GlassCasket | You should be able to type in 'install' or something. | 12:02 |
clutt | eh | 12:03 |
iNiku | clutt: you have to choose at boot time | 12:03 |
clutt | oh | 12:03 |
EvilIdler | Hmm..why is this Norwegian keymap lacking [ and ] symbols? | 12:03 |
EvilIdler | Ah, there we go. It was supporting the 27th-29th letter of the alphabet, but KDE's keyboard layout was set to American | 12:04 |
kronoz | can anyone think of a command to use lame to covert all oggs in the $PWD to mp3? | 12:04 |
kronoz | odd question but would be very useful if anyone could | 12:05 |
clutt | btw what is the release date for 6.06? i thought i read somewhere it was june something | 12:05 |
kronoz | 1st june | 12:05 |
clutt | k | 12:05 |
EvilIdler | kronoz: If you know the drawbacks and yadda yadda, have you tried the package soundconverter? | 12:05 |
kronoz | EvilIdler: no | 12:06 |
kronoz | will look | 12:06 |
EvilIdler | kronoz: Or simply apt-get install mp32ogg | 12:06 |
kronoz | c or k in convertor? | 12:06 |
DaSkreech | k!!!!!! | 12:06 |
EvilIdler | kronoz: I did an apt-cache search, and mp32ogg seems closest to what you want. | 12:07 |
kronoz | ogg to mp3 not mp3 to ogg | 12:07 |
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EvilIdler | kronoz: It might do both ways | 12:08 |
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kronoz | it doesn't i checked | 12:09 |
kronoz | and i can't find 'sounderkovertor' | 12:09 |
EvilIdler | kronoz: soundconverter | 12:09 |
EvilIdler | kronoz: There's also a tool called 'ova' | 12:10 |
EvilIdler | kronoz: | 12:10 |
GeneralZod | Sleepy time for Zod - night all! | 12:11 |
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taomaster | how do i find system updates 4 kubuntu? | 12:13 |
taomaster | and also the screensaver does not go on automatic | 12:14 |
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kronoz | taomaster: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 12:16 |
kronoz | or use the adept gui | 12:16 |
aseigo | taomaster: there should be a little icon in the systray that pops whenever their are updates.. or you can run the Updater directly (it's in the kmenu in the System group iirc) | 12:18 |
aseigo | taomaster: as for screensaver, look in the control panels ... the screensaver panel has what you are probably looking for | 12:18 |
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MasterEvilAce | are WINE and libxine-extracodecs not on the repositories at all for 6.06? | 12:20 |
klerfayt | enable universe and multiverse | 12:21 |
MasterEvilAce | i did | 12:21 |
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klerfayt | well I have them in adept | 12:22 |
MasterEvilAce | hmmm | 12:22 |
klerfayt | mybe you forgot apt-get update? | 12:22 |
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sgrover | I had the same problem until yesterday. Then troy posted his sources.conf file... | 12:22 |
MasterEvilAce | oh | 12:22 |
joscha__ | MasterEvilAce: they are not on all servers | 12:22 |
MasterEvilAce | oh ok wine is showing up now | 12:23 |
joscha__ | don't now why.... it didn't work for me for the de.* server | 12:23 |
joscha__ | i tried nl.* and it worked | 12:23 |
MasterEvilAce | extracodecs isn't appearing though | 12:23 |
sgrover | one sec, I'll post the sources file I have now. | 12:23 |
MasterEvilAce | cool, thanks | 12:23 |
sgrover | Here ya are MasterEvilAce - | 12:25 |
sgrover | This gave me all the codecs I needed to play avi's/divx/xvid... and even mplayer. | 12:25 |
MasterEvilAce | awesome, thanks sgrover | 12:26 |
sgrover | remember to backup your original file first | 12:26 |
sgrover | anyone get better resolution on an Intel 945 video card than the defaults? My acer defaults to ONLY 1024x768. | 12:28 |
sgrover | I think I need the 915resolution driver, but not sure how to set that up right | 12:29 |
klerfayt | sgrover, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:29 |
taomaster | thanx 4 the info | 12:30 |
sgrover | that gives me "Package `xserver-org' is not installed and no info is available." | 12:31 |
sgrover | Do I need to exit X? btw, I'm on dapper 6.06 (flight 7) | 12:31 |
klerfayt | sgrover, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:32 |
sgrover | yep, did that... resulting in that message.. :( | 12:32 |
sgrover | but thanks for the errort.. :) | 12:32 |
sgrover | er... eFFort / suggestion | 12:33 |
sgrover | sorry klerfayt - I can't send private messages... not registered... (yet) | 12:35 |
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klerfayt | does gtk-qt engine change font dpi or font size only? | 12:39 |
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sgrover | can someone help me with video resolution? dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't change the max resolution... :( | 12:55 |
klerfayt | try ubuntu wiki | 12:56 |
klerfayt | what's your resolution? | 12:56 |
sgrover | it's maxing out at 1024x768. | 12:56 |
sgrover | I'm on an Acer TravelMate 4202, with the Intel 945 chipset | 12:57 |
sgrover | should be able to handle more than that. | 12:57 |
EvilIdler | klerfayt: Do you have details about your monitor's frequencies? | 12:57 |
crimsun | sgrover: try 915resolution | 12:57 |
EvilIdler | sgrover, even :P | 12:58 |
sgrover | I tried the 915resolution before reinstalling (repartitioned), but I musta messed up somehow... | 12:58 |
EvilIdler | sgrover: Have you at any point entered your monitor's min and max frequencies? | 12:59 |
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crazy_penguin | Good night! // Jo ejt! | 01:01 |
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reign | Hello, I'm having trouble with Nvidia GLX and a custom kernel. After compiling my kernel, rebooting, and installing the nvidia kernel package everything works fine until I reboot. That's when X refuses to load with GLX enabled ... this is happening on two kubuntu machines running nvidia | 01:04 |
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sgrover | Evilidler - sorry for delay. Nope, haven't had to enter frequencies. Have been able to find them online yet. | 01:07 |
ghostdog | is there and issue with vcdimager and k3b (cdrdao)? | 01:07 |
ghostdog | cannot burn a playable copy of vcd | 01:07 |
EvilIdler | sgrover: What's the monitor model? Should be a lot of numbers I can try on the back | 01:07 |
sgrover | It's a laptop - an Acer TravelMate 4202. | 01:09 |
sgrover | No details on monitor model on the box.. :( | 01:09 |
klerfayt | email to manufacturer | 01:09 |
klerfayt | try 60Hz | 01:09 |
xwolf- | is there a MacOS theme for kubuntu? | 01:10 |
EvilIdler | sgrover: Found a success story about that laptop | 01:12 |
sgrover | url? I've been looking myself.. | 01:12 |
EvilIdler | sgrover: The 915resolution driver was loaded with settings "58 1280 800 32", and the control center should have "generic flat panel 1280x800" as an option | 01:12 |
sgrover | just finished reconfiguring 915resolution... oops.. will check this again... | 01:13 |
EvilIdler | sgrover: | 01:13 |
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sgrover | brb.. gonna restart x | 01:16 |
omeow | Hi. | 01:16 |
omeow | I'm trying to install Kubuntu Dapper. But whenever I select install, my computer will just stop doing anything at the "Uncompressing something, ok booting the kernel" part. | 01:17 |
omeow | If I select failsafe or the first option from the menu, the CD will install fine. However, I'd like to install, not run a live CD forever. What am I doing wrong? | 01:17 |
omeow | *CD will run fine, not install. | 01:18 |
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Cerveza | ok, so I'm having a little trouble switching over from ubuntu to kubuntu. I did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, and rebooted, and when it started up it looked like kde worked, but when i do ps -e it shows gnome | 01:32 |
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omeow | Well, I tried everything I could think of. It still won't boot the installation. | 01:33 |
omeow | It remains stuck at "Uncompressing Kernel... Ok, booting the kernel." | 01:35 |
omeow | *uncompressing Linux that is. | 01:35 |
klerfayt | is checksum ok? | 01:35 |
omeow | I think so. I'm going to check now. | 01:35 |
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chowells | How does kdm find what window managers are installed to populate the session list? I want to add another manually | 01:38 |
Ahmuck | for some reason i thought the USPS had a ascii or cvs database that you could purchase that had all address in the US and zip+4 | 01:40 |
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sgrover | Thanks to those who helped.. I'm now at a resolution of 1280x800 (apparently the max for my box). | 01:41 |
EvilIdler | Woo! | 01:42 |
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jeff_ | hey guys | 01:42 |
jeff_ | quanta keeps crashing on me | 01:42 |
jeff_ | im using flight 7 | 01:43 |
jeff_ | any idea why? | 01:43 |
crimsun | chowells: they could be in /usr/share/xsessions/, for instance | 01:43 |
chowells | crimsun: yes. Added an extra desktop file but it doesn't appear in the list of sessions though | 01:44 |
crimsun | is the desktop file formatted correctly? | 01:44 |
chowells | think so, Just copied an existing one and changed the relevent details | 01:45 |
crimsun | where's the origin of the desktop file? | 01:45 |
chowells | just 'cp kde.desktop kde4.desktop' in /usr/share/xsessions | 01:46 |
EvilIdler | sgrover: Well, at least widescreen DVDs will look decent on that laptop, right? | 01:46 |
sgrover | it should.. :) | 01:46 |
crimsun | chowells: pastebin? | 01:47 |
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chowells | crimsun: | 01:48 |
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crimsun | hmm, should refresh automatically. Have you restarted kdm? | 01:49 |
sgrover | k, next issue. Is there any way to change the time a SMB connection will be kept alive, without needed credentials again? | 01:49 |
klerfayt | why is that then you log out of kde it doesn't restart X ? | 01:49 |
sgrover | I'm finding my connection closes after a few minute. | 01:49 |
imbrandon | klerfayt: becouse kdm is an xsession also | 01:50 |
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sgrover | X controls the windows. KDE is a desktop environment. X and KDE serve different roles. | 01:50 |
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reiki | installed Kubuntu flight 7. I let it do updates (184 of them) and then found it was using kernel version 2.6.15-21 while the headers available were 2.6.15-22. | 01:55 |
reiki | did I need to update repos to get 2.6.15-22? | 01:55 |
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crimsun | reiki: apt-cache policy linux-image-386 | 01:56 |
crimsun | err, sorry | 01:56 |
crimsun | apt-cache depends linux-image-386 | 01:56 |
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sgrover | reiki - I had the same issue yesterday. Disappeared after a reboot. | 01:57 |
chowells | crimsun: ah sorted. kdm is too clever and only adds items to the menu if the target of the Exec line exists and is executable :) | 01:57 |
reiki | rebooting the VM now... I'll have a look | 01:57 |
crimsun | chowells: ah, bad perms? | 01:57 |
reiki | it stopped me from installing VMWare tools :) | 01:58 |
chowells | crimsun: It was just the fact that the target didn't exist | 01:58 |
chowells | crimsun: (yet) | 01:58 |
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reiki | loading Kubuntu in a VM with only 256MB takes a little while. But .... I should just wipe out my last remaining WinXP drive and install it onto there | 01:59 |
imbrandon | gl i've been working days at it ;) | 01:59 |
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MasterEvilAce | linux support Dell inspiron TV-OUT? | 02:02 |
MasterEvilAce | can't find any options in GUI | 02:02 |
chowells | tried the keyboard button (if it has it) ? | 02:02 |
MasterEvilAce | hmm flashes on screen. maybe have to configure it | 02:03 |
MasterEvilAce | it'll be MONITOR 2, right? | 02:03 |
sgrover | new topic (and I feel stupid for this) - how do I change the icon size on the desktop? | 02:04 |
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chowells | MasterEvilAce: not sure, maybe | 02:06 |
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reiki | ok... well I got VMWAre tools installed... adept said there are 20 updates so I said ok. Tehn it said it couldn't update because of a problem with headers... that committing might break a package. Not real informative | 02:13 |
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clutt | i have a fresh install of 5.10 breezy and first thing i'm trying to do is install KDE 3.5.2 using this, but i'm getting unmet dependencies error for packages "Depends: kdelibs4c2 (>= 4:3.5.2) but 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu2 is to be installed" | 02:17 |
clutt | anything i can do? | 02:17 |
HymnToLife | clutt> what command are you using ? | 02:17 |
clutt | apt-get -u install | 02:19 |
clutt | adept just bombs out with break notices so i switched to that. it happens on any upgradable package, kdelibs, kdelibs-bin, etc | 02:20 |
HymnToLife | clutt> try just apt-get upgrade | 02:21 |
clutt | ya, that just gives a list of all 68 packages that have been kept back | 02:21 |
koroded | apt-get dist-upgrade then | 02:21 |
HymnToLife | dan | 02:21 |
Samuli^ | clutt, huh. That seems like a really bad idea to me. | 02:22 |
HymnToLife | someone had the very ame problem just yesterday, we spent like 2 hours on it | 02:22 |
Samuli^ | you're gonna break just about every depency by forcing 3.5.2 from elsewhere. | 02:22 |
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koroded | kept back == run apt-get dist-upgrade iirc | 02:23 |
koroded | hell, it worked for me | 02:23 |
HymnToLife | form apt-get upgrde did the trick | 02:23 |
HymnToLife | you could as well upgrate to dapper though, it has 3.5 builtin | 02:24 |
Samuli^ | oh, nevermind. They're for made for breezy. Should've checked the link before saying anything. | 02:24 |
clutt | apt-get dist-upgrade shows those held back too | 02:24 |
clutt | Samuli^: it's not possible to have packages of different versions install? | 02:24 |
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clutt | well dist-upgrade isn't doing anything.. how can I just upgrade to dapper? | 02:25 |
_marian_ | people, how can I access from Kubuntu the Win partitions (NTFS)? | 02:26 |
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HymnToLife | !tell _marian_ about ntfs | 02:27 |
HymnToLife | it will be read-only though | 02:27 |
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HymnToLife | !tell clutt about upgrade | 02:28 |
_marian_ | I see, now I have Kubuntu 5.1, is necessary to upgrade to 6.06? | 02:28 |
clutt | thx | 02:28 |
HymnToLife | _marian_> not really, Breezy works pretty fine here and Dapper is stil officially beta | 02:29 |
_marian_ | Ok, thanks | 02:29 |
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khaije1 | can anyone reccomend a helpful mac osx channel? | 02:34 |
khaije1 | i guess #macosx is the only one... | 02:36 |
davebgimp | I have an ubuntu server install that's giving me big problems with apache. I keep getting this error message whenever trying start, restart or reload apache2: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::] :80 | 02:37 |
imbrandon | davebgimp: something else is running on post 80 looks like | 02:39 |
imbrandon | port* | 02:39 |
davebgimp | imbrandon: Yeah, but I can't seem to figure out what | 02:40 |
bimberi | davebgimp: see if 'sudo netstat -plunt' tells you | 02:40 |
clutt | so apt is from debian right? does apt allow you to have multiple versions of packages installed or do you always have only one version of any single package? | 02:41 |
Samuli^ | well it allows multiple kernels :) | 02:42 |
davebgimp | bimberi: Thanks, but I see nothing using port 80. It's weird. | 02:42 |
clutt | heh how about libraries? | 02:43 |
bimberi | :/ | 02:43 |
Samuli^ | clutt, i don't think so. | 02:43 |
Samuli^ | I guess there's ways to force that, but it's asking for trouble imo.- | 02:43 |
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clutt | hmm can or is kde be installed with full debug enabled in kubuntu? | 02:46 |
HymnToLife | !debug | 02:47 |
ubotu | HymnToLife: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at | 02:47 |
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Samuli^ | clutt, is your breezy up-to-date by the way? | 02:48 |
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clutt | Samuli^: breezy is until i add the kde 3.5.2 repository, then there are 68 upgradeables (that wont upgrade) | 02:50 |
Samuli^ | right. | 02:50 |
Samuli^ | it's odd though. | 02:51 |
Samuli^ | maybe you should just upgrade to dapper. It's great. | 02:52 |
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clutt | ya i'm thinkin about it.. i haven't decide yet whether i want the dozens of gnome dependencies just to use the update-manager. i wanted to try kubuntu to get away from gnome heh | 02:52 |
lwizardl | hi | 02:52 |
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Samuli^ | clutt, I think you could update just by: sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper' -i /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:54 |
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Samuli^ | then apt-get update and dist-upgrade | 02:55 |
Samuli^ | that's the way I've upgraded starting from hoary. | 02:57 |
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Samuli^ | !upgrade | 02:57 |
ubotu | well, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge. | 02:57 |
clutt | oh, excellent | 02:57 |
Samuli^ | clutt, read the breezyupdgradenotes though. | 02:59 |
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vanRijn | hm | 03:00 |
vanRijn | any FAQ's on how to compile and install a custom kernel on ppc? | 03:01 |
vanRijn | re, aseigo =:) | 03:02 |
HymnToLife | !kernelcompile | 03:02 |
ubotu | You will probably find info about this at | 03:02 |
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Phoenix92x | hi, Im running dapper drake with kernel version 2.6.15-22-386 on a Dell Latitude D610 with a Radeon X300 graphics card. I'm having a problem getting translucency to work correctly. Im using the latest fglrx driver, but when I enable translucency the display is...well...corrupted is the best word for it. Can anyone help me? | 03:06 |
vanRijn | HymnToLife: I know that info... what I wasn't sure of if that will do what is necessary for yaboot, etc., on powerpc | 03:10 |
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mrfishhat | Hi, i was wondering if anyone knew why i cant edit my kmenu? | 03:14 |
mrfishhat | when i hit save | 03:14 |
mrfishhat | it goes from 1 to 100% instantly | 03:14 |
mrfishhat | and the changes arent made | 03:14 |
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clutt | mrfishhat: happens here too. are you editing or adding/removing? | 03:24 |
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mrfishhat | clutt: adding and removing | 03:28 |
clutt | mrfishhat: i managed to get an edit change to show up after running kbuildsycoca. might try that | 03:28 |
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ingrato_ | hi | 03:31 |
HymnToLife | !tell ingrato_ about hello | 03:32 |
ingrato_ | why do I keep getting this error from the console when I run a GUI app? X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 03:33 |
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awesometaylor | hey guys | 03:44 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Hello | 03:44 |
awesometaylor | is there a way i can rebuild the menus? | 03:44 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Rebuild what menus? | 03:44 |
awesometaylor | panel | 03:44 |
CheeseBurgerMan | The K Menu? | 03:45 |
CheeseBurgerMan | What is the 'panel menu'? | 03:45 |
awesometaylor | like, i have gnome and kde, and with alacarte deleted the kde programs cause i thought it would only change gnome | 03:45 |
awesometaylor | yeah, the k menu i meant | 03:45 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Ah | 03:45 |
CheeseBurgerMan | run 'kmenuedit' | 03:45 |
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awesometaylor | ok, thanks | 03:46 |
CheeseBurgerMan | NP | 03:46 |
awesometaylor | i didnt think they would use the same menu | 03:46 |
CheeseBurgerMan | They don't, but KDE detected the Gnome apps, | 03:47 |
awesometaylor | yeah, but now k menu only shows gnome apps | 03:47 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Weird. I installed Gnome and they both show each other's apps. | 03:49 |
awesometaylor | it was like that for me, i didnt want that so i delete kde apps from gnome menu | 03:49 |
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clutt | is it just me or is there no more Konqueror missing a Go menu? | 03:56 |
