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RiddellKamion: kde ubiquity is good to merge if you're awake12:37
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ryanpghi all... I've searched launchpad and found nothing related to an issue I'm seeing: no EXA support with dapper FOSS ati driver and xorg01:05
ryanpgradeon m9 chipset01:05
ryanpgshould I file a bug or check upstream?01:05
Burgworkryanpg, file a bug at the vary least01:07
ryanpgBurgwork, in launchpad I'm guessing?01:07
Burgworkryanpg, yep01:09
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mdkejdub: around?01:15
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LinuxJoneshi jono02:07
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jdongRiddell: will you be upgrading your Ubiquity branch to knits soon?02:35
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Riddelljdong: knits?02:42
jdongRiddell: new bzr 0.8's repository format. faster, fewer total files, takes less space, and makes network fetching a bearable process again :)02:44
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Riddelljdong: are other ubiquity repositories using that?03:07
jdongRiddell: not sure; it's a viscious cycle until everyone switches though :)03:08
jdongmaybe try to work together with other ubiquity developers to make the switch?03:08
jdongbzr.dev switched over to knits quite literally days after it was marked stable03:08
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jdongknits are such a great improvement that there's little reason to use weaves anymore... bzr upgrade magically converts weave repositories to knits03:09
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bddebianHeya peoples03:15
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jdubhrm, attempting to find some info about mvo's dist-upgrader - can't see anything obvious on ubuntu-devel03:31
jdubcan't see packages on his people space03:31
crimsunI think what you want is: gksudo "update-manager -d"03:36
crimsunat least according to http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/dist-upgrader/screenshots/dist-upgrader-01.png03:36
jdubit's integrated and shit :)03:36
crimsun(pulled from a factoid in #ubuntu)03:36
jdubthanks :-)03:37
=== jdub subjects pia to the upgrade ;-)
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ispikedshould I be in here or somewhere else to ask about launchpad?03:49
ispikedor rather, Malone.03:49
bddebianDepends on the issue but probably #launchpad03:49
ispikedanywho, I want to find a bug with "screen" in its summary. how do I do this. "search" seems to jsut search entire bugs.03:49
ispikedbugzilla has a far superior search feature, I must say.03:50
ispikedmaybe I'll just file it and hope someone dupes it to a currently open bug. :)03:52
bddebianispiked: I find 1087 bugs with "screen" in them.  What are you looking for?04:06
ispikedbddebian: I resolved it. 04:06
bddebianOh OK, great04:06
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bddebianKamion: Any chance you are here?04:09
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truz24Are there an oss programs to calculate PI?05:12
truz24out to N digits...05:12
neuralistruz24: please ask on #ubuntu; this is the wrong channel.05:18
truz24I apologize.05:19
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jsgotangcogood morning05:40
bddebianHeya jsgotangco05:42
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jsgotangcohey bddebian good weekend to you!05:44
bddebianjsgotangco: You too, thanks05:45
YokoZarHey, I seem to not have a .diff.gz for my package, is there a way to generate one?05:45
bddebianYokoZar: Is it a new package?05:45
YokoZarNot really, but I updated it in a funny way05:45
YokoZarUsing dch -v05:46
YokoZarI suppose I could just try running uupdate, letting it error out at the diff part, and then copying the /debian directory, right?05:48
YokoZarActually, I suppose I could just try and generate a new diff05:53
YokoZarUsing diff...05:53
bddebianDamn, I need doko05:53
bddebianYokoZar: What exactly are you trying to do?05:54
YokoZarbddebian: I'm trying to uupdate a package with a new upstream release, but uupdate can't find the diff for the package since somehow I don't have one05:54
YokoZarI built the package with -sa before05:55
YokoZarSo I think there would be no content in the diff anyway05:55
bddebianWhere did you get the package from?05:55
YokoZarThese are the Wine packages I make05:55
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mxpxpoddesrt: ping06:30
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lifelessKamion: art thou here ?06:55
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jdubKamion: unlikely ping?07:50
jdubhow big is our base install now? (as in debian base packages, not ubuntu-* meta foo)07:50
infinityI don't have figures for base, but I can clean up my build chroots and give figures for those.07:55
lifelessright, one archive sucker written07:56
lifelessinfinity: wheres the best place to get a list of all the distribution/component/arch triples we've shipped ?07:56
infinityDivine it from the archive layout, or trust the LP database to be accurate.07:57
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lifelesshuh, interesting bit of trivial - across all arches, all of breezy and dapper excluding proposed, there are 91K unique binaries08:16
infinityjdub: :08:16
infinity136M    woody08:16
infinity209M    warty08:16
infinity217M    sarge08:16
infinity218M    hoary08:16
infinity259M    etch08:17
infinity269M    sid08:17
infinity270M    breezy08:17
infinity295M    dapper08:17
infinityjdub: Not sure how accurate that is (I may have some stray cruft in those chroots I didn't find when cleaning), but it's likely close.08:17
LaserJockcan anybody confirm that dselect is used in the installer?08:17
infinityjdub: Those are buildd chroots, so that's just Essential+Build-Essential08:17
jdubinfinity: thanks08:18
infinityFor the record, though I've since deleted it, potato was under 100MB...08:19
infinityI think it's time for us to start slimming again.08:19
=== infinity starts a "putting the base system on a diet" spec for Paris...
