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raphinkhmm interesting malone 4492012:48
UbugtuMalone bug 44920 in kdebase "KDEROOTHOME set incorrectly; user settings ignored" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4492012:48
raphinkRiddell: are you around?12:49
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Riddellraphink: hi01:09
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pygiabattoir, hi :)10:21
pygifrom JaneW:10:29
pygiJaneW SoC mentors: I will try to mail later (but our mail is down again here...) please can you look at finalising the application review, ranking and make your selections for mentoring by COB tomorrow (wed 17 May).10:29
abattoirhi pygi...10:35
abattoir:) 10:36
pygiwhats up abattoir ? :)10:36
abattoirwell, the penultimate exam got over today... :) 10:36
abattoirhave one more to go... but that's like 9 days away... so holidays have temporarily begun :) 10:37
abattoirwas that second message for me?10:37
ajmitch_probably a notice that decisions about ubuntu SoC projects will be known soon 10:45
pygiabattoir, no :-P10:45
pygiabattoir, that was for SoC mentors :)10:46
ajmitch_and then the students sit & wait for another week :)10:47
pygiindeed ajmitch_ :)10:48
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OdyXRiddell: As far as I see it, "dynamic mode" in latest Amarok does not work anymore (says "No track to add" (or something like that), as I DO have tracks...12:00
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OdyXRiddell: one more... Complains about libvisual when trying visualisations, as they are installed.12:10
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OdyXRiddell: one more... :| amaroK tries to send mail everytime it meets "bugs", but my music goes on. seems xine bug ?01:38
RiddellOdyX: is this amarok 1.4 or 1.3?01:54
OdyXRiddell: latest, from your repos.01:55
OdyX1.4 then01:55
Riddelloh, I don't care about that one :)01:55
Riddellonly fixes for dapper I'm afraid01:55
OdyXRiddell: what do you mean by "I don't care" ? Won't be corrected, because 1.3 (Dapper's default) works just fine ?01:56
=== OdyX will revert to beta3, was better :-/
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jjessei sent out an email about the location of the meeting logs in the wiki, did anyone have any thoughts on that?02:44
Hobbseejjesse: my only thought is that i dont really care, except that it's findable02:44
Hobbseeand in the topic :P02:44
jjesseHobbsee: i think no one else cared either :)02:45
=== Rinse is away: weg en zo
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Hobbseethat topic needs updating, too...02:54
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raphinkRiddell: could you add "Name[fr] =Ajouter/Supprimer des programmes" to http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/sysadmin/ept/installer/adept_installer.desktop?rev=539472&view=markup please?03:14
mornfall|mxraphink: doesn't sound like a great idea to me, shouldn't that be ran over by scripty in next run?03:15
mornfall|mxkde .desktop files have .po files03:15
raphinkmornfall|mx: where is the po for adept desktop files?03:16
raphinkmornfall|mx: ?03:20
raphinkI searched for po for adept desktop files and didn't find any03:20
mornfall|mxraphink: i have no idea, but i suppose they are in kde svn03:22
mornfall|mxraphink: try asking Riddell 03:22
raphinkthis is what I did mornfall|mx03:22
raphinkI'm worried that we might have adept desktop files in english only for the release03:23
raphinkthe desktops are in the kde svn 03:23
mornfall|mxraphink: desktops yes, but the translations in them are extracted from .po03:24
raphinkhaven't found this po03:24
mornfall|mxsomewhere under l10n03:24
raphinkoh stupid me03:24
raphinkhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n/fr/messages/playground-sysadmin/desktop_playground-sysadmin.po?rev=534627&view=log I guess03:25
mornfall|mxif you commit changes to that .po, next scripty run (tonight i think?) should add them to .desktop files03:25
raphinkI see that I submitted translations in it months ago03:26
raphinkthat were not updated03:26
raphinke.g. 03:26
raphink#: ept/installer/adept_installer.desktop:303:26
raphink#, fuzzy03:26
raphinkmsgid "Name=Add/Remove Programs"03:26
raphinkmsgstr "Ajout/Suppression de logiciels"03:26
raphinkthis was not added to the desktop03:26
