
=== alexandros_se [n=alex@2-1-1-18a.spa.sth.bostream.se] has joined #edubuntu
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Phlostenmorning bimberi 12:55
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=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
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YagisanG'day all04:43
Yagisanogra: you here ?04:43
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=== mhz [n=mhz@pc-130-84-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMageOkay, corrected typos in https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HowToCookEdubuntu/Chapters/StandAloneInstallation and split off the "what now" bit into its own chapter... if anyone would like to do another round of proofing on the chapter I just pasted a link to, it would be appreciated.05:50
HedgeMageonce I figure out how, I'll link in the screenshots05:50
Phlostenso thats like a complete guide to edubuntu you are working on?05:53
mhzwere you HedgeMage the one asking me to translate an URL for Edubuntu something Laser..?05:56
HedgeMagePhlosten: that's one chapter of the cookbook (more a starter guide than a complete one)05:57
HedgeMagemhz: I didn't ask you to... I think05:58
HedgeMagethis is the first day in a week I haven't been dangerously sleep deprived so who knows what I've forgotten...05:58
Phlostennice, might have to help out on that one05:58
=== mhz tries to remember who did ask. yeah! I do not have logs :)
Phlostenwho logs these days? ;)05:59
mhzwell, someone did ask me to06:00
HedgeMageprobably LaserJock :P06:00
mhzand it was not LaserJock06:00
mhzthat page is just getting perfect for many purposes06:00
HedgeMageno clue then :)06:02
HedgeMageI do keep extensive logs though and I'll grep this chan for the URL06:03
mhzokis, sorry06:03
HedgeMagenope, not in my logs... I must not have been around at the time06:05
HedgeMagesorry :(06:05
mhzthx anyways06:06
mhzohh, BTWm when is the PAris thing?06:06
Laser_awaycbx33 might have asked you to do EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy06:07
Laser_awaythe /LaserJock part was my trying to work out structure and such06:07
HedgeMageAnyone here up for some monopoly while I edit?06:07
mhzLaser_away: ooohh, yes! he did!06:07
Laser_awaymhz: I don't think we are quite done with it yet though06:08
mhzLaser_away: but is it ok if i start trasnlating it?06:08
mhzok = worth?06:09
mhzoops, my typos!06:09
Laser_awayhmm, I'm really not sure06:09
Laser_awayif it was me I would probably wait for a couple days, but then I'm a major procrastonator06:10
Laser_awayParis will be June 19-23, btw06:10
mhzbut , you think there will be major changes or just adding or reducing a couple of lines here and there?06:10
mhzLaser_away: ok, cool06:11
mhzwe'll there be any live-sessions so that WE, the ones not even with a slight  chance to get there can participate?06:11
bimberimhz: iirc the version on the wiki is a little old and they are using ubuntu-docteam methods (docbook???)06:12
mhzparticipate = at least be there, virtually?06:12
Laser_awayI think there *could* be some major changes, but I think that the chances increase as you go down the doc06:12
mhzbimberi: hmmm, probably right06:12
Laser_awaybimberi: we are, but cbx33 is updating the wiki as we go along06:12
Laser_awayso that we can keep it as a wiki resource as well06:12
=== mhz still loves docbok to moin and viceversa
bimberimhz: at UBZ they had a #ubuntu-ubz channel (i think) but it was mostly used for chat / rendezvous (eg. "see you in the foyer at 19:00") :)06:13
bimberiLaser_away: ah, thanks :)06:13
Laser_awaymhz: can you delete pages off the moin wiki sandbox?06:13
mhzwell, Sandbox purpose is just to be there, as test06:14
mhzso yeah, basically, we could delete all its contents06:14
mhzbut please do not delete the page06:14
Laser_awaywell, I sort of created a subpage the other day06:14
mhzor you mean, "can you, mhz...?"06:14
Laser_awayto test the moin -> docbook06:15
Laser_awayand I couldn't delete it directly06:15
mhzhmmm interesting06:15
mhzcan you point me to an url so I can check?06:15
Laser_awayyeah, just a sec. It was sort of a stupid thing to do but I didn't know how to do moin -> docbook in a hurry otherwise06:16
mhzno worries06:16
Laser_awayhmm, actually it must have been deleted. I don't see it anymore06:17
mhzWell, there is an openoffice2moin parser, iirc06:17
mhzoh, there you go06:17
mhzmaybe Madpilot deleted it06:17
Laser_awaysweet, I didn't want my stupidity saved for people to see for all eternity06:17
mhzOR, maybe and most probably, SandBox is considered a System page06:17
mhztherefore, I doubt we have privileges to delete pages or subpages to it06:18
mhzLaser_away: nah, not stupidity06:18
mhzGOOD news!06:22
mhzEdubuntu shows up again on a local education magazine06:22
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
=== mhz will try to get the PDF version of it
mhzbut please dont ask him to translate it because he's got lots of pendings06:24
LaserJockthat is what I was going to say, it might not be helpful if you don't translate it for me06:25
jsgotangcowhats up?06:27
LaserJockhi jsgotangco 06:28
mhzhey, jsgotangco 06:28
jsgotangcoLaserJock: i also got offered sponsorship06:28
LaserJockjsgotangco: great06:28
LaserJockso I think the whole EC will be there06:29
=== mhz still has no idea where to place his translation of firefox index
jsgotangcoLaserJock: that's really awesome (once in a lifetime)06:29
mhzjsgotangco: great!06:29
LaserJockmhz: did you send an email to ubuntu-doc?06:29
mhzheheh, nope because I was counting on jsgotangco directions :D06:29
jsgotangcomhz: its a long, hard process that and im not qualified for such06:33
jsgotangcoits actually iwj's expertise06:33
mhzjsgotangco: any chance you could encourage Paris organization to consider some live sessions so the ones not coming can still "feel like we're there" ?06:35
jsgotangcolunch brb06:35
mhzif that is it, I hammer one of my right toes06:35
jsgotangcomhz: honestly, developer summits are chaotic and even a podcast or a live feed would be useless06:36
=== mhz is now known as mhz_zZzZ
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
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pygiJaneW, hi,poke ::)08:46
JaneWpygi: hi08:50
pygihi, how are you? :)08:51
JaneWgood thanks and you?08:51
pygigreat I am :)08:52
pygido we have final number of slots perhaps?08:52
pygiwell, how much applications google will accept08:53
JaneWoh sorry, I wasn;t thinking SoC...08:53
JaneWno we'll only really know when the selections is made08:53
JaneWunless something has been mailed in the mean time08:53
JaneWI am still struggling with mail since saturady08:53
pygiargh :-/08:54
JaneWyes it is beyond an inconvenience now08:54
pygiGoogle said they will say the final number of slots this week08:54
pygifor each org.08:54
=== JaneW waits for mail server to respond
JaneWgah, it's not even pingable now...08:56
=== JaneW starts frothing at the mouth
JaneWpygi: I am still expecting 15 or so08:56
pygiis it so bad :-/08:56
JaneWany above that will be lucky08:56
pygihm, lemme count good proposals by now08:56
pygiargh, 16 pieces08:57
JaneWI want to have 30 in the list08:57
pygiurgh :-/08:58
pygieven those 16 dont all have mentors08:58
pygiactually, most of them dont08:58
JaneWI actually I asked for 25, so perhaps stay with 25 max08:58
pygioki, but how are we to do that when everyone stopped rankin'? *yes, yes, some will wait until the end*08:58
JaneWthe guys have been looking at them and discussing them amoung themselves so they are considering them08:59
JaneWI will ping them again (esp when I have mail)08:59
JaneWby Friday they need to have selected their favorite 2 or 3 each08:59
pygiproblem is most of those stuff is either dups or something that we really dont need/want09:00
JaneWthere should be at least 15 more or less reasonable ones09:00
JaneWheno has 2 definite projects and is busy selecting the best proposal for each09:01
JaneWsome of the mentors are facilitating ML discussions too09:01
pygiI have 1 definite project by now09:01
pygiI'd also like to mentor Teresa, but ...09:01
pygiso she should probably just change it to evolution plugin :-/09:02
JaneWif you can manage to mentor 2 that's great09:03
pygiand that Rollback thingy is probably off also :-/09:03
pygino worries about me :)09:04
pygishould we wait on other mentors opinion on this one, or just vote it down? *considering the comment James made*09:05