MithrandirLaserJock: it's not.08:20
LaserJockMithrandir: not in the text installer?08:20
MithrandirLaserJock: no, it gives you aptitude, not dselect.08:20
jsgotangcodselect is not used at all right?08:21
infinityI use dselect all the tim!08:22
infinityBut no, the installer doesn't use it anymore.08:22
infinityHasn't for a long time.08:22
jsgotangcoeven upstream right?08:22
infinitysarge's installer may still give the option to pop you into one or the other, I don't recall.08:23
Mithrandirupstream as in Debian?  They do the same as us there, iirc.08:23
infinityEtch should be all aptitude, all the time.08:23
Mithrandiryeah, sarge gives you the option, but I think it went away with base-config.08:23
jsgotangcothanks, im actually the one who asked LaserJock first because im doing a small article08:23
infinityOTOH, dselect still rocks out with its (censored) out, in certain situations.08:24
infinitySo, I'm still madly in love with it for unsnaring ugly upgrade scenarios.08:24
jsgotangcoi needed to make sure because in the back of my mind i know its aptitude at work08:24
jsgotangcoseems to be quite flexible08:24
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lifelesshmm, language packages seem somewhat weird08:37
lifelessE:Cannot find chunk data.tar.gz08:37
lifelesslamont: btw, *how* many getTranslations process do you expect on rookery ?08:38
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_ion/summon keybuk08:44
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_ionI built uqm 0.5 and vim 7 from debian for dapper, in case anyone's interested. http://johan.kiviniemi.name/ubuntu/09:23
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crimsunusing Debian experimental's source packages?09:24
_ionFor vim, yes.09:24
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_ionseveas: I updated to falcon 0.11. Seems like it works when i have the following directory structure: pool/dapper/falcon.ini, pool/vim/, pool/dapper/vim  ../vim, but it doesn't work if there's no pool/vim/ and pool/dapper/vim/ is a directory, not a symlink. Is that intentional?10:36
Seveaswhat is the problem/error?10:36
Seveasbtw: you need 0.11.110:37
Seveasthere was a bug in 0.11 that could have caused this10:37
_ion% bzr pull10:39
_ionUsing saved location: http://www.kaarsemaker.net/files/Software/falcon/10:39
_ion0 revision(s) pulled.10:39
Seveasok, then you have the latest 10:40
_ionWell, it says 0.11, not 0.11.110:40
Seveashmm, forgot to bump the version number in conf.py.in10:42
Seveasbut that's no big deal10:42
Seveaswhat is the problem you face? 'does not work' is not really descriptive 10:42
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Seveascould you try with falcon --verbose10:46
Seveasand could you give me the ls -l of pool/dapper/10:47
_ion    sections = [ dir for dir in os.listdir(os.path.join(falcon.conf.basedir,'pool', r))10:49
_ion                 if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(falcon.conf.basedir,'pool',dir)) ] 10:49
_ionShouldn't that be os.listdir(os.path.join(falcon.conf.basedir,'pool', dir, r)?10:49
Seveasr == release10:50
Seveas(fwiw: it works fine for me with both symlinks and dirs10:50
_ionWhat i was supposed to say: shouldn't that be os.path.isdir(os.path.join(falcon.conf.basedir,'pool',r,dir))?10:51
Seveasthat sounds correct10:52
Seveasbut then again: why does it work for me 10:52
Seveasah, because I am using links and dirs with the same name10:52
Seveasfix pushed to bzr10:56
pygiSeveas, heh :)10:56
_ionIt works now. 10:59
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_ionseveas: Hm. It seems like the update action doesn't recreate the HTML files anymore.11:13
_ion'falcon update html' does what just 'falcon update' used to do.11:14
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Coyctecm_ion from finland? :)11:46
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_ioncoyctecm: Yep.11:47
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Coyctecm_ion: nice :) me too :)11:49