raphinkalthough it was submitted long ago03:26
mornfall|mxno idea really03:27
mornfall|mxi have a bunch of translations03:27
mornfall|mxnot french though03:27
freeflyingmornfall|mx: good news for you, adept can work with scim now  :)03:28
mornfall|mxfreeflying: nice03:28
freeflyingmornfall|mx: thx03:28
mornfall|mxfreeflying: someone fixed scim or the putenv worked?03:28
freeflyingmornfall|mx: putenv works03:28
mornfall|mx--> breakfast03:28
mornfall|mxsee ya03:29
raphinkmornfall|mx: in your opinion03:29
raphinkshould the desktop files be synced from the svn ?03:29
raphinkor the whole app?03:29
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kwwiidoes anyone know if the kubuntu and ubuntu wiki have the same login stuff?03:48
Hobbseekwwii: afaik, they do03:49
kwwiiHobbsee: thanks :.-)03:49
Hobbseeyep, they do :)03:49
Riddellyes, launchpad e-mail needed03:50
Hobbseemorning Riddell 03:50
Riddellgood morning Hobbsee 03:51
kwwiiouch, so I am posting to the ubuntu list with my kde.org email address03:51
kwwiithis should go well03:51
Hobbseekwwii: heh, would people really notice?03:51
Riddellkwwii: is that kdm artwork you made suitable for packaging?03:52
kwwiiHobbsee: desktop choice is a religion 03:52
Hobbseekwwii: no kidding :P03:52
kwwiiRiddell: yepp, I still wanted to fix the buttons (already started on that)...can you give me a few more hours?03:52
Riddellsure, take as long as you want03:53
Hobbseekwwii: means that it done for my birthday will be about right then :P03:54
kwwiijust for you!03:54
Riddelland if you want to plan with the gdm XML file to get the go arrow button next to the text field that would be lovely03:54
Hobbseeie, july :P03:54
kwwiiRiddell: ok, I'll check into that03:54
kwwiionce this whole usplash stuff is sorted03:55
=== Hobbsee declares that all mathematics is evil, particularly calculus, and that computer programming is far better.
=== OdyX agrees.
=== Hobbsee laughs
Hobbseeyes, sabdfl, you missed the meeting by 2 hours.04:04
Hobbseethat's my kind of being on time to things!04:04
kwwiiHobbsee: are you crazy? Math is great!04:20
=== Hobbsee gives up on it for the night...
Hobbseeit's due in.. 20.5 hours...04:21
Riddellkwwii: are your slides ready to be uploaded with example content?04:25
kwwiiRiddell: yepp, I have the presentation, and the leaflet (but did not get around to building the package04:26
Riddellah, so you're waiting on someone teaching you .deb packaging04:28
RiddellHobbsee knows all about that04:28
Hobbseenot really from scratch though...04:29
HobbseeRiddell: i suppose that a kopete 0.12 final coming out in may is *far* too late to be included in dapper?04:29
Hobbseethought so.  pity.04:30
HobbseeRiddell: and when is this kubuntu council made all official?04:30
=== Hobbsee is procrastinating, again :P
RiddellI'm going to try and send out a post to the mailing list today04:31
Riddelland we have a meeting next week as I remember04:31
Hobbseeoh do we?04:31
Riddell22nd 21:0004:31
Hobbseetuesday morning, awesome!04:32
HobbseeRiddell: that patch fixing the crashes for kopete with the webcams doesnt seem to have been applied to the breezy 3.5 packages...can we fix this?04:34
kwwiito be honest, I am hoping to find 15min time to anything other than draw pretty pictures :-)04:37
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RiddellHobbsee: sure04:48
RiddellHobbsee: send me the debdiff04:49
Hobbseeheh.  why'd i think you'd say something like that?04:49
=== Hobbsee doesnt have the patch, nor the source, nor the breezy pbuilder, nor the time to sort it out tonight :P
freeflyingHobbsee: can you install breezy's pbuilder on your dapper system04:51
Hobbseefreeflying: i'm fairly sure you can have multiple pbuilders, yes04:51
freeflyingHobbsee: but not the breezy's04:51
Hobbseewhy not breezy?04:51
freeflyingdo't know, but sid's is well04:52
Riddelltest koffice   deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-151 dapper main05:04
Hobbseeooh fun :)05:07
OdyXRiddell: 1.5 final too ?05:09
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RiddellOdyX: if 1.5.1 is without problems I might ask for an UVF exception, it's only a bugfix release05:14
OdyXRiddell: downloading05:14
OdyXRiddell: in everycase, it's not default in kubuntu-desktop, huh =05:14
Riddellkrita is05:15
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=== Rinse is back.
