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cbx33ping JaneW 12:14
pygicbx33, dont you think JaneW isnt here at this moment?12:15
pyginot all are awake for 25 hours12:15
Burgworkpygi, cbx33 it is also midnight on a friday night is ZA12:20
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=== cbx33 has tired eyes
=== cbx33 has forgotten all concept of time
cbx33I'm still waiting for my server to be booted so i can get my mail12:25
crimsuna couple of my students are like that, too, having scrambled at the last minute to complete their theses12:25
crimsunpoor things.12:25
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-165-202-116.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
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cbx33crimsun, when i did mine it was all done in plenty of time :D12:35
crimsuncbx33: yes, if only everyone were as diligent12:36
cbx33how arey ou12:37
crimsunnot bad, tired, busy, etc. Yourself?12:39
cbx33much the same :p12:42
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
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HedgeMageAnyone about?  I could use an opinion regarding my "installation" chapter: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HowToCookEdubuntu/Chapters/StandAloneInstallation03:46
HedgeMageI am considering splitting off "What Now?" into its own chapter when it's finished.03:47
=== crimsun looks
crimsunare you soliciting layout comments or content?03:53
HedgeMageIt's quite long, and the screen shots aren't in yet03:53
HedgeMagecontent.  layout isn't done03:53
HedgeMagecontent is almost done03:53
HedgeMagestill tweaking, catching typos03:53
crimsunk. In the installing section, I would say "type of computer (architecture)"03:54
=== HedgeMage nods
HedgeMageI know some of the step titles seem odd, but I made a point to use the title at the top of the installer screen during each step to cut down on confusion03:55
crimsunPres -> Press and hold <Del> ...03:55
crimsunPressing the botton(s) when asked will give   (removing 'for')03:56
=== HedgeMage nods
crimsunIn the select keyboard section, "If it is correct, just press Enter" is probably more persuasive03:59
HedgeMagegood catches, thanks!03:59
crimsunIn Configuring the network, "end of the install"03:59
crimsunIn set up users.., I would double-quote "sudo" just so the distinction is more apparent04:01
crimsunIn What Now?, "update when Edubuntu reminds you to"  (removing 'daily', since it's probably a bit more detail than necessary)04:03
crimsunotherwise, looks good, flows well04:03
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jsgotangcohi guys!05:40
HedgeMagehi jsgotangco 05:40
jsgotangcoHedgeMage: good morning05:41
HedgeMagenight here, but good all the same :D05:42
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HedgeMagehi hierophant :D06:57
HedgeMageAnybody else awake in here, or is it just us?06:57
HedgeMagehierophant: I thought you might like to help proof the documentation I'm working on for the standalone Edubuntu installation.06:58
HedgeMageTry it and tell me where my instructions need improvement06:58
HedgeMageLet me grab you a link06:59
HedgeMageThat's the draft I'm working on06:59
HedgeMageI still need to add screenshots and finish the "What Now?" section at the end.06:59
HedgeMagebut, other than formatting and "what now?" it's done07:00
HedgeMageI think07:00
HedgeMagelet me know what YOU think :)07:00
HedgeMageIt would be a *huge* help.07:00
hierophantUmm my computer to boot from the disk you press f1107:01
HedgeMageBTW, welcome to Edubuntu :D07:01
LaserJockHedgeMage: I'm awake :-)07:03
HedgeMageLaserJock: hey there07:03
HedgeMagehierophant is new to Linux but he's going to help us out with some of the edubuntu cookbook stuff :)07:03
HedgeMagechecking and proofing and stuff07:04
HedgeMageand making sure I didn't randomly assume somewhere that the user knows where their Xorg config is or how to use CLI emacs or something crazy like that.07:04
LaserJockhehe, that is always go to do07:05
LaserJockcbx33 did that for the Ubuntu Packaging Guide for me07:05
hierophanthedgemage what if im using a home network that uses do i type that in for my net config07:05