=== pygi knows he is stopping JaneW from reading her mail, so he'll just stop right now
JaneWdiscuss with seb128 (I think he is evo guy) to make sure he is happy09:06
pygiok, will do09:06
JaneWand change the scope if necessary and then go for it09:06
JaneWI can't access my mail *gggrrrr*09:06
JaneWPING hedwig.hbd.co.za ( 56(84) bytes of data.09:07
JaneW--- hedwig.hbd.co.za ping statistics ---09:07
JaneW244 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 243310ms09:07
pygiugh :-/09:07
juliuxJaneW, the ping time is very very slow from here09:08
JaneWwell the diginet lines went down on the week-end (512k)09:08
JaneWyesterday they patched in a 64k ISDN09:09
JaneWso we had a trickle from late afternoon09:09
JaneWnow it's all down again09:09
crimsungeez, 243s? That's nearly carrier pigeon.09:09
juliuxJaneW, it isnt down from germany ;)09:09
Phlostensounds like fun09:09
JaneWI spent the whole evening pulling mail down and restarting when it hung09:09
JaneWjuliux: really?09:09
juliuxJaneW, PING hedwig.hbd.co.za ( 56(84) bytes of data.09:09
juliux64 bytes from hedwig.hbd.co.za ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=660 ms09:09
juliux64 bytes from hedwig.hbd.co.za ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=45 time=654 ms09:09
juliux64 bytes from hedwig.hbd.co.za ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=45 time=622 ms09:09
juliux64 bytes from hedwig.hbd.co.za ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=45 time=631 ms09:09
juliux64 bytes from hedwig.hbd.co.za ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=45 time=618 ms09:09
juliux--- hedwig.hbd.co.za ping statistics ---09:09
juliux6 packets transmitted, 5 received, 16% packet loss, time 5004ms09:09
juliuxbut it is very very slow09:09
crimsunhalf a sec beats the pants off 243 secs09:10
juliuxand i have a 100Mbit internet connection09:10
JaneWjuliux: ping mail.hbd.com09:10
JaneWsame IP, just an alias09:10
juliuxPING hedwig.hbd.co.za ( 56(84) bytes of data.09:11
juliux64 bytes from hedwig.hbd.co.za ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=633 ms09:11
juliux64 bytes from hedwig.hbd.co.za ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=45 time=627 ms09:11
juliux--- hedwig.hbd.co.za ping statistics ---09:11
juliux3 packets transmitted, 2 received, 33% packet loss, time 1999ms09:11
juliuxrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 627.659/630.561/633.464/3.009 ms09:11
JaneWwhat can I do?09:11
=== JaneW tries tracert
juliuxJaneW, can you ping the ip address?09:11
juliuxJaneW, not good09:13
=== pygi tries to ping
JaneWwhat's the trace route command? I haven;t used it for AGES09:14
JaneWand last time was on windows09:14
pygiergh. JaneW no go :-/09:14
crimsuntry tracepath ip09:15
juliuxJaneW, traceroute
JaneWjuliux: no... bash: traceroute: command not found09:16
juliuxJaneW, sudo apt-get install traceroute09:16
JaneWno way!09:16
JaneWyou have to install it?09:16
pygilol :)09:16
crimsunyeah, only tracepath6 is installed by default09:16
crimsunargh, traceroute609:16
JaneWyikes more than 10 hops already09:18
JaneWok stuck now...09:19
JaneWjane@janew:~$ traceroute mail.hbd.com09:19
JaneWtraceroute to hedwig.hbd.co.za (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets09:19
JaneW 1 (  1.886 ms  1.824 ms  1.729 ms09:19
JaneW 2  dsl-146-128-01.telkomadsl.co.za (  17.533 ms  19.903 ms  20.736 ms09:19
JaneW 3  wbs-ip-esr-2-gig-6-1-0-611.telkom-ipnet.co.za (  19.328 ms  19.888 ms  19.985 ms09:19
JaneW 4  * * *09:19
JaneW 5 (  33.531 ms  41.181 ms  36.961 ms09:19
JaneW 6 (  50.048 ms  59.937 ms  110.211 ms09:19
JaneW 7 (  51.965 ms  48.020 ms  39.995 ms09:19
JaneW 8  core2a-rba-gi4-0-0.rtr.isnet.net (  60.116 ms  49.838 ms  50.069 ms09:19
JaneW 9 (  331.341 ms  320.381 ms  390.652 ms09:19
JaneW10 (  320.340 ms  340.405 ms  314.921 ms09:19
JaneW11  * * *09:19
JaneW12  * * *09:19
JaneW13  * * *09:19
JaneW14  * *09:19
juliuxJaneW, here it stops on 09:21
juliux16  core1a-rba-gi2-0-0.rtr.isnet.net (  561.391 ms  547.614 ms  534.077 ms09:21
juliux17 (  471.600 ms  458.781 ms  468.121 ms09:21
juliux18 (  506.082 ms  484.884 ms  464.295 ms09:21
juliux19 (  540.720 ms  566.924 ms  576.510 ms09:21
JaneWjuliux: thanks09:22
JaneWI guess this is going to be another frustrating day09:22
jsgotangcoJaneW: stop hacking the payroll server09:22
=== jsgotangco hides
juliuxJaneW, you can try to phone African Network Information Center09:22
juliuxJaneW, whois there is the phone number09:23
JaneWjsgotangco: ;P09:23
jsgotangcohmm pete is not online09:26
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #edubuntu
JaneWJaneW SoC mentors: I will try to mail later (but our mail is down again here...) please can you look at finalising the application review, ranking and make your selections for mentoring by COB tomorrow (wed 17 May).10:27
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juliuxJaneW, do you need an smtp relay to mail?10:37
JaneWjuliux: I do have one thanks10:37
juliuxJaneW, ok10:37
JaneWjuliux: now I just need the mail to come in so that I can respond10:37
juliuxJaneW, ah ok10:38
JaneWI have a bunch of headers which came down10:38
JaneWwith quie a lot of NB stuff, but I can't get to it!!!10:38
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=== jsgotangco just learned that a schengen visa is good for travelling almost all of europe
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lucasvo15:27 -!- ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra]  has quit ["Leaving"] 01:15
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lucasvo16:08 -!- pips1 [n=philipp@hsz-hgkz.isz.ch]  has quit ["Leaving"] 01:15
lucasvo16:18 < lucasvo> I have a problem building my ltsp chroot on ppc01:15
lucasvoogra: 01:16
lucasvo16:20 < lucasvo> W: Failure to run: chroot /opt/ltsp/powerpc dpkg --force-depends --install var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_3.1.9ubuntu4_powerpc.deb var/cache/apt/archives/base-passwd_3.5.11-powerpc.deb01:16
lucasvo16:20 < lucasvo> oh crap, I missed ogra again01:16
=== Phlosten^ is now known as Phlosten
kwwiiogra: ping?01:33
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ograkwwii, pong02:12
kwwiiogra: thought I would offer my help with an usplash, if needed02:13
=== mhz [n=mhz@pc-130-84-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
kwwiiogra: is there an artwork wiki or such for edubuntu? (/me just found the ubuntu-art list today - wayyyy too late)02:13
ograno, we have no strict guidelines for edubuntu artwork, usually a community vote in the edubuntu meeting decides 02:14
mhzhi all02:15
ograit would be fine to stick half way with the colors we use currently, just to keep the recognition factor02:15
mhzAnyone knows Ian Jackson?02:15
ogramhz, thats iwj or Diziat in #ubuntu-devel02:15
mhzogra: good fellas?02:15
mhz /join #ubuntu-devel02:16
ograkwwii, the stuff viper550 posted is *not* what we want (pink with yellow just scares me)02:16
jsgotangcomhz: its this about the firefox page?02:16
cbx33hi ogra 02:16
ogramhz, he's the firefox maintainer02:16
mhzjsgotangco: yup02:16
ograbut thats up to me to figure it out, it has to be done in the artwork package02:16
jsgotangcoit is rather painful just to read that page02:17
jsgotangcoits ogra's responsibility since ints part of edubuntu-artwork02:17
mhzogra: oh, nice. Because I read the firefox page (wiki) and I understood only 5% of it02:17
mhzjsgotangco: heheh, yeah, painful but interesting thou02:17
jsgotangcoyou could potentially break the distro02:17
mhzit shows me how much there is to know even when talking about simple details02:18
mhzjsgotangco: yup, hence I decided not to put my hands on it02:18
mhzjsgotangco: maybe, it would have been to have that page split into 2 parts: a) just place your files here   |    b) read about it :D02:21
=== Elliot_ [n=eanders@] has joined #edubuntu
Elliot_Good morning all, can anyone explain mkvmlinuz to me?02:23
Elliot_I'm trying to get Edubuntu to boot an imac off a Dell server, and having one hell of a time.02:23
Elliot_Basically, I followed the LTSPCrossArch instructions...02:24
Elliot_yeah, netboot02:24
Elliot_but I'm having trouble just getting the live CD to send the correct files over.02:24
mhzI once could boot an imac from a x86 server, using the server's CD drive and setting the imac frimware02:24
Elliot_I can mount /opt/ltsp and then run ltsp-build-client02:25
mhzElliot_: but, does the imac CD drive work?02:25
Elliot_So you are saying boot to the live cd? then ...02:26