clutt | is it just me or is Konqueror missing a Go menu? | 03:57 |
CheeseBurgerMan | It doesn't have one, you're right. | 03:57 |
clutt | ?! anyone know how to add it lol | 04:01 |
bleaked | is there a quick way with dpkg to show the installed version number of an app? | 04:08 |
CheeseBurgerMan | dpkg -s <package> | 04:09 |
CheeseBurgerMan | It'll give a bit more, but the version number is in there. :P | 04:10 |
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bleaked | CheeseBurgerMan. argh..yes, thank you.. for some reason i thought it would take long to search teh man page than ask thank you | 04:13 |
CheeseBurgerMan | you're welcome | 04:13 |
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nxv_ | hi, i have touble with my time. when i adjust date time in the taskbar and check set date automatically it says it cant contact north-america.pool.ntp but i can ping it | 04:32 |
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nxv_ | my time is 4h wrong should i set my bios time to corret this big shift? | 04:32 |
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nxv_ | sudo ntpdate north-america.pool.ntp says the NTP socket is in use, exiting | 04:34 |
chowells | ntpd running? | 04:35 |
chowells | ps aux | grep ntpd | 04:36 |
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wasp_ems | hi does anyone know how i can install a bootsplash screen? | 04:39 |
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wasp_ems | ok does anyone know how i can compile a window decoration so i can install it? | 04:41 |
CheeseBurgerMan | wasp_ems: The same way you compile a program. (if you know how to do that) | 04:43 |
bleaked | nxv_. um..isn't it | 04:45 |
nxv_ | bleaked: just figured out that i had to deinstall ntp-server | 04:46 |
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nxv_ | thought a machine can get time from inet an serve it for the local network | 04:46 |
KDEfanboy | should yakuake be in dapper? some forum posts are saying so but i don't see it | 04:47 |
nxv_ | what is yakuake? | 04:47 |
CheeseBurgerMan | nxv_: It's a quake-like console | 04:48 |
CheeseBurgerMan | KDEfanboy: There's a package for it in the repos. | 04:48 |
nxv_ | a what? a terminal console in the style of quake?? | 04:48 |
Snake__ | KDEfanboy: it is in dapper, and breezy | 04:48 |
Snake__ | nxv_: yes, its very nice, I use it now | 04:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | nxv_: Yeah. | 04:49 |
nxv_ | nice | 04:49 |
KDEfanboy | hmm what does your repository list look like? | 04:49 |
Snake__ | !sources | 04:49 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see - Official sources.lists here: (Breezy) or (Dapper) see also !easysource | 04:49 |
Snake__ | that | 04:49 |
nxv_ | i am waiting for xgl to be running on my ati 9000 mobility | 04:49 |
Snake__ | nxv_: sounds like fun, im waiting for it to run on my 9600 pro :P | 04:50 |
Snake__ | XGL = Very sketchy | 04:50 |
nxv_ | thought only the 9000 has a bug and 9600 should work allready | 04:50 |
Snake__ | I thought it would work already too | 04:50 |
Snake__ | its diffrent for every system it seems | 04:50 |
Snake__ | its quite a b1tch to get working too | 04:51 |
nxv_ | | 04:51 |
nxv_ | this thread help me to get it running without decorations | 04:51 |
nxv_ | this was after several hours/days | 04:52 |
nxv_ | i decided to leave it and try it again when it is stable, as i spent enough time into it | 04:52 |
nxv_ | and left all the work i had to do behind | 04:52 |
nxv_ | hope it is soon stable, as it is part of the final open suse release | 04:52 |
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nxv_ | some friends have it running on gentoo | 04:53 |
Phoenix92x | could anyone explain to me how this "dock application bar" thing works and why no matter which programs I open none of them go onto the dock? | 04:53 |
nxv_ | so it shouldn't last so long for ubntu to get it up running | 04:53 |
Snake__ | nxv_: I believe it will be stable in dapper+1 | 04:53 |
Snake__ | they say | 04:54 |
nxv_ | is dapper already released? | 04:54 |
Snake__ | Beta | 04:54 |
Snake__ | release on june 1st | 04:54 |
nxv_ | wasn't it issued for 4/06? | 04:54 |
Snake__ | Yes, they delayed it | 04:55 |
Snake__ | and its good they did | 04:55 |
Snake__ | its very cleaned up and much better | 04:55 |
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Snake__ | nxv_: its starting to feel dapper :) (if thats a verb) | 04:56 |
nxv_ | yeah i like ubuntu very much | 04:56 |
nxv_ | only gentoo has more thinks running and more comfort | 04:56 |
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nxv_ | but all the compiling mad my fan drive me mad | 04:56 |
nxv_ | and after loving debian before | 04:57 |
nxv_ | ubuntu is just the better debian because of more frequent releases | 04:57 |
Snake__ | Agreed, and I like the community more :) | 04:57 |
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nxv_ | some times i have problems because ubuntu is so easy to use | 04:58 |
nxv_ | it is hard to get answers to more advanced problems | 04:58 |
Snake__ | hehe | 04:58 |
Snake__ | Trudat | 04:58 |
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nxv_ | whether your questions get just flushed away or no one else carred about it before | 04:58 |
nxv_ | gentoo users are more into the details | 04:59 |
nxv_ | but i see myself change too | 04:59 |
nxv_ | i like the possibilities linux gives me | 04:59 |
nxv_ | but often i just want something to run to use it instead of waisting time to set it up | 04:59 |
robotgeek | nxv_: lots of ways to do that. | 05:00 |
Snake__ | heh | 05:00 |
bleaked | agreed..i'm a 2 year gentoo user gone kubuntu for that reason. | 05:00 |
robotgeek | nxv_: settings, back up your home directory | 05:00 |
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robotgeek | nxv_: packages, dpkg --get-selections > packagelist.txt | 05:01 |
mutant3 | .. | 05:02 |
nxv_ | robotgeek: thx for the tip. did i aske for how to backup? sorry, wasn't my intention | 05:02 |
nxv_ | bye for tonight | 05:03 |
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CaBlGuY | anyone alive in here this evening?? | 05:09 |
Snake__ | Nope | 05:09 |
robotgeek | CaBlGuY: most definetly, no | 05:11 |
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CaBlGuY | hehe | 05:13 |
CaBlGuY | wususp Snake__ | 05:13 |
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Snake__ | nm u? | 05:15 |
Snake__ | Just planning out this months workout | 05:15 |
CaBlGuY | just gettin back into Kubuntu, and I remebered that it's not reqignising(sp) my slave HDD. that's why I was booting to defualt seetings but... if I don't learn how to fix it, I won't never know how to fix it.. or help others.. :p | 05:16 |
Snake__ | Why isnt it? | 05:17 |
CaBlGuY | dunno.. havn't got that far yet.. :op | 05:17 |
Snake__ | well is kubuntu still there? | 05:17 |
CaBlGuY | yea, im loggin in and everything.. | 05:17 |
CaBlGuY | *logged | 05:17 |
CaBlGuY | got the desktop goin and everything.. | 05:18 |
Snake__ | ah weird.... | 05:18 |
CaBlGuY | wurd.. | 05:18 |
CaBlGuY | I think it's a mount problem.. but I can't rember how to figure it out.. | 05:18 |
CaBlGuY | somethin to do with goin into the command line and doin somethin I think.. | 05:18 |
Snake__ | !mount | 05:19 |
ubotu | mount is probably the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or | 05:19 |
CaBlGuY | !windowsdrives | 05:19 |
ubotu | methinks windowsdrives is or see | 05:19 |
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fatejudger | I can't get kmplayer to play anything but simple mp3s through the "mplayer" output option | 05:22 |
fatejudger | no video or anything | 05:22 |
fatejudger | I have Xine installed too | 05:22 |
fatejudger | and it works great in Kaffeine | 05:23 |
fatejudger | but with this Konqueror plugin switch, I need to get it working in KMPlayer | 05:23 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: xine works great for me, mplayer doesn't | 05:24 |
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fatejudger | I'm talking about kmplayer | 05:25 |
fatejudger | which as I understand it isn't the same as mplayer | 05:25 |
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robotgeek | fatejudger: oh yeah, kmplayer can use xine engine, i think. lemme check | 05:26 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: I know it can, but it doesn't work for some reason | 05:26 |
robotgeek | okay, i don't wherei set the option, sorru | 05:26 |
robotgeek | sorry, err | 05:26 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: it can't load the player or something like that | 05:27 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: it's in the main options | 05:27 |
CaBlGuY | my bad, i got it. I just forgot where I mounted it to.. :p | 05:27 |
CaBlGuY | silly me.. | 05:27 |
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CaBlGuY | ok, now that I figured out my booboo, time fo bed.. | 05:32 |
gil | i was wondering how to set a standby/suspend timer....? | 05:34 |
paulb | when trying to set up the debian package for VHCS i get the following error: | 05:34 |
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gil | how do i put computer on suspend mode in X minutes from now | 05:35 |
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KDEfanboy | which package has the X includes? | 05:38 |
robotgeek | !xincludes | 05:38 |
ubotu | When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev x-window-system-dev | 05:38 |
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KDEfanboy | should autoconf set AUTOCONF? | 05:43 |
george_ | KDEfanboy: more info plz | 05:44 |
KDEfanboy | I'm trying to compile ktorrent from svn and even though autoconf is installed it says it's not found. the error line shows it's looking for $AUTOCONF but that is not set. i dunno if i need to source in an environment file from the autoconf package or set it manually | 05:46 |
george_ | sudo apt-cache search auto conf| grep autoconf | 05:47 |
george_ | also ktorrent is apt-get install'able | 05:48 |
george_ | any reason why from src? | 05:48 |
george_ | sudo apt-cache search autoconf| grep autoconf | 05:48 |
KDEfanboy | yes, it has more features and to patch it | 05:50 |
george_ | you have build-essential insaled? | 05:51 |
george_ | installed even | 05:51 |
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george_ | -l | 05:51 |
george_ | :P | 05:51 |
KDEfanboy | no | 05:51 |
george_ | good start | 05:51 |
george_ | ;) | 05:51 |
kunjan | so anyone playing with xgl on nvidia? | 05:51 |
george_ | yes and no ;) | 05:52 |
kunjan | if i use the kooraa live cd it works great | 05:52 |
george_ | indeed | 05:52 |
kunjan | but cant get it to work myself | 05:52 |
george_ | lspci | 05:52 |
george_ | what is your card | 05:52 |
kunjan | the only difference being that the live cd is 32 bit while my system is running 64 | 05:52 |
kunjan | nvidia geforce4 440 go | 05:52 |
george_ | mwaaaaaaa | 05:52 |
KDEfanboy | NAH, SAME THING | 05:53 |
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KDEfanboy | oops sry | 05:53 |
george_ | 6 bit is a long time in comming sorry | 05:53 |
george_ | KDEfanboy: ? | 05:53 |
kunjan | well GL runs fine | 05:53 |
kunjan | so i would guess 64 bit Xgl would be ok too ... | 05:53 |
kunjan | lol | 05:53 |
kunjan | i mean nvidia's drivers are fine on 64 bit | 05:53 |
KDEfanboy | sorry for caps. i installed the build-essentials but $AUTOCONF is still unset | 05:53 |
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george_ | KDEfanboy: sudo apt-cache search autoconf| grep autoconf | 05:55 |
george_ | should give: | 05:55 |
george_ | autoconf - automatic configure script builder | 05:55 |
george_ | autoconf-doc - automatic configure script builder documentation | 05:55 |
george_ | autoconf2.13 - automatic configure script builder (obsolete version) | 05:55 |
george_ | autoconf-archive - The Autoconf Macro Archive | 05:55 |
george_ | locate autoconf | 05:56 |
KDEfanboy | ya it does. i have the first one installed | 05:56 |
george_ | = | 05:56 |
george_ | /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/ximian-connector/ximian-connector-autoconfig.html | 05:56 |
george_ | /usr/share/evolution-exchange/2.6/glade/ | 05:56 |
george_ | /usr/share/firefox/defaults/autoconfig | 05:56 |
george_ | /usr/share/firefox/defaults/autoconfig/prefcalls.js | 05:56 |
george_ | /usr/share/firefox/defaults/autoconfig/platform.js | 05:56 |
george_ | /usr/include/linux/autoconf.h | 05:56 |
george_ | /usr/lib/firefox/components/autoconfig.xpt | 05:56 |
george_ | /usr/lib/firefox/components/ | 05:56 |
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george_ | /usr/include/linux/autoconf.h --- maby | 05:56 |
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martynda | hi, can someone help me figure out why my centrino laptop is running at only 600mhz when it's capable of 1.6ghz under full power/load? | 05:57 |
apokryphos | george_: please use a pastebin for large pastes. | 05:57 |
george_ | okee sorry | 05:57 |
george_ | ;) | 05:57 |
KDEfanboy | :P | 05:57 |
george_ | martynda: cause i guess it will tell you what its running at NOW | 05:58 |
george_ | and not what its capable of | 05:58 |
martynda | yea... but it's using up 99% cpu cycles, shoudlnt it increase automatically? | 05:58 |
robotgeek | hey apokryphos | 05:58 |
apokryphos | heyhey | 05:58 |
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george_ | martynda: how/what are you using to read this | 05:59 |
george_ | ? | 05:59 |
martynda | george_: /proc/cpuinfo | 05:59 |
george_ | k | 05:59 |
Mattchewie | Man, soo apparenlty me and kubuntu.....we aren't friends lol | 06:00 |
martynda | and then top/gkrellm tell me the proc is under 99% load while im running a cpu intensive script | 06:00 |
george_ | compaq? | 06:00 |
Mattchewie | I try to use a niffty mount -t smbfs and it tells me no!, and there is no mount.smbfs........ | 06:00 |
martynda | dell inspiron 6000 | 06:00 |
martynda | im actually beginning to get absolutely furious that all this time my cpu ran at only 600mhz, granted kubuntu still ran great, but wtf.... | 06:01 |
robotgeek | martynda: xubuntu is great for slower cpus | 06:01 |
george_ | indeed | 06:02 |
martynda | it's a 1.6 ghz centrino! it's a year old lol | 06:02 |
george_ | and roxfiler is my fav (alltime) | 06:02 |
robotgeek | martynda: oo. | 06:02 |
martynda | i want to know why it's not running at that speed when it's supposed to be | 06:02 |
robotgeek | martynda: cpu stepping? | 06:02 |
Mattchewie | souds like ti to me | 06:03 |
martynda | yeah... but isn't the idea to step up when needed, especially under full use? | 06:03 |
chowells | no, different governors do different things | 06:03 |
martynda | im running a script to manipulate a very large txt file, to be honest, some more cpu cycles would be nice | 06:03 |
martynda | how do you edit the governors? | 06:03 |
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martynda | uhh... this is not good... i think my year long love affair with linux might have just ended | 06:05 |
Mattchewie | martynda, just google about cpu governors and you should find what you need | 06:07 |
chowells | martynda: have you checked for BIOS settings for what speed the CPU should run at? | 06:08 |
martynda | hmm good idea | 06:09 |
martynda | let me try that | 06:09 |
martynda | although this is weird | 06:09 |
chowells | not sure if OSs can override that | 06:09 |
martynda | 1600000 1333000 1067000 800000 | 06:09 |
chowells | all of the laptops I've had have settings for it in the BIOS | 06:09 |
martynda | it's running below the available frequencies | 06:09 |
martynda | i'll check out the bios, thanks | 06:09 |
chowells | kubuntu dapper drake uses powernowd to control CPU speed | 06:10 |
chowells | in theory it should increase speed as load increases | 06:10 |
martynda | i'm running breezy | 06:11 |
chowells | running powernowd -d -vvvvv should tell you what it's doing | 06:11 |
martynda | can't really afford to run beta software on my only computer | 06:11 |
martynda | brb | 06:11 |
chowells | I'm not sure what breezy uses, possibly the same | 06:11 |
KDEfanboy | how do you ignore (not install) dependencies when installing a package? i thought apt-get -m might do it, but nope | 06:13 |
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eqisow | hello all | 06:14 |
Mattchewie | if I could just get breezy to 3.5.2, I will be good | 06:14 |
Mattchewie | that kde 3.5.2 | 06:14 |
Mattchewie | *thats | 06:14 |
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chowells | KDEfanboy: dpkg --ignore-depends i guess | 06:14 |
eqisow | Mattchewie | 06:15 |
eqisow | | 06:15 |
eqisow | KDE 3.5.2 in breezy | 06:15 |
eqisow | though dapper works great for me /shrug | 06:15 |
george_ | i'm using dapper and ktorrent with no issues | 06:15 |
eqisow | has anybody had any success opening .daa files in Linux? | 06:16 |
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george_ | .daa = ? | 06:16 |
eqisow | or getting powerISO (the only app I know of that reads them) working in wine | 06:16 |
eqisow | err, .daa is like a compressed ISO file | 06:16 |
george_ | windowz stuff? | 06:17 |
eqisow | | 06:17 |
eqisow | sorta, yeah | 06:17 |
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=== george_ has no love for windowz -- | ||
Mattchewie | hrm, see this is what i don't get, I put in the repository through adept, fetched updates and then did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and...still no 3.5.2 | 06:17 |
martynda | oook... i guess a reboot did it | 06:17 |
martynda | because now it works just fine | 06:17 |
Mattchewie | adept shows me that there are 3.5.2 packages but when I select them, it says it will break things :/ | 06:18 |
eqisow | it's not really windows, so much as it is one particular windows app | 06:18 |
eqisow | what does it say it will break? | 06:18 |
Mattchewie | one sec, pulling it back up | 06:19 |
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eqisow | btw, you might want to try these repositories instead | 06:20 |
george_ | sorry linux facist | 06:20 |
eqisow | deb breezy main | 06:20 |
eqisow | deb-src breezy main | 06:20 |
eqisow | same GPG key as the others | 06:20 |
eqisow | shrug, something I downloaded as a torrent. nothing I can do about the format | 06:21 |
Mattchewie | ok, for example, the kdebase-kio-plugins, says there is a 3.5.2 canidate version, I select upgrade, the it just says BREAK(upgrade) | 06:21 |
eqisow | and linux facist or not, not being able to read a format is a big problem. never had it before | 06:21 |
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KDEfanboy | hmm | 06:21 |
robotgeek | Mattchewie: what does the terminal say? | 06:22 |
johnny3d | crimsun, hello. any news the bug? | 06:22 |
Mattchewie | hrm, what apt command would I run to get said info? | 06:22 |
Mattchewie | <- apt newbie | 06:22 |
eqisow | sudo apt-get update | 06:23 |
eqisow | then sudo apt-get upgrade | 06:23 |
eqisow | btw, when you get KDE 3.5 running, I recomend amarok 1.4 as well :) | 06:24 |
robotgeek | Mattchewie: no "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 06:24 |
george_ | eqisow: Please see also: doc/mkisofs-2.01/README.compression | 06:24 |
robotgeek | eqisow: he needs to dist-upgrade :) | 06:24 |
eqisow | dist-upgrade just for KDE? | 06:24 |
george_ | eqisow: | 06:24 |
robotgeek | yeah. dist-upgrade is just a "smart" upgrade | 06:24 |
Mattchewie | hrm, well when I just run the upgrade I get a list of kde stuff that says its "been kpt back" | 06:25 |
Mattchewie | *been kept back" | 06:25 |
eqisow | thanks george | 06:25 |
robotgeek | Mattchewie: please dist-upgrade | 06:25 |
george_ | some advice if you [ctel] + cp -a iso/isolinux isoz/ cp -a iso/b* isoz/ Write co | 06:25 |
george_ | some advice if you [ctrl] + cp -a iso/isolinux isoz/ cp -a iso/b* isoz/ Write co | 06:25 |
george_ | even | 06:25 |
george_ | #1. Create a compressed copy from the iso folder: | 06:26 |
Mattchewie | bahh same deal, | 06:26 |
george_ | [05:20] * george_ has no love for windowz -- at all - apzz and all | 06:26 |
george_ | oeps | 06:26 |
george_ | sorry | 06:26 |
george_ | fuk | 06:26 |
george_ | damn i think i will go to bed | 06:26 |
george_ | its 6am | 06:26 |
george_ | :P | 06:26 |
Mattchewie | ....I get "the following packages have been kept back <list "O" kde packages"> | 06:27 |
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robotgeek | Mattchewie: kde-config --version | 06:27 |
Mattchewie | and then "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 68 not upgraded" | 06:28 |
Mattchewie | kde: 3.4.3 | 06:28 |
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Mattchewie | qt: 3.3.4 | 06:28 |
Mattchewie | and kde-config: 1.0 | 06:28 |
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robotgeek | Mattchewie: kk, "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" | 06:29 |
