie player (you're using mplayer or xine?) there's probably a config option somewhere03:47
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dbzdeathRandolphCarter: yeah but i'm pretty sure it's not just video and there doesn't seem to be a vsync option in the video panel in the settings of mplayer03:48
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RandolphCarterdbzdeath: does it sometimes look like a tear half-way down the screen?03:49
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dbzdeathRandolphCarter: mmm sort of yes03:49
dbzdeathnot a constant thing but happens when the camera moves fast... i think03:50
RandolphCarterdbzdeath: it's vsync then :) from that quick google, mplayer only supports vsync in SVGA mode, you may want to look at xine03:50
dbzdeathRandolphCarter: is there a way to globally fix it? somehow?03:50
dynproblem: at install time I had no network available. later on I edited /etc/network/interfaces but still '/etc/init.d/networking restart' does not pull up eth0. how can I fix this? (the box was installed in server mode so no X11/gui clients are available)03:50
dynanyone have a clue on this?03:50
RandolphCarterdbzdeath: there may be an option to turn vsync on in your xorg.conf, I've never used the nvidia drivers though03:50
dynif I reboot the box, eth0 is configured correctly but networking restart makes eth0 offline again03:51
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RandolphCarterdyn: you have a line 'auto eth0' in your interfaces file?03:51
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dynRandolphCarter: no i dont, i only have it for the local interface. i should have one?03:52
RandolphCarterdyn: yeah, try it03:52
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dynRandolphCarter: fixed it. thank you :)03:53
RandolphCarterdyn: np's :)03:53
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Ponshey guys, need some advices here..03:53
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Ponsanyone knows if I can make an ubuntu setup boot on other pc's over network (using PXE)03:53
soundrayPons, check out LTSP03:54
ubotultsp is, like, totally, the Linux Terminal Server Project - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  See also http://www.ltsp.org/03:54
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Relampagoi have connected a firewire drive to my pc, where can i access it or where does ubuntu mount it ?03:56
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ferronicasoundray: hello03:56
soundrayferronica: hi03:56
battlecat I am not sure if this is the correct room for this but I am trying to figure out what packages I need to get to have a fully working c, c++ compiler on an ubuntu linux distro03:56
ubotuor if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, or get "make: command not found, then you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.03:56
gfxstylerbattlecat: build-essential03:56
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ferronicasoundray: do u use ADSL???03:57
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soundrayferronica: yes03:57
gfxstylerbattlecat: optionally: libtool, autoconf, automake03:57
ferronicasoundray: i need help regarding ADSL....03:57
ferronicasoundray: Over telephone line right03:57
soundrayferronica: right.03:58
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ferronicasoundray: Via terminal i hav configured the pppoe connection, now evertime when i boot my computer internet ready to use no need to dial using dialer as we use in window(XP), now how same thing we can do here03:59
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soundrayferronica: 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop' to disable ADSL, 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking start' to reenable.04:00
battlecatI have not programmed on a unix like system ever but I started using adjunta and no problem so far. Of course I am still just doing terminal programs and have not yet tried the GUI GLADE interfaces04:00
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ferronicasoundray: how to watch my bandwidth monitor,04:00
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ubotuit has been said that jp is Japan04:01
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brandon_there are 132 packages int eh dapper upgrade list this morning04:02
Relampagono body knows where firewire disks are mounted ?04:03
captinehi there.  i am trying to install cpuburn to check if my system fan comes on.  anyone help on how i can find out if it is in the repository?04:03
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zm0captine: apt-cache search cpuburn04:04
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captinezm0, thnkx04:04
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GibsonHow do I register with the free nodes?04:05
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GibsonfunkyHat LOL04:06
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funkyHatGibson, ?04:06
GibsonfunkyHat, wanna be friends?04:06
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GibsonI'm in the UK too04:06
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funkyHatGibson, sure hehe, pm me04:07
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funkyHatI'll chat later though... I'm going outside for a bit... can't waste the lovely weather :D04:07
gnomefreakGibson: to regesiter with freenode type in server tab /msg nickserv register <yourpassword>  without the <>04:07
gnomefreakGibson: if Gibson is the name you want to register04:08
=== Gibson is now known as SportsJock
SportsJockGot one!04:08
funkyHat/msg nickserv help should tell you all you need to know (and /msg nickserv help register)04:08
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SportsJockI'm registered!!!!04:08
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SportsJockgnomefreak u are my friend04:09
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SportsJockEdenshaw hi04:09
dbzdeathhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=981841&postcount=3 does anyone know where that would be placed for kdm?04:09
Guest584anyone know when the new version will release04:09
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)04:09
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captineGuest584, june04:09
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Guest584ohh thx04:09
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ferronicahey r u there04:10
bongshewwhat would hdd1 translate to in GRUBspeak?04:10
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SportsJockbongshew -  df1:04:10
funkyHat|awaybongshew, hd3,004:10
SportsJockwhy hd3,0?04:10
bongshewthat sounds right04:10
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slackernhehe df1:) no that would be floppy station #2 on an amiga :)04:10
SportsJockwhat does the 3 mean?04:10
bongshewthats what i thought actually, just checking.. must have another option wrong04:11
bongshewthanks funkyHat|away04:11
[Utah] tristanbobdoes anyone automate updates using cron?04:11
SportsJocklol slackern ur cool :))))04:11
funkyHat|awaybongshew, might need ()s round it... not sure04:11
captineanyone know where a lmsensors howto is for ubuntu?04:11
captinestruggling to find04:11
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ubotuit has been said that sensors is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SensorInstallHowto04:11
Dr_Willisinstall lm_sensors, run sensor-detect I think is all ive ever done04:12
funkyHat|away[Utah] tristanbob, there is a package somewhere in apt that does that... I think it might be called cronapt?04:12
SportsJockWhat's the best way to deal with a bad boss?04:12
[Utah] tristanbobfunkyHat|away: I will look for that.04:12
ferronicaAny one help me reagarding ADSL??????04:12
gnomefreakSportsJock: join #ubuntu-offtopic for that please04:12
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[Utah] tristanbobfunkyHat|away: I waws looking at this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticSecurityUpdates04:12
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ferronicaAny one help me reagarding ADSL??????04:14
SportsJockferronica - what prob?04:14
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zm0dbzdeath: no need to edit your kdm init script, just put __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=1 in yout /etc/environment04:17
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soundrayPlease remind me, what do I have to do to enable sshd on a new installation?04:20
bimberisoundray: sudo aptitude install ssh (brings in openssh-server)04:20
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soundraybimberi: got that. When I sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start, I get "fail"04:21
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_jasonsoundray: is it running already?04:21
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soundray_jason: oops, yes it was. It was not responding, though... Let me try again. (thanks bimberi)04:22
bimberisoundray: np :) (nice work _jason - as ever)04:22
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martinchi guys, i'm running ubuntu 4.10 and i've run apt-get install apache2 (which worked), apt-get install php4-cgi (which worked) and apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4 (which worked), my instructions are to now run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload but that doesn't work any help would be appreciated thanks04:23
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soundray_jason, bimberi: works. Thank you.04:23
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fouratam having network problems with ubuntu on my laptop, the computer freezes when downloading or uploading a big file (over 500Mb) via scp or ftp to/form other computers in the network, other symptoms is that it freezes when executing tcpdump at shell console04:25
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ferronicaSportsJock: big problem04:25
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ferronicaSportsjock: U THERE????04:26
ferronicaSportsJock: ??04:26
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captineanyone had much luck installing usb-irda dongles?04:28
ferronicaAny one help me reagarding ADSL??????04:28
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soundrayferronica: spend less time seeking attention, explain your problem instead.04:30
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ferronicasoundray: u r here04:32
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ferronicasoundray: ok tell me how to monitor my ADSL connection???04:32
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soundrayferronica: look at the package pppstatus04:33
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cello_raspdoes anyone find firefox under breezy to be terrribly cpu intensive?04:34
ferronicasoundray: ok04:34
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Dr_Williscello_rasp,  cant say that i have...04:34
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ferronicasoundray: i typed in search option pppoe and i found some 5 pppoe, from them 1 is installed04:35
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ferronicasoundray: what others for???04:35
cello_raspfor me there is a delay of about 10 seconds when hitting ctrl+n in firefox04:35
NoUsecello_rasp try running it from the console with 'DISABLE_PANGO=1 firefox'04:35
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cello_raspthat is on a 1.6Ghz chip04:35
soundrayferronica: I don't know04:36
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cello_raspNoUse: what the holy heck????04:36
ferronicasoundray: what u use then????04:36
cello_raspincredible difference04:36
NoUsecello_rasp yeah thats a known bug, its been fixed in dapper04:37
soundrayferronica: I don't monitor ADSL. My connection is always up.04:37
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cello_raspoh my word04:37
NoUsecello_rasp if you add "DISABLE_PANGO=1" to /usr/bin/firefox it will be the default04:37
ferronicasoundray: u mean at boot time it get connected04:37
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ferronicasoundray: u dont use dialer to connect???04:37
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soundrayferronica: I don't boot either. It's always on.04:37
ferronicasoundray: what???04:38
cello_raspNoUse: anywhere in the file?04:38
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soundrayferronica: I don't boot either. It's always on.04:38
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gnomefreakcello_rasp: ubuntus version of ff is slower than mozillas build thanks to pango :(04:38
ferronicasoundray: dont boot, u mean u never shut down ur computer04:38
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soundrayferronica: not the one that handles my net connection, no.04:39
funkyHat|awaygnomefreak, what even IS pango?04:39
soundrayferronica: btw, I have PPPoA, so things might be different.04:39
ubuntu_user``anyone succeeded into getting laserjet 1020 to work?04:39
funkyHat|awayI probably should know, but whatever.04:39
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gnomefreakfunkyHat|away: when i find out for sure ill let you know04:39
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funkyHatIn computing, Pango is an open source library for rendering internationalized texts integrated into GTK+ 2. The name pango is from Greek "Pan" (???; lit. all) + Japanese "Go" (?; lit. language).04:40
cello_raspit seems i am going to backup home and install dapper from clean.. too much has been messed around with on my breezy installation :)04:40
gnomefreakso its a gtk library?04:40
ferronicasoundray: can u send me ur desktop screen shot, i wanna to see something04:40
McScruffwhere does kaffeine look for codecs?04:40
soundrayferronica: no04:40
gnomefreakMcScruff: what type of file format?04:41
ferronicasoundray: Why????04:41
funkyHatgnomefreak, just got that from google :P lol, looks like it04:41
NoUsecello_rasp what makes you say that?04:41
gnomefreakMcScruff: you can find most of what you need at the following site04:41
McScruffgnomefreak, live streaming from the web, with the mozilla plugin04:41
ubotusomebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats04:41
soundrayferronica: it's work for me, and it won't help with the issue you reported here.04:41
ferronicasoundray: just wanna to see what tools u hav added in ur pannel04:42
soundrayferronica: how is that going to help?04:42
McScruffgnomefreak, i got them from mplayer site and put them in /usr/lib/win32 , i think thats wrong tho04:42
cello_raspNoUse: i can only recieve/install update notification as the first user i set up04:42
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gnomefreakMcScruff: all you had to do was add multiverse and run a wget command than dpkg -i it will install them where they are needed ;)04:43
ferronicasoundray: thats my problem....04:43
cello_raspNoUse: i have my current user set to have admin ability but that didn't propagate and its quite a pain!04:43
gnomefreakuniverse and multiverse04:43
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detBeta 2 is the newest release of dapper, correct? (it postdates Flight 7?)04:44
ferronicasoundray: if u send fine, or as u wish04:44
gnomefreakdet: no flight 7 is latest04:44
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ferronicasoundray: are u sending me ur desktop screen shot?????04:46
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detWhy didn't they call Beta Flight 7 and now progress to Flight 8? Was it some kind of milestone?04:46
soundrayferronica: look, I've answered that question already. Your behavior strikes me as obnoxious.04:47
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NoUsecello_rasp just add the new user to the same groups as the first user04:47
detI hear that there is problems with either the install or live cd of flight 7, but conflicting answers as to which, what is the truth?04:47
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gnomefreakdet: use the beta and upgrade flight 7 install issues have been around04:48
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azurehuesofblueI'm thinking of using easyubuntu, is it safe to use at the moment?04:49
variantdet: not seen anything big04:49
Dr_Willisazurehuesofblue,  best to elarn how to install the stuff manually04:49
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cello_raspNoUse: i'd like to remove the first user group and account without losing the ability to do various things..04:50
haakonn_stupid gam_server cpu hog04:51
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englais there a way to preload any application? I want gedit and galeon to be programs that always come instant-on (not the 5-10 sec wait) if I click their launchers. Possible?04:53
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r0xoRengla, all programs are like that on linux iirc04:53
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r0xoRengla, firefox 1.5 launches near instantaneously for me... and my system isn't really that fast04:53
r0xoRengla, galeon = teh suxors :)04:54
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mugzieum can someone help im sorry im kind NEW TO UBUNTU JUST INSTALLED YESTERDAY I HAVE a question04:55
ubotuFYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour.04:55
cello_raspmugzie: shoot :)04:55
r0xoRmugzie, just ask your question04:55
_jasonmugzie: just ask your question, no need to ask for permission to ask :)04:55
englar0xoR: well you're wrong, many apps take a long time to load on my system. So I want a starter (preloader) for the most important ones04:55
mugzieo im sorry my finger slipt im on a laptop and the keyboard is not good04:55
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imc_ANyone know what the --sm-disable option does to nm-applet? I can't find a man entry04:55
englar0xoR: galeon has nicer tab handling by default and has a gtk2 interface04:55
r0xoRengla, no i beleive i'm right... by "are like that" i didn't mean "launches within microseconds"04:56
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r0xoRengla, firefox has extensions... QED04:56
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r0xoRengla, firefox also has it's *own* themes :)04:56
mugzieok yes my ubuntu us running sluggish and when i posted on the forum they said try xubuntu problem is how would i do that idk what to do anyone can help im new04:56
englar0xoR: no, it's something the programmers have to do if you want them to launch say a new tab, not a whole new instance. Both galeon and gedit devs have _implemented_ that04:56
cwilluwhat's the command to boot a kernel using only x amount of memory?04:56
cello_raspmugzie: go to System > Administartion > Synaptic Package Manage04:57
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r0xoRengla, i meant that most apps you run cache their memory footprints somewhere so most apps will launch slow the first time and fastER the second time04:57
mugziecello ok then what now?04:57
cello_raspmugzie: once there search for xubuntu and install xbubuntu-desktop :)04:57
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englar0xoR: true. But even faster if there is already an instance running and the launcher is just a wrapper to open a new tab. And that's what I want to happen04:58
r0xoRengla, there's probably no way to get OO.org to launch under 1.0s unless you've got 4xSMP at many gigahertz04:58
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cello_raspmugzie: if that doesn't work out we are here to help04:58
mugziei will ask thanks a lot04:58
mugziei appreciate it04:58
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shutdownHello everybody!! I am Shutdown and I am 16. I come from Italy.04:58
cello_rasphi shutdown04:59
shutdownHello _jason04:59
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brettzillahey, could someone help me maybe?04:59
r0xoRengla, well, my guess is if you want that functionality you'll either have to modify the app itself or write an app yourself or modify some part of the gnu/linux subsystem05:00
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cello_raspjust ask brettzilla :)05:00
brettzillaevery time i do a dist-upgrade, it adds to my grub boot menu... is there a way to clean this up?05:00
r0xoRengla, i know that Netscape used to have a "keep loaded in memory" option... at least on windows05:00
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RandolphCarterbrettzilla: it's probably best to remove some of the old kernels after a while05:00
brettzillahow do i go about doing that?05:00
slackernbrettzilla, maybe you have more than on kernel installed and it rebuilds the menu for you to have them old?05:00
brettzillaim still a newb05:00
r0xoRengla, but my guess is they implemented that on an application level... and my other guess is that you're not going to acheive quite what you want unless you dive into some code05:00
RandolphCarterbrettzilla: just find them in aptitude and remove them (along with the restricted modules package)05:00
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r0xoRengla, but then again they are just guesses05:01
cwilluengla, what's happening?05:01
brettzillai've done it before though. i had to edit a specific file05:01
brettzillai just dont remember which05:01
cello_raspbrettzilla: to edit grub menu menaually, see http://www.freeos.com/articles/3482/ and look for '1stboot'05:01
englar0xoR: I found "galeon --server" in the gal man page, so I'm content with that. But I want some sort trick that works on other apps that don't provide it (gedit)05:01
brettzillaok. thank you :)05:01
r0xoRcwillu, he wants his apps to have a "keep loaded in memory for faster launch in the future" option05:01
slackernbrettzilla, try searching for 'linux-image' in synaptic05:01
englacwillu: I want "fast-start" for general apps like gedit05:01
mugzieok when i search for xubuntu in the pakage manager nothing shows up is there a pacific way to search or something?05:01
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paradizelosthowdy all05:02
thoreauputic!info xubuntu-desktop05:02
ubotuxubuntu-desktop: (Xubuntu desktop system), section universe/misc, is optional. Version: 1.4 (breezy), Packaged size: 5 kB, Installed size: 32 kB05:02
r0xoRcwillu, i told him he probably was going to have to write some code to do that, if it's even do-able on a widescale basis05:02
cello_raspmugzie: open up a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install xubutu-desktop'05:02
englacwillu: for some reason gedit takes 10 secs to start when it's not running05:02
salmiak_hi paradizelost ;)05:02
thoreauputicmugzie: the package is xubuntu-desktop05:02
slackernmugzie, and make sure you have universe repositories enabled.05:02
cello_raspclose synaptic first tho :)05:02
r0xoRengla, vim loads for me in less than 1.0s :)05:02
cwilluya, I'm not sure you can generalize it really, other than possible prefetching into the cache05:02
cello_raspoh, man i am bad05:03
RandolphCarterengla: if you want that for all apps, add some more RAM to your comp and maybe get a faster processor05:03
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mugziebrb ill try that05:03
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r0xoRcwillu, win-netscape had that feature in 7.x and they removed it in 8.005:03
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englaRandolphCarter: ram should not be an issue. A warm start of gedit is still 4 secs, while if gedit is running, a new doc opens in <1s05:03
mugzieagain im sorry if i sound stupid im new and im interested05:03
eod_punkanyone notice bad battery performance after these last set off updates?05:03
r0xoRcwillu, engla, it *was* a nice feature... but FF 1.5 launches in less than 1s on my box05:03
echobinaryi am back!05:03
amandaME  GUSTAS05:04
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RandolphCarterengla: yes, of course, it just opens a new window, not a new process05:04
gnomefreakamanda: english05:04
r0xoRengla, i'll say again: use vim :)05:04
gnomefreakompaul: i was getting there lol05:04
cello_raspmugzie: sorry i forgot about universe repos:  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingRepositoriesHowto05:04
RandolphCarterengla: time to load application < time to open new window05:04
englaRandolphCarter: right. And my discussion is all about that05:04
echobinaryanyone in here have an nVidia GeForce 7300GS?05:04
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englaRandolphCarter: I want to force gedit (even if it does not provide that itself) to act like the oo2preloader or galeon --server etc, always keep a process open in the background05:04
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:05
cwillur0xoR: let's pretend for a minute that ubuntu is a distro for normal people (it's a stretch, I know :p)05:05
_tccWhat is the command to configure your Xserver?05:05
paradizelostsorry to mention politics, but anyone in USA should read the main story on CNN.com05:05
r0xoRcwillu, oohhh, right lol :P05:05
ompaulparadizelost, and there we leave politics05:05
englar0xoR: I don't want vim.05:05
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r0xoRawww, c'mon, sure ya do :)05:05
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r0xoRengla, i hear scite and jedit are nice... have you tried nedit?05:05
_tccor something like that.05:05
cwilluparadizelost: if that's about the nsa stuff, that's at least 4 months old05:05
r0xoRengla, there's gotta be something that launches faster than gEdit05:06
r0xoRoooh ooh!, i know!..... pico!05:06
englaI've seen nedit. gedit is great, it has _snippets_ :)05:06
RandolphCarterengla: I don't think they're going to add that to gedit because, well, it starts in under a second here05:06
cwillualthough it's cute that they're finally stating it in the mainstream :p05:06
r0xoRengla, snippets?05:06
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cello_raspmugzie: i understand that because xubuntu isn't part of main ubuntu you need to enable extra repositories. once that's done you can use teminal and 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' to install it :) . and in fact you should be able to install anything else in the universe repository. you enable multiverse (even more stuff!) in the same wat05:06
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=== chri[s] [n=chris@pool-71-96-208-81.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
englaRandolphCarter: right. But not on my system so I want some problem-solving on that05:06
chri[s] Can i upgrade from Breezy to Drapper ?05:06
chri[s] With out reinstalling05:06
englaI have prelink but that doesn't seem to do any difference05:06
ubotuupgrade is probably Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.05:06
r0xoRhehehe... drapper05:06
cello_raspchri[s]  yep05:06
eod_punkchri[s]  yes there is a help page on ubuntu for it05:07
=== cello_rasp is tempted to go straight to eft
haakonn_isn't there some dpkg or apt magic that will display a package's changelog?05:07
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_jasonhaakonn_: aptitude changelog packagename05:07
haakonn__jason:  wow, nice, thanks05:07
englar0xoR: snippets are tab triggers with placeholders, many editors surely have that. Open gedit and try it (activate the snippets plugin, only in dapper). for example, "main<tab>" could expand into "int main(int argc, char **argv) { .." etc05:08
_tccWhat is the command to configure your Xserver?05:08
NoUsecello_rasp that would be a bad idea :-)05:08
ubotuxorg is, like, To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html05:08
cello_raspas it is right now yes XD05:08
r0xoRengla, ohhh, completion/expansions... vim has that05:08
r0xoRi know how to type tho, so i don't really need that :P05:09
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mugzieo man im still confused my head spiining i circles lol ok when i search in the synaptic it doesnt show any im sorry to ask but can someone please explain in baby step ...explain to me as if i was in the 3 rd grade ^_^05:09
_tccWasn't there a curses based interface?05:09
_tccIt was something like xconf or something.05:09
_jasonmugzie: did you enable universe?05:09
r0xoRengla, what do you edit (mostly) ?05:09
englar0xoR: it's useful for templates. And typing is boring.05:09
_jason_tcc: it's the command ubotu said05:10
englar0xoR: right now, nothing :) Usually I program in python and C, write latex05:10
mugziejason how do i do that ive been searching around for that like i said i only installed yeseterday05:10
r0xoRah, k05:10
_jasonubotu: tell mugzie about universe05:10
_jasonmugzie: ubotu sent you some information in a private message about enabling universe05:10
RandolphCarterengla: if you program in C, write a wrapper for gedit then :)05:10
chri[s] nice05:10
jafonux_I'm trying to update on my VGA drivers and in the read me file it states "The user can chech if the run-level is 3 (id:3:initdefault:) in the file /etc/inittab.05:10
jafonux_       If not, please modify it to 3 and restart the computer. " can any05:10
r0xoRengla, hmmm, and you've never given emacs or vim a try yet?05:10
englar0xoR: yeah and then some random note-taking with markdown05:10
chri[s] Are all upgrades going to be like this ?05:11
englar0xoR: I use emacs in the shell. Even emacs takes a while to start, I can't stand that (4secs)05:11
r0xoRheheh, engla there's a light version of emacs... launches *super* fast05:11
_jasonengla: well you're supposed to start emacs once and use it as your OS, try vim05:11
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r0xoRengla, i don't remember the history of it all, it's not lucid, but there's some other company that was working on emacs that came out with a super tiny lightning fast version05:11
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r0xoRengla, yeh... vim > emacs IMO but if you used EITHER instead of something else you'd be making a step up :)05:12
engla_jason: right. Even emacs is *#@!. I just use it because it has pretty standard keybindings and input system (not like vi)05:12
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r0xoRengla, if you like the emacs key bindings, then there's vimacs05:13
englaI'll definitely search for a ligher emacs. Right now I have emacs-snapshot from dapper reps05:13
r0xoRengla, oh and gvim > vim > emacs :)05:13
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, paradizelost05:14
paradizelost!offtopic ....05:14
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, paradizelost05:14
paradizelostb ah05:14
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englaparadizelost: hehe :) it's !offtopic, I'd venture05:15
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paradizelosti was hoping i could have a space and a few dots....05:15
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paradizelostbut apparently i confusled the bot..05:15
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gshow do i use the LAME encoder in Kaudiocreater05:15
ubotump3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:16
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SkeletonixWhen I want print from WinXp to my Ubuntu printer I find in log cups access_log this:05:16
Skeletonix192.168.0.2 - - [11/May/2006:16:48:58 +0200]  "POST /printers/Stylus-C64 HTTP/1.1" 200 694267 Print-Job client-error-document-format-not-supported05:16
SkeletonixWhat coul be it?...05:16
paradizelostSkeletonix: are you printing in A4 or a document size that's not supported by the printer?05:16