hierophantor is that in another step07:05
HedgeMagehierophant: You *probably* have DHCP so it'll do it for you automagically07:07
HedgeMagethe other stuff is just in case of emergencies :)07:08
hierophantbut it didnt do it automatically when i tried breezy07:08
hierophantregular ubuntu07:08
hierophantso what do i do with the
HedgeMagewell, then why not look in your current windows config before you re-format and write down the settings?07:09
HedgeMageif it dies trying to auto-config, you will need: your IP, the gateway, the netmask, and a nameserver07:10
hierophantwhere do i find those settings?07:10
HedgeMageumm... under networking in the control panel, then right-click the connection and pick properties I think07:11
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=== MeerKatje [n=meerkat@dsl-165-22-15.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockhi highvoltage and MeerKatje 08:55
MeerKatjehi Laserock :)08:55
MeerKatjeJock even, hehe08:55
LaserJockheh, I rock too ;-)08:56
MeerKatjeyeah ... LaserRock, I know08:56
LaserJockhmm, I think I like LaserJock better08:57
LaserJockRock sounds slow, and thick headed :-)08:57
MeerKatje:) true...08:57
MeerKatjeAre you also in SA LaserJock?08:58
LaserJockno, I'm in Nevada, USA08:58
LaserJockkind of the opposite side of the world08:59
MeerKatjeahhh...I visited Chicago about ten years ago...it had a massive blizzard at the time (if that was what it was called)08:59
MeerKatjewe could not land for almost 30 min08:59
MeerKatjequite scary :)08:59
LaserJocksounds typical08:59
LaserJockChicago gets lots of wind and snow09:00
MeerKatjewas my first white Christmas09:00
MeerKatjeamazing time09:00
LaserJockI grew up in Montana, which borders Canada. I grew up with long winters. I moved south to try to warm up09:00
LaserJockI've never seen a Christmas that wasn't white09:00
MeerKatjeDid it work?09:00
LaserJockit is a bit warmer here, but still plenty of snow in the winter09:01
crimsunyou've not moved close enough to the equator, then09:01
MeerKatjeohhh, you should come and have a Christmas at the beach in SA!09:01
LaserJockI'm not sure if I could handle that09:01
crimsungranted I spent some time in Madison, WI and Rochester, MN, so I know white winters09:01
LaserJockcrimsun: UW and Oakland?09:02
MeerKatjeyou will love it, I am sure...  we even have Santa in shorts09:02
crimsunLaserJock: UW and IBM09:03
LaserJockcrimsun: ah09:03
MeerKatjeso where do I start if I want to contribute to the development of ubuntu in a smalllll way?09:11
LaserJockMeerKatje: testing and bug reporting is always great09:12
MeerKatjeok, so I download edubuntu?09:13
crimsunthat would be a good start09:13
crimsunalso, see the bottom section ("Contribute") of http://www.ubuntu.com/community09:13
crimsunlikewise, see the "Getting involved" section of http://www.edubuntu.com/community09:14
MeerKatjethere now ;)09:14
LaserJockMeerKatje: do you know what edubuntu iso to download?09:16
MeerKatjeI was just returning here to check09:18
MeerKatjeI think I may seriously lack the skill to participate in this exercise09:19
crimsuntry http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/dapper/09:19
MeerKatjemaybe I should stck to community work09:19
crimsunif you're not sure, try the live cd version for your system type (architecture)09:19
LaserJockMeerKatje: don't worry, you have to start somewhere. :-)09:20
MeerKatjeI think I should keep a blog of this process...09:21
MeerKatje could also be a nice history of my IT evolution09:21
MeerKatjeand education09:21
LaserJockone thing that we always need is user feedback09:21
MeerKatjei can be a user09:22
MeerKatjesounds easy enuff09:22
MeerKatjeespecially if we are heading in the linux direction with our projects09:22
MeerKatjeit would make sense that we have used it ;)09:22
MeerKatjeso I get DapperDrake?09:23
=== jinty [n=jinty@212.Red-83-54-75.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
hierophantwelcome jinty09:24
MeerKatje think I am going to install it on a separate desktop though09:24
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LaserJockMeerKatje: yes, dapper is what you want. If you want to just play around you can use the LiveCD09:26