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wasp_ems | order to play movies do i need any other codec than w32 and totem player? | 06:29 |
eqisow | depends on the movie format wasp | 06:30 |
Mattchewie | Ok, tried that and it says that some packages could not be installed, I have requested an impossible situation or using unstable distro | 06:30 |
wasp_ems | it is mpg | 06:30 |
george_ | wasp: apt-get remove --purge rorem | 06:30 |
george_ | wasp: apt-get remove --purge totem | 06:30 |
george_ | even | 06:31 |
eqisow | mpg should play without anything, I think | 06:31 |
wasp_ems | what does that do george? | 06:31 |
Mattchewie | I see, kmail and ksysguard as deps to the kubuntu desktop | 06:31 |
wasp_ems | it does but without sound | 06:31 |
Mattchewie | then I get E: Broken packages | 06:31 |
robotgeek | wasp_ems: why do you have totem installed on kubuntu? | 06:31 |
george_ | wasp: i tend to get rid of all totem stuff | 06:31 |
robotgeek | Mattchewie: sudo apt-get install -f | 06:31 |
george_ | as it alays causes issues | 06:31 |
wasp_ems | what should i use to play movies? | 06:31 |
robotgeek | wasp_ems: kaffeine-xine works very well, i think | 06:31 |
eqisow | KMplayer is good, so is caffeine, and VLC | 06:32 |
eqisow | I usually keep all 3 | 06:32 |
george_ | mplayer is my personal fav | 06:32 |
Mattchewie | oh man it hates me | 06:32 |
Mattchewie | lol | 06:32 |
george_ | kmplayer - aslo sucks | 06:32 |
george_ | also even | 06:32 |
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eqisow | kmplayer uses mplayer as backend... | 06:32 |
george_ | yeah | 06:33 |
eqisow | or it can, at any rate | 06:33 |
george_ | but mplayer on its own is tight | 06:33 |
george_ | imho | 06:33 |
eqisow | ooh, btw, you will want to be sure to get libdvdcss2 as ell. for DVD's :) | 06:33 |
Mattchewie | Same issues, the upgrade is stopping on kmail and ksysguard lol | 06:33 |
george_ | but i use moplayer and mencoder a lot for cideo editing on linux ;) | 06:33 |
robotgeek | Mattchewie: weird. | 06:33 |
wasp_ems | xine does not have either sound | 06:33 |
Mattchewie | tell me about it robotgeek, I could of swore I checked out breezy a while back, noticed they had 3.5 packages and installed without issue | 06:34 |
Mattchewie | ...but for some reason, this go around is not working for me | 06:34 |
Mattchewie | lol | 06:34 |
robotgeek | wasp_ems: then maybe you don't have the codecs? "dpkg -i w32codecs | grep ii" | 06:34 |
wasp_ems | i do have the codecs just installed them..and i can see they are installed from adept | 06:34 |
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robotgeek | Mattchewie: i am surprised that "sudo apt-get install -f" doesn't fix things. try "sudo apt-get clean" maybe? | 06:35 |
Mattchewie | then try the -f again after the clean? | 06:35 |
Mattchewie | dice! | 06:35 |
Mattchewie | I guess I could just install drapper but I was hoping I could just do this upgrade and have it wrap me in a "wow, upgrading is easy" warm blanket lol | 06:36 |
robotgeek | Mattchewie: i had no issues while upgrading from breezy to kde 3.5.2 to dapper | 06:36 |
george_ | Mattchewie: take a look at -> | 06:36 |
george_ | its worth a look | 06:36 |
robotgeek | but that was a long time ago :P | 06:36 |
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Mattchewie | can a full upgrade be done totally via apt? | 06:36 |
george_ | yar | 06:37 |
KDEfanboy | Mattchewie: i had a fresh breezy install that refused to 3.5.2 also | 06:37 |
george_ | but i got segfault when doing that recently | 06:37 |
george_ | so back up kid | 06:37 |
george_ | ;) | 06:37 |
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vbgunz | hello world | 06:37 |
=== robotgeek reminds people to file bugs :) | ||
Mattchewie | Yeah I cold of swore my inital 3.5 wasn't this hard lol | 06:38 |
vbgunz | how do I restart x? I tried sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start|restart but I don't get X back... | 06:38 |
eqisow | ctrl + alt + backspace | 06:38 |
vbgunz | I sudo killall kdm and that seems to kill it but I don't get it back | 06:39 |
eqisow | or, if you're at the command line, startx | 06:39 |
vbgunz | eqisow: that doesn't work... it takes me out of x but then I can't get back in | 06:39 |
robotgeek | vbgunz: why doesn't that work, check logs in /var/logs/Xorg.log with lines (EE) | 06:39 |
vbgunz | robotgeek: I am using the livecd... what am I looking for? | 06:39 |
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vbgunz | eqisow: I will try startx next time hopefully it works | 06:40 |
robotgeek | vbgunz: X doesn't work on your live cd? | 06:40 |
eqisow | if you are using the live CD and X doesn't start, X is proibably not configured correctly | 06:40 |
eqisow | can you get into X at all on it? | 06:40 |
vbgunz | robotgeek: x works fine, but when I try to restart x with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace or sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart or sudo killall, etc x never comes back :( | 06:40 |
eqisow | sometimes it doens't recognize certain video cards / monitors | 06:40 |
eqisow | hmm.. | 06:41 |
robotgeek | vbgunz: and this is only on the live cd? | 06:41 |
vbgunz | yeah, I am testing KDE and I really like it but don't know if I should install it yet | 06:41 |
robotgeek | vbgunz: go for it :) | 06:41 |
vbgunz | robotgeek: KDE is frigging nice... I underestimated the power of the geek engine huh :P | 06:42 |
vbgunz | right now, I am just trying to set up dual view through the KDe display manager but everytime I restart X I end up having to boot | 06:42 |
Mattchewie | holy crap stick I just went stupid | 06:42 |
Mattchewie | I didn't realise that some repositories require gpg keys :| | 06:42 |
vbgunz | i'll try startx ... hopefully that works... if I am not back in a few seconds I had to boot | 06:43 |
robotgeek | Mattchewie: hmm, we all assumed that you read the complete instructions :) | 06:43 |
Mattchewie | Well I mean I added it the key and everything from the offical release statement | 06:44 |
Mattchewie | but I did so thinking it was optional, though I had did it anyways | 06:44 |
robotgeek | no, all packages are signed. | 06:44 |
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Mattchewie | Gah, gentoo has corrupted my soul, I apparently need to do a bit more reading :/ | 06:51 |
robotgeek | Mattchewie: maybe try LFS? | 06:53 |
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vbgunz | I think I know why x fails to come back... it is because I am trying to work with dual monitors. when I restored xorg.conf x would start... hmm | 06:57 |
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Mattchewie | robotgeek, LFS? | 07:00 |
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Mattchewie | I think I can get into kubuntu, its just a matter of familarizing myself with its tool set and its pkg managment | 07:01 |
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vbgunz | whats katapult? I selected it and a logo has taken over the dead center of my screen... I see a slingshot and nothing else... | 07:14 |
regeya | vbgunz: start typing the name of a program... | 07:15 |
regeya | vbgunz: if you've ever seen the mac os x program quicksilver in action, katapult is (currently) a limited imitation... | 07:15 |
regeya | example: let's say you want konsole to run. hit meta-space, start typing 'kons' (without quotes of course) and once konsole comes up, hit enter. et viola. | 07:16 |
vbgunz | I think it is broken in Dapper... the logo is stuck dead center and I don't know how to focus it | 07:16 |
samuli | /me does apt-get katapult | 07:17 |
vbgunz | how do I meta-space? | 07:17 |
vbgunz | had to kill it | 07:19 |
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vbgunz | is there a way to show hidden applications like kwallet and the menu editor? | 07:22 |
vbgunz | I mean in the menus | 07:23 |
regeya | vbgunz: alt-space, sorry. | 07:23 |
vbgunz | regeya: I'll try it again :) | 07:23 |
vbgunz | regeya: it ran this time, pretty cool | 07:24 |
KDEfanboy | why are they hidden? | 07:25 |
KDEfanboy | *how | 07:26 |
vbgunz | KDEfanboy: dunno... e.g. I want kwallet right now, I know I have it but the name isn't kwallet and it is not in the menus... | 07:26 |
KDEfanboy | i think that's kwalletmanager and kmenuedit right? | 07:26 |
vbgunz | I guess katapult doesn't know of them | 07:27 |
KDEfanboy | oh you're talking about katapult.. ok | 07:27 |
KDEfanboy | in that case, dunno either | 07:28 |
vbgunz | KDEfanboy: sorry, I was talking about the menus in the system also. I can't find kwalletmanager or kmenuedit in any of the menus either | 07:28 |
KDEfanboy | hmm | 07:29 |
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vbgunz | robotgeek: what do you use for an IDE? | 07:32 |
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nixternal | you can get to kwallet throught through::.. system settings > security & privacy | 07:38 |
nixternal | in there you can enable the kwallet subsystem and launch wallet manager | 07:38 |
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vbgunz | man my only dread about moving over to KDE is my firefox settings and passwords to Konquerer and Thunderbird settings, email and filters to Kontact and my revelation passwords to kwallet... other than that I'd make the switch quick | 07:39 |
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vbgunz | nixternal: yeah, that is where I found kwallet | 07:39 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:39 |
vbgunz | :) | 07:39 |
nixternal | i have 2 ub and one i can enjoy the best of both worlds | 07:39 |
nixternal | but if i had to choose...kde i think | 07:39 |
regeya | bravo. | 07:40 |
nixternal | i used slackware for a long time as well as suse...and to me...kubuntu pwnz em all | 07:40 |
regeya | vbgunz: you *could* use firefox, y'know...mainly you just miss out on having your web experience integrated into your desktop | 07:40 |
regeya | and if you're worried about the gtk theme, kubuntu has gtk-qt preinstalled | 07:41 |
lwizardl | anyone know of a way to search for motherboards with certain options? like # of usb, pci, agp, etc | 07:41 |
vbgunz | regeya: thats the thing, I love Konquerer and wish Firefox was like that :( | 07:41 |
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crimsun | be careful with gtk2-engines-gtk-qt, though | 07:41 |
vbgunz | I am good with qt. it looks great | 07:41 |
regeya | oh. well, nevermind. :-D I use more than one platform and use firefox on 'em all. no way will I go back to using a one-platform turd of a browser | 07:42 |
vbgunz | btw, ubuntu has gksudo, what is it for KDE? | 07:42 |
regeya | not that konq is a turd, it's great. | 07:42 |
crimsun | kdesu | 07:42 |
regeya | we won't talk about gnome's browser. | 07:42 |
vbgunz | kdesu thanks! | 07:42 |
regeya | crimsun: what issues have you had with gtk-qt | 07:42 |
vbgunz | well Windows has IE... heh | 07:42 |
crimsun | regeya: if you use a non-KDE environment, the ~/.gtkrc-2.0 that it creates will wreak havoc | 07:43 |
nixternal | ie sux | 07:43 |
nixternal | ;D | 07:43 |
regeya | and other than security issues IE isn't all that bad...the security issues are a biggie tho... | 07:43 |
nixternal | i actually installed ie7 on my moms puter...omg it is horrid | 07:43 |
regeya | I'm not talking about standards compliance, but the user experience | 07:43 |
regeya | ok ok | 07:43 |
regeya | I lied, it sucks | 07:44 |
vbgunz | :P | 07:44 |
regeya | I think I'm the only person on earth that's ever used safari and not liked it | 07:44 |
paulb_ | sadly there is the few websites. | 07:44 |
vbgunz | anyone work with python and kate in here? | 07:45 |
regeya | yeah, I'm dissing the guys who beefed up khtml | 07:45 |
nixternal | i just got my python bible so i can start learning | 07:45 |
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vbgunz | is there a way to quickly test a script in the terminal? | 07:45 |
regeya | crimsun: I don't think gtk-qt was intended for non-kde users but I concede the point :-) | 07:45 |
nixternal | i have been a sys admin forever...time to check out something new | 07:45 |
vbgunz | I am currently typing in: python to get it to run... is there a quicker way to launch a script within the builtin terminal? | 07:46 |
vbgunz | nixternal: I think you will like Python if you like power and simplicity :) | 07:46 |
Hobbsee | vbgunz: ./nameofscript? | 07:47 |
crimsun | regeya: it shouldn't totally break non-KDE, though, which it does currently. | 07:47 |
Hobbsee | if you're in the right dir | 07:47 |
paulb_ | anyone know how to get ie6 running in ubuntu? i hate it too but the MLS (multiple Listings Service) requires it. my dad sorta made me a bet that if i could get ie running he would switch. | 07:47 |
Hobbsee | !+wine | 07:47 |
ubotu | Wine is a compatibility for running windows programs on linux. Get the latest .deb from . This thread - - has details for installation and setup using winetools. More info at or for support go to #winehq. | 07:47 |
nixternal | so i have heard vbgunz...i am going to take a week straight and read | 07:47 |
regeya | nixternal: I know it's terribly trendy of me to point toward ruby, but, um, after using py for a while I ended up using ruby for my scripting needs...I can put up with 'end' better than I can forced spacing...depends on your preferences though. if you try python, sort of like it but don't, that'd be my suggestion *after* python | 07:47 |
Hobbsee | paulb_: see the !wine factoid | 07:47 |
nixternal | thx regeya | 07:48 |
nixternal | i will look into it | 07:48 |
vbgunz | bash: ./ Permission denied | 07:48 |
regeya | crimsun: I'll pick on the other camp: selected gnome themes should work without wankery outside a gnome environment. ;-) | 07:48 |
nixternal | i have done the whole .net crap in the more please | 07:48 |
nixternal | ;D | 07:48 |
ahmeni | vbgunz: chmod +x | 07:48 |
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vbgunz | ahmeni: thanks I know I can do that but was hoping sort of like F5 would send my script straight to the built in terminal | 07:49 |
crimsun | regeya: they do. I've never seen a gnome theme /prevent/ kde from starting. | 07:49 |
vbgunz | will look to see if I can make something happen | 07:49 |
regeya | crimsun: in all seriousness, I've never had .gtkrc-2.0 from kde prevent gnome from starting. | 07:49 |
paulb_ | vbgunz: chmod to 755 | 07:49 |
ahmeni | vbgunz: oh, you mean a command to make a script launch in your current konsole? | 07:49 |
paulb_ | it must be execuitable | 07:49 |
crimsun | regeya: no, it prevents Xfce from starting. | 07:49 |
regeya | crimsun: oh. well, that's xfce's problem. | 07:50 |
=== regeya winks | ||
vbgunz | ahmeni: I am using kate and it has a builtin terminal... the script I work on I would like to test in the builtin terminal... the way I do it now is: python | 07:50 |
regeya | doesn't that use xforms anyway? *runs!* | 07:50 |
ahmeni | vbgunz: ahh, yeah. that'd be awesome. hrm.. maybe dcop can do it | 07:50 |
vbgunz | am checking to see if it can be done | 07:51 |
regeya | anyway, enough ot flamery from me...g'night all | 07:52 |
KDEfanboy | paulb_: this might be useful | 07:57 |
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clovesmoker | !listchannels | 07:58 |
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ahmeni | vbgunz: damn. nothing in dcop to control the konsolepart or even get the filename. :\ | 08:09 |
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vbgunz | ahmeni: where is this dcop? | 08:10 |
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ahmeni | vbgunz: launch kdcop to get the browser, or just dcop to call commands | 08:11 |
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vbgunz | icalled dcop... well, I am thinking maybe there is a way to find out what the terminal name in kate is, then use an external tool to send commands to it... I am in #kate btw and no one answered me on it :( | 08:12 |
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vbgunz | ahmeni: damn dcop is quite extensive huh | 08:14 |
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KDEfanboy | how do you find which package to which a file belongs? | 08:34 |
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lwizardl | what file system is best for 4gb+ files ? | 08:37 |
Hobbsee | KDEfanboy: i should know that... | 08:38 |
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KDEfanboy | pop quiz :P | 08:40 |
Hobbsee | KDEfanboy: ping! dpkg -S|--search <pattern> ... find package(s) owning file(s) | 08:41 |
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KDEfanboy | ah | 08:42 |
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Bilford | is Ubuntu going to use KDE instead of Gnome as the default | 08:53 |
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Bilford | is that where it's headed | 08:55 |
bimberi | now there's a question! | 08:56 |
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bimberi | i'd say that'd be over a few dead bodies :) | 08:57 |
Bilford | lol | 08:58 |
Hobbsee | er....i dont think so... | 08:59 |
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octan | ARRRR,,, how do i install the nvidia dirvers not using the crapy driver dappers repo provide,, the libGL is friking mesa.. and MESA suxz comapred to nividias libGL | 09:04 |
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n3storm | uolas | 09:05 |
Hobbsee | !nvidia | 09:06 |
ubotu | Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at | 09:06 |
octan | the developer that is responseble for the nvidia driver for (K)ubuntu . should be shot.. cos he cant do he job correctly. mesa is a free implemetion of libGL ,.. and isnt near as good as the nvidias | 09:07 |
octan | Hobbsee let me take a look | 09:08 |
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octan | mythtv woundt work with libmesa.. games plays like 80 yeart old ppl walk | 09:09 |
octan | so on ans on & on :P | 09:09 |
Antartika | someone have xgl+compiz in kubuntu dapper? | 09:10 |
Hobbsee | !xgl | 09:12 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on | 09:12 |
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vbgunz | anyone know how when I open a window on a certain desktop it remains there and does not bother me on the taskbar of another desktop? | 09:14 |
vbgunz | currently all windows opened in one desktop remains on the taskbar of another desktop... this sucks :( | 09:15 |
Antartika | !xgl | 09:16 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on | 09:16 |
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octan | Hobbsee, i can only find howto for ati card.. | 09:18 |
Hobbsee | er... | 09:19 |
octan | i got nvidia | 09:19 |
octan | | 09:19 |
octan | thats why i need GL not GL-mesa | 09:19 |
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Hobbsee | ah ok | 09:19 |
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vbgunz | other than kdevelop3, is there another nice IDE out there? | 09:22 |
vbgunz | I am trying to browse adept but everything I search for there returns nothing meanwhile I sudo apt-get it without a problem :P | 09:22 |
caffei | anyone else's konqueror always opening Ark instead of just viewing the zip with the embedded view when left clicking? (mime setting for x-zip is to open in the embedded view, but there's no service, and I'm not sure what it's supposed to be) | 09:22 |
caffei | I did this fine with old versions of KDE... | 09:22 |
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caffei | I hope someone didn't just decide to obliterate the embedded zip view for some stupid (read: GNOME-like) reason. | 09:24 |
ahmeni | vbgunz: configure panel->taskbar->show windows from all desktops | 09:24 |
caffei | (latest dapper, btw, 3.5.2) | 09:24 |
Tombuntu | is there a way for me to upgrade my 5.10 breezy kubuntu to the latest dapper | 09:24 |
Hobbsee | !upgrade | 09:25 |
Hobbsee | !+upgrade | 09:25 |
ubotu | from memory, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge. | 09:25 |
vbgunz | ahmeni: thank you very much, you saved me from grief :) | 09:25 |
Tombuntu | update-manager -d? | 09:25 |
Tombuntu | or go to command and do !+upgrade | 09:25 |
Tombuntu | why doesnt adept do it :( | 09:26 |
caffei | can anyone here confirm whether or not the embedded zip view works in konqueror on dapper with 3.5.2? | 09:26 |
ahmeni | vbgunz: np, what language are you looking for an IDE for? | 09:26 |
lwizardl | how do I mount a windows ntfs partition so I can copy my files over and the fdisk it | 09:26 |
vbgunz | python | 09:26 |
Tombuntu | wizard: get captiventfs | 09:26 |
vbgunz | I prefer something simple and not too fullblown | 09:26 |
Tombuntu | its the safest | 09:26 |
ahmeni | IDLE is pretty simple, eric's probably too big but it's worth a look | 09:27 |
ahmeni | and pida, but I've never used it | 09:27 |
