
sladenso is for Linspire-warez type stuff;  or things (eg. Oracle) where you can probably get the program but have to pay to use it12:03
sladena la, very expensive shareware12:03
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sivangsladen: some of it is going to be distributed for free, although closed ;-)12:07
sivang(closed source, that is)12:08
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mdkethen commercial is _definitely_ the wrong word12:09
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pygimdke, lets rather argue what bug we are to fix next :)12:10
sladensivang: in wish case multiverse would be correct?12:10
mdkepygi: I'm better at arguing about words than fixing bugs, sadly12:10
mdkeunless you have any documentation bugs12:10
pygidocumentation bugs are also nice :-P lets go hunt them down :P12:11
sivangsladen: I believe so, closely reselmbling stuff on restricted-modules12:11
sivangsladen: btw, oracle now have XE (express edition) which is also for free, but closed.12:11
sladenand which comes with Ubuntu instructions... 12:15
tsengare they working on certifying ubuntu/oracle?12:15
_ionI agree with mdke.12:15
sladenI guess the difference is possibly the level of support that will be available from Canonical for it12:15
sladenin which case it'll be needing to go somewhere other than *verse12:15
sivangsladen: indeed. many have already blogged about it even12:17
dholbachgood night fellas12:17
sivangnight dholbach 12:18
dholbachnight sivang12:18
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_ionHi keybuk12:42
wasabi__Bah. Am I the only one SAD that Sun's Java is in Multiverse?12:47
HiddenWolfwasabi: not at all, your feelings are shared by some. :)12:48
HiddenWolfwasabi: just not those that prefer convenience over freedom. 12:49
wasabi__Naw. Even then.12:49
wasabi__Kaffe/GCJ/Classpath are quite good contenders for most of the "big" Java apps people keep requesting.12:49
wasabi__azureus, eclipse, etc.12:49
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HiddenWolfwasabi: unfortuntunatly in this day and age, freedom is not highly valued12:51
HiddenWolfeven in these circles12:51
BurgworkHiddenWolf, freedom is still valued. Ubuntu is not installing it by defaut12:51
HiddenWolfBurgwork: I had a user in -nl claiming that, well, ubuntu suited his taste, and it was fun, and easy and different, but he just couldn't care about this "free software" thing, nor understand why people might.12:53
HiddenWolfBurgwork: that sucked. :)12:53
BurgworkHiddenWolf, the great jdub has "they came for the quality and stayed for the freedom"12:54
Burgworkremember the long now12:54
HiddenWolfBurgwork: I sure hope so. :)12:56
sivanghey Keybuk , also in Mexico ?12:56
Keybuksivang: nope12:57
sivangah, then just switched your day and night times? :)12:57
Keybukmy day/night times are variable at the best of times12:57
lifelessthere gmt, and zulu, and keybuk12:58
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sivanglifeless: lol12:59
KeybukI need chocolate and ice cream01:03
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sivanganyway, it's way after my bed time here.01:12
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wasabi__Anybody still interesting in an ARM port?01:48
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wftlHello all. Can anyone confirm (or deny) whether xchat is part of Dapper?02:08
wftlIt was there, now it's not, and my latest update seems to have reinstalled it.02:09
crimsunxchat-gnome is in main; xchat is in universe02:09
Keybuk     xchat | 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 | dapper/universe | source, amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc02:09
FunnyLookinHatall I know is that dapper tried to install some pice of crap gnome-xchat or something02:10
Keybukxchat-gnome | 0.11-0ubuntu5 |        dapper | source, amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc02:10
FunnyLookinHatxchat-gnome is the sux0r.02:10
wftlWell, I guess that answers that [ insert appropriate smiley here ] 02:10
Keybuklamont: xchat-gnome hasn't built on hppa :p02:10
wftlThanks, all.02:10
lamontKeybuk: but did it fail, or just not get there yet?02:11
Keybukchroot fuckage02:11
KeybukErrors were encountered while processing:02:11
Keybuk /home/buildd/build-194542-91420/chroot-autobuild/var/cache/apt/archives/x11-common_7.0.0-0ubuntu43_hppa.deb02:11
KeybukE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:11
Keybukdpkg: error processing /home/buildd/build-194542-91420/chroot-autobuild/var/cache/apt/archives/x11-common_7.0.0-0ubuntu43_hppa.deb (--unpack):02:11
Keybuk subprocess pre-installation script killed by signal (Segmentation fault)02:11
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lamontKeybuk: yeah - said buildd needs to be whacked upside the head... will poke infinity02:31
jcoleare all arches now available on the primary mirrors?02:34
RiddellKamion: kde ubiquity good to merge when you can02:35
lamontjcole: no02:36
lamontwell, depending on what you mean by that questions02:36
=== lamont takes it to the other channel
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bddebianHeya zul02:57
bddebianThanks for uploading that02:57
zulno probs02:59
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jcoleman, this is weird03:30
jcolei sat here and watched this damn thing netinstall an entire ubuntu, now it's removing everything it just installed... wtf?03:31
jcoleremoving file-roller, removing gedit, etc.03:31
jcole---> http://jcole.org/removing.png03:32
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whiprushjdub: ping04:56
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jsgotangcowhiprush: !04:57
whiprushhi jerome04:57
jsgotangcowhat's up dude? i just watch the pistons get creamed04:58
whiprushjsgotangco: how are things in your hemisphere? bringing the wealth of ubuntu as usual?04:58
jsgotangcoive been busy at work, but preparing as part of the organizers for a local conference as well in august04:59
jsgotangcoi'll be at paris too if things go as planned05:00
whiprushI think the ubuntu release party/flickr thing this year will be totally bomb.05:00
ajmitchhey jsgotangco, whiprush 05:00
whiprushhey aj05:01
jsgotangcohey ajmitch 05:01
bddebianbomb as in "da bomb" or bomb as in "bombed in the box office" :-)05:02
whiprushda bomb dude.05:02
whiprushalways da bomb.05:02
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whiprushjsgotangco: I am making the dapperreleaseparty page now.05:06
whiprushtime to light this candle.05:06
bddebianSHouldn't that be "time to light this fuse" ;-)05:12
whiprushthere we go guys.05:19
jsgotangcowoo hooo05:23
jsgotangcowhiprush: dupe, there's DapperReleaseParties page too05:25
whiprushjsgotangco: ouch, how out of touch I am.05:28
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pittiGood morning08:11
jsgotangcogood morning pitti 08:12
pittihi jsgotangco, moin Keybuk 08:15
pittiajmitch: hello!08:15
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siretartpitti: ping08:43
pittihey siretart08:44
siretarthuhu pitti 08:44
siretartpitti: could you please have a short look at http://librarian.launchpad.net/2652545/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-i386.fai-kernels_1.10.3ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:44
siretartpitti: it ftbfs because of a strange error of pkgstriptranslations08:44
siretartI have no clue what it is talking about: pkgstriptranslations: inconsistent /CurrentlyBuilding file, Package: value is fai-kernels (should be kernel-source-
pittiouch, that sounds like a buildd bug08:46
=== pitti looks
siretartto whom should I talk about this problem?08:46
pittisiretart: erm, wait - the real source package name is fai-kernels?08:46
pittisiretart: does it build a source package within a source package? I. e. tries to call dpkg-buildpackage within the build process?08:47
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siretartpitti: yes. it distributes a binary package made with make-kpkg in the binary package08:47
pittisiretart: ah, that explains it08:48
siretartthat's what the build is basically doing08:48
pittisiretart: please do 'export NO_PKG_MANGLE=1' before building sub-packages08:48
dholbachgood morning08:48
siretartpitti: at the top of debian/rules, I assume?08:48
siretartmorning dholbach!08:48
pygimornin' dholbach 08:48
infinitysiretart: Not for the whole package, only for the sub-package build.08:49
pittisiretart: well, preferably just for the sub-build08:49
pittihi infinity 08:49
infinitysiretart: (Though, if your package has no translations anyway, it probably doesn't make a difference)08:49
siretartinfinity: the sub package build is started via make-kpkg!08:50
infinitysiretart: So, "NO_PKG_MANGLE=1 make-kpkg blah blah"08:50
siretart        make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --append-to-version -fai-kernels --revision $(REVISION) kernel-image08:50
pittiinfinity: it might make one once pkgmangler also does Maintainer field tricks, right?08:50
siretartallright. will do08:50
siretartwhat part of the build gets influenced by NO_PKG_MANGLE08:50
dholbachhey siretart, hey pygi08:50
siretartand why doesn't this happen on my local machine?08:50
sivangmorning all08:51
infinitypitti: True, though I expect I'll want to make the "search for debian/changelog" a bit more robust so we can mangle the maintainer field in sub-packages too..08:51
infinitypitti: Especially for cases like this one.08:51
pittisiretart: you don't have pkgstriptranslations installed08:51
pittisiretart: and you don't have the buildd black magic with the /CurrentlyBuilding file08:51
siretartok. so like I assumed: there IS black magic going on there.. :)08:52
infinityIt's not so much black magic as "oh god, get it off me, eww" hackery.08:52
siretartaah, and this NO_PKG_MANGLE shortcircuts pkgstripstramslations for the inner build, no?08:53
infinityname "NO_PKG_MANGLE" instead of "NO_PKG_STRIP" for the eventual case where we expect this thing to do more mangling.08:53
infinityThough, perhaps we might want one variable for each, now that I think about it.08:53
=== infinity shrugs.
infinityHacks upon hacks make the baby jesus cry.08:54
dholbachhey infinity08:54
infinityBonjour, Monsieur Holbach.08:55
infinitypitti: Any urge to take a quick look at bug #44267 for me?08:56
UbugtuMalone bug 44267 in evms "Can't create EVMS volumes with 'n' in the name" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4426708:56
pittiwow, that looks funny08:57
pittinot that I *ever* had used evms...08:57
dholbachinfinity: Comment a va?08:57
infinitypitti: No, but you applied the evil GTK2 patch, which may be the cause here (different hotkey handling, maybe?)08:57
infinitydholbach: Comme ci, comme ca.  Vous?08:58
pittiah, right08:58
pittiinfinity: well, since we're stuck with gtk1.2 in main anyway, I can as well revert it08:58
pitti(seems like the safest option right now?)08:59
dholbachinfinity: Merci beaucoup, a va bien, je suis un peut fatigu08:59
robitailleit's nice to see some french around here :)09:01
infinitypitti: Assuming that's the cause of the bug, yeah.  I didn't investigate it much, was just going through evms bugs as part my initramfs triage.09:01
dholbachrobitaille: #ubuntu-desktop replaced #ubuntuf-fr09:01
dholbachrobitaille: :-p09:01
Mithrandirrobitaille: I should just start speaking norwegian in here and hope people'll understand too, I guess.09:02
dholbachMithrandir: fire away! :)09:02
Mithrandirpitti: I can give it a shot, if you'd like.09:03
Mithrandirdholbach: ok, da begynner jeg  snakke norsk. :-)09:03
pittiMithrandir: that'd be nice! I'm just trying to reproduce it09:03
dholbachMithrandir: Mach ruhig weiter - ich glaub ich versteh etwas. :-p09:03
pittiMithrandir: for me it stops at the 'c', but same effect09:03
Mithrandirdholbach: jeg forstr tysk snn halvgreit, s det gr fint. :-)09:04
dholbachOk, I stop understanding :-)09:04
Mithrandirdholbach: "I understand German decent-ish, so that's ok". :-)09:04
dholbachhaha :)09:04
infinityThere's a norsk word for "decent-ish"? :)09:05
Mithrandirinfinity: half-decent, actually, but yes.09:05
Keybukdholbach: bore da, shwd ych chi bore 'ma?09:06
pittiinfinity: shall I care for the tbird update?09:06
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Mithrandirinfinity: we tend to just slam words together to make new words.09:06
infinitypitti: I've half rescued it from my old drive.  It seems mostly good to go.09:06
infinitypitti: I just want to fix up the branding before Thursday, s'all.09:06
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Mithrandirpitti: ok, evms bug reproduced.09:06
pittiinfinity: oh, cool09:06
infinitypitti: (And am prioritising rescuing/rewriting initramfs changes first, so mdz doesn't kill me)09:07
infinityI don't like death.09:07
pittiunderstandable :)09:07
Keybukinfinity: yeah, whatever happened to that? :p09:07
hendryi just installed kubuntu from scratch and the time/date is wrong09:11
hendryi chose the correct timezone09:11
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infinityhendry: Hardware clock in localtime instead of UTC?09:15
infinityhendry: I think Kamion just uploaded some fixes for that.09:16
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Keybukmdz: you're not supposed to come onto IRC drunk09:19
pittihi mdz 09:19
desrtKeybuk; interesting usplash release....09:19
mdzKeybuk: my client automatically reconnects when I get near a network09:19
Keybukdesrt: which one?  I didn't do anything interesting09:19
KeybukI just put the image back to the old one until we get a better new one09:20
desrtrefering mostly to the rationale behind the release09:20
Keybukoh, heh, I was grumpy :009:20
Keybukyou try spending an entire weekend explaining that "640x400 in 4:3 aspect ratio" does not mean "do it in 640x480 then rescale it"09:20
desrtwhere's his proposed screen?09:21
hendryinfinity: `hwclock` reads 01:20 KST09:21
Keybukwe don't have on at the moment09:21
desrtah.  it sounded like he sent you one09:21
hendryinfinity: which is wrong. wrong for utc and locatime09:22
Keybukoh, I got several in my inbox, they're all ... unsuitable09:22
desrtwhat's the deal with the text thing anyway?09:22
Keybuk"text thing" ?09:22
desrtwhy is it that it absolutely must stay for dapper?09:22
desrt(i was trying to defend this point to a friend, but realised that i don't really have any solid reasons to defend it)09:23
Keybukbecause we rely on it being there for a few things09:23
Keybuke.g. "you can now eject the live cd" :p09:23
infinitydesrt: At this point, there's no point in defending it at all, except to say "that's the way it is, we're hard freezing in 2 days for release candidates, cope"09:23
desrt2 days holy crap09:23
infinitydesrt: Yes, we could run around changing things that rely on it as-is, but we have real bugs to fix.09:23
KeybukI thought it was 3 days09:24
desrt"we have real bugs to fix" is a very valid excuse at this point in the release09:24
infinityKeybuk: Depends on your timezone.09:24
Keybukinfinity: fair point09:24
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Keybukthough I wouldn't like to hazard a guess with my timezone09:24
MithrandirKeybuk: hmm?  Casper displays that message on a text console if you don't run usplash.09:25
ivokspitti: would it be to late to create mozilla-firefox-locale-hr?09:25
pittiivoks: no, if you have a working xpi, I can add it09:25
KeybukMithrandir: right, the proposal is to run usplash and comment out the text code though09:25
ivokspitti: ok, thanx09:25
pittiivoks: oh dear, I *just* uploaded a new orig.tar.gz for m-f-locale-all :/09:25
infinityMithrandir: Right, but it doesn't magically display it if you're running a usplash with no text output. :)09:25
Keybukso casper would be displaying the message on a console hidden by a usplash that's just displaying pretty graphics09:25
MithrandirKeybuk: oh, that'll break spectacularly.09:25
ivokspitti: i saw :)09:25
Keybuk Source and binary promotions to main09:27
Keybuk ------------------------------------09:27
Keybuk o bzr: bzr09:27
Keybuk   [Reverse-Depends: Dapper ship seed] 09:27
pittifinally :)09:27
pittioh, in ship?09:27
=== Keybuk sees no MIR
desrtKeybuk; do you vendorpatch vim _at all_?09:27
Keybukdesrt: do I personally?09:27
desrtfor ubuntu09:27
MithrandirKeybuk: do we need one?09:27
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infinityI suspect it's quite heavily patched.09:27
KeybukI wouldn't like to hazard a guess about Ubuntu, except "probably"09:28
Keybukit's got like 1,000 patches in its source tree09:28
KeybukMithrandir: *shrug* dunno09:28
Keybukmdz: do we? :p09:28
desrtoh.  i though you packaged it09:28
Keybukdesrt: I'm an emacs man!09:28
pittiit's a pretty pathologic case - in-house project and we all use it anyway  09:28
desrtuh.  you're guilty :p09:28
desrtsource is last-changed by you and you own the launchpad product :p09:28
infinitydesrt: Yes, vim is heavily patched.09:29
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~/vim/vim-6.4$ ls -1 patches/ | wc -l09:29
Keybukdesrt: I own lots of launchpad products by virtue that I was once in the team that registered products in launchpad09:29
Mithrandirmost of the vim patches are grabbed from upstream, iirc.09:29
desrthere's a nice new patch https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/4443109:29
UbugtuMalone bug 44431 in vim "vim autoindent + :set bs=0 + ctrl+u is broken" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  09:29
KeybukKamion: what do you think?  do we need an MIR for bzr, bzrtools, celementtree, paramiko ?09:31
pittiKeybuk: I just think this stuff does not really belong into ship...09:33
Mithrandirpitti: where would you put it, then?09:33
pittiwell, supported09:33
=== infinity is fine with ship or supported, nothing higher.