SkeletonixThe same log I find if I print word doc ... jpeg...05:16
paradizelostSkeletonix: is it a printer that supports A4?05:17
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paradizelosti would expect they do05:17
paradizelostdo you have the server set up that way for the printer? or does the system think it's printing in letter?05:17
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Skeletonixparadizelost: Epson Stylus C6405:17
paradizelosti hate epson so i'm not familiar w/ the specs on the C6405:17
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Skeletonixyeh..I bought it when I had Win..and now I don wont bay another05:18
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Skeletonix"do you have the server set up that way for the printer? or does the system think it's printing in letter?" .... diferent?05:19
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paradizelostSkeletonix: if you go system -> administration->printing05:19
paradizelostis the printer configured for letter or A4 on the server?05:19
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paradizelostSkeletonix: yes... to what???05:20
Skeletonixparadizelost: wait..05:21
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Skeletonixparadizelost: I have very slow computer05:21
ubotuI heard upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.05:22
Skeletonixparadizelost: A4 Plain Paper05:22
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Skeletonixhmm :)05:22
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mugzieok i found i click it then it said mark or cancel i press marked now i clicked apply and it says 103mb will be installed is this right?05:23
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Skeletonixhere is the cupsd.conf http://forum.ubuntu.cz/viewtopic.php?id=140605:23
b08yhello, why does "Play stop" hotkey configuration in "Keyboard hotkeys" doesnt work with Rythmbox?05:24
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bc_help me? i cannot restart samba on console05:24
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frfxi want to copy a file from a windows computer to an ubuntu computer.i use WinSCP.but i can't copy files to certain directories because i can't log in as root.is there a solution?05:24
mugzieanyone know if im on the right track to installing xubuntu?05:25
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krazykitwell that's strange.  mplayer -vo xv shows some messed up colors, but -vo x11 and gl both work ok...05:25
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=== gfxstyler [n=gfxstyle@i577A6EEC.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
gfxstylerhi again05:25
bc_what command should i type to restart samba on console05:25
mugziedid everyone leave?05:25
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bc_help me05:25
Skeletonixbc_: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart05:26
zm0bc_: sudo /etc/init.d/smb restart, i think05:26
gfxstylerbc_: i dunno, but maybe /etc/init.d/samba restart ? or doesnt ubuntu have that05:26
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gfxstylerconcience :D05:26
masaduhola wapo estas ahy05:26
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chri[s] how do you open the ports for the application "talk"05:26
ferronicaany one tell me how to refresh screen/??05:26
gfxstylermasadu: most people will understand you if you speak english05:26
chri[s] somewhere in the init.d05:26
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gfxstylerferronica: refresh the screen? what screen?05:26
bc_there is no samba on my /etc/init.d/05:26
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b08ybc_: /etc/init.d/samba restart05:27
Hooblyanyone have suggestions for slightly jittery dvd playback?05:27
_jasonHoobly: have you enabled DMA?05:27
ferronicagfxstyler: as we do in windows F505:27
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ferronicagfxstyler: hit F505:27
gfxstylerHoobly: dma & have you installed your video drivers?05:27
mzuverinkI am setting up a dual boot(winxp/ubuntu)box.  I have 2 - 40 gig drives to do it on.  I plan on giving xp 15 gigs, and using the rest for a fat32 sharing partition.  Can I mount /on the second drive and make a /swap on part of the first dive without any problems?05:27
SkeletonixWhen I want print from WinXp to my Ubuntu printer I find in log cups access_log this:05:27
Skeletonix192.168.0.2 - - [11/May/2006:16:48:58 +0200]  "POST /printers/Stylus-C64 HTTP/1.1" 200 694267 Print-Job client-error-document-format-not-supported05:27
Skeletonix What could be it?.05:27
bc_bash: samba: command not found05:27
gfxstylerferronica: i know how to do that :) i thought u wanted to know05:27
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Hooblyif you mean in the /etc/hdparm.conf file, I think so05:27
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bc_what should i do05:27
ferronicagfxstyler: YES LOL05:27
Skeletonixbc_: cd /etc/init.d/05:28
bc_i all ready install samba05:28
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Skeletonixbc_: samba restart05:28
gfxstylermzuverink: why do you want to give winxp 15 gb ?05:28
b08ybc_ that do "sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop"05:28
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bc_Skeletonix: yeah, i allready try that05:28
ferronicaubotu: refresh screen05:28
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ferronica05:28
gfxstylerHoobly: when you watch fullscreen your cpu most handle it if you dont have your gfx card drivers installed and use a video/opengl overlay05:28
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mzuverinkgfxstyler: what would you give it?  I want firefox and all plugins and open office and itunes in windows, thats all.05:29
bc_b08y: i allready in root mode05:29
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frfx i want to copy a file from a windows computer to an ubuntu computer.i use WinSCP.but i can't copy files to certain directories because i can't log in as root.???05:29
b08ybc_: did u the cmd?05:29
gfxstylermzuverink: thats not that much, winxp takes around 2,5gb with all updates and such, + your pagefile, + the apps ... so approx 8 gigs (to have some free space)05:29
bc_b08y: sorry, i don't understad05:30
Hooblygfxstyler: my vid card is onboard.  this is an old Dell PIII05:30
jafonux_The user can chech if the run-level is 3 (id:3:initdefault:) in the file /etc/inittab.05:30
jafonux_       If not, please modify it to 3 and restart the computer.05:30
mugzieok guys im trying to install xubuntu for a more lighter experience since im on a not so good laptop and i did all the steps now it says its about to install103mb on my computer is that good??05:30
gfxstylerHoobly: i dont know about that cards sorry :/05:30
ferronicagfxstyler: will u tell me how to refresh screen05:30
b08ytype "sudo /etc/init.d/samba stop"05:30
mzuverinkgfxstyler: will linux complain if /swap is on the same drive as windows, while / is on the second drive?05:30
gfxstylerferronica: press f5 ? or do you mean set the refresh rate?05:30
krazykitmzuverink: nope05:30
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gfxstylermzuverink: the swap cant be on the same partition as windows05:31
ferronicagfxstyler: NO NO05:31
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gfxstyleror at least i think so05:31
mugzieanyone know if im on the right path?05:31
discboydo you speck french?05:31
bc_b08y: thx, it works with "sudo" command05:31
gfxstylersince you need to format the swap partition as swap space05:31
bc_b08y: thx05:31
krazykitmzuverink: it can be on the same drive, but just not the same partition.05:31
ferronicagfxstyler: As we do in windows. right click on screen and hit refresh option...05:31
b08ythan "sudo /etc/init.d/samba start"05:31
ferronicagfxstyler: that one05:32
gfxstylerferronica: yes, press F505:32
bc_b08y: yeah, it works thank u05:32
ferronicagfxstyler: Okay05:32
b08ywhy does "Play stop" hotkey configuration in "Keyboard hotkeys" doesnt work with Rythmbox?05:32
bc_b08y: i've another trouble,05:33
b08ybc_: ?05:33
gfxstylerb08y: the play/stop stuff doesnt work for me at all :)05:33
b08ydont ask to ask05:33
bc_b08y: i share my "vfat partition", when i click it, it must use username and password05:34
b08ygfxstyler: that's bad :(05:34
b08ybc_: ^^05:34
jafonux_install cannot create regular file `/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/xgiv_drv.o' : permission denied05:34
jafonux_any1 know how i get permission?05:35
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paradizelostjafonux_: are you using sudo?05:35
bc_b08y: do u know, how to share it without password05:35
EvanCarrollAnyone know why vim7 isn't in dapper repos?05:35
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jafonux_I logged ion under root su -05:35
apokryphosEvanCarroll: #ubuntu+105:35
gfxstylerEvanCarroll: because ... they didnt want it to be included :) ? no, sorry i dont know05:35
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EvanCarrollapokryphos: thnkx.05:36
jafonux_paradizelost I logged ion under root su -05:36
punkcuthey whats the "ubuntu way" of adding services to the runlevels?05:36
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jafonux_paradizelost trying to install the driver for my VGA05:36
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paradizelostjafonux_: well, your not root if your getting permission denied...05:36
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b08ybc_: u read that? http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Samba_Freigaben?highlight=%28samba%2905:37
WhoopieHi, I'm searching for an example script to listen to HAL button events. Where could I find these? Thanks for helping.05:37
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paradizelostthat or the module is trying to get to area's already in use05:37
gfxstylerpunkcut: install sysv-rc-conf and place your init script in /etc/init.d with the appropiate rights (+rwx), then use sysv-rc-conf to install it in the appropiate runlevels05:37
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b08ybc_: omg, sry thats my language :D05:37
punkcutthanks gfxstyler05:37
g0dchildHi, is there anywhere i can log my adsl connection?05:37
g0dchildis it the same thing as plog?05:37
gfxstylerjafonux_: what gfx card do you have?05:37
bc_b08y: thats ok05:37
paradizelostg0dchild: you mean log all connections?05:37
b08ybc_: plz, explain more, what u are doing?05:38
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paradizelostg0dchild: if you use firestarter it logs to syslog..  so everything would be in /var/log/messages05:38
g0dchildyeah....i want to keep track of bandwidth and more importantly the modem uptime05:38
paradizelostoh, that05:38
paradizelostthat's not logging all connections...05:38
paradizelostg0dchild: sounds like you'd want something like ntop05:38
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paradizelostbut modem uptime, good luck05:38
bc_b08y: wow..... can u give me on english lang.05:38
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g0dchildparadizelost, even uptime for the adsl line's ok- but i suppose thats the same thing isnt it?05:39
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jafonux_paradizelost ah hang on my bad i'm following the instruction from the the Read Me and it 1st said to change the The user must login as root.05:39
jafonux_    b. Please make sure to switch in console mode.05:39
jafonux_       The user can check if the run-level is 3 (id:3:initdefault:) in the file /etc/inittab.05:39
gfxstylerjafonux_: what gfx card do you have?05:39
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jafonux_Volari by XGI05:39
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frfx i want to copy a file from a windows computer to an ubuntu computer.i use WinSCP.but i can't copy files to certain directories because i can't log in as root.is there a solution?05:40
gfxstylerokay, so no easy xorg-drivers-bla package05:40
jafonux_i grabbed the drivers from their web site05:40
gfxstylerfrfx: over network?05:40
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jafonux_gfxstyler it does mention something and to use Xorg05:41
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gfxstylerjafonux_: yes ubuntu uses xorg :P05:41
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skipjackHi, can sombody explain me who I must copy my document for apache2 ? /var/wwseems to be incorrect ???05:42
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bc_b08y: i want to share my folder, but when i open the folder, i must give username and password05:42
jafonux_why is it that that when I exceute $ sh install scrit05:42
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic05:42
b08ybc_: share from where?05:42
jafonux_script that that the one file fails to install because of permission issues05:42
gfxstylerskipjack: apachedir/http ? but thats on windows, i dont know for linux05:42
bc_b08y: from my linux05:43
gfxstylerjafonux_: do : sudo sh yourscript.sh05:43
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NoUseskipjack what are you trying to do?05:43
b08ybc_: with samba right?05:43
bc_b08y: yeah05:43
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jafonux_gfxstyler i'm completely new to this and well have no idea.....so 1st I would open a terminal window log in as root  and then??05:47
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b08ybc_: well, i cant finf good samba share tutorials in english :)05:48
gfxstylerjafonux_: dont, just use "sudo" when you need superuser rights05:48
gfxstyleris there a way to disable the joined/quit messages in xchat?05:48
gfxstylerits really annoying to see that stupid messages all the time05:48
bc_b08y: thanks anyway for your help05:48
b08ybc_: search after something like "ubuntu wiki" and there after "samba share"05:48
jbroomegfxstyler: right click on the chan name and it's in one of those menus that pop up05:49
bc_b08y: ok, i'll try05:49
_tccThat command didn't work before...what is the command to configure your xserver?05:49
skipjackNoUse:  I want to install typo3 on my webserver, I have install the apache2 ,mysql .. (LAMP) and now I can'T find the right DocRoot, I have create a directory in /var/www with the name typo3 .. when I surf to I see only apache2-default/  as dir .. and no typo3 ..05:49
lpglhi! how do i enable root user in ubuntu?05:49
_tccI know it is something like xconf05:49
gfxstylerjbroome: can that be enabled as default? thanks btw :)05:49
_tccor something like that.05:49
det-The installer in the live CD doesnt support installing on raid?05:50
b08ybtw, if u like wikis in your own language have a look there http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu05:50
NoUseskipjack make sure you have set the typo3 set to be world readable, chmod -R o+rx typo3/05:50
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skipjackdrwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 2006-05-11 17:31 typo3 @ NoUse05:51
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NoUseskipjack and typo3 is in /var/www ?05:52
skipjackyes NoUse05:52
valehruHow can I assign emblems to desktop items, such as CD ROM drives or My Computer?05:52
skipjackroot@Tobias-wrk:/var/www# ls -l05:53
skipjackinsgesamt 1205:53
skipjackdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2006-05-11 17:08 apache2-default05:53
skipjackdrwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 2006-05-11 17:3105:53
lpglhow do i enable root user in ubuntu?05:53
g0dchildwhere can i find the log file for plog?05:53
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:53
gfxstylervalehru: drag them out of the menu to the desktop05:53
valehrubut  even in the menu the icon is crap05:53
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gfxstylerthen change it afterwards05:54
MagicFabhow can I remove a package that has ubuntu-desktop as dependency ?05:54
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valehrufor this theme, which I like, the icons are screwed up though for about 10% of them05:54
valehruis there not an icon config in gnome?05:54
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mugzieum i just installed xubuntu from synnaptic and it says changes applied do i just restart or how do i do it05:54
gfxstylervalehru: you can install icons in the theme manager05:54
phreak97_how do i change my default manager to gdm?05:54
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NoUse!tell skipjack about paste05:54
phreak97_it's currently kdm05:54
topylivalehru: you don't like your icon theme, or is it just some individual icons?05:55
mustardongaimmugzie: logout and then change the 'sessions' option05:55
salmiak_MagicFab, it's perfectly safe to remove packages that has ubuntu-desktop as dependency.05:55
valehruindividual icons05:55
mugzieok thanks05:55
phreak97_valehru, i had the same problem05:55
phreak97_never fixed it05:55
NoUseskipjack have you tried refreshing you browser, sometimes it caches and you won't see the changes05:55
MagicFabsalmiak_: won't ubuntu-desktop be removed completely, including other packages ?05:55
mugzieis there a exact way to change them?05:55
phreak97_also, what the hell is xubuntu?05:56
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gfxstylerMagicFab: ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage05:56
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salmiak_MagicFab, it's some sort of dependency that shows that it's included in the standard ubuntu desktop...nothing will be removed05:56
gfxstylerphreak97: xfce ubuntu05:56
MagicFabmugzie: you can logout and login again, choosing XFCE as your session05:56
phreak97_and why do i have a xubuntu splash screen all of a sudden?05:56
phreak97_oh.. ok05:56
mugzieok thanks brb05:56
phreak97_that's great05:56
mustardongaimmugzie: you can either choose to run xubuntu as a default session or just one time05:56
waylandbillHello. I'm looking for the package that contains 'tunctl' ... can't seem to locate it.05:56
gfxstylerphreak97: because you installed xubuntu ?05:56
krazykitphreak97_: did you install xubuntu-artwork?05:56
mugzieo ok on the login screen it shows what to use right?05:56
MagicFabmugzie: also check #xubuntu, for, well, xubuntu users:)05:56
phreak97_phreak97, i installed ubuntu, then added kde and xfce05:57
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mugzieok thanks05:57
gfxstylermugzie: on loginscreen -> session05:57
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phreak97_krazykit, nope05:57
mustardongaimmugzie: there is a button called 'session'05:57
mugzieok got it05:57
mugziethanks a lot05:57
MagicFabmugzie: you have to choose the session, it's not shown if you don't click on the sessions button/menu (depending on your config)05:57
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gfxstylerphreak97: xfce4 is just a metapackage, maybe it includes xfce-artwork05:57
skipjackNoUse: yes I have refreshed .. but nothing changed .. who is the misstake ?05:57
salmiak_MagicFab, "for your information, you are now removing something that is included in the standard ubuntu desktop". ;D The dependency ubuntu-desktop does nothing ;)05:57
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vicky__hii !05:57
vicky__alguien habla espaol??05:57
phreak97_i dont care about that anyway, all i want right now, is to change it from kdm to gdm05:58
MagicFabI just want to make sure... if I remove gnome-games-data, the rest of ubuntu-desktop+deps won't be removed.. ?05:58
gfxstylervicky__: please, english only :)05:58
NoUseskipjack I don't know, check your server logs perhaps05:58
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:58
MagicFabvicky__: puedes iur a #ubuntu-es05:58
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salmiak_magical_trevsky, i've removed gnome-games-data without having the rest of my system removed ;)05:58
salmiak_sry, MagicFab05:58
vicky__what's up? xD05:58
phreak97_krazykit, know how to change the default manager from kdm to gdm?05:58
gfxstylerdamn autocompletion, eh? :D05:58
vicky__But I know english too05:58
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salmiak_autocompletion is a two-edged sword ;)05:59
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vicky__and its funny talk here05:59
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krazykitphreak97_: uh, nope.06:00
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phreak97_basically all i want is to be able to shutdown or restart without having to log out first. in gdm i can, in kdm i cant, even though i run gnome no matter which manager im using06:01
phreak97_cos i get the k login06:01
phreak97_not the gnome login06:01
topyliphreak97_: uninstall kdm :)06:02
_jasonphreak97_: dpkg-reconfigure gdm06:02
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phreak97__jason, THANKS!06:03
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phreak97_brb, see if it worked06:03
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b08ybc_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba?highlight=%28samba%2906:04
ssanchezhola cnt06:05
bc_b08y: thanks06:05
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valehruso I installed the 32 bit firefox on breezy x8606:05
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b08ybc_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucasArruda/ConfiguringEasyUnauthenticatedSambaWindowsLinuxShare?highlight=%28samba%2906:06
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topylihellsoul: stop it06:06
=== hellsoul est de volta. motivo > auto-away. 2 minutos de inatividade. - tempo away > 31secs
hellsoulbug do script06:06
b08ybc_: if u want more :D06:06
topylihellsoul: get rid of those away messages anyway06:06
g0dchildyeah, i know about the art.gnome.org- but is there a gtk app, which i can use to download themes directly from the website?06:06
bc_b08y: well i read first06:06
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valehruhowever I want to be able to change the icon of the 32 bit firefox in the task bar...currently there is no icon in the 32 bit firefox window on the taskbar06:07
valehruany suggestions?06:07
g0dchildlets say i want to do this on account of being a bit short on bandwidth06:07
b08ybc_: yeah, do that :D06:07
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rezzenhi.  can i resize ext3 partion w/out a live CD or ubuntu rescue CD?  (how do safely umount swap and /dev/hda1, or boot w/out those mounted?)06:08
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phreak97valehru, did you find out how to change individual icons?06:08
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mugzie101ok i got it to work thanks who ever helped me06:09
phreak97gdm is default now btw06:09
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mutanterezzen: by booting into "single user mode"?  boot=linux 1  or "init 1" in a system that is already up06:09
mugzie101on ubuntu or xubuntu can u put windows media player?06:09
skwid_i cant access the mysql installed by synaptic on dapper06:09
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skwid_i keep getting the 'Access denied' message06:09
valehruphreak97, I just went to the theme manager and installed a new icon theme06:09
rezzenmutante, i have booted in to single user mode... but i didn't try from a machine already up... will try that.06:10
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valehrucurrently using gartoon with a MacOS window them06:10
valehrutis nice06:10
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phreak97valehru, i find most of the icon themes are incomplete06:10
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phreak97they miss obvious things like .txt or torrent files06:11
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topylinot the gnome default! =)06:11
valehruwell this is doing fine for me06:11
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valehruso far so good06:11
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fouadcan someone help me installing wine06:12
mugzie101um im having trouble installing flash on here can someone help me06:12
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skwid_can anyone help me with mysql ?06:12
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det-Using the live cd to install a system, when It comes time to use gparted, I cant find any option to create a Raid array. is this only available using the text install?06:12
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NoUsefouad sudo apt-get install wine06:12
mutanteasking this way will usually not get you a bunch of "Yes"06:12
mutantepeople cant tell what exactly you need help with06:13
mugzie101is there anyway to install flash on this?06:13
_jasonubotu: tell mugzie101 about flash06:13
skwid_mutante: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)06:13
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skwid_i tried thousands of commands from forums etc06:13
phreak97ti want to be able to stream videos from a site which is made for windows media player06:13
phreak97am i screwed?06:13
mutanteskwid_: you dont know the mysql root pass?06:14
mugzie101jason i didnt get a pm let me jumpon ly laptop brb06:14
skwid_mutante: there shouldnt be any06:14
mutanteskwid_: its set to some default and you dont know which?06:14
_jasonphreak97: mplayer with w32codecs can handle most unless the page uses some weird scripting...06:14
skwid_mutante: i just installed mysql06:14
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mutanteskwid_: what did you type to connect?06:14
phreak97it's just gamespot06:14
fouadim trying to install wine and after i type make install i get a bunch of codes and lines and stuff and in the ned i get make[2] : *** [lex.yy.o]  Error 106:14
fouadmake[2] : Leaving directory `/home/fouad/wine-0.9.12/libs/wpp'06:14
fouadmake[1] : *** [wpp]  Error 206:14
fouadmake[1] : Leaving directory `/home/fouad/wine-0.9.12/libs'06:14
fouadmake: *** [libs]  Error 206:14
_jasonphreak97: send me a link to a sample and I'll tell you if it plays here06:14
skwid_skwid@LostOcean:/etc/mysql$ mysql -u root06:14
_jasonubotu: tell fouad about paste06:14
mutanteskwid_: try : mysql -u root -p06:14
mugzieph what about gamespot?06:15
phreak97_jason, it doesnt give a link or file, it's meant to be an applet type thing in the page06:15
NoUsefouad why are you compiling from source?06:15
mutanteskwid: then hit enter when it asks for pass06:15
_jasonphreak97: I mean a link to the page06:15
valehruwhats the best panel that works out of gnome that displays CPU, memory, network usage etc...?06:15
mutanteskwid_: there may be a difference between "no" pass and a "blank" pass06:15
fouadwell the ubuntu link is broken06:15
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skwid_ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)06:15
NoUsefouad its in synaptic06:15
dushyhello all..06:15
NoUsefouad what do you mean the ubuntu link?06:15
fouadyeah but its old06:15
mutanteskwid_: but if you use -p it should say using password: YES06:15
dushyany one knows how to install mplayer?06:15
mugziejason send me the info on flash again06:15
NoUsefouad winehq.com has a ubuntu apt-get repo06:16
_jasonubotu: tell mugzie101 about flash06:16
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phreak97take the \ off the end06:16
mikearthurhas anyone got a widescreen display rotating in Xorg?06:16
phreak97it's a typo06:16
phreak97any video from there06:16
skwid_mutante: it doesn't :S06:16
mugzieno im under just mugzie now06:16
mutanteskwid_: anyways, if all fails, lets try to reset the root pass06:16
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mugzieand ph are u a gamespot plus member06:16
NoUsefouad http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb06:16
mugziei am06:16
mutanteskwid_: http://s23.org/wiki/MySQL#Reset_forgotten_root_password06:16
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phreak97im not, but you can still stream the low quality06:16
skwid_mutante: thanks, going there06:16
dushycan any one tell me how to install mplayer??"06:16
phreak97i restarted into windows and it worked06:16
mugzieyea but u dont get it live06:16
_tccAnyone on a thinkpad by any chance?06:17
phreak97it doesnt need to be live to be a stream06:17
mugzie101ubotu: tell mugzie about flash06:17
mugzie101ok it worked06:17
mugzie101ph dont u need windows tho to see them?06:18
phreak97mugzie, this is what i was asking06:18
mugzie101o ok06:18
valehruwhat is the name of the application that docks in the desktop that shows the system statistics?06:18
mugzie101so is there a way to get media player on this?06:18
phreak97not windows media player06:18
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phreak97i was wondering about an alternative06:18
mutantemplayer, vlc06:19
phreak97something which works with firefox to run video streams06:19
phreak97those dont06:19
mutante"firefox mplayer plugin"06:19
NoUsephreak97 yeah they do :-)06:19
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mutante"The mplayer and xine plugins may require you to install Win32 codecs"06:19
_jasonphreak97: the ones taht have ads seem to loop on the ads, the others work fine...06:19
NoUse!info mozilla-mplayer06:19
ubotumozilla-mplayer: (MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 3.05-1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 366 kB, Installed size: 1340 kB06:19
mugzie101um ok im still confused aout flash do i just download it from the site or how do i do it?06:19
sanhauruhi :)06:20
phreak97i get the white box with a green puzzle piece "click here to download plugin"06:20
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NoUsemugzie101 have you read the wiki page?06:20
mutantemugzie101: the easiest is to go to any Flash site, and be offered by Firefox to download it06:20
phreak97and there is none06:20
mugzie101yes i have06:20
phreak97it doesnt find one06:20
mugzie101o ok06:20
phreak97and links to the microsoft site to get media player 1006:20
NoUsephrea97 install the mozilla-mplayer package06:20
phreak97_jason, what do i do then?06:20
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_jasonphreak97: mplayer-plugin is probably your best bet, you may have to view the source to get it to play some of them... or write some kind of greasemonkey script (at least that seems to be necessary here)06:21
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phreak97ok, ill let you know right now, i dont even know where to start to write a script06:22
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bc_b08y: i stiil have same problem06:22
mugzie101im sure there has to be a windows media player for linux06:23
phreak97mugzie, when was the last time you saw microsoft make anything for linux?06:23
b08ybc_: read the part with "smbpassd"?06:23
_jasonmugzie101: not one made by MS...06:23
NoUsemugzie101 no there isn't06:23
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mugzie101damn that stinks06:23
bc_b08y: everytime i open my share folder, the authentication windows comes up so i must enter username and password06:23
fouad_nouse are u still there ???06:24
g0dchild_jason, where can i find the log file for plog?06:24
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jbroomephreak97: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/interopmigration/unix/sfu/default.mspx06:24
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, g0dchild06:24
bc_b08y: can u help me more06:24
=== trat02community_ [n=trat02co@BSN-77-184-245.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
NoUsefouad_ yes I sent you a link to install wine with06:24
