
achTaya: you mean xserver is working but sometimes you get those msg on your desktop?12:04
bilfordoh yeah12:04
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bilfordwasp_ems:  open smb4k12:04
bilfordGo to Shares tab12:04
bilfordThats where you set the folder12:05
achTaya: what happens when you switch to external monitor.  Do you get similar msgs?12:05
Tayai don't have external monitor..12:05
bilfordyou there?12:05
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achTaya: press the button nevertheless ;)12:06
Tayawhich button?12:06
achTaya: to switch to external monitor.12:07
Tayanothing happens12:07
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achTaya: shit.  Then no more ideas :(12:07
wasp_emsok can i remove conqueror and use another explorer for everything?12:07
Tayai have seen it on other laptops too12:08
Tayaand on other LCD monitor too12:08
achTaya:  mhmm, reading your problem12:08
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Tayaand that desktop doesn't have any other monitor plug ..12:09
achTaya: where does it appear?  Next to systray?12:09
Tayano in the center12:11
Tayait's like when you make sound up/down, just some window, with alert, on whick you can't press, it appears for 1 sec12:12
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achTaya: I remember no OSD msg about LCDs (and all desktop here have LCDs too)12:13
johnzulimI installed Ubuntu Dapper and when trying to apt-get install kubuntu-desktop it failed and is requiring me to run dpkg --configure -a' in order to fix the problem, but when doing so it says 'unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system.'12:14
johnzulimHas anyone run into this?12:14
achTaya: write exact msg down and google.  Sorry, no better idea12:14
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tentacleWhen are you going to relase stabile Dapper ver.? Cause i am thinking about switching to it, but i am not sure is that good.12:15
Tayacan't se exact message. it dissapers so quick..12:15
bilfordin KRename, how do you only replace the first occurrence of a string12:17
bilfordusing regular  expressions12:18
johnzulimI installed Ubuntu Dapper and when trying to apt-get install kubuntu-desktop it failed and is requiring me to run dpkg --configure -a' in order to fix the problem, but when doing so it says 'unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system.'12:19
bilforddid you do  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:20
achTaya: still happens with dapper?  Then better file a bug in lauchpad12:21
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Tayauhh, again?12:22
achTaya: you/someone else reported it already?12:22
johnzulimI tried sudo apt-get and I sudo -s to root and tried to run the command it recommends in order to fix dpkg12:22
bilfordcan you do a fresh install of Kubuntu12:23
bilfordthats usually best12:23
johnzulimOh sorry.. no. I only have Ubuntu.12:23
bilfordcant you do it in Synaptic12:23
Tayai mean today i reported already a bug..12:24
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achTaya: get used to it :)12:25
johnzulimNever used Synaptic12:25
Tayaarch: http://lists.debian.org/debian-amd64/2006/03/msg00188.html12:25
Tayai see kmilo is running, but i can't kill it, and  it's not in my services..12:25
Tayawhat's this kmilo?12:25
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achTaya: laptop special keys support for KDE12:26
Tayaaha, and if i disable it, what will not work?12:26
Tayai mean anymore12:26
achaptitude search kmilo (or adept) are your friends for such question ;)12:26
achTaya: Maybe some laptops buttons12:27
Tayathat's bad...12:27
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Tayai like synaptic much better ;)12:27
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tentacleDo you think that installing Dapper now (upgradeing) is a good decision?12:28
TayaUsually this includes volume keys and other features. i don't want my volume buttons not to work anymore..12:29
jjessetentacle: on my laptop i'm not having any problems with it12:29
jjessebeta 2 is really good12:29
bilfordis Flight 7  beta 2?12:29
bilfordtentacle: the official version is coming out in 2 weeks12:30
bilfordunless it's been delayed12:30
bilfordis Dapper still scheduled for June 1?12:30
bilfordIm using a fresh install of Kubuntu Dapper Flight 7, btw,  no problems12:31
achTaya: just try.  I'm not sure kmilo does anything when not configured ...12:31
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Tayaok, i removed kmilo, but it's still runing, and i cant kill it..:12:32
Tayaroot@Taya:/usr/share/services/kded# ps ax |grep kmilo12:32
Taya 9589 pts/3    R+     0:00 grep kmilo12:32
Tayaroot@Taya:/usr/share/services/kded# kill -9 958912:32
Tayabash: kill: (9589) - No such process12:32
Tayaroot@Taya:/usr/share/services/kded# ps ax |grep kmilo12:32
Taya 9591 pts/3    R+     0:00 grep kmilo12:32
Tayaroot@Taya:/usr/share/services/kded# kill -9 959112:32
Tayabash: kill: (9591) - No such process12:32
bilford http://kubuntu.pastebin.com12:32
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achTaya: kmilo is a kded service12:33
achTaya: a shared lib loaded and executed by kded12:33
bilfordwhen I clickkk a link  in IRC, why does it take so long to load   Firefox, and then to load that page12:33
Tayaach: an?12:34
chowellsyou are miss interpreting the results12:34
chowells[23:32]  <Taya> root@Taya:/usr/share/services/kded# ps ax |grep kmilo12:34
chowells[23:32]  <Taya> 9591 pts/3    R+     0:00 grep kmilo12:34
achsystem settings -> kde components12:34
chowellsprocess 9591 is the "grep kmilo"12:35
waspiusok i have two questions..one has to do with konqueror and one with ktorrent12:35
waspiusboth concern errors12:35
chowellsso it's no wonder you can't terminate it -- by the time the command finishes it's terminated anyway12:35
waspiusin relation to konqueror i got a error message that it crashed and caused signal 11(SIGSEGV)12:36
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waspiusplus it freezes everything at some point12:36
waspiusand in relation to ktorrent i get the following eror:the tracker www... is down12:37
waspiusany help>12:37
achTaya: eh, when I disalbe kmilo, I don't get no longer OSD messages about brightness change :(12:37
Tayaach> where? which one?12:38
Tayaach: i think there will be more things disabled....;(12:38
achTaya: system settings -> kde components12:38
jjesse3.5.2 is the version being shipped in dapper correct?12:39
achTaya: yes I think you're right :(12:39
Tayaach: i am there, and then?12:39
achTaya: lower right list box lists kmilo12:39
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achTaya: you can start/stop it there and disable it's start on session login12:40
Tayaok, when i go to system settingg>kde components there are:12:40
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Tayadefault applications, kde resources, service manager, session manager and spell checker12:41
Tayaan in none of them is kmilo12:41
achTaya: check service manager again (lower right)12:42
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korodedis there a quake3 deb for kubuntu?12:43
Tayaach: you mean system services? it's not there too.12:44
chowellsTaya: what are you trying to achieve?12:44
Tayaach: ok it's very late, it's 2:45 am i have to go to sleep.12:44
achTaya: np12:45
Tayachowells - i want to shut down kmilo12:45
Tayai will try tomorrow.12:45
chowellsYou will lose stuff like your brightness change messages12:45
achchowells: getting rid of: http://lists.debian.org/debian-amd64/2006/03/msg00188.html12:45
Tayachowells: but i keep getting annying messages about my lcd mode on/off all the time12:45
chowellsTaya: ah. you have an asus laptop12:46
Tayayes i do12:46
chowellsthat's my fault :(12:46
Tayalucky me :)12:46
chowellsI need to fix that bug12:46
chowellsspeak to me tomorrow and I should be able to help12:46
achchowells: cool.  My ASYS M6e misses OSD notification for volume up/down btw ;) ;)12:47
Tayaok, i will try :)12:47
Tayachowells, maybe you can help: when i press mute button (sound) it shoes hat it's motted but it's not.12:48
Tayait's again asus laptop :)12:48
chowellsach: press mute where? in kmix?12:48
chowellsI'm not on my asus laptop right now so I can't check the actual hardware12:48
chowellsach: let me just remind me of it, it's a while since I wrote it :)12:49
Tayaok, but this sound was nt working in any linux till now..12:49
achchowells: no Fn-F1012:49
chowellsach: what should Fn-F10 do? mute or change up/down volume?12:50
Tayaok, i have to go.. bye, an thanks to all , cu tomorrow12:50
achTaya sound is alsa business. Hotkeys is distro config stuff ;)12:50
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achchowells: Hmm, good question symbols are not unique IMHO ...12:50
jjessecan you set kmail up in a way like outlook where the new mail message content breifly appears in your taskbar?12:51
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achchowells: but AFAIK, ubuntu 'fakes' laptop keys to every logical hotkey like mute,volup/down gives identical X11 keycode12:51
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chowellsach: I have an Asus S5, I think it has hardware volume controls. can't remember, I have a new laptop12:52
chowellsach: I have to say I don't really understand how the ubuntu faking for X11 keycodes works. The way the KMilo ASUS plugin works is by parsing the /proc/acpi/asus directory12:53
achchowells: heh, in 'laptap and power' I see ibm thinkpad and Sony vaio, but no asus module12:54
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chowellsach: yes, the KMilo plugin doesn't have any configurable options12:55
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chowellsach: the asus one I mean12:55
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wasp_emshow can i mount my network files?12:55
chowellsach: it'd be nice to not have the thinkpad and vaio if you don't have those machines though :(12:55
wasp_emsi have made a connection through url to my desktop is that enough?12:55
chowellsach: someone wrote a patch for volume stuff https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11726012:56
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chowellsach: i should try it and get it committed12:56
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wasp_emsanyone use ktorrent?12:59
achchowells: btw how does it work when two session are running on :0 and :1 and then kmilo will be triggered twice?12:59
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chowellsach: yes it should. But it will lead to the horribly efficient parsing of /proc for each instance of kmilo01:00
chowellsach: inefficient, rather.01:00
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achchowells: does not sound good.  Isn't there a call to determine if current session is active?01:01
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chowellsach: yes it would be nice to see if we could listen to ACPI events instead. What do you mean if the current session is active? The particular KDE session?01:02
achchowells: I mean: press Alt-F8  then :1 is active (assume a second session is running).  Alt-F7 :0 is active01:04
chowellsach: I'm not sure if there's a way to tell01:04
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achchowells: AFAIR ossi found something for kdm.  But don't remember details.  Too long ago :(01:07
achchowells: btw. dpkg -L hotkey-setup   show you what ubuntu is doing01:08
achchowells: and /usr/bin/acpi_fakekey  is generating the standardized X11 codes01:09
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chowellsach: yeah, I looked at acpi_fakekey a bit. Have to say I don't really kinow what X11 keycodes are or why they would be useful. Time for some googling01:12
achchowells: ah, stuff like this hotkey setup will be fore sure discussed in paris when the goal for edgy are formulated01:12
achchowells: kde will send 5 devs to it afaik.01:13
chowellsach: yeah. The paris meeting sounds really interesting, I'd kind of like to go01:13
chowellsach: yes, I think 5 names have been proposed01:13
chowellsmaybe not to ubuntu yet.01:13
chowellsI think we're still deciding01:13
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chowellsi have a job interview next week so I don't really know what's happening in my immediate future :)01:14
achchowells: good luck!!01:14
chowellsthanks :)01:14
achchowells: btw there a spec somewhere about this keycode business.  AFAIR ....01:15
crazy_penguin'night all01:15
chowellsach: thanks, I will have a look. I've been out of doing stuff for a while due to university committments, looks like a lot has changed ;)01:16
achchowells: one has to has laptop spefic hack anyway so let's standadize the keycodes returned by the laptops.  The fixed keycodes allow the hotkey program be easyly preconfigured01:17
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chowellsach: yes, that would be useful01:17
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visik7anyone have compile amarok 1.4 for breezy ?01:18
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achchowells: yeah, but I don't get why the did not simply load the xdb map for a laptop (generating fake keycodes for hotkeys that only generate acpi/apm events)01:20
=== ach does not find the hotkey spec :(
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visik7anyone using amarok from czessy ?01:24
ThaJeepJerkhowdy all, wondering if I'm not supposed to try compiling the kernel w/ gcc 4.0?01:24
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ThaJeepJerkrather it looks like all the applications are compiled w/ gcc 4.0 but the kernel was done w/ gcc 3.401:25
ThaJeepJerkand when I try compiling with 4.0 I get an error01:26
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visik7ThaJeepJerk: install gcc 3.401:34
visik7for kernel modules01:35
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visik73.4 is used for the kernel 'couse on some arch doesn't compile01:35
visik7(the 4)01:35
ThaJeepJerkalright, thanks01:35
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korodedcan anyone tell me why my IP comes up as when it should be, and was last reboot?01:56
ThaJeepJerkkoroded: are you using DHCP?01:57
korodedhowever, my router has a static assignment for this mac01:58
ThaJeepJerksounds like its not finding the DHCP server01:58
korodedok, I could understand that, but where does that IP come from then?01:59
ThaJeepJerkautomatic ip from the drivers on the discovery timeouut01:59
korodedI see01:59
korodednow it's starting to make sense :)02:00
ThaJeepJerkthats how I guessed you had DHCP ;)02:00
korodedok, answer this then.  How is it that I'm online?02:00
korodedand how come I can ssh from another box on my network to and get this computer?02:00
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korodedhmm, perhaps, I can answer that second part.  My switch would have the MAC cached to the IP02:00
ThaJeepJerkthats messed up02:01
lwizardlwhats a good newsgroup binaries downloader for linux?02:01
korodedvery :(02:01
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ThaJeepJerkwhen you run ifconfig the adpter matches?02:01
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korodedhave a look :)02:02
korodedhow can I tell it to try and get an IP again?02:02
ThaJeepJerkyour mac is 00:00:00:21:43:71?02:03
ThaJeepJerkthe system config app has a network setup tool02:03
korodedsystem config app?02:03
korodedI see02:04
korodedam I still here?02:05
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korodednaw I died out02:13
korodedthis is weird, changing it manually to makes it die.  All the settings are right and everything.  No matter what I do, if falls back to that 196 address, then it works02:14
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korodedI just set it manually, and when I clicked apply, it went back to and changed the netmask02:18
korodedI need a beer02:19
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Seantaterkoroded: is it connected to lan or WAN?02:26
Seantaterkoroded: all 192 addresses are reserved for Local Networks, under routers, WAN takes everything else02:27
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korodedSeantater: it's on my home lan02:28
korodedit worked before last reboot02:28
Seantaterkoroded: odd --02:28
Seantaterkoroded: sorry -- an alarm just went off02:28
Seantaterkoroded: gtg02:28
korodedindeed :S02:28
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gutihola para poner las sources list02:38
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DanTheMan25just download amarok 1.4 but it doesn't have gstreamer, and it doesn't play MP3's with xine am i missing something?02:43
korodedDanTheMan25: http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#mp3s02:47
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Bizzyhey, i have an nforce4 motherboard, and i just cannot get sound to work on it under kubuntu03:06
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KDEfanboywhat's the easiest way to get udev in my kernel?03:14
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Bizzyhow hard will it be to upgrade flight 7 to release kubuntu 6.06 when it is released03:46
Samuli^bizzym just do updates like you normally do.03:48
Bizzyi managed to get the nforce4 audio driver to compile03:48
Bizzyand to install03:48
Bizzynot work03:48
Bizzyat all03:48
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.03:48
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derekSanyone know how to play an mp3 from the command line (so i can set a cronjob)04:12
robotgeekderekS: usually sing mpg321, i think04:14
robotgeekderekS: also mplayer does commandline04:15
derekSsing mpg321? or just mpg321?04:15
robotgeekusing, err04:15
derekShaha :)04:15
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derekSmaking an alarm for tomorrow morning :)04:16
derekSgoing to wake up to iconz singing "Get F-ed Up"04:16
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jeffersonhouston, i got a problem04:52
jeffersonI need to know if theres any way, like --force to instal "something.sh"04:53
jeffersonon 64 bit04:53
jeffersonill explain again04:54
jeffersoni have a 64 bit linux kubuntu04:54
jeffersonand i need to run "setup.sh", thats on the 32 bit architecture04:55
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robotgeekjefferson: hmm, it wont work unless you have a chroot04:57
cwheelerhi I changed my vid card what do i run to configure X for new card?04:57
robotgeekcwheeler, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:57
cwheelerthanks robotgeek04:57
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ravenAnyone get Xgl running on Kubuntu drake?04:58
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xtacocorexfrequency scaling question: i'm currently running fluxbox on my kubuntu breezy installation and the frequency scaling defaults to performance under cpufreqd in the default kernel, in kde it defaults to ondemand as i set it to be that05:20
xtacocorexbut i would like fluxbox to start up with the ondemand scaling governor05:21
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xtacocorexi can change the permission of /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor to allow non root writing, but i couldn't get an init script to do this for me on boo05:22
xtacocorexboot, i mean, is that possible?05:22
robotgeekxtacocorex: which init script05:24
xtacocorexi wrote one to do the chmod command05:24
xtacocorexbut i didn't know which rc#.d folder i needed to link it to and what order05:24
cwheelerhow can i use single user mode in kubuntu? I need to install nvidia drivers w/o X running05:24
robotgeekxtacocorex: i think /etc/init.d05:25
robotgeekxtacocorex: also man update-rc.d05:25
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xtacocorexrobotgeek: that's where i put the script05:25
robotgeekxtacocorex: you may prefer to run it as a cronjob using @reboot05:25
xtacocorexrobotgeek: hmm, didn't think of that05:26
xtacocorexrobotgeek: any special format for the reboot cronjob, i've set up a couple for a certain tim05:26
robotgeek@reboot /home/user/script.sh05:27
xtacocorexrobotgeek: i'd have to put that under the system cron wouldn't i05:27
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jamieHow do I rebuild all packages in Kubuntu?05:29
xtacocorexrobotgeek: i totally forgot to do the update-rc.d command to let it know that i put in a new init script05:30
robotgeekupdate-rc.d add something defaults05:30
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xtacocorexrobotgeek: oh, so it wouldn't matter if i ran it?05:30
jamieIs there a package in Kubuntu that would let me rebuild the system if I did a apt-get build-dep05:31
robotgeekxtacocorex: i dont follow05:31
robotgeekjamie: meaning?05:31
jamieI want to rebuild the entire system.05:31
jamieIn Gentoo it's just emerge -e world.05:32
jamieBut I'm not sure how to do it on Kubuntu.05:32
xtacocorexrobotgeek: if i put an init script in /etc/init.d/ and then create my symlinks in the rc#.d folder i shouldn't have to run update-rc.d, correct?05:32
xtacocorexrobotgeek: the man page says that it creates the links for me automatically05:33
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robotgeekxtacocorex: doesn't matter, i think. you can also remove it using the same command05:33