mhzand you do need to netboot it?02:26
Elliot_I'd much rather do that.02:26
mhzyeah, it is lot less painful to use the LiveCD02:26
Elliot_We've got a lab of 22.02:26
mhzElliot_: oh, I see02:26
ograElliot_, how does it break ? 02:26
Elliot_The crazy thing is that I was able to get it to boot an iBook using some files I found on a redhat forum for ltsp02:27
Elliot_Let me back track.02:27
ogradid ltsp-build-client finish ? 02:27
mhzElliot_: well, I am used to netinstall this thin x86 laptop (no cd drive) using an x86 server02:27
mhzlet me get you a url in our wiki02:27
Elliot_After I send the files over (https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/LTSPCrossArchSetup)02:28
mhzElliot_: but... let me understand this..02:29
mhzall macs boot via PXE02:29
mhz(iirc..long time i do not use macs)02:30
ogradid ltsp-build-client finish ? 02:30
mhzDoes this imac boot from PXE?02:30
mhzElliot_: remember to press the 'n' key at booting time02:30
ogramhz, all imacs support netbooting by holding down the n key on boot02:30
mhzyeah :D02:31
ograand no, its not PXE02:31
mhzwhat protocol is it?02:31
ograits something apple specific02:31
mhzhehehe, again! apple specific!02:31
mhzNow I remember why I stopped using apple :(02:31
ograyou need some special options in the dhcp config02:31
Elliot_sorry, I'm back02:31
mhzogra: so you say that 'n' will still get you the right files?02:32
ograElliot_, the wikipage isnt complete yet02:32
ograso how far did you get ? 02:32
Elliot_so after running the ltsp-build I run the ltsp-update-kernels on the server and it says to build open-firmware I need to install mkvmlinuz02:33
Elliot_But I can't find a i386 version of that.02:33
Elliot_I also have edubuntu installed and running on one of these imacs, so I mounted /opt/ltsp there and tried running the ltsp-update-kernels02:33
ograyou dont use an i386 kernel to boot powerpc ;)02:34
Elliot_this worked, but netbooting didn't02:34
mhzhence my question if this would still get you the right files ;)02:34
Elliot_so how do I get mkvmlinuz to create the kernels and ram disk etc. on the PC?02:34
ograltsp-update-kernels copies the kernel and initramfs from the clients chroot to the netboot dir in /var7lib/tftpboot02:34
ograyou need to do that step manually02:35
Elliot_so I should be able to run that on the imac (installed edubuntu) and then copy over the /var/lib/tftpboot folder02:35
mhzElliot_: hmmm, When I had oldworld powerbooks, I used to place just 2 files from powerpc  Linux CD's onto the powerbook HD02:35
mhzand then used a bootloader02:35
ograElliot_, that'd be one way, yes02:36
Elliot_ogra, you mentioned that I need a special dhcpd config.  Do you have a template for that?02:36
mhzogra: could just placing these 2 files (powerpc version) onto the right /opt path in server's side work?02:36
ograwait a sec02:36
mhz(the files were 'vmlinuz' and 'initrd.img', of course)02:37
ograadjust the IP settings to your needs02:37
Elliot_I'm also dealing with 2 versions of the imac, one with firmware taht will only boot off bootp.  Is there a special dhcpd config for that?02:37
ogramhz, nope, it doesnt use the chroot yet, thats a known bug being worked on in edgy02:38
ograElliot_, for bootp see wiki.ltsp.org there are some dhcpd.conf examples02:38
mhzogra: oh, thx. It is good it is under development, though02:38
ogracurrently it copies yaboot from /usr/sbin02:39
ograand yaboot isnt installed in the chroot in dapper, so you cant just change the copy command02:40
ograit requires some changes of the chroot defaults 02:40
=== mhz remembers yabin verbose output was just lovely , something like "blessing the config file with holly pinguin pis" :D
Elliot_So, let me see if I can summarize a bit, so when I get in to the lab this afternoon I have a good idea of where to go with this.02:41
Elliot_Step 1. https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/LTSPCrossArchSetup02:42
Elliot_Step 2. just after ltsp-build-client, run ltsp-build-kernels on the client instead of the server 02:43
ograyou should export /var/lib/tftpboot writeable to /var/lib/tftpboot on the client before02:44
ograthen you can even omit the ltsp-build-kernels (ltsp-build-client runs it at the end anyway)02:44
Elliot_Step 0. vi /etc/exports, add /var/lib/tftpboot rw02:44
ograwith the same options as /opt/ltsp02:45
Elliot_Then step 1, and that should do it?02:45
ograthen the commad will copy yaboot, kernel, initramfs and create a yaboot.conf in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp on the server02:45
=== mhz hopes Elliot_ can wiki this step by step if it works right for him :)
Elliot_mhz, sure will02:46
kwwiiogra: hehe, I meant the general idea...the colors themselves need to be fixed, of course :-)02:46
mhzthx! it would be most helpfull02:46
Elliot_do I need to export /var/lib/tftpboot as ro to netboot?02:47
ograand you should revert the exports file after you got it running02:47
ograonly the /opt/ltsp stanza is needed for normal ltsp usage02:48
Elliot_right.  Also I read somewhere on the wiki that I can't find now that there is a bug in the new dhcp3-server, that needs a next-server option?02:48
ogranope, not anymore02:49
ograi fixed that some months ago02:49
ograif you come acroos it in the ubuntu wikianywhere, please delete it02:49
Elliot_It seems there was a full article and a mention in the logs of an irc meeting.02:50
Elliot_Does this look right for all I would need to add for bootp? (about 2/3 of the way down) https://wiki.edubuntu.org/ThinClientHowto/JonathansFindings?highlight=%28bootp%2902:51
=== jinty [n=jinty@212.Red-83-54-75.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograif you stay around for a while, i bet jonathan can tell you ;) he's highvoltage and usually around once or twice a day02:52
Elliot_excellent. I'll let everyone know if this works, and wiki it.02:52
Elliot_Ok, one more question about netbooting.  The imacs I'm using need a horizontal sync rate of 60-66 mhz and vertical of 75-117, which xorg.conf file does this go in, and is that going to screw up any i386 machines if I add it as the default monitor?02:54
ograyou can add MAC address specific entries in lts.conf for these machines and define X_HORZSYNC and X_VERTREFRESH02:56
mhzhmmmm, I wouldn't think this would screw it up02:56
mhzas it is just another option02:56
mhzBUT, surely backup your xorg.conf before :D02:56
mhzMr. Murphy has no pity02:56
ograthat wont help02:56
ograxorg.conf is recreated by the client bootscript02:57
mhzooooh, yeah!02:57
Elliot_oh, that sounds cool.02:57
=== mhz was still thinking as a normal woirkstation, sorry
Elliot_So if I want all of them to get the same X_HORZSYNC and X_VERTREFRESH (for now this is a lab full of these imacs) I can just add it to lts.conf?02:58
=== ogra_ibook [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
ogra_ibookyou can either do what i wrote above in lts.conf or use XF86CONFIG_FILE instead of the values and use a static xorg.conf for the specific client, but you'll need to do it in any case through lts.conf and the MAC 03:00
cbx33phew I'm back03:01
Elliot_Ok, I'll cross that bridge when I get there... 03:01
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Phlostenwhat would be the problem if my client is stuck at "Loading"  ?03:10
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Elliot_Phylosten, I'm assuming this is a netboot, what type of client do you have?03:15
Phlostenbasically i have setup LTSP on a normal Ubuntu install with ThinClientHowTo, just booting my AMD k6-2/500 from my main machine03:16
Phlostenrunning 'netboot' cd to get pxe working03:16
Elliot_In your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf file how do you specify the boot file?03:17
Phlostenleft it as recommened in ThinClientHowto,...which is "filename "/ltsp/pxelinux.0"03:21
Elliot_what version of ubuntu are you running? these notes were for hoary.03:22
Phlostendapper :)03:22
cbx33Phlosten, try taking the first slash out03:24
cbx33what is your root path03:24
Phlostencbx33, "/opt/ltsp/i386"03:24
cbx33yeh remove that slash and try that03:25
Phlostenno joy :/03:27
cbx33hmmm that is strange03:28
cbx33have you verified that llthe required services are running03:28
Phlosteni am thinking something isnt right with my dhcpd.conf file03:28
cbx33try using tftp to request the pxelinux.0 file from the tftp server03:28
=== mhz is now known as mhz_leaving
Phlostenrun tftp on the server machine?03:29
cbx33on another machine preferably03:29