pittibut putting it onto the CDs would just be a waste of space...09:33
infinityWill it blow out the CDs that much if it's in ship?09:33
Mithrandirpitti: If I were to argue, I'd say desktop since we want to ship a development environment in -desktop already.09:33
pittiMithrandir: we don't, we don't even have gcc09:34
Mithrandirwe have python-* though09:34
Mithrandir(and bzr is more useful than, say, bicyclerepair09:34
infinitypitti: We ship a python devel environment.  Have you not been here for the last 300 flamewars? :)09:34
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pittiinfinity: we ship python modules, but does that already count as DE?09:34
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infinitypitti: It does when nothing depends on them.09:35
infinitypitti: We're clearly shipping them so people can program against them, not because anything in -desktop needs them.09:35
=== Keybuk decides to ignore bzr for a while ;)
pittiok, it would add less than 1 MB, but still...09:37
=== pitti decides to not care enough to start a serious discussion and shuts up
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Keybuknobody proposed bzrk09:37
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janimoseb128: hi, are you planning evince 0.5.3 for dapper?09:44
seb128janimo: I didn't even know there was a 0.5.309:44
seb128janimo: I'm just starting working, didn't read my mails from the night yet09:44
desrtif anyone cares to ack my vim patch i'd be happy to roll the new version of the package....09:45
dholbachKeybuk: does it work again?09:45
Keybukdholbach: apparently09:45
dholbachROCK ON09:45
janimoseb128: ok, so there is a release :). If you plan it for dapper I'll update the gtk patch too, that's why I asked09:45
seb128janimo: I'll upload if that's a GNOME 2.14.n material09:45
=== dholbach hugs Keybuk
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seb128janimo: GNOME 2.15.2 due this week so will need to check what they did09:46
Keybukdholbach: hug ddaa, not me09:46
Keybukhe maintains it these days09:46
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janimoseb128: don;t know what evince's relationship with gnome 2.1409:46
dholbachah, I didn't know09:46
janimothey dep on gtk 2.8 now 09:46
janimoseb128: anyway I'll just wait and see what you do09:46
seb128janimo: that is not an issue09:46
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desrtbedtime.  nite everyone.09:47
seb128desrt: I just uploaded a new ubuntulooks, number of dots for panel grip has been set to 609:48
seb128desrt: 'night09:48
desrtseb128; oo.  sexy :)09:48
=== desrt out.
pygiseb128, I'll need to talk to you later about google calendar Evo plugin09:49
seb128pygi: if you want09:49
seb128janimo: looks GNOME 2.15 material that evince09:49
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janimoseb128: ok then09:49
seb128janimo: "    * GOption port and po/LINGUAS work" that might require intltool 0.35 for po/LINGUAS work09:49
dholbachmight be the same for gnome-mag09:51
=== dholbach tries
Keybuk^ that is damned pretty09:51
seb128dholbach: if you do an update make sure than .po are shipped and .mo installed09:51
dholbachseb128: yep09:52
janimoseb128: configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.35.0 or later. You're right ;)09:52
dholbachseb128: looks good.09:53
TreenaksKeybuk: 'gloomy outlook: the revenge'?09:56
Mithrandirpitti: ok, evms bug fixed and uploaded.09:56
pittiMithrandir: rock!09:56
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Mithrandirpitti: not putting GDK_MOD1_MASK when adding accellerators is a bad idea. :-P09:57
pittiMithrandir: that was a bug in the gtk2 patch?09:57
Mithrandirhttp://err.no/patches/evms_gtk2_dont_grab_random_keys.diff is the patch09:57
Mithrandiralso, s/accellerator/accelerator/09:58
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dholbachTheMuso: gnome-mag is still not happy with xtest/xdamage/xfixes on nvidia (orwherever the problem is)10:01
TheMusodholbach: Right. I haven't tried it again recently.10:02
dholbachTheMuso: seems like stuff for edgy to explore :)10:02
TheMusoAnd as I don't have any nvidia hardware, it makes it a little difficult for me to try and reproduce.10:02
dholbachI was able to reproduce on ati as well.10:02
Keybukdholbach: gnome-mag not installed by default?10:02
TheMusodholbach: Well there is the new magnifier being discussed on ubuntu-accessibility@10:02
TheMusoI must try it again.10:03
dholbachKeybuk: It is, it's just not in the menu.10:03
TheMusoKeybuk: gnome-mag is supposed to work with XDamage/XFixes libraries for smoother rendering, but dholbach seems to have problems using it with them enabled.10:03
dholbachKeybuk: you can enable it in gnome-at-properties10:03
Keybukdholbach: I couldn't find a binary by pressing tab :)10:04
dholbachKeybuk: /usr/bin/magnifier :)10:04
Keybukthat just sits there doing nothing10:04
dholbachyou might have to restart session with a11y enabled10:04
TheMusoMagnifier is a back-end for other front-end apps, like gnopernicus.10:04
Keybukwill play with that later then10:05
Keybukeven if just to confirm it doesn't work on nvidia10:05
dholbachKeybuk: I didn't enable the xtest/xdamage/xfixes stuff in the current build because of that brekage10:06
Keybukinfinity is going to break nvidia anyway10:07
Keybukif he gets around to it ;)10:07
infinityHey now.10:07
infinityI don't plan to break anything.10:07
thomyou never /plan/ to, mate ;-)10:08
KeybukWell, what you plan and what takes place ain't ever exactly been similar. 10:08
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infinityKeybuk: Pot, kettle.10:08
KamionKeybuk: I don't think bzr really needs one (since it's Canonical-produced software), but I'd like pitti to look over bzrtools, celementtree, paramiko for sanity10:08
Keybukpitti: could you look over those, then10:09
pittiyep, added to my todo list10:09
TheMusodholbach: I am going to rebuild with the patch included and see what happens on the 4 machines I have here... Three are ATI, one is a matrox.10:09
dholbachTheMuso: ok, uploaded gnome-mag 0.12.510:09
TheMusodholbach: You're a champ. Thanks heaps.10:10
dholbachTheMuso: thanks  :-)10:10
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=== Mithrandir hugs dholbach
dholbachTheMuso: let's see how orca works with it10:10
=== dholbach hugs Mithrandir back
mdkepresumably it's known that getting an ip address with dhcp isn't updating /etc/resolv.conf? I've just realised that this is the cause of all my problems10:21
infinitymdke: It does for me..10:21
infinitymdke: Do you have the (vile) "resolvconf" package installed?10:21
mdkeinfinity: it's marked as "un"10:22
KeybukI'm so going to change the resolvconf description to "Install this package to break your computer"10:22
=== infinity ponders what else could break dhclient's resolv.conf handling.
mdkei talked my brother through dist-upgrading to dapper from a default breezy install over the phone, and he had this problem10:22
mdkeand I just noticed it on my computer this morning10:22
Keybukinfinity: dhclient's resolv.conf handling is ultra-brittle10:23
Keybukbeing done in a complicated shell script that's a conffile10:23
Keybukfor example10:23
mdkedo you want a bug report?10:23
=== infinity looks at his shell and realises he's successfully managed to confuse himself.
infinityOh, POSIX, why do you mock me?10:23
JaneWJaneW SoC mentors: I will try to mail later (but our mail is down again here...) please can you look at finalising the application review, ranking and make your selections for mentoring by COB tomorrow (wed 17 May).10:26
ajmitchJaneW: a few hundred applications for you to read through? :)10:27
JaneWajmitch: 240 or so...10:28
ajmitchnot so bad10:28
pygiajmitch, I've done that already :P 3 times :)10:28
JaneWajmitch: this year the mentors get to make the selections :P10:28
ajmitchwonderful 10:28
JaneWMentors: see this ML thread for more info on timings and selection requirements http://groups.google.com/group/Summer-Administrators-2006/browse_frm/thread/74d7f5262a3cb013/05d64e764e7872a1#05d64e764e7872a110:29
mdkeinfinity: are you *sure* it's updating resolv.conf? you don't just have your old one?10:29
jsgotangcoheh great im not on the list10:29
infinitymdke: I can verfiy that pretty quickly.10:30
mdkeinfinity: thanks10:30
ajmitchinfinity: have you got the results of the universe autobuild test you did?10:30
infinityajmitch: Will you be around for a few hours to bug me again?10:31
pygipitti, poke?10:31
infinitymdke: Confirmed, it's updating just fine.10:31
pittipygi: *eek*10:32
pygipitti, does your pmount works on bsd systems as well? I am interested in using that for Gnomebaker10:32
mdkeinfinity: so what can I do to help with my problem? as I say, i saw it on a new dist-upgrade yesterday10:32
infinitymdke: You can bug pitti incessantly about it, since he LOVES the dhcp3 package!10:33
infinitypitti: Isn't that right? :)10:34
=== pitti is at phone, lagged
sivangoh, the right excuse :p10:35
pittipygi: so, pmount-hal needs hal, obviously10:36
pittipygi: if you don't use pmount-hal, just pmount, then you still need a /sys directory, which probably doesn't exist in BSD10:37
pygiwell, ok, if I have hal :)10:37
pittimdke: hm?10:37
=== pygi isnt very fammiliar with bsd :(
pittiinfinity: go away10:38
infinitymdke: You should probably file a bug.  The contents of /etc/dhcp3/{dhclient.conf,dhclient-script} may be helpful, as well as "ls -l /etc/resolv.conf"10:39
mdkepitti: i'll file a bug, no worries10:39
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mdkeinfinity: thanks10:39
infinitymdke: Not sure what else, really.10:39
pittimdke: I'm sub'ed to dhcp3, I'll see it10:40
mdkepitti: i bet you have one already, lemme look10:40
=== infinity goes back to bending his brain around broken shell.
