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LaserJockdoes anybody know how the spec process will work for Edgy? How do we know what is an edgy spec or a dapper spec or does it matter?12:13
BurgworkLaserJock, just create specs for ubuntu12:14
Burgworkthey will be looked at and retargeted as needed12:14
LaserJockBurgwork: by the Ubuntu (slave) drivers? :-)12:15
sladenkeybuk: is udev compatible with ifplugd12:18
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mjg59_sladen: No, it replaces it12:19
wasabi__There a methodology by which base packages are marked? ie needed to be bootstrapped on a new arch?12:28
wasabi__ubuntu-minimal has stuff like xfsprogs, which clearly doesn't.12:29
tsengi think the maintainer of the packages just know12:29
wasabi__Hmm. Maybe I should tear into debootstrap and see what it uses.12:29
tsengmono wasnt marked when we had to manually bootstrap it12:29
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wasabi__I mean distro packages.12:30
tsengi dont see what the difference is12:30
wasabi__required for boot.12:30
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holycowhey guys, anyone know if open office has logging capabilities?12:30
WildTangentNot sure if anyone is aware yet, but the latest updates seem to break the icon beside the applications menu for any icon theme other than Human, Tangerine and Tango12:31
wasabi__Heh. Looks like debootstrap has some hard coded items.12:31
WildTangentinstead of the normal Ubuntu logo, i see the standard gnome foot logo12:31
holycowWildTangent, true i just noticed that too12:31
holycowi preffer the foot logo my self but for ubuntu it should be the logo *nod*12:31
WildTangentthe gnome foot annoys me :)12:31
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wasabi__Ahh. Priority: important12:32
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WildTangentcoz_ here has the same problem as I do12:32
coz_well the recent dapper updates, as of 15 minutes ago, have replaced the distributor-logo next to applications with the gnome foot. I don't hink so. How can this be changed systemically12:33
LaserJockwasabi__: probably Required+Important12:33
coz_I found that even in my own icon set the logo has been replaced 12:34
WildTangentcoz_ there is no distributor-logo.png anymore besides the ones that come with the Ubuntu-made themes12:34
coz_WildTangent, it iwas in hicolor and is now gone12:34
coz_hmm need to solve this12:35
WildTangentthis is quite upsetting12:35
LaserJockhave you guys looked at the dapper-changes to see what the changelog says12:35
LaserJockWildTangent: I doubt there is a need to be upset :-)12:35
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WildTangentperhaps Ubuntu is trying to make each theme decide its own logo...but the problem is, it doesn't seem that the theme-makers have quite caught onto this ;)12:36
coz_LaserJock, no I haven't looked and I don't hink anyone is upset just taken back by the inappropriate change12:36
WildTangentya...and there doesn't seem to be a way for us mere mortals to fix it ;)12:36
WildTangentI've tried many things, nothing has worked12:36
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coz_I am sure whoever is capable of changing this will do so soon I have great confidence in you guys look forward to the change back to the ubuntu logo for the gnome menus12:37
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WildTangentwhere is the changelog?12:38
WildTangenti cannot find it12:38
LaserJocksomewhere in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/12:38
BurgworkWildTangent, file a bug against the tangerine icon theme12:38
WildTangentBurgwork: how are you sure that Tangerine is the problem? I've already stated that the icons in Human, Tangerine, and Tango all work, its the icons in 3rd party themes included with Gnome, and downloaded from places like gnome-looks.org that dont display the correct logo12:40
WildTangentthey worked before the update, but now they dont12:40
LaserJockWildTangent: look at what packages were updated12:41
WildTangentI am trying, but your changelog is hard to navigate12:42
LaserJockWildTangent: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2006-May/date.html12:43
BurgworkWildTangent, then the issue is not an Ubuntu one12:43
LaserJockand if you used aptitude or synaptic look at the history12:43
WildTangentBurgwork: it is obviously an Ubuntu issue...this problem did not surface until immediately after the updates12:44
WildTangentothers have confirmed this12:44
WildTangentthey have the exact same problem as I do12:44
LaserJockbut the question might be if it was an upstream thing or whether it was an accident, etc.12:45
WildTangenttangerine-icon-theme (0.12-0ubuntu1) to 0.13-0ubuntu1, tango-icon-theme (0.7.2-0ubuntu2) to 0.7.2-0ubuntu3, tango-icon-theme-common (0.1-0ubuntu1) to 0.2-0ubuntu1, ubuntu-artwork (18) to 2012:46
WildTangentthose are the theme updates today12:47
WildTangentall ubuntu packages12:47
LaserJockok, so then you can find them on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2006-May/date.html and look at the changelog12:48
WildTangentlatest i can find for tango was may 1112:48
BurgworkWildTangent, tomorrow, as dholbach about it. He does all the icon stuff12:48
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LaserJockWildTangent: ok, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2006-May/010964.html and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2006-May/010976.html12:49
WildTangentnothing looks suspect in there...maybe this was an unintentional mistake12:51
WildTangentin either case, it needs to be fixed :)12:51
LaserJockWildTangent: so go file a bug :-)12:51
WildTangentI shall12:51
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olafuraI'm just wondering why libvisual plugins aren't appart of the gstreamer0.10-plugins-base in dapper?01:01
Burgworkolafura, you need to talk to slomo__ 01:01
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Burgworkolafura, I would also check launchpad for any bugs01:02
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robertj_is it just me or do the new java distribution terms for distros look very _ugly_01:14
robertj_especially  - Ship only a compatible JDK on your OS01:14
wasabi__Very few packages have pure binary-indep support that's optimized eh01:15
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BlueT_at_Marsmorning :)01:27
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CarlFKKamion: install kernel append .... preseed/url=http://foo/bar - that creates a var preseed/url - how can I wget that?  (the / screws up $preseed/url)02:23
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joelbryanhello, anyone know why pessulus isn't included in dapper?03:02
Burgundaviajoelbryan, it is part of the admin stuff, and thus is not shipped by default03:06
Burgundaviajoelbryan, it is a great tool, but not one that everybody needs03:06
joelbryanit's a great app03:06
joelbryanBurgundavia: I thought the reason was it has a epiphany tab by default, which really easy to fix03:07
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wasabi__libc failed on arm. =(03:15
wasabi__that was quick.03:15
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jsgotangcogood morning03:57
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bddebianHeya jsgotangco04:04
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=== wasabi__ beats distcc
bddebianAnyone know aobut the libmysqlclient update?04:20
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desrtbig bad dapper bug!!!05:09
desrtif multiple users are logged in when you plugin a usb storage device then the 'wrong one' mounts it and gains sole permission to it05:10
desrtmy sister tried to load up her mp3 player with my other sister logged in in the background05:10
KaiLI guess, the one logged in first gets it?05:11
desrtactually, it's a crapshoot05:11
desrtbut the one logged in first seems to have a statistical advantage05:11
KaiLthe tools in the background (same problem for sound!) doesn't get any information, that a session is locked/disabled...05:12
KaiLthat's not a normal bug, that's just missing design...05:13
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Burgundaviadesrt, I wonder if this is a pam_foreground bug05:40
desrtsuch a thing exists?05:41
Burgundaviasuch a total shot int eh dark05:41
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desrtthe best thing i can think of is for g-v-m to check /var/run/console to make sure that the current vt belongs to the logged-in user05:45
Burgundaviadesrt, talk to mjg59_ as this is a solved issue05:49
desrtnot really05:49
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desrtmjg59 solved it for power management via dbus05:49
desrtmounting of hotplugged storage occurs by execing pmount (setuid), not over dbus05:50
Burgundaviadoes lib_pamforeground not solve the "whose is currently in control of this computer" issue?05:53
desrtthis isn't really a pam thing, though05:54
desrtunless the change it made to pmount....05:54
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desrtBurgundavia; sorry.  you were right.06:21
desrtBurgundavia; there is definitely code in place to deal with this06:21
desrtBurgundavia; for some reason it does not work06:22
Burgundaviadesrt, see, my totally non-technical knowledge pays off06:23
desrtthe effected computer is probably running the old version06:23
desrtthe fix went in just a few days ago06:23
desrtthank god.. i can now go to sleep at a reasonable hour tonight :)06:23
desrtanyway.  thanks.  goodnight.06:26
wasabi_There we go.06:30
wasabi_Compiling Ubuntu on Debian/ARM in qemu using distcc with a cross compiling toolchain to my fast machine.06:30
wasabi_Now that's interesting.06:58
desrtmaybe sun could be friendly back and license their jvm so that ubuntu was actually able to ship it07:11
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desrtit'll be cute when sun is shipping an OS on their servers that is not legally able to include sun's own platform07:12
wasabi_They have.07:13
wasabi_apt-get install sun-j2sdk or something07:13
wasabi_it's there right now.07:13
desrtin universe, multiverse?07:13
wasabi_good question07:13
wasabi_But it is finally packaged properly.07:14
desrtthat's nice07:14
wasabi_I'm a bit disappointed actually.07:15
wasabi_I really like GCJ/kaffe. ;)07:15
desrtgcj is quite elite.07:15
desrtgcj is officially what makes java better than c#07:15
wasabi_Heh. WHy do you say that?07:15
desrtnative code07:15
wasabi_C# has the same.07:15
desrtno need for a runtime environment07:15
wasabi_Done in pretty much the same way.07:15
wasabi_gcj still has a runtime environment.07:16
wasabi_In fact, for EJB, and servlets, it's pretty much neccassary.07:16
desrtwell, you need a GC, etc...07:16
desrtbut i mean no virtual machine07:17
desrtit has a runtime in the sense that ghc-compiled executables do07:17
wasabi_Well... Dunno what you mean by no virtual machine. It's a very fine line.07:17
wasabi_GCJ needs to be able to compile java code and bytecode on the fly.07:17
wasabi_To compile servlets and applets on the fly.07:17
wasabi_And runtime bytecode generation.07:17
wasabi_At the end of the day, they're all just generating bits of machine language and linking them together on the fly.07:18
wasabi_Or reading pre-built bits off the disk.07:18
wasabi_C# has a precompilation thing. Basically just plugs in and circumvents the JIT.07:18
desrtanyway.  time for bed.07:19
desrtsee you.07:19
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jsgotangcoglatzor: ping07:34
glatzorhi jsgotangco!07:34
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jsgotangcoglatzor: hey, i don't think we can do so much for the u-m guide now07:35
jsgotangcothe current u-m is so different07:35
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glatzorBurgundavia: update-manager07:36
glatzorTHe manual covers update-manager and the software properties07:36
glatzorthat's a pity.07:37
jsgotangcowell its my fault too i didnt look at it that much, but since both u-m and software propterties are separate now, the guide is really outdated07:39
glatzorjsgotangco: I will take a detailed look at the manual07:39
jsgotangcook the current u-m only has 4 buttons07:40
glatzorjsgotangco: update-manager istn't the problem. it only needs some minor changes and updated screenshots07:43
glatzorbut the software-properties are slightly out of date :)07:43
glatzorI could perhaps fix this today, since I am going to stay at home today (bike accident).07:43
glatzorjsgotangco: Burgundavia: you would agree to a freeze breakage exception?07:44
jsgotangcoglatzor: oh07:44
jsgotangcoas long as we can still upload i think its ok, there's a scheduled flight 8 this friday07:46
=== jsgotangco is at work atm, doesnt have his tree
crimsunjsgotangco: (no, that was cancelled.)07:46
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crimsunmandatory holiday and all07:47
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glatzorhas anybody seen his screen turning yellow recently? 07:59
glatzormine is nearly complete in yellow07:59
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pittiGood morning!08:04
crimsun'morning :)08:04
jsgotangcoglatzor: yeah that was a known issue, but i belive its tagged as fixed08:04
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sivangmorning all08:38
pittiinfinity: bug 39484 can be closed now, right?08:44
UbugtuMalone bug 39484 in samba "cups smb printing backend no longer works" [Major,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3948408:44
pittiinfinity: I'll upload the fix for another major printing regression now and then will do a new round of cupsys bug triage and call for testing08:44
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hendrydoes Ubuntu prompt for a screen res when configuring X or is that Debian08:50
Seveasubuntu only does that for wonky graphics setups where it can't be detected automatically08:51
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jsgotangcoheya sabdfl 08:52
glatzorjsgotangco: I would like to keep software-properties and update-manager in one document08:56
glatzorbut I am unsure.08:56
glatzorjsgotangco: one again yellow :/08:58
infinitypitti: Yes, there are a mess of bugs I need to close now.08:59
pittiinfinity: yay09:00
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ivoksphew... cups is back on track again :)09:03
pygiivoks, heh, CUPS 1.2 on Kubuntu? :)09:04
ivokspygi: CUPS 1.2 upstream :)09:05
pygiivoks, eh :)09:05
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pittiivoks: yay upstream patch for the octet-stream printing :)09:06
=== pitti gives dholbach a good morning hug
dholbachheya pitti!09:07
=== dholbach hugs pitti
pittiivoks: as soon as my flatmate went out of bed, I'l grab him for testing and then I'll upload the fix09:07
pittiinfinity: right, thanks09:07
ivokspitti: yeah, that patch fixed IPP09:07
infinitypitti: You're the only person I know who actually wants his english corrected, so I'd be remiss if I didn't do so. :)09:08
ivoksbut SMB is fishy... i won't say anything untill i test it09:08
hendrywhere should I send failed installation logs to?09:08
pittiivoks: which direction? the cups -> windows print server direction should have been fixed yesterday (thanks to infinity)09:08
ivoksi need computer with working windows :/09:09
pittiinfinity: or do you mean windows client to cups server over smb?09:09
infinityWrong "i" nick.09:09
ivokspitti: i get access denied on printer, but it could be config issue09:09
infinityAccess denied sounds a lot better than segfaults...09:09
pittiinfinity: I should really get breakfast before doing anything serious...09:09
=== infinity wonders how many more times the icons on his desktop are going to change before release.