b08ybc_: and where is the problem?06:24
_jasong0dchild: I don't know, sorry06:24
fouad_i didnt get iyt06:24
skwid_mutante: You cannot use 'password' command as mysqld runs06:24
skwid_ with grant tables disabled (was started with --skip-grant-tables).06:24
NoUsefouad_ http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb06:24
_tccHow do I configure my x server?06:24
mugzie101hey um everytime i install flash i extract it and now it wont install im confused06:24
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_tccThis is not working at all.06:24
b08ybc_: quit normal, that he want a username and password06:24
NoUsemugzie101 read the wiki, those instructions work06:25
NoUse!tell mugzie101 about flash06:25
b08ybc_: or what do u mean, u have to explain, what u need , what u expect06:25
mutanteskwid_: thats why it first says to "Take down the mysqld server by sending a kill (not kill -9) to the mysqld server."06:25
b08ybc_: and what u have done06:25
skwid_i did06:25
skwid_but then it says to launch it with the skip grant permissions06:25
bc_b08y: the problems is, i dont want to share with authentification06:25
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b08ybc_: lets tell me how u shared?06:26
fouad_nouse, have u used wine before /??06:26
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b08ybc_: which tool, with smbconf or what06:26
phreak97_jason, the mplayer package didnt really help06:26
_tccXorg -configure says that I am missing output drivers.06:26
_tccWhere can I get some working ones?06:26
NoUsefouad_ yes06:26
b08ybc_: tell me MORE06:26
skwid_mutante: any ideas ?06:26
bc_b08y: first, i've mount my vfat partition in /mnt/windows/06:26
b08ybc_: well, oki06:27
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b08ybc_: than ..06:27
_tccActually, how do I set my Xorg drivers as i810?06:27
_jasonphreak97: it's the scripting they use for the ads06:27
_tccAnyone know?06:27
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fouad_im a newbie06:27
bc_b08y: then, i share using samba06:27
mutanteskwid_: hmm,not really, if those instructions fail, i would switch to #mysql myself :p06:27
NoUsefouad_ have you read the link I sent you?06:28
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mugzie101this wiki is for ubuntu im using xubuntu the only reason im in this room because the others dead so is it the same?06:28
_jasonphreak97: can't you download it with the download button?06:28
skwid_mutante: ok, thanks06:28
b08ybc_: well there are about 10 possibiliets how to share with samba06:28
fouad_i just added the address to the repository06:28
NoUsefouad_ what is confusing you?06:28
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b08ybc_: tell me what u have realy done06:28
mugzie101jason u know if its the same?06:28
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_jasonmugzie101: it is the same for flash06:28
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mugzie101yea even if i download it to xubuntu is it the same steps06:29
bc_b08y: [Documents] 06:29
bc_   comment = My Documents06:29
bc_   path = /mnt/windows06:29
bc_   browseable = yes06:29
bc_   writable = yes06:29
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bc_   share mode = yes06:29
bc_   public = yes06:29
bc_   guest ok = yes06:29
mugzie101cause i think its a code06:29
fouad_i mean after  getting it from synaptic06:29
bc_   security = share06:29
bc_   create mask = 077706:29
bc_   browse list = Yes06:29
_jasonubotu: tell bc_ about paste06:29
fouad_how to try to install a game for example06:29
jarleAny body know the name of the application running on the GNOME panel informing users about updates?06:29
NoUsefouad_ wine install.exe06:29
bc_SOrry, if i do wrong guys06:29
ferronicahow to print a document?? i hav HP 1410 inkjet printer06:29
NoUsefouad_ install.exe being the games installer, but wine is stil Alpha, it doesn't work for all software06:29
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fouad_i know that06:30
mugzie101anyone know if im using xubuntu and i wanna set up fash if its the same steps a ubuntu?06:30
fouad_dont i have to specify the cdrom location of setup06:30
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_jasonmugzie101: I just told you it was the same06:30
fouad_coz setup being in a cdrom06:30
ferronicavia openofficeorg2.writer06:30
phreak97_jason, lol.. there is none, i saw the button in windows, but it's not here06:30
mugzie101o sorry im guessing it didnt show on my chat im using a broke down mirc06:30
NoUsefouad_ yes, if you open the cd in gnome and click on teh exe it should use wine to open it06:31
_jasonphreak97: really? I just saw it on one of the videos from the main apge06:31
ferronicahow to print via openofficeorg2.writer06:31
fouad_ok thats good06:31
ferronicajason: my friend help!06:31
_tcchow do I set my Xorg drivers as i810?06:31
valehruany reason why gkrellm is unable to move around my desktop06:31
_jasonferronica: file > print06:31
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b08ybc_: tried  that "gksu shares-admin"06:31
_jasonphreak97: yeah I don't see it on that e3 page either though06:32
phreak97it was there in windows:/06:32
fouad_and let suppose after opening the setup file, the game will ask for a location to save in, in default its c:\program files\.... do i have to change that location to somewhere in linux or i just leave it as it is06:32
ferronicajason: i did but error06:32
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NoUsefouad_ no, wine creates a fake windows system in you rhome diectory06:32
NoUsefouad_ ~/.wine/drive_c06:32
fouad_so i dont change anything06:32
NoUsefouad_ no06:33
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fouad_so i just suppose like im installing it in windows and press next all along06:33
NoUsefouad_ yes06:33
andel7how to make php work on my apache2 server?06:33
rambo3no youll have to configure wine06:33
ferronicajason: error while printing06:33
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fouad_i tried on a different pc where wine was already installed to install a game called IAF, after i pressed next all along, and after the progress bar fineshed a error message poped saying that files couldnt be written to disk06:34
ferronicajason: when i choose print there no option for HP printer, only generic06:34
fouad_do u have any ideas ???06:34
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ferronicajason: ubotu printer setting06:34
_jasonferronica: have you isntalled your printer?06:35
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rambo3fouad, check wineHQ  app database for your game06:35
NoUsefouad_ maybe wine doesn't support the game06:35
mugzie101jason im kinda still confused its giving me all these codes  like sudo spt-get install flashplugin-nonfree stuff like that06:35
ferronicajason: i did nothing just connected it to USB06:35
fouad_so if it doesnt support it i cant play it ???06:35
ferronicajason: do i need to install hp printer software06:35
_jasonmugzie101: when it says sudo aptitude install or sudo apt-get install that's the same as using synaptic06:35
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ferronicajason: ?06:36
rambo3fouad_, you could e-mail game dev. and ask them why06:36
mugzie101ok so where do i imput those commands?06:36
ferronicaubotu: printer06:36
uboturumour has it, printer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org06:36
igcekhello! ive installed only ubuntu on a computer, i dont know why but in the end it installs grub? is grub needed if  theres only ubuntu on it? However, when i start the computer it does not go to grub, it tries to start it but then it resets, where could be the problem?06:36
b08ybc_: get it?, work perfectly for me,06:36
fouad_thnx alot nouse and rambo for ur help06:36
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b08ybc_: and u see how that tool, add the right information in your smb.conf06:37
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_jasonmugzie101: you would use applications > accessories > terminal06:37
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fouad_nouse are u an experienced user of linux06:37
mugzie101ok thanks06:37
NoUsefouad_ I can hold my own06:37
fouad_where are u from ???06:37
ferronicajason: ?????06:37
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bc_b08y: what is "gksu shares-admin", how do i get it?06:38
_jasonferronica: system > administration > printing06:38
b08ybc_: simply close all, that u have done with smb.conf , and use that tool :D , u can find it in System -> System -> shared files06:38
NoUsefouad_ US06:38
_jasonferronica: you need to put the _ in front of my name or else I will miss what you say06:38
fouad_do u think that ubuntu is the best distro ???06:38
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, rambo306:38
ferronica_ubotu: now its okay06:38
mugzie101huh its says pssword nd when i type it does sho any letter06:38
rambo3works only in debian channel06:38
NoUsefouad_ if you want to talk about that, go to #ubuntu-offtopic06:39
_jasonferronica: no, you only need the _ for my name because that's how I spell it :)06:39
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prgrmri have problem with "sensors", i get -1 in my cpu temp06:39
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fouad_ok, thnx anyway for ur help and for ur time06:39
bc_b08y: i use kde, there is no that option on my System06:39
b08ywell, than u have a problem, i use Gnome, and its realy simple06:40
ferronica_jason: now its in RED???06:40
_jasonferronica: yellow actually, thanks06:40
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ferronica_jason: lol06:40
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_cappizwhen i suddenly get readonly filesystem, whats happening ?06:40
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C-O-L-T-AWAYis there a kind of disk defragmenter for linux?06:40
ferronica_jason: from there do i need to add printer???06:40
wastrelhey - i'm looking for text-to-speech apps that can read pdf, openoffice documents, web pages and terminal programs06:41
_jasonferronica: see if you can do it in system > administration > printing06:41
mugzie101um ujason when i type the command it ask for a password but when i try to enter it it does let me tyoe it in06:41
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LinuxJonesI got a new Iriver,  loaded the usb-storage module and the device is listed fine in dmesg but didn't get automagically mounted. Where do usb media drives get created and how do I mount it ?06:41
ferronica_jason: i am there only06:41
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rambo3LinuxJones,  they are linked from /dev/sda to media06:42
ferronica_jason: what i choose add printer06:42
_jasonferronica: yes06:42
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mugzie101ok i got it finally06:42
LinuxJonesrambo3: argh there is no /dev/sda device on my system :(06:43
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rambo3sda1 that is06:43
wastrelanyone know about text-to-speech on linux?06:43
ferronica_jason: there is one option install driver???06:43
ferronica_jason: shud i hit it???06:43
_jasonferronica: install the one for your printer, it should be self-explanatory06:43
pppjjjawesome, day 2 ive had off this week is also raining06:44
LinuxJonesrambo3: there are no /dev/sd* devices at all06:44
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ferronica_jason: how to install driver???06:44
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mikael_Is there any way to restore the default icons?06:44
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ferronica_jason: do i need CD of HP printer06:44
LinuxJonesrambo3: the usb mass storage device is listed in dmesg output, I wonder where it could be hiding ?06:45
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_jasonferronica: what is your pritner model?06:45
ferronica_jason: HP PSC 140006:45
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ferronica_jason: it showing me my model06:45
_jasonferronica: ok, then install it06:45
rambo3you could test fdisk and gparted to see what linus named it as06:45
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ferronica_jason: but when i hit install it take me to choose directory06:46
_jasonferronica: you don't need any cd, the program should do everything for you06:46
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ferronica_jason: then i ignore install driver option06:47
ferronica_jason: and hit apply06:47
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mugzie101ok um i installed flash do i need to restart or something?06:47
ferronica_jason: will i send u screen shot of it??????06:47
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LinkSlicei'm a bsd snob whose giving ubuntu a try, and when I try to run the admin tools, I get prompted for root's password, but when I enter it, I get a dialog that says it's wrong, even though I can ctrl-alt-f1 and log in to the console with that password06:47
_jasonferronica: press install driver, just select the manufacturer and model and then press apply06:48
rambo3LinkSlice, you caould check faq and wiki06:48
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b08ybc_: ...06:48
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_jasonferronica: I meant to say: _don't_ press install driver, just press apply after selecting your printer06:49
bc_b08y: still stuck..., sorry06:49
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b08ybc_: look at our personal chat!06:49
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rambo3!tell LinkSlice about root06:50
valehruIs gkrellm the be all and end all of customisable monitoring tools?06:50
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valehrushould I look at some other package?06:50
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mikael_Something is wrong with my icons, Anyone know how to restore them? (see
marcieI'm interested in the root password as well...i got to the $ part of the terminal...but it won't let me do anything i want to...no password06:51
_jasonmikael_: choose a new icon theme06:51
aimazreboot bye06:51
marciei thought my sign in password would work06:51
mugzie101can u get yahoo messanger on this?06:51
skipjack.. busy webserver ^^06:51
_jasonubotu: tell marcie about sudo06:51
rambo3!tell marcie about root06:52
mikael__jason, where do I find that?06:52
_jasonmugzie101: gaim will let you connect to yahoo06:52
LinkSlicerambo3: that doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for...I am logged in, as a user that is in the admin group, but when I click on the updates button for example, type in my root pass, it tells me it can't log in as root....06:52
marcieI know of Sudo...but the program is trying to automatcially install...<sigh>06:52
_jasonmikael_: system > preferences > themes > details > icons06:52
mugzie101yea but gaim does have all the yahoo features does it06:52
skipjackmikael_: use an other icon theme ..06:52
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mugzie101like conference and stuff06:52
rambo3LinkSlice, does your user password work?06:52
b08ybc_: i have your problem, i think u have to comment out the "security=xyz"06:52
LinkSliced'oh!  I never thought of using my password....duh, thanks :-)06:52
marcieI'll try again and see if i can get Sudo in...06:52
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bc_b08y: why?06:53
wastrelmarcels:  sudo -i06:53
mikael__jason, doesnt make any difference....06:53
wastreler, marcie  sudo -i06:54
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prgrmrwhen i'm using sensors i get -1 in the cpu temp, can i fix it?06:57
mikej_ok i was just downloading updates, and one of them must have been an xserver update, it popped up the "display 0 in use, would you like to set another display channeL" msg.. if i clicked no it kept coming up, so i hit yes.. boom it makes me relog in06:57
mikej_but apparently im still logged in the other display too06:57
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mikej_how do i get back to that one?06:57
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mikej_i had freaking downloads and other stuff going on06:57
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mikael_I've tried to change both theme and to change icon setup, but there's still wrong icons.. :-(07:00
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marcieThanks for the suggestions folks...I'll check those pages (i was off for a bit)07:01
=== roy [i=roy@adsl-70-136-54-77.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mugzie101wow why is my motzilla always dragging to load07:01
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marciemugzie: do you mean firefox?07:02
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roysay i was to burn the iso of an operating system (say freebsd) to a dvd+r do you think my computer would be able to boot from it? i dont wanna waste the dvd but i have more of them then i do cd'rs07:02
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bobbydhow do I add a cron job to run something as root every ten minutes?07:02
marciethe version installed is slow...there is a page on how to install a newer version in the wiki...anyone know it?07:02
marcieMine went much faster after i put it in...but i found it difficult to do (OTOH others don't find it that bad)07:03
bobbydroy, you mean the installer disc?07:03
Decadentis there a simple subtitle ripper for a noob??07:03
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mugzie101marcie your talking bout firefox right?07:03
royyeah the freebsd installer disc's07:03
bobbydDecadent, dvd::rip ?07:03
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marciemugzie: yes...i think i have the link saved07:03
royi wanna know if i can burn em to dvd and boot from em and install em that way07:03
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marciewould it help if i got it?07:03
royinstead of a normal cdr07:03
bobbydroy, if your PC is a recent (last 6-7 years) x86 pc then yes07:03
mugzie101if u can link that would be awsome07:03
Decadentkeeps saying that it has an error07:03
scottjwhat's FTP server should I use just to allow dreamweaver to connect and upload files?07:03
roycould i burn all 3 disc's onto the one dvd or no???07:04
bobbydroy, ahh, you want to burn the CD iso to a DVD? don't know about that, why not just get the DVD iso :)07:04
Decadentand i  cant gind any feedback for that error07:04
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bobbydroy, no, I don't think 3 into one would work07:04
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royi didnt know they had an iso dvd, i better check into that07:04
marcietry looking here on how to install another version of firefox https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion07:04
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bobbydroy, they do for Ubuntu :)07:04
Patrick_Hey guys.07:04
marcieIt solved my problem with speed07:05
Patrick_HEY, GUYS!07:05
marciealthough...thunderbird is still slow...would installing it work the same way?07:05
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mugzie101i just want something fast um i have a sbc browser but idk if that linuc compatible07:05
Patrick_MY APOLOGIES.07:05
roybut i already have ubuntu07:06
marcieIt's ok...i just like to point it out now and then...07:06
royi want freebsd07:06
SpecPatrick_: stop with the caps please07:06
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marciePatrick_: a Dorito?07:06
Patrick_OH YEAH.07:06
Patrick_SORRY SPEC.07:06
Patrick_I'LL TURN THEM OFF.07:06
royfuckin lame07:06
royturn em off07:06
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!07:07
Patrick_Yo, roy's fucking stupid.07:07
Patrick_He talks a lot of shit for a nerd.07:07
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Patrick_Eh, roy?07:07
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Specheya ops :)07:07
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marcieanyone had successs using the same stuff to put in a newerer version of thunderbird, just alternating the file names?07:07
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mugzie101so marcie that firefox will be faster?07:08
rambo3marcie, installing it from source?07:08
r0xoRmarcie, yeh i'm using TB 1.5 and FF 1.507:08
echobinaryanyone know if there is more nvidia support in dapper?07:08
r0xoRmarcie, the wiki has a good howto on that07:08
Amaranthif you want a fast web browser use epiphany07:08
marciemugzie: It was a lot faster after that...the link i added talks about it...they don't know quite why...but the default is a problem07:08
r0xoRmeh, FF 1.5 loads amazingly fast on my system07:08
r0xoRFF 1.0.8 loaded slow as *#&*%07:08
royi dont07:09
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Amaranthfast email client is a bit trickier07:09
rambo3echobinary, you could test dapper live cd , support is the same as always07:09
marciehm...i don't know how to do stuff from source code quite yet...although i'm working on it...i think i've got wine installed (at least the basics)07:09
mugzie101um so i have to impt a code can u tell me wich code to input07:09
Amaranthevolution and thunderbird are about as good as it gets07:09
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r0xoRechobinary, nvidia support is in nVidia :)07:09
mikejyes firefox, i promise you i dont want you to tell me about going to encrypted webpages. you dont have to ask me every time.07:09
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marciei was asking because i like using thunderbirds RSS program but it's slow as mollases07:09
r0xoRechobinary, manually installing the nvidia drivers has always worked well for me07:09
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r0xoRmarcie, try using Firefox RSS... the Sage extension07:10
roysorry for the language07:10
roydidnt realise this was a server that didnt allow swearing07:10
meherenyou no how apple has a "image mounter"that allowes you to mount disk images (.img files) is there a way to get something similar for ubuntu?07:10
marciemugzie: You don't need a password for the firefox page on ubuntu07:10
marcieR0xor: I'll try now that i07:11
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mugzie101huh no im talking bout the code u input in the terminal07:11
marcieI've got a newer version of Firefox...a lot of extensions wouldn't load because of the version07:11
tahorgmeheren: .img is like .iso ?07:11
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tahorgI thik so07:11
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rambo3not realy but same kind of files07:12
tahorgmeheren: mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/thingy.iso /path/to/mount07:12
meherentahorg, .img .iso .dmg .(somehting... no there is one more but fporgotten it)07:12
marcieDoes anyone know if Firefox 2.0 will load in ubuntu?07:12
tahorgmeheren: bin/cue07:12
roywhat is a good program to burn dvd's in linux?? if my movie files are .avi07:12
meherentahor, that';s it?07:12
meherenok thx07:12
marcieI'm used to using the beta testing versions...so being .5 behind is annoying07:12
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igcekroy, a3b07:13
marciewell actually pretty much one version behind...07:13
rambo3youll brun avi as data file07:14
roywhy data?07:14
royif it is data will it work in dvd players?07:14
royi want it to play on my tv07:14
marciemugzie: can you repeat that...07:14
royim using k3b right now07:14
igcekdoes your dvd suport divx?07:14
rambo3if  dvd player supports it, my does07:14
roybut it only burns data dvds07:14
roymine doenst tho07:14
marciemugzie: I had help getting it to work...i MIGHT be able to help you...07:14
roydoesnt support data dvd07:14
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meherentahorg, if my file is .img or somehting other then iso can i change the iso9660 to the img type?07:14
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meherenor doesn't the mount command reconize others?07:15
rambo3then there is some encoding to do07:15
mugzie101well ok marcie help me out then07:15
mugzie101tell what to do step by step plz07:15
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tahorgmeheren: I don't know what .img is.07:15
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tahorgmeheren: file ./thing.img07:16
meherenoh ok07:16
tahorgmeheren: what does it says ?07:16
marcieMugzie: I'll try...are you on the page link i gave you?07:16
meherenjust sec07:16
igcekwhat would happen if i would unrar/zip ubuntu iso file, put it on a memory card then tryed booting from it? a computer07:16
felipe__Is there a way to assosiate user sessions with screen resolution?07:16
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marcieit's here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion07:17
rambo3meheren, search synaptic form img iso convert07:17
meherenit says the following:/home/meheren/Desktop/Final.Fantasy.VII-Advent.Children.2004.R1.NTSC.DVDR-XPDVD/xpdvd-ff7ac-ntsc-dvdr.img: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'XPDVD_FF707:17
mugzie101yea i am07:17
mugzie101im on there07:17
marcieMugzie: Go down a bit and you will see a link to download...i suggest you start that first07:18
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mugzieok i downloaded firefox already07:18
marciedo you know how to open terminal?07:18
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mugzieso what next?07:18
lachossi've just upgraded to dapper and i'm having problems with ndiswrapper: the pcmcia wireless card i was using (linksys wpc54g) is not working anymore. i've reinstalled ndiswrapper and the .inf file and rmmod/modprobe'd the module, and no errors appear in /var/log/messages, but the interface wlan0 is not there. any ideas on how to solve it? thanks!07:19
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marcieopen terminal applications, system tools, root terminal. It will ask for a password...it's the one you use to sign on07:19
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aLPHa_LeaKlachoss, maybe eth0?07:19
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aLPHa_LeaKlachoss, nothing on "iwconfig"?07:19
mugzieok im in terminal07:20
domanigI have installed apache2 using "apt-get install apache2" but cant reach to localhost or, any more configs I need to do?07:20
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Farhadwhen ubuntu 6.06 go out????????????07:20
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marcieok can you see the directory for firefox?07:20
marcieit would likely be in ~/Desktop07:20
mugzieum what u mean i just opened terminal thats it07:20
mugzieyea its in there07:21
bobbyddomanig, sudo /etc/ini.d/apache2 start ?07:21
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domanigbobbyd, it is started07:21
marciechange to that directory...most likely what is on the wiki page   cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default07:21
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marciein one line07:21
marcieyou need to save your defaults first...or you will loose your info07:22
mugziechange the directory in terminal or how?07:22
bobbyddomanig, sudo netsdtat -tap and see what port it's listening on07:22
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bobbyddomanig, that should haev been netstat -tap :)07:22
meherenif i change the extension from a .img file to .iso will it goof things up?07:22
marcieto the mozilla firefox directory. What do you see now?07:22
lachossaLPHa_LeaK: oh, yes, the card appears now as eth1. i should've checked better. *ashamed* thanks a lot:)07:22
marcie(i may not be the best teacher...i'm sorry)07:22
bobbyddomanig, if it's not listening on port 80, check /var/log/apache2/errors.log07:23
aLPHa_LeaKlachoss, cool :)07:23
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domanigit is listening on port 1025 and 102607:23
bobbyddomanig, and not *.www ?07:23
mikael__jason, If i create and log in with a new user, the icons is correct, but not with my "ordinary" user..?07:23
marciemugzie: the directions on the page need to generally go step by step but they worked07:23
mugzienow it says this07:24
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bobbydit shoudl say "local address" and *:www07:24
domanigbobbyd, it doesent07:24
marcieone sec07:24
bobbyddomanig, check the log...07:24
_jasonmikael_: maybe it's some kind of permission problem07:24
marcieshoot...i need to go...07:25
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mugzienoooooo dang07:25
marcieone sec...i need to go to door07:25
marciei'll be back07:25
mikael__jason, Have any idea which files who can have the wrong permissions, or where to look?07:25
bobbyddomanig, you could also try localhost:1025 and see if it responds07:25
marcieok i'm back07:25
lachossaLPHa_LeaK: now i try to run dhclient on it and it says "receive_packet failed on eth1: network is down". if i try iwlist eth1 scan it says it doesn't support scanning. :$07:26
_jasonmikael_: try this, it will make every file in your $HOME owned by you: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~07:26
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marcietype this in...you are making a directory when you do this  mkdir ~/Desktop/ffsettings07:26
bc_b08y: hey, i solve my problems07:26
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mikejwhats a good usenet client07:27
aLPHa_LeaKlachoss, are you bound to a console?07:27
mikael__jason, no difference.. :-(07:27
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aLPHa_LeaKmikej, google groups ;)07:27
mikejnot group07:27
_jasonmikael_: did you change icons after doing that?07:27
lachossaLPHa_LeaK: yes07:27
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mikeji have a giganews account :)07:27
mikael__jason, do I have to login again to see the changes?07:27
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mugzieum i typed it in but its the same07:27
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_jasonmikael_: maybe...07:27
domanigbobbyd, no response on 1025 or 1026, nothing in error log other than a startup some days ago..07:27
rambo3mikael_, no07:27
mikael__jason, I'll be back! ;-D07:27
mikael_or not.. hee07:27
bc_b08y: i just change "obey pam restriction = yes"07:28
mikael_rambo3, Got any other suggestion?07:28
bobbyddomanig, ok, jsut remove it and reinstall, I just did it here and it's fine07:28
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mugzieevrytime i press enter i get the same thing the default thing07:28
bc_b08y: thank u for helping me07:28
marciewhat do you mean?07:28
b08ybc_: it should also work if u commented out " security =xyz"07:28
domanigbobbyd, you dont know how to set it to listen on port 80?07:28
rambo3get some better icons from gnome look, they install  unpacked07:28
marcieoh ok that is normal...what you are doing up is setting a directory up...07:28
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_jasonuser_: stop07:29
mugzieok now what07:29
bc_b08y: :D07:29
marcieif it's not giving you an error message you are ok07:29
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aLPHa_LeaKlachoss, do you know what the SSID/password/stuff is?07:29
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marcieAll of this together...you are saving your bookmarks and such  cp bookmarks.html cert8.db cookies.txt formhistory.dat key3.db signons.txt history.dat  mimeTypes.rdf ~/Desktop/ffsettings07:29
mwecan somoe recommend a good gui program for remixing sound files?07:29
marciecp is the copy command07:29