LaserJockMeerKatje: or Desktop CD, it might be called now.09:26
LaserJockMeerKatje: that will run in RAM and won't touch your hard drive until you tell it to :-)09:26
MeerKatjeit is a massive file :) downloading09:29
MeerKatjeyou have been very helpful09:29
MeerKatjeonce I have it, I will see what it does09:29
LaserJockMeerKatje: have you used Linux before09:30
MeerKatjejust OpenOffice09:32
MeerKatjedoes that count?09:32
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LaserJockMeerKatje: kind of, it will at least be familiar ;-)09:35
LaserJockMeerKatje: do you know how to burn a .iso image to a CD ?09:35
MeerKatjeI believe it cannot be too difficult.09:37
MeerKatjelike music...rip it?09:37
MeerKatjeor save it?09:37
MeerKatjeor follow instructions on the screen...lol09:37
LaserJockit is actually a bit different. do you have Nero?09:37
MeerKatjeshould get it?09:38
pygiMeerKatje, do you have Gnomebaker?09:38
pygiIts quite easy :)09:39
LaserJockpygi: Gnomebacker for Windows?09:39
LaserJockGnomebaker, I mean09:39
pygiLaserJock, argh :P09:39
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pygihi cbx33 09:40
LaserJockMeerKatje: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto has info on how to burn the .iso file you are downloading09:40
LaserJockhi cbx33 09:41
MeerKatjeso, Nero or Gnomemaker?09:41
MeerKatjeyes, I saw it there LaserJock09:41
pygiMeerKatje, there is no gnomebaker on windows09:41
LaserJockNero isn't free I don't think and Gnomebaker is on Linux09:41
MeerKatjelol GnomeBaker09:41
pygiLaserJock, there are free burnin apps on Win09:42
MeerKatjeor dear my typos09:42
LaserJockMeerKatje: I use the app that is on that wiki page and it works well09:42
MeerKatjeok, will try that09:42
LaserJockok, I'm off to bed 12:42 am here09:42
LaserJockgood luck MeerKatje 09:42
MeerKatjethank you so much for your help LaserJock09:42
MeerKatjewill do some homework09:42
jsgotangcoLaserJock: sleep is for the weak!09:42
LaserJockjsgotangco: or the smart, or the people who have inlaws in for a visit ;-)09:43
cbx33hi pygi LaserJock jsgotangco 09:44
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
cbx33anyone know of a DVD authoring pacage for linux09:44
HedgeMagefinally it's alive in here09:45
HedgeMagehey, hierophant, come here and get introduced.09:45
hierophanthi im hierophant09:45
HedgeMagehierophant is a new user interested in Edubuntu... he's going to help test my install doc :)09:46
cbx33nice one hierophant 09:47
HedgeMageBTW, can you folks please look at 09:49
HedgeMagedarn paste is messed up, hold on09:49
HedgeMage https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HowToCookEdubuntu/Chapters/StandAloneInstallation09:49
HedgeMagethere we go09:49
HedgeMagethe install part is done (just needs formatting and screen shots)09:49
HedgeMageI started adding a "what now?" section at the bottom for post-install / getting to know your system stuff09:50
HedgeMagehowever, I think it's going to get long and I want all of your opinions on splitting it off into its own chapter09:50
hierophantwould you like screen shots when i do install?09:50
HedgeMagehierophant: unless you know how to set up a virtual machine, you can't effectively screen capture during the install09:51
HedgeMagehierophant: one of the other documentation volunteers has some I'm going to borrow09:51
hierophantoh ok09:51
=== HedgeMage doesn't have the time to set up a VM, especially considering her modest amounts of RAM
hierophanti was just gonna use my camera =p09:51
crimsunHedgeMage: in "You are now ready to install..", it should be "Your computer will load some tools it needs" instead  of "Your computter .."09:52
cbx33HedgeMage, heheh09:52
HedgeMagecrimsun: thanks09:52
HedgeMageLaser_away: or cbx33 or someone caught about five typos earlier, I have 'em marked off on my paper copy but haven't fixed 'em yet09:53
crimsunHedgeMage: and I do agree with the idea that What Now would be better as a separate page09:53
HedgeMageI am frantically cleaning because I just found out hubby's boss is coming over at 2 or 3 am to drop some stuff off09:53
MeerKatjebbl 09:53
crimsunone thing we've learned as wiki documenters is that shorter pages are better09:53