xtacocorexrobotgeek: cool, i'll try the cron, but since it needs to be done as root, it should be a system cron instead of a personal cron05:34
robotgeekxtacocorex: ah, okay. sudo crontab -e05:35
xtacocorexrobotgeek: any special spacing issues for this since it's reboot?05:37
robotgeekxtacocorex: nope, just run "@reboot command" (it will be executed on startup)05:38
xtacocorexrobotgeek: thanks, sorry for the highly technical question05:38
robotgeekxtacocorex: heh, it aint python :)05:39
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xtacocorexrobotgeek: i asked on the forum a couple of hours ago, but there is no semi-advanced area so i stuck it in beginners and everyone passed over it05:39
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jamieCan kubuntu rebuild all packages using apt-get build-dep05:39
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robotgeekjamie: what do you mean by that? or what do you want to do?05:40
xtacocorexrobotgeek: i've only messed with python a couple of time05:40
jamieOk here's the deal.05:40
xtacocorexrobotgeek: thanks for the help05:40
jamieI had to install kubuntu on another laptop since this one doesn't have a cdrom or a floppy drive.05:40
jamieAnd it won't boot external.05:40
jamieI got the base install working on another laptop. I'm taking that hard drive out and putting it in the laptop that doesn't have any cdroms or floppy disks.05:41
jamieI want to rebuild kubuntu to work with the "new" hardware.05:41
robotgeekjamie: are they the same architecture?05:41
jamieOne's just a little faster.05:42
robotgeekjamie: you should be able to do everything you need on that harddrive, and just put it in the other05:42
jamieThe faster one is a Toshiba and the one with no drives is a Dell Latitude LS.05:42
jamierobotgeek: Ok.05:43
jamierobotgeek: But just to answer the question, is there a way to rebuild the entire system once I'm booted into it?05:43
jamieOr does Kubuntu force me to reinstall?05:43
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robotgeekjamie: do you mean compile?05:44
jamierobotgeek: yeah.05:44
dlowellMy kubuntu system won't play mp3 or m4a files with any of the players but it plays wav sounds, any help?05:45
jamierobotgeek: I would like to recompile all the packages on this box.05:45
jamiedlowell: You need to get the codecs.05:45
robotgeekjamie: sure, you can do that i think05:45
robotgeekdlowell, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:45
jamiedlowell: I think it's on the ubuntu unoffical FAQ.05:45
jamierobotgeek: Ok. How can I go about doing that?05:45
robotgeekjamie: you mean compile everything from scratch?05:46
jamierobotgeek: Yes.05:46
robotgeekjamie: hmm, that aint possible (on kubuntu)05:46
jamierobotgeek: Or is there a faster way then compiling everything from scratch.05:47
jamierobotgeek: That's what I thought due to the package manager.05:47
robotgeekjamie: you don't need to compile it from scratch.05:47
jamierobotgeek: I know.  But I just wanted to know if it was possible.05:47
dlowellanyone know how to restart the sound server in Konsole05:47
robotgeekjamie: should be (they build these packgages, i just dont know how)05:47
jamierobotgeek: I'll keep looking around.05:48
jamierobotgeek: Thanks.05:48
jamiedlowell: /etc/init.d/alsa restart05:48
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jamieWell wait it's sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart05:49
jamieMy bad.05:49
jamieI keep forgetting that Kubuntu uses sudo by default.05:49
koshmaking kubuntu work with new hardware does not involve recompling the system05:49
koshonly the kernel would need to be replaced05:49
jamieRight I figured that.05:49
jamieSo all I would need to do is reinstall the kernel?05:50
jamieAnd that should detect the new hardware and life is good.05:50
koshwell you should already be running the one that is default in kubuntu05:50
koshwhat hardware is not being detected and working?05:50
jamieRight but if I installed the kernel on another system and I moved the hard drive to the system that I wanted to install on then I have to reinstall the kernel to detect the new hardware.05:51
koshit should just work05:51
jamieI haven't moved the hard drive over to the other system yet.05:51
jamieI just wanted to get some info before I did.05:52
jamieOk cool.05:52
koshI have been moving harddrives around for years and it works fine05:52
koshall hardware information is detected on startup and drivers loaded, they are not saved05:52
dlowellit says the /etc/init.d/alsa restart is no such file or directory05:52
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koshthe only issue I know of is moving to a different processor arch05:52
dlowelli'm running kubuntu05:52
dlowellflight 705:52
koshso if you installed x86 and try to stick it in a ppc box it won't work05:52
jamiedlowell: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart05:52
jamieMy bad.05:52
jamieOk I got you.05:52
jamieThe processors are the same so things should be fine.05:53
robotgeekdlowell: you can also try it from Kmenu -> System Settings -> Sounds05:53
jamieYeah the arch is the same.05:53
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jamieI understand that's not possible.05:53
jamieWell, you can do it but it's a bitch.05:53
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, lunitik05:53
koshyou can do just about anything if you know what you are doing05:54
uboturobotgeek: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:54
lunitikAnyone know what I'd file bugs under for Flight 7 LiveCD installer bugs?05:54
koshI upgraded from mandrake to debian to kubuntu and never used any debian installer :)05:54
koshI did a live switch from mandrake to debian about 5 or 6 years ago05:54
jamieI'm giving this laptop to my sister (hench the "jamie" as the user name)05:54
jamieI hate mandrake.05:55
lunitikI have issues trying to customize partition layouts...05:55
robotgeeklunitik: on launchpad :)05:55
jamieSo I decided to give her a simple distro to use.05:55
jamieAnd I'm pretty please with Kubuntu.05:55
lunitikrobotgeek: I was more looking for a link... but thanks... I don't even know what it'd be called (module to file bug under)05:55
robotgeeklunitik: yes, ubuiquity would be the installer05:56
lunitikjamie: you _hate_ a packager of free software that is active in the community and hires developers in that community?05:56
koshlunitik: I was thinking that also, it seems pretty strange05:57
jamielunitik: No. I hate the way mandrake is laid out.05:57
jamielunitik: And how buggy it is.05:57
koshlunitik: besides about 5-6 years ago it mandrake was pretty darn good compared to the others out there05:57
lunitikjamie: its ok to prefere one distro... but hating a distro is harsh... especially one that hires developers05:57
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koshlunitik: what about linspire? where they take programs, rename them, rebadge them etc? :)05:57
jamielunitik: Um, there's a lot of distros that hire developers.05:58
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lunitikjamie: developers contributing to projects you use...05:58
ahmeniI hate something, therefore I automatically hate everything even remotely associated with it! Rawrgh!05:58
jamielunitik: I'll change my mind once Mandrake (or Linux for that matter) follows the BSD way of life.05:58
DarkEDhey how good is k3b at converting mp3 to cd audio?05:58
jamieMuch better system IMO.05:58
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lunitikkosh: I don't mind Linspire itself... users don't care about such things really, my Mom has a Linspire box though... putting the Linux name on a box like that isn't cool with me....05:59
jamielunitik: And PS: I am a developer.05:59
jamielunitik: So save your speech.05:59
lunitikjamie: if you want the BSD way of life... use BSD05:59
robotgeeklinspire contributes to a lot of projects05:59
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DarkEDjamie: what kind of developer05:59
jamielunitik: I do. I use BSD, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, and even VM ware.05:59
koshrobotgeek: I don't hate them I just don't like stuff being renamed06:00
robotgeekkosh: what did they rename06:00
lunitikjamie: if Madriva offered you a job where you were pretty much utterly free to work on what you wanted... you'd turn them down?06:00
jamieDarkED: Nothing major. I worked on the Enlightenment window manager.06:00
DarkEDjamie: i use enlightenment daily06:00
koshrobotgeek: actually good question I just know in the past I have seen things renamed in the screenshots they have on their website however I have not checked in a long time now06:00
jamieDarkED: Dr17?06:00
DarkEDjamie: so thats kinda big to me :D06:00
jamieDarkED: :)06:00
jamieDarkED: Good stuff man.06:00
DarkEDjamie: no i think its an older build06:01
jamieDarkED: Ahh.06:01
DarkEDjamie: im in kde right now cause im updating dapper, ill have to get back to you on that :D06:01
jamieDarkED: If we can ever get Dr 17 out of CVS things would be a lot better IMO.06:01
lunitikrobotgeek: Lsongs, I'm pretty sure I've seen somewhere else... Linspire Calander is Sunbird though...06:01
jamieDarkED: Right on. :)06:01
jamielunitik: What are you talking about?06:01
DarkEDjamie: i just like the 'no clutter' approach that enlightenment gives, its odd but fun to mess around with06:02
lunitikjamie: wrt what?06:02
jamielunitik: Yes I'd turn them down because I have a great job now.06:02
jamielunitik: Stop being crazy.06:02
jamielunitik: It's just a Linux distro.06:02
jamieDarkED: Oh yeah.06:02
jamieDarkED: And very fast and light on the system.06:02
koshjamie: why are you so negative and hostile?06:02
DarkEDjamie: true dat06:02
DarkEDjamie: thats the best part :D06:02
lunitikjamie: I just dislike seeing harsh words directed at any company willing to support Linux  :/06:03
jamiekosh: I'm not lunitik is being crazy about a distro.06:03
robotgeeklets keep it ontopic here, please06:03
jamielunitik: What do you think about Windows?06:03
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lunitikjamie: I dislike Mandriva... I don't use it... but I certainly respect it, they hire a lot of developers (200 or so afaik)06:03
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jamielunitik: And I agree. More support for the Linux community is a great thing.06:04
jamielunitik: And just because I said that the BSD way of life is better doesn't mean "I should just use BSD."06:04
DarkEDjamie: I agree as well but i dont like anything redhat supports, too easy to screw up your dependencies06:04
jamieThat type of attitude is killing the Linux community.06:04
jamieDarkED: Agreed.06:04
jamieDarkED: yeah don't get my started on Fedora.06:05
jamieThis is why I'm giving my sister a Kubuntu box.06:05
lunitikDarkED: DEB is just as dumb from a users point of view as RPM ... just people compare RPM to APT, which is flawed, they don't do that same thing06:05
jamieMuch better to learn from.06:05
lunitikjamie: users don't care to learn... a shame... but the truth...06:05
DarkEDjamie: Agreed :D I hated booting into a mostly-fresh RH9 install only to find X won't start, it's really great...06:05
jamielunitik: True.06:06
ubotuhmm... kofftopic is Non Kubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #kubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!06:06
jamieAh ok.06:06
jamieYeah I'm going to head out anyway.06:06
DarkEDlunitik: I'm not saying Debian is perfect, just treated me better in the past :D06:06
jamieHey good talking to everyone. :D06:06
jamieAnd lunitik sorry if you thought I was being harsh.06:06
jamieI hope I made my point.06:07
dlowellthanks for the help i can now play my music06:07
lunitikjamie: its ok... and you really didn't... but thats ok  :)06:07
DarkEDlunitik: But yeah, DEB has just as many dislikes as RPMs, but most of the things DEBs do I can easily fix06:07
jamieCheck out DR17 on enlightenment.org some time DarkED06:07
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DarkEDjamie: Will do, I'm waiting to figure out how to compile it :D06:08
jamieDarkED: You could give Gentoo a shot. :)06:08
=== lunitik mutters something about elive, then remembers he's in Kubuntu, and shuts up
jamieNight all06:08
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DarkEDgentoo was okay, I liked portage and the way it worked but I'm not a 'gentoo' kinda guy06:09
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TabooTreezhey is there an kubuntu guide for dapper?06:26
TabooTreezlike the ubuntu  guide with all the how tos06:26
robotgeekTabooTreez: Help -> Desktop Guide06:27
TabooTreezno no no06:28
TabooTreezthat guide doesnt tell me how to install java...06:29
TabooTreezmp3 support06:29
robotgeekTabooTreez: yes it does06:29
TabooTreezi dont see anything in it06:30
robotgeekTabooTreez: however, that is incorrect due to a few very recent change from sun06:30
TabooTreezrobotgeek: thanks lots06:31
robotgeekTabooTreez: you can now just enable multiverse, and install from there06:32
robotgeeksun-java5-bin is the packge you are looking for06:32
TabooTreezcan u tell me how to write06:33
TabooTreezto an ntfs drive06:33
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robotgeekTabooTreez: it is unsafe, i think06:34
robotgeekhowdy kkathman06:34
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TabooTreezrobotgeek: thanks06:35
kkathmanhi there robotgeek :)06:35
ubotuntfs is, like, the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions06:35
kkathmanrobotgeek:  not sure I know that one :)06:36
regeya_the day you realize your nerdines has overridden your maleness:  when you see a picture of a lovely, nude woman, and you think, 'hey, neat, she has an eMac *and* a PowerBook'06:36
regeya_this may have been posted in the wrong channel.06:36
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nox_freakgot a problem, every time I set my wireless default gw route, all gnome basd packages top working06:41
nox_freaktop = stop06:41
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dlowellmy mp3 and m4a files won't play in any of the kde audio playing programs...can anyone help..??06:48
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dlowellok, thanks anyway06:49
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nixternalanyone notice a little bit of a slowness with flight 7? i upgraded today, compiled in the & latest nvidias like always....same exact kernel config (lean & mean)...07:01
nixternalit could be the theme...that is the only difference between old and new07:02
TabooTreezwhere the fstab file located?07:11
robotgeekTabooTreez: /etc/fstab07:11
TabooTreezrobotgeek: thanks again07:11
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TabooTreezhow do i restart fstab?07:19
TabooTreezwithout rebooting07:21
TabooTreezw/e by not i could of jsut restarted07:22
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Mattchewieanyone running dapper that can tell me the secret to mp3 playback?07:25
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nixternali hear you Mattchewie07:26
nixternalgstream .1007:26
Mattchewieahh not 8 huh07:27
nixternali messed around with repository after repository, amarok, banshee, and another one07:27
nixternalnah...dapper works with .1007:27
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MattchewieYeah I'm like "wow this is great, everything is working....OH MY.....mp3..playback is...not.....:( *cry*"07:28
nixternalhaha...i had problems and still do in some areas with any freakin' playback07:28
crimsunMattchewie: install libxine-extracodecs.07:28
nixternalmp3's work now...apple's crap still won't work for me07:28
nixternalno matter what i do07:28
crimsunm4as work fine for me.07:29
nixternali have done everything under the sun07:29
crimsundid you strip the DRM first?07:29
nixternalactually...let me check out and see if i can get one to work...i have yet to try with flight 7 now that i think about it07:29
Mattchewiehrm...Am I looking ot install the gst 10 libs?07:29
crimsunMattchewie: amarok by default uses the xine engine, so you'll need the package I mentioned above07:29
MattchewieI can't find that package!07:30
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crimsunMattchewie: you don't have multiverse enabled, then07:30
MattchewieI type in libxine in adept and I see notta07:30
TabooTreezsomeone please tell me how to restart fstab without rebooting07:30
crimsunTabooTreez: you don't really "restart fstab", which is a file.07:31
Mattchewie....you can do a "sudo mount -a"07:31
Mattchewieaye looks like I missed one of the repositories07:31
Mattchewie...lets see if this does the job07:31
TabooTreezim trying to mount an nfts with fuse07:32
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TabooTreezbut i keep getting errors07:32
nixternalhey..can amarok connect to daap07:32
Mattchewie....Hrm, Does Kaffiene use xine too?07:32
crimsunMattchewie: by default, yes07:33
nixternalto lazy to look..in the middle of something else07:33
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Mattchewieawesome, ....ok, once again this repository thing is hating me07:34
=== nixternal appologizes ahead of time...using winblows right now cuz the ol' kubie is busy
Mattchewie..I uncommented out both the backport and the regular universe reps...but when I search I still see no libxine-extracodecs07:35
crimsunMattchewie: multiverse07:36
crimsunplease read carefully next time :-)07:36
Mattchewiethough multiverse was the same....as........<smacks forehead>07:37
Mattchewie...been a long day07:37
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korodedI can't seem to play mp3's in dapper07:41
MattchewieWELCOME TO MY WORLD!07:42
nixternalholy moly that was to funny Mattchewie07:43
Mattchewieok, uncommented out the multiverse "dapper-backports" packages and source reps did a apt-get update, apt-cache search libxine still pulls up no libxine-extracodecs07:43
Mattchewiedeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:44
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crimsunMattchewie: dapper-backports != dapper07:47
korodedanyone with help for mp3's in Dapper?07:48
crimsunkoroded: enable multiverse and install libxine-extracodecs07:48
crimsun *** 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 007:48
crimsun        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Packages07:48
MattchewieAhh I figured as much but that was the only multiverse I had in my sources.list so I was taking a WILD stab in the dark07:49
ubotumethinks mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:49
nixternalwell...crimsun...i didn't get an error trying the m4a file...but it starts to play and then just ends07:50
poningrukoroded: did you get that?07:50
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nixternaland that is in amarok07:50
TabooTreezcan someone tell me how i can give myself permission to acces a folder07:51
TabooTreezif only root can07:51
nixternalhow about a little practice what you preach....I DON'T EVEN HAVE GSTREAM .10 INSTALLED.... <-- stay away...idiot on board07:51
korodedcrimsun: I'm not 100% sure how to enable mulitverse07:51
korodedI have universe07:51
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:52
TabooTreezto add multiverse open adept go to file>manage respor... and find universve double click it and chnage ti to universe multiverse07:52
nixternalgahaha...i don't even have gstream installed at all...god im a moron07:52
poningruTabooTreez: you have to go command line07:52
TabooTreezponingru: and07:52
poningruwhat do you want to do with the file?07:53
poningrujust read right?07:53
TabooTreezthere a folder that i want to acces07:53
TabooTreezand write07:54
Mattchewiewholy freaking awesome, I got it now07:54
TabooTreeza folder07:54
TabooTreezread and write to foler that is roots07:54
nixternalhey Mattchewie...I DON'T #@#!@@! LOL07:54
korodedponingru: aptitude install xmms-mad  seems to have fixed my issues07:54
=== nixternal is installing now
korodedponingru: thank you!07:54
poningruTabooTreez: what permission does the root have on the folder right now?07:54
TabooTreezcan read amd write07:55
poningruoh right folder no execute07:55
TabooTreezsooo... ? lol07:55
korodedamarok still wont play07:55
poningrusudo chmod 744 folder07:56
poningruerr sudo chmod 744 /path/to/folder07:56
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Mattchewie...I'm listening to an mp3 P07:58
korodedme too, but not in amarok :(07:58
Mattchewiedid you restart amarok koroded?07:59
Mattchewieeven making sure to exit out of the systray app?07:59
Mattchewiecrimsun, thanks for the guidance08:00
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Mattchewienow I just need video on the mpegs!08:00
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[SEAWOLF] hi all08:02
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Mattchewiegah, and now its bed time, work always comes too early :(08:06
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dell500anyone know how to convert from MPC to MP3?08:08
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nixternalwoohoo...m4a's work like a charm...08:09
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noltehey, I'm thinking of swirching from suse 10.1 crap to kubuntu, does vmware workstation work on kubuntu08:11