cbx33and try getting the pxelinux.0 file that way03:29
Phlostenwell, that aint going to happen03:29
Phlostenno other machine :/03:30
cbx33it should still work on the server03:30
Phlostenif i run 'tftp' something should run right?03:30
cbx33what do you get as a result?03:30
Phlostenok, well i am missing tftp03:31
Phlostenthat would explain a lot :)03:31
cbx33ok install it03:31
cbx33runing tftp
cbx33tftp - Trivial file transfer protocol client03:31
cbx33is the file you need03:31
Phlostenok, installed now03:32
cbx33ok now try03:32
cbx33but use the external ip03:32
cbx33tftp 192........03:32
Phlostenhmm not working03:33
Phlostenmaybe I am missing something else03:33
cbx33what is the result03:34
Phlostenthe client isnt booting like before03:34
Phlostenthe 'tftp 192..' brings up a prompt03:35
cbx33that says?03:35
cbx33ok good03:35
cbx33now type03:35
cbx33get /opt/ltsp/i386/ltsp/pxelinux.003:35
cbx33i think03:35
cbx33or whatever the path should be03:36
Phlostenthe pxelinux.0 file should be in the /opt/ltsp/i386/ folder yeah?03:36
cbx33check it03:37
cbx33by browsing there and looking03:37
Phlostencant see it03:37
cbx33what is in /opt03:39
Phlostenjust the ltsp/ folder03:40
cbx33and in that?03:40
Phlosten /i38603:40
cbx33and in that :p03:40
cbx33ok good03:40
cbx33what about /ltsp03:41
Phlosteni dont seem to have a /ltp at the root level03:41
cbx33what about doing a search for03:41
cbx33find out where it is03:41
cbx33I'm a bit out of it today03:41
cbx33recovering from a bad migrane03:41
cbx33so try the tftp thing again03:42
cbx33but tyr get /ltsp/pxelinux.003:43
cbx33then try03:43
cbx33get ltsp/pxelinux.003:43
cbx33see if either of them transfers the file to your current dirctory03:43
Phlostenooh the first one worked03:43
cbx33run this in you home dir03:43
cbx33ok excellent03:43
cbx33so it downloaded the file ja?03:43
Phlostenran 'tftp', which is this machine03:44
cbx33so that should indicate that path is corrent03:44
Phlostenis that right?03:44
Phlostenso up until loading pxelinux.0 only dhcp and tftp are involved?03:46
Phlostenso it must be a bad dhcpd.conf setup 03:46
cbx33looks like it03:46
Phlostenis there a sample on somewhere?03:47
cbx33can you confirm that it is getting the ip address03:47
cbx33and that there are no other dhcp servers running on the network03:47
Phlostenwell the line above states  "Me: etc...03:47
Phlostenwell there is in adsl modem03:48
Phlostenon this computer03:48
cbx33does your router/switch have a dhcp server?03:48
cbx33you can only have one dhcp server running on a network03:49
Phlostenthat includes adsl modem?03:49
cbx33if your modem usually serves out dhcp addresses to your clients then yes03:50
Phlostenwell yes it is then :)03:50
cbx33they will conflict03:50
Phlostenone more thing learned today :)03:50
Phlosteni shall try turning modem off etc and see what happens, brb03:50
cbx33hang on03:50
cbx33unless you have 2 nics in your ltsp server?03:51
cbx33i presumed you were runnign a 1 nic setup03:51
ograthe ip range in your dhcpd.conf is wrong03:51
ogra.255 is a broadcast address, that cant work03:51
Phlosten1 nic -> adsl modem, and 1-> ltsp client03:51
ograthe client nees a address above 0 and below or equal to 25403:52
cbx33indeed ogra that was my next line of attack03:52
Phlosteni have the nic for the ltsp setup for
ograif you have two NICs for two different networks, running two dchp servers is fine03:52
ograit just doesnt work if you have two on the same one03:52
Phlostenok, *unlearns other bit*03:53
ogra<Phlosten> well the line above states  "Me: etc...03:53
Phlostenoh sorry03:53
Phlostenmistake there03:53
ograapparently your client has .25503:53
Phlostenit is actually .25003:53
ograah, k03:53
cbx33shoudl be ok then03:53
ograthats fine then03:53
ogracan yopu post the dhcpd.conf to some pastebin03:54
Phlosteni was just about to do that :)03:54
Phlosteni wasnt sure on the 'routers' bit03:55
Phlostenand most of the other stuff too :)03:56
Phlostenmy network skills suck03:56
ogralooks all fine03:56
Phlostenwhat does the routers bit reference?03:57
ograan IP netwrok always needs a default route 03:57
jsgotangcowow what a pretty long email03:58
ograthe routers line specifies that, even its not really used since you dont have any outbound connection03:58
Phlostennow the filename, what is that relative to?03:59
ograbut that should all be fine by default, unless you changed something04:00
ograltsp-server depends on all needed bits04:00
Phlosteni did change things back and forth, but I am fairly sure it all went back to defaults04:00
Phlostenoh one thing i did think of04:01
Phlostenin the networking setup to setup the actual address of the card etc, does it need a gateway address?04:01
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-12-146-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
YagisanG'day all04:03
ograshould work without04:03
Phlostenthats what I though04:03
jsgotangcothat email is nice04:03
Yagisananyone here like games ?04:04
jsgotangcosure gimme my Nintendo DS anytime04:05
Phlostenogra, i had it working on my edubuntu install on another disk, I shall boot into that at some stage and see how it is setup there :)04:05
Phlostengames are good04:05
=== Yagisan is looking for guinea pigs ^ svn testers
jsgotangcoyou made a game?04:06
Yagisannot that there's much difference ;)04:06
Phlostenalthough it wasnt booting to graphical screen, but at least it was getting past the pxelinux.0 bit04:06
Yagisanjsgotangco: part of the upstream team, yeah04:06
ograPhlosten, from which Cd did you install edubuntu ?04:06
jsgotangcoYagisan: what kind of game?04:06
ograthere was a bug thats fixed in recent dailys04:06
Phlostenflight 604:06
Yagisanjsgotangco: You like "classic" doom, heretic or hexen ?04:06
ograyou should be able to switch to the gui login with alt-f704:07
Phlostenthen I downloaded latest daily, ran update from that CD and finished off with internet updates04:07
Yagisanjsgotangco: great. have the wads ?04:07
ogra(in the non fixed version)04:07
jsgotangcoYagisan: i have them but not here atm04:07
cbx33Yagisan, a game?04:07
Phlostenogra, all I had was flashing cursor when I did alt-f704:07
Yagisancbx33: yes04:07
=== cbx33 used to play doom
jsgotangcoi play guild wars now04:07
jsgotangcoand even visit second life sometimes04:08
Phlosteni dont play anything.. better things to spend my time on :)04:08
Yagisanwe will make a new beta release soon, and I wanted to give you guys a heads up. see if anyone wanted to test it04:08
jsgotangcowill it work in linux?04:08
Yagisanjsgotangco: yes. I fixed the linux port (I hope)04:08
jsgotangcowhy use those wads? i guess its mostly the engine04:09
Yagisani386 only though. (I have no powerpc, and mad64 needs serious work)04:09
Yagisanjsgotangco: we don't yet support boom features used in freedoom04:09
Yagisaninstead of hijacking ogra's channel - if you'd like to test, please join #doomsday04:10
jsgotangcoi used to be a tester for Hudson, its not the most enjoyable job i had04:10
ograYagisan, hey, it's not *my* channel :)04:11
Yagisanogra: I know, but this is a little too off topic at the moment04:11
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cbx33hi all got a big favour to ask05:39
Yagisancbx33: shoot05:40
cbx33does anyone have some webspacethat I could install a CGI-IRC client on :p05:40
cbx33my new host, i switched cos the last one sucked. Do not allow IRC AT ALL05:40
cbx33I can understand why05:40
cbx33but I need it to attend meetings05:40
cbx33and continue with my ubuntu work05:40
Yagisancbx33: I can't help with that I'm sorry05:43
Laser_awayI have to connect to port 8001 on freenode to do irc05:45
cbx33well I would be breaking the ToC if I did it here05:46
cbx33they don;t allow IRC at all, and at work every port other than 21 80 11005:46
cbx33yeh ugly05:48
cbx33i do have a laptop here I could use as a webserver but I'd like something a little more permanemt05:49
Laser_awayif they did that to me I suppose I would be a lot more productive05:49
YagisanGood night all06:27
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lucasvoogra: do you know why building the chroot fails?07:03
ograthe putput should tell you07:05
=== HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #edubuntu
lucasvoogra: well, that's not something I can change07:05
=== HedgeMage bounces
lucasvoand saying that something fails doesn't explain why07:06
=== HedgeMage just read the email list message from the guy in Bloomington, Indiana
=== HedgeMage bounces some more.