bobbyddomanig, I've never seen it not work, install using apt-get install apache2 and check for install errors07:29
_jasonmwe: audacity?07:29
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bc_b08y: do u play gunbound?07:30
mweyes maybe I'll try it07:30
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bobbyddomanig, port 80 is the default, it shouldn't be listening on anythign else, and infact it wont' start if something else has the port07:30
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b08ybc_: what?07:30
b08ybc_: what is gnubound07:30
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domanigbobbyd, I have x11vnc server running though?07:30
marcielinux is text sensitive...so you need to use the same...ie if it07:30
marcieit's a E put in E if it's e use e07:30
bc_b08y: gunbound is a game online07:30
mugziewait it messed up brb07:31
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bobbyddomanig, don't run anything else that uses port 80, or change apache in ports.cfg07:31
domanigbobbyd, I have some repsitorities problems on install, u know about a working rep file?07:31
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marciemugzie: you can cut and past most of this...i'm not sure about from here, but from the wiki page07:31
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bobbyddomanig, just use the standard ones07:31
lachossaLPHa_LeaK: i just found out the solution in ubuntu-fr, they say i must remove the modules ieee80211 ieee80211_crypt ieee80211softmac bcm43xx ndiswrapper. it worked :)07:31
bobbyddomanig, they're on the wiki07:31
lachossaLPHa_LeaK: thanks for your help anyway! :)07:31
aLPHa_LeaKlachoss, no problem ;)07:32
mugzieall those stuff your giving me is on the wiki page right07:32
mugzieok um link me again cause this like messed up07:32
marcieI do need to go...but take each line by line and it should work...i'm sorry i can't stay longer right now...07:33
domanigbobbyd, "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start" gives me no output, guess it should?07:33
railkhaving problems with ubuntu live cd (and other live cds)... http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.hardware/browse_thread/thread/a882fb000b7cc33307:33
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domanigchanged port in ports.conf07:33
mugzieok thanks07:33
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domanigno luck07:33
bobbydsounds like it's broken to me, use synaptic to "completely remove" it07:33
marciegood luck...sorry i couldn't help longer07:34
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domanigbobbyd, "sudo apt-get install apache2 php4" should be fine?07:34
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domanigafter uninstalling07:34
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bobbyddomanig, yes07:35
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RobNycHello anyone here has ATI ?07:36
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RobNycI just got a x1600 Pro and I would like to know if anyone has it working with Ubuntu07:36
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JRGCWhat do i need to install to be able to see DVDs???07:37
JRGCWhich enconder?????07:37
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)07:38
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railkhelp, someone? (link 15 lines up)07:40
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web_reaverhow can i use wine to open a .exe07:41
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_jasonweb_reaver: wine /path/to/file.exe07:41
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web_reaverthanks _jason07:41
Mattiawine file.exe07:41
preglowmy hd based mp3 player just stopped being automatically mounted via usb by ubuntu for no reason i can see, while other usb based hd devices mount just fine. any pointer on what went wrong?07:42
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web_reaverwhat would the path be to my cdrom07:42
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ljbueschweb_reaver: Mine is /cdrom07:43
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ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, avalost07:43
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Mikaeln_jason, solved the problem by deleting the accound and then recreate it..  :-D07:44
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_jasonMikaeln: that's one way :)  Glad you fixed it anyhow07:44
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LogiI have a bit of a xinerama problem on my i915, but it feels like it's *almost* there. With the xorg.conf file at http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/app/view/555 I get the error log at http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/app/view/556 saying it can's find a "matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1)"07:45
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Mikaeln_jason, Maybe there is a better way... but this one worked.. ;-)07:45
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web_reaver_jason i tryed  wine cdrom0 setup.exe07:45
web_reaver and i got a  wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\cdrom0.exe": Module not found07:45
_jasonweb_reaver: try #winehq for wine support07:45
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Oldi need a script todo this: ex, if i type ./cs1 it executes screen -mdS cs1 ./hlds_run -blabla - is this possible?07:45
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railkhow is it possible that ubuntu can't mound the cd it booted from?07:45
hollowlife1987web_reaver: try wine '/media/cdrom0/setup.exe'07:46
ericmoritz\0if I open up the Gnome volume control it gives me two devices, a alsa one and a oss one. I've turned everything up and made sure none are muted07:46
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ericmoritz\0hi, I'm using a laptop that has a headphone jack.  At one point the internal speakers worked but at some point with Breezy the internal speakers stopped working.  The headphones still work fine although.  The internal speakers still work in Windows XP so it's not a hardware failure.  I updated to dapper in hopes it would get fixed, but it didn't.  Can anyone help me diagnose this?07:46
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Oldanyone? Appriciated if you can help me out, been trying out lots of stuff, just been given shit answers tbh07:46
ryancrdoes anyone know how to get the open office save dialog to show odt files on a directory mounted via gnome-vfs?07:46
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web_reaverhollowlife1987   wine '/media/cdrom0/setup.exe'  worked thanks07:47
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_jasonOld: are you familiar with bash scripting?07:47
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OldNot really _jason07:47
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OldIf you can help me out the easiest way i'd appriciate it07:47
ryancrfor example say i have multple odt files saved on a mounted gnome-vfs share, then I do a Save As in the same location on the share...currently the Save Dialog does not show all the other odt files07:47
SpecOld: echo "screen -mdS cs1 ./hlds_run -blabla" > cs107:47
SpecOld: chmod +x cs107:48
SpecOld: ./cs107:48
SpecOld: at the top of the file, cs1, you may want to add:     #!/bin/sh07:48
ryancrwhere as the Open dialog does.07:48
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Logisigh, xinerama always causes pain...07:49
web_reaverim out later thinks for the help07:50
enonuI'm trying to setup a service.  Basically my setup is that I hav S & K aliases to an init.d script (/etc/init.d/cruisecontrol.sh) which calls another bash script (/usr/local/cc-2.5/cruisecontrol.sh) with start-stop-daemon which will then load java.  Things run fine from the script in the init.d directory (cruisecontrol.sh start) , but on system reboot, it runs java for a split second, then dies.  Any ideas?07:50
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Sandigcan i ask a question?07:52
SpecSandig: no07:52
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SpecSandig: you're not permitted to :-/, everyone else can though.07:53
mikejwhats freenodes offtopic i always forget07:53
_jasonSandig: you can ask any question except the one that asks for permission to ask one :)07:53
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Sandigfair enough07:53
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Sandigi have a laptop with no cd drive but does support usb booting07:53
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Sandigis there a ubuntu net-install image/version that i could put on a usb stick07:53
mugzieim having trouble installing new firefox07:53
Sandigto install to the laptop?07:53
OldSpec, didnt understand that part. Do i need todo a file called, ex cs1 ?07:54
Oldthen add:07:54
Oldecho "screen -mdS cs1 ./hlds_run -blabla" > cs107:54
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_jasonOld: no, that echo command just puts the stuff in between the quotes into the file cs1.  You can just add it yourself if you want07:54
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alex_jonihello, anyone familiar with building live cd's ?07:55
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Oldone second _jason..07:55
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roryySandig: have you looked through these ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation07:55
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crazy_penguinhi all07:56
mugziehas anyone ever updated firefox and can u help me?07:56
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crazy_penguinwith what command can i reconfigure the xserver? dpkg-reconfigure ...?07:56
harisundmugzie: I am assuming you are using Breezy and want to get the 1.5.0. version of Firefox?07:57
_jasoncrazy_penguin: ... = xserver-xorg07:57
harisundcrazy_penguin: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'07:57
mugzieum idk what im using its um 5.0 or something in ubuntu07:57
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Old_jason, is this correct? http://members.chello.se/warlock/cs1.sh07:57
mugzieim still a new guy to linux07:57
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echobinarycan anyone recomend a pci-x nvdia card thats not too pricey for rendering opengl 2.0?07:58
mugzieharisund: im trying to do firefox 1.507:58
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matgatesHow does beagled start up?  Is it when I log in?  If so, what is it started from?07:58
harisundmugzie, if you follow the instructions word -by -word mentioned on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion you should be fine.07:58
_jasonOld: no, get rid of echo " at the beginning and " > cs1 at the end07:58
Oldlet me update it and show it07:59
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mugziei did but the thing im having trouble with is the opt thing07:59
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Sandigrory: yep i did. the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot page would be good but i don't have access to changing any dhcp/dns server settings07:59
RobNycI just got a x1600 Pro and I would like to know if anyone has it working with Ubuntu07:59
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ubotuI guess ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358907:59
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_jasonOld: no, get rid of all the ", the >, and the cs1 at the end08:00
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Oldlet me try again then..08:00
=== GazzaK [n=Gary@host86-135-79-127.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonOld: you could jsut do this with an alias by the way08:00
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mikejwhats freenodes offtopic?08:00
mikejits hidden i remember that08:01
Oldhttp://members.chello.se/warlock/cs1.sh - correct?08:01
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roryymikej: you're welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic (not sure what you're talking about)08:01
mikejfreenodes main offtopic chan08:01
mikejtheres a huge one08:01
mikeji always forget what it is though08:01
_jasonOld: should be08:02
Sandigroryy: i could really do with a usb image that contains just a basic kernel and some drivers and will then go get all the packages it needs to install of the net08:02
Old_jason, so that would work?08:02
_jasonOld: try it08:02
alex_joniis there an #ubuntu-dev ?08:02
OldI cant, thats the problem. Im preparing stuff for the new rackserver tomorrow.08:02
_jasonOld: remember you have to chmod +x the file08:02
roryySandig: this is not sufficient? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromUSBStick08:03
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Oldyeah, I will remember that. Where should the .sh files be?08:03
mugzieum jason when installing fire fox i download it and it says on the instrutions #08:03
mugzieDownload firefox- from [WWW]  http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ , and change to the directory you downloaded it to.08:03
mugzieInstall it to /opt/firefox:08:03
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mugziewhat do they mean and change it to the directory u downloaded it to and install it to opt firefox?08:04
_jasonOld: wherever you want, but if you want ot run it from anywhere you would put it somewhere in your $PATH08:04
roryySandig: ubotu has a 'netinstall' factoid, not sure what that's about08:04
Sandigroryy: forgot to mention, the only usb stick i have accessable to me is only 128mb08:04
SpecOld: yeap, that .sh looks good08:04
mugziecan someone help me08:04
SpecOld: if you want to './cs1', put it in your home directory08:04
roryy!tell Sandig about netinstall08:04
_jasonOld: erm that was badly phrased.  If you want to run it without providing the full path, just the name like you do other commands, you would put it in your $PATH08:04
SpecOld: if you want to type $ cs1, whever you are, put it in a folder that's in your PATH, type: echo $PATH   to see your $PATH08:04
echobinaryanyone know what the turnaround is for nvidia drivers? specificaly when does the geforce 7300GS get support?   :)08:05
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roryySandig: just to be clear, i've never used any of these -- just trying to point you in a hopefully helpful direction08:05
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mugziecan someone help me out08:05
mugzieim trying to install firefox and im confused on this part08:05
mugzieDownload firefox- from [WWW]  http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ , and change to the directory you downloaded it to.08:05
mugzieInstall it to /opt/firefox:08:05
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Sandigroryy: no problem. what ya got?08:06
_jasonmugzie: don't paste here please08:06
mugziewhat do they mean change to the dierectry u downloaded it to and also what they mean instally it to /opt/firefox08:06
roryySandig: check your privmsgs from ubotu08:06
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Oldwhat i meant was, where should the .sh files be put in? I have the /home/cs1, then /home/cs2 etc, Is there a possibility to put all of the .sh files in a folder so it works everywhere, or do i have to put it in the folder i wish to run the ./hlds_run from08:06
mugzieo sorry jason i just wanted to point that out sorry but can someone help me08:06
_jasonmugzie: in less than 3 weeks, you will be able to upgrade to dapper and get firefox1.5 through the repositories08:07
Oldex, the .sh file in /home/cs1 to run the /cs1 alias08:07
mugzieo for real08:07
Sandigroryy: checked. thanks for all your help.08:07
mugzieso what u should just wait?08:07
_jasonmugzie: that is what I suggest08:07
mugzieok thanks08:07
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mugziealso what is mplayer?08:07
echobinarywill dapper have more hardware support?08:07
_jasonubotu: tell mugzie about mplayer08:07
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hanumais there any player for playing wmv files08:08
SpecOld: You should specify the full path to hlds_run if you wish to execute that script wherever you are08:08
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alex_joniroryy: does ubotu know about udeb's ?08:08
SpecOld: you can put the .sh files in /usr/local/bin if you want to run them wherever you are08:08
mugzieits because this firefox is slow for someodd reason i was wondering if i can get a faster browser or something08:08
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echobinaryis this thing on?08:08
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Specold: be sure to specify the full path to hlds_run though08:08
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roryyalex_joni: doesn't look like it08:09
OldHow Spec ? how would the line look if i speceficed the full path?08:09
Specwhere is hlds_run?08:09
alex_joniroryy: any idea where I can learn about that?08:09
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SpecOld: is it in your home directory?08:09
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roryyalex_joni: hrm, sorry, no08:10
OldSpec, /home/cs108:10
alex_joniroryy: ok thanks08:10
SpecOld: so it's /home/cs1/hlds_run ?08:10
Oldno Spec, it is in /home/cs108:10
SpecOld: screen -mdS cs1 /home/cs1/hlds_run -game cstrike +maxplayers 12 -port 27015 +map de_dust208:10
respaldosel passd de ubunto... como se cambia?08:11
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SpecOld: hlds_run is an executable, and it sits in the folder /home/cs1?08:11
respaldosen el root08:11
ubotuSpec: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:11
ubotuSpec: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:11
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:11
Oldit's executable08:11
bipolarok. does anyone know a reason why the mysql server in ubuntu (dapper for me) does not support ssl? I thought that the licencing issues were taken care of....08:11
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OldSpec, I run ./hlds_run when i am in the dir /home/cs108:12
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SpecOld: okay, then the command I gave you above is correct08:12
roryyalex_joni: a not especially useful definition: http://wiki.debian.org/udeb08:12
OldThank you08:12
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martin__algun canal en espaol08:14
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:14
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martin__como entro a ubuntu-es08:15
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railk /join #ubntu-es08:15
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martin__pero como entro al canal de ubuntu-es08:16
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alex_jonimartin__: /join #ubuntu-es08:16
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alex_joniroryy: thanks..08:18
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alex_joniroryy: any idea where I should turn to questions about building a liveCD & changing the udebs on it? especially the kernel..08:18
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roryyalex_joni: not really, sorry. The mailing lists might be a good place to start08:19
martin__como entro a ubuntu-es08:19
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roryyalex_joni: is this any good? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo08:19
roryymartin__: /join #ubuntu-es08:20
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alex_joniroryy: I've already successfully used that one for adding packages08:21
Didimoalguin que quiera intercambiar ideas08:21
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railkmartin__: mecanografe /join #ubuntu-es (espero que es comprensible)08:21
railkbabelfish 4tw...08:22
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railkcon /join08:23
Larsson-SwedenI need an app to check my partition for errors, just like the one in the bootup that forces a check when it has been mounted 30 times.08:23
hollowlife1987Larsson-Sweden: e2fsck i think its called08:24
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Larsson-Swedenhollowlife1987, it cant be used on mounted file systems.08:25
mikejgod bless myspace08:25
hollowlife1987oh hmm08:25
Larsson-SwedenIt can be a gui, just want to check it, not repair anything.08:25
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hollowlife1987dont know then sorry08:26
roryyLarsson-Sweden: can you boot from the livecd?08:26
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Larsson-SwedenA file system check was forced when booting Ubuntu. It said it found errors and that they where repaired. The fs is working and was working fine before the check. Do i need to worry?08:27
ed1tim planning on installing ubuntu on my laptop....i got a 60 GB harddrive, how should i setup my hard drive? i want a dualk boot08:27
mikejedit, the installer will walk you through it08:28
railkheeelp plzzzz... http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.hardware/browse_thread/thread/a882fb000b7cc33308:28
mikejassuming you dont have multiple sata hdd's its pretty simple08:28
ed1ti know but like shall i share the data drive between windows and linux? or have seperate08:28
mikejit has to make a partition08:28
mikejit will take your drivse freespace and partition it08:28
mikejmost likely after resizing the windows partition08:28
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mikejso theoretically it wont touch windows08:29
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mikejthen youll have a bootloader that will look at XP or Linux08:29
mikejand you select08:29
ed1tim gonna wipe everything and do it from fresh08:29
alex_jonied1t: install the other OS first, and leave some space for ubuntu08:29
mikejinstall XP first then08:29
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mikejcan NTFS be writting over LVM08:29
mikejor is LVM a completely separate file system08:29
roryyed1t: linux and windows can read each others' partitions (for windows you need to get a tool). If you do want a read/write shared partition, set aside some space for a FAT partition (a few gig, say)08:30
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alex_jonimikej: LVM is not a FS afaik08:30
ed1tso should i make windows partition NTFS or fat32?08:30
alex_jonied1t: the big windows partition NTFS, but make a smaller one FAT32 for data transfer08:30
prefect_ed1t: you cant write to ntfs08:30
alex_jonilinux has some issues writing NTFS08:30
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prefect_(or, cant write to ntfs and sleep without worrying at night)08:31
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alex_joniprefect_: not entirely true, but adviseable ;)08:31
Ayabaraedit1: also there are ext-fs drivers for windows that you can use08:31
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Ayabarasorry, ed1t :-)08:31
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mikejso i dont understand LVM.. Right now my entire 36 hdd is LVM. Can I just install XP ontop of it, or will it have to convert08:31
ed1tso say 20 GB for NTFS win partition, 20 GB for data disk Fat32, and 20 GB for ubuntu partition08:32
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AyabaraI use total commander under windows, and it has a ext/reiser fs-plugin that hasn't failed me yet08:32
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alex_jonied1t: sounds good, but you might want a swap partition for ubuntu08:32
TonrenHay guys.08:32
ed1till add that too08:32
alex_joni20 G NTFS, 20G data FAT32, 18G ubuntu, 2G swap08:32
ed1twat about /user and /root dir for ubuntu08:32
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TonrenHow's everyone?08:33
alex_jonibut leave the last 20G free (after the XP install), and the ubuntu installer should determine what's best08:33
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andreasc89can I become a root user without rebooting or logging out?08:33
andreasc89ubuntu 5.1008:33
alex_joniandreasc89: use sudo08:33
mikeji have 2g of ram cant i turn of swap file08:33
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alex_jonimikej: you can, but it doesn't hurt to use it08:33
andreasc89what is sudo?08:33
scifihi guys, just installed the xcellent beep player.  i actually like the default skin, but how wud i go about adding/trying other skins ?08:34
mikejandreasc89, type sudo in terminal08:34
alex_joniandreasc89: sudo infront of any command will run it as root08:34
TonrenI think it's short for "super-user do"08:34
alex_joniandreasc89: sudo = SuperUserDO08:34
ericzis it bad to always have swap in use?08:34
andreasc89I want to access another partion08:34
andreasc89but the disk program refuces08:34
alex_joniandreasc89: sudo mount ..08:34
kbrooksandreasc89: no need to be root08:34
andreasc89it says so08:34
andreasc89it's a ntfs partion08:34
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scifianyone ?08:35
TonrenHey, can anyone help me out getting started installing Ubuntu on my Presario v2000?  I just ordered a couple of Ubuntu AMD64 CDs, and I'm not sure how to go about shrinking my XP NTFS partition (I'd like to dual boot).08:35
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prefect_but hi guys08:35
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prefect_i got ubuntu (amd64) and i wanna download stuff from a source with apt. but this specific source has only binary-i386, not binary-amd6408:36
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prefect_can i make apt look in the right place or is there any other method for doing this08:36
NoUseTonren if you boot from the livecd, you can run gparted which can resize NTFS drives, I would run a defrag on it before you to do though08:36
prefect_ask the apt-mirror to make a symlink? :)08:36
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hav0khow do i get sound for when i watch videos from you tube in ubuntu?08:36
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ed1tanybody know where do i get the the ubuntu for VMware ?08:36
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NoUseprefect_ source is probably platform independent08:37
TonrenNoUse, the ShipIt CDs come with the gparted utility?08:37
ed1ti wanna try it befoe i actually install08:37
NoUseTonren did you order the live cd?08:37
prefect_nouse: this is unfortunatly binaries08:37
cmathesonhi, i need to read through a file in a bash script... the -u parameter to read wants a 'file descriptor' though.  how can i get a file descriptor for an arbitrary file?08:37
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TonrenNoUse, I'm not sure what you mean by "live CD".  I ordered whatever it is ubuntu.com sends you when you click through to ShipIt.08:38
TonrenI don't see the term "live CD" on the page anywhere, though08:38
hav0kcan anyone tell me how to fix the sound in firefox for embeded videos08:38
andreasc89now it says "Couldn't display "/dev/hda1".08:38
gnomefreakTonren: they send for each one you order an install cd and a live cd08:38
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andreasc89any idea of what's wrong?08:39
scifihi guys, just installed the xcellent beep player.  i actually like the default skin, but how wud i go about adding/trying other skins ?08:39
Tonrengnome, wha'ts the difference?  is a Live CD an actual instance of Ubuntu, and not an installer?08:39
gnomefreakTonren: why are you ordering breezy cds now?08:39
Tonrengnome, good point; I should probably wait for the next release...08:39
voraistoshey guys! i have a pocket pc running windows, and all i want is to access it like a drive (for my one gig SD card.) anyone has an idea ?08:39
gnomefreakTonren: live cd will not install ubuntu to harddrive08:39
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gnomefreakTonren: dappers live cd will but breezys wont08:40
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Tonrengnome, I'm still a little confused about the difference b/w Live and Install CDs.  what's the point of a Live CD?  to boot off of so you can configure your machine?08:40
NoUseTonren to try out ubuntu without having to install it08:40
gnomefreakTonren: live cd allows you to run ubuntu without installing it to harddrive08:41
andreasc89what do I write to mount the disk?08:41
AyabaraI have a Dell laptop with multimedia keys. Is there a way to make the volume buttons work with Headphone volume  instead of Master volume?08:41
Tonrenso it IS an actual instance of Ubuntu.  cool!08:41
kbrooksTonren: highlight, use tabs08:41
ubotufrom memory, livecd is useful for playing with or trying out (k)ubuntu without installing it or making any changes to your system. grab one from the download page at http://www.ubuntulinux.org or request via ship-it.  To remaster your own, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo .08:41
andreasc89sry for all dumb questions08:41
Tonrenkbrooks: Huh?  I think you may have read the wrong name08:41
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UKMattdoes anyone know of a way to mount an ubuntu drive in windows?08:41
hav0kUKMatt, yeah08:41
UKMatthav0k, how?08:41
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ubotuext3 is, like, a filesystem that Linux can be installed on and can be read/written from Windows via http://www.fs-driver.org08:42
kbrooksandreasc89: dumb questions? i'll have to do something about people saying "sorry for these dumb questions"08:42
hav0kUKMatt, how do you have your drive?08:42
voraistosreiserfs can be supported i think08:42
hav0kUKMatt, what file system08:42
UKMatthav0k, what do you mean?08:42
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UKMatthav0k, /08:42
kbrooksandreasc89: netiquette does not include "do NOT ask 'dumb' questions"08:42
voraistosno, how did u format it ?08:42
voraistoswhich fs ?08:42
TonrenAyabara, this may be a stupid question, but does the software actually differentiate between the two?  on Windows XP the master volume *is* the headphone volume08:42
g0dchilddoes anyone know a good application to monitor system logs?08:42
kbrooksandreasc89: what is a dumb question?08:42
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gnomefreakone not asked08:43
NoUseUKMatt did you just do a default ubuntu install?08:43
animatohello, is it safe to un-install the ubuntu-desktop package?08:43
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kbrooksgnomefreak: right08:43
gnomefreakanimato: yes08:43
NoUseanimato it won't really accomlish anything, but you can08:43
UKMattnouse, yeah I'm guessing, i don't know what else you guys mean so i guess that means i have the default08:43
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animatowill i be able to get the latest updates and such with it removed?08:44
TonrenI can't WAIT to finally get Linux running on this stupid laptop!08:44
TonrenWindows is hell.08:44
gnomefreakNoUse: im betting something he wants to install/remove is asking for it to go to08:44
NoUseUKMatt http://www.fs-driver.org08:44
AyabaraTonren: it does. when I use the keys, the master volume increases, but the headphone volume is the same. when I pull out the headphones, the internal speaker has a higher volume08:44
NoUsegnomefreak yeah08:44
gnomefreakanimato: yes08:44
scifinoone knows how to install different skins for beep then ? ;x08:44
animatook thanx08:44
kbrooksanimato: yes. just reinstall it when you upgrade08:44
animatooh ok08:45
gnomefreakkbrooks: is that still needed with update-manage -d?08:45
=== voraistos thinks windows is cool, especially if u like to format hard drives every 2 weeks.