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Kamionlifeless: language packs use data.tar.bz212:29
lifelessKamion: thanks :). Bug #4449312:29
UbugtuMalone bug 44493 in python-apt "apt_inst.debExtract is unhelpful for packages with data.tar.bz2" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4449312:29
KamionRiddell: thanks, will merge. I'll move to knits as soon as I've upgraded my development box to a version of bzr capable of using them :) oh, and probably need to make sure rookery is updated too12:29
Kamionjdong: ^--12:30
ajmitchmorning Kamion 12:30
lifelessrookery is at 0.7pre12:30
lifelessdefinately needs some luvin12:30
Kamionmy push script relies on ssh rookery bzr revert, which I'm assuming requires a knit-capable bzr12:31
KamionI'll file an RT request to upgrade that12:31
lifelessyou can install bzr in your home dir in the interim12:31
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lifelessfaff ?12:32
Kamionfiddly effort with little gain12:33
KamionI've filed the RT request, by the time I care I expect it'll be done12:33
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_ionseveas: From the changelog i noticed that it's intentional that update doesn't create the HTML files. That's fine, but falcon --help shouldn't lie. :-)01:07
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roicowhy was filight 7, which is "alpha", released after beta2?01:31
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Kamionroico: because the effort of releasing a beta (with extra QA) is considerable, but we wanted to get another test release out there01:36
Kamionwith slightly less effort involved on the part of the release and core dev teams01:36
Kamionthere'll be a flight 8 too01:36
Kamionwe've done something similar with every previous Ubuntu release; it's just that we used to call it "preview" rather than "beta"01:36
roicoummm ok... =\01:37
roicowill there be beta 3?01:38
Kamionprobably not01:38
Kamionflight 8, release candidate, release01:38
KamionI expect01:38
Kamionwoo, task overrides in the archive fixed01:39
=== Kamion crosses off another todo item
Kamionand xubuntu tasks are there now too01:40
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KamionRiddell,Mithrandir: OK, I hope you guys are using bzr 0.8, since I'm upgrading ubiquity to knits now :-)02:19
MithrandirKamion: I'm running dapper on all boxes I use for development, so yes.02:20
RiddellKamion: anything special I need to do to convert?02:27
KamionRiddell: 'bzr upgrade', I believe02:32
Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~/src/ubuntu/ubiquity/ubiquity>$ du -s .bzr.backup02:32
Kamion34744   .bzr.backup02:32
Kamion<cjwatson@cairhien ~/src/ubuntu/ubiquity/ubiquity>$ du -s .bzr02:32
Kamion24736   .bzr02:32
Kamionnot bad02:32
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mdkejdub: if you pick this up, can you change the details for my blog on planet? thx02:53
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crazy_penguinsorry dor intruding. i want to say only this. Thank you guys for this excellent distro and for your hard work. :) Thank You!03:04
=== ompaul_isfair [n=kailash@ADSL-TPLUS-82-30.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ompaul_isfairwats dor=for?03:05
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crazy_penguini was misstyping03:06
ompaul_isnotfairah ok 03:06
crazy_penguin it was for this: "sorry dor intruding. i want to say only this. Thank you guys for this excellent distro and for your hard work. :) Thank You!"03:06
ompaul_isnotfaireverybody is sleeping?03:06
ompaul_isnotfairyeah the best distro around03:07
ompaul_isnotfairi was wondering who can i give you people a helping hand?03:08
ompaul_isnotfairi am into website design and administration03:08
jsgotangcoompaul_isnotfair: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate03:12
ompaul_isnotfairthanks jsgotangco03:12
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ompaul_isnotfairhi pygi03:14