=== HedgeMage is from Illinois... grew up on the Indiana border
=== HedgeMage has been trying to push F/OSS in schools there since her days with debian-edu, way-back-when
HedgeMage(In Illinois, never got involved in Indiana)07:08
HedgeMagethis is so cool...07:08
lucasvoogra: so what should I do?07:10
lucasvorun it manually?07:11
ogralucasvo, i have no idea what your prob is 07:11
ogra<lucasvo> ogra: do you know why building the chroot fails?07:11
ogra<lucasvo> ogra: well, that's not something I can change07:11
ogra<lucasvo> and saying that something fails doesn't explain why07:11
ograthere is not much i can explain either07:11
lucasvo13:15 < lucasvo> 15:27 -!- ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra]  has quit ["Leaving"] 07:12
lucasvo13:15 < lucasvo> 15:56 -!- jinty [n=jinty@62-15-158-30.inversas.jazztel.es]  has joined #edubuntu07:12
lucasvo13:15 < lucasvo> 16:08 -!- sankarshan [n=sankarsh@]  has quit ["/me goes off to take a break"] 07:12
lucasvo13:15 < lucasvo> 16:08 -!- pips1 [n=philipp@hsz-hgkz.isz.ch]  has quit ["Leaving"] 07:12
lucasvo13:15 < lucasvo> 16:18 < lucasvo> I have a problem building my ltsp chroot on ppc07:12
lucasvo13:15 < lucasvo> 16:20 < lucasvo> W: Failure to run: chroot /opt/ltsp/powerpc dpkg --force-depends --install var/cache/apt/archives/base-files_3.1.9ubuntu4_powerpc.deb var/cache/apt/archives/base-passwd_3.5.11-powerpc.deb07:12
lucasvo13:15 < lucasvo> 16:20 < lucasvo> oh crap, I missed ogra again07:12
lucasvo13:16 < lucasvo> ogra:07:12
lucasvooh, that was a little too much07:12
lucasvothis is the only and last error I get07:13
ograso why are you using such evil stuff like --force-depends07:13
lucasvoogra: it's on ppc07:13
lucasvoogra: thats the ltsp build script07:13
ograso why are you using such evil stuff like --force-depends 07:13
lucasvoI only typed in sudo ltsp-build-client07:13
lucasvothe line above says: I: Installing core packages...07:14
lucasvoogra: you know what's wrong?07:16
ogranot without the log, no07:16
lucasvoogra: ah, yes, in the wiki you write: /!\ Note that powerpc clients need some special options in the servers dhcp setup.07:16
lucasvoogra: what log?07:16
lucasvo(from https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/LTSPCrossArchSetup?highlight=%28LTSP%29)07:16
lucasvowhat special options?07:16
ograthe full log from ltsp-build-client07:16
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lucasvoogra: I'll delete the chroot and redo it again07:17
lucasvoI can basically just "sudo ltsp-build-client > tmp" ?07:17
ograsave th elog this time (redirect the output to a textfile)07:18
lucasvoor do you need other logs?07:18
lucasvocrappy dsl, it should be 6mbit, but the provider seems a bit overloaded07:22
=== highvoltage [n=Jono@mtngprs4.mtn.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
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cbx33hey highvoltage 07:30
cbx33howz it going 07:30
highvoltagecbx33: deurmekaar :)07:30
highvoltagecbx33: (deurmekaar is Afrikaans word for a but messed up)07:31
ograwhose butt ?07:31
highvoltagetrying to do the linuxworld thing while trying to get worked done in between07:31
=== cbx33 was off work today
highvoltages/but/bit :)07:31
cbx33migrane so I'm a little messed up too07:31
highvoltageinteresting typo :)07:31
cbx33so you all gonna be present for the meeting tomorrow?07:34
cbx33do MX records take longer to propagate than DNS07:35
cbx33ogra, can you elaborate on what you said about the meeting records, you said something was in hand?07:36
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cbx33is it something I can put on the wikimock 07:36
=== pygi says hello
ogracbx33, not yet i think, JaneW is in charge of that if i undestood right07:37
cbx33ok np07:37
cbx33hi pygi 07:37
cbx33what is JeffreyElkner's IRC07:43
cbx33thanks ogra 07:44
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mhzhi all07:44
mhzogra, I am at the lab now BUT I have no mouse :(  so it is kind of difficult to look up for info. Is there any known solution/bug regrding PS2 mouse?07:45
mhzor.. Anyone ever has had trouble with PS2 mouse not being detected by edubuntu Dapper?07:46
ogranot here07:47
ogramousedev should load it automatically07:48
mhzyeah, so I thought07:48
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ograthats a thin client or the server ?07:48
mhzthe bad thing is that the Director of this training company was amazed with Edubuntu (I was demoing to 5 people a couple of minutes ago) until Mouse problem! 07:49
mhzPS2 mouse is not working on any client nor server07:49
cbx33ogra, in the development section on the front wiki page,07:50
cbx33what are we going to display?07:50
=== elliot_ [n=elliot_@c-71-192-100-10.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33mhz, is this one particualr mouse?07:50
mhzbrand= omega07:50
elliot_hi all,07:50
mhzPS2, optical07:50
mhzelliot_, hi07:50
ogrado you have any replacement you can try ?07:50
elliot_I had a chance to test the ltsp setup with a mac booting off an i386 07:50
elliot_And it gets most of the way there07:51
ograand, did it work ?07:51
mhzthe good thing is after lunch (30 more minutes) people will comeback to try the working stations07:51
elliot_yaboot loads, then the loading ubuntu screen comes up07:51
mhzso I still have some time to fix this07:51
cbx33mhz, :S07:51
elliot_it fails at the "running local boot scripts07:51
elliot_then it hangs.07:51
elliot_Also it seems to only want to serve one client at a time07:52
mhzogra, nope :( all the machines in this lab were purchased with very similar hardware07:52
cbx33mhz, that sux07:52
cbx33though very common07:52
mhzthe keyboard is PS2 too, but it works just fine07:52
cbx33do you not have just one spare mouse07:52
cbx33so you can rule that out?07:52
mhznope :(07:52
mhznever thought this was gonna be an issue so I did not bring my USB mouse07:52
mhzI tried it when installing edubuntu and it was perfect (we had no mouse by then)07:53
ogracan you check if psmouse is loaded on the clients ? 07:53
=== mhz tries
ogra(or if addint it to /etc/modules in the chroot helps)07:53
elliot_the mounting /var/lib/tftpboot didn07:54
mhzyeah, lsmod | grep -i ps   outputs 'psmouse'07:54
elliot_didn't work. had to scp the files07:54
cbx33hmm that is strange07:54
cbx33possibly an X config problem?07:54
ograelliot_, fine as well, as long as they got copied 07:54
mhzhmmm. yeah.07:54
=== mhz checks for xorg.conf
cbx33ogra, did you say we are going to make all LTSP wiki docs ubuntu generic?07:56
ograyes, we should07:56
=== cbx33 sets about modifying his
cbx33I'm going to setup a page to collect all LTSP docs07:56
cbx33then we can start organising/merging as required07:56
cbx33does this mean we are moving these docs out of EdubuntuDocumentation?07:57
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
cbx33hi LaserJock 07:57
elliot_I just checked out /opt/ltsp/powerpc/etc/rc.local and it says it doesn't do anything.07:57
mhzcbx33, hmm, in xorg.conf, "Device"       "/dev/input/mice"07:57
elliot_odd that it would fail there07:57
cbx33should be cool07:57
LaserJockhi cbx33 07:58
mhzok, I'll see if reconfiguring X works out something better07:58
ograelliot_, what makes you think it fails there ?07:59
cbx33well what'dya know, I had already written one doc ubuntu generic anyway :p07:59
elliot_The screen is hanging right after the line "Running local boot scripts" Guess it finished running those and is hanging on the next thing.07:59
cbx33are we still supporting hoary LTSP?08:00
ogracbx33, we never did08:00
=== mhz will restart x
cbx33I'm just looking at the wiki08:00
cbx33with respecs to LTSP08:00