cbx33HedgeMage, wans't me but I will check it later fo you :p09:54
HedgeMagecbx33: cool, thanks09:54
HedgeMagecrimsun: that's what I was thinking, just wanted other eyes on it :D09:54
HedgeMagenote: most of this was written in pre-dawn hours so I am afraid of having missed tons of typos... proofreading will be met with much gratitude :D09:55
HedgeMageI still can't believe the section on booting a CD is so long, but I kept picturing frustrated users giving up because they don't know how to boot a CD09:58
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMageno one saw that :P10:01
pygiHedgeMage, :P10:02
HedgeMagehi pygi !10:02
HedgeMagePracticed guitar today10:02
pyginice :)10:02
=== HedgeMage is determined to get back into the swing of things while hubby's gone
hierophantwheres your hubby10:02
HedgeMageHe's on an exercise with his unit (he is in the US Army)10:03
HedgeMageHe'll be back in a little over a week10:03
HedgeMageI hate when he's gone a long time, but a week now and again is nice... I get caught up on tons of stuff10:03
HedgeMageand he's less stressed when he's been in the field (he has a different boss in the field than in garrison, and the garrison one is a PITA)10:07
hierophantWhats with all the abbreviations10:08
HedgeMagewhich ones?10:10
HedgeMagefeel free to ask, I'm a lazy typist and use shortcuts without noticing10:10
hierophanthedgemage are you getting my pms or not?10:14
HedgeMageyep I just stopped to clean some more10:14
HedgeMagetold you I'd be in and out :)10:14
cbx33HedgeMage, what guitar do you have?10:28
pygicbx33, classical one10:28
HedgeMageno, not classical10:28
HedgeMageacoustic but not nylon stringed10:28
pygiugh? you told that one :P10:28
HedgeMagedon't think so10:29
HedgeMagetrelane's the one with acoustical10:29
HedgeMagewith classical10:29
HedgeMagesheesh my brain is melting10:29
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cbx33i love my Aria AW-5010:35
HedgeMagewhat's that10:41
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HedgeMage:) cool10:56
HedgeMageprobably way out of my price range, though10:56
cbx33cost me 9011:00
cbx33i think11:00
HedgeMageyep, about double my price range11:01
HedgeMageI bought mine for $70 with a book I don't like very much11:01
pygibooks for playing guitar are bad :P11:01
pygiargh, my guitar costs much more :-/11:01
HedgeMagecan't afford lessons right now11:01
HedgeMageI just wanted something fun to do with TT that is more portable than piano11:01
cbx33you don;t need lessons11:02
pygicbx33, indeed :)11:02
HedgeMageWhat I need is two lessons to help with my fingering issues.  Then I'm golden11:02
cbx33HedgeMage, I've never had lessons, it's just practice11:02
HedgeMageI have a long and serious musical background, so it's only finger position / muscle memory I'm having trouble with11:02
HedgeMageI can name chords, transpose, read music, etc as second nature11:02
cbx33nice :p11:04
HedgeMagetook college-level music theory in high school11:05
HedgeMage(was in a choir, an ensemble, and taking private lessons as well)11:05
cbx33anyone know of a nice VPS hosting solution11:08
lucasvocbx33: hosteurope.de11:08
HedgeMagecbx33: I have shared hosting, but they're very good and pretty cheap :)11:09
lucasvocbx33: 10000gb, unlimited transfer, 10EUR/month, 128mb ram11:09
HedgeMageVPS is outside my budget.11:09
lucasvocbx33: but I have shared hosting as well11:09
lucasvocbx33: -> www.wservices.ch11:09
cbx33lucasvo, how is their tech support11:09
lucasvofull functional linux11:09
cbx33i need a server with root access and cpanel11:09
lucasvoI am chatting gon their server11:09
lucasvooh, they can't give you that11:10
lucasvoin that case I would go to hosteurope.de11:10
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cbx33hey Yagisan 11:29
YagisanG'day cbx3311:30
Yagisanhow are you today cbx33 ?11:32
=== Yagisan is still hunting his heisenbugs
cbx33yeh I'm good11:33
cbx33looking for better hosting at the mo11:33
cbx33took 15 hours for them to restart mine11:33
cbx33know of any good vps's with root access and cpanel11:33
Yagisancbx33: ouch. no - that's why mine is selfhosted :(11:33
Yagisancbx33: so plone hosting is a no-go ?11:34
cbx33well not at the mo, we're all used to cpanel here11:34