infinityIt's like I get a whole new OS when I wake up and upgrade every morning.09:10
pittidid they change again?09:10
=== pitti calls restartgnome and watches
infinityMy Audio CD icon changed, and the connect types for NetworkManager got new icons.  Not sure what else.09:11
Burgundaviainfinity, grumble. UI freeze has come and gone09:11
pittialso, did the System menu get shorter yesterday? I don't actually miss anything, but I have the feeling something was dropped09:11
crimsun(I do like the new network monitor icons)09:12
pittioh, I know! "Lock screen" -- /me looks at dholbach09:12
infinityYeah, lock screen went away.  And those icons keep changing too.09:12
infinityLog out is completely different today.09:12
infinityAnd had a computer with a power off button.  Hrm.  Mixed signals much? :)09:12
dholbachpitti: hu?09:13
pittidholbach: moo09:13
dholbachthey are going to change09:14
infinitypitti: I expect we're meant to lock the screen from the logoff menu now.09:14
dholbachand some icons might not be in the right place - I had to transition to use icon-naming-utils09:14
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dholbachI'm not happy about it, but that's the way it is -- you can poke me or file a bug if something is wrong / feels wrong09:14
=== infinity just cheats and locks the screen using his laptop lid button anyway.
pittidholbach: putting 'lock screen' behind an icon with a power switch is even worse than putting 'change user' behind it...09:15
pittihey seb128 09:15
seb128hello pitti09:15
pittidholbach: aside from that, it's an extra click09:15
pittiand the System menu isn't exactly crowded...09:15
dholbachpitti: it will change - bug is known, removing lockscreen was Mark's decision09:15
infinityIf the recycle icon weren't already used for garbage/trash, it would be the ideal icon for "switch user/reboot/log out"... Too bad, really.09:16
infinityThe whole feel of "recycling the computer" would work well.  Damn Microsoft for turing that into a "deleted files" logo for everyone.09:16
=== pitti votes for a single 'System' menu entry 'Change system state...' which pops a huge dialog with 23 big icons
=== infinity laughs.
dholbachpitti: "Do something"09:17
pitti"Make it so!"09:17
infinityWhy not get rid of the panel and menus altogether, and just have a huge icon in the middle of the desktop labelled "use computer"?09:17
dholbachway to go09:17
infinityCan someone upload that change to edgy on June 2nd? :)09:18
ivokspitti: well...09:18
ivokspitti: printing works, but windows says "Access denied, unable to connect"09:18
pygiArgh, windows again :-/09:18
infinityivoks: Err...09:19
infinityivoks: It prints *and* says access denied?09:19
pittiivoks: erm, you mean printing from the windows box works? or just in genereal, i. e. locally?09:19
ivoksfrom windows to cups1.2 works (ipp and smb)09:19
infinityMaybe Windows is trying to view the spool and hasn't enough permissions to do that?09:19
ivoksbut smb says Access denied, unable to connect09:19
infinity(Hence the access denied)09:19
ivokscould be09:19
ivoksi don't do printing over samba very often :)09:20
infinityOkay, quick, someone tell me how to setup a null printer (print to postscript or something) in CUPS.09:20
infinityI can test the Windows->SMB->CUPS stuff here.09:20
infinityBut I have no printer. :)09:20
=== pitti would guess 'DeviceURI file:///tmp/print.ps' in /etc/cups/printers.conf
ivoksi could be my windows broken...09:22
ivoksafter restart it says Ready09:23
seb128pitti: turn /apps/panel/global/upstream_session, restart your panel, be happy ;)09:24
pygiivoks, windows = always broken :)09:24
ivoksbut doesn't print :)09:24
Treenaksseb128: I LOVE YOU!09:25
infinityHoly crap, "reading printer database" takes forever...09:25
infinity(Can you tell this is the first time I've ever run gnome-cups-admin?)09:26
seb128Treenaks: lol, no need of that much but thank you ;)09:26
infinityOh, and that was useless anyway.09:26
=== infinity tried hand-tweaking as pitti suggests.
Treenaksseb128: If I'd know of that gconf key earlier.. :)09:26
seb128Treenaks: reading the ChangeLog entries is useful :p09:27
Treenaksseb128: sometimes there are too many09:27
=== mdke wonders if everyone is going to set that key
pittiinfinity: you can create an arbitrary printer and then change printers.conf manually; the file:/// destination is disabled by default for some reason09:27
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janimobug 4518009:29
UbugtuMalone bug 45180 in xubuntu-live "After install xubuntu from live cd, xubuntu-live package is also installed" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4518009:29
hendrymy fresh install of Ubuntu's time is wrong. How do i fix it?09:29
janimois that normal, just not seen with ubuntu/kubuntu because they don;t ship more language support packs?09:29
hendrywhen i run ntpdate, it says "no servers can be used"09:29
pygijanimo, no, that shouldnt be there09:30
infinitypitti: Hrm, cups-pdf seemed to be precisely what I wanted, but doesn't actually do anything.09:30
infinitypitti: Does it need updating to work with cups 1.2?09:31
pittiinfinity: cups-pdf iz broken09:31
janimopygi: so ubuntu-live is not on an ubiquity installed system?09:31
ivoksyou need to run cups as root for that09:31
pittiinfinity: bug 3609309:31
UbugtuMalone bug 36093 in cups-pdf "needs to be fixed to work with cupsd running as non-root" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3609309:31
infinitypitti: Ahh.  How do I mangle cups to run as root?  Init script?09:32
pittiinfinity: luckily, Mike Sweet already started implementing native PDF support for cups09:32
pygijanimo, well, ubuntu-live *and therefore xubuntu-live* shouldnt be there after installation09:32
pittiinfinity: Mike removed the RunAsUser option in 1.2, so you can't any more09:32
ivokshe did?09:32
janimopygi: ok thanks09:32
pygijanimo, that bug for ubuntu-live was fixed I think09:32
mdkehendry: #ubuntu or #ubuntu+109:32
ivoksoh my09:32
pitti(that was a very bad idea, yes...)09:32
infinityOh.  Fun.09:32
pittiinfinity: in his opinion, RunAsUser was unsafe, and distros should rather use SELinux and the like09:32
=== infinity removes cups-pdf and does it the other way.
ivoksi guess he never tried to use selinux :)09:33
janimoKamion: is it ubiquity that has to be told not to install xubuntu-live?09:33
pittiinfinity: ah, edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and add 'FileDevice Yes'09:33
ivoksafaict my smb.conf is ok, but it's access denied and it prints09:34
Gloubiboulgajanimo, hi, I have casper and ubiquity packages installed on the HD too09:34
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janimoGloubiboulga: hi, ok let's see what the desktop CD people say09:34
pittiinfinity: then you can create an arbitrary printer (preferably with Generic/PostScript driver) in gnome-cups-add and then change printers.conf 09:34
pygiGloubiboulga, ergh, I thought that bug was fixed09:34
pygifrom what live cd?09:34
Gloubiboulgamay 15th IIRC09:35
janimopygi: it may not have been for xubuntu if an explicit blacklist of some sort is needed09:35
GloubiboulgaI can trry with a more recent live cd09:35
pygiGloubiboulga, no need.09:35
pygijamesh, indeed09:35
UbugtuMalone bug 40067 in firefox "firefox freezes after a few secs on ppc" [Normal,Confirmed]  09:35
looksauswhat else can I do to find out more information about this one so the bug can be rooted out?09:36
pygijanimo, have you tracked bug like that for Ubuntu on launchpad?09:36
pygiperhaps there is an explanation09:36
janimopygi: I was not aware of such a bug till this morning when Gloubiboulga reported it09:37
looksausI'm willing to setup a vnc server or something for a developer to check remotely09:37
infinitypitti: Hrm, no dice.  When I try to print a test page, it just sits there with "Printing 1 Jobs" (yay, badly formatted strings) and doesn't spit anything out to the file.09:37
looksausI'm getting a bit scared that this problem might still be there with the Dapper release09:38
pygijanimo, hm, I can try tracking it down later if you want09:38
pittiinfinity: anything in /var/log/cups/error_log?09:38
pittiinfinity: did you set the destination to somewhere in /tmp?09:38
ivokspitti: also, printing/browsing/everything works fine with 1.1<->1.209:38
janimopygi: thanks, if we don;t get a clarification on irc this morning09:38
infinityE [17/May/2006:17:36:17 +1000]  [Job 1]  No %%BoundingBox: comment in header!09:38
infinitypitti: Yeah, I just copied and pasted your stuff from above. :)09:39
infinitypitti: Looks like it doesn't like the job itself.  Awesome.09:39
pittiinfinity: hm, that works fine for me09:40
infinityHrm.  My DeviceURI got over written...09:40
pittiinfinity: I grabbed a postscript file, created a file:/// printer 'f' and did 'lp -d f /home/martin/latex/test/formel.ps'09:40
pittiivoks: darn, none of my flatmates is at home and I don't know their windows passwords; if you confirm that the patch really fixes octet-strem, I'll just upload it09:42
ivokssmbd[14535] :   astro ( couldn't find service ::{2227a280-3aea-1069-a2de-08002b30309d}09:42
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ivokspitti: it does for IPP, but i'm not 100% sure this is everything needed to get SMB printing back on track09:42
ivokspitti: windows passwords? :))09:43
pittiivoks: alright, then let's test and rock09:43
ivokspitti: that's easy...09:43
ivokspitti: i'm sure none of them has password for 'Administrator' account09:43
infinitypitti: Okay, got that sorted.  Now to test from Windows...09:43
pittiivoks: I don't know the Windows equivalent of 'init=/bin/bash' :)09:43
ivokspitti: on login screen, hit ctrl+alt+del twice09:44
pittiivoks: they have, and they don't work as admin. Just because they are *my* flatmates :)09:44
ivokspitti: and enter Administrator for username, blank password09:44
ivokspitti: works in 99% of cases :D09:44
ivoksif it's XP09:44
ivoksso, java is going open source after all? says Shwartz09:47
janimopitti, sorry to bring this up again, but is there a chance to consider a separate evince-gtk source pkg for main?09:48
janimodoing it withing evince proper is too instrusive09:48
janimoand I have cleaned up the package FWIW so it's almost like the evince one09:48
infinitypitti: Okay, same results.  A WinXP test page printed fine, but the spool viewer claims lack of rights to the printer.09:49
janimootherwise an alternative would be another app in main (epdfview) but evince is more tested09:49
pygiivoks, indeed, just we dont know which licence yet09:49
infinitypitti: I'll poke at that.09:49
pygiivoks, perhaps "Sun Open Source Licence" :-D09:49
ivoksinfinity: imho, this is samba issue09:49
janimoanother alternative is no doc viewer at all in default install09:49
infinityivoks: Perhaps, but I don't recall ever having this issue before.09:49
ivoksme too09:50
ivoksinfinity: smbd[14535] :   astro ( couldn't find service ::{2227a280-3aea-1069-a2de-08002b30309d}09:50
ivoksinfinity: that's only error i get in logs09:50
crimsunjanimo: just considering security, I'd vote for no doc viewer by default to avoid yet more source to fix09:50
infinitypitti: Should I be concerned about all the "cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found!" in the log file?09:51
janimocrimsun: right, althoug most flaws are in poppler not the viewver itslef no?09:51
infinityivoks: In which log are you seeing that?09:51
crimsunjanimo: hmm, yes09:51