animatoit's only needed for upgrades?08:45
kbrooksanimato: ubuntu-desktop does not *contain* the ubuntu desktop08:45
UKMattnouse, oh i have ext308:45
ubotusomebody said ubuntu-desktop was a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading08:45
animatoi know it doesn't, i was just wondering what exactly does it do08:45
NoUseUKMatt then the link I sent you shoudl be perfect08:45
kbrooksgnomefreak: that reinstalled the package for me08:45
UKMattnouse, tyvm08:45
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TonrenAyabara: Bizarre... I did a quick Google search.  I think the answer lies in the Volume Control Applet.08:45
gnomefreakkbrooks: ok cool08:45
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TonrenAyabara: It's Applications -> Sound & Video08:46
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animatoi never upgrade, i always do a fresh install and keep my /home partition whenever there's a new ubuntu ver, so i guess it doesn't matter to me :)08:46
AyabaraTonren: Thanks. Haven't found it there yet, but found a post explaining about fixing it with lineakd08:46
gnomefreakanimato: nope it doesnt08:46
kbrooksgnomefreak: if you like, you can s/, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading// on june 108:46
TonrenAyabara: I found this link on Google: http://wm-eddie.info/nx4300/  Scroll down to "Sound" to read what I read08:46
ubotuHelp to fix issues with sound can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary08:47
TonrenAnimato: Is it difficult to set up a /home partition instead of making it a child of the OS partition?08:47
animatonope torren08:47
kbrooksTonren: not hard08:47
animatoyou just create a new partition when you install08:47
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animatoand you label it as /home08:48
AyabaraTonren: thanks. have to find the volume control applet in dapper :-)08:48
animatothat's it08:48
kbrooksanimato: i think after the install (?)08:48
TonrenI'm still new to Linux... does everything except for OS files go in /home?08:48
animatoi have no idea08:48
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animatonever did it after installing08:48
TonrenAyabara: Cool - good luck!  Maybe add your solution to the Wiki.08:48
kbrooksTonren: "everything"?08:48
kbrooksTonren: ~ (/home/username/) is yours08:48
Tonrenkbrooks: Haha, bad question, sorry.  Suppose I download Apache and have it run; does it behoove me to install it into my /home partition, or my OS partition?08:49
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kbrooksTonren: ium, apache isnt a turnkey application. you more like have to go through 3 doors and pass checks at each door08:50
andreasc89if I mount a new disk, where does it appaer?08:50
andreasc89can't see it on the desktop anyway08:50
Tonrenkbrooks: so, how does that affect which partition Apache lives on?  I'm sorry if I'm not phrasing my question right... I'm such a Linux noob.08:50
kbrooksandreasc89: there is no default path08:50
crazy_penguincan someone tell what character is after root: in the root account line in /etc/shadow? i made a mistake and i need to erase the password and make it like it was at the default installation.08:51
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andreasc89how do I choose the path?08:51
kbrooksTonren: at the first door, you can choose the path08:51
andreasc89I wrote: 'sudo mount dev/hda1'08:51
andreasc89was it wrong?08:51
kbrooksTonren: the "doors" i'm talking about are the compilation commands08:51
Tonrenkbrooks: like "configure" and "make install"?08:51
mabusCan somebody help me setup mu sshd so it's run on port 21 (I know, generally ftp) and people can connect to it? I have it on port 21 but I get this error when I connect.08:52
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kbrooksTonren: 3 commands. ./configure (options); make; make install08:52
Tonrenkbrooks: right.  so... is it a bad idea to have Apache's binaries live on your /home partition?08:52
NoUsemabus can you pastebin your ssh logs?08:52
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crazy_penguinmabus : write in /etc/sshd_conf the following line08:53
crazy_penguinmabus : Port 2208:53
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swarmzi am using gnome terminal 2.12.0. if i close the window, will my script that i initiated after sshing to my server continue running on the server?08:53
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kbrooksTonren: you can say ./configure --prefix in the directory of the apache source08:53
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crazy_penguinbut you must write it before Listen statement08:53
kbrooksTonren: you want to get the apache package08:53
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kbrooksTonren: "apt-get install apache2"08:54
Delicate_Shadowhi guys08:54
Tonrenkbrooks: I know you can install it wherever you want, I guess I'm just asking where it "usually" gets installed08:54
farruinnswarmz: I think closing your window will close the ssh connection and stop any processes on the server, but that's just a guess08:54
Delicate_ShadowI have a one small questions08:54
Tonren'sup Delicate_Shadow08:54
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Tonrenwhoa... I just realized that gaim has tab completion on names.08:54
kbrooksTonren: the default path without ./configure specified is /usr/local08:54
gnomefreakDelicate_Shadow: ask it so we can help you with it08:54
swarmzTonren: the beta or the latest stable?08:54
kbrooksTonren: --prefix *08:54
Delicate_Shadowdoes Ubuntu supports Multimedia by default ??? or do I have to install the packages manually ?08:55
Delicate_ShadowHi Tonren08:55
Tonrenswarmz: Latest stable is what I'm using08:55
gnomefreakDelicate_Shadow: install packages depending on what you are wanting08:55
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swarmzi've been waiting for the next release of gaim for fucking ages08:55
gnomefreakubotu tell Delicate_Shadow about restricted08:55
Tonrenkbrooks: so, which partition is /usr on?08:55
kbrooksTonren: the / partition08:55
gnomefreakswarmz: language and 2.0 is not looking on track atm08:55
NoUseDelicate_Shadow to get mp3 support you have to install other packages08:55
kbrooksswarmz: language08:56
Tonrenswarmz: I'm pretty comfortable with the latest release.  been using on XP SP208:56
swarmzi can't swear in this channel?08:56
Delicate_Shadowok ok guys then it's more like Fedora and SuSE08:56
kbrooks!tell Delicate_Shadow about easyubuntu08:56
swarmzholy fudge08:56
Tonrenkbrooks: So there are two partitions, / and /home, kind of?08:56
kbrooksDelicate_Shadow: Use this program08:56
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kbrooksTonren: you can choose the structure you like08:56
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NoUseDelicate_Shadow ubuntu has the same aversion to lawsuits that Fedora and Suse has I believe08:57
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swarmzi accidently treated this channel like the IRC channel at work :P08:57
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Delicate_Shadowok ok I got the point08:57
Tonrenkbrooks: of course.  so... I'm assuming there's just some option in Ubuntu that lets you set your /home directory, and you can point it at the /home partition, right?08:57
swarmzgnomefreak: know any information about why it's taking so long or the progress status?08:57
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kbrooksTonren: right08:57
gnomefreakswarmz: no i dont08:57
Delicate_Shadowthanx guys08:57
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kbrooksgnomefreak: why op yourself?08:58
Tonrenbtw, does anyone knowthe date when ShipIt will take requests for Dapper CDs?08:58
crimsunkbrooks: to keep the hounds at bay.08:58
Specwhy op yourself when you could op me instead? ^.^08:58
mugziehey um does anyone know where to get and how to install the win32 codec pack>08:58
Samuli^Tonren, It says somewhere in middle of may in the wiki.08:58
jleinoHello: Any Nautilus experts around that could help? I would like to make a link in Gnome to point an automounted directory. Nautilus misbehaves...08:59
kbrooksspec: why do you want power?08:59
crimsunSpec: you can apply to be one08:59
TonrenSamuli^: Aye.. .it says so on the ShipIt page, I'm just impatient to know.  hehe08:59
Speckbrooks: so i can -o :)08:59
kbrooksTonren: midmay08:59
ubotuwell, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats08:59
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Specmugzie ^^08:59
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kbrooksspec: youre already -o08:59
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Specbut I want to be +o so I can be -o'd08:59
Samuli^Tonren, supposedly they don't know themselves and that's why there's no exact date :)08:59
mugzieyea spec?08:59
kbrooksspec: righttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt08:59
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TonrenSamuli^: Fair enough!  ;P08:59
_jasonheh that's funny09:00
Specmugzie: what ubotu said, go to     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:00
gnomefreaklol should i unban him?09:00
r0xoRhahahahah, omg09:00
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Spechaha, did he just get kicked by ubugtu?09:00
marcelloMy name is Marcello, and I'm a new user of UBUNTU09:00
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_jasonjleino: how are you trying to do it?09:00
r0xoRwelcome marcello09:00
metatagmarcello: from italy?09:00
mugziespec will that tell me what to do?09:00
marcelloOh.. thanks09:00
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marcelloNo. I'm from Brazil09:00
Specmugzie: yes it will.09:00
Samuli^is there a dapper-spesific channel?09:00
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:00
Specmugzie: you wanted w32codecs, right?09:01
SpecSamuli^ yes, #ubuntu+109:01
gnomefreakwait this isnt gonna work09:01
jleino_jason: I made a link to the place where the mount poins is going to be. Nautilus complaints that the link is broken, well it is until automounter makes its work:)09:01
Samuli^Spec, thanks.09:01
Spechow did ubugtu kick kbrooks?09:01
farruinnkbrooks said right with many t's09:01
skwid_hum, my flash player in mozilla doesn't have sound09:01
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skwid_any idea ?09:01
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r0xoRSpec, by magic09:01
Specfarruinn: rightttttttttttt09:02
_jasonjleino: what is automounter exactly?09:02
Specphew :p09:02
mugziealso is firefox the only web browser or are there like faster ones cause for some reason this is slow09:02
marcelloGuys I have problems with my keyboard in Ubuntu. I can't use " acentos"  in ubuntu09:02
gnomefreakSpec: he used too many of the same letters09:02
jleino_jason: autofs I guess.09:02
Tonrenmugzie: there's also Epiphany, I hear09:02
farruinnSpec: must not have had enough t's that time :)09:02
Specmugzie: and konqueror, but that sucks compared to firefox09:02
mugzieo ok09:02
Specfarruinn: not trying to test any more ts :p09:02
gnomefreaki hate this term doesnt scroll :(09:02
Samuli^jleino, have you tried adding the partitions and mount points in fstab so it would mount them at startup?09:02
Samuli^jleino, or is that something you don't want to do.09:02
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r0xoRmugzie, get Firefox 1.509:03
r0xoRmugzie, it's wicked fast09:03
_jasonjleino: ah I see, thought you were doing something else... don't have much experience with that09:03
r0xoRmugzie, the one that comes with breezy is slowwww09:03
NoUsemugzie try running it from a console with "DISABLE_PANGO=1 firefox"09:03
kbrooksr0xoR: ...09:03
mugziei have it i just dont know how to install it :(09:03
Samuli^r0xoR, lol, it isn't :)09:03
TonrenNoUse, what's Pango?09:03
kbrooksr0xoR: you dont need to instill hype09:03
Samuli^but it's faster than what comes it breezy for sure.09:03
r0xoRnot hype09:03
jleinoSamuli^: Yep. I would prefer autofs, but I guess I'll have to stick with fstab unless someone suggest a solution for me.09:03
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NoUseTonren a rendering engine that has a bug that slows down firefox09:03
r0xoRon my box09:03
gnomefreakTonren: pango is a library for gkt+2 apps09:03
kbrooksr0xoR: "YMMV"09:03
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jleino_jason: Thanks anyway!09:03
mugziecan someone help me setup my firefox i got 1.5 but i dont know how to install it09:03
TonrenNoUse: jeez.  who needs GKT on the web?09:03
untunghi, how to install realplayer in ubuntu?09:04
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kbrooksTonren: GTK*09:04
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion09:04
_jasonubotu: tell untung about realplayer09:04
NoUseTonren its not for the web, its for rendering the page09:04
gnomefreakmugzie: start there ^^^09:04
kbrooksTonren: he misspelled09:04
Tonrenkbrooks: weren't you kicked out a second ago?  ;P09:04
marcelloGuys I have problems with my keyboard in Ubuntu. I can't use " acentos"  in ubuntu09:04
Samuli^untung, check wiki.ubuntu.com09:04
farruinnI remember reading that disabling IPv6 in firefox can make it faster too, true?09:04
kbrooksTonren: please.09:04
Samuli^most of the stuff is told there.09:04
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kbrooksTonren: drop it09:04
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Tonrenkbrooks: I did too.  I hope I know how to spell GTK... I spent the last week getting the GTK-Radiant builder working for the quake 3 source09:04
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Tonrenkbrooks: i was just poking fun.  sorry.  ;P09:05
mugzieok wait someone help me i get stuck on the part after downloading09:05
kbrooksmugzie: what part?09:05
andreasc89can I pause the "Upgrading to Ubuntu "Dapper" 6.06"09:05
gnomefreakmugzie: run the commands as they are typed09:05
TonrenNoUse: Oh, I get it.  my only experience with GTK was with 3D graphics.  I was thinking, "that's overkill..."  hehe09:05
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NoUseTonren all Gnome apps use GTK09:05
kbrooksandreasc89: No. it's nonpausable09:06
gnomefreakiirc tar -C is the command after download09:06
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andreasc89but shit09:06
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TonrenI see09:06
noirequusar andreasc89 language09:06
kbrooksandreasc89: language09:06
farruinnandreasc89: if you did it from the command line you could ctrl-c while it was downloading, but once it's starts installing and configuring packages it's best not to interrupt things09:06
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kbrooksfarruinn: GUI09:06
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mugziesomeone link me to the wiki again for firefox09:06
NoUse!tell mugzie about ff1.509:07
andreasc89I really need to access my other partion09:07
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andreasc89have a really large project that must be ready until tomorow09:07
andreasc89wth, I interrupt it09:07
kbrooksandreasc89: Language is not an attention grabber09:07
andreasc89goos bye and thx for your help09:07
Samuli^andreasc89, can't you just mount the other partition?09:07
andreasc89yes I can09:08
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LinuxJonesAnbody with an iriver t30, apparently the US version won't work as a usb mass storage device :(09:08
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andreasc89but when I try to access it it says09:08
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andreasc89"you have not enough permissions" or something like that09:08
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kbrooksandreasc89: mount /dev/foo /path/to/mount/point09:08
gnomefreakandreasc89: use sudo09:08
hollii have an big problem with cups and dapper09:08
holliits totally broken09:08
Samuli^andreas, or try gksudo nautilus in terminal.09:08
kbrooksholli: it's not.09:08
_jasonholli: dapper questions should go to #ubuntu+1 please09:08
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Samuli^if you prefer gui.09:09
holliE [11/May/2006:23:10:05 +0200]  cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found!09:09
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kbrooksholli: remove the printer and readd it09:09
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holliall tried09:09
chaos_of_apocalycan anyone tell me how to upgrade from ubuntu hedgeog to breezy?i have already gone to the site and there is only upgrades by cd09:09
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kbrooksholli: it should work then09:09
yipeis there an ubuntu room specifically for advocacy on freenodes?09:09
hollionly way to add is kcontrol09:09
mugziewhich is better for a slow system ice or xubuntu?09:09
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NoUse!tell chaos_of_apocaly about upgrade09:09
holliweb ui let me dont make changes09:09
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kbrooksmugzie: XFCE is good09:09
_jasonyipe: the marketing channel, maybe #ubuntu-marketing?09:09
r0xoRmugzie, depends on how slow09:09
hollitell me how to fix09:09
mugzie64mb oentium 309:09
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mugzievery slow09:10
r0xoRmugzie, if you're looking for nothing but sheer speed check out OpenBox09:10
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untungWell, ubotou get distracted, any one know how to setup realplayer09:10
r0xoRmugzie, or perhaps twm09:10
chaos_of_apocalywhats best ?breezy or dapper09:10
gnomefreakxfce has to work on the terminal a bit other than that its great09:10
Samuli^untung, check wiki.ubuntu.com09:10
NoUsechaos_of_apocaly dapper will be released in two weeks09:10
mugzieim running on this right now xfce09:10
kbrookschaos_of_apocaly: wait for dapper09:10
Napoleonchaos_of_apocaly: if you have to asc, probably breezy09:10
r0xoRmugzie, twm isn't pretty but it works... OpenBox has decent looking themes and some decent apps with it makes for a decent desktop09:10
untungi have downloaded the package realplayer_10.0.6-0.0_i386.deb09:10
farruinnholli: you'll have much more luck asking in #ubuntu+109:10
Samuli^or search www.ubuntuforums.org09:10
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r0xoRmugzie, XFCE runs fast so long as you don't load up a bazillion panel plugins etc09:11
jan_many people here !!!!!!!!!09:11
chaos_of_apocalyim must be root to upgrade?09:11
kbrooksNapoleon: he should wait for dapper09:11
Samuli^chaos, use sudo.09:11
untungwhen i unpacked it i got error09:11
mugzieroxor how do i config it to run fast?09:11
Mystery47Dapper is best :)09:11
ubotumethinks upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.09:11
andreasc89now I mounted it09:11
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gnomefreakuntung: you dont unpack a deb you install it09:11
kbrooksMystery47: BUT ITS UNSTABLE09:11
mpmcAnyone here use banshee?09:11
mugziecause i wanna use it for instant messaging and just web browsing09:11
kbrooksMystery47: now define "best"09:11
Mystery47nah.....work very nice...:)09:11
untungNeed to get 0B/446kB of archives.09:11
untungAfter unpacking 1077kB of additional disk space will be used.09:11
untungDo you want to continue [Y/n] ? Y] 09:11
Mystery47better every day09:11
kbrooksMystery47: irrevelant09:12
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chaos_of_apocalyi just reinstalled ubuntu and in setup they dont ask me for a root account or password!!09:12
andreasc89and when I try to access the folder it says: "The folder content can not be displayed. - You do not have the permissions necessary to view the vontents of "windows"."09:12
gnomefreakuntung: lower case y09:12
kbrookschaos_of_apocaly: you use sudo.09:12
NoUse!tell chaos_of_apocaly about root09:12
Samuli^chaos, that's because ubuntu uses sudo instead.09:12
andreasc89what is wront with it?09:12
mugzieso roxor can u explain to me how would i make thhis faster just for im and web browsing09:12
untungi tried that it keep aborting09:12
crazy_penguini install from scratch ubuntu breezy and it seems that everything that needs root permission to run is not working. i get "unable to run ... you need root permission to run", also sudo doesn't work. any suggestion, please i'm in dark here.09:12
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Samuli^andreasc89, in terminal type gksudo nautilus.09:12
mabus_crazy_penguin: did you do an expert install?09:12
gnomefreakuntung: what is the command you are using?09:13
web_reaverok ok ok im bored with ubuntu help me get unbored with it09:13
r0xoRso Dapper == unstable right? or Dapper == testing?09:13
crazy_penguinmabus_: yes09:13
gnomefreakr0xoR: testing09:13
mabus_crazy_penguin: then you set a root password09:13
kbrooksr0xoR: both09:13
Samuli^r0x0r, it's pretty stable for me.09:13
gnomefreakdapper = development09:13
crazy_penguinmabus_: but that also doesn't work. i tried it09:13
chaos_of_apocalybut when i go in the terminal to log on as root the password is incorrect but i didnt put any password as they didint ask for one09:13
r0xoRhow often does ubuntu release?09:13
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mabus_crazy_penguin: right? If you remember it, just type su to login as root. Add your normal user account to the /etc/sudoers file09:13
gnomefreak6 months r0xoR09:13
azurehuesofbluedoes anyone in here use myspace?09:14
andreasc89Thanks SO much, now it works09:14
Samuli^dapper's not far from release, so one would think it's pretty stable already.09:14
kbrooksr0bby: between 6 and 8 months09:14
NoUse!tell web_reaver about shouting09:14
gnomefreakweb_reaver: drop the caps09:14
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mugzieanyone? know what program or what to do to make this just fast for web browsing and instant messaging  im running linux on my old laptop its a extra comp for when my family on my dessktop its a p3 64mb anyone know what i can do09:14
Mystery47i just cant wait for final release....bec this is eye candy allready....:)09:14
Specchaos_of_apocaly: don't log in as root.09:14
NoUse!tell web_reaver about shout09:14
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crazy_penguini will try. thx mabus_09:14
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r0xoRmugzie, lynx is fast :)09:14
mabus_crazy_penguin: the password for sudo is your user password, but it only works if that user is a sudoer. the password for su is your root password.09:14
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Samuli^andreasc89, remember if the file system is NTFS you can't write to it.09:14
shizzcan someone help me?09:14
kbrooksweb_reaver: do you have any camera?09:14
web_reaversorry about the caps09:14
r0xoRmugzie, the new opera is really fast too09:14
chaos_of_apocalywell i cant!it says the password is incorrect09:14
Samuli^so you better copy the files to ext3 and edit there.09:14
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kbrooksweb_reaver: a digital camera, for instance09:14
Specmugzie: don't use gnome, try using a different window manager that's lighter09:14
mugziei just need something cause this drags a lot09:14
kbrooksweb_reaver: with a floppy disk09:15
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andreasc89Samuli^, yeah, but I only have to get a file from it09:15
azurehuesofblueu guys use myspace? how do u handle embeded flash player stuff?09:15
kbrooksweb_reaver: with a cable?09:15
Specmugzie: if you're comfortable with CLI, you could use links2 and naim (commandline messenging client)09:15
mabus_chaos_of_apocaly: read this09:15
andreasc89is it any way that I can read a Publisher file in linux?09:15
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Samuli^adreasc89, sweet.09:15
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.09:15
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andreasc89microsoft office09:15
kbrooksweb_reaver: ok, connect the cable to the computer09:15
web_reaverit is09:15
mugzieum im using right now xfce but i think i need lighter im new to linux so any help would be great09:15
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apple|laptopwhat is gtkmm put as?09:16
kbrooksweb_reaver: and to th  camera?09:16
apple|laptopI tried apt-get install gtkmm and libgtkmm09:16
apple|laptopneither worked09:16
mpmcI'm using banshee (the media player) Can someone tell me How I get the last.fm function/plugin working (please)09:16
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Specmugzie: I don't know if Ubuntu supports icewm, but that's really light...09:16
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Samuli^it does support it.09:16
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Samuli^as in wm anyways.09:16
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mugzieok how would i access it can someone help09:16
andreasc89is it any shortcut to view the desktop?09:16
ubotuSpec: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:16
azurehuesofbluecan someone at least tell me if easyubuntu is safe to use at the moment?09:16
crimsunit's community-supported, if that's what you're asking09:16
hollino help in #ubuntu+109:16
crimsun!info icewm dapper09:17
ubotuicewm: (wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2.23-3ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 629 kB, Installed size: 1632 kB09:17
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: fior?09:17
web_reaverthe battroiys are dead kbrooks09:17
andreasc89like 'windows + M' in windows xp09:17
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: safe to use for what?09:17
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web_reaverhold on09:17
haffeHello. Is anyone here runnint ubuntu with a Fortissimo IV (ice1724). I seem to have lost dmix on it.09:17
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: ubuntu breezy? yes09:17
azurehuesofbluefor making the embedded flashplayer work on myspace.09:17
crimsunhaffe: in dapper or breezy?09:17
Specwinkey+m minmizes all the windows09:17
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haffecrimsun: dapper.09:17
mugzieso how would i install ice?09:17
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: er, what embedded flash?09:17
Specvia synaptic09:17
azurehuesofbluein breezy kbrooks09:17
shizzi am writting a script in Bash and im trying to write to a tcp socket with a statement like  exec 3<> /dev/tcp/localhost/8080 but i got an error. I then looked to see if /dev/tcp even existed. it appears that /dev/tcp doesnt exist om my machine. can anyone tell me the device to use to open a rw connection to a socket in bash09:17
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crimsunhaffe: #ubuntu+109:17
mugzieok let me look for it09:18
andreasc89the problem is... I don't have any winkey on this laptop09:18
Samuli^mugzie, sudo apt-get install icewm?09:18
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: it works there. please ask in #easyubuntu09:18
mugziesamuli u sure09:18
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Samuli^and after that probably icewm in terminal or something to the effect of that.09:18
azurehuesofblueyeah there is this really weird flash player in myspace.09:18
web_reaverok kbrooks the cam is hooked up09:18
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Samuli^mugzie, you could try that or check the www.ubuntuforums.org and do a search there.09:18
azurehuesofbluealright I will thanks anyways.09:18
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kbrooksazurehuesofblue: how don't you think itss "safe" to use?09:19
mugzieok thanks imma try synatic09:19
kbrooksweb_reaver: did anything popup?09:19
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web_reaveri thing to import the pics09:19
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azurehuesofbluewell, it seemsed to mess up my system last ime.09:19
chaos_of_apocalyhow do i put windwos and linux in the same box?i have to particonate wiht windows installer?09:19
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shizzhello hello hello hello hello09:19
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: how did it?09:19
Samuli^mugzie, yeah. it's the same as apt-get in terminal.09:19
shizzhello hello hello hello hello09:19
shizzhello hello hello hello hello09:19
mugzieo ok09:19
NoUseshizz sto pit09:19
eggzeckshizz, I don't understand why would you do that?09:19
shizzdo what?09:20
shizzwrite to a socket09:20
azurehuesofbluelike... when I went to sudo update it ask for this tieh file or something then gave a 404 error09:20
kbrooksshizz: flood09:20
NoUseshizz if you ask a question, we'll try to answer it09:20
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mugzieand then after its installed i just access it through login right?09:20
farruinnshizz: spam09:20
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chaos_of_apocalyhow do i put windwos and linux in the same box?i have to particonate wiht windows installer?09:20
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: that didnt mess up for your system09:20
azurehuesofblueI believe it was related to a media player... I was thinking nicotine.09:20
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azurehuesofbluebut it wasn't nicotine09:20
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shizzno i at least no that someone is paying attention09:20
Samuli^mugzie, probably, but not sure if you need to take some extra steps09:20
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: it DOES NOT overwite your sources.list09:20
azurehuesofblueI think it was some crappy player.09:20
farruinnchaos_of_apocaly: there's a windowshowto on the wiki.ubuntu.com09:20
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NoUseshizz do it again and you'll get kicked out, and then no more attention09:21
azurehuesofblueI went into my sources.list and deleted it.09:21
gnomefreakshizz: dont spam at all in here09:21
Samuli^you could just fire it up in the terminal to test it anyways.. something like 'icewm' should do it.09:21
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: what sources.list?09:21
azurehuesofblueI gues I just havn'e quite connected all the dots lol09:21
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andreasc89is dapper stable enough to use now?09:21
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: be in #easyubuntu09:21
kbrooksandreasc89: development09:21
eggzeckandreasc89, yes, seems like it09:21
farruinnshizz: perhaps they're paying you attention, but that doesn't mean they'll want to help you now09:21
azurehuesofbluek sorry yall.09:21
Samuli^azurehuesoofblue, why in the hell did you do that?09:21
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eggzeckandreasc89, but don't do it if you're on a production system09:21
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Specandreasc89: I've been using it for months09:22
shizzthats why i so called flooded09:22
rulz1985which is the latest version of ubuntu??09:22
polpakanyone here use emacs?09:22
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: i'm a EU developer09:22
kbrooksazurehuesofblue: please be in there now09:22
web_reaverwhat games can i get for ubuntu09:22
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kbrooksazurehuesofblue: thanks09:22
web_reaverwhere can i get games09:22
shizzwhatever ill just come back later09:22
polpakrulz1985, breezy (5.10) is the latest release version09:22
andreasc89I just try to learn linux09:22
ubotuI heard games is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5153 or http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Loki_Installers_for_Linux_Gamers  News http://www.linux-gamers.net/09:22
Samuli^rulz1985, breezy is newest stable and dapper is on it's way shortly.09:22
andreasc89not to use it for any useful stuffs09:22
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andreasc89but hopefully I will do that in the future09:22
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andreasc89so that's not a problem09:22
eggzeckweb_reaver, see those links ubotu gave09:22
Wyredgot the Gnome version of ubuntu, where can I get the KDE ?09:23
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Mystery47Games: True combat elite09:23
Wyredto use both ?09:23
Mystery47Games: Enemy territory09:23
gnomefreakWyred: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop09:23
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polpakI'm trying to change how the alt and windows keys behave in gnome (I want the windows key to do things related to the window manager and just leave alt alone09:23
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Samuli^wyred, just type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop in terminal and enjoy.09:23
Mystery47Games: Enemy territory fortress09:23
gnomefreakWyred: yes you can choose what one to boot into on login screen09:23
Samuli^or use synaptic and search for kubuntu-desktop09:23
polpakbecause I need alt for emacs in a gnome terminal.. Anyone have any helpful hints?09:23
Wyredthanx gnomefreak Samuli^09:23
Wyredused to YUM not apt09:24
gnomefreakyuck yum09:24
=== gnomefreak brb smoke
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Samuli^wyred, and if you want to get rid of it later don't break the dependencies on meta-package kubuntu-desktop.09:24
farruinnpolpak: use vim? (sorry *ducks*)09:24
Samuli^that way you can just use apt-get to remove the whole lot of it.09:24
Wyredk thanks09:25
eggzeckapt > *09:25
eggzeckvim > *09:25
Chri[s] how do you run teamspeak from console09:25
roryypolpak: ESC is an alternative for alt. bit yucky, but oh well.09:25
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andreasc89how do I change the permissions?09:25
andreasc89for a folder09:25
polpakroryy, if I did that I may as well go back to vim...09:25
Samuli^with chmod.09:25
eggzeckChri[s] , I wouldn't know, I don't use teamspeak, but try the name of the program itself09:25
farruinnandreasc89: chmod09:25
Samuli^type man chmod in terminal.09:25
polpakroryy, I don't want to use escape in my editor, cause it requires moving my hands off the home keys09:25
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[n3t0] im download de dapper .iso but when i try install he dont pass on de cd check09:26
[n3t0] i make the download 4th09:26
andreasc89it says "Your'e not the owner so you can't change these permissions"09:26