HedgeMagecbx33: let me see if my host offers VPS11:35
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cbx33thanks HedgeMage 11:35
cbx33are you dedicated?11:35
pygimornin andrea11:35
HedgeMageI didn't ask since someone bought me my shared hosting account and I'm pretty happy11:35
cbx33I have about $60 a month maximum11:35
HedgeMagenope, shared... dedicated is way too much money11:35
HedgeMageI have like $10/month max :P11:35
cbx33vps is a nice half way house11:35
=== HedgeMage peeks
cbx33well i run a web design business with my wife11:35
=== HedgeMage nods
Bluekujahi pygi :)11:35
cbx33hi andrea11:35
Bluekujahi cbx33 :)11:36
Bluekujahi hedgemage11:36
Bluekujahow are you all?11:36
YagisanG'dall All that I've yet to mention11:36
pygigreat, thanks for asking :)11:36
pygiand you?11:36
YagisanG'day All11:36
=== Yagisan thinks his typing sucks
Bluekujawell i come out from the bed right now11:37
HedgeMagehi Bluekuja 11:37
HedgeMageI'm good11:37
Bluekujai went to sleep really late11:37
cbx33HedgeMage, what company are they that you use?11:37
HedgeMagecbx33: there's a waiting list for VPS hosting right now (don't know how long, I could email them and ask)11:38
cbx33ahh ok11:39
cbx33i need one soon11:39
HedgeMageif you sign up let me know and I'll make you a promo code for a discount... but as I said there's a waiting list for VPS, they're referring VPS servers to hosting.com until the waiting list is sorted.11:39
=== HedgeMage nods
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=== cbx33 has found hosting :D
cbx33think I'm going with liquidweb :D12:52
cbx33they seem good and are on cpanel's website as a reseller :D12:52
cbx33all reviews seem good12:52
jsgotangcowhat's up12:53
cbx33fed up with hosting after it took 22 hours to get my server rebooted12:53
cbx33and it was down for all of that time12:54
cbx33thanks for the post btw12:54
cbx33as my email has been out, any replies?12:54
jsgotangcodunno haven't checked my email yet12:56
lucasvocbx33: what is cpanel?01:02
lucasvosomething like confix?01:02
cbx33i would think so01:02
jsgotangcoits supposed to give you control of your webspace/server from the browser01:04
jsgotangcolike create email, dns, new mysql db, etc.01:04
cbx33which it does very nicely01:04
lucasvojsgotangco: and it's free?01:07
lucasvois there a demo?01:07
jsgotangcono its proprietary01:07
cbx33no you have to apy for it01:08
cbx33but it is damn good01:08
lucasvotoo bad webmin isn't a good alternative01:08
lucasvoit's crap :(01:09
cbx33there are so many free ones I'vel ooked at01:09
cbx33but they all sux01:09
lucasvoI like plesk01:09
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cbx33hey highvoltage 01:39
cbx33I'm starting on the wiki front page01:39
highvoltagecbx33: excellent, i'll be mostly away for the next few days, flying to jo'burg tomorrow for linuxworld01:40
cbx33ahhh excellent01:41
cbx33let me know how it goes01:41
cbx33highvoltage, I've been taking some of the wording for the front page from the ESA01:42
cbx33I was wondering a few things though01:42
cbx33do you think we can get someone to do meeting notes again01:43
cbx33I think that would be really useful01:43
cbx33should we move planning to a seperate page?01:43
highvoltagehmmm...  i thought JaneW does meeting notes?01:44
highvoltageperhaps not anymore01:44
cbx33no, it seems to ahve stopped, I know she's super busy01:46
cbx33but if I were to miss a meeting I'd like to go check out a quick overview01:47
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cbx33i mean our meetings are not that complicated :D - and were all pretty agreeable01:47
pygihi spacey 01:48
cbx33highvoltage, what about the plannin side of things, I don;t personally think we should clutter the homepage with that01:52
highvoltagecbx33: yep, i agree with you there01:54
highvoltagethere used to be a meetings wiki page01:54
highvoltageperhaps we can just keep it there01:54
highvoltageand have a link to the meetings page on the community page01:55
jsgotangcohey highvoltage01:56
highvoltagehey jsgotangco 01:56
jsgotangcohow's things?01:56
highvoltagehectic, but in a good way :)01:57
jsgotangcogood to hear01:57
jsgotangcoare you going to paris?01:57
