
SteveAif you did it as instances of a class, you would not need to do that12:04
SteveA+country_codes_where_postcode_is_required = set(12:04
SteveA+    line.strip().split(' ', 1)[0]  12:04
SteveA+    for line in _countries_where_postcode_is_required.strip().splitlines())12:04
salgadothen I'd pass an instance of that class to the field's constraint?12:04
SteveAso, i'd make it like this12:04
SteveAvalidate_shipit_province = ShipItValidator("province", 30)12:05
SteveAbut, if you're only using these things once, then you can include them directly12:05
SteveAi had a question about the list comprehension, but now i see it is fine12:06
SteveAother than using class instances rather than functions, r=me12:06
salgadogreat. I'm changing the validators right now. 12:07
salgadothanks, SteveA 12:07
AlinuxOSmdke, I have the same problem12:10
AlinuxOSwith coc 1.0 version :/12:10
AlinuxOSexactly the same.12:10
AlinuxOShttps://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/28919 may I file a bug ? Or maybe not..there is so many people with the same problem.12:13
UbugtuMalone bug 28919 in launchpad "error signing code of conduct: "str: No public key"" [Major,Confirmed]  12:13
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AlinuxOSmay I paste my Signed coc, like a comment ?12:14
AlinuxOS:) maybe someone manually insert it 12:14
kikoAlinuxOS, no, don't do tha.12:16
kikodo that.12:16
AlinuxOSkiko, ok :)12:16
kikoyou can however send it in through email, I believe12:16
AlinuxOSI saw some people do that :)12:16
kikoyeah, I'm not sure what address is appropriate12:16
AlinuxOSas mdke said, I resigned 1.0 version, but it still dosen't work.12:17
AlinuxOShe told me that 1.0.1 version of coc is not signable/uploadable.12:18
AlinuxOSbut 1.0 dosen't work.12:18
aa__do you guys much care that most https posts that are not right return a 500 error?12:18
kikoAlinuxOS, it appears to be a bug in the code12:18
AlinuxOSkiko, yes I understand.12:19
kikoaa__, yes, we do care, but accesses like that generate OOPS logs which we capture at the end of the day12:19
AlinuxOSso I'll wait when bug is fixed :)12:19
aa__right, and also really good for debugging a client too, but just mentioning it12:19
aa__since a 500 is easier to catch than parsing html12:20
kikoAlinuxOS, I'm also finding it difficult to reproduce12:20
kikowhich is part of the problem12:20
AlinuxOSkiko, don't worry I'll wait :/ so sorry that can't contribuite to coding or bug fixing :/12:21
kikoit should normally generate an OOPS12:21
kikobut in this case, something strange is happening12:21
kikoI will take a look at it tonight.12:21
AlinuxOSok I'll ping you tommorow evening :)12:22
AlinuxOSMy Time is 00:22/Florence12:22
kikothat sounds like bedtime to me!12:22
AlinuxOSkiko, take it easy :)12:23
=== aa__ chuckles
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mdkeAlinuxOS: did you upload your key to launchpad?12:39
AlinuxOSIn y account I have my pubblic key.12:40
AlinuxOSI have even 2 times uploaded my key :)12:41
mdkeAlinuxOS: I don't see it on your people page12:41
mdkeAlinuxOS: I see 2 SSH keys, but no GPG keys12:44
AlinuxOSmdke, :/ I'm relly tired up :)12:45
AlinuxOS10 hours in studio :) mixind my bands album :)12:45
AlinuxOSmust I uload a GPG ID ?12:45
mdkeAlinuxOS: you just need to follow the step by step guide I gave you12:46
AlinuxOSmdke, I done something wrong I think :/12:48
mdkeAlinuxOS: if you follow it again, it should work. If you need any more help, let's get our of this channel12:49
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AlinuxOSMatt you are so fiscal :)12:58
AlinuxOSlike a real englishman :) I like this attitude12:58
salgadolifeless, around?12:58
AlinuxOSI learn lot from you :)12:58
lifelesssalgado: yes12:59
salgadolifeless, would you like to review my shipit db patch?01:00
lifelessI can give it a once over01:01
lifelessbut stub should be the one to approve except when hes just not available01:01
salgadoI didn't realize earlier that stub was going to be offline today01:02
salgadolifeless, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileOCHeoe.html01:04
lifelesskiko: you have mail01:10
lifelesswhat is the standardshipitrequest_quantity_flavour_key constraint meant to achieve ?01:10
salgadoavoid having two options with the same number of CDs for the same flavour01:11
salgadothe standardshipitrequests are what we list for people to chose01:11
salgadoand to choose, too01:12
lifelessso they aren't actual requests01:12
lifelessthey are templates ?01:12
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lifelessor menu options01:12
salgadoexactly! templates01:12
lifelessok, add a TODO somewhere else to rename the table to make that clearer01:12
salgadothe quantities and the flavour are the actual template01:12
lifelessother than that it looks fine, add the usual db patch boilerplate around it01:14
lifelessbut if its at all possible, please let stub ok it before merging01:14
salgadoyeah, it already has that. I just copy and pasted the relevant part01:14
salgadoI need stub's okay. or at least a patch number. :-(01:14