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polpak[n3t0] , did you check the md5sum on the .iso file?09:26
eggzeckChri[s] , most of the time you can launch programs by just typing its name in terminal and hitting enter09:26
roryypolpak: i think stuff like 'alt-tab' is grabbed at window manager level -- maybe that's where one should look09:26
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Samuli^andreas, did you use sudo in front?09:26
[n3t0] polpak, yes09:26
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polpakroryy, I know.. but I don't know where to go to look for it09:26
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andreasc89andreasc89@ubuntu:~$ chmod09:27
andreasc89chmod: too few arguments09:27
andreasc89it says09:27
eggzeckandreasc89, what do you want to do with 'chmod'09:27
Samuli^type man chmod.09:27
andreasc89change folder premissions09:27
sneexI installed the gcc 4.0 with apt-get but I still cannot compile programs09:27
osotogari'lo all. Can anyone help me with setting up Firestarter and Samba?09:27
andreasc89so I can write to the folder09:27
eggzeckandreasc89, chmod 777 folder09:27
polpaksneex, use install build-essential09:27
Samuli^sneex, you have buld-essential?09:27
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farruinnandreasc89: read 'man chmod', but I don't think you want to use it in your windows partition anyway.09:27
eggzeckandreasc89, type: 'man chmod' to learn more09:28
sneexlol ty polpak09:28
web_reaverok i just downloaded a thing off the net its zip file how do i install it09:28
polpaksneex, I mean just install build-essential09:28
=== sneex runs to start the installer
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andreasc89andreasc89@ubuntu:~$ chmod 777 /home/andreasc89/sandisk09:28
andreasc89chmod: changing permissions of `/home/andreasc89/sandisk': Operation not permitted09:28
andreasc89what's wrong?09:28
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Samuli^use the sudo :)09:28
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eggzeckandreasc89, sudo chmod 777 folder09:29
mugzieok ice is fast but i dont have a tool bar09:29
Samuli^or if it's a NTFS partition you can't write to it in linux.09:29
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Samuli^mugzie, ain't that sweet?09:29
roryypolpak: this is a guess: you can try fiddling in gconf with /apps/metacity/global_keybindings09:29
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mugzieyea its fast but how do i get a tollbar like for i can minimize and stuff09:30
andreasc89done that and wrote my password09:30
andreasc89but I still can't write to it09:30
Samuli^use alt+tab and right mouse button instead.09:30
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mugzieit doesnt even hace gaim09:30
WyredSamuli^, so sudo apt-get xmms will work as well ?09:30
eggzeckWyred, yes09:30
Samuli^Wyred, add install and it will.09:30
blindew xmms.09:30
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eggzeckWyred, sudo apt-get install xmms09:30
web_reavercan some one help me install somthing09:31
eggzeckweb_reaver, we can try if you ask09:31
[lilo(i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)] I set you up a cloak, 'ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog', per Seveas; let me know if there's any problem with that....and please be sure to go through the check list on http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup to make sure it shows up consistently 09:31
Wyredand the codecs?09:31
elliot_Is there anyone who has ubuntu live booting on an indigo imac?09:31
web_reaveri downloaded a zipfile how do i install it09:31
Samuli^Wyred, you have to add some repositories for that09:31
eggzeckWyred, xmms plays mp3 with no extra necessay installs09:31
sneexgcc Card.cpp -o Card09:31
osotogari'lo all. Can anyone help me with setting up Firestarter and Samba?09:31
Samuli^after that it's just apt-get install w32codecs.09:31
sneexlol  That generated a ton of errors -- Thanks peeps =)09:31
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Chri[s] eggzeck, its "TeamSpeak" for future reference09:32
eggzeckweb_reaver, you can't install a zip file, but you can unzip it09:32
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Samuli^sneex, read the README of the prog you're trying to compile.09:32
eggzeckChri[s] , thank you09:32
web_reaveroh ok09:32
farruinnweb_reaver: unzip file.zip09:32
eggzeckweb_reaver, unzip file09:32
sneexSamuli^: its a Windows GoFish program -- I want it to work on Ubuntu09:32
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sneexIll figure it out09:33
sneexthanks =)09:33
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blindsneex: wine?09:33
blindoh, he left.09:33
Samuli^hehe, yeah :)09:33
Samuli^I was just about to say 'wine' too.09:33
Samuli^but good luck for him trying to compile a windows prog.09:33
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Hash9Hi, is it possible to select which packages you want to install at install time?09:34
eggzeckThat takes a lot of knowledge, or a lot of documentation reading09:34
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eggzeckHash9, yes, install as 'expert'09:35
web_reaverok i unziped it now how do i install the files i just un ziped09:35
osotogariwhats installed if i do a server install?09:35
eggzeckweb_reaver, depends on what was unzipped, a *.deb or something you have to compile/build yourself?09:35
eggzeckosotogari, only the base system09:35
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eggzeckosotogari, so you'll basically not have any GUI09:36
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osotogarino GUI? Ok, i can dig that :)09:36
itrebalis there a package for win32 codecs? how about mplayer?09:36
web_reaverits a full list of stuff like  dlls and bins and cfgs and alot of folders09:36
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batomsis there anyway to create a /etc/bash_completion file from gnome file associations09:36
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, gnomefreak09:36
eggzeckweb_reaver, dlls are not for linux heh09:36
farruinnweb_reaver: that sounds like a windows program...09:36
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gnomefreak!+ w32codecs09:36
ubotuI guess w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install. To use w32codecs on a 64-bit system, see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439909:36
web_reaverit said it was for linux09:37
osotogariTrying to set up a file server here at home so I was wondering should i go down that route or just do a "normal" install, the machine is an old 800Mhz AMD with 256 MB RAM09:37
farruinnweb_reaver: what is this and where did you download it?09:37
eggzeckweb_reaver, perhaps you downloaded the wrong *.zip file?09:37
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gnomefreakweb_reaver: dlls wont run on linux09:37
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eggzeckdamn peers09:38
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web_reaverit said it was a linux files09:38
eggzeckweb_reaver, well we're not lying to you :), unless it can be run with wine09:38
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gnomefreakweb_reaver: what is the program/app you are working with?09:38
eggzeckweb_reaver, if it is meant to be used with wine, then get wine09:39
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Khamaelis there an e17 repo for ubuntu?09:39
web_reaverits Eternal Lands09:39
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SeanXAnyone else having some trouble connecting to the update repositories right now?09:39
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eggzeckweb_reaver, sudo apt-get install wine09:39
Samuli^khamael, e17 is in the multiverse I think.09:39
eggzeckubotu tell web_reaver about wine09:39
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MetaMorfoziSwhy i can't play dvd with kaffeine? It said: Can't read data from dvd09:39
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farruinnSamuli^: e17 is in the repos now?09:40
web_reaverwhat does this mean Download the zip file, and unzip it.09:40
web_reavercd to the directory where you installed it.09:40
web_reaverchmod to 775 and execute el.x86.linux.bin09:40
web_reaveredit el.ini and change datadir to where you unzip everything09:40
web_reaverAlso, the zip file has no base directory, so you should unzip it in a new directory you create.09:40
eggzeckweb_reaver, see what ubotu told you09:40
Samuli^farruin, been for a while me thinks.09:40
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MetaMorfoziSor any better idea to play dvd?09:40
web_reaveri have wine installed already09:40
blindrun it through wine then09:40
eggzeckweb_reaver, then learn how to use wine09:40
gnomefreakSamuli^: e17 is not in ubuntu you need a different 3rd party repo09:40
Samuli^thought it's better to compile from CVS, there's guides to do that in www.ubuntuforums.org.09:40
echobinaryis anyone listening to NPR? (off topic) but its hells scarey09:40
farruinnSamuli^: apt-cache search doesn't show it, maybe you're thinking of e16?09:40
eggzeckweb_reaver: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine09:41
Samuli^gnomefreak, at least it used to be for a while.09:41
eggzeckoh well09:41
farruinnKhamael: search ubuntuforums.org, there's a howto posted somewhere there.09:41
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SeanXso is that a no on anyone else having troubles with the repos right now?09:41
gnomefreakSamuli^: e17 was never included in ubuntu09:42
mugziehey i got ice now with a tollbar rocks its fast also but it doesnt have gaim is  there a way i can add it?09:42
farruinnSeanX: I'm not, downloading a bunch of stuff right now09:42
Samuli^gnomefreak, come to think of it, I might've had some 3rd party repos in sources.list that time :P09:42
SeanXHrm..  I can get stuff from security.ubuntu, but any other default repo just waits until timeout09:42
osotogariTrying to set up a file server here at home so I was wondering should i just install "server" or just do a "normal" install, the machine is an old 800Mhz AMD with 256 MB RAM09:42
Samuli^I stand corrected.09:42
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eggzeckSeanX, try: sudo apt-get update09:43
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SeanXthats what i'm talking about, Eggzeck09:43
farruinnosotogari: entirely up to you, I don't *think* "server" installs anything extra, just doesn't include the desktop stuff09:43
Spenkhi to all09:43
blindhey spenk09:43
de1Is it normal that I can't install to a raid array or manually tell the installer to use /dev/md2 on either Flight7 or Beta2?09:43
eggzeckSeanX, I thought you meant while downloading09:43
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farruinnSeanX: are you getting a specific error or just can't contact the server?09:43
eggzeckSeanX, I thought you meant while downloading as in 'apt-get install'09:43
gnomefreakde1: i would ask that in #ubuntu+109:43
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Ayabaracan you recommend a good file manager for linux, like total commander for windows?09:44
SeanXno, trying to get the updated lists09:44
osotogariwould the machine be able to handle Gnome desktop though with only 800 MHz processor and 256 RAM?09:44
Samuli^SeanX, check the sources.list and try taking any country code off in front of "archive.ubuntu"09:44
SeanXI didn't say anything about downloading.. just connecting09:44
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Samuli^osotogari, I think so.09:44
eggzeckSeanX, make sure your sources.list is correct and fine09:44
ubotuHIGH-FREQ: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:44
eggzeckI like ubotu09:44
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fepedeHi ! anyone here using ubuntu on sparc ?09:44
Samuli^osotogari, and if it's slow try some other window manager.09:44
SeanXMy lists are all fine.. Everythings' worked on this for months until about 5 minutes ago..09:44
farruinnosotogari: I don't think it would bog down with that... gnome isn't that much of a resource hog09:45
Spenki need the info from usn but now i must parsing the text on the source page. Ubuntu want to cooperate with OVAL ? in that way is more easy to manage the security09:45
HIGH-FREQhmm..no help there ;(09:45
SeanXi think the canadian archive mirror is hosed09:45
osotogariCool, I'll check it out so guys! Thanks!09:45
Samuli^SeanX, your servers are down then?09:45
farruinnSeanX: in that case an actual error message would be helpful09:45
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Samuli^SeanX, just try some other countrys repos if you need something right now.09:45
HIGH-FREQanyone know how to fully disable the onboard wireless (broadcom 4318) and utilize the pcmcia linksys wpc54gs  card09:45
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SeanXIt doesn't give an error, farruinn.. just sits there, eventually goes "fail" and moves to the next one where it repeats..  working now that i'm going ot the main US mirror..09:46
gnomefreakHIGH-FREQ: can you do it in bios?09:46
HIGH-FREQyes i did that09:46
HIGH-FREQbut seems to still enable it09:46
HIGH-FREQfor some reason09:46
gnomefreakHIGH-FREQ: unplug the cable from it09:46
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HIGH-FREQgnomefreak: its internal09:47
Samuli^wireless? :)09:47
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HIGH-FREQinternal wireless09:47
SeanXI wasn't looking for troubleshooting, just confirmation from anyone else using the canadian mirrors..  thanks though :)09:47
gnomefreakHIGH-FREQ: oh yeah wireless09:47
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Samuli^High-freq. have you checked your bios?09:47
HIGH-FREQi want to fully disable it...and bios didn't seem to fully disable it09:47
gnomefreakHIGH-FREQ: call the manf. of the computer09:47
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HIGH-FREQyes says disabled in bios09:47
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baksohow log all in window in irssi?09:47
odysseywhat is pmcia services09:47
mugzieis there a way to download gmail and add it to ice?09:47
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Samuli^SeanX, you should've said that in the first place man! :)09:48
SeanXI thought I did, Samuli :)09:48
Samuli^Ohh. Right :P09:48
SeanXwhen i asked "is anyone else having trouble connecting ... "09:48
eggzeckbakso, thisi snot irssi help, BUT: /set autolog on09:48
lachosshow can i compress a pdf? i've tried ps2pdf -dUseGrateCompression=true but it isn't enough.. thanks!09:48
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Samuli^Didn't see that.09:48
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HIGH-FREQweird that it still detects even if its disabled in bios...so kernel's doesn't listen to the bios then?09:48
SeanXanyhoo.. working now.. i'll set them back to ca. some other time09:48
bakso /set autolog on09:49
farruinnmugzie: download gmail?09:49
blazecan someone tell me how to fix mplayer09:49
SeanXblaze: can you tell me how it's broken09:49
blazebecause it doesn't want to play the movies in full screen09:49
eggzeckbakso, yes, but not in here, dont do a / /09:49
mugziehow cAN i download it09:49
blazewhen i choose the x11 driver09:49
eggzeckbakso, and go to #irssi09:49
SeanXtry the xv driver09:49
blazeit playes perfectly, but it doesnt stretch to fullscreen09:49
SeanXor install sdl and use the sdl driver09:49
Samuli^btw, does anyone know where the archive.ubuntu.etc are located. I mean without any country suffix in front?09:49
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odysseycan someone tell me what is pmci services09:49
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SeanXSamuli^: US, I thought.09:49
blazehow to install sdl ?09:50
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mugzieanyone know how i can install gmail or something09:50
SeanXblaze: sudo apt-get sdl09:50
Samuli^I get a lot faster downloads from the .archive than in fi.archive. funny thing.09:50
SeanXmugzie; gmail is a webpage, you can't install it09:50
eggzeckmugzie, do you mean: gmail-notify ?09:50
blazei'll try.. sec. =)09:50
mugziei mean gaim09:50
Samuli^And .fi is for finland, so not exactly close.09:50
SeanXsudo apt-get gaim09:50
HIGH-FREQsudo apt-get install gaim09:50
eggzeckmugzie, gaim is by default installed09:50
SeanXsudo apt-get install gaim09:50
eggzeckgaim is by default installed guys09:51
HIGH-FREQya noticed that09:51
HIGH-FREQdunno what install he has09:51
mugzieeggzeck not on icegm09:51
blazeE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:51
blazeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:51
farruinnmugzie: if you had gaim in gnome you still have it. I don't know how you add stuff to the bars in icewm, but try right-clicking on stuff?09:51
slackernSamuli^, have you tried se. repos?09:51
eggzeckoh you have icegm, then tell us heh09:51
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farruinnblaze: synaptic open? downloading something in another terminal?09:51
mugzieyea im trying to fix my ice gm09:51
HIGH-FREQmugzie: maybe its not in list?  have u tried  locate gaim?  in console09:51
mugzieno i havent09:52
blazemaby mplayer is open :)09:52
gnomefreakblaze: you eithe rhave synaptic open or updater or something using apt in console09:52
mugziehow can i do that high09:52
HIGH-FREQnot everything enters into the list09:52
Samuli^slackern, no. I get the like 500-600kB/s from the .archive.09:52
newbie33hey, Im in panic, I installed XP and GRUB has GONE :O  there are no signs about ubuntu? please help09:52
HIGH-FREQload up console and type  locate gaim09:52
blazeoh.. synaptic is open :D09:52
blazesry =)09:52
slackernSamuli^, ahh the se. archive is in Ume, i get 1000k/sec from it maybe you get it there too.09:52
mugziei dont even see console09:52
mugzieo ok09:52
HIGH-FREQwhere you type09:52
Samuli^slackern, I'll try that.09:52
Samuli^slackern, thanks.09:53
slackernSamuli^, Oh your welcome, hope it works well.09:53
SeanXnewbie33: the XP install has clobbered your grub boot record.  boot off a livecd and rerun grub09:53
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blazeE: Couldn't find package sdl09:53
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mugzieok im there high what do i type09:53
gnomefreak!info sdl09:53
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farruinnblaze: apt-cache search is invaluable09:53
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SeanXblze: you could search in synaptic for sdl.. it might be libsdl or sdl-sometihng..09:54
gnomefreakwhat is the name of the package blaze sdl alone is not a package09:54
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blazeok, i'll try09:54
invisibleshadowcan i get some help09:54
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HIGH-FREQmugzie: type   locate gaim09:54
SeanXNope, we can't see you..09:54
mwewhat program can you use to convert .wav files to mp3?09:54
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model and output of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org is important.09:54
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newbie33please help,I installed XP and GRUB has GONE :O  there are no signs about ubuntu?09:54
SeanXnewbie33: i answered that09:54
chantraji there09:54
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mugzienope cant find it09:55
invisibleshadowhow do i make ubuntu recognize the sound card?09:55
SeanXnewbie33: the XP install has clobbered your grub boot record.  boot off a livecd and rerun grub09:55
gnomefreakubotu tell newbie33 about grub09:55
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chantraI'm having trouble with cups09:55
newbie33Is it possible to make it without live?09:55
HIGH-FREQnewbie33: get livecd and chroot or whatever ubuntu calls it..and reinstall grub09:55
blazegnomefreak, i was told to install sdl in order to watch movies in full screen09:55
blazewith mplayer09:55
chantra?--------- ? ?      ?         ?                ? /var/log/cups/access_log09:55
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: take it to dinner?09:55
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gnomefreakblaze: libsdl09:55
mugzieso  since it didnt find it how can i dowload it09:55
gnomefreakblaze: there are a ton of them though09:55
blazebecause at this stage i can watch movies with x11 but not in fullscreen09:55
chantrawhen I ls09:55
SeanXyeah, that.. sorry.. didn't know the whole name, blaze09:55
blazeok :)09:55
mugziealso i dont think i have synatic09:55
HIGH-FREQmugzie: ok type this in    sudo apt-get install gaim09:56
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: turn off you onboard sound card first09:56
blazeSeanX, no probs ;)09:56
SeanXthen use the -vo sdl driver with mplayer09:56
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: what type of sound card is it?09:56
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: bios09:56
blazeand.. wich libsdl should i install :)09:56
newbie33Sence, I have install CD its not right?09:56
invisibleshadowidk, i am a newbie09:56
gnomefreakblaze: thats up to you09:56
chantrawhen I apt-get dist-upgrade I get09:56
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: type in terminal lspci and paste the contents to pastebin please09:56
blaze.. =)09:56
chantratouch: cannot touch `/var/log/cups/access_log': Permission denied09:57
SeanXnewbie33: you could probably do it with an install cd, if there's a recovery option in there,, i don't recall09:57
ubotumethinks pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126909:57
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gnomefreakchantra: sudo touch09:57
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gnomefreakchantra: or sudo apt-get09:57
chantraI'm root at the time I'm doing this gnomefreak09:57
bewireHello, I have installed the AMD 64bit 5.10 release. Is there a channel for discussing problems with sound ? (no sound in tvtime, totem, kscd, etc... but the system sound is OK)09:57
chantra# apt-get -f install09:57
mugzieit says gaim is already the newest version but it doesnt locate it um im kinda confused now09:57
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chantra * Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd touch: cannot touch `/var/log/cups/access_log': Permission denied09:57
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HIGH-FREQmugzie:  ok try typeing in    gaim09:57
gnomefreakah that would be on dapper?09:57
invisibleshadow0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. Mobile Memory Controller Hub (rev 04)09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. Mobile Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port (rev 04)09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1b.0 0403: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 04)09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #1 (rev 04)09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #2 (rev 04)09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #3 (rev 04)09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB UHCI #4 (rev 04)09:58
mugzienothing happened09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 04)09:58
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aLPHa_LeaKinvisibleshadow, urgh!09:58
Samuli^holy shit man.09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 82801 PCI Bridge (rev d4)09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82801FBM (ICH6M) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 04)09:58
farruinnmugzie: I've never used ice, but try right-clicking on your bar, see if you can add a launcher09:58
invisibleshadow0000:00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82801FBM (ICH6M) SATA Controller (rev 04)09:58
chantragnomefreak: is there a specific channel for dapper09:58
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mugzieok it loaded09:58
gnomefreakchantra: #ubuntu+109:58
farruinnchantra: #ubuntu+109:58
chantracool, cheers09:58
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mugziehow can u put it in my taskbar now?09:58
ahmeniAnyone fellow syrup-drinkin' puck slappers notice ca.archive.ubuntu.com acting up today?09:58
gnomefreakSamuli^: language please09:58
HIGH-FREQmugzie: ok that means it's already installed.....now make a launcher for it09:58
Samuli^gnomefreak? :)09:58
HIGH-FREQmugzie: i dunno...i've never used ice so good luck on that one....09:59
gnomefreakdont think i let him get to sound card :(09:59
mugziehigh freq im new idk how to do that09:59
gnomefreaki told him pastebinand gave him address09:59
iNikunot that invisible :)09:59
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newbie33How to reache console from live CD09:59
HIGH-FREQmugzie: me neither..hehe...look at hte icegm or icewm documentation..there's plenty of sites and find somethin bout "adding programs to the menu"09:59
acid-triphow do i reconfigure my x and find out what x i am using?10:00
Samuli^newbie33, can't you just use terminal?10:00
haffenewbie33: either alt+F2 and start gnome-console10:00
farruinnacid-trip: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver10:00
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haffeor press ALT+CTRL+F210:00
HIGH-FREQnewbie33: i think u load up live..then mount the root hd...then u can do grub config from there i think10:00
newbie33I see Paragon BootManager10:00
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mugziewell its the same as ubuntu a lot how did u usually do it there10:00
newbie33dont know what to do10:00
acid-tripPackage `xorg-xserver' is not installed and no info is available.10:00
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HIGH-FREQmugzie: no ice is a window manager right?  i'm using gnome10:01
newbie33Drive 0: primary 00 Win XP Fat3210:01
newbie33ant nothing more10:01
Samuli^gnome isn't a window manager.10:01
mugzieo ok10:01
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blinddesktop manager10:01
Samuli^in default gnome uses metacity as window manager.10:01
HIGH-FREQok...sorry..."desktop" manager ;)10:01
Samuli^but you can use other :P10:01
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invisibleshadowok, how do i make my sound card work?10:02
mugzieso does anyone know how i can add the gaim and all that to like my programs in my tollbar?10:02
andreasc89will all my files be deleted when I upgrade to dapper?10:02
andreasc89and all settings and so on?10:02
Samuli^mugzie, sorry man. You have to get some icewm-spesific help me thinks.10:02
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: i said paste the output in pastebin10:03
gnomefreakno in channel10:03
Samuli^adnreasc89, no.10:03
invisibleshadowwhere is that10:03
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126910:03
=== ClayG [n=claygucc@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mugzieok man only if this thing was fast enough for something other then ice lol10:03
mugziebut o well good enough10:03
WyredSamuli^, sorry to ask the same question again but what were the codecs name again for xmms?10:03
Mystery47i just use taking programs in menus with making link to desktop.....then dragging it to panel....10:03
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KenSentMewhat is a good program to watch tv on my ubuntu? I've seen MythTV, but i think that's a bit overkill, or not?10:03
farruinnmugzie: did you try xfce?10:03
Samuli^wyred, the codec-package is called w32codecs10:04
Samuli^and it's not xmms spesific.10:04
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mugziei did but it was still slower then ice10:04
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ubotuw32codecs is, like, totally, a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install. To use w32codecs on a 64-bit system, see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439910:04
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HIGH-FREQmugzie; check if there's a folder called  .icegm or .icewm10:04
farruinnmugzie: I also really like enlightenment, the default theme is ugly imo though10:04
HIGH-FREQor whatever10:04
Mystery47just dragging program from menu to desktop....10:04
Samuli^enlightement is sweet!10:04
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mugziehigh freq do i type locate .icegm or somethig?10:04
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Samuli^_and_ fast.10:05
mugziefor real10:05
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mugzieis it good for my laptop10:05
invisibleshadowits under invisibleshadow10:05
Samuli^but really unstable.10:05
HIGH-FREQno it shouls be in your homdire10:05
mugziep3 64mb10:05
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farruinngnomefreak: why the "+" after "!"?10:05
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mugziewhat u mean unstable?10:05
Samuli^mugzie, you get a lot of odd errors and such.10:05
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mugziecause im on ice and i get no lag10:06
gnomefreakfarruinn: its too long for channel so you use the !+ or it will msg you with it only10:06
HIGH-FREQmugzie: in consol  type  cd   then press enter....  now type  ls -la     do u see any .icewm or .ice??  or whatever10:06
farruinnSamuli^: you mean e17 or e16? e16 is pretty stable10:06
Samuli^some things don't work at all and so on.10:06
mugzieand its running good10:06
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mugzieo ok10:06
Samuli^farruinn, I'm talking about e17 of course.10:06
Samuli^e16 is pretty ugly :P10:06
bewireMust I have the 32codecs to get sound in kscd, tvwin, totem, etc ? I've tried to play an audio cd but theres no sound10:06
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azurehuesofblueI need serious help with this what's l33t backwards? http://pastebin.com/71214910:06
farruinnSamuli^: I wouldn't put e17 on mugzie's laptop :P10:06
Samuli^bewire, you should be able to play audio-cd's out-of-box.10:06
Samuli^farruinn, me neither, but it could be a fun thing to try.10:07
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invisibleshadowgnome freak, i paseted the output into the paste bin10:07
bewireAlso with amd64 and the 64bit install ?10:07
crazy_penguinbewire: an ideea. try to play with the sound mixers cd button10:07
andreasc89is rocky II worth seeing?10:07
mugziehigh it just said desktop10:07
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: can i have the link to where you pasted it please10:07
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gnomefreakandreasc89: maybe in the 80s it was10:07
farruinnSamuli^: I used to pull e17 from cvs every once in a while. It looks so cool, but I think I'll wait until they finish.10:07
andreasc89it's on tv now10:07
newbie33I typed grub in root console on live CD, but bash says that grub:command not found10:08
gnomefreakandreasc89: please take movie talk to #ubuntu-offtopic please10:08
Samuli^farruinn, same here.10:08
ClayGIs there anyway to get ver2+ of Open Office with apt?10:08
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gnomefreakClayG: nope10:08
mugzieandreasc89 do u got a tv tuner or something10:08
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eggzeckClayG, yes10:08
Samuli^farruinn, I just like to check how it's going along sometimes.10:08
ClayGI grabbed the package from their site and its all in rpm'10:08
gnomefreakty invisibleshadow give em asec to look at it10:08
eggzeckgnomefreak, that is not true10:08
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ClayGi used rpm -Uvih *rpm and it says to use alien10:08
farruinnClayG: is there a difference between 2+ and openoffice.org2?10:08
inx|DavidCan someone help me with a problem while installing ubuntu?10:08
eggzeckClayG, sudo apt-get install openoffice.org210:08
ClayGfarruinn 2+ is 2 and above10:09
ClayGthanks eggzeck10:09
azurehuesofbluehttp://pastebin.com/712149 S>O>S10:09
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gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: the onboard looks like an intel card but not sure whsat your other card is called10:10
mugziehey can someone link me to win32pck>?10:10
invisibleshadowhow can i find out?10:10
gnomefreakeggzeck: he needs the OOo2 repos if hes on breezy10:10
gnomefreakubotu tell mugzie about w32codecs10:10
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ClayGit's working like a charm here10:10
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: that im not sure10:10
invisibleshadowmay be if i run alsa setup it will show10:11
newbie33hey I cant go with that directives https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows , grub not found, I booted on LIVE CD10:11
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mugzieu only can use on 64bit10:11
eggzeckClayG, after that: killall gnome-panel10:11
gnomefreakmugzie: w32codecs are made for 32 bit platforms10:11
ClayGdoes it have some glitch in the integration?10:12
eggzeckClayG, then you can go to Applications->Office and see the beauty :)10:12
mugzieo ok cause i heard that i can watch video with win32 codecs10:12
gnomefreakeggzeck: lol @ beauty in OOo1.910:12
gnomefreakmugzie: you can watch some yes10:12
mugzieo ok thanks man10:12
gnomefreakubotut ell mugzie about restricted10:12
eggzeckgnomefreak, what are you babbling about?10:12
gnomefreakeggzeck: 2.0 is not in breezy10:13
inx|DavidWhen im installing ubuntu, it copies over all the files and takes mys ettings, then ejects disk and restart, it then gets to 60% and all these words and stuff come on the screen and some sort of kernel error, i ran memtest and its fine and also reinstalled 3 times with 3 different disks, anyone any ideas?10:13
Mystery47mplayer is good prog to watch movies....:)10:13
gnomefreakubotu tell mugzie about restricted10:13
invisibleshadowi think my sound card is an intel because this is an intel laptop10:13
Samuli^newbie33, what do you mean you can't go with the guide?10:13
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: than yes it is but did you install a second soundcard?10:13
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invisibleshadowi didn't do a thing10:14
invisibleshadowi had no sound the day i got it10:14
newbie33Samuli^, I cant boot to ubuntu after Installed XP, becouse the grub has gone10:14
gnomefreakok hold on a min10:14
Samuli^neewbie33, yes. You need to re-install GRUB:10:14
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newbie33ho to make it10:14
HIGH-FREQfrom live cd10:15