ivoksinfinity: syslog (i redirected samba logs in syslog, and set syslog level to 256)09:51
ivoksinfinity: astro is a client machine09:52
infinitypitti: Also, cupsd complains repeatedly about not being able to open access_log.09:52
ivoksinfinity: certificate is cause it trys SSL first09:52
janimocrimsun: and the slight advantage over this kind of duplication is that you fix the same thing, whereas with a totally different app you may have a new flaw altogether09:52
infinitypitti: Hrm, which could be because it was created as root...09:53
infinityivoks: Okay, as I thought.  The "Access Denied" is because WinXP is probing to see if it can admin the remote print spool.09:56
infinityivoks: Adding "printer admin = @lpadmin" to my smb.conf, doing "adduser testuser lpadmin", and restarting samba made the error go away.09:57
ivoksinfinity: right...09:58
infinityivoks: Either way, with or without that error, I can print to the printer just fine.  The error seems to only relate to spool manipulation, not job creation.09:58
infinitypitti: ^^^09:58
ivoksinfinity: but... you know what's funny09:58
ivoksinfinity: after restart it's Ready and doesn't print09:58
ivoksso... i don't know should i laugh or cry09:58
infinityivoks: Okay, that's bizarre.  On mine, it's "Ready" and prints fine. :)09:59
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ivoksi really hope vista will have IPP browsing10:00
infinitypitti: Do you think I should change the default SMB config to suggest using "printer admin = @lpadmin" (commented out, of course), so people can figure this one out? :)10:01
infinityivoks: AFAICT, Microsoft is moving 100% to IPP, so I assume it will.10:01
infinityivoks: SMB printing has always been a hideous hack, and I'm sure they'll be glad to drop it and move on.10:01
=== pygi suggests infinity to do that
infinityivoks: The fact that SMB printing requires local drivers on the client machine is a big non-starter.  How it survived this long, I'll never know.10:02
ivoksinfinity: i allwayes hated smb printing :/10:03
infinityivoks: So does every NT admin (me included) that I've ever known.10:03
infinityIt's not just doing it via samba that sucks, doing it on NT server is just as bad.10:03
infinity"What do you mean I need to have client print drivers for each printer on every single workstation?  For how many operating systems on how many architectures?  Say what now?"10:04
ivoksinfinity: um... can you please restart your windows and try printing again?10:04
morgs_hiya, if flight7 ubiquity failed to resize an ext3 partition and created a zero-length partition, where should I log the bug? Is it ubiquity or gparted or...?10:04
ivoksinfinity: it just doesn't work here :(10:04
infinityivoks: Alright, I have to save some stuff my girlfriend was mangling in Photoshop... 'Sec.10:05
ivoks WARNING: The "printer admin" option is deprecated10:05
ivoksoh, lol10:05
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dholbachheya mvo!10:07
mvohey dholbach10:08
pygiivoks, nice :)10:08
infinity              This  parameter  has  been marked deprecated in favor of using the SePrintOperator10:08
infinity              Privilege and individual print security descriptors. It will be removed in a future10:09
infinity              release.10:09
seb128hi dholbach10:09
seb128mdke: around?10:10
looksauswhy does my ppc ibook have a sun-java5-jre package, while it doesn't have a sun-java5-bin?10:10
dholbachhi seb128!10:10
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Kamionjanimo: yes, it's a ubiquity thing, but it should be done automatically by the stuff we put in place ages ago; I've asked for more information10:12
seb128dholbach: ups, I'm too used to type your name, I was thinking "hi mvo" ;)10:13
Kamionmorgs_: was this the automatic "resize <partition> and use free space" option, or did you go to "manually partition" and choose to resize something there?10:13
=== dholbach hugs seb128
Kamionjanimo: by the way, are you aware that Xubuntu live filesystem builds have been failing for some time? see e.g. http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/liveLogs/dapper/xubuntu/latest/livecd-20060517-i386.out10:14
Kamionxubuntu-docs is failing to install10:14
infinityI was just about to mention that. :)10:14
morgs_Kamion: it was a couple of days ago, and I rebooted since then so I can't remember exactly, but I think it was the automatic option.10:14
morgs_Kamion: I'm just trying to repair my hda1, if I can fix it I'll try again to duplicate the problem.10:15
Kamionmorgs_: then ubiquity; please attach /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/installer/partman to the bug report10:15
morgs_Kamion: OK10:15
Kamion(please do that before potentially trashing the disk :-))10:15
ivokspitti: i see you are in upload mood :) maybe to upload that addition for g-c-m, so translators have time to translate it? :)10:16
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morgs_Kamion: somehow my hda1 partition (ext3) shows as ext3 in cfdisk, fdisk etc but in gparted it shows as "unknown". If I try mount it I get a bad superblock or missing filesystem... so perhaps it's already trashed. Unfortunately I rebooted after the installation attempt so I lost the logs.10:17
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looksaushm, there is a sun-java5-jre package on ppc, but no sun-java5-bin10:17
pygilooksaus, use #ubuntu10:17
looksauspygi, oops, told this twice in the same channel, sorry10:18
infinityivoks: Printing (and spool admin) still works after a reboot of the XP machine.10:18
infinityivoks: Looks like your problem is local. :/10:18
ivoksinfinity: great :)10:19
ivoksinfinity: yeah... windows doesn't even try to connect to my share after reboot... if it's just me, thats great10:19
Kamionmorgs_: cfdisk/fdisk are showing the partition type code; gparted is actually scanning the contents10:20
ivoksinfinity: sorry for unneeded reboot :/10:20
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Kamionmorgs_: what vintage of live CD was this?10:20
infinityivoks: S'ok.  I just hate rebooting my girlfriend's machine when she's not home. ;)10:20
infinityivoks: I'll be sure to blame you when she asks.10:20
AnAntmay someone help me with creating a package ?10:20
AnAntI used pbuilder to create elinks-0.11.1 package 10:20
morgs_Kamion: flight 710:20
ivoksinfinity: oh no! lucky my, i'm so far far away :)10:20
infinityAnAnt: -> #ubuntu-motu10:20
infinityAnAnt: Also, the last two weeks before release may be the wrong time to be asking people to help mentor you.10:21
AnAntbut it called it elinks_0.11-0.0upstream.deb10:21
AnAntinfinity: huh ? what release are u talking about ?10:21
AnAntwhat two weeks ?10:21
infinityAnAnt: Dapper.  Releases in 2 weeks.  We're busily working on that.10:21
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ivoksAnAnt: we'll talk in #ubuntu-motu10:22
AnAntoh, ok10:22
AnAntwell, maybe u can include that latest elinks package in it 10:22
pygiAnAnt, no,we cant10:23
ivoksthen, AFAICT cups is done10:23
pittiivoks: mvo prepared the package yesterday, I hope we can get it uploaded now or today10:24
ivokspitti: ok10:24
AnAntpygi: is there some process for it ?10:24
pittimvo: good morning!10:24
pygiAnAnt, well, you cant get packages in just 2 weeks before a release10:24
AnAntpygi: np, I was kidding about that10:25
mvopitti: hello, its on people.u.c (ubuntu7.2)10:25
mvoivoks: we changed it so that browsing and shareing are independant options10:25
KamionAnAnt: the process involves turning up at least a month ago; we look forward to your time machine :)10:26
ivoksmvo: ok... it makes sense and that's what i wanted first10:26
AnAntKamion: np, it can be in the one after, right ?10:27
ivoksmvo: but it's kind of misleading for users that don't know cups very well :)10:27
mvoivoks: cool, can you test the new souce too (its only deb-src currently) please? 10:27
ivoksmvo: sure10:27
pygiAnAnt, indeed10:27
mvopitti: blast, sorry. I have not yet uploaded the change from "Detect LAN printers" to "Detect/advertise LAN printers" :/10:28
AnAntpygi: I meant, how/where to submit it ?10:29
ivoksnice touch10:29
pygiAnAnt, any packaging questions --> #ubuntu-motu :)10:30
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pittiivoks: we should keep the code easy at this stage of the release, and some people might actually want to just open cups for windows clients (which doesn't need browsing)10:33
ivokspitti: i understand, i even like the idea :) but we should document that (since CUPS it self doesn't have very straightforward documentation)10:35
pittiivoks: I agree; 10:35
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ivokspitti: what are other plans for automatic printing spec?10:38
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ivokspitti: sharing printers could be easily expaned to SMB (printing = cups; printing = none)10:38
pittiivoks: let's consider that post-release :)10:38
ivokspitti: so i guess, for edgy we have sharing covered10:39
ivokspitti: of course that's for post-release :)10:39
pittiivoks: but in short, cups 1.2 has dbus support now, so we should tie this into the gui10:39
ivoksi see, for local autodetection10:39
pittiivoks: i. e. plugging in a new printer should spawn g-cups-add or something even simpler automatically if the printer is not yet configured10:39
ivoksthat could be done for edgy10:39
pittiyes, I hope so10:40
pittiwe'll drop gnome-cups-manager, too10:40
pittiit's abandoned upstream and pretty buggy, so we'll switch to eggcups or whatever; I didn't deal with that yet, though10:40
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pittihi mdz10:43
seb128hey mdz10:46
infinitymdz: 'Morning.  I finally got that OOo build to die in the same spot... But not with a SIGABRT this time, instead with an illegal insn.10:47
infinitymdz: (Died overnight, haven't played with it yet, just saw the log)10:47
mdzinfinity: curiouser and curiouser. how?10:47
mdzwas just pulling down the source to play with that now that I have bandwidth10:47
infinitymdz: No idea "how", really.  Just a by-hand reproduction of the LP-buildd process, unpack-chroot, mount stuff inside, upgrade, sbuild...10:48
mdzinfinity: but you said you tried that before and couldn't reproduce it10:48
infinityWhich I'd done previously too, but maybe I missed something the last time (the only difference that pops to mind is /dev/pts being mounted... Not sure I want to kill another 6 hours testing that theory, but I can)10:48
ivoksbye all10:49
infinitymdz: Last time, I did it very by hand.  This time, I used the lp-buildd scripts.10:49
mdzI see10:49
infinitymdz: Like I said, the only thing that I /think/ would be different is /dev/pts, but that makes no sense to me (how that could lead to a sigabrt or illegal insn)10:49
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infinityAnyhow, I'm poking more today in the background as I do other stuff.10:50
mdkeseb128: sort of10:50
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seb128mdke: would changing gaim to not open the "create account" on first startup would be an issue for documentation team?10:51
mdkeseb128: no10:51
mdkeseb128: lemme check something quickly10:51
seb128mdke: it's sort of useless, it got stacked behind the account list one which add an obvious "add" button10:51
infinityAnd this is the part where I scream because I realise my .sbuildrc had $purge_build_directory="always" in it...10:51
=== infinity restarts the buildand hopes it fails again.