pygihi ompaul_isnotfair03:14
pygiwhats up_03:14
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ompaul_isnotfairnothing am getting bored03:14
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pygiompaul_isnotfair, nice :)03:15
ompaul_isnotfairnot much chatting around here03:15
ompaul_isnotfairwhats up on your side?03:15
pygicurrently some C#/Mono hacking03:15
pygi(Diva thingy)03:16
ompaul_isnotfairu must be a real geek03:16
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ompaul_isnotfairare u into ruby?03:16
ompaul_isnotfairam trying to learn that03:16
pygino, I never tried it, and never will03:16
pygijust because :)03:16
pygiNo need to learn 9999999 amount of languages03:17
ompaul_isnotfairyeah i guess so03:17
ompaul_isnotfairare u into python?03:17
_ionRuby rules.03:17
pygiindeed, but you should rather get someone else to learn you python right now :P03:17
pygi_ion, yea, yea, whatever :P03:18
_ionI used to think python rules, but then i learned ruby and saw how much python really sucks. :-)03:18
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ompaul_isnotfairhehe flamewars! i luv em03:18
pygino flamewar needed03:19
pygiheh] 03:19
ompaul_isnotfairwat about lisp?03:19
pygithis is offtopic for this channel03:19
jsgotangcoplease chekc topic03:19
ompaul_isnotfairthe geeks love it.. dunno why03:19
pygijsgotangco, nice, thanks :)03:19
ompaul_isnotfairwhere are u from pygi?03:20
pygithat is offtopic 03:20
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pygifor this channel03:20
ompaul_isnotfairwho decides when to release drapper? shuttleworth?03:20
pygihurg? It will be released next month, 1 day03:21
pygithat is for #ubuntu03:21
ompaul_isnotfairyeah but am banned there03:21
pygino wonder :P03:21
ompaul_isnotfaireven #ubuntu-offtopic03:21
ompaul_isnotfairu think am trolling right now?03:21
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thoreauputicompaul_isnotfair: you stole a nick - that's not on anywhere03:22
mdkeompaul_isnotfair: not trolling, but the developers tend to like this channel to be kept clean, because they read the log. It's best to chat in another channel03:22
ompaul_isnotfairi know but since no one was chatting i thought i was not disturbing sorry03:23
mdkeompaul_isnotfair: no problem at all, don't worry03:23
ompaul_isnotfairmdke : any suggestions ?03:23
mdkeompaul_isnotfair: what about?03:24
ompaul_isnotfairmdke : another channel to chat03:24
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mdkeompaul_isnotfair: #ubuntu or #ubuntu-offtopic are the ubuntu related channels which you should try. If you're banned, try and talk to an operator to resolve it03:24
ompaul_isnotfairmdke : its no use .. he won't listen.. dats why i was protesting.. anyway i'll find out03:25
ompaul_isnotfairmdke : appologises for disturbing u people03:26
mdkeompaul_isnotfair: ok, np03:26
ompaul_isnotfairu are doing a great job03:26
sladenompaul_isnotfair: 2006-06-0103:27
ompaul_isnotfair:) can't wait03:27
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pygimornin to you bddebian 04:00
bddebianHello pygi04:00
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pygiwb JaneW 04:26
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lifelessmvo: around ?04:45
mdzmorning folks04:59
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mvolifeless: sort of, what can I do?05:16
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ogramdz, oh, so you found network connectivity ? or did you stay at home ? 05:24
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dokonetwork connectivity is slow, but seems to work; at least in the morning if nobody is awake05:33
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ograisnt it 9am there ? 05:36
=== ogra would guess there are people awake at this time
Evaso2please take care of this bug  6017 on launchpad seem solved upstream but i dosen't know if the maintainer is still active in ubuntu05:36