HIGH-FREQuse the livecd10:15
inx|DavidAnyone any ideas?10:15
newbie33So I booted in it10:15
newbie33what to do next?10:15
newbie33type grub in root terminal10:15
Samuli^newbie33, there's the guide you pointed out. What don't you understand from it?10:15
newbie33I done it but got msg, grub not fount10:15
ClayGhell yeah10:15
ClayGthanks eggzeck10:15
blazewhen i watch a movie with vlc media player i see little squares10:15
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blazethat i don't see when i use windows10:16
blazewhat should i do?10:16
Samuli^newbie33, hmm10:16
Mystery47im just a noob...but what version of ubuntu do you have? inx|David?10:16
blazeand.. the mplayer doesn't wan to play fullscreen.. and i'm tired of asking..10:16
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Mystery47is it right version to your machine?10:16
inx|Davidlatest one Mystery4710:17
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Samuli^newbie33, all I can say it _should_ work.10:17
Mystery47breezy maybe...or dapper?10:17
inx|Davidand i got them from ubuntu10:17
mpmcblaze: for Mplayer goto the Prefs -> video & select Xv10:17
inx|Davidit still completes the instalation10:17
inx|Davidbut then xserv wont load10:17
ubotufrom memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358910:17
blazeXv doesn't work :(((10:17
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mpmcblaze: Hmm...10:17
blazemaby it's because of my video10:18
blazeVia Unichrome pro10:18
Mystery47ok....i just have p3 1g....and i use that 386 version....it works most of machines...pentiums..10:18
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mpmcblaze: "Ewww"10:18
blazebut when i use bsplayer in windows i don't have any problems :)10:18
blazeew, yes :D10:18
MrGideonI've been having a problem with video drivers myself. X can't find the nvidia.ko module, even though it's there, and can be modprobed without error, and shows up on lsmod10:18
Mystery47then there is amd versions and so on...10:18
mpmcblaze: Whats the problem with VLC?10:19
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blazeactually it's the best opportunity.. the problem is that i see little squares10:19
blazewhen i go fullscreen10:19
blazethat i don't see in windows10:19
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Samuli^does vlc use xine or gs-streamer engine?10:19
Mystery47so you get tilt text when you start machine?10:19
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blazempmc, i can get over it, but i wanted to use mplayer in order to use subtitles10:20
blazeit's kind of easire10:20
Samuli^most problems people are having are because of the shitty gs-streamer.10:20
blazeeasier *10:20
mpmcblaze: that's the quality.. of the video (whats the codec?)10:20
void^blaze: what graphics driver are you using?10:20
inx|Davidwhats the default ubuntu root password?10:20
Mystery47that what you put it...10:20
mpmcinx|David: there isn't one10:20
blazein mplayer i use x11 (XImage/Shm)10:20
Samuli^inx, if you mean sudo, it's the same as your passwd.10:20
Mystery47when you installed ubuntu....:)10:20
blazethe others don't work or wor veeeery slow :)10:20
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void^blaze: no, what X driver. sounds like you use a nonaccelerated driver like vesa.10:21
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inx|Davidah cheers10:21
inx|Davidhow do i switch to root?10:21
inx|Daviddo i have to enable that or something?10:21
invisibleshadowwhere did gnomefreak go?10:21
blazei think it's accelerated :D10:21
gnomefreakim right here10:21
mpmcblaze: thats down to your graphic's card..10:21
Samuli^inx|David, you can't as such.10:21
gnomefreakkind of10:21
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.10:21
tlahi, I am trying to get the share to work, but I am not albe to login when the user/password dialog shows up in windows. can anybody help?10:21
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gnomefreaksudo not su10:22
blazeok.... but why mplayer isn't working.. and vlc is :) ?10:22
inx|Davidi prefer su :p10:22
Mystery47temporarly sudo10:22
invisibleshadowso what should i do?10:22
Samuli^you could always use gksudo in front of starting the prog, or sudo -sh in terminal.10:22
gnomefreakMystery47: dont advise su to people in here please10:22
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gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: not sure the person i asked is doing a bunch of things atm10:22
mpmcblaze: Hmm.. that is very stange..10:22
ssam!tell inx|David about root10:22
blazeand also.. when i play a movie with xine10:22
void^because vlc softwarescales by default, mplayer scales only if you tell it to10:22
Mystery47why? ....if ppl is asking to get root....hmm10:22
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blazeit goes a little bit slow10:22
blazebut in full screen10:23
invisibleshadowthe video doesn't work as well10:23
HIGH-FREQjust do  sudo -s  if u want root10:23
mpmcblaze: Yes thats down to your graphics card sadly10:23
gnomefreakwhat people prefer or do on thier own pcs has nothing to do with support advise sudo not su10:23
blazein mplayer it works, but only in small mode :)10:23
blazei see :)10:23
void^use a proper video driver that supports xv ("via" does on unichrome chips)10:23
blazeso.. i should use vlc..10:23
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: what does work?10:23
UKMattI have podcasts in my trashcan that are aparently locked, and won't delete, how do i empty my trash then?10:23
gnomefreakubotu tell invisibleshadow about nvidia10:23
ramviI'm trying to use xgl. But as I replace the /etc/X11/X (as said in the wiki) I can't get X started again. What should I do? Using kde..10:23
invisibleshadowinternet that i setup my self :)10:23
mpmcblaze: Do what void just said..10:23
blazevoid^, you say that via unichrome pro supports xv, right?10:23
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: your pm has info on your video card10:24
mpmcblaze: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:24
blazeso i should go to via's page and find my driver,shouldn't i?10:24
tlacan anybody help with sharing?10:24
tla(windows sharing)10:24
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Samuli^tla, what do you want to know?10:24
void^blaze: compare the chips supported at http://unichrome.sourceforge.net with your 'lspci' output10:24
mpmcblaze: tell us what driver its using under device section10:24
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tlaI setup the share in the ubuntu machine but I can't access it from the windows machine10:25
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Samuli^tla, uhh.. is it samba or nfs?10:25
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Samuli^tla, I managed to get that working by reading the samba-manuals.10:25
mpmcblaze: Or follow, that link, (I'll shut up, Void can answer your questions.. he's better, I'm still a noob mysql)10:26
Samuli^it isn't really that hard.10:26
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lampshadeI'm running 5.10 on a 686 kernel, and after the last update, that kernel is like borked.  The machine won't boot.  Luckily I can fall back onto the old i386 kernel like I am now.  Suggestions?  The installer had encountered errors while updated and apparently they were some errors.  Anyone know what logs I can check to figure out what's going on?10:26
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Samuli^tla, did you do the sharing via nautilus or with terminal?10:26
mpmcMyself, Damn, I have MySQL on the brain!10:26
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tlaSamuli^ with nautilus10:26
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invisibleshadowwhen i enter my password to run Synaptic Package Manager, nothing happens10:27
tlaSamuli^, it appears in the System>Administartion>Shared Folders10:27
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Samuli^tla, the basic thing is that you need to have the same workgroup and I think ip's that are the same beside the last three digits.10:27
tlaSamuli^ the problem is that i can't seem to login10:27
andreasc89how do I unmount a drive in the terminal?10:27
tlaSamuli^, it is the same subnet, and the same workgroup10:28
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lampshadeI don't know why they felt they needed to leave off the n10:28
lampshadethat type of stuff annoys me10:28
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Samuli^ahh.. you might have different login 'stuff' in the samba.. you really should read samba documentation on the internet somewhere.10:28
chicken_FireHi guys.10:28
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gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: are you the person that installed ubuntu?10:28
tlaSamuli^ I'll try, thx10:28
Samuli^I can't remember how I managed to get it work, but I just needed to read some documentaries.10:28
invisibleshadowgnome freak, the link tells me to go to synaptic package manager. It asks for a password. after i enter the pass word, nothing happens10:28
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invisibleshadowit came pre installed10:29
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chicken_FireI would like to know which alternative desktop is devivered in ubuntu beside gnome or kde.10:29
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Samuli^tla, try searching for something like windows linux samba sharing or something.10:29
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cachedwhen i upgrade to dapper, what should i make sure i do10:29
newbie33how to find out in console on which disc ubuntu is isntalled?10:29
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doctormohello all10:30
blazevoid^, how can i install new drivers to my video card?10:30
chicken_Firenewbie33 type "mount"10:30
chicken_Firethe partition mounting "/" is your root partition with the system10:30
newbie33there are many partitions10:31
crazy_penguinhow can i update from breezy to dapper without reinstalling everyting from scratch?10:31
doctormoI have all my network stuff in a script, it's sets up dhcpd, dhclients eth0 and sets up eth2 to share the internet accross it, how can I get all this to be configured when the computer starts instead of running this file each time?10:31
newbie33/dev /proc/ ..10:31
Samuli^newbie, root shows first in the list.10:31
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newbie33tmpfs on / type tmpfs (rw)10:31
Samuli^it's something like /dev/hda2 or hdb110:31
newbie33guys it says nothing10:31
doctormonewbie33: what is the problem?10:32
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newbie33problem? I cant boot ubuntu after XP install10:32
Samuli^newbie, does the 'grub' command work?10:32
newbie33boot to live cd ant type grub not work10:32
invisibleshadowhow can i get to synaptic package manager from the terminal?10:32
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cachednewbie: fix grub through knoppix10:32
HIGH-FREQnewbie33: what bout mounting the root partition  /dev/hda3 or whever u put it10:32
Mystery47This is good command to update breezy to dapper: gksudo "update-manager -d" (just sit and relax)10:32
gnomefreakinvisibleshadow: gksudo synaptic10:32
doctormonewbie33: thats because XP overrides the MBR10:33
mike930i'm trying to write to a usd disk and it won't let me change permissions and sometimes it will say the disk is locked anyone got any ideas?10:33
newbie33doctormo I undrestand10:33
chicken_Fireinvisibleshadow, type synaptic ;)10:33
newbie33but now I want to do sth10:33
newbie33nothing help10:33
HymnToLifenope never mind, sorry :p10:33
crazy_penguinMystery47: but he's saying that i'm up to date10:33
doctormonewbie33: to get it back you need to get grub to insert a new mbr which points to the boot selector10:33
UKMattI have podcasts in my trashcan that are aparently locked, and won't delete, how do i empty my trash then?10:33
newbie33doctormo, how you prefer to make it?10:33
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lampshadeWhat do I do to have apt-get install me a new kernel and auto update grub?  Trying to fix something that Synaptic broke the other night :-/10:34
doctormonewbie33: you can load grub from a floppy or a live cd10:34
rabidphagewhat is the differance between the ip suite stack and the osi model??10:34
newbie33there are no floppy on laptop10:34
Samuli^doctormo, thing is he's on the ubuntu live cd right now, and 'grub' doesn't work.10:34
newbie33but I can easy boot to live cd10:34
Mystery47with command that i gave you....i just updated my breezy to dapper like that...10:34
doctormoSamuli^: really?10:35
crazy_penguinok i'll try another time10:35
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Samuli^doctormo, really, really.10:35
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Samuli^Pretty odd you there's no grub on ubuntu live.10:35
newbie33oh really?10:36
inx|Davidi wonder if the live disk works10:36
crazy_penguinMystery47: same message: Your system is up to date10:36
doctormoSamuli^: perhaps he can install it, you have the internet newbie33? use apt-get to install grub10:36
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inx|Davidi really want ubuntu on my laptop10:36
doctormoinx|David: whats wrong?10:36
Mystery47only thing what was messed was graphics.....on startup...but xorg.conf changes make it work again....and latest nvidia drivers you can have in synaptic...10:36
=== thechitowncubs [n=john@c-67-175-194-43.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skwid_i'm trying to write to a fat32 partition10:37
inx|Davidafter it restarts to install packages it errors about kernel null pointer and comes up with words all ver the screen, then xserver wont load10:37
skwid_i can write10:37
skwid_but all the files have root as there owner10:37
Samuli^skwid, you should be able to.10:37
skwid_is there a way to change that ?10:37
doctormoinx|David: sounds like the wrong cpu10:37
thechitowncubsHowdy, is there a skype packaged for Dapper that anyone knows of?10:37
Samuli^skwid, you have mounted it as such.10:37
skwid_and many of my apps don't work correctly10:37
UKMattdoes anyone know how to get rid of W: Couldn't stat source package list http://theli.free.fr ./ Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/theli.free.fr_packages_breezy_._Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:37
UKMatt when i open synaptic?10:37
inx|Davidi noticed it was usuing 38610:37
skwid_for example if i set firefox to download to that fat32 partition10:37
inx|Davidmy laptop has an amd turion 64bit10:38
newbie33I have 5.04 live CD version10:38
doctormoUKMatt: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and remove that entry I think10:38
skwid_it creates files with a 0 size10:38
Samuli^skwid, use chmod to change priviledges.10:38
newbie33is GRUB on this version?10:38
Mystery47skype is in dapper....10:38
doctormoinx|David: and what is the linux compiled for?10:38
Samuli^or do that in fstab so it's permanent.10:38
skwid_Samuli^: on the fat partition ?10:38
UKMattdoctormo, which is that though10:38
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skwid_Samuli^: how ?10:38
D3anewbie33, yes10:38
inx|David32bit i think10:38
Samuli^!tell skwid_ fstab10:38
Samuli^does that work?10:38
newbie33D3a, It should work on Xwindows or in console?10:38
doctormoinx|David: 386? 586? 686? AMD64? P4?10:39
inx|Davidno idea10:39
inx|Davidits a disk i got from ubuntu10:39
skwid_Samuli^: hum, no10:39
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doctormonewbie33: have you gone to a console and typed in: sudo apt-get install grub ??10:39
Samuli^skwid_ http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html10:39
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inx|Davidshould i redownload a different one?10:40
newbie33doctormo, on live CD?10:40
doctormonewbie33: yes, it will install it to the ram disc10:40
newbie33wait Ill try it10:40
doctormonewbie33: so if you restart it will be lost, but you don't need it for ever10:40
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inx|Daviddoctormo should i download a different one?10:40
UKMattis installing a tar.bz2 the same as a tar.gz?10:41
lampshadeUKMatt, they are just a type of zip basically.  tar sticks the files together and the the gz is gunzip where the other one is bzipped10:41
doctormoinx|David: the problem is that AMD chip might be something special and I'm not sure if ubuntu is clever enough to install 386 or amd64 kernel10:41
UKMattlampshade, ty10:41
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doctormoinx|David: so your best bet I think is to compile your kernel10:42
mugziehey anyone id opera is fast?10:42
roniezhow can i make a edit in fstab to mount from my windows computer?10:42
inx|Davidgrub shows it as 38610:42
roniezsmbmount during boot dont work. :S10:42
skwid_hum i dont know what to change10:42
doctormoinx|David: actualy before that, do a search with apt-cache search kernel to see if there is an amd64 version10:42
lampshademugzie, it is pretty fast10:42
skwid_does anyone have a fat32 partition mounted ???10:42
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Samuli^skwid_ I do.10:43
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mugzieis it faster then the firefox u get with the ubuntu10:43
doctormoskwid_: I could insert my usb stick10:43
skwid_what's your fstab entry10:43
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lampshademugzie, I don't use it because I"m too used to my extensions and such in firefox, but I have it installed10:43
Samuli^wait a sec.10:43
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doctormoHippi4mfn: hi10:43
mugzielampshade do u have firefox1.510:43
lampshademugzie, umm  depends  I would say yes, probably faster than 1.0.7, but I upgraded my ubuntu ffox to 1.510:43
mugzieok can u help me update mine10:44
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lampshadeyeah it is actually pretty easy there is a wiki page for it, lemme see if I can get the bot to help10:44
ubotulampshade: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:44
Samuli^skwid_ : /dev/hda4       /media/hda4     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       110:44
thoreauputicinstall galeon - it's faster than FF IMO10:44
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion10:44
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skwid_what's the umask ??10:44
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uboturumour has it, skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/10:45
lampshademugzie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion  should be all  you need like the bot said10:45
inx|Davidthere was alot of stuff10:45
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doctormoinx|David: yes?10:45
inx|Davidlike loads of pages10:46
Hippi4mfnAre on the Flight7 CD Images the same contents? just wondered because the file size between live and install differ a lot10:46
Samuli^skwid_ it's the priviledges.10:46
doctormoinx|David: ok, you can use grep to limit the results, press up to get back to the same command and type after it | grep -i amd10:46
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doctormo(thats a pipe sysmbol)10:46
skwid_Samuli^: and can you show me a "ls -al" on one of your dirs on that partition ?10:46
Samuli^you could try umask=0000 to have everyone have all rights to the disk.10:46
lampshadeAnyone know where I can get the little case the badges for Ubuntu that I see sometimes?  THey are the exact size of the windows ones10:46
psycosewel, i've update from breezy to dapper , how can i make sure i have all the news app like gnome deskbar, f-spot .... any tips ? thanks10:46
thoreauputicHippi4mfn: the live CD now includes an installer (graphical)10:47
crazy_penguinpsycose: how did you update? please tell me10:47
inx|Davidnothing for 64bit amd10:47
Hippi4mfni know but the image is 80MB smaller10:47
lampshadepsycose, could open a terminal and do a which f-spot   or which deskbar  things like that10:47
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crazy_penguini tried using update-manager but doesn't work10:48
Mystery47most progs have infos...:)10:48
Mystery47firefox....and such...10:48
thoreauputicHippi4mfn: it really doesn't matter - you can install anything anyway (that you want)10:48
gnomefreakpsycose: what is the output of uname -r?10:48
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psycosecrazy_penguin, well i've modified my sources.list file from breezy. to dapper .., deskbar & f-spot was not install i just notice that.. and install both ... but may be i miss other nice app ..10:48
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Hippi4mfnok thx10:48
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skwid_Samuli^: nope... still on root:root10:48
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Mystery47here is link to update: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades10:49
budluvawho here uses chkrootkit? i saw this when running it....just wondering if this is normal...Checking `aliens'... no suspect files10:49
doctormoinx|David: did you manage to get the livecd to work?10:49
psycosegnomefreak, 2.6.15-21-38610:49
Samuli^skwid_ you umounted and mounted?10:49
budluvawtf is 'aliens'?????10:49
inx|Davidno doctormo it did the same thing10:49
skwid_Samuli^: yes10:49
gnomefreakpsycose: run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:49
Samuli^budluva, aliens are alien packages.10:49
gnomefreakpsycose: your not up to date10:49
psycosegnomefreak, well i've already run it .. ok i'll run it again ..10:50
Samuli^to ubuntu rpm's are aliens and deb's are not.10:50
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Mystery47when you update to dapper....prepare to wait for installing couple hours...maybe.....i just did...:(10:50
gnomefreakpsycose: if you tell us what your looking for exactly we can point you to it10:50
gnomefreakpsycose: latest kernel for dapper is 2.6.15-2210:50
newbie33Ok I need to get GRBL after installing windows, booted on Live CD, typed grub, and..10:50
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newbie33grub> find /boot/grub/stage110:50
newbie33Error 15: File not found10:50
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Mystery47.....but its worth it :) .....now my web cam works just fine.....10:50
newbie33what it means?10:50
doctormoinx|David: yea I'd say that was a damn cpu issue, what do you end up with when you install? just a command prompt right?10:51
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budluvaSamuli^, explain again please? what are alien packages?10:51
gnomefreakpsycose: also can we move this to either #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic10:51
Egnygnokif I install flight 7 today, will it be easy to upgrade to the release version coming out next month?10:51
psycosegnomefreak, well what i notice is that i've dist-upgrade fron breezy to dapper, and once again lot's of the new apps are not installed ...10:51
roniezhow can i make a edit in fstab to mount from my windows computer?10:51
gnomefreakEgnygnok: yes keep updating10:51
McScrufflo all, i have xUbuntu on my xbox and installed kaffeine, and it uses gstreamer, im trying to play an url and get "No URI handler implemented for" , how can i fix this ?10:51
ubotuDownload and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically.  If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions10:51
inx|Davidyeah doctormo10:51
mugziehey im stuck what do they mean install to \opt\firefox10:51
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roniezubotu: its over the network...10:51
gnomefreakmugzie: just copy and paste the commands10:51
uboturoniez: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:51
mugziei did10:52
doctormoinx|David: sudo apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.1110:52
mugziei got a error10:52
gnomefreakmugzie: the tar -C /opt command will unpack it where it needs to be10:52
thoreauputicMcScruff: try installing kaffeine-xine10:52
gnomefreakmugzie: what error?10:52
thoreauputic!info kaffeine-xine10:52
ubotukaffeine-xine: (xine engine for kaffeine media player), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 0.7-0ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 174 kB, Installed size: 548 kB10:52
inx|Daviddoctormo cant find it10:52
doctormosudo apt-get update10:52
newbie33hey how to fix grub loader, I booted on live cd now10:53
mugzieok it says firefox- tar gz:cannot be open no suck file or directory10:53
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doctormonewbie33: did you install grub as I said?10:53
mpmcsuck file, lol10:53
Khamaelhow can I get a newer firefox in breezy? I have a plugin that complains about me having an old version10:53
thoreauputicdoctormo: 2.6.11 is bad news anyway10:53
newbie33doctormo, yes, now it runs fine10:53
newbie33what to do nex10:53
doctormothoreauputic: I don't mind which version10:53
gnomefreakmugzie: you need to cd to where you saved the download10:54
thoreauputicdoctormo: apt-cache search linux10:54
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inx|Davidwill i do it with .12 then?10:54
thoreauputicdoctormo: or apt-cache search linux-image10:54
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mugziecan u like tell me how to do that its in my desktop10:54
skwid_Samuli^: yep.. still doesn't work10:54
gnomefreakmugzie: cd Desktop10:54
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skwid_now i have root:plugindev as the owners ???10:54
gnomefreakmugzie: just like i typed it10:55
gnomefreakmugzie: now run the tar command10:55
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doctormothoreauputic: perhaps you can help inx|David he has an AMD|64 chip of some sort and his kernel is failing in both the livecd and the install10:55
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thoreauputicinx|David: is this dapper ? (6.06)10:55
corerunnerhello, I have a strange problem during bootup and was wondering if anyone could help10:55
inx|Davidthoreauputic no its 5.1010:56
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doctormothoreauputic: I don't think it is10:56
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=== thug sal all
newbie33who could give good advice now, doctormo  maby you could, please?10:56
corerunnerjust installed 5.10 from CD and it hangs on Synchronizing system clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org10:56
michipress strg + c10:56
doctormonewbie33: I'm searching online, I havn't touched windows in 7 years10:56
corerunnerI know this has been covered, but everything locks up, including the keyboard (usb or ps2), so I can't ctrl-c10:57
thoreauputicinx|David: are you installing the amd64 version? I hear the i386 version runs very well on amd6410:57
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newbie33doctormo, uh thanks10:57
inx|Davidim installing the i386 version i believe, its the one that says "for pc10:57
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inx|Davidand on the grub bootloader is says the kernel is the 386 one10:57
Relampagohi i tried using the nvidia installer script from ubuntuforums10:57
doctormonewbie33: you need to run: grub-install /dev/hda10:57
Yoshidu62hello all10:57
Yoshidu62I'm french10:57
Mystery47nice doctormo...:) (i have using ubuntu like 3 months or more....i dont never touch windows anymore)10:57
Relampagonow my xserver isnt starting anymore, does someone have knowledge about that ?10:57
thoreauputicinx|David: OK - have you tried using the boot options like acpi=off ?10:57
Yoshidu62I have a question ^^10:58
paradizelostRelampago: if you are tyring to get the nvidia drivers working i recommend easyubuntu10:58
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Relampagoi used a script ..10:58
paradizelost!tell Relampago about easyubuntu10:58
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doctormoMystery47: I'm a programmer, I was using Debian when you had to use floppys to install it10:58
michiok corerunner, I had the same prob but without freezing so it worked for me10:58
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newbie33doctormo, seems terible grub> grub-install /dev/hda10:58
newbie33Error 27: Unrecognized command10:58
AleXerTecHhi everybody10:58
mag_I have all install in my pc but i can't see compiz ! someone can help me ?10:58
AleXerTecHi need help10:58
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model and output of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org is important.10:58
Yoshidu62me too ^^10:58
doctormonewbie33: ok exit grub first10:58
AleXerTecHi have installed ubuntu 5.10 in a machin without internet10:58
michibtw, corerunner I am a total linux newbie10:58
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paradizelostAleXerTecH: k10:59
doctormonewbie33: it isn't a 'grub' command it's a standard tool that comes _with_ grub10:59
inx|Davidthoreauputic i tried it with som eboot options but cant remember which, ill have a look now, also i have to use the vga=771 one or else the screen goes black, its an amd turion procesor on a laptop10:59
AleXerTecHand i cant get listen any mp3  :'(10:59
corerunnercool michi, yeah I've had the problem before but my keyboard worked so it was no prob10:59
ubotump3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:59
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Xaero_VincentSUSE 10.1 out... anyone try it?10:59
AleXerTecHparadizelost, ohh, well thanks10:59
duckdownW: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sysvinit/sysvinit_2.86.ds1-6ubuntu28_i386.deb Could not connect to ca.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)10:59
thoreauputicinx|David: to be honest I have no experience with the 64 bit version10:59
ubotumplayer is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106110:59
Hippi4mfnfunny questin in #ubuntu Xaero_Vincent10:59
duckdownIs ca.archive.ubuntu.com broken??10:59
inx|Davidthoreauputic i did noapic and nolapic and it does the same thing10:59
duckdowni can't apt-get10:59
duckdownor adept update11:00
michilol hippi11:00
doctormoinx|David: I just installed a desktop machine with a samperon amd64 and it worked fine...11:00
paradizelostduckdown: are you sudo apt-get update ?11:00
corerunneris there someway to tell grub to only load the essentials without any modules or anything, so I can edit /etc/default/ntpdate?11:00
duckdownparadizelost: yes11:00
Yoshidu62Vim 7.0 is here in Dapper???11:00
thoreauputicinx|David: have you tried searching the wiki for your laptop? Or using the users mailing list?11:00
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doctormocorerunner: some sort of safe mode?11:00
paradizelostYoshidu62: i've been told it won't make it11:00
Hippi4mfnYoshidu62 if not compie it11:00
corerunnerdoctormo: that's my question11:00
thoreauputicinx|David: there's a whole pile of info on laptops on the wiki11:01
=== Panda- [n=unknown@HSE-London-ppp3509844.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
budluvadoes anyone here have a /etc/.pwd.lock file??? i just ran rkhunter and told me it was a hidden suspicious file, opened via sudo nano .pwd.lock and it seems empty, just wondering if this is normal?11:01
newbie33doctormo, what it means root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu # grub-install /dev/hda11:01
newbie33Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.11:01
newbie33/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.11:01
gnomefreakYoshidu62: no11:01
Yoshidu62I'm french, I'don't understand ^^ answer yes or no ^^11:01
corerunnerI've been using ubuntu for a little over a year and it's been fairly painless11:01
gnomefreaknewbie33: dont paste11:01
Panda-I messed up xorg.conf.... how do I fix it ???11:01
inx|Davidhave you got a link to the wiki?11:01
Relampagoparadizelost, it cant be run wqithout xserver11:01
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL11:01
Relampagoor bettwer it looks likle it cant run11:01
budluvaPanda-, did you back up xorg.conf?11:01
paradizelostRelampago: oh, so the video doesn't work at all?11:01
duckdown!gentoosmite duckdown11:01
ubotuduckdown: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:01
gnomefreakYoshidu62: because it was released after the freezy11:01
newbie33there was only three lines11:01
ubotuthoreauputic: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:01
Relampagothe script shooted my working xserver11:01
Samuli^Panda, check out if you have xorg.conf~ or whatever backup?11:01
uboturumour has it, laptop is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops or http://www.linux-laptop.net/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam, or tuxmobil.org11:02
Panda-okay, lemme check11:02
Yoshidu62ok thanks all11:02
thoreauputicinx|David: ^^^11:02
corerunnerso... is there a "safe mode" in 5.10?11:02
doctormonewbie33: erm it might not have failed, reboot your machine and find out11:02
paradizelostRelampago: find where it says nvidia in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change it to nv11:02
Samuli^corerunner, yeah.11:02
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Yoshidu62but Vim 7.0 is very very very good!!! :D11:02
corerunnerSamuli: do you know how I can enable that?11:02
paradizelostcorerunner: there's a rescue mode11:02
paradizelostcommand line only11:02
doctormoYoshidu62: what is good about it?11:02
corerunnerthat's what I need11:02
Relampagofailed to load glx11:02
Samuli^corerunner, is your grub working?11:02
Relampagofalied to load nvidida11:02
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Yoshidu62the tab, the omni-completion11:02
doctormoRelampago: yes, no 3dfx support :-(11:02
markcialanyone wanna to play in a fps?11:03
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paradizelostRelampago: commend out the line that says         load       "glx"11:03
markcialplease theres no server created11:03
Samuli^froom there you can, and if you can get gdm to start you can check failsafe mode from there too.11:03
corerunnerSamuli: yup everything is fine, loads the gui and all until it tries to synchronize time11:03
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inx|Davidcheers thoreauputic11:03
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)11:03
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=== thoreauputic is going to sleep if possible - 'night - morning all !