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apacheloggerkate is default editor, isn't it?06:45
OdyXRiddell: Impossible to enter "Page break" with Kword...06:45
OdyXapachelogger: I think.06:45
apacheloggeraye, thx :)06:45
Riddellapachelogger: yes06:45
OdyXRiddell: well.. not with empty page...06:45
OdyXRiddell: try... It does not work here...06:46
Riddellis it ment to work on empty pages?06:46
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OdyXRiddell: Well... When I ask a "Page break", i want a Page Break,...06:47
OdyXRiddell: and the comportement is very bizarre. Sometimes work, sometimes no.06:47
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OdyXRiddell: can't define when it works and when it does not...06:48
OdyXRiddell: don't even work with some words/lines06:49
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Riddellok, who wants to answer to this one? http://launchpad.net/bugs/4500407:35
UbugtuMalone bug 45004 in kdebase "konqueror :filebrowser profile only available" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  07:35
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kwwiiwhat exactly is the bug?07:43
kwwiiI mean, it is a problem with an old config, or?07:44
kwwiiguess it was a packaging error, since all of them are now gone...only most of them should be gone :-)07:46
RiddellI think the bug reporter is complaining that they hvae gone07:47
kwwiiwell, that is not clear at all....I would answer it by closing it and saying that there are two profiles available so the bug is incorrect07:50
kwwiidid Tonio simply remove them or did he make another package out of them?07:50
Riddellhe removed them07:51
kwwiiwell, it does not say anything about someone missing the old profiles, simply that there are none available, which is incorrect07:55
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiierm, Tonio did not simply remove them all did he?07:58
Riddellas I remember he did07:59
Riddellcan't see it in the changelog now07:59
kmonOT: Anyone knows here it kubuntu.de packages are in german only?08:02
Riddellwhat package do you want from them?08:03
kmonkaffeine 0.808:03
Riddellfair enough08:03
kmonin english at least08:03
Riddellthey won't have taken out any translations08:03
Riddelland can't take out english08:03
kmonit would be nice if a common repo was built08:04
kmonor something similar...08:04
Riddellfor what?08:04
kmonanyway. thanks Riddell08:05
kmonfor extra packages08:05
kmonlike amarok, kaffeine08:05
kmonso you don't have to do the build youself08:05
kmonI imagine you're quite busy with live installer08:05
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Riddelltoday I'm busy with docs, these things take ages to compile08:09
kmonRiddell: ok, thanks anyway08:10
kmonafter dapper release08:11
kmonit would be nice if the wiki certificate included kubuntu.org08:12
kmonpeople in support channel complain about the error message08:12
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Riddellthat's the sysadmin's job, I should poke them08:12
kmonthat would be nice08:12
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kmonRiddell: are you going to go to debconf?08:16
=== kmon leaves
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pygiRiddell, poke09:02
Riddellpygi: hi09:05
pygihave you looked over all KDE related applications? 09:05
pygiI would like your answer there, so I could rank them :)09:05
Riddellyes, I looked over them all last week, they should all have coments from me09:09
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pygiRiddell, ergh, just a sec09:11
pygi"Riddell, what happened with discussion?09:13
pygiIs the application ok, and is he ready & able to do 09:13
pygithis work?"09:13
pygion http://code.google.com/soc/ubuntu/app.html?csaid=yuriy.kozlov@gmail.com:16485917:52b034bb09:13
pygiand you need to tell JaneW what applications to assign to you btw.09:13