infinitymdke: Lots of bugs have come and gone relating to resolv.conf breakage.  I wouldn't assume yours is a duplicate unless someone describes the EXACT problem (ie: with enough detail for you to solve it too)10:41
mdkealright, I'll file a separate one10:41
mdkeah shit10:45
mdkeI can't reproduce it from the console, looks like it might be gst10:45
mdkemeh, /me goes to investigate a bit better10:47
infinityI WIN!10:47
infinity(Okay, I'll shut up now)10:47
pygiinfinity, what you won this time? :P10:48
infinitypygi: A raging and epic battle with jbailey's shell. :)10:48
pygiinfinity, o joy :)10:49
Treenaksinfinity: Stories will be told of this for centuries to come!10:49
Keybukleave jbailey's shell alone10:49
Keybukit's lovely10:49
Keybukif you hold it up to your ear, you can hear the sweet sounds of POSIX coming out10:49
infinityIt is rather, actually.10:49
infinityBut when you're hacking at a particularly twisty bit you've never read before, sometimes your eyes bleed just a little.10:50
infinityAt least it's not his make. ;)10:50
Keybukthat's shell for you10:50
Keybukdoes make really run "sh -c ..." for every single line?10:50
infinityWhat else would it do?10:51
Keybukthat just seems inefficient10:51
infinityWell, it runs $(SHELL) -c, but yeah.10:51
infinityOr is it $(SH)?... Whatever.  The one that it runs is what it runs! :)10:52
Mithrandirit's SHELL10:53
infinityI suppose if shell startup time were so horrible that people cared, they'd implement some crazy shelld or something.10:53
KamionKeybuk: no, it doesn't10:53
zakamehi all10:53
KeybukKamion: what does it do?10:53
infinityKamion: Then it's magic? :)10:53
Kamionif the command is "sufficiently simple" then it invokes it directly10:54
infinitySo, no shell expansion, and no builtins?10:54
infinityOr something equally strange?10:54
KamionI'm pretty sure this is true anyway - let me dig up the reference10:54
infinityThat seems rather error-prone, unless someone stays on top of what should and shouldn't be passed to a real shell.10:55
Keybuk10012 pts/6    S+     0:00      \_ make test10:55
infinity(Since you expect every line to end up passed to SHELL)10:55
Keybuk10013 pts/6    R+     0:00          \_ ps fax10:55
Keybukno interim there10:55
Mithrandirinfinity: builtins should work just the same as the real commands, shan't they?10:55
Keybuk10033 pts/6    S+     0:00      \_ make test10:55
Keybuk10034 pts/6    S+     0:00          \_ /bin/sh -c true && ps `echo fax`10:55
Keybuk10036 pts/6    R+     0:00              \_ ps fax10:55
KeybukKamion appears to be correct10:55
infinityMithrandir: Well, in theory, but if you want the "real thing", you would generally use a path, if you want the builtin, you don't use a path and expect SHELL to do it for you.10:56
infinityBut, I suppose in the case of a makefile that point is more or less moot.10:56
infinityYou wouldn't pull the same shell tricks in make that you would in shell itself.  I hope.10:57
infinity(Not when you have make tricks instead!)10:57
Mithrandirinfinity: unless you're jbailey? :-)10:57
infinityNo, jbailey's make is very shell-free, for the most part.10:57
KeybukI wonder what's more evil10:57
infinityThat's why people who don't know make find it unreadable.10:57
Keybuksh -c "many lines of shell"10:57
Keybuksh /dev/fd/X ... and write the lines one by one10:57
infinity(Compare to, say, the apache2 debian/rules, which is just a shell script cleverly disguised asa makefile)10:57
KamionWhen it is time to execute commands to update a target, they are10:57
Kamionexecuted by invoking a new subshell for each command line.  (In10:57
Kamionpractice, `make' may take shortcuts that do not affect the results.)10:57
Kamionthat's the only hint I've found in 'info make' so far10:58
MithrandirKeybuk: sh <<EOF is nice, IMO.10:58
KamionI'm sure I read about it in some documentation a while back though10:58
KeybukMithrandir: isn't "<<EOF" parsed by a shell? :p10:58
KamionI believe if you have metacharacters in there then make will give up and punt to a shell10:58
MithrandirKeybuk: oh, you were wondering about more evil.  I answered the "less evil" part.10:59
Keybukjust mulling possibilities from a C exec() POV... if you have some shell you want run10:59
Keybukis it better to pass it in with -c, or to play /dev/fd tricks10:59
=== Mithrandir wonders about bug 34126. Is ctrl+alt really supposed to give you level 3 shift?
UbugtuMalone bug 34126 in xkeyboard-config "Ctrl-Alt expected to work like AltGr?" [Minor,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3412611:00
KamionI prefer -c to avoid the extra file descriptor11:00
KeybukKamion: though that way you could end up with a few hundred lines of shell in ps output11:00
sivangMithrandir: we support IA64 fully , right?11:02
pitticarlos: hi! btw, fully automatic langpack generation with latest tarball worked just fine yesterday :)11:02
Mithrandirsivang: no, it's a port, not a core arch.11:02
Mithrandir(or whatever the term is)11:02
carlospitti: cool11:02
pittiMithrandir: SCC? (Second class citizen)11:04
Mithrandirpitti: thanks.11:04
infinityOh, neat.  One of my bugfixes has the cute side-effect of making mkinitramfs no longer complain about "circular dependencies" based on moon phase, but rather only when one actually exists.11:04
infinityBugfixes for free, for the win.11:04
infinitypitti: We use "port", not "SCC". :)11:04
infinitypitti: We frown on "SCC", cause it's not terribly friendly, apparently.11:05
pittiinfinity: speaking of 'treated with less care': did you see the failed quagga build on hppa for breezy-security?11:05
pittiinfinity: it fails with 'epstopdf: command not found', very strange...11:06
Keybukpitti: probably needs "Depends: tetex-bin" ? :p;11:06
infinityErm, yeah.  I just got there.11:06
Keybukuh, Build-Depends11:07
infinityThat makes no sense, given that it builds on the other arches...11:07
pittiKeybuk: that's already there11:07
Keybukmagic document regenerating11:07
Keybukoh, yeah, it is11:07
infinityOh, feh.11:07
Keybukthe hppa chroot was broken earlier11:07
Keybukcf. xchat-gnome not being built11:07
infinitypitti: That chroot appears to be dirty.  I'm betting a previous build exploded it.11:07
infinityKeybuk: Different chroot, different buildd, different network. :)11:07
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infinityKeybuk: xchat-gnome wasn't chroot breakage, it was kernel breakage causing package removal to go south.11:08
Keybukbah :p11:08
infinityKeybuk: But chroots in the LP world are rm -rf'd after builds.11:08
infinitypitti: Let me poke castilla with a stick and see what's up with that chroot.11:08
pittiinfinity: do they actually get rm-rf'ed? or is there something more efficient like unionfs?11:08
infinitypitti: The fact that tetex-bin was already in the chroot is a bit red flashing warning that something's wrong. :)11:08
Keybukpitti: tar xf, chroot, rm -rf11:08
infinitypitti: They actually get rm -rf'd... Who needs efficiency when we have horsepower?11:09
Chipzzinfinity: heh11:09
Keybuk(believe it or not, I actually knew that, I just forgot)11:09
pittiright, hard disks are indestructible anyway11:09
Chipzzinfinity: and what about disk wear?11:09
infinityChipzz: Disks are cheap.11:09
infinityChipzz: Very.11:09
Keybuksysadmins are easily bored11:09
Chipzzyou still need to actually go there and replace them11:09
Keybukif they don't have things to do, they get destructive11:09
MithrandirChipzz: they're still very cheap.11:09
KamionChipzz: we know.11:09
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infinityChipzz: unionfs, on the other hand, is SKETCHY AS FUCK.11:10
infinitySo, y'know.  I'll take broken disks.11:10
Mithrandirinfinity: unionfs is 11:10
Keybukyeah, bit of luck we're not relying on unionfs for anything critical11:10
Keybuklike the cds we'll be shipping11:10
infinityKeybuk: Shh. :)11:10
infinityMithrandir: Whatever character that was, my terminal didn't like it.11:10
MithrandirKeybuk: don't upset the live cds.11:10
Mithrandirinfinity: U+2764 HEAVY BLACK HEART11:10
infinityMithrandir: If it's the inicode character for a pile of poo, I agree.11:10
pittiit's rendered quite nicely here11:11
pittiso at least the fonts should be there11:11
infinitypitti: I'm running irssi on a woody machine.  I suspect that's causing some issues. :)11:11
Keybukthat's the unicode character for poo11:11
Keybukwell, U+1434 CANADIAN SYLLABICS POO11:11
pittithat's just a '1434' with a box around11:12
infinityCanadian poo, no less.11:12
Keybukpitti: aww, you mean you can't see the cute Unicode Stargate symbol (  ) either? :p11:12
pittino :(11:12
Keybukyou need Code200011:13
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=== pitti finally grabs some breakfast, bbl
sivangMithrandir: okay , cool, so that means we do not officially support it.11:14
=== MrFaber [n=MrFaber@dslb-084-056-212-098.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
MrFaberhi all11:16
Keybukhmm, breakfast11:16
Keybukthere's an idea11:16
=== Keybuk also goes to eat breakfast
MrFaberI have problems with the blkid dev library in Dapper. I can't compile util-linux because it didn't find the lib while it is installed. What could be the problem?11:16
Chipzzinfinity: anyway, installing/removing stuff from a chroot /should/ be a null operation11:17
infinitySure, but it isn't.  We all know how it could "ideally" work.11:18
KamionChipzz: it's not that uncommon for postrm scripts to fail and the buildd admin to have to go rescue the chroot by hand11:21
Kamionrm -rf is a lot more reliable, albeit less efficient in a number of way11:21
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ChipzzKamion: yeah I know :S11:24
ChipzzKamion: but don't we have all kinds of scripts to test the quality of packages?11:25
Kamionsure, but we don't want our build process to be dependent on those11:26
Kamionparticularly since the build process is necessary to deploy fixes to the exact same problems that might break the build process in the old model11:27
Chipzzone thing that does pop to mind is testing on a seperate chroot and comparing results before/after; which you'ld only have to do for one architecture11:29
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Kamiondoing this is good and useful, but it shouldn't block our build process11:30
MithrandirChipzz: no, you'd need to do it for all arches and test upgrades and stuff.  There's a tool, piuparts which does this.11:31
infinitypitti: Two hppa security builds rescued; thanks for the heads-up.11:32
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infinityKeybuk: You have a lock on udev, or do you mind me uploading it in the next 10 minutes?11:38
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Mithrandirdholbach: isn't https://launchpad.net/products/shared-mime and https://launchpad.net/products/shared-mime-info the same project?11:43
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dholbachMithrandir: hum11:44
dholbachlooks like :-/11:44
dholbachi'll ask, what can be done11:45
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pittiinfinity: great11:49
seb128dholbach: nothing11:51
seb128dholbach: we have several similar cases and the reply was the same11:52
=== mvo is away for lunch
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sladenmjg59_: regarding #37555, got any thoughts on  "Dim brightness when idle" -> brightness change = KEY_PRESS -> no longer idle so no screensaver loop12:06
mjg59_sladen: Fixed12:08
mjg59_Oh, hm. Possibly not entirely fixed.12:09
mjg59_Ought to be, though12:09
sladenmjg59_: how so?12:09
mjg59_I uploaded a gnome-screensaver that doesn't unlock itself on brightness key events12:10
HiddenWolfmjg59_: might you repeat that trick for volume keys? :)12:10
mjg59_Might be worthwhile12:10
Keybukinfinity: nope, no lock12:11
mjg59_Though it also needs fixing not to unlock when the lid is closed12:11
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sladenhow is the lid closing generating a keypress?12:15
sladenif hal performed the brightness changes and hal also did the brightness polling, then it would know when not to generate keypresses12:17
mjg59_sladen: It's not12:18
mjg59_sladen: Also, hal doesn't (and shouldn't) do the brightness changing12:18
sladen /usr/share/hal/scripts/hal-system-lcd-set-brightness ?12:19
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mjg59_Or, rather, it performs the actual change, but it's not responsible for making the decision to change12:20
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sladenit could effectively "lock" around the change and prevent keypresses being generated.  Anyway not for dapper, lets ignore it12:22
KamionRiddell: merged, btw12:23
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RiddellKamion: cool, thanks12:30
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Treenaksjdub: if you need a replacement for your orange suit, look here: http://www.praxis.nl/upload/8ee016010b1da17d06013f4.jpg12:33
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Mithrandirjordi: spanish keyboards are pc102/105, not pc101/104, right?12:38
Mithrandirthanks.  I wonder why xkb-c thinks they should be pc104, then12:39
Mithrandirjordi: actually, can you reproduce https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xkeyboard-config/+bug/43428 ?  I can't.12:39
UbugtuMalone bug 43428 in xkeyboard-config "Can't enter characters <> with Spanish keyboard layout" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:39
jordihmm, can't test this right now at office12:40
jordiI can from home, probably when I go back tonight12:41
KamionMithrandir: could you look at and merge http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/casper/preseed/ ? I'd like to support command-line preseeding in dapper so that we can possibly work around ubiquity problems using it.12:41
Mithrandirjordi: thanks, will you remember or should I send you a mail or something?12:41
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jordican you mail me?12:41
jordithat works best :P12:42
Mithrandirjordi: sure.  jordi@u.c?12:42
MithrandirKamion: you removed the preseeding of d-i/locale and kbd-chooser/method because nothing look at it, or?12:46
KamionMithrandir: no, because in my branch they're now handled by 24preseed along with all other command-line preseed variables12:47
Kamion19keyboard still preseeds debian-installer/keymap because that's a special case12:48
MithrandirKamion: ah, bzr diff doesn't show new files12:48
Kamion24preseed isn't a new file12:48
pittiMithrandir: uh? since when?12:48
Kamion=== modified file 'casper-bottom/14locales'12:48
Kamion=== modified file 'casper-bottom/19keyboard'12:48
Kamion=== modified file 'casper-bottom/24preseed'12:49
Kamion=== modified file 'debian/changelog'12:49
pittiMithrandir: works here (bzr diff showing new files)12:49
Mithrandirpitti: sorry, my fault.12:49
MithrandirKamion: hmm, it's not new.  I wonder why I thought it was.12:49