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vbgunz | I don't need visual studio or komodo. I prefer scite but it is limited. I love kate but it too has it's shortcomings... | 09:27 |
vbgunz | yeah, eric and pida are too big. i prefer a simple text editor with syntax highlighting and intellisense if possible | 09:28 |
caffei | can anyone here confirm whether or not the embedded zip view works in konqueror on dapper with 3.5.2? | 09:28 |
vbgunz | object viewer and docs embedded are good. the best I've ever come across is wingide but my god that thing is filled with bugs... | 09:28 |
Hobbsee | caffei: i cant seem to make it work | 09:28 |
caffei | Hobbsee, damn. I hope it's a bug and not some maint decision, because I like that feature >_> | 09:29 |
octan | im trying to do this,, sudo apt-get install linux-source-`uname -r` but it cant find any source why? | 09:29 |
Hobbsee | caffei: i suspect a bug, or upstream maintainer decision | 09:29 |
Hobbsee | i didnt see it discussed in a meeting or anything | 09:29 |
octan | E: dldn't find package linux-source-2.6.15-22-386 | 09:29 |
caffei | Hobbsee, I doubt upstream would have removed it. zip:/ still works. | 09:30 |
ahmeni | octan: linux-source doesn't have an arch, so the 386 will mess up your search | 09:30 |
caffei | more likely it's a maint decision, and if that's so, I'm dropping this dist. fast. | 09:30 |
vbgunz | I am new to adept... I suspect that when I open it and enter the name of a package within the search bar and hit enter, the package should come back... or something, or anything right? nothing returns... | 09:30 |
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octan | ahmeni, so i just do sudo apt-get install linux-source then? | 09:30 |
ahmeni | octan: yeah | 09:31 |
octan | oki | 09:31 |
Hobbsee | caffei: let me check that... | 09:31 |
Hobbsee | caffei: there's nothing in the ubuntu/debian changelog about it... | 09:34 |
caffei | Hobbsee, aye, I already checked them | 09:34 |
Tombuntu | erm | 09:35 |
Tombuntu | in adept if i choose to install koffice | 09:35 |
Tombuntu | its like, 78k and doesnt bring anything with it | 09:35 |
Tombuntu | the libs and data are however already installed | 09:35 |
Hobbsee | Tombuntu: koffice is a that would be correct... | 09:35 |
Hobbsee | if you've already installed the data, it wouldnt try to download again | 09:36 |
Tombuntu | ok | 09:36 |
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Tombuntu | that didnt take long | 09:37 |
octan | when i use synaptic and remove apps.. does it purge it too? | 09:37 |
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Hobbsee | octan: er, not usually... | 09:38 |
Hobbsee | it's supposed to if you hit completely remove, i tihnk | 09:38 |
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caffei | Hobbsee, someone in #kde just confirmed that it works in 3.5.2 on a non-ubuntu dist. so it's most likely a kubuntu maint decision or a kubuntu bug... | 09:39 |
Hobbsee | hmmm okay | 09:41 |
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_matt | hi everyone | 09:52 |
_matt | everyone looking forward to dapper | 09:53 |
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Bilford | no | 09:56 |
Bilford | I already have it | 09:56 |
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Bilford | oh, he left | 09:56 |
Bilford | Im going to try Kubuntu | 09:56 |
Bilford | fresh install | 09:57 |
omeow | I wanted to try that too, but I can't seem to get it to install. | 09:59 |
omeow | It remains stuck at "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel." | 09:59 |
Bilford | did you use the Dapper Live CD | 09:59 |
omeow | The DVD yeah. | 10:00 |
Bilford | whats the difference between DVD and CD | 10:00 |
Bilford | since CD is live and installable | 10:00 |
Bilford | CD is probably more of a Live demo, DVD probably has more apps | 10:01 |
Bilford | for Live | 10:01 |
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omeow | No you don't understand. The DVD has a Live part and an installation part. | 10:02 |
omeow | You can run both. | 10:02 |
Bilford | you can do that with the CD | 10:03 |
omeow | I'll download the CD and have a check then. | 10:03 |
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Bilford | with the CD, you run it Live, and then install from inside the Live session | 10:05 |
caffei | Hobbsee, fyi, kdeutils changelog for 4:3.5.1-0ubuntu2: "* Add kubuntu_09_hide_ark_part.diff, hide the mostly unused Ark part" >_> | 10:05 |
Hobbsee | caffei: ah, thanks. i didnt see that | 10:05 |
omeow | But there's an option on the boot screen that says install. | 10:06 |
omeow | I tried the install icon inside the live session, but that doesn't work either, it stops responding after I select my language. | 10:06 |
Bilford | | 10:07 |
Bilford | PC (Intel x86) desktop CD | 10:07 |
omeow | Yeah, i'm downloading it now. | 10:07 |
Bilford | Dapper? | 10:07 |
omeow | Yes. | 10:07 |
Bilford | I dont see a DVD for Dapper | 10:07 |
omeow | | 10:07 |
Bilford | no | 10:07 |
Bilford | Thats Breezy | 10:07 |
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omeow | Why does it says dapper on the filename then? | 10:07 |
Bilford | oh | 10:08 |
Bilford | well, since you had a problem, maybe download from this link | 10:08 |
Bilford | | 10:08 |
omeow | Yeah, I am downloading the install CD now. | 10:08 |
Bilford | Text-mode install? | 10:09 |
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Bilford | get the Desktop CD | 10:09 |
omeow | I tried text-mode install too, but then it would hang at the same stage. | 10:09 |
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Bilford | the first one | 10:09 |
Bilford | ok | 10:09 |
omeow | I'll see what the CD does. | 10:09 |
Bilford | the Desktop CD one works good | 10:09 |
omeow | O | 10:11 |
omeow | err.. I mean I'll see. | 10:11 |
omeow | How do you know that the DVD doesn't work? Is this info posted somewhere? I tried looking on the forum, but there seems to be no mention of it. | 10:11 |
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KDEfanboy | anyone know how to turn on the RECORD extension in X ? | 10:29 |
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Bilford_ | Ok, time to try fresh install of Dapper Kubuntu | 10:31 |
KDEfanboy | found it | 10:32 |
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jrk | hi - can someone test behavior in kate when editing big document (100kB) and pressing cursor key or backspace - in my case it behaves little bit incorrectly after releasing key (it continues doing deleting, moving cursor, ...) | 10:39 |
jrk | almost same behavior as in | 10:41 |
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omeow | Will Kubuntu automaticly detect that I have two harddrives, the first one with Windows on it, and the second one being empty? Does it need any additional configuration if I also want to boot a harddrive with windows on it? | 10:51 |
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GazzaK | it will detect both hard drives as long as the machines BIOS sees them | 10:52 |
GazzaK | and you will need to install it as dual boot | 10:52 |
riri | Hi | 10:52 |
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riri | i had a problem to install flight 7 and 6 (the same) when partionning the installation crash | 10:53 |
riri | i want to manual partitioning | 10:54 |
riri | so i can't install dapper from livecd | 10:54 |
GazzaK | omeow, see for more info, it should apply to Kubuntu as well, mostly | 10:54 |
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Skrot | Hi. Can I edit how "Document Title, Head 1, Head 2, Head 3" etc i supposed to look like in kword? E.g fontsize etc | 11:09 |
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bilford | Ok, just did fresh install of Kubuntu | 11:14 |
bilford | looks good | 11:15 |
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visik7 | bilford: breezy or dapper ? | 11:17 |
bilford | dapper | 11:17 |
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bilford | does Konversation have some way of adding most major serverss | 11:31 |
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bilford | downloading a server list | 11:32 |
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MrFaber | hi all | 11:35 |
klerfayt | hi | 11:35 |
MrFaber | I have problems with the blkid dev library in Dapper. I can't compile util-linux because it didn't find the lib while it is installed. What could be the problem? | 11:35 |
MrFaber | hi klerfayt | 11:35 |
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klerfayt | why is that so if I use for background single color then liquidweather has big fat black borders? | 11:39 |
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Kadran | hi i have hsf modem and need to make it run in kubuntu, any help? | 11:46 |
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octan | why dont i have /etc/ ?? | 11:54 |
alois | easyubuntu gives out rows of errors (just writes "error:") upon installing marked packages | 11:54 |
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alois | not really debug-friendly | 11:56 |
Lynoure | alois: not an official part of ubuntu, either | 11:57 |
Lynoure | alois: It gives errors at least when installing flash, so makes sense to try without | 11:57 |
alois | I would like to make a suggestion: whenever it's refered to a third party non ubuntu-program/script in the wiki, mark this with a big fat warning sign. | 11:58 |
alois | okay | 11:58 |
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alois | also with dma/hdparm -> errors | 11:59 |
alois | rest works | 12:00 |
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elijah | hi | 12:02 |
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alois | ok, something strange with nsplugin in konqueror now | 12:05 |
alois | nspluginviewer I mean | 12:05 |
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alois | just crashes | 12:06 |
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elijah | kubuntu is treated second-class citizen everywhere... | 12:10 |
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alois | i followed exactly these steps: | 12:15 |
alois | firefox has flash now, but konqueror still not | 12:15 |
alois | and yes, I scanned for new plugins in konq | 12:15 |
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alois | I seem to have two, maybe they confront with each other: 1: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ 2: /usr/lib/netscape/plugins-libc6/ | 12:18 |
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alois | are there hotkeys for acer aspire 3000? can't find them on wiki hotkeys | 12:24 |
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klerfayt | I removed xchat from my system but it's still in the menu. | 12:31 |
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Garg321el | well, it's just a symlink :) | 12:32 |
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klerfayt | how do I update menu? | 12:32 |
klerfayt | (without logging out) | 12:32 |
Garg321el | i think there is a kmenu-editor.. | 12:33 |
klerfayt | err | 12:33 |
klerfayt | why doesn't menu update itself? why I need to log out? | 12:33 |
Garg321el | right click on K menu button | 12:33 |
Garg321el | you don't | 12:33 |
Garg321el | because when you say "remove" not every programm removes everything | 12:34 |
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Garg321el | lol | 12:38 |
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klerfayt | Is it possible to display date and time vertically then kicker is placed on the right or left side of the screen? | 12:41 |
Garg321el | acer aspire 3000 is a real bitch under linux :( | 12:41 |
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visik7 | Garg321el: almost all new acer are assholes with linux | 12:58 |
visik7 | they change the acpi code | 12:58 |
visik7 | and we need to recompile it | 12:58 |
Garg321el | visik7: damn :( | 12:58 |
klerfayt | is it intentional? | 12:58 |
klerfayt | why the do it? | 12:58 |
visik7 | dunno if for linux | 12:58 |
visik7 | but yes it change it intentionally | 12:58 |
klerfayt | how they change the acpi code? | 12:58 |
klerfayt | like "break it" ? | 12:59 |
klerfayt | I got mitac and it doesn't have available info about my lcd screen for xorg | 12:59 |
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visik7 | they change the dsdt code | 01:01 |
visik7 | putting it out of specifics | 01:01 |
visik7 | dunno why | 01:02 |
visik7 | ask to acer not to me | 01:02 |
klerfayt | they got something to hide? | 01:02 |
klerfayt | how do I know if I got correct acpi code? | 01:03 |
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visik7 | acpi works ? | 01:05 |
klerfayt | well I haven't tested suspend on ubuntu but freq. scaling works | 01:06 |
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LeeJunFan | klerfayt: suspend to ram doesn't work for me with dapper, but vanillla home-compiled kern is fine. | 01:07 |
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klerfayt | ok I got this message in dmesg "ACPI: Looking for DSDT ... not found!" - is it serious? | 01:08 |
r0xz | My CRT screen doesn't start anymore. Is there a way i can configure kubuntu for an old 1024 resolution screen without terminating the already running programmes? | 01:10 |
LeeJunFan | klerfayt: have you read the ACPI how-to? | 01:11 |
roniez | heheh u can use like freenx :P | 01:12 |
roniez | but then it will just open new "windows" and not use the already existing one. | 01:12 |
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r0xz | anyone with tips? | 01:20 |
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augustk | hello all | 01:21 |
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visik7 | klerfayt: no | 01:29 |
visik7 | is ok | 01:29 |
visik7 | if buttons and other things works | 01:29 |
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Al-Daja | hi | 01:35 |
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Al-Daja | i want to install windows in this pc, what you advise partition on the disc or a new disc? | 01:36 |
OlliK | Al-Daja: if you can do it, a new disk would be a good idea | 01:37 |
OlliK | Al-Daja: but partitioning is not problem if you just have space for it | 01:37 |
Al-Daja | OlliK, how can i do a partiton disk with kubuntu | 01:37 |
OlliK | Al-Daja: but remember, Windows cannot read ext3 partitions so you should have one FAT32 partition if you want to share files between linux and windows | 01:37 |
Al-Daja | OlliK, any idea? | 01:38 |
OlliK | Al-Daja: I have WindowsXP, which has 25GB partition, then Linux with 20GB partition and a shared FAT32 "storage" partition which both of the operating systems can read and write | 01:38 |
OlliK | Al-Daja: yes, I used one partitioning program of knoppix linux, wait I'll check what was it | 01:39 |
OlliK | Al-Daja: I booted the PC with live-knoppix-cd and with that partitioning was easy | 01:39 |
OlliK | qtparted I think | 01:40 |
OlliK | with that it was very easy to resize and create partitions | 01:40 |
OlliK | maybe there is qtparted with Kubuntu also, if not, then you can probably install it just like this: sudo apt-get install qtparted | 01:41 |
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OlliK | But resizing of the linux partition might not be possible while you are using it, so that's why it's a good idea to have one Knoppix linux live-cd always for situations like this, because you can boot with it without installing anything | 01:42 |
OlliK | Maybe someone more experienced on the channel can tell whether it is possible to resize a partition that is being used at the same time.. but I think probably not | 01:43 |
OlliK | remember to use scandisk and some defragmentation program before resizing / partitioning | 01:44 |
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Al-Daja | ok thx OlliK | 01:51 |
KDEfanboy | OlliK: if you tried real hard, probably force it, but i have never seen anyone, ever, suggest anything but working on unmounted partitions | 01:51 |
Al-Daja | KDEfanboy, any sugestion tha tjat work better? | 01:52 |
House_MD | you can resize reiserfs when mounted, and with ext3 , only with a patch, and only grow not shrink | 01:52 |
Tombuntu | is there an iScroll2 type program for linux | 01:53 |
KDEfanboy | Al-Daja: doing what exactly? | 01:54 |
Al-Daja | KDEfanboy, to do a partition on the disk | 01:54 |
KDEfanboy | you just want to partition the disk and that's it? | 01:55 |
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KDEfanboy | well, qtparted or cfidsk is nice | 01:58 |
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Tombuntu | i was aobut to say qtparted | 01:58 |
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Tombuntu | one time in debian i was able to make winkey+l lock linux | 01:59 |
Tombuntu | in kde of all things | 02:00 |
Tombuntu | and i cant figure out how i did it | 02:00 |
Tombuntu | oh no winkey doesnt make the kmenu pop up :( | 02:00 |
OlliK | qtparted is the best and simple program to do resizing/partitioning | 02:01 |
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KDEfanboy | hmm is qtparted missing the resize features listed here? | 02:03 |
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OlliK | KDEfanboy: It shouldnt be missing those. I have resized FAT32 / NTFS / ext3 with qtparted | 02:04 |
OlliK | or at least it was FAT32 and NTFS, I'm not exactly sure whether I needed to resize ext3 | 02:04 |
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KDEfanboy | ahh. i did have problems when installing kubuntu with qtparted not reading an ntfs size correctly and i didn't trust it to do it right so went to the command line. it may have just been that the file system was not checked at the time | 02:05 |
OlliK | yap. for me it worked perfectly | 02:06 |
OlliK | I did scandisk and defrag before trying qtparted | 02:06 |
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mhterres | morning | 02:13 |
MenZa | Morning. | 02:14 |
Samuli^ | morning. | 02:15 |
mhterres | :-) | 02:15 |
MenZa | Whoa | 02:16 |
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_JuDgEn_ | is there any way to have both videooverlay and opengloverlay worging at the same time with fglrx? | 02:18 |
_JuDgEn_ | also, how do i get x to recognize my keyboard properly | 02:19 |
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simon | I have a question about telnet - any experts? | 02:38 |
simon | I have installed telnetd but I cant connect to the server? | 02:38 |
simon | how do I start the program? | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | simon: telnet port# | 02:38 |
simon | that is the client.. I try to connect to my self but it says "Connection refused" | 02:39 |
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Hobbsee | oh okay | 02:39 |
simon | I want to know how to start the telnet server..telnetd.. | 02:39 |
simon | and I cant find any config files for telnetd either.. | 02:39 |
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visik7 | telnet ?!?!?!?! | 02:40 |
visik7 | TELNET ? | 02:40 |
visik7 | we are in 2006 | 02:40 |
visik7 | use ssh | 02:40 |
simon | I cant use ssh on my laptop which can only use telnet, because it is packet radio .. | 02:41 |
Xemanth^^^ | packed radio ? | 02:41 |
simon | ? | 02:42 |
simon | I just want to use telnet instead of ssh.. | 02:42 |
Xemanth^^^ | what do you mean by packet radio | 02:42 |
visik7 | Xemanth^^^: vim /etc/inetd.conf | 02:42 |
Xemanth^^^ | visik7: ? :D | 02:42 |
simon | xemanth: packet modems .. baud 1200 | 02:42 |
Xemanth^^^ | hmm-m ok :) | 02:43 |
simon | cant I use telnet in kubuntu? is it too old? | 02:43 |
simon | I can ONLY use telnet.. so I really really need to get it working! | 02:43 |
simon | But it just says "Connection refused" and I dont even know about the telnetd server is up or not.. | 02:44 |
dr3as | run ps aux |grep telnet | 02:44 |
dr3as | and see if something is show'n | 02:44 |
simon | simon@simonlinux:~$ ps aux |grep telnet | 02:45 |
simon | simon 4435 0.0 0.1 2932 840 pts/2 R+ 14:46 0:00 grep telnet | 02:45 |
simon | simon@simonlinux:~$ | 02:45 |
simon | I think there is something running.. | 02:45 |
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dr3as | no, nothing is running | 02:45 |
simon | ah | 02:45 |
dr3as | 2 sec, just trying it myself | 02:45 |
simon | okay | 02:45 |
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dr3as | the only file i found was /usr/sbin/in.telnetd | 02:47 |
dr3as | but it didn't help to run that either | 02:47 |
simon | okay..hmm.. | 02:47 |
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[CoN] bLuE | Neu | 02:48 |
dr3as | try read /usr/share/doc/telnetd/README.gz | 02:48 |
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simon | it says there is no directory/folder there is called that..only /telnet but not /telnetd | 02:49 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | hi there | 02:49 |