seb128mdke: they don't open if with gaim 2.0beta3, I want to do that change for dapper too10:51
mdkeseb128: no problem10:51
seb128mdke: ok, thank you10:52
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UsiuE: Unknown suite dapper10:54
Usiuany help ?10:54
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UsiuLaurens_S, are You a developer?10:54
Kamionuse debootstrap instead; we've never made cdebootstrap work properly with Ubuntu10:55
Laurens_Sno, just lurking - if that's in apropriate, I'lll leave10:55
KamionLaurens_S: lurking is fine10:55
pittimvo: so you will wait for ivok's test results before uploading gcm?10:56
sladenmdz: when "next week" does your manual uploads monitoring kick in?10:56
mdzsladen: deliberately unspecified10:56
=== sladen chuckles
mdzsladen: if there's something you're planning on landing, it should have been in already10:56
mdzthe last two weeks should be entirely release prep10:57
sladenonly bug-fixes10:58
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mvopitti: do we have the ok from the release team?10:59
pittimvo: doc team said yes, Colin too11:00
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pittimvo: let's ask mdz, too11:00
infinitymdz: What about universe?  Slightly more liberal there still?11:00
pittimdz: we have a small gnome-cups-manager patch which adds a 'Share local printers' menu option. This just calls /usr/share/cups/enable_sharing. It breaks the UI, but doc-team is fine with it11:01
infinitymdz: (Thinking about the "dmraid initramfs support" thing, which is in universe, and the contributed scripts appear to be good and work fine)11:01
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UsiuKamion, E: No such script: /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/dapper11:03
UsiuI am building on debian11:03
infinityUsiu: So, install our version.  It installs fine on Debian.11:04
infinityUsiu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/admin/debootstrap11:04
mdzinfinity: yes11:04
mdzpitti: this sounds awfully like a feature11:04
Usiuinfinity, thx11:05
pittimdz: yes, it is, that's why I asked so many people; it adds the missing UI bit to the cups script11:05
mdzpitti: mail me the patch?11:05
mdzpitti: who created the patch?11:05
pittimvo: ^ you have the current one, can you do?11:05
pittimdz: it was initially created by ivoks, and mvo fixed some stuff and made it easier (we discussed and tested this yesterday)11:06
pittimdz: now the patch is basically a copy&paste&tweak of the already existing 'Enable browsing' patch11:06
Usiuinfinity, one more thing (important) is the dbus services dir the same in dapper as in debian?11:07
Usiuinfinity, /usr/share/dbus-1/services/11:07
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infinityUsiu: No idea.11:07
mdzpitti: I'd like to look over the patch11:07
pittimdz: sure11:08
Kamionit's /usr/share/dbus-1/services/ in dapper, yes11:08
mvomdz: I can send you both the new and the old patch or a diff of the patches (but that is going to be not readable)11:08
mvoor both of course11:08
Kamionmvo: interdiff!11:08
UsiuKamion, thx11:08
mdzmvo: if the new patch is so complex that I won't understand it without the old patch, we don't want it ;-)11:08
=== mvo drinks a cups of tea before typing more nonsense
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infinitymvo: "a CUPS of tea"?... Looks like someone needs a vacation.11:10
pittiinfinity: but it fits, given that it's about printing :)11:11
mvoinfinity: you are so right11:12
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sivangmvo: hehe :)11:15
sivanginfinity: sharp eyes you have11:15
Kagouinfinity, wow what a huge release for samba :) thanks 11:16
mdzpitti: PS, I'm going to sleep very soon11:17
Kagouinfinity, 10 bugs closed in the same time ... are you looking for a record ?! ;)  dholbach have to make a big hug :D11:18
=== dholbach hugs Kagou! :)
dholbachHappy Hug Day!11:19
mdzmvo: this patch is way too big11:19
mdzpitti,mvo: please defer until after the release11:20
pittihm, ok11:22
mvomdz: ok11:23
mdkeKamion: an email for you: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2006-May/000587.html11:23
janimoKamion: was not aware of the liveCD build failure, has it been happening before today as well?(latest xubuntu-docs upload was yesterday)11:24
mdkeKamion: can you make sure string changes are always notified to that mailing list, if there are any more?11:24
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infinityjanimo: Older livefs build failures appeared to be due to xubuntu-desktop being uninstallable, which I assumed you would have known about...11:29
janimoinfinity: right. iwj uploaded a xubuntu-docs yesterday may be it?11:29
janimoalthough I just installed fine here11:30
pittijanimo: see http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/anastacia.txt11:32
pittijanimo: apparently xubuntu-desktop depends on some universe packages11:32
janimopitti, hmm those which have not yet been promoted11:32
pittijanimo: I recognize the names, most (all) of them have been approved, so they need to be promoted11:33
janimobut it's ok since the seeds to not translate to the desktop package11:33
janimopitti, they have been in the seeds for the long time. But the script wjhich makes xubuntu-desjtop ignores them so np AFAIK11:33
janimopitti, yes 5 of them you approved yesterday :)11:33
pittijanimo: seeding is fine, but as long as the packages are in universe, they are uninstallable11:33
janimoxubuntu-desktop has been installable afaik. Weird, can liveCD install fail if I can just install the package fine on an existing  system?11:34
janimoso liveCD uses it's own thing instead of apt if I recall corerecly?11:35
pittijanimo: because you have universe enabled?11:35
janimopitti, not because univers11:35
janimopitti, xubuntu-desktop the metapackage does not depend on universe stuff11:35
janimoonly the desktop seed has them11:35
janimothey are only going from seed to metapckage when they are in main11:36
janimountil then I thought the do no harm, but apparently liveCD cares11:36
infinityjanimo: ubuntu-desktop is obviously installable now (or we wouldn't be getting the ubuntu-docs failure), so I think the point is moot.11:38
infinityjanimo: It /was/ uninstallible in the past, that's all.11:39
Kamionmdke: will do, but the only one I was aware of lately outside of ubiquity was in user-setup, which came with a bunch of translations from upstream11:39
Kamionmdke: I don't intend for there to be any more, though11:39
Kamionjanimo: I noticed the same build failure yesterday11:39
janimoinfinity: I am not saying it was not, just that maybe it could have been causing problems ofr livecd build but otherwise install fine11:40
mdkeKamion: ok. If you want to pass me an answer to that email, I'll pass it on (about when you're going to be downloading the translations)11:40
Kamionmdke: I expect I'll do it on Sunday night or Monday morning, if that's OK with mdz ...11:40
KamionThursday evening is cutting it a bit fine, and I'll be away Friday -> Sunday11:40
mdkeKamion: same as with the docs :) great, I'll pass that on11:41
Kamionmdke: if you don't mind being a conduit for me, it might also be worth passing on that where the installer is concerned, I always let upstream translations take priority; anything else means that I get put in the position of trying to decide which of two strings I don't understand is better, when it comes to merge time11:42
Kamionso "accidentally overwriting some Rosetta translations" is wrong, but only because it's deliberate11:42
janimoKamion: ok, looks like my latest xbuntu-docs upload botched something11:43
Kamionunfortunately there is no good Rosetta workflow for passing string changes made in Rosetta upstream, at present, so if translators are making necessary corrections then they really need to pass those upstream themselves11:44
Kamion(similarly, I can't realistically pass all of those on, because I don't know why they were made)11:44
mdkeKamion: sure thing11:44
iwjispiked: Did the person get it to work ?  Which patch ?  What error ?  etc.11:50
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mdkeKamion: can you answer the last paragraph of that email too?11:52
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=== mvo goes for lunch
sivangmvo: bon appetite11:55
=== sivang waits for his launch to arrive.
mdkeKamion: also, when you say you give priority to upstream, that is when merging into Rosetta, so any later changes in Rosetta will still be effective, correct?11:57
Kamionmdke: forward/back> those are stock gtk strings11:58
Kamionmdke: (although I may switch to the "Go Back" / "Continue" strings that are already translated, because gtk strings require language packs to be installed; haven't decided yet, but it won't require translator action either way)11:58
mdkeKamion: gotcha11:59
Kamionmdke: I completely ignore Rosetta changes to installer strings that have existing translations upstream; I'm just not equipped to make that decision11:59
Kamionso I go for minimal diff to upstream as a default action11:59
Kamionremember that the installer is not subject to language packs, so I have to import everything by hand11:59
mdkeso when you download the rosetta translations, you strip out those which have changed since upstream?12:00
KamionI think you've got the sense of the activity the wrong way round12:00
KamionI have to apply all these by hand - I only apply changes to Ubuntu-specific strings and ones which don't have existing translations upstream12:01
Kamionthere isn't really an active stripping out12:01
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mdkewell, all the upstream strings are also in the po files in rosetta, so in theory you could get everything there, and give effect to the changes of the ubuntu teams. but, anyway, I've got the answer, thanks12:02
KamionI could, but I'd have to upload every installer package12:02
Kamionthere are like 50-odd of them12:02
mdkeah right12:02
Kamionthe human effort on my part would be really very considerable indeed12:02
mdkeok, it's useful for the translators to know what's up, because the behaviour is different for everything else (ubuntu changes take precedence). thanks for the info12:03
KamionI'm happy to take changes if translators let me know that they're super-urgent, but I just can't manage it as a general rule12:03
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Kamionyeah, sorry if it's been unclear, I haven't made any secret of the way I handle installer strings but I may not have broadcast it either12:03
mdkenp, i think in general people will be happy for upstream to take precedence12:03
mdkethe other way round has often been problematic12:04
Kamionand as I say, for Ubuntu-specific strings obviously I get translations for those from Rosetta12:04
Kamionand I try to pass them upstream if the string goes upstream12:04
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mdkeKamion: ok, i'll let you get back to work. thanks12:04
Kamionthanks for forwarding12:05
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ivoksmvo: ping12:18
ivoksmvo: g-c-m needs revision of pop-up messages when enabling sharing local printers (it says that it will enable browsing, which is not true any more)12:19
janimoivoks: mvo is lunching12:20
ivoksjanimo: he will see message, i hope :)12:20
ograiwj, what did yu change in edubuntu-artwork yesterday ? seems the default homepage doesnt work in epiphany anymore 12:20
iwjogra: Urr.  I added another couple of symlinks.  I even diffed the resulting .debs and I'm pretty sure that nothing was removed from edubuntu-artwork.12:24
iwjseb128: Did you upload the new epiphany ?  Did you try it with edubuntu ?12:24
ograhmm, jsgotangco reported it doesnt work anymore, jsgotangco `12:24
seb128iwj: no, not yet, I'm going to do that after being done with google SoC stuff12:24
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ograah, ok, so it depends on a specific ephy upload, ok12:25
ograKamion, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/current/report.html disagrees with the cd build log12:25
iwjogra: Do you have any reason to think this bug is caused by the edubuntu-artwork change ?12:26
ogra(amd64 is still 3M oversized, there must be uninstallables=12:26
Kamionthat's an interesting assumption12:26
ograiwj, it appeared today and the only related change was your upload12:26
Kamionhow do you know it'd be packages that overflow, or that the packages that overflow would be ones that other packages depend on?12:26
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ograKamion, i'd think its a very special case to match the point where a package thats on CD 2 has no deps :)12:27
ograso we met a cornercase ? 12:27
ogra(at least i've never seen that before :) )12:28
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Kamionah, heh12:30
KamionTraceback (most recent call last):12:30
Kamion  File "/srv/cdimage.no-name-yet.com/britney/update_out/check_out.py", line 4, in ?12:30
Kamion    import britney;12:30
KamionImportError: No module named britney12:30
ograok :)12:30
Kamionprobably a side-effect of switching to bzr; I'll sort it out12:30
iwjogra: I don't think my change can have caused this but the right approach is to debug it.12:30
ograthanks as well :)12:30
ograiwj, yep, will check it12:30
Kamionright, that 'make' should have taken care of it12:31
iwjogra: Also, note that we've had some difficulty with the `firefox-homepage' alternative mistakenly getting set to `manual'.12:31
Kamionlet me know if it still happens tomorrow12:31
iwjogra: It doesn't happen every time and I suspect a bad package some time earlier in dapper to be responsible but it might be relevant.12:31
iwjSo if `update-alternatives --display firefox-homepage' shows manual, then that's probably the bug.12:32
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iwjogra: In that case we want to know the upgrade history of the machine.12:32
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ograiwj, ok, thanks ... we should find something better for edgy here12:32
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ograinstead of alternatives ...12:32
iwjI don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with the current setup except the clumsy interaction with the ff localisation system.12:33
iwjinstead of alternatives> So you can have one machine be {,k,x,ed}ubuntu, you mean ?12:34
ogranope, but we should probably not abuse the alternatives system for this purpose i think ...12:34
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iwjWhy don't we talk about this in Paris :-).12:35
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ograat the moment we use two different systems here (alternatives *and* linking for nonexistent locales), where we could use only one (only links, even for disto specific subdirs)12:36
KamionWould anyone care to investigate an apparent yaboot/kernel (not sure which) bug for me?12:36
UbugtuMalone bug 40973 in yaboot "Dapper PPC beta CDs yield blank screen on Graphite iBook" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:36
Kamionthese bugs may also be related:12:36
UbugtuMalone bug 40342 in yaboot "Failure to boot after install" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:36
UbugtuMalone bug 40692 in yaboot "No boot with 1.3.13-4.1ubuntu4" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:36
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UbugtuMalone bug 45213 in yaboot "Booting on IBM pseries server" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:37
UbugtuMalone bug 40092 in yaboot "it doesn't boot" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  12:37
Kamionthe thing is that about the only thing that's changed that could cause all that breakage is that we've recompiled12:38
ograi wonder if these machines have nvidia cards12:38
Kamionogra: no12:38
Kamionpseries won't12:38
Kamion(at least I'd be astonished)12:38
Kamionso I think it might be due to building with gcc-4.012:39
ograhmm,, i still see usplash timeouts on ppc12:39
ograand i know we have a bug that hardlocks with nvidia drivers if you switch to coinsole12:39
Kamionplease stop conflating bugs!12:39
Kamiongood grief, not every powerpc bug is the same12:39
KamionI'd like somebody to try building yaboot with gcc-3.3 and putting together a test CD image for these folks to try12:40
Kamionto see if that clears it up12:40
Kamionif it does, we need to roll back yaboot to building with gcc-3.3, and start diffing assembly and stuff to find out where the bug is12:40
ogradoes it need to be a CD ? wouldnt a package and running ybin suffice ? 12:42
Kamiona CD would be a lot easier for people to test in some of these cases12:42
Kamionthey do not all have working Ubuntu installs12:42
Kamionit doesn't have to be a full CD; an install CD with all of dists/ and pool/ removed would be quite adequate12:43
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iwjAre there instructions somewhere on how to do a CD build ?12:45
tsengiwj: they are from breezy12:47
Kamionthose instructions are adequate in this case if you ignore nearly all of them :-)12:47
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Kamiongive me a moment12:48
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Kamioniwj: OK, just grab an existing CD image, loop-mount, copy, hack, and then the "Putting the CD back together" part of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo should be adequate now12:52
Kamion(even if it's an install CD; the mkisofs bit doesn't vary between install and live CDs)12:53
=== Kamion goes to sync InstallCDCustomizationHowTo from that
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iwjOK.  I'll give it a go.  Starting with the 20060126 daily ?12:54
Kamionthat sounds rather too old for this12:56
Kamiontoday's daily would be preferable12:56
Kamionthanks for the help12:57
iwjThe `current' daily installer in my mirror is 20051026ubuntu13.0.20060126 dated January.  Everything else in my mirror is obviously up to date.12:59
iwjIs it possible this is a soyuz bug ?12:59
Kamiondaily-installer-* is dead, yes, that's a soyuz bug; use installer-* instead12:59
iwjOh!  *light dawns*01:00
iwj20051026ubuntu32 looks better.01:00
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Kamionum, I had been thinking of starting with an actual CD build though rather than from the installer; for instance I can't guarantee that the breakage isn't due to Ben's automatic powerpc/powerpc64 switching code, which would take some effort to reproduce based on the d-i output in your mirror01:01
KamionI'll build a CD image with dists and pool stripped out based on today's daily build, which should be a lot quicker to download01:02
sladenwhere's a keybuk when you want him01:02
iwjOK, thanks.  Otherwise I can start downloading it now and do something else for an hour or two ...01:03
iwjI think I need coffee.01:06
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Kamioniwj: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/dapper-install-powerpc-stripped.iso01:16
iwjKamion: ta.01:17
KamionI wouldn't mind if somebody with a powerpc with a working CD drive could test-boot that to see that it at least gets you into the installer, BTW. It won't actually *install* anything, since I took out most of its brain, but ...01:17
KamionIf nobody has time at the moment, then it might be worth giving them that image too as a control.01:17
infinityDoes anyone have a powerpc machine that can boot from CD? :)01:18
=== infinity thinks he should probably buy one after the release.