Kamionwant to pastebin the diff you've got so I can make sure it's right?12:49
Kamionyep, that's right12:51
Kamiondebian-installer/locale and kbd-chooser/method should be handled by the */* case in 24preseed12:51
Kamionthe main case I'm thinking of is that it would be useful for people to be able to boot with clock-setup/utc=false12:52
Mithrandirthis actually means I can clean up a bit of casper code, but I don't think I'll do that at this point in the cycle.12:52
Kamionbecause ubiquity probably won't have UI for that now for dapper12:52
Mithrandirok, releasing 1.53 now, at least once bzr decides to finish pushing.12:54
Kamionit may be the placebo effect, but knits do seem rather faster to push12:55
Mithrandirdoes it upgrade to knits automagically?12:56
Kamionno, 'bzr upgrade' does it12:56
Kamionhaven't tried them with sftp push yet12:57
pittimvo: ping12:57
mvopitti: pong12:57
pittimvo: can you please take a look at bug 44973?12:58
UbugtuMalone bug 44973 in langpack-locales "dpkg-reconfigure locales is not automized?" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4497312:58
pittimvo: (sorry, the bug title is totally wrong)12:58
pittimvo: it's about stalling synaptics with non-debconf postinst questions12:59
pittimvo: I believe this question (time zone) comes from libc6, not locales, right?12:59
pittimvo: which would make it a dup of bug 3081512:59
UbugtuMalone bug 30815 in glibc "Please debconfify timezone questions" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3081512:59
Mithrandir30815 should be rejected.01:00
mvoMithrandir: why?01:00
pittiMithrandir: why? asking questions on the command line in postinst scripts is just wrong01:00
pittiit breaks GUIs like synaptic as well01:00
mvopitti: tzconfig is in both libc6 and locales postinst for some reason01:01
Mithrandirpitti: debconf might not work when libc isn't configured yet.01:01
mvoMithrandir: the it should be done in the locales package or something. asking this king of question in a postinst is really not good01:01
Kamionactually, while that's true for some other things debconf depends on, libc6 is depended on by essential packages and therefore must work even when unconfigured01:02
Kamionthe problem is more that when libc6 is configured, debconf might not even be there (bootstrapping), so it needs to have fallback code for that case01:02
mvopitti: synaptic will auto-expand after ~120sec without activity on the terminal, but that is far from optimal01:02
pittimvo: at least it's good enough as a last resort01:03
Kamionfixing it is incredibly invasive for dapper; I think we have to stick with the current code for now01:03
=== pitti agrees
=== freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionediting libc6.postinst 16 days before release isn't my idea of fun :)01:03
mvoAFAIK it is not triggered for everyone, I have seens this only very rarely01:04
=== mvo upgrades his locale package
=== janimo [n=jani@Home03207.cluj.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu-devel
janimopitti, hi are you still doing main inclusion reviews for dapper?01:11
pittijanimo: nobody urged me to recently01:11
janimopitti, ok can you please take a look at xfburn and the xfce screenshot plugin when you have time? thanks01:12
janimodholbach: hi, you mentioned yesterday something about rebuilding tango for xfce icons. Is that still a valid task to do?01:12
=== pitti -> lunch
dholbachjanimo: tango-icon-theme could do with a rebuild - i uploaded newer version of the rest of the stuff01:13
janimodholbach: so just a reupload basically? I did not touch that package yet so dunno 01:13
dholbachjanimo: yes - you can do that, if you like01:13
janimodholbach: ok ,wil ldo now01:13
dholbachif you debdiff the old and the resulting new package you will see which symlinks were added for xfce goodness01:14
sladenmjg59_: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-462556-highlight-x60s.html regarding suspend on the X60*01:14
janimodholbach: ok, thanks.01:14
mjg59_sladen: I believe we have all the code in those patches01:15
=== Kamion discovers a way to trim 26.6 MB off all our powerpc live CDs
Kamionwhoops, cp -a != mv01:15
infinityKamion: Close enough...01:15
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pittiKamion: I guess cp -al won't work on iso9660?01:32
pitti26 MB? /me hugs Kamion01:33
pittiKamion: if you have some minutes later today, could you please take a look at bug 14597? I'll do the necessary seed changes myself, but I'd appreciate your opinion01:34
UbugtuMalone bug 14597 in gimp "English Gimp help files are not installed by default" [Wishlist,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1459701:34
Kamionpitti: it didn't need to be in both places01:35
Kamionpitti: we would have to put the relevant pieces from l-s-en in desktop, or they wouldn't get installed01:35
Kamionwhich then makes them difficult to uninstall01:35
pittiKamion: yes, 'and instead seed a subset of the current dependencies'01:36
Mithrandirseb128: any idea what would be a useful place to find users with french keyboards and macs?  #ubuntu-fr?01:36
Kamionpitti: you didn't say *where* to seed them :)01:36
pittiKamion: hm, I see01:36
Mithrandirseb128: and are people ok with speaking English in there?01:36
Kamionwhat packages would need to be added to desktop?01:36
pittiKamion: desktop and live, I guess01:36
Kamionno need to add something to live if it's already in desktop01:37
pittiKamion: the firefox and OO.o translation/help; my gut says that we can drop thunderbird-locale-en-gb from the cd01:37
janimomvo: does the language-support pack be present for setting a specific locale using the language chooser?01:38
janimoare sleected translations + firefox-lo not enough?01:39
Kamionoh, yes, thunderbird itself is no longer on the CD01:39
janimoI am thinking how to put more translations on the CD but if possible have more ffox/tbird translations and not necessarily OOo ones01:39
Kamionpitti: that doesn't sound too bad, although I just know it will generate complaints01:39
pittiKamion: I know, it's about choosing which kind of complaints we want to get :/01:40
pittimissing translations or uninstallable packages01:40
pittiI'm fine with leaving it like it is for dapper and reconsidering for edgy, though, given the short time to release01:40
KamionI'll talk to mdz when I next see him around01:41
pittiKamion: he's CCed to the bug as well, so he'll notice01:41
pittialright, thanks for your input!01:42
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mvojanimo: I don't quite understand the question, sorry01:47
janimomvo, if I want to set the deafult language do I need the whole support pack for it?01:47
janimoor can it swicth only the exisitng translations01:48
janimo.mo files and firefox etc01:48
janimowithout downaloding from the net that is01:48
mvojanimo: no, the language-pack-$lang should be enough for that, basicly it checks locales -a01:48
pittimvo: if you have some minutes, shall we talk about g-cups-mgr?01:48
pittimvo: s/if/when/, just ping me01:48
janimomvo, so if I want as many firefox translations on the CD can I explictely seed them with no afferent support pack to bring them in and they'll work? that's would be nice01:49
janimosince the support packs are >10Mb usually01:49
janimobecause of OO help and l10n01:49
janimoand for the livecd I consider firefox/tbird more important to be translated01:49
pittidholbach: if tangerine-icon-theme-common is a mere splitout, it doesn't need a separate approval01:51
mvopitti: now is good01:51
pittidholbach: I'll take a quick look at the package anyway, though01:51
dholbachpitti: it's in main already - i though it went through your hands01:51
pittimvo: ok, great01:51
dholbachpitti: seems it bypassed you :)01:51
pittidholbach: I have an unapproved report in the queue, but nevermind; I'll complain if I find sth01:51
mvojanimo: yeah, it should work01:51
=== dholbach hugs pitti
janimomvo, thanks01:51
=== pitti hugs dholbach back
mvopitti: it seems that we need to modify the current patch to not hide stuff that can't be used but make it insensitive01:52
mvobut other than that I think it should be good01:52
mvowe could even add a tooltip01:52
pittimvo: I'll take a look at it, it's on people?01:52
mvopitti: yes, http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/test/gnome-cups-manager 01:53
mvopitti: I can do the required modifications, we could even add a tooltip explaining why something was disabled01:53
pittimvo: that would rock01:53
infinitydholbach: I punted it directly to main when I NEWed it, specificall because you said it was a split from other main stuff.01:54
dholbachinfinity: yeah - and thanks for that!01:54
dholbachinfinity: how do we go about universe libmysqlclient*?01:54
mvopitti: but I guess you want to give it some testing first?01:54
pittimvo: I'll test it now, but the critical work is done by the cups scripts anyway01:55
infinitydholbach: change libmysqlclient* build-deps to libmysqlclient15-dev, upload.01:55
dholbachinfinity: do you want me to file bugs for the motu crew?01:55
infinitydholbach: Not much more to it than that.  The APIs have always been painfully backward compatible.01:55
=== mvo nogs
=== mvo nods
pittimvo: so we just need to make sure that they get called appropriately01:55
dholbachinfinity: nice01:55
dholbachi'll do that later01:55
=== pitti nogs mvo back :)
infinitydholbach: If I do it, it'll be next week, if MOTU can do it sooner, let 'em attack it.01:55
ajmitchdholbach: filing bugs will give us something to look at 01:57
pittiinfinity: tbird! php! samba print brekage! :)01:57
infinitypitti: I take it you just read -changes and decided it was time for me to context switch? :)01:57
pittiinfinity: oh, actually not, I read mails ten minutes ago the last time (uh, I'm a slacker)01:58
pittiinfinity: and, it was just my usual bitching, nevermind :)01:58
infinitypitti: I think samba will be the next one up, then tbird.  PHP may be post-RC, since it's the least important of the bunch (PHP "security" is a joke, and if the new upstream doesn't make it, we'll get over it)01:58
carlosRiddell: hi, is there any easy fix for this from your side? https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/3847201:59
UbugtuMalone bug 38472 in amarok "Korean instead of Kurdish imported into Rosetta" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  01:59
pittimvo: oioioi - I start g-c-m and I immediately get the 'will open port, the sky is falling' question dialog01:59
carlosRiddell: or at least is there planned an upload with the 1.4 beta release?01:59
pittimvo: ...twice01:59
pittimvo: also, browsing_status returns 0 (i. e. disabled, not customized), but 'Detect LAN printers' is disabled in the menu02:00
pittimvo: ah, I think I might know what's going on - I enabled sharing, but disabled browsing. apparently, enabling sharing also enables browsing in g-c-m and disables the browsing option02:01
pittimvo: however, it should not be disabled if browsing is off02:02
pittimvo: actually, the two options are entirely independent from each other, so I'm not sure they should influence each other in the GUI02:02
mvopitti: that you get that twice looks like a bug :/ I got the mail from ivoks that they should be dependant02:02
mvono idea about it, I suspected something in the scripts02:03
pittimvo: well, if you enable sharing, enabling browsing make sense of course02:03
pittimvo: (for that reason 'Detect LAN printers' should be renamed to 'Detect and advertise LAN printers'02:03
pittimvo: it's already a bug that I get the question immediately after starting g-c-m02:04
pittimvo: I think we should keep it simple for now and keep it orthogonal02:04
mvoeven better02:04
pittimvo: i. e. I need to enable sharing to allow my flatmate to print, but windows doesn't speak cups browsing anyway, so I don't need to enable that02:05
Treenakspitti: it does understand IPP printing, just not browsing02:05
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pittiTreenaks: right, that's what I said :)02:05
Treenakspitti: just clarifying :)02:06
pittialthough cups browsing is just love and magic :)02:06
pitti(one of the few things that actually work really well :) )02:06
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pittiinfinity: wow, impressive list of initramfs fixes02:07
Riddellcarlos: I don't plan to upload 1.4 to dapper, I could delete the translation from the package though02:08
infinitypitti: Given that I had to rewrite all of them today?  Yeah.02:08
infinitypitti: Otherwise, not really.  There were more before the crash.02:08
carlosRiddell: if you don't need to upload another version before dapper release, that's not needed02:09
pittimvo: so are you fine with making these changes? that would rock02:09
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carlosRiddell: so don't do an specific upload to fix it, but if you do another fix on that package, please, do it02:09
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mvopitti: yeah, very much so. I like it a lot when things get simpler02:10
pittidholbach: lol @ t-i-theme-common debian/copyright: "It was downloaded from my harddisk."02:11
pittidholbach: I'm sure debian-legal would find that very funny :)02:11
_ionpitti: :-)02:11
dholbachpitti: I'll replace those with the bzr branches in the next upload :)02:11
raphinkpitti: got to talk to you today02:11
dholbachand to be honest, I copied that from Ross  Burton's sound-juicer :)02:12
raphinkhi dholbach, mvo && pitti btw :)02:12
pittidholbach: there's certainly any upstream source for all these graphics?02:12
pittihi raphink 02:12
dholbachpitti: in an bzr branch02:12
raphinkpitti: I'd like to ask you some questions about translations02:12
pittiraphink: go ahead (I might lag a bit since I'm doing other things, but I'll answer)02:13
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pittihi zul 02:13
raphinkpitti: how do you deal with desktop files that are translated with desktop.in + po ?02:13
raphinkpitti: these required an export form rosetta back to the package + rebuild02:13
raphinkand langpacks won't translate them02:14
pittiraphink: not any more in dapper :)02:14
raphinkpitti: ?02:14
raphinkpitti: how so?02:14
pittiraphink: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LangpacksDesktopfiles02:14
raphinkwell I'll take an example02:14
raphinklanguage-selector has been translated in many languages02:14
raphinkincluding the desktop file02:14
raphinkfrom the po02:14
pittiraphink: gnome-menus & co do use gettext now to translate .desktop, .server, and .directory files02:14
raphinkyet the desktop file that is shipped in the end stil has only few languages02:15
pittiraphink: right, we do not merge the rosetta translations back into the .desktop file, but they are used through direct gettext invocation02:15
raphinkpitti: not in KDE then02:15
=== mhz [n=mhz@pc-130-84-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mhziwj: ping02:16