Relampagowhat does that mean ?11:03
markcialey ppl11:03
markciala new gpl fps is out11:03
gnomefreakYoshidu62: http://packages.debian.org/experimental/editors/vim11:03
thoreauputicinx|David: good hunting :)11:03
Samuli^cprerunner, don't you have a failsafe option in grub?11:03
markcialfor linux and windows11:04
paradizelostRelampago: what does what mean?11:04
skwid_i need help with fstab and fat32 :(11:04
Relampagoshould i also change nvidia to nv ?11:04
corerunnerSamuli: I think it automatically boots the normal mode, how can I get a menu?11:04
RelampagodoctormoRelampago: yes, no 3dfx support :-(11:04
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corerunnerthanks I'll try11:04
markcialskwid_, -t vfat11:04
Samuli^skwid, paste your fstab line for the vfat.11:04
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markcialanyone to play?11:04
confreyjoin #ubuntu-it11:04
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!11:04
Relampagook xserver is starting :)11:04
michiI have a very stupid question btw: how can I higher refresh rates? In the system\settings\resolution\dropdowns, there is only 60 hz11:04
skwid_markcial: -t ??11:04
markcialin bash put11:05
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paradizelostmichi: are you sure your monitor supports it?11:05
phiqtionhow do i extract a .ISO in linux?11:05
Samuli^marckial is talking about mount command.11:05
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doctormoRelampago: if you want a gui you can replace nvidia with vesa11:05
Yoshidu62I have doing my Vim 7.0 package for breezy11:05
markcialmount -t vfat "device" "dir_to_mount-211:05
michilol yes paradizelost11:05
inx|DavidOnly thing i can found similar to my laptop11:05
Ramunasphiqtion you can just mount it11:05
michiabout 100 @ my resolution11:05
skwid_/dev/hda5       /media/data     vfat    umask=0000,auto,noexec     0          011:05
paradizelostphiqtion: you can use archive manager11:05
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skwid_here you go Samuli^11:05
markcialtry hda111:05
doctormophiqtion: isodump?11:05
markcialinstead of hda511:05
paradizelostmichi: do you have the appropriate drivers loaded?11:05
markcialor hda211:06
paradizelostfor the vid. card?11:06
skwid_markcial: well that's not where my partition is ..11:06
paradizelostor stock?11:06
Mumis there anywhere that shows how to setup ubuntu for the first time  i.e how to install?11:06
markcialmake ls /de/hda11:06
markcialmake ls /dev/hda11:06
ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware11:06
apple|laptopwhat package has gtkmm ?11:06
markcialand put here te output11:06
skwid_what ???11:06
Samuli^skwid, try ,exec,rw?11:06
Relampagowhen i do startx, how can i kill it ?11:06
phiqtionhow do i mount a .ISO ?11:06
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Samuli^I thought your problem were trying to run progs from the fat32?11:06
michiparadizelost: hmm good question I m working @ driver installation because until yesterday I "was" a Windows user :)11:07
doctormoapple|laptop: libgtk I believe, all those packages are rather odd11:07
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skwid_Samuli^: to write to it with my user, and not root11:07
doctormophiqtion: if you find out, let meknow11:07
markcialyou have to fill with commands loop and iso-996111:07
markcialwith mount11:07
michiI got some sh .... from nvidia11:07
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Samuli^skwid, rw,exec, try that.11:07
ubotuHelp to fix issues with sound can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary11:07
adammwould someone please tell me the command to mount my external firewire hardrive that is formated as HFS+11:07
Samuli^rw = read and write11:07
azurehuesofbluehow do you guys have your sound set up? like? 50 master 75 output 75 3rdparty 75speaker?11:07
paradizelostmichi: just use easyubuntu for the nvidia drivers11:07
skwid_Samuli^: instead of the options ?11:07
markcialSamuli^, he is triing to mount the wrong partition11:07
mike930Having trouble mounting usb disk, getting not owner error, and disk is locked error. Can't chmod it, and disk isn't lockable, anyone have any idea?11:07
michioki thx11:07
paradizelost!tell michi about easyubuntu11:07
Samuli^exec instead noexec and add rw11:07
doctormoadamm: adamm can you _see_ the hard drive as a device first of all?11:08
skwid_markcial: im not, that's where my windows partition is ...11:08
corerunnerokay booting into Recovery Mode gives me a kernel panic so something else must be wrong... maybe a bad hdd11:08
Samuli^markcial, how do you know that?11:08
skwid_markcial: positive ...11:08
markcialhda5 is for swap11:08
Samuli^not for everyone..11:08
skwid_markcial: what are you talking about ?11:08
Mystery47this is good place to get most things to work....http://ubuntuguide.org/11:08
paradizelostcorerunner: what type of comp is it?11:08
doctormomike930: are you a member of the removeable media group?11:08
markcialin bash11:08
phiqtionhow do i mount a .ISO ? in terminak?11:08
markcialls /dev/hda11:08
markciallist devices11:08
adammdoctormo: when i type in fdisk -l it says that disk sda doesnt contain a valid partition table11:08
paradizelostphiqtion: mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /path/to/mount11:08
markcialthere will be the hda211:08
mike930doc, how do i add myself to that list?11:08
paradizelostmike930: sudo vigr11:09
mike930users and groups11:09
Panda-where are the xorg files located? /etc?11:09
corerunnerparadize: I just built it from old parts- Asus KT7A, athlon 1400, 512mb pc133, not sure of the hdd11:09
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markcialPanda-, /etc/X1111:09
paradizelostmike930: add your name to the appropriate group in the list11:09
doctormoadamm: ah, perhaps hfs is not installed in the kernel11:09
markcialey any fps player?11:09
markciallets match11:09
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doctormomike930: commandline or gui?11:09
adammhmm. i thought that it was11:09
paradizelostcorerunner: find out what type of hdd, and download their disk tester11:09
paradizelostusually floppy boottable11:10
corerunnerI'm planning on using it for Linux From Scratch so I don't really need a hdd yet11:10
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corerunneralright, thanks for the tip11:10
skwid_drwxrwxrwx 9 root plugdev 32768 2006-05-09 22:4811:10
mike930doc gui11:10
doctormoadamm: and you've tried mounting manualy with mount -t hfs ... ... ect?11:10
skwid_wtf is plugdev as a group ????11:10
paradizelostcorerunner: or you could set up an ltsp server11:10
paradizelostand not even need an hdd11:10
doctormomike930: use the admin users tool and go to the groups tab11:10
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paradizelostlinux terminal server project11:10
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paradizelost boots to the network11:10
azurehuesofbluehow should I set up my sound on a desktop computer with turntable monitor speakers... 50 sound, 75 outspeaker, 75 3rd plaryer, 75 monitorspeaker?11:10
corerunnerthat would be hot11:10
Panda-there's a xorg.conf with a datestamp, what do I do next?11:10
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markcialey ppl where i can find anny fps channel?11:10
paradizelostcorerunner: you just have another machine as ther server11:10
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adammdoctormo: do you know the command for that offhand? I already have a folder created in media to mount it to11:11
doctormoparadizelost: using it as a thin client?11:11
Samuli^Panda, is there any backups of the xorg.conf?11:11
paradizelosti make some modifications myself though11:11
Samuli^like conf~ or conf.backup.11:11
mike930doc what group would usbdisk be under?11:11
paradizelostmake the /   fs rw,11:11
Mumjust a quick question.. do you need to have a FORMATTED HD in before install? if so what format11:11
skwid_is there any graphical interface for fstab ?11:11
Panda-there is, a second xorg.conf.06050711:11
paradizelostremove the ltsp client11:11
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apple|laptopdoctormo, gtk and libgtk don't exist11:11
Panda-well I think it's a backup...11:11
paradizelostand install kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop11:11
Samuli^Panda, well you could just try to copy that over the bad one.11:12
doctormoadamm: mount -t hfs /dev/sdX /mnt/point11:12
markcialPanda-, if there is problems with xorg try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:12
paradizelostthen, it's a network bootable client, the whole fs is over NFS11:12
paradizelostand all processing is done locally so you have sound, etc...11:12
Panda-ok, thanks11:12
doctormoapple|laptop: what were you asking again? sorry lost the thread11:12
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apple|laptopdoctormo, installing gtkmm11:12
markcialany fps player?11:12
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markciali want to test a new fps gpl game11:12
paradizelost!tell markcial about offtopic11:13
Samuli^markcial, this isn't a game-channel.11:13
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doctormoapple|laptop: ah yes, a real pain, don't let apt-get install it for you as a dep of something else11:13
Panda-and what's the command to start Xorg?11:13
markcialwhere is a game channel?11:13
markciali asked bout this11:13
doctormoPanda-: startx11:13
paradizelosttry #ubuntu-offtopic11:13
paradizelostask there11:13
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newbie33doctormo, terible news, now I cant boot XP or ant other OS :((11:13
Relampagois there a graphiccard benchmark available for linux ?11:13
apple|laptopdoctormo, I want to straight up install it, but how?11:13
adammdoctormo, it says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock, missing codepage or other error...11:13
doctormonewbie33: Ah now you need to _configure_ grub to beable to boot the other OS11:13
apple|laptopdoctormo, I've tried libgtk gtk libgtkmm gtkmm, none of it worked11:14
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paradizelostRelampago: did you get the nvidia drivers loaded now?11:14
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newbie33doctormo, where to start?11:14
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doctormoapple|laptop: I can't remember how I did it last time11:14
Relampagoi think so11:14
Samuli^doctormo, do you know if cupsys is safe to remove?11:14
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doctormonewbie33: boot back into your livecd11:14
Relampagoi have nvidia-settings11:14
paradizelostRelampago: did you see the nvidia logo when the X started up?11:14
farruinnapple|laptop: what are you trying to install?11:15
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Relampagohave to reboot11:15
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doctormoadamm: not good, I have a mac but I've never tried to mount it11:15
newbie33doctormo, I am in the live CD11:15
newbie33I cant by anywhere else11:15
adammdoctormo, perhaps my filesystem is not correctly formatted? is there a way to tell through ubuntu? it works fine on a mac11:15
apple|laptopfarruinn, gtkmm11:15
doctormonewbie33: ok I think what is happened is you run grub from livecd but live cd has no settings so it just install a blank grub11:15
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anoncan someone help me? when i try to login to gnome the computer freezes up11:16
newbie33so I need to configure it manually11:16
anonwell, it does not freeze, but nothing happens11:16
paradizelostnewbie33: you can mount the hdd, chroot into it, and then run grub11:16
doctormoadamm: it could be that the version of hfs is not suported or you have an old version in the kernel. I don't know.11:16
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farruinnadamm: is it hfs or hfs+? if hfs+ do 'sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/sdX /mnt/path'11:16
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doctormoparadizelost: you better givehim the commands for that11:16
adammfarruinn. hfs+. i will try that11:16
doctormofarruinn: worth knowing :-)11:16
paradizelostanon: delete .Xauthority in your home directory11:16
anonwhat doe sthat do?11:17
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Relampagoparadizelost, it not working since reboot11:17
paradizelosti've found that it can cause gnome not to allow you to get all the way in11:17
Relampagosays something about different kernel api and driver11:17
anonwhat is the function of the fiole?11:17
doctormoRelampago: a complat freeze?11:17
farruinnapple|laptop: tried libgtkmm-2.4-1c2 ?11:17
paradizelostnewbie33: do you know where your original / is located?11:17
psycoseGrub problem/ current version dapper (updated from breezy) sudo update-grub tells me : Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ... however i've : splashimage (hd0,0)/boot/grub/splashimages/ubuntu.xpm.gz with /boot on /dev/hda1  , any tips thanks ?11:17
adammfarruinn: It worked! BUT just read-only...11:17
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newbie33paradizelost, no Im not sure11:17
ethanhow do i configure i click instead of double-click when i do click on a icon11:18
paradizelostanon: i'm  not familiar w/ it's function, but i know it causes that problem11:18
Relampagoapi mismatch11:18
doctormoadamm: have you checked the support for hfs+?11:18
anonim not so sure i should delete it if i do not know what it does11:18
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paradizelostRelampago: did you use easyubuntu?11:18
paradizelostor the script again?11:18
doctormoethan: ubuntu or kubuntu?11:18
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jryerAre there any shortcuts/good instructions on getting LAMP set up on ubuntu?11:18
farruinnadamm: sudo modprobe hfsplus first, then mount11:18
paradizelostanon: trust me, i have it happen fairly often11:18
farruinnadamm: I don't know why, but the hfsplus module isn't loaded automatically :/11:19
paradizelostthere's also sometimes a .ICEauthority that i have to delete11:19
apple|laptopfarruinn, thanks11:19
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doctormofarruinn: you have done this before?11:19
paradizelostanyone able to back me up w/ anon's issue?11:19
adammfarruinn, should i unmount before doing the modprobe thing11:19
newbie33paradizelost, what You had when installed XP on grub?:)11:19
newbie33tell me what to do11:19
farruinnadamm: oh, then when you mount: 'mount -w -t hfsplus /dev/sdX /mnt/path'11:19
newbie33Im sad11:19
sn0wmanare there any dapper packages for diva yet?11:19
farruinndoctormo: just now :)11:19
paradizelostnewbie33: open gparted11:19
farruinnadamm: doesn't matter really, but umount, then mount agian with the -w flag11:19
paradizelosti think it's in the list on the livecd11:19
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farruinnsn0wman: check packages.ubuntu.com11:20
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support :)11:20
newbie33paradizelost, where to find gparted?11:20
adammfarruinn: what is the command to unmount?11:20
doctormoadamm: once you have it mounting the way you like you can add it to your /etc/fstab for safe keeping11:20
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michioki thx for the tipp with easyubuntu paradizelost, got it! only another prob :)  the python script says: /bin/sh: nvidia-glx-config: command not found11:21
doctormoadamm: umount /mount/point11:21
paradizelostnewbie33: try applications->system tools11:21
adammdoctormo, ahh thanks that was my next question11:21
farruinnadamm: umount11:21
sn0wmanwell i know that there aren't any in universe yet.  i was just wondering if anyone had packaged it and put it out there on the web somewhere11:21
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paradizelostmichi: did it install the driver right?11:21
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kbrooksMystery47: are you there?11:22
paradizelostmichi: k.  edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the "nv" to "nvidia"11:22
newbie33paradizelost,  there is no gparted in applications->system tools11:22
michioki thx11:22
paradizelostmichi: then restart gdm11:22
kbrooks!tell Mystery47 about ubuntuguide11:22
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paradizelostnewbie33: do you have an install cd?11:22
farruinnadamm: If you want it to be read/write all the time, I think you'll want to 'sudo echo hfsplus >> /etc/modules' too, that way the hfsplus module is loaded all the time11:22
newbie33paradizelost, Im on live cd 5.0411:22
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newbie33yes I have11:23
Kyralfarruinn: long time no see11:23
doctormofarruinn: good idea if he is going to add it to his fstab11:23
blazeIn VLC Media player how to change the position of the subtitles?11:23
kbrooksMystery47: you linked to it a hour or so ago11:23
Mystery47ok....ubuntuguide is badly out of date....:(11:23
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Mystery47but that was really help for me...when i started to use breezy...:)11:23
doctormodamn I need to set my internet sharing to load when I boot11:23
doctormoanyone know how?11:23
farruinnMystery47: I think there is a new guide in the wiki, don't remember the link though11:24
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Mystery47like in those mounting iso stuff...11:24
steffihow I use my use webcam??11:24
farruinndoctormo: iirc there's an option for that in firestarter11:24
Mystery47yes farruinn.....i get message allready....thanks...:)11:24
__filip_ /dev/hda6       /media/hda6     ext2    defaults,errors=remount-rw 0       1 is that right if i whant my user to be abel to read and write to that partition?11:24
psycoseGrub problem/ current version dapper (updated from breezy) sudo update-grub tells me : Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ... however i've : splashimage (hd0,0)/boot/grub/splashimages/ubuntu.xpm.gz with /boot on /dev/hda1  , any tips thanks ?11:25
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adammfarruinn: ive tried all of your above suggestions including modprobe and then mounting with the -w .... still read only11:25
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psycoseOh Lord i was missing the = for my grub config ...11:26
inx|Daviddamn it why wont this work11:27
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doctormoadamm: have a look at some hfs+ mounting tools called hpmount and hpumount11:27
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adammdoctormo: will do11:28
blazehow to make Totem work with subtitles?11:28
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blazeThe subtitles button in the menu is gray..11:28
farruinnadamm: sorry, you have to do everything with sudo. I don't really know how to get around this yet, but I don't often have a need to write to my hfsplus partition :/11:28
blazenot active11:28
doctormoadamm: there is also some sites saying kernels 2.6.16 and later suport read/write11:28
ahmeniargh, what's with debian based distros not specifying a lesspipe by default11:28
chip42farruinn:  if you want a root environment, sudo su -11:28
psycosesee u lads11:29
adammi see. i will look into all that11:29
adammive got to go. thanks doctormo and farruinn for your help11:29
doctormoinx|David: have you tried other linux distros?11:29
Kokeyjulio: #ubuntu-mx <== se habla espaol11:29
Samuli^sudo -s is better than su -11:29
farruinnadamm: cheers11:29
gnomefreak#ubuntu-es is spanish i thought11:29
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Kokeygnomefreak: yes! Mexico11:29
chip42Samuli^: out of curiousity, what makes it better? going to read up on it now.11:30
doctormoI have to get some sleep soon *yawn*11:30
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farruinnchip42: right, but what I actually want to get around is *having* to be root to do stuff on that partition11:30
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ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the diskmounter file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter  See <partitions>.11:31
chip42farruinn: oh. i see. if the permissions are set correctly in /etc/fstab, you should be able to allieviate that11:31
farruinnkbrooks, chip42: thanks, I'll look into that11:32
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michihi again !11:35
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anoncan someone help me? i am having trouble getting gnome to load11:35
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HIGH-FREQanon: seems like a vid card error...xorg?11:35
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anonHIGH-FREQ: yes i use xorg11:36
michia tipp: never edit "etc/x11/xo...conf" with nv as nvidia11:36
anonHIGH-FREQ: should i reconfigure it?11:36
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anonHIGH-FREQ: i have logged in with ths installation before11:36
HIGH-FREQwell try it again...  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:37
HIGH-FREQand go thru it again11:37
ubuntu_hello anyone speak spanish11:37
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:37
MrRiothought something was seriously wrong with my computer, it kept 'randomly' turning off --- turns out i had accidently set the 'Sleep' shortcut to a *11:37
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HIGH-FREQno hablo aqui11:37
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chip42michi: hows that?11:37
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/11:37
MrRiono wonder it only happened when i was coding css11:37
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!lilo:*! Small regional server experiencing some packet loss; affected users, about 30011:38
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michiparadizelost told me to do this and after restart it hangs11:38
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HIGH-FREQtold u to do what?11:39
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michiedit etc/x11/x*.conf11:39
anonHIGH-FREQ: well i reconfigured my xserver and gnome still will not load11:39
clewfirsthi everybody11:39
HIGH-FREQdoes it pull up a error?11:39
HIGH-FREQlike from xorg?11:39
chip42michi: that is a typical step in installing the nvidia driver. it does not sound like the driver installation went ok11:39
anonHIGH-FREQ: the only terminal readout i get is taht it is reloading11:40
paradizelostmichi: /etc/X11/xorg.conf you need to change it to nvidia from nv if you have an nvidia card to tell it to use nvidias driver not the stock11:40
anonHIGH-FREQ: the mouse works and the login screen comes up but after i log in nothing happens11:40
anonit just sits there11:40
HIGH-FREQso gnome's login works then..but just hangs on actually loading the desktop11:40
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anonyes, precisely11:40
michiI did an then it hanged up11:40
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paradizelostmichi - then the driver didn't go right11:41
HIGH-FREQon terminal...what are u typing to get into gnome?11:41
paradizelostanon, have you tried what i said yet?11:41
anonparadizelost: i did11:41
fouadi have a question on wine, can someone help me /???11:41
anonHIGH-FREQ: startx11:41
doctormoanon: your not logging in a root are you? I've seen if there is no xord settings for a user it won;t do anything11:41
anonno, not logging in as root11:41
paradizelost!tell fouad about wine11:41
fouadi have a game that i want to try to run it in ubuntu , its wine3d11:41
paradizelostmichi: have you used Xgl by chance?11:41
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fouadsorry , its worms3D11:42
HIGH-FREQanon: well thats was what i was bout to suggest..use startx11:42
michi? I see, I have to learn a lot to get the corner from winXP11:42
michithx for your help11:42
VandalarHi. Tried to install NVIDIA drivers but: unable to find 'ld'. please verify if 'binutils' is installed11:43
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michiI have to read some howtos etc... I think :)11:43
fouadit is composed of 2 cds, when i finish of the first cd and it asks for the second and i insert the second and i press the ok button, it doesnt detect it11:43
michivandalar maybe try easyubuntu11:43
fouadwhat shall i do11:43
ericzwhen i run "who" in the terminal, there's no output, i think i messed up a /var/run/utmp or /var/run/wtmp file or something, anybody got any ideas?11:43
ubotuHelp about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:43
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ubotumethinks ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358911:44
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AlmtyBobwhat's a good simple ftp daemon?11:44
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doctormofouad: I ten to get my wine from wine.org apt servers, the ones in breezy are yonks old11:45
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doctormoAlmtyBob: ftpd?11:45
AlmtyBobsounds good!11:45
skwid_Samuli^: i don't know what to do :(11:45
AlmtyBobhow do I kill a gnome display?11:45
ericzwhy would running the "who" command in the terminal not give any output??11:45
fouadi know that and my version is the newest11:45
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AlmtyBobI left a display on :0 when I had a monitor connected11:46
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paradizelostericz: have you tried whoami?11:46
Samuli^skwid_, man :/11:46
ericzwhoami works fine11:46
yarrcan somebody tell me how to install this flash player from a script, the readme sucks11:46
AlmtyBobnow it's headless and I need it close that session11:46
paradizelostyarr, try easyubuntu11:46
HymnToLifeAlmtyBob> do a server install :)11:46
Samuli^are you sure you have a fat32 partition and it's where abouts?11:46
yarrwhat's that exactly?11:46
chip42ericz: your guess sounds pretty good. utmp is messed perhaps11:46
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paradizelost!tell yarr about easyubuntu11:46
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ericzchip42: how would i go about fixing it?11:47
skwid_Samuli^: yeah yeah11:47
skwid_i can access the files11:47
Samuli^oh, right.11:47
skwid_it's just that i can't always write on them11:47
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chip42ericz: i have no idea. i would look at it with a utmp editor. wted or something11:47
chip42ericz: how did you mess it up is the real question. ;)11:47
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ericzchip42:heh, i think i deleted /var/run/utmp or something11:48
ericznot really sure11:48
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Samuli^skwid_, well it _should_ work with umask=0000 as far as I can tell. It should give everyone all permissions on that partition.11:49
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skwid_uhm ..11:49
ubontongot a serious pb11:49
odysseycould anyone help me with a dvd movies11:49
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chip42ericz: the output is the same for the 'w' command?11:49
ubontonI have trashed my liloboot with win install11:50
mspoulaHey anyone use qemu?11:50
RandolphCarterodyssey: what's up?11:50
ericzchip42: i'll take a screenshot11:50
ubontonno rescue disk .... what shall I do ?11:50
michiuse windows?11:50
odysseyhmy dvd gives me a nav  packet error11:50
michionly a bad joke11:50
ubontonjust for gaming11:50
ericzchip42: http://eric1207.com/Screenshot-Terminal.png11:50
yarrsorry again but how exactly do i run this easyubuntu thingy11:50
odysseytrying to watch a legit movie11:51
ubontonno idea ?11:51
RandolphCarterodyssey: have you followed the 'Restricted Formats' wiki page?11:51
michitype this wget thing from the page in the console11:51
ubontoncannnot run liloconf from a live ubuntu cd ?11:51
odysseyyes but i just upgraded to dapper11:51
mspoulaI have qemu running Windows guest but it won't let me ping or join the domain.11:52
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RandolphCarterodyssey: hmm, you may need to reinstall it - try running 'sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh' (copied from wiki)11:52
yarrdont answer that i'm retarded11:52
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odysseywill try that11:52
jvaii was gonna dl bochs11:53
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ubontonhow to change fstab under ubuntu11:53
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ubontonno admin under live cd ?11:54
michiyarr : goto easyubuntu.freecontrib.org11:54
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yarryeah i did11:54
soundrayubonton, sudo gedit /path/etc/fstab11:54
michiyarr: klick on get easyubuntu11:54
yarrfailed to run easyubuntu.py as user root: child terminated with 1 status11:55
ubontonthanks soundray11:55
nox-HandWhere is the Ubuntu equivilant of Gentoo's rc.conf, as I want to change out GDM with Entrance.11:55
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ubontonI ll try that11:55
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michiyarr: start terminal11:55
crimsunnox-Hand: just change /etc/X11/default-display-manager11:55
crimsunnox-Hand: as in edit the content11:55
=== mikejjj [n=mikej@653229hfc24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mikejjjwhat do you decompress rars with11:56
michiyarr: and type this wget ..... an so on11:56
crimsun!info unrar-nonfree11:56
ubotuunrar-nonfree: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 83 kB, Installed size: 216 kB11:56
yarri got it man i'm just trying to run it now11:56
Samuli^mikejjj, archive manager.11:56
yarrit's already extracted and stuff11:56
nox-Handcrimsun, Thanks11:56
michiyarr: and?11:56
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mikejjjyou da bomb11:56
yarri got that error i showed you11:56
michime? lol11:56
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Emmett_Studiototally killed her11:57
skwid_hum that's weird11:58
skwid_if i lauch rythmbox i have sound11:58
skwid_then i lauch flash player11:58
skwid_no sound11:58
skwid_if i do the opposite11:58
skwid_i have sound on flash, but not on rythmbox11:58
skwid_any ideas ?11:58
Samuli^ahh.. you probably have problems with esd.11:58
Samuli^check the wiki on how to set up sound.11:58
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
mikejjjarchive manager finds the folder i want, but it doesnt see the .rars.. interesting11:59
UKMattcan someone remind me how to install a .run?11:59
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_jasonubotu: tell skwid_ about flash11:59
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Samuli^btw, here's an idea for people who don't use printers or bluetooth.. remove cupsys and bluez-stuff.11:59
Samuli^Made my boot _a lot_ faster.11:59
_jasonUKMatt: what are you trying to install?12:00

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