nolteanyone ?08:12
nixternali dunno08:12
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nixternali had it running on ubuntu08:13
nixternalhadn't installed in on kubuntu08:13
nixternali had vmware running on mepis...so ifi it will run on mepis..then i don't see why it wouldn't run on kubuntu08:13
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nixternalsorry for being a little slow on that answer...i am in the middle of eating a bag of "fiery habenero doritos"08:14
nixternalhad to clean my finger b4 hittin' the kb08:14
noltethanks :-)08:14
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nixternali was a long time suse user08:15
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nixternali stopped when novell jumped in08:15
TabooTreezwhat was the command to restart fstab?08:15
noltei've installed an update from 10.0 to 10.1 nearly nothing worked.08:15
TabooTreezor remount all my drives08:16
nixternalused slackware for a while and debian...even some mepis...but as soon as i hopped on the ubuntu/kubuntu/nubuntu/xubuntu express...it was all over08:16
nixternalgood ol' yastII08:16
poningruTabooTreez: iirc fdisk -a08:16
poningrubut hold on let me make sure08:16
noltehave to go to a meeting now, cu later08:17
poningruhmm thats not it08:18
ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the diskmounter file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter  See <partitions>.08:18
=== poningru doesnt remember
poningrumount -a08:19
=== poningru is an idiot
TabooTreezthat worked08:20
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diopi'd like to install my Canon MP150 printer, is it possible under kubuntu dapper ?08:23
nixternalusb, parallel, net????08:24
nixternalhave you tried installing it through system settings?08:24
nixternalno go huh08:25
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diopsystem --printers--- password08:30
diopand after nothing08:30
nixternalso after you type your password...it just hangs up?08:30
diopyes the program seems to begin but never08:31
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nixternaldiop....check out http://www.turboprint.de/english.html08:33
nixternalthey show the pixma mp150 as supported through there08:33
nixternalcups doesn't show support for that printer08:34
nixternali dont' have experience with turboprint...but what i have read...people like it08:34
diopthanks you for your help08:34
nixternalthere is a direct link that will show your drivers08:34
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nixternalanybody check out that maker faire video??? they have a tech from geek squad who states all their people are a+ certified...dude asks him what does pcmcia stand for...and he don't know...classic right there08:38
nixternali forwarded the video to geek squad prez....i was like obviously a+ don't mean squat to your company08:39
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glickhey now that sun is goina be open source and they modified their distributing liscense, will dapper include sun java?08:43
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nixternalall depends now i guess...it looks like they found some hidden stuff w/in the sun license08:43
glickhidden stuff?08:43
nixternalsomething to the fact that if you install sun java...you have to remove libgcj...something along those lines08:44
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nixternali dunno if it was legality issues or what...but i have seen it across a few tech sites08:44
nixternali talked to a buddy of mine who works for my old company, sun...and he said that whole thing was messed up and he was glad he wasn't part of it08:45
Steven_Mhi all08:45
nixternalhow are ya Steven_M08:45
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glickbut i thought sun was about to opensource java08:45
hastesaverhttp://linux.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=185998&cid=15352645 and below. But it's Slashdot, trust it at your own risk :)08:46
nixternalwell..im guessing they did since it is in the repositories...i have had no luck with the dl's though cuz everyone and their mother has been grabbin' it08:46
nixternalno crap hastesaver...i stopped with slashdot...and digg will be gone shortly08:47
nixternalit seems like every digg post is now scrutinized for either being old, wrong, or flat out lame08:47
hastesavernixternal, I know, but that thread says Debian included Java in non-free, and having gcj is not a problem with the licence08:47
nixternalwell...isn't slashdot also the site that reported the whole gcj thing earlier?08:48
nixternali might be wrong, cuz i have read so much crap about it today08:48
glickthe while java thing was a pain in the donkey08:48
nixternaland will always be a pain in the donkey08:49
Steven_Mnixternal: good thanks and you?08:49
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nixternalmy mouth is on fire from these habenero doritos...other than that good i guess ;D08:49
Lynoure_max_: cute domain name :)08:49
nixternalWhy do ink cartridges cost so much? <-- digg post...is that necessary? nothing else better to report on...i use laser anyways...how come a toner cartridge costs me $140?08:50
hastesavernixternal, anyone who reads the comments on digg will be permanently brain-damaged.08:51
nixternallol hastesaver...maybe that is my problem then ;D08:51
Steven_Mwhen is the final dapper due to be released?08:51
nixternalthe comments are the most interesting08:51
nixternaljune 108:51
=== nixternal is staying up until then ;D
nixternali knew there was a reason i disliked amarok08:52
nixternalno daap yet08:52
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Steven_Mnixternal: was that june 1 to me?08:53
nixternalyes sir08:54
nixternalhi riri08:55
ririi can't install dapper 708:55
ririneither 608:55
korodedcan you be more vauge?08:55
nixternalyes please08:55
ririthe live cd runs ok but when asking partioning08:56
nixternallive cd? lock up during boot?08:56
ririit crashes08:56
nixternalhave you tried to reburn your cd?08:56
nixternalwhoa whoa whoa....is this drive for kubuntu only?08:56
riridapper 6 already did the same08:56
ririin fact i can use livecd but not install dapper08:57
nixternali think i know your problem...i didn't have this issue with kubuntu...but i did with mepis08:57
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Steven_Mbe back later08:57
ririam I the only one to get this issue ?08:57
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nixternali used a win98 boot disk...booted up... fdisk /mbr (just for grins)...then fdisk...created a dos partition...then retried the live cd install and then it went through fine08:58
nixternalnow that was with mepis and not kubuntu08:58
nixternalbut that could be of some assistance....08:58
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nixternalthe drive is good right?08:58
riribecause i have 2 hdd08:59
ririone for xp08:59
nixternalk...it could be that the table is fubarred08:59
ririand one for mandriva08:59
nixternali just did a flat out win98 boot disk wipe of the drive and that seemed to work08:59
nixternali even had issues booting knoppix and running fsdisk09:00
ririi don't want to break my two disk ?09:00
nixternaleven qpart messed up with that drive09:00
nixternalis it dual booting?09:00
ririmy problem is i stick to mandriva just for having share internet09:01
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ririso i am expecting dapper to allow to get me rid of mandriva ! lol09:01
ririsomeone here told me i could use ipkungfu09:01
nixternalthat is new to me...dunno anythign about that09:02
riribut ip kungfu has no doc (i mean tutorial or the like)09:02
ririi will try dapper in live and get ipkungfu09:02
ririif i can get network running i can delete mandriva ! lol09:03
nixternalnetwork works great for me in dapper09:03
ririmandriva squid conf very easy09:03
nixternalahh..good ol' squid09:03
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ririhow did you conf internet share ?09:04
ririlinux is the server09:04
ririand xp the client09:04
ririi prefer too the dapper kde desktop ! lol09:05
ririat the moment i have a crystal look like vista09:05
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riribut dapper is "personalized09:05
nixternalnice server09:05
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ririis there a tool in dapper too conf share internet ?09:06
nixternalit is in the system setup09:06
nixternalthats what i did09:06
nixternal...system settings > sharing09:06
nixternalworks like a charm on my network09:07
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ririthen i should be able to manage it from livecd ?09:07
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nstari will install kubuntu 6.07 beta on my powermac g5 with 2 cpus.. how well does kubuntu support this platform? will there be any issues installling or using it? will it recognize and use both cpus?09:08
nixternalyes sir09:08
nixternalow wow...just poke a fork in me with that question09:08
nixternalgive me the powermac and let me test it...i will get back to you on that ;D09:08
ririnixternal i run my livecd see you later09:08
nixternalgood luck riri09:09
nixternalcya l8r09:09
ririchinese for baba (bye)09:09
korodedaptitude install libxine-extracodecs       for anyone having issues with amaroK and Dapper09:10
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dudemullethey dudes09:15
nixternalsup dudemullet09:15
dudemulletwould any of you have a default breezey sources.list for the united states ?09:15
nixternali don't09:16
dudemulletI got one but it links to "nz" updates are slow man09:16
nstarkubuntu dapper drake has good support for powermac g5?09:16
nixternaldapper here...and it isn't even default09:16
dudemullettried replacing with "us"" and whont work09:16
nixternalactually...you can use the dapper one...just replace dapper with breezy...right?09:16
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nixternalthat is the only difference i believe09:16
dudemulletbut what about the "nz" problemm ??09:16
nixternalmine has no nz problem...it is all us baby09:17
dudemulletproblem is the download is slow need connection for the united states server  :p09:17
dudemulletcan I get a copy of yours ?09:17
nixternalsure can sir09:17
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource09:17
nixternalwant me to zip and dcc09:17
dudemulletthanks ^_^09:17
dudemullet:O, thanks uboto09:17
dudemulletyouu toooo nix09:17
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dudemulletto tell you the truth I wouldnt even know how to use .zip right now(I'll eventually figure it out) this is my second day using linux09:19
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dudemulletand Ive been punching in commands in the console like crazy, its so fun ^___^09:19
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ririok nixternal i am on dapper  7 irc kopete09:21
nixternalthere you go sir09:21
nixternalthat was quick riri09:21
ririyes lol09:21
ririit works fine on livecd09:21
ririif i can share internet with xp i can even stay on livecd till the final release ! lol09:22
ririi am not used with sudo !09:22
nixternalya..that is what is nice09:23
nixternalthe live cd is great09:23
glickhey is dappster gonna come with a firewall configuration utility09:23
ririi guess : but i don't yet appreciate fully it :) lol09:23
glickerr dapper09:23
nixternali know what yo mean09:23
nixternali had to run nubuntu forever cuz the installer wouldn't work on my lappy09:23
nixternalactually there isn't an installer...09:23
nixternalubiquity worked...but the older one didn't09:24
ririi like the crystal kubuntu09:25
nixternali like all of kubuntu...09:26
ririi made the corners round ! lol09:26
nixternali have so many different themes running...i have no clue aymore09:26
ririi guess you are right...09:26
nixternaloh ya..the round corner..i like that too09:26
hastesaverglick, dapper, not dappster :p09:26
nixternali use deep plastik for my color scheme...umm..i can't remember anythign else09:26
riridrap ??? lol09:26
ririi have a look09:27
ririyou know i tried the fr forum but not answer ?09:27
ririi don't mind in english i can express myself :)09:27
glickdamn i find kde to be so unstable.  Fo shizzle my nizzle09:28
ririaren't you from australia ?09:28
riribecause you said "sir" ? lol09:28
dudemullet^_^, my amarok is now playing mp3, Im so happy09:28
dudemulletfirst time linux user, sorry so noob09:29
ririat least you make the step !09:30
nixternalsorry...i was gone09:30
nixternalim in the windy city...chicago that is09:30
glickwow so many first time linux users in here09:30
nixternali always say sir...guess i like to ACT polite ;D09:30
ririyou are right :)09:30
ririi never say it..09:30
glicki remimber back in he suse 5.4 days when linux didnt set up jack for you09:31
ririmaybe bad french habit09:31
nixternalSuSe 5.409:31
glickyou wanted sound? go write a sound driver you lazy bum09:31
nixternaldude....i have the green disks right in front of me right now09:31
nixternalwith the big dumb ass lizard09:31
glickheh yeah09:31
nixternaldisk 1 through 509:31
ririi started with version 109:31
nixternali started with 5.409:31
dudemulletSuSe sounds hardcore09:31
ririabout 199309:31
nixternallol...i had used slackware and freebsd prior to it09:31
glicksuse was hardcore back in the day09:31
nixternaland red hat09:31
nixternaland mandrake09:32
nixternaland...ummm...corel had a linux...was that mandrake?09:32
ririyes redhat09:32
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glickslackware will always have a special place in my heart09:32
glicki love slackware09:32
riricorel was very pretty09:32
nixternalsame here glick09:32
nixternalya it was09:32
riribut buggy ! lol09:32
nixternaland you couldn't compile a kernel in it for shit09:32
nixternali never had so many problems...but it did look pretty09:32
glicki tried freebsd, could never warm up to it09:33
ririrecently i install solaris09:33
ahmeniI still have Caldera Linux, back before SCO ruined them09:33
nixternalme either really.....i used it for a server and that was it09:33
ahmenikernel 2.2, baby!09:33
nixternalcaldera...good stuff there09:33
ririi started with sco09:33
nixternali remember when caldera was considered the most stable and secure out of the box09:33
ririas I trained unix with it09:33
glickheh caldera back in the day used to come with the "linux for idiots' books09:33
nixternalactually...i got my caldera with a router i bought09:34
ririidiots or null nowadays09:34
ririsame fights09:34
glicki tried mandrake too for a while09:34
glickbut rpms are just pure crap09:34
zerodnihey has anyone tried smart package manager09:34
glicksuch a crappy system09:34
nixternalhaha ya glick..i can't stand um09:34
glicki never tried redhat09:34
nixternalrpm this and rpm that...and 89% of the time they didn't work09:34
ririi am sticking to mandriva because my internet sharing09:34
glicki think i was put off by their stupid logo09:34
glickits a red hat for godsake!09:35
nixternalwhoa riri...no luck with the sharing?09:35
markcis there a known problem with upgrading openssh-client (dapper) ? I'm getting a -> unable to make backup link of `./usr/bin/ssh' before installing new version: Operation not permitted09:35
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ririi am trying (after blabla ) lol09:35
nixternalnope..i just updated mine and used it right away markc09:35
KDEfanboyis it safe to just clean out /var/cache/apt/archives/ with rm or is there a standard way to do get rid of apt's cache?09:35
ahmeniapt-get clean09:36
nixternalthere ya go09:36
nixternali brain farted on that one09:36
markcnixternal> thanks, good to know, maybe I've got old debian crap on this box09:36
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KDEfanboyworked like a charm09:36
glickdidnt old suse use .debs before switching to rpms?09:37
ririnix where do i conf internet sharing ?09:37
ririsystem setting ?09:37
nixternalya markc...i just tried it again...all i had to do was recreate my key and that was it09:37
ririnixt... i have two card eth0 which is dhcp for internet09:38
ririand eth1 which i want ip fix
nixternaland eth1 which is ...ya09:39
markcnixternal> would you mind checking what /usr/bin/ssh is on your system... a file or link ?09:39
nixternalOpenSSH_4.2p1 Debian-7ubuntu3, OpenSSL 0.9.8a 11 Oct 200509:40
markcI just got dpkg - warning: while removing openssh-client, unable to remove directory `/usr/bin/ssh': Operation not permitted - directory may be a mount point ?09:40
markcdirectory ?09:40
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markcand I just remembered, this box is a fresh install via debootstrap a week ago09:42
nixternalthat is an odd one there09:42
nixternalit isn't in your fstab or mtab at all is it??? why it would be in there i wouldn't know....but for some reason it sees it as a possible mount point09:42
nixternali haven't seen that error..that i know of09:42
markcnixternal> so what is your /usr/bin/ssh .. a file or link ?09:43
nixternalno link09:43
nixternalit is a file09:43
markcnixternal> ahh, and pointing to where ?09:43
nixternalit is a file..not a link...im fallin' asleep here...sorry bout that09:43
markcnixternal> heh, np, appreciate the input09:44
nixternalwish i could be of more help to ya09:44
nixternalsudo dpkg ?09:44
nixternaldoin' it with root, sudo, or fakeroot?09:44
markceverything else updated okay09:45
nixternalexcept for ssh huh09:45
nixternalyou update through adept?09:45
markcyes... openssh-client09:45
nixternali just did it...not even an hour ago09:45
nixternali didn't have a problem09:45
nixternalmy adept let me know i had updates...so i went ahead and did them...openssh was the top one09:46
markcI did a bebootstrap install about a week ago, an update the next day... this is a non-gui server09:46
nixternalya...my /usr/bin/ssh shows -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 237932 2006-05-17 19:43 /usr/bin/ssh09:46
nixternalit should have worked with the apt-get install09:47
nixternalunless it got corrupted in the download09:47
markc-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1233947 Mar  1 17:43 /usr/bin/ssh09:47
nixternalwhich wouldn't be a first on something corrupting on me that way09:47
markcmy file size is way different09:47
nixternalway freakin' different09:47
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Hobbsee] : Kubuntu 6.06 Flight 7 released! http://tinyurl.com/zvj5h | Amarok 1.4, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
nixternalis that sayin' 1gb ssh file?09:48
markcokay, so I must have done the debootstrap 18 days ago!09:48
markctime flies09:48
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nixternalhehe...yes it does09:48
ririnixternal i have setup my network card but no internet on eth109:49
nixternalhmmm...are you routing eth0 to eth109:49
nixternali just shut down my system too09:49
ririi guess09:49
ririi don't know what means routing09:50
nixternalyou need to setup the routing portion....09:50
nixternalone sec so i can remember09:50
ririi use eth0 internet for eth109:50
ririi guess09:50
ririor squid ?09:50
markcargh! -> /dev/hda5 on / type ext3 (rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro)09:50
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nixternali usually just route everything09:50
markcfriggin, read-only root partition09:50
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nixternalroute --help for all the commands09:51
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nixternalalso...squid is in the kubuntu repositories...so it could always be installed09:51
ririroutes has default gateway
nixternalthat is eth009:52
nixternalnow your needs to route to your eth0 ip...09:52
ririit should be on eth109:52
nixternalomg i am so drawing a blank09:52
ririmay be i should set it to gate way ? i mean eth0 to eth109:53
nixternalyour eth1 gateway should be your eth0 ip address09:54
nixternalno no no09:54
nixternalim wrong09:54
nixternalyou can't do that09:54
nixternalcuz of nat09:54
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nixternali know you need to set FORWARD_IPVR AND FORWARD_IPV6 to true...can't remember where....09:56
nixternalthen you need to run iptables09:56
nixternaliptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE .....ummmm can't remember....brain is crashing09:56
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ririi put default gateway i will see09:56
nixternali think bill gates got into my head today...i had to ctrl+alt+del so many times09:56
ririare you on xp ?09:57
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nixternalit's 3am...do you know where your computer is?09:57
nixternalcuz i sure don't09:57
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nixternali remember an echo command...for ip_forward....i remember the iptables to a point....09:58
ririi will follow the ubuntu network setup09:58
nixternaljust know that it can be done....im just exhausted right now...and i can't remember09:58
crimsunecho -n 1 |sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward09:58
ririit's just a bit difficult09:58
nixternalyes yes09:58
nixternalthank you crimsun09:58
nixternalhey guys...i hate to jet...but i got to get some sleep...i will be back on later today...so prepare to pull your pant legs up..cuz i can make the bs get deep09:59