pittiraphink: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LangpacksDesktopfilesKDE, not yet implemented :(02:16
raphinkis someone working on it?02:16
raphinkwe need that for dapper02:16
pittiraphink: for these you need to update the package's po files and reupload02:16
raphinkotherwise we'll gonna have most menu entries in english02:16
pittiraphink: no chance to implement that for dapper02:16
raphinkpitti: so we have to export the pos from rosettta02:17
pittiraphink: uploading packages with updated PO files is fine, but not implementing that spec02:17
raphinkand rebuild02:17
Riddellraphink: I didn't have time to do it for dapper02:17
raphinkRiddell: ok02:17
raphinkthen we have to do the export from rosetta + rebuild thingy02:17
Riddellmost .desktop files are translated upstream, at least in KDE02:17
raphinkfor adept, language-selector, etc.02:17
raphinkwe should create a wiki page listing all the packages that need this02:17
raphinkso it can be done before release02:18
raphinkI don't want to ship dapper in french with english menus02:18
raphinkwhen people have worked hard to have all the desktop translated on rosetta02:18
raphinkthis would be too bad02:18
raphinkpitti: I've tried this technique with language-selector02:18
raphinkbut funnily enough it didn't rebuild the desktop files when I built the package02:19
pittiraphink: right; I don't see a problem with manual uploads, that's what we did in earlier releases, too02:19
raphinkI had to run intltool manually before building02:19
pittiraphink: hm, then it doesn't use intltool-merge, or at least not in the right way02:19
raphinkwell the makefile contains02:19
pittiraphink: usually you have an untranslated .desktop.in and run intltool-merge02:19
raphink%.desktop: %.desktop.in02:19
raphink        intltool-merge -d ../po $< $@02:19
raphinkthere's no %.desktop.in rule though02:20
pittithat should already be present02:20
raphinkit is02:20
pittiit's the 'source' file02:20
raphinkshould that work?02:20
pittiactually yes02:20
raphinkhmm it doesn't02:20
raphinkwhen I run intltool-merge manually it works02:21
raphinkbut not when I build02:21
pittitaht's a package bug then02:21
_ionMaybe nothing in the Makefile depends on the .desktop files.02:21
raphinkmaybe it's a problem with rules02:21
pittiraphink: does the package already ship a .desktop file?02:21
raphinkwell it ships this one02:21
pittiraphink: if so, and its date is newer than the desktop.in file, the rule will never be executed02:21
raphinkbut then the desktop file should be rebuilt02:21
raphinkah right02:21
raphinkpitti: ic02:21
raphinkso actually the desktop file should be cleaned in rules, right?02:22
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pittiraphink: it looks wrong to ship a .desktop file in the upstream orig.tar.gz, and even more so in the diff.gz02:22
raphinkor there should be clean rule in the Makefile02:22
raphinkthere's no orig.tar.gz02:22
pittiraphink: right, clean it in debian/rules clean02:22
raphinkit's a native debian package02:22
pittiraphink: remove it from the package and reupload02:22
raphinkso I could well do it in the Makefile02:22
raphinkwell i'll remove from the pakage and rebuild locally02:22
pittiyes, fixing the distclean rule would be nice as well02:22
raphinkto test first ;)02:22
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mvopitti: how does enable_sharing detects if the cupds.conf was changed? I try to test my changes right now02:23
pittiraphink: so, fixing that and updating the po files warrants an upload :)02:23
pittimvo: it calls sharing_status, which in turn does a few checks on the config files02:23
=== neuralis pokes mako
pittimvo: i. e. to make it return with 2 (customized), just remove/comment out the respective include directive in cupsd.conf02:24
=== Tetralet [n=tetralet@luna.com.tw] has joined #ubuntu-devel
raphinkpitti: so should I fix it in the Makefile or in debian/rules in your opinion?02:24
pittiraphink: fixing in Makefile (clean rule) sounds better to me02:24
raphinkI'll do that02:24
pittidebian/rules should just fix errors in upstream's build system, but if we can fix the latter, so much the better02:25
makoneuralis: hey there02:25
makoneuralis: CC meeting going, or about to02:25
raphinkyes pitti02:25
raphinkI'll try that02:25
mvopitti: I uploaded a new version (ubuntu7.2) to people02:26
pittimvo: yay, I'll try that02:26
mvopitti: I'm building amd64 debs just now02:27
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pittimvo: I'm already building locally here, don't worry02:27
mvopitti: ok02:27
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pittimvo: now, that works just marvellous here02:32
pittihi Kagou 02:32
pittimvo: if you are at it, maybe you can also change the 'Detect LAN printers' string to 'Detect/Advertise'?02:32
pittialso, maybe some native English speaker has a better suggestion?02:32
Kagouhi pitti :) did you seen the normal/minor/high/minor bug on cups ;)02:32
pittiKagou: yes, a mess :/02:33
pittiKagou: I hope that it'll be solved soon, that bug sucks02:33
pittiKagou: what, is it minor again?02:33
Kagoupitti, yes02:33
Kagoucups dev consider that users have to use postcript driver on windows client instead of printers drivers02:34
pittibut as long as windows doesn't come with proper ps drivers, that won't happen02:34
pitti(I really hate windows for not doing that, but we can't help that)02:35
pittiallowing my flatmates to print to my printer from their XP boxes is a real adventure02:35
pitti("Oh, where the heck did I toss the CD shipped with the printer?", given that I never bother to waste just even a look at accompanying CDs)02:36
pittimdke: ping?02:37
mvopitti: right, will do02:37
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pittimvo: let's ask mdke for ui freeze breakage02:37
mvopitti: string is changed02:38
ajmitchinfinity: could you send those build logs to myself or the motu list please?02:42
pittijanimo: . o O { looking at the packaging of xfce stuff is a real joy! }02:44
janimopitti,I wonder  you really mean it (cdbs) or not mean it (svn snapshot ugliness) ;)02:45
janimoI hope xfce.mk though :)02:45
pittijanimo: no, that was sincere, I refered to packaging. reading these very small, clean, and consistent diff.gz's is nice02:46
ajmitchinfinity: that is, if they weren't on that fujitsu drive. 02:46
janimopitti, phew. Indeed cdbs rules for xfce as I found during dapper02:46
pittiajmitch: I wonder what 'Fujitsu' really means :)02:46
ajmitchpitti: it makes me wonder.. :)02:47
=== janimo meant rules as a verb above
pitti"Who is General Failure? And why the hell is he reading my hard disk?"02:47
sivangha ha ha02:47
=== sivang rotfls
=== ajmitch doesn't want to think about the death rattle coming from his western digital drive at the moment
=== pitti pats his daily automatic network bacup
pittibackup, too02:48
sivangpitti: over the hosting company, ofcourse :)02:48
ajmitchI recently switched to other drives, in a RAID setup :)02:49
pittiyes, 800 km should be enough02:49
pittiif there's an event that kills both my server and my home, I have other things to worry about02:49
pittior none at all any more02:49
sivangpitti: indeed :)02:49
ajmitchtime for sleep, night all02:49
jsgotangconight ajmitch02:50
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sivangnight ajmitch 02:50
ograpitti, you mean like a big magnetic storm that overcasts germany02:51
pittiogra: that'll throw us back to stone age anyway :)02:51
=== jinty [n=jinty@212.Red-83-54-75.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittijanimo: can you please quickly explain to me how xfce4-mount-plugin works?02:52
janimopitti, I think it only shows what's in fstab02:52
pittijanimo: does it use gksudo, or only mounts fstab user drives?02:52
janimopitti, not used it much I admit02:52
pittijanimo: so, no setuid magic?02:52
janimooh, none of that I am almost sure02:53
=== janimo checks
ograpitti, arent we there yet anyway ? i mean silicon is some kind of stone ;)02:53
pittiI don't see a postinst, and no suid programs in the .deb02:53
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janimopitti, no suid binary02:53
pittijanimo: right, indeed; so I assume it can only handle fstab stuff02:54
janimoI _think_ it's just a big graphical way of showing free space on various partoitions02:54
pittijanimo: btw, does xfce handle usb hard disks and the like?02:54
pitti+ This plugin for Xfce displays a list of the various devices available, giving02:54
pitti+ the opportunity to mount/umount them.02:54
janimopitti, thunar talks to HAL so modulo bugs it should02:54
pittijanimo: our hal can't mount drives, I disabled that02:54
janimopitti, ok. Feel free to set this plugin aside for now, I'll ping if I review it more thorougly. I just saw it is not setuid so supposed it cannot do harm02:55
pittijanimo: so, it might be useless enough to not put it in main, maybe02:55
janimopitti, oh then thunar cannot either02:55
janimopitti, agreed.02:55
pittijanimo: I'm fine with the plugin security-wise, I just question how useful it is02:56
janimoscreenshooter is the nice one which may be in main as users need it not just mount point aware geeks :)02:56
janimopitti, yeah I don;t think it's of much use, but looks nice. At a click you see the space occupied and all mounpoints.  A df GUI :)02:56
pittiok, that's nice02:57
pittiwell, and even an fstab mount interface is at least good for CD-ROMs02:57
janimolike the disks tool in g-s-t somewhat02:57
pittijanimo: xfburn works reasonably for you?02:58
janimopitti, well if no security concern and it's not much trouble, please allow it in main then02:58
janimopitti, yep, better than graveman02:58
pittijanimo: yes, I approved all the plugins, xfburn is the last xfce one02:58
janimobut only for the ismple tasks it is advertised for02:58
janimoI just burn .isos with it and it did not crash unlike graveman02:58
janimono bugs at all upstream, people seem content and silent about it02:59
janimoalthough complain about lack of some features (audiocd,dvd etc)02:59
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pittijanimo: reload the queue :)03:00
pittijanimo: s/queue/page and look at the queue/03:00
=== janimo hugs pitti
pittino problem03:01
seb128Mithrandir: french keyboard and mac? maybe you can ping hub when he's around. I think that probably most people on #ubuntu-fr doesn't speak english03:01
iwjmhz: pong03:01
Mithrandirseb128: 'k03:01
seb128Mithrandir: other way look on launchpad bugs about that, there is a french guy who is active on the topic, you can probably drop him some comments or mails about it03:02
seb128he would probably be happy to help sorting that03:02
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pittiKeybuk, Kamion: bzrtools is fine for me packaging-wise (but not really necessary to have in main IMHO); celementtree has no reverse dependencies, but is fine; paramiko is fine03:10
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Kamionpitti: bzrtools is kind of nice for push at least03:17
Kamionalthough you can rsync, sure03:17
Kamionoh, bzr shelve03:17
pittiKagou: I sent another plea to http://www.cups.org/str.php?L166703:17
Kamionhow can we not have that :-)03:17
pittiheh, true03:18
pittiand it's tiny03:18
mvopitti: can you please have a look at bug #4200203:19
UbugtuMalone bug 42002 in language-support-ko "Korean fonts are so ugly." [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4200203:19
Kamiondunno, it probably belongs in supported rather than ship anyway03:19
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mhziwj: I have translated a firefox index page, read your wiki page about it..but I understood like 5% of it, sorry. Any other way we could just implement my version of index page (into spanish, Chile)03:20
pittimvo: oh, so we should throw ttf-baekmuk out of *-desktop and replace it with ttf-allee?03:20
Kagoupitti, totally agree with your comment. I don't know how mike can considere that's a minor bug when we see users comments/reactions.03:21
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mvopitti: maybe we should just add it03:22
pittimvo: I replied to the bug03:24
mvopitti: thanks03:24
pittimvo: should be fine, but I want a confirmation of what we need to do, and which package is better03:24
mvopitti: ok03:25
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CarlFK/jion #ubuntu-kernel03:29
CarlFK\join #ubuntu-kernel03:29
thomthat doesn't work either :-)03:30
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ivokspitti: ping03:31
ivokspitti: just a quick note; upstream cups doesn't have a bug with windows IPP printing03:31
ivokspitti: only cups packages...03:31
ivoksi'll take a look at it today03:31
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mdkepitti: hi03:35
pittimdke: I think I already asked you some time ago, but would you and the doc-team be fine with adding an "Enable printer sharing" menu item to gnome-cups-manager?03:36
TetraletKamion: ping03:36
pittimdke: and renaming "Detect LAN printers" to "Detect/Advertise LAN printers"?03:36
mdkepitti: sure, np03:36
pittimdke: great03:36
pittimvo: ^ :)03:36
mdkeour docs on printing are woefully small. dunno about upstream's03:37
pittimvo: so, if Kamion is fine with it as well, let's do it ASAP03:37
janimopitti, I was wondering why g-c-m has two patches which could be one for the gksudo line changing?03:37
KamionTetralet: hi03:37
TetraletKamion: There is a serious bug in Debian-Installer Traditional Chinese translation.03:37
Kamionpitti: fine by me if the doc team is and if translations can be updated03:37
pittijanimo: probably just aggregated cruft over time03:37
pittiKamion: yes, uses PO files and gettext03:38
iwjmhz: Err, mdke usually handles that side of it.  I don't know exactly what has to happen to the translated page to get it into the right places.03:38
janimopitti, ok. Just as the different diff and patch suffixes in the pathes dir :)03:38
TetraletKamion: It is the patch: http://debian.luna.com.tw/debian-installer-zh_TW.diff03:38
pittiKamion: and the previous string was already ubuntu specific03:38
mdkemhyeah, send it to me by email03:38
Kamionpitti: did it have any existing translations?03:38
pittiI need to run out for a bit, back in ~ 1.5 hours03:38
iwjmhz: What's the locale for this ?  Does firefox already have a separate language setup (aka xpi) for that locale ?03:38
mdkeiwj: he's not in the chan03:38
pittiKamion: German (from me), I'll check the others03:38
mdkejust realised when my tab complete didn't work03:39
iwjOh, so he isn't.03:39
mdkei'll mail him03:39
KamionTetralet: OK; has that fix been committed upstream?03:39
TetraletKamion: yes03:39
mdkeiwj: looks like there is no ff localisation for it anyhow03:40
KamionTetralet: ok, I'll upload that now. Can you explain the seriousness of it to me?03:40
iwjmdke: Ahm.03:40