=== mvo points to dholbach
=== pitti raises hand
dholbachinfinity: yes, quite an aged one01:19
iwjKamion: Just to be sure I'm not completely confused, what I plan to do is to unpack gcc-3.3 in my filespace in one of the DC ppc chroots and then build yaboot from dapper using that.  I expect this to produce a udeb which I stuff into the fs image.  Is that right ?01:20
infinityiwj: No, we're talking about the actual yaboot used to boot the CD in this case.01:22
Kamioniwj: nearly, except for the udeb bit; the .deb it produces will contain /usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot, with which you should overwrite /install/yaboot in the image01:22
=== iwj reads LiveCDCustomizationHowTo again.
iwjAh, right.  OK.01:22
sivangKamion: should this work on a pSeries as well? :) (reminding our old old discussions about it)01:25
Kamionsivang: yes, I'd hope so01:25
Kamionsivang: we have one bug about current images not booting on a pSeries, so if you have one to hand, testing that stripped image would be good01:26
infinitysivang: In theory, it should.  Since I have no pSeries machine to test on...01:26
sivangKamion, infinity : I really need to free up some time and test it, or get a pSeries over home :) 01:26
infinitysivang: You're welcome to convince IBM (or, more likely, a small IBM vendor with their hearts in the right place) to ship me a really low powered one.01:26
infinitysivang: But no amount of testing at this point will allow us to fix any but the simplest bugs, so here's hoping it already works.01:27
sivanginfinity: hehe, I'm already on a waiting list of one like this when it gets availabel from a local IBM consultancy firm, which I have connections at.01:27
Kamiongcc-3.3 is still in main; switching back to that is doable if that's what it takes01:28
thominfinity: can you not blag an openpower box off OzLabs? i'm sure they'd be receptive01:28
infinitythom: Can you repeat that in International English?01:28
sivangthom: right, what about the non native speakers? :)01:29
infinitythom: (And I've never talked to anyone at OzLabs, so I dunno)01:29
thominfinity: does blag not translate to north american?01:30
infinitythom: Nope.01:30
ograthom, blag translates to "unloved child" in german01:30
=== sivang downloads
thombummer. it means, "talk them into giving you"01:30
infinitythom: Though without you defining it, I'd perhaps translate to "scam" or "swipe", based on context.01:30
Kamionscam is closer than swipe01:31
sivangI will go try this as soon as it finished download on the black machine.01:31
thomKamion: but less all out criminal than either, generally01:31
=== sivang goes to burn
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siretartKamion: FYI: I'm currently talking to Mrfai about fai-kernels. They intend to switch from fai-kernels to something initramfs-tools based for etch, so I expect fai-kernels to die for edgy01:33
infinitythom: According to Zofia, it's not a word in en_AU either, so there you go.01:33
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thomyour crappy ripped off englishes are deficient then01:35
Kamionsiretart: hooray01:36
siretartbut for dapper, we still need fai-kernels so fai can be used for something.01:38
=== Kamion makes ubiquity deal with /media/* automounting
Kamion(and it shows you them, so you can decide not to ...)01:38
=== pitti hugs Kamion
seb128"Could not fin kernel image: /casper/filesystem.kernel-386"01:42
seb128is daily build known to be broken or is that likely to be an issue with my CD?01:43
Kamionseb128: is that daily or daily-live?01:43
seb128daily-live i38601:43
Kamionodd, /casper/filesystem.kernel-386 does exist01:44
seb128maybe my CD then, let me try again :)01:44
KamionI'll investigate - it's almost certainly due to the changes I made yesterday to try to make DVD images work properly01:44
seb128let me know if I can be useful01:45
Kamionyou already have been by reporting it :)01:45
KamionI'll do a rebuild once I figure out a fix01:45
seb128ok, thank you01:46
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pitticarlos: hm, yesterday evening's tarball was again from May 15 - it seems the export didn't work? or was it just too late again?01:55
=== sivang allocates the CDROM to the new linux LPAR from the AIX one.
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Riddellpitti: does pmount work for floppy disks?02:01
Riddellit doesn't want to work for me02:01
pittiRiddell: it should02:01
pittiRiddell: but I don't have any floppy to test it02:01
pittiRiddell: pmount -d /dev/fd0 ?02:01
Riddellkeeps trying to access the disk but never manages to mount it02:01
pittioh, wait, do you have an fstab entry for fd0?02:02
pitti(-d (debug mode) will tell me anyway)02:02
RiddellI don't02:02
Riddell'-t' 'udf'  looks wrong02:03
pittiRiddell: so this mount command never finishes?02:03
pittiRiddell: welll, it tries all file systems until one works02:04
pittiRiddell: so it seems the kernel just hangs when trying to mount a vfat floppy as udf?02:04
pittiRiddell: does 'pmount -t vfat /dev/fd0' work?02:04
pittiRiddell: and if so, does 'PMOUNT_DEBUG=1 pmount-hal /dev/fd0' work?02:05
pittiRiddell: (the latter will work if hal can successfully figure out the file system on the floppy; if not, pmount will try all of them again)02:05
Riddellusing -t vfat works fine02:07
Riddellthat second command fails http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/722215  02:07
Riddellwell, hangs trying to mount02:07
pittifstype: (null)02:07
pittiRiddell: ^ so hal doesn't attempt to detect the floppy fs (or can't)02:08
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Riddellthat seems to be the case02:08
pittiRiddell: hmmm; I don't believe it's generally broken, from the bug reports I believe that it works in most cases02:08
pittiRiddell: is there anything in dmesg when attmepting to mount as udf?02:09
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Riddell[768109.983213]  attempt to access beyond end of device02:11
Riddell[768109.983274]  fd0: rw=0, want=2884, limit=288002:11
Riddell[768109.983320]  UDF-fs: No VRS found02:11
pittiRiddell: hm, that looks fine; the idea is that the mount should fail and it will try the next one02:12
pittiRiddell: let's try something else: if you leave the floppy in the drive and do 'sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/20hal restart', can you please do the pmount-hal with debug again?02:13
pittiRiddell: hal probes all the devices on startup, so I need to know whether it just doesn't or can't figure out the floppy fs02:14
Riddellno difference http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/72222502:15
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pittiRiddell: too bad; if you want to debug this further, please do a ful hal debug output (wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingRemovableDevices, second part of the page)02:15
pittiRiddell: but this seems nontrivial to fix :(02:16
Riddellok, thanks anyway02:17
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pittiwb ivoks 02:17
ivoksbtw, g-c-m at people has one bug :)02:18
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pittiivoks: mdz rejected the patch anyway :/02:18
ivokspitti: oh, to late for inclusion?02:19
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ivokspitti: funniest thing is that patch was available 5 days ago :)02:21
pittiivoks: same result, though (btw, the current patch exists only since yesterday)02:22
ivoksi know02:22
ivokswell, better to respect policy than introduce this, no mather how trivial/small it is02:23
ivoksthen we'll have to make something flashy for edgy :)02:23
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siretartjdong_: ping02:31
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lifelessinfinity: around ?02:47
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infinitylifeless: Vaguely.  I'm in the middle of some sort of "long lunch" before I go back to work through a chunk of the night.02:51
infinitylifeless: 'sup?02:51
lifelessI think there is a possible upgrade bug from breezy with smbget and smbclient02:52
infinitylifeless: ?02:52
lifelessif you have breezy smbclient on your machine - 'smbclient', '3.0.14a-6ubuntu1'02:52
=== infinity grabs it.
lifelessand in upgrading to dapper smgbet 0.6-1 is unpacked before the smbclient package, or if you are just installing the one thing, then the replaces line in smbclient 3.0.22 wont take effect02:53
lifelessand the files that moved from smbclient to smbget will make dpkg complain02:53
infinityOther way around, you mean, I assume.02:54
infinityLooks like smbget went from smbget to smbclient.02:54
infinityAnd smbclient properly replaces it.02:54
infinitySo I'm not sure what the bug is you're actually seeing.02:54
lifelessinfinity: well, I was seeing a report that the smbclient in breezy has files that are in smbget in dapper.02:55
infinityNo, it doesn't.02:55
infinity(smbget in dapper should just be dropped anyway)02:55
lifelesslet me pull the thing apart, one sec.02:55
infinitysmbclient in dapper conflicts/replaces smbget.02:55
infinitylifeless: Do you have a bug report for this?02:56
infinitylifeless: With angry dpkg output and such?02:56
lifelessinfinity: I'm considering whether to file one, or whether to try and make this failure happen to generate output02:57
lifelessI dont have a breezy chroot handy to test with is all02:57
infinitylifeless: I don't see how "it" can happen at all, unless it's someone complaining that the packages conflict (which they clearly do).02:57
infinityConflicting packages isn't a bug, however.02:57
infinityEvery time a package gets phased out, mind you, people report a bug on the "OMG, apt is trying to remove a package" behaviour.02:58
lifelessinfinity: I think you are presuming smbclient is upgraded at the same time02:58
infinityI'm presuming no such thing.02:58
infinityIt doesn't matter who is upgraded when, as soon as smbclient is upgraded to a recent version, it will force the removal of smbget.02:58
infinitylifeless: Anyhow, if you can get a coherent testcase to show me the actual bug in question, holler back.03:02
infinitylifeless: But it all sounds pretty non-buggy to me.03:02
lifelessI have to look at why this cropped up, my diagnostics are still, uhm, primitive.03:02
=== Kamion is also talking about this with lifeless in /msg; I think his script is buggy
Kamioninfinity: lifeless is putting together code to automatically detect file overwrite errors03:03
infinityContents.gz (breezy) -> Contents.gz (dapper) -> overlaps -> check for conflicts or replaces, apply same heuristics dpkg would, profit?03:05
Kamiondiversions are the hard bit ...03:05
lifelessinfinity: diversions, version skew, arch specific issues, deep history to warn of problems during development rather than just HEAD to HEAD03:06
Kamionlifeless: it's always best to verify quickly with dpkg -c before coming to the distro team, BTW. :)03:06
infinitydiversions are going to be a serious pain, yes.03:06
sivanginfinity , Kamion : http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/error.png03:06
infinitySince there are dozens of ways to divert things.03:06
lifelessKamion: indeed. still tracking03:06
=== sivang thanks the gods of vmware to have added screenshotting of a VM's display.