nixternalgood night ya'll.....good talkin' to you all10:00
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ririgood night10:00
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Hobbseehi _pablo10:17
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_pablohave you glasses and table cover whit squares?10:19
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bilfordhow do you configure Kate so it doesnt show those left side panes10:20
Hobbseehit f9?10:20
bilfordI dont want to do that every time I open a file10:21
ahmenisave the session and it should save your layout10:21
bilfordok ty10:21
bilfordyes, that works10:22
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ahmeniIs there a repository I have to enable to get kaffeine-gstreamer?10:24
Hobbsee!info kaffeine-gstreamer10:25
ubotukaffeine-gstreamer: (gstreamer engine for kaffeine media player), section kde, is optional. Version: 0.7-0ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 74 kB, Installed size: 240 kB10:25
Hobbseeahmeni: if it's not already there, try adding multiverse10:25
ahmeniI've got multiverse enabled.. looks like it might not be in dapper yet, though10:29
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Hobbsee!info kaffeine-gstreamer dapper10:30
Hobbseei suspect it got taken out then...10:30
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YaH00you can already ship CDS, they will be shipped in early June. https://shipit.kubuntu.org10:39
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satemplerafter an update in Kubuntu Dapper I no longer have a battery monitor tried to start it via the control panel but it hasn't come back even when on battery do i need apm running I have ACPI running and my laptop is recent and supports ACPI10:40
crazy_penguin'morning all10:41
satemplerhey crazy_penguin can you help me10:43
crazy_penguini can try10:43
crazy_penguinone sec10:43
satempleryou see what I posted right10:44
crazy_penguinno you don't need apm10:44
satemplerwell what gives10:44
satemplerits checked in the settings to show it10:44
satempleri try to run klaptop_check and i get BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16810:45
satemplerthis is a first10:45
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satemplerafter an update in Kubuntu Dapper I no longer have a battery monitor tried to start it via the control panel but it hasn't come back even when on battery do i need apm running I have ACPI running and my laptop is recent and supports ACPI10:50
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habI am running Kubuntu. When I turn off my PC, I could still hear the fan running. Any sugg11:03
satemplerhab its probly in a sleep mode11:04
satemplerafter an update in Kubuntu Dapper I no longer have a battery monitor tried to start it via the control panel but it hasn't come back even when on battery do i need apm running I have ACPI running and my laptop is recent and supports ACPI11:04
habno no, I actually, call for turning off the PC. Even if I click on CTRL-ALT-SHIFT PgDN11:05
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habmay be a bug?!!11:07
satempleris it the CPU fan or the PS fan or the gfx fan or the case fan ;)11:07
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satemplerhab works fine on my latop kinda11:08
habAlmost all fan. I am sure of CPU, extrra fan, PS and there is power to the CD Drive. When I turn off the PC I could hear a click indicating that the PC off. The monitor goes blank but the fans are on11:09
satemplerwell that could indicate a soft suspend11:10
satemplerbut that dosn't make since11:10
habsoft suspend???11:11
satemplerit could also be that it turned every thing off but forgot some things11:11
satemplerya suspend to ram11:11
habThis thing happend after Breezy to Dapper upgrade11:11
satemplerthe system still is drawing power to keep the ram alive11:11
habHow can I fix it or force it off.11:12
habI tried kernel para acpi=force -- no help11:12
satemplerwell are you on a laptop11:13
habno desktop11:13
satemplerok well acpi isn't needed11:13
satemplerunplug the computer then plug it back in11:14
satempleron boot hit esc to get to the boot menu11:14
habok. hmm. for that reason everytime I add it to kernel, grub does not like it and it actually removes it11:14
satemplerthen hit e to go into esit mode then add acpi=no at the end of the kernel line11:15
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habI see11:15
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satemplerthen hit enter\11:15
habI will off to try it. I will wait until you tell me go11:15
satemplergo for it11:16
habok --- off11:16
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dawynnDid grub lose its ability to show pictures?11:21
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dawynnOr do I just not have something set right?11:22
hastesaverdawynn, 1. did you have it and it went away, or it hasn't been there at all? 2. Try installing the package grub-splashimages11:23
dawynnI had my own picture there and it went away.  I don't exactly remember what all I did to get it to do that.11:24
dawynnI did install grub-splashimages, but then a couple upgrades later, we're back to text-only.11:24
dawynnI'll do some more research on my own.  Meanwhile -- next question...11:27
dawynnHow is the delay of Dapper expected to impact future releases?  Will they move to June / December releases?  Or is the whole 6 month thing thrown out the window now?11:28
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habsatempler are you there11:30
habacpi=no did not work11:30
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hastesaverdawynn, AFAIK, Eft will be released in October, and they'll return to the old April/October schedule.11:33
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Steven_Mhi all11:34
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mardihiya jack11:41
Jack314i got a problem with kopete 0.11.93 or 0.12 beta 211:42
mardii can't help ya, sorry, i'm a linux newbie11:42
Jack314i get sometimes status not available with certain contacts, they change from buddy folder to individuals or contacts just disappear11:43
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Jack314how would i install those kopete now listening scripts11:43
Jack314thx anyway mardi11:44
mardiplus i use gaim :p11:44
Steven_MIs it too late to submit to feature requests for the final release of Dapper?11:44
Jack314kopete works with kontact thats cool and has a lot of features11:44
visik7gaim is the only gtk app I've to use11:44
visik7'couse kopete sucks on msn protocol11:45
Phleagorwhat about amsn?11:45
mardii've yet try kontact, i'm new to kde too11:45
mardi*yet to try...11:45
Jack314no way Phleagor i want a multimessenger11:45
visik7Phleagor: amsn would be great if it support more than msn protocol an wasn't in tcl11:45
Phleagoryes, i'm using gaim, too11:46
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Jack314guys how would i install those scripts xxx.sh in kopete11:46
Phleagorbtw...is there a way to get the taskbar in KDE transparent?11:47
Phleagori mean when i have windows opened11:47
Jack314this now listening to script11:47
Phleagorthe fields are grey11:47
Jack314Phleagor u mean the kicker?11:47
Jack314u have to go to system settings Phleagor11:47
Phleagorthe kicker is already transparent11:47
Phleagori mean the fields in the tasbar11:47
Jack314u mean the open minimized windows aof apps?11:48
hastesaverwow, my Kopete crashes on Settings->Configure11:48
Jack314hastesaver hi11:48
Jack314hastesaver u got the 0.12 beta 2 kopete too?11:48
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Jack314i get sometimes status not available with certain contacts, they change from buddy folder to individuals or contacts just disappear hastesaver11:49
Jack314i get mad11:49
hastesaverJack314, no, sorry11:49
Jack314how would i install those kopete now listening scripts?11:50
hastesaverJack314, it's already there in Settings->Configure plugins for me11:50
Phleagorthe grey fields i mean11:51
Phleagorunder the names of the windows11:51
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Steven_MWhich e-mail address should i send a feature request for Dapper to?11:51
Jack314under configure i have only accounts appearance behaviour devices identity hastesaver11:51
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hastesaverJack314, I don't know then, sorry11:53
hastesaverJack314, I don't use Kopete, I usually use Gaim11:53
Phleagornoone knows?11:53
hastesaverWhy doesn't Kopete allow me to add myself to my contacts?11:54
Jack314hastesaver http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=33503 how would i install a plugin like this if there is no make script and stuff?11:54
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hastesaverJack314, I really don't know :) But it looks like that script is supposed to be installed in Amarok or something. As I said, I have no idea11:57
Jack314thx no it just requires the libxmms hastesaver11:58
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hastesaverDoes Kopete only allow you to be logged in to one account at a time??12:00
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Jack314no it connects rather to metacontacts persons than a messenger hastesaver meaning that u actually dont realize which messenger u use12:01
hastesaverJack314, and why doesn't it allow me to add myself as a contact?12:02
hastesaverJack314, nevermind that, how do I set up my accounts?12:02
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Jack314configure accounts new..hastesaver12:03
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hastesaverJack314, ah, my configure is crashing :)12:05
Jack314hastesaver i read in the handbook that i schould have under settings configure plugins..where are the settings?12:05
hastesaverJack314, you're using the beta, maybe it's different there. In mine, at the top, I see File/Edit/Settings/Help12:07
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Jack314hastesaver i am a twat12:08
Jack314hastesaver in configure toolbar u have to select now which u wanna be showed and it applies to the configure plugins too12:09
Jack314they did a good job hiding their features12:09
hastesaverJack314, yes12:10
hastesaverJack314, huh? Settings->Configure plugins12:10
Jack314thanh you so much12:10
hastesaverJack314, what could be less hidden than that? Where else would you put it?12:10
Jack314hastesaver no settings i still dont have that12:12
Jack314in the whole menu it isnt12:13
Jack314it just appears there where u can configure yours special keys12:13
hastesaverJack314, then you must have removed them yourself, because it's there by default in mine :)12:13
Jack314hm maybe it disappeared cause i got a new skin12:14
Jack314well u dont have the 0.12 beta12:14
mardii run glxgears and i see them but i don't get fps in konsole, anyone know why?12:16
hastesavermardi, I've never got the fps in console either... maybe it's a option you have to specify to glxgears12:17
mardihrm, i'm reading forums now, i'll let you know if i figure it out12:17
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Tallia1KubuntuGRRRR, anybody had ever used dlink wireless router? i have an orrible ping time.. from 1 to 2 seconds... :(12:20
Tallia1Kubuntuit's weird because the ping time with the router itself is only 20ms12:20
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mardihastesaver: still here?12:37
hastesavermardi, yes12:37
hastesavermardi, found it?12:37
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mardii have no idea why, or why it was so hard to find, but here it is:12:37
mardiglxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark12:38
mardii ran that and i get fps output in konsole now12:38
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hastesavermardi, that doesn't work for me either :)12:39
mardirunning it sudo?12:39
hastesavermardi, although it doesn't complain about unknown parameter..12:39
mardii dunno, works here now12:40
hastesavermardi, oh, let me try sudo12:40
hastesavermardi, no, sudo didn't work either12:40
hastesavermardi, nevermind, thanks12:40
mardi26371 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5274.026 FPS12:40
mardi26479 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5295.672 FPS12:40
mardi24210 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4841.851 FPS12:40
mardihrm, well, good luck, here is the page where i found it: http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=253912:41
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hastesavermardi, oh, it actually works, I guess I was too impatient and closed it too soon the first time.. thanks!12:42
mardigreat :)12:42
hastesavermardi, and that's a great FPS, I only get about 430 :(12:43
mardii just put in the xorg ati drivers via adept12:43
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hastesavermardi, that's because you're using an ATI card, I presume :)12:44
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hastesavermardi, strange, I'm getting 1100 now (the earlier one was sudo)12:44
mardihehe yes, and asus readon 9600xt12:44
mardiwell, from what i've read, glxgears isin't a good performance benchmark...12:45
mardii should get a game to play12:45
hastesaveras the commandline option suggests ;)12:46
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mardii like kubuntu12:57
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Shipit! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Amarok 1.4, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://kubuntu.org/support.php | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com
RiddellShipit! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/12:59
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Xemanth^how can i modify how kubuntu&kde mounts my usb2 hdds? now they don't have exec flag :|01:04
Xemanth^i mean automount stuff01:06
Xemanth^kde recognices that i attach lacie hdd and mounts it automatically01:06
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ubuntuhi everybody01:25
ubuntuI'm trying to install kubuntu dapper from live cd flight 7, encountered bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/4312501:26
ubuntuwhat should I do now?01:26
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ubuntuanybody, any hints?01:28
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h3sp4wnubuntu: tried the way at the bottom of the page ? In that bug report ?01:30
_thumper_attempting to install sun-jdk from multiverse using adept01:31
_thumper_after watching it for ages stuck at 20% I clicked on show details01:32
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_thumper_there is a message showing expecting me to select <Ok>01:32
ubuntuh3sp4wn: where can I find the bug fix COlin Watson provided?01:32
ubuntuh3sp4wn: I can't find the most recent install cd01:33
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h3sp4wnubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:35
ubuntuthanks :)01:35
_thumper_do I have to revert to the command line to install java?01:36
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tcsI did an install of Kubuntu dapper drake beta 2 from the livecd01:39
tcsI would like to update my kernel01:39
tcsA lot of stuff is missing though and I can't run make config...01:40
_thumper_does anyone here know adept?01:41
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h3sp4wntcs: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/90 - you are better off building it the debian way - you need to install build-essential and linux-source as a minimum01:45
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cyberedenlatest firefox repo pls01:53
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion01:53
hastesavercybereden, follow the instructions there... Breezy doesn't have 1.5 in the official repos, Dapper does01:54
cyberedengot breezy01:54
hastesavercybereden, so follow the instructions on that page :)01:54
cyberedenthank you01:54
cyberedengot breezy, can i upgrade to final dapper later on?01:55
hastesavercybereden, yes.01:55
ubotumethinks upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.01:55
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cyberedenwhat's bleeding edge?01:57
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hastesavercybereden, newest01:58
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cyberedeni was able to make the latest firefox work with my sys by just following ff's instructions. i just want to know if there's like a repo that i can refer to to make things easier u know02:00
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zblachquick question. what are the correct parameters needed for full rw on a fat32 partition?02:01
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paranzblach: vfat (fat32) file systems are mounted read-write by default02:07
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_jeffbom dia02:10
_jeffalgum brasileiro na rea?02:10
zblachparan: and what would those parameters be? it seems not to want me to write02:12
zblachmounts on boot02:12
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munzirHi, any one here managed to compile  a qt application in kubuntu dapper? I get messages like main.o: In function `main':main.cpp:(.text+0x29): undefined reference to `QApplication::QApplication(int&, char**)'02:15
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kothz'lo folks02:25
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kothzanyone have any experience with kubuntu 5.1 and krdc connecting to a win2k3 box?  can do it fine from windoze boxes, and RHEL boxes, but not from my kubuntu laptop running krdc02:26
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kothzno meaningful error message beside 'check that rdesktop is installed correctly'02:27
kothz(rdesktop doesn't SEEM to be installed at all, and isn't available from apt-get?)02:27
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rosen_how do i mount an mp3 player?02:34
zblachrosen_: how're you plugged in?02:34
rosen_but i solwed it the quick way :P02:34
zblachok. nvm02:34
rosen_just took it out and plugged it in again02:34
rosen_thnx anyway02:34
aftertafkothz: firewall blocking port 1433?02:35
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rosen_new question, how do i put music on my ipod without using amarok02:36
aftertafplug in, mount, copy with konqueror... ?02:36
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kothzlemme take a look (it's pretty well much a default install of kubuntu) sec02:37
rosen_doez it work that way because the ipod doesnt support ums?02:38
xstMy "dapper" update-manager is broken even though I have never touched a thing. The update manager is apparently freezing with the "Preparing..." and the progress indicator. But it never proceeds. What to do?02:39
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Bizzydoes anyone else have an nforce4 motherboard?02:40
xstWhen trying to do a manual upgrade with apt-get, I get: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process02:42
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PupenoIs there any notebook-and-tablet-pc that works to some degree with Kubuntu ?02:53
Bizzyas long as its x86, x64 or powerpc, it works02:55
Pupenobut I mean if the tablet-features works to some extend.02:56
Pupenosomething like this: http://www-131.ibm.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?storeId=10000001&catalogId=-840&langId=-1&categoryId=461168601842502105202:56
Pupenobeing able to use the touch sensitive screen ? being able to use hand-writting recognition.02:57
Bizzyyou mean like the touchpad?02:57
Bizzyerm, id check if your manufacturer does linux drivers first, if they dont.. wait around and ask02:57
Bizzyi know linux supports touch screens02:57
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tcsHow come I get an authorization failure when using SU to switch to root but sudo works?03:01
rohangrrr.. how do i select one PC and one 64bit cd on shipit.kubuntu.org ?03:01
v3ctordid you set a root password?03:01
v3ctortcs ^^03:01
Bizzyyou dont03:01
Bizzyyou dont use root03:01
Bizzyyou use sudo03:01
tcsIt never asked me for a root password03:02
OlliKtcs: don't use su03:02
tcsLet's say I need to, how would I?03:02
OlliKtcs: In Ubuntu/kubuntu, try to get used to live without using su03:02
uboturumour has it, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.03:03
OlliKtcs: It is possible to return the normal root-user03:03
h3sp4wntcs: sudo -i03:03
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tcssudo -i03:03
Bizzysudo is also a type of fake tan03:03
OlliKtcs: But I recommend you to just use sudo whenever you need root priviledges03:03
rohansorry kubuntu, i had to select 10 cds .. whereas i wanted only one amd64 and one i386 ...03:03
tcsI did it before once03:03
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tcsis it echo "password" /etc/passwd03:03
h3sp4wnDon't do that03:04
rohanshit i will need to do that for ubuntu too03:04
rohantoo bad03:04
rohanand, kubuntu isnt shipping ppc cd's ?03:04
OlliKtcs: but if you really want to enable the root account, just type: sudo passwd root03:04
OlliKtcs: and then disable it later by typing: sudo passwd -l root03:05