cbx33ok I'll link to that way way down at the bottom08:01
ograelliot_, if something fails, usplash should go away and drop you to a shell with some error messages after some time08:01
cbx33I'll move the EdubuntuDocumentation/LTSP* documents that I created out of EdubuntuDocumentation08:02
ograprobably make a UbuntuLTSP category08:03
elliot_right, upslash failed, and then dropped to a shell where the last message was "Running local...08:03
elliot_It has an error about /etc/fstab not having fschk passno, but said it figured that one out.08:03
elliot_Also can't get the hardware clock set, but that happens on the installed version too.08:03
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-146-177-94.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
ogracan you scroll up a bit08:04
ograand look for nfs errors ?08:04
elliot_Also, someone mentioned an lts.conf file, but I only have one in the docs for i386 none was generated for powerpc, does that matter?08:04
elliot_on tty1 it says fbcon not found08:05
ograwe dont use one by default08:05
elliot_and vga16fb not found08:05
ograyou need to create it in /opt/ltsp/powerpc/etc/08:05
ograthats fine on ppc08:05
=== mhz [n=mhz@] has joined #edubuntu
mhzno mouse08:08
mhzany of you using a PS2 mouse ?08:08
kwwiiI know this is kinda off topic, but how does this logo look to everyone? http://bootsplash.org/chalkTEST.png08:10
mhzhmmm, I just changed the mouse model for another with no brand08:10
elliot_ogra, I copied the default lts.conf and edited it to fit my basic needs, it gets to the same place08:10
mhzand it works just fine08:11
ograkwwii, as odd as our forced default wallpaper08:12
ograsorry, but chalkboard is not very loved in here08:12
kwwiiogra: ahhhh, actually I was trying to improve on it08:12
kwwiiogra: I agree that the idea is a bit silly08:12
ograwe protested, but apparently that wasnt heard 08:13
elliot_I think the chalkboard is pretty good, but what about a white board?;)08:13
ograelliot_, really, you like the idea of looking like win95 ? 08:14
ograelliot_, the shipped lts.conf is wrong (still on my list for updates)08:14
elliot_no, just think that since we're in a school setting with edubuntu, the chalkboard is pretty appropriate.  I'd like to see some more texture though.08:14
elliot_ah, what's wrong about it?08:15
ograthere are a lot options in it we either dont support or dont need at all08:15
ograothers are missing08:16
elliot_is there a basic lts.conf online somewhere?08:16
ograyou could grep for all capital variables in the ltsp-client-setup initscript on the client to see all possible vars08:17
ograthere is no list for dapper yet08:17
elliot_ok, but would an incorrectly formatted (or missing) lts.conf file stop it from booting? 08:18
kwwiiogra: well, is there a usplash ready for edubuntu? or should I make one?08:18
ograkwwii, i was under the impression we'd stay with the old one, but only because i heard nothing from silbs about it08:19
kwwiiogra: well, if one is needed/desired I can certainly make it :-) JaneS mentioned that I should help if possible08:20
ograyes, but please make it more neutral08:22
ograwe ship three different themes and it would be good to have something that fits them all08:22
kwwiiI'll make some stuff and then post it here and on the wiki08:22
ogragreat, thanks :)08:22
kwwiinothing I do needs to be used unless the community wants it :-)08:23
kwwiiogra: so the stuff on the wiki (with the chalkboard theme) is current?08:24
ograurl ? 08:29
cbx33Burgwork, you there? ping :p08:30
Burgworkcbx33, here, but at work08:30
cbx33just a quicky08:30
LaserJockhenc the work part of the nick ;-)08:30
cbx33did you write the op nevermind08:30
cbx33just found the answer08:31
cbx33sory Bluekuja 08:31
cbx33Burgwork, 08:31
cbx33man my typing sux08:31
Burgworkperfect, less work for me08:31
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ograkwwii, thats not the theme we use 08:31
ograkwwii, in fact thats a breezy theme the community decided not to use ...08:32
ogra(its pretty old)08:32
cbx33ogra, are you ok for me to move LTSPServerSetup to the UbuntuLTSP page?08:32
cbx33mhz, can i move your LTSP page on wiring to the UbuntuLTSP section08:32
kwwiiso is this what is going to be used? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuDapperTheme08:33
kwwiior can someone point me to the current stuff? :-)08:33
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ogracbx33, in any case make sure all links to that page still work08:34
LaserJockkwwii: it's actually kept in a secret vault somewhere in South Africa ;-)08:34
ogra(as for all other pages as well)08:34
kwwiiLaserJock: :P08:34
ograLaserJock, its in edubuntu since friday08:34
ograi just dont have a screenshot handy08:34
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ograkwwii, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/edubuntu/dapper_art/chalkboard.png08:41
kwwiineat idea, probably looks pretty boring as wallpaper though08:42
ograkwwii, the other shots in that dir are rather obsolete, but we kept the highlight color (gtk theme) and the window colors08:43
ogras/window/window border/08:43
ograyep, it does08:43
ograwe had some differently colored ones in the first design suggestions i actually liked08:43
ograbut it had to be the win95 green08:44
ograjsgotangco calls it "the berlin wall"08:44
kwwiihehe...well, it looks like the ubuntu community is going to use a usplash with a simple canonical logo on it, perhaps one of the other ideas would be good to use in edubuntu08:46
ograi've seen them, as i said, i liked viper550's apart from the awful color selection ... but you know you wont get around dithering :)08:48
cbx33ogra, what's the preferred method for moving pages :p  redirecting or changing all the links08:48
kwwiiogra: well, the last one on that page is based on viper550's stuff and works great with 15 colors, perhaps something like that for edubuntu?08:49
ograkwwii, whats the difference to the current one ? if you make it indexed to 16cols (as you need to), it will get dithering and look like the current one but in orange08:51
mhzcbx33, yeah08:51
mhzyou are the man08:51
cbx33mhz, thank you08:51
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kwwiiogra: it already uses only 15 colors08:51
ograkwwii, and actually the mirriring looks better in the current one08:52
kwwiiyeah, that is true08:52
kwwiibut the glow effect looks horrible08:52
mhzogra, I have installed swf-player08:52
kwwiiall of my pics on that page only use 15 colors08:52
ogranot if you step 2m away from the screen :)08:52
mhzBUT it doesn load08:52
kwwiiogra: lol08:52
ograbut i agree in a usuall PC worker distance it looks horrible08:53
kwwiiogra: so for people with really long arms, it looks great08:53
ograheh, yeah08:53
=== mhz running to solve stuff
lucasvoogra: http://wservices.ch/~lucas/ablage/ltsp-chroot.txt08:54
cbx33lucasvo, 08:55
lucasvocbx33: ?08:55
cbx33are you ok for my to move one of your LTSP pages08:55
cbx33into the UbuntuLTSP container08:55
lucasvowhich page?08:55
cbx33I can't remember just remember seeing your name as the creator08:55
lucasvoogra: ah, yes, in the wiki you wrote: /!\ Note that powerpc clients need some special options in the servers dhcp setup.08:56
cbx33what's the best way of moving, redirecting or updating all links on all attached pages :p08:56
lucasvowhat's so special?08:56
ograapple doesmt us plain PXE08:57
lucasvoogra: could you write a wiki page?08:58
lucasvoor tell me what I should write08:58
ogramake a page and add that file :)08:58
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cbx33lucasvo, preferably in the UbuntuLTSP container :p08:58