Riddellit's impossible to know if he can manage it, he's not responded at all09:15
pygiurgh :-/09:16
pygiand that is with several KDE application :(09:16
pygiLVM support, KDE formatting tool, Wine module, CUPS ...09:17
pyginone of them ever responded :-/09:17
Riddellyou'd htink these people didn't use IRC or something09:18
pygiWe do really need some of this things, but how can we be sure they will end up implementing that and we can count on them :-/09:20
pygido I have your permision to threat them ? :P09:20
Riddellhow would you do that?09:21
pygihm, mail? :)09:22
pygievery project we want is supposed to be assigned to mentor by tommorow :-/09:22
pygiI really don't want we miss this oportunity :-/09:23
Riddellsure, e-mail away09:26
pygiRiddell, hm, oki09:27
=== pygi goes to mail all those people :)
pygiRiddell, oki, mail away09:31
pygilet's see what happens now :-09:31
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kwwiicheck out the 8th picture09:50
kwwiiit appears that we are rats09:50
=== pygi looks
pygikwwii, urgh, http://ftpmerou.free.fr/ubuntu/usplash16couleurs.png :-09:51
pygithis is bad :)09:51
kwwiihaha, yeah that is true09:51
=== yuriylap [n=yuriylap@209-6-87-175.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pygikwwii, :-P10:02
yuriylappoke pygi10:02
yuriylapgot email just now, didnt get any "calls"10:02
pygihm, yuriylap ?10:02
pygiyuriylap,comments on applications :)10:02
pygihave you even looked at them ? :P10:03
yuriylapi submitted one10:03
pygiergh, I know you did10:03
=== yuriylap is a studend, not a dev
pygibut you havent looked/responded to comments we made10:03
pygiergh, yes, I know10:04
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pygiyuriylap, do you know how to look at comments? :-/10:05
yuriylapah ic now10:05
yuriylapexams all last week, didn't realize there could be comments there, etc10:06
pygianyway, we  really should discuss it :)10:06
pygiRiddell, meet yuriylap ,the CUPS guy10:06
yuriylapwell... I don't expect easy work10:06
yuriylapas soon as i'm done unpacking from college i will get on with the reviewing of c++ and learning the API.  it's a lot of work but i think i can manage10:07
pygiRiddell, please :)10:08
pygiyuriylap, also we feel that the plan of implementation is lacking...10:09
pygiactually it doesnt exist :)10:09
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yuriylapumm... quite true10:13
yuriylapi guess I don't actually know how much needs to be done10:13
pygiergh, that is no good :-/10:13
Riddellhi yuriylap 10:13
pygio finaly :)10:14
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yuriylaphonestly, on that one it just sounded like something I could do, but I don't know that much about it.  the other one seemed quite a bit more interesting ;)10:17
pygiother one?10:22
yuriylapthe wine config screen one that's actually a KDE project, but somebody had posted it on the ubuntu wiki so i submitted it to you too.10:23
=== pygi looks
pygiok, that also need discussion :)10:25
Riddellyuriylap: how much c++ do you know?10:25
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mdkeRiddell: hi, shall we talk in here?10:28
yuriylapwe got through making classes, but that was 3 years ago. since then it's pretty much been java.  I know enough to be able to understand and modify existing code, but not enough to write anything big from scratch.10:28
mdkeRiddell: can't what the email?10:29
Riddellif you sent me one10:29
mdkeRiddell: ok. I can see if I still have it, or we can just talk through it10:30
yuriylapI'm sorry, can I get back in a couple of hours, I had plans and people are waiting for me10:30
mdkethe problem is essentially this. In our repo, the translations are structured like this: guidename/locale/*.xml But in kde-land, it looks like the stuff is in usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/locale/kubuntu/guidename10:31