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simon | there is.. | 02:49 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | i was just wandering if it exists a way of having mplayer play the movie in fullscreen but on the desktop... that is drawing the movie in the desktop background | 02:49 |
visik7 | I'm trying to understand why someone wuold (don't) see a movie on the desktop background | 02:51 |
visik7 | I can't understand | 02:51 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | because i want to see the movie while doing something else | 02:51 |
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visik7 | but if you are doing something else how can u watch the movie ? | 02:51 |
visik7 | is not like listen to music | 02:51 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | and if i am in fullscreen with mplayer, it is on top too | 02:51 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | i can.. | 02:52 |
visik7 | wow | 02:52 |
simon | i have read the readme.gz now, and there is nothing I can use.. | 02:52 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | :) anyway, do you know a way? | 02:52 |
simon | only that I may need to compile the package by myself :o | 02:52 |
simon | but I dont know where I get the file.. | 02:53 |
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visik7 | Tallia1Kubuntu: anyway -guiwid | 02:53 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | is it a mplayer option? | 02:54 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | it is :) | 02:54 |
visik7 | yes | 02:54 |
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Seantater | Abyone here use digikam? | 02:55 |
Seantater | a/Aby/Any | 02:55 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | visik7: do you know the details on how to use it? from the man pages i can't really figure out.. | 02:58 |
visik7 | probably u need to get the id of the root window | 02:58 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | particularly it seems more related to browsers.. i thaught that the number was the X window number | 02:58 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | how can i get it? | 02:58 |
visik7 | and pass it to mplayer | 02:58 |
visik7 | xwininfo | 02:58 |
visik7 | probably | 02:58 |
visik7 | never used | 02:59 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | haah, how do you know this command if you never used it? | 03:00 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | i tried with the WindowId given by xwininfo but it doesn't work, mplayer tells me that is a wrong window ID | 03:01 |
simon | none? :( | 03:03 |
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simon | nobody there can help me with telnet ?:/ | 03:03 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | nope, never used | 03:04 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | how to search inside a MAN page? | 03:16 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | is there a combination key? i have to find a string in it | 03:16 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | like rootwin in the mplayer man page | 03:16 |
rus | hi all | 03:17 |
rus | printer trouble | 03:17 |
rus | used to work | 03:17 |
rus | HP Laserjet 6l | 03:17 |
rus | now prints blank pages | 03:17 |
rus | one after the other | 03:17 |
rus | help me please ) | 03:17 |
bert | Can you do a test page from the printer? | 03:18 |
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rus | hardware you mean? | 03:18 |
bert | press the button on the printer for a few seconds and it will print a test page | 03:19 |
bert | doesn't even have to be connect to a computer | 03:19 |
bert | if that doesn't work you are out of toner or have a fault in the cartridge | 03:20 |
rus | i'm working on it - but i dont think thats it | 03:21 |
bert | can you print a test page? | 03:22 |
visik7 | Tallia1Kubuntu: ok u need to disable icons on desktop | 03:23 |
visik7 | Tallia1Kubuntu: to get mplayer draw on it | 03:23 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | why? | 03:23 |
CaBlGuY-Gone | bbl kiddies. ;o) | 03:23 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | i found out that i have to use something like | 03:23 |
visik7 | kdesktop writes on root window and mplayer should write on it too | 03:23 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | mplayer -vo x11 -rootwin VIDEO.avi | 03:24 |
visik7 | mplayer -vo xv -wid "0x3b" video.avi | 03:24 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | but i still can't see anything :( | 03:24 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | can you see anything with -rootwin? | 03:25 |
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rus | bert: nope so far not | 03:26 |
rus | jus keeps dooing some crap | 03:26 |
visik7 | Tallia1Kubuntu: without kdesktop running yes | 03:26 |
bert | if you can't print a test page from the printer button then it is out of toner | 03:26 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | i see, is there a way to have icons and kdesktop showed togheter on the desktop? | 03:27 |
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rus | but a laser printer does not go out of tober over night | 03:27 |
visik7 | icons and kdesktop run toghether on the desktop | 03:27 |
rus | i'm the only one that uses it | 03:27 |
rus | so it's not it | 03:28 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | visik7: so? there's a way to have video and kdestop+icons? | 03:28 |
rus | may still be the printer thought | 03:28 |
bert | does it print a test page? yes or no | 03:28 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | even with -wid you said that i have to turn off kdesktop | 03:28 |
visik7 | I don't thing so but u'll be luckyer on #lde | 03:28 |
visik7 | #kde | 03:29 |
troy | g'day folks | 03:30 |
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rus | bert: nope it's spitting out paper just that | 03:30 |
bert | well then it is out of toner or something wrong with the cartridge | 03:31 |
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bert | take out the cartridge and tap it a few times against a hard surface, then try to print again | 03:32 |
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jjesse | is there a program like hyperterminal in windows that i can use to connect to my cisco routers via the management cable? | 03:36 |
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jrk | vmware ;) | 03:36 |
jjesse | jrk: was that a response to me? | 03:37 |
bimberi | jjesse: minicom | 03:37 |
jjesse | simple apt-get install minicom? | 03:37 |
kosh | minicom works I have used it to connect to a cisco 675 and 678 however I have not played with that in a long time | 03:37 |
bimberi | jjesse: yep (with sudo of course) | 03:38 |
jjesse | bimberi: of course :) thanks kosh as well | 03:38 |
bimberi | :) | 03:38 |
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composer | Hii | 03:41 |
kosh | hmm guess he did not want to stick around | 03:42 |
jjesse | :) | 03:42 |
MenZa | lol | 03:42 |
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klerfayt | is xset m 1 1 same as xset m 1 3 ? | 03:52 |
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Reon | I need help. having problems installing VMWare Server. Pastebi- | 03:54 |
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bpm | hello | 03:56 |
bpm | can anybody help me to connect to a cisco vpn concentrator? | 03:57 |
morrow | apt-get install vpnc | 03:58 |
morrow | you can also try kvpnc as a gui to vpnc | 03:59 |
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bpm | vpnc is not able to connect via tcp | 04:01 |
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bpm | i installed the client from cisco | 04:01 |
bpm | but it wont work | 04:02 |
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_JuDgEn_ | wich renderers do i need to have working to be able to use opengl screensavers? | 04:03 |
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bpm | | 04:04 |
bpm | this is the output i get on the console | 04:04 |
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nox-Hand | Hey | 04:10 |
MetaMorfoziS | hi all | 04:10 |
nox-Hand | How would I go about changing the boot screen thing? (( the Kubuntu image when I boot )) How would I change that to an own image or something? | 04:10 |
MetaMorfoziS | i have downloaded the koraa xgl packages cd | 04:11 |
MetaMorfoziS | and i has mounted it | 04:11 |
MetaMorfoziS | how can i intall it? | 04:11 |
MetaMorfoziS | (I'M using kubuntu breeezy) | 04:11 |
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wasp_ems | hello..i have a problem..whenever a leave my computer for a while withoun doing anything on it then it just freezes and there is nothing i can do..any help? | 04:16 |
nox-Hand | No idea, mate. | 04:17 |
wasp_ems | do u know if msn can be istalled? | 04:18 |
MetaMorfoziS | wasp_ems: do you need an msn client? | 04:20 |
wasp_ems | i want to install msn cause of the games etc it has which are not supported by any other client..i think | 04:20 |
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Hobbsee | wasp_ems: to do that, you'd probably need wine. i dont know if msn messenger runs under wine | 04:21 |
MetaMorfoziS | no, all of the spare functions (that the shit messenger supports) are not supported | 04:22 |
MetaMorfoziS | thank goodness:) | 04:22 |
wasp_ems | yeah | 04:22 |
Hobbsee | heh | 04:22 |
Hobbsee | although we did get a nudge function :D | 04:22 |
MetaMorfoziS | but the usable functions are yes, so you may try some client, amsn, or my favourite: kopete | 04:22 |
MetaMorfoziS | or #kopete | 04:22 |
Hobbsee | but ours is nowhere near as annoying as the msn messenger client ones! | 04:22 |
MetaMorfoziS | ^^ yes, some shit are integrated | 04:22 |
wasp_ems | i have kopete | 04:23 |
Hobbsee | MetaMorfoziS: language, thanks | 04:23 |
wasp_ems | but i also have a problem in that | 04:23 |
wasp_ems | cause me web cam does not work either | 04:23 |
wasp_ems | everything just freezes | 04:23 |
MetaMorfoziS | has you correctly installed webcam driver? | 04:23 |
wasp_ems | i think i have not installed one | 04:23 |
MetaMorfoziS | is your webcam works fine? | 04:23 |
MetaMorfoziS | because if it damaged | 04:23 |
MetaMorfoziS | it can freeze your machine | 04:24 |
MetaMorfoziS | i think about the damaged usb port, cable or etc. | 04:24 |
MetaMorfoziS | my english is bad, sry. | 04:24 |
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MetaMorfoziS | is your webcam plugged in? | 04:24 |
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wasp_ems | yes | 04:26 |
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MetaMorfoziS | try unplugg,and test 2-3 days | 04:27 |
MetaMorfoziS | if it isn't freezes, the problem is in your wcam | 04:27 |
wasp_ems | well basicall when i try to setup it up through kopete it all freezes | 04:28 |
MetaMorfoziS | i dunno about webcam setup... | 04:28 |
wasp_ems | on np | 04:29 |
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Hobbsee | wasp_ems: this dapper or breezy? | 04:31 |
nox-Hand | Anyone? | 04:31 |
wasp_ems | breezy | 04:31 |
Hobbsee | !tell nox-Hand about usplash | 04:32 |
Hobbsee | wasp_ems: right, i thought that patch was backported to breezy... with kde 3.5, i take it? | 04:32 |
nox-Hand | Hobbsee, 0_o *googles* | 04:32 |
wasp_ems | yep | 04:32 |
Hobbsee | nox-Hand: see your private message from ubotu | 04:33 |
nox-Hand | Hobbsee, Thanks a lot, yoiu got me on track :D | 04:33 |
Hobbsee | :) | 04:33 |
rus | bert: it's definetly the printer - the test page turns into two blank pages then it stops with all the lights on and no response - the printer is an old piece of junk | 04:33 |
wasp_ems | can someone guide me through on how to install a bootsplash and a window decoration..cause i have forgotten how to | 04:34 |
Hobbsee | !+bootsplash | 04:34 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: No idea, try searching at | 04:34 |
Samuli^ | !usplash | 04:35 |
ubotu | hmm... usplash is | 04:35 |
Hobbsee | a window decoration is through system settings, i thoguht | 04:35 |
Samuli^ | do you mean that or kde splash screen? | 04:35 |
Samuli^ | yeah, they're all really easy to find. | 04:35 |
Samuli^ | system (or) settings and appearance | 04:36 |
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wasp_ems | is usplash used for bootsplash? | 04:38 |
sladen | wasp_ems: "yes" | 04:38 |
wasp_ems | ok thanx | 04:38 |
sladen | wasp_ems: and does "window decoration" mean "theme?" | 04:38 |
wasp_ems | no | 04:38 |
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wasp_ems | well maybe | 04:39 |
Hobbsee | wasp_ems: that's all controlled in system settings, appearance | 04:39 |
wasp_ems | yeah i know..but when u download a new window decoration u are supposed to install it someway..last time i think i had to compile it | 04:40 |
Hobbsee | a lot are in the repos...for dapper, at least | 04:40 |
klerfayt | in gnome you just drag the file; in kde you need to install dev. libraries... | 04:40 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 04:43 |
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bartos | hi there | 04:44 |
klerfayt | ok this is odd why is default cache size in konqueror 5120 KB? | 04:44 |
wasp_ems | when i try and run part 2 of the usplash it does not work..the commands get an eror | 04:44 |
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bartos | i just instaled kubuntu 6.06,and i have no icons on desktop, is this a known issue??:) | 04:45 |
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sladen | wasp_ems: what error | 04:46 |
wasp_ems | i think i am doing it wrong..i have to type the name of the image there where it says yourimage.png right? | 04:46 |
sladen | klerfayt: it's 5MB... | 04:47 |
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sladen | klerfayt: 5120 = 5 * 1024 | 04:47 |
sladen | bartos: there are no icons on the desktop... The desktop is there for you to clutter up with your own files | 04:47 |
wasp_ems | sladen ny help? | 04:48 |
bartos | sladen, but there should be at aleast 'Home' directory icon..isn't it? | 04:49 |
sladen | bartos: no.. | 04:49 |
bartos | sladen, it's kde not xfce | 04:50 |
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sladen | wasp_ems: yes, of course you have to replace 'yourimage.png' with the name of your own image | 04:50 |
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_ita | hi all .. i need to work from home tomorrow via vpn .. i use (according to my adept) openssh-client .. should i install "openssh-server" to be able to get on my machine tomorrow ?! | 04:51 |
sladen | bartos: Kubuntu and Ubuntu both come with clean, neat, empty desktops. That's one of the things that makes them special | 04:51 |
sladen | bartos: the desktop is your workspace and you are free to fill it with the things you would like most. If you would like a home folder on it, then put one on it... but it's not that useful because if you have any applications open, you can't actually get to the desktop... | 04:52 |
bartos | sladen then i use 'show desktop'applet | 04:53 |
_ita | strg-alt-d ftw | 04:53 |
pradeepto | !skype | 04:56 |
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ubotu | well, skype is Breezy deb: | 04:56 |
bartos | how can i run another instace of kde session? | 04:57 |
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Hobbsee | bartos: kmenu, switch user, new session | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | hi Kyral_ with a tail | 04:59 |
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bartos | another question, does amaroK play mp3s by default? | 05:06 |
bartos | i quess not | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | bartos: not without the codecs | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | bartos: breezy or dapper? | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | !+restricted | 05:06 |
ubotu | restricted is, like, totally, Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats | 05:06 |
bartos | dapper | 05:06 |
Hobbsee | grab libxine-extracodecs | 05:06 |
bartos | tnx | 05:06 |
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wasp_ems | i want to compile something..i have installed build-essential and kdelibs4-dev..what do i do now..something with ./ | 05:10 |
robotgeek | !compile | 05:10 |
ubotu | A nice howto about compiling software from source code can be found at (but remember to search !apt first, after adding all the !repos) | 05:10 |
Hobbsee | !+compile | 05:10 |
ubotu | A nice howto about compiling software from source code can be found at (but remember to search !apt first, after adding all the !repos) | 05:10 |
robotgeek | Hobbsee: haha, faster :) | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | i blame the aussie lag... | 05:11 |
wasp_ems | thanx | 05:11 |
robotgeek | i think cause you had the + | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | yeah, probably | 05:11 |
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r0xz | is there a way to get an old monitor connected with kubuntu on a already installed OS without destroying my monitor (i got a very high beeb when i bootted) | 05:14 |
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r0xz | how do i get in terminal from boot? So that i can reconfigure xserver-xorg my my screen? | 05:17 |
r0xz | *for | 05:17 |
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h3sp4wn | r0xz: Select recovery mode from grub | 05:17 |
h3sp4wn | r0xz: Press escape pretty quickly (I think the default timeout is 3 seconds) | 05:17 |
r0xz | h3sp4wn: i tried that, but that goes until something about doing ipv6 in ipv4 mode, it just hangs there | 05:18 |
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r0xz | i'll try without a cable in my eth1 card.. | 05:19 |
h3sp4wn | r0xz: press ctl alt f1 (without the screen plugged in) then plug it in (unless you have changed the vga=line manually) | 05:19 |
derekS | if my crontab entry is "0 0 1 * * command" will it happen on the first of every month? | 05:20 |
robotgeek | derekS: you can use kcron :) | 05:21 |
derekS | robotgeek: i am not at the comp now | 05:21 |
derekS | sshing in | 05:21 |
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derekS | and i try to use my box headless as much as possible | 05:21 |
robotgeek | derekS: hmm, then man crontab :) | 05:22 |
derekS | robotgeek: i did, i jsut want to make sure, before it runs wild :) | 05:22 |
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robotgeek | derekS: you can use @monthly | 05:22 |
derekS | robotgeek: you want to make the entry in kcron and see if it converts to what i said? | 05:22 |
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derekS | @monthly? | 05:23 |
robotgeek | derekS: yeah, "man 5 crontab" | 05:23 |
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h3sp4wn | derekS: thats at 0:00 on the first of every month (what you said) | 05:23 |
derekS | robotgeek: thanks | 05:23 |
derekS | h3sp4wn: beautiful | 05:23 |
derekS | thanks | 05:23 |
derekS | i would have been sad if it turned out that it really did once every 30 seconds or something | 05:24 |
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[CoN] bLuE | Neu | 05:29 |
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[CoN] bLuE | Neu | 05:30 |
r0xz | thanks h3sp4wn, it worked out fine without an ethernet cable in system. Up to buy a new monitor (i love the sound of that ;) ) | 05:30 |
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Bizzeh | hey | 05:32 |
Bizzeh | im thinking of making a switch from gentoo to kubuntu | 05:32 |
Bizzeh | how is kubuntu at dealing with smp | 05:32 |
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Bizzeh | and, can i recompile kubuntu if i felt like it | 05:33 |
robotgeek | Bizzeh: i think there are smp kernels avaialbe | 05:33 |
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Carbon_Monoxide | Hello | 05:35 |
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Carbon_Monoxide | Anyone here has been shifted from Gnome to KDE? | 05:36 |
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wasp_ems | because for some reason everything is starting to there any program or code i can use in order to check my system and fix any errors it might have.. | 05:37 |
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lwizardl | what does a filename listed in green with a * in front mean? | 05:38 |
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evert_ | hello , how can i see or the 'nv' driver or the 'nvidia' driver is used at the moment ? | 05:38 |
wasp_ems | konqueror seems to have a problem also | 05:39 |
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dergringo | hi | 05:40 |