highvoltagelots of things happening, i can't keep up but i'm not complaining, i prefer it this way than thing being too quiet.01:57
highvoltagei applied for sponsorship, i guess we'll have to see what happens.01:57
jsgotangcosame here although i am not optimistic01:58
highvoltagei tend to be optimistic, but i'm fine if i can't go either.01:58
highvoltagejsgotangco: you have anything ubuntu'ish planned short-term?02:00
jsgotangcowhat do you mean? I have an article coming out on free software magazine by the next issue (probably june) on gnupg and thunderbird02:01
jsgotangcoat the moment, i am writing about package management systems but for a local magazine02:01
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jsgotangcoim supposed to go to a conference down south here on june as well they invited me to do a tlalk02:02
jsgotangco(a linuxworld event as well)02:02
jsgotangcoit is pretty amazing i still manage to have a day job that is completely not foss related02:03
highvoltagesorry, that was a bit vague. i meant in terms of other open-source events / and genereal stuff. so your answer is in line with my question :)02:04
jsgotangcoeven if i dont get sponsored, i still get to be on a plane in june and paid by another ogranizer lol02:04
cbx33ok highvoltage will do02:19
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pygihi ogra 03:29
alfrednHello, My screen refresh seems a bit slow should I enable something in the lts.conf?  Thanks03:30
cbx33alfredn, just in general, or when you are running a particular application?03:33
alfrednin general just started using the client been using03:33
alfrednthe server and it was quick.  The client03:33
alfrednhas a decent card too.03:33
cbx33what's the network connection like between the two03:34
alfrednThe speed is 100 and I used this same physical setup for another LTSP install using Fedora it seemed okay then but maybe that is it03:34
alfredncould it be glx03:35
alfrednIt reminds me of running vnc over an okay not great connection.  Should I add something to the lts.conf03:47
cbx33not sure04:07
cbx33ask ogra if he is around, my setups have all been ok04:07
alfrednthanks cbx33 no rush on my end.  I do hope to set this up at a library near by so far K12ltsp has done them well on Fedora but want to get ubuntu in there04:10
pygiargh, I forgot my GPG key :-/04:10
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cbx33yeh, ubuntu is way better IMHO04:27
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=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
ograalfredn, you can try adding things like X_HORZSYNC and X_VERTREFRESH and also check that the client is not using the vesa driver05:19
ograhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLtsConfParams has a list with possible values for breezy, dapper has more features that are not all documented yet05:20
alfrednI will check but 05:20
alfrednnow that there is no ltsinfo --cfg=ALL -h wsXXX how do I check05:20
ograi.e. if you use dapper i'd use X_COLOR_DEPTH=16 that speeds up a lot05:20
ograeasiest is to temporary enable a root password in the client chroot and just locg in on console on the client 05:21
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 passwd05:22
ogra^^^^^^^ enabels the root pw 05:22
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 passwd -l05:22
ogra^^^^^^^ locks the root pw 05:22
=== highvoltage copies and pastes the last for lines for future documentation
alfrednPretty neat what that can do. So it is not using vesa, it is not a great card but should do fine ATI Rage 128 AGP 8 megs ram05:33
alfrednthe machine it self is 233 PII with 64 megs of ram.05:33
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cbx33ogra, i never knew those pages were there06:01
cbx33can't wait to get he ltsp wiki page done06:01
cbx33will start that later I think06:01
ograi wanted to work on a example lts.conf with all possible values in it and some explanatory text if i find time before release06:03
ograthats better than a plain wikipage imho06:03
ogra(indeed we can have a wikipage additionally)06:03
ograalso the breezy versiomn of that page should persist, we should probably have breezy and dapper subpages under EdubuntuLtsConfParams06:04