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mdkeRiddell: and by default, the relevant locale is only installed if you have the relevant kde translation10:31
pygiyuriylap, ah :-/10:32
yuriylapsorry, I should have looked for comments earlier10:32
Riddellyuriylap: sure10:32
mdkeRiddell: so if we shipped all the translations in kubuntu-docs, I don't know whether we can just install them in the directory /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/$locale/kubuntu before the $locale directory exists. Am I making any sense at all?10:33
Riddellmdke: sure that should be no problem10:33
Riddellbut wow all these translations take ages to compile10:34
mdkeshould be quite quick...10:34
mdkewe'll need some quite fancy symlinks too10:34
mdkebecause a lot of things are shared between all the locales, namely the css, and the sample directory for the desktop guide10:35
mdkeinstalling those for every locale would be painful10:36
mdkeor would it?10:36
RiddellI'm sure I can work around that10:37
mdkeyeah, I reckon you can10:37
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mdkeRiddell: you're right, they take ages to compile, it must be a bug10:38
mdkeit's waiting to download the dtd from the intraweb10:38
mdkeif you take down your net connection, it will build real fast. I'll see if I can sort that out10:38
Riddelleek, i can't do that10:39
mdkewell, I'll ping you if I find the answer10:39
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mdkeRiddell: ah, gottit10:46
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mdkeRiddell: i've committed a fix to our repo10:47
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Riddellah, much faster :)11:09
kwwiiRiddell: sent new kdm pics11:11
poimenI want to sse it too :D11:12
poimenI am right now running the latest dapper 11:12
poimenbut I installed with the rc 1 disk11:12
kwwiiwell, the kdm will look better in the final :-)11:12
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apacheloggerRiddell: you haven't got accidental a sarge chroot?11:18
raphinkkwwii: great11:25
raphinkkwwii: got new things for kubuntu ?11:25
kwwiiraphink: yepp, just sent it off to Riddell11:25
=== apachelogger waves over to #debian
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, you got the mail about new tarball?11:26
raphinkkwwii: got screenshots?11:26
kwwiiraphink: the tar.bz2 is http://bootsplash.org/newKDM.tar.bz211:27
raphinklet's see11:27
kwwiithere is an xcf in there which shows the whole thing, kinda11:27
Riddellapachelogger: no11:29
Riddellwell, probably but I havn't checked11:29
Riddellwhat's in it?11:29
apacheloggerwe made a new tarball11:29
apacheloggeror actually we included 2 fixes into the old11:29
apacheloggerone about the issue with playing audiocds on xine and another about collection loss after not using amaroK for a while11:30
Riddellho hum11:33
kwwiiRiddell will stop listening to music soon11:34
OdyXRiddell: krita 1.5 still do NOT display the xcf in ~/Examples11:36
OdyXkwwii: well... background just blue now.. :D11:40
kwwiiOdyX: all the pics are different :-)11:41
kwwiicheck the buttons, that is noticeable11:41
OdyXkwwii: but not "totally".. :D11:41
OdyXNOTE: I had to install gimp...11:41
mdkeRiddell: i'm off to bed. feel free to mail me if you need to know how anything in there works, or if you want me to test a package. Oh, and ian did an upload today, you might need to merge the changelog11:41
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kwwiiOdyX: it does fit much better with the other artwork now though11:42
kwwiiRiddell: do you have the newest wallpaper?11:43
OdyXkwwii: sure !!11:43
Riddellkwwii: umm, dunno, do I?11:43
kwwiiI'll send it just in case11:43
poimenwhat is the new wallpaper?11:44
poimenthat is the same of the rc1 right?11:48
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poimenI looks bether :)11:52
poimenOK its more blue :) nicer :)11:52
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