bleaked | evert_: well, you can check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what the driver setting says..or unless you've disabled it, when you start X, there's an nvidia logo that flashes. (there's probably a better way to find out, but that's all i, for one, know) | 05:40 |
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EvilIdler | evert_: glxinfo | 05:41 |
evert_ | ok , but just restarting x (control ald backspace) isn't enough to make the nvidia drivers working ? | 05:41 |
evert_ | i'm still running nv , grr hate drivers :( | 05:42 |
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EvilIdler | evert_: It should be, if you've changed the config and loaded the kernel module | 05:42 |
evert_ | i'm trying it :) | 05:43 |
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wasp_ems | can anyone help me?? | 05:43 |
wasp_ems | konqueror is all the time freezing | 05:44 |
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dergringo | wasp_ems: what kubuntu, what hardware? | 05:44 |
wasp_ems | what do u mena? | 05:44 |
wasp_ems | mean | 05:44 |
wasp_ems | breezy | 05:45 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: do you use breezy or dapper? | 05:45 |
dergringo | k | 05:45 |
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dergringo | wasp_ems: since when do you have this problem? is this a fresh installation? | 05:45 |
wasp_ems | yes i just re installed it all | 05:46 |
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dergringo | wasp_ems: did you have this problem before? | 05:46 |
wasp_ems | kopete does not open either now.. | 05:46 |
wasp_ems | no | 05:46 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: have you done the updates? | 05:46 |
wasp_ems | everytime i re install it i get a new problem | 05:46 |
wasp_ems | ye | 05:46 |
wasp_ems | s | 05:46 |
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dergringo | wasp_ems: hmm what about your hardware? something exotic? | 05:47 |
wasp_ems | no..i do not think so | 05:47 |
wasp_ems | cause the previous times i did not have such problem | 05:47 |
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dergringo | wasp_ems: so reinstalled and just after installation you had this problem? | 05:48 |
wasp_ems | the other problem that i get is that if i leave my pc for a while everything just freezes and there is nothing i can it shows that the hard drive is running allot when that occurs | 05:48 |
wasp_ems | well after i updated and upgraded | 05:48 |
wasp_ems | slowly slowly new problems arrose | 05:49 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: upgraded from what to what? | 05:49 |
wasp_ems | kde 3.4.3 to 3 .53 | 05:49 |
wasp_ems | 3.5.2 | 05:49 |
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kung | hi | 05:50 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: how did you do that? using a deb-file or by self-compiling? | 05:50 |
wasp_ems | i have re installed it all 3 times from yesterday | 05:50 |
kung | where can I find the .config used for the default kernel? | 05:50 |
wasp_ems | i changed the repos and upgraded | 05:50 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: hmm why don't you upgrade to dapper? | 05:50 |
wasp_ems | is it better? | 05:50 |
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dergringo | wasp_ems: it is up to date and stable in my oppinion | 05:51 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: i am using it right now | 05:51 |
wasp_ems | i really do not know the difference..i decided to change from windows to linux and since then i am alsways getting some trouble | 05:51 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: my tip: use dapper you will be happy :) | 05:52 |
wasp_ems | it is quite annoying cause whenever i re install i get a new problem | 05:52 |
wasp_ems | ok how do i do that? | 05:52 |
Carbon_Monoxide | I would like to ask a silly question here | 05:52 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: you can do a dist upgrade to dapper or download the cd image (recommended) | 05:52 |
wasp_ems | oh..if i download the cd image i will have to re install everything right? | 05:53 |
Carbon_Monoxide | Would apps like gDesklet run when I have both KDE and Gnome? | 05:53 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: yes i'd do so | 05:53 |
wasp_ems | oh.. | 05:53 |
wasp_ems | :( | 05:53 |
dergringo | Carbon_Monoxide: yes | 05:53 |
wasp_ems | i have done the whole process 3 times till yesterday:( | 05:54 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: or you can do a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" after changing your sources to dapper | 05:54 |
Carbon_Monoxide | I made it run on startup. So, the gDesklet would run on startup even when I start with KDE? | 05:54 |
wasp_ems | so instead of breezy i write dapper? | 05:54 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: i am looking for an easy tutorial... it is not a big thing | 05:55 |
wasp_ems | but is that not what i must do?just put in place of the word breezy dapper? | 05:56 |
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dergringo | wasp_ems: pastebin your sources please | 05:57 |
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wasp_ems | ok | 05:57 |
dergringo | !pastebin | 05:57 |
ubotu | methinks pastebin is, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: | 05:57 |
wasp_ems | dergringo: | 05:58 |
wasp_ems | is there not something like chkdsk in linux? | 05:58 |
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wasp_ems | what is kded? | 05:59 |
Kadran | wasp_ems: this is dos and linux counterpart commands | 05:59 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: remove this line: deb breezy main. then replace alle breezy with dapper | 05:59 |
wasp_ems | ok | 06:00 |
wasp_ems | dergringo: kded seems to have a problem | 06:00 |
dergringo | wasp_ems: open console and type: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lst" | 06:01 |
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wasp_ems | dergringo: and then??it just shows me gnu nano 1.3.8 file: /etc/apt/sources.l | 06:02 |
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wasp_ems | dergringo: shall i just do it through kwrite? | 06:03 |
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dergringo | wasp_ems: oh i am sorry the file is called "sources.list" not .lst | 06:03 |
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Carbon_Monoxide | how is the size of the package if I use "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"? | 06:08 |
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dergringo | Carbon_Monoxide: do it and the file size will be displayed but i think about 100Mb... after installation about 300Mb | 06:09 |
Carbon_Monoxide | I was asking because I have to estimate the download time it needs | 06:10 |
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r0xz | Hi guys, when i run an app in debug modus, i get X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 154 | 06:14 |
r0xz | and there's no debug anymore | 06:14 |
r0xz | Is this dapper related? | 06:14 |
wasp_ems | is there a site that tells u the commands for extracting tar.gz and bz2 files? | 06:14 |
wasp_ems | i had one but lost it | 06:14 |
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r0xz | because i am not the only person on dapper with this problem, afaik | 06:15 |
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wasp_ems | ok found it | 06:16 |
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r0xz | could anyone test or verify? | 06:18 |
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wasp_ems | where can i download games for kubuntu? | 06:23 |
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omeow | What's the eta on dapper? Two weeks estimate? | 06:26 |
MeTa[AwAy] | who has installed xgl on breezy | 06:28 |
MeTa[AwAy] | ? | 06:28 |
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EvilIdler | wasp_ems: You can find free games in the repository most of the time, and pointers at and | 06:35 |
EvilIdler | wasp_ems: There are also some games for sale at | 06:36 |
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MetaMorfoziS | wasp_ems: check: ut2004 , armagetron, ut99, quake, cod, doom3, and others check loki installers | 06:38 |
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EvilIdler | wasp_ems: should have a guide to getting America's Army running, too | 06:38 |
metalhedd | whats new in adept with the latest dapper updates? | 06:39 |
MetaMorfoziS | wasp_ems: <-- this team created installer for a lot of games (ut2k4 doom3 and others) check it! | 06:40 |
wasp_ems | thanx allot | 06:41 |
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Bizzeh | hey | 06:42 |
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Bizzeh | i keep getting "error: unsupported archutecture" when trying to install the xorg ati drivers on x64 | 06:42 |
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inc|freaky | hm, bizzeh is fast ;D | 06:46 |
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wasp_ems | when u open the kasbar..what does the second window show..under the time? | 06:52 |
mlehrer | anyone using dual screens on kubuntu? | 06:53 |
MetaMorfoziS | anybody please help me, i wan't install xgl on my kubuntu breezy | 06:53 |
MetaMorfoziS | mlehrer: i'm used it for 45 minutes | 06:54 |
MetaMorfoziS | with a projector, and nvidia card | 06:54 |
MetaMorfoziS | why? | 06:54 |
omeow | What's the eta on dapper stable? Someone said something like two weeks. | 06:54 |
mlehrer | i'm just wondering how well it works these days | 06:54 |
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mlehrer | omeow: i thought it was coming in mid june | 06:55 |
MetaMorfoziS | mlehrer: yes it's very easy | 06:55 |
mlehrer | MetaMorfoziS: e.g. can window managers deal with it, is it easy to move windows between two screens with different resolutions | 06:55 |
omeow | Oh ok. Would you happen to know anything about DVD issues where it won't start the installation? | 06:55 |
mlehrer | will screen savers choke on it | 06:55 |
mlehrer | those are the 3 problems i had with it before | 06:56 |
MetaMorfoziS | is you use "Twinview"? | 06:56 |
mlehrer | what is that | 06:56 |
MetaMorfoziS | in xorg.conf | 06:57 |
MetaMorfoziS | this is a function that enales twinmonitor | 06:57 |
MetaMorfoziS | !twinview | 06:57 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at, MetaMorfoziS | 06:57 |
MetaMorfoziS | ... | 06:57 |
MetaMorfoziS | google forit | 06:58 |
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Poker | how is it possible to close the X-server | 07:01 |
Poker | ? | 07:01 |
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wasp_ems | i have an error..."service '/usr/share/applications/kde/kfmclient_dir.desktop' is malformed" anyone know what i can do? | 07:03 |
wasp_ems | or what caused it? | 07:04 |
Johncro13 | sorry, Wasp. i'm clueless. | 07:07 |
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Bizzeh | hey, i got the latest amd64 k8 smp kernel, and when i try and install ati binary drivers, it says i dont have the correct linux source, even though i have the source for the 2.6.12-10 kernel (which is what mine is) | 07:09 |
Bizzeh | anyone any idea whats going wrong | 07:10 |
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dergringo | when I try to extract an icon-archiv directly to /usr/share/icons/hicolor, arc tells me that the folders 16x16, 32x32, etc. already exist. How I can I extract them to this place? | 07:12 |
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Bizzeh | how do i create the linux link to /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12/ | 07:17 |
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MetaMorfoziS | Poker: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 07:17 |
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HymnToLife | Bizzeh> sudo ln -s /path/to/trget /parth/to/link | 07:18 |
triceratops | Any Idea why the konqueror profiles are gone in dapper? | 07:18 |
scubes13 | hello everyone - question, how do I do a workstation install of breezy and have it not install anything related to a laptop? | 07:18 |
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scubes13 | whoops, this isnt the breezy channel, is it.... | 07:19 |
scubes13 | ? | 07:19 |
HymnToLife | yes it is | 07:19 |
scubes13 | ok - lol | 07:19 |
scubes13 | blonde moment | 07:19 |
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=== nox-Hand stops dead in his tracks, thinking what the hell he is doing singing such a song, and starts mplayer playing Fear Factory instead | ||
=== EvilIdler thinks that's excellent purging music | ||
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scubes13 | I just did two fresh installs of breezy on an Epox EP-9GF6100-M board, and each time I reboot, the system hangs at "Checking battery state" | 07:21 |
nox-Hand | EvilIdler, You like Fear Factory? | 07:22 |
=== nox-Hand wonders where he knew God Bless America from, with being Danish and all.. | ||
EvilIdler | nox-Hand: It's OK, although I'm purging with Suicide Commando right now ;) | 07:23 |
nox-Hand | (( well, British, just living in Denmark, but meh )) | 07:23 |
nox-Hand | EvilIdler, MIght I ask what that means? ;) | 07:23 |
EvilIdler | nox-Hand: What what means? | 07:23 |
nox-Hand | Purging with Suicide Commando ;) | 07:24 |
EvilIdler | Purging bad nationalistic songs ;) | 07:24 |
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nox-Hand | Ah. | 07:26 |
nox-Hand | I always did hate that song ;) | 07:26 |
nox-Hand | So purge it from history, please, while you are at it | 07:26 |
Johncro13 | q: does flight 7 include all updates up to its release date? | 07:27 |
triceratops | Why is nobody assigned to Bug #45004 (Konqueror profiles)? | 07:28 |
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gil | i need some help with superskaramba? | 07:29 |
gil | can anyone help me? | 07:29 |
milian | hello, how do I change the icon size on my desktop? | 07:32 |
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milian | aw, kcontrol ... found it | 07:34 |
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apol | someone knows how macbooks run kubuntu? | 07:41 |
evert_ | hello all ,i'm having a little problem with amarok on dapper drake | 07:41 |
evert_ | i get the error : /usr/lib/amarok/amarokapp: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ invalid ELF header ... does somebody know how to fix it ? an hour ago it just worked fine .. in the time i (tried) to install nvidia drivers , but that failed | 07:42 |
apol | evert_: its a libGL problem, not an amarok problem | 07:43 |
apol | and it is caused by the nvidia installation you failed | 07:43 |
evert_ | so how can i fix the libGL problem | 07:43 |
apol | because they substitute the file | 07:43 |
evert_ | ok , but how can i fix it ? | 07:43 |
apol | it deppends on how you have installed the driver | 07:44 |
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apol | try reinstalling libgl1-mesa | 07:44 |
evert_ | I did it this way ( method 2) | 07:44 |
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evert_ | i'm reinstalling libgl1-mesa | 07:45 |
apol | fine | 07:45 |
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evert_ | but can you help me with my nvidia drivers ? | 07:46 |
evert_ | the link i gave , i tried both method 1 and 2 but they both failed :( | 07:46 |
Donvinzk | Hi, I would like to switch from gdm to kdm, by hand | 07:46 |
apol | I'm not using an nvidia | 07:46 |
Donvinzk | which file should I edit | 07:46 |
evert_ | lucky you | 07:46 |
Donvinzk | I can not remember | 07:46 |
apol | Donvinzk: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 07:46 |
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Donvinzk | apol | 07:47 |
evert_ | thx , apol my Amarok works back again :) | 07:47 |
Donvinzk | thanks | 07:47 |
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apol | :) | 07:47 |
apol | you're both welcomed | 07:47 |
Donvinzk | apol you're the man | 07:47 |
Donvinzk | :-) | 07:47 |
apol | hehe | 07:47 |
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evert_ | i'm new to linux (since a week of 2) i do like it :) ... I only need to get the nvidia drivers working .. then i don't need to windows any more :) | 07:48 |
apol | I see | 07:48 |
apol | I installed nvidia drivers some time ago | 07:48 |
apol | it is much easier than ati BTW | 07:48 |
apol | xDD | 07:48 |
apol | you can install it from apt AFAIK | 07:49 |
apol | let me see | 07:49 |
apol | you have the modules on apt | 07:49 |
evert_ | Yes i know , On a system of a friend (also with nvidia) i didn't gave problems .. but on my system it won't go all right | 07:49 |
evert_ | i tried that already | 07:49 |
evert_ | but it fails | 07:49 |
apol | I'm sorry but I don't think i can help you | 07:50 |
apol | perhaps you'll find your answer in the wiki | 07:50 |
apol | there is a lot of info right there | 07:50 |
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nbdy | someone knows how to move directory with sub-dirs? | 07:50 |
evert_ | I did all the things in the wiki , none of them worked for me :( | 07:50 |
apol | mv dirtomove destination | 07:51 |
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vicks | my katapult always stops working after the first restart after kubuntu install (dapper). anyone knows whats up with this? | 07:51 |
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nbdy | apol: it always prints "Cant overwrite xy" | 07:52 |
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nbdy | even with -f | 07:53 |
Bizzeh | hey, when i "sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.12" how come it doesnt extract and create the linux dir for me? | 07:53 |
apol | nbdy: must be a privilege error | 07:53 |
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omega | What' s the default root password on an installation? | 07:54 |
omega | I didn't get to set a password on install. | 07:54 |
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apol | omega: there is no root password | 07:54 |
apol | you must use sudo | 07:54 |
apol | !sudo | 07:54 |
ubotu | somebody said sudo was a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at for all information. | 07:54 |
Bizzeh | can someone trigger how to install ati binary drivers | 07:55 |
simp | can amaroK play MP3? | 07:55 |
omega | But kde asks me for a password when I want to add packages. | 07:55 |
apol | simp: only with the right codecs | 07:55 |
r0xz | omega: use your own password | 07:55 |
simp | apol: where can i get the codecs? | 07:56 |
apol | apt | 07:56 |
omega | Oh ok. | 07:56 |
apol | you need multiverse repositories | 07:56 |
omega | Is there any way to get KDE to remember my password whenever I want to install packages? | 07:56 |
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kmon | anyone knows if the packages from are in german only? | 07:58 |
nox-Hand | What command should I use to get the full gnome desktop? | 07:58 |
nox-Hand | sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop << is that enough? | 07:58 |
kmon | nox-Hand: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ? | 07:58 |
nox-Hand | kmon, Ah, yes. Thanks =) | 07:58 |
kmon | no problem | 07:59 |
nox-Hand | kmon, Hey, does ubuntu desktop use GNOME 2.14? | 07:59 |
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nox-Hand | Or earlier? | 07:59 |
nox-Hand | Nah, no matter. forget it | 07:59 |
kmon | are you using dapper? | 07:59 |
nox-Hand | BBL, after install | 07:59 |
nox-Hand | kmon, I am not using dapper | 08:00 |
nox-Hand | I am on the stable | 08:00 |
nox-Hand | Will do the upgrade when the new comes out | 08:00 |
kmon | then you'll have gnome 2.12 | 08:01 |
r0xz | omega: not that i know off, sudo needs a user to enter his/her password afaik | 08:01 |
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omega | So everything that's launched via KDE that requires root acces is actually piped via sudo? | 08:02 |
simp | what port does the dapper(ubuntu) torrent client use by default or how to change it? | 08:03 |
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Bizzeh | how do i enable universe from text mode | 08:04 |
Lynoure | Bizzeh: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and then uncomment the line for it | 08:05 |
Bizzeh | <3 | 08:06 |
Bizzeh | :) | 08:06 |
Lynoure | Bizzeh: :) | 08:07 |
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Bizzeh | do i need to run anything like apt-get update ? | 08:07 |
kmon | omega: via kdesu | 08:08 |
Bizzeh | (im new to kubuntu) | 08:08 |
apol | Bizzeh: yes | 08:08 |
kmon | Bizzeh: anytime you change your sources.list you need to refresh them via: sudo apt-get update | 08:08 |
omega | kmon: Would this mean that I could add my user to the list of sudoers and make it so I only have to enter my password once, after that I can always use sudo without a password? | 08:08 |
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Bizzeh | ty | 08:09 |
Bizzeh | trying to install ati drivers | 08:09 |