rohanbut you shouldnt enable root on kubuntu ! or ubuntu03:05
h3sp4wnIts only worthwhile enabling it on another machine to a desktop03:05
OlliKtcs: But basically you should not have any need to do that, as you can do every command you need with sudo03:05
markcOlliK> sure but you have to type sudo all the time and for intense admin stuff that is a royal PITA03:06
rohanhmm.. no one told the announce mailing list that shipit is open :-/03:07
OlliKmarkc: not for me, I'm a quite fast typer and I type sudo in some milliseconds, which causes no trouble at all03:07
OlliKmarkc: after all, sudo and one space is together just 5 characters03:07
h3sp4wnFor example if you have a script that needs to run on another machine as root - You can't have the root account disabled and still get in using key based authentication03:07
OlliKmarkc: I prefer to type those 5 characters more often and keep the system secure03:07
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klerfaytyou could use root konsole03:09
OlliKyes, that's one option03:09
klerfaytif you hate sudo at beginning03:09
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OlliKI think it's just best to get used to typing the sudo :)03:10
rohanOlliK: yep, you really dont have any reason to disable sudo, or enable root password :-/03:11
OlliKanyway it's not needed so much in normal use03:11
h3sp4wnOlliK: when you use sudo what is the value of $HOME ?03:11
OlliKh3sp4wn: the user's home03:12
OlliKh3sp4wn: why?03:12
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h3sp4wnWhen you use sudo -i it gets changed to /root - I would expect su to keep $HOME as the users home and 'su -' to reset it as root but linux in general doesn't seem to do that03:16
rohanh3sp4wn: does, for su03:16
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h3sp4wnIt doesn't I have just tested it03:17
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rohanme too :P works on debian sid, frugalware, arch03:18
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markcOlliK> I would argue the "more secure" part because with sudo there could be many users all with access to privileges via sudo but with a root password and no sudo capability there is only ever a single user and password with root priviledges... I'd rather trust a sigle identity than many potential sudo users03:21
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h3sp4wnrohan: I have tested it on ubuntu-server and I know its the same on gentoo and it doesn't work as expected - http://pastebin.com/724519 - $HOME should stay as what its set as with su the environment variables should only be re read with su -03:23
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OlliKmarkc: Well that all depends on how the system is used03:24
h3sp4wnrohan: Can you pastebin the output of debian-sid doing the same thing - When you are writing scripts it can cause unexpected behavior if certain things aren't done which I think is relevant to ubuntu-server03:25
OlliKmarkc: For me, the computer is used only by me and my girlfriend, so I don't have problem of having multiple users03:25
h3sp4wnYou can't use sudo unless you are in the admin group anyway03:26
markcOlliK> sure, a carefully crafted sudo setup that only allows the minimum access to certain procedures _could_ be safer but the way ubuntu uses sudo, especially the mantra that goes with it, is not necessarily safer than plain root perms and no sudo at all03:27
markcOlliK> you have a situation where someone else, your gf even, could total your machine!03:28
h3sp4wnnot if she isn't in the admin group03:28
OlliKmarkc: yes. A good user who knows the system well, can keep the normal system very safe as he won't log in as root unles it's really necessary03:28
OlliKmarkc: but this sudo-style might be better for beginners and prevent the possibility that they accidently use root user03:28
markcOlliK> yes, but the way ubuntu uses it allows ANY OTHER USER to total the system, that is NOT safer than no sudo at all03:29
chowellsusers have to be in the admin group before they can issue commands as root03:30
OlliKmarkc: ok03:30
mhterresRiddell> ping03:31
Riddellmhterres: hi03:33
mhterresJust one question:03:34
mhterrescan I request 10 CDs from Ubuntu and 10 CDs from Kubuntu ?03:34
mhterresI did this, but I'm in doubt03:34
mhterresoh great !!!03:34
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alessandro_somebody know how can I import contact in kmail from evolution without having evolution?03:36
nox-HandI need some help with usplash..03:37
nox-Handhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto?highlight=%28usplash%29 <-- I have this guide, and I want this >> http://www.sector-42.frih.net/docs/images/test2.png << image as my boot screen, but I want to be sure that I have done the first thing correct (( colours need changing? ))03:37
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mhterresRiddel: where can I see the cover art of the CDs ?03:38
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mhterresRiddel: is it available online ?03:41
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xwolf-is there a kubuntu mac os theme?03:42
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markchow do I specify kubuntu CDs at https://shipit.ubuntu.com/myrequest ?03:44
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rohanofficial and final amarok 1.4.0 wont be included in dapper ?03:45
dbglthello :)03:45
rohanhi dbglt03:45
dbglthi just a quick question... is there a quick/supported way to utilise multimedia keys? Or do I have to manually map them (add into xmodmap)03:46
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dbgltusing latest kubuntu and such03:46
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Lynouredbglt: I had to modmap them, dunno whether there would have been some easier way in kubuntu03:48
dbgltLynoure: used xev to get each keycode and such?03:48
Lynouredbglt: they work pretty much out of the box in ubuntu, though, I've been told03:48
dbgltI'm sure there is an easier way, but I can't remember it03:48
dbgltLynoure: not here!03:48
Lynouredbglt: you tried ubuntu and kubuntu?03:48
dbgltLynoure: (or I've screwed around with it, and broken it, more likely)03:48
dbgltbut they haven't worked from the time I first installed03:49
dbgltLynoure: yeah tried ubuntu, then switched to kubuntu03:49
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Lynourethen it might be they are unknown on your laptop...03:50
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Lynouredbglt: in that case reporting the keycodes and make/model/version to the laptop test team might be helpful.03:50
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dbgltLynoure: oh no, it's not a laptop, just a keyboard with the special keys03:51
Lynouredbglt: Oh, I've heard those are not very standard...03:52
swokeAnyone knows which packages needs to be installed to avoid this : "Can't find X includes" ?03:52
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swoke(when ./configure)03:52
Lynouredbglt: that's why in the window side there is often some extraspecial driver for setting them. So, showkeys or xev, and xmodmap in .kde/Autostart03:53
swokeI'm trying to install kovpn but fails on configure :(03:53
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thoreauputicswoke: xlibs-dev or x-window-system-dev from memory03:54
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thoreauputic!info xlibs-dev03:54
ubotuxlibs-dev: (X Window System client library development files transitional package), section oldlibs, is extra. Version: 6.8.2-77 (breezy), Packaged size: 63 kB, Installed size: 160 kB03:54
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thoreauputic!info x-window-system-dev03:54
ubotux-window-system-dev: (X Window System development components), section x11, is optional. Version: 6.8.2-77.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 64 kB, Installed size: 160 kB03:54
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Lynouredbglt: And if you are feeling nice, put the codes and myabe even the modmap file to somewhere online, so that other people with the same keyboard can get the codes&solution easily. :)03:55
dbgltLynoure: ok. I'll do that. Thankyou :)03:56
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swokethoreauputic: Thanks, gonna try right now.03:57
Lynouredbglt: It was a pleasure to be of help :)03:57
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thoreauputicswoke: :)03:58
swokethoreauputic: Damn, now, I got QT error :-03:58
swokeBut one step is passed, thanks again ! :)03:58
thoreauputicswoke: apt-cache search libqt | grep dev03:59
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thoreauputicswoke: use the same approach for other dev libraries03:59
swokethoreauputic: Yep, okay ! :)04:00
thoreauputicswoke: i.e. apt-cache search libfoo | grep dev04:00
swokeThanks !04:00
thoreauputicno problem :)04:00
h3sp4wn!tell swoke about apt-file04:00
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thoreauputich3sp4wn: that would help if the thing he is compiling was in the repos - I guess it also is more accurate for finding the package that ./configure is complaining about as well - not a bad way to do it..04:01
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thoreauputichmm - yes apt-file is a better short cut04:02
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markcdoh, of course, if I want kubuntu CDs I need to go to https://shipit.kubuntu.com/myrequest04:02
wasp_emshi is there anyone who can help me set up ktorrent?cause i get an error when i try and download something04:02
swokeThanks h3sp4wn04:02
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h3sp4wnthoreauputic: I usually use apt-cache search because its faster (but not as comprehensive - occasionally for some reason something is not in) but nailoth gives apt-file as the standard way to do what he wants but its pretty slow04:04
swokeWORKS !!!04:04
thoreauputich3sp4wn: yes - on the other hand it will find packages according to file name - which is very useful at times04:06
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thoreauputich3sp4wn: especially since dpkg -S only searches locally installed packages04:07
adrianohere the language is it or eng?04:07
admin__haha uber hax ftw ?04:07
thoreauputicadriano: english here04:07
adrianook ty04:08
adrianowell,i have a problem04:08
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:08
adrianook ok04:08
adrianoeng is ok04:08
adrianoi have a problem04:08
adrianomy adept says that the last version of firefox is 1.0.804:08
adrianoi want the 1.504:09
thoreauputicadriano: correct for breezy04:09
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion04:09
adrianohow i can get the unstable repositories?04:09
thoreauputicadriano: see above04:09
adrianono,firefox is only a problem04:09
adrianoi want to have the best last repository04:09
thoreauputicadriano: if you want the latest, install dapper04:09
adrianois not a problem the stability04:09
ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install, or other conversation, dapper will be in this channel from 1st June :-) BUT not until then04:10
adrianoi dont want to install dapper04:10
adrianoi only want to get the latest repository04:10
thoreauputicadriano: then you are out of luck04:10
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thoreauputicadriano: the breezy repos are the latest for breezy04:10
h3sp4wnadriano: If you want the absolute latest firefox try using dear park04:10
thoreauputicthis is not debian04:10
adrianoi used gentoo,but i dont have time04:11
adrianodebian is like gentoo04:11
thoreauputicadriano: no, it isn't - at all :)04:11
adrianokubuntu is perfect but has old versions of many apps04:11
thoreauputicadriano: dapper is pretty stable now04:12
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adrianoi know,i fucked an old notebook,i gave a compile for an entire week on august :D04:12
Hobbseethoreauputic: kubuntu dapper is being discussed in here04:12
adrianowell, i will get from internet the dapper04:12
adrianothank you to all for the info and help04:13
adrianowhen i will get the dapper i will return here04:14
h3sp4wnYou can upgrade from breezy to dapper without doing a reinstall04:14
Samuli^hmm, is ubotu down?04:14
ubotufrom memory, upgrade is Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note command line: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the bleeding edge.04:15
thoreauputicSamuli^: are you registered with nickserv ?04:15
adrianook ty for the links04:15
adrianoi chet it now04:16
Samuli^thoreauputic, could'nt be arsed to do that :)04:16
thoreauputicSamuli^: then ubotu will ignore you ;)04:16
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration04:16
Samuli^it didn't yesterday..04:16
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Samuli^thore, i'm registered now.04:17
thoreauputicSamuli^: registering is a good idea - you will get locked out if the chan has to be made +r04:17
Samuli^I'll just have to add script to register me automatically when I join freenode04:18
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HobbseeSamuli^: you can usually set that in xchat04:18
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thoreauputicSamuli^: just put your password in the server password field ( in the server dialog)04:20
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thoreauputicSamuli^: better in that field than the other one04:21
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adrianoi don't have gksudo..04:21
adrianowhat is?04:22
thoreauputicadriano: try kdesu04:22
adrianoah ok ty04:22
thoreauputicadriano: gksudo is the gnome version04:22
adrianook ok i understood when i readen kdesu04:22
Samuli^thoreauputic, you think knows to automatically message nickserv?04:23
thoreauputicSamuli^: yes of course - if you put your password in that field you will be auto registered on connection04:24
adrianoit says that update-manager doesn't exixst04:24
thoreauputicadriano: install it04:24
Samuli^thoreauputic, ok.. I'll try that.04:24
adrianoah lol04:24
thoreauputicadriano: again, a gnome thing04:24
thoreauputicadriano: or use apt-get - but then you need to edit your sources.list and do an apt-get dist-upgrade04:25
adrianono,there is the kde version of update-manager?04:25
thoreauputicI don't know - haven't tried it :)04:26
adrianook ty :D04:26
=== thoreauputic uses fluxbox mostly
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eduardoopen #rofantasy04:30
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adrianoon kubuntu.org there isn't the dapper version04:32
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adrianoi think the dapper is only for ubuntu04:33
adrianoit's true or not?04:33
thoreauputicadriano: there is dapper for kubuntu04:33
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thoreauputicadriano: for example - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/04:34
creed205adriano: I just downloaded it. I did a search on google and it ended up referencing me back to    kubuntu.org04:34
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adrianoi searched it onto www.kubuntu.org,not on google04:37
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adrianowell,i got the dapper repositories04:59
adrianoi will give the update later04:59
adrianothank you for the help04:59
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Bizzehhey, how do i get the source (or headers) for my spesific kernel?05:13
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ubuntuhi everybody05:13
creed205hey guys05:14
ubuntuhas anybody experienced a system freeze while copying install files during the process of installing kubuntu dapper from the daily build of live cd?05:14
creed205I am not new,,, but I am new. I have used Kubuntu before and I like it but I was wondering if anyone has every made a list of things you have to install on kubuntu fresh install.05:15
creed205what are the geek must haves?05:15
creed205ubunut: i had that with beta 105:15
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creed205ubuntu: are you trying beta 2?05:15
ubuntucreed205: how did you solve that_05:15
ubuntuI am using today/s daily build05:16
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creed205ubuntu: hmmm05:16
creed205ubuntu: that one worked for me :P05:16
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LeoninWhen I try to rebuild the music collection in Amarok the "search bar thingy" stops at 72% and the CPU goes crazy. Does this only happen to me? Im using Dapper btw.05:17
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elvstonei'm installing kubuntu on my laptop atm. it has a geforce2go, when i later configure the binary nvidia drivers, should i install nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy?05:43
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kettenschutzalso ich hab jetzt nochmal die xorg conf updaten lassen, und den dri eintrag fr den nvidia treiber entfernt, leider gottes startet mein windowmanager nicht sobald ich das tu06:07
swokeAnyone know a way to get a konqueror profile for midnightcommander ?06:08
kettenschutzwenn ich den dri eintrag in der xorg.conf wieder einfge,lft alles io06:08
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Lynourekettenschutz: Can you ask that same in English?06:08
swokeI don't have any in /usr/shar06:08
Lynourekettenschutz: something about windowmanafer and updating xorg... but that's all I understood.06:08
kettenschutzyay sry lynoure, i thought i was in the german chan ... :)06:09
kettenschutzi've got a problem with my nvidia graphics driver06:09
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kettenschutzif i install it and if i update the xorg.conf and remove the DRI line, my KDE wont start06:09
kettenschutzif i create the LOAD "DRI" line, all works, wtf ?!06:10
HooblyDoes anyone know of a way to convert a number of xls files to pdf with openoffice.org calc as a batch so that I don't have to open every xls file and convert individually?06:10
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Lynourekettenschutz: Why would you want to remove the DRI line?06:14
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Lynourekettenschutz: If it works, isn't it just ogod? :)06:15
kettenschutzyay but the installer readme said that i have to remove that line06:16
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Lynourekettenschutz: then the readme was probably wrong. :) I guess you could file a bug on that.06:20
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kettenschutzmhh dont think so, but, whatever :)06:21
kettenschutzdo u got experiences on "wine" or "cedega" ?06:22
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BrigadierFrogif I have libxml and libxml-dev why in the hell wouldn't -lxml work?06:29
BrigadierFrogI see /usr/lib/libxml.so.*06:29
BrigadierFrogits there... yet I can't link to it06:29
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crumwill amaroK play mp3 files or do I have to load another type of player in order to play mp3's06:32
axismedunno, i cheated and installed vlc06:32
Bazziyou have to download some extra package06:32
Bazzisee http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:33
crumvlc wont install on a mac install..I dont think06:33
h3sp4wncrum: dapper or breezy ?06:34
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buda_sk8Channel for Kurubuntu Brazilian user???06:35
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.06:35
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ubotu**** News Flash **** Dapper has its own channel #ubuntu+1 please join there for dapper (the beta of the next release) configuration, install, or other conversation, dapper will be in this channel from 1st June :-) BUT not until then06:36
=== aseigo feels special that he knows not only what "obrigada" means but how to say it (sort of) now =P
crumwhat does it mean?06:36
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crumfor it might come in handy when I am at the world cup this summer and i am rappin with some brazilians06:37
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.06:38
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SnagaI have an external usb drive that is mounting with a noexec option. how do I remove that? using kubuntu breezy.06:38
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nixternaloh lord...."Novell says it has a faster way to get drivers into Linux users' hands."06:39
axismeyeah was reading that06:40
nixternalya...and Microsoft does the same with windows users06:40
axismelooked crap06:40
nixternalit is ashame that a great Linux distro such as SuSe had to get bought out by Novell06:40
axismei think the easiest way is for things to come with drivers for linux06:40
h3sp4wnIts for servers06:40
nixternalwhat were the germans thinkin' on that one?06:40
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h3sp4wnSo that hardware vendors can build drivers for a specific version of suse enterprise linux and be informed of any changes - which is a good thing06:41
nixternalya...don't get me wrong it is....but Novell having it's hands in it will eventually dirty the process...microshaft did the same thing...and i remember when their nvidia and ati drivers would screw stuff up so bad06:42