TetraletKamion: An mis-translation. s/password/user's fullname/g03:40
Kamionheh, ok03:41
iwjI don't think I want to be inventing the xpi-less ff localisation thing in m-f-l-all at this stage.03:41
Kamionuploaded, thanks03:41
mdkeiwj: heh03:41
TetraletKamion: thanks!!03:41
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ograseb128, what did change in the last gnome-session upload ? seems the power management behavior changed: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2006-May/001409.html03:50
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seb128ogra: using gnome-power-manager instead of gdm03:50
ograseems its not covered by the test if a user is logged in locally or remotely03:50
seb128there never was a test or a case for that03:51
seb128is was asking to gdm before03:51
seb128now it's asking to gnome-power-manager03:51
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ogrameh, so its a g-p-m bug ?03:54
=== Kamion promotes celementtree, paramiko, bzr to main
MithrandirKamion: not bzrtools too?03:54
Kamionoh yeah, that too03:55
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seb128ogra: where does the dbus session bus is running03:55
kgoetzhi all. are Scot james rembrant or seveas about?03:55
ograseb128, on the server indeed, as everything03:56
Mithrandirkgoetz: Scott's Keybuk 03:56
kgoetzMithrandir: thanks. Keybuk ping03:57
seb128ogra: here you go03:57
seb128ogra: it uses the dbus bus to ask the actions available and to do them03:58
kgoetzMithrandir: is there a good time to find him? i need to ask about some readahead data i got for him03:58
Mithrandirkgoetz: he's probably around; he logs off when he's not here.03:59
Mithrandirkgoetz: or drop him a mail.03:59
kgoetzMithrandir: hm. thanks. i'll attach teh data to the bug and hope hes ok with it in a tar (theres half a dozen files). ty04:00
ogramjg59_, any chance g-p-m could check if LTSP_CLIENT is set in the environment, to not allow client users to hibernate the server ?04:02
diemanmy boss got the funding worked out so I can come to the next summit04:04
Mithrandirdieman: next as in Paris?04:05
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diemani try to get to a conf/meeting/etc at least once every two years04:07
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=== Kamion finishes moving cdimage to bzr
Kamionhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/cdimage/mainline/ FWIW04:17
Kamionyay no more insane permissions conflicts04:17
=== ogra bzr gets
infinityKamion: \o/04:21
infinityKamion: How painful was the conversion?  lamont and I still need to move the buildd stuff from baz.04:23
Kamionstraightforward - 'bzr baz-import-branch cdimage colin.watson@canonical.com--2005/cdimage--mainline--004:24
infinityOh, cool.04:24
Kamionthe difficult bit was the subsidiary branches based off baz imports04:24
Kamionbut use bzr/bzrtools 0.8 and you'll be fine04:24
janimodo you know btw if the supermirror already uses bzr instead of baz?04:24
infinityI expect we won't care much about insane branch history and such anyway.  One trunk should be good enough.04:24
Kamionjust import them all in turn04:25
Kamioninto the same target directory04:25
Kamionbaz-import-branch should connect them up if you do that04:25
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=== thom [hearts] bzr shelve
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jsgotangcothat's so hello kitty-ish04:38
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KaiLmjg59_, for the Laptop-Whitelist: Asus M2N.. where to find the $model?04:40
kgoetzomg. whos behind the live cd installer? it Just Worked like a charm! thats amazing04:41
Kamionkgoetz: thanks, glad it worked :)04:42
kgoetzKamion: its awsome :)04:42
KaiLmjg59_, I guess "system.product"? That's "M2N 1.0"04:43
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diemanthe hotel just ran out of rooms04:56
diemanit looks04:56
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seb128mdke: around ?05:06
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sladenKaiL: can you file that against:  https://launchpad.net/bugs/44781  where you'll also find the pointers05:09
UbugtuMalone bug 44781 in acpi-support "Suspend works on Laptop XYZ (white-list requests)" [Normal,Confirmed]  05:09
mdkeseb128: yes05:10
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sladenogra: hahhaa.  Does suspend work aswell aswell on the server from an LTSP client.05:13
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ograsladen, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2006-May/001409.html05:13
sladenogra: I think it might be easier to just change pmi to check and reply False to  pmi query ...05:13
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ograhmm, does pmi have the user env during that query ? 05:17
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kgoetzi had no luck asking on -bugs, so i'm trying here: where should i file a bug on no en_AU dictionaries on a clean install?05:19
sladenogra: mmm, probably.  No reason why it shouldn't, I don't think05:23
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sladenogra: is it just hiding the Hibernate option, or do you want to actually stop it happening.  If the later, then you're going to have to do it in pmi anyway, other somebody can just grab a terminal and do   LTSP_CLIENT='' pmi action hibernate05:24
janimoogra: did you talk to ltsp/xfce guy since yesterday?05:26
janimoogra: I'll try to talk to him then, thanks05:27
ograjanimo, but seb128 just told me that gnome-session is querying gdm to get the info if it should show shutdown options, i guess xfce-session should just steal the code there05:27
seb128ogra: not, it's using gnome-power-manager now I said05:28
ograseb128, even for shutdown/reboot ? 05:28
ograjanimo, so grab the code before that change then ;)05:28
janimoseb128: so what is it asking  whether is remote/local login or more generally if it's allowed or not to reboot05:28
seb128not reboot05:28
ogra(unless you use g-p-m in xubuntu)05:28
janimounfortunately no g-p-m in xubuntu05:29
seb128janimo: who is asking that?05:29
seb128halt_supported      = gdm_supports_logout_action (GDM_LOGOUT_ACTION_SHUTDOWN);05:29
seb128reboot_supported    = gdm_supports_logout_action (GDM_LOGOUT_ACTION_REBOOT);05:29
seb128there is a bug here ;)05:29
ograseb128, ltsp users have a similar prob to the abve with xubuntu, the logout dialog shows shutdown/reboot by default and they can stop the server05:29
seb128because the action is gpm_dbus_interaction ("Shutdown");05:29
janimoogra: although xfce has a kioisk feature by which the admin can just say no shutdown/reboot05:30
seb128ogra: xubuntu uses gnome-session?05:30
janimoin a RC file. it may be a simpler solution05:30
ograseb128, nope, xfce-session05:30
janimoseb128: heh no :)05:30
seb128so nothing to do with that05:30
Kamionkgoetz: language-support-en, probably05:30
ograseb128, but xfce-session is missing the feature gnome-session has ;)05:30
seb128sure, it's supposed to be less powerfull since it's without GNOME :p05:31
ograseb128, so my proposal was to grab the gdm querying code from there to make xfce session behave like gnome-session05:31
janimoogra,seb128 let's start again because it's getting confusing:05:31
janimo1)gnome-session asks gdm whether user can shutdown.true or false?05:31
ograit used to, yes05:32
janimotrue or false? :)05:32
seb128it still does apparently, but that's a bug05:32
ograthat did change recently, so you need to look at older code05:32
seb128halt_supported      = gdm_supports_logout_action (GDM_LOGOUT_ACTION_SHUTDOWN);05:32
seb128I supposed it should be changed to something like05:32
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seb128suspend_supported   = gpm_dbus_interaction ("CanSuspend");05:32
seb128supposing that g-p-m has a CanHalt05:32
ograjanimo, so you need the code from gnome-session seb128 posted above05:34
janimoogra, anyway xfce kiosk settings can be used and they are selfcontained only depend on xfce4-session running05:34
ogra<seb128> halt_supported      = gdm_supports_logout_action (GDM_LOGOUT_ACTION_SHUTDOWN);05:34
ogra<seb128> reboot_supported    = gdm_supports_logout_action (GDM_LOGOUT_ACTION_REBOOT);05:34
janimoogra: what if your man does not run gdm?05:34
ograyou get no response then i guess05:34
infinityDoes all this magic use libpam-foreground these days?... If so, I'd think that LTSP clients shouldn't be soncidered "foreground" users.05:34
sladeninfinity: yup.05:35
seb128you don't have reboot or shutdown options without gdm05:35
infinityconsidered, too.05:35
ograinfinity, since its used through g-p-m ...05:35
seb128speaking about pam05:35
seb128who does pam here? I've a bug for him05:35
sladeninfinity: they're getting their priviliges from somewhere...05:35
Kamionseb128: that depends, I occasionally do05:36
seb128bug #4192305:36
UbugtuMalone bug 41923 in gdm "Wrong password accepted in login window" [Unknown,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4192305:36
Kamionbut only really insofar as it affects ssh05:36
infinityseb128: jbailey's working on a PAM upload right now.05:36
seb128basically that's "correct_passwork<non-utf-8-char>" is accepted05:36
seb128according to gdm upstream that's a pam issue and not a gdm one05:37
seb128but I'm not sure on how to figure if that's really pam05:37
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ograseb128, does the new gdm-ssh handler use ssh -X for connections like we do in ltsp ? 05:38
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seb128ogra: "ssh -A -X -T -n "$TARGETHOST" /etc/X11/Xsession"05:38
seb128ogra: it does that05:38
ogracool 1!!05:38
ograbeing able to set -C would be needed additionally, but then we can switch ltsp to gdm in egdy, yay !05:39
janimoseb128: on first login froom gdm is the Default session being used instead of /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop?05:40
seb128] $ grep DefaultSession /etc/gdm/gdm.conf05:40
seb128janimo: correct05:40
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janimoseb128: the same happens for xfce,05:41
janimoand I want to be sure the xfce.desktop is started first05:41
janimosince it startx xscreensaver and other bits, while default does not05:41
janimoonly after user explcitely selects that entry in the gdm login screen05:41
janimootherwise it's a fallback to x-session-manager which calls barebone xfce4-session05:42
janimoseb128: so is gnome.desktop set to default or only if a user choses it?05:42
ograso just set it in your gdm-cdd.conf ;)05:42
ograthast what its for05:43
seb128janimo: default.desktop is the default05:43
janimoogra: I know but want to make sure there's no cleaner way05:43
janimoas gnome does not set it but still runs fine05:43
janimoseb128: yes, but it still starts gnome in a default ubuntu install no?05:43
seb128gnome.desktop is used if you pick gnome05:43
seb128right, you don't expect it to start xfce on Ubuntu by default?05:44
janimois it not different if run from default or from gnome.desktop? I am only interested in stock instal, first login05:44
seb128what else would you start by default on Ubuntu05:44
seb128I think I don't get the question05:44
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janimoseb128: so, on a stock ubuntu/gnome install, first login:05:44
janimouser just enters user/pass and is taken to gnome05:45
janimodefault.desktop was used not gnome.desktop right?05:45
seb128no, it's taken to xfce05:45
janimoseb128: stock ubuntu/gnome install as I said05:45
seb128I've no idea05:45
seb128GNOME is started05:45
janimono xfce in the picture05:45
seb128I didn't try to figure how05:45
seb128janimo: that was irony05:45
seb128asking if GNOME is started by default on Ubuntu seems a joke05:46
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seb128I should have replied "no, windows XP is started" ;)05:46
seb128it would have been clear that way :p05:46
janimoseb128: oh boy05:46
janimoI was explciit since you said you dont;understand the question05:47
seb128yeah, I got it now05:47
janimoso plainly. On a default ubuntu.gnome install how is a gnome.desktop session diffenent from a default.desktop one05:47
seb128<seb128> I didn't try to figure how05:47
janimobecause default.desktop in xubuntu is different from xfce.desktop. The former only starts the session manager, the latter a bash script which does other stuff as well05:48
janimoseb128: ok. thanks05:48
seb128I don't get what you are doing05:48
seb128ship a gdm-cdd.conf05:48
ograseb128, he wants to override the defaul05:49
seb128and use DefaultSession=xfce.desktop05:49
seb128default.desktop should not be shipped by xubuntu05:49
seb128it's shipped by gdm05:49
seb128that's a builtin session05:49
seb128which is supposed to do what your box default too05:49
seb128(ie: like a startx)05:49
seb128if you want xfce, why not using xfce.desktop?05:49
infinityseb128: Just tested here with a very (very) barebones PAM C client.  Doesn't exhibit the broken behaviour GDM does.05:52
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infinityseb128: I expect GDM is stripping chars or something equally vile.05:52
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seb128infinity: hum, k05:52
seb128infinity: thank you, I'll have a look on what gdm does exactly (but latter)05:52
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infinityseb128: For reference, "poppassd" is about the slimmest PAM client I can think of off the top of my head, without writing an even smaller (and more useless) one.05:54
seb128infinity: ok, thank you05:54
infinityseb128: Other than the printing of response banners, it's just a PAM I/O client.  Useful for testing (you can just run it on the command line, no need to telnet to it)05:54
janimoseb128: of course not shipping default.desktop but modifying the entry in gdm-cdd.conf to Default=xfce4.desktop05:56
janimoSince if I leave the default even if it startx xfce-session it's not quite the same.05:56
seb128what does it do if you "start"?05:57
=== dappered [n=ubuntu@p54BCEF9C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dapperedi'm installing flight 6 onto a laptop now and as part of the process resizing a 60g partition. resize2fs has been running for around an hour now and although the HDD LED is on, i'm starting to think that it's failed. the process isn't sleeping however: 11919 ? R 1:44 resize2fs /dev/hda1 44992M. is this a known problem with the partitioner?05:58
Kamiondappered: it's a known problem that it doesn't give feedback05:58
janimoseb128: not sure I understand? what does it do if I just leave the default session?05:58
janimoit starts xfce4-session and that's all since it falls back to it via x-session-manager05:59
Kamiondappered: but on a partition that size on a slow laptop disk, it's possible that it is in fact still running05:59
dapperedKamion: hehe right ok. if you suggest that an hour running isn't unreasonable, i'll be patient.05:59