apol | omega: you can | 08:09 |
kmon | omega: you could look at kwallet | 08:09 |
kmon | but I don't know for sure | 08:09 |
apol | omega: adding your user to sudo group | 08:09 |
Bizzeh | need to get a whole load of crap to build the new interface | 08:09 |
apol | omega: but be careful... | 08:09 |
omega | Also... what is this stuff about the kubuntu wiki certificate not being valid? | 08:09 |
apol | omega: don't worry, just let it continue | 08:11 |
kmon | omega: currently, the site redirects to ubuntu wiki | 08:11 |
kmon | the certificate is created for ub | 08:11 |
kmon | not, | 08:11 |
kmon | that's why you get a message | 08:11 |
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fede | hi, I have a corrupt /dev/md0 device, on boot it fails mounting, should I e2fsck both devices? | 08:19 |
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kmon | bye | 08:24 |
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Bizzeh | hey, i have hdb as a ntfs drive, but its only accessable by root, what do i need to do so i can add my standard user to be able to read from it? | 08:27 |
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GeneralZod | Bizzeh:For Ubuntu, but should apply to Kubuntu: | 08:28 |
dergringo | how can i get rid of usplash without removing kubuntu-desktop? | 08:28 |
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GeneralZod | dergringo:kubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package, and can be safely removed. | 08:29 |
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GeneralZod | dergringo:Is the kubuntu-desktop the only thing it will remove? | 08:30 |
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dergringo | GeneralZod: this two things: kubuntu-desktop usplash | 08:30 |
GeneralZod | dergringo:Should be fine, then :) | 08:30 |
dergringo | GeneralZod: sure? ^^ | 08:31 |
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GeneralZod | dergringo:90% ;) | 08:31 |
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dergringo | GeneralZod: it worked ;) | 08:33 |
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GeneralZod | dergringo:Phew!:) | 08:33 |
omega | Does this apply to the official drivers from Nvidia? I have a Geforce 6600GT. | 08:33 |
Bizzeh | also, how do i get amrock to play mp3? | 08:34 |
omega | It looks like a straight copy from the Ubuntu wiki page. =/ | 08:34 |
omega | Bizzeh: You need to download a couple of packages. | 08:34 |
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dergringo | Bizzeh: | 08:34 |
dergringo | !mp3 | 08:34 |
ubotu | mp3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read | 08:34 |
dergringo | ^^ | 08:35 |
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dergringo | 2late | 08:35 |
Bizzeh | omega: search amrock in adept and i should see what im looking for? | 08:35 |
Bizzeh | btw | 08:35 |
Bizzeh | i got the propriatory ati drivers running | 08:35 |
omega | No, just read that page. :) | 08:35 |
Bizzeh | im in kubuntu, with a nice gui with a hardware accell :) | 08:35 |
dergringo | Bizzeh: did u install xgl? | 08:37 |
Bizzeh | no, how would i go about that? | 08:38 |
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dergringo | Bizzeh: [20:35] <Bizzeh> im in kubuntu, with a nice gui with a hardware accell :) <-- if you don't have xgl/aiglx what else? | 08:40 |
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apol | Bizzeh: Congrats! | 08:42 |
apol | Bizzeh: be careful with Xgl :P | 08:42 |
dergringo | has anyone installed KBootSplash? | 08:42 |
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kronoz | hmm, has kubuntu got compiz kde working? | 08:42 |
kronoz | suse has i think | 08:43 |
derekS | kronoz: expect that for dapper+1 | 08:43 |
derekS | kronoz: thats becasue they created it | 08:43 |
apol | !xgl | 08:43 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on | 08:43 |
kronoz | derekS, yes so obviously they would have it first but it just shows that it can be done ok and therefore implimented in kubuntu | 08:44 |
kronoz | i don't really like xgl that much personally | 08:44 |
Bizzeh | dapper is 6.06 right? | 08:44 |
dergringo | yip | 08:44 |
apol | kronoz: I've seen it on gentoo too | 08:44 |
apol | Bizzeh: yes | 08:44 |
derekS | it is out there, but don't expect it to work well, it will take some hacking | 08:45 |
dergringo | XGL seems to be nice but I don't get it running. I'll wait 'till its more stable | 08:45 |
kronoz | well compiz, the idea of accelerated X is good, but the wobly windows are annoying and the menu popup stupidlu, it makes you work slower | 08:45 |
derekS | and ubotu (the bot) gcce you some references | 08:45 |
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derekS | i think that redhats will make it into dapper+1 | 08:45 |
derekS | it is more modular | 08:45 |
kronoz | apol, on kororaa? | 08:45 |
apol | kronoz: right | 08:46 |
kronoz | derekS, AIGLX? | 08:46 |
dergringo | aiglx? has no nvidia support | 08:46 |
derekS | kronoz: yeah | 08:46 |
derekS | give it time | 08:46 |
apol | privative drivers are both nvidia and ati awfull | 08:46 |
inc|freaky | does anybody know when the cpu frequency scaling for Amilo M1437G will be supported? because i dont want to use linux running with 800Mhz instead of 2000 :( | 08:46 |
kronoz | hmm, i would trust novell to do a better job than redhat, redhat themselves said they don't do desktops much so I don't aiglx will be that great | 08:46 |
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derekS | kronoz: novell made theirs without consulting the community, redhat did theres using community driven specs | 08:47 |
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klerfayt | can you rund 3d applications then compiz is enabled? | 08:47 |
apol | klerfayt: of course | 08:47 |
kronoz | inc|freaky, `cat /proc/cpuinfo` does that say 800mhz? | 08:47 |
derekS | i am starting to trust novell less and less | 08:47 |
kronoz | derekS, same here | 08:48 |
kronoz | derekS, i don't like Ximian being directors personally | 08:48 |
inc|freaky | kronoz: model name : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.00GHz --> cpu MHz : 799.711 | 08:49 |
visik7 | anyone have try to compile debs of firefox from dapper to breezy ? | 08:49 |
apol | klerfayt: I can't have private | 08:49 |
visik7 | please don't replay with newerfirefox wiki pake | 08:49 |
visik7 | page | 08:49 |
inc|freaky | its a centrino on my laptop | 08:49 |
derekS | ximian is fine, they always have been, its now the novell rules | 08:49 |
klerfayt | can you play games then glx is enabled? | 08:49 |
apol | klerfayt: I think so, why not? | 08:50 |
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kronoz | derekS, the old and founding suse devs appear to be leaving, their leaning towards gnome and have a pretty buggy package manager, it has potential but is quite broken atm, so things aren't going well for them at the moment i think | 08:52 |
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derekS | i like gnome :) i wish they would drop kde in general | 08:52 |
derekS | or start a second distro | 08:53 |
apol | derekS: don't flame :) | 08:53 |
derekS | apol: i am not, i use both | 08:53 |
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klerfayt | hmm, I should try glx with dapper then if you say that 3d games are possible | 08:54 |
Bizzeh | is there any way to turn off tabs in konq | 08:54 |
apol | klerfayt: If glx doesnt work on dapper for you, you won't be able to work with Xgl | 08:55 |
apol | ... | 08:55 |
slow-motion | bbl | 08:55 |
klerfayt | apol: it works. I'm sure. | 08:56 |
apol | klerfayt: :) | 08:56 |
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kronoz | derekS, suse has one of the best kde dekstops out their imo, it would be stupid to drop it, they should focus on it as much as possible imo | 08:58 |
klerfayt | why has "grayscale" sub-pixel hinting gone from kde? | 08:58 |
klerfayt | you have it in gnome but it's not in kde? | 08:59 |
kronoz | where does kde store color scheme info? | 08:59 |
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omega_ | Hi again. | 09:00 |
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klerfayt | if I enable RGB sub-pixel hinting should the hinting style be medium or full? | 09:01 |
omeow | I'm trying to play streaming radio in amaroK and/or Kaffeine and I've installed the proper packages according to the RestrictedFormats page. However, it seems as if amaroK can' t connect to the servers. | 09:01 |
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claydoh | omeow: try switching to the xine engine in Amarok | 09:04 |
claydoh | amarok-xine | 09:04 |
claydoh | and restart amarok | 09:05 |
omeow | There's only xine in the list. | 09:05 |
omeow | (I'm using dapper) | 09:05 |
=== claydoh goes and looks........ | ||
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claydoh | I am using amarok 1.4beta, can't remember what is needed for 1.3 | 09:07 |
omeow | Adept needs libxine-extracodecs but it's not in the package list. | 09:07 |
claydoh | have you enabled universe/multiverse? | 09:07 |
omeow | I enabled everything. | 09:07 |
omeow | (and disabled my CD-rom) | 09:08 |
claydoh | did you add multiverse? not just universe | 09:09 |
claydoh | and then fetch updates or refreshed? | 09:10 |
claydoh | | 09:10 |
mth`MAW | Dos somebody knows a way to stream a nsv (webcam-capture) to a shoutcast-server with linux | 09:10 |
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claydoh | | 09:11 |
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failure | Hi. I'm trying to upgrade my kubuntu to dapper with a dist-upgrade and apt wants to remove almost all kde packages. Any idea? | 09:12 |
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derekS | failure: i had that problem | 09:12 |
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failure | and did you solved it? :) | 09:13 |
derekS | Riddell told me to go ahead and do it, then install kubuntu-desktop | 09:13 |
ll_one | hello everybody :) | 09:13 |
derekS | i would talk to Riddell first, so he knows that there is still a bug | 09:13 |
omega-- | claydoh: That should cover it, shouldn't it? | 09:13 |
derekS | and it wasn't just me | 09:13 |
failure | did it work for you? or haven't you tried yet? | 09:14 |
claydoh | omega--: one sec while I peek :) | 09:14 |
ll_one | I'm having a problem authenticating in kubuntu. Can anyone here help me? | 09:14 |
derekS | failure: not really sure, i run the machine headless, and haven't vnc'ed in since the upgrade | 09:14 |
Bizzeh | hey, i have a nforce4 motherboard that has a built in cmedia sound card, how would i get this to work? | 09:14 |
Bizzeh | im trying to build the driver from nvidia | 09:15 |
Bizzeh | but i need a configured kernel source for the kernel im using | 09:15 |
Bizzeh | cant seem to figure that one out | 09:15 |
omega-- | claydoh: I think I found it already. I had to add multiverse to us.archive in order to enable it. | 09:15 |
failure | i think i'm going to wait to the final release :D | 09:15 |
Riddell | derekS: hmm? | 09:16 |
claydoh | yup thats it :) | 09:16 |
omega-- | I have music. | 09:16 |
failure | Riddell: hi | 09:16 |
claydoh | sweet omega-- | 09:16 |
Riddell | failure: hi | 09:16 |
failure | <failure> Hi. I'm trying to upgrade my kubuntu to dapper with a dist-upgrade and apt wants to remove almost all kde | 09:16 |
failure | packages. Any idea? | 09:16 |
omega-- | Now on goes the search for multidisplay settings... | 09:16 |
derekS | Riddell: i was talking about the problem i was having with dist-upgrade, where it tried to uninstall all of kde | 09:16 |
Bizzeh | how do i get a copy of the source to the kernel im using installed to /usr/src/ and have the right .conf? | 09:17 |
omega-- | Oh yeah.. and what ever happened to the Luxi font? =( I miss it. | 09:17 |
claydoh | omega--: system settings/Display, but I do not have dual monitor setup | 09:17 |
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Hoobly | does anyone know how to turn off one-click file launching in Konqueror? | 09:18 |
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omega-- | claydoh: Yeah I found that bit already. | 09:19 |
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claydoh | Hoobly: System Settings / mouse | 09:19 |
omega-- | It has no effect on my current setup. So I think i'll need to edit my xorg file manually. | 09:19 |
Bizzeh | anyway, so as i was saying, how would i get a copy of the source to the exact kernel im using, with the config, installed to /usr/src | 09:20 |
Bizzeh | ? | 09:20 |
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Hoobly | claydo: Booyah! thanx | 09:21 |
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claydoh | Bizzeh: instal the linux-source package | 09:22 |
claydoh | i think | 09:22 |
failure | Riddell: please... :$ | 09:24 |
evert__ | wich program can i use in kubuntu in place of 'dvd decryptor' in windows ? | 09:25 |
EvilIdler | evert__: dvd::rip (apt-get install dvdrip) | 09:26 |
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evert__ | ok , i'll install it , thx for the tip :) | 09:27 |
pradeepto|away | failure: you want $ from Riddell? | 09:27 |
pradeepto|away | ;) | 09:27 |
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slow-motion | re | 09:29 |
bofh | Is there a bug with user avatars an ICQ in Kopete Version 0.11.1 ? | 09:31 |
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Hoobly | anyone know of a laptop guide out there with reviews of vendor machines that work with kubuntu | 09:32 |
EvilIdler | Hoobly: Look for "linux on laptops" in Google | 09:33 |
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Hoobly | word. I thought someone might have something a little more specific to Kubuntu | 09:34 |
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EvilIdler | Hoobly: It would be the Linux on Laptops site, if any. They've got tons of laptops tested. | 09:35 |
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mzinz | Is the Dapper final out yet? | 09:46 |
Snake__ | mzinz: june 1st | 09:46 |
mzinz | Snake__: thanks :) | 09:46 |
Snake__ | Np :) | 09:46 |
mzinz | Snake__: how difficult is something like that to install? | 09:46 |
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mzinz | Snake__: or upgrade to, rather | 09:46 |
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Snake__ | mzinz: Upgrade from breezy? | 09:46 |
mzinz | Snake__: yeah, kubuntu on breezy | 09:46 |
Snake__ | mzinz: relativly simple, but I Dont know how well it works yet (It didnt work to well from hoary --> Breezy) | 09:47 |
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evert__ | i have a little problem with dvd::rip , i ripped a dvd , but no i have got 5 .vob files ... How can i see them at once (so not look file1.vob , then see file2.vob) | 09:47 |
mzinz | Snake__: well we've come along way, hope its not too bad | 09:47 |
Snake__ | Yea | 09:48 |
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chowells | evert__: the DVD spec only supports files of max 1024 MB. You can join them using 'cat' | 09:48 |
EvilIdler | evert__: Oh, you just wanted to rip a DVD to view on HD? | 09:48 |
evert__ | Yes indeed | 09:48 |
evert__ | just rip it to my hard disk | 09:49 |
EvilIdler | evert__: In that case, there are a ton of other tools..lemme see if I remember | 09:49 |
evert__ | ok | 09:49 |
evert__ | i'm using dvd::rip (since a few minutes in place of dvd decryptor on windows) | 09:49 |
mzinz | What are the Kubuntu splash screens titled on (The one where Ubuntu is loading right after POST) | 09:49 |
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EvilIdler | evert__: Simple tool called 'cpdvd' should do exactly what you need :) | 09:49 |
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EvilIdler | evert__: There's also 'dvdbackup | 09:50 |
omega-- | What's the KDE equivelant of System -> Preference -> Sessions from Gnome? | 09:50 |
evert__ | with that cpdvd i need to rip the dvd again ? | 09:51 |
EvilIdler | evert__: Not sure. | 09:51 |
omega-- | (I'm trying to set up XGL, following this guide; | 09:51 |
evert__ | it's not graphical :O | 09:51 |
EvilIdler | evert__: If it can copy individual files decrypted off a DVD, it should be OK | 09:51 |
evert__ | Never used a console based program before (only nano ) | 09:52 |
EvilIdler | evert__: Well, that's always the problem, eh? ;) | 09:52 |
evert__ | still new to linux , i'm still a 'clicking based' windows user ;) | 09:52 |
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EvilIdler | evert__: vobcopy is another tool, and I *think* someone made a graphical frontend you can find on Freshmeat | 09:53 |
evert__ | that vobcopy is really easy :) thx for it | 09:54 |
evert__ | just enter the command and it started copying :) | 09:55 |
evert__ | thx :) | 09:55 |
EvilIdler | Neat :) | 09:55 |
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Hoobly | how can I find out what release of Kubuntu I'm using? | 10:05 |
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r0xz | anyone knows if these vimemu cheatsheet also applies to vim? | 10:07 |
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r0xz | i can't seem to get some working | 10:08 |
Bizzeh | hey, im having trouble getting my sound working | 10:08 |
Bizzeh | my alsa_base is currently | 10:08 |
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Bizzeh | can anyone tell me if im missing anything | 10:08 |
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^_^ | | 10:12 |
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^_^ | a little suseesque eh? | 10:12 |
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jtmoney | looks good though | 10:12 |
jtmoney | i know that's ubuntu, whatever heh | 10:12 |
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evert__ | hello , i ripped a movie with vobcopy , but i still get 3 different vob files :( ( with dvd rip i got 5 different vob files) | 10:14 |
evert__ | I need one to see it (otherwise I need to change it in the middle of the film , that's no fun at all) | 10:14 |
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f166kmonkey | how do you instal automatix on Kbuntu? | 10:15 |
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Seantater | ubotu tell f166kmonkey about automatix | 10:20 |
Seantater | f166kmonkey: oops -- sorry | 10:20 |
Seantater | f166kmonkey: ubotu is not nice about automatix | 10:21 |
Seantater | ubotu list | 10:21 |
ubotu | [list] you can see a list of things I know at or | 10:21 |
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caligula | am i the only one having trouble with amarok on flight 7? | 10:22 |
Seantater | caligula: appearantly | 10:22 |
caligula | it's going weird.. | 10:22 |
Seantater | caligula: I'm having no problems | 10:22 |
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Seantater | caligula: what is wrong | 10:22 |
f166kmonkey | anybody know how to install Wine on KDe | 10:23 |
caligula | the automatic playlists don't work | 10:23 |
Seantater | f166kmonkey: sorry -- never could get wine to work -- if you can, /tell me/! | 10:23 |
caligula | nd sometimes the collection disappears, and I need to build it again.. | 10:23 |
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Seantater | caligula: have you made them into playlists? | 10:24 |
evert__ | hello , i ripped a movie with vobcopy , but i still get 3 different vob files :( ( with dvd rip i got 5 different vob files) | 10:24 |
evert__ | I need one to see it (otherwise I need to change it in the middle of the film , that's no fun at all) | 10:24 |
caligula | what do you mean? | 10:24 |
Seantater | caligula: You can make playlists too, they are much easier IMO | 10:25 |
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Seantater | evert__: Sorry -- never made a copy of a DVD, I always use the real thing.. | 10:25 |
caligula | yeah, I know, but I prefer the "smart playlists", and they don't work | 10:25 |
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Seantater | caligula: Sorry -- I never used a smart playlist -- only static ones | 10:26 |
caligula | alright.. thanks anyway | 10:26 |
evert__ | i need the rip , because my dvd drive is making to much noise for seeing a film... | 10:26 |
f166kmonkey | what is a good DvD ripper program for Kbuntu? | 10:26 |
Seantater | evert__: I do not know; but I do beleive there is a file size cutoff | 10:27 |
Seantater | Gosh -- DVD rippin is a common topic all of a sudden -- | 10:27 |
EvilIdler | DVD files are 1GB tops. They're split by necessity. | 10:27 |
Seantater | EvilIdler: What necessity? | 10:27 |
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EvilIdler | Seantater: The original DVD standard spec, I think | 10:27 |
Seantater | EvilIdler: why not encode in another format? | 10:28 |
EvilIdler | Although UDF discs can handle really big files | 10:28 |