UbugtuMalone bug 6017 in foo2zjs "Update to latest package to make HP LaserJet 1020 work" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/601705:36
Evaso2this issue doesn't let to print with hp 1020 on ubuntu breezy and dapper05:36
dokoinfinity: is this the second OOo build on i386?05:38
bddebiandoko: Did you see Bug #35196?05:39
UbugtuMalone bug 35196 in eclipse "Rebuild against firefox" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3519605:39
dokobddebian: stay away, it doesn't work. you can easily test this by building with firefox and then trying to use the help05:41
bddebiandoko: OK, thanks.  Sorry to subscribe you to that05:41
dokohopefully will be fixed in edgy with xulrunner05:42
bddebianOK, should I reject that one then?05:43
dokono, why? it's at least a wishlist request05:45
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bddebiandoko: OK06:47
sladenogra: do you not sure dpatch for gnome-screensaver?06:51
ograits cdbs06:51
infinitydoko: Yes, it failed with... Wait for it... A SIGABRT... Same as the OOo-l10n builds previously did.06:54
sladenogra: where are the broken out diffs?06:55
sladenogra: a lot of the hacks from the straight Debian version aren't being built, but I can't find any reference to what was changed06:56
ograsladen, gnome-screensaver-2.14.1/debian/patches/06:56
ograerr, hacks are not gnome-screensaver06:56
sladenogra: g-screensaver is just using the hacks from /usr/lib/xscreensaver ?06:56
ograthey are xscreensaver and there is no patch system in it anymore06:56
sladenogra: which are built from the 'xscreensaver' package;  debian version was 4.23-4, but that's no longer in the debian archive to diff against06:57
ograi once added dpatch and debian complained very loudly that we shouldnt just change theor packages06:57
ograso it switched it back with the beginning of dapper06:57
sladenogra: $developer_developer needs smacking over the head with a sledgehammer06:57
dokoinfinity: nice :-/06:58
ograbut to be honest, there are not much changes to the hacks themselves 06:58
sladenaside from that, I think it would be best to use some sort of dpatch system;  maintain and rebasing is hell otherwise06:58
infinitydoko: If this fails again, I'll do a manual build for you and keep the broken bits.06:59
ogramost changes i did this release are made to control, rules and the default settings06:59
ograyep, agreed06:59
infinitydoko: Since it failed much earlier than OOo-l10n, it might be a bit less painful to reproduce (failed in ~6 hours)06:59
sladenogra: probably being at the moment I can't make a diff of what has changed between the Debian and current Ubuntu version before it's not possible to get hold of the Ubuntu version it was based off06:59
ograespecially since our package differs completely from debians now06:59
sladenogra: do you have any of  4.23-4 left on your hard-drive?07:00
infinitysladen: Grab the old Debian version from snapshot.debian.net to diff against.07:00
infinitysladen: Much easier than guessing.07:00
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ograsladen, will look07:01
ogramight be its in my other office on the desktop machine i havent here07:02
ograi usually keep the sourcepackages around anywhere07:02
=== infinity goes back to bed.
sladeninfinity: just found it.  thanks for the reminder/pointer07:04
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sladenogra: okay found it;  it's as simple as most of them being moved to 'xscreensaver-data-gl'07:09
ograthere are also -data-extras and data-gl-extras07:09
ograthere are nore moved into the -extras packages (universe) the non-extra ones contein the set we ship since warty 07:10
ograalso have a look at the gnome-screensaver-helper dir in xss's debian dir, that contains the files used by g-s-s07:11
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mxpxpoddesrt: ping08:07
desrtmxpxpod; pong08:08
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mxpxpoddesrt: you have ae working with nm?08:09