diemanheh suck05:59
Kamionyou can 'strace -p 11919' to check05:59
Kamionctrl-c when you're bored05:59
dapperedsure ok.05:59
diemani can't be in the same hotel now, they ran out of rooms -- luckily theres a hotel about .5 mi away05:59
KamionI'm not sure I'd go so far as to say it isn't unreasonable :)06:00
seb128janimo: forget about that, I think I just don't get what is your issue with using xfce4.desktop ;)06:00
seb128or why you ask about default.desktop is xfce4.desktop works fine06:00
dapperedKamion: that's looking positive, it's still active.06:00
ograseb128, he thinks the way through gdm-cdd.conf is uncler06:00
janimoseb128: because xfce4.desktop must be explicitly selected by the user.06:00
janimothe default is default.desktop but it does not start all that xfce4.desktop starts06:01
dapperedi realise this is also a boring topic, but are the fglrx drivers known to work in dapper on a 2.6.16* kernel?06:01
janimoso even if it loooks like 'ok, xfce is started', some things are not (xscreensaver)06:01
seb128janimo: just set DefaultSession=xfce4.desktop to gdm-cdd.conf06:01
janimoseb128: yes, thats' what I did06:02
seb128ok, so we are all good ;)06:02
janimoexcept we still don;'t know how gnome gets away with just using default, and if default works why is there a need for gnome.desktop :)06:02
janimobut that;s your problem I guess ;)06:02
seb128starting gnome == running gnome-session basically06:03
seb128gnome-session doesn't everything for you06:04
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seb128does everything06:04
janimoseb128: right06:04
seb128an default.desktop leads to have gnome-session started06:04
seb128which works just fine ;)06:04
janimowhereas startxfce4 is a shell wrapper around xfce4-session and other bits and is preferred over bare xfce4-session06:04
janimoso ok 06:04
janimook we're all fine then and only a bit confused :)06:05
ograbut thats a bug in xfce-session then06:05
infinitydappered: We're not shipping a 2.6.16 kernel, so "I don't know".06:05
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seb128janimo: looks like ;)06:05
janimoogra: nope, why hardcode xscreensaver starting in xfce4-session? it's better to have a startxfce4 script06:05
ograif it would behave like gnome-session, all were fine ;)06:05
infinitydappered: That's also not a particularly relevant question for here.06:05
dapperedinfinity: right, cheers.06:05
janimostartxfce4 sets xmodmap, xresources etc06:06
janimowhich I _think_ gnome session just calls from C06:06
wasabi__Hey. So. Anybody still interesting in an ARM port?06:07
infinitywasabi__: Yes, though not necessarily RIGHT NOW. :)06:08
wasabi__I'm going to start compiling some packages for ARM, and see if I can get ubuntu running on my n770.06:08
ograwasabi__, if you make it fit on my ipaq :)06:08
dapperedwasabi__: would be a bit of a squeeze on an n770 ;)06:08
wasabi__Guess I'll just set up my own repository and start doing binary uploads.06:08
wasabi__dappered: Going to LVM it to my MMC.06:08
wasabi__Or split the partitions.06:08
dapperedwasabi__: nice.. i'd love to see an ARM port personally.06:08
infinitywasabi__: It was meant to happen for dapper, IIRC, but it would seem not all the pieces fell into place.06:09
wasabi__Yeah. Little demand, too.06:09
infinitywasabi__: Which irritates me to no end, as I was looking forward to having some fast ARM gear in the DC.06:09
=== ogra still waits for someone to do a mips port to get his old indigo2 running ubuntu :)
wasabi__So, you've done this before I assume. Is qemu a resonable path to take?06:10
wasabi__With nfsroot, etc.06:10
wasabi__Or should I try to cross compile .debs06:10
wasabi__I'm fond of the qemu route because I don't have to do much work. ;)06:10
infinitywasabi__: I'd just bootstrap it from debian/arm.06:11
wasabi__Yeah, that's hte plan.06:11
wasabi__My ARM device is too slow to compile on, though.06:12
infinity(Which is precisely what we'd do if we were doing an "official" port)06:12
infinityWhat's in the N770?06:12
wasabi__133mhz omap I believe.06:12
infinityOh, ouch.06:12
wasabi__And 64 mb of ram.06:13
ograwasabi__, the guys from handhelds.org used to use a distcc cluster on a bunch of ipaqs 06:13
wasabi__ogra: HAHAHA06:13
infinityI was going to say I'd consider anything >= a 200MHz StrongARM to be more than enough beef to bootstrap a port.06:13
wasabi__Well, qemu might  well suffice.06:13
ograso just get a handfull of n770s  ;)06:13
wasabi__Haven't gotten into it yet though.06:13
wasabi__I did get a kernel booted in it.06:13
sladenwasabi__: 250Mhz chip in the 77006:13
wasabi__So, my dual core HT 4ghz p4 + qemu may well work. :006:13
infinityThat's enough oomph for native building, IMO.06:14
infinityThe 64MB of RAM will be a bit harsh for C++ stuff, but should be fine for C.06:14
infinity(Who wants QT/KDE anyway?)06:14
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wasabi__Under Features it lists "java"06:15
wasabi__wonder what that means06:15
dapperedubuntu on this would be a bit of a lark: http://linuxdevices.com/articles/AT9112527929.html06:15
dapperedlovely little ARM9 machine, and cheap 2.06:16
ograwasabi__, well, thats needed for the openoffice port ;)06:16
wasabi__I wouldn't want to run OO on this.06:16
wasabi__abiword runs fine though06:16
ograi wasnt serious06:16
sladenwasabi__: the Netbook/LX project built a complete desktop of Abiword/Gnumeric/Email/Firefox... all rebranded and fitted into 64MB of flash06:17
wasabi__Yeah, the n770 has installs for abiword and gnumeric already. They run fine.06:17
sladenwasabi__: unfortunately I killed the screen on mine just before the Sydney conference06:17
wasabi__I'm just tired of the underlying distro.06:18
wasabi__Files in weird places. Can't just install stuff in /06:18
dapperedsladen: that's what's needed to compete with M$'s office on WinCE.06:18
sladendappered: go and find <wookey> on IRC for more details06:18
dapperedsladen: cheers06:18
sladenthat aside, it still boots and I can SSH to it as a 400Mhz + 256MB RAM ARM machine06:19
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iwjseb128: That ubuntu-docs is in dapper now (well, as soon as it builds) and I'm following up with new {edu,k,x}ubuntu-*.06:26
seb128iwj: ah, nice06:26
dapperedout bbl06:27
ograiwj, ?06:27
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iwjogra: To support epiphany for DapperFirefoxStartPageTranslaction (and to add the `ku' locale).06:30
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ograiwj, ah, zhanks06:33
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iwjseb128: Those should be there shortly.  Can you check that all 3 alternatives work with your new epiphany before you upload it ?06:36
seb128iwj: I'll do that and let you know06:37
iwjRight, thanks.06:37
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iwjThe packages are ubuntu-docs 6.05.3, edubuntu-artwork 0.1.0-24, kubuntu-docs 6.06-7, xubuntu-docs
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iwjErr, so that's four alternatives, sorry.06:38
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Burgworkwasabi__, take a peak at the maemo roadmap. They are planning full support for package management for 2.006:39
wasabi__Sure. Still would rather just run Ubuntu.06:39
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infinitymjg59_: hal is FTBFS all over.  Your patch doesn't apply.06:47
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mjg59_infinity: Crap. It damn well did here.06:49
=== mjg59_ shoots cdbs
infinitymjg59_: You probably had it applied in the diff.gz, so the patch system can't apply it again.06:50
infinity(At a guess)06:50
=== wasabi__ shoots NFS.
wasabi__I have completely forgotten how to set this up.06:50
mjg59_infinity: Not with this build-system...06:50
mjg59_Crap. cdbs-edit-patch being dumb.06:52
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wasabi__mount: RPC: Program not registered     06:53
=== wasabi__ kicks the tires.
ograwasabi__, portmap06:53
wasabi__I know. It's running. Looks fine.06:54
wasabi__Doesn't have -i
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wasabi__Yeah, I'm off to a good start so far.06:59
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mvoMithrandir: is there a way to detect if casper is runing (or if the app is runing under casper)?07:04
desrtportmap's -i option is excessively brain damaged07:06
ogradesrt, it was necessary when we shipped with fam07:07
desrtright.. but instead of -i it should have like --localhost-only07:08
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desrtsince that's the only way that it's even vaguely useful07:08
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ograyou probably want to bind portmap to eth2 or something 07:09
desrt(multiple -i options do not work and binding to an external interface prevents hosts on the local machine from working)07:09
desrtanyway.. it has tcpwrappers which lets me do a vague approximation of what i was aiming for :)07:10
ograi could imagine people running an ltsp server would like to bind portmap only to the thin client interface07:10
desrtya.  i say.07:10
desrtno love :(07:10
ograand not open it for the rest of the world07:10
desrtfor nfs, right?07:11
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desrtanyway.. that's the entire point.  it won't work07:11
desrtif you use -i to bind to an internal interface then the nfs/mountd servers can't register themselves because portmap then refuses to accept connections from
ograhmm, i actually never tried that07:15
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desrtogra; i tried it and, as a result, developed my negative opinion about the -i option :)07:18
ograits nothing to change now, but i'll put on my edgy totdo to look into it :)07:18
desrtit's gonna be pretty tough07:19
wasabi__Anyways. What's wrong with my RPC? :)07:19
desrtif you bind to all interfaces or only a single interface then you only have a single socke07:19
ograchanging a commandline option of portmap ? 07:19
wasabi__The error makes me think portmap isn't listening on *.*07:19
desrtif you bind to 2 interfaces then you have 2 separate sockets07:19
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desrtthe entire mainloop of the program needs to change to deal with the 2 separate listeners (since i'm fairly sure it's probably fairly special because of only having to deal with 1)07:20
=== dsas [n=dean@host81-129-228-205.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
desrtwasabi__; you removed the -i option and restarted?07:22
desrtwasabi__; did you restart all your portmap-using servers?07:22
wasabi__Believe so. nfs-common, nfs-kernel-server07:23
desrtcheck netstat -an | grep 11107:23
desrtsee if portmap is really *.*07:23
wasabi__tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN07:23
desrter.. *.111 actually07:23
desrtdid you setup tcpwrappers?07:23
wasabi__Well, I made sure it wasn't set up.07:24
ograor firewall rules :)07:24
wasabi__no firewall07:24
desrtmodify /etc/hosts.allow07:24
desrtand put07:24
wasabi__I put ALL: ALL in it07:24
desrtor whatever07:24
=== desrt raises eyebrow
wasabi__local lan, private network.07:25
desrtdid you restart tcpd07:25
wasabi__heh. don't even have such a thing.07:25
desrtwell, you do.07:26
desrttcpd is what takes care of authenticating against hosts.{allow,deny}07:26
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desrtit's just really poorly named which causes people to think that it's a server or something07:27
desrton the networks/security course i just took there was a question "give an example of a server that doesn't listen on tcp or udp." and the answer in the answer key was "tcpd".  oi.07:27
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_ion"the" answer?07:29
_ionThat has, like, a million answers. :-)07:29
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Keybukok, so bad things happen if one runs usplash from within X07:37
mjg59_Don't do that07:37
KeybukI found the best way to play was to ssh in from another box, and then just run it there07:38
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RotundCan someone here explain to me what app-install-data-commercial is going to be for (or hasn't there been an official announcement yet?)07:43
Rotundwill it be for the certified software?07:44
Mithrandirmvo: not really, why?07:45
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mvoMithrandir: language-selector checks if you have all the required bits installed for fully working language support (i.e. firefox translations etc). this should not be done on the live-cd07:46
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Keybukso "don't run usplash within X" also means "don't run usplash while X is in the foreground"07:46
mvoMithrandir: I hacked around it by checking if it is started as the LiveCD user07:47
Mithrandirmvo: ew.  Can't I rather set a gconf key or something?07:47
Mithrandirmvo: I absolutely prefer to keep all the hacks to make a live cd behave as a live cd in casper and not in random other chunks of code.07:48
mvoMithrandir: it runs as root, a environment would be good I guess. or a commandline option "--with-verify", then the desktop file would have to be rewriten07:49
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Mithrandirmvo: sed-ing .desktop files is fine with me.07:50
iwjI think the verb from sed is sed, which you can then conjugate as `sedding', `seddery', etc.07:51
ograseduction ? :)07:52
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dholbachseddery sounds like celery to me07:52
Keybukdholbach: that would kinda work07:53
Mithrandirsed(1)ing, not sed(1)ding.07:53
Keybukyou know how it supposedly takes more calories to eat celery than are actually present in it07:53
MithrandirI could also just celerise the .desktop file.07:53
Keybukwell it takes more time to figure out a sed script to do want you want than it would actually take to do it yourself07:53
=== dholbach add something about "lack of sleep" to the channel's topic
dholbachKeybuk: haha - that's like "somebody thought he'd solve a problem with regular expressions, now he had two problems."07:54
=== Fjodor [n=sune@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
LinuxJonesAfter every upgrade of dbus or hal on Dapper the system needs a restart. What's up with that ?07:56
mdke_LinuxJones: define "needs"07:56
AlinuxOSmdke_, ping07:56
mdke_AlinuxOS: uh, yeh07:57
KeybukLinuxJones: dbus sucks, let's go shopping!07:57
AlinuxOSmdke_, I've got a translation page for you... 07:57
mdke_AlinuxOS: mdke@ubuntu.com07:57
AlinuxOSIn which format must sen you ?07:57
Keybuk(it needs you to log out, then restart the system bus, then log in again -- it's easier just to say "restart")07:57
AlinuxOSok I'll do it.07:57
AlinuxOSjust revision it again :)07:57
LinuxJonesmdke_: the update noitifier indicates the system needs a restart.07:58