Kamionsivang: may well be the same issue. Do you have time to try a real daily install CD rather than the one I stripped down by hand03:07
Kamionhang on. are you telling me that vmware can emulate a pseries?03:07
sivangKamion: nono :)03:08
sivangKamion: I just run the HMC remote client from a vmware image of win32 box under a 64bit ubuntu breezy host :)03:08
sivangKamion: anyway, I will try the daily. can you toss me the link or should I look for it myself?03:09
Kamion(from memory, but I type that a lot, so it should be right ...)03:10
=== sivang hugs Kamion
janimohmm is the an unsubscribe from bug button in LP?03:12
pittijanimo: only if you are subscribed directly03:13
janimopitti, xubuntu-team is subscribed and I am a member03:13
pittijanimo: if you are sub'ed through a team, you have to use the email interface03:13
janimoadmin if it helkps03:13
pittijanimo: ' unsubscribe xubuntu-team'03:13
janimodoes LP have an email interface? cool :)03:13
janimoI mean other than reply to coments in bugs03:14
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pittijanimo: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneEmailInterfaceUserDoc03:14
janimopitti: thanks03:14
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hungerIs there a bug statistics page in malone somewhere?03:20
lifelessKamio, infinity - thanks for the patience.03:20
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lifelessfound the bug in my code.03:20
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jdong|coreduoKamion: ping03:24
Hobbseewhere do specs get discussed/written?  launchpad.net/specs, in here, or somewhere totally different?03:26
Hobbseegot a person asking in -motu03:26
Kamionjdong|coreduo: hi03:30
janimowe should be starting the meeting03:33
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ssamHobbsee, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+specs03:41
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CarlFKKamion: today's dapper-server: "Unable to install the selected kernel - an error was returned while trying to install the kernel into the target system.  Kernel package: linux-386"   details: http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/temp/May17/a04:04
KamionI'd really much rather you defaulted to filing bugs rather than defaulting to asking me on IRC; half the time when you ask me it's 4am or something and obviously I'm not around04:06
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9508B35.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
CarlFKok - i figured the ability to get more info right away was worth the cost... but your call, so launchpad it is04:08
infinityCarlFK: ubuntu-server and I are going to have some long talks on Monday anyway.04:09
infinityCarlFK: I'll make sure that things like the default kernel and LAMP actually work right then.04:09
infinity(And bug Kamion for help when I get stuck)04:09
KamionFWIW in this case it may well be triggered by your mirror timing out04:09
infinityKamion: Lucky you.04:09
=== kent_ [n=kent@kr-lun-89-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionbut there's probably another latent bug in there, so I'd like a bug report04:10
CarlFKwhat package?04:10
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ograjanimo, how did you solve the ltsp probelm in xubuntu ? is that documentable in wikiform ? i have some requests of people who'd like to do a cusdtomized CD with an ltsp option04:22
janimoogra: did not solve it, there's a whishlist bug in LP to add the required components to the CD04:22
siretartmvo: what does urllib have to do with xfce? or the build-in apt_pkg package retrierer?04:22
ograjanimo, oh, ok04:22
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janimoas last time I put the clinet-builder in istaller seed and it broke regular install04:22
jdong|coreduo(sorry bout that)04:23
ograso it will be a new additional seed file i guess04:23
Kamionjdong|coreduo: you pinged me?04:23
janimoogra: Kamion said there's no need for a seed if there's only a handful of packages iirc04:23
janimooh, preseed, you lost me again. Yes I still have not mounted the ISO and played with preseed :)04:24
mvosiretart: sorry, my description was not clear. gnome-vfs is not a option for gdebi because we don't want gnome dependencies in it (for xfce). but urllib has some disadvantages compared to apt_pkgs retriever support (i.e. easy resue of the progress classes)04:24
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siretartmvo: aah, now I see. okay, your call04:25
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=== Loiosh woos.
OculusAquilaecarlos: ping04:38
carlosOculusAquilae: pong04:38
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OculusAquilaecarlos: about package wlassistant. It has a .pot-file in source, but it doesn't get imported into Rosetta. Have you got an idea why?04:39
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carlosOculusAquilae: there is a set of imports I need to do manually, and that one is one of them04:40
carlosyou can see a complete list of missing templates at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MissingPotFiles04:40
carlosOculusAquilae: I will try to import that one today, I usually add some of them from time to time04:41
carlosuntil the list is empty04:41
OculusAquilaecarlos: so the same problem with keep (on that list too)04:42
carlosno updates were done to those packages after the soyuz migration so we didn't get the translation resources, that's why I need to upload them by hand04:43
OculusAquilaewould be nice to get it importet the next days 04:43
OculusAquilaecarlos: is it possible that there is the same problem with kwin-style-crystal, although it's not on that list?04:46
=== carlos checks
carlosOculusAquilae: does it build a .pot file on build time?04:47
carlosthe source lacks it04:47
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OculusAquilaeit uses cdbs I and I think it should do it automatically 04:48
carlosOculusAquilae: but it was not rebuilt after we added the .pot autogeneration04:48
carlosOculusAquilae: that's why it's not imported04:48
carlosor at least I don't have it available04:49
carlosOculusAquilae: either force a new build of it, or send me a valid .pot file04:49
OculusAquilaeI could send you one04:49
carlosit lacks .po files on the package so I could just do the .pot file upload by hand04:49
carlosOculusAquilae: please, do it04:49
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ograparamiko-- ?04:56
pitticarlos: hm, yesterday evening's tarball was again from May 15 - it seems the export didn't work? or was it just too late again?04:57
iwjKamion: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~ian/d/yaboot-test-ordinary.iso and http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~ian/d/yaboot-test-weird.iso04:57
iwjKamion: ordinary is the control sample; weird is the one built with gcc-3.3.04:57
iwjI've provided both in case I've messed it up somehow.  I'm pretty sure the build process etc. for both is identical.04:58
KamionThanks. I need to go out and run a couple of errands now, but I'll drop those into all the relevant bug reports when I get back04:58
Kamionmuch appreciated04:58
iwjNo problem.  I wanted to know more about this kind of stuff anyway.04:58
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carlospitti: I need to move the language packs generation to production ASAP05:03
carlospitti: the mirror server is being busy05:03
pitticarlos: shall I move the cronjob again?05:04
carlosI guess that's the problem05:04
carlospitti: no, don't worry about it05:04
carlosyou will get the tarball tomorrow05:04
carlosit will not be completely daily snapshots... but sort of05:05
carlosI will add it as a priority for my work tomorrow05:05
carlosthat way I will be completely sure it's done05:05
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ogradoko is alive !05:10
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hungerAny idea how I can get /etc/login.defs CLOSE_SESSIONS back on dapper?05:19
hungerOr what is the recommended way to use libpam-mount now that CLOSE_SESSIONS is marked obsolete?05:20
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wasabi__Heh nice. Somebody removed the arm patches from the Ubuntu glibc.05:32
=== wasabi__ readds.
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infinitywasabi__: Not so much removed, as they're just slightly forked currently and need to achieve convergence post-dapper.05:46
AlinuxOSpitti, hello dear 05:46
AlinuxOSI saw your message... so we must request Georgian language autogeneration?05:47
pittiAlinuxOS: no, as I said, I build all languages now05:47
AlinuxOSpitti, so where is the problem ? :)05:48
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AlinuxOSpitti, GNOME + KDE right ?05:49
AlinuxOSint the same time05:49
AlinuxOSpitti, great :)05:49
pittiAlinuxOS: no problem :)05:49
AlinuxOSgood Idea one update peer week...05:49
AlinuxOSreally rocks!05:49
AlinuxOSin this way people is more motivated to work05:50
AlinuxOS(accept if there is no exams for uni)05:50
wasabi__infinity: I'm just going to compile up the base system, and whatever packages I need, and drop them in a person binary-only (unless I change source) repository. At some future point it can be the basis for an official port.05:50
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jsgotangcogood night06:13
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mdkemvo: is it correct that the sun-java5-plugin is only available on i386? will that change before release?06:23
mdke(or anyone) ^^06:23
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siretartmdke: sun could perhaps..06:26
siretartmdke: there is a java plugin for java4 though06:26
mdkefor amd/ppc?06:26
mdkej2re1.4-mozilla-plugin ?06:26
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Tayahi, anyone can help me with adding some default language in kde(kubuntu)?06:28
Apachyit's ubuntu-devel06:31
Apachypls /join #kubuntu-devel06:31
Tayaok thx06:31
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Egnygnokwhen I try to click the advanced button on the package manager, it says "missing command to run"...any suggestions?06:40
Egnygnokoops...no support...sorry didn't see the topic06:41
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iwjmdz: ping (re mail about overlapping files in /usr/lib/{mozilla-,}firefox06:43
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=== Kamion spots the problem with today's daily desktop CD builds - the filename changes ran into ISO9660 8.3 limits
Kamionfixing ...07:18
gurumeditationerthe ubuntu cds don't use joliet extensions?07:20
Kamiongurumeditationer: they do, but that doesn't mean syslinux understands them07:21
Kamionat that level it's using BIOS calls and isn't smart enough to do Joliet07:21
Kamion(or Rock Ridge)07:21
gurumeditationerahh, you learn something every day :)07:21
sivangKamion: I had network issues at work today, will try boot he powerpc cd tomorrow07:22
Kamionno worries07:26
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jcolehey dudes, with this announcement, is suns sdk goinf to be in the repos sometime soon? -> http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2156210/sun-makes-java-license-linux07:26
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Burgworkjcole, already is07:27
jcoleBurgwork: cool07:27
sivangKamion: I hope you don't mind me asking, what knowledge would I have to know in order to help out putting a quality working ubuntu version on the pSeires? Is it just kernel adjustment or maybe some apps would need porting? (or even base packages..)07:27
=== jcole replaces netinstall of blackdown to sun!
jcoleBurgwork: all i can find is Blackdown Java 2 SDK07:32
jcoleBurgwork: nm, found it!07:33
=== netstar [n=al@d58-105-194-188.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
netstar"Garbabe Bin" lmfao?!?!?07:34
netstarThat's really international07:35
netstarWastebasket worked fine07:36
netstarWhy on earth would you want to change it to something like that?07:36
Kamionsivang: make sure installer works properly (may involve grubbing around in the partitioner), make sure CDs boot properly (may involve mkisofs and/or debian-cd hacking), make sure machine-specific functionality like power management works fine07:37
netstarThe former was intelligent, unique and internationally acceptable.  Garbage bin is stupid.  Sorry I feel really strongly about this.07:38
Kamionsivang: shouldn't need to port applications, but the odd bit of supporting software might need adjustment; for example anything that talks to /dev/pmu would need porting07:38
desrtthey renamed trash?07:38
netstarTo "Garbage Bin"07:38
netstarheh it's terrible07:38
desrtit's still called Trash here07:39
desrtwhat LC_MESSAGES are you in?07:39
Kamionnetstar: stop ranting on IRC please; neither seb128 nor dholbach are here, and it'd be them I'd expect to look at this; file a bug07:39
netstarKamion: okay. Thanks for the direction.07:39
desrtnetstar; also -- you know how easy it is to rename it back to trash, right?07:40
mvoMithrandir: do you know what the practical use for ia32-sun-java5-bin is? i ponder if I should include it in gnome-app-install07:40
netstaryes I do, but do other users?07:40
desrtnetstar; it's pretty obvious07:40
netstarTo a geek perhaps.07:40
desrtfile a bug.07:40
netstardoing so07:40
Kamionrebuilding today's daily-live CDs now07:41
=== Loiosh pets a daily cd.
netstarnautilus or nautilus-data?07:42
mvois anyone here familiar with the sun java packages ? I'm probably not up-to-date with the java world, but what is the difference between jre and web-start?07:42
=== mvo wants to ingetrate it into gnome-app-install
mdkemvo: I thought you were familiar with em :(07:43
mvomdke: I wish I where :/07:43
mvomdke: and doko is having fun in the sun :P07:43
mdkeoh shit, when is he back?07:43
mvomdke: I'll try to find out07:44
=== mvo bites the bullet and installs java to find out
=== mvo is shocked to find out that its a 20mb package
mdkemvo: don't you guys have a wiki with people's vacation times and such?07:47
mvomdke: yes, a internal one07:48
mdkemvo: so that will tell you when doko is back?07:49
KamionBenC: there was a rumour that there's a new kernel upload pending with a new ABI; is this true?07:51
mvomdke: he is back to work next week, but I will try to reach him in his vacation 07:51
BenCKamion: the rumors have substance, yes07:51
LoioshThe gods of relaxtion forgive you.07:52
mdkemvo: if you do, can you ask him if -plugin is going to be shipped for amd64 pls?07:52
BenCKamion: probably in just a few hours07:52
KamionBenC: ok, I'll try to be around to shunt it through and do d-i07:54
infinityOh good, an ABI bump will give me an excuse to fix one last bug in LRM before I call it done.07:54
Kamionbut if not, it'll have to be first thing tomorrow07:54
infinityThough I won't be alive for 8 or 9 hours.07:54
iwjDamn, this build is _still_ going.  I need to increase my ccache size I think.07:55
infinityKamion: Did you ever sit down with Ben and make sure the component/section/priority was correct for everything in linux-source so that NEW is a no-brainer like it is for LRM?07:55
Kamionnope, afraid not07:56
KamionI think I'd rather do it first thing edgy now07:56
infinityDamn.  Do you have a cheat sheet of override disparities?07:56
infinity(If I end up doing the kernel NEW before you...)07:56
infinityIf you don' thave a cheat cheet, I'll just do it the hard way, no big deal.07:57
Kamionrtc-modules-*, ufs-modules-*07:57
mdkeRiddell: thanks for those -docs packages. Do I need to update the repo?07:57
Kamioninfinity: those go to universe07:57
Kamioninfinity: everything else goes straight through07:57
infinityKamion: Ahh, no section breakage, just component?  That's easier to check.07:57
infinityKamion: Since component is mind-numbingly obvious from poking at the pool. :)07:57
Kamioninfinity: 'grep modules ~/ubuntu/indices/override.dapper.universe.debian-installer' gives you the list too07:58
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infinityKamion: Cool.  Then if you don't get to it, I'll do it when I wake up so I can do LRM and -meta.  Thanks.07:59
Kamiongood stuff07:59
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mvomdke: will do, thanks08:00
Kamionah good, that live CD fix worked08:00
=== infinity heads to bed.