nixternalthats next06:42
Bazzisuse is cancer06:44
nixternalthen microsoft is HIV06:45
Bazzimaybe so06:45
nixternalor full blown AIDS06:45
C-O-L-Thello. I have one question that really interests me. Do you like the basic wallpaper which is given in Kubuntu BETA because in my opinion is ugly, the whole artwork of kubuntu seems to me ugly06:47
C-O-L-Tof course it is a matter of taste06:47
nixternali can't even remember what the stock one looks like...i never do stock ;D06:48
BazziC-O-L-T: KDE4 will have greatly improved artwork I hope... and kubuntu will go that line, too, hopefully :>06:48
nixternalwhat is the roadmap for KDE4?06:49
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C-O-L-TBazzi: but could have kubuntu a better artwork for Dapper BETA like Ubuntu with gnome06:49
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BazziMark S. said dapper+1 will include a KDE4 beta :>06:49
C-O-L-TBazzi: do you know a site or something where I can get some preliminary screenshots of KDE 4. I even don't know how will look like06:50
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Bazzithe UI is still conceptual at best06:50
Bazziyou can see mockups etc at kde-look.org06:50
C-O-L-TBazzi: I am gonna check it now :)06:51
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ctothejwhats the best way to bug the hell out of ati so they release their next set of drivers?06:55
Samuli^ctothej, if you figure that out let me know.06:55
ctothejive been waiting for like a month for them to fix the damn crossfire mobo problems...06:56
Samuli^something like: there's 29 million linux-desktop users and all of them are thinking about switching to nvidia.06:56
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ctothejthat may work well. i should create a petition online and have everyone here sign it!06:56
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Samuli^ctothej, there's been few already.06:57
Samuli^And I guess they were succesful to a point because there at least is ati-drivers nowadays.06:57
ctothejhmm. why not release it open source? maybe someone else could do the job better..06:58
aseigoSamuli^: better would be switching to intel06:58
Samuli^aseigo, but intel sucks :/06:58
aseigoSamuli^: they are now actually committed to OSS in graphics hardware in a very serious way... from here on out there will be zero day drivers for their hardware along with full specs06:59
Samuli^and anyways, it's nvidia that's ati's competitor not intel.06:59
Bazziintel has over 50% of GPU market share06:59
aseigonot ture06:59
aseigoer, ture06:59
Bazziso intel is the biggest player in the game06:59
aseigonvidia and ati are paired together since they address similar market segments06:59
h3sp4wnAt least then you won't have to run a tainted kernel that if you ever have problems will be blamed on the closed source drivers06:59
ctothejfor what? their built in mobo graphics?07:00
aseigobut intel is certainly a competitor07:00
aseigoctothej: every graphics chipset they release going forward07:00
Samuli^intel makes normal graphic cards for normal people, ati and nvidia make graphic cards for gamers.07:00
aseigoctothej: the idea seems to be that GPUs are a test bed for doing the same with the rest of their hardware lines07:00
Bazziintel provides the needs for office-workers and non-3d-programmers perfectly GPU-wise ;)07:00
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aseigoSamuli^: i think that will be changing to be honest07:01
ctothejhow so?07:01
Samuli^aseigo, anyways, that's the situation now.07:01
Bazziwill intel provide OSS drivers for the 950 chipset as well?07:01
aseigoSamuli^: not that they will be providing chips marketted to gamers, but 3D pipelines are the future07:01
aseigoSamuli^: all their 2D support is actually done in 3D hardware07:01
aseigo(well, going forward)07:01
aseigoBazzi: for already released hardware it's trickier ... they have to do a lot of review of the technologies involved for "cleanness" and then there's a lot of internal mucking about... very expensive and time consuming07:02
Bazziwell yeah all the patents they've violated07:02
aseigoBazzi: so while they are trying to do better with already released hardware, their OSS commitment is to new hardware07:02
=== aseigo believes the first results will be on the market this fall
Bazzibut the current series drivers would be awesome07:03
BazziI'd likely get a new laptop then ;)07:03
aseigoi have the 915 in my laptop and it runs great with the OSS drivers...07:03
Bazzibecause I dont like fucking with either nvidia or ati drivers07:03
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h3sp4wnThe new macbook (non pro) looks like a good laptop07:03
BazziI've got a 855 graphics chipset in my laptop and 3d support is really 'limited'07:04
Bazzias in 1fps07:04
aseigo3d accel (good enough for neverball and whatnot anyways ;), xinerama support (so i can do both clone and dual-screen), etc07:04
h3sp4wnGMA950 should be ok for XGL with opensource drivers07:04
aseigoBazzi: hahaa... the 915 is decent. certainly not a gamer's laptop but i can play opengl games on it just fine07:04
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=== aseigo notes that this is why intel has hired up x.org guys, including keith packard
BazziI dont need a gaming laptop, but basic 3d support is always nice, even if its just for toys like Xgl07:05
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aseigoi like being able to run opengl apps without it sucking, yes =)07:06
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Bazziheh I've got some friends with Ati gpus07:06
Bazzireally funny how the drivers can take their systems down07:07
ctothejif they run crossfire, they're not doing shit07:07
Bazzilol crossfire07:07
Bazzidont even get me started on that topic :P07:07
ctothejthey get a nice 800x600 b/w commandline07:07
Bazzi`too little too late'07:07
=== Bazzi is running SLI here
ctothejnice. which cards?07:08
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
BazziI got the 2nd one for 1/3 of the original price07:09
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ajaycYES YES YES07:09
Bazziso I went for it07:09
ctothejwell thats real nice07:09
Bazzijust for fun :)07:09
ajaycfor kubuntu07:09
ajaycbtw how do u become a kubuntu dev?07:10
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Bazziyou gotta get a MOTU afaik07:10
Bazziread the wiki :P07:10
ajaycnothing specific07:11
ajaycget myself a page on wiki?07:11
ajayccome guys tell me fast07:11
ajaycplease :))07:11
Bazzidude chill07:12
=== ajayc cools down
=== ajayc wanna be a dev though he is 16
Bazziif you want to be a dev with that attitude you probably shouldn't apply in the first place07:12
ajaycok sorry :(07:12
ajaycBazzi: u a dev?07:12
Bazzi(not yet ;) )07:13
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klerfayt_can I have xgl running at the same tame then I other applications (e.g. games) need 3d accel.?07:13
OpAqyes you can07:13
klerfayt_does it affect them in negative way?07:13
ajaycofcourse u gotta have a powerful pc to run smoothly07:14
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h3sp4wnYou can run a seperate X server without XGL for running games (I don't know the exact specifics of how but I know you can)07:14
OpAqnot really. I am running xgl on a 1ghz pentium M with an nvidia card that has only 32 mb of ram07:15
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OpAqnerver tried to play a game but xgl works flawlessly07:15
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ajaycOpAq: O_O07:15
sphere02enable DMA ON sata hdd?07:16
OpAqyea you use http://xgame.tlhiv.org/07:16
sphere02yes how07:16
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apolAFAIK Xgl is great because it doesn't suck much resources, not because you can have a cube with desktops...07:16
dergringois anybody able to tell me how to configure gIFT?07:17
ajaychow the hell can u run XGL on 32 mb ram?07:18
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klerfayt_wait: are you saying that xgl will reult in less cpu usage?07:19
LeoninJust installed amarok 1.4 but when I gather my music the progressbar stops at 74% and the CPU goes crazy. Anyone know how I could repair it? Im using Dapper btw.07:19
OpAq32 mb of video ram. 512 of actual ram07:19
ajaycahh! there07:19
Bazziby the way, are there any popular games repositories? for stuff like enemy territory, unreal tournament etc.07:19
ajayci ran it on 8mb smuuuhtly07:19
OpAqthe graphics card is  nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go 32M]  (rev a3)07:19
h3sp4wnajayc: If you look at an SGI Indy from 10/15 years ago then it supports hardware opengl without dropping any frames (Xgl has graphical glitches still)07:19
ajaycpeople i tried enemy territory but it was slow07:20
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ajayci got a laptop intel 91507:20
ajayc256 mb ram07:20
ajaycany ideas?07:20
OpAqyou do not have hardware acceleration turned on07:20
klerfayt_ah. et. what so special about radar map? why it drops fps?07:20
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ajaycOpAq: how to get it on?07:21
LeoninA tiny idea about how I can fix it? Just point me in the right direction. =)07:21
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OpAqnot sure how to do that for the intel chips. but I think you just need to put the dri section in your xorg.conf07:24
ajaycno idea?07:25
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ririHi nixternal07:26
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ririi succeeded07:27
ririsudo bash07:27
ririecho 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward            # activation du "pontage" entre les deux cartes rseaux07:27
ririiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE07:27
ririhere is the thing to do07:27
OpAqajayc:try to find the information from google http://www.google.com/search?q=intel+915+dri+ubuntu&btnG=Search&hs=iS6&hl=en&lr=&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial07:27
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ajayci wastrying :P07:28
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OpAqand http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&lr=&q=intel+915&btnG=Search07:28
nixternalhey riri07:28
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nixternalwhoo hooo...i am glad you got that working07:29
iqondoes anyone know where i can find newer versions of akregator?  i can't even find 1.2.2 (dapper's version) anywhere on kde.org07:29
ririi am waiting for the final and will move to kubuntu07:29
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ririthanks for your help07:29
nixternalcool man...i was close with the iptables ;D07:29
nixternalnp man....it looks like i just kinda pointed you into a direction...you got it done man...good job07:30
ririthey have it written in ubuntu doc07:30
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nixternali have all the docs here...but haven't gone through them all yet07:30
ririand when i read your speaking about iptable07:30
ririi just link07:30
nixternali am thinking about upgrading at least one of my debian serers (etch) to maybe ubuntu/kubuntu server07:30
ririthere are translated in french ! lol07:30
nixternalit works07:31
nixternalya...i seen the french up there07:31
nixternali can barely read and speak english...another language would make my head explode ;D07:31
nixternali tend to speak geekbonics07:31
nixternalhey iqon...is there a newer version than 1.2.2 for akregator? i am using 1.2.207:32
=== nixternal researches
ajayci gotta add only this:07:33
ajaycSection "DRI"07:33
iqonnixternal: it's not in dapper, but i've seen references to 1.5 and 2.0, supposedly 1.5 added the feature of tagging feed items07:33
nixternalhmm..i have it in dapper07:33
ajaycOpAq: ?07:33
nixternalflight 7 to be exact07:33
OpAqI think that is it, if you have the right driver in the driver section07:34
OpAqdo to forget to put the endsection after that07:34
iqonnixternal: sorry... 1.2.2 is in dapper... but i was hoping to find and compile a newer version07:34
nixternal1.2.2 is all that is at sourceforge/akregator...i don't see anything newer07:34
nixternal1.2.2 build 65007:34
ajaycwill killing the x and starting again do?07:35
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nixternalactually...im wrong...07:35
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nixternalakreagators site only shows 1.0_beta5-1 w/o a date07:36
nixternal2004-07-16 15:0007:36
iqonnixternal: i was wondering where 1.2.2 came from07:36
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nixternalwth...ya no crap..where did 1.2.2 come from07:37
nixternali just found a akregator blog..dude is talkin' about it for kde 3.5.3 and building it for qt4/kde407:37
ririnixt : have we got AVI and mp3 with dapper ?07:38
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nixternalgstream .10 and libxine-extracodecs07:38
EvilIdlerAVI is just a wrapper07:38
nixternalthat is where that all comes in07:38
nixternalbut my avi and mp3's worked w/o problems07:38
nixternalmy m4a's i had to do the whole gstream .10 and libxine-extracodecs07:39
nixternalthe akregator website hasn't been updated since june 2005...but the blog is up to date07:39
nixternalactually...akregator took a break until kde4 it looks like07:40
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sameer`any one using epson c4607:52
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Johncro13hey, anybody having issues with TV tuner cards?07:53
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EvilIdlersameer`: I got one working on grandpa's computer07:53
EvilIdlersameer`: If there's no C46 driver, C44 of some kind should work07:54
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sameer`there r drivers for c4407:54
sameer`should i use that u mean ??07:55
EvilIdlerTry those. C46 is the replacement for C44; pretty much the same printer with a new label07:55
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sameer`i got the driver http://www.avasys.jp/english/linux_e/dl_ink.html here for c4607:56
sameer`installed them07:56
sameer`but doesn't show up in list mean07:56
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EvilIdlerI just used whatever was in Kubuntu, and it worked. One of the libgimpprint drivers.07:57
sameer`ok thanx07:57
sameer`i will try that07:57
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sameer`sorry just one more thing07:59
sameer`do i need to install something for usb ??07:59
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EvilIdlerAs long as you have the right *HCI driver in the kernel, it should work.08:00
EvilIdlersameer`: Unplug your printer, plug in and check with dmesg what the log says08:01
EvilIdlersameer`: If it detected a USB device, you should be fine08:01
sameer`yea it is detecting it08:03
sameer`but which usb should i select08:04
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EvilIdlerWhat choices do you have?08:04
EvilIdlerIf it's just numbers, pick the lowest08:04
sameer`usb # 1-1608:04
=== sameer` blushes
EvilIdlerWow, 16?08:04
EvilIdlerNever saw that many myself :)08:04
sameer`but i don't have 16 usbs08:05
EvilIdlerYeah, I think that's a UI design issue. Why bother asking, when the number doesn't matter? ;)08:05
EvilIdlerAt least I've been fine with a random number, but it should just automagically pick one08:05
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sameer`i will choose any rite :D08:06
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_rodneyhi all08:06
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sameer`it doesn't work with c44ux08:10
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EvilIdlerNot sure which one to pick, as I'm miles away from the computer I got it working on :/08:10
_rodneyany advice for setting up the ax25 stuff ?08:10
sameer`i don't know08:11
sameer`it is not even moving08:11
riribye nixternal :) see you08:12
ririit's 20h here08:12
nixternall8r riri08:12
ririi am like chicken early in bed and early in the morning ! lol08:13
nixternallol...i hear you...im up all day and night08:13
nixternal6 hours of sleep is all i need08:13
ririyes ... i guess you are young !08:13
crazy_penguinhi all. re08:14
nixternalhehe..you are young too08:14
ririand now i need rest08:14
nixternallol...good night riri08:14
ririi just maried my chinese wife 25 y08:14
nixternalhehe...well there you go...sleep isn't what you are about to do though ;p08:14
ririand will have a boy in august08:14
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nixternalwhats up crazy_penguin08:15
sameer`Bus 001 Device 007: ID 04b8:0005 Seiko Epson Corp. Stylus Printer08:15
nixternalhey...what are you guys usin' for irc???? xchat? bitchx?08:15
sameer`does any one know wat usb that is08:15
sameer`1 or 708:16
sameer`or something08:16
tsdgeosnixternal: konversation08:16
sameer`output of lsusb08:16
crazy_penguinnixternal: everything is ok. thx for asking08:16
nixternaltsdgeos...i just read up on it08:16
nixternallooks decent08:16
nixternalxchat is a hog08:16
nixternalwhy use bitchx on kde...im not doin' the term thing no more08:16
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nixternalkonversation i shall check out08:16
ajaycis kubuntu faster than ubuntu?08:16
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ajaycwhich is the fastest kubuntu xubuntu or ubuntu?08:17
nixternalajayc...it isn't about speed...about window managers....speed wise they are pretty much the same for me08:17
EvilIdlerKonversation is similar to xchat, except the darn font isn't shrinking to unreadable :)08:17
nixternalxubuntu is whicked fast08:17
iqonajayc: for me kde does feel faster than gnome08:17
nixternali use it on an old laptop and it flies08:17
ajaycwell xgl supported on xubuntu?08:18
nixternalis it supported on kubuntu or ubuntu?08:18
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nixternalxgl is takin' over for opengl or it is an upgrade...if im correct...i wouldn't see why it wouldnt' be honestly08:19
LeoninJust installed amarok 1.4 but when I gather my music the progressbar stops at 74% and the CPU goes crazy. Anyone know how I could repair it? Im using Dapper btw.08:19
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EvilIdlerXgl is an addition to X08:20
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xwolf-does it work in kde?08:20
EvilIdlerYou'd still use OpenGL to write 3D apps/games08:20
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EvilIdlerIt's more KDE working on Xgl, I guess08:21
EvilIdlerThe desktop environment shouldn't care08:21
nixternal`v2ok...konversation up and running now08:21
xwolf-so, can i get those pretty thingies i saw on novell's xgl demo video working in my kubuntu?08:22
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EvilIdlerOn Dapper, yes08:23
troydamned nick thieves :P08:23
ajaycxwolf-: ofcourse08:23
xwolf-well then, is dapper already coming with xgl?08:24
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ajaycu gotta download it08:24
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TheCoffeMakerHi! all08:32
nixternalhere there TheCoffeMaker08:33
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TheCoffeMakerI having problems with Apache ... I dont know why Apache don't let me in08:34
crumhello..newbie here...what is the command to manually configure my resolution file in kubuntu breezy?08:35
crumi loaded something and now I only have 640x48008:35
crumor less08:35
crumkinda sucks..can barely see what I am typing08:35
crumscreen is taken up by konversion08:35
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EvilIdlerTry ctrl-alt-plus to toggle, or relog08:36
crumi cant edit my config file?08:36
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crumand add the resolutions that I so desire?08:37
TheCoffeMakersoo ... someone with experience in Apache configuration?08:37
crumexit out and restart didimo?08:37
Monkee13TheCoffeMaker:  what do yo uneed? and what version?08:37
crumok..i will try that then08:38
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TheCoffeMakerMonkee13: Im using Apache2 in Dapper ... the point is that the directory rules rejects me08:41
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nixternalhey TheCoffeMaker...how is this directory rejection coming about???  can you start apache2 at all?08:42
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TheCoffeMakeryes ... I can ... wait for a moment ... I locking the error.log08:43
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TheCoffeMakerlocking?!?!? ... ok my english sucks ... but --- here is my log ... [error]  [client]  Directory index forbidden by rule: /mnt/WorkSpace/Documentos/08:45
TheCoffeMakerand the config tag ... is ...08:46
TheCoffeMakerlet me see08:46
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TheCoffeMakerAlias /doc/ "/mnt/WorkSpace/Documentos"08:47
TheCoffeMaker<Directory /mnt/WorkSpace/Documentos>08:48
TheCoffeMakerOptions Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks08:48
TheCoffeMakerAllowOverride None08:48
nixternalwhat if you type in   http://server_ip/index.php/htm/html08:48
nixternaldoes that work at all?08:48
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nixternalfor instance....