LaserJockcbx33: you can put redirects into the old page, you might ask Burgwork or -doc if you need help08:59
Burgworkcbx33, if you move a page, a redirect is not automatically created08:59
cbx33no i know08:59
cbx33i was just asking is it better to redirect08:59
cbx33or update all links along the way08:59
cbx33or do both08:59
BurgworkI would update all the links 08:59
cbx33if so how do i create a redirect08:59
Burgworkredirect if there are external links08:59
Burgwork#REDIRECT NewPageName09:00
Burgworkremember to search google, using hte full url, for any external links09:00
=== cbx33 sighs
cbx33this is gonna take a while09:00
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lucasvoogra: and what about the ltsp chroot?09:01
lucasvoogra: have you looked at the file?09:01
cbx33Burgwork, how to search for links in google again?09:01
cbx33been so long since I did it before09:01
Burgworksearch for the full url09:01
cbx33including both wiki.ubuntu and wiki.edubuntu ?09:02
HedgeMageHey, folks, I have a really dumb question to ask09:04
BurgworkHedgeMage, no dumb questions allowed here :)09:05
cbx33ogra, didn't you do those wiring pics?09:05
cbx33can we get them ubuntu generic?09:05
HedgeMagewhen I did the Intro to edubuntu standalone chapter I linked to the LTSP setup hardware reqs but I couldn't get it to link properly with wiki:/ and had to use the full URL instead... any clue how to fix that?09:05
HedgeMageI don't use wikis often so I'm not puzzling this one out09:05
Burgwork["Linkthatsifunny"] 09:06
Burgworkwhy I had implicit linking in moin09:06
BurgworkHedgeMage, did that work for you?09:09
ogralucasvo, ltsp-build-client finishes fine on my ibook09:09
HedgeMageBurgwork: I'll try one sec09:10
lucasvoogra: well not on mine :(09:10
HedgeMagegot flooded with staff requests all of a sudden09:10
lucasvoI had the same error on all machines09:10
ogralucasvo, are you sure your sources.list is ok and did you run sudo apt-get update ? 09:10
lucasvookay, let's try with a correct date09:12
ogralucasvo, and do you have the most recent ltsp-server and/or ltsp-server-standalone packages installed ? 09:12
ograthey shouldnt care about wrong clocks anymore09:12
ograltsp (0.86) dapper; urgency=low09:13
ogra  * add --ignore-time-conflict to the apt/gpgv options in09:13
ogra    ltsp-build-client to not break on systems with totally broken clock09:13
ogra    settings (closes malone #41088)09:13
=== elliot_ [n=elliot_@c-71-192-100-10.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
elliot_I've got some more info on netbooting imacs into ltsp.09:17
elliot_Taking out the quite boot line in yaboot.conf has helped troubleshoot some things.09:17
elliot_It was dying because it couldn't find /linuxrc09:18
elliot_There doesn't appear to be a linuxrc in the powerpc file created on running the ltsp-build-client script, so I copied the one from the i386 folder.09:19
elliot_sadly that doesn't work.09:19
elliot_Anyone have any thoughts? it's now looking for /sbin/discover09:19
ograwe dont use linuxrc at all09:19
ograubuntu ltsp never did09:19
elliot_must have mixed up some things then, I was trying some instructions from k12ltsp, thought I'd killed all of that though.09:20
ograits a normal slightly cut down ubuntu bootprocess using initramfs09:20
ograyour problem is surely somewhere on ther nfs side09:21
elliot_ok, do the exports need to be read only for it to work?09:21
ogratry to mount /opt/ltsp from somewhere else09:21
elliot_could this be related to ltsp-update-sshkeys not working correctly?09:25
ograsshkeys gont have anything to do with booting09:25
LaserJockcbx33: around?09:26
elliot_ok, mounted fine on another edubuntu install: sudo mount /opt/ltsp09:27
cbx33LaserJock, pongy but yes :p09:28
ograelliot_, hmm09:29
LaserJockcbx33: a guy in -doc said that in you ESA firefox description you talk about auto-updates but he said that dapper has that turned off ny default09:30
ograelliot_, in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp are only powerpc specific things ? 09:30
ograi.e. no left over initramfs from an i386 install or something09:30
elliot_initrd.img                    vmlinux09:30
elliot_initrd.img-2.6.15-20-386      vmlinux-2.6.15-20-powerpc09:30
elliot_initrd.img-2.6.15-20-powerpc  vmlinuz09:30
elliot_pxelinux.0                    vmlinuz-2.6.15-20-38609:30
elliot_pxelinux.cfg/                 yaboot09:30
cbx33ah ok, LaserJock that can be revmoed09:30
cbx33i was trawling the firefox website09:30
cbx33during my migrane09:31
LaserJockcbx33: k, will do09:31
cbx33sorry about that09:31
ograelliot_, check where the links in theat dir point to09:31
cbx33any DNS gurus here?09:31
elliot_all links point to the local folder.09:32
elliot_cbx33, what do you need to know about dns?09:32
ograelliot_, to which filed do they point ? 09:32
elliot_initrd.img ->initrd.img-2.6.15-20-powerpc    vmlinux -> vmlinux-2.6.15-20-powerpc     vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.15-20-38609:33
ograok, thats fine09:33
elliot_one good thing.09:33
cbx33elliot_, pm :p09:33
ograthe yaboot.conf in the dir above should point to /ltsp/initrd.img and the matching vmlinux09:34
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elliot_I believe that is what it says, image=/ltsp/vmlinux    initrd=/ltsp/initrd.img09:35
elliot_cbx33, sorry new to irc, what how do I pm?09:36
cbx33what program are you using?09:36
elliot_never mind, got it/09:36
cbx33does it make sense?09:40
elliot_I did something and it is giving me a text login09:40
elliot_do I need to do something to allow me to login? 09:40
elliot_Maybe I can't be logged in twice?09:41
ograalt-f7 ? 09:41
ograis there a gui login ?09:41
elliot_nope, doesn't change.09:42
elliot_last message was the running rc.local [ok] 09:42
elliot_cbx33, see pm.09:43
ograhmm, i wonder why, rc.local isnt supposed to be run at all, ltsp-build-client has an explicit whitelist 09:43
cbx33elliot_, I'm gussing you haven't registered09:43
elliot_probably not?09:44
cbx33cos you can't send a pm unlessyou are registered on freenode09:44
cbx33you can reply in here09:44
ograthats all that should be in rcS.d on the client: mountvirtfs hostname.sh keymap.sh loopback udev mountdevsubfs module-init-tools procps.sh etc-setserial ltsp-client-setup setserial console-screen.sh xorg-common09:44
ograand thats all that should be in rc2.d : ltsp-client nbd-client usplash rmnologin stop-bootlogd09:45
ograall other scripts should be disabled09:45
elliot_It looks to me like you are querying your new dns server and it is giving the correct ip, but the parent is giving the old ip for ns servers?  Did you update your ns records?09:45
ograelliot_, you are sure you only run ubuntu bits on that machine ? 09:45
elliot_ubuntu only.09:46
cbx33elliot_, how do you mean update the NS records....if you ping them they are pointing to the right place09:46
cbx33it is the NIC records that are wrong09:46
cbx33i have no control over those09:46
ograelliot_, then i wonder where "starting rc.local" comes from09:46
elliot_cbx33, guess I'm out of my league on that question.09:46
cbx33i was presuming they change themselves eventually?09:46
ograsince its not supposed to be there09:46
elliot_ogra, me too.09:46
ograthats dapper, right ? 09:47
elliot_As far as I can tell the things that control the boot are, /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf  yaboot.conf and lts.conf right, and yes dapper.09:47
ogralts.conf is only for tewaking autodetection09:48
ograso the only important bits are dhcp, tftp and nfs09:48
elliot_ok, so if dhcpd.conf and yaboot.conf are right it should boot? oh, yes and exports/09:48