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AlinuxOShello people, what's difference between ttf and otf font ?08:12
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UbugtuMalone bug 45289 in orage "Date-Bug when creating a new appointment" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  08:18
mdkeRiddell: nm, LaserJock has done it08:21
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omegHey guys08:28
omegIs there any way to add named external links in the wiki?08:28
omegE.g. [www.google.com Google]  like in Wikipedia?08:28
=== Lypsis is now known as Lypsis_
mdkeomeg: yes, like that, except with an http:// in front of the url. For future questions like that, please see the wiki help or ask in #ubuntu08:29
iwjKamion: oh, sorry for that freeze exception request mail with no Subject.08:37
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Kamionno problem08:41
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pygiwasabi_, :)09:12
AlinuxOSmaybe somone knows good GPL font editor ?09:13
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pygihey pitti 09:23
pittihello again09:23
AlinuxOSpitti, hello09:30
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AlinuxOSa question: is .vfb font extension valid for ubuntu ?09:31
pittihey pygi, hi AlinuxOS 09:31
AlinuxOSore .otf type.09:31
AlinuxOSI'm still searching the best solution for GNOME interface fonts :)09:31
AlinuxOSand still no idea for monospaced font :/09:32
AlinuxOSBGP font autor has made another great font (IMHO)09:33
AlinuxOSI'll show you screenshot.09:33
AlinuxOSI like very much this font!09:34
AlinuxOSpitti, and you ? :)09:35
pittibrb, telephone09:35
_ionA JPEG screenshot?09:36
AlinuxOSpitti, ok09:36
AlinuxOS_ion, nex time .png :)09:36
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AlinuxOSmy fault :)09:36
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pittihey ivoks 09:40
pittiivoks: welcome to the printing team :)09:40
ivoksi camed to thank you :)09:40
ivoksso.. thank you :)09:40
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pittiAlinuxOS: beautiful!09:41
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AlinuxOSpitti, ;)09:41
AlinuxOSI'm going to see the rest of ChampionsLeague :D09:41
ivoksah... the game09:42
jcoleis java now going to be a dependency of ubuntu-desktop?09:42
ivokstotally forgot about it :)09:42
jcole"This unlocks a new opportunity for Java developers that has been very hard to reach into in the past. You can develop applications and target Ubuntu [Linux]  and know that Java is present on the machine," Phipps said09:42
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AlinuxOSpitti, I like this font too... but I'll wait Guiasher to decide.09:42
AlinuxOSfolks... good evening :) 09:43
ivoksjcole: no09:43
ivoksjcole: java is in multiverse09:43
ivoksjcole: it isn't totally free... yet09:43
jcoleivoks: so "knowing that Java is present on the machine" is marketing bs?09:44
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ivoksjcole: yes and no09:44
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ivoksjcole: you really can have sun java on ubuntu without any hassle09:44
ivoksjcole: but it's not standard package09:45
jcoleivoks: he needs to s/present/installable...09:45
ivoksjcole: power of speach is to talk a lot and to say nothing... that's what Phipps was doing :)09:45
ivoksanyway... the game09:46
ivoksbye all09:46
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neutrinomassHello. I wrote up the sync-mount spec yesterday. If anybody is interested in it, you can find it at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncMount . Thanks.10:05
infinityneutrinomass: removable devices aren't mounted "sync" on purpose.10:08
infinityneutrinomass: One of the rationales for that is because sync can cause undue stress and wear on flash memory devices, seriously reducing their lifespan.10:09
neutrinomassinfinity: But they are mounted sync under windows, aren't they ?10:10
wasabi__Your spec is also slightly flawed. You have to umount on windows too10:10
wasabi__You have to "Safely Remove Devices"10:10
wasabi__with that little icon in the sys tray.10:10
infinityYeah, windows has the "safely remove devices" thing.10:10
neutrinomasswasabi_ : I've never had to unmount on Windows :S ... maybe I am wrong though ....10:10
wasabi__Well, for USB devices you do, or you have a big chance of losing data.10:11
neutrinomasswasabi_: On the other hand, I haven't used windows in qutie a while ...10:11
infinityI know for a fact that it doesn't always sync on write, since I just unplugged my cell phone from a WinXP machine yesterday and noticed nothing had been written to it. :)10:11
wasabi__I do think explorer causes a sync at the end of a large file operation on it's own, though.10:11
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infinityI'm not sure how or when it decides to flush.  It obviously does eventually.10:11
wasabi__Yeah, and I've done that too, so I'm not certain what it's rules are.10:11
LoioshIt does peridically through an operation and at the end10:11
infinityBut not reliably.  Hence the "safely remove devices" applet.10:11
wasabi__I guess syncing at the end of a large file operation would be a nice thing for nautilus to do.10:12
wasabi__Depending on the size, etc.10:12
wasabi__Dunno. ;)10:13
neutrinomassinfinity: : flash devices have limited read/writes or a limited size of that that can be written?10:13
wasabi__limited read/writes.10:13
wasabi__Actually, limited writes.10:13
wasabi__Reads are unlimited, usually.10:13
infinityneutrinomass: All megnetic media has a limited write cycle.  Flash memory just happens to be more fragile generally.10:13
infinityneutrinomass: Floppies are even worse, but no one uses them anymore... <shrug>10:14
wasabi__vfat also happens to be terrible at it for flash memory.10:14
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=== Loiosh uses floppies!!!
wasabi__having the fat in a static place on the device.10:14
omegHey infinity10:14
neutrinomassinfinity: I use floppies :P !10:14
omegI finished that font.10:14
omeghttp://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/Usplash_Mono.bdf <-- I hope that it works, xmbdfed is a very strange program and I don't trust it at all.10:14
infinityomeg: It may well be too late to sneak it past the Powers That Be, but I'm happy to look at it anyway.10:14
neutrinomassinfinity: Then again I guess you are right regarding the life span of flash devices. I guess I was wrong :(10:15
infinityomeg: Yeah, every free font editor I've found is pretty crap. :/10:15
omegWell, if you consider it too late to "sneak it past", maybe I'll just toss it on the ubuntu-art mailing list and beg for inclusion.10:15
trappistnoatime helps extend write life by not beating on the same part of the medium for every write10:15
omegSince I feel it's kind of important. The current font really sucks.10:15
infinityomeg: ubuntu-art isn't uploading usplash.10:15
wasabi__trappist: on vfat you have the FAT table in the same spot anyways.10:15
omegWell, you're right.10:15
omegdevel, then?10:16
wasabi__trappist: So any file additions modify that one part of the disk, always.10:16
trappistwasabi__: yeah no way around it for vfat I guess10:16
infinityomeg: The bikeshedding going on there is entertaining, but won't sway me a whole bunch in the end.10:16
neutrinomassPffft, so much for my first spec. Thanks though :)10:16
wasabi__Ther'es just not much way around that one.10:16
infinityomeg: The biggest issue, of course, is that switching from a proprotional font to a monospace font, while desireable, may have an odd effect on some strings.10:16
infinityomeg: I'd have to do a fair bit of testing to make sure we don't overflow the stupid text box, etc.10:17
omegWhatever feedback you still have, I can still work on for now. I think it's already a whole lot better than the current font, though.10:17
infinityomeg: (And don't take that as any sort of criticism.  I WANT a monospace font, I just don't know if I can get it in this late)10:17
omegIt would be awesome if you could find the time for it before the repackaging of usplash. The usplash images are about to be voted for, probably will be in the next few days.10:17
infinityI was just going to upload v550's image and be done with it. :)10:18
omegI'm not sure, actually.10:18
omegNooo, it's awful.10:18
infinityName one that's less awful.10:18
infinityThey're all horrible dithered ickfests.10:18
infinityBut so was the breezy one.10:18
omegAny of mine: http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/newsuggestion_2_8_SCALED.png - http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/newsuggestion_1_8_SCALED.png - http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED.png10:18
omegFull list here: http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/10:19
omegYou know, it really may sound like I'm passing the ubuntu-art team here, and I actually am right now, but I really do think that v550's splash screen is awful, man. I mean, not even the gradient is correctly vertically aligned.10:19
omegMy rationale was to make a splash screen that was similar to the old one, but with new colors and better dithering and while creating compatibility with both the LegacyHuman theme and Tangerine.10:20
infinity0 is okay.  The version number on 1 is horrid IMO, and the "logo only" thing, while super cool if we were doing a minimal splash, looks a bit lop-sided when you add the progress bar and text box to it.10:20
omegI think that 2 is very cool, but you're right that it would look kind of off.10:21
infinityBut, 0 is basically what we shipped in breezy, with new colours, and less poorly dithered, I think. :)10:21
omegI really hope that my 0 will get some support.10:21
tseng0 is pretty good10:21
tsengcleaner than breezy10:21
omegWell, v550's is the same as what you shipped in breezy, except with a gradient that's off and without glow. Man, I sound awful, preaching my own stuff like that10:21
omegAnyway, you should probably just pick one from the list at the wiki... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Usplash/DapperPropositions10:22
infinityYeah, I already did.  It was down to one of v550s, one of yours (0), and someone else's.10:22
omegI'll add a sample bar plus text and "fail", "ok" colors to mine later tonight.10:22
=== infinity checks who the someone else was.