mdke_LinuxJones: ah. That's because the services need to be restarted before the update is complete.07:59
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Keybuk. o O { and GNOME people want init to use dbus ... "hi, you've made an ever-so-tiny-minor-update to your system; REBOOT OR DIE!" }08:00
_ionNext up: making Linux handle internal message-passing using dbus.08:00
mdke_well, it's "reboot or don't get the upgrades until you do"08:01
LinuxJonesmdke_: can't that be done as part of the upgrade process ?08:01
mdke_sounds quite sensible to me08:01
mvoMithrandir: I added a "-n" option to language-selector that would be required now on the livecd08:01
BurgworkKeybuk, why exactly do the dbus people make us restart again08:01
iwjKeybuk: Freaky, but we knew they were all insane.08:01
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KeybukBurgwork: because no application can handle the bus going away08:01
mdke_AlinuxOS: what's your locale again?08:02
wasabi__Why doesn't somebody fix that?08:02
Keybukthey invented this shiny IPC system, and then forgot that the proxy can vanish08:02
Keybukwasabi: I don't think they realise it's broken08:02
Mithrandirmvo: ok, I'll play with this on Thursday.08:02
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wasabi__Well, antoher thought is that dbus could be restarted.08:03
wasabi__But it's existing instance could stay.08:03
netstarAny ubuntu cups gurus eagerly seeking another bug(s)?08:03
AlinuxOSmdke_, my locale is ka_GE.UTF-808:03
Keybukwasabi: then you'd have apps being unable to communicate, because some are on the old bus and some are on the new08:03
AlinuxOSmdke_, Georgin (ka)08:03
wasabi__Have the new bus talk to the old. ;)08:03
wasabi__Not seriously suggesting that. ;008:03
tsengnetstar: they might look at them, if you open a bug on launchpad.net08:03
mdke_AlinuxOS: ah good.08:04
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-146-177-94.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
wasabi__This is one of the major reasons windows requires so many reboots though.08:04
wasabi__It should have some thought on whether we can prevent it.08:04
wasabi__ie COM components.08:04
AlinuxOSmdke_, last editing and then I'll send it to you.08:04
mdke_iwj: did you do that -docs upload already?08:05
iwjmdke: Yes.08:06
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mdke_iwj: cool, thanks08:07
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mdke_is there a clever way that I can get apt to give me a debdiff for the last update of a package?08:09
mvoMithrandir: thanks, I added you to #3756808:11
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AlinuxOSmdke_, done08:16
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mdke_AlinuxOS: I've replied.08:20
AlinuxOSmdke_, ok I'll check.08:21
mdke_AlinuxOS: continue by email pls08:21
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_ionlinux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 ( dapper; urgency=low08:27
_ion  * Add madwifi-ng support08:27
_ionSo madwifi-ng was added after all?08:27
mjg59__ion: Only for cards that aren't supported by madwifi08:30
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siretartmjg59_: is it possible to force madwifi-ng over madwifi? if yes, how?08:33
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mjg59_siretart: Blacklist madwifi, load madwifi-ng, echo foo >/sys/bus/pci/drivers/whatever/new_id08:35
mjg59_Unsupported, you're on your own, etc08:35
siretartmjg59_: sure. thanks!08:35
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bddebianHi imbrandon08:43
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j^does ubuntu work on the new macbooks(Intel GMA 950)?08:44
Seveasrequiers some hackery08:45
HiddenWolfSeveas: damn, I was going to spend my holiday-money on one. :)08:46
j^i guess wifi will be the problem again08:46
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imbrandonj^ : http://modular.math.washington.edu/macbook/  <-- a little about the hackery involved08:48
j^imbrandon thats the macbookpro not the macbook08:48
imbrandonshould be the same , still efi bios08:48
j^booting is not the issue, its drivers for wifi, graphic card and suspend i am worried about08:50
mjg59_wifi should work08:50
mjg59_graphics will work under bootcamp, should be working under efi soon08:51
mjg59_suspend is possible with bootcamp, you're currently screwed under efi08:51
mjg59_If you want a small and light dual-core laptop to run Linux on, don't buy a macbook right now08:51
j^whats the alternative? X60?08:51
thommjg59_: has anyone played with x60(s)?08:52
mjg59_thom: Mark's got one08:52
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mjg59_Everything works except suspend, which may work with the next kernel08:53
mjg59_If not, I'm going to have to go down there and steal his until it works08:53
thomah, should've guessed08:53
mjg59_The new Sun license still seems to prohibit us from distributing any other Java implementation with it.09:00
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=== _ion doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.
mjg59_"                             you do not combine, configure or distribute the Software to run in conjunction with any09:01
mjg59_additional software that implements the same or similar functionality or APIs as the Software;09:01
Burgworkmjg59_, the faq appears to say that they are only trying to prevent jre/gcj hybrid type things09:03
_ionAccording to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/notification-daemon/0.3.4-0ubuntu6 that version has been successfully built and published, but http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/x11/notification-daemon says the version is still 0.3.4-0ubuntu5. I'd like to know what causes this delay.09:03
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AlinuxOSmdke, done.09:07
AlinuxOSif something wrong, I'm here.09:07
crimsun_ion: packages.u.c doesn't sync every hour.09:07
LaserJockmjg59_: still no drivers for the x1600 for intel iMacs?09:09
mjg59_LaserJock: Free ones? No.09:10
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LaserJockmjg59_: is there proprietary one that can be installed?09:12
mjg59_If you use the bios emulation mode, yes09:12
mdkeAlinuxOS: pvt09:15
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ispikediwj: ping09:40
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ispikedif anyone else who hacks on firefox is here speak up. :)09:50
mdkeispiked: only ian does, i think. Is it a problem that can be dealt with by a bug report? he's good with bugmail09:51
ispikedmdke: well, it's sort of urgent. basically, some guy is compiling firefox and getting an error, and I want to ask him about it (since he made the patch that's causing the error).09:52
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mdkeispiked: if he doesn't reply here, then email him.09:53
ispikedmdke: ok. this guy is trying to compile patched dapper sources on breezy, so I don't know how much luck he's going to have. :P09:53
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wasabi__Cool. Gota Debian/ARM booted in qemu.10:04
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wasabi__Now to start bootstrapping Ubuntu.10:04
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wasabi__There a nice good binary apt repository manager someplace? Used to use dinstall-mini.10:05
wasabi__Still good? There any better replacements?10:05
pygiwasabi, urgh, #ubuntu please10:05
wasabi__I dunno. Porting Ubuntu to ARM sounds like a pretty good topic for this chan. ;)10:05
pygiargh, indeed :)10:06
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Kamionwow, somebody translated ubiquity into Occitan10:10
pygiKamion, :)10:10
KamionI love it when people translate stuff of mine into languages I've never even heard of before10:11
ograwhere does one speak Occitan ?10:11
KamionOccitania ;-)10:11
pygigo figure :-P10:12
mdkeKamion: have you got a scots translation yet?10:12
Kamionseriously - it's a region of southern France, some speakers also in Italy and Spain10:12
Kamionmdke: no10:12
mdkeit's all about scots10:12
ograhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occitan :)10:12
mdkeooh, or maori10:12
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ogramdke, they speak maori in scottland ? 10:15
=== mdke nods
tepsipakkimjg59_: sun will release the source code for java, lets see what the license will be then ;)10:17
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tepsipakki"It's not a question of whether we'll open source Java, now the question is how," Schwartz told delegates in his opening keynote at the tradeshow.10:18
Kamionogra: no :-)10:19
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pygihey pitti 10:22
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mdkeso now java isn't a secret anymore, can someone reply to my mail and we can change the guides?10:22
mdkeI'm not sure how it all works10:23
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ogramdke, not much changed, java has a new name and more recent version but is still in multiverse 10:24
mjg59_The source to java is already publically available10:25
mdkeogra: so what is the right package to install for just a browser plugin?10:26
mjrtepsipakki, pretty much the same's been in the air for years and years. And sure, we can get at Java's source. If we sell our souls.10:26
metatagmjg59_, yeah but for R&D stuffs only10:26
ograi'm sure it pulls in all necessary deps10:26
mdkeogra: ok, and what's the difference between sun-java5-jre and sun-j2re1.5 10:27
ogramdke, thats a doko question10:27
Riddellmdke: what's the problem with i18ning kubuntu docs?10:27
mdkeogra: right, that's why I emailed10:27
RiddellI can't the e-mail you sent me10:28
AlinuxOSpitti, ping10:29
pittihi pygi, hey AlinuxOS 10:30
tepsipakkimjg59_: yep, we'll see when the words materialize10:30
tepsipakki_if_ they materialize10:30
AlinuxOSpitti, I saw your reply to https://launchpad.net/bugs/30671, how much time we have to manage new fonts?10:31
UbugtuMalone bug 30671 in language-pack-ka "ttf-bpg-georgian are GPL ttf fonts for language-pack-ka and GNOME interface." [Normal,Needs info]  10:31
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pittiAlinuxOS: not so much, I'm afraid10:32
pittiAlinuxOS: basically, everything that isn't ready by the end of this week will have a very hard time10:32
Kamionby Thursday, really, given that the Canonical distro team members are all on holiday on Friday to rest up for the release push10:33
=== Keybuk figures to have a large bug push tomorrow, and then lose Thursday to meetings and final fixings of anything I remember
KeybukDavid's got Friday off as well, so we're going to go do stuff :)10:36
ograKamion, there is still a weekend after friday :)10:37
Keybukogra: tsk, the point of the holiday is to rest before embarking on cd testing madness10:37
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Kamionsome of you may be masochists, but I intend to take the full long weekend's rest10:37
wasabi__Ya'll have any recommendations on a archive management tool?10:37
pittiI'll finally catch up with some paperwork and my tax declaration, it's long overdue10:38
ograKamion, i'd love to ...10:38
=== Kamion doesn't, sorry, I just use apt-ftparchive by hand when I need to
Keybukheh, I don't know about rest; I have a wedding to attend on Saturday10:38
Keybukwell, a "civil partnership"10:38
Seveaswasabi, I'd recommend falcon. But I am biased since I wrote that ;)10:38
wasabi__Good enough reason as any to be biased.10:39
wasabi__Not in the repositories?10:39
pygiSeveas, hehe :)10:39
Seveasnot yet10:39
ograKeybuk, your own ? (since everybody seems to marry secretly nowadays)10:39
wasabi__Is it feature complete? :)10:39
wasabi__Before I embark down this road.10:39
pygiyup :-P10:39
Keybukogra: heh, no, not my own10:39
Seveaswasabi__, yes it is10:39
Keybukin fact, David's comment when we were invited was "don't get any ideas" :)10:40
ograKeybuk, he should talk to my GF she actually *is* getting ideas recently10:40
Seveas(example instance: http://seveas.ubuntuinux.nl10:40
wasabi__Supports an incoming directory, etc?10:41
Seveasthose are things I didn't want :010:41
wasabi__dinstall-mini it is then. ;)10:41
Seveasif you want that: mini-dinstall is quite good iirc10:41
SeveasI hate fiddling with incoming/10:41
_ionFalcon is really easy to use. I hope it gets support for multiple architectures soon. :-)10:42
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Seveas_ion, give me a mac or amd64 and I'll have a reason to build it 10:42
_ionseveas: :-)10:43
=== pygi hands over mac mini to Seveas
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ograRiddell, do you have the ltsp packages in ship on kubuntu ? 11:15
Riddellltsp-server-standalone and ltsp-client seem to be there11:16
ograplease add ldm as well (only ~80k) it was a dependency of ltsp-client before but that changed to ldm|gdm|x-display-manager ... since gdm is already on the CD ltsp builds fail to install ldm then11:17
ograyou can merge rev 655 from the ubuntu seeds once the push is done ....11:18
ogracan only be a matter of hours :)11:18
ograyay paramiko11:18
mdkeogra: it's all about getting married11:19
mdke(reading scrollback)11:19
ogramdke, heh, yeah11:19
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jcolewhere did xnest go11:33
ograogra@edubuntu:/mnt/devel/bazaar/dapper$ apt-cache madison xnest11:35
ogra     xnest | 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu10 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages11:35
ograwhere it always was ?11:35
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jcoleno icon anymore in gnome11:35
ogranot in alacarte ?11:35
jcole"Login in Nested Window"11:35
ogranew apps dont show up by default anymore11:36
ograyou need to enable them11:36
Amaranthno, that's not it11:36
Amaranthunless that's a very recent change11:36
Amaranthsome apps are installed but hidden because most people have no use for them11:36
ograwasnt that part of the menu simplification spec ?11:37
ograyeah, right, not all new apps then 11:37
ograi didnt install any yet that showed up by default11:37
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jcole"killall gnome-panel" made it show up under System Tools11:38
wasabi__Cool. Debian/ARM booted in qemu.11:40
wasabi__And now the porting effort begins!11:40
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jcolewasabi__: embedded ubuntu?11:41
wasabi__Well, no. Just an ARM port.11:42
wasabi__Making it small is a distinct effort. ;)11:42
wasabi__But having it booting on the device is a first step to that.11:42
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wasabi__Woh. this sid install is using DiffIndex11:59
wasabi__This new stuff?11:59
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dholbachgood night12:00

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