ograyes and if there is no other dhcp server in the client network09:49
elliot_any chance the export needs to be sync not async?09:49
cbx33elliot_, think I have it sorted now :D09:49
ogra/opt/ltsp       *(rw,no_root_squash,async)09:49
elliot_yeah, that's what I have09:49
ograthats the default, works on all setups here09:50
ograand since yu can mount manually, it seems tzo be ok09:50
elliot_right, so what script runs them all?09:50
ograthere is no single script09:51
ograso you are sure you dont run any other dhcp server in that network ?09:51
elliot_ok, then where is rcS.d that you mentioned.  I have rc0.d -> rc.6.d and essentially an empty rc.local09:52
ograits in etc in the client chroot09:52
ograand /opt/ltsp/powerpc/etc/rc2.d09:52
ograare the two dirs used for booting09:52
ograbut if there is more in them than the services i listed above, something went wrong with your install09:53
elliot_ok, so the problem could be that I built this image from an edubuntu install not from a live disk?09:54
ogranot really09:54
ograwhat do you mean with "built that image" ?09:54
ograthe ltsp-build-client run ? 09:55
elliot_I ran ltsp-build-client on an installed machine, not a live-cd machine09:55
ograthat shouldnt matter as long as the package is up to date09:55
ogra(the ltsp-server package)09:55
elliot_it is up-to date, as of yesterday or so.09:55
elliot_ok, found the rcS.d, it was just off the screen on my last ls09:56
ograyou dont happen to have a log from the ltsp-client-builder run ? 09:56
elliot_looks like it has what you said it should.09:56
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/powerpc dpkg -l ldm09:59
elliot_chroot: cannot run command `dpkg': Exec format error10:00
elliot_OK, this one is starting to piss me off, isn't /etc/network/interfaces the only place to specify the ip address?  It keeps grabbing for some reason.10:02
ograoh, damned, right, you can only run it from the client 10:03
ograls /opt/ltsp/powerpc/usr/sbin/ldm10:03
elliot_doesn't exist.10:04
ograthats your problem then10:04
ogradidnt you specify a range up to for the clients ? 10:05
elliot_yes, but the server keeps getting that address.10:05
ogra(on dhcpd.conf)10:05
ograhow ? 10:05
ograthe IP of the server *must* be static10:06
elliot_beats me the damn thing is set to static in interfaces.10:06
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elliot_both /etc/network/interfaces and the gui networking (which I assume reads and writes the former) report static.10:08
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ograthats fine10:08
ogracan you paste ifconfig -a to a pastebin ? 10:09
ograand your dhcpd.conf as well ?10:09
elliot_that is too cool.10:11
ograhmm, looks fine 10:14
ograwhere or when is your IP reset to .250 ?10:14
elliot_what is this folder supposed to contain?10:15
ogranothing, its a binary that gets installed by ltsp-build-client10:15
ograthe login manager in fact10:15
elliot_so that could be why the login manager isn't loading/10:16
elliot_and maybe I can't login because the ssh keys aren't working10:16
ograyep, but you couldnt boot, so one step after another :)10:16
elliot_I think maybe it is booting now.10:16
elliot_It gets me to a dapper login, but I can't login, and it is on a shell login.10:17
ograno, you cant login, there are no accounts in a ltsp client 10:17
elliot_oh, ok, so .... that means it is only partly booting?10:18
ograso mount the chroot rw from your client you used to run ltsp-build-client and run sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/powerpc apt-get install ldm10:18
elliot_I fixed my sshkey problem by creating /opt/ltsp/powerpc/etc/ssh/10:18
ograthat will give you the login manager10:18
elliot_Ok, brb10:19
ograssh has nothing to do with it yet10:19
ograyoure not at the point where you even use ssh :)10:19
elliot_ok, thats going to take a while, something like 127 pkgs to install10:21
cbx33ogra, gcompris really did screw up my system the other day....but I'm working on the problem tomorrow10:21
ograouch, something went clearly wrong with your install10:21
ograi'm not sure its right what happens there now10:22
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elliot_ooooohhh, oops, forgot to set the date again, these imacs reset to 1970 or something when they reboot, well if that messes it up I'll have to try again tomorrow.10:24
highvoltagehi #edubuntu :)10:24
highvoltagehi ogra 10:24
HedgeMagehi highvoltage 10:25
cbx33hi highvoltage 10:25
highvoltagehi cbx33 10:28
highvoltageogra: when is docfreeze again?10:28
highvoltageogra: do you know more or less when flight 8 is being launched?10:29
elliot_ogra, thanks for your help, I'll pound away at this again tomorrow.  10:29
elliot_Everyone else thanks #edubuntu10:30
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ograhighvoltage, no idea look at the release schedule10:30
ograflight 8 is planned for thursday/friday10:30
Burgworkhighvoltage, doc freeze happened a long time ago and edubuntu decided not to follow that. Do you have your own internal one?10:32
Burgworkthe esa has a freeze of this friday10:32
ograhighvoltage, lest say end of the week for edubuntu10:32
ograthat way i have the weekend to throw it in10:33
highvoltageok, nice10:33
cbx33ogra, is ltsp going into ubuntu doc?10:33
highvoltageBurgwork: not that i know of specifically10:33
highvoltageogra: for docs that ship with edubuntu, would the gettingstarted guide, lab layout guide, and the lts.conf finetuning guide suffice?10:34
ogracbx33, ??10:34
highvoltageogra: i can't think of anything else that's doable that would be helpful.10:34
ograhighvoltage, i think yes, even i'm a bit worried about the size of the screenshots10:35
highvoltageBurgwork: thanks for that info10:35
ogracan we make then jpegs ? 10:35
highvoltageyeah :/10:35
highvoltageyes, i can do that10:35
highvoltageor 'we', whatever comes first :)10:35
cbx33ogra, is esa going in docs?10:36
cbx33and are the ltsp apges going in docs?10:36
LaserJockcbx33: esa won't be in the ubuntu-docs package10:43
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ograwe're close to the edge wrt CD size (actually amd64 grew again to being 1.3M oversized)10:44
cbx33yeh thats what i thought10:45
ograi fear addint *anything* might let i386 explode again10:45
cbx33ok ogra i'll try to prevent it exploding10:46
HedgeMageHey folks just a heads-up I'm /away but if you hilight me I'm still semi-watching this chan... had to put the DND sign up to try to finish my cookbook stuff10:48
HedgeMageapparently, it's a mystery that I have a life :P10:48
pygiHedgeMage, o, nice :)10:50
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highvoltageogra: as .png's the images total 535KB11:02
highvoltagei will convert to .jpg now and see how much i can shave off11:02
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highvoltageogra: i've only converted one image to jpg for a test, and the d-i screenshots get larger (and very distorted) as .jpg's11:05
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cbx33highvoltage, try a range of jpgs11:15
cbx33sometimes, they compress better, sometimes worse11:15
cbx33what quality setting did you use?11:15
highvoltagecbx33: it seems like with all the d-i screenshots, they do much worse11:17
highvoltagei thin .png wins with areas where a solid colour covers a big area11:17
highvoltagesuch as the d-i screenshits11:17
cbx33highvoltage, go with those then :p11:28
highvoltagegoodnight ogra, cbx33 and the rest of #edubuntu :)11:30
kwwiianyway...enough about that11:53
kwwiierm, wrong channel12:00
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