lifelessso the reason that I don't want to assign a patch number is that stub is the control point for them - when hes on leave I become the control point. But if we both assign patch numbers, chaos ensures01:15
salgadoyeah, I know that01:15
lifelessanyhow, the patch looks good01:19
salgadowould it be okay if stub just give me the patch number?01:20
lifelesssure. way to do this is just email him direct the patch, say I'm +1 on it and you need a db #.01:21
lifelesscc launchpad or lp-reviews01:22
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AlinuxOSmdke, I think that now it's ok :)01:22
AlinuxOSKeys pending validation01:23
salgadolifeless, I've emailed him the patch this morning, but I don't think he's going to show up before monday01:24
AlinuxOSmdke, ;)01:40
AlinuxOSsorry,a question: why use duplicated accounts ? What's utility to have 2 accounts ?01:46
kikolifeless, I sell email on ebay01:49
mdkeAlinuxOS: I can't think of one01:49
mdkespiv: awake?01:56
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robI need to make a request in launchpad to get my Ubuntu doc team svn password reset, how can I do this?07:07
robnever mind, random clicking worked :)07:15
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Mezis there any way to unsubscribe from a bug09:15
crimsunclick the Unsubscribe link in the upper left09:17
Mezok, is there a way to unsubscribe a GROUP from a bug ?09:21
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`6ogis it possible to sync language translations? IE sync en_GB over any en_AU that hasnt been done09:27
Mez`6og try emailing rosetta@launchpad.net 09:29
Mezthey should be able to help09:29
`6ogMez: thanks09:30
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`6ogping channel12:15
=== `6og is now known as kgoetz
kgoetzis there  a way to copy translations from one country to another? i'm hoping to get en_GB synced into any untranslated en_AU fields.12:15
Mezkgoetz as I told `6og earlier - email rosetta@launchpad.net12:19
kgoetzanother list :( breaks my magic 42 :)12:20
Mezkgoetz as I told `6og earlier - email rosetta@launchpad.net12:21
kgoetzbtw. sorry for asking twice, i forgot :( 12:21
mdkethere is a better way12:22
kgoetzmdke: should i  be emailing someone else?12:24
mdkekgoetz: download the po file for en_GB, edit it how you want, then upload it as en_AU12:28
mdkebut I have to say, personally I think you're a loony for translating to en_AU12:28
ajmitchmdke: why?12:29
kgoetzmdke: i have thought of it, but there's a lot of packages there12:29
mdkeajmitch: because I think that most people who speak english languages around the world understand each other fine12:29
mdkebut it's a personal opinion, and not really on topic12:30
ajmitchyes, but it doesn't mean we have to force everyone to use americanisms :)12:30
mdkekgoetz: you can't do it in bulk, that's because en_GB and en_AU are different locales12:30
mdkeajmitch: true. I can see a case for it where the maintainer of a package uses an outrageous term, like "Start over" for gdm12:31
ajmitchthere are a lot of small differences12:31
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mdkemost aren't worth worrying about tho, imo12:31
=== ajmitch personally would prefer to see a good maori translation done :)
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ivokswho can I ask to drop translation for some packages?01:18
mdkeivoks: ?01:20
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ivoksmdke: in rosetta amarok (for croatian lang.) is translated in hindu01:21
ivoksi don't know how this happend, since Ravishankar Shrivastava was never member of croatian localisation team :)01:22
mdkehow odd01:22
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mdkeivoks: maybe the po file was included in the package, you should look at the amarok source and file a bug if so01:23
ivoksmdke: thanks01:23
rpedroanyone know a good tag editor for linux that sees MB's tags?01:25
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kikoaw, carlos isn't around02:35
desperadoI have a question about the ISO-3166 file I was translating.02:39
desperadoWhat would be a good place to ask?02:39
kikowhy not here?02:39
kikoit is saturday after all02:39
desperadoWhy not: Because I was send here as a place where people could redirect me.02:40
desperadoBut OK:02:40
desperadoISO-3166 lists names of countries; names and official names.02:40
`6ogdesperado: i sent you here for a redirect in case people didnt want to talk about translations - i'm not sure how all encompasing this channel is02:40
desperadoFor some countries there are two entries. For others there's only one. Why?02:41
kikocan you give examples, desperado?02:42
desperado`6og, OK, thanks.02:42
desperadokiko, hold on, I'll open it again.02:42
desperadoFor ARG - name: Argentina; official name: Argetnine Republic02:46
kikodesperado, so far ok02:46
desperadoFor ATG - name: Antigua and Barbuda02:47
kikoand what are you confused about?02:47
desperadoWhy is there just one name in the case of ATG?02:48
kikothe official name matches the name02:48
kiko(I believe)02:48
desperadoIn English?02:48
kikogood question02:49
kikoThe country is formally named Repblica Argentina02:49
kiko(it's Argentine ftr :)02:49