desrtmxpxpod; no.08:09
desrtmxpxpod; i found a bug in nm that broke it on powerpc but i believe there are still others08:09
desrtmxpxpod; so i gave up and switched to using wpa-supplicant manually08:09
mxpxpodand that works?08:09
desrtworks very nicely08:09
Chipzzhrrrm sorry for the off-topic-ness, but does anyone know of a program that does the same as "bigecho" onder dos, or a font/option to figlet to have it output fixed-width charachter?08:10
mxpxpoddesrt: how do you invoke wpa_supplicant?08:11
desrtmxpxpod; you have to write a config file for it...08:11
desrtlemme post my stuff08:11
mxpxpodok, thanks08:11
Treenaksdesrt: you can do that through /etc/network/interfaces though08:11
Treenaksdesrt: (afaik?008:11
ograerm, AE works here out of the box with NM08:12
ogra(iBook G4)08:12
desrtmxpxpod; that's the conf file and the script i use (does wpa + dhclient)08:14
mxpxpodogra: how'd you get that working?08:15
ogramxpxpod, installing my firmware and select my network08:16
ogranothing more08:16
ograbut i'm not using wpa at all08:16
mxpxpodogra: yeah, mine doesn't even work without wpa or wep08:17
mxpxpoddesrt: does that config work with wep?08:17
ogra(in fact i dont know *anybody* presonally using wpy=)08:17
desrtmxpxpod; well08:17
desrtmxpxpod; assuming you put in actual ssid's and passkeys, yes :)08:18
mxpxpoddesrt: :)08:18
desrtmxpxpod; those two networks are my home and work networks08:18
desrtmxpxpod; it autodetects and connects to whichever one08:18
mxpxpoddesrt: and how about non-encrypted networks?08:18
desrtmxpxpod; uhm... i don't know how to connect to non-wpa networks :)08:18
desrtmxpxpod; if you find out, plz let me know :)08:18
mxpxpodwill do08:18
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mxpxpodhmm, so that *sort of* worked08:32
mxpxpodae with nm for unencrypted08:32
=== ogra waves from the same setup
ograit sometimes needs a little push (second attempt) to get the dhcp negotiation done in time08:34
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kapputuHi guys08:35
kapputuanyone looking for a deck hand?08:35
mxpxpodogra: the signal kept coming and going, and I know for a fact that this is a strong signal08:35
kapputumxpxpod: aliens?08:35
ograoh, right08:35
mxpxpodkapputu: hmm...08:36
mxpxpodkapputu: you may be on to something08:36
ogramxpxpod, i forgot to mention the signal meter of the NM applet doesnt work at all for me here08:36
kapputumxpxpod: or I'm on something 08:36
ograbut thats a known missing feature in the softmac implementation afaik08:36
mxpxpodogra: nice08:38
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jdong_is there any VCS branch for linux-restricted-modules?08:50
_ionThe concept of Frank Schoep's "minimalistic" usplash theme in bug #44339 is really excellent IMO.08:51
UbugtuMalone bug 44339 in usplash "Regression in usplash artwork" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4433908:51
infinity_ion: Yes, but not happening for dapper.  Not sure how many times this needs to be said.08:53
infinity_ion: We currently rely on the fact that usplash has text output (we even use it for prompting on the LiveCD), so it's not changing in the next 3 weeks.08:53
infinityjdong_: No, I don't maintain it in any VCS... What's in the archive is what's current.08:53
infinityjdong_: What do you need to know?08:54
jdong_infinity: nothing really; I'm just maintaining a customized kernel extremely similar to the Ubuntu kernel, and I was just getting l-r-m for it08:54
infinityjdong_: Ahh.  Well, I could import it into git at some point, but there's not much point, since it doesn't change as rapidly or drastically as the kernel itself does.08:57
infinityjdong_: It's probably trivial to just track uploads and debdiff occasionally when you're stumped. :)08:57
jdong_infinity: I don't really have a preference either way; I'm currently bzr'ing it just for easier merging for my branches08:57
jdong_it's fine the way it is08:58
=== infinity nods.