evert__ | But when i ripped in windows with dvddecryptor i was able to see the film in one time :s | 10:28 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: Legacy support. People still have first-generation players that work just fine. | 10:28 |
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evert__ | is there a tool to rip to divx ? | 10:29 |
Seantater | EvilIdler: but when encoded, they should be able to be but in huge files, as long as the FS supports it | 10:29 |
EvilIdler | evert__: Yeah, dvd:;rip :) | 10:29 |
Seantater | evert__: I think there might be | 10:29 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: Yes, a computer can handle that. | 10:29 |
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evert__ | hmm dvdrip just rippes to my hard disk and then he don't encode | 10:29 |
evert__ | i'll see | 10:29 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: But not all standalone players can. | 10:29 |
EvilIdler | evert__: Check the next tab ;) | 10:30 |
Seantater | EvilIdler: How much space does the average DVD take up? | 10:30 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: 4.36 or about 8 gigs | 10:30 |
Seantater | :-() | 10:30 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: Cheapo budget movies have a tendency to be around 3.5 gigs, for some reason. | 10:30 |
=== EvilIdler buys a lot of crap horror :) | ||
Seantater | Okay -- Maybe I don't have /that/ much disk space.. | 10:31 |
EvilIdler | I've got a hundred gigs or more on each of three computers here. I can play around :) | 10:31 |
EvilIdler | Rent, rip, return, watch & delete :) | 10:31 |
Seantater | I have ~150GB on two computers, totalling 300GB | 10:32 |
EvilIdler | evert__: After ripping, move on to the clip & zoom section, pick a size, then to Transcode | 10:32 |
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Seantater | But I have a humongous DVD collection -- I think I will be just using the real DVD's | 10:33 |
evert__ | ok i i'll try it again :) | 10:33 |
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EvilIdler | evert__: You can pick number of CDs, and you can adjust it down or up to sizes you want | 10:33 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: Nice to not wear out drives, though. I've had a few that overheated while playing :/ | 10:34 |
evert__ | i just need 1 file , size don't matters | 10:34 |
EvilIdler | evert__: The files on some DVDs are a lot of movie clips and trailers in one, though. That's what the IFO files are for. They're the index. | 10:34 |
evert__ | an IFO is like a ISO file ? | 10:35 |
Seantater | Overheated? | 10:35 |
Seantater | Did not know.. | 10:35 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: Yes, spinning for 20 minutes, overheating, throwing a kernel oops, that sort of thing. | 10:35 |
Seantater | Is DVD+R or -R better? | 10:36 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: And watching DVDs all weekend while hopped up on caffeine is NOT good for you or your computer :P | 10:36 |
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evert__ | i first have to rip to my hard disk and then 'transcode' to something others ? | 10:36 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: Depends what you're using them for. Some players can't read one or the other. Computers and recent PS2s can use both. | 10:36 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: DVD+R can be encoded to look like DVD-ROM | 10:36 |
Seantater | Only computers here | 10:36 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: Buy the cheapest kind, then | 10:37 |
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klerfayt | does someone know why grayscale sub-pixel hinting is gone in kde 3.5? | 10:38 |
Seantater | Looks to me like -R has a higher capacity (at least in my case) | 10:38 |
Seantater | But only for video | 10:39 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: They're 4.38GB for all the brands I have used, whethere - or + | 10:39 |
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Seantater | 4.7 GB here | 10:39 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: That's the label. Stick it in the computer, and it measure actual size. | 10:39 |
EvilIdler | Measures, even | 10:40 |
Seantater | I don;t think I can when it's not written to | 10:40 |
EvilIdler | Sure you can :) | 10:40 |
EvilIdler | DVD recording programs can give you disc info | 10:40 |
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Seantater | Ah-Ha! | 10:42 |
Seantater | 1000/1024 differenec | 10:42 |
Seantater | difference | 10:42 |
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EvilIdler | Yep. Also known as marketing lies :) | 10:42 |
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Seantater | K3b has a sopt in the menu saying "Why 4.4 instead of 4.7?" | 10:43 |
Seantater | I clicked it and it told me | 10:43 |
evert__ | indeed | 10:43 |
evert__ | that's the same with hard disks | 10:43 |
evert__ | you gow for a 160gb hard disk , but you get 15* gb's | 10:43 |
EvilIdler | Yep, my 250GB drives might really be 236 | 10:43 |
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bilford | with Konqueror, do I have to get used to Icon view? it doesnt seem to save my List view setting | 10:46 |
bilford | oh | 10:46 |
evert__ | with dvd::rip i can't make 1 file of 1.5Gb :s | 10:47 |
bilford | View profiles | 10:47 |
EvilIdler | evert__: You should be. Just type in the size you want. | 10:47 |
bilford | I shouldve known bettter | 10:47 |
bilford | everything is configurable | 10:47 |
evert__ | then i get an error | 10:47 |
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evert__ | the target size field is a bit buggy , but it works now | 10:48 |
Seantater | Golly -- one single folder takes 5.8 GB -- way too much for one DVD | 10:49 |
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evert__ | "encrypted dvd support unavailable " | 10:50 |
evert__ | damned | 10:50 |
EvilIdler | evert__: apt-get install libdvdcss2 | 10:51 |
pm | where are locales options stored in the system-. the ones set by dpkg-reconfigure locales? | 10:51 |
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Seantater | EvilIdler: I thought it was libdvdread3, and then you executed a special script | 10:51 |
dergringo | how do i unpack .jisp files? | 10:51 |
Seantater | dergringo: .jisp? what files extion is that? | 10:52 |
EvilIdler | Seantater: Never did that here. I installed this system on Friday, and just got the tools I needed, plus libdvdcss2 from the multiverse or something | 10:52 |
evert__ | don't find that package | 10:52 |
r0xz | dergringo: jisp icon-sets are just zip files | 10:52 |
Seantater | evert__: Try libdvdread3 | 10:52 |
EvilIdler | evert__: Got free, non-free, universe and multiverse? | 10:52 |
evert__ | i got all repo's | 10:53 |
Seantater | let's see if ubotu knows anything about it | 10:53 |
EvilIdler | Then I dunno..could be the Penguin Liberation Front repos | 10:53 |
Seantater | !dvd | 10:53 |
ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via (section extras) | 10:53 |
EvilIdler | deb breezy free non-free | 10:53 |
Seantater | EvilIdler: nope -- I got it from totally ubuntu | 10:53 |
evert__ | seeing the dvd is no problem , it's transcoding ti to divx what's the problem ;) | 10:53 |
Seantater | Not needed -- I got it from totally ubuntu multiverse | 10:54 |
EvilIdler | Well, evert needs it :) | 10:54 |
dergringo | r0xz: thanks it seems to work | 10:54 |
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dergringo | r0xz: do you use SIM IM? | 10:54 |
KDEfanboy | how do you upgrade to 2.6.* kernel? | 10:54 |
evert__ | i installed the libdvdread3 , but it still don't works | 10:54 |
EvilIdler | evert__: That's just for reading IFOs. That's not the decryption library. | 10:54 |
evert__ | i need the decryption library .. what's the name of it ? | 10:55 |
EvilIdler | evert__: libdvdcss2 is what you need | 10:55 |
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dergringo | i am looking for a good XML editor. Any suggestions? | 10:55 |
evert__ | i can't find it with adept ? | 10:55 |
KDEfanboy | in dapper | 10:55 |
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EvilIdler | evert__: Try this repository in your sources.list: deb breezy free non-free | 10:56 |
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evert__ | ok | 10:56 |
EvilIdler | evert__: It's probably where mine comes from, as my others are just official repositories | 10:56 |
r0xz | dergringo: no i used to use psi a while ago | 10:56 |
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jtmoney_ | anyone know why apt-get can't locate the package "grub-splashimages" ... adept isn't showing it either | 10:56 |
evert__ | where can i find the sources.list i forgot , i'm sry | 10:56 |
jtmoney_ | is that some difference between kubuntu and ubuntu? | 10:57 |
dergringo | r0xz: what do you use right now? I am missing miranda IM :(( | 10:57 |
EvilIdler | evert__: /etc/apt/ | 10:57 |
EvilIdler | evert__: You'll get the hang of it eventually. It's only a hundred directories and 5000 commands to memorise ;) | 10:57 |
evert__ | haha | 10:57 |
r0xz | dergringo: just kopete, but the jabber part is missing some xmmp features | 10:57 |
evert__ | thx for the directory | 10:57 |
dergringo | r0xz: hmm ok | 10:58 |
evert__ | i succesfully installed the libdvd css2 files , but now i get following eror deb breezy free non-free | 10:59 |
evert__ | wrong paste sry | 10:59 |
DaSkreech | nalioth: hi | 10:59 |
nalioth | hi DaSkreech howzit goin? | 11:00 |
bilford | how do you turn that red line thing on in Konversation | 11:00 |
evert__ | libdvddreas:couldn't find device name ... can't open file VIDEO_TS.IFO | 11:00 |
bilford | that shows new messages since the window was last in view | 11:00 |
evert__ | how can i solve that problem ? | 11:00 |
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EvilIdler | evert__: That's weird.. | 11:00 |
DaSkreech | nalioth: Not bad OO.o makes me want to hit something with a stick | 11:01 |
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nalioth | DaSkreech: sounds like time for baseball, then | 11:03 |
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KDEfanboy | is an official ubuntu site? | 11:05 |
DaSkreech | I'm trying to support a school for their I.T. class but anytime they save something in Base then reopen it later all the data is lost | 11:05 |
bilford | how do you turn that red line thing on in Konversation | 11:05 |
bilford | that shows new messages since the window was last in view | 11:05 |
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DaSkreech | Can I have a Multiverse security line in sources.list? | 11:10 |
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Cerveza | hey, I have a problem, I tried to modify my xorg.conf file for better screen resolution, but when I go into the display properties some of the modes I added are possibilities | 11:11 |
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KDEfanboy | DaSkreech: deb dapper-security universe multiverse | 11:12 |
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DaSkreech | KDEfanboy: I guess what I'm asking is what those servers deliver and who maintains them | 11:12 |
saturno | ih boys! | 11:12 |
DaSkreech | KDEfanboy: It would be for high security patches right? | 11:13 |
KDEfanboy | DaSkreech: i think so. afaik they are ubuntu community supported packages | 11:15 |
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DaSkreech | So Ubuntu supports the Multiverse security patches? | 11:15 |
KDEfanboy | i have no idea. the wiki refers to them and i was just asking here whether is an official ubuntu site, which has a source list builder that includes them | 11:17 |
DaSkreech | sourceomatic? | 11:20 |
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TechHut | hello | 11:27 |
TechHut | I am experiencing a problem on Kubuntu | 11:27 |
TechHut | when my computer went down after a power outage last night, my fonts were messed up some how | 11:28 |
TechHut | I fixed the KDE ones, but when I try loading GAIM, the fonts are all small | 11:28 |
TechHut | be right back | 11:29 |
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goldenear_ | TechHut: what file system are you using ? I bet It's Reiser FS | 11:31 |
klerfayt | what's worng with reiser? | 11:31 |
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EvilIdler | Reiser has atrocious mounting time for my big drives | 11:32 |
klerfayt | but it's faster than ext3 | 11:32 |
EvilIdler | Using JFS now, but now when I lose power, I need to manually fsck before it can mount :/ | 11:32 |
EvilIdler | klerfayt: Isn't everything? ;)= | 11:32 |
slow-motion | n8 | 11:35 |
diop | kubuntu is the best :) | 11:37 |
apol | anybody knows how knows how kubuntu works on macbooks? | 11:39 |
TechHut | back | 11:39 |
goldenear_ | klerfayt: Reiser FS in not very nice after a power outage | 11:40 |
goldenear_ | s/in/is | 11:40 |
TechHut | Could that be what corrupted the files that store my font settings? | 11:40 |
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JBirdAngel | kubuntu is ubuntu with kde right? can kde run things gnome cant? and you can use any um, kde/gnome type thing with ubuntu right? | 11:41 |
arafat | JBirdAngel: yes:-) | 11:42 |
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TechHut | 1) I think, 2) they can run both as long as you have the libraries you need for each 3) and yes, that is a window manager, and as long as yo install it | 11:42 |
TechHut | you* | 11:42 |
JBirdAngel | okay thank you both | 11:42 |
JBirdAngel | and linux is basically virus adaware etc free right? | 11:43 |
TechHut | Wierd though, the fonts look nice on apps that work just fine on KDE, but the GTK+ applications, the fonts are screwy | 11:43 |
goldenear | TechHut: yes,Reiser FS can loose files after a power outage | 11:43 |
TechHut | Linux has a few viruses out there, and there could be a rar adware out there, but don't expect the adware | 11:43 |
TechHut | I am pretty sure | 11:43 |
iNiku | kde and gnome are not window managers, they are desktop environments... the window manager is only a small part of both | 11:43 |
iNiku | by default kwin in kde, metacity in gnome | 11:43 |
DaSkreech | compiZ!!! | 11:44 |
JBirdAngel | oh okay thank you TechHut and iNiku | 11:44 |
JBirdAngel | so would i want to install an antivirus and firewall and such? | 11:44 |
DaSkreech | I don't know. Would you? :) | 11:44 |
DaSkreech | You can but firewall would be the most useful | 11:44 |
DaSkreech | and as far as I know Kubuntu comes with no interfaces to the outside world on | 11:45 |
goldenear | iNiku: KDE is a DESTOP environment, GNOME is not: it's a "Network Object Model Environment" :D | 11:45 |
DaSkreech | So you shouldn't have anyone breaking | 11:45 |
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DaSkreech | in | 11:45 |
TechHut | anyone have suggestions what I should do? | 11:45 |
TechHut | or should I consider myself screwed, cut my losses, and use Kopete? | 11:46 |
goldenear | Kopete is very nice | 11:46 |
JBirdAngel | DaSkreech: okay thank you | 11:46 |
goldenear | and more integrated in KDE than GAIM | 11:46 |
bilford | how do I easily see how much disk space I have left in Konqueror | 11:46 |
TechHut | then I guess I will use Kopete | 11:46 |
bilford | like a Status bar thing | 11:46 |
=== DaSkreech kicks Kopete | ||
goldenear | TechHut: you won't regret it :) | 11:47 |
TechHut | I have got to say though, I have noticed a large difference running Windows and Linux on this computer | 11:47 |
DaSkreech | I do :( | 11:47 |
TechHut | Everything runs alot faster now | 11:47 |
DaSkreech | JBirdAngel: try it out without those for a while | 11:47 |
goldenear | TechHut: Power outages can make your system in a real mess | 11:48 |
TechHut | I need to invest in a UPS then | 11:48 |
DaSkreech | 11:48 | |
ubotu | I guess print is or | 11:48 |
TechHut | Maybe I should jsut switch to all laptops, no need to get a UPS, everything comes right in a little box | 11:48 |
JBirdAngel | DaSkreech: try it without firewall etc? | 11:48 |
DaSkreech | Yes | 11:49 |
DaSkreech | It's safe enough without them and it might make life more difficult for you | 11:49 |
JBirdAngel | DaSkreech: you mean might make it more difficult to ahve htem | 11:49 |
DaSkreech | Correct | 11:49 |
goldenear | TechHut: yes you should. Also ext3 is a bit slower than Reiser FS but it resists better to power outage... | 11:49 |
DaSkreech | You could lock yourself out of things you want to get into :) | 11:49 |
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TechHut | darn | 11:50 |
JBirdAngel | DaSkreech: okay thank you, lol okay ill probably have enough confusion trying to get used to it without doing that | 11:50 |
TechHut | I went with ReiserFS hoping for better performance | 11:50 |
TechHut | but now I can';t wait for Kubuntu 6.10, then I will jsut reformat, and use EXT3 | 11:50 |
DaSkreech | JBirdAngel: Right :) | 11:50 |
JBirdAngel | alright well thank you all for your help, i need to get back to work, have a nice time | 11:51 |
goldenear | DaSkreech: what's wrong with Kopete IYHO ? | 11:51 |
TechHut | i LOVE kopete | 11:52 |
TechHut | it reminds me of Trillian | 11:52 |
h3sp4wn | TechHut: Reiserfs is a journaling filesystem as well - Its the default fs on suse enterprise linux so basically as long as your using reiser3 not reiser4 you should be pretty safe | 11:52 |
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TechHut | I am not pretty sure which I am using | 11:52 |
DaSkreech | goldenear: Want the short list? | 11:52 |
goldenear | yep :) | 11:53 |
goldenear | or the long one if you want... | 11:53 |
DaSkreech | Tab management is terrible, It's crashy, There is no way to seperate Chats vs IMs | 11:53 |
DaSkreech | There is no granularity | 11:54 |
goldenear | TechHut: Reiser4 is not activated by default in K/Ubtuntu. I guess you use reiser3 | 11:54 |
EvilIdler | No buddy ticker! | 11:54 |
DaSkreech | and Ctrl+M doesn't work but I have learned to live with that | 11:54 |
DaSkreech | Oh Yeah You have to add people to talk to them | 11:54 |
DaSkreech | Search makes no sense on IRC | 11:54 |
DaSkreech | Though it's cool that they have it | 11:54 |
DaSkreech | I can't jump to a conversation | 11:55 |
DaSkreech | one or two other annoyances that I can live with till I run over them again | 11:55 |
bilford | in Konversation, how do you enable that Mirc Ctrl+L like thing | 11:55 |
goldenear | h3sp4wn: Reiser FS is nice if you have an UPS... | 11:56 |
bilford | the red line marker | 11:56 |
goldenear | DaSkreech: I never use Kopete for IRC... I use Konversation for that :) | 11:56 |
bilford | how do you get a list of servers in Konversation | 11:56 |
goldenear | Kopete is very good for true IM | 11:56 |
bilford | a master list | 11:57 |
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DaSkreech | goldenear: Ok Next time I jump onto IRC I'll try konversation | 11:57 |
TechHut | Anyone know any of the new features in Kubuntu 6.10? | 11:57 |
DaSkreech | I've heard enough about it | 11:57 |
TechHut | One thing that I would just love, is a pack of server tools | 11:58 |
bilford | you mean 6.06 | 11:58 |
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h3sp4wn | goldenear: It improves the performance of squid alot by running it off reiserfs (with a big cache) especially regenerating it | 11:58 |
TechHut | like RHEL's, where you can administrate HTTP stuff, like virtual hosts, etc | 11:58 |
DaSkreech | install kubuntu-server | 11:58 |
TechHut | wait, they made a package for that? | 11:58 |
DaSkreech | Is there an easy way to turn on Network printing in Kubuntu? | 11:58 |
TechHut | Ok, another problem | 11:58 |
TechHut | i dont have an update icon type thing in Kubuntu | 11:59 |
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TechHut | I installed it over Ubuntu, and don't have an update icon | 11:59 |
DaSkreech | TechHut: What do you mean? | 11:59 |
DaSkreech | a little you need to update button? | 12:00 |
TechHut | well, there was a button | 12:00 |
TechHut | where you could click, and it shows updates | 12:00 |
goldenear | h3sp4wn: you mean squid is faster on Ext3 ? | 12:00 |
TechHut | I haven't been able to update for quite a while | 12:00 |
DaSkreech | TechHut: There should be one by the clock | 12:01 |
DaSkreech | I have one | 12:01 |
TechHut | I don't have one | 12:01 |
DaSkreech | TechHut: Wait are you on 5.10? | 12:01 |
TechHut | yes | 12:01 |
h3sp4wn | goldenear: squid is faster on reiserfs I have tested it properly (using polygraph) | 12:02 |
TechHut | anything I could [re] install to get it [back] ? | 12:02 |
DaSkreech | Hmm been a while since I was on 5.10 | 12:02 |
goldenear | h3sp4wn: indeed, reiserfs is faster for many small file, but it can losse datas in case of a power outage | 12:02 |
DaSkreech | You'll get one in 6.06 :) | 12:02 |
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