desperadoI've now found the point again where I stumbled over it:02:52
desperadoBRN - name: Brunei Darussalam02:52
kikothe actual name is negara brunei darussalam actually02:52
desperadoIn Frisian, that would be the officail name, with the name being Brunei02:53
kikothat sounds correct02:53
desperadokiko, that's to make things even more complicated02:53
desperadoBut I have only one place to fill in the name02:53
kikooh. that's not so good. what are you using to translate?02:54
kikowhat URL?02:55
kikolettuce c02:56
desperado(Well, it said rosetta when I went in there. It seems to have vanished from the URL.)02:56
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lukscan someone make https://launchpad.net/products/libtunepimp and https://launchpad.net/products/libmusicbrainz part of project https://launchpad.net/projects/musicbrainz ?02:58
kikodesperado, okay, the problem is actually in the original translation template.02:58
desperadoluks, hi02:58
kikoluks, sure, one sec.02:58
kikoluks, done.02:59
desperadoOK, so how do we get extra fields in the original, even when they are the same in English?03:00
kikoyou get extra fields because the template includes multiple entries for those fields.03:00
kikorosetta really works based on the translation template in the source package.03:00
desperadoSo who could modify the template to solve this?03:01
kikothe iso-codes package's maintainer.03:01
kikoyou can file a bug on /distros/ubuntu/+source/iso-codes03:01
kikoexplaining what you want modified in the template03:01
kikoit is likely that it will be forwarded to /products/iso-codes03:01
kikobut that'll be the right way to go about it03:02
desperadoOK. It doesn't list "maintainer" on the template page, so I was somewhat at a loss for that..03:03
desperadoNo, let's see how/where I file that bug.03:03
kikoI see yourpoint03:03
kikoyeah, the page structure makes that totally unobvious.03:04
desperadoAre you saying it does say that somewhere?03:05
kikowell, no, but it does say you're translating the iso-codes package in dapper, so you can click there to find out where to file a bug, but it's just very broken.03:05
desperado? You can click on Dapper? Or are you saying you can find your way there, then file a bug?03:09
desperadoOK, I've reached the bug reporting page.03:11
desperadoI see, if you know that a package has it's own link for bug reporting, you know where to do such things.03:13
desperadoExcept that you won't know until you've found that page.03:13
kikoit's just very unfortunate03:13
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desperadokiko, OK, thanks. I filed it as a bug.03:24
kikothanks desperado 03:24
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tomasigning code of conduct in malone seems broken, it keeps telling me it is not the right text, even when i change nothing and sign it04:25
matsubaratoma: are you signing coc 1.0.1?04:26
tomamatsubara: yes04:26
matsubarayou might be running into bug 3954704:27
UbugtuMalone bug 39547 in launchpad "Code of Conduct 1.0.1 signatures not accepted" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3954704:27
tomamatsubara: okido, I will use the 1.0 version then04:29
matsubaratoma: your're welcome04:30
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sabdflkiko, carlos: ping05:09
sabdfli thought i'd implement that quickly, and found that there is already a potemplate.priority05:10
sabdflis it used anywhere05:10
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sabdflSteveA: ping06:11
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pygiany particular reason why CoC signing doesnt work right now?06:27
matsubarapygi: are you refereing to bug 39547 ?06:28
UbugtuMalone bug 39547 in launchpad "Code of Conduct 1.0.1 signatures not accepted" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3954706:28
pygiindeed, sorry ... just found out it is a known bug06:28
kikoit's so annoying06:29
pygikiko, agreed, but it will be fixed by LP team eventually :)06:31
SteveAsabdfl: hi06:32
kikoI suspect I will have to look into it myself06:32
pyginice :P06:33
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kikopygi, ping?06:58
pygikiko, pong :)06:58
kikowhat's your launchpad user id?06:58
pygiI have just signed 1.0 06:59
kikodid you manage to sign?06:59
pygithe version 1.0 is fine, but 1.0.1 is still no :)06:59
kikoah, okay.07:00
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kikoisn't it ironic that he is actually not an ubuntero?07:04
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Burgundaviado I need to gpg-sign mails to lp for opening bugs or do I just need an email addy in lp?09:19
matsubaraBurgundavia: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneEmailInterfaceUserDoc09:23
Burgundaviamatsubara: ugh, ok09:24
mdkeBurgundavia: don't tell me you don't like docs :)09:25
Burgundaviamdke: no, I dislike the whole gpg thing09:25
Burgundaviaas, I don't have my key on this machine, etc.09:26
=== Burgundavia is waiting for a new fridge and thus is confined to the house on a beautiful day
matsubaraand I have to go, cya guys09:29
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