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TheCoffeMakerI having Subversion ... Joombla and phpMyAdmin working with Locations ... but Disrectorys doesn't work08:49
nixternalok...in httpd.conf you need to add "Options Indexes"08:50
TheCoffeMakerok ... Order deny,allow08:50
TheCoffeMakerDeny from all08:50
TheCoffeMakerAllow from ::1/12808:50
nixternallet me check my apache2 conf really quick08:51
TheCoffeMaker</Directory> ... follow by Locations tags08:51
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nixternalOptions Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks08:58
nixternalOptions Indexes is set in my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sitename08:58
nixternalit isn't set in apache2...i was thinking back to apache and httpd.conf08:59
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nixternali know "Options Indexes" is set by default...at least i thought it was...but if you created a new virtual host..then it miht have gotten skipped09:00
TheCoffeMakernop ... I haven't  ... im using the same default config file with the same VirtualHost by default09:01
nixternaland for instances...you type in   ....you get that error message?09:01
nixternaland you can't see anything in the directory09:01
nixternalno directory structure at all09:01
nixternallet me see if i can even do it on mine09:02
nixternalone more second09:02
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TheCoffeMakerThe stage thng is that the others locations are working :S09:03
TheCoffeMakerstage? ... strange09:03
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nixternalok...my directory is working09:03
nixternalya that is strange09:03
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nixternalummm....owner and group are www-data09:03
nixternalor root?09:04
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TheCoffeMakermyuser (owner)  www-data (group) ... with group permissions to read and execute09:05
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nixternalok...so that isn't an issue then09:07
nixternalhow about /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/userdir.conf     Options Indexes set in there?09:08
TheCoffeMakerlet me see09:08
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nixternal<Directory  /home/*/public_html>09:09
nixternalOptions MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec09:09
nixternalthat is how mine is currently setup...which i believe is also default09:09
TheCoffeMakerok ... a try with this ... but I havent the userdir.conf in mods-enable09:10
nixternalyou don't have a userdir.conf or userdir.load in there?09:10
nixternalthat might be the problem then09:11
nixternalare they in /etc/apache2/mods-available ?09:11
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TheCoffeMakerdought! ... sorry ... Im using my user and I cant see it ... :S ... hehehe ... the files are there :S ... so ... let mi see if Option Indexes is set09:13
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TheCoffeMakeryeap ... it's set09:13
nixternalso it is in mods-enabled then?09:14
TheCoffeMakeryeap yeap09:14
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TheCoffeMakermaybe the problem is that Im using the alias /doc/09:17
nixternalit very well could be09:17
TheCoffeMakernp ... it says that I have no permissions to access on this server09:18
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[mX] does anyone in here have a thinkpad t42?09:20
crimsunno, but I use an X41-252709:20
[mX] do you have an atheros wifi minipci card in it?09:21
crimsunno, ipw2195abg09:21
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[mX] god I got fucked with this atheros chip :)09:21
crimsunare you using dapper?09:21
[mX] 5.10?09:21
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[mX] is there an easy way to update my repo to update to dapper?09:22
nixternalhey TheCoffeMaker....you don't have "Options FollowSymLinks" in userdir.conf or appache2.conf do you?09:22
TheCoffeMakeremmm let me see09:23
simpis there a octoshape plugin for ubuntu?09:23
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froodI'm having problems mounting NTFS partitions for my user account.09:24
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[mX] crimsun: ?09:25
crimsun[mX] : no, that's breezy09:25
froodthe partitions are setup to mount in /etc/fstab but only root can mount them and view them. How can I change permissions to them so that my regular user can mount/view them?09:25
[mX] thanks09:26
Blissexfrood: for mounting  the 'user' option. For permissions depends on the type of filesystem in the partition09:26
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froodBlissex : It's an NTFS parition I'm mounting as read only.09:26
TheCoffeMakersorry ... konversation crash :S09:26
nixternalnot good :D09:27
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froodBlissex : Where do I enter this 'user' option?09:27
=== frood is a linux newbie
Blissexfrood: the 'user' option in 'fstab', check 'man 5 fstab' and for reading NTFS check the options 'umask', 'uid' and 'gid' in 'man 8 mount', and there is a specific page on the Wiki09:27
ubotuntfs is, like, totally, the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions09:27
nixternalin the sites-enabled also...make sure you have allow from all set for the directory in question09:28
nixternalwhich i think you already did above09:28
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nox-HandHow would I start the Kubuntu liveCD with framebuffer?09:29
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granrichu guys are fags09:29
nixternalappreciate the comment09:29
granrichdude suc my dick09:29
crimsungranrich: cigarettes?09:29
nox-Handgranrich, Thanks a lot, how are you today?09:30
nixternalisn't every day that some idiot tells me off09:30
granrichf u09:30
nixternalbut thank you09:30
TheCoffeMakeremmm ... nop ... I have Allow from ::1/128 ... tath is the same thing isn't?09:30
nixternali really appreciate it...you made my day09:30
nixternalallow from all09:30
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crimsunanyhow, we were saying...09:30
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nixternali don't knw about that allow you have set up...i have never gone that deep09:30
nixternalrofl....gg crimsun09:30
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crimsunyour stupid clones are muzzled. Go away.09:31
nox-HandYou know what, granrich, I am already so depressed, that I REALLY needed that =) Thanks a lot, made my day, I shall go get the shotgun now \o/ || Okay, not really, but let me put it in a way without swearing: f00k off, you f@cking f@gg0t, you smell like sh!t, and you act like it too.09:31
nox-HandOh, and have a nice day =)09:31
=== nixternal grabs the gun from nox-Hand's hands...
nixternaldon't do it for the love of kubuntu :D09:32
TheCoffeMakernop ... i try with allow alll and nothing09:32
nox-HandAnywho, that liveCD with framebuffer?09:32
nixternalya...see if that works...if it does...then we can work on securing it further from there09:32
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.09:32
nixternalfunny thing about watching your language....how can you watch something you can't see ;D09:33
nixternalkinda like watchin' grass grow ;D09:33
EvilIdlerWhat happened? Did #debian invade?09:33
nixternali was thinking #redhat09:33
nixternali thought mandrake was done...that seemed like a lil mandrake kiddy09:34
EvilIdlerI switched to Ununtu not only because of the distro itself, but partially because of the attitude in the channel :/09:34
nixternali will admit...this is one of the better irc chanz i have hung out in09:34
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EvilIdlerThis and #ubuntu is actually generally friendly09:34
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nox-HandEvilIdler, You are on Ubuntu?09:35
nixternalwell TheCoffeMaker...any luck?09:35
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nixternaluh oh...09:35
EvilIdlernox-Hand: Well, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, red apples, green apples :)09:35
nixternalOptions Indexes is set....allow from all is set09:35
nixternali dont' know what else to do09:35
nixternalthis is an odd one09:36
nox-HandFor some reason, I found Kubuntu quicker than Ubuntu, even if I had Kubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu, Kubuntu with KDE was quicker 0_o09:36
=== Riddell hugs EvilIdler
nox-HandBut, I am on E17, so meh09:36
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nixternalhehe nox09:36
nox-Handnixternal, Ever seen E17 before? Quite nice :D http://www.sector-42.frih.net/docs/screenshots/screenshot3.png09:36
nixternali rmember e...i used to use it religiously back in the day09:36
nixternali thought it looked oh so elite09:36
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nox-Handnixternal, E16 or 17?09:37
nixternalprolly 1609:37
nixternalhas been a few years09:37
nixternali thought i was a l337 hax0r w/ it ;D09:37
nox-HandOh, well check out E17, very good looking, and there is a script that installs it from CVS automaticly \o/09:37
nixternali might sling it on my xubuntu setup09:37
nixternalchekc it out09:38
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imbrandonwow been a while since i seen an aol hostname09:38
nixternalyou know...the only ubuntu family i hvaent' checked out is...edubuntu...that is the only one i don't have running09:38
imbrandoneduuntu is kinda cool with its ltsp setup09:39
nixternali might give that a check out too09:39
EvilIdlerYeah, the edu variant is more different from basic Ubuntu than Kubuntu09:39
nixternali saw their new wallpaper they have for it and i really liked it09:39
froodBlissex : I've followed the instructions on the wiki page and I still can't access the NTFS partition unless I'm root.09:39
nixternali look the whole "world together" thing09:39
nixternalthat is what we need09:39
EvilIdlerI think the school Linux project around here recommends it09:39
nixternalstop all this damn fighting....09:39
Blissexfrood: then you haven't followed them quite right... Whats the output of 'grep ntfs /etc/fstab'?09:40
froodBlissex: the line in /etc/fstab is /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0    Am I missing something?09:40
nixternalhmmm..i have a new dead pixel...just watched it happen09:40
imbrandonedubuntu == yello apples ;) ( vs green and red ) , hmmm debian might just be an orange though09:40
nixternalhey TheCoffeMaker...have you check out #apache ?09:40
Blissexfrood: that line looks good09:40
Blissexfrood: is the problem that you cannot mount it or cannot look inside as non-root?09:41
TheCoffeMaker_emmm nop ;) ... thanks for everything09:41
nixternalno prob...i wish i could have been more help09:41
EvilIdlerHmm..there's a neat tool: Hamachi. Make a virtual LAN for games that don't understand this new-fangled Internet thing. Pity it's closed source :(09:41
imbrandonfrood, you might also use uid and gid09:41
froodBlissex: Mounts fine. I can't access it unless I'm root.09:41
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Blissexnixternal: condolences for the death of one of your beloved pixels09:41
nixternallol...thx Blissex09:41
imbrandonfrood,  uid=<username>,gid=admin09:41
Blissexfrood: and whats the output of 'ls -ld /media/sda1 /media/sda1/*'?09:41
nox-HandWhere would I configure xorg in Kubuntu?09:42
nixternali can tell the ol' lady that it is dying...maybe she will let me get a new one09:42
frooddr-x------   1 root root 8192 2006-05-16 11:54 sda109:42
froodSeems like the problems are permission related.09:42
imbrandonfrood,  uid=<username>,gid=admin09:42
imbrandonin fstab09:43
imbrandonthen remount it09:43
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Blissexfrood: then whatever is going on is ignoring the '/etc/fstab'09:44
Fox__can someone help me with ubuntu/kubuntu ?09:45
Blissexfrood: try to make sure by 'umount /media/sda1' and then 'mount /media/sda1'09:45
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bobihi everybody09:46
imbrandonBlissex, the options uid= and gid= set the username and group for the mounted files09:46
alleyoopsterhi everyone: how do i configure splash screen, i have lost it after installing kubuntu and would like ubuntu back, is there a command or config file?09:46
imbrandonon ntfs09:46
bobiI installed kubuntu from install cd choosing the 'server' option at start09:46
imbrandonother wise it defaults to root09:46
froodWhere do the uid= and gid= lines go in?09:46
bobinow I'd like to install the packages for a desktop workstation09:46
bobiis there a way to do it as if I chose the default installation at boot?09:47
imbrandon/dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000,uid=<you user name>,gid=admin 0 009:47
imbrandonbodi, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:47
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imbrandonor xubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop ( recomends kubuntu-desktop ;)09:48
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omega--What's the command to restore my xorg.conf file?09:48
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imbrandondpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:49
nox-HandYaaay! */*raves about *\*09:49
imbrandonsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:49
froodimbrandon: unmounted them. added lines into fstab. ran mount -a. still doesnt work.09:49
Samuli^omega--, do you mean dpkg--reconfigure xserver-xorg?09:49
nox-Hand**orders ten CD's from Kubuntu's new shipit service :D09:49
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imbrandonfrood, run mount /media/sda109:49
omega--That's what I meant.09:49
omega--I thought it started with a p.09:49
omega--Couldn't find it.09:49
Samuli^omega-- if you want to just restore from backup, copy the backup file over xorg.conf09:49
Fox__is somebody here to help a linux-noob to install ubuntu/kubuntu ?09:50
nixternalthere are a bunch of us Fox__09:50
nixternalhow can we be of some assistance?09:50
nox-Hand**order complete** :D09:51
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Fox__I have a problem (please excuse my english, I'm german)... I have a laptop with an ati card, and if i want to install / start kubuntu i get only a black screen09:51
Fox__i tried vga=771 etc. but nothing helps09:51
imbrandonhehe yea nox-Hand i did the same thing this morning , too bad it still wont ship till the 1st ;)09:51
nixternalevery time someone says their german...immediately i think of my favorite beer....hacker pschor09:51
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nixternalhmmm Fox__09:52
nixternali have a laptop...ati mobile radeon...no problem with default settings09:52
Fox__i have a ati x70009:52
nixternaldid the cd you create burn without errors?09:52
nixternalwhoa...so we are talkin' a new laptop then09:52
nixternalalrighty then09:52
Fox__yes... my cd burn without errors...09:52
imbrandondapper or breezy ?09:53
imbrandonmight try the other if one dosent work09:53
imbrandonjust a thought09:53
Fox__I have tried breezy and dapper beta 1 and beta 2 etc. but everytime the same black screen09:53
Fox__but if i start kubuntu over "VMPlayer" everyting work fine09:54
nixternali know for a fact that ubuntu/kubuntu uses the fglrx drivers on the livecd...but i have also heard of issues with the fglrx drivers too09:54
imbrandonwhen does it show the black screen exactly? whats the last thing you see, have you tried acpi=off ?09:54
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LorenzodHi all.09:56
imbrandoni've even heard of some needing to turn off pcmcia on laptops but no experince with them myself09:56
Fox__yes i tried acpi=off and all the other thing that are write down at the help... the black screen are when he wants to start kde i think... i see the kubuntu log under that i see some packages that are copying to my hd (i think)... and thats all09:56
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nixternalwell hello there09:56
nox-Handubuntu, odd name..09:56
ubuntuit's realy cool :)09:56
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LorenzodDoes this permission line look familiar to anybody: ?--------- ? ?      ?         ?                ? tmp09:57
ubuntusorry (juz mnie nie ma) ;)09:57
nixternalthat explains it....but i couldn't think of a better default name09:57
Fox__but it's only with ubuntu/kubuntu, other linux-distributions are ok... knoppix, red hat, etc. work fine... but i want ubuntu09:57
LorenzodI cannot delete that tmp, even as root..09:57
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pm_whats the diff btw the LTS version and the normal version?10:01
LorenzodHm.. doesn't anybody know what the permissions "?---------" means?10:01
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Fox__so nobody has n idea, how i could install kubuntu?10:02
Johncro13I missed the entire conversation.10:03
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hastesaverLorenzod, it means no permissions at all! Where did you see that? (And was the first one a '?' or a 'd' ?)10:03
Lorenzodhastesaver: thanks. I have a directory/file that has that permission.10:04
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LorenzodOne of my kmail folders.10:04
hastesaverLorenzod, if you're the owner, you can change the permissions back. Do 'chmod u+rw filename'10:04
Lorenzodhastesaver: first is a "?"10:04
Lorenzodhastesaver: even as root, I cannot. Owner/Group is also "?" by the way..10:05
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DarkEDhey i am trying to setup xgl, using this howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto#head-b38bc528c59d24064958c7425fa05c34ac2c056410:05
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DarkEDhow would i make it work with kde?10:05
imbrandonDarkED try #ubuntu-xgl10:05
GeneralZodLorenzod:Sounds like a corrupt diesk/ filesystem to me :/10:05
Lorenzodhastesaver: ls -l gives: ?--------- ? ?      ?         ?                ? tmp10:05
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LorenzodGeneralZod: yeah, I think I'm going to run a chkfs on it..10:06
hastesaverLorenzod, I have no clue why such a thing would happen, sorry10:06
GeneralZodLorenzod:Seems wise.  I like your name, by the way.  The last three letters of it, at least ;)10:06
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LorenzodGeneralZod: :)10:07
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uwohi all - is there a QT application like wid10:08
imbrandonwhats wid ?10:08
uwosorry - application like wifi-radar. what do you use to find wlan networks10:09
imbrandoni use iwconfig wlan0 scan ;)10:09
imbrandonbuth thats just me10:09
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Johncro13Analogy!  New computer users are like highschoolers.  Windows is like taking highschool spanish.  Linux is like being a foreign-exchange student in Italy.  Highschool Spanish just won't cut it.10:12
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hastesaverJohncro13, bad analogy. There will be people who argue Spanish is better than Italian :)10:13
Johncro13not high school spanish10:13
Johncro13being a new Linux user, I find myself silently responding to a lot of the messages in this chat with things like "control+alt+del" and "reformat", run sys c: and msconfig.  But Linux is not that simple.10:14
hastesaverJohncro13, ok, but if you're in the US (for example?), there will be people who'll argue that they have no need to learn Italian... or um, something. :)10:14
hastesaverJohncro13, it's simpler10:15
Johncro13now that is arguable.10:15
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hastesaverJohncro13, In Windows, I used to do the same random things everytime something went wrong, with no clue what was happening, or why I had to do that10:15
hastesaverJohncro13, at least now I understand most of what's happening; it doesn't seem so random anymore10:16
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matt__hey, when i shutdown my gnome desktop flashes, is there a way to stop that?10:17
Johncro13perhaps, but the "average" computer user who only wants to get online, ebay, e-mail, write letters, and that's all won't want anything more than a dumbed down OS.10:17
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froodIs there a way to assign a keystroke to switching from a virtual window to another one?10:18
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r0xzanyone got an usb wifi adapter working in dapper (speedtouch 121g)10:18