jdong_infinity: what are the redistribution restrictions on l-r-m?08:58
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_ioninfinity: One idea comes to mind: setting priorities to all the log_*_msgs and printing only the ones higher than a certain priority. If log_end_msg is called with a non-zero parameter, the previous log_begin_msg should be printed no matter the priority. For backward compability it could be set using an env var, for example 'LOG_PRIO=normal log_begin_msg "Starting foobar daemon"' would be equivalent to not setting LOG_PRIO at all, and the prompting ...09:09
_ion... on the Live-CD could be done using 'LOG_PRIO=important log_action_msg "You have ten seconds to run before your computer self-destructs"'. 09:09
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infinityjdong_: You'll have to check debian/copyright.  I don't recall all the horrible licenses off-hand.09:17
desrtogra; word.09:18
infinity_ion: Currently, our init scripts are aiming for LSB compliance.  That would have us forking from standard yet again for no real benefit.09:18
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infinity_ion: Anyhow, using usplash for prompting can and will be changed AFTER RELEASE.  Nothing like this will be changed in dapper.  We have real bugs to fix that don't cater to people's offesne at the aesthetics of a screen they see for 20 seconds every few days when they choose to reboot.09:19
desrtwho is responsible for the new splash screen?09:20
sladeninfinity: I hope the screen does get fixed.  It's the first thing people see of Ubuntu.09:20
desrtit's pretty09:20
infinitysladen: It'll likely change again, but not to something without text.09:20
infinitysladen: (Which is what _ion is advocating)09:21
infinitysladen: It'll get replaces with something with a correct aspect ratio and colours that don't make my eyes bleed, I suspect.  S'about it.09:21
_ionWell, was. :-)09:21
infinitysladen: There's a nice one submitted to the bug report mentioned above.09:21
sladeninfinity: that's what I'm advocating, yes09:21
mdkeit's really fuzzy the image too09:22
=== desrt doesn't understand the 'no text on bootup' thing
mdkebadly defined edges and so forth09:22
mdkedunno if that can be fixed or not09:22
sladeninfinity: and failing anything else, a revery would fix the situation09:22
desrteven if you completely _do not_ understand what the text means it's still nice to have something to tell an expert about when your computer locks in the middle of boot09:22
Burgundaviadesrt: if you make it simple to show the text, there is no reason to show it09:22
sladendesrt / Burgundavia: dapper +109:23
infinityBurgundavia: I kinda like the "ooh, my computer is doing cool computer stuff" effect, even if I don't understand it.09:23
_iondesrt: Well, "no unnecessary text on bootup". E.g. error messages (that obviously should be printed) would be more distinguishable if there weren't any redundant lines.09:23
infinityBut I realise I'm in a minority here, and will bow to the "no text by default crowd" for Edgy, I'm sure.09:23
desrt_ion; lockups don't give error messages09:23
_iondesrt: If the computer locks up, then you'd boot without splash or switch to a virtual console before the lockup to see what's going on.09:24
desrt_ion; but with a continuous "i'm doing this, i'm doing that, ..." output you can guess where the lockup is around09:24
sladenI think the "fail" text could do with being changed to the same colours as success09:24
sladenor even "ok" on success and "(null)" on fail09:25
desrttoo scary?09:25
desrti say, make it blinking bright red and change the text to read "YOUR COMPUTER WILL EXPLODE"09:25
desrtCouldn't connect to the net to sync with the timeserver... YOUR COMPUTER WILL EXPLODE!09:26
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_ionHmm. There seems to be a xvidcap source package, but no binary package. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xvidcap11:21
infinity_ion: Because it's in dep-wait on a package that doesn't exist? (libavcodec1-dev)11:25
infinity_ion: An upload to change that build-dep to libavcodec-dev might make it happy.11:25
_ionI'm just testing whether it builds with libavcodec-dev.11:26
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pygihi rajasun 11:35
pygigah, sorry :P11:35
pygihi raphink 11:35
raphinkhi pygi11:35
pygihow are you? :)11:35
raphinkI'm good thanks11:36
pygigood as well :)11:37
raphinkgood :)11:38
_ionHm. Building xvidcap dies with a bunch of lines like xvidcap-mngutil.o: In function `mng_write_sig':/home/ion/src/xvidcap/xvidcap-1.1.3/src/mngutil.c:49: undefined reference to `png_write_data'11:39
infinitySounds like it wants a -lpng but doesn't have one (if I had to guess)11:40
_ioninfinity: Nope, that's not the problem.11:40
_ion% grep -c png_write_data /usr/lib/libpng.{a,so}11:41
_ionI'm very tired now, but maybe i'll try to fix that tomorrow.11:41
infinitypng.h:PNG_EXTERN void png_write_data PNGARG((png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data,11:42
infinityIt's definitely missing a -lpng11:42
_ionNo, it isn't. :-)11:42
infinityIn other news, why do they redefine png_write_data (and others) in mngutil.c?11:44
_ionUgly indeed.11:44
_ionAlso the compilation of every single .c file in xvidcap seems to throw a bunch of warnings. :-)11:44
infinityI've looked at exactly one file (mngutil.c), and it made me want to vomit, so I'm stopping.11:45
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