cbx33oh yeh, of course06:11
cbx33I was talking about the ltsp homepage we discussed06:11
cbx33to bring all the documentation together06:11
ograyep, it will also show the weaknesses where we should jump on with LTSPManager06:12
cbx33LTSPManager is going to rock06:12
ograi.e. upgrading the chroot should become easier06:12
ograor setting a rootpw by gui06:12
cbx33edgy is going to rock06:13
juliuxcbx33, edgy is fun ;)06:14
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alfrednI am going to reboot and try the X_COLOR_DEPTH=16 be back soon, ps it was nice to see the updates to the edubuntu site06:22
pygiogra: around ?06:24
ograpygi, yes, but i wont do any work related stuff, its saturday06:25
pygiits not work related stuff, no worries :)06:25
pygistr: The signed text does not match the Code of Conduct. Make sure that you signed the correct text (white space differences are acceptable).06:25
pygiLaunchpad isnt too well :P06:25
ogradid you ask #launchpad ?06:26
pygiand I am sure it should work :-/06:26
pygiwas going to...06:26
ograi signed my CoC way before LP was online06:26
pygioki, sorry for bothering :)06:27
cbx33pygi, 06:27
cbx33that's a VERY well known bug06:27
pygiargh, and why is that happening? :-/06:27
cbx33i think i submitted the first since then I know there have been at least 4 duplicates06:28
cbx33sign the old version06:28
cbx33that one works06:29
pygicbx33, thanks06:31
pygiogra: there, I signed the CoC :P06:31
ogracool :)06:31
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pygialtought I dont see the big deal with it, but heh :)06:32
cbx33ogra, on the wiki homepage06:35
cbx33what is the development status at the bottom supposed to show?06:35
cbx33is it just historical now?06:36
cbx33so I can vamoosh it?06:36
cbx33I want to replace it with something detailing the status and development....it's nice to show we are working on something :p06:36
cbx33but I'll take it out for now06:36
ogralets discuss it in the next meeting, probably people want to keep somewhere it for historical reasons06:36
cbx33oh yeh06:37
cbx33I'm just editing a mock page at the moment06:37
cbx33I'm not deleting anything :p06:37
ograwe had company performance reviews last week06:37
ograand i know mdz wants us to do something like a status newsletter06:37
ograso we could merge that in there in the future06:37
ograor better have a news subsection where they can reside on the drupal site06:38
cbx33that could also link in with the meeting notes we were talking about earlier06:38
cbx33I think that's a fantastic idea06:38
ograi'm not really a fan of wikis if it comes to do more than documenting on them06:38
cbx33that's it in progress06:39
cbx33ogra, I agree06:39
cbx33some sections hav not been worked yet at all06:39
ograin MOTU we had pages for package transitions with 500 line tables ... imagine you need to edit that :)06:39
cbx33but I've edited some with invisible tables to help the layout and spac a little06:39
ograthat gets really hard if you discover that firefox has no search option for text input fields 06:40
cbx33I presume this wiki page will take over once dapper is released06:40
cbx33ogra, I feel your pain have done that before06:40
ograand the whole table is in a big text input form field :)06:40
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
cbx33copy paste to gedit, copy paste back :p06:41
cbx33hi LaserJock 06:41
cbx33can i get your view on the few changes I've made to the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuWikiMock06:41
LaserJockhi cbx33 06:43
=== pygi is writing a wiki
LaserJockcbx33: looks nice06:48
LaserJockalthough I notice that you tend to do some "Hopefully soon ..." we need to be more concrete06:50
LaserJockpeople don't often want to read what we hope to do but rather what we *are* doing ;-)06:50
ograyes, shipit is definite06:50
cbx33oooh nice :D06:51
cbx33ok will do06:51
ogracss mockup -> http://shipit-edubuntu.async.com.br/06:51
pygiogra, argh, isnt that just too red? :-/06:58
LaserJockcan anything Edubuntu be too red? :-)06:59
Amaranththin white text on dark red == oww, my eyes!06:59
ograits based on our wiki theme we use since breezy07:01