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r0xzi just got my package from my isp and thought it to test it out10:21
imbrandonprobbly can use it with ndiswrapper, dunno though10:21
imbrandonnever tried10:21
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r0xzlol me neither, this is my first try to use wifi ever10:22
imbrandonwell i've used wifi , infact i am right now just not with a usb adapter ;)10:23
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r0xzimbrandon: my motherbord havn't got wifi support, if it had i might have tried it before10:24
imbrandoni use a pci wifi adapter ( realtec 8185 )10:25
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crumi am having some trouble with my sound10:26
sphere02how to rune vice emulator?10:26
sphere02how to run vice emulator?10:26
crumwhen I reboot I hear the sound10:26
crumyet when I try and play a cd or other file...i can see it playing in noatun but I get no sound10:27
crumnow...i am playing it as an ogg file also10:27
crumdoes that make a differnce?10:27
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robotgeekcrum: ogg plays?10:27
imbrandoncrum did you set noatun for alsa or oss  ?10:27
imbrandonogg plays ?10:28
crumi put the cd in the drive10:28
imbrandonthen what dosent play ? mp3?10:28
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crumand the files that come up are cda, ogg, flac10:28
crumthe file plays but i get no sound from the speaker10:28
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imbrandontry installing some of the codecs from !restricted10:28
crumi have done that also10:29
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crumwhen I go to my sound config10:29
robotgeekcrum: only cd doesn't play. did you turn up the volume10:29
crumi went to my sound panel and did the test10:29
crumand still get no sound10:29
crumyet when I boot I get the apple bong10:29
crumfrom the front speaker10:30
imbrandondid you try a diffrent media player ?10:30
ahmeniMmm.. apple bong..10:30
imbrandonapple bong ?10:30
crumit tried amarok10:30
EvilIdlerDirty mac hippies!10:31
crumI just got this donated to me10:31
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robotgeekEvilIdler: hmm, i use a mac too10:31
crumand I tried10:32
crumand the last..caffeine10:32
crumno such luck on any of them10:32
imbrandonyou mean the speaker INSIDE the computer works but not your sounds card10:32
imbrandonie the bootup sound10:32
nixternal[15:33]  <ahmeni> Mmm.. apple bong..10:32
wasp_emsi am having a problem..at some points everything starts to freeze..if i logout and in again it is ok.but it the quivalent of explorer getting stuck in windows..any help?10:33
imbrandonsounds like sounds card is not configured correcly10:33
crumdont they work simutaneously?10:33
imbrandoncrum no10:33
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crumcrum--->not mac savvy10:33
crumcrum---->pc savvy10:33
crumboy...dont I look like a moronic boob10:34
imbrandonnah ;)10:34
imbrandonbrb gonna grab some lunch10:34
siefkencpsorry i had to chime in there10:36
crumnow..check this out10:36
crumi plugged in a set of headphones..10:36
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crumnow the front speaker is working10:36
crumoh well...keep pluggin along10:37
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javierdoes the dapper kernel support reading cpu temperature from an nforce4 moderboard?10:40
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nixternaljavier...lmsensors is gonna be your issue right now..there is no native nforce4 support quite yet10:46
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nixternalalthough..you might be able to get it work with the i2c-nforce2 driver w/in lmsensors10:47
EvilIdlerIs nforce3 supported?10:48
nixternalactually...i just looked up lmsensors web page10:48
skreechOf course it auto joins #kubuntu10:48
nixternalthey do have nforce4 support10:48
skreechEvilIdler: Konversation10:48
skreechWow this is hard to read10:48
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nixternaland of course..it uses the i2c-nforce210:49
nixternallooks like the same smbus on nforce, nforce2, nforce3, and nforce410:49
javiernixternal: the problem here is that bios reports cpu temperature, but /proc/acpi/thermal_zone is empty10:50
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nixternalnforce4 support on 2.6.12 kernels and newer10:50
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EvilIdlerGood - my fileserver is up for a replacement board10:50
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nixternalif i remember correctly...in the lm-sensors config...flip everything...for some odd reason it seems to fix any minor issues with lm-sensors10:50
nixternalso if i2c-nforce2 is onthe bottom lf the config file...put it up top and so forth10:51
nixternali haven't reconfigured lm-sensors...and truthfully..don't know if i will...cuz everytime i do..i spend to much time playing around and writing stupid scripts for amusement ;D10:51
javiernixternal: I have another machine (laptop) and I can read cpu temp without lmsensors10:51
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nixternalksensors or whatever?10:51
javierI thought i could read cpu temp prom standar kernel10:51
nixternali can do that too10:51
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sorcreHello, is there a way to switch from Gnome to KDE on Ubuntu without reinstalling Kubuntu?10:52
sorcreI have Konqueror setup and it seems to work fine.10:52
javierin /proc/acpi/thermal_zone10:52
nixternalsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:52
skreechsorcre: You want to delete KDE?10:52
HymnToLifesorcre> sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:52
sorcreThanks :D10:52
HymnToLifepwn3d :(10:52
skreechoh wiat read that backwards10:52
nixternalsorry HymnToLife10:52
javiernixternal:  any thoughts?10:52
imbrandonsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ( likes being late )10:53
nixternalmy only thought is i wish i had that nforce4 board and you didn't right now ;D10:53
nixternalhmmm...lemme play around here and see what i can find10:53
skreechWhere can I find the library mountconfig?10:53
nixternali will go and mess with my nforce2 board for a minute or 210:53
nixternalhmm...i dont' have lmsensors configured at all on that board either...hell...not even installed...and mine is fine10:54
javiernixternal: that's the point...10:57
nixternalhmmm...it seems that on my setup the thermal_zone is the only thing with decent info that i could use10:57
javiermine is empty :(10:58
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nixternalwell...i am guessing that it is setup by default...because i didn't mess with that portion of the kernel yesterday when i recompiled it10:59
nixternalalso...it is on htis machine too...which is an older kt233a mobo...but still it is in there10:59
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javier my laptop also shows that info11:00
javierso something's wrong here11:00
javierbut don't know what11:00
nixternali am wondering if it is a nforce4 issue11:00
nixternalwhat kernel are you running?11:00
javierlastest dapper11:00
skreechI just went to the System settings and under Disks a module failed to load11:00
nixternalso that supports nforce4 monitoring according to what i hvae seen11:00
crumis there a hot key combo that controls your audio volume...11:02
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skreechKubuntu just went crazy11:04
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javiernixternal: i'll try booting from a live cd this weekend and see...11:05
javierI've filled a bug11:05
javierbut I'm not very confident11:05
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DarkEDhow do i make xgl work with kde?11:08
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DaSkreechAh ha!11:08
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sameer``-misc-console-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1' not found. i m getting this11:09
sameer`i have installed the fonts11:09
DaSkreechKubuntu wnet nuts a while ago11:09
sameer`and done everything and checked /usr/share/doc/konsole/README.Linux-font for help.11:10
DaSkreechStill is going nuts actually :(11:10
sameer`but no help :(11:10
DaSkreechI"m not sure where to start11:11
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DaSkreechX is the main boker addict11:11
nixternalwhew....fiery habenero doritos are not friendly the day after11:15
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exhaledoes anyone know what console based text editors that are included in kubuntu?11:16
exhaleexcept vim.11:16
exhalenano isnt in kubuntu-desktop11:17
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nixternalit is a konsole based editor with mine11:17
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exhaleheh i just installed it and nano isnt there11:17
nixternalit was for me11:17
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nixternaldapper flight 711:17
exhalei did a server install and then apted kubuntu-desktop11:18
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exhaleo, im using the stable11:18
nixternalactually...i have had nano with every install...because i just started using nano11:18
nixternali used to vi11:18
exhalehmm weird11:18
nixternalya it is11:18
exhalethats really weird :|11:18
nixternalmaybe i was thinking of mepis stable that had it included...but i know for a fact it is in dapper11:18
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mpathyHi there.. Is it possible that the button for konqueror who let me change the type of view (icons, list, tree etc.) is not available in Kubuntus KDE?11:19
sameer`can some pls help me with konsole font11:19
SlimGanyone know of a good php editor with code autocompletion for Kubuntu (or linux in general)?11:19
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mpathySlimG, Quanta should have one..11:20
EvilIdlermpathy: Try the kcontrol program and look for an option there11:20
SlimGmpathy: thanks :)11:20
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sorcre_I just installed KDE on Ubuntu. Is there a way to remove Gnome? Or should I just leave it alone?11:21
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nixternalsudo apt-get -remove ubuntu-desktop11:21
robotgeeknixternal: that does not remove gnome11:21
nixternalit was worth a try ;D11:21
EvilIdlerTry aptitude for removal11:21
Bazziaptitude may be skilled enough11:22
mpathyEvilIdler, ?!? Its a little button that is available in every Konqueror of every KDE I used before on other distributions, and I strongly believe that this is only a Konqueror thing!11:22
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sorcre_Just to check, Kubuntu still uses apt / Synaptic right?11:23
mpathyBut its not there, and I have to go the a submenu in a menu and that drives me insane (really *g*) on Nautilus its the biggest button you can see, and in Kubuntus Konqueror its lost ;)11:23
robotgeekhttp://robotgeek.org/wiki/ShellScripts/CleanPackage sorcre_11:23
DaSkreechsorcre_: It uses adept11:23
DaSkreechOk What the heck just happend :(11:24
DaSkreechAll my desktop files were just messed up and11:24
sorcre_robotgeek: Should I put that in a text file and execute it?11:24
robotgeeksorcre_: yes. also make sure to chmod +x it11:25
EvilIdlermpathy: There's a "Save settings" option under the Settings menu, which you can use after changing the view under View, at least11:25
DaSkreechAnyone use Konversation?11:26
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sorcre_So I'm assuming I shouldn't use apt-get anymore...11:28
DaSkreechsorcre_: Use what you like this is the land of the Penguin man11:29
mpathyEvilIdler, sure :) But what should I save? If there would be a button I wouldnt ask :) I am using KDE since 4 years or so.. Never seen sth. like that before11:29
=== DaSkreech smacks self
h3sp4wnUse aptitude all the time and you will always be ok but if you don't install something with aptitude then its useless (the dependancies are tracked)11:29
DaSkreechI read that as you have been using KDE4 for years now11:29
EvilIdlermpathy: You should mention it to some devs. I think removing a button is bad, too.11:29
noteventimeI can't play elephants dream in kaffeine :(11:29
DaSkreechmpathy: Sorry for jumping in What button is this?11:30
sorcre_Thanks a lot :D11:30
mpathyDaSkreech, thanks for jumping *g* The button where you can choose the view of the files in the Konqueror, if they should be icons, a list, a tree view etc. - and I also searched the "Configure Toolbars" (or what it is called in english) for the button but I found none..11:32
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orcoHi! I'm not sure what happens but I cannot hear any sound from xine motor11:32
sameer`can pls some one help me with konsol fonts11:33
sameer``-misc-console-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1' <---i get this error11:33
sameer`and done everything and checked /usr/share/doc/konsole/README.Linux-font for help.11:33
sameer`but nothing11:33
sameer`font still cann't be found11:33
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kOpterYello :)11:37
kOpterDoes anyone know if a Geforce 2 MX will be enough for XGL?11:37
mpathyDaSkreech, its (in my opinion) the mostly used button in a file manager, so I ask myself why noone can tell be about :) I really cannot believe its not available under Kubuntu.. That would be too much "simplifying" for me and I would have think about switching to a desktop enviroment where, for example, the stay with the problem, the button I talked about, is the biggest button in nautilus :) and some other reasons (KWifiManager not wor11:39
mpathyking -> have to use shell scripts, URL Handler broken -> after installation of a KDE WebDev program all links are send to Quanta or send to Konqueror but as a file://tmp/ link..) and such things11:39
mpathy-the +to11:40
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EvilIdlerI actually only set the view once and never touch it again, but it would be silly to think everyone uses Konqueror the same way11:41
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EvilIdlermpathy: I think I found it - switch on the main toolbar11:42
mpathyEvilIdler, and how it is called?11:43
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EvilIdlermpathy: Setting->Toolbars->Main11:44
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mpathyEvilIdler, yes, I know where it SHOULD be, but how it is called? I looked at that window for 10 min before ;)11:45
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kOpterDoes anyone know if a Geforce 2 MX will be enough for XGL?11:45
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EvilIdlermpathy: Well, it's the Settings menu on mine.11:45
EvilIdlerFirst option under that.11:45
mpathyEvilIdler, I know where I can configure the toolbars ;) Or, do you mean the first entry in the toolbar configuration dialog? not at my Kubuntu ;)11:47
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EvilIdlermpathy: I mean the Settings *menu*. Not a dialog of any sort.11:48
qalimasIs there a way to compile every package over again for 686, or download a 686-optimized (K)Ubuntu?11:48
EvilIdlerqalimas: You won't gain any noticable difference.11:48
qalimasWhy not? I use Arch currently, and it's all 686, and it's speed is uch greater than Kubuntu and Ubuntu's11:49
qalimasThe only reason I use Arch is for it's great speed11:49
qalimasI installed a 686 kernel on my desktop under Kubuntu, and it speed up a bit11:49
EvilIdlerqalimas: The kernel and certain server programs are generally where you can gain most speed, and X itself11:49
EvilIdlerqalimas: But if you want to build, read the apt-get manpage on getting a source with the build option11:50
qalimasSo just running a 686 kernel with 386 apps can keep me fast, or as fast as I want?11:50
qalimasOk, thank you11:50
mpathyEvilIdler, okay.. then its not there here..11:51
EvilIdlerqalimas: Optimised kernel, X and the core KDE libs would go far to speed up your system. GUI apps spend their time waiting for slow humans, anyway ;)11:51
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EvilIdlermpathy: Weird. Dunno what's wrong in your installation, then :/11:51
EvilIdlerI switched on the Main toolbar, and get 7 buttons, including 3 for different views11:52
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qalimasAre there prebuild kdelibs and X packages for 686?  I found the kernel in apt, and I fear compiling something as important as X :P11:53
mpathyEvilIdler, I think I reinstall my system, with the beta 2 of dapper.. I think otherwise I try to get it for years11:53
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EvilIdlerqalimas: I'm running a 686 image on a PIV11:54
EvilIdlerqalimas: linux-image-2.6.12-10-686 is one that I can see11:55
EvilIdlerqalimas: Yeah, Intel11:55
qalimasYes, I think that's what I'm using11:55
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qalimasOh, P4, I'm sorry, I have never seen it written as PIV11:55
nixternal`v2it got me too11:55
nixternal`v2i was like..what is a piv11:55
=== nixternal`v2 is now known as nixternal
=== thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu
EvilIdlerqalimas: Optimising for later CPU architectures mainly aligns code to 4k, 8k, whatever sizes11:56
EvilIdlerIntel *love* the Roman numerals ;)11:56
nixternalthought it was some super puter11:56
EvilIdlerAnd It says 'PIV' in the dpkg11:56
=== _richard [n=richard@metapraxis-14.dsl.easynet.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechmpathy: What is under your settings menu for Konqi?11:56
qalimasI don't know how the architecture packages work, at this point, I don't care yet, I'm still learning the new stuff, but I do know I run Arch on my laptop, and it's almost twice as fast as Kubuntu was on it11:57
qalimasI'd like to make Kubuntu work as good, because Arch isn't as laptop friendly, but the speed and such has me spoiled11:57
EvilIdlerqalimas: Stuff reacts instantly here. Can't get faster than instant :)11:57
nixternali ran arch on my lappy to...the fastest distro i have used...damn small linux...the 2nd fastest is xubuntu11:57
EvilIdlerP4 2.66, GeForce FX 5700LE11:57
qalimasIt's instant on my laptop... under Arch, not Kubuntu :P11:57
nixternali had issue after issue with dsl11:57
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu
nixternali will say that i have noticed a little bit of a slowness with flight 7 that i hadn't noticed b411:58
nixternalnow..my kubuntu desktop doesn't beat my xp desktop in boot, or load11:59
qalimasKubuntu's boot is rather slow, until you put in InitNG11:59
=== CyberSix [n=r501@68-235-137-232.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalwhen i had previous version...it flew..never seen linux so fast...and my kernel is lean and mean...andi odn't have a million things running either11:59
nixternali haven't even needed to use initNG cuz of my speeds11:59
kOpterSo.. did anyone see the songfestival semi-finals?11:59
nixternalnow i might just check it out cuz i am not satisfied11:59
qalimasI'm only on a Athlon 2800, speeds aren't THAT impressive :P11:59
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nixternalcan't say that i did kOpter12:00
qalimasBut a 13 second boot beats a 60 second one12:00
nixternalim on a 2000+ and they have been very impressive until i did the flight 7...i mean it is still good...but not good enough for me12:00
kOpterJust remember to vote for Lordi on saterday :)12:00
nixternalya..i was at 23 seconds from grub to desktop12:00
nixternalnow im int he 40's to 50's12:00
robotgeeki never reboot :)12:01
qalimasrobotgeek: My desktop goes down at night because of light, and my laptop simply because I never go ANYWHERE without it, at school, it's completely invaluble :P12:01
nixternaluh oh12:01
robotgeekqalimas: sleep ;)12:01
qalimasSo I have to shutdown often, but need a quick boot so I don't get left behind when taking notes12:01
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nixternalthat server went down12:01
kOpterReboot :)?12:02
qalimasdamn, a shitload got kicked on every channel12:02
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nixternalsee robotgeek...you talked about never rebooting and look what you did to the server ;D12:02
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=== seaLne_ [n=seaLne@obelisk.wasters.com] has joined #kubuntu

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