infinityOh, kwwii.10:22
omegSeriously, though, I'll ask v550 to fix his gradient.10:22
omegWell, I'm going to make that last mockup then.10:23
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infinityI liked kwwii's "no gradient" one... Mainly because "no gradient" means "less dithering" means "we win".10:25
infinityHis first one (with a much more subtle gradient than v550) is nice too.10:25
infinityNevermind that his shadows seem a bit off, I'm just talking about the logo and the brand name in this case.10:26
infinitykwwii clearly has the skills to fix those images if someone asks him to.10:26
omegI kind of like shadows and gradients and glows. It's not that difficult to get the dithering right.10:26
_ionI like newsuggestion_0 the most so far.10:27
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infinityomeg: On your scaled ones, did you hand-tweak them after squishing the aspect ratio?10:27
infinityomeg: Or work at them in the "wrong" aspect ratio from the get-go?10:27
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infinity(Which would work well, I guess, if you have a video card that can do, say, 1280x800)10:27
_ionMore than d_final_v550_ubuntu.png10:28
infinityomeg: Anyhow, if I were uploading tomorrow (and hey, maybe I am), I'd probably just use newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED.png10:29
infinityomeg: If the art people and anyone who signs my paycheque get together and agree to override me (or someone else comes up with something better RIGHT NOW), then so be it.10:29
infinityomeg: Can you do matching ones for {ed,k,x}ubuntu?10:30
infinityomeg: And can you help the poor xubuntu folk make their logo look.. Nice? :/10:31
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omeginfinity: Sure, I'll do matching ones for all three others. Tonight if it's required.10:32
omegAlso, yes, I did hand-tweak them; I simply made a 16 color version of the original 32-bit layered image and then manually tweaked the dithering a little bit in those few spots where it didn't fully work out.10:33
omegI think that the original usplash image was scaled from the already 16 color image.10:34
infinityomeg: Well, it shows.  They look a lot less crap than the ones I scaled 6 months ago. :)10:34
omegStrangely, it still looked pretty good, though... I didn't even notice that it was until I opened up the original version, actually.10:34
infinityomeg: (In my defense, I expected them to be replaces pretty quickly... The fact that we had NO artwork contributed until, oh, a week ago was unexpected)10:34
omegI'll be back in 10 mins, gonna watch the end of Arsenal - Barcelona match :)10:34
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omegHaha, that's too bad10:35
omegDo you have access to any original version of the old usplash?10:35
infinityDefine "original"... You talking GIMP files, or just the un-scaled PNG?10:35
=== _ion is thankful to omeg for getting a good usplash artwork done. :-)
omegWell, either.10:35
infinityI have the latter.  Not the former.10:35
omegYou're welcome, _ion :) I'm glad that there's still time for inclusion...10:36
omegI thought we were _way_ past UI freeze already.10:36
omeginfinity: unscaled and in 32-bit?10:36
omegJust wondering.10:36
infinityomeg: No, 4-bit.10:36
omegAh, so. Well, I'll be back in a few. v550 is editing the page now so I'll add my last mockup then.10:36
infinityomeg: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/usplash-artwork.png10:37
infinityomeg: That's what we shipped in breezy (which used a 640x480 framebuffer)... And that's what I mangled to turn into the 640x400 image we have in dapper right now. :)10:37
jcolethe lemerou non-dithered boot screens look very nice10:38
jcolebtw, is x86 the only arch with boot screens?10:40
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_ionjcole: They seem to be 640x48010:41
_ionIMHO they look somehow cluttered.10:42
jcole_ion: hmm... i know that the hppa arch has /dev/fb0 available at 1280x102410:42
_ionjcole: I meant the lemerou pictures. The images should be 640x400 AFAIK.10:42
jcole_ion: ya, you're right... i think i like the way the logo is presented here -> http://ftpmerou.free.fr/ubuntu/usplash3.png10:49
jcole_ion: err, here -> http://ftpmerou.free.fr/ubuntu/usplash2.png10:50
_ionOf course everyone is entitled to her own opinion. My personal, humble opinion just happens to like the one omeg made more than that. :-)10:51
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sladenjcole: that image does look good;  is it actually 16 colours?10:52
infinityjcole: We have usplash on all the arches we ship.10:52
infinitysladen: You're kidding, right?10:53
=== infinity swears to revert any "video game menu" usplash uploads in a matter of seconds.
HiddenWolfinfinity: but pink is pretty. ;)10:54
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omegBarcelona won!11:00
omegI'm glad. Their coach is Frank Rijkaart, who is Dutch. :)11:00
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netstarThe game was a shambles with that sending off.11:02
netstarFrench and English arrogance all the way!11:03
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omegYeah, it was.11:08
omegBy the way, I just added that last mock-up with text: http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED_BAR.png11:08
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omegNevermind the sentence... Dutch pangram. :P11:10
infinityomeg: Is that representative of the pallette colours that are indexed for text in your splash?11:17
infinityomeg: If so, I think you picked ones that are a bit too bright.11:17
sladenomeg: I making all of the text colours the same as the "ok" might improve it.  currently it "glares"11:17
infinityomeg: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/dapperbeta#head-89fe9d664e80740b5bd35bf704bd2a022548be0611:17
sladenI think ...11:17
infinityomeg: The current text colour is much less harsh.11:18
infinityomeg: Also, did you include a reddish colour for fail in the pallette?11:18
omegHmm.... maybe.11:18
sladeninfinity: I was hoping the red text could be made the same as the normal text colour11:18
infinityomeg: (I know there's contention about "fail" being scary, but for dapper, humour me and let's keep it scary)11:19
sladenbut yes, there needs be a palette entry11:19
omegLet me alter that one more time.11:19
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omegAlso, as it is right now, there's not a red color for "fail". I didn't think it would be necessary, so I decided that it's best off being spent on the logo so the dithering looks as good as it can be.11:20
sladenomeg: nope, it's a required palette entry11:20
ograomeg, i really like the logo only ones with black background you did, nice work :)11:20
sladenomeg: "part of the spec"11:20
sladenogra: I'm hoping they get dropped in for edgy :)11:21
ogradropped for ? or dropped into ?11:21
omegsladen: does the spec say it needs to be red? If so, I'll add it... but I'll have to redither it.11:21
Trewasbtw, not all monitors are created equal... I installed flight 6 onto a computer with an old 15" crt monitor and the usplash colors are so dark that reading the text is almost impossible, so erring on the side of "too bright" would be sometimes preferable...11:21
ograoh, i misread .... didnt swee the "in"11:21
sladenomeg: the spec is that it needs to be a separate colour.11:22
ograsladen, whats wrong with uding them now ? 11:22
omegAh, okay.11:22
omegSo it doesn't matter whether it's red or not; it just needs to be a unique color.11:22
infinityomeg: No, it doesn' thave to be red.  Making it one of the really bright colours from your dithered image would work.11:22
omegOne that's not used in the dithering in the image.11:22
omeginfinity: er...11:22
infinityIt could be reused, there's no reason why not.11:22
infinityIt just needs to be in a specific palette location.11:22
omegOkay then. I personally think that the brightest color would work.11:22
omegDo I need to arrange the palette myself, or can I just mention which color entries are the right ones?11:23
infinityLess effort for me if you fix the palette yourself.11:23
sladenomeg: might be easiest if you do, since then you're in control11:23
infinity#define BACKGROUND_COLOUR 011:23
infinity#define PROGRESSBAR_COLOUR 111:23
infinity#define PROGRESSBAR_BACKGROUND 411:23
infinity#define TEXT_BACKGROUND 011:23
infinity#define TEXT_FOREGROUND 211:23
infinity#define RED 1311:23
infinityThose are the palette locations.11:23
sladenomeg: the locations are on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto11:24
omegI'm not sure if I can do that with Photoshop (yes, I'm not using gimp, hehe)11:24
omegI'll look aroaund11:24
sladenomeg: ahhh, that's why the dithered is ordered and looks crap compared to GIMP's dithering :)11:25
omegTsh. It's "error in diffusion" dithering at 72% with manual tuning and tweaking... :P11:25
infinitysladen: The wiki seems wrong.  The source doesn't actually reference palette location 8 at all.11:26
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omeginfinity, would it be easy for you to fix? I can't seem to be able to easily alter palette locations in Photoshop.11:27
omegMaybe if I first save it with the pixels lined up in order at the top-left of the image...11:27
omegNope, can't fool it.11:27
omegAh, looks like it always sorts the palette depending on how often a color is used (black is always first, white last).11:28
sladencan't you just copy and paste the the #NNNNNN colour values into each location11:28
omegOr maybe that's just luminance.11:28
sladenomeg: grab a copy of the GIMP and you should be able to fix it up fairly easily11:28
omegIt seems not.11:28
sladenomeg: it's on the LiveCD if you're using Windows11:28
omegI guess I could do that if it's necessary. Depends on if infinity is able to do it easily himself, that could save some time (and him some sleep) :)11:29
infinityomeg: I can do it here.11:29
infinityomeg: The GIMP for Win32 works well enough, though.11:30
omeghttp://omega.avalanchestudios.net/personal/dropbox/usplash/new/newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED_BAR.png <-- do you think these colors are better? (refresh)11:30
infinityomeg: And if you're going to do versions for the derivatives, would be nice for you to mangle them yourself.11:30
infinityomeg: That looks less offensive, yeah.11:30
omegHmm, yeah, you're right. It would be nice if you could do this one, though. It's 23:30 here in the Netherlands.11:30
infinityomeg: Bah, it's 7:30am in Australia, and I haven't slept yet. :)11:31
sladenomeg: looks better.  what about with the most saturated orange in the palette11:31
omegOkay, you win.11:31
sladenomeg: eg, the one just below the half-way point in the logo11:31
infinityomeg: Try with colour #9 for "fail"11:31
infinity(Assuming Photoshop shows the palette 0-indexed...11:32
infinityThat one.11:32
omegYeah, that does look more "correct" than the white one.11:33
omegLess threatening, though, but I don't think it should necessarily be threatening. :)11:33
infinityIt sticks out enough to take notice.11:34
infinityIt doesn't need to hit you over the head.11:34
omegDefinitely looks better than my initial choice of colors.11:34
infinityIf I need a break from heavy thinking later today, I'll reindex and upload this, I think.11:34
omegYeah, if you have a palette-fixed version, I guess you could just edit the wiki page. Maybe you should leave a note in the "commentary" field saying that you sorted the palette, and that thus other propositions in my folder aren't palette-fixed yet.11:35
sladenomeg: btw, have you tried putting a 1-pixel border around the progress bar?11:36
sladenomeg: to something to create a similar 'glow' effect11:38
infinityGiven that the progress bar location is defined in the code, not in the image, he'd have a tough time doing that. :)11:38
sladeninfinity: nope.  the progress-bar location is fixed in the code (for the time being), so it's easy just to paint around where the progress bar is going to be drawn11:40
sladen(and if the location isn't correct in that image, it can grabbed from one of the vmware screenshots and pasted over11:40
infinityOh, true, it is fixed, just meant that without looking at the code, he wouldn't know where.11:41
omegYeah, I thought that it would be defined in the code.11:41
infinityAnyhow, easy enough to test how it would look.11:41
infinityI, personally, think the flat progress bar looks good.11:41
infinityI suspect a border will make it too busy.11:41
sladenomeg: I tried grabbing one of the two 'shadow' colours and drawing a 1 pixel bar, is 'softens' 11:41
omegI think it looks okay. I'd rather have something more graphical. As it is right now, though, the emphasis lies on the logo, which is okay. The bar serves to accompany the text rather than the logo, and it looks just as plain as the text.11:42
sladenit softens it slightly11:42
omegsladen: are you sure that where I placed the bar, it will actually be placed in the code?11:42
sladenomeg: yup okay.  Thanks for all your hard work on those images btw!11:42
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sladenif it isn't then we'll end up with two visible bars, one that works and one that doesn't!  11:44
sladenomeg: if you grab: http://www.ubuntu.com/include/testing/flight5/usplash-shut-down-movie.gif  which is a vmware capture and overlay it, you'll have the exact location11:44
sladenomeg: and that'll also give you some sample text in the correct location/font11:45
omegThat's how it looks like with a glow.11:45
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omegLet's see11:45
sladenomeg: I think it.  so subtle you can hardly see it (which is what makes the main logo and glow look so good11:46
omegAh, looks like mine was in the right position anyway. I used an osdir screenshot to get the position, so I guess they too used a direct screendump.11:46
omegI'm still doubting.11:46
omegIt does give it a little something extra.11:47
infinityIt makes is a bit fuzzy, IMO...11:47
=== infinity shrugs.
sladenbtw, are the progress bar colours staying chocolate, or are you going to do those in dapper-orange to?11:48
infinityI'm not picky one way or the other, though.11:48
infinityThe background of the progress bar is nice in the dark colour.11:49
infinityThe top colour might be nice in a slightly lighter orange than FAIL.11:49
omegI'm making it just a little darker (the glow)11:50
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omegEr, actually, that's not possible with this palette. :P11:51
omegCan't really make it larger or smaller. It's either this or no glow at all, I think.11:52
sladenwhat about index #13 for the progress hilight (ffa75a)11:52
omegWould do almost just as well as ff9e4d.11:53
omegWould you like me to change it to ffa75a?11:53
sladendunno, that was just the one I tried it with and it didn't seem too offense11:54
sladenless saturated than "fail" and not as bright-white as the first colour you tried11:55
infinityAnyhow, I've finished my breakfast, and I've just about had my bikeshedding quota for the morning.11:55
lifelesslaunchpad going down in ~10 for about 3011:56
lifelessshipit upgrade11:56
=== Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== sladen going down in ~10 for about 500
=== kirkland [n=dustin@rrcs-24-153-183-118.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== dany [n=taod@bi01p1.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== omeg going down in ~5 for about 700
infinityThat's a long nap..12:00
omegOkay, some more minor changes, changed color of the highlight in the bar to ffa75a and did some more manual dithering.12:01
omegDithering is pretty much perfect now as far as I'm concerned.12:01
wasabiHmm. That's odd.12:01
omegNah, night :P12:01
wasabijhaltom@station-1:~$ ping station-212:01
wasabiping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted12:01
infinityomeg: Current link with the new dithering?12:01
wasabiSoebody enable SELinux while I had my head turned? heh12:01
omegProbably won't even notice it, though.12:01
omegJust one or two pixels here and there.12:01
infinityJust want to make sure I use the right one if I upload it while you're asleep. :)12:02

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