lucasvothe wikitheme is good!07:01
ogranobody ever complained about that one07:01
Amaranthogra: i never saw it :P07:02
ograwiki.edubuntu.org should show it out of the box, unless you set something different in your user settings07:03
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pygisivang, poke :)07:10
cbx33ogra, http://shipit-edubuntu.async.com.br/ doesn't seem to load in konqueror here07:14
ograits only a first mockup 07:14
cbx33hehe :p07:14
cbx33ok, just thought I'd mention it07:15
ogradont expect it to be usable :)07:15
cbx33oh what.... 07:15
=== cbx33 was gonna order his disks now :p
cbx33off to a barbeque now07:16
cbx33see y'all later07:16
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LaserJockhmm http://live.gnome.org/EducationSuite seems nice08:23
ograLaserJock, thats Burgundavia's work afaik08:25
LaserJockyeah, I see his hands were on it last ;-)08:27
LaserJockit's to bad we have to promote apps to main to get them on the CD08:28
LaserJockI think stellarium would be a nice apps to have for astronomy08:30
ograits not only promotion08:30
ograthe CD size is the far worse problem08:30
LaserJockbut perhaps getting rid of the KDE stuff would help08:31
LaserJockthat is what I was thinking with stellarium08:32
ograi never really measured how much dropping kde will actually gain us 08:32
ograthe first edgy CDs will drop it to see the real gain ...08:33
LaserJockcould germinate give a quick idea?08:34
BurgundaviaLaserJock: the EducationSuite needs a coder and me, to do some advocacy08:34
LaserJockit would be nice to set down categories of software and then list all the apps we have for each category08:35
LaserJockI can think of several science apps that could be used for educational purposes08:36
=== ogra wonders off for some saturday evening stuff
=== Thug-N-Me [n=thug@host-84-9-15-252.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #Edubuntu
Thug-N-Mewhats Edubuntu ?08:41
Thug-N-Mewhat desktop manager does Edubuntu use ?08:41
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LaserJockThug-N-Me: it is an Ubuntu derivative designed for educational settings (schools) and kids08:43
Thug-N-Meohh i see 08:43
LaserJockThug-N-Me: and it uses Gnome08:44
Thug-N-Meis 5.10 dapper ?08:44
pyginop. 6.06 is dapper08:44
Thug-N-Mehmm and why in the main page when i click the download link it starts 5.10 ?08:45
pygibecause dapper is not out yet?08:45
Thug-N-Mehmm i heard it is 08:46
pygiyou heard wrong08:46
pygithere is only beta out08:46
Thug-N-Mewhen it will be ?08:46
LaserJockJune 108:47
pygi1 day, next month08:47
Thug-N-Methanks you guys 08:47
LaserJockThug-N-Me: no problem08:49
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cbx33hey bluekuja_ 11:46
pygihey cbx33 11:48
=== HedgeMage peeks in
HedgeMageWhat's up with Cookbook?  It seems that only a couple of us have any chapters up... :(11:50
pygiHedgeMage, I havent seen no one uploading anything :(11:50
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bluekuja_oi pete11:56
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cbx33hey pygi Bluekuja HedgeMage 11:56
pygihi Bluekuja 11:56
cbx33HedgeMage, what chapters do you need11:56
Bluekujahi pygi11:56
pygispacey, oke11:57
HedgeMagecbx33: don't need any in particular, was just wondering about general progress.11:57
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cbx33if you're desperate I can see what I can throw together if you're tight on a deadline11:57
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HedgeMageActually, that's about what I was thinking... finishing out the last tidbits of my stuff today and then having a go at other chapters.11:57
cbx33HedgeMage, do you have a wiki for planning the doc11:58
pygicbx33, we are tight on deadline indeed :-/11:58
HedgeMagecbx33: nope, just working locally then pasting to the edubuntu wiki11:59
cbx33bbiab...i may be able to help you out11:59
HedgeMageoh my that looked strange11:59
pygicbx33, with what chapters ?11:59
pygi(just ignore mines, considering that is done already, just not uploaded)11:59
HedgeMagepygi: cool12:00
HedgeMageuploading soon?12:01
pygiHedgeMage, not sure :-/12:03

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